#he’s just so Joan of arc coded like
formulanni · 5 months
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Now I know how Joan of Arc felt,,,
(Variations below the cut)
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Tag list (lmk if you want to be added!): @st-leclerc
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drovvninq · 1 year
ch season 2 opinions
i don't like the new characters' color schemes other than frida. i think the colors work well with her and her character.
confucius' character was wasted, i wish he had more screen time with jfk other than the keyboard warriors scene, plus his bright colors make me want to scream:(
HARRIET TUBMAN'S DESIGN DRIVES ME CRAZY. i understand the whole "ohh her old design wasn't important and the only scene she had was a canceled test scene" stuff but like i wish they'd kept it. she looks like a highlighter to me and i wish they'd given her SOMETHING to make her look more like harriet, maybe the old hair design. she could be any black historical female figure and it wouldn't be surprising.
the new principal girl is fine, idrc about her that much. she isn't too out there but i also think it's really stupid they made her related to joan it just seems like a way for them to get her more screen time
*gulp* ships::
they ruined joanfk, joan didnt act anything like the sarcastic gothy teen she used to be, she was obsessed with being popular and looking cool (ex. cleocoming), and jfk only made sex jokes. no war puns, no funny magic man-esque one liners, nothing. plus he became super clingy and just not the jock he used to be. the whole reason they worked was because they felt open with each other and told each other everything, but in the reboot they hide all sorts of stuff from each other.
i hate harriet and jfk. they should've used that time to develop frida and cleo, who are
the most random ship ever. cleo gave me such homophobic vibes in the first season and to see her date another woman with NO ARC is terrible. she AT LEAST couldve had a "i can date girls?" gag. but no, nothing. it feels so cash grabby and shallow.
i have no sentimental attachment to harriet and confucius, so them dating meant nothing to me. it felt like watching two random people make out: weird, strangely random, and confusing.
it's so scudworth coded to have him in love with a woman that wants him dead.
cleo had no important points except for cleocoming where she didnt even act like herself. i assume this was to hide the fact that she got a brand new voice actor, but i think she's doing fine. the script is the issue. she's no longer manipulative. she's just mean. the old cleo would've thrown the blood pumpkin rumor right back in joan's face.
the "clone leader test" plot sucked. should've made another cloney island plotline.
booo topher i hate him
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strykingback · 7 months
Jaune Arc. The most HORRENDOUS example of a FUCKING KNIGHT.
Trigger warning for this being a drunk as hell post because I decided to drink after a long day of Valentines BS and wanting to make thi post to make one teensy weensy Jaune Stan mad.
Oh yes Rooster Teeth and CRWBY I'm gonna fuckin' shit all over your useless-ass knight character. Why? Because I fuckin' can. So eat a whole ass fucking dick.
So you know Jaune Arc from RWBY right? Literally the "knight character" of the series right. WELL FUCKIN' WRONG. Cause this knight is the example of "I Wanna Be the Main Character" syndrome and literally betrays everything that a knight is meant to do.
So as we know Jaune is meant to be a reference or referred by his naming convention to the actual JOAN OF ARC
Joan of Arc who is well known as history's most bravest female knight of all time. Who had managed to push back many British soldiers all while she received a vision from God in order to continue her rage against the British invaders during the Hundred Years War. Now if we're talking about the Arthurian Legend then this talk would be hella different.
Now starting things off. What pisses me off the most is why wasnt Jaune a fucking woman to kick things off. Like one of the most influential knights in human history being reduced to a secondary wannabe "I wanna be the MC" head-ass boy. Like not gonna lie it would have been much better if he was one cause it would have made a lot more sense if their semblance was seeing events before they happened which woulda made more sense and would have fit Jaune's historical illusion.
But naw. Make his semblance the generic. "I Need Healing" head-ass.
now this would mean that he would be following the Code of Chivalry which this useless-ass knight has failed in so many levels. Take note that there are two Code's of Chivalry one from the Song of Roland and one from the Arthurian Legend of King Arthur. and the following two state.
Song of Roland’s Code of Chivalry: 
Fear God and His Church Serve the liege lord in valor and faith Protect the weak and defenseless Live by honor and for glory Respect the honor of women
King Arthurs version of the Code of Chivalry: 
Honor Honesty Loyalty Valor
Immediately right off the bat we know for certain that Jaune does not respect the honor of women especially in Vol 9 where Ruby has a whole ass mental break down but Jaune says "Oooh I M THE MAIN CHARACTER! YOUR JUST A FUCKIN' BITCH AND YOU NEED TO LET ME HAVE THE SPOTLIGHT" like tell me that is immediately a massive fail especially when Jaune had respected Pyrrha so much so to the point where this man had multiple different arcs over the course of what. six fucking seasons and still has not gotten over her death. Now yes he did follow through with Penny's Idea.... which was a horrendous idea not gonna lie....
Next would have to be Honesty has he literally cheated to get in. Now I count this as a half fail. cause he did prove to have potential in the earlier seasons of RWBY but at the same time. He lied to get into Beacon Academy. which only made me think.... what did Monty cook up for him before Rooster Teeth and CRWBY fucked everything . Another would have to be Loyalty which is a hardcore fail. As he assisted RWBY (aka the four terrorists) into literally destroying an ENTIRE FUCKIING KINGDOM. Actually TWO if you're counting Mantle. Which is just fucking stupid cause this man would warn people and then suddenly everything has to focus around him like once again "Main Character Syndrome." instead of Ruby Rose who IS SUFFERING IN VOLUME NINE!!! Oh Oh Oh. but wait theres more.
but then when Ruby does the Unalive congo and everyone is shocked.. guess what everyone has to hug Jaune cause he is going through shit. When Ruby had it worse!!!
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Aka The Four Dumb Fucks who wont realize their Leader just unalived themselves and they just hug the "Main Character Syndrome: Jaune who is going through it instead of mourning Ruby.
What is there in Honor for a man who barely can honor a friends death no less in the "possible afterlife"
Valor- Dude is the example of I'm a fuckin' coward and I need assistance in order to harm the big fuckin' bad.
Loyalty- Jaune " I followed my friends to destroy an entire Kingdom" Arc.
Everybody Jaune Arc. Is Full o' bullshit and he is the worst example of a fuckin' knight who should never get an arc again!
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yolowritter · 5 months
Can I give you my rant about the absolute MESS Astruc and the rest of the staff did with the background of ML? Because it's infuriating to a history buff and cultural appreciator like me. Especially after the episode Darkblade shows they CAN do a good job (the story of the ancestor Darkblade is the last years of Bernard VII, Count of Armagnac and Conestable of France, just with names filed off), they just choose to be lazy. And infuriating.
Side material references the Fox, Bee, Turtle, Peacock, and Butterfly Miraculous as the Elemental Miraculous, drawing in the Wuxing... And they never explored that.
The Miraculous Order was based in Tibet... Except the Wuxing link above and everything else we see of the Order say they're Daoist-adiacent, and the Tibetan monasteries are Buddhist. And let's not go on the fact Tibet was a different and often rival civilization to China (even the CCP admits that, and bases their control on how China had CONQUERED Tibet before the British got involved) yet the Order is quite obviously Chinese...
