#i also have a sewing machine that is collecting dust
beeapartments · 9 months
It's almost 2024, and there are a bunch of things I've wanted to do/learn, but it's been hard to get going of my own accord. I might need to find some sort of goal buddy to stay on task (whatever that may be) next year.
Or maybe adhd meds and the prozac if it works, but last time I took the former I focused on the wrong things.
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sylphiesweet · 3 months
: ̗̀➛ Rarijack Fanfic - Ch1 ౨ৎ
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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ w/c: 6.5k ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
a/n: hello !! this is my first real post on here. i don't typically use tumblr, and i don't typically write fanfiction ! but i love to write, and i figured i would rather write stuff that others will want to read than write stuff that will collect dust in my folders. constructive feedback is much appreciated :)
Summary: A humanized MLP:FiM alternate universe set in the 90s where Rarity- a now famous fashion designer living in Canterlot- visits Ponyville for a reunion with her friends. Centers on the Rarity x Applejack ship. Lots of fluff, only involves the mane 6, very wholesome.
enjoy ♡
Under the warm lamp light of the Canterlot Carousel’s tailor shop fervorously work the delicate and nimble fingers of Equestria’s greatest designer. It is well past close, the streets just beyond the doors of the boutique are desolate, yet Rarity is intent on completing her remaining custom orders. Through her rubied cat eye frames this artist fixates on the precise stitching of her sewing machine. The fabric of the garment being constructed is ethereal, it possesses an otherworldly luster that practically lights up what is an otherwise pitch-black room. Nights like these, where this lady of refined elegance works her magic for hours on end, are what have gotten her so far in such a cutthroat industry. They are also, however, what tends to be the blockage between her and a healthy social life.
Under the obnoxiously loud whirring of Rarity’s sewing machine approaches the faint sound of heels clicking against the boutique’s shiny marble floors. She doesn’t hear the voice calling her name, too stuck in her trance-like state of work. It takes the sewing machine being turned off mid-seam for her to finally look up. “What do you think you are doing, Sassy?! I am in a time crunch here!”
In front of the dramatic damsel stood Rarity’s store manager, Sassy Saddles, with the unplugged cord to the sewing machine in hand. She had a partially amused, mostly concerned expression. “I was closing up the boutique when I heard you back here. You’ve been sewing for a while, Rarity. I haven’t seen you step away from your desk all day.”
She gave her manager an unamused expression. “Time crunch, darling. Pay attention. Now plug the machine back in, will you?” Rarity instinctively bent back into position, expecting Sassy to obey and the machine to resume.
Sassy sighed. She knew there was no use in arguing, not with Rarity of all women. “Before you continue, I came to give you this.” From her skirt pocket, she pulls a wax-sealed envelope addressed to Rarity.
This got her attention. “Oh? Give it here.” She held her hand out and received the letter. Searching for something on her desk to open it with, she glanced up briefly to her manager. “Who’s it from?”
“I believe your old friends from Ponyville. It has the Princess’s logo on the seal- see?” A well-manicured finger reached over the sewing machine and tapped on the crimson wax holding the envelope together. It did indeed have the insignia of their nation’s beloved princess pressed into it.
Rarity took her embroidery shears and sliced the parcel open. The letter inside contained the iconic calligraphy of a royal friend from a lifetime ago, she would recognize it anywhere. If the wax seal and the regal writing didn’t already give away the author of such a letter, it was the words themselves. Nobody else in all of Equestria wrote with such intellectual grace. The same level of attention to detail in each sentence could be achieved by no one other than the Princess of Friendship herself; Twilight Sparkle. Seeing the penmanship of a friend from her girlhood brought a smile to Rarity’s face. It sometimes still felt like it was only yesterday that they were having sleepovers together in her quaint library, giving each other facials and sharing the local gossip. That was back when she was still a small-town girl, running her first and only boutique with a head full of dreams and a heart full of passion. The more she reminisced, the older she began to feel. The gray hairs on her head were probably multiplying with each memory. She should just read the letter already.
As her boss read, Sassy discreetly began to wrap up the sewing machine’s cord and hook it onto the side of the desk. She loved when the boutique had plenty of business, but she also knew from past experience that an overworked Rarity could lead to catastrophic things. A sigh of disappointment from the tired designer came once she finished reading. Sassy looked up, quickly folding her hands in front of her to hide her crime. “What’s wrong?” she asked hesitantly.
”Nothing is wrong… Twilight is hosting a reunion.” Rarity set the letter aside.
Sassy smiled, yet still held that look of worry in her brows. “Well, that’s wonderful!… Is it not?”
”It’s all the way back in Ponyville. That’s a trip I simply do not have the time to take, I will have to decline the invitation.” She began searching around her desk for a pen and paper to write with.
”Now hold on, Rarity!” Sassy stepped around the desk to face Rarity, mostly so they could stop talking over the sewing machine. “You have been working yourself to the tips of your cuticles. There is not another lady in Canterlot more deserving of a break than you. Speaking as both your manager and your friend, you would be mad not to accept this invite.”
Rarity paused her searching. Sassy wasn’t a stranger to dramatic speeches, nor was she, yet it was surprising to hear her actively protest like this. “How deserving I am of a break doesn’t matter when we have New York Fashion Week rapidly approaching. My schedule is absolutely full! I have to go back up to Manehattan on Monday to fit the models for the line, and then down to Fillydelphia on Wednesday for a meeting with the design team coming from Milan, and next Saturday I am flying out to Las Pegasus for the opening of the Carousel Boutique on the strip.” She had begun to spiral into one of her fast-paced, extra-dramatic rants. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Rarity looked up at Sassy and took her glasses off. “Tell me, where am I meant to fit a trip to Ponyville in all of that?” The name of her hometown was spat out with a coat of contemptment, like it wasn’t good enough to be considered on her roster of Equestria’s top fashion cities.
Sassy sighed quietly, she never knew how to calm Rarity down. “I’m not sure, but you are great at making things work. When is the party?”
Rarity put her glasses back on and pulled the letter over again. “…This weekend it seems.” Well that invalidated most of her argument, and Sassy was quick to pick up on it.
”Perfect, you could leave for Manehattan straight from Ponyville. If you think about it, a relaxing trip home before your busy week would be a fantastic reset. We both know that you can’t avoid burnout.”
Holding the paper, Rarity chewed the corner of her lip as she stared at the date written down. She took a moment to think. “I’d have to book my train tickets first thing tomorrow…” It seemed she was genuinely considering this trip.
“I would be happy to do that for you,” she replied with a smile.
Rarity’s brow furrowed in deep contemplation. “I… will think about it. Thank you, Sassy. You can go home now.”
Satisfied with that answer, Sassy nodded and turned to head out. “Good night, Rarity. I will see you tomorrow.” Her heel clicks followed her out the door, with the ring of the storefront bell signaling her exit.
It was a few more minutes of silent thinking before Rarity sighed and set the letter down once more. The decision seemed obvious, Sassy was right in saying she needed a break, yet something in the back of her mind still worried about falling behind. The days before New York Fashion Week were always ruthless, yet if one managed to stay on top of it all it could boost their reputation tremendously. If they fell behind, the consequences could be dire. Rarity had worked too hard to build a name for herself just to let big opportunities slip away.
This was a choice that could be made tomorrow, she had orders to fulfill now. Getting back into sewing position, she tried to start the machine. When it didn’t start, Rarity finally noticed that Sassy had wrapped up the cord. “What- Oh, for Celestia’s sake!” She groaned and leaned back in her chair, defeatedly. Her persistent assistant had won. It was too late to continue, anyways.
Rarity took off her glasses, leaning back even further to stretch out her stiff spine. The silence of her studio consumed her. She stopped bringing Opalescence to work with her recently, the boutique gets overwhelmingly busy and she’s an old kitty now, little lady needs her rest. Ever since then, nights like these bring a strange sense of loneliness to Rarity. When she’s not working, work is all she has to think about. She is living her dream, so where is the fulfillment that was meant to come with it? Ever since permanently moving out of Ponyville, this lonely feeling has haunted her relentlessly… Perhaps this reunion will do her good.
She gets up and turns the lamp off, leaving everything as it is to be resumed in the morning.
Celestia’s Sun had yet to begin its rise over Sweet Apple Acres on the day of the reunion, yet Ponyville’s hard-working orchardist was already starting her day. As was usual, the farm was quiet in the morning. Only the songs of the earliest birds could be heard. By noon, the crickets and cicadas would join them. It didn’t get much louder than that around here, not since Apple Bloom went off to college. Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle had their second kid not so long before that, and they decided it was too much work to raise their family while living on the farm. Now, it’s just Applejack and Winona left.
While it was still the quietest it would be all day, AJ ran herself a refreshing shower. “Freezing” might be the more accurate word, or at least the word most would use, but there was nothing like a shot of ice-cold water at 4 AM to wake a gal up. Purified and straight from the same rivers that ran through the orchards, the water trickled down her long, golden locks. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes and running her fingers through her hair. No one would be able to tell, not with the naked eye, but AJ had grown plenty of grays amidst all those blonde strands. The stress of managing the farm without Big Mac to help her had probably only doubled them by now, she wasn’t the same spry and young girl she used to be.
A hearty breakfast is typically in order after her rinse-off. Three eggs sunny side up, four bacon strips, two sausages, and a slice of toast. All accompanied by a shiny red apple, plucked straight from a tree in her backyard. One doesn’t acquire the muscles she has by simply working on a farm, a diet full of protein is a must. Although, coming from a long line of farmers on both sides of the family, AJ’s natural 6 '1 stature did attribute to her well-toned physique.
Today, she would be needing this protein-filled breakfast. Not that she didn’t need it every day. The reunion Twilight was throwing would be held at her barn- a good old-fashioned hoedown. Her friends were meant to arrive this evening, so she had the whole day to get her daily chores done and set up for the party. It would be a bit of a crunch to fit all that into one day, but it was worth it for her friends. The only real social interaction she got these days was on her weekly trips into town to sell her apples. It would be great to chill for a night and catch up with her gals.
Mid-apple crunch, an unexpected knock came from the porch door. Winona started barking relentlessly without hesitation. Well shit, she wasn’t presentable in the slightest. Her hair was still wet from the shower, sitting on top of the towel draped over her broad shoulders. Aside from her not-so-fashionable accessory, AJ was in just a tank and shorts. The door had to be answered regardless! She set the half-eaten fruit down and got up. If she could make a list of the least expected guests to be showing up on her doorstep before 5 AM on a weekend, this girl would be dead last. AJ had to do a double take when she opened her door. “Rarity?? Huh! Well, I’ll be!”
The plum-haired beauty smiled up to her old friend. “Applejack, darling! Good morning, dear. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” She was carrying Opal in her mini bejeweled feline carrier, no bigger than a fashionable purse.
”Only breakfast. Come on in, gal!” AJ pulls Rarity in for a warm hug before stepping aside.
Their embrace, which was probably the first real hug either of them have experienced in some time, lasts enough time for their bodies to melt into one another, as if in an attempt to make up for all the time spent apart. It also lasts long enough for their pets to start bickering, with Opal hissing down at Winona from her carrier.
Rarity laughs apologetically, scolding her cat on the way into AJ’s house. “Bad kitty! This is not how we behave. You’ve known Winona for years, quit it!”
AJ chuckles, quieting down Winona as well as she follows Rarity inside. “I must say, I’m surprised as all get out to see you up so early. Are you finally past the point of beauty sleep?” She said this with an obvious joking tone, always loving to tease her “girly” obsessions.
Joining her host for a seat at the dining table, Rarity playfully scoffed. “One doesn’t simply stop needing beauty sleep, darling. Honestly, I would rather be getting said sleep now… My assistant- Sassy Saddles, you remember her right? Well, she booked the earliest train from Canterlot. Too early, in my opinion! So, here I am.” She smiled and pulled Opalescence out of her carrier and began stroking her fluffy white fur in her lap.
AJ couldn’t help but smile as she listened to the most elegant woman she knew speak her mind. It had been too long since they had spoken, her ears wanted to soak up every word she said. There was just something in Rarity’s voice, her cadence and tone and choice of words, that could hypnotize a girl like Applejack in seconds. “Well boy howdy it sure is good to see you again, girl. But, uhh… Why’d you come to my place? The party ain’t for ten hours.”
Rarity sheepishly giggled. “Who else in all of Ponyville is going to be up at sunrise on a Saturday?”
She got her there. AJ laughed wholeheartedly. “Y’ain’t wrong about that! Can I get you some breakfast? The trains serve nothin’ good.” Getting up from the table, she opens the cupboards like she already has an idea in mind of what to make.
“Oh, I’m quite alright. Thank you, dear. I will take a tea or coffee if you have any.” Rarity looked around the kitchen. It was amazing, hardly anything had changed. The only notable difference was the new pictures here and there. Their most recent family photo caught her eye. “Heavens! Is little Apple Bloom really that grown up?” She set Opal down to get up and look at the frame on the wall.
AJ, already brewing a pot of coffee, smiled to herself at the mention of her little sister. “Crazy, right? Feels like yesterday she was still runnin’ around in my old treehouse with their little crusader club… How’s Sweetie Belle?”
It took Rarity a moment to respond, still in shock at how much the Apple family had changed. “Oh, she’s just fine. I believe she’s coming home for winter break. Perhaps we could stop by to catch up with you and Apple Bloom when the time comes.” The bell on Opal’s collar jingled as she rubbed herself against Rarity’s ankles, purring at her to be picked up. Still examining the pictures, she bent down and scooped her kitty up to be held.
Sunlight had finally made its way over the hills and in through the kitchen window, streaking amber rays across the walls. The light bounced off floating dust particles, it reflected on the glass over hanging pictures, danced across the kitchen’s cutlery and crockery. Most notably, it illuminated Applejack in an enchanting halo. She turned around with a smile as bright as this early morning sunrise, pouring Rarity’s cup of coffee as she spoke. “That’d be mighty swell! Here ya’ are, darlin’.” She set the mug down and slid it across the kitchen island with a smooth wink.
Something caught Rarity in a trance. She seemed to be frozen, holding Opal in her arms and staring at AJ. The way her hair, all dewy from what she could only assume was a shower, was highlighted by the sun rays. Her gorgeously toned muscles had a glowing golden aura, as did every lash, freckle, and mark on her face. Her friend had suddenly transformed from the town farmer to a goddess sculpted by the sun. How come she had never noticed the beauty in all her chiseled features before? Sure, AJ was always a strong and tall lady, but she’s aged like a fine apple cider. She couldn’t help but continue to stare… for an uncomfortably long time.
”Uh… Rarity? Somethin’ wrong?” Applejack chuckled nervously.
”H- Huh?? Oh! Pardon me, nothing is wrong, darling. Thank you for the drink.” She set Opal back down and stepped over to pick up the coffee. One could tell from just the scent that it was as fresh as it gets, the beans were most likely hand-ground by AJ herself today. Everything on Sweet Apple Acres had that realness to it, that pure authenticity that the Apple family stood by. It could be tasted from the first sip Rarity took, rich and dense in flavor. “Mmm, it’s lovely.”
Applejack smiled, feeling the self-consciousness of being stared at wash away. “Oh! Glad to hear it.” She lifted the towel from her shoulders and wrung out her hair one last time before tossing it over the side of the sink. “So, what’ve you been up to lately? I heard the Canterlot Carousel’s doin’ swell.” In a small town like Ponyville, news of any resident’s success travels quick, doesn’t matter if they still live there or not. She walks back over to the dining table to sit with Rarity and chat.
Sipping her coffee and sitting down as well, she lets out an exasperated sigh. “Ohhh busy busy busy… I have just been eternally busy with my boutiques.”
”Wait- Boutiques plural? I thought your business in Canterlot was the only one you’ve got! Not since the Carousel Boutique closed…” Rarity’s first store location had closed not too long ago. Now it just serves as her home when she comes to visit.
She nodded, understanding the confusion. “I opened a second store in Manehattan when I closed that one. It has proven to be most successful, and I'm looking at real estate in Las Pegasus for a third store! My goal is to have one location in all of Equestria’s major fashion cities.”
Again, AJ couldn’t help her smile as Rarity spoke. “Well that’s fantastic! Congrats, Rare. Figures that a star-studded gal like you would make it so big, ain’t nobody in this town who had more passion and talent than yourself…”
While AJ had no intentions with such a compliment other than to speak the truth, it left Rarity pink in the cheeks. “Awh! Wh- why thank you, Applejack! How about you? The farm looks marvelous, I must say. Walking through the orchards on my way up here was absolutely scenic.”
She chuckled. “Scenic, huh? I appreciate it, but what you see ‘round here really is what you get these days. Those trees out front are the majority of what I have now. Had to cut a lotta acres since Big Mac moved out, it’s just too much work to handle all by my lonesome.” Applejack went quiet for a moment, looking out the window as the sun continued to rise. “Truth be told, I don’t want to lose the farm, but it just ain’t what it used to be. I ain’t what I used to be. I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout it an awful lot recently. That maybe I’d keep workin’ for a few more years, just enough to get Apple Bloom through college, and then sell it all once she’s settled…” Realizing she had gone on a little tangent, she scratched the back of her neck and laughed. “Pardon me, Rarity. That’s stuff that only Winona usually hears.”
The little border collie who was curled up under the table stuck her head up upon hearing her name. AJ bent down and petted her head as a painfully tense silence sifted between them. It took Rarity a bit to find her words. “…I’m… I’m terribly sorry, Applejack. That’s quite the burden to be carrying, especially for just one girl.” She reached out and placed her hand on top of AJ’s.
The difference in their skin was apparent not just visually, but even more so tactilely. One’s hand was tanned from the sun, calloused by years of hard work, muscular even down to the tips of the fingers. The other’s was soft, feminine, had a beautiful manicure, and only calloused where sewing needles prick. Yet, despite the polarity of their physical makeups, each one standing on the opposite ends of what society deems to be a woman, the intimate connection sparking between the colliding cells of their separate beings was undeniable.
Tender affection like this had been absent from Applejack’s life for longer than she could remember. The feeling of Rarity’s gentle skin on hers, the calming words of comfort she could give, they quickly made this a moment to savor. An urge somewhere inside herself began to crave more of this. She hadn’t even realized there was an absence of anything in her life, and a subtle taste of what she had been missing ignited a desire for more. Carefully, Applejack supinated her hand so that their palms were facing one another, and she held Rarity’s dainty fingers with her own. “Thank you, Rare. Sorry to toss all this on you, I know it’s kinda heavy.”
Rarity squeezed AJ’s hand back. “And yet you’ve been carrying it all by yourself… Both metaphorically and physically, my dear. I mean, good Celestia! You’ve really been running Sweet Apple Acres all alone? Not even a farmhand to help you?”
AJ chuckled and shook her head. “Nope, just Winona and I. But I could say the same about you! You’ve been runnin’ all these fancy stores across the country by yourself? No business partner or nothin’?”
”Oh don’t flatter me, a boutique is hardly comparable to a farm. And I have managers, assistants and such. As strong as you are, darling, you’re carrying the load of three… Have you discussed any of this with your brother?”
Talking wasn’t something she and her brother did much of recently. There wasn’t any animosity, they had a great relationship. Life had just gotten in the way. “Ah, he’s got his kids to deal with… We did have a long talk before they decided to move out, and he was worried about just this. In the end, we chalked it up to “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” And, uh…” AJ chuckled in a defeated manner. “I’ve gotten to that bridge. Now I just ain’t sure…”
Rarity also wasn’t sure. She hated seeing one of her closest friends in such a tough situation, but she was also in no position to give advice. What she could do was set her coffee down, let go of Applejack’s hand, and lean in for a hug. “I am not sure how much weight my words hold, but I am sure that whatever you decide to do will be the right choice, Applejack.”
Those words held more weight than she could carry, enough weight to knock some of the unbearable pressure off her shoulders. AJ returned the hug with a smile, squeezing Rarity gently in her arms. “Thank you…”
The barn at Sweet Apple Acres was lit up and lively that night. Atmospheric lighting emitted by the lanterns that hung from every pole post created a cozy environment, perfect for a long night of reconnecting with one another. Applejack and Rarity had spent the day cleaning the space up, shoveling hay out of the way and setting up tables. In between that, Rarity assisted with some of the farmwork that needed to be done. As per usual, all of the decorations credit goes to Pinkie Pie, who showed up around noon with a truckload of party supplies.
By sunset, everyone had arrived. The organizer of this party was the last to show up, as she got caught up with royal duties before she could leave. When she finally made her appearance, it was in an official royal motorcade. She embarrassedly had to command her guards to leave her there, not wanting tonight to be any different than the hangouts they all used to have in the past. If it were up to her, which it should be, she would have driven herself up here. Alas, official procedures say otherwise.
Still dressed in her formal blazer with her hair wound in a tight bun, Princess Twilight Sparkle joined her friends inside the barn. Only now, she wasn’t a princess. She was just Twilight. Almost instantly, she was wrapped in a hug of 10 arms and squeals from her 5 favorite girls.
“Thank you all for coming!! It’s so great to see you girls again.” There was a shared wave of ease that washed over the group as they were all together for the first time in years.
Attempts had been made at group reunions like this in the past, at least once a year. It was almost impossible for everyone to be free at the same time, someone always had to decline. That someone had typically been Rarity. Her surprise presence hadn’t gone unnoticed, and it was quick to be pointed out. They all moved to the lounge pit made of hay bales to chat.
“I was starting to think you hated us, Rare!” Rainbow Dash leaned over and elbowed Rarity playfully. “Your fancy Canterlot life too good for us?”
Rarity nervously laughed, pushing Rainbow off of her in an equally playful fashion. “Of course not! You know I love you girls.”
