#here are the sad wet animals i was talking about earlier
ar0rin · 1 year
I need to know more….. about your agents… please theyre like little gummy vitamins to me
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS... Im working on an info sheet for all of them so ppl know wtf im talking about so have this doodle page with little facts for now
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iguana-braces · 2 years
I Heard From the Heavens (Rooster x Reader)
Based on this request (and also the iconic “Hold My Hand”) – Masterlist
Description: “You can cry every last tear
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise me, just hold my hand”
Warnings: death, like, lots of talk about death, there’s a funeral, Rooster definitely has some things to work through, it’s 95% sad as shit and 5% not?
Word Count: 2.9k
Note: I’m sure this is way more sad than the original prompt and I am virtually hugging each and every one of you readers in apology. The total number of times I cried writing this: 19. But hey, we finally get a Rooster POV so that's fun 
Also, we’ve got some OC side characters here, so they get randomly generated names because I don’t want to do Y/F/N, Y/F/H/N, Y/M/C/A, etc. Feel free to mentally change the names as you’d like, I’m not a telepath, I cannot stop you.
Spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick (in case you still haven't seen it but are reading fanfic for it for some reason?)
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You thought you'd be able to make it through the day, even as you dressed in all black.
Even when you saw Bradley in his dress uniform. Even as the two of you drove in near silence to the church. Right up until you stood at the door and tightly hugged your friend, Iris, who looked like she hadn’t slept in a month. While you knew she was a strong woman, it was like a simple gust of wind would blow her away at any time.
“It’s good to see you,” she said quietly. It didn’t feel like you could find any words that meant the right thing. I’m sorry for your loss didn’t feel like enough. My condolences. Is there anything I can do to help? You’d wanted to ask that on an hourly basis ever since you heard. All you could do was hold her hands and try to smile and hope that she knew what it meant. That was when the cracks in your façade started to show.
Then inside, there was the casket covered with an American flag, next to a picture of Wes in his dress uniform. The same one he was wearing now. Inside the casket. Funerals were always strange. How were you supposed to reconcile the memories of someone, their laugh, their smile, their shitty sense of humor, with the fact that what remained of them was now lying cold and eternally immobile just a few meters away from you? That was the most infuriating part of it all, the permanence. It's death. It's final, forever fixed and there's nothing anyone can do to change it. You don't even get the chance to try.
Throughout the service, you could feel Bradley’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t bear to meet his gaze. You bowed your head when they ordered prayers, you laughed at the anecdotes of Wes’ bumbling proposal to Iris, his love for rescuing animals, and so on. But something else kept your teeth clenched painfully tight through it all.
This was the church where Wes and Iris had been married, just two years earlier. A wedding you’d been a bridesmaid for, wishing them nothing but happiness and joy in their future together. But two years was all they got. And suddenly, the engagement ring around your finger felt ice cold against your skin.
Then there was the internment. They fired rifles and handed Iris that folded up flag and now you were really crying. There was so much ceremony involved in saying goodbye, summing up the entirety of one person’s life in a matter of a few hours. Celebrating them, honoring them, and mourning their absence all at once. Where were you even supposed to start?
You couldn’t help but think just how easily it could be you holding that flag. Even though Rooster was beside you now, he couldn't stay there forever. He’d have to leave again, and maybe one day he’d be coming back in pieces like Wes. But you had known this, you had known this from the start. And you knew it when you accepted his proposal, what was supposed to be the beginning of your future together. Still, the reality of it all had never seemed to hit you until just now.
You finally let yourself glance over at him. His lashes were wet with tears, but he remained strong, stoic, silent, saluting rigidly as Wes’ coffin was lowered into the ground.
Then there was the wake and laughter and more tears and all you wanted to do when you got home was collapse. Instead, you put on a movie in bed and let yourselves fall asleep to it. Anything to take your mind off it all.
But you couldn’t sleep. Lying there, staring at Bradley in the dark, trying to memorize every inch of his face, the curl of his hair, the temperature of the warmth radiating from his living, breathing body. Closing your eyes felt like a betrayal of the highest degree, you didn't dare miss out on a single second of existence with him.
But the longer you were awake, the worse you felt. There had been times, especially during long deployments, where you woke up in a cold sweat, thinking you’d heard a knock at the door or the ringtone for a call from a voice you never wanted to hear. And sometimes there was no way of talking to Bradley, no way of knowing if your fears were valid or not. All you could do is sit and wait and hope with everything you had.
Even now, it felt like that knock might come at any moment, waking you up from the dream that he was there with you. That was just exhaustion and trauma playing with your mind, but you couldn’t lie there any longer. Even sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea, you felt yourself itching to walk past the bedroom again, just to make sure he was still there.
Taking only your keys and a jacket, you left. These streets were familiar enough that you didn’t mind being out so late on your own, letting your mind wander as your feet carried you aimlessly forward.
Anybody you married could leave you a widow, Rooster wasn't the exception. Car accidents were common enough, so were undetected diseases and random acts of violence, natural disasters, animal attacks. But Rooster chose to put himself in the line of fire. He was a target in the air, a threat, while piloting a delicate aircraft going hundreds of miles per hour, thousands of feet off the ground. A lot could go wrong up there, as you were both well aware.
For the most part, he never really talked about what happened on missions and of course, it had to have been classified to some degree. But there was something more than just state secrets that he was hiding in his silence. Sometimes you could just tell something had gone wrong, he'd been in some kind of danger but he never wanted you to worry about what could've happened. What was important was that he made it back in one piece and that’s all there was to say about it.
At the same time, you had stopped telling him about your nightmares. They didn’t mean anything. They were just the result of your neurons randomly firing as your unconscious mind processed information, or something like that. Just a passing feeling, nothing to waste your time worrying about and nothing to cause him to worry about. But sometimes it felt like you were too busy keeping things from each other that you ran out of material for a real conversation.
And what kind of life was that? Is this what it was like for everyone else? For Iris and Wes? For Rooster’s parents? God, what you would’ve given to know them. For what felt like the fiftieth time that day, your sore eyes started tearing up again.
Letting your head fall back towards the sky, you stared up at the stars. Beautiful as always, but who knows how many of them were long-dead already, blinked out of existence, and you just couldn’t see it yet. We’re only ever witnessing the pasts of the stars, what they used to be, beams of light traveling through space long after the source has destroyed itself. Memories, that’s all they were. Nothing but blazing, brilliant memories.
Rooster had woken up before the sun, as always. Noting your absence next to him, he let himself assume you were in the bathroom and rolled over, closing his eyes again. After the events of yesterday, a little sleeping in could be considered acceptable.
But when he woke an hour later and you were still gone, that was when he knew something was wrong. The house was empty and your phone was still on the nightstand, your wallet still in your purse. Only your keys and sandals were missing.
You weren’t anywhere outside, and none of your friends seemed to have woken up yet, despite his repeated attempts to reach them. None of this would’ve made sense if it weren’t for the context of the situation.
He'd held your shaking hands at the funeral, seen the hollowness of your eyes as they fixed on the casket, probably imagining him lying within it. That’s why he’d always hated funerals. Not only was he starting to feel like he’d been to a few too many of them, but they just felt too much like a mirror, a solemn reminder of his own mortality. Yes, they were a way to help people grieve and to pay your respects and you were supposed to celebrate the deceased’s life, but all he could ever hear was a silent clock ticking down the minutes until it was his turn.
Even though he barely remembered the specifics of what happened, and he was much too young to understand it anyway at the time, he remembered that his dad had been there one minute, and then he was gone forever the next. And then his mom was gone too, and he'd lost friends in the service. He'd even come close to death's door on his own a few times. Loss had been such a huge part of his life, he had forgotten what it was like to fear it.
Until he met you. The thought of losing you was one thing, but the thought of you losing him was worse. That pain had always been a part of him, that gnawing ache of what if. What if they weren't gone, what if I had done more with them while they were here? Losing you was assured to split him in two for the umpteenth time, but he could learn to carry that pain again. The problem was that he refused to be the one who’d inflict that pain upon you. That's why he'd waited so long to let you in. It was a lot to ask of you, expecting you to make peace with the fact that he's willingly putting himself into dangerous situations. And how could he possibly promise to spend his life with you while continually gambling with it on each and every mission?
A familiar voice started to speak in the back of his mind, saying, Just let her go.
No, he couldn’t. If something really was wrong, if you were in danger and he gave up, he’d never be able to live with himself.
Wearing down the tires on his truck, he drove down every city street searching for you, stopping by all of your favorite places even though most weren’t even open yet. But place after place was devoid of all life, and that only made him want to tear the steering wheel in half.
Stopped at a red light near the beach, his foot tapping impatiently on the gas pedal, that was when he heard it.
He thought he imagined it, he couldn’t see anyone nearby.
Something in the rearview mirror caught his eye, a figure waving their arms some distance behind him. He almost jumped out of the car then and there, leaving it idling at the stoplight, but rationality told him to make a U-turn and park at a lot nearby.
Stumbling over the sand dunes, holding your shoes in your hand, you met him at the top of the beach. He wanted to scream at you because where the fuck had you been and what the fuck were you thinking, but you looked unharmed and really, the most important thing was that he had found you. Besides, what was he supposed to say, Glad you’re okay and by the way, I think we should break up because I’m terrified of what might happen?
Sighing, you spoke first, explaining, “I went for a walk but then I was too tired to walk home so I fell asleep on a bench until a cop woke me up. Sorry.”
All he could do was nod, as if that explanation instantly placated the wasp's nest of anxiety buzzing inside him.
“Can we talk?” he finally asked.
You nodded tiredly. “Can we sit though? I shouldn’t have walked two miles in these shoes.”
Sinking into the sand, he wrapped his arms around his knees, kicking up sand as one of his feet jittered uncontrollably. You sat next to him, picking at the stray grasses that grew in the dune. He’d been the one to initiate this talk, but now his mind was as blank as the cloudless, sunrise-streaked sky.
Don’t think, just do. Just say it.
“On that mission with Mav, he got shot down,” Rooster started, his throat dry from calling out your name for so long. “They told us not to go back for him, but I did. And they shot me down too.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you shake your head. I know, he wanted to say, I’m sorry.
“There’s more.”
“Go on,” you nodded.
“We found a plane and got out of there, but on the way back to the ship, they were on us again. We didn’t have any weapons, couldn’t eject, they had missile lock on us and…” He could still feel the shuddering of the ancient F-14 around him, the dull clicks of the ejection handles as he pulled on them futilely. “There was nothing we could do. If it weren’t for Hangman, then–”
“Hangman is the only reason you’re not dead right now?”
“Yeah." Rooster never thought he’d be indebted to that cocky bastard for anything, but without Hangman, he’d never have come home.
"Huh." It seemed you were just as surprised at this turn of events as he was. The events of that day remained an adrenaline-filled blur in his mind, but the aftermath was painfully clear to him.
"You don’t even have time to think about it, really. My life didn’t flash before my eyes. It was just one second that passed right by and that was it, we were back on the carrier. Like nothing happened. But then yesterday and today…” Despite being firmly seated on the ground, it felt like he was pulling seven Gs, his chest crushing under the weight of his own words before he spoke them. “Dying, if it’s quick, it’s easy. You blink and you’re just gone. But for everyone else, everyone you leave behind, it lasts a lifetime. You die over and over for them, every time they think of you. And I don’t want to do that to you.”
The strand of grass you’d been wrapping around your finger split, pulled too tightly.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Bradshaw,” you whispered. “Don’t you dare.”
“I’m sorry–”
“I love you, but you don’t get to decide what I can and can’t handle. I decide that.”
You could tell he wanted to argue, to force you out and rebuild his defenses so impossibly high he’d never see the sun again. But you’d made your decision hours ago, before your siesta on that splintery bench.
Staring up at the stars, it was as if something clicked into place inside you. Ancient memories, that was all you had. The present was nothing but a second, over and done with and gone before you knew it. The future was uncontrollable and terrifying. But he was right, memories are with us forever, the good and the bad.
“Your parents. You don’t hate them, do you?”
Rooster almost looked offended at the question. “...No.”
“You don’t curse the fact that you’re their son just because they’re gone, do you?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Do you think your mom ever regretted the day she met your dad?” Rooster went still at this for a few moments, staring into the waves on the shore. As he shook his head, tears welled over his eyes and he dropped his head to his knees.
“No, she didn’t, because they loved each other,” you answered for him, sniffling, your voice wavering more and more. “And you love them and they loved you and that’s the point of this whole thing. We love each other for as long as we can, even though it might hurt in the end because– Because it lasts a lifetime. It gives us something to hold onto. I’d never regret loving you, Rooster. Not a single moment of it.”
There was more you wanted to say, but your tears were too heavy now. You felt Bradley’s arms around you and you clung to him, his body shaking against yours as you both finally let yourselves cry.
“Just promise me the same,” you said softly.
"I do,” Bradley sighed. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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nymphigeon · 3 years
From me, to you || 07
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♤ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
♤ Genre: fluff, angst, romance, hybrid au, hybrid!Taehyung, detective!reader
♤ Words: 2.5k
♤ Rating: PG-13
♤ Warnings (for this chapter): Mentions of hybrid abuse, swearing.
♤ A/N: Surprise! I'm really sorry it took me this long, but I finally found the time and drive to write again :) Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Synopsis: A story in which he has never known love, so you’ll give it to him.
Series masterlist
06 07
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"What do you mean this hybrid doesn't exist?"
Her eyes are wavering with an unspoken fear, perhaps caused by the bitterness my questions holds. I'm not happy, and she knows.
“It’s just, the chance that a dangerous breed such as the tiger hybrid would escape our system is basically zero..” The gaze she held on the computer screen unsurely moves my way. My expression must've instilled another layer of anxiety to the already existing one, as her mouth abruptly stops moving and her pupils dilate.
“Go on, explain.” The tone of my voice softens a bit as I notice her visible discomfort worsening. Even if there is no way that I’ll get any information from this place regarding Taehyung and his owner, I would still like to know why they’re both not showing up here.
Eun-ji takes a few deep breaths to stabilize her voice. As she does her posture slowly relaxes just a little and her eyes lose some of the nervousness they held before. “Because the first ‘successful’ tiger hybrid ran rampant after killing their creator, anyone who still breeds or creates them is being watched very closely by us, as well as by some other institutions.”
Perhaps it’s my lack of reaction that causes her to trail off at the end. Though I’m not judging her or her story, unlike she may think. To encourage her to continue, I give her a nod, tilting my head to show interest.
“The regular citizen isn’t even allowed to have one, needing special training to handle them. It’s like that for most hybrids that find their origins in wild animals. Creating tiger hybrids obviously requires a lot of knowledge when it comes to playing with genes and breeding them…. Well there are only three organization that are authorized to do so. All the resulting hybrids are registered and chipped.”
The explanation, which turns out to be a lengthy one, gets broken by a shuddering breath leaving her lips. She composes herself, clinging on to the little confidence she has left in her line of work to speak about the rest of her clarification.
“Of course people have tried to do it themselves, but those d.i.y operations have always ended in disappointment. If not taken proper care of, with substances only a board certified hybrid doctor can provide you, the pregnancy will fail. These are no easy practices they are dealing with.”
After the girls’ last words I give myself some time to think, letting a silence full of tension fill the room. It must be obvious that my mind is somewhere else at the moment, as the other girl in the room does her best to stay quiet. I don’t need much time however, my thoughts having quickly rearranged themselves as they were trained to do.
“So what you’re saying is, since tiger hybrids are hard to ‘create’, if you will, there are only a few people who actually manage to bring them to life. And so those few people are kept under close watch, as are the hybrids they successfully wake, am I correct?”
Eun-ji nods affirmatively, clearly happy that I seem to understand the situation. “So there is absolutely no way that someone without authorization has had a decent attempt at either genetically merging a human together with a tiger or getting a tiger hybrid pregnancy to be successful?”
Perhaps there might be a bit of scepticism in the question I asked, as her attitude immediately changes into a defensive one. “There is not! Whatever hybrid you’re searching for either gave you a false identity or is not a tiger hybrid at all, which would seem rather unlikely. I told you they get chipped right? Why not go look into that.”
“He doesn’t have one. We already had a hospital take a look at him, they didn’t find anything. ” The statement seems to shock her, the gears in her head instantly turning as to find an answer to this riddle. She however can’t seem to get one.
“They can be removed, can they not? They’re just under the skin. If someone decided to just cut it out they could. Terrifying, but plausible. Either that or one of your faithful authorized employees has been leaking information to outsiders.”
This is where Eun-ji seems to give up. Her shoulders sagging and a heavy sigh leaving her lips. “There would still be the problem of the missing equipment, test subjects, practice… How would you even get hold of fertilized human eggs to play around with? But I guess that wouldn’t be totally impossible. As for cutting it out… There would be a noticeable scar. The implants are always put in the same place, it wouldn’t be hard to miss.”
I make a mental note stating to ask Taehyung about all of this when I get back. If anyone knows how he got onto this world it would be him. “Is there a possibility that you could have someone look into it?” The girl nods in defeat, paying more attention to the ground than to anything else. “I’ll see if I can get someone on the case. I’ll have them contact you if we know anything.”
After those words she turns around in her chair, facing the monitor that had already put itself into sleep, and turns it off. Taking a notepad out of the drawer to her left, she quickly writes something down with the pen from her breast pocket. “I’ll get on it right away. Would you like me to walk you back to the exit?”
I shake my head. “No It’s okay, I’ll find my way back. Thank you for cooperating.” Eun-ji gives me a small smile, followed by a bow and walks out of the room taking the note with her, presumably immediately keeping herself busy with the extra work. Not wanting to waste any time I copy her, walking myself back into the direction we came from. Turns out it proves quite easy to find the exit by myself.
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It’s already far past dinnertime when I make it back to the office. Not many of my colleagues have remained in their seats, most of them opting for a nice meal with their families. The few that have stayed behind are mostly known to live alone, quite like myself.
I quietly knock on my supervisor’s door, but when no response emerges from within the room, I can safely deduce that she too has already returned home. “I’ll have to write her a report about today later..” I mutter to myself, before stepping away from the door and instead heading to the cells at the back.
Technically the arrest period had already ended for Taehyung, as the law wouldn’t allow us to keep him locked up for any longer without any charges being held against him. His cell however technically was never locked and so even now, he is free to go wherever he wants. Though it didn’t change the fact that he still has no place to go to.
“Good evening. Had anything to eat yet?” He just chose to stay here and we accepted it. “Oh, hello! Yes, that tall handsome bulky man gave me something earlier, I can’t remember his name. He said something about it ‘being the best shit in town’.”
I slightly giggle at his quote, knowing immediately who it belongs to. “That definitely sounds like something Namjoon would say. What did he give you?”
Taehyung looks a lot better than he did yesterday. The stress of the interrogation seems to have completely worn off, instead traded for the sweet bouncy personality he used to show around me.
“Umm it was something in the shape of a circle and it had meat all over it… Oh! I think he called it a pizza? It was delicious!”
“You’ve never had pizza before?” The words leave my mouth before I actually get the chance to process them, causing me to instantly regret ever even opening my mouth. These days are stressful enough for him as they are, he doesn’t need a painful reminder of the life he never got to live on top of that.
The question doesn’t seem to hit him as hard as I though it would though. In fact, his demeanour doesn’t seem to change at all. Although sadly, it doesn’t make his next words any less painful. “Nope! When I first got adopted all they would feed me was wet cat food. It wasn’t great, but at least I got my three meals a day. The foster family I stayed at after my first owners mysteriously disappeared didn’t actually have the money to even take proper care of themselves, so at that time all I would get was whatever was left of their dinner that day, if there was even any left. It was mostly just greens. The lack of meat made me real sick at the time.”
He pauses talking for a second to look up at my face through the metal bars. The content look on his face quickly changes to one of worry once he catches my eyes. It’s no mystery why, I know I look at him pitifully. Even if he may not wish for my concern, I am only human. I can perfectly hide it when I need to, but this is not one of those cases.
“There it is again, that sad look on your face…” He sits up straight on the side of his bed to fully observe me, a tilt of his head giving him away. I send a sad chuckle his way as I reach for the door of his enclosure, inviting myself into the small space with him. He doesn’t object.
“Is it that obvious?” It was meant more as a way to lighten the mood, not as an actual question that needs answering. He still does however, giving me a simple slow nod. “You don’t need to feel bad for me.”
“Someone has to. You deserve at least that much.”
There’s a chair neatly placed under a small desk in the room. It used to be quite lively, with all kinds of bright colours blending into each other. It was a little positive additive into the dark grey room, but after all the anger that has been acted out on it, it no longer has that same shine.
I pull the chair out to place myself upon it, straddling the seat while I rest my arms on top of the back rest. Facing the tiger I use my arms as a pillow to lean my head on, making myself comfortable on the creaking furniture.
“Say, Taehyung, do you remember anything from when and where you were formed?”
He seems slightly taken aback at first, though quickly regains his composure. He also doesn’t immediately answer, first taking some time to think before coming back to me. “I was born a hybrid to two purebred tiger hybrids. They did their best trying to care for me in the little time we got to spend together, but seeing as it happened on a breeding farm getting to spend time with my parents wasn’t the plan. I got sold off pretty quickly, as soon as I learned to hold my first few full conversations.”
“Do you… Would you happen to know what happened to the farm? To your parents?” I fail to hide my apprehensiveness, needing too much space to form a careful approach. This shouldn’t feel like an interrogation to him, I never even announced one. There is little reason for him to answer me, the vital information from his side has already been given anyway. Nonetheless, even though I probably shouldn’t be doing this right now, I can’t just miss this opportunity.
“I heard my adoptive family talking about how the place was burnt down a while later. Most likely the police had caught a hold of it and they had to delete their left behind evidence. Both building and hybrids.”
Despite talking about the death of his parents, he seems to tell the story with relative ease. Probably not having much connection with the far past, his brain too young to truly hold on to the memory of them.
“They were successful too, as the case got dropped faster than lightning. It wasn’t long before the general public forgot about it too, believing it was just another misunderstanding. Besides, hybrid lives weren’t as important anyway.”
The amount of rights hybrids had when they were first created back in the day were close to zero, only strictly being seen as objects to show off whatever possible wealth one may have had. For a while there was even a popular theory going around that hybrids didn’t actually have the ability to feel any kind of emotion or pain. The genetic puzzle wouldn’t allow for it, as it had been tampered with to an extreme extent. This only built on the carelessness shown towards them, slowly chipping away at their sanity.
Although the rumours were wrong, they came from a place of truth. Facial expressions were rare for hybrids, as was the ability to speak. Most of them couldn’t even keep up with regular humans, exhaustion quickly taking over the little anger they could show. Scientists hadn’t yet quite figured out how to perfectly combine the pieces of genetic code and so hybrids were more like living dolls in the eyes of evil humans. Having no voice to object and barely any means to actually hurt anyone, it wasn’t much of a surprise the selfish nature in humans came to rise.
Luckily, or depending on how you look at it, sadly, these first generation hybrids were never able to reproduce. The doll like hybrid features eventually died out with the rise of the newly perfected pieces and the theory was debunked by a group of scientist who actually did care about the hybrids’ wellbeing. Those hybrids had lived through countless punishments, and every single one of them had hurt. A lot.
Right now hybrids in a lot of ways are superior to the rest of us. Having the combined senses of both animal and human alike, society has reluctantly given up on trying to contain them. They are still to be bought and owned, but no longer to be treated like dirt. The smartest of hybrids have even already gotten complete freedom to do as the please, no longer having to be bound to a human to roam freely. However, those unable to pass the close to impossible tests aren’t so lucky.
“I’m sorry about what happened.”
Taehyung gives me a reassuring wave of his hand, effectively trying to lighten the mood, along with a sad smile. It wouldn’t take a trained professional to know he still longs for his parent’s presence, even if he may do well hiding it.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.”
That doesn’t make the situation more okay, but I hold my remarks back. For now, that might just be for the best.
