#grayson .
keegansgf · 2 days
grayson 🤍
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everybody knows that I’m a good girl officer
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kriffin-ink · 15 hours
as per @disco-troy 's request, here's my idea for my Spyral arc rewrite
Most of it is kept the same because I did really like Grayson (did not expect it to be as good as it was) however I did make some important changes
All of the batfam (including Bruce) think Dick is dead
Lex kept the fact that he revived Dick hidden from Bruce and when Dick wakes up after being revived, Luthor blackmails him with his secret identity to infiltrate Spyral for him, with the added bonus that Dick can keep his family safe from the people trying to learn their identities
The person that Dick is communicating with secretly during the run would be Luthor, which adds an extra layer of not only does he have to work against Spyral, but he also has to find a way to outsmart his only outside help so that whatever Luthor is planning does not come to fruition
As another added fact, Dick's heart failing gave him memory issues (though, memory issues are also a side effect of the hypnos, which I'll talk about later) so he's also struggling to remember specific stuff about his family, even though he's doing all this in order to try and keep them safe
A couple story beats I had in mind for this were: he forgets what Tim looks like, he forgets Damian's last words to him cuz I want him to suffer
Ideally, if I were ever to write something about this, it would take place after Dick comes home, everything else is mostly the same, but he keeps details vague whenever his family asks for specifics. That is until my story takes place...
So it's been a couple months since he's been home from Spyral, things are mostly back to normal (or at least Dick is trying to pretend they are). But then, Dick starts losing time when he goes out for patrol/hanging out with his family. However, no one else seems to pick up on anything weird, so he just brushes it off as regular memory issues
Unbeknownst to him, his hypnos has been reactivated and whoever reactivated it is able to take control of his body at times when Dick forgets
Barbara picks up on something going on real fast because she is running security checks, so from her perspective Dick has some enemy technology in his head and he is compromised (which isn't wrong), when she tells other members of the family, they try to pretend everything is normal but do kinda start to distance themselves from Dick bc he is compromised
Dick however, interprets this as they found out what I did at Spyral and now they hate me for what I had to do and gets really worried about it, so he decides to go off on a solo mission to try and get some closure on Spyral
During this, he reconnects with Tiger and discovers that someone has reactivated his hypnos and the two try to track them down. All the while, the rest of the batfam is trying to catch up to him because they don't know what's going on
Dun dun dunnnnnn
But yeah, there's my pitch for a Spyral rewrite/story. Will I ever write this? Probably not, but I really want to
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korraofthereef · 3 days
I’ll never get over how we only got three seconds of Jason Todd in Young Justice before we could actually explore his character arc in the show because it was cancelled.
I was fr so excited and now I’ll never know the unique spin they decided to take on it. 🤷‍♀️
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starrynightsxo · 2 days
them: what do you want?
me: I want what they have.
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tulipsimss · 24 hours
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sleepyangelkami · 4 months
Hello, I just wanted to say that I loved what you wrote about Dick Grayson, I hope you continue to write more about him, I love him so much.
CALLER ID d.grayson
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 ☆ SUMMARY - when dick was on patrol, he got an unexpected message from you. however, no matter how hard you try to brush him off, your boyfriend always seems to know when there's a problem and what to do about it.
 ☆ WARNINGS - mentions of violence, jason's attitude problem, crying, reader has insomnia, petnames, use of 'good girl' (non-sexual), intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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patrol was so slow tonight.
it was times like these where dick dazed off at something he couldn't quite make out, a far away building or even something in the sky. his thoughts drifted to you, his sweet girlfriend that had barely whined when he removed her arms from around him, stating that he just had to get to patrol. however, as soon as he was heading out the door, suited up, you'd rolled over and fell back to sleep.
dick loved everything about you, from your sweet personality down to the way you look in his shirts. and boy, did it take him a lot to be able to leave you alone when you looked so pretty in one of his white shirts.
he hadn't even realised that he'd been swinging his escrima sticks around, literally yawning while waiting for someone or something to come out. he was only itching for a fight. "chill out." came from the snappy jason who was leaning against the wall, a literal book in his hands. "you're gonna take someone's fuckin' eye out with that thing."
