#history headcanons dynamics random ideas
madizenmadi · 1 year
someone please talk to me about ruspru
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abihastastybeans · 1 year
are you still doing characters? give us remus lupin 💛
Yes I'm still doing it!! Thanks for the ask, friend😊
Favourite thing about them
The way he basically just lies with a straight face oh my god😂 Remus Lupin is a manipulate bitch and the fandom is sleeping on that, instead using him for shipping purposes :p
Least favourite thing about them
His abandonment issues💀 And the way he had the audacity to talk to Harry about gambling jily's sacrifice
Favourite line
"Eat, you'll feel better."
"Fear makes people do terrible things."
Minerva McGonagall & Remus is a dynamic I really like xD They have history. They teach together. It's got potential
Hmmmm I don't think Remus should be with anyone to be very honest😬 (Though the idea of remadora is growing on me)
I said the same when asked for James - and it's James/Remus. There's nothing there😂😅 i dunno where the ship came from!
Random Headcanon
I genuinely believe that had they lived, Remus and Tonks would have made a wonderful pair. Remus was a marauder too so their energies would match. The only reason Remus didn't want to be in his kid's life was because he would face discrimination but with the war over, there's a chance for a better life for werewolves!
Unpopular opinion
Remus Lupin was a pathetic wet tissue of a man and NOT in a good way. There's nothing I hate more than Casanova Remus Lupin. Also the idea that he like, commands respect when he walks in to a room like bro we're talking about Remus Lupin, the teenage werewolf😂 if anything he'd be the most discreet dude on the block
Song i associate with them
Space Oddity by David Bowie (idk why but yeah🤔 This was the most easiest one)
Favourite picture of them
Tumblr media
Enough said😂😂
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fluideli123 · 1 year
Nothing Like A Father's Love (WIP)
As discussed in another post, Bowser and Kamek's familial dynamic has my heart in its grasp and consumes me daily. But so does the Headcanon that Bowser has Tourettes Syndrome and Kamek has regrets in his past (as stated within Bowser's Inside Story and Bowser Jr's Journey). So, in my normal fashion, I combined the two into a 5+1 fic.
The Main Idea of the story:
1: Bowser is a toddler and keeps copying what Kamek’s saying
2: Bowser is in the middle of a lesson about how Dark Lands history when he can’t stop moving and it annoys Kamek
3: Bowser is trying to pacing a lot in the middle of the night and it worried Kamek before he realizes Bowser isn’t in any “real distress”
4: Bowser keeps repeating an entire song while training to fight, Kamek tries to get him to snap out of it
5: Bowser has a bad day and keeps shrugging, repeating things, and making random noises that piss him off and work him up and Bowser snaps at Kamek saying he doesn’t know why he’s doing it and to just leave him alone
6: Bowser has a really, really bad tic day and that’s when Kamek realizes that Bowser can’t control what he does
While I have nothing concrete written for this story idea other than a beginning paragraph, the headcanon and what it entails microwaves in my brain like a rotating rat on a pasta pan. I will be MORE than happy to discuss TS Bowser and Kamek and Bowser's relationship.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
So based on people's reactions, the most interesting part of all the shit I've thrown at the wall in terms of Voices of the Force is relativistically-time-travelled almost 17 year old Ahsoka sharing a room with Ben and Vestara, so here's some more about that little dynamic. And some headcanons about the Jedi at this point.
When Ahsoka first shows up, she asks about the fact that the word "padawan" doesn't really seem to be in common use anymore, and it's revealed that while the rank is technically called Apprentice, everyone is taught what "padawan" means and some choose to be called by that for various reasons. Vestara, for example, prefers "Padawan Khai" because "Apprentice Khai" is what she was called by the Sith, and this helps her distance herself from that.
For equal and opposite reasons, Ahsoka is fine with being referred to as "Apprentice Tano." I am very much trying to establish that the Jedi of this era have changed, and I think finding out from history about what was happening behind the scenes with Sidious and stufff would make it easier for her to let some things go, it's still, like. If nothing else, "padawan" is associated with "commander" in her traumatized flashbacks.
They're the first people she tells about the Daughter's essence after she finds out. The only other people who knew before that are whatever Council members were at the meeting where Ahsoka herself finds out about it.
Ahsoka drags them both down with her into the depths of reverse grip lightsabers.
Since Vestara knows the lightsaber styles of the Lost Tribe, Ahsoka trains against her a lot.
Ves and Ben pick up some Mando'a profanity pretty quickly. I'm trying not to emphasize that too much, because I don't like a lot of how Mandalorians are portrayed by the books in this period, but Ahsoka was at least one-third raised by... at least half-Mandalorians. I have to acknowledge it in some capacity.
My headcanon about Ahsoka in this period is that instead of having a standard-length lightsaber and a shoto, she has two dual-phase sabers, which can switch between a standard-length and shoto blade. (Instead of stereotypical dual-phase blades like, for instance, Corran's, which have a standard length blade and an extremely extended one.) Ves and Ben helped her figure out how to design it so that the dual-crystal ignition process or whatever it is that means the extended-blade activates faster in a regular dual-phase, also works in reverse here, so it changes from standard to shoto length faster than a common saber would take to deactivate that length of blade.
Finding out about O66 sends Ahsoka into an existential crisis about the relationship she had to the clones, and Ben shows her how to flow-walk so she can find out about the inhibitor chips and take comfort in the fact that they didn't do it on purpose and that it was just as genuine as she thought.
You can't get a holonet connection in the Transitory Mists, which is kind of a problem in terms of receiving requests for Jedi assistance. I guess they have to rely on courier ships or probe droids that just pop out and collect data or something.
None of these three have anywhere near the experience they need to qualify for StealthX combat missions (although Ben technically has the rank) but they definitely try to get a head start on understanding the mechanics of the things.
A random but vaguely relevant headcanon I have is that Ahsoka already knows how to do a Dathomiri blood trail, which she learned from Ventress when they ran into each other and had some time to kill at some point before or during Ahsoka's time with Spar's Protectors leading up to the Legends version of the Siege of Mandalore.
Ahsoka still has the TCW-style wrist comlink, and Vestara and Ben decide they like that idea and come up with similar setups for themselves.
One of my favorite TCW fic tropes/popular headcanons: Togruta purr when given physical affection.
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specterthief · 2 years
(in case it hasn't been asked) goro?
