#having a little patio couch is great
hughes86-43 · 6 months
My Person | L.Hughes
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summary - you and Luke have been each other’s person, it just has taken a while for you both to realize it.
note - I’ve been working on this for a while, and I wanted to get out before I dive into the blurb night requests. I hope you like it!
warnings - a little bit of angst, mentions of parties and drinking, but other than that nothing else (if there’s more let me know!). maybe some grammar errors
Ever since you met Luke at a frat party at the University of Michigan, you two have always been each other’s ‘person’. Constantly looking for each other in a crowded room, calling each other when something happened, going to eat after a stressful day, or hanging out with each other with shared friends.
Truthfully, you don’t really know how it happened. You were both new to the university, he had hockey friends and you had friends of those friends. Your friends had convinced you one late September night to go to a frat party with them, although it was late you agreed, and then you got introduced to the hockey team, but you hadn’t met Luke yet. It was overall a great night, and nearing 11:30, you decided to take a break from talking with everyone and the drinking games, and made your way outside to sit on the patio couch. The drinking was starting to catch up to you as a headache was coming on.
Rubbing your forehead to try to release the pressure, you didn’t even notice that someone had made their way outside. “Hey, are you okay?” Startled by hearing someone, you look up and see a guy standing there wearing a black Michigan shirt with jeans.
Waving him off, you reply back, “Oh, yeah, just got a headache coming on.” He nods his head, but walks to go sit on the other chair. You lean back into the couch you’re on.
After a moment of awkward silence between you, although the crowd inside was nothing but, the guy speaks up again, “Why are you out here?” He’s busy looking off to the side while he asks it.
“Um it was just getting to be a bit too much for me, just needed a breather.” You shyly laugh, looking at him. “Why are you out here? Since you asked me.”
He finally turns his head to look at you, he says, “I guess I could say the same. One can only handle a drunk Dylan Duke for only a little bit.” He can’t help but to let out a laugh.
Remembering the name he just said from meeting all the hockey players earlier in the night, you ask him, “He’s on the hockey team right? Are you on the hockey team?”
He nods his head and says, “Yeah, I am. Are you friends with him?”
Shaking your head, “Oh, no, some of my friends are, I just met him and all the rest of the players earlier tonight.”
“Oh. I guess I got here a little bit after that. Anyway, since you met the others, I guess I could introduce myself,” he says with a laugh, “My name is Luke.” He leans forward and holds out a hand for you to shake.
Deciding if you should, you lean forward and shake his hand. “I’m Y/N.” He smiles at you, and let’s go of your hand and leans back in his chair.
From then on, every party that you both ended up at, you two would constantly be searching for each other. For you, there was something about him that seemed to make you calm down, and for him, he found you absolutely captivating by how you seem to hold the stance of everyone around you.
For months of freshman year, if anybody needed to know where either one of you were, they just needed to find one of you. They knew if they needed Luke, that he would be with you and it was the same for the other way around.
Sometimes his friends, like Dylan and Ethan, would constantly chirp at him as soon as he made it to a party you weren’t at.
“Hey Lukeyyy, Y/N isn’t here tonight I don’t think, what will you ever do!” Dylan would say as Luke walked into a party instantly looking around for you.
“How’d you even know I was looking for her anyway?” Luke would say shyly to him.
Ethan stepped in to say something. “Oh, please. As if you don’t look around at each party for her everytime.” Luke would just end up walking away from them to go grab a drink and then text you to see where you were and if you were okay. You would always be quick to reassure him that you were not feeling it that night and he could always come by your dorm if he wanted to (he always wanted to and he would always leave the party to find you).
When it came to Michigan hockey games, you were always trying your best to be at them. Every morning of a home game, Luke would text you to make sure you were going to be able to make it. If there was an away game, he would make sure you were going to able to keep up with the game. Not only were you there to support your schools team, you were mostly there to be Luke’s number one fan, which you never failed to tell someone if they asked.
You would make sure to always wear Michigan colors and you always would make sure to wear something Luke related. When you first told Luke you were interested in going to the hockey games, he made sure to give you a little necklace that had the number “43” on it, which only made it seem like you two were an item (possibly that what Luke wanted).
One time when he was extra anxious before a big game, you gave him your lucky blue bracelet that you wore every time you were anxious yourself. Luke knew how much you loved and cherished that bracelet, so he was extra grateful that you let him wear it. Not to mention that was probably one the moments that he fell in love with you more.
At the end of freshman year, you were busy with finals and packing to go back home when it all become too much. After spending the majority of the day with your head in a textbook and looking at your laptop, you were feeling the affects of not much sleep and all your anxieties piling up on top of you. When you decided you needed a break, you made your way to Luke’s place. He had barely heard from you in two days, he knew you were busy.
When you got there, he could see the tiredness and the emotional state that you were in. Pulling you into his room, he lets you sit on his bed as you spill out all that you are worrying about. When all of a sudden you were struggling to breathe, Luke pulled you into his arm and rubbed his hand up and down your arm to calm you down. He knew you weren’t sleeping much, so he let you lay down in his bed to rest. He was just going to let you rest while he went and did some errands, but you grabbed his hand and had him lay down with you. He instantly laid down with you and let you sleep until the next day. In the morning, you realized your feelings for him had grown.
During the summer break, you were back in your hometown, while Luke was back at his brothers’ lake house. He invited you to come over for a few weeks, but you wanted to at least go home for a bit before going. While you were away from him, you two never failed to FaceTime each other and text one another about all the things you did.
When you went to the lake house after not seeing him for about a month, you both couldn’t have been happier to see each other. You had met his parents, Ellen and Jim, at a few home games, and had even gone out to dinner with them, but you hadn’t met his brothers. His parents absolutely adored you and were secretly hoping you two would get together (at least that’s what they would tell Quinn and Jack). You knew as soon as you got to the lake house you were going to have to meet Quinn and Jack. You were nervous about meeting them for some reason, which was weird since you weren’t as nervous when meeting Ellen and Jim. It was just due to them two being his older brothers and they were constantly looking out for him.
You instantly hit it off with Jack when you met him after he came back in from being on the boat. You both had joked over how Luke was falling off the wake board every time he tried to get on it for at least a week. (Luke was offended you were teaming up with Jack to go against him). However, getting along with Quinn was a bit harder.
With Quinn, you decided that he was just looking out for Luke and didn’t want to see him get hurt, even though you two weren’t dating. Over the three weeks you were at the lake house, Quinn slowly began to notice how good you were for Luke. This was especially true when he saw how you never failed to make Luke laugh over anything and everything. He also saw how much Luke was in love with you. He had pulled Jack aside multiple times to see if he had noticed it too (he had) and they both made a bet on when you two would get together.
Anytime Jack’s friends, Trever, Cole and Alex, were over, they were constantly asking Jack if you and Luke were together. Everybody seemed to understand you two had feelings for each other besides you and Luke.
While you were at the lake house, you were there for Luke’s draft day. He had been nervous all day for it, but you were constantly reassuring him all would go well and made sure he had your bracelet. You were so happy when he was selected by New Jersey, as you knew how much he wanted to be back with Jack. Once the excitement of the night calmed down, you had sneaked into his room and laid with him all night long talking about anything and everything.
Sadly, summer came and went. The start of sophomore year for you and Luke was in full force. Somehow during the craziness of school starting, you slowly started to realize that you may have feelings for Luke. From the shy glances to him across the room that has him sending you a smile or the early morning coffee and breakfast meetups or the constant calling each other over the smallest thing that comes up, but you don’t ever tell him, and he never tells you.
Once school was in full swing, holidays came and went, parties came and went, assignments came and went, and hockey games came and went all leading up to Luke’s last game with Michigan hockey. You made it to the game, and you were nervous but it was mostly for him. You knew how nervous he was throughout the whole day leading up to the game, as he never failed to tell you when he was anxious. You knew he was leaving as soon as the game was over, you just had to prepare yourself to see your best friend leaving.
At the end of the game, he finds you. Pulling you into a hug, he says into your neck, “Thanks for being here tonight. Tough loss, but I don’t have time to think about that.”
Pulling back from him, you smile. “You gotta start heading out, don’t you?”
He gives you a sad smile and a nod. “Yeah, I do. But I’ll text you when I land, and anytime after that. Call anytime, I mean it! If I don’t answer, then text me and I’ll call you back.”
“You need to stay focus when you get there, I don’t want to burden all my problems on you.”
Rubbing his thumb in circles on your arm, he shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. I like listening to your problems and everything else, and plus I’ll be calling you constantly about mine so it will be even!” He laughs and pulls you into another hug.
“Alright, I gotta go. Be careful getting home,” Luke says. You stay there in that spot, watching him walk away, but he turns around and yells, “You better text me when you make it home so I know you made it safely!” You manage to let out a laugh and nod your head and give him a thumbs up. Once he made it out the doors, you made your way to find Dylan, as he was your ride.
“You know, why don’t you just confess that you like him as more than a friend?” Dylan says as he puts an arm around your shoulder as you both walk.
“Uh I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say as you eye him down out of the corner of your eye.
“Hmmm, yeah sure. Whatever you say. Just saying, you both act more like a couple than any other couple I have seen.”
That whole conversation with Dylan stayed in your head for weeks after that. With Luke gone to New Jersey, you two still called each other or texted each other, but it soon became limited to a few text or calls during the week, as you were busy with school and he was busy with playoffs. On your part, the lack of communication with him was that you were scared of your ever growing feelings for him. You were scared that he didn’t feel the same or that he would no longer be your best friend, so you limited yourself on how much you talked to him.
Luke thought it was weird that you weren’t talking to him as much. He would call you but you would just talk to him for five minutes and then have to hang up. He was glad to finally be playing in the NHL, but he hated that he couldn’t see you or talk to you everyday like he did. He was constantly asking Dylan and the other guys if you were okay and what you were up to, which made their theory of him liking you grow even more.
When the Devils played the Hurricanes in the playoffs, Ellen saw how much Luke missed you, and with school ending, she invited you out to game five. You were weary about going, but honestly you had to see him. It had been a long while without him. You knew it would be a complete surprise to Luke.
The game was rough, and sadly they lost so they were out of the running. You were even more nervous to see Luke now that they lost. You followed Ellen and Jim down to the boys. You stayed behind his parents as Luke and Jack hugged each one. Once Luke pulled away from Jim, his eyes finally landed on you.
Although he was shocked to see you, he made his way to you. He instantly pulled you into a hug, squeezing you so tight as if he had to make sure you were actually there.
“I can’t believe you’re here, How’d you even get here?” Luke says as he pulls away from you, keeping his hands on your arms.
“Ellen flew me in. You know I had to see you play in a NHL game sooner or later,” you give him a smile.
“Yeah, if only we had won,” he mumbles.
“I’m sorry, I know you guys have been working hard, and to have made it this far is still pretty good.”
“I know, but enough of that, my night has just gotten better now that you’re here.” You felt your heart instantly melt at his words. You only hoped that he meant it in a way that meant something more.
Hearing someone clearing their throat behind you, you look to see that Jack is looking very impatient. “Okay, lovers or whatever you are, I’m hungry so let’s go get food, unless you two are going to stay here all day staring at each other then we will leave you.” At his words, Ellen smacks his arm telling him to shush.
Knowing that he is upset with the loss of the game, and not wanting to make him even more upset, you and Luke follow them outside of the arena to the car.
Once dinner ended, you and Luke made your way back to his hotel room, bidding goodnight to his parents and Jack, who just weirdly smiled at you and kept raising his eyebrows. Walking into Luke’s hotel room, you anxiously stand around for a second before walking to the chair in the room and sitting your bag on it.
You’re sitting on the bed picking at your nails, when Luke speaks up from across the room. “I missed you, you know?”
Looking up at him, you see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, like something is bothering him. “I missed you a lot too, actually,” you voice back. Expecting him to say something sweet back, but he just scoffs at your reply.
“Really? Because it really didn’t seem like you did.”
You tilt your head at him since you don’t know what he’s so upset about. “What do you mean? I called, I texted all the time.”
He laughs, “Yeah but only every other day or so, and when I called you, you seemed to be in such a hurry to get off the phone!”
“Well, I had things to do!” Now you were getting upset as well at him.
“I had things to do as well! But I made sure to always call or text you, since that’s what I promised to do!” He says while running his hand through his hair. “I was completely stressed out after a game the other day, and I wanted nothing else to do but call my best friend to tell her about it, but she didn’t answer and left me a measly text!” His voice is starting to get louder.
“You know, I had to go through Dylan and the guys to figure out if you were actually okay! They always said that you were, and they were just as confused as I was about you not talking to me!” He turns his head from you to look at the wall, trying to take a moment to calm down.
Standing up from the bed, you say, “Well, maybe I just didn’t want to talk to you! I- um- well- I thought that maybe if I didn’t talk to you, you wouldn’t figure out how I felt.”
Whipping his head back to you, he asks, “What do you mean how you felt?”
Sighing, you reply, “Nothing, forget I said anything.”
Walking over to you, he shakes his head. “Oh, no, no, no. I finally get to hear you talk, and I now don’t want you to stop. So say what you meant.”
Deciding to just suck it up and tell him, you breathe out and then look up into his eyes. “Fine, I like you as more than a friend. Wait- actually I think I may love you more than a friend.” You continue to stare into his eyes as you wait for a response.
After a few seconds, he starts to smile. “You mean to tell me that you wouldn’t talk to me because you loved me as more than a friend?” He actually lets out a laugh.
Crossing your arms, you mumble, “Okay, if you going to laugh, just forget I said anything.”
His smile falters. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh that way, I just mean that I find it funny you wouldn’t talk to me because you actually love me when I feel the exact same way as you.”
Your arms fall to your side at his confession and your cheeks start to turn red. “What?”
“Listen, I love you more than anything in this world. You are the only person that I voice my worries to, you are the only person that cares so much about me, you are the only person who can make me laugh or whatever no matter what. You are my person. I want nothing more than to be your person. I want to be the person you call no matter what, I want to be the person that is always there for you, and I want to be the person who always makes you laugh.” He finally lets out a breath, as if he has been holding in how he truly felt for you forever (he has).
“Luke, honey, you have always been my person. I just don’t think I truly realized it until before you left, hell I think everyone realized a year ago,” you stifle out a laugh, looking at him with blurry eyes.
Luke lets out a laugh as well. “I know, Dylan, my brothers, my parents have all been trying to get me to just tell you. Not to mention, I definitely think they have a bet going on.” He walks closer to you and doesn’t hesitate for a second to pull you into his arms.
You wrap your arms around his back, rubbing them up and down, and then pulling him in tighter. You never want to let him go, and he never wants to let you go either. “So what does this mean for us?” He pulls back to look at you, you lift a hand to move some curls out of his face.
He gives you a shy smile as he says, “I think this means that I can finally ask if you’ll be my girlfriend?”
“I think that would only make sense. So yes, I’ll be your girlfriend!”
“Great because I’ve been dying to kiss you ever since I seen you outside of that frat party over a year ago!”
“Maybe if you did kiss me at that party, then it would have sped up this process,” you joke.
“Hmmm, imma kiss you now.”
Once your lips meet, it’s like all of sudden all of the pieces that had been missing are all of a sudden mended back together. You both kiss each other like your lives depend on it, like you need each other’s touch to live, and maybe you do.
Suddenly needing air, you break apart. You lean your forehead against his, and the smile on your face is still going strong.
“You know, we’re going to have to now tell everyone that they were right about us.”
He laughs, “Yeah, and they’re never going to shut up about it!”
“They better give us half of the money from their bets.”
“Ugh, Jack’s going to be so annoying when we tell him.”
You nod, “Yeah, maybe we tell him last so that he is a little bit less annoying about it.”
“Doesn’t matter, he’ll have an ego no matter what,” he says. “I love you so much.”
“I love you so much too,” you say, running your fingers through his hair.
“I’m glad, now come on, I’m exhausted after this long night. I’ve been dying to cuddle with you.”
“And you wonder why everyone thought we were together.” You say as he leads you to the bed.
You knew that all you ever needed was each other. You were his person and Luke was your person. It may have taken a while to realize it, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 months
Moving into a new house with Gojo & Yuuta hcs?
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Safe Space
Don't even let your mind conjure up the words to think to yourself about getting someone to move your stuff into the new house. That's HIS job.
You want the washing machine in that corner? He's got it. Oh, you meant the other corner? Don't worry, he'll be fine carrying this around, he's held heavier.
For sure has the couch on one shoulder when moving it into the living room, pecks your lips on the way in to make a point, muscles bulging as he effortlessly places the couch wherever you want it to be.
Pays for whatever you want to decorate the house.
HE'LL paint the outside aaand the inside of the house.
He'll build the damn shed in the yard.
He'll construct the bed and buy the mattress and shit. Only the best for his baby.
You like that view? Want ceiling to floor windows instead to make it bigger? He got it.
Mounts the TV on the wall and everything.
The only thing he can't do is cook the damn food, he's literally banned from touching the kitchen, you're the one who will redesign it.
You said you don't like the bathtub? Too small? Yeah, not enough room to-
Literally takes out the bathtub and has a new one brought in and installed in like an hour.
He's the only man who could possibly make the moving process a one-day thing.
Was this a set up to get pussy the same night? Yes.
Literally plans out the entire process with you for like so many weeks and is very excited to be able to do this type of thing with you.
He also doesn't enjoy having to pay for someone to help with the moving process when this can be a bonding experience for the both of you guys.
He makes sure to declutter the entire house before packing what he sees as important and helps you move that into the new home before getting to the fun part.
Letting you decorate the entire house is like being entirely covered by you. And he loves every second of it. So, everyday after work, you two stop by so many stores and he lets you run his pockets to pick whatever decorations your little heart desires. You like that slow cooker? Those curtains look nice to you? Super soft rug that's adorable and can go right by the bed? Stove mittens? Fluffy bedsheets? Done, done, done, done, done, and done.
Anything you want.
Loves seeing that excited smile on your face when you turn to show him what you'd think would look great on the patio or bathroom or whatever.
Loves watching you go back home to place it carefully wherever you wanted it to be.
Loves when you take laps around the house to stare at your work.
If the backyard is big, he'll help you build that big garden you want, that swing you've always dreamed of having.
Did he just hear you saying under your breath that you would love to have a fountain in the yard, too?
Would find the tools and materials and build it for you overnight.
Also does this to get pussy the next day.
Is very proud of his work when you come outside to see him finishing the fountain and you jump into his arms happily, peppering kisses all over his face.
Overall, he just loves experiencing these things with you.
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starsinthesky5 · 3 months
you belong with me III || joe burrow x reader
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description: when date night ends with something more than just a goodnight kiss ;)
a/n: first off, can we talk about how delicious joe looks when he wears this specific jersey. it’s literally causing me to spiral. i can't. he’s so fine
anyway, welcome to part 3! yall have shown this little mini series so much love and it’s given me some great inspo to write a little more! i really love writing these fics <3 this turned out to be a lot longer then what I thought off which might explain why i struggled to finish it lol 
warnings: language, smut
word count: 11.6 k
part 1 part 2
You and Joe have been dating for a few weeks now, and things couldn’t be going more perfectly for you both. Ever since your confession on Joe’s birthday, you both had been more attached at the hip than usual, but neither of you was complaining. Nothing really changed in the way you were acting around each other, everything pretty much stayed the same--other than the constant kissing & extra flirty conversations--which was another indication that you were already acting like a couple long before you made it official.
“Joeeee, come back over here I’m cold,” you whined as you looked up from the couch, watching Joe as he warmed up a bowl of popcorn.
“Just a sec, Baby,” he said as he pulled out two cans of Sprite from your fridge. 
Baby. You blushed at the pet name, which was becoming increasingly common for you two. If you had told your freshman year Ohio State self that her best friend, Joe Burrow, would be in her apartment warming up a bowl of popcorn for them to watch the latest episode of ‘Love Island’ together, and was calling her Baby, she would for sure punch you in the face for lying. But the sweetest part was, you wouldn’t be lying because it was reality. 
A few moments later, he walked over with the snacks, placing them on your coffee table and plopping down on the couch next to you. 
“I can’t believe you have me watching trashy reality TV,” he laughs as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest. 
“Honestly, me either,” you giggle, kissing his neck. “But I love hearing your commentary,”.
He lets out a chuckle and says, “Thanks, but I mean, these people are wildin’. If you’re actually looking for love, you would never go on a dating show because that shit will never end right,”.
“Oh for sure,” you nod, grabbing some popcorn.
“Like what happened to being a genuine friend? These girls just steal each other’s man like it’s nothing and the guys are absolute airheads and go along with it,” Joe expresses, taking it a little too seriously. 
“Calm down, Joe,” you giggle. “Remember, we watch for the entertainment value not for the ethics,” you say as you rub his arm.
He lets out a sigh and then grabs a handful of popcorn, stuffing his face with the buttery snack. “I just think these people really don’t know real love when they see it,”.
“Luckily, we aren’t them,” you smile, grabbing his hand and pressing a soft kiss to the back of his palm. 
“Ohhh yeah,” he says, moving his other arm around your leg, gently sliding his hand up and down your calf. “I have real love and I am never letting go of it,”.
“You better not,” you tease, moving your head up and pressing a few kisses to his lips, tasting the buttery popcorn on them. 
“We still good for tomorrow night?” he asks, referring to the little date night he had planned at his house. 
“Mhm, I can’t wait to see what you have planned,” you say as you grab some more popcorn. 
“I think you’ll love it,” he smirks, pressing soft kisses all over your forehead. He had decorated his backyard with fairy lights, making sure to hang them all around his patio set up so that there was no darkness in sight. He had bought your favorite flowers and decorated his backyard with them, got his chef to prepare all your favorite foods, and even got you a little gift. 
He had his jeweler custom make you a ring that had your birthstones in an alternating pattern all around the ring with diamonds in between each stone. The ring was kind of like a promise ring, but mostly something that he got for you to show that you were it for him. Even though it was way too early to think about that, Joe could envision spending the rest of his life with you. So it was kind of like a mini engagement ring, just without the whole marriage detail, for now. 
“What should I wear? Something laid back orrrr..” you ask.
“Wear what you want to wear,” he smirks. “You look Sexy and Beautiful in everything,”. 
A blush rises on your cheeks and you feel your belly filling with butterflies again. It was amazing to hear him say those things about you. He already made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, but his endless compliments just made everything better. 
“God, it feels so great to finally be able to say that to you,” he adds, throwing his head back against the pillow. 
“You’re so cute,” you laugh, moving your legs so that you are now sitting in his lap, pressing kisses all over his face. His hands run across your thighs, then eventually move up to your waist. His fingers softly scratch against the fabric of your shirt, and then make their way inside so that you can feel them against your bare skin. 
“But seriously, what should I wear?” you ask.
“Hmm, maybe that lacy black dress you wore to your sister’s engagement party,” he sighs, his hands now sliding higher up your body.
“Why that particular dress?” you smirk, knowing exactly why he wanted you to wear that dress. You took him to her engagement party as your plus 1 and his reaction when he saw you in the dress for the first time should have been a dead giveaway about how he felt about you.
“Because,” he says, his fingers teasing the band of your bra, increasing the tension around you. “The first time I saw you in that dress is still burned into my mind and I would love a repeat of it,”. You feel his fingers slide into the cup of your bra, giving your breast a soft squeeze. 
“Oh really?” you smirk, moving both your hands to each of his shoulders. “What did you think when you first saw me in the dress?”.
“Other than that you looked heavenly,” he starts off, causing you to blush again. “Like I wanted to kiss my way up your arm,” he says, removing his hands from underneath your shirt, then moving his lips to your arm and doing what he was saying. You closed your eyes and let out a few short breaths as you felt him pressing wet kisses along your arm. 
“Then, I wanted to leave a few pretty purple marks around your neck so that people could see you were mine,” he says, moving to your neck and sucking on the soft skin.
“Joe,” you breathe out, a warm feeling now replacing the butterflies in your belly. You move your hand into his hair, pulling at the strands and relishing his touch. 
“And then, I wanted to rip the dress off your perfect body and show you how much I loved you,” he says, moving up from your neck and meeting your eyes. 
“Damn, I didn’t think you felt so..” you trail off, trying to find the right word.
“Horny?” he says, causing a laugh to leave your lips.
“I was gonna say passionate but horny works too,” you finish. “Who knew Joey B could have such impure thoughts about his so-called bestie,” you tease. 
“That’s just 1 occasion out of a million others in which I felt like ripping your clothes off,” he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your body.
You felt like you were about to pass out from the heat rising up your body because of your boyfriend’s alluring words & thoughts. Who knew that Joe could ever be capable of thinking that way about you? And who knew he was capable of making you feel like this? You wanted nothing more than to rip off his clothes right now and have your way with him.
“I could list even more occasions in which I wanted to rip that Jersey off your body and take you for a spin after every game,” you wink.
“Oh yeah?” he smirks. “Why didn’t you do anything about it then?” he says while rubbing your ass.
“Hmm, maybe because you were spoken for at the time and I didn’t want to be the other woman,” you joke, moving his bangs out of his eyes. 
“Please, if you gave me ‘fuck me’ eyes for even a second, I wouldn’t have hesitated to make you the woman,” he said. 
“I feel like I’m committing a crime saying all these things to you,” you blink, feeling like you were doing something forbidden by acting like this with Joe. 
“Oh me too. If our Ohio State selves walked in through the door right now, they would probably be traumatized for the rest of their lives,” Joe chuckles, your eyes wandering to his perfectly soft pink lips that you had been obsessed with for the past few weeks. With Joe, you were acting like you were a teenage girl who had just gotten her first boyfriend, all of the childish yet insatiable feelings were rising to the surface. 
“Then they would for sure be missing out,” you mumble as you push yourself closer to his body, capturing his lips in a messy kiss, taking him by surprise. His hands grip your waist as he pulls you even closer, your crotch right on top of his, and a feeling of hardness underneath you that makes you pull away from the kiss. 
You meet his eyes which are now dark with lust, “Joe I-,”.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes as he rubs your thigh to comfort you. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to,”.
 ��I know it’s a lot even though we’re like, adults now” he laughs, softening the air around you. 
“Could you be any more perfect,” you whisper out loud. 
“Hm?” he questions.
“You didn’t even know what I was going to say,” you mumble as you start pressing kisses on his jaw, trailing down to his neck as you can feel him move around underneath you, trying to find pleasure in just sitting there. You pull your head back up and meet his eyes again, “I was going to say that I need you,”. 
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” you say as you kiss his right cheek. “Positively,” you say as you kiss his left cheek. “Sure,” you say as you press a big kiss on his lips, hearing Joe let out a soft groan into the kiss and feeling him melt into you as you suck on his bottom lip. 
Your kisses became more urgent and needy as Joe’s hands wandered down to your ass and then back up to your waist. His grip on you tightens, prompting you to moan into the kiss. He gets up from the couch, still holding you while you were attacking his lips, and walks you both over to your bedroom. 
He kicks your door shut as you pull away from the kiss to look at him for a few seconds. You press your forehead against his and whisper, “I love you,” with the biggest smile on your face. 
“I love you even more,” he replies, softly placing you down on your bed before climbing on top of you; you open up your legs to accommodate his large body before going back to kissing him.
He moves down to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin as you start to realize what was happening. Yeah, you were insinuating that you wanted to go there but that was purely coming from your heart. Now, your brain was awake. 
You were about to have sex with Joe. 
