#his face pl ea se
jinstronaut · 2 years
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your monthly dose of bts : kim taehyung
day 27 / 30
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0asterous0 · 8 days
Prologue, Finale part.
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"Grian runs in to find the girl and get her (and hopefully her mother) to safety." - Previous chapter.
TW// blood, gore, death.
He ran towards the explosion. He wanted so much to just stay away from all of this, but that’s a kid, either completely alone or with her mother wounded and unconscious. What kind of person would he be, if he just left in a situation like this? He didn’t care about people around who were running in the opposite direction, away from the trouble; if they could sleep after this, without a pang of guilt consuming them whole, Grian definitely couldn’t.
The second he turned the corner, he saw the entrance to the STARR labs, enveloped in flames. Come on, who attacks a blood donor lab? Some of these villains are just complete assholes, aren’t they? He briefly sees a little girl through the broken floor-to-ceiling windows, her leg stuck under the rubble, and runs towards her, quickly jumping in through the door that flew away from the hinges the moment the explosion struck. 
“I’m here,” He says quietly, the moment he goes down on his knees in front of the poor girl, trying to take off the rubble. “It’s okay, I’m gonna get you out, okay?”
The little girl looks up at her, eyes full of tears, but still nods, trying to contain her sobbing. Gods, she was so brave right now, Grian hopes her parents are proud. The last rock is lifted off her feet, and he can see the damage done to her legs, one bruised and one dripping down blood, bend in a different direction. The second the girl sees it, she bursts into tears even worse than before. Right, it’s hard sometimes to comprehend the true damage if you can’t see it, but now that she has, she’s probably terrified.
“Hey, hey, shh, it’s okay, we can take care of it!” Grian says, trying to sound as calm and collected as he can. The last thing he wants is to scare her even more. Looking down at her leg again, he could tell that it was broken, so he needed to be as gentle as possible to avoid making it even more painful for her. 
“Is your mom around here?” He asks, quickly looking around the room. There was smoke and rubble everywhere, but not a single other person. Maybe she was let inside, they were probably here for a blood test after all. But thinking about it, it was even worse because that meant she was closer to the explosion than he thought. The little girl refused to answer. No– it’s more that she couldn’t answer through all the sobbing.
“No!” Grian hears the scream of a man before he runs out of the door at the end of the room. His lab coat was fully ruined and there was blood on his temple, slowly running down his face. He looked terrified running away from something. Grian had a second to grab the girl and hide with her behind the giant rubble, before a sudden yellow light covered the whole room, immediately dying down. The man screams again, and a second later, Grian can hear a loud crash followed by a choking sound.
“P-pl..ea..se” the man struggles to talk. 
Grian is scared. Something in him is telling him to look behind and see what is happening, but his whole body is shaking. He has a hand covering the poor girl's mouth to keep her quiet. He doesn’t know who is behind this attack, and unfortunately, there are a lot of villains who are not afraid to hurt a child.
“Where are they?” He hears a new voice, hidden by a voice changer. Surprisingly, he sounds very calm, but Grian can hear the venom in it, his anger and annoyance fully on display. There’s another thud, the man falling to the ground. From what he can imagine, he was probably held by his collar to the wall and now was dropped to the floor. 
“I.. I d-don’t know.. What.. What th-they?” 
“Stop playing dumb!” The previous calmness was nowhere to be heard now, the new voice rising in anger, turning into a shout. It sends shivers down Grian’s spine. “The suitcases! They delivered three this morning! They should be here, but they aren’t, so where are they?!”
Grian lets out a shaky breath and finally, risking everything, looks out from the hiding spot to see what is happening. As he guessed, the man working in the lab was now lying on the ground, almost in tears looking up at the other man while trembling. 
Grian knows this villain. Standing above the scientist was a man with heavy muscles, mostly hidden by the black cloak running down his shoulders. The black and yellow striped costume’s interior was giving a slight glow, alongside the gas mask on his face, while there was running electricity in his hair to fully cover it in a yellow light. The sparks were flying all around the room, while his right leg was pushing down on the poor man's chest as hard as possible, causing him to cough in pain.  
Okay, Grian, what do you know about Static? His mind supplies. 
Static first appeared around five years ago; first as a vigilante, helping Boatem’s citizens with everything he could, from cleaning up the parks to stopping the street robberies even though he never worked under the law, which caused him to be the victim of police hunts for years. That was just over two years ago when his official status was changed to a villain after an attack on a public place.
Static is known for attacking mostly large companies. He does leave a lot of casualties behind, but it’s rarely lethal and never a direct attack on civilians, mostly because of his very destructive enchantment. That means that if he sees them, there is a big chance he will just let them go. 
“I d-don’t.. I-I-I c-can’t,” The man is choking on his tears, looking up at Static petrified. Even Grian understood that lying in a situation like this didn’t make any sense. When dealing with villains, you always need to remember that most of them don’t show any mercy. The lightning around Static disappeared for a second. He slowly lifted his leg off the man's chest, immediately hitting him once again harder, but this time, he can hear the man screaming, surrounded by the yellow sparks. Fuck, did he just electrocute the man? It lasted for a few seconds, Grian desperately holding the poor girl in his hands who was shaking in horror, listening to the agonizing screams. It cut off as quickly as it started.
“Last chance,” Static’s voice sounded flat again, no emotion peeking through the gas mask covering his mouth. If the smell of this place was bad before, with all the rubble and fire around, now it smelled like a lump of overcooked meat– it made him shiver. “I can find out on my own, you know, you can’t hide them from me– so speak before I hurt you even more.” As if on cue, his electricity sparked once again, crackling across the room and missing Grian’s face by an inch. He jumped, his face hiding behind the rubble once again to calm down. That was very close. 
“It’s in Falsewell! P-please, It’s in F-Falsewell!” The man screamed, and Grian shifted, his shoulders slightly dropping. That’s… That’s good, now that Static has information he will leave; that is what he’s after most of the time, right?
“Which lab?” 
“B-18! I-It’s… the one in front of-of the historical museum,” Grian slowly relocated back to the corner, looking out towards the two men. He could see how the poor guy was still shaking, lying on the ground, now with his eyes closed. Static’s boot was still on his chest, and Grian could see that he was not planning to move anytime soon.
“What’s your badge number?”
“HC-24, I-I don’t know anything, I p-promise!”
“Dust?” Static asked, turning his head slightly left. A few inches and he would have looked directly at Grian, but that was definitely not the plan, he still didn’t know they were there, no, he was talking to someone. He could see from here a little device in his ear, the control over his powers was terrifyingly good if it didn’t get destroyed in this lightning show, so close to his hair which was constantly buzzing in yellow light. But that gave Grian another question. Who’s Dust? He never heard that name before, someone new around here? And Static always worked alone before, but suddenly he has a partner? That was… a problem. What was in those suitcases that they were after? 
“No… No, n-no, please! PLEASE!”
“Oh, well,” Static started, turning back towards the man. He lifted his leg, putting it down next to the man, and squatting down to look closely at him. “It’s your lucky day!” 
Grian didn’t have time to look away. Barely under a minute, the poor man lying on the ground gave a relieved smile just before Static grabbed his face by hand. There was no scream of agony, just a growing sound of electricity, and an explosion under Static’s palm. Being blinded for a second wasn’t enough– Grian wished he hadn’t seen the moment that blood with pieces of meat and skin and muscle was splattered around Static; the man’s body was still shaking, seizing with electricity while blood dripped down his fully exposed and shattered skull. The body twitched and writhed with the aftershocks of the very dead man’s adrenaline, and Grian nearly vomited at the sight and the smell of the burnt up bits-and-pieces of the corpse.
Grian has seen injuries before– he has seen death before, but nothing was as gruesome as this. He couldn’t let the child see it. No, no, no, she couldn’t see it, this would ruin her for the rest of her life. He needed to… To hide, yes. They just needed to stay there until Static left, and then he would get her out, and he-
For a second, their eyes met. Grian immediately retreated towards the corner, hiding deeper behind the rubble, and holding the girl by his side, trying to shield her. Just a few minutes ago he was sure that they were okay, but now after witnessing this, he couldn’t risk it. He heard the sound of footsteps getting closer to their hiding spot, and he could feel the girl trembling in fear, trying to say something through Grian’s hand. No, no, no, not now!
“You don’t work here,” Grian didn’t even notice that he had his eyes closed, before he had to open them, meeting face to face with the villain, who crouched in front of them. The same way he did with the man. No. no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
The child let out a quiet sob, shaking. Looking down at her, he could see a wet puddle growing around her. Gods, this poor girl. He wanted to cry with her. He should have just picked her up and run when they had a chance, she wouldn’t need to be here. 
Static’s hand reached forward towards the girl, and Grain instinctively tried to shield her behind him. Fuck it, if they were dying here, he would at least try to protect her with his life– he would not go down without a fight. He just needs to… skin contact, right!! Grian, you spoon! He needs to touch Static’s skin and he can fight, but..
“I’m not gonna hurt her, calm down,” Static sounded peaceful, his glow around disappearing, only staying in his hair, which Grain knew was part of his costume to hide the identity. Grain observed him carefully, trying to find a hint of a lie in his voice, eyes, and body language, but Static looked… relaxed, as if he didn’t just take someone’s life. He was also reaching towards them with another hand, not the one still dripping blood, with remains of skin now attached to the black glove. He didn’t know what kind of reaction the girl would have if he did. 
He saw a hand getting closer and closer, and he scanned from the skin, he just... He just needed to get in contact with his skin, and everything would be fine… He just... He couldn’t see an open skin anywhere but Static’s face above the gas mask, and he knew that reaching for his face would be a suicide. His hand touched the girl's broken leg, and for a second Grian stilled, forgetting how to breathe. There was nothing, and a second later, he saw lightning enwrap her leg before the girl let out a scream.
“What the hell?!” Grian screamed, jumping backward and taking the girls with her, as far as possible. “You said you weren’t gonna hurt her!!” He looked down at her, trying to see if it left any marks or burns, but he couldn’t see anything, other than the damage that was already done.
“And I didn’t, she just got scared,” Static responded, slowly standing up. “I numbed her pain, broken bones are very painful to deal with, especially at her age when they are so fragile. The ambulance will be around here soon, she will be fine.”
With that, he turned around and went towards the exit, the doors missing from the hinges. Grian’s blood boiled. He was the one that attacked the blood donor lab, he was the one that got civilians into trouble, he was the one who’s actions broke that bone– and now he’s trying to act as if he isn’t? As if the girl should be thankful that he helped? 
“She was here with her mother!” He screamed at Static’s back, seeing him stop in place. Fuck, he shouldn’t have done that, right? He can just turn around and kill him, he said that he wouldn’t hurt her, not him.
“People are still inside,” Static countered, still not turning back and continuing to walk. “I told them not to leave before the heroes or police get them out, she’s probably fine.” With that, the form of the villain got wrapped up in the air in a lightning strike, disappearing from view. Right, he can control electricity and turn into it. 
“You alright?” He immediately asked, looking down at the poor girls, who continued to sob. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, but instead of answering, she just burst into more sobbing, hugging him and hiding her nose in his shoulder. He let out a sigh and picked her up, holding her close to his chest. “Just… stay like this for a second, okay?” 
