#hope potter aus
harpers-tartarus · 2 months
@iliyad is the voice of reason when I'm like hey, what if this happened in brace for impact and i get back 'hey Shini, there is already so MUCH happening in BFI, maybe save that for later' lol and they're right
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likeprongstostars · 5 months
been thinking abt demon james a lot
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zlarirosa · 4 months
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[ mafia au ] it was common knowledge that the late Lily and James Potter didn't have a child.
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static-radio-ao3 · 1 month
hit me with your best shot
romance writer regulus & hitman james - 4.4k, referenced sexual content + deeply unserious but hopefully fun!
for @arsonfaerie <3 happy birthday, maggie!
Regulus Black loves romance. He loves reading it and he loves writing it and he would probably love experiencing it too. Unfortunately, that last one hasn't happened yet, but for now he's happy just imagining.
He likes the escape romance books provide. To retreat, even for a few hours, somewhere warm and safe. To provide that for other people.
Except, some people don't seem to appreciate his approach. He scrolls through Goodreads reviews with mounting horror and a sinking feeling. Dorcas, his literary agent, always tells him to pay it no mind, but Regulus can't help it. He minds a great deal.
He taps on a one-star review. Most reviews rate the book quite high, but the low ratings still sting.
"Stop that," Barty says, waving a fry in front of Regulus' face to get his attention.
"Stop what," Regulus replies flatly, eyes trained on the words unrealistic and unimaginative. A reviewer by the name of magswrite claims that "Regulus Black wouldn't know romance if it hit him in the face. And at this point, I think it should hit him in the face for the great disservice he does to the genre at large."
There's more, but before Regulus has the chance to read it and weep, Barty snatches his phone out of his hands. "Enough," he says, leaving no room for argument.
"Give it back." Regulus swipes for his phone but Barty manages to hold it out of reach, dropping it next to him on the red vinyl booth.
"Not until you get a fucking grip."
"They say I don't know a thing about romance," Regulus whines petulantly. He slumps in his seat and snatches a fry from Barty's plate, munching on it with a pout. "Just because I'm not the most experienced, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about."
He grabs another fry, somewhat aggressive dipping it in the mayonnaise. He bites it in half and hovers the fry over the sauce again. "Can I double dip?" he asks.
Barty shoots him a dry look. "Regulus, I've licked your asshole. Yes, you can double dip in the fucking mayonnaise."
"So crass," Regulus sighs as he covers the rest of the fry in mayonnaise.
Regulus has never dated, but he's not completely inexperienced. Barty was happy to be his first and second and third and, well, they kind of lost count at some point. But they decided early on it wouldn't be more. Couldn't be more.
That's fine with Regulus. He's never been particularly interested in dating. That's not to say he's not interested in a relationship, but it's just that the prerequisite steps to get into one never quite worked out for him.
People don't like Regulus. He's too uptight, too closed off, and too hard to read. Never mind the fact that he writes books for a living.
Regulus is somewhat of a fortress. Except, there are no walls to be scaled or broken down. The only way to get inside, to get to know Regulus, is to be patient enough to be handed a key.
Only a few people have one of those keys. Barty, for one. Dorcas, his literary agent and friend, has another. His brother had one, but he left. Took the key with him. Regulus went to great lengths to change the locks.
"Hey." Barty nudges his foot under the table. He studies Regulus for a moment, always a little too observant for his own good. As if reading his mind, he says, "Maybe it's worth another try. Just put yourself out there, you'd be surprised what you'll find."
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>> jfp_: Hey, I saw you’re looking for someone to take you out?
>> jfp_: I’m James, by the way.
>> rab_: Hi James! Yes! I just think it would be good for me…
>> jfp_: How do you want to go?
>>rab_: Do you mean where?
>>jfp_: Sure, that too.
>>rab_: I think dinner seems like a good place to start.
>>rab_: But if we want to be a little adventurous, I’ve always wanted to go skydiving…
>> jfp_: I can work with that. Friday, 7PM?
>>rab_: It’s a date!
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He'd called Barty in a panic because what does one wear to a first date?
Sure, Regulus has written plenty of dates but he's never thought about what his characters are wearing. Which features they want to accentuate or hide. Which colors match their eyes and which ones wash them out.
Hess on his third outfit of the day and poses awkwardly in front of Barty, who simply shakes his head and sends him back to his closet to change.
"And where did you say you found this guy?" Barty asks as he sucks noisily on a lollipop.
"I didn't say.” Regulus’ voice is muffled as he rummages through his closet. He has an emerald green silk button-down, but he's worried that might be a bit much for a first date. He pops his head out to tell Barty, “Craigslist."
Barty's head whips towards Regulus so fast he worries he pulled something in his neck. "I'm sorry, what?" Barty manages, voice strained.
"I put up an ad on Craigslist."
"Why on God's green earth would you look for a date on Craigslist?"
