#his first name is the only thing that hecks this over cause like you'd think he'd wanna change it to something he likes
kalims · 1 year
⊹ sworn secrecy
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premise. there has been an increasingly concerning amount of random notes you encounter quite literally everywhere, everyday. of which you can't seem to find who exactly keeps posting these.
when there's little wholesome messages for you wouldn’t you be curious as to who it's from?
after asking around, why does everyone saying different names..
content. gender neutral reader, fluff
characters. dorm leaders
cw. none
note. happy birthday to kween vil
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"the first note I ever saw was right outside my locker,"
"oh by the hallway to turn right for the cafeteria? it sounds crazy but riddle rosehearts has been there early, always. maybe you should see if it's him?"
riddle rosehearts
first thought was that the statement of that person was absolutely wrong. you don't care if they've seen riddle around your locker early in school, (of which is actually perfect time to sneak in notes) nope. nu-uh. for the sake of your sanity you refuse to believe it.
if there was a person asking you who'd you'd think it was riddle was last on your list. you're pretty sure the guy literally hates you. why would he even bother to take out the time in his tight schedule to leave a 'you look enchanting today' , 'you're doing great' , or a 'if you're not too fond of these just say so, I don't know how else to express my affection' note in your locker that's just.. bizarre.
with the knowledge that riddle is possibly the same person you're looking for makes your interactions all the more awkward. at this point everyone's noticed the agonizingly dry, and tense silence. did you seriously just ask how the weather is doing?
clearly no one likes you because the teacher somehow got the highest thriving student in academic means to tutor you (who was admittedly failing class lately) so what do we have? more pain!
well that's what you honestly thought.
despite you thinking the sessions are just gonna be 95% anger and impatience it was surprisingly.. calm.
riddle was patient and polite enough to intake sharp breaths to contain a burst that could have possibly pop but you think he held back for your sake.
"my bad.."
"it's fine just. listen," he exhales.
then he just closes his eyes and takes several breaths. like he was calming himself and next thing you know he's going over what he said, slowly, carefully and more simple for you go understand.
after weeks of meeting with him for studying you just decide to ask one afternoon.
"those notes are not from me," riddle says. holding a stony face devoid of anger but a meaningful voice. "but I cherish the time we spend together,"
rarely do you ever see riddle adorn such a gentle face with even softer eyes. so safe to say you're completely stoned after registering the genuineness.
oh wow great. riddle isn't the person giving the notes, but he just hinted that he likes you? or.. well on his way to be cause there's no way the strictest guy in the world would casually say that.
"hey did you see anyone stick a note to my backpack?"
"note? where—oh by that bag, right. sorry I didn't I was picking out herbs for potionology. if it helps the only person around here other than me and you is the savanaclaw dorm leader,"
leona kingscholar
okay this is just crazy. riddle being one of the names being mentioned during your 'investigations' was shocking already to say the least but to hear the name of leona kingscholar get thrown around like that is just bizarre.
seriously? that guy looks like he does not know you even exist. heck, you're pretty sure you're one of those people that he sees, and then forgets. a backround character of some type, him being the one behind the notes is beyond you.
you're not even gonna attempt questioning him about it cause you're sure that all you're gonna get is a dead stare, and possibly, a load of mean words.
so you made up your mind.
leona kingscholar is out of question. therefore you're going to avoid him. surely it's just coincidence that his napping spot is near where you hang out after class, right?
isn't he apart of the magishift club? so why in the hell is he doing in your club room? playing with one of your members and actually beating them?
when you see his bored gaze skim around the room and land on you.. you just blank and wish you never joined the club.
"care for a match? you seem like you've got a smart little brain there," he drawls out, giving the student on the opposite seat a stare and they immediately rush away.
you swore your eye just twitch and he noticed because he just smirked. when you realize he's talking to you, you fumble. "uh—no thank you," your lips twitch into smile before dropping the next second.
his green eyes bore into you. "i wasn't asking,"
in the end you managed to beat him in a close match. clearly, that was your mistake cause now you're in a match with him nearly every time of the day since he's so adamant on beating you now.
one thing you learn is that he doesn't really like to lose. especially, in something he's confident he excels in.
the question lingers in your mind. maybe the timing in the botanical garden was coincidental but how can you think that way now that your encounter in the club room just really proved that theory wrong?
"so it isn't you?"
"no," leona says after a while. "I'd never do that,"
well what now? that's two wrong possible suspects. you thought he was done but no apparently. "I have.. other ways in showing my affection," he narrows his eyes. "take you for example,"
you snap your head to him. "excuse me?"
"oh hey! we met before didn't we?"
"yeah. you asked me about the note but I figured you'd want to know that azul's been.. kind of sketchy lately,"
azul ashengrotto
you know azul very well, contrary to your.. previous encounters. seeing as both of you are in the same club, it's privy to see each other daily and you can say that you're both in good in good, friendly terms but you can say that even asking the question you've asked the other two might just shatter that friendship.
also it's just weird to imply that seeing as azul is one of the people you've told about a note to, just one though and it would be embarrassing if he's actually the sender—and.. you just ranted to him about his notes.
well that's just another theory so!
out of everyone in the club he's probably the greatest. if you managed to beat leona you've no doubt that he can too (well. atleast if he puts his mind to it.)
it would be hard to hide your true intentions from azul. he himself has admitted that he's great at reading people and proved that point to you when he just points out the habits you do during games.
it just so happens you both play regularly hence how he notices.
"I know you're bluffing when your face is oddly serious because I know you're just pretending to be 'unreadable' to mask the results you're faced with,"
and he was completely right because you do shift your face into something stony so he wouldn’t be able to get a read on it but that completely had gone to waste..
it can't be azul, has he admired you all this time?
it can't be azul because he's like a daydream. like a cloud. when you'd go out for a walk, look up and try to grasp it but you can't because it's too far away. too perfect to hold in your hands and cherish so you'd just settle for admiring it from afar.
"I don't subject myself to feelings a lot. I'm a professional and I wanted to keep it that way," azul's face burns at the thought that flashes in his mind and the very next words he's about to say. "but I can't seem to do that with you," he admits.
it feels like he's going insane from every time he tries to not let you win, staying silent when there's a key point you're giving out from your face or when you beam at him.
you stare dumbly feeling your cheeks warm. an indirect confession?! another one?!
"don't you think dorm leader kalim might be the one behind it? I mean, out of everyone in NRC we're a little too prideful for something like that.. well him? isn't he perfect for it?"
"I'm starting to get suspicious with what everyone says,,"
kalim al asim
you know kalim al asim but you're not sure that he knows, knows you. he's like an angel to practically everyone, including you. and he can't exactly remember everyone he spares his kindness to so why should he remember you when all he did was share his 'secret spot' in the library?
you didn't exactly expect kalim to be interested in books, but he just says that he doesn't use it for reading but rather a quiet place to simply relax and bask the silence in.
wow. you suppose even guys like kalim get tired and indulge in a little escape.
you did not want to use his spot cause it's called his for a reason! and it feels like you're literally trespassing but godbless kalim because he really didn't mind and that offer was way too attractive to ignore.
sometimes you question how you even missed that heavenly corner in the library.
you yourself didn't particularly expect to end up in the library yourself but exams were coming up and you didn't want riddle's effort in tutoring you ultimately end up in waste. (also the amount of times he didn't snap at you.)
"hi there! I see you're enjoying the spot I've given you," kalim jokes. inclining you to tear your eyes away from the sentence you've been re-reading far too many times.
kalim is sitting on the other chair which normally you'd be bothered with but this is technically his spot so you don't mind. the fact that he remembers is the least of your worries. "hello. yes, thank you. this place is heaven on earth," you smile.
"right? it's perfect," he shines down a bright smile at you. though blinded by it you still agree. it's right by a window with a great view of the campus, nearly no one is near it so it's really quiet, and. surrounded by cute little plants!
you bid kalim goodbye after he says that he just wanted to check if you've really been using it. seeing as he's got a class upcoming (which he actually almost forgot but good thing you asked if he just got out of one.)
in the end he drops by and chats with you everytime he can. sometimes you're the one running into him at the same spot, and he just so happened to arrive earlier.
you can say that you've gotten to be good friends.
to the point where his friend jamil comes and has to drag him away because apparently he's been skipping a lot of stuff just to come and talk to you and you've no doubt he's being serious when he yells that he'll come back as he's being hauled away by jamil and then reprimanded by the staff of the library.
"I've come back," he huffs proudly. kalim smiles brightly at you. "also sorry, I accidentally read a note that was stuck on your umbrella,"
... that one was, 'i really like you' wasn't it? if kalim's saying that then doesn't it mean he isn't the sending them?
then he laughs, "I'd have to agree with them! I do like you a lot too!"
your jaw drops. how can he say that so casually?!
"what do you mean?"
"maybe you're looking at the wrong places? maybe all these people being there are actually just coincidence. they're obvious guesses, no? if you asked me I'd look for people that usually have zero presence. they're the most sneakiest,"
idia shroud
okay you admit that was one of the smartest thing they've ever said even though they made.. like what? 2 wrong guesses on whoever? at most you don't really know a lot of people that could count as zero presence cause..
nearly everyone you know has some type of charm that attracts attention to them, be it intentional or not they have certain aspects that demand not to be ignored.
though in terms of reputation only one person comes into your mind.
... getting into ignihyde is one thing, coaxing the dorm leader to actually come talk to you, socialize is a whole 'nother story.
so you just settle for asking ortho for his game ID in a game you do play. you've only talked with idia a few times buy enough for you to say that you're atleast acquaintances.
most of the time you meet with him is pure coincidental. since both of your classes align to end and the others next one is the one the previous was in (to make it short you'd basically just switch rooms) so you'd stumble upon the other on the way there.
well not literally idia but just his floating tablet. you're nice enough to spare him a greeting and a little small talk even though most of the time it's you speaking.
to be fair he did stop to listen to you I that counts for anything at all.
ortho was nice enough to let him know about the pending request. probably because idia would have just ignored it. so for that you've officially succeeded in becoming friends with the.. top 1 player world wide with thousand of hours in the game.
you don't mention it when you join him for coop mode but the only thing that pops in your mind is;
"how do you get that crown?"
the chat bubble appears, then disappears before a message pops up. "srsly? this was literally a free item a few years ago *sighs* you only needed to log in to get it,"
you grumble. "I wasn't playing the game at it's release," no life. you twitch to add.
you've joined idia so many times that even he is comfortable enough to pop into your world and start picking out the flaws in your realm. he was all; "who even uses green and red together?"
you protested with great offense. "it was christmas back then!!"
he robs you of the materials you need which you regret telling him at all and leaves the one you don't need. (you don't know if it's all good or not because he let you rob his in turn and gave you 10x the amount you need saying this was from robbing other players)
you've never really envisioned getting so close to a person before. well, atleast you feel close to idia but you're not sure if he feels the same or would even like you admitting that.
which you won't! for the sake of your sanity and relationship.
he takes about a full two minutes to write a reply. deleting, re-writing it several times before he decides on one. "I knew someone as rare as you would get a lot of fans," it read. "I'm a fan of you too. I'm the biggest fan!" coupled with an angry emoji.
and there's the very same crown you liked the day you met in his world.
(the rarest item currently)
you don't wanna assume but the pack of sticky notes that tall, horned person just stuffed in their pocket is really familiar. almost like it's the one you receive everyday, only difference is that theirs is blank, and yours are filled with messages.
"hey! you—yes you! could I uh.. you're my friend now,"
malleus draconia
usually you're more level-headed than adopting random strangers in the halls and claiming them as your friend but after all the guys that were apparently not the perpetrator? you're pretty desperate at this point.
it was.. not like you at all, that you'd admit but it just stuck out to you (haha stuck-stick) so much that it was hard to ignore seeing as it was the same size.
(and no, the sticky notes for you aren't the bland, square ones but some type of luxury brand you're not sure yourself. also.. since when did sticky notes even have a fancy variant?)
this guy seemed like he's shocked by your audacity or just.. shocked in general because he stared at you so hard for about a minute straight before slowly saying;
"are you jesting?"
"no," you answer in a heartbeat.
oh well. you do need a new friend to bother and this guy will do.
(social anxiety is scared of this MC fr)
even though the initial shock wore off he smiled pleasantly at you but the surprised look on his face instantly came back when you introduced yourself and asked for his name.
something mischievous flashes in his eyes and you only realize that he's trailing after you without question. "you really don't know who I am?" wait should you?
you deadpan. "uh.. not really. that's why I asked you,"
he just hums.
his dog was really scary. you think his name was sebek but you don't wanna bother remembering when the first thing he gave you was a disturbed look.
tsunotaro (temporary) was a mysterious person by nature. you're by no means slow and is starting to pick the pieces together. was the reason he looked surprised by your sudden claim on him as a friend was because no one would talk to him?
heck. when you invited him to sit next to you in lunch your friends shared a collective glance and gave you some kind of excuse to leave.
the unbothered look on tsunotaro's face makes you question how many times exactly this has happened for him to be so casual about it.
"I'm sad for you," you slump and tsunotaro raises a brow at you.
"are you upset?"
"no—you don't seem to be upset by them blatantly showing that they wanna be around you," honesty! least they could do was be discreet about it. you wouldn't have questioned it if it hasn't been 5 times straight that they've left.
tsunotaro smiles at your look. "do not waste time pondering about it. I'm already used to it so it's alright,"
that's the thing he's supposed to be upset about it.
you shake your head. "since you don't wanna be offended I'll be offended on your behalf and be sad on your behalf,"
you miss the look on his face.
the heart feels so if you're feeling for him aren't you his heart?
eventually you found out that the sticky notes wasn't even malleus' but something a 'friend' of his requested. so he does know people other than you..
you didn't really want to let go of this thing you established so you didn’t, you held onto it in a vice-grip. sure. it might have started even though your intention was just the sticky notes but now that you had gotten to know him why would you let him go?
you're not sure just how exactly you got into this predicament.
he looks at you firmly. "my name is malleus draconia—" he pauses. "and i would like to be yours,"
... you're counting six people that were not sticky note person and somehow now like you too.
"ugh. you again, you're wrong again! I'm never listening to you. nope. my ears are sealed right now so don't even try,"
"oh? my bad then. I have some interesting news to share to you. I've seen vil around your locker lately, and not just lingering! he's actually staring at the notes! suspicious, right?"
end notes
vil schoenheit
okay so the others were clearly proven to be false and you've lost all hope now so you aren't even gonna try investigating this one cause you already know that it's false.
the vil schoenheit is not the sticky notes person.
maybe you're in denial but out of everyone he's the most prominent person. he did not just use his time to write sweet messages for you to read in his spare time does he? if he does he must have a lot of spare time.
compared to him you're like a lone star next to a moon. he shines the brightest and will continue to soak up the eyes of everyone else. you're just something people would look at for a second and forget.
meanwhile the beauty of the moon will remain and be admired.
you like to say that you were just being curious when you wake up extra early to linger in a corner where you could peek to see into the hallway where your locker way.
to your surprise he was really there. standing beautifully and staring at the sticky notes in a certain way you can't comprehend.
longing perhaps? a voice in your head suggests but you shake it off. why would he be longing?
you don't know what to do when he turns and meets eyes with you.. and you're.. currently peeking out the corner like you're stalking him.
maybe you hallucinated the flash of amusement in his eyes. "it seems as though I have a fan, won't you come out?" he abandons the locker completely and takes a look at you.
quietly you shuffle over a considerable distance in front of vil.
vil's face flickers in surprise. you feel like you just caught him red-handed.
"I know you,"
"... you do?" he does? you nervously point at yourself. is that even good or bad?
vil pursues his lips and looks down. he looks oddly soft. "we were casted into a movie together," he explains shortly. smiling thinly at the faint memories.
memories of you.
but you don't remember that at all, but it doesn't really give you an explanation as to why he'd gain a sudden interest. you were just a mere co-worker.
"you said you liked me back then,"
he ignores the flabbergasted look on your face. "normally I would have not cared much, I get told that everyday. but you were persistent in your efforts, as annoying as it was,"
okay should you be freaked out right now or horrified? you did not want to hear that because it just made you seem.. obsessed. and you don't wanna get interpreted as that!
especially by someone as amazing as vil.
"you told me you liked me for me, and now I like you for you,"
"so.. you're the person that's been using the sticky notes?" you widen your eyes when he nods.
gods. of course out of all people it just had to be the person you were in denial about.
you furrow your brows. "but that's not enough for you to suddenly reciprocate. it was years ago,"
vil blinks and casually tears off a sticky note stuck in your locker. "I told you already. I don't like the memories of you. I like you,"
vil's lips quirk up into an easy smile, one you could call that you'd be enchanted with. alluring and beautiful in itself. he pulls out a piece of a sticky note, writes in it before sticking it in your chest.
you're too frozen to register the implication.
that he was the sticky notes person.
slowly you pick it off and he watches you. 'this will be the end of this' presumably referring to the notes. 'because there's no need for it when I can express my like for you freely now'
he tilts his head at you. "my, this takes me back. why don't we catch up over a cup of tea?"
you just let him usher you away.
now that you think about it you're just glad that it was way too early in the morning or else another person would have witnessed that.
