#i 100% believe this btw she absolutely would
all-pacas · 3 days
i think you're deeply in denial about being a chase/cam shipper or you gotta change your definition of shipping or something. because whatever you're doing here absolutely 100% looks like shipping them. to the untrained eye
in reality i have this very multi long paragraph disclaimer that's too convoluted to even explain but here ya go:
they are my two favorite characters
i like seeing them interact because of this fact
i find their deeply complimentary set of flaws fascinating. i love seeing cameron in a Relationship because she's such a fucking unreliable narrator about herself. i like seeing chase in a relationship because the very concept of "putting someone besides yourself first" is so antithetical to him and the opposite of what he has learned his whole life. i want to put them in a room together. i want cameron to talk at glowing length about her soulmate dead husband and how she watched him die and i want chase to talk about watching his mother die and how much he hates and resents her. i don't know where that conversation would go but i Want It. it's like how i want chase and 13 to talk about murder and redemption together. it is a platonic smashing together of fake people, not about making them kiss
i think they were badly written in the sense that like. there's no writing. they're just together. now they're not. now chase has feelings. do we see them? no. now cameron has feelings. do we see them? no. now they date for three years. as someone who likes writing and narrative this drives me insane because it's so lazy.
i think i could do it better, not in a "because i want to write uwu fixit fanfic where they kiss" way but in a "this sort of writing drives me insane" way. like. huddy was badly written too but it very much existed. cameron and chase are just "oh btw chase fell for her at some point for some reason during fwb." why???? we can handwave but there is NOTHING IN CANON. cameron likes him too! why??? WHO KNOWS
however i also find it annoying when people go "solution: they never dated, we pretend it never happened" because that's ALSO lazy and retcons several years of canon including cameron's exit from the show. including the actual character development chase gets, which i actually do like. i think i'm a rare person who almost prefers late series chase. i like short haired chase. and i don't like the idea of erasing all that canon development just because "uwu i don't like it" (or, more petty, because "uwu i think cameron should have kissed x -- usually house -- so i hate this canon relationship that like it or not did exist")
this ties in to my actual fairly complicated feelings about cameron and how a lot of fandom tends to Girlboss her up in obvious and admirable contrast to her years of reddit-ish character bashing. where i admire the Spirit but deeply dislike this Girlboss characterization.
basically i am a deeply contrary person by nature
so whenever i see this ship i go IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER, and OUT OF SPITE I WILL DEFEND IT, which is a whole perpetual motion machine of feelings
i honestly could not care less about them kissing. except for the specific episodes where they allude to having a sex life and foreman all but flees the room. i actually care quite a lot about that, i think it's super funny. so in that context (in front of foreman, to troll him) i want them to make out.
i've gone and read old ffn stories from when the show was airing that featured them as a couple. like from true fans and believers of the ship. i disagree with almost all of it and think usually cameron and usually chase are ooc in these stories. but in different ways. this also triggers my spite
so sure. yes. i ship it. probably,
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littlemissayu · 1 year
TWST Boys as ✨ PARENTS✨(Part 1)
TW: kids, pregnancy, reader is depicted as female, domestic, fluff
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ft. :Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw | pt.2 ; ft. Octavinelle & Scarabia | pt.3; ft.Pomefiore, Ignhihyde | pt. 4; ft.Diasomnia
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Riddle Rosehearts-
This man only has 1 kid, maybe 2 but that's kinda pushing it. I think he would be so worried about messing up his child the way his mother messed him up. He'd be strict yet dotting on his children; like he'll make sure their homework is done by a reasonable time and then praise them for doing really well on an assignment, especially if it's a subject they genuinely struggle with. If I'd say a boy dad or girl dad honestly, I think it could go either way, but I'm leaning towards boy dad.
Trey Clover-
I heavily believe he will have a big family anywhere from 4 - 7 kids. And these kids are absolutely close in age because I know the two of you are gonna get very busy, it feels like you're always pregnant with other people. Just imagine Trey with a mini him (or you) helping him crack the eggs in a bowl while they're wearing matching aprons <3. He would be a gentle parent but would put his foot down went he needed to. When it comes to girl dad or boy dad I can only think both!!
Cater Diamond-
At first he wasn't sure he wanted kids bc kids are a lot to take care of, but after the two of you being together and going through so much. He realizes deep down he did want to start a family with you. He would probably want only one or two but your first pregnancy you end up with triples; then you two said that's it until you got pregnant again with twins!!(My headcanon that Cater's special magic makes it more likely to have twins, triplets, etc come for here!!). It wasn't what the two of you anticipated but you couldn't be happier
Your pair of triplets ended up being 2 girls and a boy, then your twins were girls. He's a very fun dad always staying on top of the trends and slang. He has a hard time laying down the law with his kids sometimes, so you have to do it most of the time but when he really has to he does. *Bonus: You guys have 4 family photo shoots a year, and multiple photo albums*
Ace Trappola-
He probably has 3-5 kids, but from time to time it feels like you have 4-6 kids. He's always getting into trouble with them, playing pranks on you and others, even each other. There is no quiet in your household, it doesn't exist til everyone's asleep. Your kids are the most playful and competitive children you've ever seen, but they know to dial it back from time to time; Ace told them "When your mom says it once, she might be joking, if she says it twice she more likely serious so listen, if you make it to three....your the only name going on that tombstone". You guys are the most chaotic adorable family ever.
Deuce Spade-
He has 3 kids and not a single one of them is male, bc this man is %100 a GIRL DAD!! At first he was nervous about messing her up but after your first girl turned 3 and your second is 1, he couldn't imagine having a boy. He is the most proud girl dad you'll ever see. Is so protective of his amazing girls(that includes you btw), would fight off mosquito if it bit one his girls, no matter have stupid he looks. Spoils his little girls in any way he can, luckily you're there to make sure their not TOO spoiled.
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Leona Kingscholar-
This man has 2 children and always makes sure one never feels less than the other. He knows what it's like to be stuck in your siblings shadow so he tries to make sure that never happens to his kids. While he won't always be present since he is still part of the royal family and therefore will have certain royal duties to fulfill; he will always do his best to be there for his kids. He does sleep less then he did before since his life is busier, but he always makes sure to take a nap everyday so when he's with his wife and kids he'll be able to be in a better mode to see his beautiful family. He would have one girl and one boy.
Ruggie Bucchi-
3-8 kids. His kids are the rowdiest, sneakiest kids you've ever seen. Although most of the time they're super sweet(to you). The first time you two talked about kids you agreed on only 2, but after having your first 2 rascals. You two got some more baby fever and ended up having only a few more. You did have a good paying job so you could take care of your little pack of children. The Bucchi household never has a boring day because there is always something really exciting or crazy that is happening. Overall he has more girls than he does boys. You first daughter stays a daddy's girl <3, but dw he loves all his kids equally!
Jack Howl-
4 kids, an even amount. He isn't the most expressive Dad but his kids can tell how he feels based on body language and physical acts. While to others it may seem as if he couldn't care less about his kids, it is the complete opposite. Always making sure their ok, celebrating their accomplishments, and always encouraging them to do what they love. His kids can tell through these small acts that he loves them. Your husband loves to take early morning runs, ofc but when your kids are babies he would take them in their stroller so they can get some fresh air to get them in a good mood. He does that so that maybe if their baby is in a better mood you won't have to much stress when trying to figure out what they need; it makes both of your lives easier. At first the two of you though you'd only have boys bc of your first 3 but then low and behold, your last kid was a baby girl<3!!
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Heartsabyul Masterlist
Savanaclaw Masterlist
TWST Masterlist
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
the cullens with reader who is a professional ice skater but is VERY nervous about their finals because they think they will mess up
The Cullens with an Ice Skater Reader
I have never skated before so... hopefully this is good
But I did go through a Yuri on Ice phase in middle school so maybe that will make up for it
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!
