#humor pranks joke
alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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enderfenderdragon · 3 months
how would He react?
how would Colby Brock react if you played a prank on him while you were 'alone' in a haunted mansion's ball room.
warnings!: Colby Brock x reader, Mostly gender-neutral reader, i little spicy, kind of fluffy, no use of "y/n", bad grammar.
not proof read!
if you don't like what you read in the warnings. please don't read. scroll away or even ignore me and this post. please don't leave a comment if it won't be nice or anything. if you do decide to leave a comment. i will delete the comment and block you, and your blog.
thank you :D
you thought it was a good idea for you to play a prank on your boyfriend - Colby Brock. while you were exploring a haunted mansion.
you, Sam, Colby, Celina and kris were going to have to slit up for a while. one of Sam and Colby's 'investigation tactics' or whatever this was.
luckily, you and Colby was partnered up for this because you were supposed to investigate a big section of the mansion - the ball room.
it was about two minutes in when you thought this was going to be your moment to prank him.
so you walk up to Colby and cups his cheeks from behind. you get him to lean backwards somehow and you put your lips next to his left ear. you then rip out the most sinful moan you've ever made, right into his ear.
Colby jumps forwards. He whips around at stares at you with worry and confusion all over his face. part of this prank was that you had to act like nothing happened while your partner withered away in their dirty mind. You stared back at him and smiled sweetly, as if nothing happened.
"there was a mozzie on your left shoulder, i was getting it off for you" you say sweetly, innocently and nervously.
"oh was there?" Colby says back, stalking towards you.
you back away from him until you cant anymore. your back bumps the wall of the ball room. you look back, and looked so pale someone would think you've seen a ghost.
Colby's hands block you way out. trapping you against the freezing, ruff bricks that made up the wall of the ball room.
"C-Colby, we have to i-investigate" you stutter, obviously nervous and scared.
"tsk, tsk, tsk.... that can wait" he all most growls.
"wha-" you don't even finish a word when his lips come crashing down on yours, sucking the life and breath out of you.
"C-Colby!" you shout as Colby's lips trail down your neck. Planting wet kisses on the sensitive skin He oh so loved.
the only sounds heard from the ball room was the rem-pod and wet kisses.
"Colby, the rem pod is going off...." you trail off. Staring at the rem-pod glowing green.
Colby thankfully turns his head around and stares at the rem-pod.
"mhm, it seems so" Colby says lowly. making you squeeze your legs together.
Colby turns his head towards you and stares you down.
"so." He starts. you turn your head just a smidge. your eyes never leaving his own, blue eyes.
"why did you do that baby?" he says lowly, tilting his head so little you would have never noticed, if you weren't staring him down.
you gulp and squeak out "d-do what?"
Colby chuckles and shakes his head, looking down.
"you moaned in my ear..... do you have any idea how hard it is to hold back yourself when your partner wears your clothes?" he mentions to your 'clothes'. also his favourite hoodie and pants.
"hey you have good taste and.... they're comfy" you mumble, looking down at your shoes.
Colby's hand gently cups your chin and tilts it up so you lock eyes with him.
"what can i say? i have good taste in a lot of things...." he trails off, looking you up and down once biting his lip to stop him from finishing his sentence.
lets just say you couldn't walk or stand after that night you had with him.
requests open.
this wasn't a request, it was just an idea that i decided to write last minute.
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Who handle weapon better 🤣 More like this
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funnyshorts · 1 month
Funny Prank
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memesfunnyyy · 5 months
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memes .. funny .. try not to laugh .. prank .. people .. funny image 😂😂😂😂
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knightprincess · 5 months
The Mischief of the 501st (Oneshot)
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Synopsis: Ever wonder what mischief the boys in blue get up to? Pairing: None Words: Just over 2k Requested by: Im Busy Sleep on Quotev
The war was tough; no one could deny it. If the constant terrors and trauma of the war itself didn't get to those on the front lines, then the traveling from battlefield to battlefield did. Being stuck on the same ships, surrounded by dura steel walls and grated or black shiny floors, greeted with the same colors of hyperspace and the same droids wandering the never-ending halls. The threat of danger looming around every corner, even when on shore leave. 
There were some, however, who could brighten even the worst of battles, whether that be by telling jokes, speaking their minds at the most inopportune times, pulling pranks around the halls of the cruisers, or even answering questions with sarcasm. A few could impersonate like no other, whether of their commanding Jedi, random Civvi's or Senators, or occasionally each other. Comet from the 104th was particularly good at impersonating members of the Jedi order, both old and young. There has yet to be another who could beat his impression of Master Yoda. Waxer and Boil could beat the most when it comes to sarcasm. In contrast, Gregor could win over anyone with his flirtatious ways and lack of mind filters. If he thought something, it was guaranteed he would voice it, regardless of whether he ended up offending someone. 
