#help im so bad at this lol i have no clue what im talking about
lyra-brie · 1 year
What are isfj and 9w1?
Would you tell me about those?
Ello Antman! Welcome to my inbox lol
Be very careful asking me about typology lol I barely know what I'm talking about and it's so complicated and I will ramble about it and not make sense for hours.
I'm also going on memory from the last time I hyperfixated on this stuff so anyone feel free to correct stuff I completely forgot
So the enneagram can be explained a lot more easily and you have the option of just not getting as deep into it whereas mbti the only "simple" version of it is taking a test and I test would absolutely never give me ISFJ because I dont fit the stereotypes.
So we'll start with enneagram. It's a personality typing system with 9 numbered types. I'm an enneagram 9, commonly known as the peacemaker or as I refer to us the chameleons. I'll send you the sleeping at last enneagram songs later, they're really good and help you get a grasp on the types. 9 is a gut type (along with 8 and 1) and the struggle emotion of gut types is anger. The way the 9 reacts to anger is by hiding and suppressing it. You can get a lot more in depth with that, with growth and how it works unhealthily, tritypes, etc, but the only more complicated thing I'll explain is my wing since it's also in my bio. Wings are the two types on either side of your main type, so in the instance of 9, they're 8 and 1. A lot of the time you'll display your main type with your dominant wing that is more prominent, which in my case is 1, often refered to as the perfectionist or the reformer.
Mbti I will explain as simple as I can for you lol. I'll tell you more in our messages if you want. So every mbti type has 4 functions (there are 8 total). ISFJ is Si-Fe-Ti-Ne (the order is important).
My dominant function, Si is introverted sensing, which is incredibly difficult for me to explain lol. But basically the sensing functions are based on concrete information, which is taken in by your senses, and it's introverted so you're using it subjectively and comparing it with the information you already know. Which probably makes no sense. But it's a stereotypically close minded super organized responsible function. Which immediately makes sense why I would never get it as my dom function on a test lol. But that's because I have ADHD override. Si wants to be organized and it loves the familiar and routines and concrete things that we already know and sticking to them. All of which I love despite sucking at them lol.
My auxiliary function, Fe, is extraverted feeling. The feeling functions are all about your morals and values and it's extraverted so it comes from the environment and people around you, meaning Fe gets it's morals and values from the people and environment around it. Si-Fe is a really interesting dom-aux pair in my opinion because where Si is generally seen as closed minded, Fe basically counteracts it depending on who you're around. It's often associated with being very empathetic but once again it depends on people and environment more than anything else. Fe can be selfish because that's what the people around them are and Fe often adapts to that. It also means that you don't really have a lot of intrinsic values that come from *you* (which would be Fi).
My tertiary function, Ti, is introverted thinking. The thinking functions are all about logic and that sort of stuff and its introverted so it likes the familiar and subjective things you already think you know. Your tertiary function is often more underdeveloped but you have a lot of fun using it. So often hobbies and things will gravitate toward it. Ti often loves logic puzzles and sudoku and overanalyzing things and you know. Psychoanalyzing people and typology lol. I suck at these things but have fun with them anyways. And you'll see me build the same exact prison on prison architect or play lots of games from the beginning but almost the exact same way everytime because of my Si-Ti combo just wanting the familiar.
My inferior function (aka the Annoying one that sucks but I require it for so many things), Ne, is extraverted intuition. This is the exact opposite of Si, its actually the stereotypical ADHD function, it's all about abstract ideas from the outside world since its extraverted. Ne is where lots of new abstract ideas come from, it's incredibly important for writing, and mine hates me lol (it has gotten better though! It still normally takes me using it intentionally for it to cooperate). You and @chainsaw-raven seem to actually have decent Ne-in fact I think last time Etty and I talked about this we came to the conclusion that she's probably a Ne-dom, which makes yall excellent writing buddies, btw. Ne is also very impulsive and seeks lots of new experiences.
So yeah that's the overview of the ISFJ type and how it presents for me. There's so much more that I barely understand, gripping (how the functions react to stress), shadow stacks, looping (how the stacks react to trauma), etc. But that's a topic for later.
Hope you enjoyed my typology rant that made 0 sense lol.
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thegnomelord · 9 months
oh my lord... mentioning merfolk finally pushed me into sending in an ask for you, so hai!
im a huge marine bio nerd and i could probably ramble about that kinda stuff for awhile so im gonna keep it shorter and stick to sharks, aka my favorite species... i apologize for the very long ramble incoming
id imagine that the kind of shark makes merfolk vary heavily - you have smaller, less aggressive sharks (bamboo sharks, nurse sharks, leopard sharks), then you have dogfish which are aggressive small schooling sharks (that actually have venom from what i remember), and the big bois that are mean like bull sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, great whites, ect. also you have basking sharks and whale sharks which are big ass chill lads. as much as i love them having a tail instead of legs, i think there'd be two "forms" of merperson, one with legs and a tail and one with just the tail. im mainly referring to the ones with legs and tails when i talk about them
like i was saying, the kind of shark species a merperson (or mershark, ill start calling them that) makes them differ between general personality, strength, size, ect ect. bigger sharks are more popular due to their strength, aggression, and speed, making them very useful in the military. smaller guys also have their advantages - its just that a bull mershark would have a much easier time in the military compared to a lemon mershark. although bigger lads are definitely more of a pain in the ass to work with if they grew up in the ocean over on land, cause i like to think most mershark (and merfolk in general) prefer living in the ocean. smaller sharks are easier to control, as they tend to be less prideful and stubborn compared to the bigger species. oceanic whitetip would be especially bad due to their aggression and pride, they're probably the most aggressive species of shark in the ocean
then when it comes to mating/courtship rituals... they don't do any of the fancy things like a werewolf, harpy, or dragon, they're rather direct. sharks in the wild don't court, typically when they meet another shark of the opposite gender they mate due to how rarely they meet other sharks, although mersharks would probably have small courtship rituals. it's pretty simple, just spending more time around who they want to court. i also think it'd be really cute if they gave the person they were courting a shark tooth of theirs that fell off as a memento of sorts. when it comes to mating, male sharks bite as a ritual. not as hard as they'd bite prey, but definitely enough to leave scars. shark mating is pretty rough, but mersharks would probably tone it back a little bit, though there will be times when their instincts slip.
mershark are also oblivious as fuck to other courting rituals if they grew up in the ocean. almost no shark species really have courting, so they don't have instincts when it comes to someone courting them, and they don't have the same socialization that a mershark that grew up on land would have. i just think mersharks are very interesting and very cool <3
thank you for reading my insane rambling about sharks and sharkpeople... once again, sorry for the long ramble, but i had to share my thoughts
Oh god anon this is some GOOD SOUP and as a fellow animal nerd I absolutely love hearing weird animal facts and all I can imagine is just Ghost and Sharkmer reader being absolute idiots lol :D
CW: NSFW at the end, short and quick bc brain isn't braining but this concept of your anon is so cool!
Like Ghost initially thinking all monster courting rituals are complicated as fuck, and the info he finds on the internet doesn't help one bit. And you, having grown up in the ocean, have no fucking clue he's trying to court you in some convoluted way.
You'll spend days just existing next to him, or very gently nibbling on his fingers, which, in your mind, makes it very clear you want to mate, but all Ghost thinks is that you want to eat him. And the next thing you know he's shoving an energy bar into your mouth and walking away and you're left confused.
And Ghost, bless the poor fool's soul, eventually gets lured into the waters by your sparkling eyes and wide grin of sharp teeth. The same teeth bite down on every piece of his skin, not enough to actually hurt him, but your teeth marks litter his thighs, his ass, all across his chest and especially around his pecs, from shoulders down to his biceps and anywhere you can reach while you stretch him.
God the sex is one of the best he's ever had, his usually cold body warming up from the proximity of you and the warm waters you're in as you slowly fuck both of your cocks into him, having stretched him open until he was unable to beg between his hiccups. And he's so pretty beneath you, rough groans as he rubs his cock while you move your hips in a slow rhythm, your dicks pushing in and out, in and out, brushing against his prostate until he was close to losing his mind with how you stretched him beyond imagination.
Some of your teeth end up lodged in his shoulder, and when you finish mating him you tell him to keep them, making them into a necklace he now wears around his neck.
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Heya! How's ya doing?
Just wanted to drop in and ask if ya had any ideas or concepts or even fandom thoughts you have bouncing around. I personally don't really have much to come up with but that's what cause my brain is a bit slow right now and moving on auto-pilot so it takes a bit for me to think up stuff lol.
Just curious about any thoughts and concepts and such. Anything at all! (Au's, OC's, headcanons or just anything really)
I love this question! here is a few i like with a little description of each<3 I have three fandoms here, obey me, twst and Stardew
Obey me<3
Self aware normal - In this Au they know they are in a game and have managed to access your camera, actually managing to make contact with the pretty human behind the screen. They actually love talking with you and come with you everywhere thanks to your phone, sometimes you get a call and its just them so you can talk to them. They know your boundaries and know when to turn the camera and microphone off but if something happens or if they find something that excites them, they'll send you a message. Really sweet overall, they don't try to leave the game.
Self aware yandere - This is like the previous Au but instead of it being wholesome, its really sinister. They manage to escape the game and become 7 sentient beings on the internet, tracking your every move online and tracking your location in real life. They have a unhealthy obsession with you to the point they torment you at every turn if you try and get rid of them, they love you too much. They get rid of your friends by either pretending to be you and sending nasty messages to them, or they will make fake accounts to black mail them to make sure they wont try and contact you, They'll know when you talk to you irl.
Mermaid Au - Mc gets caught in a bad storm which causes their cruise ship to crash and sink, causing them to plumet into the cold water. Lucifer sees that your still alive and decides to save you by bringing you to the island close by their home. One the situation with belphie happens, the brothers warm up to you and make a large cove on the island your home, taking you on little adventures in the ocean while trying to keep you from leaving the island.
Werewolf Mc Au - While MC is visiting the human world, they get bitten by a werewolf, mistaking the guy for just a crazy homeless guy so they think nothing of it. After heading back to devildom that night, they start to shift during dinner time at the house of lamentation. The brothers freak out and try and found out what happened to you, all while they try and grab a panicked werewolf MC
Dimension hop Au - In this Au, Obey me is simply just a game until a bad electrical storm comes over your Neiborhood. You were playing Obey me when a large lightning bolt hit your house, and before you could drop your phone you were somehow transported inside the game. Your already past lesson 20 when you wake up in the house of lamentation, you apparently passed out on your birthday celebration when a birthday present shot you with something. (I dont know, im making this up as i go). You try and get back to your own world with the help of the others, including the royals and angels
Dimension hop Alt scenario Au- This is basically the same as the previous AU but instead of MC coming to obey me, obey me comes to them
Twisted wonderland<3
Dimension hop Au - While your playing Twisted wonderland on your ipad, you fall asleep during the middle of a chapter with autoplay on, your Ipad plugged into the wall for charging. During the night, a powerline falters after a tree falls down on it, the sparks causing a glitch on your Ipad that was still plugged into the wall. In the morning you felt something heavy on your chest, opening your eyes only to find the whole cast of twst in your house, teachers and all. They all knew who you were and were good friends with you, but they had zero clue about where they were
Dimension hop alt senario Au - Basically the same as the AU above but Yuu goes down to twisted wonderland instead
Body swap Au - Self explanatory
Overblot yuu Au - Yuu gets pushed to far, everything was to much. Yuu had to deal with all the overblots, they got hated on for not having any magic, they missed their home, they barley could afford to live, and Crowley was being a absolute fucker about money and their living conditions. One day Yuu just snapped, full on screaming at crowley as the black ink started to cover their body, only to come out as the worst of all of the overblots yet
Stardew Valley<3
Yandere Au - Instead of one of the bachelors/bachelorettes being yandere, its one big brawl for your affection. There is blackmail, blood, violence as all 12 bachelors/bachelorettes fight it out for you. Couples may form a truce and share you, some might just steal you for themselves, its up to you how things turn out
Cryptid farmer Au - You took the spot of the old farmers grandchild, it was the only way you were able to have a normal life. After making friends with all of the villagers and all the bachelors/bachelorettes, the fear of people finding out got higher and higher as more and more of the villagers want to speak and hang out with you. One night it got too much for you and your human form started to painfully slip away, panicking in your own home as the group of bachelors or bachelorettes come to see if your ok, only to walk in on you having multiple panicked eyes growing from your arms and neck.
