#his brain might crash temporarily
madeimpact · 7 months
tier list: most likely to be/become a furry
Muse tier lists || @manebloom
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At risk ranges from "unaware but would ABSOLUTELY be into it if made aware" to "aware and not really active but would ask people to design them a sona out of curiosity and get sucked in from there." Either way no furry haters on this blog. At most Roxas would just blink loudly at you and give you a thumbs up
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tosuckmyweenis · 1 year
Leon's actually a really good driver, he just crashes things because why not He does the thing when he backs anything in
Not self-indulgent at all.
Adult content: car sex, gagged with panties
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When you're with him, Leon always backs into driveways, parking spots; you name it; whenever he has the chance to do it, he does; he says it's easier in the long run because he can pull out when he needs to leave, the truth though is he saw you ogling him the first time he did it with you in the car, the way your thighs clenched together and the pink tinge on your cheeks didn't go unnoticed by him.
His arm going across and resting on your seat while he twists his body so he can see out the back window, the shifting of his hips, turning the steering wheel with one hand, all of it had unholy thoughts running through your brain immediately, the two of you never made it to the bedroom that night.
So, of course, he takes advantage of it.
When he got up to go to work one morning at the ass crack of dawn, You woke up armed with a plan that you're sure isn't going to backfire on you.
So you do the routine, set out his clothes while he showers, make the same lunch he always has, sit down and eat breakfast together before tossing the dishes in the sink and for some reason he is still late to leave
You give him his lunch, walk him out to the car, give him a chaste kiss and stand in the rearview mirror waving goodbye as he drives off.
This time, however, as he's about halfway out of the driveway and you're sure you're barely visible to him, you lift your oversized t-shirt enough to display what you're wearing, it only took 10 seconds. You expected him to continue driving, If he happened to see maybe text you all the things he was going to do to you when he got home later for doing this to him; what you didn't expect, however, was the screeching of the breaks and the car lurching forward before immediately being slammed in reverse, the red lights nearly blinding you temporarily in the dark.
It halts next to you, lining up the backdoor perfectly for ease of access
So now he can drive
Wasting no time getting out and throwing open the backdoor
"Now" his tone showed he was not to be played with, your soaking cunt wasn't going to argue either
That's how you ended up in the position of being throw in the back seat on all fours
The offending panties shoved into your mouth so you don't wake the entire neighborhood, head being pushed into the seat for extra measure while, the smell of expensive leather was all that filled your nose  
"I'm already late, so I might as well make it worth it"
"You really had to play this game today of all days" 
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
| May 17th | Prompt: Infuriate | Word Count: 946 | I really think I need to reevaluate what the word “micro” means but oh well | @rosekillermicrofic |
“Evan,” Barty said in one big rush, crashing through the door to their dorm, “if you had to rate my kissing skills on a scale of one to ten, what would you give me?”
Evan paused in the middle of closing the bathroom door behind him. His hand still hung on the doorknob as he stared at Barty.
“What?” he said. His hand slid off the doorknob and came to rest awkwardly at his side.
“What would you rate my kissing skills?” It was clear from Barty’s tone that he was very insistent on getting an answer from Evan.
Evan sighed, realizing he wasn’t going to get out of this.
“I don’t know.” He groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ve never kissed you before, so I can’t really judge.”
Barty’s face fell, corners of his mouth turning down. Evan hurried to finish his thought. “That being said, other people seem to like kissing you well enough—” maybe too well, he thought bitterly— “so I’d give you… an eight, maybe?”
Barty looked taken aback.
“An eight?” he said incredulously. “And what would you rate yourself?”
“Merlin, Bee, I don’t know,” Evan groaned again. “Something like… an eight and a half?”
“Oh, no. That won’t do. That won’t do at all,” Barty responded. “I’m at least a nine, and I’m not saying you’re bad at kissing, but there’s no way I’m not better than you.”
“How would you know?” countered Evan. “You’ve never experienced one of my kisses.”
And oh, what was he doing? There wasn’t anything but pain waiting for him at the end of this road. He knew that. And yet… he was curious about what Barty’s reaction might be.
Evan looked closely at Barty as he took several steps forward, squinting at Evan. Barty’s eyes traveled down, then back up again, and goodness, had he just checked Evan out?
“That won’t do at all,” Barty repeated. “I really need to prove that I’m the better kisser.
Evan scoffed to distract himself from the pounding of his heart.
“You are not the better kisser,” he said.
“Oh, but I am.” Barty’s smirk caused Evan’s brain to temporarily short-circuit, making it difficult for him to even think about backing up as Barty stepped closer.
“I think,” Barty began, reaching out a hand. Evan followed his gaze downward as Barty began to fiddle with the edge of Evan’s shirt, then continued, “that we should hold a contest, of sorts. Just to see who’s better, of course.”
“Of course,” Evan echoed, still distracted by Barty’s fingers playing with his shirt. He sucked in a breath as Barty’s hand grazed his skin.
Barty looked up at Evan’s face with a mischievous spark in his eyes. Their faces were now barely a hairbreadth apart, and Evan could feel Barty’s breath on his skin as he whispered, “I think you’ll find that I’m much better than a mere nine.”
Evan couldn’t stop himself from blurting, “You gonna do anything to prove it?”
Look—Evan had been waiting for this moment for years, and he wasn’t all too keen on waiting any longer.
“Maybe I will,” Barty said, and slid his hand around to Evan’s back, hand underneath Evan’s shirt as he pulled him in sharply. Evan’s breath hitched, and Barty grinned wolfishly.
A rush of heat spiked in Evan’s chest.
“You, Barty Crouch Jr,” Evan breathed, “infuriate me.”
“Mmm,” murmured Barty, leaning in closer, “is that so?”
“Yes,” Evan stated somewhat distractedly. It would be so easy to tangle his hand in Barty’s hair and pull him down for a kiss.
So that’s exactly what Evan did.
The kiss was messy, both of them trying to prove a point, but it was perfect. Barty’s hands were everywhere—on his waist, gliding across his back, brushing against his cheek. It sent shivers through Evan, and he fisted his other hand in Barty’s shirt. Honestly, he didn’t think he would ever be able to let go.
“Tell me I’m right,” Barty whispered against his lips, and Evan thought that he might just do anything Barty asked if he only kept on kissing him like that.
“You’re right,” Evan gasped. “Definitely higher than a nine.”
He could feel Barty’s answering smirk against his mouth.
“Thought so,” Barty said smugly, then kissed him again. And again.
And again.
“Wait,” Evan gasped some time later, a thought having occurred to him. “I thought this was just to see who the better kisser was?”
He regretted having to stop kissing Barty, but it was a necessary question. He needed to know the answer before he did something he really regretted—such as confessing his stupid crush, for example.
Evan braced himself for the worst, to have his heart torn to shreds and stomped on like so many times before. But Barty just smirked, then said, “I just wanted an excuse to kiss you. It was never about who the better kisser was. Although, I must say that you happen to be somewhere in the nines yourself.”
He grinned again and started to lean back in, but Evan’s mind was reeling.
“Wait,” he said, and Barty immediately froze. “You wanted to kiss me?”
Barty blinked. “Well… yes? I’ve wanted to for a while now, if I’m being totally honest. Why? Is that not okay?”
Evan shook his head vehemently. “No, no, it’s definitely okay. More than okay, really,” he confessed.
Barty smiled in that lovely way of his, where his eyes crinkled around the corners and his face seemed alight with joy.
“Good,” he said, “I had hoped so.”
Then he leaned in for another kiss, and this time, Evan was more than happy to oblige.
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myprongsfootera · 6 months
Prongsfoot Microfic: Hold
@prongsfoot-microfic - 2/29 - 537 words
“Hold on,” James said, staring at the chalkboard where Sirius was writing out an elaborate schedule for the Marauders’ next prank. In order to avoid getting caught turning everything in the Slytherin dorms to jelly, they had to make sure that they were very precise with their movements, so the plans were detailed. “There is no 29th of February. You got that one wrong, mate.”
All three of his friends stared at him. Remus and Peter looked like they couldn’t believe that he’d just said that, but Sirius could. He absolutely could. James might have been Sirius’ boyfriend and the person he’d loved the most for years even before they’d started dating, but Sirius knew everything about him - including his every flaw. And he was prepared to mock him mercifully for this one.
“How do you have the highest marks in half of our classes?” Peter asked, sounding like James’ words had rendered him temporarily dumb. “Have you never heard of leap years?”
“Don’t be mean, Wormtail,” Sirius said, a taunting smile teasing his features, “it’s not like they happen often, he’s probably forgotten since it’s been four years and his brain doesn’t go back that far.”
“Oh shut it, both of you,” Remus said as they all watched their friend turning a delicious shade of tomato red. It thrilled Sirius that he’d been embarrassed like that. He loved James to the end of the Earth, but sometimes he loved teasing him even more. 
“Et tu, Padfoot?” James asked, “Aren’t you supposed to be on my side? My ride or die? Shouldn’t you be loyal enough to defend my honor?”
Sirius snorted at that. That was hardly how they worked. 
“Against Snape? I’d fight to the death for your honor. Against your own stupidity? You are on your own, and I will enjoy it the most out of everyone.”
“Padfoot?” Remus asked as they watched James’ features go from embarrassed to challenging.
“Yeah?” Sirius asked. He still hadn’t taken his eyes off James, but he had the sense that Remus was going to say something smart and that he should listen.
Sirius cackled and sprinted just in time to avoid James’ arms reaching out to tackle him to the ground. 
Sirius vaulted over two chairs at the back of the room and that was his downfall; his foot caught on the back of one of the chairs and he went crashing down onto the floor. James kept his footing around the chairs and pinned Sirius down.
“Just for that-” he said roughly, “I’m going to make you stop talking.”
But his version of shutting Sirius up was nothing like what he would have done to anyone else. He used the advantage that he knew he had over Sirius: Sirius’ ticklish sides. 
He had Sirius howling with laughter in seconds. 
“Can we get back to the prank?” Peter asked when James stopped and Sirius finally managed to stop laughing. “I’m not missing out on the chance to pull this off just because you two can’t keep your hands off each other.”
