#heck not even just fairytales
witch-house-in-winter · 5 months
I would never even imagine working for disney, but by god i wish i would be put in charge to make a 2D animated adaptation for the romanian fairytale Ileana Simziana who has pretty much a canonically trans character (i ofc lack any skills to make that possible but i still dream about this everyday)
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pilot-boi · 3 months
Jaune’s friends throw him a birthday party only to find out he has long forgotten his own birthday in the Ever After, never mind how old he technically is.
Jaune’s friends have been acting weird all week.
Of course, he’s not a very good judge of what counts as weird anymore. Living for decades in a world where the brooks would literally babble and time was literally money would do that to you.
But he feels pretty sure that they’re being weird.
They keep huddling in groups whispering to each other, only to see him coming and abruptly change the subject, or just straight up walk away. He might be out of practice reading social cues (and he was pretty abysmal to begin with, let’s be honest here) but even he can notice that.
Are they mad at him? He’s been trying his best to hold himself together since getting back. He’s been talking to Ren and Nora and Ruby when he’s spiring. Oscar has been a HUGE help adjusting to feeling out of place in his own skin. Heck, this morning he didn’t even wake up freaking out about being late! All things considered he thinks he’s been doing pretty okay.
So why are they all avoiding him?
“Do you have…”
“No, Ren’s taking care…”
“Oh good, then you can-”
Ruby and Weiss are lurking outside of an unused classroom, whispering intently to each other over an open notebook. Jaune perks up. “Hey guys! What’re you-”
They both look up at him, immediately cutting off their conversation. Weiss shuts her notebook with a snap. Jaune’s greeting trails off and his smile slips from his face as they stare at him.
“What uh… what are you guys up to?” Jaune asks.
Ruby and Weiss glance at each other. “Nothing you need to worry about,” Weiss responds eventually, Ruby shifting awkwardly behind her
“Are you sure? I could… maybe I could help!” he offers, hating how over-eager he must sound.
“I’m sure,” Weiss replies firmly, and Jaune wilts further. “Besides, we were just going, right Ruby?”
“We were? I mean, yeah! Yeah we were,” Ruby nods, already edging away. Can she really not even stand to be around him? “See ya later, I guess!” And the two of them hurry off down the hallway, already whispering to each other.
Jaune slumps. He thought he was doing better, but if Weiss and Ruby beat that hasty of a retreat at his mere presence? And not even the first one this week? Yeah, they’re definitely mad at him. He just wishes he knows what he did.
He shuffles his way back to the JNPER dorm. The whole time, he’s replaying the conversation in his head, nitpicking every over-exuberance, every awkward moment. He knows he’s out of practice, but he’s trying, really he is. Maybe they’re just finally getting tired of his lackluster performance? Tired of playing nice in the face of his bumbling?
The door is ajar when he returns, and he can hear Oscar and Nora’s voices inside.
“...just hard seeing him this way.”
“I know, it hurts me, too.”
He hesitates, hand hovering over the doorknob. He can’t help it. And yeah, eavesdropping is bad. But they’re talking about him, and if they don’t know he’s there, they will continue to do so. Of course, he might not like what he hears, but at least he’ll have answers. And since when does he do what’s good for him?
“...having trouble adjusting.”
“Yeah. But hopefully this will help!”
“I hope so. It’s been a while, but if we all work together we can make sure he stays away while we-”
Yeah. He’s heard enough.
Jaune shuts the door with a quiet click. Well, he was wrong at least. His friends aren’t mad at him. 
No. No, they hate him.
He lets his steps carry him away. He doesn’t much care where he ends up, he knows his friends won’t be there.
If they want him to stay away, he can do that. It was selfish of him (stupid of him) to want to immediately insert himself back into the team dynamic. They spent months grieving him while he was living in fairytale land, and then he shows back up and what? Just slots back in like nothing happened? Like they didn’t just spend the last few months of their lives thinking he was dead?
“Having trouble adjusting” Nora had said, and she’s right of course. It’s no secret that he’s been taking to Remnant like a fish to the desert.
But he’s been trying, gods he’s been trying!
Jaune knows he’s awkward and too loud and too big. Too used to stiffness in his limbs that would slow his movements, too used to a creak and a crack in his voice that would lower his tone. Too used to being alone to fit, like he’s a puzzle piece from a different set thrown in a box it doesn’t belong.
He knows he’s not okay, he’s not right. He knows that as well as he knows his name. (His name or his title? Which one is he anymore?) But to hear it spoken so plainly from a friend’s mouth…
Jaune doesn’t realize he’s crying until his vision blurs with tears.
Weiss and Ruby whispering to themselves about Ren (his teammate, his brother, he doesn’t even know what his brother is doing), saying they don’t need him, and leaving abruptly when he approaches. Nora and Oscar talking quietly about how badly he’s adjusting and how they need him to stay away.
He just wanted to be less alone, but he’s just pushing everyone away again. Too loud, too big, too much. Just like Alyx.
“Hey Arc, what’s with the moping?” Jaune jumps, whirls around, and blinks back into awareness. He’s in a courtyard dappled with the warm tones of sunset (Wasn’t it midday? How much time did he lose?), one of the few places in the city with plantlife. And there, glaring at him from under a palm tree, is Emerald.
He stares at her. She stares back. He can’t tell if she’s giving him time to calm down (stupid crying, stupid trauma, why won’t his lungs just work right) or if she just refuses to ask the question again.
Eventually his breathing steadies as much as it’s going to, and his panic begins to ebb. She’s still just staring at him.
His brain catches up. Right, she asked him a question.
“I’m not-” He swallows. No more bottling things up. He tried that already, and look where it got him. A bowl full of poison and a lake full of tattered paper. “I think everyone is mad at me. I think… I think they’re all just psyching themselves up to tell me that they’re… that they hate me.” Jaune admits, voice getting more quiet as he goes. And wow, he really must be hard up for people to talk to if he’s telling Emerald this.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “What? No. No they’re not.”
Jaune blinks, taken aback by her immediate response. “They’re not? But… but they’ve been avoiding me all week! Saying they don’t need me and that they want me to stay away! I just heard Nora, and she said-”
“They don’t hate you, trust me,” Emerald assures, cutting off his increasingly panicked rambling. And somehow, she sounds so sure of herself that he can’t help but trust her. “I don’t think they can hate you. Believe me, I’ve tried, and you’re annoyingly likeable. It sucks.”
“But if they don’t hate me then…” The words won’t come. Why are they avoiding him? Why are they working on something while deliberately not including him? Why do they want him to stay away?
The bewilderment must be plain on his face because Emerald sighs and stands. She mutters something under her breath that sounds like “those idiots can’t even…” but he doesn’t catch the rest.
“Gods damn puppy eyes. They’re just planning a… wait. Actually-” Emerald pulls out her Scroll. Jaune can’t see who she dials, but whoever it is picks up immediately. “Hey it’s me. Yeah. Yeah I know you’re busy but- Yeah I know you’re almost out of time-”
At this, Emerald glances at the sky for some reason and Jaune automatically follows her gaze. The sun is dipping behind the roof of the building, sending cool shadows across the courtyard. Jaune winces, reminded of the time he lost. How long was he wandering around the halls of Shade before he stumbled across Emerald?
“Yeah I know, I KNOW! Listen, Arc’s-” She gets cut off again, clearly growing more and more irritated. It’s probably Yang then, or Ruby. “Will you just shut up and listen?! Arc’s here! He’s here with me, so you can tell the rest of the idiot squad to stop worrying! He’s right here!” Jaune perks up. They were worried about him? But…
“He wandered past me after overhearing one of you… No he still doesn’t know, somehow, but he showed up freaking out and VERY disassociating and I had to calm him down! So if you don’t want a full meltdown on your hands, one of you get over here and get this show on the road, because I swear I am not equipped to deal with Jaune crying.”
Jaune. She called him Jaune. 
And earlier she said she doesn’t hate him.
And if she doesn’t hate him then… then maybe she wasn’t lying about the rest of his friends not hating him. It feels like there’s a happy balloon swelling in his chest, and gods dammit he’s starting to cry again.
Stupid high strung emotions, stupid post-meltdown crying, stupid heart caring so stupid much.
Emerald catches his eye and she winces. “Ah shit um… No everything’s fine, Arc’s just crying again. No I think it’s good tears this time, he’s got this big dopey smile on his face. Yeah. Yeah that’s the one. Can one of you get over here now? We’re in the garden off of our room. No the other one. See ya.”
She sighs and tucks her Scroll back in her pocket. “Ruby should be here any second.” Jaune beams at her. She squints at him. “What.”
He shrugs. “You’re a good friend.”
Emerald scoffs, folding her arms and looking away. “Yeah, whatever.”
There’s a burst of rose petals and Ruby materializes next to them. She’s speaking before her feet touch the ground! “-so sorry! Jaune! Oh gods we’ve been looking for you everywhere! Come on, the others are waiting-”
“You have? They are?? Wait what are-” Before he knows what’s happening, Ruby has wrapped herself, himself, and a reluctant Emerald up in her cape. “-you talking about?” Jaune says as soon as they land. And then the nausea hits.
“Oh crap, I forgot! Sorry…” Ruby apologizes, patting his back as he doubles over, breathing shallowly and leaning heavily on hands resting on shaky knees. “You okay?”
“Better than ever,” Jaune replies, chuckling weakly. “Just warn me next time. Please. Airships are bad enough but that was…”
“Horrible??!” Emerald interrupts, looking thoroughly ruffled.
“Intense,” he concludes, straightening with a shudder. They’re standing outside of an unused classroom, the same one as before. But then… why did Weiss and Ruby leave?
