#i always notice how my headcanons get longer after the first one and it makes me feel so guilty for levi bc she deserves so much more....
autism-corner · 2 years
Calling them your skrimblo
yeah so skrunklybrain struck me n now i wanna call Levi and Belphie my skrunkly and see how they react +w+bb
~500 words, 50% bulletpoint-style 50% story
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Levi (she/her):
Just as she was walking down the hallway to get to the dinner hall, Levi heard Lucifer ask mc to go get Levi out of her room for dinner. Just before she could reach the handel, she heard mc yell “Ofcourse!!”. mc let out a giggle and Levi is totally not blushing about it. Then, in a sing-songy tune, mc said: “Off to go get levi, my skrunkly, my babygirl!!” 
Panic. What. 'Skrunkly'?
Levi knows what it means. Ofcourse she does. 
She has so many skrunkly’s herself. 
But to be a skrunkly? This was new
And especially to mc??? Levi’s head is in the clouds
Does she really mean that much to mc? Skrunkly is a pro-level status! Is her intimacy with mc already that high?!
(she skipped over the 'babygirl' part. It would be to much so take at once. Levi will actually die trying to process that)
Once mc opens the door, Levi is standing still in the hallway with a ten-mile grin on her face. I'm afraid you've broken her :). Only way to fix her again is to cuddle her and listen to all the blorbo thoughts she has about you!! 
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Belphie (they/he):
Once again Belphie seems to have fallen asleep in a rather uncommon place. Today it's under one of the desks in the school library. The floor here isn’t too bad, 6/10. After about half an hour of peaceful rest, they were awoken by the one voice that could do that consistently. Mc. Apparently mc was also accompanied by a certain sorcerer. “C’mon Sol, you’ve got to spill!! I’m sure Asmo would love to indulge me about you guys’ relationship”. Belphie could practically hear your wink. He rolled his eyes, but didn’t hide his smile. “Enough mc, please. Why dont we talk about you, hhm? I’ve seen the way you and Belphie are together.”. Silence. Suddenly, mc responded. “OH MY GOD. You know, i’ve been like… dying to talk about them!! He’s so skrunkly!! My scrimblo!!”
Not what he expected at all. 
Not to familiar with the term, but has listened to enough of Levi’s rant to understand its a term of endearment. 
Embarrassed but very much not ungrateful.
Is so much more awake now!! 100% bonked their head on the underside of the desk.
Theyve always been one of the younger kids so they know what its like to be spoiled but hearing this from mc of all people makes them feel extra special. In a way theyve never even felt before
Will ask mc to call him that again in front of his siblings, just to be a little shit (he’s to embarresed to admit he really fucking likes it. It’s so silly!!)
If Belphie ever decides to take their relationship with mc to the next level, they will not except any other term than ‘my skrunkly’. Say goodbye to ‘boyfriend’ ‘partner’ and even just ‘belphie’, they will not respond until you call them your skrinblo.
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
To move away from all the angst I’d like to request a VERY fluffy request please!
I don’t know if Y/N has given birth to their third child yet but if they haven’t what about like having really weird cravings late at night and waking Alastor up so he can make us what we crave
As we should
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None, I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Your pregnancy cravings never failed to surprise Alastor with your first pregnancy but the second time around knocked him off his feet
The first pregnancy had you asking for some pretty strange but not totally disgusting combinations
Alastor was pretty sure he saw you trying to take a bite out of one of his tentacles once
Even then, he didn't think it was all that crazy that your body craved that
But this time? Alastor is worried that his unborn spawn is trying to kill you via poisoning
He just doesn't understand what he got himself into this time around because your cravings are HORRIFIC
You asked for things that made him want to gag but he never let it show, not wanting to upset you
Sure, he'll joke about it, but he doesn't want you thinking that you're disgusting because you have a craving that you can't help
Your hormones were an entirely different beast to tangle with, one pregnancy problem at a time
Alastor hadn't really had a need for sleep before but that's changed ever since his family started growing
Now he's waking up nearly every night out of a dead sleep to you, shaking his shoulder and asking him for some monstrosity to eat
You're whispering something to him but he's too tired to understand what you're saying
"Alastor... Darling... Wake up, I'm really hungry..."
Your persistent shaking of his shoulder begins to rouse him and he turns his head towards you, eyes still shut
"Hn... Hm..?"
He can hear the whine in your voice, some dreamy part of his brain thinking that you sound cute like this
"I really want to eat fried squid and strawberry ice cream...please..?"
The overwhelming disgust he feels at your request makes him wide awake, sitting up to give you a baffled look
"Why would you-HOW-Where would I even get that at this hour!?"
You blink and stare at him like it's obvious, then you put on a faux pout and rub his arm slowly, scooting closer to him
"Get it? No, I want you to make it for me...please..? You always make the best food..."
Stroking his ego always works for you, the poor man knowing his been got as he signs and gets out of bed, you waddling after him happily
He dutifully makes everything for you from scratch, your happy cooing behind him making it feel a little less ridiculous for him to be up and cooking at this hour
Alastor genuinely can't watch you eat it, having to look away to keep his gagging under control, even if you look like you're in heaven right now
When you ask for pickled peppers to dip into the rest of it is when he has to leave the room, what you're doing to food is monstrous
And he's a cannibal
Once he gets a grip on his stomach, he comes back to find you no longer alone in the kitchen, now feeding his darling twins some of your food
They make disgusted faces at the combination and instead try to take your ice cream, something that makes you laugh
"I suppose it is pretty gross, huh? Your poor papa can't even begin to wrap his head around these cravings~"
You smile and feed each of the twins a bite of ice cream before noticing Alastor, blushing at the fact that you got caught
"I walk away for five minutes and you're poisoning my children?"
You gasp and hug the twins close to your body, making a shocked face as you pretend to be flabbergasted
"Poison? MY babies just wanted a little treat before they went back to bed..!"
The way his twins turn to stare at him with wide innocent eyes as they cling to you makes his heart melt at the sight
"Is that so? Well, they've had their treat, and now it is time for little fawns to go back to bed~"
At first they put up a fight, whining and climbing you until you threaten to give them another bite of your midnight snack, pushing a bite in their faces
Suddenly, running into papa's arms and going back to sleep doesn't seem as bad to them now
Together, you two manage to get your children back to bed before laying down in your own bed, cuddling close to each other
Alastor is rubbing your baby bump and nuzzling the back of your neck, soothing you back to sleep
You're practically purring from all the attention, stomach full, muscles relaxed, and your husband wrapped around you
"Mn...thank you for the food, darling..."
He can't help but chuckle as you put your hand over his own, your cravings finally subsiding and allowing you to sleep
"I'm not sure that concoction qualified as food, but you're welcome, nonetheless, my dear~"
You elbow him playfully as he kisses your neck, less than amused by his jabs at your pregnancy cravings, you couldn't help it
"Maybe you should sleep on the couch."
"So sorry, darling~"
He doesn't even try to sound a little sorry, instead pulling you closer as you two fall asleep together, blissful
The next night, when you ask for something even worse than before, Alastor gets up and is ready to do it all over again
He thinks your cravings are horrific and probably doing damage to his sanity but he'll do anything for his wife
Especially when it's somewhat his fault you even want to eat these things
Even if it means making food combinations so terrible that if he died, he would go to double hell for it
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This one took so long I'm so SORRY
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avocado-writing · 6 months
May I ask for a companions x Tav headcanons list were Tav loves to cook and see's it as a way to people's hearts?
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Obviously is sad he cannot partake more, as he sees how much effort and love you put into your cooking.
You make an effort to make richly-flavoured blood dishes he might enjoy, just for him! But everyone thinks it’s just a tad bit morbid (and he agrees) so won’t ask you to go out of your way for him.
“Besides darling, I prefer to sample straight from the source…”
One night you’ve just pressed some parsley leaves to your neck for flavouring for him. He laughs so hard he cries. This is the first time he realises he loves you.
Oh, the camp’s resident cook is delighted to have a sous-chef!
And then he realises oops, no, he is the sous-chef. At which point he’s just happy to sit and watch you work your magic.
Happy to make dinner in order to pull his weight in the group, but he’s entranced watching you do it, too. You’re a wizard with some knives and a saucepan.
He can feel the love you put into every bite. Always makes sure to go out of his way to compliment you, and loves the way you smile in return ❤️
After spending so much time on the road, he’s so happy to be in the presence of a good cook.