Yes, you had been dating for a few weeks now and this was bound to happen considering how you two couldn’t keep your hands off of each other, but it was actually happening for real this time and you were freaking out. But it wasn’t like you were afraid; you knew he would be the most gentle and considerate person ever. You were feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. What if he didn’t like it? What if it wasn’t as good as what he might have been used to with other girls?
Other girls. The thought of other girls being in this position with your boyfriend made you want to rip your eyelashes out. Was he feeling the same way about you though? The same feeling of bitterness at the thought of you being like this with other guys?
Oh, the things you would do to just get your brain to turn off for a few hours. You were pulled out of your trance, letting out a moan as Joe had seemingly just found your sweet spot.
“There it is,” he smiled as he continued to nip and suck at the skin, surely leaving a purple spot there like he wanted to. His left hand gripped your jaw, pushing your head to the side to expose the skin of your neck a little more. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered at the increased pressure on your neck and the gush of wetness pooling your core. 
He began to slip his fingers into your sweatpants, but before he could get too far, a blaring & piercing sound filled your bedroom. You looked down and saw the noise was coming from Joe’s pocket, probably from his phone. Then you looked over to the clock on your nightstand, the time reading 7:30, which made you let out an internal sigh of relief. 
But why were you relieved? You wanted this to happen.
“Joe,” you say, trying to get his attention but he was still spending time on your neck. “It’s time to go, Baby,”.
“Mmm, I can be late by an hour,” he mumbles, kissing up your neck and to your jaw. 
“Uhhh,” you say as you place your hands around his head and move it back up to your view. “You have practice tomorrow morning and we both know how cranky you get when you don’t get enough sleep during the season. And it’s December football so you cannot miss a single practice,”. 
“But–,” he starts to say.
“I know, I know,” you giggle. “But I’ll make it up to you soon, I swear,” you say, sealing your promise with a kiss.
He stares into your eyes for a few seconds before sighing, “Fine,”.
“But I expect to be compensated for this sooner rather than later,” he says as he moves off of you, reaching out to help you off the bed.
“Trust me, you will,” you say as you move your messy hair out of your face. You walk over to your vanity to grab a hairclip while Joe fixes his clothes and some other things. You look into the mirror, a shriek leaving your lips as you examine your neck. 
Joe flips his head around to you, “What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Joseph Lee!” you yell. “My neck!”.
He walks over and leans his head to look at your neck, laughing at what you were screaming about. “I told you. Pretty purple marks to show people you’re mine,” he winks before opening up your bedroom door, leaving you speechless at your mirror. Seeing this side of Joe for the first time was so weird for you since for years the relationship between you two had just barely grazed over the zone you were in now, so all this was unexplored. 
Even though it was strange and new, you loved every single part of it. He was making you feel things that no other guy could make you feel; feelings that had yet to be brought out, but now were because of him. 
A few minutes later, you help Joe gather his things before walking him to your apartment door. His hands wrap around your waist as yours loop around his neck, holding each other in a hug for a few moments. 
“I don’t want to go,” he mumbles against your head. 
“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow night at least,” you say, rubbing the nape of his neck. 
“Mmm, I just wish we could always be near each other. 9 years of waiting plus not being able to wake up to your pretty face and kiss you goodnight every day is killing me,” he sighs. 
“I told you that my lease is up in 2 months,” you say, meeting his eyes. 
“2 months is so long,” he pouts. Joe had casually asked you a week ago what your thoughts were about living together at his house. He said that you both had already gotten comfy around each other since you have known each other for so long, so living together wouldn’t be so bad, but he also didn’t want to move things along too fast if you weren’t ready. You quickly shut down that thought and told him that you’d been waiting for nearly a decade, so you were definitely not rushing into anything. So naturally, you said yes. The thought of living with him felt like a dream, and now you were a step away from it being a reality. 
“They’ll pass by faster than you think,” you smile, pressing a kiss to his lips to make him feel better. 
“They better,” he says, returning your kiss with two more kisses. His lips were always so soft and felt like clouds against yours. There were so many times you didn’t want to stop kissing him because it felt like heaven and as if you were floating.  
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Okay?” You say, pressing your head against his chest and going back to the hug.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied, pressing another kiss to your head. 
“I love you,” you say, moving your head up to press a kiss to his chin.
“Babe, I’m not gonna leave if you keep kissing me,” he laughed.
You move your head out from his chest again and say, “If you don’t leave, we’re going to be doing a lot more than just kissing and I do not feel like having the entire team on my ass for making you skip practice,”. 
“Fair enough,” he sighs as he lets go of you. “I love you,” he says back, pressing a final kiss to your lips before opening up the door and exiting your apartment.
“Good night,” he says softly as his eyes twinkle in the light of the hallway. 
“Night, Joey,” you smile back, slowly closing the door as the smile on your face stays. You turn around and press your back to the door as that feeling of giddiness, caused by Joe, remains in your body. 
The Next Day
You finish applying the last bit of your lipgloss before grabbing your car keys and heading for your door. You took one final glance in the entryway mirror, making sure that everything was perfect. 
You were wearing the dress Joe had wanted you to wear which hugged your body in all the right places, especially around your breasts. You had the tennis bracelet he gave you on your left wrist and a small diamond chain around your neck, which still had purple marks around it that you didn’t bother to hide. You also grabbed a black cardigan to wear on top of the dress since it was pretty chilly out tonight. The red lipgloss you had put on pulled the whole look together, and you looked hot. You smiled at your appearance and sent Joe a text telling him you were on your way before grabbing your purse and heading out the door. 
Meanwhile, Joe was out in his backyard making sure that everything was perfect for his little date night. 
He had started a fire at the fire pit, hoping the warmth would find its way over the dining table a few feet away. Pots of flowers he had gotten--pink and white carnations--were scattered around the corners of the deck and his chef had prepared a delicious dinner for you both. Joe had requested that he make chicken potstickers, kung pao chicken with fried rice, spicy garlic noodles, and red velvet cupcakes for dessert. Everything was your favorite, and he made sure that it was flawless. The ring he had gotten made for you was sitting in his pocket, and he couldn’t wait to give it to you. 
The fairy lights he hung up a few days ago were still going strong and the entire backyard was now covered by a warm glow, no darkness in sight, just like he had wanted. That’s how Joe felt with you in his life. You were the fairy lights. You filled his world with light, getting rid of all the darkness and emptiness that was there before. 
“Shit, need music,” Joe mumbled under his breath as he realized he was forgetting something. He walked back inside the house and grabbed his speaker from the living room, hooking his phone up to it and bringing it back outside. He decided to put on your playlist, smiling as he scrolled through the songs and saw all the new ones you two had added over the last few weeks. Joe had added “Fooled Around And Fell In Love” by Elvin Bishop, “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears, and “Heavenly” by Cigarettes After Sex. You had added “My Love Mine All Mine” by Mitski, “Margaret” by Lana Del Rey, and “Dress” by Taylor Swift. 
Although Joe wasn’t the biggest fan of Taylor Swift’s music--because it wasn’t his particular taste--he had grown fond of her love songs, particularly “Dress”. The song lyrics were just a little too relatable for both of you. 
The sound of his doorbell snapped him out of his daze, looking at his messages and realizing you were here. He tapped shuffle, threw his phone onto the couch outside, and ran over to the main door to let you in.
While you were waiting at the door, you pulled out your phone to get another look at yourself, making sure that everything was perfect. Your eyes moved to your cardigan that was covering the dress, the dress that Joe had specially asked you to wear. 
You put your phone away and shrugged off the cardigan as it was ruining the vibe you were going for. You looked hot, and the cardigan did not emphasize that. “A little cold didn’t hurt anyone,” you muttered as you heard the door lock click and open. 
Joe opened the door, his heart skipping a beat as he laid his eyes on you. You looked absolutely desirable and angelic, and he was definitely feeling a repeat of how he felt when he first saw you in this dress. The same feeling of attraction and need.
“Hey,” you smiled as you straightened out your dress.
“Hey,” he smiled back. “Come in, it’s cold out there,” he says as he stretches his hand out to lead you inside the house. 
You place your hand in his as he leads you inside, and then you put your stuff on the kitchen island before turning around to face him again. You watch as his eyes move from your feet to your bare legs, to your hips, to your chest which was covered by black lace from the dress, to your neck that still has purple marks from yesterday, and up to your beautiful face. Although the dress you had on was made for you, it was making him want to rip it off right now. He wanted to skip dinner and get straight to dessert, and he was not talking about the red velvet cupcakes. 
“Like what you see?” you giggle as you pull him closer.
“You look fucking incredible, Y/N,” he whispers, his hands sliding across the silk fabric of your dress. 
“All for you,” you say before you press a kiss to his lips, but quickly pull away as you smell something delicious. 
“What is that?” you say as your eyes light up.
He lets out a soft laugh before grabbing your hand and leading you out to the backyard, “Our Date,”.
“Our date’s outside?” you wonder as he pulls you out the patio door, stopping you at the bottom of the steps. Your mouth falls open as your eyes move up to the lights hanging all around the deck, brightening his usually dark backyard. 
“Holy shit,” you whisper as you let go of his hand and walk further onto the deck. Your eyes move to the corners of the deck, noticing pots of your favorite flowers all around. Your eyes then navigate to the lit fire pit and the dining table a few feet away, which had all of your favorite foods on it. 
You flip around to face Joe, who is standing on the steps with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. “Joe, did you do all this?” you asked him.
“Maaayyybee,” he blushes as he looks at the sky and bounces back and forth on his feet. 
You run back over to him and leap into his arms, pulling him in for a big hug as you press kisses on his cheek. “I love you so so so much. This is so perfect,” you beam. 
“I’m so glad you like it,” he says as he sways you back and forth. His hand sliding down to your ass, giving it a soft squeeze, sending electricity throughout your body. 
“Nobody’s ever done this much for me for a date,” you say as you pull away from the hug, cupping his face with your hands and rubbing his soft skin. 
“Well, like I said before. I’m setting the standards in the boyfriend department,” he smiles as he moves his hand around your back and leads you over to the dining table. 
“Please, you are the standard,” you laugh as he pulls out your chair for you. Joe helps you settle in your chair before walking over and dragging his chair closer to yours and then sitting in it. 
“This food looks beyond amazing,” you say as you look at all the delicious foods as Joe starts to fill your plate.
“You have good taste,” he smiles.
“Oh, I know,” you wink as you take the plate from him. Joe grabs his water, taking a sip to hopefully calm down the impure thoughts he was feeling at the sight of you. “Not just in food though,” you add as you give Joe a loaded look, making him almost choke on his water.  
“Oh really? What else do you have good taste in?” he teases as he places his water back down.
“Hmmm, I think I have pretty good taste in NFL Quarterbacks too,” you wink. 
“Quarterbacks plural?” he says as he raises his eyebrow.
“Yeah, I think that guy from Kansas is pretty cute too,” you lie as you take a bite of the spicy noodles. 
Joe’s face drops as if he just saw a ghost and he feels his heart stop for a second, making you burst out laughing. “Oh my god, you should see your face,” you laugh as you put down your fork and throw your head back, your entire body shaking from his reaction.
“That is not funny,” he says with a straight face. 
“Aww, poor baby got a little jelly?” you giggle as you come back forward and grab his hand. 
“You don’t have to worry. The only Quarterback I have my eyes on is 6’3, has dirty blonde hair, is from Ohio, plays for the superior Ohio football team, and can plan a killer date night for his girlfriend,” you say as you lean over to kiss his cheek. 
“Good, because I heard that QB only has eyes for 1 girl as well,” he smiles.
“Hm, I wonder who she is?” you say as you bat your eyelashes.
“Well from what I heard, she’s suuuper funny, gorgeous, loves trashy reality TV, is a big football girl, and knows exactly how to make a guy fall head over heels in love with her,” he says before taking a bite of the kung pao chicken. 
“Did you say that last part because of the song that’s playing right now?” you laugh as you hear the melody of “Head over Heels” in the background. 
“Now that’s just a beautiful coincidence because I meant that for real,”.
“Well, I have a good feeling that the girl feels the same way about the Quarterback,” you say as you move your foot to touch his.
“Perfect, I know he’ll be happy to hear that,” he smiles. 
A little later, you both are digging into the yummy dinner as you talk about upcoming games, your schedules, and your sister’s wedding.
“So, you’re good to go with me to Kaylee’s wedding in a couple weeks right?” you ask as you shove another spoonful of rice into your mouth. 
“Mhm,” Joe nods as he finishes chewing the chicken. “I think I have a few suits I can pick from that can match your dress,”.
“Great, I’ll text her tomorrow,” you say as you finish up the last bit of food on your plate. “They’ll be so excited to see you and you know Kaylee will be on our asses for finally making a move on each other,”.
“Oh I am well aware,” he says as he takes one final bite before grabbing your plates and stacking them up to take inside. “I can only imagine how many people we’ll get bombarded by at the wedding,”.
“Bring some edibles or something. I don’t think I’ll be able to sit through the reception without something to take off the edge,” you say as you reach down to unstrap your heels. 
“You got it,” he smiles. “It’s getting pretty cold so why don’t you move over to the day bed by the fire pit and I’ll bring the cupcakes out over there. I’m sure it’s warmer there anyways,” he says as he gets up and starts to clean up the table.
“You don’t want any help?” you ask as you get up from your chair. 
“I’m good,” he smiles. “You just sit over there and look pretty like you always do,”. 
“I love you,” you yell as make grabby hands towards him and you walk backward to the day bed.
“I love you more,” he echoes as he walks inside. 
You hop onto the daybed, feeling the warmth of the fire pit gravitate toward you which was the best feeling since you were pretty cold now, especially since your dress wasn't really helping.  You leaned back against the pillows as you looked up at the fairy lights, humming along to the music playing in the background; a smile appeared on your face as you realized the song that was playing. 
“Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend,” you mumble, reciting the song lyrics. “Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off–”. 
“Oh, I will be,” Joe winks, snapping you out of your daze. 
You look back straight and see Joe standing in front of you, holding a plate with 2 red velvet cupcakes. 
“Hello, again,” you say as you sit up straight and scooch over to make room for Joe. 
“You warm enough?” Joe asks as he settles in next to you, his body warmth making you even more warmer.
“Now that you’re here, absolutely,” you say as you press a kiss on his cheek while you grab a cupcake from the plate. You take a bite of the cupcake, Joe, attentively watching you as you close your eyes and let out a groan because of how good it is. 
“Mmmm, that’s the best thing I’ve ever had,” you open your eyes as you wipe your lips with the back of your hand. You look at Joe, who seems to still be staring at you, not saying a single word. He was thinking about how this was his life. How you were his life and he still hadn’t processed that this was real yet. He felt like he was dreaming and he was 1 moment away from waking up and all this being over. 
“Hey, you okay?” you ask as you put the cupcake back down on the plate.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says while running his fingers through his hair.
“You were staring,” you say as you tilt your head to the side, the purple marks on your neck now fully visible because of the light shining on you from above.
“Just thinking,” he says, giving you a reassuring smile.
“Care to let me in?” you ask as you sit on your knees. “Just because we’re a couple doesn’t mean we still can’t talk about how we’re feeling,”.
He lets out a soft laugh before placing his hand on your knee, “It’s nothing bad. Just thinking about us,” he says. 
“Oh?” you say as you look up at him. 
“Again, nothing bad. I just can’t believe that this is real life and I know that sounds dumb, but it’s true. Having you with me was already the best part of doing what I’m doing, but now having you with me as my girlfriend, as my partner, just feels–,”.
“Unreal?” you interrupt, letting out a laugh when you see Joe shaking his head with a grin on his face. 
“Very Unreal,” he says, reaching for something in his pocket. 
“I feel the same way. I know it's only been a few weeks, but I already know this is everything I’ve been waiting for,” you grin. 
“We’re always on the same page about everything aren’t we?” he says as he pulls out a little box from his pocket.
“My favorite thing about us,” you say as you look down at the box. Before you could ask him what that was, he said something else.
“I just want you to know that you are the most important person in the world to me, and I love you more than words can describe. Everything about you just works for me, it always has and it always will. You light up my life, just like how these lights are lighting up the backyard,” he says as he opens the box. “You’re it for me, Y/N. My best friend, my twin flame, my girlfriend, and the person that I want with me for as long as we’re on this planet. Or any other planet if we end up going to Mars or something in the future,”. 
You feel like you’re slowly melting away at his words and then you look down at what was in the box, now feeling tears pool in your eyes. “Sooo, to show you that, I got you a little something,” he says as he takes the ring out of the box. 
“Joe, I- I,” you barely say before the tears fall from your eyes. He looks up and notices the tears falling from your eyes, puts the ring down, and starts to wipe your cheeks. 
“Hey, why are you crying?” he softly asks.
“Because,” you laugh through the tears. “You’re perfect. Everything about you is fucking perfect,” you say as you stuff your face into his neck. 
He wraps his arm around your waist and moves your hair to the side, “I hope that’s a good thing?” he asks.
“It’s a great thing” you giggle before pulling your face out from his neck. “Can I see it?” you ask as you wipe your eyes and nose.
“Duhh,” he smiles as he picks up the ring again. “Both of our birthstones in an alternating pattern, 9 diamonds to represent the 9 years we’ve known each other, and the date we met plus the date we became an official couple engraved on the inside,”. 
“How do you think of these things?” you ask as you feel fireworks setting off in your heart at how much detail he put into designing the ring. The ring was gorgeous, and it was definitely a pretty penny. “But this was probably really expensive,” you say.
“We’re not doing that again. You said the same thing when I got you this bracelet,” he says as he touches the tennis bracelet on your wrist. “And what did I say?”.
“In case you forgot, I am a millionaire now, and you never wanna upset a millionaire,” you say, recalling his words from a few years ago. 
“Exactly,” he says as he eyes your hands, trying to decide which finger to put it on. 
You watch as his eyes dart from one hand to the other, then eventually setting on your right hand, slipping the ring onto your 4th finger. 
“Why that finger specifically?” you ask.
“It’s your right hand’s ring finger,” he shrugs.
“Soooo,” you say, expecting more for the reasoning behind it.
“Your left hand’s ring finger is being saved for another ring that I’ll give you later on, so this was the next best thing,” he says so casually. He was talking about your ring finger, the ring finger. He wanted to put that ring on it. 
You lean forward and pull him in for a kiss, not needing to say anything else to him because he already knows how you feel. You feel his hands travel down to your waist, gently picking you up and placing you in his lap. His hands travel up and down your sides, and then you feel him pull away from the kiss which makes you let out a little groan. 
“Have I told you how Sexy you look tonight?” he says, his lips all glossy from yours. 
“Ohh yeah," you nod. "Have I told you how great of a Boyfriend you are?” you ask him as you slide your hands up and down his chest.
“Yeah, a couple of times,” he teases. “But seriously, you look hot. Like incomprehensibly hot,”.
“You still thinking those same thoughts you felt when you first saw me in this dress?” you ask as you move your face closer to his, pressing feather-light kisses on his jaw. 
His hands move down to cup your ass and his head shifts so that his mouth was right by your ear, “Those thoughts plus maybe a few more. Why don’t I show you in my room?” he whispers, setting off that warm feeling in your stomach again. 
“Sounds perfect,” you say as you kiss around his neck, hoping to leave a purple spot there just like he did for you yesterday. 
He holds your waist tightly as he slides off the daybed, your legs wrapping around his as his hands slide to your ass again. You hide your face in his neck as he quickly closes the fire pit and unplugs all the lights before walking back inside. 
Once you’re back inside his warm house, you move your head out of his neck and go back to kissing him. You were so lost in his lips that you didn’t even realize you had made it up to his room until you heard him close the door. Your eyes looked to your left towards his bed, stopping at his bookshelf and at the photo of you two that Joe said was his favorite a few weeks ago. You smiled at the thought of how things had changed from then to now, still not quite believing that this was real. 
He places you down on his bed before crawling on top of you, the same position as yesterday before you got interrupted by his alarm. You feel his lips travel from your jaw down to your neck again, slightly sucking on the already bruised spots, making you let out a whimper. 
“Joe,” you blubbered at the slight sting you felt. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave your neck alone,” he chuckles as he moves down to your chest. Your chest was lined with the lacy part of the dress, and Joe felt like a kid in a candy store. He started to press kisses along your soft skin, moving one hand to the strap of the dress and pulling it down slowly. You closed your eyes, feeling desire building inside your body with every touch and kiss from Joe. He pulls down the straps of the dress, his eyes widening at the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra and this was his first time seeing you naked. 
“No Bra?” he asks as he looks up. 
You feel shy all of a sudden and open your eyes, remembering you didn’t put one on since the dress held them pretty well. You move your hands to cover your chest, but Joe stops them before you can. 
“You are beautiful, Y/N. No need to hide,” he says as he presses a kiss to your chest again, getting rid of all your shy thoughts. “Absolutely gorgeous,”. 
“But, no bra makes it seem like you came over with an agenda tonight,” he laughs as he kisses down to your nipple.
“I told you that you’d be compensated sooner rather than–,” you smile before you feel Joe wrap his lips around your nipple and swirl his tongue around the bud. “Oh my god,” you moan at the contact. His tongue continues to work its magic around your sensitive bud, prompting a few gasps and whimpers to leave your lips as you play with his hair. 
“Joe,” you moan as you squirm underneath him, feeling him move from your chest and down your body. He moves down your body, pressing wet open-mouthed kisses along the way as he pulls the dress down with him.
“God, you’re so pretty,” he mumbles as he kisses your stomach. “And your skin is so soft,”.
You smile as you hear him continue to praise you while pleasuring you, making sure that you feel good about yourself in every way possible, physically & internally. 
He moves to your arm, “Absolutely stunning,” he says as he presses a kiss to your forearm. He then moves back to your stomach, “Drop dead gorgeous,” he says as he presses a kiss to your hips. “Hottest girl I’ve ever come across,” he says as he presses a kiss to your belly button. “And all mine,” he says as his lips graze over the sensitive spot on your belly close to your heat, feeling a gush of wetness pool at your core. 
“Shit,” you moan and pull on his hair as you feel him kiss that spot on your stomach, feeling butterflies flying through your stomach. He was so sweet, even in the most heated moments, and that was another thing you adored about Joe. 
“Found another sweet spot I guess,” he chuckles as he presses another kiss to it before moving down to your core. He pulls your dress all the way down your body, now leaving you in nothing but your panties. He looks at you for a few moments, seeing you in your most natural form in front of him, and it makes him feel like he is on cloud 9. The fact that you were so comfortable around him, especially like this, was another reason why he is absolutely obsessed with you. You felt comfortable with him emotionally & physically, and he felt the same with you. 
“You good?” He asks before going further.
“I’m great,” you smile as you make grabby hands towards him.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” he says.
“That’ll never happen, but okay,” you smile. 
He comes back over you, pushing his lips against yours in a messy kiss that has you both gasping for air and feeling more needy than before. You feel his hand travel down to your thigh, his fingers massaging the plush skin before he pulls away and goes back down to your core. 
You feel your brain click, just like it did last night, as you realize what was going to happen. You feel his hands teasing the band of your panties before you feel his lips on your inner thigh. You feel him suck and nip at the skin, definitely leaving another mark.
“You love marking me up don’t you?” You laugh.
“People gotta know that you’re mine,” he says as he sucks on the skin of your inner thigh. The words coming out of his mouth were still new to you. The thought of Joe, your Joe, doing this to you and saying these words to you was something you never thought would be possible. 
Before you could say something else, you feel him ghost his fingers over your slit, feeling your wetness seeping out of your panties. “So wet for me,” he chuckles before he pulls down your panties and throws them to the side. 
You start to feel those nerves again, so you close your eyes, hoping rid of those thoughts. The cool air of the room hits your core at the same time as you feel Joe’s mouth lick a long stripe from your folds to your clit, sending the first waves of pleasure throughout your body. “Mmm,” you whimper as you throw your head to the side, your fingers twirling the strands of his hair as his mouth starts to go unhinged on your core.
Wet slurping sounds fill the room along with your breaths that are coming out in short gasps. Joe’s mouth was magic, pure magic, and you were mad at yourself for missing out on this for all those years you stayed away. 
“Joey, fuck don’t stop,” you shamelessly moan as you push his head closer to your core, feeling him groan into you as he continues to lap at your folds. You could feel his soft scruff rubbing against your lower half, the real feeling of it better than what you had imagined it felt like. 
“You taste like heaven,” he says as he presses kisses around your skin before attaching his lips to your sensitive clit, sending intense shocks of pleasure throughout your body.
“Fuck, Joe,” you moan as you start to arch your back, but he gently pushes you back down before moving his hand to cup your breast, his thumb sliding across your nipple while his mouth continues to send you to heaven. “God, you’re so good,” you whined. You were melting under his touch, letting him do whatever he wanted to you, and it felt so right. The way his mouth was worshipping you was sending you into overdrive, his soft lips caressing every part and making you lose all control, but you were trying to keep it together. 
He looked up for a few seconds, watching you struggle to hold it together as the sounds coming from your mouth were absolutely unhinged, a juxtaposition to your facial expression. He watched as your free hand was gripping the sheets, your knuckles losing color at the tight grip you had on them. Every time you moaned his name, it felt like everything would just stop, and he loved it. 
His hand slides down from your breast to your thigh, gripping the back of it to throw your leg over his shoulder, opening you up even more. You feel his tongue thrust into your core, just as you start to feel your pleasure building up while his thumb was rubbing circles around your clit. 
“I’m so close,” you whisper as you open up your eyes and look down at him, feeling incredibly dazed at the sight of him doing what he is doing right now. He moves his lips from your core up to your clit, rhythmically sucking and swirling the bud before you let out another moan. 
“Oh my god,” you whine as you feel your pleasure begging to be released. You let go of the sheets, stuffing both your hands into Joe’s hair and grinding against his mouth. The combination of his tongue and your movements push you towards your orgasm as you feel the band in your belly snap hard, seeing stars for the first time in a long time; almost feeling like you had just fallen into a cloud of pink dust and the room had just gotten 10 times brighter, and it was all because of the man in front of you. 
“Joe,” you whimper as you throw your head to the side and smile into the pillow, waves of pleasure crashing over you as he continues to lap at your folds, softly rubbing your shaking thighs and milking every last drop of your orgasm. He continued to lap at your folds, a little more delicately than before. Then he moved back up to your face, he watched as you continued to grin into the pillow, soft moans and whimpers still leaving your lips as you came down from your high. A few moments later, you open up your eyes, panting from the aftermath of your orgasm, seeing Joe’s face just inches from yours. 
His lips and chin were coated with your wetness, his cheeks were flushed, and his hair was all messy. He wiped his chin with his hand before bringing it to his mouth to clean your wetness off of him. 
“How was it?” he pants, praying that you enjoyed it and felt good. He wanted nothing more than to make you, the love of his life, feel good. It’s all he has ever wanted. 
“You’re really fucking good at that,” you breathe out before you pull him closer and kiss him again. You could taste yourself on his lips and that made the kiss even more sweeter. Your tongues tangled in each other's mouths as you moved your hands to his back, stuffing them underneath his shirt and tracing his torso with your freshly manicured nails. You pulled his shirt higher, signaling that you wanted it off. He pulled away from your lips for a few seconds and took his shirt off before going back to you, his lips sucking on your top lip, almost biting it at the feeling of your hands finding themselves inside his pants.
