#how to organise a grimoire
How to organise a grimoire
This is how I've decided to organise my grimoire now that I'm digitising it. I thought this may be of some benefit to other autistic/dyslexic practioners by sharing how my brain likes to formulate things. The trick is to categorise.
I have one large category I'm calling the chapter and every chapter has a number of categories within it and smaller sub categories underneath each one.
So my brain basically works like a russian nesting doll or like a very messy spider diagram. Organising it this way helps me to stay on track and stops me from getting overwhelmed. (I used this method in all my university essays and it helped push my grade up a lot).
I'm not writing it in any specific order but here's a list of what I've completed so far. Please feel free to take any of these. I hope this helps you with your own grimoire writing.
Theory 📚
Paganism: historical context. Modern context. Core values.
New Age Spirituality: Development. Capitalism. Modern Example.
Cultural Appropriation: What it is. How it happens. How to avoid it. List of closed practices and red flags.
Wicca: What it is. How it's practiced. Gerald Gardner. Criticisms.
Thelema: Aleister Crowley. Development (egyptomania). Criticisms.
Conspiracy Theories: Development (root cause). Dangers. Examples. List of spiritual conspiracies. List of antisemitic stereotypes and propaganda.
Cults: What are they. How are they dangerous. How to recognise one (B.I.T.E model). List of religious/spiritual cults.
Satanic Panic: Historical development to our current satanic panic. The 1980's moral panic. Christian persecution complex.
KJV: Who was King James. The creation of the KJV. The KJO movement (evangelical and Christian fundamentalism. American Folk magic)
Witches in context: The modern witch. The post-modern witch. Historical context (England. Ancient Greece. Ireland).
Cats in context: Modern context. Familiars. Historical context (Egypt. Greece. China. England).
Transphobia: the idea behind terfism. How to recognise a terf. Examples of Terfism in spirituality (Lister). Dispelling myths and Misinformation.
Queerness: Erasure and queerphobia. Why queer people gravitate to witchcraft/paganism/Wicca. Examples (intersex. Gay relationships. Lesbian relationships. Asexuality).
Practical Basics 🔮
Health and Safety: Fire. Smoke. Essential Oils. Toxicity. Wound Care. Biohazards.
How to make a magical space: What they are. Different types. Tools and their uses.
Grimoire/Book of Shadows: What they are. The differences. Different Formats. The Front cover.
Cleansing: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Grounding: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Protection: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Intuition: What it is. What its used for. Developing it. Examples.
Discernment: What it is. What its used for. Steps of discernment (from a Christian perspective. From a secular perspective). Psychosis.
The Year and the holidays: Samhain. Yule. Wassailing. Imbolc. Spring Equinox. Beltaine. Summer Solstice. Lughnasadh. Autumn Equinox. (Historical development. How they're celebrated).
Deity Worship: Scientific Context (Neuroscience of Religiosity). Spiritual Context. Worship Vs working with. Finding a deity. Your religious rights. Critiquing your religious path. For example ↓
Hellenism: Historical context (Wars. Colonisation. Slavery. Citizenship. Pederasty). Modern Context (White washing. Transphobia).
Your Deities (if you choose to have any): Iconography. Mythology. Associations. Offerings.
Spirits: Ghosts. Shadow people. Demons (what they are. fear and labelling. History Vs pop culture). The Warrens (history. Criticisms). Other folklore.
Practical Magic ✨
I have a lot more planned for this section.
Divination: What it is. What its used for. List of types and tools. For example ↓
Tarot: Structure of the tarot deck. Historical context. Modern Context. The fool and you.
Basic Astrology: What it is. Historical Context. Signs. Planets. Houses. Reading a natal chart.
Colour Magic: Basic colour theory. Symbolism. Practical application.
Correspondence 🌿
When there's a long list of items and spiritual meanings/applications I keep it in this section at the back of my grimoire.
The Classic Elements
Herbs and Spices (kitchen cupboard specific)
Common plants in your area (invasive and non invasive)
Seasonal fruit and vegetables
Miscellaneous laws and philosophies
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Alternatives to physical altars for witches and pagans who can’t practise openly:
If you don’t have the money or space for an altar or you live with someone who does not support your craft, there are a few altarnatives for you to consider:
this could contain incense, prayer cards, a tea light, small crystals or some herbs
- easy to hide and portable
- inconspicuous
- inexpensive
- simple to make
- you can’t keep a lot of things in there
- you can’t really use it for offerings unless they are very small
- not very customisable
this could be in the form of a tumblr blog, a Pinterest board or a simple notes page
- simple to make
- very customisable
- unlimited space
- easy to hide
- you can access it from anywhere
- you can get very creative with your spells and offerings
- useful for shadow work and divination, since you can document your progress
- very easy to navigate and organise
- you can’t make physical offerings
- no physical spell work (like jars or candles)
an analogue notebook that you can use like a mix of a journal / grimoire / altar
- very versatile and customisable
- you can use it as an altar to place physical offerings on
- easily portable
- useful for a lot of different things
- great for small offerings (like pressed flowers and herbs, photos, drawings and poetry / prayer
- useful for shadow work and divination, since you can document your progress
- easy and cheap to make
- inconspicuous
- no unlimited space, if you fill it up you need to buy a new one
- no offerings larger than the book
- difficult to navigate if you don’t have a good index system
- not great for physical spells like jars or candles
this can be an altar space that you build in games like Minecraft or animal crossing
- somewhat customisable
- very fun to build
- you can make offerings like Minecraft flowers or dressing your character up in clothes that remind you of your deity
- playing the game and putting energy into it can be an offering in itself
- unlimited space (depends of the game)
- no physical offerings and very limited options for spells
- how much you can do depends a lot on the game
- good video games and consoles often cost money and are thus not accessible to everyone
- no (or very limited) options for writing down prayers and the like
- limited option for devotional acts
Whatever your altar space looks like and whether you even have one at all, remember that you are still valid and your gods love you and understand your situation.
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wolverinesorcery · 1 year
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What is a commonplace book
Commonplace books are a method of compiling knowledge into one place, traditionally by handwriting but more recently with computers/word processors. They’re different from journals in that rather than containing exclusively personal thoughts or feelings, they’re a collection of external writings, informations, or other snippets of things recorded whenever it is encountered + usually organised.
To simplify – a commonplace book contains anything that captured it’s owners attention! Poems, extracts of fiction & non fiction writings, remarks or comments by others, anecdotes, observations, pertinent images, or other things along the same lines are all things that belong in a commonplace book!
Commonplace books have quite the history – their uses range between reading logs, reference books for students, and historically they were required by young women to demonstrate their upbringing.
How do they work
The exact system you use in your commonplace book is entirely up to you and what you will remember to use. Usually information is organised under themed/topic-based headings, but this can be as flexible or stiff as the keeper desires. My personal commonplace book is organised by source material – all of my book extracts & notes are kept together and demarcated by paperclips.
A commonplace book has no requirements in terms of physical format, size, page type, etc. As long as it is something you will be able to keep using happily! There is also no rules around decorating any pages with stickers or washi tape, or any rules around using sticky notes to add information on the go.
A commonplace book can also be as expansive or restricted as possible in terms of subject matter. For example, I keep a specific commonplace book for Babalon & Sekhmet. Nothing else enters this book.
What’s their use in religious practice or witchcraft?
A commonplace book can function as an in-between for a Grimoire (a book of magical knowledge and instruction, usually written by someone else and usually for transmitting knowledge within a specific tradition or branch of religion/witchcraft) & a Witchbook/Book of Shadows (more akin to a magical/religious journal for recordkeeping). They’re also exceptionally useful if you read a lot of metaphysical, occult or spiritual/religious books and want to keep organised notes in a hard copy form!
Commonplace books can be used to record interesting information from other, non-metaphysical but useful sources too, foraging notes and recipes are an obvious choice to keep a record of, along with notes about celestial events from astronomy sources.
In some cases, a commonplace book can also be a devotional activity, or a shrine of sorts. Commonplace books as a devotional activity is easy to parse – collecting and mindfully recording information about an entity, deity, divinity or other spirit is a good means to show care and interest.
A commonplace book as a shrine has a similar function to an e-shrine on tumblr, by collecting things that remind or represent an entity, deity, divinity or other spirit, a notebook can be made into a shrine or sacred object. This can also be a useful way to have a sacred touchpoint with an entity and keep it relatively out of sight, for those who are not open about their practice.
