#hermione is unhinged
elliebyrrdwrites · 1 month
I finished it.
I finished On the Order of Disorder. It's really just a big mess of 9 chapters full of chaos and unhinged characters finding love in one another. I didn't plan on any of it. I swear. It just.
Also, my mind be slipping back into that "dynamics" Draco.
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insuranced · 1 year
The Black Sisters
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Yes I misspelled Toujours pur 😭 Tumblr doesn't let me reply so I can only respond to asks
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the-original-gays · 6 months
Voldemort: You'll never defeat me!
Harry: Yes we will, with the power of love!
Ron: And friendship!
Hermionie, already prepared to transfigure him into a bug and put him in a jar with Rita: Incredible violence.
Neville: And teamwork!
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saintsenara · 1 month
Thoughts on Hermione/Sirius?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i have decided to partially back this, on the grounds that i think there's the capacity for an initial spark which would fizzle out extremely quickly when the two realised they found the other incredibly irritating.
although it's worth saying - as it always is - that i don't have an issue in the slightest with the age gap, or with the fact that sirius and hermione's acquaintance was established when she was a child. these people are fictional.
the initial attraction is obviously going to be based in sirius and hermione's mutual respect of the other's cataclysmic loyalty. it's obvious in canon that sirius adores the fact that harry has friends who embody a trait he values above all others - which hermione proves her mettle in right in front of his face when she helps harry save his life in prisoner of azkaban - and, in a world in which he survives order of the phoenix, the respect that he'd have for hermione for sticking with the horcrux hunt would clearly be immense.
for her part, hermione clearly really rates not only the comfort sirius provides harry, but the guidance - she urges harry constantly in goblet of fire to confide in sirius and finds the advice sirius gives his godson to be above reproach. she evidently respects him, and she evidently thinks of him as wise and sensible.
and sirius repays this trust by, for example, backing hermione's assessment of barty crouch sr.'s treatment of winky - which is a defence of a principle she sincerely holds but which harry and ron think is ridiculous which harry and ron clearly didn't expect - and i imagine hermione was hugely impressed by this.
however... what would be more incompatible about the relationship rears its head in order of the phoenix.
hermione's resilience is one of her more admirable traits - but it comes with the negative side-affect that she has a canonically low tolerance for moping. she's of the opinion throughout this book that sirius could get a grip on what is obviously depression if he simply tried hard enough - and i think the most accurate way to write her post-war is to imagine that she's someone who deals with grief by trying to "fix" things [as she does in canon in half-blood prince, when she keeps trying to push harry to talk about sirius].
i don't think this is a fault - it's the way many people cope with grief, and good for them - but i do think that it wouldn't align at all with how a sirius who's lived to see the age of peace would want to approach the task of grieving. i think he's going to think that she's meddling and she's going to think that he's falling into self-destruction and it's just going to be a mess.
[ron - in contrast - would get it, and this is why i'm now fully ronius-pilled...]
hermione and sirius also diverge in order of the phoenix over what she [not unreasonably] perceives as sirius' recklessness and he [not unreasonably] perceives as her being self-servingly risk-averse. as adults, i think this would just cause them to butt heads in ways they both found quite boring - especially because sirius would be looking, in choosing a lover, for someone very like james, who was a fatal combination of daring, reckless, and permissive.
he wouldn't be getting that in hermione - who, while undeniably brave, isn't audacious in the way sirius values, and who shows affection primarily by nagging and meddling. she would understand telling him off for speeding on his bike as an expression of her concern for him and an articulation of what he means to her. he would regard it as insufferable - and i don't think he'd go in for the constant bickering and debating which is hermione's love-language.
i also think - much as i think when it comes to shipping hermione with snape - that they wouldn't be intellectually compatible. not in terms of level of intelligence, but in terms of this intelligence's expression. sirius' intellectual arrogance - that sort of "oh i know all this already" vibe - is complete anathema to someone who loves to acquire information. i think sirius is tuning out pretty quickly when hermione is giving him a page-by-page review of her new book - and i think she'd be right to consider that rude.
so my proposal? add ron in as the third.
that way everyone wins.
