#how can my tension be so irregular????
becomingkatie · 1 year
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Theo is supervising the assembly of the afghan. Two squares left!! But I’ve only woven in the ends of 9 squares so far, so even after making these last couple squares I’ve got soooo many ends to weave in before actually starting to sew stuff together. After this there’s a nice thick border of mostly cream colored yarn, and some interesting textures. I know the border will take forever now that the project is this big, but I’m so excited to be done with the squares and see it come together.
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jeraliey · 10 months
So I saw a video on a technique for patching sweater holes, and I really wanted to try it.
Fortunately (unfortunately?) I had an old sweater that got chewed up when it accidentally took an unprotected ride through the laundry. It had PLENTY of holes to practice on, of various sizes.
I decided to start on some of the smaller holes:
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It went......okay? I guess? It's a new technique. You can probably see which hole I tried first and what progress I made doing it a second time....
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I ended up getting myself a new toy to continue (a latch hook, because my crochet hook was doing well-enough-I-guess but I figured I could neaten it up a little if I was less likely to drop loops). So I decided to go after one of the bigger, more irregular holes:
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(this picture actually has the most accurate portrayal of the real-life color of the repair yarn. I don't know why it's so grass-green in the other pictures. It's even a little darker than it looks in this picture, and blends in better with the rest of the sweater colors.)
Which also went....okay........I'm new-technique satisfied......and there are a lot fewer holes in the sweater now, anyway. (I did a weave-darning on the spot on the very right, but that was only to try it out to see how it looked.)
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So it got me brave enough to try some of the really big holes:
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The first of which went okay:
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but I'm still clearly struggling with how much working slack to leave on the loops, which you can see with the increasing tension as I worked from right to left.
But you know what?
This monster is next. We'll see how it goes! Regardless, I'm enjoying the technique and learning a LOT. Plus....I'll be able to wear this sweater again!
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
hii can i pls ask for an argument with hoshina and how u fixed everything after jsnshsbshsbs 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
a/n: thank you for your request (´∀`)♡ this took longer than it should have, I apologize ╥﹏╥
pairing: hoshina soshiro x fem!reader
summary: a small misunderstanding turns into a huge argument.
genre: romance/hurt & comfort/jealousy/fluff |
[wc: 1,6k]
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Kiss and Make Up | Hoshina Soshiro
You were mad, beyond pissed even. Your heart was beating in irregular motions and the irritation practically oozed off your face. The tension laid thick in the air as you and your boyfriend continued to ignore each other, sitting in complete silence in front of the television.
So many thoughts roamed your head– insults, counter arguments and statements, yet you refused to give the man another second of attention.
He has truly done it now.
“I'was just another celebration with the squad, nuttin that big of a deal. You would have known if you had come.” Hoshina slurred his words as he dragged his drunk self through the hallway of your shared apartment and into the bedroom.
“Bet that Okonogi was there too, right? That smartass wannabe who always seems to be in desperate need of your help.”
“Oh pwease, you're overreacting. Okonogi is not like that so stop bein so annoying.”
That last statement had sealed his fate (and almost earned him a slap in the face). Before you knew it, the two of you fell into a fully blown out fight that lasted through the entire night. Insults were dropped, his hands pushed you and yours shoved him as well.
“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?! It's honestly so irritating!” Hoshina yelled out.
“Your stupidity is more irritating! Maybe if you stop being so full of your fucking self all the time and start using that brain of yours, you would see the issue at hand!” You snapped back.
Fights were uncommon in your relationship but when the two of you fought it was messy and draining. But most importantly, they stung.
Even after the night had fallen and sunshine arose, the atmosphere in your apartment still laid thick in the air. Half the day had passed and neither of you said anything to each other, until the both of you ended up in the living room at the same time. He was busy taking care of the cats (who had run into the wide space) while you were already sitting there, reading your favorite novel.
At first silence kept the situation at bay, neither of you forced to interact with one another, until a phone call broke the tranquil atmosphere.
“Your work phone, huh.” You said, eyes remaining on the book as you flipped to the next page. “Wonder who that could be.”
Hoshina refrained himself from answering your remark and quickly picked up the call. Although he had turned the loud speaker function off, you were able to hear a female voice from the other side.
“Yeah of course I can help, no need to thank me.” He hung up.
“Let me guess, little damsel in distress needs your help again?”
“That's enough, Y/n.” Hoshinas voice cut sharp through the room, silencing you temporarily, before you spoke up again.
“Don't talk about Okonogi like that, alright? She is a good friend and your coworker. Ya being so unreasonable.”
“I am being unreasonable?? Oh, I'm sorry for getting upset when my boyfriend spends more time with his good friend than his partner!” The book was no longer of any importance to you. You had tossed it while standing up from your seated position.
“How long has this been going on now?? Every other day she asks you to hang out or do this together or she needs help here and there. Are you fucking kidding me??”
“Oh please, look at the way you're acting, it's ridiculous! We work in the same department so of course we spend a lot of time together!”
It felt like your words went right past his ear and vice versa. Both of you were now standing right across from one another, anger evident on both your faces. Even the tension grew in size, swallowing up the entire space and forcing your cats to run out.
You hated the surge of anger that rushed through your body. Feeling this way, jealous and annoyed when the man who normally solved all your problems was right in front of you, it pained you deeply. In moments like these, all you wanted to do was break down and hide away, preferably in his arms, but that was not an option right now.
“You sure that's the only reason you spend so much time together? Because it sounded different a couple weeks ago.”
“A couple..what are you talking about??” Hoshina asked, genuinely confused. You broke your gaze, looking at the ground in hopes that the pressure would disappear.
“At the bar..don't act like you don't remember!” And without allowing him to even respond, you dashed into your room and knocked the door shut behind you. Your boyfriend simply stood there, unsure of how to react to this sudden change of events. A long sigh escaped his lips as he followed you into the room.
“Leave me alone!” Your head was buried deep into the pillow (the one on Hoshina's side). Tears had made it out of your eyes and you desperately wanted to hide them.
“What exactly did I say at the bar..please tell me.” The regret in Hoshina's tender voice did not go unnoticed by you. It tugged on your heart and only caused the pain to increase. You truly hated seeing him like this.
“You..you said that you like smart women..” Repeating those words from weeks ago now made you feel stupid. “When Kafka asked you what your type was..you said that you prefer smart women and then you..proceeded to look at Okonogi! She was sitting right next to Kafka, so maybe you were looking at him instead, I don't know, I was just as drunk but still!”
Hoshina stood in front of the bed, disbelief holding him back from talking. He could barely remember the events of that night, only that it involved too much alcohol. But hearing you say those words, with tears in your eyes and a broken voice, it made your boyfriend feel like shit.
“But I was obviously talking about you, love, You are smart” He said as he placed himself next to you on the bed, hands rubbing your back. “Wait..is that why you didn't join us in yesterday's get together?”
You nodded hesitantly.
“I am not smart, not at all. I work as a damn secretary for the Kaiju Hunters while Okonogi is a skilled woman who runs analysis and she is the Operations Leader. And not to mention, she is so pretty too.”
Up until now, Hoshina did not know that you were harboring such emotions. Your sudden confession left his mind blank, it was as if he had temporarily lost all thoughts due to the shock. You on the other hand couldn't have felt more embarrassed.
You had no right to go after Okonogi like that and blame her for your insecurities. But when Hoshina spoke those words and afterwards looked at her, you just felt too heated.
Moments like these made you wonder, why Hoshina refused to leave you. Unlike the other women in his life, you were hotheaded and emotional, pushing and shoving when someone messed with your feelings instead of talking it out.
Little did you know, that this was exactly what Soshiro liked about you. He loved you for being hotheaded and a tease, but also sweet and caring during the right moments. You were the perfect match for him and nothing could convince him otherwise.
“Y/n, don't you ever say that about yourself ever again. You are my smart, beautiful hotheaded woman, the woman I love and cherish. Plus it takes hella brain to work as a secretary, especially for those jerks.” Soshiro placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you back up into a seated position.
Your eyes were slightly puffy and a soft frown pulled on your lips.
“I'm sorry for not expressing myself clearly enough and for making it seem like I prefer Okonogi to you. You are the one I love and care about, I promise.”
“But..but I am so mean to everyone and to you as well, Soshiro.” Hoshina's words had touched your heart and caused the tears to resurface, even though they never truly left.
“Plus I get jealous way too easily and don't..I'm just too..” You hiccupped.
“Shh, there there. I don't wanna hear none of that, you hear me?” Your boyfriend wrapped one arm around your waist while the other patted your head. A soft kiss found its way on your cheek, drawing a pout from your lips.
“I'm sorry Soshiro, for being so irritating. You are a great friend and coworker to Okonogi and you are a true blessing for constantly helping her out. I shouldn't get jealous over that." Hoshina smiled and placed another kiss on your face, this time on your lips. It felt sweet and comforting, you wished it could have lasted forever.
“And I'm sorry for being so stupid.”
You pulled him into a tight hug, the sweet scent of his body filling your nose. The hug lasted quite long, as long as you both needed it to, and it patched up all the wounds that were still left open by the argument. As you pulled away, you gazed into each other's eyes, losing yourself temporarily.
“Lucky for you, I love my women slightly irritating.” He joked.
“And I like my men stupid.”
The both of you laughed, the content of the argument already forgotten.
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a/n: i know its not obvious at all but i was actually going for a hori x miyamura type of relationship
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (do we as a society still use this emoticon?)
i just love hori’s and miyamura's dynamic, they could never make me hate them! plus i wholeheartedly believe that Hoshina needs a partner who is more emotional/teasing than him so he can be sure that his attitude is handled ^^
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screampied · 26 days
Vegas, do you have any tips of your own when it comes to writing smut? - 🍯
one big tip to start is that, don’t feel discouraged to write smut just because you don’t have experience irl. i’ve had lots of anons ask me in the past if someone can write smut without actually ever having sex before, and ofc you can! it’s fiction at the end of the day, and it’s supposed to be exaggerated and inaccurate. like tbh sex in fiction is not as amazing as it is irl i’ll say that. HAVE FUNNNN WITH YOUR PORN, BE DRAMATIC AND SILLY. we’re all doing the same thing.
invest in grammarly or some kind of writing correction software. this is really helpful! especially if you don’t have a beta reader, and/or you’re like me and english isn’t your first language. also—use a thesaurus. if you feel like you’re repeating certain words, phrases, i’d recommend wordhippo.com
when writing smut, you have a lot of things to focus on at once. (positions, emotions, tension, dialogue, body language, breath patterns, orgasms, minuscule details such as the bed shaking/creaking, the wind, etc.) it’s important to pace yourself when you’re writing smut. it’s a lot, but a tip i’d give is to take breaks every so often. describe to the very best of your ability, i like to visually imagine the scenes i write as if it’s actually happening so it gives me a better picture for when i write—if that makes sense. for breathing patterns, describe how it sounds, is it quick or slow? irregular breaths, panting like a dog? be descriptive, also make sure to write about both reader and the character(s) emotions
read your dialogue out loud. this helps to make sure it sounds right or if you have a typo. try reading backwards too!
when writing smut, this is also important. avoid writing things such as (her cheeks turned rosy pink, he ran his fingers through her straight strands, her blue/specific colored eyes stared into his) not everyone can relate! i know i can’t, and it’s important to be inclusive in your writing because it’s a difference between a “reader” and a “oc”, unless you say you’ve stated prior that you’re writing specific details.
reading lots of novels def will help strengthen your vocabulary :D in my spare time—i read lots of vintage magazines, novels and books and focus on all the words i see. you never know, you might stumble upon a phrase/word that you like! reading helps a lot, regardless if you’re writing smut or any other genre.
lastly, have fun!!! 🌸 it can be hard writing smut sometimes, especially if you’re new but that’s okay. what’s important is that you’re writing for yourself and you’re having fun doing it <3
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praisethegabs · 11 months
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Leon Kennedy x F!Mistress!Reader
synopsis: leon has a guilty pleasure, which is a deep secret no one knows. every time after a stressful mission, leon goes to this particular place to release his tension. you're too familiar with the man, already knowing what he loves. he's your favorite customer. you're his favorite mistress.
warnings: PURE SMUT. bdsm on its edge. degradation kink, praise kink, shibari, use of pet names, sex toys, sub!leon and dom!reader, handjob, edging, spanking, gaging, spanking, flogging, role-playing.
word count: 3735k
a/n: sub!leon always comes to my mind for unknown reasons. he's so fucking cute and awkward. sometimes, I don't see him as the dominant one, I think he's more of a switch. anyway, I wrote this bc I thought it would be funny to change sides (since the last smut I wrote was with dom!leon)
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Leon's footsteps echoed through the corridor as he made his way back home. His mind was still reeling from the stress of the mission he had just completed. The weight of the world seemed to press down on his shoulders, and he yearned for a way to escape the constant tension that plagued him.
It was almost three in the morning, but he didn't care. Due to the nature of his job, Leon had a highly irregular schedule. His timing was inconsistent, and he did not have a set time to return home. It could be morning, afternoon, evening, or the middle of the night. Although his busy schedule demanded most of his time, Leon still had something that couldn't be postponed.