*rook in the trees rn*: right
uhh... vil was always the og sticky notes guy I was gonna do but I wanted to switch to idia then remembered it's vils birthday rn so ion wanna betray him LMAO
I know it's weird that vil's the sticky note person but I just thought it was sweet that he could do something simple like that
maybe it's the most he can express it? no one would bat an eye on a sticky note besides the person that receives it so it's perfect.
I don't rlly like vil's part it has lot holes IMAO BUT IDK
there's open interpretation. you can always pretend that vil isn't the sticky notes person and another character is LOL.
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crybabyddl · 3 months
Check You Out
Modern!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1
Warning: swearing, flirtation alcohol, older guy being slightly creepy, eventual smut, strangers to lovers, fake dating, modern setting
Author's Note: God, I need Steve at a despicable, ungodly level that even I can't fully comprehend. It's not healthy. But to cope with that, I'm gonna write this and hope that someone else out there can appreciate and/or relate to being so desperately in love with a fictional character that you can't have. And yes, I looked up an Indiana sales tax calculator in order to write this as realistically as possible.
Extra Author's Note: Hi. It's been ages since I've written anything, let alone a whole first chapter of a fic! I probably won't update often, but who knows? Maybe this will end up being a full-fledged fic! I like the idea of that, but let's see how posting this chapter goes. I hope you like it! <3 Glad to be back! :)
   For the past year, your Friday nights consisted of checking out customers' groceries and helping clueless individuals operate the self-checkout machines. You'd think with a name like 'self-checkout' there'd be no need for assistance, but people are dumb and selective about when to use their reading comprehension skills--if they possessed any in the first place. Working the night shift wasn't ideal, but it was the only time that allowed you to take care of your parents and drive one of their cars while you lived under their roof. Unfortunately, you had to walk to work today because your dad was out of town this week and your mom's car was in the shop.
    "Attention shoppers, the store will be closing in ten minutes. Please make your way to the registers to complete your purchase. Thank you for shopping at Green Leaf Market!" The overly chipper tone of your supervisor, Carol's voice was far less unsettling when it meant that you were almost done with your shift. Now you just had to wait for all the last minute shoppers, lollygaggers, and stragglers to get their shit together and get the heck out.
  "Hey, Y/N, how's it going?"
 Oh brother... you thought. Mitchell was a regular on Fridays, but he was also a bit of a douche. He was in his mid-40s and was seemingly trying to grow a beer gut. It was no surprise that he was buying another 24-pack of Busch Lite. 
    "I'm alright, thanks Mitchell. How are you?" You plastered on the best customer service smile you could muster, taking hold of the reusable shopping bag he always brought with him, regardless of the fact he never needed it.
  "Better now that I've seen you, dollface."
   Dollface? That was a new one, and definitely the worst yet. You tried your best to ignore the embarrassment that caused your face to heat up, but you had a hard time pretending not to be bothered by his comment.
   You moved the fruit-and-vegetable-patterned vessel over to the other side of the register before grabbing the scanning wand and reading the barcode on the hefty cardboard box. He knew the drill, handing you his I.D. for you to scan. The glass bottles clinked as Mitchell lowered the box back into his shopping cart. God, you could go for a beer right about now.
    "That'll be $25.67. Would you like your receipt?"
  "Only if your phone number's on it, honey." Yikes.
    "O-kay, you're all set. Have a great night!"
  "You need a ride home? It's not safe to be walking alone out there this late. Maybe you could keep me company and have a few beers? You seem lonely."
   Nothing Mitchell was saying was particularly wrong, but he certainly wasn't reading the room correctly. He'd also tried this countless times before with no success, so why was he still trying? What were you supposed to say that would make him get the hint?
  "Hey, uh, Y/N! I just wanted to grab a few beers. You almost ready to get out of here?"
   In that moment, the stranger's interjection was the closest thing you'd heard to a choir of angels.
   Mitchell grumbled something under his breath as he snatched up the bag and pushed his cart toward the exit. You felt your shoulders relax as you exhaled a heavier sigh than you expected to be holding in.
    "Oh my God, thank you for saving my ass back there." You lifted the six pack of Blue Moon off the conveyer belt and hovered it over the scanner. 
  "No problem. Sorry if I caught you off guard. I take it he's a regular that thinks he can pull someone half his age?" He takes his wallet out of his back pocket, fishing for his I.D.
    "You nailed it. Mitchell's probably harmless, but I'm not really interested in finding out. And no worries, you're good." You take the driver's license from between the man's fingers, inspecting it quickly.
   Stephen Harrington. Born August 12th. 5'10". Brown hair, brown eyes. You looked up and sure enough, his hair and his eyes--they were pretty--were brown.
  "I don't blame you," Steven put his license back in his wallet before taking out his card. "How much was it?"
    "Oh shoot, I never actually never told you, my bad. It comes out to $11.76," You selected the EFT payment option on your register and waited for Steven to tap his card on the reader. "How did you know my name?"
  "It's on your name tag," He inserted his card in the chip reader. "I'm Steve, by the way." The reader made an unhappy trio of beeping sounds.
    "Nice to meet you, Steve," you smiled. Probably the first genuine one of the night. "You might have to tap it. These machines are a pain in the ass."
  "Tap?" Steve tilted his head in confusion, which you found... cute.
    "Yeah. You just hold your card against the reader and it scans it. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I think it has to do with the chip or something."
  "I see, I see. Like this?" He holds the card above the number pad, but nothing happens.
    "Almost! You have to hold it over the screen part, like this."
   Without thinking, you grab a hold of Steve's debit card, bringing his arm closer to the screen of the card reader. The machine makes a blip noise and the receipt begins printing in a matter of seconds. It's only after you hand him the receipt that you realize you might've invaded his personal space. Should you apologize? Did he even notice? Why did you choose to work at the supermarket?
    "Thank you, Y/N. I should get going, but uh," Steve pauses, looking unsure. "Are you doing anything right now? Would it be wrong of me to ask you if you wanted to come back to mine and have a couple beers? I'm having a few friends over and you seem pretty chill. Totally okay if not, just figured I'd ask, you know?"
   The cute stranger that saved you from Mitchell was asking you to hang out... maybe he really is an angel.
   This was totally different than having a married man with kids ask you if you wanted to have a couple drinks; this was a guy your age, a hot guy your age. The internal panic of saying the wrong thing subsided thanks to the amount of excitement you felt.
    "I would love that. Let me just get my bag and clock out."
  "Sounds good, I'll go put this in the car and pull up." He gives a smile, which you return along with an unnecessary thumbs up.
    "Okay." You watched as Steve exited the store, six-pack in hand.
    What person in their 20s gives a cute guy a thumbs up? You wanted to smack your palm against your forehead, but refrained. You were an idiot. Speaking of thumbs, you were surely going to stick out like a sore one if Steve's friends were even a fraction as cool--or attractive--as he was. You realized you were getting ahead of yourself as you punched your code into the time clock. You were just going to be hanging out and having drinks with some nice people your age. Nothing more, nothing less. 
   After mentally talking yourself down, you walked through the automatic doors of Green Leaf Market feeling the humid summer air hit your skin in a calm wave. Sure enough, right out front, there was a beige BMW sedan with the passenger window rolled down. Steve aims a finger gun at you and clacks his tongue against his teeth. You see his eyes flit towards the offending right appendage, his cool demeanor faltering for a split second. However, he quickly recovers from whatever shyness he might've felt, leading you to wonder if you'd imagined it as you open the passenger door and join him in the air-conditioned car.
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plz-help-meeee · 7 months
The shadows are my friends!!
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Tw: Mention of suicide, cringe???, logic is none in, death,
A/n: this is my first fic, this is inspired by "get off my screen" by @matrixbearer2024 go check them out their really cool. I really did want to add more to this fic but I couldn't think of anything else so if you have question or have headcannons about this that you want to share you can send them to me.
Synopsis: just a normal teenage dirtbag who can also parts of hell without being dead.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
It started small with seeing little shadow out of the corner of your eye, Thinking you saw a critter go under your chair but you thought this was all just normal stuff that people always see.
That was until you started to see the sky be a red color only for you to rub your eyes or look away and it to go back to normal. Strange tall figure walking by you and you turning back to see no one there.
One day when you were walking back home you saw what looked to be weird red demons and a wolf girl in an alleyway, you spied on them as they walked through a portal talking about having just finished a job.
You lean against the wall after they were gone, you should have been scared, you should have been panicking but a smile creeped its way up your face. Any other person would have been confused and terrified but to a suicidal teenage dirtbag like you this was the most exciting thing to happen in your dull life.
You started to stare up at the red sky longer wondering how long it would take for it to change back to normal, you drew the figures you would see trying to get as many details as you could get right.
You started to change, you started to say 'good morning' and 'I love you' in a more happy tone, you became for active in school.
You even made little horns made of cardboard and fabric in the style you saw the red demons had, you saw a figure who had spikes on their tail once and you decided to make a tail to go with the horns that looked like the figures, you know it was cringey but it made you happy.
You started to recognize the streets you'd frequently see specific figures at, you'd always see this tall owl thing walk down the street you walk down to get home, the demon you walk by who had spikes on his tail would walk down the park you go to to relax
One time you close enough to touch the spiked tail demon's hat, you got so excited, you started to try and touch every figure you walked by.
There was this one figure that stood still no walking by you, or scooting just out of sight, they were just standing there. The figure was tall, much taller then you, they color palette consisted of mostly blue, they had what looked to be fire as it's head, in fact it had three heads one in the middle and two on either side of it.
You were afraid to look away thinking it would disappear as soon as you did, you tried to reach out to touch one of the heads but you stopped when you heard a voice "Ozzie!!". You turned around to see who said that but you found nobody, the figure started to move and you were able to touch their arm just slightly.
You never really saw that figure again, but that was okay you had plenty of others you could see. You patted the tall owl things shoulder whenever you would walk by him on your way to school, you tipped the spiked tail demon's hat over his eyes for fun when you could.
You kept a journal were you wrote down which figures you passed by on what street and also drawings of the figures with little information panels besides the drawing, you named the owl thing towel (cause tall and owl, get it, I'm not funny I know) the spiked tail demon was named cowboy, the figure that had three fire heads was named Ozzie (Asmodeus???, no that would be absurd, right?)
Everything was going great and you started to improve, you got better at speaking to people, had gotten a better relationship with your mom, heck you even texted your brother the one person you said you would never want to see again.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
Today you were walking to school like always, you got your backpack, ate your breakfast and got your lunch box. You said by to your mom and was about to leave but you got this gut feeling, something telling you to do something. You walk up to your mom who was on the phone and hugged her, "I love you mom" you said in a genuine voice.
Your mother looked surprised at your hug but decided to hug back, "I love you too baby" your mom said back with smile on her face. This was the first time you two had said you love each other without malice or irritation in your voices.
You walk outed of your house and to your school, on the way you patted towel's shoulder like usual and hummed a song. You were near the part were you had to cross the road.
You saw a little kid run into the street to chase after a duck toy they had, you noticed quicker then anyone that car was heading straight towards the kid. You reacted fast as you ran towards the child to get them out of the way.
You grabbed the kid's arm and pulled them close to you as you kneeled down to shield them. Thankfully the car the avoided you and the child by mere inches, you scoffed when you saw that the driver was on their phone through their car window.
The child looked upset "my-" "toy?" you cut the child off, "right here" you said as you showed them their duck toy that you managed to save in time. "You should really be more careful kid, your life cost more then some toy." you lectured the kid about safety, you felt like a hypocrite saying all this considering only a few months away you were ready to die at any time.
Your lecture stopped when you felt a cold metal press against your head, "you just can't seem to die can you?" a familiar voice said. You turned your head around slowly, "bro-" you were cut off as everything went black.
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authoratmidnight · 3 years
for your consideration, trans!Asmodeus
-was raised as a girl for the first few years of his life till he realized being called a girl was uncomfortable and proudly announced one day to his mother that ‘I’m a boy’ and that was that on that subject
-he loathes his first name cause it’s a girl’s name but he hasn’t changed it out of some sort of misplaced pride or something, which is why he’s still saddled with it despite hating it. his family are the only ones allowed to get away with calling him ‘Alice’
-literally none of his friends call him Alice and always some variation of Asmodeus or Azz and he’s fine w/ that
-he stopped showing his tail as a boy simply cause no tail is less likely to raise any questions (as plenty of demons have small/nonexistent tails) than him wandering around with a bubbly heart tipped tail(typically a ‘girl’s’ tail so would be a bit unusual to see on a boy).
-the only ones who actually know about this are his family (or at least his mom and David. Viole and Lily look young enough that they’ve probably only ever known him as a boy). none of his friends know because he’s never felt it prudent to tell them cause it’s not, really anyone else’s business?? (I could imagine him telling a future significant other at some point tho)
-side note but, evidently the crossdressing as a devidol didn’t bother him /that/ much given that he was 100% ready to do it again to join Iruma during the Devidol games (and would have if his mom hadn’t stopped him lol) so. he’s not about to do it often tho
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niskoo · 3 years
Burrito run
pairing: rich kid! Jake x rich kid! reader
genre: fluff, crack, bff2l! AU
warnings: food, swearing, sneaking out (??)
word count: 3k words
a/n: my dumbass posted this on my nct acc omfg
this was originally for haechan of nct for my nct acc (@daegall) but i thought i could treat you guys to hehe
networks: @enhypennetwork
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You had known Jake for more than half of your lives. Thanks to both of your rich ass parents setting you two up for a playdate at the age of 12, now you have found your rock and partner in crime. You know when he's feeling down, when he wants to cause trouble for no reason, when he has an eye for someone, heck, you know when and how to get him out of any situation when needed.
Like right now, as he gives you a side glance as he talks boringly to a group of men. All they talked about was business. Jake wanted to talk about that one burrito place down the block, he wants to get out of there and go get some. He wants to get out of this stupid high class party he has no part of.
He knows you do too, he knows by the way you keep glancing at the back door by the kitchen, and how you occasionally move to each group closer to the door. You know he catches up to the plan, how he also moves from group to group, excusing himself every 2 minutes.
You politely excuse yourself from the many unknown rich aunts who just questioned your love life, giving them a very passive smile, before turning to move to another group.
You don't get to go to another group, because you're already so close to the door, and Jake approaches you.
"Why, hello there, miss Y/n."
You feign shock at his greeting, holding a hand to your chest, "My, Jaeyun, wasn't it? It's been too long!"
Your best friend nods, playing along to the small skit you two have created, "About 2 hours, I think? You've grown very beautifully,"
You flick your hand at him, nudging his shoulder not-so-gently, "Oh stop."
You bite your lip to hold back a loud laugh when Jake winces at your harsh push at his shoulder, watching as his face twists in playful anger. You can't help but thin he looks absolutely adorable, nose scrunched up and eyes narrowed in a non meaningful glare, you ought to kiss his puffed cheeks.
You shake the last thought from your mind, bringing the elegant glass of champagne to your lips, sipping lightly at the sweet and slightly sour liquid. You then take a double check around the spacious room, to see if anyone is watching.
Your mother and father were chatting at the far corner with the parents of Jay, a guy you met earlier this evening. He looked just as bored as you. Jake's parents stood not too far from your parents, greeting anyone who approached them.
This was your chance.
Quickly, as Jake was mumbling something about you growing up strongly as well, you grab his arm. He yelps in surprise, as you drag him through the back door, lightly blushing at your gentle touch at his wrist.
The back door soon slams behind the both of you, and you are met with a large yard.
"Y/n! What if someone caught us?"
Giving Jake a side glare, you start to trudge down the flight of stairs to the garden, "You were too busy complaining about my guns to notice we had a chance to escape. You're welcome."
"You're weak!"
"Am not!"
"Are to!"
You ignore the upcoming argument you could've started, taking off your painful heels. They were absolutely stunning, but stung your feet constantly. Beauty is pain, as mother says.
"Lead the way to the burrito truck you claimed to see on the way here!"
Through the many bushes, and many guards, and even more bushes, you finally make it out the the big mansion, and into the dark streets. It's 10 in the night, you hope the burrito place is still open or your only choice left is a McDonalds about an hour away or convenience store food. Not that you minded, but you haven't had a burrito since you were 18. You had it right after graduation day with one of your closes friends who you have no idea of her whereabouts now.
The last time Jake had a burrito is about last week, the first time he met another rich kid named Sunghoon. Their parents gave them a bunch of money to go spend on expensive and top quality foods, but they both mutually agreed to get cheap burritos that would probably give them a bad stomach.
Jake takes the lead, as expected, for he was the one who spotted the food truck. He took off his blazer some time ago, you don't remember when, but with his jacket thrown over his elbow and sleeves rolled up like that, you can't help but admire.
You notice every single little thing about him, his slow, rhythmic paces, occasionally kicking stray rocks on the sidewalk. You watch as his hair slightly bounces as he kicks yet another rock, and you want to pet his hair.
There was that one time when you were 16 and you had a movie night as your parents went away for some business, he had his head on your lap, you didn't mind for some reason. At some point you had started playing lightly with a few strands of his hair, but you didn't notice. The moment you softly ran your hands through his hair, you realized, and decided to keep your hands to yourself after that. To your surprise he protested against it, claiming it was very comforting. So now every time one of you come over to the other's house, you would somehow find yourself playing with his hair, like pure human instinct.
