#he was shoked by that and started talking about how that was a lot! and how he could never write something as long as that!
levbolton · 1 year
differences between french, italian and german 1st chapter
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i wanted to add the spanish and the brazilian versions too, but it was already a hassle to get the german and the italian ones.
anyway here's the first page in french, italian and german, surprisingly their colors are different. the contrast and the saturations and even the hues vary, even if by a little, but these are the ebook versions, maybe on paper they're different (the french one isn't very contrasted in particular). None of them replaced the original sound effects, only added the specific insects sounds for their language, not shoking as it's often done like this.
Ah something else i just noticed, french and italian still use the old version of hikaru’s shoes while the german edition uses the good one
I speak french, i can read italian and i don't know much more german than guten tag, so i can't really talk about the manner of speech of the latter 2 but in french it goes a bit like the english (yer instead of you/'re/r) with stuff like "j'peux" or "m'dame" (insteaf of "je peux" and "madame"). i think it work since these 2 languages don't really have a lot of dialects like japan does (i always say that if they were ever to translate kansai accent in romanian they should do in a moldavian way). As i was told, the german edition kinda sticked to the formal german (germany has a lot of dialects for every region). I can't pick up stuff about italian yet, so if you know more you can explain in a reblog
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then of course it's hard to adapt word games in other languages. In japanese it was 'torture' and 'anus', written the same but with different pronunciation. Anyway, in italian yoshiki warns hikaru about his intonation, but i don't think the word has any other meaning based on the pronunciation. In french hiakru says "tortue" (turtle) instead of "torture" (still a thing abt pronunciation bcs you have to put weight on the r to make the difference). again, i don't speak german (my dutch is useless here welp) but it looks a bt more complex, maybe a mix in expressions, idk.
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next is the reveal scene, french and german are like "i thought i was copying him perfectly" while italian is "i thought my imitation was perfect"
i think this is pretty much all i can say, i looked through the next pages, they seem identical more or less (yoshiki always avoids the girlfriend question hahaha)
oh wait wait wait update: here's something i could say more
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the moment yoshiki stops calling Hikaru 光 but ヒカル (to differenciate hikaru and unuki)
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italian uses "", french changes the font, german doesn't really do anything. All start with "Hikaru is no longer" but the translations are different even if they lead to the same conclusion, italian says that "despite not being the real deal even a fake would be good", french says "even if he's not real i still want him next to me", and german i can guess it says something like "i want at least to have the fake hikaru"
im curious about the english translation next week
also y'all can reblog it in spanish (both latin and european) and portugese with these pages (you can get them from the amazon ebook sample which is free) bcs im curious how they look (and polish, but they don't have amazon)
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threi · 1 year
HI HELLO HI IT'S ME AGAIN 💃💃💃 Thank you for answering my previous ask!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I have more questions! You mentioned law before and after his relationship with Luffy (adorable and 100% in character btw), but did you tell the story of how that relationship started? How did they become a thing? I'm sorry if you already answered or drew this before! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
nonon thats fine i love to talk about them! ❤❤❤
there honestly A LOT of variations but in common it can be described like
law had and has deep crush on luffy, luffy just liked law cuz he's cool and adorable and also it's a big fun to get on his nerves (his love will grown with each day he spend with him)
law has wet dream like where he was............very cool and dominant and would tell luffy about penis wikipedia.jpg page because HE'S SO CALM AND COOL AND HE KNOWS EVERY PART OF PENIS AND ALSO ASS but luffy didn't need it, he was more experienced, he didn't care about latin names of genitals, he just offers law to fuck with him cuz he thinks that law's cool (And woah torao you had boner for nothin or because of me when i held you?)))) anyway luffy started because of sex (showing deep love to somebody in body language, its not about sex for one night like, he can talk about VERY simply like nothin unusual happened BUT it has a big meaning for him, he for offers sex he think you cool in a lot of levels)
and law was pretty shoked not in a bad way but a little, and oh yeah he was really agree about it but was lost cuz i it's socially difficult for him, so luffy took the initiative, he usually does this in most cases
they loves each other from the start and that thing becomes bigger with every moment
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pullakori · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 6. Secrets revealed
When one does something often enough, it becomes a habit. And when it becomes a habit, one usually gradually stops paying attention to it. It becomes a part of one's life, for better or worse.
Until someone else notices and calls one out on it.
It had started small. Charles had lost a lot of sleep, mostly because of the pain in his back, but also because of the stress to get the school up and running. He spent many late nights going through legal work, until he was ready to pass out. (This usually also kept the nightmares away, but not always). The boys' worry was touching, but soon became stifling to him. So he started to project a vision of himslef that didn't have dark circles under his eyes and pasty skin. And the boys were able to stop worrying about him.
Until Hank noticed that he had been losing weight. With his busy schedule, as the school had finally opened, he had forgotten to eat occasionally. He was doing fine though, so he added that to his projection. Just for now.
And if there were days when he had no energy to put himself together, he could just project the image of his better self. Too many people relyed on him to keep it together, to stay strong. He could do it, he just needed to focus on his work. On his dream.
It was easy, just a small effort on his part, a constant flow of telepathic energy that he wasn't even aware of anymore. He couldn't remember that others didn't see a complete picture, when they looked at him.
That was, until the late evening, when Erik arrived with his group.
The students were already in bed, fortunately. Charles and the boys were having a little talk about the day's events and how everything had gone this week. The school had been open only for few months by that point, so Charles wanted to hear how the boys were coping with the knew everyday life. They had meetings with other teachers too, but the evenings were just for them four. It was time for all of them to relax.
So when five new minds suddenly appeared nearby, Charles was taken aback. So much so that he almsot dropped his tea cup, spilling hot liquid on the table. This got the attention of the boys.
"Whoa, Prof, careful there." Sean said, while Hank moved to get a towel to dry the table with. It was Alex, who noticed Charles' worry.
"What is it, professor?" He asked and even though there was one mind Charles could not feel, he knew he was there too.
"It's Erik." He answered. "In the hall."
The boys shared a look before Sean and Alex stood up and rushed out of the kitchen. Hank was about to follow them, but stopped to look at Charles, questioning what he should do.
"Go. Make sure thay don't start fighting." He told the young man, just as Alex's yell reached them.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" With that, Hank hurried out and Charles followed, wheeling himself forward as fast as he could.
He made it to the enterway of the hall as the argument started to get truly heated. Hank and Sean were holding Alex back from apparently attacking Erik with his bare hands. Angel and Janos seemed tense, Frost and Azazel in turn seemed amused. Raven looked indifferent, but Charles could tell she was upset. Still, it was a relieve to see her again, well and healthy.
Erik stood in front of his group, his expression tight, but otherwise Charles couldn't read what he was thinking. Especially with that cursed helmet on his head. The old feeling of betrayal that had followed Charles since Cuba lifted its head again and he decided that it was better to get this over with.
"The least you could have done was to knock." Charles spoke over the argument, gaining everyone's attention as he moved to the hall. He noticed Raven's shoked expression when she gasped, staring at Charles' chair. He turned to look at Erik, spiteful part of him hoping to see at least a sliver of guilt or pain in his eyes, but he wasn't ready for what he found. Erik looked completely lost, almost fearful. And that might have soothed Charles' wounded heart, if the other man's eyes weren't looking him all over. It unnerved the telepath, more so when he couldn't read the man's mind.
"Charles..." Erik sounded almost broken and he took a small step towards Charles. "Are you dying?" His question threw him completely off guard, before it finally dawned on him. Erik was wearing his helmet. Charles' projection didn't affect him. He could see exactly what shape Charles was in.
"Fuck." What the hell was he supposed to do now?
Erik seemed to realize that something wasn't right from Charles' reaction and Raven's next words didn't help.
"What do you mean?" Erik turned to look at her and the others, and finally back to Charles.
"What do they see?" He asked and Charles tried to keep some kind of control of the situation.
"Erik, what are you doing here?" But Erik had none of it, walking past the boys, freezing them with any metal that they were carrying to get to Charles.
"Charles, what do they see? What is going on here?" He demanded, his confusion turning into anger.
"Oh, that's what it was." Frost mused, before she straightened her posture a bit and tilting her head to side. "Now let's see here..." Before Charles could do anything, he could feel Frost's telepathic touch inside his mind and with a precise cut, she stopped the flow of his continuous projection.
"Hey!" Charles glared at the other telepath, but it was too late. From everyone's shocked expressions he knew that they all could see him now.
"What the hell?"
Everyone's reactions started to overwhelm him. This wasn't supposed to happen. How was he supposed to fix this!?
"Charles, are you actually dying?" Raven's worried voice made him get somewhat back on track. He had to do some damage control, that was only thing he could do.
"Don't be silly, I'm just little tired." He reassured her, but she didn't look convinced and neither was Erik.
"You are not just tired, you look like shit." He pushed and Charles pushed back.
"Why thank you, Erik. Why don't we shoot you into the back and see how you'll look afterwards." It was a low blow, but got Erik to back off. Honestly, Charles didn't have much idea how he looked. He had started to avoid mirrors ever since he got back from the hospital.
"Professor, how long?" Hank sounded betrayed, and Charles felt terrible about it.
"I'm truly fine Hank." He said, but knew that it was not enough.
"You are clearly not fine." Alex's words were almost desperate. Charles might have founded them funny in some other time, but now they only twisted the knife that had been pushed into his heart.
"Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped." Sean asked and the boys' worry and support should have comforted Charles, but it only seemed to make things worse. Everything he had been building, everything he had fought for was crubling down and he had to do something, anything to save it.
"I am quite capable to take care of myself, no need for you to worry about me." The words came out harsher than he had intended and the boys looked hurt by them. He had to talk to them later.
"So you've been lying to them all this time?" Erik asked and Charles' anger came back.
"I don't really care what you" he looked at Erik and his group. "-think about this. Now tell me, why are you here or just leave."
It was clear from Erik's stormy expression that this wasn't over. Not yet.
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i-luv-carl-grimes · 1 year
𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔡𝔞𝔶𝔰
S1 Ep6
Tell it to the frogs
Warning: abuse, language and lots of valance as well as gore if you are younger then 14 please don't read
I woke up from another nightmare that had been clouding my head all night and to my great disappoint I was still alive that's also when I felt something lying on my waste and when I opened my eyes it was an arm, decoreted with freakels...Carl's arm.  I got up slowly and held his arm over his head before dropping it and scaring the shit out of him.  "what was that!" he said looking left and right, 'next time watch where you arms are' I threw the notepad in his lap,  "oh sorry! by the way me and Shane are gonna go catch frogs if you wanna come" he asked getting up his hair all messy and handed me the notepad.  'no' "awh come on! please just this once please, please, please" he begged.  'if I go will you leave me alone' I asked and he nodded his head.  'fine' "thanks!" he said then walked out of the tent.  I followed.  "Rayne come with me we have to change those bandages" Carol said and I nodded following her into Dales RV
"That's a lovely necklace, do you believe in God?" Carol asked me and I shoke my head. "I see, well all done" she said and I nodded and walked out of the RV. "Rayne mind helping me with some laundry?" Lori asked hanging up what could only be one of Carl's boxers I was about to shake my head when someone grabbed my hand, there hands were warm, I then looked over to see Carl. "Sorry mom but I need Rayne right now!" he said then ran off still holding my hand.