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@suhappysuho @intellectualxprincess @sana-b @littlewolfieposts @nellaphine @the8luvr @deathkat657 @elenaramos1 @namjoonies-dimple
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zosonils-art · 3 years
ohhh can we hear more about sweet woman 🥺
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we totally can!! infodump about this gaslighting gatekeeping girlboss is under the cut as always
sweet woman was commissioned by a super classy french dessert restaurant called the orgueilleux pâtisserie [orgueilleux being very poorly google translated french for elitist/snobbish lmao], acting as both a chef and a mascot! the gimmick worked wonders for the restaurant's popularity, with rich people coming in droves to experience the novelty of food prepared with a robot master's help, and she was quickly promoted to social media manager as well as her original duties. despite her cutesy demeanour, she's much smarter than she looks, and is equipped with an in-depth understanding of chemical reactions and inhumanly accurate sense of timing and spatial awareness. she knows hundreds of recipes and most of them cost several hundred dollars to make
her personality is more deliberately engineered than most robot masters, designed to fit her appearance and be marketable. she's unwaveringly cheerful, incredibly extroverted, and just silly enough that it's cute rather than grating. she plays these traits up a lot for the cameras, exaggerating her energy and playing dumb when it'll appeal to the masses, but even when she doesn't have her public image to consider she's a bubbly and energetic goof. she's a stubborn optimist, and if she can't find a bright side to look on she'll take out a flashlight and make one. her optimisim makes for a good workplace morale boost and an even better social media presence, although when combined with her ditziness and being a bit out of touch from almost exclusively interacting with the 1% it often makes her come across as insensitive
since she's in the spotlight a lot, most of sweet's hobbies and interests outside of work are still carefully selected to match her public image and look good on an instagram post. she has a passing interest in shopping and fashion, and enjoys going to parties and gatherings and what have you to meet new people. she also loves to experiment with cooking and come up with new recipes, some of which end up on the orgueilleux menu. she does, however, have a private interest in chemistry! as mentioned earlier she knows a fair bit about it already, since cooking is just chemistry with a restricted set of substances, and in her own time she ended up getting curious and reading into the sort of reactions that arise from chemicals she doesn't work with. she rarely mentions this interest herself, but she gets super excited if someone brings it up or gives her the excuse to talk about it, and it's probably listed as super secret trivia about her on the pâtisserie website
unlike other robot masters, sweet has an acute sense of both smell and taste! [since robots seem to only use e-tanks for fuel, there's not much benefit to smelling or tasting things, so i personally believe that most of them don't have those senses unless it'd directly benefit their job.] being able to actually taste the food she cooks makes it much easier to tell if she's doing it right, especially if she's trying to come up with something new. she's also capable of replenishing her energy by eating - it's less efficient than e-tanks, but she thinks they taste gross so she always opts for actual food. fittingly, she has a massive sweet tooth, but she's accustomed to only the highest-class dining and dislikes cheaper or less 'refined' tastes
her magical girl vibe, brought to you by someone who has watched maybe 4 episodes of anime that weren't sonic x, is entirely an aesthetic and marketing gimmick rather than serving any functional purpose. she'll play it up for promotional videos and photoshoots, twirling her fork-trident thing and striking dramatic poses and calling out thematically appropriate attack names like 'sparkling sugar swirl' and 'cinnamon whirlwind' whenever she does anything, but it's mostly for show. while she genuinely enjoys the shouting and posing and twirling, she massively tones it down when she's not performing, maybe occasionally saying an attack name at a reasonable volume while she works. her fork-trident thing isn't even a real weapon, magical or otherwise. it's just styrofoam with metallic paint on it
sweet's weakness to harpoon shot was decided before i figured out exactly what tide man's weapon would be, going on the idea that getting food wet tends to make it sad and gross. this logic doesn't quite carry over with harpoon shot being, well, a harpoon rather than something specifically water-based, but i imagine shooting a cake with a harpoon would also be a very one-sided battle so this weapon wheel makes sense i promise. i guess you could also make the argument that it's because sweet is only experienced with a fake pronged weapon made of foam and would be completely blindsided by a real one? maybe it's that tide is so staunchly anticapitalist that his weapon inherently vibe checks her? i'm grasping at straws a bit over here but listen, if mega man 5 can insist that water is elementally weak to trains, i can insist that it's elementally strong against the french
i think her stage could be some kind of factory! lots of conveyer belts definitely, maybe some crushing hazards, definitely a few mets. the idea there is that she's seized a major food processing plant and is using that position to wreck the regional supply chain. even when she's evil, she basically keeps the exact same personality she shows to the public with only a noticable capitalism upgrade. she has pretty much no combat abilities on her own, but at her own suggestion she was upgraded to shoot a specially formulated icing that's acidic enough to burn through thin metal, finally putting her interest in chemistry to use. her fork-trident, on the other hand, was not changed in the slightest. still just styrofoam. i think it'd be pretty good if she opened her battle with it but even if it hits mega man it only deals one point of damage and the second it touches something it snaps in half and she never pulls out a new one
designing sweet was pretty fun because she's pretty different from my usual taste in character design! my experience with the magical girl genre is that i read about half of sailor moon when i was 12 and absorbed everything else through pop culture osmosis and tv tropes pages, so it was definitely fun to draw what i think a magical girl might look like. i also don't use oranges and yellows much, so picking out her colours made for an agonising exciting challenge! she didn't change too much from the initial microsoft paint sketch, although she lost a skirt layer along the way because i didn't feel like figuring out how to draw another one, and her weapon was originally just a big fork that probably would have been a ksjfjhkjhfillion times less cumbersome to draw. oh well. live and learn [HANGIN ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW]
that about wraps it up for sweet woman, i think - thank you so much for asking about her!! here's the transparent art and the version without 15 different filters on it to make it look kinda like an 80s anime screenshot
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sweetcavill · 4 years
Daddy Henry takes care of his sore and needy Little!Reader
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I’m writing this because I’m pretty sure my new job is gonna kill me. My feet hurt so bad after this week that I could barely walk and i lowkey wanted to be a crybaby about it but i held back and this is the result lmao.
Daddy!Henry x Little!reader 
When you had gotten your new job you had been so excited, and Henry had been so supportive of you despite the fact that you both knew could have taken care of you if that had been what you wanted.
What you didn’t expect was how badly you would be hurting as you got used to it. It was constantly running around and even with your most comfortable running shoes, you were extremely sore after a while
You tried to play it off, a little embarrassed that you were so sore when all your new coworkers seemed to be fine. Hell, Henry did far longer far harder days when he was doing movies so who were you to complain? 
But this last shift had been hard. You had screwed something up and your coworkers were understanding since you’re so new but you still felt bad that they had to fix it. Furthermore, a customer got mad at you and you have a huge blister on one foot that was stinging really bad. All of this on top of just being really sore. 
So when Henry picked you up after your shift, you were already feeling terrible and really just needed the comfort of your Daddy. 
When you got in the car, you leaned over and kissed Henry softly. “Thank you for picking me up today.” And then  you started shoving your mask and name tag into your purse
Henry watched as you got frustrated with the clip on your nametag getting stuck in your shirt, and then have issues with the zipper of your purse and eventually shove it down to your feet. 
He knew you only got so easily frustrated when you had a bad day, or when you needed to be little and usually those things intercept. 
“You are very welcome but… Are you okay love?”
You looked up at him as he started pulling out of the parking lot and if he weren’t looking out at the road he would have seen that your eyes were glossy. “I’m okay, I just really wanna go home. It was a long day.”
His hand took its place on your thigh and he gave you a quick glance.  “I’m sorry you had a long day baby. Do you wanna tell me about it?”
You thought about it but you really didn’t feel like complaining about your day considering he had been up since far earlier than you working hard himself.
“No, there’s no point in me whining about it. I’m fine baby.” Your voice was soft, and you tried to sound neutral but it came out sad. 
He thought about pressing it harder. You definitely seemed like you needed to talk about it and he knew you likely wouldn’t bother if he didn’t try harder but for now he really just wanted to get you home and not upset you anymore. 
However, there was something he could do for now. 
“Do you want to be little, my love?”
Those words on their own made you feel small, and your exhausted mind and body wanted you to take him up on it. 
“I...maybe a bit. But it's ok, I can be little later. We both had busy days.”
Henry didn’t say anything, just squeezed your thigh gently before popping open the glove box in front of you. Inside sat a small stuffed whale you had gotten from a claw machine, and a purple pacifier. 
You stared at them longingly, and Henry nearly laughed when your hands twitched to grab them before falling back in your lap.
“Go ahead little one, let me take care of you. I want to take care of my babygirl.”
Those words were exactly what you needed. You glanced at your Daddy one more time only to find him looking at you with a soft expression. 
Without looking away your hands reached for the stuffed animal and your little side rejoiced in the soft velvet. Henry smiled and looked back to the road as the light turned green. You had barely noticed that the car had stopped in the first place. 
You looked down to the toy in your hands and smiled, before pulling to rub it against your face. You had forgotten it in the car when you bought it, and it became your road-trip comfort. It was a small blue whale, and one of the softest toys you had.
You didn’t even notice Henry grab your soother as well until he was offering it at your lips. You took it without hesitation and sucked on it gently, reveling in the comfort it provided. Henry’s large hand swept up to pet your head gently before falling down to its place on your thigh. 
The tension in your body had practically melted away completely. The only thing that you could still feel is your sore feet. You squeezed your stuffy a little harder and tried to wiggle your toes. That made them hurt more and you whimpered gently behind the bobbing pacifier.
“Almost home bug, don’t worry.” Henry assumed you were just eager to get home. You sighed through your nose and tried to toe your shoes off but they were tied too tightly and you whined again and then pressed your face into the whale’s stomach. 
By the time Henry pulled into the driveway at home you had shifted in your seat to be facing him and had wrapped both hands around his arm, the stuffed animal sitting safely on your lap. 
Henry unbuckled your belt and gave you a quick kiss on your soother to make you giggle. “Alright darling, let’s go get you comfy.”
He turned and got out of the car and you did the same, but as your feet touched the ground you cried out. They were already hurting and now in your littlespace you were even more sensitive. 
Henry was already nearly around the car when you yelped in pain and he rushed to your side. “What happened baby, what’s wrong?”
You were tearing up again but this time made no move to hide it. You mumbled behind your paci and Henry sighed before gently slipping the silicone past your lips. “No, Daddy, please give it back!”
He pulled you to his chest as he leaned past you to put it in the cupholder. “I can’t hear you when you have it in love, and this one has to stay in the car anyway. Now, tell Daddy what happened.” He pulled back to look down at your tear filled eyes. 
“My feet really really hurt Daddy, when I stood up they hurt even more!.”
Henry slid his hands down your back. “Oh, come here bug. How about I carry you until your feet feel better huh?” And before you could answer you were swept up into his arms. He gently pulled the toy from your hands and tossed it into the passenger seat so he didn’t get lost.
You hid your face in Henry's neck as he carried you to the front door, placing you in one arm to unlock it. As soon as the door opened Kal was there, excited as can be that you were both home. He barked and you whined, trying to hide further into Henry's neck.
Henry knew this likely meant your head was hurting as well, and quickly quieted the excited dog. Kal stopped barking but sniffed at your hanging legs to try and get your attention.
This made you giggle a little bit and try to pet his head with your feet as Henry toed off his own shoes.
He placed you on the bench at the door and Kal quickly sat on the floor, pressing up against your right leg. You were so distracted that you didn’t even complain about being put down. 
Henry kneeled and began unlacing your shoes, but as he moved to pull them off you gasped and pulled it out of his grip. “Ow! No Daddy!”
Henry grabbed your ankle more firmly and gently pulled your foot back into his lap. “It will feel better after they’re off princess, I promise. Try and stay still for Daddy.”
You tried to pull your foot away again but he had a stronger grip this time and his other hand quickly pulled it off your foot as gently as he could. 
Unfortunately, it still hurt your throbbing feet and a tear fell at the pain shooting up. “No more Daddy, it hurts, please!”
He gently ran his hands up your calves, avoiding your feet but still gently massaging your aching legs. “I know baby. One more. Why don’t you sit on the floor this time and hug Kal while Daddy does the other one, and then you can go have a hot bath?”
You sniffled and squeezed your wet eyes shut but nodded, and Henry helped you slide to the floor slowly. You buried your face in the Ankita's neck as he snuffled your hair, making you giggle lightly even through the tears. 
Henry unlaced your shoes the best he could, and then gripped your ankle tightly and pulled the second one off quickly. You yelped, startling the dog but before another tear fell Henry was standing up and pulling you back into his arms.
You cried softly into his shoulder and he pet your hair, whispering gently to try and calm you. He searched the kitchen and the living room before finding one of your pacifiers on the coffee table. 
He made his way upstairs and into your shared bedroom and placed you on the bed. When he pulled back, he could see that you were still crying softly. He sighed and placed his hands on your cheeks and wiped away your tears. “Is it just your feet still hurting?”
You shook your head gently. “My legs hurt an’ my head hurts and my feet still hurt Daddy.”
He leaned forward and kissed your lips softly and then pulled back and slipped the new paci into your mouth. “Daddy is gonna get you feeling all better sweetheart, I promise.”
He stood back up over you and began undressing you, starting with your shirt. After he had it over your head, you leaned forward and pressed your forehead into his stomach and he chuckled softly. He pet a hand over your head and then trailed down your neck to unclasp your bra. 
As he pulled the straps down your arms you whimpered, the pain of extended wear shooting through your breasts. “I know love, I’m sorry.”
“S’okay Daddy.” You mumbled behind your paci. 
He gently laid you back and began unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off along with your panties, and then took a moment to admire your body. You squirmed a little as he stared at you, and pressed one of your sock clad feet up to his chest to catch his attention.
He laughed again and grabbed your foot, gently peeling the sock away. Your feet were practically swollen, and you had a band-aid on the side of your big toe. 
“Oh baby, no wonder your feet hurt so bad. What happened to your toe?”
“Blister. It really hurt.” You whimpered. 
He gently leaned and kissed your ankle, sending goosebumps up your prone body. “I bet it did love.” He quickly removed your other sock and gave your other ankle another kiss and you shivered this time. He smirked gently and ignored your squirming hips. “Oh, my little girl is getting cold. I’m sorry baby, I'll go get your robe.
He turned to the closet and went to get your fluffy yellow robe. He put his hand out and you took it, sitting up and letting him drape the robe over your body and pushed your arms through.
“Stay right here, Daddy is gonna go get your bath ready and we can get you nice and cozy. After your bath we can have dinner and then someone is having an early night I think.”
“Nooo not bedtime yet.”
Henry laughed and kissed you on the forehead. “Not yet bug, after dinner.” And then he left to go run the bath. 
He dropped in some Epsom salts for your muscles and some toys if you were feeling like playing in the bath, and then went back out to get you.
He found you trying to rub your feet and cringing when it would hurt, and swatted your hands away. “Don’t touch, they need a break. Come on, let's go get you in the bath.”
He brought you in and slipped your robe off, lowering you into the deep tub gently. The water was perfect and already felt great on your sore body.
He gently pushed your toys towards you and you poked them a bit but ultimately laid back, the warmth of the bath and the exhaustion of the day getting to you.
“No sleeping yet love, play with your toys while Daddy cleans you up.”
He wanted to keep you in the bath for as long as he could to get your muscles feeling better, but he also didn't want you falling asleep before he got some food in your stomach.
After nearly an hour of desperately trying to keep your eyes from falling shut, Henry pulled you out of the bath and wrapped you back in your robe. He pulled the plug and carried you back into the bedroom, but placed you at your vanity instead of the bed so you didn't try to lay down.
All this time your paci never left your mouth. Henry picked out a nightgown for you, nudged your robe off and quickly slipped it over your head. 
“Hungry, Daddy.” “I know love, let's go eat.”
He picked you up again and you couldn't be more grateful for all those workouts he does. You certainly didn't feel like walking and you were sure he wouldn't let you now anyways. 
You hooked your paci on your finger and whispered; “Can we have soup Daddy?”
He smiled at the request, he knew you meant the canned kind that was never used when he was home. “Are you sure sweetheart? Daddy can make whatever you want.”
“Soup is fast.”
“You're right baby, soup is fast. But I'm gonna make some grilled cheese too, and you can have some fruit with it.”
You pouted at that but didn't argue. 
Not 20 minutes later you were at the table with your soup, grilled cheese and a bowl of fruit. Henry sat beside you with his own food and the two of you dug in. 
He had to remind you to slow down more than once, and by the third time he took your spoon away and began feeding you himself. “You’re gonna hurt your little tummy my love, let Daddy help you.”
By the time you were both finished you were clearly about to pass out, but were still fighting Henry on it. 
“Look at you little girl, you're exhausted. It's time for bed.”
“No, because bedtime is at 10 and it's only 8:30!”
“Bedtime is when I say it is, and I don't appreciate hearing the word ‘no’ out of your sweet little mouth. You need some sleep, let's go.”
His stern tone was enough to make you stop arguing, and your eyes were glossy again as you apologized softly. 
Henry sighed and pulled you back up into his arms and began walking up to the bedroom once more. “It's okay little love, I know you're feeling delicate right now but that's exactly why you need to go to bed.”
He laid you under the covers with utmost care and popped your paci back into your mouth once more. He quickly changed into his own pajamas and crawled in beside you, chuckling lightly as you immediately clung to him.
He wrapped his arm around you and you draped a leg over his lap, and your eyes were already threatening to fall shut for the night. Before they did you buried your face into his bare shoulder and mumbled around your soother as clearly as you could. “Thank you for taking care of me Daddy.”
“You are very welcome little one, and you can tell me about your day in the morning. I love you very much, my sleepy girl.
“I love you Daddy, goodnight.”
Your Daddy always knows how to make it all better.
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
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Thank you dear Anon for your request! Also because, I had already started writing a possible sequel on my own, your request arrives perfectly!
Note: I imagined these events after the one-shot you find here. In any case there are only subtle references.
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35- Tokyo Ghoul- Uta x human!Reader (pt. 2)
"Beyond the Mask"
Uta sees you there, curled up in the chair in front of the table like a wet little bird, despite the fact that you are now wearing his warm clothes, which fall softly on your frightened figure. He doesn't mind lending it to you, on the contrary, he tried to find something that wasn't too extravagant, coming out with a heavy black sweatshirt and wide gray pants. He thought that this clothing could help you put yourself at ease, but he also understands that being wrapped in his clothes for you doesn't have to be so reassuring. You probably accepted this only to avoid being immersed in the nauseating humidity of the body fluids that stick to your skin.
He can't tell if your following him was a sign of courage or fear. You didn't say anything, and the few words you whispered were kind; you also thanked him. It almost seems like you are straining to try to be calm, but it's the small, meaningless gestures that betray you. Earlier you insisted that he be the first to shower and change, although it would have been more logical for you to go first; yet perhaps for you that was a way to get the killer monster out of sight, or at least partially forget it.
Uta is unable to understand you right now, nor does he really pretend to, he is already grateful enough that you are intelligent enough to understand that it would be almost suicidal to return to your home in the condition you were in, especially after what it happened.
No, he doesn't pretend to understand you, but to understand himself a little more, yes. Uta is a labyrinth, with a thousand streets inside, which intersect and cancel each other out. A thousand paradoxical streets where after a turning point you can find someone completely different than the person you met. Yet all those roads are authentic and sincere, in their sweetness or in their violence.
He is aware of this, it is clear to him, but as the owner of his soul he should know how to pull the strings, understand what is happening inside. Yet he doesn't know now, or he can't really explain it.
He feels sadness, a deep sadness to see you so small and afraid. He would like to hope your snuggling up to him in that alley was dictated by mutual trust and not despair, but he doesn't even know if you're aware of that. He doesn't really want you to be scared of him, but at the same time he sees no way to stop it.
He also feels angry with you. Because deep down he knows that you are unconsciously judging him. The same fear you evidently feel makes him angry. He didn't eat you, right? So why do you have to be so scared in front of him? It was you who ran into his arms, wasn't it?
Yet he still can't tell you that, because you are doing absolutely nothing threatening towards him. You simply indulge him timidly, tremblingly accepting his care that will never be able to reassure you.
Maybe you've never really felt as confident in him as Uta hoped. Being in his house, first naked in his bathroom and now in his clothes maybe it wouldn't have been pleasant for you even if he had been human, let alone now with all the terror you've accumulated… after what you saw.
Uta is the author and accomplice of things that you would consider horrible, it is his nature, he is not able to change, he needs that to feel alive.
But you also make him feel alive. He likes that cordial, playful confidence that you take with him, the one that remains within limits, but which somehow transmitted the affection of a kind heart; like that time, when you playfully smeared his nose with red paint with the brush you were using. You apologized right away, but you laughed happily and enjoyed watching him, and Uta liked it, so much that he returned the favor with some yellow color.
You are spontaneous, and he likes it, even if now this spontaneity of yours is pulling you away from him, even though you try to pretend it isn't.
In the end, he really wants to take care of you. But how can he do it? He can't even really offer you anything other than a cup of bitter coffee.
He looks for a moment at his own reflection in the dark drink, so indistinct and blurry, before placing the cup on the shelf in front of you slowly.
You look at him suddenly, as if you have just woken up. Uta smiles kindly at you: he has always been kind to you. You smile at him too, but he could swear that you only do it to please him, for fear of a negative reaction from him.
He would really like to sit in front of you, so he can talk as you do every time you meet in the coffee shop, but he instead leans against the wall with his back, a wall quite far from your warmth and your presence. He too has a hot cup in his tattooed hands, but he doesn't really want coffee; maybe he just hoped that if he drank something familiar to you - something that didn't speak your language before he was devoured - you would trust again.
You take a sip, probably more out of politeness than out of desire, and your expression turns into a small involuntary pout as you perceive the bitterness of the coffee on your tongue.
Uta would find it funny if it weren't for the whole situation.
"I'm sorry…" his quiet voice of him draws your attention to himself. He doesn't really know what he's apologizing for. "I have no ... sugar ..."
The relaxed musicality of his voice is slightly cracked by uncertainty.
He has no sugar to console you, no regular sugar at least. It's already strange that he got the coffee. He never really welcomes real guests, only customers, now that he thinks about it; there are rare times when he really has to welcome someone outside of his "business", generally speaking.
You do not answer immediately, your gaze cannot help wandering over his figure, his body, his chest and his abdomen.
He smooths his baggy black sweater, as if to make you realize he's noticing your eyes, and then take a sip from his cup.
"Don't worry, it's okay ..." you assure "in the end ... I like to try new things ..."
Are you talking about sugar?
Your voice is a twitter that leaves him with vague hope. Are you trying to tell him something?
He's not really afraid of you going around talking, you told him you wouldn't and he knows you won't. You are not that different from Renji in this.
You turn the cup over in your fingers, looking at that dark liquid, and then turn to him again.
"Don't ... want to sit down?"
You ask him shyly, as if you feared rejection, but you asked him anyway.
You amaze him, of course. That is a little melancholy surprise, your calling him close, your giving him a little illusion of closeness.
But do you really want him there?
With a nod he slowly approaches, as if he is approaching a wounded animal - or prey - and he slowly sits in front of you.
The cups of coffee that nobody wants look at each other, placed in front, close together, like when you happen to meet at the end of the day in the cafe. It was a good time for Uta, he enjoyed pretending that there were no Ghouls and Humans, silenced his hunger so attracted to you and focused on the pleasure of your presence as if you were no different.
But now the charade is over, you two are not alike, and for some reason it hurts him.
Your gaze rests docile on his face, and he smiles lightly.
He is beautiful, you really think so. In a way, those red and black eyes are the only ones that fit him. Uta is not of an objective beauty, he must like him, and you really like him.
"You know..." your murmur puts him on alert "I ... I hear the news but ... it's hard to think that it could happen to you, when you hear about ghouls ..."
"It didn't happen to you."
His calm voice stops you immediately, and despite his flat tone makes you feel accused. He didn't hurt you, you can't say he's your turn. If anything, he is the turn of your tormentor.
"I ... no ... I meant that I had never thought of meeting one ..."
You justify shy, and he realizes he scared you. You're probably thinking that the first misstep you take will automatically become his next meal.
His lips press in a thin line, while he looks at you calmly.
"We are not that rare, you know ..."
He informs you, understanding that you would never speak if he remained silent.
There were ghouls even more integrated into human society than he. You were kind of his exception to him, his regular break from his violent life, even though he still had other human connections.
"Do you want to eat me?"
The question comes out suddenly, interrupting any flow of thought. It is less insecure than you thought, but deep down you both know that that's the core of it all.
He looks you straight in the eye, without giving in to the gaze and somehow gluing your pupils into his.
He could tell you that if he had wanted he would have done it already, he could say many things, yet he doesn't want to lie, he owes you and you owe it to him.
"It would be nice."
His voice is kind of calming despite the harshness of those words. As scary as they are, you don't react, and let him talk again.
"But it would also be extremely sad for me."
His tattooed fingers twirl around the slowly cooling cup, and you wonder if his heart has started beating a little faster, like yours, despite his mute expression.
"As tempting as eating you may be ... it would be very sad not to see you again."
A spark suddenly lights up in your eyes, it's so beautiful and bright that Uta opens his lips slightly in amazement, seeing that little light in you, so unexpectedly. He can't say if it is the hope of being able to live still that ignited it or that unspoken admission of affection, but that's okay with him.
"Would you be sad, Uta?"
You ask with a voice covered with expectations. He does not know how it happened, but it seems that your focus has shifted to something else, so suddenly.
Your cheeks just blush, and you smile as you look down at your hands. That smile isn't for him, it's for you. Uta wasn't hoping to see you smile again, yet there you were, wrapped in his baggy clothes smiling genuinely, as if you had suddenly forgotten the fear.
Your fingers intertwine in front of the cup, and your face doesn't dare lift up on him, but this time it's not fear that stops you.
“A Ghoul… sure, I had to know. In fact, in the end I knew it. Being a human would have been too trivial for you. "
Take another sip of coffee, and this time you commit yourself to putting up with the bitterness, even if you don't quite succeed.
Uta allows himself a slight amused smile.
"Oh yes?"
His is a rhetorical question that you just nod.
He drinks too, plunging both of you into a less heavy silence, but which still lingers in Uta's mind doubts that he would like to silence.
"Now where will you go?"