Werewolf farmer Au - The residents of Stardew valley started hearing noises coming from the forest and the farmers place, sounds that were alot worse than the slimes living in the secret forest. Each villager got more and more suspicious of the farmer when they started to observe their behaviour, they always ran home quickly before the sun set, they refused to touch anything silver, and they always seemed to have different hair lengths. One night you were in the saloon for too long and forgot about the time, no one had ever seen you more panicked. One of them tried to hold your arm and calm you down but you swiped at them, not realizing your fingernails have grown to claws. You sprint back to the farm and collapse on the hard rock paths, shifting painfully into a werewolf as the town people followed you from the saloon, but you are conscious the entire time
This is not proof read lmao, things may be abit scuffed but please dont mind that
If any of you want to use this as insperation for a fic or some art, please @ me! I dont want credit because they have probably been done before, I would just love to see your creations<3
What should I do next?
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soggyriceee · 1 year
ok ok there's probably already a fic about this?? but I haven't read any or saw one so like what iff A König x reader where readers been secretly studying german just for Him and he thinks they can't understand a thing so he switches with his native language whenever he feels flustered about them,, then one day reader just replied back in German too akckskcjs🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
teach me | Konig
warnings: female!reader, strong language, fingering, oral(m receiving), unprotected p in v, German but most likely broken German lol, this gave me subby Konig so..
summary: request
I just wanna say anyone who has requested, I've already started them and am gonna try to push them out as soon as possible :))
"Erdbeere" you called back to your phone. the ding sound confirmed you were right, causing a smile to spread on your face. just as you were about to press the green next button, the door swung open swiftly, pointing out your giant of a boyfriend Konig. "hello maus." he smiled, at you, kicking his boots off.
shoving your phone between the couch cushion, you smile over to him. "hi baby. I missed you." you replied, moving into a 'criss cross' position. he shuffled over to you, groaning deeply as he sat on the couch. "tired?" you asked, tilting your head to look at his tired state. he hummed, closing his eyes.
"very. I need a shower but.. wanted to see meine Prinzessin." he answered, opening his eyes to give you a small smile. you blushed, your mind quick to understand what he said.
for months you had been studying German for Konig. partially for him, but also because it's always good to know another language. you had always been one for studying new languages, you had no clue why it took you so long to get to German. you could say that now, you really had a reason.
Konig had wanted you to learn German for a while now too. but you chose not to tell him. you wanted to wait until the perfect moment to talk to him in a fluent sentence. he always expressed how important it is to him that your kids speak German. and how could you say no to the man who gives you everything you want?
"awh, im honored." you giggled, shifting to sit on his lap. an innocent move, of course. his eyes opened, head tilting to look at you. "maus?" you looked at him, an innocent smile on your lips. "what? just wanna be closer.." you smiled, scooting closer onto him. he sucked in a breath, watching you timidly.
"hmm.." he hummed, placing his hands on your thighs. "you know I get so nervous and.. hard when you're on me like this? is that what you're trying to do?" he asked, his thumbs rubbing circles on your thighs. "hmm more like I wanna tease you. don't have to try if your already rock hard." you smirked, grinding down on his hard on. immediately his cheeks turned a bright pink, his head falling. "Du machst mich so nervös, meine Liebe- you make me so nervous my love"
watching as his cheeks turned so bright, and the smile on his lips made your pussy flutter. you lifted his head gently, leaning in to place your lips on his neck. you sucked at his skin gently, soft moans, more like sighs, leaving Konig. his hands moved slowly up your thighs to your hips, grinding you into him. "mm.. getting desperate?" you joke, pulling away from his freshly decorated neck.
he nodded slow, looking into your eyes. "missed you all day.. Ich brauche dich so sehr- I need you so bad." he whimpered, his hands continuing to move your hips in his lap. you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Dann lass mich auf dich aufpassen- then let me take care of you." you whispered.
Konig's eyes grew wide, a smile creeping onto his face. "w-what did you say?" he asked, his cheeks turning bright pink. a chuckle couldnt help but leave your mouth as you wiggled in his lap, an amusing smile on your lips. "I've been practicing." you responded, your fingers trailing down his chest.
Konig couldn't help the boner that grew in his pants. the sound of your voice alone made this man rock, so you speaking his native language only made your voice that much more sexy to him.
your fingers reached the waist band of his pants, your fingers looping under the hem and tugging them gently. you felt his hard on press right against your thigh, making your hips grind against him gently. you smiled up at him before scooting off and onto your knees in front of him, dragging his pants down with you. you watched at his member sprung up, the tip red with pearls or pre cum at the tip.
"so hard.. just from me speaking German hm?" you said, taking both your hands to his length, moving them up and down slowly, squeezing it every so often. he let out a shake breath, readjusting himself on the couch. "y-yes engel.. just for you." he breathed out, bucking his hips in hopes you'd get the hint to move your hand faster.
he had a long day, very tired man. so of course you obliged, happy that you were finally able to be in control for once. well not for one. but its been quite some time. "bet you want more than this huh?" you teased, leaning in closer to his cock, your lips dragging up what your hands did not reach. he mumbled a small 'fuck' his eyes remaining on yours the whole time.
"yes.. bitte nicht necken." he begged. please don't tease, is what you understood. it made your cunt clench, hearing him beg for you in German. you both never had spoken in German. especially not during sex. you liked understanding the praises or even degrading things he had to tell you. the only time he ever really spoke German during sex was when he was cumming or overstimulated.
your lips found the tip of him, your hands slowing down and moving mainly at the base. your tongue circled around his head, earning a distressed whimper from him. "p-please engel". your eyes looked up to meet his as your mouth expanded around the thickness of him, his mouth opening ajar, and from it, a shaky breath. "y-yea just like.. that." he moaned, his hand quick to find the back of your head.
he set a pace for himself, assuming you'd follow along with it. which of course, you did. your hand dragged behind your mouth, your palm quickly becoming wet with your own saliva. your eyes remained on his, the eye contact making your pussy throb painfully in your undies.
"so good.. Fühlt sich so verdammt gut an." feels so good, he said. his head fell back, your eyes making him dangerously close. and he didnt want to cum too fast. not now. effortlessly his hand moved your head up and down his shaft, occasionally holding your head down when he would thrust his hips up, his tip hitting the back of your throat.
tears ran down your face as the lack of air caught up to you, your hands now finding their way to his knees to keep yourself from tipping over. you could feel the pre cum coat your tongue and the back of your throat, motivation for you to keep going. "so close engel.. mach weiter, einfach so." he'd whine. of course you'd keep going, why would you stop.
his head moved up from the couch, looking down to meet your pink cheeks and teary eyes. saliva coated hour lips, rolling down your chin too. your eyes were closed, almost as if you were at peace with him in your mouth. "oh..fuck." he moaned, his other hand gripping the end of the couch.
your eyes shot open once his hips began to fuck up into you, the grip on your hair tightening. he was so desperate, he couldn't help but hold your head still and fuck up into your wet cavern. with your hands on his knees you felt him begin to shake slightly, his whimpers another sign of how close he really was. you looked up into his eyes, wet sounds and small gags filling the room aside his whimpers.
and thats all he needed to cum. your pretty eyes looking up at his, taking every inch of his cock down your throat. "o-oh ..nimm es... nimm alles für mich". and that you did. you took every last drop of cum that shot from him, swallowing around him. his head tossed back as his back arched up from the couch, legs shaking on either side of you as he slowly thrusted in and out of your wet mouth.
you stayed like that for a while, watching as his body relaxed and slumped on the couch. satisfied, you puled him out your mouth, saliva and cum drooling down your face and his cock to his balls. the sight was filthy. you looked up at him, watching as his eyes slowly opened and closed. he was so tired and worn out. perfect.
you crawled onto his lap, taking his semi hard member into your hand. his eyes peeled open, looking up into yours. "I need my own release too no?" you smiled, pulling your panties to the side as you aligned yourself at his tip. "l-libe hold on please I- oh fuck." he count finish his sentence before you sunk down onto him, stopping halfway to get used to the stretch.
you had no intentions of being patient with him. you slid the rest of himself inside of you, a small smile on your face as you looked at him. just from that alone, how warm and wet your pussy was he was ready to cum again. your hands made their way to his chest, your knees pressing on either side of his thighs as you lifted yourself up, plopping back down.
your mouth fell open, feeling him hit the deepest part inside of you. Konigs hands were quick to make their way to your hips, his head pressed into your neck. "So groß. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich es ertragen kann". you whimpered, moving back up him and plopping back down. he loved hearing how big he was, how you didnt think you could take him. he loved how small you were compared to him, it was one of his biggest turn ons.
you eventually picked up the pace, watching as his body pressed tighter against you. "slow down please libe.. d-don't wanna cum yet." he whimpered, trying to pin your hips down. but your hands found his, moving them away and to the side of him. you knew he could completely power over you right now. and he knew it too. but he wasn't going to. he loved submitting to you. he loved when you took over his body for him. he loved when you were so careless with him.
your head fell back, allowing you to hear just how wet your pussy was when it moved up and down him. you clenched around his cock, emitting yet another pathetic whimper from him. "K-Koni~" you'd moan out, looking back at his face. his eyes were rolled back, mouth ajar as pathetic little whimpers left his lips. the sight yet again made you clench around his girth, his hips bucking up helplessly. "g-getting close engel.. so close." he whimpered, looking into your eyes.
you leaned down, pressing your still wet lips to his. your hips never stopped the pace they were at, despite the burning feeling that took over your legs. you were too cock drunk and he was too pussy drunk for you to give up. "Ich will, dass du so tief in mir abspritzt. Kannst du das?" you whispered against his lips, pulling his bottom one gently.
Konig couldnt even respond with a 'yes, ill cum inside you baby' before he ..came inside you, crying out desperately as his hips bucked up into you. it definitely through you off guard, not realizing how much your words truly turned this man on. and it threw him off guard even more. but it was a good feeling, and it was definitely the hottest thing ever for you.
you watched as his body shook and twitched with each bounce you gave, only getting closer and closer to your high. Konig lifelessly moved to rub your clit, his head in your neck as he whimpered the most desperate pleas into you. "please cum around my cock.. n-need to feel you cum around me." he whimpered, thrusting up into you.
your stomach began to twist with pleasure, feeling his tip hit right at your womb. his cum ran between your legs, coating them. "K-Koni i.. im gonna cum.. oh God." your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into you as your cum coated his cock, your back arching against him. his thumb continued to rub on your clit, his hips slowly thrusting up into you.
panting, you pulled away from him, pushing his body away from you. as if he was dead, he laid against the back of the couch, looking up at you. his forehead was covered in sweat, lips parted as he took long, slow breaths. "how.. long have you been learning?" he breathed out, keeping his thumb pressed against your clit. you smiled, leaning against his chest.