“Well? Go inside!” Ruby prods, bouncing next to the door.
Again, weird. But again, he’s no longer a great judge of what’s weird. So Jaune just opens the door and-
-and is immediately hit with a wall of sound comparable to a bomb going off.
They’re all lucky his sword is back in the dorm, or they’d all be nursing a few gashes. As it is, it takes an embarrassingly long amount of time for Jaune to realize he’s not under attack, and that all the yelling is just…
Birthday wishes? Is this a surprise party?
“Is this… for me?” Jaune asks, once his voice finds its way back to his throat.
“Of course it is, we’ve been planning this all week!” Yang hollers, from where she’s standing next to Blake and a pile of haphazardly wrapped presents.
“We wanted it to be a surprise,” Blake shrugs, looking sheepish. “Guess we took the secrecy a bit too far.”
“We didn’t mean to make you worry!” Nora apologizes, from beside the biggest cake Jaune’s ever seen. “I think you might’ve overheard me and Oscar talking earlier and-”
Everything slots into place. The whispering, the planning, wanting to keep him away, not including him in the process, Ren’s key involvement (That cake could only have been made by him), wanting to help him adjust. It was all just them doing… this.
There’s a pile of presents, each wrapped individually and labeled with Yang’s scrawl and Blake’s tidy printing. A banner hangs overhead with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” written on it in block letters, and the last few letters of birthday are all smushed at the end. The cake is iced yellow with the double crescents of the Arc crest emblazoned at the top.
And his friends. His friends. All working together for a week to do this, for him, and he can feel his heart tight in his chest, and gods dammit here come the water works. How could ever think they hate him while they were doing this for him??
His friends are alls taring at him anxiously, and he realizes they think he doesn’t like it.
“I love you guys,” he sobs, and holds his arms out for a hug.
They all surge forward and sink to the floor. Oscar tucks himself under one arm, Ruby under the other. Weiss, Blake, and Ren curl around his sides. And on top of it all he can feel Yang and Nora’s exuberance.
They don’t hate him. They don’t hate him. Gods, how could he ever think they hate him?
In the middle of the hug huddle (Hud? Huggle?) Jaune frowns. “Wait… is it my birthday?” he asks nobody in particular.
He can feel someone adjust against his chest. “Course it is,” he feels Oscar’s voice hum through him. The pod loosens so his baby brother can look up at him, and Jaune ducks to avoid his discerning gaze. 
“I…” Jaune swallows, and finds that he’s looking right at Ruby. She looks gentle, understanding, and when he glances around he sees the same warmth on all of his friends’ faces. He swallows. No more bottling things up. “I forgot,” he admits.
“You forgot it’s today?” Emerald asks, and of course, she’s sitting cross-legged just outside of the slowly detaching hug pile.
“I forgot it entirely,” he says quietly, and he feels Oscar tuck into his side, and Jaune wraps an arm around him without even looking. “There wasn’t any reliable way to count days after so long, and even if there was… the days just weren’t consistent.” Time flowing away like sand in a shattered hourglass. Days that last minutes, nights that last days, days that last months, nights that last seconds. He shrugs. “So I just… forgot. I forgot a lot of things.”
“You didn’t forget us,” Nora reminds him, thudding her head down on his shoulder.
“I couldn’t let myself,” he says. “You guys…” Jaune takes the time to look them all in the eye. “Knowing I’d eventually get back to you all is all that kept me going.”
“Well, if you forget again, if you fall again… we’ll catch you,” Ruby says simply. “Me, Ren, Nora, all of us. And if that’s not enough, and you forget, and you lose yourself…” She swallows, and Jaune’s suddenly quite certain that he’s not the only one on the verge of tears. “Then we’ll just find you and show you who you are.”
“A million bajillion times,” Nora agrees, muffled against his chest.
“As many times as it takes,” Ren nods, and the others all murmur their assent. And Jaune’s heart swells with love for these people who have walked through hell, and who he would walk through hell for, and who would walk through hell for him.
The presents could be bricks and the cake could be sawdust and he wouldn’t care. This, these friends holding him in their arms… this is the only thing he could have ever wanted for a birthday he forgot but they remembered.
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 2 months
Mercenaries finding random kid in the base. Who will punt the child and who will take care of it
Oh boy.
The TF2 Mercs finding a random little toddler in the base
Warnings: Thankfully none?
- Oh god oh fuck oh shit. Stiffens up when a random fucking toddler runs by him in the hallway. He was just on his way to grab some more energy drinks from the fridge. Who let this little shit into a war zone?! Scout’s brotherly instincts kick in pretty damn quick and runs to grab the child before they could get into any artillery.
- Talks to a child how he’d talk to a normal adult. Just with less cursing and petty condescension. “The heck you doin’ here?” etc.. While the toddler completely ignores him. Bounces the little thing up and down a little. Scout’s actually had decent socialization with kids before due to his huge family.
- Scout doesn’t realize how comforting he is to a young developing mind. He’d make a great father and adamantly denies it. Partly due to his own father’s… untimely disappearance let’s just say. The other mercs are kinda floored how someone as annoying and troublesome as Scout has even the slightest amount of paternal instincts. Especially Spy. Hmm, for some reason he looks completely destroyed and devastated.
- Scout rolls a baseball on the ground with the kid and teases them lightly while Miss Pauling — stressed out of her mind — tries to find resources for this situation and figure out how a child of all things managed to end up in the middle of a battlefield. Let’s just pretend Spy isn’t standing there with his head in his hand. Realizing the consequences of his own past actions with utter depression written all over his outward body language.
- Are you insane? Are the parents insane? Is everyone in the world fucking insane? Soldier is practically an oversized toddler. He’d immediately make friends upon finding the child and give them a shitty nickname related to war in some way. Like “Captain diapers” or “Lieutenant Titsucker.” Now everyone else has to suffer soldier insisting the baby is his now.
- Tries to teach the child how to shoot a gun. Does not blow over well with literally all the mercs combined. Tries to read them the art of warfare and Heavy secretly has to switch that book out for a children’s fairytale mid story. Leaving soldier confused as to why the alleged warfare book contained faries and unicorns. “AND THEN MR. UNICORN SAID TO HIS FRIEND THE FAIRY: WHAT LOVELY LOCKS YOU HAVE. DEAR GOD!! THIS MUST BE SOME ADVANCED MILITARY STRATAGEM BEYOND MY UNDERSTANDING! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ITS OUTSTANDING STEADFAST PROGRESSION!”
- Miss Pauling is absolutely livid when she finds out Soldier gave the baby a buzz cut. How the FUCK is she supposed to explain that to the parents? How the fuck is she supposed to explain that their lost child will come back knowing half the entire history of WWI now and knows how to recite the pledge of allegiance at like two years old?!
- Demoman is initially pretty awkward. Quickly downs like several glasses of water in one sitting because it would obviously be a horrible example if he was drunk in front of a minor. He sits them down and tries to ask questions like where their parents were, and failing to understand the child’s not yet fully developed speech. Demoman suddenly empathizes what people mean when they can’t understand his scottish accent. Well shit. Looks like he has a little goblin in his care for a few hours.
- Demoman has a headache now. Surprisingly not from the child’s excited screeching and playing but the previously mentioned alcohol he had to manage with water. “Aye.. Quiet down a bit there..” He says flatly. Miserably holding his head while the child bounces around with endless energy. Maybe babysitting while recovering from intoxication wasn’t the best idea. He gave the kid some empty bomb shells to play with. Even bothered to draw faces on them to humor the kid.
- The child holds one of the shells up to his face “This is bob! Say hi!” they exclaim. Demoman stares at bob tiredly. Taking the shell into two fingers. “Guess you could say bob is the bomb.” The kid manages to stutter out. Which then immediately snaps demoman out of his exhaustion for a split second and causes him to choke on the water laughing his ass off. The kid’s laughing too. Overall the least insane experience the poor kid could have in the team’s base.
- A small baby is in the intel room, trying to reach the briefcase. Naturally, the sound of the intelligence shifting in the other room would catch Engineer’s ears faster than anyone else’s. Especially considering the stats on his PDA show something bumped against one of his sentries on its way in.
- He enters the room pretty slowly. He knew whatever it was, it wasn’t a threat. Nothing that could bap his sentry with the force of a feather would be strong enough to fend him off. Let alone the patrolling sentry — which should have activated and began shooting by now. A blank, emotionless expression on his face as always, Engineer’s eyes trailed to the level three sentry. Which kept idly spinning from side to side and beeping passively. Completely ignoring the… Little child near the intel desk?!
- Engineer grinned, put his wrench on his shoulder and went over, sliding the briefcase away from the little one. “Oop! You don’t wanna get your grubby little paws on that thing, pardner. That there is for the adults, ya got that?” He said in a lighter tone. Very much unlike his usual rasp and frankly unintentionally scary deep voice. He didn’t care that the poor thing started whining. Dell reached down and ruffled the child’s hair. “Now, now. I know it’s disappointing.”
- Not even when the child hugged his legs and called him dada, not even when Miss Pauling asked to watch them for a bit. Engineer was like a nonchalant father lion tolerating his cub’s obnoxious little bites. A child could push his buttons to hell and back and Engineer would just sit there like there wasn’t a screaming child on his lap while he read the Tuefort newspaper.
- If heavy were to be near a child in any capacity, it would make him nervous. His sisters were a different story. They’re family. But wild encounters with the beasts? What should he do? He doesn’t know them, and frankly he hates the idea of having kids. They’re way too much work, money, and his inner child wasn’t healed enough to take on another one. In a weird sort of way he’d be taking care of two.
