#how many silly goofy terms can i make
anyone has an unhinged tom holland character for me to ship with jake gyllenhaal's donnie darko, i'm craving a ✨ rarepair ✨
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jonnywaistcoat · 5 months
What’s your opinion on the contrast between “silly” and “serious” spaces? Do you think people can have very serious interpretations about a genuine piece of media and also be goofy about it? I’m asking this particularly because I’ve seen people in the Magnus podcast fandoms fight about people “misinterpreting” characters you, Alex, and the many other authors have written. Are you okay with the blorbofication or do you really wish the media you’ve written would be “taken seriously” 100% of the time?
And follow up question, what do you think about the whole “it’s up to the reader (or in some cases, listener) to make their own conclusions and interpretations and that does not make them wrong”, versus the “it was written this way because the author intended it this way, and we should respect that” argument?
This is a question I've given a lot of thought over the years, to the point where I don't know how much I can respond without it becoming a literal essay. But I'll try.
My main principle for this stuff boils roughly down to: "The only incorrect way to respond to art is to try and police the responses of others." Art is an intensely subjective, personal thing, and I think a lot of online spaces that engage with media are somewhat antithetical to what is, to me, a key part of it, which is sitting alone with your response to a story, a character, a scene or an image and allowing yourself to explore it's effect on you. To feel your feelings and think about them in relation to the text.
Now, this is not to say that jokes and goofiness about a piece of art aren't fucking great. I love to watch The Thing and drink in the vibes or arctic desolation and paranoia, or think about the picture it paints of masculinity as a sublimely lonely thing where the most terrible threat is that of an imposed, alien intimacy. And that actually makes me laugh even more the jokey shitpost "Do you think the guys in The Thing ever explored each other's bodies? Yeah but watch out". Silly and serious don't have to be in opposition, and I often find the best jokes about a piece of media come from those who have really engaged with it.
And in terms of interpreting characters? Interpreting and responding to fictional characters is one of the key functions of stories. They're not real people, there is no objective truth to who they are or what they do or why they do it. They are artificial constructs and the life they are given is given by you, the reader/listener/viewer, etc. Your interpetation of them can't be wrong, because your interpretation of them is all that there is, they have no existence outside of that.
And obviously your interpretation will be different to other people's, because your brain, your life, your associations - the building blocks from which the voices you hear on a podcast become realised people in your mind - are entirely your own. Thus you cannot say anyone else's is wrong. You can say "That's not how it came across to me" or "I have a very different reading of that character", but that's it. I suppose if someone is fundamentally missing something (like saying "x character would never use violence" when x character strangles a man to death in chapter 4) you could say "I think that's a significant misreading of the text", but that's only to be reserved for if you have the evidence to back it up and are feeling really savage.
I think this is one of the things that saddens me a bit about some aspects of fandom culture - it has a tendency to police or standardise responses or interpretations, turning them from personal experiences to be explored into public takes to be argued over. It also has the occasional moralistic strain, and if there's one thing I wish I could carve in stone on every fan space it's that Your Responses to a Piece of Art Carry No Intrinsic Moral Weight.
As for authorial intention, that's a simpler one: who gives a shit? Even the author doesn't know their own intentions half the time. There is intentionality there, of course, but often it's a chaotic and shifting mix of theme and story and character which rarely sticks in the mind in the exact form it had during writing. If you ask me what my intention was in a scene from five years ago, I'll give you an answer, but it will be my own current interpretation of a half-remembered thing, altered and warped by my own changing relationship to the work and five years of consideration and change within myself. Or I might not remember at all and just have a guess. And I'm a best case scenario because I'm still alive. Thinking about a writers possible or stated intentions is interesting and can often lead to some compelling discussion or examination, but to try and hold it up as any sort of "truth" is, to my mind, deeply misguided.
Authorial statements can provide interesting context to a work, or suggest possible readings, but they have no actual transformative effect on the text. If an author says of a book that they always imagined y character being black, despite it never being mentioned in the text, that's interesting - what happens if we read that character as black? How does it change our responses to the that character actions and position? How does it affect the wider themes and story? It doesn't, however, actually make y character black because in the text itself their race remains nonspecific. The author lost the ability to make that change the moment it was published. It's not solely theirs anymore.
So yeah, that was a fuckin essay. In conclusion, serious and silly are both good, but serious does not mean yelling at other people about "misinterpretations", it means sitting with your personal explorations of a piece of art. All interpretations are valid unless they've legitimately missed a major part of the text (and even then they're still valid interpretations of whatever incomplete or odd version of the text exists inside that person's brain). Authorial intent is interesting to think about but ultimately unknowable, untrustworthy and certainly not a source of truth. Phew.
Oh, and blorbofication is fine, though it does to my mind sometimes pair with a certain shallowness to one's exploration of the work in question.
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onlymingyus · 1 year
things Seventeen do between someone's thighs
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this is just for fun -- some of the ideas will be a bit silly and poking fun at the members but all of them will be smutty. thank you to @onlyseokmins for dealing with my nonsense.
cw; oral (mostly f receiving), fingering, sulking, bad jokes, and fuck boy attitudes.
also, no tag list because I am just not in the best headspace and don't feel like going through the effort, I apologize.
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This man isn't there to play...most of the time, but he can get a bit cocky. He'd be three fingers deep, his tongue working hard when he'd get a cramp in his hand. You wouldn't know what was happening when your orgasm was pulled away from you only to find a sulky Cheol between your thighs pouting at his hand.
"I went too hard..."
"My poor baby...want me to kiss it better?"
He'd just nod and hold up his wet fingers, his pout covering a smile as he got you to kiss his fingers dripping with your own arousal.
Jeonghan would love being between your thighs but he's going to be the absolute worst when it comes to giving you what you want when you want it. All the baby talk against your thighs, his mouth running over your legs, stomach, even right over your folds but never giving in until you are almost crying. Then when you beg him for it he'd be faux exasperated that you were, sighing at you, running his tongue between your soaked folds between speaking.
"You could have just told me what you wanted."
You'd spend most of your time wanting to strangle the man with your thighs.
Good luck getting him between your thighs in the first place. Slow and steady wins the race.
"There's no rush, love. We have all the time in the world."
It's not that he doesn't want to pleasure you. It's not that he doesn't want you. This man is just into delayed gratification. He wants to be a son-in-law one day and in your bed at the same time.
He'll make you scream his name on your wedding night and then good luck getting him from between your thighs.
So good at oral and such a freak in a good way. Loves to try new things but is also such a dork. Would be in the middle of making you orgasm and would stop only to look up at you with a goofy smile on his face only to say;
"Mmm, cum here often?"
There isn't much to say about what this man would do. You probably already know.
He is going to growl into your pussy.
I am so sorry.
There are some nights you are shaking with pleasure from how good Wonwoo is making you feel with his tongue and fingers. Other nights you are wanting to smack the shit out of him with the book he laid on your stomach while his fingers scissor into you.