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
sometimes i feel like it bears repeating that hermione is also harry’s bestfriend, not his mother or teacher
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noe-clara69 · 6 months
Okay okay, hear me out: bad boy Harry
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tippilo · 4 months
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Chapter 30 PREVIEW: Slytherin’s Heir
**WARNING **Spoilers Ahead**
Catch up on AO3:
Tom walked down the corridor, his feet echoing off the stone. He heard the Basilisk whispering in the pipes as she made her way through the walls, right towards her intended target. Like Tom ordered.
“Hurt.... devour...”
He followed the sound of her hissing voice, darting around a few stray students that lingered in the halls before curfew. He kept his expression stoic. His posture relaxed as he strolled the corridors of the castle.
Everything finally fell into place and right on time, he couldn’t wait any longer to open the chamber. Abraxas and Norris were losing faith in him. He wouldn’t tolerate such behavior. A few days ago, Abraxas had the audacity to accuse Tom of abandoning his ambitions. He listened to his ramblings with a bored sort of expression, not giving anything away. It pushed the boy to say more.
“Are you even the heir of Slytherin? Or are you playing us?” Abraxas spat, stomping around the dormitory with fury in his eyes. Tom leaned back on his trunk and listened. Observing provided a vast amount of insight.
Norris hesitated, suggesting that he entertained similar thoughts but never planned to voice them. He was keen to follow orders and to never ask questions. Norris was an idiot, and every powerful leader needed a couple idiots on their side. It kept the scales balanced. Well, perhaps not a balance, but an appropriate tipping in Tom’s favor.
“You said you found the chamber ages ago, and you’ve done nothing! We are still at school with Mudbloods!”
Reinhardt kept his back to Abraxas in a gesture of dismissal. Reinhardt almost looked disappointed in his friend. Not that Abraxas deserved anyone’s friendship.
Tom let Abraxas ramble on. Then he would punish him. He would use everything he said against him. To do that, Tom needed the wanker to keep talking. Tom was patient. His planning was meticulous and flawless. He would never be caught, unlike Abraxas who was eager and rash. He wanted results without any consideration of the consequences.
That would one day get him killed.
Good riddance.
Abraxas paced the room. “What was the point of all this, anyway?!” The longer he went, the more uncomfortable Reinhardt looked. Tom half listened as he daydreamed of all the ways he was going to torture Abraxas when he was done.
“Will you follow through on your promises or not? It’s like you don’t care about anything anymore.”
Fucking pratt. Abraxas wouldn’t survive the new reign. Of course, Hermione would stay by Tom’s side. He thought extensively about how to get her there. His little lion with her pure heart. Tom could influence anyone. He needed to find the exact angle to push her. He was sure she would cave. Follow him anywhere. He would appeal to her goodness. Threaten that without her, he might do terrible things. Manipulate her without her knowing.
He’d have to come up with backup plans in case all else failed to keep his queen by his side. Make sure she had no other choice in the end. He would need to think on that.
“When will you finally step up and do something about all this?!”
Tom pursed his lips and flicked a piece of string off his trousers.
“If you don’t, then we can always find someone who will!”
That was almost a laughable thought. Nobody could take Tom’s place. Besides not knowing Parseltongue, they were weak excuses for wizards. Tom would give them a demonstration of this soon.
“It’s all because of that fucking whore! Ever since that bitch, Granger, came around, you changed Tom! It’s like you don’t even—”
“Crucio.” Abraxas fell to the floor. Tom drew the line at insults against Hermione.
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mkmgwrites · 8 months
The Third-Floor Corridor
Chapter 6
“Mudblood cunt!” He spat, desperately wiping the muck with his sleeves. “You psychotic fucking-“
And then she kissed him.
Not the soft, tentative touch of lips of a first kiss between two youths. Nor was it a tender goodbye or the passionate, frenzied kisses between lovers.
Granger's kiss was full of hate.
It was a clash of teeth and blood and fury. It was an attack. A mockery of a kiss. A humiliation.
