#i also headcanon Eddie as bi or pan
missingexaltation · 2 years
This got way longer than I thought it would. Basically, a 'Wayne centered' steddie mini fic.
I love the dynamics that we could have had with this mini family, so this kind of threw itself together.
Wayne's seen Eddie with the girls he brings back home. Well, he sees the backs of their heads as Eddie walks them out early in the morning, past a Wayne who's thoroughly exhausted from the night shift.
Eddie always knows he's there, always offering a shrug and apologetic grin before practically skipping back to his room. Rarely the same girl twice, that Wayne could tell, but (more often than he'd thought possible, and doesn't he feel like an ass for assuming) dressed in that white and green cheerleader outfit.
Not that Wayne judged. He and his brother, Eddie's dad, had both been the same back in the day. The popular girls seemed to love a boy from the wrong side of town, and (unlike his old man) Eddie was a good guy under it all, so Wayne knew he was treating them girls right. If only for the night at least.
The surprise was that it was girls he was bringing home.
His friend Danny, who'd given Eddie the part time job at Thatcher's, had called it years ago. Said that Eddie reminded him of his brother, and that Wayne had better get prepared for the boy's teen years because it was gonna be rough. Sure enough, the moment Eddie turned thirteen Wayne had come home to find him packed up and ready to be thrown out.
God bless Danny Harris and his foresight, because Wayne had had a nice little speech prepared for a year or more, ready and waiting. And Eddie had soaked it in, those big ol' brown eyes grateful, relieved and full of tears as he unpacked again.
So sure, the girls were a surprise, but he let it go. Assumed the kid was happy with both, or either, and if he wanted to talk about it then he knew damn well that Wayne would listen. He'd done the difficult part already, the rest just details and semantics, and Wayne certainly wasn't going prying into his nephew's love life. It was safer anyway, for him to stick with girls for now. Or however long.
It wasn't until after the most horrific week of Wayne's life where he noticed things had changed. Eddie was home, a free man, an innocent man, and for his troubles had been relocated (with his uncle) out of the trailer park and into a nice, quiet and expensive part of Hawkins. Courtesy of some official-looking government suits.
They'd taken Wayne aside, given him some bizarre, bullshit story, and it wasn't until a few days later that he'd noticed his bank account was overflowing with compensation money. After the week he'd had, Wayne knew enough to keep his mouth shut, and life had seemingly carried on as normal. Neither he or Eddie had to work again, if they didn't want to.
Seeing Richard Harrington's boy in their new kitchen was more than a surprise. To his credit, the boy was cooking some breakfast thing or another, and trying to encourage Eddie to get his ass in gear for school. He didn't notice Wayne either, but Eddie sure did.
He remembered Danny's advice. 'Don't treat the boys any different to the girls, Wayne. Eddie'll pick up on that.' So he just waved a good morning and went to bed.
A few days later the Harrington boy was back again, herding Eddie out of the door as Wayne was coming in it. Noting the time, a gentle 'don't be late, boy' as the door swung shut, and that was it until the evening and Eddie was traipsing in from school. His mama's big brown eyes eyes looking at Wayne like a wild animal trapped in a corner.
Eddie had said nothing, hiding his face with his hair, looking for the world like he wanted to say something, until he yammered out some excuse and fled to his room to hide.
'That Harrington boy seems nice. Polite.' Wayne offered later, over dinner. Conversationally. Lightly. Apparently enough to cause a reaction, and as he'd never seen Eddie so red-in-the-face embarrassed he decided to drop it. Just a shrug and a nod in response.
He didn't see the Harrington boy for a long time after that. But he kept an eye out. The changes in Eddie were remarkable. Contrary to popular belief, he was a pretty quiet kid at home (guitar aside), but now he was reflective. Moon-eyed and lost in his own head. Practically floating from room to room and always with that damn smile on his face.
He realised that he'd not seen (or smelt) any of Eddie's drugs since they'd moved into the new house. A call with one of Rick's buddies confirmed that Eddie was out of the drugs game (finally, thank Christ), so he could only assume that this dopey, lovelorn version of his nephew was a consequence of something else.
Or someone.
It occurred to him that in all the time he'd known Eddie, having raised him and loved him and taught him as much as he was capable, that he had never seen his boy in love before. And now, noticing Eddie swapping out his electric guitar for his acoustic, seeing the sunshine glimmering under Eddie's skin and beaming from his smile, it was overwhelming. Adorable.
A couple of months ago he'd thought his boy was dead, or hurt, and it had damn near devastated him. And now here Eddie was, alive and very much flourishing. Learning some song (by ear) that he wouldn't have been caught dead listening to a few months ago. Having giggly, hushed phonecalls on their new landline when he thought Wayne was out of earshot. Constantly smiling, an actual genuine, happy smile instead of his usual theatrical, false grin that he used to throw Wayne off the scent.
He'd confessed all of this to Danny, one night when Eddie was 'out with friends for the night'. Despite everything he'd hoped, he'd never thought Eddie had had much of a chance. The world was too grim and constricting, especially Hawkins. He'd done the best he could, loved that boy with all he had, and prayed it would be enough to give Eddie the best start he could offer.
