#hoping this one changes things up a bit with the symbiote I heard at least the swinging mechanics are really good again
ravenalla · 5 months
Finally saved up enough to get my hands on a PS5 to start Spider-Man 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3, we’ll see how it goes ^^
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neonponders · 3 years
👀 👀 👀 👀  Oh jesus oh lord. Deeper Than Skin is finished so I’ll enable another wip.
@ghostofjellyfishforgotten I hope you don’t mind me using your tags on this vampire!Billy / blood donor!Steve post as inspiration! Your brain is just too big for me not to pass up an opportunity to write vampire shenanigans.
Read on ao3 ~
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Steve didn’t judge people who worked as donors—
Fine, as an adult with a better awareness and compassion, Steve didn’t judge donors. He might’ve said some shitty things to Jonathan Byers when he worked to make his family extra money.
Honestly? Steve admired that. Jonathan being underage and having the guts to figure out how to get into the donation clinic, and then to let…
Steve knew he was a coward in a lot of ways. He knew it when he called Jonathan a queer who enjoyed leeches sucking on him. He knew it when he lost to the punches Byers threw. For a skinny, half empty blood bag, the guy could really hit. And Steve knew it when he almost ran away from Nancy and Jonathan fighting off the rogue vampire who kidnapped little Will Byers.
But Steve didn’t run away.
Just like he didn’t run away from the couch he sat on with his mother while his father explained…a situation that left Steve digging deeper and deeper into the gap between fear and bravery. Maybe call it disassociation. Or confused shock.
“You what?”
Harrington senior never took well to being interrupted. But he sighed from across the coffee table and reiterated, “The family is in debt.”
“No. You. You’re in debt. This is your problem.”
The man certainly didn’t take well to having his own mistakes shoved under his nose. “This isn’t for debate. This is the way things are and need to be.”
“No,” Steve repeated like a broken record clinging onto its song. “This is your fault. Who’s made me work minimum wage jobs to teach me a lesson? Who’s refused to pay for me to go to community college? Who hasn’t let me work in their company? And who made the shitty gambles with your company’s stocks? You shoved me out, so it’s definitely not my problem—”
“The contract has already been signed.”
Now his mother shifted her posture on the couch beside him. “Excuse me?”
Steve’s father moved his blunt nails over the armrest of his wingback, fidgeting. At least something put fear into the old bastard’s heart.
“There’s nothing I could do. The market has been evolving ever since vampires gained their rights and opened up their decades and centuries old bonds—”
“Vampire legislation passed over a century ago,” Mrs. Harrington purred. Sometimes the worst anger was the quiet kind. “You have no excuse. You lost the game, and you sold our son. Is that what we’re to believe?”
“That’s not possible,” Steve intercepted. “Slavery isn’t a thing anymore. Even I picked that up in history. And I would have to be there to sign the contract! It’s my—”
“Steve,” his father silenced. “When enough money is involved, anything is bought. And you’re not like anyone else.”
Mrs. Harrington fumed, “Do not talk to him like he’s a prize pony!”
“Except to a wealthy vampire, he is.”
Steve could only sit in weighted silence for a moment. He always joked to himself that he’d be disowned one of these days. For being a disappointment. For all of his bad grades. For giving his friends alcohol and cigarettes. For only being able to get jobs that required no qualifications or experience level at all. For discovering he liked kissing boys at the grimy music venues Robin took him to. Maybe living at home for too long. Or leaving the smell of burnt pancakes in the air too often because he always struggled with the first one—
“Vampire?” he croaked. For some reason it hadn’t dawned to him until now but…shit.
Holy shit.
Steve wasn’t being sold off to be some billionaire’s secretary for life. He was being…truly sold. Like…goodbye, Steve, who likes spring nights and summer mornings. His favorite food is breakfast and he wishes he kept with the music lessons his mom paid for instead of being peer pressured into sports. Whose best friend was Robin Buckley because she was brave and funny and stuck with him during his ironic and a little bit terrifying queer awakening…
Hello, Donor 0235. Blood type O. Allergic to nickel and checks off all vaccination requirements.
“Steve’s not wrong,” his mother echoed like a voice deep in a cave, drawing Steve out of his thoughts. “He is the one to sign the contract. Not you.”
“He is still classified as our dependent and on our insurance,” his father refused.
“So being an adult means nothing in this country?”
“They have our family records, Annette!” he exclaimed. “There is a dual government in this country even if nobody below upper-middle class sees it. The human government had to cede a great deal because the vampire population is massive. And they’ve kept track of all the Sanguis families! Name changes, and two World Wars did nothing to save us—”
“The what?” Steve all but whispered.
His mother rotated her hips to face him. “We only have legends about how it happened. Paleolithic gods making deals, vampires crossbreeding humans to make a certain kind of blood donor, human evolution after symbiotic deals were struck—but that doesn’t matter. The point is that there are people in this world with abilities that preserve themselves against vampires. That’s why you healed in less than two days after that silly fight by the movie theatre.”
His father intercepted, “The genes skipped your mother but fell to you.”
Steve’s eyes widened as his mother confirmed, “To protect us, girls have been promoted in the family tree for generations. Through marriage, their names could change, and make them harder to track.”
Steve countered toward his father, “So this really isn’t your place to sign my life away. Like five times over.”
“I quite agree,” his mother turned back to the man she’d married. The man who was supposed to protect her and her children with his name and promising, growing business.
At least Steve wasn’t the only failure in the family.
His father massaged his forehead and defended, “As I said. Humans’ government is far easier to corrupt our way into forgiving any debt. The vampires, however, are inconsolable. The bastard would have my business, the cars, our house, and taken his time discovering Steve on his own if I hadn’t—”
Steve took after his father, but he was his mother’s son as they both stood up from the couch, furious that this man had thrown his own kid under a vampire’s bus—
“Get out of the house, Steve.”
His head whipped around at her. “I-What?”
“Get out of the house,” she seethed, but not at him. “I don’t care where or what you do. Go.”
Steve didn’t need to be told twice but he hadn’t managed to grab his car keys or his shoes before the house and his ribcage trembled with his parents’ arguing. He went in his socks outside and put the shoes on in his car.
Then…he didn’t know where to go. Running the hell away seemed like the obvious solution, but if vampires really had such a network, what was the point? And if he left, what would happen to his mom?
Steve drove on autopilot to the video rental store. Robin. All he had was Robin, who took the lollipop out of her mouth when the bell on the door twittered. “Hey, dingus, it’s your day off—Steve?”
He couldn’t really remember driving. That probably should have raised more red flags than he already had, but for now, the black and neon carpeting of the Family Video was blurring and swirling…
“I’m gonna throw up,” he heard himself say.
And Robin in that distant, echoing cave his mother had spoken from, “Outside! STEVE!”
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
Spider-Verse: Predators ch24
Marvel | Starker
Peter Parker is barely keeping it together. Dealing with Gwen Stacy's death, Harry Osborn going MIA, and MJ refusing to take his calls, has the guy feeling seriously run down. Now to top it off, his uncle Ben is facing serious prison time. Fortunately or unfortunately, New York's own Kingpin of Crime, Tony Stark, has offered him a deal to save his uncle. On a positive note, this Kingpin guy is kind of hot. Is it wrong to sleep with a murderous criminal?
Rating: Explicit
Read it on Ao3
The lab was in shambles. Lights hung from the ceiling, bits of metal and glass littered the floor. It was impossible to safely navigate the place without his suit. Even Tony wore his fancy new nanobot tech as he investigated the damage. On a normal day, Peter would be babbling and investigating the swarm of intelligent minibots that covered the man's body, but now he sat, watching the crack in the glass start to grow.
“How long... do you think?” Peter asked.
Tony swiped a hand through his hair. “A few hours as best. Once the glass breaks-”
“I know. We can't keep him in stasis without the chamber. You really don't have another one?”
“I'm sorry, Pete. That alien freak broke everything. There were three others, but they're all broken.There's one we might be able to repair, but I don't think it will be in time.” Broken glass crunched over his feet as he left the tech he was fiddling with to come stand behind Peter. His large metal hands covered his shoulders. “What's your plan when it does break?”
“I don't know,” Peter sighed. “I don't know, Tony...”
Tony kissed the top of his head. “I'm here with you, baby.”
Yes, Peter felt warmer, safer to hear it. He even let his eyes close for a moment and pretend none of this had happened. The problem was that Tony couldn't protect him from this. When the stasis chamber that was containing the half formed Lizard broke, Harry's transformation would begin again. He would be left mindless and destructive. And there was no cure. Tony had been trying for months to find one and never did. They could sedate him, keep him tranquilized, but would it work? There were no guarantees.
“Let's fix it. The other chamber.”
“Okay,” Tony agreed. Peter was admittedly surprised. He expected the man to remind him how much work it would take and how much time and how little time they had. He had expected Tony to insist on putting a bullet in Harry's face the minute they realized that the glass was breaking. Peter had changed something in him after all. He cared a little bit more. Or maybe he just cared about Peter.
They got to work. Half of their time was spent by Tony explaining to him what every little part was for. Peter knew machines well enough, but he wasn't the genius who built his own stasis chamber and there was a lot to learn. More time was spent teaching Peter what to do before they could do anything, than Peter would have liked. After a few hours, he understood well enough what everything was and they settled into a rhythm in their repairs. Most of Peter's work was done at the 3D-printer while Tony fiddled with the machine, but it was a system that worked well enough.
Peter was repairing a broken wire when Tony put down the tools in his hands. His head tilted up toward the ceiling and he sighed.
“What is it?”
“We should just let him out,” he said, looking away at the wall.
“What?” Peter stared. He couldn't be serious. Let the Lizard out?
Tony looked at him. “Murdock wants his blood. You heard him, right? He wanted his alien pal to get the blood from the cooler, but they didn't get it. There's not a single bag or vial missing. If we turn your lizard friend loose then Matt will go after him.”
“We can't do that! He could kill someone.”
“And Matt could kill you! Or your aunt for that matter. I don't know if you've noticed this, but Matthew is a literal fucking ninja. If he wants to slip into Aunty May's house while you're not around, I can't promise you that my people will notice.”
Peter shook his head. He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the wall. “Then I'll go home. Until we get him. I should have been home.”
Tony turned his head away and Peter knew that he'd hurt him. It was the obvious thing to do, but Tony could be surprisingly fragile. He needed Peter close. If he stopped coming to the tower it could damage their relationship. He couldn't leave May to die either way. He'd do a lot of things for Tony, but not that. Maybe he'd been naive to think that she was safe all this time.
His spider sense flared up at the back of his neck. There was someone else in the lab. Peter turned, watching, listening. He raised his arm, ready to fire and Tony followed suit. Then a woman entered the room.
Peter recognized her blonde hair and glasses. Betrayal cut at him. He had sort of thought they were allies. Elsa held her hands up in innocence.
“I know you're mad. I get it, but I think we can help you.” Her eyes wandered to Harry, half covered in scales, in his cracked containment chamber.
“Is my security team sleeping? How did you get in here?” Tony said.
“We're good at getting into places we're not supposed to be.”
“Oh yeah? Who's we?” Tony asked. Before Peter could explain, there was Venom rising in a goopy, snake-like form from Elsa's shoulder. “Alright, explain yourself.”
“Murdock betrayed us, too. He helped us once, because he hoped that we would owe him. Except that it didn't go like he planned.”
“You're not making a great case for yourself,” Peter said.
“Yeah, maybe get to the part where we care,” Tony added.
Elsa sighed. “Men,” she huffed. “My other isn't stable. Never was. I created it, but things happened, we bonded too soon. I shouldn't have taken it out of containment until it was ready. Long story short, I needed something to stabilize it. After months of research, my work suggested that something like Spiderman wasn't so different from my symbiote. In theory anyway. I don't know how he found out, but Murdock came. He said that he could get me a sample of Spiderman's blood. If I were willing to kill Spiderman for him.”
Peter heard the whir of Tony's repulsor charging. “Please wait,” Elsa sighed. “You'll only piss them off and we didn't come here to kill you.”
Tony let the charge die, but he kept his arm raised.
“Anyway,” she began again. “He got me the blood and it helped, for a while. Spiderman's blood stabilized Venom and gave them new abilities as well. We were stronger than ever. And then the bond started to break. We got sick.I realized that something in your blood was breaking down our cells. You might have spider-like abilities, but you're not actually a man bonded to a spider. You're still made of human parts. We aren't.We're an amalgamation of two different creatures. Like the Lizard. We need to know what keeps the Lizard's form stable once it bonds to a human body.”
Tony whistled. “That was a lot. You think that up on the cab ride over?”
“It's true!” Elsa shouted. Venom growled.
“Eat him,”it hissed.
“Hush, love,” she said. “Please, Mr. Stark.”
“What is it you want?” Peter asked. He finally lowered his arm and took a step forward hoping to resolve the tension before another fight broke out. All it would take was another hard hit and the glass protecting Harry would shatter. They'd have a whole host of other problems.
Elsa wrapped her arms around herself. Venom nuzzled into her hair. “If we allow Venom to bond with this lizard boy, I'm almost certain that Venom will be able to separate the lizard parts from the human parts and bond with them. We've been practicing. It's possible that it won't work, but if Venom can bond with the Lizard and draw it out from the boy and carry it over in to me it will save the boy from the Lizard and possibly give us a way to stabilize our bond.”
“If that's even possible, it makes sense... Sorta.” Peter shrugged.
Tony sighed. “It's your boyfriend.Your call.”
Peter shot a glare over his shoulder. Then he crossed the dirty floor and he looked at Harry sleeping in his goop. Maybe they could fix the other chamber, maybe they could sedate him if the glass broke too soon, maybe they could eventually engineer a cure, but how long would Harry stay this way? He could wake up an old man. His heart ached. He'd done so much to hurt him already. Maybe he could save him. At least from this. From the first big mistake Spiderman ever made. And maybe he could finally be free of the Lizard himself.
“We'll try it. What are the odds this hurts Harry if it doesn't work?”
Elsa shrugged. “I'm sorry, but no one has ever done anything like this before. He could reject Venom immediately. Venom could make a mistake and separate the wrong cells.The Lizard could do any number of unpredictable things. There's no way of knowing.”
She put a hand on his shoulder. “For what it's worth, I know that my other will do everything possible. We have a stake in this, too.”
If she were telling the truth, she would die if this didn't work. Not just Harry. This could easily go from a cure to a disaster. If they didn't anything try at all, Elsa would still die. Despite having destroyed Tony's lab, she seemed like a decent person who just wanted to live with the slime monster she loved.
“Please,Spiderman,” Venom rumbled.
Peter nodded. “Okay. Let's give it a shot.”
Elsa helped Peter clean off a cot for Harry while Tony went to his computer. It started draining the goop from the chamber. Then they could remove the IV and all the sensors and pull him out. They might not have long before the sedation wore off once the IV was out.
“Do you think we should keep him sedated when we pull him out?” Pete wondered. “He could take someone's head off.”
“It could put Venom out, too,” Elsa frowned. “We'll just have to be careful.”
“I have something that might help, but it won't work forever,” Tony said. He went to the storage along the wall. Half of the cupboards were smashed, but one that was intact unlocked at Tony's touched. “I didn't make them big enough to fit a lizard man, but they'll hold him until he'd fully transformed.” He held up a pair of dense metal handcuffs.
“If all goes to plan, he never will,”Elsa said.
Peter sighed. “Nothing in my life goes to plan.” Still, he pulled open the door and caught Harry as he slipped out. Tony grabbed his legs and together they moved hin onto a cot. Harry groaned in his sleep.
“Clock's ticking,” Tony cautioned.
Elsa stepped up to the bedside. Venom stretched, becoming a long, writhing, stream of goo that moved from Elsa into Harry. The goop seemed to absorb through his skin, disappearing without a trace. Elsa gave a huff of breath. Nothing seemed to change with Harry, but Elsa was visibly anxious. Her shoulders twitched and her eyes were locked on to the spot in Harry's chest when Venom had disappeared to.
“How long do you think?” Peter asked.
She didn't move, didn't look away. “We practiced on rats mostly. It took a few hours. Could be days given the size and complexity of a human/lizard hybrid. And they'll be taking the most possible care.”
Tony eyed the room around them. Peter remembered just how badly it was all falling apart. It was a miracle the building overhead didn't sink down into it. “Elsa, do you have somewhere we can keep them until it's done?”
“I can monitor things from my apartment.” She reached out, her hand going to Harry's arm only to draw back. “I'll call you if anything happens.”
“Good or bad,” Peter agreed.
Cradling Harry's scaly form in webbing, Peter dragged him up the broken elevator shaft. Tony carried Elsa. She seemed distraught and Peter felt for her. He and Tony were codependent enough. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be separated from a partner who you otherwise shared a body with. It was obvious just how romantically attached they were and how odd was that in the first place? To be in love with the sentient goo you made in a lab.
Elsa lived in one of the cheapest apartments on this side of the city, or any side for that matter. Peter remembered how bad this particular building was from his time looking at apartments with MJ. The place smelled as bad as he remembered. The clutter of old food containers in Elsa's apartment certainly fit in with the aesthetic of the place and there was a faint smell of something dead coming from the overflowing trash can.
Peter tucked Harry into Elsa's bed. He grumbled as he Peter set him down. “Call me if he changes at all. If he moves, if he says something, anything.”
“You got it.” Elsa stood, leaning against the door frame. Her face was twisted with worry. He wanted to assure her that this would work, that everything was going to be fine, but he just didn't know. This was all her research, all her experiment, and yes if it went sideways then it would all be on her. Still, it was her life that was at stake, hers and Harry's. She caught his eye and they shared a look that said it all. She nodded, then he brushed gently passed her.
Tony was toeing at a stack of science magazines that could have been dated years back.
“Ready to head out?”
Peter nodded. He looked over his shoulder and sighed. “I guess so.”
“Sure you don't want to hold your boyfriend's hand until he wakes up?”
Peter shot him a glare. “What's your problem?”
Tony shrugged. “Nothing.”
“Whatever. Let's not do this here.” Peter flipped out of the window and dropped down toward the street. He swung up on a web over the next building then down again. He swung his way up a few blocks, letting the rush of air calm his mind. He had enough on his mind with Harry's life being in danger. He didn't need Tony's jealousy weighing on him. Why had he even bothered to help him if he was going to be a dick about it? Swinging past a window covered in signs for the upcoming mayoral election, it occurred to him that it might not have been about him at all.
Tony was in his office when Peter swung back in through the window. He'd taken off his suit and was fiddling with the sleeve of his under armor. He kept his back turned as Peter came in, but they were going to have it out whether he wanted to or not.
Peter tapped his foot on the floor, debating where to start. “Were you ever actually looking for a cure?”
Tony turned. His expression was insulted. “Was I- of course of I was. Would I have given it to the boy if I found it, though? That's the question you should be asking.”
Peter's jaw clenched and he shook his head. “Why the hell did I ever trust you with this?”
“Because you had no one else,” Tony pointed out. “And because you can trust me.”
“Can I? You were going to use him as leverage against Norman. Why? So you could campaign against him?”
Tony snorted. “I don't need to be mayor, Peter. That's just silly.”
No, Tony was Kingpin and unfortunately that made him more powerful than the mayor. “You were going to get him elected.”
Tony nodded and gestured for him to continue. “And then? What happens next in my genius plan?” He turned away to pour himself a drink.
“And then you control the legal side of the city as much as the underground. Because you have his son. Because if you had a cure you could hold it over him. You wanted to let Harry out so that Norman would owe you everything when you cured him.”
“Well not exactly.” Tony sipped his drink. He leaned back against the table. “I didn't lie to you, Peter. I will never lie to you.” Peter didn't fall for his melting chocolate eyes. “There is no cure. Not yet. By the time we have one, the Lizard will be no more, one way or the other. I was going to let the boy out, let him do some big scary property damage, eat someone's cat, whatever, and then let Osborn know that I know that the Lizard is his son.”
“And he wouldn't want the city to know that. He'd do anything.”
Tony smiled. “Bingo. Now you're thinking like the Kingpin.”
Peter shook his head. “Fuck you,Tony.”
The man rolled his eyes. “I was never going to let anything happen to your boyfriend.”
“He's not my boyfriend! You are!”Peter tugged off his mask and paced the floor with it in his hands.“I wish you would just act like it instead of confusing me with all your jealously immediately after pretending that you're capable of putting all of that aside and helping me when I need you to and I don't get you, Tony-” He looked up, realizing then that Tony had set his drink down to stalk towards him somewhere during his babbling.
There was a dark possessive quality to his eyes. Peter let him crowd him in until he was backed into the wall. “Tell me again,” he rumbled. “Who am I?”
There was so much heat rolling between them it was smothering. Despite that he was barely two inches shorter than Tony, he was leaning over him enough to make him feel small, arms caging him in.
“My boyfriend,” Peter answered.
Tony nodded, a grin threatening to curl his lips. “And what are you?”
“Yours?” Peter said, hoping to appease whatever dark desire was growing in his eyes.
Tony's hand twitched against the wall and he could feel it against his throat without it ever touching him. “My everything.”
“Yours,” he said again, in a daze.There was a tension building between them. When Tony pressed their bodies together, Peter sighed with relief as the tension resolved.This was everything he needed. He let his hands wrap around the back of Tony's neck. He soaked up the press of Tony's hands on his waist. The man buried his face in his neck. There was no kissing or teasing, just warmth and comfort as they resolved their jealousy and hurt without another word. They stayed that way until the press of the wall into his back became uncomfortable and Peter gently pushed Tony back a step.
Tony sighed. “I've been selfish, asking you to come back here all this time while Murdock is out there. He'll recover from his injuries soon. You should be with your aunt.”
Peter pressed his forehead against Tony's. “It's going to kill me to be without you.”
"We can survive anything."
"I'll only be a call away."
Tony grinned. "Don't I know it."
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We All Have Those Up And Down Days....Right?
today hasn’t been perfect, well last month wasn’t perfect either....
and March was just so freaking awful.
even if I did change my tumblr username from
mythicalmarvelgirlnerd to floweytheflower-of-deltarune
(because I didn’t want a misunderstanding after I found another tumblr with the name “Mythical Marvel.” and we all know how misunderstandings can be at times.)
but I am thinking of changing the tumblr username again.
I mean I can still have the whole Deltarune thing that has to do with the tumblr home being “Delta-Flowey The Flower”
I still plan to go another round with Chapter 2 of Deltarune.
also I have a headcanon theory that Kris has three souls in them.
one being their own, which I believe might be a light turquoise color,
the red soul being the player (and the Undertale’s red soul might be the players too.)
and the third soul being the Knight, which I believe is a Monster’s Soul if it turns out the Knight is a monster.
I think the Knight’s Soul would be a Dark Purple color.
i believe that all the naughty and even dark pranks that Kris did before that we heard from others that have done (even if the Player had just got there in Chapter 1)
was all the work of the Knight, who had made Kris do pranks against their will before we the players even showed up.
even if in the game, it is said that Kris’s choices don’t matter.
but I think even if we do control Kris in the game, it might be nice if their choices did matter so long as we let it happen.
like if when the choices pop-up, it has colors on the words
and what Kris would want to pick comes out as a light turquoise color.
if we pick another choice that isn’t the light turquoise color, it wouldn’t be Kris’s choice.
in theory, before the Player’s Red Soul came along....
Kris’s life might of been already miserable, which might of been the cause of the Knight....who was possibly the real culprit in the certain dark pranks that “Kris” pulled before.
but since the Player came into the picture, we keep them safe.....at least until the end of each chapters where the Knight will take control of Kris’s body.
it might be possible that if the “heart” is not in the middle when the choices pop up and it is on the left or right side, it could be Kris’s choice and if we choose the opposite of what they want, it might make them unhappy.
the Red Soul that is us the Players, should see it as a symbiotic bond.
we might of not truly had that with Frisk, 
it might be possible that Frisk might of been one of the discarded vessels that ended up in the Undertale Universe.
but we know that it is possible that the Red Soul we see at the start of the Undertale game........was never Frisk or Chara’s but it belong to the Player.
which is us, those who have been playing both Undertale and Deltarune.
it be nice I could play Adventure Quest Worlds, well I did try to do so today but whatever update they did....and me not having played in a while....tried to put my hero’s name and password and didn’t work.
maybe I should just leave it alone for right now.
and if it comes down to it, I guess I will have to make a new one....possibly.
it be nice if Simpsons just had it’s whole seasons on DVDs and just get cancelled already.....give me my Disenchantment and another Season of Futurama.
I know not everyone is gonna agree, and no one has to....it’s just my feelings.
but it might be better if they stop working on the Simpsons and stop working on a new episode or season of them and just work on the Disenchantment, but make sure to take some breaks to take it easy and not overwork.
plus it is just creepy on how some things are with the Simpsons, with the whole “prediction” thing and I want it to stop....it isn’t even the good kind....unless they showed good ones that I’m not aware of.
but Teen Titans Go will have to stop soon too, for their sake so they do not end up like Spongebob Squarepants....
they just had to keep showing that Marathon for....I think it first started last year....?
the same episodes over and over.....I would understand it if it was on the next day but it was a freaking nightmare for me.
I guess I still like the show, but at the same time it has become a love-hate type thing....
 like you love it, but at the same time you hate it because those who are in charge basically broke the marathon and keep doing the same episodes over, over, over and over.
and your family doesn’t have a clue how it makes you feel, and you have to go to another room to get away from that Spongebob show.
I mean I like watching non-stop shows and movies, but that Spongebob Marathon was broken and it was becoming so annoying that it was the same episodes over and over, with very little change.
it even gave me some unpleasant thoughts....which after a while it got better of course.....but I just hope things with the whole Spongebob and Teen Titans Go gets better....
maybe I can just hope things will improve.....
I would still rather have another Season of Wander Over Yonder....
at least that would of been nice, as well as hoping there will be another season of Owl House.
also for the whole “Amazon Prime” to try to do a bit better....
it sucks that Star Vs The Forces Evil is only on the Prime....
it needs to be on DVD or at least Blu-ray.
oh and it isn’t gonna be possible to get one of the seasons of Red Vs Blue I a missing......sure it be a while before the new seasons get on DVD/Blu-Ray,
but those seasons will be worth the wait.
the season I am missing, is being sold on “prime” but I know it ain’t gonna be on the DVD/Blu-ray where it will come to your door in a package.
so I will have to wait until the DVD/Blu-Ray version is restocked......which might be a very.........VERY long wait.....
at least the new My Little Pony G5 Movie made me feel happy.
it was pretty awesome, and no one got turned into scapegoat-stone by Discord and the Sun & Moon Princesses.
as much as I still love those three, it was still messed up what happen.
this is why the Element of Empathy is needed.
even if my Mom pointed out some good parts of Prime, it does seem to have it’s down side in my point of view....
maybe things will get better with it, I don’t know.....guess have to wait and see.
I was doing okay while watching the new MLPG5 Movie....
but then ended up having a down day.
your day can go both ways, going up and down, up and down....
it happens......one can only hope for more better days.
at least I’m feeling a bit more better now...
and I hope some of you agree with my theory
that Kris has three souls in them,
the first one being theirs, the second one being the knight who has been making their life miserable (before the Player shows up) and the third soul being the Player.
 and it is possible that the red soul in Undertale, is the Player’s Soul
and was never Frisk’s Soul in the first place.
the trait of the soul is unknown, but in the Fanon it is Determination.
cause that is what Fans have assumed it was the name of the Red Soul. 
which can still be used in the Fanon Timelines and AUs.
I hope that the Cuphead Show starts soon....but it might be possible it wont happen until next year.....
not sure the whole Cuphead having a crush on King Dice is true or not.
but if what someone on Youtube said is true, then I guess it could be true.....or it might not be....
if it were true, it be like Semi-Canon which it is a one-sided attraction and the other side doesn’t return the feelings.
I wonder if it be funny if the song “you spin me right round.” plays
while ya slap King Dice’s head round and keep it spinning while the song plays.
if the Devil owns King Dice’s Contract as well as the contracts of the other employees that work at the casino.....
if I lick one of the contracts,
would that mean I own the contracts and their souls...?
it be like “I licked the contract, so now I own their soul.”
which would be very weird and funny.....
give me Mr. Wheezy’s contract so the deed may be done.   XD
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tangleweave · 3 years
( From Here... ) @brooklynislandgirl
Eddie is more cognizant of himself this evening than any other in recent memory. He’s already made certain that his Other knows the boundaries here – this is not an “us” thing, this is a “me” thing. His Other hadn’t been happy about that. It preferred inclusivity. It liked to be known.
But how was Eddie supposed to conduct that conversation? Hey, Beth, so uh… there’s something about me you should probably know. I’m not like other guys… That train of thought alone makes him want to groan aloud and rub the back of his head, as if to try and scrub away the stupidity leaking through his follicles. Jesus, Eddie, c’mon, you’re not Michael Jackson.