But now as you observed your best friend more, you have a different feeling running through you as you had an urge to softly play with them once more, as if it wasn't as platonic anymore. But that was absurd. you've been friends for 10 years now, why are you just feeling like this now?
Your heart jumps in your chest when you are suddenly met with Jake's eyes, shining brightly with a slight mischievous gloss glazing over them. "Can we pick up the pace please? I'm getting pretty hungry and I know you are too."
Your heart softens as he sticks his arm out, gesturing you to come next to him. You jog barefoot to his side, instantly looping your arm with his.
It doesn't take long to find the food truck Jake mentioned, just a 10 minutes from the mansion, somewhere near the center of town. You had to drive about 2 hours to get here, and so did Jake, so it's a bit strange how he knew his way around the town so easily. You guess he just is that way.
You practically drool at the smell of savory foods that lingers in the air, sucking the saliva in your mouth.
Your best friend eyes you playfully, nudging your hip with his, "See? What did I tell you? Burrito food truck!"
You don't respond, simply grunting and dragging him to the cashier to order some food.
It takes a lot of time to decide on what burrito you'd buy, there were even tacos, and weirdly, cookies and croissants. It was your dream food truck, really. In the end, you both went for the classic burrito, nothing could beat it.
There were no seats to the food truck, sadly, so you and Jake opted to sit on the curb, legs sprawled out on the road, hopefully no cars drive by.
"You ready?" Your best friend asks you, looking at you with much anticipation. You stare at your own burrito in much more anticipation, it's been 4 years since you had a burrito. You wonder how you could survive that long.
You nod vivaciously, already opening your mouth to take a bite. Jake chuckles as he watches you take your first bite, your cheeks instantly puffing out full of the contents. You shut your eyes in bliss, licking your lips for anything left on them.
As you continue to chew, you shake your head, "Shit, I haven't had anything this good in sooo long." You exaggerate, taking yet another bite of the heavenly treat.
Jake can't agree more, he just had a burrito last week, but somehow eating one with you feels different. Especially when you don't mind him seeing and pointing out the smeared food around your mouth, simply trying to search for it with your tongue instead.
Your best friend wants to cherish this moment forever, keep it deep in his heart and laugh at it in the future when he suddenly gets reminded of it, he wants to brag about it to his friends, maybe even share it with his grandchildren, he doesn't know. All he knows is that you're it for him.
You're the one he's spent all of his teenage years with, his first heartbreak, first sleepover, first drink was with you, heck, you were his first close friend!
You know so much about him, you share so much about yourself to him, he's the one you trust. He's the first person you call out to when you're down, first person you call out to in the best of your times. It amazing how much you've been through together, and Jake thinks anything is possible, as long as it's you.
Falling in love seems so much easier than ever, especially at that moment, eating a burrito instead of the expensive caviar at the party before, just with him. And nobody else.
He wants to make you his. Not just his best friend, his lover, his soul mate, his whole world. Not that you weren't already.
"What's wrong?" you suddenly ask Jake, startling him. "You nudge your chin at the burrito in his hands, "Why aren't you eating?"
Jake flushes, realizing he's been staring at you the whole time, taking a big bite of his burrito, before looking away bashfully. "It's nothing."
You grow suspicious of his actions, watching as he swallows and bites his lip shyly. You choose to leave it there, instead bringing up your parents being out of town next week.
The conversation keeps going, from one topic to the other, swerving all over the place, but that's just how it is, talking to the person you're most comfortable with.
The conversation goes on and on until you find yourself walking along the streets blindly, fiddling with the paper packaging of the burrito you ate. You also find yourself wearing Jake's shoes instead of walking barefoot, he gave to you after you complained about walking over so many rocks, and you didn't like how your heart swarmed and beat dangerously fast as he claimed it would be better if you borrowed them for the night.
Strangely enough, his blazer he took off about and hour ago now stayed on your shoulders, keeping you warm from the cold breezes of the night. All your best friend's actions made you swoon over him, and that wasn't something you would feel often. Maybe occasionally, but not everyday.
Jake doesn't know what got into him when he took his shoes off for you, or when he draped his blazer on your shoulders, or why he took your heels and held it for you. What he does know, is that he enjoys the way your lips purse and a light shade of pink dusted over your cheeks. Or how you pull his blazer tighter around your body and sub-consciously loop your arm around his again.
You two never really got to go through the proper high school experience, your parents forced you to go to a strict school with strict rules, they didn't even have celebrations.
Jake always imagines what it would be like to go to a dance, prom, maybe? Full of fun, dancing, and definitely you. You had a similar vision. Chugging down punch or soda and dancing crazily together until you both get sick and throw up in the bathroom.
Prom was like a mutual yearning for the both of you.
God, how you would kill to have a normal high school experience.
"You know," Jake starts, "this feels like I'm walking you home after prom."
You can't stop the grin from reaching your lips, giving into it and letting out a soft laugh. Softly, you elbow his side, "Corny."
There are a few laughs here and there after that, but overall just comforting silence that goes throughout the night. The crickets that echo throughout the night are your only noises, and the few cars rushing by. You two come to a stop at a random bench by a streetlamp, settling there until you realize it's time to go back to the party.
You realize it, but you just don't want to let go of the moment.
You feel Jake hook his leg under yours, swinging them together in sync as you rest and stare into the night sky. Tonight isn't that much of a pretty night, no stars, barely a moon, but that's alright, you're enjoying the most of it.
You turn your head away from the boring black sky, instead facing the mot interesting thing you find in life. Jake is staring down at your swinging legs, smiling at the sight. He fiddles softly with your fingers, caressing and tracing them as if they were one of the most precious things in the world.
Your eyes trail from your tangled legs, to your tangled hands, all the way up to Jake's face, tracing each and every detail with your gaze. You don't remember when he matured, you only remember the fluffy cheeked bowl cut Jake when you two were still middle schoolers. Now all that cheek has become more defined, especially his jaw, you can't help but admire him. He was like a piece of art. Your favorite piece of art.
For the second time that night, you focus on his hair, and ought to run your hands through them once again. To pull him into your embrace as he rests on you, to simply relax and twirl his strands around your fingers.
It seems like whenever you're staring at his hair, Jake just startles you with his eyes, still glossy, but this time they hold something different.
They admire you just as much as yours admire him.
Slowly, as if an unspoken agreement, you lean in closer to his face. His breath close to your cheek sets goosebumps trailing your body, and his touch now on your neck warms you inside.
Your eyes flit between his eyes and lips, oh those plump, soft lips you dream of. You would never admit it, but you have had many urges to crash your own upon them.
And that's exactly what you do. Though, crash isn't the right word to describe it. They press together softly more than recklessly, pulling into a soft lock, something much more than just platonic love being poured into it. Pure bliss and love are being poured like gentle and calm rivers, the ones you find clear and beautiful in parks. It runs faster as Jake tilts your head to kiss you closer, lips wrapped up in the warmth of yours. It feels like home to him.
Jake is absolutely perfect, you decide, despite all the many nights spent together breaking down, left for each other to pick the other up, it makes him perfect.
He thinks you're the most flawless thing he's ever seen, despite all the gems and crystals he sees in most parties, you're the brightest one shining, he could never find any jewel more valuable than you.
You pull away with one last soft lock of your lips, but stay close and ghost them together. You find his eyes the shining the most you have ever seen in the 10 years you have spent with him, one different emotion fluttering behind them. Love.
You surely don't feel that big of a person when you're at these big rich parties, even if everyone knew of your name. But kissing your best friend and being the one he sees, he loves, being his, you feel like you could rule the world.
You know you're his after this. How could you not? The way he breaks out into a very bashful smile when you leave one last peck on his lips, the way he holds you so close. There was no way he couldn't be yours after this.
A week later you have a very sleepy boyfriend on your couch, his head resting on your lap as you play softly with his hair. Nothing is all that different, except for all the kisses he steals when reaching up to you. And of course, the corny lines being thrown at each other as a competition to see who can come up with the cheesiest, most disgusting pick up line ever.
"I want to wrap you in my arms and make you my baerito."
"Ugh Jake that was just straight but bad! Not even funny or cheesy!"
Jake simply laughs, and wraps his arms around you just as he claimed to have wanted to, mumbling how he agreed into your forehead.
Being in his arms, you feel like you could fight everything that would try to hurt your lover, but for now you stick to the playful pokes he gives to your stomach and sides.
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Hello! Your answer to that last request absolutely ruined me (in the best way possible)
If you'd like to leave it completely ambiguous that's fine, but I was wondering about an Impulse POV of what goes through his mind when he wakes up and sees Tango? Depending on whether the game ends immediately after that, whether him and Brody have to do something extra to end the game, or if you want to go full bad ending and have the game carry on in that broken state forever.... It could be very different each way, but I'd certainly love to read that aftermath if you would enjoy writing it (because obviously I'm not in enough pain already :D /s)
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this is a sequel to this one :D very glad that two of my favourite requesters liked it enough to ask for a follow up!
I also love my Patented Vaunna Uncertain Endings (as Shade put it lol) bc it leads to at least one person yelling at me and at least one follow-up request demanding to know what happens (/pos ofc i love all you guys’ requests)
also yes i’m so sorry Raven i only just realised i wasnt following you asdfghjkl i thought i already was
Impulse opens his eyes. Letting out a groan, he sluggishly pushes himself into a sitting position. His head feels like it’s being clamped in a vice, but he has enough wits to register the scene in front of him.
Tango is lying in a pool of blood just a foot away from him, arm outstretched towards him as if trying to reach him.
He can’t stop staring at his best friend’s body. Tango is clearly dead, and Impulse remembers causing it. So why hasn’t the game ended? It should have ended when Brody killed Endless, but it didn’t. Now the only two people left on the ship are the two imposters. There’s literally nothing else that can be done to end the game, except…
Impulse glances down at Tango’s tablet, then at the upload panel. At this point, he’ll do anything to end this game, even if it means losing.
So he picks up Tango’s tablet, ignoring the almost painful tingle shooting through his hand. The game’s code is uncomfortable with him picking up a crewmate’s tablet. And even though he can’t see the screen, he knows what the last task is. So he hopes that the game will let him complete it. There shouldn’t be any protocols in place to stop this; after all, when would an imposter EVER want to do a crewmate’s task?
“What are you-?” comes Brody’s voice suddenly.
Impulse turns to find Brody freezing at the sight of Tango’s body.
“We’re the only two left,” Impulse confirms. “We gotta finish the last task, even if it means we lose. Otherwise we might be trapped here forever.”
Brody slowly nods. He and Impulse are in an odd state; the imposter bloodlust is slowly starting to wear off, leaving him with an uncomfortable mixture of satisfaction and horror at the sight of his old friend’s dead body.
“I think I might throw up,” he groans, turning away and doubling over, hands pressed to his stomach.
Impulse just keeps going with the task, his heart starting to beat faster. He hopes this will work. If it doesn’t…
...he can’t think about that.
As the upload finishes, he squeezes his eyes shut and holds his breath.
He feels something shift around him…
…and when he opens his eyes, he finds himself back in the lobby.
But only one other person is there with him.
Impulse and Brody slowly look around the room, registering their situation, before simultaneously meeting each other’s gaze.
“This is really bad,” says Brody after a moment, stating aloud what they’re both thinking.
Impulse nods, trying and failing to suppress the feeling of cold terror rapidly growing in his stomach. “Y-Yeah. Where are our friends and why aren’t they here?”
Recalling Etho teaching him how to access the code, Brody pulls up the admin screen. Impulse anxiously watches him tap away at it.
“Is it possible to go back to that exact game?” he asks hesitantly.
“I think so. Gimme a sec.”
After a tense few minutes, an open doorway appears in the side of the lobby. Through it, Impulse can see the Skeld cafeteria.
“I’ve altered your code slightly so you should be able to see and hear ghosts,” Brody says. “Go see if you can find out where our friends are. I’ll stay here and make sure you don’t get trapped there.”
Impulse takes a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Good luck, my friend.”
“I’m gonna need it.”
Impulse carefully steps through the door, half expecting it to vanish behind him. But to his relief, it doesn’t.
Where the heck is he supposed to start?
After a moment, Impulse goes into admin. But the admin table tells him nothing except his own location. Next, he rushes over to security. Again, however, the cameras yield nothing useful.
Time for Plan C.
“SKIIIIIIIIIZZ!” Impulse shrieks, running madly through the hallways. “TANGOOOO! ETHOOOOOOOOOO!”
For a worrying minute or so, there’s no replies at all.
He skids to a halt in the hallway between weapons and shields, his head automatically snapping round to face the direction he heard the voice yell his name from.
That’s when he sees two ghosts flying towards him from navigation. “Tango! Etho!”
“Impulse, you can see us?!” yelps Tango. “And hear us?!”
Impulse nods. “Yeah! Oh my gosh, a-are you two okay? I’m so sorry!”
“This isn’t your fault, Impulse,” Etho says firmly. “You were just playing the game. And don’t worry, I’ve managed to save everyone else.”
“What?” Impulse’s heart skips a beat. “How?”
“I was able to access their code and send them back to their respective servers. Skizzle, Joker, Astro, Mrs Tango, Endless, and Evil are all safe.”
“Oh, thank God,” breathes Impulse. “What about you two?”
“I couldn’t manage to access Hermitcraft’s code,” Etho responds. “So I couldn’t send us back there. I think it’s something to do with the firewalls X put up a few years ago.”
“Damnit. What’s going on, Etho? Why’re there so many glitches?”
“I don’t know. But if we get out of this alive, we should definitely give this game a break for a while until it’s fixed.”
“I’ll second that,” Tango mutters. “But wait, how did you get here?”
“Brody managed to open a door here from the lobby. Oh, wait! Maybe you can come through it with me!”
He takes the ghosts to the cafeteria, where the doorway to the lobby is still shimmering.
“Brody, I found Tango and Etho,” Impulse reports to his friend. “Everyone else is safe. Can they come through the doorway?”
Brody hesitates. “They should be able to. Come through first, quickly.”
Impulse goes through the door again and turns back to face his friends.
“Will it be safe for us to come through in ghost form?” Tango asks nervously.
“Ah…” Brody grimaces. “It should be fine.”
Tango is not encouraged by his friend’s tone. “Are you sure?”
“I’m not,” admits Brody. “The likelihood that the game will either glitch or not let you through and delete you forever is worryingly high, but… I think this is the only way. If we don’t give it a go, you’ll be stuck in this weird purgatory forever.”
Tango shoots a glance at Etho, who’s gazing at the doorway anxiously, and makes a quick decision. “I’ll try it first. Then you’ll know if it’s safe for Etho or not.”
“What?” Etho glances sharply at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. 100%. I’m terrified outta my mind right now, but there’s no way I’m watching you go through that thing and disappear forever. No way in hell.”
Not daring to meet Etho’s eyes, Tango turns to the doorway and takes a deep breath.
“Tango, wait.”
Tango pauses and turns back to his friend. “Yeah?”
After a moment, Etho grabs him in a hug. “If we never see each other again, I want you to know that I’ve cherished every second with you and I’m honoured to call you my friend.”
Tango blinks, a lump rising in his throat. “D-Don’t. You’re gonna make me cry.” But he hugs his friend back. “I love you, buddy.”
Finally, he releases Etho and turns to look at Impulse through the doorway. Their gazes meet and Tango sees his own fear reflected in Impulse’s eyes.
“See you on the other side,” he says, his voice cracking audibly. “One way or another.”
With that, he steps through the doorway.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 8
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(Y/n)'s POV
I know someone at camp resents Percy and me because one night, I come into the cabin alone and find a mortal newspaper dropped inside the doorway, a copy of the New York Daily News, opened to the Metro page. The article takes me almost an hour to read, because the angrier I get, the more the words float around on the page.
By Eileen Smythe
Sally Jackson, son Percy, and daughter (Y/n) are still missing one week after their mysterious disappearance. The family's badly burned '78 Camaro was discovered last Saturday on a north Long Island road with the roof ripped off and the front axle broken. The car had flipped and skidded for several hundred feet before exploding.
Mother, daughter, and son had gone for a weekend vacation to Montauk, but left hastily, under mysterious circumstances. Small traces of blood were found in the car and near the scene of the wreck, but there were no other signs of the missing Jacksons. Residents in the rural area reported seeing nothing unusual around the time of the accident.
Ms. Jackson's husband, Gabe Ugliano, claims that his stepson, Percy Jackson, is a troubled child who has been kicked out of numerous boarding schools and has expressed violent tendencies in the past.
Police would not say whether son Percy is a suspect in his sister's and his mother's disappearance, but they have not ruled out foul play. Below are recent pictures of Sally Jackson, (Y/n), Percy. Police urge anyone with information to call the following toll-free Crimestoppers hotline.
The phone number is circled in black marker.
I wad up the paper and throw it away, flopping down on my bunk on the far edge of the cabin under the window facing the sea.
I remain silent as Percy walks into the cabin, flopping down onto his bunk as well.
That night, I have the worst dream yet.
I was running along the beach in a storm. This time, there was a city behind me. Not New York. The sprawl was different: buildings spread farther apart, palm trees and low hills in the distance.
