stingslikeabee · 2 years
⭐⭐⭐ :3 (sarah included if you want)
for each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses . accepting
Melissa only realized she had real feelings for Joel thanks to Sarah - the two grew very close in a rather organic way given how they filled a void in each other’s life that they likely had ignored thus far. To a bystander, it was rather obvious that Melissa had informally adopted Sarah like a small sister or, more accurately, a daughter; meanwhile, Sarah was evidently pleased to have a grown-up woman around after losing her mom. 
Their activities together were always very varied - baking cookies, engaging in crafts, helping with homework, shopping for new clothes and shoes. It wasn’t until the girl cheerfully asked if Melissa was supposed to be her ‘new mom’ that she realized how much she wanted it - and how she had been doing it without noticing, both for Sarah and Joel (despite the complications it ensued in relation to their mutual connection through Cathy).
For the longest time, Melissa kept her own feelings to herself - out of respect for Joel’s deceased wife and friend, first and foremost, and also in acknowledgement of his own loss and grief. The fact was that the woman was rather convinced that he did not return any of it, and she hoped to avoid making things awkward or complicated when she enjoyed his company (as well as Sarah’s) so much.
The tipping point came as a whisper through the grapevine - the girls working at her diner had a friendly competition going on in relation to the regulars and seeking to become their favorite servers for better tips, but no one ever won Joel over to their corner; and yet, he kept coming and did not make a point to visit other places in town nearly as much. At some point, one of the girls joked to Melissa that it must mean that he liked her (Joel had a preference for sitting at the counter, after all).
It was only after this that she started to re-examine everything - and then gambled with that information further down the road.
Their favorite outing as a combined family of sorts is the city’s drive-in. It’s nice to take Sarah to (and she always sits in the middle, between both of them) and Melissa always has some tasty food from the diner to go with the movie. More often than not, Sarah will fall asleep halfway through the movie (although it got better as she became older), but it never bothered them. Instead, the pair just linked their hands over the car’s seat and enjoyed each other’s company and the rest of the movie.
It remains a ‘family’ tradition for a very long period - to the fact that it feels almost treason to go to the movies without Sarah; in fact, if they are alone, they will choose a regular movie theater instead to respect their rituals (even if Sarah herself has granted them her blessing and permission to go by themselves if they so wish).
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auroradicit · 2 years
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hvperfocus · 2 years
@healthkits​ sent :  "What the hell's the BSAA doing in a shithole like this?" It's no secret that Boston cares little for the BSAA's otherwise universal immunity-- maybe if they'd cared more about it, shit wouldn't be nearly as bad inside. It's painfully obvious considering the rest of the Americas seems to be flourishing, anyway.
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glasses  are  pushed  back  into  place  from  where  they’d  slipped  down  to  the  tip  of  her  nose.  a  glance  down  at  the  clipboard  in  her  hand,  before  her  attention  turns  back  onto  the  man  standing  before  her.  it’s  a  good  question,  admittedly.  boston  has  refused  the  bsaa’s  help  so  many  times  ;  a  stupid  decision,  rebecca  thinks,  judging  by  the  intensity  of  the  infection  here.  the  cordyceps’  spread  is  ...  RAMPANT  here,  to  say  the  least.  headquarters  wants  them  to  try  and  see  what  they  can  do,  though  ;  the  bsaa  may  not  have  complete  reign  to  do  whatever  necessary  to  extinguish  the  contagion  in  this  city  like  it  does  everywhere  else,  but  it’s  better  than  NOTHING.
“  trying  to  help,  ”    rebecca  answers  plainly.    “  it’s  bad  here.  ”    
the  understatement  of  the  century.
“  the  city  doesn’t  want  us  here,  but  it’s  gotten  rough  enough  that  ...  ”    that  it’s  beginning  to  be  a  concern,  beginning  to  look  like  the  virus  may  breach  boston  and  begin  spreading  elsewhere  again,  and  we  can’t  have  that.      “  ...  that  it  grabbed  our  attention.  ”
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dark-side-blog3 · 4 months
not really a request! just saw ur tf2 post and uhhh about went a lil feral at the mention that u may consider writing for the characters? 👉👈 love ur content so much pls pls if u choose to write for tf2 i will be in ur debt- 🙏
no pressure tho pls write what u wanna! love ur blog!!!