He is used to those he cares about disappearing far away. It wouldn't be new to see you walk away from him, he's not really hoping to be able to hold you back, despite what you said. Life simply changes people, and with them the world, he is aware of it, as he is aware of the fact that after this night the world between you two has changed, and as always you will be the one to change with it, while he will remain there, immobile.
"Do you want ... I have to go home?"
You ask confused, glancing towards the door. Night out scares you, you prefer the wolf's lair more than the dark and unpredictable shadows of the dark hours.
You didn't understand what he meant, how could you? Yet somehow Uta expected you to do it, he expected you to tell him this was goodbye. Yeah, is this goodbye?
"No, you don't have to go home if you don't want to ..."
It's hard to ask you to stay, to really stay. It is difficult to ask you to stay with him, because if you refused it would be a defeat, if you felt forced you would no longer be you.
“So you can't eat the food? Normal food I say ... so the idea of inviting you to lunch is out of the question. "
Your words break the melancholy in his mind again. He looks at you, his head slightly bent towards his right shoulder:
"Did you want to invite me to lunch?"
You wonder if it's really that surprising that you had such an idea. Should you be ashamed of it? Maybe this is inappropriate for him?
"I wanted. I mean, I've thought about it. It seemed nice to me. "
It seemed nice to you. You were cute, Uta often thought that. Here it is again, your gentle affection; it would have been a problem to refuse you if you really asked him to share lunch. He had never gotten used to pretending to eat human food, even though he tolerated smells quite well by now.
“Anyway, that's a kind thought of you. Thank you."
Without the glasses, his expression is even more gentle. It seems paradoxical, compared to the figure of him, but still, Uta is so unique.
"Not very kind if it kills you."
You mutter to yourself, looking away in embarrassment. In fact, now that you really know he's a ghoul a lot of your talk may no longer make sense.
"No ..." you hear him chuckle slightly, lightly and yet amused "we don't die so easily unfortunately for you ... I'd end up feeling extremely bad."
Suddenly the argument between you lightens up without either of you really noticing. He feels it, almost palpable, the boulder in his chest becoming light at the sound of curiosity that colors your voice as you confirm that you understand: it is the same curiosity as when you ask him questions about his masks, the colors he uses or his tattoos, he clearly recognizes it, which has now almost become part of both of you.
"I have so much to ask you, Uta" you admit, smiling at him fondly "but for now, thank you for everything you've done."
His nonexistent brows go up, looking at you as if he's asking if you were serious. But you did, sure, he knew.
"Thanks to you for bringing me dinner downstairs."
Uta doesn't mince words, he never did, and it was something you loved. He was always contemptuous and edgy in his calm and delicacy of him, it was a humor all of him, no one could ever look like Uta.
He makes you laugh, despite the macabre implied, and he's happy. He feels lighter, freer, and this seems to apply to you too.
One of his laboriously painted hands moves towards your face. He doesn't even notice, it's a gesture dictated by instinct, from his heart. Only when he's about to touch your cheek does he freeze, dumbfounded as to what to do, wondering in his head what the hell he was doing, why he did it.
He fears to see you retract at his touch, fears to see you hide and still does not understand why he fears so much the rejection of a human, a human who should be food and who instead twists his stomach with just a look.
He tries to retreat first, before it's late, but your hands stop him.
His fingers are now squeezed between yours, tenderly, as you tenderly bring them to your face. The hand that presses on his back is warmer than his skin, but the one that squeezes his palm has frozen fingertips, he feels them pinch against his skin. In yet another gesture of care for you, his fingers close on yours, to warm them.
And while you hold him he holds you, you hold both of you, and he knows you don't know him, that you haven't seen the dark side of him yet nor does he know if he will ever have the courage to show it to you, but for now that's okay .
Now he's no longer alone in his charade with you. You are no longer his audience, you are the actor who responds to his sentences in front of that cruel world. But luckily now, behind the scenes, his mask is no longer needed.
"I promise I'll take you for a better coffee tomorrow."
"I accept with great pleasure."
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 years
Full moon meetings
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Werewolf!Daryl Dixon x Reader
You get stuck in the woods, surrounded by walkers when something saves your life.
Running from walkers was terrible. The only upside here was that you were alone and you could hide way easier than with a group. The other bad part was that it was currently late at night and you had to leave most of your stuff at your campsite because of the small herd that woke you up. The slightly better part was the full moon brightening the area which helped you spot a cabin up ahead to hide in until the walkers passed.
You rushed in and blocked the door behind you, waiting for the herd to pass. When it finally did you carefully scouted the way you came from and backtracked towards your campsite with the hopes that everything was still fine. On your way back you managed to avoid running into another small group of walkers but your camp was ravaged. You could find two knives that you took with you but the bag of food you had to leave behind was trampled completely. Now you were stuck in the woods, alone and with no food.
Your group had ditched you after you've gotten in a fight with someone and they all chose their side instead of yours. You sighed and dug around for anything that was still good enough to take with you and left for the cabin again. Memories of the fight that got you into this mess kept repeating in your head, causing you to not notice a ditch that you casually stepped into and slipped with a shriek, alarming all the walkers you so desperately tried to avoid. This time you didn't have enough time to escape and ended up surrounded, slowly taking down stumbling walkers but it wasn't long before you had them all getting too close too fast and there was no way out of this for you this time.
Not until you heard more growling, but a different kind then walkers' growls. You cowered down and hid your head between your knees, just waiting for it all to be over with as the growling became louder and the shine of the moon seemed to disappear underneath you. There was more growling and a lot of movement but nothing seemed to be directed at you and it surprised you how long you were actually surviving this whole thing. When the walkers' growls died down and the movements seemed to stop, the moon shone on the ground near you again and you carefully lifted your head to look at what happened, only to touch your nose against something wet before opening your eyes. You jumped up with a scream and ran off in the opposite direction, frantically looking back to see a giant creature standing among the corpses of the walkers that surrounded you just now. It didn't seem to move as you slowed your run and rounded it from a large distance, back on your way to the cabin to hole up in for the night, hoping the creature wasn't gonna attack you when it got hungry again. Finally back at the cabin you sat down and let out all the anger and frustration you had bottled up and cried into the murky bed that sat in the far corner. A group of walkers got in the way of his search for food. These nights were best for hunting and he always brought back the largest catch for the community. the ones who knew never spoke about it, and the ones who didn't never seemed to question it and somehow all accepted that the moonlight helped seeing late at night so it was easier to make multiple kills in one night. The group of walkers was a big one, but split after a noise somewhere further down into the woods which he also decided to follow. He came across a small campsite with only one sleeping bag and minimal supplies when another small group passed through, ruining everything in sight. He decided to watch from a distance to see what the walkers were fixated on and after a while of observing he ended on a survivor in the middle of another small section of the herd, surrounded and unable to get out by themselves. He watched as the person gave up and crawled down. As if his body moved on its own he jumped in and started gnawing away at the walkers, clawing and biting at them until all of them were down. He stepped away from the girl and sniffed around her, trying to smell for other humans or any sign of a walker bite but he found none. While he was busy she had raised her head and bumped her nose against his and jumped up with a shriek. He stepped back in confusion and stared as she ran off into the distance. He stalked her back to the cabin and decided to go back to hunting after seeing she got in safe.Normally he'd store his kills in the cabin but for now he'd have to think of something else.
You woke up later, your eyes still hurt from crying so it took a while longer to get adjusted to the darkness. When you were able to see properly again you checked out the cabin again, better this time now that you were safe and rested. While staring at the far wall you dragged yourself out of bed, stepping on something and dropping to the floor. Said something moved. "What the.. Shit!!" You called out as you tried to get away from the thing that you ran into earlier. It was large, covered in fur, and ..snoring? No, that wasn't a snore. That was more of a huff. Shit, you woke it up. It grumbled as it opened an eye to see what happened and saw you on the floor, staring in fear. It decided to get up and move further away from the bed and plop down on the floor again, keeping an eye on you until it had settled and closed them again to continue its sleep. Carefully getting back up you to make it back to the bed you spotted something near the door. Taking a better look you saw it was a pile of animals, not chewed down or torn apart but seemingly skillfully hunted. From what you could see there wasn't a lot of blood on them but their necks were clawed open or twisted in a gross way so you stopped looking and lied back down. Rest didn't really come anymore so when it was getting brighter outside you carefully snuck out of the cabin with all your stuff and left without waking the thing that accompanied you.
"I'm heading back to my group now, bye." You whispered softly as you closed the cabin door and walked off to what you hoped was your next safe stop and some food.
After what felt like an eternity you managed to catch a fish to fry and finally eat something. You took a break at the riverside and moved on after you had rested enough. You walked for a bit when you ended up on a road with a sign telling you about a place called Alexandria, a safe space according to the writing. It felt like a dream come true and you quickly made your way towards where the sign told you to go and close to sundown you finally arrived at the gates. You were quickly called after by someone on top of the gates. They asked you all kinds of questions  after someone opened one part of the gates before letting you in. A small group had gathered already and a guy named Aaron had given you some water and was talking to you together with another guy who introduced himself as Rick. He was a lot less nice than Aaron but you understood where his concerns came from. "She's fine. Quit bein' harsh on her." A gruff voice spoke from behind them. A guy with long shaggy hair moved into the group and you tried your hardest to remember if you ever saw him before but you had no idea who he was. "Ya said ya were goin' back to yer group. Why're ya here alone?" The two other men looked at him with confused looks on their faces but you tried to go along with what he said. "Yeah, I don't have a group. Thanks again for saving my ass. I didn't want to be bothering you any more than I already did." You said apologetic, hoping you came across convincing enough. "S'alright. good ya found this place." He added before going into a discussion with the other two, just out of your earshot. The man named Rick came back and brought the news that you were accepted into their community as long as you posed no threat to anyone and pulled your weight in the group. You agreed to all the terms he gave you and led you to an empty home where you could live for tonight. They all understood you were tired and left you alone for the time being. After you cleaned yourself up you went to sit down on your porch to take in your surroundings. It all felt surreal, it looked like this place had never even seen a walker at all.
"Hey, you." The guy from before made his way over to your porch and sat down next to the bench, keeping an acceptable distance to not scare you off. You welcomed him and moved down to sit closer so you could talk easier. "You saved me last night, didn't you." You asked quietly, not sure if it was something okay to ask about. He nodded and thanked you for not freaking out about it. "S'alright. My name's Daryl."
"Thank you for saving my ass, really. And for  saying what you did when I got here." You had introduced yourself before at the gate and now you talked about how you lost your group and ended up in the area. It was clear you were skilled enough to survive on you own as long as you didn't get caught off guard. "So, am I allowed yo ask about last night?" You wondered carefully, earning a smile and a nod. He told you about his hunting trips during the full moons and the further his story went, the more he wondered how you were so calm about it all. "I guess I have a soft spot for big monsters that are nice to people? I used to watch old monster movies for days on end before al of this." You turned away shyly. "I gotta admit, I've always been a sucker for werewolves." Saying that out loud made you want to curl up and disappear, but instead of being answered with something hurtful or being laughed at, you got a genuine smile and a "Glad I saved yer ass, then." He replied casually. "Finally someone who ain't scared of that side." The sad tone in his voice was hard to miss now and you felt bad for him. You gave him your biggest smile and leaned closer to him. "I like both of your sides."
You were new here and it was all still a little scary, but you knew it was all going to be alright with your big, not so bad wolf at your side.
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jediknightobiwan · 4 years
Boba smut, you say?
Could I get some dad bod Boba love post-Mandalorian season 2, if you've finished the new episode? Because our man definitely deserves some love after that shit. I personally headcannon him as being dominant AF, with lots of pet names, and a tendency to be a little rougher. Maybe some post-battle fucking to wind down in Slave I.
OFC We love Dad Bods here I will NOT tolerate Temura hate like at all. We don’t expect women to stay the same all their lives and we shouldn’t expect the same of men.
In talks with @emilykjh we decided that Boba decidedly, is a brat tamer so I’m definitely going along the dominant caregiver route with him.
Also tbh and probably shockingly I haven’t watched the new season all the way through AT ALL it was emotionally too much for me when it started so now I can binge it whenever 😅 I just learn things through gifs cause I don’t mind spoilers! So things may be very Vague when it comes to plot or I’ll just go with what I’ve gathered happens after the last episode. But let’s do some Older Boba stuff yes, everyone who understood the significance of Boba’s appearance better say thank you Mr. Temuera for your service.
Boba Fett x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Caregiver/Little BDSM relationship, Daddy Kink, Age Gap (cmon he’s in his 50’s), slight drool kink, slight degradation, slight choking
                                                  [[READ MORE]]
Your ears perk up at the sound of heavy bootsteps on their way and you quickly rush to clean up your little area. Ever since Boba had taken his throne and conquered most of the underworld you and him and Fennec who you adored had made a nice little home for yourselves. What Boba teasingly called your nest was a corner of his throne room that you (and Fennec) had padded and stuffed with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, one very long and squishy pillow and a very very large cushion you called your tuffet. It was cute little safe space you sat, read and napped in when you wanted a little alone time.
It was usually a kind of organized chaos but lately you had let it get a bit wild and before Boba had left earlier he’d told you to have it cleaned up by the time he was back, and like a true Little who usually forgot orders once they were given and wasn’t reminded you had become distracted with other things. Which is why now you were slightly sweating under your soft robe as you scrambled to set everything in its proper place so he would never know you’d-
The steps had stopped echoing. You suddenly realized besides the slick of fabric between your fingers and your little pants that the room had actually been quiet for a minute or so. You swallowed a little hard but continued your work, spreading out soft blanket on your tuffet and then tucking it underneath. Finally, you smoothed your front and turned with a smile ready for your lover.
“Daddy! You’re home! See I uhm..I did my one chore today!” You were beaming, a little sweat on your brow and your voice was sweet and welcoming. In return Boba tilted his helmeted head at you in such a way that you knew what was he was saying without him needing to voice it.
Really? Did you? Is what that look said and you fidgeted slightly, lower lip jutting out every so softly.
Well-it still counts! Doesn’t it?? Your look said and after another moment of silence you hear a sigh come from him and he finally comes toward you with a gloved hand extended to cup your face.
“I suppose I’ll let it slide today,” he says, thumb gliding over your lower lip as his eyes bore into you from behind the visor. “I’m too tired to properly punish you for waiting until the last second anyway.”
The words were slightly worrying but if something was really wrong he would’ve told you, so you brushed it off and kissed his thumb gently.
“I’ll make it up to you,” you promise, reaching to cup his helmet in your hands and then bringing your foreheads together in a keldabe kiss. He hums deep in his throat, his way of saying that you’d better.
“What can I do tonight? A hot bath? A massage?” You gasped and jumped a little, grinning. “Both??”
Boba chuckles and removes his helmet, the smile still on his handsome scarred face. “How about just a massage pet? My old muscles could use it.”
“Ah you’re not old cyare.”
You giggle at his eyebrow raise and pat his cheeks then push gently on his chest plate to back him into the hallway and towards his bedroom. Once inside the large yet fairly bare room you begin the slow and intimate process of removing his armor for him. It was something you’d been doing for awhile now, ever since you’d settled into your roles. He did so much...it was one sweet thing you could do for him back.
The tension was practically melting out of your love’s shoulders as the beskar came off. Your arms had long since adjusted to the armor’s weight over the months of this sweet ritual and the warmth of Boba’s soft eyes as he watched you easily carry his prized possessions never failed to make you feel like the most important person in the galaxy. Your skin felt fully flushed by the time he was sitting on the bed and you’d removed his boots for him.
“My sweet little Dove...,” Boba murmurs, reaching out his now ungloved hands for your hips and bringing you closer, his face now level with your chest. You smile he nuzzles against your soft skin and hum happily, arms sliding into position around his broad shoulders without a second thought.
Dove. How you loved your pet name from him. You were his sweet thing, his Little, his pure (he insisted you were pure compared to him and you’d given up trying to convince him otherwise) darling treasure. Your soft lips pressed kisses to his head and you murmured, “My Daddy...,” to which you could feel his smile against your skin just stoking flames inside you.
You remained entertwined for awhile longer, both just caressing each other sweetly and basking in the loving bubble you created each time you were together. And then you remembered what you were supposed to be doing and gasped, pulling away to look down at Boba.
“Your massage!”
Boba blinks at you in confusion for a second and then laughs, keeping a tight grip on your hips even as you go to pull away and get the oil. He gently grips your chin -effectively stopping your struggling-and brings your lips to his. You sigh softly into the kiss and simply melt like wax beneath a flame into his arms-apt considering it immediately stoked the soft fire that had begun to burn in your belly the moment you saw him into a good sized blaze.
A whine escapes your lips even as Boba depeens the kiss and pulls you onto his lap fully with your crotches rubbing together sinfully.
“Don’t laugh at me Daddy,” you whine, kissing his broad nose and then going back to his mouth. Your arms slide down around his waist and you squeeze, taking petty pleasure in the way his breath escapes him when you do. “It’s mean!”
Your Caregiver seems to, funnily enough, care, very little about your plight since as you whine he just hums and runs his big hands down to your ass and squeezes none too gently. He grins devilishly as you jump and kisses you again, lingering longer this time and swiping his tongue over your lips before he pulls away.
“So what if it is? You like it when I’m mean Dove baby...you know you can’t lie to me.” Boba jerks you closer to him and ruts his hips upwards against you, causing you to whine loudly as want shoots through your core painfully.
“Yeah baby that’s what I thought....you like it when I’m mean. Big bad mean Daddy...ain’t that right?” The older man swats at your ass when you don’t answer, your brain becoming mushy already from the feel of his body beneath your hands and his impressive cock only growing harder and longer against the apex of your thighs. “I asked you a direct question little Dove. You know I don’t like it when you don’t answer.”
After shaking your head to clear it just a little and your hands balling up his undershirt to hang on for dear life you manage a nod with your mouth open just a tad, unnoticed by you but very noticed by your lover. His eyes drop to your lips and he growls slightly, strong hands kneading at the soft flesh of your ass before he delivers two hard, stinging pops to your backside.
“Speak, cyar’ika, speak when Daddy tells you to.”
Maker you are just gone for him. You swallow the water that had gathered in your mouth at the rough handling and say clearly, full of need that that’s right, Daddy is a big bad man...your big bad man...and you even elaborate on how you love him so for it. Wetting your lips you rock against him as he basks in your obedience and drinking in his soft moan like wine, your lips rubbing against his.
“Let me massage you Daddy...I said I would...cmon. Please? Let me help?” The groan Boba emits tells you that he’s thinking of something else now, something with him on top but before he can open his mouth to give an order your bratty, slightly manipulative side comes out and you use your saccharine please Daddy do this for me or I’ll be oh so sad voice to plead to him.
“Oh please Daddy? Let me make you feel better. You said yourself you’re tired! You need a rest, just a brief one and then...” You untie your robe and let it fall, your whole body bare to him now, causing the erection between you to pulse. Your fingertips graze his throat as you tilt his face up towards yours and bite his lower lip teasingly. “You can massage my insides with that big cock of yours~ How’s that sound?”
Judging by the growl in his throat and chest- Boba likes the idea very much, and you have to fight to keep the smirk off your face. Drawing on some confidence just to tease him more you get off his lap and order him to strip and lay on the soft king sized bed the two of you shared. You could see his brown eyes narrow, debating on whether or not to just grab you and throw you on the bed and mount you like a fucking animal, but when he stood something popped in his shoulder audibly...and he stripped without a word.
The control you had over your face slipped and your grin shined out in full force as your older boyfriend complied to your demands. Really he was just a big softy with as much love to give as he had muscles and cute love handles. While he disrobed you found the bottle of massage oil he’d brought you back from one of his excursions that had multiple uses when came to making things easier, and fluffed the pillow in the middle of the bed that he always used. Your bed was so nice and so soft with lots of room for the two of you and yet Boba always slept in the middle, arms right around you and you near the edge facing the bathroom.
But you didn’t mind, you thought as you watched him lay down on his stomach with his head cradled by the now fluffy pillow and his tan body stretched out of the dark sheets. However he wanted to sleep-even if he sometimes squeezed too hard during a dream-was fine with you, as long as you were together.
‘Not gonna stand around all afternoon lookin’ at my ass are you?” You blinked and focused on Boba who was now smirking at you.
“Pbbbbt,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “No of course not! But if I was, who could blame me? It is a wonderful sight.” You climbed onto the bed as he chuckled. Knowing it would be uncomfortable for him and his still hard cock if you sat on his hips, you opted to sit more on his juicy ass instead. He hummed at the weight of you and relaxed into the pillow.  
“Well if you think so it must be true,” he mumbles, “you are almost always right little Dove.”
“I am always right,” you corrected, dribbling the ever warm oil onto his broad back. He purred, and you knew it was because of the oil, but you liked to think it was because of you so you smirked. “That’s what I thought~”
You went to work then on his sore muscles, flexing your own to work the knots out with your skilled hands. Boba let his noises out freely as you worked; grunting, groaning, moaning and even at times whimpering with your palms smoothing over every inch of him you could reach.
The sun had sunk a bit by the time you were done and Boba rolled onto his back so you could finally straddle his hips. The evidence of your arousal from massaging him and his cute little noises was pressed against his balls. Your hands were on his chest and he was smoothing his own up your back slowly, sending shivers up your spine.
“My Dove...,” Boba starts on a soft sigh, his hands pulling down now to your hips to begin a gentle rocking. His cock was hardening again between the two of you and your own arousal was growing each second. “You love such a man like me? Old, a bit chubby, scarred?”
A soft sigh escaped you at the rocking, finally just a little bit of the release you had been craving since his return. You looked deeply, lovingly into Boba’s beautiful eyes. To you he was the most beautiful man in the galaxy, no matter how much he complained about his aching joints or how he was too old for you.
“Oh silly Daddy...” You sighed, taking the bottle of oil one more time and drizzling just a little on his perfect cock before taking it in your hand. His eyes darken as he watches you tilt your hips and line thick head of him up with your hole, his large hands gripping your hips tightly with anticipation. Taking the head of his cock you slap it against your hole before popping it inside and sinking down so slowly you knew his hands were going to leave bruises from gripping you so tight.
Once he was fully seated inside you you rotated your hips and opened your eyes just enough to give him a heady look. “As if I was destined for anyone else...”
You managed a wink before succumbing fully to your want for your lover, the fire he’d been stoking now turning into a raging storm with his thickness stretching you out perfectly. You both reached for each other at the same time and your mouths collided hotly as you bounced on him at an already quick pace. No time to adjust fully, fuck, Maker it just felt so good to be impaled on him again that you were frantic and starving for it. Teeth clashed, fingernails marks were definitely being left in sensitive areas and after just a minute or so you pulled away from the messy kissing to angle yourself better and slam onto Boba.
Your head was thrown back beautifully as you screamed your devotion to him, to his perfect fucking cock that was literally making you drool even while you were split open by it. Boba growled seeing the slick moisture on your lips and he sat up, yanking you close with a strong hand on the back of your neck. His hips met a bounce of yours and you cried out-only to have the noise muffled by a big thumb in your mouth. His other arm was right around you waist, keeping you on him but unmoving.
“That’s my sweet baby...suck on Daddy’s thumb...yeah just like that-fuck.” Even cockdrunk you knew how to work your lover up, sucking on his thumb dutifully and as enthusiastically as you did your favorite appendage of his. You even took his one hand in both your smaller ones to bring the digit further inside and you could swear Boba pulsed so hard inside you you thought he’d finished for a second.
He pushed down on your tongue hard and dragged your jaw with him, and much to your initial chagrin and then immediate arousal, let a long stream of drool pool out and fall where you were connected with him. You moaned at the filth of it and at the complete submissive state you were in. Literally, you were in the palm of Boba Fett’s hand.
Boba groaned and smirked at you, looking at the wet spot and then back at you. “Such a good pet aren’t you? I love it when you get me soaked little one~”
Maker you felt like exploding right then! But he wasn’t done with you, oh no. He pulled his thumb from your obscenely wet mouth, sucked your salvia from it and then rolled, pulling out of you with a wet echoing sound. He easily manhandled you with your hips popped up and grabbed your pillow to bury your face in. He slid back home with no resistance and you moaned freely, your eyes rolling back and your lower lip getting caught between your teeth.
“Mmmmm my sweet little pet...such a good slut for me aren’t you? Always so needy...so ready for Daddy to come home and take care of you...” As he spoke he’d started thrusting into you, gaining in speed. “Fuck...baby, I love you so fucking much, so, fucking, much!”
Now he was straight pummeling you. Your voice was going to be nonexistent when he was through with you if this kept up, your nails digging into your pillow so hard your knuckles were white and you could do nothing but spread your legs wider for him like the slut he’d called you. You were Boba Fett’s personal slut, his little Dove and his soulmate-nothing in the galaxy could be better than this.
As he neared his end he made sure to drag the fat head of his cock along those special spots inside you he knew so well while his mouth bit and sucked on the external spots until your toes curled so tightly he joked that they may never uncurl, the smug bastard. His lips found your neck again in a sweet spot as he bent over you, slamming so deep inside you could taste his precum on your tongue.
“Cum for me baby,” he murmurs, callused thumbs flicking over your nipples before one palm encloses over your throat and squeezes the sides deliciously. “Cum for Daddy little one.”