"Why are you saying it like that?"
"Because it's Craigslist! Oh my God.” Barty squeezes his eyes shut like he's suddenly plagued with torturous visions. “He's probably a pervert. Or a serial killer."
"Well, what else was I supposed to do?"
"Use a dating app! Ask your friends to set you up! Go to a Barnes & Noble and look confused in the History section! Ask the barista out! Literally anything but putting up an ad on Craigslist!"
Regulus genuinely doesn't know how none of these things occurred to him. He's a romance writer, he can write a meet-cute in his sleep.
He's aware of the existence of dating apps, he's aware of the fact that his barista always doodles a little heart next to his name when he orders a drink to go, and he's probably not even above looking confused in a bookstore in the hopes that someone will approach him.
But still, knowing things in theory and doing them in practice are wildly different. It's the main reason he's even going on a date in the first place.
"How was I supposed to know?" He cries out, head in his hands.
"Common sense!”
Regulus whirls toward Barty, pointing an accusatory finger in his face. "Don't talk to me about common sense, Mr. Public Indecency Charges!"
"Those are actually more common than you'd think."
"Barty! What do I do?"
Barty heaves a deep, long-suffering sigh and pushes himself out of Regulus' desk chair. He takes a few steps towards Regulus, who thinks he might get an encouraging speech, something touching and inspiring and world changing.
But it's Barty, so he says, "Bring pepperspray," as he flops down on Regulus' bed. Regulus wrinkles his nose.
"Get off my bed. You're in your outside clothes."
"Why does that matter? It's not like you minded when Rosie and I fucked on your bed."
"You did what?” Regulus asks, incredulous. “When? Why? Is this some sort of psycho-sexual thing?"
"No, of course not,” Barty says like it's obvious, which it isn't. “It was just for Rosie's back. The couch was giving him trouble."
Every sentence out of Barty's mouth is worse than the last. Regulus pinches the bridge of his nose.
"You and Evan fucked on the couch? Wait, more importantly, did you wash the sheets after?"
"Of course not, it'd be weird to do laundry at someone else's place."
And maybe calling Barty for help wasn't such a bad idea after all. This date no longer feels like the worst thing that could possibly happen to him.
Really, how bad could it be?
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Regulus is chronically early. He'll show up anywhere with several minutes to spare, usually the first person to arrive. So when he spots James Potter across the room as soon as he enters the restaurant, a pleasant little thrill runs through him.
He makes his way to the table, tucked away in the corner, a little secluded and offering the illusion of privacy in the bustling restaurant.
“You must be Regulus,” the man says when Regulus stops in front of his table. Their table. His voice is pleasant. Low and smooth.
"You're... handsome," Regulus says. Not at all the first thing one should say to a perfect stranger on a date, but well, James is handsome.
He has the messiest head of hair Regulus has ever seen, but it doesn't make him look disheveled. Instead, he looks charming and inviting.
His glasses would make anyone else look severe, but on James, they just draw attention to his beautiful eyes. Dark and deep.
When he stands to greet Regulus, Regulus notices that he’s wearing a black turtleneck tucked in smart black trousers and shiny black loafers.
"Why do you sound surprised?" He asks, head tilted to the side as he sizes Regulus up. He fidgets under James' gaze, hoping that nervous sweats won't show through the green silk shirt he's wearing.
"My friend thought you'd be a pervert. Or a serial killer,” Regulus offers with a shrug. The comment makes the corner of James' mouth quirk up in a not-quite-smile.
James has a nice mouth, Regulus decides. In the back of his mind, he runs through descriptions he might use in his books. Like he's on the verge of telling a joke, already enjoying the laughter he'll incite. Like he's got a secret tucked away and is just about to confide you in.
"Oh, I'd never be a serial killer,” James jokes as he pulls out Regulus' chair for him. “I'm a hitman."
It startles a laugh out of Regulus. He covers his mouth with his hand, as if to keep the sound from escaping but it spills out anyway. James smiles a milimeter wider at the sound, and it feels like a personal victory to Regulus.
He drops down into his chair and glances at James when he moves to sit again. At the way his trousers tighten around his thighs with the movement.
"Mh, a much more honorable profession,” he replies, eyes shifting back up to James' face.
James winks at him. "My thoughts exactly.”
“I wanted to say thank you,” Regulus starts. He shifts in his seat, suddenly nervous. “I know it was rather… unconventional to post an ad like that on Craigslist. I honestly don't know what I was thinking, I just kind of panicked.”
James waves his hand, as if physically batting the comment away.
“Don’t even worry about it. Stranger things have happened. I've actually never taken anyone out like this before.”
The statement makes something flutter in Regulus' stomach. For a moment he thinks it's hunger, but then he realizes it's the ripple of butterfly wings.
“Oh?” He asks, trying for casual. He's not sure he succeeds.
“Yeah, it's usually not as fancy. Less pomp, you know?”
