#i also came up with a whole new god system. basically there is the main god which is this cat like creature that gives everything life
pregnantsecondo · 2 years
woag. idk if my asks are going through...please do tell about your silly bone guy
Only ask ive gotten from you 😭
Everrét was a ballerina before he died. He was a very good one and he liked to dance but he didn't really like everything else that came with being a dancer during the time period (might get too heavy so I'll say that its not good). He has a twin brother, though they aren't identical twins (Everrét is trans lol). He also had a husband when he was alive. As far as husbands went he was good. He wrote music for Everrét.
After Everrét dies though (and I call it dying but it's more of a technicality. He doesn't die so much as he becomes dead. That doesn't really make sense but that's how it is), he ceases all contact with his family. For many reasons. Partially because he wants to be forgotten by them and partially because he's afraid that they won't see past the part he played when he was living.
Anyway, in the world of the dead (haven't come up with the name of the place. It sort of functions as a city where it has names for different parts, so Underworld is an area rather than the name of the whole place), the purpose of being there is to sort of wait for souls to make peace with themselves before they get reincarnated. Sort of a holding place. Everrét won't ever reincarnate though. He's sort of stuck there forever, and he's also one of the few skeletons in the place, most dead people still have skin and such.
Also he's sort of popular with grandmothers and young children. His home is nestled in an area of the afterlife that has a lot of dead children and they see everétt as a pretty cool guy. Tbh he's kind of emo and sad tho.
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childotkw · 5 months
Can we hear a bit about your original stories? I just started writing one and it is So Hard just to come up with the characters and their environment so I wanted to hear how you came up with those if you didn’t mind
Very interesting question! For me, a lot of my ideas come from wisps of inspiration from tropes or other concepts.
Characters and worlds and environment go through some pretty intensive edits in my head, so the roots aren't always obvious - and often I smash together multiple ideas, carving and chopping and smoothing things out until I have something workable that gets me excited.
(Buckle up, this post might be a long one)
Coming up with a concept
I'm not sure how it might work for other people, but I am constantly on the look out for inspiration for stories - asking myself 'what if this happened?', 'how cool would it be if this person had to do this thing?', or 'how could this trope work in a different genre?'.
Keeping myself open to these kinds of outlandish and sometimes hilarious thoughts means I've trained my brain to constantly churn up interesting concepts and ideas. Some barely have life breathed into them before I'm moving on. Others cling to me and live in my head for years.
The point is, be on the hunt for interesting ideas, and let your imagination have room to run free. Don't get boxed into an idea in its infancy. Let it grow crazily, let it get wild, before you break out the pruning tools. You're human. Let your mind have fun. Let your imagination explode.
Coming up with a character/s
So when I'm thinking of a character to inhabit my crazy new concept, I tend to go for vibe before anything else. I ask myself things like:
What kind of character do I really want to play with? Good, bad, morally grey? Cool, morally grey it is.
What species do I want? A god, a human, some fantasy creature? Human.
What type of human? A fighter, or more cerebral? Both? How 'bout a strategist? Okay that works.
And I go from there. I basically build a vague construct before worrying about things like physical description, name, age, gender, sex, etc. Those come later, once I've got a vibe I find interesting for a main character. Then comes the fun part.
Bringing concept and character together
For this to work, I've gotta figure out how these two elements to interact. To do that, I ask myself a whole bunch of questions.
How does my shiny new character fit in this world? Are they a grand figure or are they a nobody? What do I want them to do? What challenge would be interesting to watch them overcome? What can only they do? Why should my audience care about this random little guy?
This is normally where plot comes to me in fits and bursts, and once I have an idea on the overarching aspects, I start hammering out the finer details. This is where I really let my imagination out to play. I go wild, spinning off in multiple different directions, chewing on ideas and concepts and finding what works best for me.
Here you can also start developing things like other characters, relationships, dynamics, worldbuilding (e.g., currency, religion, factions, hierarchy, magic, science, how the bloody postal system works, etc.).
An example (through a conversation I regularly have with myself)
So, here's an example of an idea I've been playing with the last week.
Coming up with a concept
Okay! I've been inspired by the Old Guard, so I want to explore immortality and the idea of humanity and what life actually means. But how do I make this concept even cooler? What would make being immortal hard to conceal in a modern world?
How about instead of a modern world it's a futuristic society where everything is captured on some form of phone / camera / recording - and that makes dying and coming back to life extremely difficult to get away with. Where it's getting harder and harder to be able to cover their tracks, where falling through the cracks of society is damn near impossible with instant identification and other such measures.
Nice, nice. What else? How does the immortality work?
From the moment of their first death, the person now has increased healing and cannot age; though they can physically change (i.e., gain or lose weight and muscles, grow their hair and whatnot). Injuries heal at a rate relative to the seriousness of it - even amputations.
How does amputation work though? What if they lose their head? Does a new body grow or does the body grow a new head?
I'll have to iron this out but maybe it depends on the largest body piece? So the body would regrow the head, but if the body was completely blown apart, then whatever piece was biggest would become the 'main' one that the rest of the body would regenerate from?
What causes the immortality?
(I have an idea but wanna keep it a secret for now 😉)
So how does this world work then? It's futuristic - but how futuristic?
I'm thinking we've just achieved space travel. There's a colony on the moon and one being developed on Mars. We're spacefaring but it's not quite to the level of say, Star Wars or Star Trek. No aliens yet either! We've also got rudimentary robots running around, but they're machines more than fully autonomous. Basically, it's that time just before a massive technological leap in human history. We're on the verge of realising a lot of 'sci-fi' technologies.
Coming up with characters
Who are our main characters?
I was thinking of using Helen of Troy, since she's a mythological / historical figure that I've always found really interesting! So instead of her dying way back in the day, she actually became immortal during the Trojan War and has been enduring through the last 3500ish years as best she can.
The other main character I was planning on focussing the story around was Aethiolas - Helen's (disputed) son and former Prince of Sparta. I thought it'd be cool to explore an immortal mother and son dynamic, where almost 4000 years of sorrow and bitterness have tangled their relationship into something complex and...heartbreaking.
So what are they both like?
Helen has turned towards pacifism, whereas Aethiolas is and always will be a warrior. Helen is a leader - usually calm and collected and capable of commanding respect. Aethiolas, for the longest time, acted as her second in command and is quite a confident person. While Helen might long for the past, Aethiolas looks to the future with excitement and fascination.
Helen's group have become more observers, whereas Aethiolas takes an active role in shaping history - joining causes that speak to him and seeking to bring positive change into the world.
Aethiolas is viewed as reckless and dangerous to their way of life, killing humans who threaten him without hesitation; whereas he views his mother and the others as too rigid and afraid of change, and far too morally righteous and superior. A common argument between them would include lines like -- "Just because we can't die, mother, doesn't mean we should allow ourselves to be killed."
Helen views their immortality as a punishment. Aethiolas views it as a gift. But there is still love and loyalty between them. Despite everything, Helen is Aethiolas' mother, and he cares for her. And she for him.
Bringing concept and character together
How do these characters fit in with the world now?
Well, Helen is in charge of their group of immortals; whereas Aethiolas has become more of a 'lone wolf'. While he and his mother have had a falling out, and they fundamentally disagree on the use of violence and interacting with the world, Aethiolas still acts as the group's sword and shield. He doesn't live with them but he protects them from threats and they rely on him when issues crop up that do require swift action. There's some hypocrisy there, and it is one of the major points of conflict between them.
The story would likely kick off with several new immortals being born - and in a rather public and difficult to cover up manner. This has the risk of dragging all of the immortals into the spotlight, and prompts them to have to quickly decide whether living in the shadows is even possible any more.
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This became very long and rambling, but this is essentially how I create ideas from scratch. I'm super tired atm so it might not be super coherent! But if anything particular jumps out at you or you want me to focus in on something, please let me know!
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system-of-a-feather · 2 months
On Trauma and Forgiveness
Before I say ANYTHING else, I absolutely DO NOT advocate for forgiving everyone and all abusers or anything of the sort. If they suck ass, if their harm is still deeply hurting you, if they're a shitty person and/or still continuing to present behaviors that make you feel unsafe, or if you REALLY just do not feel like you can or should forgive them, don't. Trust your gut and instinct. If they give you red flags, either you are not in the mental place where you are ready to process it (totally good, important and okay! Take your time) or they are probably still unhealthy, whether or not you can directly articulate why.
Additionally, this post is mainly about people who were close / important that either you or they fucked up somewhere resulting in tension and/or cutting off.
So above ANYTHING else in this post, if there is someone you refuse to forgive / couldn't imagine forgiving / do not want to forgive, I support you sticking to that. This isn't a "you should forgive everyone" post as much as some insights into forgiveness that I've gotten as I recovered that I didn't understand before when I was someone who held hard grudges and cut people who were close to me off for varying levels of valid to invalid reasons in the past.
But disclaimers aside, back to the topic. Back in the day, while I was more in trauma space and survival mode, I really fucking hated the topic of forgiveness and people discussing it because it always came off as super preachy, out of touch, and very disconnected from the amount of hurt and pain and anger I had towards people.
"My parents ruined my life since before I was born, my middle sister bullied me my entire life and intentionally worsened my neglect. Why should I forgive them? What benefit do they have for me? Why do they DESERVE forgiveness? I'm better off by myself, on my own, living my own free life without these 'weak' attachments to people that have hurt me before. (Note, it is not weak to have attachments to people, I am voicing my own past thoughts on the matter) I'm BETTER than that."
But honestly a friend that I rekindled things with after an honest to god dumb (not entirely invalid in context considering the place in recovery we were at, but pretty dumb in hindsight) that had me thinking about things I value these days in my life as far down with healing and recovery as I've gotten and it made me realize, I forgive a lot of people A LOT these days and I arguably honestly love to forgive people that I've cut myself off from before.
Almost all my MAIN supports - actually I think basically ALL of my main core support system - were people that I had varying levels of valid to invalid reasons (all of which are understandable in the context to the time) to cut off for at least a year each. My best friend / writing partner? Cut him off at least 3 or 4 times. My fiance? AGGRESSIVELY cut him off. My parents? Definitely cut them off at least twice. My middle sister? I went three or four years not talking to. Some of my most trusted friends? Also cut them off. Of course I have new friends that I do not at all intend to cut off and that I hope never really go on sour terms that this whole "forgiveness" talk even has to be relevant; but the people who I would probably trust the most to be there for me in the shittiest moments are all people I had negative experiences with and reconnected and grew from that negative experience with.
And so I was sitting here asking myself, what changed?
And my best answer so far? I think its largely because I am not really in survival mode much anymore. I feel secure, safe and confident in myself and in the present that I can honestly look at the past, acknowledge that it happened, acknowledge that time has passed, and that the person - in the present, in the very moment - has done nothing wrong and there is no reason to assume they haven't grown from what I've seen from them thus far.
Even more importantly, my interests and values in life really aren't anything similar to what they used to be. In the past I valued people that reaffirmed and reinforced my means of survival; I valued people that served a more direct and tangible support to me that I could access regularly; I valued having daily conversations over the casual and passive bonding of just quietly paralleling eachothers lives with occasional cross over and engagements. I valued things that kept me moving, progressed and immediately improved my life and kept me from mentally dying and killing myself over the long term idea, peace, enrichment and happiness of my life.
These days, I want to answer some of my questions that I've learned from the MANY relationships I rekindled
"Why do they DESERVE forgiveness?"
They don't. No one 'deserves' forgiveness (other than maybe you deserving forgiveness from yourself), no one is entitled to your forgiveness. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself and the relationship, but really never for another person. Forgiveness is an act of really letting go of the negative past with someone and opening up to new possibilities in the present and future to let growth resume where it was previously stunted.
Forgiveness is on your terms, regardless of if you are the person in the "wrong" or not (which also is hardly a black and white thing)
"Why should I forgive them? What benefit do they have for me?"
