#he'll probably cry and i can't deal with seeing people cry because of me i feel so guilty for everything all the time
daedrabela · 1 year
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Ya know what occurs to me?
Karai Bari is in the New World.
Crocodile and Mihawk only showed up after the establishment of the delivery service.
Buggy was in Paradise. Marineford would have been in Paradise, I think, or at least Buggy's crew still was.
He doesn't have conquerors to cross the calm belt.
So... to get to the New World and set up shop, he'd have to have gone through Fishman Island, wouldn't he? So he'd had to have gotten the ship coated.
He'd likely have had to face Rayleigh or at least he'd have anticipated it - maybe Shanks even mentions Rayleigh hanging around there, maybe even mentioning him having NEVER missed Shanks passing through....
So when Buggy goes when Buggy expects to be found and claims to be dreading it and is but is also so hopeful so scared so broken so hesitant he's got a few different courses figured for how this will go down.
Only.... Rayleigh isn't there. Shakky is. She just directs them to another coater. Buggy fights himself, wants to ask, doesn't want to beg, and-
Shakky answers the question he couldn'tdislodge from his throat. "Sorry, baby blue, Ray's just working on something real important. You know how it is."
He does. He does know how it is. Important, huh? That's fine. It's probably a job. It's probably not that big of a deal that dad master Rayleigh is preoccupied. Buggy shouldn't have expected the man to drop everything and come running why did he think that, Rayleigh never did it before, not even Shanks' assurance he'd leave a message for Rayleigh would change much, and fuck he can't afford to cry so-
So Buggy gets the ship coated. It's not as pricy as he'd worried. He navigates them down, can even bring himself to smile at the wide eyed wonder from the rest. It's nice. He's fine here - these are his people. He's okay, really, and he'll be able to let this go or shove it into that nameless box in his head and heart soon enough. He just has to ride the wave, you know-?
Only no. Not really. Because a newspaper lands in his hands. And his brain is racing.
Because Rayleigh wasn't at Sabaody at all. He was with Strawhat. He was training Strawhat. He showed up, after the war, so close to the conflict, to train the kid. Rayleigh is fast, but not that fast. He'd have to have left around a week before Buggy even arrived. Shanks had assured him Rayleigh was there when he dropped by ((two weeks ago)). He knew because his brother had wrapped him in his arm and tears were shed, voices were raised and hearts were broken, wounds torn open to drain the festering rot and the healing hurt, it hurt then, it hurts now, it will hurt and hurt and hurt, because Buggy had pushed the Big Top to her near limits just to reach the archipelago that his former guardian ex-father previous family that Rayleigh called home. Shanks had called him, said he'd dropped the message and Rayleigh had chuckled and nodded and Buggy wanted to see his dad because there were still so many scars that had to be seen and acknowledged and Buggy himself wasn't even fully recovered physically but emotionally he had to do it, had to take the step and try because vulnerability brought the best and worst of him out, because he lost a brother and gained him back and he wanted for his father, at least one of them.
But Strawhat was on that front page. And Rayleigh was behind him, smiling, warm, proud, happy, and - Buggy aches. He's angry. He's livid. A week or so, by his estimate, for Rayleigh to find him and get there to the war ground. A week or so because Rayleigh was old but he was still painfully fast. In a week or so, the older man hunted down a boy he'd possibly met once or twice in passing. A week or so and The Dark King showed up to bring another strawhat wearing monster of epic proportions under his wing, had made impressive time in finding the kid, making the plan, getting to the navy hq, getting out, and that's accounting for the article writing, printing, and distribution.
A week or so to find a bright little sunshine boy he barely knew when one he raised rotted in a cell for months on end.
Busy with something real important, he recalled Shakky saying.
His chest burned for a moment, hot and wild and unyielding - and just as suddenly, the fire was gone. He was tired. He was so fucking tired. His injuries throbbed, his head hurt, his scars itched. He sighed, set the paper aside and curled impossibly small into his chaise lounge with a teary chuckle as he gripped his hair and tried to silence the keen building in his chest. He cursed himself for it, bitter and angry.
After all, he should be used to being outshined, out classed and out loved by energetic boys with bright smiles in little wicker crowns.
Story of his life
He is unaware of the many eyes on him, of the people Plotting and Arranging things on their own time. Their captain is the best - uncommon, unexpected, temperamental though he is, he is everything everyone needs him to be because it's the only thing he knows how to do. They see the seams in his mask and performance, and they ache to pay back the pain left on their captain, their boss, their leader and friend. Buggy pirates stick together, freaks and weirdos united - and nobody is allowed to hurt their captain without some serious followup.
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darkfire359 · 1 year
Izzy and the Myth of the Perfect Victim
One thing that's often bugged me about people saying "Izzy got off on it" about Ed cutting off his pinky toe is how then they proceed to assume "and that makes it okay" (or "Izzy is undeserving of sympathy"), as if that somehow follows at all.
I've spoken before about how I actually DO read Izzy as feeling positively about the interaction—and how I think this makes the scene even more tragic, because it means Izzy was so desperately miserable before that he thought something like this had to be preferable to the status quo. Personally I think that having a toe cut off would be too painful to be arousing, even for a pretty extreme masochist. But even if it was, at the end of the day, Izzy's still going to be missing that toe for the rest of his life.
Plus, even aside from from the permanent effects... people can still be physically aroused by things they find deeply traumatic. It's pretty victim-blamey to imply otherwise. And regardless of how much awe and hope Izzy might or might not have felt, I think it's pretty obvious that he definitely felt fear. Izzy now knows, with absolute certainty, that he's not safe in his own bed anymore, not at all. Even if he doesn't act traumatized, and even if he thinks the sacrifice was worth it, it'd still be a hell of a price to pay.
...Which brings me to the clip from earlier today. One of the things that struck me about it was how Izzy isn't being nice. He's being mean and giving the crew objectively unreasonable orders that they hate. And the crew STILL reacts by seeing underneath that, seeing how much he is hurting and trying to offer support.
It was really refreshing to see, because Izzy cannot afford to stop and cry and ask for help. He doesn't think it's safe to be vulnerable around other people, and he's probably right—it's obvious how much Izzy doesn't believe in the orders he's shouting, but he still goes at it with a kind of terrifying desperation. Maybe Izzy not getting the crew to obey orders is what causes Ed to take off more toes. Or maybe he simply thinks that if he doesn't do his job, if he's not useful, that he'll simply be discarded. (Ed might care about Izzy a great deal, but for all Izzy knows, the only reason Ed saved his life at the end of e9 was because he needed Izzy to fetch him tea.)
Izzy reacts to a lot of the stress in his life in messy ways, and while that's not great, it also doesn't make his suffering any less real. No one is obligated to reach out to help the angry, shouty first mate who insists that he's fine... but it's really wonderful when they do. People are still worthy of compassion even when they can't be the perfect victim.