I really like the idea of the power imbalance that could come from a victim who can't use the respawn machine; especially if everyone else on the base can. The isolation that comes with being a new member of the team that already has years of chemistry, knowing that assassins don't exactly get an HR for interpersonal conflicts on the job site, anyway. You're more vulnerable, socially and physically. If a Pyro decides to light you up, you're permanently dead. Even if you manage to kill someone, they'll just come back a few minutes later.
Maybe Medic or Engineer saying it will only take a week or two until your respawn is available (and "delaying" it more and more, simply because it's funny to watch). Pauling calling you and saying they're not planning to give you respawn until you manage a higher killstreak.
Everyone in the base is a sadist. They probably don't even like you, let alone feel deeper emotions when they all nearly kill you during off hours.
It's probably only after months of constant near misses that one of the members starts to think of just how far they could take your desire to stay alive. Your respawns still not up, so you're not in a position to say no...
OR, for your consideration: someone on the other team realizing you don't have a respawn because there isn't a version of you on their team. Spy is probably the first to pick up on this (maybe Medic is a close second) since keeping a level head and multitasking is his job description. He knows you're vulnerable. And then it just becomes fun to try to single you out every round.
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prototypesteve · 10 months
Emotional Dashboard.
Just reviewing the State of Mind statistics I’ve been quite-faithfully tapping and dialing into my watch. Since these stats are really just for my own use, I’m brutally honest. Log the highs and the lows and the reasons why. Apple has done a brilliant job of making this easy, and all driven by your feelings about your feelings. (This is somewhere an algorithm has no business making a guess.)
One statistical blip that makes me laugh though, is how, as I review this things I identified as playing a part in my momentary mood-logs, “dating” and “partner” were never associated with any of my 197 entries, so far.
Can’t imagine why… 😆
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gamefaq · 1 year
if there is ONE ☝️ thing you must know about me its that i love making elements in my gifs seamlessly loop
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innonurse · 2 years
Under pressure, the UK health system details medtech strategy
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
According to the NHS, effective use of medtech will cut treatment wait times and accelerate diagnosis, freeing up clinician time.
Read more at MedtechDive
Other recent news and insights
ViVE has announced a major roster of healthtech experts that will take the stage at 2023 event (ViVE/PRNewswire)
Neko, Daniel Ek's next play, takes a different approach to preventative healthcare (TechCrunch)
Deep learning is being used to identify depression in voice (Medical Xpress)
A new generation of artificial hearts could give patients a lifeline (Horizon)
Simple HealthKit is addressing health equity through at-home testing and treatment (TechCrunch)
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foone · 1 year
Do you ever think about the idea of a Desire Sensor and just get lost in the implications? 
A “Desire Sensor” is a thing in gaming where what’s in a box/what drops from an enemy changes based on what you need. Think Metroid: If you have full missiles and low health, enemies drop health powerups. Low missiles and full health, you get missile powerups. 
For example, here’s a box in Half Life 2: Episode 2:
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What’s in the box? Well, it depends... 
I saved my game. Then I cheated my health to full, while leaving my machine gun ammo low.
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Oh hey, it’s full of machine gun ammo! Very handy.
I load the game, cheat for full weapons, and damage myself down to low health. What’s in the box now?
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Oh hey, it’s a healthkit. So handy! 
It’s like Schrödinger's cat but going ever further: Neither thing is in the box until you open it, because the game hasn’t decided yet what you need. It might be both! Hell, in some games, it might be neither. 
It’s just a side-effect of how the simulated video game universe doesn’t obey the same physical laws as the real universe, like object permanence and ontological inertia. Instead, what happens depends on what the programmers wanted to happen, and they can and will cheat if it makes a better game.