Gabi Gassette changed name in Gabriel Agreste... Except this is impossible under French law. Changing one's personal name is already hard enough, and changing the family name requires a petition to the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC proving you have a good reason under French law (and by what is shown, he didn't have one).
Joan of Arc never user her sword in combat, and in fact created her famous banner to have an excuse to not fight. So the scene of her getting time displaced and drawing a sword to fight is utterly ahistorical.
Lila Rossi is coded as an Italian, and I say that as an actual Italian. Her gestures, her expressivity, her hamminess, even her vindicativeness ("vendetta" is actually the generic Italian word for "revenge", but in English it became the word for "horrific revenge" because we're THAT vindicative), everything says she's an Italian teenaged girl. So all the "Cerise" nonsense is frankly ridiculous...
Now the really infuriating one, their take on Joan of Arc, of how she and the English bearer of the Black Cat were manipulated by the ambition of the Kings of France and England. Except Charles of France was the Dauphin, that is the heir to the throne, and grasping at straws to save France from the invasion when Joan showed up and requested he gave her an army to throw the English out of France and couldn't get crowned until Joan reconquered Reims, the city of the coronation. As for Henry VI of England, he was SIX (almost seven) when Joan entered the war (hence why Charles had a chance to reclaim the throne, to be crowned King of France one had to be a knight, and that meant one had to be an adult). These guys claimed Joan and Dark Grimalkin were manipulated by a desperate prince who was considering giving up and by a six years old child.
Sorry for the rant... But seriously, why did they do all of that?!
Because it's Thomas Astruc, and frankly I have no idea! Don't worry, rants are always welcome! By all means, I'm sure there's more stuff if we look for it! As a fellow history nerd, and also with Joan being my single favorite French historical figure ever, I have been seething ever since I saw their take on her. Henry the VI was literally just a child, and Charles was dependant on Joan because the English were demolishing France at the time! There is a perfectly good story in real history as to what could have happened to her and Dark Grimalkin! Just do an "partners on opposide sides of a war", slap in the iconic banner as her Miraculous weapon and call it a day! It would have been so much easier to follow real history! They didn't even need to do any work!
And as for the Cerise nonsense...that "explanation" better be really good. It better be Dark Souls-level deep lore with an interconnected backstory that ties up every single mystery in Lila's character better than Scooby Doo ever could, or I am going to lose my mind! I've already said this in my Lila post, but it's genuinely offensive that they had such a great idea for a character, and built her up so much...just to say "oh well actually she has three moms who don't even know eachother, and her name is Cerise, or Iris, or...something else". Lile c'mon! For Nooroo's sake here, it's a blatantly poor attempt to make her interesting again and it only worked because the fandom is grasping at straws for theory material because of the hiatus!
Any side material for the show just doesn't do a good enough job at actually giving us something new, or at the very least something interesting. The Miraculous and Kwami are constantly sidelined because why bother talking about this extremely high-potential universe you have in your show's Lore...if you didn't bother to fill in the blanks? Kwami are supposed to be Gods, Season 2 has references to Plagg blowing up Atlantis! Myths are apparently real in this universe! Please do something with that Thomas, it's free money! But nope, of course they ignore it.
The Guardian Order...well, I call them "The Jedi from Wish" for a reason. Like okay, religious order that has conservative thinking and backwards methods in a new world that is rapidly and constantly evolving. Cool concept! Unfortunately they don't even get their designs right, can't be consistent with which religion they're even based on, contradict themselves all the time, and make them utterly irrelevant after Su Han's first appearence. His only job in the story is to show up, yell at the protagonists, and then be proven wrong because "Ladybug is always right", only to apologize and then yeet himself to Brazil or something! I have an entire rant about this guy, but I'll refrain atm.
And lastly abt Gabriel's name change, I honestly didn't know that. Cool info, I'll add to my list of "times the writers didn't do their 5-minute google search". But like, c'mon. You're choosing to incorporate an important detail about your main villain into his backstory. Shouldn't you have somebody do the research to see if that's even possible? Even the intern is better than no one! I swear...and then us fanfic authors spend hours upon hours looking up obscure stuff just so one sentence/joke can be factually correct.
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Excuse my brain rot and the fact that I was a theatre kid BUT-
What Shakespearean Monologue I Want to See Each BG3 Companion Perform
“O Soft, What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks” from Romeo and Juliet
Of course. There is no other option.
This man is a hopeless romantic and, I adore him, would not get the point of the play but would have so much fun playing Romeo.
Everyone in the cast would also be hopelessly in love with him.
(Bonus) “Once More Upon the Breech!” from Henry V
Oh this man would KILL this monologue. The battle cry? The rousing of his men against an impossible task? It’s what he was made to do, it’s what the character was built for.
Equal and opposite to how he’d absolutely slay as Romeo, he would make an amazing Henry.
“O, Then I See Queen Mab Hath Been With You” from Romeo and Juliet
I almost, almost gave this to Astarion because I think he could also do it justice, but he already had two monologues.
Just… love u Karlach you can say whatever nonsense and I will nod along. Also absolutely ragging on your friend and getting carried away in the bit feels very in character for her.
I feel like she doesn’t really do acting but she would come support her friend’s productions however she could.
“To Be Or Not To Be” from Hamlet
Hear me out; I think it would either be so over dramatic or the best damn rendition you’ve ever heard.
Contemplation of mortality, pain, existence? Astarion is at his best when he’s having an existential crisis.
This man was also just built to play Hamlet. You could replace this with “‘Tis now the very witching hour of night,” “O, that this too too sullied flesh would melt” Or any of his soliloquies and what I said still goes.
(Bonus) “Dost Thou Not Suspect My Place?” from Much Ado About Nothing
This is one of the best comedic monologues Shakespeare has to offer and I won’t be told otherwise
Specifically based on the line of Dogberry describing himself as a tasty piece of flesh while also being Dogberry and flouncing about, being hysterical, because someone called him an ass.
(Bonus 2) (Sorry this man is very Shakespeare coded) He would be such a good Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Just a little shit.
“O, She Misused Me Past the Endurance of a Block!” From Much Ado About Nothing
Just as I think Astarion was built to play Hamlet, Gale was built to play Benedick.
He’s just enough of an ass but also fucking comedic enough to pull this off and make it hysterical. Like Benedick, he also just keeps talking.
(Bonus) Lear’s Storm Monologues
I think at his worst, Gale could do Lear some fuckin justice in his performance of that specific piece, and that slow descent into madness.
“I Would Eat His Heart In The Marketplace” from Much Ado About Nothing
It’s a take I’m so here for and I think she’d get really into scolding Benedick for being a dishonorable coward.
Just think about the potential delivery of “Oh! If I were a man! I’d eat his heart in the marketplace!” gives me chills.
I don’t ship Lae’zel and Gale necessarily but I think if you put them in a production of Much Ado together it would be cemented as a bar-standard production.
“O What a Noble Mind Been O’erthrown” from Hamlet
She kins Ophelia and you can’t tell me otherwise. Also specifically, in this, the context of being used as a pawn by everyone in her life feels appropriate.
