#here the thing tho: I don’t want people to find my post when they’re searching religious stuff
professorlegaspi · 10 months
Indaba as the Abraham who was not prevented in the act of sacrificing his son. Indaba as the Abraham that only discovered after lowering the knife that he didn’t want a dead son. Indaba as the Abraham who chose wrong. Indaba as the Abraham the chose right
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peculiar-potato · 4 months
Among Us animated series trailer analysis post!
(+ a theory on who dies first and who the impostor might be!)
here’s the trailer if you want to watch it yourself :)
This is going to be pretty long, whoops.
Firstly, overall impressions on the tone/artstyle!
I mentioned a lot about the art style and everything in my first analysis post, but I just want to reiterate that it’s fun and I like it, and I like seeing how they take details of the game and translate them into the show.
From what I can tell the tone seems pretty lighthearted, well, as lighthearted as a murder mystery can be. It’s a little silly but in a charming way- but with a slight hint of dread. Kinda what I expected.
I think there’s still probably a little way to go before the show is ready considering there were no voice lines in the trailer, and it seemed more like “these are the characters look how fun they are” then actual plot/scenes, but that’s okay I actually really like that we’re not really seeing any glimpses of the plot or voice acting yet!
Anyways, now to the actual trailer!
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So opening shot here is The Skeld. We already kinda knew it was going to be set there, but confirmation! At the moment I don’t think the planet/moon/asteroid thing behind them is important, it’s probably just to fill up the background, but who knows, it could be something!
Maybe impostor(s) come from there or something… or maybe it’s just a rock in space.
(My theories get better I promise)
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With this image, we finally have an answer to my question from last time- what kind of pizza do the beans eat?
I noticed immediately that there was prosciutto and arugula (a specific kind of bitter lettuce) on the pizza, and with a little googling and a few subsequent suggested searches, I managed to find recipes for fig and prosciutto pizza with, you guessed it, arugula and cheese. (There were multiple kinds of cheese it could be- goat, gorgonzola, mozzarella to name a few)
So those round things are figs. Who would have thought?
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Next up we see our first glance of the additional room they added to the Skeld for the show- the kitchen! And the first glance at a depiction of an impostor!
Yellow and Brown seem like good buddies. I wonder how long that friendship will last when impostor stuff starts happening.
My guess is the depiction of the impostor here is a bit more figurative- Nobody really notices them (expect one bean, but we’ll get to that later), and they just kinda seem to be lurking around being scary. Feels more like, idk the idea of an impostor than the actual impostor? I don’t know if I’m explaining that super well.
Maybe this is like the impostor checking out the crew before they start actually impostoring. Idk.
Also, seems like one shadow (although who knows honestly). Maybe it’s a sign of there just being one among the crew? …or maybe I’ve flipped the other way and am interpreting this too literally now.
Regardless, the impostor(s) do/does certainly seem very alieny.
(Alternate impostor conspiracy theories- impostor switches between crewmates/they’re all impostors (which would kinda defeat the purpose tho) or everyone’s just paranoid and there is no impostor (I feel like people would get disappointed by that though so they wouldn’t do it)).
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After that we head to navigation.
Here, Red is slacking off playing video games (oddly enough with a human in them- as someone pointed out in the Innersloth discord server, which has some interesting implications. To expand on that myself, it seems like a kind of ancient-civilization human, which is interesting. I tried to figure out what game this is with a reverse image search but I couldn’t, I wonder if it’s a real game or something one of the devs made or something else.)
Anyways Red receives a call from a shadowy figure, presumably a boss of some sort, and scrambles to look like they’re doing what they’re supposed to. The image looks kinda similar to how they’re animating the impostor, but this could be an intentional red herring or just how they’re showing an unrevealed character or an “everyman” type being. Regardless, vaguely ominous.
As for navigation itself, I like the vibes honestly. I want to go there. I love the little headslug bobble head and a lot of the details in the background. Can’t assign everything there directly to a task, but it does have the three consoles and the chair. Also I noticed the bright yellow sticky note- like the “dum” visor cosmetic! I wonder what those papers on the floor say.
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Next we’re in the cafeteria. (You can tell by the coloring of the wall, this is probably the vent near weapons)
A couple things I noticed here!
First of all, everyone’s very nonchalant about Lime venting. That seems to mean it’s established that Lime is an engineer like the role in the game (honestly I’m a little surprised a new role was included here!) and that the crew knows this and doesn’t think Lime traveling though vents is a big deal. Will this extend to other crewmembers? Will this put suspicion on Lime as things progress? Who knows!
Also, small thing here, but Cyan signs Orange’s waiver (on the clipboard they seem to carry with them everywhere) simply as “Cyan”. I assumed they would just be going by colors the whole time and not have names or anything, but this kinda confirms that.
(By extension, maybe colors aren’t even codenames or anything for them lore-wise, maybe their names are literally their colors. Also makes me think there may be just one of each color in the entire series if they sign simply as a color. Then again, here I am over analyzing small details again.)
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We follow Lime through a vent and into the reactor, which is being watched on the cameras by Purple.
I don’t have a ton to say about Purple, they just seem to be doing their job here. I do find it interesting that the shadow blocks out the reactor camera and then makes it malfunction (is something going to happen in there?) but it may just be a kind of moving the trailer forward type thing.
Also, side note, what’s Lime’s deal with the reactor? They run up to it and snuggle it with hearts floating above them. Engineer really loves their engine I guess haha. I know people have to have already been meming this.
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Next is a scene in the medbay.
They do seem to have the medical scanner in the background there, so I wonder if that visual task will ever come into play.
Also I see the MIRA logo on a poster in the background, so my guess is they are somehow under/related to the MIRA corporation.
Green is blushing as Blue checks their reflexes. I remember Blue’s character being described as very attractive, so it could be possible that everyone gets that way around them, or it could just be Green. Idk I’m not here to navigate the minefield that is shipping beans.
White is busy swirling around wine(?) until of course, the impostor shadow thing creeps in as with all the other scenes.
This time, however, someone notices. White.
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My guess is White is going to die, and they’re going to die pretty early on.
I was already kinda suspecting White was going to die first simply because of how their character is described. Rich, here because they won some kind of contest, seems to be a bit of a jerk. Feels like the kind of person who would die first idk, just a vibe I’ve had for a while.
Also, I was thinking that 11 is kind of an interesting number, especially considering there were 12 original colors. (Side note, my guess is they’re waiting to include Pink alongside Coral and Rose as “the pinks” or something if they add the new colors in a later season). I feel like maybe they wanted a main crew of ten (because that is what the original lobby size is and thus what a lot of people associate with the game), but needed someone to die early to set up the plot so they needed up with 11.
Now, White being the first and only one to notice the shadow creeping around, and to immediately look terrified and be overtaken by it on screen? My guess is they’re the first to go.
One could also argue that this is an indication of them being an impostor, but idk that feels too obvious of a way to reveal that. (Also I have a different theory as to who it could be). My guess is we won’t know who the impostor is as the audience for a while.
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Finally we have this image. I have quite a bit to say about this one!
First of all, I just love this image in general. Makes me so happy to see all the beans!
Anyways, the impostor shadow thing comes in and covers the “not” in “we’re not dead” and I love that I think that’s fun. Also, again, love the falling apart blinds (why are there blinds on a spaceship?) and the balloons duct taped to the window.
We also see them eating the aforementioned fig and prosciutto pizza. There are also a lot of red spheres on the table, which I haven’t quite figured out yet. Fruits of some kind? Or decorations perhaps? Maybe all red gumballs? Whatever they are, Orange is holding one. There’s bologna or summer sausage or something near Brown, and a gray disk in front of it. Not sure about that either, looks kinda like a giant coin, or one of those round lights you tap to turn on and off. Red’s reading what seems to be a rule book (they really don’t seem prepared aha), and there’s also an image of a crewmate on the other side. I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be Pink or Tan.
Blue has a piece of paper with a skull on it which looks pretty ominous, and Brown is holding a knife, but I think those are just red herrings related to their professions. Blue’s a doctor and Brown’s a chef, and Yellow is also holding a cooking implement.
Also, once again, no sign of an emergency meeting button. (Unless the weird gray circle is related somehow?)
With that I was almost ready to wrap up the analysis…
but then I noticed something.
Idk if it’s just me but this image is giving the vibe of the Leonardo Da Vinci painting The Last Supper. I don’t know where my mind pulled this from, but I just kinda looked at it was like… wait this looks familiar. At first I thought it was just my brain making connections, but when you look at the two images right beside each other, it seems like a pretty deliberate parallel.
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If it is intentional… Orange is in almost the exact same position that Judas (the betrayer) was in in the painting.
Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe the red gumball thing made them an impostor /s
Also, just spitballing here, not really part of the theory, if Orange is working against the crew (either as an impostor or an accomplice), and they’re apparently affiliated with HR… what kind of implications could this have for the lore as a whole? Red’s probably just talking to their boss or something, but it feels ominous- what if MIRA (assuming that’s who’s in charge here) is in on the whole impostor thing?
But again, this is also kind of obvious of a hint, so I’m slightly skeptical of it.
Anyways, lots to think about with this, as you can tell I’m pretty excited.
