#hes part of my urban fantasy story
master-gatherer · 4 months
I just see a snarky blonde emotionally constipated British vampire with dubious morals and go "is anyone gonna bully and/or fuck that guy?"
And then not wait for an answer
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
i'm still thinking about the fae zedaph prompt so much that i have. an entire au in my head now. that i am now sharing, in case others are interested.
so the setting of the au is an intentionally kind of anachronistic blend of sci-fi and fantasy, and those things often come into conflict, with a lot of magic interacting badly with technology and technology interacting badly with magic. a vaguely earth-like setting from the near future, where there are robots and space travel and cybernetics, but ALSO a vaguely earth-like setting where there are portals you can slip through that will drop you into the feywild and there are magcial creatures lurking beneath the surface. the idea is like, if an urban fantasy had the 'urban' part set in a sci-fi world.
anyway, so zedaph is an ancient fey creature. a wild fey no longer really associated with either court, but at one point having belonged to the seelie court, zedaph mainly just courts chaos. he's PROBABLY some kind of archfey, but it's worth noting that even other fey aren't fully certain what zedaph is supposed to be at this point. see, in a move that makes almost no sense to a human, zedaph has started to get bored of the games of fair folk. he finds them too... predictable! and sure, to HUMANS the fair folk can seem chaotic and without rules, but to zedaph? he wants something NEW AND EXCITING.
too bad that these days, even if he IS invited into the human realm, it is a bit dangerous to navigate for a fey such as himself. his own deep connection to nature and the natural world makes it so he has some trouble when he's in the tall metal cities of the human realm.
enter: tango.
tango is an android built for... some purpose. he's not really sure what his purpose is, or if he still has one, which is kind of distressing, because his creator either died or abandoned him before tango was turned on. he likes building zany contraptions, sure, but he also sort of wants to search for SOME kind of meaning in his life, since androids aren't really built to be purposeless and that lack of purpose is starting to wear at him. and in another setting, this is a great start to a cyberpunk story about what it means to be human, but in THIS setting, tango accidentally proves he must be developing a soul when he stumbles through a portal to the feywild by accident and fails to find his own way out.
the good news for tango is also the bad news: he's not built for a natural place like the feywild. see, his creator had made him largely out of cold iron, and that, even more than any specific technology, repels fair folk magic. so the good news is that he is largely immune to fey shenanigans! the bad news is that the feywild itself is rejecting him, putting him in immense danger.
enter: zedaph, who is FASCINATED to discover that these days the humans are making machines with souls. zedaph, eager to discover something new, makes a bargain with tango: tango guides him in the human world so zedaph doesn't die of metal poisoning, and in return, zedaph guides tango whenever he stumbles into a dangerous supernatural hotspot. look, zedaph's even making a fair deal and everything, since he can't just like, steal tango's name and force him to, on account of not even tango knowing what his true name would be! the two of them shake on it, and as such, a bargain is struck between both android and archfey.
they both find each other surreal and baffling but are ALSO each other's best friends in an equally baffling and surreal world.
impulse comes into this story later--after whatever the first few adventures tango and zedaph have are, exploring both realms together to try to find something new and exciting for zedaph and something to give tango purpose, the amount of magic tango's being exposed to finally takes its toll, and tango starts to malfunction. zedaph panics as he realizes all at once that he has a friend (thing he didn't know he even could get?) and that friend is in danger. also, uh, more importantly that deal. right. that.
naturally, he then kidnaps the first software engineer he can find. this is a proportionate response, right?
luckily the first software engineer he finds is impulse, and impulse is hardly like, normal, either. like, yes, he's a fully mundane human with only the world's most minor cybernetics, he's normal that way, the way he's not normal is that he gets kidnapped by a terrifying and awesome fey to fix a paradoxical android and goes "this is so cool. hi my name is impulse it's nice to meet you! aw, geez," and acts like everything is normal. neither tango nor zedaph are quite good enough at the idea of 'normal human' to dispute this, and a friendship is then born.
impulse serves as the fixer for a lot of their problems that neither tango nor zedaph are equipped to handle, but he's also like, he'd theoretically be the everyman if he wasn't busy going "every man gets whisked away by the plot of a philosophy major's dream every once and a while right" and going with the flow on things NO SANE PERSON SHOULD GO WITH THE FLOW WITH. he's just chilling in the world's least "just chilling" scenario.
so... there you go there's the ENTIRE TEAM ZIT AU that my brain spawned from the prompt "fey zedaph" i hope you enjoy,
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call-me-strega · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #4: Ghost Selkie
Disclaimer: references and facts about Selkies are based on Selkie folklore, true facts about seals, and stuff I just made up because it works well with the story
Okay so Urban Fantasy inspired au where turns out there is some Selkie blood mixed up somewhere in the Fenton bloodline. As such Jazz and Danny exhibit a few Selkie-like traits but nothing too serious: a playful nature, a certain grace and agility, attraction to shiny things (stars and microscopes), a decent singing voice, being strong swimmers, and seeing in the dark better than the average person. After The Accident™️ and being more involved with the super natural world some of those aspects get a bit stronger for Danny but he just chalks it up to being a Halfa. That is until Skulker catches him on an off-day and manages to capture him by snagging the back of his jumpsuit. Phantom, in a moment of panic and desperation, decides to try and rip off his bodysuit to escape. The suit comes of alright but out tumbles Danny Fenton rather than a de-clothed Phantom. Skulker, in a moment of shock, drops the suit and Danny catches cradling it to his chest while every fiber of his being screams “MY COAT. MY PELT. MINE, DONT STEAL IT.” Skulked realizes what’s happened before Danny does and nopes out of there bc “ This is not what I meant when a said I would have your pelt whelp!” Danny is left sitting there feeling stunned. A quick round of experimentation leads him to figure out that he is now able to take off the suit in Phantom form, but it will de-transform him into Danny. Furthermore, the regular "going ghost" transition still works both with and without him physically holding the suit.
A quick consultation with Clockwork and Frostbite reveals the Fenton Selkie heritage and he goes back to report to Jazz and his friends. Due to Jazz’s instance the siblings get a crash course in Selkies through a community of Selkies and Part-Selkies in the Infinite Realms as well as having a younger ghost show them where to find the modern underground Selkie-Community. Which leads to them getting emotionally adopted by their (dead and alive) Selkie mentors. They learn about eating habits, behavior, culture and customs (including the in and outs of courtship and mating), and camflouge/blending into society.
Jazz learns to tap into her vocal magic/manipulation. Her voice has a deeply calming effect on others and they feel more compelled to listen to her. This comes in handy with some of her more rowdy patients at her internships and stuff. She’s also to taps into the physical aspects of her Selkie blood and gains enhanced dexterity, agility, balance and reflexes. She’s also working towards improving her strength and stamina. Needless to say her aim has definitely improved. Nothing too wild but as she gains more liminality, those aspects become stronger so she’s definitely a cut above the average human though not as crazy as Danny.
Danny on the other hand gets the ability to “shed his pelt” by being able to physically take of his suit and de-transform as well as how to disguise the suit as a jacket or something (maybe a romper or a cardigan?) so that he he can keep it on him for quick, more discreet transformations if he wants to. His ghostly form takes on more Selkie traits like fangs for a powerful bite and more muscle mass and fat in certain areas to improve his endurance and cold resistance. He also learns to manipulate his ectoplasm to be able to shapeshift into the seal version of a Selkie. He is able to practice and manipulate his Ghostly Wail and hone it into a Siren Song and Sonic Singing too.
So basically both the Fenton siblings get cool Selkie power-ups (and unbeknownst to the two, admittedly already quite attractive siblings, their looks take on an otherworldly allure too). As well as a new community eager to take them in and provide them with support. That's why when Danny decides he wants to get away from Amity for college (the ghosts have agreed to a truce as long as Danny pops in for a spar and some shenanigans every now and then. He acquiesces because playing and roughhousing is a part of building social relations for both ghosts and selkies) some of their Selkie contacts help him apply for the Wayne Scholarship at Gotham University and get him set up in Gotham.
Let’s switch gears for a moment here. Gotham has always been a weird place full of weirdos, magic, and cursed energy. Basically, overall chaotic, edgy, and somewhat rancid vibes. It also is entwined with the supernatural. Lady Gotham, the spirit of the city, has allowed many a supernatural community to remain well hidden in her realm including but not limited to fae, witches, gargoyles, vampires, and of course, selkies. There is a huge underground supernatural community in Gotham, part of which is the Selkie community. Most of the Selkies moved out of the harbor and onto land due to pollution. The luckier ones who managed to gain some quick wealth settled in the Upper East Side or Coventry while others ended up in Burnley, the Bowery, and Crime Alley. However, family is very important to Selkies, so there is little resentment between the areas. They try to help out each other and the other members of the supernatural community in Gotham whenever possible. The overall magical community is spread out over Gotham with a few hot spots like Old Gotham, Robinson Park, Crime Alley and the Bowery, and Chinatown.
Now enter: Jason Todd (or a different member of the batfam of your choosing but you’re on your own to figure out how that’ll change the story). Jason grew up around a large portion of Gotham’s supernatural community. There were plenty of fae, selkies, sirens, vamps, and various other magical beings within Crime Alley. He discovered the community early on when he found out that the abuela who used to feed him tamales was in fact a Bruja (witch). Her name was Señora Mariana Soliña and she swore him to secrecy and taught him some basic knowledge on how to recognize and avoid being screwed over by the supernatural.
When his mother died Señora Soliña revealed her surprisingly large amount of wealth to him. She chose to live in Crime Alley to be closer to magical friends and people who would seek out her services as a witch doctor (her cover bc the best lies have a hint of truth). She offered him a hot meal and some spare cash when she could but they weren’t able to run into each other as often as they liked. After getting adopted and becoming Robin Jason made periodic visits to her before his death.
Jason’s resurrection didn’t happen in a Lazarus pit but when he crawled out of his grave. It was due to the magical energy(read also high ecto-concentration) in Gotham he had been exposed to that he became a Revenant. He was able to develop a core through the latent energy and become a spirit/reanimated corpse that sought to avenge both his death and countless others at the hands of The Joker. His dip in the Pits (polluted ectoplasm) brought him out of his catatonic state but triggered his obsession and left him with Pit Rage. Yada yada yada, trains with the League of Assassins, yada yada yada, trains with All-Caste and gets the ability to wield the magical All-Blades, yada yada yada, returns to Gotham for revenge becomes a crime lord, etc., etc., you know the drill.
Fast forward to when he’s made up with the BatFam and is now an antihero. His pit rage has gotten more controllable as the natural ectoplasm and magic in Gotham is slowly filtering out the polluted ectoplasm in his system but it’s still a long process. The supernatural community, however, is happy to have him there. You see Red Hood is actually quite a popular vigilante within the supernatural community. Among his many monikers, they were the ones who gave him the nickname “Avenger of the Unavenged”, and nod to his nature as a Revenant, as well as the aura of the All-Blades (which are meant to defeat absolute evil) that most magical beings recognize.
Jason is fully aware of the presence of the supernatural community in Gotham, as well as members of it who live within his haunt. Once things reach a new “normal” for him he tracks down Señora Soliña only somewhat surprised to see her alive and kicking. He asks for her guidance in the supernatural past the basic knowledge she gave him as a kid. Señora Soliña recognizes his magical aura and status as a Revenant and agrees. (Note: Jason is aware that he has some magic in him, but he attributes it to the All-Blades. He is not fully aware of his status as a Revenant. Señora Soliña assumes he knows and thus does not inform him.) She teaches him and helps him start getting integrated into Gotham’s supernatural community. She offers to “adopt” him as her grandson "Jason “Pedro” Todd Soliña" so that he can take on a civilian identity and attend college. He agrees, eager to resume his education and take on a semi-"normal" life.
And thus we've reached the part of our story where two worlds collide. Jason and Danny first meet peripherally during orientation at Gotham U. They don't really have a direct interaction, just learning each other's names during the icebreakers and some eye contact during the tour. Danny is dorming and Jason commutes so the don't see each other much past running into each other on campus or in the dining hall. That is until they spot each other at an underground, supernatural beings-only, cafe called Xenia a few blocks away Robinson Park.
The two realize the other must have a supernatural connection and start up a conversation. The conversation is illuminating as they learn they're both fairly new to the supernatural community and mostly ghostly. Danny reveals himself as a halfa and of selkie descent and Jason uses his cover to introduce himself as the grandson of a bruja with magic, a brujo-in-training if you will. Upon being asked what a halfa is Danny realizes Jason doesn't know a ton about ghost culture and gives him a quick crash course leading them both to figure out that a) Jason is a Revenant and b) Danny could probably help the Pit Rage by giving him some ecto-supplements. Due to this newfound information Jason conveniently forgets that his new friend mentioned having Selkie blood.
The two meet up more after that, intentionally this time so that Danny can continue teaching Jason about ghost culture and just to hang out. (Note: Danny isn't teaching Jason about selkie culture as he assumes the grandson of a bruja would know that stuff already. Jason has been taught a bit about selkies but they haven't thoroughly covered the topic of courtship yet). As they hang out and develop a friendship with each other the seeds of romance are planted.
One day after they wrapped up lunch at Xenia, Danny left the cafe, accidentally leaving his pelt/jacket on his chair as he's still getting used to having to keep track of it. Jason not realizing the significance of his actions picks it up and takes it with him. Later that day Danny freaks out realizing he left it behind when he runs into Jason. Jason was actually looking for him to return the jacket. So he's like "Hey man you left this at the cafe so I took it and now you can have it back" assuming the redness on Danny's face is just embarrassment. Danny, while mortified, is also extremely flustered. Selkies typically only let close family and lovers have access to their pelts because it implies a deep and intimate bond built on trust that they'll give it back. For Jason, who should know about such Selkie customs, to not only take his pelt but then also return it so easily is some very straightforward flirting. But hey, Jason is good friend... and easy on the eyes too. He wouldn't mind if there was something more there. So Danny decides that he wouldn't mind courting/being courted by Jason.
Jason on the other hand has in fact caught feelings for his friend but hasn't realized he already initiated courting by doing this. He plans to do it the ghostly way engaging in some bonding through sparing and roughhousing and building up their feelings before asking him out. Unfortunately for him, there is a lot of overlap between Selkie courting and ghostly courting so Danny believes that Jason has been courting him for some time now. There are also some things that are specific to Selkie courting Jason unknowingly does, such as buying Danny a bracelet (shiny rocks as a courting gift), beating up a couple of guys trying to mug Danny (defending/showing off for your mate), and introducing Danny to his family/agreeing to meet Jazz (family is very important to Selkies).
That's why when they go out to dinner, and Jason embarrassedly corrects a waitress who thought they were on a date by saying "Oh we're just friends", Danny is understandably upset. He was under the impression that their courtship was getting rather serious since Jason had met Jazz and Danny had met Jason's family. When he asks Jason why he told the waitress they weren't dating he replies "Umm because we're not?" in an uncertain tone. Danny feeling hurt and upset takes his glass of water splashes it onto Jason's face and storms out of the restaurant. Jason is left there soaking, confused, and wondering what he did wrong.
That night Jason goes to visit Señora Soliña to see if he messed up some ghostly custom for Danny to get so upset. When he arrives one of the first things she asks him is how it's going with Danny. When he recounts what happened at dinner and explains his confusion, the bruja takes a deep sigh before smacking him upside the head. Jason is like “wtf abuela?!” And she just shakes her head at him and calls him an idiot. She then reminds him that Danny is part Selkie and explains all the ways Jason has been courting him during the past few months. Jason, realizing he screwed up grabs one of his leather jackets and goes off to track down Danny.
Danny has returned to his dorm to cry and eat ice cream in his pjs from the comfort of his own room. He’s about to watch some comfort tv when there is a pounding at his door. He gets to find a disheveled looking Jason standing at his door. Danny frowns and questions what he’s doing here. Jason’s like “Look I know you’re upset and understandably so but please let me in and I can explain”. Danny’s care for Jason wins out over his anger as he resigns himself to letting the other in. The first thing Jason does is apologize for hurting Danny, saying it was never his intention to do so. He then goes on to explain how he hadn't realized that he had been courting Danny in Selkie customs. Danny is understanding but still upset and voices his feelings to Jason. Jason allows the other to get his anger out and then continues to say that he was actually trying to court Danny through ghostly bonding, and he would still like to date him if he’s open to it. Jason then takes off the leather jacket that he brought with him and offers it to Danny, saying that he doesn’t have his own pelt to offer, but this is the next best thing. This gesture nearly brings Danny to tears and he throws himself to hug Jason, accepting the jacket. The pull back and look into each other's eyes before sharing a kiss and spending the rest of the night cuddling before Jason has to leave.
From then on Jason ramps up the courting to 12, determined not to mess it up again. He reasearches selkie and ghost courting customs in depth to properly woo Danny and personalizes dates to their personalities. Danny is happy to be lavished with the attention and returns the favor. The two of them also make an effort to make sure the have clear communication to avoid having misunderstandings again. A few months later Jason decides to re-introduce Danny to the batfam as his partner and brings Danny along to Wayne Family Dinner with a ring around his finger. It’s a promise ring not engagement ring, but what Bruce doesn’t know will surely give him a heart attack and Danny is happy to go along with it. Danny and Jason become the longest and most stable relationship in the batfam. Tim and Damian even come to them for advice when they try to romance their own partners.
The story kind of just finishes off with the two of them being happy with each other and leaves an open ending to add in small scenes that happened during a time skip or after the story (e.g gushing to siblings, an actual proposal, identity reaveals, batboys seeking advice, them engaging in pda, interaction with other supernatural beings, gossip surrounding their relationship, ect.)
[Edit: additional oc info now found here]
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aaronsrpgs · 9 months
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The Accursed Vampire: The Curse at Witch Camp by Madeline McGrane
Three young vampires go to a summer camp for magic. Only two can cast spells, so the third, Dragoslava (queer icon) bums around and gets sad. But all is not as it seems at witch camp! (Duh!) Everyone is drawn into a magical plot, and we get touching moments (for real) about what adults owe kids, what kids owe each other, and how to navigate rejection and difference.
The Seeds by Ann Nocenti & David Aja
I just love David Aja art. The flat, sickly colors, the bold shapes. And Nocenti is just a weirdo; her aggressively allegorical writing from the '80s and '90s is toned down now, and she gives the art lots of room to do the heavy lifting.
Mimosa by Archie Bongiovanni
I'm happy to see queer artists of my generation reach middle age and make stories that are about getting older in this insane world of ours. Bongiovanni creates a great cast of aging urban queers who struggle through claiming responsibility for their feelings and actions.
Shelterbelts by Jonathan Dyck
Somewhat in the tradition of the "great" male cartoonists of the Fantagraphics age (Chester Brown, Seth, etc), Dyck takes everything I liked about those comics (the meandering pacing, the clear spare linework, the simmering emotions) and separates them from everything I hated (the misogyny and queerphobia). Shelterbelts is about a growing town in Canada struggling with religious tensions, the generation gap, and everything else our towns are struggling with.
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A.
A transmasc nun makes a deal with the devil to escape the nunnery. Outside, he commits crimes and falls in love. I loved the bright, flat colors that are equal parts stained glass and old anime. And I loved how the main character deals with his self-hatred, internalized by growing up in a system that demands he be anything but himself.
Adversary by Blue Delliquanti
Real gutpunch shit. What are our responsibilities in the ongoing crises of looming fascism and disease? And how do we see those responsibilities across the intersection of race and sexuality? But all this is contained in a tragic love story set in the height of the pandemic.
Grog the Frog by Alba B.G.
I never watched Adventure Time, but I gather that fans of the show got from it something similar to what I got from Grog the Frog: fresh worldbuilding, funny dialogue, and great art all layered over a surprising level of emotion.
Blessed by Baal by Tzor Edery
Beautiful art. Great porn. People struggle with sex, personal joy, and understanding the self in the wider erotic world.
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hellkeepers-if · 11 months
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DEMO (prologue out) UPDATES
Set in an alternate version of Singapore, you're a fresh university graduate bumbling through life as you desperately look for a job.
...Or that's what your mother thinks. In a world where occult ceremonies are as common as an existential crisis, there's no way you were ever going to be a perfectly average office worker. Just like your twin brother, you work for the International Society Of Exorcists (ISOE) which deals with supernatural occurrences, demonic rituals, and the like.
When a tragic event befalls your older sister, it uproots your entire life and everything you ever knew about the supernatural. With it, comes a forced need to come to terms with a family history straight out of the movies. 
After all, how the hell did it take twenty years to find out that you're descended from the freaking king of the underworld?