Before you got lost in his lips again, you pulled away, leaving him a little breathless and very needy. “Mm, come back,” he whispered as he moved to kiss you again.
“I think you forgot to take something else off too,” you say as hold his face just inches from your mouth while you look down at his pants.
“Damn, straight to it?” He laughed as he got off of you and started to take his pants off.
“We’ve been waiting for way too long for us to not get straight to it,” you say as you watch him take them off. The nerves only get stronger as your brain starts to fully wake up, and the thoughts of last night come right back. You were about to see him fully naked and have sex, and there was a very real possibility that he wouldn’t enjoy it. But at the same time, why wouldn’t he? He loves you, and he made it very clear that you were the one for him; you both wanted this to happen, and you even said it to each other’s faces many times. 
“No, No No. Stop it Y/N. He loves you,” you think to yourself, trying to get out of your head again. You watch as he is just left in his boxers, expecting him to pull them down any second, but he just stands there with a straight face. 
“Everything alright?” you ask him.
“I don’t have any condoms,” he says as he rubs the back of his neck. 
You stay silent for a few seconds, “I’m on the pill,” you tell him, feeling even more nervous at the thought of him fucking you without any barriers. 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna force you into doing something if you don’t feel comfortable,” he asks.
“Joe, I promise you that it’s fine,” you say as you give him a sincere smile. 
He nods his head before he pulls down his boxers, your breath hitching as you look down and see him fully bare for the first time. You felt like you were back in high school and hooking up with a guy for the first time since you were feeling all of the same feelings again; excitement, hesitation, desire, and tension. 
“Are you still good?” He asks as he moves onto the bed, pumping his cock as he gets in between your legs.
“You’re just so-,”.
“I know,” he laughs. “But I promise, you can handle it,”.
“Oh really? What makes you so sure?” You tease.
“Because I know you and you never back down from a challenge,” he winks. 
You let out a soft laugh as you looked down again. Your smile faltered as the thoughts in your head only got louder and now your face was showing it, and he was noticing. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asked as he stopped and cupped your face.
“I’m fine,” you sigh.
“Talk to me, Y/N. I know you’re not fine,”.
You let out another sigh, knowing you could never lie to him, “Just nervous I guess,”.
“Am I making you nervous?” He asks as he moves a few strands of hair out of your face.
“No, no. God no. It’s just that I keep thinking you won’t like it, and then I think about the other girls that have been in this position before,” you confess.
He stares deeply into your eyes for a few seconds, his heart dropping at the thought of you feeling like this because you were thinking about other girls.
“You’re crazy if you think I won’t like this. And stop thinking about other girls,” he says. “Look around. You’re the only girl in my bed, you’re the only girl that will be in my bed, and you’re the only girl that gets to have me like this,” he reassures you. 
It felt as if your brain had just gotten a soft blanket and pillow, preparing itself to take a nap and finally turn off for the night, and it was because of Joe. He always got you out of your head when you were too far gone and this was just another example of it. 
“I love you,” you say as you look into his baby blue eyes, filled with desire for you. 
“I love you more than anything in the world. Will you finally let me show you?” He asks as he presses a kiss to your nose. 
“Of course,” you say as you press a deep and passion-filled kiss onto his lips.
He pulls away and says, “Let me know if you want to stop, let me know if it hurts, and let me know if it’s too much,”.
“Joe,” you blink.
“What?” he asks.
“I’ve had sex before,” you laugh.
“Okay, but you haven’t had sex with me before,” he says as he raises his brow.
“Fair point,” You giggle.
“Just know that I'm here and that you’re safe,” he says before you start to feel pressure down below, his cock slowly sliding through your drenched folds.
“Okay,” you whimper as you throw your head to the side, feeling a slight sting at the sensation of him stretching you out. A few gasps leave your lips at the fullness you felt, and then a whine when you feel him stop. “Don’t stop,” you said 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groans as he slides in all the way, feeling your cushiony walls wrap around him for the first time. 
“Joe,” you whisper, moving your face so that you are looking into each other's eyes. He starts to thrust into you, setting a slow pace so that you can get used to the feeling. The slow rhythmic pace he set made your toes curl, the feeling of him inside of you was unlike anything you’d ever felt before and you loved it. The way he held you close to him, the sounds leaving his lips, and the feeling of being fucked by him was all too much for you. 
Faint sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room as he moved deeper inside of you with each well-placed thrust. He grabbed your leg, cupping the back of your knee and placing it around his waist, opening you up even more for him to go deeper. 
“Yeah,” you moan as you feel him moving closer to your G-spot. The new angle allows him to move deeper into you, reaching new territory each time he pushes into you. 
“Does it feel good?” He pants as he presses kisses around your jaw.
“Feels fucking amazing,” you say as you open your eyes and move your other leg around his waist. You move your hand into his hair again and push his face closer to yours, soft moans leaving your mouth against his lips before he moves closer and captures your lips in a gentle kiss. 
A few seconds later, a well-placed thrust causes you to pull away, his cock grazing your G-spot.  “Joe, holy fuck,” you moan as you throw your head back against the pillow. You had him so close to you, but you wanted him closer. His pace was fulfilling, but you wanted more. “Joe,” you moan again as you open your eyes. 
“What, Baby?” he breathes out as he continues to thrust into your slick core.
“Fuck me,” you moan. “Fuck me harder, please,”.
He looked into your eyes for a few seconds, smiling at the sight of you begging for more and feeling like this because of him. You felt comfortable with him, and that’s all he wanted. You were the only girl that he wanted like this, and now that he had you, he felt like he was on top of the world. 
“I never thought I’d hear you say that, fuck, that’s hot,” he pants as he begins to thrust into you harder. He picked up the pace of his thrusts, the feeling of him pounding into your core with no barriers was too good and neither of you could get enough of it. 
“You feel so good,” he moaned at the feeling of his cock pumping into your core. You started to buck your hips against him, matching the pace of his rough thrusts and pushing you both into another realm of satisfaction. The sound of skin hitting skin only got louder, just like the sounds escaping both your mouths. One of his hands traveled to your chest, cupping your breast and teasing your nipple with his thumb. 
Hearing Joe like this was sending chills down your body, again thinking about how quickly things changed from innocent to whatever the hell this was between you two. It was pure passion, love, and desire that had built up between you both for years, and it was finally coming out in the best way possible. 
“Yeah,” you groan as you move further up the bed, his cock slamming into your cervix with each snap of his hips. You moved your hands to cup his back, helping him move against you as every stroke hit your pleasure point. 
“J- Joe,” you struggle to moan, his lips move down to your neck again, but this time nestled against the spot by your ear.
“You. Are. Un. Fucking. Real,” he whispers into your ear, punctuating each word with a rough thrust before dropping his head into the crook of your neck. He felt himself getting lost in your touch, the way you felt around him was unlike anything he had ever felt before with any other girl. The sounds escaping your lips, the smile on your face, the softness of your touch, it was all unreal. 
Joe continued to fuck you senseless, your pleasure building inside of you with every thrust. “Right there,” you smile as you feel him find another pleasure point inside of you, your breath coming out in short gasps again as you feel him slam into you harder, making sure he hits that spot just right. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned as he felt your walls start to clench his cock. 
“Mmph, I’m close,” you whimper as you press a kiss to his forehead, prompting him to come out of your neck.
“Fuck,” he pants as his thrusts start to become more erratic. He could never get enough of you, the feeling of being balls deep inside of you was something he needed to feel all the time. He’d never felt this good with another girl before, you were something special. 
You felt your legs start to burn and a thin layer of sweat formed on your body. He moves one hand to grip your waist, his lips find their way to your mouth again, and his other hand starts to navigate down to your clit. The way he was touching you sent electricity through your veins. 
He starts to toy with your clit as his mouth crashes against yours, and a few rough thrusts later, you were clamping down on his cock. “I- I’m cumming,” you moan as you break away from the kiss, digging your head into the pillow again, feeling the band in your stomach tighten.
“I’ve got you,” he says as he presses a kiss to your cheek. Your arms wrapped around his back, drawing him closer to you as you felt the world stop.
“Joe!” you screamed as you felt your orgasm wash over you, your walls clenching his cock in a rhythmic manner making him groan. It felt like a rush of dopamine, a breath of fresh air, and like you were going down a big drop on a rollercoaster. All of which created a feeling of euphoria.
You whimpered and moaned at the feeling of your high; it was a feeling of raw satisfaction. You’d never felt like this with another guy before. Those thoughts and doubts you had were long gone as all you could focus on was the pleasure you were feeling at the man who made it happen. He managed to make you feel like the most extraordinary girl in the world earlier with everything he said to you, and now he just showed you that he meant everything he said. 
He was still moving, but not as strongly as he was before. You didn’t feel him reach his high yet, which made you a little nervous, so you were determined to get him there. You opened your eyes, seeing a content smile on his face as he slowly pumped into you.
“Don’t stop,” you said, maybe for the 50th time, your voice raspy from how fucked out you were. 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna push you too much,” he said as he pressed a kiss on your nose. 
“Keep going, it’s perfect,” you whispered as you closed your eyes and let go of all your thoughts and feelings, letting him do whatever he wanted. You felt his pace pick back up, feeling him move closer and closer to his release. 
“Shit, I’m close,” he moaned as his thrusts became rougher. The soreness down below was setting in, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was that you wanted him to feel good, just like how he made you feel good. A few seconds later, you felt him still inside you and hot spurts of his release coating your walls, just as he gently pressed down onto your body, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he felt his high. The feeling of him inside you was magical, and something you could never get enough of.
“You’re so good, Y/N. Fuck, I love you,” he whispered into your ear, causing you to grin. You both lay there for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of what had just happened, your breaths steadying out. You thought about how exciting this was, getting to finally do this with Joe. Finally getting to be his girlfriend, finally being able to do what couples did. It was all you had ever wanted. 
He moved his face back to your view, seeing your flushed cheeks and messy hair along with the grin on your face. “H- How was it?” he asked as he slowly slid out of you, a hiss leaving your lips at the sensation. 
“I don’t think I can even begin to express how much I loved that,” you said as you pulled his face back down to yours, pressing a big kiss to his lips. “Wait, did you like it?” You asked him as you suddenly pulled away. 
“Does this answer your question?” He laughs as he moves back down and kisses you like he has never kissed you before in his life. “That was the best. You are amazing,” he said against your lips. 
He gets off of you a few moments later, walking into the bathroom to grab a washcloth to clean you up. Then, he walks into his closet and finds a t-shirt for you to slip on, as well as some fresh clothes for him. 
“Here,” he says, handing you one of his Bengals t-shirts. 
“I hope you know that you’re not getting this back,” you giggle as you sit up and slip the shirt on.
“Fine by me,” he shrugged as he put on shorts and clean boxers before sliding back into the bed.
“I should probably change these sheets,” he realized, starting to get back up but feeling your hand wrap around his arm, pulling him back down.
You toss your leg over him, holding him down to the bed. “Later,” you say as you move closer to his chest, his arm wrapping around your waist. 
“Someone’s feeling clingy,” he teased as he kissed your forehead. 
“Clingy, glowy, infatuated, in love. Whatever you want to call it,” you smile up at him. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked you as he rubbed your belly.
“Like I’ve just had the best sex of my life with the love of my life. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on that,” you shake your head. 
“I feel the same way,” he chuckles. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you say as you press a kiss to his bare chest. “This was really special,”.
“Don’t thank me,” he says. “You deserve this. Only the best treatment for the girl of my dreams,” he smiles.
“I love you so much that it literally hurts,” you giggle as you hide your face in his chest.
His hand slides up and down your back, his heart bursting at the thought of you both together in this moment. “I loved you then, I love you now, and I’ll love you forever,” he whispered into your ear, making your cheeks turn another shade of crimson. You slide your hand up his chest, softly grazing your fingers over his muscular body and admiring the ring on your finger, having a moment of realization. 
“Hey, I just noticed something,” you say as you bring your hand to your face, admiring your ring. 
“What?” Joe asks as he looks down at you.
“I know you said there’s 9 diamonds for the 9 years we’ve known each other, but you know what else is 9?” you say as you look up at him, your words laced with love.
“What?” Joe asks, not catching on to what you were saying.
“You, silly,” you say as you pat his chest. “You’re number 9 and the ring has 9 diamonds. I’ll always have you with me even if we’re not always in the same place,” you giggle. 
“That’s actually really sweet and wasn’t even on purpose,” he cheeses. “But trust me, we’ll always be in the same place,”.
“Hmm, what about when you have to go to the team hotel the night before games? Or away games since I wouldn’t see you until after the game?”
“I’ll sneak you in. Show up in the mascot’s uniform, and just the uniform,” he winks. “I'm sure you’ll make it up to our floor if you make a good excuse,”
“Oh, I’ll make it up to your floor, I have spy-like reflexes, but I think they’ll realize that there’s a girl in your room once they hear us going at it,” you laugh into his chest. 
“Hey, they should appreciate that I’m letting my built-up tension and nerves out in a healthy way,” he shrugged. “Having your star QB all tensed and nervous before a game is a recipe for disaster,”. 
“You’re too much,” you blush.
“But you still love me,” he laughed, looking down at you.
You crane your head to his face, meeting his ocean-blue eyes that never fail to send butterflies into your body. “That I do,” you say as you shift your body so that you're on top of him, feeling a wet spot on the bed as you were doing so.
He watches as your face scrunches up, looking a little uncomfortable. “You good?” He asked.
“Hit a wet spot,” you laughed. “There’s a lot of body fluids on me and this bed right now,”.
“Do you want to shower?” He asked as the pads of his fingers massaged the plush skin of your thighs. 
“As long as we get to repeat this,” you mumble as you move your face closer to his.
“Already?” He asks as he raises his brow, stunned at your stamina.
“9 years Joey. 9 fucking years,” you laughed.
“Fair enough,” he says as he presses his lips against yours, sliding off the bed with your legs wrapped around his. 
“You might need some Advil after this,” he says as he opens the bathroom door. “I have a lot of energy,” he winks.
“I’d be mad if you didn’t,” you smiled against his shoulder, your entire body sizzling with anticipation. This was going to become a regular thing for you both, and that made your heart soar. He was perfect, your relationship was perfect, everything was perfect.
--The End--
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souperbloom · 7 months
strip. [A.I.]
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you know i had to do it to em. i know we were all thinking it. ur welcome.
Ashton’s been hard at work on his upcoming album, and you want to let him know you’re still his biggest fan.
a/n: this was lowkey so rushed but idc i needed to get it out of my system.
CONTENT WARNINGS: smut!, pet names, dirty talk, unprotected sex (yeehaw), biting (???).
"Ash, food! Come and get it!"
It had been days since you last saw your boyfriend.
Okay, maybe not days. But it had definitely been more than a few hours since the last time since he had actually spoken to you.
Despite time passing, all of your days had been meshing into one; since they all started and ended the same.
Ashton wakes up; eons earlier than you have ever dreamed to. He kisses you on the forehead, stirring you slightly awake from your REM sleep. He then goes downstairs to make himself a coffee, washes the single mug he dirtied and after all’s said and done; he’s off to the home studio for the unforeseeable future.
You would love if he had, just once, let you do all of the things you still adore doing for him. Like making him breakfast, or playing music from your joint Spotify playlist while you tend to the houseplants and he jots lyrics down in his tattered up notebook.
But things have changed since the beginning stages of the album-making process. There were no more laid back days; no more idea bouncing sessions with his mates or trips to Mars on your outdoor patio after sharing a joint or two. It was all just work, work, work.
If you were more honest with yourself, you’d tell him it annoyed you.
But you loved him too damn much to care.
"Ashton! Dinner!"
You try your luck again at shouting to him, but eventually realize that the sound barrier between the kitchen upstairs and the studio downstairs was far too widespread for him to hear you.
With a disgruntled huff, you grab his dinner plate, and trot your way down the stairs into the abyss, as you so lovingly nicknamed it.
"Ash, dinner’s ready," You start your sentence before you round the corner and hop down the last few steps, making sure not to drop the plate of piping hot food. But when you enter the studio, you don’t see your sweet boyfriend hunched over the soundboard with a guitar pick in his mouth as you typically would.
Instead, he was lounging on the couch. The little leather loveseat that the two of you had picked up off the side of the road and got sent out to be cleaned. You figured it’d be a great addition to his workspace, while he was a bit apprehensive at first.
But after a month or two, he started to love his little leather loveseat. He’d use it to take breaks; or, in those rare moments where he’d share the music he’s been working on, it would be your place to sit.
On the couch, Ashton’s body was strewn. With his heather green guitar lazily rested on his hip, he mindlessly plucked a work-in-progress bass line. You swallowed at the sight of him, stopping in your tracks.
"You know, we have a perfectly good couch upstairs for you to be hammering out bass lines on."
Ashton’s eyes lock into yours, his steely face of concentration lifting upon seeing you. Yet, his fingers still slid up and down on the fretboard, as if not to lose his train of thought.
"This is my thinking couch. Can’t get shit done up there with all those windows. Makes me feel like a bat when I’ve been down here all day."
"I think you’re more like a vampire," you chuckle, setting down his food on the table beside him, "But still, it’s fucking lame."
"I admire your eloquence, baby… Lame how?" His eyes had reverted to the neck of his guitar.
"Lame, as in, you’re down here all fucking day and I miss my boyfriend. Sue me for being selfish but, I think my feelings are justified."
Ashton’s lips tug to the side, while his eyes remain glued to his musical progress, "Really? I thought having me down here was a nice little break from all the bangin’ on pots and pans we used to do. I’m workin’ on the real shit now."
"Screw the real shit. I miss you. It’s dumb that you have to be down here all the time."
You toss your hands in the air in faux frustration before planting them on your hips. But his gaze doesn’t waver. He knows you’re standing in front of him yet can’t seem to divert his attention away from whatever he’d been working on.
He acknowledges you slightly, like a dog whose ears perk up when you call out its’ name.
A wry chuckle falls past your lips, "This is ridiculous. Y’know what—"
Out of pure frustration, and with lack of sense to do anything else, you take off your shirt. You weren’t sure of what possessed you to, but it seemed to be the right thing. Ashton’s mossy eyes popped up almost immediately.
You toss your borrowed t-shirt, stolen right from his closet, onto the ground.
"Well, glad I could get your attention," you gaff.
"You’ve always had my attention, baby. Just didn’t wanna lose my place."
A small smirk sprawls across your cheeks as Ashton fully sets down his guitar. It’s now lying horizontally across his lap.
"Don’t you ever get bored down here?" You ask, subconsciously crossing your arms as you remember that you’re now shirtless.
"I won’t lie, I do. And sometimes when I do, eventually, get bored, my mind likes to wander."
His reply is proceeded with a chuckle, one that’s laced with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. But his eyes continued a trail down your body, stopping at the waistline of your sweatpants, then back up to you.
"Oh, really? Where does it wander off to? God only knows what you think about when you’re locked away in the abyss."
"If I was a liar, I’d sit here and tell you that I’m only thinking about the shit that’s in front of me. But baby, I’m an honest man; you know exactly what I think about."
"Hm," you hum, challengingly, "Can’t say I do."
Ashton’s arm moves slowly as he leans back and rests his head on his palm. The star tattoo on his bicep flexes beneath the ambient lighting of the studio, and you can’t help but just stare.
"She’s standing right in front of me."
Your face tinges pink at his words, rubbing your arm bashfully as if he was some sort of pickup artist and you were being swept off your feet. It didn’t matter how long it had been since the day you two met, his charm never faltered.
"She’s in here? Right now? Wow, I’m starstruck." You try your hand at jabbing, to ignore the warm buzzing feeling in your stomach.
"Don’t play stupid, baby. You know you’re the only one capable of grabbing my attention like this."
Ashton shifts in his position comfortably. His legs spread a tad bit wider, and the hand not holding his head was now drumming rhythmically against his thigh.
He was taking in the sight of you as if he had never seen you before.
"Really?" You ask a question, already knowing the answer.
As your sentence trails, a thought bounces around in your mind for a moment:
Would it be the worst thing in the world to ‘put on a show’ for your boyfriend, who had spent the last six months of his life devoting his time, energy, and soul into an album for the world?
Would it be wrong for you to think about how much you knew he’d enjoy it? How much you’d enjoy it?
As the thought plagues you, rendering you momentarily useless as your stare darts around his dreamy frame, Ashton reads your mind.
"What?" Your mouth hangs slightly at your boyfriend’s bluntness.
"You heard me, baby. I said, strip."
That slack jaw of yours morphs into a wicked smile, wordlessly obliging to his command.
Ashton’s relaxed body sprawled out on the couch guffaws at you, as you hook your thumbs onto the waistband of your sweatpants.
You slowly start to sway your hips, matching up with the rhythm of some imaginary song. The band of your underwear peeks out over the top and once you notice that he had gotten a good look, you swiftly pull your pants back up.
It was called a strip tease for a reason.
Repeating the motions from before, you eventually shimmy out of those sweatpants, and are left solely in a frilly bralette and boy-shorts.
"Pardon the underwear selection," you giggle, "didn’t realize I’d be putting on a show today.
Ashton’s body language had changed slightly; you noticed the bead of sweat that had formed and began rolling down his forehead, merely at the sight of you. He swallows harshly before he replies.
"You could’ve walked out here in a paper bag. Wouldn’t matter a damn’ thing."
Your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth at his compliment. He never fails to make you nervous, even after all this time. His eyes alone were one of the most intimidating things about him. You could feel them searing into you as your gaze drops down to your feet, momentarily stopping your motions.
"Finish your show, baby," his words snap you out of your trance, "you wanted my attention, right?…I’m all yours."
As his legs spread wider and his head dips back comfortably to rest onto his palm, the confidence within you fronts again. With a cheeky smile, you reach behind your back, twisting around to show him your hands fiddling with the clasp of your bralette.
You hear rustling from behind you as you eventually free yourself from the fabric, wiggling out of it and letting the strap hang on the tip of your finger. You shoot a glance at him, over your shoulder.
"How’s that?"
He sighs, "Perfect."
With a flick of your hair, you turn back around, fully topless. To raise the stakes, you take it upon yourself to run your hands down the front of your chest and over your breasts. He groans lowly at that motion, grabbing his guitar by the neck and gently resting it at his side.
Now, at the most intimidating part of your show, your hands linger above the band of your underwear. Ashton gazes at you hungrily, slickly moving his hand towards the crotch of his jeans.
It takes everything inside of you not to whine as you notice his hand slowly starting to palm his bulge, held captive by fabric. It catches you off guard, and you freeze yet again.
"Nobody told you to stop."
Almost as if his demands were a form of hypnosis, you resume what you’d started. The band of your underwear hooks effortlessly around your thumbs as you gently tug them down, slightly showing off your bikini line.
His eyes draw in like a magnet, seemingly becoming less and less in control of his senses as you move.
Your underwear pools at your ankles; body completely stripped bare in front of your still, fully clothed, boyfriend. Something about his sultry looks almost felt humiliating, although that wasn’t something you were necessarily upset with.
It still drove you the same amount of crazy.
"Fuck," Ashton mutters, breaking the tense silence that had been lingering over your heads, "you’re a sight to behold, baby."
His hand was still squeezing at the hard-on in his jeans, the notch in his forehead growing increasingly more prominent as he fought to hold back his urges.
Without another word, you traipse over to him slowly; attempting to enchant him with the sway of your hips and the glittering of your skin beneath the studio lights.
"’Been missing you a lot." Your voice holds a certain innocence to it, acting as though you had no clue of the absolute turmoil your actions were subjecting him to.
"I miss you too," Ashton coos, "I bet my girl gets so lonely upstairs without me, doesn’t she?"
A chill runs down your spine as he slowly sits up from his slouched position, and anchors his hands on your waist. He guides your naked body gently onto his lap, letting you straddle him comfortably.
"Mmh, ‘does get lonely without you. Can’t think straight, sometimes."
"Oh, you poor thing… I’m sorry, my sweet girl."
The back of his hand reaches up to caress your cheek, words dripping with tender loving care, before he’s straining his neck to wrap you into a kiss.
The kiss starts off slow; gently nipping at one another and feeling the motions of your lips entwined. But as your hips subconsciously start to grind down into the hardened length in his jeans, something primal washes over you.
Your tongue slips into his mouth without any regard for savoring this moment, heating up the kiss instantly. The grip he has on your waist gets tighter, as his fingers dig into the soft flesh near your hips.
Nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth, Ashton groans, "Can’t wait much longer, baby… Been— been wantin’ to fuck you since you walked down here."
A smirk plays on your face as his neediness overpowers any other emotion present in the room. His mouth wanders down to your neck while he struggles to blindly undo his jeans.
While enjoying the trail of wet kisses inching down to your collarbone, you aim to help him free himself from his pants, fumbling with his fingers and the buttons with a soft giggle.
"Slow down, baby—" your words ring barely above a whisper, "I’m not going anywhere."
Ashton’s head pops up from your clavicle once he finally gets down his zipper, "Better not be."
To your surprise, Ashton was going about this a lot more unhurried than you had anticipated. His words read as frantic, yet his actions felt as though he was savoring each and every feeling of you. You didn’t want to disrupt the already perfect rhythm he had been keeping; so you let him continue on as he wished.
He scoops up your idle hand that had been resting towards the waistline of his jeans and moves it to the pocket of his briefs. Your eyes find his briefly, and a knowing glance is shared.
"Gonna start slow, yea? You okay with that? Wanna savor it… Haven’t been inside you in a while. Missed my girl…"
Swallowing back the excited lump in your throat, you nod, "That’s fine, baby. No— no rush."
Your eyes widen as he guides your hand, freeing his throbbing cock from his underwear. A sigh of bliss tumbles past his lips the moment you wrap your hand around him.
"Lean back, baby… ‘Wanna see—"
Following is command, you lean back, resting your hands just above his knees. You lift up your hips while gazing at him through hooded eyes, waiting for him to adjust.
It’s not long before he’s swiping his tip against your clit, bringing the both of you into a collective, melodic sigh.
Ashton was right; he hadn’t been inside of you in a while. The two of you had been so preoccupied with life that you had barely made enough time for each other. You’d almost forgotten what it felt like until he was guiding himself inside of you.
Expletives and moans immediately begin filling the room as you lower yourself down onto his length fully. His breath hitches, eyes glued down to where your bodies met.
"Fuck, baby… Missed watching this… Missed watchin’ that pretty pussy swallow me whole… Fuckin’— missed you."
With a slack jaw, you start your rhythm of slowly bouncing up and down, the feeling of him filling you up made you complete in more ways than you could fathom. Your walls tightened with each stroke, one more rough than the next.
Each time you lower yourself down to meet his pelvis, he bottoms out, snapping his hips up to meet yours and making you cry out in pleasure. His eyes can’t seem to decide whether or not to watch your face, or his cock disappearing inside of you.
"Ashton, please— Need more… More, please…"
He grunts at your gentle tone, still keeping that slow pace. He had mentioned wanting to savor this moment, but the look in his eyes said otherwise.
"C’mere," he pants, motioning with his head for you to lean forward. You, of course, oblige, wrapping your arms around his neck with a sigh.
Rather than you doing the work, Ashton had resorted to restarting that pace by snapping his hips up to meet yours. Your name rattles off of his tongue in grumbled mutters as his hold on you tightens, the sounds of skin slapping together engulfing his words and making them inaudible.
You allow him to fuck into you without any complaints, letting your eyes roll back into your head with each upward slam. It was obvious how difficult it was for him to keep his composure.