A good thing, too. We’ve seen the video. That line didn’t work for Jacko either.
The symbiote isn’t much of a talker on its own. Eddie considers that a saving grace, at least, while he guides Beth up to the top of the condominium complex on Fremont Street. The building is enormous and it’s already pushing past midnight, but it seemed the only appropriate time to invite her to eat. He knew healthcare had a punishing schedule even in the best of times, and what with there being a national shortage on qualified workers…
He’d been a little surprised she’d even said yes, to be honest. She was as shy and reserved as she was gorgeous, and it had been quite plain her friendliness towards him was purely of the platonic sort. He’d done his level best to be respectful of that boundary. There were so few kind people in the world already, and his status as a wanted man made it exceedingly difficult for him to find gainful employment. Laying low with the sewer people of San Francisco might not be easy on the nostrils, but it was preferable to spending his days wasting away in either a prison or a Life Foundation lab.
After months of being with them and defending them from ruffians, he’d chanced a visit to the local shelter, seeking some decent soup. Nobody there had cared who he was. Beth had been the first to ask his name. She’d brought him a cup of coffee and given him a small smile. That moment had lifted his spirits more than she knew, and he’d always meant to repay it.
There’s still a fair amount of food left on the spread. Either Beth is a light eater or – and this one seems more likely to Eddie – she’s not actually that much a fan of being up here. But if that’s true, then she’s too polite to clue him in on the potential faux pas.
When she murmurs to him, he follows her gaze on the jewel of the commercial district, barely a block away and towering above even the building on which they sit. Then he looks back to her, measuring her smile and the words she says for a long moment.
“Well,” he drawls, “fond, yeah, that’s a good word. ‘Trouble’, though, I dunno about that. I think you only call it ‘trouble’ when the person you do it for has a certain reputation. For you, though… it’s no trouble at all. More like a worthy goal.”
The picnic basket has nothing fancy inside, no wine or cheese platter. Not even a nip of cheap whiskey, and that would have been nice just to distract a little from the edge. But no… he had resolved to make it a good evening, from start to finish, and to make sure she understood how much her kindness had elevated him. The basket does contain a bottle – he withdraws it, along with a pair of clear party cups, and he makes a point of showing her the green container.
“Martinelli’s Peach Cider,” he chuckles. “I heard plenty folks have love-hate relationships with this stuff, but it’s non-alcoholic and I guess it’s supposed to be halfway decent for New Year’s, in case you got a stone cold sober grandma who still believes in flavor and wants something that tastes like those dime store gummy candies.” He offers her the bottle, still sealed, and places the two cups upside-down between them.
He reaches to his pocket, intent on finding the Q&A sheets he’d brought, and the two markers – one red, one green. For a moment, he frowns as he realizes the pocket he knows he put them in is empty. No way. I wasn’t that dumb about it, was I? He squints. Hey. Where’d I put the paper and markers?
Oh, so now it’s a “we” thing?
C’mon, man, I don’t wanna look like an idiot in front of the lady. Just be my wingman for one second?
The hoodie you gave her, genius. You didn’t like how the markers were poking you in the leg every time you moved, remember?
Eddie’s frown deepens just the slightest bit. I didn’t put the stuff in that pocket.
No, I did. A silent scoff resounds in Eddie’s brain. Wingman.
Eddie realizes suddenly that he’s been frowning at the buildings just off to Beth’s left. His face clears as he leans to one side, trying awkwardly to cover for his momentarily lost expression, and he lets out a small, nervous laugh. “Sorry, I, uh… went somewhere for a second there.” He gestures at the hoodie’s kangaroo pouch. “Check out the pocket, I brought along something I thought we could do. You know my coffee order, I know you’re a nurse, an’ for a bit too long it’s just been that. I... kind of think I’d like that to change.” He ducks his head ever so slightly and offers her a small, hopeful smile. “That is, if it’s okay with you.”
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astrandofgold · 3 years
Take Me As I Am
Chapter 2: come at you from both sides of your mind
Note: because I’m me, I didn’t actually plan this story out in a linear manner, so here’s the intro for the main character 😂
Smut-free, Leo
Mist clung to the field of grass surrounding the hot springs. Steam swirled up from the water’s surface, mixing with the cold morning air, reminiscent of the chiral matter that trailed a BT. At least that’s what the woman soaking in the healing waters thought. She was a Porter, and a good one at that. In her early 30’s, she had her fill of encounters with the creatures in her time, and despite the BTs having been gone for a few years, she still saw them out of the corners of her mind. Her golden eyes studied the swirls, running her slender fingers through them. She sighed, then sunk into the water until her short, unruly chestnut hair touched the water. Mindlessly, she played with the necklace that hung on her neck. On it hung a small, golden charm in the shape of an ancient diety—the source of her chosen name. The woman’s birth name was Leo, but for the nearby preppers that relied on her for supplies, she was known as Bastet.
These preppers became Bastet’s family, given that she had left her family of origin years ago. Not that the people she had the misfortune to call her parents were much of a family; she knew she was better off in a world without them. She was better off not thinking about them at all. There was abuse, both physically and mentally, throughout her childhood. Scars littered her body, but not all were visible to the eye. Some were physical, but most were psychological. The trauma still lingered. In a world where mankind couldn’t trust themselves to live in close proximity to one another, it was a miracle that Bastet had even survived long enough to step foot outside of her childhood bunker. She ran as fast as she could, and never looked back.
Another grim gift that life imparted on her was the addition of DOOMS. She was plagued with nightmares that felt more realistic than her waking hours. Visions of horrific events played out under her eyelids as she slept, images of bodies burning, catastrophic natural disasters wiping out entire cities, death and decay of the most morbid kinds burned into her retinas. It had the added benefit of giving Bastet the ability to sense BTs, but that was a curse entirely on its own. It was why she excelled at her job. Being able to sense the specters meant that as a porter, she could traverse areas that others couldn’t, and could maintain a quicker pace. She found it odd, but it seemed to Bastet that the nightmares had actually decreased in the last couple of years. She wasn’t about to question it, just take it as a bit of good luck for a change.
Bastet sighed as she looked at the time on the device that lived on her wrist. It was an all in one communication device, and what it communicated now was that Bastet needed to be on her way. Her lithe body rose from the water, and she quickly dressed in her white uniform and replaced her cargo on her back. Today’s order was headed for one of the nearby preppers. Cargo cases were usually full of medicine, vintage books, and the occasional savory food treat, but the item she was most eager to deliver today was a gift for the Photographer. It was a small painting, depicting the valley during a particularly beautiful sunrise. Pinks, oranges, and yellows bled into the valley basin, hiding the grim history that once hid in the form of the former Homo Demens camp. It was a pretty painting, and Bastet was quite proud of it. She quickly got on good terms with the Photographer, and in exchange for photos for her home, Bastet would paint scenes from the woman’s photos. It was a symbiotic relationship, and it pleased Bastet to know that she was responsible for creating a small art community. Her paintings hung in various prepper homes around the area.
Bastet considered the Photographer the closest thing she had to a friend. Their relationship consisted of brief greetings via hologram, delivery of goods, short chats about the weather or good photography spots, and then farewells. While Bastet was used to the curt interactions with the preppers, she felt like she was missing something deeper. She wanted somebody she could sit next to and spend hours in quiet solace, or stay up until the early hours of the morning going on tangents about some random book she picked up on a run. She wanted somebody she could laugh so hard with that the pair start crying, somebody she could try cooking for. She wanted something more. Bastet had long ago given up on the idea of a partner; in a Stranding world, a partner was a luxury that few lived to see. Flirtatious emails were commonly sent back and forth, but sooner or later, one would break it off as the reality of the world set in, and the parties involved realized it was safer to stay in the protection of their bunker. Life was just more complicated than it was in the previous decades. With the connection of America and the further extension of the UCA, Bastet heard whispers of hope from the the nearby Knot Cities that communities could start blooming and citizens could start rebuilding close relationships, but the reality was grim. Most people were stuck in their ways, having lived a good portion, if not all, of their lives underground and isolated. Nobody was ready to change.
The mechanical voice of the proximity sensors sounded off her name and porter affiliation, pulling Bastet back to reality. She had reached the Photographer. With a sigh, she adjusted her cargo so she could pull the small package out. Her back was strained and marred from the cargo she carried daily, but it was all part of the job. The interaction with the Photographer went smoothly, but was cut short due to an urgent call on the woman’s end. She thanked Bastet, and left quickly. As the hologram died away, tears built up in Bastet’s eyes. She turned and walked out into the valley air, storm clouds in the distance. Her heart felt as empty as the depleted cargo bag on her back. Once upon a time, she was fire and laughter, a downpour of rain on a warm spring day, the first strokes of color on a canvas. Now, she didn’t know anymore.
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monomonomagines · 4 years
Can I please get a drv3 boys monster au w a human s/o? I'm sorry if this is vague and you can choose the monster each boy is!!
Heyo, Anon! I had a lot of fun with these since I love writing about monsters. However, I ended up making these way too long so I’ll post this in two parts. I hope that you’ll enjoy it even if I got a bit overzealous.
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Part 1
(Part 2 here)
Rantaro (Vampire)
As vampires typically are masters or seduction it isn’t much of a surprise that you met Rantaro through him bringing you home one night.
It was surprising at the time though, when he thought you were asleep and was looming over you with his fangs visible.
Thankfully, Rantaro is still pretty civil as a vampire so he struck a deal with you when you were about to scream.
Basically, he’d do whatever you want as long as you’d allow him to drink from you.
You could have anything, he had riches as well as a body that you could use however you wanted to.
However, instead, you refused. You agreed to let him drink from you but only in exchange for him targeting no one else.
He allowed for you to move in with him even and you began your symbiotic relationship. One that would change into a romantic one as you grew to get to know this vampire.
He was surprisingly kind and gentle for a monster even when he’d drink from you.
He’d care for you since you’d still be kind to a monster like him and would end up confessing to you after instigating a candlelit late-night dinner.
“I love you S/o, stay with me forever.”
Ryoma (Nekomata)
You had been on a late-night stroll in the mountains when you came upon a strange makeshift tennis court.
Despite it being strange you didn’t think much of it until a deep voice rang out from somewhere in the mountains.
“You know you’re not supposed to be up here, right? No one comes to the mountains. It’s dangerous up here.”
Why was there some disembodied voice here? As you’d struggle to respond you’d hear that same voice ring out closer this time, as though it was below you.
“You do know the legends right? There are monsters in these parts.”
Ok. Time to get out of here! You’d start to run across the makeshift tennis court, ignoring the voice when you’d trip over something.
Is that a dead body!? Before you can scream you catch sight of a two-tailed cat slowly ambling towards you, the same deep voice coming out of it as it says menacingly.
“You shouldn’t have come here.”
As scared as you were that’s when an idea hit you. You’d propose a deal. A match of tennis actually! You were on a tennis court after all so he must like games.
“Wait wait wait! You like tennis right? Well then let’s play a match…you can play right?”
As you looked down again that same cat transformed into a small man with cat ears and a tail. The rumors of a nekomata were true!
However, he seemed intrigued by your proposition, ignoring your shock as he asked for the terms of this “game”.
“If I win, you let me go and if you win you can….you can kill me or whatever it is you do.”
“Deal.” He agrees rather quickly to the match, throwing you a racket from who knows whereas he’d give you a small amused glance.
Whether you were ready for it or not he’d play at his full capability, not even allowing you to get a single point.
You were done for you’d think when he’d only smile at you. You never gave up that whole match, he was impressed so he had no choice but to change his terms.
“You lost, but you never lost your spirit. Even if you have a long ways to go in tennis, I do with spirit. I won’t kill you. I’ll stick with you.”
What? As much as you were happy to not be dead you were confused. He was going to come live with you? But as he said he did exactly that, walking alongside you on your trek back home as a cat.
Now you were stuck with a rather affectionate, albeit weird looking house cat that can turn into a man. Did he like you or something?
You can’t complain since you got to live but Ryoma will definitely show his love in some unique ways.
Korekiyo (Naga)
To say that you’d expect to be caught in a trap like a wild animal when you went into the forest would be unthinkable.
But here you were, now hanging from a tree in a large net that albeit was trapping you was also quite spacious.
What kind of animal was this person even trying to catch you’d wonder to yourself as day was beginning to turn to night.
You’d sit there for hours until it was the dead of night. That’s when you’d begin to be lowered into something’s grasp.
It was too dark to see but once you were brought back to some sort of cave still in your bounds you’d panic.
“Do not scream or else.” A voice gently but firmly orders.
You immediately quiet yourself, fearful of dying when you’d be pulled out of the net and bound to the cave walls.
You didn’t dare to speak or move out of fear of what the voice would do.
As you lay there you’d hear some shuffling when the figure would suddenly light a torch within the cave revealing itself to be a naga.
He was going to eat you. This was it you thought when he instead began to embrace you.
“Ahhh such beauty.”
Beauty? What was he?
“I was planning on killing you but I couldn’t bring myself to do that to someone so breathtaking. I’ll just keep you here, alright?”
Unlike with the others, Kiyo is immediately enamored. You looked so similar to his sister before the hunters got to her and left him here alone.
The way that you squirmed it all reminded him of her and it drove him mad.
He’d treat you well even for being in a life of captivity. He was rather affectionate even if he could be a bit sadistic at times.
You could tell he was lonely. From what you heard from him his own sister had died leaving him all alone but that really didn’t make the whole kidnapping thing all right.
You’d have to agree to stay with him for him to let you free and even then he’s stuck to you like glue.
He’d need a lot of help with healing after losing the only person he had left but after he’d be as loving as even Rantaro.
You saved him, and he was never going to leave your side.
Gonta (Frankenstein’s Monster)
You lived near a lake, so you were used to seeing some animals come near it to drink or to lay by but you were quite shocked when you looked out the window to see what looked like a human body hunched over it.
Worriedly you’d stepped out of your home when you’d notice the giant human figure jump at its own reflection cast in the lake.
“Are you ok?” You try to ask gently enough as to not scare it when you notice it jump again, this time to cover its face from you with its hands.
“No, don’t look. Gonta is so ugly you’ll scream!”
He’s so ugly…you’d scream? What did he mean by that?
“I won’t scream, I promise so don’t worry. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“You won’t scream?” He asks innocently like a child.
“I won’t scream.” You promise, giving him some time to think.
At first, it seems like he’s just gone quiet but then you notice him moving his hands away from his face.
When you catch sight of it you can’t help but gasp.
He wasn’t ugly at all. However, as soon as you let that sound escape he does flinch.
“No no no! I wasn’t being scared just now it’s just….you’re really pretty.”
“Gonta is pretty?” He looks at you with wide eyes with a small bashful smile. “No one ever calls Gonta pretty.”
“Well, I think you are.” You add. He definitely was a freak of nature but he wasn’t as terrible as he thought. He should know that.
“Oh thank you!” He picks you up into a bear hug in his massive arms, swinging you around as he declares that he should stay with you now.
“Gonta love you! You only one that show kindness to Gonta, so Gonta never leave you!”
Wait, isn’t he like seven feet though? Also doesn’t he have a home to go back to?
When you’d try to ask you definitely wouldn’t expect for him to tell you that some people set fire to his house because of how he looked.
This poor baby. You couldn’t leave him out here so you had no choice but to kidnap someone’s science experiment.
At least he’ll be shown some love for once though.
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
SMT 4 Corrupted (Halloween fic)
Summary: A rewrite of SMT4 Apocalypse where the Venom symbiote’s appearance causes the original timeline to further distort.
Please give me some of your opinions!!!
Chapter 1 Venomized (1st draft)
Flynn sat down feeling a bit exhausted. His eyes looked over the extravagant chalice in his hands nearly filled to the brim with light. He is to become the hope of the people of Tokyo. Soon, the god Krishna will be released which will drastically shift the fate of Flynn however another disturbance will soon cause that fate to shift again.
Flynn had black hair tied up into a ponytail by a white band. He had distinctive green eyes that had made him stand out in both his home Mikado and his current residence in Tokyo. white robes lined with gold with a blue and white coat over it. He had white pants and a brown belt with a sword hung on it. He had white boots with various straps. He had white knee pads over his pants and a white scarf on his neck worn like a bandanna. On his right arm was a metal gauntlet with a red strap around the wrist.
You could see the tiredness in his eyes. He was brimming with sweat from all the quests he had done to fill the chalice. It felt like one thing after the other he has hardly had any time to rest. Especially with Heaven’s forces hovering around the area near the reactor. He has a bad feeling they were planning something and he has to fill the chalice fast before something bad happens. Him and Isabeau took up some urgent quests dealing with demon attacks. They were split up for now since it was actually in many parts of Tokyo. He should be finished up now after beating the last horde. Good thing for him, his last one was in Shinjuku. Now, he can finally rest in the rooms at cafe Florida. Isabeau and him had been staying there ever since he came back from the White’s world.
He got himself up trying to mask his exhaustion. He doesn’t need demons to see an opening to gang up on him. He headed over to the exit for the underground district of Shinjuku. Most of the demons backed away at his presence probably due to seeing him defeat the hordes. However, that was most demons there was one exception.
He hastily jumped out of the way as some black tendrils stabbed where he was standing. He looked up at the demon, it was jet-black with completely white eyes. It was humanoid and very muscular. The demon looked unfamiliar to him...Where had it come from?
“Scanning…”, his AI companion Burroughs said from his gauntlet.
Flynn hastily touched the button screen of his gauntlet to summon his demons: Demonee Ho, Izanami, and Michael.
Demonee Ho jumped onto his shoulder using it as a perch to use its signature skill Desperate Hit. Energy like bullets shot out of its gun keeping the hulking demon at bay so Burroughs could finish analyzing the demon. He had to find out what the demon’s weakness is so he had Izanami use Thunder Gods on the demon. The demon seemed to be hurt by the lightning, but it persevered charging at Flynn. It seemed rather sturdy. Michael flew in front of him as Flynn had him use Inferno of God. The demon wailed in pain which made Michael smirk. Flynn now knew this was the demon’s weakness judging by the reaction. Flynn snapped his fingers causing a massive inferno to ignite which enveloped the demon. Flynn recalled his demons as he saw the other demons shrinking back in fear. The fire blast he shot created an explosion which lightly shook the area. A cloud of smoke filled Flynn’s gaze when it dissipated he raised his eyebrow as he saw a human man in place of the demon.
He was blonde, very muscular and naked for some reason. He has definitely seen some strange things in Tokyo. Was the demon taking the appearance of a man to lower his guard? Flynn cautiously poked the man with his sword.
“Master, th-zzzz”, Burroughs said, before suddenly there was static on his gauntlet.
His attention instantly turned to his gauntlet. It’s screen had gone black like when it was turned off puzzling Flynn. He tried to turn his gauntlet back on yet got no reaction. So, he tried again and again till he got annoyed. But, as soon as the annoyance wore off he was concerned about his AI companion. Seeing the demon star coming near the unconscious man drooling, Flynn decided to bring the man to the underground district so he wasn’t eaten alive. As he did he looked around for the mysterious demon wondering where it went off to. Perhaps it had been destroyed? That didn’t explain the naked man though. People gave him funny looks as he walked back in with the man. He didn’t let this bother him though. He looked for somewhere comfortable to set him down at.
He ended up going into the hunter association so he didn’t carry him through hordes of hungry demons. Similarly he got strange as some dumbfounding looks as he carried the man.
“Just how strong is that kid?”, a hunter whispered, sweat dropping.
“Maybe the naked weirdo tried to make a move on Tokyo’s Liberator?”? another hunter said.
The other hunters scooted over as he placed the man down. He put his hands over him which glowed with pink energy. The man’s wounds from the battle were quickly healed as if they were never there causing many hunters to gape.
“This guy just keeps getting crazier. You know I heard he could fly like a freaking superhero and I’m starting to believe it.”, a hunter said.
“I think I have some extra clothes...though I don’t think they could fit him…”, Flynn mumbled, clearly in his own world not listening to the comments aimed at him.
“Perhaps I could help out with that.”, the bartender volunteered.
“Ah, thank you.”, Flynn said, bowing politely.
“Speaking of a new wardrobe, when did you change your outfit Mr. Tokyo Liberator?”, the bartender asked, confusing Flynn before he looked down at his samurai garb to see it was now pitch black with only a few bits of white remaining on it.
“Huh?!”, Flynn questioned, raising up his sleeve to look at it.
Why did his clothes change? When did his clothes change?
“That’s weird I could swear it was blue a second ago…”, Flynn said, sounding a bit weirded out.
The two looked over as the man seemed to rouse. He had a spooked expression on his face which worsened as he looked over to Flynn. He jumped backing away from him as he walked towards him.
“Are you alright sir? Do you know anything about that weird demon that disappeared suddenly?”, Flynn asked.
The man shivered and shuttered.
“Someone should give this dude a blanket.”, a hunter said.
“G-get away from me! I’m done with you! Y-you got the host you wanted!”, the man said fearfully, greatly confusing everyone who heard it.
“Host? What are you talking about?”, Flynn inquired, trying to reach out only for the man to bolt out of the association.
“It’s your problem now!”, the man yelled.
Flynn scrambled up to catch the man and inquire further. However, when he exited the association he didn’t see the man anywhere. He checked all the entrances and it seemed like he was gone.
“Host? It? This is all so strange?”, Flynn murmured, completely perplexed.
“I’ll worry about it later. It doesn’t seem I can find the man and I still have to find out what happened to Burroughs.”, Flynn thought.
He wasn’t exactly sure who to ask so he went back to Cafe Florida to ask Fujiwara. He’s sure to know someone he can ask. He walked over to the little corner the cafe was tucked away in and went through the door. He explained the situation to Fujiwara and Skins.
“I see...it seems like your Demonica is broken. I’m sure I can find someone to fix it up. This is a rather inconvenient time for this to happen with Lucifer and Merkabah around. I’ll try to get it back to you as fast as possible. Till then you’ll have to take it easy without your demons.”, Fujiwara said.
“I can’t do that!”, Flynn protested.
“Simmer down there. We’re not asking you to retire or anything. You just need to take on some easier requests at least until your Demonica is fixed up. It should be in less than a week.”, Skins replied.
“Still…”, Flynn grumbled stubbornly, making the two sweat drop.
“Why are the young so reckless?”, Fujiwara sighed.
“Hehe. Everyday he reminds me more of the man who saved Tokyo.”, Skins chuckled as Flynn walked away.
“Yeah...their resemblance is uncanny. He’s just as stubborn as he was. Never able to settle when there was still good to be done. ”, Fujiwara replied.
Flynn went to the back of the cafe where the room he was staying in was at. He was exhausted both physically and mentally especially with the weird incident earlier. He still doesn’t know what was up with that guy or where the demon went. Or why Burroughs was damaged and why his samurai uniform is now black. He laid down on his bed tiredly quickly putting on something more comfortable for sleeping. He wore a simple blue shirt and black shorts. His hair tie was undone allowing his hair to lay freely on his shoulders. As soon as he hit the pillow he was out like a light.
Strangely the black uniform seemed to shift after Flynn drifted into unconsciousness.
Flynn started to dream, finding himself in the cloudy scape where he had met with the goddess of Tokyo before. The goddess was in the unassuming form of a little girl with black hair and a long white dress.
“Flynn!”, the goddess called out anxiously, sounding worried.
In reality the uniform was back to being blue as if the black on it had been washed away. A black mass slithered its way towards the unconscious Flynn.
“Is there something wrong, goddess?”, Flynn asked.
The gooey mass made its way up the bed to where Flynn was currently resting. The mass shifted arching over his prone form casting a shadow over him.
“There’s another threat to Tokyo! A big threat has just appeared! Flynn you have to wake up!”, the goddess cried out urgently confusing the messiah.
“Something other than Lucifer and Merkabah?”, Flynn questioned in a confused tone.
The being edged closer to the unconscious samurai shifting itself to be narrower as if to fit into something. Small tendrils came out of it forcing his mouth open.
“Yes! You have to hurry Flynn!”, the goddess said.
The being it’s way slithered into his mouth.
Flynn suddenly felt on guard in his dream like something was very wrong. He didn’t know exactly how to wake up. Usually the weird dream vision would end on its own and he would wake up.
The being continued forward slithering down his throat forcing his unconscious to swallow as to not choke.
Flynn stiffed as the feeling of wrongness became much greater. Something felt off and unnatural.
“Flynn...it’s inside you.”, the goddess said, horrifying and further confusing him.
“Inside me?”, Flynn questioned, stumbling as the area around them suddenly shook.
He looked over to see the towering form of Masakado in his full glory rather than being just a floating head. Opposing the castle-like god was a large less human version of the black demon from before. It’s form seemed less human and almost alien in proportions. It battled Masakado, the goddess called out for Flynn as he rushed into the battle hoping to help Masakado. He gasped in shock seeing Masakado on the back foot from the demon and actually being defeated. The demon before was not that strong.
“Flynn! Do not let it take over your soul!”, Masakado warned eerily as he slowly fell.
Flynn reached for his sword only to realize it was missing. Actually all his equipment was missing. He was in his sleepwear. So, he tried to conjure another Trisagion to defeat the demon once again, but nothing happened much to his shock. He tried again and his magic still wasn’t working. The demon grabbed Flynn with its tendrils and he desperately tried to get out of its grip.
“From now on Godslayer you're under new management.”, the demon said with a sinister grin.
Flynn looked at the demon with a defiant look in face of his situation.
“I won’t submit to you! I’ll stop you!”, Flynn declared.
“We’ll see about that. Once you feel the power I’ll give you’ll never want to go back.”, the demon said before devouring him whole.
In reality Flynn bolted awake to see he was no longer in his room. He was outside for some reason sword in hand fighting demons without his gauntlet. He had on the black samurai uniform instead of his sleepwear and his hair was tied back up by something.
“How did I get here?”, Flynn questioned, he noticed the demons shrinking away from him.
For some strange reason he felt a power pulsing through him which felt...really good. His worries, confusions, and anxieties seemed to clear away as the power pulsed through him like a beating heart. The black uniform clung onto him like a second layer of skin and it felt alive...like he could feel a pulse within it strangely enough. It felt a little too good. He feels like he should be more worried about this, but such thoughts were quickly plucked from his mind.
“What’s this...I feel…?”, Flynn murmurs as he looks over the black samurai uniform.
He felt a pump of adrenaline through his system like he had to go fight something. He needed to fight, conquer, feed...The feeling of the power pulsing inside him felt addicting like a drug. Yes...with this power he could still fight at full capacity without his gauntlet! He could crush Lucifer and Merkabah easily!
“Wow...this feels good!”, Flynn said, a uncharacteristically sinister smirk formed on his face.
The demons looked more nervous looking at Flynn like a rabbit looks at a wolf. He raised his sword to the still shivering demons.
Somewhere else in some other plane of existence a man in all orange in a wheelchair watched this.
“I guess you could call me this universe’s watcher. Ah, it seems the wheels of fate have shifted once more. Now, will Tokyo’s Liberator overcome this demon’s corruption or will he submit to it and fall from grace? Only time will tell.”, the man named Stephen said.
To be continued...
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rirah1writes · 4 years
Chapter Five: Carnage
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this out, school and work have been wild. This chapter I’m getting more into the plot and I’m even more excited with where the next chapter is going. I really hope ya’ll like it (’:
Summary: To make a long story really short, y/n climbs a bunch of stairs then gets laid. 
Warnings: Ooooh lets see, there’s violence, mentions of death, fire, angst, fluff, explicit smut, oral (Fem receiving) dirty talk (Kind of sounds bad now that I'm writing it all out but whatever!)
Everyone sat around Pepper’s splintered kitchen table that Tony had picked back up off of the floor. Peter watched keenly as Steve helped Nat pick glass out of her hands, Tony tapped nervously at the table, grinding his jaw, and Pepper huffed over her destroyed foyer. “So...That parasite doesn’t harm you?” Peter turned his attention to Eddie, who was surprisingly looking much more well than when he first arrived. 
“He does NOT like being called a parasite...he cannot stress that enough.” Tony’s eyebrow raised as he sipped from his bourbon. “It communicates with you?” He inquired, shifting nervously in his seat. “Yeah he does, he talks constantly, can’t ever get him to shut-up...Well it’s true? You always have shit to say...” Eddie continued on a conversation with himself as everyone watched in dismay. Tony cleared his throat, leaning forward. “I hate to interrupt your inner dialect, but we’re all still pretty confused here, mind filling us in there bub?” Eddie’s attention snapped back to the rest of the table. “Uhh yeah sorry, so anyways, I’m sure you already know about asshole Carleton Drake, the dipshit responsible for all of this madness. He brought these lifeforms back in the hope that humans could achieve homeostasis, and survive on distant planets, should Earth become inhabitable. What he failed to realize is that these symbiotes are conscious beings, smarter than us. At first their intention was to invade earth and use us as a means to do so, but after my...” Eddie took a long pause, glaring around the room trying to find the right words. “Uhh fateful encounter with venom...plans were changed. At least...venoms were.” Steve turned his attention away from Nat’s hand at this point, turning towards Eddie. “So you mean to tell us there are still more of these running around freely? Ones who maybe don’t share the same viewpoints as...your little friend there?”