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He can hear all of your thoughts
And he does his best to shut them all down as soon as he hears them
He knows that you are a great skater
He's seen it before
And not only that, but he knows that you are amazing in other aspects of your life too
He has absolutely no doubts in his mind that you are going to do amazing
Does his best to reassure you
And will do anything you need him to
You want some cuddles? Of course
You don't want to see him at all and just want to focus and practice? Consider him a ghost
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She already knows that you won't mess up
She's seen it in the future
But she doesn't tell you because she doesn't want to interfere with it
She reassures you though
She tries her best to give encouraging words and reassuring promises
When you do eventually compete and don't mess up she tells you about her vision
You get a bit upset that she didn't just tell you that in the first place
But then she kisses you so all's well :)
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He could feel your anxiety from a mile away
And it was persistent
It was rubbing off on him a little bit
Even though, logically, he knew that there was no way you would mess up, he couldn't help but feel what you did
At least to an extent
He used his ability on you pretty consistently at the house
Just so you could at least relax before your big day
Other than that he'd stay pretty much in the shadows
He doesn't want to distract you during a time like this
Will give you the biggest kiss ever when you're done
Even though he doesn't like PDA
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She could sense that you were stressed out
But she was genuinely confused as to why
She had seen you run your routine literally hundreds of times
And every time it looked perfect
Even when you did make a mistake, she thought it looked intentional
She told you as much too
Unlike the others, though, she would force you to get out of the house and out of the practice rink (? is that what it's called idek)
She would take you out for a day to get your mind off of things
She is not shocked when you do perfectly btw
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He sort of has the same mindset as Rosalie
Like the amount of times he has watched you perform might be in the thousands
And he's only seen you mess up maybe three times
He doesn't get what you're so worried about
Like he understands being nervous
But he thinks you're being too hard on yourself
He does try his best to be there for you though
He will watch you do the same trick 100 times if that makes you feel better
You do perfectly obvs
But if one of the judges doesn't give you a perfect, let's just say that judge suddenly retired out of nowhere
So weird
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She completely understands being nervous
But she knows that you're great
She will also get you out of the house to get your mind off of things when she notices that you're a little too stressed
She tries to reassure you that you'll do great
But tbh she's a little nervous too
She really hopes that you being so anxious doesn't psych you out and make you mess up
When you do eventually do great she doesn't stop celebrating for a week
She gets Alice's help to throw a party
She invites the Denalis and all of their other friends
So proud
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He sympathizes
There's not a lot that he does anymore that he hasn't been doing for centuries
But there are times where he needs to perform a life saving surgery and he feels that moment of doubt
But he also believes in you and he knows that you can do it
He takes the day off work to come and watch you
He bought the biggest bouquet of your favorite flowers that he could find
He will tell anyone that he can that you are his SO and you are amazing
Literally chatting up his coworkers and random patients that come in
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Vampire! Bella:
Yeah she understands being nervous
Even after being turned she still feels like she will never be as good as Edward or Alice or any of the Cullens
But she also knows that you are fantastic
She wasn't really into sports of any kind but watching you on the ice makes her want to go full soccer mom mode
She does her best to be reassuring and help you to realize that you are really good and that this is just your brain being stupid
She does say "I told you so" after you finish and do amazing
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chemzee · 1 year
Alright! Tier list of how likely are hpma characters of becoming dateable ( if we ever get the romance option)
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Ok so here´s the list in question and my absolutely undenyable scientific reasonings behind each placement. ( /j, I understand my logic ain´t perfect so feel free to disagree)
Very likely tier
aka these characters are pretty much guaranteed to become an option or at least have a really high chance (85-100%)
Daniel: I think this one is like,,,out of question lmao. It´s pretty obvious that if you could date somebody in this game, he would be an option. First and foremost, he´s the only male companion available in the game rn, making him the most fitting male character for this role and you can´t make a romance option with no boys like cmon. Second, he´s one of the most prominent characters in a storyline and is pretty much considered to be one of mc´s closest friends along with Ivy and y´know how it goes. Also, we can take into consideration the "favoritism advantage", as in it´s pretty obvious he along with Cass is the most beloved character by the fandom and I believe it is something you as a dev should take into consideration when making a romance option.
Ivy: pretty much many of the same logic used for Daniel is applied here. She´s tecnically our first friend in the game, she´s one of mc´s closest friends and she is one of the more prominent characters in the story (she, mc and Daniel are at this point the "main trio" of the game), making her the most likely female character to be available as an option. I would say she doesn´t have a really strong "favoritism advantage" as there are less fans liking her than Daniel and Cassandra, but there are some people who seem to like and favor her and tbh I feel like it wouldn´t really affect the decision behind making her an option.
Cassandra: as much as she is supposed to be our "rival" in the game, first of all, Merula from HPHM exists. Second, we still have like, 5 more years (well, 4 tecnically, but you get the point), so there could be a possible chance of her either redeeming herself to some degree or just becoming less antagonistic towards mc. And it´s not like she hates the mc either, I feel like she actually kinda enjoys their company, just has troubles admitting her liking to us. Plus it´s not like dating a "rival character" is something new. But even if we forget about the whole "she´s supposed to be our rival" shtick, she is just a really good option for the romance. AS MUCH AS I HATE GOING OFF VIBES, she really does give of the dateable vibe, sorry. Not to mention the "favoritism advantage" not only from the fans but the developers as well. I would say that given everything, she most likely would be a lot harder to rizz up than Daniel and Ivy, in a sense that it would probably be more time consuming to get her to date us, but I feel like it would be a rather rewarding in the end of a day.
Pretty likely
aka there´s a possibility they won´t be available as an option, but given everything they have a high chance of actually being one (60-84%)
Lottie: I feel like out of the rest of the cast we have, Lottie is the most likely to be dateable, although she´s only availbale as a dancing companion at this moment (hope they fix that fr). The chances are a lot less than the three characters from above, with her not being a very prominent character in the story besides Year 2 and her not having a lot of fans but I feel like she does have a certain probability of being chosen for the role, especially since the more option there are the better. Right??? (she deserves more love btw)
aka I have no idea at this point, it really depends (50%)
Colby and Fischer aka Frey twins: I´m gonna be real with you, when I first made this tier list, I had put them in a "unlikely" tier, below Kevin and Robyn, because I felt like given everything the chances were very low. They are not available as companions, they are highly implied to have some of crush on Cassandra and they don´t have a strong "favoritism advantage" even from the devs themselves (this mostly applies to japanese and korean twitter accounts for the game, which "forgot" to post their character cards (you probably know which ones I´m talking about) which contained character description, concept art and voice actors listed (as I do know that along with character from "very likely" tier they were the only ones who had their character description uploaded to the official site, at least in english,so perhaps this point is sorta weak in that regard). But the more I though about it, the more I realised they do have certain probability. Or shall I say, one of them. Yes, I feel like there´s a chance that we could potentially date one of the twins,as in only one of them. Which one is most likely to be dateable? At this point I have no idea, but my bet´s on Colby. That being said, the only possible logical explanation I could give is "we need more than one male option available" and Kevin isn´t likely to be one, so the Freys, especially Colby are the most likely contendants for it. But other than that, it´s just a vibe and gut feeling thing, which is not a very good argument material.
Most likely not
aka the chances are below 50%. It´s not completely out of the question, but I´d say the chances are very low albeit not non existent.
Robyn: in spite of her being a companion character for every game mode except dancing and having certain favoritism advantage, let´s be real here, the affection system behind her is probably only designed to buff her specific character desks. But yeah, girl´s got a crush on Kevin, pretty obvious one at that, so she probably won´t be a dating option. Also a gut feeling moment, I feel like at some point in the story Robyn and Kevin will date eventually, but again, it is a gut feeling, so it´s not an argument material, but yeah.
Kevin: same logic as behind Robyn except he´s not even a companion character so the chances are even lower kfdvjhkfdvjkhl
and that´s the list and my reasons behind each placement
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secondratefiction · 5 months
Hi there! Hope you’re doing well! Kicking that funeral services degree’s ass with any luck!! I was wondering if you would be up to writing a drabble for Jason or Tim (whoever you think fits the scenario best) as the boyfriend of a law student. Maybe where they’re living together and she’s just barely getting 3-5 hours of sleep a night while trying to study for finals, writing a full legal brief, practicing for oral arguments, getting ready for her summer associateship, and applying for moot court and law review. (Is this based on some poor law student’s real life? We may never know!) And just like her needing someone to be there and take care of her, but also her wanting to take care of him too even though she is very much Trying Her Best to Survive™? (Btw thank you so much for blessing us with batfam content galore, absolute ICON <3 )
Oh good lord… bless you and this ‘hypothetical’ poor law student. I know my degree is kicking my ass all across the state and back, so I can only imagine… They keep telling me the degrees are worth it… we’ll ride it out and see. Good vides, and better times love 💜
Now I fully believe that Timmy would be wonderful at this in his own right… but every single thing about this request violently screams Jason Todd to me…
There are only so many hours and so many spoons in a day, and unfortunately a law degree takes up almost every single ounce of both of them
However, Jason has this innately ingrained need to take care of the people that matter to him, so this is exactly where he shines
He was always Alfred’s best protege, so the man cooks and cleans house like a pro. Not only that, but it’s something that he genuinely enjoys because they are simple and repetitive tasks that let zone out and go through the motions to decompress from his ‘other job’.
While he’s happy to take care of all of that and leave you to focus on the proverbial, ever-growing mountain of work you have - He’s not above making you stop to take a break.
It is not an uncommon occurrence for this man to literally close your laptop, throw you over his shoulder*, and haul you out to the kitchen table to sit down and have a meal with him.
((*I do not care what size you are, or what hang ups you might have about your weight, if this man can hold up a collapsing ceiling, he can carry you across y’alls apartment))
“Ok, I have physically seen you putting food and water into your body, you can go back to your cave now.”
This happens at least 2-3 times a week
He is concerned. Just humor him and let him love you.
Jason is 100% the type to be actively learning from anything you tell him
Some nights, when the insomnia and the nightmares decide to double team him, he’ll even sit up browsing through your textbooks just to try and understand everything you're doing more.
Tim get’s labeled the nerd of the family a lot, but really Jason would have been the family scholar if he’d had the chance
The second bedroom in your apartment is both your office and his library. That shit is floor to ceiling.
With that in mind he is always more than happy to be a sounding board when you need him to. Listen to what you’ve got, argue the other side if necessary
Dear god, just know what you’re getting into there… he lives for that kind of stuff, and he will come prepared. This is one of his all time favorite games, that comes second only to aggravating the living shit out of you (which, if he’s lucky, will be a bonus here)
95% of the time, Jason has got this, got you - focus on your school babe, I’ll take care of it… but that 5%? That bit where he’s not actually infallible? He so very desperately doesn’t want you to see that.
What you’re doing is important, and he doesn’t want the fact he had a rough night to be a distraction for you. This is where you enter a bit of a balancing act…
As much as you may want to put everything aside and take care of him, that is the fastest way to make him shut down.
Instead, grab a textbook and a highlighter. Go ‘make yourself some tea’ and pour him a mug too. Set everything up in the living room and drag him onto the couch with you.