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"I have a duty to myself, but more importantly, my family."
Inspired by Supernatural, Fullmetal Alchemist, Noragami, and the Percy Jackson series, Hellkeepers is a +18 urban fantasy/paranormal interactive fiction, involving elements of Chinese and Southeast-Asian mythology. In every playthrough, you will...
• Play as a female, male, or non-binary Chinese demigod/ess.
• Determine the relationships between you and your family members. After all, they will play a big part in your story...
• Peel apart the full truth behind you and your siblings' birthright. Your parents can't hide it forever.
• Learn more about Chinese and Southeast Asian mythology as you warp into different dimensions, unlike anything you've seen before.
• Learn more about who you were in your past life.
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| Nishimura Kazuo (he/him)
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Japanese
With a penchant for mischief and a charm that woos even the most stubborn of grandmas, Kazu is the wildcard of your organization. You think he's an anarchist, and the only reason he's tied down to the ISOE is so that he has an excuse for whatever havoc he wreaks on the supernatural. 
The A-ranked exorcist is your colleague and your brother's mentor, though you rarely ever see him in his office. But if you ever need him for demon fighting, he'll be there. Most of the time.
"Mind taking that pesky thing out for me while I take a quick nap?"
| Quentin Khanh (Quan) (he/him)
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Quentin, more affectionately known as Quan, was your childhood friend. After he moved overseas, the weekly texts you sent him fizzled into nothing but a lost friendship.
Since then, he's returned to Singapore as a forensics pathologist and researcher under your organisation. Whether you like it or not, you have to no choice but to work with him for most of your investigations.
"If your bribe doesn't involve a penthouse worth of money, don't talk to me."
| Reyna Aliyah Santos (she/her)
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Mixed (Filipino-Chinese)
You've never quite met someone like Reyna. A halfling with a demon mother and a human father. Being raised in Singapore all her life with little knowledge of her parents, it's natural that Reyna would come to the ISOE for help at the mere instance of a fox tail and white fur.
You've been tasked to help her mask and get comfortable with her supernatural powers, but she won't make it easy for you. After all, foxes do bite. 
"Technically, I'm not stealing anything if they don't notice."
| Song Huayun (she/her)
Age: ????
Ethnicity: "Uhh...from Hell?" Chinese
| You don't know too much about Huayun, except for the fact that she lives in Diyu, the Chinese Underworld. As Diyu's gatekeeper, Huayun has seen countless depravities committed by humans before their deaths. That alone has made it hard for her to like them, and the contempt she shows you is no different than what she shows everyone else.
But with time, maybe she'll finally learn what it is like to feel human…and what a smile is.
"If it isn't the star of tonight's show. Welcome to Diyu."
| The Arbiter of Fate (m/f)
Theyre a stranger, or so you say. But this deity knows everyone...especially you.
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You seem like an incredibly well read person, plus someone with a lot of insight into intimacy because of your work. So, in light of your romance book reviews, which are an absolute highlight on your patreon, do you have any insight into what is needed/suggested for a good romance novel?
g o d this is so fucking hard and also really fun to chew on. I want to preface this by saying this is ENTIRELY subjective and based completely on what I *PERSONALLY* find that I enjoy in a romance. this isn't, like, an objective guide on how to write a romance that doesn't suck. that doesn't exist because people like different things, and I'm speaking from one perspective.
also I should say that my preferred flavor of romance novel is solidly contemporary. I haven't read many historicals, certainly not enough to opine well on them, I don't do those mafia dark romances or whatever the fuck, and I've barely dabbled at all in any kind of fantasy romance, whether they're full high fantasy or witchy urban fantasy stories. (although I'm about to do one of the latter next month, you can vote for a book on my patreon rn!)
having gotten all of those caveats out of the way, here's some shit I like and dislike:
there are exceptions to this but broadly, I prefer a POV for everyone involved in the relationship. to me a romance where we're only seeing events from the POV of one member of the relationship automatically makes it seem like one person matters more in a dynamic where everyone should be of equal importance. also, god, if the plot's really going to hinge on not knowing what's going on in one partner's head suggests that miscommunication is going to be a pretty critical part of the plot, and I hate that shit. TALK TO EACH OTHER. I'LL KILL YOU.
on that note, there needs to be an actual compelling reason why the characters can't be together, okay? the #1 driving tension of every romance is "why the fuck can't they be together yet" and you BETTER have a good answer. whether it's interpersonal or external forces, if there's a very easy solution to what's keeping them apart then your characters look dumb and I'm bored. one of the most frustrating romances I've ever read involved two characters who were mutually attracted to each from the JUMP, who refused to act on it because they were coworkers (neither of them in any position of authority of the other, nothing unprofessional or inappropriate about it) and they were "only" living in the same state for A YEAR. A FULL YEAR !!! shut up. get a grip and kiss each other.
now, having said that: whatever your bullshit reason is for these two characters to be interacting with each other, you need to COMMIT to that shit so hard that I, the reader, will feel silly for even questioning the logic. the worst offender I've ever seen on this front is D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding, which pulls its protagonists together via a reality TV competition and then just... promptly loses any interest in really dealing with the actual realities of being filmed 24/7? it's insanely distracting how little the book engages with its central hook, and was a huge point deduction for me. whereas you have, like, The Bride Test, a book with a premise that skirts dangerously close to a little bit of human trafficking but embraces the whole premise so wholeheartedly that you completely forget about the potentially horrific elements in there. who cares that Esme was bribed here with the promise of a green card if she seduces a man she's never met? there's whimsy happening! we've moved on! it's literally fine and she's in no danger except the danger of a BROKEN HEART.
this one is going to seem SO obvious but like. I need them to be actually like each other. I'm not saying they can't be mutually bitchy while they grow to like each other or anything, they don't have to always be NICE to each other, but there are so many M/F romances where the dude is just flat out fucking MEAN and condescending to the girl until he decides he wants to fuck her. and sometimes even after that! stop it! after a certain point I don't want her to fuck him I want her to run him over a car!!!! there's suuuuch a line between "guy I butt heads and exchange banter with but could fuck if we just got to know each other" and "man who hates me and is for real fucking bullying me."
"kisses only," "doors closed," whatever term they use for a romance novel without any sex scenes on page, I don't like it. listen: I know that they're not everybody's cup of tea, and I FULLY recognize that a lot of romance novel sex scenes are unfathomably cringe. and yet, I need them. partly because they're funny, but also because if this book wants me to be invested in the developing relationship between two adults who are supposed to be WILDLY sexually attracted to each other, then I want to see the damn sex. no matter how many bad similes or unfortunate adjectives it entails. and if you're not going to show me the sex, don't you dare have the characters gushing about how great it is. I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. (I'm looking at you, Sorry, Bro.)
related: there's this thing that I call "Horny Wolf Syndrome," which is derived from this tweet:
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initially I used it to refer to when previously sweet-tempered male romance protags inexplicably started talking like horny wovles during sex scenes - "LET ME SEE YOUR PRETTY CUNT ON MY COCK" and the like - but now I more generally use it to refer to scenarios in which characters of any gender completely dispense with their established personality while they fuck in order to fulfill a more broadly appealing, one-size-fits-all sexual fantasy. I hate that shit; if your characters act like completely unrecognizable people during sex, you didn't write very strong characters. one of my favorite things about writing sex scenes is that it's so SO interesting to see how their the characters' personal quirks translate into a setting that's very different from most other contexts, and it's deeply disappointing when authors take the easy route in favor of some pornhub dialogue.
one of the things that actually won my most recent read, Raiders of the Lost Heart, a HUGE amount of points with me was how frank the female lead was about initiating sex for the first time. it was completely in character for her and felt really different than any other book I've read, and honestly? it was a breath of fresh air.
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spoiledblogif · 7 months
This is the development blog for the interactive fiction called "The Second Sight", which you can find on itch.io at the link above!
This is my first IF project, although I've been writing original stories and fanfiction for years.
I've included the story description and character profiles from the itch page below the cut.
This blog will be a combination of development info, images and music that I associate with the story, and other musings.
Fair warning, there might be spoilers from the latest chapters here, so I recommend catching up before reading too far.
Asks and submissions are always open.
You’re an urban legend in a county full of them.  When you were thirteen, you were found passed out in the road by one of the local cops. No missing persons report. No fingerprints on file. No memories. Just a name.
Oh, and some bizarre psychic powers.  You're content with simplicity. You like your isolated cabin and helping Carter track down missing persons.  You know that in theory there are more people like you out there, but you've never wanted to look behind the curtain to find out.
However, with the disappearance of a local teen named Casey Powell and a recent attempt on your foster father's life, your serene, isolated life comes abruptly to its end and a new chapter begins.
The Second Sight is an urban fantasy story, where you step into the role of a psychic whose strange powers have always separated them from others. Those same powers will drag you down the rabbit hole and into a world that is both the familiar and foreign to everything you know. A world filled with magic, witches, fae, demons, and the unknown.
You can immerse yourself in the story by customizing your protagonist's general appearance, choosing how they interact with others, and whether you lean on logic or intuition to problem solve. There are three love interests planned (more may be added depending on player reception and feedback), the genders of which will be selected by the player upon meeting them.
Jacob Carter
Age: Late forties
Race: Human. Definitely.
Gender: Male
Temperament: Carter radiates grizzled, old bastard energy and despite being the least paternal person in the world, he is your adoptive father. While harsh and aloof on the surface, he is also fiercely protective of you and has bent over backwards to give a decent life to a kid that isn't even his. He doesn't talk about his life before coming to Herman County and you haven't asked him, though that might change soon enough...
Age: Late twenties.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Umber brown skin, black locs, grey eyes
Temperament: Gentle and resolute, Z isn't what you imagine when you think of an agent of the mysterious Magic and Anomalies Bureau. Kind, soft-spoken, and exceedingly polite, Z is Carter's former apprentice and something about them puts the old man on edge.
✤✤✤ Renard/Rowan
Age: Appears to be in their late twenties or early thirties
Race: Human. Maybe.
Appearance: Tall and slender, white-blonde hair, and gold eyes.
Temperament: Playful and flirtatious, talking to R always feels like a game of cat and mouse and you can never be sure which role is yours. Part sad clown, part trickster, and always maddening to work with, the only things you can be certain of with R is that they probably know what they're doing. Everything else is up in the air.
Unknown aka "The Kestrel"
Age: ???
Race: Definitely not human.
Appearance: Tall, beautiful, elegant, with black hair and black eyes.
Temperament: The Kestrel is a complete unknown. It's impossible to say whether they are a lethal ally or deadly enemy, but either way they are a powerful dreamwalker. You don't know how long they've been watching you, but you're willing to bet that it's been longer than you're comfortable with.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 3 months
Introductions (2.0)
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Hello and welcome, all! I've been around these parts for a while, but I felt the need to revamp my intro :)
About me:
↪ Leah, she/her/any pronouns
↪ In my early 20s
↪ Reader, writer, sometime animator
↪ Been doing martial arts for over a decade
↪Huge fan of CJ Cherryh
↪I reblog stuff from @leahpardo-pa-potato
My writing:
↪ Generally fantasy, with sides of horror
↪Posted in regular chunks of 500-1k words
↪I love tag games, esp OC ones :)
↪I do mini-series, one-shots, and novels
↪I will love you forever if you send me an ask
↪See my full list of writing here
↪I have a taglist, interact here to join!
WIPs / Longer stories
The Unwanted Visitor: (Completed)
Aida's house has been haunted by a spirit for as long as she can remember. Thing is, she's grown used to her Unwanted Visitor (or Vis, as she likes to call him). So when exorcists come after him, she does what any sane person would: protect her brother friend.
↪ Urban fantasy-comedy, very light-hearted
↪A lot of found family and sibling squabbling
↪If you like teens causing chaos, this is for you!
↪Final bit here
A Perfectly Normal Schoolgirl:
All Katherine wants is to eat mortal food, bask in the warmth, and be a normal schoolgirl. But when a boy begs her to help him save her parents, she finds herself fighting for her (and his) life once more.
↪Urban fantasy with a side of horror
↪ Basically an inversion of a bunch of tropes
↪My attempt at writing fantasy without mentioning magic by name
↪Latest bit here
Fast Food:
An embarrassment to his entire tribe, Hash is lazy and uninterested in anything. So, when he reaches majority, he gets unceremoniously booted out of home. Follow his adventures through Triworld, as he somehow ends up in every single single conflict across the continent.
↪High fantasy with a side of humour
↪Very heavy Lore™ and Worldbuilding™
↪ My excuse to ramble about fictional history
↪Latest bit here :)
Lich-Queen (Completed):
Iraela has all but won: the King of Ceredell and his bride are gone, the cities fallen to her army of undead, and the way to the throne cleared for her. But her coronation, and her sanity threaten to fall apart under the weight of duty. Can she hold it together until she truly becomes Lich-Queen?
↪High, dark fantasy with some horror and gore
↪Watch Ira slowly lose her mind in real-time
↪If you like cannibalism, you'll love this
↪Full thing here
The Novel™ (Mind of a Mercenary):
Luna, Terror of Garvenoi, mind-mage extraordinaire, has been caught at last. Whilst everyone celebrates, she is given an ultimatum: Be an indentured hunter for the government, or die. But when she signs on with them, she finds that perhaps death might have been a better choice...
↪ Urban Fantasy set in a Non-Earth world
↪Starring a sassy, mean-girl villain protagonist
↪Enjoy several hundred pages of Luna trying and failing to run from her duties
↪Latest snippet here (find the others on my masterlist of writing)
Finally, my taglist! If you interacted with this post/already asked me to add you, and you don't see yourself here, please remind me! I may have accidentally missed you :')
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
Oh pls kill me I felt so silly doing this- Anyways bye guys hope to see y'all around don't judge me for this
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physalian · 12 days
Fantasy Worldbuilding Without Ignorant Protagonists
A reminder, as we approach Arcane Season 2, that exposition in a fantasy setting can be given sparingly, and yet still tell an enthralling story.
Or, imagine how different Arcane, or Game of Thrones, or Lord of the Rings would have been if they were “stranger in a strange land” type fantasies with ignorant Earth protagonists who needed the whole plot and kitchen sink explained to them?
I dislike audience exposition vectors, not just in fantasy, but usually in a fantastical setting ranging from urban fantasy to superhero stories, because they’re an author crutch, giving the illusion of having to explain every little detail so the audience can keep up when… if this character wasn’t the hero, and you had to pick a character who knew about the world to be your protagonist, they wouldn’t be asking all these obvious questions and you'd still be able to tell the story.
I know why they exist, so they can be the vehicle through which the audience lives vicariously. We share their wonder and amazement as this cool new realm awes and humbles and frightens them.
But what these characters tend to lack is agency, specifically when they’ve been around in this setting for long enough that they really should start to know better. Or, if they’re built up as smart and self-sufficient, and yet don’t ever seek out information about the plot or their new world beyond asking the other characters dumb questions.
Example because I love these books: In The Titan’s Curse (PJO Book 3) Percy complains about not being able to manipulate the Mist, of which his new rival, Thalia, can do easily. This is one of the first things he does in the book. Because he has to remain the butt of the “seaweed brain” joke (and Annabeth must remain The Smart One), Percy hasn’t already learned how to do this very important trick (and he never does).
While it would behoove him to learn, when he’s had 2.5 years to do so, he just… didn’t. He also doesn’t know what the Manticore is to retain the suspense… when he’s had plenty of time and motive to study up on all the things that eagerly want to kill him, and has a nerdy girlfriend who’d be more than happy to lecture him with this information.
Even something as simple as Percy being shocked that he’s right that it’s the Manticore would have given him a little bit more agency. He’s an incredibly clever character, but still has to serve as the audience exposition vehicle, so he has to remain ignorant so the plot can explain things to him. He's as cherry-picked clueless as the story demands sometimes.
So. You want to have a character for the audience to live vicariously? Please give them expository agency.
Meaning–give them means and motives to learn about their new world on their own instead of asking questions as the plot demands. Or even let these characters form their own biases on what they think they know so that the actually knowledgeable characters can go “um actually”.
I once wrote a protagonist who was from her fantasy world, but purposefully ignorant about life beyond her planet. Why? So I could have all my other characters explain things to her that they would not explain to each other. But she was from a world with heavy information policing and manipulation, so she thought she knew plenty (naively, not arrogantly), giving plenty of fodder for conflict as opposed to just exposition.
It wasn’t just A learning about the new planet for the audience’s benefit, it was A realizing she was misled and lied to, and learning what “facts” she has that are wrong. Was it perfect? Heck no, but not only was this part of her character growth, by the second book, she was all studied up and when something unknown came along, the whole team shared in the confusion.
I did the same thing with Elias, my protagonist in Eternal Night of the Northern Sky. He’s very purposefully, literally sheltered, literally grew up under a rock, but his people have incredibly loud biases against vampires. Elias has plenty of knowledge about his world, both that is correct and vastly incorrect, while still lacking basic knowledge of other survival skills because he’s never had the opportunity.
Elias’s biases drive early conflict and conversation. He’s not going “what’s a vampire” so the other characters can stop the plot to explain them to him. He’s going “I know exactly what a vampire is” and the plot is him getting kicked on his ass with the truth.
So you can have that naive amazement factor, but also still have a character underneath. You can also let that character show off their acclimation into their world by not being afraid to stop making them the ignorant exposition machine.
Just thoughts.
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charmandabear · 8 months
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Office Hours - Chapter Two
You really want to get Astarion back for making you feel so flustered, but as a result you find yourself in a bit of an uncomfortable position.
Pairing: Astarion/F!Reader Rating: E Word Count: 3.7k Tags/Warnings: unprotected p in v sex, under-the-desk blowjobs, semi-public sex, vampire bites, modern au, college/university au, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, poor gale doesn't deserve this
Oh shit she's writing? I had like six other things planned but I can't keep away from this world. Once again thank you @zipzoomzaria for the beautiful screenshots and also the inspo for Professor Astarion, and @aw11tht33tha for the beta!
You don't need to have read part 1 for this part to make sense, but it does help.
Read on AO3 ~ Masterlist
Ever since you slept with Astarion - or, perhaps more accurately, he fucked you mercilessly over his desk - you haven't been able to get him out of your head. It's been a little embarrassing, frankly. Every time you pass him in the hallway, a single glance over those round wire frames has you suppressing the moan that bubbles in your throat. One whiff of his fragrance and your pussy clenches in a Pavlovian response.
You're standing in front of your mailbox in the main office, reading some memo from the chair about season selection for next year. It's always a tedious process where no one can agree and you somehow all end up with shows you hate.
You smell him before you hear him, and you can feel your ears grow hot. He comes up behind you, standing closer than is probably necessary, and reaches above you to empty his own mailbox.
“Pardon,” he says politely, but you feel like he’s going out of his way to brush against you. A shiver runs down your spine as he very gently grazes the back of your neck while shuffling through the papers. 
He turns and starts chatting amicably with Grace. How can he stay so cool when you're practically in shambles? You pretend that you're still reading the short memo just to collect yourself. When he finally leaves the main office, you manage to turn around and imitate some semblance of a normal person. Grace catches your eye and frowns.
“Are you feeling okay? You're looking a little flushed,” she asks, genuine concern coloring her voice. You twist your face into a smile, hoping that it reads like gratitude rather than annoyance.
“Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. Probably just a little dehydrated,” you say, putting a little extra rasp in your voice to sell your story.
“I’m about to leave for lunch, I can grab you something from the student union, if you're thirsty.” She smiles sweetly, fully unaware of the double entendre.
“I'm good, I have some water back in my office. I appreciate the offer, though.” The smile is now plastered to your face as you move to leave the office. You bump into Karlach while trying to make a hasty exit.
“Gods, soldier, you okay? You look like you just got out of a sauna.” She claps you on the shoulder and your knees buckle. The technical director had spent 10 years in the army, so you can't really fault her for the nickname, or the smack to the shoulder, for that matter.
“Just a little thirsty, is all,” you reply, continuing to scoot your way out of the office. 
“Yeah ya are!” She points two finger guns at you and flashes a big suggestive smile. You freeze for a half second, then realize she’s making a generic lewd joke and not pointedly calling you out for your current condition. You awkwardly finger gun back as you finally slip through the doorway and book it to your office.
You sit down at your desk and grab your water bottle, taking a long sip. It's unbelievable how much of a hold he has on you. What you wouldn't give to be able to fluster him as much as he does you. Have him struggle for words. Make him look like an idiot in front of your colleagues.