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More reading on Commonplace books
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonplace_book - The wiki page for Commonplace books that delves into their general & regional history, along with more variations on memory/infokeeping under See Also
https://notebookofghosts.com/2018/02/25/a-brief-guide-to-keeping-a-commonplace-book/ - A brief history & how-to on commonplace books, along with notable people that kept one.
https://bookriot.com/commonplace-book/ - An informal look at commonplace books, including using a tumblr blog/other digital formats as a commonplace book.
https://medium.com/thrive-global/how-and-why-to-keep-a-commonplace-book-ea80e25b63f1 - Information about commonplace books, alternatives to notebooks, and a small guide.
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
I think another thing that bothers me about the way Fizz is written in season two is not only him losing that bite he had in Ozzie's and his robotic version of him, that him being disabled and portrayed as weak that need babying and needing approvel from everyone is dishearting.
I have various disabilities myself, more so developmental than physical but seeing a character like Fizz, who lost so much and likely had to learn how to walk all over again and make adjustments to his life due to said disability yet still make a name for himself and becoming a successful celebrity on his own (tho I'm sure having two powerful Sins around your finger helps) is kind of empowering. That and his snark and 'eat shit' attitude who'd gladly roast and drag your corpse around after a sick burn, even to those that are a danger to him was so much fun plus also added the fact he's disabled. I love that chaotic gremlin man.
To take that away that part of him, to make him lose his bite not only to make him seem like the perfect victim of abuse but also taking away his agency as someone who's disabled is a slap in the face.
Hope this made sense I'm typing this on my phone.
Makes complete sense to me, when you’re handling a disabled character it has to be done carefully to keep the power on their side, and this series just failed and fell on its face completely.
I kept awaiting a big reveal that our ✨jester ✨was actually slippery and he was conning both of the king sins. Cause that’s what a jester does, laugh at royalty, hide criticism behind laughter, behind a fake show of submissiveness, represent the bridge between the working class and the monarchy, with emphasis on the peasant side getting their voice heard. He’s literally inspired by Beetlejuice after all. Remember how much of a trickster he was?? Not a “pillow princess” who says “pwease big daddy” can I go for walkies?
Like maybe a scene where Oz comes home one day, unexpectedly early and Fizz is preparing this extravagant three course meal for himself , then he sees him and drops a plate turn laughs nervously when he sees that he’s back. “Oh Oz..youre back…Ehehe…i er uh…took up a cooking class?” There’s also the fact he organises Ozzies schedule for him and without fizz it seemingly falls apart, he’s the real boss behind it all. Except he’s not.
Or maybe that Barbie wasn’t actually in rehab but was pedalling the Lord of sloth Belphegors drugs between hell and earth, while Fizz was selling off Asmodean crystals and most likely he gave her one. Hell, maybe even that Wally Wackford was after the factory assets of Asmodeus and used to be a member of their circus. I even had an idea in my head of this big Katie Killjoy scene where they do an “expose” on a clown imp illegally using the Goetia grimoire of a horny idiot of a Prince. “But forget that melodramatic nonsense—here’s a real Scoop!!” just more of Barbie and Fizz upstaging Blitzø even at committing crimes.
I’m excited to see what will be done with robot fizz. Because they’re definitely doing something with him…hopefully not just kissing Ozzie or something though.
And there’s a story for ya …but…no…they’re just his daddies whose approval means everything to him, and without at least one of them to reassure him and be proud of him, he literally says he feels like he’s just nothing. Nice one Viv. He doesn’t have two sins around his finger he’s wrapped around theirs and pulled along by their whims.
All we get about his recovery is “it was painful and challenging and I’m still mad but its ok because I have a rich boyfriend”
I mean seriously. He was only about what 7-8 years old and the star of an all imp circus that even royalty were impressed by, that’s all his talent nobody elses, he doesn’t need any boy, man, or blueblood to tell him that. But this series just worships at the feet of the rich.
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motleyfolk · 1 year
Craft/Lifestyle Bookmarks
Since tumblr mobile tags play up, just compiling all my bookmarks here, so I can use it on mobile and find things easier. None are like fact-checked, using them as inspo or starting points. Some are taken from solarpunksoup’s soup.
Last updated: 14/12/23
Herbology and Nature
Alchemy Works - Herb and Resins for Magic Enyclopedia Type Thing (found from this post)
Bee Friendly Garden
Bird Feeding
Free Seeds
Gardening for Climate Resistance
Guerilla Gardening
Heirloom Seeds
Plant Insiders Knowledge
Plant Dye for Fabrics
Recommended Reading
Seed Saving
Veg Growth Cheat Sheet
Pinkies Parlour - Janky old website but has info on flowers and religious symbology.
Physical Craft/Hobby
Toilet Roll Satchel
Cleansing and Another
Sewing, Mending, Craft
Projects & Patterns
Misc Projects
Making Stuff & Doing Things Book Rec
Miracle Hands - Free hobby and craft craftbook and pattern downloads
Practice Prayer  - Lil affirmation/helpful customizable tool for whatever hobby you have.
Tips for writing
Poetic/Thought Provoking
The weird little kid
Worshipping The World
How To Sleep Better
Wardrobe Management + Misc
Thrifting Online
Make Your Own Socks
Mega Cooking Help
Random Life Skills (how to unclog toilet n stuff)
Upcycling Jumpers
Misc Recipes/Craft Stuff
Baking With Brain Fog and/or Arthritis - Includes tips for other disabilities
Solarpunk Masterlist - Cool SP list by @evilautisticsociety​
Journaling Prompts - Inspo if you don’t like writing diary entries and wnat other ways to journal.
More Journaling Prompts
Unfuck Your Habitat - How to clean your house, get rid of shitty habits in a gender neutral, inclusive of the mentally ill, students, full time job-ers, etc that fts small or large challenges, simple cleaning checklists, etc.
The Order of the Good Death - The current western funeral practices are bad for the community and environment, this site discusses that and gives you several ways to change it, from small personal to wider community.
New Year Resolution alt mindset
How to keep yourself warm in cold houses or outdoors
Mental/Physical Health
You feel like shit. - Simple interactive, flow chart questionnaire to help you identify why you’re feeling like shit right now and to make sure you’ve done basic self-care. *
the quiet place - 90 second relaxation exercise on stepping back from social media *
Pixel Thoughts - Put your worry in a star and watch it disappear in 60 seconds. *
Meditation Basic Instructions - Helpful detailed guide on meditating.
A Soft Murmur - Ambient Sound Mixer
Baking With Brain Fog and/or Arthritis - Includes tips for other disabilities
Self Care Checklist
softheartclinic - Cutesy self care fun
Scarleteen - Inclusive sex education website
The Analog Brain - Helps with executive dysfunction, figuring out if this is an impulsive decision. Lil question tool thingy
Taking care of your spine
Year Ahead Tarot
Anatomy of a Spell
Basics of Spellcraft
Magic Circle for Spellcasting
Seeds of The Future Spell
Spell Design
Spell Dictation
Writing Spells for Beginners
Grimoire/Shadow Work/Exercises
Dig Through The Ditches
Grimoire Prompts and Another and Another
Home Brews
Make Your Own Folklore
Shadow Work Prompts
Organising Study Materials
Quantifying Your Craft
A neurodivergent witch's guide to starting a grimoire
Misc Resources
Witchy Resource Doc - Includes books, websites, yters, ingredients, etc.
Online Research
Research Jumping Points Inspo
How To Ward and Another
Recommended Reading  
Cailleach’s Herbarium - Scottish Folk Practitioner, lots of Scottish based history, folk magic, folklore, etc.
What is Sympathetic Magic - Infographic and links
Historical Scottish Beltane
Witchcraft on a budget
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convexicalcrow · 4 months
funny idea if you want it. Cub is a powerful magic user and takes Scar as his apprentice. And lots of antics ensue from that, mainly with Scar getting in over his head, trying to fix is mistakes, and Cub having to make sure to teach Scar how to not do that again.
It's not that Cub hadn't wanted to take on an apprentice, it's just-
He winced as he heard yet another crash from the alchemy lab, and dared not think what on earth had gone wrong this time. He sighed, put down his papers, and went to investigate.
The alchemy lab was situated in a higher part of the castle, but the location didn't particularly matter all that much save that it had a window and a sky light to allow for the capture and distillation of moonlight. Normally - well, until Cub had taken on this apprentice - the lab was neat and tidy and very well organised. Now? Well.
Smashed vials on the floor, a slight acrid stench drifting across the air, some illuminated liquid staining the benchtop, and in the middle of it all, a man in a light purple robe clearly in the midst of panic.