Put his head in your lap, and just run your fingers through his hair while you do some reading.
Bonus points if you put a blanket over him
Poor baby is gonna melt in an instant and be out cold before you know it. Just keep playing with his hair and let him sleep.
And do not mention it if he is emotional when he wakes up… he’s never going to be good/get used to receiving love and affection. Do it anyway, and don’t make a big deal about it.
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tsurumiau · 6 months
a silly little post about what racer they'd choose if they played mario kart 8 deluxe (+ some headcanons)
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he'd 100% choose baby luigi . he thinks luigi is MUCH cooler than mario and he chose him as a baby because he thinks he'll go faster if tiny. he also always chooses the jet bike as the vehicle (what can i say it just looks like it goes very fast)
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HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY CHOOSE ROY . i mean look at his sunglasses he's clearly the coolest. shiraishi always gets the WORST items and when he finally gets a mushroom he ends up crashing against a wall or falling off the map
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king boo . she LOVES choosing king boo and screaming BOOOOOO SUGIMOTO IM GONNA EAT YOU when she's behind him (she really does it with everyone but sugimoto is the one who gets scared the most because he genuinely thinks king boo can eat other racers). she just loves feeling like a menace and hitting other racers all the time
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WHAT CAN I SAY they have the same black void eyes and i think ogata relates to him in a very deep way. ogata SUCKS at drifting but he throws bananas, bombs and green shells like a pro (doesn't matter if the other racer is behind or ahead of him)
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tanooki mario because inkarmat told him tanooki mario reminds her of him. he always ends up being the last one because he absolutely SUCKS at mario kart
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100000% CAT PEACH . she's matching with tanigaki. she always drives extremely well and therefore ends up being one of the last ones with tanigaki (but theyre in the bottom 3 together)
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BABY PEACH . he thinks peach is an absolute GIRLBOSS and like sugimoto he thinks she'll go faster as a baby. he can NEVER win against ogata because ogata somehow always has shells or bananas or bombs and throws most of them at koito no matter if he's behind or ahead of ogata
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toad . he didn't really know who to choose but koito INSISTED toad reminded him of toad and he thought choosing toad would be better than choosing the random option. he does NOT know what he's doing and tries to avoid the item boxes because he thinks they're obstacles for some reason. he sometimes ends up going THE OPPOSITE way but still manages to be in 11th place (just because tanigaki is worse)
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this man has his own mii (i made a mii just for him btw) . hes the kinda guy that has studied every object in the game and know how they all work and how to use them to win ... not a menace because hes a violent racer but because he just knows how to play
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HE'S DEFINITELY DAISY . my man ushiyama chooses the prettiest girl and THAT'S DAISY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think he's a pretty average mario kart player but sometimes he stops the vehicle because he accidentally pushes the backwards button (his fingers are too big, he thinks someone threw him a mysterious item that somehow stops the vehicle and he doesn't even notice he's the one doing it)
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he thinks THE GAME gave him the character and he can't change it (he seriously believes he's stuck with mario but no one tells him because they all think he chose mario himself). despite that he's surprisingly good, not because he's a good racer but because he always gets triple red shells and annoys everyone with them
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his brother played wario (he will bite ANYONE who tries to pick wario) . he screams WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH in every jump or gliding part. he goes feral when he gets a superstar and starts hitting all the people he can
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YOSHI !!!!!!!!!!! ironically he SUCKS at throwing bombs and ends up hitting himself with them (he HATES when they're playing battle mode and it's Bob-omb Blast time). he's VERY bad at first but gets better after playing a few times if you ignore him hitting himself with his own items
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DRY BONES . hes a silly guy and picks the silliest guy !!!! a pretty average player methinks ... definitely laughs at every single person that gets hit with a shell but gets mad when hes the one that gets hit
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rynnthefangirl · 2 months
In regard to JL&J vs. A&V, I wonder if the fandom animosity has anything to do with Viserys II being the absolute worst.
He forces his daughter to marry his rapist son and then steals his niece’s throne, using Rhaenyra as evidence to why women shouldn’t rule.
In contrast we have dashing Prince Jace who dies fighting for his mother’s claim and goes down in history as one of the greatest kings Westeros never had. George’s own words btw.
No one can say Westeros was better off with Daemyra’s son on the throne instead of Jace and most of us can agree that Rhaenyra’s definitely cursing Viserys II from the grave.
The ideal ending was King Jacaerys I Targaryen, the tragedy is that we end up with King Viserys II Targaryen.
Boy oh boy, you activated my Viserys II and Aegon III defense protocol.
First, to be clear I 100% agree King Jacaerys I would have been amazing, and (along with Queen Baela) one of the best monarchs Westeros would have ever seen. Westeros was robbed, and FUCK the Greens for that.
But Viserys II the absolute worst? Not even close.
First, the Daena issue. Viserys gets a lot of shit for this, but let’s look at the reality. He has just spent 14 years trying to protect the realm from the follies of his nephews, Daeron the Warmonger and Baelor the Religious Zealot. Now he has two options. Option 1. Let Daena take the throne. Daena was said to idolize her brother Daeron (the violent war monger who got 50,000 men killed to stroke his ego), and likely sympathized with the anti-Dornish (read: racist) faction at court forming since Daeron’s failed conquest. Viserys’ own great grandchild is half Dornish, and the peace with Dorne was hard won — does Westeros need a Queen who may threaten to break that peace? How many more will die if Daena decides to avenge her brother? Daena also has been locked in isolation for 10 years— while obviously she should not be punished for that (and I cannot stress this enough, FUCK Baelor), you do have to wonder what kind of effect that may have on her psychology. Now I love Daena, I truly truly do, but there were a lot of red flags as to what kind of Queen she would be. Had Elaena been next in line (and her competence that we later see been known to Viserys), I think it could have been a different story.
Option 2. Take the throne himself. Viserys II is arguably the most competent statesman House Targaryen ever produced. He has buckets of experience running the realm, and truly put the good and prosperity of westeros above all else: above his ego, above his vanity, above his ambition. I don’t believe for one second that Viserys is some devoted male primogeniture advocate that believes women shouldn’t rule: but I think he (correctly) saw that he was more suited to the throne than Daena was. The major downside of Viserys is that his son and heir is awful. BUT Aegon’s flaws would have appeared to be excess lust and gluttony, something he was already indulging in as a prince, and theoretically would not have been so bad for the Realm as a whole if he had just sat back and let the council do the ruling for him, as Viserys likely expected he would. Like Robert Baratheon. And after Aegon, the next in line is Daeron, who at the point of Viserys’ ascension had already been shown to be smart, kind, capable, honorable, wise— all the makings of a great king. Viserys probably figured the realm could tolerate a decade or so of Aegon fucking around while the small council and Hand ruled, to be followed up by an ideal heir, Daeron. This is also all assuming that Viserys was not planning to disinherit Aegon and make Daeron his immediate heir; he may have simply died (or been poisoned) before he had the chance. By contrast, Daena has no true born children yet, so there is no telling how good or bad her heir might be. Would Viserys flip the coin on if her son would be Maegor come again, or go the way he knew had a competent heir one generation down?
I hate to see another Targaryen woman screwed out of her birth right, but please understand how vastly different this was to what Aegon II and the Greens did. This was not just “oh women shouldn’t rule, male primogeniture is great, fuck my mother Rhaenyra” or “oh I’m a greedy asshole who wants the throne and will screw over my own family to get it”. Viserys is simply a practical man who deals with reality the way that it is, not the way that he wishes it to be.
I also think it is worth considering another thing— from what we know about Viserys II, he deeply loved and was utterly loyal to his brother Aegon. I think it’s fair to say his love would extend to his brothers children. He served Daeron and Baelor faithfully… and they both died young, struck down after their personal follies were amplified to a horrifying extent by the absolute power they wielded. Perhaps Viserys worried that power would drive Daena to a similar fate as her brothers, and felt that he was protecting Aegon’s beloved daughter from herself. Now is that incredibly patronizing? Yes. But it may not have been entirely incorrect, and would be coming from a place of love and good intentions.
At the end of the day, Jace is amazing, but he never had to face the same difficult choices that Viserys II and Aegon III did. He was in a war where the goal was simple : win, and protect your family. But what do you do when forced to choose between your mother’s legacy (not her life, her legacy) and peace for your people? When the choice is ego and pride over safety and stability? When to preserve the future, you must let go of the past? Jace died at 15, before he ever had to face such decisions. At age 13, Viserys stood his ground against the Kingsguard, holding out against a secret seige for 18 days and using his courage and wit to undo all of Unwin Peake’s schemes. No part of me doubts that 15 year old Viserys would have jumped on his dragon and rushed to save a little sibling from the the Battle of the Gullet, dying for his family. Jace and Viserys simply cannot he compared. Jace is forever 15, forever flawless and forever brave and forever our perfect would be king. He will never make a mistake. Viserys had to grow up and realize that not everything is as black and white as sending Sandoq the Shadow to protect your lady wife. It’s kind of like what Maekar said to Duncan after Baelor Breakspear died: anytime anything went wrong, people would say “Baelor would not have let this happen, but the Hedge Knight killed him”. Would Baelor have been a phenomenal king? Absolutely. But it’s hardly fair to assume he could and would have fixed any issue that ever went wrong in Valarr’s (or as it would be, Aerys’) reign.
Now— the Naerys issue. I am not going to defend this one as I defended him ascending the throne over Daena. I love Viserys as a character, and rarely do I love characters because I think they are wholly good. Viserys doomed his own goddamn daughter to life of misery and endless marital rape. That cannot be denied. In truth, Viserys II is much the same as Jaehaerys I. Both great men, great kings… and absolutely godawful fathers.