Eddie sighed and leaned back in his chair, chewing at his bottom lip and glaring over to Peter, who nervously glanced around. “Wh-why are you staring at me like that..?” Eddies face softened as he leaned forward. “You’re pretty strong huh? Venom said when he merged with you he felt immensely powerful. Regenerate faster than most too..” Peter swallowed nervously. “So that’s what..possessed me.” Eddie nodded. “But the plane engines starting up rushed him out, shortly after venom merged with me, I was snooping around the compound for a report.” Peter nodded, and Steve cleared his throat visibly becoming aggravated. “So yes or no? There’s more symbiotes?” Eddie looked equally as annoyed. “Yes. And we can stop calling them Symbiotes, their proper name is Klyntar. But, one in particular. And you’re not going to like who he merged with, hence the reason I’m here.”
You chewed your bottom lip nervously as you climbed another flight of stairs. Tony stark was a fucking Ga-Zillionaire, you’d think he’d have a working elevator. You huffed, realizing you were almost to the penthouse. Peter had given you the codes to get in, in case of an emergency, Tony and him had said for you to come here. You felt a pang of guilt as you realized you were abusing his power, but you knew Tony and Pepper never minded, and Peter would be relieved to see you. Passing another window you caught sight of your reflection, coming to realize how crazy you looked. Hair a curly mess, never bothering to dry it all the way, peters oversized tee, and some soffee shorts. And boy was it cold. About an hour after Peter had left there were strange noises that made your skin prick with fear, and you couldn’t stand the way things were left. You had called May who directed you to Stark Tower, which lead to you careening up eight, very long, flights of stairs.
Your mind wandered to what Peter would say about your outfit. His oversized grey tee gave the appearance you didn’t have on pants at all, and your wet hair would earn you a scowling for sure. But at least you’d get to tell him you love him. A shiver ran through you as you made it up the last flight of stairs, approaching the door, you could feel warmth on the other side. You punched in the code, and slipped past the door into a hallway. You could hear frantic voices in the other room and you slowly made you way into the foyer. Everyone was seated at the kitchen table, mostly everyone you knew, save a few people. You immediately recognized Peter, although you could only see the back of his head. His curls were fucked, sticking out every direction and you had the urge to sift your fingers through them, taming them back into place. You noticed Steve Rogers next, recognizing him from your school videos in gym class, although you were always much more fixed on watching Peter do his sit-ups. You vaguely recognized the woman Steve was helping pick glass out of her hand, Black Widow? And of course Pepper and Tony were grouped together listening intently. “A man by the name of Cletus Kasady..” The last man at the table stated, and your ears perked up. You had learned about this man several times. A criminal, a threat to national security. Homeland Security and Psychology were your majors, so this was a name you were all but tired of hearing. “I know that man.” You blurted out.
Everyone turned to look at you. Peter’s expression went from happy to confusion as h further observed you, his brow knitting and lips turning to a frown. The man with tattoos and dark hair shifted in his seat, eyes looking hungry as he stared at you. “And you are..?” The mans tone was anything but respectful, and he was undressing you with his eyes. Peter huffed as you made your way over to him. Grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you into his lap, using his arms to cover your legs. “Practically my daughter in law, so we’d appreciate if you didn’t eye-bang her.” Tony spoke up. Eddie clicked his tongue and threw his hands up defensively. “My bad, hey, the more you know.” Peter looked up at you, deactivating his suit and using his hands to warm your arms and legs. “Honey, your skin is like ice, what were you thinking?” You shook your head at him, eyes welling with tears. Peter noticed and hurried to stand up, leading you in front of him. “Come to my room, well get you something warmer to wear. His head threw glances at Eddie over his shoulder as he guided you to his room.
Peter closed the door behind him, instantly rummaging around, mumbling to himself under his breath about your wet hair as he pulled drawers open finding you clothes to wear. Pacing over to you he pulled his Midtown hoodie over your head, and tossed you some sweats to dress into while he searched for some socks. “Baby, what are you doing here so late, I would have came back for you?” he kneeled in front of you, pulling the wooly socks on over your feet. You didn’t know what to say, so you simply reached out, tangling your fingering into his curls, pulling his face into your stomach. “I was scared.” He butterflied soft kisses across your tummy pulling his face up, and meeting your eyes. “Why darlin’?” You shook your head softly. “I heard weird noises outside the apartment...Like scratching. At first I thought it was you crawling to the balcony, but you never came. And I couldn’t sit around, I had to make things right. I just got you back, I don’t want to loose you over something that happened forever ago...” Your tears seeped out slowly and peter reached up to wipe them away. He slotted himself next to you on the bed, pulling you into a hug, shocking you. When he pulled away, you nodded and calmed your breathing. “I think you needed that love. You can’t lose me baby, I’ll always come back to you. As for the apartment, I’ll check it out in the morning, were staying here tonight. You’ll be safe here with me, yeah?” You smiled up at him and nodded. “Now, we really need to get back downstairs..” 
Peter pulled you off the bed, and followed you back down into the living room. Everyone had disbanded from the kitchen table and made their way over to the bar to make drinks. You approached Tony as he pulled you into a hug, seeing you were upset. “Long time no see, kid.” you laughed into his chest. “I’m sorry for breaking into your penthouse..” Tony laughed as he pulled away from you. “Don’t be sorry, you know your welcome. Maybe next time Peter will give you the elevator code.” 
Oh. That makes sense. 
“Still considering my offer when you graduate? I pay a lot better than the CIA will.” Tony half teased, as you laughed. You had nearly passed smooth out when Tony had offered you a position on the team. “Of course I am. Wouldn’t want to work for anyone else.” you chuckled. Pepper gave you a sideways hug, and kissed your temple as she set a mug of coffee down in front of you. It seemed Steve had finally finished wrapping Black Widows hand, as she made her way over to formally meet you. “Hi, I’m Natasha, you must be y/n. Believe me we already know everything about you.” She laughed. Peters cheeks flushed red, a sight that you still loved to see. Steve stepped forward and introduced himself as well. “My names Eddie, uhh sorry about earlier, I had no idea you were ya know, with the spider-guy.” You nodded his direction as you heard Peter mumble something nasty under his breath. His arms came to wrap around your waist. 
“That’s all alright...But yeah I know Cletus Kasady. Studied him several times, even got to interview him. I intern with the FBI, Behavioral Science Unit, and I also major in Psychology, and Homeland security. So I’m all too familiar with him.” Eddie nods slowly, swirling his drink in his hand as he seats himself at the bar. “Mind telling us a little bit?” Tony chirps in, leaning against the bar to listen. “Oh, sure...Kasady, to put it lightly is a sociopath and a homicidal sadist... As a child he murdered his grandmother, dropped her hairdryer in the bathtub, and tortured his mothers dog. His mother tired to murder him after she discovered what he did, but his father, mind you, who was just a psychotic as he was, killed his mother in turn, and was thrown in prison, leaving Cletus an orphan. He was sent to St. Estes School For Boys, where his...odd behavior made him a target of abuse from his peers, and staff. Cletus killed many more people throughout the orphanage and burnt it down. He became known as Americas most notorious serial killer and was eventually arrested and charged. The buzz this last week was all about his escape..” You trailed off and silence fell over the room. Eddie cleared his throat. “And you interviewed this chum? What was he like?” You shuddered and Peter’s grip on your waist tightened, as if he couldn’t hold you close enough to him. “He was...just that. Odd. He said some really sick things to me. I still have the audio recording of the interview at my apartment. My partners...and Peter all begged me not to do the interview, said that he had a pattern of obsessive behavior and they didn’t feel comfortable with me going through with it. Now looking back I wish I would have listened. He’s somewhere out there on the loose now, and to say I’m afraid is an understatement...” 
Eddie shook his head. “You should be afraid...and careful especially now. I didn’t come to bring good news. I came in contact with Cletus as well, just three days ago. Here in New York. I was searching for an extremely violent Klyntar, named Carnage. Venom sensed he was close, we rounded an alleyway and witnessed Kasady cornering a lady in an alley, luckily we arrived in time before he could... Anyways...he ran from us. And we haven’t been able to track him since. We might need help. Carnage is violent in nature, I can only imagine what tendencies of Kasady that he’s attaining.” Peter gave a confused look. “So, what you mean is that when a Klyntar merges with a human, they feed onto that persons attributes?” Eddie nodded slowly. “Oh. Yeah, that's perfect! So we have a gassed up, murderous psychopath running around empowered by a violent alien life form? Hmm wonderful.” Tony threw the rest of his drink back, his eyes wandering around the room. “So how do we stop it...?” Steve inquired. “Well first obviously we have to capture him. And assuming we can get that far, we would need to separate the two, and kill Carnage.” Eddie finished. Your head lulled against your palm, your body was tired and your mind couldn’t erase the thought of Cletus running around New York in a murderous rampage attempting to find you. 
“I can find you too one day...just like you found me”
His raspy voice echoed in your head, you wrapped your hand tightly around Peter’s arm. He met your eyes, seeing that you needed to escape. “Well, we can’t do anymore tonight but rest...it’s late. Tony we’ll stay here...I don’t want her at the apartment after tonight.” Tony nodded. “Of course, you guys are always welcome. That goes for you, too.” Tony nodded at Eddie. “Granted that you don’t try to eat anyone...Lot of the team is spread out worldwide right now so there’s plenty of room.” Eddie nodded and followed Pepper down the hall as she showed him to his room. You pulled Peter by the hand and led him out of the kitchen to his bedroom, closing and locking the door behind you. You let out a shaky breath, peeling off his sweatshirt and sinking into the bed. “Pete, what are we going to do...” You whined softly pulling a pillow to your chest. Peter set on the bed next to you stroking your hair. “H-hey, y/n it’ll be okay. I’m always going to keep you safe..But tomorrow I really need to listen to those tapes.” You shook your head. “You’re going to be mad peter...there’s a lot on them I didn’t tell you about, I mean, this guy blatantly threatened me. But I shook it off because, he’s a psycho? I mean that was expected right?” Peter rubbed his eyes, you could tell he was stressed beyond measure. Sitting up you kissed his shoulder. His eyes met yours, and he took your chin in his hand, resting his forehead against yours. “None of that matters, I’m going to take care of you.” You nodded softly. 
Peter licked over his bottom lip, his eyes gazed from yours down to your lips and back again, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt. “You look so sexy wearing my clothes...” You softly whimpered as he leaned in to kiss your neck, making you see stars. “You look even better without them.” He tugged at his shirt, lifting it over his head, tufting his soft curls as his bare chest came into view, catching your breath. Goosebumps erupted over your skin as he tugged at your clothes now, peeling them off and leaving you naked. He peppered gentle kisses over your thighs, pausing over your heat and meeting your eyes. “Is this okay?” His eyes begging you for permission. “Yes...Please.” You begged him softly. His head disappeared again and you felt him lick a stripe up your heat, lips settling over your clit. You gasped and whimpered as he massaged you slowly, his fingers entering you and moving against your spot perfectly. Your orgasm took you by surprise and you mewled as peter licked his digits clean. Your thighs clench as he leans back pulling down his boxers and sweats, cock springing free from their constraint. 
Peter is back over you in an instant, kissing you deeply. You can taste yourself on his lips and it makes your head spin. You’re so lost in his kiss, that you jump when Peter pushes his thick length inside of you, pushing you apart, and causing you to moan against his lips. “That feels good babe..?” He asks you rhetorically, because he can already see he’s driving you wild. You whimper underneath him as he slots himself deeper between your thighs, pushing your legs back and hitching one over his shoulder as he ruts inside of you, tip of his cock brushing your g-spot perfectly. You quickly become a whimpering mess, as his movements speed up, threatening to make you unravel for him again. He grabs you by the chin, forcing you to meet his eyes as he fucks you deeply, his hair was nothing compared to the wild, fucked out mess it is now, his eyes are blown with lust and his mouth hangs open slightly as he groans. “Say my name love...” You moan loudly as one of his hands leaves your hip and tangles in your hair. “C'mon baby...say my name, let me know who makes you feel this fucking good...” He fucks you harder. “You do Peter...Just you babe...fuck I'm gonna cum!” Peter buries his head into your neck and fucks you into your second high, holding you tight while you shake in his arms. 
“My turn love.” He kisses you swiftly before he sets back on his heels, pulling you into his lap. He gives you just a second to adjust to his length before he bucks up inside of you, causing you to move against him. You card your hands in his hair and throw your head back, holding him close to your chest. “That’s it princess..just like that...so tight for me, such a good girl.” Peter’s praise encourages you to speed up, bouncing on his lap. He moves his hands to your hips helping guide you up and back down on him. His movements become sloppy and you can tell he’s close. You pull his head back by his hair, and look into his deep brown eyes. “I love you peter..fuck..I want you to cum for me.” Peter goes into a frenzy, rutting inside of you until he’s shaking. You cradle his body as he picks you up and guides you back to the mattress, groaning and whimpering as he paints your walls with hot strips of cum. “Fucking hell, I love you too baby.” He finally replies, rolling off of you and racing to the bathroom for a towel. After cleaning you off, peter climbs back into bed, nestling next to you and pulling you into his chest. “Your heart is beating so fast, you okay doll?” he asks you. You nudge away from his chest, peeking up at him. “I’m okay, that’s just what you do to me.” You laugh. 
Neither of you falls asleep right away. You lay in the dark for a long time, silently kissing and rubbing each other, as if you'd never get another chance. Before long, you hear Peter softly snoring, his grip slightly loosening. Not far behind him, you trail off to sleep, lulled by the sound of his breathing, feeling safe wrapped in his arms again. 
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smartgirlsaremean · 3 years
Star Wars, Order 66, and Holocaust Denial
If you are the type of person to tell me to go read the novelizations or graphic novels or play the games or whatever for additional explanations, just stop right here. Because I will not do that. If you have chosen film as your primary mode of storytelling, then all the most important information should be in the films. I should not walk out of a film thinking “I sure hope there’s going to be a graphic novel to explain all that bullshit.” No. Okay, moving on. There are a lot of narrative problems in the Star Wars prequels.
Why is the Force suddenly a bacterial infection instead of an inherent and intangible connection between all living and nonliving things? If the galaxy is under democratic rule, what’s up with all the slave trade? What suffering, exactly, was being caused by the Trade Federation’s blockade of Naboo? What proof did we have of a symbiotic relationship between the Naboo and the Gungans? Was there a constitutional amendment approved by the Galactic Senate that established a representative role for the Gungans (and why was JarJar a representative instead of a senator? are his duties and responsibilities different? does he hold less power? are there other worlds with this kind of representation? does Lucas ever actually THINK about anything before writing it?) But one problem has been stuck in my craw and I could never really figure out why until recently. Order 66. So, as we understand it, the original Stormtroopers were not people, but clones of bounty hunter Jango Fett, which were ordered by a Sith Lord for MYSTERIOUS PURPOSES. They are not individuals, but programmable fleshy robots, essentially. One of their programs is something called Order 66, which, spoiler alert, is an order for them to kill any Jedi in their immediate vicinity.  Devastating, right? Well, no. Not really. And that’s the problem. See, the Galactic Empire of the original movies was a pretty on-the-nose stand-in for Nazi Germany. Everything from their rise to power to their uniforms to their reliance on innovative battle technology was modeled after that regime. It stands to reason that Order 66 is, allegorically speaking, this universe’s Final Solution, right? So it should be this horrifying, visceral moment when the Stormtroopers turn their blasters on their allies and blow them away. The thing is, the clones are not humans. They are literally programmed for Order 66, and that fundamentally changes the impact of Order 66, and even more disturbingly, allows for some pretty gross rationalizations. “They didn’t know what they were doing.” “They didn’t know it was wrong.” “They thought the Jedi were dangerous.” “They were just following orders.” If you are unfortunate enough to know Holocaust deniers, you have heard these excuses before, except they were given for real, actual human beings who knowingly took part in the slaughter of more than 6 million of their fellow humans. Men and women who woke up, kissed their spouses, sent their children off to school, and then went to work at concentration camps where they brutalized and killed political prisoners by the millions. If Lucas was trying for a similar horror with Order 66, he missed the mark. The whole scene is dispassionate and mechanical. By making the Stormtroopers clones with an exterminate order programmed into their brains, he absolves them of responsibility. He also completely misunderstands what made the Holocaust so horrific. Yes, obviously, the deaths of 6 million people was horrific. The fact that these deaths were dealt by their fellow humans - their countrymen - their NEIGHBORS...that perfectly ordinary men and women accepted, endorsed and even applauded the extermination of their fellows...that these horrors were visited not by aliens, or by monsters, or by robotic clones, but by real, living, flesh-and-blood human beings who believed that what they were doing was RIGHT and NECESSARY... THAT is true horror. And taken in that light, Order 66 becomes an insult. A joke. Think about this: two months ago a group of white supremacist insurrectionists stormed the US Capitol to try to overturn a democratic election. At least one of them was wearing a Camp Auschwitz Staff sweatshirt, and at least one was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with 6MWE (6 million wasn’t enough). “Well, there are still Jews around so they didn’t finish the job!” these disgusting turdwaffles chuckle to themselves around the dinner table. Yesterday I watched a review of Jedi: Fallen Order in which one of the reviewers joked, “ANOTHER Jedi escaped Order 66? Guess it wasn’t much of a success, huh?” Ew. The thing is, I don’t think this was on purpose. I don’t think Lucasfilm set out to create a narrative in which the Jedi Holocaust was a) not really the Stormtroopers’ fault because they were just following orders and b) not actually all that bad because so many Jedi managed to escape. I honestly believe that he realized the “Clone Wars” had been mentioned way back in A New Hope and thought “that sounds cool we should do something with that” and then just...went with it without really thinking things through because George Lucas is, to put it mildly, a terrible writer. The whole thing still makes me feel a bit icky though. And I thought I’d share some of that ick with the internet.
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gemini--emerald · 4 years
So i made a lore thing for us nHo so take this
Their nearly pitch black hair whipped around themself, the heat of the lava surrounding the large barren rock didnt even make him flinch anymore. When you live in whats basically Hell for almost your whole life you get used to it. The red glow of the Nether portal that would teleport him into another worlds overworld was almost blinding, it was way to bright for their liking, although; he supposes he wouldn't have found it any other way so its actually good he assumes. Well; if the “nHo” liked him that is. Xenon tried whispering reasurrences to himself on the way over here but the fact he could only speak Galactic did nothing to help their nerves so they eventually gave up. Despite Silas telling him repeatedly that enough of the members knew Galactic or sign language to understand him and translate for the other members he still couldnt avoid the prick of doubt in his mind. The anxiety that they wouldnt take him for how he looked or acted or… the Other Thing. It was stupid he knew; Silas had said themself that they took in anyone and that a little bit of craziness was welcome. 
Neither knew how they other looked physically because of the fact that the ‘Watcher’ comm, as Silas called it, didnt allow pictures or anything of the sort but despite that the supposed Ender Hybrid seemed excited to meet him; at least, Xenon thinks so from the messages they sent him. Xenon has never really met anyone else besides family and the souls of the Taken and wasnt good with social cues. He really hoped that would change and that hed learn how to socialize somewhat well despite what could probably be considered a verbal disability. 
He exhaled, “Guess I better get this over with huh,” he said to no one but the strangely empty air. He picked up the Netherite filled bag with ease, having done so so many times and walked towards the portal. Turning around and looking out into the dull red fog for the last time for a long time he whispered, “Goodbye, hope to see you soon.”
When he opened his eyes again he was met with the blinding green of, what he was pretty sure, jungle grass...Along with Crimson Nylium?? What was that doing here?! Opting to ignore that for the time being, he noticed they were in a large clearing surrounded by jungle trees, some of them having branches cut off and with large smiley faces with the mouth too wide and the eyes X-ed out. Huh.
“HEY!!” His eyes snapped to his left and up into one eye of bright red, not unlike the portals, and one purple one, like an enderman’s. He took in how they looked, the bright colors of their rainbow hair starting at red on the top and going down to purple at the nape of their neck, the right side of their face covered in enderman scales. They seemed to be about 2 inches taller than him, that didnt happen often, although they are part enderman so he supposes it makes since. Oh shit, he’s been staring hasnt he? It took him a moment to process what they said before and that they had said it in Galactic so he said back, “I can understand English you know; I just cant speak it” They looked surprised for a second, then broke out into a grin. “Guys its him!!”
Suddenly, what seemed like a tad over 10 people started jumping down the trees, some using the vines to help them and… some of the vines helping them itself? Whatever, not the weirdest thing ever. They decided to count heads as this was happening and it seemed like there were 11 people, not counting Silas and himself.
As the swarm of 11 people came into view better he started to notice more and more details about them. Like how one seemingly hovered above the ground, and one was about the same height of Silas, was also floating, had horns and really liked orange. Three more flew around the clearing; one with wings of purple and pink feathers, another with what looked like phantom wings, and a white somewhat-humanoid wolf/avian hybrid. 
One short person stood way back in the shadows for a moment before starting to walk. He started walking and grinned when he caught Xenon staring...and then the shadows bent around him almost like inviting them to see him without all the shadows. Well that was new. Silas followed his gaze and piped up, thankfully in english this time. “I see you’ve found Zero, he has a symbiote that bends the shadows.” 
Ooookayyy... taking that into account Xenon looks back to the rest of the people; one taller girl, still shorter than him however, was in full blue, even blue hair and jogging next to her was some sort of robot with a red cape covering up where their left arm would be. Three more girls were the last in the group and from what could be mistaken as a trick of the light, but he knew it wasnt, was glitches swirling around one with short hair in a lab coat. The next was the same height as her and had a pink coat and flowers in her hair; the last one was shorter than the previous two and was wearing elyra with a plain t-shirt and jeans and had rectangle glasses.
Once all of them finally reached the portal they automatically made a semi-circle around them, besides Bon, who stayed to the left of him; the rest were close enough to hear and talk, but far enough away so that they wouldnt touch him if he didnt want to. These people must be really accepting if they care enough to give him space. ‘That's… really nice of them,’ he thought. 
Before anyone could say anything however, he noticed everyone looking above him with smiles and smirks on their faces. Before he could even think of turning around, he was caught off-gaurd by a sudden force on the back of his head. Okay, so thats why theyre keeping a distance, bc they think he’ll fall and die, thats wonderful, he cant wait to tell them how wrong they are. However, right after that thought, he heard Silas yelling,  “Helix what the fuck?!” With the others laughing while watching him stumble with the added weight seemingly attached to his head.
He felt the weight attached to his head shift over to his right shoulder as Silas kept yelling and everyone else laughing to death on the Crimson ground… right that was still a thing. He felt someone sit down on his shoulder and looked towards them as best he could with his hair in the way. They seemed to notice this as they proceeded to move his hair and tuck it behind his shoulder; not knowing if they knew Galactic he hesitantly said a simple, “Hi?” and waved his hand. ‘Helix’ excitedly waved back and used sign language to ask what their name was. Xenon hesitantly looked to Silas and before he could ask, Zero piped up and said “Helix does have a mouth so they use sign language to communicate, by the way they asked what or name is.” Well he knew that; wherever Helix lived before this, their sign language was close to that of the Nether. 
Xenon looked back to Helix who was looking expectantly at him. Holding up his hands, trying not to jostle Helix too much, they quickly signed ‘X’ ‘E’ ‘N’ ‘O’ ‘N’ to them. After, Helix looked at the others in what he could only guess was awe as he felt them go almost limp on their shoulder, only holding on to his hair which was starting to hurt by how hard he was gripping it. Curious, Xenon looked to the others and saw awe and happiness in their eyes. Why? He wasnt sure, but after a moment he felt the death-grip on his hair release and a tap on the side of his head. 
Turning back to Helix he watched them sign ‘you can understand me’ Xenon signed back, ‘yes of course.’ Helix signed back ‘i understand most Galactic so you can talk.’ “Oh ok, well uh, can i put you down now?” Helix heard this quickly signed ‘sorry,’ and before Xenon could do anything, they jumped off his shoulder, thankfully landed easily and surprisingly graceful on the spiky, weird Nylium and went over to the tall brown haired guy in orange and started climbing up his leg, then arm, and all the way up until they were sitting on his head and between his horns. After that the blue haired girl looked up to him and excitedly exclaimed, “That explosion was so cool! Did you mean to do that?” Xenon had no clue what she was on about and meekly croaked out a “What?” She looked over to Silas for guidance, a non-galactic speaker then.
Silas merely looked at him and said, “so you didn’t mean to make that explosion?” He blankly stared at them and whispered “I had no idea that it would do that.” Silas then leaped into the air and pumped their fist. Looking down at the phantom hybrid they yelled “Told ya so, now you owe me 5 diamonds Alex!”  Xenon watched as Alex begrudgingly walked over to Silas and handed them the diamonds .
After introductions and more goofing around, and handing out the Netherite he would never forget the hours of mining that took them, Xenon was sure that he’d like it here, even with the bright green of the Jungle it was ganna turn red soon enough anyways. 
(i really hope this worked right, also i didnt edit it yet but i’ll do that later)
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Legless On Maim Chap. 4: The Government Is Firmly Not Doctor Prescribed
For Ectober Day 9: Rain. 
Danny is annoyed but not surprised, Lewis is impressed but not surprised, Valerie is just surprised; but everyone’s a little confused.
Lewis pushes open Danny’s door around seven a.m., two coffees hugged to his chest and bags slung over his shoulder. He’s pretty sure Danny has a bit of a caffeine addiction. Putting one cup on the table before pausing and looking down, there was a pair of legs in red boots laying on the ground. The first place his mind goes is ‘goddamnit Vee, don’t leave out corpses’, but this is Danny. So that is definitely not a dead body, or part of one.
Depositing the bags to the side before walking around the bed to see who they’re attached to, seeing someone -clearly a girl- in a full-body metal ninja suit. Kicking at her feet, because really? Who? Why? Only for her to jerk awake, take one look at him and jump out the window.
Lewis blinks for a second before walking over to the window and watching whoever fly off on a hover-board? Shaking his head and looking at Danny, was he friendly with another hero type? Lewis tilts his head, well actually, he had seen her in a few videos...usually shooting at ghosts, including Phantom. So was she actually here on friendly terms or did Danny just knock her out....and then fall asleep himself. Which even Eddie isn’t enough of a reckless trash-fire to do.
Deciding not to wake up Danny near his hands, he’d rather not make his bruising worse or bruise the other wrist, he pokes at the tail through the sheets. Only for Danny to effectively ensure Lewis is very awake by his tail wrapping around Lewis’s torso and slamming him into the bed; which is honestly more painful than expected from a somewhat soft bed.
Danny growls for a beat before recognising Lewis’s scent and letting go of the guy, chuckling awkwardly, “sorry ‘bout that”. Watching as Lewis straightens his doctors' coat before waving Danny off, “at least you didn’t break a cast this time. Though I absolutely did wake you up near your tail to avoid getting attacked”.
Danny chuckles, “waking me up without me being full attack mode is a pointless task. At least half my fights start with me being awoken suddenly”, grumbling, “really does a number to my sleep schedule”.
Lewis chuckles, “ghosts and criminals, things of the night”, before pointing at the floor where the girl had been, “now, why was there an unconscious ghost hunter in red on the floor? I’m only guessing she’s a hunter because every video with her has her chasing ghosts”, pointing at Danny, “including you”.
Danny glances at the window, part of it still laying on the ground, before shaking his head, “she came and said hi, we’re friendly. Everyone calls her the Red Huntress”.
Lewis snorts and shakes his head, she sure didn’t seem friendly from what he’s seen, “by that you mean friendly to Danny Fenton, right?”.
Danny smirks slightly, he was working on getting her friendly to both sides of him but it was more than a work in progress, “yeah. Destroying Phantom is one of her life goals and videos?”, smirking and raising an eyebrow, “you been looking me up doc?”.
Lewis shrugs but points to Danny’s coffee, Danny smiling with ever so slight surprise and sipping at it while Lewis speaks, “I’m a curious man and you did tell me who you are. Though that may have only given me more questions”.
Lewis nods and downs the rest of his coffee before it gets too cold, that may likely not bother Danny but Lewis prefers reasonably well-temperatured drinks, “from what I looked at, Phantom and Fenton act wildly different. Yet neither seem like the you I’ve seen since you’ve been here. And you did say your Phantom form was just an inversion of how you looked upon death, so what’s with the symbol? Obviously you made the Phantom name after dying, yet the symbol obviously means Danny Phantom”.