"Well, I really wanted to do both. You can't be mad at me for wanting both things, can you?"
The biggest issue with Jihoon is finding him and getting him to take a break. So you are having to come to terms with the fact that you aren't getting his tongue between your thighs in a bed anytime soon. You are either on his couch in his studio, laid over his desk, or on a piece of gym equipment.
At the end of the day he's so fucking good at it, can you really complain that much?
Loves to talk and is so loud even while eating you out. Your fingers run through his hair, tugging trying to keep his mouth flush with your pussy but something comes to his mind and Dokyeom hums against your folds pulling back to take a breath.
"Oh, baby did I tell you that I saw a really cute dog today? I almost decided to steal it. I mean clearly, I didn't because that is wrong and I don't steal things, especially animals but I really wanted to because---"
A loud muffled groan would escape his lips as you sigh loudly his tongue diving back into your leaking entrance, his fingers digging into your thighs as he appreciates your taste. You love him but god, he loves to talk.
He's got game. He knows he's good at eating you out. He's made you cum so many times on his tongue it's ridiculous but when you glance down at him and he literally winks at you from between your thighs you can't help but close your thighs around his head making him whine and pout against your pussy.
Mingyu's hands grope at your thighs as you roll your eyes finally letting him move and get a full breath as he pouts at you fully.
"I had such a good groove. Why did you do that? Not that getting suffocated by your thighs isn't in my top ten ways to go..."
Another muffled whine leaves the man's mouth when you close your thighs followed by a muffled laugh. Mingyu nibbles at your thighs until you let him loose so he can pout at you again.
"I'm not dating a fuck boy. Don't wink at me from between my thighs while you are eating me out."
"Aww, but I'm cute..."
"God, you are really trying to be suffocated tonight."
"Top ten ways to go...I told you."
You would have to remind the man you aren't an art project multiple times a night. Cum is not an art material Xu Minghao.
He'd spend so much time using his fingers to make you cum so he could drag his fingers along your thighs creating patterns only to lick them clean. Listening to you whine and whimper for him to fuck you, but clearly, he is busy...he is painting his canvas.
Going down on you doesn't have to be a competition but it is for Seungkwan and he is in that competition with himself. How long did it take to make you cum? 3 minutes? Last time it was 5. He can do better.
You didn't know your thighs needed nicknames but Vernon needed a reason to slide between Laverne and Shirley to make himself comfortable for the night.
He would need to be reminded that his face is in fact not a seat or a throne. Especially since he doesn't need to say it in front of friends or family.
He would forget where he was depending on his mood and what you were wearing. You'd see the look in his eye and the next thing you'd know Chan's hand would be on your hip.
"Fuck...I need you on my face."
Your face hot, and you'd look at your friends who would be trying to hide their laughter. By this time they should be used to it but it's still interesting to hear about your bedroom habits so openly.
"How bout we talk about it when we get home, Chan?"
Looking around, he'd only get shy for a moment before he'd look at you again and shake his head.
"Then let's go home. Your throne is getting cold and lonely."
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
i'd love to hear your interpretation of the day 8 call ("You don't give up do you?") on Saeyoung's route! that has to be my favorite call, especially the end lolol
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I mean, if anything, this is a representation that goes against the idea that Saeyoung "suddenly becomes a big meanie in his route and he's not playing games with me anymore, he's such a jerk! The time we've spent with him in the apartment is awful because he isn't the silly guy on the game previews!"
I really don't care for people who talk about him that way. If you only value him because he's silly, then you don't actually value him at all as a person. That's why you drive right into the bad ending, figuratively and literally. If you don't value his emotions and allow him to come to terms with what just happened to him, then you don't like Saeyoung.
Saeyoung just realized he sold his life away for NOTHING. Rika and V promised him that Saeran would be safe, and now he's just learned it was a lie. It was all a lie. His brother isn't safe, he's suffering in horrible ways that Saeyoung can't even begin to imagine because every time he closes his eyes, he wants throw up at the thought of Saeran being forced to learn how to hack and hurt others.
He traded his autonomy away to give his brother a chance at a free life, and not even a perfectly free life, a life that could be as free as he could have been given the circumstances. Saeyoung did it because thought the sacrifice would be worth it and threw away everything for nothing. It was for nothing because his brother has no nothing but misery. 
Can you imagine what it must feel like to sacrifice everything and realize it was for nothing? Do you think anybody in his position will be silly and goofy? No. That's not even the entirety of his being. He is not just some guy who likes to play pranks on people. The RFA is his family, and he’s accepted they’ll be the only family he’ll ever have because he can’t be with Saeran. So, he looks over them and does all kinds of things to lift their spirits. 
He got Yoosung into LOLOL. 
He runs Twitter bots for Zen. 
He hangs out with Jaehee and lets her vent about work. 
He’s aware that Elizabeth’s collar has SENSITIVE INFORMATION on it, and is constantly pressing Jumin to up his security. 
Sure, he plays around and pokes fun at everybody, and yes, that’s a part of who he is. But, if you only believe he's a silly prankster, then you have spent no time reflecting on why he's wearing a mask and settling it in the first place.
Saeyoung Choi is a multifaceted person and he isn’t just a joke. He's a compassionate man who will do anything and everything to take care of the people he loves, he loves going out for drives, he loves working on robotics, he can make up a story on the spot about the stars, he loves cosplay and cross-dressing, he loves so many things and he could spend three hours explaining his love of language and linguistics to you if you ASKED.
He is serious and if he's trying to piece together a plan, he's going to have a contingency ready for his contingency. He's ready for anything you throw at him. He can hold a conversation at length about any subject you throw at him and he will enjoy it far more than you think he will. 
He's stubborn to a fault. He can be clingy and paranoid at his worst. Sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he says things without thinking. But, that's what makes him human, with all his faults, flaws, and aspirations. There is so much more to him than being a jokester and if you don't understand that, you're not paying attention to what's happening during your time in the apartment. 
All of this is to say that it's not okay that he's mean to you in the apartment, but a lot of people tend to blow what he's doing out of proportion. If you are actively calling him throughout the day and listening to what he says, it is so obvious that he is lying through his teeth. He may be the best liar in the world when it comes to his work in the agency, but when it comes to you, he is the worst liar I have ever seen in my entire life.
He cannot hide how much he cares about you. When he thinks you're not eating he goes out of his way to make sure he orders every kind of sandwich imaginable just in case you have a picky palette. When you leave the apartment to get something for him, he gets upset with you, not because he's angry with you, but because he hates that you're not thinking of your safety when his brother could have really hurt you even if it hurts him to admit that. 
And, you know what happens in this phone call? He sees you crying and he immediately folds. It doesn't matter how frustrated he is with the fact that his life is built on a lie, he still wants to comfort you because you make him happy no matter how afraid he is to admit that.