He'd heard the things the other kids called him, he'd witnessed Eddie trying to get stains out of his clothes, or sewing up holes caused by being shoved to the ground. He'd held Eddie close in his arms and let him sob it out after a really tough day. He'd patched Eddie up when things got really bad, and had quiet words with his teachers. By and large, it all washed off, and come morning he was always ready to face the world again.
So yes. He'd told Danny everything and he'd cried. Real happy tears, though, and Danny was real fucking nice about it instead of making fun of him. They'd been friends since school, after all. Hell Danny had known Eddie most of his life too. Like the uncle Wayne should have been, in a life where Eddie's parents had been capable of raising him themselves. They'd celebrated with a six pack and toasted to what was hopefully Eddie's big turning point.
It took Eddie a few weeks longer, but he eventually brought it up himself. Kid was nervous, obviously so, but nothing out of the norm. (last time he'd been so nervous, he'd been summoning the courage to tell Wayne he was repeating his repeat year).
'So me and Steve are like a thing.' He said, just blurting it out like he'd been overthinking it. Wayne had paused, finished his bite of casserole, to give him a moment to think. 'He treat you good?' He asked.
If he'd not seen the way Eddie headbanged to his music, he'd have been concerned with how eagerly Eddie nodded his head, almost giving himself whiplash. As if his enthusiasm was the factor that was going to convince Wayne of his veracity.
'Well. Tell your boy he's welcome here anytime. I need to see what his intentions with my boy are, after all.'
Eddie had made a face, like he was disgusted, but also gleefully pleased. Like Wayne had passed whatever test he'd been set.
'I'm gonna marry him one day.' He'd declared, sighing dreamily. 'He's so fucking perfect, you know?'
'Language.' Wayne admonished, and chuckled to himself. 'And no, I don't know. On account of you hiding him away every time I'm home. Bring the boy around, let me get to know him.'
And so he did.
And, a few years later, he followed through on his declaration and married the Harrington boy.
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ofknowlcdge · 1 year
start writing carol's bio and she's just so nonchalant about what and who anyone likes, like she came here for the beer and the fun, she isn't here to hear about you having problems because you can't get your dick in someone's ass.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I swear to god i just found the funniest example of projection I've ever seen in my life. Like the call is seriously screaming from inside the house.
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Pretty sure it wasn't Buddie fandom who bought a shirt simply because Lou wore it in a cameo once and then posted pics wearing said shirt tagged as louniform like you were all under mass hypnosis.
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Also pretty sure it wasn't Buddie fandom spending hundreds of dollars for an actor’s headcanons on our ship.
Remind me again who's giving cult behavior?
It’s Buddie fandom that was saying for years that Buck was not straight. We were the ones that saw the signs for it and we were the ones who pushed for it. Without our support the show very likely wouldn’t have made bi Buck happen.
Also Oliver has confirmed that things like us reading the scene where Buck first sees Eddie as him being attracted to Eddie was right. Oliver also said that bi Buck was supposed to happen in s4 but Fox wouldn’t let it. Buddie fandom are the ones who saw things in s4 like Buck talking to his therapist about how he hides his feelings and how the shooting was coded like a scene between lovers not best friends. It’s not just us seeing what we want to see. It’s deliberate scenes they chose to include in the show.
Like even in season 7 they deliberately chose to pan to Eddie when Buck got his medal. They deliberately chose to have Eddie dress in a couples costume with Buck and have him stay not Tommy. They chose to have Buck’s coming out ep be heavily focused on Eddie. You can call us delusional all you want but we’re just seeing what’s canon and pointing out what is the most logical place for the story to go. B/T had almost no development in s7 where as Buddie had plenty.
You all want to believe T*mmy is the bestest boyfriend forever and B/T are going to get married and live happily ever after but there is zero indication of that happening. You call us crazy for thinking two men who have a deep bond stronger than friendship could fall in love yet you constantly twist every scene with T*mmy to mean way more than it was ever intended to.
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iceysnow · 4 months
saw someone writing Outlast sexuality headcanons so here's mine! Waylon Park: oddly enough I can't see Waylon as anything but hetero/ace despite shipping him x Eddie. Miles Upshur: Omni with no pref
Blake Langermann: Bi but he's had trouble with men after loutermilch
Lynn Langermann: shes also bi
Chris Walker: Aro/Ace Richard Trager: He's either bi or hetero (but he'll still kiss Jeremy good night)
val: Pan- I feel like I should discuss their gender but honestly I don't know either. maybe gender fluid or trans, Idk.
Marta: Ace lesbian (this is my 3rd ace, what does this say about me?)
Jeremy Blaire: Bi man with preference to women but he can only pull men😞
Leland Coyle: Omni- he doesn't care as long as your willing to get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with a phone charger
mother gooseberry: Pan icon!!!!
Pauline Glick: ANOTHER ARO/ACE???
Paul Marion: hetero
Dr. Wernicke: Looks at Trials Homo
Frank Manera: Foodsexu-
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i did these for the older teens a little while ago and then was like omg i never did the kids!!! this is the link to the picrew i used for them
all the pins and stuff below are basically just my personal head canons
1. Dustin - i normally headcanon dustin as just unlabelled but that wasn’t an available pin so my second idea is always pan. also he gets the frog because when he found dart he thought he was a type of amphibian or something
2. Max - look they have two hands, one for lucas and the other for el. i feel like the glasses and walking aid are pretty self explanatory after v*cna.
