#guess what its happening this is a thing now
caramiea · 2 days
Hello hello! Can you write twisted wonderland perfect + lilia if that's not to much– with gn reader similar to frieren?? (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
i’ll choose a life where my hand never leaves yours
syn. wise old elf, basically.
gn!yuu + frieren!yuu , no use of y/n, you’re referred to as yuu.
book 7 spoilers . not proofread
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as someone who works hard to make sure his magic meets expectations and above, seeing you flawlessly just do and perform spells perfectly makes you someone he’s willing to admire.
(though your somewhat lazy nature confuses him a tad.)
he is someone who rushes things, especially before his overblot.
when the parties need to be perfect, when your students need to be exemplary, and when you need to be a perfect example, it’s hard not to rush things.
you, being a long-lived elf, having lived longer than even diasomnia’s vice housewarden, know very well that taking it slow helps. a lot.
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“Riddle,” you start, reaching down and resting your hand on his shoulder. The tension rushing through the redheads body lessens when your hand finds its way to him, and he- subtly but clear to your eyes, leans into your touch and slightly melts into his chair.
Riddle turns his head and looks down to meet your eyes, putting his hand on yours on his shoulder, tugging it down gently and intertwining your fingers. “Mh?” He hummed, a bit too preoccupied with all the papers on his table.
He had the Heartslabyul students’ grade reports, the plans for the unbirthday party coming up, letters from his mother, letters from che’nya, a half-written request to the headmaster for funding for further unbirthday parties, and—
“Take it easy,” you say, rubbing small circles onto the back of his hand, and the thoughts about all the work he had to do, even if only for a moment, rushed out of his mind with a sigh.
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you probably remind him of malleus- it doesn’t mean he hates you, he just.. feels some mild dislike for you sometimes.
in what situation would you two even encounter each other?
probably in the botanical garden, actually.
or somewhere outside, which is most likely where he is, considering he isn’t in classes.. at all, basically.
he’d appreciate how slow you take life in.
it’s calming, he doesn’t know how or why.
it just feels nice to be around you, he guesses.
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“Ugh!” Leona groans, immediately sitting up from his laying position on the ground of the botanical garden. 
Who the *🐭* stepped on his tail?
By pure instinct, he took a sniff of the air, and—
It wasn’t a smell he recognized. Some parts of it were familiar to him, but he didn’t recognize even the species of this audacious person.
… What the *🐭*
He looked up to see someone who didn’t look a day above 14 or so, but also happened to have a trait common with fae folk- pointed ears.
So, it’s some fae who decided to step on his tail and not look where they were going, huh?
He’d deal with this promptly.
(After getting terribly humbled by your magical prowess, he’s decided that no, he did not deal with it promptly.)
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best believe he is desperate for your magic.
he sees you use a spell that only Lilia Vanrouge himself can vaguely recognize, and he realizes your knowledge is something he needs.
you can never know too much, isn’t that true?
(you’d like to disagree.)
a subtle sharing of your wisdom teaches him that there is much he doesn’t know, but also much he’d better not know.
just like riddle, azul struggles with pacing his, well, life.
tell him to take it easy. there’s no rush, especially considering you both have higher lifespans than regular humans.
what do jade and floyd think about you?
it’s for the better that you don’t know.
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now that i’m writing this, i realize that a lot of the housewardens can’t give theirself a break.
is kalim one of those housewardens?
.. i guess we’ll never know.
it’s not that he’s stressing himself out, he’s just a bit.. energetic.
again, again, you calm him down.
slowly, slightly. but as time passes, the change becomes obvious.
in more ways than one.
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“.. Oh my Sevens?” Jamil lets out with a gasp, looking at..
Looking at the Kalim Al-Asim… sweeping the floor. After a party. Half of the room was clean. And Jamil hadn’t even gotten his broom out.
Is this what Cater meant when he said he ‘experienced culture shock’?. Because, oh, boy, Jamil is shocked.
“Kalim-” He didn’t even get to finish the sentence he wanted to say. ‘Kalim, who told you to do this?’. Yeah, Jamil would sometimes daydream about Kalim doing all the work, but it’s not like he actually expected Kalim to do work.
Kalim, grinning as if he didn’t just rock Jamil’s world, said, “Yuu told me that hard work after relaxation and vice versa is the best! I’m doing hard work! It’s fun!”
Fun? Jamil incredulously thinks before getting his wrist grabbed by Kalim.
Did Kalim only think it was fun because he hadn’t done it before? Yes. Is it fun? To Kalim! And that’s enough!
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imagine being able to look so incredibly young when you’re much older than even Leona, the oldest student disregarding the fae, hah.
is vil jealous?
forever youth, and even heightened magical prowess. vil thought he’d gotten used to it with the fae, but finding out there was yet another species similar?
it kind of lowkey makes his blood boil. why isn’t it him that gets to be born like that?
anyways. vil’s someone who, finally, knows how to pace himself.
so, you can finally show another side of yourself.
the lazy side of you.
okay, lazy is a strong word.
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It was a well known fact to all that Vil Schoenheit had a good morning routine. The first step was to wake up early.
He usually woke up at around 5:00, 5:25 if he was feeling a bit tired. Maybe even 5:30 if he was feeling bold.
Today, he woke up at 6:00. 
Six in the morning. Much later than usual. The only question he has right now is how? His body clock had already been adjusted to waking up at 5:00, it’d been like that for a long time.
He, sitting up on his bed, looks beside him to see the small frame of another person, still asleep and long hair askew.
Oh, he thinks briefly, that’s why.
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genuinely, i’m so sorry.
he has knowledge of elves, which surprised you greatly. and when you asked where he found out..
what is an ‘ahn-eh-mei’ supposed to be? why did shroud like it so much? and how is it, aside from old scriptures created by fae that may no longer even be alive, have some of the only mentions of elves you’ve seen at all in this world?
you knew the elf race was dwindling and may even go extinct, but darn.
when you asked him to show you what those cute little cartoons showed elves as..
for some reason, his face- and hair!- went pink.
.. huh. weird.
i mean, it can’t be that bad. right?
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‘Oh my,’ you think internally, ‘it is that bad.’. Idia, hair and face pink, holds his phone and points the screen in your direction. On it’s screen displays a.. big.. breasted, blonde haired, in- in such scandalous clothing.. a woman like that.
And she had pointed ears, just like yours. A bit smaller than yours, though.
Is this really what people in this realm think of elves? It’s.. Well, you can’t speak for all elves, you barely even know if more elves exist even in your own realm, but.. uh.
What you saw on the screen was a.. really interesting interpretation!
You don’t even know any person this… lustful, in your own realm. And you especially don’t know any elves like that. It’s.. Odd.
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he is shocked. his world is shaken, he’s trembling in his boots, even.
someone older than even lilia.. really? truly? 
the moment he makes it onto ramshackle the first time you’d arrived, he’d sensed a familiar presence.
familiar not in the sense that he knew the person behind it, but familiar as in it felt like someone old, wise.
it felt like a presence he’d felt before he hatched in the egg.
he wanted to rush to that presence, but..
he didn’t want to scare you. especially not when your.. essence..? your essence made him want to lay his head on your lap, or cry on your shoulder, or share a cake with you knowing he wasn’t alone.
not when your presence felt like a lullaby he remembers only vaguely.
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he is this emoji: 😱.
if he’s old, then what are you? a relic?
the him from the past might’ve felt threatened, concerned what someone of your age would want with him and his people.
now? of course, he’s still concerned at what you’d want with his family, but when he sees you talking calmly with his sons- even befriending malleus, he starts to appreciate you.
he kind of wanted to cry in joy after he saw malleus in the courtyard, having lunch with a friend!
he’d.. also.. sigh, appreciate you teaching him spells. 😔..
he simply has to know the spell that makes a field of flowers! imagine the sleeping spots that silver would get to have!
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etherfabric · 2 days
Messages for Reassurance + Songs
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
Knight of Cups, High Priestess
The hope inside of you is not delusion. You are safe to go after the things that seem promising and enriching. The days where you couldn't hear your gut well enough to listen to it are gone. Serendipities of various sizes permeate your day to day life, and it feels almost to good to be true. Did you really make it? Yes, dear. You did. You embraced your shadows enough to bask in the sun again.
Of course this is no utopia, and the frights of the past have sharpened your foresight to real possibilities, but believe yourself when you can't feel any danger closeby. You are stronger, smarter, and in better company than ever before. Now all there is left to do is putting some weight in those timid steps towards your bliss. Don't worry about tripping - you'll land on your foundation and get up again, eyes forward, one foot in front of the other. You will get there as soon as you fully arrive internally, and you are so close to completion already. You will see it once you believe it.
Pile 2
6 of Wands, The Hanged Man
You are exactly where you are supposed to be, in the exact context and circumstances you see at this very moment, inside and out. The conditions are perfect for you thrive in. You might have to get a little unorthodox in your approaches, and the shape of other people's successes sometimes clouds your inspiration, but let good be good enough for now. Think of past you - they prayed to have what you have now.
Okay, yes, they were a little misguided in a few details of their wishes (thankfully rejection is divine protection), and in thinking once you would be here, everything would be perfect - life is still life, you are still human - but the lessons that led you here widened your understanding of how everything had to happen this way. Guess what, future you will look back at this very moment with the exact same wisdom and compassion.
You can work with what you have at your disposal and rightfully expect the glory of tangible progress. Just keep doing what you are doing already, keep it simple and managable, and there will be nothing significant standing in your way. Those bouts of stagnation? That's where the depth of your skills comes from in the first place. Just like muscles, the soul and mind need their periods of liminal passivity to come back with full force to charge you ahead. You are on the right track. You are doing great. You can be proud of yourself.
Pile 3
Page of Swords, 10 of Wands
Oh dear. It's okay to say you are tired. It's okay to break apart. It's okay to hurt and just want to quit it all. Why are you carrying all this by yourself, tasks and thoughts alike? Don't you know the relief once you put them both down? For the thoughts: Speak, write, scream. To somebody, or nobody. The most important part is admitting it. Then at least you are freed of the burden to act like everything is fine. I know you are scared, I know you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place if you knew for sure you could let go. But I trust in the magic of coincidences, and you reading this right now tells me you need to stop swimming against the current and let the flow carry you downstream.
Stop clinging to things that only stay if you wreck yourself. The tide will wash them out of your hands anyway, because soon you will reach your body's limits, and then the decision will be made for you. Let the dam break. Let nature take its course. You are so smart and truly believed the best, I can see that, and it's no lack of character that caused things to go this way. But this wasn't meant for you. I know it hurts. I hurt with you. But once you stop fighting gravity, you will be drawn to what is truly for you. Put the burden down. I know you had the best intentions, but it's over. You can rest now.
Pile 4
9 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
You already know this, but slow and steady does indeed win the race. Instead of doing a million things exhausting yourself, you are focusing on a handful of daily tasks, knowing they will lead you exactly where you want to be. Time and consistency are on your side. You know you don't have to be perfect and can always pick up where you left off. Appreciation from outside sources resonates with your own satisfaction about how things are playing out for you.
Your longterm goals seem closer than ever. You have your routine down pat, and trust in your ability of finding even better tweaks and spins for it in the future. This calm air of confidence looks so good on you! You have earned it. You can read the signs relative to your success, know which road to take, and which pitfalls to avoid. You feel incredibly rich and know how to pass the time until certain things come to fruition. It used to make you anxious when you were faced with slowpaced processes, and you fell back on less sustainable approaches to selfsoothe. Now you appreciate the journey itself, even welcome the delays, so you have ample time to smell the flowers on the side of the road.
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absolutebl · 20 hours
This Week in BL - Thailand is back in charge
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
June 2024 Week 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 7 of 12 - There is so much to love about this pair. But one of the things I truly adore is what great communicators they are about what they want & need as friends & as lovers. As boyfriends? Not so much. But the way they can (and do and did) communicate speaks well to their ability to communicate in the future, once they have resolved the inevitable doom the BL gods will reign down upon us over the next 3-4 eps. I guess what I am say is... these two are gonna be awesome husbands.
The break up was sad but inevitable.
Yay for a crying kiss. I do so love a crying kiss! 
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Can we talk about the fact that all that tension was worth it?
Excellent kiss all round from GreatInn. Possibly one of the best of the year. Their only issue in winning this category in 2024 is that they're up against OffGun, TayNew, and JimmySea, not to mention BillyBabe... and MosBank coming soon. But I gotta say, for a new pair? Fantastic work boys.
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My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - I literally spent this whole show saying “Oh, Poor Joe!” Which is now the actual name of his character: Poor Joe. He's like the country music sad sack. How much is this narrative gonna keep kicking him while he's down?  
Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 1 of 12 - Star Hunter + MosBank + a beloved familiar face? You ready? Let's go. I got a lot to say.
Unexpected supernatural historical paranormal mythological Sign-esk elements happening in our dream sequence opening. I’m not mad about it. But I do think it’s going to be mishandled in the dubious hands of Star Hunter. My BLabies, no matter what else, with Star Hunter we can rest assured there will be chaos and narrative mess. And now, lucky us, there will be a supernatural mess. But at least it will be sexy and high heat.
Honestly, I'm not worried about MosBank and I know what to expect from Star Hunter,. So we're all on the same page.
Meanwhile, enter a cute side couple (normal for this studio). WAIT a second I know that face! That's Tenon of PitchBank fame (side couple, and only good thing about, Golden Blood). I’m sad to see his pair busted, but delighted to see him pop up again in a BL.
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Tenon appreciation time: He kisses beautifully everyone, and he is a killer eye-emoter. We are in for a real treat with this actor. (Especially if we get to a place in the narrative where he pines. OH PLEASE MAKE HIM PINE.)
Okay back to the show. I love Tenon but I also LOVE his infiltrating, wicked smart, younger brother character. This role is great for him. I adore an industrial spy. I enjoy a rich boy pretending to be an intern in his family's company (yes it's a trope, just not common in BL). Excellent work Thailand. No notes.
In conclusion?
It’s a cheesy silly office BL and I am enjoying it immensely because I have no expectations. So don't burst my bubble. Star Hunter is bound to do that on its own without tumblr's help.
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We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 11 of 16 - Oh my God they are all so cute! I love the beginning bit when Peem was feeling down and Phum tried to cheer him up. Ridiculously charming. All the sides were super adorbs too. The actual name of this show is "We Are Cute". Meanwhile, Kluen = the only boy in a BL ever to take his unfinished drink with him? I like him even more now. 
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 2 of 12 - New take on the umbrella trope to be trapped under a parasol together. NO SINGING. Honestly? I am not loving this as much as I really wanted to love it. It's the middle of the rankings for good reason. I do like the idea of historical Cinderfella BL though. Why isn't that what I'm watching? The play with in a play is a dangerous trope to deploy, it only distracts my with attractive possibilities. 
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 2 of 10 - I'm gonna try to cycle back to ending this rap-up week on Saturdays, which means the recap for this episode will be in next week's weekly (so to speak). Meanwhile, I am doing a Trash watch on this show. Hopefully that will get updated tomorrow.
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Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 4 of 12 - It’s fun enough. Kind of a pulpy lark. Best + Seng = a surprisingly good match.
Only Boo! (Sun YT) ep 10 of 12 - Good kiss from the sides. No surprises there. The main’s kissing was fine too, I guess. I like that they had a genuine struggle with being an idol and not being able to date. It’s nice to see that depicted on screen in a BL. I wish we had a bit more of a montage around the rise & success of Moo's boy group. But I understand the money in play for this kind of show prohibits that. All in all? It’s fine. 
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - Oof. This ep was painful. So much awkward desperation and confusion. Oh Japan, must you?
Crazy to be in a place and time where there is no other noted non-Thai BLs airing. Not even from Korea. What is going on? Are we in 2020 all over again? Please no.
It's airing but...
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
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OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - I can't find it. Comments from last week suggest this is not my thing anyway, but Lee Long Shi very much IS my thing. I've put the search on hold for a bit and y'all can let me know if it's worth tracking down. Also, who knew Frank & Big could kiss like that? Not me.
ARGH could Monster Next Door please just start airing. I am SO tired of waiting for Big to lead out a BL. It should have happened years ago. *grumbles in chronic second lead syndrome*
In case you missed it
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru 2 AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (Japan movie) - Continues the (frankly) lackadaisical story from part 1 ans was meant to drop yesterday. We thought maybe Gaga, but nothing so far.
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution.
As others see us: NuNew's 'Awful' Performance in BABYMONSTER's 'SHEESH' Goes Viral - I don't like BL being noticed by Kpop stans. I flipping LOATHE this song and I'm not wild about Babym. This is all 'round uncomfortable making and I want it to stop.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
June Releases Still Coming
6/26 The Rebound (Thai Weds Gaga) - MeenPing are back in their 3rd BL together, a basketball based romance (Meen was a national basketball player, so yay for that). I like this pair better than most (I still do miss Meen with Est but Est has a fantastic looking new BL coming from GMMTV so yeah...) Anyway I'm up for a sports romance starring a man who, yah know, actually played that sport so... I'm game (pun intended).
6/26 I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) 10 eps - A new series adaptation of beloved yaoi I Hear the Sunspot (first adaptation was feature film Silhouette of Your Voice 2017).
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Forget "boyfriends but they don't realize it." These two are married but they don't realize it.