He slowly left their hiding spot, trying to keep the girl's face in the opposite direction from the corpse, hoping that she wouldn't see it, and finally got outside. He could still smell the smoke, both from the reception that they just left, and the second floor– which he could see through the window– was still in flames, worse than the first. If Grian’s not mistaken, the second floor is where they keep all documents and blood tests. Static probably wanted to destroy something specific but found out that it wasn’t here anymore. He wonders what was in those suitcases that drove him to these measures. And who the heck was Dust?
“Let’s just… wait a little longer, okay? I’m sure heroes will be here soon,” On cue, from the corner of his vision, he saw something jumping onto the second floor from the roof, clearly in a costume;  after that, an ambulance and several police cars followed. 
Grian didn’t leave until a group of people ran out from the lab, one of them bursting into tears and immediately approaching the ambulance where the girl was seated. They wanted to take her to the hospital, but after telling them about her mother still in the lab, they decided to wait– and for a good reason, considering the woman approaching them had a gushing wound on her forehead, the red liquid running down to her eyes. 
Grian wanted to leave, he wanted to hide from the cops as soon as possible; and now with heroes in sight, his anxiety was rising even faster. Which is why the moment mother and daughter were reunited, he turned away from his dark little corner and took off. 
By this time the rain had already stopped, which was quite inconvenient. Like- how is it that it rains the whole day, but stops the moment something explodes and bursts into flames? Grian let out a shaky and anxious chuckle, finally approaching the apartment. 
“Oh, no…” Grian mumbled when he finally looked down at his phone; he could spot at least 3 missed calls in the last hour from Ren, alongside many worried messages. It’s okay, Ren will understand.
“Dude! You scared the hell out of me! Where were you?!” Ren exploded the second Grian took a step into the apartment, making him sigh. Taking off the shoes and the coat, he immediately turned towards the bathroom, mumbling on his way as he knew that Ren was following him.
“I was walking back when the STARR Labs exploded, you probably saw it?” Opening the door, he went inside and dropped the coat inside the washing machine, then took off his shirt. It still smelled of smoke, rubble, and urine– and while he’s not the most hygienic person these weeks, even he can’t walk around with this on. Also, he’s pretty sure he will get fired the moment he shows up to work with his uniform smelling like this. 
“Of course I saw it! I was here when the explosion went off, and I could see the smoke rising! What were you doing in the lab that had you caught in the middle of this?” Ren asked, crossing his hands, his dog ears nervously twitching.  
“I wasn’t in the lab, I just..” Grian stopped in his tracks after throwing the shirt into the washing machine and looked up at Ren, before moving his vision to anything other than Ren. “I heard a scream... A little girl yelling for her mother, so I… I decided to help, and then couldn’t leave the lab, because the villain was right at the door…”
“You were in the same room as a villain?!” Ren exclaimed, his hands dropping down. He stared at Grian for a few seconds, before his expression softened. “You helped her?”
“Yeah…” He answered, unsure what to do with himself, but still met Ren’s eyes when he smiled at him.
“Of course you did, you have that in you,” Ren whispered. It sounded like he was… proud, which made everything inside him twist. He was a coward. The whole time he spent there hiding, not even trying to help the pitiful man who fell victim to Static’s hands. And even then, when the villain approached them, he couldn’t do anything but sit there and watch. What if he did hurt her? Would he just sit there, holding the corpse of the poor girl, seeing a mess of unrecognizable gore instead of a face like Static did to that man? He didn’t, but what if he did? In the end, Grain did nothing to protect her.
“I don’t think that’s right,” Grian murmured, avoiding Ren’s gaze again. He quickly moved around him and left the bathroom, the washing machine now on and spinning as fast as his day managed to spiral. Ren followed him back to his room.
“Oh come on, Grian, you know I’m right,” He said, overly enthusiastic. “I... Grian, listen,”
“I’m listening,” he responded, though he didn’t even look back, searching through his closet and grabbing the first t-shirt he saw to get dressed. As much as he loved being without the shirts, his wings out and breathing, the small holes on the back were enough to get them through and move around. Ren let out a sigh, and Grian heard a sound coming from his bed. Sitting on his bed, the other spoke up.
“I know that… something happened with you before we met,” He starts, and Grian instantly tenses. They never talked about Grian’s childhood, it was basically a taboo in this house, never to be discussed. Hearing Ren finally mention it… scared him. “And you don’t have to tell me anything, you know this, we talked about this before, but I’m not blind, Grian– I can see a spark inside of you.”
He can’t. There’s no spark inside him, and there hasn’t been one for a long time now. It all died years ago, the day he made the choice of a coward and ran away.
“But whatever happened scarred and scared you, that’s why you’re so careful right now. Sometimes I look at you and see the mischief in your eyes, but then you notice it too and try to lock it down, acting like helping others or having fun is the worst thing that might happen to you.”
It is. He does not deserve any of it. He couldn’t save the people he wanted to save the most, he was a coward, and if he let them down, how can he help others? People that he doesn’t even know. And how can he have fun, when he ruined the lives of so many? He should rot. They are probably wishing the same on him, after what he did. It wouldn’t be a surprise. 
“You need to pick up the pieces of your life, Grian, and finally get it together because you will be so much happier when you look up and do something that you want to do,” Grian wanted to cry. Ren continued to talk and his voice never quivered, always the same determination, the same trust and belief, belief that Grian actually deserved to be happy. 
He doesn’t know what his life would end up like without him. He never had a “lucky” life, but Ren? Sometimes he thought that Ren was the gift from above, and he wasn’t even a believer– it was just so surreal, that someone like Ren would stumble across someone like Grian, and instead of moving forward, approach him and offer him help. His roommate didn’t know anything about Grian’s childhood, didn’t know anything about his trauma; and yet, he stayed by his side. He doesn’t deserve a person like Ren in his life.
“Just… just think about it, okay? I know you’re not having the best days of your life, and I kinda understand why,” It was a cycle. It happened every year around February, it was only a matter of time before Ren noticed it. “But I… You need help, Grian.”
How did they get here? Ren started this conversation by saying that Grian wanted to help others and that he should if he wanted to, so why… Why are they suddenly switching to this? He doesn’t need help. Help for what? 
“You don’t feel well, Grian, It might not be me, but you need to talk to someone,” Grian fought every impulse of looking at him. Everything was telling him to do it, to meet his eyes and finally put an end to this, but he couldn’t. Not today.
Ren exhaled, and Grian heard the bed shifting. “As I said, just think about it– I’m gonna go make us some dinner, you’re probably very hungry,” Ren left the room as he said it, but before closing the door behind him, he quickly added, “Someone left that mail in front of the door today, by the way,” Ha? “I didn’t open it because it’s addressed in your name.”
With that, Grian was left to his thoughts. He let out a shaky breath and held back a sob, trying not to break down. Gods, why did it affect him so much? How did Ren know just what to say, to almost bring him to tears?
He turned around, facing the bed Ren was just occupying, and noticed a small box lying on top of it. He doesn't remember buying anything online, and even if he did, the box wouldn’t be delivered to the door– they would have gotten a piece of paper telling them about the package, and Grian would have needed to pick it up at the station. This was left by someone else.
Curiosity in him won, and biting down on his lip, he took the paper knife from the desk and slowly cut the top of the box. After dropping the knife to the bed, he opened the carton and noticed the pink.
He dug into the box and took out a crop-top jacket: the wool was painted pink with a red heart in the middle of the chest, the heart outlined in black. Grian loves red, but he doesn’t think he has ever worn pink out of his work uniform– and screw that, why is someone leaving clothes at his door? Putting the jacket aside, the next thing he grabbed was the white pants, once again dotted with small heart patches around, this time colored in pink instead of red. 
What the hell???
Is this spandex?? And here it was, on the bottom of the box, a black turtleneck made of spandex, with a black domino mask on top looking back at him. Was Ren pulling some kind of a joke on him? What does this all mean? There’s no way someone actually left this at their door and addressed it in his name.
He took out the shirt, ready to turn around and go to Ren to ask some questions when his eyes were caught by a piece of paper falling down, which was hidden between the domino and the spandex. He picked up the paper from the floor and opened it. A letter.
Listen to your friend and remember my words. 
You know where the suitcases are.
Time is ticking.
- Oracle
P.S. You will need this soon, good luck!
Grian doesn’t remember how long he stood there, rereading the letter over and over again, trying to wrap his mind around it. He wasn’t sure it was from Ren anymore. Time is ticking. Remember my words. The stranger. Of course. Grian knew that there was something strange about that man in the morning, but he didn’t think that it might evolve into something worse. The suitcases? The ones Static was after? Did they want Grian to intervene? But why?
Grian sighed, sitting down on his bed and looking back towards the new clothes. Something was telling him that he was about to get into something much bigger than he ever wanted to. And something was telling him that his boring day-to-day life was about to become much more interesting.
'-.° Masterpost - Next Part °.-'
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pupuseriazag · 9 months
Blue Tarantula 2/??
(Don pendejo (me) added too many things he wanted to do during vacations and now is suffering the consequences of not being able to organize himself and forgor to upload chapters days before perdonenme pls ando medio pendejo anyways heres another one)
Some mumbling around dragged me back into consciousness, the harsh white lights now were dim and I was laying sideways, my stomach still hurting but now from hunger. 
"Lyla, give me the report." He came back.
"Uhh they have stabilized but are still in weak condition." 
"...That's strange." I heard him approach me. "Hey, ¿Estás despierto?" 
I tried to keep my eyes closed, not moving a single inch.
"¿Qué queres?" 
He sighed in relief. "¿Cómo te sientes?" 
"Esa no es una respuesta." 
My stomach growled audibly. 
"Tomaré eso como respuesta. Lyla, ask Pedro to bring something for them." 
"Okey!" I heard the lady reply.
"Supongo que tuviste tiempo para pensar y tranquilizarte." 
I remained silent.
"¿Desde hace cuanto tienes hambre?" 
"¿Hace cuanto te fuiste?" 
"8 horas."
"Desde hace 7" 
He sighed again. "Me lleva la ching- ¿Por qué no usaste el panel de asistencia?" He sounded slightly annoyed.
"No quiero creerte." I finally admitted. 
"...Me rehúso a creer lo que dijiste. No tiene sentido y es algo estupido… pero no logro encontrarle sentido al porque hay cosas tan… futuristas, aquí." 
I just don't want to engage in this situation anymore.
"Mira, Rox." His tone softened. "Sé que es demasiada información. Pero quiero que sepas que hago esto por el bien de todos. No solo por mi bien, o el tuyo." I turned my head to him. "También el de todas las personas." 
"Sé que no es fácil. Pero déjame ayudarte." 
"Respondeme a algo." I sat again. "¿Por qué yo?" 
"Serias de gran ayuda, todavía estoy empezando a reclutar gente. Pero estoy seguro qu-" 
"¿Por qué yo?"
He closed his eyes for a second. "Porque esto involucra a tu universo tamb-"
"¡¿Por qué yo?!"
"...Porque no iba a permitir que murieras de una manera tan estúpida, suficientes personas han muerto ya y no quiero ver ese número crecer. ¿Ya estás contento?" 
"Yo no necesitaba que me rescataras. Nadie ha estado ahí para mí y ciertamente no necesitaba intervención de parte de Don Pendejo Colmillos" 
"¿Un gracias por lo menos no se te puede salir?"
"Uhm… should... I come back later…?" We both turned our head to another person wearing a similar suit, but with an apron on top and a trail with food.
"No no, come in." The big guy crossed his arms. "I'm pretty sure the insufferable attitude will stop once they get their damn meal." 