I will offer some context about it though. Because Viserys did not marry 36 year old Aegon to 33 year old Naerys. He married 18 year old Aegon to 15 year old Naerys (and as to the age thing, this was a normal time for Westerosi women to marry, and Viserys in particular is going to have a messed up view on the matter considering that he was married at 12 and seemed to have developed a kind of fucked up Stockholm-esque love for 19 year old Larra). Now, the accounts make it seem like the extent of Aegon’s awfulness did not become truly apparent until he got a bit older, and the mistakes he made were written off by court and realm as the follies of youth. I think one of Viserys’ biggest mistakes and worst characteristics is that he allowed himself to get so caught up in his duty to his brother and realm, that he utterly neglected his own children. They weren’t living in a massive war as he and his brother did in their childhood, so what guidance did they truly need? I think he felt that Aegon had the lust and gluttony that many spoiled rich kids would have, and that time and stern discipline would set him straight. I don’t think he was paying enough attention to see that Aegon was a burgeoning sociopath. Viserys probably thought that sweet, dutiful Naerys would be a good influence on Aegon, and help shape him into a better person. I think it also was a politically motivated match, some classic oldest son-oldest daughter incest to show the realm that the loss of the dragons did not mean House Targaryen was abandoning its ancient customs.
Again, I truly am not trying to say Viserys was in the right here. He should have cared for his children enough to see how fucked up Aegon was and that he was putting his daughter in an incredibly dangerous situation. If Naerys hated her father and cursed his name and never forgave him, she would be so fucking right to do so. But Viserys in truth reminds me a bit of Maekar— I think he was (either through negligence or stubborn willfullness) ignorant (at that point) to his sons true depravity. Maekar thought Aerion (clear born psychopath, broke Tanselle’s fingers, tried to kill Duncan, threatened to castrate his little brother, threw a cat down a well, drank wildfire, Aerion) was a promising young man who just needed a shove in the right direction— until Aerion’s monstrosity got his Uncle Baelor killed. In the same way, I think Viserys saw Aegon as lazy and gluttonous and lustful… but someone who could still be put on the right path. Then by the time it became clear that that wasn’t the case, and he doomed his daughter to marriage to a rapist sociopath, it was too late. Divorce does not exist in Westeros.
The tragedy was not King Viserys II. The tragedy was King Daeron I, King Baelor I, and King Aegon IV. The worst thing Aegon III and Viserys II did was fathering these absolute fuckfaces. But their sons being the absolute worst does not make them the absolute worst. Even the best most noble and amazing person can be cursed with a psycho as a son. Aegon V, lord protector of smallfolk, had none other than Mad King Aerys himself as a grandson. Had Jace ascended the throne, I promise at some point that corruption and rot will rear its ugly head— whether in his sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, etc. Not because it’s endemic to House Targaryen, but because it’s endemic to humanity and having absolute power be inherited to every first born son no matter what is a terrible idea.
At the end of the day, I stan and love ALL of Rhaenrya’s children. Jace, Luke, Joff, Aegon, Viserys— every single one. I won’t deny Viserys is the worst of them, but he also lived the longest, and as such of course is going to have more fucked up shit to his name than literal children who died fighting a war. My original post was calling out Aegon and Viserys “fans” who shit on the Velaryon boys, and I stand by that. I’ll go to war for the Velaryon boys. But I’ll go to war for Daemyra’s boys too, the broken kids who had to pick up the pieces of their broken realm in the wake of the most catastrophic war westeros ever saw, who never asked or wanted any of it. They did their best.
Edit: I’m now realizing this may have come across as aggressive overkill considering that it is genuinely very fair to criticize Viserys. Apologies Anon😅 I’m just really passionate about him and Aegon III (they are my favorite Targs) and this gave me an excuse to talk about a lot of the thoughts I’ve been meaning to make posts about.
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sketchquill · 1 year
In the Corpse Father Timeline of the Corpse Groom AU, I imagine that Y/N would only agree to marry Howdy to ensure Y/N's upcoming child would have stability in their life.
I'm imagining a 9-month-pregnant Y/N unknowingly walking to where Wally died, singing about how she loves him and misses him, and then reciting her wedding vows as she imagines herself saying them to her departed fiance.
Then BOOM! Wally comes out of the ground. Total shock, cue Y/N going in labor. Now she has to give birth to their baby AND process the fact that her dead fiance is back, the fact that he took her to where dead people reside, AND the fact that she's surrounded by walking talking corpses as she gives birth!
[I hope I'm not annoying you by continuing to talk about the what-if. 😅 I just really like the AU and the what-if and I gotta get it out.]
Oh yeah Y/N would definitely marry Howdy to ensure her child would have stability in their life but don’t get me wrong she would still like Howdy though. Because I believe in that time era I think women who were pregnant and unmarried were frowned up ((I think that’s correct at least?)).
I also think in that time it was hard for a woman to get married to someone if she was pregnant, so Y/N got lucky with Howdy cause Howdy is a sweetheart and would 100% raise the child as if they were his own ((btw if Howdy hears people whispering about how he’s making a mistake marrying Y/N cause Y/N is ‘damaged goods’ or some shit like that, you fucking bet he’s gonna roll up all four of his sleeves and cheerfully yet with an undertone of anger say “I believe we’ll be needing to step outside gentlemen” to said person/s.))
Haha what an interesting reunion, imagine reciting your wedding vows to your departed fiancé imagining that it was him you were saying them to then he pops out of the ground then whoops now you’ve gone into Labor. Now he’s panicking cause first he’s like ‘Oh my gosh it’s my fiancé! :D’ to ‘Oh my gosh she’s going into labor! D:’ and immediately rushes you to the Land of the Dead to get help.
Poor Wally he’s gonna be beside himself and is probably going to feel absolutely terrible that he had frightened his darling fiancé
Haha nope you’re not being annoying at all ^^
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oreo102 · 5 months
What's your favourite episode of 13's run and why?
Ok! I surprisingly enough do have a favorite episode… but it’s by such a small margin I’ve made an executive decision to talk about 2 other of my favorites episodes and then a few honorable mentions and why I love them
I’m half sorry for how long this is, I’m fully sorry for the fact that it took a while to actually put my thoughts to words
We’re starting with my absolute favorite because that’s what was asked lol. The Power Of The Doctor is my favorite episode, the plot is fun but it’s really the characters that make me love it so much! Every character that shows up is used really well.
Yaz is absolutely the star of the episode. I love her in every episode but especially in this one she shines a lot. She takes charge so well and really does fill the docs shoes with flying the tardis and making the plans and all that jazz. Her interactions with everyone is amazing to watch but especially the master, their dynamic is so interesting to me! Mandip also does a great job portraying emotions in this one- her anger at the master, and sadness about 13 regenerating in particular is one of my favorite parts. Also yaz with a gun is hot, and I fully believe she woulda shot the master if he gave her a reason so this episode would be in my top five just for that
Speaking of the master! This is 100% his best appearance. The dancing, the outfit, his interactions with yaz being a mix of cruel and endearing, in a way? Maybe that’s not the right word… interesting at the very least. The way he talks to her like they’re friendly, like they both know the doctor very well… kinda like they’re two sides of the same coin, in a way?
13 is lovely in this episode. A) I ADORE the navy version of her coat and am so happy they brought it back in the inbetween cliff (or whatever that was) B) her regeneration might just be one of my favorite scenes, even if it pains me to watch (ignoring 14’s existence for this) and the hologram is so smart (btw does yaz still have that? Do you think it activates still?) also love the fugitive doctor appearance even if it was hologram form. Her comforting yaz, their conversation, the icecream <333333
Love ace and Teagan and vinder, they’re all great but especially ace is SO FUN and I love her interactions with graham(did they flirt?) who btw, I love that he was right back! Too bad Ryan isn’t there tho, it’s fun to see how the dr leaving affects the companions, the bitterness Teagan holds is definitely a really fun bit that I’m glad they included. Also Kate is amazing as she always is! Dan wasn’t that bad either but I’m still glad he didn’t stick around
Also! I really like the plot! I saw someone complain about having all 3 cybermen, daleks and the master in the same episode but honestly it was just super fun- and the master was really the main villain with the cybermen and daleks as minor/background/subvillains. I much approve fun plots over anything else and having the master dance to Rasputin is very fun!
Onto The Woman Who Fell To Earth!
Yes, 13’s first and last appearance are my favorite episodes! This will be much less in depth but I did recently rewatch this one so it’s as fresh in my mind as the first.
I really like how… snappy they all are, in a weird way? The fam kinda mellow out through the series, especially Graham. Theyre all somewhat aggressive in this one and it’s very fun! It’s too bad grace died… she’d have made a great companion
Also the plot, the plot is great. 13 making her own sonic, not remembering who she is but knowing she has to help people, picking up the first humans she sees (which she has a habit of throughout the series, lol), being super smart! Just lovely! Also her in a suit is hot
“I’m calling you yaz, cuz we’re friends now.” Is 100% one of my favorite quotes too
Also Swiss army sonic should’ve been a running gag, it’s funny! I think that’s everything- my thoughts on this episode are very disconnected but oh well
My third favorite: the witch finders!
I’m not actually sure why I love this episode so much? Actually yes I do, soaked 13 is hot- that’s not the only reason tho, promise.