It was no question, no suggestion, it was a demand. And like the good Little you could be when you wanted, you obeyed. One last scream was ripped from your throat as you were pushed off that ledge into white hot pleasure so perfect it enveloped your whole body. Boba held you as you became tense and then limp, his own release coming not far after yours (not surprising given how hard your insides had been squeezing him) and as always overfilling you in a way you could only describe as obscenely delicious.
“Good job little Dove. I’m so proud.” Came a voice from above and behind you. You knew it was Boba, you knew yet somehow a little voice in your head thought it was the Maker talking to you. Your lips quirked in a little smile as exhausted gasps left your now limp body, only held up by Boba’s hands and his cock that was still pumping cum into you. You felt lips along your neck so lovingly and you sighed contentedly.
“I love you...” you whispered, beginning to fall asleep with him still cradled inside you.
He chuckled softly and kissed the tip of your ear, rubbing your back soothingly before very slowly sliding out of you.
“I love you too baby...go to sleep. I’ve got you.”
It would be hours before you woke, cleaned up and tightly nestled into Boba’s arms as always with the two of you so close it was like you had been born that way. And when you did you squeezed his middle tightly enough for him to softly grunt and then settled back with him, feeling for all the galaxy like you were the luckiest person alive because no one could love you like Boba Fett. And you couldn’t imagine loving anyone else.
@emilykjh @sailorsquadgoals @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @ohdeargodnotyouagain @ihaveashield @ezraslittlebirdie @labyrinth-runner @asaucecoveredsomething @thisainttheway @anakinswhore @sleepwithacommunist
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
31 from the touch list? Please?
31 (touches). doing a pinky swear
((prompt list here - still accepting!!))
u didn't request any ships/characters specifically so here's Magnus n Lucretia (platonic)
It was five days back into a new cycle and Lucretia still wasn't talking to him, which Magnus was trying to accept. Last year hadn't been great for any of them, he was sure, but it was specifically terrible for Magnus, Barry, and Lucretia. There hadn't been any humans on that plane but there had been a council. The world was full of strange and mysterious oddities that the council set out to study. Being freshly new and odd, the council had taken it upon themselves to-
Study was putting it lightly.
Barry had been taken first, under the prose that the council just wanted to speak to him, privately. The "private meeting" went on for much longer than they had agreed upon and when they had gone to look for Barry, he hadn't been there.
Davenport had made Lucretia and Magnus promise not to leave the ship. They did so, Magnus less willing than Lucretia, and well-
Magnus was usually good at following orders. But there were lives at stake. Humans weren't the only ones being hurt by the council and the breaking point for him had been seeing a dog-like creature dragged into the research center, as Davenport made him stand back and out of the way.
He tried sneaking out in the middle of the night, but Lucretia had caught up with him. They argued for a bit about Davenport's rule and then set out together, to go find Barry. Lucretia had made Magnus promise- promise, wholeheartedly- that he wouldn't do anything rash. Magnus agreed, knowing how he was, and without the intent to actually follow through.
He had sort of... broken that promise upon seeing what was going on inside the research center. Even now, thinking about it made him sick. He felt guilty, after re-gen, for breaking his word, but even more guilty upon the realization that his actions had lead Lucretia to death for the first time ever.
That's probably why she wasn't talking, thinking logically about it. Taako and Lup had told him the story of what happened after (once they were done mobbing Barry, that is). It had been a grizzly sight and they had even convinced Davenport to let them burn down the facility once they rescued everyone inside. The sadness of missing a revolution was outmatched by the stinging regret he felt every time he saw Lucretia.
"Just- talk to her," Lup groaned, head in her hands, after Magnus had come to her for the fifth time to talk about it. She swept the papers she had been working on aside and turned to face him.
"Look, Mags, both of you are, putting it nicely, stubborn little shits- don't give me that look, you know you are. The rest of us are, too, that's why we're not perma-dead yet. But babe, you can't just let it lie. It's just gonna end with you two crying at each other and then getting over it. C'mon dude."
"But," Magnus started. Lup rolled her eyes.
"Lucy's like a sister to you, yeah?" Lup asked and Magnus nodded, frowning. "Okay, then take it from me, someone who has a terrible, horrible brother, whom I love very dearly. This fight, or whatever, isn't helping anyone. Communication is key when it comes to any relationship, even platonic ones. Stop being so scared that she's mad at you and start being scared that you might lose your friendship if you don't do anything."
"Right," Magnus said, a little more determined. "Okay, yeah. Thank you."
"Uh-huh," Lup said, turning back to his papers. "If you see Barry on your way tell him that, uh- the experiment we started earlier is going well."
"Is that code for something?" Magnus asked, watching the way Lup's face split into a sly grin.
"Not that I'll tell," she said, winking.
It took until that night for Magnus to properly work up the courage to talk to Lucretia, which made him feel stupid. He could run into a swarm of the Hunger feeling nothing but excitement, but the idea of talking with Lucretia about what had happened last cycle made him feel almost sick to his stomach.
In the end, he knocked on Lucretia's door half an hour before dinner. There was a shuffle from inside and then the door opened a bit and Lucretia peaked out. She didn't look surprised to see him there. If anything, she looked just about as nervous as Magnus felt.
"Alright," Lucretia said. "Come in."
She opened the door wider and beckoned Magnus inside. He had been in here before, of course. There was a slowly filling bookshelf of her journals, and journals she had yet to use. Her sheets were a dark, royal blue, from a fabric shop from a few cycles back. There was an easel in the corner and a bucket full of different types of paints and art... things... Magnus wasn't very well versed in any of it.
She pulled the chair out from her desk and let him sit, sitting on top of the desk herself. They stared.
"Taako said-" she started, at the same time he said,
She grinned at him sheepishly. It made Magnus feel a lot better to know she had gotten advice, too. She gestured at him, letting him go first.
"I went to Lup," he began, "because I didn't know exactly how to- to fix this, but she just said to talk to you, and let it come out, so, uh. I'm sorry, I guess. No, I mean- I am sorry, I just- I'm not good at thinking through things and you got hurt because of it. You died because I rushed into something and I should have thought about that. I should have kept you in mind, but when I saw all those creatures getting hurt, and thought about what must have happened to Barry, I- couldn't help myself. I'm sorry you died because of it. Because- of because of me."
Lucretia was silent for a few moments, hands resting in her lap. He had been avoiding her eye during his speech, but when he was done, he looked up at her.
"I'm not angry because I died," she said. "I'm angry because you broke your promise."
"I- what?"
"I don't care that I died!" Lucretia said loudly, slamming her hand on the desk. "It fucking- yes, yeah, it hurt, but it hurt that you promised me you wouldn't rush in, and then you did! If you're going to be rash, you need to tell me outright- that's what got us killed, Magnus! That you didn't trust me enough to tell me what you were thinking!"
"I trust you!" Magnus said, but Lucretia shook her head. She was looking a little teary.
"Did you promise with the intention of actually keeping your word?" she asked, and when Magnus couldn't respond (because, no, he hadn't been planning to be "rash" about it), she turned away from him and said, "that's what I thought."
"They were hurting the animals and people they had there," Magnus said, finally, voice wet and hurt. "I couldn't just... let them do that. I couldn't, Lucretia."
"I know," she said, taking a deep breath. "I know. I just- just as appalled you was, trust me. We could have gotten out alive, though, I think. If you had taken the time to think about what to do with me. Like Lup and Taako did, when they broke everyone out after we died."
Something uncomfortable was rooted in Magnus's chest and it was that she was right- she was a hundred percent right. He had the tendency to act instead of think and had been like that before the Starblaster mission. It was fitting for a twenty-two-year-old, fresh into the real world, but- fuck. He wasn't twenty-two, anymore, not really.
He saw the pain in Lucretia's eyes and realized she wasn't twenty anymore, either. Not like they were when they started.
"You're right," Magnus said, nodding. "I broke my promise, willingly, and it was stupid of me. I can't promise things like that right off the back because I'm realizing I still have a lot of growing left to do. It's- weird, I think. Being so young with so much knowledge. I don't feel like I'm living up to the age I actually am."
Lucretia nodded, slowly, and looked into his eyes. He could see the tears in them.
"I shouldn't have made you promise something so drastic for you," Lucretia said.
"Maybe not," Magnus shrugged. "But there is something I can say- I can promise, I mean. Look, pinky swear, so you know I'm not lying."
He held out his pinky. Lucretia took it apprehensively in her own, a small smile sneaking back onto her face.
"I promise I'm gonna try to grow up," he swore and Lucretia snorted. "Seriously- maybe not like, uh, like I'm still gonna be childish as fuck, don't doubt that, but- I'm gonna try to think things through more. Think of the consequences to my actions."
He shook their pinky's, a bit violently. Lucretia took her hand back, looking at him appraisingly.
"I'll hold you to that," she said.
"Please do," Magnus said.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Amalia
For @artsymeeshee​. Thank you for everything you do for us, for providing plenty of fluff, over-protective Ford content, and angst with a happy fluffy ending. Love you!
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The snow reflected the tiny amount of sunlight the capital of Iceland received. Spring was coming, though still a ways off, but the large island still welcomed the sun that was starting to rise earlier every day and stay longer as February was coming to a close.
She opened her eyes as the sunlight reflected on the Sea and sparkled like magical dust. She stood proudly on her beam, her favorite Nest, and stretched her back and paws, letting her claws escape her tiny little beans, and then hide again, a secret weapon for any enemies, though she had few. Really, apart from some rude Cubs shooting tiny metal balls at her, the world was fairly kind to her. Big Animals in thick coats gave her Pets and occasionally Food, coming in big Machines and soon left. Some of the Machines made dark clouds, some looked like they were controlled by fluffy white clouds. She liked them all, and was Happy to make sure no Bad Machines or Bad Animals in thick coats came on her Land.
Sometimes, when things were quiet by the sea, she would go Exploring. Cubs would play with her, maybe a Bad Animal or two would try to hit her with a collection of straw at the end of a stick, but she was fast and agile and was never hurt too much. Nothing she couldn’t handle. Today she thought she might go Explore her Land, but something caught her attention. An Animal was standing on a Machine.
The fur on the top of it’s head was fluffy. She wanted to play with it. It had glass in front of it’s eyes, for whatever reason, and had a coat like her’s: thick and blue, but a darker shade, not light like snow, like her’s. She blinked at the Animal and watched it. It took in a deep breath, smiling, and a Hole opened on the side of the Machine and a Path appeared, sliding down onto her Land. “Come on, Stanley, we have a lot to do today!”
“What’s your rush, Sixer?” Another voice could be heard as the Animal left it’s Machine and a second Animal appeared. This one had something red on it’s head, though it didn’t appear injured, and it also had glass in front of it’s eyes. She didn’t want to be seen right now, so she hopped down from her favorite sleeping spot and hid behind some boxes. “We’ve got all day, and if you really wanna sight-see we can stay here tomorrow, too.”
“Yes, I suppose so, but then we’ll have to wait another day for Mabel’s package for us in Ullapool, Scotland.”
“Good point. But we can always visit this place again on our way back to Oregon.”
“Fair enough. Well, how about a quick walk and then we’ll restock on supplies.”
“S’long as we can stop at that bar tonight.”
The two Animals smelled similar, but not identical. They were a Pack. A Herd. A Family. She watched them venture further into her Land, but she let them. They were Good. She could tell. She emerged from her hiding spot a little after they passed her and watched them go. She wanted to go with them, but she didn’t want to be caught. She would have to be sneaky.
She carefully walked behind the Animals with glass in front of their eyes and watched them. The Animals were a wonderful Pack. They talked and laughed and played, pushing every so often, playing like she used to with her brothers and sisters, and she smiled at knowing they were having fun and learning how to be good fighters. When the Animals were joining other Animals on busy parts of her Land, she climbed up the stone Dens and walked on the tall place to watch them and be close to them. She was good at being sneaky; they did not know she was there.
Sometimes the Animals would go inside the Dens. When this happened she would sit and wait for them to come out. Sometimes they came out with nothing new, other times they would come out with Gain in their holds. When they walked, she walked with them, either behind them or above them. Too soon the Sun was setting again, and she found the Animals going back to their Machine. She was Sad, but walked behind them at a safe distance and watched them enter their Machine.
Behind the boxes, she laid on her belly, resting her face in her paws, Sad that the Animals were going away. She liked them. But then she heard something that made her lift her head and her ears stop being droopy. She looked up at the Machine and found the Animals coming back! They had no Gains with them; they must have left them in their Machine, and decided to go out Exploring again! She watched from behind the boxes as the Animals walked into a Den not too far from the Sea, and she made a Plan.
She had been Sad when she thought the Animals were going away forever, like all the other Animals did. Very Sad. She never wanted to be that Sad again. She carefully sniffed the Path and decided that it was Safe, so she trotted on it, through the Hole, and was on a Machine.
She was a little bit Scared. She had never been on a Machine before, but she could smell her favorite Animals everywhere and could feel the Sea beneath her. She loved the Animals and the Sea, and she knew she was Safe. She decided it was time to go Exploring! This Land was big, but not too big, so it wasn’t Scary. She walked around and could smell more of her favorite Animals’ scent from inside the Machine, inside the Den. There was a Hole with a small opening, leaking out the smell and light, so she pushed the Hole open a little more and entered the Den.
The den was Warm and Safe and smelled of her favorite Animals whom she loved. There were tiny Suns here and there inside the Den. There was something big and Cozy in the Den, away from the Hole. She hopped onto it and pawed at it and rolled around it. It smelled like the Animals the most and she almost fell asleep, but she wanted to Explore some more. And she was hungry. Maybe the animals had Food in this Den.
She stood and sniffed. Something smelled Good. Smelled of Food. She followed the smell to something tall that held weird rectangles with black scribbles on them. There was a small container Animals used to hold Food. This was wet and black, but she lapped at it anyhow, but it was not Good. Not Bad, but not Good. Oh, well. She would find Food later. She wanted to Explore some more.
She hopped down from the tall place and smelled as she Explored. The Land went down at the farthest part from the Hole. It looked a little Scary, but she could still smell her favorite Animals, so she hopped, hopped, hopped down carefully. She was surprised to find two fluffy Nests inside this deep part of the Den. This must be where the Animals slept. She could tell; it smelled the most like them. She smiled and hopped up onto one and rolled around and played with the fluffy stuff. It was Fun and Cozy and Warm and Safe and Good.
She stopped to stretch and yawn. She was Tired. She decided to sleep here, but where? She needed her own Nest. At the end of one Nest, there was a box. She loved boxes, and this one had a tee tiny Hole that could be made into a bigger Hole. She hopped down and stretched her front paws and head into the Hole, pushing through it. The whole box was filled with Warm fluff that smelled of her favorite Animals. She was excited. Her own Nest was Warm and smelled like her favorite Animals! She slipped in, circled, and tucked herself in to go to sleep.
After some tasty food and warm beer, the brothers returned to their home on the water, tired and ready for bed. It was very cold and bitter out in the night hair, but that only made the warm boat more welcoming and more appreciated. However, Ford was a little annoyed at finding the door cracked open, letting in cold air. “Stanley, I thought I told you to close the door all the way.”
“Sorry, Ma, I was hungry.” Stan said sarcastically and shrugged as they went inside.
Ford sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed and locked the door tightly. “Good thing I’ve almost perfected our security system so we won’t have to worry about being robbed.”
Stan rolled his eyes and yawned into his hand. “Welp, I’m beat. You coming to bed or do I gotta drag you there myself?” He asked, shrugging his trenchcoat off and throwing it on the couch on his way to the stairs downward for the bedroom.
“No, no, I’m coming.” Ford said tiredly and followed his brother down into their bedroom. “I’ll be taking a shower so if you want one you’ll have to wait.”
“Nah, I’ll take one in the morning.” Stan answered, peeling off his beanie and yawing again, ready to collapse into his warm bed and not move again until sunrise.
Ford moved to the far end of the bedroom, where the bathroom was located, and turned on the shower so the water could warm up. Meanwhile Stan groaned, seeing how Ford had done laundry that morning and now his twin had to pull the warm extra blankets and quilts out from the chest at the foot of his bed.
Stan opened it groggily, not expecting to stare down at the context for a full minute until he was capable of speech, but here he was.
“Uh… Sixer?”
“Yes, Stanley.”
“We have an expected guest on board.”
Ford stopped unzipping his blue hoodie and joined his brother at the chest, who’s eyebrow was raised in unapproval. The aged scientist, however, was stuck with a blank facial expression while he tried to digest the fact that there was an animal curled up on top of the stack of blankets and quilts.
It looked like a cat, though it was unfair to call her a cat. Passersby may assume so without a second glance, but this creature appeared too abnormal to be a kitten. She had pointy ears coated in thick fur to keep out cold hair, light-blue fur that could blend into snow, a tiny button black nose between huge, round, baby-blue eyes, a small floof of fur on the top of her head, and a skinny tail with fluff for fur at the end. It appeared so small and helpless in the mess of blankets, looking up at the brothers with shiny eyes filled with wonder. After a moment of silence, Ford grinned and placed his hands on his knees to be closer to the anomaly without frightening it, and he spoke to her with a voice as quiet as a mouse and soft as silk.
“Hello. Where did you come from, my dear?”
“Dunno, don’t care.” Stan moved towards her and said, “I’ll put her back outside.”
Ford’s senses heightened and he gently grabbed his brother’s wrist to stop him. “Hold it, Stanley, there’s no reason to kick her out so quickly. She’s not doing any harm.” Ford returned his smile to the anomaly and cooed softly as he reached for her and let her sniff his six-fingered hand. “Come here, little one, it’s alright.”
The anomaly happily sniffed Ford’s hand and rubbed the side of her head onto his palm, begging for pets, which he happily gave. The eldest twin carefully scooped her up into his harms and scratched her, finding her favorite spot, until she was practically putty in his hold as he scratched her under her chin. 
Stan stared in disbelief and snorted. “Are you kidding me? You spent most of your life around dangerous monsters and you’re gonna let one on our boat?”
“She’s not a monster.” He scolded lightly and smiled again as she purred against his chest. He held her out to him to see better and added cheerfully, “Look how cute she is, Stan!”
“Yeah, until it decides to eat our face!” Stan argued, a hand up in defense.
“She won’t hurt us.” Ford said firmly and held her close to his chest again, letting her lay on her back so her four little limbs were up and trying to catch his wiggling fingers. “I bet she was cold and hungry and was trying to find shelter. Isn’t that wight, wittle one?” He cooed in a low voice. “Who’s a hun-gy wittle anomaly? Are you, are you?”
“Don’t feed it!” Stan yelled after his brother as he went upstairs. “Then it’ll want to stay!”
“Great idea, we’ll feed her so she’ll want to stay!”
“That is NOT what I said!”
Ford rolled his eyes and laughed down at the anomaly when she caught his fingers and licked him with a rough tongue. She wasn’t even trying to hurt him. She was playing and happy to give his hand a little bath. “Don’t worry, my dear. Stanley is right about one thing: I’ve met many aliens and monsters and anomalies in my day, but I can tell when one has nefarious purposes and when one does not, and you don’t. You’re a good little girl; I can tell.”
One handed so he could still cradle her, Ford opened the freshly filled cabinets to hunt for something the strange animal would eat. “Hm, let’s take a look at your teeth.” He gently pulled down her mouth and as surprised how little she fidgeted and fought him. “Interesting. Only half of your teeth are carnivorous. You must be able to adapt to plants or berries if needed. Very well, let’s see… oh, here. You’re lucky Stan talked me into picking up tuna.”
At the time it seemed ridiculous to buy canned tuna when they could fish for dinner whenever they wanted, but Stan said they should still get it because canned goods never expired and fishing wasn’t always successful, so Ford opened the can and placed it on the table and sat the anomaly down while he tidied up a bit, stacking his notes and books and putting his cold coffee in the sink. From the sounds of it, Stan had hopped in the shower since Ford was apparently too busy playing host to bathe, which was fine by him. He sat in a chair, watching how the anomaly ate.
She was definitely not skin-and-bones, but she ate quickly, plunging her face into the can and eating happily. Ford chuckled and pet down her back. She was fairly clean, if not a little weather-beaten. Clearly she could take care of herself, but why should she when he could? Okay, sure, Stanley was a little apprehensive about taking in a strange anomaly as a pet, and perhaps Ford shouldn’t be so quick to take her in as a pet. She might not be happy cooped up in a boat with two old men. In fact, if she lived on this dock, she might do this often, visiting sailors for food and shelter and then leaving in the morning. 
“Well, if you want to leave, I won’t stop you,” Ford said to her as he watched her eat. “But if you want to stay, you’re more than welcome to.”
The fluffy anomaly sat up and looked at him with kind eyes. Ford smiled at her, and could have sworn she returned with a tiny smile. He slowly reached for his journal, a green book with a golden six-fingered hand and a crescent on the cover, and opened it carefully so as to not scare her. The anomaly sat perfectly still, watching him, as he turned to a clean page and pulled out a pen to begin sketching her. He titled his head to the side to get a better angle of her, and he stared to find her doing the same, mirroring him.
Ford smiled and titled his head the other way, and sure enough the little one followed his lead. Chuckling, he decided to push his luck and he straightened his head and stuck his tongue out at her just a little bit. The anomaly stared at him, and sure enough, a tiny pink tongue poked out at him. Ford snorted, bit his lip, and continued sketching. He noticed her tail was wagging, like a dog’s might when happy, and he added that to his notes. He had no idea what to call this species, so he left the title blank for now, deciding he would come up with a species title once he had more information. 
They must have been at that table for an hour or so, because soon Stan’s rough voice called from the bedroom sharply, “Sixer, if you’re not down here in two minutes…”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Ford called back and grinned as the little anomaly yawned, making the tiny tongue stretch out and curl inwards slightly. The old man carefully pick her up and carried her with him into his shared bedroom. Stan was in his undershirt and boxers, shaking his hair dry with a towel as he sat on his bed, and he growled when he saw the animal still in his twin’s arms.
“Please tell me you’re not taking it to bed.” He snarled.
“No, of course not.”
“She deserved her own space.” Ford said as he pulled a pink blanket out from the chest and placed it neatly, still folded, on the floor between the beds. “She can have her own bed.”
“What!?” Stan yelled as Ford got on his knees and let the anomaly climb down onto the blanket to give it a try. “I’m not letting that thing sleep in here! What if it turns into some blood-sucking monster in it’s sleep and kills us both?!”
“That won’t happen, don’t be so paranoid.”
“Oh ho! That’s a new one!” Stan laughed harshly, but quickly turned sour again. “Can’t believe you're not a bit more guarded with that thing? What makes you think you can trust it?!”
Ford shrugged. “A lot of people lately have proven to me that I can trust others. Besides, there’s good in her. I can tell.”
Stan blinked at his brother. It was like this was a completely different man than who had come out of the portal. Well, okay, Ford knew that before they had even started sailing that Ford wasn’t the same person he was when he punched Stan in the face, but still. Stanford Pines really had changed a lot.
“It’s just for one night, Stanley.” Ford eased as he took off his hoodie and slipped off his boots, preparing for bed. “She’ll leave in the morning and find some new friends to provide food and shelter from the next cold night, I’m sure of it.”
Stan rolled his eyes and laid down with his back to the fluffy pair. “Fine, whatever.”
Ford had to admit that he was a little chest-fallen that his brother was a little cold towards their temporary house-guest, but he can recall their niece telling Ford that Stanley appeared to have a burning hatred for a certain pig, but everyone knew he loved Waddles very much. Perhaps he was trying to prove he was still a tough guy, or perhaps Stanley didn’t want to get attached to the anomaly so he wouldn’t be disheartened when she was gone. Ford knew he could handle her leaving tomorrow if she wanted to, he would be happy to have met her and that she was happy, so with one final scratch between her ears, ruffling her little floof, Ford took off his glasses and turned off the lantern, letting darkness overtake the bedroom.
“Goodnight, Stanley.”
“G’night, Sixer.” The younger twin managed to grunt.
Ford smiled, relieved that at least his brother wasn’t angry at him, and he slept soundly as the warm boat kept the cold late-winter air away.
Ford was the first one to wake up. Or at least the first one to rise out of their bed. He slipped on his glasses and was happy to find the little anomaly where he had left her last night: curled up like a kitten on her folded blanket. He took the time to scratch her behind her ears before heading towards the shower.
The aged explorer could understand why Mabel was so attached to her pet pig, Waddles. There was immense satisfaction in caring for something or someone and having them care for you in return. While that is the fundamental basics of human relationships, homo sapiens tend to over complicate such relationships with intense emotions and lack of logic. Other species, like most animals on Earth, allowed this principle to be basic and easy, simple. Give love, get love.
Throughout the years, Ford had indeed come across hundreds of thousands of different creatures. True, a vast majority wanted to eat his face, but to be fair he had been in their climate and they were hungry. That was the beautiful circle of life. Some creatures were perfectly friendly and could even offer some companionship, but none of the creatures Ford had met would stay for long and he knew better than to get too attached; he was too busy trying to take care of himself to add a pet to his list of responsibilities. However, if an animal who enjoyed his company wanted to walk with him in the forest or up a mountain, he wouldn’t stop it or go out of his way to scare it off, knowing full well something else would capture it’s attention or Ford would have to hop through a hole in space-time and the animal would run off, less inclined to follow the kind stranger to an alien world.
