#he'll friggin do it
Portgas D. Ace Headcanons 01
Excuse me Oda-sensei, but that 40 year old Ace is simply criminal. Thank you so much for blessing us with him
Anyway! Have some Husband!Ace headcanons For more Ace content please head to my Tumblr MasterList
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Ace is, respectfully, a huge simp for his wife
To the extent that the Whitebeard crew straight up jokingly awarded him with a “Biggest Wife Simp” Award
They made it look official and had Whitebeard sign it and everything. There's even a stamp.
Ace has it framed and hung proudly on the wall next to your bachelor’s degree / college diploma / degree in general. 
I feel like despite his own personal insecurities, Ace still manages to be an amazing father
I imagine Ace originally setting out for like one or two kiddos at most (because y'know...what if he's not good enough) and ending up with 3 or 4 kids
Thing is, that’s both your faults.
Ace is tender and goofy with his kids, and he’s so friggin caring: to the extent that…well wouldn’t it be neat to see him with maybe another 2 or 3 kiddos of his own? 
(Your husband is hot okay?)
In his case, he swears you have a unique glow about you when you’re pregnant. But more than that when he sees you with your first born, he suddenly wants a big family with you.
I imagine his kids are an eldest son, then his princess, then the youngest boy who takes after his uncle Luffy.
His kids aren’t parentified. He keeps his issues far, far, away from them. Besides, he’s got you by his side.
He was dedicated to making sure they got as much playtime as possible.
He heard about learning through play, and he is DEDICATED to doing that as much as possible
Ace’s kids are spoiled with affection, but not spoiled brats.
While it’s true he’d give them the world, he’d rather let them go get it themselves. 
For example: when they asked for a tree house, he gave them the greenlight immediately.
But they had to build it themselves.
It was a super fun project lasting a little over two months with the whole family involved.
Oh and the Whitebeard crew helped too.
It took a while to get the design down initially, then the shopping logistics and whatnot (they used a lot of math here - see education via play)
Building the thing took maybe a weekend or two because the Whitebeard Crew and even the Strawhats came over to help
(It was mostly Franky and Usopp doing work, Sanji was cooking with Thatch)
Uncle Luffy was not allowed near the construction zone after an accident.
They almost destroyed the tree house with their partying once
Ace’s kids were not happy and no one was allowed in the backyard for the rest of the night
He makes sure they have proper manners and self-defense skills
You had to help out here, no lie.
He admitted he needed your help, especially after a dinner with Garp where Makino tagged along to see Ace again
He puts all of his kids into martial arts classes
especially his princess - he’s so proud of her when she beats up bullies
He’s not great at discipline though to be honest. He probably goes about it similarly to Garp. 
Ace will not tolerate any of his kids being nasty to their mother. No matter the phase.
You will have to hold him back if you want to let them get their frustration off their chest.
He’ll let them talk, but you’ll have to keep a hand on him somewhere, his arm, his hand, his knee, his shoulder, his back and rub soothing circles
Let’s just say, “talk shit, get hit,” is Ace’s attitude towards anyone being demeaning towards you (more so with adults, not his kids, but that's why they get a scolding)
"Ace my love" (he melts every time you call him that) "the kids’ll start thinking you love me more than them if you do that"
"My kids won’t disrespect their mother though!"
"They’re just venting darling, and when they say or do something that violates my boundaries, I'll be sure to reinforce it. Lead by example right?"
If they ever feel like pissing Ace off for fun they can just say something kinda not nice about you and he'll get mad and they'll flee from him giggling like the little gremlins they are
Ace is veeeeeeeeerry physically affectionate and he isn’t shy about it at all.
At gatherings with the Whitebeard family, he will gladly seat you in his lap, he will happily hug you as you are seated.
His arm is on your waist most of the time.
They tease him to make him tone it down, he does not.
He, in fact, dials it up. Turns up the heat lol.
You have kids? Not in front of them? What do you mean, not in front of the kids? It’s important they know just how much he loves their mama!
So he will continue to be playful with his hugs and kisses and other displays of affection.
It’s nothing too over the top. Just hugs and quick pecks wherever.
Your entire head is fair game for his smooches, your arms (he loves kissing your pulse and then making eye contact, sneaky guy that he is), your shoulders.
Maybe lifting you and spinning you around. Cuddles. Little bites.
He will play-wrestle his kids to “fight” them over getting to cuddle you, and then he’ll just put all his weight on all of you in a group cuddle
Just to let you know, your kids also receive all the warmth and love of his affections.
When his sons are still tiny and adorable, he smooches them all over. The kisses grow less frequent as they grow older, but the hugs do not stop.
Oh no, hugs galore.
Ace still pecks his little princess on her forehead though
When they’re all under ten he’ll wrap them in a hug (after he chased them down and caught them so they’re laughing and screaming) and start smooching their cheeks while they laugh and try to get out of his grasp
Also yes she’s his princess, but that girl has no problem throwing a fully grown man twice her size around, he made sure of it.
I reiterate: Ace is not remotely shy about displays of affection
Like his eldest could have a friend over, and Ace would still launch a full scale hug attack using the rest of his troops (daughter/youngest)
It's complete with screeching, screaming, and a lot of laughter
His kids used to get teased for it, but it didn’t take more than a few conversations for them to instead jeer at the kids that teased them.
"You’re all jealous your parents don’t love you like ours do"
"How sad, your parents don't hug and kiss you"
Their dad, grandpa, uncle - uncles really, are all gremlins - it's in their DNA
The kids are really physically affectionate with each other as a result
Deadass they’ll be kicking the shit out of each other one second and the next they’ll be all cuddled and huddled up playing Mario Kart or something
Ace is his kids’ hero.
His sons aspire to have his level of fitness.
His daughter, when she’s older, uses him as a standard for dating
You're relieved
Ace is touched and a touch nervous, because he is aware of his shortcomings, though he works hard to keep improving
Of course when you look at him, a twinkle in your eyes, and tell him, “I’m so proud of her, I’m so proud of you!” He feels better
When you continue: “if she can find a guy like you, who cherishes her as much as you cherish me, I’d be so happy.”
Ace loves you so much he swears
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immodestly-marina · 16 days
I always find one of the easiest things to start with is Alphabet hcs (NSFW or SFW)
Could you write one for Sam Winchester? ❤️
Yesss these are literally so much fun to write
Sam Winchester Alphabet Hcs (SFW)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sam's a very affectionate guy, especially in private. His love language is 100% acts of service and physical touch.
He'll make you meals and little snacks throughout the day, and would totally take you out at least once a week. Though he's not huge on PDA, he'd definitely be somewhat "dominant" in the sense that he'd walk around with his hand on the small of your back, or holding your hand to assure you that he's always there (Also, forehead kisses bc he's like a foot taller than you).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Very protective and caring, as your best friend he'd definitely be a bit of a big brother figure to you. Always looking out for you and ensuring that you're safe with him around.
The friendship started when you went to Stanford with Jess and him. You were always around, he didn't like you much at first but eventually, you started to grow on him.