"Your welcome I got your out of chores" he said and I snatched my hand away Carl then stopped in his tracks and let out an almost blood curdling scream he then turned around and ran towards Lori and the others revealing a walker eating a deer, everyone then crowded around it when it stood up but I quickly stabbed it in the head, I felt everyones horrified gazes on my back but shrugged passed it and walked back to camp
After a while everyone came back to camp, including Daryl
I already picked up that he was a hot head, so there gonna have a fun time explaining what happened to his brother, they all then started to get physical and push against each other, acting like they had the balls to do shit
I also found out that Rick (Carl's dad), Daryl, T-dog and Glenn were going on another run to go fetch Meral, they then started talking about how the camp needs more guns and more stuff to protect it, I then got up and grabbed my notepad handing it to Daryl. 'Can I go' "hell no, your still injured and a little girl goin' into a big city full of walkers no thank you" he said and handed me a notepad back.
Worth a shot
"Dad i-i don't want you to go" Carl shuddered and but Rick didn't listen they all then said there goodbyes me Lori and Carl sat on top of a blue car watching everything go down. "Rayne? Do you know how to shot that" Lori asked pointing to my gun and I shrugged. "Is that a kinda?" she asked and I nodded. "Revolves are sick! Mom and I see it!?" Carl asked. "No Carl there not toys" Lori said and Carl let out and annoyed sigh and walked back to his tent Lori then followed after.
You really dont know how good people have it, till you don't have anything at all.
"Rayne! Come on Shane's gonna teach us how to catch frogs!" before I could even answer Carl yanked my hand and lead my towards the pond
Carl's POV:
We had been at it for a while when me and Rayne lost the net while we were looking something tripped me and I fell into the water getting soaked I looked over at Rayne and seen that she was hiding a small smile when she looked at me she started to giggle that giggle then turned into a small laugh while she was laughing something tripped her to making her get soaked we made eye contact once again and at the same time bursted out laughing till our stomachs hurt and our faces red. "Your face is all red!" I said and she splashed me I quickly returned the favor, this turned into a huge splashing fight
Seeing Rayne smile
It felt nice, sure I didnt know anything about her but she was cold, that I did know.
I then noticed how blood was soaking through Rayne bandage. "Rayne your wound" I said and she looked down at the blood and shrugged, I honestly didn't think she cared and while I was distracted she grabbed the bucket and poured water all over me making me even more drenched we then started chasing each other, "ay!Carl" mom said, me and Rayne stopped right in our tracks. "What did I tell you about coming down here?" she asked. "But Shane said we could catch frogs" I said. "Doesn't matter what Shane says it matters what I say, now common back to camp" she said, I was disappointed this was the most fun I had since this all started and Rayne, something inside of me told me she needed this.
Raynes pov:
Do I really deserve this? The feeling of happiness, do I really deserve to have fun? After everything I caused? then the pain hit I hissed feeling the wound on my shoulder open. "Are you okay?" Carl asked trying to help me but I pushed him away and nodded, he gave me a look of sympathy, I hated that look, it made me feel weak
I am far beyond that.
Name: unknown
Nickname: Rayne
Walker kills: 3
Living kills: 2
Age: 9
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simpalert · 2 years
bloodmoon but no harvest 6:eclipse...but not?
sun grabed a random object he didnt know what it was, it was small so maybe a bottle or can, and threw it at eclipse. he expected eclipse to curse at him, or yell or something but he didn't, he just started crying. he was crying and tearfully explaining how he didn't mean to scare sun he was just trying to ask if he was ok.
sun was confused, he asked if this was solar flare. eclipse shoke his head.he then asked if this was eclipse, eclipse shoke his head no. sun scanned eclipse and it said eclipse but not the main eclipse. it was a eclipse back up, well it was basically a blank elipse backup, since it showed his memory has been peremenetly wiped. sun was now just buffering a bit while "eclipse" was still crying, sun then snapped back into reality and calms "eclipse" down. "eclipse" once he's calmed down asks why sun was cying.
sun explaind shakily, starting to cry again. once he's done explaining he starts scratching his arms to the point of bleeding and shaking, whispering "I'm a monster" over and over again. "eclipse" hugs sun and gets sun to stop scratching himself, he holds and comforts him. rocking him softly and shhing him. once sun calms down he asks "eclipse" a few questions.
they're mainly so "eclipse" can join the family. like "do you like your body?" and "do you feel more like a he/him or a she/her?". they were weird questions, hell it felt weird for sun to ask them, but he got his answers. he then looked around that back room for a spare body, he found a spare body of his model and showed it to "eclipse". once it got "eclipses" approval he some how transfers "eclipses" ai to the new body. you can thank youtube for the tutorials/j.
he then finds some fitting clothes for the body, he finds a pastel sky blue ruffly shirt, with clouds on it, and for pants, a pastel dark blue with stars on it. now it was time for a new name. since "Eclipse" said he'd go by he/they/she pronouns. it was gonna be difficult finding a name. but after a small bit of looking, the name eris was decided on.
sun then walked out of the closet, holding erises hand. suddenly he's stopped by moon and lunar, who are asking who the new animatronic is. sun knows he cant tell lunar the truth about eris being a eclipse "back up" so he just refers to eris as eris and then drags moon away leaving eris and lunar alone.
moon asks sun why hes acting all weird and sun explains erises background. moon thinks then realizes, back when killcode was dorment moon had perma wiped a computer. and eclipse said he was being stored in a computer mainly, that must be why eris is blank. moon was gonna say they should get rid of eris but knowing suns already in a hectic state of mind agrees to let eris stay.
meanwhile lunar is talking to eris and mainly just thinks eris is a fresh new ai. so he explains a lot of stuff to them. eris is overjoyed to be learning all this new stuff, they find that they really like plushies and baking. lunar then offers to bake some cookies with eris and eris replies with a happy "i'd love to"
sun later jumps into the conversation and ask to join, and both eris and lunar say ofcourse. they then bake some cookies and have a grand old time.
so, looks like we have a new friend at the pizza plex, this can only go well [i say trying not to sound sarcastic cause i'm not]
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[yeah i know the gif don't relate to the fic but i be running out of ides]
i cant wait to go in depth about eris and her personality in the next entry :D
part uno - part dos - part tres - part quatro -part cinco
[yes its in spanish cause i'm trying to be clever idk]
taglist:@addisons-fandom-reblogs @snowe-zolynn-rogers @tenaciouslittlething
poll for next title will be posted shortly :]
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
A reminder that if you wrote today, even if it was just a little, you did an amazing job
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lonelyl00n · 3 years
Je T'aime | Yandere! Joy
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Summary: When your childhood bully won't let go of you.
Warning: manipulation, abuse of power, controlling relationship, jealousy, mention of killing
wc: 1.5K
This is was inspired by my favorite song Je T'aime by Hey. When I found out that Joy did a cover of that song, I got the creativity to create this. I wanted to get all of this out of my head, so it may feel a bit rushed in some areas.
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You were in the library when you felt someone put their hands over your eyes. “Guess Who?”
“Hmmm.” You joked as you tapped your finger on your chin. “Is it…Namjoon?”
Your eyes were uncovered the second you said that. You laughed at Joy’s angry expression. “I told you not to mention him.”
“Sorry, sorry. What brings you here.”
“What do you mean what brings me here? It’s our night out.” Joy gasps.
“I’m sorry Joy, I don’t think I can do it tonight. Namjoon was supposed to be tutoring me, but I’ve been waiting for like thirty minutes.”
“I’m one of the smartest kids in the school. I’m in the Top 10 you know. Why didn’t you ask me?” Joy pouted.
You laughed at her outburst. “First of all, your parents would sue the school if you weren’t in Top 10, so that doesn’t really mean much.”
Joy's father was the CEO of a famous luxury brand, while her mom is a retired actress who was popular in the late 80's and 90's. Her parents had more money than you and your family could ever dream of. Growing up bouncing around from different relative’s basements made a lot of the kids at school growing up, make fun of you.
Especially Joy.
In 4th grade, is when she would begin to make your life a living hell. She would steal your lunch money and give you foods that she knew you were allergic to. She would constantly call you fat and make rude comments about you to her friends.
It got worse in 10th grade, when she made an announcement over the PA system that whoever talked, touched, or even looked at you would get beat up. She bought you and her matching rings at cost more than $1000, and would make you wear it all the time. She bought you clothes, gave you money, and even managed to convince her parents to buy your family an apartment with three bedrooms and a balcony.
 She basically owned you. You weren’t allowed to go out on the weekends because of her security guards guarding your apartment door. When you did try to leave the apartment, which you never succeeded, you would be taken by the guards to the Park Mansion and have to sit on Joy’s lap as you two watched a movie, as punishment.
You hated the power she had, you always did, she even forced you to go to the same college that she was going to, by threatening to hurt your Aunt Irene.
You reluctantly agreed to her ‘idea’, not wanting to hurt your family members that helped your family so much.
So now you followed Joy around the campus like a little puppy, while everyone else thought that you guys were just close friends who liked being near each other.
“And second of all.” you continued. “We are supposed to be working on a project together.”
Joy furrowed her eyebrows while thinking. A project? With a boy?! She thought she had already told all of your professors to not give you any partners at all. Especially a boy.
“I know what your thinking.” Y/N claimed, seeing the looked on Joy’s face. “But we went to London for a whole month, and this was a month-long project. I can’t do it alone.”
“Fine, then I’ll help you.” Joy suggested.
“But Namjoon has to get this grade too.”
“Why do you worry about other people so much, come on let’s just start this.”
You and Joy spent all night, researching, printing, and decorating your poster board. By the time you guys were finished it was 2 a.m.
“Well, that was quicker than I expected. I guess I’ll have to make a new reservation for tomorrow.” Joy sighed. “Let’s go home.” She said as she intertwined your hands and walke out the library.
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As part of the deal, Joy had you move into a luxury 2-bedroom apartment that was about an hour away from campus. Joy demanded insisted that you shouldn’t use public transportation anymore because now, with the help of her money, you were worth a lot. Throughout your high school experience, Joy never let you get a driver’s license, so she has the pleasure of driving you to and from campus, always knowing your whereabouts.
You looked out the car window without having anything to do. As punishment for talking to a boy, Joy had taken your phone claiming that the only person you needed to talk to was always right beside you. “What do you want to eat.” She asked you.
“McDonald’s.” You say robotically. McDonald’s was the only fast food place that Joy allowed you to eat. It was the place she found your family at in 10th grade.
It was on a rainy day that your Aunt Irene had kicked you, your parents, and your little brother out of her basement for being a burden, which you didn’t understand because just a week ago your Aunt had said you all staying there was the best thing to happen for her since her illness was starting to worsen.