You think back to your bathtub fantasy from a few days ago. You could not have predicted the dynamic more incorrectly. You really thought that you'd be the one in control, that you could have him coming undone for you. The image of him whimpering beneath you still sets your heart racing, though it can't be further from the truth. Your breath hitches slightly as the scenario plays out vividly in your mind, like your own personal erotica.
“It must be rather exciting, whatever's got your blood going that way.” His sultry voice interrupts your debaucherous thoughts and you yelp in surprise. You glare at him leaning in the doorframe, hands in his pockets and collar casually unbuttoned, looking like an absolute treat. He chuckles and saunters into your office, settling into one of the chairs across from your desk and crossing his lithe legs. Despite your newfound attraction, he's still an arrogant little shit.
“I thought you couldn't come in uninvited,” you scowl, keeping your voice low for fear of someone overhearing.
“I don't recall being invited last time, but you didn't seem to mind,” he says with a laugh, and you squirm under his piercing red gaze. “Regardless, the rule only applies to homes, not individual rooms within a public university.”
Your frown deepens, unsure if he's being condescending or not.
“Is there something I can help you with, or are you just here to frustrate me?” You lean back in your chair and cross your arms, trying to imitate his casual authority. You're not terribly successful.
“You seem to be doing that perfectly well yourself, the way I could hear your arteries pumping from down the hall.” His smile widens, flashing just a hint of fang, and your resolve weakens. He stands and stretches his arms above his head, his shirt raising just enough for you to see a sliver of porcelain skin. You’re positive he’s just doing this to annoy you.
“Well, when you have a free moment, stop by my office, I have something to show you,” he drawls, an almost bored lilt coloring his tone. “And do try to keep that pulse of yours under control, it’s distracting to the point of vulgarity.” He glances at you over his glasses one more time before retreating into the hall again.
You cross your legs, trying to ease the ache between your thighs. He's absolutely insufferable. And he’s so much worse now that he knows he has this power over you.
You gather your materials for Voice and Speech, plotting ways to enact your revenge.
Against your better judgment, you find yourself walking toward Ancunín’s office after class. You take a moment before knocking on the door, smoothing down the front of your dress and tousling your hair to give it a little more volume.
Suddenly the door opens and Mol comes barrelling out in a huff.
“D’you believe this berk? Gettin’ on my tail for ‘academic integrity.’ Ain't nobody more integrous than me!” she grumbles, adjusting her bag angrily. She turns her heated gaze to you.
“Can you talk to your boyfriend and tell him to leave me alone?” she spits and you splutter involuntarily.
“Mol, we’re not–”
“Come off it, miss. Everyone sees the way you look at ‘im. Just work your magic so I can get back to gettin’ a college education.” And without another word, she's off. You blink, trying to make sense of what just happened. Are the students talking about the two of you?
Shaking your head, you knock on the door frame as you walk into his office. It's just as cozy as last time, warm light emanating from lamps in every corner to compensate for the blackout curtains over the windows. Honestly, how does anyone not know he's a vampire? You can almost hear his excuse, something about how “direct sunlight is ruinous to one’s skin.”
“Destroying students' lives by keeping them academically honest?” you smirk as you gently close the door behind you with your foot. He takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I swear, that girl is too clever for her own good. I'd almost respect it if she didn't get on my last nerve,” he sighs, putting his glasses back on and glancing up at you. His expression softens for a second before quickly shifting to mischievous. You slide over to him, leaning against the edge of his desk as you face him.
Any animosity you may have held dissolves as he looks up at you, his hand absentmindedly stroking your thigh just under the hem of your skirt. You shiver as you try to keep your voice steady.
“You said you had something to show me, professor?” You emphasize the title with the gusto of a young porn star. He smirks and pulls you down until you're straddling his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck and grind your hips into him, feeling the beginnings of an erection. He lets out a little puff of air that can almost be mistaken for a moan. He buries his face into your tits, running his nose along the neckline of your dress and slides his hands under your skirt to cup your ass. You breathe in sharply, your breasts rising to meet his lips.
Then a knock at the door.
You both freeze and stare at one another. You hear a muffled voice on the other side.
“Dr. Ancunín, do you have a minute? I have something extremely important to tell you,” Dr. Dekarios from the School of the Weave shouts through the door.
Astarion instinctually replies, “Just a minute!” and the two of you share a wordless exchange.
-What the fuck are you doing?
-I don't know, I panicked!
-What am I supposed to do?
-Hide, perhaps?
Without thinking you slide off his lap and under the desk. Just in time, too, as Dr. Dekarios doesn't wait for Astarion’s permission to open the door and waltz right in.
“Dr. Ancunín, thank goodness, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.” You can hear the Arcana History professor rush in and eagerly sit down in the red velvet lounge chairs across from Astarion’s desk. You groan internally as you realize that you might be stuck here for an unbearably long time.
“Actually, Dr. Dekarios, I was on my way out,” Astarion says as he starts to stand before quickly reversing that decision. You realize with a smug sense of satisfaction that he’s still slightly aroused.
“Completely understand, I'll keep this brief, then. So, the other day, you and I spoke of the use of bardic magic and its position amongst playwrights in Renaissance England.”
“Yes, I recall,” Astarion responds through gritted teeth. He sinks back down in his chair,  resigned to sitting through this conversation.
“And how it was common practice at the time to use magic from the college of swords as decreed by Elizabeth? Ben Jonson, Marlowe, Beaumont and Fletcher, they all used college of swords magic.” Dr. Dekarios’ voice increases in pitch with his excitement. You suppress a sigh, preparing yourself for a long wait in this cramped space. It’s not particularly comfortable, especially with trying to keep out of the way of Astarion’s long legs.
You might not have to keep out of the way. Maybe if you just… brushed your hand along his leg…
Astarion coughs to hide the sudden intake of breath your touch causes. He crosses his legs and you smile knowing it's to give himself a little reprieve. A feeling you know all too well.
“Yes,” Astarion says, his voice frustratingly steady, “I recall your enthusiasm in telling me this.”
You're trying to read his response. Is he into this? Is this a game he wants to play? You test your luck again, dragging your fingers up his thigh more deliberately. His leg quivers and he shifts his posture as the Arcana professor continues.
“Well, I had a thought. Consider this: Shakespeare brought about a major shift in how we think of the Western theatrical canon as it pertains to bard magic, correct?”
You scooch forward and press your tits into his knees that are now pinched tightly together. You slide your hands up his inner thighs, prying them apart slightly. You lean into his legs further as your hands continue their journey upward, squeezing as they get to the top of his thigh.
He kicks suddenly, a soft thump into the back of the desk. Is he telling you to stop? You pull back and glance up at him, the top of the desk obscuring most of his face. He's stiffly nodding along to Dekarios’ rambling.
“And remind me, what other major storytelling convention did Shakespeare also shift during this time?” You honestly can't tell if he’s actually asking, or giving Astarion a mini exam in his own specialty.
You wait for a response from him. He lets his thighs fall open and gently nudges your hip with the side of his shoe. No, his foot.
This mother fucker is playing footsie with you?
Oh he is definitely into your little game.
You push his legs open again, this time sliding your hands all the way up to his cock, and you feel it twitch beneath the wool of his pants. You gently stroke him and his hips give a subtle twist into you.
“I'm not sure–” Astarion begins, but stops short when his voice cracks. You nuzzle his bulge,  running your lips across it as it hardens. You slip a hand under him and give his balls a gentle squeeze. You can hear his breath stutter, but it's unlikely Dekarios can as he quickly answers his own question.
“The humors, correct? My understanding of non-magic literature isn't fully up to snuff, but I am correct in remembering this, yes?”
You lick a fat stripe across the fabric and you hear a metallic click above your head, like his watch just made sudden contact with the surface of the desk. You can imagine the veins in his hands bulging as he clasps them together tightly.
“Hm, no, ah yes, you are correct. Most English Renaissance playwrights understood characters as a balance or imbalance of the four humors.” Astarion manages to keep his voice relatively even, and you know you need to up your game. You reach up to undo his belt buckle as quietly and efficiently as possible. Luckily, you’re able to hide the noise within Dekarios’ exclamation.
“Yes! That's exactly what I was thinking! So, hear me out. What if these two shifts were related? In moving away from college of swords magic, Shakespeare felt less constrained by the four humors. Or perhaps the other way around?”
You reach into his pants and free his cock, now fully hard, and tease your fingers along his shaft. His hips buck a little more forcefully, as though controlling his movement is growing more difficult. You grip his pelvis tightly, holding it in place, and relishing the fact that you have the control for once. You flick the tip of your tongue across his slit and his hips twitch again under your hands.
“Could be…” is all Astarion can manage to reply. Hopefully at this point Dekarios is in a full-on oration and he won't need to contribute much, if at all.
You pop the head of his cock into your mouth, working the underside of it with your tongue. You clamp your arms down on his thighs, pulling them closer to you and pushing them into your tits. Your inner thighs grow damp as your own arousal quickens. You squirm as a miniscule moan works its way into your mouth. Not loud enough for anyone to hear, you hope, but you're certain that Astarion can feel the vibration because his hips jerk again. His torso and face above, or at least what you can see of it, gives little away.
“And this could even,” Dekarios continues, showing no sign of awareness of anything else happening in the room, “signal the shift into realism, could it not? Beginning with Shakespeare and culminating with Chekhov and Ibsen in the nineteenth century?”
You take in more of him, relaxing your tongue and letting him fill your mouth, discovering his taste. He almost lifts off his chair in his attempt to thrust into you, and you use it as a way to take him in deeper. Your jaw is beginning to ache with how slow you're going, but it's worth it to feel Astarion’s frustrated discomfort.
You can hear him take a slow breath before speaking again.
“You know who would absolutely love this discovery of yours?” His voice is low, smooth, as you bob your mouth on his cock. “Tav, the classical theatre professor. Her office is right down the hall.”
You choke and he deftly covers the sound of your gag with a cough.
“Bless you,” Dekarios says after a fraction of hesitation. He continues as though there was no interruption at all.
“Then I shall share my findings with her! Down the hall, you say?”
“Room 208.”
“Excellent!” Dekarios stands and you wrap your hand around the base of Astarion's shaft, letting some saliva dribble out of your mouth to lubricate it. You can hear the wizard quickly make his way out the door.
“Gale!” Astarion yelps as you twist your hand and swirl your tongue in tandem. He clears his throat and corrects his decorum. “Dr. Dekarios, the door, please.”
“Oh, of course! Apologies,” he says with slight chagrin, and then you hear the latch on the door click. Astarion rolls his chair back and grabs your hair, pulling you out from under the desk.
“You saucy little minx,” he growls and you stumble forward and into his lap, your lips crashing into his. He easily tears through your leggings and underwear, exposing your dripping cunt to the open air.
This man is wracking up quite the clothing bill.
He slides two fingers into you, roughly stretching you out and you groan into his ear. 
“You didn't seem to mind,” you manage to squeak out, repeating his words from earlier with significantly less dignity. You grind onto his fingers with his cock trapped between you, and your clit slides against his shaft. Another shuddering breath rockets through you as your whole body clenches around him.
He yanks his hand out of you and you whimper at the sudden emptiness, but you don't need to wait long for him to grab your waist and sink you down onto his cock. You can feel the skin toward your perineum tear slightly but the stinging pain is nothing compared to the delicious stretch that comes with him bottoming out. He shoves his fingers in your mouth and you arch your back into him, the taste of your own juices flooding your tongue.
He keeps his other hand firm on your lower back as he thrusts up into you. You cling onto his neck, pulling his mouth toward your breasts as they rise and fall with your stuttering breaths. He takes his hand away from your mouth and slides the hem of your dress all the way up to your chin. His lips latch on to your nipple poking through the soft cotton of your bra.
“Gods, fuck,” you groan as you continue to roll your hips into his, and he flicks his tongue against your tit. You push down even further onto him and pull the cup down, pushing your now bare breast into his teeth. His eyes flicker upward, glasses sliding down his nose slightly. You bounce harder on his cock and grip the back of his neck tightly.
“Fuck, please, bite me,” you whine, aching to feel every part of him in you. He doesn't need to be told twice and he sinks his fangs into the sensitive flesh around your nipple. You cry out but try to stifle the noise by pressing your open mouth into his hair. You can smell that citrusy fragrance he wears and your fingers claw into him.
He sucks your blood out from around your tit, and with every swallow he laps his tongue against you, over and over. You're certain his devil tongue will be your demise.
Your pace increases and it becomes harder to suppress your moans. You clamp your mouth shut and bury your face into his ear. He releases your breast and roughly kisses you to keep you quiet, the taste of iron filling your mouth.
You come with an explosive cry that gets swallowed into his kiss. As you're still riding the wave of your orgasm you can feel his, his hips rutting as his dick throbs with the pulse of his semen.
The two of you finally slow, the sticky mess between you squelching lewdly. You listen intently past the sound of your heavy breathing to try to hear any indication that someone overheard. When you deem it safe, you let out a sigh of relief that dissolves into giggles. He drops his forehead into your shoulder as the hem of your dress gets overtaken by gravity and slides down your front
You disentangle yourself from him, wincing slightly at the feeling of him sliding out of your sore pussy. You get a better look at him, your blood still smeared on his lips and chin, his now-flaccid dick slumped above his waistband. You're certain you can't look much better, dress rucked up around your waist, hair mussed and sticking every which way. 
You methodically put yourselves back together, Astarion stuffing his wet dick back into his pants, you straightening your dress and hair. You catch his gaze again and somehow he still manages to make you blush, his crimson eyes peering over his frames. He reaches out to tuck a wayward lock behind your ear.
“Maybe next time we’ll have sex in your office,” he chuckles. You swat his chest playfully only to find yourself drawn into him, not wanting to pull your hand away. It's strangely romantic, and if you were able to think clearly, his hands snaking around your waist might bother you. But your head is still spinning and your cunt is still throbbing with the aftershocks of your orgasm, and little could upset you right now.
That is, until the doorknob turns and Dekarios pops his head back in.
“Looks like she’s not–” His voice dies off quickly when he realizes what he's walked in on. He coughs, mumbles an incoherent apology, and backs out quickly.
“I swear to the gods I'm getting a scroll of arcane lock for that damn door,” he growls under his breath, and you lean your forehead against his chest in deflated embarrassment.
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Late Writeblr Intro!
Hello, friends!
I figured it was about time I made an actual blog intro of my own since I forgot to make one when I started this blog last year. Better late than never, lmao!
Pls, reblog, like, and/or reply to help boost the blog! 💕
Let's get started:
Personal Stuff! 💜🩶🖤
My name is Anna/Anya but you can call me Mystic, Ducky, or just Anya on this blog! My personal nickname is Ani and I adore it (:
I am an Asexual woman (my pronouns are she/her!) and I'm also personally an atheist who puts my faith in the spirits of Mother Nature, though I respect all other religions equally!
I'm Gen Z and Latina (Brazilian). I was raised bilingual (Brazilian Portuguese + English) and I love learning languages - currently, I'm working on learning French and Spanish! Career-wise I am studying in college to become a character designer and hopefully animator, as I want to pursue a career as an artist and writer! I also wish to have my WIPs published in the near future (:
Some fun facts about me!
My favorite shows are Critical Role, Game of Thrones, Castlevania, The Legend of Vox Machina (animated series), Star Wars, Voltron, The Dragon Prince, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, and DC Comics content, as well as many more lmao. I love watching movies and series!
My favorite Vox Machina characters are Vax'ildan and Percy (:
I am a younger sister 💖
My hair is short and curly (pixie style, similar to the haircut Rapunzel has at the end of the Tangled movie!)
I adore listening to music, especially songs that can inspire me to write my WIPs! Playlists are a huge part of my writing process and something I really enjoy making.
I'm currently rereading Shadow and Bone (+ Six of Crows) and I am always looking for more good dark fantasy/historical fantasy books to read so book recs are always welcome! I also am a huge fan of the Percy Jackson series and Trials of Apollo (by Rick Riordan), though I'm usually more of a gritty/dark fantasy fan (like Game of Thrones)!
I have three dogs and two cats!😺🐶
I know how to play the piano, though I haven't done that in a while because things have been chaotic for me, but I'd like to start playing regularly again in my winter vacation.
I have worn glasses since I was 5 years old and have terrible eyesight without them (and some days with them, lol, so bear with me).
My friends and I are doing a DnD campaign every Sunday, where I play as a half-elf rogue named Aeryn (he/him). I'm adoring this adventure so far, it's so fun!!!
I love to bake and am rather good at it, but am a painfully average cook lmao (some specific recipes I make are actually rlly good, but it depends a lot on my mood and the 'alignment of the stars' lol)
I want to learn how to knit/crochet! 🧶
I'm a theater nerd and love musicals (:
About my Writing!🏹⌛
I write fictional works mostly in the genre of fantasy (high fantasy/epic fantasy/dark fantasy/historical fantasy/urban fantasy, etc. You name it!) and science fiction (space opera/cyberpunk/superhero, etc).
My works usually revolve around themes such as epic quests, secrets, adventure, rebels fighting an oppressive system, sibling bonds, acceptance/respect, outcasts, and much, much more! I love fluff and whump equally, and though my stories tend to focus on serious topics (or at least darker/heavier themes) within a fantasy/sci-fi setting, I like to have a good bit of humor, lighthearted fun, and comedy to my stories to lighten up the mood!
My main WIPs:
Song of Thorns
🌹WIP Intro: (here)🌹
Genre: dark fantasy, medieval fantasy, adventure/mystery, dark fairytale, eldritch horror (mild)
Style: Standalone (possible Trilogy)
Tags: #wip song of thorns #song of thorns
Short Summary/About: "A peasant girl moves with her siblings from her struggling seaside village to the kingdom's glittering floating capital, but after her older brother is kidnapped, she ends up discovering the dark, bloody secrets hiding behind the long-lasting royal family of the town and must team up with a young dhampir thief, the exiled prince, and a lonely druid girl to save the dying kingdom from this web of lies".
Supernova Initiative
🎇WIP Intro: (here) 🎇
Genre: space opera, adventure, exploration, laboratory whump, heist, thriller/mystery
Style: Episodic book series with an overarching plot (each chapter/group of chapters equivalent to an episode in a TV series)
Tags: #wip supernova initiative #supernova initiative
Short Summary/About: "A young intergalactic thief and his crew are captured after a heist gone wrong and forced to accept a strange deal - complete a mission for the Junction, retrieve important missing files, and get their freedom back. All the while that is happening, Jack Tithus, the protagonist, finds himself trapped as a test subject to an immoral, and elusive, man known as the Director."
Enchanted Illusions
💀 WIP Intro: (here)💀
Genre: Victorian fantasy, adventure, mystery, gothic fantasy, dark fantasy, crime-solving
Style: Possibly a trilogy
Tags: #wip enchanted illusions, #enchanted illusions
Short Summary/About: "On a magical setting inspired by Victorian times, a group of strangers and outcasts must work together to thwart a powerful secret organization and stop a murder spree that could lead to another civil war between myths and humans."
Of Starlight and Beasts
✨⚔️WIP Intro: (here)⚔️✨
Genre: medieval fantasy, epic fantasy, adventure/quest, dark fairytale, sword and sorcery, prophecies
Style: Book Series
Tags: #wip of starlight and beasts, #enchanted illusions
Short Summary/About: "A young knight in training and an amnesiac star mage embark on a quest to prevent an ancient prophecy from coming to fruition as a vengeful sorceress queen's army marches relentlessly onto their land with the intent to destroy all their kingdom has built."
The Last Wrath
🔥⚔️WIP Intro: to be made...⚔️🔥
Genre: dark fantasy, warfare, political intrigue, espionage, adventure/quest, medieval fantasy, whump
Style: Book Series (currently on hiatus)
Tags: #wip the last wrath, #the last wrath
Short Summary/About: "In a land torn by an ancient war between two sides of a continent, a mageborn girl finds herself trapped amid the bloodshed after her past comes back to haunt her and her family. Now, stopping the war may be the only chance she still has to survive."
Tales of Wilted Flowers
🥀WIP Intro: to be made...🪻
Genre: RPG-inspired fantasy, high fantasy, adventure, fairytale, epic quest, heist story, whump, light fantasy
Style: Trilogy (currently on hiatus)
Tags: #wip tales of wilted flowers #tales of wilted flowers
Short Summary/About - "A group of youths rejected and betrayed by society in many different ways come together due to unexpected circumstances and must rely on each other to prevent the kingdom's corrupt Head Sorcerer and the King from reviving an ancient evil."