With every bite will discuss the flavour palate of your dish, talking about what herbs he can taste, letting you know he appreciates your effort.
He’s not a brilliant chef himself but would love for you to teach him!
In return he saves up to buy you fancy chocolates from the best chocolatier in Baldur’s Gate. It’s the least you deserve, and the way you light up makes his heart beat fast.
Whatever you make, she loves.
“Pasta? My favourite! Oh my god, we’re having steak? I love it! Rice tonight? Right on!!”
She doesn’t have a favourite food. Dishes in Avernus were not wide in range, so she’s just happy to eat some different meals for once.
You give her seconds and thirds and she eats them up, going on and on about what a good cook you are.
“You’re so amazing at this! I love you!”
Good thing she’s too engrossed in her food to notice how flustered you are…
Reluctant to eat anything at first.
“I do not want your istik food. I shall provide for myself.”
But after a few days of smelling how good the food is that you cook, she gives in… still trying to pretend it’s beneath her.
You serve her a small portion to start with, then watch her eyes widen as she realises how delicious it tastes.
She is too proud to ask for more - and you’d not have her any other way - but you make sure to serve her big portions from then on. Her bowl is always scraped clean.
Isn’t too sure on your cooking at first - she’s used to bland, tasteless meals at the temple - but quickly comes around.
The longer you’re together and the closer you become, the more she opens up about her favourite flavours. Eventually she starts making requests.
“There’s this sort of cake I vaguely remember… if I can get you the honey, could you make it for me?”
Of course you can. You sit down and share it, watching her eyes roll back in delight, the way she licks the crumbs off of her fingers. The two of you are enamoured with each other, but you still fight over the last slice.
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maidragoste · 8 months
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part of the universe of "the queen and her husbands"
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated, it really motivates me to keep writing 💖💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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In the first months of Aemond's return to King's Landing, he never removes the patch around his children. He is afraid of their reaction to seeing his scar and that he lacks an eye. He is sure that Aemon and Baelon will be afraid if they see him and he could not bear his children to be afraid of him again. He does not want to return to the first days of his return where they cried every time he tried to raise them. So he always has the patch. It doesn't matter how many times you insist on your husband who took it out when you four are alone and you assure you that nothing bad will happen, he doesn't want to risk it.
Until a warm day, Aemond can no longer bear the patch and decides to remove it for a moment just because Aemon is asleep in his lap and plans to put it back before his son wakes up. Aemond is so absorbed in his reading that he does not realize that Aemon is awake until he feels a small hand touching his face. The prince looks at him expectantly, ready to listen to a cry or a scream but that doesn't happen.
And when you enter the chambers and you find one of your children standing in your husband's lap trying to remove the sapphire from his eye you cannot help laughing. You are not surprised after all, your children seem obsessed with playing and playing with the sapphire of your necklace.
Later when Baelon returns from spending the afternoon with his grandmother and Aemond has his patch again. You and your husband are sitting on the floor playing with the twins when Aemon proudly shows his twin his new discovery, raising the Aemond patch and exposing the sapphire. You notice how your husband is tense fearing that maybe Baelon reacted badly and smiled at him waiting to give him a little confidence.
Then Baelon shouts excitedly and now it is both twins who try to remove their dad's sapphire.
You laugh while you get up and rise to Baelon moving away from Aemond.
"I told you that you had nothing to worry about," you say smiling and dodging Baelon's little kicks.
To the consternation of Aemon, your husband also gets out on the floor. He looks at him for a moment before playing with his other toys.
"Do you want me to tell you that this time you were right?" says Aemond, taking Baelon away from you, he would rather suffer from a kick than you end up hurt.
"I'm always right"
"No, you don't."
Before you can complain Aemond kisses you making you forget about any thoughts.
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Taglist: @watercolorskyy @chaotic-fangirl-blog @venus-flytrap3 @sweethoneyblossom1 @fudge13 @alisoncdariel @crystal-faith @tita004 @ichanelvxgue @your-favorite-god
@snowprincesa1 @snh96 @rosey1981 @papichulo120627 @apollonshootafar @jasminecosmic99 @bxdbxtxh15 @impartinghades @hannaeditzs @zverea
@solacestyles @lilithskywalker @justsumtuffstuff @crispmarshmallow @afro-hispwriter @libdarkheart @chevelledahuman @helloitsshitzulover @ladybug0095
@ietss @serendippindots @ultraviollett @akinatrix @papery-maniac @merovingianprincess @hnybitches @m1ndbrand @giulia2372 @noisyinfluencerstrawberry
@bajadotcom @woodandwaxwings @mendes-bae @sustisama @imjustboredso @remuslupinwifee @sarcasticking9 @melllinaa @letsloveimagines @zillahvathek
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stars-and-inkpots · 10 months
Can I request kissing their face headcanons for Halsin, Rolan, and Zevlor with gn s/o?
Thank you for this request! I might actually turn the Rolan one into a longer fic because I love him a lot and I got a little carried away in the first draft of this,, hope you enjoy!!
Kissing their Face | Headcanons for Halsin, Zevlor, and Rolan
word count: 638
Oh this man loves it when you shower him in affection like this. 
Loves holding you up in his arms (it doesn’t matter if you’re shorter than him or not) while you kiss him. 
He’s smiling so big the whole time, and then he starts laughing, a lovely and infectious laugh. Then you’re smiling more and more with each kiss across his face. 
Will absolutely try and return these affections, doing his best to convey how much he loves you in each kiss. 
His favourite times you do this is at the end of a long day. 
The camp is quiet, everyone has turned in for the night, except for you and Halsin. You still sit by the fire, the comforting warmth against your back, when he pulls you into his lap. Just to hold you, to know that you are still safe; it’s become a common occurrence these past few nights. You press soft kisses to his face, along his cheeks and across his jaw, over the scars above his eye. When you finally kiss his lips, you’re both smiling into the kiss. He rests his forehead against yours, his arms tightening around you slightly. “Thank you, my heart,” he whispers. 
This man turns into a blushing mess. Gets really flustered and quiet.
Isn’t used to affection like this, but he quickly decides that he very much enjoys it. 
He doesn’t think he exactly deserves it, but the longer you kiss him, along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, he might just have to believe you. 
It’s a good way to distract him from his own mind which can get the better of him some nights. 
You know the look on Zevlor's face well, his brows furrowed while his mouth settles into a frown. He’s thinking of how things could have gone differently, of how he could have been better, about things from the past that he couldn’t change. You walk over to where he sits at the table and take his face between your palms. He smiles when he looks at you, but you see the way it doesn’t reach his eyes. You kiss his forehead, then move to his cheeks, then across his nose and his jaw, then back to his cheeks. “It’s in the past,” you whisper to him. He puts his hands over yours and holds them there. “I know,” he answers, before kissing you. 
Anyone would think Rolan doesn’t like it because of how much and how loudly he complains about it, but his hands will always immediately find their place on your hips. 
Not to mention the way his tail is practically wagging behind him (something you adore and he hasn’t noticed he does yet, and you are absolutely not going to tell him)
Tries to act like it doesn’t bother him at all, but you can both see and feel the way his face flushes.
It’s the easiest way to get his attention when he’s too busy with something to realise how much time has passed. 
You find Rolan on the balcony, reading through yet another book with a cup of wine still untouched on the table beside him. The sun set hours ago. When he doesn’t hear you call for him from the door, you make your way over to him and settle into his lap, carefully taking the book from his hands and setting it beside the wine after slipping a bookmark between the pages. He complains immediately, but every word and protest dies quickly on his tongue when you begin to kiss every inch of his face. His tail curls loosely around you when you finally kiss his lips. There is no evidence of his earlier annoyance when you lean back and brush a strand of hair behind his ear. “It’s late. Come to bed?”
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billythesimp · 2 months
Uhmmm... Billy and Lycaon with a Therian!reader who always nonchalantly (trying to be) fixes their hair/clothes!! I honestly think that's something cute and intimate between Therians and it's low-key a confession from reader
I cackled at the thought of a Thiren grooming and fixing up Billy. My man would both love and hate it.
Neat and Tidy
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
I will apologize in advance if Von's part is longer then Billy's. After all, they are just headcanons but also I figured that Billy wouldn't know how to respond to such a thing as he's an android while Von himself is a thiren.
Also it is thiren or therian? I can never tell and I've seen both.