After the incident, you stayed by him to make sure he was doing okay, though he feared that the demon might come after you next. Naturally, he stuck with you, and eventually started bringing you along with him and Dean on hunts to keep an eye on you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
BIG cuddle over here! I'm not kidding when I say his love language is also physical touch.
Sam usually sleeps on his back or his side, which can allow for you to sleep against his chest with one or both of his arms around you. He'll also spoon you, his head either rests against yours/cheek to cheek, or tucked into the nape of your neck. His hands always either hold yours, or are wrapped around you holding your tummy.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He's always weary of longterm relationships... obviously. It's tough for him to talk about settling down, because he absolutely wants to, but that fear is just always in the back of his mind.
Nonetheless, he's our fav housewife. He's always been very tidy, and you can't tell me this boys not a good cook.
He absolutely makes you two dinner most nights, and all meals are made with love teehee
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd sit them down and have a heart to heart about it, no bullshit like over text or a letter.
Sure they have limited time with all the chaos that comes with each hunt, but he'd want to be as mature about it as possible and ensure that there's no hard feelings. I also think he's the type of person to keep in contact with his past relationships, rather than just never speak to them again.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Babe, he was ready to propose to Jess after a year of being with her.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The biggest teddy bear ever. So, so, so gentle with you. When his hands are on you they're always soft touches, he'll guide you around by lightly placing his hand on your hip or your back.
As for emotionally, he is so considerate and understanding. Depending on the situation, he can easily get you out of a distressed mood by being patient and talking you down calmly from it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs, and is a great hugger. Usually only does it when necessary or whenever feels right, he's not keen on too much clinginess but won't hesitate to pull you towards him for a little comfort.
He's 6'4 so he towers over you, he can't really avoid placing his chin on top of your head while hugging. His arms are so friggin big that his hands hold his elbows when they're wrapped around you. He'll also do a Little Rock side to side sometimes, cutie.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Most likely after the first two-three months of being together, but he's felt love for you since you came into his life.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It honestly depends. He's not super possessive, so it takes quite a bit for him to feel jealous. But when he does, he's more protective than possessive.
It goes back to the need for physical touch, he'll take your hand or pull you away. Again, depending on the circumstance, he would also step in front of you, keeping you right behind him. (No matter what, he doesn't strike me as someone to take his jealousy out on you either)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Very soft and loving (unless he's feeling needy but that's a whole other thing y'know), his lips taste like a minty chapstick bc I refuse to believe he doesn't carry any around. Look how shiny his lips are in the gif bitch.
He loves when you give him jaw kisses, you have to stand on your toes to reach his lips, and even then he has to lean down a little.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
S1 Sam is great with them! He'll do a baby voice to talk to the really tiny ones, and for bigger kids he'll just sit there and listen to them go on and on about god knows what.
S6+ Sam is so awkward with them he literally cannot fucking deal.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Realistically, he'd lay with you for as long as he can before he/you both have to get up for a hunt. You'd pull each other back down onto the bed as much as you can, kissing and whispering "Just five more minutes, please..." until it was really time to go.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He's able to stay up late with you most nights, he'll either watch a movie with you or literally just have deep conversations with you, either way you're both engaged with each other as much as you can be!
He's a light sleeper, so anytime you move or make a sound, his eyes will flicker open to check that you're alright.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He trusts you, he knows you'd never judge or be scared away from him, so after about a month of being together he starts opening up. He definitely doesn't dump everything on you at once, when it's relevant he'll talk to you about things like his nightmares, visions, and bad memories of growing up and Jess.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He's a bit of a hothead (as we've all seen), but he can usually calm himself down before he gets too carried away, especially with you. He wouldn't want to scare you, or make you feel like he's angered because of you/something you've done, so he's careful not to flip out completely.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers absolutely EVERYTHING. From your birthday, to your favourite colour, to some random thing you told him while he was drunk.
He even keeps a little notebook of things about you he wants to remember.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The time you totally fucked up his hair.
"Just... easy, easy, not too much." Sam sat on a chair in front of you with a towel over his neck and shoulders, watching your every move in the mirror he was faced. You carefully trimmed the hair that sat in front of his ears, brushing the strands around to see if it looked even.
"Sammy, relax. I'm just fixing it, I swea-" Shnk.
You watched Sam's eyes widen in the mirror as the huge chunk of hair fell from his bangs to his lap.
"OH-kay, yep. We're done, I think that's good!" Sam said with a singular nod. He stood up and frantically dropped the towel from his arms, you jumped up to fix it with your fingers as best as you could, moving the gap of hair around to see if there was any hope.
"It's okay! Look, we can fix this, I can just cut-"
"No-no, no ma'am. You're finished." Sam chuckled taking the scissors from your hands, placing them on the sink counter.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very. Sam is and always has been very protective of you.
As mentioned, he tries to always keep a hand on you somewhere, ready to pull/push you away from something. He'd do whatever he can to keep you safe, even if it meant sacrificing himself for you.
Him on the other hand, feels like he doesn't need to be protected (brat). I love making size jokes because seriously, what is standing in front of him going to do? "Sorry, Sam, I couldn't see you behind that grain of rice!"
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in lots of effort, this is where the acts of service comes into play. He loves getting you little gifts on each hunt, whether its a dumb little souvenir or something more romantic, like a flower.
He also likes taking the lead on things, telling you not to worry and that he can do it for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's a teeth gritting nail biter. And, he wears socks to bed sometimes.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Only a little, he makes sure his hair is done before leaving but aside from that he's not too concerned. You aren't, so he isn't either!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He's not necessarily dependant on you. But at the same time, if he'd lost you, even just temporarily, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He keeps a scrapbook full of things to do with you. He secretly takes pictures of you when you're not looking, and saves them to add to said scrapbook.
He put petals from your favourite flowers in there, along with pages of your favourite colours, and a page with a sample of your favourite perfume/cologne. He loves you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who's super self-loathing or conceited, it's one thing if you struggle with insecurity or self image issues, of course. But constantly being around someone with too much negativity is too much for him to take, so that's an absolute no for him
As well as someone who's super, super clingy. He gets uncomfy with too much energy and affection towards him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sighs and hums a little in his sleep, its cute fr.
He also has little face twitches, especially when he's cold/not in the best sleeping environment :(
Anyone wanna see NSFW next?😋
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oogaboogaspookyman · 3 months
An impulsive response to @dronebiscuitbat for the recent 20th part of the nuzi fic Aka a fan creation fueled by desire for comedy
A do-over prom, best idea Thad has ever had... Just deal with whoever has magnets and tries funny things. Yeah.
He'll be fine!
The music is blaring, the lights are bright, the band friggin' SLAYS, prom is going amazingly and much better than the last.
Thad had dealt with a... Harrasser, some guys with magnets, and may or may not have found the culprit for spiking the fermented oil. Asshole that girl, i swear, he thought. Well at least prom is doing well!
Two drones stepped into the dance floor, starting with clumsy steps and slowly progressing to faster speeds. That's Uzi and N, and she has wings?! Awesome! Thad took note of this, and so did the band currently playing.
The crowd was startled, some began to cheer and encourage, the band picked up the pace telling the duo to go all out.