“Then how come you’ve missed our last, like, three hangouts!!” Pinkie Pie giggled from across the pit, sitting criss-crossed on her hay bale and sipping some cider.
She knew this was just friendly fire, but a part of her felt bad for being so absent. This invitation would’ve also been declined if it wasn’t for her assistant’s insistence. “The fashion industry is ruthless, darlings. Free time is nonexistent! Not if you want to survive...” Rarity was extra dramatic with this delivery, which got everyone laughing.
The ever-quiet Fluttershy took her own shot at Rarity. “Twilight is the ruler of Equestria and she can make time for us, that’s no excuse.” Everyone “oohed” at Rarity after that.
Twilight laughed this off, not wanting to draw attention to herself. “Hey now, it’s not her fault if she has a busy schedule! Besides, Canterlot is a far trip from Ponyville.”
Applejack chimes in, this time making a jab at Twilight. “Yeah, we can’t all travel in a limousine with a motorcade.” The whole group laughed, and it felt just like old times again.
The hours passed quickly, and the sky went from a peachy array of pinks and oranges to midnight hues of blue and black. The girls drank cider fresh from the orchards, snacked on pastries from the Sugarcube Corner, told stories from their lives over the past years, and laughed at jokes as old as their friendships. At some point in between all of the drinking and laughing, Applejack had snuck out of the barn. Rarity was the first to notice. She excused herself as well to go find where the party’s host had gone.
Just beyond the barn doors, under the spread of twinkling stars and Luna’s moon was a hard at work Applejack. The thud of her axe rang out through the silent field as it came down, splitting a log in two. She grabbed the fallen pieces and put them back together, taking another hard swing to split it into quarters.
Rarity cautiously stepped over to AJ, partially amused at this late-night wood cutting. “Needed some fresh air, did we?” She stopped far enough away that no stray wood chips would come flying at her.
Applejack turned and smiled at Rarity as she tossed another log onto her stump. “You think everyone would be up for a bonfire? It’s a beauty of a night out here, perfect weather for one.” She raises her axe once more and brings it down with a slight grunt, continuing to repeat the process from before. “I wish I had the idea for one earlier, woulda been convenient to do this before sundown.”
”That sounds like a lovely idea!.. Can I help you?” She asks this hesitantly, very aware of her lack of bonfire-making skills.
As the fresh quarters of wood topple over around the chopping block, AJ puts the head of her axe on the ground and leans on the handle. She wipes some sweat from her forehead with her arm as she turns to Rarity. “…You… You wanna help chop wood?…” Her words ended with a quiet chuckle. Who is this girl, and what has she done with the helpless damsel Rarity?
Taking offense to this, she crosses her arms and pouts. “Is that not what I just said?? I don’t understand what’s funny.” Actually, she does indeed see the humor in this. Normally she would pull up a chair and watch the hard work be done for her. Maybe it was all of the cleaning they did together earlier, the feeling of accomplishment a hard day’s work gave her that was incentivizing her to do more. Or maybe it was just the idea of being around Applejack.
Adjusting her leather Stetson hat to brush some blonde strands out of her face, AJ chuckled again before nodding to Rarity. She beckoned her over with two fingers. “Alright, gal. But I gotta teach you how to properly handle this thing first.” The axe handle was carved from an apple tree grown on the orchard, sanded and polished by AJ herself. She grabs a smaller, more easily choppable log and throws it on the stump.
“That’s fine! Looks easy enough. You just grab and swing, no?” She tries to take the axe from AJ, but it quickly gets pulled back.
”Whoa-ho-ho! Slow your roll there, sugar. You could pull a tendon or send this here axe flying buck wild without proper form, and I’m not tryna have any ladies hurtin’ on my farm tonight.” The axe gets placed up against the stump while Rarity gets her schooling in wood chopping. Placing her hands on her shoulders from behind, AJ guides her into position.
That same rosy pink blush from sunup today had found its way back to Rarity’s cheeks. AJ’s grip was firm yet gentle, and just one of her hands covered the entirety of her shoulder. The heat of her palms also felt nice on her skin in contrast with the crisp night air. More than anything, it was the way she effortlessly moved her to where she wanted. She couldn’t have tried to resist even if she wanted to, though she knows AJ would never actually use force on her in such a way. Regardless, the mere potential of being restrained by Applejack’s sheer strength… it made something deep within Rarity double over.
Maneuvering Rarity to the right distance from the stump, AJ then bends down behind her. She keeps one hand resting on Rarity’s waist while the other gently pushes on her thigh, manually shaping her stance. Although unusually flustered, Rarity lets herself be posed like one of her fashion mannequins. Her hand migrates from the top of her thigh to the back of her knee, using just enough pressure to force a bend. It’s taking Rarity more and more strength to stay standing, this is more touching than she expected wood splitting to warrant.
 Once AJ is satisfied with the stance, she gets up and grabs the axe, placing it in Rarity’s hands. It’s much heavier than she expected. ”Alright, now grip your left hand at the base of the helve like this… And then start with your right near the head…” As she explains, she places her hands on top of Rarity’s to guide them accordingly. AJ’s body is pressed right up against Rarity’s in doing this, with her head peering over her shoulder. A sewing needle couldn’t wriggle its way between them.
At last, this designer has been molded into the image of a lumberjack, with just an additional farmer hanging off her behind. AJ turns her head slightly towards Rarity’s and smiles. “You ready, gal?”
Still profusely blushing, Rarity nervously swallows and nods. She doesn’t feel ready at all, but she also doesn’t know how much more manhandling she can take.
Applejack, still guiding Rarity’s hands, steadily raises the axe above their heads. She then swiftly brings it down onto the little log. It splits with ease, tumbling off either side of the block. Rarity couldn’t help but smile. She got a rush of excitement at the power that chop had, even though it was almost entirely AJ’s doing.
They separated, and AJ finally let Rarity hold the axe by herself. She had the proudest grin on and gave her a pat on the back. “Well done!! Think you can handle one by yourself?” She grabbed another easy log.
Rarity nodded eagerly, readying her stance now that she knew what to do. She took a swing at the log and partially split it. AJ came over and helped unstick the head. “That swing wasn’t half bad! Give it one more go, you got it.” Her tone was encouraging in an almost motherly way. It was internally strengthening to receive praise and assurance from someone who knows what she’s talking about.
She took another swing, this time with a power-packed grunt. The log split on the second strike, sending the halves toppling to the dirt. She cheered, doing as much of a celebratory jump as she could while still gripping the axe.
AJ cheered with her, grabbing the log she split and assembling it again for a quarter split. “Hoo-Wee! That’s a clean chop, Rare! Didn’t think you packed such a punch.” That’s a lie, everyone knows Rarity is capable of going off the rails when she wants to. “Go at ‘er one more time, and we’ll have some good kindlin’ for the fire.”
”Oh no, thank you, darling, but I’ve had quite enough.” She gently sets the axe down on the stump and steps away, wiping her hands off. “I’ll give you motivational support from over here!”
Back to the same old same old. AJ chuckles and takes over, splitting the log again in one fluid motion. “Well, I appreciate the help. And I commend you for still tryin’ new things at our age. You’re always full of surprises, sugar.”
A few more split logs later and Applejack had gotten a roaring fire going. Everyone migrated outside, sitting down on whatever plank, bale, or barrel they could find. Faces were hot from the radiating heat of the fire, and backs were chilly from the cool air of Luna’s hour.
Pinkie Pie plucked an apple from the nearest tree and managed to skewer it. “I bet this will taste just like warm, sugary apple pie!” she giggled in excitement.
“I… don’t believe that’s how it works-” Twilight hesitantly watched, nervous about the fruit going up in flames.
Rainbow cackled from across the fire as she toasted a marshmallow. “You’re lacking a few ingredients, Pie.” Her mallow then proceeded to catch fire, to which she frowned and tossed it into the pit to watch disintegrate.
“No I’m not! See?” Miraculously, Pinkie held up a pie tin, already lined with crust dough. The rest of the girls took a moment to process her antics… and then all burst into laughter.
Toads chirped their song from the grass and trees, the cindering logs crackled harmoniously, and these six soulmates laughed with each other until their lungs were void of oxygen. Their riotous joy soon simmered into a quiet appreciation of each other’s company, watching the fire under the moonlit sky. Pinkie Pie shared slices of her freshly fire-baked pastry while Rainbow Dash munched on her first successful s’more, and Applejack brought her guitar over to play for everyone. It felt like an almost ceremonious closing to their reunion.
She sat on the haybale next to Rarity with her guitar, angling the neck away so as not to hit her with it. As she carefully checked the tuning of the strings, she quietly leaned into Rarity with a question. “What song should I play?”
Had she been more awake, perhaps Rarity would have gotten slightly flustered at yet another intimate moment with her shockingly gorgeous, strong, kind-hearted friend. But it was late, and the fire was cozy. Even the butterflies in her stomach were fluttering their way to sleep. She thought about the question for a moment. “...What’s that one slow song by Elvis? It’s the only thing coming to mind at the moment.” She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.
AJ thought for a moment, a small smile curling at her lips. “I think I know which one ya mean… Does it go like this?...” She begins lightly picking the strings, and the song is instantly recognizable after just a few chords. It perks up the other sleepy heads sitting around the fire, as their attention is all directed to the music.
Rarity nods, her eyelids slowly growing heavy. “Mhm… That’s the one…”
“Alright, doll.” Applejack begins playing, gaining an audience of all her friends. The flames, dying down now, dance in a way that nearly matches the song’s rhythm.
The sweetness of her music quickly lulls Rarity into the sleep that has been prodding at her. As AJ begins softly singing the lyrics, Rarity lays her head on her shoulder and closes her eyes. The blush that had been haunting her all day transferred at the touch of their bodies, it was finally AJ’s turn. Her cheeks grew rosy, but she didn’t stop her playing. A smile brighter than the fire in front of them could be heard through her words as she sang…
“… Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?...”
ending song reference:
thank you all for reading, even my friends who i begged to. chapter 2 will come if enough people enjoyed this one ! ( ˘ ³˘ )♡
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My thoughts and feelings. 17/09/2024
As an autistic person I sometimes find it difficult to know where my friends begin and where I end. What I mean by this is, sometimes I struggle to know what hobbies I like or if these hobbies are just what my friends like.
Take for example my best friend, she likes to collect blythe dolls. I see how she does their hair and dresses them up and I think to myself, oh wow they look amazing. And that's not wrong, because they really do. They are so adorable, and to be honest I really would like to own one.
Now here is where the problem is, let's say I save up and purchase one for myself, then what? Sure it will look adorable, but will I really spend time with it like my friend does? Or will it just sit there collecting dust?
The idea of it just sitting there collecting dust honestly makes me sad. You see, when I see my friend taking care of hers and taking hers out on trips and spending her time on dressing it up, I can see the excitement in her eyes and on her face, I can see how much joy having the doll brings to her, I can see the comfort to she gets.
Now I know the doll is not alive like in the movie "Toy Story", but I do believe that the things we own, the things that become sentimental to us do carry a little bit of our souls.
To be clear I'm not saying the doll is alive in any way shape or form or that they even truly have souls in the way that we perceive that people do. But there's just something about owning a plush toy or doll or any comfort item for that matter that we can become attached to, it just kind of seems to take on a little bit of our personality. In the same way we associate things with people we know. its the way we can relate to them as a form of comfort.
Take myself for example, I'm almost 45 yet I wear cat ears when ever I leave the house, they have become a comfort item of mine, when wearing them I just feel safer, I feel I'm better equipped to interact with the rest of the world.
If I didn't have them on of course I could still do all these things, however I would just feel more anxious and less likely to want to engage with others. Having comfort items for myself has allowed me to come out my shell a little when ever I'm in public. That and cat ears just look so darn cute.
Another example for you is, my partner wears 50s style dresses, and because she looks so beautiful in them, I myself have started buying 50s style dresses. I also look amazing in them (a little bit of self love for you there.) My point is, I don't really know what i truly like. I tend to just be a mixture of all my friends. So who really am I? What do I truly like? I'm currently in the process of saving up for a sewing machine, I'm doing this because I saw someone online making outfits for Sylvanian Families. (that was all it took). Now apparently I plan to sew.
Which by the way, on that topic, I have already collected over 50 different families. I plan to display them at some point, but we need to buy cabinets first. Otherwise my cats will just start testing gravity on them. (And I don't want to see them all over the livingroom floor).
My point is, will I even enjoy sewing? I honestly have no idea, as I honestly don't even know what I like, or even if I'll enjoy sewing. You see, I just tend to do things on autopilot without over thinking them.
Either way, these are just the thoughts I'm having at the moment, and to be honest I don't know how I feel about it all. I look at my best friend and she amazes me, she has so many different hobbies. Then I look at my partner and I think how wonderful she is and how she manages to play so many different video games. I on the other hand just seem to play the same video game for many years upon years. I currently have over 500 different games on my steam to choose from, (most of which I got on 75% off sales). The thing is, when I tend to buy games, I think to myself they look amazing I think that game would be lots of fun, but then I buy them and never play them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I just wish I had more direction in my life, and maybe more understanding of who I am, and what I like.
Does anyone else who is autistic ever feel this way?
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mintytealfox · 1 month
You used to teach people how to pan for gold?
I did LOL the very simplified version of it and it was always hot as frick outside so hiding the fool's gold in the cool water down in the sand felt nice LOOOL (until fall would hit then my hands would be FREEZING AH) If I am remembering right we also had this hella creepy display where you would look down the glass window and you would see this miner down there with a canary with him, I can't remember if it slowly moved or not XD but I kind of remember the sound of this motor sound down in the basement where we would have lunch in the room next to him LOOOL we even had a 'prospector pit' for the kiddos and I thought it was lame as hell LOOOOL, but fun for kids, they would 'dig' in these rubber bits to get 'gems' 🙃🤣🤣🤣 The geologist, at the time, would get so excited about his rock and gem collection lol (I remember having to fight off the mean Geese up there, those things were HORRIBLE) (AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE CHICKENS THAT WOULD FIGHT ME ON THE WAY TO THE RESTROOM AAHHH I would have to run for my life through the gardens and slip through the little opening in the fence to ESCAPE LOL)
I also taught mock school at the school house to show people what school life was like in the late 1800s I had to ring the bell every hour! I actually legit hated that cause it was so LOUD when right next to it ah my ears are ringing just thinking about it ah and that heavy as hell mallet 🤣🤣 but it would be a different subject for each hour in the morning and then repeat for the afternoon.
And spinning thread (I was so bad at it oh my gosh) Talking about wool and the dying process 👍
and quilting (so now I know how to hand sew but the sewing machine still makes me scratch my head LOL)
and leather working (I would just talk about the types of leather and the process of tanning, I didn't do it myself that was for the experts. And I would only fill in when they needed an extra pair of hands 👍)
Taught some of the old dances too, but I hardly remember them now though -weeps-
and cooking in the old cast iron wood burning stove (where I got heat exhaustion cause there is a reason they would just cook outside or had a 'summer kitchen' during the summer months oh my GOSH) and I burnt EVERYTHING cause my pyromaniac self would make the fire too HOT LOL There were ladies who made THE BEST food in that thing though! like TOP TEIR BEST EVER! There is something about it that is just AHH SO EXTRA GOOOOD but anyway scraping out the ash afterwards was pretty satisfying and chopping more wood for the next day was liberating after dealing with some of the ANNOYING visitors (It was this dull as hell light little hatchet so it was all brute force and magic (finding where the log will likely split easiest) to pop those suckers in half oh my GOSH) This was also where my SEETHING, LOATHING, HAAATTEEEE for churning butter came from 😤😤 (cleaning that junk with freshly boiled water was the ACTUAL WORST, but at least I was allowed to use dawn dish soap and properly re-clean everything after closing for obvious reasons PFF)
This is only SOME of the stuff I did and had to learn so I could teach and perform LOOOOOL
//at least the laundry was fake but beating the rugs was one of my least favorite things like BRUH now all that GARBAGE DUST Is all over ME NOW AAAAAAA
lol whenever I hear 'oh man living in the 1800s would be fascinating' I say 'NO IT WOULDN'T, IT SUCKS, DON'T' 🤣🤣🤣
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kristal · 11 days
Scared Shirtless (A illustrated Legacy of Kain OC origin story)
A origin story for Cambriel, my Legacy of Kain (Zephonim) OC. Also Crossposted to Archive of Our Own for easier viewing.
Mature rating and setting written in First Person (Cambriel's POV) until the end, where it swaps to 3rd.
Content tags:
Violence, Blood, Death, Horror, Don't trust vampires. Mention of bugs/insects
Cambriel (OC) , Zephon, Raziel (for a bit), unnamed Zephonim
Being a human in Nosgoth during Kain's crusade is suffering. Being a human tailor no less. Supplies are low, your family's prized source of sericulture is dead and gone. Things are starting to get desperate... But this lonely tailor suddenly gets a mysterious benefactor one night. And Cambriel quickly learns that this becomes the one client he wishes he *never* agreed to.
My name is Cambriel. I’m a tailor and a weaver. Sericulture and tailoring been my family’s trade for centuries even before the vampires came. It is a delicate art that was passed down to me, and… i'm the last. My family and my apprentices I had trained years prior had all been killed long ago by those monsters. 
I’ve been told that I should train another…but i’ve already lost 3 of them in my 25 or so years of business in this village to those blood sucking vultures. It’s honestly been a miracle that i’ve made it this long. As life is fleeting in this world. Making it to the age of 35 and not being horribly slaughtered or enslaved is a miracle…But I rather not talk about my losses and instead focus on my stitchwork... It helps me keep my mind at ease between all the chaos outside.
Materials have become harder to come by for my village. Deliveries are rare due to vampire raids outside the village’s walls. Cotton is scarce as more and more crops fail each year. It’s gotten so dire that we’ve started to use scraps of older clothing. A tear along the seam? An easy fix with a needle and thread. A hole? I’ll patch it. I’ll try to make it match, but beggars can't be choosers. 
I wish I could get my hands on fabrics other than cotton…but it’s become impossible. My loom has been collecting dust for about half a decade now. And my family’s trade secret of farming silk moths had failed twenty years ago. I tried my best with what I had. I tried to keep their favourite food alive, but all it took was a disastrous crop failure to seal their fates. 
When the last of my silk brood died, many did not make it to pupation for me to harvest their cocoons or even breed them. The last of my moths died mid metamorphosis. They were so small… It had created it’s cocoon, but it never emerged. I tried finding more in the wild, but it was impossible. They were wiped out decades ago along with their food source. I just had to accept it. So I placed that small silk cocoon inside of a glass jar. Sealing it shut to keep its remains away from the elements and potential scavengers as a memento mori of my family’s history.
I hate to admit it; But their sudden loss hurt me more than losing my apprentices.
So I was left all alone to my own devices. The sounds of my sewing machine stitching together patchwork patches. I was at ease in my home, my monde.  
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Every night I had a strict regimen. I locked my doors, shut my windows with shutters and locked them from the inside as soon as the sun started setting in the smoke filled skies. Vampires lurked in the night and I refused to answer my door. I’ve heard the yells and screams of unfortunate victims who had fallen prey to them. I’ve even had one slam against my own door as I covered my ears in my bed or pushed the pedal of my sewing machine harder. Hoping the noise would drown out their screams. I wished that the nights were not full of such terrors. 
But everything changed after that one night. 
It was just after 10 when I heard a loud knock upon my door. Such knocks at this hour only spelt trouble. I ignored it at first until they knocked again. 
And again
And again…
“What is it?!” I yelled at the stranger on the other side of the door as I walked over to my desk and grabbed my sharp shears for protection.
“You’re a tailor, are you not?” The stranger spoke. 
“I'm closed. Come back tomorrow morning.” I replied with a yawn.
“No. It’s urgent. ” The stranger interrupted me. “My lord requires your services. I need it by tomorrow night.”
“ Tomorrow night?! Do you realize that ill need–” 
“I brought the materials.” They interrupted me again. “It is in this parcel. Along with the commission fee.”
I raised my brow. They caught my attention with the mention of a commission fee.
“Fine. Leave it hidden by the door.” I demanded the stranger. “I will take a look at it in the morning, and it will be done by dusk tomorrow. Just get out of here, before they arrive.”
“Of course, of course…I’ll watch my back. I’ll be back tomorrow night.” I listened as the stranger dropped the supposed parcel onto the ground and walked away.
I awoke at dawn and opened my door…This stranger was true to his word. There was a small wax paper parcel wrapped with twine thread. A small letter slipped underneath the twine as I took it into my home. I placed it upon my work desk and carefully opened it. Cautiously peeling back the wax paper as my eyes widened in shock at the sight.
It was silk.
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My eyes and my hands couldn’t believe it. It was perfect. I’ve never seen silk this perfect…It had no imperfections and it had a golden sheen when it was caught in the light. Inside was also a spool of white thread and some gold coins. Who the hells was this mysterious benefactor? I thought as I eagerly opened their letter, which contained their request.
“Please embroider my master’s coat of arms onto this silk.”
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That was it. Nothing else was written except a drawing of this mysterious benefactor’s sigil. I didn’t recognize it at all. Was this from another colony far away in Nosgoth? I shrugged as I got to work.
I didn’t complain. Embroidery was a simple task I missed doing. I had to stop to conserve my threads as it got harder and harder to get materials. I was finished by mid day as I placed that luxurious silk back into the wax paper and tied it back together. Just before dusk, I placed it back outside of my door before I locked everything away.
The clock struck 10, and once again there was a knock again at my door. I grabbed my shears and held it tight. 
“It’s by the door. The parcel.” I yelled at the stranger as I heard them pick it up and unwrap the package. As I heard them let out a gasp.
“It’s perfect! Your stitches are so clean…my sire would be impressed at your work” 
Sire? How odd.