Sexuality Headcanon: GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. with a lot of these characters i'm like "oh yeah i can see them as bi too sure" but in this case it's not like a fun headcanon vibes thing, it is interpretation of the text (in which akechi shows absolutely no interest in women in a game that never passes up a "haha guys ogling girls" bit) that is critical enough to how i interpret akechi as a character in the full context of persona 5 that anything else will immediately take me out of a fic no matter what
(to be clear i do not care at all what other people ship and hope that everybody with m/f goro ships/who headcanons him as bi is having a great time over there but i personally just cannot see it) Gender Headcanon: cis guy! i've also seen some good trans guy goro content but while i like the idea i can't see it in canon in his case A ship I have with said character: akeshu is THE ship, it's such an incredibly developed dynamic in royal and ends up being the emotional core of my absolute favorite part of the game and manages to both hit a lot of tropes i really love (enemies-to-lovers, "two sides of the same coin", among other things) while having a really interesting twist on one i usually don't like (predestination.) i can't really see goro with anyone else seriously and akeshu is genuinely one of my favorite ships of all time. i cannot fucking believe having another chance to be with goro being joker's greatest wish and something he'd consider going against all his teammates and everything he's stood for for is real A BROTP I have with said character: it's such a fleeting underdeveloped thing but i'm really fascinated by the dynamic goro seems to have with muhen. i'm really curious what his history with jazz jin is and how much muhen does or doesn't know about what's going on with him. also in the brotp (fucked up) way i posited in the maruki post, i've been really intrigued by goro and haru recently (though this is also a brotp (genuine) in synthesis, which is part of what's made me so intrigued by their canon dynamic and the potential there.) recognition of the self in the other (derogatory), you know
i also have a soft spot for the "futaba and goro are half siblings through shido" headcanon and like to think about the drama of how that might shake out A NOTP I have with said character: sumire. there's nothing wrong with it and i'm sure plenty of the shippers are perfectly nice but the worst hate i've ever gotten in this fandom has been over just quoting the interview where wada says goro doesn't care about her (on my own account, just in the context of the "love triangle" quote about akeshu, not targeting any shippers) so i went from just not liking it to having a really negative association with even seeing it in general and i block everything to do with it A random headcanon: had he been given the opportunity to form a contract and make full use of his wild card powers, his velvet room would be a train, endlessly hurtling onward with no destination General Opinion over said character: he's my #1 favorite character in persona 5 (and persona as a whole so far)! he's a particular type of tragic antagonist i really love and i came into the game with a lot of affection for him already because one of my best friends is also obsessed with him and i was not disappointed when i got to experience him for myself. royal was such a blessing for his character and i enjoy everything about him so so much, best boy
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koolkat9 · 2 years
this might sound random but im pretty new to the fandom and canon gave me an unexplainable ick but I wanna check out the fanon stuff! is there any creators with certain ocs or different interpretations of the characters you really like or even just know of?? Even ask blogs! especially ones for the minor characters
First of all welcome fandom
I completely understand that. Canon at certain points gives me icks too. I almost even put down the series when starting out because of it. Luckily most fans just pick and choose from canon.I primarily follow creators that make cute stuff and explore the whole human side to nationhood (like me!)
sunnylolli-> they've got some great England headcanons. They've said they don't keep up with canon too closely. There are some historical stuff, but mainly its cute family stuff with dad England at the center. But there is also some fruk and Pruden there as well. Hightly recommend reading their fic Can I Stay for a Year or Two. Very well paced healing journey between America and England as well as America just healing in general because he's having a hard time.
balladofthewhitehorse-> great GerEng and Engport stuff. I don't think they ever actually read the series but their works have similar vibes to the way I interpret the Hetalia characters.
If you like GerEng or are at least open to it, I highly suggest Teethhoarder and their blog asking-gereng-> since they're working with a rarepair they've had to diverge from canon quite a bit. They have such a soft style and their depiction of GerEng has very much influenced my own depiction of the ship, specifically Teeth's depiction of Ludwig.
Ashafox-> A lot of wonderful Canada art. As a Canadian they're one of my favourite Canada artists. I don't know if this accurately goes along with the "different interpretations" you were looking for, but they have some 10/10 aus that I highly suggest checking out. My favourite has got to be their au where England is a vampire and ends up taking in two werewolf pups (America and Canada).
frukmerunning and their side blog ask-aph-axis-> they're so funny and I love how they characterize Japan. Don't let their ask blog name deter you, its only called that because they focus on the dynamic of Germany, Italy and Japan as friends (though itapan is going to/has gotten together).
I hope you answered your question. I don't know if this counts as different interpretations, but I tried to gather creators I love who either don't consult canon or have used canon as a jumping off point and expanded on the characters.
Personally, I'm in the camp where I use canon as a jumping off point. Keep only what inspires me and fill in the rest with my knowledge on history, other interpretations I like, and my own ideas. That's the amazing thing about the Hetalia fandom, we really have made it our own, so I hope you can find something you like anon and have a good time here.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 years
I reblogged this ask game and then immediately forgot I did so...
One aspect about them I love
He probably has dozens of random little skills or nuggets of knowledge that he just casually drops in the middle of a normal interaction with absolutely zero explanation and I think that’s so fun. Especially if he has less than the average knowledge base for the general topic and it’s just that one specific piece of information that he’s an expert at. Like he doesn’t know what a double header is but he knows the entire history of the world’s rarest baseball card. He doesn’t know what a philip’s head screwdriver looks like but he can operate a rotary saw.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them
Very much the Funny Guy TM but it is absolutely a defense mechanism that he uses to avoid confronting negative emotions. I've talked about it a lot more eloquently in a different post but I see him as the kind of person who was always characterized as a "happy child" growing up and he really internalized that. He thinks people only like him because he's always happy and positive and cracking jokes and that he can't show any kind of negative emotion or else everyone around him will hate him.
Ayo, I found the original post where I talked about this a lot better than I did here. It was also in response to an ask from Claire, how funny is that?
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about this character
He likes sheep. (Ayo remember the Petting Zoo AU????)
One character I love seeing them interact with
Charlie!!! Their senses of humor works together in such a fun way and it's super fun to write. The way I write them is that Race is more of the typical funny guy who makes loud jokes that gets a chuckle out of the entire room whereas Charlie has that dry wit and sarcasm that's intended to be heard by maybe four people but those four people are dying laughing for a solid ten minutes. They can also work off of each other in such an interesting way that I can never really replicate with other characters
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more
I feel like he and Sarah would be absolute besties but I have absolutely no evidence to support this claim. I think the original version of the Ghost AU had something going on with them but I never got around to actually writing that part so I guess there's more motivation for me to continue that au
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character
In the Somebody I Kissed Once AU, Charlie was the oldest, Jack was the middle kid, and Race was the youngest and I maintain that this is the best relationship dynamic for those three characters it's so funny to me for absolutely no reason. I don't usually get to write it because my au ideas don't work with that dynamic but it's my favorite way to write those characters. Specifically, Race was the youngest in an obnoxious way and I loved it so much. I miss that au I should finish it one of these days.