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i want it known that in a better world Regulus and Hermione would have gotten on like a house on FIRE
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yourbiggestfan2020 · 3 months
You post untrue stories about an underage witches love life… straight to jar! 🫙
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whinlatter · 1 year
Do you think Hermione would be jealous of Ginny after the war for becoming Harry's "main girl"? (i mean Ginny was already that starting from HBP..but yk what I mean)
Because I'm sort of divided. On one head, Hermione can absolutely be jealous and resentful when she wants to be, so there's possibility. But on the other hand, she was the biggest Hinny shipper in books and she didn't seem to have a problem of them being close in HBP. She also has her own life after the war, not to mention she'd focus on her own relationship with Ron.. so idk🤔
Noooo, I really don't think Hermione would be jealous of Ginny over that. That girl was rooting for those crazy kids throughout! I think Hermione and Ginny's relationship would have other tensions (to be explored in Beasts if you're reading... did someone say… shameless promo?). Honestly, though, I think a big part of her would be a bit relieved Harry was back with Gin so he wouldn't feel left out now her and Ron have finally properly got together. Like phew ok Ginny you're up! He's all yours! I could never handle his strops anyway! I'll be upstairs with your brother if you need me. Have fun lads be safe now
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wewerenotthefirst · 4 months
My friend told me she was thinking about getting into fan fiction. I told her I’d support her.
She told me she’d start with Hermione/Draco fanfic.
I told her I could no longer support her.
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oflights · 7 months
Your Hermione tags killed me "harry's extremely successful full-time life coach" 🤣
asdjlkasdjlsa anon LISTEN! i'm sorry! if the hermione in some drarry fics were my friend...well she wouldn't be my friend lol.
i know fanfics tend to take the meddling friends trope a little farther than real life (i have never, ever wanted to manage my friends' love lives and vice versa to the extent it happens in fic, even though we've all been friends since before we were 11 too) but hermione can go really beyond sometimes. and not in a way that's like "this is entirely unreasonable and the lack of boundaries is incredibly rude and inappropriate and unhealthy" and more like "hermione SHOULD do this because she's the only one with the braincell!" or whatever. bleh.
anyway. why is it only the women who have to do that sort of thing?? ANYWAY.
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
Hey, what are your thoughts on romoine? Please do share
Hi again!
Romione is not my favorite couple, obviously, so I don't really read much fanfic/meta about them since they're pretty transparent as a couple and thus don't really have much about them that's left unexplored that I'm interested in talking about.
But I really do love them together as a couple and - no matter how many AU fics I read - can't for the life of me see them with other people. (Not saying it's not possible or that others shouldn't multi-ship, just saying I personally can't. Same for Hinny for me.)
I love the dynamic push-and-pull that Ron and Hermione have, the friction in their fights and make-ups, the words that are more often said than unsaid (lol), and most importantly, the realism that their arc exemplifies.
They do not follow the soulmate storyline, they do not always understand each other in every little interaction, they do not always get it right the first time around, but this is what makes them real and visceral and present, and they are willing to fight for themselves and their relationship always. They are willing to do better.
I remember the harsh discourse they received as a result of that JKR & Emma Watson interview ages ago, when couple's therapy was brought up as one "terrible" thing the couple might be facing. I remember the backlash and the triumph that Harmony fans had when they thought this meant that JKR was regretful for creating the entire pairing altogether and by default suggesting that Harry and Hermione would ride off into the sunset on a hippogriff and their kids could finally be rid of the dreaded, tainted redhair gene for all time and conveniently forgetting the fact that Harry has his own choices in the matter and even if Hermione did choose him that wouldn't mean he would choose her, but who cares if "Harry and Hermione are true equals" and "it's as much Hermione's journey as it is Harry's" anyways as stated by E.W. herself, right?
I apologize if that brought back scary memories; it did for me too.
Bottom line is, Ron and Hermione are not doomed even if JKR wasn't full of shit (rare hypothetical scenario, I know) and they do need couple's therapy. In fact, I even headcannon this because of their willingness to atone for their mistakes after their fights and be a better version of themselves than before even if we only really have canon evidence of Ron doing this more than Hermione. I am a firm believer that being honest and vulnerable with one another is the bravest thing anyone can do, and most can't even realize that these days without throwing around the word "toxic" (for fictional relationships of all things), undermining the relationships that actually should be labeled as such (...I would name some, but I've decided I don't want to instigate anything today, so I won't).
So, yes. I do think Romione is a great couple. Yes, I do think they may need therapy. These concepts are not always mutually exclusive.
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saintsenara · 23 hours
My first two ideas are extremely serious and my last two are extremely deranged:
Poppy Pomfrey/Minerva McGonagall
Dobby/Sorting Hat (Dumbledore/Sorting Hat?)