“Hey.” I asked the stranger outside. “Where did you get this silk…?”
There was a long pause. 
“Would you like to know?” the stranger’s voice seemingly changed at such a question. I felt my heart skip a beat and sweat between my fingers holding my shears.
“My master has a whole collection of fabrics, threads and silk. Would you like to see? ” The stranger asked me. “ I can bring them to you. My master has been looking for a tailor after all.” 
“Has he?” I was still on edge with this stranger and his master. “…then bring them. If he pays as well as he did yesterday. I will do any of his requests.”
I wish I didn’t say that. I wish I could take that back. 
“Perfect!” the stranger giggled with glee as I heard their heel turn in the dirt and begin walking away from the door. “I’ll return tomorrow night with his requests, Cambriel.”
How the hells did he know my name…?
Every night for two weeks straight at 10, they would knock bringing more silk, cotton fabrics and precious thread for his projects. Their master’s requests got more and more complicated as the deadlines grew closer. My hands ached. My eyes twitched at the lack of sleep as I tried to keep up with their demand. I tried to take small rests, but my anxiety was running wild.
Whatever this….person was. Or their master…I wish they would let me rest. As i’ve caught a glimpse of them–or someone peeking through my window rafters in the night. Watching me sew for their master or toss and turn in my bed. Whatever it was, it was watching my every move at night. It had gotten to a point where I was beginning to hallucinate. Days and nights weaved together as the clock ticked away. I’d see bugs on the side of my vision or a crawling spider on the fabric. I’d try to swat it away but it never leaves. 
Shirts, coats, pants, garments, drapes, some capes… the list goes on and on as I place my head down on the kitchen table, between my arms only for a moment’s rest. 
Only a moment…
I still have 5 hours…
“Cambriel, this is highly unprofessional of you to not talk to us.” 
“After all we’ve given to you, I thought we were friends.”
I raised my head, blinking in confusion as my blurry vision finally made the connection of the noise of splintering wood to my front door being bashed in. 
It’s 10 at night. It was them.
Adrenaline shot through my veins in panic as I reached out and grabbed a sharpened pair of scissors–my only way to defend myself as the door was finally breached. Falling to the ground with a thud as the moonlight poured into my home. I finally saw who this mysterious stranger was.
“Oh, Cambriel. it’s not smart of you to avoid us.” The stranger stepped into the room. He was lithe, had short, jet black hair and stood tall. His ears pointed and his hands only had 3 digits. Oh gods…
It was a vampire.
I was dealing with vampires.
A second one walked in standing taller than the other and barely wearing some strange type of armour. It barely covered his skinny chest and connected to a shoulder plate. 
“I’d even brought my sire–”
Fight or flight. I didn’t dare listen to that vampire or let him finish. I dashed towards the staircase, knocking down anything in my path to potentially slow them down as I ran into my room and quickly shut the door. 
I began pushing my drawer over to the door when a voice was heard right behind me.
“You don’t need to do that, Cambriel.” The mysterious voice laughed. As I turned around. watching that second vampire from downstairs easily open and crawl through my window. How the hells did he get up here?! I thought I locked it. I– 
“You’ve just trapped yourself in with me. Human.” The vampire smirked. “You should be proud to get my attention. It’s rare for you human cattle to show talent.” He teased me.
“Step back!” I threatened weakly with my scissors. The days without sleep had taken a toll on me as I watched him walk closer towards me. I blinked and he was suddenly in front of me, grabbing my wrist and slamming my body towards the wall as the scissors fell towards the floor.
“Do you really think a pair of scissors would hurt poor old me, Zephon? One of Kain’s sons?!” He hissed. “Come now, you’re a smart human. You should know better than to threaten your patron, and your savior.”
“What the hells are you talking about, vampire?” My eyes narrowed at his words.
“Oh! Good, I must have arrived early. Lucky you.” Zephon smiled. “This village is going to be razed to the ground. And all you humans who can still function will be used for blood letting, breeding and if you’re lucky, slavery.”
“How the hells is that lucky?!” I hissed at him as he rolled his eyes and grabbed my neck. Pinning me to the wall with a ‘shush’ like one would to a troublesome child or pet.
“But that’s with the other clans. I see your potential, Cambriel. The others do not and would waste it. You would make an excellent tailor for my clan; the Zephonim. And we have all the tools, fabrics and threads you need…” His spare hand reached beside my head to ‘pull’ something from behind my ear. Like a child’s magic trick.  “...and some friends.” 
He opened his palm to reveal a white silk moth. Fully formed and healthy. My eyes were wide in shock, tears forming at seeing one alive after so, so long. The sounds of glass breaking and screams outside my window shook me back into reality. The other vampires like Zephon had warned have finally arrived, and began their carnage in the village. 
“Time is running out, Cambriel. What will it be?” His claws are still holding my neck in place.
“You can either die here, become a slave to the other clans…or join us Zephonim. We will take care of you. Your every whim and request granted. I will promise you protection and that you will be a slave no longer. I will elevate you.” 
It was a deal with the devil. I bit my lip in frustration, peeling some of the dried skin as I debated internally on my lack of choices. 
“....I’ll go with you.” I mumbled.  Resigning to my fate to a vampire.
“Excellent choice, Cambriel.” Zephon applauded as he finally let go of my neck. “To get out of here, you must believe in me with what I'm about to ask of you next.”
“What is it?” my voice hoarse as I rubbed my sore neck, now marked by Zephon’s claws as I watched him carefully. 
“Put this on as a blindfold.” As he pulled out a familiar piece of silk from a pocket. It was the same one he first worked on weeks ago. That cursed piece of silk that damned him into this situation. I grit my teeth as I put it on to block my eyesight. The rest of the loose silk covered the rest of my face.
“It has my sigil on it. The other vampires will know not to touch you, unless they want me to execute them for killing his new favorite.” I stood still. Listening to him as he placed his clawed hands upon my shoulders. Leading me forward towards something.
“One. Two. Three paces forward Cambriel.” Zephon whispered close to my ear as I followed his words. I felt a breeze hit my chest. “Now turn.”
“Where are you moving me towards?” I asked him.
“Hush.” He placed one of his claws upon my veiled lips to silence me. The lieutenant looking towards the window. “Remember what I told you, to trust me for a moment? Well…”
He shoved me back, the back of my legs tripping and–
Oh gods!--
“I lied.”
The sickening noise of a body hitting the ground caught Raziel’s attention as he looked over to his left towards the tailor’s home. …It was indeed the poor tailor’s. Cambriel’s head had cracked open and blood pooling out from his fatal wounds after hitting the cobblestone path leading to his home. 
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“Did you really have to do that?” Raziel groaned as Zephon crawled out of the home's window to look down at his handiwork.
“Well yes , and no.” He laughed as he crawled his way down. “He barricaded the way out. I'm not going to show him the way with a blindfold on–or have him whine or complain as I take him home. So having him temporarily dead is just easier to carry back.” 
Raziel rolled his eyes at his brother, pinching the bridge of his nose as he exhaled loudly. “Right…May we begin with the rest then?” looked over to the village below.
“Of course, brother dear.” Zephon looked down at Cambriel’s broken corpse as he grabbed the tailor’s arms and hauled him up. “I held my part of the promise. The rest of those humans I don’t want. So you can keep those and do what you’d want with them. As i'm sure you’d like more blood for your banks.” The skinny vampire chuckled as he inspected the tailor's fatal head injury, fresh blood still dripping down from his crushed skull as the Zephon patted down his bloodied hair.
"As for you.." Zephon mumbled to the corpse. "You're going to have a bit of a headache, But you're going to one of my star fledglings~" He giggled as he began dragging Cambriel back towards his new home.
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
hey! this is chance & here’s the prompt for week 6. what are your oc's bedrooms like? messy? neat? carefully designed? or a collection of their favorite things? you can verbally describe or use photos, whatever you think is best.
I’ll doooooo
Each of the De La Dáinn kids’s rooms
So buckle up because there’s 13 of them. I won’t go into too much detail but I will give a brief rundown of how I imagine things to be.
Victor’s room as an adult, in Lacus, Caerleum, is controlled chaos, and it’s very maximalist. His passion was always geography, world history, history in general, and just understanding peoples cultures and lives. He always wanted to go adventuring, but never could until he ran due to his strict, soon-to-be-lord-of-Morgana, lifestyle. His room is covered in maps, trinkets, gizmos and souvenirs from the places he did get to visit while with his party. His childhood room in Morgana looks similar but with much less to it, it’s a very good representation of how he was trying to hide who he was as there’s many things he loves hidden away in closets and drawers in there.
Arthur’s room is very organized and looks more like an office with bedroom furniture in it than an actual bedroom. He keeps most of his battle plans and notes in his room and he can be carefully heard writing away as he thinks of new things he can use to help Morgana and its military.
Vesper’s room is literally covered in purple. She is a purple obsessed girl and she loves anything and everything that is the color purple. Her room is very feminine and frilly, she has a canopy bed with some sheer lavender curtains, her bedspread is a purple satin, a lovely wooden wardrobe holding somehow if not all of her clothes, and a small desk for her to write at.
Henry favors comfort over aesthetics, so his room is a patchwork of things, but needless to say there are a lot of candles, pillows, blankets, and books to spare.
Theo always had to share a room with Ellie growing up, so now that he’s got a room to himself, he’s definitely taking advantage of that. He hangs a lot of his adventuring souvenirs up on the walls, his sword and shield are hung up, he’s got a few monster heads even (Ellie thinks this is disgusting and it creeps her out).
Same thing with Ellie, once she finally had a room to herself, she took advantage of it. Anything with fabric in her room is handmade, her curtains, her bedspread, her clothes, even her mattress she made herself. She keeps most of her seamstress items within her room and uses the sewing machine Pandora made for her very often. Be careful though, there may be a pin or two on the floor that she has yet to find. (She tends to wear shoes in her room until she can find the pin she dropped)
Harriet spends hardly any time in her room, so it’s lacking attention, however the large desk she has in her room is covered in academic books and papers. Her desk may need to be replaced at the end of finals from the amount of weight being put on it…
Pandora’s room is very cozy and also very feminine, she loves pastel colors and stuffed animals, definitely a kid at heart. She has a big, soft, and fuzzy blanket on her bed, fluffy pillows, and a nest of stuffed animals and plushies on her bed. Similarly to Victor and Theodore, she tends to display her trinkets, gadgets, gizmos and souvenirs from her adventures. Her desk is organized but has all sorts of mechanical parts on it.
Eldest of Pandora’s cousins, Clyde’s room is very organized and neat, makes the bed every morning, dusts and washes things often. This is usually because he likes to have a clean environment while he’s typing away at the typewriter. It’s less of a nuisance to worry about when he’s tired from a long day of being a journalist and writer.
Scarlett & Cecilia
These two sisters share a room! One half is covered in lovely reds while the other is covered in soft whites. Both are very feminine, and both have large vanities that sit next to their beds. Their beds differ in the way that Scarlett prefers satin things, while Cecilia prefers mink.
It’s a very cozy and organized space
This poor man. This poor man couldn’t organize his room even if he wanted to it’s that bad, he’s hardly ever in it and yet there’s just… stuff. Everywhere.
Thomas is like Ellis but he could at least organize if he had time to. He just chooses not to because he’ll “get to it another day”
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starsbegantofall · 2 years
Some favorite “cleaning but not really” tips for the new year!
It’s a custom somewhere in the world to start the new year off with a fresh clean house and mind. While my actual new year starts later than January 1, I wanted to share my favorite “cleaning” tips with everyone, like I’m an elderly gramma this last day of 2022.
1. “Make” your bed every morning (from unfuckyourhabitat)
2. Clean up as you cook (from cloudyhills and emmymade)
3. Stop your work/hobby 10 minutes before you plan to and clear your workspace (from various crafters and artisans)
4. If you can’t bear to part with something sentimental but it serves no useful purpose, find a way to display it as decor (from Marie Kondo)
5. If you want to have a themed yet functional room, gradually replace old useful items in that room with new useful items (from Rosie O)
Read on for encouragement!
1. “Make” your bed every morning (from unfuckyourhabitat on tumblr)
This is one I do every morning although I do take naps before going to bed lol. Your bed is your sanctuary and takes up the largest portion of your room, therefore if you smooth out the blankets and sheets and straighten the pillows, you just cleaned up 50% of your room and you feel so much better when you go to sleep even if the rest of the room is a mess. Obviously won’t work if your significant other sleeps before you do, but I also recommend it because straightening your bedding keeps dust mites from having little hidey holes to multiply in. So it’s healthy! Anyway, I really like unfuckyourhabitat for understanding people may have mental illnesses or adhd or messy family members or pets that get in the way of cleaning, and so they try to advise the easiest possible small wins that anyone can do. Lots of people swear by the 15/5 or preferred time limit, clean for 15 minutes, break for 5. Personally I clean for 15 minutes and break for 2 hours.
2. Clean up as you cook (from cloudyhills and emmymade on youtube)
I don’t really do this all the time, just sometimes while something is boiling or heating up, but what I try to do is rinse out used prep dishes and cutting boards and put the next ingredients in them to cut down on the total amount of dishes at the end, sorta same concept. The goal is to have as few dishes and spills/crumbs to clean up after you finally get to eat, so it doesn’t add up over the days and breed germs and make you feel lazy and guilty. Even if you can’t get to sink zero and only clean one dish while cooking, that’s a win!
3. Stop your work/hobby 10 minutes before you plan to and clear your workspace (from various crafters and artisans)
This one I am trying to remember to do, but it’s sooo hard lol. I don’t really plan out my crafting time, it just happens whenever I feel like it so the end time is whenever I’m tired or bored or frustrated. Two things I always do are put away my scissors and cover my sewing machine with its little cover. Scissors are  important to my crafts and I never want to lose them or drop or damage them, therefore they always go back up on their hooks or drawers. My house is dusty and I don’t like dust on my sewing machine, especially since dust will eventually mess with the machinery, so covering it is a firm habit. Another thing I try to remember is rinse out my paintbrushes and dump out paint water or whatever I was using as a palette, and sweep up any cloth scraps and thread bits. But the work area is still overall cluttered with current projects... I’ll keep you updated if I ever get this down as a habit.
4. If you can’t bear to part with something sentimental but it serves no useful purpose, find a way to display it as decor (from Marie Kondo)
Obviously I find a lot of worth with Marie Kondo’s books, she just sounds so thoughtful and helpful. This advice I really like because I collect a lot of souvenirs and anime/game merch and trinkets but don’t have the decision making abilities to display them nicely, and I’m not into buying a curio cabinet for my small home. But you can’t really sell trinkets that easily, at least not fanmerch, and donating/throwing them away is just a waste if no one else will appreciate the memories you associate with them. Using my PC as a starting point, I’ve become comfortable with digging out decorative items as the seasons change and rotating pictures in picture frames so every poster or doll or keychain or sticker will eventually get a chance to shine for a few months. That way, the doodads don’t feel like junk taking up room, but a way to make my space look pretty and unique and a part of my personality.  Is what I tell myself.
5. If you want to have a themed yet functional room, gradually replace old useful items in that room with new useful items (from Rosie O on youtube)
Hoarding is a real problem, and Rosie O has several room tour videos and cleaning/decor tips for a kawaii yet functional room, along with many other ytbers. You can have a kawaii (or whatever style) room that can also be clean and functional just by gradually replacing old useful items with new items of your intended theme. For example, replace plain old shelves and bins and cups as they wear out with cute (or whatever style) shelves and bins and cups. Definitely replace bedding and rugs when you can, this helps a bunch. If you can’t match everything to your style, then find a catchall box that does match and tuck mismatched stuff away, or hide stuff behind a matching curtain or find another room to put them in. Paint over plain stuff, use shopping bags or tags or old stationary to decorate a frame or bulletin board, display your favorite piece of clothing on the wall or door or on a mannequin, lots of ways to thriftily keep your room neat yet aesthetic. That way, if you do hoard more useless stuff like I do, at least the base of your room is aesthetic and functional, and thus easy to keep clean (or at least makes you feel less dismayed by the concept of cleaning lol, let’s be real here).
Anyway, hope that helps motivate and inspire you! Let’s get to work!
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fatedwithmbc · 1 year
Honestly, I cannot shut my brain or body down. For a person who used to nap for ENTIRE days on end, this is unsettling, and I have a very unsettled feeling. My meds help me for a few hours each night, but then I’m up. My brain pacing back and forth in my skull waiting for Mom-Mom to wake up. Sometimes I can get myself back to sleep for an hour or two at the most, but that’s all.
“I don’t know how, yet; but I’m going to stop it” - Yellow Jackets
I’m amazed I can focus a tiny bit on this show. I colored for a little bit today; a hippopotamus. I didn’t finish it because it was from an intricate book and I quickly ran out of patience coloring in the itty-bitty leaves and stems that created the image. The positive side is that I have the appropriate tools to color the tiny shapes. Thank you, Staedtler. Germans really know how to make quality products.
I was able to give Danny a sewing machine I bought from the township yard sale page ages ago. I was going to learn how to quilt. That never came to fruition. At least someone will get use out of it instead of it sitting away in the basement, forgotten and collecting dust. I once dreamt that the basement was so overrun with our items, that for some reason they housed themselves on the branches from our Oak tree outside and you’d pick the items like picking acorns or other fruit from the tree. Oh well, that was just a dream and we manage the basement just fine.
The early celebrators for the 4th of July have also been shooting off the legal items the past couple of hours which have also been fantastic at keeping me awake. I love the Fourth of July, but this is days away from legitimate celebrations.
I also think the very TRUE reason for the energy burst is “akathisia”: restlessness and inability to sit still. This is the Abilify preventing me to keep still, causing the akathisia. I feel like the song by Jefferson Airplane, “White Rabbit” - “One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small and the ones that mother gives you don’t do anything at all.”
THIS is the JOY of taking like 12 medications daily. Anyway, I have rambled enough and munched an entire bag of Sour Watermelon Candy Kittens.
Actual Joyful Event this Evening: The Phillies Offense was on FIRE! 19 Runs against Washington.
El Fin (Thanks for reading).
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bdminternational · 2 years
How to prepare the teenager for independent life as a student: the parents' guide
Step 1. The decision to study in another city - grades VIII-IX
It is preferable that the child's decision to continue his studies at the university in another city be on his own initiative and be taken as early as possible.
Here the role of parents is vital, from the perspective of financial support. Without taking into account the tuition fee, for studying in another city, the student also needs other money to cover his costs. The task of providing this money rests mostly with the parents.
As advised by the best CBSE school Kolkata, the decision should preferably come from the child. The effort to adapt to living day by day away from the family, in a new and much more competitive environment is not easy. Without internal motivation, it will be very difficult for children. Moreover, without internal motivation, children risk treating studies superficially.
The earlier the decision is made, even at CBSE school in Kolkata admission, the more aware the child becomes and will study accordingly. The parents' recommendation to the child to consider a college in another city should be made right from the entrance to high school.
 Step 2. Information about the study conditions in another city - 10th grade
Dupa ce copilul incepe sa ia in calcul la modul serios studiul in alt oras, iar parintii si-au stabilit un plan financiar prin care sa asigure resursele necesare, at CBSE school in Kolkata admission, incepe perioada de informare.
Aceasta informare are un dublu rol:
ofera informatiile despre efortul financiar si conditiile de finantare a taxei de studiu
ofera informatiile despre ceea ce se poate studia. Avand toate informatiile despre optiunile de invatare, copilul se poate gandi pe care dintre ele i-ar face placere sa le urmeze.
 Step 3. Establishing a study direction - 11th grade
Based on the accumulated information, we at one of the best CBSE school Kolkata start to consult with the teenager. Our experience helps us give him advice/suggestions/comments on the options he is considering. Each college provides details about what will be studied within the specialization and we can provide references (in general) about what each course entails.
 Step 4. Choosing the faculties to which you will apply and work on the admission file - beginning of the 12th grade
The Best co-ed CBSE school in South Kolkata recommends to consider the student preferences and aptitudes, as well as his possibilities in guiding him to make this choice.
 How to prepare our child for student life
Here are some practical points that the Best co-ed CBSE school in South Kolkata recommends parents consider:
Does your child have some cooking skills? Maybe it's easier for girls, but boys should at least be able to make at least a few basic things.
Getting up in the morning - Do you still wake them up? Let him wake up by himself with the alarm clock. It's a simple routine but it helps.
Washing clothes - From putting them in the washing machine to washing them by hand, I think it is important to at least understand the sorting of clothes for the washing machine.
Ironing clothes - It is not easy to understand how to avoid annoying wrinkles. How hard to heat the iron?
Emergency sewing – At least a button.
Orientation in a city? Maps, means of transport, the routes of public transport. These are also necessities in our opinion.
Finances - well, when he will be a student he will take care of finances. Obviously, parents - if they can - give a helping hand, but the teenager must understand what it means to save money, what it means to buy something expensive, what it means to buy things that are too cheap, what it means to have a good price/quality ratio, etc.
Minimum hygiene and cleanliness conditions. Many times the grandmother wipes the dust in the teenager's room, the mother collects the mugs and glasses, etc. I think it is important for a young person to know how to wash the dishes (saving water), how to clean the toilet, how to sweep, how to mop, etc.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Queen of Diamonds (Chapter 1): Kisaki Tetta x Fem!Reader
author's note: Well, if this isn't the fifth level of heaven, I don't know what is. Thank you IMMENSELY to my co-creator @thehypestdeano. You're the beacon among a mile of fog in the sea. I love you so much.
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synopsis: Tetta Kisaki is a ruthless, busy, and unaffectionate man. He's also the kind of man to have a wife, who happens to be you. But that doesn't stop you from trying to have a little fun now and then.
wc: 1.3k
tw: smut, timeskip!Kisaki
👑 masterlist 👑 next chapter
song recommendation:
"Don't get caught leaving."
