#he DID give me advice that absolutely would've worked if it DIDN'T need to be booklet format but unfortunately i did try that already
altruistic-meme · 8 months
currently sending buckets of love to my father 🧡💚
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musings-of-a-rose · 3 months
I Don't Want to See Tomorrow (Unless I See It With You) - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Benny Miller x f!reader nicknamed "Juni"
Word Count: 5300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I've had this idea in my head for well over a year and with the Fallout show being dropped (and absolutely AMAZING), I figured now was the time to post it! So this is a Triple Frontier/Fallout crossover au. Huge shoutout to @mermaidxatxheart for listening to probably hours of audio at this point of me talking myself through this fic. And to @deathbecomesnerds for listening to me prattle on about video game fics and giving me her own advice.
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Benny Miller Masterlist
I Don’t Want to See Tomorrow (Unless I See It With You) Masterlist
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My body yanks me from my sorrow. Its need to eat and drink overpowering anything else I may be feeling. I blink awake, noticing the bottle of purified water and a snack are still sitting on the nightstand from when Hawthone brought them. I manage to sit up, my head spinning, vision blurry and reach for the can of water. I pop it open and bring it to my chapped lips, taking a few small sips before setting it back down. I want to chug the whole thing but I don't know where else there's clean water. I nibble on some of the stale Fancy Lads Cakes that Hawthorne had left, but I was never a big fan of them even when they were fresh. Still, it's something. I guess.
Hawthorne rounds the corner and enters my room, his large, round, metallic eye surveying me. "Are you alright, ma'am?"
I shrug. It's the best I can offer. "How long was I out?"
"A few days, ma'am. I was starting to get worried."
I can't even offer him a small smile, my insides still reeling from the loss of Benny. And also the stale cakes. "I'm sorry, Hawthorne."
"Can I bring you anything?"
I look down at the nightstand where the snack cakes and water still sit. "Do you know..I mean, have you talked to anyone in the last 200 years?"
"A few people, ma'am. The ones in Concord didn't shoot at me, at least. They did tell me to avoid a group called Raiders. Nasty people. I had thought to venture out further but the way they described them, I didn't want to chance ending up as parts."
"So...so I'm not the only one?"
"Oh no, ma'am. From what I hear, there are settlements, other groups trying to make the wasteland better."
It's not Benny, not by a long shot, but at least I'm not the only person left in the world. Or at least the area. Relief floods my system, but only for a moment as my body settles back on grief.
"Did they say anything about food or water?"
"They did mention something about a water purifier, but I don't know if they had it with them or they were looking to fix it. They did have food with them that looks like it was grown. Tatos, I think they called them. Small round things that look like tomatoes."
My brain perks up at the thought of studying this, unable to quell my curious scientific side. "Interesting." If there were other people, maybe one of them knows something about the vaults. It's possible I could find where Benny...wait. Vault Tech lied to us and froze us instead of decontaminating us. But if they did it to me...maybe the same thing happened to Benny? He was guarding some fancy to do person. Surely they would've had access to a vault? I stand up quickly, nearly falling over as the edges of my vision darken before normalzing, my head rushing. I need to eat more than stale snack cakes.
I reach out and place my hand on the wall to steady myself, shaking my head to clear the last of the haziness away. "I need to find other people."
"Oh. Yes of course, ma'am. I understand."
I look up at Hawthorne, his metal body seemingly deflating a little in disappointment. "I need to try and find out what happened to Benny. If I made it in a vault, maybe he did too."
"Yes, ma'am. I do hope that Lieutennant Miller made it."
I swallow hard. "Yeah. Me too. But whether or not he's....we'll still need a place to live. Do you think you can spruce up the whole neighborhood?"
His whole metallic body straightens. "Yes ma'am! I can do that! But can I make a small request?"
"Of course."
"There are a few parts and things that I could use to help. Could I give you a list and if you find them, could you bring them back?"
"I don't see why not."
He tells me what he needs and I record it in my Pip Boy. It's a simple list, really. I could find most of this at that Red Rocket Station. If it's still standing. If not, I could always head into Concord, the next closest town. Besides, Hawthorne mentioned meeting people in Concord. Maybe they're still there. And hopefully still friendly.
I re-pack my backpack with my meager supplies, swallowing down my earlier thoughts about Benny. I have to focus on the task at hand. And hope that it brings me some answers at least. I say my goodbyes to Hawthorne, who immediately begins to tidy, as much as he can anyway. As I step outside, I can hear him mumbling to himself about the "abysmal state of the begonias." Despite myself, I chuckle at the thought of a 200+ year old robot worrying about flowers in an apocalyptic wasteland.
I cross over the small bridge that connects our quaint, island neighborhood to the land proper, the waters of Misty Lake bubbling and quietly rushing below my steps. I pause for a moment, looking out over the water. It looks clean, but I know better. If the roach I encountered was that large, there's no way that water is as clean as it looks.
I continue walking about a quarter of a mile, grateful that I haven't encountered any new creatures when I see it - the giant, launching rocket on top of the Red Rocket fill station. Somehow, it had made it! I quicken my pace, rounding the corner, the building coming into full sight. But the commotion outside it's main door stops me in my tracks.
A dog, a German Shepherd if I'm seeing right, is fighting off..what the actual fuck is that thing? It's about the same length as the dog but fat, with no fur but wrinkled, white/tan skin, sort of like a naked mole rat. Wait. Is that a rat?? Before I can look again, it dives into a hole in the ground that it made impossibly fast. The dog stands at the edge of the hole, barking. But then the dog stops, his head turning to the side as he looks at the ground, moving away from the hole. Everything is quiet.
The rat thing emerges from the ground in a flurry of dirt, catching the dog off guard. It lunges for the dog and manages to nip his back leg, the dog's yelp of pain followed by whimpers echoing off the building behind them. The rat turns on the limping dog, drool dripping from it's open mouth. Without thinking, I draw my gun and aim, firing without hesitating and surprising myself when I hit my mark.
The rat screeches in pain and then crumbles to the ground, motionless. The dog stares at the rat for a moment then, seeing it's no longer alive, slumps to the ground. I holster my weapon and head towards the dog, stopping when its head snaps up to me, eyes boring into mine in judgement. I hold my hands up, palms facing the dog.
"It's ok, buddy. I'm here to help you."
The dog, a boy, I realize, studies me for a moment longer and whines again, licking the wound on his leg a few times before looking back up at me, as if asking me to take a look. I walk up to him an kneel down, looking at his leg. It looks pretty deep, blood spilling from the open gash. I glance over at the rat, its mouth hanging open, its giant teeth protruding out. No wonder it looks this bad.
"Wait here a minute, bud. I'll see if they still have a med kit."
I stand back up, his eyes on me as I move towards the Red Rocket station. I pull my gun back out, just in case, but encounter nothing new inside. I did, however, find a first aid box, still completely intact. I open it and find 3 stimpaks, a sense of relief flooding my system. At least I have something to heal with if I need it. I really hope I don't need it.
I toss 2 of them in my backpack and head back outside with the third. I kneel down next to the dog again and he looks from me to the stimpack in my hand.
"I'm going to poke you with this but I promise you'll feel much better, ok?"
He barks once, like he agrees, and waits patiently. I take a deep breath and poke the needle from the stimpack into his side, a little whimper coming from him at the contact. But then the medicine is inside him and I can see the wound starting to heal already. Once it does, he licks at it to clear the blood and then jumps up, barking and hopping around me. I give his head a scratch and he nudges me for more.
"You almost became dogmeat, dude. You gotta be careful." He jumps up and tries to lick at my face. I laugh and back up. "Ok, ok! You're welcome, Dogmeat." He lets out huff and puts his head on my side. I pat him a few more times before heading back over towards the Red Rocket, bringing up the list that Hawthorne gave me on my Pip Boy. To my amazement, Dogmeat follows me, wagging his tail and staying by my side.
"You staying with me now, Dogmeat?" He barks, panting happily while his tail waggs quicker. What did we ever do to deserve dogs?
"Alright, then. But try not to get hurt, ok?" I scratch behind his ears once more before looking around the station. I was able to find pretty much everything Hawthorne had asked for, my backpack considerably heavier on my small trek back to my neighborhood, Sanctuary Hills.
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I spend the next few weeks with Hawthorne and Dogmeat, sprucing up the neighborhood as best as we can. Several of the homes are beyond repair, roofs caved in and the insides all crumbled. Maybe if more people are ever around, we can clear them out and use the wood to build something new. Or fortify something. There's definitely holes in the outer barrier of Sanctuary Hills.
The plants, though. The adaptations to the radiation is more than anything I ever worked on in the lab! Granted that was all on a much smaller scale in a controlled environment. Some plants have merged with others and mutated to be something new, while others just became a more intense version of themselves. And still others seem virtually unphased by any of it, still looking the same as they did 200 years ago.
I was able to forage for some foods, Hawthorne and my Pip boy helping me to scan the foods to see what I should really avoid and what would be tolerable. Some of the other abandoned houses had pre-bomb foods still fully intact, but honestly sometimes, I'd rather take my chances on a radiated berry than a Salisbury Steak that's stayed the same over 2 centuries.
But I can't stay here like this forever. I need to find information about Benny. And now that I've got more food saved up, grateful for the basement full of purified water cans that one of our neighbors had squirreled away, it's time for me to venture out. Hawthorne continues to work on the neighborhood, but I can tell he thinks I won't be back. And maybe he's right. Dogmeat comes with me, not wanting to leave my side unless I tell him to. He's good at finding things and also catching small critters, which drastically improves meal times.
We head over the Old North Bridge and past the Red Rocket where Dogmeat and I first met, and continue down the road towards Concord. It's not too much farther, maybe another couple of miles, but about halfway there, Dogmeat suddenly stops, his ears perked up as he stares intensely ahead at the road.
"What is it, boy?" I speak quietly to him, kneeling by his side. He lets out a low "bufff". I see nothing, but the road does wind away a bit down the road. I don't hear anything right away, but then I decide to close my eyes, focus on hearing. And that's when I finally do hear it - voices. And not just any voices, human voices.
I make a clicking sound to Dogmeat and he follows me immediately into the tall brambles by the side of the road, crouching to avoid detection. We wait about 15 minutes before the people are finally in view. They must be injured for them to have taken this long.
"..all I'm saying, is that we've been wandering around looking for this Sanctuary place Mama Murphy has been claiming she sees in her "visions". And what do we have to show for it? More scars, more empty bellies, and less people."
"Marcy, you know Mama Murphy doesn't lie. She's trying to get us to a safe place."
A scoff. "Yeah, but how many of us will be alive by then? We just lost 3 more people back there to that fucking deathclaw."
What the hell is a deathclaw? I really don't want to find out. The group stops, almost in line with where we're hiding and I get a good look at them. They're all in pretty rough shape, their clothes ripped in a lot of places, bags under their eyes, some woulds still bleeding, and an overall sense of weariness. Their leader, a man with dark skin and a wide brimmed hat, carries some kind of gun type weapon with a crank. One I'm not really familiar with. But everyone else seems to have holstered their weapons. If they had them. They don't seem like a threat to me. In fact, they may have information on the Vaults. I look at Dogmeat and he looks at them, waiting for a few moments before looking at me, seemingly in agreement.
I stand from where I had been crouching, my hands raised in front of me. "Hey there! Is everyone ok?"
The man with the hat immediately turns to me, his weapon raised and aiming directly at my chest. "Stop right there!"
I don't move, my hands still held up in front of me. "I'm sorry. I haven't seen people in...a very long time. Is everyone ok?"
The man with the hat glances sideways at his group before back at me. "We can still fight."
"Oh no! I'm not..I want to help!"
"Yeah? Prove it!" The woman who had been complaining before, dark hair, lighter skin, eyes narrowing further at me, yells snarkily at me. Marcy, I think her name is.
"How do I prove that?"
"Wait." An older woman's voice spoke from inside the group of people and the mat with the hat turned to look at her. An older woman, maybe in her 60's, with a beanie hat and blue coat looks up at me. "Are you the vault dweller?"
I glance down at my bright blue jumpsuit with the yellow paneling. “Yeah.”
Marcy snorts, but the woman stares deep into my eyes. “The one lost to time?”
My eyes go wide, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “She���s the one who can take us to Sanctuary.”
Marcy scoffs. “We just see some random chick in a vault suit and we’re just supposed to-”
“Sanctuary?” I ask the woman, never having taken my eyes off hers. 
She nods. “A place we can make safe and call home.”
How did this woman know about me? A vault dweller “lost to time”? And then she says I can take them to Sanctuary. Like Sanctuary Hills? Where my home is? Sure, it needs some love, but it is on an island. There’s only a few holes in the perimeter, not a bad place to hold up. But still. I hardly know these people-
“Mama Murphy, we can’t just go asking citizens to take us to places and hope they know what we’re talking about.”
Her eyes are still on me, studying me. “She knows what I’m talking about.”
Several long moments pass before the man in the hat clears his throat, holding his hand out towards me. “I’m sorry for the introductions. My name is Preston and I’m with the Minutemen.” I shake his hand but my confusion must show on my face because he continues. “Oh, right. Vault dweller. The Minutemen are made up of civilian volunteers. We’re here to protect the people at a minute’s notice.”
Minutemen. Sounds like a good organization. I’m going to have to trust at some point if I want answers. 
“You can call me Juni.”
Marcy chuckles. “I think I’ll stick with Vault Dweller.”
Preston glances sideways at her before back at me. “It’s nice to meet you, Juni.”
No time like the present. “Do you know anything about any other vaults? Around Boston?”
Preston nods. “Only a bit. Met a couple of them a while back. 2 women. They had some…unique features-”
“If you think one eye and horns are just unique.”
I look at Marcy. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Marcy, we call them mutations. Apparently, they were uh..experimented on in their vault. Not just them but all the generations before them. So…mutations.”
So they were running experiments in all of the vaults. I guess that makes sense, considering they never told us about the cryo and even pretended it was decontamination. What else has Vault Tech done?
“What vault were they from?” I ask Preston. 
He shrugs. “They didn’t say. Got rid of their vault suits before we met too.”
Well, at least there are other vault dwellers out there. That means, I may be able to communicate with them from my vault, assuming the equipment works. It’s not much, but a tiny flutter of hope billows in my stomach at the thought of possibly finding out more information about Benny. 
“About Sanctuary-”
Marcy cuts me off with a wave of her hand. “Don’t listen to Mama Murphy. She’s high most of the time she comes up with these visions.”
“That may be, but I live in a place called Sanctuary Hills. It’s not to far from here actually. Would…would you all like to accompany me back? There’s work that needs to be done to refortify it. But with everyone pitching in, I don’t see that being an issue. There’s plenty of space for everyone.”
All of their eyes are fixed on me, wide and bewildered. Except for Mama Murphy, who simply smirks, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it. A man with spiked brown hair, coveralls, and goggles hanging around his neck speaks up from the back of the group.
“Did you say there were things to fix up?”
“I did.”
The man turns to Preston, his eyebrows nearly disappearing into his hairline as he waits for his answer.
“Can you give us a moment, Juni?” 
“Sure. Come on, Dogmeat.” I turn and head back in the Red Rocket station, gathering up the few parts and bits that I thought may be useful while the group discussed things outside. Only a minute later, Preston was calling for me to come back. I tossed the parts in my bag and headed back over, wiping my hands on my pants. 
“We accept your offer of refuge.” Preston sticks his hand out and I shake it.
“Great! Follow me.”
The group follows me back over the bridge to Sanctuary Hills, their murmurs growing quiet as they take in the setting. I can hear the man in the coveralls, Sturges, mumbling to himself, making a list of things to fix up and materials he’d need. Preston scans the area as does Marcy, albeit with a more skeptical look. We stop at the house across the street from mine, some chairs and benches already setup under the open garage. Hawthorne had done a great job of cleaning up and arranging what he could. Mama Murphy sat in the chair and groaned, leaning her foot across her opposite leg, sliding off her shoes to massage her foot. 
“Don’t get old, dear. It’s not kind to your body.”
“I’m older than you.”
She looks up at me and starts to laugh. “I guess you are!”
Marcy pauses her pacing and looks at me. “What? You’re not older than her.”
I shrug. “She was right about me. I uh…I was frozen in my vault. I’m-” I think a moment. “-I’m about 228 years old.”
Everyone’s jaw drops. “228 years old? So you were like..here? Before?”
I nod and toss my thumb over my shoulder, pointing at my home. “I grew up in that house. My parents still lived there when…”
My mind races back to that day, a vivid image of the mushroom cloud silently erupting over the city. I shake my head to rid it of the memory and give them a small smile. “Anyway…Hawthorne-” I nod towards the Mr. Handy robot that had floated up to us. “- has been trying his best to get things fixed up, but we really need extra hands.”
“I’m afraid I’m all thumbs. Rather, I’m no thumbs,” Hawthorne says matter-of-factly. Everyone chuckles lightly. 
Sturges looks around. “I’ve been making a list of things we can do to fortify this place. Things we’d need to get. Jung, you still got ahold of that water purifier?”
“You have a water purifier?” I ask him, shocked.
He nods. “Yup! Ah, thanks Jung.” The man that had been hanging primarily behind Marcy hands him a complicated looking device. Sturges looks it over and nods. “Still in good shape! I can put this in the water down there, but we’ll need to secure it. If someone sees this, that river won’t stop them from trying to get it.”
The rest of the night is spent around a campfire, eating some of the food I’d managed to grow, along with some of their rations, while we discussed what needs to be done to make this place like a fort. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little sad about changing the way Sanctuary Hills looks, but I’m not a fool. This world is not the one I came from, and I yield to their expertise in this new adventure. 
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We spend the next several months putting up walls and scrounging for parts for a few turrets in nearby Concord. I learn more about this wasteland, or what they call The Commonwealth. Apparently, more than just roaches had mutated, and I listen in horror with all of the mutated creatures that they’ve encountered. While I’ve fought more than just the rad roach and mole rat, I haven’t run across a deathclaw or radscorpion yet. And while I’m still a little unclear about what a deathclaw is other than some sort of giant dinosaur lizard, I do know for sure that I don’t want to ever meet one. No matter how curious I am. 
They in turn ask me questions about life before. What it was like, the food, could we just drink any water, the food, was everything clean, what was the food like. I’m not surprised the food was what they’re interested in most, especially after having the food that is the new normal. I never would have guessed I’d be eating friend radroach or baked bloatfly, but after I threw up from not having enough protein, I had to cave. Hakuna matata. 
Once the wall was up, I started heading back into the vault a few times a week. At first, I brought Sturges and Marcy with me, all of us scavenging for parts and things we could use. The vault was fairly stripped by this point, a mere skeleton of its former glory. We did get everyone out of the cryo pods, digging a small cemetery above ground and giving them a proper burial. So much unnecessary loss. Part of me wonders how long I sat there, frozen, while my neighbors were long since dead.