Billy / Lycaon x Thiren-gn!reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡…⋙
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tw: none
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✦ With Billy, he only gets mildly annoyed when they are combing back his hair and closing up his jacket at times because of the ‘wind’. Though he does like that they are thinking about his appearance from time to time. He is a pretty good looking mech, he takes pride in his looks from time to time so if he found out his hair was unkempt and a bit messy, he would want someone to tell him for sure. But they were starting to become overbearing in his eyes that he would pout and whine whenever they would start tending to him in public.
✦ He jumps at their touch everytime, muttering quietly that they don’t always have to be babying him from time to time and that it’s a choice, but they don’t listen at times and don’t stop until he is presting and clean. Eventually he just brushed it off as a quirk of theirs despite the fact that no one else in their team got this similar treatment. It’s not until Nekomata told him something rather odd that made him rethink everything he’d known about them. At first he didn’t understand, what did she mean by how he was so lucky that he had someone who cared so much about him to groom him often?
✦ She thought he was joking at first, but it clicked that he was just dumb and really hadn’t noticed, so she held back on telling him so he would ask them himself. He can’t help but wonder what Neko meant by that, cue the therian mentioned before coming over and tsking at Billy before scolding him about his jackets collar and keeping his cuffs even. The more they go on, he can’t help but put two and two together and start to overheat from how cute they were being all this time.
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✦ Since Lycaon was a thiren himself, he knows the mannerisms of his fellow kind. They vary depending on the species but they all fit under some umbrella of shared habits. That being said, he always gets a little flustered when they come up to him and mention that his red tissue is uneven in his pocket, reaching out to fixed it along with any little thing they can get their hands on. While he could have done it himself, a small part of him loves the thought of being doted on, and so lets them do as they please before thanking them. 
✦ They do this often, helping him fix himself up before making appearances or after a job well done, having rough housed a little leaving him a little messy. And Von isn’t one to own another being, so he returns the favor by smoothing out their skirts and shirts, finding an excuse to fix their cuffs to linger his hands over theirs. The way they grow flushed and thank him which only leaves him with a hint of excitement. If he could, he would take them into his office to properly groom them but he thinks that that would be too far. Move at your pace, he thinks, though if they offer to help fluff up his tail he wouldn’t refuse. 
✦ Of course, it isn’t unusual for either of them to fix up the other girls when needed. They are often thought of as the parent figures of Victorian Housekeeping, so seeing them get along well with their little preening sessions and cute moments of fixing each other's clothing. It leaves little to the imagination as Corwin and Ellen have at least spoken about when they would come out and announce that they’re dating. And while Lycaon spends more time with them and hears about this, he can’t deny his urge to ask them out and properly court them. But he wants to hear it from them first.
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lazyollie · 2 months
Ninjago headcanons- They're secretly in love with you
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It's an obvious win for this headcanon so I don't have to wait with it any longer. Enjoy<3
Warnings: bad grammar, typos, cringe
°× He becomes more shy when he's with you. Mostly when It's just you and him.
°× He paires you up with him a lot on missions without him noticing it. When you asked him about it his cheeks became red and just told you It's because of you skills.
°× He just likes to be with you
°× Would probably be more protective over you. He likes to be your little hero even if you could deal with it alone. (Talking about fights on missions).
°× I can sense he'd hide little loving notes in your pocket or etc. Like he secretly watching you get confused and search for the slightest blush on your cheeks when you found them.
°× When you blush he feels like winning but then he realises he wrote them anonimusly...
°× He likes to stay close to you. Like the ninjas are making a plan and somehow he's always next to you. (If he feels more confident your shoulders are touching each other's).
°× Poor guy is overheels for you, but can't it to show you. Can treat you platonic in front of others.
°× Or this is what he thinks he does. All the other ninjas know about his crush. How? It's in his eyes.
°× He has no idea how to hit on you so he hopes you will get the signs.
°× Oh my. His love for you is so obvious.
°× He flirts with you all the time that you started to questioning that he does this to anyone else.
°× He became extramely protective over you. If anyone dares to mess with you has already jumped on the person.
°× He shows off in front of you a lot. Tries everything to impress you. So that's why the trainings are leaving you all sweaty and blushy.
°× He always the one to treat you wounds after missions. You tried to ask him why, but he shushed you multiply times or ignored you.
°× He uses it as a way to spend more time with you, but if anyone confronted him about it he denied it.
°× He praises you a lot to the other ninjas to the point that they bored to death during these yapping session.
°× He's that type of person who likes to help you. In fights, at trainings and other stuff.
°× Even though he flirted with you like no one else it took him by surprise when you kissed him.
°× He's a whole mess. That's why he keeps his love for you as a secret.
°× Probably Kai convinced him to make a move, but Jay just refused. So he admired you from the distance
°× He awkwardly invited you to play video games with him. He likes to spend time with you.
°× When you play with him his attention is more on you than the game so you beat him on the game quite a lot.
°× He acted like he was upset about it, but he loved to see you smile and little winning dance.
°× Jay is really physical touch type of person, you might feel his hand on your shoulder.
°× Whenever he steps in the room the first he does is look for your face.
°× He might write little poems about you in his secret diary. Admire every single thing about you.
°× He would die instantly if you ever found them.
°× He worships you. Sometimes he can get irrelevantly worried about you. His signs are small, but it's not impossible to get...
°× He's the most subtle about it.
°× He's very observant when it comes for you. He remembers little details about what you like and your apperance.
°× His the first one who recognise if you changed something on yourself. Hair, stlye, anything.
°× Sometimes he points them out.
°× He's the quitest of the all the ninjas. That's why he likes to listen to you.
°× He likes to ask about your special interests so he can just listen to your cute voice.
°× He sometimes overhear you talking about what foods do you like and somehow the next day It's for lunch.
°× You asked him how does he always know what you like, but he just said "I don't know..Maybe I am a good guesser".
°× When his love for you was finally clear for him he asked Nya what should he do.
°× Her advices turned out well, but Zane was worried about losing you.
°× When he found out he fell in love he had a slight panic. You were really close friends, but if you don't feel the same it would destroy your friendship.
°× He was nervous around you. He didn't want to mess anything up. So he acted subtle about it.
°× But how he always made sure you take care of yourself made you question that It's more than just best friend thing.
°× Sometimes he sneaks out with you to the city to try new cakes at a local bakery. Such a sweet and innocent way to spend time with you.
°× You caught him staring at you a lot. Even from across the room. Those admiring eyes.
°× He became protective over you even more. He won't let anyone hurt you.
°× He shares his cake with you, no one else but you. It's a kind of way that he shows he has something for you.
°× When you guys hold eye contact he found himself lost in your eyes. He was awkwardly looking at you til you snapped him out of it.
°× He's extremely patient with you. He's with anyone, but with you even more.
°× His face immediately softens when he only hears your name.
(I had a lesbian panic while I was writing these headcanons lol)
°× For the first time she was confused why is her heart sped up around you all the time. Like why does she feel like this around you?
°× The confusion got replaced by a realisation. She didn't know what to do with this feeling.
°× She's normally a though girl, but this feeling got her soft and she didn't know how to feel about it.
°× She starts to open up about her life and her feelings what she doesn't share with anyone else.
°× She hugged you more often, totally acting platonic about it. She secretly or not likes physical touch.
°× Her love for you is far from secret. Everybody knew about it but they didn't dare to say anything about it.
°× She has a printed picture of you somewhere hidden in her gi. Even if you're not dating she likes to have your picture around her.
°× She started helping you a lot with your projects what you wanted to make (robots, guns, weapons etc.)
°× She feels no shame kicking butts who's owner hurt you. No one messes with her dear „best friend” under her watch.
°× Even though she knows you're fully capable to protect yourself she sometimes like to help out. She knows how is it feels so she only does it when you want her to.
I think these secretly in love headcanons ended up as not a secret. By the end I started adding dating headcanons. When I realised I'm doing that I tried to replace them, but I think I left some. I didn't have so much idea.
Love y'all<3
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Soap having an introverted/shy bestfriend headcanons
pairing: Johnny "soap" mactavish x gn!reader
a/n: huge thank you to everyone who took the time to read or reblog my last post I actually nearly cried🫶🏼. also some of these are a bit longer than they should be I don't even know if they still count as headcanons lol.
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It definitely takes you a while to become friends. It literally took you weeks to speak more than a few sentences, so taking months to become close friends was no surprise.
