mziceebaby · 4 months
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@Yanjusofine_ on Twitter 🤎
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
Stop ignoring your bodily signals that’s somethings not right. You get a bad stomach and need to run to the bathroom after the morning smoothie? It doesn’t agree with you. You get terrible anxiety and feel you need to perform on dates with the pretentious guy? He’s not your person. You feel shaky after the iced latte? It’s not for you sweetie. Your body is constantly sending signals, letting you know what feels good, and what doesn’t. Foods that don’t agree with you, people that cause you panic. Take inventory on what's causing dis-harmony in your life, and start editing ruthlessly. This is an act of self love. No more ignoring signs from your inner guidance system. Start heeding the call from your body. It’s speaking to you always. 
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mauvefiles · 1 year
When a woman is consistently spoken to softly & treated gently, she becomes a new woman. You're helping her heal her nervous system, you're helping her heal generational trauma, you're allowing her feminine energy to flourish, you're helping her to remember who she is.
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lasaidso · 4 months
I NEED women to get comfortable telling folks “You’re not doing enough for me” and “I need more than what you’re capable or willing to provide.” I need my ladies to say it, mean it, and STAND on it, because that’s where your best life and best LOVE resides. It’s not selfish, it’s self preservation. Too many times, people come into our lives, leave with more than what they had, when they came, and we are left depleted and broken when they’re gone.
Dead it. ♥️
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prettieinpink · 6 months
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BEING OPTIMISTIC, regardless of the circumstances. People love positivity and will gravitate to people who make them feel good regardless of their circumstances.
SMILE. Even if you’re just walking around, having a nice friendly smile appeals to people and deems you approachable.
HELP WHENEVER YOU CAN, hold the door for someone, or lift a small burden for them. However, if you’re helping someone and it is out of your capabilities, it’s people-pleasing.
BE PRESENT, don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Just focus on what you’re doing, and with who at that moment.
BE AN ACTIVE LISTENER, engage in conversations with people and genuinely take in the information they tell you + make an effort to remember these facts about them.
AVOID JUDGING AND GOSSIPING, no matter how nice you are, as soon as you display these traits, you create a distance between your friends/family. While honesty is valued, if people don’t feel like they can be their authentic selves around you, they’ll close themselves up.
GIVE COMPLIMENTS OFTEN. Only if you mean it. It doesn’t have to be someone who you’re close to, but even just passers-by.
BE VULNERABLE. People won’t open up to people who are closed up. Share your deepest fears, challenges and emotions to create a deeper connection and trust.
PRACTICE BEING HUMBLE, while it is okay to celebrate our successes, we must be mindful of the manner we do so. Acknowledge other’s efforts and be willing to learn from others.
REPLACE SORRY WITH THANK YOU. If you’re a serial say-sorry person, replace them with thank you. E.g. sorry I’m late -> thank you for patiently waiting.
BE OPEN-MINDED, surround yourself with a diverse environment, and be willing to learn from other’s perspectives.
TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY. Apologise when necessary and own up to your own mistakes, but be sure to not repeat them.
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bbltheque · 11 months
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originally made this plan for myself but all the Q&A sessions on instagram made me want to share it with you.
everyone, let's do our best and have fun. no pressure and don't take it too seriously. Come on ig if you want more action, details and examples.
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svdaily · 7 months
Stop letting other people tell you who you are.
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sweet-lil-darling · 10 months
💕 There are men who enjoy investing in you.
💕 There are men who enjoy providing for you.
💕 There are men who enjoy maintaining you.
Don't listen to the ones who can't or won't treat you the way you want to be treated.
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luxuryandlilacs · 8 months
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Suffering is not a virtue.