Once they gathered everything they could, I continued to come down to fiddle with the computers, trying to contact any other vaults. I’m met mostly with static, which makes sense. A lot of vaults may just be empty, people having left them a long time ago. Or maybe they lay dormant. Or dead. 
I did get ahold of a couple vaults, but one spoke some weird made up language and another the reception was so spotty I could barely make them out. All I managed to figure out was they were on the west coast, so they couldn’t really help me out anyway. Still, I kept at it, holding onto that last spark of hope that he was still out there somewhere. Or I could at least find out what happened to him. I fiddle with the controls, turning knobs and repeating my vault number into the microphone, only static in return. I glance at the watch on my Pip Boy and sit up, stretching. I almost didn’t come today, but I wanted to give it one quick shot this morning before I had to harvest the crops we’d been growing: tatos, like a tomato, mutfruit, a small, purple fruit that tastes sweet, and corn. We were growing extra as we could use them to make useful tools, like adhesive or acid, which I was able to make extra potent with my background knowledge in bio-nuclear agriculture. 
I gather up my bag and Dogmeat stretches, standing up to accompany me out of the vault. As we ascend, I kneel down and scratch him behind the ear, patting his head as I stand back up, feeling him give my hand a quick lick. The sun crests over the edge of the metal tube, the gears groaning slightly as they settle into place. I shield my eyes as the light hits them, turning to head down the path back towards Sanctuary Hills. But as I near it, I can hear panicked voices, tools moving quicker than normal. It takes several knocks on the gate before it opens, Mama Murphy standing there, looking worried. 
“Hey, Mama Murphy. What’s going on?”
Her eyes are filled with fear, an emotion I had yet to see in her. 
I cock my head, my eyebrows pulling together. “Like the plant?”
She shakes her head, leaning in close to whisper. “Like the person.”
I have no idea what she’s talking about. Or who. “I don’t understand.”
Preston walks up then, beckoning me to him. “Good, you’re back. We could use your help over at the crops.”
I look back at Mama Murphy, her eyes wide and worried before I follow Preston to the garden, jogging just to keep up with his large gait. Marcy and Jung are in the garden, hurriedly trying to gather up crops, tossing them into bags. 
“Preston, what’s going on?”
He looks back at me, the same worry in Mama Murphy’s eyes in his own. “Nightshade.”
“You keep saying that like I’m supposed to know what that means.”
“It means,” Marcy yells from her crouched position next to a tato plant. “That we better have a good choice of crap for him or he’ll kill us all. And that’s if he’s kind.”
I look at Preston for confirmation and he nods. “He’s a courier and a merc. He moves between settlements and Raiders, bartering deals and…contracts.”
“That doesn’t sound entirely terrible. I mean, aren’t the Raiders nasty? This way, less people die?”
Preston grimaces. “Not entirely. I mean, sure. Overall, there’s less mass deaths. Raiders were known to come in and destroy an entire area and then move on. Now, those areas are still getting to be used for farming and such.”
“So what’s the issue?”
“If you don’t comply and give him what he demands…well. It doesn’t end well.”
I look back over at Marcy and Jung, both of them scrutinizing each piece of fruit before deciding if it was good enough for this Nightshade before either leaving it or tossing it in a burlap sack. 
“Is this all for one person?”
Preston shrugs. “Sometimes. Other times, it’s for other groups. Unless he tells us, we don’t ask.”
“This is a lot of food.”
“It is.”
“We need these rations to give out to other settlements, the ones that you said need our help.”
He sighs. “I just don’t see a way we can keep everything here and our lives. We’ll just have to grow more.”
I’ll have to think on that. But… “You said he travels around?”
Preston nods. “Yeah. All around the Commonwealth. Some other areas too like Far Harbor up north and the old Nuka Cola World. Which is basically a giant raider settlement now.”
“When do you have to give him the supplies?”
“Tomorrow at noon. At the Red Rocket where we met you. Why?”
“I’d like to be the one to bring them.”
Preston shakes his head vehemently. “No. No way. I’m not going to let you face this man by yourself.”
“I won’t be alone. I have Dogmeat.”
Preston scoffs. “That won’t be enough.”
“If we have all the supplies he asked for, I don’t see the issue.”
“He’s the Nightshade, Juni.”
“And he could be the only one who has information about Benny.”
Preston opens his mouth to argue, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand. “I’m doing this, Preston. I’ll be ok. And if I’m not, then just..carry on. You already have Sanctuary Hills. You’ll be fine. The Commonwealth needs you more than me.”
He studies me for a few moments before nodding. “I can’t convince you otherwise?”
I shake my head. “Not when it comes to possibly finding out more information about Benny.”
“I understand. Please be careful.”
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I leave the next morning, a few hours before I would need to be at the Red Rocket. It takes about 45 minutes to walk there, especially with the supplies this Nightshade requested, a random mix of provisions and scrap. Dogmeat scouts ahead of me, sniffing the ground, making sure we’re safe. The bright Red Rocket station gleams through the light fog, but as we approach, we see no one waiting there. Figures. 
I drop the bags outside, standing up and stretching my back. Dogmeat sniffs around and then stands in front of me, tail wagging and eyes watching me. Its been a while since we’ve been outside of the gates or the vault and I can tell he wants to explore. 
“Alright. Go get a squirrel or something. I’ll be ok.” He cocks his head at me and whines. I bend to scratch behind his ears. “Go on. I know you want to hunt.” A quick lick to my hand and he’s off, disappearing out into the bushes. 
I sigh, my hands on my hips as I look around. The fog has only lifted slightly and I’m unable to see past the perimeter of the station. It’s quiet, nothing really moving, not even a breeze. I start to pace, kicking the dirt outside a little with my toe. But after a while, I grow bored and decide to head inside the station to do another sweep for things. We’ve been here so many times, but anything to break up the boredom. I’ll count ceiling tiles if I have to. I pick up a box and set it on the counter inside, bending over it to look inside, poking around at the random things in it. Basically trash, but you never know. Suddenly, I feel a cold, metal cylinder push against the back of my neck and I realize with horror that it’s the barrel of a gun. It clicks, a round sliding into the chamber and my heart feels like it’s going to beat through my chest. Is this the Nightshade? I can’t believe I let my guard down.
“Where the fuck did you get this jumpsuit?”
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batsplat · 3 months
"I must say that it is very difficult to have good relations when you fight for the same thing, as I fought with Sete. The trigger was what happened in Qatar in 2004. What happened in Qatar 2004.. I saw it as something dirty that I didn't expect neither from Sete, nor from Juan Martinez, who was his technical manager and who had worked with me for a long time. I felt betrayed because it was as if I was being played. Sete was a great rival and when you fight like that it's a bit like Michael Jordan says, it's something personal. With Sete what happened in Qatar made me very angry and it helped me to give my best until the end of that season and for the next one. If I had to give Sete some advice... it's better if he hadn't done it." here's the bit from route46.. i find it interesting he puts blame on juan martinez too!
(following on from this post, and will liberally include chunks I wrote in the sete post) right there's a lot to unpack here, but first of all. I haven't gotten around to watching the whole documentary yet, but I did quickly jump around to find the sete bit the quote is from and... and there is something I absolutely have to address first. because. uh. they actually interview juan martinez - sete's crew chief himself - about the whole qatar incident... and, well. he says the following (rough translation):
At no time did either Sete or I go ask for a sanction for Valentino: we went to ask for greater security for everyone. Once we go to HRC and passed on the knowledge, that we have found a Valentino technician on the track, thus modifying the state of the track, Honda decides that moment what really needs to be done is a complaint.
hold on. just one second. I did suspect there had to be something incredibly stupid at the heart of the whole thing. something that could reconcile all the contradictory information out there, help explain how everyone could feel so confident in their contradictory views. because the whole thing should have a relatively straightforward answer, right: either sete played tattletale or he didn't. and... I mean. okay, look. I'm not saying I'm with valentino on this one but... they did snitch! objectively martinez is admitting they snitched! it happened! either this was a moment of staggering naivety because what did you think hrc was going to do with this information?? or valentino was spot on and they passed on that information knowing that it was at least a possibility valentino was going to get a penalty as a result of their actions. surely it is possible to appeal to hrc on safety grounds without bringing up you saw valentino's technician on the track, who was at the time quite possibly acting quite suspiciously under the cover of night! why are you even going to hrc about this in the first place!
you do not have to be that paranoid a soul to maybe doubt whether they had the best of intentions here, no? what this would also help clear up is sete's response at sepang when asked to deny his involvement, which. I did find it an odd response! you kind of want to give the benefit of the doubt with these things, given sete's longstanding and genuine preoccupation with safety in the sport. that being said, rather than just firmly deny he was involved, he went on this long spiel about how he would've thought it'd be better for everyone to get their grid spots cleaned - and the crux of his argument amounted to how he'd be a hypocrite if he called for valentino to be sanctioned after that. which, why are you even focused so much on this - just say no, you weren't involved! look, it was better to err on the side of caution and maybe simply assume sete isn't the most skilled operator in denying allegations of gamesmanship. but this extra detail would make sete's response in that sepang presser read a little differently:
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yeah, sure, I mean, if we're going to be generous here and say sete and his crew chief just innocently mentioned to hrc that valentino's technician was rubbering up his grid slot for 'safety reasons'... then nothing sete says here is technically a lie. he didn't "complain" and it was hrc who made the protest. but. but! it does feel like if sete and his crew chief really were the ones to alert hrc to what valentino's team had done... if what martinez says is actually correct, this whole incident does still read pretty differently! you know how sete says "they" had blocked him from cleaning the grid? it feels like a pretty reasonable assumption that the "they" in question refers to hrc. if hrc blocked sete from rubbering his own grid and he then went to tell them about what valentino had done, did he really expect honda to go 'oh that's all right then, I suppose we'd better rubber up your grid slot too'? seriously? (incidentally, do we think the mechanic who gave evidence was martinez himself)
juan martinez does also go on to say this:
What he does in the end or what he has always done, that's what he does, is turn his story into his truth, which gives him his motivation and that's it. It doesn't mean that it's the truth, it means it's Valentino's truth. The fact that it is his truth or that it is my truth about some things does not mean that it is the truth. When you are fighting for something in sports, there is a moment that you lose sight of the complete picture.
which, yes, this isn't terrible as insight into valentino's character, and mayhaps we can return to this at a later date. but, also, can I just say, if you go! to hrc! to tell them the man they hate! who you are engaged in a tight championship fight with! which has only FOUR ROUNDS TO GO! has maybe had his team do something a little sketchy! and then hrc ensures he gets a penalty for it! come on. specifically after you've been blocked from doing the same thing? could you really not have expected that hrc would go on to file a complaint with race direction? seriously?
incidentally, valentino did already pin the blame on martinez at the time:
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well, you can still give sete the benefit of the doubt here I suppose, if you so choose. still, is valentino really just 'telling a story here and turning it into his truth'? the generous interpretation of what happened here is that sete accidentally helped cause a back of the grid penalty, and that's the generous interpretation! hey, maybe martinez is getting his story wrong, maybe he's lying, you never know. but let's just say for a moment that this is the truth... let's just that martinez and sete really did pass on this information with innocent intentions in the name of safety. would this not still make sete's rhetoric after the event a teensy bit disingenuous? it's one thing to say 'yeah this was a misunderstanding, hrc was out for you and we accidentally helped provide the material they needed to bag you a penalty'... it's quite another to say valentino fabricated this whole thing out of thin air, like you had absolutely zero involvement in the whole thing. was this really a feud valentino just invented out of nowhere?
anyway, enough motogp-flavoured true crime investigation... and listen, I do want to reiterate what I said here:
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let's be clear here - even if sete did have some involvement in the penalty, obviously valentino's response to the whole thing is still a bit bonkers. like, it's definitely petty behaviour from honda. given the whole 'using a scooter to rubber up the track' does seem like it was at the very least a bit of a grey area in the rules, hrc getting valentino penalised for it is... well, it's all pretty undignified from everyone involved. that being said, valentino did vow to destroy sete and spent the next one and a half seasons tormenting him. some people would consider that a little bit of an overreaction, even if the whole thing wasn't based wholesale on delusion. at the end of the day, he did still do all that stuff
so, anyway, let's get into it! going to go all in here and tackle this shit line by line:
"I must say that it is very difficult to have good relations when you fight for the same thing, as I fought with Sete."
right, so this is obviously a commentary on his natural understanding of how rivalries work... how he believed his relationship with sete was destined to change as a result of how, starting in 2003, they were directly competing. this gels with the limited mentions we get in his autobiography of sete in 2003, which were coloured by how he believed sete had already been praying on his downfall before their actual friendship break up (here and here):
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what valentino is saying here is basically a slightly more concise version of what I put in the sete post:
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and, yeah, this is a natural element of competition - it's generally accepted that maintaining friendships at the sharp end of professional sports with your competitors is either extremely difficult or straight up impossible. (like marc put it in august 2015: "it's true that before the relationship was different, but because we were not fighting for the championship. it's not the relationship like a friend".) obviously there's still a fairly significant difference between 'friendship' and 'good relations' (and 'actively feuding'). but valentino is acknowledging it is just kinda part of the game... something he's willing to exploit if need be (see here for speculations on how the sete feud changed valentino's approach to rivalries in general). it was always going to be tough for that relationship not to go downhill, and valentino accepted as much. he was also clearly a lot more ready for it to come to that than sete was
"The trigger was what happened in Qatar in 2004."
there's always something interesting about what incident parties identify as the turning point in these rivalries. with sete/valentino, you could reasonably point to three different episodes:
assen 2004: last lap overtake resulting in contact that left sete 'angry', though publicly he turned the page pretty quickly. the first obvious public sign of tension between the pair
qatar 2004: for obvious reasons. the allegations of gamesmanship that made valentino openly turn on sete and end any cordial relations between the two of them, let alone friendship
jerez 2005: the most contentious on-track incident between the pair of them that continues to be infamous for the final corner contact and the post-race theatrics
valentino, when he talks about this rivalry, does seem to always go for qatar. yes, he's talked about jerez, but he doesn't bring it up when he's asked about the relationship between the pair of them. the sample size here is admittedly pretty small, but he answered in a similar way in 2015:
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sete, by contrast, is generally more hung up on jerez. he's mentioned qatar a few times when commenting on how valentino had suddenly switched up towards him, but more often than not it's jerez. part of this is just... well, he's really focused on the moral injury aspect of what happened at jerez, where he feels very strongly he was wronged - and even more than that, that the incident set a bad precedent. he discusses valentino a bit in that three hour podcast episode he went on and it's basically entirely focused on that last lap corner
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which, you know, if somebody manages to successfully 'put a curse' on you, I do get why this probably isn't the bit of the story you want to bring up by your own volition. it's also the kindest narrative to sete - because if it's all about his jerez, then his decline in that rivalry is more about a moral stance than it is about valentino successfully crushing his spirit
that's the thing, right... both of these choices of turning points, qatar and jerez, represent something to the two parties, and both narratives flatter the person telling them in some way. in both cases, it's about their rival doing something that's unacceptable, immoral, 'dirty' in some way... they're accusing each other of stepping outside of the bounds of what is 'acceptable' behaviour for competitors. they're accusing each other of not playing fair, of not playing the game like it should be played. this is what makes the dissolution of their friendship acceptable too, right - it's not just that they're rivals, it's not just the heat of competition or whatever, it's that their enemy did something wrong. this isn't just normal competitive tension that caused their relationship to fall apart, it's foul play
now, look, I'm not going to make some ultra contrarian argument about how it's all actually about assen 2004, This Race Clash Is The One Nobody Is Talking About... BUT this was the first public incident in which sete failed to act graciously in defeat and valentino verbally noted as much. clearly the relationship was a bit strained already headed into qatar. see the autobiography quotes, see assen... also. well. check out what valentino said at the time at qatar (from here):
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"I've been looking for an excuse not to talk to sete"... this doesn't necessarily contradict how valentino frames qatar as the "trigger" - the word itself acknowledges that there was something already there just waiting to be 'triggered'. in what truly is one of the all time great presser questions, the above quote is actually put to valentino in sepang with sete sitting right next to him
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good vibes!
unfortunately he doesn't really clarify what he meant here, just saying something along the lines of 'well it's a new week now'. anyway, you can interpret the initial valentino quote in several different ways. you could say he was just searching for an opportunity to engineer a feud with sete and was willing to seize on any opportunity, however flimsy. or you could say valentino had already grown suspicious of sete - presumably as a result of several past incidents between the pair of them. the stuff vale mentions in his autobiography about how sete had been predicting him to fail at yamaha, what happened at assen... again, it's the idea that sete covets what valentino has, that he's been performing graciousness - perhaps, from assen onwards at the latest, a little less successfully so. perhaps valentino just wanted to create a little more distance between the two of them for his own sake, make it easier to fire up his competitive juices - and that's what he needed an 'excuse' for. or perhaps what valentino meant was something along the lines of 'I suspected he was a snake and now he proved it'. whatever it was, it must have been enough for valentino to be ready to pull the pin on that particular friendship. so yes, qatar is the trigger. even if it triggered something that had already been festering for a much longer time
"What happened in Qatar 2004... I saw it as something dirty that I didn't expect neither from Sete, nor from Juan Martinez, who was his technical manager and who had worked with me for a long time."
okay I already discussed the descriptor of 'dirty' for sete's actions. it's something underhanded, it's something valentino doesn't like - snitching on your rivals as a dishonest way of beating them. athletes can build up incredibly convoluted frameworks of what they consider acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and a lot of the time it is self-serving bullshit.... but it can be self-serving bullshit with an internal logic of sorts. like, this is the thing right, is going to race direction to play tattletale inherently morally so much worse than various valentino behaviours he openly admits to? eh. but for him, he sees this as a fundamentally 'dirty' and ugly way of trying to win. the stuff he does is fair game, but going around trying to find obscure rules that might not even technically exist to fuck over your rival is not okay. that's not how you should fight to win
the martinez angle has also already been mostly covered above... I was aware they'd worked together before martinez moved to the gresini team (while valentino was still at honda by the way, this wasn't a case of martinez choosing against jumping ship to yamaha when valentino left) - but it's still nice to get the confirmation that they'd worked together for a "long time". obviously, this is a fun element of 2004 in general, the extent to which valentino's sworn enemies are all the people he was working alongside in previous years, how vicious the break up had been. this was also in itself a nice source of motivation, and initially that season was as much about spiting honda as it was spiting his specific rivals who had been so wedded to the narrative that valentino was on the superior bike. though it should be noted valentino wasn't disillusioned with, like, the honda rank and file, mechanics and so on - more with honda management and the engineers. here from his autobiography:
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and martinez himself was also a suspension technician in valentino's team. which, yeah, valentino feels hurt on a personal level! this is somebody he had worked with and trusted who has (allegedly) decided to do something so underhanded specifically to spite valentino! from the same autobiography excerpt as above:
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rivals are one thing, you've kinda gotta expect the worst, but he does take this type of relationship very seriously. presumably it really twisted in the knife for him, this notion that one of his former team members was willing to do something this 'dirty' to him. valentino didn't expect it! not from sete and not from somebody he'd worked with for years! that's the bit that made it unforgivable, the previous personal relationships that valentino felt weren't being honoured
(incidentally, juan martinez actually ended up being nicky hayden's crew chief... during his time at ducati, where of course hayden would be reunited with valentino for two years as teammates. bit awkward!)