"Christ, baby," he growls lowly, "drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy."
Another loud moan is released from the back of your throat as Ashton abruptly stops his rambling by sinking his teeth into your shoulder. You yelp on impact, yet slowly ease into the sharp pain as he continues to bottom out inside of you.
"Ash, oh my god," you whine, overwhelmed with the sensation of your impending orgasm meshing with the pleasure of the pain.
He grunts beneath you, each thrust rougher than the last— you could tell he was close by the sloppiness of his strokes and his grip on your waist loosening.
His jaw clenches on your shoulder before letting go as he looks your disheveled face in the eye.
"Gonna cum… Gonna’ cum real’ soon… Please, baby… Let me fill you up— gonna’ make you feel so good…"
You nod without a second thought, your bouts of praise turning into incoherent mumbling as your orgasm creeps towards its peak.
"Cum inside me Ash, please… Let me feel you baby— fuck!"
Your body betrays your senses as your orgasm rumbles through you, Ashton following suit shortly after as he releases inside of you with one last buck of his hips. Your bodies collapse onto one another, the sweat and heat igniting a spark between you.
With a gentle comb through your hair, Ashton’s hand traipses down to the back of your neck. You could faintly hear his heart beating through his chest as he holds you, the two of you simultaneously collecting your breathing.
"Thanks for the show, baby," Ashton chuckles, petting your back as you regulate your vitals; his cock still buried deep inside of you.
You can’t help but hum, satisfied with the thought of letting your dirty fantasies dictate your actions.
"If this didn’t prove how much I’ve been missing you," You pop your head up to place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, "I’m not sure anything will."
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #28) - Finale
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FEB28: Reader Request - John Needs a Shave
Concept idea from my besites, @ofdivinity01 and @glitterypirateduck! Hope y'all like it!
John’s hand was cleaned and bandaged, but he had hurt it pretty badly. He had been cleaning a huge fish outside on the patio, one that he had caught himself from the river behind your house, and the knife caught and slipped, jamming into his palm. It was healing fine, but he was struggling with his grip.
“Bloody hell!” He shouted from the bathroom, and you heard a metallic clatter follow with it. 
You hurried to check on him, rushing to his side,
“John? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, love,” he sighed out of frustration, “It’s just this hand. Can’t grab my shaver properly. Tired of this messy face, and I’m sure you are, too.”
He smiled down at you, half-shaven and half-wild. You shook your head,
“It’s okay, babe. But, we can’t have you walking around half-finished. Can I help?”
“Ever used a straight razor?”
“No,” you sighed, “But, I can go slowly.”
“Aye,” he nodded, “Alright.” 
“Here,” you said, staring up at his great height, “Why don’t you come have a seat in the kitchen.”
You set him up by the sink, filling up a bowl with water to wash the razor, and squirting some shaving cream into your palm. He was sitting in the chair, and you hovered over him, smearing the soft foam onto his skin, making sure to leave his chops and sideburns untouched. 
“Chin’s the hard part, so just do little strokes,” he instructed, “And, hey,” he grabbed your arm, “Thank you for this.”
You kissed his forehead, 
“No problem, John. I’ve got you.”
You set to work, shaving off his chin bit by bit. The razor made quiet little scraping noises, and you tried to cut as close as you could to the skin without nicking him. It was hard to get the right angle. 
“Sorry,” you said, “Do you mind if I sit in your lap. It’s hard for me to –”
“Tha’s fine, love,” John uncrossed his leg and patted his thigh. 
You straddled him, trying to ignore the fire that rose in your belly. You focused back on your work, moving down to his neck. With each little swipe and swish of your blade, you noticed that he was breathing a little harder. You stopped, looking up at him,
“Are you alright? Do you need a break?”
There was a low rumble in his chest that was almost a moan, and then he answered darkly, 
He put both of his hands on your hips in a very familiar fashion, and you shifted your weight. As you did, you felt him, hard as a lead pipe beneath you. 
“Ahh…” You smiled, “I see. Be patient, mister. Almost done.”
He grunted in response, choosing to remain silent. 
You didn’t spare him any mercy while he was under your body. You shifted back and forth, teasing his rigid cock, shaving even slower, taking longer than you needed to. And by the time you were done, cleaning up the stray foam, your husband was a panting, growling mess. 
The last wipe of the dry cloth brought his face down to yours, his mouth only inches from your lips, and you could taste his warm breath. 
You kissed him languidly, not giving him any room to be ravenous with you, and you smiled coyly, 
“All done, babe. How does it feel?”
He scooped you up, leaving the chair in the kitchen, and lay you on the couch, shucking your pajama pants off of your body and spreading your legs apart with his rough hands. He chuckled, 
“Why don’t you tell me?”
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That's all, folks! Here lies the end of our smutless, fluffy adventure. Thanks so much to everyone for all of their support. I would've stopped weeks ago if it wasn't for y'all. Looking back, I think this exercise really helped me improve, and it got me out of my rut.
If you had a good time, please consider donating to my coffee fund. This derpy cat needs caffeine, and your hard-earned dollars are very much appreciated.
Reblogs, comments, and kudos (AO3) also bring me so much joy, so thank you for interacting with me and my work. More Price is on the way!
Y'all are the best ✌️🩷
P.S. Do these two deserve a smutty follow-up tomorrow? I think they do. 😈 It is a leap year, after all.
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. WORD COUNT: 3.6k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, established couple. adoptedkiddo! tsumiki.
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SYNOPSIS: tsumiki wants to study abroad for high school, but satoru gojo is against it. will satoru let tsumiki go? AUTHOR'S NOTE: ***manga spoilers*** because of what happened to tsumiki in the manga, i decided to write a more wholesome version of what i would think tsumiki would've wanted to do. she is going to make small appearances and still have her name mentioned in my future fics, but this is dedicated to her. and because i think satoru loved having her as his child 💚 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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you sat down on the couch, “satoru, we need to talk.”
“i swear, babe, it wasn’t megumi’s fault.” he stared at you innocently with his hands raised.
“megumi?” you looked at him, brows furrowed and confused, “no, babe, we need to talk about tsumiki.”
satoru sighed in relief, glad he didn’t get himself in trouble. he didn’t want you to find out about megumi getting sent to the principal’s office for fighting at school today. that was another lecture for another day.
“what’s going on with my favorite child?” satoru joked, putting his arm around your shoulder.
you explained the situation to satoru, “now that tsumiki is graduating middle school, we had a grown adult talk about her future plans. she told me she wants to study abroad for high school. she wants to learn english so she can teach kids here in japan after she graduates.”
“absolutely not. she’s staying here.” satoru said without even thinking. no reasoning to support his decision.
“but babe, i think it’s a good idea. she’s 15 and starting high school next year. there are good study abroad programs out there. and it's great to live in country of the language you want to the learn.” you said, trying to justify tsumiki’s decision to satoru.
“no, (y/n).” he said sternly. since when did he ever directly call you by your first name instead of a petname? and since when did he want to play patriarch? you were usually the shot-caller in this household.
it was time for the back up plan if all else failed. kisses. you grabbed satoru’s hand and peppered it with your soft lips. “please? for me and tsumiki?”
he looked at you and took his hand away. you stared back at him in disbelief, “satoru gojo, what is your problem today?” even the government name didn’t make him flinch like it usually did.
he never acted like this, even when he disagreed with you, he was usually calm and rational. he would have data and reasons to back up his decisions, but not today.
“i just don’t think a 15 year old girl needs to go study abroad in another country without her guardians.” he said bitterly, “and that’s final.”
he removed his hand from your thigh and got up from the couch, leaving you alone in the living room as he made his way to the patio to join catoru in the sun. your jaw dropped. what was wrong with him today?
later that night: tsumiki's room
“(y/n), did you ask gojo-sensei if i can study abroad?” tsumiki asked curiously as you towel dried her long brown hair for her. she had spent the last week convincing you about letting her attend a private academy in california, and you were totally on board with it until satoru shot you down earlier today.
“i did… he wasn’t too happy to hear what i had to say though.” you frowned at her. she looked at you with sad eyes.
“what did he say?”
“he thinks that you’re too young to study abroad and that you should stay here in japan with us.”
“i’m not a baby, (y/n).” tsumiki said, “why can’t gojo-sensei see that i can take care of myself?”
you thought out loud, “maybe because you’re his little girl... his partner in crime. he doesn’t want to lose that. you know what a softie he is.”
“yeah, but it’s not like i'll be gone forever! i can come home for the semester breaks and i’ll always have my cell phone with me!”
“i know, sweetheart. coming from how i grew up, i think this would be a great experience for you.” you commented as you thought about how you wanted to attend jujutsu high instead of being homeschooled when you were tsumiki’s age. (read ‘love at first fight’ here)
tsumiki sighed in defeat, “can’t you give him a kiss or something? he never says no to you.”
“believe me, i tried.” you chuckled, “he pushed me away and said no.” you and tsumiki both knew satoru gojo's weaknesses.
“what?!” tsumiki gasped, “that man is so obsessed with you and he did what?!”
“i know, that’s the last time he’ll be getting any kisses from me.” you stated, sitting down on her bed.
“well, that’s just mean.” satoru interrupted your girls only conversation. his tall frame leaning against tsumiki's bedroom door, arms folded.
tsumiki smiled, “oh, hi gojo-sensei!”
“hi tsumiki.” satoru greeted her, sitting down on her bed next to you. tsumiki sat on the floor. “(y/n) says you have something you wanted to talk to me about.”
"oh... yes!" tsumiki nervously laughed, scratching the back of her head. "well, since i'm graduating middle school, i wanted to ask you and (y/n) if i can attend this boarding school in california. it's called e.f. academy."
"okay, if you're going to go this far away, you're going to have to convince me. so tell me more." satoru encouraged her.
"well..." tsumiki started to word vomit, "it's a private high school academy with small classes. they have a lot of extra curricular activities and travel opportunities. they'll prepare me for college. they have advisors that i can talk to if we need anything..."
"tsumiki, can't you do all of this here? why do you have to go so far away?" satoru asked. this was his way of being 'reasonable'. he was starting to ask questions so he could make the best decision.
tsumiki was smart and calculated, just as you and satoru raised her to be. she started her rebuttal, "you and (y/n) have always taught me and megumi that we are not going to grow if we don't step out of our comfort zone. you even told megumi to be greedier, so this is me being greedy."
satoru nodded his head, "okay. give me a week to think about it. don't bother (y/n) and don't ask her to give me kisses because that's unfair."
you smiled as you watched satoru and tsumiki talk. they were really a father-daughter duo, partners in crime, two peas in a pod. you missed the days where your 6 year old adopted daughter used to keep your 18 year old boyfriend in check.
"really? you'll really think about it?" tsumiki asked satoru with a hopeful gleam in her eye.
"yes. i promise." he answered.
tsumiki stuck out her pinky as satoru laughed. he intertwined his pinky with hers, both of them kissing their pinkies to seal the deal. (read 'pinky promises' here)
one week later: satoru's office
satoru knew that he only had one week to make a decision that would change his life and ultimately, tsumiki's life. megumi and you were all for tsumiki studying abroad, while he was the only one against it.
"she's the only one that doesn't have cursed energy. she can't see curses and she can't attend jujutsu high with us." megumi's comment ran through satoru's mind. it was true, being the only one who couldn't see curses or practice jujutsu in the family could feel alien. but tsumiki never expressed that she felt alone.
satoru sighed while he sat in his expensive office chair. he knew that he was going to have to give tsumiki an answer today. he still wanted to say no, but his heart knew the right decision was to say yes and let her be free to be her own person.
he heard a knock on his office door. the four signature knocks signaling it was you (or him). ten years later, that has never changed.
"gojo-sensei?" your saccharine voice called out for him as you opened his door.
he greeted you with a bright flashy smile, "i love it when you call me that."
you rolled your emerald green eyes at him as you made your way towards his desk, sitting against it. "did you make a decision yet?"
"i'm thinking about it." he mused.
"you know our baby girl is waiting for an answer. she's at cheer practice right now, so she should be home at 6 today." you commented.
"let me take one last walk and i promise i'll be home on time for dinner." satoru huffed. you leaned down to kiss him before heading back to your office. he grabbed your hand, stopping you.
"wait, can i get another kiss?" he requested with a shit-eating grin.
your radiant laugh filled his office. he peeked one of his shiny blue eyes out of his blindfold. you turned back around to grab his chin with your hand.
"see you at home." you whispered, kissing him again fervently.
satoru decided to take the long way home instead of teleporting. he wanted the last couple hours to himself to think.
why was he so against tsumiki studying abroad? he thought about the conversation he had with you last night.
"i think you have abandonment issues, satoru. that's why you won't let tsumiki leave japan." you realized as he pulled you closer to him in bed, your gentle hand resting against his bare chest.
"hmmm. you think so?" he mumbled, pulling your chin up for a sweet peck on the lips.
"i know so."
abandonment. the first person who came to satoru's mind was suguru geto, his bestfriend. the original partner in crime. a person who he loved and cared about til' this day.
"losing suguru really changed you, babe. and that's okay. you've become a better man because of it." you said softly.
"i guess you're right." satoru acknowledged. he sighed deeply and closed his eyes. he felt your delicate breathing against his skin as he fell asleep.
it was true, what you had said. satoru didn't want to be left behind again. even though he knew that tsumiki wasn't actually leaving him behind, he didn't like the fact that another person he loved and cared about wasn't going to always be present in his life.
he knew that if he kept her here, she would just grow up pushing him away or maybe even resenting him. and he couldn't have that. he knew what he had to do. he was going to let tsumiki go.
later that night: family dinner
"so... did you make a decision, gojo-sensei?" tsumiki interjected at dinner.
yours and megumi's green eyes met at the dinner table. the ball was in satoru's court now.
"i did, sweetheart." satoru said calmly. you and megumi extremely curious, tsumiki's heart beating quickly.
"you can go."
"really?!" tsumiki jumped out of her chair.
"really." satoru confirmed.
tsumiki cheered and squealed in delight. running to hug satoru. she ran to her room and grabbed her acceptance letter to show the white haired sorcerer.
"you already have an acceptance letter?" megumi questioned his sister.
"they have a 99% acceptance rate, so it doesn't matter. but i wanted to show gojo-sensei anyways." she beamed.
"i guess they just let anyone into that school." megumi muttered. you kicked him under the table as he shot a glare black at you.
"when is the first day?" satoru asked you and tsumiki.
you answered, "classes start in two weeks. i already bought our plane tickets and made sure our passports were good to go, tsumiki has her student visa ready as well."
"you already bought our plane tickets?" satoru questioned, chuckling, "and what were you going to do if i said no?"
"i knew you wouldn't have said no, babe. you can't say no to me or tsumiki to save your life." you grinned.
"she's right about that." megumi added. tsumiki nodding in agreement. she did get catoru because satoru said yes. (read 'the purrr-fect approach' here)
"i can definitely say no to (y/n)." satoru defended himself as his family ganged up on him.
you picked up your empty plate, and walked to satoru side, "can i get a kiss before i start the dishes?"
"sure, babe." he replied with no hesitation as he gave you a quick peck, unaware of your tricky mind games.
"see? you can't say no." you laughed as you picked up the rest of the empty dinner plates and utensils.
"what did i say about using kisses as a weapon?!" satoru complained. "that's so unfair!"
the dining room was filled with laughter from you, megumi, tsumiki, and satoru.
two weeks later: tsumiki fushiguro takes california
satoru was glued to tsumiki by the hip for the past two weeks. they went shopping together for all her academic needs, for new clothes, a laptop, and a new matching backpack and suitcase. they went to get their hair cut together, and even got their nails done together (satoru loved getting pedicures, you thought it was because of the foot massages). he wanted to spend as much time with tsumiki as possible before parting ways.
orientation for tsumiki's school was a two day event. during the first day, the families would be given a tour of the school and then everyone would attend a social hour to get to know the faculty and other students. the second day, the families would help their student move into their dorms and say their goodbyes until semester break in the late fall, early winter.
during the first day of orientation, tsumiki had already started to make friends. she was just like you. beautiful, nice, caring, friendly. people wanted to be around her and wanted to be her friend. you and satoru watched from the sidelines of the gymnasium as tsumiki mingled with her new classmates.
"are you still worried about her? she's already getting used to things here." you tried to comfort satoru as you watched your future high schooler.
"i was hoping she'd beg us to take her home." satoru frowned. you smacked his chest playfully with the back of your hand.
"mr. and mrs. gojo," a student aide approached the both of you, "can you sign these papers for tsumiki? these are the final documents for admissions."
"sure thing." satoru replied, grabbing the clipboard and pen from the student aide. you waited until they walked away to turn to satoru.
"mr. and mrs. gojo. what did you think about that?" you sneered.
satoru chuckled as he signed the document, "sounds like music to my ears."
"give me a 10 carat diamond ring first, babe." you grinned as satoru handed you the clipboard to sign the document too.
satoru gojo would give you the world if you asked for it.
"(y/n)! gojo-sensei!" tsumiki shouted from across the gymnasium to catch your attention. she waved while pointing at the two of you. she was showing her new friends who her cool and awesome parents were. you and satoru waved back at her, giving her both of your world-class smiles.
satoru used blue to hold up all of tsumiki's luggage as the three of you made your way to the dorm room that tsumiki would be staying in. you and satoru paid extra to make sure that she would get her own room. you sat down on the empty bed, tsumiki joining you.
"what do you think, sweetheart?"
"with a little extra decorating, i can make it look like my room at home." she said with a bright smile.
you and satoru helped put on the bed spread, duvet cover, and pillow cases while tsumiki unpacked her clothes and placed them into her small dresser.
you could feel satoru tensing up, his cursed energy spiking every now and then. he was dreading saying goodbye to tsumiki. whenever he would look at you, you would give him a soft smile and rub his back in reassurance.
"gojo-sensei, (y/n), look what megumi gave me for my dorm room." tsumiki's brown eyes twinkled as she showed you a pink sparkly picture frame.
the picture frame contents were of the four of you. it was a recent picture from tsumiki's 15th birthday. you had your arms around megumi while satoru had his arms around tsumiki. it was a rare occasion that megumi was smiling in a picture. tsumiki's signature bright smile lit up the picture. you could feel the love radiating from the frame.
"megumi says that this picture will be a reminder of home and that you all love me."
"he's right." you patted her head, brushing her brown hair. "are you sure you want to do this? it's not too late to change your mind. we can go back home if you want."
"no, i'm sure!" tsumiki said confidently.
you laughed, "you're breaking satoru's heart, baby girl." you hugged satoru, his arms were folded as he quietly laughed, shaking his head.
you and satoru spent your last couple of hours with tsumiki reminiscing about her younger days and what kind of child she was growing up.
"remember the day that satoru lost you and megumi at kanda matsuri? i was going to have a heart attack."
satoru shot you a glare, "in my defense, there are thousands of people at that festival. it's one of japan's big three festivals! they were like four feet tall at the time! i told you we needed to get them those child leashes."
"you were such a responsible girl, going to the lost and found." you ignored satoru and laughed, remembering that tsumiki went to the lost and found to have the festival employee announce 'satoru gojo, can you please come to the lost and found to pick up your children'.
"remember the one day gojo-sensei forgot your anniversary?" tsumiki peered at satoru, giggling.
"oh god... don't bring that up." satoru hid his face in his hands.
"what was that? our third year of dating?" you asked satoru, "and your cute 9 year old partner in crime saved you that day. she went to the flower shop down the street and bought lilies with your credit card."
"then how did you find out that i forgot if she saved me?" satoru interrupted you.
"because you always get me roses, even though my favorite flowers are lilies. not only is tsumiki responsible, she's extremely thoughtful." (read 'lilies and roses' here)
"remember when tsumiki brought me a homemade lunch for teachers day?" satoru smiled at the fond memory. tsumiki was only 8 years old when satoru got an official teaching position at jujutsu high.
"it was her idea too," you reminded satoru, "she asked me to help her bring your lunch to the school that day. our baby girl is so caring. what did we do to deserve such an amazing daughter?" you gushed at your 15 year old, hugging her tightly. tsumiki just smiled and laughed like she always did.
"i think i'm the lucky one too! what did me and megumi do to deserve such loving adoptive parents?!" she remarked.
"all you two had to do was look cute. that's why i picked you two up off the streets." satoru joked. (read 'learn to love' here)
you heard a knock on tsumiki's dorm door, tsumiki opening it. the resident assistant announced, "curfew is starting soon. parents are going to be saying goodbye to their students in the courtyard."
you felt satoru's cursed energy spike again. he wasn't ready for this moment, and honestly, neither were you. you weren't sure what was going to break your heart the most: letting tsumiki go or watching satoru leave a piece of his (still) healing heart behind.
you and satoru quietly followed behind tsumiki as she confidently led the way to the courtyard. it was like she belonged here at the academy the way she navigated through the halls. the courtyard was dimly lit, the california skyline in the background, clouds kissing the top of the city buildings.
you watched as satoru sneakily wiped his tears away from his cerulean blue eyes. he crouched down, softly smiling at tsumiki.
“you gonna be okay without your partner in crime?” he asked her.
as strong as tsumiki was, her brave face started to falter. her warm brown eyes brimmed with tears as she ran into satoru’s arms for one last hug before you and satoru had to leave the campus.
tsumiki babbled through her tears, “thanks for letting me come to school here… i promise i’ll study really hard... i love you and (y/n) so much. you two are the best mom and dad ever.”
satoru scoffed through his tears and continued to hold her. you put a reassuring hand on satoru’s shoulder, joining them for a group hug. tsumiki looked up at the both of you with flushed cheeks.
you kissed the top of her precious head, an action that she never grew out of (and you hoped she never would). you smiled back at her with tears in your eyes, “wherever you are, baby girl, satoru and i will always be one call away. we love you and we’re so proud of you, tsumiki.”
"no boyfriends, please." satoru added with a chuckle. he didn't think he could handle another heart attack.
"did you see how much tuition costs at tsumiki's boarding school?" you asked satoru as he sat down in his first class airline seat.
"no, i didn't even bother check the brochure they handed us at orientation." satoru stretched his long legs, "how much could a high school tuition cost? one or two thousand a year?"
you just laughed at his ridiculous comment. you were amused at how naive he was.
"what? why are you laughing?"
"try seventy, babe." you stared at him. satoru looked like he was going to have a brain aneurysm.
"seventy what? seventy dollars or seventy thousand?"
you annunciated each word clearly so he could understand you. "seventy. thousand. dollars. a. year."
satoru fake-clutched his chest, "we have to go back and withdraw her, immediately."
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random-potat · 11 days
and they were roommates - kjs. - pt. 5
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part 5. matching items (wc. 1.4k)
Walking into your now temporary home was nerve-wracking to say the least.
Rolling your luggage into the hallway, some staff come toward you and mic you up. 
As they do, a woman with a clipboard comes over your way.
“Hello YN, I’m Producer Han. A little rundown of what you have to do. You walk into the living room and wait for the rest of the people to come in, and then introductions are made. You guys do a little tour together and just some fun icebreakers. One episode will be aired every week, making it six episodes in total. Don't worry every week there will be a fun little mission. Got it?” 
You nod your head and put on a brave smile. “Yes, I understand.” 
“OK, great. Just go in and sit, you can leave your luggage with you or to the side. Keep it natural.” Han PD flashes you a smile as she leaves. 
As you walk to the living room, you take it all in. The room itself is an open concept, you can see the kitchen and an exit to what may seem to be the back patio. The house alone was modern, and you assume the decor was basic so everyone could decorate together.
Sitting down on the couch closest to the edge, you see that the camera crew is already set up and rolling. “OK, idol mode, on,” you think to yourself.
Sitting down on the couch, you think about what to say, coming up with the conclusion that you have no clue at all what to do when everyone arrives. It felt like the beginning of a new school year, where teachers would make students get up and introduce themselves. You breathe in and out. “Just act natural. You've seen these people at music shows. Heck! You're even close friends with one of them!”
Not much later, you hear the sound of wheels entering the hallway. Knowing that the cameras were rolling, you tried to make sure it didn't seem like you were too nervous.
“Please be another girl, I have no clue what to do if it's a male idol.” You beg the gods who were in charge of this.
To your relief, a familiar figure came into view. The face of one of, if not, your closest friend that you’ve trained with for three years. Under the same company as you, a nervous Choi Youngjae from TWS walks in.
As he spots you, he lets out a huge breath that he didn’t notice he was holding in. Both of you guys form a smile, running up to one another and going in for a loose and friendly hug, knowing that there won’t be any big reaction considering that both of your guys’ fans are very aware of your platonic bond.
As you guys walk back to the couch together, you guys begin to talk.
“You think it's going to alternate? Like a girl group first, then a boy group, then another girl group idol?” Youngjae asks.
“Hopefully, I don’t want to be stuck with you for much longer,” you joke as Youngjae teasingly rolls his eyes.
Back on the couch, your nerves have calmed a little knowing you have Youngjae with you.
“Even though we know the lineup, it’s still nerve-wracking having to come individually,” you continue.
“I know right, anyway, show me what you bought for the first mission,"  Youngjae agrees as he tries peeking into your bag.
“No! What the heck!” You respond as you try stopping him.
The two of you continue to bicker until you hear the sound of wheels rolling on the floor again, making the both of you straighten up. 
One by one, the rest of your now roommates walked in: Haneul of Kiss of Life, Ni-ki of Enhypen, Siyoon of Billlie, and Jongseob of P1Harmony.  
Everyone almost came in the exact same way: shy awkward smiles, accompanied with polite bows and quiet hellos, alongside small talk being made as everyone waited for the next person. 
“So what’s your MBTI?” 
“ISFJ, how about you?” 
“Ah, I… what’s yours?” 
“Uhm, INTJ.” 
“Huh, so we’re all I.”
Although you have seen some of them at music and two of them at the company building, you really didn’t know what to do. The whole show in itself was a disaster in the making, as many girl group and boy group interactions received mixed reactions. 
As you all sit there, you all sort of awkwardly make eye contact with one another, until the PD hands Siyoon a card. 
She reads, “Welcome to your new home!” Everyone claps and cheers. 
“For the next six weeks, the six of you guys will be roommates. Throughout the show, you guys will be given missions as well as just living your regular lives,” Siyoon continues as everyone nods. 
“As you can see, the place is a little bit bland, which is why the first mission was given a week in advance of filming. Today’s mission: bring one or two items to decorate the house with. These items can also represent you.” 
Siyoon finishes, “Ok, who wants to go first?” 
The room is filled with awkward silence and stares. 
With some hesitation, Haneul raises her hand and speaks, “I can go first!” 
“Thank goodness there’s an extrovert between the six of us,” you think, grateful for Haneul’s initiative. 
She goes and brings a big bag with her to the sofa.  
“It’s kind of more than two items, but I thought they would make nice gifts as well.” She first brings out a set of triple hooks. 
“This will make sense in a second.” She points out. 
She then individually brought out six faux leather bags, with all of them looking like they were decorated with some things. 
“Ok, so let me explain. One of my hobbies is doing crafts and DIY’s, so I brought bags for all of us and decorated them for all of us." She then gets up and hands the respective bag to each of you. 
"I don’t really know what all of you guys like, so I decorated them pretty vaguely. Maybe we can add to them in the next few weeks.”
You were left stunned. Almost all of you were. 
“Wow! Now I don’t know how any of us are going to top that.” Ni-ki says, with everyone agreeing. 