He's so used to talking all the time and you just listening, at some point it was the only way you could have a conversation. When you started talking more around him, he got so quiet and listened so well even if it wasn't something important, he was just happy to listen to you.
Definitely takes notice of all the things you like, he wants to be so close to you, so he tries to learn about all your favorite things. First time he talked about your favorite movie Infront of you and saw how your eyes lighted up he decided he'd do it more. He also always brings you your favorite food/drink.
The first time you hugged him it was on his birthday. He's had a small birthday party, only invited close people (you being included of course), and after everyone left and you finally gave him his present, He hugged you so tight to his chest, arms wrapped around you. He was about to pull way remembering you told him you're not so comfortable with hugs, only to be stopped by you wrapping your arms around his waist. He tried to act cool after you broke the hug but he was screaming inside. His birthday became more special to him.
He was hoping hugs would become a regular thing after, but they didn't. Although, his disappointment is long forgotten when you start giving him little touches. A hand on his shoulder, your knee touching his, sometimes you'd even let him lay his head on your shoulder.
He always invites you to new places and tries to introduce you to his friends. He understands how you feel about social interactions and public places, so he doesn't pressure you. He just wants his bestfriend with him all the time):
So protective of you! the moment someone says something like "do you ever talk?" he's already in their face. No seriously, he won't leave them 'till you get an apology. You try to tell him that it's okay and it's no big deal but he disagrees, annoying his bonnie is in fact a huge deal.
Since you hate public places so much, he starts inviting you to his place to hang out. The more it happened the more used he is to it, and at one point "hanging out" is basically each of you doing their own thing but in the same room together. You're so quiet he forgets you're there, so when you suddenly say something, he lets out a scream. It makes you laugh so hard the first time it happens, so he starts doing it on purpose.
You once decided to go over your drinking limit due to social anxiety reasons. Johnny saw a whole new you that night. He felt a little guilty enjoying you being drunk, you laughed loudly at his jokes and told him so many stories about you he's never heard before, he couldn't help but enjoy it. That night before he dropped you off at your place, you grabbed his face touching it for the first time ever and told him "I wouldn't trade you for the world, johnny". He had to leave you as quickly as possible because he knew he was about to cry, and he did. He was just overwhelmed with all the love he has for you; he couldn't believe you actually felt this way about him.
You two are literally opposites people get shocked seeing you together. You two are surprised as well, neither of you could imagine being bestfriends with someone who is nothing like them, but you're so happy you are. You're besties forever. 🫶🏼
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Cod men with an so that has a kink for their gear/uniform *insert evil laugh* like they come home from work and their so is just DROOLINGGG over them like ughhh
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Summary: Headcanons for Alejandro, Ghost, and Price with an SO who likes their gear/uniform~
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Alejandro, Ghost, and Price
Warnings: none!
A/N: Hello hello! Thank you for the request, Anon. Hopefully this suffices because I felt I didn’t do this one enough justice cause I’m getting back into the swing of things, ahhh. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy! TuT  ( Gif credit: xxx )
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He's the type to immediately notice your affinity for his gear, even if you're the type that tries to suppress your desires 
Specifically, he notices each time your gaze lingers on his form longer than usual. Even more so when he has to stop to adjust or fix a part of his uniform 
At first, he doesn't let you know he's in on your little secret. Although, that doesn't mean he doesn't feed into it whenever he has the chance 
Whenever he's returning home from an extended mission - regardless of whether or not he's exhausted - he'll take his sweet time in removing his gear. Allowing you to soak in the view of each and every intricate piece adorning his body 
With Alejandro's gear, it's difficult for you to pick a favorite piece you enjoy seeing him wear, but he notes that familiar gleam of desire in your eyes whenever he's dealing with straps
Naturally, so he's not losing anything important, they've to be pretty tight to his form. Still, he'll go just a bit tighter than he usually does right before he's through the door
I can also definitely see him as the type to try and impress you by showing off, busting open the tight strap wrapped around his flexing bicep~
Kiss him and tell him all about how much you adore seeing him in his gear and he'll happily put on a show for you in any of his uniforms/sets 
Much like Alejandro, he notices the lingering looks and extra touches to his gear right away. However, he's much more subtle about indulging you with it 
He doesn't always like to wear his full gear when he's home. I headcanon him as the type to prefer to keep that part of his life separate from his home life for many reasons
He'll tease you ever so often by wearing one of his more casual skull-decorated masks around the house, maybe even including his skeleton gloves if he's feeling extra
Either way, you best believe he'll casually torture you when wearing them around you. Going out of his way to purposefully ignore any staring or dodging certain touches he knows are just to cop a feel  
Once he thinks you've had enough, he finally indulges you by touching you with his gloved hands wherever you please~ 
Possibly could be talked into bringing a mask of his into the bedroom for you
He won't admit how much he enjoys it like you, but after trying it a few times, I can definitely see him imagining those evenings you spend together each time he sees those gloves and mask  
Sometimes when he's too tired, he'll get a little lazy when taking off his gear, so occasionally he'll bump into you while still wearing his vest and hat
Though, shortly after noticing the way you become very interested in his gear, he's perking up in no time. Why was he so tired again?  
Much like Alejandro, he delights in giving in to your desires and goes out of his way to leave on certain pieces of his gear/uniform when he's feeling in the mood to be a tease
Adores the way your hands feel tugging on his vest impatiently, or whenever you're pleading for something you need
If you're good, maybe even lets you wear the hat while the two of you fool around
Seeing you wearing it while atop him makes him understand why you like seeing him in his own gear so much
Even more so if you're just wearing his hat~
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shirefantasies · 8 months
Hi!! I just found your blog and I love the way you write your headcanons! I was wondering if there's anyway you could write how each of the company in the hobbit would cuddle? or how they'd show physical affection? If not, that's fine, just thought I'd ask! (sorry if this is a bit weirdly worded I don't actually request things often lol, I've just been in such a the hobbit mood and found your blog and loved it immediately.)
Thank you sweetie and I'm so glad you love my headcanons 🥰 but this imagine YUS YUS YUS!!! My Hobbit mood has been coming in big ol waves of late heck yeah 🫡
Thorin’s Company + Physical Affection
✧ If you fall and he catches you, you may notice the way his hands wind around your waist and keep you for just a moment longer than absolutely necessary.
✧ Always the one who does your fastens for you and helps you into your coat, lingering touches therein as well.
✧ Sometimes his hand will just creep over as he listens to you, taking yours and drawing encouraging circles upon the back of it.
✧ Pulls you closer into his chest in the cold, whispering that it's alright, don't be shy as you melt into him.
✧ Almost always at your side with a hand placed gently but firmly upon your shoulder, half guiding, half guarding.
✧ This guy...is not very physically affectionate. You're going to have to coax it out of him like a stray cat.
✧ He enjoys sparring with you if you're down and you may notice he prefers pinning you or wrestling you down to, say, literally any other member of the company, but that feels like something beyond affection...
✧ "Are you hurt? Let me see." For the strength of his hands, he cradles your head, your arm, whatever it may be, so gently and warmly.
✧ Acts exasperated when you show up at his side to cuddle, accepts only “because it’s so cold, I suppose it’d be right”, then wraps his arms around you and holds you against his chest as tight as he can.
✧ Seated at a table, Dwalin will keep an arm draped over the back of your chair at all times.
✧ His hands go to you first after any sort of danger, holding you back initially then laying a hand on your shoulder as he checks you over, ensuring no harm came to you.
✧ Asks for your hand, taking it in his when your travels get difficult so as to lead you along the safest path he can find.
✧ Wraps you up in his coat, his hands sliding down your arms after he drapes it upon you, staying like that for a moment with his chest to your back.
✧ Big spoon. That feeling of care, of presiding over your warmth and safety and everything Thorin can give absolutely translates to your sleep, your solace. It means the world to him if he can be your comfort.
✧ Even in idle times, Thorin tends to stand with a hand wrapped around your waist, not grasping you tightly or restricting you in any way, but simply enough to keep you near and make it clear that you are his.
✧ Offering massages is basically a love language for him. The others are always asking him and sometimes he gets annoyed or just does it grudgingly, but when it is you? He takes his time, uses your favorite oils, savors the connection between you two and your hums of pleasure.
✧ Oin loves asking you for help just as an excuse to have you near, your hands darting beneath his to grab supplies or holding down his work, his own coming to cover yours as often as he can spare them.