Still, a small part of Ford had missed the idea of having a pet. He can remember enjoying Shanklin’s company as a child and being very sad when he had died, though not nearly as heartbroken as Stanley had been. When he had discovered the Shapeshifter as a hatchling, there was a reason he had quickly associated it as a pet, despite Fiddleford’s arguments against it. Perhaps if the encounter hadn’t ended so ugly or if he hadn't been so distracted with Bill and the portal, Ford might have taken in a pet to give him company when it was time for Fiddleford to return home. Maybe a low-maintenance cat or something unique and different. Maybe he would take in a plaidypus. He had enjoyed that anomaly’s company.
As the warm water made it easy for the old sailor to think, he seriously considered adopting the new anomaly as his pet. He knew that Stanley would warm up to her eventually, he just needed time to trust that she wouldn’t go savage on them. Really, there was no real issue or obstacle in his way. They were financially stable, so they could afford to take care of her, there were no other pets that might get jealous of her, they would always be around her so she would never be neglected or abandoned on the boat. Really, the only obstacle Ford could see was that the anomaly might not want to stay.
If Ford had learned anything about wildlife is that animals pick the humans just as much as humans pick the animals. There must be a mutual agreement to love and care for each other in their own unique way, but if one if not willing or incapable of returning the affection, then the arrangement wouldn’t work. There was a large possibility that the anomaly was perfectly happy being a peaceful stray and didn’t want to be tied down to one boat and one pair of sailors, which was perfectly fine. Like Ford had said last night, if she wanted to leave, that was okay. But if she wanted to stay Ford would be nothing short of delighted.
As Ford emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist and a towel in his hand, shaking his fluffy charcoal gray hair dry, he found the sweet anomaly on his bed, playing with his blankets, rolling around and pawing at the soft fabric. He smiled and hung up the towel in his hand as he approached the anomaly, who stopped playing to receive pets and lick his six fingers.
“Good morning, my dear. Sleep well?” He whispered, knowing full well she couldn’t respond, but she looked so happy and well rested, even her fur appeared to host some bed-head. Ford glanced over at his twin, who was still fast asleep, limbs sprawled everywhere and snoring peacefully with his mouth wide open. He grinned, having an idea, and he gently picked the anomaly up from his bed and placed her on Stan’s bed, just by his legs.
As Ford got dressed for the day, he watched as the anomaly pawed at the blankets and then walked up to Stan’s face, then sat and watched him for a moment. Ford had to bite his lip to keep from laughing when the anomaly lifted a soft beanie paw and gently smacked Stan’s nose, playing like she had found a ball. By the time Ford was fully dressed the anomaly had climbed up to Stan’s chest and sat close to his face, happy to only watch him sleep.
The sudden weight on his chest stirred him and Stan groggily opened his eyes and was shocked to find two large baby-blue eyes staring closely at him. “ARG!” He yelled and sat up quickly, making the anomaly jump down from the bed and hide under the bed.
Ford laughed good-naturedly while Stan growled in his throat and put on his glasses. “Ford!”
“Good morning, Stanley.”
“What is that thing still doing here, I thought she was only staying just for the night!”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll leave once we leave.” Ford reasoned as the anomaly slowly crept out from under the bed and rubbed herself against Ford’s legs.
Stan grunted, not sure if he should believe his wishy-washy brother, but it was too early to fight this battle, so he yawned and popped his back and made his way upstairs to make coffee.
The anomaly followed Ford everywhere he went. When he went upstairs, so did she. When Ford sat at the table, she hopped onto it. He smiled and got up for a second, seeing how she turned her nose at his coffee, and he poured her a small plate of milk. She happily lapped it up while the twins sipped their coffee and went over their plans for the day, one purposely ignoring her and the other occasionally petting her or scratching her behind the ear.
About an hour later Stan and Ford were ready to leave for some sightseeing while at Iceland’s capital. The anomaly followed them out of the cabin of the boat and hopped on the wall of the Stan O’ War II and watched them walk away. Ford even waved her goodbye, not sure if this would be the last time he would ever see her or not. Again, it was totally fine if she decided to leave. But the fact remained that Ford would be immensely grateful if he found her still on their boat when they returned.
Stan privately decided that it was best to get his brother’s mind off that little menace, so hopefully when they left the dock and set sail tomorrow morning they could leave this whole ordeal behind them. The two brothers had a good time cracking jokes and laughing as they visited historical sights, museums, and other amazing things the capital had to offer about their culture and history. For lunch they sat at the park with warm sandwiches and listened to a street performer sing and beat a drum about a mountain troll wanting to get married.
Having seen everything they had wanted to see, Ford and Stan decided to head to the Stan O’ War early and leave the docks before dinner. Ford was a little disheartened to find the anomaly no longer on the wall of the Stan O’ War, which again, was fine. She was a wild animal and could do whatever she wanted. And no, Ford was not upset over the fact that she wanted to move on.
So why on Earth was he so jubilant, could feel his heart do a cartwheel of joy in his chest, why he grinned so happily, at the sight of her on one of the lounge chairs, bathing in the sunshine and only awoke because she sensed someone’s presence and she smiled up at him and went to rub against his legs again.
Ford picked her up and held her close to his chest, alone with her since Stan had gone inside to start on dinner and probably didn’t even know she was here. The old scientist sat in the lounge chair and petted his new pet softly, making her purr against his hold.
“You’ll need a proper name, my dear.” Ford thought out-loud. To help decide which best suited her, he listed some names out to see if they sounded right for her. “Luna? Ivy? Amber? Periwinkle? Maybe something more sophisticated, like Alessandra? Stella?” Ford tilted his head to the side as they looked at each other. She coped him curiously.
He chuckled and rubbed her head. “You are a strange anomaly. Hm… while Anomaly isn’t a suitable name, maybe something along those lines. Maybe… Molly? No, close, but you don’t quite look like a Molly, my dear. How about…” And then suddenly, he had it. Ford knew what to call her. It was perfect. It was unique, just like her. Ford smiled peacefully at her and settled with, “Amalia. I’ll call you Amalia from now on.”
“Alright, Sixer, we ready to set… oh, great.” Stan stopped when he saw who Ford was with and he glared at the strange anomaly.
“Say hello to Amalia, Stanley.” Ford said happily and held her up to him to see. She poked her little tongue out at him.
Stan glared at his brother. “Amalia? You named it?!”
“Yes. So? Is there a problem?” Ford asked with a raised eyebrow, bringing Amalia back to his lap, a little tired of Stan’s cold attitude.
“Stanford, you’re not supposed to name it.” He growled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Once you name it, you start getting attached to it! Now get it off the boat, we’re leaving now.”
Ford looked down at Amalia, who was curled up in his arms, and then back up at his brother firmly. He hated to push him, but this was important to him and he genuinely felt like Stan was being unfair. “No.”
Stan blinked at his twin. “I’m sorry?”
“No,” Ford said calmly. “Stanley, please. I think she wants to stay, and I want her to stay. Yes, she is probably a wild animal and can take care of herself, but she shouldn’t have to. Why should she when she could have a loving family who takes care of her? I know you’re a little apprehensive that she’ll turn on us, but as my brother I’m asking that you trust me and let me keep her. Please.”
Stan stared, no longer visibly angry. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Ford. He did, more than anyone, and if someone who used to not trust anyone found this little ankle biter worthy of his hard-earned trust, then Stan had to give that little fur-ball some credit. Not to mention that Stan could remember a time when the tables were turned and someone had agreed to help keep a certain possum a secret. At the memory Stan couldn’t help but smile. 
He sighed, rubbed the back of his neck, and admitted defeat. “Fine, she can stay. But she’s your pet, which means you feed her and clean up after her, you keep her out of my stuff, and if one day we wake up missing a finger or an eye, I’m blaming you.”
Ford grinned; he could see right through Stan’s tough-guy persona. “Thank you, Stanley. You won’t regret it.” He stood and hurried off the boat. “I’ll go buy some supplies for her before we leave! Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Stan muttered, shaking his head. He couldn’t believe how happy his brother had looked when given permission to keep that little gremlin. Stan hadn’t seen Sixer that happy since they first began their adventure.
Ford couldn’t find a pet store within close range, but he did find a convenient store that might have the bare minimum he was looking for. Cans of meat, maybe a soft bed, toys, a brush, etc. Though there was no sign saying “No Pets Allowed,” Ford wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t allowed to bring Amalia inside with him, so he decided to play it safe and hide her in his hoodie.
At first she was tucked in by his chest, her tiny claws clinging to his sweater with no pain to his skin, but Amalia soon climbed up his neck and he had to put his hood up to hide her. She made her way up the right side of Ford’s neck, curling around the back of his head, and resting her front half by his left shoulder, giving Ford a small, furry scarf around the back of his neck, and curling up for another short nap.
And no, Ford was not crying next to the shelves of cat litter.
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bill-y · 4 years
Peeta Mellark x Reader
[ We all know who Katniss Everdeen is, but what if Primrose hadn’t been chosen but another boy from another unfortunate family? YOUR family. ]
Info: This is basically a reader insert and I’ve changed a few rules, not ground breaking though. The reader is a bit bland for now but I plan for his actions to be different. Because he has different moral grounds from Katniss and such. Would appreciate feedback! FEEL FREE TO POINT OUT TYPOS. GRAMMARLY SOMETIMES DOESN’T DO MY DYSLEXIC ASS JUSTICE
Part four: Click here, rooroorara shooty shooty vang vang
Part five: You're right here, silly!
Part six: Click here, war criminal of 1878!
Wattpad acc: L0calxDumbass
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The moment the anthem finished, we were taken into custody. It's not as if we were cuffed or anything; a group of Peacekeepers simply marched us through the front door of the Justice Building.
Each year, at least one of the tributes tries to escape; I've never seen one successfully do so.
Once inside, they put me in a room. It's the most prosperous place I've been to. With a thick carpet in the ground and a weird couch made of fabric, I've never seen before.
It was a strange texture, almost like the weird fuzzy stuff in deer's antlers. My father called them velvet; was this the same thing? If so, that's a bit gross.
Despite this, I still caressed the couch; it was oddly comforting. Almost like you're patting a nearly hairless kitten. It switched from smooth to rough each time I ran my hands through it.
Then I remembered that we only had an hour to say goodbye to our loved ones before leaving for the Capitol. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in. I didn't want to cry at all; the cameras were trained on me. I'm sure the Capitol would eat my tears up.
The first people who came in were my mother and my brother. Kunal let out a sob as he ran towards me, practically throwing himself onto me. I hugged him, staying silent as he buried his face into my neck, afraid that if he let go, I would disappear.
But I needed to break it one way or another. "Mother," I called, my voice detached. Her green eyes met mine, her lips quivering. I gulped down my spit, taking another deep breath in. "Do you. . . Have any idea on how you'll support yourselves. . ?" I asked.
Her eyes landed on the thick, red carpet. "Not as of now," she answered grimly, "But Katniss' mother offered me some work at the apothecary,"
My arms around my brother tightened. Maybe Gale and Katniss could bring them some of the game as well, though I wouldn't count on it. Why would they help us when they have other things to worry about? It's not as if I could teach Nal how to hunt either. The boy's frightened by his own shadow.
All he's good for right now for picking flowers as much as I love him. A sigh escaped my lips, my chest falling slowly as the reality sunk in.
"Well, you must think of something," I told her, my brows furrowing. "I'm not going to come back; I won't be able to support you and—"
"No!" she barked, "No! You will come back, Y/n." she proclaimed, her eyes shaking. She clenched her, fists, "Swear that you will."
Bitterness rose within me. "Tell that to the Capitol, mother," I said coolly. "If I die, then I—." My words were cut short by the sobbing of my brother.
He sniffled, pulling away from my now wet neck. "You'll win, won't you?" he croaked, wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his reaping clothes.
I felt my heart stop; what was I supposed to say to him? "No, Nal. I will surely die, don't count on it,"  a lump formed in my throat.
My eyes landed on my mother, who gave a stern look.  It told me to lie, if not for her sake, then for my brother's. With shaky hands, I held my brother's shoulders. "I'll make it out; then we can— gather some flowers in Victor's village, yes?" 
Nal nodded, hugging me once more. I took a deep breath before I started explaining what they should do. With mother possibly getting a job at the apothecary, perhaps they have a  chance to survive, after all. Though I'm not sure, that's such a pleasant thought with the fact that I will die. 
Soon enough, a Peacekeeper was at the door, telling them their time was up. I gave Nal a hard squeeze before pushing him off. My mother nodded at me; her strawberry blonde hair bounced as she did so. "I love you both," 
The words were stuck in my throat; I couldn't say them. Maybe it was because of my strained relationship with my mother or because I hated the fact that I had just given my brother a false sense of hope. I simply watched as they walked away, hand in hand. 
Nal's watery blue eyes looked back at me one last time, a look of sadness. He knew I was lying. I sounded unconvinced when I told him. My posture slumped; I felt horrible. Our maker is siis merely, I suppose.
The next visitor was unexpected; Peeta's father, the baker. My gut churned; I was off to kill his son soon. Why has he come to visit me? Perhaps he has come to beg me not to kill his son? Not that I could either way, Peeta was stronger than me: it was clear as day.
He handed me a small piece of parchment. It was filled with warm cookies. A delicacy. He must've visited his son; after all, why would he just me cookies? I was about to die anyway; why feed a dead man?
I let out a huge breath, "How was the squirrel?" my voice pierced through the thick silence. He shrugged, "Alright," he answered. Then another wave of silence hit us. I sniffed awkwardly, the scent of fresh bread entering my lungs. 
I couldn't think of anything to say. What was I supposed to do? ApoloApologisebe, but I never really liked apoloapologisingee no need to. If I'm sorry, then I'll show it. We sat in awkward silence before the Peacekeepers told him his time was up. He stood up, clearing his throat.
"I'll keep an eye on the little boy, make sure he's eating," He stated before leaving. I felt the pressure lift from my chest. They may not like me much, but Nal was practically an angel to them. An angel born in a family of rebels, I'm guessing, is their thoughts.
The next guest then entered. Madge. Her expression wasn't weepy nor evasive, nor did she wear that bright smile she always had when she was around me. It looked urgent. She walked straight to me, the urgency in her tone quite surprising, "They let you wear one thing from your district in the arena. One thing to remind you of home, will you wear this?" she holds out a circular gold pin that was on her dress earlier.
My brows furrowed, "Your pin?' I said. Does she really to die wearing rich-people-things? That hasn't even crossed my mind. . . 
"I'll put it on your tunic, alright?" She said, not waiting for my answer as she leaned in and fixed the bird on my chest. "Promise me you'll wear it to the arena, Y/n. Promise me," She took my hand, her thumbs rubbing the back of my own.
Compared to Peeta's, hers was cold yet soft, almost as if she was nervous, worried. But why would she? I barely talk to her; she's the one who always strikes a conversation. All I do is nod and disagree at certain times. 
She leaned closer to my face; I gave her an uncertain smile, pulling away. "Thank you, Madge," I muttered. She nodded, letting go of my hands. "Please, stay safe," her voice trembled as she rushed out of the room. I was left standing there, confused. What was that? Why did she visit me despite my rudeness earlier?
Next was Gale and Katniss. I didn't hesitate to hug both of them before pulling away with a sigh. "Hey, you'll be fine," Gale reassured, patting my shoulder. I stayed silent, only nodding. Katniss gave me a pity smile, "I'm sure it would be fairly easy to get knives, Y/n."
A sigh left my mouth, "I know— I just— Don't want to—" I stammered, making a stabbing motion with my hand. Gale gave me a pitied look, "It's just like hunting, Y/n. You're the best hunter we know," he said.
"They're not animals. They think; they're armed."  I reasoned, my voice trembling. Why did I have to feel these emotions now? Maybe reality has finally settled in, the truth that I'll never see any of these faces again. On the off chance that I do, I'm sure they'll view me differently, a cold-blooded murderer.
"What's the difference, reale said grimly. Those words echoed in my head as they went away with the Peacekeepers. What is the difference? We're all just feral dogs forced to fight or cocks pit against each other.
I took a deep breath as I got called to ride a wagon to the train station. It was a relatively short ride. We never really had the luxury of these; we always had to travel by foot.  
I silently thanked myself for not crying; there were insect-like cameras trained onto my face. Thankfully, I knew how to act, to bite my tongue. If I hadn't, I'd probably be screaming profanities. My eyes glanced onto the television screen; I look bored. Which, I surprisingly was.
It was as if my spirit left me already.
Peeta Mellark, on the other hand, had obviously been crying. However, he didn't even try to hide it, which was quite odd. Was this his strategy? To appear weak and vulnerable to assure the other tributes that he was no threat? This worked for a girl from district 7. Johanna Mason.
She seemed frightened, a cowardly fool that no one bothered about her until only a handful left. She then killed them all, with no problem whatsoever. I remember watching this game, quite shocked. She sold her act to me, but then again, maybe I'm just oblivious.
This worked for her because she looked frail, weak. Peeta applying this strategy was quite odd. Not only did he not look soft, but he was also jacked. He just looked like a big doofus. All those years having bread to eat and hauling trays made him physically capable.
Annoyance rose through me when we had to stand by the train's entrance while cameras gobbled out images up. I was sure I no longer looked bored but rather pissed. It wasn't like I was about to put on a pretty smile for them. These jester-dressed-worms should know how I feel.
Finally, we boarded, and the train began to move at once. The speed took my breath away. It was going faster than I could ever think of. The scenery around us just blurred—a mix of the neutral colour palette that made up District 12. 
We were taught about coal in school. Some basic maths and reading before it circled back to coal again. Our district was used for coal mining, even hundreds of years ago.
Then there are the weekly lectures about the history of Panem, which never fails to annoy me. It's all blather about how we owe the Capitol because of the rebellion and whatnot.
I knew they're hiding something; we couldn't have lost that easily. I always think about this whenever I'm up in the trees, daydreaming, which is why I'm always the last one to arrive at the hill.
The tribute train was much fancier than the room at the Justice building. We were given our own rooms, a dressing area and private bathroom with cold and hot running water. We've never really had hot water readily available at home; we had to boil it.
Though I can't say, I like it, with all that effort I just end up not liking the bath. I much prefer the cold, flowing current of a river.
There are drawers filled with fine clothes, and Effie Trinket told me to do anything I want, wear anything I want, everything is at my disposal. Just be ready for supper in an hour. I peel off my father’s tunic and take a cold shower. I’ve never had a shower before. It’s like being in the rain, inky much tamer. I dress in a dark green shirt and pants, trying my hair to the usual, small pa
At the last minute, I remember Madge’s little gold pin. For the first time, I get a good look at it. It’s as if someone fashioned a small golden bird and then attached a ring around it. The bird is connected to the ring only by its wingtips. I suddenly recognise it—a Mockingjay.
Funny little birds, my favourite creature in the forests, that's for sure. These were a slap to the Capitol's face. They genetically altered animals as weapons. Muttations as we call them, or Mutts for short. One particular kind was a bird they labelled Jabberjay, able to memorise and repeat whole human conversations.
Homing birds, exclusively male that were released into regions where the Capitol’s enemies were known to be hiding. After the birds gathered words, they’d fly back to centres to be recorded. It took people a while to realise what was going on in the districts, how private conversations were being transmitted. Then, of course, the rebels fed the Capitol endless lies, and the joke was on it. So the centres were shut down, and the birds were abandoned to die off in the wild.
But they didn't die; instead, they mated with the female mocking birds and produced this weird species that can replicate both bird whistles and human melodies. They've lost the ability to enunciated words but could still mimic a range of human vocal cords.
My father used to sing them a lot. I guess he passed that habit down to me. Whenever I'm not doing anything, I find myself singing to the hummingbirds, who surprisingly listen and replicate my Father's song. It was a simple melody, made of 10 notes at least.
It warmed by heart, especially at times where I miss him. I smiled, fastening the pin to my shirt, the dark green as its background.
Effie came to collect me. I followed her through a narrow, rocking corridor into a dining room. There's a table where all the dishes are highly breakable. There waiting for us was Peeta Mellark, the chair beside him empty.
"Where's Haymitch?" Asked Effie Trinket brightly.
"Last time I saw him he said he was going to take a nap," said Peeta. "Well, it’s been an exhausting day," said Effie Trinket. I think she’s relieved by Haymitch’s absence, and who can blame her?
Food came in courses. Though I barely touched the carrot soup, the chocolate cake, lamb chops nor the mashed potatoes. I wasn't going to eat this, not from the Capitol.
My jaw clenched as Effie told me to eat up, smiling brightly at me. I gave her a pained smile, slowly taking a bite of the lamb on my plate before swallowing it roughly.
A swirl of guilt formed in my stomach, was I eating really this luxurious food whilst Nal and mother struggle? I sighed, digging my nails into my palms.
Peeta looked at me oddly as he stuffed his face, he nudged my side and nodded towards the food. I simply shook my head, pushing the plate away.
Effie put her lips together at my stubbornness. She was muttering something about having no manners.
We go to another compartment to watch the recap of the reapings across Panem. They try to stagger them throughout the day so a person could conceivably watch the whole thing live, but only people in the Capitol could really do that since none of them has to attend reapings themselves.
One by one, we see the other reapings, the names called, the volunteers stepping forward or, more often, not. We examine the faces of the kids who will be in our competition. A few stand out in my mind.
A monstrous boy who lunges forward to volunteer from District 2. A fox-faced girl with sleek red hair from District 5. A boy with a crippled foot from District 10. And most hauntingly, a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. She has dark brown skin and eyes, but other than that, she’s very like Nal in size and demeanour. Only when she mounts the stage and task for volunteers, all you can hear is the wind whistling through the decrepit buildings around her. There’s no one willing to take her place.
Last of all, District twelve. It showed Nal getting called and me volunteering. The commentators weren't sure about what to say regarding the silence. I only smirked at this, crossing my legs in amusement. Just in time, Haymitch fell from the stage, earning a comical groan from the commentators.
Peeta silently took his place on the stage; we shook hands and then just cut to the anthem.
Effie Trinket is disgruntled about the state her wig was in. "Your mentor has a lot to learn about presentation. A lot about televised behaviour."
Unexpectedly, Peeta laughed. "He was drunk." He said. "He's drunk every year."
"Everyday," I added, finally breaking my silence streak with a smirk. Effie makes it sound kike Haymitch just had rough manners that could easily be dealt with.
"Yes," She hissed "How odd you two find it amusing. You know your mentor is your lifeline to the world in these Games. The one who advises you lines up your sponsors, and dictates the presentation of any gifts. Haymitch can well be the difference between your life and your death!"
Just then, Haymitch staggers into the compartment. "I miss supper?" he slurred. Then he vomits all over the expensive carpet and falls in a mess.
"So laugh away!" said Effie Trinket. And so I did, I barked out mocking laughter as she hopped in her pointy shoes around the pool of vomit and fled the room.
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Word count: 2974
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
Dissociation can be characterized as the mental process of disconnecting from one’s thoughts, feelings and as in your case… sense of identity. The vanity mirror situated in front of you reflected an image that did not immediately register. Rather than claim the woman staring back at you, it was easier to identify her as your doppelganger. Under these altered circumstances, she was the one who was betrayed – not you. She was the foolish one who tolerated months of loneliness for a happy ending that would not come. The signs of a failing relationship were all present, and yet they were given little importance or were outright ignored. It was her fault, after-all. She should have known better. If only she had paid more attention, maybe she would have realized that the end was near.
But who was she to fight fate?
The vibrations of your phone on the vanity lured your attention away from the mirror, and the pitiful creature who broke their own heart. Truthfully, you were surprised that Iwaizumi allowed you access to the device – what if you chose to abide by your masochistic desires and contacted him? The person responsible for the shattered soul staring back at you? But the fact it was Oikawa Tooru who was calling minutes after your sister’s exit could not have been a coincidence. For a few seconds you debated on answering, would your voice deny your request to speak as it did earlier? On the fourth ring, you tapped answer then brought the phone to your ear with a sniffle.
“Hi y/n-y/n.” The mocha haired setter tried to sound casual, disguising the sadness he was currently experiencing on your behalf. He hated that he could not be there for you. Ever since he moved to Brazil, he made it his mission to remain a vital part of your life. Time differences or scheduling conflicts would not stop him from being there for you. Not before, and not now. That being said, it pained him knowing he could not be there with you right now.
“Tooru…” Upon hearing his greeting, a sob immediately attacked your throat. The dam containing the river of emotions you were suppressing for the last hour collapsed, unleashing the tears clinging to your lashes to trail along your cheeks, stinging the wounds slashed into your flesh in the process. Clasping a hand against your mouth to muffle the sound, you pinched your eyelids shut as self hatred swelled your lungs. “I’m a fucking idiot. Tooru…I’m so fucking stupid.” And there it was – bitter acceptance. You could not blame your reflection for your own mistakes. They were yours, and yours alone.
“Y/n, please stop it.” Oikawa clutched the phone tightly against his ear, his own eyes becoming quite wet upon hearing your sobs. “You’re not stupid, okay! It’s not your fault.” Using his index finger, he rubbed against his cheeks roughly. “He’s stupid. You are a goddess and he’s the stupid-head who thought it was okay to hurt you.” The insult was childish, but he was thoroughly flustered, and it was the best he could do.