Neither Sirius nor James could argue with that, and they were back on topic - with tasks scheduled for the 29th of February - a few minutes later.
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foldedchip · 1 month
OCD attacks
In the past few years, I’ve seen a wide spread of information about panic attacks and how to handle them and help someone who is suffering from one. I am incredibly happy and grateful for this, yet I also want more people to know about a similar kind of situation that I have gone through countless times.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical expert by any means, I am just a person who has struggled with OCD throughout their life. These are things that would be helpful for more people to know about OCD attacks and that hopefully help them understand it a bit better.
What is an OCD attack?
An OCD attack is similar to a panic attack, except it is brought on due to the obsessive fears of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It can often seem confusing or irrational to a bystander, but you always have to understand that you are not in the afflicted person’s mind, and you don’t know the thoughts that led up to the attack.
An OCD attack may be a combination of knee-jerk reflexes, built-up stress, and genuine fear about a situation. The person might be truly mentally distressed, or it could be mostly a bodily reaction that they can’t control. It is always a terrifying, even debilitating thing to go through.
An example of an OCD attack:
Amy suffers from OCD. For months, she has had an obsessive fear of causing a car accident, and it has been getting worse and worse. She started driving longer routes to avoid passing by other cars in order to avoid an accident, and eventually she stopped driving altogether. But even that didn’t end her obsession. Amy is now afraid of anything related to cars, even anything that reminds her of cars.
One day, Amy is talking to her friend Matt, and the two of them overhear a conversation about a car. Even though it is irrational, Amy’s obsession is so strong that she becomes afraid that just hearing that conversation will cause Matt to crash his car. Terrified, she asks Matt not to drive home, imagining that he’ll get into a car accident if he does. She knows that this doesn’t make sense, which distresses her even more. Matt knows that Amy has OCD, but he doesn’t understand why she’s so afraid of him crashing his car just because she heard a conversation about a car.
Things to remember if you witness someone having an OCD attack:
Their incoming thoughts are not rational, and may even be very illogical, but they probably already know this. Telling them that they aren’t thinking clearly or aren’t making sense is not a surprise to them, and can make them feel like you don’t understand what’s happening or make them feel even more afraid.
Engaging in someone’s compulsions for them might temporarily lessen their panic, but it will cause them more anxiety and panic later. OCD is a vicious cycle. It’s best to just assist the person by being there for them while they calm their body down, instead of trying to perform their compulsions to satisfy their OCD. In order to make progress to recover from OCD, that person has to choose not to engage in their compulsions.
The human body has a very powerful response system to both real and imagined threats. Once it has been triggered, it usually takes five to twenty minutes to calm down, and it can have lasting effects afterward. When someone is in a fight-or-flight (or freeze) response like this, their body will prioritize their strength, speed, and reflexes over their clear thinking. Even if the person is trying their best to calm down and think clearly, it will probably take time.
The slow, deep intake of oxygen has been proven time and time again to encourage the body to go back into its usual calm state. Oxygen flow to the brain also allows for clearer thinking, and slow, deep breathing is an instinct that is easy for a distressed person to focus on.
If you do accidentally something that freaks them out, know that it is not your fault. You probably couldn’t have known that what you did would trigger that person’s OCD, and it is a mistake that could happen to anyone.
Whatever inconvenience the OCD attack is causing YOU as a bystander is probably a lot less inconvenience than it is causing the person. No one in the world would want or choose for this to happen to themselves. Not only is an OCD attack interruptive, it is stressful, exhausting, and can feel embarrassing. Furthermore, their whole day can be thrown off because of the attack, which makes all kinds of inconveniences for them. This should be an unspoken rule, but unfortunately some people don’t forget it: do not make someone feel like they are burdening you because they are suffering, because that is unnecessary and can even make it worse for them.
Things that can help someone who is having an OCD attack:
Telling them that you’re there for them and offering to stay with them for as long as they need.
Telling them that you have faith in them, you know that they will feel better soon,
Asking if there are any therapy strategies that they are supposed to use for an OCD attack, and offering to help them with it.
Telling them that there’s no rush, that they can have all the time they need to feel better. Sometimes, in a state of panic, it can be extremely overwhelming to think that you are stealing someone’s time or ruining your own schedule. Hearing that there isn’t a rush can be a huge relief in and of itself.
Offering to listen if they want to talk about what’s happening to them.
If the person is afraid to do something (eat, touch an object, leave the house…), you can offer to do it together.
Offering to hold their hand, give them a hug, or whatever their preference is.
Offering to help with anything they need after the attack, such as taking them home or handling responsibilities for them. Sometimes a person can feel extremely overwhelmed not just because of the trigger, but because they don’t know how they will keep going after they’ve calmed down. Offering to take some things off their shoulders and help them can also be a huge relief in and of itself.
Providing a distraction like an interesting conversation, a simple task, or a change of scenery. Even if the person doesn’t directly engage in it, it can still be helpful for them to just watch or listen to you.
Taking deep breaths, even if they don’t do it themselves.
Getting them a glass of water.
Getting them a sensory object like an ice cube or ice pack, a fidget toy, a mint or piece of gum, or any other safe substance that can help to reconnect them with the outside world via their senses.
Getting them a grounding tool that they already use for OCD attacks, like a fidget toy or noise blockers. Some people keep items like this in a backpack or purse. There are even apps you can get on your phone that they might already have.
Giving them privacy or helping them go somewhere with more privacy. It can be even more overwhelming to feel embarrassed or stared at when you’re already distressed.
Thank you immensely for reading this post. I hope it is helpful. If you want to suggest any changes or additions, please comment or reblog! Like I said, I am not an expert, but this has information has come from many, many days going through this stuff. And if you need someone to talk to about it, or you have questions, I’ll do my very best to help you.
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Floating - 2k12!Leonardo x Reader
Pairings: Leonardo x Reader
Characters included: Leonardo
Warnings: disassociation, unreality
Series: A request!
Summary: Y/N is disassociating which meant either they wait it out or they could call Leonardo who has helped them multiple times during moments like these. Calling Leo sounded way better than waiting this out and lucky them, Leo was always glad to help out.
Word count: 2992
Authors Note: Since I know disassociation works a bit different for everybody I worked mostly off of my own experiences, I hope it was still general enough that you might identify with it
Request: Yo, I hope you’re doing well, and I was wondering if you could do a 2012 Leo x GN!reader that has dissociation? Like, the reader often goes to Leo for comfort during their dissociative episodes and Leo tries his best to calm them down.
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When Y/N got up in the morning they really should have realized what was going on. They just followed their morning routine and suddenly it was hours later. It felt like their head was filled with cotton, the world around them seemed more dull than usual. Everything felt foggy. Like they were just watching a movie of their own life.
It was only when they were shopping for a few groceries, standing next to potatoes after walking into the corner of the stand, that they properly realized “Oh shit I’m disassociating hard today.”
They should have seen the signs way before this moment but when their hip crashed into the corner of the vegetable stand the pain seemed to temporarily jumpstart their brain enough for them to finally realize what was happening. And from that point on mixed in with the general fogginess of disassociation was this nagging, unpleasant feeling in their stomach.
Yet there wasn’t a lot they could do in this situation. Most times they would kind of just wait it out and wait until their brain decided to lift the fog itself. It just sucked because once Y/N realized that they were disassociating they were more aware of the accompanied anxiety that seemed to reside deep inside their bones and gut.
Though, this was only most times. There were also other times where they got through this whole situation easier but usually these moments only happened during very specific instances. Said instances happened when they would start disassociating while hanging out with their best friends, the mutant turtles. Or to be even more specific the instances involved Leonardo the Fearless leader in blue of the little vigilante group.
The first time they disassociated around any of the mutants was incidentally when they were just hanging out with Leo who was quick to help and ground them again. He later explained that the sibling group were very much not strangers when it came disassociating themselves.
But again, usually he was only there to help Y/N through their moments when they were already hanging out. Right now, though, Y/N was very much standing next to some potatoes, their eyes boring into said vegetables as they, probably very slowly, tried to figure out what to do. It was very hard to sort any kind of thoughts when it just felt like you might still be in a dream, just working on auto pilot.
They were absentmindedly kneading their own hands as they just became more aware of their anxiety but also feeling even more detached from reality. It was as if their body pulled itself in all sorts of direction.
Their feet moved, carrying them out of the shop and into the next, but familiar, alleyway. As the cold air bit at their exposed skin and lucidity seemed to return a little bit, they took the chance to get their phone out to send Leo a quick text.
The text was out before they could even think of what to say to him.
“Got time?” Not the most eloquent but good enough.
Somehow it honestly surprised them when it only took a few minutes for him to reply, at least it felt like a few minutes. Y/N’s sense of time was very wonky right now. Yeah, there were time stamps next to the chat messages but honestly, they were in this moment just numbers. If they wanted to gleam more out of that they would have to push through the fog and cotten in their mind.
“Yeah! What’s up? :)”
Relived to see his reply, Y/N tried their best to respond coherently.
“Feeling bad. I’m okay but disasociting.”
“Screw it. You know what I mean.”
Who decided that it was smart to give this condition a difficult word to spell? Brain isn’t cooperating much in this moment, so it requires at ton of concentration trying to spell it out, which Y/N isn’t able to do right now, you know, on the account of the disassociation.
Also auto correct was off since it got more in the way than anything when you chat with mutant turtles that fight off enemies with weird names on almost the daily.
The reply this time seemed faster.
“Want me to come over?”
Y/N’s hands moved slowly across their keyboard of their phone as they mulled this over.
“Am outside. Close to sewers. I can come visit. That okay?”
Once again, they were mostly just trying to convey the most information as fast as possible. At this point Y/N couldn’t tell if they were shaking because of the cold or because of the anxiety. Was it even really cold? It felt cold.
“Tell me which way you are coming from, and I’ll meet you halfway.”
This was doable. Y/N silently thanked Donnie that he made it easy for all of them to share their locations using the T-Phones he made. Just a few button presses instead of the usual “Uh, I’m somewhere close to this intersection.”