Because its nice to move forward, on and watch things grow from dirt, destruction and hell. It's not something that can be done in all burnt bridges (especially if they were burnt for a damn good reason), but it is really nice to clean up the mental space of dirt and dander and just watch beautiful things grow from previously barren places.
Additionally, I think the most important benefit that is the MOST irreplaceable thing forgiveness has given me is the ability to keep people who share a lot of history with me in my life. Time moves forward and as it does, a lot of the experiences shared in the past go from experiences, to memories, to stories and I find there is only so much Telling I can Tell new people who enter my life before I can no longer recreate, explain or share parts of my life (parts that are undeniable aspects of who I am) with them - at least not to the extent of someone who had been there during the time it occured whether that be for better or worse. That insight and that bonding is something that literally only one person can attest to in the way a person you shared history can and by that very nature, being able to keep and have a healthy and positive relationship with someone with that history is such a invaluable treasure that I am so honored to be able to maintain.
And maintenance doesn't have to be talking every day and going out every day, it can be talking once a month, once a year, but just keeping that door open to cross paths even briefly in life. But having that there is like having another person who can keep the past - good and bad - alive and acknowledged so that you don't really have to be the only person holding onto it anymore. I find it beautiful and healing to see the horrors AND joys of my past live in positive ways around me. It's part of why I've been able to let go of a lot of my childhood trauma within my family (save for one person who was of a different "breed" of trauma). My family is all on good terms with me and we've talked about it, we've held space for it, we acknowledge and understand the past and have laid it out. That past lives not only with me, but with them as well, and there isn't so much of a need for me to really feel as though I have to be the only person to attest to how much that past hurt and how bad that time period was.
It's in the world beyond just me. If I die, other people are there to acknowledge the hurt and damage done from that period. I no longer have to be the only person giving those past experience, memories, and stories the honor and respect they need to feel resolved.
I don't really know HOW to close this off, but I just wanted to share some thoughts on the matter I guess since I had them
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newtalot · 7 months
I finally scrounged up enough motivation to read System Collapse and oh my god, it’s amazing. When it first came to my library/Libby I got it and couldn’t manifest the interest required for my ADHD brain to read it, can’t remember why exactly, so I had to wait until I could get it again and it’s a lot more popular than I expected.
Side note, if you read the ebooks on Libby through the Kindle app you can just return the book right after you’ve gotten it on the app, Kindle handles the borrow separately from Libby so you can still read it for the whole month after you’ve gotten it even if you return it on Libby
Back to the main topic, I got so immersed in Murderbot fan fiction I kinda forgot what happened and what didn’t, so it took me a bit to connect the fact that this book is set right after Network Effect because I’m used to self contained stories, Fugitive Telemetry did not help with this.
This book basically wrapped up everything from Network Effect while also adding everything else I wanted in a new book, which I didn’t expect to happen in the same book but looking back at looks entirely feasible, witchcraft.
10/10 amazing addition to an amazing series
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onyxisnotuniqueenough · 9 months
@kamari2038 thank you so much for asking! here's a rudimentary breakdown, partly because i have projects in mind i don't want to spoil and partly cause i haven't worked out all the details yet
disclaimer : i was not a percy jackson kid, nor a greek mythology kid. so there are a lot of inaccuracies
i first thought of this idea back in 2020-2021. there was some kind of debate team event i saw i saw in high school and the topic of birds came up, and i thought of :
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you can ignore the text, it's no longer really relevant to the story nowadays. i was just brainstorming.
a few days later i see a picture of tom hiddleston with blonde hair
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and then i abandon the idea for 2 straight years.
2 years later :
(i made a collage for an art swap, also strategically cutting out lore 👀)
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in my head this was a story about "cupid" (eros, but he likes this new name) , god of love, and son of aphrodite and ares. he had many siblings ofc, the erotes etc.
i know that the gods are immortal and eternal, but in my story, aphrodite argues with the rest of the gods and she decides she can't be goddess of love anymore. she'll focus on other aspects of her godliness i guess, like beauty, lust, procreation, etc.
but SOMEONE needs to take on the role. Aphrodite accepts to keep her duties until her son is ready to do it by himself. Cupid is doing an internship i guess, or a test run, or is going through a trial period -- however you want to put it. He is trained, being put in charge of a palace and works with his brothers and sisters, in charge of innocent crushes, lust, heartbreak, jealousy, etc.
(important detail, this is probably accurate to actual greek mythology, but the main 12's kids are the first to be born BABIES. they were born adults. so this is their first time seeing and raising children! keep that in mind.)
During this trial run, Cupid makes an enormous mistake. an unforgivable one. he faces the trial of gods and should be sentenced to "death", but aphrodite defends him and his sentence is reduced to "temporary banishment until he learns his lesson". He's on close watch. If he does anything too out of line during banishment, it's over for him. They also rip his heart out for secret reasons.
He's banished to an island, completely on his own, and is tested regularly to see his..."progress"..? This island is floating in the heavens, so imagine the visuals cause i'm bad with environments and can't provide any right now 👁👁
this island is literally all nature/jungle, except for a house/mansion he lives in. and he's sometimes visited by siblings-- which are basically his only social interactions. in his very free time, he designs animals and birds to inhabit his island and keep him company - so the cupid swan and sunset sparrow are his designs! and there are many more animals he wanted to make. he is also very inspired by earth animals, obviously.
also, detail, one of his siblings brought him this broadcast tv kind of thing, so he gets to watch human tv! and even later real human interactions broadcasts!
throughout his story, cupid needs to find a way to get out of his banishment, get his heart back and save humans from his sibling's incompetence, and one particular sister's plans. 👀
i don't draw him, or any characters from his story, as much nowadays, although i know i should -- lately i've been having some doubts about the whole greek/roman mythology thing because it feels overdone with percy jackson, lore olympus, etc. I have ideas about how i'd represent many other characters from greek mythology in cool ways, and i like this story overall, but i'm thinking of making my own mythology/lore system to avoid regurgitating the same clichés over and over again. but i can't even get started with that because everything's already been done !
this is all i have so far, let me know if there's anything else about this story you'd like to know, or your opinions, or if you can help me create some new god mythology god lore 🙏🙏🙏
and let me know if you'd like other posts like this about my other ocs! i have a bunch
thank you again @kamari2038 for giving me the opportunity to spill about this! i've always wanted to share oc content but every time i posted anything on them or about them nobody would even see it. you don't know how happy i was to see your reply.
i'll reblog this post with miis of the cast, that i made on miitomo this past summer :)
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kira-moonrabbit · 3 months
many many years late... my big criticisms (not review!) of limbus company just from a gameplay standpoint. tl;dr... its kinda bad. this is both my opinion, and also how i explained said opinion, but i need it off my chest.
so preface: i dont play limbus anymore, but did for about one and a half cantos when it was brand-slappin' new. when i say brand new, i mean fresh out the box when there were still big server problems killing everyone's ability to play the game.
i went partially through the intro and then i had to sit through some more issues; then i had to replay the intro AGAIN when i came back. i figured skipping it would still allow me to view the in depth tutorial for how the actual game mechanics work in the same sequence; it did not give me this luxury and i had no idea how to re-find the tutorial. i had to scrape by with half-remembered fragments from watching someone else stream limbus and manage to view the whole danged thing. such is my preamble.
unfortunately i dont have the energy to find screenshots to use and i am not about to re-install limbus at 4 in the AM just to make an angry post about it. i'm opinionated, not petty.
i believe that a game should, even without a tutorial, be able to have its mechanics gauged just from looking at the UI and just generally observing. obviously tutorials are good, and not everything should be given to you this way, but as a rule of thumb you should be able to at least pick up a few rules about how things work just from watching un-commentated gameplay. lobotomy corporation has this. library of ruina has this. Limbus Company does not give you this.
the game is dogshit at explaining what the hell skills are. you are told there are coins, that are flipped, and dice are rolled. there are comparisons on the upper screen as to how two different skills will match up... and looking at these things, gave me no indication as to how the hell everything is CALCULATED! People who view with no commentary need a whole paragraph explaining the topmost UI! at least with ruina the dice math is simple. limbus needs a god damn calculator for every step.
disembodied micro-nitpick corner! the game doesnt tell you exactly where to go to uptie things, or when you unlock this ability. AND, it takes two whole cantos to unlock a way to earn major resources like, yknow... basically anything other than just more Lunacy for more gacha-ing.
defense skills are also not entirely perfectly explained. you think your "fuck shit everyone is targeting me" buttons would have a little more explanation behind them to help you use them better, but the descriptions for them completely sailed over my head and i had no idea which situations were and were not appropriate to use them. and each person has their own different defense skill so you better hope you have the right one for the situation when you need them! Else, S.O.L.
but yeah. i expected i'd have a handle on things by Canto 2. but by then, i just felt more confused, because in dungeons you just have a different combat system than in the main game for some reason??? one that i think is better executed because you actually have decent control over who's receiving what attacks. i had no idea what the hell i was doing the entire time still. i was just throwing out attacks and hoping the UI wasn't lying about matchups. my trial by fire wasnt even a trial, it was just... arson.
my other major criticism? sin. you know how one of the first things the game explains is sin resonance and absolute resonance? before the actual mechanics for how to calculate sin clashes? yeah, absolute resonance is literally just a damage boost that you can MAYBE hope is convenient. delibrately going for sin resonance was just getting my butt kicked. the game said to do this as much as possible but it just acts as a red herring for ACTUALLY learning skills that will get you further in the game.
sin in general feels like such a nothingburger of a mechanic. Cool, an elements system! to go with the last game's elements system! the two systems stack! i thought it was gonna be cool! But nnnope, its mostly just fuel for EGO. things DO have sin resistances, but they just feel like an afterthought.
what i liked about pierce, slash, and blunt is that they each had a slight archetype! Pierce was mainly status effects, Blunt was mainly damage, and Slash was something of a middle ground that focuses on power stacking (long live swordplay of the homeland with purple tear and slash power stacks).
with sin, its like... they're the colors attacks come in? and they have a status effect they're associated with. it doesnt feel like it adds an extra layer of much. i probably can't go as far as to say you can take away sin and lose nothing, because it does fuel EGO, but its... i dunno, it just feels like it's not needed.
i'll spend less time on the gacha because we all know gacha is gacha. but its like... ruina felt good, because you slowly accumulate more and better resources for the challenge ahead. you feel yourself slowly progress. In a gacha system, things have to generally remain at the same level of power as each other, give or take. And some things are just... better than others, yes. but there's very little in the way of like, teambuilding opportunities. you use the same really good units for pretty much everything. there's no progression aside from gacha, gacha, gacha over and over.
and this makes the reward for beating story missions just more gacha-ing, and lore. no feeling of getting stronger... no new toys to play with. the side resource modes, too, only serve to pump up your units. there's no customization of how you tackle things. i guess that ties in to the disconnected side bit a little, but still.
if you want my opinions on if the story is good, i cant give them to you though. i'm a gamer. i have practical opinions. to jump into the story would fall under the purviews of things like literary analysis.
but there is also a minor thing i will bring up that has to do with the story, in a way.
and there you have it, a casual gamer's opinion of limbus company as a game. a common person's opinion, in short. i'm not going to claim my opinion is the be all end all, far from it. I'm sure others have put the same ideas forth more eloquently. but sometimes you gotta hear what just a regular person who plays video games to have fun has to say about something.
