#green lantern: brightest day blackest night
ufonaut · 1 year
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The status is my faith in heroes and men is as strong as ever, but my faith in government could use a shot in the arm.
Alan Scott in Green Lantern: Brightest Day, Blackest Night (2002) #1
(Steven T. Seagle, John K. Snyder III)
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eightam · 1 year
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Green Lantern
Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1
Art by Ben Oliver
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scarletlunarosa · 8 months
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I drew this DC characters in to the following Lanterns
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 7 months
Watching Invincible reminded me of something I completely forgot about Green Lanterns, which is that they can manipulate matter.
For those not in the know, GLs basically have the same powers as Eve, just on a much greater scale and limited time determined by both their ring charge and willpower.
Back in the Silver Age(?), Hal turned a friend of his into a bird just by dreaming. Which is probably not the most notable thing but I will be forever wondering what dream could possibly cause that to happen.
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meetmeinmontana · 1 year
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senseiwu · 7 months
Help I keep saying the green lantern oath over and over again for some reason
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balu8 · 2 years
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Green Lantern: Blackest Night & Brightest Day Box Set Cover by Ivan Reis
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tyrin1350 · 2 years
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Credits to @filipe_sca
If my sinestro corps OC ever got a second ring from another Corps this is how it turn out
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princeadamart · 2 months
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John Stewart 💚👊🏾
“In Brightest day, in blackest night. Now evil shall escape my sight let those who worship evil’s might beware my power…GREEN LANTERN’S LIGHT!!!”
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flashfuture · 3 months
Also I'm not sure how familiar people are with this issue but
The Flash vol 1 #168 "One of Our Green Lanterns is Missing!"
It's a real good one. It gives a historical precedent for the Guardians trusting Barry.
For context 1967 and Barry and Iris have recently been married and moved in together.
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(The Flash vol 1 #168)
"While you're at headquarters see if there's been any word from Hal Jordan! He might have reached town this evening and left a message there for you !"
"Thoughtful of Iris! She knows I've been worried about Hal ! We received a letter from him last week saying he was on his way to Central City to visit Iris and me in our new house..."
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"But since then there's been no sign of him ! And that's not like Hal-- To act in such a manner !" But I suppose his duties as Green Lantern-- which Iris knows nothing about-- intervened! At least I hope that's the reason ! ... Either I'm having an hallucaination-- or I'm looking at one of the Guardians of the Universe Hal told me about !"
"I am one of the Guardians, Barry Allen-- seeking Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of this sector of the cosmos!"
So Barry and Iris are incredibly worried about where Hal could be at since he said he was going to visit them and was a no show. Now one of the Guardians of the universe has popped down to see Barry and ask for his help.
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"You mean-- something is wrong? Hal is missing!?"
"Yes ! And his power battery too! In our efforts to regain contact with him, we thought of you! We are aware of course that from time to time you have teamed up with him as The Flash ! My mission is to enlist your aid in finding Hal Jordan!"
So Barry agrees of course to help find Hal and even tells Iris he's too upset about receiving no word from Hal to work tonight.
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The next morning Iris is just saying how she thinks it's "strange Barry, that there's still been no word at all from Hal--"
When on the tv they show off a fisherman with who could it be but Hal Jordan. And Iris in shocked starting at the tv says "Barry, get down to the dock-- on the double! What are you waiting for?" And Barry of course runs out faster than on the double to get Hal.
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So the Flash hits the docks says Hal Jordan ! And realizes Hal lost his memory and the Fisherman who found Hal is like cool go with the Flash kid
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Barry takes Hal back to the hotel he figures he's staying at and finds the Lantern Hal stashed away and tells him in the vaugest most suggestive way possible what they're gonna do.
"Hal, please do exactly as I say-- even though you do not understand! A great deal depends on what we're about to do-- believe me ! But we must do it right ! come-- this way--"
"Why are we kneeling down--?" Great question Hal I love that you do it anyways
"Hal, you must repeat after me exactly what I am about to say..."
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In brightest day, in blackest night and well you get the rest. Barry says the Lantern's vow while holding Hal's half up to the lantern and it fixes his memory. Hal gets dressed Barry lounges on the back of a chair.
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"Green Lantern, it may take the two of us to handle the super-crime! How about joining me?"
"If you didn't ask, Flash-- I'd insist!"
So they go beat up the bad guys Kabam
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And then Hal takes Iris and Barry out onto the boat to show them how to fish. And The Guardians are pleased The Flash was successful and clearly know they can rely on him again in the future.
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"Green Lantern, don't run out on me! Without you I'm helpless against these super-armed crooks!"
I'd also just like the point out this click bait dramatic ass break up style cover. Absolutely not what happened in the issue it's really good
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perenians · 10 months
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green lantern volume 3 issues #0 and #48-181, annuals #4, 6-9
green lantern: secret files (1998)
green lantern: circle of fire (2000)
ion: guardian of the universe (2006)
convergence: green lantern/parallax (2015)
hard travelling heroes - the next generation (1996): green arrow volume 2 #110-111 (ties into green lantern volume 3 #77-78)
dc universe holiday bash (1996) #1
flash/green lantern: faster friends (1997)
dc universe holiday bash (1997) #1
three of a kind (1998): green lantern volume 3 #96, green arrow volume 2 #130, the flash volume 2 #135
aquaman volume 5 #10
JLA volume 1 #1-76
new titans #115-130, annual #11
JLA/titans (2002)
countdown presents: the search for ray palmer (2008)
rann-thanagar war (2005)
green lantern: the sinestro corps war (2008)
blackest night (2009)
brightest day (2010)
green lantern: war of the green lanterns (2011)
green lantern: rise of the third army (2013)
green lantern new gods: godhead (2014)
green lantern: lights out (2015)
green lantern: new guardians (2011) - it’s bad. also just kind of gross in its treatment of kyle & his dad
omega men (2015) - mischaracterization of both the original omega men AND kyle
hal jordan and the green lantern corps (2017) - sucks.
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ufonaut · 1 year
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Why was the brakeman’s lantern in my hand no longer an ordinary vessel of illumination? When did it reveal itself as the embodiment of this godlike power... I’m now wed to? || Green Lantern: Brightest Day, Blackest Night (2002) #1
I wield power beyond imagination. I’m married to that power by a ring of green. I want a divorce. || The Golden Age (1993) #1
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comicbookcovers · 7 months
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Green Lantern Brightest Day Blackest Night, September 2002, cover by John K. Snyder III
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chernobog13 · 6 months
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In brightest day
In blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!
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weatherman667 · 11 months
Jessica Cruz:
In brightest day and blackest night
no evil shall escape my sight.
For tall those who falter at penis’s might,
beware my power, Green Lantern’s Light!
In blackest day and brightest night,
beware your fears made into light.
Let those who try to stop what’s tight,
burn like my power, Xiao Long’s might!
Weiss:  I am curious where she got such a...form... fitting outfit.
Ruby:  It’s not like Jessica is wearing anything more.
Weiss:  Yes, well, Yang’s body is a good deal more scandalous.
Blake:  You’re not worried that she made a pledge to Jaune’s penis?
Weiss:  Pardon, she WHAT?!
Nora:  Using her Semblance to glow is a nice touch.
Ren:  It shows how much control she has learned.
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ittoehurt · 2 years
my mom: do you know the lords prayer?
me, lying: of course i do.
my mom: say it then.
me: in brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. let those who worship evil's might bewaree my power. green lanterns light.
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