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csvent-2 · 6 months
BOY do I have a story for you. Okay. Lets talk Nyudoodles, Howltars and Liowlets. Going straight to the point (ASK ME QUESTIONS FOR CLARIFICATION BC I CANT WORD THINGS CORRECTLY) 1. I was immediately banned/blacklisted from Nyudoodles bc I apparently was “block evading” according to one of the mods WITHOUT any evidence other than my account not having enough ocs or art (I already explained to them why I didn’t have many mind you tho I understand wanting to be safe as I have BEEN stalked before esp irl.) number 2. Blocked from Liowlets bc apparently I “made artists uncomfortable” and tht there was a “beware public post” about me. I’m like.. HUH?! Am I that known? Btch I’m in no way shape or form known or a popular artist 💀 where is this coming from? I asked the mod if it’s bc of ‘that’ mod that blacklisted me from Nyudoodles they said they have NO idea who that is and etc etc yada yada (I won’t say their name for now(the mod from Nyudoodles, they’re also in Howltars, but unless you want me to say the nams. They’re popular as an artist has cute designs.) 3. Banned from Howltars. One day I go on discord and then see that I’ve been banned?? It says bc I “impersonated” you guessed WHO that mod. It’s always been that one mod from Nyudoodles. I asked the owner Nyudex what happened. They began to show me sc of.. apparently the “public post” ab me WITHOUT revealing the name. And it looks like it’s from Amino or something? (Probably the same mod as they’ve always had a problem with me.) Next an instagram account of someone impersonating the mod AND screenshots of the mod from Liowlets and the chat we had. Now.. I was banned from Howltars bc of “impersonation, harassment?? And apparently block evading.” I’m now here realizing I am not the problem, since reading that the Nyudoodles staff go at each others throats, get jealous over others designs, ripoff designs and are toxic in general PLUS I’ve read somewhere that a guest artist/used to be mod(s) have mentioned their experiences with the staff overall and they were stressed and etc. (will not mention them incase ya’ll try to come after them smh for “outing” you out.”) This has been my experience with these 3 overall. I wouldn’t be surprised of how many people either hate, dislike or come after them as there’s been a LOT of people blacklisted for no reason at all other than coincidences, wording, bidding lower, edited comments on bids, people who are busy and can’t reply yet etc etc. if there’s any questions bc you wanna clarify lmk. I didn’t share all the details. But fr I would advise staying away from them. They treated me like I’m not a person. I even shared why it’s unfair they did what they did esp since there’s 0 evidence of anything other than wording. Which shows and means nothing. Oh also. That mod that one mod (and possibly their friends) is STILL trying to search for something, anything to link me as the person from their blacklist, but they’re like “yoUrE obSeSsed wiTh tHem” according to what Nyudex said to me. I’m like.. again HUH?! Btch I barely know your mod friend! We’ve never interacted or talked, plss they won’t even talk to me to clear things up lmfao. I asked if it’s possible to talk but nop. Gurly wants to keep living in delulu land. In no way, shape or form am I obsessed with them but I can see how you’re projecting on me bc you want to find some type of evidence that I’m the person from your blacklist. Oh and if they read this broo. You are projecting and I figured it out, clear as day. You’re projecting your literal fear and possibly guilt and don’t wanna accept that YOURE the problem and that you’re wrong. You keep coming after me, keeping an eye on me AND try to sneak friends in servers that I’m in to keep an eye on me. Or they’re sneaking for you. Smh. Telling others to grow up when you’re not acting grown sis.
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inthewild-flowers · 2 years
Alsooo I’d love to hear abt ur space pirate ocs (sorry ur uquiz came up on my dash and the words space pirate got me so hype)
okay i swear i’ve gone on about them at length on here before but i couldn’t find it 😔 curse tumblrs terrible search system etc etc that said !! i do have a space pirates tag on my blog for random posts that remind me of them so like. probably not everything will show up but a fair bit !! u can also find a bit more by just searching each of their names on my blog i think
SO my space pirates r cap tachi and maisie. i love them with my whole heart. they’re a polycule <3 cap’s aromantic bc i love projecting but they and tachi are dating in like a bffs sort of queerplatonic but almost romantic but not really and love each other sooooo so much way (also bc i love projecting)(although tbf i came up with their relationship before i myself had a relationship to project onto them. it’s still kind of projection tho).
they r also dating maisie but like the cap/tachi dynamic is. okay i’m gonna clarify first that this bit is NOT projection. anyway cap and tachi r suuuuuuuuuper codependent and like definitely pretty unhealthy but also it works for them. they don’t know how to live without each other and neither of them want to find out. they’re definitely the type to go on an absolute rampage if either of them got killed. tachi can do the most terrible shit in the world and cap will find a way to justify it. cap can do the most terrible shit in the world and tachi won’t justify it but he will forgive it. tachi is cap with fewer inhibitions. he’s loud and brash and impulsive where cap actively reigns those traits in in themself. cap also tends to be very stoic and doesn’t like admitting they have emotions. they take care of people that’s what they Do but they often do it to their own detriment. they’ll ignore their own needs if there’s someone that they perceive as needing their help.
tachi loves swords. it’s a bit sexual ngl. he also loves fighting people. he’s absolutely the first of the group to start a physical fight; cap prefers at least an attempt at diplomacy and maisie likes to sit back and watch things unfold. tachi is easily bored and tends to look for any type of excitement. he and maisie argue for fun, but neither of them are very good at knowing where to draw the line, so often one of them will accidentally say something genuinely upsetting and it’ll become an actual argument. they fight a lot, but they also make up pretty easily. tachi will flirt with anyone and everyone, and he’s usually successful. he’s got a huge amount of people on various planets that he keeps in touch with bc he slept with them once or twice and left on good terms. this comes in handy a Lot. cap and maisie do have the occasional other partner, but tachis has the most simply bc he’s the most extroverted and socially adept.
maisie love of my life !! okay she kinda sucks ngl. VERY fuck around and find out. this often results in Bad Things. cap and tachi think she’s the hottest person in the universe but she’s actually kind of gross and greasy. (obviously this only makes her hotter) she likes to hide deep in the inside working of the ship and build bombs, but she also does general repairs when necessary. she loves to be taken care of, which feeds very well into caps need to take care of people, especially since tachi hates being taken care of and will brush off a near fatal wound if he can.
okay this was as usual LENGTHY but i just love talking abt them teehee <3 still trying to come up with some sort of a story but they r gonna be a novel someday i swear to god
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nerves-nebula · 3 years
hi your "hunter escapes and has a fun little camping moment" au is living rent free in my brain rn, please Please share some more thoughts and rambles about it!
ANON PLEASE- (affectionate)
you gotta understand I was not lying when I said I have 5 pages of a google doc worth of comic ideas. Unfortunately it's still kind of a mess and I'm still sorting out some of the basic dynamics of this AU. I also like the idea of keeping most of my notes and making them into their own comics/posts so idk how I feel about just saying stuff in a list AND YET.
So here's some stuff I think I can say outside of a comic?? I’ll still probably make some of these into comics/doodles, but anyway I hope this is what you were looking for.
Hunter gets very into studying wild magic up close, something he wasn't allowed to do much before. But now he lives in the forest surrounded by wild magic. Because of this I plan for him to discover a few glyphs on his own, like Luz does, mainly the plant one. But you’ll see how that goes later ;)
He's also still trying to cure his uncles curse. He insists he's not going to go back to Belos, but if pressed on why he's searching for a cure for a man he plans to never see again, he'll get very defensive and angry. Sometimes it's not as easy as "I'm leaving and never coming back." sometimes you still wanna help the people who hurt you :P and THAT one is from personal experience
Hunter takes a while to really get into the whole “I’m on my own and can do whatever I want” thing, but I plan for him to mess around with his presentation once he gets more comfortable.
Rascal helps him change his eye bandages! I haven’t decided if his eye is damaged yet or just the area around it tho so stay tuned.
Hunter will often assign himself “missions” to go on because he doesn’t know what else to do with his free time. He knows he doesn’t technically have any deadlines or stuff like that anymore but he gets stressed not having a goal to strive towards so to cope he just.. gives himself arbitrary goals !
Funfact! This is not the first time Hunters pissed Belos off so bad that he’s fled the castle for a moment. But it IS the first time he stays away for this long. 
Home Hunter AU subscribes to the “Hunter is the grimwalker/a clone of Belos’ brother” theory just for extra angst. I kind of like the idea that he wasn’t even a big part of Belos’ plans though, just that Belos saw a chance to “Bring back” his brother and went for it fsdfsfsdf.
Hunter is terrified of relying on someone too much because no matter how much he trusts them, they could always kick him out. And he’d rather kick himself out before they get the chance. Boys still got issues, is what I’m saying. 
Because Hunter lives in the woods he starts to get a bit... Feral. People will not see him for a week only to realize he’s been not showering or changing his clothes. He was never the most normally-socialized kid but now he’s in the habit of hissing at people the way he does at wild animals that encroach on his tent.
Hunter is very possessive of his belongings (he has so few) and will tackle you if you try to take something from him without asking. He also hoards food and has trouble sharing it, but he feels a bit more embarrassed about this habit than others so he tries to hide it.
Luz is basically the first person Hunter reaches out to after living in the woods for a few weeks, and she’s the only one he trusts, at first. 
She offers to let Hunter stay at the owl house a LOT, and sometimes he does :D ! But usually only if it’s raining or he has an injury he can’t heal himself, or if they’re just hanging out. 
Luz’s Super Secret Sad Boy plan is to try to trick Hunter into staying at the owl house for extended periods of time, so that he eventually doesn’t want to go back to the forest. She brings it up A LOT. This has yet to work though, because Hunter feels very uncomfortable about not understanding their family dynamic. That and it makes him feel a bit worse about his own. (kind of like when you go to your friends house and their parents are nice, so you cry afterwards. But to the extreme that he has trouble relaxing cause he’s viscerally aware of how much he doesn’t feel like he fits in.)
Luz tried to teach Hunter glyphs but he brushed it off. 1. because he’s still nervous about wild magic lmao but 2. because he didn’t think he needed to learn them since he has Rascal. He only starts looking into them when he personally finds them in nature on his own. After that point he starts eavesdropping on Lillith and Eda’s glyph lessons and hijinks ensue.
I’m actually super down for the idea that Lillith would bond with goldie in some way. They both know what Belos is like so they can bitch about him together!
I’m also a fan of the “Lillith regrets calling Hunter a brat” idea. Idk if she’s canonically seen his face or anything but I like to think that, at least NOW, she sees him for what he really is. A poor little meow meow. 
That being said don’t think that Mom!Eda is out for the count. They’re  ✨ co-parents  ✨ and I like to think they bring different things to the table when it comes to caring about Hunter. Raine might show up eventaully too :D. They still can’t get him to move out of the woods tho.
Not much to say about him and his plans yet, but what usually happens when Hunter runs off after upsetting Belos is that he comes back a few hour/days later with something to win back Belos’ favor. So the emperor isn’t concerned at first, but then a week passes, and then another. 
In this AU Belos is very protective of Hunter but in a weird, possessive, fucked up way. Basically, he’s convinced himself that nothing is really a threat to him or Hunter (since he trained Hunter personally and believes in his nephews abilities). He was never afraid of Hunter being killed or leaving him cause he never considered those things as possibilities. So when Hunter doesn’t come back and is seen actively avoiding him, he goes a little apeshit? But like in a subtle way? Like, he’s losing it but quietly lmao. BASICALLY I do have plan for Belos to attempt to do a lot of stuff to catch/coerce Hunter, and maybe he succeeds! We’ll see.
That should be enough for now!
important to note that a lot of this could change on a whim since I’m still thinking about all of it but y e ah these are some things I’ve mused about.
also I hope this makes sense, I’m not really a writer so I just kinda type it how I talk it I guess.