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smallsies · 2 years
⛓: A plot bunny you just can’t let go of, even if you don’t plan on writing it.
strangely enough, the idea of a ghost hunting fic! headcanons under the cut;
modern era blink is really into horror & paranormal activity, which on a half-joking suggestion from jack leads him to creating a youtube channel surrounding unsolved mysteries
initially it's more of a way to pass the time than anything in between shifts at the local history museum and fossil site, but his content begins to gain traction after being mentioned by a more famous creator
needing to keep up with the demand, blink's friend avery starts helping out with his channel-- he's a film studies major at their college and has higher quality equipment than what blink was previously using
avery, whom blink affectionately nicknamed sniper, suggested blink take the opportunity to expand his content and try a video at a different angle
they landed on the classic "exploring an abandoned asylum", recruiting a handful of others who had appeared in blink's videos once or twice
a couple weeks of planning later sees blink, sniper, smalls, mush, hildy and jojo flying cross-country to new york (jack had been invited to come, but refused on the basis of "not wanting to die yet") the city had plenty of history, enough content to make the expense worth it
the first property they'd selected was owned by a well-known news journalist Bryan Denton (who bought the site after previous break-ins had led to the police discovering a wealth of historical artifacts). hildy spoke to the man over the phone and somehow convinced him to allow them access, claiming the potential research the students could do on-site
sniper and hildy, as the party's film students, are on videography duty, mush assigns himself to flashlight duty ("somebody should be in charge, it's not because i'm scared, blink,") and blink, smalls, and jojo are all in front of the cameras running the show
half the crew leans towards skepticism, while the others are bordering on curiosity and anxiety, but within an hour of being in the asylum, "incidents" start occurring
voices seeming to come from nowhere, doors opening and closing on their own, jojo being pushed down a flight of stairs when nobody had been standing near him (he twisted his ankle, smalls thought, but he would be okay)
mush was convinced someone was pranking them, or blink had set it up for the sake of the cameras, but reality settles in whenever they're faced with the faintest glimpse of a person, a boy with blonde curls and a cigarette tucked into the corner of his mouth
the ghost doesn't seem angry with them, merely confused, as if he was lost. his name is race, he says, and he died there, and wanted to know if they were dead too
enter discovering that the asylum was initially known as the refuge some two hundred years before, housing homeless kids unfortunate enough to land themselves in trouble
and basically the rest would be them uncovering more secrets of the city, befriending ghosts and ultimately getting trapped in a massive historical cover up headed by one of the biggest journalism companies in america, targets on their backs thanks to the world's owner, joseph pulitzer
i also have thoughts about their dynamics and majors and other random details;
blink- geosciences + minor in anthropology
sniper- film studies + english double major
smalls- history, ancient civilizations concentration
mush- theatre + business double major
hildy- film studies + minor in a/v communications
jojo- legal studies, criminal law concentration
blink and mush have been together since high school
blink and jack are roommates, they live across the hall from jojo and sniper in one of the dorms
mush technically shares an apartment with his sister, but he spends most of his time at blink's
hildy and smalls are roommates in an apartment, they met at a bookstore hildy was working at (& both work there now)
sniper and smalls are head-over-heels for one another, but still deeply in denial of the fact
their group gets the nickname "newsies" from blink's fans after a clip of smalls infodumping about the strike makes it into the video
send me a plot bunny ask!
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findroleplay · 5 months
Oh, look! It's another boyfood plot dump for Hellaverse! Please, 21+ is required, but 25+ is preferred. I still can't reply to likes or reactions, so if you're interested, add me directly on discord at: boyfood. I'm begging with the biggest pleading emoji for you guys to please say more than, "hey," when you reach out! Tell me a little about yourself as a roleplayer; I'm looking for confident and compatible partners who know what they want and aren't afraid to squeal with me over their interests too when it comes to plotting. Let's absolutely obliterate our muses with feels, drama, and a generous serving of angst, with a side of fluff for dinner. Lmao, seriously, hit me up if you like having your muses fucked up. 💗
🎭Helluva Boss I'd like to write Fizzarolli.
one: Quitting Mammon initially seemed like the best idea ever, that is until his newfound freedom and lack of purpose prove to be detrimental to his relationship. Not to mention the constant onslaught of lawsuits draining Fizzarolli of a pretty significant chunk of his earnings over the years. Teetering on new lows, Fizz turns up on the doorstep of the only other person he can trust. Blitzø. But it's been years since they've reliably been around one another, and with their rekindled friendship still being so fresh, it's uncertain if this will be another not great idea. And the kicker? It's either curling up on the sofa with Blitzø, or a pallet on the living room floor.
two: Fizzarolli is a porn star, more specifically, Asmodeus' highest earner. He's making waves, the biggest imp in the business and still climbing. It's why Asmodeus is reluctant to tell him about a recent card game with his biggest production rival, Valentino. He doesn't lose too much, but there's a pretty big obligation on the line that Fizzarolli is expected to fill. "Nothing too crazy, you just have to film a movie for him." Valentino, much to his disgust, seems intent on humiliating Asmodeus and his biggest star by having him record with a random imp off the streets. His sadistic glee only grows when he realizes there's a history between them and a negative one at that. Unfortunately, Blitzø needs the money so saying no isn't really an option. Besides, it's just two weeks of shooting together, two very... long... weeks...
three: Omegaverse! Except, omegas are at the top of the hierarchy, praised and valued for their ability to give birth to all three castes. More importantly, they're the only caste that can give birth to alphas - a dying breed after an uprising against their oppressive system. One day, Fizzarolli comes to Blitzø with tears in his eyes and slick on his fingertips. He presents early as an omega, which likely means if Blitzø doesn't present as an omega as well, they'll probably be separated. While I'm open to this being relatively NSFW, I'm pretty adamant about heavily investing time in exploring the impact of this revelation and how it affects their friendship. I'd also really enjoy switch dynamics - even If there's a lean - when it comes to NSFW for this plot. It's not required or mandatory, I just personally enjoy it and the potential to bitch an alpha. That'd be nice. I have so many omegaverse headcanons, and I'd love anyone interested in helping me flesh out a world for it. Potential for: 🍪but it isn't required.
four: If Blitzø had known that he'd end up in a mental asylum fresh out of foster care, he probably would have tried harder with that last family... The thing is, he's not crazy. He really is best friends with an imp that visits him from Hell, he didn't kill his dormmate because he was flunking out of college, and he definitely doesn't want to know what that forked tongue feels like wrapped around his co-- Too much? Whatever, the point is none of that stuff is true! Too bad it's so fucking hard to prove it. I'm also open to reversing the roles of the characters and having Fizzarolli be the one in the asylum.