"Don't worry; I won't."
Your fingers work quickly at making the bed, trying to tuck the corners just like your maid did before you sent her home. You scan the bedroom for any signs of your indiscretion, looking under the bed for a loose condom or maybe a scrap of paper from the man's pockets that would uncover your secret shame. But when you're satisfied your entire shared bedroom is completely clear of anything and everything that could out you, you sigh in relief.
1:53 pm.
Tetta would be home in two hours.
You bite your lip and consider all of the things you can do in the meantime: scroll on your phone for another item to purchase, read a book, perhaps even try your hand at sewing on the machine collecting dust in the corner.
Instead of those things though, you opt to practice your lies, your smile, your unaffected glances in the mirror for the entire time, trying your best to think of any and all questions Tetta might ask you once he arrived home.
Of course, you can't really outthink him - but if you could just be one step behind him... maybe then you'd be alright. The door opens right on time - 4:00 pm - and your husband strolls in, phone jammed against his ear as he takes off his shoes in the foyer.
"I told him to have the shit ready by nine last night."
You walk to the balcony overlooking the foyer and peer down, watching him pass by with his business associate in tow - Shuji Hanma - and not spare you a glance. Shuji looks up however and gives a small wave before continuing into the living room, where they usually set up shop for the evening.
But - unusually - Tetta reappears, still on the phone, but coming up the stairs ever so slowly.
"Listen, Mucho, I-- I'm going to call you back in an hour. Do what I fucking pay you to do." The call is ended just as he stands before you, sighing as he pushes back his hair and glasses before rolling up his sleeves.
"How was your day, sweetheart?" you wonder softly, trying not to betray your fear.
"It's not over yet," he replies; not tersely, though. "I have more work to do tonight."
"More work to do".
It's always the same, you think to yourself as he walks into the bedroom. Work, business deals, running around in Tokyo and being The Tetta Kisaki, never just your husband, Tetta, like he should be.
"is there anything I can do to help?" you ask, but not because you really want to assist with his shady dealings. No, you want to know if you can be excused from being an attentive wife for tonight and maybe even call your sneaky link for a riveting round of phone sex to celebrate not getting caught.
"Not tonight," he sighs, taking the sheets off the bed, to your absolute horror. "Did you have a good day?"
"Yes," you breathe, watching him strip the bed down to the mattress pad and gather the bedding in his arms to take downstairs. "I-I can do that," you blubber, half-chasing him out of the room.
"No, I've got it. You rest your feet. I'll be up to change the sheets in a second."
That night, you can't sleep.
You lay awake in bed next to Tetta, alert as ever while he snores heavily with his back turned to you. Normally, you'll allow yourself a night of reprieve, relaxation, and true rest. A sleeping Tetta is harmless to the world... but you can't get rid of the thought that he might actually know you've done something awful.
Even when you give him his goodbye kiss the next morning, even when you make sure his suits make it back from dry cleaning, even when you try to nap to make up for the lost sleep... You can't seem to relax.
Will Tetta kick you out if he finds out? Send you back to your parent's home? Would he--
"I have to be away for a few days. I'm having Shuji come pick up my suits." You stare at the wall while you listen to Tetta's voice on the other end of the phone, fearing the worst.
"Oh, okay."
"I'll be back on Sunday."
"Right. Be safe."
"Always." He hangs up, leaving you alone in the house once more. Five whole days without Tetta. The realization doesn't set in until the next morning - when his normally neat and empty side of the bed is ruffled and occupied by your sneaky link. In all respects, he's completely the opposite of Tetta Kisaki.
He's got no obligations, no true motives or business, no reason to be hanging around here other than to fuck you stupid and eat. And it's refreshing to see him come and go as you please, instead of him coming and going on a set schedule every day.
Even your driver is careful not to impress upon the man that he needs to be off the property at any time. This is your chance at fun, your moment to enjoy yourself and be catered to the way you like - the way Tetta doesn't.
Mr. Kisaki never talks to you over breakfast like your fling does - because he's never there. Tetta doesn't run his fingers over your skin like your fling does, because he never touches you at night. He never crawls over to your side of the bed and kisses your skin until you wake up or holds you close enough so you can feel his breath on your shoulder. Tetta just gives you money, gives you a car, a house, a ring, some helpers, and calls it a marriage.
But it's not enough without someone to hold you close and whisper that they love you - or at least that they love being inside of you.
On the last day of your freedom, you watch your fling drive down the driveway with a wistful glance.
If only you could have both.
When Tetta arrives, you already feel the impending doom of having to suffer through a lonely evening, but instead of him going straight to the living room again, he comes up to your room, peering past the slightly ajar door.
"Hey," Tetta breathes, and you turn your head away from the darkened view outside, still sitting on the window sill.
"Hey," you reply, trying to look as happy as you can.
"Come here." While you stand and straighten your silk robe, he collects his cufflinks in one hand and lets them fall onto the bedside table, then angles his head towards the door. You warily take a few steps behind him, walking down the stairs, and into the ornate living room. Perhaps this is just one of his unannounced date nights, you think to yourself as he sits on the couch, his eyes focused on the screen as he turns it on.
You nestle in beside him, as you're wont to do on movie nights, and then the screen flicks on, displaying something familiar.
Then it hits you.
It's the front yard, the backyard, the pool, the driveway -- the driveway. Ice floods through your veins, but you can't fucking move.
"Alright," Tetta murmurs, placing his arm around you gently. "I just want you to see something." He pauses for a second, the presses play. "This is Wednesday." The screen begins to play each scene as it tracks movement.
A car drives up.
You wave at it from the door in your tennis outfit.
A man comes out and approaches you, then another camera catches the kiss.
"And Thursday."
Other scenes display your interactions on Thursday as you roam about the backyard, your hands full of a beach ball. You playfully toss it to the man and he passes it back, then grabs you and jumps into the pool.
You're fucking your fling in the kitchen, moaning his name loudly as he pumps into you, your tits shaking and his hands gripping your ass. "That's some good dick, huh, Mrs. Kisaki?"
And in the laundry room. "Oh, fuck me, please..."
And, finally, on the balcony.
All on film.
Right in front of you.
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chromium7sky · 4 years
The Devil Wears Armani| chapter 11
A/n: amg, finally updated this one 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 you guys can follow this story with #damirae , #devilwearsarmani and #fashionistaau tag
2 weeks. It's been two weeks since the last video call. Raven have been pouring her attention on working the suit that she has planned for Damian Wayne to wear for the Gala.
She had done the cutting, the sewing and all, and what's left is doing the embroidery. She chosen the gold thread selectively which give the vivid glow and bring out the majestic value to the wearer.
The embroidery are complete within 95% thanks to a specified sewing machine which she bought with the price money she won before during the her first fashion competition. It helps alot.
The date of Gala approaching like crawling on the thread of time and for the final touch, she combined all the pieces into a handsome looking suit.
As she put the wardrobe on the mannequin, she took a step back and see it as a whole picture. With her both hands, she makes the photograph gesture to capture the feels of how Damian would look like if he wears them.
Contemplating and satisfied she felt after she iron the suit and store in special cover suit. She looked at the calendar and looks like she has extra two weeks before Gala.
Speaking of Gala, she wondered what would the dress look like since it was Damian who made for her? Would it be shoulder bare? Would it be one piece dress? Raven rubbed her chin as she wonder then she noticed herself on standing mirror. Slowly she spin to the left then to right as she look her body shape contour. If she was designing her own dress she probably went with thick fabric drape style. Simple, elegant and exclusive.
Her eyes glanced at the clock that's shows 10.30pm.
She blink her eyes. How come she didn't thought of it. What would his design for herself? She did shown her sketches to Damian but won't he shown his? Curious, curious.
Raven imagine what if she asked, Damian would probably say, ' you don't trust me? Tsk tsk.' Raven sighed as her hand run down her face thinking about that. "Maybe I'll try to ask tomorrow."
Suddenly, a bleep sound indicate a message comes in. Raven blink then looked at her phone screen.
"Girl, You busy today?"
- Karen
It's been a while. Raven smiled then diligently answered the question.
"Not quite. Just finished designing a suit. What's up?"
She hit send.
Then came up another message on her inbox.
"We got party tomorrow at Viva La coast at Riverside. Wanna come?"
Raven narrowed her eyes then humming. Should she go or not? Perhaps she need a time off after that intense week. A little entertainment doesn't hurt.
"Sure. You pick me up?"
" For course, sis. 😘 See you at 8pm, tomorrow."
"On it.👌"
Raven smiled then landed on her bed. As she let out her relief sigh she put her phone at table nearby.
As she sleep, she dreamt of something pleasant. She's at fountain garden where surrounded by fragrance flowers and palm-like trees.
She notice her dress has gold accent along with silky texture clothes. Slowly her hands touched the dress she wear, felt it's smooth surface.
Her heart stop as she felt a hand holding her waist. Slowly she turn her head over her shoulder and -
Her eyes wide open as soon as she heard her phone alarm. She blink once then twice, trying to process her thoughts. When a sprinkle of dream remembrance filled in her her head, her cheeks start to blushed. Her hand quickly grab her pillow beside her and buried her face beneath it.
"O dear, don't tell me it's him that I'm dreaming about last night." She let out her sighed. She had fallen for him.
A message bleep chiming in her phone makes her peek under the pillow and quickly she reached for her phone.
A message from him.
'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG' Raven's heart start racing. "Wh-Wha...H-How...." She tried to question reality, how on earth he's messaging her. Right now?
"You're awake?"
Raven bit her bottom lips as she look at her phone screen. Her finger diligently working on touch screen pad.
"Just awake. Can't sleep?"
She hit send button. Then for a few second she received his reply.
"I just had dream about you...
You look beautiful."
A dream? She blinked. Then another message comes in.
"Still busy working on the suit?"
Raven biting her lips to keep it as a secret but it's almost 25th like in 5 days away, so....why not? Her finger tapping the keyword on screen replying him.
"Actually I've finish the suit."
She replied. Another thought hit her and she quickly tapped it on the phone.
"I did promise making for dinner right? Maybe tomorrow?"
Again she send the text.
Interval in 2-3 second, her phone bleep it back.
"That would be great. I'll bring something as surprise."
Surprise? Raven mind start racing, mostly to that forbidden thoughts. What kind of surprise? She bit her lips and start typing.
"Well uh, I hope it's not a refrigerator you're bringing."
She shaked off those thought and try keep the conversation as innocent as possible.
"No. It's not. It's something, you probably would like it. 😏"
Raven looked at the emoji face he send. Did he send an emoji? Damian Wayne doesn't use emoji while texting or emailing.
"Well, alright then. See you tomorrow?"
She hit the send button.
Then a message came in.
"Can't wait to see you.♥️"
Raven flopped to her bed and her face now are red tinted. What is this? Why is this feeling so intense? She closed her eyes retracing her memory between them. Those bickering and end up with hot make out along intimate session in his office.
"I guess we should discuss about this terms of relationship." She talked in her pillow.
She has complete all the order that has been request by some local boutique and some are from online website. She's quite amazed with things that happens after the talk show incident where Damian said about Raven going to Wayne Gala this week.
People start to shift their attention to her especially her design clothes. Does Damian intend to promote her? She rubbed her chin then sudden, Mona, her assistant knock her door.
"Come in."
Mona peek behind the door, she smiled and slowly walk to her boss. " You have received a gift!" The assistant handled to her a parcel.
"A gift?" Raven whisper under her breath. Could it be Damian? Her eyebrows furrowed. She took out knife letter and slowly cut , unwrapped the parcel and she saw an apparel, black with velvet felt. There is the tag at the collar says Draco.
Her eyes widen. Draco? You mean Melchior Draco?
"Who is it? Your lover?" Mona feeling excited.
"No. This is from my competitor." Raven cover the box and push it away. Her head suddenly filled with painful memories about her and Melchior encounter. The way he flirt her before her first joining competition, the betrayal, and stolen her design to built his empire.
Her heart boiled with anger which in result she crumpled her paper nearby which made Mona a bit fall back by her intimidation.
"I'm sorry about that, Miss." Mona bow her head quickly apologize for not realise what is going on.
Raven snapped back from those memory and quickly look at the paper . " Oh!" She's surprise and quickly she try to straighten up the paper she crumbled. " No, no, it's okay, Mona. It's nothing." She smiled. " You can go now."
" Ah, alright then." She nod and walked to the door and-
" By the way, boss, there's a caller said he's from metropolis daily planet wanted to interview you about being guest at the gala." Mona turned to her as she spite out another appointment.
" Well, set it tomorrow then." Raven tidy up her table and throw the parcel to the bin nearby.
"Uh, you threw that?" Mona pointed at the parcel inside the dustbin.
"You want it?"
"Ummm...it looks beautiful." Her assistant fidgeting.
Raven smiled and took the parcel. She dust a bit. "Take it and wear where I don't see it. Or else I end up burn them with hellfire." Raven eyes shown deep hatred and anger.
"Ok boss." She smiled, quickly snatched the parcel and run to the exit.
As she was alone in her office, she slump in her chair and sigh heavily. "I guess he's also in town too." Her finger tapping on her table creating random melodies.
Its 7.55pm, Raven now waiti g for Karen to pick her up as she lingers in her living room. She's wearing a one piece black dress decorated with golden and black labuci make it more fabulous looks.
She look at her phone to kill her waiting time until she stumbled on a post by E fashion news.
"Top trending designer DRACO are in town for launching their latest collection 'BLAK MAJIK' "
As raven read the article, she felt upset as she remember Melchior stole her ideas in doing a line fashion about magic before she presented the ideas at her first fashion show competition.
As she read the article, the sound of the car honking makes her jolt and quickly look at the window. It seems Karen has reached at her apartment block, quickly she goes out and greet Karen who parked at the entrance.
"I heard that bastard Melchior are in town." Karen slowly stirred her cocktail as her and Raven where sitting on a table outside of the Viva La Coast restaurant.
"Yeah, I did read the article about it." said Raven as she drink her pina colada. " So, who are we waiting for again?"
"I forgot to tell you, Kory won't be able to join us. She has to come with her boyfriend meet with his family at Wayne Mansion."
"Wayne Mansion?" Raven's eyes jump out. Wayne, wasn't Damian last name is Wayne too?
" Yeah, but she's dating with Wayne's older adopted son, Richard Grayson. A high profile detective , probably will be promoted as soon. " Karen updating the status of their friend.
"I see." Raven looked at her drink. It's been a long time she hasn't talk to Kori because of her business setting up her small company.
"How about you then? You and Mal?" Raven raised her eyebrows.
"Well we've been planning for a wedding maybe in next year. " Karen smiled.
"Wait, I thought you're still in doctorate?" Raven eyes wide open as she remember Karen used to be a student in mechanical and atomic engineering.
"Will be graduated in two months." Karen smiled widely as she let out the fantastic news.
Raven goes all tears as she heard the good news. "Oh my god, Karen! I'm so happy!" She tried to hug Karen across the table.
Karen laughed with Raven's sudden behaviour. "That's why we celebrate it!"
"We should buy a cake. Wait, I know! Waiter!" Raven call up the waiter to get some dessert as celebration.
Raven turns her head to Karen.
"I wanted you to design our wedding dress and suits." Karen faces flushes as she speak her request. " I really, really adore your work , Rachel. I wanted you to design it."
"Damn it , Karen. You make me all teary." Raven wiped her tears as she smiled sheepishly. " Of course I will."
"Karen, do you know anything about the youngest Wayne?"
"You mean Damian Wayne?"
"I heard that he just back from middle east after doing charity project between the Wayne Enterprise and Leviathan Industries."
"I think everyone knows about that, Karen." Raven smiled as she drink up.
"I am very speculate that both of you have met." Karen with her mischievous smile now painted on her lips. " Is that the same guy who become your muse in your long lost sketch book?"
Raven clutches her hand on her drink, almost breaking it but she keep with her calm face. " I don't think so." She tried to denied it following with Karen's giggle.
"Plus, when he said there will be Raven in Wayne's Gala, I was like 'Raven?!' to the tv screen and I swear there's something going on between both of you." Karen crossed her armed with one eyebrow raised as she looked as Raven like she's a suspect.
"Well..." Raven averted her sight to the table and nervously tug her hair behind her ears. " There is."
Raven jolted as Karen slammed the table with her drink. "TELL ME."
She swallowed her saliva as she seen Karen being over eager. She sighed as she adjust her seating, leaning towards the table.
"It start with that day, the day when he show up out of nowhere with that deal." Raven start to spilled what happen recently.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Longest Night (45) Adjusting
Ao3 | FF.net
The few days they had spent at the Dupain-Cheng bakery so far were like a vacation. Not that their routines were much different…a lot of naps, video games, TV, reading…sometimes, Adrien would sit at the keyboard with headphones and tap out a tune. Whenever Marinette asked what he was playing, he’d just give her a little shrug and admit, “it’s not ready yet.”
The dinners with just Tom and Sabine were a lot more relaxed and warm, and they were usually followed with board games or a movie. At night, Adrien and Marinette would sit out on her balcony under a blanket, just enjoying the view of Paris. 
Just in general, the bakery felt more like a home than whatever the mansion was. Marinette’s loft bed was cozy, and provided privacy and comfort. Like a cradle or a cocoon. Many nights, Marinette and Adrien would sit up late, talking about anything and everything, or sometimes nothing at all. Allowing the soothing presence of the other to fill the silence. Yes, the move proved to be for the best. Marinette’s room provided an environment that aided healing, and allowed the two to indulge in old hobbies. Marinette had yet to touch her sewing machine, but she had sketched a little in a sketchbook. It was the start that counted.
“You remember when you asked me to get that constipation medication for you from England?” Adrien asked one night, late. 
Marinette had almost been asleep, but she groaned. “Ugh, yeah? Why did you have to remind me?”
“What was that about? I just assumed it was something we couldn’t get in France…but I wanted to do the friendly thing. But honestly, it’s been on my mind for a while now.”
She pushed up, propping up on one arm so she could look down at him. “First of all, that medicine wasn’t for me. It was for Master Fu.” 
“Wait what? Why?”
“So here’s the story: He got really sick and asked me to deliver a love letter to his sweetheart. He wanted to connect with her in case it was the end. The doctor gave me the prescription. And because Master Fu was taking the leap to confess, I thought I would too, so I wrote you a letter. So I delivered a piece of paper to Master Fu’s girl, the pharmacist, and to you.”
“Oh no…”
“I gave Fu’s letter to the pharmacist, the prescription to you, and my letter to Fu’s girlfriend, which was so bad that it got her akumatized!”
“Oh my lady…I’m sure it was lovely, just out of context.”
“That was probably my worst attempt.” She groaned, rolling away from him.
“Worse attempt? There were others?”
“Good night, Adrien.” 
He snuggled up behind her, whispering into her ear. “Please tell me your failures, my precious lady.”
She groaned again, kicking the blankets off of her legs so that she could sit up and face him. “Fine, you know what? Because of Alya, all of Paris already knows how hopelessly in love with you I was. And because of Lila, you know how much of a stalker I was.”
“A cute stalker.” 
“Gee thanks.” She rolled her eyes. “God, where do I even start? Oh…you know that blue scarf that you got for your birthday one year?”
“It was actually from me. I don’t know how the mix up happened, but you thought it was from your father. It made you happy, so I let it be.” 
Adrien leaned closer to her, his mouth opening in awe. “My lady…” 
“That beret that Ladybug hand delivered was also from me. That was my closest attempt, but I had to erase my name on it…”
“Whatever for? I would have cherished it more! It’s collecting dust in my closet somewhere now.”
Marinette looked away, trying to find the words to explain. The beret brought up so many sour memories, and even more trauma that she didn’t need right now.
“My lady?”
“I shouldn’t have mentioned that one. It’s stupid.” 
“Don’t shut me out,” he begged. “Please. I can’t stand it when you shut me out. I want to know everything about you, Marinette. You’re my best friend…and my wife. For better or for worse, right?”
She nodded, swallowing the thickness in her throat. “The first time I dropped it off at your house, I was shortly after stopped by Bunnyx. She said she needed my help because something had gone wrong in the future. So she took me into her burrow and dropped me off in Paris…” She shut her eyes, exhaling harshly. She had never gotten to tell anyone about this, and it weighed on her heavily, even after all this time.
“In Paris…?” Adrien urged her on.
“It was flooded. The Eiffel tower was toppled, and I could see the moon in the distance, completely shattered. You were there, all alone, and…akumatized.” 
“Into Grimalkin?”
She shook her head. “Chat Blanc. All white suit, hair, even your skin was pale. And your eyes were piercing blue.” 
He frowned, imagining that image. 
“You knew my name, and you said it was our love that destroyed the world. We fought, and I fell in the water, where I found myself and Hawkmoth frozen in stone. I touched my statue and it turned to dust. I don’t know how long you’d been like that. But you were desperate to get my earrings. You said…you said a lot of terrible things. It was horrible to see you like that…so deranged, so lost and unhinged. A little like Grimalkin, to be honest.” 
“I assume you won.” 
“Yes, but you still knew my name afterwards. I realized that in that timeline, learning my identity led to you becoming an Akuma. And I figured, you, Adrien-you, must have seen me leaving your room when I left that beret for you. And somehow that led to my identity. So, I erased my name.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me any of that earlier? That couldn’t have been fun to keep bottled up.” 
“It wasn’t. But...I prevented it. So it never happened. It was just a bad dream.” 
“But...it wasn’t. Your Miraculous Ladybug undoes all the damage akumas do. It’s like those never happened, but the memories remain. Why is it different if you’re the only one that remembers?” 