"Did you add the ingredients in the wrong order again, Scar?" Cub said.
"I was following all the instructions so carefully! I read them out to myself so many times before I did anything! How did it go wrong again?" Scar said, picking up his grimoire to gesticulate at the page he had been working from. "You helped me annotate it and everything!"
"So what happened?" Cub said.
"I don't know! Maybe I- oh. I, um. Okay, I think I see what I did wrong. That's drops, not teaspoons. Whoops! That was way too much dew of lunecense! That's what happened! Sorry, master!" Scar said, realising his error.
Cub crossed his arms and sighed. "Are you sure you actually know how to cast magic?"
"I do! I do! I went to wizard school and everything! I just- sometimes I read things wrong, that's all! And hey, my levitation potion was just fine, so it's not like I'm totally useless!" Scar protested.
Cub had to concede that point. Scar's levitation potion had indeed been a success, weirdly, so he clearly had some potential. "Alright, alright. Let's just clean all this up and maybe I'll teach you some runes tonight. You can't possibly mess those up the way you mess potions up, right?"
"Well, I hope not!" Scar said. "Runes sound fun!"
Indeed, runes were very fun. So much fun, in fact, that Scar managed to write two runes backwards, causing bright orange smoke to start flowing out of the chimney of the library, while trying to cast a protection bindrune.
Why had he taken on an apprentice again? He'd been very happy in his castle all on his own. But no, someone had needed a favour, and well.
He glanced down at the desk. The carpet had turned into purple lilacs. Fuck.
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hellishere7980 · 10 months
IMW Chapter 11
Meanwhile in the Watchtower
The Watchtower was in chaos.
It had been 2 hours since the live broadcast broke and shocked the world. 2 hours since the Justice League realised they had missed something this big for almost eight years, and didn’t know about it until a week after the situation had been solved by a group of heroes that they had never heard of.
Every screen in the meeting room was on, flashing snippets of information about the reign of Shadow Moth. Videos of the battles and interviews, articles, websites and social media as their supercomputer compiled every bit of information it could find.
The room was filled with noise, a constant roar as everyone tried to be heard.
The magic users were together in a cluster; consulting books, grimoires, scrolls and each other in a confused panic.
They were muttering as they paced, wondering how they had missed magic of the magnitude Paris had witnessed when among them were some of the most powerful magic users on the planet; John Constantine, Zatanna and Doctor Fate.
Other members of the Justice League tried to make sense of it in their own way, arguing, (like children in Robin's view) as they scrambled to come up with any sort of reason for how something this big had gone unnoticed, why they had missed it and the reason behind it all in the first place.
Batman stood by himself, waiting for the super computer to finish so he could sort the information and start the process of following any leads he found to start answering the many questions he had. He was internally panicking about Isabella but shoved it down. First he’ll deal with this then open that can of worms.
His title as the World’s Greatest Detective had taken a blow. And so had his ego.
His Isa was in a warzone and hadn’t even known!
He changed into his Batman gear and walked into the zeta tube in time for the emergency meeting the Justice League had issued.
Everyone was in too much shock to start it productively, and they were stuck waiting for their supercomputer to finish its deep dive. The computer beeped, signalling that it had finished its task. The room fell into silence as everyone immediately turned their attention to the screens and monitors, and Batman begrudgingly did the same. For a second, no one moved, unsure who was going to begin to sort through and read out the info.
But Red Robin stepped up. For a moment Bruce wondered what Isa would have done with him for bonding? Shutting off that line of thinking, Batman hardened his heart as a wave of pain and grief washed over him as memories of her beautiful eyes floated through his head.
Now wasn’t the time to think about her. He had shipped her off for her safety. Nothing was going to change that.
Focusing back on the present, Batman watched as Red Robin sat in the chair in front of the keyboard connected to the largest monitors and grabbed the mouse, looking “This website was recommended by the French Government for anyone wanting information on what happened and it is the only website or platform that has the Court of Miracles’ stamp of approval on it. It’s linked to an app of the same name that has the alarm Paris used to alert its citizens of an Akuma attack and the attacks classification.” Red Robin said, voice carrying clearly over the silence in the room.
Batman watched as Red Robin brought up a website called Bug.Out, the screens in the meeting room showing it for everyone to see and at a quick glance, Batman was interested to see that a lot of the information he wanted was likely going to be found in that one website alone.
From what he could see from the homepage, it was very well organised. There were many clearly labelled drop-down headings that allowed for an easy search for information while below them was a link to download the Bug.Out app.
Red Robin clicked onto the Timeline tab and began at the beginning, speaking at first but trailing off as people began to talk, cutting him off to discuss what they learnt. As they got further through the Timeline, Batman got steadily more frustrated and horrified.
It started years ago, and victim zero had been an 13-year-old boy in school.
In front of his classmates, the boy, whose name wasn’t given for privacy reasons, was turned into a giant stone monster and went on a rampage, destroying everything in his way, killing hundreds of people and injuring many more before he was stopped by two heroes; Ladybug and Chat Noir.
The people of Paris didn’t have time to come to terms with what happened, stuck between panic at the attack that hadn’t been explained and awe at having heroes when a cloud of purple butterflies descended over the city, turning hundreds of people into giant stone beings and froze them in time.
The heroes weren’t seen for twenty-four hours as those people remained changed, frozen in their forms before the same eleven-year-old boy was turned back into the giant monster and began his rampage again, this time, with the help of the stone beings.
The destruction was city wide, the death toll becoming thousands before the original monster was stopped by Ladybug and Chat Noir once more, and the villain behind the attack introduced himself and gave an ultimatum to the two heroes.
Batman watched intently as Red Robin brought up the footage that had been recorded of that first battle, showcasing it across multiple screens.
Stoneheart stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower, his size causing it to groan and bend under his weight as he roared at the military and police personnel surrounding him and his small army of stone beings, a hostage clasped in each of his hands before he threw one. In a blur of red, Ladybug appeared and caught the girl, later identified as Chloé Bourgeois, before she splattered on the ground. After making the girl go to the barricade, Ladybug faced Stoneheart, Chat Noir landing beside her.
The military gave the order to open fire, but Ladybug told them to stand down, the order ringing out magically over the screams and noise. An argument ensued between her and the military, but the distance between the camera man and the hero made it impossible to hear what was being said. Attention only turned from the argument back to Stoneheart as the monster released a pained groan and a wave of glowing purple butterflies erupted from its mouth, forming a face high above the Eiffel Tower, shocking everyone into a fearful silence.
The face introduced itself as Hawkmoth and gave an ultimatum, demanding the heroes’ magic or it would destroy the city and kill everyone in it.
What Batman wasn’t expecting was for Ladybug to laugh and give a sarcastic applause as she walked towards the army of stone monsters like they were nothing, giving the newly introduced terrorist a reality check and a tongue lashing, promising him angrily that she would take his magic.
Ladybug then sprinted at the stone army, using her weapon to launch herself up and over them as they rushed her with a thunderous cry of fury. She then sent the weapon straight into the face of Hawkmoth, piercing him between the eyes. The villain shouted deafeningly in pain, despite not being there in person, and disappeared in a blinding flash of light, leaving everyone frozen in shock.
All that remained was Ladybug, standing in front of the Eiffel Tower; tall, confident and an unwavering pillar of strength as she promised that she would do everything in her power to bring Hawkmoth to justice and keep Paris safe, her voice magically amplified once more.
What followed was something the likes of which Batman had never seen before.
Lifting her hand above her head, her weapon clasped in it, a wave of glowing white butterflies burst from it flying in all directions covering the city. Many people captured them on camera and exclaiming in awe as they fluttered around them.
Batman watched the remaining battle between the heroes, Stoneheart and his army and saw how the heroes won. He studied closely how the akumatized boy transformed back into himself when they ripped a piece of paper and captured the purple butterfly that appeared out of it. But what caused his jaw to drop was when Ladybug vanished the parachute she had somehow summoned earlier in the fight.
Despite it being the second time Ladybug had displayed her magic, this was the first time it was caught on camera properly, and by more than one person.
It was beautiful; a wave of iridescent red that flew around the city, covering everything in its path and restoring everything to the way it had been before the battle.
The damage fixed, the injured healed, the monsters back into people and the dead alive.
Nothing Batman had ever seen was like that; the ability to reverse all of the damage, to bring people back from the dead and heal the injured in a matter of seconds, across a city the size of Paris and with a population of over two million.
No magic user was that powerful. Not Zatanna, Doctor Fate, or Constantine. No one had that kind of power. No one.