When it comes down to it, he's just afraid of letting you into his life because the last time he had somebody close to him that he would do anything for, they suffered. He just watched what happened to his brother all because he cared about him and thought he could trust his brother with people who didn't give him a reason not to trust them. 
The only reason he tries to push you away is because he's afraid of you getting hurt like his brother. He can't stomach what happened to his brother as it is, but the thought of watching another person he loves suffering isn't something he can stand. If you work with him and give him the space he needs, then he'll apologize to you and realize that he can't live his life this way forever.
He can't deny himself happiness for the rest of his life just because he's afraid to make a leap. This call shows he can't lie about anything when it comes to you no matter how hard he tries. He could lie to the rest of the world but he could never lie to you. 
My favorite part is the way his voice trembles near the end of the phone call and he asks you if it's okay to Hold Your Hand despite everything. 
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jeromevalecka · 1 year
୨୧ jerome valeska nsfw alphabet .
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words : 889
warnings : nsfw , extreme ish kinks , jerome (😭) and overall sexual themes
notes : reader is gn but afab , smut. sorry for any grammar mistakes n I hope this is sorta in character ♡
A = aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Jerome at first doesn't know what to do and just goes to clean himself up. If you were to give him hints though he'd of course clean you up too. If he's tired after he'll request to cuddle and fall asleep together
B = body part (favorite body part of their own and their s/o's )
He likes his hands most for some reason, he loves seeing it on your body, around your throat and whenever you were to suck on his fingers. In terms of his s/o's favorite body part it's definitely your throat or hips. Loves pulling you close by the hips and choking you
C = cum (anything that has to do with it)
Jerome definitely has a breeding kink, he likes "marking" you as his, definitely also loves cumming into your mouth
D = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory)
He's into being choked as well. Would also love to have sex somewhere publicly. Though Jerome is mostly an open book with you about his kinks, fantasies etc so these would probably be discussed at some point.
E = Experience (do they know what they are doing)
Jerome probably hasn't had sex before you came along. But his confidence and his knowledge definitely makes up for it!
F = favorite position
Loves doggy-style , he can pull your hair and slam into you more rough this way. He also likes the riding position
G = goofy (how serious are they)
I think we all know Jerome , so he'd probably be a little silly goofy during sex but of course also takes it serious. Would love for you to crack up a laugh during it though when he makes a joke.
H = hair (grooming habits)
Never shaves, likes the way it looks unshaven, plus he couldn't care less.
I = intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
I think we all guessed but he looooves going rough and hard.
J = jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Used to masturbate like everyday, now does it every once in a while if you aren't around.
K = kinks (certain kinks they like)
some of his kinks are : ax play, knife play, choking kink, bdsm, spit kink, public sex, biting kink, dacraphilia (gets aroused if you were to cry), hair pulling, daddy kink etc.
L = location (where they like to get it on)
Prefers the bedroom, but has definitely had fantasies of doing you in a dark alleyway somewhere in Gotham or in a ride at the carnival.
M = Motivation (things that turn them on)
If you were to let out groans or certain noises. Seeing your cleavage, ass or just you in underwear. Sucking on his fingers. Whenever you sit down on his lap etc.
N = no (turnoffs or absolutely won't-do's)
anything involving sex with multiple people, he wants you all to himself.
O = oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
absolutely loves giving you head (like I stated in my previous nsfw hcs for him), he's actually pretty good at it. Blowjobs are also one of his favorite things, likes to throatfuck you.
P = pace (how fast they are and how long they last)
Jerome likes going fast, he can probably go for 3 rounds if he isn't tired.
Q = quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Jerome's hips always lose control, he loses himself in the moment so his page is fast and his thrusts are hard.
R = risk (do they like to try new things)
He's not opposed to new things and would be willing to try stuff out with you.
S = stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
can definitely go 3 rounds or more whenever he's not tired, each round is less than 7 mins max
T = toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or their s/o)
He has definitely bought one of those remote control vibrators before to tease you with when you guys are out.
U = unfair (how do they tease and do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Of course he's such a tease during sex, he likes seeing you get desperate and needy for him. It goes the same way if you were to tease him, he'd definitely lose patience and start getting desperate.
V = volume (are they loud, what kind of sounds and do they talk)
Jerome is definitely not afraid to let you hear how much he's enjoying it. Definitely groans a lot during sex and loooves to praise you (if you wanna be degraded he's definitely up for that too)
W = wild card (random sincanon of any sort)
He loves leaving bites and hickies all over you from neck to thighs. Also likes it if you were to squeeze his ass while in missionary (it turns him on more).
X = x-ray (what's down below in their pants)
He's a solid 6.3 inches and his shaft curves upwards a little.
Y = yearning (sexdrive level)
He gets horny super easily and once he does you can't stop him 😭
Z = zzz (do they sleep afterwards and if so how quickly after)
He definitely gets sleepy after it, likes cuddling and falling asleep together with you. He usually falls asleep after a solid 7 minutes as he snores quietly and softly in your arms.
requests are open ! thank you for reading have a great day/night ♡
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finalgilmoregirl · 10 months
☆ random thoughts about what i think being in a relationship with mike would be like :
a/n : no gender specified, no y/n + no mentions of the actual movie plot
he’s actually pretty quick to open up after the first couple of dates. i think he would want you to know his situation as soon as possible and understand what you might be getting yourself into if the relationship has any chance of becoming long term.
he also does it for abby’s sake, he doesn’t want you to meet her and accidentally say the wrong thing, or be surprised by their situation so much that you get scared off, leaving poor abby confused.
likes watching horror movies, but only over the top, borderline goofy ones (i.e. nightmare on elm street, child’s play, gremlins, signs). he gets fidgety and even anxious during any where the antagonist is human, some might hit a bit too close to home.
cheesy low budget slashers have a pass. the acting is bad enough and the plot is predictable enough to keep him entertained but not lead him to spiral. those and again, goofy ones are when he pulls out the “here, i’ll protect you” move about fifteen minutes in, of course just wanting an excuse to hold you.
he’s the worst at grocery shopping. he always goes when he’s hungry which leads to too many snacks and frozen meals. and as much as you love the convenience, you know he and abby can’t live like this. which leads to you pushing the cart around while he holds the list you made and grumbles things like “when are we even going to eat rice?” and “i don’t need all of these vegetables, they’re just going to go bad.”
in the end, he’s grateful. and abby is too now that you introduced them to the world of easy to make side dishes.
stealing his clothes duh!! he could groan about how he’d been looking for that hoodie or his sweatpants and sometimes even socks (yes even the ones with the holes in them) but at the end of the day he’ll allow it because he loves the way his clothes look on you, and you love smelling like him.
like i mentioned earlier, he lives for touch. it’s something he didn’t know he was missing until he met you. then it’s all he wants when he’s around you. it can be you running a hand through his hair, or him pulling your back into his chest with an arm around your shoulder.