Realms of Loss
🍂WIP Intro: (here)🍂
Genre: dark fantasy, warfare, medieval fantasy, high fantasy, ancient times fantasy, Viking-inspired, prophecies & curses
Style: Book Series (currently on hiatus)
Tags: #wip realms of loss #realms of loss
Short Summary/About - "In a continent destroyed by the fall of the Old Gods, and trapped in an endless toil for survival, a cocky young prince discovers his role in an ancient prophecy after his brother, the King, is murdered and assassins come for him too. Running away into the forsaken land beyond the walls of his kingdom, he'll have to learn to be a leader and save his people as a dead, murderous God awakens."
Mutant Inquiries/Open Secret Files
🤖 WIP Intro: to be made..🤖
Genre: superhero, cyberpunk, futuristic, dystopian, science fiction, urban fantasy
Style: Episodic Series, still in development
Tags: #wip mutant inquiries #wip open secret files #mutant inquiries #open secret files
Short Summary/About: "In a dystopian, high-tech future, a group of mutant teenagers become vigilantes and crime fighters to rebel against the oppressive government regime and survive their crime-ridden city."
I have a few other smaller-scale WIPs I occasionally, less frequently work on, such as Lies Untold and Jade Ruins, but those up above are the main ones that I wish to publish. I've also got a big, secret extra WIP I'm working on for fun and will share it with you guys soon!
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peoniesnro · 17 days
In Another Universe
#6. A day in paradise
Tumblr media
Synopsis – When you are just another iteration of Park Jimin’s girlfriend in a different universe.
Park Jimin × Reader
Genre – parallel universe (duh)/ kind of fantasy/ strangers to ??/ SMUT/ maybe romance/ angst/ fluff /Infidelity
Warnings- Language/SMUT- Making out/ Dirty talks/ slight grinding/ Oral (F.Receiving)/ fingering INFIDELITY
Word count- 15k (Phew... I had to physically restrain myself from writing more.)
a/n - Well, there are a lot of words here, but I needed to include everything before things will go down, probably starting from the next chapter. Speaking of which, the next chapter might be delayed or might not come out next week due to some family events. (I'm not thrilled at all.) My apologies in advance. I’m really sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you so much for your continued support and reading. ♥️
Chapter Index
Previous - Next
The scenery of urban buildings slowly passes by you. You are very intrigued to say the least. As your first time traveling away from the hustle of Seoul. This is the first time you’re seeing the other parts of this world. So far, you’ve got to learn that everything stays similar to your world. To a certain extent. People. Vehicles. Buildings. Politics. Music. Movies. Technology. Yet, it’s not the exact same thing. There’s some good music but nothing you’ve heard before. Some intriguing movies but nothing you’ve seen before. That applies to everything. Similar in its nature but different in its contents.
That makes you curious beyond satiating. Pointing at everything and questioning like a four year old. Exhausting Park Jimin to his limit. Still, he answers everything. Laughs hard at some stupid ones. Is similarly intrigued when you tell him about how things are different in your world.
By the time he finally lets you know, that you’re finally near to your intended destination, you’ve been talking about Colleges. It was a two fucking hour long drive. A light snow from the previous night has decorated the world in a shiny glow under the sun. This place, where the party would be held is a cottage owned by Hoseok. And the moment your eyes land on it, you fall in love. Gives you that cosy feeling even before you get out of the car. It’s majestic, with white dust covering the roof. With the same white scattered around the ground. Not traditional. Has a pitched roof. Two story. Upper balcony covered in the same white blanket. Can a place be more beautiful than this?
“Wow..” You whisper under your breath. Jimin hears it anyway. Chuckles. You pay him no attention. Press your face against the window. Bask in the magical feeling. Get blinded by the glow that sun creates together with the snow.
“Right?” Jimin agrees with you. He turns off the engine. Unbuckles the belt and takes a breath. Stretches his stiff muscles after a long drive. You turn to him.
Oh! This magic is more appealing than the magic of the cottage.
Cold sun rays are creating beams of light on Jimin’s face. Changes his eye color into a lighter shade of brown. Like toasted caramel. Beautiful. Enchanting. Magic of Park Jimin.
Which is better? The feeling of warmth you feel now here with him or the feeling you’ll feel after you enter that cosy cottage. Easy. This feeling. Nothing will be able to compare. It’s better when he watches you with those eyes. Exquisite when he smiles at you. You’re melting. It’s a hard decision to look away. Fumbling with your seat belt and getting ready to join your (Jimin’s) friends.
“You’ll be fine right?” Jimin interrupts you. Apparently doesn’t like it when you pay little to no attention to him.
“Of course, I will. After you made me attend a fucking board meeting, Park, nothing is going to be worse than that.” You answer him pointedly. Open the door.
“Well yeah but uh...” He interrupts you again. This time you look at him annoyed. Not for real though. He doesn’t have to know that. “What?” You knit your brows. Jimin opens his mouth. Tries to say something then changes his mind. “Thank You!” He mumbles softly. That’s definitely not what he intended to say. You take it as that anyway. Roll your eyes.
“Move your ass, Park!” You exit the car. Giggle when you hear him lowly curses. Watch him get out. Walking to the trunk. You do the same. Stand close by to him when he starts to unload your very unnecessarily large suitcases. Because this is a mini-vacation apparently.
To say you were mad would be an understatement. The moment he let you know that this party is not just a party but a three days long stay at the cottage, you went feral. Was he kidding you? How the fuck are you going to manage a three-day long stay when you will disappear the moment you close your eyes. Then he came up with this brilliant idea. You’ll act like you have every intention of staying. And he will receive a call from his parents. Family emergencies. You’ll leave. All solved. It took him some time to make you agree but in the end you did. Of course, you did. People pleasers.
These unnecessarily large suitcases are part of the plan. Still, you think they are unnecessary. Scream overdoing it. Jimin is stupid. Extremely so. You grab one of the heavy luggage despite his protests.
“Oh, shut the fuck up Park. I can totally lift some weight okay. Be...” You lift it to take it away from the car. Clench your teeth. Put it down again. Heave for breath. Jimin is watching you with that glint in his eyes. “What the fuck did you pack here?” You change your course of subject. Jimin did all the packing. Most of things he packed were stupid. Hell, you even caught him packing a damn pillow. When you asked why he would need a pillow, he said he can’t sleep on other pillows. God only knows what other weird things he packed up.
“Well, nobody asked you to be a bad bitch and lift that alone.” Jimin points out. Fair. But who needs this much stuff. Especially, when you both know you won’t be staying a night at this place after all. You sigh exasperatedly. Ridiculous. Now you want to take this stupid luggage inside by all yourself. Just to prove him wrong. So, you huff. Bends down to lift the suitcase with your both hands. That’s when a very familiar, excited and a high-pitched voice reaches you.
You straighten up and spin around. Jimin just whips his head. There’s no need of looking to know to whom that voice belongs to. In this world, there’s only one person who calls you Noona. And only one person who gets excited like a puppy to see you. That’s why you’re not surprised to find that the voice, indeed belongs to Jungkook. Standing on the front porch. Drowning in a black, large, puffy winter jacket. Like a penguin. His muscles hidden under a round form. A headband in his forehead to keep his long strands of hair away. He waves at you. Grinning from one ear to other.
You’re not surprised that it is Jungkook. You’re surprised, that he is here. You only get half a second to turn and look at Jimin. Surprised. Surprised as to why he never mentioned anything about Jungkook. Before you can have your answer, however, you’re wrapped in a pair of large hands. A yelp escapes your mouth while Jungkook pulls you into a bear hug.
“Noona.” He shouts in your ear this time. Making you wince. Is buzzing with excitement apparently. You return the hug. Pat his back. Grinning. The surprise of seeing him here wearing off. Replacing with excitement. “Hey Kookie. Surprised to see you here.” You let him bury your face in his jacket. Suffocating you. Jungkook giggles. Prettily. Lets you go after crushing your bones. Scratches the back of his neck.
“Ah it’s Namjoon. You know?” Says sheepishly. Bows to Jimin. Jimin, on the other hand, is blinking at him. Very impolite. No proper decorum at all. Takes a minute. And then suddenly grabs your hand. Yanks you to his side. You nearly stumble back at the ferocity of that movement. A sudden annoyance washes over you. Making you glare at him. What the fuck is wrong with him?
Jungkook looks confused as well. Innocently, gaping at Jimin. Lets out an awkward chuckle. Apparently is very confused about what he should do now. Uncomfortable. You feel the same kind of uneasiness. How rude of Jimin to act like this. You chuckle in reply to Jungkook. Awkwardly. In apology for your pretend boyfriend’s childish behaviour. Try to free your hand from Jimin’s iron grip subtly. He doesn’t let go. If anything, he tightens it even more, harder that you’re beginning worry about losing your hand. You put more force in trying to free your hand. Even hiss his name.
“What?” He snaps. Oh, that’s embarrassing.
There’s a tension building up in the air. Both you and Jungkook awkwardly chuckling while Jimin crushing your hand. Eyes intensely watching Jungkook. You’re actually starting to getting worried. Hence your breath of relief when a second very excited voice booms through the peaceful air of the cottage.
“Jiminiee....” Taehyung practically runs to Jimin. “You’re so fucking late man.” Complains. Yet makes Jimin free your hand when his hand wraps around Jimin. The tension pops out. Oh you’re glad. So incredibly glad. That’s the reason for placing your hands around Taehyung’s neck as soon as he lets Jimin go. You still don’t like Taehyung that much. Some choices you made, however, made you realize that you’re no saint to judge other people. So, you’ll start to like him from now on.
“Long time no see, Tae....” You pat his back affectionately. Just like you did with Jungkook. Pull away. Only to find Taehyung blinking at you. Mouth agape. As if he just got hugged by a damn celebrity and he can’t believe it. “What?” You question through your grin. Confused gaze shifting from Taehyung to Jimin. Have no idea why Taehyung looks like he is stunned to his core. Jungkook is sporting a similar look to you. Why’s everyone so weird? Jimin heaves a sigh. Grabs everyone’s attention. His hand curls over your shoulders. Pulls you to his body.
“A good mood.” Mumbles. “Good fucking mood.” Mumbles again. You don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. Nor does Jungkook, if his pout is anything to goes by. Taehyung apparently does know. Twists his mouth. Raises his eyebrows. Shrugs his shoulders and nods. Accepts what Jimin said, whatever that is. Then goes back to his normal self. Like a switch was off and just got on. Grins happily and offers his help with your over packed luggage. So does Jungkook. Eagerly takes that heavy suitcase you were struggling with. You don’t even protest. Just know he would do that anyway. Simply thank him and follow them inside. Ignoring the scowl on Jimin’s face. Free yourself again from his embrace.
He is ridiculous.
If you think you fell in love when you saw the cottage under the sunlight, now you want to find a way to get married to an immovable property. The interior is breath fucking taking. Makes you suck in a harsh breath when you finally go inside. Eyes going wide again. Taking in every single details about this magnificent place. Engraving them into your memory.
The dark hardwood flooring. Furnishings and decor. Upscale. Elegant. Has a real fucking fireplace, stone framed. The golden hue seeping inside through the large windows. Woolen carpets. Plushy upholstery. The entire place scream comfort. Lavish. You aren’t the least bit surprised when Taehyung and Jungkook very competitively describe about the spacious, fully equipped kitchen. And then of course, about the hot tub.
Jimin’s hand is back around you. He doesn’t give a two shit about how your whole body trembles when he does that. Apparently, you’re a good actress to be able hide your flattering. Still, you want him to give you space. For the sake of your poor heart. Good thing you can distract yourself by the gracious view of this place.
In fact you love this. Really get the urge to jump up and down when someone enters the living area from a door to your left. Prevents you from doing so. Someone you haven’t met before. You eye him curiously. Jimin, however, finally takes his hand away off your shoulders to greet the man. Beaming.
“Now this is what they call a miracle. How the hell Hoseok managed to get your ass here?” Jimin exclaims in surprise. Hands already wrapping around the stranger. The said stranger, though, instantly starts to make a fuss about it. Pushing Jimin away and shouting ‘don’t’ and ‘no’. Jimin doesn’t relent. Keeps crushing the poor man. Until this man, with black hair, which is long enough, the end of his hair touches his shoulders, gives up. Pats Jimin’s back too. Laughs hard. And you swoon at that gummy smile.
“You haven’t met Yoongi right?” Taehyung startles you by whispering in your ear. “Huh?” You turn to him.
“That’s Yoongi. Hoseok’s cousin. You’ve heard of him surely but haven’t met him right?” He questions back. Now, you don’t know if you have or not. What if Liya has met him and you say no. So, you just stare at Taehyung’s ridiculously handsome face. Feeling glad when Jimin comes to your rescue.
“This is Yoongi. We knew each other back in college.” Jimin is giving you a look. A look that clearly indicate you indeed have heard about him. You instantly break into a most polite yet friendliest kind of smile you could perform. Hold your hand towards the man with the gummy smile.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. Have heard a lot about you.” Say while praying that you’re not overreacting. You’re not. Jimin gives you an approving nod when you look back at him. “Likewise.” Yoongi politely smiles back. Shakes your hand and bows. The way he carefully measures you not slipping from your eyes.
Taehyung sighs dreamily as you let Yoongi’s hand go. Grabbing everyone’s attention. Throws his arm over Jungkook’s neck. “Isn’t this great.” Another dreamy sigh. “What a perfect friend group we have.” Turns to Jungkook. “Even though I only know your name. But guess what? I don’t even care. I already love you.” Says with a straight face. You and Jungkook both snorts. Jimin rolls his eyes.
“Yeah? What do you say then? Want to get to know each other friend?” Jungkook asks from Taehyung.
“Hell yeah! And... Where the fuck is Hobi?” Taehyung looks elated. He has a bubbly personality. You think Jungkook is the best person to go with that. Taehyung takes a look around. Save for these few people here, cottage almost looks vacant. Then it turns a facade when Teahyung shouts through top of his lungs. The sound nearly sounding like ‘Hobi’.
Just at that glass shattering shriek. As if it is a some kind of summoning signal. The comfy living room starts to fill with people. Like cats. Sauntering. Rushing. Smiling. Complaining. Seoyeon being the first to pop her head inside the living room. Her face gleaming with pure excitement and surprise when she sees you. And she loses her shit like the last time you saw her. Now though, you know better than to be surprised. You hug her back. In the same way you would hug Key. Seoyeon is the one who pulls away first.
“How come you’re here Bae? I thought you have plans?” She grabs your shoulders. Shaking you slightly. Wondering. There goes another thing you don’t know how to answer. To be honest, you to this moment, have no idea what’s the reason you’re here instead of Liya. When you asked, Jimin shrugged you off. Said just some issues. Despite your curiosity you don’t wish to pry into his relationship. Whatever happens behind the closed doors is their problem. You’re here to help a friend. That’s it. Jimin saves you again.
“Plans change, Seoyeon.” He says with a tight-lipped smile. You nod in assent. Seoyeon takes it as an answer luckily . Lets you go reluctantly when you are pulled into a hug by J. Well, of course she is here if Jungkook is. So does Namjoon. You catch him enter the room with Hoseok and another unfamiliar woman. Woman turns out to be Namjoon’s girlfriend. Namjoon introduces her as Yoona. You exchange some nice and polite pleasantries with her. Take an immediate liking to the way she makes you feel comfortable when you’ve just met.
You take turn in saying hi to everyone present. Ignore all the long glances they give you. Especially Hoseok and Jin. As if they are beyond surprised. Ignore it when Hoseok scoffs as you thank him profusely, when he shows you, your room.
“Looks like she’s back in a good mood Jiminie.” He pats Jimin’s back before leaving you alone in the room. Leaving a scowling Jimin behind. For you to deal with.
“What was that?” You ask, gaping at the now-closed door.
“Nothing.” Jimin shakes his head.
You sit squashed between Jimin and Jungkook. Back in the cozy living room. On the couch in front of the fireplace. Everyone somehow finds a spot to sit down. Ready to listen to a briefing for the three days you’ll stay here. Or for the days they’ll stay here. Everyone is offended, finding the idea to be ridiculous. Gasping and complaining. It’s supposed to be a relaxing holiday. Not a leadership camp where there will be assigned tasks. Yet, apparently these business people can’t get through it without a proper plan. Hence, this very unannounced and unprepared meeting in the living room.
Taehyung is the only businessman who’s complaining like the rest of you. You, as Kim Liya, aren’t supposed to complain. Can’t help it though. So, you join with the ninety nine percenters here. Showing your displeasure.
“What the fuck Hobi? Why did ever I fucking agreed to come here?” The man with feline eyes, Yoongi, complains from his place. Sitting uncomfortably besides Namjoon’s girlfriend.
“Because you love me Yoongi. Now shut the fuck up, everybody. Just because you whine, I’m not going to change my plans. Listen carefully alright.” Hoseok says to Yoongi before clapping his hands. Ignores the way Yoongi asks him to go fuck himself. Ignores all your protests. Makes you chuckle. Makes Jimin chuckle. You can feel the rumble in his chest.
He has his hands around your waist. Is possessively keeping you pressed against his body. Deliberately away from Jungkook. Oh, only if you could roll your eyes to the back of your head.
See, now you think it’s dangerous to be this close to him. You need to keep your distance. He may be just doing a great job at treating you like his girlfriend. For you, however, it is becoming hard to control your fluttering tummy and pounding heart. Even when you know this is just an act, it’s becoming hard to pay attention to anything else than Park Jimin.
That’s why you try to create some distance between you. Very subtly and slowly. Jimin on the other hand, tightens his grip every time you move. There’s no escape.
“Stop fidgeting around Lil.” He whispers against your ear. Shifts in his position. His back slotting between the corner of the headrest and armrest. Drags you against his chest. Places his chin on your shoulder.
Oh fuck!
“What the hell are you doing Park?” You hiss for the hundredth time since you came here.
“What do you think? I’m keeping my girlfriend close to me.” He answers nonchalantly.
“Is this really necessary?” You whispers, being mindful to keep your voice low so Jungkook won’t overhear you.
“Yes.” Jimin says sternly.
You sigh heavily before giving up. Better play along with it if you can’t avoid it. Hence, why you completely give in. Trying to distract your racing heart and mind by paying attention to Jung Hoseok. Who’s been talking animatedly for a better five minutes now. It’s not working very effectively. Not when Jimin snakes his hands around you. Squeezes you. He is fucking overdoing. Even Jin and Taehyung are giving you weird looks. So does Hoseok. Maybe everyone else does the same. You caught Jungkook gaping at you out of the corner of his eye, two times already. And now he turns fully to look at you.
You give him an awkward smile. Trying to act normal. He reciprocates it. Turns back to Hoseok.
“Okay, so now you know what will happen to your elegant asses if you break my grandma’s very precious vases.” Hoseok says with a very wicked smile. Shit, it’s bad you have no idea what questionable things he would do to your poor ass, if you mistakenly hit your toe in a wood pedestal. You’ve not been paying attention at all. It’s Jimin’s fault.
“Seriously, Hobi, you invited us all here to give life lessons about how to be responsible and shit?” This time it’s Namjoon who whines. His girlfriend lets out an amused chuckle when Hoseok points his finger to Namjoon.
“Especially, you Namjoon-ah. Especially you. Try breaking something and you’ll know how nice I can be.” Hoseok threatens. Namjoon huffs. Rolls his eyes. It looks like Hoseok and Namjoon are more than acquaintances. Given that Hoseok invited Namjoon here with his girlfriend and even extended that invitation to Jungkook and J as well. How nice of him.
“Ugh! fucking get done with this shit ,Hyung. I’m getting bored already.” Taehyung lifts his head from the couch head rest. Man really looks sleepy. Rest of the room agrees with him. Even Jimin makes some noises of complains in your ear.
“Okay, okay, I’m getting there. So…. Moving into the plans for these three days we sta-”
“Why would we need fucking plans? Why can’t we just do whatever we want. Drink, and party.” J interrupts Hoseok before he can start his important briefing. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, J is sitting on a vintage loveseat with Jin. Casually leaning against him. Since when they are so close? When did you miss something? “Because this way, it’s easier.” Seoyeon voluntarily answers that question. J scoffs. Scrunches up her face as Taehyung disagrees with his girlfriend. Making Seoyeon defensive. Opening and closing her mouth like a fish.
“What? It is stupid to have plans for all the fucking stu─” Taehyung leans forward to emphasize his point. Or he just obviously wants to take someone else’s side other than his girlfriend. They don’t look like a couple at all. J and Jin appear to be a better couple than them. You think it’s good that Hoseok disturbs Taehyung’s levity.
“Are you going to let me finish this today, Tae?” He quirks his brow. Taehyung gives him a long look. Yet, in the end decides it’s better to get through this meeting fast. It seems. Slumps back in the couch next to Jungkook.