The fam is great, as always, but especially yaz this episode. It portrays how kind she is really well! 13 experiencing sexism and being pissed about it is also really cool, I kinda wish we got at least one other episode where it happened but I understand why we didn’t . Also the king being gay for Ryan is funny as fuck and I didn’t notice it my first watch
The background(side?) characters are also really good- the possessed lady is a fun antagonist, and the king is wonderfully incompetent at his job.
Also 13 telling them not to interfere and then immediately interfering is fantastic. I don’t think I have much to say about this one? I just really like it
Honorable mentions!
The timeless children, solely for the scene with Graham and yaz being family and for yaz being halfway to the portal by the time Graham is done asking who’s first- tbh this is my least favorite appearance for the master and I think the cybermasters are stupid so
Arachnids in the uk I love yaz’s family, i love jade, i love that the bitch ceo gets schooled by women in stem and yaz’s mom, i like that when asked if she and the doctor are together yaz’s response is “we’re [just?] friends!” But when asked the same about ryan it’s a very emphatic “no!”, I love “more of the universe… more time with you.”
Demons of the punjab “we can’t have a universe with no yaz!”, young umbreen is so much like yaz it’s amazing, i love yaz in this episode (this, ive realized, doesn’t say much, I love her in every episode), the plot is really fun and again i love yaz’s family
The legend of the seadevils my beloved gays. The characters are all really fun, the plot is great, all the thasmin moments I love and they hurt my heart, and Dan has a stupid outfit!
Eve of the daleks once again: my beloved gays! The plot is so fun, and even though the side characters aren’t my favorite I still really like them
Fugitive of the judoon FUGITIVE DOCTOR MY BELOVED <333333 also Jack is cool
Oh also My least favorite is resolution because it’s boring. Ok I think that’s everything… hope you don’t regret asking!
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theglassesgirl · 2 years
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I think the cutest thing about Hisako’s artwork (besides post-canon Sessrin family goodness!) is how accurately it depicts how the family dynamic would work 😭😭😭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Look at the seriousness in which Sess watches Rin doing something as simple as peeling oranges😅 she is literally doing the most Normal and Domestic thing possible but as far as Sess is concerned it is of the OUTMOST IMPORTANCE™️ and thus requires every fiber of his attention and involvement - if this is an important human tradition to Rin, he’s going to be So Intense about it
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Meanwhile look at how Rin is blushing!!! Yes she entirely aware that Sess is being 100% more enraptured than he probably should be that finds it adorable! Classic Sess behavior as far as she’s concerned. And her smile shows that she is simply THRILLED to finally be doing family activities with everyone she loves 😭😭 can you imagine??? Little orphan girl Rin who last had a new years celebration with her parents, now gets to host one with her own children🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Setsuna of course is no longer a stoic as she used to be, but I also see her as emulating her dad a bit here😅they’re both looking at members of their family with such love and care (and her specifically mirroring Sess I absolutely believe is supposed to help viewers know that Sess is very happy in this scene (yknow…for those who are unable to read Sess’s expressions no matter how many times it’s explained to them🙄))
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Towa being Towa 😂😂😂😂but also, I like how she’s passed out (drunk? Who knows! It’s funny even if she’s not) because in the present day Towa’s tried so hard to be responsible and put together…….now she’s happily the goofball of the family. (Her lil Riku charm I’m cry😭)
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Also someone pointed out on Twitter that Kilala is an official Sessrin Family adoptee❤️imagine if you will that she’s got her own room while Inuyasha doesn’t 🤭🤭🤭 AND LOOK AT JAKEN! He’s finally getting a chance to relax after years of trying to reunite the family - you go Master Jaken! (And he already has a peeled orange🥺Rin is so nice to him😫😫😫😫)
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I’m convinced Towa brought these from the present world btw - her parents are using traditional cups but THESE ARE FOR HER AND SETSUNA I wanna see what kind of face Sess made lmaooooo Rin probably love them so that means they’re sacred cups now - if they so much as get knicked Sess will raise hell. Towa can buy new ones but shhhhh no baby, these are SACRED CUPS
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sokkastyles · 1 year
I saw this post and some reblogs of it, and I wanted to know what you thought.
This is the post.
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And these are the reblogs.
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This reminds me of people who try to argue that enemies to lovers is abuse by ignoring the difference between opponents fighting on a battlefield in a fantasy setting and someone hitting on their spouse. The latter involves a power dynamic that is not present in the former. The difference between Zuko fighting Azula to end the war (and Aang fighting Ozai to end the war), and Ozai manipulating Zuko inro a fight he could not win for the purpose of terrorizing, publicly humiliating, and mutilating him should be obvious. Zuko's age is emphasized because Ozai is his father and because Ozai used that relationship and the power he had because of it against his son. He deliberately let his son believe he would be fighting someone else, and used Zuko's loyalty to him against him while his son was surrendering. It's not just Zuko's age that is important here, although his age informs the other things about it.
Azula was a child at fourteen during her agni kai with Zuko, but so was Zuko at sixteen, just two years older, and age has never given Zuko power over Azula anyway. Zuko also faces Azula openly in battle and even agrees to the terms she sets to even the playing field. She also is the antagonist in rhe situation
If there's a parallel to be made, it's that Azula becomes the same crying child on the ground after she is defeated, but only after she realizes she can't win, not out of love or loyalty to a family member. This was a fight she wanted and was eager for, and literally says was "meant to be."
Comparing that to Zuko's father deliberately harming a child under his power who has already surrendered shows a gross lack of understanding of the context. OP says they aren't belittling the awfulness of what Ozai did, but they absolutely %100 are and their argument is so ugly and tone deaf I don'/ even know what to say.
I've also talked about the ridiculousness of the argument that Iroh must have imagined Azula in the flashback because it just makes no sense as an argument, narratively. If Iroh were biased against Azula, that would have to be shown or revisited somehow. Otherwise there is no reason to question that it didn't happen exactly the way we are shown.
Also, the claims that Azula would not look like that at 11 seem shaky to me and also rest on claims about how adolescent girls look at that age that are just not true. Girls, especially, certainly can and do change a lot in the tween years, often moreso than boys, who tend to have their growthspurts a little later.
Which actually does fit with what we are shown of their character designs. Let's look at the sceeenshots.
Here is Azula at 8(ish), her child design remaining pretty consistently the same on the show:
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And here she is at 11 in Iroh's flashback:
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Btw I feel it necessary to mention that the picture with the child design is from Zuko's flashback, so if we're going by the argument that Iroh is imagining Azula looking more mature because he's biased, and we're also arguing that Zuko is biased against Azula, how come that bias doesn't seem to show in his flashback, huh? You would think that Zuko would picture Azula looking even more mature, since she was closer to his own age and more of a peer (whom the power dynamic was skewed in favor of). But, again, there's no reason to think that these flashbacks are biased. They are not framed as imperfect memories and the show never gives us a reason to question that they didn't happen exactly as they are shown. And trying to read them that way is actively misreading what we're shown.
If you're going to assume bias where none is shown, what is stopping you from questioning literally everything the narrative establishes? But if you do that, you're breaking the contract of the narrative. Fictional stories require that unspoken contract, that necessary buy in, otherwise there is no story. There has to be some baseline established, otherwise it's just the show presenting things and the audience going "nuh-uh!" A bias has to be established to give the audience a reason to question the narrative contract. That's why in stories with unreliable narrators or stories that play with or otherwise deconstruct the narrative contract, there are techniques used to establish that we're supposed to question things. None of those are present here.
There is an obvious difference between Azula's design in the second flashback compared to the first. She looks more like the Azula we see in the present timeline in the show.
But does she look the same?
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Here's Azula at fourteen. Yes, if you compare it to the picture from Iroh's flashback, they look closer to each other than Azula's child design, but they do not, in fact, look the same. In Iroh's flashback she's wearing the makeup she is almost never seen without in the present timeline, and that's the biggest difference. But that's not unusual for a child entering their tween years to be experimenting with make up. Azula at 11 is wearing makeup, but her lipstick appears to be lighter, more girlish shade. She might be wearing eyeliner, which would explain why her eyes look narrower than her child design, but that also is just the natural progression of depicting a character's age in animation. Notice that Azula in the present timeline has even smaller eyes, darker lipstick, and a more defined face shape than in Zuiko's agni kai, where she still has a somewhat rounded baby face.
I've also argued before that it makes sense for the character for Azula to wear makeup. 11-14 is young to wear makeup but not uncommon, and for Azula, it makes sense that a character obsessed with appearance of perfection would wear it. It also makes sense for Zuko's agni kai to be the time when this transition happens in Azula, after her mother leaves and her father gains complete control over his children's lives, and Azula realizes even more that she needs to maintain that mask of perfection. I've also talked before about how Azula at fourteen seems very familiar with war meeting whereas Zuko at thirteen had to argue his way into one. This is unusual, it is a sign that something is not right, but we already know this. We know how Ozai is treating his kids. We know how he puts pressure on Azula to be his golden child, we know that he actively sabotages Zuko so he can fulfill his role as the scapegoat. Something is absolutely rotten in Denmark, but it's not narrative bias. Pay attention to the story actually being told.
I also want to compare Azula's character designs in the show to Zuko's as a child and an older teen. Let's look at Zuko's design from "Zuko Alone," where he is roughly 10ish when Azula is 8ish.
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One of the reblogs made the argument that Zuko looks the same when he's ten vs when he's thirteen. Let's take a look.
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Pretty similar, although I would argue there are differences. He's a little taller, his face is less round and babyish in the second picture. (He's also got a cute little forelock, hi!)
But yeah, he still has his "child" design for the most part. He hasn't yet bridged the gap to his present timeline appearance.