After everyone introduces their items, with Siyoon bringing cute ceramic mugs for everyone, Ni-ki with matching pyjama sets from Peach John, and Youngjae bringing badminton equipment alongside various sports equipment, as well as a gag item that his members sneaked in, some cleaning supplies. 
Let’s just say Youngjae was pleased with the supplies considering he didn’t know anyone’s cleaning habits. Besides you. And you are quite cluttered.
You and Jongseob were the last two people to introduce your items. 
Although nervous, you went next. “My items are not much, but I think they are things that we can all use.” 
You first grab out a Polaroid camera and some film. “I thought this would be really fun to have to capture all of our memories, as well as...”  
You grab a heavier object from your bag. “A cookie jar for us! I make a lot of cookies, and I thought it would be fun to bake them together and put them here for us to snack on.” 
“YES!” Youngjae exclaims. “Y/N makes the best cookies!” 
You shake your head and laugh at Youngjae’s exclamations. “I really don’t,” you reply. 
Last but not least, Jongseob was up.
He clears his throat. “Mine isn’t much either, but the first thing is a radio speaker.” He shows off a modern yet retro-looking speaker.  
“Because we’re all singers, I thought it would make sense for us to listen to music together. Uh, we can also connect our phones to it, but there’s something more nostalgic using actual CD’s, so I brought some of those too.” 
“And lastly, I didn’t really know what else to bring, but one of my members said I should bring this.” He brings out a cork board.  
“Ooh, we have matching items!” you exclaim impulsively. 
He laughs, "Yeah, it was kind of a coincidence, but we can hang this and put our polaroids from Y/N’s camera on here,” he points out. 
Wrapping up the small mission, all of you guys get up, and with the PD’s order, you guys have all the freedom. 
“Let’s go tour the place!” Haneul calls out. 
As the guys and girls separate to leave their things in their rooms before the tour, Jongseob can’t help but think to himself.
“No wonder I brought a cork board,” he thinks, looking at your figure that was a little ahead of him. Jongseob shakes his head. “Keeho for sure planned that out.”
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a/n: a fully written chapter was very much tiring (ᵕ—ᴗ—) honestly didn't think i was going to write this much but here we are, just little intro things, feeling like this will be sort of slow burn-ish but so far im enjoying writing it and coming up with ideas so hope you guys are enjoying it too even tho its very early stages!!! also im like on my second week of school and it's already kicking me in the butt but womp womp
synopsis: With long-time K-pop fans asking for another season of the infamous variety show We Got Married, MBC brings it back with a spin-off, We Became Roommates. As a way to bring K-pop fans together, the first season involves six idols born in 2005. With seeing each other every day, doing missions for every episode, making memories, and fans watching and shipping, blossoming friendships and a bubbling romance can't be helped. pairing: idol!jongseob x fem idol!reader genre: idol au, crack, fluff, humour, coworkers to friends to lovers
previous ✉︎ next ✉︎ masterlist
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viking-raider · 10 months
A Christmas Miracle🎄
Summary: You and Henry are celebrating Christmas with family, while expecting your first child together.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 5.9k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Papa Bear!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Christmas Decorating, Pregnancy Stuff, Cotton Candy Fluff, Loving Marriage, Christmas Fluff
Inspiration: This story ties into my Easter story, The Golden Egg.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLISTand turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“Babe!” Henry gasped, as he came into the living room, nearly tossing the steaming cup of tea in his hand, upon discovering you.
You were standing on the two-step high stool, to sprinkle golden tinsel on the fragrant and robust branches of an eight foot Fraser Fir that stood proudly in the corner of the living room. You chuckled, shaking your head at your husband, but didn't look back at him, as you picked a bit of tinsel off one of the emerald branches, having adorned the needles with too much of the sparkling, thin strands.
“You shouldn't be up there, love!” He scolded you, setting the tea he had made you on the coffee table as he rounded it and the couch, to come towards you, resting his hands on your hips. “I told you, I would help you decorate the tree, once I was done with your tea.”
“I know you did, Hen.” You answered, sighing softly, finally looking down at him and seeing the wrinkle of worry between his brow. It hadn't smoothed since the Brit found out you were pregnant with his child on Easter, nearly nine months before. “But I'm also capable of doing it myself.” You reminded him, resting a hand on his shoulder and giving his neck a gentle squeeze.
“I'm pregnant, not invalid.”
Henry sighed softly, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to your round and pronounced belly. “I know you're capable, sweetheart.” He assured you, looking up at you with an affection in his blue eyes that always melted your heart. “I just don't want you to get hurt. Especially with you so close to the due date.” He said, helping you step down off the stool. “Just sit down and enjoy your tea. Then, we'll tag team the tree together.” He told you, putting an excited smile on his face.
“All right.” You conceded, settling down on the couch and took up your tea, cupping the mug between your hands and letting the heat seep into your palms, before finally taking a sip.
“Your parents will be here in a couple days.” Henry commented, squatting beside a box of Christmas decorations neither of you had opened up yet. “My parents made up their guest house in preparation for their arrival.” He told you, peeking into the box.
Halfway into your pregnancy, Henry had taken time off from acting and the two of you decided to leave your secluded London home for the coziness of Henry's home island of Jersey. Buying a nice, beach front property, three streets and a five-minute walk from his parents' place, with the intent on having your baby boy born in Saint Helier. You loved being on the little Channel Island, sitting on the back patio or taking walks on the beach, breathing in the soothing sea air, which helped your morning sickness a good deal.
The only downside was your family was far out of reach of you, having to fly into Jersey to visit and check-in on you. Your parents wanted to be on hand when you finally had their third grand-baby, so Henry footed the bill to bring them out and his parents were amazing enough to host them while they were here.
“That's great.” You smiled, flexing your sore and swollen feet, watching him pull out ornaments, garland and other little tree decorations. “I can't wait to see them again.” You commented, not having seen them since your fourth month, just before you and Henry left for Jersey. “I'm sure my mom will bring more knitted items.” You chuckled, glancing over your shoulder to the soft, butter-yellow blanket your mother had knitted a couple months ago.
“I would be shocked, if she didn't!” Henry laughed back, his broad shoulders shaking as he stood. “What garland do you want on the tree?” He asked, holding up a strand of colorful beads and another of red and white, twisted ribbons.
You hummed, pressing your lips together and studied your tree, eyes narrowing slightly, scrutinizing the colors on its branches. “I think the ribbon would work best with it.” You finally settled, nodding content with your choice.
“All right then.” He nodded back, putting the other garland aside. “Ah, nope!” He tisked, when you set your tea down and started the mini struggle of standing up. “You put the tinsel on the tree, it's my turn to put the garland on. You relax.”
“Fair enough.” You sighed softly, picking your tea back up and rested against the couch cushions, just in time for Kal to jump up beside you. “Well, hello there, sweet boy.” You cooed at him, reaching out to give him good scratches between the ears and around the neck. “Have you come to make sure I stay put?” You quipped, the Akita resting his head in your lap.
“I did no such thing!” Henry called over his shoulder, carefully tucking the garland into the branches.
“Sure, love. Sure.” You chuckled at him, though Henry's protectiveness at times could be a little overbearing, you knew he did it out of love and first-time father worries. “He's paying you in treats and promises of all the good turkey, ham and brisket bits he plans on cooking for Christmas dinner.” You accused, lifting a brow at the unphased Akita, before wincing and pressing a palm to the side of your belly.
“You all right?” Henry asked, catching a glimpse from his peripheral, pausing a moment.
“Yeah, your son just kicks like a Fly-Half.” You answered, chuckling halfheartedly. “If he keeps these strong legs, he'll for sure make the England team.” You said, trying to ease the look of suspicion on Henry's face, that it was the baby kicking, and your own, that the pain was something more than a false contraction.
“You missed a branch there, Bubs.” You commented, drawing Henry's attention away from the subjection, motioning with your steaming black, Nightmare Before Christmas cup.
“Mm.” He grunted, narrowing his eyes at you, but turned to fuss over it.
You took a deep breath, rubbing the globe of your stomach, hoping to soothe any would-be pains. Thankfully, you didn't have any more throughout the morning, helping Henry put up the ornaments and other little hanging knick knacks on the tree. Something Henry was comfortable with you doing, since you kept your feet on the hardwood, safely beside him.
“I want to do a little plaster imprint of his hand and foot, to hang up on the tree for next year.” You commented suddenly, gently holding a little needlepoint ornament you'd made. It was a silhouette of Henry and you, with Kal between you, the year above your heads. You had made one every year since the first Christmas the three of you had spent together. “Should make a new needlepoint too.” You added even softer.
Henry glanced down at you, a fond and nostalgic light in his blue orbs. “I think that would be a lovely idea, babe.” He smiled, warmed at the idea. “I like the idea of making and expanding our little traditions.”
“I should have given myself a baby bump in this one.” You joked, carefully adding the stitched ornament on a branch, accompanied with the others around it. “So much for accuracy.”
“It looks perfect, my love.” He assured you, kissing your hair. “Now, let's turn the lights on and see how this thing looks!” He proclaimed, shuffling around the tree and plugged in the two strings of lights skillfully wrapped around the tree.
You stood back to get a good look at the Fir, just as the tiny, cool and warm-white LED, diamond facet bulbs flickered on. Making many of the ornaments glitter and twinkle. It brought a great feeling of delight bubbling up inside of you, tugging on your exhausted and hormonal raged body, until tears spilled over.
“Sweetheart.” Henry cooed, pouting at you sweetly, as he closed his arms around your shoulders, hugging you as closely as your belly would allow.
“It looks beautiful.” You mumbled into his chest, fingers gripping at the sides of his shirt.
He smiled, nosing the hair at the top of your head and rubbing your back with one hand. “It is, dear, and so are you.”
“I'm also starving.” You blurted out, breaking the melancholy mood.
“Butter chicken or pepperoni and feta pizza?”
“Oh god, you know me too well at this point.” You giggled, licking your lips. “But, the butter chicken.”
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You sat up in bed, Kal resting between your legs, with his head laying on your belly, as you read your latest book on your Kindle. While Henry was downstairs doing some work on the new Warhammer minis he ordered as a way to keep himself occupied, when he wasn't taking care of you.
“Oh.” You gasped, feeling a sudden, sharp pain. “Gosh, did we disagree on the butter chicken, Bean?” You groaned, pressing your palm to the side of your stomach; Kal lifting his to sniff at your belly as another pain caused you to cramp. “It's all right, Bud. Your brother is just being a little difficult.” You sighed, setting your e-reader on your nightstand and lumbered out of bed, before heading downstairs.
“Hey, love.” Henry smiled, looking up from the Ultramarine mini in his hand. “I thought you were going to bed.”
“I was trying to, but your son doesn't agree with dinner.” You explained to him, looking over his progress on his Warhammer army. “Can you do your trick?” You asked, lulling your head to the side and giving him a cute look.
Henry chuckled, setting his mini down. “My trick.” He smirked, standing up and moving behind you. “Any reason to cuddle.” He teased, reaching around to cup both hands beneath your stomach and leaned you both backwards, taking the weight of your belly as he did.
“Mmm.” You hummed, eyes falling shut, while you let your head rest against Henry's chest. “It feels so good.” You sighed, resting your hands on his.
Henry cradling your baby bump had become a god send throughout your third trimester. Taking the weight of your healthy and active baby boy off your lower back and hips. However in your earlier trimesters, the two of you learned it helped relieve your heartburn and whenever your little one got a bit too restless.
You liked to think it was the baby reacting to Henry's touch.
It was calm for a long, few moments, just you and Henry, slowly swaying side to side, the baby calm. But again, your stomach spasmed and you whimpered, making it clear to Henry, you were indeed having some sort of contractions.
“How long has this been going on?” He asked, eyes wide and brows pinched.
“Since this morning.” You confessed finally, taking slow, deep breaths.
“Why didn't you tell me?” He demanded, startled and worried.
“I didn't have any through the afternoon.” You assured him, patting his hands. “I figured it was just false. But, I'm starting to think otherwise, with how much that one hurts.”
“We should probably go to the hospital.” Henry fret, starting away from you, but you turned and caught his elbow.
“Henry.” You said in a soft, soothing voice. “You remember what the OB said?” You tried reminding him. “Four-One-One.”
“Four minutes apart, a minute long, lasting an hour.” He recited, having listened to your OB, and read numerous baby and expecting parent books.
You had taken a couple of parenting classes as well. Until people started posting photos of you on social media, annoying you and causing Henry to be even more of a papa bear. So, you'd found an online, private class to do in the comfort of your living room.
“Not one has lasted a minute, been four minutes apart or lasted an hour.” You assured him, dropping your hand to his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “If they're the real deal, I'm in the early stages and going to the hospital now will only incur hours and hours of waiting. Which we'll be doing here anyway.”
“What if something happens?”
“Nothing is going to happen, you worry-wart.” You chuckled at him, shaking your head. “Come to bed with us.” You cooed, pushing up on your toes, kissing his bearded cheek and brushing your fingers through the curls above his ear.
“You'll tell me.” Henry insisted as he followed you upstairs to the master bedroom.
“Of course, I'll tell you, Henry.” You assured him. “Then, I'll tell Kal.” You quipped, trying to lighten the mood and get him to smile.
But he didn't smile, his mind preoccupied with making sure everything was ready, should you wake him up and tell him your contractions were growing close together.
Did I get the car seat in the Audi correctly? Where did I put the hospital bag? In this closet or the coat closet downstairs? Everything's in it she and the baby needs, right?
Perhaps I should just go down and get it, to make sure. What about the nursery? Thank God, I finished the crib last month!
Do we need more diapers? Are they the right size? What if--
“Henry!” You called out, when he didn't answer you, a far off and growing alarm look in his cerulean eyes, startling him out of his worried trance. “Everything is all right.” You said slowly, holding his gaze steadily. “We have everything we need. Everything the baby needs. If we don't, that's perfectly fine. Your parents and mine have offered their help, should it arise. As have your brothers.”
“I don't know how you're so calm.” He sighed, shaking his head and dropping down on his side of the bed.
You laughed, smirking. “I'm not calm. But there's no use for us both freaking out, especially at the same time. Besides, when I freak out, I have you to pull me back together, the least I can do is return the favor, when you start to lose it.” You told him, maneuvering yourself back under the covers.
“What's a spouse for?”
“You're right.” Henry nodded, turning the light out and resting against the headboard beside you. “One of the many reasons I love you, and married you.” He said, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
Snuggling down, your back pressed against Henry's chest with his hand ever present on your belly, you tried to focus on falling asleep.
“You know.” Henry commented, half-asleep himself. “I sort of miss when you were in your first and second trimesters.”
“Oh?” You mumbled back, with interest.
“Yeah, you were always jumping my bones.” He laughed, shaking the bed with his mirth. “Well, until the end of your second trimester, when your belly got too big to do anything other than waddle and ride my cock.”
You were instantly awake again at his words. A huge smile of hot guilt and embarrassment on your face, that you hid in your pillow. It was true! The first stages of your pregnancy had made you quite frisky towards Henry. Sometimes so much so, he hadn't recovered from the last time you'd had sex and would need to pleasure you in other ways to bring your arousal down. Not that the man complained about it! But a couple weeks into your third trimester, the raging inferno of your passions cooled off. Even beyond what they were before you were expecting. You were just too tired and sore, uncomfortable, and just ready to give birth, to think of such things. But again, Henry didn't complain. You were grateful for that, because you felt bad that your mood didn't match his, at the moment.
Having seen the look of concupiscent on his face more than once, as the two of you showered together, went to bed or woke in the mornings. But you just didn't have it in you, and he took it with grace and understanding acceptance, not pressuring you or making you feel like a bad partner, for not reciprocating.
The two of you calmed down and allowed each other to finally fall asleep.
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“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Henry asked, the next morning as the two of you finished breakfast.
“I feel all right, Bubs. Only a few pains here and there.” You answered, polishing off your usual cup of chamomile tea, something that had been a staple throughout your pregnancy, to battle your morning sickness and heartburn. “Excited to make cookies with your mum.”
Henry smiled across the table at you. “Good. I bet all these sugary smells are going to drive you and wee man nutty.”
It was a Cavill family tradition to get together, before Christmas, and make cookies for the big family dinner party, as well as to give out as tokens to friends and neighbors. It was also considered quite the honor among the Cavill brothers' wives to have Marianne ask to join her in the massive production. Since she didn't ask just anyone to help her; having a couple secret family recipes to protect in the process. But Marianne had asked, surprisingly and much to Henry's pride, you to help her, at your and Henry's first Christmas. Something that made one or two of Henry's sisters-in-law jealous, especially since the two of you were new and still dating, and one of them had never been asked.
Even to this day.
“Our mouths are already watering for your mother's chocolate chip, mocha cookies.” You confessed; it was one of the many things you looked forward to for Christmas. Marianne's chocolate chip, mocha flavored cookies were something you'd start a fight over, as were her chocolate covered, Oreo truffles with peppermint bark crumble on top. “Oh god.” You moaned, stuffing the last bit of bland, buttered toast into your mouth; Henry laughing at you.
“I'm going to roast up another heritage turkey this year.” He commented, finishing his coffee, then helped clear the breakfast table. “Everyone seemed to love it last year.”
“That's fine with me.” You answered, loading the soap dispenser and starting the dishwasher. “I have one small request.”
“You could make an enormous request, love!” Henry snorted, taking a protein shake out of the fridge.
“I want yams with roasted marshmallows on top.” You told him, confidently. “To myself.”
“To yourself?” He echoed, a smirk on his lips. “How big is the dish?”
“A small one is fine. I just don't want to share it.” You confessed your craving to him.
Letting out a laugh and nodding, Henry shrugged. “All right then. I'll make sure you have your roasted marshmallow covered yams, and I'll have Kal guard them.”
“Excellent.” You nodded back, then looked at your watch. “We should get going. Your mother asked us to get there before ten.” You informed him, heading for the front door and eased yourself down on a small bench that was there.
Henry joined you, squatting down to grab your shoes from underneath the bench and slipped them on your feet, tying them securely, since your prominently belly prevented you from reaching your feet to put on your shoes. Let alone tie them. Your shoes on and helping you back up, Henry got his own shoes on, but paused as he opened the door for you and Kal. He glanced back at the hall closet. Biting his lip, he hurried over and grabbed the baby bag from inside, then dashed after you, putting the bag in the back as he got behind the wheel.
“Just in case.” He answered your lifted brow.
“Fair, I suppose.” You shrugged, unable to argue with his logic.
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“How are you holding up, my love?” Henry asked, peeking into the kitchen, before shuffling over to you, sure his mother wouldn't shoo him out.
“My cookie restraint thinned dramatically after the second batch.” You confessed, looking around at all the Santa's, snowmen, candy canes and snowflakes that were either waiting to go into the oven or cooling. “However, your mum apparently anticipated this. Making me batch yesterday, so I could nibble on them, while we made these.”
Henry grinned, touched at his mother's thoughtfulness. “That was sweet of her.” He cooed, brushing the back of his fingers over your cheek. “Have you had any more pains?” He asked, his brows pinching slightly, worried.
“Nothing concerning.” You told him, closing your hand around his wrist. “You know I'd come get you.” You tried assuring him, giving him a soft smile. “Or your mum would, should my water break.” You giggled, a smile turning into a smirk.
“That's not funny, babe.” Henry snapped softly, eyes big.
You pressed your lips together, guilty, before pushing up on your bare toes, having taken off your shoes for the long standing in the kitchen, to press your lips against Henry's. “I'm sorry, Puppy.” You mumbled against them, before reaching around him, grabbing a finished Snowman, presenting it to his mouth in place of your own. “I baked and decorated this one myself.” You grinned at him, a glitter of pride in your eyes.
“Oh, did you?” He cooed, opening his mouth to admit the round biscuit of white icing, adorned with two black chocolate pearls for eyes and smaller black sugar pearls for a mouth. It had a carrot nose, made of orange icing and the upper crown of the biscuit was covered in purple, blue and white hundreds and thousands, then outlined with silvery snowflake-shaped sprinkles.
Taking the biscuit from you, Henry nibbled on it, already knowing it would be delicious, since you had made it with his family's age-old recipe. “You know.” He mumbled around his mouthful. “I can't wait to share these with our little guy.” He said, smirking down at the bake, before glancing around the kitchen.
“Well, technically, I've already done that.” You giggle, running your hand over the globe of your belly.
Henry snorted loudly, his smirk growing. “You have me there, my love.” He replied, finishing his treat off, reaching out to lay his hand on your stomach as he saw the moments of your son shift, pressing either an elbow or knee out. “Still trips me out to see him move inside of you.” He commented, feeling something around nudge against his palm.
“You should feel it from this end.” You huffed, making a face at the kicks as he tumbled about, prodding a heel into your ribs and a shoulder into your slowly screaming bladder. “Poor bud is running out of space in there.” You cooed, moving your hand to cup the underside of your stomach.
“That he is.” He agreed, leaning down to press a kiss to your belly. “But, soon he'll be out here with us.”
“Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill.”
A cold chill washed down Henry's back, making the little hairs on his neck stand up as he straightened. “Mum.” He squeaked, looking at her over your shoulder.
“You know the rules of setting foot in my kitchen, while we bake.” Marianne scolded her second youngest.
“I do.” He nodded, biting his lip as he half smirked at her. “I was just checking up on her and our little one.” He explained, motioning to you.
Marianne's gaze shifted, her soft and kind blue eyes looking you over. She had noticed the few contractions you'd experience while helping her bake, and had sharpened her eye on you even more. Everyone in the family had a side eye on you it seemed, with your due date so nearby, like they were concerned you would pop like a water balloon.
“I'm fine.” You sighed softly, offering her a reassuring smile.
“Then, you can pop out of our kitchen.” Marianne said, cocking a brow at her son.
You chuckled, loving the nonchalance she had. “We'll see you later, my dear.” You cooed at him, kissing the corner of his mouth, tasting the sugar on his lips and inciting a need for another cookie from your stash. “Off you go.” You giggled, patting him on the chest and set your eyes on your task.
Henry looked at his mother with a pointed look, gesturing towards you, to which Marianne answered with a roll of her eyes and picked up a sheet of cookies needing to go into the oven.
“My back is to you, Henry, not my senses.” You shot over your shoulder, cutting out more cookies from the dough.
“Christ alive, our son has his work cut out for him.” He chuckled, winking at you as he turned to leave and rejoin his brothers and dad in the living room.
You looked over at Marianne and laughed, your mother-in-law joining in, the two of you amused he didn't realize you'd seen her roll her eyes.
“That boy.” Marianne chuckled, shaking her head as she moved to stand beside you, helping portion out the raw dough.
“He's freaked out.” You commented, gently laying a Santa on the sheet.
“Understandably.” She answered, wielding the snowflake cutter with skill. “The first baby is always the most stressful, and Henry's wanted to be a father for a very long time.”
“I know he has.” You nodded, feeling your stomach lightly bump the edge of the counter. “I'm happy and excited for our little one.” You told her, wadding up the scrap dough, then picked up a rolling pin. “I'm definitely ready not to be pregnant anymore.” You snorted, smiling faintly.
“And your worries?” Marianne asked, tilting her head at you, without pausing her work.
You drew in a slow, deep breath. “I'm worried about the labor. I'm terrified about whether or not I'll make a good parent.” You confessed to her, letting your breath out. “I know Henry will, he's incredible with kids. I love watching him with his younger fans, with his nieces and nephews.” You gush, grinning at the flashes of memories. “Seeing him hold Ellie, when we first met her--” You shook your head, a bubble of emotions overwhelming you for a moment, til you cleared your throat.
“You'll be a great mother.” Marianne reassured you, running her hand up and down your back. “You have nothing to worry about there. You'll have me and your mum to help you, as well as Heather and all the other girls.”
“I know.” You nodded, resting your shoulder against hers. “And I appreciate it, with all my heart.”
“Why don't you go upstairs, to Henry's old room, and rest for a bit?” She suggested to you. “I can finish the cookies with Heather.”
“Are you sure?” You frowned, glancing around the organized chaos of the kitchen.
“Yes.” She nodded, resting her hands on your shoulders and turning you away from the counter. “You and my grandson need all the rest you can get.” She directed you towards the entry of the kitchen. “Soon, you won't have it.”
Henry saw his mum guiding you and instantly jumped up from the couch, where he sat beside his brother Simon. “Are you all right, honey?” He cooed, his handsome face pinching.
“She's fine, Henry.” Marianne replied, looking up at him. “She just needs to rest a bit. Take her upstairs.”
“All right.” He nodded, taking your arm and showed you upstairs to the bedroom that was his as a kid. “Can I get you anything? Some water, maybe.” He asked, helping you lay back on the made, full-size bed.
“I'm all right, Puppy.” You sighed, rubbing your face.
“What's wrong, honey?” He asked, pulling up a chair from the desk in his room and sat down in front of you.
“Nothing's wrong.” You replied, sighing, flexing your plump toes as Henry grasped your foot in his hands. “I'm just tired and sore.” You told him, closing your eyes as you let out a soft moan, feeling Henry's thumbs work your arch.
“I got the Dad Talk from my dad and brothers.” He chuckled, gently touching the tip of your toes, each painted a cute red color, that he had done himself about a week before.
He had started giving you little at home, medi-pedis to treat you to something nice. Though, it had taken him a couple tries to get painting your nails down. Admitting it wasn't as simple as painting his Warhammer Minis, like he'd thought.
You giggled back, smirking. “Did they?” You hummed, letting your eyes fall shut. “Any good advice?”
“Um, Simon said that I should explain my job to him as soon as we think he can understand it.” Henry recalled, biting his lip with an amused smirk pulling across his mouth. “So, we don't have another Thomas Incident on our hands.”
“My dad's Sherlock Holmes!” You replied, laughing aloud. “Or god-knows who else!”
“Exactly.” He nodded, amused by it too. “My dad suggested, should we have any more kids, to have girls, that way it doesn't continue on the Cavill boy madness, like dead arms and throwing each other off the couch.”
“I would like, at least, one girl, anyway.” You told him, laying your hand on your stomach, feeling your son shift and kick again, wincing as he did.
“Same.” He smirked, as excited as he was for a son, he had wanted a girl too. “Maybe the next one.”
“Mmm.” You hummed back, falling silent and drifting slightly.
Taking the hint, Henry rested your legs in his lap and leaned back, closing his own eyes to rest. Both of you were exhausted from the months of preparation for the baby, all the worrying about if you would be good parents and protecting your son against the world of social media and paparazzi. But the pair of you had only laid there for twenty or so minutes, before you jerked at a sharp pain, inadvertently kicking Henry in the stomach as you did.
Henry gasped and groaned at the blow, doubling over. “Babe?” He rasped, frowning across at you, finding you half sitting up, hand cupping the underside of your stomach with a look of shocked horror on your face. “What's wron—oh shit!” He snapped, seeing the wet patch seeping through your leggings and onto the duvet on the bed.
“Was that--”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded, gulping thickly.
“It's okay, all right.” He nodded, running both hands through his curls. “Up we go.” He said, holding his shaking hands out to you, pulling you up and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Broke your water on my childhood bed.” He commented offhandedly, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“It is where we had our first kiss.” You added, lifting a brow at him. “Why not this too!”
“Mum!” Henry called out as you reached the bottom of the stairs. “We have to go.” He said as Marianne rounded the corner from the living room. “Someone's water broke.”