3. Mike - as much as i love bi mike wheeler in my mind that boy is gay. he’s also rocking the ripped jeans because eddie rocks the ripped jeans so mike continues to copy him.
4. Erica - her favourite colour has been and always will be pink but also because she is such a badass she gets the knife :)
5. Will - gave him the little shorts because he’s always walking around in the iconic 80’s short-shorts lol. also his books are totally sketch books
6. Lucas - the coca cola scene from S3 was so funny so that’s why he’s got the drinks and doing sports makes you thirsty so it’s a win win. (i have never played sports a day in my life just fyi)
7. El - i think El would still love to rock the overalls like in S2. I also think they would love nature because it’s so unlike the lab and i think she would love the colour purple hence the purple flowers in their hair.
Will and El have the same haircut because as much as i love joyce someone needs to take those scissors away from her
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Rueleigh's Thoughts about Eddie being bisexual and/or pansexual again. It's under the cut. Ignore it if you want to, mostly me venting again.
I love the fact that Joseph Quinn just decided to have Eddie flirt with both Steve and Chrissy. He must have thought, "Ooh, what if Eddie was bisexual?" Now, I haven't seen any interviews where he says his character was flirting with Steve, but "big boy" is a dead give away, he's also said with Grace that Eddie and Chrissy would have hooked up. While his sexuality hasn't been stated in canon, it's more canon that he's bisexual. I think that's just a fact that people are just going to have to accept. Eddie Munson is so bisexual coded, and we need more bisexual men in media. I love how Heartstopper is actually open about that and has even corrected people on the show. And we spent 15 years with Supernatural, implying that Dean is bisexual but not actually saying it. It would be nice if they slipped that in next season, but considering they won't even get Robin to say lesbian, I doubt it will happen with Stranger Things. The other show that I watched that has a bisexual woman is Grey's Anatomy, who put her with a lesbian who made biphobic comments whenever they had an argument. I hated it. Even in this fandom, in this Steddie tag, on this site, we still have people who are so clearly biphobic. While it's not all people who headcanon Eddie as gay, it's quite a few who act like Eddie being bisexual is like choking down terrible food. Eddie being gay is a nice headcanon, but it's just a headcanon, and there's zero evidence that he's gay and more so that he's bi and/or pan. Eddie being gay is equally queer as him being bisexual and/or pansexual. Maybe I'm just frustrated by the lack of bisexuality in media and the rampant biphobia and panphobia that are on a site that's supposed to be so inclusive, but it's as exclusive as fuck. I just think there should be equal amounts of gay, bisexual, pansexual Eddie fics. Once in a blue moon, I'll see a bisexual Eddie fic, and I can't remember when I saw a pansexual Eddie fic. I would love to see more where he's also, bi and pan, which you can be at the same time. As I am bi and bi. I'm just curious why a lot of people don't like the idea of Eddie being into women.
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a-strange-inkling · 11 months
saw that ask about people thinking eddies hanky is for the hanky code (via my blasphemous occasional visit to the "for you" section) and yeah! you're correct
like, if someone thinks eddie might be bi because he flirts with both steve and chrissy to an extent (i also think him bi or pan(romantic at least) because im projecting) that's fine by me. (im not 100% on if i fully hc him as full bi/pan, bi/panro-het or panroace (this last one is me projecting again) lol)
i love hellcheer! i love steddie! i don't love the idea of a grown man (or anyone, actually) wearing a "this is the sex i like" token to a school. so it's just a metalhead thing to me. who knows, maybe all his flirting is a joke and he's aroace! but i hate people extrapolating from "haha. hanky in back pocket means this boy likes boys in this specific way"
Exactly. I’m a firm believer that headcanons are fine until you forget they’re just that, headcanons, and force them on other people as if they are canon. This fan theory makes Eddie out to be a pretty gross person, but it was heavily pushed because people really wanted him to be gay for Steve, even if that meant he’d be sending signals about his sexuality and ahem domineering nature at a school with children. And in the same breath it was said how hellcheer is an inappropriate ship because Eddie is two years older than Chrissy. Make it make sense. It’s stuff like this, and the general vileness on *that* side of the fandom that makes me blacklist anything and everything to do with st*ddie. Canonically, whatever Eddie’s sexuality is, ladies are on the roster. His writers wrote and his actor acted that Eddie had a crush on Chrissy (this has been quoted to be true by the writers and the actor).
I don’t know why this is so shocking for people or why it’s hard for them to swallow. Eddie liking girls doesn’t have any negative effects on his character and it’s pretty misogynistic to think so. Have your headcanons for the character, enjoy your ship’s popularity, expand your fanon, and move on.
Leave other people alone and let them enjoy what actually is canon, as well as their own fanons and ships.