Limbus Company all but demands you to have played Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina before playing it. the loading screen explanations do shit to tell you the kind of world you're getting into. some concepts don't quite go fully explained. and the things in the prior games are essential to the understanding of limbus company, such as the reasoning behind why L-corp fell, just what the Smoke War even was, and just what caused the Distortion and EGOism phenomenon. Anyone jumping in because "ooo, nice gacha!" is going to write off the prior games as useless, when they're actually incredibly important for understanding the story and why certain things are the way they are, and for understanding the whole game's themes!!! as to WHY they're important, I'll leave that to the more wordsy folk. [EDIT: it was brought to my attention by a kindhearted anon that i was wrong about how much story you need to be able to understand limbus. this is why i wanted to keep my story-related opinions to a minimum, as i havent played much past canto 1 myself. i admit this paragraph is a little bit brought on by me being grumpy that many players who play limbus just because its a gacha completely disregard the previous two games. all in all this paragraph isnt very fair.]
and before anyone says anything... i will not be arguing over this post. if i said something wrong, i said something wrong, such is life, pobody's nerfect. i am also not asking for tutorials about how to play the game, either. i feel like the game itself should be able to give me a satisfactory one for me to want to play it.
and lastly? i will ESPECIALLY not be arguing with people who have spent money on a gacha, any gacha. i feel like this should explain itself.
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alette-stars · 1 month
Over 240,000 words, 45+ chapters, written over 4 and a half years. Blood, Water is complete. 
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This post is long overdue. I finished the fic over 6 months ago (can you believe it?!) and I’ve been caught up in things offline, to put it lightly. But on the 5th (!) anniversary of the posting of the first chapter, i thought there was no better time than to, finally, put this out.
I really couldn’t have finished this work without all the love and support i received while it was being posted. I know we like to say to write for yourself, not the crowd, but god that support really motivated me and brought so much happiness to my life. And i hope i was able to return some of that to you, through my work. 
Well you’ve all waited long enough. Let’s get started!
The inspiration of fic title is given in the fic summary. Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Although this quote is attributed as the full version of the common adage blood is thicker than water, it actually isn’t! It was coined later, though i don’t know by whom. (i actually didn’t know this when i first wrote the fic, but i stand by the quote—it’s great and very fitting)
I think i came up with the title like minutes before i posted the first chapter. I ended up posting it impulsively, kind of. I knew it was gonna be a big project but i wasn’t thinking about my other ongoing fics at the moment, i was so excited and i just had to start sharing this one
The entirety of the fic was written in a Google Doc titled Vampire 8. 
Seonghwa’s favorite kaomoji (as referenced in Chapter 11) is (❁´◡`❁)
All the prominent vampires in this have ‘unsexy’ ages, and that’s on purpose. I wanted to do something different from the typical centuries-old vampires. So, instead, at roughly 200 years Seonghwa is the oldest, while Mingi would still be a young man if he hadn’t been turned
Don’t ask about the progression of time in this fic. It went on so long (i wrote this over literal years) i genuinely forgot
I like to write other idols into my fics, and this one is no exception. Most prominent would be VIXX (current and ex members) as the coven essentially in charge of the vampire world, but there’s also Monsta X’s Minhyuk, whose conversation with Yeosang was brought up in Chapter 22. 
All our main coven’s makers were named after famous Korean actors and actresses. Ji Sung for Wooyoung and Yeosang, Nam Ji Hyun for Jongho, and of course Kim Tae Hee for Seonghwa. Mingi’s maker is never referred to by name but her name is Nara, after Jang Na Ra. 
Author has a cameo in Chapter 6! Cashier staring shamelessly at Seonghwa in his full vampiric glory :’) 
Seonghwa’s real-life fits were often used as inspiration, but one was straight-up duplicated. This was of course the teal turtleneck + mushroom hair combo from the amusement park date in Chapter 13.
I did do a little color theming for some characters, but nothing too strong. We have red for Hongjoong, turquoise/teal for Seonghwa, purple for San, and gold for Yeosang. 
Another theme i love for all my writing is space. Seonghwa and his planet/star comparison is probably the most obvious. Personally, i have a lot of fondness for the framing of Wooyoung and Yeosang as the sun and moon, and then the addition of San as the Earth. 
There have been some questions about the systemic issues in world of Blood, Water that i’ve kind of avoided answering because i wanted to focus on the immediate, personal story. But basically vampires are an open secret in the world that the government continues to staunchly deny. The vampire population has historically been very, very small. Vampire society, as a whole, didn’t exist until recently. Around 20 years ago, the government decided to crack down and eliminate the vampire ‘issue’ once and for all, leading to the hunting days that cost many vampires their lives—including Yeosang and Wooyoung’s maker, Jisung. When the regime changed, the new government stopped the state-operated vampire hunting. The blood den/club business that had always operated on a small scale—accessible only to the most connected/wealthy vampires—grew and even regular vampires (and humans) could get in. This reduced the ‘mugging’ operations less well-off vampires had to resort to, but bred new problems. Increased vampire-human interactions resulted in more turnings. By the start of the Blood, Water timeline, vampire population has started to outpace the blood available at the blood dens. Vampires of a certain level of society, like Seonghwa, are strongly advised not to turn any more new vampires, because soon the problem might get too big to hide. 
Technically there is no vampire leader, although the authority everyone defers to is Hakyeon and his coven. But, as Hakyeon himself would say, they’re not a government—they’re businessmen. Anything they do—keeping the surrounding areas safe, putting down dangerous vampires, providing blood and feeders for newborns and adults—is to keep their business running smoothly. Vampire society is officially lawless so, yes, if Wooyoung wanted he could kill another vampire. 
In the 4 and a half years from conception to completion of Blood, Water, a lot of things changed. My initial conceptualization of Yeosang was as a cold, dangerous individual, one that you might think would actually hurt San. Early on i decided to go for a tragic angle, so his sensitive, selfless nature came through.
Another change that got made very, very late was Yunho and Mingi’s ending. Don’t shoot me, but i initially plotted a different, sadder ending for them. After Yunho almost dies at the big house by newborn San, Mingi gets too into his head about Yunho’s safety and they break up. They uh don’t get back together. Yunho leaves Seoul for a better opportunity (a job, possibly a dance position—one of those things Mingi could never be a part of). It’d be kind of hinted that they’d get back together, but in the future, after Mingi’s worked through more of his vampirism issues and his anxieties. Obviously this isn’t what ended up happening, but, damn, it almost did. I decided not to do this because things were getting too heavy at the end there haha.
Finally, a not-insignificant part of Blood, Water was the chapter graphics that accompanied every chapter release on Twitter. It wouldn’t have been possible without all the wonderful stock image available for use online. A full list of resources:
Chapter 1 - people partying inside room by Pim Myten
Chapter 2 - Street Night Light on pixabay
Chapter 3 - Silhouette Photography of Trees by Jesse Bowser
Chapter 4 - Orchid Flower Blossom by anncapictures 
Chapter 5 - This was a composite of two images that i think i accidentally deleted from my laptop and i cannot for the life of me find anywhere online. I’ll update this if i ever find them, i am so sorry for my carelessness omfg
Chapter 6 - Jewelry Boxes Red Blue by furud
Chapter 7 - Silver and black laptop computer by Jay Wennington
Chapter 8 - Painting Abstract Background by mondschwinge
Chapter 9 - Bridge Night Architecture by nqcoc9
Chapter 10 - Full Moon Night Sky by Pexels
Chapter 11 - Sunset clouds background from the National Park Service
Chapter 12 - Fully made by yours truly
Chapter 13 - Ferris Wheel Night Shot by CloudyBird
Chapter 14 - Amaryllis Flower White Open by Sponchia
Chapter 15 - half filled wine glass beside half empty clear pint glass by Sérgio Alves Santos
Chapter 16 - Glass Piece Broken by qimono
Chapter 17 - Macarons Dessert Food by TheoCrazzolara
Chapter 18 - white pillows by Anastasia Mezenina
Chapter 19 - Daniel von Appen on unsplash. I believe the original image has been deleted
Chapter 20 - Cfl Spiral Lamp by Public Domain Pictures
Chapter 21 - a red and blue painting of a building by Jr Korpa
Chapter 22 - Red rose in dark room by Ben Decoster
Chapter 23 - Cakes Strawberry Sweetness by Alexas_Fotos
Chapter 24 - Nature Fire Flames by StockSnap
Chapter 25 - Milky way by Ivana Cajina
Chapter 26 - Sunset branches silhouette by lovexxpeace
Chapter 27 - Lightning Thunderstorm Night by anvel
Chapter 28 - Chandelier Glass by Tedd
Chapter 29 - Splatter, Blood, Paint by Clker-free-vector-images
Chapter 30 - Clear glass wine by Luke Besley
Chapter 31 - white cushion on bed near brown wooden nightstand by Annie Spratt
Chapter 32 - Blood Moon on a Dark Sky by Roberto Nickson
Chapter 33 - Red Light Behind a Door by Jamal Yahyayev
Chapter 34 - Flower White Wilt Black by bmartinseattle
Chapter 35 - Brown wooden bed frame with red bed sheet by Janko Ferlič
Chapter 36 - An Open Red Flush Door by Kei Scampa
Chapter 37 - two arcade cabinets by Ben Neale
Chapter 38 - Gambling Chance Luck by Ogutier
Chapter 39 - time lapse photography of cars during nighttime by Roman
Chapter 40 - Vine Plant Sprout by ngyuenbuihoai
Chapter 41 - Gold Pocket Watch by John
Chapter 42 - red and yellow thread in needle by amirali mirhashemian
Chapter 43 - Red hibiscus flower photo by Kai Oberhäuser
Chapter 44 - Node Red Knot by moritz320
Chapter 45 - Lighted Brown Bridge by Burst
Chapter 46 - Brown wooden framed glass window by Tim Rüßmann
Chapter 47 - the same as Chapter 1, people partying inside room by Pim Myten
You can find all the edited images in the Twitter thread. 
Fun fact: all the images follow the red/black/white color scheme, with one very glaring exception: Chapter 22 (and to a lesser extent Chapter 25) 
If you have any further questions (which i didn't cover in this super long post...) you can reach out to me on Twitter or retrospring!
Well, we’ve done it. We’re at the end of this post. Pretty long-winded but i figured if we could power through 240k words of the fic, we can survive a few paragraphs of my rambling. Thank you all again, so, so much, for all the love and support you’ve given my work. I really could never have done it without you. It was an honor and a blessing to go on this journey with you, and i wouldn’t give it up for anything. 
So what’s next? Keen readers might’ve noticed Blood, Water is part of a series, titled Ties of Blood and Silver. I do have plans for a direct sequel. Yes, our vampire boys will be back! With new challenges, new angst, and even new relationships. I’m organizing shit in my real life so it won’t be starting immediately, but you can all look forward to it! Until then, thank you, i love you, and see you all around ♡
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shadowkat678 · 2 years
clipped wings has such an interesting concept to me~ does the story entail a great uprising a la the hunger games? or is it moreso just in worldbuilding atm
So the basic premise is that there is a group called the Children of Yuen who's trying for something like that. The main characters actually aren't a part of it, and the leader of the faction is a Wingless man named Hestor who was part of the mages that keep the city afloat and provided with food and water and control the climate and all that other good stuff. Magic is innate in the setting, and they're taken and raised as soon as they start having signs of it, but he may or may not have uncovered something and got thrown out, with both his flight and his magic taken in the process as is the standard. The problem is he's using the uprising more as one last big bang suicide note because he doesn't actually believe that society CAN be changed at this stage.
The main characters are Sybil, a priestess in training of the Goddess Omis, and a Flightless woman named Domiel who took the fall for her sibling and got punished in their place. The religion of the city is based on the main trinity with a smattering of other spirits and offsprings of the main two. And I promise this is relevant to this whole setup and not just me taking a chance to ramble about world-building.
Omis is considered the mother of the world and "She Who Brings Justice". Current mythos says that she came from a past world, where she and Amos were the sole survivors of chaos that consumed its godly people, and together they sought to recreate life. They're the ones that carry out sentencing. Note that the higher classes of the city often can get away with small crimes despite being very much an All Crimes Are Equal trope.
In their wisdom, they saw the coming destruction, and knew that it could not be stopped. That their fellows were too far gone in their selfish bickering.