Danny snorts and stretches out his tail some, wiggling the rest of his body a little as well, “can’t act the same in both forms, that’s suspicious, and you’re not from Amity. You don’t really know of me. So no point playing up the weakling or the hero around you”, chuckling and tracing a little DP over his chest with his tail tip, “there’s a wild story there. Inadvertently un-half died so had to half off myself again. Added the symbol to my original suit in black beforehand”, sighing happily, “re-half dying was worth the style points”.
Lewis scrunches up his eyebrows, “so you’ve died half-way twice? That seems highly illogical. And it sounds like you had the choice not to, yet did it anyway full well knowing what you’d become?”. At least that’s one way to eliminate the debate of whether or not he had a choice being the way he was.
Danny smiles and nods eagerly, “of course, I wouldn’t have me any other way. I’d do it again, as many times as needed, to stay Phantom. And I also made myself technically never get born once, fixed that obviously”, shaking his head, “mom almost dissected me that day. One of four times I’ve been strapped or chain down to some instrument of torture”.
Lewis shakes his head, deciding to not touch how someone could make themselves not exist while still being in existence enough to correct that, that’s a paradox if he’s ever heard one. “Strapped to torture instruments is a bit commonplace for Eddie and that was before even becoming Venom. Since then I think they’re at two. And both Eddie and Vee would say the same about being Venom. They could have stayed separate, honestly glad they didn’t. I don’t think anyone else could support Vee and Eddie would just implode on his own”.
Danny chuckles, he damn well hopes most people couldn’t even tolerate supporting Vee’s ‘diet’, “I’d implode too. One thing I’ve learned and know well. Be something or someone long enough and you can’t go back. Even if your body or life does. My ghostly instincts and Obsession are just part of me at this point”.
Lewis dips his head at Danny, made sense. Eddie is probably too used to Vee healing him and being functionally indestructible, that he would probably accidentally kill himself. “Humans are adaptable things. But reverting is like breaking a habit, most will fail miserably”, tilting his head and remembering another question, “and nether you nor Eddie are truly human fully. That’s a much bigger change. There’s no special fancy name for what’s Eddie is, he just gets called a host. But, if I remember correctly, you mentioned a word I haven’t heard before, ‘halfa’? Is that what you are?”.  
Danny blushes slightly, stupid tongue, “heh, that’s the word. Half creature, hybrid, half-ghost, half-breed, half-formed. If someone’s really a dick, bastardisation”.
Lewis frowns at the last one, because that’s the appropriate reaction. The term was rather accurate but probably not appreciated, “that’s a lot of ways to say half something, half something else. Most seem a bit insulting”.
Danny snorts as Lewis gets up to throw out the two empty cups, “the whole alive and dead thing is a bit of a spit in the face to both and existence in general. So it makes sense”, pointing at Lewis, “your friends are natural technically. Humans playing host to other organisms is commonplace and Symbiotes, from what you’ve said, naturally have hosts. So hosting a Symbiote is natural really. But halfas? Nothing natural about that. It’s like a major glitch in the universe. Something abominable. Don’t really bother me though”.
“That’s good?”, well at least he didn’t seem to mind, positives. Shrugging slightly and setting bandaging to the side, “well Vee’s rather viewed a bit like that for being not evil. But that’s not the same of course”, picking up a garbage can and smiling cheerily, “now I was thinking we ought to get those casts off. Would make people think you’re doing better and let you move around some”, shrugging at Danny’s smile, “course you’ll still be bandaged up, no way you shouldn’t be, and-”, lifting up a larger bag, “-you’re wearing braces”.
Danny groans exaggeratedly at seeing the guy pull out two long ones with hinges -obviously for his arms-, two for his wrist and fingers -but hey! At least it looks like he’ll actually be able to move his fingers, not bend them though-, and what looks like a bulletproof vest with lots of straps and ribbing. Great. Least the bandaging mostly looks like ace wrapping, which he uses for nastier wounds or breaks here and there. So that’s familiar enough. But...Danny smirks slightly, “so I can just get out of the casts now?”.
Lewis nods and makes a point of not jerking from Danny just sitting up and throwing his arms out. Basically breaking apart all of the castings and hitting Lewis with a few pieces. Danny chuckles, “I make no apologies”.
Lewis shrugs, “well, I did take your legs”.
“And you didn’t even give me proper payment! Those were fantastic rare samples of a unique species I’ll have you know”, Danny waves a finger at him before stretching out in genuine, eyeballing the door all the while.
Lewis just motions for Danny’s arm and starts wrapping it up. Danny raising an eyebrow, “are you wrapping everything?”.
Lewis, securing it, “everything should, normally and logically, still be casted. You’re already getting a good deal here”. Danny huffs but lets Lewis do his job.
Lewis would admit, if asked, that he is absolutely marvelling over Danny’s healing. He was in perfect condition and just like the work Vee can do, it’s always incredible to see healing like this. Though he is definitely getting some strange side-eyeing from Danny as he inspects Danny’s bodies work.
Danny, meanwhile, thinks it’s probably for the best that Lewis doesn’t usually deal with conscious non-drugged patients. He could see Skulker going over his pelt like this, like an appraiser looking over a sought after collection, a hunter grazing their fingers over their favourite trophy prize, a cat eyeballing the best meal they’ve had in weeks. Lewis is again, really really weird, “dude, if you try to steal my body for display or something, we are going to have issues. One fucker doing that is enough, thank you very much”.
Lewis glances at Danny as he’s snapping on the second arm brace, “your body does good work. I like admiring good work, preferably my own but still. And who wants to display you? That sounds more than a little worrying”.
Danny chuckles, “I’m practically a one of a kind creature Lewis, my pelt is the trophy prize of trophy prizes. Skulker, a collector and poacher, is more than just a little fixated on me”, shaking his head and grunting a little from the finger braces, definitely not comfortable, “he has a display section specifically assigned for me and is pretty much my personal stalker at this point. Makes good pie though”.
Lewis shakes his head, “your life is complicated”, and motions for Danny to sit on the edge of the bed so he can put on the torso brace; Danny’s tail swishing around some.
Danny spreads his fingers repeatedly and bends them as much as he can at the first knuckles, which isn’t much, as Lewis moves around the back to finish securing the last brace; which he’s sure is pretty similar to the feel of an actual bulletproof vest. “You’ve got no idea. And there’s schooling on top of it, which my sister’s probably going to be bringing by today, so heads up for that”.
Lewis nods curtly, “noted”, and steps back to assess and admire. Readjusting a few things to look better. Symmetry matters.
Danny, deciding to mess with the guy a little for being a bit creepy, promptly transforms under the braces, also changing them like he did to the battle suit he used to fight Pariah. Hand and wrist braces turning white, the rest all black with his insignia over the chest of the torso brace. Green circles at every joint and white lines tracing the edges, black lines for his wrists and hands.
Lewis blinks and coughs, firmly startled and a bit confused while Danny’s looking over the design with a small smirk. Hearing him mutter, “not half bad actually”. Lewis shakes his head some and inspects one of the arm braces, “how and why?”.
Danny shrugs and transforms over the braces, making them seemingly disappear. Which Lewis gives him a seriously unimpressed and slightly insulted look for. Danny chuckles as he changes back human, braces reappearing completely normal. Lewis shaking his head and tapping on the arm brace, “you just altered -absorbed?- and recreated mass. Mass that wasn’t even your own”.
“I'm an impossible thing. Logic need not apply. When I’m all ghost, my organs and bones are optional. I can literally be just a bunch of floating vaguely person-shaped ectoplasm. Don’t ask me where my clothing and what not goes when I transform”, shrugging, “running theory, my ectoplasmic flesh just coats everything and absorbs or alters it”.
Lewis tilts his head, he didn’t exactly know what happened to Eddie's body or anything really either. Sometimes Venom could peel back to show Eddie’s face or body being right there, the next you could be staring down a throat that clearly wasn’t attached to a human. Illogical. Pointing at Danny, “you know, that’s pretty similar to running theory on what Vee does. Symbiotic flesh seeps out of Eddies pours and coats him. Sometimes absorbing him sometimes not, very illogical indeed. Vee also pretends to be Eddie’s clothing by doing that sometimes. Makes a very convincing leather jacket”, shaking his head with a slight smile, “just one that might bite you”.
Danny chuckles and stretches out again, trying to get a feel for these things, “Tuck once made a joke that my transformation rings eat my human stuff and clothing, then vomit it back out when I change back”, before letting Lewis re-securing and check over all the tubes and wiring attached to him.
Lewis checks his watch and laughs, with the way the Venom transformation happens it did look a lot like Vee eating Eddie’s face. While Danny floats off the bed and swirls around the room a little. Floating to look over Lewis’s shoulder, “let me guess, you’ve got more actual work to do today?”.
Lewis nods, probably oddly unfazed by the floating teen, “indeed, cutting it close already. Mostly just phone calls, paperwork and dealing with the underlings”, patting Danny’s shoulder, “at least attempt to stay in bed mostly, other people do show up here you know”.
Danny waves him off, “pfft I’ve vacuumed my house in ghost form before. Really is the easiest way to vacuum the walls”.
Lewis pauses at the door and looks back at him slightly, “who vacuums their walls?”.
Danny floats around the room, checking out random things, though being careful to not pull off any of the monitoring crap stuck to him. Don’t want to go giving Lewis a heart attack or something. Eventually running out of that to do, so he tests out the range of motion on every single section of the braces. Which, hint, was not very much.
Around noon he’s pretty much just laying in bed fiddling with his fingers and waiting for lunch, when Val/Red comes in through the window a bit aggressively and does a roll across the ground.
Danny blinks, “uh hey, again”, as she springs up and deactivates her helmet. Danny instantly frowning and sitting up at her looking slightly disheveled and worried. “What is it?”.
Valerie glances out the window at the vehicles, “didn’t want those guys seeing me and wondering why the Red Huntress was here”, looking back to Danny, “out of casts I see. It looks...way less serious”.
Danny smirks, “yeah”, moving his arm around and bending his fingers as much as he can, “still annoying though. Kinda feel like I’m in a battle suit myself though”.
Both of them look out the window as it starts raining, Valerie smiling, “do I ever have good timing”.
Danny squints, something seemed kind of...off, “yeah......”, tilting his head at Val, “what guys? My folks are here too?”.
Valerie sighs and shakes her head, slightly annoyed and not really sure nor caring why they were here, “no, it’s those idiotic G.I.W. their cars stick out li-”.
Danny promptly cuts her off, hiding his panic for now, “what? Are, um, sure they’re here?”, Danny looks at the stuff hocked up to him, figuring out what order to get rid of or deactivate them while alerting the staff as late as possible.  
Valerie squints at him, a little confused, the G.I.W. were just confusing and annoying that’s it, “yeah, they always wear those super clean white suits and the pompous sunglasses”.
“Ah fuck”, Danny prompt floats off the bed and to the window, looking out and indeed seeing their damn vehicles, one that is definitely a heavy-duty ecto-entity transportation vehicle, “fuck me”, squinting more at the rain, it was a really bright blue. Intense colours and him altering colour palettes was normal in Amity, but here? Was he already ecto-contaminating this place that much?
Now Valerie is both confused and a little worried, not to mention startled by Danny just...floating. Watching the tail vibrate like static, clearly upset or freaked out. She’s just going to assume Danny’s tried this floating thing already or it comes naturally with the tail, “what is it? I know they’re annoying but I highly doubt they’d be visiting some kid. Even if you’re a Fenton”.
Danny glances at her before zipping over to all the devices hooked up to him, fiddling with them as he responds, “you see the big van? Like an armoured truck? They are absolutely here for me. And if they find me, they’ll shove me in that and take me to who knows where for lots of painful experiments”.
Valerie blinks, judging by how focused and panicked he seemed -not to mention how he was deactivating machines, tearing sensors off, and cutting through any tubes that were more impeded in him- he was serious about this. But why?, “that doesn’t make sense Danny. Why would they do that? You’re a human kid”.
Danny looks at her a little stunned that it wasn’t obvious before zipping back to the window, he couldn’t go out this way, he’d be spotted and he’d rather not start showing off his powers to Val. Floating around was probably already pushing it. Plus, hospitals had tons of exits. “I’m a human kid with a ghostly tail and ectoplasm in my blood. The hospital took samples from me when I arrived, they would have access to that. My folks' samples they don’t”, turning to her as he floats against his door and listens, whispering to her as she walks over quietly, looking a bit more serious now, “they’ve come after me before, I tricked them so they dropped it. Can’t do that again cause the device I used was destroyed”, Danny doesn’t even have to ask if she’s helping him get out of here, partly because it would be easier if she didn’t partly because he knows she’s going to help even if he asked her not to, as he expertly gets the lock open and sticks his head out.
Valerie grabs him and yanks his head back in, whispering, “what do you think you’re doing?”, gesturing at his tail, “if they’re after you then that getting spotted is the worst thing you could do”.
Even if people did spot his tail, people can write a quick glimpse off as a trick of the eye, “I can’t stay here”.
Valerie dashes back to Danny’s hospital bed, it still hurt that he even had one, and yanks off the top sheet. Tossing it at Danny and whispering, “then hide it, I’ll carry you. You know damn well I can be sneaky”. The fact that he doesn’t even complain about that, instead just lays on the ground and coils the tail up tightly, tying the sheet around it and his waist; really makes it clear he’s very serious about this.
She picks him up, firmly pushing off her mild freak out overdoing that and how light he is, while he throws an arm around her shoulder and neck. Promptly sticking her head out the door and booking it towards an empty hallway.
Danny makes a damn point to pay attention to his senses, smelling for people or where he can smell more fresh air -likely closer to an exit- as Val runs impressively quietly. Of course, him getting carried is damn embarrassing and the jostling isn’t pleasant, if he was actually still injured this would probably hurt like Hell. “Left.....Right......Right....”, pointing at one of the bridges, “over that, exit”.
Valerie huffs and makes a point to walk more casually, even if they get some weird looks no one really thinks much of it, “Danny, you memorised, the building? Just how, cautious are you?”.
Danny just grunts as they get across, looking over the railing to see Lewis talking to two clearly annoyed G.I.W. agents, “as much as needed”.
Valerie follows his line of sight just before she starts manoeuvring to a stairwell, seeing three agents talking to Danny’s weird -seriously who says stuff like that?- doctor, “fuck, you’re right”. Then muttering as she starts down the stairs, “I’m not hurting you am I?”.
Danny grunts as she gets open the door to outside, logically he should be in pain but that would make her feel bad, “I’m fine, let’s just go”.
Valerie plops Danny on the ground, activates her helmet only, and sticks her head out into the pouring rain, looking around for a clear coast.
Danny looks at the rain and his bandaging, chuckling, “Lewis is gonna be pissed”. Untying the sheet, because honestly the goal was to be totally unseen now, thank you rain for the poor visibility in that regard. Floating over near her though not sticking his head into the rain, and muttering, “don’t give me shit for not being carried anymore. I’d rather be able to zip off if I have to”.
Valerie side-eyes him but nods, it made sense, she might have to play distraction or something. Plus, the rain made it incredibly darker. At least it will likely be a while before anyone comes out here to look for them so they’ve got time to wait for a good while.
Lewis was walking to the front desk to check over somethings and make a couple drop-offs, when he spotted the three white-suited men. Making a point to not stare or looking at them, or chuckle for that matter, they looked like nock off Men In Black agents. Guys In White, Hell that was a complete rip off actually.
Ignoring them as one agent asks the receptionist, “Agent S, government agent. We need to see some patient files-”.
“I’m sorry sir, if you’re not family or the patient we can’t release that kind of information”.
Lewis nearly chokes and laughs at the Agents response, “we do your taxes. All the ones for the people who were brought in from the car crash in Amity Park, files now”.
The receptionist gives them a disbelieving look and takes her sweet time looking over the guys' badge, “sorry sir, I still can not release that information to you”.
“Where are their rooms located?”.
The receptionist, who’s obviously mistrustful of them now. Lewis almost thinks she should get a raise for putting up with this, as she responds, “many are in special intensive care or discharged. Those still here are not allowed unapproved visitors-”.
“Where are their rooms, we will come in with a warrant”.
She completely ignores their comment, “-All approvals are being handled by their respective doctors. If you wish to see any of them you will need approval”.
One of the other Agents steps up, “who are the doctors”, that’s supposed to be a question but it sounds like a demand.
Lewis, deciding to catch them off guard a little, “I am one”.
The receptionist functionally exits the conversation at this point and goes back to her work. Not wanting to deal with these blowhards or Dr. Lewis. Taking the finished paperwork from the strange surgeon. She was more than happy to hear he would be going away for a while to help look after his patient, whose parents he was apparently friends with. How they could tolerate him was a bit of a mystery but from the little interaction she’s had with them, they were weird too. Possibly more weird.
The one identified as Agent S steps towards Lewis, “how many patients”.
“That information is private”.
All three agents flash their badges, “not from the government it’s not”.
Lewis makes a damn point of inspecting the badges, which are real annoyingly enough. Still doesn’t matter, “you need a warrant then”.
One of the agents types away and not even a second or two later the receptionist is handing Lewis a warrant. Lewis nods at it, these guys were fast, why couldn’t the guys who actually do his taxes be like that? Clearing his throat, “I don’t have many in my care at the moment, as I usually handle surgeries. I’m not sure how helpful that will be to you”, waiting for a beat while they stare before continuing, “as it stands, I’m looking after three. Only two from the crash”.
The three nod, before agent S speaks, “file and room location for both”.
“We are with the government”.
Looking over the warrant quickly, nothing about files or rooms, “not good enough. Friends and family only”. Lewis has a feeling that these guys are used to throwing their positions and titles around.
One of the other agents steps forward, “then we want to see your superior”.
Lewis smirks, he loved doing this, “I am the superior”.
The agent squints at his name tag and snaps, “the hospital head then”.
Lewis restrains a chuckle, that was going to get them nowhere fast. Giving them her number anyway and fetching a coffee while he waits. Hiding his smirk with the rim of the cup at the clearly frustrated agents. No way Ms. Leevy would go against Lewis’s decision over visitation of all things, especially for a special case patient or one very wealthy woman, both of whom Lewis himself worked on. He was strange and disliked but everyone knew he was damn good. It was a rare day in Hell when he was actually questioned. It had probably been years since he had been actually.
Frowning ever so slightly as the Agent clearly makes another call, likely his own government superiors. Lewis stands up as Agent S comes back over, “take us to their rooms and provide their documentation now”.
Lewis doesn’t get a chance to respond as the receptionist calls him over and hands him faxed in documents, looking a little frazzled. These guys actually got warrants, just like that once again. Danny was right to be cautious of them, but this functionally ties Lewis’s hands. And considering these guys will shoot rockets at teenagers, he’s got no doubt they’ll storm the building if he refuses at this point. That would put everyone in the hospital at risk and likely wouldn’t do much in the way of stalling.
Making a damn point of using the slowest, most annoying, and glitchy computer they have, Lewis goes about opening up Lilly’s file. Taking the long way instead of using his personal code to bypass things. But blinking when he finds the file, it was severely corrupted. Most of the files were practically unusable, even the descriptions and names were hardly intact.
Agent S snapping, “what’s wrong, why does it look like that. Unencrypt it”.
This gets the receptionist's attention again as she looks over and squints, muttering, “that’s not encryption. What in the world?”.
Lewis shakes his head, confused and a little stumped. Moving over to what he knows is Danny’s file to find it looks the same. It’s like a virus came in and took bites out of it. One file even crashes the computer when he tries to open it. The screen showing a little spinning PDA for a second before turning off completely. Danny’s friends were officially a little terrifying. What kind of hacking or programming did Tucker even use to do something like this? The kid better well have a back up of Lily’s file, Lewis kind of needs that.
Lewis shakes his head at the screen and stands, turning to the receptionist, “have the IT guys look into that”, before turning to the Agents, “warrant or no, you’re out of luck. Flies are damaged”.
Agent S snapping with clear distaste and ego, “rooms then. I’m sure your hospital isn’t so horrible that the rooms can get corrupted or doctors forget their patients' rooms”. Clearly these government dogs were pricks.
Lewis holds up his finger as his pager goes off, no one should be paging him at this point so something was clearly going wrong or there was an emergency. Checking it to see that it was a vitals alarm from Danny’s room. Seriously hoping that’s because the kid disconnected stuff, not actually having an emergency. Good thing Lewis messed with the alarms from Danny’s room. The nurses would simply be notified that Danny had been transferred rooms and to clean up the room. So to give the nurses time to do their jobs, Lewis takes the slightly longer route to Lily’s room and isn’t surprised at all when they aren’t too interested in Lily. He’s even less surprised Danny’s gone and the room is clean.
Looking at the agents and, restraining a smirk, says, “oh no, guess they’ve been misplaced”. The agents are unimpressed.
Meanwhile, Valerie and Danny smile at the backlot clearing out, hadn’t taken even remotely long. Valerie suiting up fully to stay dry and blend in a bit better. Plus her board would be quieter than running through puddles. Looking back to Danny, who’s sitting on the ground, tail wrapped under his torso. The less floating he does the better, he doesn’t want to seem too used to this. Valerie asking, “you good just riding piggyback on my board? I’m fast and I think I can steer better than you can use the tail”.
Danny nods as she activates her board, holding gently around her neck; letting his tail just float about in case he has to run/fly off. Nodding again as she asks, “good to go?”. Before shooting off.
However, Danny near-instantly stiffens, yelps, and yanks his tail to curl in between the rest of his body and Val. Wincing and shaking slightly from every raindrop. This was not normal rain. hissing out, “go back, fuck, ow. Fuck”.
If Valerie hadn’t been concerned by the comment she would be by the fact that she can’t fell Danny’s tail moving at all and it seems like his muscles are shaking and spasming. So she promptly flies back. Pretty much having to peel Danny’s stiff and definitely seized up arms from around her neck. Grabbing the sheet they left behind and patting off the rain a bit frantically, which she’s now noticing looks way too brightly coloured.
Danny groans, this shit fucking hurts. Goddamn G.I.W. twats. They probably were spraying this crap or some shit. Jerkily pushing himself to sit up against Val/Red’s leg after he gets some control of his muscles back, he can feel that stuff burned his skin too. Looking down at his, smaller than it should be, tail and finally noticing the lack of movement. Trying to float or bend it and utterly failing. This was not good. Leaning forward and scooping his hand underneath it, lifting it only for it to behave like a limp soggy noodle. Letting go of it for it to just flop to the ground. Looking up at Val/Red, who’s frowning, Danny clears his throat probably sounding a little shocky, “heh, l-let’s hope this isn’t...permanent”.
Valerie nods jerkily, having a ghostly tail was weird enough, losing legs was horrible enough, not being able to use what he does have would be downright cruel. Moving and helping Danny to stiffly lay on the ground. Deactivating her suit and looking at her dry clothing and skin, she couldn’t just give him her suit, it was part of her body. But if they could put something else over him....pointing at him, “just wait here”, before booking it back into the building.
Danny’s hoping she’s got some kind of idea, because he’s a sitting duck here and he can’t even doing anything about that really. Dragging himself over to a wall and flopping onto his side, groaning a bit and trying to ignore the spasms. Grabbing his tail and pulling it up to his face so he can inspect it. It taking a few tries because of wet braces and the super malleable composition of ectoplasm that’s only barely holding the form of a ghostly tail. But he manages and it was ragged instead of smooth and little holes in spots. Danny could also tell his bodies ectoplasm had been pretty heavily depleted. Which is starting to make him a fair bit tired, not to mention weak. Which only serves to annoy him and make him more paranoid.
And what if his tail couldn’t recover from this? Zone knows what’s in that ‘rain’. What if he won’t be able to fly or float anymore? That would, that would be awful. He’d rather his legs not grow back at all, ever, than not fly again. Pushing down his rising panic as Val comes back with rubber aprons.
Valerie’s pretty well positive he’s either going into shock or something worse with how wide-eyed he looks, not to mention the shaking. Quickly wrapping him in the aprons and making a damn point to make sure all of him is covered, especially the tail. Looking kind of like a Danny burrito at the end, trying to make this seem less shitty, she chuckles slightly, “you look silly”.
Danny looks at her speaking a bit awkwardly, “prick”, before jerking and wincing in pain, feeling his Core do the closest thing it can to seizing up. This felt an awful lot like the Plasmius Maximus. Which, for once, was actually encouraging. That wore off after a while.
Valerie grabbing his shoulders, more than a little worried, “Danny. Are you okay?”.
Danny grunts, “not really. My ectoplasm’s basically seizing up now”, nodding his head stiffly at her, “suit up, we still need to get out of here”.
Valerie frowns but does as she’s asked, “Danny, I didn’t even know you had ectoplasm in you before. How bad is that?”.
Danny chuckles a little hollowly, “everyone in Amity does”.
She looks to where she knows his tail is a bit judgingly as she lays him over the nose of her board, “not enough to set off detectors or form ghost tails, Danny. You even said you have a lot in you even before now, more than everyone else”, patting his back and grabbing on to him, “you good to try again?”.
Danny nods as she creeps out, “I’m fine, go. And yeah I guess I did. Something similar to this has happened before, minus the burning-”.
Valerie cuts in as she crouches and speeds off, making sure to keep a good grip on Danny, “burning!?!”.
Danny grunts, “yeah, felt like someone was dripping acid on me-”.
Cutting in again, “how did you not scream from that?”.
“High pain tolerance. My house is an accidental death waiting to happen. Anyway, if this works like the other thing did, I’ll be fine in time”, Danny’s pretty well clinging to that idea and freaking out would not be helpful at all right now. He doesn’t have time for a freakout.
Valerie ducks behind some cars, grumbling, “well you still should get treatment from your folks or the....doctor guy, for it. Can they even treat your, er, ectoplasm? What if it doesn’t get better at all”.
Danny grumbles as she has to backtrack again, there were more agents showing up, “yes but my ‘plasm’s usually just left alone to do its thing. And I don’t really know. My tail would probably fade away, other than that. I really don’t know”, he could make a few guesses, but not only does he not want to voice them but she’ll ask some questions. Because really, there was only three options. He’d die fully, he’d come fully back to life, or he just wouldn’t be able to use his ghost stuff and side anymore. All of them are fucking horrible and he is firmly not thinking about that. Instead grimacing at what’s functionally crowds in every direction. Some with agents some not. Grumbling, “damnit, can I use your com by chance? Make phone calls?”.
Valerie’s got no clue what he’s up to but she’s got nothing, so she puts a spare pair of her suits headphones into his ears and shoves a little remote into his hand. Muting the call on her helmet for privacy, “here, I’m not listening. Do whatever plan you have”.
Danny smiles and calls Tuck, speaking as soon as he picks up, “don’t ask, where you at?”.
“We’re both in Amity dude, what’s happening?”.
“Seeing a marching band“, their code for the G.I.W. are here, “little red bird’s joined the black parade”, meaning the Red Huntress is helping Danny, “patch me to doc man. Because you fuckers are a long way off. Got a probable fake-out make-out in mind“, mentally groaning over their phrase for saving Danny ass through trickery, “and can’t use little red bird, marching band’s got eyes”. It was way too easy for them to get spotted if Val/Red just flies off and he’s not about to risk her secret like that. Besides, the G.I.W. are stupid but not that stupid.
“Noticed, hacked and cracked. Hold your knickers.....and done. Connecting. Don’t ghost us”, with that Danny hangs up so he can talk with Lewis and probably so Tuck can watch what the G.I.W. are doing. Least it sounds like he deleted Danny’s file or something similar.
Seconds later Lewis picks up, sounding a bit incredulous, “hello?”.
“What’s up doc? You got a car right?”.
“Yes. It’s in the west bay lot. I have a lot of questions. I’m in the bathroom holding my pager, which firmly can not take calls, to my ear. How?”.
Danny chuckles and looks up at Val/Red, “not speaking to you right now. Hey driver, we need the west bay lot”, leaning his face back down so no rain can possibly get on it as she flies off cautiously and clearly a bit confused. “I’m back doc. Don’t question the powers of the very geek. Just meet us by your shit and grab the shit I came in with. All of it. Even scraps”.
Danny can practically hear Lewis’s smirk, “that’s easy. Confiscated it days ago. See you soon”. Danny smirks as he hangs up.
Danny chuckles slightly, body feeling a ton better but ectoplasm still not usable, “we’re good to go. You’re basically dropping me off with Lewis. No one will think something weird of a doctor going out for late lunch or early supper”.
Valerie shakes her head, “I didn’t even understand half of what you said. But you got lucky with your doctor”.
Danny simply smiles as they near the parking lot. Danny spotting some well-dressed guy walking with a large briefcase. As they get closer and Danny squints, it’s clearly Lewis. “Dude walking with a briefcase. Looks weird without his doctor coat”.
Valerie’s just assuming Danny knew whereabouts his doctor would be, since she can barely see the person.