So, with no where to go and barely any money, your parents took you all to McDonald’s to split one box of 20 piece chicken nuggets, and 4 small drinks for each member of the family.
As you were told by Joy, her family's trailer had broken down on the way back home from the airport, so Joy offered to walk to the nearest building while her parents berated the driver. The nearest place just so happened to be the McDonald’s you and your family were at.
You instantly recognized Joy when she walked through the door, just like how Joy instantly recognized you. She sat a table across from the booth your family was at, and pulled out her phone. Gosh, were you so amazed. You had never had a phone before. Your parents only had one that they shared, and you didn’t have friends (because of Joy’s rules) to let you use theirs. Joy smiled at you awe-filled eyes and continued talking on the phone.
You didn’t even realize that you were staring at her until your mom slapped your wrist and told you to stop. When the phone call ended, Joy stood up and walked towards your table. You looked at the ground, afraid that she too would scold you. “Hello L/N’s. I’m Park Sooyoung.” She started. You heard a gasp in front of you and looked at your parents, who were looking at the entrance doors. A tall man wearing a suit, and a woman carrying a Chanel bag. Walked through the door.
Joy looked back and laughed. “Oh, those are my parents.” They came up to your booth, both shoke hands your parents and stood behind Joy. ”We wanted to give your family a place to stay, would you let us.” You mother, being the biggest fan of Joy’s mother growing up instantly nodded, while your father thought about it for a few seconds before evening his Wife’s beautiful smile. A smile he hadn’t seen since their wedding day. He agreed as well.
That night was significant to you because not only did your family get a place to reside, but it was also the first time that Joy was nice to you. Since that day she started treated you better, still not letting you talk to anyone else, but she was nice.
Although Joy would never tell you this, it was that night that she fell in love with you, completely.
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After eating. You and Joy got into the bed that you two shared. Yes there were two bedrooms in your apartment, but you couldn’t sleep in a room by yourself.
You had slept in a room with somebody your whole life, it felt uncomfortable. So on the first week of living here, you asked Joy if you could sleep with her, even okay with sleeping on the ground. Joy let you into her bed, and sang you to sleep.
That became your routine every night after that. However tonight was different, you feel asleep the minute you got into bed. Joy snuck out of the bed and turned you alarm off. You didn’t need to go to school tomorrow, you wouldn’t have time anyways. Her makeup crew that were going to come today were rescheduled to come tomorrow. The day she had been waiting for since that night was going to happen.
 All of you and her family members were going to be at that restaurant and would watch as she would get down on one knee, just like in the romance movies, and propose to you. Just thinking about tomorrow made her heart flutter. Yes, she was furious about the change of plans today, but she would never take it out on you. Instead, she took it out on that Namjoon guy behind the library. Ugh! Just thinking about him getting close to you was sickening. She had her men take care of his body for her.
She kissed your cheek and whispers in your ear, “I love you.”
Everything was set in her plan. She loved you, and you…would have no choice but to love her. You were hers after all. Hers to love.
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Fiesty will get burned Sweat pea/Reader (Y/N) smut warning
Its been a rough two weeks since the Southside Serpents joined Riverdale high. But we all got used to it. The Bulldogs stopped harrasing them, the Serpents laid back and Midge was finally laid to rest with her real murderer in prison.
Toni, a Serpent girl who I befrended the first day they came in school, was sitting next to me in the school lounge. We were casually talking as usual with Betty and Ronni. Soon after Cheryl joined us and we couldn’t help but gossip around the Vixens and the latest dating rumours. The bell rang and the usual gang of boys with Serpent tattoes came our way. 
Jug was talking with Archie, while Fangs and Sweet pea went for a hot cup of coffee from the machine behind me.
“When are you reptiles going to learn that you can’t be eyeing down our girls?” Reggie Mantle, in his full shine, blurted out.
“What the hell is your problem, Mantle?” Sweat Pea replied, his big body ready for a fight.
“I saw you eyeing this bimbo out” Reggie said pointing his head towards me. Sweat pea was all well familiar with my name as he usually saw me hanging all day with Toni. 
“First, do not call her anything else but her name, and second, what’s the problem if I was?” he said.
“First, this asshole Foggarty was screwing Midge, and now you think you can screw another of our own?” With this words that Reggie had spoken I had had it.
“Listen you testosterone filled dickheads, I am not a piece of meat you can fight over. Lay off Mantle, screw you and your stupid Buldog shit, he can do whatever he wants.” I heard Sweat pea chuckle so I turned to him “And you arogant jackass, don’t think we all girls fall in your feet cause you’re tall and got some looks going on. We’re not that blind!” I finished off proud of myself and the shoked looks I had brought to their faces. Everyone around us, especially the Serpents, cheered me for this comment. Fangs was uncontrollably laughing behind Sweet pea's shoulder.
“Well, we have to admit you are some Serpent lady material. No one has put Sweat pea on his place that good so far.” Toni said smirking at me from her place she took next to me.
“Nor has had the balls to talk to a Serpent like you did! Watch it!” Sweat pea shortened the distance between us so I was directly looking at his face literally breathing my air in his lips.
“For sure these balls are bigger than yours, Sweat pea!” I smartmouthed him,which earned me more Serpent cheers and toast in the air from Toni and her coffee cup.
“Wanna bet on it?!” He casually laughed and raised his eyebrow at me.
“If you want to make me laugh, go ahed!” I sad 
“Oh, you are fiesty one, aren’t you? I will make you scream under me!” he said so sure in himself.
“For help, you mean? Yeah, probably!” I laughed daring him to close the distance even more. I started to like this little competition we had on who will come up with more bitter comment.
“Alright, you two. If you’re gonna fuck, take it to somewhere private. We want to study here so let’s go!” Ronni had interviened to stop us from ripping each other after Reggie left the room with disgusted look on his eyes. But I can assure you, the other Serpents loved the show.
The rest of the day went pretty boring. The classes were boring, so were the homeworks and the project. Me and Toni were texting all the time. She was going back and forth how she still couldn’t believe I put Sweat pea to his place.
As I was walking out the doors towards the lot, I saw his sitting on his bike waiting for someone. 
“Hey,fiesty girl!” He said when he saw me nearing him.
“What the heck do you want now, Sweat pea?” I asked as I was trying to pass him by and go to my car.
“We didn’t finish our earlier conversation. I thought you had more to say about me and my balls.” he smirked with his hands crossed in front of his chest, making it look even more muscular. I had to admit I had definitely laid eyes on him, even if Reggie was exaggerating and he did not eye me out.
“I’ve got a lot more to say if you are ready to hear it. But I’ll save it to myself. I don’t wanna hurt this little Serpent bad boy impersonator’s ego.” I said lightly patting on his chest while trying to walk away.
“Not so fast! You got my interest. Wanna go for a drive?” he said holding my hand firmly, not letting me go.
“Where are you going to take me? By the river where you plan on drawning me because I got the balls to tell you to shut the fuck up? And let me remind you that I am pretty sure my balls are bigger than yours.” I snapped back trying to yank my hand form him.
“I don’t plan on killing you. That would mean I will not see your pretty face again. Who would smartmouth me then? But I do have the intention of making you scream, as I said earlier.” he laughed out as he started the engine of his bike and shoved the helmet in my hand. “Hop on!” 
I debate for a little with myself. I had interest in this ball of rage since he entered the school. As time went on and the more I hung with Toni, the more I learned that he is not that bad at all. At least I got that his honor sense was much bigger than the one any other dickhead at our age had. 
“Well, are you coming?” He asked smiling, ready to drive off.
“I better be coming or you are going to be sorry for making me do this”I said as I hopped on the bike behind him.
“You never miss a change to out smart my words” He roared the machine “I have the full intention of making you come, at least a couple of times.” he added, underlining the word “come” with his tone as we drove off. 
The ride was joyful but pretty soon I found myself in fron of his trailer. He stopped the engine and I got off. I gave him back the helmet. He set it down and got off the bike himself. Then we walked to the front door in complete and utter silence. He unlocked the door painfully slow to me and let me go inside first. I took a look around and turned only to find him towering me with his tall figure. I didn’t say a word nor did he. By that time we had said it all. We got the idea of what we both wanted to do with the other and so did our peers, as it seemed.
I slowly walked a few steps closer to him and I pushed his Serpent jacked off his broad shoulders. He smirked and took off his grey tee over his head revealing to me his muscular chest. I looked him from head to toe and touched his chest with my hand slowly. It made him not move an inch. I bit my lower lip and looked him straight in the eye. “Are you going to kiss me or you are going to stay here half naked the entire time?” I sad pushing myself into him.
“Not another invitation is needed, fiesty.” he answered as he closed the distance between us. His lips met mine and it all went blank. Clothes were flying everywhere around his kitchen. He reached slowly for under my bum and lifted me up to put me on the countertop. The cold tiles met my naked thighs. His lips were trailing kisses down my neck making me gasp for air with each kiss.
“Aren’t you a little too dressed for this, boy?” I asked undoing his belt and then his jeans. He didn’t respond. He was too busy taking off my underwear, letting it join the pile of clothes next to the table. He pushed down his jeans and his big and rock hard dick was exposed in front of me.
“What are you gonna say now, ha? Last chance to back out or else you will scream my name by the end of it.” he said all the while touching my already wet folds.
“I am not scared of you, Pea. Show me what you got. Prove me I was wrong.” I dared him.
Slowly he closed all space between us as he entered me in one move. How good it felt! His hands held my thighs and he started pulling out and pushing back inside making me whimp and moan loudly in his ear while he was kissing my neck. His breaths were deep and quick. His mouth eventually found its way to my breast, sucking and kissing on the skin. It made me throw my head back in pleasure. 
Again in one easy motion, he picked me up again and moved me to the table. My legs wrapped around his torso to bring him even closer, if that was any possible. His trusts were getting quicker by the minute, making me slowly loose control. His lips found its way back mine and started playing dangerous game of biting and sucking.
“Girls who play with fire get their fingers burned” he wispered in my ear as he continued to pound in and out with deep trusts inside me.
“What make you think I don’t like to play with fire,ha? Maybe I will burn you more than you will burn me!” I said.
He pulled out of me and took my hand to pull me up in front of him. After that he turned me around and gently pushed me forward so I rested my palms on the surface of the table. He entered me from his position behind me and resumed fucking me hard one more time. 
“You’re dripping wet, you know that? It drives me fucking crazy how wet I made you. I bet you can feel how big my balls are now. Do you have anything to say?” he hissed in my neck.
“Yes, I have. Shut up and make me feel those balls! I wanna be wet just by thinking of you and it’s not going to happen if you continue to talk.” I told him bending over a little bit more to grant him more access to me.
My moans were becoming uncontrollable by the second and so were his. I was already shaking under him as he grabbed me by the hair, gently pulling on it. 
“Are you close, my fiesty girl? I can feel you getting tighter. Cum for me. I want to feel you. Scream for me as you let go. I want to hear you.” I obeyed him. I nodded my head and leaned back into him giving in completely to the sensation of my hard orgasm rocking my body. My muscles trembled and I pressed myself further into him as his name slipped off my lips. I felt him smile at the crook of my neck as he let out deep throated moan and let himself cum as well. 