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
hermione granger/ginny weasley
i'm going with... success, following a bit of character-wrangling.
i often think that the fandom has a tendency to over-egg the depth of hermione and ginny's friendship within the canon timeline - clearly they get along well, and like and respect each other, but it's also apparent that the dynamic between them is that of a big sister and a little sister, rather than besties who are equals.
it's striking, for example, that the advice hermione gives to ginny about how to deal with her feelings for harry doesn't seem to go both ways - there's never any suggestion in the books that ginny and hermione ever talk about her feelings for ron, and while this isn't to say that ginny doesn't notice them, it's evidence that she and hermione don't talk about harry in a "teen girls yapping about boys" way, but in a "here's my advice as someone who considers myself responsible for you" way.
[they clearly do yap about other boys - hermione's the source of the gossip that ginny's dating michael corner, ginny knows that she kissed krum - but the text is clear that these are things that everyone other than ron and harry could figure out...]
it's also striking that, on the one occasion in canon where we see ginny and hermione snap at each other - when hermione's scolding harry for the sectumsempra incident - the thing which puts ginny's back up is hermione being condescending and assuming that she knows what's best for everyone...
the big character arc that hermione undergoes as the series reaches its conclusion is her learning to accept the fact that one of her defining traits is inflexibility, and to let the positive manifestations of this [her extraordinary loyalty, her resilience, her rationality, etc.] shine while the more negative ones [her tendency to meddle, her being a sore loser, her unwillingness to consider multiple viewpoints, etc.] become things she gains the life-experience and perspective to manage.
ginny doesn't really get a proper character arc, because her main narrative purpose is to be harry's happy-ever-after - she represents the normal life to which he can return once his hero's journey is done, which naturally precludes her being someone who changes as the series draws to an end.
[as she herself says - she fell in love with harry when she was ten and "never gave up on" him...]
but she can - nonetheless - be given one by authors who aren't bound by the genre needs of the later series. and - in particular - be given a character arc which plays with her canonical archetype.
ginny is clearly someone who is very stubborn - which i mean as a compliment. she's steadfast, she's very good at enduring hardship, she's brave, she's self-reliant [her teaching herself how to play quidditch! iconic!], she's prepared to get knocked back and keep going, and so on.
but she's also clearly someone who finds it hard to recognise the point when being tenacious turns into being masochistic - someone who struggles to understand that it's just as bad for you to never give up on things as it is to always give up on them.
and, of course, her learning to deal with this tendency as she gets older doesn't prevent her ending up with harry. but i think that there's a great premise for her and hermione getting together post-war while they go through this process of growing - as ginny learns that she and harry staying together isn't going to be happy-ever-after, and that she's right to walk away, and hermione learns that, when she stops seeing ginny as someone she has to advise and starts seeing her as someone she just has to hang out with... there's something between them that neither expected.
minerva mcgonagall/poppy pomfrey
beautiful. iconic. transcendent.
and outlined in more detail here:
albus dumbledore/dobby/the sorting hat
dumbledore and the hat are a couple, except - since the hat is a poor communicator and that's why its songs are so shit - dumbledore doesn't realise that they're in an open relationship.
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softlesbiansnek · 1 year
Why do you make it hard for me to hate you? (Addendum)
Inspired by Why do you make it hard for me to hate you? by thelatenightsmutshow (orphan_account). please read first chapters here as this is an adopted fic! Just continuing the original work since abandoned.
Why do you make it hard for me to hate you? (Addendum) on AO3
Pairing: Narcissa Black Malfoy/Reader
Rating: Explicit/18+
Fandom: Harry Potter
Words: 2,938
Your birthday ended but your night did not. You're trying to avoid Narcissa but there is no escaping her and her family when it was down to your decision of ultimately agreeing to marry their son or not. Until then you'll keep running into Narcissa Black Malfoy in more ways than one.
Chapter 1: After party impromptu rendezvous
Hermione has been shooting me weird glances ever since I entered my room. Still reeling from the kiss me and Narcissa shared earlier, I could feel her eyes just boring holes in my face.
"Something is bothering you," Hermione says, keeping her eyes glued to the television in my room. "And do not act like it is nothing. You can lie all you want Peterson but you cannot lie to me."