✧ In the moments you get to sit next to each other, his hand will gingerly rest over yours. If you tense up at all, you can feel his grip tighten just a little bit, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
✧ Likes loose cuddling, simply your arms draped over his side as you rest alongside each other. Also not-so-secretly enjoys being the little spoon- indulge him every now and again!
✧ Has been known to give your cheeks the occasional affectionate pinch or squeeze, just smiling and chuckling giddily to himself at the sight of you before he leans in for a kiss.
✧ Always fussing over your hair, whether it's getting things out of it or even knowing its entire care routine and performing it for you if you let him, his hands dressing it practically reverently.
✧ Gets bored, forgets himself and plays with your hands. If you wear rings, he probably slides those around or spins them a bit. He enjoys intertwining your fingers again and again and keeping both of your hands in his as he peers at you.
✧ When simply standing around, he sometimes will stand behind you and drape his arms over your shoulders as if claiming you.
✧ Will practically wrestle you into position if you try to make him little spoon. You have to get him tired enough before he’ll accept not being the one to hold you.
✧ Grabs you up into the biggest, bone-crushing in the best of ways, bear hugs you've ever had the pleasure of being swept into.
✧ Speech can be so difficult, the feeling of trying without success so frustrating that a meaningful touch is simpler and infinitely more calming. A favorite of his is a simple hand on the shoulder, a gesture of care.
✧ He also loves teasingly elbowing you to get your attention, whether it's to show you something or just to say hello!
✧ Tracing each and every line and curvature of your face is his guilty pleasure; it is as though he is at work silently memorizing your every feature.
✧ Looser with cuddling, the feeling sometimes suffocating, especially if he has a nightmare. Rather than cage you in or be caged in, Bifur prefers the simple feeling of your hand upon his chest or your head leaned against his while you sleep.
✧ Absolutely loves decorating you, feeling like an attendant to royalty as he slides rings onto your finger, bracelets and necklaces he made around your neck or wrist. Such moments are some of the most tender between you, the way he looks at you afterward and the way his hands caress you after each beauty is set to magnifying yours.
✧ Has a little habit of just taking your hand and twirling you when you stand together, almost as if you're dancing in place.
✧ When you truly are dancing, you know Bofur will be dipping you down for a kiss nearly every time!
✧ Cuddling is all over the place. Snakes his arms around you and pulls you into his lap when he’s feeling particularly merry. Lays facing you before sleep, your legs tangled together in the most wonderful mess.
✧ Bofur has this little habit of falling onto you when you’re laughing together, playfully shoving you before his hands fall into your lap or grab your knee.
✧ Hugs from Bofur often turn into him picking you up and spinning you around!
✧ As I've mentioned, he is the best with a partner who has anxiety, basically becoming a living weighted blanket atop you.
✧ Though shy and subtle he can be with his initial affections, Bombur is very cuddly. The greatest cuddler, in fact. Your shared bedroll is the coziest one of the whole lot.
✧ Has been known to, upon being in a bolder mood, turn his head when you lean to kiss his cheek, capturing your lips instead! Has the biggest smile upon success, so you can never be upset.
✧ Pulls you into a hug the moment you say or do something cute.
✧ Great acts of service fellow as he is, Bombur will often offer things like scratching your back or rubbing tension from your neck as a means of getting closer while still providing for you.
✧ Small, subtle touches, like letting his hands cover yours when you accept the steaming mug of tea he hands you.
✧ He also loves running a thumb over the back of your hand when you sit side by side, sharing that one point of connection between you two.
✧ Always does a cute little tap to your knee after he laces up your boots for you, a little wink topping the endearing gesture off.
✧ The type who loves to lay with your heads against each other, cheeks brushing, especially as you look at the stars, discussing everything beneath the sun and very well likely some things not beneath it at all.
✧ Shocks you when you sit at a table and you feel his hand on your knee, and again when it moves up and down, tracing a little pattern on your thigh.
✧ I still maintain that Nori would be the main perpetrator of the classic yawning or stretching as an excuse to put an arm around you. Once you're pulled in, though? Good luck getting back out! You are nothing if not secure in his grasp.
✧ Cheekily sliding his hand into your pocket, especially if you have a back pocket, is his favorite.
✧ If there is any possibility of him not being able to hear you, Nori will lean in as close as he can, possibly even drawing you forward with a hand beneath your chin, grinning if you get flustered.
✧ Ideal cuddling position, you ask? Why, with him on top of you, obviously! Enough said.
✧ When it isn’t in your pocket, he nearly always has a hand at the small of your back when you walk. He occasionally uses it to guide you, but mostly he likes to run it up and down your spine, occasionally running his nails down too, giving you a cheeky look when he does it.
✧ Oscillates between being too shy to show physical affection and a natural propensity to misunderstand personal space. For example, he'll probably not want to kiss you in front of his older brothers lest they tease him, but when he gets excited about his latest drawing he practically throws his arms entirely around you to show you his sketchpad.
✧ Shares his scarf with you, winding the two of you both into its long, thick warmth and flushing as you lean in closer and closer beneath it.
✧ The kisses you share in private are almost desperate, hands clinging to whatever fold of fabric they can reach to draw each other in.
✧ Enjoys pretty much any way you lie together, facing each other, back to back, you name it, Ori is eager for it!
✧ Rubs your hands between his own to keep you warm, straightens your clothes up for you, little tending touches that lead to kisses upon your hands or head.
✧ Gives amazing hugs, pulling you into his arms and soothingly, lovingly sliding a hand up and down your back.
✧ So sweet, he loves swinging your joined hands between you both if you are granted the opportunity for a leisurely stroll.
✧ Always wants to be the big spoon when you guys cuddle, that position feeling much more protective of you, secure as he can hold you.
✧ Sneaks up behind you to cover your eyes, asking ‘guess who’ and chuckling at the way you startle if he catches you by surprise.
✧ Offers you his arm when you walk together and smiling when you link yours with his and rest your hand upon his upper arm.
✧ In love with physical affection. Who cares who sees you? Not this dwarven prince, that is certain! Completely unafraid to pull you into his lap and hold you, pride crossing his face.
✧ Pulls your joined hands into his pockets as you walk side by side.
✧ When he teaches you how to shoot, he guides you smoothly by the hips, hands running down your sides and along the length of your arms until you reach the proper stance.
✧ His favorite way to cuddle is you lain upon his chest, your head against his heart and right there for him to place kisses atop.
✧ You two are a tangled mess at fireside, someone’s legs always thrown upon the other’s lap.
✧ Rather than show you over-the-top affection, Bilbo is the sort to just stay glued to your side, joining you at the hip for even the most mundane tasks even if it’s under the guise of “getting a break from all the dwarves”.
✧ Similarly, he’ll offer to hold your hands “because it’s quite crowded” or “just so you don’t fall, it’s a bit steep here and all”.
✧ When you sit together at the fireside, he may get flustered but he absolutely loves it when you lay your head upon his shoulder.
✧ He also favors being little spoon, not that he would necessarily tell you that out loud, but you can feel the way he relaxes, hums in contentment against you.
✧ Bilbo gets surprisingly protective, though, shifting you behind him or moving you aside by your waist when danger strikes.
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universesweetheart · 21 days
I would love more chubby Dazai stories or headcanons if you have them! I also love the idea of cooking for him and feeding him and him having a cute chubby little belly! 💕
More to Love (Dazai x Reader)
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In which dazai notices a few changes with himself
a/n: also never thought I'd be one of those people to write crazy unhinged author's note but here I am. I am soooo sorry it took literal months to reply to your ask but (buckle up) my mom died and I got laid off from my job so here I am, with the world of free time and a bucket of grief. Enjoy this short drabble!
My other dazai fics: here, here, here, here :]
Bye now - Mars ♡
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After years of being together, Dazai notices he’s been gaining some weight, and his thinness is no longer visible.
Dazai has never felt at home with his body, but he also never cared about his size, or weight. He had much darker things to fill his time and days with than obsessing over his meatsac. His mind, his dark thoughts, his past, the blood on his hands, Odasaku.
When he started his relationship with you, it was all intense and consuming at first. Over the months, that passion has simmered into a softer slow loving. More deeply intimate.