We were sweating and still trembling from the sex we just had. But he didn’t miss the chance to remind me what I had said. 
“So, fiesty! What do you have to say now? I didn’t hear you scream for help. I heard you screaming for me not to stop and my name, as well. I guess I was right.” he said as he leaned back at the counter after he had put his boxers on. 
We both knew it wasn’t going to be just a hook up fight. It all went on from there with me puting him in his place after which I was always shown what I can get if I ask politely. But to ask politely for a booty call from Sweet pea is never as fun. 
I went right up to him after I put on my panties as well and pressed my body into his. “Shut the fuck up! Do you ever stop being so cocky? Bite your tongue and kiss me.” I ordered as I pulled his head down to meet my lips. He snaked his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him and giving in the kiss. 
When I went into his bathroom to refresh myself after our little fiasko, I looked into the mirror and saw two big black purple hickeys on my neck. He made sure it would be visible for everyone the next day that he had proven me wrong and I learned my lesson. Oh, boy! He was in trouble and so was I.
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ashiemochi · 3 years
Hey Ashie!! I just finished "Aprotitty" and i LOVED it! my favorite chapters were the Matthew's party and the one where Leon takes So Ah for a ride <3 I'm really excited to see what you will bring us next.
I confess that the ending got me kinda shoked- who knew So Ah would become an agent?! nice plot twist lol!
Now, I've got an ask. what kinda of agent you think So ah would be? Like, it would be really nice to see her joking around with Chris and the team, or seeing her undercover for a mission- but imagine if she were undercover on, idk, a bar or a public place and coincidentally leon were also undercover THERE-
pleaSE, IM SO HAPPY YOU ENJOYED APHROTITTY <3!!! Matthew was a fun character to write, ngl skdjahjkd I can't wait to bring him in the sequel again <3 A longer one bc your ask made me smile like an idiot.
So Ah would start as a BSAA rookie of course! Her missions' captain would always be Chris for safety measures. She'd always doodle roughly on her notebook and pencil for her teammates during little free time here and there, becoming flustered as they'd take the paper with amusement in their eyes.
"Holy shit, Han! You captured my hair so well!"
"Your hair? Look how she did my eyes! It's like I'm looking in a mirror!"
"Look how she did my smile! She got my tooth gap too!"
When the mission is successful and they headed to the local bar to celebrate before they catch the flight back, So Ah would be crowded by her teammates, some even attempting to draw and ask for her advice. She'd be giggling and shying away, trying to find a little space to excuse herself to update her lover back home on her mission.
"So... Agent Han, got someone waiting for you back home?"
"Actually, yeah. Speaking of which, I have to excuse myself for a moment."
So Ah sighed heavily the moment she stepped out of the bar, feeling her hands shaking anxiously before getting her phone to call Leon then her eyes landed on Chris leaning against the wall with a cigarette in between his fingers.
His eyes were distant, deep in thoughts and she tilted her head to the side. Slowly, she walked up to him with a soft smile, "Hey, Captain."
Chris blinked, looking at her before chuckling, "Hey, So Ah. Team's giving you a hard time?"
She shook her head, giggling nervously, "No, no... Just too energetic maybe."
Chris huffed light-heartedly, "I'll make sure to tell them to tone it down."
She shifted slightly on her feet and Chris raised an eyebrow at her shy self acting up again before seeing her pull a folded piece of paper from her many pockets and offered it to him.
"Here..." She mumbled, "It felt unfair to me that everyone got something but you so..."
"What's this?" Chris asked as he put out his smoke and unfolded the paper, eyes widened just a tad at the doodle she did of him. It was him talking to one of his teammates about the mission; a moment frozen in time.
"Holy shit..." Chris barely trailed away, looking up at her and she only smiled then her phone began ringing and he knew it was Leon when her smile went softer and her cheeks redder.
"I have to take this... Thank you for your service, Chris."
On her FIRST undercover mission, So Ah had to attend a luxurious black market event where an auction will be held by the suspect. She'd be in a long flowy dress with her make-up done so differently from her usual ones.
"Okay, So Ah, just like we practised."
"Chris, that's a lot of people. I feel like I'm going to throw up."
"That's not part of the training - you can do this."
"What am I supposed to do again?"
"Just mingle - you've been to so many events like this before."
"Not where it's a life and death situation."
"You'll do fine."
So Ah would hold a smile to any person who speaks to her; her new name for this mission being Colette Francis, a high-status lady who knows her way around wine.
Honestly, all she knew about wine was chugging that bottle like an alcoholic - anything to avoid triggering another anxiety attack.
She reached the bar to catch a breather, ordering a wine of whatever the bartender's got. Nervously, she bit down on her lip to calm down her fast beating heart as she recalled her mission.
Mingle to avoid suspicion, gather information by talking to other people, wait till the auction starts so she can be sure the suspect would be hosting it with one of the items being a sample of the virus.
All of which poke at her anxious self. She much preferred handling a gun than this because at least she wouldn't have to do so much talking.
Taking a sip from her drink, she nearly choked when a single cold finger tapped her shoulder twice and she turned around with surprised eyes to see a familiar man - same man she last saw three days ago.
"Miss Francis, I didn't know you were coming to this event."
"Leon?" She whispered and the man, Leon, chuckled.
"Think you got me confused with someone else." Leon winked at her, before offering his hand with a smile, "Name's Angelo."
So Ah bit back a giggle, settling her hand on his, blushing as Leon brought it up to his lips with his eyes still trained on her.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were away on an assignment in France." So Ah asked, her own thumb gently caressing his skin, finally feeling a lot better now that there was a familiar face around here.
Leon brought his drink to his lips, "It's connected to the same guy - the tests showed that the same virus used in France came from here so," He gave her a slight shrug at the end.
"Think it's related to Marcus?" So Ah theorized, leaning closer to keep her voice on the low and Leon hummed, subtly bumping her nose with his as a faint eskimo kiss.
"Maybe... I missed you." Leon whispered, grinning at her blush intensifying as she lightly pushed him away, glancing around them to make sure no one was paying attention to them.
"Behave yourself, Leon. We're undercover." So Ah scolded with twitching lips and Leon chuckled.
"Alright, Colette. When this mission's done, think you can stay in those heels?"
So Ah blinked, glancing down at her black heels with bold red coloured flats then back at him, confused, "Why?"
Leon's tone dropped an octave, his smile tilting up on one side more than the other, sultry, "I found an empty bedroom upstairs and I was thinking we could do a bit of overtime; you and me."
Her cheeks blazed up, eyes widening at the lustful glint in his azures and before she could stammer out a reply, a heavy Italian accent took her attention.
"Colette Francis! I'm so glad you came!" Marcus exclaimed, oozing in some expensive cologne as he took her hand with a smile.
So Ah snapped back to her 'spy mode', flashing him the same smile but with Leon's - Angelo - words flying around her head, she was nervous but for a different reason now.
"Marcus, I wouldn't miss it for the world." She commented as Marcus planted a simple peck on her knuckles.
"I see you've met Angelo," Marcus said joyfully, patting Leon's shoulder once who only forced a smile that looked so real that even So Ah thought he was Angelo - whoever the fuck that was.
"You know, I was just telling him about you! Your taste in wine is divine!" Marcus kissed his fingers enthusiastically and Leon gave her a quick 'what the fuck' look before Marcus gently shoved him as an encouragement, "Tell her!"
"Yeah," Leon agreed and So Ah stifled a giggle, watching him in the act as she nodded ever so slowly, "My favourite has got to be the cotton candy one."
Her cheeks heated up again at the subtle wink, knowing damn well what he was referencing to and Marcus gasped, light in his eyes at his excitement of meeting the Colette Francis the wine maker; though it wasn't really her.
"Dear Gods, yes! I need to know how you made a wine out of cotton candy!" Marcus gushed as Leon took a slow sip, keeping his playful eyes set on the girl with a cheeky smile.
"Oh, you know," So Ah quickly recovered, brushing her hair over her shoulder as she smiled coyly, "A lady never reveals her secrets."
Marcus laughed before clapping twice, "Ah, that's the Miss Francis I know! Please, I hope you enjoy the wine selection I've chosen! I've got to leave to prepare for the main event."
So Ah giggled, nodding along with the kinder smile, "I'll get there when I can, Marcus."
"Say," Leon interrupted and she thought she saw a little hint of red jealousy in those blues, "When does the auction start?"
Marcus looked at his golden plated watch, humming before answering, "In about 20 minutes."
After Marcus said his overly-happy 'excuse me's, he left to set up the auction and So Ah stood next to Leon, smacking his arm and Leon looked down at her with furrowed brows.
"What was that for?"
"We are undercover, Leon." She scolded, "One slip-up and it's over for both of us."
Leon rolled his eyes, "Jesus, you're beginning to sound like Chris."
"Okay, okay," Leon set his hand on the small of her back with a tilted smile, "I'll behave."
"Thank you."
A moment of silence came over them, just enjoying the little time they had for themselves before they'd have to be separated once again.
"You know..." Leon started lowly, leaning down to barely brush his lips against her ear as his whispers brought immediate goosebumps up her skin and made her tiny hairs stand up at his words.
"Twenty minutes is more than enough for our overtime."
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kuruyuji · 4 years
Am I allowed to request the same innocent!reader but with TeruTeru, Gundam, Kaito, and/or Kazuichi? (Sorry If this sucks. ;w;)
of course ! i liked the last request i dont mind doing it again 
sorry for my request taking so long, i’m a bit overwhelmed right now with my life at the moment
- Gundham, Kaito, Kazuichi, and Teruteru with an innocent s/o
gender neutral reader
warnings: slight nsfw (mentions of sex)
read part one here with makoto, nagito, and miu !
slight nsfw below the cut
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Gundham Tanaka
- Gundham isn’t a dirty person. But your innocence does leave him very flustered
- also pretty bad at handling these type of situations since he’s socially awkward. he honesty just stands there like this: 🧍‍♂️ while you also stand their clueless
- like are you trying to kill the boy by trying to asking him completely dirty questions with complete innocents?
- but just because he’s awkward, doesn’t mean he won’t stick up for you. he knows you can take care of yourself
- for example if Teruteru made a lewd comment, he would speak up for you.
- “ Teruteru you foolish human, you’re childish remarks are making s/o uncomfortable. If you continue this antics I will unleash my full potential upon you for the sake of my significant other!”
- if you thought he was awkward when you asked him harmless questions, wait till you ask him for the sex talk
- he freezes, and even refuses. but when you asked again he gave in, even though he was also completely clueless
- after some research, he’s tries his best to explain. cue almost an hour of a very embarrassed Gundham poorly explaining what sex it. and with the way he talks did not make it any easier
- when you asked him to demonstrate he refuses again, using his excuse that mortals can’t touch him. Gundham already has trouble with people touching him. but then he looks back at you and how can he say no to you?