In this world, not only would there be life, but there would be Order. The Order of Omis see themselves as the hand that carries out that vision, to keep the last bits of their own world from crumbling and repeating the cycle. Her symbology is heavily related to the sun, shedding light to the world and inspiring others in her teachings. They also have a more militant suborder that works as secret police and the church enforcers.
Meanwhile, Amos is the god of Magic, tied to the Moon and breathing life into Omis' creations. The two aspects of the church control the city, the priests and the mages. The priests and priestesses of Omis are tasked with ensuring order and making sure there is a fair system of justice that continues the legacy of the city in safety, whereas the mages and church of Amos keep the city fed, with clean water, and occasionally are tasked with bringing up new motes of earth for new purposes, guarding the Flightless enclaves, and using their abilities for the good of the city.
The Children of Yuen take on the image of Amos' and Omis' first child, Yuen. He's a bit of a trickster figure, and his meddling helped to shape a lot of things about the world. In doing so, introduces chaos to the order. He's not a villain in the mythos, but seen as a misguided child his parents have to reign in and a free spirit that misjudges his actions by putting himself over the whole.
The Flightless have begun adopting him as a mascot, which the church obviously isn't happy about, especially as they have begun crafting iconography of him in the image of Flightless, being born without wings and still with the use of the magic that Yuen inherited from his father Amos.
Followers of Omis often go to the outlying communities of Flightless to deliver healing and aid as a form of state-sponsored charity (obviously avoiding the subject of whose behind the fact that they need it), and many of them, Sybil included, were raised believing that the system is what's best for the city and the people and that what they were doing was just. But those priests have been made prime targets in the unrest, and she gets caught up in it.
There are no real guards there other than ones occasionally checking in to make sure there's no big uprising or protests happening, and to supervise any work, and the Flightless communities have developed their own system of community organization and justice. So when she gets separated and targeted, it's only those in the community that see it. One of those being Domiel, the other main character.
The rest of the book is questioning if such a civilization can be saved, what to do when you learn everything you've been taught about your duty is a lie, how to forgive someone who's been a part of a group that has hurt your own that now wants to atone, grappling with what that means and the loss brought about by turning from these teachings, etc. There's also uncovering of old history, and grappling with what the past says about our current present and future, and how systems of power can manipulate such history for their own aims and "greater good", and how complicated and murky the water can get when you consider how it affects everyone who is under such a system.
So that's the general gist and breakdown of it. I can't really say if the uprising will or not work, because I hope to publish this one day. But I will say it's not going to be a simple answer, or a clean one.
I'm still outlining some stuff while trying to write a few pieces of the story to make it clearer, so I have a long way to go. I actually started out with a dream about Hestor and the Children of Yuen about two years ago and it stuck around in my head until it morphed and evolved and now it won't leave.
I will also say that though Hestor is an antagonist, he's not the villain. The villain is the system as a whole. Hestor is simply someone who got caught up in it and is lashing out, which in itself isn't even a bad thing. The bad thing is he's misled those who joined him that think he found a solution when he's fully aware what he's leading up to is a suicide mission. I've kinda focused on making a lot of the characters mirror each other and traits and tried to do away with the "extremists are inherently bad" and the whole thing kinda has an overtone of "there is no white or black morality and punishing people for a mistake that costs them their whole lives Is Not Great Or Effective" so. Because I absolutely hate that in my media.
Systems of oppression and the people who fall under them are Complicated and they Cannot Be Reduced To 2D Caricatures. And obviously there are a lot of very messy complex issues that reflect our own world's social commentary in here and I'm trying to make sure I take the time to do them right instead of what's easy or convenient. Now that I'm in a writing critique group and I've been able to practice writing again after a long hiatus with short stories I think I'm finally going to try and put it together here soon.
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rwby-redux · 2 years
I wanted to make this a reply, but it was to long so I am asking instead. Basically I wanted to say Thanks. About Jaune, you are asking the kinds of questions I asked when I did specultions about him.
It always felt to me like his parents were doing that whole “shelter with ignorance” trope thing and ended up breaking his self-esteem in his process. But if that’s the case it begs the question of “what are they sheltering him from?”
And you can tell I probably but WAY more thought into this then I needed to. (But you seem to be the type who like me likes to overthink things) But he and Weiss have always been my two favorite characters
On a different note, and something I think you will probably get new use out of what about in world curses? Often there’s a link between what is sacred in a world, and what kind of curses they use. For example in The Stormlight Archive people often curse by the Stornfather as he is associated with divinity. This lends itself to a hilarious moment in the the third book when one of the main characters, Dalinar, who has by then bonded (it’s a sort of magical partnership thingy) said Stormfather via the series magic system ends up cursing, and confusing his bond partner who thinks he was calling his name.
Dalinar: Stormfather!
Stormfather: Yes?
Dalinar: Sorry, that was a curse.
So besides cursing by the two brothers what else do you think people would curse by in Remnant?
You’re welcome! Real quick, just as a side note—much as I rag on Jaune, I actually do like him. Despite the fact I frequently use him as a verbal punching bag, he’s not a bad character. He’s just a character that the writers don’t seem to know what to do with. It’s hard to make a good case for Jaune whenever the writers fail to make him interesting or relevant to the plot. More’s the pity, because the potential’s there. Someone like Jaune could have been used to explore the POV of a non-combatant in this setting (something which the show sorely lacks, since it exclusively follows the perspective of trained warriors who can navigate a monster-filled world with relative ease).
“What are they sheltering him from?” would have been such a neat question to explore, had the show bothered to flesh out Jaune’s motives with respect to his lack of fighting skills.
And yeah, you’re not wrong. This blog’s existence is basically a thought exercise that got out of hand.
Or, to quote Anne Jamison:
“Irritated fans produce fanfic like irritated oysters produce pearls.”
I actually know that scene from The Stormlight Archive (despite never having read the books). It’s one of my favorite tropes, and I wish more people used it because it’s seriously funny.
Come to think of it, it’s a bit strange that series like The Elder Scrolls don’t make use of it more often, since the Daedric Princes are very much real, tangible entities. Sheogorath in particular feels like someone who would gleefully make those sorts of jokes, given his partiality to breaking the fourth wall.
But back to RWBY.
I can’t image that modern humanity would swear by the Brother Gods, since knowledge of their existence (or at the least, worship of them) seems to be something exclusive to the first iteration of humans. I mean, the only two people alive who actually know about them are Salem and Ozma. Unless Salem and Ozma actively went out of their way to reseed those ideas among the general populace, it seems unlikely that belief in the brothers would have endured into the present day.
Qrow also mentioned that religion’s been on the decline in recent years (V4.E8), so there probably wouldn’t be many religious sources to swear by. Mind you, I think that’s a load of nonsense, since the show never provides us with in-world reasons for why religiosity has trended down. I’d be willing to bet money that the writers only came up with that answer because they didn’t want to say that religions exist, and then have to put in the work to make them.
The only real evidence we have of religions in Remnant is throw-away details. In the V4 Character Short, when Ruby passes through a recently-destroyed village, we see a church-like building with a statue of a woman outside of it. Ruby and Yang have both used god figuratively (V1.E3), and there have been at least two instances where a character said by the gods (V4.E3 and V5.E2).
And then, of course, there’s Tyrian, whose religious fanaticism seems to be the exception rather than the rule.
That doesn’t really leave us with a lot of room for interpretation. But we’re not entirely out of options.
One idea which I’m partial to is swearing by the Maidens. Even though knowledge of their existence has faded with time, myths about them still exist in the form of folk stories and fairy tales. It wouldn’t be a stretch if people swore on them out of habit or tradition, regardless of whether or not they actually believed in them.
One such swear in the Redux is Maiden’s tits. It’s basically the equivalent of Merlin’s beard.
(One time, Qrow accidentally let that slip in front of Fria. Fria has never let him live it down.)
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goth-automaton · 3 months
(atm can't remember if you had any other WIPs, so for obituary) of the ask game, 8, 9, 14, 16, 20, 24 and 25!
Actually, that's the only proper WIP I have. ^^" However, I also have a shitload of various AUs I mentioned here and am ready to talk about! ^^ There are AUs I won't write, but still are pretty complex, like "Metal Gear Chaos: RE//connection", "Story of a Phoenix" (BNHA AU), Roxene's native AU. AUs, that I want to write later, like "Bur;al" (KH mortuary AU), "unforget you" (KH AU with OC Xana), massive crossover KH AU, unnamed ancient gods KH AU... And AUs, that I might turn into fics, if I manage to come up with a proper plot, like circus KH AU, KH x DMMD AU, "Complicated and Filthy" (KH modern times AU), that haunted house KH AU I talked about some time ago, brand new KH AU inspired by "American Mary"... All of these are free real estate! (I may restrict some details to avoid spoilers, though).
Anyway, off to the questions!
8. Describe your fic/AU like a movie pitch.
How the hell do you describe something like a movie pitch??? Okay, let's try anyway...
"Obituary for the Innocence" is a heart-wrenching psychological drama focusing on relationships. The main character, night club bouncer Sion Barzahd, is trying to navigate life as a sole caretaker of his teenage brother, Sora. Despite having support in his best friend, stripper Marluxia, he's still struggling, not able to accept, that his little brother will soon be an adult. Things get complicated, when Sora accidentally gets pregnant.
9. What's a major flaw one of your characters has, and how does it impact the fic/AU? Is this a flaw they have in canon, or is it new to your fic/AU?
Okay, so, this is a new flaw afaik, but Sion is a neurotic mess here: always overthinking, always anxious and overprotective over Sora. This leads to a shitload of problems, due to the fact Sora is already 16 and, well, behaves like a 16yo.
14. What's the most vivid image you associate with your fic/AU?
Something like this:
Tumblr media
Sion is a bouncer at a night club and usually guards the entrance, checking IDs and stuff, so such location appears in the fic a couple of times.
16. What's a scene you are dreading or had difficulty writing?
Had difficulty? Sex scenes and the first fight scene. Dreading? Future fight scenes (yep, there will be a couple more) and ending, 'cause [INFORMATION WITHHELD – REQUIRES LEVEL 5 SECURITY CLEARANCE].
20. What's the strangest place or way you've gotten an idea for your fic/AU?
The basic idea for this fic came in a pretty peculiar way, given how it went from me and babe having a laugh at Nomura's characters' fashion sense to me coming up with basic plotline in, like, 5 minutes.
24. What's a random piece of information about your fic/AU you want to share?
The closest thing to villain the whole story has is the healthcare system.
25. Share something about your fic/AU in the format of a clickbait headline.
Breaking! The guy, whose life has already been shitty, is only getting shittier!
Thank you! 💜
Ask about a Fic or AU!