(Bonus) Let her play Joan of Arc in Henry VI. I don’t know why she’s so Joan of Arc coded in my brain but let her do it.
“All the World’s a Stage” from As You Like It
This one is the one I’m least confident about but the world-weary and worn nature that it can take on feels very Halesin and I think he would do a performance in such a way that it sends you spiraling into an existential crisis.
(Bonus) Minthara
“And Dash’d the Brains Out!” from Macbeth
Again, I just think Minthara would kill as Lady Macbeth.
But, I don’t think “Out damn spot” would be where she shined; I think these moments of absolute murder and ambition would.
Also inspired by the production (in DC I think?) where they had to cut Lady Macbeth literally smashing a baby doll on rocks during this monologue because the audience found it too disturbing.
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francisofgotham1 · 1 year
Catholic Bat Family 2 (Inspired by @incomingalbatross)
Alright, we're back on this thing again. So, as stated before, this is inspired by @incomingalbatross's posts and asks about the Bat Family being Catholic and I really liked, so I'll write about my ideas on it. If you wanna see her posts, go check out her blog. Also, if you wanna see the Bat Family Confirmation saints, click here.
So, with that out of the way, let's get creative! (Before we do, though, I would like to establish that Bruce is a good dad in this because that's how it should be).
So far, we've established:
Bruce's origins and current faith (Very Strong).
Alfred is Anglican
Father Brown is in this universe (and so is Flambeau).
Selina started antagonistic towards it, but thanks to a nudge from Bruce and her sister Maggie, she develops her faith on her own.
Dick is "umbrella" at first and not very formal, but joins the Church after Final Crisis (a lot of angst in this)
Jason was fiercely Catholic and wanted to become a priest before dying. When he returns, he's angry a both Bruce and the Church, but slowly he starts reconciling with both (beginning with Jason cleansing at Lourdes). He still wants to become a priest (maybe).
Tim is Protestant, likes debating, is church friends with Clark, and probably converts Kon. Also, the TOUGHEST NUT TO CRACK IN THIS WHOLE THING!
The family splinters after Final Crisis, leaving many dysfunctions unresolved.
Dick and Damian come into the faith while Bruce is "dead", and Jason returns to it, becoming the spiritual leader of the family (kind of).
When Bruce comes back, he and Jason finish mending their relationship and talk about Jason wanting to be a priest.
That leaves us with a couple of things/people to set up: Cass, Steph, Duke, the Rows, what happens to Bruce in the time stream, how Tim comes into all of this (if at all), and more.
First things first, let's talk about the other people.
Cass I feel like she would want to follow into the faith not only because Bruce is Catholic and he's the first person (besides Barbara) that ever treated her well. But because how her code follows very closely with the idea of forgiveness, redemption, and fierce defense that Catholic Christianity is known for (much like Bruce). And personally, her Confirmation saint has to be St. Joan of Arc.
She definitely found a denomination in Hong Kong or Macau, though
Steph is more tricky. From what I remember of her, she is friendly, fierce, calls people out on their bull, has a terrible home life (dad is abusive and a villain, mom is an addict), and clashes with Bruce a lot. She has a strong bond with Cass, Tim, and Barbara, which makes me think that she maybe leans more towards Protestantism but is not devout at all. She still respects the faith of Cass and the others, tho.
However, once she starts going to college, she walks by the campus church and something just... I don't know, starts calling to her. Maybe it's all of the lessons Bruce and Jason gave, maybe it's a reminder of the quiet chapel at the Manor, maybe it's all the times she listened to Damian talk about his lessons, but regardless of what it is, she begins hanging out at the church and talks with the campus priest. Eventually, she comes to Bruce and asks her to be her Godfather and Sponsor.
Duke...I honestly don't know. He seems to be a passionate kid that was raised by parents with good morals, so I wanna say he's Episcopalian, but I don't know. Anyone is welcome to suggest or add to him.
Harper and Cullen would be very angry at the world and would be very shocked a finding out Batman is Catholic. That turns their whole world on its head, and while they eventually come around to it, I don't think they would ever join the Church.
And finally (for today), Tim. He, as stated before, is the toughest nut to crack in this universe. That's because he's just so naturally skeptical of everything, likes to find answers from scratch, and just doesn't have a need to go looking for it. The only thing that I can come up with is looking into the Dominican Order, who's whole thing revolves around education and academia. And since Tim is the most affected by Bruce's "death", that might cause a giant rift in him. He goes to Ra's for help, suffers from a giant crisis of faith, and eventually stumbles upon a Dominican monastery. There, he begins researching and politely debating with the friars, eventually discussing these adventures with a playful but very intelligent priest in England.
This is getting pretty long, so I'm gonna stop here for today. Everyone is welcome to look into the other topics of discussion, share ideas, recommend new ones, and even make a post of their own (just remember to add proper credit. Even though this is not a school assignment, what starts here ends there). Just please remember to keep it civil. Don't forget, this was inspired by @incomingalbatross. Go follow her, she is awesome and posts about things beyond Batman (Doctor Who, Psych, Father Brown, Ranger's Apprentice, etc.).
Anyways, have a good one!!
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would each of the clone high main cast be a cat person or a dog person???
JFK: JFK is genuinely a dog person, he would definitely name his dog some shit like "Buster" or something. IDK, I just feel like JFK is so Markiplier coded?? Am I crazy?? Joan of Arc: She definitely says she's a cat person, and to a point, she is, but I think if she allowed herself to like dogs and stopped trying to fit into that goth girl stereotype, she'd be a dog person. Harriet: Both, through and through. Dogs match her bubbly aspects, cats match her more anxious aspects. Dogs are fun, cats are comfort, she would not be able to pick. Confucius: Dog person, I guess, but he'd prefer silly cat videos and I don't think his gumdrop shaped ass would be able to keep a cactus alive. Digital pets, though? He is devoted, he checks up on it every 30 minutes. Frida Kahlo: Both, definitely. Why would she pick sides? She definitely relates more to cats, 100 percent, but she is open to dogs. Dogs know how to party.
Cleopatra: Cats. Did we expect anything different from THE Cleopatra? Cats are perfect, perfect creatures. She has a Persian, guys, she told me.
Abe: Yeah, guys, it's dogs. He thinks it makes him a "guy's guy". Cats would probably match his energy more, but all men like dogs, so he must like dogs, too, right?? Right, guys? Isn't that what manly men, like Abe, like?? Topher Bus: Cats. Cats don't lick your face, or bark, or demand to be walked. They sleep all day, they're warm, you can play with them if you decide you want to, but if you don't, they just entertain themselves. Topher has definitely gotten into rants about how inhumane de-clawing kitties is. Let the cats keep their weapons! How dare you? Why are you trying to push cats into a box? They aren't just your playthings. Do you even know how bad it is for them? Do you even care? Or are cats just your outlet for cuddles when it's convenient? Shame on you. Shame.
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koco-coko · 10 months
Koco's official suitor tier list (until galileo and francis eng routes arrive)
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Tier 1: THE suitors. I love them a bit too much and I wanna just rhhajgdhsghadgdsgRAHHHH you know what I mean. Theodorus was kinda a jumpscare in there, though. I was expecting to hate his route but I was smitten
Tier 2:
Arthur has a bit of bias since he was my first route but... you know.