five: Blitzø and Fizzarolli are lifelong best friends and young, broke roommates just barely making rent. On the hottest day of summer, the air conditioner dies a pretty traumatic death. One filled with sparking and the underlying threat of combustion. They stick to their sofa, dripping sweat and bitterly tossing back-and-forth ideas to make some quick money. OnlyFans comes up more than a few times, only when it comes to shooting, they're incredibly awkward looking. For one, Fizzarolli keeps trying to make eye contact and Blitzø is pretty sure he'll die if they do. Then there's the whole kissing thing - they can't seem to figure out if they want to include it or not, and it leads to a lot of headbutting. Surprisingly enough, it takes off in a way that makes them consider doing it again. The trade-off? The confusing feelings that keep welling up. I'd love it if Blitzø's prior feelings were ambiguous, whether he likes him or not. I enjoy a good slow romance burn.
So that was a lot! Thanks if you stayed with me for the whole thing, and hopefully you saw something interesting! A few last things! I'm more than open to people bringing their own plots! And while I pretty clearly have a soft spot for Blitzø and Fizzarolli, I'm honestly open to writing other Fizzarolli ships. Gimmie an Ozzie, a Striker, shit, even a super cringy ass goofball loser like Chaz(or, like, idk, mob boss Crimson investing money in an up and coming star?). Let's figure something out together! Toss me your favorite OCs, no need to double! And remember, I can't respond to likes, so add me directly on discord: boyfood. Just make sure you tell me who you are or a little about yourself as a roleplayer, or, fuck, even what you're looking for!
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tev-the-random · 1 year
5, 18 and 23 for the hermit ask game :DDD
5 - favourite duo, trio or group?
I could be very basic and say "Mumbo, Grian and Scar are my funky little men," and that wouldn't actually be wrong. But I could also go with an equally true answer, which is Soup Group. They just have such a silly family dynamic - where they all share a braincell yet none of them seem to know who has it 90% of the time. They're neighbours. They're the resistance. They eat soup. I love them.
18 - what’s your favourite thing about the fandom?
Oh, where do I start! This fandom is so incredibly creative, everybody has such fascinating ideas - be it headcanons, analysis, fanfics, fanart or fully-fledged AUs, everyone always has something cool to say! I find it really fascinating how the fandom has people who have been watching it since season 1, people who just got here very recently, people who experienced major events in the server's history and people who only know about those through random compilations, people who only watch one specific Hermit and people who could pretty much write their own Hermitcraft Recap. Yet everyone is so willing to share and listen to discussions about their favourite little guys, merge ideas or even just give a nice nod at each other's thoughts. Nothing beats this kind of community dynamic, you know? It's really cozy and chaotic here.
23 - what was your original opinion on hermitcraft/a hermit? did it change?
Hmmm, ok. You see, back then I first heard about Hermitcraft, I was like "wow, this sounds cool. Way too cool for me." In an almost intimidating way, I guess? Because Hermitcraft is such a major server in YouTube history, how does one even start watching this?? I'm way too much of a noob for it. Now, I don't remember what exactly made me pick up the server, but suddenly I was binging season 7 and realised that these people are just. Deranged in the best way possible. And the more I started watching the different Hermits, the more fascinating it got; but somehow, it didn't overwhelm me as much as it just made me want to watch more, it was surprisingly easy to get into.
In conclusion: I originally thought Hermitcraft had to be so complex and technical with how many seasons/impressive creators it had, it would be super complicated to keep up with. But it turned out to be so well-suited for so many different tastes, it's actually not hard at all to get super into it! And now I'm trapped in here forever! :D
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boombox-propaganda · 2 years
For the ask game:
7, 19, 21, 29, and 40 :D
Hi again!!! It always makes me smile when you toss one of these in my inbox, ty!
7. Favourite show(s)
Oh man, this one is actually hard bc I haven't seen a lot of shows in their entirety since I was little. I know when I was a kid, my faves were Beast Wars and Armada, and I've still enjoyed rewatching Armada (Beast Wars is harder because of how corny it is, unfortunately). As for favourite shows that I've seen more recently than 15 years ago, I'm actually really fond of Cyberverse bc I enjoy how it includes lesser known characters (also the idea of Soundwave as a memelord is hysterical to me.) I haven't seen a ton of Prime, but I also love what I've seen there since I think the animation style is cool and they actually redesigned Soundwave in a cool way for once.
19. A character you love that no one else seems to
Any of the Scavengers! Not that anyone really seems to dislike them, just feels like everyone except Misfire gets overlooked a lot. Spinister in particular is constantly rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken and I have wayyyy too many random headcanons about him because I think he's super interesting.
21. A pairing you love that no one else seems to
Two answers - ShockOp (specifically IDW) and Nautiskids. For ShockOp, I think about their dynamic in a vastly different way to how I see a lot of fandom interpreting it and wish there was more fic examining it in AUs or with the nuance canon had and not just smacking them together like barbie dolls. Nautiskids just owns my entire heart but I don't see a ton of fic for it. Not necessarily that people don't like the pairing, guess it just isn't as popular as a lot of the main ships like Cygate and CDRW, alas.
29. A bot you could consider a mortal enemy
There's a few that could go on this list, but IDW Prowl probably wins. I fully recognise that a lot of his nonsense is probably because he needs therapy, but I have a real hard time with the whole 'I'm gonna feel guilty abt being terrible and then continue to manipulate ppl and be terrible and also nothing is my fault ever and history will prove me right' mindset.
(Second answer is probably Starscream. I love him so much and I think he's a fascinating character, but lying is a pet peeve of mine so I think I'd constantly want to kick his teeth in if I actually had to deal with him in person and not as a fictional character.)
40. What would you do if the Autobots landed on Earth right now and asked for your help?
Probably freak out in utter glee and become useless for twenty minutes, first and foremost, followed shortly by confusing everyone by asking a million questions in an attempt to figure out which continuity we're in and how scared I should be of someone shooting me or turning me into toejam.
Once I calmed down from the initial rush, I think I'd largely be annoying the hell out of the local archivist/information source trying to learn all I could about Cybertronians and the current situation re: Decepticons and such but ultimately, I would want to help in whatever way I could. I like to think I'm pretty okay at research and conflict resolution, so maybe I could sit on someone's shoulder and play Jiminy Cricket or help them get some information or something. (Also, first order of business is introducing Wheeljack to mythbusters. I just think it would be funny.)