I stood up huffing. "It's all just so confusing!"
"Woah, slow down and tell me what's confusing." She says holding my hand and running her thumb over my fingers.
The tears in my eyes are threatening to fall, looking and up and sighing. "Everything. It's just so fucked up. We're leaving tomorrow and all my parents could think about is my arranged marriage to Draco."
Hermione just kept listening, tucking my hair behind my ear, holding my hand, and making her presence known.
Seconds turned into minutes of silence with us just sitting together, the movie just blaring on the tv screen. Eventually, the knock on my door came and it was my mother, saying that I need to come back down to wish the Malfoys goodnight. I was dreading seeing Narcissa again.
Narcissa's POV
I kissed her. That was the thought that was running through my head after she stormed out. I was too stunned to run after her, or afraid? Either or both, it didn't make such a difference when I kissed the bride-to-be of my son. She tasted of whiskey and muggle cigarettes, so foreign but yet so familiar.
Looking around at the brightly lit room, I decided it was time to get back to my family.
Lucius was in deep conversation with the Peterson patriarch, as my son is just huddled by the fireplace, looking so out of place in such an elegant home so closely like ours.
She came bounding by with her mother, to wish us goodnight and a thank you for the party. She sounded so sincere, I just looked at her with awe. I would never admit that it stung quite a bit when she looked at everyone except me.
I wouldn't blame the young Peterson, I had sprung that kiss on her. Perhaps we would have another chance at speaking before she leaves for Hogwarts.
So off we went to the room that was offered to us. Lucius had said that he needed to go back to Malfoy Manor, but we are welcome to stay over if we wanted to. Draco said he was staying, a sort of apology to her for hurting her back then. So I opted to stay too, masking the compulsion to stay close to this young lady as wanting to be near my boy.
The room that the Petersons have given me for the night has been more than ample to house five guests, but instead, it is just me in bed. I couldn't shake the thought of that kiss we shared earlier. Deciding on my better judgment, I slipped into my coat to ease my mind by looking at the scenery.
Mc's POV
Hermione was fast asleep on the bed. I know I should be sleeping too but I can't. Deciding that it was too late to wake her, I would just wander around and let my feet carry me somewhere else.
I walk around my mother's garden, hoping for some reprieve from my thoughts. Okay, thought, singular. Mainly Narcissa, of all things. I walk to the isolated gazebo, away from the eyes and ears of the people inside my home. Some solace would do me good. I sigh, looking at the dark sky and back to the flowers my mother had planted by hand. Looking for some inspiration for when I get back to my art studio. But my mind always comes back to that sketch I did of Narcissa.
I sat on the bench just basking in the silence of my surroundings, the night sky is so clear. Unlike my head, filled with images of Narcissa. Breaking from my daydream I see a figure move from behind the hedges. It was far enough in the dark for me not to see, so doing the only thing that my mind can focus on right now, I investigate.
I didn't see the figure again until I was deep in the wooded area of our land, the figure just moved out of my line of sight. So, naturally, I followed.
The initial shock at the personality of the figure didn't wear off until she had a hand on my cheek and was looking at me with deep concern.
"What are you doing out here so late?" She said, her cerulean orbs just glistening in the moonlight. "Without a coat? What if you get sick?!" She exclaims.
I shifted away from her gaze. "I should ask you the same thing, Mrs. Malfoy. As I recall this is my home. I can wander around as I please." I say to her, turning my back to her defiantly.
"It's Narcissa to you. And yes, I realize this is your home but you are out here all alone without a coat!" She explains, tugging at my arm. I just felt a robe draped onto my shoulders. Turning back to face her was a bad idea.
She was wearing a dark green lace negligee that was a few inches above her knee, with ample bosom just hidden behind a thin strip of lace. I cough hard and turn my back once more, trying to mask the blood rushing to my face.
"Thank you, Mrs Malfoy," I say, my voice strained it was foreign to me as well.
"Narcissa." She corrected me once more in an icy tone. Her reputation as an ice queen sure is true, but her warmer side is much more culled.
My resolve was as fleeting as I speak. "Thank you, Narcissa. But you need it more, seeing as. Well, you know..."
She scoffs, "Because I am what dear? Scantly dressed in front of a younger woman I like?"