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jambusaur · 2 years
Hello! I play aj classic with my younger brother and we’ve recently gotten more into play wild. Do you have any tips on how to do things? Bc we just learned about fireflys and it feels like there’s other things we’re missing out on. Like how to get alpha items. Thank you !
i’m so glad you and your younger brother enjoy aj!! it’s so nice to see people play with their family and friends :)
the best thing i can show you is the ajpw wiki! it has loads of info, and you can kind of just click around and search to learn new stuff! here’s the link:
but as for specific stuff, here’s a list of stuff that most newer ajpw players might not know about that i can think of right now:
the number one thing i want you to know is that you don’t have to pay to get a membership! you probably already know this if you follow my blog, but just check my pinned post for more info :)
the phantom dimension! you can buy portals in the sapphire shop for 100 saps, or you could use the one i have in my den for free! the phantom dimension is honestly really fun, and you can get some cool stuff from there! i was thinking of making a guide for it in the future, lemme know if i should!
golden shovels! at all times, there’s at least one golden shovel digging spot on the ajpw map. click on it, and you get a little treasure finding minigame! you can find fossils, crafting crystals, gems, sapphires, normal treasure chests, and alpha treasure chests! both normal and alpha treasure chests can be placed in your den, and then you can exit the den furniture menu, then click on the chest, and bam, you get stuff!
alpha items! alpha items can be obtained in a lot of different ways! i can’t really list all of the ways, but some main ones are: alpha treasure chests, longer pet expeditions, and fireflies!
pet expeditions! after leveling up your pet in a pet station (i have one in my den that you can use!), you can send your pets on pet expeditions in crystal sands! after waiting a bit, your pets will bring you back some stuff!
packs! packs are super fun ways to play on teams with your friends on ajpw! you can only be in one pack at a time, but when you’re in a pack, you can get daily pack treasure chests in the pack hideouts (only for members unfortunately tho). pack runs are also really fun! they’re like timed gathering games, and you can win prizes! and members can open the treasure chests in pack runs too.
the shop explorer! in coral canyon, the shop explorer is right where you spawn in. in it, you can search up an item and see who has listed it in the shop explorer for the lowest price. it’s also good for determining how low you should price your own items!
that’s all i can think of right now, but i’ll reblog this post if i think of any more later!
thank you so much for reaching out to me! and i hope you and your brother continue to enjoy aj together!! :)
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soulmeshart · 3 years
Why Stolitz will be endgame
Since the latest episode of Helluva Boss dropped (episode 5) I’ve been seeing a lot of people simply pointing out that Stolitz is problematic and toxic and that it shouldn’t be shipped. However these people never really think about the fact that  a) this is only the fifth episode b) where the ship is heading So I’m here to talk about that. What we’ve seen in these first 5 episodes is simply a look at what the relationship between these two is and who they are individually. This episode in particular was great because it pointed out two important things to us: 1. Blitzo doesn’t hate Stolas’ and deep down probably craves some sort of romantic relationship between them 2. The core issues of their current relationship Let me elaborate both of these 1. So far we’ve had the impression that Stolas is simply a nuisance to Blitzo and that he is simply using him for the book. All of their interactions up until this episode we’re pretty negative and made it seem like their relationship is purely sexual and that it exists for business reasons only. Episode 2 let us know that Stolas wants to get Blitzo involved in his life outside of the whole “transactional fucking” thing and this episode let us know that, well, Blitzo really doesn’t mind that. Think back to the first scene in episode 5. If Blitzo only wanted a purely professional relationship with Stolas or even hated him(as some people believe for whatever reason), he wouldn’t have agreed to go to the Harvest Moon Festival. There was nothing for him to gain by going there and he agrees to the invite without any real hesitation. This let’s us know that Blitzo doesn’t hate Stolas and is fine with being involved with him outside of their deal. Now for the “craving for some sort of romantic relationship part”. There are 2 hints about this in the episode. The first one comes in the scene where Blitzo tries to explain his relationship with Stolas to Striker and gets really emberassed. Remember what Striker says: “So you even conned that ditzy blue blood into getting you to the surface.” If this was the case Blitzo probably would’ve been proud of himself and simply confirmed that what Striker just said was true. But that wasn’t what happened. He got flustered and started fumbling his words around. The second hint is in the scene when Blitzo finds out that Striker is planning to assassinate Stolas. Striker tries to get to Blitzo to get him to join his side. He keeps telling him things that clearly bother Blitzo. For example: how the system is rigged against him. In those things he also lists the fact that Blitzo is being treated by Stolas as a toy/plaything. Now, why would Blitzo be bothered by this if his and Stolas’ relationship really is purely transactional. If that were the case then they’re both just using eachother and that’s the end of that. Blitzo is using Stolas for the book and Stolas is using Blitzo for sexual favors. Now weather this is or isn’t the case isn’t important here, what’s important is the fact that Blitzo doesn’t want this to be the case. Aka he wants his relationship with Stolas to be something more.
2. Now let’s look at the core issues of their relationship which are all presented in this episode very nicely. Stolas does a lot of condescending things to Blitzo throughout the episode. He baby-talks to him twice, puts out a cigar on his horn (though we know fire doesn’t hurt imps, it’s still disrespectful), he shows him off in public like he’s some sort of thing, etc. Now let me clear this up first, Stolas’ intentions aren’t malicious. He loves and cares about Blitzo. When it comes to the show, we know this because a) If Stolas just wanted to fuck an imp, he could’ve gone to way less trouble to do so and wouldn’t have to lend out his book which is VERY important b) He wouldn’t try to get Blitzo involved with his personal life and the most important person in his life, his daughter. A parent introducing their SO to their child is a pretty big deal. Now Stolas should’ve considered both Blitzo’s and Octavia’s feelings before doing that however we know that he really isn’t experienced with healthy relationships with other people (romantic and platonic). If we’re talking outside of the show, there are official instagram accounts for all of the Helluva Boss characters. The two most active ones are actually Blitzo’s and Stolas’ (jeez i wonder why). Now these accounts we’re confirmed to not be a 100% canon in the sense that not everything that happens there happened in the actual universe of the show. However Viv has stated that these accounts are ran by people who know all of the characters PRETTY GOOD. And in case you haven’t seen these accounts, Blitzo and Stolas have a lot and i mean A LOT of very positive interactions there. Sure we will occasionally get a horny comment left by Stolas’ on one of Blitzo’s posts or even a horny post of his own regarding Blitzo. But what we see more is just genuine wholesome stuff between the two. For example: Stolas constantly leaving positive comments on Blitzo’s posts such as telling him to have fun when he goes to hang out with either Loona or M&M, him supporting Blitzo’s passion for art and horses, we also get to see him putting up missing posters and searching for Blitzo at one point when Blitzo get’s lost. We see him visiting Blitzo to take care of him when he’s sick,etc. The list goes on and on. Obviously most of this didn’t happen but what’s important is the fact that Stolas clearly cares about Blitzo, like, a lot actually. The show hasn’t gone to this point yet but this is clearly where it’s headed. Plus the official twitter account for Helluva Boss reposts a ton of Stolitz fanart and they don’t do this for other ships, except M&M.
Now back to the issues of the relationship. All of the things I’ve listed (the baby talk, the cigar thing,etc.) wouldn’t seem like much of an issue IF there clearly wasn’t a class difference between them. In this episode the show REALLY let’s us know how bad imps have it. It’s rare to see them start businesses, the system is rigged against them, Stolas is also kind of condescending to them in his speech (though it’s obvious he actually does like imps and he isn’t intentionally being like this. He even calls the Harvest Moon Festival “charming”). I don’t think he realizes how inappropriate his behavior is. I think future episodes will almost a 100% tackle the topic of Stolas’ realizing how different the lives of imps are from his. This will also let him have a better understanding of Blitzo. All of his actions towards Blitzo through the episode, even thought they’re made with good intent, to Blitzo it just seems like Stolas sees him as a toy (even thought this isn’t the case).
In short, on one side we have Blitzo who is craving a romantic relationship (specifically with Stolas) but believes that Stolas is simply using him for sexual reasons and deeply dislikes his unintentionally condescending attitude towards him, and on the other side we have Stolas, who had lead a loveless life for years and has finally fallen for someone but is too blinded by his infatuation for Blitzo and the thrill of love to consider how Blitzo is feeling and the difference between their positions.
Now, this ship is going to be an end game ship a 100%. What we’ve seen so far is only what the starting point of their relationship is. They’re both going to grow as the show goes on and so will their relationship. Stolas will learn to consider other peoples emotions (which isn’t only a problem specifically related to Blitzo but also his daughter), the struggles of imps and how to properly convey his emotions so that Blitzo doesn’t mistake them as purely sexual. And Blitzo will also need to learn how to open up his heart and to stop running away from others (which is something he does I’m assuming, it looks like he ran away from his relationship with Verosika and it seems like their relationship was p serious given the fact she has a tattoo with his name).
Also while I do think Striker and Blitzo have a fun dynamic, I don’t think this is even an option as an end game ship. The sexual tension was high but that’s about it. Plus Striker was trying to manipulate Blitzo which isn’t cool in my book. Not against the ship tho.
So yeah, gonna reblog this when these 2 idiots (stolas and blitzo) get together with a big “told ya so”.
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madfantasy · 3 years
I haven't seen you post in a while, I hope you've been doing okay? How is everything? Hope it's been a good year so far for you 💕💕
You're too kind, u & everyone who made inquiries, bless ur hearts.. im sorry for disappearing, but yeah, I don't have net— using my phone credit and hope this posts..
I tried to record my voice answering this, like I sometimes did on tik, suddenly ended up trying to muffle the floods of my burning tears, so now I have an awkward vid of me talking then weeping out of nowhere, which a good reason for me to keep up the no cry habit, heh.. but seriously, I suppose I'm fine till I be conscious of it.. its much easier for not to talk .. even tho I'm aching to be back in thy company, lonely in my foresight to catch on to the present that joins us, hand held out to reach like minded souls but shying from the fear of forgetfulness occurring..
I'm fine tho, did few new stuff, merely drowning in too muchness and nothingness as usual, this month I guess you could say I took an act of mad fury in search of any happy source because the echoing silence and the swarm of sadness nipping on my brain cells thickened, and the reasoning merged with the obscene. So instead of giving my guardians the usual of 3/4 of my earnings last month for net and groceries, I spent it all. Ya know, as it was told to me it mine to do as I please? As being prevented any chance of work if it was possible, 't was supposed to be spent on art supplies & measly delights craved for years ?
Before hand, I've been begging them to take me for months to get any clothing or whatever, be it the first time I ever see a shop, then just to drive around, then just me peaking to the outside when the front door is open, merely seeking change I suppose. They kept vaguely promising me until they refused point blank— getting tired of my nagging, then their car just stopped working till this day. Its in the workshop rn..