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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not-another-robin · 2 years
alfred for the character thing im curious! failing that then cass <3
AAAAH MY TWO FAVES <3 I'm gonna do both but Alfred first!!
favorite thing about them
The dadliness of COURSE it's the dadliness. The general idea of how loyal to a fault he is, that he dedicated his life to taking care of this boy he cared for so much, and his family growing in turn, I just cry. I have so many emotions about how underrated Alfred's angle in the whole found family thing is - PLUS I think he has so much potential for emotionally resonate backstory and parallels with Bruce because of that. Do not test me I will break into DC and MAKE THEM let me rewrite Alfred's backstory
least favorite thing about them
Predictably from the last thing I hate it when he gets written as too stuck up to the point of fucking Bruce up even more as a child. Generally the idea of not allowing Bruce to be a kid when he's lost so much just makes me really sad, and I hate any timelines that involve Alfred OR Bruce hitting the batkids in any context :( listen I'm just a big baby I'm hear for camp not abusive family dynamics
Oh my god so many. Him and any of the batkids - all of them have excellent dynamics, Dickie literally calling Alfred his best friend is my favorite thing. And of course I love him and Bruce's dynamic, these fuckers have had 1 (one) friend (each other) for going on two decades they are a bizarre little pair. Pure same guy syndrome I love it. Also of course Martha Kent!!!! I <3 want <3 them <3 to <3 be <3 best <3 friends !!! They go on vacation together, they gossip about love triangles in the league, they share casserole recipes, they kick ass. Adore them.
OUGH I will die on the hill of the Alfred, Thomas, and Martha polycule. I have an ungodly amount of thoughts about their shared history and positive impact on each other's lives and negative impact on each other's reputations but they got through it together,, making the Wayne deaths hurt like hell is my favorite pastime ♥️
Only the obvious bat ones, I don't really have any grudges against run of the mill ships for him. Maybe him and Leslie Thompkins? I like to think Leslie is Lesbian, and I think they're coupling is always kinda forced and weird. They are mlm/wlw co-parenting solidarity
random headcanon
He has a passing interest in fashion, costuming, and sewing. He had a lot of fun helping Martha with her outfits, hair and makeup and it was one of the small things he missed when she passed. He was very excited when girls started joining the batfamily (and when dick had a more adventurous sense of style than Bruce). He wears the same thing every day but his kids will look good dammit
unpopular opinion
As funny as it can be (That "I raised a man too soft hearted for this world, luckily my mother can't say the same" post always makes me HOWL) , I really hate the whole 'alfred likes guns' thing. IDK, at least to me he'd have similar hang ups about it as Bruce, his best friends and his child's parents were killed my gun violence, I just can't see him staying into them. I like him better with swords
song i associate with them
Hmmmmm Happy Days are Here Again, especially with this montage from the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. The end of this song gives me panic attacks in a good way <3 it's nostalgic and beautiful but also like. Very scary and urgent. Since I associate it with this scene it always gives me those panicked vibes of life getting increasingly more fucked up, like per say, starting as a butler for a loving idealic family, having them get murdered in front of their son, and ending with 9 vigilants on your hands
favorite picture of them
I cannot say enough how obsessed I am with tiny Alfreds in the tnba comics. Also not really a pic of him but honorable mention to "Alfred youre being goofy"
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decompose1 · 2 years
S2 Bow for the ask thing, because I know you have a very neat perspective on characters who do not-so-great things. :^J
THANK YOU SO MUCH :'D!! I love depth, and ii gives me some complicated characters to really pick apart!
Sexuality Headcanon: I think she's probably bi! Doesn't care too much.
Gender Headcanon: I struggle to see her as much other than a gal! Whether she's a cis or trans gal is really anyone's guess, i could see it going either way! I think she's very into committing to the femme thing, though. In any humanization i do of her, she's obnoxiously bubbly and dressed up, nails done, bows everywhere.... you get it. So girl but in a queer way!
Ship: I adore marshplebow as a polycule. I don't really like separating them, personally!! (I might be an outlier here? Haha!)
BROTP: PLEASE GET ALONG BETTER WITH DOUGH, I BEG. This poor guy is so lonely. I think they could have a very funny siblingy dynamic. ALSO! I feel like not enough people remember she was friends with Bomb. I wish that was expanded on a little more!! They could've had such a silly dynamic too. I would love to see him visit her, if he ever... finds out she's a ghost. I wonder how he felt about her death. He probably doesn't even know about purgatory mansion :o(. Someone should tell him. They could be girly-girl and weirdguy besties.
NOTP: I don't like shipping her with Dough. Regardless of whether they're actually siblings or not, feels a little weird.
Random headcanon: I honestly think she probably tried to leave the mansion a good few times before finding out she couldn't. My thoughts on MePhone4 having weird feelings about her go both ways, too. I really wonder how much she thinks about it. They died together. This fact gets sort of glossed over a lot, but i think it's pretty significant. Like i said in my analysis posts, it marks one of the DARKEST moments in ii's history. There were four deaths that day, all of which were really serious. ... I think they should talk at some point. I think both of them ignore it, because BOTH OF THEM run from their problems (MePhone's... entire thing, and Bow pretending not to care about being dead for a long time). Sorry, that turned into less of a headcanon and more of a thoughts blurb :V
General opinion: Bow is a fantastic character and i miss her dearly. I'm really hoping we get to see more of her. As much as i love BowBot/TBD, i ADORE original Bow and all of her depth.
I think of her as an incredibly lonely person. She was not this bad when she was alive-- a FIERCE competitor? Yes. Pushy? Absolutely. But not downright manipulative. She was just kind of a ditz. That changed when she died. We have to remember she was isolated in that mansion the ENTIRE TIME between her death and Marshmallow finding her. What she did was terrible, but i also see exactly why it happened. Because... of course it did. Because of course she was terribly lonely. How could she not be?? She just chose the absolute WORST way to keep a friend- by isolating them- and this, i think, was mostly insecurity over the idea of being alone again, fearful that Marshmallow could run off with Apple and leave her there. It was SO BAD. Marshmallow did not deserve to be lied to, and Apple did not deserve to be used like that. But it makes perfect sense. I think Marsh understood what happened.
I hope she's happier, and can mellow out, now that she has more people with her. I hope they're having a better time and a happier life out there, even if it isn't the perfect place to live :').
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pitynostars · 2 years
what are the main reasons the chibnall era doesn’t work for you? (not a hater btw, just curious)
Hi anon 🥰 to be honest, I’m still trying to pinpoint it all myself ! While I was thinking about this and writing it out I’ve realised it mainly boils down to:
I think a lot of the writing is boring and inconsistent, from characters to big arcs to individual episodes.