“Okay, don’t ask questions at all if you have any. And don’t interrupt me. AT. ALL.” Hoseok begins again. “First things first…” He purses his lips. Looks somewhat guilty. You can tell the whole room goes into instant doubt at his expression. No one questions anything, however. “As you can see... uh... it’s only us here... like no servants, no chefs, no cleaners... so, what I’m trying to say is─” Someone interrupts him. That someone being Jungkook.
“That’s no problem we won’t make any messes. We can clean after ourselves.” He says that so innocently. But you know that’s not Hoseok wants. You know everyone else knows that it’s not what he meant. Hence, that smile of pity adorning his lips.
“That’s so nice Jungkookie.” Hoseok nods in approval. Takes a nervous glance at the rest of you.
“What is it, Hyung?” Jimin finally quirks up. Voicing his concerns loud. Scepticism laced in his voice. A beat of silence passes where you all stare into Hoseok’s face. To a point the curiosity became unbearable. Jimin takes the chance in for all of your benefit. Straightens up. Forces you to straighten up too. “Don’t fucking tell me that you want us to fucking cook, clean and do all the shits by ourselves.” Jimin screeches in your ear.
“And do the grocery shopping. There are nothing edible in here.” Hoseok answers Jimin so calmly. But makes everyone’s head whip to him in light speed. Gasps of disbelief filling the room up. Quickly turning into one white noise of complaints.
“What the fuck Hobi?”
“Seriously dude!”
“Want us to do what now?”
“Yah! I thought this was a relaxing holiday.”
“Shit I came here to live the luxury life I can’t afford. Now I have to cook? And clean?”
“I hate fucking grocery shopping.”
“Dude, there’s no single shop within a 50-kilometre radius here.”
All the complaints are entangling. It’s almost impossible to make out who’s saying what. Looks like someone threw a stone into a hive. Hoseok takes a deep breath. Stays silent for a minute, allowing his friends to throw their tantrums before shouting above all the noises.
“Shut the fuck up, y’all. Don’t fucking act like damn kids. You fools cook all your meals anyway. What’s the big problem doing it here?” He questions, placing his hands on his hips. It’s Yoona who smartly answers that question.
“That’s exactly the problem here Hobi. We do that every day, and we came here to do nothing. We came here to party and get drunk. Have sex...” Namjoon’s ears go red at that, but she ignores him. Couple of people protest of the idea of having sex part but she ignores them as well. “And relax. Do you get me, Hobi? We came here to act like we are fucking rich!” Finishes her aggravated rant. You all agree with her. Nods and unrecognizable noises or approvals.
“Well, too bad for you fuckers. Hate to break it to you but if you don’t cook, no food. If you don’t go shopping, you can eat the fucking snow. And…. If someone doesn’t get the fireworks done, there’ll be no fireworks tonight.” He claps his hands one more time. Sits back. Is done with trying to convince his friends. No argues are allowed. The room is back into an awkward silence before it goes all frantic yet again.
“You want us to set the fireworks up?” Jimin leans even more forward. Doesn’t let you go though. Annoying. Good thing you are questioning Hoseok up. No time to worry about Jimin’s hands. “Does anyone know how to do that?” You question but no one answer your question in particular.
“This is the best fucking party I’ve ever been to. Thought you were damn rich Hoseok.” Yoongi almost gets to his feet. Yoona drags him back to his seat.
“Wait. Wait, guys.” Says but that goes into deaf ears. So, she rises her voice an octave. “GUYS!” That works. All eyes are on her now. “Guys... I know we all want to kill our host, but we can’t...” Throws a murderous glance to Hoseok. Which he dismisses with an eye roll. “Unfortunately.” Yoona adds. Sighs heavily. “So, I guess since we are all here now and not like that, we can go back either─”
“Oh, I totally can go back.” Yoongi says that to Hoseok.
“You can Yoongi, but you won’t. I’ll glue your ass into the chair if you try to.” Hoseok replies. Sassily. Two cousins glare at each other for a minute before Yoona picks up again. “Yes, so since nobody would leave, I think it’s better we accept our destinies.” She looks at every person.
“You want us to drive back for groceries, Noona?” Jungkook questions her.
“Do you know what else we can do?” Yoona throws another unpleasant glance at Hoseok. He is whining now. Saying something about how everyone is stupidly dramatic. Jungkook sighs next to you.
“Ah fuck! Why do I feel like I’ve been scammed?” He mumbles. J agrees eagerly. “Right? It’s your fault Joonie, you dragged us here. Deceived us.” Says to Namjoon.
The guy’s jaw drops down. Eyes wide. “What did I do? I asked, and you guys were like over the fucking moon.” Defends himself.
J leans up. “Jungkook did. I didn’t.” Gestures to Jungkook. He gasps. “I fucking did no─” Starts but J cuts him down.
“Oh, come on, all Namjoon had do to was say that Miss Liya would be there, and you jumped headfirst.” She exposes Jungkook heartlessly, making him go pink. You whip your head to him. He did what now? Why? He stutters something about how that’s not true, as Jimin’s hand impossibly tightens around you. Divert your attention from Jungkook to him. Is this guy serious? He leans back down. You turn your head slightly to catch him burning holes into Jungkook’s already reddened face. Fucking absurd.
“All right my dear friends. Enough.” It’s Jin who finally decides he needs to get the kids under control. Jimin told you he is the oldest. Was complaining like the youngest a minute ago, however. Miraculously, has got his head up apparently. “Like Yoona said, either we will work and survive or go back.” Gestures to the door with his thumb. “Or die here.” Adds that on a second thought. A couple of whines leaves but no one’s saying no. Jin continues. “Let’s get into this again, shall we?” Leans forward and places his elbows on his knees. Interlaces his fingers together. Knits his eyebrows. Well, now, you think he looks like a CEO. For the rest of the three co-owners of RUN, you think they are still in high school. Jin looked the same a second ago. The duality.
“So, who’s going to get the groceries?” Jin questions. And for the first time, the room goes into a silence that a drop of a needle would sound like a bomb detonating. You take a look at everyone. Gasping when Jimin suddenly hides his face in your neck. Jungkook turns to Taehyung instantly. They start a very interesting conversation. Yoongi is on his phone with a deep focus. Yoona is clutching her stomach while Namjoon starts to console her. J is fucking sleeping. Seoyeon is inspecting her nails, as if this is the first time she saw them. Even Hoseok is finding something interesting on the ceiling. Being the only person without an interesting work to do, you yank Jimin’s hand into your face. What a safe place to hide.
“Yah! Seriously. You guys want to die?” Jin shrieks. Making all of you jump. Like that, the whines of complaints are back. Jin shushes you all, however. Just by glaring.
“Let’s draw names.” He says calmly. Nobody says anything. Just blinking at his handsome face. “Let’s draw names and assign chores to everyone.” Jin briskly gets up.
“But that’s not fair…” Taehyung starts.
“Shut up, Taehyung.” Jin disappears through a door.
“Okay, here’s how this goes. You pick a name from here” Jin shakes the bowl with piece of papers in his hand. “It’s not like we have to clean anything up until we make a mess. So, we will figure that shit tomorrow. For now, kids, we want three people for groceries, three to cook, three to set up the fireworks. Two will manage the decorations. All good?” He questions. You badly wish to be assigned to decoration. That’s the easiest task here. Jin shakes the bowl again after you all nod.
“We all will pick names up. I’ll start and J, Joon pick a one too. Whoever’s name is on our hands, they are going to be assigned for cooking.” Everyone nods again. Apparently, have accepted the cruel fates. Rest of you watch the three of them picks papers up. Unfold. Smiles of relief wash over their faces. Which mean only one thing— none of them picked their names up.
“I got Yoongi.” J exclaims happily. Yoongi groans loudly. J’s smile quickly vanishes. “At least you don’t have to go grocery shopping now.” She says to Yoongi with the realization of she isn’t safe yet. “I got Jungkook.” Jin says, showing the paper to Jungkook. He groans slightly too. Everyone’s attention turn to Namjoon. “It’s Liya.” He says casually. It takes you almost a minute and a nudge from Jimin to realise that it’s your call.
“Me?” You question.
“Yes, you.” Namjoon answers. You slump in your seat. Cooking is too much work. Groan in complain like the rest of your assigned partners did. Jungkook, however, is back to ecstatic mood the moment Namjoon says the name ‘Liya’. “Noona.” He elbows your side. Gives a thumbs up. “I’m good at cooking don’t worry.” Says with that goofy grin. Apparently, it’s not only Jimin who’s absurd here. Jungkook is crazy too. Why would he be that happy to partner with you. How fucking random is this guy?
“Yah yah! This isn’t fair. Let’s draw that round again.” You’re blinking at Jungkook when Jimin protests. Frowning. Shakes his head violently. Others ask him to fuck off. “No, Jimin. You do what you’re assigned to do. No negotiations.” Jin finalises the cooking crew. Jimin is pouting hard. You’re gaping at him. He really is something. You’re surrounded by crazy people.
“Okay now for the fireworks.” Jin passes the bowl to Yoona. She, Yoongi, and Hoseok draw some names out.
“Ah it’s Hoseok.” Yoona practically yells in excitement. Rest join in with her.
“Suck it up you idiot.” Yoongi shows his pink gums again. Hoseok curses everyone out. Shows both of his middle fingers. Amidst the painful chore assignments, everyone has a moment of pure joy at Hoseok’s misery. Then the task is back on the run. Yoongi unfolds his paper. Looks at Jin. “It’s you” Says and shows the name written on. Jin blinks at Yoongi. “Fuck. Great.” Cups his cheeks.
“Karma is a bitch, Jin.” J says sternly. Hoseok looks at his paper too. Is very despondent. “It’s Seoyeon.” Mutters under his breath. Throws the paper away. Seoyeon’s eyes go wide.
“But I don’t know how to do that.” Points out the obvious.
“No do we Seoyeon.” Jin makes it worse. “We’ll find a way though.” Nods in assurance. Well, good for them. Hoseok gives the bowl to still wide-eyed Seoyeon. She picks one up like a robot. Passes the bowl Taehyung. He does the same and hands it to Jungkook.
“This is for groceries.” Jin announces. Seoyeon is the one who first glances at the name. Lets out a noise. “It’s Jimin.” Says timidly. Jimin whines so loudly next to you.
“Fucking hell! Can’t we trades tasks with someone else?” Wonders.
“NO Negotiations, Park Jimin.” Jin reminds. Jimin slides out of the couch on to the floor. You nudge him with your foot.
“Yah! Don’t be fucking dramatic.” You mutter when he grabs your foot and holds on to it. Brilliant. Now you have to deal with that too. You try to free your foot when Taehyung gasps.
“How fucking cruel is my destiny. It’s me. I chose my own fucking name.” He shows his cruel fate to everyone. Jungkook pats his back in pity. Unravels the next person who will face their fate. Looks at that name. Snorts. Beams. His whole face lightening up. Starts laughing hardly. His pats on Taehyung’s back turn into slaps.
“Who is it?” Yoona perks up. Some other people too. Including Jimin who’s still holding on to your foot. Jungkook finds it hard to calm down. Is buzzing with happiness.
“J… It... it’s J…” Manages through his giggles. “Aahh... This is finally fun.” Shakes a very bewildered Taehyung by his neck.
“Oh, you fucking asshole!” J almost reaches him when Jin grabs from her hoodie.
“We want him alive, please.” He says as he makes a scowling and pouting J sit back. Jungkook holds the bowl to you. There’s no need to look at the last two names. You take it anyway. Pick both papers but don’t look at them.
“Well, it’s obviously you two who are left. So, it’s you on the decoration duty.” You say to the Yoona and Namjoon. They exchange an excited look.
“See, this is the destiny.” Namjoon says to Yoona very dramatically. She wipes an imaginary tear off. Most of you roll your eyes’. Yoona nods in agreement with Namjoon for a second. Then she freezes. Something clicks on her mind.
“Wait, wait.” She holds a hand up.
“What?” Namjoon quirks.
“You’re clumsy as hell baby. You’re going to double my workload.” She says. Namjoon gasps in disbelief.
“Can we exchange partners?” Yoona looks hopefully at everyone.
“NO!” That’s the first time everyone agrees into one thing. Or not. Jimin is all down for the idea. Perking up happily and hugging your leg.
The preparations for the midnight party are going well according to the plans. You have to wait until Jimin and others are back with the groceries to start preparing your meals. You, Yoongi, and Jungkook are given the freedom to choose whatever you want to cook. So, you chose Jjimdak paired with rice and some other side dishes. Yoongi and Jungkook apparently are very aware of what they are doing. So do you, but you’re not the best. Baking is your forte. Cooking is not. You can manage though.
The three of you just kill time in kitchen, getting to know each other. Joking and laughing. Bonding. Min Yoongi is a great guy to your judgment. Doesn’t like physical affections at all. Nor does he like waking up in the morning. Who does? Is lazy like a cat but works hard when he puts his heart and mind into something. You like him. You already like Jungkook. He lets you know that he or J finished his essay. You know it’s J who did.
“You are a vlogger?” Jungkook leans over the kitchen island. You do the same. You both gaping at Yoongi.
“What?” The guy in attention asks as his ears go adorably red. “Wow....” You and Jungkook chime in. “That’s fucking amazing. What kind of vlogs do you make?” You add the last part. Yoongi waves his hand off.
“Oh, c’mon, what’s so amazing there? You own a damn business, Miss CEO.” He points out. Oh, shoot, you always forget that. It’s your turn to wave it off. Shrug it away.
“Tell us what kind of vlogs you do Mr. Min. We wanna know.” Ask instead. Look at Jungkook to see if he agrees. He does with a firm nod.
“Aahh... Mainly travel vlogs. But I do other things too. Like daily vlogs. Studio tou—” Jungkook’s gasp is what disturbs Yoongi. “What studio?” He is genuinely curious, and so are you.
“Photography?” Yoongi raises his brow.
“Wow....” You and Jungkook chime in again. “You are a vlogger and a photographer? How many subscribers do you have? Do you have fans? Did you study photography? Is it a side hustle?” Jungkook is practically standing now.
“Jungkook..” You try to make him sit back and stop being so nosy. But Yoongi chuckles and fishes for his phone. Shows you his channel. You both peer at the screen. Eyes going wide.
“15 fucking million?” You’re in sync with Jungkook again. “You have 15 fucking million subscribers?” You gasp. Are on your feet too. You and Jungkook both standing and leaning over the counter. Crowding Yoongi’s space. “I’m uh... Closer to sixteen now actually.” Yoongi states with a bashful expression.
“Holy fuck, Hyung. Do you work alone?” Jungkook asks again while you sit back. Blinking in disbelief. Yoongi says something about having a crew. Of course, it’s a huge channel, he would need a staff to handle that. You grab from Jungkook’s hoodie to make him sit.
“Please hire me too. I’m good at editing. If you do, I can drop out of the university.” Jungkook says with a straight face. You ask Yoongi to hire you too. He snorts. Which turns into a laugh. So, you all laugh. Keep conversing about life and stuff. Listening to Yoongi’s best vlogs and Jungkook’s nosy roommate.
Others left on the cottage have started their assigned works right away. You hear the sounds of annoyance and complains from the backyard. Hear something clatter and shatter from the living room. Makes you worried for Namjoon’s ass. Yet, nothing happens. Fortunately. Namjoon is quite safe, even when you are starting to cook finally. Jimin, J and Taehyung are back with groceries enough for a whole week.
“Why would you buy so many water bottles? There’s clean water here.” Jin peers into the still unsorted grocery bags. You and Jungkook are taking out what you need to prepare your dinner. Jimin is sitting on a kitchen island stool. Taehyung next to him. The kitchen is too crowded and is putting Yoongi on the edge.
“Yah! Will you lot go away? Are you finished with the fireworks Jin?” He looks up from the recipe he has been looking in his phone. “Nope.” Jin casually answers.
“Then what the fuck are you doing here? Go back.” Yoongi waves his hand. In a motion shooing Jin away. The bugger isn’t even budging, however.
“I’m done with that two. Hoseok wants to launch Seoyeon into the sky.” He informs as taking a seat on the other side of Jimin. Taehyung snorts loudly when everyone gives him a judgmental look. He mouths a ‘what?’. Unbelievable.
“Well, I don’t care, Seokjin. Go away, and take these two with you. And maybe you can launch my cousin into the sky as a favour to me.” Yoongi gestures at Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin instantly grabs the kitchen island. As if Jin will drag him across the floor. “I am not going anywhere Hyung.” He states, catching your eye. Is he here because of you? You roll your eyes.
“Seriously Jimin? You’re crowding the space. Go away. Shoo. Shoo.” You walk over, waving a napkin at him. Jimin just watches you approaching. That familiar glint on his eyes. Challenging you. You should’ve expected it when he turns around to face you. Grabs your hand. Gives you only a second to process. “I.” Yanks you to him. Your eyes go wide. “Will.” Turns you around. Your mouth drop open. “Not.” Pulls you onto his lap. “Go anywhere.” Says in your ear. You squeak. Of course he would.
Heat starts to rush into your face. He is really impossible. And is certainly overdoing. It’s confirmed when Jin shouts a ‘Hey’ along with you. You’re mortified. Especially, when Jimin turns around on his stool with you still on his lap. Forcing you to face the people on the room. You look at Jungkook and Yoongi with your face on fire. Yoongi ignores your silly games. Sighs heavily before paying his attention to the recipe back. Jungkook looks you in the eye, however. Face void of emotions, but awkwardly smiles when he catches you looking.
God! Even with being shy, you like this. Like the way Jimin just casually hides his face in the crook of your neck. In front of everyone. Like how his hands protectively curls around you. Your brain is going haywire. Heart starting to pound against your ribcage. Here you go again. You need to put distance.
You pat Jimin’s hand. “Okay, do whatever you want. Just let me go Jimin. I need to help.” You mutter that into his ear. Turning your head uncomfortably. Jimin gives you a look. For a minute, it appears he won’t listen. “Let go Jimin.” You say bit sternly again. Raise your brows. And practically pry his hands off you. He keeps you on his hold for another long minute. Then frees you. You swear you see something flicker in his eyes. Like hurt. Is furrowing his brows deeply. There’s no reason to be hurt, however. So, you ignore that and start washing vegetables following Yoongi’s instructions.
Jimin doesn’t go away. Stays in his place. So do Jin and Taehyung. Bugs the life out of you. Poke their heads into everything. Taehyung and Jin do. Jimin is awfully quiet. You decide to let it go. Think he’ll come around.
There was an uneasy tension in the room after the first minute when you retrieved back to your work from Jimin’s lap. Feels like your fault. So, you do your best to make small talks, jokes and keep the conversation flows. It takes some time but, in the end, you’re laughing hard again. So hard that you have to press your forehead into Jungkook’s arm or chest to control yourself. Hands preoccupied with cutting vegetables for side dishes. Jungkook laughs too. Everyone does, including Yoongi sometimes. Everything is back to fun.
Only one who doesn’t is the blonde man. You would’ve been more worried if you had noticed. But you don’t. Not at least until you’re back in your room. Not until he simply asks you to use the shower first and then leaves you alone.
Oh, did something happen?
The dinner that you poured your heart and soul into went rather well. Everyone praised you. You passed all the compliments to Jungkook and Yoongi. Because it’s them who really did the hard work. You just did what they asked you to. Now the dinner was over, and everyone is cozied up back in the living room, music flowing through the giant speakers. Yoongi had brought them apparently. You sit on the couch again. Sipping red wine. The plan was you’ll drink but Jimin won’t. He has to drive back. In the middle of the night. There’s snow falling. Gives you a bad feeling about leaving early. Leaving this cozy place into the cold winter.
Jimin is in the other corner of the room. Is in black slacks. White button down shirt, untucked. Sleeves rolled up. Chelsea boots. Rings adorning his fingers. That god damn earing is back. You noted that he doesn’t wear it always, but you do like it too much when he does. Blonde hair groomed well and shining under the gold hue in the cottage.
Somewhere between your meal preparation and returning to the room, something definitely happened. Jimin has been very moody for quite while. Haven’t talked to you for a sometime now. Or haven’t talked on good terms. Just a few words exchanged here and there. See, now you want to act nonchalant and not give a fuck. You came here as a good friend. And are doing him a favour. He shouldn’t be treating you this way. He does. And instead of minding your own business, you’re so worried.
He even disregarded you when you asked him if he likes your dress. The dress you brought. The dress as in, champagne colour. Long sleeves. Covers up to ankles but has a long slit up to your upper thigh. Has a deep cut neckline to show just the right amount of cleavage. Fits you perfectly in your curves. You felt beautiful in it. Was it so wrong to expect a compliment from Jimin? Why do you expect that anyway? Why did you feel a pang in your chest when he just dismissed you?