he loves forehead touching. he loves it when you do it as a way to cheer him up, making a silly face, causing him to pull away and giggle into your neck. he loves it on late nights where he’s just woken up from another bad dream and you do it to calm him down, allowing him to match his breath with yours. he loves it after a moment of passion, and as he stares into your eyes all he sees staring back is pure adoration. it’s the intimacy in the close proximity that he never gets tired of.
he has a temper but it’s hard to blame him. it comes from a place of anxiety, where any high stress situation causes a fight or flight response in him. he hates it about himself, and even after you forgive him after an argument for snapping at you or abby or for shutting you out at a time when he shouldn’t, he still kicks himself for it.
abby usually taking your side in debates just to spite her brother. even if its about something she has no knowledge about, you're in the right! which usually leads to mike jokingly mumbling about how much she likes you more than him.
finally, date nights!!! and as much as mike likes the idea of going out for drinks or for dinner and a movie, he and his wallet favor a more intimate night in at his home. these kinds of dates are few and far between, since its hard for mike to find someone he trusts enough to send abby away with. but on the rare chance that she gets invited to a friends slumber party just a block over, he takes it and spends the night drinking and laughing with you over a plate of your guys' favorite take out orders.
hope you enjoyed! ☆ requests are open btw
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Rating names/terms for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome:
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: 10/10 Lawful neutral, it’s the official terminology, lets you know what’s up
EDS (in all caps): 9/10 Sometimes confused with other unrelated conditions and acronyms but usually works
EDs (‘S’ is lowercase): 2/10 Usually refers to erectile dysfunction or eating disorders, which causes a lot of confusion.
Ehlers Danlos: 8/10. Good shorthand while still knowing what’s going on.
Earers Daniel’s Syndrome: 1/10. I have only heard this once, from an ER doctor. He said it to me as he turned away from his screen (which was pulled up to the Web MD page for EDS) and proceeded to mansplain my condition to me inaccurately. At least he tried.
“Eyers Dan—“ *waves hand around*: -5/10 I’ve heard this one a lot from medical professionals. I just know I’m about to be malpracticed and am already planning the quickest way out of the situation.
Zebras: 6/10 I like the imagery, I like mascots, I like the story (when doctors are in med school they’re told “if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras” but them zebras are missed) however, I have two criticisms: a) more rare conditions are out there, and zebras technically refers to any rare diseases, not just EDS b) I feel sad when I think about how it basically calls EDS the “I was medically malpracticed disease”
EDSers: 8/10 a cute lil shorthand for “people with EDS”. Easier to explain than the zebras thing
hEDS/vEDS/cEDS/including subtypes: 7/10 I like the idea of being able to know what your subtype is and find people in your sub community, HOWEVER my only concern is that it can feel (and used for) invalidating people without a genetically confirmed subtype because of inaccessibility. I haven’t had gene testing because I can’t afford it— but I have clinically diagnosed EDS, which has been confirmed at multiple hospitals by multiple specialists. I score a 9/9 on the Brighton, meet all major criteria, and meet almost every other minor criteria for EDS on top of that. But I don’t know my subtype yet. I don’t hate/dislike people who use this term and I don’t discourage it, but I do encourage mindfulness about genetic testing accessibility and privilege of access.
Bendy disease: 10/10 a silly goofy joke I say with friends “I cannot walk up stairs on account of my loosey goosey bendy disease” which is always funny to me. Even with my serious things like “my life threatening cardiac conditions are rapidly progressing” you add “on account of my bendy disease” and bam theres my coping skill.
Ehlers: 3/10 a step in the right direction, but it sounds like “yellers” and dismisses half of the team that described the condition
“Double jointed”: 1/10 I was told my whole life until I was 18 that I was just “double jointed” for starters, it’s medically inaccurate. You’re hyper extending, subluxing, or even dislocating joints whenever you’re “double jointed” in a joint. There is not two joints there (unless you’ve had x rays and for some reason genuinely do have two joints in that spot). I honestly hate this term and it’s incredibly dismissive of the pain that happens with EDS while also making it seem like a super power that we’re encouraged to do
Contortionist: 1/10 [NOTE!!! some contortionists DO NOT have EDS and can just bend like that. Some have benign joint hypermobility. But many contortionists do have EDS.] In the context of people with EDS, I hate this term. It’s often the first thing people jump to when I explain my condition. They see my crippled ass in my wheelchair/powerchair or limping around with my cane/crutches/rollator, usually in multiple braces/supports (and thats just external noticeable-to-everyone things, let alone if you hear any aspects of my daily life) and their first thought is: “wow!! So you can entertain me like it’s a freak show!” And not “holy shit dozens of dislocations per day and countless subluxations per day must be excruciating”. I did contortions when I was younger to get praise and due to peer pressure. Fuck that noise I will not be your ugly law era freak show creepy cripple p0rn. Fuck everything to do with that actually.
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fairytsuk1 · 7 months
part two please of quackity with a mom!gf 🥺💞
alex with a mom!gf !!
honestly alex loves your daughter so bad like its insane how he goes from shy at the first meeting to letting her put clips in his hair as he does a goofy voice, “¿veo como princesa, mija?”
“siiiii,” she exclaims, giggling when he pulls her into his lap, “let’s play more!”
“heh, okayy,” and his eyes catch yours, “care to join?”
i’m also getting really emotional over catching him acting more parental and considering her needs with you!!! like i think alex is in love with you, thus your daughter means everything to him especially in a long term relationship
“does itzel like those, like, applesauce things?”
“yep! and mazapan, but don’t get too many of those,” you hum, distracted by two versions of broccoli.
alex smirks, grabbing a box and disguising it within the groceries till you’re in check-out, “oh, but she loves them! anddd… i’ve seen you sneak some, mhm?”
he smirks, hands circling your waist as he practically purrs into your ear. god. does itzel need a sibling?
also imagining movie nights together HELPPP IM GONNA DIE HELPPP like its acc making me emotional to think abt alex, you, and itzel cuddled up together on the couch watching some kids movie
i feel like you can just see how tender alex is when he makes silly comments during the movie and making sure to boop her nose. his arm is around your shoulder and it just feels like … family.
he becomes your home, your love, and eventually apart of your tiny family. and its a bonus that itzel loves him too;)
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cheezbites · 1 year
Dating Soap
✎: I know this is quite short compared to my other ones, but I'm falling asleep as I write. :(ENJOY!!! (Bf!Soap x F!Reader)
♡Summary: Headcanons of dating Soap <3
Bf!Soap was sharing headphones with you on a rainy day, and a sudden thought crossed your mind:
“Wait, I need to show you a song, ‘kinda reminds me of you.” You muttered, reaching for your phone before playing it.
Your head on his shoulder as it played, completely clueless as to how grand your gesture was to him. To you, it was just a song that reminded you of him each time you listened. But to Soap, this was his newest prized possession. Ever since that day, he listened to it incessantly. Either if he was running errands, driving, or humming the melody when he was stressed.