“Well, I feel honored.” And he does. A flush crawls up his throat and settles on his cheeks. He hopes James can't see it in the low light of the restaurant, but Regulus suspects that James is a very observant person.
They order and chat and drink and Regulus, to his own surprise, is having a great time. James makes him laugh and asks questions, but also doesn't push.
When the food arrives, Regulus takes a quick second to send a text in the group chat he has with his friends.
>> reg: So far, so good! Very handsome and NOT a serial killer👍
He sees that a few of them read the message right away and the three dots that pop up indicate that someone is typing, but he tucks his phone away again before he can see who or what, attention on James again.
He smiles as he looks at the food, but the white powder sprinkled on top makes him frown.
He glances at James, who looks at him expectantly, as if eager to see Regulus take that first bite. He must really love the food here, Regulus thinks.
With another quick smile at James, he turns in his seat so he can flag down a waiter. “Hi, I'm so sorry but this seems to have… parmesan on it? I'm lactose intolerant…”
“Oh, I see! Terribly sorry about that, sir. I'll get you a new one right away.”
“Whew,” he tells James, “crisis averted.”
James hums, but he seems a little confused.
“I'm lactose intolerant,” Regulus clarifies. “It's very not-sexy so I won't go into detail, but nothing good happens when I eat cheese and such.”
“Ah,” James says.
“Please eat!” Regulus says with a gesture towards James' own plate. “I wouldn't want your food to get cold.”
“Nonsense, I'll wait.” And the simple gesture makes butterfly wings flutter even quicker. He takes a sip of wine in an attempt to drown them.
The rest of the meal passes smoothly, no more food-related incidents. Regulus keeps a a watchful eye on all the food he eats, not wanting to have to cut the date short because of a stomach emergency.
James insists on dessert, so they split a lemon sherbet between them, one of the few lactose-free options on the menu. James seems vaguely disappointed that they don't get the tiramisu, but the sherbet is so good, Regulus doubts James minds for long.
“I have a surprise,” James says once they've paid.
Regulus wasn't sure what the proper first-date-bill-etiquette was, but before he could worry about it, James had slipped the waiter his card and took care of it.
The butterflies returned with a vengeance.
“Oh?” Regulus asks, interested piqued. “Do tell.”
James' laugh is warm and easy. “Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise then, would it?” The flickering lamp on the parking lot casts James in a warm yellow glow, accentuating his nose and his jaw. He looks like an angel in disguise.
James drives them to the city center, he'd even opened the car door for Regulus. He thought that was just a romance trope, not an actual thing people did. He's pleased to be proven wrong.
He watches the city lights flash by as they get closer to their destination. Their destination that is still a mystery to Regulus, by the way. He recognizes some places they pass but James' doesn't slow. Not until they're at the big, blocky building that has an arcade, a cinema, a laser tag arena, and an adventure park, whatever that is.
“Couldn't take you skydiving at 10 p.m.,” James starts as he helps Regulus out of the car, “but I figured ziplining might also do the trick.”
Regulus gasps, touched.
Apparently, you can zipline off the roof of this particular building and land on the next one where they have a beautiful rooftop bar.
The two of them pay for the harness and the gear, listen carefully to the instructions provided by the slightly bored attendant. Her blonde hair is choppily cut, the edges dyed pink as if she did it over her own bathroom sink.
James and Regulus take turns helping the other suit up. James' hands are warm and big, holding onto Regulus' waist to stabilize him as he steps into the harness. James fiddles with the back clasps for a second before declaring that Regulus is all set.
Regulus then does the same for James, securing the clasps and making sure all the straps are pulled taut and tight. And maybe he steals a look or two at James' ass, but the harness does wonderful things for him and Regulus is a simple man.
They talk easily as they wait for their turn, the to girls in front of them jittery and nervous. It occurs to Regulus that he should probably also feel jittery and nervous right now, but James makes him feel so at ease.
He's about to tell James as much when the attendant calls out, “WAIT!”
The urgency in her voice startles Regulus away from the ledge. She hurries over, tugging on her lip piercing in a worried fashion as she unclips Regulus' harness. “Oh my God,” she breathes. “The wire is fraying!”
“What does that mean?” Regulus asks, eyebrows pinching together in concern.
“That means this thing could've ended really badly, holy shit. I'm so glad I caught it. I'm sorry sir, I have no idea how this harness made it through our inspection. I assure you that we prioritize out clientele’s safety above all else. If you want to cancel your reservation for tonight, I absolutely understand. You'll get a refund of course—”
“Oh, well, I don't think that'll be necessary! Maybe we can still do the zipline. That is, if you still want to?” He turns to face James, directing his question at him.
James has his arms crossed in front of his chest, an impressive frown on his face as he looks at the faulty harness.