Lewis spots the Red Huntress -how does that board of hers work?- and promptly unlocks his car, signalling for the back doors to open. Managing to get to the car just after the girl dumps what looks like a rubber black garbage bag in the back seat. The girl pointing at Lewis and speaking with an oddly deep voice, “I don’t care what he says, give him medical attention when safe”, then promptly flies off out of sight.
Lewis hops in the car, tosses his briefcase onto the floor in the back, and starts the car as he closes the door. Turning around and speaking as he uses the back window to reverse instead of his camera so that he can see that Danny’s indeed here, wrapped in rubber? And not in a way Vee would like Eddie to be. Shaking his head to clear that image and speaking, “I have even more questions. Guess we’re heading to Amity a little early huh?”, and then fucking drives off.
Danny chuckles and unwraps the aprons as quickly as he can with his stiffness and without getting any of the ‘rain’ on himself. Pushing himself to sit up and stuffing the aprons under the seat. “I bet you do. But no, should probably hold off on going to Amity. You’ll be followed and it’d be suspicious if you do that before you’re scheduled to be off work. You’re just taking a late lunch is all”.
Lewis stares at him through the review mirror, Danny just left needles stuck into his skin and let himself be tossed around, “take out the needles. Seriously. And I am not just letting you run off and I definitely can’t take you out for food in public. Leaving you in here all day would be more risky than you just hiding in a hospital closet”, watching the road though squinting, Danny’s tail was strangely still, “what’s going on with your tail?”.
Danny huffs a little and yanks out the couple things still hooked into him, before grabbing the brief case and digging through his clothing pockets, “the rain’s not rain doc. It’s an anti-ecto solution. My ectoplasm is functionally paralysed right now. It burned the Zone out of me too. So yes, I need to be rewrapped for burn-ah! Yes!”, lifting up his little keychain thermos and poking the uncram button, making it return to a full-sized thermos.
Lewis isn’t sure if he’s unimpressed at his work getting ruined again or impressed that it happened so quickly. “I can’t keep bandaging on you for even a day, can I? And how is a thermos useful? And was it shrunken before?”.
Danny shakes the thermos with a smirk, “this is the most useful thing I have. And yes, folks built a shrink gun like a year ago. Built and repurposed parts from it to build into one of my thermoses. That way I can have a thermos keychain and never be without one”.
Lewis furrows his brows, just how many logic-defying things had his old friends made? “The laws of the universe don’t apply to Fenton’s, in general, do they? And that doesn’t answer how the thermos is useful”.
Danny actually laughs at that, though suppressing a wince for rattling his paralysed Core, as he checks to make sure the thermos is actually empty, “pretty much. It’ll seem less weird after dad accidentally sucks the house into an alternate dimension a few times. Dream catchers that spit people in half and heavily weaponised jumpsuits, yes those suits they wear are weaponised, seem a lot less odd comparatively”, Danny’s firmly enjoying Lewis’s slightly confused expression, and confusing the guy is a welcome distraction. Smirking slightly, he opens the thermos at the car roof, the beam shooting out but of course doing nothing as he puts the cap back on.
Lewis nearly jerks the wheel, not expecting Danny to start shooting his car, deadpanning, “why did you shoot my car? What does that do? And just how weaponised”.  
Danny puts it to the side and sorts through the briefcase more for a pair of Fenton Phones, “you got a screwdriver kit? And it’s a capture device. I don’t just beat ghosts up till they leave. I catch ‘em...in a thermos”.
Lewis digs around in his dash compartment and hands back a kit, whose taken to laying across the seats, “well you are not going to be catching any ghosts. So what are you using it for”. Glancing in the mirror to see Danny tearing apart one of what looks like a green wireless earbud with a mic that’s sitting on his stomach, “and those?”.
Danny holds up the intact one, “Fenton Phones. Name says it all, gimme your pager”, explaining more as Lewis just does it and starting to take that apart too, “I'm fusing the communication bits of the one Fenton Phone into your pager. That way we can communicate”.
“I have a phone you know. And those pagers cost money”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “phones can be tapped. Fenton Phones can’t be. They also can’t be traced”, looking at Lewis’s face through the review mirror, “you could just wear it but that would be noticeable. Or do you want me to take apart your phone”.
Lewis, recognising when he should just go along with whatever a weird friend wants, promptly nods, “you can have the pager”, like how you just don’t try to share food with Vee, best let them have the whole plate, or bowl. Clearing his throat, “but I’m still not letting you run off or stay in the car. Since you won’t go to Amity then what?”.
Danny lifts up the thermos and shakes it, before finishing up the pager and testing it. Smiling with a nod and handing the pager back, “I’m hiding in the thermos. So technically, I am catching a ghost, me. Then you just jab the cram button and hide it where ever. Could even shove it and thusly me, in you wallet”.
Lewis gives Danny seriously dubious eyebrows through the review mirror, “you can fit in that?”.
“It’s a Hell of a lot comfier than the vacuum. And dad accidentally crammed -shrunk- me once before so that’s safe too”. Danny leans forward and uses his elbows two perch himself up on the centre console, tail just flopping unceremoniously on the ground as he holds up the thermos and starts pointing at buttons, “cram, uncram, capture, and this last one’s release. You’ll have to uncram the thermos and then use the release button to let me out”.
Lewis is genuinely considering labelling this as the weirdest day he’s ever had. And it’s just over half over, “so you want me to just, carry you around in a tiny thermos for hours on end? So you can avoid the government officials crawling all over my hospital?”.
Danny nods a bit erratically, “yes, exactly. You could leave me in the car or your locker, if you have one of those. Sure I’ll be a little cranky and sore, it’s not the Taj Mahal in there. But it’s safe and they won’t be able to detect me with scanners”.
“They have scanners for you? Seriously?”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “no, all ghosts. So do my folks. I set that stuff off if they’re sensitive enough regardless of form. I set them off even easier now it seems, blaming the tail for that. My parents' scanner even says, ‘you’d have to be a moron to not spot the ghost directly in front of you’. The ghost grabber adds ‘beware’ after every word I say. And the boomerang will always aim for and hit me if someone throws it. There’s a really long list actually”.
Lewis shakes his head, this was a bit absurd, “and yet they still don’t realise you’re half ghost? Even with their devices point-blank telling them you are a ghost?”.
Danny shrugs, “people are blind, like I said. Anyway, I’mma hide before my luck runs out and G.I.W. drives by or something”.
Lewis almost wishes he pulled over as Danny aims it at his face, gets hit by a blue beam and seems to basically dissolve into Danny coloured mist and gets sucked inside; thermos clattering to the ground. Lewis waits till he gets to the little diner to grab the thermos and hit the cram button. Looking at his pager and pushing the new green button, “you good?”.
Danny’s voice coming through the pager, “I’m fine doc, just go eat and don't be suspicious. I can hear through the thermos by the way. And yes, even I qualify this situation as rather weird even by my standards”.
Lewis shakes his head, clipping the thermoses little key chain on his wallets inside zipper and zipping the whole thing closed, “glad I’m not the only one”, before heading in for food.
One of the annoying things about his ectoplasm being disabled, Danny thinks, is that he can’t move around. Since the thermos basically dissolves and hyper condenses ghosts into just their pure ectoplasm. Sure you could make/keep that ectoplasm you shaped...if you could actually move your ectoplasm. But at least he was alone in here. Though hearing Lewis go about his day is more than a little strange. Even seems slightly invasive when he’s dealing with patients. Which is hardly ever actually. But he does learn that Lewis really does watch what he says around others. Speaking all professional and calming like with some girl named Pepper. But it does keep him somewhat entertained.
Lewis: “mam, I would ask you to leave the transfusion line in”.
Danny doesn’t even need to ask to know how big of a mess tearing out a blood transfusion line would make. Largely because he, like an idiot, has done that repeatedly.
Pepper: “well then get one that doesn’t poke holes in me”.
Lewis: “I apologise as that isn’t something the hospital currently offers”.
Pepper: “well then make it. You’re the big head guy aren’t you?”.
Lewis: “mam. No place offers that because it doesn’t currently exist”.
Pepper, who Danny is imagining is making some kind of shooing motion, “then go make one. I’ll wait”.
Lewis: “maybe someone will see to that. In the meantime, you do need this. So please allow nurse Joy to help you out. I’m sure you’d like to be on your way”.
Pepper: “absolutely not. I will not have something icky like that being jabbed in my skin. And do you even clean the blood? I hear you just take it from any weirdos who just show up. I’ll just find another hospital where they can give me what I want. How would you like losing your paycheck?”.
Lewis: “I can assure you we have extremely high standards for both the blood we take and provide to patients. You were sent here because you needed the best care possible, which we have and can provide as best as you allow us to”.
Pepper: “pah! Then stop jabbing me with things. Use the needles on the commoners with no standards. Treat me like a doctor, would you treat a doctor like this?!?”.
Lewis: “without question yes. Everyone receives the same level of care, as we hold ourselves to the highest standard”.
Pepper: “bullshit! No doctor would let their skin, that they likely spent good money taking care of, be marred for some silly blood thingy”.
Someone Danny’s assuming is a nurse: “mam please, Dr. Lewis has other duties to perform. All you need to do is take the treatment as you need i-”.
Pepper: “I don’t care what other patients he has! They can all curdle and die! Give me what I actually deserve”.
Lewis, sounding a little too cheery, “I can certainly do that.....nurse Remfell, could you fetch me the sedatives?”. Danny snorts and laughs at that.
Pepper: “what! I do not need something like that!”.
Lewis: “then please take your treatment as you’ve been directed”.
Pepper: “this is harassment and coercion!”.  
Lewis: “you requested I give what you deserve. Which is simply what you need. Which is exactly the treatment we are attempting to give you”.
Pepper: “no, what I need is for you to speed up this process so I can go home to people who actually do treat me properly. You know, by not jabbing me with needles”.
Lewis: “if they were capable of indeed providing you with adequate treatment then I would feel comfortable releasing you to them. However, they are not. No one can rush healing, the body must take its time and it can use that time best while being treated properly”.
Pepper: “would you let this be done to you? I think not”.
Lewis: “I certainly would. The people here are highly skilled. I could demonstrate, if that would make you feel better?”.
Nurse Remfell, sounding cautious and barely above a whisper: “Doctor Lewis”.
Pepper: “oh don’t bother. You probably willing eat meat. So clearly your standards are a little lower than mine”.
Lewis: “you’ll find most doctors are quite healthy eaters, including the very much necessary amount of meat. Though I can assure you that I have a friend with a far more specialised and refined palette”. Danny officially wonders just how often Lewis drops random info about his friends. And man would Sam ever be able to get into one Hell of an argument with Lewis and his friends.
Pepper: “then maybe they should do your job. Since you clearly don’t know about nutrition at all”.
Lewis: “that is not my department but I can assure I am very well informed in that regard. I don’t believe anyone would exactly like them to be the ones digging around in them”.
Nurse Remfell, again sounding cautious and slightly pleading: “doctor, don’t you have surgery in a little while?”.
Lewis: “I do. But maybe they’d enjoy some diet tips from miss Pepper as an apology for holding me up from doing what is in my title”.
Pepper: “hmpf, they don’t deserve my wisdom for free”.
Lewis: “then you’re going to let everyone here do their jobs and get you and other patients fixed up?”.
Pepper: “not if they’re going to stick Me with more damn needles”.
Lewis: “Nurse Remfell, please have Dr. Meyer sedate and help treat Miss Pepper. I would do it, my hands are steadiest of course, but I’m afraid I have other responsibilities”.
Nurse Remfell: “yes doctor”.
Danny chuckles as he can hear Lewis leaving and the door closing. Though he’s not really looking forward to overhearing surgery of all things.
Surprisingly it’s not that bad when you can’t see shit. Plus there’s no nightmarish screaming cause Lewis doesn’t run around dissecting conscious beings. In fact, Danny spends most of the time naming off what instruments he knows by sound. It’s probably concerning that seems to be most of them. But saw on bone is a pretty darn unique sound and something like scalpels he could tell just by how Lewis seemed to be moving. Though he is a little surprised by just how often Lewis uses a bone saw. He’s not sure if that’s just normal or if Lewis just really likes sawing into bones. If it was anyone else the answer would be obvious. But it’s the guy who makes cakes for vigilante serial killers and makes designs out of and in people’s bodies for fun.
Danny also gets a bit surprised by just how much idle chitchat goes on, which Lewis is firmly not involved in. In fact, whenever it sounds like he gets relatively close they quiet down. It would be funny that Lewis seemed like the operation rooms ‘shut your yap and work’ button, if it weren’t for that being kind of...sad. Lewis wasn’t kidding about not being exactly well-liked. Which Danny’s a bit miffed about, the guy was great! Weird...but great. Would any other doctors or nurses pull even half the shit Lewis has for him at this point? No, so maybe they should stop being dicks. Plus Danny would have figured at least someone would ask about the run-in with the G.I.W. but they either didn’t care or didn’t want to deal with or question Lewis.
Lewis takes the time in-between surgeries to check in with Danny, tapping the green button mostly just to make sure he’s heard, “you still good?”.
Danny gets a little caught off guard by Lewis’s voice being louder, but it does make it obvious he’s talking to him, “I’mma dandy Danny. Been napping here and there. You really do rub people wrong, but they’re dicks so fuck ‘em. Also, you use bone saws a lot”.
Lewis screws up his face a bit, “I’m going to guess you figured that out by sound? In which case, how do you know what that sounds like that well?”.
“I’ve been playing a game of guess the medical tool. And dude, you won’t like that answer. No one does”.
Lewis shakes his head, “you've used one haven’t you?”.
Awkward chuckling, “here and there. It’s a much more pleasant way of smoothing over the ends of ribs I break off than metal files. And it’s a lot easier to just remove my ribs and access my spine through the front than try to go the back way”.
Lewis honestly feels ever so slightly like he’s talking to Vee. Talking about the disposability of body parts and the inconvenience of the human, or somewhat human in Danny case, body. “You’re not wrong and it is definitely better than a garage tool. You have an impressive pain tolerance”.
“Comes with the hero duties, I’ve been getting slammed into concrete at over five-hundred mph since my first weak. The first time I got cut in half was a trip though. Aren’t you supposed to be bone-cracking?”.
Lewis blinks, okay Danny was almost definitely more durable than Venom, “us surgeons get pretty decent breaks in-between most times, but yes. Though I would frankly rather have you hovering around for conversation than most of my underlings for assistance”.
Lewis gets up and straightens out his coat while Danny responds, “that would probably qualify as insanely creepy for either one of us to be doing. Me being an unauthorised voyeuristic helicopter. You being the guy doing the nitty-gritty while conversing with the sorta dead. Though technically, I could probably function as an assistant. Pretty sure that would be highly illegal though”.
Lewis chuckles, it would make work more interesting and enjoyable for sure...and less likely for him to be transferred. Though the hospital might freak out a little from someone actually seeming to be genuinely friendly with Lewis. “It would be, though I best get back at this point. Enjoy the surgery soundtrack”.
Danny just chuckles quietly.
Lewis snaps off his gloves as he leaves the OR, shift officially over and done with, so he can go deal with the mess Danny’s functionally made for him. Missing files, government dogs, a transferred patient that’s actually just completely missing, bandaging to redo, a technical fugitives belongings stashed in his car, a random hunter that will probably want to check in on Danny, how to explain Danny going home way sooner than planned -to both the hospital and his two hunter friends-, oh yeah and a super-powered half-dead teenager trapped in a thermos the size of his pinky nail stuffed in his wallet. Eddie’s and Vee’s problems were definitely a lot simpler, partly because they usually ate them. Just a couple of dead bodies, which sometimes were the problems.
Walking casually back to his car and hopping in, pushing the green button, “I’m going to take you to my place for the night if that’s fine?”.
“You do have a wife right? How you gonna explain this random kid? If you’re gonna leave me in here all night, then you owe me some serious pancakes or something”.
Lewis chuckles and shakes his head as he drives home, it was a bit of a long commute but he didn’t mind much. “Do you know how I met Eddie? Through my wife. They used to be engaged. And when the whole Vee and being Venom thing happened she let Vee body snatch her to save Eddie’s butt. Said body-snatching also included biting a mercenaries head off”, chuckling some more, “found out from Vee later, pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to find out, but Vee went back into Eddie’s body from Anne’s via a very intense kiss”.
“Was it right after the whole...uh, taking a bite out of crime...thing? That will never not be fucked up by the way. But okay, you’re wife’s weird too”.
Lewis smiles warmly, of course she was a bit strange, have to be to tolerate him. And he can’t really be bothered by Danny still disapproving of murder and cannibalism. But at least he was making jokes about it now instead of having a mild meltdown, positives Lewis. “As I was told, it was explicitly directly after, Vee was very pleased about that. Anne, not so much. Eddie...I really don’t know but I’d say he was cool with it. And yes, she’s a bit odd herself. She’s also a lawyer”.
Danny laughs, that was a bit ironic that someone working within the law was explicitly and emphatically friends with two someone’s severely outside of it, “a morally questionable lawyer, a morbid socially unacceptable doctor, a moonlighting murderer muckraker reporter, and an exiled body-snatching alien. That’s one Hell of a quartet. Got a name yet?”.
Lewis raises an eyebrow, name? Though yeah they were an odd group, “no? What do you mean by name? And in that case, you’re an over-protective paranoid hero halfa”.
Danny chuckles, that was accurate, “true story. My group are the Defect Quartet. ‘Cause we’re all too strange and outside of the norm to be anything but defective. Used to be the Weirdo Trio before Val came along. Before that, the nerd herd. The goth, the geek, the gunner, and the ghost. An insanely wealthy vegan social activist goth, an absurdly carnivorous hacker geek, a riches to rags pessimist weapons enthusiast, and a punny battered ghostly hero. Though I’m usually called the graceless or the gauche. Since the ghost thing ain’t public knowledge”.
Lewis shakes his head, so this was a teenager thing. “Well ‘defect’ definitely doesn’t suit my group so to speak. We’re all rather successful and accomplished”.
“That doesn’t mean shit. I was on the cover of genius magazine once. Saved the purple-backed gorillas from going extinct”.
“That’s one thing, not a career”.
“I like how that’s your response, not general confusion. We’re teens, we shouldn’t have careers”.
Lewis nods, very true, but with how Danny lived, “what do you even intend to do? Eddie only gets away with the vigilante side gig because he’s his own boss mostly and even when he’s not, he’s on his own schedule. He can only really do that because he had already built up a name for himself. That and he lives extremely low budget”.
Danny groans exaggeratedly, adults and their ‘what are you gonna do with your life’ and ‘you need to think about your future young man’ and ‘what are your plans? How are going to support yourself’ and ‘hobbies are fine but you need a real focus’. Groaning a second time for emphasis, “don't know ‘bout Val. Sam’s the only heir in her family, she doesn’t really have a choice what she does, Manson’s don’t work. Tucker’s either going into politics, the government, or rising up into ownership of a tech company. I wanted to be an astronaut but my physiology makes that impossible, if my folks chill it with the ghost hate then I’ll probably take over FentonWorks. Otherwise, I got nothing. Well, human wise anyway. Could just fuck off to the Zone-”.  
“Kid, no. Running away is not how you fix or achieve something. You’re right about NASA though. We’ve got a long drive, so what else you got?”.
Danny groans again, “nada. My grades are shit, I’d have to be able to run my own schedule and be able to drop it like someone just set it on fire at any moment. Because superheroing is not a side gig, it’s the main gig. And technically, running off to the Zone isn’t running from my problems. I belong there as much as I do here. Sure I was born here, but so were most ghosts”.
Lewis tilts his head, so that was another different, Danny valued and placed the vigilantism as top priority. And fine, ghosts did belong to the Zone. “that’s fair. But what would you even do there?”.
Danny snickers making Lewis a little cautious of the response, “ghosts are pretty free things. Build and protect your lair, satisfy your Obsession. If you’re part of a clan or kingdom then it’s a fair bit more”, chuckling because at this point might as well just startle the guy, “if I moved there I’d probably rise to claim my place as King properly”.
Lewis coughs, unsure if that’s a joke, “King?”.
Danny chuckles, Lewis able to hear the shit-eating grin in his voice, “I’m a prince, Lewis. In two kingdoms actually. A knight in four and worshipped as a god by one clan. Don’t ask how that last one happened because I don’t know. They’ve been calling me ‘Great One’ and ‘Saviour’ since I first ran into them”, Lewis is silent so Danny laughs and just continues, “Sam’s also a Princess in one and knighted in two. Tuck’s a Baka, meaning prince but in Egyptian, in one and knighted in two. Val’s the exception”.
Lewis blinks and watches the road before shaking his head, Danny’s life was legitimately completely crazy, “you absolutely have the strangest life. I’m not sure if I should fear the idea of you being a king”. He clearly could act the role and have a commanding presence, but he was firmly still a disaster.
“You should have seen the other guy! He was so bad they locked him in what was basically a coma for, like, over a thousand years. When he woke up they all fled. I found out and through some crazy bullshit wound up beating him back into a coma. The other king who became my punching bag, abducted and tried to forcibly wed Sam, trapped his kingdom into a no happiness allowed technology-free dark age and abused his sister. His sister’s queen now but I’m considered prince and heir to the throne should she fade”.
Lewis shakes his head, yeah was kind of hard to do worse than that, “so, tyrants then? Who the heck’s ruling the first one?”.
“Uhhhh, no one? Hasn’t been ruled in forever so no ruler is basically the norm now. Kind of unnecessary. But for, like, who does the duties. A collection of asshole ghosts who can only watch but never interfere. They hate me. Like, a lot. Tried to assassinate me once. Anyway, that particular throne is more representative. A figurehead but with power if they want. Sorta a make it your own and do whatever you want kind of role”.
“So the Queen of England? But with even less responsibilities? That barely counts as a king or prince”.
Danny chuckles, “so long as nothing threatens the entirety of the Zone or ghosts. I’m understating the role a bit. See humans are all broken up yeah? You’re not united under the Earth or whatever. Well, ghosts are united under the Zone as a whole. Meaning there’s a ruler of the entire Zone. The King, or Prince right now, Of Ghosts. The Ghost King, the Ghost Prince. Yeeeeaaaaah”.
Lewis pulls into his driveway and just stares forward for a bit, “are you, are you trying to tell me you’re the rightful ruler of an entire species and dimension?”.
“Yes? Pretty much yeah. And your car turned off. We there yet? You gonna let me outta here?”.
Lewis is nearly having a mild freak out of his own. This random child of long-time friends is the prince and thus future king of an entire species. Basically the most powerful ruler even remotely possible. And he’s in Lewis’s wallet, complains about weak coffee, gets beat up by bullies, and his seemingly biggest problem is what his folks think of him. The utter normalcy of that is kind of jarring but also really calming. Shaking his head, “yes, yeah. Your tail working yet?”.
Danny snorts, “looks like I freaked ya again. And I don’t fucking know dude, I don’t actually have a body at the moment. Jus a disembodied voice and mind floating in a thermos full of ectoplasm”.
Lewis tilts his head, Vee’s probably said that before; being a technical liquid and all. Just floating in a test tank thing instead of a soup thermos. Shrugging and taking out his wallet, unclipping the thermos and going through the motions of getting Danny out. Which is still very strange. As Danny comes out via another bream of light, basically laying across the shotgun seat and looking slightly disoriented.
Danny shakes his head and smirks, “THE DANNY IS FREE! FOR NO CYLINDRICAL SOUP CAN CAN HOLD HIM!”.
Lewis looks at the thermos and quirks an eyebrow. Danny, spotting this, promptly grabs his thermos, “and I’ll be taking that back now”. Which Lewis chuckles at. While Danny looks out the window at Lewis’s house, tilting his head, huh, it was a bit smaller than expected.
While Lewis looks down and notes that Danny’s black tail is wiggling somewhat again, good. Before getting out of the car and holding the door open, “you should probably make yourself invisible at least until we’re inside”.
Danny chuckles and does that as he floats out after Lewis. He was damn happy to be floating again, zipping around the house some and winding through things; Lewis unawares. Even if it was a bit difficult and jerky. Shaking his head at Lewis holding the door open a bit awkwardly. Whispering at him, “I can go through things remember? Didn’t need to open the door at all”.
Lewis rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he heads into the kitchen, “that would be rather rude of you”.
Danny chuckles as he seats himself on one of the little stools, coiling his tail up in case this ‘Anne’ walks in. Popping back into visibility, and petting the cat that comes up, “I’ve stolen people's cups of water while flying through airplanes. It’s actually so common it’s something planes flying over Amity warn their passengers about, the random dead teen who might fly through the floor and take your drinks or food. But at least he says thank you?”.
Lewis shakes his head as he starts on making a noodle dish, “at least most of that is free”. Mixing in the broth and debating what else to put in, tilting his head around, “what kinds of veggies and meats do you like?”.
Danny shrugs, he’ll eat almost anything, “I’ve eaten sporks. Just don’t serve me toast and you’re good”.
Lewis points at him as he gets peppers and celery, “Eddie and Vee have eaten probably a little of everything at this point. Doesn’t mean they don’t have tastes”.  
Danny stares at him and waits for him to turn around before grabbing one of the knives on the table -why do they keep them on the table of all places?- and just swallows it.
Lewis gives him a rather unimpressed look, which Danny’s slightly miffed about. At least Sam looked at him with disgust. While Lewis says, “those are expensive you know”. Danny rolls his eyes and phases the knife out of his stomach and waves it around, stabbing one of the larger pieces of pepper as Lewis puts his plate down.
Both turn their heads to the door as they can both hear a key going in the lock. Lewis blinks and realises a slight error on his part, looking at Danny quickly, “wife saw me googling you as Phantom. Doesn’t know names or what your human self looks like, so positives”.
Danny groans and glares at Lewis, he can smell it’s a girl and it matches the other prominent human scent in the house so he transforms and glares a little harder at Lewis. Taking the knife out of his mouth and stabbing another pepper a bit unnecessarily aggressively, “not cool doc“. Of course, this means there’s no damn point in hiding the tail, so he just lets it wind around the stool legs.
Lewis shrugs, he wasn’t about to claim to be perfect, as Anne walks in.
Anne looks at the table only glancing at the glowing black and white teenager with a knife in his mouth for a beat before nonchalantly taking off her shoes, “hi honey and hello patient that someone is decidedly not supposed to be bringing home”.
Lewis smiles, “guys with guns came to abduct him”. Danny glares at him slightly. While Anne shakes her head, “at least they weren’t successful this time”, as she walks up and kisses Lewis on the cheek and sits at the table.
Danny looks at her, “seriously? That’s all the reaction you’re gonna give me?”.
Lewis just smirks as he eats his food. Anne looking Danny over before giving him a sweet smile and patting his head, “interesting voice you’ve got, just don’t go making Dan a tag-along for blowing up rockets”.
Lewis looks between the two a little awkwardly as Danny winces, which Anne definitely notices and raises an eyebrow at Lewis. No one saying anything for a bit before the cat sticks his tail in Danny’s face. Effectively breaking the growing tension as Danny chuckles, “if your name’s Maddie, I will be very concerned”.
Anne shakes her head, “mines Anne”.
“No, the cat. An evil Frootloop has a cat named Maddie”.
Anne shakes her head, “no, he’s Mr. Belvedere”. While Lewis finds it arguably quite creepy one of Danny’s enemy’s named their cat after Danny’s mom.
Danny smiles and pokes the cat, mentally shaking off the whole ‘Dan’ name, figuring he should probably attempt at getting used to that since his folks are going to call Lewis that too. “Well hello then. I probably smell pretty weird”.
Lewis thinks that’s probably an understatement but he was used to Vee’s scent by now so more strange smelling people isn’t probably all the weird.
Mr. Belvedere meanwhile, is just pleased that this strange smelling and looking creature isn’t attempting to bite him. Even if this one seems to be a predator just like the other one. This one seems at least a little similar to the other glowing creatures he sees sometimes. He likes to chase the little ones around but this one is clearly far stronger. He can tell when It touches him, the power thrumming under Its long paws so similar to the twolegs he lives with. Like the other strange creature, this one can look just like the twolegs he’s familiar with. He finds that is quite a useful trick, blending in with potential prey and tricking other predators into underestimating them. He’s seen how the occasional twoleg that fancies Itself a predator wound up the prey for the other strange creature. He hopes that one enjoys Its plentiful meals. Tilting his head at this strange creature, wondering if It stalks twolegs too. Putting on a protective front, because these are his twolegs, and demanding, “you best not hunt my twolegs”. He had to bat at the black part of the other strange predator before It got the messages to not nip at his Twolegs. Only he gets to do that.