As he entered his apartment, he casually threw his leather jacket onto a chair and ran his hand through his tousled hair. The peaceful solitude of his home only intensified the profound loneliness that had settled deep within him. He needed a release, a way to forget the horrors he had witnessed. With a sigh, he reached for his phone and dialed a number that he had carefully stored in his contacts. The screen lit up, and he waited for it to ring. He felt a mixture of anticipation and relief when the call was answered.
"Hello," a sultry voice purred on the other end of the line. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Leon's voice was filled with a mixture of longing and vulnerability as he replied, "I need to see you, Mistress."
A wicked smile played on your lips as you spoke on the other end of the line. "Of course, darling. I have just the thing to help you forget about your troubles. How soon can you come to my dungeon?"
Leon quickly checked his schedule. "I can be there in an hour," he replied.
"Perfect," you purred. "Prepare yourself and don't keep me waiting. We have much to explore, and I promise you that by the time we're done, all your worries will be left far behind."
As the call ended, Leon felt a renewed sense of anticipation and excitement. Your dungeon provides a sanctuary from the outside world, a place where he can relinquish control and seek solace in the pain and pleasure you provide. It was his escape, a way to let go of the burden he carried, if only for a few precious hours.
As Leon sipped a glass of wine, he gazed out of the window, his thoughts in turmoil. His work demanded discipline, control, and unwavering focus. Yet, it was in the realm of submission and surrender that he found the release he craved - an escape from the relentless pressure of his responsibilities.
Leon had always been a man of contradictions, and his desire for you was no exception. He wondered if his fascination with you was a reflection of his own internal struggles, a means to delve into the depths of his own desires and vulnerabilities. Guilt gnawed at him as he thought about the secrets he kept and the double life he led.
But as he replayed the memories of their encounters in his mind, he couldn't deny the intoxicating allure of your power and the blissful release it provided. It was a guilty pleasure he couldn't resist, a secret aspect of his life that provided him with a sense of liberation he couldn't find anywhere else.
You knew absolutely nothing about Leon, except for his preferences.
He always liked the rough style. As a skilled dominatrix, you know how to please a man. Since he discovered you, he has requested to become your exclusive client, and the payment he has provided is sufficient to reserve your availability exclusively for him. Fortunately, you were familiar with his schedule, so you began working mostly at night, which suited him perfectly.
You have set up an entire dungeon in your basement. It was the perfect place to meet his needs exactly as he wanted it.
At first, seeing his physique made you think he would be a great dominant. However, you eventually found out that he was more of a submissive man. Completely bent over your knees, ready to obey your commands without hesitation. Most dungeons do not permit sexual intercourse between dominants and submissives, but for him, this dynamic does not adhere to such restrictions. Since you have a dungeon in your own home, you have decided to make some slight modifications to the rules.
Obviously, you have never had sex with him, but other aspects of your relationship work just fine.
Leon's footsteps echoed through the garden as he made his way towards the entrance of his hidden sanctuary. Each step was a solemn reminder of the mission that had just been concluded. The scent of leather and candle wax hung in the air, familiar and comforting. He pushed open the unassuming door at the end of the hallway, revealing a hidden secret world beyond.
The dungeon served as a sanctuary for him, a place where he could escape the burdens of his perilous existence. His eyes quickly adjusted to the dim lighting, and there you were, dressed in black leather, waiting for him in the center of the room. Your presence commands attention; your aura is a captivating blend of power and sensuality.
"Welcome back, Kennedy," you purred, your lips curling into a mischievous grin. "You're not late; you arrived just in time."
Leon's tense shoulders relaxed as he stepped further into the dungeon, the door clicking shut behind him. He locked eyes with you, and a silent understanding passed between the two of you. He shed his jacket, the leather creaking as he tossed it aside, revealing the tension that had built up in his muscles during the mission.
You moved towards him, the sound of your heels clicking against the cold stone floor, with a devious glint in your eyes. "You look like you've had a rough day, my dear," you said, as your fingers lightly traced the contours of his jaw. "But, you know, I'm here to take care of you."
"Yes, Mistress," he nodded, closing his eyes to savor your touch and emitting a slight moan.
"Strip now," you ordered him, and stepped back to prepare the rest of the room and your toys.
The words were both a promise and a command, and Leon nodded in agreement. He needed this - the sensation of control slipping away from his grasp, the catharsis of pain and pleasure intertwined. You led him to the St. Andrew's Cross, a symbol of his shared desire for submission and domination.
With practiced ease, you secured his wrists and ankles to the cross, using leather restraints to keep him in place. Leon's heart raced, his mind focused solely on the anticipation of what would come next. The room seemed to shrink, closing in around him, leaving only the two of them and the palpable tension in the air.
You leaned in, your lips brushing against his earlobe. "What would you like today, darling?" You whispered, asking your question.
"Take me to the edge, Mistress," Leon said, gazing at you with unwavering confidence.
"Very well," you nodded in agreement. "Remember the safe word, just in case."
Leon nodded once more and prepared himself for what was about to begin. He was waiting for the first strike to experience pleasure, but nothing happened. His eyes met yours, and he felt a shiver down his spine when he noticed the smile on your face.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" You approached him seductively, holding a flogger in your hands, your nails digging into his flesh.
"I forgot my collar, Mistress," he said, his breath heavy with the sudden realization that he had forgotten the only item he was permitted to wear. "I'm sorry, Mistress."
"Oh, bunny, you know we don't accept apologies," you said, biting his earlobe. "And do you know what this means?"
Leon nodded, biting his lip. He felt the first whip strike him hard, causing him to emit a loud moan. He tightly grips the leather restraints on his wrists, and the second blow leaves a red mark on his stomach. The third strike narrowly missed his cock and you can see him trembling as each blow compels him to seek relief from the agony of your flogging.
"Please, Mistress, forgive me," Leon begs, as you continue to flog him. Another strike, another groan.
"Have you learned your lesson, bunny?" You asked, delivering another whip to him, striking harder.
“Yes, Mistress. I did” Leon almost yelled, trying helplessly to avoid your strikes. His body was already red from the flogging. "Please, I won't forget it anymore."
You stopped, letting the flog aside. You took a leather collar from the drawer and placed it around his neck. His breath was heavy, and his entire body was shaking. He was indeed enjoying the anticipation of the punishment, although he had no idea what was about to happen. You untied him from the St. Andrews Cross, and he stood there, waiting for your next command.
"Stand in the center of the room," you commanded, holding a remote. He nods, walking with his naked, red body to the center of the dungeon.
You threw a silver spreader bar in his direction, and you didn't have to say it twice. Leon secured his ankles in the spreader bar, and once he was done, he glanced at you again. Silently, you pressed the button and then shackled his wrists to a drop-down ceiling bar. Pressing the button again, he stretched his arms in the air. The bondage dungeon is filled with furniture that enables you to attach him to any object in whichever manner you please.
Now he stands completely naked, with his ankles spread apart by a spreader bar and his arms stretched in the air, wearing nothing but his collar.
You stand before him, wearing a devilish smile on your lips. Suddenly, you firmly grasp his erect penis and apply pressure. You can see tears welling up in his sapphire-blue eyes as he bites his lip and tightly grips the shackles above his head. You squeeze it harder, and he gasps, yelping in pain. You paused for a moment, observing him. Another intense squeeze, another wave of pain, and he screams out loud. You finally release his cock and he exhales with relief, tears still streaming down his cheek.
"You're nothing but a sex toy. Look at you, so miserable," you said, as you walked around him and slapped his ass. "Such a naughty boy, desperate to be humiliated, aren't you?"
"Yes, Mistress," his voice trembles as you slap his ass.
"Your purpose is to provide fuckings, am I right?" You asked again, delivering another slap to him, causing his body to jerk.
"Yes, Mistress," Leon nods again, his body jerking with each slap against his sensitive skin.
"Who owns you, fuckboy?" You stepped closer, gripping his hair firmly, causing him to emit a soft groan.
"You do, Mistress," he quickly replies, his Adam's apple bobbing rapidly up and down.
"Do I own your cock as well?" You asked again, leaving love bites on his skin.
"Yes, Mistress, you do."
You take his cock again, smacking it harder and making him yelp again. Tears were already rolling down his cheeks once more. You walk to your box of instruments and retrieve the manuscript clips. You take one clamp, gently open it, and place it over his left nipple. Carefully close the clamp, ensuring that it does not cause any pain. He tries to hold his breath and keep his mouth shut while you repeat the same process on his right nipple.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll bear it all night," you wink at him, and he nods silently.
Then, your hand reached his cock again and you started to masturbate him. You can see his hands tightly gripping the shackles, and his breath growing heavier with each passing second. Leon began moaning, with each moan growing louder as you continued to stimulate him with your hands. And you keep masturbating him until you know he's close.
And then, you come to a complete stop, causing him to whine out loud.
"Bad boys don't get rewarded," you said, and pressed the button to lower the ceiling bar. "Kneel."
He obeys by kneeling down. The ceiling is high enough for him to stretch his arms in the air, and you are sitting directly in front of him. You don't have to say anything; he already knows what to do. Leon crawls between your legs and opens his mouth. He bends forward, his arms stretching upward before him. The restraints are not sufficient to allow him to approach you, and observing him beg for your pussy amuses you.
"Please, Mistress, allow me to pleasure you in my mouth” he begs, his voice filled with desperation as he fights back tears, inching closer to you.
His cock twitches and aches. He's desperate to be released, to ejaculate all over his body, longing to feel your touch. You keep teasing him by not allowing him to get closer to you, making him see your wide pussy open in front of him, yet denying him the ability to touch or engage with you.
"Please, I'm begging, Mistress," he pleads again, desperately trying to reach you.
"Such a pathetic, whining boy," you said, tightly gripping his jaw in your hands.
You released his wrists and ankles, instructing him to walk towards the bondage horse. He silently obeys you and walks straight to the corner of the room. With red ropes, you tied his arms and hands behind his back. Its shape is that of a half barrel with wide ledges and wings, covered in black leather. Leon positions his knees on each wing, and you proceed to shackle him once more, ensuring that he is securely locked on the edge of the frame. His collar is attached by chains on both sides to the ceiling bar, keeping his head up and facing forward.
"What do you deserve?" you ask, as you walk around the room and pick up your flogger once more.
"To be punished, Mistress," he responds, his eyes locked on the wall in front of him.
"Why?" you asked before striking him hard.
"Because I am a bad man," Leon says, his body jerking again with the whimpering.
You smiled, satisfied, and started to whip him until his entire back was red. When you're done with his back, you move to face him, squeezing his cock again. Leon is on the verge of tears, gasping and unable to control himself. In an instant, without your command, he ejaculates onto your hand. His entire face turns red.
"Did I say you could cum?" you asked him, squeezing his sensitive cock, causing him to whine in pain once more.
"No, Mistress. I'm sorry," he begs, tears falling down his face once more.
"Privilege revoked," you hissed, walking towards your torment box. Leon is visually impaired, but he sheds tears when he senses something cold around his cock. He knows what it is. "You'll come only when I say so."
You walk back to the corner of the room after locking the chastity cage on him. When you return, Leon flinches slightly as he feels your thumb pressing against him from behind. You uses oil and you're smearing it around his anus. A finger slips, then your thumb. Another finger, he already knows what's coming.
He feels the rubber sliding inside, and he moans again. He feels the initial pain, but he's okay with it. You slide it further, allowing the oil to lubricate him internally. You pull back the toy and gently begin a rhythmic back-and-forth fucking of his ass. You have precision and an obvious regular rhythm. Leon moans, closing his eyes and feeling the helplessness of his submission. You insert the toy into him, and he can hear you pressing a button.
It starts to vibrate inside his hole.
To keep him quiet, you place a ball gag in his mouth and leave him in his current state. He is tormented by a dildo in his anus, restrained by shackles and ropes, rendering him unable to move, resist, or voice any complaints. You sit, playing with the remote control of the device in your hands, adjusting the intensity to elicit either loud moans or soft whines from him.
The cock cage on him is painful, and he is aware of it. With his already aroused state, it becomes nearly impossible for him to cum without your consent, and he is aware that this is precisely what you desire. He is unable to move, but the vibration in his ass makes his flesh to ripple. It makes him shake his body. Leon moans again, whether from the pain caused by the cage or the vibration inside his ass. He shakes his head, the only movement he can make.
You press the button, and he sighs with relief, but not completely. You pump him again a few times and stop. You thrust into him quickly and forcefully, causing him to groan and moan. After some time, there is a final push, a powerful thrust that is enough to rock the bondage horse. He moans aloud again. You walk around the corner again and gently push something metallic, cold, and smooth inside his ass. Leon feels the object and thinks it's large, expanding inside him. Then, it pops in, causing a painful stretch that makes him scream again.
"Clean it," you tell him, pointing to his white semen on the leather bondage material. You unshackle his collar from the ceiling bar and his ankles from the restraints, but keep his arms tied with the ropes.
He obediently leans over from his waist until his tongue reaches the black leather. He licks it in wide swaths, gathering all his juices from his previous unauthorized release, leaving only his saliva behind.
