#he would come home with bruises and scratches
ccraccz · 3 days
Hello, may I request some fluff headcanon for suo hayato and ren kaji
Can you please write about their first kiss headcanon, confessing to their crush or they ask for holding their crushes hand
Sorry if there's too much 😔
Your Lips on Mine
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He's be the one that initiates the kiss
you had to have gone to at least 4 to 5 dates and have been talking for a while to be able to kiss him, or for him to want to kiss you
it would be after a date with him, walking back to your place and stopping in front of your door
he, of course first asks you for a kiss
The first kiss would be soft and long, gentle lips on yours not moving but still pressed up against yours in such an adoring and endearing way that it takes your breath away
When it ends, he smiles at you and kisses your forehead as you register what just happened.
"Thank you so much for today, Suo..." You mumble, a small smile gracing your face.
"Of course, you make my day much more brighter," He smiles back. When you turn around to go into your place, he grabs your wrist gently, stopping you in your tracks.
You turn around, curious as to why he stopped you from going into your place. The male was smiling, a small blush that was disguised from the darkness of the night. He looks down to your lips, before looking back up to your eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, making your eyes go wide and skin flush under the light you're in.
"Y-Yeah..." you whimper, licking your lips as he gets closer to you, getting under the street light in front of your place.
He brings his hand up to your cheek, tilting his head to the side, he presses his lips to yours, closing his eye in the process. You close yours and relish in the feeling of being so close to each other for the first time other than hugging. His lips are soft against yours as they move lightly, leaving you breathless and relaxed after he pulls away. The feeling of his lips still on your lips as you look at him with lovestruck eyes and a bright pink blush on both of your cheeks, the street light illuminating your bodies flickers on and off before he sends you back off to your home with a kiss to your forehead.
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It was after a fight
you have both been dating for around 2 months?
You had been walking home from school, and ren was walking around with his group on patrol like they always do near by
a group of guys pulled you away when you passed an alley, and the group had heard your scream
confused and worried, since they didn't get to see who was being attacked, but by the voice it was a female
rushing towards the alley where they believed that the alert had come from, they found you being surrounded by a couple of older and bigger men
and one of them was touching what was not his
groping what was not his
when Ren heard your voice yelling at the group of men, he only saw red
It was after he and his group pulled the men off of you and beat them up did he see you with clear eyes
you had tears in your eyes, legs shaky and hands covering the lower part of your face before you ran towards him, wailing in worry and grabbing his pretty, but beaten face and giving him a quick, but fat, kiss to show your appreciation.
Standing away from the scene before you, your dear boyfriend was standing with his group, knuckles bloodied and faces bruised and scratched due to the scuffle they had to go through to help you. You had covered your mouth and watched in shock as you saw a whole different person beat those men who were just being disgusting.
When the fighting stopped, Ren turned around to look at you, forgetting that you were there as a witness. He suddenly started freaking out, scared that because of this situation, you would leave him. He reaches his hand towards you, opening his mouth and letting his lollipop drop to the floor, chattering in the process. The guys in his group saw what was happening and decided to leave the scene, they knew this could go two ways, and they were hoping for the good ending.
"[name]... I-" he muttered before you ran up to him, tears finally falling from your eyes as you grabbed his face and brought his lips onto yours harshly, eyes shut tightly. His eyes were wide open, shocked at the forwardness of your movements before relaxing.
His lips were soft, tasting of the sweet strawberry lolli that was now on the floor, but they were also busted because one of the guys had punched him directly in the face as retaliation. The impact of your body on his made him loose balance and fall on his butt on the floor, with you on top of him.
When you let go, he was blushing and shocked at the same time, as he grabbed your face and cleared your falling tears before bringing you in for another kiss.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
You can tell that my juices started flowing on Ren's- Woops, HOPE YOU ENJOY THOUGH SWEETS!!!!
Also, sorry for not posting yesterday... I was taking a small break lolol, summer schools been kicking ass T^T
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mooniiify · 2 days
emergency contact — bakugo katsuki
quirk: super sonic/speed; hero name: sonic
disclaimer: using the established hero identity from my bakugo fic on wattpad lol
contents: second chance, pro heroes in their twenties
her whole body hurt, that was the first thing she realized when she started gaining consciousness. her eyelids felt heavy, but she willed them to open, only for her to wince and close them back immediately as a harsh light hit her eyes.
it took her a moment. she took a breath. there was a soft beeping in the background. where was she? slowly, she fluttered her eyes open again, squinting until she got used to the light. she looked around, taking in the white walls and the IV drip stand next to her.
hospital. oh.
what had happened again? she remembered the villain attack in musutafu — she’d been called in, and kirishima, mina and todorki had been at the scene, too. the villain was preaching about the downfall of heroes as usual. she didn’t remember much of the fight, except getting hit really badly in the back of the head at some point.
with her left arm, she reached up and touched the side of her head, feeling the bandages.
she sighed and let her arm fall back down next to her. she looked to the side, noticing the red button that would call the nurse. this wasn’t the first time she’d been in a hospital bed like that and it wouldn’t be the last. she knew the drill by now — she pressed the button and waited.
a nurse walked in soon after, a smile on her face. y/n recognized her from the last few times she’s been here. “oh, glad to see you’re awake, sonic! how are you feeling?”
“mostly fine,” y/n answered. “how bad was the damage this time?”
“concussion, a broken leg due to debris falling over it. some scratches and bruises, but that’s about it,” the nurse read off of her clipboard. “everything was already taken care of and healed. we should be able to discharge you by the end of the day, but you should take it easy when you get home.”
y/n nodded. “that’s good. thank you.”
the nurse nodded before she wrote something on her clipboard. “are you feeling okay for visitors?”
y/n furrowed her eyebrows at that. “visitors?” who could it be? maybe kirishima or mina decided to visit. how did they get out of the fight, anyway? and how did y/n pass out? so embarrassing!
“well, mr. dynamight—“
“mr. who?”
no. this couldn’t be. why would he be here?
“mr. dynamight. bakugo katsuki?” the nurse scratched her head. “i thought you two were friends. or at least classmates back in ua.”
friends. yeah, no. “we were. don’t let him in.”
the nurse nodded and reached for the door. “all right. i’ll let him know.”
y/n sighed and looked back up at the white ceiling. seriously, why the hell was he here? how did he know she’d gotten hurt? okay, maybe he’d heard it from kirishima or seen it on the news, but still! how did he know which hospital she was at?
“tch, she’s still tired and doesn’t know what she’s talkin’ about.” y/n’s blood ran cold at the familiar voice coming from beyond the door. “i’m going in.”
“mr. dynamight, sir—“
the nurse couldn’t stop him. the door opened and in walked bakugo katsuki, still dressed in his hero costume, bar his mask and gauntlets.
the nurse immediately looked at y/n. “i’m sorry, miss sonic, i—“
“it’s okay.” it wasn’t the nurse’s fault. it was bakugo’s annoying stubbornness, as usual.
the nurse apologized again, then excused herself and left. bakugo moved silently from the door to the left of her bed, his arms crossed in from of his chest. “how are ya—“
“the fuck are you doing here, bakugo?”
bakugo’s lips shut in an instant. he looked to the IV drip in her arm, then to her heartbeat monitor — it was beeping a bit quicker now — then back to her. “the hospital called. told me you were injured.”
y/n’s eyebrows furrowed. “the hospital called you? why the hell would they? are you stalking me or something?”
bakugo grunted. “tch, speedy, you didn’t change your shitty emergency contact. you set it to me years ago, remember?”
right. “oh.”
y/n looked away from him and out through the window. her view was obscured by a tree, but it was better than looking at bakugo at the moment. “why did you come, then?”
there was a sound of metal scraping on the ground. startled, y/n looked back and noticed bakugo pulling up a chair to sit next to her. it looked small under him. it was funny, but she didn’t laugh.”
“‘cuz they called me and told me you were injured.” bakugo said as he leaned on his knees. “and i saw the news. i was worried.”
y/n sighed. “bakugo, we—“
“stop calling me bakugo. you know i hate it when you call me by my last name.”
“bakugo.” she gave him a stern look. “we broke up three months ago.”
bakugo was silent. to this day, even after having calmed down, it was still weird to see bakugo this silent. “i know.”
“then you can’t expect me to act fucking normal and call you by your first name just because you decided to come to the hospital because you were worried about your ex.”
“i fuckin’ know.” bakugo groaned, running a hand through his hair.
they sat in silence for a moment and y/n’s unfocused eyes watched him as he looked at the ground. they dated for five years before they broke up. from their first year at ua, up until a few months ago. it was understandable bakugo was acting like that, really.
“do you ever think we made a mistake?”
y/n’s eyes focused and his face became clearer out of shock. she opened her mouth to answer than, no, she didn’t think so, but closed it. after thinking for a moment, she nodded. “at least once a day.”
their break up hadn’t really been spontaneous. it was building up the busier they got, and at the end, they reached the mutual decision to part ways. they were stubborn, both of them fighting for the top spots in the hero rankings, so much so that they forgot about each other. it made sense, back then.
but now, as y/n returned to the same home she’d shared with bakugo every night to a now cold, empty apartment, she was starting to think how being a top hero was just so lonely.
bakugo nodded at her answer. “yeah. me too.”
y/n moved to sit up, wincing a little as she did. despite the healing, he ribs were still sore. bakugo instinctively moved, one hand going behind her back to help her up. “careful, speedy.”
“i’m fine. they’re discharging me later, anyway,” y/n explained.
bakugo nodded, his hand lingering on her back for a moment too long before he retracted it and sat back on his chair. he ran a gloved hand through his hair. “you know, i really fuckin’ miss you, speedy.”
her heart monitor beeped faster at the words and she felt her face warm up in embarrassment. bakugo had just heard how flustered he made her — there was no backing out now.
still, she didn’t look at him. she looked at her fingers that were playing with each other. “yeah, i miss you, too, katsuki.”
bakugo’s hand reached out, catching one of hers in his. she looked back at him again, at his soft, pleading face. “can we try again? we’ve been through so much shit together and, honestly, before we broke up, i never imagined my life without you in it. but now that i actually experienced it, i realized just how shitty it is. being a hero is so fucking boring if you’re not there to run by work just to tell me a dumb joke, or to sit on the couch and watch the news and make fun of shitty hair and raccoon eyes, or bantering over who’s going to be higher in the next hero chart, or—“
she’d heard enough. leaning in, she pressed her lips on his, her hands grabbing the sides of his face. the IV drip in her arm felt uncomfortable, but she ignored it best she could as she savored bakugo’s lips, the ones she’s been missing for so long.
bakugo moved his hand to the back of her head, the other one on her back. he didn’t really pull her too close because he was scared she would fall off the bed, but he didn’t mind. the fact that she was kissing him was enough.
they pulled away not too long after — it didn’t matter that the kiss was short, there was so many more to come — and y/n smiled as she looked into his red eyes. her right thumb stroked his cheek ever so slightly. “you know, i’m higher in the rankings than you this month. i’m twenty-fourth and you’re twenty-sixth.”
bakugo chuckled, his smile unwavering. “shut up, i saw. i wanted to call you and rant to you about it. that’s only ‘cuz i had to take a week-long break after i got injured.”
y/n waved him off. “excuses, excuses. just admit i’m strong.”