Little by little, they began to rise from the floor, flying, almost about to shoot for the sky.
The band picked up the pace, more and more and more, until...
Would you look at that! They shot into the sky!
All the air that surrounded the duo suddenly got blasted onto... Well, everywhere! One dude got sent back from it, too... They really did shoot to the sky huh! Okay better take a look at the guy holy robo-jesus.
Thad ran over to the potentially injured drone, as fast as he could. "Dude are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"
"Hh... Yeah i'm fine, i'll walk it off no worries..." Thad doubted the guy's response, "I'll ask for help anyway- can anyone help this guy that's hurt?!"
"No really i'll be fine, look"... Did he just fucking stand up and walk away?? Back to do his thing??
... Yes he did.
Welp! That's sorted out faster than thought! Back into the action!
After a small few minutes of Prom Stuff™, suddenly he, somehow, managed to hear chatter in the sky... Uzi and N, they have to be. How are they doin' up there?
"Wonder how they're doin' up there!" That's exactly what i narrated here. Anyway- Thad looked up and... Couldn't make out a damn thing. Right. Sky. Very up there. Does he have anything to have a better look at them?
Yes he did. From straight outta the Convinient Hammerspace For Different Events™, he pulled out a pair of binoculars and looked up at the sky now with a MUCH better look at them.
There they are, curiously way closer to each other and very lovey dovey! Man, about time those two got together, it's been clear from the get-go they liked each other.
Wait a minute.
"Whazzawhat..." He raised the binoculars again and... Upon closer look they ARE curiously way closer to each other. WAY closer.
"FUCK YEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The crowd looked at Thad in concern.
"What happened??" Someone asked.
"Uh. Hm." Thad thought of a way to slip the situation under the rug.
Oh yeah that's so gonna work.
"Ligma." Thad spoke the sole word.
"What's ligma??" Oh hell yeah he waited to do this for a WHILE...
"Ligma balls, get back to your thing." The crowd exploded into unhinged cackling and wheezing. "FUCK YOU MAN" said the someone who asked. After a little death by laughter they went back to doing Prom Stuff™
"What just happened, Thad??" Lizzy ran up to him, curious about the situation, and all Thad did was give her the binoculars. He pointed up, much to Lizzy's confusion.
She looked up at the sky, where she spotted two familiar figures kissing... "Whazzawhat??" She said as she lowered the binoculars in confusion and raised them again...
"NO FUCKING WAY" Thad wheezed at his sister's reaction, "YES FUCKING WAY" patting her on the back.
Hallelujah they finally kissed!
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Okay so I watched Inside Man on Netflix. It's interesting. More importantly, it's a masterclass in crafting likeable characters and how the POV we follow in a scene affects the way we see a character. Also, this somehow relates to the Star Wars Prequels, I promise! 😆
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The moral of the series is that "everyone is a murderer, all it takes is a good reason and a bad day." The main characters are:
A vicar who - through a huge misunderstanding - has now locked his son's tutor in his basement and doesn't know how to get out of this situation, played by David Tennant.
A convicted murderer and ex-criminal psychology professor who solves crimes from his cell, as he waits for his execution, played by Stanley Tucci.
So a man who locked a woman in his cellar and a guy who murdered his wife. In any other movie, these guys are the villains. Yet, both of these characters are extremely likeable!
This is achieved through how relatably they behave in their relationships (kind, humble, humorous)...
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... and through the emotion and/or charisma brought by the actors playing them (it's THE DOCTOR/CROWLEY and Stanley Friggin' Tucci)... but also through the amount of screen time they get.
We're with them for most of the show. There's other characters (the journalist, the trapped tutor and the vicar's wife) and subplots, of course, but they're our two anchors.
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So when I'm watching David Tennant lock his son's tutor in his cellar and consider if he should free her - only to see him and his wife make things worse - I'm not thinking "you monster" like I do when I see Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs for example.
No, I'm thinking "goddammit vicar you're making things worse, it'll come back to haunt you, there's still a chance to turn back, please!" I'm rooting for him to make the right choice because I'm seeing him struggle and despair and hesitate throughout many scenes.
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When I'm watching Stanley Tucci guiltily say he deserves death, after being so darn charming, humble and in clear possession of a moral compass, my instinct as a viewer isn't to go "he's right".
It's to go "aaaw, no it's fine, everyone makes mistakes."
And these characters remain likeable and/or relatable for a huge chunk of time... until, every once in a while, the show reminds you that, "remember, these guys are criminals."
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"One of them's killed his wife then decapitated her, and the other one is contemplating murder, so they did/are doing evil stuff, they're the villains and you shouldn't grow fond of them."
Then it goes back to making you empathize with them again.
It's quite the emotional roller-coaster, very intriguing yet frustrating, which I have to guess is exactly what the show is going for.
But the point is: the amount of time we spend with these characters is partially what elicits this emotional reaction out of us.
If we consider the tutor's character:
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For all intents and purposes, we should feel sorry for her, or full-on fucking love her. Objectively-speaking, she's:
smart but obviously scared,
we establish early on that she has a brave heart and stands up for oppressed women,
she thinks she's trapped by a pedophile or a man defending a pedophile, figures he'll inevitably try to murder her, yet manages to stay resourceful, determined and cool-headed despite it all.
She's an absolute superhero.
But that's not how the narrative frames her.
She's framed as an antagonistic force, in the vicar's subplot.
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She may be the one tied up in a basement, but she's in control and the vicar is not. She's almost framed as being in a position of power (when she's really not), which leads the audience to view Tenant's vicar as an underdog.
When the vicar is trying to look for alternatives to end this situation so that he doesn't have to kill her, she's unhelpful,
and even starts pitting the vicar and his wife against each other.
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Again, in-universe, she's scared shitless and in "fight-or-flight" mode. She's putting up a front because she's just trying to get outta this alive. She's the victim, here, not the vicar who captured her.
But as a viewer, you don't feel that, despite objectively knowing that. Why and how?
Because we barely see this character, compared to Tenant's vicar. So we have more time to grow to feel for him. There's "why".
Also 90% of what we do see of the tutor is her being aggressive, manipulative, sometimes downright merciless and we're seeing her from the POV of the vicar or the vicar's wife. There's "how".
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Result: the viewer feels sorry for the captor and frustrated towards the captive.
This isn't a rational reaction, it's an emotional one (the goal of any visual artform being to get an emotional reaction out of the viewer).
Which means the series and Stephen Moffat effectively did their job.
How does this relate to the Prequels?
Well, a lot of people see the Jedi in a negative light in the Prequels, and Anakin in a more sympathetic one.
Even though the Prequels are about how a good man becomes bad, and even though the Jedi embody one of the major Star Wars themes (selflesness) as opposed to Anakin who clearly displays the anti-theme (selfish)... a majority of fans feels more for the latter than the former. Why?
Because the Prequels unintentionally do what Inside Man does purposefully. You react to Anakin like you react to the vicar. You react to the Jedi like you react to the tutor.
Simply put: Anakin has more screen time than the Jedi. And we don't just see him more, we see him struggle, we see him about what he knows to be morally right vs what he really wants, we see him be overtaken by his own fear...