She's going to be the death of me.
"Not so much for words now are we dear?" She says in a patronizing tone. "Go ahead dear, don't hold your tongue. I seem to remember the fact that you think you could fight with a Black sister, go on right ahead dear."
That was the last straw. I turn facing her, now my cheeks burning not from blushing but straight up anger. "You know what, Narcissa?" I halt my speech.
"What darling?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "What? Not speaking again? However will I-"
The anger inside of me turned into something else, as I kissed her with everything. Pushing her back to the trunk of the oak tree behind us. I caught her off guard.
To my surprise, she was kissing me back. Okay not surprised as when we kissed in my art studio but now, yes surprised. She smelled of spirits, cigarettes, and perfume. A little too intoxicating for me. So I was surprised by myself when I swiped my tongue at her bottom lip and was immediately granted access.
The kiss wasn't like the one earlier, this one was rough, teeth clashed, and I'm pretty sure I drew some blood when I bit her.
Feeling a little bolder, I let my hands roam on her exposed skin. My lips never leave hers, as I swallow the noises she makes.
I part from her for air, as I glance at my handiwork. Narcissa's lips kiss swollen, her negligee askew showing off a little bit more cleavage, the hem of her night dress ridding up her thigh. I would've stopped right then and there had I listened to the voice in my head saying this was a bad idea. I should hate her, her husband, her son.
But I was going in for another kiss.
Narcissa's POV
I think I have spurred on this young woman too much. Not that I should be ashamed, but now that we are making out behind this oak tree, I think I may have overdone it.
Her little outburst on giving me a piece of her mind had turned out to full-on assaulting me with her lips. Not that I don't mind but she's my son's betrothed, if she chooses to be. But the thought of her and Draco has been pushed out of my mind with her lips on my neck, nipping and sucking on my flesh.
I am fully aware of the fact that we are outside of her home, albeit deep in the wooded area, but still very much outside.
She made her way down my neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses, still nipping at my skin. Leaving red angry marks, for an eighteen-year-old she is relentless and knows what she's doing. It might have something to do with the book she was reading at Flourish and Blotts.
I was jolted back into reality when the cool air hit my exposed breasts, nipples perking up as she tentatively runs her fingers on them.
"Tell me to stop, Narcissa." She musters, her voice barely a whisper. Her lips ghosted mine while she continues her ministrations. "Tell me to go back to my room, to go try to sleep and not think of you. Tell me to not picture your skin on mine, tell me to not slip my hands between my legs and think it's yours."
Her face was vacant of any other emotion, just pure want.
"Do not." I speak, "Do not do any of those my dear." I pulled her closer, my skin tingling from her touch.
"Do not do any of those my dear." She says as she pulled me closer.
I looked into her eyes, they were the brightest blue you could imagine, but as of the moment, it was the darkest shade of blue you could think of.
We continue our little impromptu rendezvous with her leg wrapped around my hip, as we make out in the woods. Her tall slender frame seems to fit mine, as I try to explore every bit of her exposed skin.
Her neck, her chest, and her breasts have all gotten the attention they deserve. I could feel her warmth radiating from her skin as her negligee slips lower and lower down her body.
'What am I doing?" that little voice in my head keeps repeating as I pop a nipple in my mouth.
I had to put a hand on her mouth due to the noises she was making, sure we're far enough from the manor but, at any moment the groundskeeper could investigate if they were to hear her.
I had to shush her into silence, halting what I was doing in the process. "Mr. Jacobs would circle us like a hawk if he hears us."
"Then you should've thought twice dear, before taking me right here right now." She said smirking at me condescendingly. "But please, don't let me being loud stop you from.. doing what you're doing." She motions to my hand on her breast.
I groan, blood returning to my cheeks at her words. I wanted to say something but that smirk. I want to wipe it off her face.
She scoffs as if reading my thoughts. "Darling, use your words. It's impolite to have a lady beneath you half naked and you say nothing."
I want to bury myself in the woods with what she was doing to me. She's making me angry and hot all over! "You Black sisters always have to get the last word huh?" I say pushing her farther into the tree.
"Oh my. Mind your temper dear." Her voice was sweet but her eyes were stern. "Now be a good girl and finish me?"
I almost choked on my spit.