“never denied it, speedy.”
y/n felt warm again. it felt so right, being with bakugo and talking with him like that. she hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed it.
“i don’t know if this is sudden, but are you going to move back in now, or are you gonna wait and see how this goes? not that i’m pressuring you or anything, i just—“
bakugo interrupted her with a peck, sealing her lips shut. when he pulled back, he gave her a nod. “i’ll move back today if i can. i’ll call shitty hair to help me with my shit. hell, i missed the bed.”
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《Stray/Catlad!Jason Todd / Reader》
Smiling brightly, you happily walk beside the dark-haired boy. He pays you mind, head in a book, ignoring you. A scowl on his face as sound of your foot-steps copying his.
Sighing, he closes the book, pausing, waiting for you to say something. His attention fully on you.
"What." He asks plainly, glancing over your love-sick smile as you happily hold two tickets in your hand. "Hi Jason! I just wanted to know if you would want to go too a movie with mw this weekend?"
Eyes brimming with hope, you watch him frown deeper.
"Can't. I'm busy with work."
"Oh! Well, that's okay. Maybe-"
Jason pockets his book, heading to his bike as he hops on. Putting on his helment as he starts the engenie and drives off.
"...Aw man..." You sigh, deflating as you look at the tickets. Noticing in the corner of your eye a cat themed book mark on the floor.
Picking it up, your face warms up as you beam at the written initals on the back.
"Well, theres always next time! Hmmm.. Maybe I'll pass this tickets to Bruce.. I don't wanna tell Dick though. He'll probably get upset.."
You hold the book mark close, skipping along home.
Turning away from the night sky, legs swinging back and forth on the ledge. You overhear a grunt, you glance down. Seeing a fight down below. Catwoman scratching at Batmans chest with her claws as he grits his teeth.
There goes a calm patrol...
Getting up, you feel a hand grab yours, twirling you around, your body bumps into a familar chest...
You said politely, rolling your eyes with a smile. Taking a step back as you look at him with slight caution.
"Heya Purr-ity~!" He says snarkly, licking his lips as you turn away.
"Eyes up here." He states, grabbing your cheeks. His claw like gloves digging into your face as you gaze at him doe-eyed, scoffing. Swatting away the hand, the wind becomes stronger as your tickets fly out from your pocket.
Damn! You forgot to leave them in your civilian clothes!
Eyes widening, you try to grab them, but was beaten to the punch..!
"Huh... Didn't know you liked the books." He mumbles.
"Well, kinda. I got into them recently and saw the movie was coming out..."
You recalled Jason throwing his copy of the book at you after you spooked him on accident. Hoping to ask him out to a cafe together, instead, you got a free book and a bruised forehead.
What luck!
"...And you coincidentally had two tickets.."
"Yeah? I was gonna' give them to Batman instead-"
The male laughed, throwing his head back at the idea of Bataman watching a romantic historicall fiction movie. All in his get-up as he grumbles nonsense.
"Yeah, no..." He smirks, holding the tickets tighter. "No way he's going to do that! Sides', who he'd go with? Catwoman? Yeah, instant rejection." He says dryly, shrugging his shoulder. "Even those Bird-Brains know better to give that to their Boss."
He mentioned Nightwing and Robin, shrugging.
You sneakily try to grab the papers back, yet he easily dodged.
"Guess' you and I are going."
You feel him pick you up, slung over his shoulder. Half-expecting him to throw you. Instead, he starts running as he carries you!?
Jason Todd in this Au, is succsessfull in stealing the wheels off the bat-mobile. That catches the attention of certain cat-like thief. So he becomes her protege. Super Easy.
I headcanon Jason being kinda closed off in his Au, but slowly becomes more open. He's happier in his own little world with his books and Selina's multiple cats.
"Panther..? No.. Move! Move please! Move you stupid cat! Panther!"
Pushing away the thief, the sound of a crowbear smashing into your sides rung in the desolate area. "AUGH-!" You scream, Joker laughing as you fall and crash into one of the shipping crates of Joker-Gas.
"..Purrincess..?" Panther spoke slowly, the nickname a bit bitter on his tounge, more fond of Purr-ity. Yet it meant nothing now, no sweet familiar giggle. Nor playful banter..
Instead, horrible laughter.
In this Au, Jason doesn't die. But hates Joker in general. While.. Heroine(Y/N) doesn't suffer OG Jasom Todd fate..
Possibly, but super close calls.
Also, made up a small au where she has a Ric Graysom situation, so a possible idea too. Dunno, I wont decide.
"D'aww... How sweet! Give it up for lovers!" The clown cackled as the henchman stare in horror. Blinking out of his shock, the thief snarls in a animalistic manner. Yelling as he grab one of his guns, pointing at the head of the stupid clown.
"Wow..! Ears! So cute!" You said in awe, wearing your civilian clothes as the thief grumbles. Looking away, not bothering with you. Even when you and the other, "hostages" sat as Catwoman snagged the musem jewlery.
You sweat a bit, not partically used to his cold shoulder. Often him hogging your vigilante time instead.
Pressing a soft kiss on your knuckle, you eye Jasons bloodied hands worriedly. Sure, you adored the contact, but you were worried.
"Thank you, for your help- B-but your hurt!" You make sure your hands cup around his. Worriedly glancing around for a bandage or calling one of the officers.
Protective Nightwing Lol.
"Don't worry, (V/N)! Got one of the paramedics right here!"
You pout as Nightwing gets in the middle of you and Jason. Pushing the health care hero between you two. The Big Bird ushering you to Bat's side.
[What?? More Batboys as Cat Thiefs?? Yes. Originally, i wanted to call him. "Alley-Cat", but found out there already was one! Anyway, yay! Comments and art are always wanted and appriciated!]
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cloudlessly-light · 2 days
Hello! I love your fic where Aaron is obsessed with Ems breasts. Maybe you could write more but also Em has nipple piercing??? And Aarons obsession with it? Thank you 🫶
A/N: Thank you so much for the feedback on this story, you guys don't even know how motivating it is and it definitely made me write the next couple of chapters a lot faster!
Title: Love like mine (2/11) Chapter title: I’ll leave you hypnotized Summary: He wasn’t a cheater. Until her. Word count: 3,2k Rating: Explicit   Warnings (for this chapter): Smut, dirty talk, nipple play, nipple piercings, breast fucking, Aaron loves her breasts, but who wouldn’t? cheating
It seemed like once they started, they couldn’t seem to stop. She had walked into work the following day and they lasted until the end of it before she sneaked into his office and sucked him off as he stood against the door, hiding from view as her lips wrapped around him until he was spilling down her throat with his teeth dug into his fist to keep from being heard.
And that’s the beginning of their affair, something that’s filthy, hidden behind closed doors. It was something that was theirs, that no one else knew about and they were both happy to keep it that way. Emily thought that she’d feel worse, thought she’d have some kind of regret about what she was doing. But at the end of the day she wasn’t the one who was married. Although she could see it on him sometimes, flashes of it, a split second of worry, of guilt, but then he was looking at her with nothing short of want and the guilt was gone as quickly as it came.
Behind the locked door of her apartment, nothing really existed but them, and the pleasure they chased in each other’s skin. That’s all it was, an itch that needed scratching, that still hadn’t changed. Aaron used her just like she used him, pleasures and desires shared between her soft sheets, and sometimes on other surfaces of her apartment.
He was sure he’d never be able to be inside her home without thinking about her naked. He’d be in the kitchen and remember when he bent her over the counter, both of them mostly dressed as he fucked her until the front of her thighs was bruised from the power of his thrusts and he was coming with a low groan. Or he’d walk down the stairs and think about how she hadn’t been able to wait and rode him right there on the stairs, ignoring the way the hard edges dug into his back as she mewled his name in pleasure. Then it was the couch, the shower, hell even against the large window in the living room looking out over DC, basically every surface of her home was painted with them. And he found himself loving it.
It was memories he thought of almost fondly, even as he shared a bed with his wife. Sometimes he wondered what he was doing, would look at Haley’s relaxed face as she slept beside him and it hurt knowing that he was doing something that was hurting her. But he couldn’t seem to stop, whatever it was he had found within the walls of Emily’s apartment was something he didn’t want to give up. And he was selfish enough not to.
“Do you have plans tonight?” He asks as he leans back against the counter in the kitchenette in the office. To a bystander it looked like a normal relationship between coworkers, but Emily caught the slight arch of his eyebrow right before he took a sip of his coffee and she bit back a smirk.
“No I don’t.” She took a drink out of her own mug. “What about you? Got anything fun planned with the family this weekend?” The way her eyes gleam with something dark makes him want to wrap his hand around her throat.
“No, Haley is taking Jack to visit her parents until Sunday, they should be on their way right now actually.” He can see the way her smirk turns bigger but she hides it behind the cup in her hand.
“Would you want to go with me to see a play?” Spencer interrupts them, his voice excited as he pours himself a cup of coffee. “They’re showing Oedipus Rex. It’s a Greek tragedy about a man who fulfills a prophecy by killing his father and marries his mother. It’s actually fascinating, the point of it being fate versus free will-” He starts to ramble but is quickly cut off by Emily’s amused stare as Aaron clears his throat.
“I was actually going to take it easy, maybe see an old friend.” He gives the younger man a blank stare.
“Oh, well if you change your mind it’s only about two hours.” Spencer looks to Emily who simply shakes her head.
“I’m sorry Reid, maybe another time.” She smiles at him and tries not to feel bad about lying to him. Their relationship was still strained, his behavior toward her shifting often even after she had confronted him about it.
“It’s okay.” He shrugs and picks up his mug from the counter where he had put it. “I should finish some paperwork though.” He excuses himself and heads back towards his desk.
Once he’s gone and they’re alone, her eyes find his and any thought of Spencer Reid was gone.
“Want to have a sleepover with me, Mr. Hotchner?” She grins at the way his eyes narrow slightly at her.
“A sleepover huh?” The way his voice has dropped in that familiar way sends a tingle down her spine.
“A naked sleepover.” She says it quietly, just a second of standing too close to whisper the words against his ear before she stands back and walks back to her desk.
When she turns to look at him she can see the subtle nod of agreement. Suddenly she couldn’t wait for their weekend to start.
He shows up late, later than necessary, stuck somewhere between rushing through work to get to her place and knowing that this was new, even dangerous. Their time together had so far consisted of quick trysts and goodbyes mumbled in the dead of night. They didn’t do this, didn’t spend time together, except the few minutes before and after inevitably falling into bed.