Slowly his days merged with yours and your routines incorporated his. From making space in your closet for his clothes to always keeping extra rolls of bandages in your bathroom cupboard, and even tossing in canned crab into the cart when you grocery shopped. It all fell into place naturally. He was meant to be here, with you.
He noticed all the little adjustments you made with your space for him and he was grateful, truly. 
He also noticed how you’d slyly get him to take care of himself more. A sweet little ‘for me?’ easily did the trick. He was no match for your sweet tone and beautiful hope-filled eyes.
Dazai found himself changing slowly. He’d no longer drink sake first thing in the morning, instead he’d sit in the kitchen and entertain you with his dramatics and sweet words as you made a simple loving warm breakfast for you two. He especially loved when you’d make Korean sandwiches and shape the eggs into heart shapes. You were as much of a sap as he was. 
Osamu also started eating lunch. Not necessarily because he wanted to or he was hungry. But because he hated that sad disappointed look on your face when he didn’t eat the lunch you packed him. He saved all your notes and drawings, and he would share his meal with the young detective if he was having a particularly bad day and just couldn’t bring himself to eat.
When he got back home, all he wanted to do was sink into the couch and hug you and never let go. You’d whine about having dinner together and like a hopeless man in love he’d indulge you, even if it was a little treat. His favourite treat to indulge in was you. Ever the corny horny man he is. 
Over the years of being together he had noticed a drastic change in his eating habits. The biggest one being he actually eats now. 
And with eating, and a good loving, he inevitably noticed the weight he gained.
He’s not bothered by it. He’s even fascinated by the new softness of his body. And he’s flourishing in the added attention you give him. You seem to like this new weight. More of him to love, you tell him with a sweet kiss to his lips. 
He even went with you to buy new clothes for him. He obviously grabbed the opportunity to pull you into the changing room and absolutely wrecked you. Safe to say by the end of that shopping spree, you were full of cum, and his closet was full of new clothes.
Demands kisses and hickeys on the softer parts of his body and will not hesitate to moan wantonly when you cave and do it. Be sure to bite him too, gets him going. 
Press soft kisses and praise his newfound stretch marks and he’s folding you in two and hammering his cock into you, only to softly cuddle you after with whispers of love and affection.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Heya!! can i request for yandere john wick (headcannons or give anything will work)
You probably know which Anon i am. Please forgive me i got a little too happy cuz you write so good for such good stuff!
Yandere John Wick Headcanons
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Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Stalking, Snooping, Very Brief Implication of Smut, Just John in Love <333, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You.
A/N: I wanted to get these out before I watch the new John Wick film; one which I have been waiting for for the last 4 years <3
Absolutely an obsessive lucid yandere – he may be in love, but he’s not delusional.
Regardless of whether you came before or after Helen, John knows how cut-throat his profession is; how quickly everything can go from an is to a was.
Thus, nothing is certain. Not you, not him, not your relationship.
So when he realises he’s in love with you – a process as gradual as the construction of Earth itself – he’s never letting you out of his sight.
This might manifest as something as subtle as him visiting you more than usual, staying, longer during movie nights, trying to get you to spend the night more often; inconspicuous displays of a strengthening friendship you and John had accrued over the last couple years or so.
But, unbeknownst to you, he’s around even when you’re unaware.
An unmarked black car parked a house or two down the street, shielded by the shadows of the trees as moonlight casts a stark white against the black.
An inconspicuously-dressed civilian who’s been sat on that park bench for the last two hours as you read your book.
And, eventually, the tiny camera attached underneath your sofa, monitoring every coming and going of your house.
You know about none of this, of course.
Sure, you may have suspicions that the car down the street – one you’ve never seen before in your life – could be doing something… but who were you to judge ? There could be a perfectly logical explanation !
But John keeps enough of himself – and you – in the dark so you’d never suspect him.
I mean, why would you ? He’s John Wick ! Nicest, quietest guy on the block.
If ever he’s on a mission; John relies on that camera more than he’s like to admit.
In his downtime, while resting up at the Continental, he’ll check his phone, see that you’ve gone to the kitchen to make something or other, and wait for you to return to the sofa until he can put his phone away.
Even with his logical mind, he can’t help but fall partial victim to his superstition that, once you reach the sofa, nothing bad can happen to you.
The idea of putting up more cameras has crossed his mind.
Multiple times.
But you’re attentive. You’d notice something as small as a little blinking light a mile off.
Hencewhy he takes to manual surveillance when he’s not out earning a thriving.
He also lowkey interrogates you.
“You found a boyfriend yet ?”
You give a sharp laugh.
“If I had, you’d be the first to know,”
You already tell John practically everything that happens to you – as best friends do – but whenever you ask John something similar, he’ll skirt around your questions.
“No time for that,” he’ll tell you whenever you try to identify the new mystery partner in his life.
“You’re always so busy, John-John !”
Ah, his nickname. A mythic specialty no other has had the privilege to call him.
And John gives a rare smile.
“I’m never too busy for you.”
And you know he means it.
Whenever you need him, he’s there.
And you try to be there for him as much as possible, but given how elusive he is, he rarely seems to need it.
You want to help as best you can, regardless.
So, one day, out of the blue, you hand John a set of keys.
He’s a smart man. But he can’t wrap his head around what you’re trying to tell him.
And when he stares at you with a narrowed look, your eyes roll, the edges of your lips curling up.
“They’re keys, John,” you say. And you gesture around the living room, general in your manner. “To my house.”
And John stares at you for a moment. Then two.
“(Y/N), I’m not trained to be a housekeeper.”
“Oh my god, John–”
You have to explain to him that you’re not trying to get him to clean your house or care for it. You’re opening it up to him.
“I trust you more than anyone else to know how everything works here,” you say, a hand on his shoulder. He’s trying to keep dead eye contact with you, but the feeling of your fingers holding him with a softness he’s never known is like being branded.
“So,” you smile. “If you ever need it for anything, you can get in.”
Honestly, John has been granted few mercies in his time; makeshift alliances with murderers who were loyal to none, not even themselves, his life saved only by his ability to barter and his renowned skill for death. And never are these mercies granted without a price.
So to have you gift him a set of keys to the place you are most vulnerable takes John a while to come to terms with, shall we say.
Remember earlier when I mentioned John’s idea to install more cameras ?
Well, now you’ve given him a perfect in.
Plus, he now has access to all your personal belongings.
At first, he did try to restrain himself.
Trust me, he did.
But, as the days grew into weeks, your keys sat on his bedside, glinting under any source of light that could find its way inside.
And, as if the Gods aligned circumstance on his favour, you would be away from home for a week.
A trip to such-and-such a place – John had the address memorised even before you did.
You’d best believe that, although he initially had his reservations about 1.) you going on the trip, and 2.) using your absence as a means to snoop around your home, John is not immune to whim and fancy. Especially when it came to you.
He’s phantasmic; he leaves no trace, not even fingerprints as he prowls your apartment, looking for…well, anything, really.
He avoids stooping so low as to rifle through your underwear drawer like a stalker. Instead, he uses what he likes to call ‘environmental storytelling’ to make deductions about you.
He’s a very intuitive, perceptive individual, so the story of your everyday routing unfolds for him as if he were reading a book.
And, yes, the temptation to peek at the…less savoury pieces of your inventory did become overwhelming when he could no longer be satiated with the literature you consumed, the worn look of your favourite outfit, your secret money stash you kept in the biscuit tin in the kitchen.
To make a long story short, John walked out your house with a short of yours.
And, when he got home, he did the only thing he could think to do.
He put it on a pillow and pretended it was you.
Cuddles with it whenever he’s missing you. Or sad.
Maaay have cried into it on more than one occasion.
Maaay have done…other things to it when he wasn’t feeling upset.
He’s absolutely paranoid that you’ll find it one day, despite his aptitude at covering his tracks, so he tries not to invite you to his house as much as he can.
However, as your friendship progresses further, that’s unavoidable.
While you may not be dating yet, just know that John holds you in the highest of regards, and he’ll never let anything – including himself – hurt you.
Just ignore his eye wandering to the walk-in cupboard in the hallway; that’s just where he’s kept his imitation of you.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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obsessedwrhys · 5 months
Hi!!! could you make a headcanon of valen with fem merlin please? I've been searching and there's almost nothing ;; thank you also for making the headcanons of other characters ♡
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ᯓ★ just lots of fluff, reader is fem!! (I'm glad you like my other work ☺)
Despite his good looks and the rumours told by the villagers, he's actually inexperienced with love. He's constantly busy with his duties so he never really felt it was necessary to be in a relationship.