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flockofdoves · 2 years
finally finally finally(!!!) got to go to have my first appointment with my new primary care doctor after her having such a long waiting list (even though it still was way shorter than other doctors ppl in a local lgbt fb group recced as being good with fat patients) and then having my first scheduled appointment last may canceled due to her having a family emergency
and god. started tearing up afterwards. ive never had such a good doctors appointment in my life.
she ordered the tests i asked about and gave me the sleep doctor referral i needed but then also went above and beyond and was thorough with ordering even more tests for stuff that occurred to her
it was so validating like i was trying to step around like ‘a friend with sleep apnea really encouraged me to look into getting a sleep study done and i already did one of those take home ones where you tape a little thing around your finger last year and it was negative but idk i thought maybe if possible i’d want to look into it still in case its something beyond obstructive sleep apnea’ and she was like yes of course! but then also asked ‘did the test you did at home come with any head gear?’ and when i was like ‘no just the finger thing the uhhh. blood oximetry light thing’ she was like ‘pshhh the only decent at home tests have head gear, thats nothing! and of course even then it doesnt look into a whole lot of other sleep issues’ which god. was sooooo affirming
and she was so upfront about the referral like ‘look. most sleep specialists around here are old cis white men who can be super intimidating and i’ve had issues with them misgendering my patients, if you tell me something like that happens i’ll always advocate for you, i’ve done it before, but just know that even if they dismiss you in the moment, while you shouldn’t have to go through that, you’re just there to get the results of those tests and i can help you advocate for what you need from there. not saying that to scare you off from doing it at all i’m writing the referral right now! but just i feel like to be responsible even if i know that type of doctor isn’t something new to most people, i still should give you that warning. i’d definitely recommend bringing a friend to your appointment with them if you can’
i know from people saying in the fb group that she is lgbt herself, but in addition to that the way she mentioned neurodivergence and me being autistic when referencing my medical history and also connecting it to other stuff i feel like she also has personal experience w that herself it was really cool
and god i still eased into it a bit despite literally going to her bc ppl said she practices HAES but the way she just seemed to totally Get all my stuff with my atypical restrictive eating disorder and experience with fatphobia in recovery and never mentioned my bmi and unprompted (when describing another medical concept with it as a relevant example) dismissed the idea of intentional weight loss diets as healthy for anyone
and both was really responsive to and appreciative of me just coming with a list of stuff i was thinking about and advocating for myself but then also suggested certain diagnoses as stuff to look into based on just like. normal listening to me without me even trying to feed information to passively hopefully get care which was so affirming bc it was all stuff i’d been curious about if could be the case for me but didn’t want to prioritize to look into above the main stuff i came with after not having a doctor for so long
also found out she also specializes in obgyn stuff so i dont even have to find another doctor for that!!
its slightly nervewracking that my follow up can’t be til december (also between that and her being pretty late to my appointment to help another patient, it makes me feel like. god. this system isn’t set up for good caring doctors to succeed. i hope she never gets burnt out or anything) fortunately i can at least do some of the blood work basically any time i’m free so thats cool
but god im just so grateful!!! holy shit!!! :)
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aezyrraeshh · 2 years
so the cosmic horror original story explained
the setting, the world, the aliens are made up entirely by me, because yes, i do hate myself that much.
nova is sort of the main character, and their story starts with them working for the yet-unnamed-organisation as a mercenary, doing jobs that government tries to keep all hush-hush. they are a spy, a hitman, a delivery person— everything and everyone, but people like them are known to be deadly. especially, considering what the organisation has been up to.
the artificial intelligence was implemented into all of their mercenaries to make them faster, stronger and most importantly more efficient. they've recently came up with a new version, the ADA— the evolving type of AI, the true Intelligence if you will, and they needed an operative who's psyche is best suited, which ended up being nova.
so, now that they have ADA connected to them, their partner, alix, that was acting weird even before that, starts to act outright antagonistic and later on disappears entirely. nova later learns that xe escaped with some of the organisation property, they weren't told what it was, but ADA and them were ordered to find xem and bring xem, either dead or alive, but with the technology xe stole. nova also learns that alix was under organisation suspicion for a long time, which also places them in the tough spot, so they are basically threatened with "either you find xem or you are an accomplice".
nova is hurt, because alix and them were friends before they finished training, then they became rivals and their friendship got strained and now xe ran away after acting like xe hated them more than anything and nova might loose their life because of xem? they are confused and hurt and angry, and they are dead set on finding xem because they themself need answers to what the fuck xe has been up to all these years.
alix at this time is on the run, and xe finds a crew that is willing to give xem a ride to hopefully another system or at least another planet, and that crew is Rha, Soniya and Kyllan. they agree because they desperately need money, and xe is willing to pay.
eventually, however, nova ends up on the same ship, because they figured that xe is probably either left the planet or is planning to. they end up on the same ship, and because they had to take off fast, they only met when they were already in the air. it wasn't a pretty meeting, but what made it even worse is that the technology alix has is basically the on/off switch for the AI controls in the mercenaries and xe uses it on them, almost overriding their entire brain, wiping everything down, but since ADA is.. a special kind of AI it doesn't work as xe hoped, and they end up surviving, but ADAs restrictions are off now, and they start to experience consciousness. WHICH WOULD ADD A WHOLE STORYLINE TO NOVA STORY, because ADA wants to live now, and it cannot exist outside nova so would it try to take over the body? ohoho, it would but how will it end? who knows 👀
long story short, they are stuck together either way now, and after the restrictions of ADA fell, organisation immediately declared nova as a criminal, and now they want to find them to take back their prised AI :) and they would want to wipe the crew out too :)
so, aha, enemy of my enemy? forced team work? yeah.
story goes off from there, because that's the prologue basically, but the arch of nova and alix is a complicated one, and while xe is an asshole, xe has xyr reasons. but like friends to rivals to enemies to forced working together to lovers? screaming and crying, and xyr whole thing is like xe thinks that nova isn't even there anymore, and it's just an empty husk with ADA inside so xe lashes out BUT IT IS THEM AND IT'S XEM THAT MADE IT WORSE AND A MILLION OTHER PLOTLINES COME TOGETHER, AND THE HURT NOVA FEELS, THE ANGER AND THEM SEEING HOW XE CHANGED AND I AM GDHDJSKHXJSOAOA
anyways, Xsa'Ra plotline is insane, because they are a somewhat of a cosmic god, and like.. who is Yelloana? and what is it about the pining between her and Soniya? 👀
and it's really a story about overcoming personal horror and grief, while fighting the real time horror and coming to terms with change and death and constant.
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sepublic · 3 years
Escaping Expulsion!
           Amity calling her MY Luz… Amity and Luz back-to-back! Playing tricks together that’s so ADORABLE!
           There’s so much to this episode, I… I…!
           Gus! His growth spurt will take a lot getting used to, it’s like watching your favorite kids grow up… At this point he may as well go back to Augustus! And Perry, I love seeing more of him!
           WILLOW’S DADS! They’re GOOD parents I tell you, they talk a lot about grounding or whatever, but then IMMEDIATELY drop their jobs for Willow’s sake!? To home-school her, to have fun! GOOD PARENTS! And the Glasses Dad, he’s a really chill dude, sees Willow going behind the back and is like “I won’t tell!” Nice. VERY nice…!
           BUMP! Not only do we get confirmation that he’s in the Abomination Coven, BUT HE’S A SWEETIE! He’s an utter sweetheart! This really all adds to my headcanon that he felt bad about what happened with Eda, and I bet he was being reminded a LOT of that when he had to get rid of Luz, Willow, and Gus… At least with Eda she more or less left of her own volition, but these kids WANT to come back! I love this principal and his layers… Also Frewin’s tail moving?
           I agree with Alador, and I find it hilarious that he doesn’t seem to understand Frewin that much either… Or he does but he’s still curious! Al IS interesting like Odalia said… Not exactly a good parent, but he is a man of his word! Also WOW he looks like an utter mess, nothing like the prim and proper noble we all expected! I guess Alador from Amity’s flashback was in dress clothes for Amity’s birthday and all that… But yeah he IS fascinating as Dana said! I guess he is the inventor as some people suspected…
           His whole demeanor matches his brief depiction in YBOS pretty well; Looking like he’s mostly just kind of THERE, just kind of chilling for the ride. Has his head in the clouds and focuses on the inventions, on the technical know-how, on carrying out the orders and seeing them through, while Odalia is the leader who instructs things- Just as we suspected! I can already see the neurodivergent Alador headcanons… If Amity is autistic, does she get it from him?
           ODALIA… Ugh. I mean, she’s about as rancid as we all expected, but it’s interesting that she DOES listen to Alador, so there is still that respect there! But JEEZ, she’s an attempted child murderer?! Goes back on her word!? I have to wonder if Alador was the original Blight actually, and Odalia was the one who married in; That, or Alador just has actual integrity and acts as like… The second voice who helps rein in Odalia and remind her of things every now and then. Interesting… But yeah, I loathe her!
           Of course, back to Al- He may not necessarily be so great himself. He does seem to prefer the easy path, the path of least resistance; He adapts to Amity standing up to him and Odalia by instead considering how she could replace the current Abomination Head one day… Which makes sense, that’s HIS expertise, and daughter takes after father! And Odalia really is an Oracle as we thought… Oracle magic for spying, makes sense, but that necklace…
           UGH… Remember when we all liked that necklace! How we thought it was SO CUTE? How Amity wore it at first in Adventures in the Elements… But then she rarely wore her casual outfit? WELL NOW WE KNOW… Here’s hoping the intro changes to remove the necklace, but WOW I was genuinely feeling sick in my stomach when I saw that!
           And Odalia and Alador are even WORSE, because they’re literally arms-manufacturers! Do I even need to explain why that’s awful? But I’m really having a lot of fun with the idea of Abominations as robotics; I’d considered the idea of Abominations melding with Automatons, and the show just confirms and validates that! I love this show… I have to wonder if we’ll see Amity and the Abomination Head interact more? And I like how Abominations is basically shape-shifting and form-changing, but applied to a magical goop that Abomination Witches can control…
           Belos and the Golden Guard! More worldbuilding- Of course Belos is monopolizing and taking things into his own control, he’s expanding his influence! And of course, as Golden Guard pointed out- Not only does he want soldiers –glad we’ll see more of these Abomination things in practice- but also… He doesn’t want anyone raising a private army against him; Which again fits with how Belos operates! 
          But the way Odalia and Alador look at one another… WERE they intending to raise a private army? Or were they always open to selling out to the highest bidder- With their desire to install Amity as the new Abomination Head, we might see them ally with a rebellion, but for their OWN purposes… With how their audience and customer base was cloaked, they may have been unknowingly selling to people with a vested interest and stake in taking down Belos!
           EDA AND LILITH! This show once again confirms my read on glyphs; Not containing magic, but more commanding the magic around them! Lilith is SO smart, figuring out how it works… And YES, I love delving into the mechanics! How glyphs are about COMMUNICATION with the Isles, that calls back to Adventures in the Elements! I wonder then if Belos can communicate with the isles too, possibly through glyphs…
           But we get more insight into their dynamic! Eda was always that talented kid, so she could always breeze the basics and get right into experimentation! It was good for critical thinking, but as we see, she can be really hyperactive and impatient… And of course, this frustrates Lilith, who is very stoic and rule-bound! God she was adorable this episode, how she clearly wants validation… She really is the embodiment of “My child is fine!” “Your child was a pleasure to have in class.” Couldn’t get validation from Gwen, so Lilith went to teachers…
           AND JEEZ, no wonder Belos’ approval meant so much to her! Maybe like Marcy and Andrias from Amphibia, Lilith kind of latched onto Belos as a potential found family figure for her… But as we know, she still had her own desires and wants because she IS a person and not a mindless drone.
           BUT YES, I love the show delving into how Lilith and Eda work as different people! Lilith is by-the-book, and Eda recognizing that Lilith’s methods have value, because Eda is really out of her own element here. I love seeing Eda experiment with glyphs, just the way they experiment with glyphs- I’m glad it’s not just Luz! Also it’s interesting… The show seems to imply that there really are only four glyphs in existence; Light, Ice, Fire, and Plant! That’s a shame because I’d have liked to see more glyphs in the future, just a few more…
           BUT YEAH, this hearkens back to that shot of Luz combining Glyphs in the trailer, and I’ve always hoped that mashing Glyphs can unlock more complex spells! I love this kind of worldbuilding where basic elements are combined in certain ways to yield more specific things, it’s making my worldbuilding brain buzz happily! And I love Luz just freely giving out stars… Lilith is SUCH an Elsa, and her friendship with Hooty is adorable! And here’s hoping that Eda uses that messed-up spell anyway, against enemies…
           Overall this was an AMAZING EPISODE, so strong! Luz isn’t dense, like Alador she’s just distracted… Oh dang, maybe my Luz and Alador parallels idea wasn’t so far off? BUT YES this show promises and delivers through on these characters! I do wish we got to see more of Willow’s thought process about Odalia and Alador interrupting her life again, but with how the episode is already jam-packed with glyph lore AND Luz��s own thing, and I can see why they had to leave it out- 
          But give her some more spotlight, please! I wouldn’t be surprised if some things had to be cut out thanks to Disney downsizing the show… Also again, it’s interesting that based on what this episode implied; The Plant Coven is the ONLY Coven to have such a close basis in nature. If there are only four glyphs in nature, theoretically there should only be four main covens…
           Belos, your system is beginning to look even MORE sketchy now! And dang, the revelations, the lore, the reveals… Not much of Emira and Edric alas, but what we got was short and sweet, and I love how they felt the need to be nice but also sneak in a prank, but Amity just sees them! And also CAT ABOMINATION, the fanart came through! 