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Praise be, he didn't leave his full drink behind. BEST BOY.
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It was a great make out sesh.
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All round excellent ep this week, We Are Cuties.
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Top tier flirting banker from the fuck buddies though. Man, their innuendo is on point. And I do mean that point. (Wandee Goodday)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity
@rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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neet-elite · 2 days
↳ EVENT 35. Sebastian (Aphrodisiac)
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Pairing: Sebastian / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 1,736 Warnings: aphrodisiac, established relationship, creampie, no refractory period, baking gone wrong Prompt(s): 13 — aphrodisiac Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: i loved the set up to this prompt, its so cute and fluffy and when paired with the aphrodisiac tag its just... mwah, chefs kiss. love contrasting themes so much!! tysm for taking part n for giving me this prompt !!
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"I'm telling you, this is what came up when I searched... Uh, you know." Rather than admit that he couldn't pronounce the name of the apparently elusive ingredient, he opted instead to vaguely gesture towards the counter where it sat, half mixed bowl awaiting its addition dubiously. He's not sure why, but he gets bad vibes from it. And then, immediately following the instinctual feeling, he scolds himself for acting so silly. But seriously, while he just adores your baking, he wishes you would settle for simpler recipes sometimes. Not everything has to be so grand— plain old chocolate chip cookies would suffice every now and again.
And yet, part of why he loves you so is because of how adventurous you are, so he can't complain about the nights events too much.
"I don't doubt you! I just... I've never seen something like this before... Is it even edible?"
"Fuck if I know," He sighed, scratching at the back of his neck out of nervous habit. He had to search high and low for this mysterious ingredient, don't you know? Resignation plain on his face when you regarded him with suspicion, like it was his fault the recipe called for something named so challenging. "You might as well use it though, what's the worst the could happen? It tastes bad?"
At least that earns a giggle out of you, his own mood brightening up the second he sees your wide smile, the playful pat on his arm reminding him to ease up a little. He's no baker, so the unknown offending item irked him to some degree; it's funny though, how despite your effortless attempts to help him relax, he was right in the end, wasn't he?
All it took was a noncommittal "I guess so!" from you before the ingredient was dropped into the mixture, his tummy rumbling in response.
He could never have guessed exactly how hungry he'd become, though.
It all started so simply. Innocently, even, as most bad things typically do. Playful kitchen banter, late afternoon spent together in shared enjoyment, and the promise of sweet treats to boot! Light-hearted like any other Saturday night at the old farmhouse, just how he likes it with you.
So... He can't be blamed for the way things have turned out, right? You wouldn't dare, not when the night had began with only pure intentions, especially on his end. He put so much work and effort into attaining you that ingredient! Just how did he end up on top like this?
His memory is a little fuzzy, and he's not sure why, but—
You'd dropped the bowl, remember? A splat of it pooling on the kitchen tiles under your whines of frustration, the remaining half coating your fingers and apron. He'd helped you at least undress from your apron in between fits of laughter, the cute blush you wore in response to his teasing makes him feel all fuzzy even now.
It's a shared ritual to clean the remnants of the baking bowl together, fingers sticky to make sure none of the mixture goes to waste. So it's no surprise that he licked one of your fingers clean, humming in satisfaction before shoving your hand to your own lips with expectation, wide eyes begging you to taste too.
"It's good!" He praises you, barely allowing you to finish tasting yourself before diving back in for some more off your hand, tongue flat against your palm to lap as much up as he can. "Right? Shame the floor gets to eat more..." He'd playfully sighed, following you like a little lost puppy as you intended on showering to clean up. He was even planning on joining you.
... Right? That's how it went, didn't it? Something like that anyway, he can't quite gather the strength to focus on anything other than the sounds he fucks out of you. Ah, the cute drawn out whines you sound for him bringing him back out of his self indulgent thoughts, glassy eyes glued to your pretty face, how dumb you look with it under him. Like— like a slut. And he can't quite take in his surroundings further either, spotting only the way drool drips down your chin, the way your tits bounce to hypnotise him, God— he's drooling too, all over you on the floor, cock buried balls deep in your too tight little cunt with greedy thrusts like his wellbeing depends on getting his cock wet, sweat collecting on his forehead as a haze overtakes his senses and he's rendered a mere slave to how good your pretty pussy makes him feel. Which is unreal, by the way. A fire in his tummy, burning up to his lungs from how fucking hot you make him feel, sensitivity taking hold of him in the best way possible.
Looking down at you through fluttering shut lashes, his head feels dizzy, spinning from how difficult it gets to breathe when you squeeze his cock like that, little hole wrapped so fucking tight around him that he feels like he's gonna choke on the moans he continuously fucks out of himself. Stroking your insides eagerly, fervently from how desperately he feels like he fucking needs it, his voice coming out all shaky and feminine with how high pitched he gets; "Wish— fuck, I wish I could stay inside of ya all day, feel that fuckin good, babe—"
And he knows you can't respond, his saliva dripping down to your shoulder from the way he hunches over you, got your legs forcefully locked behind his back, doing his best to balance on his feet as something within him urges him to be as close as possible, to fuck his cock as fast and as hard into you; losing control around you has never felt so fucking good, right? His tip leaking all over your insides, enough to leave you gushing for him, pounding your juice out of you with every sloppy thrust— he can barely contain himself. You just make it so easy for him to get carried away with it, his lips bitten and bruised from how unfairly good he feels, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as your hips lift with him, his hands slipping against your ass as he attempts to keep you pinned under him, but he's fucking into you with such newfound purpose that he ends up having to chase after you. Floorboards squeaking under his heavy thrusts, loud smacks of wet skin on skin from the way his balls simply ache to spill inside of you.
Truthfully, he's not in the right mind to realise how hard he's fucking into you either, your sobs and wails of pleasure encouraging him to continue, the sickly sweet taste of the baking mixture still present on his tongue urging him to fuck more of those pretty sounds out of you, the unnatural burn in his tummy forcing him to keep thrusting, even if he can scarcely keep up with himself. Pussy drunk expression surely plastered on his face because he can't even hope to hide how he truly feels, not with the heady haze clouding his judgement, spilling moan after moan directly down your ear to perfectly match the wet squelch of your angel cunt sucking him off so well, and fuck— he's so fucking sensitive it almost hurts to keep thrusting. Squishy insides massaging his cock just so well, he can't help but to curse and groan and hiccup by your ear, unwittingly gasping at how fucking easy it is to glide in and out of you right now.
Wettest he's ever felt you, dripping down your ass to turn his thighs all tacky. And even that alone riles him up further, flips some sort of switch off in his addled mind, his jaw turning tight as he huffs fervently through gritted teeth. Pretty little cunt got him acting up, yeah? Turning him all rabid, God, fuck— You just feel to good. Leaving him a gasping mess above you, body pressed as tight as possible to your own so that you've got no chance of escaping his heated humps, sweet saliva dripped onto your neck from how eagerly he pants for you.
"Can't get enough of ya." He smiles against your neck, and he means it. Drilling his hips against you, fucking you at such speed that even he's left more than a little breathless, he means it. The feeling of your cunt squeezing him in response leaves him trembling, shuddering into you with messy little humps as he attempts to hold himself back, unintentionally focusing on the way your body rocks under him, how you move in tandem with him so perfectly. "Don't— shit, don't fuckin'—"
Don't do that, he tries to say. A barely there scolding for how tight you get, as if begging for his seed already. And he doesn't want to stop yet, not when you have him feeling better than ever; he's never felt so heated before, fucked himself silly inside of your tight little hole as you continue to clench and squeeze, moaning his name so prettily like that. Truly, his warnings are useless. The feverish heat within him spilling over as his pace changes to slower, deeper thrusts to let you feel every throbbing inch of his over stimulated cock spilling into you. Shoving thick ropes of cum inside, painting your cunt all pretty white as some of it spills with his continues thrusts, red hot tip begging for a break from how well your pussy accepts his load, a shiver of painful pleasure rolling down his spine when you eagerly attempt to claw his ass back inside before he's even finished milking himself, leaving him to wince and sputter against you.
Though, whether he'd like to or not—he does, inevitably, want to—his hips continue to stutter against your ass. Filling you up so full in a show of pure, unadulterated, carnal desire. Lust swiftly refilling his cock as if he didn't just experience the strongest orgasm of his life, toes curling in the sheer pleasure your sticky hole continues to provide him.
It's stupid how seamlessly he continues like nothing even happened. No thoughts, head empty, thrusting into your cum filled hole, he wants to cum again. Treating you with such disregard as whatever force is behind his continued thrusts demands, he can't think straight.
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we-were-beautiful · 3 days
The Fox and The Hounds pt.5
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A/N: At long last we finally have part 5 for The Fox and The Hounds. I do apologize for those who have waited so long for this part but here it is and I got to give a huge thanks to @loving-and-dreaming for Beta reading this for me. That being said we are all still human and there may be some errors and I apologize in advance. Hope y’all enjoy  
Up next on my writing schedule is Unraveled ends and I already have about 2000 words already written for that so stay tuned.
Summary: Its autumn court tradition to give your mate a fox kit before your ceremony. after years of knowing the Vanserra’s a mating bond snaps between the Autumn Heir and a well known smoke hound breeder
Warning: none that I know of but if you see something please reach out and let me know.
 WC: 4k
As the door shut, I placed my back to it and gently slid down to the floor. I truly had no idea how to interact with this male. The last two months had been a whirlwind and all of Eris' current behaviors contradicts the information that my cousins in the night court have given me.  Gods I can only imagine the fuss that Rhys and Mor are going to kick up when they hear that my parents allowed this little unchaperoned weekend getaway, but in all reality there is not much they could do without inducing the High Lord of Nights anger. We had been invited to a formal dinner at the night court once word of the engagement and mating bond reached my uncles; the High Lord of Night and Keir, the Steward of the Court of Nightmares(who happens to be Mors father), had been overjoyed that The Night Court would now have ties with the Autumn Court. What the two of them had attempted with Mor they would have with me.
While the High Lord of Night doted on his older sister and her husband for the excellent match between Eris and myself; across the table Rhysand and Mor looked horrified. Rhys had pulled me aside after his father bid the residents of the Hewn city to go play. My dearest cousin begged me to call off the whole thing. Told me what had happened to Mor, and he was so worried that I would become the Vanserras next victim. The heartbreak on his face when I told him it was inevitable, this marriage was happening whether we wanted it to or not. There would have been no place for me to run. Uncle would not have sheltered me in the Night Court, and Beron would have me hunted down. The marriage was far too advantageous for him. He hugged me tight afterwards and seemed reluctant to hand me over to Eris when my mate wanted to steal me away to dance. 
That seemed like so long ago but in reality it was three weeks ago. I move over to the bed and take a seat. This weekend was going to be awkward between the two of us. Eris for the most part is trying; he’s gentle with me in a way that I have only seen him be with his mother. Every morning if we don’t have an event together, he sends me a small sweet note and flowers. He sends them often enough that the ones I have in vases barely have had time to wilt. He’s a good male; it's just awkward since we barely know each other. I had always thought that he was attractive, but with him as Beron’s heir I didn’t stand a chance when there were more political matches to be made. I had figured If I were to end up with any of the Vanserra boys it would have been with Ashton, the second brother. Ashton was a carbon copy of his father always aiming to please the male even if it pushed him to act monstrously. But I guess I have to thank Mor for fucking the Illyrian Bastard, it had saved me from potentially being married off to an abusive male and instead with my mate, even if we did not know it at the time.    
I don’t know how long I sat on the bed going over the events of the last two months absentmindedly stroking Paprikas soft fur but a swift knock pulls me out of my thoughts. 
“Excuse me, Lady Y/N.” A melodic voice flows through the door. “I’m here to help you get ready for dinner.” 
Ah so Eris had already secured a ladies maid for me. I let out a soft groan as I moved to stand. That at least saves me the trouble of having to find one myself. I open the door to see a high Fae standing there. She is pretty if not a bit plain. Her brown hair is swept up into a neat bun at the nape of her neck hiding her pointed ears; the simple oxblood dress is a touch big for her frame. The uniforms I have seen on the servants and slaves at the forest house have been expertly tailored to the Fae that wear them, so she must be new.
“Oh” she squeaks before dropping into a curtsy. “Lady Y/N, I am Melonie, Lord Vanserra has hired me to be your ladies maid.” 
“It's a pleasure Melonie, and please it’s just Y/N. If you are to be my ladies maid then we shall be spending quite a significant amount of time together; so we may as well be on a first name basis.” I move aside to let her in.
“Only while we are in private though at the Forest House we need to remain as formal as we can be.” I tack on. There is a rigid hierarchy in the Autumn Court and while we are in a private residence, such as here, we can act as we please; the moment we step into Beron’s halls everything has to be as formal as possible.
“Understood Ma’am.” She nods her head and steps into the room. “Now we must get you ready for dinner.” 
“Of course. Did my mate say what dress is needed.” I’m certain my family's servants packed everything from casual wear to a ball gown for this trip. I honestly don’t know why, as this is an informal trip for me to get to know my mate better. I’m sure he told my father that there wouldn’t be any major formal events that the two of us would need to attend.
“Yes Ma’am, Lord Vanserra said that it was to be a casual dinner.” She tilts her head a bit “I do believe his words to his attendance were that it is just a simple dinner between my mate and I there is no reason for us to don finery.” I let out a small laugh, that does sound like Eris. There had been a few times when we had been in the forest house after dinner that we had gone on an evening stroll and he had expressed his distaste for the show that we had to put on. Having to put on our finest to awkwardly sit at a table under the scrutiny of our families. 
“So a simple dress it is.” I let out a soft sigh. Thank the Mother, I’m so glad he doesn’t want to stand on formalities. I move through the room to the wooden armoire and shift through the dresses my family's servants had picked, settling in on a simple green dress trimmed with a delicate cream lace.
“That will look lovely Y/N” I smile at her statement and take a step back and allow her to help me get ready.
It takes us about 45 minutes to get me ready for dinner. The dress had been easy enough, I Honestly could have gotten myself into it but help is always appreciated. My hair had taken a bit more time, but soon enough I was headed down the stairs to the dining room. We had passed the room briefly on our tour but now I had the time to take it in. It was large enough that we could easily entertain a party of 18 people, but I had a feeling that would be an extremely rare occasion. The table was a smooth walnut wood polished to a near mirror finish. It was large with many elegantly carved chairs pushed under; it is nearly too large for just the two of us. While I haven’t gotten to explore the house I can only hope that there is a smaller informal dining room for us to use. Eris is there when I arrive, dressed in a simple cream colored tunic and brown breeches tucked into dark brown boots. Upon hearing my arrival he jumps to his feet giving me a short bow. 
“My mate you look lovely this evening.” He moves and pulls out a chair next to the head of the table for me. “I apologize for this. The staff had already set this table before I could tell them that it wouldn’t be necessary.” 
“Thank you.” I say as I gently take a seat in the chair that he had pulled out. “There is no need to apologize. There is an informal dining room?” the question hangs in the air.
“Yes, there is a smaller dining room that I use when It’s just me here; I figured that we would use it while we reside here unless we are forced to entertain.” He responds, giving a nod to one of his staff standing beside a door that I think leads to the kitchen. 
“Oh good. This is a lovely dining room but it feels like it might be a bit much if it’s just the two of us.” A plate is soon placed in front of me, I mutter a thanks, and begin to pick up my silverware. 
“It really is.” Eris laughs as he picks up his own silverware and digs in. 
Conversation flows freely between the two of us as we talk about everything and nothing. I take this time to figure out more about the male that I am bound to for the rest of our immortal lives. I find that he adores his mothers baking. He insisted that I should get her apple strudel recipe from her and that I would love it. He likes the spicy foods that are common in the Summer Court, but he cannot stand the Summer Court's tendency for sour things. I also learn that his father has him acting as an emissary for a few courts including Spring, Winter, and Dawn. It is an eye opening conversation as the two of us go back and forth. We sit at the table telling each other our likes and dislikes long past when we finish our meals. At one point after the table had long since been cleared, save for a few bottles of wine and our glasses, Eris dismissed the staff while we continued talking. It takes one of the hounds whining for attention for us to actually leave the table taking our glasses to the living room. Eventually we have to let the hounds and Paprika out one last time before bed. Sadly the rain hadn’t stopped. It seemed to have gotten worse over the last few hours and what once was a nice steady rain is now a downpour. Ever the gentleman, Eris offers to take them out and wait for them to be done. 
I knew that there would be some paw wiping that needed to be done, but what I didn’t expect was for all of the hounds to come back into the house covered in mud.
“Oh no.” I exclaim as Eris carries in a mud covered Paprika, setting her on the floor only after the door is shut and locked.
“I think we are going to have to give them emergency baths.” Eris sighed, running a hand through his damp red hair.
“What happened?” I swear my eyebrows have probably reached my hairline as the hounds continue to play with each other getting mud all over the living room floor. 
“Well I thought that they would do their business, be done, and come back into the house. Apparently I was wrong and they decided that they wanted to play.” I can see the steam rising off of Eris as he uses his powers to dry off. “Paprika on the other hand accidentally landed in a mud puddle. And I already dismissed the staff for the night.” 
“Shit.” It's always nice to have an extra hand on deck when bathing the hounds “Well looks like we are on bath duty then.” 