Too many important character/relationship moments happening offscreen, or just told to us rather than shown to us.
So much wasted potential (I think this is the worst part for me because if it was just Bad I wouldn’t be so frustrated by it you know?) I feel like I’ve had more fun in the fandom reading people’s speculations and headcanons all era than watching the actual show itself
Sort of in line with that, rehashing of old ideas (+ not doing anything new/interesting with them).
I don’t know what it is specifically, whether it’s the writing, acting, or directing, editing, something else, but the whole era has such a patronising vibe to me? All the characters act like stereotypical primary school teachers at their most annoying and it drives me INSANE
So to elaborate:
The writing style of the era seems to be “drop something interesting and then forget about it until maybe we remember it and decide to do something with it” but the something they do with it is often boring as shit and I’m left after every episode/season with an overwhelming “... ok so what was the point of any of that?” feeling. From big things like the whole Timeless Child arc, to Ryan vlogging, to Yaz’s MH/queerness, Graham’s cancer, Dan’s “take the soup, will you?” moment, The Eternals in CYHM?, Ruth/Martin!Doctor etc. etc. 
I KNOW Chibnall can write nuanced plots, characters and relationships, but in his era of DW it just doesn’t work for me. Take the Timeless Child arc, beat for beat it’s just like name drop the Timeless Child in 11x02, monologue exposit about it in 12x10, don’t really deal with the fallout/emotional development the Doctor gets from it at all apart from one scene out of the blue in NY. Repeat through Flux (the watch is brought in to remind her it exists and she makes the exact same choice she does in TTC to Choose to be the Doctor, independent of whatever might have happened in her past). Her changing her mind about how she feels about it all in prison? Happens off screen. Her chasing after Karvanista so obsessively? Off screen. We’re just told afterward that she’s back to caring about it. 
Same with thasmin, there’s a couple of random comments in Arachnids, Villa etc until Flux, but then it skips over actually letting Yaz and the Doctor interact so it’s like ok like. Do they have a laugh together? Does the Doctor care for Yaz when she's scared/upset (seeing 13's interactions with Graham I'd say No. Also the only time I can remember we've seen Yaz upset and comforted is Spyfall and that's by Ryan). What’s in their dynamic that I’m supposed to be invested in, all we get from them 99% of the time is Yaz asking a question so the Doctor can exposit about it (which again ties back into my oh my god everyone feels like a patronising primary school teacher problem). Their dynamic in Flux is just the Doctor being a dick and Yaz taking it (with gooey eyes half the time lol). Then we get to second half of flux + the specials and honestly I don’t think one person pining for the other can be considered a whole relationship dynamic in itself (or again, if it can be, it’s… very boring lol).
I feel like the characters are all pretty badly defined in general, but the characterisations we do get are boring or rehashes of previous characters. We know now Chibnall specifically wanted to bring on a woman to play the Doctor, but also wrote her as so passive (people point to episodes like Rosa and are like “well she couldn’t step in!! It would change history!!” okay who keeps writing her into these situations!! It’s okay to have those sorts of plots/resolutions as long as there’s some episodes where the Doctor has to make a choice and have a win), and when she’s NOT written super passive, she makes a crazy ass decision which doesn’t really add up at all with the rest of her character - e.g., taking the cyberium, blowing up the Master (and then letting Ko Sharmus do it), (ditto with the Sea Devils and Ji Hun). 
Which then goes with the fact she’s written with her morals all over the place (the spider in Arachnids, to being an absolute ARSE to Yaz in Flux to abandoning Dan in LotSD but she’s still got this damn high horse about using violence (except when its HER bombing people (: uwu) – I know this hypocrisy is present in other Doctor’s too but it’s exactly why I find Ten so annoying, like why repeat this for her !!!! At least with Ten we got Waters of Mars!!!!!!!!!! 12’s dying wish was for them as the Doctor to continue to be KIND but 13 falls immediately back into 10’s self centred arsehole persona of ESPECIALLY being an arsehole to your friends which I just hate watching. 
Another point I find frustrating about 13 is literally why cast a woman if you’re not going to do a gender identity arc. Like perfect opportunity, Yaz or Ryan or Graham could have been trans if you didn’t want to give the Doctor that arc specifically because they’re an alien yada yada but why do it. The only thing that’s done with it is have her be confused (even tho the Doctor’s been interacting with humans for literally centuries and knows how gender works for us), and make patronising “I’ve had an upgrade” “life’s so hard for women back then” jokes. I’m tearing my hair out.  For so long in the beginning of her era I was just screaming at the TV for the writing to let her do something ANYTHING that let her show an emotion other than like. Preppy/patronising highschool teacher. When she’s actually allowed to expression emotion, it’s usually just so many scenes that make her look stupid/silly (I’m thinking of the scene in Spyfall when she’s like “snap!! … is that not what we’re playing?” there’s a difference between making her funny and weird and alien and just making her into a clown), which works when balanced with darker/more serious/more calculating moments but we don’t really get to see a lot of that from her, and when we do it’s usually quite isolated from the rest of the characters, so doesn’t really feel like it’s got an actual impact.  
Of the (assumedly) complete character arcs we’ve got they’re both quite boring in my opinion. Obviously not every companion has to Become God and Fall For Their Hubris but like. “Guy decides he’d rather stay home actually” and “other guy decides he wants to stay with him too actually” is just sooo boring. Their arcs are literally just like they go along for the ride, get tired of it and go home. Revolutionary. As I said before, 13’s is just the realisation her past doesn’t define her (on LOOP) with a dash of Ten’s arrogance/hypocrisy thrown in (which like… he’s my least fave Doctor of the ones I’ve seen!!! I don’t want a rehash of his era!!! Even if it was written well!!!).
RE: Yaz, she was introduced like “can’t you give me something that’ll challenge me?” and to be honest I don’t think we’ve really seen her challenged yet. I feel like they’ve tried to do a rehash of Clara’s becoming the Doctor arc in Flux, but the whole reason Clara’s arc hit is because we saw 1. WHY it came about (losing Danny and everything else through s8), and 2. THE FALLOUT, of both HER going too far and the Doctor’s grief. With Yaz, they just brought it up and have done nothing with it. She got so little characterisation through s11/12 and then when she finally gets Something they do nothing with it AND it’s more about someone else and her feelings for them than it’s about HER. 