- as he stares blankly at the little devil in front of him, the one he found trying to touch Sasha, he contemplated throwing them into the stratosphere like a baseball. His strong disliking for children didn’t come from a place of genuine malice however. He was envious that they still had youth and time to pursue everything they ever wanted. Heavy wanted to do many things in his lifetime and he felt that it was ripped from him due to the poverty he lived through.
- He recalled the time he made a child one time during Halloween and decided not to repeat that. He’ll pick up the child and shove it into Pyro’s room.. With a million dollars in the kid’s hand.
- Speaking of Pyro, they’re quite similar to Heavy in the sense that their inner child isn’t healed. But Pyro is once again able to destroy everybody’s outlook on them when they are capable of adeptly playing with children without ever hurting them. Especially catering to their personal needs depending on age. Can and will silently warm up a teddy bear in the microwave and hand them a bottle of chocolate milk.
- Pyro is extremely good at this, all things considered. They seem to have a pretty surface level understanding of childhood psychology and the proper ways to enforce a gentle parenting style. Which only adds to the mysterious era of their humanity; surely a faceless monster couldn’t do the things Pyro was doing. They were too calculated, too thoughtful in their actions. It made the other mercs pretty upset to see this display. In a sense, it was border-lining uncanny valley. Nobody could shake the primitive instinct that something was inherently wrong with this. They don’t even ask for help.
- But nothing violent becomes of it. Pyro had successfully eased the child into feeling comfortable the entire time they’re there. Not a single word left their mouth the entire time. They were only staring intently and tilting their head like a curious animal at the child by the time Pauling finally found the child’s parents. Scout jokes that Pyro is simply playing with his own mouse like a cat and has to be backhanded by a very uneasy Heavy.
- His parents — whilst nice — had their own individual flaws that prevented them from teaching this area of life. They did not think Sniper would be ever fit to raise a child and thus neglected his want for a small family. To be fair they aren’t too far off. Sniper is an assassin for hire that drives around nomadically and eats crocodiles for dinner. In no way shape or form would that ever be a proper atmosphere for a child to grow. He took their words to heart as always. He never did pursue a child. His father was angry that Sniper even thought of the idea.
- So imagine the guilt upon seeing the little rat bastard who had wandered into the base and was stumbling around the halls. He quickly realized this kid was essentially doomed. He was the wrong person to find this poor thing. The others weren’t any better. Removing his weapons was the very first thing he does, trying his best to conceal his expression. He didn’t want the child to sense his anger and self loathing. (Kids are sorta smart like that.)
- He then…. Throws the child into Pyro’s room.
- Walks into his medbay with a bunch of folders. Sees a child sitting on one of the hospital beds. Proceeds to freeze in place like a deer in headlights. Has to double take for a moment to make sure he’s not dreaming.
- Proceeds to ignore the child for a bit for some reason. Even when and if other mercs are present and question him, Medic hushes them for some reason. Medic is like…. Fully convinced that child is an enemy spy in disguise. He moves around the room and half-asses a “Ho! Would sure be a shame if somebody stabbed me in the back while I was organizing papers!…. I SAID it would be a SHAME if SOMEBODY STABBED ME IN THE BACK!” (He fully believes this’ll work because Medic’s superiority complex doesn’t stop at Spy. He’s fully confident that he’s smarter than Spy, and Spy is a complete bumbling moron. Like most people to Medic.)
- The child makes a weird child noise, and that’s when he knows something is up. Medic narrows his eyes and marches up to the bed, staring the child maliciously in the face. “You don’t fool me, you know..” He says, gritting his teeth. “Is your kit broken or something? I can fix it for you for free! It’ll cost you an arm and limb though! Ho! Literally.” He adds “It’s quite an unflattering disguise for someone such as yourself!”
- Child stares blankly. Toddler has no clue what’s happening right now.
- Miss Pauling walks in. “Oh! There he is! Sorry for the interruption Medic, we had a child wander into the base—“ she pauses. Seeing Medic holding his ubersaw up to the child’s chin.
- “What do you mean we had a child wander in?” He is dumbfounded, and horrified.
- Spy opens the door to his quarters and makes sure to lock it behind him, always. He has like a million booby traps set up on his door and in his room to ensure nobody goes snooping for his private information.
- He turns around, adjusting his tie. Getting ready for the trauma of the day….. Then he sees a child sitting right in front of him in the hallway. The two of them lock eyes for a moment.
- …….
- Spy cloaks away immediately.
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jolynejay · 1 year
Remember the theory on how ScaVio might potentially have impact on Legends Arceus and how the mainline series treats time travel? Yeah, scratch that in large parts.
The mysterious pokemon described in the Scarlet Book/ Violet Book... it makes "imagination" a "reality." The weird pokemon sketched in the book, the photos of the approximated paradox pokemon - they are all built on the imagination of the expedition team Heath was in. They are a reflection of what these people expected to find in the depths of the Paldean Crater. The Legendary Pokemon on the hexagonal layers is likely building not just pokemon but items, technology out of the Tera Crystals based on what the people in its vicinity imagine.
The team envisioned to find strange creatures. Fusions of legendary pokemon of Johto's legendary dogs, or Unova's Swords of Justice. In Scarlet, the expectation seems to have been to find prehistoric pokemon - preserved in the crator without human interference. In Violet, the expectation may have been shaped by the evolution of mankind and its technology - to find traces of a civilization far more advanced than our own with pokemon evolved to fit that image.
And the artist accompanying the expedition even skeched out some of the pokemon they thought they saw or dreamed up in a haze. And THOSE SKETCHES are what would later shape the imagination of the people entering the crator. The very documentation of the Area Zero shaped how humans would continue to perceive it. And it shaped Sada's and Turo's image of what the far past or the far future might look like. An "image" that would become "reality." (Even Arven mentions how farfetched the Books descriptions sound, and how his parents seemed to have basically made this fairytale real)
I cannot yet tell why the Crystalline Legendary mentioned in those books would do that, though. Maybe it was originally a defense mechanism that was supposed to keep stuff away. Let people and pokemon imagine their fears in order to protect itself. Something that failed over time as mankind advances in technology and science, so it switched strategies to keep itself save.
Maybe the Legendary is trying to lure people/pokemon/whatever to themself - like an anglerfish dangling light in the dark ocean depths, a promise of treasure greater than your wildest dreams.
Whatever the reason is, what we know for certain is that it worked on Sada/Turo.
And the legendary pokemon began more and more to shape and create from the specific reasearch the professors conducted.
In the end, the "time machine" they built is no time machine. It is a machine that makes imagination "reality" (possibly powered by the legendary pokemon in some capacity). Maybe the machine even got constructed by the crystal pokemon bc hallelujah how do you get that much construction done in a literal Made in Abyss eldritch mystery crater without all the world knowing what you are doing. Or heck maybe the machine did somehow get constructed, but it worked more like an amplifier for the Legendary Pokemon's powers.
Either way, it explains why people would not be able to "return" from the "future/past". because the future/past as Turo/Sada imagined it does not exist.
That also explains why the AI Professor crystallizes in the final fight - they are a crystalline construction of imagination. They are Sada/Turo's ideal work partner - a copy of themselves. Something that knows exactly how the Professor thinks and acts. And when the protag squad tries to shut down the machine the illusion begins to fall apart.
It also means the Tera Crystal constructions like the doppelgangers, Miraidon/Koraidon, and all the other paradox pokemon can gain actual awareness, emotion, and sentience.
They are all the Professors' "Paradise" because that is how they imagined the prehistoric past/ far future to be:
Wilderness untamed and existence optimized.
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ganondoodle · 9 months
wait i just realized... the mastersword isnt even important enough to warrant zelda doing to such extreme lengths to repair it bc its NOT EVEN REQUIRED FOR DEFEATING GANONDORF
idk about you but the mastersword being not just this weak after all this but also not even required is like ... hurting the whole plot SO bad for all that zelda knew she was basically killing herself by doing the dragon thing ONLY for the mastersword, which isnt even needed to reach the end why do the dragon thing at all??? she could have put it in some other divine place for it to recover (she knew where the springs are, she knew where the krog forest is, heck she even knew where the forgotten temple is BC THEY WERE ALL THERE* and im not going to belive any of them came into existence afterwards), in botw it took 'only' a 100 years to regenerate the damage it took in botws past which, while not as extreme as in totk, was pretty bad! yeah it gets outright broken in totk but like ... really? far over 10 000 years to recover it? through ZELDA? one of the most divine being IN THE FORM of one of the most divine beings aside from the very gods themselves?? whats the use of it being able to regernate if it takes THAT long?? feels easier to forge a new one for that matter?? and the excuse that "it needed to be able to resist miasma" is like .. why tho? yeah ok fine i could do the entire bossfight with JUST the mastersword, but again, its not required! i can do it with anything else!! and its doesnt cleanse miasma either, like the sword did in tp when you could do away the twilight stuff when it got the super glow stuff so its really like ... she did that JUST for the sword? really? the fact that her becoming a dragon is the way to get her back into her time isnt something she could have known and it working out like that makes it feel like a massive fail of the writers bc it makes it feel less like an actual decision she made for good reason and more bc its a decision the writers made bc the writers already knew where it would end, the writers knew shed be turned back in the end no problem so they had her do the dragon thing despite it being pretty senseless from her perspective
(wouldnt it have felt more in character and logical to put the mastersword somwhere safe where it can recover over all those centuries and search for a way to return to her time herself? like in these two games ZELDA feels like the more important thing that the sword, -zeldas prone to sacrifice herself for other- WHY! its better for everyone if you are alive rather than dead! you got to this time by yourself and also somehow not jsut shifted the time but also PLACE bc you sure as hell didnt appear in a cavern in the middle of the land, you have wielded incredible magic before and are a researcher, surely theres some way for you to at least TRY to return on your own?? how cool would it have been to find little markers and spots where clearly she has left you some sort of message, maybe like a way for you to do something that helps her in the past, USE THE WEIRD ASS TIME BUBBLES FROM THE TUTORIAL AGAIN!! send back something she needs to return! go and talk with impa and purah to determine what shes trying to tell you, help her along the way and in the end she makes her triumphant return, having grown and learned with what she did instead of regressing her chaarcter to the big eyed maiden that you get as a reward at the end through unsatisfying bs reasons and hurray she doesnt even remember, perfect little fairytale of no consequences wahoo- im salty about this let me be salty-)
you can absolutely combine a free to explore open world with good story without restricting it by much, like locking the bossfight behind aquiring the mastersword doesnt feel like that big of a change and its not making it a whole lot more linear, most people do it anyway right?