"are you reading, little wing?" a smirk quirked on his face even from behind the mask. he couldn't help but find it amusing that while waiting for someone to come along to bash their head into the concrete ground, jason had stopped for a little reading time.
but jason seemed in no mood for any games. "fuck off." it was apparent that he didn't want to be here from the start, grumpy as ever and losing enough sleep as it was but sheesh. dick had to roll his eyes, wondering if his brother should just get a lobotomy or something. he wondered if jason would be happier, less snippy. he wondered if jason would stare at him like a dead corpse walking, though he had to question was that better than the stinking attitude that he used now.
the sound of a ding! from his phone caused him to pull it out.
little love do you know what time you'll be home? read, just now.
dick glanced to the time on his phone, it read three thirty. one problem, you had work at six.
dickie!! i'm not sure darling everything okay? read, just now.
with nervousness seeping into his veins, he watched as your text message bubbles appeared, disappeared, appeared again, disappeared again and finally appeared again.
little love im okay be safe, love you read, just now.
but for dick, that simply wasn't enough.
he glanced to jason who didn't so much as look up from the cream coloured pages.
then, dick glanced out to the open streets of gotham, filled with... nothingness. it was one of those nights where nothing happened and they sat positioned on the rooftop of the tallest building in all of gotham. i mean, nothing had happened all night so surely, jason would be fine on his own, right?
before thinking, dick's fingers were pressing against the screen, typing up your contact and then pressing the phone to his ear. this caught jason's attention however dick merely walked further away so that he wouldn't be able to hear their conversation. although, he didn't seem too interested, rolling his eyes, presumedly of the fact that he was merely jealous that grayson had love and he was stuck reading a romance book, then looking back down at the pages and flicking one over.
it wasn't until the fourth ring that he heard the echo from your side. "hey, baby." he muttered tiredly, just knowing you were there was a kind of relief.
"hi." he heard your voice through the phone but you didn't seem as chirpy as normal. if anything, there was a slight sniffle to your tone, as though you'd been crying.
it didn't take a vigilante to figure that much out. he assumed that was why you'd taken so long to answer, trying to stop yourself from sounding all sniffly. but even if you had, dick still knew you better than anyone else in gotham. "it's late." he spoke, kicking a pebble against the ground. "why're you up?"
then he heard it, those dreadful two words that had you tearing up at the mere thought of it. "can't sleep." and dick knew that it wasn't just the type of 'can't sleep' due to the fact that you were on your phone or too engrossed in a book or tv show. it was the type that screamed at him right in the face.
your insomnia.
dick had found out about your insomnia before you were even officially together. he remembered seeing you all down so much, eyes half lidded as you stared at the glass of water in front of you, looking at it as though it were a science experiment. at first, when you walked in looking like that he assumed it was because you were upset about something. and dick being the respectful gentleman that he was, he chose not to ask about it as he didn't see it fit to be his place. however, when you came rubbing your temple, placing your head on the table he soon realised it was much more than that.
the insomnia you suffered with was enough to bring you to tears, as it was now.
"oh, baby." his tone turned soft, ready to comfort. "have you tried the weighted blanket, hm?" that always seemed to help when he wasn't there to wrap you up.
unfortunately, you only made a displeased sound. "mmh, too warm." where dick was standing, the heavy breeze on his shoulders, he wished it was he that was too warm rather than the cold that enveloped him now.
either way, he still pitied you, cooing softly. "i'll be right there." he spoke through the phone but before you could protest, he was speaking again. "I love you."
he couldn't see you, but he could imagine the soft look coming over your features. "I love you too but―"
"see you soon, m'love."
and you were cut off.
he turned to jason who was still with his back against the wall, stupid book in his hands. "the missus alright?" he spoke boredly, still flicking the page as though he had no actual interest in dick's love life.
but dick knew better than that. as disinterested as he may have liked to look, dick knew he secretly liked you, and that was a fact. jason never liked the girls dick dated, never liked much to do with dick but you, he knew you were good for him. "yes but i have a favour." and by the time he was looking up from the book, dick was already giving him them big begging eyes.
he rolled his eyes, turning over the corner of the page. many believe that turning the corners is destroying them, jason would have to beg to differ, it was loving them. "what is it?"
"patrol is slow tonight."
"it is."
"do me this one favour, little wing, please?"
"say it."
"you really like destroying my pride, don't you?"