I think the relationships in the show also suffer due to the messy/lack of characterisation. None of (either of) the main team have any tension or disagreement apart from Ryan & Graham’s will they won’t they grandparent/son dynamic and Yaz/13’s communication problems in Flux. I also just genuinely don’t think Thirteen cares much for any of her companions. Obviously most recently abandoning Dan in the past, but also take the example from Spyfall: the Doctor wasn’t worried about Yaz, Graham & Ryan when she was stuck in the past, and we know she hadn’t already hatched the plane save so. She thought they were dead? She assumed they’d found a way out? There was no thought of ‘oh my friends were on a crashing plane, I should get back and check they got out okay’, she goes straight back in to stopping the Master, and it comes across as it’s only when they bring up the plane by asking how she did it that she realises they actually managed to escape? If she doesn’t care why should the audience? They’re all just along for the ride and it’s so goddamn boring.
They had such a good opportunity with Yaz & 13 in the beginning – Yaz is introduced as a kind of bored police officer with something to prove, it would have been so interesting for them to grapple with a bit of a power struggle in the beginning as Yaz tries to assume the Authority position and the Doctor grapples with whether she wants to be like “my ship my rules” vibe or to sit back and let Yaz go ham. Instead they just sort of. Are in scenes together I guess.  
Like, even Ryan & Graham’s relationship, which is one of my favourite parts of the era feels quite forced and formulaic, like they’ve sat down and said “right, in this episode we need a Ryan & Graham scene where he refuses to call him granddad, so later it’s satisfying when he does” rather than letting the characters naturally grow closer/develop. This sort of shorthand character/relationship building is so present through the era too, the whole speech Graham gives about Yaz being the best person he’s ever met: “You said to the Doc that you thought she was the best person you'd ever met. But you know what, Yaz? I think you are. You ain't got a time machine or a sonic... but you're never afraid and you're never beaten. I'm going to sound like a... like a proper old man, but you're doing your family proud, Yaz, you really are. In fact, you're doing the whole human race proud.” is really sweet and nice and I do enjoy their dynamic sometimes I just don’t understand where his POV of Yaz is from because the scripts up to this point haven’t really given Yaz the opportunity to be any of those things (unafraid, unbeaten etc). I’d say maybe in the year where the Doctor’s in prison/Flux but 1. that hasn’t happened yet when he gives that speech and 2. that was all off screen?  
Which leads me on to my next point, which is, why DOES so much important/interesting character stuff happen off screen?? The Doctor’s time alone in prison and the fam’s reactions to it, Yaz & Dan’s 3 years in the past, Yaz growing/realising her feelings for the Doctor, all happen mainly off screen, the Doctor obsessively hunting down Karvanista at the beginning of Flux. I’ve seen people speculating that Yaz & Doctor had the conversation about the Master & the Timeless Child and all the Flux shenanigans sometimes between EotD and LotSD, and that was their MAIN tension all through last series but I wouldn’t even be SURPRISED if it happened off screen at this point. 
I’m still so frustrated there’s no timeline given for when this Dhawan!Master is at. We are left to assume he’s post Missy, but there’s no mention/interrogation of her arc whatsoever. Any development he had to get him back to his “”evil schemes”” is, again, left off screen. It just feels like such a disservice to Gomez and her Master and the arc she had with 12 to not even MENTION it. Just a mention from 13 of like “oh I thought they’d changed…” to Ryan/Yaz/Graham. ANYTHING. I thought the Master coming back was gonna be the trigger for 13 to finally snap because she’s finally got someone to bounce off of and then she gets him taken off by Nazis (I don’t think the point of like. Why that is so awful needs relabouring lol). 
Ruth/Martin!Doctor could have been so interesting to dive into (holding out for that spin off 🤞) but instead she gets forgotten until like Once Upon Time which mainly overwrites her with Thirteen and then she’s forgotten about again.
It’s also really annoying in my opinion how the era does so much lipservice to being progressive, especially more so than before, when for 3 seasons the only queer characters were introduced and killed like 2 minutes apart, and Ryan and Yaz were constantly sidelined for Graham’s development, sometimes it even feeling like the Doctor was also playing second fiddle to him, and Grace was introduced only to be fridged (and then like. AGAIN in ITYA) for Graham's (and to a lesser extent Ryan's) development, which they don't even really do anything with except for a few Grief scenes. You'd think a guy his age who's just watched his wife die and who's had longterm health issues might look at his grandson wanting to hop off into danger and have more to say than "yeah guess I'll come along too".
A lot of times it feels like they only bring up things like race, sexuality, gender, disabilities etc as a Theme of the Week rather than being part of these characters/worlds (e.g., Yaz’s MH is only really present in CYHM, Ryan’s dyspraxia gets forgotten about all the time and is written super inconsistently, Rosa and DotP have Ryan and Yaz discussing racism but then in the Witchfinders it’s not a problem (because that’s The Sexism(™) episode). They have episodes like Orphan 55 and Praxeus with the same span they have FUCKING Kerblam!.
I’ve already talked about how disappointing I feel the era is at handling the Doctor being played by a woman, but it also bugs me RE Yaz being queer, is that we have no idea how that impacts literally anything about her or her character (I know it’s a last minute addition so maybe felt like they didn’t have time), we don’t know how she came to the realisation or how she feels about it, how she feels about Dan essentially outing her, whether the bullying/MH they touched on are affected by it. It’s just like ok Yaz is queer! Onto the next bulletpoint for the ep. There’s no depth given to it at all. They randomly drop Yaz is a muslim at one point but again we have no idea what her relationship with that is at ALL?
And obviously having representation for representation's sake can be fine, your whole personality isn’t your identity, but when it’s so often the case that it’s not addressed at all outside of establishing it, it feels so lazy, like they want the kudos for having a diverse cast without having to do any consistent legwork with it.
Ultimately I think for me this whole era just feels like “oh this idea is cool, hope this pays off later” then being bored/irritated then being like “... was that it?”. It feels like it’s lacking a lot of heart, it all just feels so weak and dull and lifeless and misses every opportunity to do something interesting with the good ideas it DOES have ?? Or what they DO do is just rehashing old stuff, but not as well (Clara/Yaz WWTDD arc, 13’s 10-like traits) or completely ignoring what came before (the memory wipes after what 12 learned with Bill/Clara, Missy/the Master’s development). Even episodes I really liked like FoTJ just don’t work as well on rewatch because you know they’re not going anywhere interesting. 
Sorry if I’ve repeated myself anywhere, been scrapping my thoughts together when I had a couple minutes free but I tried to proof it best I could!
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nastyboker · 3 years
For fandom - "School for vampires", for a ship - Leechy/Gothetta, for a character - Ashley (потому что я неожиданная). Полагаю, ты выберешь что-то одно, но мне интересно всё :ДД
Для друзей всё что угодно! :D
001 | Fandom – School for Vampires
Favorite character: I can't pick just one, so... Oskar and Leechy. Also, I like to theorise about Stoker.