(also a thing im doing in my rewrite of it is locking certain things for some parts, it just makes sense if you are trying to tell a story, but its pretty clear now they werent trying to do that, just throw you into a box of virtual toys, and i think thats just sad)
*yeah actually whats up with the sonau/rauru putting their little nuclear super weapon storage room inTO THE ANCIENT RELICT OF THE FORGOTTEN PAST TEMPLE BEHIND THE BIGGEST STATUE OF HYLIA IN EXISTENCE?? you cant tell me all those ancient ruins (springs, forgotten temple) were made AFTER all of the shitshow that went down in totks past; putting it behind that statue? building it into there feels incredibly disrespectful, maybe it makes more sense if you just see it as the devs wanting to put somethign new there, but if you consider it in universe its just ??? also HOW is any of it in such a good shape??, it looks like they buried sonia there a year ago, the structures look like they just came out of a 3d printer despite supposedly being older than their recorded history??
on that note ... how does the room with the order and location of zeldas tears make sense .. are you telling me someone of the past ran around after dragon zelda recording where her fucking tears went down and what markings it made on the ground and then built a room next to the nuclear weapon storage room with the laughably unceremonial grave of the fucking queen just to put all that into statue form? also none of the geographical things changed in ALL that time?? the castle is drawn on there too so i guess that was super fresh then since it "was built above ganondorf as a symbol of royal blahbla" at least in botw you had the photos on your SHIEKAH stone to recover them once you found the place they were taken in, it felt so organically integrated ..
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silverskye13 · 1 year
So, the thing about being damseled, Welsknight is rapidly realizing, is you don't really have to be a damsel to do it. Or have it done to you, that is. Being damseled isn't really a gender thing, like all the old knights tales would have him believe. He doesn't have to have long blonde hair, or a princess dress. He doesn't have to make deals with obscure fae gods or spirits, doesn't have to know how to weave golden thread. Heck, he doesn't even have to be locked in a tower. Damseling -- that is, the state of being a damsel in distress -- is a much broader scoped state of being. It's not so much a trope or a role, and more of... An essence. A vibe. If one can be trapped and helpless and in need of a knight in shining armor to save the day, one can in fact be damseled just fine without any of the key fairytale hallmarks.
How does Welsknight know all this? Well, because he's managed to damsel himself, of course.
Welsknight is trapped. He should have known better. Well? Should he have known better? Eh. Even if he should have, he definitely shouldn't have expected to. He's new to Vault Hunting.
Iskall and Stress made it sound so easy. Yeah! Just go find a vault, gear up, don't be afraid to run for your life. Nothing can go wrong if you're careful. Beware the curses and traps and tripwires. Don't eat anything growing on the walls. Fight. Survive. Win! They do it all the time, with their adventuring teams and alone. Whatever suits their fancy. Just don't anger the gods and do run screaming if something way beyond your skill level wanders into the room. Cowardice? Nonsense! Vaults aren't duels, they're thrills. Thrills that sometimes glean cool treasure, and treasure, while awesome, can't challenge your honor and isn't worth your life. So go, kill some monsters, have fun, run when you need to. It's low-high stakes, choose your own adventuring at its finest!
And Wels is a knight errant, alright? He's slain dragons. And withers. And, yes, rescued a few damsels. He's good at what he does. So when he and Iskall went for some drinks at a local tavern, and Welsknight whined that he was getting bored of escorting mining parties and killing oversized lizards for neglectful nobles, well, Iskall had smiled and pointed him to the Vaultlands. And Welsknight, bored and stupid in his boredom, had decided raiding vaults was a great idea.
"If I get out of this," Welsknight vows in his most solemn, oath-binding knight's voice, "I am going to punch Iskall right in his grinning, stupid face."
He is barricading a door with anything he can find, all while the screams and shrieks of some persistent undead challenge his fervor from the other side. The undead here are different than they are outside the Vaults. The slow, lumbering, hollow things that amble blindly around deep caves and unstable mines don't hold a candle to these creatures. These are malevolent undead, things that seem to hate Welsknight personally, inhabited by the dreams of sleeping gods that were, probably, sealed in these Vaults for a freaking reason. He's pretty sure one of them is jibbering with the voice of his dead brother, which is, honestly, demonic scales of unfairness. And he would know demonic unfairness. Welsknight has fought exactly one demon, and while he certainly isn't an expert, he knows more about how much they cheat and torment than he had ever wanted to know. And anyway, how is he supposed to kill that kind of malevolence in the undead? He's not! For heaven's sake, he's faced fae with less personal malevolence, and the fae court is the most petty place on earth!
Welsknight kicks his barricade with an armored boot, making sure it'll hold. The stack of pilfered detritus shakes but stands firm. Somewhere in that lot is his broken sword, barring the door shut. The blade shattered in four pieces when he was tackled by some wight-creature, not because the creature was that strong, but because he'd just used it to fight some sort of corrosive slime, and really, the fact that living acid slime exists in the Vaults is unfair, and something Iskall really should've warned him about. At least it hadn't gotten on his armor.
Welsknight backs away from the barred door, listening to the angry screams of what lay beyond it. There's a lot of name-calling going on. "Come to your death, coward!" And "Brother please! Help me! Don't let it take me!" And "Sleep with us forever knight! Aren't you tired?" Screech and groan through the air as though the door and barricade aren't there to muffle it. There's hysterical cackling as well, which is kind of typical. He can't tell if the loudness of the noise is supernatural, or if it means there's another entrance to the room he hasn't noticed yet. As unsettling as the supernatural option is, he kind of prefers that right now. Weaponless and exhausted, he's not sure how well he'll manage if the undead just start pouring in from a side door somewhere.
Welsknight blinks, and belatedly realizes he's blinking back tears. His hands shake as he wipes them away. Yeah, okay, maybe the screaming-with-the-voice-of-his-dead-brother thing was getting to him more than he thought it would. He's a knight, not an iron golem. He still has feelings. He tries to be detached and gentle about it. He knows what fear is. The first time he fought a dragon, he cried. He cried a lot, actually. After it was dead he lay on the ground sobbing for a good hour, which had been terribly inconvenient at the time, since it had broken one of his ribs. Terror kind of just, does that to him -- makes him cry. He learned a long time ago not to be ashamed of it, no matter how badly timed it could be.
"Right," Welsknight croaks into the room around him. "Cry about it later. Escape now."
It's not a big room that he's trapped himself in. It has the trappings of an ancient hall, with some newness to it, indicating he isn't the first adventurer to stumble in here. Rotting boxes and chests are tumbled against a collapsed wall, the smell of damp rot wafting off them. One has candles and two plates on it, someone's makeshift dining set up, and there's the scorched remains of a campfire. It looks pathetic compared to the massive columns and reliefs it sits beneath. Maybe this place was a temple? It sure seems kind of temple-y, but Welsknight has yet to encounter an altar to any Vault Gods -- which is probably good. Iskall had mentioned those were guarded by scary creatures, and if "malevolent undead who steal the voices of your loved ones from your memories to torment you while they devour your flesh" hadn't registered on Iskall's "scary creatures to warn Wels about" index, he really, really doesn't want to know what insane creatures might guard the altar chambers of the Vault Gods.
"Probably like, undulating tentacle demons with acid breath," Welsknight mutters out loud as he meanders the chamber, searching for something useful. "Or maybe the Gods themselves just come down and use you as a hackey sack until you prove your worth or die. That sounds about right."
The cold stone walls make no comment, which is probably for the best, since given current trends, they would probably talk back with the voice of his disapproving parents, or maybe the old knight he'd been squired to, which would really start straining his already stressed out psyche right about now.
He can still hear his brother's voice calling to him through the door.
For as impressive as the room is, there really isn't much in here of use. The boxes from the old expedition have let the moisture in the room in. There's old, indecipherable food inside that is now mostly black sludge. The candles might be useful if he had anything resembling a tinderbox to light them with. Everything else in here is far older, and mostly carved stone too heavy to pilfer. This place has obviously been picked over before. No relics are on the walls. The one chest he finds that is (probably) older than the boxes contains only a single glorious cobweb as a prize. Welsknight has just about submitted to his fate to die in obscurity in a random Vault somewhere, when he encounters a corpse. It is not reanimated dead, though he does give it a few good kicks to make sure it doesn't feel like crawling to life and talking with ominous voices.
"Well, at least the ambient necromancy going on in here has limits," Welsknight sighs, squatting down on the balls of his feet to pick the corpse over. "Well, friend, I don't suppose you've got anything helpful on you?"