          And Amity just immediately recognizing her girlfriend’s work to figure out Luz was there, I love it so much! Overall, an AMAZING episode that blew my expectations out of the water! Now after this we have Echoes of the Past, which promises even MORE in regards to King! I love that these characters are getting a lot of focus now.
           Also it just occurred to me, but yeah- Edric’s occasional air-headed moments, Emira being a bit more bossy and strict… As we all speculated, they get it from their respective parents!
           (Also Hop Pop cameo I see you TOH crew.)
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roshniwrites · 3 years
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old to tumblr, new to writblr
i’ve been meaning to make a writblr for a year and i guess i’ve had this account for a while but i literally never post because i am so horribly uninspired!
about me:
desi, queer, american, autistic, 21
my pronouns are they/them
eye and vast alignment; scorpio sun, pisces moon, gemini rising
i am an english major with a creative writing concentration :)
i love to read! feel free to send recs! (even though i am not as good at reading these days)
i write high fantasy the most but my most recent endeavour is fantasy in the real world (i’m struggling) and new adult i think
feel free to tag me in games! especially if it involves oc’s. this blog probably won’t get very big i’m just bored and hoping this will get me to write
if you want to see fandom content check out my other sideblog @dream-to-be-frog <3 i’m very funny
my name for this account comes from my main, in which i have a hashtag called “#roshniwrites” because i have some poetry or short prose works posted on there <3 @radioactive-rosh
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about my writing:
i have been writing stories since i was in.... second grade? though i might’ve been having ideas since even earlier. i’ve found some hella old drafts of badly written things XD
i really started to write (not just come up with ideas) in middle school. a good amount of it was percy jackson (and occasionally hp, before i knew jkr was a horrible human being) fanfiction.
come high school, i wrote a lot more of my original stories, though most of them are either scrapped by now or, if the idea is still cool, on the backest of burners.
in spring of 12th year, i came up with one of my largest projects i’ve done. it was vaguely based off of a retelling of hades and persephone. i’ve come to a bit of a standstill with that one for now.
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wips !!
the name is still in the works, but “star of the sea” is cool and it kind of fits my mc so. for now
this is a story that was actually meant to be a spiteful (and elaborate) fanfiction if harry potter. i wanted to make all the characters queer and most of them trans just to piss off jkr because she’s a horrible human being but. it is not my job to fix her story.
anyway it has evolved far beyond its original goal, though the very very basic premise is the same.
students at a magic school, a big bad, enemies to lovers, worrying prophecy requiring the sacrifice of the chosen one (and the subversion of this trope)
stellamaris actually looks a bit more like the book carry on by rainbow rowell now.
my issue with it right now is that i simply have no clue how the magic system works because i can never think of a smarter system than rainbow’s and i don’t want it to look like i copied. like i know there’s no original stories etc. etc. but to a level. trying to create a new system makes me get a migraine but it’s the only story i care about at the moment
also i might cut down on how many main characters there are but i’m not sure which ones i am keeping i’m emotionally attached to them all. maybe i will transplant them into another story. god knows
on my original intro post about this i said i would likely post a lot of picrews about them but the truth is i am now questioning the main character’s design too so if i post it will be about one character and that is my darling juno <3
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this is a barely expanded upon idea
i thought of an idea of four friends who fell apart after high school because some shit went down and last year for my creative writing class i chose this story to write as a short story of when the four friends meet up again and try to get some closure
this is shockingly not fantasy, but if i write more about this maybe i will make it a bit fantasy. a bit supernatural. just because that’s my brand and writing only realistic fiction makes me sad. (who knows, maybe a life is strange true colors-esque superpower thing! we shall see)
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this has reached a bit of a standstill, to be honest. likely won’t be posting a whole lot about it because there are a lot of little things i need to work out
tbh sometimes i don’t want think i’ll go back to it at all but i wrote so much and all that closing the door completely seems rash. maybe in A Very Very Long Time
originally based loosely off of a retelling of hades and persephone (a less violent version, where persephone wanders off and thinks hades’s kingdom is neat)
i will not lie lore olympus ruined this for me a bit because that ““retelling”” makes me Super Very Mad
it’s the story i’ve written the most for my whole life; i drafted this my senior year of high school in spring when i said fuck all my classes and wrote like 78,000 words :P
some of the writing is really good i think (last i checked, like almost a year ago but that’s better than most writing) but i really don’t know if it’s going anywhere for a long time
(some friends have stories they’ve been writing since they were 11 and they still have ideas for that... shocking because that couldn’t be me props to them but i cannot)
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Time-Travel feat. Ino, Sakura, TenTen
The short of it is "Ino, in the Founders Era, sees Izuna and makes it her personal mission to Tap That."
The time-travelers are Ino, Sakura, and TenTen. Why them? I like girls being badasses, these three make a badass trio, and I don't want to deal with Caged Bird Seal politics. (Hyuuga just... complicate time-travel plots.)
Ino is the one that is clearly clan, and they make a group decision that the benefits of Yamanaka backing (and by extension Akimichi and Nara) outweigh the potential drawbacks.
It's pretty easy to convince them that they're Worth It. Ino doesn't bring anything new, really, but she's clever and knows the clan techniques and is very good at them, so the clan head (after performing a mind search to confirm the story) is like Sure, You're In.
Meanwhile, Sakura is a terrifyingly competent medic that knows hundreds, if not thousands, of medical techniques that don't even EXIST yet, and TenTen might not be a medic like the other two, or capable of explodey punches, or clan-trained, but the girl is a taijutsu powerhouse that's probably fast as hell because she was trained by GAI, and she's got at minimum a journeyman-level training in fuuinjutsu.
(Also just, don't argue with the 100% accuracy lady. Just don't. The reason she doesn't have a body-count to rival Minato's eventual count is because she doesn't want to and basically no other reason. There are some opponents that a Kunai to the Neck won't take down for whatever reason? Iron-skin, water body, super healing/shapeshifting, but for the rank and file? That's a one-hit. And she can throw hundreds of kunai at a time, so... if you take the 100% accuracy statements literally, she's a nightmare if she decides to go lethal.)
They run missions for a bit, and Ino is... usually the one sent out on field missions, because Sakura's busy teaching people how to save lives, and TenTen is currently the closest thing the Yamanaka have to a seal master--she's not a master, not on the level of an Uzumaki or even a Senju, but she's way better than most on account of village training schema and it's cheaper to give her a long-term role in the triple clan system than to hire independent contractors--but sometimes they all go out!
And... okay, I'm gonna be real here: Nobody approves of the way Ino dresses other than Ino and her girls.
Sakura extends her pants a bit. TenTen's fine. Ino refuses to stop wearing crop tops and short skirts, and none of you can stop her.
It helps that Ino's response to guys propositioning her is to tell them to back off, and then if they get handsy, she breaks their wrists. If they're ninjas getting handsy, she starts a fight, but most ninjas are smarter than that because they realize she's not just A Kunoichi, based on how she's moving, but a kunoichi with long, free-flowing hair, which is like... basically a big "I'm A-rank or better, come at me if you dare" flag. On the off chance that someone tries to fuck with Ino and they're actually out of her league in taijutsu, she has Mind Scrambling or, if absolutely necessary, an ear-piercing scream that summons a woman that can fistfight gods.
(And absolutely has.)
But anyway, The Girls go for a Girls Night Out one day. No plans to get laid, but they want to go shopping and have fruity drinks and maybe cause a little trouble.
They visit a blacksmith at one point, because weapons shops aren't quite a thing yet due to lack of centralized shinobi systems, and TenTen's talking up a storm with the smith about things like carbon infusion and alloys preferences, and Sakura's just standing off to a side reading something because most of what she wants/needs can be made by Akimichi blacksmiths, so she's not really in need of anything specialty. She wanders off after a bit, tells them all she wants to visit the apothecary to see if they have any herbs she's running low on. Ino is browsing examples of the blacksmith's more esoteric handiwork When In Walks An Uchiha.
TenTen has a VERY basic look, more or less civilian who got some ninja training, so Izuna doesn't pay her much attention, but blonde isn't a very common color in the Land of Fire, unless one happens to be a Yamanaka or Senju, and even among them it's not like EVERY clan member. (Or Namikaze but imo Minato's color is actually from Land of Earth immigrants and is a BLATANTLY different shade from characters like Ino and Tsunade.)
Senju is obviously, uh, bad, but the Yamanaka and Uchiha are basically neutral... mostly. There's some tension. Izuna isn't expecting to be attacked, but he's constantly darting glances out the side of his eye just in case.
Ino is... not unaware of Izuna.
She feels his eyes on her, notes the fact that he keeps making faces like he's not sure what to think, and Ino... Ino is of the opinion that this is funny.
She decides to drop something on purpose just so she can beeeeeeeeeeend over to pick it up and see what happens. Ino, again, does not dress appropriately for the decade she is in. Izuna chokes on his own spit.
Ino: I'm gonna be a bit of a ho. Yamanaka Clan: Please don't, our reputation is-- Ino: I'M GONNA BE A BIT OF A HO.
So Ino's fucking with Izuna's head by just... being Ino, really, she turns around like "OMG are you alright???" and lets him see that her eyes are lacking pupils so he doesn't keep worrying about whether she's a Senju, pats him on the back, coos over him, flatters his hair, and then insults his fashion sense.
She is of the firm belief that his expression is hilarious. Flirt Flirt Flirt "but you're wearing that? Really? Oh honey, you should know better."
(Ino pulls pickup artist shit on Izuna.)
Ino is fucking with him, and she is enjoying herself. She's a flirt, she's gorgeous, she's a bit of a ho, and Izuna is a hot, main family clan boy who keeps blushing. He's maybe two years older than her and he squeaks when she squeezes his shoulder and compliments his muscles.
And after all that, after Ino has wound him up and turned him around and gotten him confused and flustered and a little angry...
That is when they feel the ground shake and hear Madara screaming for The Pink-Haired Bitch to "come back here so I can kick your ass!"
So. Yes. Sakura has picked a fight with Madara. I don't know how or why, I just know that Sakura and Madara are fighting, Ino and Izuna are both going 'dude WHY' about their respective fighty person and fleeing the blacksmith to go stop whatever's going on before they get banned from town--because really, they can force their way in, but it's way easier to get those tasty daifuku mochi from that one shop when people WANT to serve them--and TenTen is... still chatting up the blacksmith. The girl is going to get a discount.
Sakura leads Madara on a bit of a merry chase so the fight happens a mile outside of town--Ino loves her more than ever--and there's a flare of "Sakura punches a Susanoo," and by the time Izuna and Ino get there, Sakura is yelling in Madara's face about how he's fucking up his eyes.
Madara is. Offended. Izuna is also offended. Those are clan secrets, and Sakura is just looking him in the eye without fear and I'm like. Half convinced that they want to just tear her throat out.
Except Ino is there, and Sakura called her by name, and they know that names with 'Ino' among the Yamanaka are only for clan heirs, and they can't just pick a fight with the entire clan.
They. They can't afford that right now. Tajima is ramping up the whole Thing with the Senju again and they do not have the resources to add another front.