“Oh gosh!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “Go hurry!” She shooed the two of you towards the door, before spinning on her feet. “Code blue everybody!” She shouted at the family gathered in the living room, snapping them into gear, sending brothers and in-laws scrambling everywhere.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Henry asked as he helped you buckle your seatbelt.
“Like I just peed myself.” You snorted, clutching your belly. “Henry.” You cooed at him, watching him make jerky movements but not move from your side. “Hen!” You called, reaching out to grab his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake.
“Huh?” He whimpered, blinking a few times.
“My shoes are still in the house.” You informed him, offering your sweet partner a smile.
“Oh right!” He nodded, kissing your hand and backing away to close your door, then raced back inside, running into a gaggle of his family fighting to put on shoes and coats. “Excuse me, pardon me!” He barked, diving into the huddle, scrabbling for your shoes.
“Henry!” Nik shouted after him.
“I forgot her shoes!” Henry yelled over his shoulder, pelting back to the car. “Got them!” He smiled, sliding home into the driver's seat and dropping them onto the center console. “I'll put them on you, when we get to the hospital.” He told you, starting the car and pulling away from the curb, while ordering Alexa to map the route to Jersey General Hospital, the very hospital where he and his brothers had been born.
“Speed limit, Cavill!” You reminded him, frowning.
“He's not going to pop out right now!!”
“He could!
“Between the two of us, Hank, I'm damn sure he's not!” You snapped back, through a contraction. “Deep b-breaths! ” You wheezed, through the pain.
“Relax your shoulders, don't clench your jaw, take a deep breath in....and let it out!” Henry reciting your Douala and doing the technique with you. “Amazing, baby doll. I'm so proud of you.”
“Jesus Christ on a motorbike.” You sighed as the pain faded. “We're waiting at least three years before we have our daughter.” You panted over at him.
“Yes, ma'am.” Henry laughed, holding his hand out to you. “Whatever you want.”
“I know what we should name him.” You said, softly.
“Oh?” He replied, pulling into the hospital parking lot. “What?”
You looked over at him, your expression soft. “I want to name him, Charlie.” You told him, biting the corner of your lip, you'd put a lot of consideration into it over your pregnancy. “We wouldn't have met, if your brother didn't nag you to come talk to me at that club.”
Biting his lip, a heart shaped lump thumping in his throat. “You're right.” He whispered; voice raw.
Charlie had prodded him for an hour, while supplying him with shots of liquid courage, to finally cross the club you both were in. You were with your friends, blowing off steam after a long work week, and Henry, Charlie and two other friends of Henry's were just hanging out, since he was in town and not working on any projects.
He never forgot the look on your friends' faces as he approached your table, recognizing him, melting into the dark leather of your corner booth and mumbling to each other with hungry, googly eyes. But you, while surprised a celeb was approaching you, hadn't fawned over him, like they did. You'd kept your cool, with jittery insides. Henry politely acknowledged everyone at the table, but his blue eyes were set on you. He asked, trying to have a persona of cool and calm, if he could get you a drink, noting on the way over, yours was empty, and with relief, you'd said yes. So, you dislodged yourself from your friends and followed him to the bar. Striking up a conversation with him, that moved to an empty table, after getting your drinks and lasted until the announcement the club was closing, at two am.
Neither of you had wanted to move apart, but it was late and you both knew it. So, you exchanged numbers and texted while you got yourselves home, then fell asleep. Making the promise to have a proper dinner the next day.
All of which snowballed to this moment. Sitting in the car at the hospital, married and staring at each other between contractions, discussing the name you wanted for your first born, for your son.
“It's perfect.” He nodded, reaching out to cup your cheek. “I could ask for nothing more for Christmas, than you and our son, for Charlie.” He choked up, leaning across to kiss you deeply.
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@winter2112rose / @littlefreya / @kemillyfreitas / @thereisa8ella / @courtlynwriter / @starfirewildheart / @beck07990 / @goldenirishpotato / @pipsqueakkitten
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waywardducks · 1 year
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I just can't stop thinking about the idea of y/n and Jason having a meet-cute in a bookstore! It's so cozy and sweet. I’ve had this idea in my head for days now.
CW: Fluff, a bit OOC, mentions of fighting and of Jason’s death, Gn reader
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Jason was fighting with Bruce, which meant Jason would not be going to the manor for the next few weeks. At least not until one of the men decided to give in and apologize. Which would be a while this time. Usually, when it is Jason’s fault his brothers will talk him into apologizing and help him recognize where he was wrong. But this time Bruce is wrong. Meaning no one, not even Alfred will be able to get this man to pull his head out of his ass. Maybe they could if Jason fought hard enough, and threw enough hard-hitting insults to breach the stony exterior that is Batman. But Jason doesn’t feel like breaking his own heart right now, so he’s opting for the long run, waiting (im)patiently as far from Batman as possible. Bruce will come back and apologize eventually when the silence and lack of his second son start feeling too close to when Jason was dead. When memories start to surface grief begins to overwhelm the man.
For now, though, Jason is content to sit in his apartment and read. The only real downside is that the book he had been reading was currently still in the manor’s library. Technically Jason could just ask one of his siblings to retrieve it for him, but he’s still hurt from his fight with his father and doesn’t feel like doing something vulnerable, like asking for help.
So he heads to the bookstore. He’s been to this particular bookstore a million times. It’s cozy, nestled on the edge of Blüdhaven, close to the border. Sometimes Jason would head to Dick’s apartment afterwards, since he was in his brother’s neighborhood. The shop has a little cafe area, indoor and outdoor seating, a covered patio with a couch that Jason enjoyed sitting on when it was raining.
A bell chimes his arrival as he entered the small shop.
“Welcome in!” An older woman greets from behind the counter.
Jason gives the woman a smile before making his way to the Shakespeare section. He began browsing the titles, trying to find the exact one he was looking for.
The bell chimes and again, but Jason paid it no real mind, only acknowledging that a third person was now in the store.
“Oh! Y/n. How lovely to see you again.” The woman at the front exclaims.
“Hey Mrs Goodmen! How’ve you been?” The newcomer asked.
“Just perfect, thank you for asking dear. What brings you in today?”
“I need a new copy of a book I love. I let my friend borrow it a year ago and I don't think I'm getting it back.”
“Well, you go find it, let me know if you need any help, okay?”
“Of course, thank you!”
There was silence again as the person began browsing aisles. Jason smiled as he found the book he was looking for. He pulled it off the shelf and began flipping through the pages.
“Oh, how funny.” A voice startles Jason out of his skimming and he looks up. It was the person that had been talking the lady.
“What's funny?” Jason asked, closing his book.
“That's the book I was looking for.” They say, pointing at paperback in Jason’s hands.
Jason smiles. “Oh, that is funny.”
“Great minds think alike.” The person jokes. “I'm Y/n, by the way.”
“Jason. Nice to meet you.”
“You too!”
Jason watches as Y/n grabs a copy of the same book off the shelf.
“I've read this like 8 times now. I'm planning on actually annotating it this time. It's just so good. Oh! I should check to see if they have that new book I wanted to read.” Y/n mumbles.
Jason thinks it's cute how distracted they got all of a sudden. They themselves were cute. The oversized sweater they’re wearing, the concentrated look on their face as they search for the book they need, even the way their hair looks like they just rolled out of bed.
Jason pulls a small notebook out of his pocket and writes his name and number on it quickly. He doesn’t normally do this sort of thing, maybe it was because this person had similar taste in reading. Jason isn't sure, but he did know that this person is cute and he wants to get to know them.
“Are you a Shakespeare fan?” Y/n asks all of a sudden.
Jason chuckles. “I suppose you can say that. Though I suppose I'm more of a classical literature fan.”
Y/n smiles a bit wider at that. “Me too! I especially love Greek mythology and Gothic romance. Oh! They do have it! Perfect, I've been so excited for this one!” Y/n plucks a book off the shelf and does a triumphant little twirl.
Jason takes note of the book in her hand. “Biography of Mary Casset?”
Y/n shows Jason the books. “Yep! She was an impressionist painter whose main focus was on the relationships between mother and child. She also used traditional Chinese printing methods. She was a hardcore feminist and never stopped even after facing backlash for being a female artist in a male-dominated industry. I adore her.”
Jason can't help but stare at Y/n as they gushed over the artist. The way they ramble and are so passionate about it has his heart beating a lot faster all of a sudden.
“She sounds pretty fucking cool. I might need to grab me a copy of that as well.” He says. “Oh yeah, said you wanted to annotate this book,” he lifts the book that brought them both here in the first place. “We should get together sometime, compare notes maybe?”
Y/n blushes. “Yeah. That sounds like a lot of fun.” They smile brightly.
“Awesome! Here, take this.��� Jason hands them the paper with his number on it. “Text me, we’ll make it a date?”
Y/n’s blush darkens. “Of course! I, uh, maybe a cafe or something? I’ll, umm, I'll have to check and see when I'm free.” They stammer as they carefully place the paper in their bag.
“Perfect. I'll be waiting to hear from you then.” Jason winks before turning and walking to the counter. He checks out and makes his way back to his apartment.
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What do y'all think? I tried to keep the book nondescript but then went I ranted too hard about Mary Casset. My bad. I hope that my little explanation at the end there makes up for how ooc Jay is. Let me know if you want more! Feel free go request and give a prompt as well! I love writing and I want to do more of it!
Also, I apologize for any mistakes. I have major Dyslexia and Grammarly doesn't always fix everything. I hope you Enjoyed! 🌼🐛
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 10 months
I'm settling into middle age and I kinda hate it. I know there's some guys who enjoy the struggle though. So, could you maybe swap me with an old man who wants it? The fatter, the better, the balder, the better. I want to skip straight to retirement.
Woah for real ? I mean. Id that’s what you want I won’t judge. I’m sure I can convince some old man to swap plac…..oh look I found one.
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You’re sitting on the couch while I finalize the paperwork needed to make this happen and then I look at you. “ you sure you want this?” I look you up and down and you just look back same and with out hesitation you say “yes. Make me an old fat bald fuck!” I just laugh and tell you that you won’t be bald exactly but you will be…well. You’ll figure it out. “So my dear man. What I’ve done here is a bit of a trait swap of sorts. Over the next day or so you’re going to be going through some massive changes. And I mean MASSIVE. You’re going to be swapping traits with a man I’ve had on a wait list for a while. Someone who wanted to be younger. I would offer more information but… well you’ll find out”. You stand up and instantly sway on your feet. “Woahhh” you say as you head is dizzy. I just laugh. “Yeah…that happened to him. It also doesn’t help that you’ve failed 10 pounds since I started this..”. You feel you stomach and it feels a larger than normal. “I would buy some larger clothes. … I would suggest ….lets just say the biggest they have. And I’d get them before you go home…”. Leaving my office you take my warning and go to the clothing store next door and you buy the largest clothes they have. 5xl t shirt and a pair of since 60x30 pants. The cashier was wondering why you were buying them since you were so tiny and you just laughed and said “I plan to gain a little weight” you were both laughing at the joke. Her note realizing how serious you were but it needed when you laugh turned to a raspy cough and when you said goodbye your voice was older. Like that of a 62 year old man. Leaving the store your shirt is tight and your stomach is already poking out in Front of you. But the time you make it home your shoes are already time. Damnit you forgot to get some shoes. Goes by the way your gaining weight you should have got some crocs or something. Your shirt feels as though it’s suffocating you and you take it off. Only to be met with an extremely hairy torso. Everyone of you is covered in hair now. Arms. Chest. Shoulders and back. It’s like looking at a sweater. One you can’t take off. One that the kids made fun off all the time. And under it all was a protruding gut that wasn’t there before. And some saggy moobs.
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You can’t beleive this is all happening and so fast!! You take off your pants. Because they are so tight and uncomfortable. Even doing that proves to be a chore for you at this size. You sit down on the couch and you can feel you back hair filling in. You look down and see the hair on you stomach turning. Grey and you can’t help but get hard. Taking your socks off you can see that your feet are getting older and it looks like some varicose veins are showing up on your legs. Hard to see under the thing hair that is turning great but it’s there. You scratch you face and you can feel that your face has gotten fatter. You guess that you had to be at least 50 now or so. Far from the 40 you previously. But that’s all. You wait for more changes to happen but it doesn’t seem like anything is happening. You keep going to the mirror to check but you do t see anymore changes happening. Every time you are disappointed and cuss. “Damnit I thought there would be some more changes by now!” You decide to go outside on your patio to sit in the sun. Annoyed that the changes have stopped. Still you are please with the 10 years you were able to gain. Sitting in the chair you lean back and you fall asleep. But that’s what it took. You body needed to rest. It takes a lot to change a man. When you wake up you look down to see that nothing else has change but when you feel it. Leaning forward you can feel you stomach slowly pushing you backward. Looking down you are shocked. It’s happening! You stomach is literally growing right before you eyes!! You neck gets fatter as you body continues to swell. You gut grows so large that it will cause you to waddle for the rest of your life. Sweat stains will be on everything. You really should have got some slip on shoes you think to yourself because there is no way you’ll ever be reaching you old man feet again. And your snitch now as the fat continues to swell and hair continues to grow. You eye site turns to garbage and you’ll need glasses from here on out. When you feel the changes stop you’ll be lucky to fit on those 5xl shirts.
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You manage to get out of the chair with great struggle. And waddle to the house. You’re so large with all this added fat. You sit on the couch and struggle to put one day leg in each hole. You stand up and struggle. Struggle with all your might to pull the once oversized pants up. And you find that they are too small. Your mouth falls from shock realizing that you now have a waist size larger than 60. And even though you could see it. You could feel it. You were dripping pre cum on you feet from being so horny from all the changes you went through to be this old fat fuck of a man.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
sooo excited requests are open again! Jamie gets a day off from training and you spend the whole day together cuddling and snogging and watching films
Done😎 Gonna hit you all with some angst pretty soon, so enjoy this angst-free fic while you can! Thanks for the request!
(p.s. this gif makes me giggle. idk why)
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tell me where to put my love
There is absolutely nothing like a Sunday morning, because it means that Jamie has absolutely no training. Saturdays are subject to extra time with Roy, so you and Jamie only get one day a week with absolutely no football. Well, not absolutely no football. Sometimes you let him cajole you into going to the Richmond Green and kicking around one of the ten billion footballs he has in the house. 
He says you’ve gotten better since you’ve started, you say that you could take on all of Richmond and win.
He says you’re very funny.
You say so too.
Sundays are great because you get to sleep in, but you probably don’t. You’re both so used to being awake early so despite being up late, you’re both unable to sleep past 7:30, maybe 8 if you’re really tired.
You don’t get out of bed, though.
The first one to wake will lie as still as possible, looking at the rise and fall of the other’s chest. Usually it’s Jamie watching you. You’re a light sleeper, so you begin to stir at the slightest change in atmosphere. He’ll stroke your cheek and you’ll smile and stretch, refusing to open your eyes.
His hands will start to slide down to your arms and to your waist, then dip below your pajama bottoms. You’ll open your eyes at that, because he’ll soon shift so that his head is at your waist, and lift his baby blue eyes to yours in a question. 
This Sunday is no different, and you both end up staying in bed until 10. It’s not until you’re lying tangled in the sheets, sweaty and gasping for breath, that a stomach growls (yours, his, what’s the difference) and you each throw on as little clothes as possible and head to the kitchen. Jamie pulls things out for his morning smoothie and you’re toasting frozen waffles. Neither of you are saying much, except for a “hey!” from Jamie when you steal some of his strawberries. 
You take your respective breakfasts to the couch and settle under a blanket. It gets cold when you’re only wearing pants. 
“What are we gonna watch?” you ask. 
Jamie just grins and flips through your streaming services.
“No, babe,” you groan, “not again. Please, I beg of you.”
Jamie pretends he can’t hear you and lands on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. 
“Jamie,” you say as he chooses an episode, “why are you so obsessed with reality tv? It’s so unrealistic.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t fucking love it,” he replies, lightly knocking his head against yours. You roll your eyes and suppress a smile. You can’t argue with that. 
You stay on the couch for three hours until Jamie starts to get bored and starts kissing a line up your neck. You giggle and shift away.
“Babe,” he says between kisses, “you hungry?”
“That is not where I thought this was going,” you laugh. 
Jamie shrugs, lips still against your throat. “Trying to make up for making you watch fucking American reality television. And I want takeout.”
At that, you turn and capture his lips in yours. He’s not supposed to have takeout right now, not part of his eating plan. He’s trying to butter you up so you won’t talk him out of it. Lucky for him, he’s making a very convincing argument. 
An hour later, you’re in the backyard on the patio eating Chinese food. You’re both in more clothes and soaking up the rare bit of sun. Jamie has also produced chips, and you’re not sure why they go so well with Chinese, but they do. 
You’re finishing up the last box and chatting about Jamie’s upcoming match when there’s a knock on the door. You both freeze. You’re not expecting anyone, and you exchange an assessing look to see who is most presentable to answer the door. 
It turns out to be Jamie, so he pads inside and opens it to find Dani. 
“Eyy, muchacho! Nice to have a day off, no? I was feeling a little bit lonely, so I decided to drop by to see if you would like to play some FIFA. And I did not come empty handed!” Dani holds up a bag of Mexican food. 
“Can’t,” Jamie says. “Girlfriend’s here.”
Dani’s face droops a little bit and, as if on cue, you appear behind Jamie, all wrapped up in a blanket. 
“Hi Dani!” you say. “Heard your voice from the backyard. What’re you doing here?”
He shrugs. “Just lonely, I guess.“ 
He looks so hilariously forlorn that you laugh and Jamie rolls his eyes. 
“Do you want to come in?” you ask. “Ooh, is that Mexican?”
Fifteen minutes later, Dani is explaining hair masks to a fascinated Jamie, as you sip your drinks and eat the food Dani brought. Neither you nor Jamie care to tell him you had just eaten.
He stays for two hours, crushing Jamie at FIFA. After the door shuts behind him, Jamie looks at you and says, “shower?”
You and Jamie stay in for way too long, only coming out when your hands are far too pruny. The bathroom is all steamy, and Jamie’s towel is wrapped low around his hips. You end up back on the bed, laying on top of the sheets in your towels. His arm is around you, thumb rubbing up and down your arm. Your head is tucked in the crook of his neck, and you’re breathing in his clean scent slowly. He’s talking in a low voice, not about anything really, just chattering about football, his mum, and the future. You’re trying to stay awake, you really are, and there’s no reason you should be tired and yet your eyes are growing heavy. It’s not your fault that his voice is so calm and so soothing, and before you know it you’re asleep. 
You don’t see this part, but Jamie notices the change in your breathing and starts whispering about other things. How much he loves you, and why he loves you. His real hopes for the future, the ones he’s not sure you’re ready to hear, but thinks one day you will be. He’ll let you sleep as long as possible. These times are rare, and he is going to savor every moment. 
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Shhhh! Built in 1929 during Prohibition, this Spanish style home in Los Angeles, California has a secret floor. 4bds, 5ba, $4.188M.
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Lovely foyer with a stained glass window and niche.
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The living room is very large and there's a terrace overlooking the city of LA.
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The current owners have a couch in front of the sliding doors, but this is the terrace.
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Beautiful arched doorways and another niche.
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The dining room is nice. I like that fixture.
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The kitchen tile is amazing. Beautiful glass doors on the upper cabinets and a great exhaust hood.
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There's a gorgeous family room next to the kitchen with a wood ceiling and access to the the patio.
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Since the home was built in the 20s, it has stunning original Art Deco tiles in all the baths.
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Gorgeous primary bedroom. It has a wonderful fireplace and terrace, plus a wall of windows to let in the natural light.
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The baths are flawlessly original.
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This may look like a pantry, but it's the entrance to the secret floor. You push on the shelves and they open to a space under the stairs.
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The current owners just use it as storage. There’s also a little trip switch inside that was used to alert people on the bedroom floor and set off lights if someone was near the alcohol that was stashed in here. It has lots of potential.
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And, behind that bookshelf is a big walk-in safe.
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There's not a lot of property, it's built on a hillside and has a little over a third of an acre, but the grounds are nicely landscaped.
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Brief-ish, unsolicited thoughts about the Moon Boys
Not proofread, written on my phone on the fly, posted on the app so if it looks wonky that’s why
Let’s start with our sweet sweet Steven.
He’s such a sweet and doting boyfriend.
Kisses morning, noon, and night.
Steven loves to cook for you. Every dish is exquisite and full of flavor, and packed with love.
At least once a week, you visit him at the museum for lunch. On nice days, you eat lunch on the museum steps. When there’s gloomy London weather, he’ll sneak you into a closed exhibit or the storage room to enjoy some private time.
One thing he loves the most is when you’re at home and you both sit on the couch and read. His hand is always laced with yours, kissing your knuckles and cuddling in close.
In terms of sexy time, I think Steven’s favorite position might be doggy style. Don’t get me wrong, he does enjoy missionary. But doggy style allows him to have a certain kind of control that he lacks at work—and that he sometimes feels that he lacks within the system. He always feels like he has a say in his relationship with you, but doggy style . . . doggy style is control for him. You’re at his mercy on all fours, and how fast you get your pleasure is solely due to his actions.
Sometimes, he’ll mix it up by holding your arms behind your back while he keeps you upright, and other times he’ll push you down so your face is in the pillows and your ass is in the air, acting as his only real focal point.
He’s also been known for a swift spank here and there, but he can’t help it. He really loves your butt.
After, there’s a lot of snuggles. Either big spoon/little spoon where you’re the little spoon and he’s pressing kisses all over your shoulder and neck and wherever else he can reach without moving too much, or if it’s face to face with foreheads resting together, limbs tangled, and the whispering of sweet nothings mixed with kisses, he’s a gentleman through and through when it comes to taking care of you.
And now Marc. This poor man needs all the snuggles.
He didn’t want to date you. Like at all. He would try his best to keep you away, but he always found himself drawn to you.
One day, he bit the bullet and asked you out for some coffee. It’s coffee—what’s the worst that could happen. Famous last words.
By the time you drank half of your drink, he was smitten, and by the end of your respective cups, he knew he was in love.
He waited nearly a week after that date until he texted you.
“She’s not gonna respond, Spector,” he grumbles ten seconds after clicking send, rubbing his hands down his face.
You respond an hour later, and Marc is mortified to look at his phone, but feels like he can breathe again when he reads your message.
“Sorry, I was giving a presentation at work! Dinner sounds great. How about Thursday?”
He’s truly flabbergasted. You said yes.
The night of the date, he gets to the restaurant early, twiddling his thumbs and wringing his hands as he stands across the street, watching if you actually come. Panic washes over him when he sees you get to the restaurant, getting a table for two in the patio area. He knows the second that he crosses the street and sits across from you, he’s done. He’d be yours forever.
Time moves fast while he works up the nerve to cross the street, and he jumps out of his skin when he feels his phone vibrate.
“Hey,” he breathes shakily.
“Hey,” you mimic. “You know, I can see you standing across the street. I have this whole time. Marc, if you didn’t want to—.”
“That’s not it,” he interrupts. He can’t let you think like that. “I’m just . . . It sounds ridiculous.” He lets out a deep breath. “I’m nervous.”
“It’s not ridiculous,” you reassure him softly as you turn and look at him in the eyes from across the street. “But I can tell you from many years of experience of being nervous and anxious—the best way to stop being nervous is to just do the thing freaking you out. It has to happen eventually, and if you keep building it up in your head, it’ll only get worse.”
He lets out a shallow breath, hanging up and jogging across the street to you.
When it comes to sex, I feel Marc has two positions he really prefers—missionary, and lotus.
Marc is a man that like control, but he also takes great comfort in predictability, which is what these positions offer for him: they both allow him to be as close as possible to you, he can change little motions in his hips to make it rougher or gentler for you, he can go deep, and most importantly, he can see your face. He can see every last iota of pleasure on your features, he can kiss you over and over, and you ground him, reminding him you’re here with him and that everything is okay.
He always marks up your neck one way or another. Sometimes it’s lingering wet kisses, other times it’s red marks that fade, and more often than not, little purple hickies on the column of your neck that remain for long after the sex has stopped.
You’ve come to find that Marc likes a little pain while you’re being intimate. Not much, but a scratch of your nails through his hair, on his back, or on his arms turns him into putty in your hands.
Cuddles are mandatory aftercare for Marc. You keep him present and remind him that even if he’s feeling low, you’re there for him.
More often than not, it’s face to face cuddles, his head resting on your chest so he can listen to your heart while you play with his curls.
And just like with aftercare cuddles, Marc will always wake up early the next day to make you breakfast in bed. It’s nothing grand—truly, sometimes it’s toaster waffles and a cup of coffee—but you absolutely love it.
Now to Jake.
He’s attracted to you as soon as he meets you, but he chose to stay deep within the headspace until he knew you weren’t gonna leave or hurt Marc or Steven.
He doesn’t stick around for more than fifteen minutes when he does eventually come out, but you’re warm and kind to him.
“You must be Jake,” you hum with a soft smile. “I’m happy to finally meet you.”
Jake just nods, leaning back and drinking his spiked coffee and watching you go about your morning as you read the paper.
One day, Jake is fronting when he comes home after a rough mission. He sees you on the couch, looking lonely and less vibrant and, well, looking less you than you usually do.
He takes off his jacket and hat, putting it on the stand by the door. Jake moves over to where you are on the couch, sitting down next to you, and carefully wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to rest on him.
You both don’t know what to do at first, both stiff and nervous, but when you shimmy down on the couch to get comfortable on him, he breathes a sigh of relief. Jake tilts his head and rests his cheek on the top of your head.
The romance between you two is slow, but it’s strong. And once the fuse is lit, there’s no stopping it.
The first time Jake kisses you, he’s nervous, but as soon as his lips meet yours, he knows with every ounce of his body that you’re the only person outside of the system that he could ever love.
The kiss turns into a make out session, and that make out session results in both of your clothes being shed all over the apartment and you trapped between his body and the mattress.
You two spin around in a litany of positions, but Jake loves it when you’re on top, hands on his chest, riding him like an award-winning equestrian front and back.
His hands grip your hips not to guide you or control you, but as a firm, silent encouragement for your actions.
Jake praises you in Spanish all through your lovemaking, calling you every pet name in the book: “corazón”, “hermosa”, “amore”, and so many others. His fluency and the lit of his pitch goes right to your core, only making the sex more incredible.
After both of you are spent, Jake kisses your cheek and neck, moving to the bathroom to get a cool damp cloth to cool down your burning skin and cleaning you up between your legs.
Jake tosses the towel into the nearby bathroom, somehow getting it to rest and hang over the side of the tub.
He rests on his side as he watches you lie on your back, looking up at him and lacing your fingers together and talking about anything that comes to mind before you fall asleep in his arms.
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beardedjoel · 1 year
closer | part sixteen
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joel x f!reader. non-apocalypse au  
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3  
chapter summary: you and joel deal with the aftermath of your parents’ discovery about you two. 9.7k words.
chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI, age difference (joel is 42 and reader is 25), inexperienced reader, soft!dom joel, angst, unprotected piv, rough sex, creampie, spanking, dirty talk, praise kink, mirror play, nipple play, multiple orgasms
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Shit shit shit. 
Your body starts to go into panic mode as you stand frozen, eyes locked with your father’s. He’s standing outside on the patio, flashes of confusion and anger on his face. You suck your bottom lip into your mouth and exhale shakily before following Benny over to the fence line where he’s excitedly trying to get to your dad. 