I have never been with an older woman, so hearing her curse under her breath and her moans must mean I'm doing alright. She's almost completely naked, her negligee on the ground, my mouth on her breast, while she still has me wrapped in her leg. The only thing she has on was a matching dark green thong.
Her two-toned hair was in a mess, parted lips as she pulls me closer to suck on her nipples. I could feel her arousal pooling on my pajamas. But the laundry be damned, I'm too deep into her now.
My hands wandered more, leaving the warmth of her hips now covered in half-moon marks from my nails, finding their way to her core.
I look at her for approval, tentatively touching her through the fabric that was the only thing in the way of me fully exploring her. She lifted my face from her breast and kissed me, taking that as a sign to pursue the path I set on.
I shifted the fabric to the side, exposing her finally to my digits. Her warm release was all I could feel as I ran my fingers up and down her folds. Her moans turned into huffs of air, as I felt my way in her.
"You're so wet, Narcissa." I blurt out, collecting her juices on my fingers.
Her huffs turned into small sharp inhales, as I get past her folds once more. Her eyes rolled back into her head when I came across that sensitive bundle of nerves, starting slow but gradually working out a rhythm.
That was what was said in the book I read, I guess it is paying off right now.
Her breathing became shallow and frantic, her fingers are now tangled in my hair. Tugging whenever I swirl around her clit.
"More, darling." She manages between the moans and her shallow breathing. "I need you inside me."
Obliging her request I gather her juices and prepare to enter her. "Are you sure?" I ask.
She kissed me once more, encouraging me as I enter her slowly. She arched her back when I was fully inside her. I could feel her walls squeezing my fingers, but her slickness made it easy to move.
"Tell me when you're close okay?" I say to her, pumping my fingers in and out of her slowly.
She nods and tugs at my hair. "You're doing so good darling." She says as she tilts her head back. "Just like that, darling." she coos again.
To say that this spurred me on even more was an understatement, now all I want to do was get those praises from her.
The only thing that you usually hear in the woods is the sound of the crickets and the hooting of the owls. But right now all I can hear is Narcissa moaning and the slapping of my hand and her cunt.
I never knew that the Malfoy matriarch knows several languages because once I felt her walls squeeze further the barrage of different languages seemed to flow as easily as her juices on my hand. I caught a few curses here and there, nothing like having friends from all over the world attend Hogwarts and the first thing they teach you are the curse words.
Narcissa pulled me closer as if my body was miles away from her, one hand tangled in my hair and one hand scratching down my back. Thank god I was still in my pajamas, but that wouldn't save me from having angry red scratches come morning.
Her fervent cursing, stopped when I kissed her again, swallowing whatever curse words were about to leave her lips. I stepped closer, using the tree as support, placing a hand on the trunk, I lift my thigh to her center for leverage. That seemed to have made the moaning louder. Like, imagine Myrtle in the girl's bathroom but with less wailing and more curses and praise.
I must admit, she looks beautiful in her robes during the party, but as of the moment, this is a sight I am just beholding now. A thin veil of sweat on her skin, her eyes as dark as the sky above, and the sounds she was making. Dear lord.
A few more strokes inside her were indeed needed for her to cum. Her chest heaving, her eyes glossy, and her juices coating my hand and the pajama bottoms I was wearing.
"Such a good girl." She coos as she kissed me. I gently pull out of her, and if I was being honest. I miss the feeling of being inside of her. "Such a good girl, darling. Thank you." She smiles at me.
"I-wow." I deadpan.
"Looks like your reading has paid off, dear." She says lightly chuckling.
I blush hard again, she knows how to push my buttons. She mentions getting back to her room. "You're welcome to join me if you want some reprieve for your little situation over here." She says gently touching my inner thigh.
She tuts, "You've been very naughty, little darling. Be a dear and hand me my nightgown. It is getting awfully chilly."
I do as told and hand her clothes back to her, once she's fully dressed once more she walks back in the direction of the manor. "And don't think for one second that you're staying out here dear. If you cannot sleep then might as well keep me company," she called as she kept walking. "Come along now."
I follow shortly after contemplating, inside might be more safe than being out in the woods for the werewolves to find. Besides I need to talk to Narcissa about what just happened.
"I'm definitely crushing on Narcissa Malfoy" I thought to myself.
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