"almost a year now. I wanted to surprise you in a more romantic way but.. I couldn't help it." you admitted, closing your eyes to the sound of his heartbeat.
you both remained like this for a good half hour, listening to each others breathing. is hands ran up and down your back, his dick softening inside you. "shall we go shower?" he eventually asked, looking at his watch. you sat up, smiling to him. "Ja." you responded.
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tomwaterbabies · 26 days
disneyland happenings
featuring varian and hugo. since thats what our costumes were
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^(us trying to be very spooky) (there is a lot below btw lol)
someone asking if i (dressed as hugo) was from atlantis. surprisingly this only happened once
we went to kingdom hearts mickey first bc that was gonna be a popular one the rest of the night. the idea of varian in kingdom hearts is definitely really funny. i do not go here im just being honest
OH. new addition to the costume. i had olivia with me as a shoulder friend
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met bruno from encanto who commented on her. we talked about our rodent friends he was very nice. he said he brought "all 200" of his rats with him and wanted to help feed them and knows mickey is a big mouse so maybe we could ask him. i said we could just steal some food. varian got mad
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went over to see sid from toy story because he seemed like a mean little bitch. he was a mean little bitch. i may have said that his creations could use a little work but thats no reason for him to say "your mouse needs a little work" and "i hope you kept the receipt".... cunt
laughing about how mother gothel was no longer part of the characters to meet. "they killed her forever this time" etc etc
watching the parade and varian almost jumping out of his skin when mother gothel was in the parade. her ghost
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we went to this thing called villain's grove which was a bunch of light and effects n stuff through their little forest area. it was mostly a cool immersive experience so most of the footage is on the Lights And Effects Themselves but here's a few of us that look cool lol. gay tunnel (maybe not) (that segment was themed after frollo)
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met hans from frozen. we absolutely had no clue he was going to be there it was pretty funny. you may guess that my friend @kristoffs-lullaby (varian cosplayer) is a frozen enjoyer. so we hopped in line to see him
hans asked if varian's alchemy balls were some sort of magic or enchantment and you'll Never guess what varian responded with
though explaining its alchemy and science and all that didnt really make him feel better. he even asked if its something that would be in danger of bringing in an "eternal winter". varian did not like that :)
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saw dr. doofenshmirtz (?) i didnt watch that show. he was pretty fun to meet though. i know some people dont like his creepy ass design, but i do, its fun and weird to me. he wanted to collaborate with me and varian since we're scientists. really funny to have him say "i'll have my people call your people". a possible strange message that rapunzel will get later /j
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also encountered hades. though our friend @iammisswow was with us and so i had him focus on her since shes a big hercules fan. the visual was hugo getting this scary man's attention to be put on someone else by calling her out. it worked obviously. "oh SHE is a HUGE fan of hercules"
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madam mim from sword in the stone didnt really have as big of a crowd so we actually talked with her a pretty good amount. shes SO fun. lots of discussion about magic vs science and how she thinks knowledge is stupid. you can imagine how we of all people felt when she said "KNOWLEDGE is not power, MAGIC is power". she also liked olivia (she thought she was a familiar)
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meeting judge doom from roger rabbit was kind of scary LOL. very intimidating man. but his area had vats of chemicals and all that so you can imagine we had fun with that. WE can be trusted. obviously.
nervously just nodding our heads as judge doom tells us to come to him if we have any information regarding where "that rabbit is" (we are not doing that)
and also we saw ernesto de la cruz from coco. we were actually able to catch him right as he started performing which is rad but i dont actually have any interactions to tell u about here it was bad ass though
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and, unbeknownst to Hugo (as in i also didnt know about this), varian had a surprise for him. he had a whole... horribly genuine and flustery spiel to say about messing around in his lab and all that and made something for hugo. which was a necklace with a piece of colored glass-like material (teal) in the shape of a heart. hugo handled that whole situation really well (lie)
ANYWAYS ! that's it. i've mentioned before but Disneyland Trips will be retired really soon since I'm not too fond of a lot of their wack shit right now, but wanted to share some of the last bit of enjoyable times to be had there before that happens
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hugemilkshake · 3 months
Hey can you do more uh...self aware cookie run au with anxious reader? Just I can't help but imagine more scenarios of y/n being anxious and thinking 'OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!' Buuut end up spoiled by cookies. Here are some examples I thought up but if you think of anymore cute and fun things, I'd love to see em too!
Y/n goes to the hollyberry kingdom and meets pitaya. Thinks they are gonna die to dragon...nope, dragon just wants to encourage y/n to make smores or roast jelly dogs over their flames and if a single one of the cookies who sabotage the competition even think for a SECOND about interrupting that, then they got another thing coming!
Y/n thinks they are gonna die to the licorice sea or the traitor affogato cookie when encountering them....sea acts kind to y/n somehow (or just ignores em...your choice lol) and affogato just wants to spoil y/n with sweets! (Bonus: instead of joining the COD....they go with y/n as something along the lines of 'you know what? I don't want to take over this kingdom anymore. I don't want it anymore, I want y/n! King, I admit to everything, please banish me so I can run away to y/n's kingdom!') Lmao!
Golden cheese kingdom...y/n goes in, thinking glitches are gonna kill em buuuut all the digital cookies make sure y/n is feeling safe, happy, and comfortable....aaaand golden cheese gives em lots of hugs lol! Can imagine being wrapped up in her wings feels really good!
Enjoy the milkshake! I had to give an excuse for writing about affogato cookie- I mean, the dude caused me brain rot. Also I’m not writing any golden cheese stuff because smoked cheese massacred my team and I’m angry at that (my team had way more power than smoked cheese)
Somewhat plot relevant?
-platonic self aware au-
Normally you had means of controlling your anxiety but at this moment, there was no way you could control your anxiety. You were in the middle of a forest! And not even one in your own world! It was one in the game you had recently just gotten into!
You were only on episode 4 in the story mode so you literally had no clue where you were. You just sat on the ground and started to silently panic.
But at some point a cookie you did see once in the cookie unlock screen kinda picked you up and just took you to a palace? You don’t really remember what the cookie said but they weren’t hurting you! So that must mean something!
But you were now having a feast in this palace with a cookie who you learned was actually a dragon- well anyways the dragon said they were Pitaya Dragon, also known as The Red Dragon. You did panic for a moment before Pitaya told you to just chill out and have something to eat.
And you know what? It was actually quite fun! The Red Dragon talked about other dragons and nice fun stories while the two of you ate, you were sad to go but you had too. You got some berries and stuff you could sell as a wondering traveler. Though you did tell Pitaya you’d come back one day so might want to stay close
You had gone from a warm and humid forest to a frozen wasteland. What’s more to say? You had everything you needed to survive and villages were quite nice to you, you had your own gear so you didn’t bother them too much.
But you did befriend a peculiar cookie when you were by the Dark Cacao kingdom…
A cookie who looked quite lavish found you and seemed a little lost and panicked… kinda how you were when you first got here…. You felt bad to the cookie so you went to talk to them
Apparently his name is Affogato Cookie and he was banished from the Dark Cacao kingdom on the grounds of the false accusations of him trying to upstage the king. Poor guy…
Now since Pitaya Dragon was so generous to you when you had nothing so you decided to help Affogato get back in his feet since you should be passing on others kindness!
What you didn’t know was that one Affogato lied to you, two Affogato had connections to Dark Enchantress and three, he would become your travel buddy. So now the two of you travel around as friends :3
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hard--headed--woman · 17 days
im also goldstar/never even kissed a man but it doesn't seem fair to me to blanket call anyone who's recently came out/slept with men in the past straight. I believe she has a gf currently? But either way I can understand how living in a conservative/religious small town would make it easier to stay with your bf you aren't attracted to but are attached to for other reasons (companionship, friendship etc) than when you move away and can be more yourself. Do I know if she's a lesbian or if she will end up figuring out she's bi or whatever, I have no clue. But it seems pretty hurtful to think her attraction isn't genuine. Maybe I'm too sympathetic bc I'm feminine looking (although I don't wear makeup or shave) and so I know most people don't immediately think of me as gay, even though I could never even imagine finding a man attractive but idk. I honestly would more likely believe Chappell is gay and was closeted than some self ID lesbians who say stuff like well yeah I'm attracted to men everyone can see when a man's handsome I just don't want to go further. I have never understood attraction to even conventionally attractive/celebrity men so that is more weird to me than like. Staying in a relationship because you're attached and they've been a part of your life for years vs genuinely being attracted.
Jesus I am so SICK of people like you sending me asks like these. When will you people ever STOP defending fakebians and understand that no, no matter how homophobic her family is, a lesbian would not willingly spend YEARS sleeping with a man ??? For real leave me alone and go defend lesbophobes elsewhere if you really have so little pride
She isn’t a lesbian. That's it. Everyone who disagrees is a homophobe on top of being an absolute idiot. Even if she's from a homophobic backround, and we don't even know if she is, she still spent years sleeping with her ex, she spent years singing about sex with men, she is obsessed with her ex and talks about him all the time, she is obsessed with men in general and only talks about them, she sings, dances and talks for the male gaze, and she decided to call herself a lesbian only because she hates men and thinks they're bad at sex. Since when is that lesbianism ? No matter how homophobic her family is and no matter how hard she's struggling with internalized homophobia, a lesbian would absolutely never do this.
I don't care if it's hurftul. I don't think she's attracted to women at all, and even if she is, then she's just another homophobic bisexual. Also, I don't understand how it has anything to do with you being feminine looking, lol. Do you think that's why I say Chappell is straight ? I would call her straight even if she was as masculine as Rocky Balboa.
"it's easier to stay with your bf you aren't attracted to" then why dating him in the first place ? Plus I don't think a lesbian could sleep with a man for years, no matter what. Do you have any idea how traumatizing that would be ? And above all, WHY would a lesbian do that ? Also, in Roan's case, she is so obsessed with her ex that even if you believe a lesbian can date a man (stupid thing to believe), it's still very very obvious that she was attracted to him. A lesbian wouldn't obsess over a guy that way.
Anyway, a real lesbian would never start dating a man at all, let alone stay with him for years. If you really are a lesbian, let me give you an advice : stop protecting fakebians. They're not on your side. They're helping TRAs and conservative homophobes. You're working against all lesbians when you defend people like Roan.
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the-sappho-of-lesbos · 5 months
hi, sorry if this isnt a good blog to send this to i just dont know where to turn atm (if this isnt a good blog to ask for help plz lmk where would be better, soz). im 22 and figuring out im sapphic & im trying to join online lesbian spaces but everyone seems so anti-babydyke and im starting to notice that being a lesbian is more about discourse and infighting than it is about wanting to kiss a lady. i thought it was about kissin ladies and thats what i want but how do i make other lesbians not hate me? i feel like all of the other lesbians expect me to have a PhD in lesbianism before i call myself that, before i consider a femme attractive, its like i have to pass thru all these hoops to prove myself even to other queers that im a real lesbian because i can name every lesbian historical figure. again super sorry if this is a bad blog to send this to i do not have a clue who to ask about this or anything im totally lost rn lol (genuinely sorry for literally being that annoying baby dyke ppl complain about rn. ignore me if you want im not gonna be tilted. thx for listening
This isn’t a bad blog to send this too. I’m just genuinely sorry you are going through this and I’m sorry if I don’t have a way to help. But I’ll try my best!! And maybe some more people in the comments will be able to help in ways I can’t.