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... and just by contrast, that makes him more relatable than the Jedi, who have already overcome their character arcs and mostly all learned to keep their flaws in check.
The narrative doesn't intend to frame them as antagonistic. We do see them talk about how worried they are, we do see them emote.
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And if you think about it, it's easy to see why:
their entire way of life is going to crap,
their values are being corrupted as they're forced to fight and die, alongside their clone brothers, in a war they wanted no part of,
they sense that the Force is close to the breaking point and that the galaxy's inhabitants are suffering on the daily.
But, for example, when Mace or Ki-Adi Mundi are shown expressing concern in the Prequels... as worried as they are, in-universe... out-of-universe, their measured reactions doesn't emotionally impact a viewer as much as Anakin's intense ones do.
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So a big chunk of the audience will sympathize more with him than them. But like the tutor in Inside Man, the Jedi are objectively the victims and Anakin is objectively an unstable space-nazi who betrayed and destroyed them.
Just because we're not shown these characters be worried beyond just monotonously saying "I'm worried" doesn't mean they're not actually worried as Anakin is in Revenge of the Sith (if not more).
However we don't see it.
Because these three films aren't about the Jedi Order, they're about the Republic and about Anakin and about how each of these two beautiful things were corrupted (by Palpatine and by themselves) into becoming the very thing they stood against.
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The Jedi aren't a factor in either of those two themes set up by George Lucas.
They became a factor when fans - who despite not liking the Prequels, still admirably chose to engage with the material - made the Jedi be more important to the narrative of the Prequels by re-framing these films as "The Failure of the Jedi".
Now, should Lucas have recognized that most fans wouldn't give two shits about why a Republic falls or the "matinee serial" format, and would've rather he focused on the Jedi, and developed them accordingly? Probably.
But good luck telling an indie filmmaker with a bunch of money how to tell the story he wants to tell.
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Could Lucas have done more with the Prequels to highlight the fact that the Jedi are the underdogs of the story, not Anakin's oppressors? Yes.
But, firstly, he probably didn't think that was a point that needed explaining. And secondly, as he explained at Cannes, in 2002, feature films are a very limiting format to tell a story, especially one of the Prequels' scale. If it doesn't directly contribute to the story you're telling... it's gotta go.
A limited show would've been better to cover every aspect of the Prequels more in detail and avoid confusing the audience re: who they should be rooting for.
Which is why it's interesting, to me, that Stephen Moffat used his limited show to INTENTIONALLY confuse the audience! 😃
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
BOBBY He's gonna find out, you know. One way or another, someone'll tell him, or he'll figure it out on his own. He's not dumb. He should it hear it from us. DEAN Can we just leave it alone for the moment, please? BOBBY Okay. But you better prep for the B side, 'cause when Sam realizes we're shining him, it ain't gonna be cute.
I must have seen this and the scene where Cas scolds Dean for putting Sam's soul back in giffed 10 times at least while looking for 6.12 gifsets in various archives and I think it's obvious why, given how rancid soulless Sam disk horse can get. It suits a narrative certain fans want to sell to take this out of context and make it look like Dean is being controlling—is babying Sam, trying to keep something from Sam that Sam deserves to know—and Sam is going to be rightfully mad at Dean treating him like a kid. That's such a narrow view that omits so much obvious context and Bobby ends up being completely wrong about Sam's reaction.
For one, Bobby says all this because he's struggling with being around Sam after soulless Sam tried to murder him the previous episode. Bobby's motivation for saying this is that he wishes he could clear the air. Unable to do so, he isn't sure how to explain why he doesn't really want to be in the same room with Sam (and boy is that a reversal from 6.06 where Bobby did not understand Dean's discomfort with soulless Sam and told him to stop being a baby).
For another, Dean's pleading "Can we just leave it alone for the moment, please?" really reveals his motivations for hiding the truth aren't about Sam as much as they're about DEAN needing space to process what soulless Sam did to him. What soulless Sam did to Dean and the way he behaved around him was fucking creepy. Telling Sam everything that happened while he was soulless won't just reveal information to Sam about himself—it requires Dean to reveal painful, personal details of some extremely uncomfortable experiences of his own that he doesn't really want to talk about. As a victim of that behavior, Dean deserves space to work through it. And the way he words it here, it's a request for TIME before they tell Sam the truth, so that Dean can BREATHE and PROCESS.
Bobby is right that Sam figures out he was soulless pretty quickly, but after figuring out Dean didn't tell him the truth, Sam isn't full of anger. He immediately understands Dean's hesitation to tell him the truth and understands it isn't about him.
It's about Dean not wanting to talk about the parts of Sam's soulless escapades where Dean was his victim.
SAM: Dean... DEAN: Yeah? SAM: I am so...so sorry. I can't even begin to say. DEAN: For what? SAM: You know what. DEAN: Did Bobby... SAM: Cas. DEAN: Cas. Friggin' child. SAM: You should have told me, Dean. DEAN: You weren't supposed to know. SAM: What I did? To Bobby? To you? Of course I should know.
Sam says "You should have told me," but notably, it isn't in an angry, accusatory tone. He's gentle. His focus is actually on DEAN and BOBBY and how Sam should know what he did so he can adjust his behavior accordingly for THEIR comfort.
Unlike the fans who love to harp on this moment as some proof of SAM being victimized by Dean (which bothers me for several reasons) Sam understands Dean's hesitancy wasn't just about keeping Sam safe, but was also about Dean being HURT by soulless Sam and deserving to have space to process that—the same way Bobby takes his space by deciding not to go on the hunt when Sam wants to join them.
Arguably, nobody should have been pushing for Dean to be the one to tell Sam everything to begin with. It's really for the best that Cas was able to share the details of what happened with Sam (however unwitting he was when doing so) because I don't know that Dean could have really talked about it. The moment in the car before Sam figures out how much time he's missing is bad enough:
SAM: So you never even tried, huh? DEAN: Tried? SAM: To go live a life...after. You do remember you promised that, right? DEAN: Yeah, I remember. SAM: So, why didn't you try? DEAN: What makes you think I didn't? SAM: 'Cause look at you. Look at this. You're exactly the same. DEAN: Yeah, you're probably right. A long pause. DEAN: I was with them for a year—Lisa and Ben. SAM: A year? DEAN nods. SAM: So then what? DEAN: Didn't work out. DEAN turns up the music.
Absolutely brutal. Sam's assumption that Dean didn't try stings all on its own, but it's especially hurtful (without Sam knowing that obviously) given soulless Sam was part of guilting Dean into leaving them in 6.02, and his actions with the vampire in 6.05 were what put such an upsetting end to Dean and Lisa's attempts at long distance. Regardless of whether you as a viewer thought Lisa and Dean could make things work in the absence of Sam's actions, that relationship ended in a particularly painful way riddled with fear and guilt because of Sam's actions in 6.05, instead of being allowed to end in a more amicable manner that could have provided more closure and mutual understanding. Dean can't say "Lisa and I had a terrible breakup because you let me get turned into a vampire on purpose and then I hurt Ben and I could have killed them and it was all because you didn't care about me or them and I was just a disposable piece of meat to you and now you're accusing me of not even trying to have a home like I wanted for so long because I'm a failure and that hurts like hell." All he can do is turn up the music.