The other "spider" dude approached the bed, putting the trail on my lap, the silence was deafening.
He got to the door and waved bye with his hand, leaving awkwardly after finding us fighting. 
I took a glance at the food. It… definitely looks like food, at least the edible kind.
"Come." He demanded. "Que todavía estás débil." 
"¿La envenenaste?" 
I took the plastic spoon, carefully taking some of the rice on the plate and bringing it closer to my nose to see if I could smell it being laced.
The man rolled his eyes dramatically. "Es un puto arroz con pollo, ya deja de ser tan dramatico." 
"Dramático el vergazo que te voy a dar en la jeta." I mumbled before taking the first bite, slowly chewing the rice and trying to taste anything suspicious in it.
…It was a pretty damn good rice.
I took another bite, but still not wanting him to believe all my suspicions were gone.
I heard him huff. "¿Siempre eres así de desconfiado?" 
"¿Siempre sos así de metido?" I kept eating, my face softening without me realizing since the food was so good.
I hadn't had eaten such a good meal in a while, I cant fucking believe I'm falling for this ruse. 
We stood in silence as he watched me eat, making sure I did not left anything as if I was a fucking child.
But surely, my temper had calmed a little after finally eating some food. 
"Puta que rico" I sighed and mumbled under my breath.
"Eso debiste haber hecho hace horas, ya te sentirías mejor si por lo menos hubieras comido." 
"¿Te da pena admitir que estabas equivocado?" I swear this bitch is taking me to my limit. 
"Goshhh you two are so annoying" The little holo woman appeared again. "If nobody stops you two you're going to end up fighting until you're old" 
I crossed my arms. "Well then, you tell me." I addressed her. "Tell me he is lying" 
"As much as I would love to snitch and say yes… He actually is not lying" 
"Not you too…" I brought a hand to my face.
"I think I know how to make this easier." She zapped from side to side until reappearing at the door and opening it. "Ta-da!" 
"Layla, what are you doing?!" He got up from his seat.
"If you don't let them see outside they are not going to believe you, Miguel." 
I threw the trail to the side and launched myself towards the door, nows my chance.
The burst of adrenaline I had in the moment helped me run from the hexagonal hallways until I found myself face to face with a massive tower with several floors… and a lot of those other people with spider suits.
No… it can't be…
I shot a web to go to a higher floor with glass windows, running up to them to look outside, this has to be a joke.
I saw green plains and futuristic looking skyscrapers, things that looked like flying cars going around them. And as much as I tried to shove my face into the window to confirm they were tv screens… I couldn't.
I'm… I'm actually not in my world.
I covered my mouth in panic and took a step back, trying to regulate my breathing as the situation began to overwhelm me.
"Excuse me… are you ok?" Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I immediately shrugged it off.
"DONT TOUCH ME" I yelled and ran away again, to nowhere and just somewhere I could feel safe.
I want to go home, I don't want to be part of this, I did NOT ask to be part of this shit. I want to go back to my stupid universe where things make sense and there are no buff men holding me hostage. (Nota de Zag: no sea pendejo mijo)
I ran until I found myself in a corridor with dim lights, and my legs collapsed to the ground making me fall to my knees, trembling with fear and anxiety.
My eyes were watery and my breathing became irregular. Sobbing and letting my tears fall on the floor.
"Porque… ¡¿Porque?!" I let out to myself and closed my eyes, finally breaking down in tears.
I heard quick steps from behind. "See? I told you they would not go far" it was the voice of that woman, he must be also with her.
"Dejame ir…" I sobbed. "Déjame regresar a mi hogar…" 
"Entonces ya te diste cuenta de la situación." 
"Para tu desgracia, eres parte de esto desde el momento en el que te convertiste en spiderman"
"¡PUES RENUNCIO!" I yelled and tried to take off my suit. "¡YA NO QUIERO NADA! ¡SOLO QUIERO UNA VIDA TRANQUILA!" 
I was about to take off the top part of my suit when he got closer, his shadow covering me completely.
"Ciérrate el traje." 
"¡OBLIGAME!" I turned my head to him and he grabbed me from my sides, putting the top part of my suit again and closing the zipper in a swift move.
"No tienes más ropa aquí, y no voy a dejar que andes por ahí desnudo solo por un berrinche." Still holding my side, he helped me get up effortlessly. "Te llevaré de regreso, no estás en buena condición." 
"¿Sabes que me hará sentir mejor? ¡IRME A MI PUTA CASA!" 
The holo lady appeared “They’re right, you’re making it worse” 
He released me and I turned to see him, sticking my back to the wall behind me.
“Hey what’s all this ruckus about, Miguel? Did anything bad happen?” Another one of those people came closer, this one maskless and casually approaching the big dude. “Can’t you see you’re scaring this poor girl?”
“Not a girl.” 
“Ah, my bad.” He leaned on the big dude. “Poor thing is having a rough time and you’re intimidating…” He looked at me, like asking how to address me.
“Them, right.” He continued. “That way you’re not going to have that many people join you.”
“Alright, let's see YOU do this then. I’m done trying to explain in any fucking way shape or form how their universe IS IN DANGER-”
“Yeah yeah yeah, go get yourself a cup of coffee, ok? I’ll talk to them and make sure they are ok”
“I know, I know. But don’t worry, I got this” He winked at him.
I trust this place less now.
“Ya estoy hasta la chingada, ya haz lo que se te dé la puta gana. Pero después no vayas a decir que no te advertí” He finally said while pointing his index at my chest.
He left to the other side of the tunnel, entering through a door I had not seen into god knows where.
I closed my eyes for a moment, finally he was gone.
“Hey-” He tried to put a hand on my shoulder and I slapped it away. “Ok ok, sorry.” 
“Tell me where I can get the fuck out.”
“Woah, easy there” He moved his hands downwards. “First you gotta relax, I’m not gonna take you anywhere.”
“You don’t get it, I don't want to be part of this.”
“And why is that?”
“What do you mean “why”?! I don't want to have the fucking destiny of MY universe in MY hands.” I continued. “That dude just came to my universe, supposedly rescued me from my death and comes telling me now I have TO PROTECT MY UNIVERSE?!”
“I know it must be too much-”
“Hey don’t say that.” He interjected. “Your life is worth living”
“You don't even know the shit I’ve gone through.”
“Well.” He put his hands in his pockets. “I’m all ears.” 
“...You… want to hear my story?”
“Everyone in this place has a story to tell, after all. We’re all spidermen.” He turned on his heel, walking away. “Come with me, let’s chat somewhere comfortable”
I let him walk for some moments, until he turned and signed with his hand to follow him.
He took me to another area, one that looked more like a lounge with tables and expensive looking booth seats, by far the most familiar thing I’ve seen in this place. 
This dude is far more friendly than whatever Don Pendejo 
“Ok let’s start from the beginning.” He offered me his hand. “My name’s Peter B. Parker.”
I looked at his hand, and slowly shook it, returning the gesture. “Rox Reyes.”
“Great! Nice to meet you!”
“Same… I guess.”
“I’m listening.” 
I took a deep breath, preparing myself mentally but feeling less stressed now that at least someone tried to make me feel comfortable and not threaten me… I’m still not completely convinced these people won't hurt me tho… but I guess talking about my misfortunes won't hurt.
And minutes later I found myself still ranting about everything with Peter, everything from my life before and after I turned into Tarantula… it feels better to finally talk about this with someone else, specially with someone who actually understands me (or at least pretends to)
All of these very specific problems I’ve had, Peter always continued it with a “I know right???” “Oh yeah, that tends to happen” “I remember my first time doing that!!” He even showed me his own webs when I questioned if he was really like me… he even took a pic of the spider that bit him… which is something I didn't think of when it happened to me.
“Peter, I want to ask you something… but I want you to be completely honest with me.”
“No no, I’m being serious. It may affect my choice.” 
“I promise I’ll be honest.”
“Ok…Are you all really going to save your universes… or is this just an elaborate joke to make me speak and probably use me to cause more evil in “my universe” because you guys are actually just Alchemax employees and not actually spiderpeople?”
“Thats certainly a mouthful of a question”
“Please respond.” I lowered my gaze. “ I… I’m just scared and-”
“No no, I get it. I would’ve also thought the same if I had gone through what you lived through.”
“Have some trust in us, that’s all I will say.” He gave me a reassuring smile. “I know Miguel can be intimidating but that's just because he cares so much about this mission. After all, he is the one hosting us.”
“Yeah! This is his place and his universe. You could say he is the “leader” and the one who started this fight to keep the multiverses safe.” He laughed it off. “But don’t worry, he may be grumpy and dramatic, but he doesn't not mean harm.”
I looked away, remembering his fangs and talons… I don't know why that is the part I believe less, he certainly looked like he would rip me in half if he wanted.
“Give him a chance, I’m sure you two will get along… after all he…” Peter stopped, thought about it and shook his head sideways. “I’ll let him tell you that part.”
“What is it?”
“I’ll just say, he also had his rough moments in his life.”
“That doesn't excuse him being an asshole.”
“Does it excuse you from being one?”
I- He-... 
He left me fucking speechless I was not expecting him to read me like that.
“No offense of course, I know you’re just trying to make sense of this.”
I crossed my arms. “Gotta hand it to you, Peter… you gagged me.”
“...Do I smell bad?”
“No no, it's… it's just a dumb saying. I was just not expecting you to say that.”
“Oh, ha ha!” 
“...I guess you’re right. I acted ungrateful after he… well, just did what he thought was right.”
“You know, there was once a time in my life where I felt like the only thing that could save me was death as well.”
“Yeah, I had a rough time when I was... maybe slightly older than you.” He continued. “I divorced my wife, my aunt passed away and I was depressed for a long time.”
“Sounds rough… wait, didn't you say you’re married?”
“Yeah! We remarried after I came back from another universe and I decided to give it a shot, and here I am.” He smiled, probably remembering stuff. “What I want to say is that things do get better, Rox. Even if it feels like it is a never-ending nightmare.”
“Even if I have heard that same phrase since I was a teenager and things only continued to go downhill?”
“Even if you feel like that. Who knows? Maybe this is your chance to have a better life”
“I wish you were right.”
“What stops you from trying?”
I thought about it for a second… if I come back now and choose to stay, it means I will be returning to my old life… Lonely, depressing and stressed old life. The safety of my universe won’t be my responsibility… but I’m bound to fall again by one of those anomalies if it happens to be slightly stronger than that cyborg.
And if I stay… I’ll now have the responsibility to deal with those anomalies in my universe and in someone else’s universe… But I won’t be on my own, I’ll be surrounded by people who according to Peter... will gladly lend me a hand. 
…And even if I want to end it all… I wouldn’t feel good knowing that my universe… my mom… would soon disappear.
I don’t want my universe to perish, I just want to disappear from it.
Still… I’m not sure if I do want to have the responsibility to do so.
“...Myself, I guess.”
“I won’t pressure you to choose. But! It would be good if you gave it a little more thought, after all, it's your life.”
“But remember Rox, whatever you choose.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “You’re not alone in this.”
He smiled genuinely at me and his phone started ringing. 
"Welp, that's my sign to go home." He patted his knees and got up.
"You don't stay here?" 
"No, I can't." He said touching some things with his futuristic watch. "My wife and I expecting sooo, It’s time to go and take care of her" 
"Oh I see, congrats." I said politely.
"Thanks. Also also!" He pointed at me before entering one of those weird glitching portals "Don't get intimidated by Miguel, ok? Take care Rox!" 