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alexxncl · 5 days
masterlist | all lessons | season 3 | lesson 48.1 | lesson 48.2 | lesson 49.2
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it's CANON that he knows he can't cook
so why the fuck 😭
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luke :(((( baby :((((((((
i'm glad simeon is finally opening up though. luke being able to event talk to simeon about (before simeon himself, mind you) this proves that he's more than mature enough to have conversations like this. i love seeing how much he's grown since the beginning of the game
didn't take a screenshot of this bc i can only post 10 pictures per post, BUT i'm glad the fact that raphael showed up out of nowhere wasn't glossed over bc why is he here ??? respectfully
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this is why simeon don't talk to nobody 😭 y'all can't take SHIT seriously
but in all honesty i'd just shut down and stop talking bc i get overwhelmed easily
but oh luke...
i hope he takes this as a "hm maybe the celestial realm isn't as good as it seems, maybe things aren't just black and white" instead of immediately jumping to "no simeon's too kind to be a demon bc all demons are mean and they suck", but i feel like the devs are gonna go with the latter simply bc they love giving luke development and then ripping it away seconds later
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(for context, the other response was something along the lines of "he really cried his eyes out, huh?")
regardless of how much luke has grown and matured, he's still a kid. like, a kid kid. they cry when they're upset, when they're angry, when they're throwing a tantrum, and when theyre confused and/or overwhelmed. i feel like the latter might be the case with luke, which is why i chose the "i'm sure he'll be ok" option
more on this here
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they're making it sound like simeon is queer/trans and honestly...i'm here for it. but that's partially bc i fall under both umbrellas. i love projecting 🫶🏽
i do wish it were this easy to come out and have your family/friends accept you bc it was a doozy for me 🫠
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angst. give me more. PLEASE
i'm just so so glad that he's actually opening up. in the past, it felt like every time we get a crumb of vulnerability, he'd shut back down and act like everything was okay. idk if it's because he's more comfortable in his identity and place in the world, or his place in mc and the brothers' life, but he's more prone to actually talking about what's bothering him. it makes me happy
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...this makes me a little less happy
ik simeon his his qualms with the celestial realm, but all in all, he probably still sees the place as his home and the people there as his family
what if this whole arc ends with the celestial realm opening its gates to (certain) demons? what if the boys get to visit their old home for the first time in literal millenia? and what if they get to show satan around?
idk y'all i'm trying to be hopeful, but hope can only get you so far when it comes to this game 😭
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development at its finest
not focusing on a way to "fix" simeon, but to help deal with the situation at hand despite and because of simeon's condition
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...ig the angst could only last for so long. back to the nerdy shit
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Sequel to my "Best (human) boy for periods" ranking; here comes the worsties (Affectionate)
Ace - Ultimate teenage boy(tm), is gonna make a big stink and fuss over how he doesn't wanna hear about you being on or think about it. "No poops, no farts, no periods"! kinda guy. He'll get better when he's older but in your first year as friends? He's gonna tease and antagonise you. If you're the emotional type when you'er on, you can turn the tables on him by crying and getting the whole class to go "Wow, what an asshole" at him for the rest of the week tho.
Vil - This guy holes everyone to the same standards as him, fully believing everyone can give 110% at all times. He's gonna come at you about how just because you're on the rag doesn't mean you can start snacking on chocolate bars all the time (or any comfort food). He WILL critique your skincare routine if your skin breaks out. One day he'll look back at how he treated you and thank Rook for literally carrying him away from you before you killed him.
Epel - Not really his fault, but considering his "old fashioned" upbringing, things like periods were just Not Discussed, even between the women in his family, so Epel's first reaction to learning that you're on is just a sound "I didn't hear that" slowly evolving into a "Why tf are you telling me this?" (Because I bled through my trousers and can't get up from this chair Epel, jeez). Just will not engage with the subject at hand.
Deuce - More of an inbetween than actually the worst(tm), he earns a lot of brownie points for wanting to help you and is the type to panic buy every item on the shelf. BUT! if you're the type to get moody or aggressive when you're on, he's instinctively gonna meet aggression with aggression and you two will have to be seperated for a while.
Idia - Just straight up wont deal with it, he'll send Ortho to help you. Best you're gonna get from this guy is a "RIP LMAO" when you text him that you're on :(
Honorable mention: Silver. Not his fault either, but being raised in a predominantly fairy based family unit, periods are an alien concept to him. Won't really understand what's going on when you try to explain it to him, and with Lilia as his main guide, is gonna make a LOT of mistakes before he gets things right but he get's a lot of points for trying to help. Might even use his UM to see into your dreams/memories to get a feel for what it's like, just so he can better know how to help you.
Aww, see I get that it would be realistic for some of the boys to be immature and get grossed out, but it's a fantasy world! Maybe my fantasy is that the boys are semi-educated on the human body and are gonna support me during my periods 😭
I really think both Vil and Deuce should be given more credit, though. Vil is very in touch with his femininity, and doesn't really disrespect others unless they disrespect him or cause trouble, based on his interactions with others at least. I think he'd be excellent because he can make the best pain potions for your cramps, and might be willing to give you tips on how to care for your skin during your hormonal periods. But only if he likes you.
Deuce was raised only by his mama, and based on what I know of her from the JP event, she def gives off the vibes of "I'm teaching my son how to care and respect women." He'd probably understand that you're not being aggressive with him for the sake of it, you emotions are being messed with due to all the hormones fluctuating in your body. But I do agree that he is the type to panic buy one of everything to help you out.
The others, I can see it, though I would like to this that Epel's case is less of being raised old-fashioned (nothing about him and the way he interacts with others screams old-fashioned to me), and more of being one of the few young people in a town of old people. The folk that can have periods don't because they've probably gone through menopause! It doesn't occur to them that he should probably know about periods!!!
Ace and Idia are just immature and dumb and I love them. Also, rip Silver, he's never interacted with another human outside of Sebek's dad.
Anyways my headcanon for the TWST universe is that they actually teach biology and anatomy so people aren't taught to know nothing about things like periods. Cause that's stupid why do we do that?
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starrclown · 4 months
EclispeDuo headcannons I have but I can't explain most of them but they just feel right★★
Triggerwarning for talks of death, alcohol, blood, past bad experiences, and other triggering topics
Sillies <3
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Chang'e has been trying for YEARS to get Wukong on her show. Wukong wants to be on it but he's really camera shy so they can never release the episode cause he gets to nervous.
Wukong let's Chang'e in on ALL the tea going on earth.
Chang'e really does not like Macaque because of his history with Wukong. Wukong doesn't suger coat their past, he goes into enough detail to keep somewhat privacy but he'spretty open and honest. He also told her about Macaque's recent atrocities committed on him and Mk. This causes Chang'e to have a really negative opinion on Macaque because she doesn't understand why Macaque would be so mean to Mk just cause he doesn't like Wukong. (She also doesn't like Macaque because how dare he hurt Wukong's feelings.)
Wukong babysits some of Chang'e bunnies sometimes when she's broadcasting her cooking show.
Wukong fills Chang'e in ALL the gossip on earth.
Chan1g'e helped Wukong through alot of his trauma. She helped him when Macaque died, when Ao Lie died, when the rest of the pilgrims past, when he had to put DBK under the mountain, when his mountain burned, and other events. Chang'e knows how grief fills so she jus let's him cry. It's comforting.
Wukong and Chang'e have gotten ABSOLUTELY SMASHED on the moon. Their hangover was BAD after that.
Wukong knows how to sew so he makes him and Chang'e matching clothing.
Chang'e likes to make little cupcakes that look like animals for the monkie gang on earth. She makes pig ones for Pigsy, monkies for Mk and Wukong, and miscellaneous ones for the others. (Cause she never met them, she has just heard Wukong talking about them .)
Chang'e and Wukong are each others biggest hype men.
Chang'e has seen almost every baby picture of Redson, she's basically seen that kid grow up more than his dad did.
Wukong once cut his finger cutting vegetables and Chang'e FREAKED out.
When Wukongs hair gets to long, he'll just cut it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Chang'e likes seeing his hair long though so she'll tie it up for him so it's out of his way.
Wukong really likes to groom Chang'e. It gives him a excuse to just yap and show affection in a monkey way.