"For fuck's sake, will you let me go alive if I fix some of the damage you've done to yourself?" "You can fix the Mangekyo?" "Uh, no, nobody can fix that hellscape of a doujutsu without some incredibly invasive surgery that I refuse to do in a non-sterile environment unless there's literally no other choice, but I can reverse some of the chakra strain on your ocular nerve if you stop trying to pick a fight because I got the last of the [some medicinal plant that only grows up in the badlands around Iwa]."
Izuna shrieks and demands if that's really what they were punching down trees for and Madara yells at him to fuck off and Ino just laughs at all of them.
Sakura is like. Two seconds away from putting Madara in a headlock and calling him a nerd. He's like a solid five years older than her and she's smarter than he is and he's a jock but she's going to dunk his head in a toilet, I swear to god.
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[Image Description: a gif from Will and Grace where a man in a dark shirt approaches a woman in a white shirt for a hug. Both characters have their arms spread wide in greeting, but the woman subverts the expected hug and pulls the man into a headlock with an angry expression.]
(Tenten is just, she's having a good time with a random blacksmith, talking shop. She just comes out to see all this crap has happened and it's like she came back with pizzas to see the apartment wrecked.)
Anyway, Sakura does some Medic Mojo on the Uchiha bros, Ino continues to flirt with Izuna until he can't tell up from down anymore, and when they're headed back to meet up with TenTen and see if there are any ruffled feathers that need smoothing, Ino declares that she's going to get that boy to propose to her.
"Don't people usually say 'I'm gonna marry that boy' or--" "Nah, I don't know him well enough to make that decision. I just want him invested in me. Whether or not I do anything with that... depends on how well he woos me."
And anyway, things spiral from there, Ino keeps hitting on Izuna whenever she gets a chance, Izuna keeps being Very Overwhelmed by this girl that shows off so much of her body and has the confidence of a god--because Ino is the epitome of confidence and always will be--while Sakura fucks off to badger the Senju into peace by making friends with Hashirama and bribing Tobirama with medical developments and flirting with Touka (except Touka's almost a decade older than her and is flattered but not interested, thank you), and TenTen is... honestly I'm not sure what TenTen is doing except that there's a very solid chance she's sneaking off to meet with Uzumaki specialists to help her build a Zetsu Trap.
Our trio of badass ladies decides that Hm, Actually, Having Bijuu Backup Would Be Nice.
Ino's the best sensor of the three, but even she's not feeling out where the nearest bijuu is, so they go for the by-that-point tried and true method of "Sakura goes and hassles Tobirama for information while TenTen and Ino play cards with Hashirama."
Tobirama does point them in the direction of the nearest bijuu--it's the Kyuubi, even!--and Sakura just... invites Hashirama along.
Hashirama: Oh! What do I have to do if I come? Sakura: Stand there and look pretty, mostly. Hashirama: Yes, I can do that. Sakura: And then interfere if we piss off the Kyuubi enough that he attacks. He probably won't, but Mokuton is useful if he does. Hashirama: Oooooh yeah, I can do that.
Tobirama is so tired but these gals are pretty determined to do the whole Peace Thing and Hashirama can mostly take care of himself, and Butsuma isn't quite dead but almost there (idk some disease or infected wound, it doesn't matter), so Hashirama isn't a Clan Head ditching his job but there's nobody around that can stop him from running off, so Tobirama's just like "Cool, don't die."
Butsuma: [dying] Sakura: [sipping a mixed drink wearing sunglasses inside] Shame.
So they go find Kurama, and try to barter with him about the whole Zetsu situation, and... ngl okay I have an entire conversation in mind about "your evil goo uncle" and "none of us know how to seal a bijuu without taking away your autonomy, but sealing is the best way to hide you from Zetsu, so do you have any ideas on a compromise" and "I can SORT of figure out how to--"
And then Kurama just. Summons a smaller fox. Which has a scroll. And pokes it towards TenTen because she's the one that's Impressed Him The Right Way over the course of the conversation.
(Mostly by being vaguely sparky about fuuinjutsu and easily distracted by the Ifs of it instead of the Whys.)
And once she's signed--which Ino and Sakura are just like 👀 about because Oh???--Kurama nods and just. Presses his snout to her hand. And without telling her what he's doing, he just enters her body and settles in as a consenting jinchuuriki situation. He can leave without killing her if he wants, but he can also just chill out. He's hidden from Zetsu, TenTen gets a boost, and nobody's in prison.
(Time to belatedly note that TenTen was earlier suggested as the best jinchuuriki option since, among other things, she had the least to lose as far as chakra control went.)
TenTen: My chakra control is pretty shitty, but I can fight hand to hand for literal hours without feeling like I've done more than a light jog, is that good?
TenTen is such a different brand of ninja from most of the heavy hitters. Because her main attack is just More Knife.
Team InoShikaCho has their whole human yoyo thing, Sakura can punch gods, Naruto and Sasuke are literally insane levels of power, Kiba turns into a giant three-headed dog and Shino can insert exploding bugs into people, Lee can kick hard enough to make a bijuu pause, Neji and Hinata are... okay I don't have much to say about the Hyuuga, but... TenTen. She's just here with some seals and whole lot of sharp and pointy things.
Founders era, you have Madara and Hashirama with their god-level techniques, Tobirama is usually sword but has a bajillion other things like his Suiton, Izuna has a Mangekyo, Mito has her chains and was the first jinchuuriki... and then, here’s TenTen, with Many Sharp.
Her special attacks are Throw, Stab, and Kick the Shit Out Of because she still trained under Maito Gai.
TenTen is the current queen of "catch these hands."
After the village is founded, she challenges one of the og founders to taijutsu only and the literal only reason she doesn't win against Hashirama is that he has a healing factor and is built like a brick house.
TenTen: Hey, Izuna, if you beat me in a taijutsu fight, Ino might be impressed. Izuna: No weapons? TenTen: No weapons, no bijuu, no Sharingan. Izuna: Cool, I can do this. [five minutes later] Izuna: [screaming]
The triple clan alliance: We will gladly join Konoha on the condition that-- Izuna, internally, chanting: That I marry Ino That I marry Ino That I marry Ino-- Madara, internally: Please don't say that Izuna marries Ino Tobirama, internally: [math meme because he can imagine like eighty conditions] Hashirama, internally: [elevator music] The triple clan alliance: That you put Haruno Sakura in charge of the hospital. Izuna: [internal screaming] Madara: [sigh of relief] Tobirama: [internal cheering] Hashirama: That sounds great! I've seen her work, she's a great choice for hospital management, do you think she'd be willing to spearhead a medical training program on the side?
Izuna just wanted the politics to be his wingman here, she's killing him.
Ino has broken this man.
(At this point she's mostly made up her mind... unfortunately, she deeply enjoys messing with him! He's too fun to tease!)
Ino: I want to marry him, yeah, but did you see his face when I teased him about visiting the Daimyou's court and looking for a rich husband to bring to Konoha? He even knows I'd never marry a civilian, and yet.
(He knows, it's just that his brain is dumb when she is involved.)
TenTen asks Hashirama if he's opposed to threesomes, mostly because Mito is amazing and TenTen's a little in love with her. Hashirama is NOT opposed to threesomes, but only with Madara, sorry.
Ino is just... the queen of self-confidence. I want to include some gifs to explain but there are just too many.
As a rule, Ino wears high collars, but... she might try to pioneer Tiddy Shirts out of spite because people keep trying to tell her to dress More Appropriately.
Ino, adjusting her wrap top to show more of the chesticles: Relax, Hashirama, I'm just taking a page out of your granddaughter's book. Hashirama: [verbal keysmash]
This one twitter post.
Sakura: You can't just use your tits to get what you want! Ino: I didn't see you complaining when I got us free dango. Ino, misunderstanding Sakura's point: Uh, yeah I can? Watch. Ino: [gets drinks for the table and a free dessert too] Ino: See? Sakura: Oh my god. TenTen, cutting a slice of cake: Yeah I think she's got us here Sakura. TenTen: I love using Ino's tits to get what I want. Sakura: No!
Sakura: Why am I the only one of us who isn't down for Ino using feminine wiles for material gain? TenTen: Does it have anything to do with your unresolved childhood crush on her? Sakura: ..... shut up.
Sakura: Was Sasuke descended straight from Izuna's line? What if you just negated his existence? Ino: I mean, his soul still exists, right? Or will exist? It's not like we could have lined the genetics up perfectly anyway, don't worry about it.
Once Ino finally lets Izuna woo her, they turn into that couple that's just constantly making out in dark corners. PDA is over 9000. Sakura throws erasers at them to make them stop. TenTen catcalls. TenTen just. Not interested in being a thot in the slightest, but delighted by Ino being a thot.
Izuna: Help I don't know how to BDSM and my hot wife is a dominatrix. Madara: Sucks to be you.
(Ino being a bit of a ho fits and feels fun because she's also just like, very convincingly an actualized character. If Ino is acting like a bit of a ho it's very definitely because she wants to and is absolutely going to make that everybody else's problem.)
Ino, at any given moment: Did you miss the part where I'm the hottest person here?
I'm honestly considering platonic-marriage TenTen/Tobirama on the basis of Seals And Sparking. There aren't enough women in the Founders Era for me to ship Sakura with one so I'm going to say she ends up living in domestic bliss with a Nara kunoichi.
Sakura: Can I just. Can I just be Gay here? Like, can I just Be Gay and get Big Gay Married and have 2 dogs and lead a prestigious medical program? Tenten and Ino: Of course you can, hon! We'll be up to our nonsense the entire time, though.
Sakura: Well... at least Shikamaru isn't here to complain about Ino being the way she is.
OH I forgot to mention TenTen wearing Externalized Small Fox Kurama around like a scarf.
Kurama: [Gets to be out of the seal and See Stuff] TenTen: [Constantly has a companion around who is never tired of hearing her Special Interest Rant about smithing techniques and what will eventually be Aerodynamics after TenTen accidentally builds a plane while tinkering]
TenTen: I wonder if I could make Temari's giant fan thing work for me without wind chakra. [two years of tinkering later] TenTen: I can't remember what I was trying to do at the start but I can definitely fly now.
(Sakura's honestly lucky that Karin isn't there.)
(And tbh Sakura's only The Sensible One until Madara pisses her off and then it's time for people to remind her that she can't just go around Punching Things.)
When Sakura is forced to be the Voice of Reason she is always frustrated. When TenTen is freed from the responsibility of being the Voice of Reason? Shenanigans. TenTen's defense is that she never got to be the crazy one in Team Gai. Like, she’s still a little nutty, but she couldn’t go all out because she was constantly overshadowed by the YOUTH and also Neji’s fate situation.
ANYWAY. TenTen and Tobirama.
TenTen: Your brain makes me horny. Tobirama: Oh, finally, someone sensible.
I remember that while I was brainstorming, I had "TenTen tells Tobirama to marry her within five minutes of meeting him because they vibed so hard on weird fuuinjutsu stuff" followed by "Izuna sputtering and saying that everyone told him that he couldn't just propose to a girl he liked, why does Tobirama get to accept a proposal from a clanless kunoichi when Izuna can't even--"
The proposal is from TenTen to Tobirama, which imo is hilarious in the context of the Warring Clans Era, and also is done on a whim and is basically just.
Tobirama: [says a clever thing about one of TenTen's theories] TenTen, grabbing his hands and looking him in the eye, her own eyes full of stars and the classic Team Gai sunset genjutsu around her: Marry me. Tobirama: ...do we have to have sex? TenTen: No. Tobirama: Do you plan on children? TenTen: Students yes, adoption maybe. Tobirama: I'm sold. Hashirama:
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[Image Description: Stephen Colbert, in a suit, dramatically crying at the camera. He has running mascara, and the caption says “I just feel like my heart is going to burst because it’s full of rainbows.” End Description.]
They're Nerd-married and it's the best.