Marinette shrugged. “I guess I just didn’t want to worry you. I’m sorry.” 
Adrien leaned forward to bump his head with hers, affectionately. “As long as we’re being honest about erased timelines...there’s something I should have talked to you about too.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Oh…that’s right! You used the Snake and Second Chance for a while.”
“25,913 times.” He answered, his voice portraying the pain the number brought. 
“How do you remember?”
“Every time I restarted, the number flashed in front of my eyes. It went up and up…every five minutes. Every time I lost you. Every time you turned to dust. Every time I failed.”
“You tried so hard…”
“You insisted that you needed the snake, and that you didn’t need Chat Noir. Several times.” 
“But it was only when you passed the snake onto Luka that we won. I did need you. I always need you, and I’m sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t.”
“Plagg warned me. Over and over, he said I was making a mistake. And I kept shutting him down. I was being selfish. Every time I restarted, I got five more minutes with you, as Adrien, not as Chat Noir. I wanted to do so good you’d fall in love with me. But I just ended up hurting myself, because I kept letting you down. It was so painful…”
“I’m sorry for putting that burden on you. That wasn’t fair.”
“You couldn’t have known.” He sighed, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. There was still plenty of trauma to work through, but getting this out of the way paved the road for clearing his head. “I’m sorry for traumatizing you in another timeline too. I know I’m not at fault for that, but I hate that any version of me hurt you.”
Marinette held his face gently, letting her thumb roll over his cheek bones. Her mother’s cooking had done well to fill in his face, but there was still a sunken look to him. His cheeks and his eyes especially. 
“You’re wonderful to me, Adrien. Always have been, in and out of the suit. And even with all the pain, trauma, and sadness…I’d still rather be with you than anyone else.”
“I feel the same. I feel connected to you. It might sound corny, but I feel it right down into my soul. When I was in solitary, there were moments where I would just hold my breath and see if I could feel you. If maybe I could somehow sense if you were still alive or not.” He looked away from her. “That sounds insane. I’m sorry.” 
“No. No it doesn’t.” She urged. “I did the same thing. Sometimes during akuma fights, I can tell when something bad happened to you. I’m sure it’s because of the bond of our Miraculous, but I had hoped it had extended beyond that.”
Tikki’s sleepy voice spoke from the bedside table. “You really felt that way?”
“Oh, sorry Tikki, did we wake you?”
“A little. But it’s okay. Are you really able to tell when Chat’s harmed?”
“I…think so? Yeah…even when I don’t see him, I can feel a little pain.”
“That does happen, but not usually so early into a partnership. but…you both have gone through a lot together. It would make sense.” 
“So...we are bonded?” Asked Adrien. 
“Loosely. It’ll grow stronger the longer you’re together. A pair of holders in their 80’s were able to read each other’s minds!” 
“Oh wow! That’s...that’s a little daunting.” 
“I’m not crazy then,” Adrien stated, with a hand over his heart. “Pretending like we were connected was just about the only thing that kept me going through solitary. I thought that maybe…maybe as long as my heart was beating, yours was too.”
Marinette fell forward into him, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his chest. 
That strong heartbeat beat for her in her ear. “I thought as long as I thought about how much I loved you, you’d feel it.” 
“I did, My Lady. Every time you whispered it to yourself, I got a warm feeling inside. Even in my darkest moments, I knew you loved me. Thank you. Thank you for loving me.” 
“It wasn’t hard.”
Interacting with Gabriel came sooner than they hoped. 
Today was a ‘progress day’, as Dr. Zollar had noted. A day that would push boundaries, and challenge them emotionally and maybe physically. 
They were going back to school. Just for the day, to find out graduation requirements, but even going on the property was going to hurt. 
The last time they were here…well, Marinette was still a ‘perverted stalker’. 
They were going in with their parents, while class was in session, so it wasn’t likely that they’d be cornered by anyone. 
“You ready, kiddos?” Asked Sabine.
Marinette nodded and slipped her hand into Adrien’s. For the first time since capture, they were both wearing jeans. The wounds on the back of their legs had healed enough to allow it, though it still wasn’t very comfortable. Adrien wore a loose T-Shirt, since his skin graft on his shoulder blades was still healing. 
Tom rested a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “It’s okay son. We’ll be right there with you.”
So, they slowly made their way over to the school. 
The Agreste’s silver sedan waited at the curb, and the Gorilla greeted them as they approached, opening the door for Emilie and Gabriel to exit. 
“So this is your school?” Said Emilie, ever cheerful. 
Adrien nodded. He had yet to resolve the tantrum he had over her, now that Gabriel had come clean. But the sting of betrayal still lingered, even if Emilie couldn’t have helped it. 
Everything was just tense and no one was willing to talk it out. 
For now, they had time, and Emilie was willing to give him space. 
“It’s a really nice facility,” Sabine saved. “Adrien was on the fencing team!” 
“Oh they have fencing? That’s wonderful! Not many public schools do!” 
As the mothers led the group, talking, Marinette squeezed Adrien’s hand. “You doing alright, kitty?”
He tilted his head, and gave her a look, silently asking the same question. 
“I’m nervous. I know I should probably…you know, at least see the class.” 
“Don’t do anything you don’t want to.” Tom encouraged, patting her back patiently. 
They had only been gone for about  four months now, only a little longer than summer vacation, but the school just felt so small. It’s like that, when your world isn’t revolving around just one building anymore. In all of the nightmares Marinette had in solitude, the school was just so much bigger, and her classmates were even more vile, nasty, and cruel. Such is the poison of isolation. 
Thankfully, class was in session, and no one was loitering in the halls as they made their way upstairs to Mr. Damocles office. 
“Good afternoon and welcome back!” He greeted, too loudly. 
“Thank you for meeting with us, Mr. Damocles,” Sabine shook his hand. 
“Oh it’s a pleasure. I would like to do my part to make sure Adrien and Marinette are all set for whatever they have planned next in life. What are we thinking? College? Working with Mr. Agreste?”
Marinette hunched her shoulders while Adrien scuffed his shoe on the floor. 
“Let’s just think about getting their GEDs for right now.” Said Gabriel. “This is my wife, Emilie. She’s recently returned from an extended sabbatical.” 
Marinette held back a snort. That’s what they were going with?
Mr. Damocles looked skeptical, but managed to smile and shake her hand anyways. “Welcome back, madam.” 
Adrien and Marinette found chairs in the back of the room, allowing the parents to lead the conversation. 
“So, here we have Marinette and Adrien’s transcripts. Starting in College, they are basically identical, since they took the same classes together. Adrien’s fulfilled his foreign language credit, and Marinette’s completed her arts credit. It appears that this semester, Adrien was planning to take Visual Arts, Physics, Trigonometry, Written Rhetoric, and World History, then he had two free periods for studying, or taking college level courses. Marinette was planned to take Chinese, Anatomy, Economics, Written Rhetoric, World History, and Visual Arts.”
“Well,” began Sabine, “Adrien and I can certainly help Marinette complete her Chinese credit. You know, I’ve been trying to teach her forever, she’s just so stubborn.” 
“I’m just not good at it.” Marinette defended. “I haven’t had the proper motivation.” 
“I will sign off on Written Rhetoric for both of them. I think they’ve given plenty of speeches as superheroes to count. And I think Anatomy and Physics can be counted as well. So we will just need to get them homeschool work for World History, Trigonometry, and Economics. And Adrien will need a Visual Arts credit.” 
“His modeling wouldn’t count?” Gabriel asked. 
Mr. Damocles hummed and hawed over it, then finally asked. “Was he getting paid for it?” 
“Then I don’t think I can count it for a credit. However, if he was allowed to work behind the camera for a little while, learning how to use the camera and the lights and such, I could count that.” 
Gabriel turned to look at Adrien. “That’s doable, right?”
Adrien nodded.
“Alright. Then I’ll get the paperwork ready. I will look through my contacts for tutors in those subjects.” 
“I wouldn’t mind teaching Marinette Economics.” Gabriel volunteered. “It’s something I’m rather proficient in, as a businessman.” 
“Can you handle that?” Sabine asked her daughter. 
Marinette wanted to say no, but she didn’t really want to spit in Gabriel’s face. Especially since he was just volunteering for her, and not Adrien. “I think that would be fine.” 
“You said you were still interested in fashion design right? Then I can tailor what I teach you based on the industry.”
That was a pretty sweet deal. And old Marinette would have leapt on the chance. But the new Marinette was frightened by change, by stress, by the threat of disappointment. 
And with how high Gabriel’s expectations continued to be, failure almost seemed certain. 
There must have been a big stamp on her forehead that said ‘I’m not sure’ because Emile came to her rescue. “Let’s just try it out for a little while. If you need something…less intense, we can switch to a tutor.” 
“Excellent.” Mr. Damocles stated, not really paying that much attention to the conversation anyway. “Adrien, Marinette…the rest of this meeting is going to be boring for you. Why don’t you both go pop in and say hello to your classmates, hm?”
Neither of them replied right away, as Adrien waited for her lead, and Marinette debated the pros and cons. 
“Alya and Nino will be there.” Sabine said calmly. “And your classmates were all very worried about you. It’ll be okay.”
Marinette wrapped an arm around her waist, squeezing the nausea away. 
Adrien stood, holding his hand out to her. She took hold, and let him lead her out of the room. 
After the door closed, he answered, “I thought I’d at least get you away from prying eyes. We don’t have to go.”
She gnawed at her lip, before finally deciding, “let’s go. Just for a little bit, to prove that we could.” 
“We don’t need to prove anything to anyone. They’re the ones that failed us.” 
“You’re right…but, I’m tired of being afraid of everything. I’m tired of being set off by every little thing. I shouldn’t let a bunch of stupid high school kids bother me anymore. We have Alya, Nino, and Chloe on our side.” She clenched her fist. “Do you want to say hi to everyone?” 
“I don’t care about them.” He shrugged. “I know Alya and Nino said everyone changed their tune after we were revealed on TV, but they failed us when we needed them the most. They couldn’t save us from Salo, but they could have made the days before a lot less painful.”
Marinette clenched her eyes shut, feeling the sting of his words. It was as if he was a mind reader, since that was exactly how she was feeling. He didn’t even need to ask. “They could have made my time in isolation hurt less. I might have been optimistic. If only they had cared when it mattered. If only they trusted me when I was just Marinette.” 
Adrien curled his fingers into her palm, brushing against the scar there that bore his name. “Do you think…we should say this to them? Would it help?”
“Dr. Zollar said we should let people apologize to us. That it’ll help more than we think.” She sighed. “But I’m afraid that they’ll sweep it under the rug, and pretend like it didn’t happen.”
“Then, we’ll sweep them under the rug. Cut our losses and forget them. We don’t need anyone anyway, right my lady?” 
“You and me against the world,” she nodded. She took a shuddering breath. “Okay. I think…I think I can go. You’ll be right beside me?” 
“Of course.” 
He never let go of her hand as they made their way down the hall. The classroom appeared far too soon for Marinette’s liking, and they stood just outside, waiting. Adrien would let her take the initiative, whenever she was ready.
She had to prepare for every bad scenario, no matter how unlikely. If she had a plan for each one, she couldn’t be surprised. Right?
Finally, she nodded to Adrien and then knocked on the door. 
“Come in!” Called Miss Bustier. 
Marinette turned the knob, holding her breath, before pushing it open. 
The class was silent, save for a few gasps. 
“Well hello you two!” Miss Bustier greeted warmly, tears in her eyes. “I didn’t know you’d be coming back!”
“We’re not. We just…came to visit.” Marinette barely whispered, looking only at the teacher. 
“That’s wonderful!”
“Are we interrupting anything? Do you want us to come back later?”
“No no, please come in, we’ll take a little break!” 
And then she dared to cast her gaze to her old classmates, her old friends. 
Every eye was on her, coupled with trembling lips, tense postures, and vainly restrained tears. It looked like everyone wanted to say something, but no one wanted to be first. 
She didn’t know what to say either. 
The front desk that her and Adrien had shared for one day was empty. 
“What brings you both here?” Miss Bustier asked, rescuing them.
“We’re…we’re uh…looking at graduation requirements. We won’t be…coming back to class.” 
“That’s understandable. Well, I’m sure any of your classmates would be willing to study with you anyways if you need help.”
“Alya and Nino have been coming around a lot…keeping us in the loop.” 
“Oh that’s good! Well, don’t let me take all of your attention, I’m sure someone has a question for you--”
“Yeah, I have a question!” A voice called from the back of the classroom. She stood, crossing her arms. “How the hell are you allowed to be here?” Lila asked. 
Marinette flinched at the sound of her voice. 
“Lila, I think you better sit down and be quiet.” Miss Bustier warned. “You’re on probation, you should watch yourself.” 
“I am! In fact, I have a restraining order on both of them. They are breaking the law by being here.” 
“If them being here is a problem, then why don’t you just leave?” Asked Chloe, also standing. 
“Because I belong here! I’m a student in this class and I have a right to be here! They, on the other hand, are monsters!”
Marinette clenched her fists as Adrien turned to hide his face in her shoulder. 
“Lila, shut up!” Alya shouted, slamming her fist on the desk behind her. “Admit that you dug yourself into a hole and you’re too proud to apologize! I’m not buying this stupid restraining order fib, just like we haven’t bought a single story out of your mouth in the last three months!”
“I’m not lying about the restraining order!” Lila shouted right back, with real venom in her tone. Her sweet veneer was completely gone, and all that remained was the nasty, snarling beast that had been hiding the whole time. “They came to my house! They cut out my tongue! Ask my mother! Ask the hospital!”
“Oh yeah?” Asked Alix, “If they cut out your tongue, you seem to be talking really well without it.” 
“Like they would bother with you…” Someone else muttered.
“It was when they were akumatized!” 
“Just save your breath.” Chloe huffed. “You can’t tell the truth even if you wanted to.” 
“She’s telling the truth this time.” Said Marinette, tone blank and devoid of emotion. 
The class turned to look at her, seeing the look on her face. It spoke volumes of pure wrath, and Adrien’s matched. 
“We cut out that bitch’s tongue.” She said, her voice calm, deep, and vacant of regret. “The last thing we did, we went to her house. I had a pair of clamps, and Grimalkin had his claws. We ripped it out. She cried the whole time. She cried and screamed…it was the happiest I felt in a long time. I’d do it again if I could. I’d rip out her tongue, I’d crush her throat…”
The body laid on the ground. 
“I’d cut her in half…”
Organs spilling on the floor. 
“Make her scream…”
Red hair sprawled across the bloody cement.
“Make her writhe…” 
The screams of men and women echoing through the halls, their dying breaths capping them off into silence. 
“Make her suffer…just as I suffered.” 
“Go ahead, kill me. Let your God punish me.”
“He’ll get his turn…he’ll get his turn…burn in hell. Burn in hell!” 
Salo’s body laid right in front of her, turning into dust from Grimalkin’s cataclysm. Marinette kicked in vain, trying to get it to disappear. 
“Go away! Leave us alone!” She sobbed. “Die! Die! Die!” 
By the time Marinette realized she wasn’t in the catacombs anymore, she was sitting on a bench in the school courtyard, head back with a wet washcloth on her face. 
“That’s right, just breathe. You’re alright, Marinette.” Alya held her hand, rubbing comforting circles on the back of it. 
A pair of strong hands gently massaged her shoulders, and opening her eyes, she found that they belonged to Kim. 
“Hey girly. You back with us now?” He asked softly. 
Marinette clenched her eyes shut. “Shit.” 
“If I had known you were going to visit, I would have asked Miss Bustier to get rid of her for a while. I’m sorry, girl.” 
Marinette sat up, glancing around. Alya, Kim, Alix, and Mylene were around her, just silently watching to make sure she was alright. 
“Where is he? Where’s Adrien?” Was her next concern. 
Alya simply pointed at the upstairs railing, where he was walking with Nino and Chloe. “He started crying when you started talking about...some violent stuff. We thought it best that we separate you until you calmed down.” 
“I’m sorry...I don’t know what got into me...” 
“Girl, you do not need to apologize. If Lila has a restraining order on you, she should have kept her mouth shut and left the room. She doesn’t deserve any rights.” 
“Did I hear Miss Bustier say she was on Parole?”
“For ‘disrupting police activity’. She couldn’t get jail time just for Libel, but the judge slapped her with that, since what she did wasn’t just mean, it was dangerous.”
“So if she got jail time, why is she here at school?”
“She only got a week in jail,” responded Alix with an eye roll. “But her punishment isn’t over. She has to stay with our class until she graduates, and then she’ll be reevaluated based on performance.”
Alya continued, “The judge wanted her in an environment where everyone knew what she did, and no one would want to be her friend. He wants her to focus on school, and not have an audience. This is according to Miss Bustier, of course, who instructed us not to talk to her.” 
“Wow. Go Miss Bustier.”
“Yeah.” Said Kim, “Except Lila makes sure we all know how awful we are and how this is as much our fault as hers. ’This never would have happened if you weren’t all so gullible! Marinette and Adrien wouldn’t be tortured if you weren’t so stupid!’”
“Oh my god, she said that?” Marinette sneered. “Our capture had nothing to do with her. Chat and I still would have fought against Edward Savauge and still made…her go out for revenge. Lila knows this. She was in that room. She saw my mouth—“ Marinette pressed her nails into her lip, feeling the sting of the needle. 
Mylene grabbed her arm and pulled it away from her. “We’re not listening to Lila. She’s loud and demanding, but we know the facts. She’s just angry she’s not getting attention. Don’t think about her anymore.”
By this time, Adrien, Nino, and Chloe had reached the bottom of the stairs. He ran to her, scooping her up into a hug with a shudder. 
“I’m sorry, Kitty. I’m sorry…” 
“It’s all okay now,” Nino assured, patting Adrien on the back. “We calmed him down. I think he’s more concerned about you.”
“I’m…I think I’m okay. Just seeing her face and hearing her accusing me…I just snapped.”
“It was pretty badass,” Alix commented. “Yeah, it sucked, but it probably instilled the fear of Jesus in her for a little while. I think she needed that.”
“Oh my god, you didn’t hear the best part!” Said Chloe, “She got jail time! And now she’s on parole—“
“Yeah, we already told her all that.” Said Alix with a smirk. 
“Well, did you mention the lawsuits? Gabriel and the city of Paris both sued her and her family for Libel. Her mother refused to pay it for her, so now as soon as Lila’s of age, she’ll be paying the city police department and both of you thousands of dollars. Most likely for the rest of her life!” 
“I don’t want her money,” Marinette scoffed. “Especially if I have to interact with her.”
“You won’t.” Chloe assured her. “Gabriel will be taking care of it for you.”
“And you don’t have to accept her money,” suggested Alix. “You could put it in a fund or a grant. Give it to other people who have been slandered against! Or people that what’s-her-face hurt! The possibilities are endless!”
“I don’t know if I have the will to run a charity right now guys…” Marinette shrunk on herself. 
“Then let someone else do it.”
“I volunteer!” Shouted Chloe. “After all, I’m the one with all the real contacts. You all can help, of course.”
Tom and Sabine hurried down from the Principal’s office. “There you are! Miss Bustier said you had an episode, Marinette. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine now, Maman. Just…had a run in with an old enemy.” 
“Well, Gabriel’s wrapping everything up now. So let’s get you kiddos home, okay?”
“Can we come visit you?” Asked Mylene. “We, as a class, wanted to so many times, but we weren’t sure if you wanted to even see us. Alya, Nino, and Chloe said you’d might not be up to discuss it.”
Marinette breathed slowly, considering the question. She turned to Adrien, asking him silently. He gave a little nod. 
“I suppose, that would be okay. Is that okay with you, maman?”
“Of course, baby. I’m always happy when you’re willing to have guests.” 
“Awesome!” Said Alya with a little clap. “We’ll come over after school! We won’t stay too long, just long enough to say hi and bye!” 
Marinette stood, holding out her hand to Adrien. “Can’t wait.”
After they returned home and closed the trap door to her room, Adrien embraced her, squeezing her tightly. “You worried me,” he whispered. “What happened?”
“I…don’t know. I just vividly remembered the night we cut out her tongue…and then I got lost. Salo was there, the last time we saw her. What did I do?”
“Just a lot of screaming. Over and over, you just shouted ‘die’ and ‘burn in hell’. It was…really scary.”
“I’m sorry, Kitty. You were right, we shouldn’t have gone.”
“Well…I don’t know about that. Chloe and Nino seemed to be really proud of us for stopping by. I like it when they say they’re proud of our decisions. Makes the pain worth it.”
“I suppose.” 
There was a knock at the trap door before Gabriel opened it. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you both know you’re all set to start homeschooling whenever you’re ready. Mr. Damocles said even if you don’t finish your credits in time, you can still walk with your class, if you’d like.”
“That’s nice,” Marinette said quietly. 
“Are you alright? Your teacher said there was an…incident.” 
She turned to look him right in the eye. “Why do we remember being akumatized? No one else ever has. Is it because we had Miraculous for so long?” 
Gabriel shook his head. “I’m not completely sure, but I have a hunch. Since I made two akumas at the same time, I split the tether I had on you. That’s why you overpowered my control. Nooroo warned me it would happen, but I thought it would be worth the risk. I didn’t know you’d keep your memories of that, however. I never wanted to add to your trauma.”
“Well. If it wasn’t on purpose, I suppose we can’t be mad at you.” 
Gabriel shrugged helplessly. “You can be as mad at me as you want. I’m expecting it.” 
Adrien left Marinette’s arms and went over to lay down on the chaise. 
“At any rate, thank you for the explanation.” 
“Of course. Any answers you want, you deserve.” He swallowed. “Your outfits for the Mayor’s ball are coming around lovely. If it’s alright, let me know when I can bring them over for a fitting. It’s still several weeks away.” 