Anyway, befouled by despair, needing the mere basics of life and not granted, I was delighted when i found a site to buy from cheap & pretty, I pressed buy without any further considerations, or taking their permission and thrilled to be able get gifts for my siblings too. I say gifts but really they are deprived necessities too and not even much just one each cuz well, they are 5 of my babies and to start with the top of priorities; we all draw
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I could already see it, they can't help themselves; heck seeped through the clenched gates of their mouths, trying desperately to poison me with undirect attempts this time, cuz I bought for my sibs they're out of the option of calling me selfish. I was upping the same trance like state of vague existence dealing with them, absorbing their insults and degrading just to make sure my shi arrives safe.
Unfortunate for me, the site chose the worst carrier in this country
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I did everything in my power to make it into their convenience, by embarrassingly messaging the carrier daily, they took a week of promising to deliver and flanking so my guardians reached a heated level of threatening, waving their hands nd almost tossing shi at mE saying that they don't care if they came and if i dared to order something again they'll do this and that. Not allowing me to open the door for the delivery guy when he comes, blaming me for missing vaccination dates (they kept missing them even before)& missing going to important places(again, they just didn't go to for ages), made them loose sleep, etc etc— in turn, I seen red and regretfully blew up.
I screamed at them its literally the only time I ever did this, it BECAUSE it easier on them & I'll do what I want whatever anyway, & to stop interrupting me while I try to explain things , then they suddnly back done and be like I'm not mad at u I'm mad at the delivery ppl, that they are proud of me for being able to do all this, and such sort. I left them to cool in my room, Idk how I did it but must have slam-gripped something so hard it chipped most of my short nails & cracked one, was glad I didn't hurt my drawing hand but yeah, goofy mani
They robbed me of the joy of anticipation & the dissipation of apathy, I started to lose sleep again and my liberating dreams left me and I don't think I remember leaving bed.
But still, If not force myself to do things.. there'll be nothing for me if I don't.. at least I know im able of that
I got my guardians happy tho after another tiresome refusal, by trying out one of those Uber-eat like local apps here, since they have no car and being disabled & ill, I ordered McDonald's for the first time. Slythry behind their backs per habit, told them someone coming and they had that look again, but thankfully the guy came through and didn't steal my money, heh. For a big 1800 calories meal I suppose it was passable, the happy fam faces I got was the real treat..
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Oh with that thing with the credit card stating I owe them money, waited weeks & nobody got back to us? They started taking from my guardian's account directly to pay it, saying oh we did send you warnings--- TO THE SHADOWY LINES OF THEIR POSTERIOR A.K.A NOWHERE. Thankfully the account is mostly empty nd just for random transactions, i alerted my guardians not to use it. And again, my god, another round of endless calls and promises started, and we wait again so they just don't act as if we owe them a frking 17k dollars that we don't have.. was panicking cuz I have nothing and but my guardians were weirdly comforting about it and told me not to worry
One thing good bout no net is it made me stop thinking about life in general, and stop the tiny unnoticeable prick of misery when I have no input to share, trying not to helplessly compare people just living, in inflated style or not, in media, to my isolated-most-of-my-life style and missing much of that organic "life experiences and chances", heh. At least, my situation would be favorable to me if it was ever possible for it to let me have peace, or have the simple knowledge I'm not virtually imprisoned and have never familiarised with nothing of this world but the surrounding walls.. its nice to have more time to be consumed by muse and day dreaming that flutters life through my dull being and sing chorus of inspiring means for art to flow and finds its way delicately onto my realised canvas.. but no, I continued drawing whilst sight blurred with salty droplets contradicting that happy tintin dance on tiktok I worked so long on just cuz I couldn't stop, not the tears or the mad scribbles of determined intention to visualise the mourned excitement I need, hating everything I make
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Somehow the lilac dream still intrudes, visualising me friends, living, in a quaint home, maybe we roommate, arm in arm we go to make every fracture of fate's encounters a disgusting adventurous thrill, like building a maze of cardboard or chasing each other in the dark.. maybe getting that half bleached head and endless ear pericings ... then it dies and I totally forget it..
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But what those awesome headphones helped me do, literally blocks all their voices listening to Sev losing it and I can Waltz around not feeling gutted to go and interfere or play the referee each time. But I can't wear them forever, gives me a bad headache, and honestly; I can't be too neglectful.. my sibs hates me for it already hehe
At least these clothing came true to their measurements, felt the new sensations on how everything I wore hugs me & learnt the baffling ways on how "gender" and region plays different tunes on the same measurements. Getting fitting things felt like suddenly there's hope to be, for myself to be me, and ease this severe disassociation between who I am, and what my body is .. from how little I see myself nd consider it worthy of anything because of how long it been living like a phantom among people.. to numb this dysphoria until it be gone one day
Saddened that the only site I can't order from again if they keep using that awful carrier
I missed our country's 91 national day, too. They made sales everything 91 riyal so.. but knowing the sellers here, I don't think most of em went true with their offers.. Horrible news tho on the celebrations, sigh
I turned this into a dear diary, guess bothered you enough today, sorry
So thankful to yous, Idk if I can be back, but I'll remain creating, and will keep the thought alive of being tickled when sharing my creations with your viewing pleasure somehow
'till then my precious dears, take care 💛🙏
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26.9.2021, 8 pm, sleeping
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luv-leni · 3 years
Vampire!Cravity with a human s/o
Authors Note: Hey guys so listen the inspiration for this one hit me like a semi-truck. Which means this one is long(especially minhee’s) I mean like 2k words long. I’m very sorry 😭 please let me know if having this all be one reaction kills your eyes and I’ll edit it and split it into two separate posts.
Warnings: blood, dark themes, suggestive in minhee’s part if u squint, violence, death, and overall angst. There is fluff in here too I promise. This is all fiction!
Reaction under the cut.
A gentleman but a gentleman in a high position
He probably works for a big company
He wasn’t turned too long ago so his age isn’t a problem
He has literally no clue what he’s gonna do when his age does become a problem
Anyway this businessman is very friendly
He is charming and acts like he’s got nothing to hide
U meet him outside of his workplace maybe in a coffee shop
He’s dressed to the nines and super cute so u can’t help but stare at him
Of course he notices so he offers to pay for your drink
Correction he insists on paying for ur drink
This sparks a conversation, mainly about why he’s out in public in a three-piece suit
He talks about his work and meetings and stuff u aren’t really interested in
Before u can completely lose interest tho, his eyes capture ur attention
They almost look like they’re glowing
U interrupt him to ask about his eyes and he shifts uncomfortably and brushes it off
U being perceptive notice that maybe this well put together businessman isn’t all that he seems
He on the other hand thinks u are amazing for a human and he is attracted to u very quickly
look at you heart-stealer 😉
U two start dating for completely different reasons, u want to see the skeletons in his closet and he is falling helplessly in love with u
While snooping through his personality and life u find urself starting to fall for him too
Soon his secret won’t even matter to u
Serim is very good at keeping his secret so u aren’t going to find out unless he wants u to
So whether u find out about it or not is up to him
But he is a great boyfriend so u can’t complain
Ancient vamp
Allen would be the vampire who’s been around for like 400 years
When u meet he’s reluctant to be friendly with u
He’s old enough to have seen all the people he loves leave him
So he doesn’t want to get hurt :(
It would take some persistence from u but he’d eventually warm up to you
You’d fall in love with him and all his cool vampire features
His cold skin and glowing eyes
And he falls for u hard
He’s soft to u through the whole relationship because he doesn’t want u to think he’s dangerous
Even though out of all the boys Allen might be one of the more dangerous vampires
One thing is for sure he will protect u fiercely from anyone or anything
Jungmo lives as if he was still human
He’s been alive(well as alive as a vampire can get) for long enough to know what he’s doing but not long enough to lose his innocence
He still loves human activities
He exercises even though he doesn't need it and eats the foods he loves even though he doesn't need to eat
He goes to the park and plays with dogs
He meets u while playing fetch with a German shepherd
U just think he’s a normal guy who is very active
When u find out he’s a vampire u don’t really believe him
And then u see his fangs
He suddenly becomes much more intimidating
He does his best to reassure u he’s still the same guy u fell in love with he just drinks blood sometimes
now u get why he volunteers at the blood bank so much
Sweet boy
Ruby blends into society very well as a vampire
He hangs out at coffee shops and bookstores he probably even works at one
U meet him there and he is an amazing gentleman
He doesn’t want u to know he’s a vampire because u are so cute and sweet and doesn’t want to scare u
he also doesn't want to confront the fact that he is going to live forever and u won't :(
But then u find bags of blood in his freezer
When u confront him about it he is so gentle and sweet that u really aren’t that freaked out
And he shows u his cool vamp powers and promises to never hurt u
A better love story than twilight
Flirt flirt flirt
He thinks if he’s gonna live forever he is gonna make it worth it
So he flirts with anybody and everybody
But when he meets u
He notices that u make him feel different than everybody else
Ur different, special
U make his undead heart race and he becomes addicted to u
He still flirts with u but he does it differently
He means everything he says about u
When u agree to date him he feels alive for the first time in a while
When u find out he’s a vamp the world gets 10x more exciting
U get a boyfriend who’s basically invincible and has cool powers
Jinnie is so relieved that u aren’t scared he wraps u in a big hug and picks u up with his vampire strength
A super exciting relationship with a very exciting boy
Ooh mysterious~
Minhee is barely noticeable in everyday life
He rarely goes out during the day and works somewhere private so he doesn’t have to meet many people
When he does go out he blends into the shadows and is so sneaky that he could get away with almost anything if he wanted to
It’s lonely but he prefers it that way
He wouldn’t talk to u unless he absolutely had to
So maybe he works in a private office and u get hired as his assistant
He doesn’t want an assistant but being a big strong vampire doesn’t mean he can do everything by himself
Ur first day u notice how closed off and dark he is
But u are determined to be his friend
As time goes on minhee becomes intrigued by how determined u are (bonus points if ur good at being his assistant)
All the tension that has been building between u two comes to a head when u confront him in his office and ask him why he’s so cold to everyone
He gets this intimidating look in his eyes and says “people aren’t worth my time anymore” or something dramatic like that
You get upset because like?? Ur obviously worth his time 🙄
So to prove it u kiss him
He’s surprised but he wants it as much as u do so he doesn’t push u away
He thinks that maybe just maybe ur the one human he can let his guard down for
Then u guys make out on his desk
I think being a vampire would dull hyeongjun a bit
He used to be this cheerful happy boy but living forever can really take a toll
So he’s a little shyer and a little quieter as he moves through daily life
He never stays in one place too long because he doesn’t want anyone to suspect him
So he doesn’t have friends or partners for very long
Then he meets u
Ur kind and friendly and u remind him of who he used to be
So he immediately becomes ur friend
Something about u is different compared to the people he usually meets it’s like he’s drawn to u
Hyeongjun comes to trust u very quickly and ends up telling u his secret himself
U don’t believe him because vampires?? real?? uh huh sure.