But just know I’m sending you lots of love and that there isn’t anything wrong with you. At the end of the day, regardless of whatever else is happening, your sexuality really is just simply who you are attracted to. And that’s okay. You are enough ♥️♥️
(I’m also going into this assuming you are at least 18+, so I apologise if I’m wrong on that )
Firstly , you aren’t just seeing things. There is definitely a lot of infighting in the community. Like a lot. I would say it’s typically more intense and in your face online then it is IRL, but I’ve also seen IRL gay groups go really deep off the end with with this stuff.
From what I have read and from people I have talked to, this has sadly sort of always been a thing. We just have different waves of it and different things it might be focused on based on the time period and the world events affecting that at the time. I think in general it’s a very human thing that allllll groups do, but when you are in a marginalised, oppressed and small group of people it can feel a whole lot more concentrated and obvious because there is less room for it to go.
Again, this is just based on conversations I’ve had and things I’ve read, so take it with a grain of salt. But there has also been misunderstandings, disagreements and different beliefs on what things are , what they mean and who should do what in the community. Ranging from politics to fashion to marriage to sex to identities around butch/femme and what it means. For one piece saying something you have another saying something different.
This can cause a lot of confusion and infighting amongst people. A lot of tension at times. And because of trauma a lot of people tend to want to be around people with similar alignments in understanding and belief.
A lot of things can affect that like age , location etc.
But none of that is a reflection of you or your worth or your sexuality. And there ARE people in the same boat as you. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.
There have been waves in the past of some women using and or claiming lesbianism to be a response to sexism. We are currently living in the time after that. And because of that a lot of opinions and thoughts and actions taken place are in a response to that wave. Be it people trying to push it , denounce it , confused by it or hurt by it.
I think this has lead to some of the scaffolding of the current culture we have today.
I understand that need and drive for community and the horrible feeling that can come along when the said community feels like it is in shambles. I feel that way a lot too. And I’m sorry I can’t take that away.
I feel like I’m rambling at this point I’m sorry.
I just want to say though there is nothing you have to prove to anyone. We all figure this stuff out at our own pace. Anyone who treats you poorly for not knowing something or just genuinely not showing interest in it is on them. Your lesbianism doesn’t mean you owe anyone an opinion or a certain way of dressing or feeling. The only person you owe is yourself and that is to show kindness to yourself and be around people who respect you and love you for the wonderful lesbian that you are.
EDIT : I just re-read and you said you are 22 I’m so sorry I missed that 😩
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fictionfixations · 2 months
(per my previous post, let me summarize. i use the name of recent character fixation in other games. this is why aventurine is here as me character.)
basically its just thoughts over 707's route so far (on day 7) thats it i dont think i should tag hsr here lOl.
idk what im supposed to dothis route so idk how its meant to go but i think im being rejected by seven tho i dont know if im meant to be overly flirty or not but he doesnt seem to like it and then the other option (i mean when you talk to him face to face not in the messenger) ended up being 'anything you want to tell me about your brother' and its like thats none of our business but i dont wanna push the other option if acting like that makes him uncomfortable so like ghjsufihsiufh headbang
he said hes not interested in a relationship so like. this is such a fucking trainwreck.
the other routes i had a clue of what i was meant to do cause i learned about the bad endings (i watched someone rank the bad endings :sob:) but i honestly dont remember anything about sevens. like. i know in jaehee youre meant to like encourage her not to be a workaholic and so on zen is to not encourage to quit acting n shit yoosung was to not act like rika
but i dont know what to do in this route or if its normal. i mean you'd think it would be if the game hasnt ended yet but like sometimes it kind of gets drawn out imo waiting for the next chatrooms since its all like real time shit (haha hello if anyones reading this who doesnt know what mysme is, it works in real-time. like morning chatrooms happen in the morning and if youre late to them youre late and can only read through the msgs and not interact. and to progress through the story you need hearts from characters so you actually need to be there and respond lOl.) it gets tiring in that im not a very social person and when i wake up i just want to not do anything for a few hours. but i kind of have to get up cause very important discussions :sob: (it doesnt help that i literally stay up till 6 am, go to sleep, wake up in the afternoon.. thats my awake hours. i am so not a morning person.)
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ferrocyan · 3 months
answered from twitter and i'm crossposting here for fun :3
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
oh he doesnt, straight up just ignores them lmao. when greeted tart will reply back too politely, if he calls you ser/madam/milord its usually out of pure malice lol. when tart calls ppl by master/miss/lord (name) its normal he is a polite boy. but if the name is omitted and its just their title or honorific thats where the danger is www. also calling estinien by "wyrmblood" was the sign that tart was about to murder him. so watch out for that buddy
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
i dont.. think tart says i love you a lot to anyone other than reeq. she said it to her father in the aftermath of the ghymlit dark and to alphinaud in ultima thule. thats... it??? tart gives out a lot of praise and affection freely but not the words "i love you"... reeq gets most of it he should be honored.
14. How do they put out a candle?
use a snuffer and cover the flame. otherwise he just reaches over to put it out w his fingers and is like OW SHIT
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
HMMMM actually something tart collects but never talks about w anyone is music. he commissions a lot of orchestrion rolls composed from tales of battles and adventures, brings a portable player and sings along w the tracks when traveling alone. but he never does this when traveling w others bc he prefers talking to them! tarts favorite song is "the hand that gives the rose" from ravana. his pet falcon is named after it. he also rly likes "dedicated to moonlight" (when i first heard that song something abt the melody just.. feels like exactly what tarts dad would love to play and i could imagine them dancing to that song together so clearly for some reason anyway what im not crying shut up. theyre not even moonkeepers why do i think this augh)
39. Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
ohhh man if you actually ask tart this he would say hed rather be included. but rly being a clearly unwanted presence would wound him deep in his soul. though i dont think he realizes that, like he would feel bad but have no clue why and he still thinks this is better than the alternative being excluded from his friends. but hes wrong
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
its quite different. tart handles professional guilt rly well, like in bozja when he was confronted by bajsaljen tart admitted all he did wrong (despite mikoto giving him an opening to cover it up) and apologized easily. for personal guilt the apology is.. a lot harder to do! hes always sincere abt it but theres also the fear that he wont be forgiven and is hated for it, which makes him avoid the person he wronged. this can ruin relationships sometimes, but if there is no hard feelings and the relationship is allowed to recover, that can become a rly strong bond. bc if tart knows they still want him around even after he did them wrong, theres no more reservations and he is ride or die for this person forever
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
sometimes I think the kid as in Tom was not meant to be this famous. Like his moves are suspicious to me. I would not be surprised if Harry is his publicist. He doesn’t move like a celebrity should idk the complete disregard about the discourse around his name in the last few months has made me realize that he operates in a very short sighted arena. Like I will be honest I am so dumb founded by his lack of response to this whole thing. I mean, this play is just a play right? It is not meant to make or break anything for him. But now it’s breaking him. The very community that he is entering aka the theatre community ( esp black theater in south London) is not happy. So this has now already created this persona about him to the people consuming this art.It really saddens me because I know the kid doesn’t have a bad bone in his body but he lacks foresight. I’m sure Sydney Sweeney would have made a statement if she was in the situation because she cares about pr. I bring her up because we all know Tom has better character than her but she understands her position in this business. Tom doesn’t. Im really frustrated. I wish there was something we could do but like today with his twitter he is not on top of shit! It’s hard to defend him. If Fran comes out of this and speaks and says she wishes he would have done more then it’s really really fucking bad. He missed the chance to be lauded by the community now he is being scrutinized and honestly he deserves it
I understand your frustration Anon, but I think you're catastrophizing things just a bit.
First of all, British theater will be JUST FINE, they LOVE Tom over there (do you forget he started off in British theater?? 🤔 He's not some nobody).
Second, the tickets for all play dates have already been sold OUT. They sold out in like 2 HOURS. People are gonna be sat for this play regardless of whatever "issues" are going on inside of the Twitter app.
Most ppl attending that play probably have no clue what was going on online anyway on Twitter. 🙄
The only people complaining about this casting were racist ppl who o more than likely didn't have a ticket to the show in the first place.
Third.... Sydney Sweeney is nowhere NEAR as famous as Tom is, so while she might be good at "PR", when you're SUPER famous (like Tom is) you do have to think extra hard about your actions (and non-actions).
Lastly, while it's frustrating.... You have to keep in mind that you're just a fan, and to know your place. You don't know everything, you don't see everything. We don't know what Fran might come out saying in the future. She might talk about how Tom and the rest of the cast was super supportive of her, and bought her cards and flowers, and helped her to feel welcomed.
When you make assumptions, you.... well, you know the rest lol 😆
I'm just saying, while it cad be frustrating, I think that as a fan, you have to realize that we don't know ALL the facts, we don't know what will happen in the future, and we don't need to hate on someone in retaliation.
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
Either you're a fan, or you're not... It's your own choice. I personally don't feel like celebrities are perfect, so I afford them some grace, even if they've disappointed me in some way (depending on what it is of course).
Just take a deep breath and breathe.....
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space-station-nursery · 9 months
❄️⸝⸝ Welcome to Babi and bubby nursery!! ⸝⸝ 🌨️
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Babi's Name, age, pronouns┊・𓂃 Hi! im Finnegan, but prefer to go by Finn. Im 20 (21 on Jan 18th) and my pronouns are They/Them! Babi's timezone┊・𓂃 CST! (or central standard time) Bubby's Name, age, pronouns┊・𓂃 Hi im FD, im 21 and my pronouns are He/Him Bubby's timezone┊・𓂃 MST (or mountain standard time) Boundaries┊・𓂃 Please don't ask either of us to be your Little/cg, we are engaged and are not looking for romantic or platonic littles/cgs. Dms are open for anyone +16 or -26 (i had a bad past with older individuals on tumblr). Listen when we say "No!". If you would like to be moots/friends, please at least interact with our posts, its incredibly uncomfortable to have random txts from people asking to be friends that just followed 3 minutes before.
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🚂⸝⸝︰{Regression info} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
About Babi┊・𓂃 I am a flip leaning regressor, and regress to about age 0-4. I am a sleepy, but bubby when regressed! Sometimes i go nonverbal, but i use a pacifier almost all the time. There is a ton of trauma surrounding my regression and it was very hard to regress. Now, with the help of bubby there is hope! I can only regress for small periods of time, and it needs to be assisted but its a great start and i hope that when we live together it'll boost my regression more! About Bubby┊・𓂃 I am Finns CG, and I love my babi bear! I do everything I can to make sure they feel safe and comfy here when regressing, as well as when they aren't Views on sitters┊・𓂃 We do not see sitters as something either of us would want to be apart of unless it was us sitting for/being sat by someone we know very well. My current sitter is @sleeplessjunkie Who generally just regresses with me when bubby is gone while we play games !!!! We will either talk a lot or not at all, and thats ok bc talk is hard! (we're also both autistic)
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What is a DNI? These are "Do not interact" boundaries, this means that if your blog meets any of these criteria you may be blocked\banned\removed from a persons socials. Below are my DNI's so make sure to read them!