But he couldn’t deny the need he felt for her, the way his body almost shook with the all-consuming want that only got worse the closer he was to knocking on her door.
She opens it dressed in nothing but a black, sheer negligee and he peaks the small metal bars in her nipples that he loves so much shine under the lights. Ever since they started sleeping together he had loved them, had spent time playing with them and watching as Emily arched further into his touch, always wanting more.
It had been close to two weeks since he’d seen them, work and not having an excuse to sneak off to see her to Haley enough for them to not having had time together. And when they did, it was hurried, frenzied, flies zipped down and pants pulled down just enough for them to find the kind of release they’d gotten used to by now.
“Hey.” She greets him, always collected, always hard to read, still somehow a mystery to him.
“Sorry I’m late.” Any doubt he had was gone the second he laid eyes on her, the usual fog of arousal he now associated with her quickly overcoming him. He pushed her back into her apartment, hands stroking over the material of her slip.
“I was beginning to think you had changed your mind.” She sighs into a kiss, the taste of him familiar to her by now. They stumble backwards as she starts to work on the buttons of his shirt, silently curses him for not wearing something that’s easier to get off.
“I almost did.” He swallows up whatever words on her tongue by kissing her again while he strips her of the only article of clothing she’s wearing. Her back connects with the wall and he pushes her against it easily, hand quickly finding its way between her legs.
“Why?” She whispers as he teasingly trails the pad of his fingers along the seam of her, collecting her slick on every run through.
“Because of this.” He holds his other hand up, the gold ring on his finger shining as he pushes that same finger into her mouth and watches with dark eyes as she sucks it. He watches in fascination as she sucks his finger deeper, down to his wedding band where her tongue licks over it, making his hard cock ache inside his slacks.
“Like that’s stopped you before.” She says once he’s pulled his finger from her lips to gently trace her nipple.
“I tried, but you have a knack for getting what you want.” He pulls gently on her nipple and then tugs the piercing while he buries two fingers inside of her and her head falls back against the wall with a soft moan. “Besides, you like it. We both know that one of the reasons why you want me is because I’m married.”
“That’s not true.” She argues but she knew that there really wasn’t any point. He could read her better than most, had figured that out even before their first night together and he proves it as he arches an eyebrow and looks at her with eyes that seems to set her ablaze.
“Isn’t it?” He asks as his fingers curl and she can’t keep the deep groan down. “There’s my girl.” He muses as he enjoys the way her center clenches at the praise. Then his eyes wander down to her chest and he ducks his head enough to lick over one of her nipples. When he bites it just hard enough for it to sting she whimpers and he hums against her skin.
“Bedroom.” She mutters as her fingers find their way to his hair to grip the short strands, wanting him messy, to not be as put together as he always was.
“Lead the way.” His voice is thick with arousal as he steps back enough for her to take his hand and head up to the bedroom. His other hand moves over her body, can’t seem to stop touching her. Once they’re upstairs he helps her with the rest of his clothes, not caring where they land on her floor just as long as he gets some relief from the close to painful ache between his legs.
“I’ve missed these.” He mumbles against her sternum as he kisses over her chest, fingers tweaking her nipples as she arches into his touch. “There’s something about these piercings that drives me insane.” He licks over a nipple before sucking on it and he feels her fingers back in his hair, tugging hard.
“I know.” She smirks down at him from where he’s kneeling between her legs, too focused on her chest to notice the slight teasing tone of voice. “I can see how you try to see them through my shirts at work. Sometimes I’m tempted to not wear a bra.”
He groans at the thought, of Emily walking into his office in one of those damn shirts that are just bordering on being too tight and the piercings showing through the fabric and he grinds his hips against the bed.
“I’d keep you under my desk, have my cock between your tits until I’m staining them with my cum.” He hears the hitch in her breath at his words before moving up to kiss her.
“Is that what you want?” She mumbles against his lips. “To have me as your toy? To use as you see fit?” When he ruts against her and stains her thigh with precum she grins knowingly. “Dirty boy.”
He’s so lost in the feel of her soft body against his and her silky voice in his ear that he’s caught off guard when she flips them around, a low groan rumbling in his chest when she settles above him. Immediately he sits up, his large hands grabbing at her hips to pull her against him as he buries his face in her chest again, sucking and biting hard enough to leave bruises on her skin.
Emily lets him, even when her nipples start to ache from the constant stimulation from his lips and tongue, knows that he could spend hours just concentrating on her breasts if she’d allow it. Secretly, she loves how much he enjoyed her body, felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he would worship her for hours if he could. When she sinks down on him it’s slow, her body always needing to adjust to him and as he grunts around her nipple, she grinds her hips against his.
“How do you always feel so good?” She gasps as she starts to move. Her fingers are gripping his shoulders tightly, less careful now that she knows that he’s not going straight home. He had left numerous marks on her body since they started sleeping together, it was only fair that she’d leave hers just this once.
She rides him unlike how anybody ever had, she used his body for her own pleasure and as much as Aaron loved to be the one in control, there was something about knowing how much she got off on him letting her use him this way that always made his mind hazy with arousal. He knew that his insistent mouth on her chest must be starting to hurt, her skin red, almost raw and flushed, but she only pushed her chest against his face, offering her body to him willingly and his hips pushed up in response.
His hand banded over her back, helped her move above him even as he kept her close to him. It wasn’t long until her body was starting to tense, her moans coming out louder and breathier. When her hips buckled and her fingers tugged on his hair to pull him away from her chest, he knew she was getting close.
“You look so good like this.” He mumbled quietly, knew that she needed the slight nudge of his words to fall off the edge. “Gorgeous thing, fucking my cock so well.”
“Aaron, fuck-” Her words were cut off by a sharp thrust from him and she heard the satisfaction in his voice when he spoke.
“That’s it, so pretty like this, come for me Em, let me see you.” He moved one hand from her hip to instead grab the back of her neck, his large hand easily gripping it so he could watch her face. Only moments later he felt her tense as her eyes rolled back and mouth fell open in pleasure.
Her entire body felt like it exploded as her hips moved desperately against his, a guttural groan leaving her as she came. The pleasure was close to blinding, her eyesight going blurry and the only sound she heard was the thumping of her heart. She’s still coming down when he flips them back around and starts thrusting, his hips strong against hers.
“Fucking perfect.” He mutters against her neck as he chases his own release. “So good, my filthy perfect girl.” When her lips curled into a smile he looked down at her with heated eyes.
“Fuck my tits.” She gasped and she swore he forces himself keep his release at bay. “Fuck my tits and cum like you fantasize about.”
The sound that leaves him when he crawls up her body to straddle her waist was nothing short of a growl. Graveled and low and loud as he watched his swollen shaft land between her breasts. She pushed them together and he immediately started to thrust, eyes locked on the way his head peaked out through the top each time.
“Pain my skin with it.” She encouraged him, her dark eyes locked on the wild look on his face. His jaw clenched, sweat was slowly rolling down his neck, his body tensing more with every push of his hips. “Come for me, Aaron.”
“Jesus Christ, Em.” He hissed through clenched teeth and then she ducked her head enough to swipe her tongue over the tip of him and he was coming. His fist hit the wall as he groaned, his hips twitching as his release hit her skin everywhere from between her breasts to the hollow of her throat and her chin. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight and when Emily swiped her finger through some of his cum and then licked the pad of her finger, he knew she might be the death of him.
He forcefully pulled her up to kiss him, tasting himself on her tongue with a growl and she kissed him back just as forcefully. When he pulled back her dark eyes were gleaming, his reaction to her always deeply satisfying.
“I’m going to eat you out until I’ve had my fill, and then I’m fucking you again.” He whispered against her face before moving down the bed.
She smiles and spreads her legs wider, because in what world would she say no to that?
They spend the night together, for the first time a whole night, lost in pleasure and each other and the next morning Emily wakes up to the smell of coffee coming from her kitchen. Her body aches in the most delicious way as she stretches on the bed. She grabs his shirt from the floor and puts it on, only buttoning one button in the middle of her chest before walking downstairs.
She finds him in the kitchen, pouring the coffee as eggs are cooking in a frying pan.
“Good morning.” Her voice is rough from moaning and sleep and she can tell that Aaron enjoys the way it sounds.
“Good morning.” He smiles and pushes the mug across the counter for her to take. “Did you sleep well?” His eyes rake over her frame and tries to ignore the way he finds himself liking how she looks in his clothes.  
“Like a log.” She takes a sip of her coffee. “How long have you been up?” She peaks past him to see groceries she knew she most certainly didn’t have the night before on the counter.
“Not too long. I did get us some food through, you know since your fridge was empty except for wine and milk.” He teases and she arches an eyebrow in faux hurt.
“I’m sure I had something in the freezer!”
“You did not.” He laughs when she rolls her eyes at him. It was surprisingly easy, being with her this way, he thought.
“I’ll have you know you’ve just robbed my kitchen of its virginity.” It’s her turn to laugh when his eyes get big in surprise.
“Are you telling me that you’ve never cooked in here?” He puts the fried eggs on the plates along with the toast and some berries.
“I’m never home! And when I am I usually get takeout.” She defends but he only shakes his head at her. “I’ll have you know, wine, coffee and milk are all the essentials I need.”
“Emily!” He chastises, but his tone is teasing and soft as he carries the plates to the table. “I’m cooking dinner, you’re doing the dishes.” He smiles when she nods and sits down next to him happily.
It shouldn’t have been so easy, deciding to spend the day together. But neither of them wanted to worry about that. At least not now.