And so, Peter entered the portal and left, leaving me alone again.
I thought about the things Peter told me and their mission in the spider society and how I had ended up in such a…weird situation.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Tues[day] 4
6 50/..
11 55/..
No kiss A- [Ann] bet[ter] ga[ve] h[e]r h[e]r d[rau]ght this morn[in]g aft[e]r the 2 pills l[a]st night - fine morn[in]g - sun – F[ahrenheit] 48° at 7 50/..
w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 3 and the gard[ene]r tak[in]g soil as yest[erday] - Mark Hepw[or]th and Binns (3 horses and 2 one h[or]se carts)
ca[me] at 8 1/2 each bring[in]g a load fr[om] Hipp[erholme] quar[ry] coarse rubble - saw them set to work at cart[in]g
clay fr[om] the court – w[i]th Ingh[a]m – w[i]th Mr. Husb[an]d – w[i]th A- [Ann] till she g[o]t up aft[e]r 9 - then h[a]d her ten[an]t
Bairstow to pay (and d[i]d pay) the last 1/2 y[ea]r’s rent for Wat[e]r Lane mill, and A- [Ann] p[ai]d him the last y[ea]rs
poor rate £7.17.6 tho’ the lease settles that the ten[an]t is to pay all taxes b[u]t Mr. SW- [Samuel Washington] h[a]d p[ai]d them!
A- [Ann] will pay no mo[re] - this well und[er]st[ood] by Bairstow now – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 1/2 in 1/2 h[ou]r and took
A- [Ann] her br[eak]f[a]st upst[ai]rs - then at my desk – writ[in]g out mem[oran]da in my rough b[oo]k and the ab[ov]e of today
till 11 3/4 - and w[e]nt d[o]wnst[ai]rs to Holt - he will be here tomor[row] to meet Washington to lay d[o]wn on the
coal-pl[a]n Hinscliffe’s trespass – n[o]t satisf[ie]d w[i]th Booth’s wall[in]g ag[ain]st the engine-pit – wall[e]d w[i]th rough rag –
sh[oul]d ha[ve] been done w[i]th bet[ter] st[one] – sh[oul]d be smooth-faced - the shape of the engine-pit sh[oul]d n[o]t be alt[ere]d –
plumb-lines sh[oul]d be let d[o]wn fr[om] the oak-frame, and the wall[in]g sh[oul]d be true to these – walk[e]d with H- [Holt] to the wheel-
-race, and w[e]nt d[o]wn to the bot[tom] and exam[ine]d the engine-pit - Holt to see ab[ou]t hims[elf] tomor[row] - and to appoint
Jos[e]ph Mann to look aft[e]r it for h[i]m – w[e]nt w[i]th h[i]m to the Long goit to see and tell Jos[e]ph M- [Mann] this –
he w[a]s n[o]t there - told Holt to gi[ve] me a regul[a]r plan of his way that he th[ou]ght best to work the coll[ier]y
w[i]th a calculat[io]n of the exp[ense] of driv[in]g the 2 heads or main-gates - he means them b[o]th to be hurrying
gates. 4ft. wide and 3ft. 4in. or, as I s[ai]d, 3ft. 6in. high, and still says the coal will pay for driv[in]g –
told h[i]m to calc[ula]te if an[y]th[in]g c[oul]d be gain[e]d by bring[in]g out the coal at Whiskum - he own[e]d
3 ac[re]s a y[ea]r c[oul]d n[o]t be pull[e]d up at Listerwick unless I h[a]d 2 pits close togeth[e]r w[hi]ch plan
he seem[e]d m[u]ch to approve - told his own priv[a]te griev[an]ces - all their prop[ert]y m[u]st be sold (he th[ou]ght)
bef[ore] th[in]gs c[oul]d be settl[e]d – advis[e]d his tak[in]g the opin[ion] of so[me] law-man - yes! he sh[oul]d consult Messrs.  
P- [Parker] and A- [Adam] I s[ai]d he h[a]d best do so, and, if he h[a]d to go ov[e]r to York for me, might als[o] consult Mr.
Gray - H- [Holt] s[ai]d Mrs. Machan w[a]s gone (to Birmingh[a]m?) to get one of h[e]r d[au]ghters to sign – s[ai]d I
w[oul]d rath[e]r buy the coal w[i]thout the farm - H- [Holt] to try and manage this if he c[oul]d - Left H- [Holt] to go to
Elland, and I stood talk[in]g to Geo[rge] Naylor in the f[iel]d ab[ov]e his h[ou]se – ab[ou]t his horse-feed – ab[ou]t plough[in]g
my bit of the Long f[ie]ld - he will do it at 11/. p[e]r DW tho’ Mr. Wat[er]h[ou]se h[a]d giv[e]n him 12/. p[e]r DW
for plough[in]g out an old lay - says lints (proper lints) sown in March will be as early
as tares sown now and a m[u]ch heav[ie]r crop - does n[o]t th[in]k tares will do on that hill - will
n[o]t be ready bef[ore] midsumm[e]r and the lints will be ready by then – m[u]st cut grass for green food
fr[om] May to midsumm[e]r and can gi[ve] carrots and potat[oe]s till May – s[ai]d I th[ou]ght of hav[in]g lints, potat[oe]s,
and a lit[tle] red clover – fr[om] GN- [George Naylor] w[e]nt to upp[e]r Place quarry - Dobson n[o]t there - Womersley ca[me] to
me to tell me he knew Mrs. Machan meant to ask £2000 for the farm and coal togeth[e]r –
I ga[ve] no intimat[io]n wh[a]t I intend[e]d to do, b[u]t he saw that I d[i]d n[o]t th[in]k the farm cheap at that
pri[ce], and he s[ai]d it w[a]s too m[u]ch - tho’ calculate[e]d that £200 w[oul]d do the repairs and he w[oul]d gi[ve] the rent
he gi[ve]s now w[hic]h w[oul]d be = 3 p.c. viz. £500 for the coal £1500 for the farm + £200 repairs =
£52.10.0 p[e]r ann[um] for £1700 outlay = £3.1.9 3/17 p.c. (£52.10.0x20x12/17= £61. 9 3/17d.) then w[e]nt
w[i]th me to the 2[n]d hole to shew the Lit[tle] marsh st[one] – n[o]t ver[y] promis[in]g - a gr[ea]t deal of baring, and a lit[tle] wat[e]r
at the bot[tom] - the top st[one] want[in]g – on[l]y the bot[tom] lift left – advis[e]d my putt[in]g d[o]wn a sm[all] pit-hole (done
 Mrs. Machan’s est[a]te
3 p.c.
by colliers) in the mid[dle] of the breadth and ab[ou]t 10 y[ar]ds fr[om] the bot[tom] wall of the piece of oat-stubble  bey[on]d below the gard[e]n, and s[ai]d
I m[i]ght shew en[ou]gh of wh[a]t the st[one] is and be ready for the lett[in]g in a m[on]th fr[om] this ti[me] – want[e]d to ta[ke] the st[one] of me by priv[a]te
contr[ac]t - no! I c[oul]d n[o]t do this – h[a]d s[ai]d it sh[oul]d be let publick[l]y, and so it sh[oul]d - he then bade me
£500 d[o]wn for the st[on]e in Lit[tl]e marsh land adjoin[in]g to Mrs. Machan’s gr[ou]nd where F- [Freeman] put d[o]wn a hole –
suppos[e]d there w[a]s ab[ou]t a DW of st[one] – w[oul]d be b[ou]nd to this quant[it]y and to a term to get it in – s[ai]d I w[oul]d
th[in]k ab[ou]t it - told me Mr. Freem[a]n h[a]d giv[e]n it out, that I h[a]d promis[e]d him all the st[one] I h[a]d - and that
this prom[ise] w[a]s ment[ione]d in the writ[in]gs he h[a]d of the st[one] in yew trees wood - I s[ai]d I w[a]s surpria[e]d at this
being s[ai]d by Mr. F- [Freeman] as there w[a]s n[o]t a word of truth in it - In ret[urnin]g saw Mark Town’s wife –
she want[e]d me to build up - do up the cot[tage] at the East end of the h[ou]se b[u]t I w[oul]d ha[ve] noth[in]g to
say to it – ret[urne]d by Pump lane and the wheel-race, and so[me] ti[me] at Hannah Greens’ - the poor
old wom[a]n s[e]nt me off by say[in]g I w[a]s b[ou]nd in hon[ou]r n[o]t to raise h[e]r rent as long as she liv[e]d
my unc[le] h[a]d s[ai]d she w[a]s to live there as long as she liv[e]d at the pres[en]t rent - I s[ai]d he h[a]d nev[e]r
told me so - and I w[a]s n[o]t b[ou]nd in anyway - best for her to let me alone on this point –
leave ho[me] bet[ween] 4 and 5 – w[i]th Booth and 2 men at the West tow[e]r – Ja[me]s alone in
the hall-cellar  the buttery cellar – Ab[raha]m poor[l]y n[o]t here – Ingh[a]m and his  man and boy h[a]d
g[o]t the upp[e]r wall of the 1st arch done – Jos[e]ph Sharpe ill and n[o]t here b[u]t Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d break[in]g
st[one] on the new r[oa]d - Sugden and Geo[rge] h[a]d the 2 new horses out in the morn[in]g - Frank cart[in]g
so[me] parp[oin]ts for Jos[e]ph Mann fr[om] Hipp[erholme] quarry and he and Ingh[a]m and c° sid[e]d oak wood in the ev[enin]g –
Bligh and the lit[tle] York joiner mak[in]g 17 y[ar]ds of arch[in]g – w[oul]d be £5 wood and lab[ou]r if I h[a]d
all to find – H[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d ab[ou]t the engine pit – so[me] ti[me] in the stab[le] – ca[me] in at 6 1/2 –
A- [Ann] h[a]d been ver[y] poor[l]y all the day - at 1st annoy[e]d at my hav[in]g s[e]nt John Booth
(1st ti[me]) to Priestley’s Calderdale brew[er]y b[u]t reconcil[e]d aft[er]w[ar]ds – din[ner] at 7 20/.. in 1/2 h[ou]r –
coff[ee] upst[ai]rs and sat read[in]g to A- [Ann] the acc[oun]t of Mallibran’s fun[era]l at Manchest[e]r on Sat[urday] last till
10 p.m. then 10 min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t – rath[e]r bet[ter] tonight - asleep or I sh[oul]d ha[ve] gone to
h[e]r bef[ore] - till 11 10/.. wr[ote] all the ab[ove] of today - fine day – F[ahrenheit] 38° at 11 10/.. p.m.
 £500 bid for st[one]
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
I was wondering if you could do a scenario where dazai's s/o Is like umaru from 'umaru-chan'? Like at the day time she's the perfect girl and is helpful and kind then when she gets home she's a gamer who is legit so lazy and eats too many potato chips? Thank you! Do take your time!
Thank you for the request! We are happy to do this fic for you! Please note that we decided to keep this gender neutral so that a wider audience can enjoy this piece! 
TW: Dazai (A.K.A. Mentions of suicide.)
(Y/n) smiled as they helped the old lady cross the street, helped comfort a child and bought them some ice cream, helped a lady with her bags. They were the perfect example, when they walked the streets it was like they glowed. "Do you see them?" "They are golden child, their parents are blessed," "They are so cute! Do you think they would go out with me?" People would whisper as they passed, as (Y/n) skipped up to their apartment they saw a kitten about to cross the road as a car approached, right away they grabbed it before it could be hit, sighing (Y/n) scolded the scrap of fur lightly "You should be more careful, here I will help you cross."