Their chainmail is rusted, their features, save for a few whisps of black-brown hair, are decayed away. He manages to find a coin purse with some woefully old looking coins -- so the chances of some other adventuring party stumbling to his rescue are quite small then. He picks up a shield from them that, though dry rotted, looks like it could block one or two more hits before giving up the ghost. On their back is a scabbard so rusted, it looks like the sword might be fused inside. Welsknight grimaces, then shrugs and concedes that even a brittle sword is better than none. Still, it doesn't make prying the sword belt off the old bones any more pleasant. There's a lot of brittle cracking, and a lot of wincing on Welsknight's part, before he finally manages to get it free.
"Sorry friend, but I think I need this a little more than you do."
The skull rocks a bit on the floor as it settles, but otherwise doesn't seem to care. The sockets aren't even facing his direction. Welsknight takes that as his sign that he isn't horribly cursed... Or at least no more so than when he first got trapped in here. Welsknight rubs at the blade, trying to see how much of the rust is superficial. A bit chips off beneath his fingernail, revealing bright silver beneath.
"A silver scabbard?" Welsknight raised his eyebrows at the corpse, "Well, weren't you a glamorous fellow?"
Welsknight grimaces and, taking ahold of the hilt, draws the sword. It pulls a lot easier than he thought it would. The rust holds it for a moment, and then smoothly releases, revealing bright steel underneath. The sword unsheathes with a ringing hiss.
The scream is right by his ear. Welsknight lets out a startled yelp and turns to face the voice, tripping over his feet and landing in an inglorious heap on the floor.
Standing in front of him is a knight garbed in black armor, a fiery plume rippling from his helm. His back is facing Welsknight, and he stands with his shoulders hunched, one arm reaching forward like he's trying to stop someone. The knight takes a step back, surprised, then rocks on his heels.
"Oh." He says, then looks down at the skeleton by his feet. "Oh."
He stares at the skeleton for a long moment, shrugs, and then gives the skull a hard kick, sending it clattering off across the room. "Serves you right, you asshole!"
Welsknight is crying again. He can't help it. He's scared and overwhelmed, and this knight is so, so terribly familiar. From the armor to the way he stands, to his voice. And when the knight turns to face him finally, the face is familiar too.
"Hels?" Welsknight whispers.
Helsknight, his definitely-dead brother, looks down at him with uncomprehending eyes. Then he scowls, "Nope. Sorry."
"I-- but--"
"I am the Spirit of the Sword," Helsknight cuts him off, rolling his eyes petulantly. "I serve the wielder of my blade, loyal in death, as I wasn't in -- blablabla. I take the form of the protector, the guardian, the comforting, and yes, I'm used to the whole "oh you look just like my dead loved one" thing. So let's skip the unnecessary angst, okay?"
A particularly loud shriek from the ghouls outside echoes shrilly through the room before Welsknight can even attempt to gather his response. Helsknight spins to face the barred door and takes a threatening step towards it.
"Oh would you SHUT UP? We're in the middle of something!"
The sounds behind the door fall abruptly silent. Welsknight stares in bafflement, feeling just confused enough to stop crying. The Spirit Of The Sword That Looks Just Like His Dead Brother offers a hand to him.
"Come on, get up." He says as he pulls Welsknight to his feet roughly, and then gives him a long, appraising look. "Well, you look like you might know how to swing my sword, so there's something at least."
"I'm-- I'm a knight errant," Welsknight tells him, trying to recover some of his senses. "What-- are you another trick of this terrible place?" Anger starts to bubble underneath everything else he's feeling, and his fists clench. "I'm tired of the stupid mind games and the trickery, and everything screaming like Hels and---!"
Helsknight holds up his hands, looking something between annoyed and appeasing. "Aye, yes, I understand. My last wielder did die in this Vault. No I'm not a demon, or an evil spirit -- unless you intend to use my sword for evil, in which case, I'm evil by proxy." Helsknight ushered to himself. "The enchantment in the blade turns me into something you're familiar with. Whoever I am, I don't have his memories or his mannerisms--" his lip curls in something like disgust as he adjusts his breastplate, "--or his taste in armor. Really, what's wrong with some nice high mobility chainmail? Or leather? Leather is amazing! It's quiet and doesn't feel like I'm carrying a whole damn armory around."
Welsknight screwed his eyes shut and breathed. Alright. Alright. He's okay. He can deal with this. He can-- well at least he can ignore the specter of his brother following him around for as long as it takes to get out of this Vault. But when he gets out ohhh, oh Iskall owes him six pints at the nearest tavern and a damn good explanation.
"Sword Spirit," Welsknight asks after another set of calming breaths, "can you fight?"
Helsknight looks down at his hip where a sword is sheathed. He draws it, tests its weight and shrugs. "I'd be a poor sword spirit if I couldn't."
"Alright then," Welsknight picks up the magical sword from where he'd dropped it and walks towards the barred door. "Let's get out of here, then."
Well, there is one good thing about being damseled at least, Welsknight thinks bitterly as Helsknight begins moving the debris. Someone always sends you a knight in shining armor.
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anjanahalo · 6 months
Adam Ruins Everything Solidified I'm Asexual
Adam Ruins Everything is a fun show I enjoy but you might not because it's very pessimistic and skeptical about a lot of things we take for granted in modern life. Today, though, I'm talking about something he brings up in his Wedding episode: Limerance. Adam presents Limerance as the scientific term for those initial crush, romance, butterfly stomach, heart pounding, blush inducing feelings of love that begin a romantic relationship. What's interesting to me is how he introduced the term. It was akin to how one would introduce Aglet: the name of the plastic tip of your shoelace that makes it easier to lace your shoes. According to the episode, everyone knows what limerance feels like. They're just providing the vocabulary for it. "Limerance" is a foreign experience for me. You might as well be saying "The feeling you get when you first see the color Octarine." I'm not a wizard on Discworld, so this term has no meaning to me. It's the same with Limerance. Yeah, I accept it's real. There is too much lore and culture literally built around it to ignore, but it's baffling even for fairytale loving me to get that people will Actually just look at each other and fall in love. I always thought it was plot convenience! Heck, even now, I can't imagine myself in a romance at all. It's too foreign. But here's Adam in his show just spouting off this word like "of course you know this emotion. I'm finally giving you a term for it." Yeah, sorry, no. What the fuck is this Limerance and why is it so strong people will destroy everything around them for it? Seriously, the story of Star Wars is literally "Why Limerance is bad."
Edit: Initially had the wrong word for Octarine
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echantedtoon · 8 months
Phone Call
(WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!: First of all, warning for Wally tripping and falling down the stairs. Secondly, Welcome Home and Wally Darling do not belong to me. They belong to partycoffin. This is partially based on the audio someone did of Wally falling down the stairs made by  james.80085 on tiktok. Please support both the original content creators.
This fandom has a grip on me but I don't feel like writing a whole bunch for it since I have other projects so all I'm doing is this simple oneshot with GN reader. Take as platonic or romantic. You're choice. Just know this is based on the idea of a Muppet au which is basically humans live alongside living Puppets.)
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Once upon a time-
"...No. That won't work. How many stories have started with 'Once upon a time' anyways? It needs to be original."
The sound of a crumpled up paper soon after hit the wall. 
Once in a land far, far away-
"...Nah. It sounds like the start of a fairytale. And this episode doesn't revolve around any fairytales so an opening like this wouldn't make any sense to start with."
A crumpled wad of paper gracefully flew through the air before bouncing off the opposite wall and landing with a couple thuds until it stopped just a few inches away from the first one. Both of which missed the trash Bin standing no more than a few inches away from them. Surely a waste of both paper and space but right now you couldn't care less. Too busy with trying to write the next episode's darn script. Not that anyone was really giving you any hands to help, even though there was a certain someone who was SUPPOSED to be! That little blueberry pompadour wearing banana was going to be in BIG trouble if he didn't show up soon to go over this script with you!
"Maybe we should start off by the camera zooming into a storybook that opens up?"...You shook your head. "That's just the fairytale start again but a different way. UGH!!" Papers flew off the desk and onto the floor, pens shook, and a thud sound echoed throughout the small office as your head collided into the desk in frustration. "Write us a new start they said. We've already had Wally painting as the opener too many times they said. You're a script writer so it should be easy for you to come up something in a week they said. Wally agreed to help you they said. 'No problem' he said!" Your head lifted up as a scowl presented itself on your face. "Well then where the heck IS he!? He couldn't even have the heart to call first-"
As if the universe was making fun of you, a rather loud sound coming from the right side of your desk rang out. That high pitched RRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG echoing throughout the small quiet office and  starling you into almost falling out of your chair and onto the floor along with the many small crumpled up papers, but luckily your hands grabbed hold on the desk and stopped you from wobbling and ultimately falling off and onto the floor. Blinking your eyes. ...What the- RRRIIIINNNGGG!!! The ringing came again after a few seconds of silence making your head snap over to the small electronic device set onto the right side of the desk. It went silent when you looked but sure enough two seconds later- RRRRIIIINNNGGG!!! The phone moved with the loud ringing noises.
Someone was calling you.
You blinked again before scowling and your eyes glanced to a clock mounted just above you on the wall. It was nearly noon!! And not only that! Most of the week's gone by without any help!! It made your annoyance grow, even after you grabbed the phone effectively making it stop ringing, and you held it up to your head as normal.
"Y/n's office." You had to restrain yourself from hissing that through your teeth in your annoyance.