About a hundred yards down the surf, two men were fighting. They looked like TV wrestlers, muscular, with beards and long hair. Both wore flowing Greek tunics, one trimmed in blue, the other in green. They grappled with each other, wrestled, kicked, and head-butted, and every time they connected, lightning flashed, the sky grew darker, and the wind rose.
I had to stop them. I didn't know why. But the harder I ran, the more the wind blew me back until I was running in place, my heels digging uselessly in the sand.
Over the roar of the storm, I could hear the blue-robed one yelling at the green-robed one, Give it back! Give it back! Like a kindergartner fighting over a toy.
The waves got bigger, crashing into the beach, spraying me with salt.
I yelled, Stop it! Stop fighting!
The ground shook. Laughter came from somewhere under the earth, and a voice so deep and evil it turned my blood to ice.
Come down, little hero, the voice crooned. Come down!
The sand split beneath me, opening up a crevice straight down to the center of the earth. My feet slipped, and darkness swallowed me.
I wake up, sure I'm falling.
I am still in bed in Cabin Three. My body tells me it's morning, but it's dark outside, and thunder rolls over the hills.
A storm is brewing.
I hadn't dreamed that . . .
I hear a clopping sound at the door, a hoof knocking on the threshold.
"Come in?" Percy asks, sounding uncertain.
Grover trots inside, looking worried. "Mr. D wants to see the two of you."
"Why?" I ask, peeking through the curtain separating mine and Percy's side of the cabin.
'He wants to kill . . . I mean, I'd better let him tell you."
Nervously, Percy and I get dressed and follow, sure we were in huge trouble.
For days, Percy and I'd been half expecting a summons to the Big House. Now that we were declared children of Poseidon, one of the Big Three gods who weren't supposed to have kids, I figure it's just a crime for us to be alive. The other gods had probably been debating on the best way to punish us for existing, and now Mr. D is ready to deliver their verdict.
Over Long Island Sound, the sky looks like ink soup coming to a boil. A hazy curtain of rain is coming in our direction. I ask Grover if we'd need an umbrella.
"No," Grover says. "It never rains here unless we want it to."
Percy points at the storm, 'What the heck is that, then?"
Grover glances uneasily at the sky. "It'll pass around us. Bad weather always does."
I realize that he's right. In the week I'd been here, it had never even been overcast. The few rain clouds I'd seen had skirted right around the edges of the valley.
But this storm . . .
This one's huge.
At the volleyball pit, the kids from Apollo's cabin are playing a morning game against the satyrs. Dionysius's twins - Castor and Pollux - are walking around in the strawberry fields, making the plants grow. Everyone is going about their normal business, but they look tense; they keep their eyes on the storm.
Grover, Percy, and I walk up the front porch of the Big House. Dionysus sits at the pinochle table in his tiger-striped Hawaiian shirt with his Diet Coke, just as he had on my first day. Chiron sits across the table in his fake wheelchair. They are playing against invisible opponents - two sets of cards hovering in the air.
"Well, well," Mr. D says without looking up. "Our little celebrities."
I wait.
"Come closer," Mr. D says. "And don't expect me to kowtow to you, mortals, just because old Barnacle-Beard is your father."
A net of lightning flashes across the clouds; thunder shakes the windows of the house.
"Blah, blah, blah," Dionysus grumbles.
Chiron faints interest in his pinochle cards and Grover cowers by the railing, his hooves clopping back and forth.
"If I had my way," Dionysus says, "I would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at this cursed camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm."
"Spontaneous combustion is a form of harm, Mr. D," Chiron puts in.
"Nonsense," Dionysus says. "Boy wouldn't feel a thing. Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself. I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead, sending you back to your father."
"Mr. D - " Chiron warns.
"Oh, all right," Dionysus relents. "There's one more option. But it's deadly foolishness." Dionysus rises, and the invisible players' cards drop onto the table. "I'm off to Olympus for the emergency meeting. If the boy is still here when I get back, I'll turn him into an Atlantic bottlenose. Do you understand? And Perseus Jackson, if you're at all smart, you'll see that's a much more sensible choice than what Chiron feels you two must do."
Dionysus picks up a playing card, twists it, and it becomes a plastic rectangle. A security pass. He snaps his fingers. The air seems to fold and bend around him. He becomes a hologram, a wind, then he is gone, leaving only the smell of fresh-pressed grapes lingering behind.
Chiron smiles at me and Percy, but he looks tired and strained. "Sit, Percy,(Y/n), please. And Grover."
We do.
Chiron lays his cards on the table, a winning hand he hadn't gotten to use.
"Tell me, (Y/n)," he says. "What did you make of the hellhound?"
Just hearing the name makes me shudder.
Chiron probably wants me to say, Heck, it was nothing. I eat hellhounds for breakfast. But I don't feel like lying.
"It scared me," I admit. "If you hadn't shot it, I'd be dead."
"You two will meet worse. Far worse, before you're done."
"Done?" Percy asks. "With what?"
"You're quest, of course," Chiron says. "Will you accept it?"
I glance at Grover, who is crossing his fingers.
"Sir," I say, "you haven't told us what it is yet."
Chiron grimaces. "Well, that's the hard part, the details."
Thunder rumbles across the valley. The storm clouds had now reached the edge of the beach. As far as I can see, the sky and the sea were boiling together.
"Poseidon and Zeus," I guess. "They're fighting over something valuable . . . something that was stolen, aren't they?"
Chiron and Grover exchange looks.
Chiron shoots forward in his wheelchair. "How did you know that?"
"The weather since Christmas has been weird, like the sea and the sky are fighting. Then I talked to Annabeth, and she'd overheard something about a theft. And...I've also been having these dreams."
"I knew it," Grover says, his eyes bright.
"Hush, satyr," Chiron orders.
"But it is his quest!" Grover's eyes sparkle with excitement. "It must be!"
"Only the Oracle can determine," Chiron strokes his bristly beard. "Nevertheless, (Y/n), you are correct. Your father and Zeus are having their worst quarrel in centuries. They are fighting over something valuable that was stolen. To be precise: a lightning bolt."
Percy laughs, looking nervous, "A what?"
"Do not take this lightly," Chiron warns. "I'm not talking about some tinfoil-covered zigzag you'd see in a second-grade play. I'm talking about a two-foot-long cylinder of high-grade celestial bronze, capped on both ends with god-level explosives."
"Zeus's master bolt," Chiron says, getting worked up now. "The symbol of his power, from which all other lightning bolts are patterned. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans, the bolt that sheered the top off Mount Etna and hurled Kronos from his throne; the master bolt, which packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers."
"And it's missing?" I guess.
"Stolen," Chiron corrects.
"By whom?" I ask though I guessed what he was going to say.
"By you two," Chiron says and Percy's jaw drops.
"At least"—Chiron holds up a hand—"that's what Zeus thinks. During the winter solstice, at the last council of the gods, Zeus and Poseidon argued. The usual nonsense: 'Mother Rhea always liked you best,' 'Air disasters are more spectacular than sea disasters,' et cetera. Afterward, Zeus realized his master bolt was missing, taken from the throne room under his very nose. He immediately blamed Poseidon. Now, a god cannot usurp another god's symbol of power directly—that is forbidden by the most ancient of divine laws. But Zeus believes your father convinced a human hero to take it."
"But I didn't - We didn't -" Percy goes to say.
"Patience and listen, child," Chiron says. "Zeus has good reason to be suspicious. The forges of the Cyclopes are under the ocean, which gives Poseidon some influence over the makers of his brother's lightning. Zeus believes Poseidon has taken the master bolt and is now secretly having the Cyclopes build an arsenal of illegal copies, which might be used to topple Zeus from his throne. The only thing Zeus wasn't sure about was which hero Poseidon used to steal the bolt. Now Poseidon has openly claimed you two as his children. You were in New York over the winter holidays. You could easily have snuck into Olympus. Zeus believes he has found his thief.
"But we've never even been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!"
Chiron and Grover glance nervously at the sky. The clouds don't seem to be parting around us, as Grover had promised. They are rolling straight over the valley, sealing us in like a coffin lid.
"Er, Percy . . . ?" Grover says. "We don't use the c-word to describe the Lord of the Sky."
"Perhaps paranoid," Chiron suggests. "Then again, Poseidon has tried to unseat Zeus before. I believe that was question thirty-eight on your final exam...." He looked at Percy.
"The Golden Net?" I guess again. "Poseidon and Hera and a few other gods trapped Zeus in it and wouldn't let him out until he promised to be a better ruler?"
"Correct," Chiron says. "And Zeus has never trusted Poseidon since. Of course, Poseidon denies stealing the master bolt. He took great offense at the accusation. The two have been arguing back and forth for months, threatening war. And now, you two have come along—the proverbial last straw."
"But we're just kids!" Percy protests.
"Percy," Grover cuts in, "if you were Zeus, and you already thought your brother was plotting to overthrow you, then your brother suddenly admitted he had broken the sacred oath he took after World War II, and that he's father, not one, but two mortal heroes who might be used as a weapon against you . . . Wouldn't that put a twist in your toga?"
"But I - we didn't do anything, Poseidon - our dad - he didn't really have this master bolt stolen, did he?" Percy asks, and I remain silent in thought.
Chiron sighs. "Most thinking observers would agree that thievery is not Poseidon's style. But the Sea God is too proud to try convincing Zeus of that. Zeus has demanded that Poseidon return the bolt by the summer solstice. That's June twenty-first, ten days from now. Poseidon wants an apology for being called a thief by the same date. I hoped that diplomacy might prevail, that Hera or Demeter or Hestia would make the two brothers see sense. But your arrival has inflamed Zeus's temper. Now neither god will back down. Unless someone intervenes, unless the master bolt is found and returned to Zeus before the solstice, there will be war. And do you know what a fullfledged war would look like, Percy? (Y/n)?"
"Bad?" Percy guesses.
"I'd guess that it would be like nature at war with itself," I say and Chiron nods.
"Olympians forced to choose sides between Zeus and Poseidon. Destruction. Carnage. Millions dead. Western civilization turned into a battleground so big it will make the Trojan War look like a water-balloon fight," Chiron adds to (Y/n)'s statement.
"Bad," Percy repeats.
"And you, Percy and (Y/n) Jackson, would be the first to feel Zeus's wrath."
And then, it starts to rain. Volleyball players stop their game and start in stunned silence at the sky.
We had brought this storm to Half-Blood Hill. Zeus was punishing the whole camp because of us.
"So we have to find that bolt," I say. "And return it to Zeus."
"What better peace offering," Chiron says, "than to have the son and daughter of Poseidon return Zeus's property.
"If Poseidon doesn't have it, where is the thing?" Percy asks.
"I believe I know." Chiron's expression is grim. "Part of a prophecy I had years ago...well, some of the lines make sense to me, now. But before I can say more, you must officially take up the quest. You must seek the counsel of the Oracle."
"Why can't you tell us where the bolt is beforehand?" Percy asks.
"Because if I did, you would be too afraid to accept the challenge."
I swallow thickly. "Good reason."
"You agree then?" Chiron asks.
I exchange a glance with Percy, then Grover, who nods encouragingly.
Easy for him, I think. We're the ones Zeus wants to kill.
"All right," Percy says. "It's better than being turned into a dolphin."
"Then it's time you consulted the Oracle," Chiron says. "Go upstairs, Percy and (Y/n) Jackson, to the attic. When you come back down, assuming you're still sane, we will talk more."
. . .
"Well?" Chiron asks us.
We slump into our chairs at the pinochle table. "She said we would retrieve what was stolen.
Grover sits forward, chewing excitedly on the remains of a Diet Coke can. "That's great!
"What did the Oracle say exactly?" Chiron presses. "This is important."
My ears are still tingling from the reptilian voice. "She said we would go west and face a god who had turned. We would retrieve what was stolen and see it safely returned."
"I knew it," Grover says.
Chiron doesn't look satisfied. "Anything else?"
"No," Percy says. "That's about it."
He studies Percy's face, then meets my green gaze. "Very well. But know this: the Oracle's words often have double meanings. Don't dwell on them too much. The truth is not always clear until events come to pass."
I get the feeling he knows we're holding something back, and he's trying to make us feel better.
"Okay," Percy says, looking anxious to change topics. "So where do we go? Who's this god in the west?"
"Ah, think, Percy," Chiron says."if Zeus and Poseidon weaken each other in a war, who stands to gain."
"Someone else who wants to take over?" I guess.
"Yes, quite. Someone who harbors a grudge, who has been unhappy with his lot since the world was divided eons ago, whose kingdom would grow powerful with the deaths of millions. Someone who hates his brothers for forcing him into an oath to have no more children, an oath that both of them have now broken."
"Hades," I say, raising an eyebrow.
Chiron nods. "The Lord of the Dead is the only possibility."
A scrap of aluminum dribbles out of Grover's mouth. "Whoa, wait. Wh - what?"
"A Fury came after Percy," Chiron reminds him. "She watched the young man until she was sure of his identity, then tried to kill him. Furies obey only one lord: Hades."
"Yes, but - but Hades hates all heroes," Grover protests. "Especially if he has found out Percy and (Y/n) are children of Poseidon . . ."
"A hellhound got into the forest," Chiron continues. "Those can only be summoned from the Fields of Punishment, and it had to be summoned by someone within the camp. Hades must have a spy here. He must suspect Poseidon will try to use Percy and (Y/n) to clear his name. Hades would very much like to kill these young half-bloods before he can take on the quest."
"Great," I mutter. "That's two major gods who want to kill us."
"But a quest to . . ." Grover swallows. "I mean, couldn't the master bolt be in someplace like Maine? Maine's very nice this time of year."
"Hades sent a minion to steal the master bolt," Chiron insisted. "He hid it in the Underworld, knowing full well that Zeus would blame Poseidon. I don't pretend to understand the Lord of the Dead's motives perfectly, or why he chose this time to start a war, but one thing is certain. Percy and (Y/n) must go to the Underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth."
A strange fire burns in my stomach. The weirdest thing is, it isn't fear. It's anticipation. The desire for revenger. Hades had tried to kill me two times so far with the Minotaur, and the hellhound. It is his fault my mother had disappeared in a flash of light. Now he is trying to frame me, my dad, and my brother for a theft we hadn't committed.
Grover is trembling now; he'd started eating pinochle cards like potato chips.
The poor guy had to complete a quest with me and Percy so he could get his searcher's license, whatever that is, but how can I ask him to do this quest, especially when the Oracle said we were destined to fail?" This is a suicide mission.
"Look, if we know it's Hades," Percy tells Chiron, "why can't we just tell the other gods? Zeus and Poseidon could go down to the Underworld and bust some heads."
"Suspecting and knowing are not the same," Chiron says. "Besides, even if the other gods suspect Hades—and I imagine Poseidon does—they couldn't retrieve the bolt themselves. Gods cannot cross each other's territories except by invitation. That is another ancient rule. Heroes, on the other hand, have certain privileges. They can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as they're bold enough and strong enough to do it. No god can be held responsible for a hero's actions. Why do you think the gods always operate through humans?"
"You're saying I'm being used," Percy says.
"I'm saying it's no accident Poseidon had claimed you and (Y/n) now. It's a very risky gamble, but he's in a desperate situation. He needs the two of you."
My dad needs us.
Emotions roll around inside me like bits of glass in a kaleidoscope. I don't know whether to feel resentful or grateful or happy or angry. Poseidon had ignored me for twelve years. Now suddenly he needed me.
3rd Person POV
Percy looks at Chiron. "You've known I was Poseidon's son all along, haven't you?"
"I had my suspicions. As I said . . . I've spoken to the Oracle, too."
(Y/n) gets the feeling that there is a lot he wasn't telling them about the prophecy, but she decides that she couldn't worry about that at the moment. After all, she and Percy were hiding back information too."
"So let me get this straight," Percy says. "We're supposed to go to the Underworld and confront the Lord of the Dead."
"Check," Chiron says.
"Find the most powerful weapon in the universe."
"And get it back to Olympus before the summer solstice, in ten days."
"That's about right."
(Y/n) looks over at Grover, who gulps down the ace of hearts.
"But I mention that Maine is very nice this time of year?" he asks weakly.
"You don't have to go," Percy tells him. "I can't ask that of you."
"Oh . . ." He shifts his hooves. "No . . . it's just that satyrs and underground places . . . well . . ." He takes a deep breath, then stands, brushing the shredded cards and aluminum bits off his t-shirts. "You saved my life, (Y/n), Percy. If . . . if you're serious about wanting me along, I won't let the two of you down."
Percy feels so relieved that he wanted to cry, though he didn't think that would be very heroic. Grover is the only friend she'd ever had for longer than a few months. Percy isn't sure what a satyr can do against the forces of the dead but he feels better knowing he'd be with them.
"All the way, G-man," Percy turns to Chiron. "The Oracle just said to go west."
"The entrance to the Underworld is always in the west. It moves from age to age, just like Olympus. Right now, of course, it's in America."
Chiron looks surprised. "I thought that would be obvious enough. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles."
Percy's POV
"Oh," I said. "Naturally. So we just get on a plane -"
"No!" Grover shrieks. "Percy, what are you thinking? Have you ever been on a plane in your life?"