It was unreal. God-like. Terrifying.
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bones33333 · 4 months
books read so far and my thoughts
Sigil Witchery (Laura Tempest Zakroff)
The complete grimoire (Lydia Pradas)
Moon spells (Diane Alqhuist)
Witchery (Juliet Diaz)
The Occult Book
So far I liked sigil Witchery and The Complete Grimoire the most because I felt the information in those was presented in the most accessible and easy to understand way.
Moon spells was good but I’m not a large fan of new age-ery for my personal practice, but the preparing for spells section was sooo helpful! I loved all the correspondences and formations to help plan and thought it’s a very organised clear way to think about it! The suggestion of smudging wasn’t great though and the cultural appropriation of smudging is probably my only criticism.
Wasn’t a massive fan of Witchery! it was good but I thought it was very surface level personally!
I have also read in part;
Protection and Reversal Magick
Psychic Witch
Condensed Chaos
But to be very fr, I just haven’t had the attention span to finish them but they’re all great thus far 😭
these are just my opinions and I am a beginner so keep that in mind! posting these reviews is how I’m going to keep track of my practice as it progresses so hope y’all enjoyyyyy!
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ofthecrowsandcranes · 4 months
thoughts of the week
i went into this intending to write a reflection on the grimoire challenge for this week but ended up thinking more about general reflections of my practice instead, so, thoughts:
like i said in this reblog, i'm using this challenge (and a bunch of other stuff) as frameworks, because i haven't really written down much of my practice. most of it lives in my head. i have (2) partial grimoires, one that's evolved into just a notetaking notebook and another that was digital that i don't really use because even though digitization makes it easier to organise, there's something about paper that i really, really like.
so my goal/intention for this challenge is to practice consistency. attempting the prompts that make sense to me, even if for some of them i know they're going to be a rough draft of what my practice ends up being. for the spellwriting 101 one, i haven't even done enough spellwork to know what process works best for me (consequences of being more pagan than witch for the past few years), so i took notes from @breelandwalker's how to write spells post since her process is concise and feels like a good checklist of "did i consider this aspect? am i being specific enough or not?" obviously my methods may change as i do more practical work but having a good starting point is what matters the most
one of my general goals for 2024 was to just Do things, and worry less about the finished product and more about the process. so some of my pages are messy and i don't have a specific order for things. i'm filling in the index/table of contents last so i can use it as a "where did i put this" list instead of a "this will go here" list. in the future, i'll probably use a binder or something with easily insertable pages/entries as a formal grimoire, but for now, i'm recording and practicing and that's what matters most for me, since i haven't done that before. despite four years of doing stuff on and off.
i'm gonna put a cut here because otherwise this post will be Massive but i'm gonna go into more detail about some of the pages/things that i did for reference.
name your book: done! i just called it my spiritual lab notebook, since that's what it is.
definitions (ritual and spell): done! very UPG, but to me a ritual and a spell differ because a ritual is to affect the Now and a spell is to affect the Later. also rituals have more broad intentions vs a spell which has very specific intentions
Study herb: bay laurel! i did a bay leaf wish ritual on new year's day with my family and my mom asked why bay leaves, and i was like "hm, i don't know the specifics of why they're associated with wishmaking" so i added them to my herbs list so i could find out, and then learned it's because they're fucking bay laurel. i feel extremely stupid for not making that connection but! now i know!
outline: done! it's blank, i won't fill it in until the notebook is full
study gem: not done, still trying to decide how to substitute this. i might do tarot spreads instead.
spellwriting 101: done! discussed above
common tools: done! i really only put three things for now, but i'll probably go back and add things as i remember/find new tools. so far i've got tarot cards, embroidery thread, and candles, but in writing this i've remembered bells and jars and beads also
year outline/calendar: done! added the Big 4 (solstices & equinoxes), samhain, lughnasadh, and christmas (since my family celebrates it). will definitely be adding more as i go, but that's what i want to celebrate (or do celebrate) for now
Practical (tool usage): done! did a 3 card pull with my elemental power tarot, since i want to use it more as a reflective tool.
altar design/workspace: done! sketched a layout of my current altar + wrote some wishes/dreams for when i have a different space.
practical (cleansing): not done yet—around this part of the week my chronic illness stuff started to flare up, and since cleansing involves actual cleaning for me, i couldn't really do it while resting. it's on my backburner for later.
personal practices: done! did a quick journal entry in DayOne
and that's all! if i can get to cleansing today i'll do it, but i have many other things to do also, so i'll get to it eventually.
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The first negotiations for a final mosaic: 
(these symbols were drawn before my first exhibition mock in march)
(Second image is the mock exhibition of Soma Volume 1 created in august 2021 in F.08)
At the beginning of my project I made a considerable amount of notes regarding how I would start the research of my project and lastly how I would start my exhibition plans, this post of course covers the first notes on exhibition plans. For my last attempt at showcasing my work in the art school (as evidenced above) I hadn’t thought enough about how to make a massive amount of work sing in a space, I was supposed to have a bigger space at the time but human variable quashed that and so I instead cloaked a corner wall with my work like a mass of mould. I do however like this overwhelming, wall filling example, I know the work should have had more space to breathe and more pattern to emphasis it, rather than merely making the work one block of a collection, yet, it still speaks to what my goals have always been with working in a space, to fill said space and with the most consistent and eye catching pieces, but the art of seduction here is clearly flailing and so I need to one up myself in the final showcase. The above list of patterns and symbols is inspired by all manor of imagery, the runic imagery is from my own tattoo collection, dagaz and inguz and gebo all exist on my hands arms as symbols of blessings, curses, the everday and wealth, often however misused by hate groups to promote the thulean perspective, something I both despise and believe has no right to warp such images of ancient culture and language. The same can be said for the wolfsanker and Zodiac wheel, both natural and elemental symbols with greater meaning in relation to the cosmos and our place in it spiritually and yet ruined by the few who can’t let cultural history go untampered with. I like these symbols because they predate western misappropriation and misinformation, their so old and important to the oldest of religions and natural philosophy that it’s a shame not to think about using them just because of contemporary decadence spoiling the original intention, it’s why I still get more and more of these symbols on my body, you always have to be tribute to nature otherwise it will consume you. The Magen David, often branded as the star of David actually represents the female and male aspects of god and so a paradox of god, its often through sacred geometry that we see most cosmic and ceremonial history emblemised best, as echoed by the later invention of Aleister Crowley’s star created for Thelema, stars are obvious symbolism to represent greater sigils and entities of power, it’s often why demons and devils have simpler arrangements of line and natural shapes to represent their names as seals in religious grimoires and bestiaries, almost becoming the pronunciation of names and concepts that are greater than our human comprehension. This theme of symbols as being reinvented to represent even contemporary religions and orders is found best in the sigils of Satanism, in the present runes of Ragnar rock and the order of the trapezoid (the ruling body of the church itself as founded by LaVey). The trapezoid and prisms themselves being often acknowledged as portals and wickedly celebrated shapes out of spite towards the simpler iconography of organised religion, the trapezoid as the greater enemy of the triangle as a symbol of God, the incomplete triangle, yet with greater angles and reflection to be considered in the trapezoid as theorised by many occult theorists such as John Dee and his enochian keys, the idea that evocation and vocal incantations over a prism, of which when allowed to have light projected through it can open a portal to hell. It’s no wonder symbols are as important as they are within religion and often in the most innocuous of naturally occurring patterns or in the human body, like the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. 
The only joke-ish design here being the Fluddish imagery of the black box again, that of concentrated blackness, both flat and subconsciously represents the deepness of the abhuman universe, each of my pieces has the potential to echo that effect, but for a presentation it would be quite dull of course. The only real design that stuck with me was the spiral, or in japanese, uzumaki, as made all the more famous by Junji Ito’s Uzumaki series (2013). I had been revising the work of Ito at the time of writing this note, and after revising over 600 pages of constant spirals and the way in which he integrates spirals into every texture and background, I found myself too obsessed by the spiral and it’s balance as a seductive and spider web like patter, it can both show depth and be flat, again like Fludd’s diagram of the pre-universe, and it follows the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon means that once you acknowledge something and know atleast one example of something well enough, you start to see it everyone, like the character Garfield, a pop culture icon, which continues to make billions of dollars every year in merchandise sales, even though it started as a comic over 40 years ago, and you don’t see it until you study it enough to see it’s impact everywhere, just like any popular material like the bible and our human ability to iconographise something beyond our own understandings of it once it becomes recognisable to everyone. The spiral and many other natural symbols are found everyone, the golden ratio is a spiral, and that is the most common pattern in nature and in design, it’s the most subconscious symbol any human being can draw, without even realising it. It’s for those reasons that Ito made such a symbol into a work of horror brilliance, because you can’t argue against his story, natural symbolism pervades our every design and imagination, in fact, because I’m discussing it and your reading this page, you too will start to see the golden ratio everywhere, and spirals too, from the naturally forming grain of the hair on your head to the prints in your fingers and in the whirlpool of our atmosphere. It’s a work of brilliance (Uzumaki), and I can’t wait to elaborate on this idea further, especially in connection to that of the uncanny and the alternative bleeding into the mainstream consciousness, both key concepts within my work. 