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bi-writes · 1 month
can't stop thinking about dark!simon with a sunshine!curvy!fem!reader, it's gnawing at my brain. (18+)
greeting him when he comes home in a little apron with dough smeared across your cheeks. you're bouncing in the kitchen, giggling as you wrap your arms around his neck. one burly arm hooks around your waist as he palms one side of your ass, and you kiss his lips over his blood-soaked mask again and again as you coo, "missed you so much, made you chocolate chip..."
you talk and talk and talk and talk. you're always talking. you're always whispering in his ear and chattering as he drives and telling him some story about something he missed while he was gone as you tidy up the flat. you never stop talking, never run out of things to tell him, and despite the monotone voice and the lack of response, he hears every single word that you say, and he forgets nothing. when he makes his way back on base, johnny is waiting, eager to hear an update about the receptionist at your work and if she is actually sleeping with your manager.
you wash his clothes without even blinking. you're at the sink, a bucket of cold, suddy water there as you scrub at his shirt. there's peroxide at the side, and you use a delicate hand as you scrub at the stains on it. ghost watches from the doorway as you hum to yourself, in a little pair of shorts with your hair tied up as you rinse the shirt clean. blood runs down the drain, and his shirt is clean as new.
you always find some kind of weapon around the house. you bend down to brush crumbs off the kitchen chairs, and you scold simon with a glossy pout because he left a bloody knife taped under the table. you whine when you find a grenade sitting in the same drawer you keep your tampons in. you complain when you take out the jar of rice to make dinner, and there's a small handgun hidden between the grains. but your face always softens when he cups your cheeks with two big hands, kissing you warmly, muttering, "gotta keep y'safe, luvvie...know there's a bloody line waitin' for a taste of y'r cunny, baby."
you visit him on base once in light wash denim and a white tshirt, sneakers hitting the linoleum and purse swinging as you wave at him. he's standing in front of a line of privates, watching them do jumping jacks, and his eyes light up a little when he sees you waving at him enthusiastically. when he finally makes it to you, he shoves you into the nearest supply closet and tugs your jeans down just enough to fit his cock between your thighs. when he's walking you out, the boys watch as you cling to simon's arm, a lovesick grin on your sweaty face as you flutter your lashes up at him.
he loves when your manicured hands touch him. scratching along his scalp, tracing the edge of his jaw, cupping the bulge in his pants. you're so sweet, the most giggly girl, and he loves tasting the strawberry of your gloss as you make him cum with your hand, cooing against his lips about how strong he is, how much you love him, how you would do anything for him.
he loves it most when you see him for what he really is. when he comes home battered and bruised, bloody clothes sticking to him, a snarl to his voice and the adrenaline of an op still pumping through his veins. he loves that nothing about him scares you. that even like this, you lean up on your toes and kiss him softly, that you get some of the blood and dirt smudges on the pink of your pajama pants, and you don't care, that he strangled a man with these very hands only hours ago, and you still want him to touch you.
he loves that you love him. that when he feeds his cock into you that night, in nothing but your baby pink lingerie, that you barely need any prep at all from how wet you are. thick thighs spreading apart, sticky slick shining on your skin, cunt nice and ready for him because you have missed him that much. he loves that no matter how ugly he feels, you always find him attractive, that no matter how many people he tells you that he killed tonight, all you do is smile and pucker your lips, and tell him, "it's okay, teddy bear, they deserved it, didn't they?" and yeah, they did, cause it is kill or be killed, and there is no universe where ghost does not fight to get back here, to get back to this pretty pussy, to get back to the bed he shares with you so he can watch those pretty tits bounce every time he fucks his cock into you.
ghost loves his pretty girl. all smiles. all soft, so cute, just perfect. ghost casts a shadow over the room, and you just brighten it right back up. ghost tracks blood into the house, and there you are to cover it all up with citrus and soap.
yeah. always just sunshine and smiles at home.
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dante-mightdie · 2 months
viking harem but it’s this pretty little princess with her FourBigGuys™️ soap who stole her from her home, price who insists they share (but is the worst at it) and ghost who’s her loyal Dog he literally follows her everywhere especially when she goes to see gaz who always has flowers for her (and then soap shows up out of nowhere to insist no flower is prettier than his their lady
please god this is all I want PLEASE
c/w: poly!141 x fem!reader, smut, cockwarming, public sex, marking
you would be treated like an absolute goddess and the best part about these 4 brutes is they’re customisable! you have one for every occasion!
simon is there for when you need a big scary man to keep you safe from any perverts who may watch you whilst you bathe in the lake :( this menacing warrior standing so he blocks anyone’s view of his pretty lovie in such a vulnerable state
just make sure you repay the favour by letting him put you on your knees and fucking you behind a tree, his cloak thrown on the ground so your skin doesn’t get all muddied and scratched by the elements :(
gaz is your loverboy. he’s there when you need someone to play with your hair and read you poetry. takes you for strolls in the local markets and prepares picnics in the forest
big fan of making love under the moonlight, his hips slowly grinding in to yours as he intertwines your fingers with his. soft gasps escaping your lips every time he hits that one spot inside you and makes you clamp around his cock
johnny is your wildcard. you never quite know what you’re gonna get with him. if you come to him, bored out of your mind, you could either end up absolutely hammered at a local tavern or going for a horse ride through a shallow stream
he’s a very tender lover. he can be very rowdy, grabby even. leaving dark bruises on your hips and waist as he manhandles you into the position he wants but once he’s got all that energy out of his system, he’ll trail soft kisses over each mark. resting his head on your tummy as you gently untangle his braid and play with his hair
and price. john’s lap holds a very special place in your heart as a safe space. a quiet sanctuary where you can unwind. he knows what you need when you pad over to him and climb onto his lap. a pleased grunt leaving his throat as you settle into a comfortable position
will spend hours with you, rubbing his warm hand up and down your back in front of the fireplace until you decide that’s not enough. your hand would trail down his hairy chest, slipping under his trousers to pull out his cock and slip him inside you
everyone knows not to disturb you both during this time, even the boys wait until your both settled before worming their way into the room for some together before bed <3
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leonsdolly · 16 days
Canto V
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Plagas!Leon Kennedy x fem! reader
Synopsis: Leon's back from Spain, but there's something off about him.
CW: nsfw 18+, p in v, dubcon, implied somnophilia, breeding kink, bruising, titplay, cunnilingus, creampie, unprotected sex, forced orgasms, overstimulation, lots of spit, choking, reader passes out during sex
WC: 2.4k
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It may as well be a universally known concept that when you’re in a relationship with a government agent, you’d better get used to being strangers with the finer details. Who, what, when, where, and why made themselves at home in your vocabulary while you were dating Leon. It was all futile; he couldn't ever tell you where he was going for his next mission or when he was coming back to your grabby hands. Swearing confidentiality with your left hand on the Bible trumps a loving, concerned girlfriend apparently.
Leon had been gone for a few days this time around, and you weren’t sure when exactly he’d be back. You prayed to every divinity who cared to listen that he would come back home safe and sound to you. You did so every time he left. The government calls, he runs, you make your deals with Jesus.
The clock strikes midnight as you flit around your apartment, closing the kitchen and ensuring everything is locked up for the night. You got home from work rather late, and you’re looking forward to falling into a deep slumber, especially since you’ve taken your everything shower, completed your skincare routine, and changed into a cute teddy bear print cami with matching boy shorts. While your heart aches for your absent boyfriend, you throw your shoulders back and keep your chin high, braving another night of sleeping alone in your queen-sized bed. You slide under the covers and turn off your bedside lamp before closing your eyes and ultimately slipping into a welcomed state of unconsciousness.
Scratching, more scratching… Huh? You blearily open your eyes before squinting at the time displayed on your alarm clock - 1:48 am. Did something wake you? You don’t hear anything, yet you have the sinking feeling that something did lull you out of your sleep. You fumble to turn the lamp on - thankfully, there’s nothing standing in the corner of your room or anything else that would have you screaming bloody murder until your lungs collapsed. The covers are pulled aside as you sit up in bed, planting your feet on the hardwood floor. 
Once your feet lightly hit the floor, a terrible shuffling resounds from the living room which makes your blood freeze over. Your limbs are immobilized, but your eyes move towards the door, like you’re in a state of sleep paralysis and your demon’s lurking around the corner. Heavy footsteps grow closer and closer to your door, and you watch the doorknob turn in slow motion. 
The door swings open, and your body dissolves. 
“Leon?” Your eyes blink at him, unsure for a second if he’s the product of a sleep paralysis induced hallucination.
Your lover stands before you with a somewhat dazed expression himself - dark circles engraved below his exhausted eyes, faded bruises on his face, dark veins trailing across his pale skin. He stands transfixed for what feels like forever before he blinks. “Baby.”
The sound of his voice breaks you out of your own stupor, and you launch off the bed and straight into his arms. You bury your face in his chest as you wrap your arms around him tightly. “You’re home.”
He shudders violently before his arms encircle you as he buries his face in your hair, inhaling the smell of your shampoo - ah, figs and camellia, a breath of fresh air from guts and mold. “I missed you… I almost didn't…” His voice is unsteady, wavering in a way that makes you want to never let go of him.
“It's okay, my love. You're home now, you’re safe.”
“I almost didn't make it… You don’t know what happened…” His hands shake slightly as he grips onto you a little harder.
A lump forms in your throat at the realization that he could have very well perished during this mission. It’s not often that he lets you see him in such a vulnerable state, so hearing the fear decorate his tone causes your heart to squeeze painfully. 
“What happened?”
“You know I can’t tell you that.”
“Fine, at least tell me where you were. S’not like I can head there and foil the government’s plans after it’s already over. ”
You wonder what kind of horrors had transpired in Spain, but you know better than to inquire further. You hold him close and rub his back soothingly, trying to make him feel as loved as possible. “It's over now, right?”
“Right…” A hint of worry colors his tone as he presses a kiss to your head. “Can we just go to sleep?”
“Of course,” you reach up to gently rub the shadowy veins visible underneath his eyes and creeping up his neck. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah. Guess my body just went through a lot back there.”
You take his arms, turning them over and over and examining them closely for any serious wounds. Thankfully, you don’t see anything except for the occasional minuscule scrape, though the unnaturally dark veins worry you. You’re afraid they may be the result of some sort of vascular impairment, so you make a promise to yourself that you’ll drag him to the doctor’s office soon for a proper assessment. You help him wash up, letting him use your products so he’s soft and smelling like you. You hold each other close in bed, relishing the feeling of finally being able to sleep in each other’s arms after time apart.
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Ouch. You wince slightly as you wake up to the sun streaming in through your lace curtains. You drowsily fumble for Leon’s hand to hold first thing in the morning like you usually do, but the space next to you is empty. You certainly hope you hadn’t just dreamed of his homecoming.
“Baby?” You croak as you wince again. Are you naked? And why are you so sore? Your eyes trail down to your arms which are littered with bruises. Eyes wide like cherry pies, you tug the comforter off to discover that the rest of your bare body is marked in a similar fashion - bruises bloomed across your neck, teeth marks engraved in your breasts, handprints stamped onto your hips like someone had been gripping onto them for dear life. Trembling, you slowly raise yourself up to a sitting position. You squirm as you feel slick in between your thighs, how fresh it is, you can't say for sure.
“Leon?” Your voice sounds foreign to your own ears as you call out for your lover.
You’re dazed as you take a step forward, feeling your body spinning like a ballerina, a delicate little thing that’s been used and abused and stuffed in a box marked FRAGILE. A strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind, anchoring you to his bare chest- they’re so much warmer than your Leon’s. Your eyes flutter as they gaze straight up into a pair that look like your Leon's except they’re murkier, hungrier. 
Inky blood vessels coagulate underneath his skin, giving him a mottled appearance. They interweave throughout his body like morbid ribbons decorating his limbs for a funeral. He breathes heavily as he squeezes at your already tender body, causing you to whimper.
“Leon, ‘m sore… What did you do?” A low growl reverberates within him as he pulls you back onto the bed, shoving you onto your back. Before you can interrogate him further, his lips smash against yours. His kisses are all teeth and slobber, filled with nothing but the desire to ravage everything you hold near and dear.