“You called him a stupid-head. But you’re the one crying with me on the phone.” Strange as it was, you found comfort in having him join you in your hysteria. While the tears continued to parade down your face, laughter soon mixed in with your cries. And for the first time in hours you felt a tinge of happiness.
“Don’t make fun of mee.” The setter whined out, before reaching for a napkin to blow his nose. “I love you, y/n-y/n. Don’t hate yourself. It’ll make me sad.” Sad was an understatement. Hearing you direct the blame to yourself devastated him. The choice to place faith in your partner of eight years was not irresponsible. The only person to blame in the scenario was your fiancé. Oikawa knew that Iwaizumi was also upset at Atsumu for lying on his twin’s behalf, but he did not share the feeling. If he was being honest with himself, he would also do anything to protect his loved ones, including lying.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, Tooru. I don’t know how I’m supposed to let go.” Could you really let him go? The question twisted the knife snug between your ribcage, prompting you to expel a whimper in agony.
“You don’t have to do anything right now. You don’t have to make a decision right away, okay?” He was quick to silence your concerns, knowing that the thought of losing your relationship would be far too much to handle right now.
“I just keep thinking… Even if didn’t have any relationship with her, what if he did with someone else? What else is he lying about? I just don’t know.” The process of vocalizing your fears was simultaneously painful and therapeutic. While it was slightly easier to breathe, the ache swarming your system did not subside.
“You’re only hurting yourself thinking about that. You won’t know the truth until you talk to him. But I don’t suggest doing that until you feel better.” Oikawa fiddled with the phone aimlessly, then swallowed the sigh wishing to depart. There was no magical solution that he could offer, and it was damn frustrating.  
His submission was followed by a minute of silence, as words failed you once more. A conversation with your fiancé was inevitable. Whether it was to mend your relationship or to return the ring – you would have to face him.
“I wish you were here.” The whispered confession fell from your lips as you scrubbed at the mascara smudged against your skin.
“I… wish I was too. I’m sorry.” A clump had formed inside of his esophagus, a side effect of his guilt. Though, you did not want his apology. Something you were about to state until Makki stormed into the bedroom with Akari poking her head inside from behind the door-frame. 
“Hey, what is this? A crying party and I wasn’t invited? Come here, you little brat.” The pink haired male draped his arms around you, plopping his chin against your head lazily. “Thanks for making her cry, shittykawa!” Settling his gaze on his own reflection, an eyelid was dipped into a wink. Akari simply giggled at your friend’s silly antics as you rolled your eyes.
“Is that Makki?” Oikawa questioned gently, dragging his fingers through his hair with an intake of breath.
“Mhmm.” With the unemployed male now playfully tugging at your swollen cheeks, a soft melody pushed past your lips. You had to swat at him three times for him to cease the action and retreat to where your sister was stood. Once you were no longer being pestered, you raised your y/e/c irises to your reflection, and this time you did not mind what you saw in return.
“Hey Tooru.” Brushing the tips of your fingers along your bottom lids, the excess makeup was discarded to further polish your image. “Thank you for being the best.”
“Hey, I know Iwa-chan is your favourite. But you are my favourite, alright.” A dramatic huff was exhaled by the setter, though he did not feel that he earned the gratitude. He wanted to erase your pain, but that was sadly an impossible task and a fools dream. 
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Let’s do it again, shall we -  Dissociation
Masterlist - Previous - Next
A/N: oikawa tooru has my whole ass heart. 
taglist: @idiot-juice-enthusiast @vicassa  @iloveanime691 @bringmelily @newfriendjen @hikarichannn @anime-simp @tsukkismamagucci @laughingismorefun @astronomyturtle @shegrewupwithoutafather @hyskoa1998 @deephumandragonperson @pretty-setter-bois @raenebalgaire @sugawarabby @justanotherfangirl2 @keijisworld @90s-belladonna @momoinot @sempiternal-amour @cherryblosom111 @yqshirov @haikyuufairy @volleybloop @bloody-bella @sadkaashistan @seikamuzu​ @namyari @toaster-stick @coconut-dreamz @roseestuosity @prcttylittlcthing​ @uzumakioden​ @nerdynstoned​ @kenmasgameboy​ @unstableye​ @ouijaeater15​ @aquariarose​ @fandomtrashpandasposts​ @helloalex80​ @stfucanunot​ @envyusshades​ @cuddlesslut​ @seijohiseliterambles​ @chaichai-the-weeb​ @meiikuki​
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Yuki (2006) [RGGO]
The next few stories will be about three very beautiful, very elegant, very alive ladies (which should narrow it down quite a lot lol). First up: She’s single! She’s 39! She’s probably addicted to gacha games! It’s Yuki!!
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Story: Yuki learns that her father is ill, and wants to show him that she is reliable and capable so that he won’t pass on with regrets. Everyone tries to help her maintain the lie because she is, in fact, neither reliable nor capable. Majima gives a speech about the power of friendship.
(Featuring the 3 different artstyles of RGGO-verse: anime, paint-y, and Dragon Engine; all in the same weird screenshot!)
Majima & Youda: “We love you, Yuki-chan. Even if you’re dumb, and clumsy, and stupid, and gullible . . .”
Yuki: “. . . I wish I had better friends.”
|Four Shine wins the Cabaret Club Grand Prix, and became a popular cabaret club after that . . . The temporary club manager Kiryu leaves Sotenbori, so the owner Yuki and the club manager Youda handle the club in place of three people.|
|Four Shine, Sotenbori.|
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Waiter: “Kirara has been nominated for Table No. 2! Bring a wet towel for Table No. 4!”
Yuki: “Phew~ . . . I’m even busier than usual . . . Oh? Koyuki-chan, you look pale. Maybe you’re sick?”
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Koyuki: “. . . I couldn’t sleep much yesterday. But it’s fine. We’re short on staff today.”
Yuki: “No, no! What if you break your body! Please go home now and get some rest!”
Koyuki: “But the 5th table . . .”
Yuki: “No buts! I’ll do something about your absence, just leave it to me!”
Koyuki: “I . . . I understand. But, I want to work once I feel better, so I’ll just rest here in the back.”
{Koyuki leaves to take a break.}
Yuki: “Indeed . . . Koyuki-chan is a hard worker.”
Waiter: “Yuki-san. Where is Koyuki-san? Table No. 5 has been waiting for a while now . . .”
Yuki: “Eh?! Table No. 5?! That’s right, I forgot . . . Koyuki-chan is resting right now. What should I do . . .”
Waiter: “If Koyuki-san can’t do it, then I guess they can wait a little longer, Aika-san would be available then . . .”
Yuki: “Y-Yeah, yeah! I’m sorry, please do that . . . ! I’ll go apologize to the customer later . . . !”
{The waiter leaves to give Table No. 5 the news.}
Yuki: “Haa . . . I said to leave it to me but then I completely forgot . . . I’m losing my mind . . .”
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Cast Member Erica: “Uuugh . . . Yuki-san . . .”
Yuki: “Oh?! What’s wrong, Erica-chan? Isn’t it your day off . . . ?”
Cast Member Erica: “I . . . I was dumped by my boyfriend . . . I was feeling sad and lonely . . . so I came here . . .”
Yuki: “Oh . . . Don’t cry Erica-chan. I’m sure you’ll find a better boyfriend. And even if you don’t have a boyfriend, it’s fun! It’s great to be able to play online games by yourself at home!”
Cast Member Erica: “I-Is that okay for Yuki-san? Even though you’re 39 years old, you haven’t had a crisis about having no boyfriend . . .”
Yuki: “Eh?! I-I . . . ? I-Is that actually bad after all . . . ?”
Cast Member Erica: “Well, I guess it depends on the person . . . you’re 39 years old. If you like older men, would you like me to introduce one to you?!”
Yuki: “Don’t mention my age so much . . . you’re making me depressed. At the very least, Erica-chan seems to be feeling much better.  . . . Oh!! Look at the time! Youda-san wanted us to talk about shifts!”
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Yuki: “Ah, I’m here . . . but, is he on the phone?”
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Youda (on the phone): “. . . I want to go to the amusement park with my family too, but as the club manager, I can’t take a day off on a busy Friday. So maybe next time, when everyone’s schedule lines up again . . . yes, I’m sorry.”
{Youda hangs up.}
Yuki: “Youda-san. Are you talking about next Friday? You can take a day off if you want to go with your family!”
Youda: “Eh?! Ah, Yuki-chan. No, that’s not the case . . .”
Yuki: “It’s not a problem. I’ll do something about it when the day comes. You should enjoy yourself with your family once in a while!”
Youda: “. . . Thank you, Yuki-chan. Your words have brought me happiness.”
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Yuki: “. . . Ah, this is bad, this is bad! Before I forget, I should make a note of the change in Youda-san’s schedule . . . Is Takada also on break that day . . . he said he’d be on a date with his girlfriend so he’ll be taking a day off. Oh? Shirota is also taking that day off. That means . . . there are no waiters for that day?! I’ve done it now . . . how can I do this without Youda-san . . . But it’ll be hard for me to say he should work again . . .”
Youda: “Hey, Yuki-chan. I’m grateful for you giving me next Friday off. Thanks to that, both my wife and daughter were happy.”
Yuki: “I-Is that right . . . I’m happy for you . . . Haha . . .”
{Yuki’s phone rings.}
Yuki: “. . . Hello? My dad’s . . . you’re a colleague of my dad? . . . Eh? He collapsed and was brought to the hospital?! What . . . What should I do . . . I . . . What should I do . . .”
Youda: “Go do what you need to do! Leave the club to me . . . go on!”
Yuki: “. . . Yes. Youda-san, thank you very much. Excuse me . . . everyone, please let me through!”
{Yuki bumps into someone on her way out.}
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Yuki: “Ah! S-Sorry . . . I’m in a hurry . . .”
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Rough-looking Man: “Oi, oi . . . that hurt, Neechan . . . my bone is broken where you hit it. I think the cost of treatment’s gonna be pretty high.”
Yuki: “B-Broken bone?! Are you okay?!”
???: “If you can get a broken bone from getting hit by a girl, you’re a pretty pathetic man~.”
Rough-Looking Man: “Oh? Who’s that?”
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Majima: “Hi~hihi! Awfully hostile for a weak kink! Are you a masochist looking to experience some pain?”
Yuki: “Ma-Majima-san!”
Majima: “Yo, Yuki-chan. I was in the area so I dropped by . . . but it looks like you’re in a hurry! I’ll handle this pathetic Niichan. You should get going.”
Yuki: “Th-Thank you very much . . . Please excuse me. I’ll pay the treatment fee later!”
{Yuki runs off.}
Rough-Looking Man: “You let that Neechan go without my permission. Are you paying for my treatment fee instead?”
Majima: “No one’s paying. Unlike Yuki-chan, I ain’t a fool who believes ya actually broke a bone.”
Rough-Looking Man: “. . . So I guess you’re not paying up obediently. If you go against me, you’re paying for your own treatment!”
{Majima beats up the guy.}
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Yuki: “Haa . . . Haa . . . My dad’s hospital room . . . is here . . .”
???: “I’m . . . so terrible . . .”
Yuki: “. . . ?!”
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Yuki’s Father: “. . . Doctor. Please keep it secret from my daughter. My daughter . . . I don’t want her to know. How much longer do I have . . .”
Doctor: “. . . Around 1 month.”
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Yuki: (1 month?! My dad only has 1 month to live?! So . . . to not make me sad . . . Dad has been trying to keep his illness from me . . .)
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Doctor: “Excuse me.”
{The doctor leaves, and Yuki enters the room.}
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Yuki: “D-Dad . . . Are you okay? I heard you fell down . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, Yuki . . . you came. It’s not anything major . . . nothing to worry about.”
Yuki: “Is that so . . . that’s good.”
Yuki: (That’s a lie . . . it’s really a major illness. But . . . it’s a lie he’s telling just for me . . . so I can’t say I know it’s a lie . . .)
Yuki’s Father: “That’s right. So . . . urkk!!”
Yuki: “?!”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, it’s nothing bad . . . I just got a big hiccup, hahaha.”
Yuki: (. . . that’s also a lie. I’m sure he’s sick and his body is in tatters . . . to be enduring such pain . . .)
Yuki: “Dad . . . I’m going to the bathroom for a while.”
{Yuki leaves and starts pacing outside the room, crying.}
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Yuki: Uuugh . . . Don’t cry. It makes no sense for my dad to hide his illness so desperately.”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . Haa. I hope Yuki’s alright.”
Yuki: “. . . !”
Yuki’s Father: “I can’t help but worry about the future of that child.”
Yuki: “Dad . . . he’s worried about leaving me all alone. It’s because I’m not reliable . . . If Dad is worried about me, he’ll die with regrets . . . That’s not good! I have to let him know I can make it on my own . . . I have to reassure him at least . . . !”
{Yuki marches back in the room.}
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Yuki’s Father: “So Yuki . . . is work going well?”
Yuki: “it’s going really well! It’s going so well, I’m actually worried about needing to expand the club!”
Yuki’s Father: “Well, that’s good. Isn’t Yuki’s clumsiness causing trouble for the club?”
Yuki: “Ughh . . . speaking of which, earlier today . . .”
Yuki: (I shouldn’t . . . I have to reassure him . . . ! He has to know I’m not a bad owner!)
Yuki: “Don’t you know, I’m not the same Yuki anymore? I’m called a charismatic owner now. I’m so reliable, everyone in the club is piggyback riding on me! So I’ve been busy lately!”
Yuki’s Father: “I see . . . Yuki has become great too. Okay. Can I come see the club tomorrow? I want to see the work of a charismatic owner.”
Yuki: “Eh?! Come see me work?! But you’re ill . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “I’ll talk to my doctor about it. It won’t interfere with your work, right?”
Yuki: “Y-Yup. Of course. I, I, I . . . I’ll show you what a charismatic owner looks like.”
|Four Shine.|
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Yuki: “Hiii~! Everyone, Wh-What should I do~!!”
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Koyuki: “You really went all out by saying you’re a charismatic owner . . .”
Youda: “Moreover, your dad is dropping by tomorrow . . . you don’t have time to grow up . . .”
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Majima: “Hihihi, then I have no choice but to show off my charisma skills to Yuki-chan!”
Yuki: “You’re going to help me Majima-san?! Thank you so much!”
Youda: “Making Yuki-chan look charismatic . . . It’s a difficult problem, but I have no choice but to do it.”
Koyuki: “For Yuki-san . . . we’ll overcome any troubles!”
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Majima: “Alright! Let’s turn the stupid, stupid Yuki-chan into a person full of charisma!”
Koyuki & Youda: “Yeah!”
Yuki: “It’s like being casually told something so cruel . . .”
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Yuki’s Father: “Sorry for bothering you. Oh, this is the first time I’ve seen it, but it’s a lively club.”
Yuki: “Fufu. That’s because it’s a club run by a charismatic owner like me. I’ve told everyone, so you can tour around as much as you like.”
Yuki’s Father: “Yeah. I want to see Yuki’s hard work. I’ll just be careful not to get in the way of everyone in the club.”
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Majima: “. . . Alrighty then, Youda-han. Let’s start the operation. Ask away.”
Youda: “Please leave it to me!”
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Youda: “Owner! I want to consult about our monthly sales.”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, it’s Yuki’s turn right away . . . good luck, Yuki. I’ll be nearby.”
Youda: “Compared to last month, weekend sales have dropped by about 10%, what measures should we take?”
Yuki: “I see . . . last month was a busy month, we’ll need to deal with the decline immediately.”
Youda: (Good, Yuki-chan. Just like I taught you. Now just talk about the measures as it is. That way your dad will think you’re an owner who makes solid management decisions . . . Operation ‘Make Perfect Management Decisions’! Yuki-chan, tell me exactly what I taught you . . . !)
Yuki: “Since the seats are almost full by 7:00 PM, If we want to increase sales, we should consider opening at other times or making outdoor seating available. To the customers who come in early . . . you need to be ‘sensitive’.
Youda: (?! No, Yuki-chan! You need an ‘incentive’! You don’t need to be sensitive!)
Yuki: “Besides labor costs . . . you also need ‘Cosmo Cut’. Make a list of the things you need to buy in large quantities.”
Youda: (Yuki-chan! You’re supposed to say ‘cost cut’! Cosmo Cut is a special move . . . !)
Yuki: “I’ll do it, I’ll call our suppliers. I’ll be out for a while.”
{Yuki leaves.}
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Yuki’s Father: “. . . Sensitive? Cosmo Cut?”
Youda: (No, no! He has doubts! At this rate, the hopeless owner will be revealed . . . I got it!)
Youda: “Oh, you might not know about it. Those are technical terms used in the nightlife industry.”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, is that right?”
Youda: “Yes. ‘Sensitive’ means good customer service that enhances customer satisfaction and encourages future visits. ‘Cosmo Cut’ is a cost-cutting method where we purchase on a large scale, as large as the universe.”
Yuki’s Father: “I see! I was wondering if Yuki had made a mistake. I learned a lot. Thank you very much.”
Youda: (Phew~ . . . that’s good. Somehow I managed . . .)
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Yuki: “Fufufu. How was it, Majima-san? I did it perfectly.”
Majima: “Yuki-chan, did you even notice you made a mistake . . . you should thank Youda-han later.”
Yuki: “Eh?! I-I made a mistake?!”
Majima: “No worries. Youda-han managed to fix it. Operation ‘Solve the Cast’s Worries!’ is ready to go, so it’s okay. Good luck.”
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Koyuki: “Yuki-san. I have something to consult with you . . . is that okay?”
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Yuki’s Father: “Oh, a consultation from the cast. Can I watch from nearby?”
Koyuki: “. . . Yes. No problem. Because you’re the father of the charismatic owner Yuki-san.”
Yuki’s Father: “Thank you! Then I’ll be close by. Good luck~ Yuki!”
Yuki: (It’s fine . . . Koyuki-chan is going to talk about customer service and I just have to give advice . . . I failed earlier . . . but I can’t make any more mistakes. I have to give solid advice as an owner.)
Koyuki: “Actually, I’m worried because the number of requests for me has decreased recently. How can I give good customer service that will increase my number of nominations?”
Yuki: “I see . . . That’s . . . um . . . hmm . . . That’s . . .”
Yuki: (Why is nothing good coming out of my mouth?! Wh-What do I do, what do I do!!)
Yuki’s Father: “Oh? Is something wrong, Yuki? If you keep silent, you won’t be able to give advice . . .”
Yuki: (Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What should I do?! Nothing’s coming out! My dad’s going to figure out the lie!)
Koyuki: “. . . I understand, Yuki-san. You’re saying I should find the solution myself.”
Yuki: “. . . Eh?!”
Koyuki: “Even if I think I’ll understand if I ask other people for help, I won’t really get it. Instead, I should think hard and figure it out myself . . . ! You did something as bold as shutting up, just so I’d be aware of it. Thank you very much! I’ll try my best!”
Yuki’s Father: “I see . . . It’s better to figure things out by yourself. To convey that through silence . . . Yuki has grown up.”
Yuki: “A-After all, there are things better communicated if unsaid . . .”
Yuki: (That’s good . . . thanks to Koyuki-chan’s wit, I managed to keep up the lie . . . Next, Majima-san’s friend will cause a ruckus and I’ll stop him in Operation ‘Don’t Tolerate Annoying Guests!’ . . . What kind of person is this Nishida-san who’s going to play as the annoying guest?)
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Majima: “So, is it time to give the signal to Nishida and the others?”
Waiter: “Excuse me, Majima-san. A thug outside the club said to ‘give this to the man in an eyepatch with a Techno haircut’ . . .”
Majima: “Haa~, it’s hard being so popular.  . . . I’ll give the signal to Nishida and the others when I get back.”
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Rough-Looking Man: “I thought I saw a similar guy entering this club . . . looks like I was right on the mark.”
Majima: “. . . Huh. You’re the weak Niichan from yesterday. Did you come back to have your bones broken for real?”
Rough-Looking Man: “This is the end of the line Eyepatch Guy! This time I brought a friend who prides himself on fights! We’ll kill you and sink you in Sotenbori River!!”
{Majima fights the guys.}
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G.B. Holmes: “Nishida-san. Is it okay to rampage now?”
Nishida: “No! Stop, stop! We have to wait until Boss gives the signal. But what is the boss doing . . . it’s been too long since his last instruction . . .”
???: “Stop screwing around, idiot!!”
Nishida: “?!”
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Waiter: “C-Customer. Please calm down.”
Troublesome Customer: “No way! I’m paying a lot of money for so few drinks!! I’ll teach you what happens when you try to scam me!! Bring me the person in charge!!”
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Nishida: “Eh . . . ? Is that a real disruptive customer? We have to stop him . . . but . . . knowing Boss, he could have actually prepared someone other than us to make it a surprise . . .”
G.B. Holmes: “Would you like to go ask the boss . . . ?”
Nishida: “Yeah. It would be bad if we get in Yuki-san’s way . . . I’m sure Boss went out the club a while ago . . . Let’s go look for him, Gary!”
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Troublesome Customer: “Where’s the person in charge!!”
Yuki: “The person in charge is here! I’m Yuki, the owner. If you have any complaints about our club, I’ll listen to them as much as you want!”
Yuki: (. . . I keep failing so far. I have to make a quick decision here and recover my honor! Even so . . . He’s a much scarier person than Majima-san said . . . this Nishida-san.)
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Troublesome Customer: “Where is the person in charge!!”
Yuki: “I’m Yuki, the owner. If you have any complaints about our club, I’ll listen to them as much as you want!”
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Yuki’s Father: “That customer . . . that man looks like he’s yakuza . . . will Yuki be alright?”
Youda: “She’ll be fine. Yuki-san is a charismatic owner.”
Youda: (It’s a customer we prepared . . . but, I didn’t know Majima-san’s friend Nishida-san was this kind of person . . .)
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Yuki: (Repel this disruptive customer prepared by Majima-san . . . I’ll show my dad what I can do! Show him I have a solid place . . . my dad with a low life expectancy . . . I’ll reassure him!)
Yuki: “This is my club! I won’t let you do anything! If you have any complaints, then settle your bill and please get out!”
Troublesome Customer: “You’re the owner? How dare you speak to your customers like that!!”
Yuki: (Huh . . . ? Nishida-san is supposed to run away if I say ‘get out’ . . . Did he not notice the cue for the little arrangement? I’ll say it more clearly . . .)
Yuki: “G . . . Get out!!”
Troublesome Customer: “Who are you to order me around!!”
Yuki: (Eeh . . . ?! He still hasn’t noticed?! It’s really spontaneous, Nishida-san. Maybe he’ll understand if I speak in a Kansai dialect? . . . Alright then!)
Yuki: “L-Let’s get out!!”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . Huh?”
Yuki: “Eh? Did I say it wrong? Then . . . Can’t get out! . . . Is it still wrong? How about . . . Please get out!”
Troublesome Customer: “What are you doing! Are you playing around!! I’m being serious!!”
Yuki: (Kansai dialect isn’t working . . . ?! I-I don’t know what more I can do!)
Yuki: “N-Nishida-san . . . I’m already saying your cue to turn back. Next time I say it . . . please run away.”
Troublesome Customer: “What the hell are you whispering!! And who is Nishida! I’m Kawano!!”
Yuki: “Ka-Kawano-san?!”
Troublesome Customer: “You keep saying a Miss like you is the owner, the owner! I was just having fun, just got a little handsy and rattled the pitcher a bit! I’m a customer who paid lots of money! How will you make up for making me feel bad!!”
Yuki: (He’s different from what I heard from Majima-san . . . This person, could it be . . . h-he’s a real disruptive customer?!)
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Majima: “You’re a really stubborn guy . . . Hm?”
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Nishida: “Boss! I have a little something to tell you . . . uguh!”
{Nishida suddenly gets Tachibana’d and drops to the ground. Fortunately, unlike Tachibana, Nishida is wearing a Majima Construction Helmet ™.}
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G.B. Holmes: “Nishida-san!”
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Rough-Looking Man’s Friend: “That’s one of your buddies down . . . Don’t think you can get away with doing that to our friend.”
Majima: “. . . He still has friends. I thought he only had one. But . . . it can’t be helped, Nishida. Sorry I didn’t keep them away.”
Nishida: “I’m sorry, Boss . . . ow ow . . .”
Majima: “I’ll show you right now how to pass judgment on a fool who chooses the wrong kind of prey!”
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Troublesome Customer: “Hehe, I finally see a scared face. Then I’d like you to apologize quickly.”
Yuki: “A-An apology . . . ?”
Troublesome Customer: “I was looking forward to throwing back drinks here, so get me a lady and a waiter. Shouldn’t you pay me too? Call it a compensation fee. Then I’ll think about forgiving you a little.”
Yuki: “Th-That’s . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “I don’t care about your opinion! Bring me a lady and a waiter!!”
Yuki: “B-But . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “Do it!! Or I’ll kill you!!!!”
Yuki: “Hiii! Do-Don’t kill me!”