However, in season three we get a flashback to Zuko at the same age, thirteen, but shortly after his banishment, and he looks like this:
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Here, his character design is similar to his familiar character design from the beginning of book one. It's a pretty stark change, but just like with Azula at the agni kai, this character design is meant to tell us something about the character and the changes he has gone through. Azula may go through those changes earlier because girls do tend to have their growth spurts earlier than boys, but if you actually look at the timeline, both Zuko and Azula changed at roughly the same time, surrounding the singular event of Zuko's banishment. But like with Azula, we could also go back even before that. An interesting detail is that Zuko after Ursa's banishment (as seen in "The Storm,") is wearing the more militaristic uniform that is part of his book one design, the high collar and armored shoulder pads as opposed to the looser clothing he wears in childhood (which is actually similar to what redeemed Zuko wears). This, like Azula's makeup, is reflective of the loss of vulnerability, of innocence, the need for armor, for protection. It makes them look more mature but also highlights how they're not, and are traumatized children desperately trying to protect themselves.
Btw, anyone who thinks makeup can't change your appearance that much clearly doesn't know very much about makeup.
Also, stop calling child heroes in fantasy shows child soldiers, I am begging you. It's not just the age difference between Ozai and Zuko that makes what he did abuse, there's also a purposeful abuse of a power dynamic that is absent from your standard child-hero of an adventure series fighting the evil adults. Even taking into account Aang's trauma over being the chosen one or Jet and his group of orphans, it's not the same thing as real children being forced to be child soldiers, and will never be. These children, as action heroes in a fantasy series meant for children, have more power and agency than even most adults in the real world will ever have, and even as interested as ATLA is in exploring trauma, it will never be able to address the real trauma and horror of child soldiers, and wasn't meant to.
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airshipvalentine · 2 months
I have seen you post about it forever and yet I still haven’t been able to parse what it is or what it’s about. What’s Fremont County?
HAHAHAHA i was wondering how long it would take for someone to ask this!!
fremont county monster hunters is a monster of the week rpg campaign i've been playing sporadically for the past 2.5 years. (and when i say sporadically i mean we've played 4 arcs in about 6 or 7 ~6 hour sessions over the past two and a half years). and because of how long we go without playing (and because we are moderately obsessive people), we get reeealll hiatus-brained in the interim. i am irrevocably obsessed with it.
the premise is that the party is a group of people who can see through the Glare (like the Mist from pjo), who all attend fremont county community college in *mumble mumble* pacific northwest america. i always imagine it as northern california but i honestly don't know if there's a more specific location?
there's a prophecy involving the world ending in fire, and the five people who are there for it. (presumably to stop it, but the prophecy is pretty vague and the only person who has access to it recently lost their clairvoyance) but before that happens, we fight vampires and stuff
that's the short version. i'm gonna talk more about it though bc i can talk about this campaign forever
i play shay song, photo/journalism major first, reluctant Chosen One second. he found a meteorite sword in the woods a few weeks after his dad died under mysterious circumstances, and he's been fighting monsters ever since! he's down to earth and moderately neurotic, and desperately wants to just be normal. (sucks for him though, because that is straight up not going to happen)
also in the party are:
shamsiel, the divine. she's a cherubim sent by The Bureaucracy, a consortium of angels that's essentially a corporate office. she's been tasked with protecting shay and ensuring the prophecy comes to pass. she's a fish out of water who doesn't exactly know how to interact with people, and she's devoted to her cause above all else. i talk about her and shay most on here bc her player is also on tumblr (hiiiii sofie)
levi, the monstrous. a obnoxious rich boy and literal demon. he's sent by his demonic father to do ?????? carry out his demonic bidding? it's unclear. he likes to hang around the party and make passive-aggressive comments and be helpful when it's convenient for him. he's also shay's roommate! they had a homoerotic streak going that was probably a thinly veiled excuse for my partner an i to flirt with each other in the most roundabout way possible before we started dating. he also kidnapped a beloved npc in the most recent session! we're gonna beat him up
anna baker, the spellslinger. absolute sweetheart and heart of the party. she started learning magic and took on a superhero moniker to fight monsters and crime! (<- this doesn't come up nearly as much as it should, btw. i want a tales of ba sing se episode about cold turkey asap) oh yeah, that moniker was "cold turkey". her catchphrase is "you're about to quit crime... Cold Turkey." she's the best.
claire fitz, the mundane. currently in the "denial" stage of realizing she's a lesbian. she's a culinary arts major who carries around a fireaxe. she's kind of weirded out that she's part of this prophecy, but she's very capable and helps about as best she can. she's also lying to all her high school friends! they all think she's going to yale right now! what's that about???
and mila, the seeker! former cheerleader, constant conspiracy theory enthusiast. she's 100% convinced that aliens are real and will do her best to make sure you believe too. psyched beyond belief that she was right and monsters are real. will hold your hands and say "i don't need you to believe. i just need you to trust me and open your mind to the possibilities." kind of miffed that she isn't part of the apocalyptic prophecy, but it's fine.
also, notable npcs!
don powers, shay's former soccer nemesis. business major. kind of a dick, but we're trying to reform him. buried the hatchet with shay recently due to, uh, a common enemy forming. canonically in love with alder as of arc 4.
alder caine, don's roommate. my favorite. got into some shady deals with demons, and now they're hunting her down! levi kidnapped her in the most recent session!
nin, former clairvoyant. elected to give up their powers recently, with aid from the bureaucracy. it was sus as fuck! also dating anna. they're cute
there have been four arcs so far
from rush till prom, the vampire frat arc
the vengeful spirit stick, the cheerleader ghost arc
the switching hour, the doppelganger bottle episode
the deck of many flings, the tarot/love spell episode
ok that's the broad overview. i could talk about this for hours but i will leave it at that :) there's an in-character twitter feed i made though
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aliennazero · 1 year
No CSM Tuesday effects finally hit me, so today I will propose theories of why *I think* relationship between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa would have significant impact in the future (in short, they will be a some sort of trio).
Source? I have no source. This post absolutely has no valid basis. Just me and my feelings, my own delulus, my own mess. It's all just in my head. And I decided to do an insane amount of reaching and stretching to the point I and my friends start to question my own sanity.
Let's just say... I have contract with Fanfiction Devil. All these theories below are the waste products of my contract (I sold half of my soul and sanity). So I hope you guys didn't take this as leaks or valid predictions or something. This is purely my own madness (even if it doesn't happen, I still have that Fanfiction Devil contract, I could fix them).
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So, what are those "YoshiDenAsa trio will happen" theories? Well, allow me to elaborate further then. Please buckle up your seat and prepare your ibuprofens because this journey will be a long and confusing one.
#1 - Animals and Habitats Representation Theory
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Asa's last name, Mitaka (三鷹) literally means Three Hawks. Asa represent bird, the sky. Just like how hawk observes from the sky before attempting a strike, that's what Asa's narratives roles *I think* would be. She's meant to be an observant at first before surprise attack. We've seen that before and I think we will see more of it as I believe she would become stronger as the time goes.
Denji's devil heart represent dog, the land. It's 100% obvious that Pochita is treated as a dog, there's no doubt. And just like that, it also represent Denji's roles in the narratives. The thing is, Denji is not an ordinary dog no more, he's the feral ones. To control and to "tame" him now will be no easy task as his previous owner who successfully "claim" him (Makima) is already dead.
(Hawks could pick up and eat dogs btw, just like how Yoru in the past could defeat Chainsaw Man so many times before her fall. It does fit the narratives when we think about it hard enough)
And lastly... Yoshida, he represent octopus, the sea. Just like how octopus is solitary animal, both of them said to prefer living alone. Octopus is also very smart, and could camouflage to its surrounding. Which suit very well with common Yoshida's character interpretation that's usually interpret him as this very mysterious knowledgeful being.
However the truth is, Yoshida is a human, just like the rest. And octopus is just a part of bigger animal kingdom, just like the dog and the bird. Now we just wait until that little octopus get tired of pretending to be a dog (to Public Safety) and finally break free, like many of "octopus jail break" cases in real life.
In conclusion, I think these three different animals symbolism will be connected to each other somehow in some way. It's too much of a coincidences for it to just be a mere coincidences and not Fujimoto's writing choices IMO.
#2 - Three Horsemen × Three Birds Theory
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As you can see in this poorly written image, this theory will try to debunk the connection between Yoshida, Denji, and Asa with their respective Horsemen Devils counterpart.
"Why are you so sure that three birds imagery will be very important?"
"Mi" in "Mitaka" means three. Asa is the new main character, her name have symbolism just like how Denji's name come from Tenshi (Angel). Also we already get introduced to three Horsemen Devils who will deliver major impact in this part.
It's a messy dots right now BUT when you try to connect it, things started to make more sense. So, about their connections to their respective Horsemen Devil counterpart/parallel...
Asa is connected to Yoru (she literally use Asa's body as her vessel), the War Devil. Just like how she has constant war within herself and with society as a teenage girl. War Devil fits Asa so much.
Denji is connected to Makima and Nayuta, the Control Devil. Because he's very persistent to keep fighting for his freedom over people who try to abuse him and control him in his entire life.
Yoshida is connected to AND supposedly opposes Kiga/Fami, the Famine Devil. His last name, Yoshida (吉田) literally means "Lucky Ricefield" (and rice is the most common staple food in Asia). He's really built and made to oppose her. Though he did shows signs of social starvation.