The next moment they already stood in the sewers. Slowly walking along, the only sound being their footsteps that echoed in the halls.
Just the tap, tap, tap of their shoes coming into contact with the concrete ground. The tapping being an almost comforting rhythm. Y/N’s head pulled down, as their eyes followed along with how their shoes moved on their own.
Then suddenly something softly hit the top of their head. Surprised by this sudden sensation, that thankfully pulled them a bit out of their own fog again, Y/N looked up to see Leo standing in front of them with his hands on his hips.
“Hi.” Y/N tried their best to smile. If it worked, they didn’t know.
Leo had his own smile on his face. The way he just silently eyed them, no arms crossed, no obvious worry etched onto his face, it calmed Y/N down immediately. It didn’t feel like they were somehow annoying him. It was just Leo who was glad to help Y/N out.
“Hi.” He responded, “I’m glad I’ve decided to meet you halfway because I have the slight feeling you would have just walked right past the lair the way you walked into me.”
Oh. So, the tap on their head was because they literally walked into him. If they were more lucid, they would have maybe joked around that it made sense that Y/N wouldn’t notice a ninja but right now all they could utter was “Sorry.”
“Alright. Let’s get you to the lair and then I’ll make you some tea. We still have your favorite after all.”
One thing Leo always did for Y/N was make some tea when they disassociated. Sometimes they would actually drink it or sometimes they would just hold on to the mug so they could feel the warmth of the drink seep into their hands.
When Y/N took another step forward to do as he said, Leo put his hand softly on their shoulder. At this point he knew that they were alright with touch during these moments and in the moments, they weren’t, they knew they could tell him so.
“Come on. Let me carry you. That way we are back in the lair faster.”
It wouldn’t be the first time that Leo would carry Y/N either on his back or in his arms. Usually this only happened though when they were on the roofs of the buildings of New York. Even if Y/N tried they were sure they couldn’t quite reach the same level of acrobatics when it came to jumping from roof to roof in a fast pace. Not like the turtles anyhow.
“I’m not- Okay, sure.” They didn’t want to trouble Leo more than they already did but the idea of getting into the lair sooner rather than later sounded nice. Besides, they didn’t need to try to think coherently when they were just straight up being carried to their destination.
“Good! Well then hop on.” He moved a bit down so Y/N could get on his shell. He immediately grabbed their legs and Y/N softly laid their arms around his shoulders, making sure to not accidentally choke him. Their face pressed down on the cool surface of his shell.
And then Leo took off. The tapping sound they now heard were that of Leo’s feet. They were definitely quieter than their own.
It was nice how the grey walls just passed their vision, honestly, they were barely even aware how they were being carried like a small child on Leo’s back. The rough texture of Leo’s shell beneath their head was nice. It gave them something to concentrate on. Their eyes sometimes jumping from the walls to take a closer look at the pattern on the shell in front of their eyes.
The fog in their mind was still noticeably there but now that Leo was at their side the anxiety at the pit of their stomach seemed to finally dissipate somewhat. It was still there but not as strong anymore. No, now Leo was here so that meant things will be fine.
A few turns and Y/N started to recognize the entrance to their lair. They were sure Leo would drop them once he got past the pay tolls, but he just kept on walking. At this point Leo could have probably dangled them off a building and they would be fine with it. They trusted him.
But instead of doing anything like that he just walked up to his own room. He slowly opened the door and walked in, stepping towards to the bed to let Y/N slowly fall on it. If this situation were different this might have looked a bit funny with how Y/N just slid off his back right on to the mattress like a ragdoll.
Leo then grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around Y/N’s shoulders in a, at this point, familiar way. Making sure that it laid firmly around their torso but still left their arms somewhat free. The pressure was welcoming as well as the warmth that accompanied it.
“I’ll be right back, Y/N. I’m just making some tea for us. Are you hungry?”
They shook their head as response.
With a nod to show that he understood, Leo left the room and Y/N let out a deep breath, leaning back against the wall. Their eyes slowly scanning Leo’s room. It was, as always, very tidy. The blue accents all around them always seemed to calm them down. Something inside the slowly thinning fog in their head told them that Leo must have realized that, hence why he usually put them in his room when he helped them out like this. He was sometimes too perceptive for Y/N’s liking.
They slowly pushed their shoes off their feet so they could sit on Leo’s bed and hug their own legs, the blanket now also covering their legs. As they laid their head on their knees, they were pretty much buried beneath the blanket that Leo gave them. Taking the lingering scent of him in. They would never admit to it even if someone threatened their life, but it helped them to calm down. There was just this calming smell of the tea that he tended to drink. It was nice. It was comforting. It was Leo.
The door opened again, and Leo came walking in with two steaming mugs. Y/N moved around a bit, so they were still comfortably sitting but also able to hold on to the warm beverage. Without even saying a word Leo automatically sat down next to them. His shoulder touching theirs.
The warmth of the mug was more than welcoming. Their fingers lightly tapped along the smooth surface of the mug as they let it seep in. They took a cautious sip of the drink, it seemed to warm them up from the inside. The smell was also helping greatly.
It was almost as if the steam from the mug was slowly pushing away their own fog that encompassed them.
Tentatively Y/N leaned more against Leo who was busy nursing his own cup. It was just nice knowing that he was there. His presence anchoring them down into the here and now more than they liked to admit.
Yes, Y/N was actually in the room, not just floating along. They could feel the soft blanket and the drink warming them up. There was Leo right next to them doing his own thing. Patiently sitting there as he stole a few glances towards them to probably ensure that they were doing alright. Sometimes he would lightly push against their shoulder with his own, his way to ask them if everything was alright without speaking, to which in return they would continue to softly nod. Things were alright, thanks to him.
At some point Leo laid his arm around their shoulders, softly squeezing their arm with his hand. Pulling them lightly closer to himself.
“Thanks, Leo.” Their words finally carried more of the emotion they wanted to convey. The fog seemed to finally properly lift. It’s almost funny to them how easily Leo could just fight back their disassociation and anxiety. Either with just his presence or the little things he did for them.
Y/N doesn’t need to say anything, Leo just knew most of the time, knew what to do or say to soothe their worries. And when he didn’t know he would ask, and he always remembered.
He really became their anchor.
“Always.” Leo answered, “Are you feeling better?”
“It’s starting to get better. Feel like without your help I would have been out of it for maybe days.”
“Glad I could help.”
As always, he sounded genuine, no ounce of annoyance. No wonder that Leo became Y/N’s go to person when they were going through it again. They just hoped they could do something like this for him, usually this was them offering to listen to his worries. It took a while but over time he would start to take them up on that offer.
“You mind talking a bit? Just about your day?” the question coming out quietly.
Leo shifted for a moment as he placed his cup away, freeing his hands up only to settle back down next to Y/N. His arm still around their shoulders, pulling them close to him. His other hand searched for one of Y/N’s. They knew immediately what he wanted to do and just opened up their palm and placed it down next to them. He begun to trace and poke their hand. Another thing he sometimes did to help them return to reality. It gave them something to concentrate on as he began to just tell them about his day. How training went, Mikey’s last weird pizza combination, what his last argument with Raph was about, how Donnie was holding up since he apparently had a few new ideas he wanted to work on or even how Splinter teased him and Raph when Mikey took his chance when the two were arguing to flip the two brothers on their back to make them stop.
The more he just talked the more Y/N leaned against Leo, silently releasing the tension in their body. They even began laughing when Leo told them about Dr. Prankestein’s latest, successful, prank.
“I can’t believe you would laugh at our misery like that.” He chuckled, mock betrayal in his voice.
Y/N looked up towards him, seeing his grin “Something tells me you let him have that one.”
Leo made a point to look away “What? I would never.”
“Sure, sure. It’s not like you to go easy on your baby brother. Always the serious unrelenting leader.”
“Alright, seeing how you have no problem teasing me I can tell that you are doing way better, and I have half the mind to just throw you out now.” But his smile never faltered as he spoke.
Y/N untangled their hand from Leo’s to lay their arm around his chest to hold on to the turtle “No.” They wailed, stretching the word out as long as their breath let them “This is comfy. You can’t get rid of me now. I don’t know, something, something about how to treat guests and all?”
He laughed quietly “Yep. That’s it. Something, something treating guests nice and all. Hit the nail on the head. You have a way with words, Y/N.”
“Thanks, I learned from the best.”
“I knew Mikey is a bad influence on you.”
“He is the only one here who knows how to have fun. You are just jealous.”
“No, I don’t even know what that is. What was it you said? Always the serious and unrelenting leader?”
Soon the blanket was laying across the two as they laid on the bed, arms around each other as they talked how they usually did. Some small talk mixed with some funny quips, mostly because Y/N loved teasing the blue clad turtle. It wasn’t the first time this happened, and this wouldn’t be the last time.
At some point the two settled into a comfortable silence. Both kind of just dozing off. Y/N’s head was at this point on his chest, they could hear the soft thumping off his heart even through the thick material, making them drowsier by the minute.
He gave them an affirmative hum, slightly moving his head to look down at them.
“Seriously… thank you for all of this. I really mean that. Wouldn’t know who else to come to when I’m disassociating.”
Leo’s sleepy inquisitive looked turned into a soft smile “Hey, you help me out all the time as well but even if you didn’t, I will always help when you need me. I care for you, you know that.”
“And I will keep helping you out because I care about you as well.”
Leo leaned down for a second to place a quick little kiss on Y/N’s head “I’m happy to hear it.”
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Expiry Dating
The first time the Doctor met River Song, he saw her die. And now she's asking him on a date. Well, not a date, exactly... More of a mission.
But the Doctor isn't at anyone's beck and call. Or so he thinks. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, can the Doctor afford not to do whatever River wants? Whichever one of him she asks?
River leading 10 on a wild goose chase while he tries his absolute best (and miserably fails) to not be a part of it. So much fun! (anonymous)
River and the Doctor meet on the most haunted planet in the galaxy. The Doctor's not sure it's an ideal date - until they discover a mystery.