I shake my head, feeling embarrassed. My mom had never taken me and (Y/n) anywhere by plane. She'd always said we didn't have the money. Besides, her parents had died in a plane crash.
"Percy, think," Chiron says. "You are the son of the Sea God. Your father's bitterest rival is Zeus, Lord of the Sky. Your mother knew better than to trust you in an airplane. You would be in Zeus's domain. You would never come down again alive."
Overhead, lightning crackles and thunder booms.
"Okay," (Y/n) says, not looking up at the storm. "So, we'll travel overland."
"That's right," Chiron says. "Two companions may accompany you. Grover is one. The other has already volunteered if you will accept her help."
(Y/n)'s POV
"Gee," I say, feigning surprise. "Who else would be stupid enough to volunteer for a suicide quest like this?"
The air shimmers behind Chiron.
Annabeth Chase becomes visible, stuffing her Yankees cap into her back pocket.
"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, Seaweed Brain," she says. "Athena is no fan of Poseidon, but if you're going to save the world, I'm the best person to keep you from messing up."
"If you do say so yourself," I say. "I suppose you have a plan, wise girl?"
Her cheeks flush. "Do you want my help or not?"
The truth is, I do. I need all the help I can get.
"A quartet," I say. "That'll work."
"Excellent," Chiron says. "This afternoon, we can take you as far as the bus terminal in Manhattan. After that, you are on your own."
Lightning flashes. Rain pours down on the meadows that were never supposed to have violent weather.
"No time to waste," Chiron says. "I think you should all get packing."
Word Count: 4018 words
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Owl House Fanfic: I Did Not Account For This
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Amity had kissed her.
Amity had kissed her!
A cheek kiss sure, but still! Her abuela's cheek kisses definitely hadn't felt like that!
She had to talk to someone else about this.
Luz's mind raced as she ran down the street of Bonesborough. Her eyes darted around until they finally locked onto Gus's house.
She headed over to it and hammered on the front door. "Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus!"
When there was no answer, Luz groaned and dug around in her pockets until she found an Ice glyph. She tapped the paper and it morphed into a key that she then used to unlock the door.
Luz dashed inside and up the house stairs to Gus's room. She kicked open the door.
"Gus, I need to talk you! I-."
But Luz fell silent when she saw what was going on inside: Willow and Gus sitting on Gus's room floor, their eyes closed and their lips pressed together.
Willow's right eye chose that moment to slightly open, only to pop wide when she saw Luz standing there. She pulled away from Gus and leapt up, her face burning red. Gus opened his own eyes in confusion only to panic and become flush faced when Willow tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out Luz in the doorway.
"Luz! I can explain! This is, uh, just an illusion!" Gus said meekly
Willow looked at Gus with a raised brow. "Really?"
"What? It was all I could think of!"
Luz regained her voice and cried out "Wha- when did this happen?!"
"Well, kind of just now." Willow said. shrugging her non injured shoulder.. Though her voice was calm, she was still blushing brightly.
Luz eyes ping ponged back and forth between Gus and Willow for a few minutes until her mouth turned into a face splitting smile.
"Tell me everything!" She yelled with glee.
Gus and Willow looked to each other.
"You want to take this one or should I?" Gus asked.
"Lets just both tell it." Willow said.
"Come on! I want to know" Luz said excitedly.
" Okay. So, those Glandus kids turned out to not be that great. Their "quest" turned out to be robbing an illusionists graveyard. I couldn't go through with it, so Mattholomule and I scared them off. It was actually pretty cool. I put an illusion over the graveyard and-."
"Get to the shipping parts already!" Luz cried.
"Okay, okay. So, after I came home, I found Willow here."
"I was worried Gus was still feeling down after what happened with the pixies, so I thought I'd come by and try to make him feel better." Willow chimed in.
"So, we sat down and started talking. About the Glandus kids, the pixie incident, and kind of just us in general. I-I kind of had a crush on one of those Glandus kids and she was the one who was probably the meanest to me. But Willow told that it was her loss and any girl would be lucky to have me."
"Awwwww" Luz 
"And then I started to realize how much Willow meant to me. We'd been friends a long time and been through a lot together. Next to my parents, she's probably the most important person in my life.  And well, I kind of, sort of, started to realize that she was really pretty." Gus's blush deepened.
"And hearing that that Glandus girl shot him down made me think over some things too. Gus was always there for me.  Even when everyone else saw me as 'Half-a-witch-Willow' I still had Gus. And I started to notice he was kind of handsome.  After that we started talking about how we felt and then, well, you saw what happened next." Willow's cheeks darkened as well.
"Oh dios mio, eso es tan lindo! I can't believe this! So, are you guys a couple now?" Luz asked.
The two of them once again looked at each other.
"Well…" Gus started.
"We're taking things slow." Willow said. "The kiss was nice, but we're not going to rush into anything."
"Right! Of course. Taking things slow…..But if I asked If you'd be interested in getting lunch with me tomorrow?"
"I'd like that." Willow took Gus's hand into her own.
"Eeeeeeeeh! Okay, you two are officially my new OTP! Ugh, I'm so happy for you!"
Gus chuckled. "Thanks. But what are you doing here anyway? Did you find something at the library with Amity?"
Hearing the name "Amity" Suddenly returned Luz's mind to its buzzing post-kiss state. Now it was her turn to blush brightly. "Oh. Right. That."
Willow's eyes narrowed knowingly as if she could read Luz's thoughts. "Did something happen between you two?"
"Well. Funny story actually. Amity kind of, sort of…..kissed me."
The two of them stared at her for two minutes until Willow turned to Gus, held out her hands and said "Pay up."
Gus groaned and dug unto his pocket. He pulled out a handful of snails and dropped it into Willows open palm. "Aw man. I'd been saving up."
"I promise I'll put it all towards our lunch date." Willow said. She looked back to Luz. "So, What happened?"
"Well, I went to the library and Amity and I tried to find out more about the last human who'd lived here. But she said that the book was in a restricted area so we had to be careful while looking for it-."
"Get to the shipping parts already!" Gus teased.
"Urgh, fine. So, I accidentally made Amity lose her job. Than, I went through some trials to get her job back. And when I went to take her her job card she had purple hair and was pretty and she helped me realize I have an Echo Mouse with the information I needed and she said I had a way of digging into people's hearts and then she kissed me on the cheek!"
They both stared at her with wide eyes.
"Wow. Good for Amity. I knew she had it in her." Willow said.
"Wait, what? What's that supposed to mean? And why did you two exchange cash?"
"We kind of had a bet going on which of you would act on your feelings first." Gus admitted sheepishly.
"And I bet Amity would act first." Willow boasted.
"How did you know she would?"
"Because I know Amity. When push comes to shove, she goes for what she wants."
"Wha- wait, you mean Amity does like me?"
"Duh. I'm shocked you didn't know. It was kind of obvious." Willow pointed out.
"But-but-but what about her crush? At Grom, she had someone she wanted to ask out!"
Gus and Willow just stared at her pointedly. It took Luz a second to understand and her eyes widened in realization.
"I'm her crush?" She whispered. 
"Duh." Gus said.
"But-no that's-why? Why would Amity have a crush on me? After all the trouble I've caused her, why would she like me?
"Because you're a good person, Luz," Willow said, coming over and placing a gentle hand on Luz's shoulder. "Sure, you can get in over your head sometimes but you're also brave and you care a lot about people. It’s not hard to see what she saw in you."
"Yeah. You're great. Heck, I’d date you! Er, if I wasn’t dating Willow I mean” Gus chuckled nervously.
“Nice save.”
Luz was completely stunned into silence. Someone liked her like she liked them. And not just anyone, but Amity. It almost didn’t feel real.
Finally, she said. “So, what should I do now? With Amity I mean.”
“Well, maybe you should do what Gus and I did.” Willow suggested.
“You want me to go kiss Amity in her bedroom?!”
“What?! No!” Willow spluttered. “I meant that you should go and talk about how you feel. Make sure that you’re both on the same page with what to do next.”
“You’re right. Thanks Willow.”
“No problem.”
Luz went over to the door, but before she left she turned back to Gus and Willow and teasingly said. “I’m going to leave the door open up here. Wouldn't want you two love birds doing anything inappropriate."
Willow glared at her. "Oh why don't you go make out with Amity already?"
"Going to work on that!"
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syinisuga · 4 years
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Begin Again [MinYoongi]
Pairing : Yoongi x Reader
Word count : 5.2K
Genre : Fluff and Angst
Description : Friends to lovers, Long Distance relationship, Lovers to (?)
Summary : when you thought the friendship you once had with him died away after one silly mistake, and you thought you would never have again what you lost;
But it blossoms back unexpectedly stronger and is slowly growing to be something more beautiful than you ever had
"I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn, and end;
But on a Wednesday in a cafe i watched it Begin Again"
It was the start of a new year and you weren't particularly happy about being moved up a few classes into an entirely new class with relatively new students you haven't personally met yet. You were still grateful for your good results in the past year to have you land in such a good class. In all honesty though, you did miss your friends from your old class, all of them being scattered in the back classes however changed your mind about being thankful that you're at least in a better one. The first few days of getting used to the classes went by rather slowly as you were listening to the introductions of the other students and teachers half mindedly, till around your 4th day into the classes that is.
You were randomly seated in the Chemistry lab by the teacher as she familiarised herself with the rest of the class. Not paying much attention you were spacing out, resting your chin on your palm, tapping away at your cheek.
" Um, hey there"
The voice from the stool next to you spoke. You turned your head to the direction of the voice, being met with warm brown eyes looking right at you. He had soft black hair, eyes slightly puffy as if he hadn't slept well the night before, lips curled up in a slight smile as he looked at you.
"Oh, hello"
you answered, trying not to sound overly shocked at the first human interaction you've had in this new class.
"I'm yoongi, what's your name?"
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Yoongi"
"So what are your interests? What do you like to do y/n? Any hobbies?"
It definitely took you by surprise when this boy you've never really met before was suddenly making an interest to get to know you more. Something about him felt raw and not shy but in a good way.
"Well i really love listening to music and i do indulge in art as well. Spend most of my time listening to songs while drawing. Draw the mood of the song you know?"
"Damn, haha you sound kinda like me. Not tryna be cheesy or anything but i love listening to music too, I'm shit at drawing tho, i can barely draw a stickman"
Both of you exchanged a little chuckle at his open confession about himself. And even though it had only been a few minutes of words between the two of you, you felt at that moment that he wasn't like the other boys who popped up to talk to you first. This one genuinely seemed interested in you just to make a new friend.
"Yo y/n you wanna ditch PE and hang out in the library? The new Resident Evil movie came out we can watch"
"You know what, yeah let's yeet"
You don't know how it went from spending lunch times together, to skipping the most boring subjects to hang out and hide. It'd been a few months since you started your new friendship with Yoongi, and by now you were known as the inseparable duo, funny enough both of you became the class representatives. Somehow you two got closer and closer each day, the more you talked the more you felt like you've known each other for years, yet some part of you knew that there was more to Yoongi than he was showing to you.
On a particularly slow day at your classes, you and Yoongi had pre planned to sneak out to hang out at your usual spot in the library. Sitting at the back of the library the both of you laughed at a joke Yoongi made about how almost the whole school shipped the both of you.
"You know y/n, I envy you"
"Oh well, I know I'm fabulous" you playfully said as you flipped your hair back, earning a little grunt and a harmless eye roll from Yoongi.
"It's not that you loonatic, i envy you...cause you have such a nice relationship with your family"
His sudden statement caught you slightly off guard but you gave him a look, clearly eager to know the reason behind his words. Flashing half a smile towards you he starts his story.
"Growing up for me was, well, it was an experience. I grew up under the care of foster parents who constantly reminded me that my parents gave me away cause i was a burden, all my life that's what i was told. Never had a father figure or mother figure to help shape my emotions? Guess that's why I don't show it if I'm sad or depressed, which is actually most of the time"
he looks down at his hands and chuckles softly.
"But you know something y/n? Being with you makes me feel like I could be myself, like I don't have to be afraid of being judged. And that's why I wanted you to know the truth but i understand if you don't wanna get involved or-"
You cut him off by placing your hand on his, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Yoongi, i want you to know that I'll always be here for you and you can talk to me about this anytime okay? You're my best friend now! And I'm hoping I'm yours too?" You ask in a more playful tone making yoongi giggle.
"Of course you are"
"Good! Cause i come in a package deal of crackhead and supportive as well as a no return contract"
"Sounds perfect to me bestie"
Over 2 years had passed and the whole highschool down to the teachers were sure the two of you were in a relationship, as everyone saw the two of you being practically stuck together almost all the time. Yoongi and your friendship became stronger than ever since that day he decided to open up to you. It became a regular thing where you'd confide in each other for emotional comfort as well as motivation and support. Not missing the fact that your level of crackhead together had become an all time high.
Your finals and exams blasted through and you had spent all your study weeks with Yoongi in the library. As sketchy as it was you and your best friend actually did sincere studying. And as it would, your hard work together paid off earning the both of you high marks in your finals. The two of you didn't miss to make a trademark crackhead scene at the receiving of the scroll ceremony when you accidentally tripped on your shoelace and Yoongi cracked up laughing and clapping before helping you up. The two of you celebrate with drinks and a lot of food that night and Yoongi paid for everything to make it up to you for laughing when you fell.
You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before heading out to your highschool's hall. It was your graduation party but more importantly to you it was Yoongi's birthday. Coincidentally the two events had fallen on the same day, and what better opportunity than to get dressed up to party at your graduation ceremony together. It had been a heck of a ride these last two years, and you were going to make sure this last school event would be memorable.
Upon arriving you scan around the hall of students in search of the familiar face.
"Looking for me?"
He makes his presence behind you known by clearing his throat. You turn around to give your usual playful comment back but the words were caught in your throat as your gaze landed on your best friend. He was dressed smart, in a suit that looked like it was custom made to fit him, his hair in a side part and bangs neatly framing his face. You were so used to seeing him in his casual hoodies and ripped jeans that seeing him in formal wear made you choke on your words.
Too focused on getting your senses back in check, you don't notice how Yoongi's train of thought was stopped dead in its tracks as he watched you turn around to face him. He never pictured his crackhead of a best friend in something other than t-shirts and track pants. Seeing you in a dress that hugged your figure in all the right places and taking in the sight of you, with your makeup and hair all done to suit the dress you were wearing nearly made him pass out from how he was holding his breath to admire you.
Clearing the silence between the two of you, Yoongi speaks up first.
"Well well, you don't completely look like the satanic spawn of hot cheetos and depression today. You actually look pretty good"
Smirking a little smile you bite back at his comment.
"Well same to you too Mr. I'm a millennial emo teen. You actually look, presentable today"
The two of you exchanged a playful giggle and assumed your seats at your class tables as the ceremony went on.
You don't see the small glances Yoongi takes in your direction, the thoughts gushing through his mind about how you looked at the moment and cursing himself for not realising your features sooner. He admired the way you had chosen to dress up today, seeing the way you had styled your hair so your curls would frame your face, the way you had done your makeup in a more natural looking way that he thought suited you perfectly. Yoongi didn't remember when the unlabeled feelings for you came but the longer he looked at you the more he was starting to put a name to the feelings he had. So much so that he had completely spaced out in his thoughts of you like that he didn't realise you were speaking to him.
" -don't you think so Yoongi?"
"I'm sorry what did you say? The umm, the music is so loud"
"I saaaaiiddd it's beginning to get a little dull at this graduation ceremony, we need a little surprise, don't you think?"
"Surprise?? What kind of surprise?"
Flashing a smile his way you get up and walk towards the front of the hall where the ceremony host was finishing up their ending speech. Whispering into the host's ear, he gives you the microphone and you confidently stride to the front. But you accidentally go too close to the speaker and it lets out an unpleasant squee, making you move back and away a little. You look up and around finding your best friend's eyes looking back at you giggling at the scene that just occured.
"Well that's one way to get everyone's attention" you chuckle earning muffled chuckles and words from the hall.
"So firstly congrats to everyone on graduating y'all did it. But that's not why I'm up here right now. Today is a special day for someone, and since it's the last day we'll all be gathering I wanted to make this memorable for him. So everyone I would like to wish out here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN YOONGI"
you started to sing happy birthday and the rest of the hall joined in singing with you.
In all this happening, Yoongi could only focus on you, the way you just boldly got up to sing out loud and wish him Happy Birthday in the most "you" way possible. So he didn't know if it was the moment or if it was his unlabeled feelings overflowing for you, that he got up and walked towards you as the song was ending. He couldn't tell what came over him at that moment but he knew for sure he wasn't going to stop what he was about to do next. Cupping your cheeks in his palms, he leaned in, pressing his soft lips to yours. Kissing you with deep feelings overtaking his mind. The moment his lips touched yours he knew what those unlabeled feelings were, it was Love.
You couldn't process fast enough that your best friend was striding towards you with a goal, a desire. And you surely didn't expect for him to suddenly kiss you. Registering the feeling of his lips on yours, your eyes closed on their own as if on automatic response. You sank into the feeling of his lips, and it was then you felt the spark that ignited your own unlabeled feelings for Yoongi. You had definitely asked yourself countless times before if what you were feeling for Yoongi was more than just friendship. On the countless nights he had cried on your shoulder or when you cried on his, on the many occasions where you were both always partners in crime, you would always glance at Yoongi and wonder what more could there be to the feelings between you.