William Dazai and Mozart are all in the same level of "oh way i didnt mind those routes too much." I also was obsessed with William when I first saw him.... he actually got me into the game....
Still going through Vlad's but it's so melodramatic it's fun. Also he's just a silly little guy.
Tier 3: With all of them it's the same story: I like them better when I'm not dating them... Like, it makes me wish for friendship routes almost haha.
Tier 4:
I love Vincent. One of my favorites. I love him in game. He was actually a huge inspo for me when I was young, too. He's my angel baby boy I love him I'd let him cook me anything. That being said... I'm not sure how happy I am about Vincent's mental illnesses in game being so underplayed. Like.... him cutting his ear off is one of the biggest things people know about him irl... and it's not even mentioned? Not even Gaugin is blamed for it?? Personally I have so many hcs about Vincent that he's almost a whole new character. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy ingame Vincent I love him but yk... I don't mind the others either....
Everything I said about Vincent, put that on Jean and double it (even the part about young me looking up to them). I'm sorry but CHANGING THE GENDER OF JOAN OF ARC??? doesnt,, doesnt that defeat the whole.... urggh yeah that one irked me for a while. HOWEVER. If you're big brain like me and hc Jean as transmasc then Jean becomes the best pookie bear in the world. He's so autistic coded (I'm autistic so I may just be projecting) and I love him so much. He's also a silly pookiebear.
So um yeah that's my thoughts on them hehe. If anyone agrees or disagrees lemme know I wanna become more talkative and active on ikevamp tumblr haha
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danglovely · 9 months
Is there any rhyme or reason to how the deaths are portrayed in the Future Arc opening? I have theories.
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Kyoko being hung seems like a reference to her leaning into her NG code. Most hangings aren't voluntary and her "death" wasn't either. She did choose Makoto over herself. Why all the extra blood though? ALSO YOUR BLOOD IS SUPPOSED TO BE PURPLE.
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Asahina's stab to the belly is foreshadowing Monaca's trick. It wants you to believe it's real. That one is easy.
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Sonosuke dies by NG Code in a betrayal to Ruruka. He appears to be getting set on fire in the opening. I've seen speculation to this referencing Jesus's and Joan of Arc's martyrdoms. This one is tenuous other than being crucified on a giant metal cross because, blacksmith.
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Seiko is impaled by a lot of hypodermic needles. She's the Ultimate Pharmacist. Moving on.
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Sakakura is cut in half and there isn't any blood. Really clear: he's being killed by Munakata's katana. Less clear: maybe there's some foreshadowing to his impending amputation.
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Tengan is wrapped up in wiring and appears to be getting electrocuted. I dunno Mr. Mastermind, is that a hint that you're pulling Monokuma's strings? I doubt it.
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Ruruka is frozen and shattered to pieces. She's kind of a complicated character and she ends up choosing her own life over those of her best friend and the person she loves. She dies trying to convince herself that she's going to be fine and that it's going to be easy to replace what she has lost. The poet in me wants to make some connections to the coldness of her actions or how she has to break herself by the end of the game, but it could equally just be random.
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Bandai appears to be covered in blood, though my first instinct was it's actually indicating blood poisoning because he's the first one to go out via NG Code. I really do think that's what it was aiming for.
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Gekkogahara is cut in half vertically. There is no blood and she appears to be hollow. I've always assumed this is to foreshadow that Monaca is posing as her.
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Yasuhiro is wrapped in thorny vines. He's an interesting inclusion because he's the only one that doesn't actually participate in Monokuma Hunter despite being included in the opener.
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Chisa looks like her wrist is cut and there are boxcutters in the background. Obviously this indicates her suicide and it isn't surprising as the dark realization of DR3 is that she was lost a long time before anybody ever knew she was. The interesting thing is that her blood looks like it's coming from the bangle, which could be because her actions aren't really her fault.
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Gozu is wrapped in chains. I think this is meant to invoke his actual death, despite it being chains instead of cables.
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Mitarai is impaled by arrows. He survives the series, so this one is curious. The only reference to arrows through the rest of Danganronpa is in Mukuro's trial in Trigger Happy Havoc. Byakuya speculates that they were tied together with duct tape and used as a blunt object to knock her out. I've seen it posed that this is a reference to Tengan's chuusen and shows that he's being targeted. I heavily doubt it.
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Koichi is wrapped up at his wrists, thighs, and ankles. A bandage is covering his eyes and mouth. He sacrifices himself to save Kyoko by triggering his NG Code. It seems like his hat, tie, shoes, and flask are bagged up. I like to think that's because Kyoko is present for his death, as she would be the only one focused on preserving evidence.
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Last off we get Munakata and Makoto shooting themselves in the head. They're paired because they represent the directions the Future Foundation can go and their suicides are an obvious clue to the true nature of the killer in Monokuma Hunter.
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leejeann · 5 months
Need a friend who is as equally rwby and bungo stray dogs trash as I am so I can make comparisons between the characters in each series without it making no sense lol
Gonna just list off a few comparisons I have in my head below the cut because I just need to talk about it lol.
There is a spoiler or two for the most recent bsd manga chapter (114.5). And some for the last couple seasons of RWBY but I'm not naming names and also that's been out for a while now
With Fyodor's ability revealed, he's like if Oz and Salem had been combined into one person but Salem's moral code won out over Ozma's
I can even make a comparison to the RWBY relics with the end of chapter 114.5 like come ON, he combines three basically god given things and seemingly is about to destroy the world with the power they create together
A main character who is literally a cat
(side character who is literally a cat)
*vague Storm Bringer spoiler* Teenage redheads experiencing a soul-related identity crisis over whether they're even human enough to call themselves one (and end up needing to save the world at the cost of confirming it)
Characters are inspired by literature and literary figures (mostly at least. in rwby some are historical figures like Joan of Arc)
Horribly mistreated orphan antagonist obsessed with power and strength and the praise of a horrible role model because at one point that horrible role model was the only thing that gave them a reason to live
Found family, like so much found family
Characters who abandoned the criminal organization they were a part of to become a good guy because the (literal or figurative) loss of a loved one made them realize they needed to escape
(figurative as in like in RWBY Adam was very much alive when Blake ran away, but the version of him she thought was good was definitely long dead by then and that was the trigger for her to defect)
Individualized powers that only some people have!
Redhead with a power that lets them control metal
The big bad keeps getting out big-baded by a bigger bad as the story goes
Giant terrifying sky whale capable of destroying the city
Terrible (and now dead) father figures
Unexpected immortality!
Beloved character and their beloved motorcycle
Cool team attacks that the fandom loses their shit over every time
I'm sure I could come up with more, but at this point I'm kind of stretching for it. I'm sure some of these can apply to several different series tbh
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So I just finished watching Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans and I need to scream about it because it’s so good
Okay first off, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a new science fiction story that I felt like provided relevant political commentary to its time, and IBO delivered on that. Yeah it’s got the cool mech fights, but it’s also about the exploitation of children and what greed and lust for power do to a person, as well as the endurance of hope in impossible circumstances.