Hyeongjun still has the same personality deep inside so he has to show off to u so he picks up ur couch with one hand to prove he’s telling the truth
Ur rightfully shocked and he is visibly nervous
He wants u to accept him so u think over all the good memories you’ve had with him while he stares at u with wide eyes
U love him so eventually u decide to accept him and keep his secret and he couldn’t be more grateful
U accepting him definitely bring out more of his cheerful personality
U two probably move away from the city into the countryside where no one can find u
It’s peaceful and beautiful and u get to spend the rest of ur life with the one u love
That last one was so sad let’s move on to the cheerful stuff
Tae is a helpful boy!
He’s gonna live forever so he’s like ‘might as well make the world a better place since I’m gonna be here forever'
He volunteers literally everywhere
He does community service and works at nursing homes
The type to go around and pay for people’s parking meters in his free time
Like jungmo he volunteers at blood banks to get his blood because he doesn’t want to hurt anybody
He does all of this under fake names that he changes every once in a while so that way no one questions why somebody who should be like 90 looks 18
He meets u while helping out at an animal shelter
U come in looking for an animal to adopt
(If u don’t like animals then u come in looking for work)
Tae helps u out with the cutest smile on his face
He’s so cute that u ask him for his number
He agrees and everything goes smoothly for u two for a while
Once ur further in the relationship tho, tae’s secret starts to eat at him
He loves u and thinks u deserve to know the truth and he hates hiding things from u
So, like hyeongjun, he tells u his secret
He does it sweetly and holds ur hand so u don’t freak out
Accept this boy and his secret and he will treat u like a queen
He doesn’t like using his vampire powers but if it makes u happy then he will
He will keep u happy for the rest of ur life if u let him
My babysitters a vampire incarnate
He’s a baby vampire who got turned while in high school
He can’t really control himself so he stays away from people as best he can
U see him while in class and in the hallways and u think the poor boy is just shy
He doesn’t sit with anybody during class and eats lunch alone
U find him one day outside the school eating lunch and ask to sit with him
He hesitantly agrees and u notice how cute he is
U talk to him for a while and he isn’t very responsive or talkative so u ask him why he sits alone so much
Ur expecting usual answers like maybe he doesn’t have any friends maybe people make him nervous but no
He says that he has a secret 👀
Now ur interested so u ask him what it is
He says he's a vampire and ur like damn the cute boy is crazy this sucks :((
But then he offers to prove it so u say sure and he
Has fangs???
Those must be fake right??
U lean forward and touch them and prick ur finger on one
Nope they’re real and now ur bleeding 😃
Seongmin’s eyes go wide and he scoots away from u while u search ur bag for a bandaid
When the awkwardness subsides and seongmin stops looking at u like ur dinner, u start talking about this very unique situation
He tells u that he’s literally been starving since he was first turned and needs blood badly
And u just so happen to volunteer at a hospital
So u offer to get him blood if he promises to not eat u..he agrees obviously
And that marks the start of ur very strange high school relationship
Despite how strange he can be he truly loves u and takes care of u throughout school
U two are now inseparable
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rrasado · 3 years
The demon brothers with MC who is very childish like they still watch blues clues wear soft and pastel cloths and play with toys?
Such Childish Antics
And again, I’m soft af- y’all just keep sending fluffy requests and it’s distracting me from my daily dose of angst dkns/j. But on all seriousness I had a lot of fun with this one ^ ^.
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At first it was...not exactly what he expected, like far from it actually. Was there something that purposely made you wanna act like this? Who knows.
When he checked your files prior it didn’t mention anything about... needing routine head pats or literal tucking into bed- heck he didn’t expect you to actually go along with Mammon’s equally childish antics.
Which fully circles us back to the subtle fact that he learns to actually find rest in your behavior because let’s face it- your childish and his brothers’ childish are different.
Actually gets worried when you refuse to eat your veggies tho- he didn’t think he’d had to resort to...very underhanded methods i.e. using illusion spells to just feed you proper food despite sweets.
“MC you must finish this if you don’t want to fall ill. You wouldn’t want that would you?”
Very by the book with dealing with you he isn’t exactly the best at kids due to his aura but overall his actions make up for it.
The solidarity you two have just spiked up tenfold, don’t worry about being the few people that still use jinx or superstitions like swallowing gum and believing it’ll stay there for the next seven years, because mammon also semi believes them-
But on a more chaotic note, mammon would go from ‘hey I don’t like the human being here why do I have to look after them they’re so childish-‘ to ‘oi f*Ck you my child is fine-‘
Sometimes feels guilty of taking advantage of your childish nature so he makes sure to make it up to you in some way whether a food treat a plushie treat or heck whatever outing you’re up for.
Which equates to the conclusion that if mammon is being nice to you he might’ve pulled a joke or two unbeknownst to you and his mind won’t let him rest the guilt dsdkwksk.
“Yo! I found a new ice cream downtown wanna get some and try? We can bring beel if ya want!”
As proven by season two(?) he’s good with children so I believe he’s the best at dealing with you in general. Besides you distract him from the suffering he gets from his brothers so win win!
This can go either two ways, one a grand friendship via watching anime and reading manga/comics or two unholy screeching cause hey Mc don’t touch those not so family friendly series he has ey-
So starting with the former- wait you said you wanna binge some colorful series instead of doing work? GRAB THE POPCORN LE GO- will literally have stars in his eyes the moment you two click on one series and it’s just a rant (on his end) while you nitpick at your favorite elements of the series.
The latter well, after delving into your more hyper ish series he’ll try to avoid letting you catch glimpses of his other stuff, which we all know is a lot but we don’t need to mention that now do we-.
Will not hesitate to pull out a human tv with a human cable plan just for you to binge watch your own cartoons and series because if that’s what it takes for you to calm down then aIGHT- besides it’s calming you down so win win?
“Hey wanna cosplay that duo together?”
I kid you not it becomes a dream come true when you both get to cosplay duo characters from series and the sheer nya uwu power you two hold is powerful enough to break devilgram records djdjd.
As uncanny as it sounds, he reads bed time stories for you, to put into context- he teaches you a lot of useful still via bed time stories because he can’t approach you the normal way.
Like- the concept of corruption in the history of the Devildom? Yey let’s turn that into a tyrant king! Need to learn the importance of always having one of the brothers with you? Eyyy this is the tale of the Queen’s child and their knights!
If there are any words you have a hard time getting your head around or just don’t know the meaning like at all, he’s your go to dictionary.
Suffice it to say he’s good at what he tries attempting. Was at first a bit concerned because you complained about his books not having pictures and it takes the fun out.
“Hm? Well we can always search for ones with diagrams in the library if that’s how you learn faster...”
Surprisingly to him those horrific diagrams did help you learn faster in various Devildom subjects, but your suggestion of making them colored ink was just calmly rejected.
I pray for the House of Lamentation’s mail box because it’s full of chEQUES AND BILLS- the shoppings sprees you two go on is enough to even have Mammon concerned.
Like- you two just went down town to buy some new matching outfits and really pretty ones at that, and asmo is now dragging you by the arm to head to another newly opened boutique saying it’s from another district and he and has to be the first ones to post some of their pieces? Mhm
Non stop devilgram pictures, you are the epitome of color in the Devildom soley because of this Demon- He actually managed to make pastel a trend in the gloomy circle of hell with the amount of pastel you wore in your pics together.
When he takes care of you or offers you a relax day, mans will grab the most spontaneous bath soaps and body washes and even make you a bubble bath with hella cool shaped bubbles in, ngl I want one now-
“Ahh darling your genuine laughter is just a good break from the others’ bickering it’s actually doing wonders for my skin-“
Asmo is the ultimate wine aunt and he will not hesitate to end anyone’s career the moment they speak of one negative thing about his precious human.
....we all know it’s gonna be glorious food- ANIMAL CAKES AND CUTE CUPCAKES THINK ABOUT IT GUYS THINK ABOUT IT-
His food diet looks like a Pinterest aesthetic pastry board because of you, the amount of cafes and cute bakeries you go to because you said you liked their vibe and that they look cute has him nomming sweets upon sweets.
Heck- you two Will attempt to make those cute Sanrio bento boxes for lunch, well more like for you cause he doesn’t care what his food looks like but hey! If it makes you happy and if it’s good then he’s hella happy.
Is probably on Lucifer’s side regarding you needing to eat your veggies. He’ll shape them into cute animals and objects if that’s what it takes assuming he can even go without eating them himself-
“Please MC? For me? Finish mr snikerdoodles-“ “you named your chives after what-“ “hush it Belphie”
Will join you and mammon on district runs for food and outings, will also join you and Levi when making cute food from certain series you’ve watched.
Depending on how childish you are you’ll either see nap time as a blessing or a punishment, no matter which one you’ll still wind up napping with belphie.
Ya don’t wanna nap? Well too bad cause you’re already trapped with his arms to sleep, he does that with his pillow and since his pillow helps him sleep well Goodluck cause you’re now a plushie.
You wanna nap? Good cause you get to nap with a lot of stuffed toys heckin soft pillows fluffy blankets and a grown man to make sure you actually sleep and not...pretend. (I actually do that a lot believe it or not-)
But here me out, animal onesies, matching animal onesies, matching soft and comfortable animal onesies- ok but really, onesies you two will wear and not care if the others see because you’ll walk a round the house and that at night heading to the twins’ room.
“Want some milk before bed? It’ll probably get us more good dreams..”
Whether he actually believes what he’s saying or not, a good glass of milk before bed is one of the few calming routines you two share and he finds them pleasant.
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mellindi · 3 years
How can I grow my tumblr page? Btw I loved your story with Camila in San Myshuno!
Hiiii! Tysm for reading Camilla's story! ♥ As for growing your blog, here are some things that really helped me. It got a little long so I'm placing them under the cut.
Tag your posts properly. The most common tags used here for all things sims 4 related are: ts4, sims 4 For gameplay/legacies: ts4, sims 4, ts4 gameplay, sims 4 gameplay, ts4 legacy, sims 4 legacy For stories: ts4, sims 4, ts4 story, sims 4 story, ts4 stories, sims 4 stories And if your content is a combination of gameplay, legacies and stories, all of these tags will do. Tumblr uses the first five tags when showing posts in search results so be sure to keep personal/blog related tags (ie: the name of your legacy) or additional commentary toward the end of your tags so that people are able to find your posts!