The Coruscant Gaurd didn't lack in humor. Although at first look, they appeared serious and as if they didn't know the meaning of fun, that was anything but the truth. Fox and Thorn were always in a playful battle for the grand prize of the best coffee mug. Thire could often be found dancing down the halls, especially on quiet days. Hound was always fussing the massiffs, throwing anything he was sure they would chase, whereas Stone, more often than not, was flirting with the senators or playing pranks on the rest of the guard. There was a tally in the main office to see who tripped over the most when out in the field, and Fox had an assassination plot going, although no one knew if he was serious about it. 
But none could beat the 501st, especially for mischievous antics. The 501st were considered among the best troopers the GAR had to offer, alongside the 104th and 212th. Their mischief was almost legendary, even more so when their commanding Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, and his padawan Ahsoka Tano, would join in. It was almost a running joke among the GAR now. Wherever the 501st was, chaos and mischief would be close behind. Their antics away from the battlefield never seemed to fail to draw an eye roll out of Wolffe and get even the grumpiest bar hoppers at 79's to smile. There was no end to their mischief. 
If one were to ask Ahsoka what her favorite prank or joke was, she'd always say there were too many to list. Anakin would say the most annoying by far was the helmet switch-a-roo, especially when it happened on the battlefield. Fives and Echo had started it; at first, no one noticed anything was up; both Arc Troopers had continued their duty as the other. But that changed when Obi-wan requested Fives to accompany him for something, and only for whom he believed to be Echo followed instead. Ahsoka had chuckled upon the pair removing their helmets to reveal Fives had indeed followed the instruction given. 
Jesse and Kix would often switch helmets, although they did nothing more than that. Tup joined a few times with Hardcase, occasionally with Dogma when the other didn't pay attention. Rex had caught on eventually, although he didn't do anything other than shake his head and continue as normal. 
Pranks on each other weren't out of the question, either. A few times, Anakin had walked into the barracks to find blaster holes in the walls and a pair of troopers hiding in the corner. When asked what happened, a list of things was given depending on the troopers. Jesse and Kix said once there was a fly with a bazooka, and Fives and Echo said there was a spider; when asked why they shot at it, both simply replied it had more legs than them. Tup and Hardcase said something about ghosts or some flying creatures, depending on how creative they were that day. Appo had by far been the oddest answer; he didn't say any creature or anything with a weapon, merely stating the force made him do it. 
Ahsoka hadn't escaped the chaos either. Normally, the pranks on her were more playful and usually occurred around her birthday and Life Day. They would be silly things, like adding tinsel to her Jedi robes or baubles on the ends of her montrals. Other times, they'd wake her up by singing Happy Birthday or Life Day songs as loudly as possible, normally off-key. If, by chance, they were on shore leave when Life Day or Ahsoka's birthday rolled around, they'd simply com her with the pitchless songs or ask someone with technical skills to hack her communicator and datapad. 
Anakin, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. Armor and Helmet Switch-A-Roo were the tame jokes, as were the barracks ones. The troopers of the 501st weren't above playing the long game or roping both Rex and Ahsoka into helping. By far, their longest ongoing prank was the beeping devices. Several of them had been strategically placed, one in his barracks, another in the conference rooms, aboard his ship, in his quarts at the temple, and, of course, at the apartment he shared with Padme. The last of which Padme had placed herself. All the little devices were motion-activated and would send out a medium-pitched beep every few minutes. 
The one in the conference room had also gotten to Obi-Wan, Cody, and Mace Windu. The three Jedi had been annoyed by the constant beep, even more so when they couldn't find its source. Cody had been, too, until Rex clued him in on what was happening. From then on, Cody, like Rex, would say he didn't hear anything when asked about the beep. The beep joke had gone on for almost eighteen months before Anakin finally found one of the devices. 
Dogma was another who had been on the receiving end of jokes due to his determination to follow all rules and orders. Although the trooper had caught on quickly, it wasn't before he'd asked a few dumb questions to his commanding Jedi. After that, the jokes had been simple ones: hair dye in shampoo, wrapping everything in cellophane and tin foil, and occasionally, they'd gift wrap everything. Plastic cups of water or Jawa juice, all of them glued together to make it impossible to move on without spilling the others. 
Dogma would respond in kind, normally by hiding one boot or blaster. Occasionally, on his daring days, he'd wake up after everyone had gone to sleep and put the hand of those who pranked him in a bowl of water before settling to sleep again. He'd always wake up with a grin the following day, especially if there were a round of swearing greeting him. 
If you questioned if the other legions were safe from the antics of the 501st, then your answer was no. Fox and the Coruscant Gaurd had been caught so many times that they practically had a warning about it for new shinnies in the main office. Not to mention Jesse, Fives, and Echo had been put in detention so many times the trio had their own cell. The three had been arrested often enough. All Rex had to say when retrieving them was, "I'm here for my Arc Troopers." 