Bf!Soap’s greatest quality was his striking mohawk; (duh) and he protected it with his life. He undoubtedly deemed it his greatest responsibility. He also trusted you with his life, so every now and then he let you trim split ends or unkept strands. (He would've never let anyone else do this in a million years, Simon being the only exception).
Bf!Soap enjoyed the lengthy philosophical conversations you’d randomly have, going from discussing your favourite animals to how the universe began and if there really is a greater power. And although he can be goofy and silly at times that man is genuinely smart.
Bf!Soap perpetually teased you the moment he discovered you couldn't read a clock:
“What time is it, bonnie?” he asked, his eyes glued to the TV playing a football match.
You had no access to a digital clock as your phone was dead, so your gaze instinctively shot to the wall clock.
“It’s, um... something something... PM,”
And the moment he came to terms with his newfound discovery, he laughed so hard he got excruciatingly painful cramps and started seeing stars.
“Ugh, I just couldn’t be bothered to learn when I was younger. We have technology and stuff now!” you proclaimed, defensively crossing your arms.
“Oh my word,” he mumbled while clutching his stomach, still wheezing out a few dry chuckles.
From that mildly humiliating experience, he taught you how to read one instead of continuously laughing at you.
"So, bonnie," he began, "You see the big hand, right? That's the minute hand. ‘Tells you how many minutes have passed."
You nodded, feeling a bit sheepish but willing to learn.
"And the wee hand - that's the hour hand."
You watched the hands move, slowly beginning to grasp the concept. "Okay, I think I'm getting it.”
Soap could sense the lingering doubt in your tone. He leaned in closer, his warm brown eyes locked onto yours. "You sure, love?"
“No - of course I do!”
You hesitated, then sighed.
"Okay, maybe not entirely."
"Let's break it down again. Remember, big hand is minutes, wee hand is hours."
He patiently explained it once more, a softness visible in his tone. He took the time to answer your questions and clarify any confusion.
As you finally began to grasp the art of reading a clock, he rewarded you with a proud smile. "See, you've got it now, haven't ya?" he laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
(Clock reading is too simple for someone to not understand, obviously. BUT just imagine soap explaining something complicated to you until you understand - like being so patient, not mansplaining in the slightest. Like ooouuhh🏃🏽‍♀️)
Bf!Soap was thoroughly amused as he watched you go to town on uninvited moths around the house. You grasped a nearby kitchen towel and started ruthlessly thwacking it. Thankfully for him, he didn’t have to deal with the spiders and insects - as you thoroughly enjoyed making them suffer a harsh and unnecessarily truculent death. Maybe it was a bit much, sure. But who asked them to be here, anyway?
Bf!Soap telling you about his dreams alongside your guys’s morning caffeine refreshments was your entertainment for the morning. His dreams almost always included you and were oddly specific and vague, yet so realistic all at the same time.
“So, babe,” he'd start, settling down on the couch next to you “last night's adventure was a doozy…”
“I’m intrigued.” You sipped your coffee and mentally prepared yourself for the most diabolical tale you’ll ever hear.
“I was in a Jaffa Cake factory, right,” he clicked his tongue before continuing, making an effort to recall all the details “and you were there, too, of course. We were both wearing tangerine suits, whilst Price was throwing potatoes at us, telling us to get back to work and whatnot - no joke.”
Bf!Soap has occasional cooking contests with you. You pick random ingredients, and each of you have to create a dish using those ingredients. Both of you fail oh so miserably- you’ve nearly burnt down your house numerous times. Maybe you guys should stick to Tesco meal deals and Deliveroo.😔
A/N: Sorry if I yibber-yabber too much in my writing… I just love going into detail.🤞
Price version
Ghost version
König version
Gaz version
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starsillys · 5 months
getting this out here so I don’t for get later because the tamagotchi au is fresh on my mind and I forgot to elaborate further (I can yap for hours on end)
Kinito was the first created out of the three and was admired by a certain somebody quite a lot,,, he was a beloved character, so much in fact a silly secret guy basically decided to make his oc real and put a lot of efforts and time and lots of passion into creating this tamagotchi by scratch,, like doing the programming and assimilation and stuff,, so you can imagine the massive disappointment when his friend suddenly started bugging out quite frequently and eventually had just. Stopped working for a long while afterwards! Heart broken and stupid, unable to find the cause for this (something silly like. He like. Slightly dislocated a wire after dropping it or something causing it to constantly just have a blank screen by accident and he was unaware of this.. idk I never had a tamagotchi bfore guys I don’t know how they wor’k) he sold the gotchi as it over time became just. A sad memory for him yknow. Anyway Kinito was still very much on. He was awake and aware during this time of accidental abandonment. He just didn’t know the SILLY reasoning behind why his creator and supposed best friend had just left him aside to collect dust,, all alone,,, with no interaction for years,,, and he couldn’t really come out just as yet because after all that time he still had faith. He believed his friend would come back to him. That he wasn’t forgotten and just needed to wait! No need to come out. What if he was busy? What if he just didn’t had time right now? no need to come out, friend will come back so just stay inside. [spoiled once he was being sold like years later is when he actually finally came to the terms that he had indeed been given up on, and had purposely became inactive everytime you (y/n) after purchase tried to interact by feeding or playing with him via the tamagotchi mini games because he was still like. Horribly devastated. Still going through grief but overtime became more grown to his new friend, you!! Because despite how many times he’s refused to go along with any of the activities you tried to do with him, you never really stopped and gave him hope of some sorts that you won’t really be too quick to give up on him as easily! So he kind of took it as a new opportunity to start new,, and now being a bit more expressive of his needs for attention and care, rather than just waiting for you to do it for him whenever it is convenient for you, he will let you know when he needs something one way or another; being more confident with this new friendship to even going so far as to literally come out of the screen! Wowaz!
also side note. Ummmrrr,, kinito was always a very self aware/conscious entity. Like even during development, while he wasn’t rlly all there to process things and what they meant,, he was always conscious and listening. He’s basically one of those guys who had literally remembered everything since like the day of birth. You know those guys with crazy memory. Never forgets anything. so,, m mmm playing into a personal headcanon his creator who shall go unnamed wink wink nudge nudge is kind of a silly goofy guy,, a lil silly,, who likes to talk a lot even when alone,, ummm,,, Kinito picked up on everything dude. Like he was yess yess mhm I agree and listening silent and supportively. Listening to everything his friend was saying. Admiring his creativity and knowledge with what ideas he’d blurt out or how he’d talk to himself when he’d work. He especially loved the idea his creator would constantly talk about regarding the creation other digital entities(fish oc) Kinito loved this idea because it would mean he’d have friends of his own to interact with, since he figured he couldn’t directly so much with his creator, unfortunately. He would listen and observe the sketches or hear about the ideas and early concepts of jade and sam. He absolutely adored his friends, despite not ever meeting them before.