Something is wrong with the ghosts. Something might even be killing them…
And as the Doctor and River investigate, the truth of what's happening on the planet of ghosts may prove deadly for them both.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Cars that Ate London!
The advent of electric carriages on London's streets causes a stir – until they start careening out of control. Elsewhere, factory workers lose their senses, while a brand-new power plant suffers mysterious outages.
Genius industrialist Fabian Solak has a vision of the future – free from pollution, running on clean electricity. But Madame Vastra knows such ideas are ahead of their time...
We open with one Jenny Flint buying racing pigeons because Vastra keeps eating the- because the pigeons keep getting out. She also buys a swan for Vastra (which, if you know Brit lore, the Queen owns most of the swans for some reason XD, and this is therefore a big "Fuck you" from Vastra to the Queen), when suddenly an electric car without a driver attacks the market. At home in Paternoster Row Vastra checks if Jenny is okay and promptly suggests a 'lie down' together... 😂 The guy making the electric cars owns a factory that quite literally works its workers to death in assembly lines, or absorbs the people's brains. The Gang infiltrates said factory (Strax starts a small war after doing a gloriously funny Cockney impression), trip an alarm, and have to flee. Strax runs through a wall. They try to escape in their carriage, two electric cars chasing them. When the carriage crashes, Strax is prepared to take the cars on in hand to hand combat; he sees it as a tactical advantage for himself that the cars don't have arms. Or so he thinks: the electric cars are actually electric TRANSFORMERS. While Strax rallies the workers to seize the means of production (communist king) and Jenny is prepped to be absorbed (she kicks the lady trying to tie her up and frees herself), Vastra has a talk with Mr Solak that ends in her being electrocuted and temporarily disabled for being IBSANELY mouthy. Solak's transformers are automated enough that he doesn't require any more workers, and he plans to absorb the brains of everyone in London with his factory he's made mobile. Well, they manage to escape and get caught AGAIN (they're that skilled istg) they try to absorb Strax as well, and while Vastra talks to Solak and distracts him, Strax takes advantage of the high voltage they connected him to and uses the energy to recharge himself properly. A hilarious audio to kick off the fiest boxset, though not without its serious moments. The concept is insane tho and I love tha. (@jennyandvastraflint )
A Photograph to Remember
The Paternoster Gang are shocked to discover a rival group on the streets. A Sontaran, a Silurian and a human – only their intentions are not quite so noble as Madame Vastra and friends.
And when the recently-photographed dead begin to return home, strangely altered, will this 'Bloomsbury Bunch' be more of a help or a hindrance?
a lovely story about the gang with the first appearance of my beloved Bloomsbury Bunch (anonymous)
Shortly after surviving the perils of Logopolis, Castrovalva and the machinations of the Master, the new Doctor and his new crew could be forgiven for wanting to take a breather from their tour of the galaxy. But when the TARDIS lands in a strange and unsettling environment, the urge to explore is irresistible... and trouble is only a few steps away.
The world they have found themselves in is populated by a wide variety of the strangest people imaginable - a crashed spacecraft here, a monastery there, even a regal court. And not everyone they meet has their best interests at heart.
With the TARDIS stolen and the very environment itself out to get them, the travellers face an extremely personal threat. They'll have to work as a team if they want to get out alive... but can you really trust someone you barely know?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Iterations of I
The house on Fleming's Island had been left to rot. Ever since a strange and unexplained death soon after it was built, and plagued with troubling rumours about what lurked there, it remained empty and ignored for decades until the Cult moved in. As twenty people filled its many rooms, the eerie building seemed to be getting a new lease of life.
But now it is empty again. The cult found something in its corridors... and then vanished.
Trapped on the island one dark night, the Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric look into the building's mysteries, its stories of madness and death. Their only chance is to understand what terrible thing has been disturbed here... before it consumes them utterly.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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okay but like... soft <3
“it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyway.”
Night Talks || Moon x Reader (1.2k words)
Insomnia had come back around again, knocking on the door to your brain and cheerily hustling in to make itself at home before you could ask for it to come back at a different time. It didn’t even have the courtesy of a gradual arrival, letting you sleep contently one night and then find the next night that sleep…simply didn’t come to you. You lay awake, tossing and turning, until exhausted nervous energy took you over and you ended up working on your latest project into the hours of the early morning. 
After several days of sitting awake through the night before taking a crash nap in some attempt to rest before your work shift, you knew you would barely be able to survive through the rest of the month if you kept going at this rate. The sleep debt was piling up, and you’d already accidentally found yourself napping in the Pizzaplex staff room (as opposed to purposefully napping). But this was one of the reasons you’d made yourself available to night shifts. At the start of yet another long night, you pulled up your emails and tapped out an email to your supervisors, hoping that a quick explanation and request to temporarily go fully night shift for a couple of weeks would be accepted. 
The guilt of the request was quick to follow sending the email, as well as the worry of ‘What if they say no? Or worse, what if this puts a mark on my job history?’ Following rapidly on the heels of these thoughts came ‘What if Sun gets upset about not seeing me?’
Well, he would probably be much more upset if he knew that you were spending day and night awake. The day that you’d crash-napped in the staff room, he’d definitely been giving you a certain Look when you finally got around to restocking the daycare supply cupboard. It might have been concern, but there’d been more squinting around his smile for it to have been true, wholesome concern.
Ping. Your email inbox going off dragged you out of your spiraling thoughts. It seemed that, despite it already being painfully late in the day, your supervisor was perfectly happy to reshuffle your schedule, so long as you completed your assigned weekly hours, and put you onto the night shift starting tomorrow. Letting out a long sigh of relief, you laid back into your chair and considered perhaps what the outcome of your actions might be.
Picking up your security guard uniform from the staff room, you hesitated at the door to the main Pizzaplex. No shouting children, no babbling parents, no humming and whirring of the electronics running throughout the complex, leaving only the distant sounds of various staff bots making their routes. They should all have been updated to your new temporary schedule - you didn’t want a repeat of your first night shift. 
With your flashlight in your belt, you pushed through the door and into the dimly lit space. Almost immediately you caught sight of scuttling movement overhead, and unforeseen consequences decided to slam into your brain. Moon. Of course, Moon. He knew your usual schedule, he would be aware thanks to the animatronic updates but he was much more complicated to deal with.
“You should be asleep,” his voice grated out over your head. Another day, this might have sent shivers down your back. But your nap today had been minimal, and your overall energy levels weren’t up to scratch for dealing with Moon spooks. 
“It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway,” you replied bluntly. 
“You couldn’t sleep?”
“Yeah. Insomnia, my guy. I can’t sleep at night, so I take naps during the day.” Looking up, you stared straight into the wide red eyes of your friendly local Moon. A softer look of confusion had overtaken his neutral malicious grin. “I thought you’d be happier to see more of me.”
“What’s insomnia?” he asked. “This is not in my databank.”
“Oh? Oh, weird. I dunno if little kids can have insomnia, so maybe that’s why they didn’t tell you ‘bout it.” As you walked down the corridor, Moon descending down to your level, you gave him the explanation of insomnia that you were most up-to-date with. You weren’t a doctor, but a doctor had explained your insomnia to you, so you passed on that information. Moon listened with a deep silent interest, eyes wide and pale as he hunched over to your side. 
“ - so, yeah, I take medication for it, and having a set sleep schedule really helps me out. But if I’m experiencing a lot of stress, then I’m more at risk of having a period of insomnia,” you finished up your explanation. 
“Hmm.” Moon’s fingers rubbed together underneath his chin, his gaze trailing off into the emptiness of the corridor. “I see. I’ll make sure this is logged in mine and Sun’s database.”
“Do you and Sun share databases? So he knows what you’ve done?” you questioned, curiosity piqued in a new direction.
“No, no. We share a medical database. If one of us learns something new about a child in our care, the other will receive that information too,” Moon explained, tapping at the curve of his face mask. The actual animatronic skull was tucked away, out of sight, so that was as close as he could get. Regardless, it brought a chuckle to your lips.
“Oh? Does that make me a child in your care?” you teased him, earning you a poke on the nose for your effort.
“If you were, I’d tuck you to bed,” Moon teased right back. His head slowly tilted to the side, his grin beginning to slide back into concern. “Are you stressed here?”
“I - sorry?”
“You said you get insomnia when you’re stressed. Are you stressed here?”
“I…don’t think so. Yes? No? Life can get stressful sometimes without anything in particular causing stress.” Your hands rubbed together as you rambled off. “Weather can cause stress. Food can, work can. Sometimes it’s just little things that build up, y’know?” 
“...I can understand.” It wasn’t just you fiddling aimlessly. Moon stared down at his wrists, picking idly at one of the lengths of red ribbon that wound around one, before making sure the ribbon was still tight and wouldn’t loosen too much. “I also know you’d tell me if I was stressing you out. Although, perhaps not in those words.”
“Not time to play, Moon. Stop scaring me, Moon. I’m not in the mood, Moon.” It was a fair attempt of imitating you, and there certainly wasn’t any negative infliction on his words, even if he was grumbling them out. Another chuckle bubbled up from you as you gave him a gentle shove.
“Okay, okay. Knock it off.”
“Knock it off, Moon.” Instead of rolling his eyes, Moon rolled his entire head. Lifting up a hand, he placed it gently on your head, the palm wide enough but the fingers long and clasping over the sides of your face. Briefly he gives you a strange, full-head scritch, before bringing his hand away to tap you lightly on top of the head. “Part of my job is to make sure the children sleep well. If less stress makes you sleep better, then I’ll do that too.”
You didn’t have the heart to tease him back about the children comment. Instead you decided to sink into the sappy warmth of his words, bonking his hand with your forehead and giving him a fond smile.
“Thanks Moon.” 
He looked down once more at you, eyes squinting briefly as their red glow illuminated his cheeks, before taking the lead in the security patrol.
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finn-brooks · 1 year
CLOSED STARTER for @not-that-kinda-bj where: outside aurora bay hospital
'I'm outside, but take your time. I have nothing but plenty of it to spare. Thanks again.'
Is the text sent to Bobbi.