You can see the color of his cock. He's so hard and sensitive. When Leon finishes cleaning the bondage horse, he kneels in front of you, waiting patiently. He is clearly struggling to hold back his orgasm, but at the same time, he is on the brink of climax.
"Desperate to cum, huh?” you teased, gently stimulating his sensitive nipples, eliciting another groan from him.
"Yes, Mistress," he says, his voice shaking once more.
You sat in an armchair in front of him, your legs spread apart, offering a tantalizing view of your glistening arousal. He doesn't move, but when he sees you nod, he knows what to do. He leans closer, and you can feel his tongue on your wet, sensitive, and swollen clit. He sucks you, savoring your taste, and moaning from the pleasure mixed with the slight pain he feels on his cock. You moan and grip his hair tightly, urging him to continue sucking you.
And when you reach your orgasm, Leon has to force himself to calm down, feeling your cunt on his face. His cock is hurting and you decide to please him in the appropriate manner.
“Color” you ask him, playfully tweaking his nipple.
"Green, Mistress," he says, trembling. He's lying.
"What color is it, bunny?" you asked him again, gripping the metal of his collar.
"Yellow, Mistress," Leon shakes. The pain in his cock is excruciating.
You released his cock from the cage, and he sighed with relief, only to gasp at your touch. He was very sensitive, and you started to masturbate him again. You took your magic wand and placed it under his dick, vibrating with intense power, while your other hand moved up and down on him. Leon can't last long. He's already too close to reaching orgasm. You, on the other hand, don't care. You continue to deliberate, his rhythm becoming tense.
"Go on, be a good boy and cum for your Mistress," you said, increasing your pace on him.
The words are enough. It emanates from his core and bursts out. His thighs and red belly shuddered first, as if he were being electrocuted. Then, it surged upward, causing his entire chest to shake as he let out a guttural moan, a mixture of pain and pleasure. Afterward, you removed the clips from his nipples, and he yelped and cried again. You also removed the plug from his anus, leaving it elsewhere.
Now, you have him standing at the end of the bondage horse again, and you instruct him to bend over and protrude his ass out. You tied him with the red ropes in a different manner, and he obeys you. This time, you take a flogger to his ass, almost caressing his cheeks with its sleek leather strands. Then, it comes out of nowhere.
The brutal spank of the cane striking his ass. He screams.
You cane him again, this time on his right ass cheek. He screams again and sobs. The third strike goes again. Leon yells.
You guide him to a nearby mirror and compel him to observe the three red marks on his ass.
He's crying. You had successfully led him to his edge, but you knew when to stop. You removed the gag from his mouth and untied the ropes that had left his arms almost purple. Then, you placed a robe on him. Aftercare is important, even in this type of situation.
"Are you okay?" you asked, leading him to the sofa in the opposite corner. "I know you wanted to be on the edge, but this is dangerous. Did something happen?"
"I'm fine, thanks," Leon says softly, although his entire body is in pain. "Just... don't worry, okay? I like it when you get rough with me."
"I'm not complaining, but are you sure you're okay?" you asked, embracing him and allowing his head to rest on your chest.
"I'm fine, trust me," he chuckles.
There is a moment of silence. Usually, he doesn't stay for aftercare. He gets what he wants and then leaves, but there's something different this time. You don't say anything, you decide to give him some space. This night was heavily different from the others, and you're not sure he's really alright.
“Can we do it again?” He lifts his head so he can see you. “But this time, can you blindfold me?”
You smirk. It's time for another round. 
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wavehala · 1 year
pairing : jjk characters x female reader
characters : gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, kamo choso
warnings : mentions of explicit content
as you can tell i'm on my period (yes of course i am craving physical touch as well but that is not your business). also english isn't my first language so please keep that in mind while reading this piece of garbage
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GOJO : HE WOULD BE SO DRAMATIC FOR NO REASON JUST TO IRRITATE YOU. but for real he would take your period as an excuse to be clingier than ever. he would be spooning you the exact moment he arrives back home despite your protests. ao basically, he's not leaving your side with the excuse that "you need to rest" but we all know that satoru just wants to cuddle you for the rest of the evening and take care of you of course. according to him, your skin feels softer whenever you get your period and he wants to cuddle you the entire day. however, don't get it twisted. even though he's a menace to society, he will buy you anything you want to eat and spoil the hell out of you because, in the end, he's totally aware of how painful your period can be most of the time. you mentioned pancakes a few days ago? he's making them in this precise moment. deep inside he cares, a lot, and he will make sure to show that he does. and trust, he is not ashamed AT ALL of going shopping for pads. no he's not going to ask the size of your pussy. but do not worry, gojo satoru will make sure you lay down on your stomach and will massage your back if it is necessary. the bitch will also raise your t-shirt and leave a trail of kisses on your back to raise tension between you. everything while his hand is caressing your waist carefully, as if you were about to break. "i will make sure you massage my back as well don't worry". "not now satoru". oh, also there will be times when this man won't care about your period when he wants to have sex with you so be prepared for that 🤠
GETO : i am about to combust thanks to this man. geto would be overprotective BUT in his own personal way which makes it ten times better. first of all, he could instantly tell in a second when you’re feeling down or unwell. with that being said, he would assume every single task that you were supposed to do that day. he is cleaning the house, doing the dishes, organizing your bookshelf by alphabetical order, and many more. you then refused, obviously, because even you thought you could manage all your responsibilities despite the bothering headache that you had and the point that you felt like you were bleeding yourself to death with every step that you took. you could be in the kitchen doing the dishes out of guilt and geto would go like "BABE NO LET ME TAKE CARE OF IT". he would also carry you in a bridal style to your room when you don't listen to him. this time, he didn't drop you on the mattress, compared to the other times when you guys would have a makeout session. instead, he treated you delicately and then proceeded to kiss your forehead before saying "i got you babe, i'll clean things up and then come back to you. ok?". and all you could do is smile and thank him. and oh my god he is such a gentleman. while watching movies, he would make sure that you were resting your head on his chest while his hand was grazing your lower back. every now and then he would kiss your forehead and tell you how much he loved you. "are you feeling better?" he spoke in a deep, yet soft voice. "yeah, i cannot thank you enough". "don't, it's my duty as your boyfriend". he said while kissing your lips, and then proceeding to kiss your neck.
NANAMI : this man oh my fucking god. your period cycle was irregular as fuck., which was a bummer already. but nanami, despite the circumstances, always paid absolute attention to you in case you needed extra support from him. he even noticed your PMS symptoms before you did. this time, you had gotten your period last night, knowing perfectly that the next day would be the harshest for you according to your cycle. day twos were very chaotic and your personality was always messy. you know: cramps, headaches, mood swings, cravings, all of them at once. what was even worse is that you didn't want to make your boyfriend concerned about you. but your plan was ruined the moment he asked if everything was okay when he called you from work. you responded with a faint "good, why do you ask?", and that was enough for him to hang up after saying "don't worry sweetie, i'll be home in ten minutes". and now here you are, curled up in bed with a hot pack in your abdomen and scrolling through your phone in order to ease the aggravating cramps that just kept getting worse and worse. suddenly you heard the distant sound of the keys in your front door and the rustling of plastic bags at your doorstep. what's funny is that you didn't even move at all to check if it was him, because you already could tell it was. quick footsteps approached the doorframe of your shared room and he would pop up. "yuji is training with gojo, so i had the day off don't worry", he said while removing his tie and laying next to you in bed. "there was no need to do that, kento" you scolded, trying to hide your blushed cheeks. "it is a big deal, you sounded half dead on the phone". he scolded you back while hugging your waist.
CHOSO : MANS WOULD BE SO WORRIED. the first time you told him he would raid a supermarket because he has zero clue of what you need but that doesn't mean that he's gonna leave you unattended because #loyalty. trust the fact that he is going to order everything that you're craving, money is not a concern! choso would be asking you every twenty minutes if you need anything because he's very protective. and you feel bad for him as well. but boy oh boy, when you get those sharp cramps (the ones that feel like they're stinging your ass all of a sudden) and you try to hide your aching expression; he would definitely notice. he will straight up sit close to you and rub your back because he doesn't want to be too invasive. "are you ok?" is the only set of words you hear immediately after. "i just had cramps, nothing to worry about" you said while holding a smile, which you weren't faking because you were genuinely happy that choso was so cautious. "nonsense, come here" he immediately said while embracing you in his arms and cuddling you (carefully) in the couch. his hands were stroking your back while you were on top of his chest, when you finally felt like you could relax and take a breath of fresh air. "thank you choso". "it's okay, i enjoy doing this".
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stevesbipanic · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 17: Accidental Kink Discovery
It's Smutty Sunday so minors bye bye.
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One of Steve's favourite thing about Christmas was baking. Sure he liked baking at other times of the year, birthdays, bake sales, but Christmas he could really go wild.
Steve loved baking for Christmas so much that for his birthday this year Robin had gotten him a frilly Christmas themed apron. Which Steve pretended to hate at the time but always wore it when he baked alone.
He had just finished getting the cookies out of the oven to cool when he heard Eddie come through the door. His boyfriend had keys so this wasn't an irregular occurrence but Steve hadn't even considered his attore when he turned around to greet Eddie.
"Hi, honey, how was work."
Eddie stopped a few steps before Steve, eyes wide and a small squeak escaping his lips. His eyes trailed down Steve's body before coming back to meet his eyes.
A mischievous smirk creeped onto Steve's face. Oh. So this was a thing for him, Steve could work with that. He took the last few steps to Eddie and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"I'm so glad my man is home, was just about to put dinner on, hun."
Eddie's hands reached up and gripped Steve's hips, trapping some of the frilly apron.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you're killing me."
Steve giggled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Didn't know you wanted a little housewife, baby."
Eddie captured his lips for a proper kiss, backing him up against the countertop.
"Mm, I didn't either out a man could get used to such a pretty girl waiting for him at home."
Eddie had never called him a girl but the flush that built in his cheeks was a clear sign he enjoyed it. That was new.
"How about you and me go upstairs for a bit before dinner, babygirl, think I need to relieve some stress after my long day."
Steve smiled and half dragged him up to his room.
"I can definitely help release the tension."
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tavs-tressym · 5 months
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Delicious Denial - Chapter Six
(AO3 Link) | Master List | Ko-Fi
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Tav (You)
Word Count: 3800 (approx)
Tags: Fluff, eventual smut, domestic fluff, camp life, slow burn romance, sexual tension (A LOT). Jealous Astarion, lake scene.
A reimagining of the game's events if Tav had zero magical or fighting ability. But she's still pretty fucked up. 👍
(Lots of comforting camp life content)
A/N: Splish splash they are takin' a bath...
Chapter Six - Splash
Picking a semi-dry spot in the soil, you try not to spill your wine as you lower yourself into a cross-legged position. Astarion does the same beside you, much more gracefully, stretching his legs out and resting his weight on his arms behind him. For a moment, you both take in the serenity of the lake, not injecting a word into the comfortable silence. You focus on your breathing, then on his. The rhythm almost matches, but the more you focus on it, the more irregular it becomes.
“So, the story?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes… Turns out I’m being hunted. Or, was...” He replies, nonchalantly.
You turn to him in confusion. “Hunted? You specifically?”
He nods and looks at you for a moment. His smile leaves his eyes but not his lips as he inspects your face. He sighs and looks down. “I corrected you last night. I told you that I’m a vampire spawn. Remember?”
“What’s the difference?”
He scoffs at your naivety, shaking his head. “Everything. A true vampire has power. A spawn… Is a slave- no, less than a slave. Our master speaks, our bodies react…” He takes a deep breath, steadying his nerves. “My ma-... old master is Cazador Szarr, a vampire lord in Baldur’s Gate. He turned me two-hundred years ago, and for two-hundred years, he has been my tormentor… He wants me back...”
You nod, thoughtfully. It’s hard for you to picture a man so well kept and confident in such a position. Then something clicks. “Szarr… As in, Szarr Palace?”
He cocks his head in intrigue. “The very same. You know it?”
“Yes. Or, at least, the outside of it. I was never allowed in… It always looked so grand. To think, it’s been crawling with vampires this whole time…” You look to the floor as unpleasant memories flash before you: Hands. Dragging you along as you tripped on cobbles, the thunk of palace doors, the sun drying your lips as you waited for hours at a time, not allowed to sit, not allowed to move, not allowed to think…
Astarion furrows his brow in concentration as he inspects your face, desperately trying to remember if he has (and praying he hasn’t) seen you before. You snap yourself out of your spiral and are startled by the intensity of his eyes. “What? What is it?”
“Nothing…” He looks away and you do the same.
A moment of contemplation passes as you draw patterns with your finger on your knee. “I’m sorry… Two-hundred years, it-... it sounds awful.”
He rolls his eyes, flippantly, clearly reluctant to accept your sympathy. “Ugh… Well… Thank you, darling.” He leans back a little, silently thankful that the difficult sharing portion of the conversation is over.
The side of your mouth curls into a subtle grin. His stubbornness is endearing, in a way, and you suppose you can hardly blame him, the last thing you would want is pity either. So, you decide to move onto the facts of the situation: “How did you escape?”