Orga is such an excellent character. I love seeing him form familial bonds with those around him, and his constant grasping for a goal to strive towards is fascinating to watch.
Mikazuki, my tiny war criminal son, I love him so much. He’s my favorite example so far of the human weapon trope, and watching him over the course of the show until the only time he truly feels alive is when he’s fighting is such delicious angst.
McGillis is easily one of my favorite antagonists. He’s scheming and manipulative and power hungry, and he’s also one of the most compelling characters in the whole show. When you get to his backstory, it recontextualizes all his relationships and his actions.
Akihiro, Aston, Shino, my boys. I love you all and you deserve nothing but happiness
Atra is so sweet, but I was thoroughly convinced she was a cat girl for a long time because of how her hair flopped. Her flirting gave me so much second-hand embarrassment though
I loved getting to see Kudelia grow. She starts off as very privileged, but seeing her come to genuinely understand the Tekkadan boys and them giving her a new mission to fight for is such a lovely arc.
Julieta. She’s so weird. She shows up ten feet off the ground swinging her feet, and she eats a butterfly, in her first scene. She’s so Joan of Arc coded, I love her
Iok Kujan is so annoying, but he’s so pretty and looks very good in a poet shirt
Gaelio. Oh, Gaelio. My other boy. I love him and his arc so much, just AAAAA
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hopelesscalico · 1 year
Summuruay and i might ask more in depth from there 👍
ok!! o7 my preface is that i am a big ttrpg player so quite a few of these stories are owed in part to my friends + my boyfriends!! but i have plenty of original projects too :)
first up: WHOREVILLE! whoreville is a ttrpg campaign dmed by my wonderful boyfriend @rin0a! it was poorly named as a joke a little over three years ago when we started playing it and now we are all (unfortunately) much too attached to the name to try and change it. whoreville is set in a modern fantasy setting, where elves and magic and other similarly fantastical things exist alongside iphones. we follow a party of 5 characters (zoey, aurelia, twig, celeste, and minseo) as they are tormented by tempus, the god of both war and being extremely gay-coded! the party is basically played with like little dolls, being forced into problem after problem because tempus loves to make a certain dryad man (and company) suffer for his own amusement. they spend most of their time solving various other peoples problems as well as uncovering their own pasts bc their secrets are often exposed against their will. (the party is full of little mentally ill little liars) the question continues to arise: WHY US???? AHHH!!!
my most important character in whoreville (and also of all time) is AURELIA CERVANTES!!!! she’s a 19 year old half-elf girl who is as dumb as she is kind! she loves to talk, loves meeting new people, and is intensely emotional at all times. her very favorite things are her friends, dogs, fashion and romance! she is extremely silly, bisexual, and full of LIES!!! while aurelia initially appears to be a fairly well-adjusted girl, her happy-go-lucky demeanor masks an extremely turbulent past (and present!) of struggling with incredibly severe mental illness. she has a methodical system in place to make herself seem as “normal” as possible at all times. she is also in head over heels love with her fellow party member and best friend zoey (the aforementioned dryad man) but he has yet to catch her drift being that he is so dense you could probably smash a brick on his head and he wouldn’t notice.
i am also in possession of a retired pc named EDEN LIETO! eden is a 25 year old faun woman who is extremely and unequivocally lame and could be accurately described as Constantly having a stick up her ass. she’s extremely quick to anger, and she’s incredibly blunt at best and outright mean at worst. buuuut… internally, eden is a very kind lady who has had to harden up throughout the course of a very difficult life. she has devoted her life to the selfless goal of helping as many children in need as she possibly can. she just… struggles a lot with feelings. she is not currently in play in whoreville being that her character arc is pretty much over and she has moved back in to live with her family in her hometown (after leaving home as a teenager) but! she does still exist.
secondly: SENTENCE REPOSE! sentence repose is a… i guess you could say part collaborative writing project part roleplay part?? ttrpg campaign, sort of, hypothetically? again, the world was thought up by my boyfriend rinoa! the plot follows lil homie gay ass (a campy little 13 year old named isaac) and his quest to get vengeance on the corrupt government responsible for the deaths of them and their entire town (after being brought back to life by the son of the man who killed him). isaac doesn’t work completely alone, though! he travels with a group of people from various backgrounds, initially recruited by isaac as temporary assistance but the 8 of them end up working together as a longer term arrangement. the story follows each of them over the span of many years as they slowly work to tackle the monolith that is SENTENCE MOTION…. (the miserable government/corporation/monarchy hybrid that runs their country)
JOAN GAYE-WAZOWSKI is one of 2 characters i own who travel the party! she’s a 16-year old elf girl who was turned into a robot by isaac’s estranged father in order to optimize her own quest for vengeance. she is seeking to avenge the deaths of her long-deceased parents, who she believes to have been murdered by the government. (they weren’t.) she prides herself on her bizarre nature, deliberately utilizing words that haven’t been used since 1930 mid-conversation to disarm anyone foolish enough to converse with her. basically, she talks like she’s playing 4d chess. her hobbies include making dangerous chemical concoctions with no safety gear, publishing shitty yaoi-artstyle art on deviantart, and being annoying on purpose.
LUCIEN SHIROSAWA is my other main sentence repose character! he’s an incredibly gentle and kind 14 year old human boy who loves babies, dad rock, and bad y/a romance. lucien is a boy on a quest to prove their worth as an adventurer, after being largely ignored by their neglectful parents their entire life. (parents who just so happen to be employed by the very corrupt government the party is seeking to dismantle! would you look at that!) largely, lucien is much too nice for his own good, and struggles with extreme gender dysphoria as well seeing his disabled body as valuable.
next would be my own ttrpg campaign, SIGNPOST! iiiiiim the dm of signpost! it’s about working together to stop the end of the world, friendship-is-magic bullshit, and a whole lot of dyke drama. there are 8 main characters in signpost, 5 of those being npcs belonging to me and 3 of them belonging to various friends of mine.
my first npc is C1C4D4 VON CARINON!! c1c4d4 is a 26 year old wild elf + tgirl computer scientist who works heavily in robotics and is an aspiring SUPERVILLAIN!!!! NYAHAHAHAHA!!!! c1c4d4 is a weirdgirl, first and foremost. she is a self described “evil genius” who loves to make fun of people and get up to mischief for her own amusement. she’s mean, she’s a loser, and she thinks she’s much, much, cooler than she is. but it’s ok!! she’s funny about it!! >:3c
c1c4d4 works alongside famed assassin LILY VON CARINON. lily is an uptight 28 year old human woman who is in incredible homodenial and has been for a period of many years. she’s unbelievably cagey about her life, emotions, and interests, and she dedicates nearly all of her free time to doing work. she is obsessed with coming off as cool, calm, collected, and incapable of having human feelings. her and her coworker/roommate/best friend c1c4d4, though, are unbelievably in love with each other. both of them are so out of touch with their emotions, though, that they basically just live the lifestyle of a married couple without being formally in a relationship. (notice they have the same last name? yeah.)