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yakuzacanons · 7 months
valentine’s day coming up!!
what do they boys do to celebrate w their s/o?
Anon how did u read my brain to find out I have been cookin this post for the last few days lol. Happy Valentine's to all of you, my lovelies.
Mild NSFW below. Also this is a long one, sorry in advance.
Kazuma Kiryu
Simple but classy. As it stands, he can't really do anything big or fancy and the Daidoji sure as hell won't let him do many dinner dates if any at all but he makes the most of it. Probably gives you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a heartfelt letter.
Majima Goro
A chocolate thief is on the loose in Sotenbori and his name is Majima Goro. If a giant heart-shaped red velvet size box appears on your doorstep, it's from him. He might even be in it. Open it and find out.
Saejima Taiga
A mix of getting you some gifts and making you something handmade. He's typically torn between two strategies: making you a handmade gift and taking you out to dinner or buying you a gift and making you dinner. Heads up, he will at some point make a handcarved wooden figurine or statue for you one of these years.
Akiyama Shun
You'd think it would be beyond human capabilities for this man to get any sappier than he is but somehow he does it every time. A class act with just the right amount of cheese. Dinner, flowers, the works. You can't tell if you're just that starry eyed over this man or if he actually just fucking sparkles.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Can't afford too much on his salary, but he'll make you an adorable custom basket of all your favorite snacks. Will totally pull some strings at Homeland to get the restaurant open to just you two.
Ryuji Goda
Can afford whatever the hell you want and has no reservations about doing so. However, he DOES have reservations at your favorite restaurant with a bottle of your favorite wine, alongside one of every single favorite item of yours on the planet. Always gets you a piece of customized jewelry.
Nishikiyama Akira
Always gets you a customized bouquet of flowers. Actually pretty into the arrangement and colors and is particular about getting yours just right. Might just even make one himself one of these days. Also gets one of those customizable chocolate boxes or a luxury bag.
Daigo Dojima
Are roses and candles cheesy? Yes. Cheesy is also Daigo's middle name when it comes to Valentine's Day. Man's straight out of a 90's romcom. Probably got the idea from a 90's romcom, actually. Will also be down to watch a 90's romcom with you. Seriously, he prefers a cozy night in anyways.
Mine Yoshitaka
Same vibe as Daigo but sluttier. Seriously. He's a champagne and bubble bath type of hoe, followed by what can only be described as mind blowing sex. Out of all the boys, he's the one who's most likely to have sex on Valentine's Day.
Tatsuo Shinada
He will try his hand at baking you some homemade goodies. Be warned, the first few attempts will be a little wonky. He's doing his best though! He can't afford much so he likes to do homemade things. Would also be down to bake or cook something with you if you're into that.
Ichiban Kasuga
He'd take you on a date that includes all of your favorite activites and your favorite places. As long as he's spending time with you, that's what counts. Will totally end the day by just blurting out something sappy and romantic but would he be Ichiban if he didn't?
Yu Nanba
Likes to do something relaxing, particularly if it takes you two away from the city. Nothing like the peace and quiet of the countryside so you two can be as close as possible. Probably would take a weekend to go to a hot spring with you.
Adachi Koichi
Will actually ask you to be his Valentine. Total cheesefest with this guy. Type of fella to hold a rose between his teeth and say something dumb like "Hey babe, come here often?". In terms of activites, he doesn't have much beyond a nice dinner planned but his personality just oozes goofy, silly love.
Tianyou Zhao
If you thought he'd be doing anything other than cooking you an overly extravagant dinner all by himself, then you'd be dead wrong. Man's out here cooking all your favorite foods, baking your favorite desserts, and making them unbelievably pretty and fancy. He's out here making roses out of the freakin' dumpling pastry, for cryin' out loud!
Joon-Gi Han (Y7)
Sweetie boy is doing his best. Gets a nice cake with a custom message on it, or takes you to an adorable cafe and eats a bunch of sweets with you. Also, yes he's dressing in matching outfits, duh!
Joon-Gi Han (Y6)
This boytoy is taking you to the biggest, fanciest club in town and ordering the biggest, fanciest bottle of champagne they have. Also one of the boys who is likely to get down and dirty on Valentine's Day.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Total class. Years have given him enough knowledge and expertise to pull off a classic Valentine's Day without a hitch. Thinks of everything, from the flowers and dinner all the way down to what color tie goes best with what color suit that would match best with your outfits. Lots of kisses on the back of your hand.
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supercalime · 4 months
hi, i'm the anon from the previous ask! 😊 glad we agree that we want silly goofy happy bucktommy, but also a healthy dose of relationship drama to makes them even stronger and even more secure in their love. the tarlos sl with the lizard was adorable! especially when thinking of bucktommy in endgame terms, i hope we can witness them getting to know each other gradually, and actually see them discuss the typical big questions that should be discussed in any romantic relationship imo. moving in, kids, marriage, pets, past trauma, hopes for the future, likes and dislikes, sex. there is so much to explore. and so many things in life that can cause friction (and positive growth!) in a relationship. fingers crossed we'll get to see all of that with bucktommy 💖
Oh yeah! For sure! This show is dramatic af so I don’t expect any smooth storyline for anyone. We always got fanfics for the fluff!
And like you said, I’d also love to see the steps of their relationship and the questions that come with it. I really would like for the sex talk conflict to be brought up on screen cause there’s some things there that could be really cool to see. What I’d like is for buck to take a long time to have sex, because this relationship is different, not just because it’s his first with a man, but given how buck is a slut (affectionate) a good conflict that could come from it is him being questioned on why he’s waiting so long (maybe by the 118 because they know he’s a slut) and we could see him confessing that he’s maybe scared of “ruining” it with tommy, that maybe he’s afraid of losing him, since all the people he had sex with eventually left. But at the end of the episode tommy reassures him and it goes great. Maybe I’m just rambling non sense here idk, I just thought of it lol
And yes! Fingers crossed! I just want them back on my screen!
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
hihi its me!!! i was wondering if i could request a small comfort blurb with 3 dante? im going thru some tough times and my silly little dude always helps me feel better, thank u so so much 💕💕 ily
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warnings: mentions of sadness, fluff, comfort, mentions of nudity word count: 0.8k pairings: DMC3!Dante x Reader(Not really specific to any gender here) summary: you think you can hide your emotions from your silly little guy, but he's a lot more in tune with your feelings than you could ever know.
You think you’re being as subtle as you can by hiding your emotions, but Dante knows when you’re not feeling well. He can tell when you’re trying to hide your emotions. Despite you having a decent poker face about it right now, Dante has become quite the pro at telling whenever you’re not feeling quite yourself. Your shoulders are a bit more slumped, your smile isn’t nearly as bright as he’s seen it before, and you answer questions with fewer words than usual. He’s not exactly sure how to approach this situation every time, but he knows he wants to comfort you.