“Thank you, Gabriel. Whenever my mother is free for her fitting should be fine.”
“Alright. I’ll leave you alone now.” He took a step down, partially closing the door. Then at the last second he added, “bye son, I love you.”
Only a few hours later, after Marinette and Adrien had changed into more comfortable clothes, there was another knock at the trap door. 
“Come in,” said Marinette, as she spread cushions out on the floor. 
“Um…” Said Rose from below. “Could you…open the door and then stand back?”
Curious, Marinette did as instructed. 
A bunch of balloons floated up into the room, followed by a huge bouquet of flowers, and then a giant stuffed black cat. 
Both Marinette and Adrien stared in shock.
“Too much or not enough?” Asked Rose, poking her head in. 
“What is all this?” She asked, beckoning her classmates into the room.
“Offerings of apologies and gratitude, of course,” said Max. “Everyone in our class was akumatized at least once, and we all agreed we owed both of you a huge thank you for rescuing us. And of course, we all owe you an apology, Marinette.”
“O-oh…thank you.” 
“We sort of thought you’d never want to see us again…but you took the initiative to come see us at school…the least we could do was follow up.” Said Nathaniel. He handed her a handmade card. “I hope you can forgive us for ever doubting you.” 
Marinette took the card, admiring the artwork. The outside showed Ladybug and Chat Noir standing proudly over the city. Inside, a cartoon-ish Ladybug, bandaged up, was putting bandaids on an equally cartoony Chat Noir. The caption read, “you’re still Purr-Fect to us!”
It was enough to bring tears to her eyes. “I…I will forgive you. I have a lot of bad feelings, but my therapist is helping me work through them.”
“Do you do hugs?” Asked Kim.
“Gentle. Especially with Adrien, he still has some stitches on his shoulder blades.”
Getting hugged by each and every person who had doubted her did wonders. With each kiss to the cheek and pat on the head, she could feel some of the bitterness fading. It wouldn’t leave fully for a long time, but to see genuine remorse was like a soothing balm on an inflamed wound. 
It felt nice to have friends again. Adrien had worked so hard to get them in the first place. Losing respect for everyone he had known had really solidified his decision to stop speaking. 
But for them to come around and humble themselves and apologize really took the fight out of him. Maybe cutting them off wasn’t necessary. Maybe there was more to these traitors. Maybe people were capable of change.
Maybe it wasn’t just teenagers that changed either. Maybe adults too. Adults like his father and Salo.
“Oh Adrien,” asked Nino, sitting on the chaise lounge. “Is that the keyboard the Couffaine’s let you borrow?”
Adrien nodded. 
“Are you practicing anything right now?”
“Adrien’s been working on something. A song he had in his head in the catacombs. It’s in the works.” 
“Cool! Bro, you gotta let me hear!”
Adrien shook his head. 
“Sorry Nino, I can’t get it out of him either. He says it’s not ready yet.”
“Aw bummer!” Nino groaned. “But let me hear it the moment it’s done, okay?”
Adrien gave a twitch of a smile.
The girls had already settled on the cushions on the floor, and beckoned the boys to join them.
“Now,” began Alya, as she took a binder out of her backpack, “we have some very important business to discuss.”
Marinette frowned at her. “Hey wait a minute…that’s my—“
“Your dream wedding planner? Yes, I held onto it when we hid all of your personal belongings when you were first captured.” She cracked it open and set it on the floor. 
Adrien peered around, trying to get a look.
Marinette covered his eyes. “Alya, put that away! That’s private!” 
“Is it not accurate anymore?”
“I mean…I still would like to use it…” 
“Great! We’re going to start planning now! And don’t worry Sunshine, this book is tailored to you as the groom.”
Adrien smiled, despite Marinette’s hand over his eyes.
“Must you humiliate me this way?” Marinette asked, blushing.
The class shared giggles at that. 
“Don’t even sweat it Marinette,” said Chloe, waving her hand around. “We’re going to make sure you and Adrikins have the bestest, most glamorous wedding since William and Kate!”
Still blushing, “well, I don’t want big and glamorous…I want small and intimate.” 
“Small and glamorous it is!” 
This chapter was fun because I had to recall the classes I took in my senior year of high school. I felt like I was leaving a subject out, but Adrien and Marinette have no reason to be taking Bible classes lol (I went to a pre-seminary Christian School)
A friend who wishes to stay anonymous wrote this for me. She said she was inspired, and in turn, she inspired me! This bonus scene is canon to the story:
A creaking moan gently woke him. His eyes opened—once, then twice. He took a moment to realize that the cloud caressing his body, which still stung with every pulse, was not a cloud, but a down-alternative comforter.
He was in Marinette’s—his bed, in their room, in their house. And there was sound coming from his left—warmth and sound. A whimper. A cry. And, again, a moan—quiet anguish. He rolled over to face the source.
“Marinette,” he whispered. “What’s wrong?”
The dark figure of his wife’s frail form didn’t stir. He asked again. “My lady? Are you awake?”
Still nothing.
He brought his face closer to hers. The light pollution filtering through the skylight served as the only source of illumination. As his eyes adjusted and focused on hers, his stomach churned. Her face was a scrunched display of pitiful agony, and her hands were at her throat. She whimpered once more—her lips pressed together in a hard line, unmoving as her sad cries escaped them. The light reflected from her cheeks in dribbles of tears.
He sat up, electrified. “My lady! My lady!” His voice cracked. He grabbed at the hold she had on her own neck.
Her eyes shot open as she gasped awake. She saw his silhouette and was instantly sitting up to meet his gaze.
“Adrien! Adrien! What’s wrong? Talk to me! It’s okay! I’m here! You’re not alone! You’re not locked in!” She was panting.
“Nothing is wrong. I’m okay. I am worried about you. You’re crying in your sleep.”
She wiped at her face with bony fingers. “Did I wake you? I am so sorry, mon chaton.”
“Don’t apologize. I was just worried. Are you alright?” He was whispering now.
“Yeah, I am okay. Just another nightmare. Happens all the time. Go back to sleep.���
“Nightmares?” It hit him as the words left his lips. She was back there. All the time. The burns at her neck, the blood and the thread at her lips. The sounds and the smells and the cold and the—he choked as he took a deep breath; there was seemingly no air to take in.
“Adrien, breathe,” Marinette pleaded. Everything is okay.
He tried again, more slowly, through his nose. It worked.
“Good kitty,” she praised.
Her sweet praise, like a narcotic through his veins, made his muscles relax and his pain momentarily vanish.
He reached out and brought her closer to him. They embraced in silence. He squinted his eyes tightly so that his tears would not betray his resolve to finally become strong once more.
Like a divine epiphany, the sight of her suffering in slumber awoke something in him that he thought was long dead. It growled past the shadows of his worst repressed instincts. It brought a burning feeling back to his core—his soul.
How could he continue to let himself drown in self pity, when she was so strong a life preserver to him? Was he so preoccupied with his own suffering that he didn’t think to ask if she, too, was drowning?
Why? Why did she swim so strongly when he was watching, only for her head to go under as soon as he turned away? The bravery she displayed for him was full of cracks he couldn’t see.
And she was dragged back to Hell, every night, alone.
Never again. He would get strong. No—he would become even stronger than he was before—his armor, bulletproof and fireproof; his claws, devastatingly destructive; his senses, heightened to an atmospheric level. He would grow powerful enough to protect her and capable enough to rescue her from any evil. His magic would evolve into a force strong enough to infiltrate her dreams and deliver her from suffering. Silent was this promise as he held his life preserver tighter to his chest.
He let out a low, menacing growl. “I’ve come back, My Lady.”
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soniabigcheese · 4 years
Shielding - Day One
If folks don’t want to see these posts, I’m adding the following tags #shielding #lockdown shielding  #shielding at home in the tags so that you can use them to filter out these posts whilst still following me and seeing all the other awesome stuff you may be missing out on.
It feels rather strange, waking up to realise that I’m not at work ... and that this isn’t just mandatory paid time off or being off sick. The government had a review of who could fall into the extremely vulnerable/very high risk category and added in a few more candidate.
I ... unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at this) have now fallen into this newly reviewed category. Diabetes, over 50, obese (I hate that word it is just horrible, but that’s how my body is right now so I have to accept that until I start shedding weight) and the added bonus of my recent (4 years and counting) neurosurgery (brain surgery).
I firmly believed that hubby should have fallen into this category ... insulin dependent diabetes, overweight, over 50, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. But nope. He hasn’t even had the first part of the vaccination yet, making sure everyone else has it first. Mine was administered whilst on shift at work. Talk about being there at the right place at the right time.
Of course, I didn’t HAVE to do this. I am relatively safe at work, but I thought I’d best take it.
I can go out for exercise - I need to walk the dog ... you know, that sort of thing.
I can’t go shopping and have to rely on hubby OR try to do some online food shopping because I don’t trust whatever junk food he brings home. We have plenty of food stuffs in the cupboards, fridge and freezers (yes, we have two freezers, don’t ask why cos there’s only two of us)
That’s enough blather and explanation for now. I’ll probably drop in a few more nuggets as time goes on.
Under the cut because of length, hopefully future updates are a lot shorter
This is Day One and already I’m feeling a bit guilty because I’m not sick, I’ve just come off taking the last of my paid time off for last year. It also feels weird that I am playing truant from work?? 
I love my job. It is demanding at times and most days are so intense that I am easily overwhelmed. But what I look forward to is ... popping to Greggs Bakery before I start work to get my large latte and healthy sandwich on a Saturday morning. That sets me up for the rest of the morning and something to anticipate at break time (the latte gets drunk as soon as I start shift because it’ll be cold by the time break comes around and cold coffee is ... EWW nasty) 
Then it’s seeing the residents. I don’t leave the laundry room much, only to collect dirty laundry and to put clean stuff away. Most of the shift I’m stuck there ... on my own ... having to deal with - some days fairly straightforward, others ... HUGE piles to do.
And I know I’m not supposed to carry my phone with me through the shift, but my coping process to get me through difficult shifts, is to occasionally chat - and bitch - to my friends.
It’ll feel strange, sitting at home chatting.
Anywho. Now I have all this time off (furlough ends 31st March) I need to sit down and make some routines so that I’m not feeling so stir crazy.
Here’s my list so far (it’s not complete as I’ll add as I go along, ticking off the tasks I’ve completed as well)
1. Finish off my WIPs 2. Get back to sewing again 3. Maybe ... maybe dust off my keyboard and practice playing music once more (I am REALLY rusty) 4. Dust off my exercise machine and start getting fit again 5. Research more ways to exercise and look up low carb recipes, perhaps print them off and make up a file/folder to put them in for safe keeping 6. More artwork 7. Plan out a housework schedule so that the chores around the house are evenly distributed. I did tell hubby that I may have all this time off but I’m NOT shouldering 100% of the housework he needs to pitch in occasionally 8. Work on my Fashion Design course again - that has been seriously neglected 9. Read a lot more 10. Get to bed at a reasonable hour ... because that is most important
That’s it. So far
Wish me luck
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weishenbwi · 3 years
hello! i almost screamed when i saw you replied to my previous message for some reason (i’m not sure why i opted to leave my previous message anonymous if i was just going to use my account anyway. this is me btw!)
i’m glad to have said something of impact to you, and i’d like to assure you that your writing is most definitely worth reading💛(trust me!! i’ve read and reread) not just A Lesson Learned, but also some of the other stuff you’ve written that i’ve had the pleasure of reading.
i seriously find it so cool that you’re taking up book-binding and calligraphy. i, myself, actually had a calligraphy set given to me as a gift one time, although i wasn’t very motivated to use it and it’s unfortunately still collecting dust somewhere in my closet; so i hope you keep your spirits and hopes high so you can reach your calligraphic goals! your book-binding ones, too!
i wish you luck on your writing, but remember not to push yourself too hard!! write for yourself, not for others. i can’t wait to see what you come up with! stay safe and content! -🧵 (i’ve been trying to come up with a representative emoji for myself and that’s the one i found i like the most for some reason)
(also sorry if i’m writing too much. i’ve been told it gets annoying, but it’s a habit i can’t seem to break since i always have so much to say :)
Hello🧵! I've kept this message in my little pocket because it's really wholesome and pure. I honestly love it so much. Soo glad you came off anon! 🥺😏
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Your compliments are so thoughtful, thank you. I didn't know how to react because I've been struggling with finding any inspiration for so long I almost considered 1980s Stephen King's method. Insomnia, Alcohol and Coke (Zero). 😂😳 /j
I wish I could say I decided to pick up these skills for my own benefit but my friend's birthday is around the same time as Jongdae's and he wants a Halloween//abandoned victorian house style party (which will just be us and our roommates if people don't get their shit together with this virus) and so the idea for creating a sort of wizard/witch set of spell books occurred. The gilding is... well gilding is hard as fuck. 😂😭 And I don't recommend it to people who don't have the proper machines (aka me). Gilded pages are beautiful though. Ah, and my friend is vegan so authentic leather-bound books that look like skin are out of the picture (but I did discover they do have vegan leather and that works just as well)! I sort of cut open and stitched them together with a thick black thread so you can imagine how that looks. 💀
As for Calligraphy, you should get it out and try something! If you celebrate Halloween or Christmas, you could do a set of DIY gifts with your own personal touch! I've tried for years to convince my family to do a DIY gift Christmas without any luck of course. I could go on about the birthday planning and decorations we'll keep up into November but I've already said so much. 👀
Your representative emoji is cute.🧵 Do you sew?
I did try and push myself and wrote 5000+ words before watching two autopsies and working on the bday stuff more. I made 50 of those Harry Potter floating candles (100 sticks of hot glue) using thin cardboard until I realized that perhaps if I'm going to spend this much time on them, I should use something a little more long-lasting. 🕯️ So I need to get some pvc pipes. 👀
Nooo I love when people write a lot. 🥺 I easily fall into saying too much (as you can tell) but I absolutely adore your message, your username, and profile image. That entire photoshoot was peak Virgo Jongdae and I'm here for it. 💙♍
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Mista - Laundry
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
You had taken it upon yourself ever since you joined Passione that you'd take care of chores as much as you could since the gang, children as they were, could be quite messy.
You didn't want someone like Bruno to take responsibility of something as trivial as chores when he was already so busy.
He, as well as the boys were grateful of your helpfulness, and even though nobody asked you, you still whole heartedly put yourself at work for everyone. You really loved the gang like your own family so it was only natural for you.
You really were like the mom friend of the group, which was well appreciated by your Capo, who could only understand your position.
"Oh my God Y/N! What did you do to my shirt?! It smells so good!" Narancia squealed one day when he found you in one of the hallways.
"Oh, nothing special," You chuckled. "I guess it's just the detergent." You stated humbly while playing with the straps on his top. "How do you like it?"
"It's soooo soft and way more comfy than before!" He felt the fabric on his chest as if to emphasize his words. "Thank you so muuuch, I love you!"
"Huh? Giorno what happened?" You grabbed the blonde's arm and lifted it to inspect the material of his shirt that was tearing up at the seams. "Your sleeve is all torn up."
He glanced at it and widened his eyes in surprise. Aw, too bad, he really liked that shirt and now it was ruined.
"Hm? Oh.. I guess it was a particularly rough fight. Damn it..."
You could hear the defeated undertone in his voice and you gently smiled at him. "It's okay, give it to me, I'll sew it up for you."
"Really?" He blinked at you before sighing lightly. "Thank you, Y/N. Pardon me for the trouble..."
"Don't be sorry Giogio, it's fine! We wouldn't want to have such pretty clothes in bad conditions, now, would we?"
Thankful towards you, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before walking away to change clothes.
Those were the kind of occurences that happened ever since you joined. Your addition to the team made their daily life easier and much more pleasant.
It also didn't help that you were so selfless and kind to all of them that even Abbachio quickly warmed up to you, seeing how similar you were to Bucciarati.
As much as the boys were nagged here and there to actually help out and not let the same person do chores everyday, you were fine with volunteering when you weren't on a mission and had free time.
You were happy to help your boys out and never really had any problems with that. Not until one particular day.
You were finally putting away the laundry that had been drying in the sun all day. You hummed a little song as you lifted the basket and walked inside, starting to sort each member's clothes out and fold every piece carefully, as you always did.
Over time, you learnt to recognize each member's more or less iconic clothes and knew them by heart, whether it was Abbachio's black everything, Narancia's precious collection of Band T-shirts or Giorno's silken and golden ensembles.
As Mista was passing by the living room to get food for the Sex Pistols, he saw you picking out a familiar pair of briefs. He gasped, blushing instantly and ran towards you, snatching the piece away from your hands.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING Y/N?!" You jumped and almost screeched in fright at his sudden booming voice.
"OH MY GOD!!" You put a hand over your nearly exploding heart. "Mista you scared the living shit out of me!"
"What do you think you're doing with my underwear ??!!!" He yelled at you in a mix of anger and embarassment, a furious blush dusting his face and ears.
"I-I'm... What do you mean? I'm doing the laundry...?" You squeaked, still shaken by his sudden outburst.
"No no no no no!!! NO! NO! You don't understand! You can't do that! You can't just- I don't want you fiddling with my stuff like that!!" He pursued, scolding you almost, like you were guilty of some crime.
"Huh? Why not?" You asked in confusion. "It's fine, It's just me. I'm not gonna judge you- Look, I'm doing everyone's laundry, it's nothi-"
You were about to lift a random piece of underwear to prove your point, which happened to be Bucciarati's lace bralette, but he cut you off, scoffing as you didn't seem to understand the problem.
"No no no, Y/N my girl." He started making adamant and frustrated hand gestures. "It's EMBARASSING! Would you like it if I was handling your panties?!"
"I-I mean..." You stuttered a bit, flustered by the whole ordeal and not knowing what to tell the poor guy. "If I didn't want you seeing my panties, I'd do my own laundry..."
He froze for a second and he swore he heard the Pistols snicker somewhere. Oh shit, you had a point. He paused, having nothing to come back at you.
"B-but... If you want... I can tell Bruno, or anyone, to do your laundry... If it's what's bothering you, I'll just stop touching your stuff..."
Mista then calmed down and watched your defeated expression. He realized he was a bit too harsh on you over nothing and must have hurt you.
"W-wait Y/N, uh..."
"No, no, I understand." You dismissed him. "You're a man, I'm a woman, I should keep my boundaries. You're right."
You lifted the small pile of his underwear that you neatly folded beforehand and shoved it surprisingly gently to his chest.
He grabbed it while still looking at your dejected self. He started to regret going ham on you. You were only trying to help, after all.
"Wait, no- that's not it..."
It's just that he didn't want the girl he was crushing on witnessing some things. He wanted to impress you, and for you to see him at his best shot.
And you knowing that he owned underwear with 'Lucky you' or 'This gun has perfect aim' printed in bold fonts right over the crotch was definetely not the best way to proceed.
"It's okay, Mista... I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy."
"No, Y/N! Listen-"
"What's going on here? Oh Guido, you finally decided to help." Bucciaratti came in and saw you both.
"Actually Bruno, Mista doesn't feel comfortable when I sort out his underwear, so... Could you maybe-"
"Huh?" Bruno raised an annoyed eyebrow at his gunman. "Then wash your damn clothes yourself, stop bothering Y/N. She's as busy as you are. Be grateful that she's nice enough to take the time to clean and cook for us when none of you do."
Bruno walked to you and helped you up. "I'll take care of this, Y/N. Go take a break."
You obliged and thanked your capo as you left, leaving Mista to groan out in frustration and feeling like shit next to his leader who was going to lecture him all day.
"Oohh, it's laundry day? Can I help you?" Narancia said a bit too giddily for his own good as he found you all by yourself and you smiled at him.
"Sure! Can you take care of the sheets? It's the basket over there, I'll help you hang them."
"Okay! Hey wait a minute..."
Narancia furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the basket in your arms before he started searching through it.
He then took out some clothes, inspected them, and put them back in front of your very confused eyes. He did this a few times, but before you could even ask him what he was looking for, he said.
"Didn't Mista put any clothes for washing? All week?!" The boy exclaimed, absolutely baffled by his friend's filthiness.
"Um, he didn't want me to do his laundry anymore."
"What? Why?"
"I think he got shy from me seeing his underwear." You sheepishly told him and he snorted at such a stupid reason.
"Pfftt! Pussy."
"That's ridiculous." Abbachio added as he took the heavy basket from your arms. "Does he have dirty secrets or something? Would he rather have stinky-ass underwear? This boy doesn't make any fucking sense I swear."
"It's fine. I mean, I do have myself some embarassing pieces of undies, so I can't really say anything."
"He's such a drama queen." Abbachio commented as he walked off to hang the clothes outside, leaving you to barely have any work to do.
As you were done with the task at hand, you grabbed the men's attention before they could slip away and thanked them for helping you.
"Thank you Nara, thank you Abbachio. I'll make it up to you two with a special meal~"
"Ooh yeaahh!!" Narancia pumped his fist in the air in victory and Abbachio rolled his eyes.
"Don't mention it. I was bored."
They both went on their own way and you followed suit, but before you could even pass through the living room, none other than Mista came in and blocked your way.
You looked up at him and smiled, but your smile soon fell when he suddenly grabbed your upper arms and pushed you backwards.
He guided you across the room until you reached the small closet that was rearranged to be the laundry room. He pushed you inside and entered with you, closing the door behind him.
"It-it's uh... A very tight space." You managed to utter between hitched breaths as you looked down towards his hips, his gun poking you from how close you were.
There was barely enough space for you two and his body practically trapped you against the washing machine behind you. What the hell was he thinking?
"It's the only place where I know we'll have absolute privacy."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words and your eyes widened. "Wh-what do you need privacy for...?"