Chang'e likes to do Wukong's makeup.
Wukong gifts Chang'e the extra golden jewelry he has because they both like shiny gold things.
They both have merch of each other. Wukong has a Chang'e baking set and Chang'e has that talking cardboard cut out from that cooking show episode.
Chang'e is VERY judgy of Wukong's romantic taste. If she doesn't like who Wukong is talking about she looks at him like 🤨
They have week long sleepovers. They'd probably be longer if Wukong didn't have to train Mk.
They paint each other's nails their favorite colors. Chang'e gets gold nails and Wukong gets blue nails.
Guys I NEED more content of these two together in my life. If yall know any fics with these two let me know cause I love them.
(Drop your own headcannons in the comments, I wanna see how people interpret these two.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
This might just me being tired and dumb, but I kind of get how Ace having a more supportive family would lead to isolation? Like. People who have no family to rely on form their own, and that kind of bond can be beat by very little else. There's not only possibly shared trauma, but there's probably also a shared understanding that "we all we got". It gives a weird sense of hope to see someone else in your situation, someone who relates to you even a little bit, and you want more anything in the world for them to make it out and thrive, and you can trust that they want the same for you.
So with Ace, who's trauma (that we know about) mainly comes from association and the iverblot fights, it's a bit harder to make that bond. He (assumably) got all the love and support that he was supposed to get from his family. And yeah! Sure! He can still seek it out elsewhere! But it's a thing he already has, he already has somewhere to go at the end if the day for comfort.
This is actually a theme that I'm gonna play with in my 80s fic, Deuce is lower middle class, while Yuu is just a slightly glorified version if homeless. Ace is squarely middle class, if not upper middle, he never has to really want for anything. Not like Deuce and certainly not like Yuu.
Learning how to pinch for pennies and find deals are things that makes Aces life more convenient, but it's something that Deuce and Yuu need. And that's where the divide is.
He wants to take care of his friends (he's still in denial) more than anything, but he also feels like there's this weird line he can't cross, with him on one side and Yuu and Deuce on the other. It honestly doesn't help that Yuu has a separate, small friend group outside of him and Deuce that are all in the same "Shit is completely fucked right now but by God are we gonna make it out" boat. A boat that Ace will probably never be in. Ace loves his family and is grateful, and knows exactly how much he lucked out. But he still wants to have that bond. That "the world feels like it's ending but atleast we'll be going down together" type of bond. Comforting Yuu while they cry about not having heating in the winter will never be the same as having to suffer alongside them and know they were in this together. Trying to find the cheapest possible version of a food products with Deuce and discovering knock off brands that Ace would never imagine existing (who the hell made knock off cheerios?) Will never be the same as actually having to rely on those knock off and part time sales, and feeling a sense pride that they were able to save enough money this month that they could actually buy something nice. Ace probably won't ever be on that side of the invisible line.
He'll bring them to his side though. Ace wants to take care of them more than anything. He wants them in his life more than anything. And he'll have them. No matter what he has to do to make that happen.
Sorry if I missread your post and just dropped a huge angst bomb in your inbox! I just have thoughts and there are a lot of AceYuu and ADeuce moments in chapter three and one or two of them digs into this a little.
You didn't misread my post at all I swear we are sharing custody of a braincell because this is just *chef's kiss* exactly what I was thinking.
Having that solid middle class stability and parent's who genuinely love you and each other is nothing to be ashamed of, not that I think Ace has enough humility for that, but it does mean that he has a gap in his understanding for Deuce and especially Yuu's situation. I keep thinking about how he ended up eating those tarts because he skipped a meal over worrying about Yuu and their circumstances, he cares. He is crass and rude with it but he cares! I love how you say he'll bring them to his side of the line, that's exactly how I see him thinking about it.
Ace's isolation (in my view) seems to come from how much more he values his friendship with Yuu and Deuce over literally anyone else in the school. He'd benefit from talking to Jack and Epel more, they also have solid home lives and Jack at least I think has financially stable parents, but those guys aren't his people. For better or worse, for sickness or health, Yuu and Deuce are who he is sticking it out with. He'll never say it in game, but he really does love you both, in what way is of course up to the interpretation of the player.
but you know which one we both prefer frfr
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restinslices · 7 months
tried to make these as differently as possible
His baby is planned so he's not as nervous as other people 
Bi-Han is ridiculously confident. He's helped with his younger brothers and he knows the basics of what a baby needs so honestly, he's pretty sure he's got this in the bag
He did not have it in the bag
Here's the thing; his younger brothers didn't depend on Bi-Han to survive. They had their parents. Plus, Bi-Han spends too much time thinking about his child as an adult warrior and completely skips over them being a child
This baby is depending on him and his partner at all times and they're a baby 
I'm gonna make them all girl dads because listen-
I think patience would be something he'd both struggle and be good at
He's patient when it comes to small mistakes, like knocking something over but he can be a bit impatient when it comes to developing certain skills and when they make bigger mistakes 
Y'all know how Kratos is hard on Atreus but it's because he cares and want him to be prepared for when he's gone? That's Bi-Han
He'd also struggle with saying things in a child friendly manner. I don't mean swearing, I mean he has to pause and think “how do I say this without hurting their feelings?”
He naturally has a harsh sounding tone so he has to try his best to not sound mean. He can't double down 
Since I mentioned speaking, he is not using a baby voice 
People get excited with their first kid and are like “oh my gosh look at my little baby!” and speak all high pitch but he's not doing that at all. He's using his normal voice and adult words with a newborn
Some people have nicknames for things. For example, when my nephew was younger we'd ask if he wanted “nom noms”. Bi-Han doesn't see the point in doing that. He's asking his toddler “do you want food?”
I can understand if people would think he'd be this super grump dad that hates all types of noise but in my head Bi-Han understands that kids make noise and cry. Does it annoy him? Yes. Is he screaming for them to quiet down? No. His world was never gonna stay quiet once he decided to start a family 
Speaking of yelling, I don't think he does it often. Bi-Han is the type to pull his kid to the side and quietly threaten them. Like when your mom would pull you to the side and say if you kept acting up in the store she was gonna whoop you in the bathroom 
He also has “the stare”
Shit gets shut down quickly 
The definition of “wait until I tell your dad”
He'd train his daughter like he'd train anyone else. He's not going easy on her. If anything, he'd be harder on her because she has more to prove 
There's so much he doesn't know how to deal with since this is his first child and honestly, that emo phase probably kicked his ass more than he'd like to admit
The bang, the extensions, the checkered wristbands, the studded belts-
It's embarrassing for him to mention how genuinely concerned he was. He had no idea what was going on and telling her to train harder didn't take the hair dye out her head 
Speaking of which, I think Bi-Han’s biggest mistake as a parent would be trying to mold his child into becoming a mini him. It's not because he thinks he's 10/10. It’s because he's a solid Grandmaster. 
“Back in my day we learned obedience” type shit 
The type to say “I hate when my dad did this” then proceeds to do it to his child 
He'd need help when it comes to emotional awareness and seeing his child as their own individual 
He may accidentally snub them of childhood moments they deserve. It's not with malicious intent, it's more of a “our enemies don't sleep so we won't either”
Imagine if him and his kid ended up having the same distant relationship him and his dad had-
Tragic but definitely possible 
Kuai Liang 
Probably also had a planned baby 
He may only want one child because he's worried he'll end up having another him and Bi-Han
Which is why I think it'd be funny if he had twins-
Follow me camera 
He's expecting one baby. That's it. That's all. 