"I felt betrayed because it was as if I was being played."
see above, not much more to add. that's what it often comes back to for valentino, isn't it. a lot of stuff is acceptable, it's just part of the game, rivalries are supposed to be feisty and fierce and a little bit ugly. but this? again, a lot of this is about internal frameworks that athletes have for what is seen as acceptable and not acceptable within competition. valentino deploys a rather liberal definition of what should be allowed both on and off the track, but this is a hard line for him. he'll accept a lot, but not what he considers betrayal. something else that remains consistent throughout his career, including as it pertains to a certain other rivalry
"Sete was a great rival and when you fight like that it's a bit like Michael Jordan says, it's something personal."
michael jordan mention, interesting in its own right! someone who's been compared to valentino in his ruthlessness and, well, cruelty (though some of the stories about jordan make valentino look like an angel lbr). a little bit of commentary to be made there on what greatness in sports generally looks like, and how it does often involve some... hm. pretty unsavoury behaviour. the two of them have actually met a couple times, in valencia 2004 where valentino took him for a ride and laguna 2005 where they partied together after the race
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obviously, it's a little funny this meeting happened at valencia 2004 of all occasions, at a time in which valentino was really finding his groove where psychologically torturing his rivals was concerned. there's always something heartwarming about athletes drawing inspiration from each other, no? but anyway, coming back to what valentino actually said here - "it's something personal". just in case anyone's unfamiliar, what this is referring to jordan's habit of drawing competitive inspiration from what he saw as personal slights (there's several compilations out there of jordan using phrasing along the lines of 'it became personal with me', if anyone wants to look it up). sete inspired valentino to up his game because valentino did increasingly take it personally when sete thwarted him - and at a certain point, valentino decided that defeat was no longer acceptable at all. the best way possible to fire himself up... take it personally, and be prepared to do whatever it takes to make his enemy's life hell
"With Sete what happened in Qatar made me very angry and it helped me to give my best until the end of that season and for the next one."
well, yes! I talked a little bit here about the parallels between marc and valentino in how they use anger to motivate themselves, mainly in the context of argentina 2018. and from valentino's autobiography:
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anyway, excluding the qatar fiasco itself where he lost his temper, it's fun that he acknowledges explicitly here that the anger provided him with a good source of competitive fuel. note also the time span - the last three races of 2004 as well as the entirety of 2005. sete wasn't really a title rival any more in 2005, not after jerez, but he was still a serious on-track threat... if your goal isn't just to win the title but also to prevent sete from winning a single further race, then sure, he's still very relevant! so that rivalry was still a big part of his competitive make-up a full year after sete could no longer seriously challenge him for a title, and valentino does have enough self-awareness to consciously take advantage of that fury when he can. he probably never did that better than in 2005... his brain controlled his fury - and at every single opportunity he used it to beat sete further into submission
"If I had to give Sete some advice... it's better if he hadn't done it."
iconic banger line. evil laugh afterwards. 10/10 no notes
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blossom-tonic · 2 years
I missed you...
A Thoma x Gn Reader
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You are quite known in Inazuma as a hardworking Adventurer. It became a routine for you to visit Kathryn and accept any kind of commission she throws at you. It doesn't matter if they are just delivery or giving advice or fighting Hilichurls in one of the Islands, you do all of them.
But with the amount of commissions you take it became quite hard balancing your free time with them. And in the past you didn't mind one bit, it was your childhood dream to become an Adventurer and when you were blessed with Vision, you took it as a sign to pursue this dream.
But since you have Partner, things seems different now. Now you find yourself longing to see the beautiful face of your lover. To see his beautiful emerald green eyes glancing at you with happiness. To feel his arms around you as he tells you about his day at the Kamisato estate.
At first it didn't seem to bother you that much. You were both hardworking people who took they assignments seriously and you guys understood that each of you weren't available at times so it wasn't a Problem. But it became a brother not seeing your liver frequently.
And Thoma felt the same. It was a known fact that he was absolutely smitten by you. Not one day passed without him thinking about you and worrying about your health when you went away for your commissions.
Of course his work as the housekeeper of the Kamisato family took his mind of these things and he often found himself thinking about how happy he will be, having you in his arms. But it has been days since he saw you.
He made sure to go see you when he was done with his work but often he came to see you already sleeping somewhere in the forest or at your home, exhausted from your commissions. And of course being a good lover he let you rest. But he can seem to shake away the feeling of missing you.
Today was again one of those days where you guys didn't see each other for the whole day. You were going your way home, or to explain it better, your were forcing your legs to keep your body up and drag you to your home. Of course it would've been better if you would make your way to Thoma but you didn't have the energy to go through the Chinju Forest, all the way to the estate.
So with the last strength you had you made it to your little house in the city only to see the strawberry blonde hair of your lover waiting by the door. You were surprised to see him but at the same time also so damn happy which is why you screamed his name to get his attention.
With the sound of your angelic voice in his ear he turned to where he heard it and smiled his adorable and charming smile when he saw you. Concern flashed quickly in his eyes once he saw how slow you were walking and jogged to you to help you.
And by helping you, he picked you with the result you gasping a bit and holding onto his shoulders a surprised look on your face.
"Thoma, what are you doing? Put me down?" You complained, even tho you missed being in his arm you still could walk properly on your own.
"Nope, not happening, you are clearly exhausted and as your partner it my duty to take care of you!" He exclaimed with a smile and started to walk to your door. He knew where you hid your spare keys so just took them and opened your door and carries you to your bed and laid you done gentle.
You were just smiling softly at Thoma as he removed your shoes and then said beside you. You can't still believe that this attentive man was your boyfriend. How did you get so lucky?
"Can i help you with something else? Do you need something to eat or drink? Do you want me to run a bath for you? I can get started right away!" He exclaimed quickly and started to stand up but before he could go somewhere you grabbed his hand stopping him. A little chuckle left your lips as you listen to him ramble.
"Thoma, I'm fine. All i want is being with you and listen to you talking about your day." You replied softly looking at him with your big eyes that, he always found himself dreaming about. With a content smile he started to lay down beside you and wrapped his arms around you and pulling you closer to his side.
God how he missed holding you. You limps entangling with his, having your head rest on his chest listening to his heart beat was all that he wished for the last few days.
"I missed this... I missed you." He said sighing in content as he left a small little kiss on the your head. You just laughed snuggled yourself closer to him.
"I missed you too." You said happily and looked up to him. He couldn't help himself and cupped one your cheeks in his hand, stroking the soft but also a bit dusty flesh. He pecked your lips quickly and pulled his hand away to let your head rest in his head.
"Start telling me about your day Thoma, i wanna hear everything." You asked and started to move your head so you can listen to his heartbeat. He began talking, he talked about his task, about the Kamisato siblings, how they asked when you come visit them again, how he thought every single second of you and how he couldn't wait to see you again.
You just sighed softly and slowly started to close your eyes. The exhaustion creeping up on you which resulted to you falling asleep on Thomas chest, listing to his heartbeat.
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So this fic was heavily inspired by this Foto i took of my genshin game. Thb i didn't know how this happened Thoma just started talking and i turned lumine to him and then thus pose happend. Anyways i found it cute and sent a pic to my friend so yea that explains the quality. But still i will never ever delete this :)
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vcnusians · 5 months
sorry i disappeared, i'm going through some serious shit right now. i don't wanna take up the dash but if you see this, please read it because i need all the advice i can get. this is a serious life or death thing. legal shit.
Saturday my boyfriend and I went to the beach, he had a beatbox and some captain morgan there but we left 3 hours later. we went to the mall for food and so i could use a restroom and when he was turning into a parking lot he made a little too wide a turn trying to avoid hitting the curb trying to turn in, and accidentally sideswiped a car that was in his blind spot, and the impact pushed him into another car that was turning out of the parking lot aisle. it was a really shitty situation but even I didn't see the first car on the right of us because i was looking to my right the whole time looking for a place to use the restroom. if i saw danger coming, i would've alerted him. i had to go use a restroom badly so i quickly got out of the car and found one, and i called him on the way so he knew i wasn't abandoning him or fleeing because he gets anxious and he was already scared to death. he wasn't answering his phone and i panicked thinking when i came back he'd be gone. thankfully his sister called me because she didn't know what was happening but he wasn't answering her calls either and she was worried, so i answered and told her what happened and i ran back through macy's and the whole shopping center and i panicked because several police cars were there blocking the whole entry, both parties were snapping pictures with their cell phones and he was sitting on the curb with his hands behind his back. then both parties involved in the accident left. they asked me questions and for my DL, but they didn't test me. and they didn't test anyone else involved in the collision. i told them what i experienced without lying and nothing i said could've gotten him in trouble. there was one cop who appeared to try and distract me from my boyfriend by asking me personal questions, how we met, where we both work, (how was that relevant? he didn't need to know) and i'm sure pumping me for info and dirt he could use against him and being a shark. i didn't take the bait and just "chit chatted" with irrelevant silly stupid things. then they made him take the field sobriety test... not giving him an option to consent or decline... and then they arrested him and took him in the cop car... and the look he gave me when they cuffed him was absolutely gut wrenching, it just broke my heart and i was doing so well keeping my cool no matter how fucking terrified i was but when he looked at me in tears and mouthed "i'm so sorry, i love you", i lost it and started crying.
but here's the thing. they refused to tell him his BAC which is deceptive and also wrong, and they did not test him again when they took him back to the station. they violated his rights by doing that, which can actually be in his favor because they didn't want evidence that he was okay so they could get away with charging him. but can they charge him for DUI with insufficient evidence? also it was pretty weird how both other parties in the accident weren't tested or questioned, they just snapped pics with their cell phones and left so quickly. nobody in the incident was injured. they separated us and wouldn't let us talk to each other, i tried to say something reassuring and a cop asked my name, barked at me and called me out harshly in front of everyone, 2 other guys came and tried to make me get off the curb when they took him in the cop car with handcuffs and when i walked by a cop blocked him so we couldn't make eye contact. i don't know if the guys were civilians or undercover cops but they made me go into starbucks and got me a water and left me there. today he called the DMV for an administration hearing to fight for his license and his mom found a lawyer this morning and made an appointment for them to talk to him at 2 p.m. but it's 5:20 and i haven't heard from him and i'm honestly freaking out but anyway.
i'm so nervous i'm sick to my stomach and i want to scream. i'm so, so afraid of him going to jail, i don't want to lose him but something tells me they're not gonna go easy on him and i've never been more scared of anything in my life. he's a good person, he's the sweetest soul with the biggest heart and he may have done something really stupid by driving drunk but he doesn't deserve this.
what chance does he have? we're in california. could the cops' failure to test him a second time be in his favor? does anyone have any information that could help?
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alterrune · 2 years
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Alterrune posted 692 times in 2022.
That's 366 more posts than 2021!
673 posts created (97%)
19 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs that we reblogged the most:
@alterrune (myself, for some reason)
@ending-the-cycle-ask (aka Mod Mello, the reason why I made this askblog story to begin with)
@minus-starcatcher-beyond (blame my convo with 8 for that, but it's a really good askblog, so I think it's deserved)
@flowerbarrel (a great artist and a good sport all around, they are probably the first person that come to mind when I think of the AtO fans)
@tips (because their post was just hilariously stupid)
The blog had 678 of posts in 2022 tagged
Only 2% of my posts had no tags (which, trust me, is a mistake on my part)
#altering the outcome - 462 posts
#ask irl!alterrune - 333 posts
#ask the ato cast - 257 posts
#the colorstreak battalion - 246 posts
#submission - 186 posts
#altering the outcome announcements - 41 posts
#miscellaneous outcomes - 34 posts
#altering the outcome's first anniversary event - 32 posts
#decluttering the askbox - 25 posts
#alterrambles - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#sorry about randomly tagging some of you but we've gotten artwork from you in the past and we'd love to have it happen again
My Top Posts in 2022:
#5 - Randy Radman's Appreciation
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Man… must’ve been great.
It certainly was.
Randy Radman is one of, if not the youngest leader of the Clan. Believe it or not, he's actually one of the few past Toppat leaders who are still alive today. He's even visited for some of the events the higher-ups like me and the others have organized.
The "Party Era" was something that Radman states was "a party that could've gone a lot smoother". He started off spending money on things that weren't really neccesary. He really didn't know how to manage a budget that well. When he got the news about the bankruptcy, however, he actually decided to sell all the unneccesary clutter and use the money he recovered to not only ensure the Clan would stay financially stable, but also to reinforce the airship in numerous ways so that it would be more capable of flying in more dangerous environments. He even used money from his own pocket at times.
If it wasn't for him, the Airship would be much less versatile than it is today. He later retired from the Clan to do some solo work (with a hefty sum of money given to him as a reward for all his hard work), but he still visits the Toppats from time to time.
He's almost like a distant uncle to the Clan: He doesn't visit often, but when he does visit, it's absolutely AMAZING.
Me and Violet actually met the guy recently during a seasonal event. Turns out he can be a seriously good DJ.
He's like a good version of Terence Suave. He's a bit self absorbed, for sure, but he knows what the clan wants, and like a DJ at a party, he'll give them exactly what they need.
9 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
#4 - The Shoutout To Meowy
I first visited your blog after I saw you talking about the red string puzzle on Ending the Cycle. It was impressive how you solved it. 👍
I didn't solve it all on my own, actually.
I had help from another Tumblr user: @meowy2. They were a major help, giving helpful advice for finding out the code for myself, PM-ing me info whenever I asked for it, and just generally being a good sport. If it wasn't for them, I would've never actually cracked the code on the archives, and subsequently, AtO would've never existed. How is that possible, you may ask? Well, allow me to explain...
WAAAAY back when this blog was still just my personal blog, I had originally released AtO as a reward for everyone who helped me crack the passcode. Thing is, I didn't think it would gain any traction like it did, and I wasn't really gonna do much with it. But after I actually started to get an audience, I decided to start making Altering the Outcome into the story it is today. In fact, it wasn't until just before I had finally released Act 1, Chapter 4 (originally known as "Entry 4") that I actually came up with the name of "Altering the Outcome"!
Basically, shoutout to Meowy for basically allowing this askblog to be a thing. Without them, AtO would never have existed in the first place.
9 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
#3 - The Faded Color Gang's Empowerment
Harold, Emma, come here.
The Toppat Clan knows of the truth, you must hide it, but most importantly, destroy the Toppat Station, kill every member of the Toppat Member. I want them all dead! If you see any family members or friends of your other sides, inject them with the drug, they’ll be most useful to us. I’ll also be giving you a shard of the crystal that you must jab into yourself. It’ll give you the ability to harness the power of the crystal, it’ll begin to rapidly grow deep within your body, I’ve give all 4 of you crystal shards, jab it into yourself now!
(Harold, Emma, Victoria, and Knox, hearing the words of what Adam said about the crystals, all jab into themselves, it grows rapidly inside their body, before eventually gaining the power to harness the crystals power.)
Now, I must look deeper into 3 other people, a hack called Anon, a computer system, and most importantly, a creator, perhaps they know what my plans are, they must be stopped, and to do so, I must bend the rules.
Great, now he's after Hack!Anon, System and...wait, me?
BAH-HA-HA! Oh, that's hilarious, as if he could actually do that! He can't get me, as he's in the computer and I'm in the real world!
Oh, almost forgot. I should probably warn System and Hack!Anon about this. Good thing I got H!A's email saved in my contacts, don't need to type the whole thing out...
TO: "Hack!Anon"
SUBJECT: Adam's gunning for you guys!
Guys, bad news. Remember Adam, that guy I told you about? Yeah, I think he found out about you-know-what, and now you've landed on his hitlist. I'd reccommend you either run or try to hurt him from a very long distance away, because when he finds you two, I'm pretty sure he's gonna kill you. Good luck, you guys, and I'm sorry about the lack of help, I need to cover my own ass in case he somehow finds a way to escape the computer screen. He's actually gunning for me, too, and I don't wanna die. Stay safe. -IRL!Alterrune
Aaand sent. Hopefully they'll at least STALL Adam...pretty sure he can't get me, but eh. Better safe than sorry.
11 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
#2 - The Accidental IRL!Alterrune Forshadowing
Ouch... Alright I just fell... Hope this goes to them/them. Idk what they gone through but according to an audio tape I found in the Kurosawa Airship... It's honestly shocking. They into something known as beast forms... Lea- I meant Wiseclover hasn't been captured, I think. You okay System? Yes, just fried a couple chips. Alright, I'm so damn tired. I'm just gonna go to the restaurant near me... System? Do you need anything? Falls (yes I put an undertale reference. And yes they're not dead.)
(Considering this blog is called "Alterrune", your Undertale reference 100% justified. -IRL!Alterrune)
Wait...why did they say "them" in two different ways?
What do you mean, Alter?
Look, right there. Hack!Anon used the word twice, but using four colors for each.
Hmm...the second one is probably supposed to be us...Sweetheart, what do you think?
I think you're probably right, Henry. Those are our trademark colors; Alter's red, Violet's purple, your blue and my pink.
Yeah, and it looks like those first two colors are used again in the first one, so it looks like Hack!Anon is determined to find me and Vi regardless.
But then...who are the black and green bits supposed to represent?
I mean, the green could represent Carol or Reginald...but I have no idea who the black text could mean.
I mean, it could be IRL!Alterrune. His text is usually the default black text.
Well, that is true, but like we explained earlier, he's in an entirely different world from us, so Hack!Anon wouldn't be able to get to him.
Well, either way, it's glad to know System and Hack!Anon are both okay. They've given nothing but radio silence for a long time before now.
Yeah, ditto. And it sounds like that info that we were informed that Hack!Anon leaked to the Heaven Incursion was completely unintentional, so we don't have to shake him down like we were going to.
18 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
The #1 post of 2022: The Alternate Personality Takeover
Characters>loaded-characters Showing all loaded characters: 🔺🔵💕💜? / Kyle Henry Ellie violet Aaron Status: ERROR Knox Victoria Harold Emma Adam status: Alive? 🔵/geocorp guard status: Alive 👁‍🗨/Leader status: No soul 👁‍🗨♦️/ leader-soul Status: broken ⚙️/Enigneer status: Alive 🔲/New Leader status Alive 🍂 / Wiseclover Status: Jailed ?/Kelso status Alive 📖/Book status: Alive :all other characters are not loaded to save space:
What?! The Colorstreak Battalion and Aaron are all showing nothing but an error mesage!
This is unbelievable. Fucking hell. I can't contact my guys...
...wait, I wonder if...