"It's a little entertaining, yes."
and so that was how the man had rid himself of the nightly patrol. dick didn't like asking for favours nor did he do it often. perhaps that was why jason had let him off so easily this time. or perhaps it was because he knew that dick would soon owe him the same favour in response. 
whatever the case, dick still found himself jogging down the street, your guys’ shared home on wide display. he couldn’t help but smile at the mere sight of it. thinking about it just made his heart swell, you and him, in your very own home. dick didn’t particularly believe in fairytales but if he did, this was sure to be one of them.
he pushed open the front door, taking in the silence that hung heavy in the house but the various lights that you’d left on, a god awful habit. usually, he’d great you with that funny, playful “honey, i’m home!” holding his jacket and bag out, waiting for you to come running into his arms, wrapping your legs around him and holding onto him as though you would never let him go on patrol again.
sometimes, he wished he could give you that.
it was no surprise that you were innocent to the world. you hadn’t seen nor faced the dangers he had, you hadn’t looked death in the eye like him. and for that, he was glad. your soul was too pretty to get scarred. 
instead of the usual playfulness, he merely mulled his bag over towards the living room door, deciding to leave it there until morning. It was filled with his nightwing costume along with his weapons and so on. but dick didn’t believe in carrying that around you. more often than not, he’d leave it somewhere along the door so that he could hide it in the back of his wardrobe when you were busy.
of course, you knew he was nightwing but that didn’t mean he wanted to toss around that danger around you.
he shuffled the shoes off of his feet, now clad in a grey hoodie along with a black sweatpants. the person he was when he wasn’t dressing as a bird.
he was careful not to make too much noise along the stairs to scare you but enough that you could hear he was home, so you were prepared to face him. “baby?” he called out after making the stairs creak, just so you didn’t fear it was someone else out there and not your beloved boyfriend.
instead of a response, he heard a sniffle coming from the bedroom. 
peeling the door open, he stuck his head inside, fluffy black hair peeking in to see you sat atop the bed, grey sheets surrounding you as you sniffled, pathetically. but it didn’t make dick judgemental, when had dick ever been judgemental towards you? instead, his features turned soft.
“hey, hey.” barely in the door and he was already soothing you, though would he really have it any other way? “wh’s the matter?” though he already knew the matter, however that didn’t stop him from sitting himself on the bed, allowing you to wrap your legs around him, sitting atop his lap.
the temperature of the house and the hot skin of your legs was enough to tell him why you’d been so warm.
instead of responding, you sniffled and cried like the crybaby you were. but that was okay, dick didn’t mind having you as his personal crybaby as long as it was he who was wiping away your tears. 
his nose nudged your cheek, attempting to see your face but you only shoved it further into the crook of his neck, not truthfully wanting to face him though how badly you ached for his comfort. “c’mon, lemme see my pretty girl, hm? wanna see your pretty face.” 
the way his hands felt against your waist and your thighs, soothing the plush skin as if trying to coax you to look at him. and it worked, the tenderness that he used and the way everything seemed so… possible. you finally managed to pull your tear-stained face from the crook of his neck, looking at him with that pretty pout of yours.
and didn’t his heart just melt?
even when you were full of tears with a large pout implanted on your mouth, you were still the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. his thumbs were already making a move to soothe your under eyes, wiping away your pretty tears, like diamonds down your cheeks. “there she is, atta girl.” the way he praised you was enough to have your cheeks turning pink, even in your state. 
dick always knew how to fix every problem. 
he was like bob the builder only he was repairing your damaged feelings and little broken heart.
but as much as dick loved taking care of you, his heart did break a little at your tears. your cheeks were passed stained, tears collecting in your under eyes and trickling down your cheeks, softly yet the sniffles still emitted from you. you were his girl, he’d do just about anything to please you and truthfully, seeing you hurt… hurt.
“tell me what i can do.” he whispered against the warm air of the room. he wanted to fix this, he wanted to make sure you slept well but most importantly, he wanted to make sure you didn’t have to cry like this again. “did you take the melatonin?” you nodded your head. “will i make you some tea? run you a bath?” 
you’d been to hundreds of sleep specialists, doctors, so on.
everyone always gave you in around the same ideas. they’d tell you to work out before you went to bed but that was the thing they didn’t understand, it wasn’t because you weren’t physically tired that you couldn’t sleep, you were exhausted. yet it was your mind that couldn’t seem to rest. they’d tell you drink some camomile tea and you’d be on the mend, that was seven years ago.
you sniffled, looking at the one thing that had ever made it easy for you to sleep.