・Are anti-agere/agedre(or petre/petdre), an NSFW blog/"SFW" kink blogs like Dd!g/abd!/md!b and other variants. Are an 18+ only blog, Terf, etc. Anything that you would not show a child does not belong here ・Bigoted individuals or peoples that believe in Anti-LGBTQIA+, Pro-ana, Pro-SH, Anti-recovery, MIKs or MAPs, Extreme left/right views, Pro-life, Pro-war, transmed, Pro-mia, Anti-Neos/Xenos. ・Over the age of 27. While you could be a regression blog, and completely SFW, individuals over the age of 27 can become a trigger due to my PTSD. Minors are always welcome, although we will most likely not follow back ・Are a blank blog. This means no banner, profile pictures, posts or names. Blogs like those tend to become a problem and we dont wish to deal with it
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🧣 ⸝⸝︰{Personal stuff} ・ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Babi likes┊・𓂃 Bubby, jay, baking and cooking, playing games, reading (by myself and with bubby) making decor stuff and making custom things! Blues clues !!! if you see a blues clues ask from an anon, its probably me. Babi dislikes┊・𓂃 Bugs, bugsbugsbugs. Being confronted(confrontation), purposely being misgendered, having my boundaries disrespected, bubby or jay being purposely misgendered, uh-…. i think thats it lol Bubby likes┊・𓂃 BABI BEAR, our friends, gaming, cars, anything that has moving parts, reading and watching crime stuff, watching movies and playing games with babi and our friends, and really love the flash as well! Bubby dislikes┊・𓂃 I dont like icky people coming to talk to babi and i (i dont really like talking to people in general), People misgendering babi or my friends or being rude towards them, and i dont like when people disrespect my boundaries I also dont like the idea of sitters because so many people in the community that we have encountered have bad intentions, but there's nothing else i can think of rn
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✩⸜⸜ Mood/Stimboards ✩⸜⸜ Text post (tips, links, etc) hosted by babi or bubby! ✩⸜⸜ Wear or tear! (W.O.T) ✩⸜⸜ Worksheets ✩⸜⸜ Journal // QOTD hosted by bubby ! ✩⸜⸜ Pos quotes/affirmations
These have no specific Dates, they will be posted as we see fit! Each post will be sent between 12pm and 1pm (don't know when that is? find my timezone above)
✨, (☀🐝), 🩷 Send us an ask to claim an emoji and show up here! <3
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Carrd:┊・𓂃 TBD
Pronouns page:┊・𓂃 finns page here!
Instagram:┊・𓂃 Agere insta!
Twitch:┊・𓂃 Finn's twitch! || Bubs twitch!
Snowflake Nursery Discord:┊・𓂃 Nursery!
Dino Lovers Discord:┊・𓂃 Dinos!
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leclerced · 8 months
Ohhh okay so we’re talking real vampire au. I love it tbh. Charles for sure is super old but just loves humans and Max is perfect for being old and grumpy in a godly body hahaha
Poor Oscar is terrified when he learns what he’s become and the stories aren’t only that-fiction made by someone’s imagination. He’d try and starve himself but learns it’s not that simple when you’re a vampire and finally he stumbles onto Charles who immediately knows what’s going on cause he’s seen things like this more than once in his life. He’d be the first of his bloodline so he’d have to learn about the specifications of his powers. Oh damn him meeting Lando whose specialty is seduction and generally making people do what he wants. Can def see a love story here with Oscar being insecure because he doesn’t know if it’s real or just Lando’s powers meddling with his brain.
With them still being drivers I can totally see it too! Like maybe there is one or two super old that decided they are getting bored in their too long of a life so why not hop into f1 car. But then someone getting turned accidentally and having so much troubles because of it. Maybe it does help a little but…(here’s how I’d imagine the vampire thingy to work lol). When you’re a new vampire it’s not like you have all of your heightened senses all figured out just like that and the bits of additional strength are not settled in (?) so whoever would get turned would struggle so much through the first ad second race. Then he’d get used to it and start using it so that’s why suddenly he’s better after actually being the worse for the past weeks. Maybe after one race the hunger for blood would be so bad that he’d attack his teammate? Or the older ones without knowing they’re also vampires ofc and it would be pure comedy with them finding out in that way. Like suddenly they have fangs in their neck and someone’s trying to feed on their almost nonexistent blood n they have this debate whether it’s just weird or uncomfortable or enjoyable??? Either way they don’t know why people are letting them do this haha
Oh god it’s so long probably deserves “read more” right after the first sentence hahaha
yes real vampire au !! my fav vampire stuff is like buffy, cirque du freak, lost boys. that's more what i would draw inspo from. im forgetting some but those are more my vibe than like. tvd or twilight. i like tvd but i like it for the same reason i like teen wolf, y'know?
oscar’s slowly drying out or is extremely sick (what happens to vamps that don’t drink blood?) because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. charles stumbles upon him and immediately knows what’s wrong with him and takes him home, gives him a few blood bags and asks who turned him. oscar’s got no clue, he woke up one morning in pain and in a room he didn’t recognize surrounded by dead bodies. can imagine he’d want to stay inside and avoid humans because he’s terrified he’ll rip into someone’s throat. charles would introduce him to other vampires, and they’d help him understand what he’s going through, maybe telling him about how they were turned. they’d get him to go out and start living again, promising they’d stop him before he could hurt anyone.
lando being super seductive !! i think vampires sharing blood is very intimate but i can imagine lando shares his blood with oscar and oscar assumes he shares w everyone because of it but then oscar finds out he’s doesn’t and lando’s just like “well you won’t bite a human to feed and it’s better fresh. it’s not my fault you’re a big baby.” and totally makes it out to be like he’s doing oscar a favor by letting him feed from him
in a possible racer vamp au, i can definitely see them attacking a teammate after a race, when they can hear their blood pumping and can see the veins in their neck throbbing. im thinking about landoscar and oscar becoming a vampire midway through his rookie season. he manages well enough getting blood from people in the middle of the night and healing them with a bit of his own blood before he returns to his hotel room and pretends he didn’t go out for a late night snack. he’s so careful not to take too much. one day he can’t control himself after a really good race, he didn’t feed the night before and now all he can think about is blood. how it’s pumping through everyone who gives him a congratulatory hug or even passes by, he can’t help but think about sinking his teeth in them. he had a good race so he’s on the cameras giving tight lipped smiles, forcing his fangs to retract during interviews and the debriefs. stumbling upon lando back at the hotel when he’s debating calling room service and snacking on whoever brings his food, but suddenly his teammate looks really good. goes a little blood crazy and bites lando before he remembers who he’s biting, then starts panicking and giving lando his blood to heal him. drags him to his room and is pacing around while lando slumps on the couch.
i think it’s fun when vampire venom makes it’s victims feel euphoric so they’re not scared, so lando’s just like “hey that felt really good do it again.” while oscar tries to figure out if mind control is a vampire ability or if that’s just in movies, hoping he can make him forget this ever happened because it never should have!!
it’s very funny to think about two vampires on the grid and not knowing the other is one! max and charles being old vampires who are bored and decide to see what humans are up to lately, find out about formula one and think it would be funny to race. then one day they catch another driver drinking from someone at a race, like in a back hallway or bathroom, and just being like, “jesus you’re so stupid. don’t do that here! what is wrong with you? who raised you?” and then teaching them vampire etiquette!
i like when vampires have blood and they can feed from each other but its an intimate thing, so only done with someone you’re bonded to, or not really sustainable because it’s not human blood. they could get by but they’re weaker. and i swear there’s one vampire book i read where when they drink from each other they see each other’s memories or something weird like that. they get bitten by a newbie vampire and are like “hey! what the fuck? not cool man!! only my friends can do that.” the newbie is confused why they’re fighting back and why they taste so different than others they’ve fed from
also the drama of a vampire driver getting in a crash and coming out unscathed? just like aha yeah nbd! just got really lucky! haha! stop looking at me. they def have tests done on them (at least random piss tests for drugs, no?) so would he have to mind control ppl to fake the tests ?? how would it work
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scornedserendipity · 16 days
7: The Wendigo and The Box; Winchesters x Younger Sibling (OC)
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quick authors note: hi, been a minute. i started thingking this fic was shit but then i was like "i've read worse and if I know it's not as bad as those fics, then im golden. but enjoy chapter 7. idk what im doing here lol
After Jamie left the Euporium, she got everything she needed, she even managed to find a decent laptop bag. She continued to explore, getting a bit hungry after all the news. She found a local diner and took a seat. Her head was spinning, all the information she just got, out of one person. Lady Luck really must have a crush on her. She looked out thewindow as she waited. 
“Evening. What can I get for you?” A woman asked. 
Jamie turned and flash a smile. 
“Can I get a cream soda and one piece of that pie to go.” She asked with a smile.
“Sure thing boss, do you want your drink with ice cream?” The waitress asked.
“I can have ice cream with creame soda ?” Jamie asked, her eyes getting wide.
“Well yeah. We have vanilla or sherbert.”
“Vanilla to go then, please.” Jamie said pulling a twenty out of her pocket. “Charge me and keep the change.” 
“Are you sure? That’s a ten dollar tip?” The waitress asked. Jamie winked and nodded before turning back to the window. 
She couldn’t help but continue to think about Histor. Besides her Dad that was the closest she had ever been to her mother and she was getting closer by the second. Jamie was no fool though. 
She already anticipated how much research she would be doing so she picked up a journal and some hard drives when she found her laptop bag. 
If someone was looking for her, she should tell her family. Someone, in case something happens. 
She pulled out her phone and passed by Dean and Sam’s contacts till she reached Uncle Bobby. The phone rang two times before her uncle picked up.
“Bobby, we need to talk.”
Jamie explained everything by that had happened in the last week, she explained what Histor told her and how she felt about it. Bobby listened. He was staring wide eyed at his notes as he listened to what Jamie said, taking sips from his cup as she continued.
“Wait, so why even break the spell if it’s protecting you from someone?” Bobby asked. he was never so surprised about anything anymore, more shocked when it didn’t end up being something weird.
“Remember a couple of months ago when you found me by the Corvette in the junkyard and I didn’t know how I got there? He said that keep happening and will get worse. The spell is stopping whatever is inside of me from ‘awakening’ and it could kill me if something isn’t done and I don’t want to die Bobby.” She said. 
“You seem pretty adjusted to this news.” Bobby said sarcastically. “but we don’t want you dying. Have you been losing more time?” 
“I’ve had some time but No, that was the only time as far as I know but I don’t know, even since we got on the road I’ve felt different. I’m getting worked up easier and it’s getting harder to stay civil with Sam and Dean. I just feel like I’m losing control sometimes.” She admitted. “When I touched Dad’s notes, I had a vision. I can feel it, Bobby, whatever Frida had, I have.”
“Well, you call me if you start going dark. I still haven’t told your Dad or Dean about the sleepwalking.”
“Yeah, I haven’t told them anything yet. I’m scared they are going to do something drastic, especially if they find out I could drop dead because of some unknown spell. We’ve never dealt with anything this big before and Dad thinks something even bigger is happening, could they be related?” 
“I have no clue hon, we just have to take it one step at a time,” Bobby said. He was never super emotional or anything, but he was more of a father to the siblings than their own Dad. in the year Jamie had been there, they had gotten closer. They had agreed that she could look for her Mom so long as she told Bobby everything and he promised to keep it between them until they couldn’t.