As the both of you slowly pulled away from each other a roaring sound of cheers erupted as it seemed to be that the two of you were the last ones to know you two were actually in love with each other. Taking your hand in his, Yoongi and you ran out of the hall that night knowing well where the two of you stood from that moment on.
"No babe I think you should definitely take the opportunity to study there, I know it's far but it'll be really good for you, plus it's something you really like! It'll take some time for you to get used to the new place but i know you'll fit right in. In fact i know your wack ass would stand out"
You giggled at his comment but you wholeheartedly took his motivation and advice. But the question and thoughts still lingered in your mind as you heard Yoongi chuckle on the other end of the phone.
"But Yoongi, this means we'd be in a long distance relationship, with you going off to study in the opposite direction and all. Even our breaks don't match Yoongi.. what'll we do" the worrying tone in your voice didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi as he answered you in a calm reassuring tone.
"It'll take some work, but i know we can get through this okay? We'll make it, we can make it. I love you" you smiled at Yoongi's voice uttering the sweet words of love as you felt yourself calm your thoughts.
"I love you too Yoongi. Well then, keep me company while i pack?"
"You bet"
It had been a few months since you started dating, and honestly it didn't feel any different from when the two of you were in your phase of friendship, everything was going relatively smooth apart from the little fights and misunderstandings you had now that you were a couple. Sometimes you sit to think to yourself if moving into a relationship with Yoongi was the best choice, it would feel as though sometimes he would act differently and not like he always would but you just shake of the thoughts. You just figured with all these future college studies and intakes coming about that he was just as stressed as you were. You assured yourself that the two of you would be alright and that you'll always have each other.
A few more months pass and the two of you have already started your college lives. Yoongi being in a campus almost 8 hours away from you with minimal transport for him to even go home let alone plan to meet you. It was going smoothly, settling into orientation and getting to know the layouts of the campus well, meeting new friends and truly taking in your next step in education. You and Yoongi would exchange day to day text messages about how orientation and the first days of classes went.
All well and good till Yoongi's texts became slower and less frequent, he would always say that he's busy with his friends there, or straight up not giving a response at all. You became more and more fearful at how this long distance thing was going to work out for the two of you.
28th Tuesday
[12:27am] hey Yoongi! I hope you had a great day, I miss you and hope you sleep well, love you!
[08:40am] Hey Babe, good morning! I'm in class now, wishing we could skip like old times haha, hope you have a great day! Text me soon
[6:48pm] Hey i just got back to my dorm after classes, it was super fun! How was your day??
[8:11pm] Yoongi?? Are you okay? Are you busy babe?
[8:24pm] I miss youuuuuuuu :(
[10:16pm] Yoongi :(
You tossed your phone to the side of your bed as you felt your tears well up, why was he suddenly avoiding you? Is he okay?? Did he get hurt? Your thoughts were spiraling, getting messier till you heard the familiar ping from your phone. You scurried to your phone to see Yoongi's name pop up on the screen. Your smile quickly faded, replaced by disappointment at his reply.
[10:43pm] Hey, was busy with friends today, going to bed now ttyl <3
You frowned and wouldn't let him go this time. The days of short texts to unreplied texts and this is how he replies now? In a fit of fury you call him.
"Yoongi what's wrong? You haven't been replying to my texts as usual are you okay??"
"Mmh I'm fine, just busy with classes and my new friends y/n"
"Well I can't accept that answer Yoongi, I'm busy with classes and friend's here too but I take the time so why can't you?"
"Hey it's not that big of a deal y/n, we're in new environments now and it'll take me some time to settle in"
"Yoongi surely you have at least 5 minutes a day to text me??"
"Yeah of course I do, I just texted you didn't i?"
"That short ass reply was what you call a text Yoongi? It really sounds like you're avoiding me"
"You know what y/n I don't have time for this right now I'm tired"
"No Yoongi, I haven't talked to you properly in days come on don't you miss me Yoongi?"
"To be honest I've been enjoying the new company here that's I haven't missed you much"
"What do you mean Yoongi? You don't think of me?"
"Not all the time no, i have other things to think about here y/n i have new responsibilities here I can't be thinking about you all the damn time, just be happy I texted you back"
"Are you threatening to not text me anymore Yoongi? Is that what you're saying? You don't wanna talk to me anymore?"
"Oh god for fucks sake y/n stop being so clingy alright? Just grow up a little!"
The sound of his voice in heightened frustration made you choke on your words, you silenced yourself as his words rang loud in your head.
"You know what y/n I don't think this will work out, I'm going to get even busier and this will just be in the way of it all"
"I'm sorry y/n but clearly this distance is proving that we won't work out"
"Are you... breaking up with me Yoongi?.."
The pain in your voice and the soft shaky exhale doesn't go unnoticed by Yoongi. Yoongi takes a deep breath, realising he spoke too fast in frustration. As much as he did feel for you this distance was tearing you apart and Yoongi didn't want to believe it but it was the truth. He spoke softer this time giving his side of his explanation.
"Y/n, you've been nothing but amazing to me, but I realize that we were more compatible as friends, I mean think about it, we've had so many petty fights that we never had before we dated. Our growing college life will further hinder our relationship. I don't want to hurt you like this by not giving you the love and attention you deserve. I'll always love you y/n, just not as more than friends I suppose"
You couldn't believe what was happening right now, your world felt like it was crashing down on you hard and fast, you could feel the sharp stinging in your chest from how your heart was breaking the more reality hit you. Yoongi's words had reason to them, but you were still in a state of confusion. Why could you make time for Yoongi but he couldn't for you? Maybe it's because the two of you are pursuing different fields of studies? Maybe he really had better things to do? Yoongi didn't want to hurt your feelings by making you feel abandoned so he was in fact abandoning you? No? But he said he'll still love you?? Your head was spinning a bunch of thoughts ran through your head.
"Okay Yoongi...if that's what would be the best for us..then okay"
"Don't worry okay? We'll still text as usual, talk when we can okay? I won't let you go, you're still my best friend y/n"
You didn't know if his words would be comforting enough, but at that moment you took what you had and calmed your thoughts for now.
"Okay Yoongi.."
"Good, I have an early schedule tomorrow. I'll talk to you later okay? I'm going to bed now. Goodnight y/n"
"Good night Yoongi"
As it will, Yoongi and you slowly drifted apart. You would often see his social media updates about how he was actively participating in clubs, and how he had taken up new responsibilities, going to camps and hosting events at his institute and he definitely seemed to be doing well. You on the other hand fell more and more at war with your emotions, it didn't hinder your studies. Thankfully you could keep those two apart. But whenever it got a little too quiet you'd think of him, the days in highschool when you were inseparable. You missed his laugh, his endearing way of calling you the most heinous nicknames. You definitely missed his comforting arms, his words of encouragement when you were down, you wished nothing more that in this moment you were crying to him instead of because of him.
You couldn't believe that you were sitting here, broken and feeling alone by the guy that made his way into your life, and had now made his way out in the most painful way possible. You were left there clueless and confused. Did he do it for you? Was it the right thing? Did he really think of you? Why was this happening? What would have happened if you didn't date? Would things be different? Would your best friend have stayed? All these questions playing through your mind, countless nights you spent crying yourself to sleep. Thinking of how you felt almost betrayed, you cursed at yourself for sending texts to him that were only left on read or replied with a simple "I'm busy, text you later".
Slowly days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as you hadn't spoken much to Yoongi. You became stone hearted from all that had happened and slowly you got back into yourself. You were more and more active in your college life and you were growing to be better at controlling your emotions. Sure some little things remind you of him now and then, but it was much easier by now to brush his thoughts off. As sadly as your situation was you learned to move with it and not let it consume you. Every now and then you'd see Yoongi piston updates on his progressively active life and you'd feel happy for him, you wondered if he ever felt the same for you when he saw your updates on how well you were doing.
It had been a total of 4 years since everything happened, you were on a roll and you had graduated college. You had a few job applications pending and you were more stable with your life by now. All the questions you once had were stored in a box collection dust in the far corner of your mind.
It was a relaxing Saturday evening, you were in your apartment lounging on your bed. As you were chatting away with your friends a familiar ping aroused from your phone. The name that popped up on the screen made your heart heavy and you breathing shallow, a true ghost from your past…
"Yoongi 🥀"
Your screen read. Taking a deep breath you opened the chat.
[9:57pm] Hey y/n it's been a long time… are you free tonight? Can I call you?
You didn't know what exactly to think right now. Every cell in your brain telling you not to. That you shouldn't give into him again, and that you should just talk to him over text no matter what it was. But your heart was screaming for him, the familiar feeling of longing for him returning in a massive tsunami, washing over your thoughts. You took a deep breath to centre your thoughts and decided you'd listen to him and talk to him again.
[9:59pm] Hey Yoongi, yeah I'm free to talk.
As soon as the message was read by him, your phone rang. You took one more deep breath and answered the call.
"Hello y/n, how are you?"
You cursed in your head at how much you missed his voice, the way he spoke to you at this moment had a hint of the same longing you had for him.
"Hey..Yoongi, I'm good. How are you?"
"I've been good too.. congratulations on graduating"
"Thanks Yoongi, congratulations on graduating too.."
The silence that fell had you both reflecting on everything that happened and how fast it all went by. The box of questions in your mind burst out once again whereas Yoongi on the other hand was feeling guilt and hate towards himself for everything that he put you through. Little did you know that these last few months Yoongi was hit with the hard realisation that he had lost not only his best friend but the person he cared about the most. His family certainly did not improve and the one person who was there for him when he needed it, he had left broken hearted and abruptly once he found a new escape. Yoongi was slowly flooded with memories of you as he neared his own college graduation. He remembered your highschool graduation and how he felt for you there in that moment of time. He spent a few nights crying at the realisation that he had thought of what's best for you but didn't think of how you felt and how he had left things between the two of you.
"Why Yoongi…."
Was all you managed to say out loud before your emotions caved in. Understanding what you were asking he answered.
"I was so caught up in the new environment of growing up and moving on that I did what I thought was the best to not hurt you...but I didn't think far enough that doing so will indeed hurt you.. and I wasn't there for you like i was supposed to. It took a hard hit to my head to realise that I was wrong y/n… you were always there for me and stupidly I made this mistake… I thought i was thinking of the best for both of us, when in fact i was thinking of myself.. I was selfish and I realised that…so many things reminded me of you y/n, the clouds, the sun, the sight of roses, the smell of hot cheetos.."
You giggled a little at his last comment earning a little muffled one from Yoongi.
"I understand if you hate me for what I did to you y/n… and I don't know if it'll ever be the same between us again.. but I'm willing to try to bring back what we had... if you're willing to give me a chance…"
You exhaled softly before letting out everything that you've been feeling.
"I don't hate you Yoongi, I never could and I never will. You're everything to me Yoongi and I was just really hurt by what you did and how you ended things. So many thoughts went through my head and I won't even talk about how much you made me cry….you dipshit" the playful cursing nickname made Yoongi chuckle a little, slowly making him feel reassured at the directions of the conversation.
"I'm willing to give us a chance Yoongi..and you're right, I don't expect it to be the same as what we had, I just hate that I lost my best friend.."
"I know..i understand that..and I'm sorry..for everything"
"It's okay Yoongi, I'm sorry too… maybe I should've been more understanding…"
"Hey… do you.. wanna hang out Tomorrow night?"
"You wanna hang out?"
"Yeah, i wanna see you and catch up with you"
"Sure Yoongi that'd be nice"
"Great!! I'll meet you at the café by our old highschool?"
"Sure Yoongi, sounds great"
"Right then, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow Yoongi"
You could hear the smiles in each other's voices as you both bid goodnight and hung up the phone. You didn't know what it was exactly but you knew just from that phone call that everything was going to be alright. You felt like you breathed much easier now, your mind much lighter. Yoongi felt the same, he was smiling more now filled with the excitement of meeting you again tomorrow after years.
You made sure to check yourself out in the mirror a few more times before heading towards the café. You had chosen to wear a simple yet stylish outfit, your hair tied back in a low loose ponytail, your short hairs framing your face. You were nervous yet excited to be reunited with your best friend again. And as you approach the café, there he was. Standing outside the door of the café waiting for you. The now slightly more mature looking, dark fluffy haired man, wearing a long black coat was looking just as nervous and excited as he was looking down at his feet.
"I didn't know you needed glasses to see now"
your voice made him turn his head fast in your direction. The moment his gaze landed on you, it felt like highschool all over again. The way you looked standing there, just centimetres away from him. He took in your slightly matured face yet he told himself that you hadn't changed one bit.
"It's official, you're old Yoongi"
He chuckled and playfully scoffed at your comment.
"Well at least i don't dress like the satanic spawn of depression and hot cheetos"
"Sure thing Mr. I'm still a millennial emo teen"
The two of you laughed, and the world seemed to slow down. The feeling that nothing ever really changed between the two of you was knowing, however this time something felt entirely different. Both of you could feel it for sure. It was the feeling of a bond stronger than both friendship and love. You didn't know what the feeling was exactly, all that you knew was that you're never losing each other again. All this while you've been sitting there watching the feelings you had burn and crash in the worst way possible, but today right here at this café, right in front of your eyes you watched everything Begin Again.
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jumukus · 3 years
A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 8 Translation
Play time! A heads up on the characters' names:
Muku: King Yuki: Q Kazunari: Ace Juza: Jack Banri: Fox Sakyo: Club
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Saionji: Muku-kun, how are you doing? Are you getting seasick?
Muku: I'm doing alright, thank you. Oh, and the room is so beautiful.
Saionji: I am glad it is to your liking. We purposely built the suite rooms in a place where you can't feel the ship's motion.
I am planning to take every possible measure for the theater venue as well, though do not hesitate to let me know if you are unsatisfied with anything.
Muku: I will. Thank you.
Kazunari: Dude, not only the suite rooms are superbs, but to think we also get a whole staff to ourselves…! We can even get the beverages here as many times we like!
Yuki: True. The service is just so good it surprised me.
Sakyo: Don't get too engrossed in these service or you'll be havin' a hard time once we return to Mankai Company.
Izumi: You have a point…
Banri: I don't wanna go back.
Juza: ...I'm thirsty.
Muku: Wanna get some beverages in our rooms?
Juza: No, it's fine. Our rooms are far from here.
Azami: There's a lot of vending machines there. I think they have your favorite strawberry milk.
Juza: I'll go get it.
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Muku: …
Izumi: (Today is finally our opening show. I knew it. They all seem pretty nervous because we're going to perform in a different venue.)
Juza: …
Izumi: (Juza-kun looks stiff.)
Kazunari: OK, guys! We've gotta form a circle in times like this!
Banri: Be more specific. What d'you mean by "in times like this"?
Yuki: Bet you already thought of what kind of circle you wanna do.
Kazunari: Righty right! Since our play is about phantom thieves, we all should strike a phantom thief pose!
Sakyo: The heck is that?
Kazunari: No complaining! Just follow me!
Yuki: Fine. Fine.
Juza: ...Muku, do the chant.
Muku: First things first, I'm sorry for causing you guys troubles when I was at a loss of what to do.
I don't want to give up on all the things I want to do. I've decided to do everything I can in all of them.
I'll run through until the end. Follow me, guys!
Juza: Yeah!
Kazunari: Okie!
Banri: Yea.
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Q: "It's as musty as always."
Ace: "Clean it up."
Q: "How about you do it?"
Ace: "No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happened to it."
Q: "That's because we had a clean-freak before."
Ace: "Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning."
King: "I think it's pretty clean, though."
Q: "Seriously?"
Ace: "Should've known a messy room owner like Leader would say something like that."
Q: "Anyway. Since this is the first time we gathered here after a year, that means you've already set our next target, right? Let's cut to the chase already."
King: "Our next target will be "Mermaid's Tears", a 12-carat diamond."
"It's going to be sold during an auction held at the Royal Star cruise. It's one of the event's highlights and expected to sell for 6 billion."
Ace: "Woo-hoo."
Q: "Heh. Interesting."
King: "Royal Star is currently hiring staff. Q."
Q: "Got it. That means I have to sneak in as one of their staff members, right?"
King: "Ace, get close to the ship's captain and collect information."
Ace: "Roger."
Izumi: (I expect no less from Summer Troupe. They have great teamwork. I can totally feel it.)
(Not to mention Muku-kun's King is able to unite them as a leader.)
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Q: "I'm in charge of the rooms in Block A… Laundry and… Ugh. What a hassle."
"This isn't my job in the first place, after all. If that person were here--."
Crew Member: "Are you new here? You seem lost."
Q: "Yes. I don't think I can get out of this place if I lose the map."
Crew Member: "You can ask anyone if there's anything you don't understand."
Q: "Thank you."
Crew Member: "What's wrong?"
Q: "I think I saw someone over there--."
Crew Member: "But there's only a garbage can over there. Is it a ghost or something?"
Q: "Hey. Stop. I don't like it."
"Hm? A letter?"
"Could this be--I have to report to King."
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King: "I'll take the Mermaid's Tears--Jack."