Troublesome Customer: “Heh, you’re a pitiful figure. If you don’t want to get killed, bring me a lady and a waiter and give me back my money! I’ll hit the waiter until his face is messed up, then I’ll bring the lady to a hotel and punish her a lot.”
Yuki: “. . . ! I . . . I won’t let you do that.”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . Oh?”
Yuki: “To do my best to give the staff peace of mind . . . that is the work . . . of an owner . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “Huh?! I’ll kill you!!”
Yuki: “I’m sorry you’re not satisfied, but everyone in the club is doing their best to serve customers. Doing things that the girls don’t like . . . If you have any complaints, you don’t have to come here anymore. Here’s your bill. Now go home and don’t come back again.”
Troublesome Customer: “Don’t come back again? Is this your attitude towards customers!!!!”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . what are you doing?”
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Youda: “Apparently, he’s not the guy we prepared. As the store manager, I can’t forgive any violence!”
Yuki: “Youda-san . . . Erica-chan . . . Koyuki-chan . . . ! it’s dangerous! Stay back! Don’t get hurt for a bad owner like me!”
Youda: “. . . Didn’t you switch around my shift so I can go to the amusement park with my family? Think of this as me returning the favor.”
Koyuki: “That’s right! I also have a lot of gratitude towards Yuki-san for caring about my physical condition!”
Cast Member Erica: “Me too! You showed me a lot of kindness after my boyfriend dumped me!!”
Yuki: “E-Everyone . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “This disgusting club . . . treating me as the bad guy. If you all get in the way, then I’ll kill you all together!”
{All four of them gang up on the guy and beat him up.}
Troublesome Customer: “Haa . . . haa . . . you cowards . . . fighting 4 against 1 . . .”
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Four Shine Customer A: “Not just 4! If you do anything else, we’ll join in too!”
Four Shine Customer B: “That’s right!! There’s no better club than this! If you have any complaints, then get out!!”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . ?! That’s it, I’m never coming back to this club again!”
{The disruptive customer runs out.}
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Koyuki: “. . . Yuki-san, are you alright?!”
Yuki: “Y-Yeah . . . I’m okay. Everyone . . . thank you so much for your help.”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . That was great, Yuki.”
Yuki: “. . . I don’t think so. My clothes got dirty . . . I’ll go get changed a little.”
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Yuki: “Haa . . . it’s no good . . . I . . . Even this year, I’m still being helped by people . . . Because of this, my dad can’t be reassured by the lie that I’m a ‘charismatic owner’ . . .”
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Majima: “. . . As usual you’re thinking so negatively~. I . . . I don’t think that’s the case.”
Yuki: “Oh! Majima-san?!”
Majima: “Yuki-chan did well today. Didn’t you stand up against a real nuisance customer? Besides, it’s not a bad thing to be helped by people. It’s all thanks to Yuki-chan’s humanity. Youda-han, Koyuki-chan, Erica-chan, the customers, they all took the risk to help Yuki-chan.”
Yuki: “Ma-Majima-san . . .”
Majima: “I don’t know if anyone can live by themselves. If you need help, then you’ll be given help. As a father, if I found out that there are many people who can help Yuki-chan, I think that’s enough to give me peace of mind.  . . . even if Yuki-chan herself is a stupid, stupid owner.”
Yuki: “. . .”
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Yuki: “Dad . . . do you have a moment? . . . Actually, I have to apologize for something.”
Yuki’s Father: “Eh? Apologize for what . . . ?”
Yuki: “Actually . . . it’s a lie that I’m a charismatic owner of the club and everyone relies on me. As you saw, I’m a hopeless owner who can only do things with the help of everyone . . . Dad, I’m sorry for lying to you . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . Is that so. I had a feeling it was like that. But I’m glad I could see your hard work even if it was a lie. Even if you being a charismatic owner is a lie, I could see you were loved by friends.”
Yuki: “Dad . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “I’m relieved that you are blessed with good friends.”
Yuki: “U . . . uugh . . . Daaad! I don’t want you to dieeeeeeee!!!!”
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Majima: “Yuki-chan . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . Die? What are you talking about?”
Yuki: “. . . Dad has a serious illness and only has a short life expectancy. I heard you ask the doctor to hide it from me, to ‘please keep my illness secret from my daughter’ . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, you heard that?! I should have told you properly.”
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Yuki’s Father: “This is hard for me to say, but my illness is . . . ‘hemorrhoids’.”
Yuki: “Hemorrhoids . . . that is a serious illness . . . wait, hemorrhoids?!?!”
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Majima, Youda, & Koyuki: “He . . . Hemorrhoids . . . !?”
Yuki: “Hemorrhoids . . . that’s . . . is it the one found on your butt? It has a similar name with a serious illness . . .”
Majima: “. . . you can’t find hemorrhoids anyplace other than the butt.”
Yuki’s Father: “I was so embarrassed it hurt so much that I fainted . . . so I kept it secret from Yuki . . .”
Yuki: “Th-Then . . . wasn’t it your life expectancy that the doctor said was only ‘one more month’?”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . That’s how long it takes for my hemorrhoids to heal completely.”
Yuki: “So when you sometimes looked like you were in such pain . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . It’s because the hemorrhoids hurt.”
Yuki: “Then when you said, ‘I’m worried about Yuki’s future’, didn’t that mean you were worried about leaving me all alone?”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . I heard that the tendency to get hemorrhoids is inherited. I was worried you’d develop terrible hemorrhoids.”
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Yuki: “E-Eeeeeeeeh?! So it was just a misunderstanding that you have a short life expectancy?!”
Yuki’s Father: “Th-That’s right. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding . . .”
Yuki: “I-I see . . .”
Majima: “. . . Haa, I was so exhausted trying to make this work. And it was all because I was swayed by hemorrhoids.”
Koyuki: “I was almost crying until a while ago . . . but it was just hemorrhoids . . .”
Youda: “What was the point of the strategy we brainstormed last night . . .”
Yuki: “Majima-san, Koyuki-chan, Youda-san . . .  um . . . I-I’m so sorry!! I-I know! I’ll apologize to everyone with sushi! So . . . please forgive me! See, with the money in my wallet . . . huh? Huh?! I don’t have my wallet . . . Wh-Where did I drop it? Le-let me look for it for a second! Aaa~h, I can’t find it anywhere!!”
Majima: “Haa . . . Yuki-chan will always be Yuki-chan.”
Yuki’s Father: “You’re right . . . hahaha.”
Yuki: “Where did you gooo~ my wallet!!!!”
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Hello i hope you’re doing well and stay hydrated. Can i an oneshot of Leona turning into a cat by accident and a shy mc looks for Leona bec Ruggie sends her to find him. She finds a cat with an injury, not realizing the cat himself is Leona. She aid his injury and starts telling the cat about how she feels for Leona like she has no confidence to confess her love for him and wants to be on his side but she feels completely out of his league. LOLOL Thankssssss :))
Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you are healthy and staying hydrated too.
Please enjoy this piece. I think it’s the longest imagine I’ve done so far, at about 960 words. I also wrote a bonus imagine to go with this one, which describes the events leading up to Leona’s transformation into a cat.
Imagine this...
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Leona cursed under his breath as he bounded about the courtyard on all fours. Ears twitching, tail sailing in the wind. Pain jolted up one of his hind legs from an earlier scuffle with a bird--but he squashed that sensation and carried on.
No one so much as gave him a second glance.
After all, he lacked a human form at the moment. Instead of skin, Leona boasted a coat of white fur, splattered with black and orange patches--and though his frame had shrunk to that of a typical house cat, his agility remained unchanged.
His green eyes furiously scanned the courtyard. Everything looked so much bigger in this puny body.
The Mirror Chamber--where was the Mirror Chamber? He needed to dive back into Savanaclaw territory, to find Ruggie--a skilled animal speaker--and demand that he find a way to undo this accursed fairy magic. There was no way Leona was going to crawl back to Malleus begging for help.
Pain shot up his hind leg again, slowing Leona to a halt.
Stupid bird.
Sighing, he limped as best as he could to the shade of an apple tree to rest. Unfortunately for him, someone was already sitting under it--the Ramshackle Prefect.
“Mm?” Yuu glanced up at his slow approach. Her eyes widened with joy. “A kitty,” she gasped, clasping her hands together. Her gaze focused on his injured leg. “Oh, you’re hurt...”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just make some space for me,” Leona grumbled, knowing that all Yuu would hear was meowing.
“Did you get separated from your owner and injure yourself?” Yuu asked, offering a soft smile and a hand. Leona frowned--she was never this talkative with him when he was in his usual form. No, she often shied away from interacting with others completely.
He cautiously nudged her hand with his head. When he did not reply, Yuu absentmindedly continued.
“You look a little lost, haha.” She scratched the back of her head. “I’m a bit lost myself...I mean, Ruggie asked me to look for someone for him, but I’m kinda stuck here until Ace and Deuce come and grab me. I ended up not being much help.”
Leona’s ears perked up at the mention of his vice-dorm leader. Right--it was around the time when Ruggie would typically pick him up from his botanical garden nap. He was probably on a wild goose chase when he didn’t find Leona in his usual spot.
“Oh, do you know Ruggie? Maybe he’s your owner.” Yuu nodded, taking in Leona’s reaction.
“Hah! He wishes.”
“Is that a no? Hmm.” Yuu tiled her head to one side, lost in contemplation. “Maybe you’re Leona’s? The colors on your fur remind me of him.”
“I am Leona, you silly herbivore.”
“I can see why he’d keep a kitty,” Yuu continued. “I have my own. Grim can be rough around the edges sometimes. But you--you’re so cute. Leona’s...very lucky to have you.”
He narrowed his eyes at her suspicious behavior. Yuu had a semi-dazed look on her face at the mention of his name, a slight blush dusted upon her cheeks. Still, there was something more beyond that.
“Oi. Stop that,” Leona commanded, crawling onto her lap and bopping Yuu on the nose with his paw.
“Ah.” Yuu stared at him like a deer in headlights. Then her eyes softened. “Were you trying to cheer me up, kitty?”
“No, you just looked so sad that it was pathetic,” he scoffed, nudging her cheek with his face, “so smile already.”
Yuu sighed--the complete opposite of what he wanted. “It’s that obvious, huh? Oh, what am I going to do?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
“Hey, kitty. Can I tell you a secret?” Yuu whispered. Her eyes looked sadder than ever, big and wet like that of a doe.
“Shoot. It’s not like I’m going to be going anywhere anytime soon with this bad leg.”
“There’s...” Yuu hestitated. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “There’s this boy I like.”
“Oh, brother.”
“But...he’s perfect, and I’m not. He’s proud and confident and handsome...and he’s a prince!” Yuu gushed, but her cheer quickly dropped. “Meanwhile, I’m just a girl from who knows where--I can’t do magic, I don’t come from a prestigious family, and I can barely speak to him without tripping over my own words, let alone confess!”
“Oh.” Leona’s pack had always taught him to respect women, but even he had no idea what to say in this situation. “That’s...not great.”
What she said next made his fur stand on end.
“Leona’s completely out of my league,” Yuu whimpered, burying her face in her hands. “I’m no good for him at all.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Leona chided. Perhaps if he were human again, he would be blushing--but (and he never thought he’d be thinking this) thank god for being a cat! “Don’t...don’t give up before you’ve even tried, you weak herbivore!”
He batted his paws against her hands.
Yuu looked up. “Ah. Are you...encouraging me, kitty?”
“Whatever gets you to cheer up.” Leona forced a smile--though he wasn’t quite sure how it came off on his cat face. “Come on. Get back on your feet and just go for it already.”
That seemed to do the trick, for Yuu beamed.
“Haha, that’s such a funny face. What a silly kitty you are.” She playfully poked him on the nose. “Thank you for listening.”
“Hmph. Good to see you in high spirits again.” Leona smirked to himself. “I’ll be eagerly awaiting that confession, then. Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
“Hehe.” Yuu cradled Leona in her arms and stood. “When Ace and Deuce get here, we’ll take you to the infirmary to get some ice for your leg.”
Until then, they waited under the apple tree.
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enhypenwriters · 4 years
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I decided to participate in Be My Love. Me isn’t writer....please go easy on me...don’t expect greatness🙂
The Trip
☆Pairing: Heeseung X Reader
☆Genre: Fluff, Angst
☆Warning: Language, Cheating, Little Violence
☆Synopsis: How will a vacation go with a stranger?
By Admin Anna🦦
Valentine’s Day sucked. Here you were at a beautiful resort by the beach and you were depressed. Your ex had dumped you two days earlier. He had told he had fallen for someone else, which really stung. The two of you had had been together for three years. You were gonna surprise him with this trip, but that went down the drain. By the time you broke up it was too late to cancel the reservation and you had paid good for money for this. You thought why not go and enjoy and forget him.
You sat in the lobby of the resort after being being told you have to be part of couple to stay. So you had two choices try and find a single person or go home. Suddenly you felt someone sit next to you on the couch. You looked over and saw a sad looking guy about your age.
“What’s up with you?” You asked.
“I can’t stay here....I’m not part of a couple.” He sighed. That gave you an idea. “Hey, not to be weird or anything...I know we just met and you don’t know my name....but I wanna stay and I need someone to be a couple with?”
The boy thought for a second, “Uhh...sure why not. We can friends.” You clapped with joy and held out your hand to shake, “Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m here alone because my boyfriend dumped me two days ago.”
He shook your hand and said, “I am Heeseung. I got dumped four hours ago.” That took you for loop. You thought no one could be in worse situation than you but you were wrong. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. If you don’t mind me asking...what happened?”
“Well....I was getting ready to leave with my ex, Irene and she suddenly told me that she had been cheating on me.” You covered your mouth to hide your gasp. “That bitch.” You said. “I’m sorry Heeseung, but we shouldn’t be sad anymore. Let’s have some fun!” You and Heeseung headed to your room.
When you opened the door, you were wowed. The walls were a light easy on the eyes yellow. The room had a sweet tropical theme. There was one big king size bed. The bathroom was to your left. On the far side in the room there were two doors leaving to the balcony. You ran over and opened the doors, you were greeted by a breathtaking ocean view. You jumped on the bed. Heeseung followed along. “Let’s try and have the best time this week.” You said looking at him.
“What should we do first?” Heesung reached for some brochures on the night stand. “Ohhh, look they have swimming with dolphins!” You exclaimed. “Let’s gooo!!!” He yelled. You changed in your bathing suits and headed out.
When you got to the water, the instructor guided you both in. The moment you got in a dolphin came up to you and started swimming around you. You giggled and looked over at Heeseung. He had two snuggled around him. He smiled at you. The whole experience was so fun. The dolphins were soft and so sweet. One particular one kept following you so you named her Summer.
After a long day you and Heeseung headed back to your room. You flopped on the bed, “Wow...what a day.” Heeseung chuckled, “I know. You know what we should do....” “Order room service!” You both said in sync. “And...” you continued. “A MOVIE!!!!” You both yelled! While Heeseung ordered you went to take a shower. You had actually had fun today. Which a was first since your breakup. Before you had stayed in the room doing nothing but wonder what the other person had that you didn’t. But today you didn’t think about him or that at all.
The food arrived when Heeseung was still in the shower. You thanked room service. You went over to knock on the bathroom door to tell Heeseung the food was here. When all of a sudden the door opened and you faced with a wet haired and half naked Heeseung. You froze. “Uhh....foods here.” You whispered and slowly backed away. You hoped he didn’t see your growing red cheeks. The two of you enjoyed a delicious pizza while watching Ratatouille. At night fall you both got ready for bed. You crawled in trying not to take up a lot of space. Slowly you felt yourself fall into dreamland.
You woke up to a bright sunshine peaking through the curtains. You felt a heavy weight on your torso and saw a sound asleep Heeseung wrapped around you. You smiled. He was kinda cute when you look at him closely. Heeseung started stirring and woke up. He looked up at you and saw that he was cuddling you. His eyes widened and he got up and turned away red faced. “Sorry....I have the habit of hugging things is my sleep...” Heeseung scratched the back of his neck.
Today, You and Heeseung decided to spend the day at the beach. Just full relaxation. You grabbed a quick bite of breakfast at in resort restaurant. You packed up your things and headed out. Since you guys had the couple package, you got to lounge in the VIP area with a padded beach bed and an umbrella. It was early in the day so, there weren’t many people.
You laid down and padded the next to you to signal Heeseung to lay next to you. You looked at him, “Heeseung let’s get to know each other more.” “What do you wanna know?” “Anything.”
“Let’s see....My full name is Lee Heeseung. My birthday is October 15th, I have an older brother, ummm.....I love music. Back home I live with six idiots.....that’s about it. What about you?”
“My name is L/N Y/N, I currently go to college...I have younger annoying brother....my birthday is (Month/date)...I love animals...I want to become a vet.”
Heeseung looked at you with his big beautiful eyes as you talked. You could feel his gaze on you, but you were too shy to look back at him so you just looked at the water. “Y/N?” Heeseung whispered.
“Yeah?” You looked over.
“Can I ask you about your ex?”
You smiled, “Sure, only if you tell me about yours after?”
He nodded. You thought about where to start. “So my ex’s name is Leo. We were together for three years. We knew each other in high school and dated into college. I really loved him. I got this vacation for us as a Valentine’s Day gift. But we were at dinner two days before we were supposed to go and he said he was in love with someone else...and yeah” You felt you voice getting weaker. A tear rolled down your cheek. It hadn’t really hit how much you missed him. Heeseung reached over and wiped you tear.
You turned full to face him, “I just wonder you know...why did they other girl have that I don’t...? Am I ugly....am I not good enough....” Heeseung brought his finger to your lips, “Y/N, don’t talk like that. It’s not true. None of it is. I know how you feel though. I thought the whole way here after Irene said she cheated on me. But I realized that on her. I did nothing wrong. The same goes for you.”
You smiled as you wiped your tears. Heeseung opened his arms, “Come here.” You scootered closer and he wrapped his arms around you. You laid your head in his bare chests. You could feel his heart beating. You also felt like your heart was gonna beat out of your chest.
For the rest of the day you just hung out by the beach and cuddled. You talked about this and that. You felt like you knew Heeseung a lot more.
Over the next few days you two got much closer and you developed a crush. Heeseung was so different from Leo. With Heeseung it was easy to be happy and to be with him. With Leo you felt forced to be happy because he could constantly tell you that no one else would love you but him and that he was the best. Leo always tried to lower yourself confidence to make himself feel better. You didn’t realize this until you met Heeseung. Heeseung uplifted you and made you feel good.
Heeseung took you to an amusement park one day off the resort. You went on so many rides. Heeseung made the mistake of eating Cotten Candy and an ice cream cone before getting on a roller coaster and ended up throwing after. You won him a cute deer stuffed animal.
Heeseung didn’t realize it at first but he was falling for you too. You were so sweet and innocent. You made him feel loved. Irene ignored him constantly and only came to him when she needed him. He always felt like he didn’t fully have her love.
On the second to last day Heeseung wanted to plan a romantic dinner and confess to you officially. You guys were watching TV in the room, when you heard a knock at the door. You got up and opened it and saw a girl. “Uh...Hi? How can I help you?” You said. The girl was glaring at you. Heeseung looked over, “Irene..?” Your eyes widened. You turned to Heeseung and mouthed, “Irene?!?” As you turned back to her she slapped you straight in the face.
“IRENE, WHAT THE HELL?!?” Heeseung ran over to you to help you up. “I’m gonna leave you two alone.” You said quietly as you held you cheek.
Heeseung watched you leave. He turned to Irene, “What the hell?” Irene smiled at him “Seungie! I’ve missed you baby!” She grabbed his face. Heeseung backed away, “What are you doing here?” “Seungie, I made a big mistake. I let you go.” She pouted. “No, you cheated on me.” Heeseung glared. “Well now you can have me back and it looks like I saved you just in time. That tramp is ugly.” “Don’t you dare talk about Y/N that way! Now go, I don’t want you here.”
“I’ll go...to my room.” Irene sang. “How do you have a room? This is a couples only resort?” Heeseung asked confused. “I have my ways.” Irene smirked as she left.
You sat in the lobby with a ice pack on your face curtesy of the front desk. You saw Heeseung walking towards you. He gave you an I’m so sorry look. “Heeseung, I’m fine. I promise.” You said. “No you’re not, you have a red cheek. I don’t what to say. I have no idea why she’s here. But I wanna enjoy the rest on the week just the two of us.” He brought you into a hug.
As much as you tried to have a good rest of the day, it was difficult. Irene kept tagging along and clinging onto Heeseung and giving you death glares. Heeseung was also acting strange. He kept looking at the time and talking to the front desk.
That evening you got out of the shower and the room was empty. “Heeseung?” You called. You looked around and made your way to the balcony. When you opened the doors you gasped. You saw a candle lit dinner with a rose for two. Was this for you? You blushed and looked up to see the sunset. You look over on the beach and saw two figures. You squinted and saw it was Heeseung and Irene.
Her hands were in his face and his hands holding hers. You felt your heartbreak into a thousand pieces. You didn’t wanna see anymore. You went back in the room and started packing your things. You wiped tears after tears. Why were you even crying you thought. He wasn’t yours. He never was. You checked out from the resort and took the next bus home.
Heeseung was so nervous. Tonight was the night he was gonna confess and ask you to be his girlfriend. He had the hotel set up a beautiful dinner on the balcony. He was waiting for you to finish your shower. His phone beeped. It was a message from Irene telling him to meet her on the beach. Heeseung didn’t want to go but he knew she would keep bugging him until he went and he didn’t want her ruining this night.
“What do you want Irene?” He crossed his arms.
“What?” Irene smiled innocently. “I can’t just wanna see my man?” She took a step towards him but he stepped back.
“I’m not your man. You cheated on me and now you expect me to take you back..?”
“I just made a little mistake. I dumped the other guy once I realized how amazing you are.”
“No. You never truly love me. You used as your little puppy dog.”
Irene put her hands on his face and leaning for a kiss, but Heeseung grabbed her hands and yanked them off and walked away. When he got back he knocked on the bathroom door to see if you were done. When he didn’t get any reply, he opened the door to see an empty shower. Heeseung was so confused. Then he noticed your suitcase was gone. He ran to the reception desk.
“Excuse me, where is my girlfriend?” He asked frantically. The man look at him and said, “She checked out.”
Heeseung was so confused. Why would you leave him? What did he do? He thought you liked him back?
The manager called him, “Sir, your girlfriend left in tears.”
It took a moment for Heeseung to understand why you left upset. Then it hit him, you saw him and Irene together and thought it was all for her. He slumped down on the lobby couch and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He let the girl of dreams slip through his fingers.
When you arrived back at your apartment, your room mate Suzy greeted you with a hug. The whole bus ride home you had talked to her. “It’s gonna be okay.” She said as she rubbed your back. You stayed in your room for the rest of your trip time. You didn’t want to hear or remember Heeseung, so you blocked him.
You stayed in bed, you could barely handle one heartbreak. Now you were dealing with two. Suzy’s voice interrupted your thoughts, “Y/N, I made ramen. Do you want some?”
“No.” You replied.
“Y/N, I know you’re upset, but you need to eat something. I’m worried. You have classes and work tomorrow.”
She had a point, so you trudge out of your room.
Heeseung went home just as heartbroken. He tried texting and calling you but never got through. When he got back to his house, he saw his six friends giving him sympathy looks. Jungwon brought him in for a hug.
A few days later Heeseung walked over to the boys playing games in the living room.
“Hey guys, I need your help.” He sat down on the couch. Four out of the six boys looked at him. “NIKI STOP! PAUSE THE GAME!” Sunoo yelled. “HEHEHE.....never...” Niki cackled. Sunoo pushed him over.
Heeseung rolled his eyes. “What do you need help with?” Sunghoon looked at him.
“Well, I’ve been moping in room for the past three days and I realized that isn’t gonna help me. I want to find the girl and try and explain things to her.”
“Are you finally ready to us about her?” Jay asked. “All you've done so far is lock yourself in your room and refuse to talk to any of us." 
Heeseung nodded. He showed a picture of the two of you on his computer. “Her name is L/N Y/N.”
Jake gasped, “I know her, she’s in my animal science class!”
Heeseung took Jake’s shoulders shook him, “Do you have her number?!?”
“N-nOoO, but stoOoOp shhakking meEE.”
“Oh sorry, what do you know about her?”
Jake thought, “Oh, she told me she works at the café across from campus.”
That was all Heeseung needed to hear to send him sprinting out the door.
You were back at work as usual. Working at least help you get your mind off of Heeseung for a little bit. “Hi, what can I get for you?” You asked logging into the system. “Can we talk?” You froze. That was the voice on him. You didn’t want to face him. So you kept looking at screen, “What can I get you?” “Y/N, I know you know it’s me, please talk to me.” Heeseung pleaded. Suzy nudged you from behind and whispered, “Let him explain.”
You sighed and took off you apron and walked around from behind the counter. “Let’s go outside.” You said.
The two of you sat on the grass in the park next to the café. You look at Heeseung, “What?”
“Y/N....why did you leave?”