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catlover-multifandom · 6 months
hmmm okay new 911 theory popped into my mind at 3AM. woo! spoilers for 7x04 if you haven’t seen it yet below the cut!
alright I love buddie but I don’t think it’s going to be canon this season. I think abc knew it would generate enough to renew for an 8th season (which it did! yay!) and obviously now that we have BI BUCK RAAAAHHH there’s going to be some episodes focusing on that. and there’s only 10 episodes this season, we’re 4 episodes in now and the bi buck realization was at the very end of episode 4. madney wedding is happening at some point so they won’t focus that much on buck’s sexuality, but I can see it being a character moment still! so now I’ll get into the actual theory other than the buddie won’t be canon this season.
we know that Tommy and Buck aren’t going to be a thing for long and neither will Marisol and Eddie. so they’re going to be all “hmmm want partner :(“ and now buck’s going to realize he has more options of course and that the jealousy he felt with the eddie&tommy friendship was jealousy about Eddie hanging out with someone else, I feel like that will also be what ends up splitting Buck and Tommy. so he’s going to realize he’s interested in Eddie since Tommy has a lot of similarities with him and realize maybe he has a thing for Eddie. and he’s going to realize it more at the wedding when he sees other couples dancing I’m sure and he’s going to be off to the side talking with Eddie and realize all this mentally. and I think they’ll share one of their “looks” between each other. (one of THOSE looks. you know the one). and since they’re talking about relationships, after the look Eddie will realize something too and that he might be into men as well and take more looks at buck while he’s not looking lol. (I can picture it in my mind. either the clownery is real with me or I’m getting prophetic but 911 likes to pull little scenes like these lol with the characters just looking at each other lol). and I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere from there, just confirmation that eddie’s thinking about the possibility of being a with another dude and leave a sorta set up for his gay/bi/pan/likes men awakening next season, leaving it open for us to imagine if it weren’t to be renewed but something to set up a bigger plot thing. and then I think we’ll get the Eddie likes men plot beginning of s8 after the big emergency… and then they dance around feelings for each other for a minute (an episode or two) thinking “no way they would want to date me! 🥺” and then they probably get some sense talked into them by one of the other characters separately (I could see hen or Maddie trying to talk sense into Buck about this lol) and then boom scene of one of them approaching the other and awkwardly asking them to go out or something and the other being all “oh yeah, uh I’d love that yeah sounds good!” and then boom buddie go on date (date first gets postponed by big emergency maybe lol) and boom buddie canon and boom operation buddie success to finish off season 8.
abc if you’re reading this maybe take some notes?? lol
thank you btw abc for making bi buck canon. it no longer needs to be a headcanon. The truth is out. (wee)wooooooo!!!
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do NOT tell me that they named this Eddie Munson Prequel Book "Flight of Icarus" and then proceeded to make Eddie Munson NOT GAY
they HAVE to know
like, they HAVE to
cause Icarus is a literal gay icon in the pride community and Eddie is literally heavily headcanoned to be gay
I want nothing to do with this book if he's not at least bi or pan because that is GAY ERASURE
spoilers below
also, this is reading very heavily as if he's LIVED somehow, cause even though this is a prequel, this doesn't feel like a prequel??? he's at a recording studio, for one. for two, no mentions of corroded coffin. or school.
in fact, it seems like it vaguely references the upside down as the muse behind his music, because ain't no way that's not what that line about facing down demons and his music being a portal to another world ISN'T about? unless it's about dnd, which is highly probable. but he also could've just SAID that???
anyways, besides that, corroded coffin did not seem like they were recording studio ready at all in s4, they don't even mention having a cd or something at all, im having a really hard time believing that this recording studio excerpt is BEFORE s4
also I'm actually not reading this book because it's in first person POV and that's downright disgusting, I didn't even know I was reading about Eddie until his name was said
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Here’s my official lineup for the HIT era steam team! I’m super pleased with my designs for all of them and I think that they fit their personalities well! I have updated some things since then (this drawing is from July) but everything is still pretty much the same up till now.
They are a unique species that look human but share engine traits (grey skin, higher demand for water, and enhanced strength and speed). They all work as conductors and general workers on the railway.
My AU also takes place in the mid 1960s so technology is very limited and is still very old fashioned.
Headcanons and close ups below!
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💙Thomas Billinton💙
Voice headcanon: Eddie Glen
Physical age: 33
Mental age: 20
- Despite being the ‘leader’ of The steam team he lacks in leadership skills. Unless the task is extremely important
- He is kind but can be mischievous and slightly rude when he wants
- He is pan and is currently dating Emily
- Despite his previous mistakes and wrong doings he tries his best to better himself and to not let others bring him down
- If there he candy around it will be gone in less than 30 seconds
- Annie and Clarabel are his closest friends and would kill if something bad happened to them
- Likes to bully the older members as he finds it funny (Gordon especially)
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💙Edward Pettigrew💙
Voice headcanon: William Hope
Physical age: 65
Mental age: 47
- The father figure of the group, everyone looks up to him since he’s one of the oldest engines
- The sweetest member on the team (probably the sweetest on the island let’s be real)
- The best guy to go to for support and advice. He’ll try his best to help everyone
- Rarely ever gets upset, when he does you know you’ve messed up
- Due to his age he gets tired more easily. And has trouble working long, hard days
- He is currently questioning his sexuality
- Absolutely loves calm days on the railway, it gives him a chance to slow down and relax.