Back to three birds imagery. If we read the same manga, you'll notice how birds is used a lot in part 2 and also used by Makima to keep an eye to her surroundings and her enemies (remember Katana Man Arc).
It's hard for me to come up with paragraphs of explanation so I will just show you this image on how I connected the dots.
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++ Bonus delusions: Chapter 99 is titled "Two Birds", probably to reference both Asa and Yoru. But the three birds imagery there still bother me. To the point, I think it's actually for Yoshida. So by "Two Birds", it's maybe means Yoshida and Asa rather than Yoru and Asa (or them three, YoshiAsaYoru because it looks very deliberate to have double meanings (the three birds is not for YoshiAsaYuko sadly🥲)).
In conclusion, three birds symbolism in part two IMO stand for three human (Asa, Denji, Yoshida) and three horsemen (War, Control, Famine). I'm very positive that their 2x3 groupies will have deeper meaning and connection in the future.
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#3 - Chapters Title Theory
Now we come to the last theory I have for YoshiDenAsa trio possibilities. I can't put image in this section because I already hit the limit so let's use our imagination a little bit.
This one is kinda fanfic-esque and I did the most of my far stretching here so I recommend you to drink that ibuprofen you brought right now before entering this insanity trip.
First, let's take a look for where Yoshida, Asa, and Denji are in the same chapter:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 109 with title "The Easy Way to Stop Bullying"
- Chapter 114 with title "Endless Aquarium"
- Chapter 115 with title "High Schoolers These Days"
- Chapter 117 with title "Penguin and Weapon"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
- Chapter 121 with title "Theory of Happiness"
- Chapter 132 with title "Protection"
Second, let's take another look to which chapter where their interractions to each other was the main focus:
- Chapter 104 with title "Spoiler"
- Chapter 115 with title "Highschoolers These Days"
- Chapter 120 with title "Triangle"
This is actually a signs for their weird love interest triangle. Trust me. Hear me out. There's something more in these chapters title, I just know it. Based on what? My feelings. Maybe it will be like how chapter 102 ("Save The Cat") was a foreshadowing for chapter 127 ("Save The Asa").
I just could feel it in my soul. These chapters title will be more relevant in the future. TRUST.
That's all for now. Big thanks to my moots @mimsynotpog for encouraging me to write this LOL. Anyway, I'm always open for discussion! Lemme know your thoughts on this one!
Do you guys think Yoshida, Denji, and Asa trio is possible? The answer is obvious big YES from me. We still have time. We're just 30+ chapters in! I won't lose hope yet!
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transpersian · 9 months
It really bothers me (as an asexual myself) how glossed over Poppy's acephobia has been in regards to Dormiyu's story. I only see her fans address the alleged flashing, which they of course downplay completely by framing it as "Poppy just walked out of the shower" and "It got offended over seeing boobs lol". Also "pedo-jacketing" for simply pointing out the power imbalance between someone that's barely an adult and a 42 y/o therapist.
I think Poppy's fans won't address her acephobia, either because they know it's not defensible so the best they can do is ignore it and hope others don't notice. Or because they don't care since they themselves are acephobic and don't view acephobia as a real issue. Great. The best case scenario I have for some of them is that maybe they didn't actually read the story and are just repeating what they heard from others.
Recognizing the acephobia is literally necessary to contextualize what happened in the office. Dormiyu even said that it wasn't upset at Poppy for the initial incident in the hallway, but for the comments that were made during the situation. Bumping into someone in a state of undress is usually awkward for all parties, but it's an accident most of us have experienced at one point in our lives. It can be uncomfortable to the people involved, but no one reasonable is suggesting that it's a form of sexual harassment.
Dormiyu was obviously not accusing Poppy of being inappropriate for that run-in. It was accusing Poppy of insulting it with a horribly acephobic remark for daring to look away. Which is a normal reaction to have when you unexpectedly bump into someone who isn't dressed and has nothing to even do with being asexual btw. Poppy was the one who brought Dormiyu's asexuality into it.
Bearing that in mind, it's a completely fair assumption to make that Poppy later coming into the office naked was for no reason other than to make her 18 y/o house guest uncomfortable, as some kind of sick "payback" for earlier. Which again, Poppy blamed on it being asexual - meaning that in her mind, this was absolutely a punishment for Dormiyu being asexual. She resents that people like us exist, especially if we don't treat her like she's so irresistible that just seeing her can "change" us.
Not to say this would be any more okay if it'd been done to a non-ace person, but in this case it was a motivating factor that I don't think can or should be separated from the conversation. Doing so is 100% a tactic to distort the situation and make it easier to dismiss the victim's account. It is leaving out a fundamental aspect of what happened.
And yes, I do believe this is what happened. I trust Dormiyu's story because it's consistent with behavior Poppy has openly displayed online - specifically multiple instances of poor sexual boundaries, as well as claiming that sex repulsed asexuals "aren't a thing". Y'know, unlike Poppy accusing her ex of sexual assault without any evidence, for something that (if it's even true) no one with a brain would consider as being SA.
Thank you for writing this up, anon. I agree with a lot of the points you've made here and you hit the nail on the head with certain assertions that I wish more people would see, like how obvious their misconduct is through their own public behavior and admissions, and how the problem is not the initial offense so much as how she handled the conflict.
Acephobia is a real problem and the fact that everyone on her side is ignoring it is truly disgusting. I wonder how this'll play out for them internally once they realize what they've done.
That being said I do want to push back on one thing, and I want to be clear that I don't want to invalidate any pain or anger you're feeling over this issue: I'm going to bring up assumed intent again.
We can't prove Poppy's intent here. We can't prove people's intent outside of circumstantial evidence; ultimately, it's always an educated guess.
However, the key here is that when it comes down to it, her intent is secondary.
The point is that the clear facts of the matter prove enough, even factoring in her own story: the boundaries of an 18yo asexual in need were something that she didn't respect enough to remember. Calling it "weird asexual shit" and mocking at laughing at Dormiyu's discomfort with Zena is extremely shitty behavior, but even without that:
Even in Poppy's account, she feels entitled to invalidate and ignore the boundaries of those that express discomfort with her.
By the way, did y'all know that Noehflake is asexual?
Food for thought.
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safetyobstacles · 11 months
starting o segredo na floresta now, im either gonna finish this in a week or its gonna take months good luck me
update - i love joui
joui, its a little cloudy out, roll for sanity. joe, you stubbed your toe, roll sanity. joui did you just frown???????? roll a sanity test with disadvantage. that was cool joui, you gain 1 sanity. just kidding somewhere in the netherlands a child tripped and scraped their knee, you lose 10 sanity.
i think im going to put my updates under the cut instead of spamming posts B) beware of spoil
if cellbit takes liz or thiago from me ill never forgive him
this bar has to be its own paranormal entity, thiago would have died if the gun had a bullet in it and cristopher nearly got knifed to death in their first fight loll
EP 2
npc thiago about to be the most useless mf ever i swear if he dies to a stray ant or something ill cry just put him in a box for safe keeping
what would i do without the mental image of joui dropkicking every monster he sees
liz why are you finger painting with the ooze monsters remains and why did it give you 1 hp ?????? NEVERMIND
EP 3
RACCOON bro has 8 health but he sure is happy
faz um teste de sanidade
when i said thiago was gonna die to an ant i didnt actually mean kill him with giant spiders
cristopher no please dont climb a tree these are spiders they can climb nah bro cristopher is dead af im gonna miss him. bro cellbit just kill him already bros dead 2 hp
ep 4
at this rate luba doesnt even need to roll sanity we all know hes gonna fail anyways joui's having the worst two days of his life
jesus christ i just woke up i cant handle this shit cesar's punching a hole in my itty bitty heart bones
please stop talking about leticio's cacetinho
EP 5 how long is too long for a tumblr post btw
the starting soon screen replaced cris with arthur notlikethis
cellbit is far too happy about them going to this house i hate it i hate it
i would like for them to leave a casa now :))) they got gregório time to go :) DAMN JOUI JUST GOT STEAMROLLED BY THAT ZOMBIE ROLLED A 99 VS CELLS 1 jesus christ thiago LOL NO WAY GREGÓRIO IS DEAD AF bro was just taking a nap in the car and this is what he gets
that was horribly stressful its 3 am how am i supposed to sleep after that
to be fair, if i was rodolfo and liz didnt use the tazer, i would have just dragged gregório in front of arthur and killed him in right in front of his face soo...
luba i know youve been rolling absolute dog shit the last 5 episodes but this one really counts buddy brulio :(
most stressful hour of youtube ive ever sat through i cant believe they all lived
EP 7 im so glad they're going back to the house im so happy ive never wanted anything else this is great nothing could go wrong in this house nothing
7 episodes in and ive just now realised that he keeps talking about circles and spirals and those have significance with a certain element and now i want them to leave carpazinha go back home forget this ever happened
undressing with the homies in the haunted basement next to a dead old man
not thiago canonically talking to a bookshelf after complaining about joui's whispering to his shotgun
this whole graveyard scene has me in tears thiago staring at nothing while they try to get him to unmute, old guy on the phone, joui picking up the old lady i just laughed so hard i feel ill
the one time joui doesnt fail a roll he loses 6 SANITY?? 8 SANITY?????????????? SENHORA VOCE TA BEM????? YOU JUST CHOKED HER OUT JOUI WAIT SHES GONNA DIE??????????? SHES GOING TO DIE???????????? THE GASOLINE IN THE MOUTH??