DAMNIT!!! Their alternate personalites fried the inbox search!
...wait. What if I do this instead...?
Looks like their alternate personalites have taken the askboxes. Maybe you guys can snap them out of it?
18 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Ooh promo time
Dang thought that was a rough thing to end on xdd :'(( 😭
Why are y'all all saying he's gonna be fine
That's sus
Like for a promo anyway xDD but honestly in general too lol
Yeah I am also asking what is happening xD
BUT YEAH SURE give Asher more trauma why don't ya xDD let's just go all the way!!!
What would be next idk that's two kinds of weapons maybe a knife next?? xDD
I mean obviously everyone else, especially that new girl I hope she's doing okay :((((, but like. my boy xDD. And besides I said I'd give him trauma myself if no one else will. I mean we haven't seen it YET I'm honestly assuming we will/might at some point but still lol.
Anyway so that looks ROUGH what next xdd
Oh GOSH oh no
NOOOOOO not my father son duo too 😭😭😭
I swear y'all better not leave this too long to be fixed
Like yeah feel your emotions take as long as you need but SHOW WISE I can't last that long 😭😭 xD
Anyway A H help me
That's the end of my final thoughts :)! Now onto the. . .
I LOVED this episode!! The patients/cases were interesting, seeing everyone navigate their relationships (existent or non) was fun, and I honestly just thought it was a fun episode :). Even if every time Lim came on screen it got super serious and dramatic. Except for maybe that first meeting lol. Still, I enjoyed those moments too! Now, a quick bit for each character/few characters.
Lim! OW. How dare you do this to me. I can just SEE all the pain she's in (everyone's acting has been absolutely PHENOMENAL by the way), but I'm scared of where this crusade will take her. Also that last scene with Shaun was mature and I think the right choice in her part for this situation but still heartbreaking 😭😭😭😭.
Jordan! Girlllll, we all see it 👀😏😎. She is crushing on him HARD, and I don't even remember his name lol xD. I think his last name's like, Perez. Yeah I think that sounds right. Wait, but the girl's starts with a P too. . . Whatever, I really hope they do end up getting together, if only for Jordan's sake :)). But I do think they'd work well together!
Asher and Jerome :D! Y'all I love you xD. But also this closet thing better not ever come up again because if it does then it's a plot point which means you'll get caught, and I CAN'T HANDLE THAT. So please don't XDD. Anyway I thought they were really cute this episode :)).
Park, and Powell! Also a quick bit about Morgan: we didn't see her much this episode but she is as always an icon <333. Rewatching a bit I did see the part where Powell skipped chain of command, and I won't say I think she was right there, but her story was really touching and I think it was a big part of helping that mom :')). Also I loved Park thanking her for her service at the end 😭😭. Anyway, I guess despite my guesses, Park's not gonna talk to the relationship lady now ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. My bad xdd.
Glassman! OOF, his and Lim's scenes hurt, but I'm glad he stood by Shaun's decision even though he's angry. Even though he doesn't agree, honestly! Because while Shaun does need to take some more accountability, he really did do what he saw as the best option, and who knows what would've happened without it. Still, super angsty <333. Great yelling though :D. XD.
Andrews! Didn't see him much, a bit mad he gave Lim the report lol, but she does deserve to see it.
Shaun and Lea! THAT LAST SCENE WAS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. I swear, I will never get over it 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭❤️🥰🥰. Anyway, I'm really glad they talked about their issues promptly, got good advice, and sorted something out :))). They're amazing, and I love them :DD <3333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode!!! I thought it was great, and spread the focus pretty evenly between the characters. Plus, I'm glad one of the patients got their happy ending :'). But I mean honestly? In different ways, both of them did. What a great episode :D <3.
So yeah! I really liked this episode. The next one looks intense, but I'm excited to see how it all goes down! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 3: A Big Sign
It was so good! I'm a bit scared for the next episode, but really looking forward to it. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 4: Shrapnel
See you then!!
0 notes
emerald-x-green · 3 years
congratz to 100 followers👁👁💜
Can I request a Leo×reader scenario in which the couple argues and then makes up? it doesn't have to be hardcore angsty for the argument, some fluff at the end would be really nice♡
tysm and have a nice day~
(TW FOR THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE: COVID MENTION.) Sure thing! I want to apologize for my absence once again (I do this on all of my posts, I know, it's embarrassing lol)- I've been absolutely booked. I just tested positive with COVID this morning, however, so since I'm forced to stay at home I have more time to write. I'm asymptomatic at the moment, so I'm not completely dying over here. Please don't worry about me; I'm fully vaccinated and completely fine.
This also follows the same basic premise as these headcanons I wrote, except in those the reader argues with Raph and not Leo.
Anyway, onto the (long overdue) scenario!
Aside from Raph, you hardly knew Leo to be the arguing type. If any of the brothers got into an argument (which was rare in and of itself), Leo was the one to stand between them. It made sense, seeing as he was the leader. Leaders mediate fights to keep the group unified. Pretty much the whole job description.
Because of this, you felt comfortable sharing everything with Leo. He often served as a sort of life coach to you: if you had problems with work or school, you'd go straight to him and he'd give you some advice that, later, fixed the situation perfectly. If he wasn't a mutant turtle, you would've tried to push him to become a therapist.
Tonight, of course, was like any other night- you'd came back to the lair after a long day, toting a couple boxes of pizza with you. It was your night to cook, and you didn't have much time. You did, however, have some time to swing through the local DVD shop and grab a disc with lost episodes of Space Heroes. You'd spotted it through the window a few days prior, but hadn't had time to stop by. Besides, today was your one year anniversary with Leo and you didn't have a gift yet. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.
When you stepped out of the tunnel and into the lair, the first thing you heard was yelling. You knew who it was almost instantly: Leo and Raph. Things were growing more tense with them lately. This was the second argument of theirs this week.
Sighing, you dropped the pizzas precariously on the turnstile, making sure the disc was safely secured in your messenger bag lying against your hip. As long as they weren't throwing punches, you had a chance of de-escalating the situation.
Despite how loud the yelling was, you could still hear your footsteps clack on the concrete as you crossed the living area into the hallway were the bedrooms were.
"You think you're so high and mighty, huh? 'I'm Leo and since I'm the leader I call all the shots! I can do no wrong!'" Bang. "Have you ever thought that maybe you aren't perfect?!"
"I'm not saying I'm perfect Raph, just that my plan is better! If your plan was the best choice, I'd pick it!"
"Yeah, because that's happened before!"
You felt your stomach fill with dread as you stepped through an invisible barrier, into their argument. Two sets of eyes turned on you, and you could've sworn they felt like lasers.
"This doesn't concern you, Y/N."
Time paused for a moment as no one moved. You could feel Leo's exasperation from a mile away, but that didn't phase you- you'd dealt with this before.
"When you're yelling loud enough for me to hear as I walk in, yes, it does." You stared him dead in the face, doing your best to play up the 'stubborn bouncer' act.
"You don't even know what we're talking about. This is important stuff."
Maybe this was a little tougher than usual.
"You're not 'talking', you're arguing."
Leo sighed, rolling his eyes. "Can you just go away? You don't need to inject yourself in everything!"
You didn't say anything, and you felt your eyes tear up as you slowly backed away, the bag holding Leo's gift rubbing against your side. Even though you felt miles away from the brothers, you could still feel the shock radiating from them both.
You didn't care. You just wanted away.
Instinctively, you wandered into the dojo, seating yourself cross-legged in front of the large tree.
The time that passed held no value to you. It could've been five minutes or five hours. You couldn't think as Leo's words reverberated through your head.
Maybe you were too nosy. There was no real reason for you to get involved except to fuel your saviorism. They would've come to an agreement whether or not you had shown up. No matter how harsh his words were, Leo did have a point.
Besides, what would you have done? Have them calmly explain the entire backstory of their argument and patiently wait for you to solve it for them?
Maybe you-
You felt someone at the doorway. There was no question as to who it was. With a sigh, you turned your head around to see Leo standing in the doorway, staring at his hands. After a second, his head lifted and you met eyes. His mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.
He took a deep breath, and as you felt the guilt rising up you closed your eyes. "Y/N, I-"
"I'm sorry," You both blurted out at the same time. Leo's eyes widened as you opened your eyes.
"... Y/N, you have nothing to apologize for," Leo said.
You shook your head. "No, I do. It was out of my bounds to try and act like I'm above you guys. There was no reason for me to try and mediate a conflict that I knew nothing about."
"I didn't mean what I said, Y/N. I don't know why I said it. None of it was true."
Despite yourself, you chuckled a little. "It actually was kinda true. I get nosey sometimes, and I get that it can be annoying."
There was a ghost of a smile on Leo's face. "There's no convincing you. You've always been stubborn."
A laugh bubbled from your throat. "That's my charm."
Leo's smile grew, and he walked to your side as you stood up. "You know," you said, "It's a special day."
"That it is," Leo replied.
"And I might just have a little something for you." You winked as you put your hand in the bag containing the Space Heroes disc.
"You got me a gift? You didn't have to-"
"Hush," You said, holding your free hand up to Leo's face. "I insist."
Leo rolled his eyes playfully as you drew the disc out and presented it to him. He didn't speak for a moment, his eyes sparkling with surprise.
"Wait, is that...?"
"Ten lost episodes of Space Heroes? Yes, yes it is."
Before you knew it, the disc was gone from your hands and Leo was sprinting across the dojo to the TV, dragging you by the hand.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (2/4)
For now, nothing to complain about! We got Nya, we got MAYA AND RAY, we got GILES PANTON BACK A LEGO SHOW!!! 😍😍😍
Of course now I'm definitely curious about what the story is really about, like I'm guessing Wojira will wake up at some point so... Great Devourer all over again maybe? 😅 Idk, for now I just wanna enjoy Nya having her moment 🥳
Alright, here we go!
New alert for reader, during the Nexo Knights period I was and still am the hugest Clay fan. Now that his voice is in this season I might scream more than necessary... keep that in mind 😅
I love the humor in this, all random but still kinda clever 😂😂 Maybe I'm biased because I love Jay but still 🤷‍♀️
I really like the design of the marine world, very cool!! 🌊🌊🌊
I guess I'm not really seeing any big plot twist moment for now? Ninjago seasons have history of basing seasons on a "we need to prevent this event from happening but it will happen anyway", so I can see Wojira waking up no matter what 🤷‍♀️
I wonder if that will be shocking? Usually when this situation happen, someone makes a major sacrifice (Zane with the Overlord, sensei Garmaron with Chen, again sensei G with the Preeminent...). Maybe Maya? I DON'T WANT THAT 😭 But I am curious, everything is going nicely and I'm not sure what it will bring! 🤩 I'M EXCITED SO LET'S GO!!!
So this is the name of Clay's new incarnation, neat! 👍
Okay really, for having a season lately the main character just can't help but be trapped by the villain: kinda Zane in the ICE Chapter, Jay in Prime Empire, Cole in Master of the Mountain... we can call it a tradition at this point 🤷‍♀️
Giant serpent, yadda yadda, I wonder if we're gonna address the Great Devourer at some point? Not mandatory, but the reference would be very cool 🤩
Clay's new incarnation is a prince I- *hyperventilates in awe*
Nya playing dumb lol, I don't know if that's personal experience as she used to get kidnapped a lot in the past or she just have too many idiots in her life 😂
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Jay I love that you're so worried about Nya but maybe try NOT TO DIE? YOU'RE WITH LLOYD AND ZANE YET YOU'RE THE ONE GOING FOR THE SACRIFICE WTH?? 😱 But he's worried about his cool GF I kinda get it, also he didn't do it so good...
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So Giles is doomed to voice LEGO characters with daddy issues 😂 That being not having a dad at all or having one that is... a good guy? Idk he seems chill with the surface at first glance, I wonder what's the story of this family
Maya reminds of my mom, she also mentions her work a lot and I study the same thing. But she doesn't want to brag, it gets annoying but she just wants to give me advice. It's nice to see actually 👍 Also Ray reference NEAT ❤❤❤
Wow, if any child-parent couple of this show was doomed at going semi Emperor's New Groove style, I would've bet on Ed and Jay honestly 😅
Oh HECK yes I knew that with my water girls things were BOUND to get cool 😎 ... yeah I know where the door is *goes away*
My GOSH that scared the crap out of me 😅 Jay honey we have too many deaths in this team, you're not helping... BUT YOU POWERED AN ENTIRE SHIP BECAUSE YOU LOVE NYA AND YOU DIDN'T DIE AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BLUEBELL 💙💙💙
They were all so worried, I love this ninja family so freaking much 💜💜💜 Also better not tell this one to his GF 😂
And Bluebell?
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Welcome to the "change eye color because of elemental power" team! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE I LOVE WHEN IT HAPPENS!!! 😍😍😍
Awww, Zane letting Jay be the captain, that was so cute of him 💕
Another great episode! Doing great so far but I still wonder if we got into the main story. Feels like there should be more, well we got time! Next one! 😊
Sooooo... that's one very telling title 😅 If we're going full Lion King on this one, I think I know where this is going 😵
Maya: Don't they know that metal taste terrible?!? (Again feels like Kai could say something like this 😂)
FINALLY NYA USING FREAKING WATER POWERS UNDER THE SEA!!! Thank you Maya for saying out loud what we were all thinking 👌👌
Pff, okay, the fact that Kalmaar is all evil and cruel and then he gets startled like that, it's kind or adorable! 💕 Honestly Giles got such a deep voice, with Clay it was firm warm and reassuring, here we got plain devious and I ADORE it 😍😍😍
Maya come on don't doubt your daughter 😅 But I like her, and if she knew Nya they way we all do she wouldn't doubt that she could make it every time 😎
Yeah I was right, the king seems chill... oww I fear what's coming then 😳
Okay, so Kalmaar thinks that the world should go back to be lead by them like in the past, while the king just wants peace with the surface. And as we know, no drama no season so...
Yep, saw the death coming 😅
WHOA DID NOT SEE THAT LITTLE BLAME ACT COMING KALMAAR IS SO EVIL!!!... with a glorious voice but still (Rose focus on something that is not that godlike voice, you can do it 💪💪)
Awww Benthomaar is actually really cute, he's so worried about his father 😢 And he's adopted apparently? I wanna know the story!!! 🤩🤩
Yep, there's the reason why Zane got a mask even though he doesn't need one, it completes his attire 😂😂😂 My gosh how I love this nindroid ❄
Did... did Jay just say phooey? Dude Ducktales ended a while ago but I'm still not over it 😭
I said it once before I'll say it again, Ninjago is really REALLY good at making death scenes. Like, omg, I genuinely felt sorry for them 😢😢 I also really liked that the king didn't ask to be avenged, he still wanted peace and he asked his son to protect the ninja and he cried actual tears...
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MY HEART WTH 😭😭😭 So we're adding this to the real tears moments of the show, with Jay crying over pie, Zane with the flashback of his dad, Jay crying over Nya and Lloyd thinking the ninja are gone... my world this show is angsty 🙂
Third startle for prince Kalmaar, I love the gag 😂 Oh wait, king Kalmaar 🤷‍♀️
Okay, we got a coup, the ninja running away because they got framed, Benthomaar is most likely going to join them or at least help them, I guess Wojira will come out at some point while... Kai, Ray and Cole are still playing videogames? 😅
Although I hope we get more stuff with Nya and Maya, that's what I like 🤩
I'm good at English and I can follow most of it, but the fantasy names are tricky so I didn't get before that this was the name of the place 😅 It's nice, at least it's not another Atlantis 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Ah, there he is, my new son Benthomaar 💙 He is so lovable already, I know nearly nothing about him and I like his character already a lot! He could relate with all of the ninja really, but maybe with Jay the most? They were both adopted after all 🤔🤔
*scribble note for a fanfic for later if this doesn't come up in the season*
Alright moving on 😗
I am so happy Nya gets a season, Kelly got a great emotional range that doesn't come out often in my opinion, but with a full introspection of water goddess we are all blessed by her voice acting 😍
Gotta say, admitting that Bentho didn't have to help them to answer the usual 'Can we trust him' question is pretty reasonable, like, better than other stupid answers 😅
Also don't mind me
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Just screenshotting by ship 💙❤💙❤
Somehow lately we are letting Jay do the talking and I both hate and LOVE the fact 😂😂 Plain Bluebell nonsense, heck yes that's my jam👌👌
I literally can't not laugh at the startle gag with Kalmaar 😂
Aww Jay is still the Captain, nice! Wonder if it's giving him Skybound flashbacks... I hope not considering all he went through that time, poor Sparky 😅😅
Can we skip a season and hang out with Pixal one time? I really wanna know how she organizes her free time to create these things 😍😍😍
THANK YOU LLOYD FOR NOT DYING ONCE AGAIN, MUCH APPRECIATED!!! 💚💚💚 My green bean needs a vacation... they all do 😅
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Alright, back to the island hoping Kalmaar will not track us and follow us so he can get to the place and discover the amulet 🙂
Are we not calling the others? I miss my flame babe and Rocky ❤🖤❤🖤 Also RAY WATCHA DOIN I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING 🤩🤩
Wait what? Shark boy backstory? SHARK BOY BACKSTORY?!? 👀👀👀
Wow, I see that Kalmaar didn't change a thing growing up, still the same gonna-be-a-villain 😂 Of course his voice got a lot deeper and cool and okay you know I love his voice moving on
I find it kinda funny that Kalmaar is so focused on royal blood and superiority, while Clay was basically a farm boy who worked his way up. Giles knows how to get the character no matter what 😍
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The king seems like such a good pers- fish- creature 😅 Now I'm double sad that he died, my world, why do I always care so fast, it's not healthy in this show where everyone could die 😰😰
Literally every frame of Benthomaar makes me love him even more 😢
Interesting that we got an academic villain, he kinda reminds me of Clouse in a way, maybe even Harumi since she studied her way to her plan as well? I like that we got a bit of personality too!
Using your little bro for your own purpose... it's very evil but kinda also brotherly like 😂
Benthomaar really gives me that very PRECIOUS vibe, kinda the perfect son but also a naive and unaware BABY 💙
LEGO HUG 🤩🤩 Not exactly reciprocated but still 😅
Ooohhh, so this is how he found the temple! I like this, it shows that Bentho is most likely physically stronger than Kalmaar, while evil brother is focused on brain and studies. They are planned differently, I like it! 😚😚
Ouch, peer pressure... sibling pressure? Eh you get what I mean 😂
Bentho: will I really fit in with you guys? Do you really understand how I feel?
Lloyd: Jay was adopted, Nya's parents were gone most of her life, Zane lost his father while mine turned evil
Bentho(tearing up): yeah that can work
Okaaaaayyyyy, I like that we got a bit of backstory for Bentho too! We didn't get much for Vanya in Master of the Mountain, which is the only thing I was sad about (very little detail, AMAZING season 🖤🖤🖤), nice to see it here!!