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Least Favorite character: Sometimes Polidory and Bruno annoy the shit out of me.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): - Any type of Oskar/Sunshine/Stoker; - Leechy/Gothetta; - Oxblood/Cryptina; - or V-type Alarich/Cryptina/Oxblood (Cryptina tops obvy); - Alarich/Lenny.
Character I find most attractive: Alarich, I guess. But if I watched the show as a kid, I would probably have a crush on Oskar.
Character I would marry: Nobody. x)
Character I would be best friends with: Oskar.
A random thought: What if Oskar is a half-vampire?
An unpopular opinion: Russian dub is better than English dub.
My Canon OTP: Oskar/Sunshine. I believe that Oskar won't be able to date a vampire and building a normal vampire family will be too stressful for him.
My Non-canon OTP: Leechy/Gothetta (more about them down below).
Most Badass Character: Alarich. Sometimes he is just the worst.
Most Epic Villain: The vampire dentist. He is not actually a villain, but he is really epic and terrifying.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ashley/Buck. I don't like ships without any canon justification or a good headcanon. Canonically Buck is a minor and Ashley is 360 y.o. adult (comparing to Alarich who's around 430, Oxblood who's 800 and Lenny who's 200-something and haven't changed a bit since he got bitten). There's absolutely no reason to give Ashley his child body back just to ship him with a kid he doesn't know.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sunshine is too dull. I expected her to get to know the truth about Oskar being a vampire and to learn how to deal with it, to build friendship with other vampires and to have enemies-to-friends dynamic with Gothetta. Unfortunately, the writers didn't develop Sunshine's character in all 4 seasons. The writers also ruined Alarich when he was too cruel to Klot.
Favourite Friendship: Ashley/Klot. Their friendship is just the purest.
Character I most identify with: Oskar. I am also a sensitive people pleaser and picky about food.
Character I wish I could be: Actually I don't know. X)
002 | Ship – Leechy/Gothetta
When I started shipping them: Quite recently, while I was watching the series for the first time. Unfortunately, I don't remember what episode gave me the idea to ship them.
My thoughts: Firstly, Leechy is Gothetta's second best friend after Oscar. They often work together as class partners and teammates. They also like hanging out together without the others, for instance, dancing at a rock concert or swimming in the swamp. So, Leechy and Gothetta seem to enjoy each other's company. Secondly, they share some interests: they both like to learn vampire chemistry and history. Gothetta loves plants and Leechy once mentioned that he had a Venus fly trap but Stoker cut it with Leechy's army knife. Thus, Gothetta and Leechy have something in common but they are quite different characters and that gives potential for an interesting dynamic.
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What makes me happy about them: Just seeing them together makes me happy. X) Sometimes they give me an impression of parent-friends that take care of the rest of the gang.
What makes me sad about them: I wish there was more of their dynamic. It is also sad that when Leechy saves the night or makes a significant contribution for the good of the school, Gothetta praises and kisses Oskar, which is unfair.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The fact that there's no fanfic about them.
Things I look for in fanfic: IDK, anything! X)
My wishlist: I don't have much to add here except that Gothetta needs to realize that she likes Nosferatu-in-shorts kind of guys and nerds with whom she has something to talk about. :^)
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Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's hard to tell, 'cos I think they are perfect for each other. Like I said, I think Oskar should date a human or at least a human and a vampire, so Gothetta/Oskar/Sunshine could work, I guess? The show clearly hints that Stoker has feelings for Gothetta. He even got jealous when he saw her dancing with Leechy. Stoker tried to manhandle her and force her to dance with him, which is why I'm not really sure if they should be together. Maybe someday when Stoker becomes a better person. As for Leechy, he got a gf Ravena in one episode, but all we know about her is that she is all nice and interested in inventions as well as Leechy. Basically, she is an invention herself that was made just for the cliché. So, I don't really mind the Leechy/Ravena ship to exist but I'd like Ravena to have more personality so I could understand their dynamic better and be happy for them.
My happily ever after for them: Okay that's extra corny, but I think of Leechy and Gothetta growing up and becoming new teachers of the school, getting married and maybe having kids in a century or two. c:
003 | Character – Ashley
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How I feel about this character: I was mad at first 'cos Ashley was more of an object than a person – nobody paid much attention to him and he almost never participated in everyone's adventures. Things got better when Leechy made that little robocar for him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Nobody, I guess. X)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Ashley/Klot. I even thought they were brothers at first but it turned out they were just friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Like I said, since he is 360, I see him as an adult. Plus, his voice from English dub doesn't sound childish at all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: It would make more sense if Ashley was either a teacher or a child student that turned into a pile of ash not so long ago. Also, it would be interesting if he was a wheelchair kid who lost his legs on the sun. Maybe I should draw this AU idea later. :D
Favorite friendship for this character: Ashley/Klot. Like I said, PURE!
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My crossover ship: Pff, Ashley/His Highness (A Kind of Magic) 'cos they are totally soulmates! xD
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shartingan · 3 years
kakashi for the ask game <3
(for this ask game) THIS GUY (derogatory)
favorite thing about them
he’s so genuinely sweet. he’s awkward and terrible and has 0 idea to convey emotions genuinely most of the time but when he goes like ^_\ and brings naruto vegetables and carries him on his back no matter if he’s 12 or 16 and he sacrifices himself for his kids like. he’s aloof and awkward and has a lot of issues but he cares. also remember when he straight up let team 7 think he died during land of the waves LOL that was funny.
least favorite thing about them
WHYYYYYY ARE YOU STILL LOYAL TO THE STATE.. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. this pains me to say but gojo had the right idea .  kakashi shouldve became a teacher to protect and radicalize the youth... kakashi why r u still a bootlicker what has konoha ever done for you name ONE thing UGHHHHHHhh obito was right
favorite line
theyre sooo sillay*
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* in love
kakashi and yamato are genuinely so sweet and such good friends they met at a point where they both rly needed each other in different ways and theyve grown from that and theyre both in better positions and best friends and and and i think theyre neat
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no actual ill will towards this ship but i just cant like. conceptualize or bring myself to ship kakaobi at all. i like their history theyre so fun and interesting and their dynamic is great but im just like. where is the period where they couldve been in together? ?? i just dont get it, it’s not a ship 4 me
random headcanon
he should have a lazy eye bcos of him constantly covering the sharingan eye.
unpopular opinion
he is not a sex icon he is a depressed 26 year old!! he’s literally that post thats like “how big ur dick?” small, leave me alone
song i associate with them
the execution of all things by rilo kiley ..... a heem heem
favorite picture of them
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take ur pick. he’s a funny guy, that kakashi!
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