- Despite being pushed down by the younger members, he doesn’t let that bother him and continues to do his best
- Loves hugs, gives them out for free (go give him one he deserves it)
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💚Henry Stanier💚
Voice headcanon: Keith Wickham
Physical age: 39
Mental age: 34
- Is usually kindhearted but can be rude if you grind his gears
- Absolutely loves nature, he keeps a ton of houseplants in his room
- He is bi
- Has trauma from The Flying Kipper accident, he has a lot of scars from the crash
- Is a sucker for cuddles (will get flustered if you hug him)
- Has frequent anxiety due to past accidents. He doesn’t want to go through that much fear again
- He loves napping under trees (he has a favourite one in his forest)
- Hopes one day he could pull the express full time (despite Gordon’s pleas)
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💙Gordon Gresley💙
Voice headcanon: Kerry Shale
Physical age: 43
Mental age: 41
- Is one of the tallest and strongest workers on the island. He always thinks that he’s the best (and he is ofc)
- Despite his pompous and harsh exterior he is good hearted and wouldn’t hesitate to help others in need
- He is bi demiromantic and is currently dating Jessica (my self insert Oc)
- Has a massive fear of heights after the events of ‘A better view for Gordon’ and he hates it when people find out
- Avoids showing any form of weakness or vulnerability due to his reputation. He doesn’t want to look soft as he fears it will ruin him
- Enjoys a nice black tea at any time of the day
- Wouldn’t trade his job of pulling the express for anything. He absolutely loves it. And he hates doing any other jobs (especially if it’s dirty work)
- Despite getting teased by Thomas often he’s happy with his alliance with him, whenever he needs help he will come to his aid.
- Wouldn’t say it out loud but he would definitely cry if something happened to the ones that he cares about.
- He fears no one except for Diesel 10. He quivers in fear in his presence
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❤️James Hughes❤️
Voice headcanon: Rob Rackstraw
Physical age: 32
Mental age: 28
- MASSIVE show off, will take any opportunity to show the world who he is
- He’s gay and has a crush on Edward
- Definitely has the biggest wardrobe of the group. He loves fashion and will wear makeup when he wants to
- Isn’t afraid to start beef with someone. He is full of drama and comebacks
- Sometimes, especially after an accident he feels insecure about his self image. And feels like he’s not good enough. He absolutely hates this
- Would definitely throw a tantrum if he doesn’t get what he wants
- Always wants to look perfect, he wants to impress everyone
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💚Percy Stothert💚
Voice headcanon: Nigel Pilkington
Physical age: 27
Mental age: 19
- The youngest in the the group, he’s just a little child!
- Is way too pure for this world. He brightens up any room that he enters
- LOVES any job involving the mail. He takes pride in it and is always super proud of himself when he gets the job done
- He is ace
- He is very optimistic and always has a positive outlook on life. He’s also very supportive and wouldn’t hesitate to lend a hand!
- He loves animals! And usually tags along with Henry when walking in the woods
- He’s very curious and wants to learn as much as he can
- He gets scared very easily, others take advantage of this and try to scare him. Though he tries his best to be brave!
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🤎Toby Holden🤎
Voice headcanon: Ben Small
Physical age: 53
Mental age: 51
- A kind and wise old man. On par with Edward on being a great source of advice
- Loves to take things slow and enjoy the littlest moments in life. You’ll never see him being in a rush
- He is straight and is married to Henrietta
- He has a massive fear of water after multiple incidents. And gets very upset when people tease him about it
- Despite being one of the smallest members of the group he has a massive heart. A great source of support
- Likes to participate in the younger members’ tricks on occasion. It gives him a good laugh
- Due to his calm nature, whenever he is stressed he often overacts as he’s not the best with dealing with anxiety
- He loves to wind down by sitting in his chair with a hot tea and with his wife close at the end of the day
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💚Emily Sterling💚
Voice headcanon: Teresa Gallagher
Physical age: 72
Mental age: 35
- Surprisingly the oldest in the group. Although she doesn’t get teased about it as much as Edward
- Loves telling stories about her work experiences in Scotland. Feel free to lend a ear and she’ll tell you one!
- She’s usually very kind but she can be bossy when she’s grumpy
- She acts as the bigger sister to the group, especially the younger members. She will do anything to help them if they were in danger
- Loves a good old fashioned tea party. It’s one of her favourite activities
- She is straight and is dating Thomas
- She enjoys a good book. Takes frequent trips to the library. It’s her favourite way to wind down after a busy day
- Like Edward she gets tired easily and has trouble working long days
- She is the queen of girl outings, and is always ready to plan a get together
Whew that was a lot of typing, if you’ve made it this far, thank you. And have a good day ^^
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I ship so many ships, but not in a poly way, in a "if there was a different time frame au" way. Like I ship Steddie, stonathan, and Jargyle. Not all at the same time, but all in the same au.
I mean this post is about the spicy six, it's the spicy six, they're all gay and they basically all dated each other at one point.
Steve knew he was bi when he was thirteen. He knew instantly that he liked boys and girls because he'd get crushes on both genders. Jonathan knew he was pan when he was eleven. He used to collect magazines from the trash and have a collection of them, he would look at the boys and girls on the paper.