Regulus steps in closer to him, lowering his voice. “Hey, it's not your fault. She caught it in time and I'm completely fine. I'd still really like to do this, but if you're uncomfortable…”
James snaps out of his annoyance when Regulus touches his hand to James' chest. “No, let's do it,” he says, that easy smile returning. As long as James is with him, Regulus thinks he's as safe as can be.
The zipline is exhilarating. A thrill shoots through Regulus as he flies through the night sky, city lights blurring around him in a neon dream. James is flying next to him, arms stretched wide.
Regulus copies him and for a brief moments their fingertips touch, sending a fresh thrill down Regulus’ spine.
They land on the rooftop bar windswept and energized, a restless hum under his skin. He understands thrill-seekers now. That rush of adrenaline is unlike anything he's felt before. Although he wonders if the feeling is caused by the zipline or by James.
And he understand, now, what that reviewer meant about Regulus not knowing romance. He never knew it could feel like this. So thrilling and exhilarating yet comfortable and safe. James awakens in him emotions he didn't think he had and he is suddenly grateful to Goodreads reviewer magswrite for forcing him out of his books and into the real world.
He giggles helplessly into James' shoulder, the turtleneck soft under his cheek and the scent of fresh laundry filling his nostrils.
“That was…” but he doesn't finish his sentence, simply gazes up at James. He leans in, just the slightest bit, breath coming a little quicker. His eyes flutter shut and he hears the way James’ breath stutters.
Before their lips can connect, James jerks away. “Sorry!” He says loudly, not quite a yell but a near thing.
Regulus tries to ignore the sting. It's not weird to not kiss on the first date, he reasons. Maybe James needs more time.
Regulus takes a step back, removing himself from James' personal space. He tries to muster a reassuring smile, but it feels watery and thin, like he could burst into tears at any moment.
It's fine, he tells himself. Don't be a baby.
He feels a little unsteady now that he has removed himself from James' orbit and he mutters an excuse about needing to use the bathroom.
He calls Barty, who picks up on the second ring. “What?” He asks, breathless.
“Barty? Why are you out of breath?”
“Busy,” is all he says in return.
“Yeah, sorry, I… My date is going well but I tried to kiss him and he—”
A loud moan cuts him off mid-sentence.
“Are you having sex right now?” Regulus cries out. He ignores the pointed cough coming from one of the stalls.
Barty grunts in affirmation.
“Oh my God!” Regulus closes his eyes and is met with the mental image of Barty and Evan. He immediately opens them again. “Why did you pick up?”
“Case of emergency.”
Regulus can’t even find it in himself to feel touched at the sentiment. While it is kind of sweet, it is also deeply unhelpful right now. “I swear to all that is holy, if you are in my bed…”
“Don't be ridiculous,” Barty pants as if a few hours ago he didn't admit to having done that exact thing.
Regulus doesn't bother with a response. He simply hangs up the phone and shoves it into his pocket with perhaps a bit more gusto than strictly necessary.
He glances at himself in the mirror, taking a quick second to fix his hair. The windswept and messy look works for James, but Regulus feels like it makes him look more boyish and disorganized than charming and ruffled.
He makes his way back to James, who has managed to secure them a table on the edge of the crowd. It’s nice, being a little secluded from the rest. This way they can talk properly, something that Regulus usually dreads about dates but actually really liked when it comes to James.
“You strike me as an Old Fashioned guy,” James says when Regulus is in earshot. He gestures at the drink on the table. He's holding a drink of his own, a Martini.
“Very James Bond of you,” he remarks. James lifts his glass in salute. “And you're not wrong, I am an Old Fashioned guy." Regulus shifts his weight from one foot to the other, a sudden spike of nerves in his gut. "But I think I've had enough excitement for tonight… I should probably stick with water.”
On the one hand, Regulus really does think he’s had enough excitement for the time being, a faint buzz under his skin still from the zipline and from the almost-kiss. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to risk crossing the line between pleasantly tipsy and embarrassingly tipsy. He doesn’t think he can bear making a fool of himself in front of James. Again.
His lips tingle with the phantom feeling of James’ on them.
Regulus winces at the open disappointment on James' face. It kind of feels like a capital crime to upset James, his eyes wide and earnest behind his glasses.
“I'm sorry—” Regulus starts, but James interrupts him with a bright, “Don't be!”
Relief courses through Regulus’ veins, reassured by James’ smile. With a warm hand at the small of his back, they make their way towards the bar, where Regulus orders some water. The bartender looks a little confused to see James back again so soon, but hands Regulus his water before hurrying off to the other side to the bar and serve the people there.
They linger at the bar, not in any rush to get back to their table, to separate. Regulus leans in close so he can talk to James without having to shout over the music that’s playing.
“Have you been here before?” He asks. He tries not to inhale James’ laundry-clean scent, worried it’ll completely shatter his inhibitions. He feels more drunk off of James’ presence than he could from any drink.