Danny looks at the cat, which has his ears pinned back and Danny can easily pick up on the stiff battle-ready posture. How he partly blocks Danny’s line of view of Anne, it was obvious the cat was being protective. Officially glad this is a cat, not a dog, as cats were much more sensitive to ghosts. Meaning kitty would be able to somewhat understand ghost speak. Making sure to keep his fangs retracted, “I̛’̶m a̕ ͠p͏͏̧r͞͝o̵͟͜t҉͘e̷̸c͝͏̛t҉įv̴͞e̛ th̢̡i͜͏̵n͏g̵̵͝.̸̸ ̕͠I͠ ̕do̸n’͝t͟ ̧h̸̡ar̵m͢ ̵͞͞m͠or̨͟͞t̨a̛lş”. Mr. Belvedere seems pacified by that and promptly stalks off, laying on the ground to clean over his fur.  
Lewis quirks an eyebrow, “what was that about?”. While Anne laughs lightly, mouthing ‘wow’, before saying, “he listened to you I think, that’s quite the feat”.
Danny chuckles and rubs his neck, “he was being protective of you. So I just told him I wasn’t a threat. Cats are more sensitive to ghosts, so they can understand us to a degree”.
Anne tilts her head, “you’re a ghost?”, looking at Lewis, “why would a ghost need a surgeon?”.
Danny smirks and stretches his arms out some, “okay cool, you didn’t go opening your yap much”, shrugging, “but you know shit. You’re murder buddies know shit. Don’t know your wife though. So maybe”.
Anne nearly snorts over ‘murder buddies’, very similar to ‘murder friends’ and a bit surprised that someone Dan described as ‘more moral than every doctor ever’ is tolerant of said murder friends. Shaking her head but smiling slightly, “I’m surprised you’re okay with those two. Pleased, but surprised. Which is good, because I absolutely will protect them if you threaten them”.  
Danny chuckles a bit meanly but finishes off his food before responding, “you could attempt to sure. There’s a reason people make entire careers out of and dedicate their whole lives to fighting things like me, yet still find themselves unsuccessful and outmatched. But I’m no threat, so long as my humans aren’t threatened. I’m not okay with what they do, I’m okay with why they do it”.
Anne crosses her arms, “I've helped destroy body-snatching world-destroying aliens. I can fight very dirty”.
Danny snorts, “a lawyer? Fighting dirty? Why I never. Won’t do any good though, I never expect fair fights”, tilting his head and chuckling, “that’s what happens when you’re archenemy’s entire thing is being underhanded and fighting dirty. Not to mention one of the wealthiest people in the world, basically a mad scientist, and politically skilled”.
Lewis and Anne share a look, Lewis pointing at Danny, “that sounds a lot like Drake. Filthy rich mad scientist with his foot in politics. Also had the other surviving Symbiote”, looking at Anne, “Riot right?”, at Anne’s nod Lewis continues, “Riot was older, stronger, more abilities and pretty well played into Drakes desires to trick him”.
Anne nods, “Drake was a fool”.
Danny tilts his head, that was freakishly similar to Vlad, “so Drake’s the crazy entrepreneur who brought them here from space? Which by the way, is still super awesome because space! And yeah, that’s sounds really similar to the Frootloop. Just both Drake and Riot combined into one batshit crazy prick. Throw in a bunch of lackies and way too much free time”, tilting his head and pointing at Lewis, “and didn’t you say crazy human was trying to improve humanity or something? Make them able to survive in space?”, at Lewis’s nod and the curious look to his eyes, Danny continues, “yeah, my unlovable Frootloop pretty well never has good reasons for anything. Very selfish and will do anything from attempting to blow people up with nanobots to cloning and very extreme inhumane experimentation”, shrugging, “usually it’s for power, even more money, to murder one very specific guy, to get the women he’s Obsessed with, or to force me to be his son”.  
Lewis nods, conceding that those motivations weren’t remotely positive and got progressively more strange. Anne shakes her head ever so slightly, “Drake would likely have approved any inhumane practices to get what he wanted. Even if he had marginally better reasons”.
Danny points at her, “Frootloop does everything himself. His lackies are basically just scouts and attack dogs. Who would have thought, a sorta politician dirtbag who actually does the nasty work”, yawning and nodding at Lewis, “soooo, you gonna trace lines on my skin with your silver sharp friends?”.
Anne makes a point to not visually react to that, this kid, who’s name she still didn’t have, was quite a bit like Lewis, Eddie and Vee. There was also a level of restraint and caution to him, was a bit like her.
Lewis shakes his head but gets up to fetch his supplies, “that won’t be necessary for redoing bandaging and burns. Though please let me take off the braces”, pausing to point at him, “and make them actually on you”. Danny rolls his eyes but transforms under them to make them on top but Phantom designed.
Anne blinks, that was almost as startling as Vee randomly becoming or changing Eddie’s clothing. Looking to Lewis, “I’m truly impressed a ghost can get injured enough for all that”.
Lewis shouts from a few rooms over, “he’s not! Just pretending to be!”.
Anne looks to Danny with ‘why are you putting him through this?’ eyebrows. Danny chuckles, “the hospital and my family would be suspicious if I didn’t play injured. Since none of them know I’m a ghost and thus heal super fast”.
Lewis comes back in and pulls a stool over by Danny. Anne looks at him slightly unimpressed, “do I want to know? Or is this a plausible deniability thing?”.
Danny sighs and leans back wistfully as Lewis removes the second wrist/hand brace, “I wish more people didn’t question my crap and just wrote it off as ‘I probably shouldn’t know’”.
Anne levels him with a slight glare, “Eddie knows not to abuse it, you should know that too. Especially since it’s clear you’re going to be close with and involved with my family. Eddie’s an asshole but he only keeps the highly legally questionable actions to himself”.
Danny gives a bit of a shit-eating grin, “my existence is highly legally and logically questionable”.
“Does it involve murder? No? Then I want to hear it”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “most ghosties didn’t die pleasantly so technically.....”.
Lewis looks at Danny with a slightly unimpressed glare, “considering what little you have said of the how, I don’t believe murdered applies to you”.
Danny points at Lewis after slipping off the torso brace, “at the very least it’s negligent homicide. Because seriously? who leaves a secondary on switch inside an inter-dimensional portal and forgets about it. And who dares someone to walk inside it?”.
Lewis points at him, “and who willing does it? Also, I need this suit off”.
Debating who’s at fault and the definition of ‘the crime’ is pretty normal for Anne, just not usually debating it with the ‘victim’ when it’s about murder, “verbal dares can’t be reasonably proven and won’t hold up before any court of law. If you walked in of your own free will, likely aware of the fact that doing so was almost certainly unsafe, you’re the one who committed negligent homicide”, waving her hand around, “but no one’s going to charge the dead with their own death. If someone tries, then consider me your lawyer, because I absolutely want to be on that case”.
Danny blinks and starts laughing, unzipping and peeling off his suit and letting it float around his waist, simply phasing off the bandaging, “lady you do not want to be my lawyer. I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t even hold up in ghost court. Besides, I don’t care if I get charged with shit. I’ll just blow up the prison again. Or make time paradoxes so they can’t sentence me to destruction, again. But I’m a minor and it’s partly my parents' fault. Family house is a death trap. There’s probably a million cases of negligence to be made”.
Lewis, asking the thing that really matters as he inspects Danny’s skin, noting that it’s much colder now and the scars are barely visible, “you destroyed a prison? Why?”.
While Anne frowns tightly, that would be negligent if what killed him was just left around in the house unsecured. Definitely child endangerment as well. But he had made it clear enough that he doesn’t want them in trouble, “yes, that does change it a fair bit”, tilting her head, “though being a lawyer in ghost court would certainly be a new challenge”.
While Danny points at Lewis, “I’ve blown it up once or twice a year so far. The Warden hates me, so he gives me every charge he can think up. He’s made new rules on the spot to charge me with it. Last time he yelled the sentence I owed it was, like, over fifty thousand”, while Lewis just looks slightly impressed, Danny points at Anne, “ghost laws are probably both less and more complicated. Minora law, Majora law, the Seals, Commons Of The Deathless Unfades, Commons Of The Undead, the Kings Decrees, and The Law Of Ages”, shrugging, “ghosts are pretty lawless though, so unless you really fuck up, no one really gives a damn....except Walker, who’s that one Warden”.
Anne leans forward as Lewis finishes wrapping Danny’s arm, letting Danny lower his arm...well one anyway as he wraps the other, Anne inquiring, “is there books on these? Could you borrow them?”.
That was not what Danny was expecting, she really likes what she does, “Walker’s got his own special rule book, A.K.A. it’s not official at all. But yeah there’s books. Not for the Commons though, those are, like, forbidden knowledge for mortals; even many ghosts. And there isn’t any Kings Decrees right now”.
Lewis eyeballs Danny who blushes slightly, making it very obvious that these decrees were basically his to make. While Anne quints slightly, “why would law be forbidden? That is explicitly a disclosure violation”.
Danny shakes his head as Lewis goes about putting the braces back on, “Commons only apply to those specified. And they know about what they entail”, yawning again, course he knew what both Commons were about. Since ClockWork was an Unfade and Danny was an Undead.
The two adults shake their heads and basically carry the partly floating sleepy teen to the spare bedroom. Eddie wouldn’t mind and Vee would only bitch about the strangers' scent for a little bit. Anne nodding, “that’s a bit better then”.
Danny mumbles from the bed as Anne’s dragging Lewis off. “By the way doc? Tots forgot. Undead’s another term for halfa”.
Lewis crawls into bed seriously wondering what was in this special section of ghost law -still pleasantly surprised that was a thing- that applied to Danny.
Anne wakes up that morning and walks out of the bedroom door, hearing someone going through the kitchen. Walking in cautiously only to see a black-haired teen inside one of the cupboards, watching as he sticks his head and one arm out, box of crackers in his mouth. “Who are you and why are you in my house?”.
“Yurf iimpif’d ve”, she stares him down so he spits out the box on the ground, “you invited me. Technically Lewis, but still”, before slipping out of the cupboard and grabbing the crackers.
It clicks pretty much as soon as she sees the kid has a black misty tail instead of legs; same as the ghost. Then mentally slapping herself for not recognising the face and hairstyle, “you’re the patient. You look very human for a ghost. You also still haven’t told me your name”.
“That’s me! And-”, Danny gets cut off by the microwave.
Microwave: “Crap fuck I think it work-oh bullshit you idiot, we’ve been trying for-no seriously I swore I heard him-oh that’s crap-I don’t care if it’s crap you better have found him-why does no one believe in me?-because you’re a fucking cree-hey! Look at me I’m glori-more like dead, I will personally shove my boot up your ass if y-oh I’d like to see you try! Go on! My ass is fucking wide-what the fuck is wrong with both of you? How bout I just start shooting stuff?-go right ahead fuck if I care-if you destroy Cheryl I will shank you with her corpse!-”.
Lewis walks in at this point looking like he slept hard yet was still impeccable, he grabs a coffee and just stares at the microwave.
Microwave: “-oh shove it you walking animal corpse garbage bag-no you shove it ya fucking lawnmower-I vote we feed both of you to the plant-she has better tastes than that-at least she enjoys some proper mea-HOW ABOUT YOU LOWJACK YOUR ASS OFF AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL-oh don’t you get smarmy with me, I fucking hijack shit-do I care? NO, just fucking-how about this you two colossal twats! YOU BETTER PICK UP OR ONE ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT IS GOING TO JACK OFF YOUR ENTIRE HOUSE INTO THE SEA!-why the fuck would I do that to a house?-are you claiming to have even an ounce of standards?-”.
Danny lays on the floor and just starts wheezing and mutters, “how the fuck do you pick up a microwave call....”.
Lewis points his coffee cup rim at Danny, “I’m more curious about how they called a microwave”.
Anne shakes her head, “I’m just glad I’m a morning person”.
Microwave: “-oh GO EAT SOCK-wait shut the fuck up! I totally heard someone-of course you fucking did! You’re probably confusing some old lady!-”.
Anne, sounding almost offended, “I’m not that old”.
Microwave: “-oh fuck damn a lady! Hello-the fuck is wrong with you? We’re trying to make sure someone’s not fucking dead or some shit! She probably thinks you’re like twelve-he is twelve-oh fuck you! I could totally date an older woman!-so what I’m hearing is you’re twelve-FUCK OFF AND EAT A TEN FOOT SNOW MONSTER! IT FITS WITH YOUR STUPID DIET!-OH YOU WANNA GO THERE BLOODMOUTH! HOW ABOUT YOU FIND THE FIVE FOOT ONE FIRST!-”.
Danny wheezes but shouts at the microwave, “five foot four you asshole!”.
Danny floats up and shouts right at the microwave, “SHUT THE FUCK UP! You’re confusing Doc and his lady!”.
Anne blinks, speaking into her hands, “confused might be understating it”.
Microwave: “Okay okay, shhhh shhhh, all o’ y’all shut up. Danny dude, you fucking asshole. Didn’t even fucking call. You better be fucking dying or I will personally finish what you started. Stitch and fucking ditch dude. Not cool. Now are you dying a horrible slow and painful death at the hands of a bunch of idiots that Sam will have to bludgeon to death?-bludgeon? Are you underestimating me? I will personally stuff their organs with bramble thorns, turn them into scarecrows and beat the others up with said scarecrows if those fuckers hurt hi-”.
Danny clears his throat, “not to get in the way of your dramatics Sam, but I’m fine. Am I not allowed to sleep?”.
Microwave: “USE LEWIS’S PHONE!”.
Lewis nods, “fair point”.
Danny sticks his arms out to the side, “I got distracted by politics!”.
Microwave: “Oh, that’s reasonable then. So you’re not being tortured or something?”.
Danny chuckles and shakes his head, “no Tuck, no I’m not”.
Microwave: “Oh good then. You, go tell his folks he’s fine and with doctor dude. Danny, you absolute asshole, Ancients are you lucky we were able to get your parents to not go on a search and destroy mission. They went to go see you, we went with ‘cause we knew shit was going down, and they actually saw those white-suit twats leaving with the big ass transport truck. They nearly nuked them on the spot. Your dad can be terrifying”.
Danny rubs his neck, of course this had caused even more problems. But yeah, he probably should have called someone. Well at least no one had gotten hurt and the reminder that they would assault the government for him was rather heartwarming. “Thanks guys, that must have been a bi-”.
Microwave: “DANNY SWEETIE! Are you alright!”.
Danny chuckles slightly, “I’m fine mom”.
Anne is extremely confused at this point. Danny was a ghost and was apparently still ‘living’ with his living family? And why were the teens she’s assuming are his friends asking if he’s dead or dying? Ghost does mean dead, Danny had already confirmed he was dead. Inside jokes possibly? Or, Danny could look completely ‘alive’ so maybe they didn’t even know?
While Lewis walks closer to the microwave, this is definitely the strangest house call he’s ever been involved in, “he’s perfectly fine Maddie. He spent the night in my and my wife’s spare bedroom. I apologise for not informing you but it was special circumstances”.
Microwave: “oh don’t worry about that, we get it. So long as Danny-boy’s alright!-but what about his injuries? He can’t go back to the hospital with those men there”.
Lewis taps his chin, “well, the best option would be to have Danny here go home and I’ll deal with the hospital before taking him over. That way he isn’t without a skilled doctor. My place is impressively well equipped, So he’ll be fine here in the meantime”.
Microwave: “Yes that should work fine, thank you Dan. We’ll give you back to your friends sweetie-so we can get your things ready!”.
Danny groans quietly, seriously hoping they didn’t do anything to his room. There was more than a few questionable things in there, especially in the walls and floor.
Microwave: “Alright you reckless idiot, it’s just me and Tuck now. Valerie’s off looking for asshole agents to shoot at-oh Danny dude, I took samples from the quote-unquote ‘rain’. Pretty nasty shit. Paraparetic properties, corrosive, toxic fumes, tranquillising properties. Just oof dude. And doctor dude, before you ask, yes I did have the other patients files and stuff, it’s in your pager-move aside Tucker, you better have some damn food Danny-”.
Lewis and Anne both gape slightly as the microwave pops open and an apple rolls out, Danny easily catching it and then pulling out what looks to be a pop or a milkshake in a fast food cup. Danny rolling his eyes as he puts it on the table, closing the door, “mother-henning me much? I’m sorry for worrying you guys okay? And I promise I’m a not any deader, just work on making sure my house is actually safe”.
Microwave: “done and done dude, you look after yourself for a change ya?-Danny? Are you dating Valerie again, cause you better fuckin-AND I’M HANGING UP!”. The microwave beeps and Danny can’t help but float towards the ground and laugh.
Danny floats up and leans against the counter and picks up the apple, pointing at Lewis, “hopefully an apple a day won’t keep this doctor away. Whatcha gonna tell whoever the Zone happens to be above you?”, taking a bite out of the apple.
Anne shakes her head, that was almost as confusing as when Vee starts talking in Eddie’s head in the middle of conversations. Getting up and heading to get dressed, “you’re stranger than just a ghost, aren’t you?”.
Danny glances at the microwave, fuck it, “half-ghost!”. Danny gives her points for not even pausing in her walking.
Taking another bite and looking to Lewis, pointing over his shoulder and swallowing, “she’s used to weird crap getting dropped out of nowhere huh?”.
Lewis nods, firmly more curious over the apple that’s leaving green smears on Danny’s face, “Vee’s very blunt and sometimes gives way too much detail. What kind of apple is that?”.
Danny takes a sip of what he knows is a milkshake...well, ectoshake, “ghost food. Zones gots its own flora, fauna, ecosystem, etcetera. Part of how my body works is absorbing free-floating ectoplasm and converting it into my own. Expelling used stuff as latent ectoplasm. Kinda like breathing. Human side lets me self produce though. But-”, holding up the apple, “-ectofood is like putting on an oxygen mask or getting a transfusion. That, and just tastes good”.
Danny’s a little concerned as Lewis leans over the ectoshake, “don’t drink that. You’ll hurt yourself”. Lewis waves him off, “corrosive, toxic, poisonous; I remember. I like my throat and stomach intact”.
Danny wipes his face and both turn, hearing Anne’s heels clicking on the floor. Danny shakes his head at the sharp pantsuit, “please tell me Eddie doesn’t also dress absurdly impeccably and put together? Cause I dress like I fished my clothing out of slightly bio-hazardous dumpsters and am usually basically swimming in my clothing”.
Anne laughs slightly while Lewis laughs more noticeably, Anne shaking her head, “Eddie and well-dressed don’t exist in the same dimension. He often wears the same clothing for days and his clothing is usually lifted off criminals. Vee is his clothing sometimes”. Lewis nods, speaking and pointing at Anne, “he looks more put together when Vee has literally dressed him”.
Danny sighs, firmly ignoring that this guy just wears his victims clothing. Chuckling a little awkwardly, “I wore the same shirt and pants for a year. Didn’t even notice for the first four months. Kinda busy being all kinda dead. Though they were washed. I just happen to have three different pairs of the same clothing. Well one got destroyed via impalement, way too much blood”.
Anne blinks, Eddie said that once about his hair when he got himself drenched once. Lewis was right, they had a lot in common. Nodding with a smile at Danny, “you’ll get along, be good for Eddie I hope”, patting Lewis’s shoulder before giving him a quick kiss, “smart man, see you later, Dan dear”.
“Always honey, enjoy your day”.
Danny suppresses a wince and continues with his food while Lewis waves at him, “I’m going to deal with the hospital”. Danny just chuckles and watches him go.
Danny sits watching tv and chipping away at the ectoshake, chuckling over how much more erratically his tail’s vibrating and wiggle when left to its own devices now. Ancients did it ever make it easy to tell how healthy he, particularly how healthy his ghost half, was. Curling the tip into his hand and giving it a good more awake look over, there was still tiny holes but they were pretty well done away with at this point. Definitely hurt a little, but for him that wasn’t really noticeable.
Putting down the shake and deciding to float around some, use up a bit of the excess ectoenergy. It was practically singing in his veins and peaking in on Lewis would just be a little too boring right now. That’s one aspect of being in a powerful position that Danny is pretty well not envious of; dealing with underlings, paperwork, and being the one at fault if shit goes south. Sure Danny already got blamed for just short of everything by many adults; Phantom and Fenton. But that wasn’t for, like, executive decisions or situations with many good choices. Most of Danny’s crap was either: protect and thusly deal with/get blamed for the fall out (poor grades, damages, skipped class, being noisy, anti-social, pissing off hunters in general) or let someone or something be genuinely harmed. Pretty easy obvious choice. One he knows he can’t really choose differently on, Obsession and all that. Leadership and powerful roles were less black and white.
Danny snickers and starts intangibly snooping through Lewis’s cupboards for weird foods or anything funny really. Only for a box of caramelised eel to fall through his head, “alright that’s pretty odd, at least it’s not, like, Venom’s leftovers or something”, Danny frowns, what would he do if he came across that? It’s not like he wouldn’t be able to tell, the smell would tip him off immediately. If it was just like....a chunk...he’d probably just stare at it and nope the fuck out, close the fridge or cupboard or whatever. Just firmly ignore it. But something like....a full-blown body?....he’d probably either freeze up or freak out. Or go really batshit. He’s never actually seen a dead body since the whole...Dan...thing. So it probably would not trigger good, kind, happy, parts of his brain. He imagines it would go one of two ways. Either it would bring out his inner Dan, which would be really bad. Or he’d go exactly the opposite, like when he actually dealt with him, protective and resolute. Which would be more likely, hopefully.
Lewis is firmly tickled pink, as far as his hospital was aware Danny had been transferred to Amity’s hospital. Which seems to have downright ridiculously horrible paperwork and systems for keeping track of patients; a lot of that actually seems to be Phantom’s fault because he just shows up with people randomly, even at two a.m.. People even seem to just leave without even bothering to check-out. That and apparently files get corrupted and possessed somewhat often. Lewis somehow doubts Danny and his friends are at fault for all of it. So no one will really raise any eyebrows at not being able to find Danny in the Amity hospital system. Even with Lewis still acting as his doctor and supposedly going between the two hospitals. Pushing his study door open, all that really mattered now was when Danny wanted to head home and watching out for those agents. Because, of course, if the same three agents spot him at the Fenton’s house it’ll tip them off.
Looking around the living-room, slightly surprised he’s not watching tv and resting like he should be. Walking into the kitchen and quirking an eyebrow over what he’s sure is part of Danny’s tail sticking out through the sink countertop; looks a bit like someone just left a sliced in half black circle on the counter, that moves. Which definitely reminds him of Vee, just seeing random bits of black something was pretty come-by. “What are you doing?”, walking over as the tail just moves through the countertop and slips fully through it like it’s not really there. Before Danny’s head just pokes up through it, “snooping, seeing some of the weird stuff people have in their house is interesting and a good way to find their suspicious shit”.
This just serves to remind Lewis just how paranoid Danny is, “well I wouldn’t recommend doing that at Eddie’s apartment. If those two have something hidden I’d rather it stay that way. Anyway, the hospital thinks you’re in Amity’s hospital. But your cities hospital has probably the worst systems I’ve ever seen, so you not actually being there won’t be noticed”.  
If anything Danny’s actually more likely to look through their place, partly out of morbid curiosity and partly just out of needing to make sure there’s nothing bad. Shrugging and phasing out of the cupboards/sink, sitting on the countertop, “if you’re fine with possibly accidentally setting off a weapon or some other device, then snooping the Fenton household is really interesting even if you live there. But yeah, shouldn’t really snoop my room in truth. And you’re still going to be functionally moving in right? Cause if you now have to go through Amity’s hospital for approval, that’ll be a problem”.
Lewis pours himself some coffee, pushing a cup to Danny as well. It was fairly obvious why looking for hidden stuff where Eddie, or more specifically Vee, lived was probably a bad and unpleasant idea. There is no way either of them clean up everything, and he firmly doubts Vee doesn’t take home snacks; whether Eddie knows or not would be debatable. The only things Lewis can think Danny might hide would be stuff good for his ghost part, medical stuff, and maybe weapons. “What could be so bad in your room? Other than to your parents anyway. You are a teenager after all. And you do have a lot in common with Eddie, the things he hid from his, I don’t really wann-”.
Danny pulls a face and cuts him off, “Lewis! Ancients no! Even if I did hide or have whatever I think you happen to be implying -which I don’t, do you seriously think I have time or focus on that?- why I’d be concerned about that? My room’s probably a weapons and bio hazard”, shaking his head and glaring at Lewis’s smirk, “stop that you”, rolling his eyes at Lewis just smirking more, “ignoring your bullshit now. As I like to say, my room would make a crime-scene investigator cry, the cleanup crew might just quit outright”.  
Lewis quirks an eyebrow, “okay, why? Also, why would it be a problem if I needed Amity’s hospitals' approval? I don’t, but curiosity”. Amity’s Hospital didn’t seem to have much in the way of actually followed rules and regulations. Sure his hospital was a little lenient, from what he’d research it seemed every hospital that dealt with Amity Parkers was, but his hospital was still much more likely to say no.
Danny chuckles, he’d almost like to see some poor out of town investigators go through his room with a fine-toothed comb, “I give myself and get medical treatment in my room Lewis, and I don’t have to worry about infections; so how clean my tools and supplies happens to be doesn’t really matter. If you pulled up my carpet and rung it out, it would bleed. And since I can phase through stuff-”, Danny sticks his cup through the wall and just leaves it in there, “-my walls and floor are my cabinets for everything really questionable or dangerous. I know for a fact there’s at least six bombs in the floor. Lots and lots of stolen property, powerful ghost artefacts. One of my walls is filled with blood and ‘plasm bags, if someone cut that wall open they would literally get a bloodbath”, taking his coffee out of the wall and sipping at it, “and because Amity’s hospital doesn’t allow anyone under their insurance to go inside FentonWorks. I’ve had the hospital head flat-out say he’d put me, as Phantom, on payroll purely to deal with them and their house. Because being dead apparently counts as a preexisting condition that makes me excluded from their insurance”.
Well, Lewis thinks, that’s one way to get out of covering employees; Anne would have a field day with that. And if Vee heard how Danny keeps his room, apparently anyway, they’d nag at Eddie over ‘why can’t we keep snacks in the walls? Eddie?!?’. Which is probably a conversation that would horrify both Eddie and Danny in two very different ways. “I’m going to guess you turned that offer down? And if I can handle being around Vee when they didn’t like me and saw me as the bad guy who attack them with the noisy death machine, I can handle the Fenton house”, pointing his cup at Danny, “and why did you do that to your room? As a doctor, especially your doctor, I definitely can’t approve of using dirty tools and just leaving your mess around”.
Danny rubs at his neck and glances at the clock, Lewis probably didn’t work till the afternoon, “death machine? Now it’s my turn to guess, they have a weakness like how anti-ecto stuff hurts me. And you’re damn right, I am on no one’s payroll”, rolling his eyes some, “and it’s either I leave it in my room, can’t go dumping samples from me anywhere, or I burn it. Once they get really bad, I always burn them. With ecto-fire to be specific. Also, I’m lazy where I can be, namely my own health”, pointing at the clock, “I’m guessing you don’t work till late?”.  
Lewis shakes his head, at least Danny was honest, “correct, late shift today; and I’d say you should care about your health but that would be of as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Though you do have a point, considering your friends destroyed all your samples”, shaking his head with a slight smile, “your guess is right. Loud high pitched sounds and fire, so MRI’s aren’t such a good idea. Basically vibrated right out of Eddie’s skin, lots of screaming and what was basically a seizure”.  
“Oof, sounds like how I died. ‘Cept even more screaming. Like, the entire Zone heard that shit. Also-”, Danny lifts up a finger and lets an ecto-flame burn above it, “-I can be a firebug. And yeah, I’m called a self-sacrificial fool for a reason. I’m durable enough to afford to be”.
Lewis shakes his head, just how many powers did Danny have? “Still should at least somewhat care about your own self. You better not set my friends on fire, and at this point, you might as well just give me a list of abilities instead of just dropping them one by one”.
Danny points at him and telekinetically brings over the rest of his ecto-shake, “they better not hurt my humans. And dude, I frequently forget my powers. That list will not be complete”.
Lewis isn’t sure if that’s worrying, impressive, or sad. Watching the floating drink and Danny drink from it without dropping eye-contact, “a list would still be nice and I won’t make promises for them but I genuinely believe they’ll behave”.
Danny grumbles, “they better”, before leaning back and shrugging, “yeah I guess randomly springing that, kind of lost the dramatic flare after the duplication stunt”.
“Yeah, not sure you could pull something more strange. At least Vee’s ability to make multiple heads out of Eddie doesn’t result in a whole nother separate body”.  
Danny gives a devilish grin before opening his mouth and making an arm pop out and wave at Lewis before opening seventeen eyes all over it and making them strobe blue and green. Biting the arm off to dissipate into green fog, seeping into the skin on his face. Smirking at Lewis’s obviously restrained shock, “a lesson best remembered with me, never tempt or encourage body horror. I love that shit”.