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pigeonflavouredcake · 8 months
How to reference in your grimoire
If you intend on sharing your grimoire with the public or you're a fan of a more academic style of writing then you're gonna want to reference your sources to avoid any kind of plagiarism.
You may have already learned how to reference at your college/uni, in which case follow that method, but if you haven't let me show you what i've been doing in my grimoire.
The referencing style I was taught in my degree is a form of APA 7th edition. This style is best for essays and small research papers and since my grimoire is essentially a bunch of mini contextual essays stuck together I thought it was appropriate.
Here's the format:
Author Surname, Author Initials. (Date of publication/release). Title of source: sub-heading/title of chapter. Publishing company/website. Place of publication/website link. [Format]
So for example, the book I'm currently reading is Buried by Professor Alice Roberts. If I were to reference this book in this format it would look something like this:
Roberts, A. (2023). Buried, An Alternative History of The First Millennium in Britain: Water and Wine. Simon and Schuster. London. [Book]
(Its up to you whether you decide to put the chapter before the book title, it doesn't make a difference, but I prefer doing it this way.)
This reference will need to follow an in-text citation. You can do that by adding a little number in parentheses next to your quote or paraphrase that corresponds to the number on your list of references OR you can make a mini reference following this method:
(Author Surname, Author Initials. (Date of publication). Page number if required)
So following this method an in-text citation would look like this:
(Roberts, A. (2023). p1)
If you are citing a source with multiple authors, organised them alphabetically by surname, your in text citation only needs to include the first one.
If you're referencing an online upload of an old source like Internet Archive or Project Gutenberg, include the original authors name first, uploaders name/ID second and mark which is which in parenthesis, then the date of original publication if you can find it, followed by the date it was uploaded to the site.
If you are referencing a film/TV episode, use the name of the director and include (Dir) next to their name.
If you can't find a date of publication/upload then write DNA instead.
Always put your references at the back of your grimoire. If your grimoire contains multiple chapters, group them by each chapter and then organise either alphabetically or chronologically. If your in-text citation uses numbers, organise your reference list chronologically. If you're using a mini reference, organise your reference list alphabetically.
This last bit is especially important for practitioners who intend to publish their work. Please please please do not skip referencing! I've read so many traditionally published witchcraft books who's authors don't do this or do it half-assed and I can't stand it.
Readers deserve to know where your information is coming from so they can be the judge on whether or not it's appropriate for them to practice themselves. Not doing so creates a cycle of ignorance among readers and new practitioners that encourages the spread of cultural appropriation, poor media literacy and poor historical and scientific understanding. Always cite your sources.
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zoneofsmites · 5 months
1, 3, 12, 20 for Sylas and Lucien!
Questions from here!
Part of the post will be under a readmore, so im thanking you ahead of time for the ask <3.
1 - what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Generally Sylas smells like ozone - thanks to being a storm sorcerer. Ozone has been described as smelling 'clean' as well as sweet and pungent, or like an electrical spark.
crossdressingdeath also mentioned this but I like to believe durge smells faintly like blood regardless of how clean they are. The slightly metallic smell is a constant - and gets more pungent and overpowering after a tenday.
3 - how would they kiss their LI?
Sylas takes cue from his partner - he wasn’t exactly an avid kisser pre-tadpole but now he has even less experience without memory.
Lae’zel and Astarion were kissed roughly - enthusiastically - and with teeth involved. This was fine because that was the point of those two trysts. Lae’zel is into it and Astarion knows how to play rough.
With Wyll he learns how kiss slow and gentle. To hold his partner, cradle their face and getting to enjoy sweet kisses for the first time - It was quite the challenge to learn, at least the other kisses came a lot more intuitively.
(before the tadpole he kissed Gortash once - very briefly before his demise at the hands of Orin - but it was uncharacteristically careful, loving even)
12 - their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
At the beginning it would be his general... off putting shit. He stares too much - too intently - and he's eerily quiet. He doesn't sleep for days and when he does he trashes violently. They're also fairly certain he stops breathing for long periods... All of them would kind of do this behind his back - some out of concern for him, others out of concern for themselves and the group.
20 - if you were to try pick pocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Is that… is that another knife? Gods above where do all these daggers just keep fucking coming from????
In Sylas' inventory the player would find a ring, his blades, a sketchbook that is full of sketches and scribbles (some disturbingly violent and some simple practice drawings) that are getting progressively less crappy. If Sylas is pick pocketed after act 2 he will also be carrying the Prayer of Forgiveness note.
1 - what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Floral and honey - but there is always this medicinal undertone of embalming fluid he cannot seem to get rid of despite his fancy perfumes and prestidigitation. (Necromancy problems 😔)
3 - how would they kiss their LI?
Slow and thorough. Preferably while at the same height - Lucien does not enjoy his height in these moments and being a whole head and then some taller than Wyll is a problem. But squatting or having Wyll stand on something feels demeaning so the polite company version is to both sit or lean down somewhat. But his preferred version involves picking Wyll up.
12 - their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Most gossip in the party about Lucien would revolve around his Rich Kid tendencies - the magic tent being one of them. Probably mostly Shadowheart who starts it - gossip queen that she is - but Karlach is equally perplexed by it.
20 - if you were to try pick pocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Lucien's inventory would include his Grimoire which is neatly organised and carefully binded, a lot of fancy jewelry and if he was given the book by the player: the Necromancy of Thay.
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boundlesspursuers · 6 months
"Should you really be doing that?" The words were judging. Alucard hummed noncommittally and took another drag. The wind buffeted him, bouncing off his coat, whereas his face, uncovered, was assailed regularly by ebony black hair. Dyed. Even if Seward -- 'Seward' -- hadn't known that already, the blond roots that hadn't been touched up in whoever knew how long said it outright. He sighed, heavily, and tugged his cape closer around his figure, stepping out onto the balcony. Perhaps the strangest thing about pretending to be human, he reflected, was that he happened to be better at it than a half-breed. "When you've finished," he said dryly, "I want your help with some archival. There seems to be things missing." Alucard lifted the cigarette from his lips. "You told me to leave out 1479," he pointed out, alongside a breath of smoke that swirled around in the air. "Have you changed your mind?" Seward made a face. "No." He stepped over to Alucard and waved the smog away. "That is not what I mean, regardless, and you know it." Alucard paused for a moment, then clicked his tongue, inhaling from the cigarette. "I won't." "Why not? I was there." "So do it yourself." "Your account would be more thorough." He gave Alucard a long look, then rolled his eyes. "Please. What concerns you about something so mundane as maintaining records?" "The grimoires are far more than that." The dhampir took one last drag, exhaled, then dropped the cigarette and crushed it beneath his shoe. He combed his hair out of his face as the winds began to die down. "I'm hardly going to make it any easier for you to use them." "Whatever I could glean from the events of 2036 would be little different than the year previous, and that's already been recorded." As he expected, Alucard was unconvinced. "So why are you so insistent?" Seward didn't have a good answer for that, other than the truth, and that was hardly on the table if Alucard hadn't figured it out already. "Do remember that Elgos has uses other than my own goals," he said, instead. "Soma Cruz' repeated denial of the Dark Lord's seat is quite educational, isn't it?" After all, one of the stated purposes of the organisation was to teach against Chaos, so that it might have less hold over humans.
The frustrated silence he earned indicated that Alucard, as well, was out of arguments. Keeping up their charades was a job for both of them, after all. "I expect the next grimoire written by the end of the month," Seward said mildly, turning to walk away. Then, so as to cool Alucard's temper, "you can leave the catalogue to Hermina." The only response was the click of a lighter.
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Could you do Yandere Stolas headcannons? The Reader is an imp who works for Blitzo and the I.M.P company. Stolas starts taking an interest in them and maybe everyone gets worried for them? Blitz, Luna, Moxxie, and Millie get protective of Reader while Stolas tries to woo them?