“I was in the middle of er- doing Cazador’s bidding when the mind flayers snatched me. Ever since I was infected with this tadpole, his commands haven’t been able to reach me.” He can’t help but smile as he tips wine into his mouth.
“Hm, that’s lucky.” You are about to take a sip of your own wine when you decide to raise the cup in a toast instead. “To being lucky.”
He chuckles, softly and clinks the cups together. “To being very fucking lucky.”
After swallowing the tart wine, you trace your finger around the rim of the cup in thought. You want to ask him why he’s telling you this, but before you can speak the words, he stands and walks closer to the lake. His hands find the hem of his bloodied shirt and he begins to lift it. “Woah! What are you doing?!” You cover your eyes with your hand.
He pauses his motion and laughs. “Well, as lovely an accessory as the blood of my enemies is, I don’t fancy wearing it throughout the night.”
“Oh, right, okay, I’ll let you get on with it then.” You stand, still blocking your vision and start backing away, using your free hand to feel out for any obstacles.
Then cold, smooth fingers wrap around yours. “Darling, not to be rude, but when was the last time you bathed?” Your eyes widen behind your hand and you sniff under your arm…
Okay… It has been a while…
“I won’t look, I promise. Not unless you want me to.” He purrs, the sound of his voice making you blush and scoff. Then you feel something solid placed in your hand. It’s cube shaped and a little slippery. You brush your thumb over it, popping tiny bubbles on it’s surface. Soap. The thought of bathing next to each other is both incredibly enticing and terrifying. You wonder if you can truly trust him not to look, or if this whole thing is just some manipulative, gross attempt for him to get in your pants. But presently, you can’t even read his face. No, it’s too much, too soon. You can’t do this… At least… Not alone…
You pretend to be unaware of his intentions and pray to all the gods that he can’t see through your feigning of innocence. “Hold on, I’ll ask the others.”
“The others?” You feel his grip on your hand loosen.
“Surely, it’s been a while for everyone. You weren’t planning on keeping me all to yourself now, were you?” You smirk and turn away, removing your hand and allowing vision to return to your eyes. You hear him chuckle as you saunter off towards camp.
The others agree to join you, with Gale nodding a little too eagerly. “Yes!” Karlach fist pumps the air in excitement as Shadowheart looks up at her, smirking. Even Lae’zel takes you up on the offer, quickly retrieving her things with a seductive gaze towards Wyll, who bashfully agrees too. Together, you make your way back to the lake; towels and soap in hand.
The water is up to Astarion’s chest, concealing everything but his pale shoulders from your view. Just as he notices you and begins to grin, he is immediately consumed by a wave crashing into him, followed by Karlach’s cackles. Somehow she is already in nothing but her underclothes and bobbing her head above the surface, revelling in the feeling of crisp, cold water soothing her blazing skin. “Come on! Get in!” She shouts. Astarion’s head appears again, curls straightened by the weight of the water and flopping over his face, you can’t help but laugh. Shadowheart and Lae’zel waste no time and follow in Karlach’s footsteps, swiftly undressing and stepping into the water. Lae’zel looks behind her at Wyll and beckons him with a gesture of her hand. He clears his throat and begins to unbutton his shirt.
Suddenly, warm breath tickles your ear. “Can I tell you a secret?” Startled, you look behind you to see Gale, cheeks red and bashful. “I’m a tad nervous about all this…” He definitely looks like it, it’s sweet. You smile warmly then take a step back and look him up and down. He’s clearly an attractive man and that robe, although humble, clings to his soft yet somehow firm physique. “W-what is it?”
“Just surprised that you are nervous about this, that’s all.” You smirk at him, playfully.
He chuckles. “Ah, well, thank you,” He tucks his hair behind his ear. “But that’s not it, exactly. It’s just a bit… Exposing…”
You nod, understandingly. “You know you don’t have to do this, right?”
“Yes, don’t worry, I am well aware. But gods, if I’m totally honest… Tav, I stink.”
You giggle. “Me too. Come, we can do it together.”
You hold out your hand and lead him closer to the lake where you begin to undo your pants, not seductively in any way, just like you would if you were alone in your tent. But that doesn’t stop Gale from having to clear his throat and pull his eyes away from you to undo his robe, revealing the white wrap shirt and leather pants beneath. As you slide off your trousers over your plump thighs and step out, your, now untucked, burnt orange shirt flows halfway over your rear. You stand straight and struggle with the tight fastenings of your shirt. You sigh, annoyed at the effort. “Do you… Um… Need help?” Gale asks, sheepishly. You chuckle and nod, stepping closer. He tries to maintain his composure as he reaches for the knot above your chest. You look up at him, amused by his embarrassment.
You notice the several difficult knots that hold his wrap shirt together. “Thanks, um… Do you need help?”
“Oh-um… Yes, please. Thank you.” You smile and work on undoing the shirt until it’s hanging off his body. He pulls away and shrugs off the fabric. You lift yours above your head, feeling his eyes on your body as your vision is momentarily blocked by the linen of your shirt. Once you can see again, he’s already looking away.
Taking his hand again, you step into the water together. It’s delightfully warm, thanks to Karlach who’s having a splash fight with Shadowheart not too far away. You close your eyes and sigh as the water soothes aches and embraces skin. Gale, too, revels in the feeling, wading a little further into the lake, letting go of your hand as the surface swallows his body up to his chest. Opening your eyes at the loss of contact, you follow him. His eyes find yours again, smiling, grateful for your company. You smile back, eyes trailing down his face and focusing on the design between his collarbones. You mustn’t have been very subtle about it as you see his hand emerging from the water to touch it.
“It’s pretty.”
He smiles. “Thank you… It’s not here by choice though, I’m afraid.”
“Is it something to do with that bomb-thing in your chest?”
He furrows his brows in surprise and confusion. “How did you…” You gesture towards Astarion who’s washing himself at a distance from the rest of the group, sulking. “Ah…” Gale looks down, irritated, an emotion you haven’t seen from him before. “I didn’t give him permission to tell you about that… But,” He sighs, letting his hand drop beneath the water again. “Oh well, you know now…”
You bite your lip in regret, you didn’t want to cause any rifts between them. You try to save it. “I don’t know much, just that it’s there and you have to consume magical items to stop it from killing us all.” You avoid the topic of Mystra, unsure of how he would feel about you knowing about her.
He chuckles at your blunt delivery. “That’s certainly a simplified way of putting it…” He takes a deep breath, clearly feeling a little awkward and lathers his soap, offering you the bar to do the same. You take it and scrub the bubbles into your skin. 
You avoid looking at each other as you wash yourselves, then after a loud silence, he cuts through it. “Would you believe me if I told you it was all my fault?” You look at him with a raised eyebrow and shrug. He laughs. “Fair enough, I suppose you don’t know me all that well yet… It was an accident. I was trying to impress someone, but it went too far.” He shakes his head in shame.
“A girl?” You ask with a teasing smirk.
He laughs again. “A goddess. My goddess. Although, I don’t think she’d appreciate me calling her that anymore. I was one of her chosen… And later, her lover.” He pauses for effect, as painful as it is to relive the memories, he can’t resist a humble brag. You raise an eyebrow and  nod slowly, understandingly and not wanting to press him for more information. As much as you want to ask about it and as hard as it is to believe that a mere mortal can satisfy a goddess, his wounds seem too fresh. “When she found out what I’d done, she cast me aside. We haven’t spoken since.” His slight smile drops and he stares into the rippling water.
“I’m sorry… It sounds like you were really close.”
He nods, taking a deep breath. “Yes, well, that was then. And, I suppose, this is now.” He looks up at you and offers a bittersweet smile, you return it.
The moment is interrupted by a large splash of water over you both, startled, you look around, frantically, and find Astarion, closer than before, making his way past you, heading to the shallow end. “Whoops.” He states, unconvincingly. You scoff at his pettiness.
“Excuse me, Gale. I’m getting the slightest feeling that someone wants my attention. I’ll see you later.” He goes to say something, but instead he smiles and nods, resuming his bath. You, however, charge full steam ahead through the water, following Astarion.
The surface lowers as you move, revealing more and more of your body, concealed only by your underclothes. “Oi! Get back here!” He laughs, pleased to hear that you’re following him. The cold air hits your chest and you start to shiver, eager to submerge yourself back into the warm water, but you’re determined now and Astarion annoyed you. You follow the back of his head as his shoulders become a torso, above the water. You stop. You stop because you see them.
Gods above…
Raised and red, curving into circular, indecipherable language. An abhorrent marking of possession. Of property. Between painful lines are glimpses of untouched, undefiled skin. A fractured memory of what it was before. It’s terrible, it’s tragic, it’s poetry and it’s torture.
He hears your halt in movement and turns around, eyes already low and prepared to gaze at your form, which he does. He follows your lines until he meets your face. Your eyes are wide, lips are parted, brows are knitted. It’s something he never wanted to see on your sweet face: Pity. For a moment he forgot about it, the burden he carries, the weight on his back. He’s shocked to realise it and even more shocked to realise this isn’t the first time it’s happened when he’s around you. But he pushes the thought aside and clears his throat. He looks away in shame, suddenly feeling creeping vulnerability on his exposed skin.
With no time to react, Astarion is engulfed in a wave of surging water. It’s not enough to knock him over, like Karlach’s, but it’s enough to drench him again. He gasps and wipes his eyes, peaking through the blur to see your determined grin and readied stance. You might be shit on the battlefield, but this is no typical fight. This is a motherfucking water fight.
He laughs, relieved to have the moment of tension broken. It’s infectious and you giggle along with him, momentarily lowering your guard. A mistake.
“Oh, you motherfu-!”
He cackles at your sopping wet state, slicking back his hair, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. Each time he tries to open his eyes, he sees your hair dripping and sticking to your fierce, determined face, setting off another bout of laughter. You giggle for a moment, appreciating the unrestrained sound that rumbles from deep within his chest. “Alright, alright, it’s not that funny.”
He half regains his composure. “Oh but it is, darling. It really is.”
You flick him with the drops that formed around your fingertips. He scrunches his face in a delightful way as they hit him and chuckles. In retaliation, he cups his hands and lowers them below the surface until they’re full, and moves closer, taunting you with it. “Nooo! No! No! Don’t you dare!” You scream and laugh, frantically wading backwards through the water to get away from him. He follows closely, laughing at your panic as he raises his hands over your head, preparing to drop it. You try to duck away but he lets go at just the right time. You narrow your eyes up at him through the drops cascading down your face. He smugly peers down at you, chuckling softly. For a moment, you both just stay there, laughing at each other, dripping with lake water.
Then all of a sudden, he’s leaning in. No, he’s throwing himself at you. No, he’s… Falling? His face lights up with panic as he’s forced forward, you hold your arms out, bracing yourself for the impact. “Shit, sorry!” cries Wyll. Astarion tries to grab onto your shoulder to steady himself but it’s not enough and he crashes into you anyway, pushing you down with him. The water, although shallow enough to comfortably stand in, is deep enough that lying flat isn’t really an option. You’re submerged in the water, the gasp you took as you fell, being the only air in your lungs. Your head hits the rocky ground with a muffled yelp. An arm curls around your waist, pulling you up for air. You inhale and cough.
“Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, just bumped my head. But, I’m fine.” Moving your hand up to rub the injury, you’re surprised to touch a colder hand, already rubbing it better. You wipe the water from your eyes and open them to find a heavy breathing Astarion over you, scanning your face with fierce concern. You take in the sight of his worried, wide eyes: a change from his usual, steel-crafted mask. His fingers find the sore spot on your crown and massage it in circles. He’s doing it a little too hard and so you wince, but don’t stop him. It’s a strange sight, a strange experience to watch him do this. One you can’t quite pull your eyes away from.
“Oh, gods, Tav! Are you alright?! I’m so sorry!” Wyll rushes to your side. You flick your eyes to him and notice a new addition to his skin: peppered hickeys along his neck and collarbone. You can only assume what he and Lae’zel were up to before knocking you both over with such force. A badly stifled snort of laughter emerges from you, causing Astarion to look at Wyll in confusion, only to fall into the same trap and start laughing himself, but he doesn’t bother trying to hide it. Wyll follows your eyes and covers his neck with his hand, bashfully.
Lae’zel steps behind him, looking down at the little gathering impatiently before speaking. “Wyll. I don’t like waiting. And I wasn’t finished tasting you.” Her words inspire another intense, red blush on Wyll’s cheeks and a roar of laughter from you and Astarion.
You compose yourself enough to get some words out. “I’m fine, really. Don’t let me stop your… ‘Tasting’.”
As Wyll clears his throat, nods and shuffles away with Lae’zel, you return your attention to Astarion, still hovering over you and chuckling at them. Once you become a little too aware of his knee, sitting between your thighs, you decide it’s time to stand up. “I-um, I can probably get back up now.”
“Hm? Oh, of course.” He quickly retreats, his hand slips away from your scalp and you shiver at the gentle loss of contact. Now standing, he holds his hand out for you. You take it, sliding your palm into his and letting him hold your weight as you lift yourself out of the water.