But I really want more Nya and Maya interactions, I hope we'll soon get to them again!! 😍😍😍
Alright, getting somewhere here! I'm very curious about what's next 🤩🤩
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miyanom · 4 years
Sweet Tea in the Summer
MASTERLIST | REQUESTED BY: @goodandevil18 
GENRE: fluff
PROMPT: “Did you seriously just climb through my window?”
NOTES: I’m so sorry for the long wait! But here is the Zuko oneshot that was requested, I’m hoping to be able to get the Sokka one out soon, but the words for this were just flowing out. 
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Zuko sat in front of the pond, though his back was turned to the turtle ducks that usually took up all his free time in the afternoon. Instead, his attention was entirely focused on the girl sitting across from Aang and Katara as they all drank tea together in the garden.
During the war, when he was training Aang, it was easier to ignore his blossoming feelings for his old friend as she spent most of her time with Katara or Sokka. But now that she was practically living at the palace with her father as one of his council members, it was harder to ignore that she existed.
Y/N threw her head back in laughter, but Zuko couldn't hear what Aang said. Not that it mattered much to him, not when Y/N looked like an absolute angel with the sun shining down on her like that.
"Zuko, why don't you come join us?" Katara called out, finally snapping the boy out of his thoughts. The Water Tribe girl - who had refused to call him by his official title ever since his coronation - stared at him with a knowing look in her eyes.
"I-" His voice came out fairly squeaky, causing him to quickly avert his gaze as a blush crept onto his cheeks. He cleared his throat with a quiet cough before attempting. "I can't. I have a meeting to get to."
"Oh, come on," Y/N rolled her eyes, a grin taking over her features. "You're Fire Lord Zuko. I believe that means you can stay for one cup of your uncle's new Tea, without your council getting too annoyed."
Zuko's eyes flickered to her for just a second, before he stood up and turned around to head inside. The simple phrase "I'm already late" leaving his lips as he left.
Y/N stared at Zuko's retreating figure with a frown. A sigh escaped her lips as she lifted her cup back up, taking a small sip of the sweet tea Uncle Iroh had prepared for them.
Katara crossed her arms. "I seriously don't know how you put up with him all the time," she grumbled. "I've only been here for two days and I already-"
"Sweetie," Aang spoke up sweetly, his soft smile immediately relaxing Katara.
Y/N's eyes flickered between the young couple, they had been dating for 2 years now. Ever since the war ended. Y/N found their relationship cute, even if Sokka had gotten to the point where hearing "sweetie" one more time would make him jump into Unagi infested waters.
"I don't understand how it was so easy for you two," Y/N muttered. "Going from friends to- to this!" She waved her hand in the direction of the couple who had just shared a kiss right in front of her. "I want it to be that easy for me and-"
Y/N suddenly cut herself off with a fake cough, looking down in embarrassment.
"For you and Zuko," Aang finished for her. "Is that what you wanted to say before you coughed?"
"Yeah, thanks, Aang," Y/N rested her forehead against the palm of her hand, not wanting to look at her friends.
"Oh, come on, Aang. Who else would she be talking about?" Katara giggled.
"I can't believe you two are making me wish that Sokka was here right now."
"What would he do that we can't?" Katara asked, sounding annoyed that her best friend would even suggest wanting her brother's company more than her own. "Sokka gives the worst relationship advice! Just ask Zuko!"
"Zuko asked Sokka for advice?" Y/N lifted her head. "Why? About who?"
"Sweetie!" Aang glanced at Katara, whose eyes widened as she realised what she had said. "No one, Y/N. It was a looong time ago. Right, Katara?"
"Right!" Katara squeaked, nodding her head a few times.
Y/N stared at the two with a raised brow, not believing them for even a second. "You two are the worst liars I have ever met. And I know Sokka!"
"We aren't supposed to say. I'm sorry, Y/N," Aang frowned. "He made us promise."
"Why though? Please, give me something to work off here," Y/N begged.
Realising this might be the only chance she had to convince Y/N to say something, Katara quickly spoke up. "You should tell him how you feel tonight! Before he gets advice from someone better than Sokka."
Y/N visibly deflated at that. "Why would I do that if he likes somebody else?" She let out a sigh as she stared down into her tea cup. "I guess it makes sense, he has been avoiding me recently, and just brushes me off when I do get the chance to speak to him."
Aang and Katara shared a look. Y/N wasn't just overthinking things here. Zuko had been brushing her off recently, but that was because of Sokka's stupid advice. It had nothing to do with Y/N.
"You have to try, Y/N," Katara told her. "You'll only be more heartbroken if you don't. And... and if it doesn't work out, then I guess you can come live with me in the South."
Y/N let out a quiet laugh. She had been pestering Katara about that for weeks now, saying that if her best friend in the Fire Nation had gotten sick of her then perhaps it was time to go visit Katara and Sokka's home for awhile. It didn't hurt that it was currently summer in the Fire Nation, and a refreshing break to the snow would be nice this time of year.
"Okay, but when he rejects me and tells me he never wants to see my face again, then I hope you know that I will never leave the South Pole."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Katara smiled softly.
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Zuko sat his desk, his head in his hands. He didn't even have any meetings today, he didn't know why he said that. Honestly, he would've loved nothing more than to join them for tea, to hear Y/N's laugh up close. But Sokka's squeaky voice had weaselled its way into his head, telling him to play hard to get.
So now here he was, wasting the evening away in his office in an attempt to avoid Y/N's judging eyes. Surely by now she would've realised he was lying about the meeting.
Maybe she was too busy with Aang and Katara to remember that she practically had his entire schedule memorised like the back of her hand - he had forgotten one meeting with one of the Fire Nation officials, so Y/N had taken it upon herself to make sure he would never do it again. When he had asked her about it, she told him that it was so he could have at least one stressful thing taken off his shoulders.
It meant more to him than he would ever admit.
Zuko's eyes widened as he lifted his head just in time to see Y/N halfway through the window, obviously having climbed inside.
When their eyes met, a sheepish smile appeared on the girl's face. "So... you come here often?" She asked awkwardly.
Though her stupid question wasn't what he was focused on. "Did you seriously just climb through my window?"
With her feet now touching the ground inside the office, she dusted off her pants. "Yes..." She noticed the dead-pan look her was giving her. "But you gave me no choice!"
"I gave you no choice?" His brows furrowed in confusion as he stood up and pointed at the door. "There's a door right there, Y/N!"
"If the guards announced me, you would've come up with a stupid excuse to leave," Y/N pointed out.
Zuko went silent at that, knowing she was probably right. "I-"
"No. Stop talking," she held her hand out in his direction, signalling for him to stop. "I need to talk. And then I'm gonna climb back out the window and we'll pretend this never happened-"
"Zuko, what did I just say?" She whined. He couldn't help but smile, though instead of replying, he simply nodded. "Thank you. Now, anyways... Zuko, I think - at least, I hope - I'm not the only one who feels this way. But I really like you, okay? Wait, no... No, I mean I do but it feels like more than that! Maybe- I think I'm in love with you. Wow was that weird to say, how do Katara and Aang do it all the t-"
"You love me?" Zuko stared her in shock, only able to watch as Y/N stopped rambling and took a hesitant step back toward the window.
"Y- yeah, so... so I think I'm gonna climb back out now," she whispered. "Sorry."
Just as she was about to throw her leg over the side of the railing, he quickly rushed forward. Taking her hand into his own, he effortlessly pulled her away from the window until she stood facing him.
They both stared at each other for just a moment, before Zuko whispered. "I love you, too."
Without a second of hesitation, Y/N slowly pulled Zuko's face down closer to hers, their lips pressing together gently as they kissed.
Zuko was beginning to realise something else, he should have never listened to Sokka's advice. If he hadn't, then maybe he could've been kissing her for much longer.
As they pulled away, Zuko found himself saying the first thing that came to his mind. "Is that Uncle's new sweet tea?"
Y/N blinked, before letting out a laugh. "Yeah, I had more before I came. Surprisingly, it helped my nerves."
Zuko smiled softly. "Good. I'm glad you came and told me."
"Me too."
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sweettodo · 4 years
A little push. ⟿ Shoto Todoroki x fem!reader
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word count : 3k.
includes : [ slight ] breeding kink , teasing, smut, pretty much a little dacryphilia
a lil valentines day gift for my lovelies. i hope you enjoy.
"I just don't know what to do, it's almost like he doesn't want to do anything with me at this point." Close to tears, sadness could be heard in your tone as your friends console you, attempting to give you advice. Your head in your hands whilst you rubbed your temples.
"No! No no, impossible." Mina reassures, "he just needs a little push, he's probably just nervous he’s gonna disappoint you."
"You know how shy he is, better than anyone else here"
You sigh, you were now officially out of ideas. This wasn't your first choice, but it had reached a point where disclosing to your friends the situation; desperate for their advice. "I know," throwing your back against Momo's bed, in complete despair, "I just don't know how to fix it, I can't break him out of his shell." What type of girlfriend were you? Why did you allow it to get this... this bad? There was no way to put it lightly, or nicely for that matter.
By ‘out of ideas’, you weren’t kidding. You had tried to get him into the shower with you, even teasing him while he worked, buying all the cute outfits you could think of to engine him, trying to get him to do it more often. But it was no use.
Shoto could not be a bigger prude nowadays.
Mortifying to ones ears- a shocked look plastered upon your friends' faces when you saw their reactions of complete bafflement, 'who would've thought?!' Or 'I would've thought he'd be the opposite!' They were beyond shocked, yes- Todo was quite and almost always reserved!
But it's almost always the quiet ones who are hung and the best in bed.
You shouldn't have been as embarrassed as you were- not as embarrassed as your boyfriend, but now you were in desperate need for advice on how to break the vicious cycle that went a little like this...
You and Todoroki watched a stupid action movie, your head snuggled into the crook of his armpit, one arm wrapped around you securly, your arm loosely around his waist, lazily sprawled across his body, in which he didn't mind at all. It was more or less silent throughout the movie, you loved these types of nights; with the daily, stressful and rough hero work you both were faced with, there was little to no time for you to be together for longer than an hour.
Your arm, which was laying atop your boyfriend's waist, copping a feel as you drag your arm back to your lap, the action causing his chest to tighten up at the slight touch. You eye him from the side, seeing that he was actually watching you intently as well. You wiggle yourself closer against him, he holds you tighter; you could never be close enough to him, he was like a teddy bear, one you could cling to all day. He caresses your thigh gently, although you were upset and neglected between the sheets, he strived in other things; that being kissing.
You peck his chin with a little kiss, he brings his head down so he can feel more of those little peppered kisses; you trail up his neck, his hand now squeezing your thigh a little tighter, pulling you onto his lap more so you could straddle his lap. His hands pressing against your hips, clearly enjoying the attention you were giving him.
Or at least you thought.
"I cant babe," he muttered under his breath, your face instantly falling into disappointment, she tilts his head, looking at you with understanding eyes, he seldom if ever let it get past making out; all because of one time where he butted a little too quick. At that point of he didn't even bother.
It was fucking selfish.
"We'll help you, just trust us." Momo pats your back, you were all ears.
Mina perks up excitedly, beginning her in depth lesson, which eerily enough she had seem like she was waiting for this moment. You three were going to help Todoroki, even if it meant you had to do all the work.
With your computer on your lap and your two best friends’ heads peering over your screen, you scrolled through the website with the things that you’d need to execute the plan, “fluffy? Or metal?” Momo questions, a finger tapping her chin.
You couldn't peel your eyes off of the clock on your phone. You were anxious, the longer you watched the longer time was dragging on. 'Forty more minutes.' Nerves through the roof, heart pounding as you counted the minutes until you knew for sure your boyfriend would be on his way home.
Giving in, you giddily jump to your closet, bending down and grabbing the little pink bag hidden and tucked behind your jackets, grabbing the contents inside, the soft lace outfit you had bought online; Todoroki was far from privy to your plans, only the question, 'what's that' but then quickly dismissing it because he had to leave.
The cute little black scalloped bra and panties set with Shoto's favorite black stockings; that's what was in the bag. Throwing off your clothes and laying the set out on the bed while you threw your clothes in the basket, you were going to try to get him to make the first move for once, ultimately building up the confidence that he had so sillily lost.
You hadn't cared at all when it happened, but it was enough to send Shoto lock and key under the protection of a chastity belt, where he refused to even give sex any thought for the most part.
Todo and you have been together for close to three years; you do have sex- just no more than once every three months. You were going mad the more and more you thought about it, you were touch starved, and clearly he didn't care.
Turning around, slipping the lingerie on your body in front of the tall body mirror; Your tits sitting pretty in the see- through bra cups, the strings of the thong resting on the curve of your hips, you were so pleased with the way you looked, you took a few pictures in the mirror, ‘no harm in that’ you hum to yourself. If this didn't make him want to fuck you- shit, you'd fuck yourself. There was no way he would not become tempted by the lack of cloth on your body, your skin soft with lotion and the sweet spots around your body scented with his favorite perfume. Jumping on the bed, in anticipation, you knew he should be right around the corner from your apartment; this only made your heart pound out of your fucking chest more and more. There was no way you could fuck this one up, you’d be mortified.
"Are you sure about all that? I don't wanna get him mad at me." The idea was absolutely radical, you knew it was slightly out of your comfort zone... but your boyfriend? This was going to be torture for him, you almost felt guilty.
Momo, with the smug look on her face nods reassuringly, "that’s the whole point. Trust us."
Wrapping the pink silk robe around your body when you hear the familiar man kick the shoes off in the foyer, you were feeling as confident as ever. You walk down the hallway, peeking your head around the corner to see Todoroki unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt, loosening his tie in the process; looking relieved to be home, he catches your eyes, looking at you confused at your attire.
Smiling cheerfully, you see him start to smile, “Todo...” he heard the little whine in your voice, he was intrigued with your little antics, you finally come around the corner, meeting up with him half way and grabbing his wrist, “I have a surprise for you.”
He tenses up, but remaining silent and compliant. You tug him into the bedroom, the lights dimmed, you had prepared yourself how you were going to execute this plan, but you felt all over the place from your nerves. You nudge him onto the bed, he plops down, a shaky breath heard from his nostrils.
“Push back,” you command, he listens which makes you thrilled, you pick up his wrist, quickly reaching your free hand in the bedside table, the metal clanking in your hand; which doesn’t register in his head until he realizes he’s unable to move his right wrist.
“Y/n, what’s this?” You ignore him, snapping the other set of cuffs around the metal bed frame and his wrists, “what are you doing?” You slide off the bed, watching him tug at the metal, the devilish smile growing on your face as you watch him struggle.
“I wanted to surprise you, is that okay?” You bat your eyelashes, walking to the foot of the bed, his eyes glued to you, sitting there clueless and overwhelmed, Todoroki totally out of wack, you untie the little tie of your robe, his eyes grow wide, jaw clenching as he frantically tries to free himself.
Your robe pools at the base of your feet, getting back on the bed, you crawl onto his lap and straddle his lap, leaning down to his ear.
“Do you want me, Todoroki?” You purr, his body restless under yours, trying desperately to set himself free.
He takes in a deep breath of air, “you know the answer to that, y/n.” He retorts, now aware of the point of this whole charade, head slightly thrown back as you drag your fingers up to his neck, tilting his head to look at you. His hair falling in front of his eyes, you push back the multicolored strands to look back into his heterochromatic eyes.
“You’re gonna be good and let me take this off, yeah?” Maintaining eye contact, you begin to unbutton the rest of his shirt, his stomach rising and falling the further down you get. He was flustered, and you’ve never felt these powerful sparks igniting within your stomach, you had him falling apart at the seams.
And it was only the beginning.
You peel open his shirt, his eyes stalking you as you continue down his body, unbuttoning his work pants, “uncuff me, now.” He demands, you shake your head innocently.
“No.” He pulls and tugs, but it’s no use, “you’re gonna see how I’ve been feeling recently.” Sneering, you begin grinding against his growing cock, tugging the pants down his waist, the obvious tent making you chew down on your bottom lip, it was working. Your hands dipping down and releasing him from the black Calvin Klein boxers.
Breathing heavily, pushing his pants down to his knees, he was painfully hard, but only growing harder at the sight of you on top of him, he could see your tits inches from his face, but he wasn’t allowed to do anything about it.
You slowly pump him in your hand, little groans spilling from his mouth, tossing his head back with his eyes shut, finally getting the touch he was longing for.
“Stop teasing, do it already.” He grits through his teeth, you giggle, dipping your head down, letting the spit on your tongue roll off and hit the tip, seeping down as he cringes, “y/n, let me go- fuckin’ now!” He thrashes at the cuffs, his eyes dark and angry.
Leaning down, you take him into your mouth, your hot mouth sends his head slamming against the headboard, his body finally relaxing from your agonizing teasing, you hum against his cock, swearing under his breath, the torturous feeling of your mouth slowly moving up as down his throbbing dick; it was all part of the plan.
Minutes later, you’re feeling his breathing pick up pace, his body twitching from under you, knowing he was close to releasing. You speed up as well, getting him as close as possible, being as sloppy as you could, spit spilling from your mouth as you make him look at you in the eyes whilst you deep throated him.
He was so so close.
Your lips leave his cock. He swings his head up, “what the fuck!” He booms, his cheeks red, his eyes glossed with complete and utter anger as he’s now desperately trying to find a way out of the restrains, the bars of your headboard bending from his strength at this point.
Todoroki was so mad, he didn’t even bat an eye at the way he was bending the bed frame that you both shared. The loud noise of the metal bending made the hair on your body stand up on its ends, you slip off of him, licking your lips; you watch in astonishment as he finally frees one hand, jolting up to free his other arm, your stomach is doing flips. He was fucking pissed.
Your boyfriend lifts the other handcuff off the bedpost, grabbing the little keys that were on the bed stand. Standing on your feet, you barely get the chance to make a run for it before you’re behind grabbed by the wrist, your front slamming onto the bed, Todoroki holding you by the back of the neck into the sheets.
“Is this what you wanted, y/n?” He taunts, “you wanted me to take my anger out on you right?” He gives you no time to answer, he rough hand tugging your lace thong to the side and getting on the bed on his knees to ensure he could maintain the strong hold on your neck.
“Well,” he begins, “that’s what you’re gonna get.” It took him no time to slide into you, letting out a loud groan, you’re barely able to move, he doesn’t allow you to look back at him as he begins drilling into you. Incapable of mustering up screams, they fall silent.
His cock hitting your cervix mercilessly, his hips slamming into your backside. He was going absolutely mad, you had never felt him do something like this; hitting new and foreign spots within your cunt that you didn’t even realize you had.
“You like that? You like me fucking you raw like this?!” He pants, “you wanted me to fuck you hard, right?” He grabs a handful of your hair, lifting your upper body up, dipping his head into the crook of your neck.
“Tell me, tell me princess, use your words.” He strains, your hand pudding against his v-line, which was your way of telling him to slow down.
“Sh-Shoto, I- Fuck,” you wail, the continuous pounding against your g-spot making you tremble, he knew it too.