“Because the whole thing was big mistake. We should have just gone home in the first place.” You avoided his eyes. He put his hand under your chin and lifted your head so he could see your eyes. “Y/N, I know you felt something. So did I.” He took your hands in his, “What you think you saw wasn’t true. That night where you saw the dinner, that was for you. I was gonna confess.” You looked at Heeseung confused, “Then why were you at the beach with Irene?” “She had texted me earlier and I wanted her to get off my back so I could have a perfect night with you.” You groaned of embarrassment and pulled your hands away to cover your face, “Oh my gosh.....”
“Hey, hey” Heeseung pulled closer, he was so close you could feel his breath on your nose. You closed your eyes and felt his soft gentle lips on yours.
Who knew one Valentine’s Day could everything turn around.
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hs-devote · 4 years
ii. láthi: the touch
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Moodboard * Content * Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
chapter i. láthi: the myth
ii. the touch
Selene came home not long after their sexual intercourse. The sex mind-blowing, for sure. Their sex always blowing Harry's mind, they know how to please each other at the most.  And it always boosts his ego when he makes his partner come many times. 
Later that night, around ten when the sky is very dark with stars and the full moon shining brightly, the God decides to visit the ocean. Well, he wants to meet something there. To ask for a little insight into his mission. Because until now, he hasn't been able to find someone he's looking for. He can't even feel the missing Goddess' presence, and he's a little pissed off about it. Well, it seems as if something has been distracting his mind, and Harry is well aware. Who, and why.
The beach is obviously clear from the visitor. There’s nothing as far as his eyes can see except the rocks and endless expanse of ocean. He slowly walks closer, letting the calm water wet his feet. His legs continue to take him deeper into the water until reaches his waist. Then, he closes his eyes, focused on who he is and calls out the one he wants to meet. 
His adrenaline is getting higher when he feels the waves getting wilder and the ocean breeze slapping his face and body. He inhales and exhales. Repeatedly. He feels surrounded by stars bow to him, and the moon exactly right in front of him. He feels his power, he regains his power more and more. 
She's here... 
She’s close 
Don’t worry, Your Majesty. You will have children 
Your lover will bear the children 
Sooner or later 
Your children to the throne 
But, only if you didn’t do anything wrong 
Or, the mistake will carry your children away 
  He doesn’t even flinch when the wild waves hitting his whole body, swallow his relaxed body without dragging him from the shore. It happens several times when he’s communicating with the ocean, which became one of the gates to Centauri. The ocean that blessed by Centauri’s Gods and Goddesses in the previous centuries, and he’s here to find the vision. 
But, which he doesn’t know, Y/N has been looking at him from the distance. She saw him when she had just come home from work and intends to go home along the beach. However, her steps stopped when she saw someone seemed just standing in the water with eyes closing. At first, she thought the stranger wanted to kill himself. Yet, after he got closer, she recognised that man.  
She feels odd when seeing the ocean looks like bowing to him. The way he doesn't seem to care when the waves hit his body making her wonder. What does he do? He can't possibly want to kill himself, can he? 
She’s more and more worried when he doesn’t move from there while the wind is getting stronger like a storm is about to break. Then it hits her. Waves as high as three meters crashing into his body and making the man disappear immediately caused her to scream. Her body trembling violently when the ocean returns to calm without Harry’s presence in his standing place earlier. 
Where is he? 
Did the waves wash him away? 
She just saw he commit suicide. 
But why?
She can't think straightly. She feels guilty because she knows she could stop him. 
Turning her body around, she screams again to see him standing right before her. His body and clothes aren't soaked at all, dry as if he hadn't been exposed to water. He looks at her with a confused look. She blinks repeatedly, making sure she's not seeing wrong. 
“Y/N?” Harry arches his eyebrow, “What are you doing here?” 
How come he’s here? A fraction of a second earlier she had seen the man being swallow by the waves. There was no way he needed only a few seconds to run over here. 
“I saw.. saw you there!” she stammers while pointing the ocean, “You were swallowed up by the waves! And.. and you disappeared. How.. how come?” 
"What do you mean? I don't understand." he lies, scrunching his face. In the bottom of his heart, he doesn't deny it. For an obvious reason, he can't say yes. If he says it, he swears the girl in front of him will pass out. 
“You were suicide commit earlier!” she cried out, “And now you’re here.” 
Harry just let out a humorous laugh, shaking his head to her confession. Y/N staring at him like a confused toddler, her brain digests what she just said. There's nothing wrong with what she said, right? 
"It's almost midnight, Y/N. I think you were just sleepy so you were hallucinating." he argues, "Have you eaten yet?" 
“Just lunch today.” she squeaks, telling him the truth. Today customers were awfully much, making her come home late and didn’t have time to eat properly. Maybe it’s true what Harry just said, she’s already sleepy and hungry, she planned to cook something for her dinner after she got home. 
“Then, I’ll treat you dinner.” he offers, “I think there are still restaurant open at this hour.” 
"Uh, I'm fine, H.” she refused politely, “It's okay. Besides, I believe my granny is waiting for me at home." 
"I don't want you to go home with a grumbling stomach, Y/N. You can call your grandmother and tell her you to go to eat first, I think she will understand." 
“C’mon. The sooner we go, the sooner you go home.” Harry insists when Y/N says nothing. He has to make her think what she saw was only her hallucinations, and on the other hand he knows she hasn’t eaten because he can feel it. 
“If only we split the bill,” she bids, “I can’t let you keep paying my food.” 
“Fine then.” he relents, then offering his hand for her to take, “Let’s go.” 
And of course, Y/N shyly grabs his hand.  
Harry takes her to the trattoria down the street, which the only one dining that’s still open. The place isn’t too crowded making it easier for them to talk. While he has made his meal choice, Y/N looks confused while looking at the menu book. She isn’t confused, no. It’s just that the food is quite pricey even though it’s only a trattoria, and she doesn’t want to spend her money just for a dinner. 
“I'll have spaghetti aglio e olio, I guess.” she shrugs, choosing the least priced meal. 
“That’s all?” 
“Yup. And mineral water for the drink,” she confirms, “What would you have?” 
"Err, I will go with the salads." then, he adds "I'm a pescatarian so I'm pretty picky about what I eat." 
“How does it feel?” she enquires after the Harry called the waiter for taking their order, “Being pescatarian and all. I once thought about going vegan but I haven’t gotten started yet.” 
“I feel like it makes my body better, plus I can’t bear to eat.. animals because I love them.” he begins, “I still eat seafood but I think I’ll reduce it.” 
“How wise of you.” 
“I know,” he smirks, “Have you told your grandmother that you’ll be home late?” 
“I have. I just texted her that I’ll be home late.” 
“So, Y/N. Is that correct that you only live with your grandmother?” 
Harry remembers the day when Y/N told him she just lives with her grandmother in Syracuse and somehow it makes him curious. There was a spark of wonder that tickled him to know more about her. They're friends now, there's nothing wrong if he wants to know, right? 
“Yes,” she exhales, “Granny asked me to move to Italy from England after the death of my parents. She didn’t want me to be sad if I stay in London and remember the incident that.. killed them.” 
"How did they.. gone?" he says quietly, "It's okay if you don't answer that. I just curious because the last time you told me, you were eight back then. You were still quite young when they died." 
"It's okay," she mumbles, "They were killed in a car accident after dinner, their car was badly damaged and they couldn't be saved. What makes me sad sometimes is that the crash site is only ten minutes from our home. Yet, they didn't go home. Instead, they went home to heaven. I didn't believe their goodbye that night was their last goodbye for me." 
Seeing the woman in front of him looking sad, Harry cannot do anything except taking her hands to his and caress them as a sign of comfort. He knows Y/N forced herself to tell him about that and he felt grateful that she trusted him enough for being open with her life. 
“Even I’m not her granddaughter by blood, I’m very lucky to have her in my life. And I love her dearly.”   
Harry raises his eyebrow, doesn't think she would speak far enough. He just found out that her grandmother isn't her real grandmother. But, he chooses to remain silent to respect her. He won’t ask any further unless if she’s the one who starts it. 
“My granny adopted my father when he was ten since she didn’t have any children. She loved him so much and never treated him as if he wasn’t her own flesh and blood. Then, she got happier when my father met my mother, then they got married and had me. She said we’re a blessing from the universe.” 
“She sounded like a very kind and wise woman.” 
“Very much.” 
He just nods, with his hands still stroking her hands. They don't utter a word until a few minutes later, busy with their own thought. Harry immediately let go of their joining hands when the waiter come with their food, and it makes Y/N a little sad. Somehow Harry was able to make her feel better and put a smile on her face, and it seems she has started to depend on it. 
Who isn't attracted to him? 
He’s more than handsome to describe. 
He’s more than charming to tell.  
“I think I would like to meet your grandmother one day,” he says out of nowhere, “I’m curious about someone as extraordinary as her.” 
"Oh, you're going to love her!" she gushes, "And I think she will love you. I mean, she loves a handsome man." 
“Well, you’re thinking I’m handsome, huh?” 
Y/N's face flushed with embarrassment, cursing her stupidity for saying that. She quickly shakes it off, playing it cool but still embarrassed by the man in front of her. 
She speaks confidently, “Of course. Why should I deny it?” 
“It makes the second compliment you said to me, you know?” he laughs, “But, thank you.” 
"Take it as a compliment," she shrugs, then starts eating her food, "What about you?" 
“Mhm. I’ve been honest with you as a friend. We’re friends, aren’t we?” 
 Harry clears his throat, sipping his drink before answering her. "As I've told you, I'm here for work and I love.. history. My parents also died several years ago from old age. I have no siblings, though." 
He isn’t lying. 
His parents indeed passed away from old age, just before he took the throne. He did have no siblings, it always himself alone in the family line, except his parents, until one day Selene became a part of the royal family. 
“Where were you before coming here?” 
Well, he doesn’t expect that kind of question. 
“Err, England.” he lies uncomfortably. He feels bad because her eyes sparkling, looking excited when she heard the man in front of him also came from England. 
“You didn’t tell me before.” she beams, “Which part of England?” 
And Harry doesn’t know, his lie tonight will lead into another lie. 
. . . .
Harry is increasingly coming to visit Y/N at her work, whether to buy the flowers or just to meet her, and it seems to be his undoubted routine activities. He knows this sounds cliché and pathetic, yet he can't just go one day without seeing her. The woman has a charm of her own that makes him think about her all the time. It feels like she has a magnet that keeps him from getting away from her. He always has a reason when Y/N or her co-worker questions his visit, especially when he doesn't want to shop. Even he blatantly flirts at Y/N, which he had never done before as a God. Not even with Selene.  
How did Y/N react? 
As someone who has never dated and got such attention from a male, she doesn't deny the feelings of flattery and shy. No man ever openly shows interest in her – or someone perhaps but she was insensitive. She's overwhelmed with the attention, fluttering hearts and many more. Too much indescribable feelings.  
“Thank you for waiting for me until my shift is finished. You didn't have to do that.” Y/N shares a smile when Harry picking her up from work after he spent three hours waiting for her to finish her shift. She doesn't know Harry will wait until she's done because he usually stopped by for a moment. 
"It's okay, Y/N. I don't have any work right now so I have free time for a while." Harry shrugs, looking at the girl who walks next to him. It's obvious that he offers a ride home to her, which often he does when the opportunity arose. 
“And that's mean I owe you a lot, you know? You gave me a few treats and drove me home but I haven't repaid your kindness, yet.” she chuckles, shaking her head. “How about, you're coming home with me so I can cook something for you? I know it will be different than those fancy restaurant but if you don't mind– ” 
“I would love to.” 
"Yeah?" she grins, the way her eyes flickering an excitement makes Harry's heart throbbing. In fact, this small gesture makes this girl look so happy. He just smiles in return, patting her head affectionately before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, guides her to walk a little bit faster. 
“C'mon then. I'm quite hungry right now.” 
She just giggles, letting he drags him to where he parked his car. Yet, she furrows her eyebrow when she doesn't see his car there. She could quickly recognise Harry's car because it was vintage, and this time her eyes don't see any vintage cars there. 
“I know what you're thinking but I don't drive the vintage one today.” he says, walking to a black Maserati and opens the door for her, “That beauty needs her routine check-ups.” 
“Thank you.” mumbles her while examining the expensive car, “This is fancy.” 
“Mhm.” he agrees, “Get in, love. Watch your head.” 
The first pet name he says to her. Well, he's being kind and friendly, isn't he?  
"Ah, yes. I'm sorry."  she shakes her head and climbs into the car, "I don't know your job can afford this kind of car." 
"Been saving for years." he answers after he sits on the driver seat, "Saving allows me to get two cars for now." 
"I bet your vintage car costs a fortune too?" 
“Much likely.” 
He lies. Absolutely lies. Being a God, let alone a ruler of a realm means to be surrounded with a lot of wealth and definitely rich. He only needed to bring golds to sell and make money here since gold is like currency for Centauri. Centauri's gold is undoubtful and very valuable. Of course, he has to be careful when selling gold.
 Both of them arrive at Y/N's house after fifteen minutes drive. Her house isn't big, more modern than Harry's cottage. The combination of white paint on the walls and wooden materials create a homey and modest atmosphere. In front of the terrace, there are many pots filled with beautiful blooming flowers. 
"Welcome to my home," Y/N speaks softly and opening the door for both of them to enter, "My granny probably still outside. Make yourself comfortable, H." 
He slightly nods, carefully to steps forward while looking at his surrounding. Unlike his cottage, her house interior is mostly covered by wallpaper with a small area of the painted wall. According to Y/N, this house has two bedrooms with two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and dining room, and a function room to do the laundry and small garden for her granny to plant a few flowers since their pots in the terrace no longer fits anymore. But then, his eyes catching a few pictures on the hallway. 
“I like it here.” he mumbles, eyes raking through the frame hanging on the wall. Most of them are pictures of little Y/N, her parents, or the family portrait. It always the three of them; the father, the mother, and her. Where's her grandmother? 
"My granny always took the pictures, so there's no picture of four of us. Plus, my granny doesn't like being photographed." she laughs, joining him who still staring the family pictures. The small family looks so happy and radiant, smiling widely to the camera. 
“What's your grandmother name?” 
“Her name is Ilitia.” 
“You look so cute in here,” he points at the picture where little Y/N was standing on her feet and being held with her mother, “I bet this was your first step?” 
“Supposed to be.” she nods, “Anyway, what kind of food do you want? Do you want Italian? Or maybe English cuisine?” 
“Anything is fine for me.” 
“Unless it's meat..” 
“Unless it's meat, yes.” 
“Okay. I'll be in the kitchen for another few minutes. Just call me if you need something, and if you want a drink just open the fridge, okay?” 
Harry nods as she disappears to the kitchen, starting to make whatever she wanted. He doesn't care if its Italian or even English dish she makes, the only thing he cares about the time they spend together. 
Twenty minutes passed, Y/N still in the kitchen and Harry begin to curious. He waited patiently while watching the television that had been turned on by her previously. Yet, he grows impatient as he smells the food aroma that tickles his nose, making him almost drool over its delicious smell, and he decides to walk to the kitchen. 
"Smells delicious." he praises, looking at the still cooking food from Y/N's shoulder. Good thing she acknowledges his presence and doesn't flinch when he speaks from behind. She just shrugs while her hand still on the pan. 
“Thank you.” she hums, “Go sit down, this will be ready in ten minutes.” 
Harry just obeys, moving to a chair in the dining room. His hand supported his chin while his eyes watching Y/N turn off the stove and ready to serve him. During his godly life, it was always servant who made food for him, except his mother if she wasn't busy while she was still alive, but when he lives with Selene, his wife never made him a meal or let her hands do such paltry work – like this. 
“Here you go.” 
He closes his eyes, letting the delicious scent of food in front of him fill his sense of smell. The delicious of freshly cooked food reminds him of the smell of bread that his mother had just taken out of the woodfire when he was kid, instantly making him miss his late mother. Meanwhile, Y/N take a seat next to him to make her little easier to study his face expression. He looks cute while closing his eyes, smiling so fondly until his dimples are full force. 
"Go give them a try." 
She bites her lips as Harry opens his eyes, and taking a full bite of the food. She squints her eyes while he chews, letting his tongue digest the rich flavour of the Italian simple dishes. Y/N just hope Harry to like it, and if he likes it, she probably makes some more for him someday. 
"The aroma doesn't lie," he speaks with a mouth full, "... è delizioso. Mi piace molto.” 
“Felice di sentirlo. puoi portarne un po 'a casa se vuoi.” 
“Mia cara?” 
She gasps when hearing her granny's voice as the door opened softly, happy that the old lady comes in perfect time. Excusing herself from Harry, she walks out to find the woman who raised her until now. The only family she has. Not long after, she returns with someone whose Harry assumes is Ilitia, her beloved grandmother. Yet, he's quite surprised that Ilitia doesn't look like a sixty or seventy years old, she looks so much younger. With her golden hair, sharp yet friendly eyes, she gives him small smile. 
“Hello, I'm Harry. Nice to meet you, ma'am.” he politely shakes her hand after getting up from the chair, making the best impression for Y/N's family. 
“Hi, Harry. I'm Ilitia.” she nods, “I don't know my granddaughter has a company today?” then she averts her gaze to Y/N. 
“I promised to cook something for Harry and he happened to stop by,” she answers, “I made Mushroom Bruschetta!” 
Harry grins, “Trust me your granddaughter is a great cook. I just ate one when you came, and it's phenomenal.” 
“Of course she is! She's just like her mother who loves and great at cook.” Ilitia beams, “Do you spare one for this old lady, Mia Cara?” 
“I made a lot, don't worry.” Y/N laughs, “I'm sure Harry can also take it home if he wants.” 
Being the gentleman he is, Harry pulls the chair for Ilitia to sit before he returns to his chair. Sometimes he glances at Ilitia and Y/N who are now sitting next to each other and staring at the two women. If he didn't know Ilitia is her grandmother, he would think Ilitia is her mother or even her sister. Even Ilitia isn't Y/N grandmother by blood, the two of them is still look alike. 
“How did you two know each other?” Ilitia asks them both, a bit glaring towards Harry. Her sharp yet warm glare makes him a little uncomfortable but he tries to shake the feeling away. He doesn't know, but there's something about the grandmother that he can't put a finger on it. 
"I met her in her work and I'm her regular customer if you can say." he shortly answers, "And we became friends." 
"He always comes every day to buy flowers." Y/N giggles, "Literally every day!" 
Ilitia raises her eyebrow, "Oh, I've never known a man who likes flower very much." 
“I am,” Harry laughs. 
"You're truly a different kind then, young man."  
The rest of the night they spend talking while Harry is more of a listener to Y/N and Ilitia. He also gets to know Y/N even more when her grandmother told him about her childhood. He finally decides to go home since it's getting late, feeling uncomfortable if he stays any longer and he's sure they both need rest, especially Ilitia. 
"Thank you for stopping by, H." Y/N thanks him while escorting him to his car, "I can tell my granny likes you." 
“Is that so?” 
She nods, “If she doesn't like you, she won't probably want to talk to you.” 
"Good then. She's a nice woman." he grins, "And again, thank you for the Bruschetta and thank you for packing some for me to take home." 
Y/N peeking at the small box on his hand, “No problem, H.” 
Giving her his signature smile, Harry takes a step closer and landing a soft peck on her cheek. Letting the reddish shy blossoming and heated her skin, only for him finding her too cute for blushing. 
“Good night, love.” 
"... good night, H." she whispers after a moment while her eyes trailing where his car disappears from her sight. She can't believe it. Harry just kissed her, on the cheek. That was not his first time to make a move on her. He once put his arms around her, held her hand, but this time.. it makes her heart bursting with happiness. A different kind of happiness that she's not sure what it is. Slowly, her palm creeps into the skin where the man had just kissed. Like an idiot, she smiles as she rubs her cheek. Not wanting her neighbour sees her being an idiot, she rushed inside. 
“You're blushing.” Ilitia teases her when Y/N closes the door, “You really like him, aren't you?” 
“Is that obvious, granny?” she mumbles, sitting next to Ilitia who's watching television. 
Ilitia rolls her eyes playfully, "Even my old eyes can see that crystal clear, mia cara..” 
“He's very nice, granny. He's very sweet, funny..” she trails off, “And.. beautiful.” 
“Handsome isn't enough for him. His ethereal beauty is unmatched.” 
Ilitia just laughs, shaking her head while looking at her granddaughter who's still stunned with whatever happened between them earlier. 
“This old lady doesn't know anything about love, mia cara. But, just be careful. I don't want you to get upset and heartbroken.” 
. . . .
A kiss on the other night leads Harry to venture into more physical contact with Y/N. He dared to embrace her, holding her hand, and steal the opportunity to give her a little kiss or quick peck on the cheek – and it's been going on for a quite a while. Y/N doesn't know where they stand, Harry has never spoken about their relationship, yet he admits he likes her a lot but doesn't officially say they're a boyfriend-girlfriend thing. 
Does she care? 
Not really. 
What she cares about is, her feeling isn't one-sided.  
“Harry, Harry, please!” 
Both of them are in his cottage, spending the weekend together with baking and cooking as they planned before. They're now covered with flour, thanks to Harry who first threw the powder at her playfully and ended up spending a sack wasted. 
"Our Croissants will never be finished!" she shouts, shielding her face away with both hands. Harry who's standing feet away from her, just laughing at her who had given up. 
“Okay, okay. I'm sorry, love.” he giggles, “Here, let me help you.” 
Y/N pouts as Harry put the sack on the counter, then helps her to brush her hair from the sprinkling flour. Luckily it's not overcovered her hair fully. 
“I have to take a shower to get rid this off of me,” she mumbles, sweeping the flour from her shirt. 
“No, you don't.” he denies, “You still look beautiful if you wanna know.” 
She snorts, pinching his arm jokingly to cover her now hot and pinkish cheeks. While the man in front of him still brushing the white particles off of her, Y/N has her eyes stuck on him – studying every inch of his perfect face. She brings her hand dancing on his porcelain skin, feeling her fingertips pulsating in every layer of her skin. 
“Now, why are you staring at me?” Harry hums, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears. 
“You're so pretty.” 
He squinted, “Am I?” 
“Yes.” she breathes as he's now staring deeply at her. The pair don't exchange a word, just enjoying looking at each other with thousand meaning behind their gaze. Slowly, and very carefully, Harry leans in and cradles her jaw with his large palm. 
And for the next millisecond, their lips joined together, dancing in the same rhythm. Y/N was shocked at first, then she closes her eyes feeling the softness of his plump lips on her. She never kissed someone nor being kissed. She just hopes she doesn't disappoint him for being the first time. This is her first time being intimate with someone after all. 
She moans as the pleasure hits her, feeling the goosebumps tingles her skin. The way his hot lips ghosting down her throat, leaving wet kisses all around her skin and some bite marks blossoming into reddish. 
They both pull back as their gaping for breath, but Harry quickly feels her lips on him in a second. He likes the way her lips tastes like honey and soft like the winter snowflake, yet his fingers travelling around her side, squeezing her hips only to makes her moans louder. 
He smirks as he feels her hands fumbling with his shirt's button, he shushes her as he held her wandering hands, breaking their linked mouth for a moment. 
“So eager,” he pants, touching their foreheads together. 
“You're the one who initiated it first.” she huffs, placing her hands on his chest. 
Their swollen lips meet each other again for the umpteenth time. Both of them smiling into the kiss then turns into a steamy make-out session when Harry begins undoing her jeans button. Effortless, he makes her jump and latching her legs around his hips, then brings her into his bedroom. 
They didn't break the kiss until they got to Harry's room. He softly drops her body into his mattress, hovering her with his strong body as they stare at each other. He notices how flushed she is, with red-swollen lips, and few bites mark spreading around her jaw and neck. He wastes no time to kiss her as his hand unzipped her blouse and tossing it away. Then, he finished unbuttoning her jeans. Leaving the girl only on her bra and knicker. 
"Beautiful." he whispers while his eyes wandering up and down her delicate body, "How pretty," he adds while kissing her now bare stomach. 
Y/N sighed as he licks her hips, blowing a deep breath into her belly button. Suddenly, she becomes nervous. She has never done this before, and if she's going to do this for the first time, with Harry, she doesn't want to upset him. She has to be honest with him and she knows he really appreciates whatever she's going to say. 
“What is it, love?” he lifts his head after nicking her skin, “Tell me if this is too much.” 
He frowns when the girl beneath him doesn't say anything, “Or, you don't want to do this? We can stop it now if you're not sure.” 
“No, no. It's not like that. I.. I do want this. It's just...” 
Does she really need to do this? 
“I want this, H. I really do. But, I've never done this before.” she timidly says, “I'm afraid–” 
"Hey, hey. None of that." he cuts her off, "I don't care if you haven't done this if you have done this. I don't care if you're virgin or not. What all I care about is your feelings, concern, certainty." 
"I'm one hundred percent sure, H." she confirms, "I'm sure to want to do this with you." 
“No second thoughts? We still have much time if you want to– ” 
“Harry...” she whines, “Please, I need you.”  
That's it. 
It was his sign to continue whatever they have on mind. He breathes in relief before kissing her again and letting her hands help him take off his clothes. Once they discarded clothes joining each other's, Harry waste no time to fuck her no mercy until the only words leaving her lips are his name in moaning pleasure.
that was.. fast. what do ya think?
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