Ace: "Can't believe he's aiming for the same thing."
Q: "Him and King sure are compatible in a strange way."
Ace: "Even though their personalities are the exact opposite of each other."
Q: "What are we going to do now?"
Ace: "Guess we're gonna have a change of pla--."
King: "We'll continue the operation."
Q: "Come again!?"
Ace: "So you mean we're gonna compete with Jack?"
King: "I will not send out this notice. Let's call it a direct confrontation between Trump and Jack."
Q: "Whaaaat!?"
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Jack: "Weird. The cops aren't on the move."
"Hm? Where's my noti--."
"It's been a while. How about a reunion? At The Mermaid's Tears' chamber. Trump."
"King, huh… It's just so like him to do something like this. Fine. Let's have a showdown."
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Fox: "Here. I got what you wanted, the Royal Star's blueprint."
King: "It is indeed the blueprint."
Fox: "I got you some addition as well. This one is a lil bit pricey."
King: "Figured as much."
Fox: "What are you going to do with this information, though?"
King: "It's prohibited to poke your nose into your client's private life."
Fox: "Oops. My bad. I was curious since you rarely asked for something like this. Oh, yeah. Your master said he wanted to see you."
King: "Club? I wonder why. I'll try contacting him."
Club: "I'm comin' in."
Fox: "Speak of the devil."
King: "Long time no see."
Club: "Perfect timing. Are you free now?"
Club: "I'm goin' to retire soon. Take whatever you need."
King: "Retire? Are you serious?"
Club: "My body is startin' to fall apart. It's an age thing. Tell this to Ja--Oh, right. I heard you two broke up."
King: "You made it sound like we're dating. Please don't do that. He just decided to quit my group on his own."
Club: "Y'all never change. Here I thought you'd keep workin' together. That's what you call youth, I guess."
King: "To be honest with you, I'd also never thought he would betray me."
Club: "Looking at that guy, I think he's in his rebellious phase rather than betrayal."
King: "Rebellious phase?"
Club: "He's got some strong sense of rivalry, y'know? Add that with the fact that he's never won against you."
"He must be jealous of you. You're a genius, while he can only do things in a crude way."
King: "Really? I like his way of doing things, though."
Club: "That's exactly why you're hated. Oh, well. You better make up before I die."
King: "Please tell that to him too. You're going to meet him after this anyway, right?"
Club: "You're right. Guess I'm also gonna tell him directly. Both of you are my most excellent apprentices, after all."
King: "Please take this as my present for your retirement. This one is 40 years old."
Club: "You sure are well prepared."
King: "I was actually planning to use it for the celebration party, though."
"--Oh, right. If you're going to retire, please give me that. You know, the 'Venus Ring'."
Club: "I refuse."
Fox: "Welcome. Man, I guess we've got a lot of 'speak of the devil' moment today."
Jack: "What are you saying?"
Fox: "Nope. Forget it. Anyway, this is your requested uniform and safe."
Jack: "Thanks."
Fox: "Oh, yea. Your master said he wanted to see you. Why don't you give him a call?"
Jack: "Long time no see."
Club: "Hey. Is it just me or did you lose some weight?"
Jack: "What do you want to talk about?"
Club: "I'm gonna retire soon. Take whatever you need."
Jack: "Whatever you need, huh. By the way, the 'Venus Ring'..."
Club: "Y'all really have the same taste. I ain't gonna give it out. I sent it to the right place."
Jack: "By y'all… Do you mean King?"
Club: "You should just go back and regroup with him."
Jack: "I'll never go back until I win against him."
Club: "What a pig-headed kid. So? You see any chance to accomplish that?"
Jack: "I have a feeling we're finally going to settle this soon."
Club: "Heh. You seem confident."
Jack: "Because I've made arrangements ahead of time."
Club: "That's so you. You still look as gloomy as ever, though. Why don't you go soaking up the sun in some warm places in the south once in a while?"
Jack: "No--But you have a point. Maybe I'll do that once this is over."
Club: "Do that. And make up with King."
Jack: "...It depends on him."
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Guard A: "Wait there."
Guard B: "This place is restricted to authorized personnel."
Q: "'Mermaid's Tears' has been carried away."
King: "Got it. Looks like they put it at the expected place."
Q: "How about the security? Can you unlock it?"
King: "I've already made preparation for that. We just need to see how things will turn out."
Ace: "Hey, wait a sec. Please, King."
King: "Find out the schedule for the guards' lookout."
Q: "Ugh. What a pain. Why do I have to do this…"
Q: "The guard will change at 1 P.M. The key will only be handed over when a substitute comes."
King: "So we need that key and the password that the captain has to unlock the door."
Q: "Ace, gain some time for us."
Ace: "Roger. Leave it to me."
Q: "Don't screw up."
Ace: "Hey, good work."
Guard A: "You're here sooner than I thought."
Ace: "Boss said my shift would start 30 minutes earlier since I'm always late, you see. Today I got here on time, though."
"Oh. Don't tell me you're gonna get scolded if you end your shift early? Wanna have some chat for thirty minutes then? Man, being a guard sure is easy."
"I actually want to increase my shift more, you know. But I don't reall--."
Guard A: "No, it's fine. I'll end my shift now. Bye."
Ace: "Oh. Okay, then. Bye."
Ace: "Mission complete. It's your turn now, King."
King: "Let's see, now. This is unexpectedy such a hassle~."
Ace: "I'm glad you seem to be having fun but please hurry up."
Q: "It's almost been thirty minutes."
King: "Just a little bit more…"
Q: "The guard is coming."
King: "I'm counting on you, Ace."
Ace: "Hey.."
Guard B: "Hm?"
Ace: "Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "What's wrong?"
Ace: "Oh, are you the substitute? Thank God. I'm starting to panic since my stomach is killing me. Good bye!"
Guard B: "Hey, wait, the key--."
Ace: "Key? Oh, right. I've gotta hand it ove--ouch ouch ouch."
Guard B: "Hey, you okay?"
Ace: "Wait a minute. Just until I calm down. Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "F-For now, just go to the toilet first."
Ace: "Don't think that's possible. I feel like it's gonna come out once I move."
Guard B: "Whaaat!?"
Ace: "Do you have some medicine or anything?"
Guard B: "No, sorry…"
Ace: "Can you bring me one from the infirmary? I'm on the edge here."
Guard B: "O-Okay! Wait a little bit!"
Ace: "King, you better open it now."
King: "...Weird. We may not make it."
Ace: "Come again!?"
King: "Oh, I got it. This one."
"...Nice. It opens!"
"Q, carry it out. Let's retreat."
Q: "Got it."
Guard B: "Hey, I have the medicine!"
Ace: "Very thanks, man. Here, your key! I'll leave the rest to you."
Guard B: "Yeah. Hope you recover soon."
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King: "...This is weird. Jack didn't come in the end."
Q: "Maybe he realized it's impossible to go against phantom thieves."
King: "No. That guy…"
Police: "Freeze! We're police!"
King: "--."
Q: "!?"
Ace: "Since when!?"
King: "We're being set up. Q, throw the 'Mermaid's Tears' to the sea."
Q: "Huh!? Do you hear yourself now!?"
King: "Do it now. We'll escape the moment the police look away."
Ace: "You're lying, right!?"
King: "Quick."
Q: "You're the one who told me to do it, alright!"
Police: "H-Hey! The jewel! Pick it up, quick!"
King: "Let's go!"
Police: "Wait!"
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Q: "What do we do now!? All of our hardship went to waste!"
Ace: "Our 6 billion…"
King: "That was a fake jewel Jack had prepared."
Q: "What?"
King: "Jack had stolen 'Mermaid's Tears' in advance and replaced it with a fake one."
"He was the one who snitched on us."
Narration: "The day before…"
Guard A: "Hey, what's wrong?"
Jack: "No, it's just… the engine…"
Guard A: "Hold on, hold on. If there's any trouble, you better do something about it or else it'll get worse later on. If we're liable for the damages…"
Jack: "There's smoke coming out!"
Guard A: "Say what!?"
Jack: "Stay away from the car!"
Guard B: "Whoa!"
Guard A: "C-Call the fire station! Wait, we gotta get the safe first!"
Guard B: "Hey, is it okay?"
Jack: "Yeah. The smoke disappeared. I found no issues with the machine too."
Guard A: "That means the safe is alright, yeah? God. Give me a break. We almost carry it away ahead of time."
Q: "So that's why Jack didn't show up…"
Ace: "He really got us! I already thought it was weird for the police to appear at times like that!"
Q: "Ugh. Even if the police didn't appear, Jack still won since he already got the 'Mermaid's Tears' before us."
King: "I wonder about that."
King: "He hasn't made any changes in his base. Well, isn't he a little careless…"
"Even his security system is so weak."
"Hm? A card?"
"'Out of respect of Master's retirement, I will hand over the victory.'"
"Don't be satisfied with second place. You could have taken measures if you know there's a chance it'll get stolen. Oh, well. I'll accept your kind offer…"
Jack: "..."
"He really came…"
King: "Hey."
Jack: "--ugh. Why are you still here, King?"
King: "It's been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me."
Jack: "This is why you're hated."
King: "But you don't hate me, do you?"
Jack: "How did you find out?"
King: "I got some information about you from Fox. It helped me understand your strategy to some extent."
Jack: "In that case, why did you fall into the trap?"
King: "Because, otherwise, you won't move forward as planned. I'll be troubled if you're on your guard."
"I could narrow down your base thanks to the location device I planned on the alcohol I gave to Club. The rest is my intuition."
Jack: "I can never bring myself to like you in the end."
King: "Now, now. Let's have a toast for the 'Mermaid's Tears'. Q and Ace are waiting."
Izumi: (This is the only scene where Jack and King talk face to face. Even so, you can tell how close they are just by watching this scene alone.)
(Maybe because they are cousins, they can create a unique relationship between rivals who understand each other the most.)
Muku: Thank you so much!
Juza: Thank you.
Sakyo: Thank you.
Yuki: Thank you.
Kazunari: Thankies thankies~!
Banri: Thank you.
Sakyo: The audience's reaction on our first show is great.
Juza: King was so cool.
Muku: Jack was even cooler! The fact that he's active behind the scenes is just so Juchan!
Juza: I can also feel the gap between King, a sharp person with a gentle look, and you, Muku.
Muku: I-Is that so? Ehehe. But your Jack…
Azami: They're going to be like that forever at this rate.
Yuki: When are you going to stop?
Banri: But well, it was good overall. Right?
Kazunari: Totally! Their chemistry was just perfect on the stage, even the audience was pleased!
Izumi: Let's keep this energy until the closing show!
Muku: Yes!
< Episode 7 | Masterlist | Episode 9 >
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etaerealjin · 4 years
cheater || k.th
genre: angst
paring: taehyung x reader
background: sex, cheating, divorce, husband, pregnancy, cheater!taehyung.
word count: 1.7k
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You knew everything. You've seen clues, changes, remnants, and evidences of your husband cheating on you. Every lipstick stain, every hickey. Those times that he would tell you that he has work, on a holiday. Those times that he would lie to you about going out with his friends, but when you ask one of them about it, they seem clueless.
You knew everything, it's just that you kept a blind eye on it for one particular reason. It has been going on for four months but you chose to be quiet just so he would stay. You still chose to sleep beside him every night knowing that he's stressed over work. You still chose to cook him dinner every time he comes home. You still chose to wake up with him every morning, after a night of crying over his cheating ass, with your puffy face and your bloodshot eyes – all that just so he would stay.
You endured every word he threw at you everytime you'd cause a little argument that would eventually grow into a huge one because of his mood swings and attitude that wasn't even there when you first met him. "What did she do to you?"
You would often ask yourself that. Realizing that the person you fell inlove with, the guy you would spend sleepless nights with over the phone talking about the future you both wanted, the man who you sneaked out with every midnight, the man who would cut classes with you, the person who once promised you that he would never change, eventually changed.
Ever since then, you knew that every relationship ends with that. Even yours. But when you started noticing the slightest changes in Taehyung, it still hit you like a firework in the night sky. You spent sleepless nights clutching onto your breaking heart until you decided to do something.
"Work?" You asked, stirring the coffee you made for him before he goes. He nodded, sitting on the counter top behind you. He made you turn around and face him gently, putting his hands on your waist but you kept a straight face. You raised your eyebrows innocently, noticing a spot in his neck once again.
"You know I love you, right?"
You chuckled with a hint of sarcasm. "Why? Are you breaking up with me?"
"N-No, I'm not. Why would you ask that?"
You shrugged and handed him his coffee. You sat across him and watched him drink his coffee silently. "Oh, I forgot to mention. I didn't come home the other day, right?" You started. "And you also didn't?"
He nodded. "I left the bed neat, I also left the sink empty, and I know the bathroom was clean before I went out. I came back before you but the house wasn't the same before I left–"
Your sentences were cut off when his phone rang, he swiftly hid it under the table, probably nervous that you'll see the caller's name. "You have to go?" You noticed how his breath hitched before he nodded but you let it pass. You went over to him and fixed his necktie, placing a long kiss on his lips and smiling at him before he stood up to get his bag.
You rolled your eyes. The ring saved him. You weren't planning to confront him about it anyways, you were just trying to see how he'd lie about it. You knew he brought his bitch over to your shared house and fucked her there, on your shared bed.
Once you heard his car go, you then grabbed your purse and wore your jacket, knowing that your uber would be in front of your house by now. You rode the car and told the driver to follow Taehyung's car. You tried dialling your bestfriend, Kim's number, to tell her that you're finally going to catch your cheating husband but to no extent, she didn't pick up. No, scratch that, she dropped the call.
After a whole fifteen minute drive, you got out and followed Taehyung without him knowing that you were five persons behind him. You watched him stop at a coffee shop, then a long-haired girl came over him, hugging his torso. You smirked, knowing your speculations were right but it didn't hurt you. You didn't even cry, you were so over that already.
That smirk didn't last, though. It was soon replaced by a blank face. You didn't know how to react, especially when you finally saw the girl's face clearly. She wasn't just any girl.
You were a seat away from them, but they didn't know you were there because they were busy with their own shit. You stood there, dumbfounded, and the only word that escaped your mouth was–
You didn't even realize that you said it harshly and rather loud enough for them to hear, until Taehyung turned around. His boxy smile vanished upon seeing you. Just like you, he was dumbfounded. Thinking that you won't follow him. He underestimated you and thought that you wouldn't catch him slipping.
Your gaze went back and forth from him to his bitch, who just happened to be your bestfriend, in disbelief. You let out a sarcastic chuckle, taking a deep breath, not wanting to make a scene. You smiled at Kim, that's when you knew that your ten year friendship with her was fucking over. You yanked Taehyung's car keys away from his hands, then took his right hand with yours in a harsh way, leaving Kim alone, shocked at what just happened.
"Y/n, stop. I will explain."
"Not here." You said and entered the driver's seat. You saw him from the mirror, shutting his eyes off but he still opened the door and sat on the shotgun seat. He looked like a puppy who just got scolded. You saw how his eyes were pooling with tears, and you saw how his lips trembled. He really didn't wanna get caught, he didn't wanna lose you – at least not this way.
You threw your bag, along with your keys, on the table which made a loud noise. "Stop– What the fuck, Y/n? What was that for?" He shouted, his right hand on his right red cheek.
"You really think I wouldn't fucking catch you, Taehyung?" You shouted. "How long has this been going on?"
"You think I didn't notice your hickeys? You think I didn't fucking know that you brought your bitch here and fucked her on our bed? You think I didn't know that whenever you tell me that you were off to Namjoon's house, you were actually off to Kim's apartment? Fuck you and your cheating ass, Taehyung!"
"No, I'm not gonna fucking stop! I've been putting up with your shit for four months! Why? Because I loved you, even though you weren't the same person anymore!"
"Why? What did she feed you? What did she do to fucking change you? Was she good enough? Even better than me in bed, that's why you chose to cheat on me with her?" You shouted. Your eyes were pooling with tears now, but you weren't hurting. You were mad. So fucking mad.
"Y/n, our marriage has been going downhill!"
"So the only way to fix it was to cheat?"
You looked at him in disbelief after a few and gave him a harsh slap again.
"Fine, hurt me! Hurt me all you want!" He shouted back and grabbed both of your hands, purposely hitting himself on the chest with those.
You brought your hands back and raced up the stairs to get your things. Realization hit you that you have nowhere to stay. If Kim didn't lie to you then you would've gone to her place but – it's all ruined. Now, you have three problems. Your cheating husband and your liar bestfriend.
As you threw some clothes to your bag, your tears started bursting out once again. Pain hit you that you had nowhere to stay but you couldn't stay with him either, especially at a time like this. It would probably take months for a divorce but you still had no plans. You didn't think this through.
"Y-Y/n, I know I have no excuses for what I've done and I'm making your life a living hell for what I did. Sorry wouldn't fix anything either. But please, don't leave me just yet–"
"Why?" You faced him.
"Lets sort this out, please. Stay with me. Stay with me here for just the mean time. I can't have you leave like this so suddenly, please. Believe me when I say I love you, I still do–"
"Did you love me while you were with her?" You asked, almost unable to talk through your tears and to look at his eyes, but you still did. His bloodshot eyes and his messy hair almost made you wanna hug him and crawl back to him once again, but you contained it.