- he’s stiff, you’re stiff. everyone is stiff ! but no worries, the two of you made the best of it
- he may be super awkward around you, and can’t express how much you mean to him with words, but he’s always ready to protect you from lewd comments
- also the devas constantly tease Gundham on his poor sex knowledge
Kaito Momota 
 - don’t worry, Maki is always watching him making sure he doesn’t say anything stupid
- he thinks it’s pretty cute, and would lightly take advantage at it
- he makes dirty jokes with the other guys and forgets that you’re very innocent. he feels bad about it sometimes but is thankful that you don’t get any of the jokes. because Miu and Kokichis foul mouths can be a handful
- speaking of Kokichi, Kaito is protecting you from him, always keeping an eye out for him
- he hates it when Kokichis close to you. not in an obsessive way, he just can’t stand Kokichis annoying ass
- “hey Kokichi, can’t you tell that you’re bothering s/o? cut it out!”
- when asking for the sex talk, he’s a bit cocky and is ready to give you a visual presentation. he makes a lot of dumb and lewd jokes that go over your head but you somehow understood the basics. he also asks for Shuichis and Makis help. Shuichi did the best he could despite the super red face and the occasional stuttering due to embarrassment. Maki whacked Kaito in the head every time he said something dumb
- when being asked to demonstrate, Shuichi and Maki immediately leave refusing to see and hear more. meanwhile Kaito is frozen in place due from shock. He agrees, but he’s a bit scared. only because he doesn’t want to mess things up
- of course he controls himself (somewhat), but he can’t take off that stupid smirk on his face. he’s cocky, but respectful towards you
- Kaito loves spending time with you. your innocence has been interesting from the start, how can he not spend time with you ?
Kazuichi Soda
- you definitely caught him by surprised
- and you definitely made him flustered countless of times 
- but he can’t deny that the whole innocent thing is a bit of a turn on. also can’t help but feel power when he’s with you, like it’s his job to protect you. 
- sometimes he overdoes it with the jokes and sometimes he can take advantage of the situation 
- “oh? what did you say s/o? you mind saying that again? wait let me grab a video camera first!” he teases, a glint of mischief in his eyes
- Hajime has to knock some sense into him from time to time because Kazuichi can’t always control himself
- he thought Sonia's princess image was intriguing, but your innocence was way more interesting weirdo
- then you asked him to explain sex, his face then matched his hair as a response
- he asks Fuyuhiko and Hajime for help. Fuyuhiko explains as best as he can (flustered and pissed off as hell) and Hajime was only able to give him moral support. 
- when you asked Kazuichi to show you, all that remaining confidence (which he didn’t have a lot of in the first place) just leaves his body. he will admit that he’s a bit scared, scared that he’ll screw everything up. but when you offer him a warm kind smile of trust, he gives in. 
- Kazuichi was a HUGE mess. he tried to play it off but the shaky hands and the awkward tone was too obvious for anyone. luckily for him you didn’t seem to notice
- all in all Kazuichi loved your innocence, it hypes him up and gets him excited, a little too excited. but you don’t seem to mind it because you’re completely clueless
Teruteru Hanamura
- oh, he’s going to have fun with this, a little too much fun
- he takes advantage of your innocence's whenever you can. even when the dirty joke is absolutely terrible 
- it doesn’t matter who Teruteru is talking to, he’ll always say something lewd to them
- your innocence surprises everyone, because Teruteru doesn’t hold back with his comments. how’ll he’ll casually talk about your body, or how he wants to do dirty things with you in the bedroom. everything just completely goes over your head
- “ohoho? an innocent one? that's quite sexy~”
- one time Mahiru stepped in for you. “s/o, don’t you feel uncomfortable with Teruteru’s comments?” you shoke your head, “No why would I? What's so bad about it?”
- this lead to your classmates protecting you more, but you told everyone that you can take care of yourself and you don’t really mind.
- every lewd comment just lead you towards confusion and awkwardly smiling. although you were pretty interested with everything he said, and you just wanted to know more about Teruteru
- Teruteru also takes the time to get to know you better and discards all the sexual comments. he genuinely wants to get to know your character better
- and then, you asked Teruteru for the sex talk
- please, RUN
- he says every dirty joke he knows at the top of his head. his uses his hands and random kitchen objects for visual demonstration. you had to ask him why he was putting a banana inside a hole of a donut
- when you asked to demonstrate sex to him, he drops the banana and donut from shock. Teruteru then smiles and then takes your hand and leads him to his room
- but just because he’s a huge perv, doesn’t mean he can’t be respectable. he handles you with care. 
- yes dating Teruteru with an innocent mind can be a handful, and a lot of people you down at you in pity, but you love spending time with your partner, and he agrees as well
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wtfsaidthefox · 4 years
Can’t sleep?
Duskwood - Jake x MC - 1779 words - Spoilers for Ep7!
Starts out with MC (who I randomly decided to name Sam) struggling after the events of Ep7, and Jake wanting to comfort her. Ends in self-indulgence fluff, because apparently that's the only way I can imagine Jake.
Under „read more" due to length~
Middle of the Night. She could hear rain coming down, beating against the open window of her bedroom. It wasn't all that cold, but she felt cold, even with her blanket pulled up halfway over her head. There was just a shiver going through her she couldn't shake. By now, she must have been lying in bed for a few hours, trying to find some sleep but dreading it all the same.
It had only been yesterday. Someone she had come to call a friend and care about in these last days… killed, right in front of her. It still didn't feel real. Then again, it felt like the only reality she had left. The pictures didn't leave her. Richy, coughing up blood. Richy, his face slowly growing still and lifeless. The panic taking over her, her heartbeat too loud and too fast in her own ears, that one thought hammering in her head, „do something, do something, do something".
If she'd try to recall her own actions right now, she barely could. She told the others. Desperate, incoherent syllabyles and half sentences. They went through disbelief, shock and denial all in a few seconds, but one of them managed to call the police. They had barely spoken since Richy's body was found, and on her end, she couldn't blame anything but guilt. Maybe they had pushed too much. Maybe it was her fault. Maybe she could have done something.
With a small, low groan she reached for her phone. Sleep wouldn’t come, and if, it would come with the same nightmares of last night, so she was tired of fighting for it. Anything else would do.
Opening her phone, she realized that she had an unread message.
Between everything falling apart and coming undone, Jake had tried his best to stay calm. But it was even hard for him. ‚He must be so worried‘, she thought, ‚what this could mean for Hannah. Is Hannah dead already too, after all? Will everyone abandon the search for his sister?‘. In truth, he was worried for her.
„Hello Sam. You're probably asleep by now, at least I hope so. I just wanted to ask if you were alright. I mean, whenever you wake up. Please just let me know.“
A slight smile ghosted over her lips. Had someone told her after that first voice distorted phone call that the man under that hoodie would turn out to be such a sweetheart, she'd have laughed at them. But there was really no other word more fitting for Jake. Going through the best, most convincing „I'm all good" standard responses in her head, she noticed the little green dot next to his name. He was online. And just a few seconds later, another message popped up, he had seen her being online too.
„Can't sleep?“
„No. Do you ever sleep?“
„Some times?“
There was a bit of a break. She didn't know what to say, her thoughts a mess and her fingers shaky. Jake started typing. Stopped. Erased the Text. Then again.
„If you can't sleep Sam, I'm here for you.“
„You're sweet Jake.“
This was bittersweet, if she was honest. His care for her made her feel warm for the first time since she crawled under her blanket. But she was also at a loss for words. Shouldn't he focus on Hannah? Did she really deserve his support now? And most of all… how? How could he help her, far way, at some place she didn't even know. But she’d bite her tongue off before admitting to that thought.
„Do you want to talk?“
„You mean Smalltalk? 🤭“
Well, this sounded familiar.
„I would love to Jake, it's just…. I don't even know about what. Anything else would do, but I'm only coming up blank.“
„I'd know something.“
Oh? Now this was new. Curious, she asked him to go ahead.
„While I was in hiding, the only thing I could think of was you. How much I missed you. All the things I wanted to tell you. All the things you didn't know about me yet, but that I wanted to share. Even if I never shared them before, or couldn't even say why it suddenly meant so much to me to tell you. And more then that, all the things I didn‘t yet know about you. All the things I wanted to ask for no other reason then that I want to know you.“
He straightened up in front of his PC. Close to 2 in the night, he hadn't even moved away from his desk yet. Sleep, especially good sleep, had been a stranger to him for so long now, he had given up trying. There was always something on his mind, something to be done, one potential mistake to double check, one preparation more to make. If he was honest, most often, it was pointless. Nothing but his own ghosts from these last months on the run from the governement keeping him awake.
But this time was different. This time, the reason was right.
„You can ask me anything you want Jake“
„What makes you happy?“
Unexpected. Again. She furrowed her brows as she pondered the answer to his question.
„That's a hard one to answer"
„I know. I don't think I could have answered it myself just a short time ago.“
The implication was obvious enough, but still, she needed to hear it. Hear it spelled out.
„But you do now?“
„I do. You. You make me happy.“
She read those words a few times, with a smile on her face, aloud, or in her head in what she imagined his voice to sound like. Jake was normally not too good at reading other peoples emotions, but she couldn't help wondering if he knew how much she had needed to hear that. What those words meant, especially now, when all she was capable of was blaming and doubting herself.
„You make me happy too Jake“
„And that means more to me then I can say. But still, I'd love to hear what else does.“
„Are you planing to use that information against me?“
„Yes. Repeatedly and without fail :)“
How cute could he get? Laughing, she shoke her head and decided to just list everything randomly that would spring to mind.
„Well…. My neighbours, they have this little dog, and every time it sees me in the hallway it's all excited and overjoyed and adorable. That's just infectious. And the first flowers coming out in spring. Every year. Getting to sleep in on Sundays. Getting to hug my friends and family, especially if I haven't seen them for a long time. And seeing them smile. Oh, and you know what? Giving them a present that was just right. You know this horrible feeling of anxiety and impending failure every time you fret over what best to get a loved one for their birthday or on christmas? But then when you hit the nail on the head, and they love it – that has to be one of the best feelings in the world!“
„Of course you would", he answered to the last bit, before she could go on.
„I would what?“
„List giving others presents over receiving them.“
„Well, I'm not complaining about that either 😛 oh, and before I forget to add: parks, forest, beaches – just taking a walk through any of those. Or sitting down for a picnic and just watching the sky. It’s been way too long since I did that last. Have you done that before?“
„No, at least not for a very long time. But I would love to do that with you.“
„As a warning: I will tell you how every single cloud looks like a bunny, or a duck, or my old angry math teacher"
„What if I can identify those clouds first?“
„Then I'm impressed and you get points"
„And what do I get if I have more points then you and win?“
„An actual cloud. So cotton candy.“
She really was the only person that could still make him smile. Just like she was the only one that still made him feel like one day, he could be genuinely happy again himself. That there were people in this world he could trust, no second guessing, no double checking, no constant overthinking every word he said. Talking to her was easy. It made him feel weightless and light-headed, and he had no idea anymore how he had managed to fight those feelings for one second in the beginning.