It started earlier in the week when he dropped a pitcher of coffee on a table. He'd been lucky it was only half full and the splash missed the sweet elderly lady in the booth (bless her for not being an angry little thing). Then a few days later, his grip on a kitchen knife faltered, catching his thumb in cut that thankfully didn't need a stitch. Sure bled a lot, but he was able to bandage it up and call it a day.
Finn should have known this morning when there was a struggle getting out of bed, and how he swayed on his feet and the brain fog had intensified, that going to work was a bad idea. That being said, he also wasn't surprised when he went to lift a particularly heavy tray of entrees that he went down in a crash of dishes and hot food.
He sits outside the hospital on a bench, looking solemnly down to his left wrist that is newly wrapped in fresh plaster casting. A fracture. In hindsight, Finn blames the stress of finals mixed with the fire at the apartments, uprooting himself temporarily to Aurora Bay Drive. Also maintaining this balancing act of keeping his mother close while simultaneously an arm's length away requires a bit of effort, the pressure had onset the symptoms even while he's stayed on top of his medications. A physically demanding job might not be in the cards for him anymore, as lucrative as it is.
Finn perks when he sees the familiar car in the discharge pick-up area, gets to his feet (carefully of course) and saunters on over with a forced upbeat bounce to his step. "UBER - Barbara Jenkins?" he asks with a shit-eating grin as he pokes his head in her window.
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"Just kidding, don't pinch me when I get in. I'm a wounded soldier, and it would be absolutely unfair of you to bully me while I'm incapacitated." There is a pause with a warning look, and then Finn slips into the passenger seat, tossing his messenger bag in the space by his feet. "Thanks for coming to get me. Darcy doesn't drive, and Jameson's at the shop. Not sure what Evie is up to at the moment… but, I appreciate it."
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ladymdc · 2 years
Prompt from @spacefall — AI Jack totalled his new ride (body), and limps to his ex (Rhys) to ask if he can crash at his place (brain.)
He forces himself from the wall and over to Rhys. Pure adrenaline got him this far, but the injuries he acquired from this disaster are taking over.
“You have to let me in, kitten.”
Rhys doesn’t look up from the graze on his shoulder. “I really don’t. How you handle stuff like this stopped being my problem when you left me.”
Jack’s heart stutters. Not from blood loss. Not yet, at least. But from the realization that uploading into Helios or hell, even temporarily facing the void might be better than seeing Rhys didn’t care about him at all anymore.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
The Comforting Night - A Mousebraingirl ficlet
"Huh!" Steven jolted his head up from his desk, now fully awake after dozing off from the late hours working in his lab. He glanced up at the clock on the wall. 2:45 a.m. the clock showed to the tired scientist. Steven groggily rubbed the sand from his eyes as he tried to wake himself up again. He was spending another long night trying to find a cure for his child, to free her from that wretched mouse brain that was fused to her head. For Steven, it was worth the lack of sleep as long as he stayed on the road for a cure. Steven then subconsciously licked his lips, noting how dry his mouth and throat were from so many hours after he last drank something. 'Guess I can take a break now to get a glass of water.' Steven reasoned casually in his head. As soon as Steven exited his basement lab and into his living room, he heard multiple sounds of taping against the windows. Sonny Days, the weatherman, had predicted on TV that a rainstorm would hit Fair City by tonight and he was not wrong. Steven then heard some distant rumbling from outside with his super hearing. 'Probably going to have some thunder as well.' Steven then shook that casual thought off and went to the fridge to get some water. He took a glass from one of the cabinets near the fridge and then opened the fridge door to get a jug of water. He set the jug on the counter next to the glass then closed the door...only to be startled at the sudden appearance of his daughter Mouse, Bob, and the rest of the mice siblings that Mouse had adopted into their home.
"Gah!" Steven exclaimed as he jumped back from the shock of suddenly seeing them all there. Steven then took notice that they all had concerned looks. Mouse and her mice siblings having fearful looks. "Mouse, sweetheart, what are you all doing up so late?" Steven asked with concern in his voice. "We can't sleep, the storm outside is too loud." Mouse said quietly, still looking shaken. Just as she finished *CRASH-BOOM* The thunder clouds seemed to explode and rattled the house a bit from the sound, a bolt of lightning struck from outside, making the dark room light up temporarily. Mouse shrieked with a squeaky scream and her siblings gave equal squeaks of fear. Even Bob couldn't help but let out a brief monkey yelp. Mouse ran into her dad and Steven immediately hugged his daughter without squeezing the mice she was holding too hard. "Shh, its okay. Your alright. We'll be fine." Steven said as he comforted his frightened children. He could feel Mouse shaking in his arms. Steven then developed a small smile as he lifted his child's face to meet his gaze. "I have and idea kiddo. How about we all sleep on the couch tonight." Steven kindly suggested. Mouse sniffed a bit before silently nodding. The other mice siblings and Bob also agreed. So Steven went upstairs to get plenty of blankets and pillows from the supply closet, as well as earmuffs for the group, then brought them back downstairs and placed them on the couch. He then pulled the coffee table out of the way so he could pull the leg recliners from the couch to give the family some room. After that he put a large blanket over the couch and a few pillows under them. Mouse and her siblings crawled in and Steven followed suit. He put a pillow on one end of the armrests where he laid his head. Mouse curled up and fell asleep under the crook of her dad's arm. Squeaky Jr. and her other elder sibling fells asleep in the crooks of Steven's neck. The two youngest passed out on top of Mouse's head. Bob soon slept on Mouse's back. Steven warmly and tenderly observed his children and monkey friend sleep more peacefully now before he himself finally dozed off. 'I can work more later.' was his last thought before he snoozed off to dreamland. The storm outside went on with might, but the Boxleitner family was not afraid as they were surrounded in warmth and comfort by each other.
(this was inspired by the thunderstorm happening outside of my house right now.)
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tfwarfare · 2 years
Transformers Warfare: Shield of Solus
The Shield of Solus is an all femme Autobot strike team. After the original version of the team was disbanded and its members joining up with different teams and groups, the Autobot known as Splendid Magnus was personally appointed by Elita One to form a new group. Electing to stay on Cybertron and fend off Shockwave’s forces as he took over the barren world in Megatron’s name, Splendid and her team will do whatever it takes to ensure Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots don’t come back home to a Decepticon ruled planet.
Splendid Magnus
The only previous member of the Shield of Solus to be apart of this iteration of the group, Splendid was Elita One's second in command. Intelligent, courageous, and self sacrificial, some might liken her to a female version of Optimus Prime, though her insistence that her fellow teammates have the same yellow color scheme as herself might make her seem a little vain.
Splendid Magnus transforms into a Cybertronian fire truck. She is armed with a Path Blaster cannon.
Most bots with large and tough tend to have more muscles then brains. Strika the military strategist and Bulkhead the Space Bridge engineer turned Wrecker seem to be the only true exceptions. Treadbolt, meanwhile, seems to fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. She's not as intelligent as the previously mentioned bots, but she's willing to brave whatever the Decepticons can throw at her if it means she can help her friends, and to most, that's good enough.
Treadbolt transforms into a Cybertronian front end loader. She is armed with a laser pistol.
Circuit used to be a sort of "used car salesmen" bot which gave the term a near-universal bad meaning, alongside the likes of Swindle. Trickdiamond, and Daytrader. That is, until she became the victim of an incident known as the "Iron Hope Disaster", in which an Autobot starship was attacked by Decepticons, which then crash landed on an energon starved planet. Forced to survive off of nucleon, an unstable substance known for temporarily supercharging Transformers at the cost of their ability to transform if used for a long enough period of time, Circuit was devastated to lose her alternate form, enough so that she took it as a sign that she needed to change her ways. Taking this lesson to spark, she used whatever equipment and contacts she still had left when she returned to Cybertron to build herself a transforming exo-suit that could turn into her original alt mode. Now armed with a vast array of weaponry, she's a dedicated Autobot, albeit one who misses what she has lost.
Circuit used to transform into a Cybertronian race car. Her exo-suit is armed with a decelerator cannon and an X18 Scrapmaker.
Vain, mean spirited, arrogant, and just a tad bit psychopathic, Sunstreaker is not one would imagine when they think of an Autobot. A former gladiator, Sunstreaker was one of the few to ever battle Megatron in the pre-war days and live to tell the tale, and she's self centered enough to let everyone know. Her tendencies are often held in check by her brother Sideswipe... but Sideswipe isn't here to do so. And that's a major problem, both for the Decepticons, and the Autobots.
Sunstreaker transforms into a Cybertronian sports car. She is armed with an Electron Pulse Blaster and can transform her hands into pile drivers.
The younger sister of the Autobot team commander Goldbug, Bumblebee is every bit the cheerful and brave scout her brother was in his youth. Often regarded as the "little sister" of practically any Autobot team she becomes a part of, Bumblebee has found her most recent addition to the Shield of Solus no different an experience as any other. Unfortunately, she's a little self conscious about her size and lack of physical strength, but at the end of the day, she knows that as long as she remains fearless, there's nothing she can't do.
Bumblebee transforms into a Cybertronian car. She is armed with a laser pistol.
Once part of the Street Action Team alongside her teammates Grindor and High Wire, Sureshock was unintentionally left behind when Cybertron was evacuated. Found and rescued by Splendid Magnus, Sureshock immediately joined the Shield of Solus, as a mutually beneficial relationship (she needed protection from Shockwave and his forces, the team needed a strategist). Though she may seem aloof to her new group, Sureshock just needs some time to adjust to the absence of her previous group and combination partners.
Sureshock transforms into a Cybertronian ATV. She doesn't carry weapons, being a non-combatant.
Sister of Autobot communications officer Blaster and the spy Toaster, Karmen followed in espionage much like her brother, but in a different fashion. While Toaster may be content to appear as an ordinary data stick, transferring information back and forth to his brother, Karmen is more suited to lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to attack her opponents from the inside - most often while her team is already assaulting the fortress she's in. Intermittently, she also likes to make a Decepticon or two "disappear" while they're alone with her, just to make things easier on her group. However, these waiting periods often leave her distracted and lost in her thoughts... particularly ones involving Sunstreaker, whom she's grown attracted to.