JIMMY OF THE SEAS is a 38 year old demigod of the ocean! he is the epitome of a claire’s girl except grown up and gone transgender. he’s loud, eccentric, talkative, and constantly frantically jumping from task to conversation to task again. he has a bit of difficulty keeping on track, and usually just tends to go with the flow and listen to his impulses. ae’s the son of the ocean goddess, maraniah, who is… not the most thoughtful of parents. ae has spent a lot of aer life dealing with the societal pressure of being related to a major deity. not fun!
JUSTIN TOLINOV is earths most miserable guy!! :( he is a 37 year old human man who is unbelievably catatonically depressed. because of this, he tends to be just a little bit… boring. he’s a sweet guy, though! he’s incredibly overworked and constantly stressed due to his inability to say no to other people in any circumstance. his hobbies include crying when his friends argue, prematurely wrinkling, and doing exactly what everyone else wants him to do all the time.
and finally there is DANELA!!!! danela is the silliest pinkest tiefling girl of all time who the party found wandering alone in the woods with total amnesia. she doesn’t remember anything but her own first name! (including how old she is.) she is upbeat, naive, and is slowly relearning everything about the world one step at a time. it’s hard to stay mad at her, considering that she kind of acts like an overgrown child. she likes to bite people and try putting new things into her mouth (whether that be pop-tarts or human blood) she loves baking (even if she is terrible at it) and her friends! yippee!!!!!!!
MICHISINO is a ttrpg campaign dmed by my friend @crashed-on-mars !! it’s set on our normal planet earth, but with the bonus addition of monsters! monsters are largely discriminated against by humankind and are forced to try and exist under the radar of humans. our main adventuring party is made up of 4 different monsters + 1 human girl. mostly, the party is trying very hard to live their little domestic family lifestyle and being interrupted by The Horrors 😱
MYLEEN “MJ” KALASHNIK is a 26 year old ukrainian woman! she was born human but was cursed as a teenager and is now a freaky three-winged three-horned creature lady! she struggles socially and tends to be kind of awkward and emotionally distant because of it. but she’s just a silly really. she just has severe mental issues. she used to have an insatiable need to eat human brains but don’t worry she got better. 😁 also she is fully and genuinely obsessed with her…. Platonic Coparent miriam aka blackjack who belongs to bobby grasslandbutch. she has severe autistic girl swagger. and also female absent father swagger. hobbies include playing the google snake game and killing herself
TETYANA “ANA” KALASHNIK is mj’s 12 year old younger sister/child that she adopted! ana is obsessed with mj and thinks she is the coolest person ever to be born. mj is her number one role model of all time, which mj hates deeply because she insists she is not a good person to look up to (and. she’s right) ana is just generally super chipper and friendly and goofy and she loves soccer and sonic the hedgehog. she has the need to like Prove Herself which is not really going well being that she is 12
i have a couple of other miscellaneous player characters including LIZZIE WELLS a semiverbal and deeply stoic swordfighter girl who loves reddit and nature documentaries EHNOS VALJAS a 12 year old chosen one with a lot of rage boiling inside them who is on a quest to save the world and ALPHIE SOUP a nasty little werecat girlboy who loves making bad music and being a shithead
i have a hypothetical video game bouncing around my head called DERANGED, OUR SAVIOR that follows a self-aware protagonist named MENCHIE DESDEPOT who loves when they’re right and everyone else is wrong. since they know they are the protagonist they are usually very very very annoying about it. they travel alongside ALLEY OOPS, their best friend and freakish jestergirl extraordinaire, as well as ANZAVEL ECKRY, a magical fantastical little creature who is deeply kind but dumb as a rock.
the next 2 projects are currently unnamed! the first is a short story i want to write someday that takes place in a kind of campy goofy sci-fi setting years in the distant future after time and space fucked up real bad and earth kind of gets merged w/ this other planet. the mainest characters are GOOSE LUNDQVIST and ANDY PRASERITSANG a pair of middle school weirdgirls who do lesbians together. goose is incredibly curious and loud and eclectic and quirkygirl and andy is quiet (only because he finds most other people insufferable) and kind of standoffish. but also CILREA (whose full name i won’t even bother typing out because it’s so long) is there and she’s an alien girl who is kind of a well-meaning little know it all . and CUPID!!!! who is an ai robot who stumbles upon godlike capabilities on accident but she stays silly. she loves old technology and glitter and big bows.
this other project i am working on is like a medievalish fantasy type setting? it takes place on a big continent called the starlet that is mostly populated by HUMANS but is also lived in by ANGELS and DEVILS and sometimes also WEREWOLVES and VAMPIRES and such. my goal with this one was to create a world big enough that i could tell multiple stories completely unrelatedly in the same setting! since there are multiple stories being told there are kind of a lot of players in the ring so let me rapid fire. IRE is a 247 year old undead man who got killed and brought back to life wrong but then got killed again and brought back to life normal so now he’s kind of chilling. MERRYMAKING JOY is ire’s dead angel (literal!) wife and the love of his life 4ever and ever. she haunts the narrative or whatever. also there’s SPROUT BELLWHISTLE ire’s silly little girl friend/semidaughter. and also TAXI VISCERA a 16 year old who wants ire to blow up and die so bad because ire like wronged his family a longass time ago and also LARK MALARKEY (neurotic) and KATZIN DOGS (insane) some old friends of ire’s. AND THEN, UNRELATEDLY! there’s DUSTY WHIMSY an ex-princess turned paladin of the wastelands on an honorable quest to defend the peace. a certain guy named THE WORLD ENDER or twe for short is her dedicated rival and a political revolutionary seeking to incite chaos on a massive scale. there is also dusty’s girlslay sister SUNNY WHIMSY who is next in line 4 the crown and her loyal knight/bff of many years DOVE RADIANCE!
^_^ ok i have a couple other minor projects too but those are the big ones !!
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strykingback · 7 months
Jaune Arc- The Most Horrendous Knight Ever. (Twin Revisions)
Silence My Minions!! Now as you know yesterday night I did a why Jaune is a horrible knight post and the what not. But today I deleted it cause some stans really just wanna say that he is "isnt a knight." but knight inspired. Aight. Aight! I might as well hop onto the rewriting post and use everything to my knowledge. Cause holy hell almighty this was giving me a headache.
and having me in my bed like:
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"I know this motherfucker did not just cherry-pick my whole post"
So yes, I deleted and a few of my replies and decided to get some help for this one. By the way huge thank you @burgers-and-diatribe for giving me a helping hand on this one. Y'all go check'em out and giv'em a high five. Cause they were a huge help for this revision.
So without further ado. Lets get into it.
Now before hand we're just going to get into it a huge part of RWBY's characters whether it be extra, protagonist, or antagonistic characters are inspired by either Fairytale, Historical, or Mythological figures. This can also include the Romanticization of Fairytales as well.
Now Jaune Arc is based off the historically legendary female knight of the Hundred Years War. Joan of Arc. Who was well known for having been granted a vision by the Archangel, Michael to save France from British Domination. This would later on culminate into her arrival at Orleans and participating in major battles and even after her death it would pave the way for the French to claim victory in the Hundred Years War several decades later.