“So, what do you know about witnesses?” Jamie asked. 
“Gee kid, let me just pull out my notes on biblical bloodlines,” Bobby said sarcastically. “Are you sure you should even mess with this? How can you even trust this guy?”
“I don’t know. It’s all I got right now.” Jamie said. Her order was brought to her table and she immediately dug into the soda float but she still thought about what Bobby said.
“Well if you do trust him maybe you shouldn’t do anything. He did say that the spell is protecting you from someone, you most likely don’t wanna meet them.”
“I know Bobby but you know when you wake up after not eating dinner. How the hunger stays through the day. That’s how I’ve felt since I was a kid. I just need closure.” Jamie said. She heard him sigh heavily on the other side of the line.
“Alright but, if I help you, you have to tell the boys. We can’t do this without them.” Bobby said. Jamie sighed. “And if we do break that spell, you are sticking it out in a safe house till we figure something out.”
Of course, she knew why these conditions existed. Even more so now that she knew there could be someone after her head. She debated for a moment. Was telling Bobby the best thing? It was the safest bet.
“I know, and I will tell them. If they find out from you I will never have freedom again but even though I just got all this information, I don’t think they will believe me until I either have evidence or they witness it. I want to avoid telling them about it if I can. When I first touched Dad’s notes, I saw a vision of him. It felt like someone threw gravity at me.” Bobby couldn’t help but chuckle. Just as he was about to say something, Jamie saw the familiar shape of the Impala pull up on the street. “I gotta go, Bobby, thanks.” She hung up quickly and grabbed her stuff. Sam and Dean were leaning on the car waiting for her.
“Here.” She passed the to-go to Dean, handing Sam the bags of supplies. 
“Is this pie?” Dean asked untying the bag.
“No, it’s a bag of cat poop.” Jamie joked as she sipped on her soda. Dean cringed but peaked inside anyway.
“It is pie!” Dean said showing off the dessert to his brother as if to brag.
“Sam, why didn’t you tell me I could put ice cream in my soda?” Jamie asked innocently.
“Because it’s bad for you.” He said rolling his eyes. Dean put his hand out for the cup, wanting to try it. Jamie stared at him. Sam had been watching her since they pulled up, ever since the hospital she seemed off.
“I got you pie and now you want my soda shake?” She asked, offended. Dean nodded with a smirk.
“Gotta make sure it’s not poison.” He said sarcastically. Jamie handed the drink over to her brother and moved to the back door. 
“Common, we have places to be boys.” She said, opening the door and hopping in. Her brothers followed.
“So. Who were you talking to?” Sam asked as they got ready to take off.
“Bobby. I forgot to call him last time so I filled him in.” Jamie answered. She was just staring out the window, sipping on her shake.
“Okay, what did you do?” Sam asked again.
“Went to a couple of shops, walked around. That’s it.” Which wasn’t at all a lie, it just wasn’t the full truth.
“Okay?” Sam said. he looked at his brother, who was more focused on picking a less-played cassette than anything else going on in the car. In Sam’s mind, something was wrong. Jamie was always excited to tell him about her day, whenever she did something new. He huffed to himself and looked back at the map. Glancing at the side mirror to see Jamie’s face in the window. 
Her eyes were a little puffy. Was she crying?
“How much did you spend?” He asked in a joking manner. California was not cheap, never was and probably never will be. 
“uh, maybe like two or three hundred, I’m not sure,” Jamie answered, not taking her gaze off the window.
“Where the hell did you spend three hundred dollars? You got maybe 50 bucks worth of supplies, that bag was probably another thirty, and food was twenty. Where did the other two hundred go?” He asked. “I’m not trying to tell you how to spend your money but why start spending it now?”
Dean had turned down the music. Hardly ever was Sam taking on the role of impromptu parent, but he was also curious and sam was hardly ever wrong about math. Dean listened silently, ever since he got back she had been acting weird, even before she was attacked. He couldn’t put his finger on it, Jamie had very few tells and they were always easy to miss.
Jamie still didn’t take her gaze off the window. 
“Dude, you’re paranoid.” She said calmly. 
“Then let me see your receipts.” 
“Tossed em. Why would I carry around trash?” Jamie said. Sam was about to keep going back and forth with her when Dean joined in.
“Yes, Dean?” She said, she didn’t want to panic but she felt like the questioning wasn’t going to end well for her.
“Are you telling us the truth about what you did today?” He asked. He wasn’t even taking his eyes off the road, but his tone of voice told her he was serious. If she lied she would probably never go on a hunt again, or leave Bobby’s house. She had the receipts, but there was too much evidence about her excursion on them since she wrote down the spell on one of them. She debated for a while and remembered what Bobby said about telling them the truth. Maybe they would help her?
“Fine. You can’t be mad though.” She said scooting to the middle seat.
“Well, that depends. You already lied.” Sam said. He was usually more patient with her, the roles being reversed were weird.
“Right well, you shouldn’t dwell on the past Sam. I found someone who knew my mom and I asked for a favor.” Jamie said quickly. 
Now it was Dean’s turn to be mad. The car jutted to a stop. Gravel kicked under Baby’s wheels as they pulled off the road.
“You what!?”
“Hey chill out, he didn’t know anything useful,” Jamie said, putting her hands up. She blinked. Dean hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. His brow was furrowed and his lips did not have the usual smirk. He looked torn like he was mad but didn’t want to be. 
“Why do you always get mad when I talk about my mom? I know what you guys went through but that is no reason to punish me.” Jamie said, staring her brother in the eyes; if she looked away now it would be suspicious. 
Sam blew air and leaned his head back. That’s what was off. She was still hiding the fact she was searching for her Mom. It was only weird because Jamie’s a chatterbox most of the time. She would talk about any and everything. Sam gulped and weighed his options. 
Better late than never he thought to himself. Worse case Demario she does find her mom, she did kill those people and she kills Jamie. If they don’t know where she is they may never find her body.
“You’re right, but you don’t know the full story, Jamie,” Sam said. He wasn’t looking at his siblings. He couldn’t. He felt like his life was some huge fucking joke in that moment. Not because of what his siblings were saying, not because his Dad was M.I.A., it just felt like a joke. How he would never have a normal life how he could never really escape hunting or his dead mom, he was just done with it all.
“What do you mean, I don’t know the whole story? She called, she was gone I was there? Right?” Sam cringed when he heard the pitch in his sister’s voice change. She was always level-headed and headstrong. She never cared about anything but being okay but he knew that when she found out, it wouldn’t be pretty.
“Sam!” Dean scolded. He was glaring daggers at his brother. “Why the fuck would you say that?” He asked.
“Dean, she isn’t going to stop looking! When have we ever been able to give her a good reason not too? I’d rather she find her mom and we know than find her and something happens and we don’t know.”
“Yes, she is if she knows what’s good for her. She could get herself killed!”
“Dean, she needs to know the truth. We can’t keep treating her like she is some toddler! Jamie, when we picked you up that night you weren’t the only person in the house. Upstairs there were six men, dead. Dad never wanted you to know that your Mom was probably the one to kill them.” Sam said. He felt a weight lift from his shoulders. “There ya go. that’s the big secret. That is why they don’t want you to find your mom.”
Dean scoffed and threw his hands up. He was turning away from his sister and facing forward. Dean wanted to say something but what could he say? Over a decade of lies had just been unraveled by his brother and his sister had yet to speak.
“Okay. Fine. Let’s just go.” Jamie relented.
“Wait that’s it?” Sam asked, putting his hands up.
“What do you want me to say, Sam? That I’m angry? Do you want me to start crying like a child? There is nothing to change it. Thank you for telling me.” 
The brothers said nothing. Dean turned the engine over and pulled onto the road. Jamie went back to her spot staring out the window. 
The drive was silent except for the pur of the Impala and the wind that flew past it.
She wasn’t going to cry, she was far too old to start crying, but she felt it like a frog in her throat was trying to come up and choke her but she had to get over it. It was already done, it wouldn’t have changed anything, now she just knew.
Now that she knew the truth, however, all it did was confirm what Histor had told her, but the fact that six men were dead the night they got her, wasn’t in the story Histor told her.
She couldn’t prove Frida didn’t do it, but they can’t prove she did. Nothing Histor said about her would give the impression that she would kill six men, but you don’t know somebody till you do. Maybe Histor was biased. What if she died because she didn’t do anything about it? Would it just go away? Symptoms don’t usually just go away without getting rid of something.
“Dean, Sam?” Jamie broke the silence after the first sixty miles.
“Yeah?” They responded in unison.
“You guys would never leave me, right? No matter what?” Jamie asked. Her thoughts were racing with hypotheticals and possible bad endings for her story. “You wouldn’t let me die right? You’d move heaven and earth for me?”
“Of course, you are our sister, what makes you ask that?” Sam scoffed. He tossed a confused look at his brother.
“No reason, I just…you guys are all I have and if finding my Mom means losing you then I won’t do it…”
“Is that you’ve been thinking about for the past hour?” Sam asked, turning to look at his sister. She had turned on her side and was using Sam’s jacket as a blanket. He couldn’t see much of her face due to the lack of light but she looked half asleep.
“Jamie, even if you did find your Mom, we would never, ever leave you to die. We are family.” Dean said, Sam nodded in agreement, looking back at his baby sister.
“Jamie…what’s wrong? You’ve been off since the hospital.” Sam asked.
“I’m just tired. I guess I’m still getting better.” Jamie muttered. 
Sam and Dean shared a look. Sam shrugged but Dean was starting to get worried. He kept quiet though, if anything they could talk when they were sure Jamie was asleep, but he knew something was going on with his little sister.
Jamie woke up to the loudest volume setting on the Impala, blaring Back in Black. She shot up and looked around. Her brother Dean couldn’t stop laughing as she looked around in a panic.
“What the fuck guys!?” She groaned. Sam leaned into the car and turned the music down, still chuckling. “I’m so getting you back for that.” She muttered. Jamie tossed Sam’s jacket by the cooler. She was rubbing her eyes and yawning. They were parked somewhere with a nice view.
“Hurry up, we have to take you to a motel before we check out the crime scene,” Dean said, tossing the tube of toothpaste onto her lap. Jamie sighed and drank some water to clear the dryness in her mouth. She grabbed her bag and dug through it, searching for the plastic baggie she kept. 
Sam opened her door and handed her his cup. The one plastic cup they kept for rinsing.
“I almost forgot how shitty life on the road was.” She muttered as she put toothpaste on her brush and looked around. “Where even are we, how long did I sleep?” She asked. “Can’t I just stay in the car? Ya know, get away style?”
“We are about three miles out from the coordinates. You slept the whole time.” Sam answered.
“Right,” Jamie said. Still groggy and leaning on the Impala. Sam scoffed and got into the passenger seat. He looked at his brother who shrugged, switching out the cassette tapes.
Jamie slumped against the Impala as she brushed her teeth. She tiredly stared into the distance as she brushed. She wasn’t focused on anything in particular, just the dirt road she assumed they came from. 
“Can I camp instead?” Jamie asked as she brushed. 
“No, if there is a case out here the woods is the last place you want to be. There was a body found out here.” Sam answered. “Unless of course, you want to be eaten.” He shrugged. 
“Haha, very funny,” Jamie said. 
She was tired, which was weird because she slept for longer than usual, no weird nightmares making her wake up in a pool of her sweat, and no itchiness inside her ear. It was weird to wake up feeling normal. 