(I hope thats better lol I tried to focus on one prompt )
Yandere Stolas headcanon
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It had begun fairly simply.
Youd just been hired, the new assistant at I.M.P, your youthful zeal quickly making you a member of the I.M.P family.
And there you were, organising papers, cleaning up your work station and just doing general secretary stuff.
You were just finishing up some paperwork, when his Highness, Prince Stolas walk in.
Millie and Moxxie had both taken the time to explain his and Blitzø's little 'arrangement', so you already knew the likely purpose of the visit.
Of course, you were ever so polite and delightful to speak with. You and the owl demon sparking up a rather playful conversation.
It would be as you talked, the two of you bonding over a mutual appreciation of flora that Blitzø woild walk out of his office, snapping at the owl, asking what the fuck was he doing there.
Just before he could answer however, you of all demons, snapped back at Blitzø.
You told him that Stolas had been kind enough to loan him his Personal Grimoire, at what was likely great personal risk, and while he could likely be over the top, he was still helping out his company.
As such, Blitzø could perhaps show a little civility, or even better, some gratitude.
Both demons had just stared at you. Both just as shocked as the other.
Trying to play it off, Blitzø apologised, asking Stolas as politely as the Imp probably could, why he was there.
Stolas, just stared at you.
He did so until you turned to him, the owl quickly snapping out of it, going back to talk to Blitzø about something or other.
As he was leaving he stopped by you, reaching down he took your hand, pausing for a moment he said simply, "thank you."
You were left a little bewildered when he just turned and walked away.
Stolas would visit a few more times over the next week.
However, each time, all he seemed to do was talk to you.
You didn't really mind this of course. Stolas was a delight to talk to, the Prince having a rather genuine playfulness to him that you didn't find often in Hell.
Not to mention, you were having casual conversations with a Demonic Prince. How many Imps could say that.
The two of you got closer, you would almost dare to day you were friends. But as you spent more time together and your relationship got deeper, you found an actual friendship blooming, you and the owl spending lots of time together.
You found Stolas to be delightful to spend time with, The demon seeming to know something about just about everything you loved, always picking the right place to hang out, or what foods to get.
Admittedly, you were a little suspicious about it to begin with, but Stolas was his own person, and it wouldn't be the strangest thing that a Demon Prince and a common Imp just so happened to have similar interests.
Blitzø was the first to notice it.
Until that point, Stolas only ever came to the office for two reasons.
To bring him the Grimoire.
To tell him about a job.
Or to try and get in his pants.
But that happened with the other two reasons anyway, so he barely needed to count it.
But after the 'incident' as he called it, Stolas had come in three times that same week. And each time, He didn't have any of them.
Sure Stolas flirted with him, but each time Blitzø found himself walking out of his office, only to find Stolas sitting across from you, the two of you having a lively conversation.
The owl always just played it off, telling him hed just got caught up with you.
Of course, he always played it off, spending a few minutes to tell him the importance of caring for the Grimoire, or telling him how much trouble they'd both be in if the wrong demons found out about the agreement.
Blitzø always shrugged it off, he didn't think much of it the first time. He figured you were just friends, if one could actually be friends with the quivering pile of repressed sexuality that was Stolas.
But then he came out again, finding the two of you talking.
And then a third time.
And that's when he began seeing a trend.
Stolas began visiting the office at least once a week, the owl seeming to always strike up a conversation, giving you his entire attention.
He was always so playful and giddy with you, he couldn't help but feel it were similar to how Stolas had been with him at the beginning of there 'agreement'.
Although he was noticeably more friendly with you, the demon never seeming to make you uncomfortable.
You laugh and joke and tell stories. The two of you seemed to get close over night.
Even there full moon 'meetings' were less intensive, the Owl seeming less interested in them, until he just outright cancelled them.
And even though he blamed it on a new security system his wife had put in, but Blitzø found he wouldn't even flirt outside the bedroom.
It was like he'd lost all interest in him.
Then, one day, you started spending time together. Blitzø only finding out because Stolas just showed up one day to take you out.
Blitzø was an ass, he knew that.
But he cared about you, and while you seemed happy with Stolas.
He didn't trust it. Not for a second.
Loona noticed it next.
When she found out she wouldn't be forced to sit at that fucking desk and take calls, playing secretary for her Blitzø, shit, she'd almost shed tears.
And when they'd hired you, she had thought you were alright. You were nice but not annoying, and you were pretty fun to talk too.
And so when Stolas began hanging around yoh, she... didn't care. She made a habit of ignoring anything to do with the slut of a bird, she didn't need any more issues sleeping.
But as the weeks went on, it seemed like she couldnt walk past you without that Owl being there. His Highness sitting across from you, the two of you usually in the middle of a conversation.
She also noticed something else.
Whenever she would talk with you, speaking about work or just chit chat when Stolas was there. She found the owl would almost become on edge.
He never did anything. At least not to stop you from talking, but he would become agitated, body moving in subtle acts of hostility.
And while the others may not see it, she was a Hellhound, and they practically communicated in subtle acts of hostility.
The owl often eyeing her whenever she got close to you.
She didn't think much of it, didn't care to. She made a habit of not sticking her nose in others affairs, you'll last longer that way.
But you were new, and actually cared for her. It would be kinda Bitchy not to at least look out for you.
And whole she wouldn't stop you from being with who you wanted, she didn't trust the Blueblood.
The next to notice was Moxxie.
Now, Moxxie liked you. He really did.
You were nice and did your job well, that putting you leagues beyond Loona in his book.
And not only that, you treated him with civility and would occasionally back him up in an argument. You could even handle Blitzø.
If there was a God, he must have sent you to help him.
Like most Imps, Moxxie made a habit of not getting involved with royalty. Something his boss seemed to fail at every chance he had.
But you didn't seem to get this message, you and the Prince seeming to become fast friends.
But that friendship seemed to go well past a normal one, the owl seeming to spend an unnatural amount of time together.
Not just that but he seemed to infest every part of your life.
Moxxie checked your Voxtigram page, and the Owl seemed to fill every image you'd taken in the past few months.
Not just that, but you didn't seem to see anything wrong with it. You seemed to believe you were just good friends.
But Moxxie could tell there was something more.
He saw the ways Stolas would stare at you, especially when you weren't looking at him.
He saw the way his hands would rest on you as though it were normal, in both person and the many pictures on your Voxtigram page.
He had those touches with Millie, it was as intimate act.
But with Stolas, they felt like an act of dominance.
You began talking about him more openly, speaking about how nice he was being, and the many gifts he had given you, you seeming to think he was a real sweetheart.
But Moxxie didn't trust it.
Stolas didn't seem like the worst when it came to Bluebloods, but he was clearly grooming you.
Not an uncommon act amongst the nobility, but Stolas was doing it gradually, sinking his Tallons into you day after day.
And while he had no qualms with others being manipulated by royalty. You were his friend, someone he cared about.
Millie was the last to figure it out.
You and Millie got along fantastically.
The girl just loved your positively and can do attitude. Plus you seemed to be able to handle Blitzø, which was a big plus for her husband.
So when you and Stolas had started getting close, spending lots of time together, she didn't really care.
Stolas was already a part of the lives, and you seemed happy to be with him, so she was happy.
And when your relationship seemed to step it up a few notches, she didn't do much, but she did start taking note of your relationship.
And well... she wasn't sure she liked it.
Being a woman herself, Millie picked up on a lot of social cues that the other probably missed.
She noticed the way Stolas got close to you. The way he held you close. The way he stared at you with those almost intense eyes.
She'd say it was romantic.
If it wasn't so unnerving.
Stolas seemed infatuated with you.
The owl always sticking close, the two of you seemingly inseperable when he was around.
And even more concerning, was how infatuated with him you seemed to be.
You utterly fawned over the Prince, speaking as highly as one could about another Demon.
And maybe the worst part. You didnt, or couldn't, see how intense the demons attraction to you was.
Stolas couldn't help himself.
Since that day, the day you'd defended him, he just couldn't help himself.
You were so pure. So loving. So... everything he wanted.
You had this affect on him. An affect he absolutely adored.
It was like a drug. An addiction he couldn't help but indulge, every. Chance. He. Got.
And he didn't want to, not now. Not ever.
And much to his ever lasting extacy, you trusted him.
You came to see him as a friend... how sweet~
He almost felt bad about what he was doing, manipulating your trust like this.
But he needed you, and this was how he was going to get you. Nice and slowly.