He is preposterous. For acting that way. Not giving a second of his attention for you but doubling over with laughter when Hoseok says something. You can’t fathom what’s wrong. Why is he giving cold shoulder to you? Earlier in the day he was all over you. Practically clinging to your side. Sure, he must’ve been doing a great acting. But still confuse you that he suddenly isn’t? What went wrong?
You are forced to avert your gaze away when someone plops down next to you. That someone being Seoyeon as she casually leans her head in your shoulder. Relaxes. You just let her. Focus on Jimin. It’s becoming tiring now.
“I hate Taehyung.” She blurts that out completely out of the blue.
“Huh?” You try your best to take a look at her face.
“I hate my boyfriend Liya. I hate him.” She repeats. You can’t see her face. Her hair covers her face completely. Yet, you can hear the hurt in her voice. Fuck, this is something that the package doesn’t include. You’re supposed to be Jimin’s girlfriend and that’s it. This thing with Seoyeon shouldn’t be your problem. Especially, when you don’t know what you should tell her now.
“Um… why is that?” You cautiously and uncomfortably ask. Eyes wandering to Jimin back. Need him to barge in and save you. He catches you looking but disregard you cruelly. There’s that pang again.
“You know why?” Seoyeon brings your attention back to her. How could you know?
“Um... well... is that because... you know?” You are not sure what you’re talking about. Funny how she nods. You let out a sneaky breath. Good. You’re doing just fine. Seoyeon straightens up suddenly. Is very drunk already. Points at Taehyung having a happy conversation with J and Jungkook.
“See? See how happy he is? Why can’t he be that happy with me?” Her voice sounds whiny. You take a look at Taehyung. Then back at Seoyeon. She looks like she is about to cry. You’re starting to panic. Oh God, you have no idea how to console her. On top of everything you feel shit to know that Taehyung cheats and you can’t tell her. So, you just open your mouth without a word leaving.
“I try my best you know?” She is asking from you. “Try my best to be the one for him. But he just doesn’t care. Why? Why he can’t… just…” Her voice cracks. Oh shit, shit, shit. She is going to cry. You don’t know what to do. You put your hand on her thigh tentatively.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry now. I… mean... what I mean is... you know... if he can’t see your worth that’s his problem. You… you shouldn’t be ruining your day thinking about that.” What are you talking about. Seoyeon gives you a deadpan look.
“Like it’s that easy.” At least her teared-up eyes are dry now.
“I know it’s not easy Seoyeon but─”
“Why are you calling me by my full name?” She looks at you curiously. You throw another look at Jimin. He isn’t at where he was a minute ago. Oh, you need him now. You clear your throat. Are about to say something you’re not sure of when she starts again.
“Well, yeah whatever, I shouldn’t cry. That’s the moral of the story.” Smiles very drunkenly. Another breath of relief leaves past your lips. You want her to go. She doesn’t. So, you cheer for her. Gulp down the remainder of your wine. Use that as an excuse to leave for a refill.
“Wait?” She interrupts you. You sit back, whining mentally. “How are you back to be so lovey dovey? I mean that’s cringy as hell dude but I’m happy. But also so surprised to see Jimin all over you. Did something happen? Like did you fight to a point of breakup and then realized you can’t live without each other. Should I try that tactic with my man?” Seoyeon looks back at Taehyung. You, however, is dumbfounded. What does she mean? She is surprised to see Jimin all over you? God, you don’t know how to answer these questions.
It’s becoming unbearable at this point. Maybe, at a different time where your mind isn’t so preoccupied with wondering what’s wrong with Park Jimin. At a time where you don’t feel so restless. You would have managed to come up with something clever and plausible. Not now though. You want out. Want to find out what you did wrong that Jimin is back to avoiding you.
Seoyeon is still hopefully looking at you. You sigh heavily. The first thing comes to your mind is communication. The thing everyone says to be very important. So, you lecture her about good communication. Something you heard from a movie. Finally, excuse yourself for more alcohol. Leaving behind a Seoyoen who’s lost in her head.
Good communication, your foot. You need to find Park Jimin. Even though you don’t want to seem caring. Because, why would you care? Why do you feel like you need to apologise? Fix things. You don’t want to. But still, you will.
That was your pure intention when you spot him entering the kitchen with Taehyung. Just as you put the bottle of wine back. They stumble inside. You catch Jimin’s eyes. Keep your gaze without wavering. They both stop middle in the kitchen. An awkward silence falls. Only for a moment. Taehyung breaks the silence with an unnecessarily loud noise.
“My best friend’s beautiful girlfriend….” He yells. Makes Jimin winces next to him. Practically sprints to you when Jimin grabs him by the shirt collar.
“Yah! Let me properly welcome my best friend’s girlfriend dude.” Taehyung complains as he wiggles in Jimin’s grasp. It’s not been long since the drinks started to appear. You find it beyond hilarious that there are people already babbling like Kim Taehyung.
“Fucking lightweights.” Jimin gives you a simple explanation. You nod accepting. Jimin lets Taehyung go after a couple minutes of struggling. He makes a beeline towards you. Wraps his hands around you from your side. Squeezes and sways you. Jimin heaves a sigh.
“Don’t fucking assault my girlfriend dude.” He has to drag Taehyung into a stool to save you. Taehyung is back to complaining. You giggle. If it weren’t for the sudden change of Jimin’s behaviour towards you. You might say this is one of the best days in your life. You hate this feeling. The feeling of restlessness at his aloof. You curiously watch Jimin silently fills a glass of water. Hands it to Taehyung despite his protests. Stare intensely at his face. As if that’ll give away some signals.
“This party is so fucking boring man. Isn’t it? Yah! It’s like we are at a business party. Why does everyone talk within themselves.” Taehyung puts the glass back on the counter with a bang. Watches between you and Jimin, waiting for either of you to agree. But when you don’t, he further clarifies his point.
“I mean, look at us. What were you doing all alone here future Mrs. Park?” He asks you. You point at your wine glass. “See, drinking alone. Why did you let this pretty woman drink alone Jiminie?” He asks Jimin. Jimin gives you a look. You shrug your shoulders. Taehyung bangs his fist on the counter. Startles you both then whine in pain.
“Ow... fuck... that hurt.” He waves his hand. Jimin scoffs.
“Good thing you still can feel pain.” Rubs his forehead in frustration. Taehyung ignores him.
“Well, let’s play a game.” Says excitedly. Already in his feet and leaving before you or Jimin can respond.
You sigh heavily. Now, finally you are alone with Park Jimin. So, you turn to him slowly. Nervously. He is already watching you.
“What is it?” Questions.
Well, it’s now or never.
“Why the fuck are you acting like I did something wrong?” You cross your arms under you chest. Trying to appear confidence. You may be feeling like you’re at wrong. But he doesn’t need to know that. You think his eyes instantly wander to your cleavage but he is looking away already.
“Like what?” Jimin regards you with curiosity. You gape at him.
“Like, why are you giving me a cold shoulder?”
“Why do you think I’m giving you cold shoulder?” He knits his eyebrows. You almost think you really might’ve read things wrong. Maybe, you’re expecting something you shouldn’t.
“I... I don’t know. You were like all over me when we came here and now you won’t even come near me.” Oh, fuck. You shouldn’t have said that. It sounds all wrong. There’s a silence fall down.
“ I thought you were uncomfortable when I did that. You were fidgeting around every time I’m around you.”
You take a minute to let that sink in. Well, you are uncomfortable when he is around. Just because he makes you tingle all over. Makes your sanity slip through your fingers. Makes your panties wet. It’s dangerous. Wait? Then why are you so worried when he doesn’t do that. Shouldn’t you be relieved?
“Huh?” Jimin pushes you. Takes a step forward. Suddenly, your mouth is dry.
“Well, that was because I thought uh... I thought─” You start but he interrupts you.
“You thought what Lil?” He asks.
“I...I thought that… uh...” You don’t know the answer yourself. Can’t say the real reason. Jimin shakes his head. Closes the gap between you entirely. The tip of his Chelsea boots touches your heels. Surprises you by placing a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. You shiver. Doesn’t take his hand away. Sighs. There’s a certain softness in his eyes. You can melt under that. You are melting.
“You know what Spring roll? I think I get it. You don’t want me to touch you because you don’t. And that’s okay. It’s okay if you aren’t comfortable. I won’t do that again. It’s not okay for me touch you without your consent.” Takes his hands away.
Oh, no. That’s not the case at all. You want to correct him, but words are tangled in your mouth. He takes your silence as agreement. Keeps his gaze on you for a moment.
You need to tell him that’s not it. Good communication, remember? Then what would you tell? The truth? You rake your brain for a good excuse. Believable one. Your brain is blank apparently. And before you could process something else you are robbed of that opportunity. By Jungkook’s voice booming across the kitchen.
“Noona... we are doing noraebang.”
You snap your head to him. Smile softly. Jimin chuckles and steps away.
There’s no noraebang machine. The alternative is to connect someone’s phone to the speakers. Play some music and sing along. There’s a mic though. And because drunk Taehyung is very creative, he comes up with a game. There’s no lyrics displaying. It’s blind karaoke. You need to recognize the song and sing along. Anyone who’s failed to do so need to take a shot. Everybody, apparently, is on the board. The problem is, there is no way in hell you would recognize any of these songs. You are already accepting defeat even before the game properly starts.
The first contestant is Jungkook. You watch him clears his throat when Namjoon happily plays a music in his phone. The sound echoes around through the speakers. You don’t recognize it. But most people here do. Yoona even starts to jump up and down in her seat. Jungkook furrows his brows. It’s already thirty seconds into the song, but he is still at a lost.
“That’s it.” Jin states.
“Take a shot.” Taehyung pours a shot.
“Yah! That’s not fucking fair, let me think.” Jungkook, offended and confused, takes a look around the room. Poor boy has no one on his side.
“It’s very fair. You need to recognize it within two fucking seconds.” Hoseok shows two fingers up while Taehyung forces a shot through Jungkook’s throat. Jungkook whines about how the rules aren’t clear, but nobody gives a shit. He gives up. Comes to the seat next to you and plops down.
“It’s not fair….is it?” Looks at you with a pout. You shake your head. “If you want to feel better, I’m not going to win a single round kookie. You’re good.” You pat his arm. He is in black from head to toe. His tattoos are covered inside his black shirt sleeve. Normally wild hair pushed away from his forehead. He looks exceptionally good. You must be crazy to keep your gaze all the time on the man in the white shirt. Can’t take your eyes. Maybe, it’s because there’s an unresolved problem between you. You feel this unsettled urge to go and talk to him. Have no courage, however. What will you say?
Think it’s better when it’s his chance now. Something to distract you. Jimin takes the mic. Keeps a burning gaze on Namjoon when he plays a different music. It’s impossible to guess a song by its first two seconds. Jimin failing just like Jungkook is the proof of that.
“Yah!! This shit is not fair man. The music didn’t even start.” Jimin yells. Running away from Taehyung who’s after him with a shot in his hand.
“It did.” Namjoon defends.
“No, it didn’t.” Jungkook is on Jimin’s side. So are you. That’s why you nod furiously.
“It totally did. I heard it.” Yoongi lazily quips with a reddened face. There’s a possibility he was dreaming but then Hoseok and Yoona are also vowing for Namjoon. All it takes is a minute for these drunk people to start arguing over some silly matter. Jimin is still darting around that loveseat. Taehyung chasing him.
“Ah... just take the shot and sit your ass down Jimin-ah.” Jin bellows frustratingly. Is sitting again with J. You give them a sceptical look before J jumps onto her feet. Starts chasing your pretend boyfriend. How unfair? You twitch in your seat. Watching the run and chase happening in the room. Laughter and cheers following. You want to take Jimin’s side. Think he would not like that, however. So, you just watch it when Jungkook joins the game. Finally, they along with Jungkook catch Jimin. Forces that shot into him.
He’s not supposed to be drinking.
The game continues afterward. It goes from wild to berserk quickly. Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Yoona, and very surprisingly Taehyung proves to you that two seconds is enough to recognize a song. The rest of you are just bad it appears. Still, no one is as bad as you. The only person who drowned five shots already. You’re wobbling on your feet. Now matching with Kim Taehyung’s level of drunkenness. You have no idea since when the game changed. But now you’re into singing. Like really singing with bad pitches and slurry words. Taehyung and Jimin end a song. Why would you be surprised to know Jimin can sing? Of course, he can. You clap as loudly as you can when J steals the show. Drags Jin with her. His ears are too red.
For the first time since Jimin’s aloofness, you’re drunk enough to enjoy your night for real. Worries washed away by the alcohol.
“Noona... you need to sing too. Don’t fucking chicken out.” Jungkook walks up to you with a water bottle in his hand. Well, only if you could do that. You shake your head drunkenly.
“I fucking don’t know any of these songs.” It’s the hundredth time you’re saying it. Are becoming annoyed now.
“How’s that even possible?” Taehyung interjects. Sitting on the floor. Jimin sits right in front of your legs. He is drunk. He wasn’t supposed to drink. But here he is. Eyes droopy. Well, plans change sometimes. That’s what he said. Is finally, acknowledging you. Not being back to being all touchy and possessive. Still, you’re happy that he is having fun at least. You pay your attention back to Jungkook and Taehyung.
“It is possible because I don’t. If you want me to sing….” You look around with your hazy vision to find your bag. Find it placed on the coffee table. Ask Jungkook to pass it to you. Fumble inside your bag and leave a noise in giddy. Pull your phone out. The one from your real world. It’s just you’re drunk. Too drunk that the things aren’t processing in your head. And it’s too bad that you’ve already handed the phone to Jungkook before Jimin’s drunken mind can figure what’s happening. He is too late when he suddenly jumps to his feet, trying to stop you. Jungkook is already inspecting your phone curiously.
“This is your phone?” He asks you.
“Uh huh, my other one actually. I have a second one. Jimin bought me that.” You go back to take that one out when your bag is snatched away from you.
“Yah!” You yell as you take Jimin furrowing at you. What’s his problem now? Have no time to know. Jungkook perks up again, curiously.
“Okay, so what’s you gonna play?” He gives you the phone back. Shrugs. You excitedly start to go through your playlists. This will not be karaoke since you’ll be singing along to an original song. But who cares? These drunk people here will be happy to listen to a vulture. You randomly pick a song up. Give the phone back.
“Got it. Haven’t heard this one.” Jungkook mutters under breath as he gets to his feet. Of course, he hasn’t heard that one.
“Oh yeah, that’s becua─” The rest of your words are muffled as a palm suddenly clasps over your mouth. You make some incoherent sounds.
“Nothing. That’s because there are so many songs Jungkook.” Jimin tells to Jungkook without looking at him. His eyes on you. Jungkook shrugs again and walks away.
Jimin and you will have to find another alternative. He can’t drive to save his life. He has little demons as his friends. Maybe, he would ask you to sleep here and will find an excuse later. That seems to be the best idea as Jimin watches you start to sing. He’s surprised that your phone is compatible with the speakers. It is compatible. And you almost ruined everything. There’s still a risk. He wants you to get done with singing fast. Wants your phone back with you. Safe. Is feeling bad about it, when you’re giggling adorably.
He’s been frustrated for some time now. Even when he was laughing and talking with his friends. Somewhere between his relationship and business, Jimin has learned how to pull off a perfect poker face. A facade. No one can see through it. Everyone thinks he is okay. But then you don’t. Probably he is lowering his guard down around you. He doesn’t like the idea that you thought he was avoiding you. Because he wasn’t, right?
It’s just that you’ve benn on the edge all day. Trying to get away from him whenever he was close to you. It really hurt to see the look on your face earlier at the kitchen. You were really uncomfortable. That’s the only reason why he let you go. The reason why he gives you your space even though it stings. You don’t do that with Jungkook. Are so comfortable around him. That makes Jimin reel. Why do you do that only to Jimin?
All the while, now he is secretly a bit happy to know at least he is affecting you. His indifference worries you. Makes you want to reach him and question. That’s good. It would’ve been more hurtful if you didn’t care at all.
Jimin blows a breath out before grabbing another shot. He is already drunk anyway. Gulps it down as you start to sing.
“There you go girl.” Seoyeon joins you, swaying her hips. Both Taehyung and Jungkook are on the dance floor as well. Jimin doesn’t know what song you’re singing. Of course, he doesn't. Funny thing is, he knows Jungkook doesn't either. But the bugger is enjoying it to the fullest while you’re singing the lyrics to him. Your pitch is terrible. It’s a good thing that song is playing in the background. Jimin catches something about a ‘friendship’ and ‘ruining a friendship’.
Oh, here comes that unsettling feeling again. To see you so happy with Jungkook. Why is he being like this? Why does he feel like he shouldn’t have brought you here? Could’ve kept you to himself if he didn’t. But then you don’t want to be around him.
Maybe he should just go away, somewhere alone. He is just about to leave when you turn your head towards him. Catching him watching. A huge grin breaks on your face. Jimin’s heart swoons at that. You’re grinning because you noticed him. Jimin.
You are uncomfortable around him right?
Then why are you so happy to see him? Why did you feel the lack of his presence?
It’s the music now. You take that time to leave Jungkook. Your shoulders doing a little wiggle. Hips swaying and walking towards him. Fuck, you look goddamn gorgeous in that dress. He knew you would, even before you put it on. The skin visible through the slit of your dress is glows under the ambient light. Your cleavage makes his brain malfunction. Like always.
And then you’re in front of him. Singing the lyrics to him. He can hear them perfectly now.
“Jenny darling, you’re my best friend
I’ve been doing bad things that you don’t know about”
His heart is beating violently. Breathing is getting shallower. You come even closer to him. The smile never leaves your inviting plump lips. Maybe, just maybe Jimin read your uncomfortableness wrong.
“I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don’t know how to say this
Cause you’re really my dearest friend”
He can’t do this anymore. Jimin finds it impossible. Someone needs to praise him for holding back for such long. He wants to steal your breath. Wants to taste that alcohol on your lips. Maybe, just maybe you were trying to get away because he makes you feel the same way like you do for him.
“Jenny, take my hand
Cause we’re more than friends
I will follow you until the end”
Did you say Jimin or Jenny. Why does his brain play tricks with him. He can feel your breath. You’re just inches away from him. Why can’t he have you? Your eyes are like magic. Maybe, just maybe you won’t protest if he kiss you. You���ll give in to him like you did the last time.
“Oh, we should be lovers instead”
He is going to kiss you. He will. Cross the line? Well, fuck it. He almost touches your cheek and tilt your head when Hoseok suddenly bellows.
“Yah! Yah! It’s time. The fireworks.”
Fuck! He is so sure you were anticipating that kiss. He knows you wanted him to kiss you. He read your signs wrong.
You chant in unison with your friends. Counting down the time.
Jimin finally stands next to you. Providing you some relief against the cold. You all are in the backyard. Ready for the new year. Hoseok will be the one to set off the fireworks. You don’t trust them. People who were on charge with the fireworks. There’s a high possibility they’ll burn the cottage down. Kill all of you in the process. Yet, it’s still happening.
Just like you, Jimin is obviously drunk. You don’t know what he plans to do afterward. Guess he has a plan. He is slightly wavering on his feet. Chanting down the numbers. Finally, his mood seems to be lightened. Or is just drunk. Earlier, while you were singing, you almost believed he is going to kiss you. There was fire inside his eyes. Then he didn’t. You shouldn’t be disappointed.
But you’re disappointed..
“Happy fucking new year you, shitholes.” Taehyung is the first who shouts.
“What a beautiful new year wish!” Jin glares at Teahyung. He just dismisses it. Just hugs Jungkook, who is closest to him. The rest join in with the wishes. It takes Hoseok a minute to launch the fireworks into the sky. But eventually he does. You’re glad that they actually go straight up. To the sky. Blast up. Lightening the world up. Creates magic. You take the sight in with awe. Head still slightly spinning. Then without even you knowing you’re watching Jimin instead of the sky. His face is softly bathed in a luminous, purplish light. Your chest is squeezing. Why?
You are transfixed. Unable to look away from his face. Couldn’t even turn away when he averts his gaze to you. Raises his brows slightly but you still don’t turn away. You simply can’t. Just keep staring into his face. He does the same. After earlier, now you find it not possible to keep your gaze respectful. Not letting it drop down to his lips. So, you do. His plump lips. He wets them. You watch as his tongue darts out and disappears. Leaves his lips glistening. Shining. In a shimmering blue.