“C’mon, say it or I’ll stop.” He repeats, hips knocking against you, he snakes his right hand around, using his index and middle to pinch your clit; sending you into a frenzy. You cry out, his fingers now working your clit bringing you right to your first orgasm almost instantly.
“Please Shoto, keep going.”
His fingers messily rub your clit, pussy clenching and sucking him in you release all over him, the cum dripping down your thighs and down his cock as you cry out a mantra of his name, tears streaming down your face, your free hand behind your head and gripping the thick hair in the back of his head.
He drops you back down, your weak body making it easier for him to quickly regain a grasp on the back of your neck to keep you back down and pinned, “make me cum princess, you’re doing such a good job- fuck- keep suckin’ me in like that.” He leans forward only a little to fix his angle, hand holding your hips in place as he chases his orgasm.
But you feel as if you two are far from done.
He slows, you were beyond shocked he had this self control, he then stops thrusting into you completely, pushing you down, he drops onto the bed onto his back, “get on.” Leading you onto his waist, you slide down onto his cock, letting out a whine, your head dropping down and your messy hair messily covering your face.
“You’re gonna stay still for me, right princess?” You nod. He huffs, lifting up your hips and picking up where he left off, you immediately cave inwards, mouth falling open as you practically drop your upper body onto him, “sit up- sit up or I’ll stop.” You try your best to sit back up, your hands on his lower half as he fucks you, his hits thrashing upwards into your beaten up cunt; he wouldn’t stop, he didn’t spare you any time as he’s now ripping another orgasm out of you, this time more of your juices soaking his stomach and down into the sheets, the wet spot growing under your bodies as he fills you.
Screaming his name, you want to buck you knees inwards from the pace and strength he was thrusting, you could feel him fuck into you so deep that it sent you into another universe, your head clearly not all there- seeing stars, eyes rolling back and clenching your walls around him.
“Fuck, why didn’t I do this sooner.” He grunts, stopping, with his hands still on your hips, he’s pushing you back down and sliding his hands up your thighs until he pins your legs against your chest, sweat dripping from his forehead as he leans over you and easily slides back into you, “you’re so beautiful- god- you’re so beautiful.” He purrs, his body ramming against yours, cock once again hitting unimaginable nerves as you whine and cry for him.
“Please- Shoto.” You bawl, “‘feels so good.”
It was easy to say that you both were seeing white, you were dizzy and lightheaded, you didn’t realize you were clenching so hard around his cock that he needed to try harder to drill into you, “mh’ keep sucking me in like that, I’m gonna’” he didn’t even get to finish his sentence before he’s filling you to the fucking brim with his seed.
He wasn’t done.
He grabs you by the hair, lifting your head to make him watch as he takes his two fingers and picks up the mix of his and your cum, scooping it and yanking up your head further close to his own, “open.” He commands, your mouth opens, lolling out your tongue; sticking his fingers down your throat, the cocktail of cum seeping down your throat and you swallow, “good- so good.” He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and kisses you, the sweat from his face was remnant on his lips, you could taste everything.
Todoroki plops himself onto the destroyed bed. Pulling you onto his chest, you were beyond fucked out, you could barely comprehend anything that was going around you.
“Don’t get too comfortable, I’m not done with you.”
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karenwilson · 3 years
Buck and his romantic relationships
Honestly there is so much to dig into when it comes to Buck and his romantic relationships. There are some constants that can be found in nearly all of his relationships and some things that are constantly changing and evolving.
One think that strikes me about the women he has dated were strong and independent or arrived there at the end. Abby, Ali, Taylor, even Veronica they all stood their ground and were their own champions. They put their needs and mental & physical well-being first, something that society always expects women not to do. It's something I actually really appreciate about their storylines even if it comes with Buck being unhappy. None of the women set out to hurt him, they just didn't want to put themselves second. And that is perfectly okay.
But let's dive deeper into each of his relationships. Bear with me, it's a long one.
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Abby Clark
Abby was his first serious relationship and now we know why. Due to his upbringing and his parents' abusive behaviour he never really forged any important relationships apart from Maddie. I think it got even worse when he got the jeep as he skipped from place to place, never staying for long anywhere. He didn't have ties anywhere and that made him restless and only seek out sex to forge some intimacy because that was all he thought he could get and something that would hurt him the least.
Anyway with Abby he was able to connect with a woman (one he wasn't working with anyway) on a deeper level. It only worked because it didn't start out as something physical. He didn't know what she looked, only knew her voice and good heart. I doubt they even would've met had it not been for the 911 calls, because they have so little in common.
Buck is actually pretty self-aware when it comes to his behaviour around women but hasn't really faced it before. That's why he tells her that he thinks it isn't a good idea if they meet, because he's worried he'll revert back to his usual coping strategies and it'll end up with him losing their connection.
But we also see that he's inexperienced and that although he knows how to seduce women he's lacking self-confidence in other aspects. He doesn't know unconditional love apart from Maddie and even that trust was broken when she didn't leave with him, when she left him behind. So he often worries he'll do something wrong and put her off; he goes over the top to get her attention - which he has done before in his life. Remember, he could only ever get his parents' attention when he did something big and reckless.
Abby has her own shit to deal with and Buck doesn't really know what to do with that in the beginning. It's not the light-hearted, sweet relationship he might have been hoping for but instead serious and heavy. But helped by Bobby's advice he works through his doubts and puts himself out there, puts Abby first. He always puts other people first, because that's who he is (and lbr, it's not healthy). Sadly to his own detriment because he is more invested than she is; Abby has her sick mother to take care of and is drawn in several directions at once. That's a heavy burden for anyone, especially someone working fulltime. She doesn't want to put her mother in a home as it wouldn't feel right but I also think it comes from a place of societal pressure for women to take care of other people. When her mother dies I actually thought it was a very real and important step for Abby to take put herself first, to take care of her own needs and do something that's vital to her claiming herself again.
I think Buck understands why she has to go but it still leaves him with the impression that he's never good enough, that people always leave. Because that's the experience he's made in life and nothing has changed that for him yet. And I totally get where he is coming from, that he believes it's his fault that she leaves, that he isn't good enough, that she doesn't love him enough. I do believe Abby never felt as deeply for Buck as he did for her but even if she did, sometimes love doesn't fix people. Abby was broken and exhausted and that's something Buck couldn't help with but that doesn't mean he wasn't enough.
She definitely did him dirty by leaving him in the dark and not giving him a clean break when she knew she was ready to move on.
Thanks to Maddie and the 118 he was able to partly work through those issues and put himself out there again.
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Ali Martin
To be honest, Buck dating Ali came out of nowhere for me. Yes, they did connect a bit at the beginning of season two but I honestly didn't see her coming back as a love interest for Buck.
(And is it just me or do I just not remember it but Bobby stopped giving Buck relationship advice after Abby???)
But I thought they were really cute when they were together; the show just didn't make a very good job of establishing their relationship. They had to few scenes on the show but that was by design. I think the show never intended to keep Ali around, she was (sadly) just a plot device for the show to propel Buck's development. It established Buck's behaviours and the patterns in his romantic relationships. He years for deeper connections and a serious romantic relationship that he gets in too deep too fast. Buck doesn't do shit halfway, he gives it his all.
With Ali he was able to go the next steps of moving on from Abby, he had someone who made him happy for a while but of course the show had to reassert that people leave Buck, further damaging his self-esteem. I think it's perfectly understandable for her wanting to end their relationship at this point, when remaining in it would cause her too much pain and grief by always being worried about Buck and whether he would come home that night, would still be alive. That's a lot for anyone to deal with. So it was better for her to get out at that point instead of dragging it out and therefore making it more painful for both of them when it eventually ended.
But Buck doesn't view it as her leaving because of the dangers of his job but because of him. So yet another person leaves him because he's not enough, not right. Being a firefighter is important to Buck, he sees it as his calling, something he is good at and feels right. He defines himself by his job and that ends up doing damage, especially after the bombing and his subsequent leg injury. Buck feels lost when he can't do his job anymore because he feels like he IS his job. That's why Maddie telling him he's good enough and is worth everything even without his job was so important. His job is an important part of who he is but he isn't his job.
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Taylor Kelly
I think with Taylor we saw the mere-exposure effect. Buck has a bit of a thing for voices as we first saw with Abby. With Taylor he knew her voice, heard her whenever he drove to work and obviously liked what he was hearing. And when he met her during that accident he was attracted to her not just by voice but by her looks as well.
Because of his dating experience with Abby and Ali and generally just trying to be a good person, he doesn't want Taylor to get the wrong idea. He likes her, possibly wants to get to know her more and doesn't want to leave her with the wrong impression. Taylor isn't having any of it, because she knows what she wants and what she wants isn't a relationship with him when they first meet. She's young, confident, successful and takes what she needs.
For Buck he has to cut the cord before he gets in too deep. He knows what he wants now and he doesn't want to fall back into his old habits of having sex and not having a meaningful connection. And if he doesn't get out he might fall too fast too hard already knowing it won't go anywere. Plus Taylor tries to expose secrets about his work family and quasi-dad and that would never work. Even if Buck wants romantic love he's not going to step on his 118 family to get it.
When they meet again more than a year later there are no hard feelings (whether that's amnesia on the writers' part or Buck has come to terms with her behaviour we don't know [yet]). Due to their previous actions Buck seems to think Taylor isn't a human being with feelings and hasn't been changed by the pandemic as well. I love Buck but it's ironic that he didn't want to hurt her in season two but inadvertently does so by using her as a shield in season four without her consent. I don't like what he did at all and Taylor was absolutely right on hanging him out to dry on that "double date" and calling him out on him using her like this, by not telling her what she was about to walk into. From her reaction we know he presented the situation differently because he (rightly) figured she might not come otherwise.
It'll be interesting for me to see where their relationship is going. I'd love for them to become friends and see where it takes them from there.
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I'm only including her for two reasons: She was Buck's first step to dipping his toe back into the dating pool again and acted as a catalyst to rekindle/change Buck and Taylor's relationship. Plus she also fits the strong woman type Buck goes for (although she additionally has a no-fucks-given attitude and isn't here to coddle anyone and their feelings).
To be honest, looking back on it Buck felt a bit OOC to me during their date. I mean yeah, he's just starting to date again and isn't used to doing it anymore and people change but... He didn't have a problem talking to Ali, Abby, Taylor or any of the women he chatted up with at bars and other places before. Why would he suddenly get so flustered? Even if they started on the wrong foot and he put his foot in his mouth... it just like it was put by the writers there for the laughs and not because it's how Buck would (re)act?? It just feels weird to me now. What did feel real to me was his need to impress her and makes sure she likes him, because Buck needs to be liked and he's really uncomfortable with somone not liking him and not knowing where he stands. He needs to clear the air now, to know what's going on so he can move on. After Abby and being left to doubt himself and being left in the dark about where they stand has left a mark on him (see also him making sure to talk it out with the 118 and especially Eddie after the lawsuit).
Well, that's it for now.
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notsolong-pause · 3 years
ship requests
“Hey 👋 . Can I get a male HP ship (from both eras if possible) pls . Thank u so much ! . So I m a Gryffindor (with a bit of Slytherin ) . In my free time , I would love to read fantasy or sci-fic novels or facts maybe , listen to music , research about anything I want to , do something my parents denied me off maybe . If my friends are available , I'll also go downstairs with them and play . I m not as such interested in sport but I love to play cricket and badminton . My hobbies are dancing , horseriding , reading , researching , cyber and swordfighting (I haven't done it yet tho). I love the trope of fake relationship or enemies to lovers
Next is my personality . Well , I can be shy if I m not comfortable with the person , but if I am then I am very talkative . I don't trust ppl at the beginning until they prove themselves . I m very reliable and trustworthy but I tend to hide my emotions . I like my privacy, I don't even share that with my bestie sometimes . I come off as a rebel and I can get annoyed very easily . I love to organise a room . Everyone comes to me for advice . I also have a very good sense of humour which comes out in front of ppl I'm comfortable (they say I never used to fail to surprise them with my hidden qualities) . I m also quite modest . I m a risk-taker and I always stand up to my friends , I also have their back sometimes . I can also be a bully to my enemies or my friend's enemies but only if they start it first . Idk what is it , but ppl tell me I carry a powerful aura and many boys get attracted to me . Also , the popular ones used to attract to me a lot because I could be seen as a quiet nerdy girl . I come off as very unique at first meeting . I m practical with my decisions but as said , I hide my emotions or else the emotions would have led me. I m also a human lie detector , or that's what my family tells me . The thing that stands out in me isy dressing style . I am very curious. I m also very much mysterious . I m loyal to a fault . Now my flaws are that sometimes I don't believe my friends at all and it hurts them since they ask me to be honest and I tell them the truth . I can be blunt and cold without realising it but I don't mean to . I am an extrovert so keeping me from doing something can make me insecure . I m sensitive to criticism . I can be super suspicious, like a looott . I hate when ppl try to control me, even my parents so I end up going against them or I follow their instructions half-heartedly . I can be very very stubborn . I also get many intuitions but I ignore them . I hate when ppl are unreliable , everyone's lazy but atleast they should do their work after some rest . I also hate arrogant boastful PPL . I hate when someone disrespects me and I immediately cut them off from my life . I hate lame excuses given by the ppl whom I expect something to do and they didn't. I am very patient but once they cross their lines , they wish they hadn't . I guess this is too much ? (Lol sorry but excited ) Thank u so much for ur time dear 💗”
a/n: Hi! Thank you for so many details!! It’s lovely. You also asked for TMR ship, so I’ve decided to do a HP form one era and one for TMR. Hopefully, you are okay with that:)
p.s.: sorry for being a Draco slaughter. i’m also doing all the other requests, thank you for them!! they are going to be trade in a day or two. sending love <3
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Fred Weasley 
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(so badly, you’re a perfect match)
First of all... being stubborn and taking risks is something that you probable have in common, which is going to create a perfect enemies to lovers dynamic. Maybe academic/prancing rivalry?
You constantly mocking each other, but not meaning any harm or anything, even though others might think that you hate one another
Him always helping you to break the rules if needed, but still making sure that everything is alright, and everyone is safe. And you would keep an eye on him back, supporting him when he doesn’t know what to do
He would be surprised when you started to open up, and crack jokes, but would love them so badly. And he definitely is very grateful whenever (and if) you chose to tell him something private, and wouldn’t tell anyone else even if he was tortured
You would always give amazing ideas for the shop products. And he would be like: “Where do you know that from?” “Don’t know, just thought it was interesting and decided to investigate”
You were walking in the dull lights of a corridor from the late detention in the Snape’s dungeons. You got this one for arguing with a certain Weasley. This was entirely his fault, though, but he didn’t get caught, and you could still see the stupid smirk on his stupid face when you were assigned to come down here after classes. The Slytherin do was just nearby, and you heard a couple of voices around the corner. You were hopping these were some of your friends from Slytherin, but as you listen closely you herald none other than Malfoy. “These Weaslebeeys are ignorant trash just like their father. Who’s would willingly study what muggles’ life’s are like? That’s just dumb”you didn’t know whether he was just showing off in front of his friends or if he was being serious, but you were furious at the moment.
“Malfoy!” - you energetically approached the group.
“Another gryffindor”, - he smirked. “Why don’t you spend an evening at your dorm or some other lame place?”
“Cut it. Take it back” - you face was almost stone cold. Eyes glimmering dangerously in the flickering light.
“Are you defending the Weaslebees?” - he grimaced, being so proud of himself for no reason.
“It’s not their name, and they don’t need any defense. You’re being an arrogant prick towards my friends, and I’m not going to tolerate that.” - you were stiff, your fists clenched in order to hold back the anger. How dared he speak in such diminishing manner about people 100 times better than him!
“What are you going to about it?” He replied cheekily, stepping forward.
“Well... I don’t know, how about TheLocomotor Wibbly!” - you were gripping tightly onto your wand, and Draco suddenly fell to the floor. His legs turned to jelly.
“You little...” one of his friends pointed your wand towards you, opening his mouth to jinx you back. Suddenly there was a loud bang, everything was covered with the thick smoke, and you were pulled to the corner. You instinctively pointed a wand on the person in front of you, still unable to see anything.
“Easy, lady” you recognized the voice. “Fred? What are doing here?” you were genuinely surprised, and started wondering how much has he heard. “Came to rescue you from the Snape’s claws” he smirked. “Why?” you didn’t understand a thing. “No fun being brilliant if you can’t see that and get jealous” - he cocked his eyebrows. You huffed back. “Well, thank you, I suppose.” “Oh good, I thought I’d never hear that”. You surprised a smile. “Let’s move already”.
“By the way”, he stopped you, “did I hear you calling me a friend?” You nudged his shoulder. “Don’t think too much of it, Weasley”.
The maze runner:
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I ship you with Gally
He’s the one to understand you not opening up fully and immediately and keeping things to yourself for 110%. He’s mysterious himself, and he can give you every time in the world (sorry, i’m love him sm)
Again... the enemies to lovers dynamic, ESPECIALLY considering the whole thing with him killing Chuck (still hurts, though).
He can be very protective from time to time, so you can have “Because I care for you!!” arguments when you’re being reckless and decide to risk in order to save him.
He's honestly the sassy king of the show. Taking your sense of humour in account, I belive that he would really appreciate that you have it and can back him up. So you would exchange jokes back and forth
He's also absolutely giving you every freedom in the world not even attempting to control you or tell you what to do, he would only give out advices. And as far as he realises you're sensitive to crticizm, he starts to control himself in order not to hurt you.
"Please, never do that again". You and Gally were walking around the Last City, back to the shelter.
"Do what?" You asked, raising your head to the boy slightly ahead of you.
"You know what I'm talikng about". He turned his head to you, and stopped in the shaddow of the narrow street between the houses. His gaze was pretty serious, and both of you were extremely tired after yet another mission in attempt to undermine the existing regime.
"I don't think I do". You looked up at him with the confusion in your eyes.
"What you did back there was very risky, and you could have not make it. Don't risk like that ever again".
"But the cranks would've gotten you then". You protested. In your opinion, what you did was the only option.
"I appreciate the concern, but I could I handle it". He was starting to get stubborn, while you were getting angry.
"That's not true. One of them was hanging on your throat. That's not something people cal 'I handle it'". You threw your arms in the air, gesturing.
"I'm not letting them take me instead of you!" Gally was almost shouting at this point.
"Well, I'm not letting them take you either!"
You both went silent and were walking angrily towards your shelter, turning, sneaking, and hiding.
"Gally". You called in a few minutes. "It's just that I really care about you".
"I know". He told you, looking back again. "Just promise me, you're going to be careful".
"You know I really can't promise, but at least I'll try".