“Besides, Sam and I were talking. Since you decided to lie, you get to stay in a motel.” Dean said, popping out on the other side of the car. Jamie turned around to face her brother. She wanted to scowel but she could barely keep her eyes open. She finished brushing and spit, making sure to turn away from the car. She rinsed and spit again. 
“I don’t care, so long as I can sleep and order pizza.” She muttered. She took a look around and found a decently sized tree. “I’m gonna take a wizz.” Jamie turned and walked away, her hands in her pockets.
“That went smoother than I thought it would,” Dean said, shrugging at his brother. Sam watched while Jamie disappeared into the tree line.
“Do we have to make her sit this one out?” Sam asked.
“Yes! How will she learn if she doesn’t have consequences?” Dean asked. 
“Well yeah, she is tired anyway. She slept the whole time.” Sam said. “What are we going to do if she does manage to find her mom?” 
“Easy, we won’t let it happen,” Dean said. 
“Dean, she is already looking on her own, who knows how much she knows,” Sam said. He didn’t want to throw his sister under the bus but there was no ignoring the obvious. “She is going to be 18 soon. We won’t be able to stop her then. I’m honestly surprised she isn’t putting up more of a fight about it.”
“Yeah, it’s suspicious but we got bigger problems right now.” He muttered, getting into the car. Sam followed.
“Ever since the hospital, she’s been weird,” Sam said. “I can’t put my finger on it, but she has been weird. Tell me I’m not the only one.”
“I know,” Dean muttered before sitting down in Baby.
Jamie returned shortly after, hands in her pockets and hair tied back. It always looked like some kind of puffy cloud when she put it up.
“Let’s go. I want a motel with wifi.” She told Sam not to bother to look at him before getting in the car. “When are we going to Bobby’s to fix the car?” She asked Dean. 
“After this. I can’t bear to see my baby hurtin’.” He said, running his hands on the steering wheel.
“Kay.” That was all she replied with. Sam got in the car and they were off. While they drove they reviewed the newspaper article Dean had found but it wasn’t long till the car came to a slow stop.
Jamie had her backpack, her duffle, and her laptop bag. She stared up at her weirdly tall brothers, normally she would be extremely irritated that she was being left out. She would be fighting to go and help them.
“You guys are gonna wish I was there. You won’t have cell service.”
“We will be fine.” Sam chuckled.
“No leaving, no panhandling, don’t open the door for anyone, and no research,” Dean said with a shrewd face.
“Sure thing, Mom.” Jamie rolled her eyes and turned away. Heading towards the checkout room. She didn’t bother looking back. 
Sam gave Dean a concerned look. 
“We can talk on the road,” he muttered, getting back in the car and driving away.
Jamie let her shoulders drop when she stepped into the lobby of the motel. Why it had to be so far out of town, she had no idea. It felt planned. Like they didn’t want her to have anything to do. She sighed and examined the room. It was very brown but everything looked relatively new.
“Welcome, how can I help you, little lady.” 
“Hey, I need a room for the night. Two beds please.” She said she made sure to grab her fake ID. The photo was of her, but the name and information were just short of the truth. Easy to remember. Dean had made it the one time it was just the two on a case and they needed to see the body. 
The clerk took her ID and examined it carefully. 
“You don’t look 23, you look younger.” He said with a raised brow. He was bending the ID and scratching at it. 
Jamie rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the compliment. Can I get my key now? My brothers will be here sometime in the night as well. Let them up. One will be freakishly tall and the other one will look a douchebag.” She said, handing him a hundred bill. “and I need the wifi password.” She added. the clerk counted the money and shrugged. Lying about your age was the easiest thing, it was as easy as just having confidence.
“Password is, Hitchcross. Capital H.” He said handing her a key to room 12. She nodded and thanked the man before heading towards the room.
It was cleaner than she expected for a motel damn near in the middle of nowhere. The beds had blue quits and a lot of pillows. There was a mini fridge and a distinct smell of pine and something floral.
“At least I get it to myself for a while.” She sighed. Jamie dropped her bags and went to inspect the bathroom and the towels. 
It was a simple bathroom with a tub and shower, nothing fancy but not dingy like she was worried about using it, so that was a plus.
It felt like when she was a kid and it was just her in the motel. For a while, it was her and Sammy, sometimes Dean. More often than not it’s just her now.
“Nothing a hot bath can’t fix.” She muttered to herself while she tested the water temperature. She couldn’t remember the last time she took a bath just to relax. The burns were mostly just scabs now, they couldn’t have been as bad as the hospital was telling her. She was just sore now. 
Jamie sighed as she lowered herself into the bath. Hardly ever did she get a full bath to herself, usually one of her brothers had to use the bathroom before she got to relax. 
It was all crazy to think about. Her Dad is missing, who killed her brother’s Mom, killed Sam’s girlfriend, and tried to attack her. She is some kind of witness, her powers might kill her, and she is fighting monsters rather than working at the grocery store. 
That one wasn’t really out of the norm though. 
“So many questions. I wish I had someone to talk about it with. Would God answer my prayers? Is that how it would work?”
Jamie stared at the bubbles that floated in her lap. The steam that rose from the water and how the smell of her soap. How all of it felt so visceral, how it didn’t feel any different than any other day in her life. Her sad, dirty little life. 
Almost everything was silent. The only sound being made was the sound of the bubbles. Popping away as they reached their limit. 
“Crazy, how a mind could compare something as short-lived as a bubble, to that of a human life, to an impact of change,” Jamie muttered to herself. She felt in a daze, like when the buzz starts to wear off on the walk home and everything starts coming back to you, all your inhibitions coming back to the forefront of the mind.
“Should I follow this path? What else would I do? Become a therapist? That sounds too depressing.”
“You will never be able to stray from your destiny. Jamie.”
“I don’t believe in destin-” Jamie looked up, panicked. It was her, in the tub…with her. She looked around again, she wasn’t in the motel anymore.
“What the fuck?” She asked, putting her arms up to get out of the tub.
“I wouldn’t try that. It’s easy to get lost in there.” Other Jamie said.
“Where am I? Who are you?” Jamie asked. She checked her senses again. She was definitely in the water still, she could still smell the soap.
“In your mind. You wanted someone to talk to. Here we are.” The Other Jamie lifted her hands as if to showcase the expanse of emptiness that currently surrounded them. 
“Okay, I must have fallen asleep. I need to wake up,” Jamie said, splashing her face with the water and slapping her cheeks as if it were a lucid dream.
“This isn’t a lucid dream Jamie. You are here, in your mind. Well, a version of it. You are still in the real world, I can assure you. If you get out of this tub here, your body will do the same thing but you wanted to talk, so let’s talk.” 
The Other Jamie smiled. 
“So are you my subconscious or something?” Jamie asked. 
“You could say that. I already know everything you are thinking, I look just like you. You can call me whatever you want.” Other Jamie shrugged.
“Okay, well what am I supposed to talk about now if you-I already know everything I’m thinking,” Jamie asked.
“Well, you don’t know everything you are thinking.” 
“How so?” 
“Awareness is the greatest part of free will. We have a gift for it. The more aware of the seal and our abilities you become, the more they will present themselves. Whether we can control it or not. Self-”
“Self-actualization is the gateway drug,” Jamie said. She was finishing her sentence. Other Jamie nodded with a smile.
“Your question was what to do next. right? Where to go from here after talking to Histor? How to tell Sam and Dean the truth?”
“I guess. I mean, how would I even tell them? Dad is missing, Sam's girlfriend just died. That should be my biggest priority, but I don’t feel like it is.”
“Ah, the heart…the soul. At the end of the day, we have to do what is best for us. Sam and Dean will always have a life outside of us. We should tell them because they are family, but do we have to? Do we want to?” Other Jamie asked. 
“Well, I do. I want my brothers by my side. They are all I’ve ever known. Finding Frida only means finding answers and there will probably be more questions. They said I would still be their sister even if I found her.”
“That was one thing about Dad and the boys we never understood. Believing that the next step was the answer. Look how that turned out and they will. You could kill a man and they would help you hide the body, but what if it ends up just like Dad and Sam?” Other Jamie snickered.
“Right, Dean isn’t Dad though. These are all irrational thoughts. I suppose the only real question I have is where to go next?”
“You already know where to go next.” 
“The Box.”
Jamie was back in the motel. Still in the bathtub. Any normal person would have questions as to what the fuck just happened. Jamie already knew it had something to do with her powers.
She looked around and stood up. Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself. She headed towards her bag. She had dropped them onto the beds before she ran the bath. 
She tore into the bag, grabbing the box Histor had given her. She set it in front of her. Weighing her options. There is a chance something else could happen if the same rules apply and she is sent somewhere by the book, she will be naked. 
Jamie got up and grabbed her clothes bag, taking out some jeans, underclothes, and one of Dean’s old hand-me-down band-tees she kept.
“I guess I shouldn’t feel weird about talking to myself now,” Jamie muttered to herself, she looked around just in case she manifested another hallucination. “Whatever that was had to be a side effect.” 
Jamie gulped and sat back down in front of the box. She wondered what would happen. Maybe it would kill her. 
Slowly, Jamie undid the latches on the box and opened it. There was no bright light or horrid smell like she expected. It was a book—a spiral-bound book with a bright green leather cover. 
“That was anti-climactic.” She said to herself. She grabbed the book and opened it. It was some kind of journal, not a published book, it would have been typed if it was. There was no title or author. Jamie flipped through the pages, barely able to tell what the words were supposed to be. It looks written in multiple languages. 
“What the heck?” She said to herself. “All that and it’s just a boo-”
Early Morning
“What do you think Jamie has been doing?” Sam asked as they drove back.
“No clue, she better not have checked herself out though,” Dean said, taking a drink from his beer. Sam wanted to say more but he didn’t even know where to start.
“I’m worried about her, Dean. She isn’t acting like herself, ever since the fire.”
“Well, something like that changes you, but I see where you are coming from.” 
“It’s not just that. It’s something else.” Sam said, taking a drink of his beer.
“She is a teenage girl, Sam. Something is off about all of them.”
“When has Jamie ever been a normal teenage girl? Person in general who also happens to be a girl?” 
“Why don’t you ask her? You two were buddy-buddy all last year.” Dean said as he put the car in park.
Sam remained silent but got out of the car with his brother. They grabbed their stuff and headed into the Lobby.
“Hi, we’re looking for our sister. Debbie Derst.” 
“She was right, you are freakishly tall.” The clerk was staring at Sam with a mix of disgust and amazement. Dean laughed and took the key. Sam glared and gave a nod to the clerk.
“Thanks,” Sam muttered as he followed his brother.
“hang on.” The clerk spoke up. The brothers took a few steps back and listened. The clerk looked around and leaned over to peek down the hall before making eye contact with the brothers again. “ I don’t want to speak ill of your sister but some loud noises were coming from up there a couple of hours ago. I went to check on her but I couldn’t open the door, even my master key didn’t work.”
The clerk said, getting up from his seat and following the men. They stopped and turned. 
“What do you mean, loud noises?” Sam asked. He searched the man for a name tag but didn’t see one.
“Oh, call me Earl.”
“You’ve been here all night, Earl?” Dean asked, looking down the hallway. Room twelve was in the creepiest spot—the very end of the hallway.
“Yes, I have. Around six or so, the lights started flickering and then there was all the noise. It’s been silent ever since.” 