We had relocated from the living room up to the bedrooms; the click of nails on the floor followed behind us as the dogs followed along behind us. I let him lead me through the halls my arm laced through his taking in the warmth that radiated through his shirt. The Vanserra’s were known for their fire wielding abilities, but it was like fire ran through his blood heating him from the inside out. I didn’t quite want the evening to end. 
“We probably should have kept some of the staff here when we saw that it was going to rain.” Eris laughs. 
“Probably, I’m sure your housekeeper will skin both of us tomorrow when she sees the mess.” I chuckle glancing behind me to see the whisper of smoke hounds trailing along behind us leaving muddy tracks along the wooden floor.
“Our housekeeper.” Eris’ gently corrects “I hate to say that she is almost used to it. She’s not a fan of bathing the hounds though.” 
“I don’t blame her, it’s a task and a half, and with the lot that we have it’s going to take us at least a few hours.” I try not to pay too much attention to the way Eris uses joint ownership. I should be grateful that he has already gotten used to us being a pair although it is a bit harder for me. 
Since the engagement Eris has always referred to us as a unit. It was “our plans for the mating ceremony” and “Of course we will be attending tonight.” It seemed to come easy to him; however, I am still trying to wrap my head around things. For me this is still just Eris’s home and his belongings and employees, not mine. Although in two weeks, I guess it will partially be mine. I need to get used to the fact that we are now a unit and respond as such. This will be our home that we fill with our hounds and if we are lucky enough down the road maybe a few messy haired faelings that we created. 
We make our way to Eris’s room. The room is not what I had thought it would be and vastly different from his rooms in the forest house. His living quarters in the high lords ancestral halls were cold. Deep emerald fabrics were selected and paired with polished dark wood furniture. We had had tea in his sitting room a few days after the bond had snapped and the whole room just felt impersonal. This room however felt warm. The large bed that dominated the middle of the room facing the window, looked like it was crafted with smooth unfinished red wood and decorated with large antlers. The crimson duvet looks soft and inviting and for a male there is a surprising amount of pillows strewn across the top of the bed  A smaller bookshelf resided along the one wall and much like the massive wall of books in the living room this one is packed with books, but these seemed to be much more loved, with signs of wear along the spines. Next to the window there is a small table that appears to just be a log that someone placed a glass top on and called it good and an arm chair that honestly looked like it had seen better days, if the patches on the arms of the chair were anything to go off of. More dog beds were spread along the floor but I had a feeling quite a few of them slept in the actual bed. Smoke hounds while they don’t shed a ton of fur, still shed, and if the short white hairs clinging to the crimson duvet say anything it is that the dogs are on the bed. Which is fine with me since I typically have one or two with me in my bed on any given night and since Paprika came into the picture she’s always cuddling in bed with me. 
“Come on, the bathroom is through here.” He opens the door on the furthest wall to reveal the massive bathing chambers with a large tub.  
“We might want to shut the bedroom door so that they can’t run off.” I quietly mention once I noticed that all of them were in the room. 
“Good idea.“ Eris sidesteps me quickly making his way to the door. Nineteen sets of ears pop up at the sound of the door clicking close. I move to quickly scoop up Paprika before she has the chance to dart under Eris’s Bed. 
“We need to do Paprika first; she’s still getting used to bath time.” Hearing the word ‘bath’ the fox kit starts to squirm. I quickly manure her in my arms and hold her under her front legs; her bottom and tail dangling limply in the air.
 “You are covered in mud, no amount of wiggling will get you out of it.” I speak to the little kit as if she were a naughty child. Her ears flop as if resigning herself to her fate. 
Bath time is eventful to say the least, Paprika gave us hell once we set her in the warm water. She just about screamed the entire time and only calmed down once she was wrapped in one of Eris fluffy towels. Having Eris around for bath time had its perks. Using his fire magic he was able to dry the hounds and Paprika rather faster than having to let them air dry. The hounds were bathed without complaint; but there were some trouble makers. Once we had shut the bathroom door to bathe Paprika, one of Eris’s hounds jumped up onto his bed and proceeded to cover not only the duvet in mud but Eris’s pillows and sheets. Then one of my hounds decided that I needed a bath as well and grabbed my dress and tugged just hard enough to send me sprawling into the tub. By the time the all nineteen of the canines are bathed Eris and I are drenched; the bathroom is soaked and quite frankly there is pathways of muddy paw prints throughout the house. 
“I know I said we don’t need a kennel, but I would like to retract my statement. We need one if only to prevent things like this from happening again.” I slump alongside Eris resting against the side of the tub. 
“Agreed.” Eris runs his hands through his hair. “We still have to get cleaned up ourselves.” 
“And remake your bed; one of the hounds got on it.” Eris lets out a groan at that statement. 
“Let’s get cleaned up first and then we can deal with that later. Worse comes to worse; I can sleep in one of our spare rooms or the couch.” 
“Please don’t sleep on the couch.” I laugh “Especially when there are perfectly good beds in the spare rooms. 
“I will have you know Dear Mate that the couch is one of the best places to sleep in this house. I have spent many nights on it.” 
“Now that's just sad Eris.” We both end up laughing. 
“Come now let's get cleaned up and off to bed. Eris moves to stand offering me one of his hands to help me off the floor. I end up stumbling into Eris’s chest as I am pulled up; he steadies me, one hand on my hip the other not letting go of my hand. I had noticed in the time we have been courting how much bigger his hands are then mine, they almost completely engulf mine whenever we dance, and they are so very warm. My heart races in my chest, being so close to this male without anyone else around. There is an awkward silence that fills the space between the two of us.
“Well I will leave you to it.” He moves to open the door to the room. Immediately dogs start tripping over one another in their attempt to escape the bedroom. Eris meets my gaze and we burst out laughing at the scene. We laugh for a solid few minutes; we would slow down and when we would look at each other we would start laughing again. An endless loop of pulling ourselves together only to fall apart again and again.
“I don’t know why that was so funny.” I hold my side as a wait out the stitch that I had gotten from laughing so hard.    
“Neither do I” Eris places a hand on my lower back as he leads me towards my room “Here is where I leave you.” 
“Thank you Eris.” I laugh as he takes my hand and places a kiss on the back of it. 
“You are quite welcome.” He releases my hand and steps back.
 “Please let me know if you need anything.” With one last look he walks down the hall presumably towards one of the spare rooms to clean up. 
I turn into my room and see several of my hounds lounging around as if they didn’t just turn bath time into a whole event. I give them a glare before heading into the bathroom to take a bath of my own before getting ready for bed. The Lady of Autumn truly tried to make this suite as comfortable as she could. Various soaps and oils lined the counter and a few small candles decorated the edge of the bathtub. It was a place that one could easily find solace. Maybe tomorrow I will take full advantage and soak in the large tub, but tonight I feel drained. While it wasn’t a super physically taxing day, mentally it was draining. This trip is giving me a golden opportunity to learn just who my mate is. Already had got to see a completely different side of him. 
When we are out on an official engagement or in the forest house Eris has always seemed so cold despite the fire that flows through his veins. He has always seemed closed off to everybody except for his mother and me. I got to hear him laugh for the first time in the 60 or some odd years that I had known him. I move through the motions of bathing and getting ready for bed. By the time I am turning down the bed I am ready to simply relax. Paprika paws at the bed, her way of asking to be picked up and placed on the bed. I grab her and set her down on the sheets. Ramiel and Rosie hop up on the bed unprompted ready to make themselves comfortable on the large bed. My ears twitch as I hear scratching at the door. I quickly glance around the room taking a head count of Hounds that are lazing around the room. All seven of mine are accounted for plus Ichabod who also decided that he wanted to sleep on the bed as well. So one of Eris’s lot wants to stay in here tonight. I move to open the door to let the pup in; my eyes widen once I open the door because not only is there a smoke hound begging to be let in but Eris is standing there with two steaming mugs. The hound darts past me, with the speed that they are famed for, as I continue to stare at Eris. 
“I figured we could have a cup of tea before bed.” I smile widely at him. He had listened when I was rambling shortly after our engagement. I had offhandedly mentioned that I liked to have a nice cup of Herbal tea before bed. And here he stands holding two cups of tea. 
“I would love that,” I step aside and let him walk into the room. He walks towards the bed and takes a seat holding out one of the cups for me to take; I sit down beside him taking the cup from his hand. 
We sit and talk for a long time. Eventually we have drunk our tea, cups sit forgotten on the nightstand, but Eris stayed. We eventually moved from sitting on the edge of the bed to sitting propped up with pillows against the headboard. The last thing I recall before I go to sleep is looking over at Eris who had fallen asleep not ten minutes ago. I don’t have the heart to wake him since he looks so peaceful. I roll over and wrap my arms around Ramiel before letting sleep take over me.  
Tag List @b0xerdancer @imma-too-many-fandoms @judig92 @fall-myriad @j-brielmalfoy @highlady-ofillyria @percyjacksonspeen @nyctophiliiiiaaa @marigold-morelli @azzydaddy @isa1b2h3
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hanamisofficialspouse · 13 hours
So like, yall remember that guy I was talking about but forgot to show yall?
Here he is.😈
Meet Nova, Sukunas dad everyone🤭
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(BEWARE that this is NOT his true form, of course. Like Sukuna, its MUCH BIGGER, and has MULTIPLE LIMBS and other stuff.)
And as some of you who may or may not realize, Nova is an original character of mine, not dedicated to Jujutsu Kaisen universe as an oc, but for entirely original universe of mine, whre he has a purpose as Balance Holder, Aka God of Destruction. He is naturally evil, being evil IS HIS PURPOSE, how he was 'created'.
How then Sukuna came to be? Here is MY version of what happened.
⚠️WARNING: SPOILERS FOR JUJUTSU KAISEN MANGA!!! VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK!⚠️ (ofc, my own plot and mangas plot combined.)
Sukunas mother was unable to get pregnant. Feeling hopeless, she kept praying to anything to give her any miracle, to feel pity for her, and bless her with at least one child. She even said that she would accept any child, even if it is... A monster.
Two gods did hear her prayers, known as the Twins of Opposition, Ehva, Goddess of Fertillity, Womanhood, Healing, and Nova, God of Sperm, Manhood, Destruction. (Yes, Nova has a twin sister.) They decided that they will help her. Ehva gave her a blessing, but warned her that her children might look odd, and maybe even have some womanly traits. (Pink hair, lactating [pry to what Gege said is canonically true, Sukuna CAN lactate.] and other stuff.) And of course, Nova gave his mother his sperm.
BUT. Here comes a but.
Nova, being an evil bitch he is, wanted to 'test' things. What would happen, if he made sure one child inside her belly if FULL with cursed energy, while the other is not? (Yeah, btw, Ehva DIDN'T know about this. They just agreed on giving her twins, and thats it. This is just part where Nova is being... Nova.) Nova DID want to create a child that was powerful and enjoyed fighting, like him. And maybe in the far future, become his very own heir.
And I guess you know what happened. Sukuna ate his twin brother in his mothers womb. Now, we don't know what happened with Sukunas mom after that, but she either died during childbirth, or abandoned her child after seeing what he did to his unborn twin, and the way he looked.
(And yeah, you could only guess Ehvas rage when she found out what her brother did without her knowledge. They did have a terrible argument.💀)
Sukuna was left alone to survive. Nova, however, made sure he kept his eyes on him from the moment he was born. He watched his growth, anf surprisingly, grew to be proud of him (even tho he absolutely hated kids and didn't want one.) One day, he even gave him a brief visit. I don't know how they met just YET, but it would probably be that Sukuna was fighting some cursed spirits, and Nova just decided to come and kill those spirits with one slash of his hand, and just... See his child from up close IG😭
Of course, when Nova introduced his true identity to Sukuna (he didn't say it immediately. But he DID want to shock him, to see how will he react to the news.). And kets just say Sukuna was FURIOUS. ENRAGED. He blamed him for everything, how he didn't even give a shit about him, and other pretty brutal stuff (Sukuna was 100% right.)
But Nova gave no shit, and of course, since he didn't like to be treated like that, showed a little of his tfue colours and threatened his son to behave or else. Sukuna couldn't do anything but comply.
Sukuna and Nova have a really conplicated relationship. Sukuna hates his father, but can't help and admire him secretly for his power, abillities, and status. He even wishes to become just like him, although he would NEVER admit it. As for Nova, as I said, he may not show it, but he surprisingly cares for his son (in his own weird way lmao.) He DID watch over him since his birth, and decided he didn't want to hwlp just because the wolrds would shape him into a worthy being he is today: King of Curses. Nova likes to see his child nurture his vast abillitues of jujutsu techniques, and enjoy life to its fullest. He may also not say it, but he sees Sukuna as his 'perfect creation'. Nova always made sure to kill his children when he slept with women just because he is an asshole and didn't want to deal with them, but the only ever exception was Sukuna.
Of course, being Novas only son may not be perfect, because he always expects only the best, to advance his expectations, and has to be the center of his pride most of the time. Nova is no softie, and he acts rough on mostly everybody, even his sister and son. But, he CAN have his... Good moments.
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Taglist: : @darknadaworld @radaverse @rabbitcyclops @erigold13261 @espresso-ships @plucky-belmondo
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twig-tea · 5 hours
Love Sea Ep 2 Thoughts
Love Sea is, as of ep2, my favourite show airing from Thailand right now.
In addition to being beautiful, and sexy, this show is funny. And I appreciate so much that sex is being treated as a fun thing people who choose to sometimes engage in together rather than as a proxy for/declaration of love (it can be that too, but we get that a lot, and that's not all sex is or can be).
Rak and Mut start off in ep1 by being clearly attracted to each other, maybe even curious about each other, and in some ways having fun getting one over on the other, but they don't really like each other yet. In episode 2, they have sex and then more sex and they are intrigued. They spend more time together over the episode, have a few real conversations, and we get to watch them start to actually like each other in real time. It's fantastic.
I also want to shout out the way this show is highlighting the importance of supporting local business when you travel, and safe sex (one day, I pray, someone will not open a condom with their mouth, unfortunately today was not that day), and being respectful of one another's out statuses (checking in on whether each of them was concerned about being seen with another man before doing any public canoodling was a fantastic touch, especially Rak understanding that there were higher stakes for Mut because this was his hometown). I also love how this show is handling its class dynamics so far, it is very intentional and I'm enjoying watching it play out.
This show has also laid some groundwork for future plot stuff that I am very excited about.
There was a moment in this episode where Rak talks about being an author and how some readers criticize his work for being unrealistic, when he writes fantasy so of course what's happening should be unrealistic. In addition to this moment feeling a little like MAME was staring directly into the camera, it also is interesting in the context of Rak's panic-attack-flashback when he remembers his mother telling him that he should not love anyone to avoid being abandoned like his mother; he then later says love is a figment of our imagination.
Well, guess who's a fantasy BL author? I'm assuming he's going to write this fantasy and will need to be brought around to believing that it can be true. Luckily Masamut is an experienced guide.
We've also got context that Rak's father said he'd stay if he were paid, which means Mut has set himself perfectly as someone Rak can trust to stick around, because/as long as he's being paid by Rak. The trick will be in getting him to believe that he won't be abandoned as soon as he stops paying.
Finally, Mut mentioning his father kicking him out when he was 15 had me very curious--what did they not see eye-to-eye on?
I'm admittedly still unsure what's happening with the GL side couple; the fact that Muk was excited to be kissed by Vi, things aren't quite what they seemed in ep1.
Very much looking forward to watching all of this unfold in this gorgeous show over the next several weeks!
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jeons-catalyst · 2 days
The way this Jikook anti fandom makes up its own rules regarding Jikook's enlistment, yet they don't do that with any other members enlistments. Interesting. I've seen so much misinformation, its unbelievable and Karmy have really tried to get them to understand, but as usual, they get overlooked cause I-Army being pressed and dismissing them, thinking they run these Korean men and know them better than their own people. I saw people saying JK and Jimin were saying goodbye to Jin and not because they were seeing him for the first time in a long time. Do they even realize Jikook are no where stationed near Jin? They were at the training camp kinda close to him for the first 5 weeks, but since then they were moved to an isolated Artillery unit which is nowhere near Jin, in the middle of nowhere. So yeah, this would be the first time they probably seen him since they got there. Also lying saying Jikook get their days off based on how well they do, which may be true or not for individually enlisted soldiers, which Jikook are NOT. But its not true for Jikook who are companion soldiers and companion soldiers vacations days are shared together and days taken at the same time, regardless if one does better then the other. That is the whole point of the system, so they are always together. I'm actually going based on what discharged buddy soldiers have said. Just like the cook/gunner buddy soldiers who confirmed they shared a living space and bed til discharge. For the crowd saying JK was moved to the cook area far away from Jimin and you have real buddy soldiers where one was a cook, telling you he was still bed sharing with his buddy who was not a cook, in the same place. Once again, JK is not an individually enlisted soldier. He has a buddy/jimin and he is cooking and stationed where his buddy/Jimin is. Jk doesn't cook for the whole damn camp, like they're saying either. He cooks where Jimin is. Also confirmed by discharged soldiers. Homophobic solos and Jikook antis have rewritten the entire buddy system. Even kmedia confirmed Jikook's unit being the same and them together. They were the first one who leaked it. They calling them a liar too? Their jobs were already established when Jimin updated and him and JK and he made it clear they were together, twice. Guess people forgot that. You got big tk accounts who wanted the buddy program for their favs, pissed at JK & keep setting him up as if he wants away from Jimin to get him attacked, all because they're mad he ain't with Tae and painting him like he's a monster who hates Jimin. I guess Jk writing nice things about Jimin being with him on private military message boards doesn't count, because he's not saying it public.