James tilts his head to speak directly into Regulus’ ear. Regulus shivers when James’ lips brush against his skin. “No, this was a first. I don’t like going places with familiar people. It makes this whole thing more complicated.”
“That’s fair,” Regulus acquiesces. He can’t imagine being on a date and running into people he knows. He figures it worsens the inherent awkwardness of a first date.
He's glad he didn't have to share James with anyone else just yet, happy to remain in their bubble a while longer.
They pass time at the bar, venturing back to their table eventually to enjoy the view. It really is rather beautiful, but Regulus finds that his eyes wander to James more often than not. To the way his hair falls over his forehead and the way his muscles strain in his shirt and the way his Adam’s apple shifts when he takes a sip of his Martini.
No amount of water can drown the butterflies that flutter wildly in his stomach.
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James offers to drive Regulus home. The car ride is nice, spent talking idly as music spills from the radio. When they arrive at Regulus’ apartment building, James hesitates.
“I'm sorry tonight was a bit of a bust,” he says eventually.
Regulus isn’t sure what James means. Yeah, maybe the cheese on his pasta was a bit of a bummer and the fact that he nearly went on the zipline with a faulty harness and then there was also the double rejection of James not wanting a kiss and Regulus not wanting a drink, but if he overlooks all those things, the date was… Pretty perfect.
And Regulus thinks it’s a good sign that he enjoyed himself as much as he did despite the minor issues they ran into. He’s quick to reassure James, turning in his seat so he can face him.
“Not at all! I had such a good time, James.” He leans over so he can touch his hand to James’, as if to physically convey his sincerity. “I promise.”
James clenches his jaw, a tension in his shoulders that Regulus desperately wants to work away. His hand shifts to fully grab James’. He intertwines their fingers.
“Still… I'll do better next time.” James cuts him a glance. “If you'll let me, that is.”
And Regulus has no choice but to kiss him for it. He doesn’t try to kiss him on the lips, he’s more than happy to let James indicate when he’s ready for that, if at all. Instead, he leans in slowly, giving James ample time to move away. He doesn’t. Regulus places a gentle kiss on James’ cheek. When he pulls away, he sees a faint dusting of pink there. A rosy blush.
He exits the car as gracefully as possible, which is a tall order considering the fact that James drives a Jeep, but the promise of next time carries him all the way to his front door as though on a cloud.
Regulus opens his front door with a flush on his cheeks and toes off his shoes with a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. He boots up his laptop, the blank document staring back at him.
He thinks of James, with his messy hair and his warm smile and his big hands.
He takes a deep breath. And he starts typing: Dominic Coin loves romance. He loves reading it and he loves writing it and he would probably love experiencing it too. Unfortunately, that last one hasn't happened yet, but for now he's happy just imagining. That is until…
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 8 - Bodyswap AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 8, word count 1209
CW- Cronic Illness, Child Abuse (Not described, but you know what's happened).
Sirius and Remus regularly bickered. It drove their other friends mad. Remus thought Sirius was a spoilt rich boy brat, and Sirius thought Remus put on how sick he felt because he loved the attention that came with it. 
The bickering got so bad one day that Remus shoved Sirius, and Sirius shoved him back. James had to come between them and break up the fight. Remus’s eye was swelling shut, and Sirius’s lip had burst open. 
“I wish you two could walk in each other’s shoes for a day. Maybe then you wouldn’t bicker so much.” They scowled at each other until it was time to go home. 
Remus awoke the following morning feeling better than he’d ever felt before. He stretched, and nothing hurt. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open onto an elegantly decorated room. 
“You are late for breakfast. If you are not presentable at the table in five minutes, there will be consequences!” A woman who wasn’t his mother screeched through the door. 
He got up and opened the ornately carved wardrobe. The clothes inside were not his and most definitely wouldn’t fit his tall frame. He rubbed his eyes, grabbed a perfectly ironed shirt and held it up to his body. He used the mirror on the back of the door to see how it looked. He dropped it on the floor. The reflection staring back at him was not his own. 
Sirius had never slept worse in his life. He felt like he had the flu. His joints ached no matter what position he slept in. The sun shone through too-thin curtains, stopping him from falling back to sleep. A gentle knock came at the door as it slowly opened. 
“Good morning, darling,” A sweet honey-haired woman cooed at him. “I’ve got you tablets and some toast. When you’re ready, I’ve got porridge keeping warm for you. Don’t rush, though, my love.” She opened the curtains and planted a kiss in his hair before she walked back out, closing the door behind her. 
Sirius panicked. Pills? What pills could he possibly need? He jumped out of the unfamiliar bed and rushed into the little bathroom across the hall. He stared at the boy in the mirror above the sink, higher up than he was used to. His hands came to his face, and so did the reflections. He pinched himself hard. It hurt a lot. So he wasn’t dreaming. 
“Sweetheart, there’s a phone call for you.” The woman’s sweet voice called through the door. 