He realized what he said and how you must have misinterpreted and it was his turn to panick. He turned red and choked on his own words.
"W-wait... Don't get me wrong! It's not like tha- I mean-...I'm not gonna do anything. I just want to talk!" He stuttered and rubbed his head in frustration. Gosh he was so nervous around you.
"I'm listening, Mista."
"Okay." He took a deep breath and tried not to concentrate on your cute form right beneath him. "I wanted to say... I'm sorry for what I told you last week. It was so stupid and I got mad at you when you were being helpful. You're so nice to be a mom to the gang... And I hurt you."
Your eyes softened on the boy and how sincere he sounded. You reached out to gently cup his face in your hand.
"Oh, Mista." You breathed, endeared. "I already forgave you. I'd never want to make you uncomfortable, caro."
His heart pounded in his chest and he felt hot as he started to sweat bullets, your soft gestures putting him on edge and turning his legs to jello.
"I-I actually... Jeez... Oh man..." He stammered, completely unnerved by you.
Why did you have to be so sweet? Now he could barely form a proper sentence. His glance shifted from your eyes to the walls around him and he cleared his throat.
"I have a reason why... Like... Why I was so y'know... Embarassed... And stuff..." He trailed off mumbling.
"What is it?" You encouraged with honey voice, letting your hand slide down from his cheek to his chest, making him bite his lip.
"Oh god... Actually Y/N... I...I'm..." He tried, between heavy breaths, squeezing his eyes shut and balling his fists. "I fell in love with you. Shit damn, I said it."
He felt so relieved to finally have confessed to you after so long, but he almost regretted it right afterwards.
As he was about to take your silence as rejection, he felt your warmth hitting his neck, feeling your soft lips reaching his jawline in a sweet kiss and your hands run up and down his biceps, groping at them occasionally in a comforting manner.
He shuddered at the pleasurable sensations and relaxed visibly. It took all his self-control to prevent himself from letting out any weird noises. He was already crazy for you before, but if you kept touching him like that, he might just die on the spot.
"You're so cute Mista." You chuckled at the boy who was now a blushing, flustered mess who could barely keep his eyes opened. "But I knew already."
His froze and his eyes widened like saucers as he pushed you away to get a better look at you. "Y....You knew?! But how?!"
"The Pistols told me."
"The Pisto-... What the actual fuck?! These bunch of assholes!" He grumbled, wanting only to call them out and scold them for betraying him.
You leaned in and wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head against his warm chest as you squeezed him against you.
His whole body stiffened at the intense proximity and how your body felt against him. Oh god. Was it wrong to feel like you fitted perfectly against him, like two puzzle pieces? Because that was his exact thoughts.
"I was just dying to hear it from you directly. I'm happy."
He let his hands shyly find their way on your back and locked you in his arms. He sighed in delight and relished in your softness resting his head on top of yours, smiling like a little boy. He couldn't be happier.
You suddenly slid your hand between the two of you and right towards his front which made the sensitive boy gasp and almost scream at what you could possibly be doing now. But to his surprise you only stole his gun and slid it out of his pants, tucking it inside your own pocket.
"That thing was a bit uncomfortable." He huffed a heavy but relieved breath at your words.
"Oh god, you drive me nuts sometimes..."
Oh man, do I love Mista, such a sweet bean.
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Map of the Soul, Chapter One
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For the @btswritingcafe​‘s Map of the Soul: 7 Workshop
Author’s Note: This story pulled me into long range territory, so I had to split it into 7 chapters to make it more manageable on Tumblr. Here is the first installment of this journey through the soul. I hope you like it!  
Pairings: OT7 x reader (kinda); Jungkook x reader
Series Summary: If you give a piece of yourself to everyone you love, at some point, there will be nothing left for yourself. While feeling lost and alone in your adult life, a strange box falls onto your head in your own closet, and you take an unexpected walk down memory lane wondering where everything went wrong.  Was it the romances that fizzled out, the friends & loved ones you left behind, the “what could’ve been” moments, the brush with Fate that never quite connected? Could the strange map you find have the answers you are looking for?  Determined to feel complete once again, you embark on a journey to reclaim the missing pieces of your soul.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 8K+
Warnings: NSFW 18+ cursing/profanity, alcohol consumption, sexual tension,  one night stand, sexual content, protected sex, oral sex (female receiving)
Chapter One: There’s Always Time for Euphoria
March 15th - 5:45pm
That was the singular thought pulsating in your brain as you parked the car. The day was only halfway over and you were way past the breaking point of your own sanity.
From the moment you’d stepped out of bed and into your urine soaked house slippers, you should’ve known that the day was going to be beyond disastrous. Even as you washed them in the tub and left them hanging to dry, you just knew the rest of the day would be a downhill slide.
You didn’t know why your dog Oberyn was upset, but apparently, it was enough to prompt his indiscretion on your only pair of house slippers. He’d even had the audacity to sit in his bed and glare at you while you hurled your anger and frustration at him as you got dressed for your day.
I don’t know what crawled up his butt this morning, but I hope he’s in a better mood. I’m in no condition to deal with his bullshit right now.
After almost tripping up the stairs to your apartment entrance and dropping your keys into the bushes on the way up, you finally made it across the threshold. You quickly changed out your work shoes for sneakers and got Oberyn ready for his walk. Fifteen minutes later, you were cleaning the bottom of your shoe after a happy little accident found your foot at the dog park. Oberyn seemed to smirk at your misfortune, but you couldn’t even muster the energy to care.
Once you both returned to the apartment, you put his harness and leash away and reached over to grab his after-walk treats. You noticed one was already out on top of the container and the morning’s havoc immediately made sense. Oberyn wagged his tail and waited patiently for his treats and a well deserved apology.
“I’m sorry, buddy,” you sighed, handing him both treats. “I didn’t realize I’d forgotten to give this to you.”
He accepted your apology and head pats, then happily grabbed both snacks and ran to eat them on his bed. You shook your head and smiled at the easily appeased creature.
If only everything worked like that. You get something you were missing and it suddenly solves all your problems. The Universe finally makes sense again. What a life!
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You quickly changed into comfy clothes and collapsed unceremoniously onto the couch. The random assortment of unfortunate events of the day replayed like a blooper reel in your mind and you groaned at the stacks of embarrassment and humiliation you’d endured.
You’d locked yourself out of your office and the university maintenance guy took forever to unlock it for you, which made you late to your first class. You had to dismiss the class and reschedule the quiz since all the copies were sitting on your desk in your locked office.
You’d torn your favorite black slacks and had to patch them with bright green thread from your emergency sewing kit.
You’d sustained several injuries including three paper cuts, a stubbed toe, your knee knocking the underside of a table, and a staple stabbing underneath your fingernail.
You’d spilled coffee down the front of your blouse when a fly unexpectedly dove into your face.
You’d even lost one of your favorite earrings while taking off your scarf outside the Humanities building. It was now lost among the clumps of mud by the front door.
Why does the Universe hate me so much today?
You swiveled your head over to your cell phone screeching at you from the side table. The comical picture of your mother flashing on the screen drew a groan of exasperation from your throat.
I can’t deal with her right now.
The phone ceased its machinations and you turned into the couch seeking an escape from the tragedies of the day.
“Argh!” You wailed. “What could she possibly need from me right now?!”
After taking a deep breath, you picked up the offending device and swiped the screen to answer the call.
“Hello, mother,” you grumbled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Oh, sweetheart,” she sighed. “Don’t talk to your mother like that. It’s undignified.”
“I apologize,” you corrected with fake cheerfulness. “Hi, Mommy! I missed the sound of your voice. How was your day?”
“We really need to work on your phone etiquette, honey,” your mother groaned. “You’ll never meet anyone with that attitude.”
“Yes, mother,” you replied snarkily. “My goal in life is to trap someone in my love nest with only my wit and wisdom as weapons.”
“Anyway,” she drawled. “The reason I’m calling is because I’m looking for something. Do you remember that stole you wore for your college graduation? The one your grandmother made?”
“Yeah, I remember,” you responded. “It has all the graduate names from our family embroidered on it. It’s in my memory box in the closet. Why?”
“Your cousin Sana is graduating from college in about a week,” she announced happily. “I need that stole so we can get it embroidered before the graduation ceremony. Can you overnight it to me, darling?”
You leaned back on the couch and released a sigh of defeat.
Of course other people are doing great things in their life. I’m the only dumbass stuck in a rut right now.
“I’ll dig it out of the closet and send it to you tomorrow,” you replied. “Let me know when and where the graduation will be so I can make plans to head down.”
“Splendid,” your mom chirped. “I’m sure everyone will be happy to see you. Get some rest, honey. You sound tired. Love you!”
Without giving you a chance to respond, your mom ended the call. You looked at the screen and rolled your eyes.
She gets what she needs and then she’s gone. Typical.
Knowing you would probably forget to do it later, you wandered over to your spare closet, grabbing the stepladder along the way.
Might as well get this over with.
You climbed up on the ladder and pulled on the chain for the light above your head. You couldn’t stifle the groan from escaping when you spied the piles of plastic containers and boxes on the upper shelf.
Why is my life such a hot mess?
You started pulling down boxes one by one to avoid an accidental avalanche. The collection of dust and crumpled cardboard left you sneezing and gagging on stuffy air and a faint smell of mothballs.
After clearing your throat and taking a sip of water, you looked up and spotted the box you’d been looking for.
Just one more box to move.
The box in question had shifted slightly and was wedged against the ceiling at an odd angle. Try as you might, you couldn’t get it to budge. With a huff of annoyance, you balanced yourself on the top of the stepladder and pushed up to get closer to the box. You heaved your palms against the side of the box and it gave away before you could regain your balance. You crashed into an uncomfortable heap on the floor and whined loudly as you felt the painful throb on your ankle.
After a quick assessment, you discover no other injuries except for a slightly swollen ankle and a sizable knot on the top of your head.
What the hell hit my head?
You glanced around and saw three different boxes scattered around you. One was the memory box you’d been trying to get, one was the previously wedged prisoner box, and the other was completely foreign. You stood up and walked over to lift it from among the clatter on the floor.
This isn’t mine. Is it?
You brushed off the subtle cobwebs and dust and revealed a collection of stickers and decals that were strikingly familiar. Most depicted the many fandoms you followed, but others appeared to be nothing more than artfully scribbled words in elegant script.
Time. Destiny. Passion. Happiness. Faith. Friendship. Love.
You turned the box over in your hands and furrowed your brows quizzically. You didn’t remember ever seeing the box before and it certainly wasn’t there when you originally packed the closet full of your crap.
A loud text message tone pulled you out of your reverie and you abandoned the box on the counter in search of your phone.
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Ah yes, we have to keep the tradition going.
Your grandmother and her sentimentality were time consuming, but also adorable. She wanted to stress the importance of education in the family, but also find a way to keep everyone connected from generation to generation. It was her insistence that solidified this current graduation tradition.
You opened the memory box and lifted the neatly folded stole in its plastic bag and the small scrapbook decorated with graduation memorabilia. You took a moment to reminisce about your prior accomplishments and then placed the items on the counter. After cleaning up the mess on the floor and carefully returning everything to the closet, you limped over to the kitchen and poured yourself another glass of water.
On your third gulp, your eyes landed on the mysterious box again. It was no bigger than a shoe box, but was definitely sturdier. Curiosity got the better of you and you inspected it a little more closely.
There was a tarnished metal knob that needed to be turned in order to lift the lid. The glossy surface appeared to be varnished or glazed so that the stickers and words would remain fixed. There was no lock, so you decided to open it.
You didn’t know what to expect when you opened the lid, but it certainly wasn’t what you found.
Laying on top of a folded piece of paper were seven items: a rubber banana keychain, a cute little hamburger toy, a metallic purple kazoo, a gold sequined bow tie on an elastic band, a red beanie dragon plush, a spoon with a floral design, and a thin metal disc with an assortment of holes. You tentatively inspected each item and placed it on the counter.
What the hell is all this?
You lifted the folded paper out of the box and looked underneath. All that was left at the bottom of the box was a quote etched into the surface.
My life and yours are an equal sign, So my remedy is your remedy.
You read the phrase over a few times and couldn’t make sense of it. It seemed familiar, but you couldn’t place it. You turned the folded paper over in your hands a few times and then unfolded it. It’s a fairly large sheet and it resembled parchment. At first glance, the image on the paper looked like an intricate abstract drawing. There were large lines of ink brushed across in elaborate swirls resembling a disjointed heart.
The swirling lines were connected by smudges of charcoal across from blocks of text in colorful ink. There were seven smudges with lines of text to the left of each smudge. You couldn’t make sense of it, but there did seem to be some type of pattern implied. The lines flowed from left to right increasing in width and each successive line grew wider as it progressed to the other side of the page.
You studied the lightest portion of the drawing and read the lines of text next to this first smudge.
Were you wandering around Looking for an erased dream too? It’s different from the typical definition of destiny. Your pained eyes are looking at the same place as me. Won't you please stay in dreams?
The words were certainly poetic, but you didn’t understand their significance. You glanced at the other phrases and they seemed just as cryptic.
What the hell am I looking at? Why would something like this be in my closet?
You were too exhausted to think too much on it, so you shrugged your shoulders and folded the paper and placed it back in the box. You left everything else on the counter and decided that it was time for a shower and then bedtime. As you lay in bed, you exhaled heavily and focused on the hope that tomorrow would be better than today.
March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day - 4:27pm
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Oh no...please don’t let her find me in here.
“Ok, no arguments,” Gina chirped in excitement as she pranced through your office door. “It’s time for green beer and dancing!”
Damn, she’s quick!
You lowered your head to your desk and groaned out slightly and silently scolded yourself for not leaving the office earlier to avoid her completely. It was much easier to avoid Gina if you were already out of the office, but once she had you cornered, it was almost impossible to tell her no. She was your favorite faculty member and the only person at work that you would consider hanging out with outside of the university.
Gina had been trying to get you to go out for months, and after a long week of midterm exams, you couldn’t find the energy to counter her offer. Besides, you were now, technically, on Spring Break.
“Come on, girl,” she pleaded. “You know I’m leaving for Acapulco the day after tomorrow with my sisters. If I can get you out of your stuffy apartment and into an Irish bar for a little St. Patty’s Day fun, then I can truly enjoy my vacation. You know how I worry about my work-bestie when I’m not around.”
She pouted at you and batted her long eyelashes, and you almost cackled at her adorable puppy dog look. You half expected her to start whining at you like Oberyn would when he wanted something. Maybe that image in your head that weakened your resolve against her proposal for a St. Patrick’s Day outing.
“Fine,” you acquiesced. “Where are we going, Gina?”
She squealed in excitement and twirled around with glee. You tried to resist the growing enthusiasm, but you quickly gave in with a sigh and a smile.
“Fine. Let me finish up here and we can go to my apartment,” you suggested. “I guess I’ll need you to help me pick out an outfit for tonight.”
Gina nodded happily and ran upstairs to collect her things. Once you finished packing everything away, she was hopping around in anticipation at your office door. Her bunny antics made you giggle.
Such funny friends I have.
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March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day - 10:37pm
After a quick dinner of sushi, you were pushing your way through the crowded Irish bar back to the booth where Gina was entertaining her latest acquisition. The guy was certainly handsome, but he only had eyes for Gina. You had another set of drinks for the two of you, but upon discovering the entwined couple making out in the booth, you decided to retreat to give them some privacy.
Typical. She invites me out and then she ditches me for a pretty face.
You wandered back toward the bar and gazed at the writhing mass of bodies under the flashing lights on the dance floor. Desperate to lose yourself in the moment, you downed the two drinks and relished the flavor of Guiness and Bailey’s on your tongue.  If Gina was going to have fun, then so were you. You motioned the bartender over and ordered a Jameson & Ginger Ale.
“A whiskey girl, huh?” exclaimed a sultry voice behind you. “Much better than those Appletini chicks.”
Ah, yes, the pick up line. At least his voice is sexy. Let’s hope the rest of him matches.
You couldn’t decide whether to be amused or annoyed, so you decided to let his face make the decision for you. You turned around prepared to give him your best smirk, but lost your nerve once you saw who it was.
“Jungkook?” you replied in squeak. “What are you doing here?!”
Pure amusement filled his doe eyes and he huffed out a laugh. You were floored that your secret hopes of your mystery man being handsome were completely dashed. In fact, he didn’t just have a sexy voice, he was also drop dead gorgeous. You hadn’t seen Jeon Jungkook in almost 7 years, and he hadn’t aged a day. Back when you were both still working on your undergraduate degrees, you’d been his writing tutor on campus, spending countless hours pouring over research papers and essays that needed serious revision and editing.
So many late nights spent at each other’s apartments, so many long hours in the private study rooms, so many casual touches, missed opportunities, awkward moments, and those long nights alone in your bed where you wished his strong arms were holding you. There was no denying the sexual tension you’d felt back then, and there was certainly no denying it now.
Now, here he was leaning on the bar in his billowy shirt and dark ripped jeans looking like some kind of Greek god holding a glass of bourbon.  You quickly cleared the inebriation out of your brain and tried to appear sober and sane while you smoothed out your ruffled hair.
“So,” Jungkook smirked while pulling you closer. “I’m guessing you weren’t expecting to see me here, huh?”
“Ummm, no,” you admitted sheepishly. “I didn’t even know you were back in town. I haven’t seen you in years. What are you doing here?”
“I just took a job here,” Jungkook stated simply. “Just hanging out with my new coworkers for the night. I saw you and thought I’d say hi, but I wasn’t expecting you to look so enticing though. You’re not here with your boyfriend or husband, are you?”
“Is that your subtle way of asking if I’m still single?” you popped your eyebrow at him. “And enticing, really? Still trying to pick me up, Kookie?”
He smiled a bright bunny grin at his old nickname. You were the only one who would ever call him that and he would never admit just how much he loved it.
“Oh, did you want me to try?,” he continued while reaching up to run his hands up and down your arms. “Hmmmm, where should I begin, babygirl?”
He pulled his lip between his lips and shot you a smoldering look while flipping his hair slightly. You tried to look disinterested, but you lost your composure when he reached up to push a lock up hair behind your ear. Your breath caught in your throat as he moved in between your legs.  
“I mean it, you know?” Jungkook insisted while locking eyes with you. “You still look incredible.”
The bartender returned with your drink at that moment. Thankful for a little distraction, you lifted the glass of liquid courage to your lips. You swallowed a large gulp of swirling heady sweetness and smiled at Jungkook. He was watching you with stars in his eyes and you were enjoying every minute of it.
“So what are you doing these days, Kookie?” you asked, trying to shift his gaze elsewhere. “Are you still playing with your camera and crayons?”
Jungkook laughed and rolled his eyes at your insinuation. As an art major, Jungkook dabbled in several mediums including painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, and drawing. The boy was insanely talented, so you were actually curious about where he’d ended up career-wise.
“I just took a job at an advertising agency,” he replied with a cocked eyebrow. “And no, I’m not playing with crayons, smartass. I’m their new Assistant Art Director, so I’m mostly working on graphic designs and managing their photography department.”
“Look at you,” you grinned. “Little Kookie all grown up and making big bucks as an actual adult.”
“I was always an adult,” he corrected. “Someone just always chose to treat me like a little kid.”
“Not always,” you shot back. “It’s not my fault you had a tendency to act like an idiot teenager sometimes.”
“Fair point,” he conceded. “But we all have to grow up sometimes, right? Except you, I guess. Looking at you, I could never guess that so much time has passed since I last saw you. You honestly look amazing.”
He leaned in and ran his nose along your neck up to your ear, inhaling deeply as he grazed your skin. He hummed happily as the intoxicating scent of your perfume hit his nostrils.
“You smell amazing too,” he sighed against your ear. “I bet you haven’t thought about me once since I last saw you.”
“Well, that’s a lie,” you smirked. “I’ve thought about you quite a lot actually. You, sir, are one of my big regrets from college.”
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook chuckled lightly while nipping at your earlobe. “Why is that, babygirl?”
You nearly purred at his touch and you hissed lightly when you felt Jungkook’s lips attached themselves to your neck.
“Oh, you’re such a fucking tease, Kookie.” you whined. “How am I supposed to think clearly when you’re doing that?”
“What?” he mused. “I’m not doing anything you don’t want me to, am I?”
You pushed on his chest slightly and he pulled away just enough to rub his nose along your own. You felt his breath ghost across your face and you allowed the smell of bourbon to mix in with his fresh scent.
“Kookie,” you sighed. “How much have you had to drink?”
He wrinkled his brow in confusion and stepped back to look at your face, searching for some explanation for your implied accusation. You weren’t trying to sound like you were chastising him for drinking, but you couldn’t shake the insecurity itching under your skin. It was entirely possible that Jungkook was just feeling a little tipsy from the evening and his familiarity with you was the cause of his brazen behavior. It wouldn’t be the first time, but you weren’t about to let a longtime crush be ruined because of a questionable drunken daze. Jungkook picked up on your train of thought and placed his drink on the bar.  
“I hope you’re not insinuating that I’m only hitting on you because I’ve been drinking,” he scowled. “You should know better than that. I’ve been hitting on you since before I was able to buy my own alcohol, remember?”
“Yeah,” you giggled. “I remember having to sneak you into a few clubs back in the day.”
“Exactly,” he bragged. “So don’t try to make it sound like I’m just some random drunken idiot trying to get into your pants. I’m the same Jungkook who would look down your shirt or pull you into his lap in the hopes of making out with you. I mean, I’m still trying to get into your pants, but at least it’s not something new.”
“Still, huh?” you prompted after downing the rest of your drink. “Well, it’s going to take more than a little flirting to get into my pants, Kookie. You want to dance? I want to see if you still got those sexy moves, Kookie.”