I just know that "I wanted to do special forces" eats away at them at night because he didn't do it and instead went with Jimin instead, which was a bigger priority for him. Its not even what Tae is doing either but they don't care, it was just the thought of him being away from Jimin & now they can't spin his words to make it fit TK. Man sacrificed what he wanted to do, just to be with Jimin, when their fav didn't sacrifice what he wanted to do, to be with JK and enlist with him (if he could prove he's close enough to JK to do it that is, since you do have to prove that). And if tattoos or skill was an issue, what was stopping Tae joining JK? In fact Tae said he was happy to be enlisting away from everyone. LMFAO ouch. He said sorry, I'm good enlisting alone, I can live without Jk for 2 years. lol
People always rewrite the rules when it comes to Jimin and Jungkook together. The buddy system isn’t the first time and it definitely wouldn’t be the last.
I don’t know the details about how vacations are given to them so I can’t confirm or deny what you stated about that.
All this mental gymnastics people are doing with Jikook enlisting together wouldn’t have happened if it were any other pair. All we would have heard would hv been talks about how close xyz people are or how their bond is precious but since it is jikook, we hv people fighting tooth and nail to prove that they didn’t have a choice, it didn’t mean much to them or someone was forced to do it. What is new?
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anti-endo-haven · 1 day
Heyy! Just a rant, i guess?
So we have multiple alters who use number names right? Now we're not a ramcoa system, but some have trauma related to numbers, and some alters just simply like using them.
That being said a server we're on, which is great other wise, has a lot of people who say that using number names if youre not ramcoa is bad right? They have 'if you use number names as a none ramcoa system dni' so i dont yk? I just avoid those ppl.
BUT THEN someone brings a screenshot into the server of them telling someone else to not use number names since they didn't go through ramcoa and its like,,, why?? Like first you assume or push someone to say wether they've been through it, which is invasive imo, and then you bring drama to another server (without scratching out ANY USER NAMES for privacy)
And now we're scared that if any of us use number names in that server someone's gonna ask if we went through ramcoa, which obviously we'll say is none of they're fucking business but still
idk, anyway here's some flowers!!!
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 <- for you
The Fate Seers
This is one of the reasons I don't like number names being kept from people. It's very invasive and it shouldn't be up to someone to ask those questions to "make sure someone is in the right for using the number as a name."
Even with the invasive questions, it should not be up to someone else to tell someone, a random stranger mind you, if they're in the right or not for using a name. No one is owed any part of your identity or anything about your history, regardless of what that entails.
Keeping in mind with what we've said before, if ONLY RAMCOA systems were using number names in servers, that's extremely dangerous. It should not be on a stranger telling you if you are or aren't allowed to use that number as a name. That puts RAMCOA systems in more danger with a larger target on their back.
And, yes, even thinking that it's okay can be detrimental, but I'm not one to police if someone can or can't interact in servers.
Think of it this way:
A Discord server is filled with systems as it's a system space and the rule of only RAMCOA systems using number names is there. Someone recognizes that number. What happens then? People can be more likely to be harmed. Let alone asking someone if they've went through ramcoa.
I also really want to say, I (personally) have never seen another RAMCOA/TBMC system say "Only RAMCOA systems can use number names" because the majority of them don't want to be easy targets. I've seen more people that have not undergone it say it.
Yes, the numbers have significant trauma related to them. But if someone can use a name and be respectful, they can be the same towards numbers. It should not be discourse and it pisses me off to a large degree that it is.
And it is no one else's business to feel so entitled to knowing someone's personal things. No one owes anyone a trauma history. No one should have to fucking prove something just to make a Discord server filled with strangers happy just to be able to live. It's why I hate Discord and so many servers
The people that think they're helping ramcoa systems aren't helping them at all. It isn't someone else's place to try and become a knight in shining armor to not realize that their armor is horse shit and is just making it worse.
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bridgyrose · 1 day
Ruby felt her heart race as a blush crossed her cheeks, her eyes glued on Weiss and Penny as she watched them dance. There wasnt a party or a gala, no dresses or tuxedos, no reason at all for the two to dance beyond enjoying the music and wanting to dance together, and yet, all she could do was watch and fall in love with the two all over again. The smiles on their faces made her heart flutter, the laughter that left their lips made her blush deepen, the joy that they felt with the little things reminding her why she fell for them in the first place.
“Slow down,” Penny said between a few laughs. “You know I cannot keep up with you like this.” 
“You knew what you were getting into when you picked me to dance with,” Weiss laughed with a smirk as she twirled Penny around. “But dont worry, the song is almost over.” 
Ruby smiled as she watched the two start to wind down as the song finished, her cheeks still as red as her cloak once they finished with Weiss holding Penny close. She looked away to hide her blush and calm her heart, her voice cracking as she spoke. “We really should finish packing. If we’re late again- “
“Blake will understand if we’re late,” Weiss interrupted as she let go of Penny. “Unless you’re jealous you didnt get to dance with me.” 
Ruby nearly froze as she felt Weiss put a finger under her chin and move her head until she was staring deep into pale blue eyes. Her cheeks started to heat up as her blush deepened more, her fingers twitched as she desperately wanted to reach out and place her hand on Weiss’s cheek. She was close enough to kiss, close enough to pull close to hold, close enough to finally ask her to be hers.
She finally pulled away and cleared her throat and looked away. “I-I think I need some air.” 
Penny smiled a bit and took Ruby’s arm. “Then we can go for a walk. We have been packing for a while now.” 
Weiss sat down. “You both can go. Its still a bit too warm for me to go out right now. Just dont be out for too long.” 
Ruby nodded and made her way to the door, trying to ignore the fact that Penny was still holding her arm. Her heart ached to tell Penny and Weiss how she felt, to finally ask them out on a date like she had wanted to for years, but seeing the two together, seeing them date each other… It made her nervous that she was going to ruin the friendship she enjoyed with them. 
“Is everything alright, Ruby?” Penny asked once they were outside. “Your face is still red and your body seems warmer than usual.” 
“I-I’m fine,” Ruby answered quietly. “Its nothing to worry about.” 
“Are you sure? The only time I’ve ever seen Weiss get red like that is when she is sick.” 
“I guess you could call it a bit of a sickness.” Ruby took a deep breath as she walked down the street, letting her mind focus on smells of baked bread from the nearby bakery, the sounds of cars passing by on the roads, and the feel of a slight breeze on her skin to take her mind off her feelings for Weiss and Penny. “But its not a bad sickness. An annoyance but not bad.” 
Penny looked a bit confused. “And how is that an annoyance?” 
Ruby went quiet as she looked for the right words to say. Annoyance wasnt quite right either, but she wasnt sure how to describe it. “Lovesick” didnt seem to feel quite right, she wasnt exactly sick of the feeling. No, quite the opposite. The love she felt made her feel more human and less like a weapon for Ozpin to wield. And yet, no matter how much she wanted to say something, it never felt… right. Like it wasnt deserved. 
“It gets in the way,” Ruby finally answered with a lie. “Clouds my judgment, makes it harder for me to focus on what really matters… stuff like that.” 
“Is that why your heart rate increased when Weiss touched you?” 
“No… I mean… not entirely…” Ruby let out a soft sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Right, you would notice that, wouldnt you?” 
Penny nodded with a smile. “It also seems to happen when you are with me. Just like it does when Weiss is around me.” 
“Can we talk about this later? After we visit Blake and Yang?” 
“Winter always says that you should never avoid talking about your feelings.” 
“That’s… ironic coming from her.” 
“She means well, even if she does not follow her own advice.” 
“Yeah, but… its easier said than done. I dont want to ruin anything.” 
“And what would you ruin?” 
“Our friendship.” Ruby slowed down her pace as she tried to focus on everything around her. The sounds of the dogs barking, the smells of the flower stands, the feel of the heat of the sun. None of it enough to take her mind off the conversation. “Weiss and I have been friends for years, about as long as you and I have. But if I try to talk to her about… this-” 
“Then I think you will make her happy,” Penny interrupted. “She has been trying to find a way to tell you that she wants you to join us. And… and I think I would like that too.” 
Ruby looked over at Penny to see a blush run across her freckled cheeks. It was strange to see her look so flustered, usually being the calm one between her and Weiss. And to see her blush, to feel her fingers brush up against her own and to feel her lean against her… it was almost everything she wanted. “And you’re sure she wants me like that?” 
Penny nodded. “Knowing her, she will probably be coming up with a way to ask.” 
Ruby nodded and started to walk Penny back to the apartment, smiling a bit as she held Penny close. “Then I’ll let her ask.” 
“But please make sure to look surprised when she does.” 
“Dont worry, I will.” Ruby relaxed a bit as she made her way back, stopping at the door when she started to smell some cookies along with fried fish she hadnt had in years. With a deep breath, she walked in and smiled, ready to finally talk to Weiss. 
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revnah1406 · 2 days
Chapter 7: The beginning of something new
<- previous chapter
Words: 10.131
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(this chapter was inspired by a videogame. Can you guess which one it is? Hehehe. Also there are small hints form another famous black ops fic from a friend and mutual of mine 🤭)
"At least we know where to start." Weaver mentioned crossing his arms. His hip was resting on the table, his old bones complaining from having been on his feet for so long. Technology had advanced enough to bring him back to life but not to take away his back pain. Ironic. 
Hudson put his sunglasses on the table. He sighed exhausted. 
"We can't take chances and keep moving forward. At least not here." Hudson put both fists on the table. "The last thing we need is for Langley to happen a second time." 
"What do you suggest?" 
"A safehouse. Somewhere remote in the country. Far away from all this chaos." 
"It is an option." 
"So what happened in Berlin is happening again?" 
"Same story in a different era." 
Suddenly the office door burst open. Adler stormed in. Hudson straightened his back and took a breath. Here it comes… 
"Where is she?" Adler demanded, approaching the table. Completely ignoring Weaver. 
"What are you talking about?" Hudson pretended not to know anything, ignoring him as he sorted the papers on his desk. 
"Don't be an idiot, Hudson. Where's Abigail?" Adler slammed his hand on the papers, forcing Hudson to stop his actions. "I left you alone with her for two days and she already ran away from you again?" 
Hudson took his time answering. He looked up to look Adler in the eyes. 
"She didn't escape. I let her go. I ordered her to leave the facilities as soon as possible" 
Adler almost laughed. He rested both hands on his hips and paced around the office. 
Sims appeared at the door.
"Organize a search party." Adler ordered. 
Sims nodded but Hudson stopped him. 
"The girl is no longer in Chicago." 
"Where is she then? Huh?" 
"I hope far enough." Hudson answered. 
"Are you aware of what you have caused?" Adler pinched the bridge of his nose. 
"Are you aware of what you would have done if you had tied that girl to that chair? If you had filled her arms with needles and IVs?" 
"That girl is hiding valuable information."
"She's a Mason, Adler" Hudson didn't hesitate to approach Adler. Imposing his point of view.
"Everything has its price. Stopping Perseus has its price." Adler wasn’t intimidated by the other man. 
Hudson could see the obsession growing behind those sunglasses. That was no longer just for work, or for a need to do justice or save the world. This had become personal for Adler. Why? Maybe because he couldn't kill Perseus with his bare hands. And now he had been given a second chance to try again. Adler wasn't going to waste it. 
"And everything has its limit, Russ." Hudson answered very coldly. 
Adler spent a few long seconds, looking Hudson in the eyes. 
"Organize the Search party." He ordered Sims again without taking his eyes off Hudson. "Find her." 
And without saying another word Adler left for the office, leaving Weaver and Hudson alone again. 
He sighed, rubbing his temples. There was a long silence. 
"Should we contact Woods?" Weaver asked. 
"It's not possible. He doesn't carry any type of radio. It was better this way, we minimized the risks." 
"Then let's pray that they don't find them." 
Hudson sighed again. 
“Call Mason.” 
"Mom." Abby looked away from the window, watching the rain fall heavily outside the hospital. 
"Mmh? Yes honey?" Alice closed her eyes, she was tired, the chemotherapy robbed her of all her energy. She looked like she was about to fall asleep in that chair. But her daughter woke her up. 
"What is a legacy?" Abby asked curiously. 
"Where did you hear that?" Alice opened her tired eyes. 
"On the news, a politician was talking about our country's legacy prevailing." Abby pointed to the small television on the wall. 
"Well... A legacy is what you leave in this world after you die." Alice explained, settling down on the couch. 
"Our corpse?" The twelve year old girl raised an eyebrow. 
"No, no. It's something more metaphorical." 
"Like what?" 
"Mmmh... for example, you are dad's and my legacy. You are what we leave in this world when we die. Dad is grandpa's legacy, and I am my parents' legacy." 
"I see…" 
"A legacy can be more complex, like an idea, a philosophy, a way of thinking. It can also be something very important that you have done that has affected other people." 
Abby walked over to her mother and sat next to her, resting her head on Alice's shoulder. 
"Will I leave a legacy someday too?" 
Alice smiled with her eyes closed and stroked her daughter's hair. 
"We all leave a legacy, honey."
Abby opened her eyes slightly. She took a deep breath and frowned. She blinked a few times trying to get used to the low light. The sun had not yet risen. It smelled like cigarette smoke, she was still using Woods' jacket as a blanket. It was cold. She stretched her arms and legs, trying to relax her stiff muscles. She lifted her cheek from the cold car window. She looked around. How long had he been driving?
Woods took his eyes off the road for a moment and glanced at Abby. 
"Look who's awake." Frank greeted. "Did you sleep well Abs?" He asked, looking back ahead. 
"My back hurts." Abby answered in a sleepy, hoarse voice. 
She sat up better on the seat. Feeling her bones creak. She left Woods' jacket on her lap, covering her legs. The poor girl was still trying to wake up. Her eyes were half-closed, her brow furrowed, and her hair was completely disheveled. Woods chuckled at Abby's expression.
"What are you laughing at, old man?" Abby groaned as she rubbed her eyes. 
"With the sleepy face you have, I'm sure you reached fucking Nirvana while you were taking that nap." Frank joked. 
"Well maybe I'll go back to that Nirvana again." Abby settled in better, sinking into the padded seat of the truck. Closing her eyes again. She covered herself with Woods' jacket again. The smell reminded her of home. 
"Come on, don't leave me alone again. It's boring to drive in silence for hours." Woods complained. 
He waited for a response but when he looked at Abby again he realized that she had already closed her eyes again. 
"Hey." Woods took one hand off the wheel to pat Abby's shoulder. 
She simply shook her shoulder in protest. 
"Are you listening to me brat?" Woods started pulling on Abby's ear. 
Abby growled. 
"Leave me alone." She complained, shaking her head. 
Woods laughed, satisfied with his work. 
"Give me some conversation, c’mon. This looks like a fucking funeral." 
Abby thought for a moment, she remembered the dream she had. She looked at Woods, taking in his profile. 
"What has been your legacy?" She asked. 
The older man frowned in confusion. 
"My legacy? What's with that question?" 
"I don't know. It just came to mind." 
"Mmmh..." Woods thought for a moment "I haven't had children, I haven't gotten married either. I guess my legacy is what I've done." He paused. "Although… it could be that my legacy was David. And you, of course." He looked at Abby for a few seconds. 
The young woman seemed satisfied with his answer. 
"I don't know what I will leave as a legacy." Abby asked, looking at the road. 
"You're too young to worry about that shit Abs." Woods replied, trying to take away Abby's worry. 
"I guess you're right." 
There was silence. It was comfortable.
"Where are we?" Abby asked looking at the landscape where they were. 
"On the way to Fort Wayne. Maybe an hour left. We've had to take several detours." 
It was true that from Chicago to Fort Wayne it was only a few hours of travel, but due to the war and the years the roads had deteriorated and they had to constantly take detours, looking for new safer and more hidden routes. If you travel on the main roads or highways you are cannon fodder for looters. So Woods did not hesitate to take precautions. 
A Pat Benatar song was playing on the radio. For a moment Abby wondered how it was possible if radio stations no longer existed, let alone music stations. But her question was answered when she saw an old cassette case resting on the glove compartment. 
The rattle and sway of the vehicle due to the deteriorated road rocked Abby gently. She never felt so relaxed since she arrived in Washington with David, hells, she didn't even remember the last time she could let her guard down like that. Maybe it was the effect that Woods had, that long-awaited familiarity, that feeling that transported her home. Abby leaned her head back against the window, blinking slower and slower until finally her eyes closed again. 
Woods glanced at the young woman when he noticed that the silence lasted too long. One of his corners tugged up, Abby's completely relaxed face was a little hard to see. The last time he saw her like this, Abby was unconscious, in serious condition, and tied to the hospital stretcher. It was nice to see her being able to rest properly. So he didn't bother her anymore, he looked back at the road and with one hand he placed his jacket on the young woman's lap and slightly lowered the volume of the music. 