He had started to tell her, trying to write down just what she meant to him, but in the most unfair contradiction, finding the right words for that was impossibly hard. And given what had just happened, was this really the right time?
Before he could finish debating on hitting send or not, another message popped up.
„Jake…. Is there really a chance for that? Can I really meet you, one day? Because… I wished you were here"
„I know. I wished that too. So I could be with you and support you, more then just with a few words. But I promise you, once this is all over, I'll find a way.“
Yes, he would. He had started to think about how while he had been on the run, and he knew he could make it happen. There was simply no other choice.
Realizing this again, he had deleted his previous attempt at telling her just what exactly she meant to him. Maybe the time wasn't wrong, but the how was. He’d tell her in person. He’d tell her in his own voice, looking into her eyes and seeing her reaction on his face after every single word. And then he‘d tell her again, until she was tired of hearing it.
Which she would probably never be. She felt herself exhaling, letting go of a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding in, as she read his answer to the question she had been so afraid to ask. Which she should have asked sooner, because his answer brought her more relief then she could have hoped. It was exactly how he could help her, more then anyone else, no matter where he was right now.
„Thank you Jake"
„I'll reserve all the prettiest picnic places in all the nearby parks 😉“
„Well I hope there are a lot, so we get to spent a lot of time together.“
„There are! Though at some point we will probably also have to think of something else 🤭“
„Looking back at your previous reply, I guess I’d get you flowers next. Or hugs. Or a dog. I'll decide spontaneously :P“
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sarcasticpensblog · 3 years
This is sad story of a girl Whose life begins with happiness, perhaps her luck don't want happiness.
Ankita jain a beautiful and intelligent girl, as you know her name she belongs a jain family, hir lifestyle was quite sattvik,
The day 12/08/2018 we both had admission in same school in same day and same class, The second table from the front was empty and class teacher gave permission go and sit there we both in proper dress code she wear a skirt and shirt and i wear a blue paint and white shirt she was look a ambivert girl but i was introvert I used to talk as much as needed she extended his hand for friendship, then my heart beat had gone in the sky, i introduce my self and she also. And now we had became good friend and we enjoy lot of and seeing that the year passed.
Now we in class 12th, we don't now how our friendship become love, Soon the board exams started, we love each other very much, now we couldn't be apart now but destiny want something else, now We started preparing for jee examination we daily pray to god, plz give us same college but unfortunately it couldn't be, date 1/04/2020 in this We were about to part, because this was result of our counselling of jee result was very happy and sad because i got iit Delhi and Ankita got iit Kanpur, we didn't want parted but destiny wanted this night of 2nd July that was our last meeting We promised each other that we would meet again, and we had enjoy all day.
4/04/2020 our day of separation we both were going to same station but our ways were different we hug each other we didn't want to a part
But There was also a goal in the eyes, both of us went on our way but good thing is that we share our numbers with each other.
5/07/2020 the day of admission i had taked the admission. My parents had gone, mom gave me 5 packet of badaam, time was 10:00pm my phone was ringing i received the phone and said hello, she was Ankita now my sad had become happiness But who knew it was our last talk we enjoyed 5 years of school life we made many promises for our future life.
10/07/2020 mom's was calling me, i received the call, hello mom how are you," I said,
Hi beta what are you doing,"mom said
Great mom," I said
Beta you know na your fiend Ankita," mom said
Yes mom she is my best friend,"I said
But Hearing what the mother was going to tell now, Hearing that, the ground slipped from under my feet
You know he said to me,"he is no more i shoked, i was not believing in mother's words but it was real i had totally broken, i was missing our promises which we done. But life is unpredictable so Do whatever you want to do now don't know what will happen tomorrow.
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So, while waiting for requests I decided to post some of my old works. Hope you enjoy!
You petting them/they petting you. V3 cast.
• When you first attempted to pet his hair, it didn't work out well
• You, being your sneaky self, snatched his hat right from his head. The boy gasped, clearly not expecting such move. You were talking peacefully just a moment ago. Tho, he should have noticed this mischievious glint in your eyes
• Shuichi wasn't happy with what you've done. He actually yelled at you and asked you not to do this again
• Needless to say your plan failed
• After Kaedes death, when he was shoked and pained you decided to try and pet him to comfort
• It was much better time for such a thing, the boy needed something like that. That's why he let you pet him
• He couldn't hold it when you did and cried hard on your shoulder
• Shuichi's more willing to accept head pets after this, although he's shy about it and won't ask for pets himself
• He blushes and stutters when you move your hand to his head, but doesn't try to stop you. He becomes expecially embarassed if someone else is around tho, and if you try to pet him he'll decline
• When Shuichi grows comfortable with pets, he'll be craving it
• Still, he's rather passive about it. He'd play with his hair strand unconsciously or just look at you with silent question
• After some time he gets enough courage to touch your hand lightly and ask for some pets. He's a bit awkward about it, but slowly becomes more bold over time
• Your head pets is very nice to him. After he overcomes being overwhelmed each time you hand touches his head, it's very calming as well
• Shuichi goes to you everytime someone dies or he just feels sad and you make him feel better
• He'll pet you as well, if you ask him
• You petted her after the escape failure
• She seemed sad after what Kokichi said to her, so you thought some head pets and reassuring words would make her feel better
• It did. She seemed happy that you didn't blame her for anything and she gladly accepted your pets
• You two become close since then
• Kaede is very sweet and affectionate person if you let her be. Of course, she does have her moments of shyness, but overall she's pretty forward
• With that said, it's more likely that she'll be the one petting, not you
• If she sees you're nervous or scared, she uses her hands to soothe you
• She likes to see you smile, so she makes sure you keep doing it
• While Kaede prefers petting you, you petting her make her feel... safe. She's more prone to caring about others and making sure everything alright where she currently is. She wants to make others feel better, inspire and unite them. Unfortunaly, nothing she do helps anyone here and it saddens her. It stresses her. She's human too and needs some support
• Kaede really appreciates your pets. Such simple yet wholesome sign of affection makes her smile
• You wanted to touch his hair. That's all, no hidden intentions or anything. You saw it - you obliged to pet it
• When you asked him about it, Kaito was both surprised and flattered by your request. Sadly, he refused so as not to ruin his crazy hairdo
• He petted you tho, 'coz he thought you were cute
• He likes to pet you or ruffle your hair, and does that in any opportunity
• Once you let him, he's not gonna stop
• Now it's his way to greet you, to show his attention/affection, to comfort you and to say "bye"
• His hair is still off limits, unless you persuade him to let you pet it
• As long as you ask politely he'll let you
• Has no problem with you petting his hair. I mean, it's already messy. Plus, Rantaro is a chill-guy
• He also used to have twelve sisters, so there's a big chance his hair was messed with in the past and he won't mind you messing with it too
• The first time you asked him to touch his hair using silly excuse, you most likely reminded him his sisters. Nostalgia made his heart soften and you got to pet this guy
• While Rantaro does accept it, he, just like Kaede, prefers to show affection
• The moment he grows really fond of you, you receive all head pets in the world
• There's something really comforting for him in petting you. Maybe it's big brother thing, who knows. But his hands are really nice
• Be careful or he'll adopt you as his 13th sister
• Well, you won't have much problem with petting Kirumi
• I think
• When you asked her the first time she was surprised, but saw nothing bad in it. I mean, where's harm in letting somebody touch your hair a bit? Or perhaps, she was in a good mood. The point is - you petted the pretty maid yay
• Will be confused if you ask to pet her again. May become concerned, thinking you're touch-starved. Or that you're getting other kind of pleasure from it. Don't let her thing that way or you'll get banished from pets
• If you just suffer from lack of attention and NOT thirsty for maids, Kirumi'll start giving you head pets
• I'm not sure about the other way around. She may let you have it, if it helps you ease your stress from being in the killing game
• She just treats it as another part of her duty as a maid
• May take liking to you tho. You just need to spent more time with her
• Do you wanna die or what?
• Even if she let you be affectionate, although it'd need lots of time and dedication from you, head pets would still be a no
• It's just... doesn't sit well with her
• She's not a dog
• Dear god, good luck with that
• Kokichi won't let you touch him at all for quite some time. Mainly, because he's adamant about playing his role and staying aside from everyone. He's an ultimate supreme leader after all. Add to this trust issues and touch-starvation and you'll get Kokichi
• Actually, he'll be more quick to pet you or ruffle your hair for some reason. It doesn't mean he's comfortable with you. He may be far from it. Well, not that far, but you get it
• It can get irritating, but you just have to keep proving yourself to him
• You'll get to hold his hand or hug him sooner that you'll get to pet him
• It's just the hardest shit for him. The sight of your hand moving to his head just makes Kokichi automatically alarmed. It's just do
• The first time you attempted it and he wasn't ready he barked at you "fuck off" and immediately laughed it off. He was keeping a distance for awhile after that
• When it's time, he'll come to you himself and just lay his head on your shoulder. If you don't pick up on it or, for some damn reason, decide to tease him, he'll get irritated. The boy is nervous as hell, spare him
• He closes his eyes and flinch a bit, when he feels your hand on his head. He can't relax first, but then he does and gets all over you
• Grows to like pets. Still flinches if he doesn't expect one and complains to you about it
• Choked on her "nyeh" when you did it the first time
• Acted irritated, but deep inside kinda liked it
• When you get close, she becomes really touchy. She just sprawles on your lap and demends your pets
• She loves it
• Himiko prefers being petted, she will pet you if you ask about it
• If she's in a good mood
• Ahhh, unless he's sitting you can't just pet him. You have to ask him to bend
• Was confused when you asked him the first time. Wasn't sure if it's fine or not for him to be petted by a lady. You had to persuade him it is, before you got what you wanted
• His hair is soft, but very messy and a bit tangled. Be careful not to get your hand stuck in it
• Thinks it's relaxing
• Always returns the favour
• Always
• If you're nice, she won't mind, really
• She's very open and friendly and will definitely pet you back
• She will
• One of easiest person to pet/get pets from overall. You don't even need to persuade her
• Shoked the first time you asked her
• Might hesitate, but a bit of gentle persuading will get her to agree
• Thinks you're a bit weird, but in a cute way
• More comfortable in giving you head pets, then receiving it herself
• Receiving it awkward. Then again that smile of yours tho
• If she really likes you, Tenko won't give a damn about awkwardness at all
• Prepare to sneak pet-attacks
• Will tell you how great and adorable you are while she's petting you
• Compares you to a cute small animal
• Confused as hell
• Doesn't really want you to pet him at first, 'coz it's weird and inappropriate
• Wants you both to become close enough before you do
• When you are, he's shy and very adorable about it
• You need to be careful with antenna tho. Don't knock it over
• When he first pets you, he asks if he's doing it right and if you're comfortable
• Worries that his pets not nearly as good as yours are
• Got owerwhelmed, screeched, and then run away
• What did you expect, the girl's not used to affection. You, petting her hair was so wild to her, she hurried to get away from this all
• She can't help but be shy around you. Miu tries to keep her facade, but she keeps slipping remembering the touch
• If you try again, she will cling to you after
• There's no escape from her after that. She's touch-starved and you showed her affection. Expect to see her at your door everytime you have free time
• Gets excited when you pet her. In the same time she's very hesitant to pet you back. May ruffle your hair if you're acting too cute tho
• No
• Not even when you're close
• Well maybe, but it'd be hard as heck
• Politely asked you not to do this again, once you did. Told you it's embarassing and she doesn't like it
• She really doesn't
• And she probably doesn't want to accidentally get attached to you either
• Oh boy, another hard one to crack
• Korekiyo likes to observe, to watch other people, keeping himself distanced from them. He's not against human interactions tho. He likes to listen and to tell. He'll even seek your company once you show geniune interest in him and/or anthropology. He just isn't comfortable with you touching him
• He may pat you on the head if he feels pleased with you and you're close enough. However, if you want to pet him you need to overcome one big obstacle
• His sister
• Yep, the only way to get him to be touchy with you is to be his loved one, no exeptions
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rory-for-short · 3 years
We are not our Parents| Part Six
Chandeliers and Secrets
Richard Grayson had cleaned up nicely. His hair a tad less wild, his aftershave on his face and neck making him smell like sandlewood, and the beautiful black wool suit had him looking like James Bond. He had added a deep purple tie and pocket square to match with Lucy. When he opened his door to meet her in the hallway, he watched nervously as she took him all in. He was like a daydreams she'd have about Superman as a kid, only better. She forgot how to breath for a moment.