Every step feels leaden as you watch your dad retreat inside, presumably letting your mom know what he saw and waiting for you to come talk to them. 
“Fuck,” you whisper to yourself as you open the door to their house and let Benny inside. You see your dad next to your mom in the kitchen, talking closely to her in a hushed but frustrated tone, his hand gestures all over the place as he speaks. Your mom looks scandalized, almost disbelieving of what your dad is telling her with her brows pinched tightly together. You suck in a breath through your teeth and approach them a little closer. They both stop and stare at you expectantly, but you have no clue where to start with this mess.  
“Are you going to explain what your dad says he saw, or what?” your mom asks, quickly placing a hand on her hip. Great start, you think to yourself. 
“It’s not - it’s not what you think,” you blurt out, knowing it sounds like a complete lie, because, well, it is one.
Your parents don’t even bother to answer for a few moments, looking at you through quirked brows. 
“Wh- why are you guys home so early?” You don’t even know why you ask, it sounds like a deflection and you aren’t necessarily even trying to do that, you just don’t understand how you ended up in this horrible situation that you’ve found yourself in. 
“I’m not going to entertain this very obvious deflection you’re doing, but we got an early start home, and since we heard about the storm the other day, we wanted to check in on everything as soon as we could. But it seems you were doing just fine, doesn’t it?” your mom answers, and normally her question would maybe have a hint of jesting behind it, but right now it just feels biting. She crosses her arms over her chest, only adding insult to injury - it’s an instant tell that she’s holding back her emotions. 
“O-okay, so I can explain…” you start. “We - Joel and I- ” you feel your cheeks burn at all of the things you have been doing with Joel as you try to sum it up for your parents. “I was just there to grab something…” you say before you can even think about it. Why the hell you aren’t coming clean to them after you’ve been caught so red handed is beyond you. Self preservation tactics, or whatever.
Your mom presses her lips together, her expression calling very obvious bullshit on you. “You don’t think your little outfit gives it away?” she snips, looking you up and down as you sport Joel’s boxers. Why you had thought your lie could have possibly passed when you’re dressed like this is beyond you - rational thinking went out the window the moment you’d realized you had gotten caught.
“Not to mention the fact that I saw you two… er, kissing when you were leaving his house?” your dad says awkwardly.
You avert your eyes and bite your lip, deciding to just tell them everything. Well, as many details as are appropriate to tell your parents. 
“Can we just sit down?” you offer, to try to make the situation less tense. You think it might be easier to speak if you didn’t have your knees wobbling beneath you. 
“Sure,” your dad breathes out, sounding exasperated. The three of you make your way to the living room and once you sit on the couch, you feel a bit more relaxed and able to have a real conversation with them about this. They sit on the other couch opposite of you, still with unimpressed looks on their faces. 
“Listen, we just want to know what the hell is going on,” your mom says in an even tone, and you feel a little relief pass through you that she doesn’t seem completely angry at you. 
“It started a few weeks ago -“ you start, before your dad cuts you off. 
“Weeks?!” he calls out, and you nod with a gulp. 
“Y-yes, we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks, well more like a month, really. Um, it just happened, I don’t really know how to explain it…”
Your mom purses her lips at you. “You know we’re open minded people, and I know you know this, but his age, sweetheart,” she says, and you sigh, having thought this is exactly what she would say if she found out. 
“I’m very aware of Joel’s age, and it’s not weird to me,” you say, trying to put your foot down despite your wavering voice. You’re on completely shaky ground, feeling it slipping from underneath you by the second. 
“Maybe not to you, but for us, it’s well, odd to say the least,” your mom counters. “He could very well be our friend. You’re seeing someone our age.”
“Not to mention, there’s a certain… dynamic, a shift of power that comes with someone that much older. We just want to make sure you know that,” your dad chimes in, and you feel your heart sink. Joel doesn’t have that kind of dynamic with you, does he? At least, not outside of the bedroom. He’s never treated you as anything but equal, always trying to respect and listen to you.
“He’s not… like, manipulating me or anything if that’s what you think,” you quip back, furrowing your brow at them. They’ve turned batshit insane if that’s what they’re even possibly suggesting about Joel.
“Not saying he is, simply that it can happen even if you don’t know it. Someone older, with more life experience, typically holds more power. That makes sense to you, right, honey?”
“Yeah, dad, I hear what you’re saying. I promise Joel is good to me, please you guys,” you plead, starting to feel your cheeks burn and tears threaten behind your eyes. 
“Okay, okay, we believe you,” your mom says, holding her hands out in a calming gesture. “Can we hear a little more? I just want to understand what’s really happening here,” she asks, and you nod slightly. 
“A-alright. I thought he was really… attractive, when we moved in,” you tell them, stopping to get your embarrassed stammering under control for a moment. “We talked the day he fixed the cabinet and I think we flirted, I don’t know. It all happened so fast, we talked more after that and then we realized we wanted to see what would happen between us. I couldn’t believe he wanted to be with me too, uh, but he does, and I guess here we are.” You looked at the floor the entire time you rambled to them, and now you look up and try to gauge their reactions. 
Your parents share a few glances as they take the information in piece by piece. “Oh… kay,” your mom says, processing. You can tell there are dozens of questions on the tips of both of their tongues, but they’re trying to be delicate about it. 
“Honestly, we aren’t the most upset you didn’t tell us about it. We just don’t really understand why this is happening. I just don’t know how I feel about the fact that you two let this go on while we invited him into our home,” your mom concludes, and your dad nods in agreement next to her. 
“Aren’t you the one who is always trying to set me up with people? This is why I didn’t tell you guys, I knew you’d just… ugh. God forbid I find someone on my own,” you spit back angrily, feeling hurt by her words. 
“Yes, someone who is completely age inappropriate for you, sweetheart.”
“Who cares. If we like each other, if we want to be together. I’m an adult, this would be different if I was sixteen or something.”
“Well yes, of course it would, but that’s hardly the point, right? We know we can’t tell you who to be with or not be with, but we still want the best for you. And is this the best for you?” your mom says, her tone softening slightly and her sincerity in her eyes.
“I’m… happy when I’m around Joel. Come on, you guys loved him before you knew about all of this.”
“We did, he seems like a very kind person. I just… need some time to adjust to all of this. It’s a big change, and I want you to think about what we said. Just be careful. Sure, we have our own feelings about all of this, but that’s my biggest concern - that you’re being careful with yourself.”
They’re the second people to tell you to be careful, Tommy having been the first, and you feel irritation clawing up inside of you. There’s nothing to be careful about, you think angrily. Joel has never done anything to make you worried about the things they’re telling you, so why is there a pit in your stomach now as you hear their words?
“I am being careful,” you retort, leaning back with your arms crossed. “He’s kind, he’s so good to me, I lov-“ you snap your mouth shut before the words can come out. Your parents can tell that you were just as surprised by your almost admittance as they are, and both of their eyes widen and soften at you. You haven’t said it out loud, you’ve barely said the word in your head before. Love. Such a heavy word, so full of promises and implications. You certainly aren’t about to say it in front of your parents before telling Joel yourself if that’s really how you feel about him. 
“Oh, honey,” your dad says, almost looking at you with pity, and you fucking hate it. 
“Stop, I don’t want to hear it, please,” you shake your head, averting their gaze again, feeling your ears starting to burn hotter along with your cheeks now. “Just, s-stop looking at me like that.”
They both stay silent for a few moments, letting you have time to process. You wet your lips and look back up at them with a new determination. 
“I know that you two aren’t exactly thrilled right now. And you know that I’m always happy to do everything you want and dream of for me. Right now this is what I’m doing, though, because Joel feels right for me. So I’m going to keep seeing him, and take whatever time you need to accept that, but it’s happening.” You hold your chin up as you watch their reactions, slightly surprised but fading into a quiet acceptance. 
“Alright. We need to let you do things for yourself, you’re old enough, after all. You know we just care about you, and if this is what you want right now, then… well, okay,” your mom says. It’s not exactly full support from them, but you can tell they understand there isn’t any room for you to budge when it comes to Joel. 
“Thank you,” you say solemnly, dipping your head a little bit to show it. 
“This does explain some of your behavior lately,” your mom says. “I'm assuming Joel’s the one who…” She reaches to her neck, lightly touching it and you want to curl up into yourself from embarrassment even remembering the day they’d seen your hickeys from him. 
You simply press your lips together and stare at her, refusing to give a confirmation, which she in turn takes as a yes from you. She sighs, long and drawn out, and your dad takes her hand from where he sits next to her. 
“A-are you guys angry at me for this? I know it seems crazy, and not telling you about it when it’s someone that you know… I was scared,” you say tentatively.
“I’m not going to say I’m thrilled about this. Your mom and I, we just need a little time to process that you even have a… boyfriend? Jesus, that sounds weird picturing your boyfriend as that man,” your dad says, pushing himself into a downward spiral with his words as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Now your mom is the one squeezing his hand in comfort. 
You feel your cheeks heat up a bit again, your whole body getting hot from his words and the fact that he seems almost embarrassed about the whole ordeal. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you say, hanging your head. “And yes, I guess Joel is my… boyfriend. I don’t really like that word, but we agreed that we’re together, er, exclusively.”
That gets your mom’s attention, her eyebrows raising in surprise. “You did?”
“Just the other night, yeah. I didn’t want to see anyone else, and neither did he, so we just…” you shrug a little, still feeling very small from this conversation with them. 
“Good to… know,” your mom says, long and drawn out, her eyes distant as she thinks over all of this new information. She clasps her hands together and makes eye contact with you, a kind half smile on her face. 
“Can you let this settle for a bit? Let your dad and I talk some more and just… process all of this?” your mom asks, and you nod quickly, trying to hide your hurt. 
“Sure,” you say simply, standing up and leaving the room, the need to breathe air that isn’t in this room growing to desperate levels. It wasn’t a complete catastrophe, but you can tell that it was surely not something they were expecting in the least. 
You rush up to your apartment, taking a shower to calm yourself down and have some time to think things over. You’re determined not to let anything your parents brought up affect the way things are with Joel. You suddenly realize that what would help you right now would be to just talk to Joel and see what he thinks about what your parents said. He always says the right things, and right now, you need a dose of that and a good look at his gorgeous face.
You quickly change into new clothes, feeling slightly better now that you’ve freshened up, and head out to Joel’s house. You knock softly but rapidly on Joel’s door, a ball of nervous energy as you wait to see if he’s still home. The door swings open, and Joel looks at you, perplexed but happy to be seeing you again so soon. 
“Baby? What’s goin’ on, you look a little… flustered,” Joel says immediately, inspecting your tense expression. 
“Let’s go somewhere,” you say, and Joel reads into your words, seeing that it’s something you need right now and he decides to not question it any further just yet.
“Alright, hop in the truck, I’ll grab the keys.”
Joel takes you to a park nearby with walking trails and tons of foliage, keeping you two in the shade as the early evening sun beats down while moving towards sunset.
“Alright, I let you be quiet the whole way, what’s goin’ on?” Joel asks as you shuffle along next to him. 
“My parents found out,” you say, just trying to rip off the band aid. You dare a glance at Joel to see his reaction, and his eyebrows are raised, but he doesn’t seem completely scandalized. 
“Oh, that’s, uh-“ Joel brushes a hand across the back of his neck and stops walking to turn and face you. “You okay?” he asks, grasping your hands in his. 
“That’s a complicated answer right now, but the short version is, yeah, I’m okay,” you tell him, and he smiles encouragingly, pulling you along to continue walking with him. 
“How bad was it?”
“Well, my dad saw us making out in your doorway, so pretty bad,” you say bluntly, and Joel chokes a little. 
“Jesus,” he whispers to himself. “And he ain’t gonna kill me?”
You laugh heartily, the feeling like a breath of fresh air. You knew Joel could make you feel better after this horrible afternoon. “You’ve met him, he’s not that type of Southern dad with the shotgun and all of that,” you say. Joel smiles back at you and it helps the aching going on in your chest just a little bit.
“So they’re currently in the skeptical phase of everything, I think they’ll come around, but they didn’t love our, uh, age difference,” you tell Joel, starting to feel nerves twisting in your stomach at bringing up the things your parents had insinuated about your relationship.
“S’normal I think, to worry about that,” Joel says with a little shrug.
“They tried to tell me things… stuff that isn’t true, about couples with age gaps. And I told them that it’s not like that, you’re not some master manipulator or anything.”
Joel nods thoughtfully, just letting you vent out what you need to say for now.
“Like, that there’s some power dynamic, or whatever. The older person has some power over someone younger. I don’t know if I believe that. Maybe for some people, but not us, right? I’ve never felt -” you cut yourself off to take a breath and Joel takes your hand. You’re practically on the verge of begging Joel to tell you that’s not how things are, that your relationship isn’t wrong, that he would never dream of manipulating you.
“Let’s sit, hm?” he says, guiding you off the path to sit underneath a tree together. You plop down onto the grass with a heavy sigh, putting your head in your hands.
“Alright, there we go, just try to relax. I know it’s a lot,” Joel says soothingly, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. When you steady yourself and glance back into Joel’s dark, searching eyes full of worry for you, he continues.
“To answer your question, no, I never thought of it like that. Never thought of usin’ my age as some kinda tool in gettin’ any kinda control over you. Hell, I tried my best to stay away from you at first, worryin’ about the exact stuff your parents were talkin’ about. Never wanna put you in a place you feel, uh, unbalanced, or anythin’,” Joel explains to you, and you take in his words carefully, considering them.
“I’ve felt it’s my responsibility a bit, to make sure of it. Someone younger, and, no offense my darlin’, but someone a bit impressionable like you, I wanted to be careful.”
“I never realized…” Your brows draw together, deep in thought. “Well, thank you for being thoughtful about it, then,” you tell him, a small smile on your lips now that fades quickly when you have a thought occur to you. 
“It isn’t wrong, like the way we act when we’re, y’know, in the bedroom? That’s not the kind of power stuff they were talking about, is it?” you ask timidly, thinking that Joel seems to understand more about this topic than you do.
Joel contemplates your worries for a moment, scratching his beard. “I’d say that’s different. Lots of people like that same stuff, whatever ages they are. I’m not gonna lie to you, darlin’, but our ages certainly play into it - doesn’t mean that’s wrong though, m’kay? I think your parents are more worried about and talkin’ about outside of that, how I treat ya as a person.”
 “Okay, yeah. Makes sense.” You nod at him as you absorb his words, feeling a slight bit of relief as you take a shaky breath. “I’ve never thought you treated me wrong though, I hope they get a chance to see that.”
“Thank you, darlin’. Y’know I never wanna do anythin’ wrong to you, right?” Joel asks quietly, his voice scratchy and rumbling next to your ear. You simply nod and flutter your eyes closed for a moment, trying to let go of the stress that’s eating away at you right now.
“So what now then, hm?” Joel asks, putting an arm around your shoulders and pulling you a little closer.
“Just have to wait it out,” you say with a sigh. “They’ll come and talk to me about it some more, but they need… time, I guess.”
Joel threads his fingers through yours and squeezes. “I’ll be right here, whatever you or they need. If they got twenty questions for me, or whatever, I’m right here to answer ‘em.”
“You’re a little too good, you know that, right?” you say, teasingly, giving him a suspicious look.
“We both know that ain’t true,” he says, a smirk crossing his face. “You’ve seen how bad I can be.” He laughs at his corny, over exaggerated tone, and you roll your eyes and shove your shoulder into his.
“Oh, I sure have.”
After Joel drops you off, you head straight up into your apartment, still not feeling ready to face your parents again. If they need time, you’ll just have to give it to them, and let them come to you with whatever they need next.
You skip dinner with them, opting to order yourself takeout from a nearby Chinese restaurant and distract yourself between your books and television. You can’t help but feel a continuous sinking feeling about the way everything went down today - sure, you could have told your parents sooner, but you and Joel had just decided to try things more officially not even a few days ago. It just hadn’t made sense to inform your parents that you were fucking the next door neighbor if it wasn’t going to amount to anything more. Despite all of the reasoning, you could see your parents were hurt and confused, always having prided themselves on the three of you being relatively open with each other. This was just something beyond that this time, something private that didn’t belong to them. Until now, that is.
A soft knocking on your door forces you to pull out of introspection and get up to answer it. Your parents are both standing there, and it feels so… formal. As if they’ve come to dole out their final judgment on your relationship with Joel. You swallow hard and give them a half smile, feeling anxiety curling in your gut.
“We’d like to talk a little more, if you’re okay with that,” your dad starts, and you give them a curt nod, biting your lip before opening the door wide for them to step inside and sit down. This add on apartment is only one room, so they both sit on the sofa while you curl up cross legged on the bed facing them.
You fight the urge to immediately apologize for the damage you’ve done, reminding yourself to be strong and stick to what you want, not letting them convince you otherwise about Joel.
“So, we talked all day about this, and we want to invite Joel over for dinner,” your mom blurts out, folding her hands in her lap. You start, nearly choking on air as you look at them with rapidly blinking eyes.
“S-sorry, you… want to invite him to eat dinner with us? With you guys?” you say, your mouth hanging open skeptically after the words leave your mouth.
“Mhm. We figured… what the hell,” your mom says with a shrug that says “fuck it”.
“We can already tell that you’ve given all of this a lot of thought, you’re an adult, and we should respect that. If you’re even remotely serious about him, we want to get to know him a little more. The man lives next door, for Christ’s sake,” your mom tells you, and your mind is reeling a bit, trying to comprehend their final decision being so positive.
“Wow,” you stutter, at a loss for words for a few more moments. “Um, alright. Thank you guys. I think that might be… nice? Very awkward, but nice, possibly.”
Your parents give you playful smiles in return, and it fills you up with relief, that you’re seeing a glimpse of their usual selves again.
“Very… awkward…” you mumble, mostly to yourself, already setting yourself up to mentally prepare for this hell-ish meal you’ll be enduring.
“We aren’t going to be awkward if you aren’t,” your dad says teasingly, lightening the tension in the room.
“I can not make any promises.” You let out a long sigh. “But I appreciate the effort from you guys. Thanks.”
“What about tomorrow night? If he’s free,” you mom asks, and you let her know you’ll reach out to Joel to ask. Your stomach flutters as you send Joel a text once your parents leave you alone and you wait for his response.
He replies a few minutes later, and you know it’s going to be a long day anticipating this dinner.
Joel: Sounds great 😉
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You’re going to be sick, you’re sure of it, you think as you sit on the couch in your parents living room, rapidly bouncing your leg. Joel should be arriving any minute, and you’ve just gotten finished helping your parents prepare the dinner you’re going to have to eat while you endure whatever conversation they’re planning to have with Joel. They’re not the type to interrogate him, necessarily, but the thought of them interacting now that they know about you two is making you queasy.
Perfectly on time, there’s a knock on the front door, and your parents are still in the kitchen, so they call for you to answer it. You gulp down the lump in your throat and stand, smoothing your sundress slightly before padding over to the door and opening it.
Joel is standing, looking like the picture of the perfect boyfriend, a lopsided smile on his face. He’s holding a colorful, summery bouquet of flowers and a bottle of white wine, dressed in a thin, plaid button up shirt and jeans. Your eyes nearly roll back in your head at just how unbelievably sexy he looks right now with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and clinging tightly to his muscled arms. Focus you hiss at yourself internally before daring a quick peck on Joel’s lips, hoping your parents are still out of sight.
“Hi,” you say shyly, and Joel’s smile deepens, clearly amused at your mild discomfort. 
“Hi,” he echos, raising his eyebrows. You motion him inside and he follows you, kicking off his shoes at the entryway. He looks around to inspect the room, despite having been inside this house many times now between your sneaking around and his work on your parents’ bathroom.
“Hey, Joel,” your dad calls, peering his head from around the kitchen entrance for a brief moment.
“Hey there, Patrick,” Joel calls back. 
“C’mon,” you mouth quietly to him, having him follow you into the kitchen.
Your parents both turn from their spots at the counter, where they’re finishing up getting dinner served.
“Hi, Joel,” your mom says, slightly colder than usual as she continues tossing the salad she’d made.
Joel dips his head in greeting, mumbling out a “hello,” to her. For the first time, you can see that Joel is nervous, too, and it makes your heart melt and beat a little faster in your chest.
“For both of y’all,” Joel says softly, offering up the flowers and wine. Your mom smiles sweetly at him, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes, a detail you notice immediately. 
“Very sweet,” she comments, and your dad takes both out of Joel’s hands, immediately going for a vase in one of the cabinets to display the flowers. 
“Why don’t we open this now?” your dad suggests, getting out wine glasses and pouring from the bottle that Joel brought. 
You and Joel take the glasses to the table and sit down, your parents following right behind you. You all sit in silence for what feels like ages to you, despite it being only moments.
“Thank y’all for the invite,” Joel finally says, breaking the ice.
“Thought it was… necessary, given the recent discovery,” your mom says. You wish she wasn’t putting on this show, acting like she needs to have some tough exterior to suss Joel out, when she’s already met him several times now.
“Right…” Joel replies with a quick clearing of his throat. “Listen, since it’s obviously the, uh, elephant in the room, why don’t we just dig right into it.” You feel your chest tighten, the inevitable right at hand now, and you’re impervious to stopping whatever uncomfortable conversation comes next.
“We just want to get to know you better, that’s all,” your dad chimes in.
“Whatever you want to know, I’m an open book,” Joel says, the epitome of charm with a polite smile and easy going facade. You give him an encouraging squeeze of his leg under the table, knowing your parents can’t see it from their side of the table.
“Alright… forgive my, uh, directness, but wh- what was it… why someone twenty years younger than you?” your mom spits out, every word precariously placed on her tongue. You glance up at Joel, and one of his brows lifts a bit in surprise. He lets out a nervous chuckle and rubs his neck.
“Wasn’t my goal, if I’m honest. Not some serial dater of young women, if that’s what you’re thinkin’.” He lets out a slightly amused sigh. “Saw her laugh once and I was done for. Surprised me just as much as you guys,” Joel says, shrugging his shoulders before glancing over at you. When his eyes catch yours, you can’t help but smile brightly at his comments about you. You’d never thought to ask him more about when he’d first noticed you, and now you think you might have to get every detail when you two are alone.
Your mom hums quietly to herself, debating on her next words. “She does have a great laugh,” she finally says, a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. “And you thought to yourself that it was a good idea to pursue it still, even realizing… she’s young and impressionable? I don’t necessarily mean that in a… judgemental way, I just want to understand it.”
“Okay, I’m right here. Calling me young and impressionable like I’m not even in the room,” you blurt out, your muscles tensing. 
Your parents, and even Joel give you a skeptical look, and you huff. “Now darlin’...” Joel says quietly, and you snap your eyes to him. His eyes go a little wide, seeing the irritated look on your face, but you let him continue to answer your mom’s questioning.
“You’ve raised a really smart daughter, and she made a lot of choices for herself throughout this whole thing,” Joel says, and you nod next to him in agreement. “Happy to take whatever blame for it too, ‘course, but I hope y’all see that, is all.”
Your mom motions to you, and says, “She swears up and down you’re one of the good ones. We may have certain… reservations still about this, but thank you for that.”
Joel nods humbly, the appearance of a little color coming onto his cheeks. “Of course,” he says quietly, his eyes casting down to his lap before they look into yours again. You give him another lovesick smile, half forgetting where you even are as you get lost in his eyes again. Your hand rests on his leg again, and he brushes his fingers over it, but doesn’t take it any further than that, clearly trying to restrain himself. 
“Alright, let’s eat, we have all night to talk, don’t we?” your dad suggests to break a bit of tension, and a few minutes later, you’re all sitting down with your food and glasses of wine. Everyone seems to be loosening up a bit, yourself included, as Joel and your parents make small talk while they get to know him a bit better.
As promised, Joel is an open book with them, patiently answering their questions, whether it’s regarding you or other things about his life. He’s perfectly polite as needed, thanking them multiple times for dinner, helping keep everyone’s wine and water glasses full, and even taking dishes over to the sink to help clean up.
“No, no, none of that.” Your mom stops Joel with a gentle hand on his arm as he tries to start rinsing dishes off, guiding him back to the table to sit down. “You’re a guest.”
“A welcome one, at this point, I hope,” he jests, having had the entire evening to get more comfortable with your family, even to the point of teasing them, apparently.
“Joel,” you chide him quietly with a small chuckle.
“Didn’t know if I’d be saying this tonight, but yes,” your dad replies. “I’m not going to say this feels normal or anything, but as long as you’re in our daughter’s life, making her happy… we’re happy with that.”
Joel gives both of your parents an appreciative smile. “I’m awful grateful to hear that. Hard to expect just anyone to understand what’s goin’ on here, but I’ve found a special one,” Joel responds, giving a quick wink in your direction.
Your parents shoot you a knowing glance, clearly believing in Joel’s intentions more by the minute. You feel all the tension you didn’t realize you’d been holding the entire evening slowly dissipating as you watch them becoming more friendly with each other. By the end of the night, both of your parents hugged Joel goodbye, and agreed they’d have to do this again sometime. It felt like a massive weight off your shoulders, a way for you and Joel to move forward with things even more easily now. You feel excitement building at the prospect, and you’re almost giddy when you return to your apartment after helping your parents clean up from dinner. Now that they know, and even seem to accept him, you two are free. Sure, sneaking around has its merits in terms of it being secretive and hot, and you’d be sad to lose that small factor, but you know Joel can make up for that in his many other ways.
With all of those thoughts swirling through your head, you can hardly wait to get your hands on him, having sat next to him, watching him be so restrained tonight. You want to be the one to let him unleash all of it. You quickly decide that you want to pay him a visit and give yourself over to whatever whims he’s harboring after spending the evening only receiving a quick peck and touch on the leg from you. And if you know him at all, there will be a lot of those.
You’ve never used it, but you finally decide to put Joel’s extra key that he gave you to good use. You let yourself in quietly, praying he’s not in the main living area so you can surprise him exactly as you’re hoping. You don’t see or hear any sign of him on the main level, so you approach the stairs, and think you hear the water running from his bathroom. 
You start stripping your clothes off the second you reach his bedroom door, confirming that he’s in the shower. 
“Joel…” you call out quietly, and there’s a second of silence before Joel calls back your name in questioning. 
“That you?” he asks from inside the bathroom, and you answer by stepping into the doorway, the room already steamy and inviting from Joel’s shower. 
Joel’s eyes spot you standing completely naked through the glass door of the shower and he stares, taking it in as you approach him. You slide open the shower door, step inside, and waste no time gripping Joel’s face hard and slamming your lips into his. He groans into your mouth, your tongues and lips clashing over and over. You’re pulled under the stream of water with him, completely soaking you as his hands start to explore as much of you as he can touch.
Joel pushes you back into the wall of the shower, his cock already hard and jutting out, pressing into you. The feel of his thickness pushing on your stomach makes you moan out, the thought of it being inside of you all you can think about now. 
“Fuckin’ Christ baby,” Joel breathes, pulling off of your lips long enough to stare down at you, skin glistening and flushed now from the shower. “Need you,” he whimpers out uncharacteristically. 
“Have me, then,” you say quietly, tracing a finger up his chest and curving your hand along his shoulder. Joel’s lips hungrily attach themselves to yours again and your body slams back, Joel’s strength pushing you further against the wall until his hands are lifting you enough to slide his cock between your legs. You cry out in pure bliss before he’s even entered you, just the touch of his head brushing your clit and sliding into your slit. 