Karmen can transform into a Cybertronian data stick for espionage and a Cybertronian car for making getaways. She is armed with a laser pistol.
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r3tr0raven · 2 years
⌑Update: Old AU idea temporarily on pause to leave room for other fun projects. Might get scrapped.. I'm not too sure yet.
Ello, I have something a little more chaotic.
*Slaps traditional art on desk.* Behold! DailyPsycho's Sunny and Crescent (Moon)!
(Click for better quality.)
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These fricken damaged metalmen have been ROTTING and SCREAMING in my brain for the past TWO MONTHS RENT FREE!! *SLAMS HEAD ON DESK*
✳︎AU ramble under cut.⇣
Callin this AU 'DailyPsycho', for the crazy ways Sun spreads his 'playtime' beyond the daycare. Slowly upgrading himself from the band member's body parts: voice box, eye, claws. But what consequences would arrive from all this? What's his true motive?
Callin this AU 'DailyPsycho', for the crazy ways Sun spreads his 'playtime' beyond the daycare. Slowly upgrading himself from the band member's body parts: voice box, eye, claws. But what consequences would arrive from all this? What's his true motive?
Thinking of adding new characters and a three way split perspective storyline: 1. A private detective mission to find and retrieve missing/murdered daycare children and seek answers for said cases. But the dangers and an unpleasant surprise crashes plans down. 2. A mischievous teen group sneak into the shut down Pizzaplex in search for paranormal and cool pictures for an obscure myth project. What could possibly go wrong? 3. Gregory and Lizzy (dlc girl) struggling to survive since the very day they were trapped in during the Pizzaplex's emergency shut down a month prior. But who would they be able to trust? Freddy is kind but others have been slipping away faster than ever! Who says it won't be them next!?
Hope to give more info through future drawings and answering any questions! But for starters, enjoy the doodles of concerned boiboi Crescent (Moon) in a lazily drawn setting and happy killer Sunny with his best friend forever scythe. :) (Sorry that Sun's design is a bit outdated/different compared to Moon. He was drawn first back in January.. Moon was recently completed this week. Hope that's okay.)
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lifblogs · 3 years
A request if you don't mind: Rex and Ahsoka's first night in hiding after the Siege of Mandalore.
Gosh, this was so hard, but I love the result!
Rex’s stomach grumbled, and Ahsoka leaned into him, putting a hand on his shoulder. The wind bit at them, even beneath the shelter of their Y-wing. Besides the few things they’d been able to salvage from the Tribunal, they had next to nothing. They’d had to leave quickly after burying 332nd Company, worrying about what the rise of this new order meant, and what information about their position any of the 332nd may have beamed to Coruscant before the fatal crash.
They’d done what they could to fix up Arseven, needing him to pilot them through hyperspace. They hadn’t been able to go far before Arseven’s power cells gave out. His flight performance monitors had given out before that, so it’d been a harrowing trip.
Ahsoka could feel the grief in the galaxy, and were she on her own she wouldn’t know how to go on. But she had Rex—Rex who also seemed to doubt his ability to survive this. But still, he was there, and they’d patched each other up as best they could.
“How’s your head?” Ahsoka asked him.
“Clear, if that’s what you’re wondering. No urge to kill you, Commander.”
“Does it hurt?” she asked, referring to the hasty brain surgery done in the medbay.
“A little, but where you smashed me against that command table might hurt more.”
Ahsoka winced, but leaned further into him, finding herself resting her arm against his torso. He had a hand supporting her head, her montrals just picking up the vibrations of his fingers against her as they slowly moved. The sound was soothing.
“Sorry about that,” she said.
He pulled her close. “It’s all right. I was trying to kill you.” He gave a weak laugh that neither of them felt.
The howling wind died down to a more peaceful gusting, and that was the only sound for a while.
“Commander—” Rex started.
“Just Ahsoka,” she corrected him. She wasn’t a commander, and he wasn’t a captain. Not anymore.
He cleared his throat, and started again, “Ahsoka, I… My brothers… They’re…”
She lay down against the cold ground, and pulled Rex with her.
“I know,” she told him, tracing a line across his chest over his black body suit. His armor lay temporarily discarded with Arseven.
She sighed, her mind nearly breaking at the impossibility of the truth. And she held onto Rex, knowing that he had her back. They’d saved each other. As far as Ahsoka knew, they were the only two who had been in the GAR that were free. But was it really freedom if they felt the deaths around them? If their society had turned on them after using them without their knowledge?
The war—it was over. Just like that.
Jedi were dead.
All the Jedi? Ahsoka didn’t know. She feared for Anakin. Something terrible had happened to him.
With a whimper she pressed her face against Rex’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around her.
“We need to get some sleep, Commander.”
Ahsoka didn’t bother correcting him this time.
“How?” she asked, voice tiny and bitter. “How can I sleep, and wake, knowing what I know? Seeing what I’ve seen? I…” Her lip trembled and she tried to just focus on the hardness of his body, on his warmth.
“As a clone,” Rex began, “I was programmed to not feel the effects of trauma. Yet, no programming, no amount of training, could handle this. And I’ve known guilt, and regret, and grief. Yet, I went on, because I had you, because I had my brothers, because I had General Skywalker.”
Ahsoka sniffled at her old master’s name.
“So I suppose, we sleep, and we wake, for the other people that are out there, for the people that are around us.”
Ahsoka nodded, and then tilted her head up to look at him, face wet with tears she hadn’t realized she’d been crying.
“I know the Force still exists,” she said. “And I know that the men of the 332nd have become one with the Cosmic Force. Master Yoda always said to rejoice at their joining with the Force, but I’m so… lost. To feel the Living Force, to know that these people existed and lived, and had feelings, and now they’re not…” She shook her head and then pressed her forehead against Rex’s. “I’m glad I have you.”
“We’ll have to split up,” he said.
Ahsoka put a hand to his lips. “But now right now. Right now we’re here, together.”
And maybe it was the ravenous emptiness within the Force, or the darkness swarming through it, or the pain in her body, or the fear living in her mind, but Ahsoka leaned forward and kissed him. She’d never thought about doing it before, but maybe it was what she needed now.
Maybe it was what he needed, as well, because he returned the kiss, gentle. So gentle.
Ahsoka pulled him tight against her, her tears getting on his face, a tear of his own getting on hers. It became sloppy, and a thing of desperate pain and need. Yet it was still slow, still thoughtful.
Rex was the first to pull away, and he cleared his throat, eyes looking down.
“I wasn’t supposed to do that,” he murmured.
Ahsoka stroked his cheek. “Neither was I. But we’re not commander and captain anymore. And I’m not a Jedi.”
She closed her eyes at the last words, chest constricting with the pain of it. Even now, it hurt so much. And the Jedi were lost.
Ahsoka kissed Rex again, feeling him as part of the Living Force, feeling what he felt, knowing him.
He was right. They would have to separate, to hide out on their own. But not now. Now, night had fallen on the Republic, and a new order had risen. And they were tucked away, hidden, together. Maybe not safe, and sure, they were hungry and hurting, but they were hurting together.
Ahsoka wasn’t alone, and neither was Rex.
The emptiness of the galaxy escaped her mind as she held him in the night beneath their beat up Y-wing.
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user21340 · 3 years
my only exception
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(i don’t own this gif or any of the characters in this fic)
summary: you and nat are separated when in the Red Room. you both are reunited. after holding onto a couple things to give her for a couple years you both realize love is well and alive.
warnings: violence, abuse, swearing, lil angst, fluff
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
word count: nearly 1.8k
a/n: omg i don’t know what to say! thank you for all the support on the stuff i’ve released so far. it’s super crazy seeing some of my favorite writers following me. thank you so so much for 30 followers! much love 💕💕
(italics in dialogue mean the person is speaking russian)
sorry for any mistakes i wrote this at 3am and have to get up for school at 6 😪 no bueno
It was a cold and stormy night as the power in the Red Room continuously flickered on and off even with the help of a high powered generator.
You and Natalia had been waiting for an event like this to occur so you could break out. Even though both herself and you lived only a small bit of life outside in the real world before you were taken in and trained to become a weapon, both of your humanly morals knew right from wrong. The Red Room’s treatment definitely being a wrong.
Madame B and the other monstrous staff at this facility put all you girls to bed roughly an hour ago. Nat and yourself undid your cuffs connecting your wrist to the metal bedframe so you could pack the few things you both owned before you made your escape. Both of you had talked this plan over through and through so you both were on the same page as soon as you saw that flicker of a power outage surge though the site.
At the moment you both were eighteen years old meaning both of you had proven yourselves worthy enough to hone a spot at this academy and had graduated a couple months prior.
Some information you had gathered which the staff weren’t aware of was every time the power flickered off, it disarmed and unlocked the exit door/s for nearly five seconds. The weather has been dry but cold lately not making this discovery too useful. The plan was to sneak over to uncuff yourselves in the middle of the night when these brief power outages were occurring, pack your items, and as you were about to escape bang on the wall of the large room where the girls kept at the academy would sleep to create enough of a distraction before you were out and free for good. Easy right? How wrong you’d be.
When it was time for the distraction, Nat stood by the door waiting for the next surge of lightning of whatever broke the electricities stability as you walked to the far side of the sleeping quarters where you were sure you’d have enough time to bang on the walls and sprint out of that door.
You heard a crash of thunder so you knew your escape chance would be soon. As you were about to start banging on the walls you see a door knob parallel to Nat but far away none the less start turning.
Lightning strikes, what seems to be right outside of the building. You sprint for the door only to have your arm caught by one of Madame B’s henchmen.
Just like that the power flickers.
Without much thought you break away from the man’s grasp lunge at Natalia who happened to be at the door.
“We’ll meet again Natalia.” you speak softly
You shove her out of the door with all of your might.
You use all of your remaining strength that you can muster up to slam the heavy metal door closed.
The door locks once again.
“You stupid little bitch. Get over here NOW!” the man practically growls.
You slowly and steadily walk over to the man as he gruesomely pummels and kicks you.