"Well aren't you a kind soul for helping a kitten... maybe you could do a double suicide with me!" A voice said out of now where, jumping up in surprise (Y/n) looked around to find a tall man approaching them running a childish grin on his face "Hey you! Come join me in a romantic double suicide!" He yelled jumping, (Y/n) dodged and the man fell face-first on the ground, the kitten meowed like it was laughing. "I am so sorry you just surprised me! Here let me help you up!" (Y/n) said scrambling to help the man up and bowing, the man chuckled, "I'm fine, but back to my offer, do you want to join me!?" He asked, (Y/n) sweatdropped. "Um, well, sorry but I have a lot to live for like helping at daycares and stuff, I hope you find someone to do a double suicide with you one day." (Y/n) responded, the man looked down sad but then smiled and looked back at (Y/n). "Hey! Hey! What's your name? Mine is Osamu Dazai!" He said shaking (Y/n)'s hand vigorously, "I-I-I a-a-am (Y-Y/n) (L/n-n), u-u-m-m-m co-u-ld y-ou pl-ea-se sto-p sh-ak-ing m-y-y han-d-d-d " (Y/n) responds and Dazai lets go of their hand. "Tehee, sorry I was just so excited to meet a beautiful person like you, " He said scratching the back of his neck. (Y/n) shook their head. "It's fine, now if you will excuse me , " (Y/n) said bowing, the kitten meowed like, 'Hello, I am still here!' "Oh sorry, here let's cross the street now " (Y/n) said looking both ways and crossing the street, to her surprise Dazai followed them. "Um, why are you following me?" (Y/n) asked and Dazai gave a toothy grin "Because such a lovely being like you shouldn't be alone in this big city, I will escort you to where you live!" He said, (Y/n) gives him a sweet smile but in their head, all they can think is, 'Is he an idiot? I just want to go home and play games, eat potato chips, and go to bed, oh well, if he is just walking me home that's fine.' "Thank you " (Y/n) says and the odd pair continue on their way. When they at last reach (Y/n) apartment, (Y/n) turns. "Thank you for escorting me, but I am fine now." (Y/n) said and then began to walk to their room, Dazai still following their. "Um, why are you following me to my room?" (Y/n) asked, facing him. "Oh well, I was a little hungry so I was wondering if I could have something to eat..." He asked all that (Y/n) could think was ' IS HE FOR REAL?! ASKING FOR FOOD! Ok, ok, calm down (Y/n), be the sweet person that everyone thinks you are, no that you are, here I go.' "Oh! Of course, let me go get something for you!" (Y/n) says quickly and turns, walking to their room, they unlocked the door and took of their shoes, "Please wait here, I will be right back, are you allergic to anything?" They ask and Dazai shakes his head, quickly grabbing the first bag of chips they could get their hands on, they walked back to where Dazai was supposed to be waiting, but he was gone. "Um, Dazai-san?" (Y/n) called out worried, "I'm in here!" He said, it was coming from their living room 'HE WAS SUPPOSED TO WAIT HERE!' (Y/n) internally screamed rushing into the room, there they found Dazai trying to make a nose with their controller wires. When he saw (Y/n) enter, he smiled brightly and waved, (Y/n) felt their eyes twitch "Um, what are you doing?" They asked in a calm voice "Oh! Well, I got bored waiting so I came in here, I saw these lovely wires and decided to make a noose, also it's pretty messy in here!" He said as he stood on their (Y/n) gamer chair and tied the handmade noose to a support beam, "Dazai-san, could you please not hang yourself in my living room? And please untie your noose," (Y/n) said Dazai looked down at them with puppy eyes but after a look on their face he did exactly what they said. Once that situation was sorted (Y/n) gave Dazai his bag of chips and began to usher him out the door, "Do you have everything? Good, well I hope to see you again (not) and I hope you find someone to commit double suicide with!" You spoke in a rush, because one you were embarrassed, two in the rush you gave him your favorite brand of chips and you couldn't ask for
back, three he bent the cords on your controllers. As Dazai began to walk out he stopped and turned to face (Y/n), "It's all right to take a break and be lazy sometimes, also your secret is safe with me, thanks for the chips!" He said and left, (Y/n) sat against the door frame admiring the setting sun, they didn't really regret giving him their favorite chips anymore at least for now~ (Later...) "THAT SUICIDAL CHIP STEALER!" (Y/n) screamed as they realized that Dazai stole all of their favorite potato chips.
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mistaeq · 4 years
hey dora,, let me write something for you someday pl ea se ]] and because of our talk earlier.. kakyoin + 🎨?? ;)
[ y ou already did the in character asks with caesar for me sh h h h <3 ]
Noriaki Kakyoin + 🎨
TW // flesh bud!Noriaki
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"This is more or less starting to hurt, Kakyoin-sensei." you told him, in a defiant tone. You were sitting on a burgundy colored velvet armchair, a thin layer of sweat visible on your skin under the lights the painter had pointed towards you. Your crossed legs and your arms, rested on the armrests, had the power to make your pose look comfy and natural.
But you'd been like that for four hours by now, for a cocky painter who was nothing less than Lord Dio's apple of his eye. "Stand up and exit the room, then. What's stopping you?" the cherry haired boy smiled, taking off his scarf as he started to feel the warmth of the room. The bastard knew how high the temperature was. Still he had chosen for you some heavy clothing, old school, he had found wandering around Lord Dio's mansion.
Why did you have to be his model or listen to him? The answer is, you didn't have to. You just couldn't find a reason not to. Well, the reason not to do it might be his cocky attitude and his tendency to dress you up the way he wants regardless of how high the room's temperature is, readers will say. But for you, that's not enough to distance yourself from Kakyoin Noriaki. So you couldn't really complain about this.
"I knew it." he grinned, when you didn't move a muscle and refused his offer of standing up and exiting the room. Nonetheless, you enjoyed teasing him. But he enjoyed teasing you more. "I wonder why do you like being my model so much." Noriaki hummed, an insecure look falling on his gaze as he stared at his work, then explored you, then looked back at his paining, then all over you again. After a couple minutes of you not answering, you heard his tongue clicking.
"I need you to like it more." he told you. What does it mean, like it more? You thought to yourself, trying to smile more. But he shook his head. "You're not credible enough. I don't need a smile. I need... feelings. Feelings i can paint." Feelings. How do you paint feelings? Apparently Kakyoin Noriaki thinks he can. And knows how to get them out from you. Your gaze flies to his hands, as you hear a clicking sound of a lipstick lid.
"Do you think coloring my lips will get feelings out of me...?" you ask, in a mocking tone, before noticing he's pulling off a small mirror. "Kakyoin-sensei?" you try to get the painter's attention, as the lipstick deliciously gets applied on his own lips. He rubs them together, to spread it well, and then stands up, walking towards your armchair. You never got the chance to notice how beautiful he is.
"Don't move a single muscle." he orders, getting at your eye level. His gaze is breathtaking. Maybe you didn't want to be his model only. Maybe you loved the cocky painter. And you realized these were the feelings he was looking for only when his lips pressed on a the left side of your mouth. Cherry flavored lipstick, no wonder. Your love for him was the feeling he wanted to get out of you. His lipstick mark on you was the way to paint it.
"This means i'm gonna paint your face too, this time. I've never painted your face." he murmured. "You know this means that I would be able to kill you anytime?" you slowly blinked. It meant yes, you couldn't nod or you would have lost the pose. "Are you afraid?"
"I trust you, Kakyoin-sensei." you immediately replied. "Good." he just said, going back to his seat. Smiling while you could only see his back. He got a little feelings out of himself, too.
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dented-nado · 5 years
Well I mean, since you asked for requests - “If you want me, come and get me.” Maybe with the trinity? I can picture Bruce saying it as Diana and Clark try and force him to go to bed like a normal person 😂 or you know, whatever strikes your fancy!
[[HELL YES. Bruce is slightly ooc because he’s incredibly sleep deprived and I saw it as an opportunity for him to act a little loopy lol. That’s how I am at least when I’m very sleep deprived, so pulling from personal experience here. Enjoy!!]]
“It’s only been one night. Give me a break.”
“Bruce, Honey, I know its hard to tell in Gotham, especially in the winter, but it’s been several nights you haven’t been getting any sleep.” Diana pulled the chair Bruce was sitting in away from the bat-computer against Batman’s wishes.
Bruce was sure she and Clark were exaggerating, it couldn’t have been that long. Besides, he wasn’t even tired, not even a little bit.
“I’m fine, you two can stop clucking over me like hens, thanks.”
“I’ll cluck all I want when it comes to your sleeping schedule mister.” Clark declared firmly.
“Especially not after you convinced me that some humans can be ‘totally fine’ not sleeping for several days and making me feel like I wasn’t quite so weird for a split second before that all came crashing down.” Clark crossed his arms, pouting just a little bit. He didn’t seem actually that annoyed but…
Admittedly, he still felt a little bit bad about that.
“I know… I lied when I said some humans. I meant me, specifically, because I’m fine, I’m great, I’m good, I’m bursting with youthful vigor now both of you let me work. There’s crime afoot.” He declared, trying to pull his chair back forward, only to frown as he realized Diana still had an iron grip on it, so instead he stood up and walked back to the computer instead.
“Bruce, your being ridiculous… and you said "There’s crime afoot” out loud. You’re tired.“ Diana said exasperated with a hand on her head.
"Also, no offense sweet bean… but you look like you’ve been through hell, you have probably the most intense looking bags under your eyes I’ve ever seen.” Clark said, trying to be gentle but serious.
“I look fucking awesome.” Bruce protested in annoyance, not even sure what he was really doing on the computer outside of looking busy. “You’ve heard Harv, I’m a fucking pretty boy. And I feel fan-god-damn-tastic.”
Clark and Diana gave each other a look that said “Yep, he’s lost it.” That Bruce didn’t much appreciate.
He forgot what he was even doing, his new ultimate goal was to not go to sleep no matter what because he was f i n e dammit.
“Bruce, please come to bed. Besides, you know, we’ll be right there with you, we miss you.” Clark pleaded, giving Bruce very tempting puppy dog eyes.
“We can spend a little time tiring you out if you want Bat.” Diana said, soothingly rubbing his shoulder.
Tempting. But he was the god damn batman, so… “No, no bribing me doing the horizontal tango, I have a job to do.”
“The horizontal…” Diana began.
“T a n g o. Bruce, pl ea se , you need to sleep.” Clark finished.
“Why can’t I use creative words without you two thinking it means I’m tired, hmm? Clark’s called me a bean before, I am but a bean, let me live my bean life.” He momentarily felt a little dizzy and a little like he was loosing track of time and space, but regardless he made his way to the bat-mobile to go… somewhere…. who knows.
“Oh-ho-ho no, absolutely not, you are not driving like this.” Clark said immediately super-speeding in front of Bruce acting as a big warm teddy bear-like wall between Bruce and his car.
“I can do what I want. I’m rich, I’m bi, I’m batman, and I fight crime. Now ”scoot your boot.“ as they say where you come from.” Bruce said, trying to move around Clark who was so freaking fast for some reason.
“I have never said scoot your boot.” Clark said with raised eyebrows.
“Really?” Bruce asked somewhat deliriously. “Seems like a cowboy thing…” He  mumbled while moving the cowl up slightly so he could rub at his eye.