“Did you call the police?” Sam asked, glancing at his brother.
“Do I look like a snitch to you mister?” Earl asked. He put a hand on his hip and gave Sam an ‘are-you as stupid-as-you-are-tall? look. 
Sam and Dean gave each other a concerned look. 
“uhm, our sister sleepwalks. She probably just knocked something over,” Dean said, giving a curt nod and a smile. “Sam, let’s go,” He whispered. 
Sam and Dean approached the door apprehensively. Dean watched as the fluorescent light slightly dimmed. 
“Will this key work?” Sam asked as he watched his brother. 
“It better work or I’m dropping lead,” Dean said as he pushed the key in. He tried to turn it but it wouldn’t budge. Dean turned and looked the other way down the hall. Earl was back at his desk.
“Why would Jamie lock herself inside?” Sam asked. 
“I don’t think she did,” Dean muttered as he crouched to be eye level with the lock. He grabbed his lock-picking kit and got to work. 
The door flung open.
“What the fuck?” Jamie said. She was only halfway showing her face. When she saw her brothers she sighed in relief. “Oh, it’s just you two. I could have killed you ya know?” She said, opening the door fully. She had one of their guns in her hand.
Dean stood up and nodded. “Why wasn’t the key working?” he asked. 
“What do you mean? Mine works.” She said as the boys entered the room.
“Jamie, Earl said he heard loud noises coming from here, the lights started flickering and the key didn’t work,” Sam said as he dropped his bag down.
“Well, Earl is an idiot because it’s been quiet as a mouse here. I’ve been asleep, woke up like an hour ago.” She answered, going back to her spot on the farthest bed. “How was the hunt? You guys look like shit.” She said.
“It was a wendigo,” Dean answered. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed with a beer.
“Ouch. Those things aren’t usually out this far.” She replied calmly.
“Tell me about it,” Sam said. He grabbed the remote and clicked through the channels.
The siblings fell into silence. Jamie could feel the pit in her stomach grow. She stared at the back of her brother’s head.
Twelve hours ago, when she interacted with people she could just barely sense what they were feeling unless it was a prominent emotion when they were strong, like fear or happiness. Now she felt like she could sense everything.
“You guys hungry?” Jamie asked, standing up. 
“We ate on the road. You?” Dean said, looking back at her. 
“Uh, no. I ate some sleep and then had some sleep for dessert.” She joked.
“We’ll get something on the way out of town,” Dean said, leaning back and looking up at the ceiling.
Jamie nodded and looked down at the floor where she had stashed the box, it was just barely peaking out from under the bed.
The truth is she didn’t know what she was doing for the last hour. She woke up to the sound of the lock being picked and jumped up. She had no memory of the last twelve hours she had been in the room.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Hi MT,
Im french and i needed to vent about something. I watched the finale when it aired in english. I cried and screamed with joy when he said i love you.
But i rewatched in yesterday, and for the first time, in french. I could not wait to hear "je t aime", also because i love the french voice actor who is quite famous here in the "dubbing" world. But i disgress.
So i watched it in french, with my popcorn, ready to hear "je t aime" . Guess what?
They translated it in... "i care about you, you know" and she answered the same.
I am fucking mad.
What were they afraid of?? That we dont consider it platonic enough?? Im curious to know how it went in other languages, if anyone can help....
I mean if in the original language they were not afraid to use i love you, platonicwise or not, why would they change it in french?? Its bad enough that all the other carylers hates us now because of te spin off 🤣 (joking... hopefully)
That said, Caryl is not the only one who suffered from it.
Rosita's "i'm glad it was you in the end" became "im proud of what you became" which litteraly doesnt mean... the same at all
The guy in the helicopter said to Rick something like "its like HE told you", dont remember the exact words but it definitely was a HE, and it became "I told you". In one case, you hear abt a mysterious character that viewers will probably meet in the spin off, in the other case it means nothing special. Please correct me if im wrong now i have doubts. It was a HE right?? In english
Anyway, i can tell u that it definitely wasnt i love you in french and im pissed beyond mesure.
Im sorry that i cant bring anything positive, i just needed to talk abt it with someone. My friends watch twd but they dont care abt shipping ...🤷‍♀️ lol
Also, now i know that even when i love the french actors that beautifully dubbs my favorite characters's voice, its still better to watch it in the original language... so much is lost in translation, or worse
Some languages translated “I love you” in a romantic context, others didn’t. It’s a really tedious task going through scripts and making notes to avoid miscommunication, and some things unfortunately get overlooked. I don’t think that’s the case here though. The real issue has nothing to do with the dubbing at all, it was the insistence on keeping Caryl’s relationship ambiguous. We can talk about body language and micro expressions all day, but the bottom line is Caryl fans shouldn’t have been expected to connect the dots for themselves after waiting years for the payoff. It was an obvious marketing ploy, a way to put a band-aid on the spinoff fiasco while making it safe enough to reinvent Daryl in the spinoff 🤦‍♀️
The thing is, Caryl fans still cherish that milestone in their relationship. Daryl spoke with conviction. It was a promise, not a goodbye as some have put it, so how the hell are we supposed to buy that he’s feeling uncertain again in the spinoff? How is that “tension” going to make us feel anything other than irritated? Carol is riding Daryl’s bike, crossing a damn ocean, and probably retracing his steps to find him. What’s Daryl doing to get back to her, specifically her, not just “people.” Not just “them.” 🤨 I don’t want to waste my time looking for subtle clues here and there. If the payoff starts with Carol, that’s whose story I want to follow to get there.
Sorry, I had some venting to do myself. I have no clue about the helicopter scene lol
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hi im ur biggesgt fan anwyayi saw that you werre doing headcanons. cani get cinderella and karoug angst headcnaons thank you hhngnnf
thank you for ur stroke I will honor your final wish.
I have a LOT of Kaoru angst headcanons bc I'm a sucker for angst and projection sorry i am cringe but i am free.
So. I will try not to be VERY in depth about them all but I have a big hc that Kaoru has untreated/undiagnosed severe depression that plays into his self-worth issues. He's not actively suicidal but he is passively. like. if i die then that's ok. lol. and maybe he thinks about it sometimes but he'd never do anything if only bc he doesn't want to hurt hikaru. I do have a whole thread I update every now and then talking abt this concept. but the main parts really are. he's super depressed and has no clue how to express this bc he's stuck between being horrible at communicating + not wanting to worry anybody/being a burden so he ends up expressing them thru very cryptic metaphors and then nobody knows what he's saying. hence the carriage thing. (this is me coping with bad writing/hj).
When he's in his depression swings he tends to be very anti social. He doesn't want to eat doesn't want to talk. call him 12 cuz he dozen do anything. he just reads all day bc it's the quickest and easiest way to block out the world. however not moving and not eating makes his depression WORSE and this can really concern hikaru who quickly notices this behavior. thankfully he ends up forcing kaoru to take care of himself which pisses kaoru off for a few minutes until he starts feeling better.
During these episodes also he has a tendency to try and isolate himself from everyone, again bc of the whole self-worth issues. It gets so bad during these moments he thinks he genuinely either is making everyone's lives actively worse or he simply doesn't deserve people so he just tries to cut them off. luckily this never works especially with people like Tamaki or Hikaru because 1. Hikaru would NEVER give up on him ever and 2. Tamaki is the most persistent stubborn man in the world he would never leave Kaoru.
He gets nightmares a lot esp during these depression episodes and he tends not to tell Hikaru about them bc they're always really morbid either about everyone leaving him/him offing himself and he doesn't want Hikaru to worry. Hikaru can always tell something is wrong tho and stick closer to him that day.
Also, when he's upset, Hikaru does everything in the world to try and cheer him up. Try to make him laugh usually. Since Kaoru doesn't like talking about his issues, Hikaru tries his best to make him forget about them. Obviously he'll offer to watch Cinderella with him which if Kaoru refuses then he knows he's REALLY not doing well and then he panics and calls Haruhi for help.
Actually nice segue into the next thing. I assume you mean cinderella HCs relating to Kaoru and not. the actual cinderella property. Which i do sadly have a few headcanons for (i Stockholm syndrome'd myself into liking it) but I'm doing the former since that's what I think you meant.
Kaoru's favorite Cinderella movie is the original disney version, English. He enjoys the Japanese one too but he prefers the original. He says on a objective level the 3rd movie is the best, but the first is his personal favorite. He likes the critically panned 2nd movie and acknowledges it's not that great, but it's still fun and has nice stories and messages.
He has watched nearly all the live action adaptations of the Cinderella fairytale and thinks they're all enjoyable in some way, even if that way is being laughably bad. His favorite character in Cinderella besides Cinderella herself is Gus. he had a crush on the Prince when he was a little kid and a similar but lesser crush on Cinderella herself (bi rights). He can recite all the songs from memory and knows soooo many dumb fun facts. He loves the Cinderella GBA game and has beaten it many times. Him and Hikaru have long arguments over that game because Kaoru thinks it's good and Hikaru thinks it sucks for different reasons (this headcanon is born from the fact I myself have very conflicting opinions on that game that were SO opposite from each other the only way I could adequately express them to my friend was to stage it as an argument between Hikaru and Kaoru I'm not even joking I wish I was.)
The reason he loves Cinderella so much is kinda interesting. When he was a little boy and just learning how to read, a fairytale book in their huge at-home library caught his eye. One of the fairytales in it was Cinderella. He remembered really loving the illustrations, but the issue is, the book was all in English. He was just starting to learn Japanese, let alone English. Determined though, he found an English to Japanese dictionary and translated the whole thing. It took him all day to read that small fairytale and while Hikaru wasn't really paying attention they were inseparable so he just stuck by as Kaoru tried to read this. I guess the amount of effort and pretty illustrations made an impact on his little autistic brain and so he became enamored with the fairy tale. He watched the movie in Japanese and then later in English to help him learn English. The Cinderella movies in English actually really helped him learn the language faster funnily.
Hikaru, while supportive in his cinderella special interest, pokes fun at him for it a lot and soooometimes can get really sick of hearing about it all. the. time. He loves his brother to death but man. just. sometimes he wishes there was a mute button. He lets him ramble usually tho and he finds it silly if not a little endearing most of the time. one time Kaoru found out Renge was a big fairy tale fan and she also liked Cinderella (a normal amount, not like he does) but still they struck up a veeeery long and complex conversation about it that Hikaru was lost in during the first 10 seconds and so he sat with Mori that whole time bc Mori is silent and he just...needed the silence right then and there...
during their birthday one year Hikaru (as a joke) got some Cinderella decorations which embarrassed Kaoru but made him incredibly happy. During the small party Kyoya noted that they had a "Lucifer" plush on the shelf (the cat from cinderella) which prompted Kaoru to go on a 20 minute ramble about how it's actually a rare 1999 run of the plush that he acquired at an auction and he told the whole history of its production line. Kyoya had. a lot to write in his book that day.
ALSO whenever hikaru pisses haruhi off. she goes and buys a discount bluray of a cinderella movies and gives it to kaoru as a gift. bc she KNOWS he will excitedly run home and go "look what haruhi bought for me let's watch it right now!!" and hikaru will have to sit through cinderella once again. and everytime. hikaru knows haruhi is doing this to piss him off. so he makes it a point to act cheerful about it and make kaoru think he's enjoying himself because He Will Not Let Haurhi Win.
ok. ive gone on long enough. my last addition will be said by my kaoru both here:
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