In middle school, I headcanon Steve and Jonathan actually were friends with each other. They knew each other from photography club. And they used to have playdates all the time. And when Steve was fourteen and Jonathan was twelve, the younger one told him about him being queer. And Steve got scared because what if Jonathan finds out? So, he shoved Jonathan away and ran.
In high school, Steve dated Nancy, who had a crush on Barb and Jonathan. When Jonathan was dating Nancy, he realized he didn't like her. And when he was in Lenora, he wanted to kiss Argyle the whole time they were friends. And he did.
And when Eddie called Steve 'big boy', that awakened something in him. And when he threatened him with the glass. Steve realized that he had a new crush. And it had to be on Eddie "the freak" Munson. And when Eddie came back as a vampire, Steve told him the truth about his feelings. And obviously Eddie, who had been crushing on him for years, liked him back.
Nancy wasn't upset that both of her exes were dating men. She herself, was dating a woman. Robin, Steve's best friend, cought her eye when they were fighting against Vecna together.
You see what I mean, though? I ship so many ships, but not all at the same time. Like, I also ship Lucas and Max, and Max and El. But not at the same time. Or at the same time. Poly Max is amazing.
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bxnnywrites · 1 year
⋆。°✩ MAIN MUSES ✩°。⋆
[PT: My Muses]
A simple list of all the characters I love writing for and believe I write well + the general headcanons and personality I write for em
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Danny Johnson || The Ghostface [Dead By Daylight]
★ Firstly, this is my husband. My absolute man. I will be writing about him so fucking much because I am kissing him. ★ Tall motherfucker, like easily breaks 6'2, pretty small compared to other killers though ★ I write mine as a cis dude, I love FTM headcanons for him and all but in my brain he's cis! Queer Danny supremacy tho. Uses any pronouns but usually just goes with he/him ★ Demiromantic and Bisexual, Danny "Any Hole Is A Goal" Johnson but has a hard time with romance because he very rarely if ever feels romantic attraction. (Unsure of the original source of the demiromantic bisexual flag, but i remade it from an icon i saw) ★ Has NPD (kinda canon but developers used Narcissist as an insult, too bad taking it literally) + ADHD
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Michael Meyers || The Shape [Dead by Daylight + Halloween]
★ Actual fucking giant, like 7 feet tall and some change ★ Also cis, I promise there are trans headcanons here somewhere. Anyways mainly he/him but doesn't really give a fuck. ★ Completely aromantic and pansexual, no romantic attraction but very queerplatonic. Aropan flag by @/flag-mashups (link). ★ Autistic and completely nonverbal, probs some other issues but I haven't thought about it a whole lot.
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Amanda Young || The Pig [Dead By Daylight + Saw]
★ Lil gal (as far as killers go), 5'10 ★ Transfem MtF, She/Her and maybe sometimes They as a treat ★ Pan lesbian + Sapphic, imo she's alright with dating anyone that's not a purely cis dude. Pan lesbian flag by @/bi-lesbian (link). ★ Autistic, c-PTSD, HPD, I project onto this character hard so she gets a lot of my issues.
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Anna || The Huntress [Dead By Daylight]
★ TALL WOMAN 6'3 ★ Bigender Demigirl, always has a feminine connection to her gender but often times feels really masc. She/Her but still nonbinary. Bigender Demigender flag made by @/sakosai (link) ★ Pansexual ★ c-PTSD, Autistic, BPD, another character I project onto lol
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Sadako Yamamura || The Onryō [Dead By Daylight + The Ring]
★ I WILL NOT WRITE NSFW OF THIS CHARACTER EVER don't even bother asking. ★ Itty Bitty Baby, 5'6, smallest of the killers ★ Agender, can't be bothered with it. ★ Aroace, very affectionate though! Aroace Agender flag is by @/rjalker [link] ★ Def has a personality disorder, which one? Haven't decided but something on the cluster b spectrum. Otherwise, ADHD (possibly audhd?) and comorbidities.
Others I will write for under the cut! Not as much detail, just that I would write for them if asked.
⋆。°✩ OTHER MUSES ✩°。⋆
[PT: Other Muses]
The Oni (DBD) // The Trapper (DBD) // Bubba Sawyer (DBD + Movies) // Freddy Krueger (DBD + Movies) // Legion (No NSFW bc their ages are debatable and I'm uncomfy) // Pyramid Head (DBD + Silent Hill) // Trickster (Only to make fun of him) // Xenomorph (DBD + Movies) // Billy Loomis (Scream) // Stu Mencher (Scream) // Harry Warden (My Bloody Valentine) // Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) // HABIT (EMH) // Tim Sutton / Masky (Marble Hornets) // Patrick (MLA0) // Lexx (Whispered Faith) // Lee (Whispered Faith)
[PT: Non-Horror Muses]
Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact) // Captain Beidou (Genshin Impact) // Mahito (JJK) // Gojo Satoru (JJK) // Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer) // Tengen Uzui (Only with the rest of his wives, the polyamory is staying fuck you) // Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer) // Gyutaro (Demon Slayer) // Welcome Home Cast (most AU's) // Medic (TF2) // Heavy (TF2) // Sniper (TF2) // Engineer (TF2) // Pyro (TF2)) // Spy (TF2)
⋆。°✩ SHIPS ✩°。⋆
[PT: Ships]
All X Reader ships (self inserts my adored) // Beiguang // Tengens Polycule // Frankly Dear (Frank x Eddie) // Sally x Julie // Frank x Julie (as QPP's, not romantic) // Red Oktoberfest (Medic x Heavy) // Bush Medicine (Medic x Sniper) // Knife Party (Spy x Sniper)
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just-1other-nerd · 2 years
Have you ever noticed that the most popular ships you can find for a fandom on tumblr are queer ones which aren't canon (at least yet)?