So when it's revealed he's having twins, he's shocked and afraid 
Bi-Han’s betrayal did a number on him. He doesn't really know why Bi-Han was so angry. He knew about his frustration but he didn't know it'd go this deep and he'd let their father die. He's worried he'll upset one of them and history will repeat itself 
Him dying isn't the problem. The family breaking up is what he's worried about 
Because of this I think he'd accidentally become a helicopter parent
He's overly affectionate to his children. Affection is fine but he smothers them and watches everything they do 
He tries so hard to keep the family together, but it does the opposite. Now his kids are desperate for space. Both from him and each other 
Before we get to that sadness though, Kuai Liang is a great dad 
He trains them and if one has his powers and the other doesn't, he makes sure to not show favoritism 
Idk if he'd be corny enough to buy his twins matching shit. If he doesn't, Tomas will and he won't stop him 
Anything they give him, he's 100% keeping 
He uses a hair tie they painted pink instead of his usual one 
He frames all of the pictures they draw for him 
He attends all their little tea parties and let's them harass him about how much sugar is in his tea 
He doesn't spoil them but he doesn't not spoil them 
He doesn't give them everything they want but he'll get them stuff if it makes him think of them 
Like a doctor's toy he randomly saw 
He tries to be very active in their life when he's not busy 
He has safety plans in case his clan is attacked. They're at war and he doubts the Lin Kuei will spare his children 
I think all the brothers would let their kids know about their job and their responsibilities. No point on keeping it secret. They'll have to do it one day too 
Some parents get really sad when their kids grow up but I don't think he'd get sad. Idk, I just think he'd see it more as an accomplishment. Not everyone makes it far and he's always worried about their safety 
Remember when I said his kids would want space? 
This would probably happen in their teen years and he'd be so confused because wdym he still managed to fuck up?
I think how he'd feel would be a mix of “well they're kids” and “damn, I blew it” 
Overall I think he'd put way too much pressure on himself when it came to becoming a parent and this stresses him out more. At some point though he'd have to learn to let them be them and learn that honestly there's not much he can do
He does his part by being a loving father. He can't make them stay together or make them stay loyal. That's just the goal 
Besides that I think Kuai Liang would honestly be a pretty solid dad. He genuinely loves and cares for the people around him and it'd show with his children. He'd do all the dumb shit some dads are too embarrassed to do with their children. 
He's just a bit smothering 
A lot a bit-
Tomas Vrbada
He actually wants multiple kids 
He doesn't want a whole football team but wants his own little family 
His kid is probably planned too and I think he's possibly the most excited 
I can really see Tomas being a good dad and I think starting his own family that's just his would mean a lot to him 
Yeah he has Kuai Liang and their new clan and for a while he had the Lin Kuei but it's not the same. He wants his family that's only his and is related to him by blood 
So with that being said he's already reading books and watching videos before the baby is even here 
He still feels unprepared when she actually gets here 
First of all girl dad Tomas has no shame. Put the makeup on him. Dress him up in the dumbest shit imaginable. Have him do a duet with you. He's doing it all 
Overall he wants to give this child a way better life than he had 
His family was killed so the bar is in hell but moving on-
I think Tomas could accidentally spoil his child. Can y'all see it? I can see it 
My sources or reasoning? I just think he's the most likely out of the 3. He goes from “I'll give them a better life” to “and I'll buy this and this and this-”
Don't get it misconstrued though, he's still training them to be a warrior. War is everywhere and he got some shitty ass luck 
Imma be real… Tomas might be a leash parent-
I can see him getting tired of this kid running off and he gives up and buys it 
I can see him teaching his kid to do all that smoke shit and they accidentally fly up in the air 
This is another reason for the leash 
I can see Tomas feeling like an outsider with the Lin Kuei so he tries his best to make his child feel confident 
And that confidence can easily turn to arrogance 
He's complimenting their abilities at every turn and I think balance can be something that slips his mind. He's thinking “man I wish I got more compliments and felt more seen growing up” and takes it to an extreme 
So his child is now kinda a cocky asshole, which is something you may expect from Bi-Han’s kid but his would grow up being a bit insecure in a “I can never please him” way. Tomas’ kid is arrogant because “my dad is always pleaded with me”
It's hard to get right 
He's present in everything. Not in a smothering way though, he's just there 
If he has to miss any important milestones or events, he definitely tries to make up for it 
Like if he missed a dance performance, when he comes back he'll ask them to redo it in front of him 
He wants to be present for everything, even if it's small. Idk. I think he'd just really value these moments he'll never get back. He'll have more kids but he'll never see this particular kid dance ballet again 
He adjusts nicely to parenthood I think. It's a challenge but he's confident enough to take any failure he does on the chin and move on 
And if I said he takes the emo or scene phase really well, what are y'all gonna do?
Some kids do coke. Listening to BVB seems like the better choice 
Definition of a spine made of jelly 
Puppy dog eyes work with him. I don't make the rules 
I do, but moving on-
The spoiling part would kick his ass so bad. He'd have to get that shit under control at some point because it's like, no shit your child becomes defiant and spoiled. You give them everything 
They'd have a positive relationship overall. I think spoiling would be the main problem 
My thoughts are unorganized as fuck and I'd like to apologize because now I'm going back in time to say he'd take his child hunting as soon as he could 
His family hunted together and it was usually a nice fun bonding activity so he does it with his child 
I mention this for the first child because his judgment of what's appropriate at a certain age is so off
She's 4 and he's “saddle up. Let's go hunt this large unnamed animal!”
Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy's-!
His child is kicked by whatever they were hunting 
Has to be reminded several times that his baby is not a buff grown man like he is that can take some damage. They cannot just thug it out Tomas 
Besides the multiple injuries and spoiling though, he'd be an alright dad with his own little family 
Probably plans on having another one once his kid is like,,, 2 because he's insane 
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lesbicosmos · 2 months
Hi! It's ghost-husbands, just can't ask from that blog. For the ask-game, #8 for Charles, #11, and #21 C:
hii ty for the ask!!
8. headcanons for charles
he's a huge queen fan. you're telling me this guy was half-indian, bisexual (even if he probably wasn't aware of it) and grew up in 80s england and WASN'T obsessed with freddie mercury? wrong. eventually they get a radio in the office and whenever bohemian rhapsody comes on he tries to sing all the parts, much to edwin's confusion and amusement
he really missed going to concerts after he died but barely ever went to any because it wasn't the same going alone and he knew edwin wouldn't enjoy it, but once crystal joins the agency they go ALL the time it's their favourite thing to do. charles loves not having to pay for tickets anymore lmao
he tells dumb dad jokes all the time. he's only managed to make edwin really laugh twice but he'll be damned if he doesn't keep trying
as well as his parents, he often checks in on the kid he died to save too. he never regretted his decision for a second, but seeing him happily married with kids makes it all worth it
him and jenny quickly become friends. idk i just think they'd get along. she'd think he was an annoying little shit sometimes but like... affectionately <3
11. ooh personified animal
i think a pigeon would be hilarious, especially in london. just The dumbest and bitchiest bird you'll ever meet. has beef with the cat king. is Literally Everywhere All The Time. just funky little pigeon man.
21. something in the show that made you happy
like...all of it. boring answer but it's true
i mean there are specific things, mostly the characters. they're all so distinct and individual and cool?? especially the female characters, i love that they're allowed to be a bit fucked up but still loveable and not villains (except esther and maxine obvs)
also so many people have said it but the way it handles queerness not like it's something other. like edwin still manages to have his realisation and coming out arc without it feeling like that's the only aspect of his character? i love queer shows that are like screaming gay in ur face (like heartstopper) but idk just the way it's so casual, and the way there's no labels or anything? like it's not a big deal or a shock that jenny's secret admirer's a woman, and charles's reaction to both edwin's coming out and his confession is so calm, like obviously it's a big deal but he's so chill, there's no jokes made or anything it's just pure love and support and i love that so much
and that's not even getting into how much i love the visual style of the whole thing
but yeah, the entire show made me happy. it also made me sob several times but that's all part of it. i love shows that make me cry.