“Mine, all mine,” he groans as he latches his lips onto your neck, decorating it with his very own artistic flair. “Mine to keep forever.” You whimper at the way his lips assault your most sensitive point like a wolf ready to tear out the wide eyed fawn’s throat. 
“Fuck, feels so good,” you moan which further ignites that primal instinct in him that wants to give you the greatest pleasure you’ve ever known, all for the sake of claiming you as his very own mate. He squeezes your tits together and spits on them before rubbing it into your nipples with the rough pads of his thumbs. You squeal at the stimulation as he takes a nipple in his mouth, suckling at it as hard as he can before letting go with a pop.
“God, Leon,” you cry out as he continues to suck on your tits. He pushes them together as hard as he can and forces both nipples into his mouth so he can lap at them like a creature who stumbled across an eternal spring in the vast desert.
“Love these tits,” he groans. “Sweet fucking nipples, made to suck on all day and night. To think they’re gonna get even bigger when they're full of milk.” He pushes his face in between them before finally pulling away with a slap to each one, watching them jiggle with a carnal gaze.
“M-milk?” You whimper as he kisses across your abdomen and lowers down to your leaking pussy.
“Yeah,” he pants as he spreads your dripping folds open with his thumbs, inspecting the remnants of the now stale cum he had dumped inside while you slept like an unsuspecting angel. “Your body has accepted my gift.” A tinge of fear courses through your veins at this last line; you can’t put your finger on why it makes your skin crawl, but they don’t sound like your Leon’s words.
“Gift?” You involuntarily moan as he lets himself drool on your pussy before pressing sloppy kisses straight onto your clit. 
“You’ll take my seed.” He starts lapping at your pussy ruthlessly, but not before grabbing your thighs and forcing them to clamp around his head, keeping him fused to your most intimate parts. Your sweet noises overflow the room as your back arches like he’s possessing you, dragging you down to flail around for eternity among the powerful black winds. Your voice turns shrill as you cum on his salacious tongue. Canto V.
When he finally emerges for air, his eyes are now murkier than before - the once serene blue that inspired such tranquility is now charred, tenebrous. “Leon,” your eyes tear up as you gaze down at him with your elbows propping you up.
“Shh,” he smirks as he raises himself up to pump his hard cock a few times before aligning himself with your pretty hole. “My baby, my lamb. Gonna get your beautiful belly all swollen for me. Gonna creampie you as many times as it takes.” He pushes himself inside your sopping cunt as you wail for the heavens. Your pussy allows him to enter with ease, clenching around him like it needed him to breathe - which it did. He begins to thrust into you with all the vigor of a madman.
“So good for me, my fucking girl,” he pants as he continues to pound into you. He leers at the way your tits bounce at each thrust before leaning over to spit on them. Your chest gleams with his saliva as you moan louder than you ever have before, like your throat really is being ripped out by the big bad wolf. His cock reaches deep, hitting all the spots you know nothing else can, and before you know it, you’re cumming all over him as he continues to pummel into you. Your nails dig into his back as you try to claw onto anything that can keep you physically grounded through your orgasm.
He laughs a little to himself as he continues to fuck you despite the fact you just came. “L-leon,” you cry out. “S’too much, too sensitive.”
“You can take it, been taking it all night.” His balls slap against your ass as he leans down to jam his lips against yours, licking into your mouth until your head’s all dizzy again. He rears back to push your legs up against your chest as his cock pounds into you; the new angle’s making your eyes roll all the way back into your head. “Oh, fuck,” he murmurs to himself as his breath hitches and he stares down at you losing yourself in the mating press. “That’s a good breeding bitch.” His words are hushed, but they bounce around in your head and yank another orgasm out of you, leaving you sobbing from the overstimulation.
“S’okay baby,” he coos as he kisses your salty tears away and wraps a hand around your smooth throat. “You’re doing so well, accepting my gift.” His eyes unsettle you, damn near pitch black as they peer right into yours. Your battered pussy tightens in tandem with the hand gripping your throat. Your tongue lolls out as you start seeing stars, and he sucks on it. “Give me another one, little lamb.”
“C-can’t,” you slur as your limbs dissolve. You want to give him another one. Want it, want to bear his child, want to exist for him. Want to breathe him, let him pump through your circulatory system. His breathing becomes erratic, damn near hysterical, as he nears his own high. He rubs your swollen clit to bring you closer to yet another orgasm, though you wonder if you’ll live to tell the tale once you reach it. He pounds into you as hard as he can, unrestrained growls falling from his lips as he dumps his load into you. You manage to cum yet again, release so intense on your already wasted form, that it shatters your senses. You’re vaguely aware of someone shrieking, and it takes a while to realize that it’s coming from your own mouth. You did it. Your vision goes black, and you slump into unconsciousness. 
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The first thing you perceive when you regain consciousness is the calloused hand gently caressing your face as if you’re a china doll. “Leon?” Your mumble brings him to slowly gaze at you with concern and shame.
“Baby.” He raises his other hand to hold yours with all the love and tenderness he could muster. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore… tired…” You frown slightly as you try to sit up, but he stops you from straining yourself. “What happened, Leon?”
“I’m so sorry.” His eyes are cast downwards as if the floor will be more forgiving than his own lover. “I’m not okay.”
“It’s okay,” you frown as you squeeze his hand reassuringly. “You didn’t hurt me.”
“I could’ve. I thought this thing had resolved itself in Spain.”
“We’ll figure this out together.” You gently tug his arm, signaling to him that for now, you just want him laying with you. He slides into the bed and cautiously rolls you over on your side so that he’s spooning you from behind. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and gives your belly a pat.
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soapybutt17 · 2 months
The Next of Kin
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Summary: Simon needed to update his contact information, as dodgy as he was for giving everyone even a glimpse of his private life, he did so. Who would have ever thought that it would become handy after an injury left him high on painkillers and needy for his girls back home. Character: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Wife!Reader. OC Daughter (Cassandra "Cassie" Riley). John Price. Word Count: 1,615 Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Injuries. Drug Consumption. Slight Angst. Mostly fluff.
Masterlist || Request are Open
It was the annual checkup in the base, something that Simon had dreaded the most knowing what it entails. Not only was his current and past injuries being monitored but he was all too certain about the wacky doctor would also make an appearance to check on his mental state. It wasn’t a fun time as any of his other team mates point it out to be.
“Should we update your emergency contact, Lieutenant Riley?” The nurse had inquired dealing with his medical records.
A part of him wanted to say no, but remembering what was waiting for him home, he could not allow himself to break his wife’s heart as well as his own daughter if the time ever comes that he dies in the middle of battle. He would want to ensure if ever that was to happen, you would know and hope that you would move on.
“Yes,” He agreed accepting the clipboard and pen handed to him.
Without an ounce of hesitation, he wrote your name and your number under his emergency contacts.
His handwriting was decent and readable at best, chicken scratch at worst as Johnny had eloquently pointed out during reports. But there was this special care with the way he wrote your first name and his last name that you were more than happy to take as soon as you married all those years ago. Your number was ingrained to his brain as he wrote it, having forced himself to memorize in the event he didn’t have his personal phone with him and simply a burner phone for missions.
What truly took him a second to write was the blank space dedicated to his relationship with you. No one knew he was in a relationship, nor did anyone know about his marriage. It took him a full two minutes before he found himself slowly opening the flood gates of his personal life that he had tried his best to hide from the world.
“Never knew you were married, Lieutenant.”
“Never planned on letting anyone know about it.” He spoke honestly, the cold demeanor and tone enough to stop the conversation from going further about his personal life.
Little did Simon know that the upcoming mission would lead to him having to make use of the emergency contact.
When you had begun your relationship with one Simon Riley, you had always accepted that he would always be gone for uncertain amounts of months in a year, you had accepted that part of him. How mission would always mean the world was a little safer from the dangers of man. You accepted all the big and small flaws that came with Simon and even in your eventual marriage and the birth of your daughter, you had come to accept the danger that would come in missions that would place him badly bruised or beaten beyond repair. You would always be there to tend to each and every single wounds and be the shoulder for him to cry on when he was good and ready.
But nothing could have ever prepared you for another unknown call coming from your phone. You’ve always expected it to be your husband, checking up on you before the mission begins like he always does. But the voice of an unknown man was the last thing you would have expected.
He called himself John Price and you know the man from your husband’s few conversations when he talks about the people he works with. You had feared for the worst as soon as he had explained that your husband has just gotten out of surgery after a mission. A few broken bones and a superficial gunshot wound. But it was enough to worry you as Simon himself has been asking for you as soon as he was out of surgery and in lucid consciousness.
On most days you were calm and collected, but it was the panic of seeing the worse of your husband that had you carrying your two year old and a baby bag towards your car with a mission. The Captain had asked if you could possibly have someone come get him but you know no one else better to check up on him but yourself and your daughter that was all the more excited about being in the car.
The travel was rather long and rather tedious knowing you and your husband had agreed to live away from the city and away from any dangers that may come to you and the baby while he was gone. You had appreciated the distance, the peaceful tranquility that came with being away from the bustle and noise of the city but not this time. It had meant a longer journey and a more hectic one since the base was all the way across the other side.
Once you had arrived to the base, all eyes were on you. Many eyes had lingered on you when they heard your last name. You know for a fact that your husband’s name and reputation beholds him, but you never knew nor did you ever try to question to what extent. It unnerved you more was how avoidant everyone had been of you aside from one of the soldiers tasked with bringing you and your daughter to your husband.
Outside the infirmary room was a rugged man. The man exudes an air or control and intensity and rugged strength, but not as much as your husband did. His posture was upright, suggesting discipline and years of military training. Dressed in an all too familiar tactical gear, he gives off a no-nonsense vibe that immediately commands attention.
“Ma’am, my name is John Price.” The man introduced the moment he caught sight of you.
You spoke your name and your daughter that was surprisingly all too mum in the whole situation, you were surprised that she wasn’t crying at being in an unfamiliar environment like she usually was.
“It is best to assume that you two are Simon’s wife and daughter, I presume?” He inquired.
You took a moment to think if it was alright to agree with his statement. Knowing your husband and the array of precaution he had come to give you, you were uncertain if you could trust the man with such a fact.
“Yes.” You spoke, dealing with the consequence later as there was something more important that needed your attention. “How’s he doing?” You inquired wanting to change the subject now.
“Stable. A little loopy from the drugs, but he’ll make a fast recovery.”
You nodded, hesitation of asking if you would be allowed to see him now in his state.
“He was looking for you.” He opened the door for you and you were welcomed with your husband in bed with his mask still on.
“Dada!” Your daughter squealed upon the sight of your husband groggy still.
You watched as his head turned to look at you and your daughter.
“Love…” He grunted wincing at the pain that you were certain that was coming in full force now.
“I’m here, Baby.” You whispered approaching him, cupping his cheeks gently. “Me and Cassie are here.” You assured trying your best to hide the tears that were fighting to fall at the sight of him.