As you emerge once again, he avoids gazing at your body, with effort. You giggle. “It’s alright, it’s not like Gale didn’t get an eye-full earlier.” His eyes narrow at the thought but turns it into a smirk. You grin right back and turn around, wringing out your hair, flipping it back and intentionally whipping him with it. He playfully scoffs. You turn your head, looking at him over your shoulder. You take the moment to subtly glide your gaze over his lean, toned body. Porcelain skin, gleaming in moonlight. Before you lose yourself in the sight, you look away.
In turning back to him and noticing that his eyes are nowhere near locked on yours, he reminds you that he’s not the only one exposed. You, too, are down to nothing but your underwear, and he seems to like it. For a moment, you consider covering yourself, but instead you choose to embrace it, resting your weight on one hip. “So, you, very rudely, interrupted our conversation and now you have my attention. What did you want?” He yanks his eyes away from your body and flicks them back to your face. He clears his throat and begins to speak but can’t find the words. He didn’t think that far ahead, he just knew he wanted you to look at him. 
“I was just trying to save you from whatever tedious trivia Gale was, no doubt, spewing.” He shrugs and smirks. You chuckle and shake your head. “It was a delightful conversation, actually. Thank you very much.”
“Ah, then by all means, my dear!” He gestures towards Gale, knowing you won’t turn back now.
You grin and walk towards the shore. “Actually, I think I should probably get out before I turn into a prune.”
He watches as you pass him, pondering whether or not to follow. You step on cold soil and reach for your towel, patting away the moisture on your body and scrunching your hair, encouraging the natural waves to bounce back. You turn back, towel now secured around your chest to observe the scene before you: Gale rinsing out his hair and making his way to shore, Astarion drying himself in the corner of your vision, Shadowheart making a pathetic attempt at a backstroke and Karlach hovering, coaching and cheering her on. Wyll and Lae’zel are nowhere to be seen.
Probably for the best…
You smile at the sight and make your way back to your tent, soaking in the scent of burnt wood from the remnants of the campfire. On the way, you spot Scratch, curled up by the entrance of Karlach’s tent, snoozing away. Ducking under your tent flap, you slip off your towel, undress and wrap yourself snugly in your bedroll.
Hesitant, shuffling footsteps approach, followed by a hesitant, warm voice. “Goodnight, Tav. I… I enjoyed talking to you tonight. Thank you… For listening.”
You smile. “Goodnight Gale, I enjoyed listening.” With a deep breath, he walks away and the flap of his tent is the last thing you hear before a new set of footsteps take his place.
These are stronger, bouncier, unashamed of the space they occupy. They stop outside your tent and for a moment, it’s silent. You’re tempted to poke your head out, but instead you wait…
“Sweet dreams, darling.”
“Sweet dreams, Astarion.”
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trashpandacraft · 1 year
i mentioned the other day that we seem to have acquired some spinning wheels, and when i get my hands on a new wheel, i like to sit down and try spinning a few different ways on it to see what it feels like. thought that someone might be interested in a visual overview of how fibre prep/drafting style changes your yarn.
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so that's my bobbin, and there's woolen on the left, worsted on the right, and semi-woolen in the middle.
one and two are both true woolen yarns—i made a rolag on some hand cards, and spun it long draw. one is a little chunky, and would probably be a light worsted weight after being plied. it's super soft and squishy, and a little irregular. (the bobbin collapse you're seeing isn't due to the yarn, but to a little criminal who thought he'd stick his claws into it while i wasn't paying attention.)
two is laceweight, or would be after it was plied. i'm not sure why you'd want to do this other than seeing what a new wheel is capable of—putting in enough twist to keep such a fine yarn together loses a lot of the squishy loftiness that you see in thicker woolen yarns. it's squishier than other laceweight, but also more fragile.
three and four are semi-woolen, and were spun long draw with commercially prepared top. three would probably be fingering weight when plied; four would be laceweight. this is sort of my default spinning style, and what i spin the most of—commercial top is readily available, and i love long draw. i love having twist all up in my drafting zone.
finally, five and six are worsted, or as close as you can get without combing your own fleece. commercial top, spun short forward draw. five plied up would probably be a light fingering, and six (again, plied) ranges from laceweight (on the left) to cobweb (on the far right).
one of the interesting things to me about this is the way that you can see the fuzziness of the yarn just fall away as we move closer to worsted. it's especially clear on top of the bobbin, right under the brackets—that little halo of fuzziness just disappears as you move to the right, and the yarn gets shinier (tho that part's more obvious in person). the worsted yarn is firmer and smoother in the hand, and much sturdier than the equivalent weight of woolen—i had to really back off the tension for the woolen laceweight, but the much-finer worsted lace was happy enough at the same tension as the thicker worsted was.
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areallygayloser · 18 days
HC: Morticia felt when Wednesday got knocked out with the shovel, and Morticia had a TERRIBLE feeling in her gut when Wednesday was stabbed. Only to have a vision of where Wednesday was when she touched Wednesday’s old room door.
Lots of angst, people.
Morticia, creaking open the door to Crackstones Crypt: Wednesday? Where are you?
Wednesday, weakly: M-Mom..?
Morticia, rushing over to Wednesday: Oh my stars! What.. What happened?!
Wednesday, wincing in pain: How did you find me?
Morticia, kneeling down and trying to stop the bleeding from her head: Nevermind that, little Viper, just stay calm.
Wednesday physically relaxes in her mothers embrace, breathing raggedly: This isn’t nearly as fun as I wanted it to be.. you know.
Morticia, breathing a soft, yet very worried chuckle: Yeah?
Wednesday: Yeah..
Morticia: How did you expect it to go? Tell me all about it, please.
Wednesday struggles to find the energy, recognizing her mothers attempts as keeping her awake.
Wednesday: I didn’t entirely.. expect it to hurt so much.
Morticia: Yeah..?
Wednesday: Mh-hm.
Morticia: Can you walk? You need to get on your feet.
Wednesday only coughs into her hand, looking back at the blood that came from her mouth.
Wednesday: Why am I so tired…
Morticia, gasping: Don’t fall asleep, Wednesday. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP.
Wednesday: It’ll only be for a second..
Wednesday starts closing her eyes, her body falling progressively limper.
Morticia puts Wednesday in her arms, cradling her like she did when she was an infant.
Morticia: Open your eyes, Wednesday. Please open your eyes.
The tension in Wednesday’s eyebrows is slowly relaxing, showing the rapid losing of her grip onto her life.
Morticia: Hold on baby girl, please please hold on!
Morticia can feel another spirit in the room with her, she snaps her head around, looking at Goody as she stands over Wednesday.
Morticia: Help her! Don’t just stand there!
Goody: If I help her, she and I will be tethered by soul. We will become one.
Morticia looks down at Wednesday, whose chest is rising and falling in very weak, irregular patterns.
Morticia: Just do it. Please.
Goody leans down, placing a hand on Wednesday’s necklace and the knife in her abdomen. Goody removes the knife roughly, causing Wednesday to flinch and groan in pain distantly.
Morticia looks away, closing her eyes tightly. She cant bear to see her little girl in anymore pain.
Goody leans into Wednesday, her form dissolving into a fine mist.
Wednesday gasps, jolting awake. Morticia holds her even closer, wrapping her arms around her little girl, safe at last.
But what she doesn’t expect next, is to feel Wednesday’s arms slowly wrap around her. Wednesday is hugging her back, something that she hadn’t done in ten years.
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amethystina · 8 months
Hiiii🩷🩷 I have a question... does Yohan think that Gaon loves Soo Hyun in a romantic way😳? If so, oh boy thats a huge misunderstanding to clear. Also, thank you for the amazing update!!! I'm sure as hell sticking around on this journey to see these two work out their feelings!!
Hi there! 💜
Yes, he does. Because Yo Han's got no reason to believe otherwise, based on how Ga On is behaving. He can tell that Ga On is attracted to him, sure, but that's physical. And sexual and romantic attraction are two entirely different things. One doesn't guarantee the other and just because you feel one — or even both — you don't actually have to act on it.
I'm more or less writing Yo Han like a bisexual demiromantic, i.e. he's good at recognising sexual tension/attraction but he's not very experienced with love. He's never really been in love before because he's never allowed himself to get close enough to someone to actually fall in love. And when you combine this with his upbringing and lack of social interaction with other people? Love is probably pretty tricky for him.
Not in a "he doesn't feel it" way because he does — and he knows that he does — but he's not the best at reading it in other people. Not at all helped by how he just doesn't get the whole "love at first sight" thing (because, again, demiromantic), which has made him wonder if, just maybe, his concept of love is different from everyone else's. He knows what love means to him and he's seen other people be in love (like Isaac and his wife) but applying that to his and Ga On's relationship is very difficult for him, especially with Soo Hyun complicating things.
Like, if Yo Han tries to compare how Ga On behaved around/treated Soo Hyun (who he assumes Ga On was in love with) to how Ga On behaves around/treats Yo Han, he can see a lot of differences. And it's a problem when his method for figuring this whole situation out is: "That is how Kim Ga On behaves when he's in love and, if he doesn't, he's probably not in love with me." Because that misses the part where people don't always behave the exact same way when they're in love (because it can be influenced by who they're interested in) and, if anything, it should be the other way around.
At this point, it's probably better to look at how Ga On behaves around you, Yo Han, not Soo Hyun, if you want to figure out what he's like when he's in love x'D
... but he doesn't know that, of course.
So, in short: Yo Han knows that Ga On cares about him and he knows that Ga On is sexually attracted to him, but he has no way of knowing if Ga On is in love with him. Yo Han has too little experience with it to be able to gauge that.
But, at this point? He thinks that Ga On is just too in love with Soo Hyun to ever love him (which is what this post was about)
And, in a very heartbreaking way, he's kind of grateful that Ga On made it clear he's not going to act on what's between them because Yo Han assumes it's only sexual attraction and some confused fondness on Ga On's end anyway. And Yo Han would just... rather not if that's all Ga On can give him. Because, for once, he doesn't just want sex — he wants love, too.
... this man is, once again, a goddamn onion.
(and will make you cry just as much as one)
And, for my own sake, I'm going to have to make a detour and write Yo Han's POV of what happens after he's gone into his bedroom because I SWEAR THE FUCKING BASTARD WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE. There is SO MUCH GOING ON in his head and snippets keep inconveniently popping up at irregular intervals, distracting me. And as soon as I push one aside, the next one pops up.
It's like a never-ending game of angsty Whac-A-Mole.
Someone save me.
ANYWAY. I'm glad you liked the update! And thank you so much for wanting to stick around 💜 I was genuinely worried about how you all would react to this chapter. Like, who's insane enough to throw in a rejection 400k into a story? People have probably gotten chased down with pitchforks for less.
So thank you for the trust, support, and dedication — it means a lot to me 💜
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welldonebeca · 1 year
I could have chosen you (and yes, I would) - ix
WC: 1k words Warnings: Tension. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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When you woke up, Bucky was still by your side.
He usually woke up before you and left bed in a rush, and you would awake to an empty bed.
But this was very nice.
James was so big and warm, you often forgot it, but now that his arm was draped around you, you could not help realising it. It was a little heavy, and he felt like a living fireplace.
"Good morrow," your husband squeezed you, his face moving to hide in your neck.
You put a hand over his, caressing his knuckles.
"Good morning," you mumbled.
None of you moved.
"Are you feeling better?" he asked sweetly. "Any pain?"
You stretched a little bit.
"No pain," you told him.
Which was a surprise. You always felt a lot of pain when you bled.
"I'll have a bit more tea for when you break your fast," he kissed your cheek. "Would you like that?"
You nodded.
"Yes, please."
He exhaled and stiffened a bit, and you looked over your shoulder to him, unsure.
Was there anything wrong?
James moved his hand to your face and caressed your cheek.
"There's something I think you should see," he told you, voice soft.
He pulled back and you watched him, uncertain.
James sat up, and you weren't surprised to see the side where his lost arm would have been as sewed shut.
"I lost my arm to save Steve," he told you. "It's a long story, but... well, I had quite the injury."
You sat up, brushing your hair back from your face, watching him.
"They decided it was best to cut off my whole arm. Said I would have more chances of surviving if I did."
You nodded along, a bit, not knowing what else to say.
He moved his right hand to his neck, untying his tunic until it was loose, and you didn't say anything as he pushed it off of his left shoulder.
The cut was under his shoulder, leaving a couple of inches of upper arm. It was a little irregular, covered with scars that took up to his shoulders.
"I... hm..." he hesitated. "I had a bit of trouble adapting."
You looked up at him.
"Can I?" you whispered, raising a hand.
James nodded, and you touched the spot where his limb was severed.
He inhaled a little, and you pulled away, but Bucky raised his half arm to you.
"It's alright," he whispered. "It's just... new."
You touched his skin again. There was a long scar from what you imagined his body closed itself, but you followed a few thinner scars up and up to his shoulder.
"I usually wear a prosthetic arm," he told you. "For appearances."
You raised your eyes to his face, at last, and breathed out, leaning to him and placing a kiss on his shoulder, where his scars started... or ended, you wouldn't know.
Your husband shuddered, and you looked at his face, finding his eyes soft.
"You don't have to hide them from me," you assured him. "They are part of you. I don’t ever want you to hide yourself from me.”