Lewis blinks a few times, he’s both interested to see just how far or extreme Danny could take this and completely wanting to nope out of seeing that. “I am legitimately going to ask you to never give Vee ideas. They do enough weird shit to and with Eddie’s body. Can you just, replicate any part of your body anywhere and without limit?”.
Danny nods, “pretty much. But it uses up ectoplasm and I don’t have an endless supply of that. I think the most heads I’ve had at once was, like, thirty-two. I max out at four full duplicates. Duplicates take way more energy than just general body manipulation. I could pretty well just fill this room with random body parts via body manipulation”.
Okay Lewis does not need to see that, still extremely interested though. He won’t say no if Danny just does it or offers. He’s not going to make a request though. “So that’s body manipulation, duplication, intangibility, invisibility, transformation, levitation, pyrokinesis, healing factor, heightened durability, and heightened senses. You also said you had most of the same as my friends. So enhanced strength, speed, and just in general defying logic”.
Danny shakes his head, but chuckles, “Ancients fine, that’s not even half”, Lewis quirks an eyebrow as Danny just starts counting off on his fingers for added flare, “so to add on to what you listed. Everything’s ecto-energy in some way generally. Energy beams, blasts, discs, waves, balls, shields and constructs. Repulsion field and power absorption. Enhancement, as in I can increase my strength beyond its natural level. Electrocution and more general shapeshifting. Photokinesis, Ectokinesis and cryokinesis. Ghost sense and absolute dark vision. I learn super quick, about fourteen hours for new skills or languages. Immunity to some ghost attacks in general, and some anti-ghost stuff while human. Working on teleportation and portal creation, possibly a sleep ray”, Danny tilts his head, “um, oh right. Exorcism, as in I can tear a ghost out of someone; might be able to tear Vee out of Eddie like that actually. Overshadowing of people, technology, and dreams. Like, you know how Vee is basically inside of and able to control Eddie? Yeah that’s basically overshadowing. Possessing someone or something”, chuckling, “could maybe possess Vee, who’s basically possessing Eddie. That would be a trip. And lastly, my sort of trump card power cause it’s super fucking strong. My Ghostly Wail, a super-sonic wail. If I really try I could take out entire cities with it”, shrugging and chuckling a bit awkwardly Lewis just staring at him with a slowly cooling coffee, “did warn ya and then there are the powers I had only temporarily. Weather manipulation and reality control. Oh, also had a time medallion fused in my chest for a while, which excluded me from time itself. By the by, reality control means I could basically do anything. Turned a lady into a duck, altered some people’s memories, altered time, turned a ghost back into a living person; probably a few other things that I don’t really remember”.
Lewis is honestly wondering if there’s anything Danny can’t do. “You have more power than any one person really should have”.
Danny chuckles and nods, “yeah, though many of my abilities are literally just general ghost shit. Every ghost can use body manipulation, invisibility, intangibility, flight, overshadowing, ecto-beams/blasts, shields, enhanced strength and speed and senses and healing, body manipulation, duplication, photokinesis and absolute dark vision. You just have to learn how. Most ghosts don’t learn how to do everything they’re capable of doing, I do because it always seems to wind up being needed”.
Lewis shakes his head, that was a bit ridiculous. Ghosts were absurdly powerful beings, “question, why haven’t ghosts just taken us over? Because that would be really easy to do”.
Danny chuckles, “four reasons: humans are seen by many as lesser and thus not worth the effort, have zero interest in the mortal world at all, getting into the mortal world is actually not that easy and ghost can’t actually stay, and lastly, ghosts like me exist to stop the ones that do want to or try to. But in the end, ghosts care about their Obsessions first and foremost, so unless their Obsession is something like ruling or humanity there’s no reason to want to take over mortals��.
Lewis shakes his head as he goes to get packed to take Danny home, “well that’s comforting, this sounds like a pretty good note to decide to get the probably disturbingly powerful being back to his home. Which I’ve honestly said to Eddie too, come to think of it”.
Danny chuckles as Lewis walks off, “well it's not hard to be more powerful than humans”, Lewis coming back in only a little bit later, “and yet we often come out on top. You seem more powerful than most ghosts, judging by all the fighting, yet you’re part human”.
Danny chuckles as he stretches out, slides off the stool, and floats over to the door; inspecting his tail a little as he goes, “being part mortal gives me a big leg up on other ghosts. Being part ghosts gives me a big leg up on other mortals. Also makes me a mortal with ghostly needs and instincts. And a ghost with mortal weaknesses”.
Lewis closes the car door and looks back to where it sounds like Danny sat in the back, “mortal weakness? Your humanness doesn’t seem to be a weakness”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “I can still die Lewis. I still age, still change”, popping into visibility and pointing at Lewis though laying across the backseat to be hidden, “dead ghosts ain’t meant to change at the base level. Halfas do. Not healthy”.
Lewis tilts his head as he gets up to highway speed, Danny had a good point in a sense, ghost were dead. Weren’t part of the living world and thus didn’t really have to deal with living stuff. But clearly they could be destroyed, which is basically dying. “Well shouldn’t ageing be good for you? Being stuck at fourteen seems pretty unpleasant. Ghosts can be destroyed too, that’s basically dying”.
Danny sighs slightly, yeah that would be pretty shit but what would he be like as an old man? Heck maybe he would stop ageing or changing at some point. Who fucking knows? Halfas were a new species, everything was debatable, unproven, yet to be seen. Didn’t help that the only other natural halfa was one nut short of a fruitcake; not to mention rather reclusive. Shrugging, “being an old man won’t change my Obsession. I’ll still be doing what I’m doing now, might be a little difficult to do that. Ehh, hard to say. The other is as old as my folks, he does fine. Okay, he does fine physically. Dying and destruction is odder for me than humans or ghosts. ‘Cause if my ghost’s destroyed then my human’s still here. My human dies then my ghost’s still here. No halfa ever has done either though so everything’s hypothetical. Might not even be possible without the halfs being torn apart first”, Danny shivers slightly, different train of thought, “ghosts that are five thousand years old are nearly no different in base form or personality than when they first formed. That’s part of how they have their spot and place in the Zone, that makes me uncertain, unreliable, and unpredictable to ghosts. And a ghosts base body, skin colour, ears, eyes, hair, yada yada, is pretty well part of who they are. Some look more mortal, some not at all. And while humans are really damn adaptable, there’s a limit to that. Which is why my teeth and face hurts sometimes”.
“Go to a dentist?”.
Danny screws up his face before pulling himself up and leaning on the centre console, pushing up his upper lip and extending his fangs. All four sets of them, which yes, are too damn big for his face, “I’ll getz rightz on thatz”.
Lewis glances at them and yeah okay, dentist would be a bad idea. Though he’s very curious what x-rays of Danny’s teeth would look like. Seems to be those fangs are just part of him, not body manipulation. So there must be pockets in his jaw and skull for them to slide in and out of. Not to mention specialised extra muscles. Yeah, that likely would be rather uncomfortable. Also very obvious Danny’s not used to them, “fair point, grow into them? Eddie and Vee can do a lot of weird stuff with Vee’s teeth, and Vee’s got an obscene amount of teeth. Their face is sixty percent teeth. Though if you’re basically transversing unknown territory then just roll with it. That’s basically what Eddie does, though maybe actually attempt to figure stuff out instead of just shrugging at it”.
Danny chuckles, “maybe I willz grow to fillz ‘em. Andz I’m from a family ofz zvientiztz, ofz courze I ztudy the changez”.
Lewis shakes his head with a slight smile as Danny basically stabs his lower lip and starts bleeding, hearing him groan in annoyance as they enter Amity Park. ‘A nice place to live’ seems a bit funny for it being the most haunted place in the world and who’s town icon -Phantom’s symbol is everywhere, the town clearly likes him more than he’s implied- literally does not live, to public knowledge. Speaking as Danny runs his tongue over his -fangs clearly retracted- teeth and lip, “maybe try talking with them more instead of ignoring them. And good, everyone should be familiar with their bodies. Also, your town loves you”.
Danny rolls his eyes and grumbles, “just because they have the symbol for a famous ghost around doesn’t mean they’re doing it for anything other than popularity and profit. I’m a staple of the town, being a staple doesn’t necessarily mean well-liked. Like rats in New York and-”, Danny cuts himself off at smelling bleach and glimpsing the bumper of a white car, promptly turning himself, Lewis, and the car invisible and intangible.
“No one puts rats on t-shirts and pins. Also, does your town have weird tingly air? Because something is off”, Lewis blinks, firmly caught off guard as another car's bumper just goes through his own. Looking to Danny who looks slightly mischievous but has a sharpness to his eyes and they’re darting around slightly, in a way that implied lots of practice at making it not noticeable that he was looking for threats. “What’s going on? You can transfer you powers?”. If Danny could push his powers onto other things that was a power in and of itself. Manipulating other things and people.
Danny sends out a duplicate through his tail to look from above, easily spotting the Agents. Doesn’t look to be the same ones as at the hospital and they look to be carrying around water guns. Which Danny’s going the bet his own eyeballs, are filled with that ‘rain’ liquid. Wonderful. Original Danny hisses, “G.I.W.”.
Lewis restrains a sigh, at least Danny noticed quickly; paranoid but usefully so. Having to make a damn point of not jerking from a car driving straight through him, Danny of course hardly seems to pay it any mind. Though being able to just run red lights gives him a bit of childish joy. Struggling to keep a smile off his face as he picks up speed and just goes through a building.
Original Danny glances at him and chuckles slightly, “usually I go around buildings. You know, for peoples privacy? But yes, my powers are pretty fun”. Before growling, snapping his head to the side, and squinting his now glowing green eyes; as the duplicate spots one agent spraying Elliot -why doesn’t that kid just move out?- in the face.
Lewis isn’t sure what’s going on, glimpsing Danny’s tail vibrating and lashing a bit aggressively; and him clearly in attack mode. Under an hour into being back in his own town and he’s already picking fights. He just can’t slow down, like Eddie. Which is honestly the scariest part about Eddie himself, combined with having functionally no restraints or very few personal limits. Looking around to see a Phantom duplicate zip over to somewhere and restraining another sigh, before blinking and spotting the FentonWorks sign and the UFO? Danny wasn’t kidding about the strange house. Promptly parking and clearing his throat at Danny, it takes a few times before Danny glances his very bright eyes at him, “we’re just gonna sit here till other you is done”. Danny rolls his eyes slightly but goes back to staring out the window.
Danny, meanwhile, is happy the liquid doesn’t seem to affect regular ecto-contaminated humans. But he still floats aggressively, and invisibly, behind the agents. While Elliot looks extremely done with everything, shaking his hands off and then tossing them up dramatically and walking off, grumbling about the dumb stupid pain in the fucking ass gov asshole pricks.
Danny, feeling a little vindictive and mischievous, makes a point of giving the agents the seemingly worst luck ever. Tripping them up, knocking stuff in front of them, whispering creepily at them, making random growling sounds from alleyways. One agent grumbling, “I hate dealing with damn ghost lairs. Too bad we can’t just blow the place”. Danny growls low at that and unintentionally changes the colour palette of the buildings and sidewalk to be darker and harsher shades. Both agents glare around and scoff, “you’re not going to chase us off, filthy lair”.
“Maybe it should!”.
Danny tilts his head up towards the voice and sighs slightly, seeing the red-eyed ‘Phantom’ Amorpho. Promptly zipping up to him and yanking him out of the way of the agents water guns as they shout, “Phantom! Give it up you filthy ecto-entity!”.
Danny pops into visibility with Amorpho a few blocks over, pointing at him, “you don’t want that water shit on you. Also, the fuck are you doing posing in-front of billboards and shit?”.
Amorpho blinks and transforms into his natural state, “you’re back! I’ve been having my fun, haven’t caused any issues for you, so who says it matters”.
Danny rolls his eyes but chuckles, “oh yes, who says it matters that you’re making a whole bunch of new weird stories about me. At least general confusion suits me, though I did ask you to stay out of my town. Though fine, thanks for covering my ass. That water will paralyse you and burn you, now I imagine that would get you stuck in whatever form”, Danny grins a bit cruelly knowing how much Amorpho hates that. While Amorpho jerks slightly, turning his head towards where the agents are, “thanks then, I’m going to make their day. In the bad way”, transforming into an agent and walking off with a cruel smirk.
Danny shakes his head, at least he could leave the agents to Amorpho to mess with, being distracting was basically the guys specialty. Flying off back into the car and being resorbed by the original.
Lewis shakes his head, as Danny just smirks more and leans back in the seat, “someone I've got a truce with is messing with them now. He’s a tricky fellow so I doubt they get him, he’s pretending to be an agent himself”, Danny shakes his head, “he’s actually been pretending to be Phantom while I’ve been gone. He’s a true shift-shaper, can look like anyone. Harmless though, just a prankster that likes attention. Also, we’re visible and everything again”. Lewis can’t even imagine all the ways that kind of power could cause harm and mass panic, seems like only the less harmful ghosts had all the more dangerous powers. “Before we head in, because I know you won’t talk about this around Jack and Maddie. Is there a reason it just seems to be good or neutral ghosts with stronger abilities?”.
Danny promptly shakes his head, “it only seems that way because all the powerful bad ghosts are locked up or sealed away, so they can’t do shit. Like Overgrowth? Control over all plant life and turns people into fertiliser. Massive death count, enslaved Amity once. Vortex? Compete weather control. Makes massive storms and shit. Caused the ice age. Aragon can turn into a dragon. Pariah is literally one of the most powerful there is and he’s an evil bastard. Oh, and Spectra, she makes people depressed. Massive death count for her too”, Danny shrugs and coils his tail up, turning it invisible and throws his -pretty well shredded- hoodie around his waist, “there are just enough good guys to keep the bad guys wrangled. Well okay, and the Observants deal with the really dangerous ones”.
Lewis shakes his head as he gets out of the car and opens the back door, seeing as Danny can’t be just floating in. Danny points at him, “you aren’t carrying me, my pride took enough of a hit yesterday. And I can’t just ride piggyback cause with how injured I’m supposed to be that would be very suspicious”. Lewis raises an eyebrow, “you have pride?”. Danny flips him off for that, “all ghosts do. Prideful things by nature”.
“Huh, well I did not bring a wheelchair. Would Jack and Maddie have something?”.
Danny blinks at him a few times before laughing and nodding his head, “they always have something, they built a hoverboard I believe”.
Lewis is just going to assume hoverboards are basically commonplace here, as he knocks on the door.
To say Jack and Maddie have been busy would be a bit of an understatement. They’d like to say the first thing they did was start on legs and perfect them, but how could they? Having to face that fact, just accept what their boy had lost so quickly? No, but cleaning, organising, and getting to work on deconstructing bits from the first Spector Speeder for a little hover-board? That was easy enough, distraction enough. The house was probably the cleanest it had ever been, especially after finding out Dan would be coming to stay for a while. Finding out Danny would be coming home even sooner really made them stop and acknowledge that they needed to genuinely start building. Of course they both already had ideas, and had started building a little, but really hearing Danny actually eager to hear about them was the real kick in the butt they needed to build with wild abandon. But it wasn’t exactly going smoothly. Building actual robotic legs that could pass as normal legs, rather than an exoskeleton of sorts was a fair bit more difficult. Of course they needed neuroreceptors and the base shape and systems, all that they could build easily. But Danny was rather lean and short, there wasn’t a whole lot of room to work with. And they only wanted legs, no further areas of a full-body suit for space or support. And of course, they absolutely had to be able to work long term and completely safely. There were to be no running off of Danny’s life force or draining any substantial amount of his ectoplasm. The less he has to act as a battery the better.
So as it stands they had basic prototypes, and they were fully intending to ask Danny if he wanted them to bring them in for him to look at, try on, and help troubleshoot; when the G.I.W. situation had gone down. To say they were pissed at G.I.W. was another definite understatement. The absolute only reasons they didn’t hunt those men down or bust into that transport vehicle was Jazz and Sam pointing out how suspicious that would seem and Tuck assuring them that Danny was not in G.I.W. custody. The final nail in the coffin for them turning around to go back home and just wait, was Jazz somewhat sheepishly admitting to them that she had told Dan about the G.I.W. and that Danny actually dealt with them coming after him before. Because that meant Danny had a plan for this and Dan was smart. Not to mention, they knew from growing up with him that he had zero qualms over forgoing rules or normalcy. Even they acknowledged Dan was a bit strange, more so than them. They had strange interests and were both very intense and unapologetic about everything. Dan was strange on the very base fundamental level, so everything about him was at least a little off. But that was exactly why he fit and flowed well with them.
So they trusted their boy and put some faith in an old friend. Which thankfully paid off, even if that meant Danny coming home way sooner and functionally sent them into a bit of a frenzy. They couldn’t just have prototypes and ‘leg’ bits around, certainly that would be unpleasant for Danny right? And they couldn’t have Dan thinking the house was unsafe. Though they agreed to leave both children’s rooms be, the last thing they wanted to do was make Danny uncomfortable by going through his stuff or changing his area. Jazz would likely go on about how rooms were comfort zones and safe havens.
So they were a bit frazzled when that knock they had been nervously waiting for finally came. Maddie quickly fixing her hair as she opens the door to see Dan, “Dan, is he fine? Where’s Danny?”. Lewis puts up his hands and makes pacifying motions, “he’s fine, he’s fine”. While Maddie sticks her head out the door, spotting Danny sitting in the car. Seeing him in braces instead of casts feels like a breath of fresh air laced with gold, “DANNY!”.
Danny rubs his neck a bit awkwardly, partly because he didn’t have a full range of motion and partly because he hated worrying people, while Maddie runs over to him and squats down. Squeezing his shoulder before pulling him in for an almost tight hug, making sure not to pull him off the seat though, “oh sweetie, I’m glad those men didn't get to do anything”.
Danny’s not about to tell her that they did hurt him, but he does glance around with a cautious eye, “yeah, they’re pricks, aren’t they? They’re also in town, so let’s party over tripping up government dogs inside”. This instantly gets Maddie to snap up and look around, no way does she want to try picking Danny up. Not yet. Thankfully Jack, the dear, was thinking ahead; coming out with the little circular hover cushion with cushion walls around it, looking like a bowl. Course it also had a control panel, pop out trays, pop open cubby holes, etcetera.
Both Danny and Lewis resist chuckling or snorting at the device. Though Danny takes it and, with the kind of ease that comes from being overly familiar with how his parents build stuff, operates it easily. Lewis quietly muttering, “well shit”, the thing genuinely hovers and quietly too.
Jack and Maddie both beam as Danny just easily hovers himself inside and does a little twirl in the air. Jazz snickering from the hallway stairs. Patting the puffy thing after walking up, looking Danny over and nodding slightly, “you seem better, no more stiff casts”.
Danny smiles and makes a point of stretching out some, “oh it is much better, I have fingers again. Stick fingers, but fingers”. Bending his right fingers at her the little that he actually can. Which she giggles and shakes her head over.
Lewis looks at Maddie as she leans towards him, “is he really okay enough to be out of casts?”. Lewis nods, a normal person would definitely not be...well, a normal person would just be flat-out dead. But he had to downplay the injuries, “he’s a tough kid. Lucky too. So he’s good, just needs to be monitored to make sure, and keep up with the wrappings. Though I have a shift soon, so I can’t stay long right now”.
Jack claps him on the shoulder though his smile looks a little empty, “that’s too bad! You could’ve helped set up the spare room!”. Lewis chuckles and shakes his head slightly, “I’m sure I would have loved that. Though don’t worry about that too much. I’m hardly the picky type”.
Danny smirks and glances up towards his room, his parents could give Lewis the strangest room ever and he’d probably be unfazed. Whispering at Jazz, “please tell me they didn’t raid my room?”, saying ‘cleaned up’ would be stretching it, since cleaning wasn’t often their thing. Plus, genuinely cleaning his room would probably take more than three days. Jazz giggles slightly, “no worries little brother. They did actually clean the house though”, smiling and side-eyeing her parents, “lab’s a bit messy of course”.
Danny groans quietly, “it’s covered in leg bits, isn't it?”. She just nods quickly while Lewis comes up and pats Danny’s shoulder.
Lewis eye-balls the hover cushion thing, “somehow, this is stranger”, shaking his head, “I’ll be around in the morning, try not to destroy your bandaging”. Danny smirks at him, “no promises”. Lewis shakes his head and waves over his shoulder as he takes his leave.
Danny hovers somewhat awkwardly, focusing on keeping his tail invisible -which doesn’t fit all that well in the little cushion contraption-, while his parents walk over to him. Jack patting him on the shoulder, “did you pull a good one over on those agents?”. Danny smirks and nods, “to my knowledge, they don’t even know I was ever there”. Jack beams over that, while Danny glances up to his room, “cool if I rub my face in my blankets?”, he was going to enjoy his bed tonight, after flying around his town with a fine eye. Any ghosties are were going to get their asses kicked with a passion.
They honestly don’t want to let him out of their sight but Jazz is giving them a bit of a glare, clearly saying they should give him space. Jack squeezes Danny’s shoulder slightly and nods, “glad to hear it and go ahead Danny-boy. I’m sure Mads will have supper ready in a bit!”. And Maddie kisses Danny on the cheek quickly, who blushes and bats her off weakly. Before promptly hovering up to his room.
Sticking his head in, Danny’s just damn glad his room looks exactly as it did before. Locking the door and promptly ditching the hover cushion, stretching his tail out and letting it wiggle all over the place; before just flopping onto his bed. Laying there realising that being gone for a while has rather resensitised him to all the scents he’d gotten used to over the past years. Grumbling, “oh man, I really do need to clean. Kinda smells like someone died and rolled in lemon acid”. Was he going to actually do it? Probably not. Give it a day or so and he’d be nose-blind again. Sighing happily into his blankets, hard to actually be comfortable with the braces on though. Turning his head to the side and staring out the window, he could wait till nightfall.
Jack and Maddie watch him head to his room with worry, Jazz rubbing her mom's arm, “he just needs some time to adjust and enjoy being home”, smiling at her dad, “you know how unpleasant hospitals can be”. Not to mention calming down from dealing with the G.I.W.
Jack shivers slightly, hospitals were so annoying to be stuck dealing with. Before looking to the lab door and smiling, “maybe testing things out will get him back into the swing of things!”, and bounding down the stairs. While Jazz shakes her head with a small smile, “give him some time at least!”.
Maddie gives Jazz a soft smile and kisses her head quickly, “oh he’ll be a while, no worries. I’ll get to work on a good supper”. Jazz, full well knowing Danny will be annoyed but he really should not be eating anything heavily seasoned or tough, “remember it should be simple and easy to digest”. Maddie blinks and nods, “right, of course, thanks Jazz”. Jazz just smiles and shakes her head slightly.
Danny’s just glad supper went normally, even if he’s sure the food was very intentionally ‘guy who just had surgery’ friendly. Now he’s just curled up in his blankets and staring at the window. No way his folks weren’t going to check in on him before they went to bed themselves. He honestly wanted them to hurry up on that and go to bed, so he can leave and have a night out on the town.
Not even ten minutes later he coils his tail up and flicks it out of visibility, as he smells his folks approaching the door. Flipping over to face the door as he hears his mom ask, “you up sweetie? Can we come in?”.
“Yeah, go ahead”, Danny would throw in a joke about not being able to get the door but that would technically be a lie and would probably be really insensitive.
Jack and Maddie come in and sit on Danny’s bed, it was strange and bit painful that doing so pulled the blankets down enough to make what’s missing rather noticeable. The two parents share a look before Maddie brushes Danny’s hair around some, speaking soft and kind, “now you know we’ve been working on legs for you. We’ve got good frameworks and systems started, though we haven’t really been able to solidify or start on the attachment zone. So we were wondering if it would be alright to see the work Dan did?”.
Danny makes a point not to wince, it was clear she was trying to be kind and gentle, even if the whole...Dan...name kind of ruined the attempted effect. All three glance down to Danny’s waist and ‘legs’, while Danny mentally debates what to do.
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dilfdarling · 6 years
[Carlton Drake x Reader] Summary: Working for Carlton Drake isn’t easy, but it might have its perks.
Request:  carlton drake x assistant! reader? where the reader is the one always pestering carlton to eat whenever he stays up and one day he pisses off the reader, making her take a long leave and then he realizes he likes her? 'm sorry its so long >'w'< (I really hope where i went with this is alright with you!!)
Word Count: 1,400+
Warnings: Implied smut, mentions of sex
A/N: I figured I’d post this until I can get my Venom smut finished. I hope you all like it! My Venom requests are open! If you would like to be tagged in future works let me know!
Being Carlton Drake’s assistant was never easy. You were kept in the dark about most things in the beginning, while still having to take care of his business at the same time. You had heard many things about his work, a lot of which you guessed to have been true.
You watched the way he had reacted when Eddie brought that stuff up in the interview. You knew whatever was going on behind your back was shady and deplorable. And yet, you stayed by Carlton’s side through it all.
At first you needed the job. Carlton was paying good money for someone who was basically his glorified errand girl, so you stayed. You stuck by his side, not really knowing anything that was going on. And you found out about most of the tests he had been running. But, you still stayed.
You didn’t know why at first, but then you realized... Somewhere along the way, through all of these awful experiments, running to get files, bringing him his morning coffee, you developed these feelings. Ones you weren’t sure you were shaking off anytime soon. You had told yourself time and time again to stop feeling that way, but then his hand would brush yours or his eyes would stay on you a second too long and these hot, horrible feelings would resurface.
It wasn’t love, far from it. You were sure you couldn’t love someone like Carlton, especially once he started the human experimenting. Getting homeless people to sign wavers they couldn’t comprehend for his own gain.
You didn’t love Carlton. You lusted for him.
Every time he entered the room, no matter the amount of people surrounding you, you wanted him to push you against the all and raw you on sight.
The chance of that happening was slim. Carlton was only into his work, not you, his meek assistant, who was just trying to get by. He had more to worry about. He had his horrible experiments to attend to.
“Mr. Drake?” you approached him with his morning coffee.
“It’s been a while since you’ve eaten something, if you want I can grab you a muffin, or anything, from the cafeteria?”
He took the coffee from you, his hand brushing yours ever so lightly. Your face scrunched at his short answer and you pulled your hand back from him.
“You really do worry about me too much.”
“Well, when I see someone not taking care of themselves-”
“I take care of myself, Y/N.”
He had gotten very short with you lately. Ever since Eddie’s interview with him, ever since he started trying to get symbiotes to bond with real live people, he had gotten more focused on his projects.
“Mr. Drake, I’m just trying to help you, that’s what I’m here to do.”
His hand slammed onto the desk and you reeled back. He stood up and looked at you with anger in his eyes.
“I don’t need your help at the moment.”
He had lost a symbiote recently, leaving him angrier than usual. Most of the time he was calm, collected, cool, but very recently cracks started to show; leaving you a little more frazzled than usual. He had never snapped at you before that moment. You weren’t used to be talked to that way by him, leaving you reeling.
Most of the time, when you reminded him to eat, drink water, take care of himself, he would just nod at you, and quietly wave you off to your next errand. But recently he grew more agitated with every gentle reminder.
“Mr. Drake,” you tried to keep yourself together, “if there is anything else you need-”
“I know, call you.”
You turned away from your boss and walked from the room. You trailed down the halls and made your way towards the entrance of the facility. You needed to cool off. You needed a break. You were done.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen to you, you knew too much. But you would worry about that in the morning. Or when someone was sent after you.
Your hands were held behind you as you were escorted through the back of the Life Foundation. You were absolutely terrified of what was about to happen. You were generously told about what had happened to Dr. Skirth, sending chills down your spine.
At least if I’m lucky, I’ll become a huge monster.
You didn’t want to think about being forcefully bonded with some symbiote. The chance of death was high, you had seen first hand what happened to some of the volunteers. You began to pray that Carlton would pity you and just give you your job back.
As you neared the heart of the facility you felt your heart starting to pound in your chest. You were getting closer and closer to your possible demise and nothing could prepare you for anything that was about to happen.
You were pushed through a doorway and you stumbled inside, falling as the person holding you released your arms. You pushed yourself up to your knees and looked upwards, through your lashes.
“You can leave now,” Carlton looked at the people who dragged you in.
You you were frozen in your spot, down on your knees looking at Carlton with pleading eyes. Carlton stared down at you, his hands clasped together in front of him and his head cocked to the side.
“I was beginning to worry they wouldn’t find you.”
“Mr. Drake,” your voice cracked as you tried to cover for yourself, “I promise I didn’t tell a soul. I, I just needed a break-”
“A break?”
“Um,” you clenched your eyes shut for a moment, gathering your thoughts, “I was tired of you getting snappy with me. I wasn’t being treated properly.”
Carlton stepped towards you and squatted down to your level. He gave you a concerned look, he didn’t look upset at all, but you could feel his anger. You swallowed hard, your mouth going dry.