"Alright, take a picture, it'll last longer," He joked at his girlfriend's starry eyed gaze. Just then a voice that didn't belong to either of them chimed in.
"Brilliant idea, master Grayson, I was just readying the old Kodak," Alfred quipped holding up a proper photography grade camera in front of his face. "Remember the old prom pose is a classic."
The two started to pose in the most contrasting way, given their attire. Lucy threw one of her hands into a love sign, hand on her hips, head tilted and winking. Dick had his tongue stuck out at the Camara and was giving Lucy bunnie ears.
"Lovely," Alfred responded dryly to their hijinks. They giggled and headed to the front of the mannor, before being stopped by Alfred.
"Your father wanted me to inform you that the two of you will be sharing his limo," he informed. Dick froze up and turned to Alfred with a shoked and indignant look on his face. He looked like a child being told it was bed time, or that he couldn't have friends over.
"-And before you say anything I'll get the whole tantrum out of the way: no Tim and Conner don't have to, yes its unfair, life tends to be very unfair, put up with it for one night, you will live," Alfred directed before taking his leave. Lucy looked up at her boyfriend's face, he was stoic and tired looking. She knew his dad had, well, control issues from what she was told by him. She grabbed his arm lightly as to avoid making him jump or tense like he always did. She knew he was adopted. She wondered what happened to his boilogical parents, and if that’s why he always startled, but she wouldn't press or ask. He'd tell her when he was ready... until then it was her job to keep him comfortable.
"Well if it's any consolation, I aways wanted to meet Bruce Wayne," she smiled softy. It was the only soft smile from her he had ever seen. And it was for him.
When they reached the stairs and could see into the foyer, they could see Bruce adjusting his own tie in one of the antique mirrors. Connor was trying to fix his pocket square and Tim was fussing over his hair.
"Are you all ready to par-tayyy!?" Dick hyped as they neared the bottom of the stairs case.
"Yeet," Tim's equally hyped response echoed. Conner glared at him, and Grayson knew it was because he had a hard enough time without his brother being loud while he had super hearing. Bruce turned his attention from the mirror and to the couple that had just entered and Dick could feel his stomach in knots.
"Dad this is my girlfriend Lucy Fleck. Lucy, this is my dad," he managed the best he could with the tense interductions. Lucy immediately stuck her hand out at an accute angle, fingers splayed from eachother, limp wristed, and grin wild. It was a gesture they had all seen before. She was waiting for a hand shake, but the way she looked. The way she moved. It was hard to explain, but her interduction body language screamed "Joker making a deal."
"Hiya, Mr. Wayne, its a pleasure to meet'cha," she declared. Dick relized at that moment that just because he was use to her Lucy-izims, didn't mean anyone else was. The purple probably wasn't helping their case. If Bruce noticed, he made no indication that it bothered him. He shook her hand and returned the sentiment. Tim and Connor were headed out the door already, happy with the distraction. They were probably planning on going in a different car then them. Which was smart. Dick knew he was about to hate this car-ride to the benefit.
Lucy was funny. What started with normal introductions and small talk turned into an anti~joke off in the back of the limo, with Bruce doing little to hide how amusing he found their stupid humor.
“Okay, what do you call a cow with no legs?” Lucy prompted.
“Ground beef,” Grayson said rolling his eyes.
“No, actually it doesn’t matter what you call him, he won’t be able to come to you anyway,” she laughed.
“Oh. My. God” Graysons eyes went wide but laughed despite himself. Bruce chimed in.
“Here’s one. What do you get when you cross a chicken and a hog” Bruce started.
“I don’t know, what?” Lucy answered.
“A media frenzy on the ethics of making hybrid animals.”
There was a beat of silence followed by sudden complete laughter from the two twenty somethings. That’s pretty much how the entire ride went. Just the three of them telling their best bad jokes. The laughter did everything to ease the tension an the limo was outside the banquet hall in no time. Dick had gotten out from his side to let Lucy out. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as he opened her door and took her hand in his. The blinding lights of the press, the loud chatter surrounding them; it was like a red carpet event, but sad and depressing because it was outside the sad gothic erection of the Gotham City Hall. She instinctively shielded her eyes as she stood beside her boyfriend and his father, who were able to inhumanly smile with clear eyes despite the visual assault. She hooked arms with Dick and he grabbed the hand she was shielding the lights with gently and walked slightly in front of her to help protect her eyes. She could hear the reporters asking a million questions.
“Mr. Wayne, is it true you are partnering with the Metropolis press and if so, don’t you think it is rather unethical for billionaires to have control of the media?”
“Richard Wayne, is it true that you use to be an acrobat.”
“Mr. Wayne, what are your thoughts on the current emphasis for planetary spending and is that something you are considering?”
“Richard Wayne, is that your new partner, or are we just having fun with a friend tonight?”
Bruce had actually stopped to answer the ones directed at him which, gave Lucy and is son the chance to hurry into the opulent building. They dashed in and took in the architecture. White marble floors that transitioned into mahogany carpeting. The banquet hall was lit with small chandeliers rather than one large one. Lucy felt a little ill at that reminder. There was chatter in the hall and a small wooden podium. As they passed people chattering, Lucy couldn’t help but feel their eyes on her. She glanced around nervously. Sometimes she’d catch eyes with someone and they’d look away.
‘Don’t be paranoid’ she thought to herself, ‘they are sizing you up because of the man on your arm being a billionaires son and well known batchlor. No other reason’. Dick must have noticed her tight grip on his arm. He turned to murmur to her,
“I know I didn’t say it earlier with Bruce and Alfred around, but you look magnificent,” he smiled at her.
“Really?” She whispered with a grin.
“Truly. I don’t know a lot of things, but I know a work of art when I see one,” he smirked. She blushed and pushed his arm with a roll of her eyes. Their beautiful moment was quickly interrupted.
“Richard Wayne, you and your lovely date are seated over here,” the waiter gestured. He let them to an empty table that could comfortably fit about 10 people at it. It was covered with a lush white table cloth and had cards with their names for seating. Dick noticed he had his full name and Lucy had “L.F.” on her card. Say what you will about Bruce, but he’s always been a pro at hiding identities, and they were both grateful for it. As they sat in their seats, Lucy’s expression was strange and contemplative.
“Nickel for your thoughts,” Dick prompted.
“I thought it was penny?”
“It is but as a billionaire my thought taxes are higher.”
She laughed and gave a small shrug before looking into his eyes with a guilty look.
“ Your dad knows who I am, doesn’t he?” It was more of a statement then a question. Dick was caught off guard, for once. He didn’t really think too much about it until then, but if he was in her position, he realized how crushing that would feel. For your partners parents to know the darkest secrets of your past. As her eyes still bore into him, he carefully answered best he could.
“ I mean, I had to warn him before hand, just to make sure we did everything we could to keep you safe. As much as you deserve a spotlight, I know you wanted to lay low,” he carefully explained. She smiled.
“So when he found out... was he mad?” she asked sheepishly. Dick hesitated in his response weighing what to say. It was all a lie. Bruce had told HIM. But he couldn’t really say “Batman, my adoptive father, told me and had me wear a wire to a date to make sure you weren’t in cahoots with your recently escaped convict dad that ruined your life. You know. The night we hooked up”. And he felt vile realizing one day he might have to confront her with this and potentially loose her. He felt more vile fore thinking about how the truth effected him before her. But for now, the goal was to have an easy night where she had fun. Oh boy, he was going to have to get his therapist to sign an NDA.
“He wasn’t mad, just concerned. For us mostly. In the public eye, and he said it’s selfish of me to put you in it after all you went through,” and that much was true. Lucy visibly relaxed. She then leaned in closer and talked a little more hushed.
“Hey, do you know what happened to the original chandelier in here?” She asked pointing to a risen spot in the ceiling where it use to hang from. He knew. He was there, he said nothing and continued looking at her for her explanation.
“My mom and dad tried to drop it on a table that had two prime ministers and the commissioner seated at it. Batman managed to figure it out but not before the chain was undone by D-, er, Joker. According to the police report he held the chain and kept it suspended long enough for everyone below it to scatter. Can you imagine? Holding 350 pounds of diamonds from crushing people?” She explained with her wild eyes. He could though. He had his hands wrapped around her mother's neck when it happened.
“Why are you telling me this?” He asked nervously.
“So you know what you are up against. Everyone in here knows that story. If they ever find out I’m, yah know, me, they will look at you the same way you looked at me just now. Weary, and uncomfortable,” she stated dryly.
“My dad hit Superman with his car one time,” he retorted. This caused Lucy to give him a baffled look. “Oh I’m sorry, I thought we were telling pointless stories about our parents that don’t effect either party in anyway,” he quipped with his signature disarming smile. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Babe, I’m serious!” She giggled. Just then the waiter brought another two over to the table. The Kents. Louis and Clark to be exact. Wait, Dick just now got that. The were seated somewhat across from them.
“Hey sport,” Clark greeted his coworker’s son. Louise gave a little wave. “I see you have a friend with you for once, decided that the sad loner thing looked better on your dad?” He joked. Grayson genuinely laughed. He got along well with Superman, because he had a tendency to call out Bruce. A lot. Every time there was a justice league dispute, he secretly sided with Clark. Sometimes because he truly agreed. Sometimes just because he could.
“Lucy, these are my Dad’s friends, Clark and Louis. They work for the daily planet,” he explained.
Lucy noted the classically beautiful woman, and the attractive man. Not anything compared to Dick though. He looked a little dorkier than her Adonis of a boyfriend. Then again, her rose colored glasses made everything about Richard Grayson much better than everyone else.