Here are a few examples:
- Merlin and Arthur from BBC's Merlin
- Steve and Eddie from Stranger Things
- Wednesday Addams and Enid from Wednesday
Here are my takes on them:
- Merthur had much more chemistry than Gwen and Arthur so like this show was already not accurate to the legends and historical events they could and should have taken it a step further. In my headcanon Arthur is bi and Merlin is either bi or gay
- I love both of them, I love their individual relationships with Dustin and I think they have chemistry, especially compared to Nancy x Steve (also not a fan of the Nancy-Steve-Jonathan love triangle). The concept of Eddie x Steve would be interesting and fun and funny. They could be such a good couple. In my headcanon Eddie is pan and Steve is bi. Btw in denial that Eddie is really dead.
- I think they have the best developed relationship of those in the show. They are a whole vibe. I liked Tyler as a love interest up until the monster reveal or the foreshadowing of it cause he seemed to get how to treat Wednesday well but I think Enid does too, a little different though and a bit more bumpy but she's more than just on her way. I don't like Xavier as a character I think he's a bit annoying and doesn't seem to understand that Wednesday isn't at all interested in him romantically. I also don't think the guy Enid has a crush on suits her, he is kinda boring and they don't really have chemistry. So that's why I ship them. In my headcanon both Wednesday and Enid are either pan or bi.
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symbiotic-slime · 5 months
& for fandom ask game!
11 (symbrock); 22 (comic!Eddie!!)
11. Favourite piece of fan art for [ship]
AHHHH ITS SO HARD TO CHOOSE 😭 I especially adore comics!symbrock, and for that I’d probably have to go with both yours and tench’s Valentine’s Day pieces!! long hair eddie is so underrated i love him so much <33
for movies symbrock, I love love love French-toast-enjoyer’s wedding art!!
22. Headcanons for [character]
I have a full google doc full of silly headcanons for him lol. If I had to pick my favourite of those, it’s that when he was a kid he definitely always had his nose in a book! like I’m talking reading during class, reading at recess, reading with a flashlight under the covers way past his bedtime, etc.
another headcanon I have for him is that it took him forever to realize he wasn’t straight. to me he’s like bi or pan, but I think he probably went through years of just assuming that because he was still attracted to women everyone felt attracted to both and you were just meant to choose to only date the opposite sex. I also headcanon him as on the ace spectrum (maybe specifically demisexual), but I don’t think he would ever realize it. especially with being raised catholic and the heavy emphasis on waiting til marriage to have sex, he probably just thinks that feeling no sexual desire until he’s really close with someone is normal
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bedknees · 1 year
I see ur kind of back in the eene fandom. Favorite and least favorite headcanons about the Ed's if your feeling up to it?
Lol hi. And yeah I'm here. Arcane has had such a relentless chokehold on my brain for the past year and a half and it's finally loosening it's grip (inb4 inevitable Season 2 promo shit lmao).
HCs for the Eds? Let's goooo-
HCs I like:
-I like the HC he has ADHD. It fits him well and has direct canon evidence. As an ADHDer, he fits a lot of the basic stereotypes.
-The kinda popular fandom idea that he will be involved in the filming or general crew of B-tier horror movies when he's an adult. Career path is honestly among the most likely. Can also dig him being an Art Bell-esque radio or podcast host of weird conspiracy stuff.
-Love when he's paired with May. I feel that they'd be the only Ed/Kanker combo that'd work imho.
-Even though he's a fun loving character at heart, I like the idea that we see more of that serious and angry side he showed in Little Ed Blue and BPS. Like as he gets older and more seasoned he learns to stand up for himself more. Not his default at all, but learns to put up with less shit.
-I don't see him caring much about gender or sexuality. I don't ever see him labeling himself or thinking much about it, but I also don't see him as fully straight or cis.
-Can see him really being into Astrology and star charts. He probably has an Ancient Aliens phase 😆
-Like to think he starts taking college classes in his Junior or Senior year of high-school. Probably gets offers from Ivy-League schools, picking not the one he wants to go to the most, but the one that leaves him closest to home.
-I think it was @eddbedandeddy that came up with the idea that he has trichotillomania, where one pulls out clumps of hair as a very maladaptive nervous habit. Love this and I fully support the HC that it's why he wears his hat.
-Dig the idea he goes on to become a doctor of some sort.
-Is a really bad cook. Underseasons and overcooks a LOT. Usually keeps it to cup noodles, sandwiches, or takeout if the responsibility falls on him.