"Hel-Lo.~" A male voice cooed from the other side of the phone and you froze upon realization. "Hello, Neighbor.~ Wonderful weather we have today, but I've noticed you've been stuck in that silly stuffy office lately."
....Oh that wise guy-
Your face deadpanned and your grip lightly tightened on the phone. "Gee. I wonder why? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" A hand gestured at the mess of papers. "The script for the newest episode is due in a few days and you were supposed to come over to help me pick an opening for it!"
"Hm?" The man's voice hummed genuinely confused for a moment before letting out a little gasp of realization. "Oh! So that's what I've forgotten. My apologies! You see most of the week I've had this string wrapped around my finger because I knew I forgot something but I couldn't remember what. It's a good thing Poppy mentioned I should give you a call for whatever reason."
You wanted to facepalm SO badly. "WELL since you remember NOW, WHEN can you free up some time to get here!"
"Um. That might be a little bit of a problem. You see. I've been rehearsing the script we do have-"
"And you've gotten the whole script instead of the opening right?"
"Yes! Gee, you catch on fast. I was so confused on why we didn't just start with the opening, and I discovered because you hadn't written it in yet." Gee. You wondered WHY. "I don't think it's too much of a problem."
"That's because you're not the one who's writing it. I AM."
"Why not just start with someone else?"
Your mind blanked for a moment. "....What?"
"It's simple really. For example just start with...Hmm. Let's say with Howdy bagging groceries and then the camera turns to the door and make it as if the viewer walks out the door and then down the street to where I'll be stationed! I think the kids would love being able to see part of the Neighborhood before the adventure starts."
Your mind still bluescreened as the silence continued on your half of the line and after about seven seconds another hum from the man on the other end came. 
"Hello? Are you still there?"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You came up with a good opening in a few seconds, where I've been struggling for the last four days!"
A chuckle from the other end made you flush in both annoyance and embarrassment. "I'm sure you would've come up with something just a good, but I'm glad I could help."
Well..at least you had an idea of what to write now, you just had to write it out and make sure to give a copy to the Director later, and give a mention to Howdy about the use of his store front. With a sigh, you felt some of the annoyance leave your body.
"Well, that's taken cared of at least. But where are you right now? I haven't seen you all day."
"The third floor." You paused. "There was a few new sets being painted and they wanted some insight on them! They all look very beautiful."
"...You could've just come downstairs and taken twenty minutes to help me out with this!," you ended up lightly yelling not that the puppet man seemed too bothered about it really, "I'm literally one floor under you."
"Well I am using the wall phone right next to the stairs," he answered giving a hum. "So you're going with the idea of Howdy's shop?"
"Most likely. It sounds like a good idea."
"Thank you. Oh. Speaking of Howdy's-..A funny thing happened the other day." He continued to ramble on as you sighed. "He had this shipment of apples, so I asked him if I could have a few. He said if I wanted one so bad, I could just drive down to the grocery store since last time I took the whole stack. And I said if you were going to eat all of those apples, you might as well share. Hahaha!''
Despite the annoyance you felt, you couldn't help rolling your eyes and sighing, but smiling afterwards. Puppet humor wasn't the funniest thing in the world to you, but little kids loved his jokes whatever they may be, and it did make you have some form of a small smile on your face.
"Are you smiling?~ I think I feel a smile on the other end of the line," you heard his voice coo and immediately your face burst red in embarrassment.
"What!? No. A-Absolutely not! *ahem* But it was good to finally hear from you. Just be sure next time you don't forget about any important meetings."
"Oh, hey! That also reminds me. I have a date with Jul-"
Unfortunately he never got to finish his sentence because you jumped when what sounded like a wooden thump call from the other side of the line followed by-...A cartoony slip noise?"
"Uh oh-"
"Mr. Darli-"
You also didn't have a chance to answer as a loud BANG from above made you jump from your chair and look up to the ceiling as what sounded like a decently sized object started to noisily fall down the stairs from the third floor AAAAALLLLL the way down to the second floor where you were at. Bang! Bam! Bum! Thud! Crash! And repeat! Meanwhile your ear was assaulted by a pained voice-
"OW- What the-!? AH!! EEEEEEYY-"
And other sputterings as the noises down the stairs above you continued until with a final CRASH noise, you heard a-....Cartoony symbol bang noise? That signaled the end of the assault of noises and then silence came from everywhere, only broken when a low groan of pain exited the phone.
"Mr. Darling! Are you alright?!"
"I-...I think I broke everything," his voice came through the other side of the phone obviously sore from the rough ride down.
You winced and cringed a little bit imagining the descend down. "Would you like me to bring you an ice pack?"
"You..better make it a couple, Sweetheart."
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Okay we all know the story of Thumbalina. We’ve seen the movies, read the books, soooo we all know that she came from a flower grown by a woman who was given the seed. Imagine that though. Imagine you are just chilling, maybe you have a garden or you are walking in the woods and you spot a small stem starting to grow out of the ground. (Maybe a witch decided to throw a seed into your garden or something) Out of curiosity you go to it and watch as it rapidly grows in front of your eyes, only for it to bloom and have a tiny little person in it. Who then immediately trusts you cause well clearly you took care of the plant they were born from so obviously you’re like a parent or even a friend to them.
I feel like while it would be amazing to meet a tiny person this way, it would also be terrifying cause “OH SWEET, I was just walking in the woods and now I have a teenage child. Oh okay…I’m old enough to be their sibling…not a fucking parent cooooool” *Completely stressed out* That and if it follows the original fairytale your new friend/child gets kidnapped and that’s a whole new level of stress cause how the fuck are you going to find someone that small.
Anyway….if you were wanting a tiny child or even a tiny friend to magically appear, well, you got it. There they are. Congrats! You get to take care of them, hang out, it’s literally a dream come true! Yeah you gotta teach them some stuff but that’s fine. But what if it was just a person, not like a newborn? Like it’s someone from the g/t community who just woke up in the flower? What if it was one of your OCs that just woke up and is super confused about where they are and why you’re so big?
Now hold that thought, right. Flip it. Imagine you go to sleep one day daydreaming about being tiny, maybe with an OC or Favorite Character as the giant, as you drift off. Then you wake up, in a flower, with someone staring at you in amazement. Maybe it’s the OC, or Favorite Character you were daydreaming about or perhaps it’s someone you don’t know! Heck maybe it’s a fellow g/t lover who was just taking a walk in the woods! They scoop you up and promise to take care of you. How would you feel? Just woke up in what is basically a dream come true and now you’re just with a giant, cause you woke up…in a flower.
So I ask you all this. Giants, how would you feel/react to finding a blooming flower with a tiny person in it? Tinies, how would you feel/react to if you woke up in a blooming flower with a giant staring at you? Sizeshifters, you can answer both of you want.
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martianbugsbunny · 7 months
Maybe Disney needs to try taking on a fairytale they haven't done yet. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy more original stories like Raya and the Last Dragon and Encanto that as far as I'm aware don't originate from any particular legend (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). Those are fun. Exploring different magical concepts like dragons and the miracle is awesome.
But that being said, I think Disney needs to go back to its roots and do a fairytale. Something with a princess and a big bad that comes from an existing legend. That's (generally) where Disney excels. That's why people love Disney. Little Mermaid? Classic. Beauty and the Beast? Classic. Princess and the Frog? Classic. Cinderella? Classic. Snow White? Classic. Really, I just think Disney does what Disney does best when they're taking a story that already exists and turning it into a beautiful piece of animation with a gentle, kind soul at the center of it, maybe with a different little spin like setting the Frog Prince story in 1920s New Orleans or having Beauty's father be an inventor. Little touches like that to make the story uniquely Disney, but with a solid basis in a folk narrative that touches something deep and instinctual inside most people.
Give me a girl who's cursed. A girl who either falls prey to evil or makes a deal with it, and whose sweetheart fights for her like Aurora or who does the brave thing and sacrifices to fix it like Ariel.
Give me a girl who's trapped. A girl whose family keeps her down or who just hasn't found where she fits yet, who stays kind despite her troubles like Cinderella or who finds her own alternative way out like Belle.
Heck, even a weird-ass thing like Shakespeare But Lions would be welcome. That's such a Disney thing to do, taking a story like Hamlet and filling it with whimsy and giving it a happy ending. Plus, Simba is one of the strongest protagonists and learns one of the best lessons in all of Disney fight me.
(I'm not going to count Frozen in the folk story group because the departure from the original was so wild I don't think it deserves to count. I love Elsa with my entire soul but I would also die to see Disney do a proper version of the Snow Queen fairytale.)
Look, my point is that I'd like to see something that really makes Disney dig a little deeper and recapture the spark of its classics. Because as much as I enjoy stuff like Tangled and Frozen and Moana (I've watched all of them loads of times and I cry about them consistently) they don't come to mind as Disney classics for me. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it simply hasn't been enough time. Maybe it's the difference in the animation. Speaking of that, however, I would actually love to see a Disney movie done in a 2D style again; I don't think 3D has any inherent superiority and I'd love to see what Disney could do with a 2D movie now. And there are so many folk stories in the world, surely there must be one that Disney can bring to life the way it used to. They haven't retold every story that's been told already.
Am I being a little picky? Probably. But I'd love to see something that reminds me of the Disney classics where a gentle person with a courageous core has their life touched by magic, faces an obstacle, and has a happy ending. Something that's not a variation on "X needs to be saved" but a specific character longing for a specific thing and either doing what they think is necessary to get it (like Tiana and Ariel) or giving it up for the sake of someone else, but getting a happy ending nonetheless (like Belle and Simba). Also a clear-cut badguy who gets to be absolutely cunty and evil about it with no peculiar twist.