James swallowed down tightly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he did and his cheeks flushing.
"Thank you," he whispered.
He reached for your face, cradling your cheek and kissing your lips again.
James pulled you flush to his chest, and kissed and kissed you until you were breathless when he pulled away.
"We should go," he whispered, moving his nose over yours. "We have duties to fulfil."
You giggled a little.
Yes, it was a good idea.
James left your bed slowly, as if he didn't even want to, moving to get dressed in his own side chamber as you got up too, changing your undergarments before your ladies came in to assist you.
This time, you let them do your hair like the other afternoon, and let them put jewellery on your hair before you left to assist the Queen.
Queen Margaret was very nice and friendly, and cared to ask how you were feeling a couple of times during the day.
It was strange, to have people worrying that much about you. No one in your family quite cared for you like that.
You only left her side late at night, having had supper with the other ladies and the Queen as you finished your plans for Christmas.
When you arrived, you found James setting up some late meal for the two of you on his own.
"My princess," he smiled largerly, the name sounding more like a sweet call than a jab at your position.
"My duke?" you stopped.
He chuckled.
"You look beautiful," he told you, his voice soft. "But... if I may ask?"
"Of course," you agreed. "You may."
You walked closer to him, and James pulled up a chair for you to sit on.
"Why the change?" he asked. "Your hair, I mean. The... cover thing."
"Bonnet," you told him.
Your husband nodded, and you took a moment to settle yourself.
"Well..." you looked for words. "I didn't quite like the old style, and one of the ladies offered to show me how it'd look on my hair. So... I tried it, and I liked it. Do you like it?"
He nodded quickly.
"You always look beautiful."
You giggled a little. Well, he was always a charm.
You helped yourself to a slice of cheese, and watched James as he seemed to look for words.
"I... hm..." he looked for words. "Christmas is coming."
"It is," you agreed.
He swallowed down.
"I was wondering..." he spoke slowly. "Well, I was actually hoping. That I got things rights."
You waited for what he had to say. Bucky was flushing, all pink on the cheek. He was adorable.
"I got you a few gifts," he told you. "But I don't know if you'll like them."
You smiled and stood up, caressing his face and kissing his cheek.
"I'm sure they will be lovely," you assured him. "Don't worry. I appreciate them already."
James relaxed, exhaling.
"Alright," he mumbled. "Thank you."
. . .
"i could have chosen you (and yes, i would)" was posted on my Patreon in October 2022 and is fully posted on my page. To read it before anyone else, consider subscribing! It's just $2 a month and it helps me a lot during these hard times.
. . .
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Your One True Nemesis
Chapter 26: also on AO3 Masterlist Here Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 1.3k oh gosh is it possible that an idiot genius can... change? even ever so slightly? and be... not nice... but... human? :o 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: don't get too excited he's still a walking disaster, pining sort of, lil bit of tension
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“Taking a break?”
The sudden sound of Edward’s voice, intrusive in the moment of peace you were experiencing in the work room, made you jump slightly. Looking up from what you were working on, you offered him a smile.
“I was just thinking… it’s nice to see that not much has changed down here.”
“Of course not. The goal is still the same.”
“To beat the bat.”
“Exactly, it’s only natural. Creatures known to prey on bats include hawks, owls, some spiders, falcons and, of course, me.”
Smiling at his ridiculous statement, you ran your fingers along the work bench, scattered with what you were sure were the same scraps of metal and wires as has been there when you left.
“You act as though you’ve been gone for years.”
“It kind of feels like it. Time flows differently when you can see the sun rise and set. Down here it’s all sort of… continuous.”
Turning, you found Eddie standing close to you, staring intently as you spoke.
“Well, that’s how I like it. Don’t be tempted to make any grand changes.”
Eddie made his way over to the workstation he had graciously, but not without constant complaining, set up for you the day after you had returned to the sewers. He’d been insistent that you start working right away to earn your keep, or he’d turf you out again, and this time he wouldn’t be there to save you like the heroic and generous overseer that he was.
“How much have you managed to…”
His eyes fell to the table where you had pieced together several of the small remotes he had instructed you to complete. You smiled, feeling smug at the genuine surprise on his face.
“Well… don’t get too proud of yourself. You’ve barely even begun to complete this work. If I’m to keep that idiotic detective occupied long enough, Gotham needs to be riddled with my puzzles.”
Giggling at the pun, you realised quickly it was unintentional when a small smile crept up at the corners of Eddie’s mouth. He clearly didn’t want to admit that he was pleased with himself, but you could tell he was noting it down mentally to use at another point, with an audience he deemed more deserving that you were. As he took stock of the work you’d done, he noticed his notebook, left open at a page where he had been scribbling riddles. Beside it, a sheet of scrap paper where you had been writing the answers. He placed his fingers on it, shifting it to the side and tilting his head to read the words you had scrawled on the page, trying to stifle a smile that was still very obvious. It made your heartbeat irregular, seeing him respond positively to something you had done.
“I was… I was just trying them out… to see if I could get any of them right. They were a nice break from the work.”
Maintaining his expression, but letting the smile come out slightly, Eddie lifted the sheet from the table and looked back and forth from it and his notebook.
“I suppose a ‘well done’ is in order. When I tested that riddle on one of my childhood bullies, he simply could not solve it.”
Your smile beamed out, a tingling sensation passing over your body as he locked his eyes onto yours.
“Not even on pain of death could he grasp the answer. But you’ve managed it on a break. I suppose you’re perhaps ever so slightly smarter than I gave you credit for. But you’re still just as bad at your job as you used to be.”
Picking up one of the remotes you had made, he inspected it closely, prying the back off and tugging at the wires which came loose immediately.
“I mean… it would have been ok if you hadn’t yanked them out.”
“Nonsense. Shoddy workmanship. You need to be more careful, you need to be better.”
“Well, you need to be kinder.”
With a grimace, Eddie closed his eyes, mentally counting to three before opening them again.
“I refuse. You came back knowing what it was like down here.”
“That doesn’t mean it can’t be better though?”
With an exasperated but soft sigh, Eddie turned from you, still speaking as he fiddled with the tools that lay scattered on the wall shelves.
“I don’t see how it could be better. It was fine the way it was. Perfect, even.”
“Oh yeah? The back and forth bickering and unresolved sexual tension made this the perfect living arrangement.”
The words had come out of your mouth before you could stop them. But it was the truth. And you were glad to finally mention it.
“There was no… there is no unresolved anything. We are colleagues. Nothing more, nothing less. Surely, that is the best way to go forward.”
You hated to admit it, but it probably was. He really was right about everything. And even though he wasn’t willing to admit to the slightly deeper meanings, or hidden feelings, behind everything that had happened between you before, at least he was willing to try and move past them. Not the result you wanted, but anything to make things more tolerable. It was better than nothing. It might even be positive. A new positive start.
You were so hopeful things could be different that you were willing to forego what you really wanted. To be with Eddie in a pleasant capacity, even if it meant there were no sexual elements, was good enough for you. It had shocked you how much you had missed him while you were working for Oswald. You didn’t want to run the risk of losing it again. So you nodded, agreeing with him.
“Good. Now. You solved those ones, but those were easy. Those were the preliminaries, I hope you understand that. Had I known you were going to attempt to solve those, had I so wished to force you into mental exhaustion, you would have failed before you had even begun to comprehend the first riddle on that page. If you’re keen to expand your mind, I can show you the full extent of my brilliance. I can write some more puzzles for you, to keep you entertained while you work on the menial, yet seemingly challenging, tasks I have laid out for you. Does that sound… appealing?”
With a soft smile, you nodded. Grateful that he was trying to extend something to you, even if you weren’t sure what it was. A gift? A challenge? To express that he cared or to show you he believed in you?
“Wonderful. By the end of the week you’ll be in awe at my superiority. I won’t be going easy on you, not now that I know you are…”
He hesitated, unsure if he wanted to continue, but he knew he had to.
“… capable.”
It wasn’t the greatest compliment in the world. But you would take it.
Eddie shifted awkwardly as you smiled warmly at him, made uncomfortable by even that small display of kindness. He turned on his heel and left the room. You were colleagues. Colleagues. He couldn’t let himself fall back into old habits. This was as far as it would go. He could challenge you mentally, offer you a pat on the back. But he couldn’t find himself falling into the trap of caring.
It was too late though. He was already considering what level of subliminal messaging he could incorporate into the riddles. Something that hinted towards a suggestion of intimacy, or to his agreement to a physical relationship, but that could be denied if it backfired or he came to his senses.
If he left it wide open, he could deny everything. To you and to himself.
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Our Little Secret
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Addison Goodwin
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Lisa Marie Presley, Jess Goodwin-Presley, Jerry Schilling, Marci Cunningham, Charlie Hodge, Red West
Rating: Teen
Word Count:  5012
Summary: Some things are to be kept between man and wife.
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Mother Daughter Arguing, Tension, Stress, Mentions of the Colonel, Weddings, Secret Weddings, Las Vegas, In my mind they become a proper lil family unit and lisa moves back to Memphis.
Notes: Since most of our Elvis and Addie fics are heart wrenching here’s some good old fluff.
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‘Okay, so no flowers,’ Addison sighed hoping that this decree would be enough to end their argument as she finally reached the end of her tether.
‘You can’t get married without flowers!’ Marci protested, her eyes wide at the mere suggestion of such a thing. Addison sighed trying to push the irritation her friend's aghast expression caused from her body. She didn't mean to be annoyed at her, it wasn't her fault that her florist had cancelled less than a week away from the big day offering no more than an excuse about a supply issue and the numbers to some other vendors in Memphis who might be able to help, and yet she couldn't help but feel annoyed because even though it was disappointing for her it didn't matter. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to marry Elvis, they’d been engaged since the minute they’d gotten back together nearly a year ago, it was that she just didn’t see the need for all the fuss. Like with everything he wanted to go all out and show them off to the world and whilst she understood his reasons it hadn’t been easy. Since leaving the Colonel he’d been busy and though that wasn't irregular for him this time it was different because he was actually enjoying it for once. He loved the work he was doing now and the opportunities not being tied to the old toad came with which is why she'd encouraged him to do whatever he wanted but that had meant the wedding planning had fallen in her lap, well, hers and Marci’s hence why the no flowers debacle had turned into a half-hour debate as they’d waited around to go down to the show.
‘She’s right Mom,’ Jess concurred making her mother's glare fall on her as though she was being betrayed. She supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised considering Jess had become quite the little advocate for this wedding whenever Elvis wasn’t around. She knew it was because it meant so much to him but still, if she had to listen to one more conversation about flowers or dresses or cakes she felt as though she may scream.
‘Well, what am I supposed to do? They can’t magic a crop of flowers where there are none,’ Addison said.
‘Well maybe we just pick something else? Could they do that?’ Jess reasoned.
‘It took Mar two weeks to pick them out for me,’ Addison reasoned.
‘No, no, Jessie’s right!’ Marci agreed, ‘have they got others?’
‘I assume so what with it being a florist and all,’ Addison said sarcastically though neither of them seemed to be paying attention as they conjured up a solution.
‘How about chrysanthemums?’ Jess asked watching her aunt who frowned.
‘No they won’t match,’ Marci said.
‘Yeah you’re right I forgot the dresses are purple,’ Jess agreed.
‘How do you even know what a chrysanthemum is?’ Addison asked.
‘We learned about them in school,’ Jess shrugged, ‘what about lilies?’
‘They’ll stain,’ Marci said, ‘what about those white roses we said originally?’
‘Maybe some freesias?’ Jess added.
‘Ooh yeah, that’s pretty!’ Marci said as the pair of them looked towards the bride, Addison shrugged, ‘if you can sort it be my guest.’
‘I’ll do it right now,’ Marci said with a self-satisfied smirk before she headed to the phone.
As she disappeared into the other room a glare that resembled Addison’s fell across Jess's pretty face making her mother frown as she said, ‘what?’
‘You could act more appreciative y’know,’ Jess said.
‘Mar knows I appreciate her,’ Addison replied, Jess sighed.
‘I’m just saying it’s like you don’t even wanna get married sometimes,’ Jess replied as she dropped her gaze to her lap twirling a piece of fringe from her shirt around her finger. Addison frowned, wondering to herself if that was really how she sounded.
‘Jess,’ Addison sighed but before she could protest and inform her daughter that weddings and marriages didn’t conflate she heard her name yelled across the suite.
As she stood up Jess sighed and rose too heading to where her aunt was still on the phone. Addison watched her go with a heavy heart before she headed to where her name was called again. When she got there she found Lisa standing by the door of her room partially dressed for the night.
‘What’s the matter, sweetie?’ Addison asked as a pout fell on the blonde’s face.
‘I can’t find my shoe,’ she said offering up the other one as some sort of proof its twin was in fact missing.
‘Well it’s gotta be somewhere,’ Addison said though they’d spent a lot of this year living out of suitcases Addison wasn’t surprised something was missing. After a quick sweep of the room she found it and though she knew she probably shouldn’t she didn’t protest when Lisa offered her father’s puppy dog eyes and asked her to help her put them on.