-Definitely has big bi or pan energy.
-Though he can't cook, Edd is very good with gardening and plants in general. Super good at keeping them healthy and cultivating them.
-Mellows out a bit when he gets older. Still a tad neurotic but not a full blown nervous wreck.
(So warning: Eddy is my favoritest, most special little guy(TM) so there is a little bias for how many HCs I have for him compared to the others. Sorry lol.)
-It's funny when you think about it, because in terms of Eddy's personality after BPS it's actually pretty nebulous to nail down. Despite being one of the brashest, most outspoken characters he's actually the most mysterious when it comes down to who he truly is. He hid behind a facade for the majority of the show's runtime, after all, so what he truly is like underneath that leaves a lot up to the imagination.
-HOWEVER, I HC Eddy returning to his Season 1 and early Season 2 personality after BPS, with a decent amount of self reflection and maturity tacked on. I think how he acted in Season 1 is the closest to who he really is at the core. A good example of how I see Eddy (as a teenager, at least), is that he would share a lot of traits with Amethyst from Steven Universe, I guess? Closest example I can think of, tbh.
-He's closeted gay kid. Home of sexual. 👬🏳️‍🌈🌈 I used to see him as a bi, but rewatches changed my mind a lot. (Part of it is that he's always been my favorite and I was projecting tbh.) It takes him till his mid-to-late teens to start to accept it.
-Excellent cook. His mom's side is 100% Italian in my personal HC and she and her side bestowed a ton of culinary knowledge on him from old family recipes etc.
-Piggybacking off this, I see Eddy being a line cook for quite a while if not as his staple career. I can also see him doing car sales and bartending and even working at a deli. Bounces around jobs a lot, but always is employed in some way or the other.
-He loves baking and is very good at it. Don't give him shit about it or he will cry in private.
-Eddy is ADHD like Ed, but on the more impulsive and moody side of the large spectrum ADHD consists of. He also is bipolar af.
-Is heavily into music in general, especially as he gets older. He also has a penchant for musicals and Broadway, but he WILL get defensive if you tease him for it. But yeah, music is his biggest hobby and interest by far.
HCs I don't like:
-That he's too stupid to live. Leave him alone, he's dim but functional.
-The idea he can't function independently from Edd and Eddy. He absolutely can and is his own person!
-When fanfics or works in general make Eddy and Edd act like parents to him. He's their equal 👏
-Anytime he's explicitly third-wheeled when Edd and Eddy are paired. You absolutely can write the former two paired up without excluding him.
-When the fandom makes him an uwu softboy. Stfu. He's a little asshole with a smart mouth and a truckload of sass. Erasing that makes him so BORING 😴
-The HC that he will 'outgrow' Eddy and Ed and move on from them. He's right where he belongs and they complete each other. Stop.
-Where do I begin? Firstly, him acting the same exact way as he does in the show after what happened in BPS. The entire movie was explicitly about Eddy becoming a better person and learning his lesson. At least show some growth.
-Him becoming an even more ruthless and corrupt scammer as an adult. Paired with the above point, but still.
-Any HCs that he's heterosexual 🤢
-Fanart that makes him skinny.
I could go on but those are the main ones. Ty anon!
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spicysix · 1 year
For the Steddie ask game :)
3, 12 and 15?
thank you for asking!! ♡
3. Favorite three Steddie fanfics?
technically i've already answered this one but i'm going to use this as a loophole and talk about three more fics hehehe >:) using different tropes! (previous three ones here) • my soul looks forward to loving you by @strawberryspence - soulmate!AU (you should read the previous one in the series to make this feel more delicious but if i'm recalling it right, it can be read as a standalone) love love LOVE everything about this and it's a mix of so many delicious tropes. it also has one of my favorite subgenres of soulmate!AUs which is platonic soulmates and not only romantic ones and the entire party being soulmates is something that can be so personal • your cosmic call sign by @nancywheeeler - aliens!AU this is such an amazing take ok. i love love love the exploring of the story that inspired ST in the first place, and listen. ALIENS???? i'm NOT an alien guy but this fic does this so amazingly it turned me into an alien guy. i was so obsessed i rambled on and on for hours about it to my brother who literally couldn't give a flying fuck (he likes ST so that was our only common ground). it is amazing and even if you're not an alien guy give it a chance!!! • Wild Geese by watchcatewrite - roadtrip!AU so so so soft. so beautiful. like that first breath of warm, salty, humid air when you arive at a beach. like feeling the water peeling off all your rancid from outside to the inside. like a cold refreshing pressurized shower. poetic, even. our boys deserve this so much.
12. What is your headcanon of their sexuality? (Gay? Bi? Pan? Etc)
i am a bi4bi truther!! to me everyone ever is always bi (unless they aren't lol). i of course read gay!Eddie bc it's what we have the most and i can honestly see the vision as well. but to me (and in all of my own fics) they're both bi
15. If you created a cross-over/AU, what other show, movie, or book would it be and why did you pick that universe?
crossovers are not my cup of tea tbh and so if i were to use any other media i would probably put them in a reality tv show LMAO release those bitches inside Ex On The Beach or Love Island and see chaos being installed.
send me some Steddie asks!
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