“Stand up,” Carlton stuck out his hand and you hesitantly grabbed it. He gently pulled you up, standing with you.
“I can’t just let you get away with leaving like that,” Carlton kept a level voice, but something was off. You could tell something about him had changed.
“What do you plan on doing?”
Carlton gave you a soft smile and stepped closer to you. His hand cupped your face and his eyes were boring into yours. You felt your heart stop once his warm hand met your cool cheek.
“I’m not sure yet,” Carlton’s fingers gently ran down your cheek and to your jaw, “the only thing I’m certain of right now is that I need your assistance.”
You blinked up at him. He was so close to you, his hand still on your skin. You wanted nothing more than for him to take you right then and there. You tried to remind yourself of everything he had done, but his soft brown eyes held you captive. You could only think about everything he could possibly do to you in the best ways.
“You were gone for a whole week, Y/N.” Carlton’s hand fell from your face, “I didn’t realize how much I needed you until then.”
Oh, he just wants me back as an assistant.
“How much I craved you.”
Your mouth fell open and your stared at Carlton wide eyed. He stepped forward, causing you to take a step back. Your back pressed to the door behind you and you took a deep breath. Carlton had cornered you.
“Do tell me you feel the same way, Y/N.”
His voice was dangerously quiet. You could only nod at him, causing his brows to furrow. He pursed his lips and gave you a quizzical look. He was waiting for you to be verbal about your feelings.
“Yes,” Your voice was low and breathy, but you managed to speak, “I absolutely feel the same.”
Carlton smiled at you, bringing his face only inches from yours. He stared at you a moment, keeping you backed in your corner.
“Now, what are we going to do about your leaving?”
You bit the inside of your lip, swallowing hard, “I think I have a few ideas.”
Carlton pressed his lips to yours feverishly, his hand moving to your hip. You kissed back, only for him to quickly pull away.
“Please, do share your thoughts.”
Tagging: @thranduilxlegolasx
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tere706 · 5 years
Love is Blind Chpt 9
(I was going to have the conversation with Aaron in this chapter, but I’ve pushed it back to the next one. You’ll get convo + aftermath as chapter 10
Thanks for all the support, everyone!!!
Words: 1496)
Riding the motorcycle with Eddie wasn’t quite as difficult or terrifying as she’d expected. He’d helped her secure the helmet and get on behind himself. Once she had her arms wrapped around his waist, under his coat, and her body pressed as much up against him as possible, it wasn’t too difficult to feel him as he tensed into turns or shifted his weight. Eddie started slow to give her a chance to get used riding with him. The final reassurance was the feeling of Venom’s tendrils curling around her arms. If he was helping to hold on, then she knew she would be safe.
By the time they’d pulled up the police station Eddie had probably been speeding. Liz didn’t care, it was fun to feel the wind tugging her body and the sudden changes in acceleration. Not quite as fun as swinging with Ven, but certainly a good way to get around town.
“Hun, you have to let go of me to get up.” Eddie’s voice sounded very amused as he gently patted her arm.
She gave him another squeeze before letting go, feeling Venom’s tendrils pull away. “If I didn’t have business tonight…”
“Don’t tease!” He burst out into laughter.
Liz grumbled to herself as she swung herself off the bike. Her legs were a little shaky. Eddie handed her the long cane, probably knowing she felt better with it in her hands when she was outside. She tilted her head, listening carefully to everything around them. It was the middle of the night, or early morning, but the station still sounded fairly busy.
“Liz!” That was Cal’s voice, coming closer. She recognized his footsteps a moment later. “Who’s your, uh, ride?” The tone had changed from welcoming to a touch defensive.
“Cal, I came as soon as I could. This is Eddie. He’s…” Liz trailed off a bit, not quite sure how to label Eddie. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings or make this confusing for Cal.
“Boyfriend.” Eddie’s arm slid around her waist, his warm palm resting against her hip casually. “I’m her boyfriend.”
There was a long moment of silent assessment. She didn’t have to see to imagine the two men probably sizing each other up.
“Eddie Brock, huh? I do hope you weren’t looking for files at Liz’s home. She doesn’t take work home with her.” Cal’s voice was sharp, angry and trying to provoke Eddie.
Liz shifted her weight, leaning into Eddie’s side. She could feel his muscles shift as he shrugged calmly.
“Honestly didn’t even know what she did for a leaving until a week after we’d met.”
“Sure.” Cal snorted softly. “The police aren’t going to like having you in the station. Maybe you should wait outside, Eddie. Liz?”
She gently pulled away from Eddie, reaching out to grab his hand as it came away from her waist. Liz squeezed his hand for a moment. “Eddie. Stay out of trouble.” Her words were carefully emphasized. Eddie seemed level headed most of the time. In fact, sometimes he thought too much about things. Venom on the other hand… Liz was glad the symbiote was attached to Eddie. They balanced each other. But it never hurt to remind them, either.
“Of course.” He bent slightly and she felt him lightly kiss her cheek. “Just holler if you need me.” Eddie murmured softly.
Liz smiled and turned to brush her lips against his before stepping back. “I know how to take care of myself.”
“Remind me again, how did we first meet?”
She flipped the bird in his direction, listening to his amused chuckle. Liz knew she was grinning like a stupid teenager and she did not care. Eddie and Venom made her feel giddy. If she’d been at home she would have skipped. Instead she tapped a happy little rhythm with her long cane as she followed Cal into the police station.
The inside of the station was a relief in terms of noise. A cruiser had just left, sirens blazing. It was painfully loud to Liz this close. Inside there was the quiet murmur of voices. Something was printing nearby. The scent of coffee, unsurprisingly, drifted through the lobby.
“Hey Melanie, can you buzz us back?” Cal’s voice sounded calmer now. Liz made a mental note to have a chat with him later about his reaction to Eddie.
“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.” The woman’s voice, now on their left, sounded bored and tired. There was a faint buzzing sound and a mechanical click.
Cal held the door open for Liz. “Down the hall a bit and there is an open doorway on the right.”
“I remember, Cal. Don’t worry.” She murmured, lightly tapping her long cane as she walked. Liz could hear the sound rumble of male voices up ahead, growing louder. Several detectives and officers were probably working at their desks.
“Ms. Elizabeth. Why am I not surprised to see you here?” The gruff voice was resigned and faintly amused. The man walked toward her, his steps heavy.
Liz felt a smile tugging at her lips as she replied. “Officer Rodgers. A pleasure to see you again.”
“Ha ha, very funny. You know you can call me Allen.”
“And you can call me Liz. I thought you were being formal. How’s the kids?”
Officer Allen Rodgers chuckled. “They’re growing faster than I can keep up with.” Now he sounded proud. Liz knew Allen’s two children. She’d recorded a voice over of a book as a Christmas gift to them last year.
“Can you take me back to see Aaron, please?” Liz hated to break the happy moment, but she was worried for the teenager.
“I was one of the officers on call for that tonight. It’s a mess and we didn’t even manage to round up all the people involved. The only reason the brass agreed to let you speak to the kid is because he demanded it in exchange for helping us.” His tone had changed, flipping over to serious cop mode. It was still his voice, but it also wasn’t.
Liz sighed and nodded. “At least he’s smart enough to work with you. I’m sorry, Allen.”
“I’m sorry too. Come on.”
Allen didn’t try to hold her hand or treat her like she couldn’t follow him. He’d made that mistake when they first met. Liz had used it as an excuse to smack his leg repeatedly with her long cane. On accident of course. Plenty of the other officers had not learned their lesson yet.
“Rodgers, who’s that?” A new voice, male and a little nasally.
“This is Ms. Elizabeth Veritas. She’s the youth counselor that was requested.” Allen stepped to the side a bit more, likely to give a clear view of Liz.
The other office gave a faint snort of derision. “Sure, but she can’t go in the holding cell by herself.”
“Why not?” Liz asked sweetly.
“Because you would be in danger. You can’t defend yourself if the suspect becomes violent.”
“And he certainly isn’t going to talk to me if an officer is hovering over my shoulder. Sir, with all respect, I know Aaron very well. I’ve been his counselor and therapist for two years now. He requested me because he wants to help you. If something happens, I can call out for help. And I’m not helpless.” Liz tried for a mixture of firm, but respectful.
“Jacob, I’ll be just down the hall. The kid doesn’t have a history of violence.” Allen’s voice was a patient rumble. The man was older and steadier as a cop.
Jacob sighed and there was another buzzing noise followed by a mechanical click. “I am not taking shit if this goes downhill. She’s blind, she won’t see anything coming.” He grumbled.
Liz stepped forward, following behind Allen again. She tapped her long cane ahead of her, despite being able to hear where the walls were. As she passed the nasally cop she flicked her long cane to the side. It smacked his ankle with a pleasing crack.
“Ow! Fuck, you little b-!”
“Sorry. Didn’t see you there.” Liz smiled brightly in his direction, hurrying through the doorway.
Allen sounded like he was struggling not to laugh. “Calm down, Jacob.” He spoke over the other man’s splutters. “What are you going to say? The little, blind girl assaulted you? It was an accident.”
Liz heard the Jacob muttering under his breath as the bullet proof door swung shut. “Ungrateful bitch.”
They started down the quiet hallway. Most of the holding cells were probably empty, or their occupants sleeping.
“That was mean.”
“He’s an ass.”
“Aw, Liz, Jacob is new.”
“Then I’ll beat him into shape for you.” Liz said cheekily. She didn’t want to have to talk to Aaron. To hear how he’d tried to ruin his life. Why had he chosen to destroy everything he’d been building for himself?
“Just don’t break anything.” Allen said with a chuckle.
“No promises.”
(Double tagging? Don’t trust tumblr? @dark-night-sky-99, @inumorph, @liadreyar-dragneel, @lunalustrix, @thirstyforvenom)
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thecraftgremlin · 5 years
The Big Project Venom Redemption Rundown Post
For a little while now, I’ve been vaguely talking about this big weird complicated fan... thing... project that I’ve been wanting to get started. This is that; Project Venom Redemption.
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(What is project Venom Redemption? This project is a series of concept art pieces and storyboards exploring how a modern Spiderman cartoon might handle the character of Venom and their shift over the years from villain to antihero. The pieces are meant to represent a series-long arc of the hypothetical cartoon centered on the characters of Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote. The narrative draws inspiration from decades of comic, cartoon, and film depictions of the character as well as fan interpretations.)
It’s a bit of an unwieldy explanation, but it doesn’t really fit into any category of fan work I’m aware of.
Obviously I’m only just getting started on the artwork and boards, but this is a basic outline of the entire story arc:
- Classic Venom origin story episode(s). Spiderman gets a new suit, suit is an alien, Spiderman gets rid of alien, meanwhile Spiderman also leads to Eddie Brock being disgraced, alien’s angry, Eddie’s angry, they team up and make a big angry monster that wants to kill Spiderman, you know the drill.
- Villain!Venom antics. We see a progression between Eddie and the symbiote from two beings grudgingly working together for a common goal to a partnership.
- Day-in-the-life type episode with Eddie and the symbiote. Here we get a glimpse at what they get up to and talk about (mostly) separate from Spiderman and their revenge quest. We get to hear some backstory for the symbiote, mostly about how they were outcast by Klyntar society. We get a better sense that Eddie and the symbiote genuinely do like each other, and some foreshadowing to their building romantic feelings for each other. This is also the episode that introduces Eddie calling the symbiote Vee, which is for all intents and purposes their name for the rest of the series. Also, this is a Valentine’s Day episode. Because it fits the themes and also chocolate.
- Several fights where Venom seems conflicted over trying to kill Spiderman. Similar to Planet of the Symbiotes, Peter picks up on this and assumes that Eddie’s morals have kicked in and he’s having second thoughts. He starts to appeal to Eddie during these fights, trying to split them up. This eventually leads to…
- The break up. Venom gets close to actually killing Spiderman in a fight, but hesitates. They start having a full on Gollum-style argument with themselves, one side saying this is wrong and they need to stop, the other saying Spiderman deserves this. Peter tries again to encourage Eddie to fight the symbiote’s desires, but it seems to be making the situation worse. At the height of the argument, an unfamiliar voice in Venom shouts “LISTEN TO ME!” and Venom de-forms. Eddie lunges to attack Peter, but he’s bound to the ground by the symbiote. Peter realizes that it was never Eddie who was trying to protect him, it was Vee. Eddie and Vee argue more, then Vee unbonds from Eddie completely and leaves. At first Eddie tries to attack Peter, blaming him as he’s wont to do, but he soon collapses in despair over the loss.
- Vee and Peter-centric episode. Peter hears rumors of a “demon” living in the church where Eddie and Vee bonded, thinks that it may be the symbiote, and he turns out to be right. When he finds them, Peter demands to know why they were protecting him and why they left Eddie, but they don’t answer. He figures out that when unbonded, they can’t actually speak, and he tentatively lets them bond with him enough to talk. Vee explains that for their whole life, their hosts have treated them as an object at best and a slave at worst. Peter was the first host who treated them with kindness, so when he rejected them for what they were they wanted revenge just like Eddie. But as they fought with him and heard how he spoke about them, it became clear to Vee that he was never aware that they were sentient with any feelings to hurt. It made less and less sense to them to be angry at Peter, but Eddie still was. They hoped that they could change Eddie’s mind and keep Peter safe from him while they worked through it, but Eddie refused to listen and Vee had to leave. They apologize to Peter for everything they did to hurt him, but Peter apologizes right back. He’s sorry that he was another person to treat them like an object, and that he blamed them when they were trying to keep him safe from Eddie. Uncertain about where to go from here, Peter leaves Vee on their own as a tentative new friend.
- Peter and Eddie team up episode(s). While out doing his Spiderman thing, Peter stumbles on Eddie, who looks like absolute hell. He’s made a full 180 from blaming his mistakes on others to despairing self-pity. Peter doesn’t really know what to do with him in this state. Meanwhile a symbiote-related threat, let’s say Carnage, emerges in the city. Peter’s immediate instinct is to go to Vee for help, but they’ve left the church and he has no real way of finding them. The only other person with symbiote experience he can turn to is Eddie. It’s a huge effort getting him put of his spiral, but Eddie grudgingly agrees to help him. This eventually leads to a confrontation where Eddie and Peter are pretty badly beaten, on the verge of losing. At the last minute, Vee comes in and protects them. The three eliminate the threat together. When everything’s said and done, Vee starts to leave, but Eddie stops them. He literally falls to his knees and begs Vee to forgive him. He tells them that he knew what they were doing was wrong, but he was still so angry that he didn’t care. He knows he’s made so many mistakes, done so many awful things, but he doesn’t want revenge anymore. He doesn’t even want the power they give him. He just wants Vee. (There may or may not be a love confession in there somewhere.) They bond again with a kiss.
- Episode that starts out with Eddie brooding about everything he’s done wrong and how he has no purpose until Vee says “Screw that, let’s be heroes, like Spiderman!” We really get to see Vee’s romanticism about ideals like true love, heroism, and justice here. Eddie on the other hand is more cynical, still in self-pity mode and unable to believe that a screw-up like him could ever do good in the world after everything he’s done. Eddie and Vee try and fail to emulate Spiderman’s “friendly neighborhood hero” style. In the end, Eddie tells Vee that they can’t be a hero like Spiderman, they have to be a hero like Venom.
- Episode where Eddie reconciles with Peter and they become Spider-Allies for real. This is where we really get to see Eddie and Vee trying to build a new life together, transitioning to a more stable, healthy existence with positive relationships with others.
Some other tidbits about the arc:
-Some themes of Eddie’s character arc are personal responsibility and later taking responsibility versus self pity, overcoming toxic masculinity, and rejecting societal “normality” for happiness.
-Some themes of Vee’s character arc are personhood, what truly makes a monster (and why Vee is NOT a monster), the value of romanticism, and finding self-worth as a victim of abuse.
-And of course the big theme of their arc together is
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-Eddie’s favorite term of endearment for Vee is “Angel.” Not super relevant to the story, but it’s cute and I wanted to share.
-A few things about symbiotes in this universe:
-They don’t have names. They may use a nickname, but they don’t self-identify with a name like a lot of other species do. I’m aware that the “Vee” nickname is a fanon thing, but I thought it was useful for this context so I shamelessly borrowed it.
-They can’t really communicate with their host unless they’re at least somewhat aware of their presence. This is why Peter wasn’t aware that Vee was sentient, he thought they were just an inanimate suit and didn’t think they could speak to him.
-The Agents of the Cosmos as a group no longer exist in this universe. Klyntar is currently ruled by “parasitic” symbiotes. Vee was born after the Agents were disbanded.
So, yeah, these are my ideas so far. I’m hoping I’ll be able to flesh them out more as I work on the art elements of the project. I can’t guarantee I’ll get every idea out in a polished form, but I figure I can at least try while I’m still excited about it.
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lovemybluebully · 6 years
Let’s Be Lazy
For the Anon who wrote, "Smol idea: Eddie trying to exercise and be fit but Venom gets all huffy about it, wanting to either eat or watch tv, and he tickles him while he's exercising like "Stahp we wanna watch tv! >8\ "
Wow! I only spent about 5 hours on this total when fics usually take me days if not weeks to write. My brain was just spewing all these ideas at me! XD Summary: Eddie is trying to better his mental health by exercising more often. However, his clingy roommate wants him to watch tv instead, and when he refuses the symbiote decides to find a way to get him to change his mind. M/M Tickle Fic Oh jeez, poor Eddie. I had Venom tickle the hell out of him in this one. Sorry, not sorry. XD Here you go, Anon! Hope you guys like it! ^_^ Word Count: 2,385
Again, sorry for the weird spacing. :p
Eddie's bond with Venom had been a life changing event for him. Before he'd been extremely depressed after losing his job and the woman he loved, but ever since that little symbiote had crawled up inside his skin things surprisingly seemed to have turned around for him.
Now with his job back, and still maintaining a healthy friendship with Anne and her new boyfriend, Dan, he was on the path to living a normal life again. Well, as normal as it could be with having a superpowered alien living inside his body.
His mood still had its ups and downs, but he was trying different things to help relieve his mind of the tension and anxiety. He still tried the meditation techniques that Mrs. Chen had taught him once in awhile, but usually found that his attention span would not allow him to sit still for that long.
Especially with Venom always making some kind of commotion inside his head, usually complaining about his hunger. Eddie had changed his diet, and was eating less take-out and doing more cooking at home, though he'd still heat up the occasional frozen tater tots to appease his parasitic friend. With that he'd also taken to exercising more, taking jogs around the city or doing weights and calisthenics in his apartment.
He found his new routine was having a pleasantly calming effect on his mind, and tried to exercise at least five days out of the week. He was already a strong man, but now he was doing it more for his mental health and not so much for looks, especially now that he didn't have a girlfriend to try to impress.
Tonight followed him in his usual, he had just gotten home from work, and after making sure Venom's hunger was satiated he changed into some looser-fitting pants and a t-shirt as he went over into a corner of his apartment where he had a small weight bench and a yoga mat set out.
He had just sat down on the mat and started doing his stretches, and it wasn't five minutes before Venom was already trying to get his attention.
"What is it? Don't you dare say you're hungry again."
"....A little. But can't we just skip this? Let's be lazy, and watch some of that picture box instead."
"You mean the tv? I'm busy right now, bud, but hey, don't let me stop you. Just go watch it by yourself."
"But we want Eddie to watch with us."
"Well then you'll just have to wait," Eddie grunted as he stood up and then laid down on the bench, gripping the bar over his head and starting his chest presses.
"How long will it be?"
"Until I'm done. And it's gonna take a lot longer if you don't-Hey!" He yelped as black tendrils emerged from his arms and assisted him in vigorously pumping the bar up and down.
"We will help, and then you will be done faster!" Venom said cheerfully as his head emerged from Eddie's stomach to give him a pointy-toothed grin. "No, I don't need help! That takes away the whole point of this so stop!"
"But Eddie..."
"I mean it!" "....Fiiiiiiine," Venom pretty much whined as he released his host's arms and began drawing the tendrils towards himself, absentmindedly brushing them down Eddie's sides. The symbiote then felt Eddie tense up; his arms shaking a little to steady the weight of the bar as a giggle trickled out of him. "Heheh, hey careful, you're tickling me!"
Venom had only recently learned about this strange phenomenon that humans could be sensitive to being touched in certain ways, enough to provoke them into laughter. Eddie had tried his best to explain it to him, though even he didn't know the real reason behind it.
He learned it was completely harmless though in terms of doing any physical damage, and much to Eddie's chagrin he had been eager to test out this new knowledge. Ribs, neck, armpits, feet, knees, belly.....all areas that got the desired response of frantic laughter and bodily squirming. In conclusion of it all, he had found that Eddie was one very ticklish human being. "The most ticklish person on the planet" as Anne had claimed, though Venom currently had no other subjects to compare that to. The alien's smile widened as he now had an idea on how he could get Eddie to give up this exercise thing for now and do what he wanted to do; sit on the couch and watch tv while stuffing his face with chocolates and ideally more tater tots. "But Eddie likes the tickles," he smirked, prodding lightly into his ribs as the man's arms trembled in the strain of trying to resist. Eddie admittedly did not like being tickled, though it didn't exactly bother him that much either. Really it depended on the situation, but this definitely was not it. "D-Don't....Don't fucking do that right now! You're gonna make me drop this thing on my head!" Eddie shouted, making Venom pause as he remembered the weighted bar that Eddie was holding a mere twelve inches from his face.
"Ohhhh....ok. Sorry Eddie," he hung his head like a scolded puppy as all the tendrils disappeared back inside Eddie's body. "There's a time and place for that shit! Not when doing it could cause me to get hurt in the process! Do you understand?!"
"We understand."
Venom was surprisingly quiet for the remainder of the time that Eddie spent with the weights, and honestly the journalist began to feel some guilt over the whole thing. Through his time spent with the symbiote, he had found that the little ball of goo could actually be a bit needy at times. He just liked to have Eddie's attention, and always seemed to get noticeably mopey when they weren't doing things together. As he set his dumbbells back on the rack he sighed and softly addressed his friend. "Look, man, I'm sorry I yelled at you. Just give me another fifteen minutes to finish up and take a shower and then I promise we'll watch whatever you want. Alright?"
He waited a few moments, but was met with silence as he shook his head. "Aww, c'mon Venom. Don't be like that," he was feeling even worse now when he still got no response from the symbiote as he got down onto the floor once more to start doing some push ups. As he pushed himself up and down off the floor he began to think of ways that he could possibly make this up to Venom, but he wasn't thinking long before he felt a poke into his right side. "Aagh! Venom! Whahat are you...?!" He realized that Venom wasn't upset with him and had just been waiting for the right moment to sneakily launch an attack on him. Eddie couldn't be upset either, just relieved that they were still on good terms, but he knew Venom was going to use the incident as an excuse to really work him over. "Is now the time and place? Don't see how we could get hurt now," the symbiote tentacles poked playfully at different spots on his sides as Eddie's arms were back to shaking from trying to hold himself up. "Ehehehe, knock it off! Thaahaat's not f...fair! I....can't...." Finally his arms buckled and he crumbled to the floor, pulling them against his sides as he rolled over to try to get the tentacles to stop. They kept at the laughing, wriggling man for a moment until Venom was able to make his next move. He seeped out of Eddie to form into his humanoid shape, and then gently placed his clawed fingers onto Eddie's stomach. "You want exercise, we've heard laughing burns calories," he said with a grin, and then began scribbling said claws over the trembling flesh as Eddie squeaked and tried to squirm away. "N-No! Heeheeheehee! Venom, stohahahop ihihit!"
Eddie was a big-time giggler when it came to being tickled, though he'd usually bust into harder laughter when Venom focused on some of his worst spots.
"You stop it. We want to watch tv," the fingers then crawled up and down his sides, pinching and poking as they went as Eddie thrashed like crazy and tried desperately to push the hands away. "But...Buhuhut I'm ahahalmost dohone! Naahahahaho!! Dahahahon't!!"
No matter how he tried, Eddie just could not keep the strong alien hands out of his armpits, and now he was being tickled out of his mind. He honestly couldn't believe how quickly Venom had picked up on how to tickle someone so effectively. Lucky him. "Well consider this our last work out for the day. Now lets hear that laughter!" "No pleeheeheease! Anythi-heeheeheehee-ng but ti-hi...tickling! Cuhuhut it ouuut!!" His sneakered feet kicked at the symbiote despite knowing it wouldn't be effective, and just ended up getting them stuck in the goo that comprised Venom's side. Venom stopped for a moment and looked down as Eddie tried to tug them loose, and then the big-eyed alien was smirking bigger than ever. "Stuck, hmm?"
He manipulated his body so that Eddie's ankles were now trapped in one of his large hands as he easily plucked the shoes off of his feet. The horrified man was struggling even harder once his socks were ripped away, leaving his bare feet twitching about in the symbiote's grasp. "No wait, c'mon! You've tickled me enough, alright? You win! We'll go watch tv right now!"
"Yes, we will. But first, we think these weird, but sensitive appendages of yours require some attention," he stroked a single finger up the length of one foot as Eddie immediately cackled and jerked hard on his legs again.
"Bahaahaa! No no! They're fine! No attention needed! Just put them down and-Gaahahahahahahaa!! No nohohohohoooo!! Lehehemme gohohohohoo!!"
Hundreds of tiny tendrils had manifested and were tickling over every inch of his feet, including the tops and ankles as well as between all the toes. With the position he was in, and from how hard he was already laughing, Eddie had no chance of being able to sit up and try to defend himself.
All he could do was pound at the floor with his hands and slam his head back against the floor in his frantic state, hoping that Venom would show some mercy. Though he wasn't sure how familiar the symbiote was with that concept.
"Ohoho my Go-hahahahahah-od!! Ahahahahaa hahahahahahaa!! Fuck fuck fuhuhuhuuck, pleeheeheease! I can't...can't taahaake iiiit!!"
Eddie was too damn ticklish on his feet to hold up to a tickle attack on them for very long, but Venom always loved to push him over the edge in whatever situation he could. "Eddie must be burning so many calories right now," the symbiote smiled teasingly, clearing away the tendrils for the moment as his long, slippery tongue swirled briefly over both Eddie's soles. "Staahahaahahahahaaap!! I'm gohahahonna paa-haa....pass ouhouhout!!" He was surprised when Venom complied and set his feet down, though that was only so he could lift Eddie's t-shirt and bend down to give his belly a big, wet raspberry. He had no idea where Venom learned that one. Eddie screeched with a sound from out of this world as he swung an arm and ended up punching Venom right in the head. He wasn't hurt obviously, but still Venom immediately backed off as he gave Eddie a betrayed look.
"You hit us."
Eddie finally was able to sit up as he tried to regain control of his breathing. "I'm...I'm sorry. It wasn't...on purpose. It's an involuntary reaction."
"So you didn't mean it?"
"Of course not, man. It was an accident. Guess I never told you that tickling someone can be a dangerous sport. You should ask Anne about the time I gave her a black eye," Eddie chuckled as he recalled the incident that had all Anne's friends thinking that he was abusive. But after she had explained the whole story they had finally called off the lynch mob. "I see. Well I suppose next time we'll have to make sure you're completely secure," the big alien grinned as Eddie got up and began making his way to the bathroom to shower. "Pfft, you assume there's going to be a next time. Now let me have a little privacy for a couple minutes," Eddie shooed the symbiote out of his body as he got the water running and began tossing his sweaty clothes on the floor. "There will be plenty. It is now part of Eddie's exercise routine," Venom smiled from where he waited just outside the bathroom door, hearing Eddie scoff at his absurd claim as he scrubbed down his body. "Oh hell no, you asshole, this was a one time thing. End of story."
"Pussy," Venom teased with his usual insult as Eddie just shrugged. "Fine. I'm a pussy. Better than being tickled to death by a seven foot tall parasite."
Venom was pretty sure he heard correctly what Eddie had said, but he still had to question it. "....What did you say about us?"
"Uhh, you're seven foot tall?"
The alien shook his head as Eddie stepped out of the shower. "No, the other thing."
"Um.....I'm a pussy?" Eddie continued to play dumb as he toweled off and began to put on some clean clothes, smirking at hearing Venom's low growl. "We heard what you said."
"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," Eddie chuckled as he emerged from the bathroom and allowed the cursing Venom to reconnect with his body before sitting on the couch in front of the television.
Things were finally beginning to settle down as they immersed themselves in the reality show that Venom had been insistent on watching. A fresh pan of tater tots and everything was just about perfect for two bachelors having a night in.
However midway through the show, Eddie blurted out in a deadpan voice, "I called you a parasite, by the way."
"You motherfu-!" Though the next day Eddie couldn't help, but smirk at Venom's bruised eye as the symbiote glared at him out of his good one.
"I told you so. Tickle me, and get fucked up."
And so as time went on Venom got fucked up many more times after that.
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