“Yah! The taken people here... Share your damn new year kisses.” J’s voice startles you. You didn’t realise that the world has momentarily faded away. Fireworks are still going on. You feel fairly sober now. Maybe it’s the cold air. Your eyes land on J. She is clapping excitedly while Namjoon and Yoona share their kiss. Urges Taehyung and Seoyoen to do the same. Taehyung is obviously showing reluctance but soon is waiting with wide eyes when Seoyeon places her lips on his.
Just as J turns to you, you shift your gaze to Jimin. Panicking. They want you to kiss. KISS!
Sure, you would like that but Jimin wouldn’t. What should you do? You nervously peer between his eyes. Fuck! You can’t read him this time. He probably doesn’t want to. It’s too much. You hear J and someone else saying something. It’s all a white noise.
“Go on... C’mon... Fucking kiss.” You don’t know who says that. Should you fake a stomach ache? Or should you throw up? Faint..... Jimin takes a step forward. You suck in a breath. Hold it. Is he going to do it. Another step. Fuck he is going to do it. Jimin extends his arm. Curls it around your waist. Pulls you to his body. You’re going to die. Because your heart is going mad. Madly fast.
Jimin leans forward. You don’t dare to let that breath down. He comes closer. “It’s just a kiss—a peck? Will you be okay?” Whispers against your lips. Part of your excitement dies.
A peck?
See, he doesn’t want to. But he’s still the one asking. So, you nod. Hide that disappointment behind a soft smile. Are still buzzing however. Kiss or peck, your already are like butter. Jimin nods too. Takes his time. Feels like eons. Then finally closes the gap between your lips. You feel his breath first. Tingling your lips. Then his pillowy lips are on yours. Presses. A shock radiates from there. Travels down your body. Is just a peck but ignites a fire in your belly. Makes it do a strange flip. Makes your brain void of any thoughts. That’s why you stupidly press harder when he tries to back up.
You would be so embarrassed in another time. For now, you want more. There’s something inside you screams for more. So, you whimper. Even though he isn’t pulling away anymore. He doesn’t. You think there’s a split second of hesitation from his side. But then he is the one pressing harder. He is the one who suddenly parts his lips to catch yours in-between. He is the one cups your face and tilts your face to side. You just reciprocate by throwing your hands around his neck. And it’s him who starts dragging his tongue across your bottom lip. Requesting permission to enter. Who you are to deny?
The way his tongue instantly snakes inside your mouth steals your breath away. A shameless moan erupts from your mouth. You do your best to keep up with his pace. He is going feral. Is sucking hard on your lips. You do the same. Tongue is furiously lapping against yours. You do the same. Even bites down on your bottom lip. There’s a pool of desire creating inside your underwear. He is kissing you like his life depends on it. How good it feels. You can’t breath, but still don’t want to pull away. You’re on fire. You want more.
“We said a new year kiss.”
“Yah! Stop it you....”
“Holy fuck! Are they gonna fuck in front of us? I’m down.”
Someone practically screeches next to you. The world comes back into focus. This time however, you don’t part like you are electrocuted. Instead, Jimin lets you go slowly. His lips red and wet. Chest heaving for breath. There’s no any difference on your side. Both of you still stare at each other. Ignore the comments your friends are making.
You kissed!
You’re shivering; even after it’s been more than hours since you’ve kissed. Trembling. Restless. Feel frustrated even. You’re standing in the kitchen alone. All of your friends finally have retreated into their destined rooms. It’s 3 am. You and Jimin really didn’t get a chance to discuss your plans. All these time, amidst the hustle of your drunken friends, Jimin treated you normally. Nothing more nothing less. Was just there. And then practically dragged Taehyung into his room with Jungkook’s help.
That’s when you entered the kitchen. Been here since then. The entire cottage is drowning in silence now. Your mind isn’t. Still, after hours, you want more. God, you want Jimin. It’s a feral desire. The memory of his lips sucking on your tongue and lips fuel that. Maybe, you should use the bathroom now. Should take this frustration out of you. You rub your thighs together uncomfortably. It’s a miracle you’ve survived until now.
You nod. Finally in a decision. You’ll take care of yourself. Like you always do. Turn around to leave. Only to gasp loudly and lose your shit to find a shadowy figure in the door way.
“Holy fuck!!!” You clasp your chest immediately as your soul leaves your body.
“Sorry.” Jimin immediately strides forward. Letting you see it’s him. “What the fuck Jimin. I nearly fucking died.” You scowl. He chuckles lightly.
You didn’t really expect for him to join you. Or to look for you. Now when he does, you don’t know what to do next. Your plans are ruined. This is torture. You’re horny because of this man. You wanted to do something about it by yourself. And then he interrupts it. You’re stuck with him again. Which means you’ll be constantly horny.
The air is filled with dead silence. He isn’t saying anything. For a moment. Then he breaks the silence.
“Lil... Uh about ear—”
“Don’t” You don’t mean to snap but you do. Causing Jimin to abruptly stops and gape at you. Silence again.
“Don’t what?” He mumbles. You don’t want him to apologise again. For anything. Don’t want to hear him say he was drunk. Say he crossed a line again. You want to bask in your bubble. You always found this fascination. There’s a reason why you were always so affected. Despite everything, you know you like being around him. He makes your heart beat fast. Makes you so nervous you can’t look him in the eye. Makes you feel all sorts of fucked up. But you like it. Then he doesn’t. You don’t want him to say it aloud. Just want to hide behind a bathroom door and get yourself off to his memories. You’ll be guilty when you’re less horny. In the morning.
“Don’t what Lil?” Then he is pushing you again. Strides closer to you. You sigh. Hard. Lean your ass against the kitchen island. “Don’t apologise Jimin. I don’t want to hear it.” Finally get your words out. Know he is about to reply but this is your chance to clear the misunderstandings. “And I wasn’t uncomfortable around you because I didn’t like it. I thought it was too much you know?” You turn your head to look at him. Relieved you finally got an acceptable answer.
He doesn’t answer. Instead, mirrors your earlier actions. Leans against the kitchen island next to you. So close that your arms are pressed together. It’s sending bolts down your body.
“What’s too much?” He asks again. You don’t like it when he does that. And you hate it how his breath is hitting your ear. God, you can’t. Another rub in your thighs. Very subtle. Praying he doesn’t notice.
Calm down! Get a fucking grip.
“Being that clo—”
“Why are you so comfortable around Jungkook then?”
Are you? Well, he doesn’t make you want to jump his bones all the time. You can’t say that aloud. So, you decide you should point out him not having a girlfriend. But he doesn’t let you when he suddenly straightens up. Turns around. Crowds your space, trapping you between the island and his warm body.
“Because he isn’t too much?” Questions. This time against your mouth. You need to go. You’re loosing it.
“I didn’t say you’re too much.”
“Then what’s too much?” He leans even more forward. His breath tingles your lips when he talks. Eyes drops down to your lips. Your breath hitch. And so you are becoming annoyed. He is making you suffer on purpose isn’t he? Well, fuck it.
“This.” You lower your voice. “This is Jimin. You being this clo—”
“Fuck, I want to kiss you. Want to kiss you again so fucking badly. You taste good you know? Lil... You taste so fucking good.” Jimin grips the counter by either side of you. As if to ground himself. Eyes still not leaving your lips. A surprised whimper leaves your mouth. His nose presses against yours. That is so sudden that you’re so dumbfounded. Eyes wide. Breath mingles with his.
“W.....what?” You ask stupidly.
He wants to kiss you?
“Can we be too much? One more time?” Jimin slowly and gently presses his body against yours. His voice is shaky.
He wants to.
“Jimin.... I’m going insane I think.” Both of you would’ve laughed hard at that in a different time. Neither do so at this moment, however. You genuinely think you’re going insane.
“Good. Go insane. Go fucking insane. Don’t become sane, just let me take care of you hm. Can I kiss you?” Jimin slightly presses his lips onto you. You’re insane. He asks you stay that way. So, what’s stopping you? The feral need you’ve been trying to contain inside explodes.
You nod furiously before taking his bottom lip between yours. Instantly starting to move. He lets out a groan. Hands immediately gripping your hips. Pulls you flush against his body. He deepens the kiss by plunging his tongue inside. You moan. Shameless. Go insane he said. You’re loosing your breath again. Lungs screaming but you won’t pull away. You suck on his tongue. He sucks on your bottom lip. Flights for dominance with your tongue.
It’s a messy tangle of a spit and teeth now. Your teeth clanking together. Sounds of your groans and moans mixing with the wet sounds your lips make. You place your hands behind his neck. Then on his back. Touching wherever you can. Pressing your body into his desperately. He does the same. Hands exploring your curves harshly. You accept the defeat first. Pull away heaving for much needed oxygen. He doesn’t let you. Is back again numbing your lips. But you want more. You push him away weakly, confusing him.
“Please no. Not yet. Don’t become sane now, baby. No.” Jimin whines, chasing your mouth back. If it isn’t the sweetest sound. And he calls you baby? Fireworks are exploding inside your stomach now. He bites your bottom lip. Bit harshly that you whimper.
“No... No Jimin.. it’s not it. I want more...” You manage to find your voice. At that he pulls away. Peers into your eyes.
“Yes. More please.”
Jimin moans. A sweet one. You don’t get to think what’s happening when his hands grabs you by your thighs. Hoists you up to the kitchen island. Nudges your thighs from his knee. Urges your legs apart. Slots himself between your parted legs. Is back kissing you, pink muscle exploring every nook and corner inside your mouth. Pulls away. “Tell” Gives a peck. “me” peck. “what” peck “you want?” A harsh kiss. You’re breathless.
“S...something.... A...anything please..... Jimin. Please give me something.”
“Yes I need something. Anything you give.” Your voice is shaky. Can’t be embarrassed now. Not when you’re burning. “Want you Jimin.” You further clarify what you want. He groans again. Kisses you again. Makes you say the same thing again and again.
“One more time baby. Say you want me.”
“I... wa...want y... you Jimin. Please something. Anything.”
You love the way Jimin slightly trembles at your words.
“God, fuck yes. Lil you’re fucking hot.” He whispers. Hands travel from your hips to your ass. Squeezes. Lips back on assaulting yours.
“Please..” You plead one more time.
Just like that he is bunching your dress up to your waist. Attacks your neck. Sucking and licking. Presses his lips and tongue on that sweet spot. All the while his hands harshly exploring the skin of your thighs. He touches. Rubs. Squeezes. Grabs. Yanks you to the edge of the counter top. Making your panty clad core slots against his. Ruts his hips. The friction that makes is blissful. So, you do the same. Give some attention to your needy cunt. Moan his name. Whine pathetically when he stops.
“No Jimin please...”
He silences you by attacking your lips again. By sneaking his hands between your pressed up bodies. His fingers finally touching where you need him the most. Dear God, how good that little touch feels. Your ass nearly leaves the countertop. Searching for more. He chuckles into your mouth.
“Fucking needy..” Mumbles. He presses his middle and forefinger on your throbbing clit. Over your lacy panties. Adds more pressure and circle it. Drags his fingers down your slit, pressing down at your needy hole. Hums in approval when he finds you soaked.
“How long have you been wet? Hm Lil? How long did you wear this soaked panties? Sticking into your pretty pussy?” His husky voice is like liquid fire. Burning through you. You shiver at his words. Mouth so dry even after he wets your lips so good.
“I... I. Don’t know..” You try to answer anyway. Jimin doesn’t think it’s an answer. He roughly pushes your panty to the side. You gasp. Touches your slicked cunt bare for the first time. You moan. He rubs your slit before pushing his two fingers at your entrance. Pushes past until the pads of his fingers are inside you. Just teasing your entrance. Thumb find your clit again. Rubs it very painfully slow.
“How long Lil? Answer me. How long have you been dripping for me?” He is toying with you. That’s what he is doing. Will not do anything until you answer. Will tease you till you die from the neediness.
“S....since.. since you kissed me.” You force yourself to answer. He laughs this time. Mocking almost.
“All these because of a kiss?”
Oh, you love this. Love the aura he is emanating. Love the authority. Absolutely love to be in his mercy. New waves of arousals crash over you.
“Yes.” You answer. He rewards you with another messy kiss. Hand never stopping teasing your entrance and rubbing your clit. “What a good slut you are baby? Just so ready and wet. All for me?” He just knows you love this. Isn’t he? Probably feels how you’re dripping more. Another week yes escapes your lips.
“Good.” His fingers disappears form your cunt. Before you could complain, however, he is rubbing that slicked covered pads on your lips. Watches you expectantly. So, you become a good girl. Dart your tongue out to lick it away. Makes him moan. He pulls away from your body. Cold air engulfs your body in the lack of his warmth. He grabs a stool. Drags it to where you are seated and sits. His face nicely levelling with your waist. He makes it better by slightly bending down. Now levelling with your sopping cunt. Places his palms on your inner thighs to spread your legs even more.
Revealing your soppy cunt to his burning gaze. The way your flimsy panty is soaked.
“Did I mention you’re hot?” Asks but you are no longer able to answer anything. Anticipation eating you up. Just knowing what he is about to do. Fuck those thick lips are going to be on your cunt. Even the thought is enough to make you cum. You whimper and wiggle your ass needy. Earn yourself a slap on your inner thigh. And a soothing kiss after. Jimin looks at you through his lashes. Keeps kissing your thighs. Open mouth and sucking, leaving his imprints on them. Each kiss is leaving higher than the previous one. Up, up and up. Until finally, fucking finally his lips are on your cunt. Lips pressing over your already swollen clit.
Your hands fly to grab from his hair. Firmly pressing his face deeper into your pussy. Can feel his smirk. The smirk before he willingly bury his face between your thighs. And then inhales. Deeply. Moans so loud. Louder than you and probably enough for whole cottage to hear.
He inhales again. Groans. Pulls away to look at you like he is drunk again.
“You smell so good baby. Fuck.” Wets his lip. Looks at you like you’re a full course meal. Just for him to savour and devour.
Gives you an admiring look before his thick lips are latching on your clit. With the lacy material. Sucks on it. Bites lightly. You spread your legs the furthest you can. Giving him everything. Buck your hips onto his face when he shifts to lick long drags across your slit. Up and down. Your panty is just an useless wet item with his saliva and your arousal. He pulls the material between his teeth and lets go again. Making it hit you cunt. You gasp in pleasurable slight sting causes. He keeps his ministrations for couple minutes. Alternating between licks, sucks, kisses and bites.
The next time he pulls away, he is the one who is breathless. “Shit! You taste so good. Just like I imagined... Let’s cum on my tongue baby huh?” He asks as he hooks his fingers under the waistband of your underwear. You nod violently in assent when he discards the useless material from your body. Pushes it inside his pocket and you think you’ll not last another second. He is the epitome of pure sin. So hot you want to cry. Especially, when his nose, lips, and chin ins glistening with your arousal.
Jimin admires your bare cunt which is practically on his face for second. Mutters something about it being the prettiest cunt he has ever seen. You clench around nothing. Then he is on it back. Keeping your legs apart by pulling them over his shoulders. Hand keeping you pin down onto the table. Face hiding in your pussy. Lips and tongue working magic with the occasional help of teeth. Licks and sucks. Slurping. Practically making our with your cunt. As if he is mad. Going feral and intense with every passing second. Shakes his head. Drinking on your dripping arousals. The entire space is filled with the shameful sound of your cunt making against his mouth. Paired with your moans and his groans.
Your head is spinning. It’s all one mess of pleasure. Immense pleasure. It’s completely unintentional how you keep rutting your hips. Using his perfect face to chase your high. He is relentless. A man on a mission and is succeeding very fast. You’re so close. So close to fall over the edge and need just a little more.
“Ji...min. Ugh it’s so good.... Jimin fingers.. I need your fingers.. please.” You plead. Hands nearly ripping his hair away. He nods without pulling away even for a minute. Gets you bit worried about his breathing. He doesn’t mind apparently. Just gives you what you asked for. Two fingers simply prod against your hole. Rubs circles first and then are pushing past your tight entrance. Your falls flutter at the intrusion. He keeps pushing inside slowly till he is knuckles deep inside you.
Takes a moment. Lips wrapping around your clit. Sucks while eyes fixing on your face. Then starts pumping the fingers in and out of you. Hard and fast. Scissors them. Stretches you wide. Curls his fingers in search for that one spot. Strokes your walls. And at the moment he finds that spot, you almost jump away from the counter.
He presses you down again with his free hand. Violently pump his fingers, assaulting that sweet spot. Assaulting your clit with his teeth and tongue. Over and over again. Until all your senses vanish. Until that tight coil in your lower tummy which has been tightening all these time snaps. Until white spots appear behind your closed eyelids. Jimin keeps his lips tightly sucking on your clit and fingers working when you moan his name breathlessly. Only pulls away when you start to whimper from the oversensitivity.
“Jimin.. hurts...”
He lets you clit go. Retrieves his fingers slowly. Looks you dead in the eye when he sucks those fingers clean. And then your sensitive cunt despite your little cries. Places one last kiss before he is getting into his feet.
You gape at him with a still heaving chest. Placing your weight on your arms. Close your legs. Sit properly. Jimin bends down to wipe his face off with the edge of his shirt.
That was the best fucking orgasm of your life. Only beats the time he made you cum by sucking on your tits. Yes, you won’t lie. Because it is. That, however, doesn’t stop from you coming back to senses. Like always. Doesn’t stop the familiar weight drops on your shoulder. You and he swore you were friends, didn’t you? That you won’t cross the line.
Now what? Oh you’re becoming scared again. Scared since you know what’ll probably happen next. Jimin is starting back at you. Expression unreadable. He’ll say sorry now. You’ll accept that. Or he’ll continue. If he wants that, god yes, you’ll listen. There will be nothing make you happier to return the favour. These unclouded thoughts which are emerging will vanish at a finger snap if he asks to fuck you. To blow him off. But you’re afraid he won’t. He’ll do the right thing now.
So, you hold your breath, bracing for the apology that will shatter this beautiful moment. He doesn’t. Instead, he simply just cups your cheeks. Surprises you by pecking your lips. Bores into your eyes.
“Are you sane now?”
Oh that’s quite unexpected.
You don’t know what he is doing. But if he genuinely wants to know the answer. Then you’ll give him that. Hence, the shake of your head. Your words follow that. “No.” Jimin smiles. Nods. Peck your lips again.
“Can we stay insane then, just for a day? Do you think you’ll be able to stay awake? Just a day Lil?” There’s a desperation in his voice. A kind of one that steals your breath. This is so wrong.
Say no.
You’ll never say no. You’ll willingly chose death if Jimin asks you to. How fucking scary. But you think you’re already deep in this mess.
Cross the line? You just did that.
What’s there to go wrong anymore? A lot.
Still, just for a day. Maybe after that day you two will be satiated. Until that you’ll keep the morality hidden safely behind a closet. To take back later. Just a day.
“Yes. I can. Yes for everything you asked.” You giggle. He follows.
“Let’s pretend this is normal?” He asks again. You nod again. Pretend. Just for a day.
“Uh huh... It’s just a day in paradise?” You peck his lips this time. Heart swooning when he smiles into that. Chuckles. Says that it’s silly but agrees anyway. Confirms for you.
“A day in paradise.”
Chapter Index
Taglist - @chimmy-licious @graydolan12 @smoljimjim @likemeforme @sugas-baby-girl @canarystwin @jkayy
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melbatron5000 · 4 months
More crap about story rules
I dunno if this is helpful, but I read somewhere that Tumblr is just talking to yourself until someone goes, "Oh, I like this," so here goes. It helps me to get this sort of stuff out and be able to reference back to it.
I'm a novelist. I write speculative fiction, primarily urban fantasy with a dollop of mythopoeia (wanting to lean more towards the mythopoeia, but anyway). Neil is definitely a role model of mine, and has been since I was 19. Terry came a little later for me, in my mid-twenties. I'd read Good Omens by then, but believed Neil had a heavier hand in it than Terry did (Ha!). Once I finally picked up some Discworld, I was hooked for life.
I also recently learned I have ADHD, so not only is traditional institutional academia not my thing, I also have trouble sussing out meaning and details from things unless I have specific instructions on where to look. Once I have that in hand, I often go on a tear and find things that I never imagined were there, and frequently surprise not only myself but others. But I absolutely have to have that first step laid out for me in order to make more of my own.
When I first started writing in the 80s (yes, I'm old), I started looking around for the elusive "story structure" I'd heard about vaguely from other writers. I really couldn't find anything written down about what constitutes the steps of a story, the journey a hero must take for a story to be told start to finish. The other writers I'd heard discuss it didn't have concrete ideas for me (lots of hand-waving and "oh, you know"s), so I figured I'd find it in a book somewhere.