He giggled and then finished his own drink with haste. He grabbed your hand to help you off the barstool and you pulled him toward the chaotic dance floor.
You shook off your previous nerves and worked your way into the pulsating mass of dancers. The music was thumping out a steady bass line and you swayed your hips back and forth to the beat. You weren’t sure if Jungkook noticed your attempt at seduction, but within moments, a pair of strong hands attached themselves to your gyrating hips. Given your vaguely inebriated state, you had no problem relinquishing a little control to your sexy suitor.
You encouraged Jungkook’s boldness by pushing your ass back into his crotch, grinding onto his growing erection. He leaned into your body and pulled you closer.  His lips ghosted a kiss on your exposed shoulder and then nipped at your neck playfully. The pleased sigh that left your lips prompted a dark chuckle from him.
“So naughty,” he murmured into your ear. “If you keep on grinding onto my dick like that, I’ll have to take action, babygirl.”
You leaned your head back onto his shoulder and reached up to grip his wavy hair. He groaned softly as you tugged on the roots and his hips thrusted against your ass. You quickly calculated how long it had been since you’d had sex and decided that it was time to update your calendar.
“Oh yeah?” you taunted. “I’ll accept that challenge.”
You turned in his grasp and locked onto his lips with your own. He hesitated for a moment, but pushed back with his own lips in seconds. They were unbelievably soft and his fervent kisses ignited an inferno in your center. You decided to take it a bit further and you swiped your tongue across the seam of his lips. He moaned slightly in response and dove into your mouth with his own tongue. Once you bit down on his bottom lip, you both decided it was time to move to a more secure location.
He turned away from the crowd and pulled you behind him toward the bar. You both quickly closed out your tabs and made your way to the exit. Once you were both outside, you pounced on him and pushed him into the brick exterior, unable to contain your lust any longer. Jungkook appeared flustered by your eagerness and took a moment to gather his bearings.
“As much I would love to lose myself in this moment,” Jungkook huffed while pulling away from your hungry lips. “Maybe we should decide on a place with softer surfaces.”
You glanced at the vacant alleyway next to you and the brightly lit city street and frowned.
“Sorry,” you apologized. “Kinda forgot where I was for a second there.”
“Really?” Jungkook grinned and kissed your forehead. “You could’ve fooled me.”
“Let me call an Uber,” you volunteered. “My place isn’t too far from here.”
Once you were both in the Uber, you couldn’t stop touching and smiling at each other. The driver commented on the “happy couple,” and you didn’t have to heart to correct the old man.
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Once you were both inside your apartment, Jungkook pushed you against your front door and started nipping lazily along your jaw.
Jungkook stroked his thumbs along your sides and leaned in to kiss your flushed cheeks. You sighed happily in response and ran your hands up his firm chest and rested them on his shoulders.
“Jungkook,” you began. “I didn’t think I’d ever run into you again. I haven’t seen you since my undergraduate graduation party.”
“I tried to see more of you that night,” Jungkook admitted while stroking your hair. “But someone disappeared in the middle of the party with their friend, Jimin.”
You flushed further at his words, remembering that night a little more clearly now that he’d brought it up. You and your former friend with benefits had indeed disappeared that night to have a little undergraduate graduation celebration of your own. By the time the two of you rejoined the party, Jungkook was long gone.
“Sorry about that,” you muttered. “I honestly didn’t think you’d be interested. You always had so many girls pining for you, I never thought you’d give me a second glance.”
“Are you kidding?” Jungkook scoffed. “I’ve wanted you since our first tutoring session. I could barely concentrate with you wearing that tank top and those little shorts. What kind of tutor shows up wearing something like that?”
“It was summer,” you countered. “It was over 100 degrees. What was I supposed to wear? A parka?”
You both giggled at that, and it broke the tension that was building since you recognized him. Feeling encouraged, you started lightly scratching his shoulders and chest, noting the stiff pebbles you grazed down the front of his shirt.
“So what now?” you asked. “Do we just keep reminiscing about old times until the sun comes up?”
You gently popped the top button from his shirt to reveal more of his deliciously tanned skin. Jungkook bit his lip and lifted an eyebrow suggestively.
“I think we’ve talked enough,” he grinned wickedly. “There are better ways to spend our time.”
Your eyes locked and you could almost feel the searing arousal growing between you. You gently pushed him away from you and then started walking toward your bedroom, tossing your shoes aside along the way. At the edge of the living room, you lifted your dress over your head and tossed it on the couch. Jungkook smirked and continued to unbutton his shirt while walking toward you. His taut muscles caused your thighs to clench in anticipation.
“Are you enjoying the view, baby?” Jungkook purred while looking you up and down. “I know I am.”
He unbuckled his belt and tugged at the buttons on his jeans. You stepped forward to help him, but got too caught up in touching his bare skin to be of any use. You pulled Jungkook’s lips to your own just as he leaned forward to pull his pants down. He was caught off balance, but quickly recovered after using his feet to pull the troublesome fabric from his legs.
After flinging his shirt behind him, you were both left in your underwear and no inch of exposed skin was left unexplored. Your dominant personalities were at war as you made your way down the hallway, and the aggression became tangible, especially after you practically slammed his back into the wall by your bedroom door. Jungkook squealed happily when you started climbing onto his chest and he reached down and pulled your legs up and around his waist.
Even though his hands were already busy holding you up, he still managed to slip a few fingers in between your legs from behind. The soaked fabric of your underwear pulled a sultry groan from his kiss bitten lips.
“Holy shit, baby,” he said in a breathy tone. “You’re so fucking wet already.”
You moaned softly into his ear as he trailed your arousal back and forth across your slit. He walked across the threshold of your bedroom door and sat down on the bed. You quickly pushed him on his back, but he sat back up and tried to still your frantic hands.
“Baby, baby,” he implored. “You can slow down a bit. I’m not going anywhere.”
“But,” you pouted. “You have no idea how many times I fantasized about this. I’m just excited that it’s actually happening.”
He reached up with one hand and unsnapped your bra with unbelievable precision. He smirked at your awed expression, tossed your bra to the floor, and then leaned up to kiss you sweetly.
“I feel the same way,” he confessed. “I just want to take my time with this. There’s no rush.”
Jungkook continued kissing along your jawline and proceeded to your neck. He pulled on your nipples slightly and then slipped his fingers around your waist to toy with the band of your underwear. You took a deep breath and smiled. Maybe you were a little eager, but it wasn’t often that a legit snack was delivered unto you by the Universe. The restraint was a real struggle.
Jungkook nipped at a sweet spot just below your ear and you hissed and clutched desperately at his back in response.
“Kookie,” you whined. “Don’t tease me.”
“Oh yeah?” he chuckled darkly. “I’d say you deserve a little payback for all the times you teased me, don’t you think?”
“What?” you scoffed. “When?”
Jungkook turned and tossed you onto the bed. He reached up and pulled your hands above your head and held them in place with one hand.
“Every time I saw you,” he reiterated while kissing down your chest. “Your flirty smiles, your sexy winks, your playful jokes, you sat in my lap on more than one occasion when we cuddled on the couch.”
“You never reacted to any of that,” you breathed out in a gasp. “I just assumed you wanted to be friends.”
“I didn’t want to assume anything either,” he admitted. “But I definitely wanted to be more than just friends.”
He leaned in and pulled you into another intoxicating kiss, and you leaned forward to slip your tongue into his mouth, needing to satiate your overwhelming lust. He pushed his own tongue against yours and then pulled away from your lips completely.
He smirked at your needy whine and trailed his free hand across your cheeks then down onto your breast. He leaned in to capture one nipple with his lips and stimulate the other with his fingers. You writhed in desperation, but he only hummed in response.
“Something wrong, babygirl?” He mused. “You seem a little agitated.”
“Gee,” you huffed. “I wonder why.”
Pure amusement played across Jungkook’s beautiful face as he released one nipple from his mouth with a loud popping sound. He licked the valley between your breasts and shifted his body between your legs. You could feel his thick clothed erection brushing across the top of your thighs. He leaned up to kiss your lips and lingered for a moment before releasing your hands.
“Keep your hands where they are, babygirl,” he instructed. “Don’t move them until I tell you to, ok?”
“What happens if I move them?” you challenged. “Will I get in trouble, Kookie?”
“Oh yeah,” he glared. “Big trouble.”
To send his comment further into your mind, Jungkook rubbed his girthy length gently across your clit and grinned wickedly as you moaned wantonly in response. He placed another kiss on your lips and began crawling down your torso. You released a flustered exhale and wiggled your hips beneath him in anticipation.
His hands continued to explore as he kissed a trail down your body. Jungkook paused and adjusted his position when he reached your dripping center. He nuzzled his nose into the thin fabric of your panties and gave the wet spot he found a lick.
Your hips tried to snap forward with the sensation, but Jungkook held you firmly in place. He slid your underwear down your legs and flung them on the floor with the other discarded articles of clothing. He then situated himself firmly between your legs and slid his strong arms under your thighs.
Intent on prolonging his sensual torture, Jungkook ran his tongue delicately along your juicy folds and the blew a cool stream of air onto your exposed nub. The sensation triggered a shiver to erupt across your skin, and you latched onto the pillow above you to anchor your hands in place. Before you could unleash another whine of displeasure, Jungkook dipped the tip of his tongue into your dripping center and swirled it to collect your juices. He released a satisfied hum when he swallowed and got his first real taste of you
“Oh, fuck me,” Jungkook groaned into your upper thigh. “Your pussy is delicious, baby. I may be down here for a while. You don’t mind, do you?”
“Ah,” you squeaked as he licked another stripe through your folds. “Go right ahead, Kookie. I won’t stop you.”
Jungkook nearly growled as he dove into your sopping wet slit, slurping up every drop of slick he could find. You moaned and twitched uncontrollably and he sent you into a tempest of pure pleasure. Every flick of his tongue, every bit of suction against your clit, and every grasp of Jungkook’s hands on your skin jolted your nerve endings into a full blown orgasm careening from your center and spreading all the way across your extremities. He was certainly taking his sweet time and enjoying every minute of it.
Once the climax shifted into overstimulation, you reached down and pulled on Jungkook’s hair and begged him to stop. The little bunny grin he flashed you was completely at odds with the sinful actions of his fingers in between your legs. He planted one last lingering kiss on your throbbing bundle of nerves and crawled off the bed.
You were about to protest his absence from the bed, but then he left you slack jawed when he pulled his boxer briefs off and kicked them aside. The sight of his quivering length made your mouth water, even more so when he gave it a few purposeful strokes. The swollen pink tip was already weeping with precum and you licked your lips, wondering about the taste.
“Ah, you can’t do that to me,” Jungkook blushed. “You’re looking at me like you want to eat me up.”
“Maybe I do,” you teased. “Can you blame me when you’re looking so damn tasty?”
Jungkook chuckled wickedly as he mounted the bed again and hovered over your tantalizing naked figure. He licked his lips, still tasting your essence on his tongue, and raked his eyes up and down your body.
“Are you ready for me, babygirl?” he mused. “Do you think you can take all of me?”
Glancing down at his sizable girth, you popped an eyebrow and tilted your head pensively. You reached over to your side table and opened a drawer to pull out a condom, handing it to Jungkook with a smile.
That’s a damn good question. Can I?
“I guess it’s time to find out,” you teased. “How long are you going to keep me waiting, Kookie?”
That was all the encouragement Jungkook needed to act upon his voracious hunger. He quickly rolled the condom onto his dick and leaned forward to give you a passionate kiss. He released your swollen lips and you gasped as you felt him rubbing his tip along your damp slit.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” Jungkook murmured. “Just know that you’re in for a long night, baby. I’m not going to stop until we’ve made up for all that time we lost.”
With that being said, Jungkook plunged his throbbing cock into you and released a ravenous groan above you. You both remained still for a few moments and you squirmed in his hold hoping to increase the friction you craved. After the tension in Jungkook’s shoulders subsided, his hips burrowed deeper and deeper into your soaking heat. He relished the deluge of your juices dampening his thighs, the melodic moans of his name you uttered over and over again, and most of all, the profound elation of finally reaching the state of euphoria he’d been dreaming about since you were both in college.
The night raged on with your ardent love-making, and after hours of unbridled bliss, you were sprawled across Jungkook’s chest, buzzing with contentment. Both of your glistening chests heaved from exertion, but the fucked out looks on your faces didn’t reveal any hints of exhaustion.
“That was unbelievable, Kookie,” you panted. “Why didn’t we do that sooner?”
“Because we were both idiots?” Jungkook suggested. “Whatever it was, I’m glad we finally found the time to do it.”
He kissed the top of your head and smacked your ass playfully. You hissed at the contact and pursed your lips at him in a pout. He giggled at your cuteness and wrapped his arms around you.
“What was that for?” you whined. “You’re so mean, Kookie.”
“Hey,” he protested hotly. “I told you to keep your hands in place earlier, but you just had to pull on my hair. I owed you at least one good spank.”
“I think you spanked me enough tonight,” you replied cheekily. “Among other things.”
You both smiled at each other as you replayed the events of the evening in your minds. You leaned over to pull him into another lingering kiss. He chuckled and stopped you from deepening the kiss.
“We should probably clean up,” he argued. “We are a hot steaming mess right now.”
“Speak for yourself,” you shot back. “I’m not a mess.”
He lifted his eyebrows and then reached between your legs to drag his fingers across the stickiness clinging to your legs. You mewled in protest and shot him a dirty look for calling you out.
“Ok, fine,” you agreed. “I’m a mess, but so are you. How about a shower before I change the sheets?”
He nodded in agreement and helped you off the bed and into the bathroom. Your legs were still a little wobbly after so much physical activity.
It’s been a while since I put my thighs to good use.
The intimacy carried on in the shower, but neither of you had enough energy to initiate another round of passion. The most you were able to do was kiss each other lazily after helping each other clean up. After the shower, Jungkook was an absolute gentleman and helped you change your sheets.
“You don’t have to leave, you know,” you suggested. “You could just stay. It’s after 5am anyway.”
“I know,” he replied coolly while buttoning his shirt. “But I’m not really in the habit of staying the night.”
“Oh, really?” you teased while popping an eyebrow. “Then can I get you a drink before you leave?”
Jungkook smiled at your hospitality and nodded in response. You were quick to get him a glass of cold water and set it on the counter. A now fully dressed Jungkook walked over and pulled you into another kiss before grabbing the glass and taking a drink. You nuzzled against his chest and sighed. Jungkook set the glass aside, wrapped his arms around you, and kissed the top of your head sweetly.
“Hey,” he exclaimed suddenly. “Where did you find that?”
He reached over and picked up the banana keychain still sitting on your counter. You totally forgot about the small collection of random objects you found in the closet, but now that Jungkook was examining the keychain, your thoughts revisited the mysterious items once again.
“It was in a box I found in my closet,” you confirmed. “Why? Do you recognize that keychain?”
“Of course I do,” Jungkook murmured. “It’s mine, and it isn’t just a keychain, it’s a USB drive.”
He pulled the banana apart at the center and it revealed a USB connector bearing the lettering 512GB. Your jaw dropped at the sudden revelation.
“What the-” you queried. “Why would I have it?”
“Maybe I left it at your place or something?” Jungkook said. “But the point is, I looked everywhere for this thing. I have so many layouts and artwork on here, and this will be incredibly useful at my new job. You are literally saving me weeks of work with this thing.”
“You’re asking me to just give you this flash drive that I found in my apartment mixed in with my stuff?” you reasoned. “How do I know this is actually yours?”
“Because I recognized it,” Jungkook argued. “And I also knew what it was. You obviously didn’t.”
“Hmmmm,” you mused. “I don’t know. What’ll you give me in return?”
Jungkook patted himself down and reached into his pants pocket to pull out a green shamrock on a beaded necklace with the word “Lucky” emblazoned across the front. The look on his face gave off the impression that he was confused, but then it transformed into amusement. He grinned and flipped a switch on the button, causing it to erupt into a barrage of green LED lights.
“I will give you this limited edition, LED powered four leaf clover necklace,” Jungkook proposed. “It’s the perfect good luck charm, and so much better than a horseshoe or a rabbit’s foot. What do you say?”
You eyed the glowing button and burst into a giggle fit. Jungkook was presenting it to you as though it were some kind of grand prize on a game show.
“Where did you even get that?” you asked. “Do you just hide random holiday necklaces in your pants?”
“No,” Jungkook chuckled. “They gave it to me at the bar. I almost left it on the table, but I couldn’t put it down. When I saw you by the bartender, I guess I just put it in my pocket. It’s weird, I usually don’t keep stuff like this. But it’s yours, if you want it.”
“Well,” you grinned. “With a sales pitch like that, how can I resist?”
He joyfully handed you the flashy plastic bauble and pressed another delightful kiss on your lips. You set the shamrock necklace aside on the counter and wrapped your arms around Jungkook’s neck to continue pressing sweet kisses on his soft pink lips. Before things got too heated again, Jungkook pulled away and kissed your forehead. He exhaled a deep breath as you buried your face into his firm chest.
The night had been phenomenal and this thing between you and Jungkook was heating up so well. Maybe there was a possibility for more than just a one night stand? It was a risky proposal to bring up, but your history with Jungkook gave you a sliver of hope.
“So when do I get to see you again, Kookie?” you breathed out while looking up at him. “Now that you’re in town again, maybe we can see each other more often?”
“Uh, well,” Jungkook sighed nervously. “I’m not sure. I just started the job and I’m going to be pretty busy, so I’ll have to let you know.”
“Oh,” you replied while gently releasing your hold on him. “That’s fine, whatever.”
“Hey,” he began while pulling you back into his embrace. “It’s not what you’re thinking. I had an amazing time with you tonight, but I’m not sure I can give anything more than something casual. I wish I could give you more than that, but I’m not really in a good place for anything serious right now.”
You pouted slightly and nodded your head in understanding. Having been in that exact same head space before, you could understand his apprehension. There were easily five years between you and Jungkook, so it was natural that you would be at different places in your life. It would be unfair to expect more of him if he wasn’t ready for it yet.
“I understand,” you murmured knowingly. “I don’t want you to feel obligated or anything like that.”
“I’m sorry I can’t offer you more than that,” he admitted. “Believe me. If ever I’m ready for something long-term, I’m going to be looking for you.”
“If I’m still available,” you mocked him playfully. “You never know. Some other gorgeous man might snap me up before then.”
“Well,” he growled while sinking his hand into your hair. “If that’s the case, then he better be ten times better than me and willing to give you the world on a silver platter. You shouldn’t settle for anything less, babygirl. You deserve to be treated like the goddess you are.”
You rolled your eyes at him and pursed your lips. He shot you an adorable bunny smile and eagerly kissed your lips once again. He took a moment to brush his thumbs across the apples of your cheeks and then shook his head with a goofy smile.
“Ah, I better go,” he announced in a huff. “If I spend any more time here, I’ll never leave.”
“That isn’t necessarily a bad thing,” you shot back teasingly. “I’d definitely make it worth your while.”
“I know you would,” he snickered. “But I really do have a lot of work to do. I’m going to need the rest of the day to recover from tonight before I have to be at work on Monday. Someone gave me a hell of a workout.”
You winked at him and leaned up to kiss him once more before he pulled away toward the front door. You shared one last hug and kiss at the open door after exchanging phone numbers.
“Thank you again for giving this USB back to me.” he expressed with gratitude. “You have no idea how much time you’re going to save me. I’ll try to call you later this week. Maybe we can meet up and do something, if you’re not busy?”
“We’ll see,” you smirked. “I’ll let you know.”
Jungkook flicked your chin and shot you an impish grin. You watched him disappear behind the elevator doors before closing the door to your apartment. Once you were back in your kitchen, you sipped at the water you’d poured for Jungkook and looked at the scattered items on the counter. The absence of the banana keychain was noted, but the glowing shamrock was a welcome replacement. You decided to send Gina a little update before you went to bed.
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You put your phone on the counter and let out a loud yawn, the evening and all of its activities finally catching up with you. The mess on the counter annoyed you, so you placed everything back in the box on top of the paper map and switched off the lights.
“I’ll take another look at this tomorrow,” you yawned. “Time for sleep.”
As you walked back to your room, you turned off all the lights and got settled into your comfy bed with fresh sheets. There was still a faint scent of Jungkook floating in the air and it calmed your senses. You started drifting off to Dreamland with visions of Jungkook prancing across your brain.
At least I can stop wondering about Jungkook and what might have been. I’d been obsessing over that for so long. Now, I can move on if I need to.
Reassuring visions danced across your brain and all of them resembled Jungkook. He kept tossing four leaf clovers at your feet, and you giggled in your sleep as he continued showering you in lucky charms.
Jungkook made a good point. Four leaf clovers were much better than other good luck charms. Your bunny boy bestowed a bounty of luck upon you, all while blessing you with a rabbit’s foot of his own.
Well maybe a few inches less than a foot, but size isn’t everything.
With a smile on your face and your heart full of possibilities, you coasted on fumes to the final mile into a deep sleep, knowing that tomorrow would be brighter without the added weight of your past insecurities pulling at your nerves.
It’s funny. I almost feel like I’ve regained something I didn’t know was missing. Maybe Oberyn is on to something after all. The Universe definitely makes more sense than it did yesterday.
That couldn’t just be a coincidence.
Could it?
Your mind continued its existential ramblings throughout the wonders of Dreamland, and in your kitchen, something inexplicable was happening. Only Oberyn was awake to witness the subtle purple glow and sparkle emanating from the counter top. It was over in a flash, but Oberyn still sniffed at the air in the kitchen trying to locate the origin of the unexplained phenomenon.
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Chapter Two: Soulmates are a Forever Kind of Thing
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
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