You wanted to, though. You really did.
His breath hitched. He lowered his head. Finally admitting to himself that he was a dick after all.
"I've been a good wife, Tae. I wasn't perfect but I tried my best to be. If staying with you through those four months knowing you were cheating on me face to face doesn't prove that then I don't know anymore." You said in a calmer and softer tone.
"We both need this." You said, making a decision. You zipped your bag up, having all the things you needed for a day, maybe two days, who knows?
"No, no, please, Y/n!"
You shut your eyes firmly, letting your tears fall down once again. "I'm leaving this with you for the mean time. God knows when I'll be back, because I don't know either. Heck, I don't even know where to stay but I need to be away from you, Taehyung. I can't be trusted around you."
You brought his hand to yours and placed two things there then closed it once again. You looked him in the eyes with an unsure smile, then left.
After months, you left and made a temporary decision for yourself.
For yourself, at least for once you made a decision not for him but for yourself.
He watched you leave the door, broken and all alone now. He opened the hand you held only to have his heart more broken than it already is and his mind a mess.
Your ring and a positive pregnancy test.
inspired by: “first burn – hamilton: the musical”
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Hey, I saw you were doing headcanon stuff! So, I have this like burgeoning headcanon that Josh x Donna's first daughter is wlw. I don't know if you build off of other people's headcanons, but this one has been with me for a long time, and you are such a talented writer and storyteller in general that I thought maybe you'd be interested in taking a crack out of this very specific headcanon?!? I've just been projecting a lot of brainpower towards it and I want to talk to someone else about it!
Okay, so first, all my future headcanons for TWW spring from this original post that’s gotten around a bit. I’ve written a tiny bit of kidfic using them as well so I decided to connect yours to mine because tbh I love this idea and heck yeah, at least one of their daughters should be queer :D that’s just way more fun than if they’re both straight.
So, given what I’d already sorted out for the future, here are my thoughts. There are oh so many ideas behind the cut because apparently I can’t sleep but I can create a bunch of people out of thin air.
Their eldest daughter, Brianna Joan, started insisting everyone call her ‘Jo’ when she was five. They were both surprised by her stubbornness on the matter, but Josh was secretly pleased since her middle name was a tribute to his sister. Donna assumed it was a phase she would grow out of, like a lot of kids when they’re young and establishing their independence. She didn’t–and Jo later believed it was the first hint that she was never meant to be the girly daughter they might have expected.
Charlotte inherited her mother’s grace under pressure, along with her dancer’s form and creative flexibility. While Jo had Donna’s sass and sense of humor, she shared her dad’s brown hair and eyes, constant need to be in motion, and impulsive streak. Josh liked to say Jo got his athletic prowess, too, but Donna always countered with ‘your what now?’ and made the girls laugh. Jo surpassed him in sports talent by junior high, thanks in no small part to coaching by Charlie’s not-so-little-anymore sister Deena.
Junior high and high school were rough, especially girl’s softball and basketball. The rumors and slurs about which girls were probably gay because they were a little too good on the court or the mound bothered her, especially when she got sick of her unruly hair and cut it off at fourteen and the kids started aiming them at her…but it was hard to do the right thing and stand up to them when she was starting to wonder if maybe they were right.
The first crush she developed on an older, female student that she actually admitted to herself was a crush happened a year later, when she was trying to survive her entrance into high school. She came out to her best friend at sixteen and felt bad that she didn’t tell her parents first, but her dad was still working with the White House occasionally during his “retirement,” and her mom was starting her campaign for Congress, and the last thing Jo wanted to do was make that harder.
It wasn’t like she thought they’d be upset, or disappointed in her, exactly. But a tiny part of her did have doubts, after a couple of her friends had come out to their liberal parents and hit a cruel wall of family double-standards. Surely Josh Lyman and Donna Moss, champions of progressive causes, wouldn’t be that way…she hoped.
Just to be safe, Jo told them the week after her mom won her Congressional campaign, when it would cause the least trouble if they did freak out. Donna wasn’t surprised, not even a little, and only shared her worries at night with Josh. She knew how hard it was to be a woman in the world, and it could only be more painful for their eldest facing additional discrimination on top of that. “We just have to love her even harder,” Donna whispered, “and hope it’ll be enough.”
Unlike his wife, Josh was–as always–oblivious. Jo coming out was big surprise, but one he was happy about. She trusted them enough to tell them, and include them in her confusing teenage life. Surely that meant they were on the right track. “And hey,” he offered up in the initial shock of her disclosure, “I can’t exactly blame her. Women…are great. I’m a big fan. Of them.”
Just like he did with all the girl’s activities over the years, from dance to soccer, Josh threw himself into being a parental ally until he annoyed Jo with his enthusiasm. PFLAG, marches, fundraisers, sponsoring local clubs…"which one of us is gay again?” she would mutter to her sister with an eyeroll sometimes, out of earshot of the DC dad with the rainbow t-shirt passing out mini flags.
She was grateful though, especially after she survived college, and law school, and volunteered at a nonprofit that exposed her to so many kids whose parents didn’t care if they lived or died, simply because of who they turned out to be. Josh started getting handmade cards for his birthday and Father’s Day every year, filled with Jo’s illegible handwriting–that, he knew, she definitely didn’t get from him–telling him how much she loved and appreciated him. He put them on the fridge next to the sketches her little sister sent, like they were both still in grade school. Donna teased him about that, but whenever their friends visited she was the first one to casually point them out.
In the family, Charlotte was the only one that ever gave Jo any grief about her sexuality. It was mostly sibling sniping, because Charlotte was quieter than her sister but even more competitive, and she was never quite able to catch up with the three year gap between them. Still, it made Jo uncomfortable in her late teens because she and her baby sister were always so close growing up, and she couldn’t tell if the snark was coming from someplace deeper. When Charlie was fifteen, she got a week’s suspension for breaking a boy’s nose after he called her valedictorian sister a slur she refused to repeat to anyone. Jo worried less after that, and the sarcastic comments never happened again.
Toby’s son Huck came out as bisexual in college, and Jo joined his twin sister in being his closest support system while he braced for his parents’ reactions. There was a lot of hugging, and some knowing looks between Toby and Josh when the kids weren’t paying attention, and Huck had to pay Jo twenty bucks because she promised it would go over fine and he was certain it would be a disaster. He never learned to love the Yankees but he shared his father’s temperament from an early age. He and Charlie dated briefly in their twenties, causing a minor scandal to ripple through the connected families.
CJ’s daughter Nora, who was like a distant cousin Jo never got to visit enough in sunny California, only allowed the family to use her full name. She got a lot of weird looks when strangers overheard, or friends found out how old-fashioned it was, but Jo liked to call her by it anyway when they chatted. She never got to meet her dad’s mentor, and she thought based on the stories she’d heard that he would be embarrassed but proud to learn that Claudia Jean named her firstborn Leonora after she left the White House.
Nora was the one who introduced Jo to her future wife, an architect based out of Sacramento with an independent streak and temper that secretly reminded Josh of one of his exes. Unlike him and Amy, Jo and her fiance were a happy fit, sharing similar political beliefs but no professional rivalry. They spent as much time at home swapping stories and advice about their demanding careers as they did on community activism. Jo mellowed out a little after they got married–”she’s so much like you,” Donna told Josh with a smile–and they moved five times in three years before buying a house and starting their attempts to have a family.
That was the first time Jo ever really surprised her mom, who cried when she found out they were expecting. “I thought…you never talked about wanting kids,” Donna said carefully, and Jo just grinned that bright grin that was so much like her father’s. “I needed some time,” she told her mom, “to figure out what I wanted. But I think that if I manage to be half as good at it as you were, I’ll be an amazing mom.”
Josh and Donna bantered anxiously in the waiting room while each of their eldest daughter’s three kids came into the world. Two she gave birth to, and one she didn’t. They spoiled them all the same.
And when Charlotte brought the Lyman-Moss legacy back to the White House, Jo’s youngest son got to hunt Easter Eggs on the lawn. He stood next to his aunt during the photo op, just one of a dozen kids surrounding the first female President of the United States.
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prplzorua · 7 years
Um, can you write some Roman getting hurt? Off a quest and the others take car of him?
So I named a Bluebird ‘Blue’Sue me.
Roman grit his teeth as he sliced down. He had only deftly dodged the flames aimed at his face, they had still singed a good few strands of his hair at the base of his neck.
All in all he was burnt, battered, brused but Victorious. The reptilian beast’s head fell at his feet as its body started to melt and evaporate into black smoke, however before it could completely do so an inane impulse caused him to cut the top jaw off the already downed Dragon.
Usually he wasn’t one to deface a dead enemy but his body seemed to move on its own. Taking his Katana he cut a few teeth and removed a few large scales from the fire breather before taking a step back.
The moment he moved away from the creature it burst into ashes-something he had never seen it do before- and then turn into black smoke. Not sure what that meant, and not wanting to stay to find out, he pocketed his new gains and quickly moved over to the fallen knights.
As far as he could tell three of them were dead and with an amount of them losing blood that number would only increase. Roman was at a loss of what to do, he could carry two-three of the men back if he pushed it - but what of the others? There was approximately twenty-five bodies on the field-three were dead and four more were about to be dead- he couldn’t teleport them all, heck he wasn’t sure he could teleport himself at this point. 
He’d need a miracle to get out of thi-Oh for the love of-! He was creativity, honestly he could have thought of this sooner!
“Prince Roman!”
The Royal looked up from the tree he was leaning on to see a decently sized troop of guards slowly approach him from horse back.
“Princess Valerie has received your message and we’ve come to bring aid!”
Roman found himself smiling, his plan had worked. He blinked when he saw a speeding blur dart forward from the knight galloping in the distance but before he could question it, there was a tweet and a small weight on his left shoulder.
The familiar creature could not be mistaken, it was a little-out of breath- Bluebird sat proudly upon him and the fanciful personality couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you very much Blue, you were a great help my friend”
Blue puffed out its chest with pride, earning a small chuckle from the Prince. After a moment it twittered and began circling around him.
Roman rolled his eyes, “I’m fine Blue, a bit battered but nothing broken”
It chirped at him sharply.
Princey sighed, “fine, I’ll have Patton do it, how’s that sound?”
Roman then winced at the amount of sharp chirps that followed.
“I mean, at this point he’s practically an expert at treating wounds”
He was pecked.
“Ow! Look I have a thing with Physicians ok?, They’re too handsy-”
Blue gave him an incredulous twitter.
“Oh ha, ha, very funny Blue. I’m actually quite offended that you’d call me handsy, I am the epitome of gentlemanly, how dare you”
The Bluebird jumped on his forehead and looked him smugly in the eyes-which of course caused The Prince’s eyes to cross- it chirped.
Roman’s entire face went red.“That was one time! I was under a witch’s spell!”
Blue let out a series of twitters, one the Royal recognized as its laughter.
“Evil little bird”, he muttered dejectedly.
Genuflecting was a pain, well it usually was but right now it was even more cumbersome than it should have been. It took all he had not to wince or grimace at the formalities he had to display despite just fighting a freaking Dragon.
Sighing internally, the Prince resigned himself to his role. Pained, dirtied and disheveled as he may be, the Royal absolutely refused to show any weakness, so with head held high he gave the court his usual charming smile.
“Thank you very much for your help Prince Roman. The Second Kingdom is eternally gratefull”
“There is no need for thanks Princess Valerie, our Kingdoms-all the Kingdoms-are connected afterall, besides I wouldn’t turn down a friend in need”
The Princess smiled but there was a look in her eye that he recognized, she was concerned for him.“Please rise Prince Roman”
The Prince did so gratefully. He rose slowly so as not to disturb his wounds anymore than he had to but he barley managed to hide a wince when he felt his tattered tunic cling to burned skin, he wasn’t even aware he had gotten burns on his stomach! Ignoring the pain he tried to refocus on what the Princess was saying. He missed some of her words due to the white noise ringing in his ear but he managed to catch the very last snippet.
“You have vanquished the beast and brought back majority of my men, would you care to join them in the healing ward?”
The thought of dealing with a handsy physician was enough to send a shiver down his spine, though he managed not to show it too much. He had his image to uphold after all.
“I’m afraid I will not be able to do so, I must speak with my Prominent of important information regarding my Host”, not exactly a lie, they did have a video to plan.
The Princess looked at him skeptically.  “Are you certain?”
“Of course, my wounds are merely superficial, but I do know good hospitality and I thank you Princess”, Roman gave a half bow and even with his head down, he could practically feel her now steely gaze on him. She was starting to get mad at him for continuing the regalities when injured but of course he wasn’t going to stay longer and risk his friend’s good natured wrath. Hmm, maybe a peace offering would ensure he’s not dragged of to the next med ward?
“Another thing”, smirked the Prince as he stood straight again. He reached into his pocket and picked something out of it and held it up, “a gift for you my dear friend, the scale of the beast that dared tread on our lands”
The scale was the size of the Royal’s palm and though black, reflected the afternoon light creating a rainbow on the surface.
The Princess stepped down from her throne to accept the gift. However the second she touched the scale, she subtly pulled Roman forward and whispered into his ear. “You'd  better get those wounds fixed up mister or I’ll find and drag you to a physician myself, understood?”, she pulled back and smiled, keeping up the act.
The Prince  gave a strained smiled back, nodding subtly as he knew she’d do good on her threat.
With the scale now in Princess Valerie’s possession, Roman gave another small bow as he snapped his fingers and teleported to the mindscape.
He stumbled a bit having gotten dizzy from teleporting at that distance. Looking around he realized he was in the kitchen, frowning he walked into the commons to find the others and Blue there aswell. Before he cold question it, a Patton with a first aid kit had pulled him onto the couch, stripped him of his torn tunic top and was applying a disinfectant to his wounds.
“Hey-Ow! Easy Pat, ouch!”
“Sorry kiddo, but these are burns”
Roman grit his teeth and hissed as the disinfectant was brushed into an open  cut. “How did you-”
“Blue told me you were hurt”
The Royal turned to glare at the traitorous little blue puff on a certain Emo’s lap but Blue’s deadpanned expression could probably rival Virgil’s himself.
“Evil little bird”
Blue laughed.
“…ey-hey Roman, don’t fall asleep on me yet buddy”
“Keep those pretty peepers of yours  open Princey”
“There we go, can you stay up a bit longer?”
Blinking back into coherencey, Roman found himself sitting up on the couch with his entire chest and arms wrapped up in bandages.
“You good there champ?”
The Prince nodded numbly.
“You had a few second degree burns, seems the cleaning for those got a bit too intense for you, sorry”, winced the Fatherly trait.
“ 'ts fine-”
“You can go to sleep as soon as I male sure you don’t have a concussion ok? I should have checked that first but those burns looked like they were aiming for your lungs-”
“He alive Dad?”
The Royal turned to see a skittish looking Virgil appear from out the kitchen. Their eyes locked.
“Dude, your eyes rolled back and you just went limp like a rag doll, what the fu-”
“Virgil!” Reprimanded Patton, lightly.
“What the hel-”
Virgil threw up his arms. “Ok, what the heck?! Geez!”
The fanciful personality couldn’t help it, he started laughing, only to end up in a painful coughing fit.
“Don’t die on that couch Princey, it’s my favorite”
Roman smirked, “ don’t worry, I won’t”, he rasped.
“You better not”, everyone turned to see Logic  walk in,“though that would be impossible given we’re only parts of a whole”
“Logan, your back! Did you get it?!”
“Yes Patton, I’ve acquired the tea for Roman”
“Th’ wha?”, questioned said personality.
Surprisingly, it was Virgil who explained it to the lost Prince.
“Dad sent Logic to get some tea for you after you fainted”
This time the Prince gave a nod of understanding.
“What hit you anyway? Did the Dragon win?”
“How dare you!” Grit Roman, “I’m offended that you’d think I’d lose to a Dra-”, his sentence easily broke down into another coughing fit.
“Easy, I was joking-”, the darker trait tried to soothe his opposite but before he could, Roman was pulling something out of his pocket.
“Here, this one’s for you, it’s edgy enough”
Virgil gaped wide eyed at what was placed in his hand, a sharp obsidian tooth that was bigger than his thumb.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“Yes, I removed it from the Dragon myself”
“Imposible, there is no such thing as-” Logan was cut off by Roman jutting his hands out and dropping things in his hand.
“Don’t fret, I have a Scale and a tooth there for you to science nerd”
“And I got a scale for you too Padre, of you hold it to the light it makes a rainbow”
“Aww, shucks, thanks kiddo”, the father figure happily took the scale, “now, you don’t have a concussion so lie down while I go find a place to put this ok? And the next time you do something so reckless, I’ll drag you out of your Kingdom myself, got it?”
Roman gave a shaky nod at the Father’s sudden stern voice. Patton gave him a “smile” in return. With that the Parental turned and teleported, so did Logan, though the Teacher was mumbling something about his microscope.
Virgil on the other had was still gaping at the scale.
“You actually killed a fucking Dragon”
Roman smirked as he carefully laid down, “I told you so”—-AN:// aaaay sorry it’s been a bit, there’s a few storms going around so power is on and off rn :(
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