That time Abby didn't dream, she simply let herself be embraced by Morpheus's arms. Abby didn't know how much sleep she got that time either. It was one of those naps that felt like they had knocked you out and couldn't wake you up even if they screamed right next to your ear. But the sound of the truck door closing jolted her awake. Abby raised her head, completely disoriented. She looked around, Woods was gone. She yawned and wiped away the trail of dried saliva that descended from one of her corners. 
She heard someone open the trunk while muttering curses, taking out a couple of things and closing it again. She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the truck. The sun was already high in the sky, there were no clouds, the light shone on the snow and made Abby's eyes hurt, forcing her pupils to shrink as quickly as possible. 
Woods appeared to be packing a few things in his backpack, supplies, ammunition, and a gasoline canister. 
“Did we run out of gas?” Abby asked, closing the vehicle door. 
“Hudson gave me the fucking truck with the tank half empty.” Woods replied grumpily. “Luckily the city is a couple of miles from here. We can go on foot. Find gas and return. It will take us a day at most, maybe half a day if we are lucky.” 
Abby handed her his jacket when she saw him start to look for something. Woods grabbed it and put it on. 
“Grab your things, kid. We’re leaving." Woods ordered, slinging his backpack over his shoulders and holding the rifle in one hand. 
Abby obeyed, and grabbed her backpack and the rest of her things, leaving nothing valuable in the car. Someone could steal from them in their absence. 
They began to walk along the half-ruined road, covered in snow and ice, she couldn't even see the asphalt. They preferred to take the risk of being ambushed in the middle of the road than to walk along a secondary path. The fluffy snow and frozen grass could make them go too slow. It was still quite early in the morning, Abby was hoping that the raiders in that area weren't early risers. 
They were silent, listening carefully for any suspicious noises around them. Luckily there was only the singing of birds, the leaves of the trees swaying lazily and the wind raising powdered snow that had not yet frozen and stuck to the ground. The sun warmed their skin and the snow kept their boots cold and wet. A strange feeling. 
Woods walked a couple of steps behind her, checking the rear from time to time. He also kept an eye on Abby, she seemed to be lost in thought, staring at the snow. Woods noticed the hunting sniper hanging from her shoulder. Guns and Abby… it was a combination he had a hard time imagining. Well, Abby had changed a lot in those last few years. She had changed but she was still the same. Woods didn't know how to put it. It didn't matter how much Abby grew, how much she cut her hair, or how much she changed her clothing style. Beneath those green eyes he continued to see the little Mason who begged him to read books about astronauts and trips to the moon. 
“Do you know how to use that rifle?” Woods asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Mhm.” Abby made a sound of affirmation without even turning to him. 
"Who taught you?" 
"Dad." She responded simply. 
Woods snorted and nodded. Obviously it had been Dave. 
There was silence. 
“And you're good with that?” He asked again. Five years had passed that had felt like an eternity. Woods had to catch up with her. 
Abby finally turned to Woods. The sun illuminated those green eyes with a light so warm that they almost seemed to have turned gold. She smiled sideways. 
“You'd be surprised, old man.” 
Woods rolled his eyes but didn't hide his smile. Knowing what Abby managed to do to Adler, that response didn't surprise him. Abby paused for a moment so Woods could catch up with her so they could walk side by side. 
“How things have changed, huh?” Frank sighed, looking up, towards where some little birds had taken flight from the top of a tree. It was amazing how despite how broken the world was, things always found their way again. Abby nodded. “Do you miss the good ol' days?” 
Abby nodded again. 
“Things seemed simpler.” She answered nostalgically. 
“They looked like it, but that doesn't mean they were.” Woods corrected her. 
There was another silence. 
“And tell me…” Woods looked at her, earning a curious look from the younger girl. “How did that story end with that girl?” 
"What a Girl?" Abby wrinkled her face not understanding what he was talking about. 
"You already know. That girl from your school. What was her name…Martha?” 
“Oh god, Frank…no…” Abby chuckled as she shook her head. 
"Huh? How bad was it? I remember you liked her a lot.” 
“She… just wanted to know what it felt like to kiss a girl. Nothing else." Abby gave a sad smile, pursing her lips and raising her eyebrows. “I guess I was the one who misinterpreted the signs.” 
“Abs… you were thirteen, you were too young to understand those things.” He put his arm over the shorter girl's shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Besides, first loves don't always turn out well.” 
“If you talk so much as if you were the most experienced person in the world, then tell me about your love life.” Abby gave a little smile and wiggled her eyebrows. 
“My life isn't full of romance Abs.” Woods rolled his eyes. 
“And what about that girl? The one in that photo?” Abby remembered when five years ago she found an old photo in Woods' room. A woman talking casually to Mason, as if they didn't realize their photo was being taken. 
“She is… Long story…” Frank sighed as he remembered those times. 
“Well, judging how long it will take us to get to Washington, I think we have plenty of time.” She shrugged. 
“I'm not going to tell you the whole story like it's a fucking gossip session.” He defended himself. It's not that he wanted her to know that part of his story, like many others. 
“Pfff Boring... At least tell me how it started. Where did you take her on the first date?”
Woods thought for a moment whether or not to answer that question. He grumbled a little but eventually gave in. 
“Burger Town.”
“To fucking Burger Town?! Are you serious Woods?!” 
"What? It's good, and cheap. You say that as if you didn't enjoy it every time I took you there when you were little.”
“But you can't take her there on the first date! Oh my goodness Woods…” Abby shook her head. 
“She was a woman who knew how to appreciate the simple things in life.” Woods answered. 
“I feel sorry for her. If putting up with you as a grandfather is already torture, imagine having you as a lover, pff…” Abby pretended to be tired. 
Woods opened his mouth in surprise, clearly not expecting Abby to make fun of him at that moment. 
“You little piece of shit.” Woods put his arm around Abby's neck in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles hard over her head. 
“Hahahaha! Hey!" Abby tried to get out of Woods' grip. 
“You think it's funny to laugh at me, huh?” Woods was infected with the youngest's laughter. 
“I only speak the truth!” Abby continued laughing. "Let go! Hahaha!” 
They continued talking and catching up as they walked. In the end they arrived in the city earlier than expected. The skyline of Fort Wayne was what you would expect from any city. Demolished, a set of ruins. The few skyscrapers that had fallen like defeated giants. The shorter buildings threatened to fall as well. Debris everywhere, huge holes, streets sunken into the ground, leaving huge holes and uncovered sewers. It wasn't a very big city, but Abby had heard rumors that it was one of the hardest hit during the war. Now she had been able to verify it. 
“What a sight…” Woods murmured, observing how gloomy everything looked. 
“Is this the first time you've seen a city like this?” Abby raised an eyebrow. 
“No, but never as destroyed as this one.” Woods replied, shaking his head. 
“Fort Wayne was one of the first victims of the Cordis Die drone attacks. There were rumors that this was hell during the first year, and not precisely because of the drones.” Abby began to explain as they both walked deeper into the ghost town. 
"How was it? The beginning of Cordis Die, the war…” Woods asked. 
“Haven't they told you what happened?” Abby turned around with a face of confusion. 
“I know the official version. But I want to know yours.” 
Abby was silent for a few seconds. It was difficult for her to remember those years. 
“When… Menéndez committed suicide after…” Abby pointed at Woods, implying that she was referring to the incident at The Vault. She didn't even dare mention it out loud, her stomach turned just thinking about it. Furthermore, it was a delicate topic that she had not yet discussed with him. 
Frank nodded understanding what she was talking about. 
“After Menéndez's death, we thought everything was over. Cordis Die had been stopped. The happy ending we were all waiting for.” Abby began to narrate. “A month later, a group of anonymous terrorists called the new Perseus appeared. They hacked all public television channels and social networks. They assured that they would make a better world for everyone, far from corrupt governments, famine and wars.” 
They were both walking through the alleys, searching every gas tank of every car they found. All empty. Woods listened to Abby as he watched the windows of buildings and possible ambush sites. 
“At first no one paid attention, they took it as a joke. But then they continued sending messages saying that the revolution had already begun in Eastern Europe and South Asia, sending images of revolts and violent demonstrations. Perseus was trying to convince people to rise up against governments, to demand answers. Many believed the lie, and the same thing happened. Attacks against the government, demonstrations, barricades, homemade explosives, robberies, murders in the middle of the street... The country became an anarchic place. And from what we saw on the news, the same thing was happening in the big cities of the rest of the countries.” Abby sighed and rubbed her face. It was difficult for her to remember those years, it was as if her brain was determined to forget. 
Woods remained silent. Abby's expression was gradually darkening. He was beginning to regret asking.  
“That freedom, revolution and knowing the truth were children’s dreams. A simple strategy to keep us messy, separated, like headless chickens. Perseus took advantage of the chaos to hack all the military systems of international powers. The United States, China, Russia... I don't know how they did it. Somebody made a deal with the fucking devil or something like that. Because the next thing we knew was hell on earth. All the military drones of the army were thundered against us, both by land, sea and air.” Abby sat on the hood of a burned-out car. Her hands had begun to shake. “The military drones in the streets of our neighborhood, I still remember when they entered our home. Dad and I miraculously came out alive. They shot anyone in sight. It was... like a swarm of drones that destroyed everything. There were bombings that destroyed the city. We had to take refuge in the subway. The number of deaths that occurred each day was enormous. The government tried to stop the drones with tanks, fighter planes... but it was useless, they didn't last even six months, then they disappeared as if they had never been there. Abandon us to our fate.” Abby gave a bitter laugh. “I guess you were right when you said that technologies were going to destroy us one day.”
“Abs…” Woods called after her. 
The young woman made a gesture with her hand. 
“The first year was the hardest of all. I guess I wasn't used to so much chaos and death. The few of us who survived were trapped in the city all that year, traveling through the subway tunnels so as not to be seen. Going to the surface only to look for supplies, clothing, weapons, medical supplies... We created a small underground refugee camp. We were busy healing the wounded, feeding the children, and creating a small oasis in that horrible place. By then I was already fifteen years old, I was no longer considered a girl. “I went out to the streets on expeditions with Dad, to look for food or survivors.” 
Abby frowned and thought for a few seconds. 
“I still don't know if it was my fault or not…” She paused, trying to find the right words. “One day dad had to stay in the refugee camp because of a problem with one of the hydroelectric turbines. So I had to go on an expedition alone.” Abby swallowed, trying to lighten the weight she felt in her throat. Lost in her thoughts and memories, trying to relive that event, looking for some detail that had been overlooked. “Maybe… I left the subway gate open or some emergency exit… I don't know…” She shook her head. 
Woods waited patiently in silence. 
"I was happy. I had found several boxes of insulin syringes and antibiotics at a pharmacy on the other side of town. When I returned... Everything smelled of gunpowder, gasoline and blood. There were corpses everywhere. Women, the elderly, children... There were also destroyed military drones. Luckily I found dad and a few survivors.” Abby sighed as she swung her feet that dangled over the side of the car where she was sitting. “Some blamed me for it. Dad said it wasn't true, the drones had appeared through the western tunnel and I had left through the eastern one. Whatever the story was, they were mad at me, and banished me from the refugee camp. Obviously dad came with me. We spent two years wandering the country, traveling with other nomads. It was better to go in a group than alone. Then we found a little hunting cabin in the woods and Dad and I stayed there for six months. I must admit that I liked it, it was a quiet place. But one day we heard some robbers in the area and we had to leave. It was a matter of time before they found us. We heard rumors that things were calmer in Alaska, that people had begun to organize to build small towns and return to normal, and that there was a smuggler pilot in Washington DC who could take us to Fairbanks.” Abby looked up at the sky. “We arrived in Washington, we found the Guerrillas called The Wolves, we discovered that it was a cover for the government that was still working in the shadows, the Hyenas attacked us, President Bosworth gave me the pendrive, they kidnapped us both, and well… You already know the rest of the story.” Abby looked at Woods and smiled. A smile that didn't reach her eyes. 
Woods was silent for several seconds, taking in everything Abby had said. He could see the weight of those hard years in her eyes. In a way she reminded him of him when he was young, when he spent his youth on the streets of Philadelphia. 
“Some busy years, kid.” Woods ruffled Abby's hair. “We will find your father, don't worry.” 
“We will have to hurry. I don't know how long he will stay in Washington. Or is he even still alive.” 
“Well we better find some gas soon.” Frank nodded for Abby to follow him. “Come on Abs.”
Abby nodded and followed him. 
They walked through the streets of Fort Wayne, watching each other's backs with every step they took. The place seemed completely deserted, there wasn’t a single soul in the place, nor signs that people had passed through there. Fort Wayne was so dilapidated that perhaps people thought it impossible to repopulate. 
They arrived at an abandoned square, with a small playground buried by snow and fallen trees. Woods put his arm on Abby's chest to stop her and pointed to some large boxes next to some trucks in front of a church. Before Abby could look closely, he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to the corner of a building so they wouldn't be so exposed. 
"Over there." 
Abby peeked around the corner and looked into the distance. She analyzed the place for a few seconds. 
“There seems to be no people.” 
“Oh yeah?” Woods wasn’t convinced. The signs of nearby human activity made him tense, you never know who you might encounter.
“Look at the snow accumulated on the roof of the trucks, they haven't been moved in days. There are also no tire marks in the snow, nor footprints. The windows of the vehicles are frozen, no one has used these vehicles for at least weeks.” Abby deduced. She craned her neck a little to see a little better. "Look. Over there." 
Abby pointed to some gas cans next to some cargo boxes. 
“Looks like it's our lucky day.” Woods said when he saw them. 
"What are you saying? Shall we risk it?” Abby asked, looking at him. 
Frank thought about it for a moment. He didn't like the idea of ​​interacting with people. And much less risk being ambushed. But they couldn't waste much time, they had to hurry and get gas soon. And if Abby was right and those canisters were full, they would have enough for quite a few more miles. So he sighed and nodded. 
“Okay. Let's go, grab the gas and leave. But you stay behind me, understand? come on." 
Abby nodded. 
Woods took the rifle from his shoulder and began walking in the direction of that half-demolished church. He didn’t hesitate to monitor possible places where there could be people hiding, he didn’t like that place, he had a bad feeling. 
Meanwhile, Abby kept an eye on the rear and the windows of the tallest nearby buildings. 
When they reached the collection of trucks and cargo boxes, Abby tentatively kicked one of the gas canisters, which fell onto the snow without any effort. 
“Fucking empty…” Woods growled in annoyance after checking that the others were also empty as well.
 Abby looked around trying to find something else. “Maybe there's something in the trucks' fuel tanks.” Suddenly she realized something. “Hey, old man.” Abby called Woods and pointed her chin at the church door.
“Mmh?” Woods looked up at where Abby pointed. 
Right next to the door there was a sign that said: “DANGER: flammable material.” Woods signaled for Abby to stay where she was and he approached the door. He stuck right against the wall next to the door, waited a few seconds in silence trying to hear something, but there was only silence and wind. With the rifle raised he slowly opened the door and looked inside to investigate. He made sure the place was empty and then with a nod told Abby to follow him. 
They both entered the church and Abby closed the door behind them. 
“Oh wow.” Abby was amazed to see the place. 
It was a small, ordinary abandoned church. The wooden benches were broken, as were the windows, and there was debris everywhere. The roof had holes and let in light and snow, giving the place a magical atmosphere. 
“Hey Abs. It seems that not everything is lost.” Woods snapped Abby out of her shock. 
The girl looked in the direction where his voice came from. In one corner were more supply boxes and a fuel tank. 
“Do you think there will be gasoline inside?” Abby asked, approaching her grandfather. 
“Let's find out.” Woods put his backpack on the ground and took out the fuel bottle. 
“maybe the gasoline has frozen.” Abby commented watching what Woods did. 
“Gasoline freezes at -60 degrees Celsius. There’s no way it can be that cold here.” Woods moved the canister to the opening of the fuel tank and opened it.
“Well, it's too damn cold.” Abby rubbed her hands in a vague attempt to warm them.
“Oh hell yeah baby.” Frank smirked.
“Hey, watch your language. This is the house of God.” Abby pretended to scold him.
“We got some gas.” Woods informed. 
“Oh fuck yeah!” 
“Bring the other jugs from outside, we will fill them and take them too.” Woods ordered, after he had filled the jug and put the cap back on. 
Abby brought them and they filled them all. They had three 20 liter drums, that added up to 60 liters in total. With that they could fill the car's tank. 
“Do you think you can carry one in your backpack?” Woods handed her a jug. 
Abby put her backpack on the floor and checked the extra space inside. 
“I think I can carry one.” She answered.
They kept the gasoline cans in their backpacks. Woods carried one in his hand. 
“Aren't you carrying too much weight?” Abby asked, raising an eyebrow. Her backpack was beginning to weigh quite a bit. 
“I've carried your grandfather on my shoulders for hours. Believe me he weighed more than this.” Woods responded by slinging the backpack over his shoulders again. 
Abby raised an eyebrow. “I will remind you of those words when you start complaining about back pain.” 
Frank rolled his eyes. “Come on, let's go, I think I've seen a couple of buildings where we can take a shortcut.” 
They both left through the back door of the church. Always making sure no one was around. Although the city seemed more than abandoned. They crossed the street quickly and entered a large building which seemed to be in much better condition than the rest. 
They found a large hall, with a polished marble floor and high ceilings. 
“This building seems to have been preserved quite w—OH MY GOD!” Abby exclaimed suddenly. 