And even if he had anterior motives, he still enjoyed spending time with you. You were fun and nice, and being with you helped with the all consuming obsession he had developed around you.
While others might think it unhealthy for him to obsess on some random Imp. He couldn't care less.
But you were his.
You Belonged to him.
And you'd know it soon enough.
One way or another.
It was a fairly normal day in the office. You just happily tidying up around the place, filing papers and such, completely oblivious to the demons around you.
And while each member of the I.M.P family may have realized the dire situation separately, they had quickly found common cause with each other, each of them realizing there proprietor was moving in on the newest member of their little family.
And they just wanted to protect you.
Glancing at Moxxie, the Imp looked right back at him, Moxxie quickly accompanied by his wife, the two giving him a nod.
Looking back he found Loona leaning against the wall, head in her phone.
The girl looking up, the two stared for a moment before giving a nod.
With there silent permission, he approached you.
"Hey there (Y/N), how ya been?" He asked, doing his best to stay cool.
You just smiled at him, almost beaming. "Hey Blitzø. I've been great, Me and Stolas saw this amazing movie last night. I reckon you'd really like it." You told him earnestly.
Blitzø paused, before asking you, "I thought you went to a library on Thursday nights?"
You made no secret that you lived a humble life outside of work, a life with a simple routine.
And something you always did on thursday nights, was visit the library.
"Oh yeah." You piped up, waving it away, "We met at the library, he was sorting out some business and we ran into each other and just kind of ended up... spending time together."
You said it all so sweetly, like you were thinking about a highschool sweetheart.
And as you did such, you began played with a bracelet. A bracelet you hadn't had the last time he saw you.
"Nice bracelet." He said it casually, eyeing the silver chain. "You get it recently?"
You looked confused for just a moment before you realised. "Oh, this?" You asked, now looking it over, a little smile worming it's way across your lips. "It was a gift from Stolas." You told him, running a thumb over the silver chain.
That rose several flags, Blitzø now on edge asked you, "Could I see it, it's rare to find stuff like that around here?"
He said it simply enough, sure he was convincingly innocent.
"Oh?" You sighed, scratching your cheek. "Well... Stolas said I shouldn't remove it, not unless it's an emergency."
Blitzø froze, stretching his arms, doing his best to act natural before telling you, "And? Im sure there wouldnt be a problem with showing your boss." He told you playfully, leaning against your desk.
You thought it over for a few moments before giving a little shrug, undoing the bracelet and handing it to him.
It really was a beautiful item, Likely pure silver, with a small half moon symbol on a pendent, linked in the middle.
Checking the pendent, he flipping it over and found a disconcerting sight.
It was Stolas' crest. It was faint, most demons probably wouldn't have seen it, but Blitzø knew a thing or two and could make it out well enough.
With that his concerns were finally realized. Satan knows what the rune did.
It could be a tracker. A bug. It could be influencing your thoughts or even controlling them.
Blitzø turned to you, now, all business.
"(Y/N), we need to talk about Stolas." He told you.
"What about him?" You asked, seemingly very confused. Looking over at Moxxie, the Imp quickly spoke up.
Stepping forwards Moxxie told you, "We're concerned for his intentions, (Y/N). We're concerned of what he wants with you." He said in his usual tone that sounded both intellectual and timid.
"Intentions?" You asked incredulously, "Stolas' intentions are pure." You told them with a concerning amount of faith in the Demonic Prince.
Blitzø ran a hand down his face, "(Y/N), We get that you and Stolas are friends-" the look on your face caused him to stop instantly.
You cringed, only to suddenly stop, looking like you'd been caught wanking in the shower.
"What was that?" Blitzø asked, you quickly looking away. "You and Stolas are just friends, right?"
Scratching your neck you told them, "Well... we were friends, buuut... he asked me out last night and... I said yes." You told them, awkwardly looking about.
Blitzø inhaled deeply before telling you, "That's it, your done."
You froze, eyes squinting as you asked him, "That's it? What the hell do you mean I'm done?"
"I mean" Blitzø began, putting as much authority in his words as possible. "Your not seeing him until we know what he's up to."
"Sir, perhaps this is a little extreme." Moxxie cut in, trying his best to defuse the situation.
"Shut it Mox!" Blitzø snapped, looking back at you.
You looked upset, glaring daggers at him before telling him, "He said you'd do this." You croaked out, voice becoming strained. "He said you'd try and turn me against him."
You were getting angry now, glaring at all of them, "He told me you wouldn't just let us be together. Your ego just couldn't allow it."
Blitzø was doing his best to stay calm.
As thick as he could be, he knew starting a fight wouldn't help, especially seeing as Stolas already seemed to have his hooks in you.
"(Y/N), were jus' tryin' ta' look out for ya'." Millie interjected, "Stolas may seem nice, but hes still a Blueblood, and nobles cant be trusted."
You didn't seem to be taking much of this in, clearly still upset with Blitzø. "Stolas is a good man, and has treated me with nothing but respect." You turned your head, taking several shaky breaths.
Loona made her debut, stepping forwards, she said simply "(Y/N)."
"What?" You snapped back, glaring at her.
"Why was Stolas at the library?"
You raised a brow, "What?"
Loona stared you dead in the eyes, leaning over your desk she asked you again, "Why, was Stolas, Prince of Hell, at. A. Public. Library?" She asked, punctuating the last two words.
You froze, turning your head a little in thought. There were several moments of silence before you took a step back, "he was there for work..." A confused expression crossing your feature.
"That wasn't the first time you'd just 'ran into each other', is it?" Moxxie interjected, your expression becoming one of realization.
You stood there seemingly deep in thought.
Blitzø went to speak, but was interrupted by a heavy banging at the door.
Looking over, you all froze.
You stared at the door for a long moment before slowly moving forwards. Reaching the door you reached for the door handle. "Wait!" Moxxie told you.
Looking at him over your shoulder, you turned back, hesitating for just a moment before opening the door.
In the doorway stood Stolas, the Prince quickly lighting up when he saw you. "(Y/N), Hello darling, how are you doing? "
You stepped back to let him in, as he stepped in he reached out for you, only for you to pull back.
Stolas noticed this instantly, quickly turning to face you.
"Is everything alright darling?" He asked in his typically cool manner.
You stared at him for several moments, before asking him, "What were doing at the library last night?"
Stolas paused, before beginning to play if off, telling you the same thing he'd said last night.
But upon noticing you just staring back, clearly not believing what he was saying, he sighed.
He crouched down. Looking at you with a gentle smile he gently reaching out, taking your hand in his own. "The truth?" He asked, getting a nod in return.
With a sigh he told you, "The truth is... I followed you there." You pulled back a little but Stolas quickly raised a hand, telling you "I know that sounds bad, but please just let me explain."
Hearing this, you froze before giving a nod the owl releasing a released sigh. "The truth is (Y/N)... I've fallen for you."
You froze, as did the rest of the office. Each member of the I.M.P family staring at him, then at each other.
"That very first day I fell for you. When you defended me, I... I fell for you heart and retched soul." Taking both of your hands in his own, he told you, "I... I don't know how to show affection. Not properly."
"My marriage was forced on me. Arranged long before I was even born, and our relationship was always weak." He wiped his eyes, voice becoming shaky, "But with you. I wanted it to be special. I wanted it to be real, but I... didn't know how."
"So yes." Stolas told you, looking up, "I did follow you, and Ive followed you quite a bit. I'm sorry for lying to you. But I only did it because... I was scared of losing you. I wanted our relationship to feel genuine. Not just a Demon Prince forcing himself on an Imp."
He brought a hand up and cupped your cheek, "I love you (Y/N). I was just terrified how to tell you. Terrified of your answer to such affections."
You stared at him for several moments, the Owl slowly leaning in, you staring back, unconsciously leaning in yourself.
You kissed.
It was was tender, passionate kiss. The owl restraining himself to just holding you gently, giving you a passionate kiss.
As you kissed, Stolas looked up, staring at the others with a look that said it simply.
I win~
Breaking the kiss, you stumbled back, face flushed, before bringing a hand to your lips, a wiggly little smile crossing your lips.
"Now wait a fucking second!" Blitzø snapped, holding up the silver bracelet. "What about this?"
Stolas stood tall, telling them all simply, "A token of my affection." He told him simply, smiling down at you warm smile, you returning it.
"Oh yeah?" Asked Blitzø, turning it around he showed the rune, just barely visible. "If your 'Intentions are pure', then why the fuck is there a Goetia Rune on the bracelet?"