I found a little something about structure from Greek philosophy, but that mainly boiled down to stories needing a "beginning, middle, and end," like, duh, and not a lot about what made those three parts up. As a very basic story-telling model, it is incredibly concrete and important, but it's something we've known for thousands of years by now so it doesn't exactly light up the night sky with insight anymore. It's become such common knowledge that it almost doesn't seem like knowledge. I found more from Joseph Campbell, but a lot of what I found written by him was very airy and sort of dream-like, and hard to follow. So I gave up and muddled along the best I could.
About ten years ago now, I decided to try again, and found a whole ton of stuff written about story structure, from Greek philosophy decoded to Shakespear's five-act structure to The Hero's Journey first talked about by Joseph Campbell to modern Hollywood 3-act structure. Around about 2010 there was an explosion of work done on story structure, and damn if it wasn't eye-opening.
My favorite book so far on structure is The Story Grid by Shawn Coyle, because he has broken down all the various types of structure into very concrete, easy-to-comprehend steps that make sense. He talks about exactly where there is wiggle room, exactly where there is not, the general shape of a story in comparison to the general shape of the five stages of grief, what precisely constitutes a scene and what the sequence of scenes has to be to tell a whole, complete story. (In case you're interested, my next favorite book on structure is Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. It fills in a few holes that The Story Grid misses, and together they make a beautifully complete map of how to tell a good story.)
My favorite, in particular, are the Five Commandments of Storytelling. Each scene, each act (however many you want, I like 4), and the story as a whole, all have to follow the Five Commandments. These are elements that have to be present for a scene to work, and for a story to reach its beginning, middle, and end satisfactorily.
Inciting incident. This is something that happens that forces the main character to change course, take action. It has to be either an Act of God, or another character acting on the main character.
Progressive complications. The main character forms a plan to put life back in order and tries it, but is blocked. They have to regroup and form a new plan. Threes in storytelling are always good, but the main character must be blocked until they reach the Turning Point Complication, where they realize that in order to move forward and have a hope of getting where they want, they must make a hard choice. Often the hard choice is that they must do The One Thing They Didn't Want to Do, though the introduction of new information will drive this decision as well. New information can come from another character, or be realized by the main character as a result of the action.
Crisis. They reach the decision point, where they must choose one thing over another. The decision must be between two irreconcilable good things, where they can't have both; or the lesser of two evils, where they can't escape both. The Crisis can also be boiled down to a "what will they do?" question. They're going to have to pick, but they're going to resist before they choose, and that creates tension which keeps the reader invested.
Climax. They make their choice. It's really that simple. They pick.
Resolution. The consequences of their choice are laid out. In a scene, this means the inciting incident of the next scene is introduced because of the character's choice; in an overall story, this leads to the end of the tale where our hero emerges, having learned whatever it was that the author deemed they needed to learn.
For example, Aziraphale is listening to music when a knock comes at the door. (Inciting incident) He forms and enacts a plan -- answer the door, probably hoping to get rid of whoever it is quickly. It's Gabriel. (Complication) He forms and enacts a new plan -- find out what Gabriel is doing here. Gabriel says he doesn't know. (Complication) Gabriel asks to come in. (Complication) Aziraphale forms and enacts a new plan -- tell Gabriel no. Gabriel says oh-kay and turns to the people on the street. (Turning point complication) Now Aziraphale has two bad choices -- bring Gabriel inside, or leave him to wander naked around Whickber street doing God only knows what. (Crisis) He chooses what he thinks is the lesser of two evils -- he tells Gabriel to get in. (Climax) Now Gabriel, possibly Aziraphale's worst enemy, is inside his home, the book shop. (Resolution) And because this is a scene, this Resolution is also the inciting incident of the next scene.
This can go different routes, as when the inciting incident rouses curiosity or creates a promise of something the character wants, instead of inflicting discomfort -- although if a character wants something bad enough, deciding to say no to pursuing it could inflict discomfort, so that counts, too. The inciting incident just means that something happens so that the main character can no longer keep living life as it was. Something has to change, and they have to change it. In the end, it all boils down to something outside the main character knocking them off course, them deciding how to try to get back on course and failing, and what happens as a result. (Beginning, middle, end!)
A good way to create a mystery is to hide the Inciting Incident from the readers/viewers. Or at least, the Inciting Incidents of certain character and scenes. In the above example, we see Aziraphale's Inciting Incident, but we don't see Gabriel's until episode six.
I believe we haven't seen the Inciting Incident of Crowley and Aziraphale's storyline for season 2. It seems like Gabriel showing up is the Inciting Incident for the entire season, but I believe his arrival is a Complication, not the Inciting Incident. As far as what the original Inciting Incident was, well, first and foremost, the Resolution of season 1 would naturally lead into the Inciting Incident of season 2, just as a scene would do for the scene following it. So there's one Clue. As for the answer -- we just have to keep looking where the furniture isn't.
I hope this story breakdown was interesting to someone. I find it completely fascinating, but I am a story nerd, so maybe what I like and find interesting isn't up everyone's alley.
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kiteblue42 · 4 months
Is Eric Kripke America’s Tolkien?
So I started Supernatural for the first time around 6 months ago for which I blame Tumblr entirely (where do I claim compensation?). In fact it’s very good and fun and I can’t believe I missed it when it was live.
Ok so bear with me I’ve been sick for a few days a combination of high temperature plus rings of power trailer drop may be making me delusional, but I got to thinking … why did this show have such a hold not just on this site, but also on so many fan artists and fan fic writers. (I mean it has a strangle hold on Ao3)?
Then the RoP trailer dropped and I got to thinking is it because it world builds from a US stand point like Tolkien world built from a European standpoint?
Then because I am sick and can’t sleep I am sharing my stream of consciousness o: Kripke as Tolkien, Sam as Sam, John Winchester as Gandalf, Castiel as Beleg and Dean as Turin Turambar - and maybe now I’ve got this out of my head I’ll feel better….:
I attempted to put this under a cut so hope it worked!
Source material
Most modern fantasy stands on the shoulders of JRR Tolkien who basically ingested a ton of European myths and languages (with focus on Northern Europe) and spat out the middle earth legendarium.
Eric Kripke (plus writing team) seems to have ingested a ton of US urban myths and US pop culture and spat out “Supernatural-verse”. Because it is *US myth making* it is distinct from a lot of other US writing that builds off Tolkien and / or European myth arcs (I’m looking at you Star Wars, Westeros etc).
And the themes and sensibilities therefore pulled out by Kripke are *not* the same as Tolkien’s themes and sensibilities. This makes it different to a lot of modern genre fiction (in whatever form) that either builds on or seeks to subvert the themes in Tolkien’s work.
(There’s also a lot of genre fiction that is satire or allegory for the real world, but that is another category to me and not really world building in the same way - incidentally the Boys fits into that category along with Good Omens).
Both ofc back end off the Bible but this is English literature based story telling and no one escapes the Bible or the bard.
We usually think of Tolkien in terms of:
(1) Hobbit - entry level nicely structured “there and back again” story for children, darker than expected. Main hero arc -Bilbo.
(2) Lord of the Rings - the pretty perfect fantasy master piece - very accessible clear meaningful themes and tidy /satisfactory ending. A number of hero arcs, but clearest drawn are Frodo / Sam.
(3) Silmarillion (&etc) - this is where the legendarium really gets built. It’s not neat, it’s not accessible, some of it is *not* a good read but the ideas here build the world. We have a creation myth. The “good” “wise” guys turn out to be more complex and flawed than we thought. The evil guys are extremely toxic but entertaining and bring the drama. There are epic doomed romances between immortal beings and mortal beings. Everyone messes up and makes catastrophic world destroying errors on the regular. People get cursed and can’t escape their doom. I can’t think of any real traditional hero arcs (maybe Beren or Luthien??). Note Tolkien didn’t finish this and it’s put together by someone else.
Now let’s do Supernatural
(1) seasons 1-3 - Horror procedural-
Entry level solid procedural hunting / horror story. Sam W is here in the traditional hero role. Dean is like your Thorin initiating the adventure. John Winchester is in the Gandalf role (he knows what’s going on and holds the secrets but is not available to the adventurers at all times). Maybe there something deeper and darker going on? This is your Hobbit equivalent very accessible but not particularly unique.
(2) season 4-5 - myth arc - lots of fans will say this is the perfect part of the story and a masterpiece of genre writing. It’s neat with clear meaningful themes and a tidy satisfactory ending. A number of hero arcs though Sam’s remains the most clearly drawn. Dean is more like your Aragorn or Faramir at the end of 5, Bobby in the mold of a Theoden and a Castiel in sort of Gandalf type position. Baby ofc is Shadowfax. This is your LoTR equivalent
(3) seasons 6 - 15 - the Legendarium- this gets a lot of criticism but it’s where the legendarium really gets built. It’s not neat, it’s not that accessible, some of it is not great to watch, but the ideas here build the world out. We have a creation myth (hello Chuck & Amara). We have hero doomed by the narrative (most notably Dean Winchester, though also Castiel). We have epic love stories between mortals and immortals. Yes I am comparing Dean & Cas to Beren & Luthien (!) though Turin & Beleg would perhaps be more appropriate (there’s a good case for Dean = Turin in this universe). The good guys turn out to be more complex or darker than we thought. The evil guys are extremely toxic but entertaining and bring the drama.
There aren’t really any straightforward hero arcs which is one of the reasons Sam fades out a bit and Dean comes forwards as a character. The stories are messy and tragic.
Middle Earth - if you read the books or watch the movies or show it’s clear that Tolkien’s (sub)creation is a love letter to the mountains, lakes and woods of England and Europe. It’s also a cry of anguish for their destruction. Both the beauty and destruction are heightened (Europe doesn’t really look like this and really never did - as for the movies they were shot in anew Zealand and then digitally enhanced…) This is as important as the characters and plot - and stands out in particular in the Hobbit and LoTR where there are long descriptions of landscapes (or long shots of the same in movies / shows).
“Middle Americana” - it’s clear that as much importance was put into the look of the landscapes in Supernatural as to the characters or story. In this verse the look is long open roads, beautiful mountains and big skies that are a declaration of love for America, and the run down small towns seem to present wistful sadness. But again it’s not real it’s heightened. The cinematography in first few seasons is particularly thoughtful (and perhaps Kim Manners is to be thanked for that). The show is shot in Canada and the motels / gas stations in middle of no where needed to be built because they didn’t exist in reality. Again the landscape - the open road, the small towns, the big sky, the motels / dinners / gas stations in the middle of nowhere are as much a character as anything else.
I could go on but I suppose if anyone read this far you get the point (and more importantly it’s now out of my head and I can think about something else!).
Ultimately it will take some time to see if this could be right - in terms of genre fiction Tolkien is everywhere and you can’t escape it (even if you never read or watched any Tolkien!). Time will tell if the Kripke verse has the same impact on creatives and audiences, but I just look at the A03 archive and notice how many people know what happened on Supernatural without ever watching it (!) and think hmmm these are the readers and writers of tomorrow after all.
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yuurivoice · 5 months
I always forget that in the bittersweet summary around the beginning of chapter 3(i think, I haven't watched it in a hot minute) you mention that bittersweet is based off of your irl trauma/experiences(again, haven't watched it in a bit, sorry if I got anything wrong!(
Yeah! Not in its entirety or intensity, obviously but certainly in some regards I tapped into various experiences and feelings.
Seth & Jessie's relationship. Conflicted sexual romantic feelings with friends in settings where people might be homophobic. Being around crime in a criminal/gang setting. Alphonse and the loss of his parents. etc. and so forth.
I think the reason I am so drawn to adding the fantastical elements to the story is because it was my own fantasies and daydreams that helped me cope through a lot of those times. That and I just love urban fantasy.
So yeah, there's a lot going on that I draw from. I am not proud that in my youth I was in some sketchy places with sketchy people. I come from a family of bikers, and if you've been around motorcycle clubs and that sort of thing, you know that it's not uncommon for drugs, guns, real scummy types of people to be a part of that. If you've ever been to a club house, you get the vibes.
None of it was ever that dramatic or serious, but I was in close enough proximity to feel anxious and sick that I was there. That type of shit.
The parental aspects throughout BitterSweet are absolutely based in personal situations and relationships I've had with my own parents. My father and I were estranged when I was 15, he passed away when I was 16 just a couple weeks after I got something vaguely shaped like an apology. But before that, he was my hero. I looked up to him the way Seth looked up to Jessie, despite the flaws. So I've had something to say about relationships like that. Probably always will. Alphonse is sorta the flipside of that. The unfinished, imperfect feeling left when a relationship is suddenly cut short. That's something we'll get into in Chapter 4.
There are positive inspirations too. BitterSweet is the direct result of my experiences with soul mates, platonic, romantic, and everything in between. I wanted to talk about how transformative love could be, because I had (and continue to) experience it myself. Forgiveness and grace are things I've learned to extend to people who I wouldn't have expected to before that, and that shows up in the series as well.
So yes, BitterSweet is deeply personal to me and is so much more than just the relationship between the trio. They're wonderful and I love them and I love them as a package deal, but it's much bigger than that. The themes are much broader, and much deeper than "will they all end up together!?" which is why the Polyamory Discourse (TM) that cropped up around the end of Chapter 3 was deeply fucking offensive to me. The word "queerbaiting" was tossed around, which might be the most preposterous bullshit I'd ever had hurled my way in my years of being on the internet. It's okay, college freshmen whose first fandom was Voltron can be loud and obnoxious on the internet. LOL
Anywho. Shoutout to y'all who picked up what I was putting down. For everyone else, eat my cheeks.
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sentfromwolves · 7 months
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◈—⌈ SENTFROMWOLVES ⌋ writeblr introduction ²⁰²⁴
Hi everyone, and welcome to my writeblr 2024 introduction. My name is Eran (they/he & freshly thirty) and I've been on writeblr for awhile, so you might've seen me around. ( •̀ ω •́ ) This is my yearly post to introduce the projects I'll be working on this year, what I write, and who I am. I'll be keeping it short and sweet.
I'd love to meet more writers this year, so if you write any of the following, or just like these genres, or even just wanna shout about ocs together, come holler and I'll give you a follow!
◈ — sci-fi and fantasy of any kind! cozy fantasy, romantasy, epic fantasy, space opera? this is my bread and butter, and I love shouting about it from the rooftops with others! ◈ — found families, ot3s, complicated soulmates. I am almost always writing about soulmates who have either killed each other at least once in the past or are planning some sort of murder. Complicated relationships, especially found families that aren't all rainbows and butterflies, are right up my alley. ◈ — queer and trans protagonists, large queer casts! all of my wips feature trans/nonbinary leads, and I'm always looking for more queer writer friends to connect with! ◈ — hope at the end of the tunnel, but hell to get to. I write stories with hopeful endings, with the sun on the horizon, with the promise that something better might now at long last be on the way. I love seeing characters get put through hell, but I love it even more when they make it to the other side. (if you write tragedy though, please know I will still cry on your doorstep if you'll have me) ◈ — corruption arcs, redemption arcs, sometimes both! Deeply nuanced characters with messy attitudes, and even messier actions. I'm just as equally obsessed with cool worldbuilding as I am with character-driven things, and I will yell about ocs all day, and maybe draw them too >:3 ◈ — big, epic, and sweeping worldbuilding! I am a huge fan of delving into the worldbuilding aspect of my wips. I love building magic systems, cultures, geographies, and more. One of my 2024 projects is doing a worldbuilding experiment blog at some point. I am always down to clown over worldbuilding, whether to sound board or just holler together!
There's a lot more I could say here, but this post can only get so long! Σ(っ °Д °;)っ my dms are always open, and I will follow back most of the time! But just to get all of the basics outta the way:
◈—« here's a quick and dirty rundown of how I work! »—◈
➺ I interact and follow from @calamityeden, so if you see that username, it's just me.✌️I am most active on discord, and if we become friends, you're more than welcome to ask to add me there. ➺ I am open to being tagged in writeblr games! Just know that I am not online all the time, and might be slow to respond to them. 🐌 ➺ My ask box and DMs are open, just please be respectful. I love meeting new writers and talking about projects! I am happy to chat and make new friends. You're always welcome! 💌 ➺ This is a strictly 18+ writeblr. Please DNI with me if you are a minor and respect my boundaries.
🪄You can find my core tags here under my writing and my graphics, as well as writer reminders, game train and catharsis. (❁´◡`❁) And now onto the fun part! My 2024 main project line up!
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I have my main four listed here that you'll probably hear me yelling about pretty consistently, but I've also got a lot of other projects rattling around in my brain. So if you're ever curious about a project that's not here, feel free to yell at me about it! >:3
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Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy Standalone.
Status: First Draft Complete (117k)—Revising for beta round one.
There's a clock tattooed on Nemesis's wrist, and when it reaches midnight on his 21st birthday, it will kill him. It doesn't help that his mom is the one that cursed him, and the demon currently possessing his car ate her before Nemesis could convince her to break the damned thing. Thankfully, Judge came prepared with an alternative: help him break into a mythical living city and steal its heart, and in return, he'll shatter Nemesis's curse for free. Accompanied by a three-headed hellhound, a haunted holy sword, and an excommunicated exorcist, Judge and Nemesis set their sights on an impossible heist. But the closer Nemesis gets to the heart, the more he begins to realize that he isn't the only one under a curse. And if he doesn't find a way to break Judge's soon, his own life will be forfeit as well.
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Genre: Space Opera
Status: 2024 zero drafting from scratch
Two hundred years ago, humanity expanded to the stars only to find a cosmos filled with graves. But then their children began displaying the strange ability to commune with the alien ruins scattered across the planets, waking ancient, extrasolar mecha from their sleep, and turned the struggling colonies of space explorers into the fledgling galactic nation of Sol Galatea.  Now, Wren Akane is on the run from the whole galaxy, wanted for the strange alien powers throbbing through his veins. His luck runs out when he accidentally awakens an ancient Relic in the desert of his planet, only to be embedded with the memories of its last pilot and the revelation that the war that littered the cosmos with graves is far from over. But no one believes Wren when he tells them that continuing to wake the Relics will bring the hostile alien empire that destroyed them back to Sol Galatea’s doorstep. Only Wren’s rival pilot, Marek Khalid, seems interested in a word Wren has to say. But Marek doesn’t want to save Sol Galatea. He has big plans for what to do when the aliens arrive, a rebellion to lead, and if Wren isn’t on his side, he’s in his way. With time running out, Wren must soon decide how far he’s willing to go to save the people that never tried to save him—or if Marek is right, and he should let the stars burn instead.
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Genre: Adult Romantasy
Status: First Draft (1k/100k)
Once a year, Celestials from all across the Lumina Kingdom gather together for Eventide, the season of courtship, hoping to win the hand of the most eligible star at court. Sirius knows the game they play all too well: by day, he is the forgettable, miserable daughter of the Lumina Family, least of his seven siblings and wanted only for the royal blood running through his veins.  By night, however, Sirius is the Starweaver—the mysterious dressmaker taking the kingdom by storm. Everyone wants to know the identity of the one responsible for elaborate outfits that turn even the quietest Celestial in the room into the star of the show, outshining even Sirius’s luminous sibling, Diana. When the infamous King Beyond Midnight arrives with the intent to wed Diana, Sirius finds his secret in jeopardy when the condition for their hand in marriage is a simple challenge: reveal the Starweaver's true identity. There’s no outsmarting Octavian for long, and soon, Sirius will have to make a choice: give up on his passion and stay hidden forever, or risk everything to stay true to who he really is.
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Genre: Second World Urban Fantasy
Status: Outlining
Something changes the day that Nakano Touya returns to the crumbling city of Soma Lux. It starts with voices in the radio static, blurry figures caught on camera, always out of focus. When a monster crawls out of Touya's television screen and eats him, the last thing he expects is to find a strange, shadowy otherworld lurking on the other side. But his biggest problem isn't the monsters of the otherworld that want to eat him, or the talking cat that saved him, now living in his apartment without a care in sight. Soma Lux is experiencing a strange new epidemic—one that Touya is completely unaffected by. But when his half-sister falls comatose, Touya knows he has to get to the bottom of it all to save her—and find out why he's the only one immune. Accompanied by his jaded ex-boyfriend, Touya’s nosy classmates, a part-time fortune teller, and a cantankerous old hag, Touya dives into the murky underbelly of Soma Lux, where the realities have begun to bleed together between his world and the next. 
That's all for now! >:3 Here's to an amazing 2024! (also my actual blog is a mess right now please do not mind it ksjndfskfn)
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