"What? What's happening?" Woods didn’t hesitate to put himself on guard and look in all directions. Danger? A corpse? Explosives? A trap? 
"Look!" Abby pointed to a sign on one of the walls in the hallway. 
On the poster he could read in large blue letters: “SCIENCE EXHIBITION: FROM THE DINOSAURS TO THE MOON”
Woods read the sign several times and then looked at the girl with a serious expression. 
"Can we go? Only five minutes!" Abby put both hands together “please please please please please please.” Abby pleaded but was already walking backwards towards the exhibit. “Please please please please please…”
Frank sighed, perhaps this was the first time he had seen her eyes shine like that since he met her again. For a moment he found little Abby again, and perhaps that was what finally softened his heart.
“Okay… but only five minutes.” Woods began to follow her in the direction of the museum entrance. 
"YEAH!" Abby raised both hands in victory. 
As the sign indicated, the exhibition began with the dinosaurs. There were skeletons and fossils everywhere. Prehistoric giants made of bone, it was incredible that all of it had survived the war, there was rubble, cracks and holes in some places but other than that, everything was incredibly well preserved. 
Despite the weight Abby was carrying on her back, she didn't hesitate to run around like a kid. Her inner child was jumping for joy. When was the last time Abby visited a science museum? Not even she remembered. 
She stood in front of a fossilized stegosaurus skeleton and watched it for a few seconds until Woods came to her side. 
“Did you know that this dinosaur had a brain the size of a walnut?” Abby commented. 
“Wow, yours is almost as big as his.” Woods smirked. 
“Hahaha… very funny.” Abby rolled her eyes and punched him on the shoulder, but she was unable to hide her smile. 
Woods chuckled, satisfied with his joke. 
They walked around some more, looking at models and fossils, until Abby found a small reception area, sat down in the chair, and put the phone to her ear as if someone was calling. 
“Oh sorry all the dinosaurs are busy right now so…” she pretended to talk to someone. 
"What are you doing…?" Woods walked over and placed a hand on the table. 
“Oh! It's your lucky day! I have one of the dinosaurs right in front of me.” Abby handed him the phone. “Frank, is for you.” 
“You wouldn't be the funniest person in the world by any chance?” Woods raised an eyebrow. 
Abby laughed and stood up, satisfied that she had returned the joke. “I'm actually quite funny.” 
“Whatever you say, Miss Comedian.” Woods ruffled Abby's hair as he passed her. Abby laughed again as she felt Frank's heavy hand on her head, which made the veteran's smile wider. 
Abby walked over to a model in the center of the room. 
“It's a Mbiresaurus Raathi.” Abby read aloud the name of the dinosaur on the information sign: “It says that it lived about 230 million years ago. The oldest known dinosaur.” Abby whistled in surprise. “He's almost as old as you.” 
“I look better than him.” Frank responded looking at the two meter tall lizard.
“The CIA has resurrected and rejuvenated you almost fifty years; a meteorite fell on him.” Abby raised an eyebrow. 
Woods shrugged. 
“I would call it natural beauty.” 
"If you say so…"
They continued walking through different rooms, Abby was commenting on the things that were on display and Woods joked from time to time. Almost for a moment they both forgot the situation they were in.
“No fucking way.” Abby almost couldn't believe it when she saw a huge model of a space shuttle.
“Big Spaceship huh?” Woods walked around it to get a good look at it.
“It's not a spaceship. It's a shuttle! With this, the astronauts were taken to the international space station.” Abby looked at it like a little child looks at cotton candy, full of excitement and happiness. “This is a model of the Endeavor shuttle, the original is in California, if it is still in one piece. They launched it into space for the first time in 1992.”
“I had almost forgotten that you were a nerd about these things…” Woods walked around the large room a little more, there were more models on display.
"Hey!" Abby complained and quickly caught up to Woods that he seemed to have become interested in another model. “That's the Sputnik satellite. It was the first satellite to be sent into space in 1957, crazy huh?.”
"Sputnik?" Woods repeated. “the Russians sent this one.”
“Yeah.” Abby shrugged. “The Soviets were more advanced than us in space technology. Don't look at me like that, you know I'm right. The Cold War ended almost forty years ago.”
This was a topic on which Woods and Abby had different opinions. But Frank didn't feel like arguing with her and ruining the moment. Luckily Abby wasn't interested in getting into that debate either since her attention was completely diverted when she saw a broken display case with an astronaut suit.
“Hey Frank! Look!” Abby grabbed the helmet and didn't hesitate to put it on her head.
Woods crossed his arms and leaned against the display case. "Looks Good on you. Ready to go to the moon?”
“We're going to have to find another helmet for you. I’m not going to go alone.”
Woods smiled softly.
“Is it comfortable to wear that?” he asked again.
"More or less. It smells like space, or probably like dust.” Abby took off her helmet and turned it over. She watched her reflection in her visor. “I would like to take it with me…”
“Then take it. Who's going to stop you? The security guard?” Woods looked around, implying that they were completely alone. "I thought you were the rebel one who doesn't care about rules."
Abby's smile widened.
“It's better to take the astronaut helmet than that space shuttle over there.” Woods nodded at the model of the Endeavor.
Abby laughed and looked at the helmet for a few seconds, her green eyes turning a little sad. She sighed and shook her head.
“We still have a long way to go and this helmet would only be a hindrance. I don't even know where I could keep it” And she put it in the display case again.
Woods didn't say anything, Abby was right but he didn't want to discourage her further either. But suddenly something shining on the ground caught his attention. He walked towards it and grabbed it. He ran his thumb over it to remove the dust. It was a pin in the shape of an incredibly detailed moon, with its craters and irregularities. It had a phrase written that said “to the Moon and back.”
He returned to Abby and handed her the pin.
“And how about this? It's more practical to carry it, isn't it?"
Abby's eyes lit up again. She grabbed the pin carefully and looked at it for a few seconds. She smiled and clipped it to Woods' jacket, over his chest pocket.
“it was meant to be yours, Abs…” Woods said as he watched Abby adjust it to his jacket.
“I know, but I would be happier if you wore it.” Abby responded.
"Why? I’m not the space nerd here.”
Abby rolled her eyes and looked at the pin on Woods' jacket, it fit him well. She patted his chest and smiled.
“Because I will always be your astronaut and you will always be my moon.”
That response took Woods completely off guard. To say his heart had melted was an understatement. But he'd never been good with emotions, so he simply smiled and pulled Abby's ear affectionately.
“Come on, let's see what's out there.” Woods had seen in the distance an even bigger room with something that Abby would like even more.
They arrived at what looked like the main exhibition hall. Abby found it difficult to close her mouth. The room was huge, there was a glass dome on the ceiling, from there hung a huge model of the solar system. There were walkways and stairs leading to higher floors, probably to other smaller rooms in the exhibition. There were models of rovers, spaceships and meteorite rocks displayed in glass cases. But what caught the most attention was the enormous globe of Mars in the center of the room. An incredibly detailed model of the red planet. 
They both remained silent for a few seconds looking at the enormous planet in front of them. 
"We used to look up at the sky and wonder what our place is in the stars. Now we just look down and bury our heads in the dirt" Abby sighed and shook her head,completely lost in her thought.
"Who knows. Maybe there will be astronauts again one day.” Woods tried to cheer her up. 
“You've seen how the world is, Frank… humanity is not going to recover from this blow for a long time. And I doubt people will ever be interested in what lies beyond the stratosphere again.” Abby was staring at Mars. 
Woods didn't say anything, he knew Abby was right. Maybe humanity had more important things to do before returning to space, who knows, maybe it will never go there again.
“In 2024, NASA managed to send six astronauts to Mars with the intention of starting a colony there.” Abby began to explain. “The mission was a success. But when Cordis Die started and everything became complete chaos, the world forgot about them. They never came back.” 
"They are dead?"
"Maybe yes, maybe no. It's like Schrödinger's cat. They are alive and dead at the same time, we won't know until we see them.” Abby paused. “Maybe they have managed to survive, maybe they managed to create a stable source of water and food, it's pure chemistry, it could be done. Or maybe they died asphyxiated by Martian dust five years ago. We just don’t know.” 
Woods nodded. It must be terrifying to die alone in a place so far from home, he almost experienced it several times. 
“What a terrible way to die. And you dreamed of being an astronaut? Why would you want such a dangerous job?” Woods put the gas can on the ground.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Abby looked up at the veteran. She smiled as a sign that she had no intention of offending him. 
Woods was quiet for a few seconds. He knew Abby was referring to his work at the CIA, and how after he died he could continue working for them.
“...Because it's the only thing I know how to do”
Abby's smile turned a little sad again. 
“That's not true Frank.” 
Again Woods didn't know what to answer. It surprised him how many times Abby cornered him like that. Perhaps in her short life, she had known him more than she had known him. In some ways it reminded him of Mason. 
Suddenly something pulled him out of his thoughts. A red dot appeared on Abby's chest and slowly rose until it was between both eyebrows. 
All his alarms went off. 
“Abby!” Woods forcefully pushed her out of the path of the sniper rifle. The deafening noise of a gunshot was heard, somewhere on the walkways to the upper floors. A sharp stabbing pain pierced Woods' shoulder from behind. 
Frank staggered from the impact force of the shot but managed not to fall. 
“Woods!” Abby grabbed his shoulders worriedly. 
“Don't dawdle now, run!” Woods grabbed Abby's arm and ran until they both took cover behind some display cases. 
Voices and screams began to be heard, people running and shots being fired everywhere. 
Woods grabbed his shoulder and grunted in pain. 
“They hit you.” Abby spoke terribly worried about the sergeant. 
“It's not as serious as it looks.” Woods lied. “Who the hell are these people?” 
“Probably the raiders of this area. The trucks we saw before must be theirs.” Abby responded as she took her rifle off her shoulder but Woods stopped her. 
"Not yet. Let them get closer.” Woods put his backpack down and grabbed Abby's rifle. He poked his head out slightly and quickly counted how many enemies they were facing. “Four, six, seven… seven motherfuckers.” He returned to hide behind the display case just as a bullet hit too close. “I Can handle them.” 
Of course Woods could handle them, he had been in much worse situations than that. The only thing he really worried about was Abby. 
“Abby, leave your things here, just take the gun and the knife.” Frank turned to the young woman. “There is an emergency door in that direction, do not shoot unless strictly necessary, do you know how to use the knife? No, of course you know how to use knives, you stabbed Adler without thinking.” 
“Frank, what are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere."
As soon as Woods saw a shooter lean out to shoot again, he grabbed Abby by the collar of her jacket and pulled her down to hide better. 
“Listen to me for once in your life, Abigail.” Woods' tone of voice sounded authoritative. “You are going to do what I tell you whether you like it or not.” 
Abby's worried eyes traveled back to the gunshot wound in Woods' shoulder. Frank realized this and sighed. 
“I'll be fine kid, I'll catch up with you before you know it. Now go." Woods nodded toward the emergency door. 
Abby wanted to reproach him again but she knew there was no point, Woods was just as stubborn as she was. So she nodded, left her backpack there and when the assailants took their time reloading their weapons, she ran towards the nearest door. 
As soon as she crossed, she closed the door behind her, there was a smaller museum room but she didn't even stop to see what was displayed there. She ran across the room until she reached the emergency door, opened it and found a long hallway where at the end there was another door that surely led to the outside. She stopped for a moment. Maybe there were more people outside, she didn't know how many people were fighting, maybe they were waiting for them outside. 
Suddenly footsteps were heard approaching. Had Woods finished with those bastards? Abby had no way of knowing. But she soon discovered that there were several people. 
It wasn’t Woods.
“Shit…” Abby cursed as she pulled out the knife. 
The footsteps got closer and closer, until they stopped right in front of the door, a tense silence filled the place. 
“She must be around here… Keep your eyes open, boys.”
Abby was on guard. Were those men the same ones who were fighting with Woods? Were they other guys? Had they done something to Woods? That possibility made Abby nervous. 
The door opened slowly, letting some light into the dark hallway. She didn't know how many she was going to face. But no matter what, Abby was going to kill them. She was going to kill them all. 
Woods finally managed to shoot the sniper on the upper catwalks. Of the seven men there, he managed to kill three. 
“Not Tommy!” A man was heard screaming. 
That almost managed to distract Woods, out of the corner of his eye he saw someone lunge at him. Frank managed to dodge the knife and hit him in the face. The man staggered back, and Woods took the opportunity to shoot him in the leg with his pistol. The man screamed in pain and before he could react Woods put his arm around his neck and pulled him towards him, using him as a human shield. 
With the man in front protecting him, Woods allowed himself the luxury of coming out of hiding and managing to shoot another man in the shoulder. Frank was about to shoot a second time, this time in the head, when a voice stopped him suddenly. 
“Pull the trigger one more time and I swear to God I’ll kill the girl!” 
Everyone stopped. The shooting stopped and the museum fell silent. Two men appeared, they were covered in bruises and signs of a fight. One was bleeding and limping on one leg, the other was holding Abby by the neck and jamming the barrel of the gun into her temple. Abby locked eyes with Woods, her nose was bleeding and she had a split eyebrow. 
“Let go.” The man holding Abby ordered. “Let him go or I'll stain the floor with her brains.” He threatened. 
Abby shook her head slightly. Woods was breathing hard, it was a too compromising situation, he couldn't risk Abby getting hurt. So Frank reluctantly let the man go. 
As soon as he did, someone kicked him behind the knee and pushed him to the ground. 
“Frank!” Abby screamed. “Let go of memotherfucker! I'll kill you!" 
The man holding her pressed the gun even harder against Abby's head. 
“Abby!” Woods exclaimed worriedly, he wanted to get up but one of the raiders put his knee on his back and the rifle pointed at his head. 
"Wait wait! Don’t shoot!" The man who had earlier been taken hostage by Woods tried to stop his partner. 
“Why?” The other man threatening Abby didn't seem in a good mood. “The girl killed Joe and Billy! She deserves to die!" 
“That girl saved my son.” The man looked at Abby, hoping she would recognize him. “Back in Chicago. Remember?” 
Abby stared at him for a few seconds. She tried to loosen the grip on her neck without success. 
“I remember you.” Abby answered. 
The man nodded and then looked at his companions. “She gave me medicine for little Simon. She saved him. I owe her my life.” 
The man behind Abby didn't look very happy. “They have killed three of our people, they have stolen our gasoline too.” 
“He killed Tommy! My brother!" The man who had his knee on Woods exclaimed. 
“They came from Chicago. They may have valuable information.” The father tried to insist. “She has saved my son. Your nephew, James.” 
The man holding Abby and who seemed to be the leader spent a few seconds thinking. 
He growled in frustration and shook his head. “Knock them out. We’ll take them to camp with us.” 
Hearing that, Abby became upset and tried to free herself even harder. 
“Abby no!” Woods exclaimed. 
But for Abby it was too late, she felt a strong blow to her head and everything went dark. 
David ran to the hospital. The plane had been delayed two hours, since he had received the news he had done everything possible to return home on time, but apparently despite his efforts he didn’t succeed. 
He crossed the hall until he reached the table where the reception desk was located. The receptionist seemed to be typing something into the computer when David arrived.
“Hey.” David greeted, somewhat agitated in an attempt to remain calm. The nurse looked up from the screen and looked at him with a bored expression. “Huh… I'm looking for Alice Mason, her water broke this morning. I am her husband.” he showed the ID.
The woman checked the ID for a few long seconds, looking at the ID and then at David repeatedly. Then she typed some more on the computer. David shifted impatiently on the spot. 
“Alice Mason already gave birth two hours ago, she is resting in her room.” The woman reported. 
“oh…” David realized that he had missed the birth of his first child because of work. He ran his hand through his hair and laughed nervously. “My wife gave birth alone. I must look like a horrible husband.” He smiled sadly. 
The woman changed her bored expression for a slightly more compassionate look.
“I am not the woman who should judge that. Your wife is in room 240, second floor. The elevator is on the left.” The receptionist pointed there. 
David nodded and left with a final, polite “thank you.” 
He took the elevator and arrived as quickly as he could to the room that the woman had indicated to him. Some nurses even called him out for running through the hospital hallways. 
When he arrived at the indicated door David made an effort to calm down. He had just become a father, he was a father. He almost couldn't believe it. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. 
As soon as he entered the room he met his wife's tired eyes. She was lying on the hospital stretcher, her hair completely tangled and huge dark circles under her eyes. But still, for David, he still saw her as the most beautiful woman in the world. 
“Hey…” Alice smiled and stretched out her hand towards him. 
David did not hesitate to shorten the distance and take her hand in his. He sat on the edge of the stretcher and kissed her knuckles. 
“Hey…” he said back with a small smile. He placed Alice's knuckles next to his cheek as he stroked the back of her hand gently with his thumb. "How do you feel?" 
“Exhausted.” Alice sighed, her face looked like she hadn't slept in days. 
David leaned towards her and kissed her sweetly. He wanted to kiss her more, with more passion, to tell her how much he had missed her, that the days without her were horrible. But in the state his wife was in he had to be more delicate. 
“You've done an amazing job, momma.” It was the first time David had called Alice that, and he was surprised by how sweet it sounded. They both knew that they had to get used to the life of being parents, but luckily they would do it together. 
“And you're late.” Alice scolded him, but the tired smile indicated that she wasn't really angry. 