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Hello! Can I plz ask for the ROTTMNT brothers (separately) react to their s/o being cute and innocent? Like they love watching animated movies, become a blushing mess if there's a kissing scene or in real life, love to draw, cook/bake, and dance, also are curious about everything. Oh, and they don't understand dirty jokes and if someone curses they put a hand over their mouth and look flabbergasted. They also are shorter than them and have small hands.
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Oh mi gosh,
You two are the most wholesome couple this side of anywhere.
Literally two peas in a pod.
Disney movies every movie night,
You bake together,
You draw together,
And he loves watching you dance around.
One of your favorite things to do is to walk around the city at night,
Just to see what you'll find.
He loves how easily flustered you are,
He thinks it's just the cutest!
Mikey thinks it's hilarious how shocked you get when someone swears.
You'd think someone just killed your grandmother!
The first time it happened is a treasured memory for the whole family.
Leo had fallen off his skateboard and smacked his face on the ground.
*Le gasp* "Language! Oh my gosh!"
Everyone just kinda looked at you then started laughing.
Mikey loves how much shorter than him you are.
I mean sure, it's only a few inches,
But he likes to rest his head ontop of your's.
Leo loves to make "That's what she said" jokes around you,
Mikey hates it,
He's scared you'll lose your innocence.
But everytime Leo goes, "That's what she said!"
You'll just look at him and say, "That's what who said? Who is 'She'? And why won't anyone tell me for gosh sake??"
"I'll tell you when you're older Cutie Pie."
You and Mikey are literally the sweetest couple, like, ever!
He finds your innocence impressive.
With the excistence of the internet,
He assumed there were no innocent teenagers left.
But you are on a whole new level of innocent.
And he thinks it's adorable.
Donnie does his best to shield you from Leo's jokes,
Because he is not about to let you be ruined by his brothers' crude sense of humor.
So imagine his surprise when you come ask him what one of these jokes mean.
He looks at you,
Then sighs,
You look at him confused as he stands up and grabs his tech bo
*Que screaches of fear*
Donnie loves that you dance too.
You guys have small disco parties every Saturday night.
He also loves how naturally curious you are,
Because it usually leads to him answering your endless questions about a ceratain topic.
But he doesn't mind.
He likes it when you ask him questions.
He also thinks its adorable how easily you get flustered.
Especially when it's over something as little as a movie scene.
He will tease you,
Just to fluster you even more.
And holy truffle mac & cheese,
You're so small!!
He has a habbit of resting his elbow on your head.
Kinda like how he leans on his tech bo.
You'll usually wave him off, and grab his hand instead.
Raph loves your innocent nature.
It just plays into how sweet you are,
And Raph loves him some sugar.
He's more than happy to participate in your hobbies,
Especially if it means you're trying to teach him something new.
You just look so cute when you're concetrating!
Like Donnie,
He does his best to keep you from Leo's awful jokes,
And like you,
He isn't very fond of swearing.
He'll act just as flabberghasted as you if one of his brothers were to swear.
Like, ExCuSE mE??
WaTcH YoUr MouTh YoUnG MaN!
Now when it comes to how much smaller you are than him,
It really depends on the day for how he feels about it.
On the one hand,
You are so tiny and adorable and he could just hug you for hours like holy crap.
Then on the other hand,
He is terrified he'll hurt you.
Human skin is just so friggin fragile,
And he doesn't want to be the reason you're in pain.
Just make sure your sweet self reassures him,
He'll get over it pretty quick with your help.
Oh my god, this boy teases you endlessly.
His favorite thing ever is to make you all flustered and stuff.
Whenever you two watch movies together he'll always pick some cheesy romance flick,
Just so he can watch you hide your face in your shirt whenever something romantic happens.
Leo loves baking with you.
Even if he's only allowed to watch.
(He set the kitchen on fire the last time he tried to actually help and in turn was perma banned from cooking.)
He likes trying all the sweet treats you bake up for everyone.
He also enjoys making jokes he knows you won't understand,
Because you look so cute when you're confused,
Your face gets all scrunched up while you try to figure out the joke,
And to him it's the cutest thing in the world.
Leo likes it when you freak out over swearing,
He thinks its funny.
You'll fan yourself with your hand all taken aback.
And your voice goes up an octave when you adress it,
"PARdon me?"
"I said fuck, (Name)."
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greetingfromthedead · 5 months
Happy Trigun Fanfiction Appreciation Week!
While I encourage all the fantastic creators of this community, I just wanted to promote some of my lovely moots and other friends! ❤
While this includes ficrecs, you should definitely go and check out all their other work too! If you're at all into x Reader, you'll find plenty of lovely stuff on their blogs!
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💜My Papa (~1k words)
💜 Raiting: Everyone
💜 Pairing: Dad!Vash x reader, but it's mostly Vash being adorable with his kids
💜 Summary: A Cozy Dad!Vash Drabble. Vash tries to teach his two rambunctious twins a new word.
💜 Review: It is so friggin' cute! Vash being a dad is so adorable and if that's not enough to entice you to go read it, idk what will! It also inspired me to write my own Dad!Vash fic so that's something!
❤️ Lovebug (7.9k words)
❤️ Raiting: Explicit
❤️ Pairing: Sinister!Vash x f!Reader
❤️ Summary: You've been running for a long time, miraculously evading the destructive storm on your heels. But one fateful night you find yourself trapped and unable to escape the humanoid typhoon any longer. He'll make you regret running from him.
❤️ Review: It is so dark and so hot. Sweet god, it's like a Finnish sauna. Check the tags, but oml, it had be reeling.
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💜 A kiss in the rain (~0.3k words, but part of a much larger and fantastic series)
💜 Raiting: Everyone
💜 Pairing: Vash x f!Reader
💜 Summary: A rare occurrence happens on the desert planet.
💜 Review: This is adorable! A quick fluffy pick-me-up, but you should check out the rest of the "Of Bandits, Bullets, Ghosts, & Typhoons" series too!!!
❤️ A so called God on a mountain top? Well, better then freezing to death (~3k words, but there's a part 2!)
❤️ Raiting: Explicit
❤️ Pairing: God!Vash x f!Reader
❤️ Summary: You had gone to the area to learn about the local wildlife and the fauna. Sure the villagers were wary of outsiders, but you honestly hadn't expected to be drugged and tied to a slab on the mountaintop in nothing but a flimsy robe. So when a handsome blond stranger shows up claiming to be a God who are you to argue?
❤️ Review: This God!AU is fantastic! The smut is hot AF and Vash has feathers! What more do you need? This will have you hot and bothered in no time. And if you're like me, it will rot your brain too and inspire you to ponder your own take on the God!AU, it's just that good.
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💜 A home for you and me (0.9k words, but part of the 150 Bullets drabble series)
💜 Raiting: Everyone
💜 Pairing: Vash x gn!Reader
💜 Summary: It's a new chapter in your lives and you both have to get used to the concept of actually having a home.