That was when he met you and oh boy did he fall head over heels for you HARD.
At first he didn't think much of it and simply just saw it as a task by Hogan to protect you, but the more you guys spent time together, the more he enjoys being by your side.
He was in denial the moment he realised he had developed feelings for you but he also couldn't deny what his heart wanted. So eventually he just chose to go with the flow.
His behaviour wouldn't change drastically but he does seem to develop a few traits when he came to the conclusion that he had a crush on you.
His eyes would linger on you longer when the group discusses on a topic, his brows relaxed as he's giving you the heart eyes.
And how he was always the first person to check up on you after every battles, making sure you weren't hurt anywhere.
He would also notice little details about you. How you seem to rub your arms when you're awkward or play with your hair when you're bored.
There was this one time he noticed you shivering a bit on the cold night so he offered you his cloak/cape, you thanked him which made his heart swoon but his face hid it with a simple smile.
When your group made it back to Holistone after your eventful journey, he was quick to treat everyone with drinks. It was there where he confessed to you.
Scenario ↴
Everyone had left to chat with their friends and he found you drinking alone at your table. With the opportunity in his hand, he slide into the empty seat beside you.
"You're alone, where are your chipmunk friends?" He'd ask with his arm rested on the chair and the other on the table.
"They left to check out the market" You'd say with both your hands wrapped around your glass.
He eyes your face for a while as he tries to think of the right words to say. He gulps but tried to cover it up by pretending to clear his throat.
"I uh—"
"Your face is red"
"Huh?" His eyes widened, but when he realised there was no way out, he ended up relaxing his face with a defeated sigh.
"I guess nothing bypasses the magister. Not even a knight's feelings..." He'd smile warmly at you when it was your turn to be flustered.
The second you guys started dating, it was huge news to the villagers. They were curious how you managed to catch his eye when all of the women have been trying their hardest to get his acknowledgement.
Some even made up rumours that you might have used a love spell on him.
Throughout the relationship, Valen would definitely be affectionate. Expect lots of flirting and corny jokes.
"You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line"
"Valen go to sleep..."
He's also very open with PDA, nothing too extreme though, just simple things like holding hands and kisses on the cheek or forehead. He just loves to see you smile.
I have a feeling that since you two are dating, it would be easier for Valen to figure out you were Merlin. He wouldn't be mad that you hid it from him but rather he understood your reasons for it. Also, he wouldn't say anything about it until your secret was revealed by Mirael.
He'd just stand there with his hand on the handle of his sword, completely unfazed because what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't know that first??
Once your secret was out, expect him to ask lots of questions about your magic.
Like can you give a cat wings?
How does it work?
Could you make him 1 inch taller?
The first time he saw you use your magic outside of battles was when you used it to tie your hair. It baffled him but he had to admit it was fun to watch.
Thats why he would always stare at you all excited whenever you used your magic to do simple tasks. His excuse for his behaviour being "How can I not watch when you look so effortlessly gorgeous 😚"
His petname for you is Dove and this is a headcanon I will defend with all my heart.
He picked the name because he always found doves romantic, the name was easily decided the second you brought love into his life.
I just have a feeling his kisses are playful most of the time but when he's really serious, it'd be the most breathtaking kisses you could ever experience. His hand will always find its place behind your back when you two share the moment.
He definitely adores it when you kiss him too, especially on his cheek where his scar is. He also likes it when you trace your fingers across it because it always help him relax. Your gentle touch soothing his soul from a bad memory.
One more thing. He becomes more protective over you. Not in a bad way though, he knows you can defend yourself with your magic but that doesn't mean he's not gonna try to protect you from the enemy.
He doesn't care if the person is bigger or stronger than him, he'll still draw his sword.
After every fight, you'd always tend to his wounds and even through your complaints at his recklessness, he'd still look at you with genuine love in his gaze.
"You're such an idiot"
"A charming one right?"
He shows you off A LOT. I'm talking like crazy lot. Every conversation he shared with anyone, he's always gonna talk about you several times. It drives Hogan crazy, don't get me wrong, he's happy for you two but he can't seem to get his lovesick head to function.
I make him sound like he's crazy about you (which he kinda is) but it's just he's really proud of you. He's so very supportive of you!! He might even have Chippy and Hammie beat at being your number one fan.
Like hello??? My girlfriend is saving the world here 🙄
Of course, he's a very understanding person. If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, just talk it out with him and he'll make sure it won't happen again.
Now for dates. He likes to take you to the most prettiest spot of Holistone or any places he knows. You guys would just spend time chit chatting or cuddling.
Your personal favourite was when he had managed to plan a picnic for you two on a hill, it was adorable watching him cut the food into smaller slices and then feeding you, it was his way of giving you the princess treatment.
Well he is a knight and it is his duty.
Since he's very affectionate, he can also be a tease. He likes teasing the height difference between you two. He finds it adorable.
"You're so small. Are you sure you're as the myth foretold? The mighty merlin? So cute..." He'd stroke your hair with a smile.
I feel like he'd teach you some skills to defend yourself just in case. He knows your magic is powerful but he's not gonna risk it, not when it comes to you.
The lessons would mostly be basic hand-to-hand combat. There was this one time you managed to beat him in a friendly duel and even though he was going easy on you, he was still proud of you regardless so he showered you with compliments.
Another thing I'd like to add is that he secretly write poems dedicated to you. He's too embarrassed to share them with you so if you ever found out, he thinks he'll actually dig a hole and bury himself alive. He'll only share ONE poem with you once he finishes rereading it for the 19373th time and making sure it's good.
By the way, this man can get jealous. He doesn't like seeing Lorsan get too close to you. Half of the times he'd actually cross his arms without even realising when watching you two talk. You always laugh at his behaviour which he does not appreciate.
"What are you laughing at? I don't see anything funny about it..."
Also did I mention how he smells like white musk?? You know like those scents that you smell and you just feel so in love??? Yeah that.
Honestly... 100/10 BOYFRIEND!!
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 7 months
hey so how do you think the 2003 tmnt boys would deal with having dated their s/o for two years now, is anniversary, and the brothers, or April or Casey asks, “so 2 years, do you two think you’ll last longer?” And s/o is just like “I’d marry this one if I could”?
This ask 🥺🥺 I feel my mind already racing with headcanons that I need to get out GAH!!
The topic of marriage?!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 1054
CW: Gender-neutral reader, they/them is used but you can replace them with your pronouns! Topics of marriage are brought up! Mushy turtles, pure fluff ahead!
You and your partner have been together in probably the best relationship you’ve ever been in. It’s always had its ups and downs, but you two have always pushed through! And now your second anniversary is arriving soon and neither of you can’t wait to proceed with your future together!
Well, during a conversation between you, the guys, April and Casey, the question of, “So, two years… Do you guys think you’ll last longer?” Causing April to shoot Casey a small glare when he asked this, (let’s be honest he didn’t mean it in an insensitive way he’s just asking because it’s a genuine question).
Without missing a beat, you were quick to answer, “I’d marry him if I could.” A smile playing on your lips, not really noticing the subtle squeeze on your hand from your partner.
💙 Leo is over THE MOON! You would want to marry him?! Really?! Any insecurity of you possibly thinking about ever wanting somebody else is gone in an instance. You want him, and only him, and this man couldn’t be any happier.
💙 He’s thinking about it the whole time and is noticeably more spaced out because of it. He is on cloud nine and is absolutely fantasizing about the wedding you guys could have…
💙 Later that night you and him lay in his bed snuggled up together, the candles flickering softly as you read and he rested on you, his head in your lap. Finally, you ask him, “Hey, Leo? You okay? You’ve been out of it a lot tonight.”
💙 Leo could only smile up at you, “Oh, it’s nothing, just thinking about what you said earlier.” And once it hit you, you couldn’t help but blush a bit and smile with him.
💙 He was extra cuddly and affectionate towards you for the following months (along with being more protective too), he just could not get that memory out of his head. I wouldn’t be surprised if he popped the question leading up those months. <3
❤️ Raph’s ego grew more along with the swelling in his chest. This giant turtle had some insecurities, I mean, as a mutant turtle growing up with the possibility of never being able to live a normal life like any average Joe?