“…Would you come to bed if I dressed like a cowboy?”
Tempting. But not even saving a horse and riding a cowboy could get him to give up on his current stubborn crusade that he couldn’t even remember why he had to be on so bad… why had he been up in the first place??
“…No, so yeehaw your ass out of my  w a y .”
“No way, and your yee-haw-ing your a… s…… booty up to bed now,  you’re completely delirious.”
“Fine… maybe I don’t know what I’m doing, or where I’m going, or why right now, but I’m the world’s greatest detective, I’ll figure it out.” Bruce grumbled in annoyance.
He started walking back to his computer since he apparently couldn’t go to his car, but when he tried to sit back down he nearly yelped as it seemed Diana had thought ahead, so he had sat down right into her lap and now her very strong muscular arms were now wrapped around his waist.
“Fu c k.” Bruce mumbled.
This was quite the predicament Batman had gotten himself into! Would he be able to figure out how to escape the strong arms of the Wonder Woman? Tune in next time, same bat-time, same bat-channel!
… Bruce squirmed for a moment grumbling before bowing his head.
“Fine… you’ve won, let’s go to bed…” Bruce conceded.
“That’s more like it” Diana said with a sigh as she gingerly let go.
That was when Bruce took his chance to escape with a triumphant and slightly evil laugh as he took off into the depths of the bat-cave.
“BruCE!” Diana chided.
Bruce just continued cackling, dropping a smoke bomb as he completely forgot that would do nothing against Clark’s super vision as he decided to head for the bat-plane. Good thing he had several bat-themed vehicles.
“Bruce get back here!” He heard Clark call sternly.
“You’re going to get yourself hurt!” Diana yelled.
“If you want me, come and get me!” Bruce taunted with an incredibly delirious smile, not realizing he was about to run into a wall.
He would have, if Clark had not been in front of him again in an instant, causing Bruce to collide with Clark’s chest rather than a rock hard wall. Clark scooped Bruce up into his arms despite the Bat’s protesting and flew him back over to where Diana had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot.
She softly flicked the tip of Bruce’s nose to get his attention and to stop flailing. “Now are you going to be a good bat and change out of the suit yourself, or are we going to have to rip you out of it kicking and screaming?”
Bruce frowned, before getting another idea and perking up slightly. “…There are other ways of getting me out of it~” He said putting on his flirtiest Brucie voice.
“Nice try B, but you blew your chance at the 'horizontal tango’ when you decided to bolt like that.” Clark said looking down at Bruce now with his own smirk on his face.
“Aw, nuts…” Bruce grumbled in surrender, going limp as Clark set him down, pulling off the cowl as he knew he was defeated.
“Your not getting any nuts B, keep up.” Clark said absolutely delighted.
Diana rolled her eyes. “You pick now to make a joke like that Kansas?”
Clark grinned. “Judging by how sleepy he is he won’t even remember that I made my first ever joke like that in front of him.”
“How devilish of you.” Diana commented with an amused smile.
Bruce grumbled as he stripped off the rest of the batsuit. “I wanted nuts though.” He mumbled. “nuts sound good. I like nuts… especially cashews.”
“Your right, he’s definitely not going to remember.” Diana commented, taking Bruce’s hand once he was down to the black undershirt and thin pants he wore under the suit.
Clark put his hand on Bruce’s back as the moved out of the cave. “Come on sleepy-head, off to an adventure called 'bed-time’.”
“But I wanted to fightttt…” Bruce slurred slightly.
“You can fight exaustion by sleeping.” Diana suggested.
“I’ll kick exaust-ian’s a s s.”
“That’s the spirit.” Clark laughed as he gingerly lifted the incredibly tired bat onto his bed before going to get ready for bed himself along with Diana.
“What are we going to do with that man?” Diana whispered, unable to help a small smile, after they had changed into their sleep clothes and came back to find Bruce completely zonked out , snoring slightly with his mouth hanging open.
“We’ll force him to have a normal sleep schedule yet.” Clark whispered, getting into bed and pulling Bruce close in order to spoon him.
Diana joined in on the other side, snuggling Bruce’s head against her chest and putting her arm around both him and Clark as she got settled.
“Our new mission?” Diana suggested.
“Our new mission, will kick ’'exaust-ian’s” butt.“ Clark whispered with a grin.
Diana had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.
"You’ll make a joke about Bruce wanting 'nuts’ but you’ll never say the word "ass”, will you?“ She asked with a raised eyebrow.
They shared a quiet chuckle before settling in to fall asleep themselves, their very tired, but at least now very asleep bat cuddled between them.
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ringtailes · 4 years
arent u tired of being nice
bwess u i owe u my life... now lets get to the rant (tm): I Get the whole, “hoo hoo lore” thing blizzards got, but I truly do not understand how they put “McCree and Ashe and two others started the Deadlock Gang in Santa Fe, New Mexico” considering ashe literally lives there or that area and then have the GALL...THE NERVE. TO HAVE JESSE SAY HES FROM TEXAS LIKE MOST STEREOTYPICAL COWBOYS LIKE PL EA SE. the only way I can see him even sayin that to Moira is bc hes just fuckin around tbh its already shown/said/implied? that he doesnt like her, and the fact hes possibly straight up LYING to her FACE abt where hes from seems v like him in my opinion KLSDFJLSKDFJDK Which is ANOTHER THING... I love the “goofy charismatic dumbass” thing rlly I do, love that Jesse to bits but we cannot forget the absolute fuckin SMARTS this man has!! along with pessimistic/possibly cynic things he does in his comics!! He’s been through a lot, done a lot of good and a lot of bad, and he’s following his own way each time. yeah he worked under Gabe but even then he had his own rules he would abide by hence him eventually leaving overwatch/blackwatch anyway and!! in his cinematic him saying that “they want me but really they need you” line!!! he knows whats goin on but he either wont or cant go back and i WISH blizzard would touch on that shit!! BUT NO INSTEAD WE GOT A GODDAMN CINEMATIC THAT WAS MORE OF A NEW HERO REVEAL THAN ANYTHING ELSE!! least I know he likes apple pie ig?? does he even tip like what was the coin he left behind worth anyways LKSDJFLSKDJF his music choice is no surprise, and frankly it gave me quite an Idea uwu but yeah..hes a charismatic sweetheart but also a stern jackass when hes gotta be i bet! [considering he fuckin told off Reyes, U know, HIS COMMANDING OFFICER SKDFJSLKDFJ love him,,to bits,,,, qwq] also look at that blackwatch retribution trailer and TELL ME TO MY FACE, LOOK INTO MY EYES, AND TELL ME THAT HE ISNT A GODDAMN WEREWOLF DID YALL SEE HIS CA N I N ES?!?!?!? his lil angry face when he puts his cigar in his mouth is so cute hes Angy..../)U///U(\
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unhallowedhybrid · 5 years
“I’m not letting you finish until you say ‘please’.”
Dominate me on Sinday | Accepting
¶     Such words had a soft, shy mewl spilling from Nero’s lips. He tilted his head, hiding his face against his arm as he bit his lip. He couldn’t let Dante have the satisfaction of hearing him sound like that again.
  With his middle being wrecked with wave after wave of pleasure that built without breaking, Nero was beginning to shake all over. If it went on for too much longer-
     “ Ple-.. “ Nero whimpered through gritted teeth, his back arching and hips rolling needily. There was a temptation to try and overpower Dante then, to take what he wanted from him- He peeked up at Dante and felt himself melt all over again.
  “ Pl-ea..se... “     ¶
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Chest Ache
Contains swearing and innuendos
Quietly, Nightmare teleported, jumping universes. He glanced around the anti-void, sighing. A tendril snatched multiple strings, tugging on them sharply.
“Error?” He asked aloud “Don’t make me teleport up there.”
“...piss off...” Error hissed, Nightmare grimaced, pulling on the strings more.
“Get down here, I wanna talk.” He stated, the glitch growled lowly, unimpressed. “...c’mon...”
“Why should I?” He retorted, peering down at Nightmare, watching him roll his eye.
“Because I’m telling you to.” Another tendril snatched him by his waist, he yelped loudly, clawing at his strings desperately. “Stop.”
“L/e//t g/o!” He glitched madly, barely clinging onto his blue threads. One more tendril appeared, tangling around his hands and tearing them off. Error shrieked, dragged down to face the oil monster, noticing his single eye glowing softly.
“Calm down.”
“N/o!” He snapped, trying to sink his teeth into the tendrils. “L/e/t m//e g/o!”
“Stop that.” Nightmare hit him off the floor, gritting his teeth. Error felt the tendrils tightening around him, he wheezed, managing to pull his hands to his face and dig his teeth into the oily tentacle.
Nightmare winced, dropping the glitch entirely. Error scrambled to his feet, opening a portal and teleporting through it swiftly. Groaning, Nightmare fell onto his backside, stroking the tendril warily.
“...asshole...” He murmured, smearing oil over the bite wound. Letting out an exasperated sigh, he got up, jumping universes again. Immediately, he snapped all of his tendrils around Error, he struggled frantically.
“S-st//op! St/o//p i/t!” He panicked, hating the sensation around his body. Nightmare didn’t let go, keeping him trapped, watching as he tried to pull himself out of the tangled mess.
“...just calm down.” A tendril touched his cheek lightly, brushing against it. Error snapped his teeth at it, Nightmare flinched. “M’not gonna hurt you, alright? I just wanna talk.”
“F/u//ck o/ff!” Error snarled, spitting at the oil monster. “I’m n//ot go/ing b/a//ck t/o y/our sh//it sh/ow!”
“...really?” Nightmare tilted his head, he nodded quickly, feeling the tendrils squeeze the living daylight out of him. He gasped for air, panting rapidly, Nightmare simply watched. “You agreed, Error.”
“N-N/igh//t!” His ribcage started to close in on itself, the tendrils bending his ribs inwards, crushing them. “S...s//t/op...!” Nightmare grinned a little, amused.
“You agreed.”
“P-pl/ea/se!” He didn’t want to die “I-I’m s//o/rr/y!” And they loosened off, Error collapsed, mortified. The oil monster knelt down in front of him, one knee on the ground, gazing down at the trembling glitch.
“...you’re ‘sorry’?” He enquired, Error nodded weakly, choking down air. “...honestly...” Nightmare got to his feet, shaking his head. “You’re fucking pathetic, y’know?” He listened to the glitch whimpering, clawing at the ground with his fingertips. Nightmare glanced around the universe, staring at the stars.
“H...h-h//e/h...” Error curled into a ball, hugging his knees to his bruised ribcage, trying to settle his breathing. Nightmare looked down at him, slipping a single tendril around him, Error tensed up.
“...you still alive?” He questioned, Error didn’t respond, staring at the tendril around his midsection. “Answer me.” He nodded slowly, quivering like a leaf. “Good.” Nightmare jumped universe once more, taking the glitch with him. Instantly, Error started to struggle again, forced into a cell. “Behave.”
“N-N//ight/m//a/re!” The door slammed shut, Nightmare vanished, leaving Error alone.
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cy-fi-theansweris42 · 6 years
Once again, inspired by @donitkitt‘s Aftermath AU, because I love writing stuff for it.  Trigger warnings for panic attacks, injury, flashback, and implied torture (will I ever write anything happy for this AU? Who knows, lol)
His sons had been missing for four days now.