When Simon Riley had opened his eyes, the first thing that he had come to notice was the pain that surrounded his entire body. The next thing that he noticed was the warmth that wrapped around his calloused hand.
Turning his head he saw the most beautiful sight that he had the fortune of seeing in his life. His wife and daughter. The more pressing matter was the fact that you were asleep in an all too familiar uncomfortable plastic chair with one hand on him, and your other arm held onto your baby sleeping on your chest.
“Baby…” He grunted harsher than he intended.
Slowly blinking away, your eyes immediately turned down towards your daughter before your eyes met his own.
“How are you holding up?” You inquired immediately, trying your best not to wake your sleeping daughter still cradled snuggly on your chest.
“Like a bitch.” He muttered appreciating being able to swear with his daughter still asleep. “But I’ll live.”
“I’m glad.” You sighed, rubbing his hand tenderly. “I was so worried about you when your boss called me. I thought something worse has happened.” You whispered.
“I didn’t really want to worry you—or have you see me like this.” He muttered.
“I know.” You nodded gently letting go of his hand to cup his cheeks that still was covered with his mask. “But I’m still as glad to be here right now knowing you’re alright. Me and Cassie get to see you’re alright.”
At the mention of your daughter, Simon noticed his daughter begin to get fussy from your chest. Gently pushing himself up until he sat on his bed much to your protest, he took your now crying daughter into his arms, gently laying her onto his chest and how quick she was sated in his warmth.
“Daddy’s here, Angel. I’m here.” He began to whisper, pulling off his balaclava to kiss his daughter onto top of her head. “I’m not going soon for a while. I promise.”
He has yet to tell you about the doctor’s insistence that he takes a few months off. It would be something he would tell when you get home. Once he finishes up with the paper works, he’ll let you know of the good news. For now, all that’s important was he had you and his daughter here with him, even in his most vulnerable state.
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luveline · 8 months
hiyaa girlyy!! so i have a fic request and it's totally fine if you don't want to write / don't feel comfortable reading or doing it: and also, i'm not sure if someone thought of this yet, but how about spencer just being friends with a stripper. like their are murders ongoing abt strippers and spencer sees reader at one of the crime scènes and everybody's shocked since their sooo sweet and comfortable together? (and bonus point if she wears his jacket or something since it's cold)
thank you for your request! if you have more requests for this pairing please send them my way!
"I tried to call you!" 
Hotch looks up from his phone at the shout. He'd been texting Jessica one handed in an attempt to tell her and Jack that he won't be home tonight, and he isn't usually easily startled, but he isn't expecting you to talk to him. Or call him. 
He blinks back his fatigue —you're obviously not talking to him. You're almost nondescript in your hoodie, but Hotch isn't confident you're wearing any pants, or underwear. It was a rush job to bring everyone out from the club, and you and the rest of the dancers stand on the sidewalk in various states of undress. 
"Can we get some jackets, please?" Hotch asks, turning back to the beat cops standing by. "Thermal blankets? Anything?" 
When he turns back, Spencer's not where he was. Hotch casts his gaze back to you near the club doors, your hair messed up from the scuffle but your face intricate and untouched, just as pretty as the rest of your fellow dancers, and doubly so as you throw your arms around Spencer Reid's tall shoulders. 
"I'm so glad you're okay," Spencer says, squeezing you hard, your heels lifting off of the rain-sullied sidewalk. "I told you to stay home!" 
"I can't stay home, Spencer. How would I make money?" 
"I'll pay for the hours you miss, I told you that, too." 
"Baby, you couldn't afford it," you tease lightly, setting back down. Your hand immediately rises to Spencer's cheek, your painted nails scratching delicately at his skin. "I've missed you. Where have you been?" 
"California, then Albuquerque." 
"Killing bad guys?" 
Hotch doesn't consider Spencer a lonely guy, and he doesn't think he'd ever be collected enough to enter a strip club, and yet. There he is, hugging and checking over a stripper with as much care and tenderness as he'd show any member of the team. And judging by your smile, you're enamoured with him. Whether romantically or otherwise is anyone's guess. 
Morgan's, apparently. "Sorry, I'm sorry, does Reid have a girlfriend? Like, a…?" 
"You can say stripper," Emily says, though she's similarly nonplussed. "I mean, there's no way. Right?" 
"They're just friends," JJ says. 
The team turns to her in betrayal. Clearly, JJ knew about this and said nothing, and Hotch has things to do but this is so thoroughly bizarre that he gives himself five minutes of curiosity; he lets the others berate her for answers. 
"Come on, JJ! When did this happen? How did this happen?" Emily asks, her voice dropping to a scandalised whisper. 
In the background, Spencer peels out of his jacket that barely fits around your shoulders. You wear it anyhow, wrapping your arm through his and leaning on his shoulder. "Thanks, Dr. Reid." 
"I really wish you'd stay home when I tell you too." He rubs your arm amicably. 
"Her old boss was a typical heavy-handed sleaze," JJ explains, voice soft with sympathy. "Spence said he used to see her at the grocery store with bruises. She stayed with him for a few days and found a new club… He said she can smile through anything, even a broken wrist." 
Hotch understands. This part of Virginia pretends to be better than it is, and while you seem happy enough now in your profession, he knows it can't be easy. Spencer did for you what he would've done for anyone. You've clearly seen the good in him, treating him with a real and easy affection, adoring through shivers as you look up at him and ask, "Are you eating enough? You look tired." 
"I'm exhausted worrying about you. You're exhausting. Like, where are the sweatpants I got you? You'll get hypothermia." 
"I was trying not to get murdered. You're lucky I grabbed the hoodie." You turn to the team, as though you've known they were watching the entire time. "You wanna introduce me to your friends?" you ask. Hotch detects a hint of insecurity under all your bubbly sweetness. 
Spencer laughs loudly, ushering you forward with a hand on your shoulder. "Don't chicken out this time." 
"Don't embarrass me in front of the special agents!" you whisper. 
"I'm a special agent." 
"No, you're a doctor. He's a special agent." Your gaze narrows in on Hotch. "Hi, you're the boss, huh?" You eye his naked marriage finger briefly, and he knows you're kidding, but he still has to fight to stay expressionless as you continue, "How come handsome guys like you don't ever wanna see me dance?" 
Hotch puts out his hand. "Aaron Hotchner. It's nice to meet you." 
You shake his hand, though you stay as close to Spencer as you can manage without stepping on his shoes. "Right. Too respectful. It's really nice to meet you too, Agent Hotchner. Can you catch the bad guy soon? I'll end up on Spencer's cough again if I don't make rent." 
Morgan opens his mouth and Hotch promptly shuts him down with a raised hand. "We will. You have my word." 
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princessbrunette · 29 days
thinking about boxer!rafe coming home after a match all sore so u offer to give him a massage to make him feel better but ur hands just keep getting a little too close to his dick! and now he's hard! and he might as well fuck u!
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
rafe felt at peace.
his days were overwhelming, overstimulating, deafened by the roar of a bustling crowd cheering him on or the ringing of his own ears after taking a punch. now, laying on the couch in just sweatpants — the only real sound he can pick up on is the quiet humming of the tv. the house was quiet, your baby girl was in bed asleep, and you were there right infront of him, delicate hands sliding down his chest.
“where are you sore?” your sweet voice cuts through his thoughts as you slide your hands carefully down the tense plane of his muscles. your palms take a moment to rest on his abdomen, looking up at him with wide inquisitive eyes.
“uh…” he raises a hand, scratching behind his ear and licking his lips in thought. “everywhere.” he drawls making you huff a quiet laugh from your nose.
“m’kay. noted.” you hum, continuing your movements. he lets his head lull back on the couch, eyes fluttering shut as he tries to zone out of everything and enjoy your touch. you’re never too rough when you pass over his budding bruises or freshly treated cuts, but know when to dig the pads of your fingers in to work out any knots beneath the skin. it was heavenly, and it wasn’t often rafe enjoyed letting himself be pampered.
your hands transfer to his thighs at some point, knowing those get sore from all the extensive workouts he does. you dig the heels of your hands in and drag them every which way, the cameron man enjoying the massage through his sweatpants, the material bunching beneath your hands.
his awareness begins to return when your focus hones in on his upper thighs, dragging your hands towards the centre where his crotch lies before removing them and restarting, over and over. maybe it was because he wasn’t wearing any underwear, but with each movement the baggy material of his sweatpants began to move and create friction against his cock — gliding lightly against his tip when he inevitably began to harden. his eyes open and his head lifts, a hand coming to rest on the fat of your hip as he gazes at your concentrated face in adoration.
“you’re a little tense.” you whisper, biting back a smile when you feel his eyes on you.
“yeah…” his smirk only grows. “yeah you uh, you don’t say.” a larger hand comes down, his own — and rests over his crotch, instinctively rubbing at his growing erection. slowly, your own massaging halts and your eyes flutter a little, swallowing as you watch. as if it were you he was touching, a small hum sounds from the back of your throat. “think i need you to rub on something else for a little while, alright?”
your gentler hand rests over his and he removes it, letting you feel the weight of his cock through the soft grey fabric and you start to rub, eyes instantly jumping to his for approval. he winces at the feeling, shifting his hips and leaning back in relaxation once more as he watches.
“i want you to feel good everywhere.” you shyly admit and now it’s his turn to huff out a silent laugh.
“yeah? that’s real sweet.” he lets you continue to touch him, but now sits forward, bringing his face close to yours. for a second he just stares you down, before he tilts his head a little. “now i…i think we can mutually benefit eachother here. i might feel a little more relaxed if you sit that pretty wet pussy on me… okay? think you can hump on daddy a little? make me… make me feel better?” he raises his eyebrows when he awaits a response, but you feel like all the air has been punched out of your body.
you suck in a shaky inhale, nodding jerkily and he smiles, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “knew you would. i’d bet money that it’s already wet for me… it is, isn’t it?”
you start off riding him sure, doing some of the work — but like usual, rafe enjoys taking charge and exerting his energy into you— so soon enough you’re on your back on the couch, his large body arched over you with his sweatpants pulled down and his balls slapping against you repeatedly.
“mm— there you go. it’s — it’s like you scratch my back i scratch yours… right?” he pants, lips parted in breathlessness. you can barely hear him through the pounding of blood in your ears but you nod anyway, just enjoying hearing him speak. “you give me a little massage and i get to massage your insides in return… and you’re taking it like a fuckin’ champ baby, keep at it.”
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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petriwriting · 8 months
I'll always stand up for you - Theodore Nott X Reader
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A/N: Fixed up the spacing to make it easier to read this time.
Summary: Theo gets himself into a fight, Y/n has to patch him up.
The slytherin common room was very quiet, and empty. Y/n for once was the only student in the room. It was late at night, so it would’ve made perfect sense that many people were up in their rooms sleeping. Although it was odd y/n hadn’t seen anyone come or go yet, although that would certainly change. 