When they re-emerged the suite was full, evidently the meeting Elvis had been in was now over given that most of the boys were in the suite their wives in tow. Not that it mattered because as Addison appeared into the entryway, Lisa’s little hand clasped in hers, whatever attention Elvis had been paying to his friends was gone.
‘Hey,’ he said, a beaming smile on his face as he approached his girls. Addison returned it, whatever upset she’d been feeling at Jess’ guilt-tripping ebbing away at his twinkling smile.
‘Hi,’ she replied as he pulled her close pressing a quick kiss on her lips which made her smile widen.
‘You look stunning,’ Elvis murmured.
‘You don’t look so bad yourself,’ Addison giggled, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. He was dressed for the show, swathed in a white jumpsuit that made his eyes sparkle and his summer tan look richer.
‘Yeah well-‘ Elvis started though before he could continue he felt a small hand push on his thigh forcing them to part and when he looked down he found his daughter watching them with a pout as she said, ‘what about me?’
‘Well you always look pretty buttonhead,’ he said moving to hoist her up onto his hip, forgetting as he always did she was getting a tad too old for it though it was brought to his and Addison’s attention as an uncomfortable grunt escaped his lips.
‘Jessie helped me pick out my dress,’ she said showing him the red summer sun dress she was sporting. 
‘Well it’s very nice,’ Elvis said, kissing her cheek before he said, ‘speaking of where is Jess?’
‘She’s with Mar,’ Addison said a hint of a sigh in her voice her soon-to-be husband didn’t fail to miss. And as he watched her quickly divert off the topic hoisting Lisa down onto the ground so they could get ready to head downstairs he felt the idea something was amiss cement inside him.
He let her pull away from him, pretending he wasn’t watching her as she plastered a smile on her face as she greeted their friends, but when they were called to head downstairs he lingered by the door, catching her by the arm as she walked past him pulling her from the flow of the crowd.
‘Uh, boss?’ Charlie said as the dregs of people made their way out of the suite leaving just Elvis and Addison behind, a confused look on her face as Elvis replied, ‘just give us a minute.’
‘Sure,’ Charlie said eying them for a second before he obediently closed the door leaving them in the empty suite.
‘Everything okay?’ Addison asked with a frown as watched her waiting for her to lay on him whatever it was that was bugging her.
‘I was just gonna ask the same thing,’ Elvis said making her sigh, ‘you okay?’
‘Fine,’ she lied.
‘But?’ he said reaching out to wrap his arms around her so that she was engulfed in him, her only option to peer up into those adoring blue eyes. She paused, her fingers intent on playing with the blue threading on the peacock jumpsuit he was sporting until finally, she muttered, ‘remind me why you want a big wedding again?’
‘Ah,’ Elvis frowned, ‘more problems?’
‘The florist cancelled. I tried fixing it but it’s just a bit chaotic. I mean it’s a week away and I’m trying to arrange things when we’re thousands of miles away y’know?’ she said, her words causing nerves to flutter through him.
‘You’re having second thoughts?’ Elvis asked with a frown.
‘No! Of course not, not at all!’ she sighed as her arms slid up to wrap around his neck, ‘it’s just all of this stuff I don’t care about…the flowers and cakes and everything. I know you probably feel like I don’t wanna.’
‘I don’t think that,’ Elvis said earnestly. Honestly considering she’d been anti-fuss since he’d known her he hadn’t expected any different, he’d just been happy she’d been willing to put up with his longing to have a big wedding.
He knew it was silly. His last wedding had been a big one and yet they’d had no control over any of it, opting to have their own ceremony at the house just a few weeks later but this time he wanted big. He wanted everything to be what they wanted, not what the colonel had arranged. He wanted to show her off to the world, to prove that after all that heartache and pain he’d finally got his girl. He’d finally got to put that ring on her hand in front of his friends and family the way he’d intended it to be when they were just kids. And fortunately, she’d been happy to let him. And though they weren’t yet married he knew her better than anyone. He knew that if something had gone wrong she would’ve fixed it or let it go so whatever had got her in a funk must’ve run deeper, a notion that was confirmed as she murmured, ‘your daughter does.’
‘Ah,’ he murmured, running a hand down her cheek, ‘you guys are fighting.’
‘Not fighting it’s just that she thinks me not wanting a big wedding means that I don’t love you which isn’t true.’
‘Baby I know that,’ Elvis chuckled seeing the worry in her eyes dim at his laughter, ‘Jess knows that too she’s just looking out for us that’s all. I mean us getting married probably means as much to her as it does to us.’
‘I know,’ Addison agreed, ‘and I’m sorry, I know you’re too busy for all this.’
‘I’m not too busy,’ Elvis corrected as his thumb caressed her cheek.
‘El this is your busiest year yet what with the Colonel and everything,’ she argued.
‘Ads I’m not too busy for us,’ Elvis reiterated, ‘if you need help I can help. Just tell me what needs doing and I’ll get it done okay? Heck if you want to pick a florist here in Vegas I’ll have someone drive the damn flowers home.’
‘You’re sweet you know that,’ she giggled.
‘That’s me, sweet as pie,’ he smiled unable to stop himself now that he could see she’d relaxed. She smiled back at him before pulling away evidently realising that time was ticking on and that he was due to be on stage any minute. He grumbled as she walked away, allowing him to pull her by the hand through the door though as they headed towards the elevator.
Red was the only one in the hallway, most of the party having already headed to respective destinations, but even so Elvis slowed, not quite ready to leave her side just yet. She glanced at him curiously but said nothing allowing him to follow her onto the elevator wordlessly and they rode in silence down to the main floor which was only broken as Jerry appeared, ready and waiting to escort Addison to the showroom floor where Marci and his daughters would be waiting for her. Yet as she went to leave the elevator he stopped her, pulling her into him as he said, ‘what no good luck kiss?’
‘You don’t need luck,’ she said rolling her eyes but leaning up to kiss him all the same as his arms wrapped around her. Even though he loved having her in the crowd watching at that moment he didn’t want to let her go. She noticed his apprehension, her brows knitting together as she asked, ‘what?’
‘Thank you,’ he said simply.
‘What for?’ she asked confused.
‘Everything, because been though I know this isn’t your ‘thing’,’ he said smirking as she rolled her eyes, ‘you’ve been amazing.’
‘Well thank you,’ she smiled though her face became curious as she fiddled with his collar and asked, ‘remind me why it’s your thing again?’
‘Addie I planned to marry you two weeks after we got together. I guess we’ve waited so long when I finally do get you down that aisle I want it to be special. I wanna show you, us, off,’ he said honestly.
‘You big softy! Though you’re sure I can’t tempt you into a registry office? I mean we are in Vegas,’ she said quirking her eyebrow suggestively.
‘Nice try,’ he chuckled.
‘Uh boss?’ Red said, grabbing his attention. Elvis glanced back noting the serious look on his friend's face that suggested he didn’t have time to be dawdling. Addison seemed to notice it too and leaned up to kiss him quickly, muttering, ‘have a good show. I’ll see you when you get off stage?’
‘See you later honey,’ he said, allowing her to leave his arms and head towards where Jerry was waiting for her. Though as they disappeared out of the heavy metal doors leading to the foyer of the hotel Elvis paused.
‘Everything okay man?’ Red asked noting how his friend hadn’t yet moved to head to the stage.
‘Yeah,’ Elvis said before he added, ‘actually can you help me?’
Mid-show Red had informed Addison that Elvis had been called away to socialise with a friend of the owner and instead of having Lisa fight to stay awake backstage she’d decided she may as well take the girls upstairs. Whilst Jess disappeared to her room, evidently still in a rut with her mother over their crossed word, Lisa ran to the couch, not content with going to bed without at least saying goodnight to her daddy. Though unfortunately for Elvis any fight his littlest had seemed to ebb the moment they got situated on the couch ready to watch some TV and after half an hour Addison found Lisa cuddled up into her side, flat out. Addison sighed, knowing that tomorrow morning she’d no doubt get an earful off of the six-year-old about putting her to bed before she was ready but nevertheless, she scooped her up and headed down the hall with her in her arms so she could put her to bed. It didn’t take long to get her tucked up in bed, her sleepy eyes opening just a little as she was jostled into a pair of pyjamas, and before long Addison was creeping out of the girl’s room, shutting the door as quietly as she could as to not disturb her. Though as she turned around any chance at being quiet disappeared as she let out a gasp when she found Jess standing behind her.
‘Jesus,’ Addison chuckled quietly, ‘you scared the crap outta me.’
‘Sorry just using the bathroom,’ Jess mumbled before she padded across the hall to her room. Addison sighed and though it seemed whatever spat they were having wasn’t going to be dealt with tonight she decided to at least show her daughter she was ready for a ceasefire whenever that may come about as she said, ‘Goodnight Jessie.’
‘Night mom,’ Jess said pausing in her doorway as her mother watched her. Finally, she looked at her and said, ‘tell dad I said goodnight?’
‘Of course,’ Addison said feeling that this was her daughter dipping her toe in the water something that was proved true as she didn’t head inside and stayed half in the doorway before turning back and saying, ‘Mom?’
‘Yeah, sweetheart?’ Addison said turning to look at her daughter since she had made it look as though she had been heading to leave, allowing Jess not to feel pressured into whatever she wanted to say next.
‘I’m sorry about before,’ Jess said, ‘what I said about the wedding I know you want to marry him.’
‘More than anything,’ Addison said, closing the distance and hugging her daughter before pulling back and placing her hands on the sides of her face. She was the same height as her now, almost a woman, and yet to Addison she still felt like that baby girl she’d held in her arms.
‘I didn’t mean to be rude,’ Jess said guiltily.
‘You weren’t and I know how I must seem like I don’t care about it but you that’s not true. I wanna get married, I’d have married him the day he asked, and if uprooting our entire lives didn’t prove that I don’t know what will,’ Addison smiled, gliding her thumb across her daughter’s cheek, ‘it's just busy that’s all. Your dad’s working harder than ever, we’ve got to arrange a world tour, your school, seeing Lisa the last thing I care about is what colour flowers we have on our wedding day.’
‘So why don’t me and Mar worry about it?’ Jess asked.
‘Jessie,’ Addison giggled, pulling back from her just a touch.
‘Seriously I mean it. Why don’t me and Mar head home for the week? We can arrange everything and all you’ll have to do is show up,’ Jess said excitedly. Addison couldn’t help but smile as her husband-to-be’s words echoed in her head. He was right, this wedding probably meant more to her than anyone.
‘How about we talk about it tomorrow?’ Addison chuckled.
‘Okay,’ Jess said, her sour mood evidently having evaporated with the prospect of wedding planning, ‘night mom.’
‘Night honey,’ she said allowing her to leave her grasp and head into her hotel room.
After that Addison decided to head back to her own room with the idea of getting into bed ready for when Elvis was relinquished from schmoozing whoever it was he’d been obligated to stay downstairs for though she was no sooner over the threshold of their room before she felt a pair of hands nip at her waist startling her for a second time. When she turned around he was watching her with joy and though he allowed her to swat his chest he didn’t wait long before he pulled her to him leaning down to give her a kiss.
‘Hi,’ he said as they broke apart, noting that his teasing was long forgotten given the smile on her face.
‘Hi,’ she said moving back so she could look at him. He’d changed into his ‘normal’ clothes though normal for him still meant a rich blue suit and shirt buttoned so low it made Addison’s mouth go dry. Not that she let it deter her for long as she wrapped her arms around his neck and said, ‘so, good show?’
‘Always a good show with you guys watchin’,’ Elvis said with a smile, ‘did you like it?’
‘Always do,’ she mused.
‘And here I thought Jer was bein’ stingy with compliments when he said it was ‘great,’ Elvis chuckled.
‘Well how about I give you a proper review,’ she said, trailing her fingers up the bare skin on his chest though she was stopped as he grabbed her by the wrist and replied, ‘maybe later.’
‘Oh,’ she said though before she could question his reluctance he announced, ‘I wanna go out.’
‘What?’ she asked.
‘What do you say? I mean the nights still young, the girls are asleep, why not?’ Elvis said.
‘I don’t really feel like going to a casino or anything,’ Addison said. In fact she didn’t want to do anything besides what she’d just suggested, their ludicrously large bed mere feet away beckoning them to it.
‘I don’t mean a casino,’ Elvis said rolling his eyes, ‘I mean just us. Like the old days.’
‘What are you talking about?’ Addison asked even more confused with his explanation.
‘Us two. Ridin’ around Memphis in my car,’ he said simply.
‘Really?’ she asked.
‘You wanna go? Could be a nice lil stress reliever,’ he said, letting her go but not enough that he couldn’t hold her by the hand pulling her down towards the elevator.
‘It thought we had a stress reliever,’ Addison quipped.
‘Ads,’ he said with enough seriousness in his tone Addison could see that this wasn’t some off-the-cuff idea.
‘Okay,’ she said, ‘but you’re driving.’