With the help of April and Casey, Splinter had been searching everywhere, the two humans searching above ground during the day while he scoured the sewers, the three of them teaming up when the sun set. No matter how much they looked though, now matter where they looked, there was no sign, no hint of where the turtles could be.
They were just…gone.
The small group was gathered around the kitchen table in the lair, pouring over a map of New York, marking off previous locations and deciding where to search next, when they heard a noise from the entrance to the lair. Someone else was there.
Instantly they were all on high alert, Casey going for a hockey stick while Splinter grabbed his staff and silently made his way to the source of the sound. Before he turns the corner, there’s a new sound, a hiccupping inhale of breath as if someone’s fighting back tears, and he almost stops, for a moment refusing to believe his ears.
He knows that sound, knows it from years back when comforting a smaller version of his youngest son after a nightmare, and just the thought of seeing his sons again has him tearing around the corner fasting than he thought he could move.
Standing there, one arm bracing him against the wall, eyes wide and tears dribbling down his face, is Michelangelo.
His youngest son looks up, and the moment their eyes meet, breaks down, a broken sob tearing its way out of his throat as he falls to his knees. This has Splinter scrambling to catch him, barely slowing the turtle’s descent towards the floor, and the brief relief he felt at seeing one of his boys home alive is erased by fear when he feels just how much Mikey is shaking, and by how the young turtle is alone, his brothers nowhere in sight.
“Michelangelo, what happened, where are your brothers?” Splinter asks, hands cupping the sobbing sixteen-year-old’s face. As he does this, rust-colored flakes fall from the far side of Mikey’s chin, and Splinter swears his heart stops as he notices the dried blood trailing from the boy’s mouth.
“D-Dad…they’re- we w-were- B-Bishop…” Mikey can hardly get a word out, his voice shaking and breaths too short and sharp, eyes wide and glazed with fear. As he speaks, Splinter sees the gap where a tooth used to be, and forces down his rising rage as he begins to connect the dots between his son’s injuries and stuttered words. That’s not what Mikey needs right now.
“It’s alright my son, you’re home now.” Splinter soothes, moving to Mikey’s side to support him as they begin to stand. “Come now, let me make sure you’re alright, April and Casey-”
“No!” Mikey almost shouts, pulling back towards the entrance to the sewers. “We, we gotta g-get back! H-He’s still got them! They’re- they’re st-still…!” He trails off, his shaking increasing as any more words he tries to get out are broken by gasps of breath and harsh sobs.
The sight of his youngest son, his once joyful and carefree Michelangelo now consumed by fear and pain, makes Splinter’s heart shatter.
“We will save your brothers Michelangelo, I promise.” Splinter consoles, trying to pour as much reassurance into his words and gaze as possible, anything to help the terrified turtle feel safe. “But first we must tend to your injuries, and then make a plan so we can bring them home safely.” As they begin to move further into the home, Splinter spots Casey standing a few feet away, unshed tears pooled in his eyes that are locked on Mikey, clearly unsure of how to help and desperately wanting to.
“Casey, go tell April to get the first aid kit, Michelangelo needs it.” Splinter urges, wanting to make sure his youngest is physically fine as quickly as possible. (Right now, he has to settle for just physically, unsure of how deep the fresh mental and emotional wounds run, and without knowing what happened there is so frustratingly little that he can do.) Casey hesitates, the conflict of wanting to stay and keep his friend in sight versus leaving for at least a moment in order to help clear, before sprinting off to tell April what’s going on.
When the two reach the kitchen, April and Casey are there waiting, April’s face twisting in momentary sorrow before being replaced by a soft smile.
“Hey there Mikey.” April greets gently, her movements slow and easily readable, waiting for the turtle to look at her before moving towards him and passing Splinter the first aid kit. The turtle just waves in response, sitting on the kitchen table and looking back towards the door, exhaustion practically radiating from his body but clearly wanting to get back out there as quickly as possible.
“First we’ll check for injuries, then we’ll talk and make a plan.” Splinter insists, easily reading his son and even though he himself wants to be out there, needs to find the others, he has to at least help Mikey before thinking of resuming the search. “We will save them, Michelangelo, I promise.”
Mikey nods, some of the tension easing out of his shoulders, taking a shaky breath in and letting it out, calming slightly. The turtle had numerous scrapes and bruises, but what worried Splinter the most was the missing tooth.
“Please open your mouth.” Splinter requests gently, his heart twisting as the simple query makes his son freeze momentarily before slowly opening his mouth. Splinter takes the boy’s chin in his hand, tilting Mikey’s head up so he can get a better look.
One of the top teeth to the right side of his mouth is missing, the empty socket where it should be red and irritated in a worrying way, the edges slightly jagged as if it were removed with force. Splinter once again stomps down on the anger that raises its head as images of Bishop tearing the tooth from Mikey’s mouth come unwanted to his mind’s eye.
“Casey, please get a warm cup of water and mix some salt in it.” The man in question quickly moved, eager to be of some assistance, quickly preparing the requested item.
“Michelangelo, I need to make sure this is clean.” Splinter says, taking the warm glass of salt water from Casey. “I need you to swish this over the wound so it doesn’t become infected.”
As he takes the glass from Splinter, Mikey hesitates, staring down at the glass with conflict clear in his eyes, knowing that the injury needs to be treated but not wanting it to hurt anymore than it already has, something that the contents of the cup with ensure.
“It’s alright, my son.” Splinter consoles, placing a gentle hand on Mikey’s shoulder. “It is for your own well-being so you heal as quickly as possible.”
Mikey nods, raising the glass to his lips, taking in a small mouthful of salt water.
The moment the cleansing liquid touches the empty socket, Michelangelo’s half-lidded eyes shoot open as he sharply inhales, choking on the salt water. He shoots backwards, falling off the table and onto the floor, scrambling even further back until his shell hits the wall, curling in on himself with his arms raised in defense.
“S-s-stop!” Mikey yells with barely enough air to get the sound out, breathing a mess of gasps and coughs, a fresh round of tears pouring from his eyes that are locked on something that isn’t there. “P-pl-eas-se! It h-hur-urts!”
“Michelangelo, you’re safe now, it’s alright.” Splinter says, desperately attempting to comfort his son, blinking back his own tears brought forth by how completely and utterly lost the sixteen-year-old is in his panic, surging forward to hold him in the hopes it would erase whatever horrible memory is playing in front of his eyes.
When April and Casey do the same, their own pacifying pleas pouring out as every fiber of their being screams to help their friend, Mikey’s eyes dart towards them and he sobs, trying to move away but unable to do so with the wall directly behind him. His desperate pleas have stopped, but that’s only because he can’t get enough air in, the coughing gone but his breaths too fast to even come close to providing enough oxygen. A pained whine torn from the turtle’s throat stops their approach, and their faces fall as they figure out what’s happening.
Because of whatever he’s seeing, whatever he’s reliving, Mikey’s afraid of them.
“You two, give him some space.” Splinter orders, his voice sharper than he intended but he just wants to erase this pain that his son is feeling, do something to alleviate it. They quickly leave the room, Casey standing at the exit for just a moment, looking back at Mikey, before April drags him away.
“It’s alright Michelangelo, breathe, just breathe.” The calming instructions do nothing to soothe the turtle though, his breaths keeping up with worrying rate and shaking as if experiencing his own personal earthquake.
Then, on a choked sob, Mikey’s eyes roll back as he passes out, slumping forward as his body shuts down from the exhaustion caused by panicking for so long and who knows what else, Splinter catching him by the rim of his shell before he hits the floor. The tears slow to a trickle before stopping, his breathing gradually slows to a healthier pace, and the tension leaves his body.
If it weren’t for the tear tracks staining his mask and his face, it would look like Mikey was just sleeping.
Splinter swallows his own sorrow as he gently lowers his son to the floor, knowing he’ll need Casey’s help to move him somewhere more comfortable. As he rises so he can let the two humans know what happened, Splinter feels that spark of anger again, this time feeling it grow as he thinks about what could have happened to cause such a reaction in his normally happy youngest. He takes that now burning hot rage and uses it to steel his resolve.
The man that did this to his son, that still has his other children, will pay.
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moralhymn · 6 years
a growing list of things i would like to roleplay? why yes.
-- an arranged marriage of some sort between ardyn and another political figure. could be ignis. could be lunafreya. could be noctis. could even be ravus.
-- a modern au. ardyn’s the black sheep of the lucis caelum family for many reasons. family get togethers are an awful tense thing these days. there’s always a running bet to see how long it’ll be before a fight happens.
-- ardyn as some kind of vast cosmic eldritch horror wearing the body of a mortal. is he aware of this? is he completely oblivious? who knows!
-- ardyn’s been rejected from his death at noctis’s hands. the astrals have cast him down to live out one final lifetime. he can’t die by his own hand. he can’t be killed. but he has a chance, perhaps, to earn the chance to be forgiven. if he wants to be forgiven is another thing entirely.
-- ardyn gets the ring of the lucii. chaos ensues. ( somnus gets a lot of smack talk. every day. because ardyn will not give up putting it on. every day. not like the kings of yore can strike him down. he is somnus’s brother and therefore can’t be stopped. )
-- fate swap au. ardyn is the founder king or the chosen king. could be interesting to try out. 
-- honestly just give me a verse where ardyn was king. or becomes king. please.
-- a roleplay set back when ardyn was the Sage, in proper; of him going and traveling amongst the people to help them.
-- some kind of supernatural creature verse. i think ardyn would make for an excellent wendigo, perhaps. who knows.
-- my trashy ass would love something with a/b/o, i admit. the social connotations and exploration of such things never fails to fascinate me.
-- ardyn just throwing up both hands ( and fingers ) at the astrals, saying “fuck you”, and becoming a hermit. that would be hilarious. noctis has to try finding him but good luck noctis he’s a hermit now.
-- some kind of thread involving his time spent traveling over eos. 
-- reincarnation? au? ???? PL EA SE? I WOULD ADORE THAT?
-- ardyn as a reincarnated god, perhaps. that would be vastly entertaining. honestly. oh man please.
-- more dark threads. torture. gore. pls. i would give my right arm to write something super dark some days.
and there’s probably a lot more that i could come up with. but these are what smacked me in the face and head right now. lordy lord. I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF I WOULD LOVE TO EXPLORE ON ARDYN.
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kitcat992 · 6 years
Identity Theft | Chapter 18 | Homecoming
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Tony didn’t care. Everything else ceased to matter, his only focus, his only concern — he had to get to Peter. He couldn’t reach the kid fast enough, his heart racing, pounding.
“Pl-ea-ea-se, pl-ease, g-get away! S-stop!” Peter sobbed, his cries wet, hoarse, exhausted —  purely agonized.
“Hey, hey, Peter, it’s okay.” Tony reached the gurney, standing at the top near Peter’s head, hands firm on his shoulders to lessen his thrashing movements. “Hey, Underoo’s. Same side, okay? Same side.”
Glassy, blood-shot eyes looked all around the room, frantically darting at the mayhem that surrounded him. They locked in place the moment he saw Tony.
“M-make ‘e-em stop. P-please,” Peter begged, hyperventilating and grunting with ragged breath. “Ma-ake them sto — gah-agh!”
Tony pressed a firm palm against his forehead. “They’re here to help you, kid. I promise. We’re only trying to help.”
"Administering first dose. Fifty milligrams.”
A doctor injected the contents of a full syringe directly into the IV settled in the crook of Peter’s arm. Tony watched from the corner of his eyes as the colorless liquid traveled up clear tubing. Almost immediately the kid was jerking away, three other nurses plus himself struggling to hold him down.