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lakesparkles · 4 months
Why do you like Gideon x Julie so much?/genq I'm not hating, but I've always really hated goosepowers (mainly bc both characters were really really mischaracterized and their writing was half-assed and rushed (esp Gideon) and the backstory for them was stupid and rushed in my opinion), but I'm really curious about what you see in it to like it so much/gen
First thing, thank for asking this in such a nice way! I'm glad you want to know my opinion about them and I'm sorry for how long my answer will probably be lmao
Okay, I think the best way to start is explaining about how I feel about the different adaptations of the characters:
Ramona is one of the only ones I prefer a version 200% times than the others (everytime I talk about her, pls assume I'm talking about comic Ramona). The other characters I kinda can see good sides in all different versions. Like Julie. To me she is the same in all of them?? (The different being the amount of screentime she has). Sometimes I see people saying "I like Julie in the anime but I can't stand her in the comics" and I'm very confused because?? She's the same character to me? But I love rude and evil women. Julie is the one character I would block someone for openly not liking because it'll hurt me.
Now Gideon. I love Gideon so much that sometimes I forget we don't know much about him. The thing is that he's an almost complex character to me and this is the reason I can't stop drawing and writing this dude. I need to understand his mind. And the way I like doing so is taking parts I like of every version of him and creating a Gideon in my mind that makes sense to me. And somehow this is what makes me like Goosepowers too.
All Gideons have their own flavor, but something that tends to be the same is that he's alright as long as everything is under his control. Things being out of his control makes him upset, and he would do anything to make sure it won't happen - I mean, his whole reason for almost killing two people in the comics as because Ramona broke up with him and how dare she?? (This is why I like his backstory in the anime. He truly doesn't know how to deal with being rejected)
I like to think this is the reason he's so "not himself" during his Gordon Goose episodes in the anime. He's just wondering who he even is now that he has nothing. All his biggest fears became true so he doesn't care anymore.
And Julie is just... Everything that he dislikes in that sense: she yells at him, bosses him around and he has to do what she says because he's at her house now. I swear I wrote a whole fanfiction about this, to try to see how he felt in that moment. Maybe he likes Julie because she makes him feel free from all of that thoughts. Or maybe he doesn't like her at all and, inside, is just waiting for a moment he'll be able to change her as he wishes. Maybe he doesn't know himself, he doesn't even know who he is.
And another thing is that Gideon dating Julie doesn't make him a better person. It's the opposite, it's makes him worse because he's sudenly such a good boyfriend and it shows that he was always able to change. He could've been a nice and loving boyfriend for Ramona this whole time and the only reason he wasn't is because he didn't want to. And I'm still crying about how good this plot could've been in the anime if Ramona didn't stop sudenly caring about Gideon or how badly he treated her and how Julie, her friend, is dating him even knowing exactly how he is. The potential this plot had,,
I have a lot more to say about Goosepowers (and the Julie part of it, but that is a totally different story and I already wrote too much) This is the way I see their relationship and feel totally free to disagree. These are mostly my headcanons, after all!
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Ok so you guys are like the only ones I trust with this request right now but xd hear me out. Prime Mover Reader dealing with all the celebratory mess from drunk asf Copia after tonight's Grammi win. Like I'm dying to see how you imagine that, WHAT is going on, how is the rest of the Abey celebrating etc etc. Also how does drunk Copia even behave? The public needs to KNOW
Lmao good to know you trust us - Jez
Drunk Copia and the Grammi celebration
I just know Nihil is turning in his grave, knowing he lost one of the leverages he had. He can't taunt Copia for not winning a Grammy/Grammi anymore. Grandaddy of All Rituals™ is not happy about that. In fact, he's so salty, he doesn't celebrate at all.
Sister Imperator gets tipsy for the first time in years because her baby won a Grammi and even if nobody knows she's his momma, she is a fucking proud momma. Let her have it.
The Siblings of Sin are celebrating in the best way they all know - partying. Alcohol, drugs, orgies... All kinds of stuff. It's... A really big mess. You should probably avoid big rooms for a while, at least until it gets cleaned up.
The Ghouls are left to their own devices. Most of them go to Hell for a few hours so they can have a more extreme version of the party. It may or may not include cannibalism.
As for our precious boy Copia and his Prime Mover...
Well, Copia is completely smashed. In his defense, he never partied as much as the previous Papas (especially Secondo), so he never really needed to build up that much alcohol tolerance.
He's a very affectionate drunk, incredibly wholesome, but almost overwhelmingly sensitive. You need to be there and hold his hand or he'll cry. And not just like little sniffles, this man will have a full meltdown if the love of his life is not right next to him.
He's all over you, hugging, kissing your cheeks, nuzzling his face against your shoulder. He doesn't grope or do anything sexual, though. Affectionate, not horny drunk.
If you do have to leave him for some reason and come back a few minutes later, he's so wasted he doesn't even recognize you and falls in love again?
You better learn Italian because he forgets English completely.
Actually, don't bother learning Italian. He most likely says random gibberish that won't make sense.
He has a long ass conversation with himself about different kinds of meatballs.
He's arguing with himself about what his favorite food is???And it gets??? So heated???
Like, if he could, he would absolutely get into a fistfight with himself all while still clinging to you. It truly is an incredible sight.
If you're not there when he got drunk, however, he would be on his phone and trying to contact you.
The type of guy to tell you you're the best girlfriend he ever had and then go "Wow, that's amazing, I'm so lucky!" when you remind him you're married.
Kinda married? As close to getting married as you can get, I guess.
If he's drunk when you arrive, he'll literally say he's falling in love. And ask if you're single. He will cry if you tell him you're not.
"Copia, sweetie, I'm not single, I'm your Prime Mover. I'm with you. We're together."
He will cry when he hears that and there's a 50/50 chance for the reason.
It can be either tears of joy because someone so beautiful is with him?? HIM?? Of all people??
Or it can be tears of utter despair because his mind is too fucking focused on the "I'm not single" bit to understand anything else.
You should probably keep him away from mirrors while he's drunk. He gets unreasonably jumpy around them?
Like, bro almost got a heart attack when you were taking him to the bedroom and he looked to the side only to see himself?
Nobody knows why he got so scared of himself??
Please tuck him in, he needs it.
He's like a cranky toddler who refuses to sleep.
It's a hilarious cycle of you trying to get him to sleep, him leaving the bed and trying to get back to the party only to end up panicking in front of a mirror again.
The first couple of times a few more sober Siblings of Sin try to take him back to his room or go get you.
They need to get you, there's no chance he's following anyone else.
It will take a few hours to finally get him to sleep because he's gonna be a mess. He gets so emotional it's weird.
You have to cuddle him until he's in deep sleep if you want to leave the bed without the risk of him waking up and either running away again or crying for you.
You find out later that the only reason he was running away was because you'd leave the room and the party was the last place his drunk mind remembered you being.
Drunk Copia is endearing. A bit tiring to deal with, but endearing.
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luvfy0dor · 1 year
Bsd and Book Tropes/Types!
╰┈➤ Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Yosano, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Higuchi, Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma
CW: None!