Y/n asked quietly, they were sat in the slytherin common room with a book, reading intently until Theo’s suspicious behavior became alarming. 
Theo was holding something over his mouth. his left eye was puffy and red. It would without a doubt leave a nasty bruise. They were very close, sharing secrets and walking to class together. Theo especially knew how to make y/n smile after a hard day. He was sweet and kind when he wanted to be, especially towards y/n. It wasn’t until incredibly recently that they had, in fact, developed feelings for Theodore. 
Y/n offered again, setting the book aside. Theo had walked in, hoping to sneak away to his dorm unnoticed by anyone, but y/n had been up late reading on that particular evening. The common room was cozy, and quiet at that hour. 
“Yes?” Theodore asked, trying to keep his face away from the light of the fireplace, but ultimately it was no use. Y/n could see he was holding the handkerchief he had kept in his satchel full of class supplies. It looked bloodied. Which made Y/n’s heart race, they immediately stood and walked promptly over to the boy. 
“What happened.”
Y/n’s voice was full of concern, but Theo pulled away slightly. “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” he says downplaying what had really happened. His eyes looked tired, with the way he had entered the common room, y/n knew he was sore, and had likely been in a fight from the early stages of a black eye.
“Let me see, please.” Y/n’s voice was soft, but sweet. Theo could feel his heart flutter. He removed his hand from his lip, revealing a split across his bottom lip smeared with blood. He was likely punched in the jaw, no doubt. It made y/n angry to think that someone would do that. “May I?” Y/n offered, taking the handkerchief from the boy and gesturing for him to sit on the leather furniture facing the fireplace. Yn tilted Theo's chin up to get a better look at his face, examining his features. Yn delicately thumbed away a streak of blood from Theo's mouth, saying nothing and instead frowning. His features were then illuminated by the fire light, a scratch on his cheek, what would become a black eye in the morning, and the split on his lip. It was disheartening to see him in that state, as he had flinched when he sat down and looked like he was suffering.
“Who did this to you?” 
“Some lowlife gryffindor, and his friends.” Theo said with a gentle sigh. Y/n grabbed the handkerchief and gently dabbed the blood off his cheek and lip, paying special attention to try and not hurt him even more. “You have to be more careful.” Y/n said, slightly disappointed. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” Theo admitted, “They were saying things about you.” 
Y/n felt flushed at the thought of Theo defending them, especially in a fight. It was a romantic gesture, but they were also frustrated he didn’t just walk away. It wasn’t incredibly common that Theodore came home with bruises from fights, but it did happen. Especially when someone would speak Ill of his friends and family. 
“They said you weren’t worth the trouble, that you’re a nasty person.” Y/n let out a sigh, grabbing their school bag and digging out a small container with a green balm in it. Some kind of healing concoction from herbology class. Y/n was listening to Theo, but was intent on healing him. Taking a small amount on their thumb, they gently brushed it over his cheek, and slowly and delicately over his lip. 
“It’s not true, you know.”
“That you’re a nasty person.”
“It doesn’t matter Theo-“
“No. It does matter. To me. I think you are absolutely lovely. I won’t ever let them-or anyone speak badly of someone that I love.” 
Y/n paused, if it weren’t for the low lighting and the warm glow from the fireplace Theo would’ve certainly seen them blushing. 
“. . .you, love me?”
Y/n asked, quite elated at the thought of Theo saying those three words. 
“Well I better because I took quite a few hits to avoid another detention.” Theo smiled softly. It was likely on a field trip outside of school, someplace where he couldn’t use magic. He was quick witted and skilled at dueling, but when it came to physical fights it seemed like whoever it was certainly had a stronger build. Y/n chuckled softly, but before they could speak Theo began again, “Of course I love you, y/n.” 
“No I do. I can’t deny those feelings.”
“Please don’t go picking fights for me anymore, I absolutely hate that you were hurt,” y/n shook their head slightly. unsure of how to express the feelings of butterflies in their chest. The feeling of young love. 
“I love you too much to ever see you hurt at all.”
“Listen, the next time I see those bastards they’ll be the ones hurt and in the hospital wing I can guarantee that.”
“Please be careful.”
“I won’t be sorry for defending your name.”
Y/n brushed the rest of the blood off their chin, gently grazing his soft skin. 
Theo locked eyes, it was a tender moment. It was sentimental, and kind. For a second he wondered what it would be like to kiss them. 
“You don’t have to defend me.”
“I know.”, “. . . I know,”
With their eyes locked, and y/n’s hand near Theo’s wounded face, their heart was racing fast from being so nervous. Theo felt a rush, and then decided to cross the line between friends and lovers. He gently grabbed the side of y/n’s cheek cradled in his hand and pressed their lips together softly. It was a brief kiss but it was meaningful. When they pulled back, y/n remained close looking into his blue eyes. They reminded y/n of the sea. Almost forehead to forehead, in this intimate moment y/n broke the silence finally with a bare whisper, getting a smile out of Theo and a slight laugh.
“I love you, I have for a while, … but don’t you dare get yourself beat up over me again.”
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lussiane333 · 8 months
hello friend, love the slasher posts
Ok so we all know that scene in Halloween when the nurse chick (I completely forgot her name) was kissing and biting micheals hand. Could you do that but with his s/o like how would he reacte if it was someone he ......likes?
Hello there!
That scene.. I'm jealous.
(Any version) Michael Myers x Reader NSFW!
(It's me, of course it's NSFW, what else did you expect ;P)
Kiss it better
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Michael knew that you liked his hands.
It turns out that besides the brutality, his hands could still give pleasure.
The way you ogled when he grabbed something, when he placed his hand on your thigh and circled his thumb on your skin, so light and soft. Or when he gripped your neck tightly, Michael savoring the sweet sounds you made, as your eyes watched his flexing arm. Your hand placed on top of his that held your neck, feeling his strong grip.. 
The way your eyes were practically heart shaped, when he came home all dirty and bloody, his hand gripping the knife so tightly it made his veins pop out even more.
Michael knows it all.
He also knows that he could easily crush you with them. One hand and you would be gone.. It's not only erotic to him. He feels a strange sensation in his chest when he thinks that you know about the things that he has done with his hands, and you still look at them like it's a holy picture.. He's aroused but touched too.
So now imagine, Michael coming back home with a big bruise forming on his knuckles. It was still red, maybe the victim kicked him or threw something at him, tried anything just to save themselves. 
"Let me kiss it better.." You said, giving Michael the most prettiest gaze you could. 
Michael's eyes were on you. It didn't even hurt and he was eyeing you for trying to baby him like that, but he gave you his hand anyway.
You felt heat creep along your neck as you found yourself kissing his palm. Then you began to suck and bite just gently on Michael's fingers.
His eyes widened slightly, all focused on you and the way your mouth moved, your eyes on his as you held his wrist. 
Oh he likes it. A lot.. 
When you softly moaned and bit down harder, applying the perfect pressure with your teeth, he lost it. 
He would put you against the nearest furniture and fuck you hard, pushing his hips forward to sink his cock into you over and over again, his fingers in your mouth, muffling the sounds you made. 
'You like it so much, now take it.' He thinks, as he pushes his fingers down your throat more.
He wouldn't be able to hold back the soft moans that escaped him. Seeing you sucking on his fingers while he's deep inside of you? Yeah, that does something to him.
Michael would definitely give you hints to do it again after this..
Coming home after another bloody night and you would see a big scratch on his hand. (He actually did it himself) He would stare at you, showing you his hand and if you wouldn't get the hint, he would put his thumb on your lower lip, pulling it down gently and lean closer to you just to whisper a soft, almost inaudible: "Kiss it better." 
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lovandr · 4 months
Felix Catton the type of guy to suck breast during sex. like he just wants to be as intimate and close to you as he can and he also loves touching and kissing every part of you. like he 100% one day was kissing down towards the boob area and sucked a little and decided he liked it
mdni! 18+
Felix sucking brest??? i think the fuck yes. I mean felix has an oral fixation why wouldn’t he wanna suck a lil tittie? (i severely apologise for my lack of activity… school is killing me rn)
it started off as gentle and soft kisses on your tits, little kitten licks to your nipples. he would lick up the crevice between them, rubbing his cheek against your chest as if he were trying to nuzzle his way into your ribcage and make a home in your heart. he wants you, he needs you.
he would leave burning bruises on the area above your breast, his other hand making sure to entertain your remaining tit. how could he ignore them? they were so beautiful, so soft and warm and oh so kissable.
the first time he really indulged himself, the two of your were lazily making out, felix right arm wrapped round your waist, the other resting on your right boob, squeezing and rubbing at the soft skin. he focused almost primarily on your breasts, kneading the flesh, looking down as if he wanted to say something. you ran a hand through his soft brown hair, his eyes instantly coming to look at you. he looked dazed and desperate, so needy and unfulfilled. he wanted something but he didn’t know how to ask.
“what the problem baby?” his eyes seem to shimmer at the nickname, his hips buck upward gently into your leg, a soft groan wantonly escaping his soft pink lips. “what is it my love?” you ask again, running your hand down to his cheek and bringing him closer to your chest. that almost killed him. your boobs pressed right up against his face, he could smell yoyr scent, so intoxicating so sweet.
“can i suck your tits please? i promise i’ll be good, i’ll be so good for you.”, he pleaded, eyes so full of love and adoration. he looked so pretty begging for you, begging to taste you. how could you deny him. “its okay fi, you can have a taste.” he latched onto you immediately after, his lips so softly sucking at your nipple. after that he couldn’t get enough. it was like there was nothing else going through his mind, the taste of your boobs encapsulated him. he sucked almost feverishly, as if he had been anticipating that very moment, and perhaps he had.
it felt almost too good, the warmth of his tongue so soothing against the skin of your tits. his teeth gently bite the hardened bud sending shockwaves through your body, your skin tingling with excitement and pleasure. his big, hand massaging and teasing your other nipple. he looked up at you, eyes so full of love and warmth. god it could have made you cum right there and then.
You cradled his head in your hand, your fingers laced in his hair, your nails scratching lightly at his scalp, making him nuzzle into your touch. The moment was so intimate it almost didn’t feel sexual. he swapped over to your other nipple, he almost laid fully on top of your body, gently rutting his hips against your thigh. he whimpered and whined quietly, the plush soft skin of your tits and the friction of his boxers on his cock made his sweet little head fuzzy and clouded with you. You. You. if you tried to touch him he’d whine. he doesn’t give a fuck about how he feels he just wants to be close to you. he could (and probably would) suck on your tits all day if you let him. the two of you laid grinding against each other as felix indulged himself in the sweetness of your breasts, his head in the clouds, not a care in the world.
taglist 💌
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plussizeficchick · 9 months
Okay so I think as an alpha, it’s hard to get Tamaki angry, but once he does, he goes feral.
Like normally, he has exceptional control over his instincts. He’s not as territorial as others, but there is one thing that can send him into a frenzy.
And that was someone threatening his claim.