💜 Review: This is so cute and wholesome!!! Reader having zoomies is absolutely a mood and Vash is also so cute! This series is filled with such adorable stories!
❤️ Memories (0.7k words, but is part of the 150 Bullets drabble series)
❤️ Raiting: Everyone
❤️ Pairing: Vash x gn!Reader
❤️ Summary: Vash is plagued by unpleasant memories, but good thing you're there to be a shoulder to lean on.
❤️ Review: A bit angsty, but also so fluffy and wholesome like it should be! It's a great read and seeing into Vash's head is always such a wonderful experience in stories like this!
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💜 Sleep Date (~1.2k words)
💜 Raiting: Everyone
💜 Pairing: Vash x gn!Reader
💜 Summary: Most of your and Vash's dates consist of getting cozy beneath the covers.
💜 Review: Really cute and fluffy! Who wouldn't want to try and crawl into his skin? So cuddly and sweet!
❤️ Crowd (~1.5k words)
❤️ Raiting: Everyone
❤️ Pairing: Wolfwood x gn!Reader
❤️ Summary: You watch as Wolfwood tries to find you in a crowd.
❤️ Review: This had be giddy and it has so many lovely descriptions. Wolfwood doesn't get enough love, but this makes up for it! It's super cute!
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💜 Stay (~0.4k words)
💜 Raiting: Everyone
💜 Pairing: Vash x gn!Reader
💜 Summary: Waking up the morning after next to your favorite travel companion.
💜 Review: It's a touch angsty, but mostly just cute fluff! A good wholesome read! Vash is just as cute as ever in this one!
❤️ Sharing is Caring (3.1k words)
❤️ Raiting: Explicit
❤️ Pairing: Vash x f!Reader x Wolfwood
❤️ Summary: You, Vash, and Wolfwood have a bit of a wild evening together.
❤️ Review: This is absolutely delicious! this fic will stay with you for a while and put dirty thoughts in your head long after you've finished reading it. It is so god damn hot. I mean you get a threesome with Vash and Wolfwood. What else is there to say???
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If you've scrolled this far: Thank you for your attention! Please, go check out these fantastic creators and also all the other stuff under the tag #trigunfanficappreciation! This is a fantastic community with so many talented creators and artists! I'm sure everyone will find something they enjoy here!
If you enjoy what creators put out, please please please, show them some love! Comment, reblog and like! It motivates your favorites to keep writing and creating art! Thank you!
Thank you @trigunfanfic / @beelzebby666 for this event! ❤❤❤
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
"Filming the BT breakup" if they are filming it at all!!!!
Nonie if Tim has any sense at all B/T will get the Natalie treatment. I'm on my hands and knees praying to whatever god exists that man doesn't come back.
Even if he does though I wouldn't worry too much. I don't see that ship sticking around long. I think he'll serve his purpose and be gone same as with Ana when she was carried over from s4 into s5.
If he does have to come back I at least hope we get a scene where Buck tells T*mmy or someone else how much he didn't like T*mmy calling him Evan. It would be friggin delicious because the B*mmys have basically made that part of their identity now right down to changing all their urls to include Evan and calling Buck Evan whenever they talk about him. I'd love for Buck to remind people that's not the name he is most comfortable hearing especially not from people who don't know him well. Like in the past Evan was only really reserved for Maddie and Eddie and even then not all the time. And Buck explicitly didn't want his parents calling him that. We also know that Lou was told he couldn't ever call Buck anything but Evan so I do think there had to be reason for that.
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hazbinshusk · 1 month
I've had the thought of Blitzø letting his S/O make him a flower crown bouncing around my head all day.
He'll sit next you in the field, leaning against your side tearing up clumps of grass as he whinges. He's complaining, talking about how he has so many other things he could be doing, but he also makes no move to leave.
He goes bright red as you place the soft petaled flower crown on his head, gently stroking his horns as you do... He will not take it off until it falls off his head, claims it makes him look more badass.
-Icarus's thoughts.
okay, this is friggin' adorable lol.
imagine doing it while he's watching horses. like he's just laying there all heart-eyed and completely oblivious to what you're doing as he watches them, and you're just so enamored with this side of him.
and he doesn't even notice you've made the crown until you've dropped it on his head. and no, no, he won't take it off. the fuck do you mean, take it off? why would he do that?
like, seriously, this is basically the exact exchange you have about it:
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK The Today show 8 November 2023 (NYC) - Part 1 - The performance
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So, let's start with how friggin' cold it was in NYC in the morning, like JK freezing his ass off cold.
So damn cold JK was telling his team he can't sing properly.
🐰: It's so cold to the level that I can't sing. And wind is blowing. It's hard to breathe because wind is going through my nose
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JK, with his cold (I do think he was having issues with his voice and refrained from singing some parts of the songs he usually does sing), in the cold, and add to that having issues with the sound system and his ear piece, which he takes out at one point (maybe the wind, maybe the crowds, maybe other issues with his ear piece, but in any case he had issues hearing himself).
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Bottom line, JK wasn't happy with his performance.
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I mean, you could hear him being a little pitchy at times, but under the circumstances his performance was great. And that's just him being too hard on himself, as usual.
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Anyways, here are the links to his pereformances:
Standing next to you
Other than that JK's interactions with the fans were really cute.
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The cutest was with little Lennon, celebrating her 10th birthday.
JK said next live performance he'll do better. Will we be getting him live sooner rather than later?
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Ooh, exciting...
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Dazai, chuuya, fyodor n sigma with their teenage daughter coming in their and s/o's and saying that she has a boyfriend and they (bsd characters) literally scream with a "WHAT". 💀
i've prepared for this exact scenario (i watched buddy daddies and cried a lot)
When their daughter tells them she has a boyfriend
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♡ characters: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Sigma (+ gn!Reader and their daughter)
♡ synopsis: How do these men react upon learning that their teenage daughter has a boyfriend?
♡ cw: Protective dad moments, swearing, mentions of sex and religion, Fyodor is kinda toxic (damn...even dad!Fyo is toxic, friggin' oof)
note: I didn't wanna fall into the overly protective dad trope because it's pretty toxic but...I think I kinda did T-T Apologies for errors and I hope you still enjoy x
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He calms down after a second and asks her when she started dating her boyfriend lmao
Dazai is a bit hypocritical. He was a playboy once upon a time himself, but he lowkey isn't too thrilled with the idea of his daughter dating yet
He's just not really looking forward to possibly having to tolerate any rebelliousness that comes from his daughter (especially in favour of some random teenager)
He tells your daughter that she needs to be very careful with dating at her age because teenage boys can be cruel and whatever. But he also gives some good advice about infatuation and romance, and how if it doesn't last then it's not her fault, and stuff like that.
He promises to be nice if she decides to introduce him to her boyfriend one day (she had to nag him a little first lmao)
He also promises to deal with her boyfriend accordingly if he ever breaks her heart, which he'd play off as a joke afterwards but like...c'mon.