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Description - Book types and tropes I think various bsd characters would enjoy. These are just some of my opinions, if you feel I've incorrectly characterized any of them please tell me! Also, this is based off of the main storyline, I haven't read Stormbringer, 55 Minutes, etc yet.
Atsushi Nakajima ☆
╰┈➤ Comic books, found family, childhood friends to lovers ☑
I feel like these are a no brainer, but I think Atsushi, if given the chance to read them as a child, would have really liked comics and grown up with them. I think he would like super hero/action stories. Specifically because of the Odasaku-Man show/series/franchise in BSD Wan. He'd probably enjoy DC, Marvel, The Avengers, etc.
Atsushi, to me at least, seems like the type of person to really want to connect to whatever he's reading and be moved by it. I think found family is probably a big thing for him because of Dazai bringing him into the agency and all. I think he likes sentimental and happier story lines that can make you cry solely because they have to end at some point.
Atsushi would probably like to watch the characters grow up together, probably torn apart by some unforseen event and eventually rekindling. Like I said, I think he would really like sentimental stuff, and seeing people rejoice and fall in love is probably really heart warming to him.
Osamu Dazai ☆
╰┈➤ Poetry, soulmates, MAJOR plot twists ☑
To be honest, I feel like if Dazai were to sit and read anything, it would most likely be a poem. I don't think Dazai is the type of guy to analyze poetry for fun, but I think he has a subconscious habit of doing it. Either he's pretty into it or he's skimming through it and tossing it to the side the second he's bored.
If I had to pick a romance trope that Dazai would like, I do think it'd be soulmates. Or maybe like, right person wrong time. I think he would like the angst of it should the book take a turn and end in tragedy, or he might also enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying ending. I think he likes the idea of two people being destined to be together, one soul two bodies type thing, you know? ;]
I think he likes major plot twists but only if they catch him off guard,which is probably pretty rare. He likes the feeling of surprise when a book takes an unexpected turn.
Doppo Kunikida ☆
╰┈➤ Slow burn, historical fiction ☑
Kunikida likes slow burn because it's something he can read through for a while. I think he likes trilogies and series, especially if he really enjoys the storyline and characters. He probably likes the reliability of being able to pick the same thing up for a while after dealing with whatever nonsense takes place at the agency.
I think he likes reading about things that he has at the very least surface level knowledge about. He likes when authors stay true to the actual events while creating a storyline around it. Like, for example, a love story that takes place between two soldiers in a war. So long as it stays true to the actual events, I think he would read it.
Edogawa Ranpo ☆
╰┈➤ The "Chosen One", Found Family ☑
Ranpo definitely has a hard time finding books that he'll actually enjoy. I can't remember if he said he did or didn't like mystery books though because they were to easy for him to solve? I don't remember, so I'm not gonna include mystery books for him. I think he would really like books where the main character is a "Chosen One" though. I don't really know why, it just seems like the type of story he'd sit through while simultaneously making fun of it.
"This guy thinks he's so special all because he can ____! I can do that too."
I think he'd also like found family because, like Atsushi, he found his family in the detective agency. He and Yosano are like sister and brother and Fukuzawa is like his father. I think they would have a special place in his heart for sure.
Yosano Akiko ☆
╰┈➤ Bad Girl/Good Boy, one of us is famous ☑
I think Yosano would feel as though the good girl/bad boy trope is way over done. She would probably be happy to see it switched up once in a while. I think she really likes the contrast of the two types of personalities and characters, but she also wants to see the characters be smart rather than immature or stupid. She probably wouldn't want to read the same stereotypical "Character A trips and falls, landing right on top of Character B." She likes when stories can stand out and be unique.
She also probably like the idea of one of the characters in the relationship being able to uphold themselves without their partner, that independence seems like something she'd find interesting to read. I think she would really take interest in the plot and how it could come out, maybe angsty because of the famous ones busy schedule? Maybe it ends with the famous one's career coming to retirement because they felt it's more important to make time for their partner? I think she'd find all of the possibilities interesting.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa ☆
╰┈➤ "I hate everyone in the world but you", childhood friends to lovers, nonfiction ☑
Honestly, I have like, a big list of tropes in front of me and it was really hard to pick for him because none of them really seemed very him to me. If you catch him reading a romance book though, it's probably "I hate everyone but you" or childhood friends to lovers. I think they could both go hand in hand for him. The "I hate everyone but you" trope reminds me of like, only being able to trust this one person thoroughly. Trust like that is gained through years of companionship such as childhood friendships into adolescence and adulthood. I think his childhood probably would have an effect on this preference.
"We've already been together so long, you know me and I know you and there is trust. Why would I ever want to start all that over?" Type of thing.
While I think he doesn't mind fiction occasionally, I think he prefers to read about real things. It's more serious.
Nakahara Chuuya ☆
╰┈➤ Workplace romance, second chance romance, secret romance ☑
Chuuya seems like the type of guy to like romance and moderate thrill, so I think he leans towards romance stories that could build up suspense or get the characters into a little bit of trouble. As for office romance, I think he likes the idea of falling in love with someone in a place he kind of has to be every day, that person making his day better. It also means he would get to be close to his s/o and I think he'd knowing that they're okay, which is why I think he'd like that trope. The thrilling part is that maybe it's against a code of conduct in the office? Maybe they get caught dating, what happens after that?
Second chance romance to me is exciting because you get to see characters learn and grow from their mistakes, and I think Chuuya finds acknowledgement on wrongdoings really important. But characters might also mess up again, which is always interesting to watch go down.
Secret romance is self explanatory on the thrill factor. It can give you so many questions that are most likely answered in the book itself, like why is it a secret?
(I also think he enjoys super hero comics but wouldn't admit it in fear of being called immature because of that Odasaku-Man scene in bsd wan)
Ichiyō Higuchi ☆
╰┈➤ Workplace romance, YA rom-com, bad boy/good girl ☑
She definitely likes the idea of workplace romance because of her massive little crush on Akutagawa. Like Chuuya I think she'd like the idea of being around your s/o even while having to work, whether the work is boring or not. I think her crush also influences the bad boy/good girl thing, although I don't know if I'd call her a good girl. I think she would like to consider herself a good girl.
YA rom-com also seems like her thing, like she would read it while laying in her stomach, kicking her feet, twirling her hair, and giggling.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ☆
╰┈➤ Philosophy, poetry, life's hardships ☑
Oh boy. He doesn't even get tropes, I don't think he'd read fiction. I do think he'd read philosophy books though, like he's probably read up on Confusious and Aristotle or something like that. Even if he doesn't agree with the philosopher he's reading about, I think he'd find it interesting.
He definitely appreciates poetry, HE'S the type of guy to analyze it in his free time. I think he'd find poetry beautiful when done right.
Because the real Dostoevsky grew up poor, I think bsd Dostoevsky has an appreciation for books written about struggles an author has faced. Fyodors past hasn't been mentioned in the main storyline of bsd atleast, so I'm just going assume he grew up poor until other information comes out. I think hearing about other people facing the same thing he did in childhood might give him a sense of humanity. He said during his "happy group counseling hour" that only he and Dazai could understand each other because of their levels of intelligence. Maybe seeing other people having something in common with him would be something he would like.
Nikolai Gogol ☆
╰┈➤ Independent mc ☑
Nikolai doesn't seem like the type to read a lot, but because of his ideology associated with freedom, I think he'd like books with a strong lead character. I don't think he'd like books with main characters that rely heavily on other people or have a bland personality outside of their significant other. He'd like characters that solve their own problems and obtain their own goals.