Post content that you're passionate about. I'd argue this is one of the most important things to keep in mind because regardless of how cliché it sounds, people really can pick up on your energy through your posts. When I read dialogue or commentary or whatever on someone's gameplay/story posts, I can usually tell if that person likes their own content. The passion that exudes from your posts is infectious so when you feel it other people do too!
Try not to get caught up in trends -- unless said trend is something that makes you happy. Trends come and go 'round here all the time. Some of them may interest you, others won't. Don't feel like you have to do a certain thing because that's what's all over your dash and what's getting the most notes. When everyone and their mama was doing renders, I would see people upset because they couldn't figure it out or they didn't like the quality of theirs but they felt like they had to do it because that's what everyone else was doing and their note count reflected what they felt like the community wanted to see. Stay true to the content that you like and what makes you happy. Your followers will continue to love your content regardless of what everyone else is doing.
Interact and show love to other simmers. When you send nice messages to other simmers or leave comments on their posts, that not only makes them happy but also lets them know you're here. Most simmers, will notice you popping up in their comments or ask box and return the favor. Don't get discouraged tho if you feel like your faves aren't giving you the same attention in return (esp if you're only interacting with simmers who clearly have a super large follower base). It takes time to develop your tribe so keep reaching out, giving genuine attention to simmers whose content you love (regardless of the size of their follower list), and eventually, you'll have your own little family over here. Also, when people leave comments on your posts, respond! Let them know how you feel. That you appreciate it or that they're right (or wrong, lol) about their predictions or whatever. This way, you'll develop a decorum that encourages the commenter to come back. Every friend I've made on here started with a dialogue in the comments of one of our posts.
The other stuff...
So if you're looking to grow your blog, meaning you'd like to get more attention, increase your follower count etc... These are some tips that are purely for getting people to follow your blog:
Be active. You don't have to be on here every day, all day (I certainly am not, lol) but while you're working towards building your blog, you'll need to post often. I can't tell you exactly how often, but often. The queue system comes in handy for this 'cause you don't really need to be here to be here.
Develop your style/Work on your editing. Find a style that you like and implement it throughout your blog. There are a ton of different styles out there: the soft and hazy look, the grungy look, the bright and colorful look, etc... Play around with some until you find something you like and go with that. When it comes to editing, I'm not going to tell you, you need to use Reshade but since we're talking about numbers and that's it, I can (and I'm sure others can as well) tell you that my follower count grew... a lot, once I started using Reshade and even more once I stepped up my editing game. There are a lot of different presets out there. Try some out and see what you like. If you're not sure about Reshade, I happen to have a whole guide on that, that can help you out 😊
Make Custom Content. People like stuff. Esp if it's free so you'll definitely gain more followers this way.
Now with all that being said. There's a huge difference between having a large following and having a group of followers (regardless of the number) who are truly invested in your content. The ones that turn notifications on or check often to see if you've posted. The ones who leave comments to tell you how much your OC has pissed them off this episode or how much they're rooting for them. The ones who ask questions and give genuine feedback, who pick up on clues and share their theories with you -- because they truly care about what you do here. If I had to choose, I'd take that small group of passionate followers aka my little family over having thousands upon thousands of followers any day. How do you get this little family you may ask? The tips at the top of this post are your best friend ♥
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ultimatedemonsimp · 3 years
I've had all of this on my mind for too long and I refuse to apologize for what I'm about to do, but I understand that I'm prolly trash.
Bakers Family Tickle Headcanons
Jack Baker
This semi-sweet old man is a switch
Mainly goes after Zoe and Lucas, but does get into tickle fights with Marguerite pretty regularly (most of which he loses, btw)
Absolutely does the whole tickle monster spiel, don't even argue with me, I'm also pretty confident that he teases with compliments
Somewhat rough, but not too much
Raspberries are his favorite fruits. Just look at that man's gd beard-
Doesn't push anyone past their limits
Mostly likes to suprise his lee (leaning over the back of the couch, jumping at them or from behind corners, ect.)
Basically, even before Eveline and her "gift", you still couldn't walk around that house without feeling like you were about to be attacked by him
Old man is also very ticklish
Mostly tickled by Marguerite, but, every once in a while, Lucas has the nuts to get his father back
Ribs, stomach, sides and hips are his worst spots, mostly belly laughs
Likes to receive raspberry as much as he likes to give them
6/10 for ticklishness
With ever cell in his mold body, ler
Still tickles his family, but it's become more directed at Eveline and Lucas
That being said, he's very gentle with Eveline, the hivemind making sure he knows exactly what she wants and when
He still has tickle fights with Marguerite, but they've have become more savage and only slightly less loving
Zoe no longer interacts with the family enough to really do any of that anymore
But Lucas... poor Lucas gets his shit wrecked regularly.
A few long gone "family members" have been subjected to this sadistic old man's wrath, as well, but that's not to be dwelled on
As said above, Jack has become a sadistic fuck
Very rough, but not enough to leave bruises
Still uses the tickle monster act, but is much less affectionate than before, taking to scolding and/or insults instead of compliments when tickling someone other than Eveline
Still has his love of raspberries, giving and receiving
Limits? Don't know 'em
Is still as ticklish as before, same places, same reactions, if not a little more dramatic or erratic
Loves to chase his lees, taunting them the whole time (think of the shit he says while looking for Ethan in-game, but alter some of them a little)
Still 6/10, but he's a drama queen.
Marguerite Baker
Mama of the year is a switch
Other than the tickle fights with Jack, she mainly goes after Lucas and sometimes Zoe
Very loving with her children, mostly does the "coochi-coo" kind of teases
A little bit mean to her husband tho-
She does the "now what are you doin' down there?" that I'm pretty sure all moms do
Really likes to back her lee up against a wall so they can slide down it and she gets to use that line
Stops far before her lee's limit
Southern mama is ticklish, but much less than her husband
Worst spots are the soles of her feet and underneath her toes, shrieks for days
Everywhere else is mostly giggles, whines, and the occasional squeal
Ticklishness is a 4/10
Another one that went from a pretty sweet switch to a mean ler
On rare occasions, she send her little bugs to crawl around on her lee
Not biting, not eating them alive, just walking and fluttering around
Still goes after Lucas, but not as much as Jack does
Is only a little rough with her little baby boy
Zoe doesn't stay around them long enough for tickles
Eveline, of course, is her main lee, who she is very gentle with
Tickle fights with Jack are more rough, though she sometimes tries to start and keep them light, which only really happens a few times every year, when the two of them are cuddled up together in the same bed like a proper husband and wife, tired enough to not want to full-on wrestle, but not enough to get them to sleep
Like her husband, she likes to chase her lee and search for them while they hide
Unlike her husband, she prefers to stay rather quiet, occasionally making comments on finding her lee
Only knows Lucas' and Eveline's limits, anyone else is fucked
Still ticklish, it was actually enhanced a little
Places other than her toes and soles produce more than giggles
Bumped up to a 5/10
Lucas Baker
Boi is a lee-leaning switch that can't catch a break
Everyone in this house is trying to tickle him at every opportunity
Has tickled people back, but not often, other than Zoe
Him and Zoe have always had very rough and mean tickle fights
Whenever he tickled his father back, he tried to be mean, but it didn't work all that well
Actually just ended up just getting wrecked again afterwards-
Doesn't try to get his mama back though, doesn't mind it all that much from her
Gets Zoe at every chance, though
There's a 50/50 chance he'll respect limits
Ticklish everywhere, but especially his knees and waist
9/10, very ticklish boi
This mans lost all his fight-
Lee, mostly because his old man tuckers him out so much that he can't move for at least ten minutes
Not fully though, he still pops into the trailer to annoy his sister almost weekly
To make sure suspicion doesn't arise, tickles Eveline from time to time, still hates her
Jesus christ, he though he was ticklish enough-
Damn near screeches everywhere
Went from frantically trying to push your hand off his knee while laughing like a maniac to kicking you in the face while screaming like a banshee
He gives off major brat vibes, so that's what I'm going with
Chase him. You won't be disappointed.
It can be running through the giant house or hiding in the bayou, he loves it
Pull a Jack Baker and taunt him, he'll run faster, but also make more mistakes, like getting cornered
Those things are what makes him hate his dad so much because that's always what he does
11/10, went from very ticklish boi to *incoherent screeching*
Zoe Baker
Before Eveline
Was already a ler
Went after the whole family, too
Sneak up behind Lucas while he's doing an engineer and attack with claws to the waist
Daddy's working on the car? Well, he'd better pull down the hem of his shirt or his tickle monster of a daughter is gonna attack
Mama can't cook without checking if her daughter's around every few seconds or she'll be interrupted by a familiar set of fingers kneading her sides
Doesn't tease her parents, but Lucas, of course, gets all of it
Playfully makes fun of him for not fighting it all too much
Got her ler from her father and her lee from her mother
Not very ticklish, but more than her ma'
Hips and stomach are the worst
After Eveline, the only tickle related things that happened or changed was that she didn't interact with anyone but Lucas.
I may or may not make one specifically for Eveline and/or Mia.
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rebsrebsrebsrebs · 4 years
Hey, Rebs. I take medication that fucks up my appetite something bad and I am often reminded by Screen Buddy Beel that I need to eat. Sometimes I only force something down cuz I feel like it would make him happy. Anyway, can we have headcanons for the boys with a GN!MC who has trouble feeding themselves? :(
Hi anon!!
I wanna say first that I absolutely feel you. I struggle with my depression and a handful of other illnesses daily. Sometimes it's hard to drag myself out of bed to eat, or shower, or anything. A lot of times I'll ask my friends to tell me to eat or I'll remember that Beel would want me to eat well, so I go get something, like anything. I ate six marshmallows for dinner the other day because it's all I could muster the energy for. Eating literally anything is better than eating nothing. You need calories to be the amazing you that you are! Keep doing your best to eat something! I believe in you and so does Beel! 
That said, here's the brothers trying to get MC to eat after noticing that they aren't eating on their own
He won't admit it, but having been less involved with the affairs of humans as both an archangel and a demon lord, he has to do some research to make sure he knows what humans need to be cared for
The goal is to keep them alive for the year, and that means more than just protecting them from lesser demons
Three square meals a day, unlimited access to water, they wouldn't lack for enrichment between school and his brothers' nonsense
(yes he's thinking of them like a pet he has to care for)
He isn't prepared for them not to eat on their own though.