"I know. I am so sorry my love.” David kissed her forehead and knuckles again. He wanted to make excuses, that the plane had been delayed for two hours because of a storm, that the traffic jam from the airport to the hospital had been eternal... but David knew that at that moment those excuses were worthless. He made a mental note to make up for it with lots of massages and good food.  
"It¡s ok honey. She has also arrived earlier than the estimated date.” Alice cupped David's cheek with her other hand. 
He looked up. 
“She?” He asked surprised. 
Alice's smile widened and she nodded. "It's a girl." 
David and Alice had made the decision not to know the gender of the baby until it was born. David never had a preference for one gender or another, but upon hearing that it was a girl, his heart skipped a beat. It is always said that daughters have a special place in the hearts of fathers. 
“Have you decided on a name?” David asked curiously. 
Alice stayed for a few seconds looking at her husband. 
“Abigail. Abigail Mason.” She answered. 
That surprised David, it wasn't that he disliked the name either. 
“Abigail? I don’t remember that name on our list.” David remembered that they had a long list of names for their future baby. They never managed to decide on one. 
Alice chuckled. “I didn't name her. It was Woods.” 
“Woods? Are you letting the old sergeant choose our daughter’s name?” He joked. 
Alice rolled her eyes. “He just proposed the name, and I liked it. Do you like it?" 
Dave nodded. 
“And where is our dear Abigail?” David looked around. He noticed that the crib next to the hospital bed was empty. 
“Frank took her to the waiting room for a little while so I could rest a little.” Alice explained. “She has very strong lungs.” She chuckled. 
“Has Woods been with you during the birth?” 
“He was waiting outside. As soon as I called him to tell him that my water had broken, he didn't hesitate for a second to come to the hospital.” Alice answered. 
"And your family?" 
“They said they were on their way but had gotten into a traffic jam.” She sighed. “I guess it's better this way, you know how Woods gets when he sees my parents.” 
David remembered the last family meeting, and nodded. "Then I'll go find those two." David kissed Alice, a slow and tender kiss. “You rest in the meantime.” 
“Yes sir.”
Alice nodded and closed her eyes as soon as David left the room. 
David searched the hospital floor until he found a small waiting room. There was old Woods by the window, sitting as always in his wheelchair, and with a small bundle of blankets in his arms. David approached without making much noise.
“You like grabbing the finger huh?” Woods spoke in a very soft tone, something strange for him. “Yeah, you have a really strong grip, Abs.” 
“Hey old Man.” David greeted, taking care not to scare the veteran. 
“Oh Dave.” Woods smiled as soon as he heard David's voice. Frank looked down at what was in his arms. A small baby's face peeked out from between the blankets, big green eyes that stood out. “Look Abby, your dad's already here.” 
David's heart melted the moment he saw the girl, his girl, his daughter. David had just met her and had already fallen in love with her, that baby had become his ray of sunshine. 
“Do you want to hold her?” Woods asked. 
David was a little nervous but he didn't hesitate and nodded. Woods carefully handed the baby to his nephew. Little Abby stirred at the sudden movement but once she settled into her father's arms she relaxed again. 
"Hi gorgeous." David murmured sweetly. His legs were shaking, his heart was going to burst, and his eyes were beginning to fill with tears. 
Abby opened her small eyes as she recognized her father's voice. David had spoken to her so many times while she was inside her mother's belly. Which Abby didn't take long to recognize. 
That made David's smile wider. And Woods's.
David rocked Abby gently, trying to put her to sleep. 
“So Abigail huh?” David looked at his adoptive uncle. “I didn't know you had a name in mind.”
Woods sighed. 
“Not exactly my idea.” Frank answered, looking at his hands, old and calloused. “More like your parents’.” 
David raised his head curiously. 
“Well, more exactly from Em, from your mother. Although your father also liked the idea.” Woods began to explain. “When Em was pregnant with you, she thought that if there was a chance you were going to be a girl, she would name you Abigail.” 
That caused a wave of thought in David, about his mother and father. He tried to remember moments of his parents together. They were all blurry. 
A whimper from Abby brought him out of his thoughts. David looked down and saw Abby thrashing in her father's arms. Surely she was starting to get sleepy. 
“Abby…” he murmured. "I like it." He smiled at Woods. 
Frank nodded. 
“She has a good father. She will do great things.” 
“Section.” Harper's voice woke David up from his little nap. The lack of sleep had taken a huge toll on David. 
David looked around, they were outside the White House, the Wolves seemed to be reorganizing again. He was sitting on some cargo boxes. Delta was lying next to him, resting his head on David's lap.
“Are you okay brother?” Harper asked, seeing his friend's exhausted expression, he had terrible circles under his eyes. 
"Yes Yes. I just had a strange dream.” He brushed it off as he stroked Delta behind the ears. The dog raised his head, happy to see his owner awake.
Harper nodded unconvinced. “The truck is ready.”
David climbed down from the cargo boxes and picked up his backpack. "Thank you. You didn’t have to do it.” 
“I wanted to make sure everything was in ordert.” Harper guided David to the truck he had mentioned. “Provisions, ammunition, gasoline…. Everything you need to get to Chicago.” He handed the keys to the vehicle to David, who accepted them with a nod. 
David opened the passenger door and with a quick whistle ordered Delta into the car. The dog obeyed without question. He closed the door and sighed. 
“I hope your contact was right.” David looked his friend in the eyes. 
That same morning a group of the Chicago Wolves had arrived. David didn't hesitate to ask about his daughter Abby. The men confirmed that before they left they had heard rumors that someone had brought in an unconscious girl. That only fueled David's hope.
“She will be there. Don't worry." Harper assured him. 
Both friends hugged each other as farewell. 
“Be careful out there. And bring Abby back.”
"I will." 
Tag list: @efingart @alypink @applbottmjeens @justasmolbard @whitewolfmystery @welldonekhushi @sleepyconfusedpotato (let me know if you want to be tagged or un tagged!)
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sandyca5tle · 1 day
Slime HRT - 22 Months
Slime time again, and the goo keeps gooing.
General update on slime-ification - I’ve only got bones in my head left! All my musculature and squishy bits have dissolved now, so I’ve just got a skull floating in my goo. I noticed that all this dissolving happened way quicker than it had previously, which I’m guessing is due to my acid helping to break things down
I have to say, having your spine dissolve is very painful, turns out all those nerves do not enjoy being eaten away by acid/medicine. Additionally, having all those nerves change caused me to have various movement and coordination issues - I spend quite a bit of time over these past four months as a puddle of goo, just about able to shuffle towards food, which honestly sucked, not having proper control over my body is the exact opposite of what I want. Obviously there were moments when it was fine, and I was able to do things normally, but even then the pain typically persisted in the background.
One benefit has been that, since my spine fully dissolved, I’ve felt more in control of my body than ever, and while that might just be in contrast to having less-to-no control recently, I think I have actually improved. Some of my fine motor skills that I lost in the early stages have returned, and I can perform finer manipulations of and with my slime, and I just feel more connected to my body now, which is very neat.
I’ve been working under the assumption that my brain is still inside my skull, as I’ve heard you know when that goes, plus if I move my skull around I can get a little dizzy, so I’m pretty sure it’s still in there. On that note, yeah, I can move my skull around my body, since it’s the only part that isn’t goo, so there’s nothing really holding it in place. In theory I could take it out of my body, but I don’t wanna try that as I’m honestly afraid that could kill me (I think a lot of the lack of control while my spine was dissolving was due to the lack of connection to my brain to hold myself together while the nervous connections reconfigured to be slime), so for now I’ve got the neat party trick of being able to move my skull around my body.
Of course with all my fleshy bits melting away, I’ve had some interesting experiences with my senses and similar things. The first thing I’ll run through is eyesight - I didn’t have great eyesight before, but I found my eyesight slowly deteriorating which, especially combined with the struggle to remain coalesced from my spine degrading, was pretty terrifying. The only thing that kept me somewhat calm was being fairly certain that, as with my lungs, my body would learn to replicate the function of the organ. Fun fact - slimes don’t naturally have eyes, so when I lost my eyesight, it didn’t naturally come back. I sat for a decent while waiting in blackness, waiting for it to come back, much like I’d started absorbing air through my slime with my lungs, but it simply didn’t. The only reason I can see now is ‘cause I kinda just made it happen. I figured that even if it didn’t automatically happen, my body still had absorbed the organ, so it should be able to replicate its function, so I shaped myself some eyes, playing around with them until eventually I was able to see again. It seems short written out, but I was at this at least a good few hours, trying to work out how to replicate an eye - fortunately, it does seem like there’s at least an instinctive part of my new body that can help fill in gaps, so I didn’t have to consciously replicate every fine detail of an eye. 
I do have to say, it took me a while to fine tune everything, started off with it being all very blurry and desaturated, but I eventually found where I was before, and actually, once I took my glasses off, I was able to correct my eyesight altogether. I do wonder if I can go even further, but with the experience so fresh in my mind, I’d rather my body get used to having eyes again as a default before I mess around more. Despite 20/20 vision being very nice, it is a little sad for me to no longer need my glasses, I’d gotten used to them, and it’s kinda a shame to see them go. 
I do have to add, weird thing about slime eyes, since it’s all really just my slime seeing, I don’t need any depth to my eyes, frankly I don’t even need ‘eyes’ in the traditional sense - any part of my slime can see, I just have to choose to see from there and I can, so my eyes are just kinda indents in my face so that people have a reference point as to where I’m looking from. At some point I’ll mess around with additional eyes, but as before, I wanna make sure I don’t accidentally blind myself again.
Taste and smell are a pair that I’ll group together, since they’re linked in both humans and slimes anyways. Naturally, much like with my sight, I slowly lost both of them as the responsible parts were consumed by my slime, rendering me unable to taste or smell for a while. Honestly, compared to sight, this wasn’t such a bad loss - made meals very uninteresting for a while, but aside from that it was easy enough to work with. Honestly, I’m not sure I ever really got them back properly, despite trying, I was never able to force them back into being like I did with my sense of sight. One day I did begin to taste again I noticed, although I also noticed it had definitely changed. For one, I can kind of switch it on or off, and for another I can now taste anything I eat, regardless of if I put it in my mouth, or just absorb it. It’s neat, and also definitely adds to the lack of distinction between differently shaped parts of my body - my mouth doesn’t do anything special with regards to eating, it’s just habit to eat through there, I can eat, and taste, just as well through any part of my body.
Smell however hasn’t come back, well at least, not really in a human sense - I can ‘smell’ things, but it’s more like tasting the air, rather than actually smelling. I’m guessing it’s because I don’t have to breathe any more, so I’m not inhaling the particles, instead, I simply absorb them passively as I move around. Of course, since this is now tied to my taste, turning that off stops me from smelling, so I’ve been trying to find a middle ground where I don’t taste things all the time/don’t taste things I don’t wanna, but can still smell - haven’t quite found the sweet spot yet.
On the topic of the mouth becoming redundant as a defined part of my body, I also lost my voice once my vocal chords were subsumed. These, fortunately, were the easiest to restore, or at least achieve the same function, simply by vibrating my slime to produce sound. It took me a little while to work out how to do this, but given the amount of time I’ve spent learning how to shape my slime, it wasn’t too hard. I have to concede that at first it was very wet and gurgly sounding, but I spent time working to refine it, and now it sounds much better. The slightly funky part is that it does sound different to my old voice… which I’m not sure how to feel about - I wasn’t overly fond of my voice before but it was familiar, and suddenly having a new voice is weird - I’m still adjusting it to find a voice that’s overall closer to what I had before, but I am having fun playing around with it a little. Oh, and of course, as with tasting, since I can do this from anywhere on my body, again, the ‘speciality’ of my mouth is kind of redundant, it’s just simply a shape on my body which is familiar and a hangover from my time as a human.
Surprisingly, my hearing hasn’t been affected yet, not even sounding like I’m underwater - I’m guessing that since bones go last, my ear bones and all that haven’t gone yet… and that maybe my slime is acting in place of my eardrum, assuming that that has also been absorbed. I’m guessing that that’s gonna go at some point over the next few months.
As for the rest of what’s been going on, I’ve continued to try to practise controlling my acidity, and I’ve gotten a little better, I’m able to make portions of my body neutral pretty easily now, buuut if I stop focusing it immediately returns to acid, not to mention it’s only parts at a time. I did get a suggestion about using air pockets to produce safe areas within myself to store objects - kinda a fly in amber situation (y’know, since I’m literally sap) - which has been useful, although since I don’t breath anymore, providing the air has been a little difficult, but I worked out how to move air around with my slime so I can blow on things now, as well as make the pockets. Still gonna focus on my acidity control, but until I’ve got that down, I’ve got a good work around!
On the shaping front, I've added a few new features to my form. First, I gave myself horns, and made my ears kinda aquatic looking, kinda like fins, but ears, like merpeople are sometimes depicted with. Neither of these particularly do anything, but I like how they look. On the more ‘functional’ side I shaped myself a pair of cat ears, and some big ol’ dragon wings on my back, of course all made from slime. I put the ‘functional’ in quotation marks since neither really work for their intended function, so they’re also only decorative at this time, but I’m hoping I can get them to work eventually. The cat ears don’t work since I’m pretty sure I’m still reliant on my human hearing system which doesn’t connected to cat ears on the top of my head (unlike my fin-ears which just replaced/were reshaped from my old ears) and I haven’t worked out how to fly with the wings yet - and I’m honestly not sure if my slime will let me, gonna have to experiment more with them.
On top of all of these, and combined with having had a lot of issues holding my humanoid form over the past few months, I’ve actually been experimenting with a sort of slime ball form. It’s very nice, small, and definitely adds to my feeling of ‘slimeness’, plus it’s a form that fits my skull pragmatically and aesthetically (main reason i haven’t shrunk my humanoid form is ‘cause i’d have to keep my head approximated the same size to house my skull, which’d lead to weird proportions). Only issue is, while the hopping isn’t exhausting (no need to breathe and no muscles means exertion isn’t as bothersome) it does kinda rattle my skull, and therefore brain, around which makes me a little dizzy. 
Kinda can’t believe I’m saying this, but I can’t wait for my brain to go and leave me fully slime, it’s gonna be so awesome!
See y’all next time! Goobye! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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sonnet009games · 2 days
Just read chapter 3, and it was my favorite so far! It's getting better and better each time and I can't wait for more!
Ilyana was a truly terrifying opponent, and it was interesting for me to see the whole thing unfold, including its aftermath. I was actually wondering before how would Flea act if MC got seriously hurt at some point and... well I guess the answer to that came faster than I thought! Though it seems poor Flea himself really can't take a break - something happens to him in each chapter!
I also enjoyed the scenes with Ted by the end. Since I'm on a "only friend" playthrough, it was so fun to see him having a field day trying to tease my MC, who was just rolling his eyes and enduring it because what else can you do. It's sweet to see how much Ted cares too. Funnily enough, even if I don't know the guy that well, I actually expected him to be sort of relieved when meeting Flea, even if he doesn't truly get what the relationship is at this point. My MC is the "neat" kind - and with the whole clinical looking and sterile home, I can't help but think Ted must be relieved at any "life" brought into it, be it Tabby or Flea. It's like bringing more life to MC's actual life?
Anyway, that aside, there was one scene that I think sort of felt like a continuity issue. It's actually not something the character creation recap asked for, so I'm assuming the scene is the same no matter what, but it felt a little bit strange on my playthrough so I prefer to mention it: when talking about Ilyana, Flea mentions how "If Ilyana really is a succubus, and if she's really that comfortable with killing, then she'll be the first truly dangerous demon you've ever tangled with". The MC corrects this by thinking she'd be the second because of the one that killed their family. But I was wondering if this wouldn't warrant a different line from Flea with a MC who told him about their family? It seemed a bit strange to me Flea wouldn't act/speak at least a bit differently here if he knows, basically. It's not a big issue though, and who knows, it may even be intentional from him, but I guess better safe and sorry, I just prefer to mention it and be sure.
I think that's it! And now I'll just replay it for a second time because I need more! It was amazing!
Re: the issue you raised--I see your point. My thinking was that Flea means "tangling with" in the sense of deliberately seeking out danger, and thus isn't counting the red-eyed demon from your childhood. But I can understand that it might feel a little off. I'll put a little note in my records so that, if I ever update Chapter 3, I'll take another look at that section and see if I should tweak the dialogue a bit.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter! And that you liked the stuff with Ted. He is definitely surprised, amused, and, yeah, relieved to see the detective making out with some weird dude at the door to their apartment--he's never known them to have any kind of connection to another person who isn't him.
I'm also glad you liked Ilyana as a villain. She's lived in my head for so long, it's kind of sad that she's gone so soon.
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orphiclovers · 14 hours
yk, I was goaded into reading Self-Cest for the Danny Phantom fandom (it was a good read and I stalked the author’s entire dischoreography afterward) but now I’m wondering how that would go for Han Sooyoung and her avatars. Specifically 1863rd Han Sooyoung.
How would they get over the dispute over who the true hsy is? Would they conclude that they’re just two different people because the 1963rd was only possessing the other hsy to write? Would they be able to differentiate? Questions questions questions
The fic was by Dream_Trance if ur curious
'goaded' I like that word. I too have goaded people into reading selfcest content I think.