Stolas paused, avoiding eye contact when you looked up at him.
Fixing his attire, Stolas told them simply, "Its a protection spell. A rather simple one, but it would tell me if he were in danger," looking down he cupped your cheek, "I wanted to make sure you were safe."
You seemed to just eat this up, neither Blitzø or Moxxie were able to stop him as he told you simply, "I have a car waiting down stairs, why don't you go wait for me." He told you warmly the two of you sharing another brief kiss before you went to walk out.
"Wait!" Millie cried running over too you, "Listen, sweetie, I get it, your all love drunk. But you can't trust him."
You looked upset, telling her, "I thought you of all of them would be happy I found someone." Wiping your nose, you left.
The Imps unable to do anything to stop you.
Standing up, Stolas was radiating smugness, straightening out his attire.
Looking over at Blitzø, he smiled at the Imps obvious frustration. The Imp glaring daggers at him.
Walking over he leaned down, snatching the bracelet out of his hand.
"I believe that belongs to my beloved~" He cooed, voice dripping in smugness.
Blitzø glared at him, spitting out, "I don't know what your up to, but this isn't over!"
Stolas just smiled, reaching down he pinched his cheek, "Oh Blitzy~ I've already won~"
And with that he stood back up, gave a slight nod to the others before walking away.
Stolas took a moment to reflect on what just happened, believing in his black heart it couldn't have gone better even if he had planned it.
And he had this simple bracelet to thank.
He wasn't lying when he said it was for protection. The rune being one of the most powerful at his disposal, it did indeed grant protection for its wearer.
But... it also provides him with the exact location of the wearer, as well as whenever they take it off.
It had cost him a sizable amount of energy transporting both himself and the family limo to the office, doing such to make sure his arrival didn't seem suspicious.
But now all he had to hunch was say the right things, and you were his.
Months of work. Saying the right things. A little magic and a lot of unconscious conditioning.
Finally payed off.
He knew Blitzø wouldn't give up, and he didn't care if he did. You were his now, and even better yet, you wanted to be his.
Your willing submission saving him an immense amount of time and trouble in getting you.
The cost of the potions he would've had to purchase you to gain your adoration alone would have put a dent in the family treasury.
But to get you, to get your love and affection, he would have paid it and more.
You were his. Whether you knew it or not.
And not Blitzø, nor his wife, not even Lucifer himself, could take you from him.
And that's how it would stay.
So long as he had a say in the matter...
Hey Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed.
I wanted to try using a little colour for the characters since I haven't used colour in any of my works, I figure I'd give it a try, see how you liked it.
Also, I know this doesn't have a traditionally "good ending", but I really believe that if Stolas, Prince of the Ars Goetia, became obsessed with an Imp, and you being a rather humble Demon In this story, I have very little doubt he couldn't succeed.
Anyway, I hope you liked it. Feel free to leave some feedback, what you liked and all that. And thank you for reading, Bye Bye.
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abandonedknees · 2 years
Honestly most witchcraft posts i see are portrayed as this aesthetically pleasing thing, having many candles and fancy tools. I find it very hard to relate to and also a bit classist tbh. Many of the posts have an underlying tone that sounds a lot like “you NEED to have these tools to be a real witch” (false, you can do witchcraft without any tools) Witchcraft is a personal thing and you get to decide how it looks. You don’t need to have brand new crystals for every spell, or a neatly organised grimoire. Most of my tools are second hand, thrifted and gifts. They work just as well as any shiny new things :) also it’s better for the environment to reuse things 🌱 if you want to/have the money to have brand new things and super pretty set ups then all power to you. I just find it less stressful to do spells when i don’t have to worry about it being perfect. So basically, it’s ur craft, ur rules ~
Sidenote; mistakes are bound to happen, like stuttering or drawing a symbol slightly off. That’s completely okay!! Take your time to refocus and don’t let it dishearten you. And you don’t need to be doing spells every day to be a “real” witch.
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
Hello, frens! Call me Lex or Crow, queer, he/they/she pronouns bc gender is weird and fucked. Old Millenial. Australian. Practicing Witch.
This tumblr was mostly set up for Hermitcraft and Empires shitposting, and that's mostly what I'll use it for. I do occasionally post fics and other ramblings, sometimes snippets from streams or from watching episodes, new or otherwise. Lots of art and fic reblogs. And sometimes I post my minecraft builds.
And now that it's Snowflake Challenge time again, i thought I'd do these posts over here and the first challenge is getting your fandom info and links organised, and I really don't have anything like that over here yet, so. Have an intro post. :D
Ships and Fandom Interests:
I'm mainly hyperfixated on Cub and Scar and the ConVex, as well as Sausage and Pearl and their lore, but I also write RenDoc and Ren/Martyn and others when the inspiration strikes.
I am shippy and do occasionally write smutfic and kinkfic, but I do also write gen and platonic fic as well when the story wants that instead. Mostly I am your niche rarepair writer who isn't interested in the big juggernaut pairings. And who wrote skulk Cub before it was canon lmao. XD
Follows come from this account bc I set this up not intending for it to be my main and then I left twitter like an idiot and well. Here we are lol.
I have a sideblog set up @lexstellaris for non-fannish shitposting and other more personal things. No need to follow that unless you want to.
Feel free to submit asks if you have questions, or there there's something you want me to discuss, or you want to throw fic prompts at me. :D I have a tag for all my ask responses if you want to look through that as well.
You can find my fic posted on AO3 here under the name orphancrow.
I have been posting fic on AO3 under other accounts for a long time, and I mostly adhere to AO3's guidelines when rating my fic. So you may find kinkfic and other sexual content in my M-rated fics as well as my E-rated fics bc both are designed for adult content, but this will always be clear from the tags so there shouldn't be any surprises. I know I differ from some of the fandom on this, but it's how I do things, and I want to be upfront about that.
Transformative Works Policy:
If you wanna write fic or draw art inspired by my works, that's totally fine with me, just link back to the works that inspired you. I'm also fine with anyone wanting to podfic my works or translate them into other languages, as long as there's a link back to my original works.
You can find this in my AO3 profile as well.
Tags and Projects:
#spoilers - I'm (mostly) consistent in using the spoilers tag for any new eps or current streams I'm posting about so feel free to block that if you're not interested in knowing. I mostly use this for eps just released if I'm watching them then.
#fanfic - Fanfic posted on this account can be found under the fanfic tag. This does include stuff I've posted to AO3 as well, some of which is stuff I've edited and tidied up after posting it here.
#vex magic grimoire - If you're interested in the Vex Magic Grimoire, I have a tag for that where you can follow the progress of that grimoire. The concept behind it is that it's being written mostly by Pharaoh Cub in s7, with inputs from Scar, and it's exploring and explaining Vex magic and potions and a bunch of my Vex lore.
I have also started an archive for the grimoire pages over here at the Liber Vex archive. It's just simple links back to tumblr rn, but it'll be more of a full text archive in time. New pages will be updated there and I'll link this at the end of each new post as well, so keep an eye on that site if you want to keep up with all the lore.
#minecraft builds - All my minecraft screencaps and builds are housed under this tag. I play both java and bedrock, survival and creative. I currently have three worlds I'm working on:
#bedrock co op world - This is a co op bedrock realm I play with my partner. We're playing on the hc9 seed (-3609821817241206192). We started in survival but now it's mostly creative, tho there are some farms and other things for when I am in the mood to grind resources. Being played on a Hermitcraft seed, there's a few Hermitcraft-inspired/Cub-inspired builds on here, but there's also plenty of other things too. I'm working on populating the Hermissippi river with builds to make it feel less empty lol.
#villa hekatea - This is a Java solo world, seed -6478546301100136766. I play in survival easy and am building up a small sanctuary town dedicated to Hekate. It's my first attempt at playing pure survival and I'm having so much fun with it. The lore is that my character was pushed to leave their home city due to Hekate worship being banned, and ran away to settle in this area and is building up a place for Hekate's worship. There's a lot of personal builds in this one that come from my own worship and work with Hekate, but it's also it's own thing, and it's so fun.
#the mountain shrine - This is another Java solo world I started for 1.20, seed 3718928586175470756. I'm currently playing on survival peaceful, though I may switch to easy eventually so I can get an iron farm and xp farm going, since I've found those so helpful in my other Java world. I have big plans for terraforming the area including building shrines on the mountain oppsite, building a river/lake between the mountains, and essentially following along with Pix's survival guide progress, just as a challenge for myself to push my survival skills a little bit further.
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