Sigma ☆
╰┈➤ Magazines, cook books, friends to lovers ☑
I think Sigma reads like, the people magazine so he can understand what's going on in pop culture and have some knowledge of what's going on. He probably likes knowing what's trending. I think he'd also like the "Home Decor" sections of the magazines or like the scratch and sniff parts. I don't know why, I just do.
He'd also probably read cookbooks occasionally and memorize recipes when he's not memorizing every detail about his customers.
I think Sigma would find romance stories endearing, specifically friends to lovers. Kind of similar to Akutagawas, I think he would like the idea of already having that trust built through friendship. Because Sigma is so naive and how much he's been used, he likes reading about characters who already have a good friendship that is built on reliability and trust. That friendship turning into a romance eventually.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
HAPPY B- DAY SIS ! I GOT A CAKE (with dhmis characters XD ) could you make Headcanons with red guy and a reader who got bulled ok um.. BYE! ( hope you like the cake )
~ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕪 x Bullied!Reader Headcanons~
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ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕪
~Oh honey, let me tell you, he is PISSED.
~Whoever is bullying you better look out.
~This depends on the level of bullying, of course.
~It might start with a little:
~"Hey. Don't do that. That's not...very nice. Stop."
~But if it gets too much, so much to where it's truly ruining you, he might even work up the anger and courage to yell.
~And it's not fun when Red has to raise his voice.
~Red is more of a quiet, "let me sit in the corner and deal with whatever is happening, I don't have a choice anyway" type of guy, of course.
~So it might seem like he's not sticking up for you.
~And he knows that. He feels bad about it.
~Red isn't one to truly commit to anything...
~But he's certainly committed to you.
~He wants to be committed to his darling, even if he also wants to just lay there and do nothing.
~So he will let you rant to him. Red isn't very good with his words, but he's a wonderful listener....
~Red knows this is beyond, "But I just tell it to pipe down!".
~He won't give you some dumb advice like, "Just don't listen to them", he knows better than to say something stupid! If he can't think of something useful to say, he won't say anything at all, and will apologize that it happened to you, and offer you a nice little hug.
~Red would feel beyond upset (while doing a good job of hiding it) if you began to cry.
~Now it's not just a nice little hug, it's a wonderful big hug, which Red doesn't do often to anybody other than you.
~Now it's the whole "class when the quiet kid gets angry" thing.
~He's gonna go confront those scrubs. Nothing will go wrong, anyway, because even if something happens, he somehow...always ends up safe back at home...
~And he shall start by being nice about it- which, of course, probably doesn't work.
~Unfortunately, he'll have to get mean.
~"What? Listen, I'm asking you to knock it off, because you're really-"
~Those cruel bullies obviously take advantage of how quiet he is by talking over him to fight with him.
~"and I'm- oh my God--I'M ASKING YOU TO KNOCK IT OFF!"
~He yelled.
~Well, that certainly shook the Earth...
~Believe it or not, those punks are gonna get a real fight out of Red. Nobody can rile up Red. It seems impossible, but if it's for you, he'll push himself to do things he doesn't really like to do.
Darling, requesting something like this can only mean that you really are getting bullied, or have been bullied in the past. Listen, honey, bullies only bully because they feel small and alone, so if they can make somebody else feel small and alone, too, they feel better about themselves.
Whatever anybody says to you, you keep shining like the bright star you are. Nobody can dim your light, even if it's blocked by clouds for a little bit- They always clear, dear.
As Mama Ru (RuPaul) once said:
"What other people think of me is not my business. What I do is what I do. How people see me doesn’t change what I decide to do. I don’t choose projects so people don’t see me as one thing or another. I choose projects that excite me."
You're so much more than what you think you are.
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~Love, PinkBoots
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
Really random, but I think Barbatos would be very good at calming down paranoia. It's pretty obvious why; his calming presence, his calming tea, his overall comfort. While all of that is fine and dandy, I think it would also be in an "I'm the most terrifying thing in this house" type of way!
Mc being paranoid about the cursed paintings in the Demon Lord's Castle and Barbatos is just like "You need not worry about them. I am far more dangerous, and you have me on your side." This makes sense, right??? Idk, it makes sense to me.
Maybe it's because he practically raised Diavolo. Maybe it's because he's practically raising Luke, but he just has that supportive vibe!!
Same thing with anxiety. You're anxious? There's a delicious tea for that! You're not in the mood for tea? Well, I've heard mearly having someone else's presence with you could help! You don't want me near you right now? That's alright, I'll wait for you!
He definitely keeps things to help with nerves on his person at all times. He pays attention. He learns through trial and error and observations the things that help you and the things that don't. He's always there looking out for you.
Even if you're just feeling a bit down. He'll either be upfront about it and give you something to cheer you up, or out of nowhere, your favourite treat has magically appeared next to you! Or if you'd like, tell him what's wrong. He's always up for listening.
Honestly, you don't even have to be upset for him to do these things! He'd just go above and beyond whenever you are.
But really, it wouldn't take much for him to calm me down or cheer me up. Just imagine chilling in bed together, not actually doing anything yet still loving the moment. No words even need to be spoken to appreciate the romance of the moment. Just being near him would make me feel so incredibly peaceful and relaxed, I'd most definitely fall asleep.
Anywhoosies, I know this is probably a very popular thought, but I wanted to share silly style anyway!!
Also, I'm happy you think my sleep purring is adorable, I was giggling about that for awhile djwjdwk You're really fueling my late-night-scenarios-to-fall-asleep-to
This is exactly why I love Barbatos so much.
I have a lot of anxiety and I have a lot of shame and guilt around that anxiety. So I don't usually tell people when I'm anxious. I try as hard as possible to hide it.
But Barbatos is observant. And if you spend enough time with him, he'll be able to tell when you're dealing with a lot of anxiety, even if you don't say anything.
The idea that someone is paying enough attention to notice these things about you even when you try to hide it is just... top tier romance for me.
And Barb's whole thing is taking care of people. He wants people to be happy and comfortable. So I can just imagine him doing exactly what you say - kind of trial and error figuring out what works best for you when you're struggling with something.
Add to all that the fact that Barbatos is considered one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and you've got no reason to feel anything other than calm and safe in his presence.
There's just something about knowing that the person who is being all calm and comfort with you is actually extremely dangerous and everybody else should be wary lol.
And I think it would help with any kind of issue along those lines: anxiety, paranoia, depression, etc etc. Anything where your mind is the culprit and it feels like nobody could possibly understand because they can't be inside your mind with you. Barb can see how it changes you, he can tell when you're suffering, even if you do everything you can to keep it in.
And he's going to be able to give you the space you need to be honest about it. He would sit with you, like you said, he would listen to you if you needed to just rant, he would let you cry on his shoulder if that's what helps.
He isn't afraid of your emotions. He's not going to judge you for them. He's just going to help you however he can.
So yes, I fully agree with you on all of this!
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brandileigh2003 · 11 months
Ok. But like?
I'm cool with remus not being traditionally beautiful. But Sirius still thinking he's the best thing ever. I think that he has certain attractive features, but he's def not some rockstar and most ppl don't take a second glance. But you need that to see the shade of his eyes, his crooked smile. Sirius loves him and finds beauty because of not despite of his scars. Bc they show strength and tell a story.
Mid level I think someone put it. Sure, I get why that can be a thing.
But. I think he can have sex appeal in other ways. His smile, his voice, a look in his eyes, muscles in certain places that defies him being otherwise skinny.