You almost felt bad for the poor excuse of an alpha that tried his luck with you. But you’d warned him. You’d been polite, informing him you weren’t interested and were already claimed, but he insisted, was certain he could be a better alpha than the one that would dare let you out of his sight.
You figured since he wasn’t taking a hint that your best bet would be to be direct, harsh even, but it seemed bruising his ego only seemed to stoke his flame.
He didn’t seem to notice your scent changing, the smell of frankincense overpowering your usual scent of lilies and patchouli. And he definitely didn’t notice your alpha stalking over to you guys, too focused on trying to get you home with him.
The alpha doesn’t realize what’s happened until he feels the warm gush of blood running from his nose and the harsh pavement under the palm of his hands. He reaches up to assess the damage before letting out a hiss at the searing pain that shoots to his face.
Yep, definitely broken.
He grits his teeth and looks up at the fucker that dared to hit him, but isn’t prepared to come face to face with Pro Hero Suneater.
“What the fuck, do you think you’re doing to my mate?” Tamaki grits out, eyes lit with hatred for the alpha in front of him. Normally, he’s a talker. He hates when situations escalate to violence, but this guy knew what he was doing, your claiming mark clear as day.
“Hey man, I-I didn’t know-” He tries to stammer but Tamaki is quick to shut that down. “But you did, I heard her say it. Multiple times.” He blankly stares at the guy before hauling him up by his collar. “So here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to leave with the shred of dignity you have left, and if I find that you’re harassing omegas again, you’re going to be left with more than a fucked face. Do I make myself clear?” The man’s head nearly flies off the way he nods in affirmation and Tamaki drops him where he stands.
He’s immediately on you, checking you to ensure there’s not a scratch on you before he guides you out of the park.
— —
You’re aware of how Tamaki gets after a huge display of dominance. He’s still pumped up on adrenaline and needs a way to release the frustration before becoming a recluse.
It's one of the rare times in which he loses complete composure.
As soon as you’re both through the threshold he’s hoisting you up, your thick thighs wrapping around his waist to pull him further into you.
He’s mouthing at your neck, tongue laving over your claiming mark before he kisses his way to your lips, licking into your mouth. You moan against him, his clothed cock pressing against your cunt through your panties. You feel slick pool between your legs, soaking the fabric. “Please, Tama.” You whine. He offers you a bit of relief when he reaches a hand down and rips your underwear off. “Don’t worry bunny, I’ve got you.” He murmurs into your mouth. He can hardly wait, opting to just haphazardly pull down his sweats and boxers. He jerks himself off really quick, moaning at the feeling before pushing into you.
You both groan at the feeling, Tamaki trying to quell his whimpers by gnawing at your claiming mark. You whimper as he bites the sensitive skin, cunt clenching around him.
You jerk in his arms, your orgasm already fast approaching even though it feels he’s just getting started. “Fuck, bunny. So wet f’me. Am I making you feel good?” He murmurs, big indigo eyes looking up at you. Even through spats of dominance, glimpses of your Tamaki shine through. You nod at his words, tears beginning to build in your lash line, “Yeah, gonna cum f’ you, Tama. Gonna-” The words escape you as your orgasm washes over you, mouth open in a silent scream. He works you through it, reaching a hand down to rub your clit and nibbling around your claiming mark. He slowly pulls out, easing you down as you relax. He pulls his hand from you before putting his fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste of your combined flavor.
“You always taste so good for me, bunny.” He presses a sweet kiss to your lips. You look up at him with a dopey smile before you feel what seems like suction cups on your thighs. You look to see Tamaki’s fingers have turned into tentacles before looking back at him.
“Mind if I have more?”
— —
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
Dark! Gojo Satoru x reader (Soulmate Au blurb)
(warnings: dark content, implied kidnapping, implied noncon, masochism)
I really like the idea of soulmates in the JJK world. They're rare, but the reason why they're so coveted is because they are the only person in the world who is immune to their soulmate's cursed technique. 
Being Gojo's soulmate would be like hitting the jackpot, at first. You're a regular person, with no cursed energy. Maybe you and Satoru's hands bump into each other while you're at a cafe, grabbing your respective drinks. To you, it's just an accident. You apologize, make your way out. 
To him, it's like submerging himself into an ice bath. For the first time in years, someone had gotten past his limitless technique. It was so unexpected, and real, and so warm.
Your hands were warm. 
It's the thrill of it that gets him first. The unexpected. No one's ever come close to him. He is the summit of the mountain. The strongest. And yet, there you were, effortlessly able to bypass his barriers without even trying. With women, with Geto, he'd always have to turn his technique off. He'd have to let them do something to him. You could do anything to him, and his powers wouldn't even stop you. You could kick him, punch him, bite him. Anything you wanted, and for once, he'd be powerless to stop you.
He can't detect you with his six eyes. It makes the hunt even better when he catches up to you. It's days of stalking and harassment and the touching that finally makes you snap and slap him. 
It hurts. 
It hurts and he fucking loves it. 
He already made up his mind days ago, but this only cemented it. When he finally takes you home, to his bed, it's euphoric. You scratch and bite and scream and hurt him over and over again. Hours later, when you've passed out from sheer exhaustion, he has more bruises than you do. They'll fade eventually, but that's okay. 
You could always make more. 
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earlgreydream · 2 months
gods, I’m so sorry. this has been in my drafts since APRIL 2023…. I’m finally getting to it, thanks so much for this sweet request ♥️
requested: bucky needing to have a hand on you (stroking ur hair, hand on ur knee, etc) at all times after he nearly loses u 🥺 to reassure u that ure safe and he's there but mostly to reassure himself
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The silence was deafening, and it was so dark. Had it always been this way? James couldn’t remember. The Brooklyn apartment didn’t feel like a home anymore. It was empty without you, your absence ripping the essence of life from his home.
He sighed, not bothering to turn on the light. James didn’t have any intention to stay, the emptiness held an eerie feeling that he just couldn’t shake. He almost forgot what he’d gone home for — to get a change of clothes before heading back to the Tower, to wait for you.
James felt like he should have been out looking. You’d been missing for weeks — disappearing on a mission with Sam, to gather intel. There wasn’t supposed to be any real danger, he would never have let you go if he was worried about a threat to your safety.
“We need to go back, they found her,” Steve’s voice cut through the silence, and Bucky’s heart seized at his words.
“Is she alive?”
The first thing your mind registered was pain. There was a dull, heavy throbbing in every part of your body. When you tried to open your eyes, everything was too bright, and a terrible beeping worsened your splitting headache.
You blinked away the fog in your vision, a hospital room slowly coming into focus. James stood up from a chair in the corner and ran to your side, speaking frantically. You couldn’t understand him, it sounded like his voice was underwater, unclear and garbled.
Panic surged through your chest when you looked down to see an IV in your arm, and you registered the tubes on your face that were meant to help you breathe. You clawed at the IV in your arm, nails scratching your skin as you attempted to rip the needle out.
“Stop, please, baby,” James begged, grabbing your wrist to keep you from accidentally hurting yourself.
“James?” You rasped, the fear in your voice breaking his heart.
“I’m here. You’re safe, you’re in the hospital at Stark Tower. Nothing can hurt you anymore,” he promised, the words sounding clearer in your head this time.
Your chest heaved and tears started to leak down your cheeks, whimpering as a nurse emptied a sedative into your system.
James held your hand, so the nurse didn’t cuff your wrists to the bed. Your memory was foggy, but your body remembered what you’d been through — your heart rate monitor beginning to scream as the nurse talked about restraining you.
“Get out. Just get out!” James shouted, one of the few times you’d ever seen him with tears running down his face.
You began to fade as the sedative kicked in, the room quieting once it was just you and James. He listened to your shallow breathing, gently rubbing his thumb across your forearm, needing to touch you as he sat next to the bed. He had to have his hands on you, to remind himself you were there, safe.
“Don’t leave me,” you begged softly, your trembling hand laying over his.
“I won’t leave you, I promise… just get some rest, okay?” He kissed your knuckles, gazing at you with wet blue eyes.
“I can stay with her, so you can go home, change, sleep in your own bed?” Steve offered, coming in while you were asleep.
“I'm not leaving,” James murmured, barely looking up at his best friend.
“Has she told you anything about what happened?” Steve took a seat on the other side of your bed, an action that James was grateful for, even if he didn’t say so.
“No. She’s barely coherent, they’ve got her on some pretty intense medication…. Steve, she’s in rough shape. How was she when you found her?”
James was afraid to ask, but had to know. Steve shifted his weight, looking down at the floor before finally looking back at your sleeping form, bruised and battered.
"Bad, James. Hydra had her tied up, suspended from the ceiling."
James rubbed his fingers over the raw, red rings around your wrists from the restraints, stopping as you winced in your sleep.
You opened your eyes, looking over at him, reaching out to trail your fingertips over the scruff on his cheek.
"Steve, thank you," you spoke hoarsely, turning to the blond who stood at the end of the hospital bed.
"Of course. How are you feeling?" he approached and gently took your outstretched hand.
"Everything hurts," you groaned, shaking as you tried to sit up.
"Here," James helped you, supporting your weight as you settled into a seated position.
Two weeks later, you'd recovered enough to be discharged.
"I don't want to stay at the tower, I want to go home," you insisted to James, anxious to be back in the shared Brooklyn apartment.
You held his hand as he drove you to the brownstone, flinching at car horns and loud noises. As much as you ached to be home, the trauma still exhausted your nervous system, and kept James on edge.
Your friends had been kind enough to clean your place for you, warm and smelling of the dinner that was in the oven, waiting for you and James. He followed you to the kitchen, smiling softly as you eagerly dug into the first real food you’d got since your return.
Despite have the whole table to yourself, you sat on Bucky’s knee as you ate, his arm around your waist. He was quieter than usual, his face pressed into your shoulder, needing to be as close as possible. He was unable to let you go, afraid you’d slip through his fingers.
Later that night, Bucky sat on the edge of the tub, helping rinse your hair. He had all but gotten in the water with you, his sleeves rolled up as he tenderly washed your skin. Candles flickered on the counters, dimly lighting the fragrant room.
“I’m okay,” you whispered to James, your hand going to his jaw as he kissed you. His lips were soft against yours, parting just enough to catch your small gasp. You chased his mouth when he pulled away, only briefly satisfied as he planted another firm kiss to your lips. He stood to get you a towel, wrapping you up as you rose from the water.
“Let’s go to bed,” he urged, unable to hide his anxiety.
“You won’t sleep,” you accused, knowing he’d be up all night, just as he had for days.
“We can put on a movie. I just need to hold you,” his big eyes were framed by dark lashes, eyes that were impossible to say no to.
You slipped into one of his tee shirts before following him, letting yourself snuggle against his side, his arms tightly wrapping around your middle. The rhythm of his heartbeat and soft sounds of the television lulled you to sleep, resting safely in his embrace.
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