“Nice to meet you two,” she announced.
That’s how the majority of the banquet went on. Some of his dad's business associates, some of his side business associates, introductions, surface level conversations, and food. Dick noticed that Connor and him were seated elsewhere. He was sure Tim felt fortunate that he didn’t have to sit with Connor’s father. Bruce had yet to be seated. He was up and working the room. Shaking hands. Smiling. It was strange how fake it seemed. Sometimes he couldn’t tell witch was the real Bruce. And given his own struggles to understand which of his alter egos he truly was, he guessed that Bruce didn’t know either.
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madlymiho · 5 years
Alright amigo listen even if you don’t get to this to answer it I adore you and your writing. Marco, Ace, and Thatch having an S/o who is a serial adopter like Whitebeard (aka adopts any start kid who needs them) - aces-disaster-wife
Awwww hey there!!! 😁❤️ thanks for your lovely words! I love your blog and your drawings!
MORE THATCH!!! That's so awesome! 👀 I love this topic and I hope that it will suit you! ❤️
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Marco :
• Honestly, Marco was for the first time of his life, a little bit shoked when you came back with a first kid. He thought that you were just joking and all, but apparently... you have the same vibes as his father and it's genuinely adorable
• If he tried to argue a few times about your odd maternal behavior, he quickly abandoned the fight and decided to accept this side of your personality. After all, it's important for a kid to feel at home wherever they are
• Rather than judging you, Marco just comes beside you and kisses your temples whenever you throw him that Ididitagainomg look. He knows that it comes from a genuine feeling and he wishes to help
• As a doctor, he examinates them all. He helps them getting better, to have a proper childhood full of energy. He even carries a notebook and a few medical stuff when he's going somewhere since now, you can adopt anyone and anywhere
• But Marco is also wise enough to make you realize that you can't have them all. Sometimes they have a family that they may have lost, and in this case, it's their duty to find them, and to bring them back together. Marco's tone is so soft and tender, that of course, even if it breaks your heart, you understand
• He's always there to support you when one of your kid leaves the boat to get back to their family. Without a word, he just rolls a strong arm around your waist and rocks you, until you finally let go all of your sorrows. He knows how much you love these children and he deeply respects that
• It also gives Marco some confidence about his paternity. Somehow, being around these children and taking care of them is a way for him to test his own abilities to have his own flesh and blood... and it's true that the idea crossed your mind as well. Maybe it's time for you to evolve together? You both seem ready...
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Ace :
• Ace is clearly the one who doesn't understand... at first. I mean, you are already together, it's already enough! Why would you bother having some brats around? Ace growls or rolls his eyes whenever he sees you with a new kid by your side. He can't believe you're doing it again!
• Fact is... it reminds him his own childhood a lot. It was nice to have little brothers and all, but Ace was a loner deep inside his heart, and the real reason why he's so distant with the children you adopt is that he's afraid to get attached and one day being hurt because of it
• He acts as if he doesn't care about these children... But as soon as he sees one of them getting a booboo, you better be sure that he comes right away and checks what's wrong. He's all grumpy, but he has all the tender gestures to reassure them... and it melts your heart so deeply
• Ace claims to you that he's not concerned at all, a bit pouting when you tease him about it. But the truth is that he's always around the children, and he loves to be with them. A bunch of them use him as a pillow to sleep. Others love when he plays with them. Ace has all the qualities to be an awesome step-dad
• He's always talking about the kids and it makes you smile so deeply to see how passionate he is. Even when he's just complaining about what one of them did during the day, you see how much he cares and he's worried about them. But of course Ace would just roll his eyes if you expose to him how much he seems to love these children
• He's the one who cries the most when one of them is going back to their family. He hides his face under his hat, but you feel his desperate grip on your hand and his loud sniffing when he yells at them "Don't ever come back here, you brat!"
• In the end, Ace is absolutely comfortable when you adopt a new kid because they need you. You know that there will be a real home for them, with a dedicated partner in crime to take care of these innocent souls who needs a family
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Thatch :
• Thatch sighs deeply when he sees your silhouette getting back on the ship, with another kid in your arms. He sighs because he knows that he understands you. He feels the same about children... but he tries to remain reasonnable, and you clearly don't
• Thatch is a natural goofy father around the children who are on the ship with us. He calls them all the little "Thatchies", and he takes care of them thoroughly. He just loves kids and he can't pretend he finds them awesome
• He loves when they are so many noises around the kitchen table, from the very morning to the end of the day. He's singing, cooking a bunch of healthy meal for all of them, tousling their hair tenderly when they say that it's good and they want to eat again!
• He tends to have some difficulties to scold them though. It breaks his heart whenever they do something wrong, and most of the time, you are the one who needs to do something and punish the child, while Thatch is all worried. You even scold your boyfriend, reminding him that he can't be manipulated like this!
• Even if Thatch adores to spend a lot of his time with the children, he also needs to feel you by his side. Sometimes he just comes and steals a few kisses on your lips, tenderly asking you if you would agree to have a date with him later. It's important to keep a balance in your relationship and you thank him for being wize about that sometimes
• He's definitely the one who will tell you discreetly that this little kid, or this little one, need your help when the two of you are going somewhere. Since the both of you are the same, he fully embraces the fact that you might want to adopt another one. It makes you giggle a lot, but deep down, it feels so good to be so understood by your companion
• As Marco, being around children all the time really triggers Thatch on his own paternity. So one day he will just pull you against his large chest, giving you that goofy smile you love so much, until he whispers in your ear : "I want a baby with you."
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Find me in your memory: the healing (but heartbreaking) romance between an anchorman and an actress
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I’m watching a couple of dramas right now (and just started The King: Eternal Monarch) but I have to say my favorite is FMIYM. I found myself enjoying a lot the first couple of eps despite it being a melo and having a terrible murder plot that f*cked up our male lead a few years prior to the beggining of the story. BUT I mean, he did manage to get up from bed everyday and brought justice to his deceased girlfriend and then he did try to get back to “normal”, and I guess I’m really impressed by that because he has that horrible medical condition that makes him forget nothing, including all the bad bits about life and of course, that dreadful night where he saw the woman he loved being murdered by a stalker die.
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All in all, I’m honestly pleasantly surprised because in dramaland, getting back on your feet after experiencing something like that would be nearly impossible. Hell, even in real life that would be so.freaking.hard. And yet, he did it. Sure, he is moody, dead serious and looks like he has no sense of humor, but he still has a passion for his job (which he does very well while looking hella smart and hot btw)as a news anchorman. And I found that this drama does a very good job in teaching us something so beautiful about life, which is concentrating on the good rather than the bad.
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Our male lead, Lee Jung Hoon, says in a recent episode after a another rather tragic happening in his life: 
Why did I not try to make more good memories instead of only remembering the bad in my life? Why didn’t I try to be happier before?
Soul: crushed. But yet, so true. How many of us are guilty of doing this at least once in our lives?
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And I mean, you can see, as the episodes progress that he starts to show interest in our female lead (especially after finding out that she used to be his girlfriend’s BFF) and he has such a difficult time being around her, not only because of their connection, but also because of her personality, a total opposite from his. She is cute and innocent, but not naive; she is fun but not stupid; she is happy but not oblivious to reality (and to the fact that big chunks of her memory are missing) and she is a talented actress. I mean, a news anchorman and an actreess? Yeah, a total cliché, but come on! I love it!
And I normally love when male lead falls for the female lead first and he starts working his way towards romancing her, but in FMIYM, the opposite happens and given the nature of our dear Ha-jin, is actually adorably funny how she declares she likes Anchor-nim and dreams with having at least a bit of his time dedicated to her. And like I said, she is not stupid and knows something is holding him back, even before knowing about his condition. She even deduces that he still can’t let go of his first love and tells him that is not healthy to live in the past because she is clearly not around (oh boy, it’s gonna hurt when she remembers all and realizes what’s really going on). Seriously, that guy does not give an inch or a smile easily, so when he does, our female lead is always shoked to her core with happiness.
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Man, I just love these two so much and I just hope things can end up in a happy, normal and loving place with them together. I’m 90% sure we can get that but I wonder, what are we losing in the way? And how much is drama planning to make me cry?
So... where’s the heartbreak?
Apart from the fact that Anchor-nim used to date Seo Yeon (dead by the hands of a freaking psycho) who was best friends with Ha-jin, the fact that he can’t forget bad shit, and our female lead’s memory problem where she forgot completely a person she loved dearly for most of her life and will obviously end up remembering and then put all pieces of the puzzle together... Yeah, apart from ALL that, now dear Ha-jin is being hunted by a stalker in practically the same manner as her dear late bestie. So our male lead decides he will not let this happen twice and he will protect Ha-jin at all costs. Of course that screams love, but he really doesn’t stop to process and find meaning to his feelings. He is just scared that something will happen to our female lead and what’s important is to put her out of harm’s way.
(Minor spoilers ahead)
Look, at this point, the halfway mark, I literally have no idea who the stalker is. Or if there is even an stalker (more on that later). If there really is one, we have at least 3 major suspects and one of them is our male lead’s best friend, which, ouch! Talk about being stabbed in the back and also, does our Anchor-nim really have to suffer like that? WTF writer-nim? But I mean, we have to look at things with open eyes and there’s a lot of things that are happening that only the best friend could’ve done and very easily at that. If he is the bad guy, he also needs to win an award because he acts like he cares deeply for Anchor-nim and Ha-jin. But also, he knows an awful lot about those two and that information, in the hands of the wrong person, would only do bad.
Then we have the creepy director, which I find that despite that disturbing element of being obsessed with Ha-jin, he might not be the BAD bad guy. Still, a restriction order needs to be in place for him, for sure. And then, there’s the former manager that, with all and his fishy bussiness, I still don’t think he is really the one we should be worrying about. That much.
Which brings me to the theory that maybe there’s not real stalker. This is not completely my theory, but rather a compilation of many comments I saw on Youtube, of all places, hehe. Where it was said that maybe someone is doing all this stalker stuff towards Ha-jin, in a very similar manner on how the gilrfriend died, because they want a reaction from Anchor-nim. They’re conducting an experiment on him, basically. And that really makes me angry, because I don’t think his sickness or condition or whatever is that awaful. I mean this is one thing some bitch would think excuses the fact of treating him like a guinea pig? And this someone might be his first doctor, the father of Anchor-nim’s best friend. Yikes. If that’s the truth, big F*ck you to you, sir. Science does not excuse this in any way. And I’ve seen that he rarely talks about Anchor-nim as real person and more like a thing.
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If we can get past that terrible stalker situation, I hope we can overcome the guilt that Anchor-nim is feeling for falling in love with the best friend of his former girlfriend. And I think, more diffiicult than that, would be when Ha-jin remembers everything and I hope she can move on, not only from the sadness and depression of losing her friend, but also the guilt that comes from knowing something that drove her to edge after Seo Yeon’s passing. I’m sure we don’t know the whole story yet. And I really hope she can allow herself to be happy with the Anchor-nim, even after knowing who he was to her bestie.
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