“C-c-coming,” He stuttered as he stumbled to the door. He took the portable house phone from her and put it to his ear. “Hello?” He said into the receiver. 
“What the hell is going on?” They said together. 
“Are you in my house?” Remus asked.
“I think so. Do you have blue striped bedding and a yellow lamp?” 
“Yes! And do you have a ridiculous wardrobe and an insanely gigantic bed?”
“Does it have green bedding?”
“Oh my god, Remus! What the actual.” Sirius ran his hand through his hair. His fingers came away too quickly. Remus’s hair was a lot shorter than Sirius’s. 
“Your mum seems like a lot,” Remus tried to make light of it like he always did. “Apparently, I was late for breakfast. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Now, I’m meant to be self-studying. Then there’s a Latin tutor. Sirius, I don’t speak Latin!”
“Yeah, she doesn’t abide laziness. Your mum seems lovely, though. She brought me toast and some pills. What are they for?” Sirius followed Remus’s example. 
“Oh, you need to take them. Believe me. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Remus warned. 
“Sirius, where have you gone?!” Sirius heard his mother’s voice over the phone and flinched. 
“Remus, you need to hang up now and go do whatever it is you were meant to be doing.” He couldn’t help the touch of panic in his voice. 
“What are you on about? I’m only on the phone.” Remus chuckled back at him. Sirius heard his mother’s heels click against the hardwood flooring. 
“Remus,” He whispered in a shaky voice. The line went dead. 
Sirius knew what was about to happen to Remus, and he wished he could take his place. He snatched up the pills off the bedside table and swallowed the lot. This he could do for Remus, at least.
Mrs Lupin beamed at him when he walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh, love. You look a bit pale. Why don’t you go snuggle up on the sofa, and I’ll get you some tea? She fussed over him all day, making sure he was comfortable. He had full control over what they watched on the TV, and she never uttered the word homework. He was glad he didn’t have to do too much, as his body felt so delicate. Plus, with the bad night’s sleep, he was exhausted. “How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” She asked when it began to get late. 
“Yeah, Mrs—Er, yeah, mum. That sounds perfect.” He smiled at her.
He asked to go up to his room after they’d finished eating. 
“Of course, you can silly. I don’t know why you’re even asking. Oh, don’t forget to take your evening pills before you go up,” Sirius did as he was told. The stairs were hard to get up. He was out of breath before he’d gotten halfway up. 
He spent the next hour doing all of Remus’s homework for him. By the end, he just got into bed and passed out. 
When he woke again, it was morning. His alarm was blaring next to his head, and his emerald sheets were wrapped around him in a tight ball. He could feel the bruises. She’d proper walloped him this time. He wondered if Remus had talked back at her. 
He got ready for breakfast, but before he could leave his room. Regulus came in. And for the first time in years. He hugged Sirius and hurried back out when Walburga’s shoes clacked across the hallway floor. Monday couldn’t come quickly enough.
Remus, for once, got up early and arrived at school before any of his friends. He watched the town car pull up and deposit Sirius and Regulus onto the curb. 
Regulus hugged Sirius and disappeared off into the building. Sirius and Remus stared at each other. Sirius moved first and gently wrapped his arms around Remus, knowing now how much that body ached and why he needed the extra care the school gave him. Remus gripped him as tight as he could. He’d had no idea how bad Sirius had it. His parents made their lives look so perfect. 
Sirius sucked in a breath when Remus squeezed against one of the bruises. 
“Oh, shit, Sirius. I’m so sorry.” Remus panicked, loosening his hug. 
“No, no. It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Sirius knew how much effort Remus was putting into that hug. 
“Aww, isn’t this sweet?” James smirked as he walked up to them. “Nice to see you hugging rather than fighting.” Sirius and Remus looked at each other, smiling happily at each other. Finally, they realised there was so much more to each other than they ever could have guessed.     
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ecstarry · 2 months
sometimes u need to realize ur smut needs improvement and just contact ur smut guru guy
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blackcathjp · 3 months
harry has random (ADORABLE!) photos of a white ferret in his house, but his friends never see it when they come over. they always ask, "where's your ferret?" and harry goes, "huh? oh! i don't have one, i just like having these around. i like ferrets."
draco has random (ADORABLE!) photos of a black cat in his flat. his friends are desperate to meet this mysterious cute black cat, but where is it?? draco shrugs, says, "not mine, he just comes and goes." ok... then why do you have a photo of him on YOUR COUCH??
at draco's house party, ron notices the photos of a seemingly singular animal... reminds him of harry's odd collection... then he sees one of a white ferret chase and tackle a black cat into a cuddle and then it CLICKS. he whips around, a little drunk, shouts, "HARRY JAMES POTTER. YOU'RE DATING DRACO MALFOY..?! HE'S THE FERRET?" he points aggressively at photo. "ARE YOU THIS CAT?"
the party is silent. everyone is staring at ron, and then at drarry, who look so embarrassed. draco clears his throat. "seems like the jig is up potter." harry awkwardly nods. "yes, seems so."