Once he notices that they have difficulty feeding themself, he will remind them of it regularly, just as he reminds them to do their tasks
And makes their attendance at mealtimes mandatory
And makes sure they eat their lunch, or delegates it to one of the more trustworthy brothers
Boy's gonna rule and regulate and remind you into eating enough like the taskmaster he is
Humans gotta eat right? Mammon's pretty sure MC has to eat lunch. At least. Right??
He's got an idea
One of the best parts of a photo shoot for Mammon (besides being the center of attention, of course) is the craft services table
The food at these things is good
And that's the excuse he's gonna use to try and ply MC to eat something when he drags them on one of his photo shoots
"This is some of the best Devildom food you're gonna get for free - Devilish doesn't skimp!"
Also it's a combo of giving MC something nice (good food) while also making money (modeling gig) so what's not to love?
If they try to politely decline he will insist anyway
He's their guardian demon and he's gonna take care of 'em dammit!!
Never gonna admit it tho
Do it in the spirit of the exchange program, yeah?
"Ain't it good? Told ya so!" as if that's why he's smiling
If his tactic works, he'll drag MC around to even more shoots and events.
He can't watch over them all the time much as he tries to so he makes sure that at least when they're together, MC eats something.
Game time is snack time, obviously. It's an important part of the ritual
(side note, I bet he has specific snacks he plays for specific games, but that's another post)
Levi presents his Henry with gamer snacks for two and a large pizza for them to share
He's honestly a little hurt when much 'sharing' doesn't get done
Does MC not like what he got? He could've sworn they ate something last time. Maybe.
Didn't they?
Oh no what if he got something they said they don't like and he forgot. Oh fuck he feels like such a bad friend.
But they aren't saying anything and that makes him feel worse
"If - if you don't like what I got you can just say it!!! I can take it!!"
MC explains that they just don't feel like eating, but he doesn't accept that so easily
"You have to! Henry and the Lord of Shadows shared every meal possible together on their long journey across the Almederian Wastes!" 
"Levi, I'm just not hungry. It isn't that deep."
"....it's that deep to me :<"
Please eat a slice of pizza so he knows you're still friends, MC
He's the one who's actually going to ask MC why they don't eat as often as he thinks humans ought.
He probably thinks that demon food is just too gross for them, which… might not be incorrect.
When they explain it to him, he will take their reasons and start searching for logical solutions.
Their medication takes away their appetite, is there something else they could try that would achieve the same medicinal effect but not affect appetite?
Or if they can't find the motivation or the will, who or what could motivate them? Do they need meals brought to them? 
Rather than forcing them to eat when they don't want to, he's going to try and find ways to make it so that they do want to eat and then let the eating part take care of itself
MC can expect books at their bedroom door and links in their inbox as Satan shares his research with them
Overall the most practical choice if MC wants a solution to their lack of appetite, if one is to be found
Makes some assumptions when he sees that MC isn't really eating during lunch
"Darling, I understand that humans have odd beauty standards, but you have to know that restriction diets like that are so bad for you."
Eating enough is key to maintaining health and happiness!! 
In addition to having many rants about how having enough sleep is necessary, he also basically has pre-readied talks about self-confidence, hydration, eating enough, bathing/showering, and getting enough time outside
And he wants MC to be as healthy and happy as possible, whatever that means for them
Asmo is locked and loaded with an arsenal of compliments about MC's looks and figure and everything he loves about them, when they explain that that isn't actually the problem
It takes him a second to parse that their lack of appetite isn't because they had just eaten, that they literally just don't feel hungry, so they forget to eat
"Well… you need to eat anyway! Here!"
You cannot convince me that Asmo doesn't have a little mini-fridge for his wines and cupcakes that he likes the most to keep Beel away from them
He will present MC with a cupcake and a glass of wine while they hang out
"Yes, you have to have both, they pair so well and it would be a crime if you didn't. I would cry! You wouldn't want to make someone as pretty as me cry, would you?"
Aww :( 
Sharing food time with people he loves is Beel's ultimate joy, so if he brings MC something and they don't want to chow down, it kinda hurts.
He will sulk and be confused
Also, he hasn't lacked an appetite in the longest time, so he can't relate - not until he does that body switch with Asmo, but even then, he's so hungry that he likely can't remember it
MC will probably explain it themself when they see Beel so upset.
"It isn't you - I really appreciate that you think of me enough to bring me something you like. I just don't always have an appetite."
Beel will ask a lot of questions
Are they sick? Are they hurt? Is he bringing them stuff they don't like? Is Devildom food too much for humans? 
He will increase the amount of snacks he has on his person, just in case MC ever does develop an appetite, that it could be quickly sated.
Will offer them tastes of what he's eating, since a meal is technically just a lot of little bites, right? 
And a lot of little bites of the amount of food Beel eats is a plentiful meal by human standards
Also, will pick MC up and take them to mealtime if necessary, he already does this to Belphie, so he'll just have one of them over each shoulder and plop them in their seats at the dinner table
His strategy is to keep MC hanging around him and Beel so that Beel's plan can go into effect
Probably has also struggled with eating enough, especially in his earlier demon days when he straight up couldn't pull himself out of bed
So whatever is causing MC's struggle with eating, he relates
Beel can and will bring MC and Belphie to food, as well as bringing food to MC and Belphie
Being friends or lovers with the twins is just a guarantee that MC will never purposefully go hungry
I'm sorry Belphie's is so short it really is just 'hey beel we have a food thing, help plz'
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plutoswrath · 3 years
Heyy! I was catching up on your NCT rising sign posts and firstly it was sooo cool to see how in-depth u and other go that’s my fav like if u wanna guess risings u can’t just go off of looks! U gotta think any house and planet placements lol the whole thing. I wanted to come here to share my thoughts on Chenle and Heachan specifically bc I recently put a lot of thought into it for some reason lol
For Chenle I know he’s a sag/Scorpio cusp but I rlly think he’s a sag and I was running the numbers and for him to be a sag he would have had to been born after 3pm! I used to be rlly confident he was a cap rising bc he has intense bone structure and eyes but not in a Scorpio way, more in a strict saturn way. But to be a sag puts him past a lot of potential rising signs so the only ones left that have him at sag sun were Aries to Libra. I played around w some of them and I feel like he could be a Gemini rising! It makes sense cuz he’s known for being sooo friendly, bright, curious, and playfully witty and snarky. Here’s the selling point tho, depending on the time it could put his Gemini Saturn in first! Which explains why he looks like a cap rising to me lol
I’m bringing Haechan into this too bc I know a lot of ppl think he could be a Gemini rising and tbh I’d still buy it but I wanted to propose another idea. I think he could def be an Aries rising! And that would put all the sign in their natural house which I think makes sense w his Leo moon in 5th and the Gemini in 3rd etc. and when I try to compare him and Chenle in regards to whose more of a Gemini rising, it makes haechan seem less like one. He does act b Gemini cuz I mean he has 3 Gemini placements lmao..,, but Aries rising are loud, opinionated, independent, but also has that bored or distracted easy Aries thing. Quick temper, very like what I see is what I want. they’re not a curious as Gemini and they can be outgoing but their focus isn’t rlly on like inquiring about people like Gemini?
Anyways that’s my theory lol I just wanted to bounce ideas off someone who gets it! I love theorizing
Hello! Ohh, I love theorizing as well, so this is the place for you haha x
So,I hope it's okay but I think with the recent info that Haechan allegedly confirmed his birth time (which I personally take with a grain of salt because I've read that he apparently talked about his birth time before and said it was around 12 pm so....we gotta take his word here but I think we all generally know one has to be critical with all casual mentioned birth times from celebrities, but guessing peoples rising sign is for fun so in the end it's not that serious and let's have our fun disecting the chart with the info we have now!!) I want to talk about Haechan's rising sign first!
So one thing that always stood out for me when it came to Haechan was that he seemed very sensitive to me. It's almost like it's kinda written on his face when he speaks (or doesn't) and I think by the way he acts (very animated and reactive) it just underlines this sensitivity and just emotional receptivness. So I wasn't really suprised to see that he has a Cancer Mercury. Being a Gemini sun already places a huge empathize on his Mercury sign, and Gemini with the influence of water really makes for some pretty reactive people, because they can be highly sensitive to the words, moods and hidden intentions of others. Makes one really moody as well, especially if it's a Gemini with water influence but that's just a random fun fact I wanted to add on asdfghkl. If we take his alleged birth time into consideration, he'd have not only a Scorpio rising, but also a Pluto in the 1st. I think the look of his eyes can be pretty droopey at times and yet very focused/piercing at the same time, kind of like he challenges you in that sense, and this is certainly a theme I noticed in a lot of Scorpio risings, especially if they have Pluto in the 1st as well (which a lot of second/third decade Scorpio risings have). Also, having his Chart ruler in the 1st and in the opposite of his Sun and Venus would explain why he is kind of 'on and off' in that sense with his energy and moods (when you watch him in interviews with 127 especially, behind the scenes, at vlives, etc), especially him asserting his presence in the room with a Sun opposite Pluto would make a lot of sense (btw, this is all written in a neutral perspective and no critique, this is just me explaining his behaviour with astrology here). Haechan also is extremely 'scheming', even when he just sits and doesn't talk in an interview he seems to think ahead and I think this os something that comes really naturally to him, just connecting the dots and adding his own twists and turns to a conversation and story. Also, his Mercury in the 8th adds to the sensitivity I got from him, and that with his Scorpio rising and Pluto in the 1st really add to his driness at times, just really flat with his responses and reactions (which come pretty quick and surprising as well). And let's not forget his Uranus and Neptune in the 3rd: very distinguished and unique voice, as well as having Uranus in the 3rd would contribute to his 'on and off' switch but generally very high energy he has, especially when having a conversation. Despite that having Sun and Mercury in the 7th in a conjunction makes one really sociable in the sense you could feel the need to communicate and interact with others (especially when the Sun in 7th is involved, outs great empathise on being with others, lack of social connections can result in strong lonliness at worst). Oh and not to forget he'd have a Virgo MC with a Scorpio Ascendant. For me at least, it only adds to the fact that Haechan is really a jack of all traits, Virgo MC people usually come across as pretty capable and are pretty self composed (also can come across as quiet judgy and they don't even notice it).