Sure the beatings, mind torture and manipulation hurt, but you’ve never experienced any kind of pain on the same caliber to what being separated from Natalia feels like.
Madame B is more than disappointed, enraged and annoyed with one of her ‘star students’. You receive daily beatings and long, tiresome training hours for helping Natalia escape. Although everyone is ‘replaceable’ in the minds of the staff as well as Madame B, they just lost Natalia so they couldn’t afford to lose you as well.
Months later the beatings finally slow down to a couple a week which you are able to endure. Madame’s mission now is to make a monster out of you by pushing you to and past your limits when training.
One night you finally drift off to sleep. You hate sleeping. It’s a constant replay of your last night with Nat. Only hoping that she made it to civilization safe and sound and is living a normal teens life. However, tonight’s dream is different. In this dream you see yourself shoving your packed-escape bag between your mattress and bedframe as you are bleeding out on the ground from the beatings. You wake up in a cold sweat and manage to kneel on the ground and slowly lift up your mattress only to find that same, small bag filled with the few, but important belongings of yours and Nat’s. You open up the bag forgetting all about what you both had packed. The most important items you see is a picture of Natalia as a toddler with alongside her mother and father, a small metal ring which you had made for her after stealing a small teaspoon at dinner, banging it against the concrete floor with a rock to flatten it out as you’d continuously bend it back and fourth so only the thinnest part is of the spoon is left which you bend into a ring before surprising Nat with it after you know she had a pretty rough day training, and lastly Nat’s papers containing important info about her such as her full name, birthplace, parents names, and birthdate.
November 22, 1984
November 22, 1984
November 22, 1984
November 22, 1984
You make sure you have this date burned into your head, latching onto any important information about her you can learn.
You hang onto those three items keeping them hidden.
Two and a half years later...
It’s late at night when you hear gunshots and fights breaking out throughout the facility. You quickly get up out of bed (once again undoing your cuffs) and grab those three items from under your mattress. You place them in your pocket getting ready to make a break for the outside world. As you reach for the door you turn back taking one last look at the place you’ve been living for pretty much the entirety of your life, only before a man in a funny red, white, and blue costume enters your view.
You bring your hands up ready for a fight.
“Look kid, I’m not here to fight you. We are breaking you out.” the man ensures
“Who even are you?” you sternly question
“Steve Rogers. But the public calls me Captain America.” his gaze settles on your figure, “Mind telling me who you are?” he pushes
“Names y/n, but look I’ve got places to be ma-“ you are cut off when Captain America’s jaw drops.
“No, we both know you don’t. But, you ARE coming with me.” you know there isn’t much room for protest but that won’t stop you from trying. You lunge at him and push him to the ground as you wave a small goodbye and sprint towards the door only for your body to fall on the ground limp. Realizing you’ve been stunned by something temporarily.
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” you shriek, he only chuckles.
“God, Nat was right about you.” she shakes he head with a small grin on his face.
“N-nat?” you whisper as you vision fades black.
You regain consciousness and look around only to find yourself in a weird windowy, loud vehicle type thing. You see a group of people standing around you but you see one particular familiar face hovering directly over yours lightly combing through your hair with one one hand and gently outlining your jawline with the other.
“NAT!” you screech, your brain is feeling too many emotions to comprehend at the moment.
Once she sees and hears you are awake she pulls you into a bone crushing hug.
“Y/n/n I’m so sorry I left you and you had to stay in that hellhole for so long alone I don’t know how I would’ve help up it if that-“ you cut her off
“Natalia, all that matters is I’m here with you right now.” you reason.
After getting off of what you learned is a ‘plane’ you and Nat spend hours together clinging onto one another as if, as soon as you separate you will be absent in her life for another couple years, vice versa.
Months pass by. Even though you and Nat have yet to label yourselves as a couple your hearts belong to one another after being attached to the hip to one another for pretty much every activity or mission you both do. In this time you were also recruited as an Avenger due to your skillful hand to hand combat and your masterful types of fighting you have nearly perfected from your time in the room.
The date just happens to be November 22. You are pretty sure no one in the compound is aware of Natalia’s birthday, hell, you aren’t even sure if she’s aware.
Today is the day you decide to return the missing items from her bag that you recover after she left.
You wake up next to her and wake her up with a long, graceful, soft kiss on her lips to which she responds shortly after by kissing you back as you feel as tiny smirk against your own lips.
“Hey, what was that for?” she asks playfully
“Ohhh nothing. Just maybe it’s for my favorite girl’s special day today.” Nat blushes.
“H-how’d you know?”
“Oh honey, I know e v e r y t h i n g.” you reply
Before she can respond you pull her to sit up on your shared bed and hand her an envelope containing her papers as well as he one and only photo of herself and her family.
As soon as she sees both items she sobs into your chest. (more because of the picture, you really only included her papers so she too would know all the most crucial parts of her life pre-red room era.
“Uh, uh, uh’” you tut,”One more thing.” you reach for her hand slowly and tell her to shut her eyes. You slowly slide the makeshift ring on her finger.
“Open.” you instruct
To which she gasps at the sight and just like the day you both were reunited you hugged and kissed for hours on end.
“Nat, will you be my girlfriend?” you ask with a sheepish smile.
“Of course y/n/n, I thought you’d never ask.” she takes a breath,“I know love is for children, but you are my only exception.”
“Ditto.” Natalia chuckles, “That is what the Americans say, right?” you backtrack with flushed cheeks.
She holds you tighter and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Sure.” she breathes out.
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youare-mysonshine · 3 years
heavy || bucky barnes
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Summary: reader’s mental health has been taking a decline and bucky is there.
Requested: No
Pairing: TFATWS Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: talks of mental health, depression, anxiety, angst, cussing.
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Hey guys, I’m back I guess lmao. I’ve really been struggling with my mental health lately and I guess I kinda just wanted to put it into words, something productive? And I’ve been feeling our angsty emo boy bucky barnes. Most of you might’ve followed me for my Oscar fics but I kinda wanna branch out and I thought this would be a good time to do so. Anyways, I know that some of you have inboxed me or messaged me and I haven’t responded and I’m sorry. But I just want you all to know that if you’re struggling, I’m always here to talk. About anything, always. So, I hope you enjoy this. I might’ve cried while writing this lmao and I also might’ve ended it on such an awkward place but, i’m still getting used to writing again. (Flashbacks are in italics)
Bucky didn’t miss the dark circles under your eyes. He didn’t miss the way you sort of slouched as you approached him. He didn’t miss the way that your smile didn’t really meet your eyes.
“Hey,” You said in a breathless voice. “Sorry, I’m late. I got held up.” You said as you took a seat across from him in the booth. Held up. It was better than telling him that you were thinking of just not showing up at all. In the end, you knew that you couldn’t do that. You couldn’t just blow off your new friend who you had so enjoyed spending time with. So, in a rush, you got dressed and made your way to the small, quiet diner that you two had taken to frequenting together. Bucky Barnes was an enigma if you’d ever met one. The way that you had met was rather.. cliche and something straight from a story.
You had been trying to lay off of the caffeine for a while, realizing that you had nearly gone through an entire packet of 32 k-pods that you had just purchased. You realized that you might’ve had a problem. You had been going pretty strong with staying away from caffeine for the time being, until you passed by a coffee shop and got a whiff of coffee. You just couldn’t help yourself; you bought a cup of coffee. It was when you were walking down the street, holding the cup of coffee in one hand, looking down, that you didn’t see someone walking right in your path. You had collided into what seemed like a solid wall and the impact had caused you to squeeze the cup of coffee in surprise, the warm liquid burning your hand, staining your clothes and the other person. You had realized it was another person you had crashed into when you heard them let out a low cuss.
Bucky’s grumpy self had been fully prepared to tell you off for crashing into him, having just left his therapist’s office, but when you looked up at him with those bright eyes of yours, a million apologies spilling from your lips a mile a minute, he swallowed whatever harsh words had nearly sprung forth. He had apologized as well; both of you had been at fault. Bucky had been going over his session with Dr. Raynor that morning, completely lost in his own mind, and you had your eyes trained on the ground, something that was a bad habit of yours. The shock of realizing you had bumped into a man, a really really handsome man with the brightest blue eyes you had ever seen, had made you temporarily forget that you had practically scorched your hand with the coffee, and that you had gotten it on him as well.
“I’m so, so sorry.” You said once again, quickly averting your eyes from the handsome stranger’s face. Instead you focused on the smushed cup in your hand and the stains on his leather jacket. It just made you feel even terrible. “I, I can pay for you to get your jacket cleaned, if you want. Really. I wasn’t paying attention and I just, for whatever reason, squished my cup and.. I’m sorry.” You said, kind of breathlessly.
“It’s.. it’s alright.” His voice was like the coffee that you had been drinking. Smooth and rich. It was deep, something that reverberated deep in your chest and had your stomach fluttering with butterflies. “I wasn’t paying attention either. Really, it’s fine. And don’t worry about my jacket. No harm, no foul.” He said. “You should, uh, you should take care of that hand. Hope you didn’t burn yourself too bad.” He gestured to your hand, still clutching the cup, with one of his own gloved hands.
“Oh, I’ll be fine. It wasn’t that hot. Thank you, though. And again, I’m really, really sorry.” Sparing one, seemingly, last glance at the handsome stranger, you side stepped him and began to walk away, tossing the empty cup of coffee in a trash can on the sidewalk. But you didn’t get very far because that deep voice called out to you, halting you in your tracks.
“Can I buy you another cup of coffee?” Bucky’s mouth had opened and spoken the words long before his brain could even catch up. He didn’t know why he had asked you that, but something in his gut was just telling him too.
“What?” A look of total bewilderment had crossed your face and he had seen it.
“I just, well I thought that, since I bumped into you, I could make it up to you by buying you a new cup of coffee. If you wanted, I mean. You don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything.” Bucky clarified, hand stuffed in his pocket, waiting for your answer. For a few seconds, you simply stood there, unsure of what to say because surely this wasn’t happening? The last time that you had gone out with a guy was.. well, shit, you didn’t even remember the last time. The little voice in the back of your head, that anxious, paranoid little voice, was telling you not to go off with a stranger. You’d watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds and other true crime shows and documentaries to know that situations like this never turned out well. However, you didn’t get a bad feeling from this particular man. He seemed just as awkward and slightly frazzled as you felt. So you agreed.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.”