“I’ll have you anytime I want, isn’t that right?” he says, close to your mouth. You push your hips into his in response and kiss him again.
“Yes, Joel,” you whimper dutifully, wrapping yourself more tightly around him.
“Any way I want?” he asks, sliding his thick head over your clit again, making you bear down on him a little harder.
“Mhmm,” you moan out.
“I do good tonight, baby?” Joel asks with a raspy voice, resting his cock at your entrance and pushing in slightly. You gasp at the sensation and nod.
“They adored you,” you manage to say through his continuous pushing into you, filling you inch by inch with his length. “T-thought you might need to relieve some s-stress after tonight, though.”
“So thoughtful, aren’t ya? Sweet little thing,” Joel grumbles into your shoulder, fully inside of you now. “Wantin’ me to use you, hm? Think I’m stressed and want me to fuck it out on you, baby?”
“Please,” you say, thrusting your hips within his grip to create some movement inside of you.
“Anythin’ for you, darlin’,” Joel says, smirking at you before you’re slammed back against the wall again, his hips moving quickly inside of you. You cling on, hands and legs wrapped around him slipping along his back from the water as you cling on for dear life while he fucks you so hard you can barely keep up, quickly losing your senses to the pleasure.
“Yes, Joel, oh m-my god -” you whine, unable to do much else other than take what he’s giving you and moan every time you feel him pressing hard against your walls.
“S-so good at takin’ this cock, like a dream, baby,” Joel purrs as he continues his hard pushes into you, filling you fully each time. “L-like a fuckin’ dream.”
“Keep fuckin’ me baby, gonna turn the water off,” Joel demands suddenly, swinging the both of you to reach for the faucet. You do your best to grind your hips into him despite the awkward angle you’re now at and his hold on you. He groans as you roll your hips down onto him with each movement.
The water stops running and Joel holds you up with one arm while sliding the shower door open with the other, carrying you out and rushing to set you on the counter, immediately pressing a finger to your clit and rubbing in quick circles. You’re both dripping water everywhere but neither of you can seem to care about the mess you’re making. 
He continues his fervent pumps into you and you crash backwards, your head hitting the mirror behind you as you moan even louder now. You barely even register the thunk of your head, so caught up in the flush creeping over your whole body as Joel begins pulling a climax out of you. He watches on with a satisfied grin as you completely fall apart for him, body tensing up around him as your legs pull him in. You cry his name, seeing stars in your vision and warm, exploding pleasure over your entire body.
You’re barely coming down from your orgasm when Joel pulls you flush with his body, sliding you off the counter and lowering himself to the floor, settling you on top of him as you straddle his hips.
“Wanna see you ride this cock, baby,” he breathes out, squeezing your ass with a firm grip as you begin riding him in a delirious haze. He boosts your hips up on every upward thrust, and pulls them down hard, filling you up completely with every downward stroke. The contact on your oversensitive clit sends you whimpering as you roll your hips, your body already desperately close to another climax.
“Fuck, baby,” you cry out, tears threatening your eyes at how close you are to release, but it’s just out of reach, the feeling of another high teasing you multiple times. “I n-need…”
“Tell me what you need,” Joel says, grabbing your face roughly by the jaw and sliding the hand down to your throat, squeezing gently. You moan in his grasp, trying to roll your hips even harder to get yourself off. 
“Need to come, Joel, oh my g-god,” you whine. Joel continues his hold on your throat, pulling his face up to your chest and taking one of your tits in his mouth, sucking hard. His tongue swirls around your nipple and you lose control, shaking on top of him, your movements getting more erratic by the second. 
“Such perfect tits, baby, wanna suck on these all fuckin’ day,” Joel mumbles into your skin before showing attention to the other hard bud, biting gently. You cry out, his sucking and nipping sending you over the edge you’d been teetering on as you moan out in strangled cries through Joel’s grip around your neck.
“J-joel!” you scream, the climax hitting you so hard your vision blackens as you bear down on his hips, a spasming, leaking mess on top of him.
“So fuckin’ pretty when you come for me, you filthy little fuckin’ thing,” Joel says, praising you through your high, grunting as he pushes into you hard. “Good girl…” he coos as you come down, his grip on your throat loosening until his hand snakes around to the back of your head and gently strokes your hair. He pulls your head down onto his shoulder, bends his knees, and begins fucking up into you. You moan through the sensitive aftershocks of your climax as Joel thrusts into you, intent on chasing his own pleasure now.
“So t-tight, sweet girl,” he mumbles in your ear, his breathing choppy and desperate now as the last tremors of your climax send your cunt tightening around him. “G-gonna come, sweetheart.”
“Fuck, Joel, come inside me,” you whimper, feeling yourself tightening around his cock once more as he buries himself deep, the warmth of him spilling into you. He groans out your name and holds you tightly to him as his hips jerk upwards a few times.
“Oh… angel… you perfect thing,” Joel says quietly, continuing to hold you as he lets himself rest inside of you for a few moments. You stroke his cheek, running your fingers through his beard and he hums in pleasure. His hold on you loosens, and you pick your head up, only to hover your head above his and lean down, kissing him deeply. 
You roll off of Joel and next to him on the floor, the both of you lying quietly, catching your breath. You drape a hand across Joel’s chest, and he tucks an arm under you, holding you in his favorite spot right under his shoulder. You lay for long enough that the water from the shower is drying off of you two along with the sweat you’d worked up, but neither of you dare move from where you’re holding each other, too enraptured in the feeling of this moment.
“Hey… tell me more about when you first saw me,” you say softly into the silence, grazing your hand lightly over Joel’s chest.
“Wanna hear me talk about how much I wanted you, hm?” he asks with amusement in his voice. “Need a little ego boost?”
“Yes, please,” you reply in a sing-song voice, eliciting a chuckle from Joel. “You said you saw me laugh…” you prompt him, eagerly awaiting his next words.
“Mhm, you were on the phone, laughin’ your head off under that tree in your parents’ backyard. I’d seen you before all that, but in that moment, I was so fuckin’ angry that you looked like the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Wanted to make you smile like that,” Joel says wistfully. Your heart lurches a bit and you find yourself smiling brightly, thinking back on those days. You’d wanted him so badly, and still do, of course, but you’d doubted so heavily that it would be possible to even get his attention. If that version of you could see yourself now… you wonder if she’d even recognize the person laying on this bathroom floor right now.
“You do. Make me smile like that, I mean,” you tell him, giving his arm a squeeze. “Although, nobody makes me laugh harder than Sofia, sorry. That was probably her on the phone that day. But I bet we were talking about you.” 
Joel chuckles. “Oh, that so? Talkin’ about me? Hopin’ and plannin’ to seduce me, I’ll bet,” he teases you, and you scoff in response.
“Yeah, probably, actually,” you say with a laugh. “Okay, more, more,” you say, wanting to fuel your hunger for more information about how badly he’d wanted to be with you. Even though you’re laying naked with him after he showed you how badly he wants to be with you, you figure a little extra reassurance never hurt anyone.
“Jesus, girl, insatiable as always. Jus’ for information this time.” Joel scratches his head a bit, thinking of where to begin. “I mean, I just couldn’t avoid it anymore. Had to come talk to ya. Such a pretty girl, saw you watchin’ me all the time, figured… there was a chance.”
You smile smugly at the recollection. “You made me so nervous,” you say with a sigh.
“I don’t still?” Joel asks, a twinge of disappointment in his voice.
“No, you do, actually.”
“Be serious, darlin’,” Joel demands, and you shrug.
“I am,” you insist, “Being around you is fucking… intense, Joel. Makes me nervous all the time. You’re unpredictable, but in a really good way, promise.”
“Hmm,” Joel responds, reaching his other arm around you and toying with your hair between his fingers for a few silent moments. “I like that I make you nervous.”
“You would,” you say teasingly, and Joel gives you a warning, questioning look. “Big macho man, wants me to be so nervous and afraid of him.”
“Hasn’t stopped you from being a naughty fuckin’ thing though, has it? Always tryin’ to piss me off with your teasing,” he grunts, tugging slightly at the hair he was stroking moments ago. You gasp slightly, already feeling your body tingle with anticipation that comes when he starts getting a little rough with you.
“How could I stop, when what happens when I’m bad is so…” you gasp when Joel pulls again at your hair, your neck craning back, revealing the soft skin there, and his lips find it immediately. “So… fucking… good,” you whimper out as he sucks lightly, his tongue flicking your neck all the way up to your ear.
Joel suddenly stops, pulling his mouth off of you, looking at you with hungry, glazed eyes. “See? Fuckin’ putty in my hands, no wonder you’re nervous,” Joel says gruffly, his nose nuzzling your neck now, causing you to twitch slightly as he resumes all the pleasurable sensations he’d ripped from you moments ago.
“Just… don’t stop this time,” you say quickly, breathing into the feel of his lips kissing down your neck again.
Joel’s hand moves quickly, snaking across your body and reaching for your ass, squeezing it hard enough to leave a mark before delivering a swift, hard slap across it.
“Good girls say please,” he says, and once again, you’ve forgotten his favorite part - the begging. Maybe forgotten on purpose this time, you think to yourself with a coy smile as the sting of your asscheek continues, fueling your desire.
“Please, don’t stop,” you breathe out, emphasizing every word this time. Your body pushes into him, one leg draped over his as you grind on his bare thigh for several moments as Joel nips at your neck, moving down to your chest.
“Oh, so fuckin’ wet still, baby, you’re just a mess for me, aren’t ya?” Joel coos, feeling the slickness from between your legs promptly rubbing onto his thigh. His hand squeezes your ass again, pulling you into him harder with each movement of your hips. 
“C’mere, I have an idea. Get up,” Joel says, pulling away from you, and helping you stand up. “On the counter,” he says, helping boost you up so that you’re sitting on the edge. “Spin ‘round now,” he commands, and you give him a questioning look without moving.
“You wanna come again? Then listen to me,” he snips, and you immediately turn yourself around so that you’re facing the mirror. Joel wraps an arm around your chest, standing right behind you and letting you lean into him. 
“There you go, baby, get comfortable, eyes on the mirror,” Joel says, rubbing his hands along your chest and neck, lightly massaging you. You let out a sigh, watching his hands roam over your body from your reflection in the mirror. “Good girl, just relax,” he adds as you melt into his body. 
“What is all this, Joel?” you ask quietly, still watching through half-closed eyes.
“You’re gonna watch me fuck you with my fingers, just the way you like. See yourself fall apart for me, the way I see it every single time. See how fuckin’ crazy you make me,” he says before nuzzling your neck, his facial hair brushing the sensitive skin there causing you to let out a quiet, breathy moan.
“O-okay,” you say, finding your face going a little hot at the prospect. You certainly had never inspected yourself that closely in a mirror before.
“S’alright, sweetheart. You’re gonna see how beautiful you are,” Joel says, kissing your neck softly. You lean back onto his shoulder and nod, ready to let him show you. “Eyes up,” Joel commands, his hand splayed out on your thigh starting to move closer to the apex. You pull your head off of his shoulder and watch his hand intently as it traces up your leg. The combination of seeing and feeling his fingers sending goosebumps over your entire body is already turning you on more than you’d expected.
You watch as Joel dips his pointer and middle finger in between your legs, tracing along your slit, causing you to buck your hips forward a little as they briefly brush over your clit. It’s hard to keep your eyes open and focused already, but you see and feel Joel sliding his pointer finger inside of you, just halfway, and you clench around him.
“See? Already a fuckin’ mess,” Joel murmurs in your ear, pulling the finger out and dragging the slickness he’s gathered over your aching clit. You cry out, squirming at the touch, but the arm he has wrapped around your chest holds you firmly in place, making sure you take exactly what he’s giving to you.
“M-more, please, Joel,” you whine, seeing your hips move and push forward into his teasing fingers. He places the two fingers at your entrance, and you watch with a gasping moan as he slides them inside of you, your dripping cunt taking them with no problem as he pushes them all the way in. Watching his fingers disappear inside of you is so fucking hot, you can barely stand it. 
“Wasn’t I right, baby? So fuckin’ pretty, the way you take all of me whenever I want you to,” Joel says, his voice rumbling next to your ear. All you can do is nod and meet his eyes briefly in the mirror, silently begging for him to start moving his fingers, and he does. Pushing them in and out slowly at first, curling them right at the end of every push inwards, making you gasp as he just grazes the perfect spot inside of you briefly each time.
“M-more, more please, it’s t-too slow,” you quietly beg, and Joel smirks. He pulls you tightly to his chest now, anchoring you before sliding his fingers in and out of you more quickly, and your eyes widen, completely enraptured by the sight of him plunging his fingers in and out of you, all your slickness starting to run down his fingers and onto his hand. Joel pushes deep inside of you, his fingers curling up and pressing in pulsating movements right on your g-spot, and you cry out, your hips bucking upwards and into his touch. His thumb begins to brush over your clit and you can feel yourself becoming undone at an alarming pace. 
You now watch through a haze, and Joel chuckles deviously as he sees the look in your eye while you watch him fuck you relentlessly with his fingers, your slick spilling out and making a bigger mess by the second. You can’t even believe how god damn wet you get for this man, you’d never even thought this was possible, but here you are, dripping onto the counter below you as Joel’s fingers slip through all of it and deep inside your needy cunt. 
“J-joel…” you moan out his name as your body heats up, feeling the need for release building inside your core, right where Joel is pressing deep inside of you. 
“Yes, baby? You like watchin’ me fuck you with my fingers?” he asks with a low voice, and you nod furiously, your body slumped into his grip as you let yourself go further into the pleasure he’s doling out. “Think you could be a good girl and take another finger?” 
Your lips part slightly as a moan slips out, but you manage to respond with a breathy “mhm”, before Joel pulls his fingers out and quickly adds a third before sliding it back into you hard. You cry out, lifting your hips and watching all of his fingers stretching you, and it’s incredible. You never would have thought you’d like watching something like this, but Joel knew what he was doing to show you just how perfectly your body can take him, how much it craves his touch, what you look like when you absolutely lose yourself to him. It’s god damn beautiful, is what it is. 
“So fuckin’ tight, baby, I can feel you so close, squeezin’ these fingers. Watch yourself come all over my hand, you filthy little thing,” Joel says. With all three fingers fucking into you hard and Joel’s continued tight circles on your clit, you can’t hold on much longer, the tether holding you to reality snaps and a moan climbs out of your throat, your back arching as much as it can under Joel’s hold. Your head falls back completely, but Joel keeps his eyes glued on all of you, watching you writhe and shake under his touch as you cry out his name over and over while you come.
You manage to peer at yourself as you come down from all of it, and see the shine of sweat and glowing cheeks Joel’s left you with, and you smile giddily, breathing hard. Joel’s fingers slow down, pulling out of you as he kisses the side of your face. He brings his fingers up to his mouth, and you watch him through your reflection as he sucks every drop of you he can from them, while your mouth is curled into a sinister smile. 
“Sweetest fuckin’ thing around,” Joel murmurs when his fingers are clean, and you turn your head to breathe in the scent of him, burying your face in his neck. You quickly turn around, wrapping your arms and legs around Joel and holding onto him. 
“You liked that, baby? You understand why I can’t get enough of you now?” Joel asks. 
“Understand more why I can’t get enough of you,” you reply, and Joel chuckles.
“My sweet girl.” He strokes the back of your head gently, pulling your head into his chest. You sit for so long, listening to his heart beat and steady breathing that it almost starts to lull you to sleep. Joel brushes your hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear, and it startles you back to reality. “Let’s get you to bed, yeah?”
You nod sleepily, taking the toothbrush as Joel hands it to you, staying seated on the counter as you two brush your teeth, stifling several yawns along the way.
“Wore you out now, didn’t I?” Joel teases you with a mischievous grin as you rinse your mouth out. 
You shoot daggers at him with your eyes, but then chuckle, unable to hold it back. “You’re just that good, Miller,” you say in response, hopping off the counter and straight into his arms again.
Joel laughs at your new nickname for him, his chest rumbling your entire body with the movement. “Damn right I am,” he replies, nudging you away from him and towards the bedroom.
“Alright, c’mon, let’s go sleepy girl.”
You crawl into his bed, heavy lidded eyes peering at Joel as he settles in next to you, and for the second time in as many days, the word floats through your head. Love. You don’t shy away from it, but hold it close to you, letting it sink in, letting yourself absorb it, try it on for size. Let your heart wrap around the word and feel it as deeply as you’ll allow yourself to. Your lips part with the unspoken word on your lips, but you hold back, knowing now is not the time for it. But there is one thing you can quietly, secretly admit to yourself before you close your eyes for the night.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” you hear before feeling familiar, warm lips brush your forehead.
God damn it, you think you just might love Joel Miller.
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taglist: @paleidiot @mumma-moonchild @soph55 @chicville03​
282 notes · View notes
harrysfolklore · 2 years
something to celebrate grammy nominee h !!! i hope you like this
if you want early access to my work, exclusive blurbs and polls subscribe to my patreon
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“It’s okay to be nervous, love.”
“I know, but I’m not nervous, I promise.”
You were currently in yours and Harry’s Los Angeles home, sitting on the large couch placed in the back patio, Harry’s phone on the wood table in front of you, waiting for the call from his manager Jeffrey that would tell you if Harry’s House had been nominated for Grammy Awards or not.
Harry had a bittersweet relationship with that award show, in 12 years you’ve been together you’ve had to pick up the pieces when they didn’t recognize his work like it deserved, the worst one being when his debut song, Sign of the times, got completely looked over and he felt disappointed.
“Deep down I knew releasing that one as a debut single wasn’t the right choice” Harry said after hanging up with his manager, the news of his song and album not being nominated for Grammys were just delivered to him.
“Don’t, okay? I’m not going to let you put yourself down, Sign of the times is an amazing song and just because some pretentious committee full of dudes who have never written a song in their life decided that they didn't want to nominate it doesn't mean that you should doubt yourself or your talent, I'm proud of you and I will always be" and you mean it, you were always going to be proud of him.
Now, however, and after winning one of the prestigious awards last year, he claimed that his relationship with them changed and he’s not looking for their recognition anymore. But you knew how much he loved Harry’s House and that it was his most personal work to date, and a nod from the Grammys would make him really happy.
“You know, Harry’s House is the album of the year, whether they recognize it or not,” you said as you placed your chin on his shoulder and kissed his temple softly, “If your name is not on that nominations list, which is impossible, that doesn’t mean you didn’t do an outstanding album that touched multiple people’s hearts, and you shouldn’t feel any less proud of what you did.” you told him sincerely, his eyes glued to the device in front of you and his arms resting on his knees.
He took a moment before replying, “I know, I’m proud of what we did with this record and I know these pretentious awards don’t make me as an artist, but there’s still so much expectation, you know?” he let his words linger in the air and you couldn’t help but feel your heart squeeze a bit, no matter how many years passed, he still felt like he needs to meet some expectation and that makes him pressure himself.
“Hey, listen,” you grabbed his face and made him look at you before continuing, “You don’t need to meet anyone’s expectations, not even mine, you’ve been in this industry for 12 years and you’ve proved to every single person who has doubted you that you have what it takes and you should be proud of that, baby,” you stroked his cheek with your thumb for a moment, his eyes looking soft and a bit watery, “You don’t need any awards or nominations to validate that you’re a great singer and songwriter, and we’re still going to be proud of you no matter what.” you finished your little speech and kept your eyes locked with his, he moved his head to the side to kiss one of your palms gently, then he grabbed both of your hands and placed them on his chest just above his heart, something he has always done in the 12 years you’ve been together.
“I love you, you know?” his voice was soft and tender, and you couldn’t help but melt at the man in front of you, no matter how many years pass, he still gives you butterflies like when you were teenagers, “All these songs are about you, all I do is for you, I don’t care about the stages and the awards if you’re not by my side.” he grabbed your face and placed a kiss on your lips, you stayed like that for a few minutes until the ringing from his phone made you turn your heads.
“Fuck, It’s Jeff,” he said as he grabbed the device and placed it on his ear, your stomach clenching as your own nerves kicked in, “Hey mate, oh really? I mean, that’s good I guess, no yeah I’m good just surprised, I- thank you, thank you so much, love you too, I’ll ring you again later” that was all you could hear and as he hung up his phone finishing the call, you were left with confusion over what had happened.
“And? What did Jeff say?” you said after a few minutes of silence from Harry, you were completely puzzled since his expression was blank and his eyes weren’t telling you anything.
“I’m nominated” he monotonously let out, you could tell that he was still taking it in, totally opposite of you, not being able to contain your excitement and letting out a high pitched squeal.
“Oh my god Harry! You’re nominated!” you threw your arms around his neck and he immediately wrapped his around your torso, “Baby, you’re nominated, you did it!” you let go of this neck to look him in the eyes, and when you saw that they were getting glossy, with tears threatening to come out, your heart grew twice its size, not being able to hold the amount of pride you felt for the man you loved.
“Shit, I’m nominated,” he spoke again, “Seven nominations. Album of the year baby, the most important category, I did it, fuck” he was absolutely gobsmacked, a smile finally appearing on his face and small happy tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I’m so proud of you H, this is huge,” you hugged him again, kissing his jaw, “You deserve this so much.” you kissed his jaw and neck a couple more times until he grabbed your face with both of his hands and made you kiss his lips.
“I love you so much, fuck, I’m so happy!” he said before kissing you again, you went on for a few minutes until you remembered that he must have a couple of people to call and tell them the news.
“Wait, shouldn’t you be calling Mitch, Tyler and the rest of the guys? Your mom too! She’s going to be so happy” you rambled for a minute, being interrupted by his lips on yours again.
“They can wait, baby, don’t you want to celebrate your Grammy nominated boyfriend? Because I have a couple things in mind we could do.” and he kissed you again, dragging both of you inside your house, a long day of celebrations ahead of you.
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay y @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry y @vrittivsanghavi i @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things s @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia
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joesanrio · 1 year
They’re here | R.R
Summary: Ever since Nova had the baby, they’ve only gotten a hand full of visits. But now the whole family gets to see the golden baby.
Pairings: Joe Anoa’i {Roman Reigns} x Nova (OC) || Established relationship
Warnings: Uses real names, Baby cries, BabyDaddy!Joe, and that’s all bcs it’s just a big pound of Fluff.
Word count: 1047
Ratings: Fluff | 16+
A/N: I’ve been writing so much new stuff that I keep forgetting abt the two drafts, they'll come out eventually.
Part one: Want to see her? | Fluff
@bakugoumarianawrites (sorry for the wait)
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“What did you do to my baby?” I gasp when Joe walks in holding the baby with a small mohawk, “She thinks it’s nice, don’t you Lala! See.” He coos at her making her squeal. All I did was ask him to bathe her, not be a hairstylist. “Mommy!” She reaches out when Joe passes her to me as he goes back to the bathroom to get her lotion.
“You don’t have to lie baby… we both know you had no choice.” I whisper to her before smoothing her curly hair down as she leans her face onto my chest and continues to let out a random babble.
He comes back with her lotion, and I finish getting her dressed for the day. “We are matching, you look cuter though.” I smile as I admire her in her cute outfit that’s the same color scheme as mine.
We were going to a cookout with family and a couple of close friends at Jon and Trinity’s house, “Oh look at my princess!” Joe exclaims as he picks Nalani up from the bed. “Lala!” She points to herself as he nods amused at her little voice.
I leave the room to pack her bag with all her necessities and about three toys. “She has her stuff animal, right?” I shout from the other room down the hall, “No, It’s in the living room.” I heard him reply.
“Alright, everything is ready.” I say as I toss her bag onto my other shoulder and Joe comes down the hall holding the baby. When passing the living room, I stop to grab her plush hello kitty off the couch.
“Don’t be sassy with me Nalani, you know my joke was funny.” Joe chuckles as she looks unamused at her father. She squeals loudly when she sees me with the toy, I hand it to her, and she immediately hugs it while Joe sets the alarm.
[Jon and Trin’s House 3:45pm]
“Is that Lala!” Trinity exclaims when she opens the door revealing the music and chatter of family, before she scoots to the side so we can enter. “It’s been forever since we seen her!” Jon said coming around the corner fixing his hat, before giving us a hug. “Jayla has been asking when y’all would be here, all damn day.” Jon joked, making us laugh.
We all headed to the living room where some older members of the family were at. “Oh, I remember when you were a baby, now you have one of your own!” Joe’s great Aunt smiled as we greeted her, “She’s beautiful. Looks just like Nova.” She winked at me before sitting back down on the couch.
 “Isn’t she so big now!” Trinity said as Joe placed the car seat on the corner of the couch, “Bae! Look at her dimples.” Trin said pointing at Nalani’s cheek. “She is only 7 months old. Tell them you’re still small!” I coo at my baby as she immediately smiles, unbuckling her from the car seat.
Joe and Jon already having their own conversation as I pick her up, “Girl! Your body definitely snapped back huh?” Trinity had me spin for her. “You think so?” I smile as I follow her to the outside patio, “Girl yes, your waist is like whoop while you booty is like boom!” She creates sound effects with her mouth causing me to giggle at her silliness.
After greeting everyone, I was finally able to sit down. “Auntie Nova! I can watch Lala for you?” Jayla requests as she clasps her hands together, “I don’t want you babysitting! You should go have fun.” I smile, but Jayla pouts. “Please! Look- she totally wants to go with me.” She begs as Nalani almost falls out of my arms trying to get to Jayla, “Okay, but whenever you get tired bring her back to me.” I say as we pinkie promise, and I pass her the baby. “We are going to have so much fun!” Jayla smiles before heading back in the house.
“Here…”  Joe says coming up from behind me before sitting down in the empty chair on the side of me, he hands me my favorite drink. “You look gorgeous.” He whispers in my ear with a small smile making my heart flutter, “Thank you.” I kiss his cheek before he goes off engaging in a conversation with the rest of his cousins.
“Where’s the baby?” Trinity asks coming back from the kitchen with a glass of champagne, “With Jayla.” My head tilting towards the house. “Tamina and Mercedes drove together, so they should be here soon.” Trinity mentioned as she looked at the time on her phone. The rest of the girls nodding as we began to talk about random stuff, and how much we missed each other.
--- 8:13pm
“Mommy!” Nalani cried as I tried to calm her down, she was never a big fan of loud noise when she was trying to sleep, but neither was I. “Oh my baby, I know.” I coo at her as she cries along my chest while I bounce her in my arms gently, “What’s wrong?” Joe enters the room concerned as it’s been a while since we first entered.
His eyes quickly fell onto the baby, “Why she crying?” he asked as he grabbed her from my arms delicately. “She’s sleepy but it’s too loud.” I say while looking in her bag for her pacifier, though she seems to be calming down now that she’s in Joe’s arms.
He pats her back gently as he goes to sit down on the bed himself, “See, you’re okay.” He whispers to the now sniffling baby. “Oh, so not fair.” I whisper as I playfully glare at Joe, in return he sticks his tongue out at me before grabbing the pacifier I handed out to him. “Don’t be a hater because she’s a daddy’s girl.” He places the pacifier in her mouth, “Whatever.” I giggle before sitting beside them.
Not even 5 minutes later, she was knocked out on Joe’s chest before he laid her down in the make-shift pillow barrier I created so she doesn’t roll off the bed. “She’s just like you.” Joe whispered as he looked at Nalani with small hearts in his eyes.
Nalani’s Nickname: Lala
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