He'd be alright though, like he'd ask her (nice) questions about him, how did they meet, what's he like etc. because he does actually feel better when he sees that his daughter is happy :)
Dazai is honestly surprisingly chill about the whole thing despite his initial reaction, but he's ready to be less so if necessary
This man trusts his daughter to carry out assassinations and infiltrate enemy gangs and shit, but teenage boys are different because they're far more evil
He lowkey starts interrogating her about him ("What's his name? Where does he live? What's he like? When did you start dating? What do his parents do?" and so on)
You have to tell him to give her the benefit of the doubt and that he can't just assume her boyfriend is a prick without any evidence
It's not that he thinks that at all, he's just super protective of her (it's ingrained in him, being a mafioso and all) and he knows teenage boys can be wicked sometimes
It's not like he's gonna kill your daughter's boyfriend if he breaks her heart or anything like that, but he'll definitely have a talk with him (talk = like, screaming at him probably)
You'd need to ease his nerves and remind him that you guys were also in the same spot as your daughter and her boyfriend once. When Chuuya thinks of it that way he's more alright with it
He does apologise to her eventually for kinda freaking out at first and reminds her that he respects her autonomy and stuff, but he also says to come straight to him if her boyfriend even looks at her the wrong way lmao
Chuuya was just surprised is all, but he's doing his best <3
After his outburst, you and your daughter are just looking at him like...this is the first time you've yelled in your whole life
He apologises for it, and tells her that her news just caught him off-guard (and she's just as surprised as you are), and that he's actually happy for her.
He immediately starts looking into this guy and he'll find out everything about him (including blackmail) to make sure he's good enough for his daughter (Fyodor honesty seems to me the type to protect and spoil his kids a ton)
Fyodor is religious, but he's not like 'no premarital sex' religious, so he's not super strict about her dating boys as a teenager on its own
THAT BEING SAID he is so cautious and will definitely be the father who threatens their daughter's girlfriend. You have to tell him that uhh...it's not cool to threaten a teenager
Her boyfriend would probably honestly be too worried to hurt your daughter after meeting Fyodor because...holy shit, imagine having Fyodor as a father-in-law.
If Fyodor does end up approving of her boyfriend, his mind probably immediately goes to the future and grandchildren and stuff omg (he momentarily forgets that they've been dating for what, like a week? AND THEY'RE KIDS FYODOR)
Overall, he's...exactly how you might expect him to be. Calm on the surface but secretly freaking the fuck out about it.
He's SO worried oh my god. He couldn't handle it if some stupid boy broke his daughter's heart
Like he's actually really happy for his girl because she seems to really like her boyfriend, but he can't shake off his worry. He's not necessarily the most trusting person, y'know?
He kinda forgot that yeah, his child would eventually get to the age where she'd start dating too. He's not ready for it at all and that's why he kinda panicked T-T
It's not really the dating part itself that he minds, it's more a question of who she's dating. He'd be open to meeting his daughter's boyfriend and getting to know him, but if he doesn't like him he probably still wouldn't say anything lol
However, if this boy hurt her, then...ohhhhhh no. We've seen how protective Sigma is of his casino- imagine him having a whole ass kid. He'd let the world burn for her!
Would he kill the boyfriend? ...I honestly don't know man. It's not like Sigma's well-adjusted and knows how to deal with these things
You'd need to remind him that even if she and her boyfriend do break up then it's not the end of the world, and she'll be fine if she has him around when that happens
Sigma's main priority is his daughter's happiness, but he needs a minute to process this news is all
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my back hurts so much please manifest my back pain away friends
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
hi hello okay i’m back because i just heard that FINAL FANTASY 16 IS COMING OUT AND IM SUPER PUMPED BC LIKE AHHHHHHHH! but with that being said, can you write hcs for the chocobo boys (if not just prompto is fine💕) with a medic s/o? they are kinda witchy but love cooking and handling animals but they also are the medic for the team bc the squad can’t all rely on noct😭😭 gaaahh tysm and BIG CONGRATS ON THE MAGAZINE THATS SO FRIGGIN COOL!!!💕💕
Chocobros with a medic s/o
notes - I HAD TO GET TO THIS ONE BECAUSE IVE HAD A SECRET FFXV BRAINROT AHHHH. And omg I am also super excited for FFXVI!!!! <33333 I just love this idea too so thank you so so so so much for sending it in <333 AND OMFG THANK YOU FOR THE CONGRATS IT MEANS THE WORLD I AM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU GUYS!!!
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this man is so grateful to you
like you are his saving grace
we all know this little dummy will find his way to fall in a ditch and hurt his arm by accident
without you, he'd probably be dead LMFAO
he will always walk up to you and in the cutest little voice be like... "y/n, I hurt my arm again"
and you'll just jokingly sigh and fix him right up
he always asks you about how you do it and all that and finds it really cool that you are able to fix him up with herbs and stuff
and when you cook for him??? he would never tell iggy, but he loves your cooking more ;)
also the fact that you're good with animals makes chocobos love you which means they are always just around you and that makes prompto love you more <3
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you two definitely were the enemies to lovers troupe
like you were competing
you both could cook and take care of the others so it was immediate competition
you were always pushing each other around in a kitchen or whatever
but then you realized it was easier for you to deal with stuff as a team
and ofc you fell in love <3
he thinks you are very talented and honestly, when he's hurt, he will come to you and always feel bad lol
like he will feel like a burdan
please remind him that he isnt <3
he will love to learn how you use your herbs and stuff <3
overall, he just loves how amazing and talented you are and is so thankful about how you help the rest of the group
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this man trusts you with his life
he is always getting beat up and needs you there by his side to help
he appreciates it a bunch
and you'll always call him a big dummy when he gets hurt and then get straight to working on him, but that always makes him blush
make him ramen
like homemade stuff
please stop this man from eating cup noodles
but yeah, he is always getting hurt so to watch you work on him and help him out means the world to him
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this man gets too embarrassed to tell you he's hurt, so you always have to spot it
omg what a child
you will always get on his ass about that and he'll just be blushing as you work on him
ignis gets mad because you are super nice about Noct being picky and will make him food he enjoys instead of trying to make him something he doesnt like lol
you will baby him a bit because he is the king and he needs to be protected <3
he gets blushy when you do and act like he doesnt like it, but we all know he does <3
final fantasy masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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shallowseeker · 1 year
As a follow up to my previous message about Dean’s grief being colored through Sam’s vision, it’s striking in that *that’s* the full circle moment of the show the writers were leaning to. Sam was initially the viewers eyes into learning about the supernatural and the Winchester family. We learn they support their lifestyle by running credit card scams, as an example. While undoubtedly Dean became the main character, after over 300 episodes, we wind back to Sam and see Dean through Sam’s eyes. He deflects about losing Cas. We get just the tiniest glimpse things aren’t right with Dean when he’s by himself - that hug with Miracle, getting up and leaving the bed unmade - but ultimately that’s it. Everything else Dean experiences in the remaining 20 minutes of the episode where he’s still alive, he’s with Sam.
And speaking of visions, I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here. He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. If he doesn’t put pictures up, maybe the images of people like Cas and Jack, Jody, etc will fade from his mind. He’ll teach the importance of family to his son. We know that’s important to Sam by the enlarged picture of his parents and Dean (from Lebanon promo pics) in the middle of it all. And he’ll definitely keep the Impala.