You sit on his desk, chin resting on your hands as you watch Dante do some paperwork. It’s a quiet afternoon, but something has been troubling you. Dante tries his best to focus on his work, but his heart clenches anytime you frown or you sigh softly. He’s doing all he can to think of the right words to say to you. He finishes up the final piece of paperwork and then he looks up at you.
“Piece of pizza for your thoughts,” he says, a grin on his face.
You shrug, “I’m okay.”
It’s a lie and he knows it. You’re not okay. It hurts Dante to see you like this. He wants to see you smiling and hear your beautiful laughter more than anything else right now. He knows it’s not always possible for you to be happy every second of every day, but he’d take all your sadness away if he could. He prides himself in being a good boyfriend who can always offer a shoulder to cry on.
Dante reaches up to cup your chin, and his soft touches make you shudder. You’re more close to tears than you’d like to admit, and Dante can sense it. He gets up from his seat and he instantly wraps his arms around you. You are trembling in his arms and the tears begin flowing down your cheeks.
“Shhh…it’s okay, baby.” He kisses the top of your head.
For a few moments, Dante holds you in his arms and rubs your back soothingly. He hums a lullaby that Eva used to sing to him as a child. Everything about this moment is slowly calming you, making you be able to come to terms with what was ailing you in the first place. For a goofy guy who usually tries not to take too many things seriously, Dante is very good at navigating moments like these with you.
You sniffle as the tears stop, and Dante cups your chin once more so he can plant a kiss to your lips. Then gently he wipes away your tears and he hugs you so close to his chest. You can hear his heartbeat, which always comforts you. 
“You know I’m always here for you, right?” Dante asks.
You nod your head, “I know I just—”
Dante interrupts, “Just nothing. I don’t care what time of day it is or what else is going on. I’m always here for you.”
Your heart skips a beat. He’s being so serious right now. He holds you close for a few more moments, then he begins to run his fingers through your hair. It takes a few more minutes before you begin talking to Dante about what was making you sad. He listens attentively, not passing any judgment. He keeps his attention on you until you start feeling better from talking about what has been on your mind for days.
“No matter what happens,” Dante says with a little smirk. “You’ll always be my baby.”
Dante scoops you up in his arms, and you rest your head on his chest as he brings you upstairs to the bathroom. He sets you on the counter as he begins running the hot water for the bath. He even pulls out the special bath salts he bought specifically for you. You watch in awe as this sweet man does all he can to make sure you’re feeling even just the slightest bit better. Once the bath is done, he comes over to you. His large hands are so gentle as he undresses you. With every new bit of skin exposed to him, Dante presses soft featherlight kisses to those sensitive areas.
You feel worn down, but you know you’re in good hands. He helps you into the tub once you’re undressed and he begins washing you. He takes extra time with you, massaging your sore muscles whenever he can take the time to soothe you. He kisses you as many times as you need him to. And when you’re all clean, he pulls you out and begins the task of drying you off. His calloused hands feel good as they rub lotion into your soft skin.
Then you’re whisked into the bedroom where Dante cocoons you in his arms under the covers. The room is dark and cool, the perfect setting for a nap. He kisses the top of your head as you rest against him.
“I love you so much, and I’ll never stop loving you.”
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I think one of my favorite things about DRDT and why I'm so attracted to it compared to a lot of other video series fangans is just how silly ahh goofy it is in terms of it's presentation and humor
The best examples I can give is MonoTV's fourth wall breaks and basically all of the segments where the art style turns chibi. But even outside of that there are so many moments in the series that I can point to It makes DRDT stand out so much amongst the crowd and makes the overall story and characters feel so much more alive, and is a great show of the dev using the video series format to it's full potential and their general creativity
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ts4ritsa · 3 months
I really liked the fluff alphabet for Mukuro, this time I’d like to request the smut one, please
₊˚ପ⊹ smut alphabet ;
ft. mukuro ikusaba from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: smut, gn!reader
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a: aftercare
mukuro would want both sides to handle aftercare. she wants to be close to you, so you know she’s okay and so she knows that you’re okay. her touch is attentive and precise. not the most affectionate verbally, but she’s better at showing you her thoughts her feelings with her actions, perhaps with gentle caresses of your muscles or just a snack
b: body part
kissing your neck is her go-to for when things get hot. at first they’re small, light kisses, but they gradually get more intense and she ends up leaving a few marks on you before you know it. she loves the way you fall to temptation when you feel her shaky breath against your neck while her body is deliciously wrapped around yours.
her favorite part of her is her hands - she loves tracing every inch of you, whether it be caressing your chest and kneading your muscles or making you feel good with her fingers
c: cum
mukuro’s cum is smooth and creamy, with a slight thickness that makes it perfect to swallow. her cum would taste quite tangy, and she’d secretly love seeing it all over your face if you were to go down on her. she also thinks its tantalizing whenever you make her have a taste of herself after fucking her good with your fingers
d: dirty secret
the thought of being completely at your mercy crosses her mind often. like entirely at your mercy, having her be completely, utterly yours. she’s too shy to be overly vocal when you both are actually having sex, so she fantasizes in her own time about what it’d be like to fully let loose and go all out with you. she wants so badly to tell you how good you make her feel, how dirty she can get, and how she wouldn’t mind being used at your disposal. but she can’t bring herself to tell
e: experience
definitely a virgin before she met you. but she wasn’t clueless about sex, since a few friends back in the military mentioned quite a bit about it — also probably heard a lot about it from junko, she seems like the type to share many stories about her sex life to mukuro because she knows that unlike her, her poor sister has almost no game
but it’s alright, mukuro is a fast-learner. it didn’t take her long to adapt to your preferences, like what turns you on and what pleases you best. she is good at reading your body language and can tell when you want her to continue what she’s doing or do something different
f: favorite position
she’s not experienced so she has little knowledge on all of the positions that are out there, so she’d likely just enjoy something common as doggy or cowgirl. she has a lot to learn, I fear…
g: goofy
mukuro is definitely not playful during intimacy, nothing short from serious. her partner would have to be the one to show her how to ease up and be silly. even then she might not be though. so if anyone’s gonna be funny during it, it’s most definitely you.
h: hair
adequately groomed. she unknowingly found herself maintaining it more often and carefully with you around. but she feels better like that anyway, more comfortable. yes, the carpet matches the drapes
i: intimacy
it’s clear to see the passion mukuro has during sex. she wants you bad, in more ways than one — mukuro’s all about your pleasure and stuff, so in terms of romantic aspects, she’d be surprised if you were willing to be more romantic. well, she’ll do whatever you want cause that’s how much she cares. and honestly, that just might get her even more needy.
j: jack off
mukuro does not have a lot of free time let alone chances to touch herself. if she did, she’d rather do the actual thing with you anyway.