It’s almost like the entire universe is on your side. Yeah there’s monsters and you’ll have to fight them, but the universe itself is watching over you, and changing the laws of physics to give you what you need. God is on your side, quite literally: The programmers who created this world want you to succeed, because they want you to enjoy this game, and a game you can’t beat is rarely what’s intended. There’s trials and tribulations along your way, sure, but it’s not supposed to be more than you can handle. It’s supposed to make the journey more exciting for you. 
The universe is watching and it wants to give you some help on your journey today. Good luck. 
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nishnormp · 5 months
A moment from my fic that kinda explains why cmedic doesnt use his instaheal medkit outside of respawn battlegrounds. It would be a biiit problematic writing-wise if the stakes just disappeared as long as cmedic is around to bring back mfs from the brink of death
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I have a hc that the respawn during the classics era would get rid of addiction as long as the dose happened within a certain timeframe; chain smokers would still keep their black lungs, but a morphine-infused shot in the heat of battle won't. Mann Co products aren't the safest thing in the world, so the standard healthkit probably has like . A shitton of morphine and nanomachines to work instantly in the heat of battle
Last minute laziness aside, cmed and cheavy have learned to follow each others wavelengths after some time. They both agree not to tell anyone or else cmed's clinic may get unwanted visitors during night.
If this post gains enough traction I may explain the alt healthkits + cmed slathering everyone with tiger balm and traumatizing them about maggot treatment
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decide to ask shrimpo for help "Hey- uh- Shrimpo?" "Do you have a healthkit or like- bandages?" ..how is she so calm. SHE IS COVERED IN BITE MARKS AND ICHOR- IS THAT A BITE MARK FROM TWISTED PEBBLE-
-@thatonepoppyangstguy (no this is not angst, she just cant do her own bandages)
"...Yeah. I've got extra bandages." "But, jesus christ, what the actual hell happened to you???"
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auroradicit · 2 years
@healthkits from [x]
He growls. Again. Lucky Sabi’s all wired wrong. Sure, the instinct’s there somewhere, the downside of increasing her pheromones like this. She feels it. The urge to purr and scent him. Reassure him that he’s her alpha, all appeasement behavior and possession.
But it’s deep, deep down. Easier to roll her eyes, harder to resist the urge to bare her teeth while he tries to play dumb. As if she hasn’t seen him loose arrows true three-quarters of the way to dead.
As if she hasn’t been tracking every one, the easy violence drawing more of that cinnamon-heat into her scent.
“Not worried about your aim. ‘M worried about your posturing--” A short pause between words as one of her knives embeds itself in the shoulder of the beta who’d gotten a bullet off. She drops the gun, and Sabi’s already pulling her backup and drawing a bead on her forehead.
“--getting your ass shot.”
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agoobersretreat · 21 days
scout gaming? that's awesome! good for you, mi-
hey where did my large healthkit go :(
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"Mmm? What do you mean?", says Miq with a suspiciously large healthkit-shaped bulge in her throat.
(No, I'm kidding. I know Scouts are notorious for that and, having been on the other end of that as a Sniper or Medic, I refuse to do that while I'm a Scout. I either git gud or I die lol)
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tf2emporium · 11 months
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New Multi-Class Smissmas Collection, Blizzard Blinders! Vote now on Steam Workshop This collection was created by: Vitreous Glassy (https://steamcommunity.com/id/VitreousGlassy) Healthkit Goblin (https://steamcommunity.com/id/mc_labs15)
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kennak · 5 months
この話を要約すると、彼らは Apple の HealthKit を見て、me too の提案として急速に市場に参入したが、それはクソだったし、やり直すことに決め、その過程で全員を怒らせた。 一方、Apple はデバイス、ツールと統合のポートフォリオ全体、さらにはトレーニング ビデオやフィットネス プログラムまでを生産することに成功しました…
Google Fit API が 2025 年に閉鎖され、フィットネス デバイスが壊れる可能性 | ハッカーニュース
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
available verses (public and private)
This is a masterlist of available verses for Melissa, public & private. This post will be updated as new verses are included and other verses are retired; please note that private verses are exclusive for the writing partners mentioned below while public are available for anyone (also available under the verses page and the google docs for mobile users).