Jaune would immediately trip over and fall flat on his face cause he can't even hold a candle up to Joan of Arc. Because it would better fit the historical allusion if he:
His Semblance was based around seeing into the future Which despite Transitioning Into A Woman In Later Volumes or Being Born as A Woman and being called Jeanne. Having erratic visions of Fire, being related to Cinder and a possible future of her death or a battle that could lead to her death.
Possibly her death inspiring others or paving the way for a major victory.
At the same time, they dont allude to their historical counterparts unlike how Jaune does so. Instead they go for the Paladin route due to it being such a huge Dungeons and Dragons concept as he achieves Aura Amplification which is none other than the Lay On Hands ability minus the healing factor of its ability.
I know Jaune is a Fantasy Knight but at the same time in Volume Nine he is called the RUSTED KNIGHT. in which at that point he either is or inspired by the romanticized concepts of the Code of Chivalry.
Before I hop into this lets just get this out of the way
Real Life Knights =/= Fantasy Knights
This is because Real Life Knights are by far not the romanticized concepts that we read or watch in media. As Real Knights were just overall horrendous, cruel, and even lazy. This is because most knights that we know in real life were in fact noblemen born into knighthood beginning their training no less than the age of fifteen. Then made into a squire and then into a knight.
Now knights in our world pillaged, murder, or even did many more horrible things in order for their status to be seen during the Middle Ages. As there have been many many accounts of knights doing horrendous atrocities as well.
As one account during the Age of Chivalry (The 11th to the 12th Century) as a historian recounts Sir John Arundel and his band of knights taking refuge in a convent violating the Nuns and stealing from them and throwing them overboard once they were all but used up. Not to mention real knights would usually face off against other knights. Sometimes in duels to resolve petty conflicts, entertainment or in festivals as well.
As the book Chivalry in Medieval England by Nigel Saul states; "Knights only fought for three things. Land, Gold, and War Booty."
Now as for Fantasy Knights this is not applicable to their Real Life counterparts as they are no means perfect as well. But its once again those romanticized concepts of what we see knights as. Noble, Kind, Understanding and Powerful altogether.
Now do they follow the concepts of Code of Chivalry? Ehhhh. Maybe depending on the character(s) in media.
As some Fantasy Knights are either, Sellswords, Free Knights/Paladins, Servants to a Lord, King or Queen, or Baron. Hell or even just bandits.
Now there are only two accounts of the Code of Chivalry
Song of Roland’s Code of Chivalry: 
Fear God and His Church Serve the liege lord in valor and faith Protect the weak and defenseless Live by honor and for glory Respect the honor of women
King Arthurs version of the Code of Chivalry: 
Honor Honesty Loyalty Valor
Now in my last post I did say Jaune should have been following those concepts of chivalry and how he falls flat in some areas of it. Until I was corrected saying that I shouldnt be applying those especially with how "vague" it is for something that is from a romanticized fairytale. It was then when I realized that if Jaune were to be a true knight he would have swear fealty for a Lord or King to follow those Codes of Chivalric Faith.
Now can I not apply those things to Jaune. No.
But Can I make him to the point where he was inspired by the Codes of Chivalry. Since Rooster Teeth made Jaune as a fictional character following a real life concept (Aka the Romanticized Concepts of the Codes of Chivalry), such as Knighthood.
Also the fact that monarchs did exist in Ancient Remnant in Volume 6 which further cements the fact the knights existed and with Ozma/Ozpin being a knight during that time.
Its almost as if saying Robyn Hill isnt based off of the Romanticization of Robin Hood because this, this, and that. Or because it does not in exist in Remnant. Once again RWBY's characters are based off of Fairytales, Historical, or Mythological figures we know of IRL. and yes even Romanticized Fairytales can count as well.
Yes I know some people will come at me and call me a Jaune Hater just because me and many many others rag on him. But at the same time... I rooted for him to become better. And due to idiotic writing decisions from Miles Luna and making him into a Ron Stoppable, shoe horning him into important scenes and the like. It only made me hate him more. The
I Like Him For the Character He Could Have Become.
Instead he is a failure to live up to his historical allusion and even fails at being a knight/ paladin archetype.
TL;DR: Another revision on how I explain why Jaune fails at being a Joan of Arc Allusion and a Knight Allusion
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solasan · 1 year
i'm greedy n would love to see all of the creation prompts for marine pls n thank u xoxo
infamous MC questions
Development: How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
oh she's definitely still evolving LOL. i'm still trying to get to grips with her, but i think i'm starting to figure her out so yay!! i'm super boring in the way i develop characters, so i just kind of started from a jumping point of 1) angsty angry ex relationship w seven 2) daisy jones but make it grunge rock 3) fun wild colour scheme LOL. marnie's a name i've been testing on a few ocs recently n this time she's stuck <3
as for how she might develop, i'm hoping she Matures Emotionally LOL. from imposter syndrome & abandonment issues poster child > queen of self-confidence and love, baby! idk what form that would take (like i think it's a development she could have if they lost botb, but also if they won) but here's hoping she doesn't alienate everyone with her pride before it happens 🤞
Voice: What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
answered here
Lyrics: What are some songs you associate with your character? Any specific lyrics that really scream your character?
cherry bomb (joan jett & the blackhearts) is a big marnie song bc 1) i know for a fact she screams along to it in the car all the time and 2) the lyrics are just... very her vibe. allll of i hate my mom (GRLwood) is very heavily marnie-coded too LOL. all eyes on me (bo burnham) is very lyrically marnie (are you feeling nervous? are you having fun? it's almost over / it's just begun) even if the genre/style isn't anything she'd sing (tho she might listen?).
Fame: Do you think your character will enjoy fame? Do they think they will? What elements do you think they might struggle with? Do you think they’ll be happy at the end of this road?
marnie definitely wants fame; definitely feels an urge to prove herself and to also seek out people who love her, who want her around and admire her. but i think the realities of fame will prooooobably suck for her more than she thinks they will. she loves attention & admiration, but i think the fickleness of public opinion is gonna fuck w her (shes already struggling to handle this whole fight situation & reactions to it in the press as well as all the references to her relationship w seven).
also, despite how open she seems, there's a lot of stuff abt her life that she wants to keep private (what rly happened with seven, why she doesnt talk to her parents, the true extent of her partying) so having no public boundaries is..... gna be difficult for her, aha. but i think the accomplishment will help her in her way towards happiness, and she'll be proud of herself & the band for any fame/appreciation they manage to claw out?? and she absolutely will love being adored by her fans LOL so u kno there's highs and there's lows
Storybeats: If you could design one scene to happen in the story, what would it be? How would it change your character? What would make it so satisfying for the character arc?
answered here
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
hmmmm. she got into music in the first place to try bonding with her dad aha :/ he had a lot of old rock records and he used to listen to them when he wasn't on assignment. even used to laugh when she sang along sometimes, which was a balm for her no one loves me heart. he kind of lost interest over the years, tho, so it never brought them together.
when she left her parents' house for the last time, she stole his rumours vinyl lol. probably that might come back to bite her on the ass legally like that is entirely possible. but it's one of her most sentimentally valuable possessions, even if she doesnt break it out often bc it makes her think of her dad :/ it's defo come on tour with them in her luggage
Seven: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are?
answered here
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
February 2008
February 3, 2008
“Try lying for a change, it's the currency of the world.”
its oddly haunting the way that sometimes entries from a year ago can reflect perfectly how i feel today.
its like an echo sent out over the weeks and months and pages of the calendar.
not always but sometimes.
a few weeks ago i considered mentioning the fact that while i once wrote "every new years is worse than the last" i didnt feel that way anymore
oh eight had broken the january curse
now im glad i didnt
cuz i realized it might not have
it may have just pushed it back a month
or extended it, depending on how this all looks on play-back
i find it a bit odd to be waiting for retrospect
Posted by xoat 10:41 PM
February 12, 2008
“honestly, afraid. i cant ever sleep either.”