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itsjaywalkers · 11 months
i will take the sun in my mouth
jegulus | explicit | 33k | for my beloved @imdamagecontrol <3
Regulus is nothing if not a liar. And a really damn good one at that. Or he tries to be, at least. You see, making mistake after mistake isn't as easy if you don't have a certain amount of delusion. How do you think he manages to stay on that stupid branch until it breaks each time? Of course, it doesn't really work with Sirius, because his brother has always been able to see right through him. And as luck would have it, James Potter also appears to be somewhat of an exception.
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sixlane · 4 months
wine tour
jegulus microfic | idk not very many words | straight from the notes app to your dash <3
“I think I’m getting notes of…” James swirls his glass pensively, “wine.”
Regulus raises a brow. “Well, yes. I would hope so.”
Today has been a long one for Regulus, as summers tend to go, with tourists in and out of wine tastings all day. He usually feels like he has a good grasp on hospitality, a perfect combination of informative and casually funny, but something about this group has been throwing him off. Namely the tall, tanned man with glasses and a million-dollar smile that stretches across his face any time Regulus looks his way.
“Perhaps notes of grape as well?” James asks, shoving his nose past the mouth of the glass and inhaling deeply.
Regulus finds himself giggling just a bit, bringing his hand to his mouth to conceal his slip up. James tracks the moment.
Of course, it isn’t the first time he’s heard jokes like this, and it certainly won’t be the last. He doesn’t even think it’s all that funny, but something about James…
Maybe it’s the charming confidence or the way he squints in the sun despite wearing a backwards baseball cap, but Regulus can’t help the way talking to him makes him feel like a teenager again. Giddy and shy.
“Oh shit, Regulus cracks a smile,” James says, leaning back in his chair. “Been looking for that all day.”
“Yes, well your jokes have been rather subpar,” Regulus fires back, the corner of his mouth upturned.
“But ‘notes of grape’ did it for you?”
Regulus shrugs, running his eyes over the man in front of him and taking a sip of wine, “yes, something like that.”
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sunonwaxyleaves · 3 months
After hanging out with Sirius’ little brother for a few months now - sometimes the three of them but more and more just the two of them - James first realizes he’s in love with Regulus on a summer night with cheeks warm from sunburn and sweet red wine. They’re on an old leather couch at a party Sirius is throwing at the Potter’s beach house, and Regulus rests his head on James’ shoulder with a deep, heavy sigh. Absolutely plastered, he mutters in defeat, “I think I’m now ready to admit that I’ve probably missed my chance at becoming a mermaid.” James wants to laugh until his stomach cramps, wants to kiss him on his peeling lips and point out that Regulus turns 21 in just one week, what does he mean he’s willing to admit this now, but instead he shrugs lightly and rests his head on Regulus’. He says in that cocky voice of his that makes far too many people swoon, “You’d be the prettiest mermaid of them all” and Regulus would roll his eyes even though James couldn’t see, he’d bury his head further into James’ neck, and tell him “Yeah, James, obviously”.
And then a week would pass, the morning of Regulus’ 21st birthday, and he’d wake up before anyone else and sneak out of the house for his morning run. Sometimes on the really hot days, like the day of his 21st birthday, he’d cool off in the ocean before walking back to the house, the walk long enough to let the sun dry him a bit.
Except this time was different.
Regulus runs and jumps into the ocean, does a few slow strokes atop the rolling waves, then promptly begins to scream bloody murder in the blink of an eye; his legs have become so heavy it’s as if an overweight adult man is clinging to him. He twists and turns his body, lifts his cement legs up to see what the fuck is going on, freezes, starts drowning, then screams even as his mouth fills with saltwater.
Where his legs are supposed to be - where they used to be - there is now a beautiful emerald mermaid tail with scales that glitter tiny rainbows like the polish on his finger nails.
A mile away, the split second Regulus screams the first time, James wakes from a deep slumber with a gasp so sharp it throws him into a coughing fit. He drinks from the glass of water on his bedside table and grabs his phone before leaning back onto the fluffy pillows, pulling up his messages to text the birthday boy.
(7:02am) Happy birthday Reggie!!!! 21 WOOHOO!!!!!
(7:03am) Are u back from ur run?? Do u want blueberry or chocolate chip pancakes?
(7:04am) Had the craziest dream last night. Need to tell u all about it over some Potter Pancakes(;
(7:26am) Reggie??
(7:38am) Sirius said u never came back from ur run is everything okay???
(7:41am) Ur freaking me out Reg can u pls respond
(7:55am) Wherever u are: STAY THERE
(7:55am) I’m coming to find u. Call me when u see these, pls pls please
(8:06am) Where the fuck are you, Regulus?????