I'm guessing you read my recent Han Sooyoung meta where I talk about how I think their split happened and then sent this ask. You got me absolutely right in that case, there IS a secret selfcest version of that post I didn't include because of woke (well, actually because I want people to focus on the theory lol and weird selfcest shipping distracts from that).
The thing orv does with the alt universe selves that is sooo interesting to me is all of them, and I do mean all, have these twisted and complicated feeling about their other selves. And that's all canon, all I do is tint those feelings in a slightly more romantic direction. for fun. (despite all appearances I'm secretly a canon purist. no, not really. but imagine if I was)
So, what is Han Sooyoung's whole deal?
From what we see in orv, their whole dynamic is basically.... 1863 is cool smart badass powerful protagonist-like and 3rd is the 'rip-off' constantly trying to catch up to her awesomeness / keep up / 'plagirizing' her. This happens a lot, starting from when Han Sooyoung is 13 years old and accidentally plagirises herself for the 1st time.
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1863 writes Ways of Survival? 3rd gets vague dream-memories and writes SSSSS grade infinite regressor.
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1863 becomes a constellation named Architect of the False Last Act? guess what 3rd does.
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See how the narration always mentions 'btw 1863 did this first' - I'm not making this up. 3rd even plagiarizes 1863's lost memories into existence again !!
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So if there is one 'true' Han Sooyoung...it is pretty clear who that would be. But crucially, 1863 does not mind at all being ripped off and isn't bitter about it. (unlike sp, who is very bitter at first.)
When Kim Dokja comes to her like 'someone plagiarized your novel!!1!!1!' han sooyoung says lol idc because she knows its just 'daytime ego'/3rd.
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Even during the scenarios, 1863 is constantly helping her out because she sees 3rd as a bit of an idiot who does not know anything (very sp style) so OBVIOUSLY she needs to come along and save her while pretending its a huge hassle and she totally doesn't want to. (very 'this will be the last time i help you' for spyjh).
Like, for example, way before 3rd gets Predictive Plagiarism, 1863 is giving cryptic dream hints to help her, and when that doesn't work just straight up temporarily passing on the skill.
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but she's totally doing it for fun and because she likes to throw a wrench in others plans haha and not because she cares or anything. totally.
And ALSO let's just talk about this epilouge moment that drives me crazy. 3rd is doubting herself and crumbling under the pressure so 1863 emerges from their subconscious to help her one last time and says LET ME DO IT. Aargh!!!
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selfcest yuri...
So yeah, this is a brief look on how I interpret the 3rd/1863rd relationship (Han Sooyoung version.) I have more thoughts on them during the epilouge specifically and the avatar skill but. different post.
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tf-boi · 1 day
Maybe a story of a guy transforming his boyfriend into an almost completely inanimate mannequin, renting out his body to store while he takes his boyfriend's head and junk home, the only parts of him that are animate.
(Finally after being in my inbox for a million years~)
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"Sign here . . . and here . . . aaaaaannndd here. There we go thats everything!" A medium build man wearing some square glasses (Tom), standing by a slightly taller man (Andy). "My boyfriend is yours for two weeks." the smaller man says with a smirk.
"Babe you gotta stop saying that when you rent my body out." Andy said sighing.
A girl passes the clipboard back to Tom and giggled "Oh don't worry we'll take great care of him~". The girl walks away and returns with a box of clothes. "Just get changed into these and you'll start right away!"
Tom and Andy walk into a changing room as Andy starts stripping. "grrrrowl. . . " Tom said admiring his boyfriend.
Andy blushed "You have to be in the room while I change?"
Tom chuckled "Well we don't have too much fun when we do our thing so why not take it all in while I have you?"
Andy sighed "That's true I guess, but renting our our bodies to these popup stores does making ends meet easy. Plus the after pick-up sex is amazing too."
The two college students embrace and kiss. As Andy and Tom walks out of the changing room, the popup store manager eyed Andy and gave a nod of approval. "Okay you'll be in the front of the store soooo lets get to posing!" The three make their way to the front of the store as Andy strikes a few pose, they eventually settled on a neutral pose.
"Alright, perfect! Lets go home~" Tom said as holds Andy's hand. Andy's body started to turn a shade of grey and blue his body started shining a nice glaze like a fine plastic, his joint's becoming like a doll's. This spread until it reaches Andy's head. Tom then reaches up and puts his hands on Andy's head, that has remained the same, and gives it a nice tug as it pops off his body. "Ahh, babe!" Andy exclaimed. "Ahhh sorry don't know my own strength~" Tom chuckled, "well we can't forget this!" He reaches down Andy's pants and gives another tug as he pulls off Andy's unchanged manhood.
"Thanks for renting, we'll be back in a few weeks!" Tom said walking off.
"Hey feel free to come back if you want to loan us your body too!" The manager waved at them.
Tom and Andy make their way home, Andy's head under Tom's arm, getting a few stares from people. Some thinking its a realistic head commenting on it, but the others who are in the community looking at it lustfully. Renting out their bodies for these stores was a convenient way for them to make some money and good way for them to make new friends. As they entered Tom's apartment, many other mannequins could be seen around the apartment. Some of them are their exes, most of them willingly gave their bodies to them.
Tom set Andy's head on the bed as they both lie there watching TV. It was an awkward silence for a bit before Andy spoke up "What's up babe?"
"W-what? Nothing!" Tom stuttered.
"Please, you were quiet on the way back and you are quiet now. That only happens when something's on your mind."
"Ughhh fine. . . you always know how to read me. Remember what I said at the store? About not having fun while one of our bodies is being rented out?"
"Mhm?" Andy said interested.
"Well what if . . . we changed that?" Tom said blushing.
Andy looked intrigued now "Ohhhh what did you have in mind?"
Tom said "Well . . . well . . ." "You know what? No need to ask, just do babe. My powerless head is under your control~" Andy winked.
Tom gulped but knew Andy was serious. Tom dropped his pants and picked up his blonde prince and put his mouth against his rock hard cock. Andy knew what to do and started out with a whiff of Tom's cock. Tom's dick was smaller than Andy's but his nerdy brunette boyfriend was still packing a decent size. "Ohhh . . ." Tom moaned as Andy started to suck Tom's dick. "mmmm . . . mmmmm . . ." Andy moaned as he savored Tom's cock in his mouth. Andy suddenly felt his head being moved forward and back as Tom started to fuck Andy's head. "Ahhh ahhh" Tom moaned as he let out his inner beast. For years he's been the bottom but now he finally found a boyfriend to let him be on top. He laid face down on the bed, Andy's head still sucking on his dick as he pound's Andy's head. He moves faster and faster but couldn't hold back as he lets out a load into Andy's mouth. Andy moaning as he slurps it up. The cum flows into his head but out of his neck soaking their bed. Tom's cock retracts out of Andy's mouth and he lies next to his boyfriend.
Andy gasped for air. "That was pretty good, but I wish it could have lasted a bit longer . . ." He said with a pout.
Tom looked a bit embarrassed "Sorry it was my first time topping . . ."
"But you were great with your cock, it felt so good and hard . . . when we get my body back, this time you're definitely topping!"
"really?" Tom grinned.
"Yup . . . but first round 2" Andy said lustfully.
"But I'm out of cum . . ." Tom said confused.
"Oh you are but, my cock is ready~ And by the way babe, its my turn."
Tom was shocked by the sudden request but walked into the living room to retrieve Andy's dick. He walked back into the bedroom and gulped. Tom lied next to Andy as he used his power on himself. His body having a nice plastic sheen as he detached his dick and replaced with Andy's massive cock. He winced a bit at how much more testosterone he had as it fills him up. He was tempted to fuck his boyfriend's head again but decided to follow through with his command. Tom put his hands on his body and popped his head off placing it next to Andy. The two share many kisses as Tom's hands reaches for Andy's head and places it onto his neck stump. Instantly Tom lost control of his body as he see's Andy feel his new body.
Andy felt up his new body admiring every inch.
Tom blushed "What are you doing??"
" Just admiring my new self. Having all my muscles is great but sometimes I want to try a slimmer body you know? Besides this is the first time I had your body while you are awake."
"Awake?? How many times have you done this?"
Andy ignored this question and picked up Tom's head and started making out. Their tongues wrapped together as they moaned into eachother's mouth. Tom suddenly felt his head get pulled away as it is placed in front of Andy's rocket. Tom started to suck Andy off wrapping his tongue around Andy's meat. "Ohhh babe you know all the good spots..." Andy moaned as Tom's head serviced him. Just like Tom, Andy started to use Tom's head as a fleshlight stroking his rock hard dick with him. Tom loved being used by his boyfriend and it even aroused him knowing it has his body being used. Tom gladly played the role of a toy and pleassured his boyfriend.
Once again Tom felt himself pulled away as a new sensation filled his head. Andy had slid his cock into the bottom of Tom's neck hold and started fucking him. Tom wanted to moan but Andy's cock filled his throat. His mind went blank as he eatches his boyfriend fuck him through the neck. Tom tightened his throat to squeeze Andy's cock. From the corner of his eye, Andy saw Tom's disconnected dick had gotten hard again and he picked it up and shoved it into Tom's mouth. "Mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmm" Tom moaned as he sucks his own dick. As Andy kept fucking Tom's head Tom came into his mouth, the streams of sperm lubing his throat for Andy's still hard member. Wanting this to continue, Tom got his cock hard again and kept sucking himself off. He came several more times until he felt it. Andy's cock releasing his love juices into his throat. The sensation made him cum once more as pools of cum pour out of both ends of his body. As they finished cumming Andy leaned back on the back of the bed a bit too hard and his head pops off Tom's body landing next to his boyfriend covered in their cum.
"That was amazing babe! We should definately do this more often." Andy said.
Tom didn't respond. His mind completely blanked out.
Andy still in control of Tom's body picks himself up and reattaches himself to Tom's body. "Well guess we went a little too hard..." Andy picks up Tom's head by the hair. "I guess its me and his body for the next couple of weeks."
Andy stared in their closet filled with their exes petrified bodies. "Well maybe I'll give our exes' body a spin too so it won't just our cocks being shoved in you~" Andy says picking out a body for round three.
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sm-writes-chaos · 8 months
words are wording
“Good cannot exist without evil.”
That’s the saying correct? That was rhetorical. I know I’m correct. Some may have stooped to calling me evil, maybe even the devil incarnate himself. But their prissy heads are stuck in the clouds. They wouldn’t exist without me, I keep them in line so we all don’t become mushy crybabies who can’t stand up for themselves. Everyone’s a pushover and everyone’s a listener. But being a listener doesn’t get you anywhere, nor does being a pushover. So when people ask me how I became so successful in such a short amount of time I tell them, “because I make it known what I want and when I want it. I don’t rest until everything I need is in order.”
That’s what got me into five blockbuster hits, one ongoing tv show, and many many interviews.
They had no right to take that from me.
People often ask whether I believed they ever existed, and I always answered the same way every time, “no.”
Turning nineteen does not make you a better person, and it won’t happen to me. I’m the best I can be, there’s no way they’ll take me. But I don’t even believe that so it’s double guaranteed to never happen.
Higher beings taking our souls at nineteen and replacing us if we’re not good enough is just another conspiracy theory.
And like I said, I’m more than good enough so it’s never going to happen.
Those thoughts replayed in my mind, almost trying to torment me. I can’t make sense of any of it. But I’m here now so my only thought should be escape.
“Zaria Kasic, the first teenager to shoot up to fame this quickly since (Other famous person), has been silent on her upcoming projects. Many speculate her working with Matias Loren, the young director whose films have won two Oscars up to now. More news after the break.”
I smirked. Little did they know I was going to work with Matias’ brother, Lukas, a much more successful guy than he ever was. I was listening to the tv from behind me while I busied myself with enjoying breakfast. Fresh pancakes and strawberries topped with three dollops of whipped cream. Just how I liked it. How mom made it too, but she never let me have more than two dollops. I chuckled a bit. She’s probably scolding me from heaven right now. I wiped the smile off my face with my first bite of the pancakes. Look at me mom! I looked around my apartment. Big enough to not even be considered an apartment. I smirked again, knowing that I proved her wrong.
I made it after all.
But I wasn’t done yet, I had so much more to do. I lazily draped myself on the back of my chair, risking it falling. Now looking at the ceiling I imagined the fame I could chase next.
Relationship scandals were already developing, them all being false of course. They were just like headless chickens running around my finger, throwing whatever theories they could at me. The thrill of it all drove me to be better, to be more. Whether that was to demand for more pay or a different co star who didn’t hate me.
When I finished my pancakes I went over to my computer. I didn’t have a meeting until after noon so I had plenty of time to mess around.
I went to my blog, my fake one that is. Updating my fans on my amazing breakfast. Then I went to my real one, Annabelle Cristi. It was there that I posted about myself in the third person. Others too, but me especially. I posted about Matias, driving up the rumor about us working together just so they would be more crushed when it turned out to be false. No matter how many fake rumors I spread though, they always came crawling back. The audience, that is. They craved caricatures of their idols, and I gave it to them.
I finished up my first post of the day and scrolled through my other socials for a while. Just boring compliments in my dms and comments.
“Your so amazing-“
“Collab with me-“
“How are you so beautiful-“
“Your acting brought me to tears-“
“They’re coming for you-“
I stopped. That didn’t seem right. I clicked on one dm and read the rest.
“They’re coming for you soon Zaria. If you want to keep your life you need to listen to me. Meet me at Ridge field Park this Saturday at 4:30 pm. Wear a disguise.”
I shuddered a bit. This wasn’t like the other hate dms I got. Was this even a hate dm? What kind of person just leaves a menacing message like that? I deleted it and decided to get off my computer. Crazy people I swear. Think they can just get an exclusive meeting with me. But the start of the message hung in my mind. I loaded my computer back up and tried to recover the message. No dice, it was gone forever. I probably just misread it, I’m forgetting its contents already. So I should just forget about it.
I need to focus on my birthday party next week.
I was turning nineteen, a pretty big milestone. A whole year of being a legal adult, although I knew I was much more mature than just a nineteen year old. I was going to hold a big party for the fans. With a cap of 5,000 people it was going to be a war trying to get tickets. Just the kind of chaos my birthday deserved. Then after that I was going to hold a more private party for the people lucky enough to call me their friends. Only 500 people. I rolled my eyes, I expected there to be at least 1,000 worthy of being invited to it, but society is often disappointing.
I took out my planner. Nearly every detail was complete, all I had to do now was show up. I had people to decorate, they were probably doing it right now. With what I had planned it would probably take days to set up.
I did whatever I could to occupy my mind until the time for my meeting came up. I drove over to Lukas’ house. We decided it’d be more private than an office, and less likely for spy’s to leak our project online.
I knocked on the door and moved my hand in a way to create a more pleasant thump than the boring knock knock.
He answered almost immediately and opened the door in a way that said he didn’t want me to see inside. I put my hand around the door so he couldn't slam it in my face.
“What are you doing let me in Lukas.” I moved forward as to come in but he stood firm. He was only one year older than me but sometimes I swear he treated me like a child.
“Now Zaria, don’t kill me-“
“What did you do.” I narrowed my eyes.
“If you can just keep an open mind, maybe we can all get along..”
“We?” I pushed past him and walked in. I looked around for another person and saw Matias sitting at the counter. Smiling nervously and waving awkwardly. I put my hand on my hip and didn’t return a wave or a smile back.
Lukas ran up to me and smiled apologetically, seriously could he stop trying so hard already. Maybe he wasn’t any better than Matias.
“Zaria, why don’t you sit down.”
“Yes! Good idea, let's all sit down civilly.” Matias said.
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me Lukas, I trusted you.” I didn’t sit down and stood over the boys on the couch.
“Come on Zaria, I think the director brothers could make magic! Especially with you involved, we could create something so amazing it would dominate the Oscars” Lukas tried smiling but he looked desperate. Matias just nodded in agreement.
He was trying to appease me, but he may have not been completely wrong. Although Lukas won more awards than Matias, Matias had still won Oscar’s before. I paced across the living room and glanced between them.
“What were you thinking?” I sat down on a chair on the side of the couch.
Lukas exhaled, obviously relieved. Matias smiled.
“I knew you’d come around! So we were thinking about a sci-fantasy movie right?”
I nodded.
“Well Matias was thinking we could add-“
They droned on for hours while I nodded every few minutes. With those two nerds out of the way I drove back to my apartment to prepare for my run. A body like mine doesn’t come easy, you have to work for it. So I got my running outfit and drove to Ridge Field park. That name tugged at me. Didn’t that dm say to meet them there? I almost didn’t want to go there to not run into them somehow, but I wasn’t going to let some crazy fan stop my routine. I hadn’t before and I wasn’t going to stop now.
I jogged along the path and listened to my music, glancing at the people around me. I calculated that they got about five minutes of exercise every day. And that was from walking to get to the refrigerator. One person caught my eye however. I was used to staring, in fact it was nearly just my life now. Which wasn’t a bad thing of course. But this girl wasn’t just staring, she was glaring. She was full on glaring at me. Not uncommon either, jealous people were inevitable. But something was different about this girl. I only saw her for a second before I passed her, but I felt this chill. Like she just took a look into my soul. I tried to shake it off and jogged a little faster. Suddenly wishing that my running routine was a little shorter.
I feel like I switched between past and present tense...
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