I'm fine with sirius being super intelligent and quick. Its canon after all. I love how him and James have this quality. But I don't think that means that remus liking to read or studying a lot takes that away from Sirius. I think that he likes academic validation, and he needs to read and study to stay caught up. He wants to prove he's worthy to be at school and has to work for it. I do think that he's smart though, and adds to group dynamics.
I don't think that he's just a downer and boring persay, otherwise why would they want to be with him. I think that he'll do the research maybe on the great idea that Sirius and James had and they will later carry it out flawlessly. Or sees some kind of gap in the plan and can think quick to help patch it up.
I do think he probably gets so hyperfixated on things which some people can't stand. but sirius loves to hear him talk about it. Just like remus is obsessed with everything sirius has to say. He's totally a nerd but I don't think he's just pathetic or a loser. Or maybe I just don't see those words the same as the recent posts have been using for him.
I think he's extraordinarily kind. he worships sirius, who in turn thinks remus is also the best. He's not rude to him even though I really do think they fight. But can't stay mad at each other long.
I do think that he can be angry, but I also think that a lot of times it's just at himself or crappy life circumstances. He's normally careful to keep any anger controlled bc he's worried about perception.
he's shy and and awkward and deals with a lot. He loves to help the younger students, and he uses above hard earned study methods to help them bc everything doesn't just come naturally or can share how he overcame it.
If everyone has a crush it's not bc he's completely hot or any of that. He's a soft boy with big comfy sweaters that gives good hugs. He's a good listener, a good teacher, shares anything he has, especially the chocolate that seems to be never ending in his bag. Bc he believes that it'll make you feel better. He has a kind word or compliment and can make you feel better.
I think he can be a momma's boy. And wants hope or poppy to hug him, and give him a space to cry and be weak. Otherwise I think that he likes to try to hide his pain bc he doesn't want to be a burden.
And ... That all said. I think that CR remus is different than a lot of this and hes absolutely perfect and I love him and I'd do insane things for this fictional man. It's one of my favorite ways to read about him. But something that carries over there from everything else I said is how enamored he is with Sirius Black. And how much he loves his inner circle. How he has this sacrificial love.
But anyways, I could go on about CR but that's totally not the point. Ive just seen a few things and wanted to say some things about how I see him a lot. And maybe the posts that have me feeling kind of sad talking about him are actually saying some of the same things I'm just negatively associating some words or ideas bc I know personally I can also interpret things completely the wrong way or not read into the subtext well enough
Let me know what you think. But if you think this is wrong; be kind.
And the people who like to come all up in my inbox about hating Sirius-- this isnt that. To be clear. I don't want remus to take over any traits of Sirius or whatever else you accuse me of. This has to do mostly with remus except me saying that sirius sees something in remus that a lot of people don't, that they're in love and adore each other.
I do in fact love Sirius Black and think he's wonderful. And you're missing the point if you think I hate that man. But I want to talk about remus rn and if you want something talking about Sirius, so many other wonderful people on here do that, so let's find that instead and let me hyperfixate and talk about remus.
Other random things I'll probably add to that really are prb just me.
-he is a horrible dancer. But he'll do it for sirius
-he'd do almost anything for Sirius.
-he's a music snob. But he'll read anything
-he is super annoying in class bc he shakes his leg or taps his quill. Sirius thinks it's adorable though.
-he needs a cane around the full. But he doesn't like to use it.
-the man loves weed. Him and hope smoke together.
-he has no idea how to take care of his hair
-to me he's associated with chronic illness, pain or disability in every universe. Or some mix or variation. (Ofc authors have free choice it's their story and I have no right for demands or anything) but I write him that way, hc him that way, get stupidly happy when I read it bc I feel so seen, search AO3 tags regularly for these portrayals.
-remus has no sense of style. But sirius doesn't care, he's so soft and cozy with his sweaters. The only thing about that is that I'm personally convinced hope bought remus a leather jacket, he shows up wearing it on the train, Sirius somehow gets his hands on it... Remus' eyes pop out of his head, maybe drools a bit- and it becomes Sirius' trademark
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irithnova · 6 months
More thoughts on Mr Mongolia...
Hm I'm not sure how to word this because I know people aren't normal about people who experience or at least display low amounts of empathy (as in, you get "empath" Shane Dawson types screeching "sociopath!!1" like their lives depend on it) however this is how I characterise Mongolia.
First of all, I don't think he's a "sociopath" or "psychopath" and iirc those aren't even official terms used in the DSM. The more accurate term is "anti social personality disorder". And no I don't think he has that either. This isn't me giving him a diagnosis or trying to demonise him - some people just are more or less empathetic than others whilst being neurotypical - not everything needs a diagnosis. People who are less empathetic aren't necessarily the evil villains that many people often see them as, just as "empaths" aren't usually... The best people around, to put it lightly (I've had absolutely terrible experiences with self proclaimed empaths but that's for another post).
By "lack of empathy", I don't think he has issues with being able to recognise what others are thinking or feeling during a situation, - moreso he has isn't so impacted by the display of emotions from others. I don't think he has 0 empathy or completely lacks it, and I definitely think he has the ability to feel empathy towards others. Some other nations probably assume that his empathy levels are lower than they really are because he doesn't really show it that often. I think his empathy or perhaps display of empathy are reserved for those he is close to - such as Tibet and Inner Mongolia.
With other nations, for example if one comes sobbing to him about a problem they're having - he'll be able to grasp why they're feeling so down but seeing them cry about it isn't going to make him sob with them or tear up at least, and he might not realise they're upset at first (but he does eventually realise it). He may on some level feel for them depending on how bad the situation is or if he can personally relate to it but it's not to a huge extent to where he'll join in on the crying or something or he'll get so upset by the other person's tears that he's unable to give them a solution. I think this is why he has that attitude of "wallowing in pain is useless get back on your feet", towards others and himself and usually offers a logical solution at first to the issue and then maybe offers emotional support depending on how close he is to the other person. So he may not be described as an "empathetic person" but he does have the ability to feel empathy.
That's not to say that Mongolia not necessarily being "empathetic" means he can't be warm or caring or polite or friendly - I guess it just means that's why he seems so... Straightforward? Blunt? He'll say something as it is if he believes it to be true without consideration for the other person's feelings so he won't really bother cushioning his words. It's because I think he's not expecting them to be offended by straightforwardness because he himself is not offended by it if that makes sense? Because that's how he deals with people so that's how he expects to be dealt with by other people.
He was definitely a lot less considerate/a lot more selfish in the past when it came to other people's feelings so you could say there's been... A change/improvement? But no one's going to describe him as an "empath" anytime soon. Sure, if you come over he'll readily invite you in and stuff you full of food and tea and ask you how you've been. But if you come to him upset about something - be prepared for a response that's less about validating your emotions and more centred around offering a solution.
This rule is different when it comes to people he is close to - as I've mentioned before. On an emotional level he's not hugely impacted by other people's feelings, but when it comes to Inner Mongolia for example, he notices ... Pretty quickly if inner Mongolia isn't feeling OK whereas it may take him a little longer to notice if someone else isn't feeling ok and not only that, he gets pretty upset if inner Mongolia is upset. He's also a lot more coddly. It's kind of strange seeing him like that when you see how he reacts to other people who aren't so close to him being upset. It's kinda. Moe I guess OXAOODO.
But yeah. I wouldn't describe him as being empathic though he is able to feel empathy. I guess he's a bit selective, whether he's conscious of it or not. When it comes to nations anyways, what's considered normal for them mentally will be far different from what's considered normal to humans because of the nature of their being and all of their experiences they've had. Other nations don't see Mongolia as being particularly abnormal but probably a lot less outwardly emotional.
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