Though she had been sceptical at first their little trip out around the city didn’t turn out to be all that bad. Of course she couldn’t say whether spending the night not leaving their bed would’ve been better but this was nice all the same. Given that Elvis had arranged for them to have a car that wasn’t one of theirs waiting they were virtually nameless as they tore out onto the streets of Las Vegas something Addison found wasn’t all that bad. She had loved this last year with him but like with the wedding it wasn’t always easy. She couldn’t just go to the store anymore. She couldn’t walk across the street without being looked at or sometimes approached. She barely got a minute alone without someone needing him for something. And though she understood she couldn’t help but savour those moments when it was just the two of them. Like those early days when he was stepping into her world rather than her stepping into his.
And yet it didn’t feel as though they were in anyone's world anymore, it felt more as though they were in the past, riding around Memphis alone like they used to do when they were desperate to get away from everyone but each other. She was sitting beside him, her head on his shoulder as he drove around town, the only noise the murmur of the radio and their steady breathing given that the pair of them seemed to feel the same urge to forgo conversation and just be. Yet she felt him glance down at her, his hand moving to her cotton-covered thigh as he murmured, ‘wanna go for burgers or something?’
‘Sure,’ she said placing her hand on his as she closed her eyes, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. She kept them closed as he drove, only opening them as she felt him turn his indicator on and the distinct thud of the car passing from the road into a parking lot.
It was dark now and though they were in the parking lot of somewhere she was sure it wasn’t a burger joint and so she said, ‘Elvis?'
Though she uttered no more than his name her questions were obvious and yet he didn’t answer her, instead he carried on heading into a parking space as she craned her neck so she could see the establishment they were at which she was right wasn’t a diner but a chapel.
‘Elvis this isn’t a diner,’ she said confused as to why he wasn't replying at the simple error though her thoughts became less jumbled as he put the car in park and turned towards her watching her with a cocky grin on his face.
‘What are you doing?’ was all she could ask.
‘Giving you what you want,’ Elvis shrugged as though it was obvious.
‘Elvis I don’t understand,’ she said, trying to ignore the thudding in her heart as he watched her.
‘You wanted simple and well this is as simple as you can get,’ he said watching as she tried to process everything.
‘But the wedding I mean you wanted the big wedding and we've been planning-‘
‘I know I know,’ he chuckled, ‘and believe me, I intend to do that weddin’ too but I figured you’ve spent near on a year humouring me and my ideas I figured why not do the same for you.’
‘Elvis,’ she said trying to ignore the lump in her throat as happy tears threatened to spill over.
‘Hell woman you ain’t gon’ cry on me are ya? I thought this is what you’d want,’ Elvis said as worry crept in. When she’d suggested it early that night he hadn’t expected such a tiny seed to take root inside his brain but by the time he’d gotten to the stage it was all he could think about. He still wanted his big wedding – the one to show her off to the world but he could give her what she wanted too. Something small something intimate, something just for them. Addison shook her head, ‘it is! I just can’t believe you’d do this for me.’
‘I’d do anything for you,’ Elvis said firmly, ‘Addie over the last year you’ve uprooted your entire life. You’ve planned a wedding, looked after our daughters while I worked and made sure that work didn’t kill me in the process. If I can give you a simple wedding that’s what I’m gonna do.’
‘Thank you,’ she said, ‘not just for this but this past year too. I know it took us a while but I’m glad we waited for everything that we have now.’
‘Me too,’ Elvis said with a smile.
‘I love you,’ Addison said.
‘I love you baby. Now c’mon,’ he said opening the door and holding out his hand for her to take, ‘let’s get us married.’
‘I’m hungry,’ Addison said as she felt her stomach gurgle, trying to recall the last thing she’d eaten. It must’ve been at least five hours ago if not more but even so her body's call for nourishment was struggling to override her longing not to move from where she was nestled beside her new husband.
‘Wore ya out huh?’ Elvis said, his nimble fingers tickling along her side as she rolled onto her front so that she could see him.
‘Funny,’ she said rolling her eyes.
‘Room service?’ he suggested, enjoying the way his heart fluttered when she smiled at him.
‘Sounds good,’ she said though she sighed when he made no effort to move from the bed, ‘and here I was thinkin’ that you’d be a good husband once we were married.’
‘I just wanted to enjoy the view,’ Elvis smirked as she climbed out of bed in search of a menu, ‘oh and get the champagne!’
As she disappeared into the living room, he flopped back, running his fingers through his hair as he lay there.
Married. Elvis Presley was married, again. And not a soul knew. Well besides him, his wife and the sworn-to secrecy chapel staff but who was counting? He couldn’t believe that after sixteen years of waiting he’d married the love of his life, she was his. After all the torment and heartbreak they were together for what he was determined to be forever because there were no doubts here. There was no fretting or worrying about what lay ahead because with her it felt right, like it always had. That had been the main reason he’d wanted a big wedding in the first place, to finally show everyone that whatever had happened in the past didn’t mean anything because they had their future.
A future he couldn’t wait to begin no more so than when she reappeared, now clad in a nightdress much to his disappointment, clambering onto the bed, champagne bottle and room service menu in hand, as she sat beside him. Though he already knew what he wanted from room service he pretended to peruse the menu she handed him though only for a minute as his attention was diverted to her as she glugged down a mouthful of champagne offering him the bottle a moment later.
He pushed himself to sit up, taking a swig before handing the bottle back to her, watching her closely.
‘What?’ she asked feeling his eyes on her face.
‘Nuthin’,’ he smiled, ‘I’m so glad we did this.’
‘Me too,’ she smiled though it dimmed as she added, ‘though Jess is going to be furious. Mar too.’
‘Maybe we don’t tell them just yet?’ Elvis suggested and though it didn’t seem all that fair it was probably the best option given how upset he knew both the girls would be let alone Marci. Addison pondered that for a moment, gnawing on her lip nervously before she said, ‘maybe we don’t tell anyone.’
‘Huh?’ Elvis replied.
‘I mean maybe this wedding can just be for us? Our little secret,’ she suggested. She knew it was silly to ask for more after all he’d already given her today and yet she couldn’t help but want it. To have something that was just theirs. So that in years to come when people talked about the Presley wedding; about the food, or the venue or the god-forsaken flowers they’d be talking about something else entirely and they'd never know. They’d never know that when they spoke of the luxurious designer wedding dress she wore Addison was thinking about an old summer dress she’d bought many moons ago when she, Jess and Marci had taken a vacation to the beach. They’d never know that when they raved about how good the sit down dinner they’d had was Addison would agree recalling a midnight snack of burgers and pancakes picked off a room service menu and washed down with champagne. They’d never know that the first dance they gushed about, the pair of them dancing elegantly across the back lawn, wasn’t the first dance Addison recalled instead thinking of the pair of them laughing and giggling in an uncoordinated tangle above the city of Las Vegas. No, all those things would just be for them and fortunately, Elvis seemed to be on the same wavelength as he said, ‘yeah, maybe you’re right.’
‘Our little secret,’ she said.
‘Our little secret,’ he nodded leaning in so that he was barely an inch from her face, his thumb and forefinger pinching her chin to keep her in place as he said, ‘are you happy Mrs Presley?’
‘Happier than ever.’
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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guardevoir · 9 months
Fiber arts update!
First of all, figured out the uneven tension on the Kiwi 3. The problem was, predictably, me... or more precisely my foot placement. Turns out the Kiwi 3 is surprisingly fussy about where on the treadle your feet go, and I have to place them much further back (or... front? depending on your perspective. Further away from the wheel) than I usually do with my vintage wheel.
So. Test yarn, Icelandic and sari silk:
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standard worsted-ish 2-ply; I just... put the silk bits on the combed top and hoped they wouldn't fall off before I drafted them, lol. Somehow this turned out pretty good, spinning-wise, and I don't know how I did it. Also it's fucking gorgeous and I need to make more of this.
And, test yarn the second: superfine merino.
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This is a limp, underplied POS that I desperately need to feed back through the wheel. It's also more uneven than I'm used to, but it's getting there! (Incidentally, the fiber was day 21 of my advent calendar)
Aaaaand then my blending board got there and I got really sidetracked and blended up some mini rolags.
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Corriedale (calendar: day 1) as a base, with bits of German Mountain Sheep (calendar: day 2), Viscose (calendar: day 13), sari silk, red merino, and just a tiny bit of sparkle.
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Between me being a noob at making rolags and using, like, ALL the lumpy components, this turned out a bit more slubby and irregular than I'd like... but it's also pretty as heck.
I'll probably use it as weft in some kinda small weaving project, but idk what I can do with 35g of yarn, so. yeah!
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Bpp how have you been handling chapter2? Do you get bored or lose interest in Bts in hiatus? Do the solo rollouts not bother you? Please be honest I really want to know you true opinion.
Hi Anon,
Chapter 2 has been rough for you, hasn’t it? At least, based on your ask it sounds like it’s been. Tangentially, did you enjoy yourself this past weekend?
I’ve said this before, but if you ever feel like it’s a chore to remain plugged into BTS or stan culture, please step back. Don’t feel guilty about detaching if you no longer find joy in it. Move on to another hobby or another group if that’s where you’re at. BTS has fans, don’t worry. Don’t feel any obligation to stick around if Chapter 2 isn’t serving you what you want. You can check back in 2026 when the guys are together, or move beyond them completely.
That said, personally, I wonder how you can even ask me this question. Like, what else has Chapter 2 been but a trip? Lollapalooza, Balming Tiger collab, World Cup, Jungkook’s birthday video for Jimin, Indigo collabs, Set Me Free Pt 2, Promise on Spotify, On The Street, D-DAY tour, Yoonmin live, etc.
It’s been a blast. The music is easily some of the best globally this year and last. To illustrate:
The song I just listened to is Baseline by j-hope.
It's like a drug for me.
I don't think you understand.
I get high... off their music. Like, I don't know why you think two years of irregular releases without their full promotion of that music, will change my underlying sentiment. BTS scratches an itch few other artists can reach for me.
[ The sentiment? BTS is one of the best musicians of my generation. They make music that actually slaps. Any day of the week. Any genre they touch. It's prime good music. ]
Let me walk you through my playlist for the last half hour:
J-hope - Baseline
Baseline is the sauciest hiphop joint out of Korea, ever. J-hope is undeniably one of the most skilled and versatile rappers out of Asia. Point. Blank. Period.
RM, Tablo - All Day
RM's vocals in All Day render me a stupid mess. He's sooooooo... he's kinda nasty. I mean, it's big, he's kinda messy with it, but he ultimately knows how to use it, and he knows you know that he knows. All of this I deduced from his articulation and delivery on All Day. Tablo too, that tease, matched Joon's energy seamlessly. No further comment.
RM, Mahalia, Benny Blanco - Closer
Namjoon created a masterpiece with Indigo. It's an atrocity that many people won't admit it. Really. Indigo is the album of 2022 (Hurt by NewJeans being the song of the year, and JITB at Lollapalooza 2022 by j-hope the concert experience of the year.) Closer is an impeccably produced song. I mean it's almost disgusting how smooth the production, arrangement, instrumentation, etc on that song is.
Jimin - Alone
The cold clarity in his lyrics. How raw and honest he is, in such a well produced track... people need to show this song more respect.
RM - Change Pt 2.
The only song that rivals how brilliant and badass this one is, is Set Me Free Pt 2 by Jimin.
Agust D - D-DAY
The entirety of D-DAY album still has me in a vice grip, but something about D-DAY the song, rips to the core. How he manages to slip something rock anthemic into the epic call to arms he made that song into... Yoongi is in a league of one.
And to drive home the point, listen to him on HUH?!
Agust D, j-hope - HUH?!
Still the best song on the album. Undeniably. I mean, if you don't black out when this song comes on are you even alive? /gen. No matter where I am, what I'm doing, I could be exiting my company's underground garage, loading laundry, whatever... no matter what I'm doing, when this song comes on I feel my brain short circuit. It's like a mental reset. I suddenly feel so alert and primed with tension I could kill a person if I felt like it. The grandmas scared about what rap does to teens... songs like HUH?!, really do flip a switch in people's heads. They're right to worry because that's what the genre, drill - the gritty, ominous, and violent contemporary expression of rap - that's what it's made to do. And Yoongi showed an effortless mastery of it in HUH?!
Agust D - tour medley
I hope people who weren't able to see Agust D in person, were at least able to see him in the livestreamed concerts. Many times since I saw him in California, I've come back to some fancams from his earliest days of the tour. This one by rogrog is a favourite. Yoongi is a master of his craft who loves to show off his virtuosity. And in his D-DAY tour, that's what he does.
j-hope, J. Cole - On The Street
Jung Hoseok just casually produced this timeless classic and dipped to the military. No fuss. No sweat. No excuses. He just did the thing, had J. Cole spit some of the sickest bars of his career on that song, then said, "see you later."
Things like this are why he's my bias.
He's a consummate professional.
Unpopular opinion, but I have no real issues with their solo roll-outs. I'm not unsatisfied with too much and frankly, I'm so greedy for new music I wouldn't mind another cluttered roll-out. I hope Joon's music follows soon after JK's because God knows I'm not sure I can stand the wait much longer. Joon makes a lot of 'BTS-style' music and so whatever he drops will serve as the perfect complement to Seven / JJK1. And Vmin will likely drop new music in the next year as well.
Chapter 2 has been kind of a blast.
That's my "true opinion", Anon.
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