maybe she would try to before she got with you, but she’s so self-restrained, she probably brushed off her need to be satiated often
k: kink
definitely into bdsm, but here are some other stuff
breath play (both)
edging (receiving)
impact play (mostly receiving)
l: location
a private room, namely your bedroom. not really anything else, but it’s not like she cares that much. it has to be (for the most part) a private area though
m: motivation
your close presence. just knowing that you’re behind her, you could brush up against her at any moment — bonus points if you’re together in a secluded area that may or may not have people lurking around
n: no
sorry but mukuro would hate the idea of cuckolding or threesomes. like genuinely she doesn’t even let people get that close so she would not like sharing moments of intimacy with people other than you
o: oral
mukuro would hands-down be skilled at this stuff. she’s quick to learn, plus she just has to know what pleases you, she needs to make you feel good. sometimes she’s content with just doing this for you
in terms of receiving, she would be reserved and feel shy about it, because it’s another level of vulnerability to her. I mean, she still would not mind it cause it does feel very nice. however she’d rather be the one to give it to you
p: pace
honestly mukuro probably likes it intense and she might even be impatient. still very sensual, but you know — once she has it, she just doesn’t want to stop. a quick, strong, pace, driven by her need to feel her partner in a deep and intimate way
q: quickies
content with quickies. it’s not that she prefers them, but if its what has to be done, then that’s fine with her. I mean, she is piled with so many duties, of course she needs the relief that quickies can bring — plus, it’s still full of intense passion and desire, so, who is she to complain?
r: risk
mukuro would be willing to take risk of being caught in the act. solely for the thrill. she would never be reckless about it though, she’d just hate if people she doesn’t know that well saw her in such an intimate moment with you! if you wanted to do anything risky though, she’s okay with whatever as long as it doesn’t cross her boundaries, which she will absolutely let you know about
s: stamina
we can all collectively agree that mukuro has impressive stamina. she’s literally the ultimate soldier… she could probably go for 3 or 4 rounds, no problem at all. hours and hours can go by and she can still be feeling the high that you bring her to
t: toys
sure, but you would have to bring them into play and teach her the mechanics. except it has to be simple and can’t be the only thing that touches her, because in the end it’s not the toy that she wants pleasure from, it’s you.
u: unfair
mukuro doesn’t tease, not really, or at the very least not intentionally. she might make gestures that may be interpreted as flirtatious but she’s not doing it on purpose — she could just brush up against you to feel the warmth of your body, give you thorough massages, and run her hands through your hair
buut, it’s real easy to get her wet with just a bit of tease!
v: volume
mukuro is completely able to control her volume and keep it low and quiet when needed (she doesn’t like being too loud anyway), and even if it’s so other people won’t hear and so she can uphold her professionalism, it’s just so cute to hear and watch. it’s not that she struggles with it either, but something about it is just so erotic — muffled sounds of pleasure mixed in with the way her body begs for more, and her face? don’t tell her about it though, maybe that will cause her to slip up!
w: wild card
mukuro begs. she begs hard. she can’t help holding in all the pleasure she’s feeling, okay? sometimes she’ll speak in desperate little whispers, her voice low and raspy as she begs for more, as she begs you to touch her more, to take her even further. a side of her that only comes out during intimate moments like these, really.
x: x-ray
slender, yet toned, athletic muscles. still, it feels pretty soft. like said before, adequately groomed. she has B cups, from what I remember. areolas are probably a brownish-pink. not really much to say
y: yearning
her sex drive is pretty normal, maybe a bit more than that. she enjoys feeling the connection of your bodies constantly, it’s just a human need that needs to be satisfied. if you have a high drive, perfect!
z: zzz
mukuro wouldn’t fall asleep easily, she can go on about her day or stay up with you as long as you want, but when she does fall asleep, she falls into a deep sleep…
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© ts4ritsa
a/n: i got pretty lazy with this pretty fast Sorry hope u like it tho!
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userkatekane · 16 days
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hi here is part one of my idiot crew
how they look is super subject to change because this is the first time ive drawn most of them and they're all in goofy sketches and it's weird reclaiming something so many spoiled for you but!!! work doodles!!
we're back baby!!!!!
- lil info on them and the tag list below 💛
haylin - idiot, milo's best friend, ren's safe place, benedikt's ward, nari's biggest fan, arlo's flame, 'adopted' sister of leon and aleks, elias' favourite daughter, elena's favourite pet. is the main character, the final girl and the most dangerous user of the term 'ah fuck it what's the worst that can happen?????'
ren - the second smartest kid in the room, haylin's most loyal, thinks of leon like a father, thinks aleks and milo are morons, loves nari to the moon and back in a platonic way, is of the opinion that arlo should fuck right off, also thinks benedikt should get a grip, is probably the only one besides ben and haylin to not be afraid of elena, is a thorn in elias' side. he's not fond of people, he's super athletic, he will do anything for a bag of sour patch kids
leon - everybody's big brother, the drunk dad figure, detective dumbass but not really. will not let you drive. will insist on pizza for dinner. he will be there for you no matter what. no matter what
nari - mischief maker. elias' biggest headache. if elena has no haters then it means nari is ded. cannot be left alone with milo bc they cannot be trusted to behave. if you look at aleks wrong she might stab you in the knee. has adopted ren as her baby brother. somehow gets her way with ben all the time???? anyway she's a thief, protect your pockets
benedikt - cursed. elena's favourite soldier. haylin's everything. has not known peace in about 600 years. is not a vampire but leon still calls him edward. aleks punched him once and broke his fist. ben is a tired old man, yall. but he will take care of you, i promise
aleks - youngest adams brother. the other smartest kid in the room. has a mind that is constantly on the go. he's the science bro. he's also the temperamental bro. he and milo are best friends. and best friends kiss sometimes, okay?????
milo - goofball. hyperactive. would follow haylin into hell if he had to. short king bc all the size went into his heart. has a cat called mr meowcolm. makes ren do his dirty work for a bag of sour patch kids
elias - old man. 700+ years old. is only alive bc his twin sister wont let him die. has decided he is responsible for everyone. he is the softest man alive and he will accept you and all of you and do all in his power to make sure you know you are loved. also he is fighting for his life everyday against the family curse but yknow, just another day
elena - elias' twin. final boss. only behaves bc of elias. doesnt have a heart ( literal ). she's neither good or evil but most people only see the evil. she's the auntie ethel of the game. she eats people. no, really, she does. her jaw comes loose. it's great
arlo - elena's favourite toy. he is the dark romance option. he's also v handsome. he handles being dead and trapped by elena better than anyone. he is also madly in love with haylin. he will scare you for fun. also, he is silly i just wanna bully him
i still need to do harper, felix, jj, zeke, grey and all the other idiots in my lil d&d chaos build but hehe this is the first time ive drawn some of these guys and finally!! finally taken them back from poor treatment from others and people who made me feel bad!!
@romirola @hylfystt @greenecreek
@pinksparkl @hibernationsuit
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