I'd like to see something Classic Disney again.
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riniworld · 5 months
Hmm.. How about a Yan! Prince x older! Royal sorcerer reader?
Or maybe Yan prince x siren/mermaid reader? Maybe when he gets lost at sea and when reader saves him and brings him back to shore he basically places a bounty on siren readers head and whoever brings reader to him they'll be awarded with money?
You can choose either one, doesn't really matter to me lol
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I'll do the second one 'cause there's a scenario lol
no pronouns for the reader mentioned
warnings// obsession,i don't think there's anything else.
refrence// you,mermaid.
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humid air is blowing,the weather is sunny and the sea is calm.
what's the best day to sail than this day?
but the prince doesn't like the sea,he just want to go back to his room and read some books or maybe even paint if he's in the mood.
but his father has insist for him to go with them.
he's seating on the edge of the ship,watching everyone working and his father telling the captain how long they will sail and when they will return,expect him,he don't have anything to do.
his father took him in a hurry and he didn't bring with him anything to wast time on.
it was a normal sailing everything went fine and boring.
it's dinner time,the prince and his father is eating in a room alone,They're on their way back to the shore.
suddenly they feel the ship moving in a wierd way,right and left.
it was a fainting movement so no one cared about it,but soon it started swaying violently,the planets fell on the ground and the two royals doing they're best to not roll with the movement of the ship.
"I'm going to see what's happening,you stay here son." the king said and start walking to the door carefully.
it's been some minutes since the king left.
the prince started feeling dizzy,he's gonna throw up in any minute
the last thing he remember is the window breaks and the water start to fill the room.
you were having your fun with the animals in the sea.
you've always loved playing with these creature and staying alone rather than being with the rest of the family.
you swam randomly, not having a specific place in mind,when you saw something or someone felling down, it looked like a human.
you're family has warned you from humans alot saying they're a dangerous creatures,and if they knew about you no one will stay well.
but you were curious plus he was nearly dead.
you swam to him getting closer carefully.
you decided to get him out of the sea,you don't want to be a reason for someone to die right?
you put him on your shoulder and swim to the shore.
you put him on the sand after checking that no one is there.
after some seconds he start coughing and groan.
you startled at his sudden movement and back away a bit.
he opened his eyes but closed them right after because of the sun.
"heck,where am i" he murmured.
you were about to leave but when he heard noises from the sea he looked at you.
you froze,you were scared that something might happen, but he kept looking at you with wide eyes.
"who-? who are you?"
you stayed silent,don't know what to say or if you should say anything at all.
but he,he was stunned. you were too beautiful to be true.
like a fairytale,something he didn't think he'll find in reality just in books,he even forget his pain.
You dived into the water the prince shouted "wait" but it was too late.
it's been two weeks,two weeks and you stayed in his mind.
he couldn't think of anything but you,he even painted you a few times now.
how could he find you again? where are you now? will he see you again?
he looked at one of his painting of you,it was right in front of his bed.
then this idea crossed his mind.
he ordered the Guards, reporters, and preachers to hang posters of you, and whoever can bring you to him will get several million.
the civilians was confused,mermaid? is there anything like that? is the prince okay?
knock knock
"come in" the prince said as someone knocked on his door
the king entered with a frown "what's the meaning of this?"
he was holding one of the posters.
"it's like what is written in it"
"...you're books started playing with your mind,what's nonsense is that? mermaid? really?"
"yes really."
"Do you know what the people are saying about you right now?"
"i don't care" he didn't even look at his father,turns the pages of the book.
"I will order to take down all of this posters"
the prince slams the book shot "no you won't"
"i will,and that's that,i just wanted to tell you to stop all that" with that the king left.
well if his father going to stand in his face,then he'll do it himself.
the night was cold,but he didn't care.
he'll stay here at the ship untill he sees a glimp of you.
he already put a pool full of sea water.
he's so sure he'll catch you,after all he spends most of his time searching on how to attract a mermaid.
Pearls were easy to obtain, as he was a prince and owned many of these shining jewels.
he put Many of them on the ship, until it becomes shone at night.
sure you'll love it right?
Many of the seaving crew were there, ready to catch something they did not know what is it or if it was real,but they couldn't disobey the prince after all
you were returning to your family when something shining caught your eye,oh it was so beautiful,like the moon has come to the earth,it won't be a problem to just see what's that right?
you swim to the top.
as soon as the prince saw a Shadow coming his way, his eyes lit up.
he orders the crew to get ready as they bring the net closer to the edge.
as soon as you put your head up a net was thrown at you.
you struggles to get out but it was too late,they already lifting you up.
you felt yourself getting in a water again and when you opened your eyes you saw the same human you saved looking at you with a wierd look.
would it be better if you let him die that day?
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that was fun to write!
also if you're confused at what happened when the window breaks on the prince.
it was just his part who broke the rest of the ship was a little better but it was sinking from behind (the place where the prince was), but they were able to reach the shore before it sank completely.
have a nice day/night
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poisonousroxstar · 11 months
Platonic Yandere Madoka Kaname
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Plot Summery: Platonic headcanons for Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magia This Contains: ❣️ MAJOR SPOILERS FOR MADOKA MAGICA ❣️ Angst (character death), unhealthy themes & depictions of relationships (yandere stuff), not proofread. Note(s): so....I love Madoka and needed to pump this out. Thank you for your time!
Madoka is, without a doubt, one of the best yanderes to have out there, especially for a platonic darling. She's absolutely doting and caring, but also very clingy. And very delusional.
You're her world, the most amazing person she's ever met. She wants to always be around you, and never be apart. You just need to exist in the same space together, and she'll be content. Happy. And she wants you to be happy too.
She goes out of her way to do everything and anything she can for you. If you're hungry, she'll give you her lunch -- heck, she might even make extra just for you. If you're cold, she'll hold you close. If you're sad, she's determined to make you happy! Madoka is very self-sacrificial, to a dangerous degree. She throws herself into anything and everything for you, even if it'll hurt her in the end. As long as you're happy and safe, she's happy too.
Everyone can tell that you're special to Madoka. Her family and friends especially. I think some of them might get jealous, such as Sayaka, but seeing Madoka so joyful and happy around someone makes them all shut up about it. I think her family easily welcome you. Her mom thinks you're adorable, and her dad thinks the same. Tatsuya (her little brother) may end up adopting a similar clinginess to his sister, always wanting to be around you and thinking you're the coolest person ever. They think you're a good influence on Madoka, so they turn a blind eye to her abnormal behavior.
If you're a magical person yourself, then Madoka is even more protective, even if she isn't a magical girl yet. She wants to save everyone, but if left with an ultimatum, she'll always pick you above everyone else. You're her only real friend, above everyone else. As such, you'll always be her top priority. If Madoka is a magical girl, you definitely create a signature move together, it's a must!
She wants to see what you can do, and what you two can do together! If she's a magical girl, you both fight and work as an unstoppable duo, defeating witches and saving the innocent! Madoka lives in this sort of fairytale afterwards, where you and her fight for the greater good and defeat the foes of evil. Having you by her side makes her content and feel safe and strong. With you by her side, she feels like she can do anything.
If you ever died or become a witch, the grief and despair would be too much for Madoka to handle. If you've died, Madoka is staring silently at first. Then, she cradles your lifeless body and tries to wake you up, crying your name with increasing volume. She can't stop the years, and she can't stop her heart from breaking. And she can't accept this reality. If she hasn't made her wish yet, then she'll definitely use it to bring you back to live.
If not, the despair she feels makes her witch out, becoming Kriemhild Gretchen. As she feels the waves of regret and pain flow through her, Gretchen decides to destroy the world of any similar grievances. There is only brief happiness as she consumes the world for all its misfortune.
If you're becoming a witch, though still holding on. Madoka panics and does everything she can to try and safe you. Begging any of the girls something, anything to save you! If you asked her to mercy kill you before you become a witch, she outright refuses... at first. But the more you beg, the more you tell her just how much pain you're in and how you don't want to become a monster, she relents. As she shatters your Soul Gem, she does so through tears. And, again. She witches out, unable to bear the guilt.
Madoka also has a very high chance at dying by your own hand as you become a witch. It's not that she can't defeat you, it's that she doesn't want to. She can't, it's too much for her. She welcomes her doom as you kill her... maybe, when the other defeat you... you can both be reunited.
When Madoka does make her wish and becomes Madokami, she promises you that she'll always look out for you. She'll always be there for you, and whenever you feel alone, know that you never truly -- because she's there with you. If you're a witch, she takes away your Grief and replaces it with hope. And then, she takes you with her, joining you in her Law of Cycles.
Even when you forget who she is, Madokami never forgets you, her love for you too strong. Even as she becomes but a concept in the end, she holds true to her word, never letting you go.
In the end, she loves you too much for her own good. But as long as you live a long, fulfilling life, then Madokami can live all of existence knowing that you are and were happy. Even if she couldn't be in it anymore.
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myobsessionsspace · 26 days
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Hi Lovelies,
I'm sorry but l'm heated today. So sis gets a little bit of my time but just 🤏
She's honestly not worth any energy or space in anyone's mind whatsoever. Especially people who don't know her from jack if it wasn't to do with her clout chasing and childish weirdos feeding into it and her.
She's the definition of a clout chaser through and through. She's what? An influencer? From a 'rich' family? An actress? What in? Who knew her before all of this? Who is she without this?
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She says she wants not parts of this scrutiny, the fandom etc...yet...the most recent malarkey.
Nothing but sad pathetic clownery.
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I don't have figures but I guarantee you every time she partakes in these shenanigans her follower count goes up.