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harpers-tartarus · 9 months
BFI!Hope as Percy Jackson’s mom au’ must be the best thing that ever happen to meIs not a want, is a needI love Hope and Percy so much that an AU about both of them would be fucking awesome. I will thing about this for a while 😂😂. Anyway how are you doing? I hope you're health is improving 💖
lol, I will say I am doing much better and am currently on a two week break in between my travel nurse contracts so I'm in a cleaning frenzy (or as much of a cleaning frenzy as my body will allow)
but I do feel like I'll be taking a break from Hope aus after BFI/Stand Tall are done bc wow I've been telling her stories for more than a decade but who knows, I may return to this one (which is totally inspired by an incomplete HPxPJO crossover from back in the day on ffnet ;))
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del-stars · 4 months
there's a fame au in my head where sirius is just a worldwide phenomenon popstar and remus is just some folk/country artist that randomly attracted the attention of hordes of lesbians
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aanniehunt · 4 months
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my first prompt for @marauderswithpalestineproject
the prompt was n. #14 - regulus black x james potter, mermaid x pirate au by @jewishregulus
huge thanks to all the mods for organizing such a big event and to everyone who donated!
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squid1442 · 5 months
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Severitus Wip :)!!
This is basically the Christmas scene in ‘A patchwork family’ on ao3 by @aspionagee , it’s an TOTAL work in progress buttt thought I should share it since I’m not reallyyyy sure wether I’ll finish it or not. It’s a pretty big piece lmao.
Also I love that fic.
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static-radio-ao3 · 2 months
where all light comes in
Regulus Black spends a lot of time taking care of people. It’s been a while since someone took care of him. In which James is a single dad, Regulus is a nanny, and Harry is a little bit obsessed with dinosaurs.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 1 - Pride
@jegulus-microfic June 1, Word count 566
This is the second part to the Ski Holiday series from April. We're going to follow them back home and see if their relationship is more than just a holiday romance. Hope you all enjoy xxx
Previous part First part
The rush in the morning to leave their rooms on time to catch their flights meant they had very little time to say goodbye to each other. But even with mere minutes left before they were truly late, James dragged Regulus into his arms and kissed him deeply. 
He’d been devastated to find out they weren’t going to be on the same flight. His parents had booked a later flight so they could spend the morning together in the little town and go to the airport after lunch. 
Reluctantly, he pulled away from Regulus and slipped a piece of paper into his hand. 
“These are all my phone numbers, my email and my actual address. Do not lose this, and please don’t ghost me. I don’t want this to be just a holiday romance.” He stroked his fingers across Regulus’s cheek as the other man looked down at the piece of paper. 
“Hey, you’re not that far from us,” Regulus looked up grinning. “I know which bus goes there.” James couldn’t help it. He grabbed him and spun him around. 
“Mr Potter. I’m so sorry, but please could you not spin Mr Black in the foyer.” Molly cringed as Regulus’s foot nearly took out a spindly table with a large vase of flowers on it. 
“Sorry, Molly.” They chorused, grinning like loons at the poor clerk. 
“Bye, Molly,” James blew her a kiss as he wheeled his and Regulus’s suitcases out of the hotel. 
Sirius and Remus were saying their goodbyes as well. Regulus rolled his eyes when he saw the tears streaming down his brother’s face as he refused to let go of Dr Lupin.
“I’ll see you tonight, Sirius. We’re going to be apart for a few hours.” He was trying to comfort Sirius but was doing a terrible job of it as he kept letting little chuckles slip past his lips. 
“Good Gods, Sirius. Where is your pride? Stop bawling and get in the taxi.” Regulus hissed at his brother as he tried to force himself between the pair. 
“No,” Sirius shot back like a petulant child, he even stuck out his bottom lip. Remus leaned over the top of Regulus’s head and kissed Sirius one last time before stepping back. The grimace on Regulus’s face had James guffawing with laughter. 
He put Regulus’s suitcase in the boot of the taxi and hugged him tight before he, Regulus and Remus forced Sirius into the taxi.
James watched as they drove away, feeling a hole begin to form in his chest. He prayed that it wouldn’t be long before he could see Regulus again. 
“What time’s your flight?” Remus asked him once the taxi was out of sight. 
“Five,” He responded, unable to tear his eyes away from the corner. 
“Oh, me too. Where are you sitting?” Remus asked excitedly. 
“Erm, first class.” James swallowed, finally pulling his eyes away from the road and looking at Remus. 
“Lucky git, I’m in economy.” Remus ran his hand through his hair, the sandy curls springing back quickly. 
“Hey, do you want to come to lunch with us?” James beamed at him. 
“Yeah, sure. That would be great.” Remus nodded. 
“Then Dr Lupin, please let me escort you,” He bowed and held out his arm for Remus to take. Remus happily took it, and they wandered towards the shops dragging their suitcases behind them and laughing loudly.
Next part
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