“jus’ want you.” you mumbled out, thinking you sounded rather selfish. I mean, would anyone disagree? it was unlikely. you’d pulled your boyfriend out of patrol in the middle of the night just so he could help you sleep. you felt downright awful.
but dick? no, his heart was only melting right in front of you, as though you’d just told him that you were adopting a bunny and naming it after him (that’d given you an idea for later). “I’m right here, honey.” he pulled you back towards him again, his hands rubbing up and down your back ever so gently, enough to have you turning to putty at the feeling of his finger tips. 
you sniffled, eventually pulling away and using your arm to wipe your face. “what time is it?” you questioned, now realising that you hadn’t so much as glanced towards a clock in… you weren’t sure how long, you kind of needed a clock to tell those kinds of things. 
his fingers were gently tracing across the softness of your cheek, brushing the loose strands of your hair behind your ear, like they did in those romantic movies. “‘s almost four, m’love.” 
you practically whined at that. “i have work soon.” in approximately two hours. you contemplated not sleeping at all. but you knew that whenever you did that, you surely regretted it sooner rather than later and you’d be taking naps anywhere, through paperwork and in one of those little uncomfortable office chairs.
dick wouldn’t have it. “you’re not going.” he stated briskly to which your brows furrowed. “angel, i’m not leaving you leave the house like this, alright? we both know i make more than enough to support us both until our old age and i know you want to work, that’s okay, but i’m not going to have you breaking your back for minimum wage, got it?” 
slowly, you nodded your head with your teeth wrapping over your bottom lip. “got it.” you mumbled, all flustered.
dick couldn’t help but grin. “good girl.” he then tapped the inside of your thigh. “come on, into bed.” 
and how could you refuse when he spoke to you in that tone that told you whatever he said, goes. whether he was telling you to get outside right now and fly a kite or suggesting bungee jumping in the morning, what did it matter? 
you nodded your head before climbing into the dark grey sheets. you and dick took turns picking the sheets. on his weeks, he’d choose those grey, dark coloured sheets, sometimes black, rarely blues. you always went with pale pink ones or those pretty white ones with little flowers, hearts or so on engraved in it.
you were sure that any pattern on white made your heart just swell.
dick climbed into the bed after you, switching off the lamp light on his way and laying across the comfortable mattress. he helped you move so that your head was positioned on his chest, listening to his lulling breaths and heartbeats, slowly rising and falling as your head moved along with it.
“I dragged you out of patrol.” you mumbled into the dark only moments after the light had been switched off.
dick brushed you off, though he knew that the worry could eat you from the inside and out, like a worm with an apple, rotting it the entire way through, never knowing when to stop. he never blamed you, of course, but sometimes he did curse that beautiful, intricate mind of yours, hoping one day it would decide to treat you a little better. “it was a slow night.” 
you could invision jason all alone, though when you tried to imagine it all you could think of was him either flirting or doing some kind of a ‘dirty talk’ with the enemy, unintentionally of course. everything he said had sort of a flirty tone to it, even with a blood covered face and uttering a death threat, perhaps it was because he’d still somehow manage to slip a petname in. “i’m sor―”
but before you could get the sentence out, his arms were wrapping around your own. “shh, shh.” mumbling as he shook you gently, as though you were a baby. “don’t apologise, princess.” 
you found yourself sighing, snuggling yourself into him as your eyes began to droop, feeling awful heavy, with a yawn, your mouth parted. “you know, i’ve been to so many doctors…” your voice extra low as he could tell the tiredness was taking over your feeble body. “‘n they give me the… worst ideas ever. one of them even told me i should get a treadmill and put it in my room.” he huffed out an airy chuckle. “think i finally found the medicine.” 
his brows furrowed. if you’d had a medicine, how come you weren’t taking it? how come you still lay awake at night when he wasn’t there? “what’s that?” 
poor, oblivious, stupid dick. 
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main masterlist/dick's masterlist
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
Jason almost calling himself Dick's brother but hesitating and switching to "another Robin." Like he's not sure if Dick still considers them brothers.
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arcanegifs · 1 year
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Arcane: League of Legends Season 1 + Favorite Quotes Part 2 | Part 1
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[at Grayson's funeral]
Marcus: *places his hand on the headstone and sobs*
Marcus: How could you do this to me? We are so understaffed.
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shimtarofstupidity · 7 months
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(Part two)
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tulipsimss · 3 days
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Harmony invited Gray to the local spa and tried her best to not laugh at how uncomfortable he was with it all
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sleepyangelkami · 4 months
BUTTER ICING d.grayson
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 1.5K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - thinkin' about dick grayson taking care of his baker!so who sometimes forgets to take care of herself.