“Ah-ah-gah!” Peter howled, his back arching from the gurney. “It burns! I-it — it burns, pl-please stop!”
His cries were so loud that his voice began to break, weak and wrecked from screaming, the strain tearing his throat raw. Standing at the top of the gurney, Tony cupped his palms around Peter’s cheeks. His fingers gripped his chin, hands closing in around his ears in hopes that it would dim the sound of hell that encircled them.
“You’re alright.” Tony held his face tighter, repeating the words like a mantra. “You’re alright.”
I legit wrote 17 chapters of a story so I could use this trope. 
No regrets.
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im-basically-logan · 6 years
me yelling abt the new sander sides episode because i have no chill
under the cut, friendos!
i’m typing this as i listen/watch the video btw so it’s all in order! also this is very long
that’s... an intro.
i love joan so much hghfhgjfdhjk
new channel news yay
Tweet Tunes blz come back
“give me my shirt back!”
i still love the intro to sander sides so much
thomas what the fuck. i’m so confused
“Cast: Thomas Sanders” that’s sander sides in a nutshell
also thats a big fuckin wine glass
dont eat bad chicken wraps blz
“yeah but what’s your actual job?” oof
the beginning is very slow paced imo blehh. a good reflection on thomas’ mood in the video tbh
“i feel bad about feeling bad” me all the time
i cant believe roman got slapped in the face
roman x katana otp uwu
“Logan!!! It’s Patton!!” that was both cute and kinda odd? did he think logan would be suspicious of him being deceit? probably not
logan really goin for those claps and syllables
“Although I am overcome by a titillating, tingly sensation whenever deadlines are met” l-logan? what??? did you just say?? i agree with roman’s reaction on this one.
the poor 4th wall. also i’m not belittled
patton called himself, roman, and logan daddy
virgil flapping as he’s like “Are you serious??”
the countless amount of beeps as roman and logan argue.
bestest duo
god the stretching shit
i mean we been knew he’s insecure but still
“do you know how dangerous that is?”
“I’m shooting straight, even though I’m gay”
dfkghdfkjhdskj patton knows what everyone calms down with hghghgfh
i love how logan just immediately starts solving the cube lol
it was 25 seconds jfc logan
tfw you’re just so good at being creativity that you color the mona lisa with shitty colors
are.. are they making a vine reference?? with the loop thing??
F r o o t
S am e  s i  es  logan s w ea t y B L Z
“get naked??” ROMAN PL E A SE
he was ready to strip what the  F UCK
intact and wet?
hfgjkhdjk logan’s trying his best
Sometime’s we don’t know that there’s a question to be asked: clarified
i want a cogitating cap but it’s $25 sobs
textbooks, m I S T A KES (roman jfc), PUPPETS!!
yes virgil defend pat
tbh i had the same thoughts as logan at first abt the adult thing..
roman you over did the chin, buddy
“you are unbelievably extra any time you get” “put a sOCK IN IT!”
and then virgil becomes a sock puppet
sweet coraline!!! BA BA BAAAAA
“if by up you mean the opposite of down to do this” that was very convoluted
what is with roman not liking the word figuratively??? are you ok?? is there some secret angst behind the meaning of that word?
patton cursed again
is... 5 by 5 a thing???
jfc logan, you wear light wash jeans?? i thought they would be dark
oh and you hit roman in the eye
ngl i laughed because he’s a puppet and couldn’t blink
oh my god logan looks so regretful w h a t?
also L is a new nickname
“Maybe I should go” “NO”
o shit
slight throwback to when Logan left in moving on part 1??? :3c
hfdjkhfkjd like mAR IA
ew feelings
“i’d rather go live in a garbage can” same
thomas we love you so much feelings are weird
jfc patton.
“oh i’m sorry, EXCEPT I’M NOT!”
big oof at roman being called out
“oh my gosh, what is up your butt?” “... an  ARM”
i mean he’s not wrong but i feel like he could’ve thought about that phrase a little more carefully
i really liked the text stuff when logan was talking about “Why?”
solid electric company reference yeet
logan flailing his arms is a mood
“i could list off several factors that very well could be contributing to your doubts” someone let him sp e a k
and it’s virgil.
lmao that was a big “I’ll take what I can get” bit for logan ngl rip
hfgkdhjdkfs virgil as the count i’m
logan’s looks he’s giving virgil are m o o d s
“three depressing speculations, ah ah ah...”
“four uncomfortable characters in this room”
“jeez you slobbily eat some jam and accidentally make a jew puns and now you’re suddenly sensitive about being taken seriously?” “I’m not a joke!”
the logan angst i’ve been craving
logan blz hhhhhh
headcanon: adjusting his tie is a big stim
you can see virgil’s expression in the puppet when patton calls him a cute muffin wowie puppeteering is neat!
roman ur being an ass
“it’s too bad your brain isnt as big as your chin” “well you smell like FOOT” hfdjhgjfkdhs
there’s so many more logan screenshots i gottttttt yessss
“what? no-” too late, it’s musical time
“another song, really?” logan, you literally sang last episode
this patton angst return
“Did that work?” “Nope!” logan’s face at that. b o i did you not pay attention? to moving on pt 2? he was kinda there as thomas right?? maybe?? oh no
“I knew you’d listen to me as too scary to ignore” hello @asofterfan got that thing down to a T.
logan just looks so shook like “oh shit”
“but when you lo-care for someone...” virgil, we all heard it.
logan breaking down the musical into just the keyboard was p cool
hghgnhghfhsg THE ONE SHOT SLAM
ahdsdshjkdfsk i love this part with logan and thomas so MU CH
ALSO! I think there was a key change to something minor? sounded much more overlooming/scary as they ended their verses
“You’re lost” “I’m right here” “It’s okay. I was lost once too...” i’m just shook.
roman just hangs his actual dirty socks jfkdkfdh
that trumpet thoooooo
virgil just callin everyone out today
logince angst content yeet
“logic always has a part to play, logan” ye  s s s s ss  validate him, virgil
virgil is callin out and validatin everybody today
dont hug me i’m scared ref, nice
moxiety hug!!
“that god i can move my arms again”
i can’t say i was surprised with logan becoming a robot sorta puppet
“iron giant nerd!” yeah
“I’ve never felt anything in my life” no patton squeal?
oh my god logan just said beep boop what a nerd
virgil telling patton about the innocent talks thing was something i really liked and was expecting eventually tbh
logan giving roman a high five!!!
“you did the stretchy arm!” “it’s not as gross when a robot does it” i need to see the arm thing jfc
“Can you tell me how to get-” “How to get to sesame street!” they just all... left him. rip
logan can’t summon well or control his shapeshifting powers that well?? hmm?
i love that ending with the sesame street throwback again aaaaaa
the way roman and patton laughed in the end card?? what the hell lmao
thomas throwing shade at himself with his own characters is a mood
Thanks to everyone who works on Sander Sides!! This was the longest episode yet, I think. The team grew so much
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Prompt: Locked in a trunk Fandom: OC Character: Lorenzo Demitrianus Word Count:  809 TW: Kidnapping Written for @badthingshappenbingo Prompts with dots on them have already been requested and are in the queue. Crossed out prompts have been completed.
“Get off! Get the fuck off, you bastards!” The laughter that rose from the men surrounding Lorenzo made the ifrit’s blood boil; he grit his teeth, eyes blazing as his arms were wrenched behind him, coarse rope digging into his flesh as his wrists were tightly bound. Renzo breathed heavily through his nose, staring at the half dozen or so men who were all grinning at him. Bounty hunters, Lorenzo suspected, or perhaps slavers. Didn’t matter. Lorenzo glanced over at their wagon, scowling. It was an open-air horse-drawn cart; there was no way they could keep him contained in something like that. He would just need to wait for an opportunity to jump out. The ropes were still being wrapped around him, moving from his wrists around his chest, tightly constricting him. One looped around Lorenzo’s neck and back, and another around and around his ankles, cinching them tightly together and restraining them close to his bound wrists. “You think that’s gonna help?” Renzo growled; every time the ropes got tighter, he felt as if the anger in him was pushed closer to the surface, “Once I get out of this I’ll cut every one of your fucking throats…” More snickers from the crowd. The laughter made Renzo feel like he was seconds from exploding into flame; he could imagine his sword driving straight into their grinning faces. Bloody cowards. “You’re not gonna have a chance, kid,” said one of the men, nodding to a couple of others, “Go grab the chest.” Renzo’s eyes narrowed as the pair pulled a heavy wooden chest from the back of the cart; it was large enough to need two people to carry, and it thumped heavily when they set it down on the grass in front of Lorenzo. He craned his neck to see inside when it was opened, but, to his confusion, there was nothing inside. Then, understanding hit the ifrit just before the bandit said, “Get him inside.” Lorenzo jolted hard, falling forward onto his face to the sound of laughter. His golden eyes were wide, sudden fear hitting him like a crossbow bolt to the heart. Rough hands grabbed Renzo from behind, gripping his shirt, his arms, winding painfully through his long ponytail. The group lifted Lorenzo with ease despite his thrashing and dropped him into the large chest with a painful thump. His head hit the bottom and he flinched, trying to twist himself upright. Renzo had just a second to look up at the sky, and the men’s faces silhouetted against it before the lid was slammed shut, blocking out all the light. There was a heavy, metallic clicking sound: a padlock being secured into place. Lorenzo raked in a harsh, shuddering gasp. He felt as if he’d been stabbed; suddenly, all the air seemed to have been drawn from his lungs. His chest hurt, his heart beginning to pound hard in his rib cage. Renzo thrashed back and forth, and the shoulder that most of his weight was on spasmed painfully. The chest was big enough to fit his hogtied body, but barely; the sides pressed into him, his head touching one end, feet pressed to the other. Lorenzo’s breathing grew more hitched, more rapid. Behind his back, he twisted his hands desperately in their bindings trying to wriggle loose. The coarse rope was wearing abrasions into the delicate skin of his wrists, but the bindings themselves were tight, and Renzo could feel his mind starting to dull with panic. No light, no air...I can’t...I can’t breathe… “You’ll...hah...you’ll pay...for this…!” Renzo shouted. His voice sounded small and frightened, even to his own ears, and Renzo could feel himself trembling, his muscles contracting as if he had been dropped into an ice-covered lake. There was a shifting, a sudden sensation of motion, and Lorenzo realized the box was being lifted, planted back onto the cart. “Stop! Let me out, I’m...I’m fucking warning you…!” There was no response. Lorenzo didn’t even know if his voice could be heard outside of the chest. His breathing became more frantic, more shallow, each tiny, desperate inhale felt like it was making him more lightheaded. The darkness in the chest seemed like a physical thing, bearing down on Lorenzo, crushing his lungs. Each inhale was like breathing in fire, each exhale shorter and more panicked. He shut his eyes, white spots flashing in front of his vision. “Let me out...let me…” Lorenzo’s voice was fainter; he felt like his head was full of cotton. His chest ached, his limbs tensed to the point of soreness, “Please...please...pl...ea...se…” Then, as the walls of the chest seemed to press into Renzo and the movement of the cart shook him, he took in one more pained gasp of air before he fell into merciful unconsciousness.
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stahl-konigin · 6 years
me: pls shave john's nasty beard off
husband: N O
me: PL EA SE
husband: NO
husband: NOPE
husband: ...nah lmfao
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