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
a servant of two masters
hi friends welcome back to me aimlessly ranting about merlin. up today we have 4.06 and this episode. wow. literally just the title gives me everything i need and i'm absolutley here for the chaos that will ensue. hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars
i love them in their capes
i want a cloak
dude the 'oh it's not gonna happen' and then it happens trope is so dumb but i laugh every time
notice how the knights ripped off their capes
dude people are falling off of horses and out
ok ok but how is he injured. ik this is rated for kids but i really dk how badly merlin is injured. it looks like just his shoulder but he shouldn't be almost dying like his yk?
:,) arthru making jokes
ok but i love arthur taking care of merlin
alskdjflsadk them trying to make jokes to make each other feel better :,)
stop arthur. stop telling the truth merlin's not dying here 😭
bestie vibes only deadass
a s s
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side note, the site i get my screenshots from- this picture has 61 views while others average maybe like 10-15?? perverts HAHA just kidding
sok i'm actually really curious as to what merlin's injury is
alsdjf;lasdfjsaldfjsaldf merlin making the rocks fall
idk if it's jut the angling but i felt like the enemies were way too close for merlin to create an entire rock barrier. i don't have any screen shot evidence but so you're just going to have to take my word for it
ok but like who even are these men. they were working for morgana trying to capture arthur?
and what's morgana going to do once she has arthur? kill him and take his place on the throne? remember how well that turned out last time she tried that? no one wanted her. idk idk morgana is just confusing as to what she wants
pls die agravaine
haha strangely fond of the boy? there's nothing strange about it
ok i laughed but i also felt bad when morgana splashed merlin awake and flailed around like a fish
dude merlin is so snarky here and i'm HERE for it
ok i like the knights being competent. thank you thank you
and now they're riding back into camelot with their capes on? you're telling me they traced back their steps to find their capes, dusted them off to make sure that they weren't too dirty and didn't have any leaves or branches still sticking to it before riding back to camelot? iconic
poor gaius. ok he's the worst but he does think of merlin as his son and this makes me sad
ok i have a dumb question. do you think merlin understands whenever other magic users are casting spells? ok i feel like this is a dumb question now. but like, is magic a language? are all incantations in a different language, so when other person who knows magic is watching you- they know what you're trying to do and such? i feel like "of course they'd know" but i'm basing that assumption on hp where everyone knows that alohomora is alohomora and where everyone knows that lumos is lumos. but what about here? does merlin know what she's incanting? can he slightly understand it even if he's never seen/done it before? is magic a language like latin, and even if you aren't completely fluent, you and parse together things and make an assumptions?
arthur is just so sad here
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i just, i have to have these here
yes bby figure out that we have a traitor
gaius is not slick in the slightest. yes. look at the traitor king
wow morgana being able to bond with the snake? i wonder how
ok question, does the fomorroh have some sort of loyalty to whoever calls them?
✨kill arthur pendragon✨
ok that snake going in his neck is actually scary
pretty castle counter: 5
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btw this is actually my zoom background sometimes. it depends from call to call but it changes between this pretty castle and peeta mellark
ok i've seen all the tumblr posts but it doesn't get less funny. the 'merlin's missing and we can't find him so we're going to replace him with another manservent dressed EXACTLY like merlin so arthur feels better' makes me chuckle every time
i would like to have that for breakfast
i like the loyalty arthur thank you. i love the loyalty pls. i love that they're friends. like, i love the romance but i love just people being friends too
ok this whole scene. arthur wanting to look for merlin because he has to at least try, gwen just wanting arthur to be careful and to come back to her, gwaine being buds. i love all the friendships in this and just yes thank you
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok i'm not at the hug scene yet but i know it's coming and i'm beyond excited
ok this sound track is so cute.
matching icons for you and your best friends
deadass if someone wants to change their tumblr icons so we can match hmu bc i'm 100% down with that
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another pretty castle scene
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ok ik this is dumb to comment on because i feel like it's not tremendously hard to execute but i love the differences that colin made in regular merlin and fomorroh merlin. it's the best
they say it later in the episode but i find it hilarious how bad of an assassin merlin is
dude pls you're pouring poison in front of EVERYONE else?
BOG MAN. ok guys i'm calling you guys bog mans now.
i am cringey but laughing at the same time you don't understand why am i this childish
ok but arthur is being so sweet right here. i feel like he's not trying to be showy in front of gwen, i feel like he wants merlin to rest and that's so sweet. he's so patient right here and i love him
i miss the gwen and merlin friendship actually
dude merlin is roasting gaius so hard today
leon geeking out over weapons is so cute. omg he's such a tiny nerd i love him
laskjflasdfj THIS SCENE. this makes up for the stew jokes that i may or may not still be mad about
i love that the knights LITERALLY turn a blind eye it's actually hilarious
it's literally treason leon pls and you're laughing you're the best 😭😭
i wish we had a pervical back story arc
ok i think it's dumb that i laughed when merlin ducked but i stand by that
ok why do i feel bad for arthur a little. he's talking abt some semi-deep stuff. not deep deep but like, he's trying to ask for advice from his friend, his close advisor. he would've never talked to merlin like this is season 1-2 but here he is, talking about trust. and MERLIN is trying to MURDER HIM. yes. i admit it's a little funny when i'm just watching merlin trip over things and such, but when i listen to arthur talking i feel slightly sad
literallly. merlin's passed out on the floor and arthur doesn't even think anything is wrong
gwen's face when she knocked merlin out is so cute
oop. why is arthur standing in agravaine's door way like an absolute robot
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cyes arthur. figure him out
i hate agravaine. i just want arthur to be happy. he's only trusting agravaine because agravaine is family.
stfu agravaine 'you're all that's left of my dear sister' SHUT THE FRONT DOOR
ok there's a repeat of the castle from earlier but i'll spare you
pls this bath scene is so awkward. tt not being able to trust anyone anymore and we're laughing at merlin but arthur's talking so sad and deep
pls this bath scene is so awkward. that's all the notes i have
again, i miss gwen and merlin
merlin is MONCHING on those berries. i'm craving berries now
ok but like. yk that pouch that gaius is using to make the forromoh dormant? what if merlin tucked it in his neckerchief as a precaution. i'm just saying.
aslfkjasdaskdjf the tavern
yall why did merlin have to stop his horse to drink the potion
i want the knights to have a cool band name or smth yk what i mean?
i like that merlin is still a little in the camelot red. it's not the same shade but yk what i mean
damn morgana wants RESUKTS. i dont blame her
the frist interaction with merlin and morgana in the hut is so awkward. pls.idek how to comment on it
deadass morgana's dress is so pretty.
magic fight! magic fight!
stfu 'rightfully mine' pls
hehe there's a leaf in his hair
ok i feel like i should've commented more on the magic fight but idk bro
so ik that colin was in this whole episode but it really only just now feels like merlin is here and i think that's fun
arthur is the cutest. i'm loving this dynamic you have no idea. i live live live live LIVE off banter. pls
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guys i'm sad apparently i can only put 10 pics in a post but pls enjoy this one pic of arthur right here 😭
ok idk abt you but i'd love to hear jokes abt brass
agaragvaine pls die already
dude that last scene was actually really pretty and i'm sad that i can't attach it now
anyways thanks for reading my long ass rambles. but i'll be back next week to the secret sharer i'll catch you on the flip side
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 73 Xs1)
"Pittsburgh Proposals"
📷 creds to @southsidequeenie
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"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!!???" Ashleigh snaps the moment Luna and Colson hit the bus.
He's bouncing from the adrenaline. Walking straight into the back room, she's focusing on how to save her ass.
"That Motherfucker hit me and I LIT HIS ASS THE FUCK UP!!!" Colson beams as he plops down and grabs his guitar.
Strumming he raps.
🎶We didn't talk about it🎶
🎶We just got gully🎶
🎶I sized up his body🎶
🎶Put some white chalk around it🎶
"NOOOOO!!???" Slim's mouth drops as his eyes get wide.
Luna calls Monica immediately. Explaining what happened and how she couldn't check for security footage.
"Fuck Luna, that's at least 3rd degree assault...." Monica sighs.
"I know... What was I supposed to do, Mon? That bitch would've jumped on me if I'd have left her hanging. You know how she is." Luna's rubbing her forehead as she sits on the bed.
"Fuck.... I hope I didn't fuck her face up." Is all she can think as she lights a joint.
"You could've just hit her..." Monica debates.
Using sarcasm to cover up her guilt, Luna replies. "I like props."
She puffs on the joint. Trying to calm her nerves. She doesn't know where her xanax is.
"Don't be a dick." Monica tells her curtly.
"I know. I'm sorry. I feel fucking awful. You think I should call Em myself?" She asks, having his personal number.
As it was said before, Luna and Marshall know each other. It's mostly professional but as with all of Luna's relationships, there's a personal lace to it. A genuine friendship. She has been in and out of Michigan for the last 5yrs.
"Absolutely fucking NOT. You call Mike, see if he can get me the tape. Then you sit tight. Where are you now?" Monica has a sterness to her voice.
"Uhhhh... Somewhere between Detroit and Pittsburgh." Luna answers, pulling on the joint.
"Pittsburgh. Then where?" Monica's trying to keep tabs on her client and also her friend.
Luna sighs, exhaling while thinking out loud. "CA, Philly, then DC. I'm pretty sure."
"Alright. Stay in touch with me. Call Mike. DO NOT call Marshall. Luna. Not even a FUCKING text. Do not incriminate yourself. You know you never admit fault." Monica advices her.
"I do, I will. And I won't." Luna tells her, taking her direction.
Hanging up with Monica, Luna finishes the joint. Looking for her xanax. She finds a bottle in her travel bag. Popping one she calls Mike.
Mike is a Fixer. You have a problem, Mike Fixes it. For a fee. Whether base to base or annually. Luna met him during the 5yrs she's been involved with Flint's community. It only being an hour outside of Detroit, Luna has made a lot of connections through the years. Mike being an irreplaceable one.
Placing the call she doesn't go into much detail. Just pleasantries and what she needs. Mike understands. Telling Luna he'll take care of it and get in touch with Monica. They know each and have worked things out on Luna's behalf before. He goes on to tell her to try not to worry about it until she hears from Monica and to take care. The old man liking Luna, never minding when she calls.
Walking back into the main room of The Bus, Luna looks for her school bag. Her shoulder is killing her and she wants her percs.
Everyone is loud and rowdy. Still hype from Colson and Luna's antics. Joints are being passed. Hotel Diablo plays in the background.
Luna sits in between Ashleigh and Colson, once she pops them. Sinking into the couch, she hits the joint Colson passes to her. He rubs her leg, going back to his conversation with AJ. Ashleigh noticing Luna's mood, she asks her.
"So, no coffee, hunh?" Trying to lighten it.
Luna sighs as she exhales.
"Nah, man... That shit's all over Kim Mathers face. She replies, feeling awful.
Hitting the joint again, she won't even look at Ashleigh. Colson overhears her, whipping around.
"What!?" He asks her.
"Yeeeeah... She could be hurt and I could be fucked...." Luna trails off, thinking more of Kim.
"What do you mean? Explain."
Colson's confused. Not seeing anything Luna had done. She goes on to tell him how she had popped the top off of her coffee to threaten Kim from jumping in but that she'd tossed it on her to stop dude.
"Wait! You fucking hemmed up a DUDE too!?" Slim interrupts. "You're fucking monster."
They're all listening. Luna still feeling horrible over Kim. Slim hitting the nail on the head.
"He was going for Colson. What else was I supposed to fucking do?" She asks, shaking her head.
Looking down while running her hands through her scalp of her loose bun. Luna's tired and cranky. Her shoulder hurts. She truly feels like fucking shit and is genuinely worried for Kim. She doesn't even really care if she gets in trouble. Luna's used to fucking shit up, but this one doesn't feel okay to her.
"I need to take a nap before we get to wherever we're going." Luna leans up and kisses Colson on the cheek.
Knowing something's wrong, he only says Ok.
"Rage on My Dudes." Luna throws her fist in the air to The Boys as she heads back to the room.
They toss her Feel Betters to another one of her tossed fists.
After a while of kicking it, Colson heads back to lay with Luna. With noise canceling headphones on, she's knocked. Before climbing in with her, he sits on the edge of the thinking about the things she said.
"Fuck... I hope she's not in trouble... I can't believe she did that... She really will do fucking anything for me." His heart pounds as butterflies flitter in his stomach.
Once in Pittsburgh, things pick up in their normal chaotic way. Only worse. They're so late, there's only 6hrs to build the stage and rehearse.
Standing together, with their arms wrapped around each other. Luna's head rests against Colson's chest.
"I don't think I wanna perform tonight, if that's okay?" Luna says looking up at him.
"Yeah, Kitten... Are you alright?" He asks her, concerned.
Before she can answer, Don comes storming over to them.
Pointing aggressively. "You two. With me. NOW." He demands.
Luna and Colson look at each other with scowls on their faces. Taking her hand, they follow Don to the side of The Bus.
"I'm not going to be putting up with your fucking shit. I'm not gonna stand for the bullshit you two pulled today with the coffee. Making us late. You two are gonna get in fucking line and follow the fucki..." Don tries to tear into to the couple.
Luna isn't having it. She interrupts him quickly.
"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking to!? You don't fucking tell me what to fucking do and you SURE AS FUCK don't speak to Colson that way.  You must've lost your fucking mind. Anything goes down, it's OUR asses. NOT yours. Don't forget who signs your fucking paycheck, BITCH." She spits with venom.
"Actually I'm paid by the lable, Little Girl." Don snaps back at her.
Sometimes Luna has no self control. This is one of those times. Don's words release a furry. Without thinking, she kicks out the side of older man's right knee. He howls in unexpected pain, leaning forward to grab it. Luna uses this as an opportunity to slam her right fist into his face. Knocking him off his already unsteady feet.
Colson watches in shock. "THIS bitch is truly a fucking LunaTic." He thinks, unable to help himself from loving her even more.
Stepping over top of Don. Luna stares down. Very calmly and coldly, she states.
"I don't give a fuck about a lable. Come at my boyfriend or myself like that again and I will rip your fucking heart out and eat it for breakfast. BEFORE I leave you along the side of the highway for the vultures to eat. You. Don't. Run. Shit."
She stares at him for a long minute, eyes daring him to speak. He doesn't. Walking away, she grabs a Roadie. Pointing at Don, she tells him he needs a medic.
Colson looks down at Don and shrugs. Sucking his teeth, he laughs.
"You heard My Lady." He confirms before running off after Luna.
Luna sits with Ashleigh as The Band rehearses. She's sipping on camomile tea and smoking a cigarette. Hearing what Luna did to Don, she asks Luna about it.
"You alright? You seem to be popping off today." She observes.
Luna takes a drag of her cigarette. Looking over at her, she lifts her sunglasses.
"I'm worried I fucked her face up." Luna answers honestly, referring to Kim. "Not because I could get in trouble but because it was mean."
"Why'd you do it?" Ashleigh tests her.
"Because I wasn't risking her hopping on me or Colson." Luna answers without hesitation.
Ashleigh knows it shouldn't but it makes her smile. Colson and Luna maybe crazy together but it's because they're crazy for each other.
"What about Don?"
Luna slides her glasses back on and into her seat. Sucking her teeth before inhaling again.
"Fuck Don." She says with no remorse.
Luna can be extremely sweet and then ruthless within seconds.
"Agreed... He's a dick." Ashleigh laughs.
Luna sips her tea, smoking away.
"You're not performing tonight?" Ashleigh asks noticing the change in the setlist.
"Noooo... I just... Today's already been a lot... And people kinda freak me out sometimes..." Luna rambles.
"I get it." Ashleigh pats Luna on top off her shoulder reassuringly.
Luna gives her a grateful smile as they continue to chat and watch The Band. It's another long setlist.
Before the show, Colson's phone rings in his dressing room. It's Diddy on FaceTime. Sitting on the couch next to Luna he answers.
Diddy starts in immediately.
"Tell me WHY, TMZ has cellphone video of what looks like you beating the shit out of who they're claiming is Eminem!?! It is the THIRD day of the fucking tour!" He explodes.
"Yo Man, that mothafucka had it comen'." Colson shrugs.
"I TOLD you not to touch him." Diddy warns Colson.
"He fucking snuck him!" Luna pops her head into the screen.
"OOOOOH!!! You're there too!? Perfect! What THE FUCK were you thinking, Loons? And what the fuck did you do to Don?" He digs into her now.
"What was I thinking? I got him the fuck up outta there, was what I was thinking. And fuck Don. He needs to learn his place. What's Marshall saying?" Luna asks.
"What's Marshall saying?" Diddy mocks her.
"FUCK you, Sean. What's he saying?" She demands.
"Nasty." Colson thinks to himself with delight. Listening to his girlfriend battle his boss.
"Nothing. No one can get him on the phone. Right now you two are a pair of lucky fucks." He points at the screen.
"Shit DUDE, what if he's not reachable because he's in the hospital with her." Luna worries.
"He snuck him, Sean." Luna says again.
"I'm sure his bitchass did. But that's not what the tape might say. Don't sweat it, I'll take care of it. You owe me two interviews for this bullshit though, Luna. Tomorrow before you leave and then NY." He tells her.
"Fine." Luna agrees, rolling her eyes.
"ATTT!! Don't you roll your eyes at me Girl!! I'll make you do Philly too." Sean teases her.
Luna laughs. "Yeah. Get another fucking road manager. Don sucks."
Shaking his head at her, Diddy tells them both to do the Fucking Interviews. They say Yes Sir in unison. Looking at each other and laughing as Diddy hangs up on them.
"Are we out of trouble?" Colson asks, looking at her inquisitivly.
"I don't know... But Sean's not pissed so that's a solid. I wanna say it's gonna really depend on how much damage was physically done and how deep their pride runs. He may not want it out because you beat his ass while she may because she's pissed I hurt her... I really don't know." Luna looks worried.
Taking her face in his hands, Colson kisses Luna. Stroking her cheekbone, he reassures her that they'll Figure It Out.
Ashleigh pops in telling Colson 10mins. Luna shoots Monica a text asking her to please check Detroit hospitals for Kim.
Sex Drive plays, hyping the crowd before Slim comes on to introduce Colson. The arena is pouring with overwhelming energy.
Colson has 27 songs lined up. The setlist only slightly changing from the night before. He kicks it off with Habits and Breaking News 2 again.
Luna watching and bobbing side stage with Ashleigh. Dancing with each other as they laugh and sing to El Diablo.
Loco, GTS and part of Wild Boy are played. Colson tearing up the stage. Running back and forth. Jumping on speakers. Talking to his family. As he rips through Let You Go, Luna's phone rings. It's Monica. She excuses herself from Ashleigh.
"Hey!!" Luna shouts, trying to find a quiet place backstage.
"Luna?" Monica asks.
"Yeah, I'm here!!" Luna tells her as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
"Oh Good, I can hear you. I got the tapes. It's nothing. It only focuses on the register and counter. Wherever you were, was off camera thankfully. I checked the hospitals too. A woman came into Harper with minor facial burns. She was treated and released."
Luna let's out a relieved sigh.