 ☆ WARNINGS - mentions of eating? fluff, pet names, reader is mentioned to be short, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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yet another call from his ex-bulter had dick rolling out of the bed at, according to his beautiful girlfriend, you, 'ungodly hours'. he had pressed a mere kiss against your forehead, telling you that he'd be home soon and joking for you to 'be good'. you'd merely giggled under the blankets, thankful no one was waking you at such an hour and snuggling back into the comfort of your bed.
and he couldn't help but admire you. one would think after so many phone calls for him to leave whether it was early hours of the morning or the late hours of the night, you'd be somewhat mad. but you understood dick and his line of work and his especially impatient father.
he truly didn't deserve you.
he kept his promise, somewhat. he wasn't exactly home 'soon' but he was home as soon as he could be. getting bruce off his back was like a work out he hadn't prepared for. but nevertheless, it was around seven in the evening when he was walking through the door, charming smile on his lips. "honey, i'm home!" he'd joked in a sing-song voice. he did this every time he stepped through that front door. he could only imagine you rolling your eyes with a grin on your lips.
"kitchen!" you'd yelled back as he found himself walking towards that very room, discarding his bags near the living room door, deciding to deal with that later on. all that was on his mind was you.
and there you were, in the kitchen as you'd told him. only you weren't standing up, instead you were knelt on the kitchen counter, attempting to reach past the top cupboard where your containers for your baked goods were. "darling?" he received a hum from you, your tongue darting out between your two lips. "what are you doing?"
finally, you turned with a huff. "i can't reach the containers." his eyes glanced to the kitchen table which held a multitude of cupcakes. they were all decorated with yellow butter icing, little chocolates placed delicately on top. the smell of cupcakes was rather rich in your shared kitchen.
he could only chuckle softly, his hands moving to your under arms and gently lifting you down from the counter. if you kept climbing up there, you were bound to get hurt. "you shouldn't put them where you can't reach them then." he spoke, a playful smile on his lips as he reached his long arms up, taking down one of your containers. "who are these for anyway?"
being a baker had it's perks but being the baker's boyfriend was even better. he could eat as many treats as he liked and he didn't even have to lift a finger. "miriam." you spoke, thanking him softly for getting the container before loading the cupcakes in. "she'll be here at eleven tomorrow." as you turned your back, dick eyed you before taking one of the cupcakes into his grasp. by the time you turned around, half of it had been emptied into his mouth. you just blinked at him. "you know, i make extra cupcakes just because i know you'll eat them all."
with a mouthful, he spoke. "sorry." but you could only smile at him, placing the other cupcakes into the container and leaving a couple extra scattered across the counter for the dog to eat, oh, my bad, for dick to eat. "you can't just make cupcakes and expect me not to get hungry."
your eyebrow raised. "you were at the manor all day, don't try to convince me that alfred wasn't practically shoving food down your throat."
god, he did love alfred's cooking. "a man's gotta eat." he shrugged. "what'd you have for dinner."
he watched as your eyes widened. "crap! i was supposed to make―"
"shh." he pressed a kiss against the crown of your head. "i'll make some spaghetti bolognese." he was already moving toward the fridge where he new the contents lay.
you often times forgot to go shopping, it was always him that was stocking up the fridge, making sure you didn't go hungry while he was away. don't get me wrong, you still went to the manor with him more often than not. but as a baker, as a home-working baker, you often had to spend your days cooped up in the kitchen so you couldn't join him on his trips.
"dick, you don't have to do that." you were standing behind him, all bashful as your fingers fumbled together.
dick loved taking care of you, don't get me wrong, he just wished you loved it as much as he did, perhaps then you wouldn't be forgetting to feed yourself. you were often times forgetting to do the simple things, the things that involved caring for your own mind and body but when it came to others, you were in tip top shape, ready to care for the next person who walked in the door. he loved that about you but he really wished you'd care about yourself as much as you cared about others.
but it was okay, because as long as he was alive and breathing, he'd make sure you were taken care of.
he'd turned around, his hands finding your waist as he gently soothed the skin. he watched as your cheeks heated up and your smile couldn't wipe from your cheeks. dick was well aware of the affect he had on you. "let me cook you dinner, baby." and when he talked to you like that, well who could refuse?
"okay." you mumbled gently. "thank you."