And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors.
"I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here."
OH MY GOD. THE DREAMY LAST SEQUENCE AS SAM'S DAYDREAM WHILE DRIVING HIS WAY TO THE NEXT HUNT. See, Sam's listening to Carry on My Wayward Son, but in his mind, it becomes...this.
I friggin' love that idea, though! Like, when you lose someone, you do find yourself thinking, "I'll see them again, someday. They're probably in Heaven right now. Jack fixed it, so it's better. Cas helped. Everyone is together. I'll probably meet him on a bridge...when I too cross over." That's so...normal.
"He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. ...And he’ll definitely keep the Impala. And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors."
The woman is blurry, because Sam doesn't have a clear idea of it just yet, but she will be transformational and zen and so, so normal. Sam has a very poor idea of what aging will actually look like for him, too because none of his fam has ever actually made it that far. Which is why the wig looks so weird.
Sam has a very poor imagination of what "normal" looks like, because he is and has always been a weirdo. Like, he really thinks he'll be decrepit and elderly by the time his son is a young adult.
Not only do I love this, but I spent the last three minutes laughing at how Sam put his entire neurodivergent heart into his grief-fantasy, and it looks like that.
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spectacular! @lemon--verbena
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I just saw someone say that they don't mind Fizz having his own episode + probably the sinmas upcoming episode, that loona recently got her own episode too and I'm like ??? No? The loona centric episode with bee was literally from last season, Fizz has 2 episodes, not one and he'll probably have more. And I too friggin minded that one of the side random characters (aka fizz) is getting more episodes than the female main characters (if you can call them main). I'll give Loona the queen bee episode ok. But millie doesn't have any episodes for her (unhappy campers was a joke and focused on Moxxie and Blotzø). It like to see less Fizz and more Millie/Loona/any female characters pls.
For real. I know I'm in very real danger of disliking Fizz and fuck Vivzie if she forces me to do that. Fuck Viv for ruining this.
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wreckingtickles · 6 months
Bakugo's Overdue Class 1-B Apologies (SFW)
A short sequel of this drabble.
When Shoji and Deku finally give Bakugo a breather, he just. Conks out.
They let him rest. Shoji's satisfied, and besides, he looks kind of angelic when he's not talking. Or yelling. Or awake.
But if Bakugo thought his nightmare was over...
Because Kirishima hasn't received his apology yet. And who does he call to help him cash it, if not his good friend from 1-B Tetsutetsu.
Yes, Class 1-B is now a part of this as well.
Bakugo wakes up in pretty much the same predicament as before, with the two knuckleheads at either side of him.
They pretend they're praising his growth and muscle definition, but really, they're just tickling the shit out of his upperbody: pecs, abs, other muscles that give them an excuse to just make Bakugo lose his mind first thing in the morning.
They both reflexively target their own worst spots first: Kiri goes for his armpits and Tetsu for his chest.
Anyone other than Bakugo would find it comical how they sometimes reach for the same spot at the same time, getting in each other's way.
Instead of doing top-bottom half like the others, Kiri takes the left side and Tetsu the right, so at one point they're both digging into Bakugo's pits and ribcage at the same time.
Yeah, he loses his mind.
If the night's rest regenerated his stubborness, he's quickly breaking again.
Naturally he apologizes, but Kiri doesn't really care, he's just giving his bro a workout.
That may be why he breaks out his Quirk and his claws on Bakugo's armpits are just torture.
And Tetsu lets him take care of that spot while he works the rest of Bakugo's upperbody over.
If anyone thought Kirishima would be nice to him... no, he's really enjoying pushing him to his limit, making it an "extended training session".
They only stop when it's clear that Bakugo's stamina has been depleted. But this is far from over.
Kirishima actually prevents anyone from entering the room to give Baku a breather.
When he resumes cursing at everyone (he really doesn't know what's best for him), Kiri lets the next batch in.
It's a friggin' trio: Tsuburaba, Kaibara, and Shinsou.
Now, Shinso may have brainwashed the former two, but I don't think he needed to.
And they come in with a plan, for they have consulted with Deku.
Shinso goes for one of his own worst spots: Bakugo's feet. Kaibara takes his ribcage. Tsuburaba takes everywhere else, skipping from spot to stop, starting at his abs but eventually settling on alternating his underarms and thighs.
Now, when his classmates paired up on him, their Quirks made it feel like there were more than two people wrecking him.
But one of the three people currently intent on breaking him has a devastating Quirk of his own: Kaibara's spinning fingers.
And once they hone in on Bakugo's ribs, it's over. GG Bakugo.
Granted, it's not as bad as Shoji + Deku (nothing will ever be as terrible), but it's an extremely effective Quirk in his death spot, and the other two are going after his other worst spots.
Oh, and did I mention that Kirishima's turn has left him super sweaty, so he's that much more sensitive?
Fortunately for him, this group isn't as into making him pay as some others, so excruciating though it is, it doesn't last too long. In part because everyone is getting hungry.
So everyone leaves to have lunch, but before they do, Awase uses his Quirk to attach electric toothbrushes to every single one of Bakugo's most sensitive spots. He'll get a break if the batteries run out before they're back.
So they just leave Bakugo like that, enjoying a loooong lunch.
Now, everyone is actually for cutting Bakugo loose at this point, but one person protests: he hasn't gotten his turn yet.
When Bakugo sees Monoma darken Kirishima's doorway, he goes straight to apologizing, he just can't take anymore.
Too bad Monoma only wants to see him suffer, and the fact that he's already broken makes it even more fun for him.
Naturally, he's borrowed Deku's notebook so he can reference it at any time. And guess what 3 Quirks he's also borrowed? The obvious ones: Kaibara's, Tokoyami's, and Kaminari's. And he tells Bakugo before he proceeds to make him cry for well over an hour.
Bakugo is voiceless by the end of it, he can't even struggle anymore. And while he will eventually begin to plot revenge, he will be a lot nicer to everyone in the meanwhile.
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His Hands Matched His Tongue (The Dear Hunter)
But not I, I won't ask/Or forget my place amongst the grass/The leaves and the trees remember me/And in my naivety, they might be seen/The pail has leaks, and even if/You put all your water into it/You'll end up with nothing left to drink/The Well has gone dry, and I with it
"The song is about a young boy realizing for the first time that his mother won't live forever and that he'll have to confront the real world someday. Knowing what happens in the following Acts it hurts *that much more*. Instrumentally it's so soft but so friggin intense and I just. This is audible gold to me okay."
Becoming the Lastnames (Will Wood)
But now we're kissing before brushing, smile with our whole faces/If you want a hypen last name I guess I don't mind the cadence
"Queer man singing about a slightly reluctant desire for a traditional marriage makes me emo as an aromantic person who would never get married for romance and does Not do traditional relationships but sometimes gets in my feelings that I'll never do things the "normal" way. I literally cannot hear those opening notes without crying"
HHMHT submitted by @Emo-Bunny-1317
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