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chichiscloset · 18 days
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soft-black-princess · 8 months
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seakclauswinkler · 1 year
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Artist, Maler, Künstler SEAK Claus Winkler: Malen ist für mich spielen. Ich kann beim malen Häuslichkeit und die #deutsche #Gemütlichkeit produktiv verdichten, und leben. Vielleicht zwinge Ich mit dem malen #Frauen ihre eigentlich natürliche Rolle als #Hausfrau, und #Mutter ( Ma ) auf, und halte die weibliche #Hypergamie zurück. Beim malen habe Ich immer meine rechten Arm im Blick, in Sicht. So #kleinteilig #kompliziert zu malen, mit kleinen #Pinseln ist irgendwie #Krank, bzw falsch, bzw verrückt wenn man bedenkt wie schnell Ich in Groß, Große Flächen malen kann. Ich beim malen immer eine #Aufgabe, auch wenn keine wirklich #Inspiration, Etc da ist. Ich male einfach. Ich mag beim malen das die Atmosphäre im #Atelier so alt, bzw natürlich ist, viel Holz, Naturstoffe, ursprünglich. Kann aber auch sein das Ich mir das nur selber einrede. Ich make wahrscheinlich weil mir das Wort ‘ malen ‘ #Klarheit nimmt. Phonetisch ‘ A ‘ und ‘ ‘ Ä ‘. Da Ich aber ‘ Male ‘ und sich da das der zweite laut wie ein ‘ e ‘ anhört spiegelt sich in dem Wort ‘ male ‘ mein Name wieder. Von der Gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung. A e : Alle Frauen sind so. Oder ‘ A e : Ich geh darein welche es mir so leicht machen das es sich wie ein ‘ eh ‘ vorkommt. Oder A e : Du kannst Frauen am Fremdgehen nicht hindern wenn Sie es wollen. Du kannst Sie nur daran hindern wenn Sie merkt das du die anderen auch alle ‘ eh ‘ hast/ haben kannst. Wem meine #Interpretation von ‘ Male ‘ zu #binär ist, oder zu sehr an der #Wahrheit, der kann ja eine PrEP Tablette nehmen, Frauen müssen 2 Tage warten, und dann da rein gehen wo es ‘ eh ‘ ist. Es gibt bestimmt auch andere #Perspektiven, für ‘ A ‘ ‘ e ‘. Zum Beispiel das nichts ‘ eh ‘ ist, das #Mann für alles was was wert hat arbeiten muss, damit man zufrieden ist. Ich bin mit dem was Ich #male #selten #zufrieden, das geht allen #Malern so. Das treibt uns an. #Malen zwingt uns ins ist. #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Kunst #Gemälde #Künstler (hier: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEyYm7IS6j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adviceformefromme · 1 month
Cheat codes #1
Remove the idea that your value comes from your looks, your achievements, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the Van Clef necklace. If you can remove all of those external factors, and look in the mirror and realise that you stripped down to your core is worthy, you without the mask is enough, from this place you will have a confidence that allows you to thrive in this world that leeches on women's insecurities. 
Root yourself in spirituality. Because ultimately life is better with God than without. Knowing there is a love, protection and care that comes from this relationship and acknowledging and strengthening this bond is how you remain grounded in a world that can so easily have you lost in the darkness, when there is so much light waiting for you to feel. God is waiting for you. 
Daily exercise. Your body is your temple, treat it as such. The movement / stretches / cardio and weights in light moderation allow a layer of protection to your health and wellbeing. You feel energised, your energy is moving through your veins. It’s an act of self love and care that doesn’t require a fancy gym membership. Just commitment of 30 mins per day. 
Prioritise your gut health. Your gut is your second brain, it’s communicating with you always. Start listening, start noticing what foods it needs, what foods affect your energy levels, if carbs are making you sleepy, re-assess, if the coffee is giving you the jitters, reassess. Stop ignoring what your gut is telling you, notice your bowel movements. Keep getting the shits? Take fucking note. Read books, get tested, learn about your gut microbiome. Having excellent gut health is how you thrive in this life, unfortunately the western diet creates quite the opposite and so its on you to rise above the status quo.
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lovegami · 6 months
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pink is the vibe 💗
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thuggergirlfiles · 11 months
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bbltheque · 11 months
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