Wolffe had been the victim of a few air horn pranks; normally, early in the morning, he'd find the one rigged to the refresher door. Hardcase was normally the one daring enough to slip a whoopee cushion or two in Wolffe's seat at 79's. To say the commander of the 104th had been tempted to throw the culprits from the highest skyscraper was an understatement.
Fives and Echo would also be the first to dare Gregor to do something. The Commando never turned down a dare or a bet, even when the results were disastrous. The flirty Clone had done everything; his favorite was the strip tease on the bar of 79's. Even more so when it had gone down in history, the story was almost legendary among the younger cadets. 
Howzer, too, had been on the receiving end of jokes, as had Cody. Both had undergone changes to their armor more times than they could count normally when they were drunk. Thorn of the Coruscant Guard had also been on the receiving end of it. Normally, it was the color being changed. A few times, Cody's had resembled that of Clone Force 99 instead of the sunrise yellow he normally adorned. Howzer's teal normally changed to different shades of green and blue, normally accompanied by random doodles of hearts, smiley faces, cat ears, and anything else the trio of Jesse, Kix, and Tup could think of. 
The Jedi weren't safe either, especially the other Padawans, when Ahsoka roamed the halls of the temple. The young Cal Kestis had his hair braided in a way similar to Quinlan Vos; a yellow strip had been carefully pained across his face, too. Caleb Dume had his robes switched out for modified clone armor, referred to as JP-8376, much to the confusion of the young padawan. Others had found their datapads had been tampered with or codes to their rooms had been changed. A few had been on the receiving end of things being glued down or gift-wrapped. 
Barris Offee hadn't gotten away either, despite being Ahsoka's best friend. Her lightsaber had been replaced with dummy ones, the names of contacts on her communicator had been changed to random things, her cloak had been dyed a multitude of colors, and she had alarms going off at different hours of the night. Thankfully, the pranks never extended to the battlefield. 
The Knights and Masters hadn't gotten away. With help from the clones who had a talent for impersonations. Several Knights and Masters had been set all over the galaxy. Young Knights had been set on wild goose chases around the temple and sometimes the senate building. Older, more experienced knights had been sent off the world or been told their lightsabers or Jedi fighter jets were being recalled for some reason or another. The masters had been convinced Yoda had new assignments for them, only to find the Grand Master and be met with confusion. 
It took a while for anyone at the temple to realize Ahsoka and Anakin were behind the many pranks and confusion. Occasionally, they were helped by the Clones and Obi-Wan when he caught on, Plo and Quinlan helped on the occasions they were around during the chaos. 
The Senators hadn't been safe either. With the normal culprits of the 501st switching out their blue-painted armor for the red of the Coruscant Guard, they caused havoc in the senate building. Anything from "escorting" senators places only to go the wrong way. Purposely mixing up names or singing the most annoying songs possible. Tripping through doors as a way to impersonate Rex's talent. Conducting random searches for "suspicious items", even causing lockdowns by tripping fire alarms or messing with the security system. They'd rig random alarms to go off at different times and play havoc with the droids around the mushroom-shaped building. By far, the favorite was playing bumper cars with the Senate pods. 
No civvies escaped the chaos. If there were racing events happening, it was only a matter of time before the boys of the 501st appeared. Many times, there had been speeder chases or taxi jumping. It's been rumored Hardcase started a cult in the lower levels (although nothing has been confirmed). Poppers had been set off near 79's and other bars around the planet-wide city, and car chases had taken place when the Coruscant Guard had attempted to catch the rowdy lot. Every button on the elevators had been pressed, and trains had become another means of transport to jump to and from. 
When the 501st are around, pranks, chaos, and mayhem will follow with havoc sprinkled in. No one is safe from the pranks and jokes the boys in blue pull, especially when Anakin and Ahsoka are around to throw fuel on the burning fire. 
Knight Princess Masterlist
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Cat Humor”
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strawhatboy · 8 months
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freeguy4840 · 2 months
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sandwitchstories · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe Characters: Rogue Cheney, Sting Eucliffe, Minerva Orland, Yukino Aguria, Orga Nanagear, Frosch (Fairy Tail), Lector (Fairy Tail) Additional Tags: Haunted Houses, Jump Scares, monster potions, Fake Bugs, fear of bugs, Sting is a mess, Rogue loves him anyways, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, do not buy potions from shady dealers, sting will never learn, shadowlight week 2023, Non-Graphic Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, that certainly did not go as planned, do stings plans ever, everyone likes to be the little spoon, minerva cannot keep secrets Summary:
Shadowlight Week. Day 4 prompt: Monsters/Potions @shadowlight-week
Rogue accidentally unleashes a guild wide plague of pranks towards Sting. Sting chooses revenge in the form of a haunted house. Will his plans go accordingly? Yeah right, do they ever?
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some humor for a good mood 🤭
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