Retired verses (public or private) are listed for archiving purposes and are not available.
Active general verses:
v: FFVII v: FFXII v: FFXV v: FFXVI v: the Evil Queen v: Yakuza v: Killer Queen v: House of Flowers v: Path to Nowhere v: the Continental
Active exclusive verses:
- exclusive with @dojimakaichou: v: Yakuza ; dragon king AU v: Yakuza ; detective AU v: Yakuza ; Addams Family AU v: Yakuza ; medieval AU v: Yakuza ; vampire AU v: Yakuza ; merfolk AU v: Yakuza ; first lady of the Tojo AU v: Yakuza ; space federation AU v: Yakuza ; wild west AU v: Yakuza ; American dream AU v: Yakuza ; werewolf AU v: Yakuza ; serpent curse AU Yakuza ; demoness AU
- exclusive with @kansaisdragon: v: Yakuza ; bodyguard AU
- exclusive with @healthkits: v: Americana
- exclusive with @sierra6x: v: Blood Moon Rising
- exclusive with @strongfuck: v: Atlas and the Sun v: the pool of Mnemosyne
- exclusive with @withthedoubleg: v: the Eyes of the Dragon
- exclusive with @hisroyalmagnificence: v: wish you were mine
- exclusive with @finalslay: v: tale as old as time
- exclusive with @hyperionhero: v: daughter of Calliope
- exclusive with @saishuu-heiki: v: mother of calamity
- exclusive with @antielevator: v: there are more things in heaven and earth than we dreamed of
- exclusive with @sweariff: v: clap your hands if you believe
- exclusive with @lncarnon: v: a golden cat in a black night v: on the sidelines of history
- exclusive with @backwaterscum: v: mending these broken wings
- exclusive with @il-mostrc: v: there's no caging a bird of prey
- exclusive with @divinejudge: v: FFVII ; Siren AU
- exclusive with @bloodypuzzle: v: speak not of retribution but of a reawakening
Retired general verses:
v: Alice in Borderland v: Kingdoms of Gaia v: Jazz Age
Exclusive retired verses:
v: Once Upon a Time v: Sucker Punch v: FFVII ; secretary AU v: FFVII ; wolfsbane AU v: Nightingale
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majotorrico · 13 days
iOS, inicialmente llamado iPhone OS, fue presentado por Apple en 2007 junto con el primer iPhone. El sistema operativo se enfocaba en una interfaz táctil y una experiencia de usuario fluida. En 2008, se renombró a iOS y se lanzó la App Store, permitiendo aplicaciones de terceros.
Lanzamientos clave incluyen:
- iOS 1 (2007): Primer iPhone con interfaz táctil.
- iOS 2 (2008): Introducción de la App Store.
- iOS 3 (2009): Copiar y pegar, soporte para video.
- iOS 4 (2010): Multitarea, carpetas para aplicaciones.
- iOS 5 (2011): Centro de Notificaciones, iCloud.
- iOS 6 (2012): Mejora en Facebook y Maps.
- iOS 7 (2013): Rediseño plano.
- iOS 8 (2014): HealthKit, Apple Pay.
- iOS 9 (2015): Modo de bajo consumo, búsqueda mejorada.
- iOS 10 (2016): Rediseño de pantalla de bloqueo, nuevas funciones en iMessage.
- iOS 11 (2017): Multitarea mejorada en iPad, nuevo centro de control.
- iOS 12 (2018): Enfoque en rendimiento, nuevas funciones en Fotos.
- iOS 13 (2019): Modo oscuro, mejoras en privacidad.
- iOS 14 (2020): Widgets en la pantalla de inicio, biblioteca de aplicaciones.
- iOS 15 (2021): Nuevas funciones como Focus y mejoras en FaceTime.
- iOS 16 (2022): Rediseño de pantalla de bloqueo, nuevas opciones de personalización.
- iOS 17 (2023): Nuevas capacidades de personalización y optimizaciones generales.
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