That had happened about two months ago. Ever since then, you and Bucky had formed a strong friendship. Your first time getting coffee with him had been awkward, as were the next few times that you had seen one another. But things got easier. Becoming friends was easy. You kind of fell into this routine, almost as if you two had known each other your whole lives. That was why Bucky telling you who he really was had been terrifying for him. He carried around guilt and shame and just contempt for everything he’d done. Everything The Winter Soldier represented, and when he told you, he figured that you would think the same. He had asked you meet him at the diner that had now become your spot and and you remember how he nervously wrung his gloved hands together. You remember when you asked him what was wrong and he didn’t verbally respond but he took off his gloves; the right one first and then the left, revealing a shiny black metal hand, golden lines intricately placed.
He told you then. Maybe he didn’t tell you everything but he told you who he was and he had braced himself for you to get up and storm out. Or, to yell at him and tell him how much of a monster he was. But, it never came. Instead, you reached out and placed your hand on top his. Not his real hand, but the metal one. You didn’t say anything. You just gave him that smile that was quickly becoming his favorite. Sometimes, silence spoke a thousand words. To Bucky, you had become kind of a respite for him. Even in the late nights or mornings when he woke up after a nightmare. Or after a particularly hard session with Dr. Raynor. He had closed himself off from other people except you.
Bucky might not have known it, but he gave you the same level of comfort as you gave him. You found yourself craving his presence. Every time you were around him, you couldn’t help but to smile or laugh. In the time that you spent together, your mind was clear and free from all your worries. It all evaporated into thin air. Your mind, usually so active with all sorts of thoughts and worries, could finally rest when you were with Bucky. You could sleep. You could get up in the morning without that stress and anxiety drowning you. It was okay. It was great.
Until it wasn’t.
“No problem, doll.” He said, gloved hands clasped under the table on his lap. “I already ordered. Got your usual. Hope that was alright.” He added, to which you nodded absentmindedly.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s fine. Thanks Buck.” You said, mustering up a half hearted smile that didn’t reach your eyes. It was like even smiling drained the energy from you. You were exhausted. Not even just physically but mentally and emotionally. You had been having such good days for a while now, since meeting Bucky. You felt like maybe you would finally be alright but.. this feeling of hopelessness, the feeling that nothing was quite right, it was heavy. It weighed you down. It suffocated you. You wanted to be alone, but you also couldn’t stand to be alone because when you were alone, you were just stuck in your head and being in your head was the absolute worst place to be.
The intrusive thoughts had started. They told you that you would do nothing but weigh Bucky down. That he didn’t need someone like you in his life, someone with clear problems of their own, when he was going to therapy trying to better himself. Even if it had been mandatory for him to go. You wanted to push him away, save him from yourself, but you also couldn’t stand the thought of losing him.
Bucky noticed the shift in you. Normally when you two met up, whether it was at the diner or anywhere else, you would usually talk his ear off. Not that he minded, he was content to just sit back and listen to you. Sometimes, you’d tell him about a new book that you had started reading. You had just started reading the fifth Harry Potter book and you were trying to get him to read them. You’d tell him about your day. You’d ask him how his day went, how it went with Dr. Raynor, though you never pushed for more information. You always let him share if he was comfortable with it and he appreciated that. Sometimes you teased him for being such an old man.
The food came soon after you had arrived and sure enough, Bucky had ordered your usual. It sent a pang through your heart when you realized that he had memorized your order, down to the extra syrup and whipped cream on the pancakes. Bucky always liked to make fun of you for ordering the same thing when you came to the diner. No matter what time it was, you always ordered the pancakes with extra syrup and extra whip cream, with the strawberries on the side. Secretly, though he found it adorable.
Today, you had barely even taken more than a few bites and that was what really let Bucky know that something wasn’t right. You kept your head down, eyes on the pancakes and you cut them up, bringing a few up to your mouth and chewing slowly, but you mostly just moved them around your plate with the fork in your hand. Bucky himself had barely taken only a few bites of the food he’d ordered for himself, but it wasn’t for lack of appetite, it was because of the growing concern. His bright blue eyes were now a stormy grey, kind of like the clouds that you see during a heavy storm. His brows were furrowed, giving him an appearance almost as if he were angry.
“You alright, Y/N? You’ve barely eaten your food and normally you finish before I do.” He attempted to joke, to bring about that smile that seemed to always fill him with warmth. He half expected you to look up at him with that cheeky little smile, a mischievous look in your eyes and say “You know, I would be offended by that, but I know why you eat so slow, Buck. I completely understand. You don’t want your dentures to fall out.” But it never came.
You don’t know what it was. Bucky asking you if you were alright or if it was simply all the pressure of just.. everything, finally breaking, but you could feel the hot tears in your eyes. They blurred your vision until you couldn’t really see the plate of the pancakes in focus. The dam had finally come apart and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You set the fork down and buried your face in your hands, your shoulders lightly shaking as you began to cry. All Bucky could do was stare for a few seconds, alarm written all over his face. Alarm and distress because he had no idea what just happened and if he had done something to upset you.
“Woah woah, hey. Sweetheart, hey. What’s wrong?” In seconds, Bucky was out of his side of the booth and scooting in beside you. You felt the comfort of his warmth, you felt his arm tentatively, almost hesitantly, slide around your shoulders and anchor you to him. You shook your head, attempting to calm down, to stop the tears but the more you tried, the more they seemed to come.
“I-I’m sorry, Bucky.. I.. I’m sorry.. I-I’m fine. Really.” You said, sniffling. It was apparent to you both that you were not alright and he really just wanted to get to the bottom of it. Or at least attempt to comfort you. But doing that in the middle of a diner with other people around wasn’t ideal.
“Hey, my apartment is only a short walk away. Come on, let’s get you out of here and somewhere more quiet.” You didn’t protest. You just nodded and slid out of the booth after he did. Bucky took out his wallet and placed a few bills on the table, paying for the uneaten food, and then quickly led you out of the establishment. He kept his hand on you, almost like an anchor. Whether it was to reassure you or himself, he didn’t know and you didn’t mind either. It was probably the only thing that kept you from retreating inside of your mind and giving in to the panic that so desperately wanted out.
You didn’t even realize that you had reached his apartment until he had led you up the stairs and you were standing behind him as he unlocked the door. He allowed you to step in first and then quickly followed behind you, shutting the door as he did so. You didn’t really get the chance to take in his apartment because he had ushered you to sit on his couch while he knelt in front of you.
“Alright, you’re scarin’ me here, doll. What’s wrong? Did someone hurt you?” The sheer look of concern and slight panic in his face and those pretty eyes of his made the waterworks come back again. You shook your head, your face scrunched up in anguish. Hot bullet tears fell from your eyes and left a wet path in their wake down your cheeks. Bucky wasn’t one to pry; he hated it when people tried to pry into his life and he didn’t do it to you, but he couldn’t stand the sight of seeing you cry. He couldn’t stand the sight of your once bright eyes and cheery smile just.. gone. You eyes were sad and your lips were pulled into a frown. “Talk to me, baby.” He practically pleaded.
“I just.. I don’t.. I don’t know how to explain it, Buck.” You cried. “I-I.. I just feel like..” You let out a frustrated cry when you couldn’t find the right words but Bucky was patient. He reached a hand up, cupping your cheek and wiping away the tears that kept falling. “I don’t feel.. happy. Everyday I wake up and I just, I feel fine for like a few seconds and then everything just comes crashing down on me. I can’t ever stop thinking. I can’t sleep at night. I’m tired. I’m tired of feeling like this, Bucky. And I feel fucking crazy. Sometimes I feel like you don’t even really like me. I feel.. hopeless, like nothing is ever going to be okay. I might feel okay for a few seconds but then it just goes away.” You explained, though you were sure that you probably sounded like a raving and ranting lunatic. “Before I met you, I liked being alone but I also hated it because when I was alone, I would just overthink and overthink and overthink about every fucking thing. If it wasn’t one thing it was another just giving me such bad anxiety and.. I don’t know what to do anymore, Bucky. I’m just tired of feeling like this. Feeling like nothing is ever going to be okay, like I’m never going to be okay. I just feel.. alone.”
His heart was well and truly broken. In the two months that he’d known you, he hadn’t known how badly you had struggled with your mental health. He hadn’t known the war that you fought within your mind, and how bad it had become. You were such saving grace for Bucky; you saved him from the wars inside of his mind. The constant feeling of guilt that he fought with on a daily basis, and now.. he just wanted to do the same for you. He wanted to shoulder some of the pain that you carried, the pain that seemed to be weighing you down. Both of his hands now cupped your cheeks so delicately, as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him. His blue eyes were shining, looking at you with not pity, but something like.. understanding. If anyone knew what you were feeling, it was Bucky.
“You’re not alone.” His smooth and rich voice was so soft, so gentle that it brought on a new set of tears. “You’re not alone, sweetheart. Not anymore. You know why? Cause you got me.” He said. “I know what it’s like to feel hopeless. To feel stuck in your head. To feel like nothing is ever gonna get better. I felt like that in Wakanda. Sometimes.. sometimes, we need help. And I know I’m not one to be talking considering that I don’t really like talking to my therapist or even going,” That roused the smallest of smiles from you. “I’m here. You know that, right? I’m here. You got me and I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I don’t care if you have a million bad days. I don’t care if you feel like you’re bothering me. I’ll be there every time.” You two have gradually gravitated close to one another until your foreheads were pressed together. Bucky was still knelt in front of you on the couch, his hands still holding your cheeks. Your eyes were closed and you could feel his warm breath fanning your face. The tears had stopped falling but you were still sniffling softly. “You’ve helped me. Even if you don’t know it. You’ve helped me.” He was whispering. There was no one but you two in his apartment but he was still whispering the words meant for only you to hear. “Now, let me help you. Please.”
“Okay. I trust you, Bucky.”
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