Put the the planets in swing
Make jupiter sing
The afternoon light
The back of my head
Spend years trying to cloud our head and not feel a thing
Just to turn around and erase the clouds so we can remember everything
Throw handcuffs on that boy
When the check comes he never pays
His cheekbones carve my moods
He shakes like a leaf
He's clicking like an old answering machine
He howls at the moon
He's breathes wet thru insect eyes
Canyon lights at night chase away the boring days
And I don't worry about death because I've seen the date I'm gonna die and its so far away.
Posted by xoat 1:55 AM
February 16, 2008
“part two (i forget so much of what i write its beginning to scare me).”
hes a lonely planet
dont stir and wake
everythings ok
give or take
the cats got the canary spinning in its ribcage
did i mention i came dressed for the intervention
(and if you were dying soon would you try to find snow in the deep summer
the june bugs dancing in wonder
and i still wonder now
if my words will stil turn you inside out)
hes a honeyjar
with that pretty face, lets never lose the lid
and keep those rosey lips in
(he breathes wet through insect eyes)
in multiples of four, no less than sixteen
sandmans been showing his beam
when he walks into a room the walls lean in to listen
keep a calendar this way youll know the last time you came through
"i know what youre going through"
well i dont- its more of a "paper or plastic" grocery store choice to me
but ill sympathize with anything to get through to you
do you know what its like to watch reruns of yourself night after night
to offer nothing and expect everything in return
to cock your head just right to appear arrogantly humble
if we hurry well make the morning edition
cos everybody likes to read the bad news
theyve tapped the phone be very careful what you say
speak in code about singing birds and sleepy eyed women
his heads a junkyard for rusted midnight thoughts
hes criminally carefree
when the pills swallow the worry
hes digging like forty nine
hes making you press rewind
hes a thunderstorm so bright you shut your eyes
he is a hurricane
Posted by xoat 3:15 AM
February 18, 2008
“mc hammer and miss piggy bank”
i get bright ideas in dark rooms
red rooster combs on our head
we are galaxies
a catipillar that got stuck
mr moth come quick with any luck
long walk in a dark house
a roman candle heart
keep us far apart
tour is just thinking you have been in every hotel, club or truck stop before.
it is deja vu personified.
all full of love so much that my teeth are floating.
February 19, 2008
“the oxidation of Joan of Arc.”
the mind drinks less and less.
highways full of crowds going somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, nowhere.
The gasoline refugee.
Towns turn into motels,
people in nomadic surges from place to place,
following the moon tides,
living tonight in the room where you slept this noon and I the night before.
Posted by xoat 12:31 AM
0 notes
offlineflexi · 2 years
Statues assassins creed 2
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Press the red button with the cursor on the next screen.
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Then match the following symbols to these numbers in the dial: 5 = circle with two squares, 2 = single circle, 9 = single triangle.
Orient the code wheel so that the single solid triangle on the outer wheel matches with the 9 on the inner wheel.
"I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds"
" (bar-bar-dot bar-bar-bar bar-dot-dot) as the password and submit.
on the outer wheel matches with the 2 on the inner wheel.
On the picture of Tesla, highlight the glowing orb in his hands and ID it.
On the map, use the $ sign to turn out all of the lights.
Then input "240" as the password and submit.
Orient the code wheel so that the 4 on the outer wheel matches with the 1 on the inner wheel.
On the picture of Tesla in his chair, highlight Tesla and ID the apple in his hands. On the picture of Tesla's tower, highlight the dormer at the top of the building and ID the hidden apple.
On the map of the world, use the lightning bolt cursor to light up all of the bulbs.
On the picture of Apollo 11, highlight the hidden apple just under and slightly to the left of the astronaut's right boot.
On the weird radar circle, line up all of the pieces so that the sliver sections cut out all match up to solid rays.
Highlight the hidden satellite just off the bottom-left edge of the moon.
Then input "312" as the password and submit.
Orient the code wheel so that the 6 on the outer wheel matches with the 1 on the inner wheel.
"He almost BEAT them." - Highlight Gandhi's heart and ID the apple.
"They made it look like an accident." - Highlight Houdini's right jacket breast and ID the apple.
On the giant map, drag the flame to the picture of Joan of Arc, then drag the picture of Rasputin in the center of the map onto the Czar to the right.
Joan of Arc - Highlight the middle of her sword.
Czar Nicholas II - Highlight the middle of his staff.
You need to highlight the portion of each painting that elicits the loudest beep, using your cursor like a metal detector.
On the painting of Jesus, highlight the hidden shroud to Jesus's left (your right) and ID it.
Starting from the top row, left to right, this includes: #1, #2, #3, #5, #6. Then, worn across the ages, torn asunder, hidden under a sea of RED, reconstruct the timeline." - Pick the painting with the snake around a tree, as well as the four paintings of people dressed in red.
"First plucked from a tree guarded by a snake, its powers perform miracles.
Start from the center of the paintings and work your way out. Some pieces are connected to each other and can only rotate with the other.
There's a series of paintings that you need to line up with the dial-type puzzle.
Starting from the top row, left to right, this includes: #3, #6, #8, #9, #10.
"In their hands, the wise LEAN on a great force." - Choose the five paintings in which someone has a staff.
Starting from the top row, left to right, this includes: #2, #3, #6, #8, #9.
"The power they wielded CUT down their enemies." - Choose the five paintings in which there are swords.
"This MONSTER did not come from man." - Highlight the flaming ball in the hand of one of the guys on the right.
"The flames from its throat POKE out their eyes." - Highlight the swords of the soldiers in the far background.
"Leading the YOUNG to their end." - Highlight the head of the soldier crouching and facing to the left.
"Its open MOUTH delivers the kiss of death." - Highlight the barrel of the bazooka strapped to the soldier's back and ID it.
In the third picture with Gandhi, the apple is on Gandhi's right side, below his shoulder.
In the second picture with Houdini, the apple is directly below Houdini's right hand.
In the first picture with Roosevelt, the apple is on the table.
Activate infrared and highlight the hidden apple in each picture to ID it.
The portraits are very easy to see-we suggest starting with a face, moving it to the top of the circle and then lining everything else up from there.
You simply need to rotate the circles so that they form pictures.
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You need to pick the five paintings in which someone is holding an apple. "Five of these mythic scenes share a CORE similarity." - There are ten paintings.
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