And we all know more IG followers = ₩₩💳
Who followed her before all of this started? Miss Rona and everything post 2020 really brought out the imagination and unhingedness in so many😒
She's not saying or doing anything a typical bias fan wouldn't do. She's a fan like the rest of us, I can and do post member pictures too. I can post plushies, fans, plates n shit too. Heck gimme a budget and after watching some member lives and IG stories I can be dating each of them (maybe not Jin & Yoongi cos they keep their ish locked up tight!)
Anytime she does this we get rabid incoming on all sides, apart from those that really just don't give AF.
IDGAF about her or any other name thaf constantly gets brought up, the other that does the same, the old one that got replace by our rider Polyc, blonde haired, blue haired, any haired heiress, idol, model, BFF of idols, none of them.
I'm not fans of any of them. I'm fans of 7 members. I ult bias Jimin & Jungkook and I love Jikook's unique duo.
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There’s so much to enjoy about Bangtan & Jikook.
She and the rest of them can keep their online games for the equally immature and unhinged to enjoy, seeing as what the members give us isn’t enough for them 😒
She's a fan. A somewhat 'famous' fan. But a fan nonetheless. The only thing I empathise with there is that little princess and the others like her are missing Jikook content as much as us. So they’re are making their own content. Cos that’s what it is, entertainment content, fiction, a fairytale with her and the others trying to be the main characters.
She’s unprivileged like us in the fact that Jikook have each other right now, like they always have, whilst we are on the outside looking in. Her and all the others like her. All those giving her and her ilk the attention.
The best thing to do with her is to reduce her following numbers, don’t follow her, unfollow her, ignore others boosting her content and keeping her name floating around. Stop giving all those spreading her BS views & clicks, even the comments and quotes, we don’t wanna see it or spread it, so don’t see it or spread it.
Just make her the non MF factor she is.
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cherriiramen · 8 months
You ever find yourself running into this one pair that absolutely occupies your mind ‘til god knows when?
A pair so poetic, so raphsodic, so metrical that it absolutely boggles you?
A pair with a relationship so melancholic and tragic, yet miraculously harmonised enough to find an air of romance in the polluted world that surrounds them?
Heck, they don’t even know whether it’s even a relationship or not. A situationship?? It feels so wrong but so right. They’re biting at one another’s necks one time, then they’re making out the other. They have long history behind them, and both learned to tolerate the other better than anyone else could.
They’re so different yet.. so similar.
One’s a sun, one’s a moon. One’s a golden retriever, one’s a black cat. One’s a sunflower, the other’s a thorned rose.
One’s so stern, short tempered, and tough, but when you get to know them better, they’re really just the bluntest, brightest goofball ever.
The other often gives you the resting bitch face, they’re arrogant sometimes, sarcastic and a little harsh with words, but just wait ‘til you see them when they’re all flustered and trying their best not to giggle.
Every little secret glance, every little gesture has some sort of deeper meaning behind it that words alone can’t describe.
It’s like a secret way of communicating that they use between themselves.
They’re dying to hold hands but end up awkwardly intertwining pinkies instead. They want to hold eye contact longer but end up glancing away at the first sense of agitation. They’re confused, they’re irritated with themselves, they’re hot and bothered. They don’t know why they feel the way they do, especially after the constant inconveniences that happen between them from time to time. Every touch feels forbidden, even the tiniest shared looks. But that’s it. That’s the thrill of it.
And they aren’t ashamed to admit they aren’t perfect for one another, that they’re not exactly those wholesome trouble-free couples you see in fairytales and movies. That they wouldn’t have their happily ever after. They keep it realistic, that the world isn’t a wish granting factory.
But it doesn’t matter.
Because really, all that ever matters to them is each other. Even if ‘I love you’ and ‘I care about you’ always ends up getting stuck in their throat for one reason or another. Egos, reputation, morals and what the rest would think of them. Even if they call each other mean nicknames, or mock one another knowing damn well it isn’t covering up for the way they feel. “Idiot” feels more of a flirt than an insult, all of a sudden. They say they want to be left alone. They do sit alone. Alone with one another.
Silence speaks more than words. Eyes alone tell a story. They’re stupidly in love, and it’s killing them.
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maidragoste · 1 year
By the way, if you want, anon, you can choose an emoji so I can identify and know which anon I'm talking to hahaha—👾 with thisss!
She could have had any man, even the king but she chose you. And you pay her like that?You say you love your wife but you hurt her and now you have made her the entertainment of the court. There is no person who does not talk about her, the princess and you"
My heck—the reader chose love over duty—imagine..she's the first born and by law she can't inherit Driftmark because you know..misoginy then the queen dies and her father invites(forces her)her to be the future bride of the king( I want to believe she's 18 years old, not 14 or 12..it's an ick for me..) but Viserys notices the way she and Harwin are looking at each other so he gives them his blessing and choose Alicent.
Reader wants to be overjoyed because she's free but now she finds out with horror that the future queen is a 14 year old and worst, her cousin's best friend and she feels guilty and disgusted.
So by telling to her parents she will stay at KL to find a suitor, she befriends the queen and try to repair the relationship between Nyra and Alicent with no avail.
By the years KL's become a second home to reader, writing to her parents and sister;she's living in a fairytale until Jacaerys is born and his brothers.
A DECADE, SHE HAS LIVED IN MISERY AND HUMILATION FOR A DECADE and seems her strength are her twin boys that looked more Velaryon than Nyra and Laenor's children.
The relationship with Nyra?has grown cold and she dotes on the queen's children and NO ONE suspect that her twins are Larry's because they took after their mother's appearance but their eyes.
Then Driftmark happens and we know what will happen but the're is a new player: the reader that has taken under the wing Rhaena,like you said in the previous post, and she's securing a betrothal of his twins with Laena's daughters because she will be damned if she allows Daemon to trap her nieces and she needs to get back at Nyra for sleeping with her husband, and disrespect the memory of his younger siblings.
The Velaryons? Are by her side and they are awfully protective of her because if D&R have killed two of their children?what they would to their first born?
Let's not forget also two important allies: Larrys and Alicent—also Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron, Baela( who is a mini Daemon and loyal to reader, the Velaryons)and Rhaena because the reader is the step father who stepped up and with her Aegon may have learnt to take his duties seriously and be a good husband to Helaena;Aemond learns that he shouldn't carry his burdens alone, Helaena has someone who can understand her.
Okay okay; I'll stop you are the writer but it's good to share some ideas
Hi Anon, I'm sorry it took so long to reply. I hope you're well 🥰
First, I think that in some post I said it too high up but for my Reader she is the younger sister of the Velaryon. Laena is the eldest, just like in the book, and Laenor is the middle brother. So Reader never had a chance to inherit Driftmark.
For your peace of mind Reader is not 12/14 when Corlys wants to make her queen and marry Viserys... But still she is a minor she is 16/17 😭🤡
I don't know if Viserys would realize that something is going on between Reader and Harwin (SORRY FOR ME THE MAN IS A DENSE. I STILL ANGRY THAT HE IS THE KING) but Reader definitely doesn't want to marry him so she confesses that she is in love with Harwin. Sure, as you say, Viserys gives them her blessing and chooses Alicent.
Of course Reader feels guilty and disgusted. Alicent is the same age as her and knows how uncomfortable she must be with the situation because she was there too. It saddens him to see how Alicent and Rhaenyra's friendship breaks down.
So Reader marries Harwin and sets out to be friends with Alicent to assuage her guilt but it doesn't take long for her to start enjoying her and appreciating her friendship with Alicent. Reader tries to patch things up between Alicent and Rhaenyra but she doesn't realize she's making it worse. Rhaenyra feels like she sided with Alicent, she feels like she lost them both, she feels out of place like she's left over. Now you spend all your time with Alicent and Aegon, you seem like you've forgotten about her. You are no longer going to fly together or invite her to go with you to Driftmark because your attention is always on Alicent. Always attached to her, always smiling at each other as if they knew a language Rhaenyra didn't.
Years pass and Jacaerys is born. Throughout Rhaenyra's pregnancy you had been by her side and pampered her. Rhaenyra felt like it was the two of you again. She felt horrible because she knew that the moment her baby was born you would never love her again. And she was not wrong. Your eyes of hers stopped being warm and you only looked at her coldly. Whenever you could, you avoided being in the same room as her. All the love that was between you two was once gone because of her.
Rhaenyra suffers as Reader raises Alicent's children as his own. Reader's upbringing definitely makes Aegon a better man, she teaches him why it's important that he fulfill his duties and how he always has to take care of his family. Helaena finds another mother in Reader, she never makes her feel uncomfortable by her dreams or her prophecies whenever she can, she accompanies her to look for new insects. Aemond knows that Reader is always there to help him with his burdens and Daeron knows that despite the distance Reader will never forget him... like his father.
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girly-media-studio · 6 months
One thing I hate about Ever After High are the people who say that Apple and Raven are related. I personally just hate the idea in general. Does their age magical change when their fairytale starts or did the good king remarried someone who is as old as his daughter. How old is Apple suppose to be in Snow White. Does it happen right after Ever After High so both her and Raven are about 18. This then brings up the question are they even the same age when there story takes. In Legacy Day when they sign the book a little mirror show up and both Raven and Apple look the same as they normally do, but in Thronecoming when they go into the books, the evil queen is some old lady. Is that suppose to be Raven, or like some place holder. What the heck is Ever After High's Snow White story. And I won't even have to make this post if it wasn't for the fact that Raven's dad is the good king. This has been haunting me for years. Are they related or not!!!
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