grounded from the shotgun for 1 week
EP 8
Thiago's pants are still fucked up from last episode btw
about to have a tpk over alchohol poisoning
if cesar survives this campaign hes gonna put as many points possible into forgery
a caverna im goign fuckign crazy the god of tdeath pr spomething is in this cave theyre gonna walk inside trip on a pebble and get eaten by hundreds of tiny cave beetles
Victor is absolutely about to get his face eated by a spider and/or be swallowed by the cave
ok but santo berço looks kinda cool like i would live there
EP 9 he just (re?)released osnf merch but i refuse to be spoiled by absolutely anything ive done so well i will not be tainted by cesar's really cool green on black long sleeve
wait i love the gatekeeper its a shame this town is probably a hallucination and theyre all actually slowly dying in the middle of the forest GIANT COWS I LOVE THE GIANT COWS WITH REGULAR SIZED HEADS
buttery butter
thiago this is why you should have quit smoking
EP 10 so if thiago hadnt used the lighter would felps still be alive, probably just would have died later B)
bro joui has got to buy new dice this is crazy
this is gonna be the average 2 star motel experience BRO JUST DABBED ON CESAR liz is about to get bodied by the hallway ghosts this is just like a regular motel HUH UHHHHHHH
no joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy
mom i want to go home i dont want to stay in santo berço anymore jesus christ
EP 11 how am i supposed to just start the next episode after that i think the mental image of brulio beating arthurs skull in is burned into my brain space
sandwich sandwich
i love the giant cows so much i want one GIANT CHICKEN LAY GIANT EGG I LOVE THE GIANT CHICKEN intimidating the human sized pig
EP 12 still thinking about how cellbit thought new zealand was so close to europe, he was so sure of it that he was making me unsure of where i knew new zealand was
both times thiago was played by cellbit some horrific shit happened so with arthur being an npc this episode im prepared for the worst also this starting soon screen is fucking wicked
are you telling me joui's max sanity is now 12 bros been losing it for so long hes stuck like this joui is the "damn, you live like this?" meme
"that sounds like a book title" bro let the intrusive thought win
baby nidere
no way the cow has been suffering this whole time ill cry
theyre about to rp their way into an angry medieval mob when they get found with the body of the dead gatekeeper B) does santo berço have dungeons, bc if they do thats where theyll be sleeping tonight nvm the gatekeeper has demons inside him sorry joui HUh no way they killed the gatekeeper dude wtf
EP 13 chat's a bit excited to go in the cave guys if anyone reads this what am i supposed to do once i finish this season. what do you mean i just have to go onto desconjuração. what do you mean i have to leave this story behind. please let me keep all the characters in this one.
THE CAVE MAP IS COOOOOOL THE LIGHT MOVES WITH THE MINER everyone struggling to flip their characters 5 mins into the cave made me laugh so hard i had to pause to breathe
THE SUCC hes about to kill them all with the Succ out of spite thiago never mock one of cellbit's monsters again ARTHUR ZIUM
door door door door door door door door door door the gatekeeper is alive???
ih arthur nah dude let go of cesar :(((((((((((( gotta hand it to arthur hes survived two of these situations now get it, hand it to him, CAUSE HE LOST HIS FUCKING ARM WTF HIS ARM DETATCH LIKE A LEGO sorry i vote we still kill the gatekeeper just in case just to be safe
EP 14 did cellbit have a past traumatic experience with a vacuum is that why he created the Succ
agatha?????? bro agatha's life sucked big pp
every time cellbit says hes excited for something i grow more afraid
if they kill and eat the gatekeeper would he also taste delicious just wondering
i think i might know the reason why 12 sanity joui has a funky grey form but 55 sanity thiago doesnt, but maybe im crazy nevermind thiago had the funky grey within him this whole time wait does that mean hes gonna die if santo berço dies DAMN
joui just really wants to see thiago naked also hes just blatantly stealing arthur's knife he really is losing all his sanity that was possibly the most unconvincing "nada" ive ever heard
EP 15 before i start a new episode i always go to the vod on twitch and watch the memes first so i can go "hehe" for five minutes, and then go "oh no" for the next 4 hours
hypothetically, if joui managed to get the symbol on him before anyone noticed would he have just lost all 12 of his sanity and gone mad cuz that would have been crazy :,)
this is it cellbit is finally going to kill npc thiago joui is so very happy about his shotgun i thought maybe he was getting better but hes whispering to it again
alright whats up with cellbit and the outwards opening doors because i swear i have never seen a door that opens out instead of in, are all the doors like that in his home these doors are made to have creatures attack from inside ih i just checked like 3 times to make sure i was on the right episode lmaoooo
one buff woman vs all 3 equipe kelvin who will win (1 woman) crazy that equipe kelvin managed to accomplish what took our group 9 episodes to get to lool they even got the leticio cacetinho dlc, but they did skip the spider boss fight and the entire house level
EP 16 the joui, liz, and arthur cosplay look like theyre going to a nice dinner meanwhile thiago, kenan, and cesar just look homeless
idk if thiago's making it out of this one :,) maybe we just take thiago's weapons its not like he can do much to help anyways kenan wants to skin him listen brother i dont think thats gonna work im at the 52 min mark and cellbit is acting sus af the blacksmith is about to appear and stomp them all or something
joui would roll a 99 and nearly knife cesar and liz is trying so hard not to metagame her way to the explosive backpack loving how trigger happy joui is right now go on guys give him more explosives what the worst that could happen
is kenan also a wellspring do they have to kill him cuz thats gonna be kind of awkward and on that note since thiago has the symbol on him does that make him a wellspring too ill cry i will cry
damn that scene between joui, liz, and thiago was the best in the entire season
i would like to take this moment before they all get swallowed alive by some horrible sludge tentacle monster to proclaim my absolute hatred of Santo Berço. I know i said at the end of episode 8 that i thought it looked cool but im over it ive moved past that point in my life i hate Santo Berço
"the people are happy here!" says the blacksmith as he currently has 5 people forcefully locked up for decades that have gone mad with probably no way of ever regaining their sanity i just realised miguel and the old blacksmith fucked and had a kid
final boss aboutta come crawling out of the meatball please stop trying to skin thiago the symbol isnt gonna come off
???????????????????? "kenan you have one last sane move before i take your character and throw him off a cliff"
post i made after i finished osnf (made like 3 days later because i was so so so so so so so so so so sad)
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enbyleighlines · 10 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 2
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We got Soren's first crit on this map! Btw, this stupid pirate map took me THREE tries. Once I lost Mist, and twice the houses were burnt down before I could get to them. Ugh. This was the first map that gave me any trouble.
And unfortunately, it wouldn't be the last.
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The prisoner's map! I decided not to do the stealth thing, and just killed everybody. I think I took a little too long, though, so I didn't get much bonus exp from this map. But it's okay, because I now have Nephenee and Kieran, two more fruits to add to my basket. And Brom, too, of course. I love him, but I'm sorry, I will probably never use him. Armored knights and I don't get along too well.
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Gosh, I absolutely love the dynamic between these two characters. I 100% believe that Kieran has a crush on Oscar, and that's why he took Oscar's discharge from the military so personally. One day, Kieran will realize why Oscar's squinty-eyed face makes his heart go all pitter-patter. Until then, I will fully enjoy getting these two to A rank.
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Yeeeee, Nephenee!! I have said it before, and I will say it again. I love how there is just a series of chapters in early PoR where you get to recruit a new anime waifu each map. In any other FE game, these would be Ike's love interests. But not in this game! I just love how Ike collects this group of cute girls with fun, quirk personalities, and then remains platonic friends with all of them. And of all the "recruitable waifus", Nephenee is definitely my favorite. She's just too damn adorable.
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I made a terrible error on this map, and accidentally put Mia within the boss's range. Thankfully, she survived with 1 HP, and I was not forced to redo this map. Whew!
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It's Port Toha time! I love that Ranulf pays such close attention to Soren. Apparently, in the Japanese version, it's implied in this scene that Ranulf knows Soren's secret, which explains why Ranulf keeps such a close eye on him. I wonder if this is Ranulf's first time meeting someone like Soren. I really wish the game had expanded on this. I bet Ranulf and Soren would have some really interesting conversations. If they ever remake these games and add support convos to RD, I hope Soren and Ranulf have a support chain.
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The fucking humor in this game is so great.
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I don't even know what to say about this line, but man, does it make me feel a certain sort of way. Mackoya is not the only character who expresses this sentiment, but I do believe it is the first we see it, this idea that soldiers will become weak without "a steady diet of war". It's a key aspect of Ashnard's entire philosophy. I like how this completely contradicts with what Mist says later, about "Doesn't everybody want peace?" Because no, they clearly don't. There is no use for soldiers in a world without war, after all.
Someone much smarter than me could turn this into an entire thesis paper.
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I respect Zihark 100%, but man, his introduction is wild. Entirely unprompted, he's just like "how many men do you want me to murder? Give me a number and I'll start hacking!" It's a shame I never use him, because I love him as a character. I do wish we got to learn more about his past, or had his past tie into the plot.
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I always snort out loud at this line, because like, what steps are you taking, Nasir? There are two defining features of dragon laguz, which are the forehead markings and the pointed ears. You have decided to conceal neither of these things. You could easily hide your ears in your hair. Your hair is long enough. And what is the point of those things around your forehead? Could you not put some dangling gem or something to cover up your forehead marking?
I will accept that most beorc probably don't know what dragon laguz look like, but still. Nasir has taken exactly 0 steps in concealing his identity.
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This might be my single favorite line from Ike. Gosh, he's so funny, I love him.
And that's it for part 2! Next time, we fight some pirates!
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