"We look good but we're not out of the woods yet. They could still press charges or file a civil suit."
Luna understands. She informs Monica of the cellphone footage. She's asks if Luna's on it.
"Not that I know of." Luna tells her.
"Okay, I'll contact Sean. He doesn't know what you did?" She asks.
"No...." Luna trails.
"Keep it that way. I know you guys are friends but the less that can link you, the better. I'll take care of Colson too." Monica reassures Luna.
They hang up to Luna's immense gratitude and Monica's words of safety.
Luna gets back SideStage as The Band is finishing up The Break Up. Luna presents Ashleigh a bottle of Jameson with a grin.
They happily swig and sing together as Colson nails his part of I Think I'm Okay before heading into Hollywood Whore. The riff always breaks Luna's heart.
He changes the lyrics. Rapping the words:
🎶Imma get me a wife🎶
🎶Because she's the baddest bitch🎶
🎶I trust🎶
Ashleigh looks over at a blushing Luna.
Playing Ocean Eyes, Colson glances side stage to find her. She's right there.
"She's always right there. With those beautiful fucking eyes. He thinks grinning at her.
See My Tears is next before Colson and Rook switch off. Colson slamming into the drums as Rook nails Shout At The Devil. For the second night.
Luna and Ashleigh lose it along with the erupting crowd.
The Band slams through Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The lights go down. The stage is black and silent for a moment. Colson catching his breath before he speaks to his family in the dark. Moving things around. Moving things around. Voice quieting the crowd.
"Being here tonight makes me miss my friend." He's referring to Mac. "You know you guys are my family. We're all family. If you're hurting talk to each other." Tears are welling in his beautiful eyes. "Talk to us because we love you. And we don't want to lose you too." The tears drop down his cheeks. "I've never played this before, but it means a lot to me. And I hope I do Clapton proud."
He laughs, wiping his tears as the lights go up. Playing the opening chords to Wonderful Tonight, he pulls up a stool to the mic beside his.
"Luna get the fuck out here!!" He calls.
Luna's heart is pounding. Tears falling from her blue eyes. Ashleigh takes the bottle from her and pushes her on to the stage.
"FAM!! This is my girl and I'm gonna sing her a song if you don't mind."
The crowd roars as Luna slides onto the stool. Still picking the chords, Colson leans over to kiss her red cheek.
🎶It's late in the evening🎶
🎶She's wondering what clothes🎶
🎶To wear🎶
Colson grins at Luna, recounting all the times he's watched her get dressed.
She harmonizes with him, asking.
🎶Do I look alright🎶
He answers her singing.
🎶And I said Yes🎶
🎶You look Wonderful Tonight🎶
Leaning in to kiss her through the chords.
Watching him, Luna can't contain herself as the chords rip through her soul. "Fuck, I love him." She thinks as tears drop.
Colson continues singing.
🎶We go to a party🎶
Remembering the night with The Paul Brothers, he chuckles to himself.
As she harmonizes with him again asking.
🎶Do you feel alright🎶
His mind floats to the moment she had asked him that during his birthday party.
Continuing to serenade Luna.
🎶I feel wonderful🎶
🎶Because I see The Love🎶
🎶Light in your eyes🎶
🎶And the wonder of it all🎶
🎶Is that you just don't realize🎶
🎶How much I love you🎶
Luna's heart explodes, right there on stage. Colson finishes out the last verse effortlessly. Leaning into kiss Luna as the crowd Awwws them.
Kissing him back, Luna grabs her mic as Colson takes off his guitar.
"Isn't he fucking wonderful??" Luna sniffles as she asks to the crowds cheers.
Walking around the stage, she agrees.
"He's pretty fucking wonderful, hunh? He's so wonderful that I got a Baaad Thing for him. Can I tell you about it?" Luna asks the roaring crowd.
Singing acapella.
🎶I know I'm outta my head🎶
🎶But I haven't lost my mind🎶
Her voice stops the crowd and Colson.
The range and strength of her voice is unbelievable. Colson picks his guitar back up as he kicks in with her.
Their sexual energy is undeniable. Luna snakes around him as they both weave around each other. Colson ripping his guitar through the air.
With her hand on his heart, they sing together.
🎶Tattooed you on my body🎶
🎶So I can take you wherever🎶
The Band slams hard as Luna belts out the last lyrics, running her hand down Colson's cheek.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
He throws his guitar over his shoulder. Grabbing and lifting Luna up, he kisses her hard.
Grabbing her mic, he shouts "Thank You Pittsburgh!! WE OUT!!!!"
Kissing Luna again, he wraps his arm around her shoulders as they walk off stage. Her hand on his chest. Voice buzzing in his ear. The energy between them is insane.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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thousandeyesand-one · 6 years
The Alliance of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen
I was re-reading ADWD recently & I came across something that prompted this meta..I don't know if this has been done before it probably has been but since the S07E07 script has been released I really wanted to address the politicality of everything this season. This is gonna be a thread!
There isn't much jonerys build up as such in this episode instead both Jon and daenerys's individual storylines are set up. Jon organizes Northern defence which is literally his entire motive this season to strengthen & weaponise the Northern army against the coming Storm. Daenerys reaches Westeros, dragonstone more accurately. Her storyline is set up as a new force in the game here to retake the iron throne & unite Westeros under her rule.
•This episode is where the collision course of these long lost targ babes was set up & no am not talking about tyrion's or sam's raven. I am talking about Olenna Tyrell. During the council meeting of daenerys & all her allies they discuss their battle plans after which Olenna advices dany. I may be wrong but olenna's advice sounds very similar to quaithe's prophecy/advice. The show didn't really adhere to dany's one too many prophecies in the books. Her stay in Qarth was much more prophetic than the show bothered to show including quaithe. She was in the show but not nearly as highlighted as the books treat her to be. Here are the quotes..
".. peace never lasts my dear. Will you take a bit of advice from an old woman?" *dany nods* "He's a clever man, your hand, I've known a great many clever men I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them the Lords of Westeros are sheep, are you a sheep? No. You're a Dragon. Be a Dragon."
                                                         -Olenna Tyrell S07E02
"Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and Griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal." "Daenerys. Remember the Undying. Remember who you are." "The blood of the dragon"
                                                                  -Quaithe (ADWD)
•So like many other character amalgamations or character moments amalgamations that the show has done over 6 seasons before, Olenna served quaithe's purpose in S07. Because her words set daenerys's behavior & mindset for the entire length of the season. Olenna's/Quaithe's words are completely in contrast to what Mel said earlier in that episode.. " D: .. and you believe this prophecy refers to me?M: Prophecies are dangerous things I believe you have a role to play as does another.. the King in the North Jon Snow." "Summon Jon Snow let him stand before you & tell you the things that have happened to him.. the things that he has seen with his own eyes" Mel unlike Olenna or quaithe asked daenerys to stand equal to someone. To consider this Jon Snow guy & his story as both of them have a role to play in the Long Night. Daenerys soon turns this mel's prophetic orchestrated alliance into political one by commanding to send a raven to ask Jon Snow to Bend the Knee.
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When they are discussing about making this invitation a political one this ☝️is how Mel reacts she doesn't approve of this but she doesn't say anything coz she learned from her mistakes. "My time whispering in the ear's of Kings has come to an end.. " She let this alliance that she set up take a shape of its own without interfering as to how or what! 
•Jon on the other hand ever since he saw the Night King at Hardhome his mind has been hell bent on the Great War. He was barely ever interested in the politics of the Seven kingdoms so now is no different time that he is using his position as King in the North to ultimately fulfill his main motive of securing the North against the AotD. Although Tyrion's raven arrived at Winterfell it spoke nothing of Mel but it was a very political invite. It's hard to say whether mention of Mel's recommendation would've made Jon & Ser Davos trust this message right away or negate it, but tyrion doesn't speak of it. Like a true shadowbinder Mel worked from the shadows & did what she wanted to do bringing Ice & Fire together! Jon knew this was political but he didn't approach this in a political way, sansa did, not Jon. Sansa talks about this being a potential trap about how North is one of the Seven kingdoms that daenerys wants to claim but Jon wants fire & dragonglass over anything else, both of which is exclusively available only with Daenerys. "We need this Dragonglass my Lord's we know dragonglass can destroy both white walkers & it's army, we need to mine it & turn it into weapons. But more importantly we need allies.. Night king's army grows by the day. We can't defeat them on our own we don't have the numbers. Daenerys has her own army & she has Dragon fire I need to try & persuade her to fight with us." This was never political for Jon he always ever had one goal which was to overcome the AotD either by hook or by crook. He never meant to be King in the North, even though North is truly been his home, he fought for Winterfell because he had to unite North against the dead. He is using his position as King in the North to see this mission through. Little finger tried to get all schemy & game of thronesy with Jon Snow in the crypts & Jon choked the political Mary out of his windpipe. He left the politics & the Kingdom to sansa & went to dragonstone to attain dragonglass & possible military help against the AotD.
•Before the monumental meeting of Jon & Daenerys we are given a brief personal moment between Jon & Tyrion weight of which comes from their time together travelling to the wall before there was any conflict between the Starks & Lannisters. Indirectly daenerys's command by missandei brings the political in that moment by asking jon & ser davos to give up their weapons. On their way to the castle on the bridge/walkway the conversation Jon & Tyrion have.. "J: My bannermen think am a Fool for coming here.. T: of'course they do, if I was your hand I would've       advised against it ... General rule of thumb Stark men   don't fare well when they travel South. J: True. But am not a Stark." He knows he is not a stark by right just like he knows he isn't KitN by right but by public proclamation. He isn't here to fight for that but for what he has always fought for. The Great War. Then after entering the throne room the conversation between daenerys & Jon also had some picks I wanted to get to.. ▪Video Daenerys is applying Olenna/quaithe's words to use & remembering who she is & that the westerosi lords are sheep & to be a Dragon against the sheep. Similarly Jon isn't going to give up North that easily sure he isn't here to defend his title but the Kingdom trusted him to lead them he can't that easily surrender to a Targaryen that clearly all the Northern Lords hate.    ▪Video Jon tried getting political with daenerys by bringing up the mad king & all but daenerys instead reminded him of himself & shut him up. He dropped the political past vs past act & stuck to the present & did what he came here for to get her help. But daenerys is trying so hard to sticking up to being a Dragon remembering who she is that she forgot Mel's advice to take Jon Snow's help but rather remembering olenna/quaithe's words. Jon makes it very clear that he is not her enemy but daenerys is just not convinced & is still sticking to her Dragon-ness, not giving up on what she wants. "The army of the dead is real. The Night King is real I've seen them"
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Daenerys is reminded here☝️ of what Mel says to let Jon Snow tell her what he has seen. She still continues to live by Olenna's/quaithe's words to not trust anyone & treat the Lords of Westeros as sheeps & to be a Dragon so daenerys ends up giving that big ass speech of how she was born to rule the 7K & Jon still doesn't care about either his rule or her conquest sticking up for the only thing that is of utmost importance to him.. ▪Video     Then finally Ser Davos gave the Jon Snow speech because c'mon like Jonny boi just can't with words. Specially coz he tried getting close to daenerys & was stopped by the dothraki instead Daenerys walked closer to him to show her strength which along with her speech definitely intimidated Jon. No matter how much people don't like to face it Jon was attracted to daenerys in the very first meet & Daenerys well she was being cocky at first but At the end she did realized that she found Jon Snow interesting. At this point Jon tried telling dany what he's seen, just as Mel asked, which nobody believed. Ser Davos was about to say what happened to him, his rebirth, just as Mel was hoping, which jon stopped him from divulging because if they didn't believe in the AotD then there is no way they'll believe in something that plays with the absolute concept of Life & Death. He didn't want to come across as a northern nutcase. Upon being forced by tyrion to kneel he at last unleashes his true political stance on daenerys. ▪Video 
The first Jon & Daenerys meet was less Jon vs daenerys & more Melisandre vs Olenna/Quaithe advice. Dany is just as confused between those advices as Jon is eternally confused with every situation that's why he asks "am I your Prisoner?" You guys this he doesn't get diplomacy this dude has no political bone in his structure!
•Next it's the Tyrion-Jon conversation on the cliff where tyrion confirms to Jon he isn't a prisoner & that he should try & make this work because there is still a chance. Jon respects tyrion, tyrion is the person who started Jon Snow the boy on the journey to become Jon Snow the man that he has become. Jon tells him what everyone told him to expect of the mad King's Daughter but tyrion instead tells him to form his own opinion about her & gives his own learned opinion to him, Jon values it just as he valued tyrion's opinion at castle black.  Same way tyrion persuades daenerys to make this work & that there still a chance to forge an Alliance. Daenerys trusts tyrion that is why she chose him to be her hand his opinion matters to her as of now..      Daenerys sticks with remembering who she is but also can't seem to forget Mel's advice about listening to Jon Snow.
•Then next is the first meeting of Jon & Daenerys that really introduced Jon to daenerys & Daenerys to Jon previously the Queen met the King & King vice versa. Daenerys is reminded of Mel's advice again about listening to Jon Snow, she heard Jon Snow but didn't really believe him. That's why she turns back to look at him deliberating him on a whole. Battling Olenna/quaithe's advice vs Mel's. She finds jon genuine more genuine than anyone she's ever met but that she has this inner battle in her head regarding trust.
•In this episode there was the beloved Cave of sexual tension scene. Where Jon gives more proof to daenerys that the army of the dead is real. Daenerys completely heeds Mel's advice of listening to Jon like REALLY LISTENING to Jon instead of like prior she just heard him. All the carvings proved he knows what he is talking about & it's the truth. Not to mention they also realize they are attracted to each other.  Just as they leave the cave Daenerys learns all her allies have been decimated & the unsullied have been lead astray into a possible trap. Now she realizes that she has been wrong, neither was olenna's/quaithe's advice wrong nor was Mel's advice wrong. Both advices were correct she placed them on the wrong people she should've ignored tyrion not Jon. Finally just to check whether this time round she is right or not she immediately puts jon on the spot to advice her neglecting tyrion.
"I never thought dragons would exist again. No one did. The people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen maybe that helps them believe you can make other impossible things happen. Build a World different from the shit one they've always known. But if you use them to melt castles & burn cities, your no different, you're just more of the same." 
Jon's honest advice makes it clear to her that he is trustworthy as in he is not a clever Lord or anything like tyrion. Just an honest dude who knows what he's doing & stays true to it. Properly placing quaithe's words "Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and Griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal."   "Daenerys. Remember the Undying. Remember who you are."    "The blood of the dragon"         This advice this prophecy doesn't speak or relate to Jon in anyways. Because dany can trust Jon. Finally figuring every thing out for good & truly remembering who she is & ignoring any of tyrion's advices she mounts her dragon & goes to war. And you know when you wake the dragon .....
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•Jon on the other hand didn't have a prophecy or anything to understand daenerys but he had missandei who he talked to about daenerys. Prior to which Ser Davos told him that almost everyone can tell Jon is attracted to Daenerys. He knows that. It  might even have intensified as he saw his younger, naive self in daenerys. His self who said the same words to Mance that daenerys says to him. Jon doesn't deny his feelings just addresses it.. Jon then realizes daenerys is trustworthy & also realizes her conquest isn't just a power hungry quest for dominance she truly wants to do good in this shit world.
•Episode begins with Daenerys talking to the leftover Lannister soldiers & trying to change their allegiance. Of'course the infamous Tarly's burning scene which in actuality was daenerys ignoring tyrion's advice & being the blood of dragon, remembering it & reminding everyone at the same time. She wasn't being or becoming mad she was staying true to being a Targaryen. Not Mad. Just being a true Targaryen Queen in Westeros with the blood of dragon & not the Queen that tyrion wanted her to be. And the Tarly's had a long time Karma coming for them. Instead of blaming it on karma most people blame it on daenerys. IGNORANCE 
•Then Jon Snow is waiting for daenerys targaryen on the cliff & we get a Jon-Drogon moment. Which by every standard more than confirms to us the audience that Jon is a Targaryen. But unlike us daenerys doesn't know about S06E10 ToJ revelation  so what's in this for her? Except for who would ever dare to love a Dragon there's actually a bit of quaithe's advice.   "Remember who you are Daenerys. The Dragons know. Do you?"
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"It makes the moment entirely between Jon & the Dragon" -Dan Weiss, Game Revealed Ep 5: Fire and Bloodlines.
So in this moment the dragons knew. Book dany will probably smell something rightaway but show dany doesn't yet know about Jon's bloodline or she doesnt have this ☝️ part of quaithe's advice/prophecy. When the jon-drogon moment ends another moment between Jon & daenerys begins.
After understanding how olenna's/quaithe's advice fits & where it fits exactly daenerys starts looking into Mel's advice to look into Jon Snow. She is already attracted to him & finds him interesting that for the first time she brings up the mystic side of things that she was ignoring talking about something she found worth pondering. Same with Jon once he found what daenerys actually is he started taking interest in her conquest for the first time initiating a political discussion. On top of which their attraction to each other is also increasing by the minute as they learn more about each other. Also arrival of Jorah & Daenerys's unusual connection with him gave Jon the heebie jeebies.
•Then there is the council meeting with Jon & Daenerys as unofficial allies discussing their next move in an understanding. Tyrion proposes the plan to capture a wight.       •Considering that the running theme this season has been trust for both Jon & Daenerys. This scene is the starting of their romance in a much more deeper way. Daenerys has struggled with trusting people specially this season & it was evident to Jon when he first met her she obviously didn't trust him. When he saw her lash out on tyrion he knew she doesn't trust him anymore than she trusts Jon but when she met jorah it was clear to him looking at her vulnerable side come out with jorah that she trusts him. But at that point jon is deeply attracted to dany & he is aware that he doesn't have the connection with daenerys that jorah does due to a lot of shared history. So this scene was basically Jon asking daenerys to start that connection with him, compared to jorah he is a stranger for daenerys, he asks her to trust him because it's their best chance at a relationship. Jon taught daenerys the very concept of achieving that together he was talking about in the caves, which daenerys was confused about. And then beyond considering any prophecies or advices for the first time she trusts Jon. Because he first put his trust in her.
•Then the glorious see off scene between jon & daenerys before jorah silently slips away from daenerys upon seeing Jon walk upto her. Upon seeing dany embracing jorah & he yet again asks daenerys whether there is trust between them or not. Bringing up her conquest he asks her about his position in her life & she answers him not quite giving him what he wants to hear. She doesn't declare her trust for him but actually is playful about it. Unsure whether either of them have that right on each other to make either of them divulge any more info in uncertainty they depart from each other. The reason why Jon doesn't turn around, because as of now he isn't in Love with daenerys but rather he is in the process of getting there, anyone who has fallen in Love atleast once in their life knows there is a time after attraction & before love where ego's & uncertainty's has to be crushed. Jon doesn't wanna look like a pussy. Jorah on the other hand has been in love with dany for a long time he doesn't care about looking like a pussy he knows dany knows he is a p.. So he turns around.
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