OKAY I WILL STOP NOW ITH HAECHAN WOWIE LET'S MOVE ON TO CHENLE okay so I think I've mentioned before that I think Chenle's face has strong Cancerian/Jupiterian vibes for me - his bone structure is phenomenal ofc, but I think his face seems kind of 'stretched' (same with Taeil) which is btw not (!) meant in any negative way because that doesn't exclude being pretty ofc. I know an anon before mentioned that they believe he is a Sagittarius rising but with him being a possible Sagittarius Sun that would explain the effect of his Cancer Jupiter! I think I once talked about him reminding me of young Leonardo DiCaprio so much that I just wished for him to be a Libra rising, but to be fair I think an Air Ascendant would make sense for his nature in general. Ex: to have a Libra rising he'd have to be born around 2am, which ofc would make him still a Scorpio but would put his Cancer Jupiter in the 10th house, also in a possible exact conjunction to his MC (and even if not it's still the closest planet to his MC). He'd have his Moon, Mars and Uranus both in the 5th house which would generally explain his extremely friendly nature (if we can believe Johnny's rising and I sadly kinda doubt it tbh because I can see him just trolling us with his birthtime I'm seeing the parallels here) and why it's so easy and probabl also important to him to conenct with others and be on good terms. Generally speaking I find him pretty jolly in nature and I think if he'd have his Jupiter in the 10th, possibly conjunct his MC and an Aqurius stellium in the 5th (+ possible Libra rising) that could be it. He'd have a Scorpio stellium in the 2nd house with his Sun in the 29th degree, and even if this is said to make people closed off, part of Scorpio in the 2nd house is a) maintaing close and intimate relationships is key for them, they really need that and b) they trive on being liked and admired. Not to say that he is fake in that sense (all people are to an extent but that's beside the point) but this can definitely add to a general charisma! But idk if Chenle is actually 'edgy' enough for this potential birth chart, probably not I believe
Another possible rising sign I thought for him was actually Taurus rising, putting his Sun, Mercury and Venus (exactly on the Descendant here if it would be in the 2nd decan) in the 7th house and his Aqaurius stellium in the 10th, Jupiter in the 3rd. With his Sun being already in Sagittarius I think it would add to a natural 'want to feel good' attitude and searching for pleasure and good times in every situation and Aquarius in the 10th can make for very sociable people, even if they feel more introverted in that sense they have an easier time making connections with others, or others feel drawn to their friendly and understanding nature. Also, his Jupiter in the 3rd would be in a trine woth his Venus in 7th (especially if it's on the Descnedant) which can grand him an easy hand with social groups and settings to begin with!
And I really like your idea behind the Gemini rising, depending on the decan, his MC could still be in Aquarius with his Aquarius Mars in the 9th conjunct his MC and his Uranus in the 10th conjunct his MC as well, and again, putting his Moon in the 10th. Idk but his Aquarius stellium being possibly in the 10th just really seems to resonate for me 🤠🤠 Also, having a Sagittarius Sun in the 6th would make him most likely someone who's easier to work with, because these people value having a good and rather lighthearded atmosphere around them. Very enjoyable and loyal as friends and extremely passionate in their work place/when they pursue something their heart is in.
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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ultimatetornshipper · 4 years
Daminette December Day 7
((Note: If you’re a confused little muffin who saw our ship in the top 100 list and you want to know what in the ever loving fuck we are, feel free to dm me or mention me in a post or even to send an ask. do be warned tho that if u send me hate i will block and report u (and not just to tumblr, to everyone I know who is part of this fandom). our little sub fandom is not a toxic space and no one is allowed to make it one or there will be a fucking war))
And we’re back to our anxiety induced in denial Damian. I love this kid. Tho I do wanna make him slightly more… how do I say this… like cold? I dunno maybe I can bring that in with other people and his interactions. I just wanna write him with his proper grammar and what not and like lbh this boi is already a simp for Mari. But I don’t wanna let things happen too quickly, y’know?
Anyway, maybe I should make the theme of this chapter the fact that he has absolutely no chill. Lmao, I think that’s hilarious ngl. Also I’m just gonna pretend certain things existed back then for the sake of my sanity I can’t keep coming up with words that make sense for explaining what a thing is without saying the actual word because it didn’t exist yet. The hologram in that one chapter was hard enough bruh
Ok here we go, thanks for reading! I hope u enjoy it
Princes and Pedestals
Chapter 7 – Chill
Damian rolled the ring between his fingers as the morning light filtered through his windows. She’d put the choice in his hands, it was a kind thing to do, smart too. It made sense, if this role was as important as she made it sound it needed someone who could commit to it.
The miraculous was the kind of black that seemed to stretch on forever. It had a bright green paw print on it. He hadn’t put it on yet but from what he could gather it’s kwami would appear as soon as he put it on.
He'd be one of the leaders of an entire Order. He had no idea how big it was. His mother had raised him to lead but that was an entirely different organization. How would Marinette react to that? Could he handle the responsibility?
These thoughts had been plaguing him from the moment he picked up the ring.
But that wasn’t what got to him the most. She was just so… good. She had even agreed to move her entire court to Gotham for his sake. To uproot her entire life and move everyone involved just so that he could stay with his family.
There had to be a catch.
There always is.
He sighed, overthinking everything wasn’t going to help him make this decision.
There was only one thing he could do.
He put on the ring and a bright light caught him off guard. A small floating cat like being appeared in front of him.
“Kid?” he kept his eyes closed as though he didn’t want to see who was in front of him, his voice breaking slightly.
Slowly, the kwami – Plagg if he remembered correctly - opened his eyes. Damian stared at him as disappointment flitted across the creature’s face.
He lifted his brow and asked, “Hope to see someone else, Plagg?”
He chuckled slightly, sadness lacing the sound, “My previous holder, thought maybe I'd get the chance to say goodbye this time,”
Damian frowned, “What do you mean?”
Plagg frowned, “You don’t know about my previous holder? Who gave you my miraculous?”
“Marinette did,” he said, simply, “She actually just gave me the chance to consider the offer of the position, I have the rest of the day to get to know you and make my decision,”
Plagg seemed to consider what he said, he then sat down on the bed in front of Damian. He explained the basics of the miraculous to him, the phrases he needed to use as well as what those phrases would do. The things he’d need as well as what behaviors he might pick up.
“Purring?” Damian said in a disbelieving voice, “You’re telling me I might start purring in my civilian form?”
Plagg cackled, “Yeah, don’t worry it’s not that bad,”
“Tt, what exactly is the purpose of it? In fact what exactly is my purpose? It seems like she has the leadership thing under control,”
Plagg seemed to sober up at the question, he flew up right in front of Damian’s face and looked him in the eyes, “Her job is to lead and look after her court,” his look sharpened and he narrowed his eyes, “Your job is to look after her, your job is to protect her, your job is to see her. Your purpose is to make hers as easy as possible. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have other official responsibilities and you will rule alongside her, but your real job? Your purpose? You have to help her remember that she’s only human and that that’s okay,”
Damian stared at Plagg, the kwami stared back. It couldn’t be that simple, could it? There had to be something. Some kind of catch.
Before he could grill the kwami, Dick burst into his room.
Damian could see his brother’s clear panic and immediately stood. Dick’s eyes found his, “She’s gone,”
Damian felt himself spiral, memories flew through his mind. All the times he or any of his siblings had been taken. Cass didn’t speak for a month after the last incident. Jason’s “secret" panic attacks had increased tremendously. Tim stayed up for nights on end, only sleeping when he passed out. Damian sparred for hours and hours, hating the feeling of being useless. 
His father and Dick weren’t in Gotham at the time and Selina was helping Harley with one of her ‘projects’.
When they got Steph back after a week, she was so shook up that she kept waking up screaming from nightmares for months.
They all blamed themselves.
“Her kwami showed us a letter she left but someone could’ve faked it to buy time, they’re searching the village,” Jason said, coming into his room, holding a piece of parchment.
Damian barely registered the way Plagg seemed to study his reactions. They needed to find her, it was already afternoon, who knows how far gone she could be?
They spent hours scouring the castle. Before he knew it the moon was rising and they were all gathered in the living room, going over possibilities.
“I’m going to go get Alfred and Bruce, this has been going on long enough, it’s time to call in back up. It’s already passed nightfall and she’s not back yet,” Dick walked out of the room, barely two seconds passed before he shouted something to them, “Guys I found her!”
They were out quicker than a lightning bolt. He ignored his siblings as they all flocked around her. He took her in.
She was wearing a cloak, which Jason quickly took and gave to a passing maid. She wore one of her black dresses. Her hair was in a braid.
But the cloak was dirty, the dress had tears and the braid was messy.
But it was her eyes that got him. The blue irises looked like someone had taken every drop of sadness in the world and left it in them. They were red rimmed and puffy and there were black bags under them.
She’d been crying and she hadn’t slept. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
Somewhere along the line, they moved back into the living room. Cass was sitting next to Marinette on the couch and the others were arguing.
Damian couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was here. She was safe. She wasn’t taken.
Cass tapped his arm, he turned to look at her and she started signing. (a/n ok yeah I know that sign language might not have existed but do I really care?)
Get her out of here, she’s tired, Cass signed.
Damian nodded and after asking her permission and scolding his siblings, he escorted her to her room.
Plagg whispered something to her that he couldn’t hear. 
Then she apologized for scaring him and he explained his thought process. She explained that he would’ve been able to know via their miraculous whether she was in trouble or not. He made a mental note to ask Plagg more about that.
When they got to her room he opened her door. She was about to go in but he grabbed her hand, stopping her. She looked at him expectantly. He searched her gaze, he had so much he wanted to ask her, why she’d been crying was at the top of that list.
But she looked so tired, and Damian just couldn’t get himself to form the words. Instead he bid her goodnight and went back to the living room where his siblings were waiting.
All eyes turned to him when he entered. He didn’t know what to say. Instead of thinking his words through he blurted out the first thing he thought.
“She didn’t flinch when our eyes met,” he said. They all stared at him for a few seconds. Usually they would’ve laughed at his bluntness, Damian is certain, but there was something about the haunted look on her face that sapped all humor out of the situation.
Jason was crouched in front of the fire. Stephanie sat on one of the chairs while Dick leaned against its armrest. Damian was next to Cassandra on the couch and the five of them sat in silence.
Millions of questions danced through the air, the answers all just out of reach.
Little did they know that they weren’t the only ones with questions.
Outside, three pairs of eyes were watching the oblivious siblings closely.
Damian felt a chill go down his spine and turned towards the window. He walked over and stared out into the forest, he didn’t see anyone but the uneasy feeling wouldn’t leave him.
He closed the curtains.
The smallest of the three chuckled slightly, “She got herself a paranoid one, huh?”
“We need to head back,” the only guy out of the three said to the others.
They nodded and followed him deeper into the forest.
@animegirlweeb @loysydark @toodaloo-kangaroo @forgottenfriends @wolf-for-life @heyitsbugette @f-rget-lt @fusser90
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