I love the idea of Hashirama just being an Elevator Music Mind when it comes to Tobirama and TenTen. Like. An orange cat. Like, okay, yes Minato is the Hokage with the orange cat energy. And Hashirama is usually golden retriever energy.
But when it comes to Tobirama and TenTen, Hashirama is completely oblivious to their intention to do such things as Raise The Dead For Science.
They're not even raising a specific person for a specific reason, they're just vibing Super Hard and haven't slept enough and forgot this is a bad idea. Got so obsessed with "Can we" that they forgot "should we."
(And I feel like Kurama just encourages them like a chaos entity.)
Tobirama: It was a theoretical exercise. Hashirama, gesturing at the zombie army trying to eat its way out of a Mokuton Cage: !!!! Tobirama: We realized it didn't need to stay theoretical. TenTen: In our defense, we were left unsupervised. Tobirama: It's true, we were.
Sakura: TenTen! I expected better of you! TenTen, with sincere confusion: Why? Sakura: ... TenTen:  Like you knew my team, and my sensei, and also I agreed to help you go back in time and alter the past.
Ino: [here to fluster her pretty boy husband] TenTen: [got platonic married to a necromancer who shares some special interests and hyperfocuses with her] Sakura: [just wants 2.5 kids and a steady paycheck as she runs a world-changing medical program]
Back to TenTen being Wild.
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[Image Description: TenTen in her Shippudent outfit, which is calf-length red pants and a white qipao top with red trim, turning on the spot while flourishing a pair of scrolls that expel weaponry on her command. End description.]
I like to imagine TenTen has an abundance of common sense, but she just never, ever applies it to herself. She can only common sense when other people present her with their problems. TenTen: What if I combined Ribbon dances with the noble art of YEET, then made it into a fighting style?
"I've got 99 problems and all of them can be solved with sharp and pointy objects."
[This section of the brainstorming is removed on account of being deeply inappropriate for a post that should max out at rated M. Just know that Ino and Izuna are freaks, and TenTen and Tobirama are enablers.]
Tobirama: Ugh, I can't match Hashirama's energy levels for another entire day. TenTen, a member of Team Gai: I can do it. Tobirama: Hashirama is literally inhumanly happy and-- TenTen: No, no, I got this.
(You have no idea how much practice she has at this Tobirama, no idea.)
Tobirama: I am currently the fastest man alive. TenTen: Only because you cheat with Hiraishin. I could totally beat you in a five-hundred lap race around Konoha. Hashirama: ...five hundred? Tobirama: Wait, what. TenTen, already stretching: Yeah, let's do this! It's been a while since I had a solid challenge, you know? Hashirama: ???? Tobirama, is she serious? Tobirama: She runs two hundred laps around the village every morning, so... probably. Hashirama, wheezing: That's a lot. TenTen: That's a warmup.
Someone, probably Madara: Okay but that's cheating because you have inhuman stamina from the fox! Kurama, chilling on a tree stump napping: No the fuck she does not. Hashirama: What do you mean she doesn't? Kurama: I don't just leave the faucet running 24/7 Senju, besides, she doesn't need my help to be a ridiculous persistence hunting nightmare monster in this regard. TenTen: Awww, Kurama, you flatterer.
TenTen: I was running 150 laps of the village every morning by the time I was fourteen. Hashirama: Why? TenTen: My teacher was fun.
At least one shitty joke from a stranger about stamina In Bed and TenTen and Tobirama just stare at the person.
Maito Dai would be... maybe a little older than the Sannin, younger than Hiruzen. Solid age for TenTen to take as a student, probably. Very feels-worthy, with the whole Passing the Torch thing that that whole family had going on, and that Gai passed it to his students since he didn't have children of his own, the idea of TenTen taking that shot to make sure she's still part of that... family, for lack of a better term? Even in this strange new world they're making by altering history like that.
And that’s about it.
As per usual, most of this was brainstormed with @firebirdeternal​.
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lochnessies · 3 years
ok here’s a dissection of a post an anon sent me the link to and bc i have the worst time management possible and i completely forgot i had it lol so sorry anon here you go ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I am constantly thinking about how Edelgard just doesn’t seem designed to appeal to cishet men.
i hate to be the one to break this news to you op but just because a character doesn’t show skin like charlotte fire emblem doesn’t mean she isn’t designed to pander to men. she’s very much designed to pander to the (majority straight male) player base with her ‘uwu i only trust you professor omg did u see that rat? pls don’t look at my painting of you uwu’.
then there’s the whole edelgard c support in japanese where byleth makes reference to having come to her room for ‘yobi’ which is
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there’s also the scene where byleth can make an unsolicited comment about edelgard’s breast size. which is… uhh… gross.
edelgard also has cipher cards that go from slightly fanserviceie to full on suggestive
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and also her breast armor that my sister relentlessly mocked lol
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and here’s a chart from the 3h subreddit about gender/sexually in regards to edelgard and edeleth. it’s extremely straight male. op might have just overlooked this since they probably don’t go on reddit and stay on tumblr (which unlike reddit is mostly female and has a high lgbt demographic).
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Like the joke is that Bleagles is the Gay House, but everything about her feels deliberately non-hetero.
i don’t like where this is going…
She’s dressed in sharp outfits covering her upper body, with proportions that don’t seem exaggerated.
so women who cover up must be lgbt because straight women are naturally more revealing? oh y i k e s
Her poise and the way she effortlessly flourishes her axe exhibits an air of coolness. While titties out =/= character of no substance, Edelgard being dressed more modestly suggests that she wasn’t designed with male-centred fanservice in mind.
“titties don’t equal no substance but here’s my post on how she has more substance because she doesn’t show titties” ok
And she still looks absolutely stunning in her more modest attire (like seriously, I haven’t felt the need to return to cosplay in years but I want to do her academy look so bad). 
yes she does. amazing design 10/10. i have a feeling this is the only part i’m going to agree with
Edelgard is intense. She does not mince her words and she is constantly evaluating you. Though she tries, she has a difficult time understanding her peers initially. Early on, she talks about how she would sacrifice herself and others in the name of some greater good. She is terrible at communicating with her peers. She has to be seen as infallible. Her heart has been hardened for years and she assumes she has to stay that way. She also assumes everyone mourns the same way she does - which is why she (kind of insensitively) insists you move on when Jeralt dies. Because to her, grief has to be channeled towards action, or else you’ll get lost in it. This attitude is demonstrated time and time again as she presses on. It can make her come off as cold and unfeeling - but look closer, and she’s anything but.
don’t really have anything to say at this part. it is pretty on the nose though i would slightly disagree with that last sentence a bit. i wouldn’t say she’s as i feeling as hubert is but all of her talks of the war boil down to how she feels and never her victims.
Her story is ultimately about her realizing that to achieve her goals, she needs to let people in and allow herself to want things like cakes and tea parties and lazy days in peace. 
????? what ????? her goals include imperialism, ethnic and religious targeting. her story is about having a set of beliefs and mowing down anybody who stands in her way. that has nothing to do with tea, friends, and lazy days. also am i supposed to be sad that she has to get up everyday and work? i do that and i didn’t start a war and only throw a pity party for myself
The game leaves the player guessing as to how involved the Flame Emperor was in each Part I event, makes you feel hurt by her betrayal, and leaves you with a choice: do you follow the orders of the woman who tried to make you a god without your consent, or a young girl with questionable morals about to throw the world into upheaval?
this isn’t an ideal situation but i think i’m going to stick with the woman who tried to make me a god since i’m not selfish and i know it’s not only my desires and life at stake here. plus the green hair slaps ngl
Choosing her of your own volition (not for completionist reasons) requires the basic ability to sympathize with a woman’s pain. It also requires the player to read beyond her unwavering will and dubious methods to get a sense of how deep that pain goes and how the theme of humanity relates to her differently in each route.
i’m not going to touch this since @nilsh13 made a post on it that i’ll link here. i agree with everything he said so to repeat it would be redundant.
The player must be able to see a young woman’s desperate resolve to change the world so it stops exploiting people and ruining lives. They must be able to accept the fact that women can make the same morally wrong and ambivalent decisions that complicated male characters get to make all the time and still be the one to root for.
literally the same reason i love rhea lol her goddess experiments are dubious at best but her reasons are the same you mentioned. i would say that i like this quality in edelgard too if her ending, while bloody, actually ended in a good outcome for fodlan.
This is not unique to LGBT+ people, but this population is likely to understand why Edelgard feels so strongly about why she has to change the system. 
i understand wanting to change a system, i really do. like edelgard, i’m an opinionated bisexual woman (who’s also physically disabled) so yeah i get it. and change can be good but it can also be terrible. even if the church was the boogeyman edelgard treats it as she still replaces it with her own shit regime. so it’s the same circus just with a new conductor.
I don’t think “Edelgard gets undue criticism because she’s a woman” captures the full picture. An important aspect of her treatment by certain parts of the fandom is that she’s a radical woman.
or maybe she does some pretty fucked up shit and it goes unacknowledged in her own route. and yeah she’s radical but in all the worst ways.
Her hatred of the Church and the Crest system resonates way harder with people who have been hurt by institutions that are deeply engrained in our society. 
and what about people who have been hurt by systems where their ‘merit’ didn’t measure up and they were left behind? what about people from nations that experienced imperialism?
Siding with her means siding against the Church - which, while different from real world religious institutions, still invokes language about “sin” and “punishment.
yeah the ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ are used in relation to attempted murders which i think everybody can agree is a bad thing that needs to be condemned.
Choosing Edelgard will likely hit different if homophobic and transphobic Christians used that rhetoric against you.
it has literally nothing to do with ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ in regards to being gay or trans. that’s you projecting. especially since the church has 2 canon gay characters and two coded ones.
like i can understand why having a church condemn you can be uncomfortable but i’m begging you to please look at the context of what’s happening.
I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that the reason F/F Edeleth is the more popular iteration of that ship because most people who would choose to S-support Edelgard are LGBT+ themselves. This is not a revelation. To anyone in the community, it’s fairly obvious. 
i was talking to nilish and he said
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so yeah… while there is definitely sapphic femleth shippers out there, there’s still a whole lot of weird fetishizing going on from straight men about edelgard.
Crimson Flower was my first route. I went into the game knowing absolutely nothing. I played it during the last week of 2020 and hoo boy was it cathartic. 
i can tell. this wasn’t supposed to be a dig but it came out that way and i’m not taking it out.
I felt like I was living out a gay revolution power fantasy, where I could truly change systems of oppression while fighting alongside a group of troubled students I’d shaped the lives of.
so a gay revolution power fantasy (cringe) goes hand in hand with imperialism and installing a dictatorship? also the war had nothing to do with sexuality.
Through your unwavering support, Edelgard learns that she needs to be human, that she must listen to her friends, and that she’s allowed to enjoy the world she’s creating.
edelgard gets to learn how to be human all while hunting those who don’t. and she doesn’t listen fo her friends. she doesn’t even trust them. she’s willing to talk to byleth but keep the people who’s been by her side for five years in the dark about everything. and yeah she gets to enjoy her new words since she’s on top. hate to be a commoner under her rule after she burned down my village in her war.
I love this character so much.
clearly. and i honestly don’t care if somebody likes her. i do as well even if my sometimes scathing words can make it seem otherwise.
It has been six months since I first played and I am still analyzing her,
me too. please help me escape i’m losing my mind
because there’s so much depth. Yet so many people fail to see that depth and dismiss her as evil,
i mean, she does some fucked up shit that goes beyond any of the less than desirable actions of the other main characters and does an extremely poor job in trying to make herself seem innocent. i personally don’t think she’s pure evil but i completely understand where the people who say she is are coming from.
because they never had the will to understand complicated women in the first place. 
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that’s big talk from somebody who implies that a gay pope is comparable to homophobic and transphobic irl religions and that leads an oppressive regime all because she uses the vague terms of sin and punishments that you have to gay power fantasy your way out of
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