"don't mention it." but he still leant down, pressing yet another kiss to your face only this time it was to your lips, short and sweet.
by the time dick had started cooking, you were sitting up on the counter, your legs dangling as you took a giant bowl into your hands. dick glanced over, his brows furrowed. "what's that?" he questioned, watching as you lifted a finger from the bowl, covered in butter icing. he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "you know, i think eating mouth fulls of butter icing is probably worse than a couple cupcakes."
you merely shrugged, licking your lips clean. "a baker's gotta have some relief." and it was true.
you didn't just bake because you thought it was rather easy, you loved baking. baking was both a stress reliever and a way to calm down whenever you needed it and hey, it also got you money. but your all time favourite thing about baking? licking the bowls, spatchala's, really anything you could get your hands on, clean.
especially the sweet butter icing.
"here, lemme taste." and as you moved, your hand turning towards the drawer so you could get him out a spoon, you were cut off by the feeling of his lips on yours.
you practically melted into him, allowing him to kiss you sweetly yet slightly rough. you didn't care, feeling your mind go hazy at the mere feeling of his lips. dick always had such an affect on you, you should have been embarrassed yet you simply couldn't find it in yourself to be.
he was the first to pull away, watching as you blinked up at him, slightly dazed. "hmm, sweet." he commented before turning around to the frying pan and using the wooden spoon to turn the contents around.
you, whose stomach had turned to a swarm of butterflies, hopped off of the counter. "I'm gonna..." your head feeling slightly floaty. god, you thought, pull yourself together. "gonna go fill the dishwasher."
and dick, who didn't even bother looking up from the frying pan, wore a little smirk that tugged his lips upwards. "okay, pretty girl."
he really was going to be the death of you.
however, you were sure you could die a happy girl while eating the dinner he'd made for you. sure, you liked to bake but nothing did taste better than one of dick's homemade dinner's. you'd been seated across the couch, your legs had been on dick's lap before he'd gotten up a couple minutes ago, pressing a kiss to your lips and not telling you where he'd been going.
you assumed it was to go eat more of your cupcakes and this theory was proved right as you turned your head over the couch, spotting him bent down slightly to read the calendar, chewing on a cupcake while another was in his hand. "sweetheart?" he called out, not bothering to move his gaze from the calendar.
"yes?" you leaned yourself up on the couch, laying your arms flat on the back of it and placing your head down on top of them, admiring your pretty boyfriend. he truly was beautiful, even when he was stuffing his face and he had a smudge of butter icing on his nose.
"when's your next day off?" he questioned, standing up straight again as his eyes flickered back to you.
you shrugged your shoulders. "had a big cancellation for sunday, why?"
"then it's settled." he spoke, opening the buncase of the next cupcake. "i'm taking you out for dinner on sunday."
"wha― you don't have to do that." finding your heart soften at the mere offer.
"it's only fair." he spoke, shrugging his shoulders. "i ate half of your cupcakes."
the perks of being the boyfriend of a baker.
the perks of being the girlfriend of a billionare's son.
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main masterlist/dick's masterlist
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cybersanctum · 11 months
Arcane is an all-you-can-eat-buffet when you love Cocky Buff Women and Angsty Pathetic Men
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sevikasenby · 5 months
god imagine being in between them. i need to go and lay down
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starrynightsxo · 1 month
jameson: *breathes*
me & the fandom: *claps in appreciation* jameson hawthorne, the man you are.
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onyaki · 6 months
eye contact
with nightwing (he's my favorite bat-family boy!!)
standing in front of each other while keeping eye contact, no kissing, no touching. let's see who folds first. he thinks this'll be easy, knowing that you both have a hard time resisting each other, but as a bat-family member/son of batman it would be a shame to let his teachings of patience and not giving into temptation go to waste.
"don't falter now bat-boy." he hates it when you call him that, his ears perk up like a dog, and he's willing to listen more than ever, you have him wrapped around your pretty little finger.
he ends up being the first one to fold anyway. your lips, only a few inches from each other. the way you look at him through your eye lashes gets to him, he can't take how good you look, he wants to let his stubbornness take control and not let him give in but.
his breath begins to draw shaky, the air almost feeling thick, and fuck, he loses it. his hands grabbing your waist, his breath shaky against your lips.
"you know i've been waiting to kiss you." he whispers against your lips, "and you suggesting this was just a big tease of yours eh?" he laughs, his lips are just barely touching yours. "I think. im gonna do a lot more than kiss you."
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