❤️ He’s thrilled at the thought that you’d want to marry him because he’s definitely thought about it too. Getting some slice of normalcy. You know how I mentioned how he’s daydreamed about your first date? Well after the first year, he daydreamed about your future together too.
❤️ Get married, settle down, maybe even start a family, whether it be through somehow making a kid, adopting an actual child or just having fur-babies to be your kids.
❤️ Either way, he’s stoked, and he’s CONFIDENT TOO, oh man you just gave him ammo to tease you with, (don’t worry he’ll stop if you ask him to). He will definitely say things like, “I don’t blame you for wanting to marry me, I mean, look at me!” While flexing, making you laugh as he softly smirked.
❤️ Actually grows more overprotective over you too! Like… It’s surprising. He was already overprotective of you, but now he’s just more overprotective. He wants his future spouse to be safe after all! And ain’t nothin’ gonna touch you when Raph’s around and ready to brawl with any criminal who tries to hurt you.
💜 Donnie froze a moment as he heard this, and his whole brain paused before quietly glancing over at you in a shy manner. Marriage? Oh man, he didn’t predict this as a result of tonight’s get-together!
💜 Don’t worry, he’s actually really mushy inside. He feels like a schoolgirl getting all squirmy and bashful because her crush confessed to her! He ends up getting more fidgety with your hands and stutters a bit.
💜 It’ll be on his mind for a good while, but as of now, he’s too shy to bring it up to you. Not until it slips up during your actual anniversary anyways. He was ranting as always about something, and well, that ended up slipping out. It honestly surprised you that he was thinking about that, it was really endearing.
💜 And trust me, it’ll always be running through his mind for a long time, he just hopes your opinion will stay the same throughout the years. But until then, Donnie decided to make the both of you promise rings! He presented it to you one day, feeling warm when you seemed so excited about it. “I want to marry you, but I’m also not 100% ready for marriage either. But when the day comes, I’ll propose with the prettiest of rings.”
💜 You made his century when he saw you wear that ring everyday. To him it meant that you were willing to wait until he was ready too, and he was thankful for that patience you gifted him with, and he was looking forward to what came in your future together.
🧡 Mikey would just as casually say with a laugh, “Oh yeah! Me too! … WAIT REALLY?!” And he jumped up and grabbed your hands excitedly. You had only see this kind of excitement when Donnie had built the Shell Raiser all those years ago.
🧡 Bro is so excited, “Why not now?!” And now you were in a bit of shock, and Raph was quick to but-in, “You need to propose with a ring, knucklehead!” Now Mikey is pouting. You end up hugging him and comforting him.
🧡 But in no-means is he deterred by Raph’s comment, he is now determined, and he’s been talking with April about what he should do, and that’s when suggested, “Why not make your own ring?” He stared a moment before he was quick to go, “April, you’re a genius!”
🧡 With Mikey though, he’s easy to get side-tracked and distracted often, and when it came to things that took a lot of time, he got frustrated easily. But he wasn’t gonna give up!
🧡 When he finally finished, (with Donnie’s help after he begged the poor man), he was basically vibrating with excitement! He was stoked and wanted to propose right away, but with April and his brother’s advice, he figured he’d find a more romantic way of doing it… He might put that ring in your slice of pizza, let’s be honest.
GAAH, gonna be honest, I was a little stumped with Mikey last night and had to sleep on it, change some things, all that fun jazz. Once again spoiling Mikey’s moment, but maybe at some point I’ll make proposal headcanons! Also, if you want, I’m thinking of making a taglist, if you want to be tagged, let me know!
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Gemini Coven Better Watch Out
kai parker x reader | requested
summary: kai comes back from his sister's with new magic and a new mission
tags: rough kissing, neck kissing, dirty talk, breeding kink, unsafe sex, biting
word count: 2.1k
a/n: biggest apologies for the time it took to fill this!! also, i realize now, i could've done this in headcanon format and probably had it out sooner, but ngl i've kinda wanted to use the scene post-kai taking jo's magic in a work anyway, so it works out lol
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Kai comes back from his sister’s with a newfound energy. The recently-merged siphon witch had been feeling ill the last twelve hours, and after wondering what it could be to make him so sick, he decided to seek her advice. Despite hating him for all he’s done, Jo’s still a doctor, and she’s probably the only one that could have any clue how to help him. So Kai went alone, not wanting to freak out Ric with the both of you there, and hoped his sister would take pity on his weakened state.
He barely gets through the doorway before grabbing your shoulders and kissing you passionately. He backs you up to the nearest wall. You can feel his dimples against your skin as he smiles. 
Kai feels healthy again. His strength has obviously returned, and he’s no longer sweating nor coughing up blood. Three different energies seem to swirl about in his blood. You can sense them, a witch yourself, and if he were to siphon you, you bet you’d get dizzy fast. 
His hands explore your body. Fingertips trail down your figure, until determined palms grip your waist. He kisses down your neck, kisses getting sloppier as his lips travel south. For a moment, he pauses, panting against your skin. You giggle, threading your hands through his hair, and take your opportunity to talk. 
“What’s all this for? Feeling better?”
He presses another kiss to your collarbone. “Much.”
“Good. What worked?”
“I needed Jo’s magic for the merge to work properly. Luke as a substitute made me the leader, but it didn’t give me the strength I needed because he wasn’t my twin.”
“She gave it to you?”
“With some convincing. But if she didn’t, I would’ve died, causing the death of the rest of our dumb coven, and all the prison worlds would have collapsed, leading to who knows what kind of destruction. That seemed to convince her.”
“Well, good. Because I can’t have you dying on me. I love you too much for you to leave me.”
He smiles, then kisses again. His teeth lightly graze your neck, and you drop your hands from his hair to his own neck in surprise. 
Kai’s always spurred on by those words, but today, they seem to set a fire in him more than ever. He teases the skin beneath your shirt as he pulls at the fabric. His lips reattach to your neck, kissing and nipping along it as if it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. When you put a hand to his chest, his heart is racing. 
You’re not sure what’s gotten him in such a mood at three in the afternoon, but the more heated he gets, the more you start to burn between your legs. You start to clench them together, fighting the feeling, but he notices quickly with a tsk of the tongue. 
“Ah, ah, ah,” he clicks, then picks you up and tosses you gently onto the couch. 
Kai climbs on top of you as you start to laugh and writhe on the soft material. He’s like an animal that’s captured its prey, but wants to tease it first. A dark look takes over his eyes, contradicting the smile that still rests on his face. His clothed hard makes contact with your bare leg, making you gulp. One look down reveals the wet spot forming under your skirt. He pets it gently, eliciting a moan from you.
He kisses your knee before moving his lips down your inner thigh. Excitement grows, however, so does curiosity. You want him, but you want answers first. Specifically, what happened at his sister’s that’s gotten him so turned on? Is it the volume of magic in his blood? The overwhelming power? Or is it a degradation from her mouth? His need to prove himself in spite of her words?
You open your mouth to ask, but his eyes meet yours as soon as you do. His dark look waivers your confidence. His fingers dig underneath your panties, stimulating your clit with ease. Your breath catches, causing you to squeal. A shiver runs through your body. He positions himself to kiss your lips at the same time he’s touching you. 
Question temporarily forgotten, you capture his face in his hands to kiss him back. He’s rough, still, pulling your bottom lip with his teeth and clutching your side between his nails, but remains gentle on your most sensitive tissue. Kai pries your legs open wider with his own. His hard is desperate against the rough material of his jeans. He rubs it along your leg every time he drops his lips back down to your neck, then up to your face again. The friction gets him panting and you hungry. You ache with a need for him to fill you. His teasing is too much, heating up your body, but neglecting where you need him most. 
“Kai,” you whimper, giving into the need. You can get him to do almost anything you want when you say his name with that tone. The touch-starved man turns to butter for you.
“What’s it, baby? Whatcha need?”
“Need you. Need your-” you reach for him, but your finger tips only graze his stomach. The space between your bodies is closing in as he starts to grind more on your leg. 
“Need me, hm?” He whispers it into your neck, causing another shiver. “Where do you need me?” The two fingers on your clit slip between your folds. You bite your lip and grab at his waist for support. “Need me here?”
As good as it feels, it’s not enough. You whine, squeezing your walls together against his fingers. He gets the hint, but teases you further anyway. 
“No? What about here?” He pushes a little deeper. A bit of smirk graces his face and you resist the urge to brazenly spit up at him. “Not there either?” He clicks his tongue once, as if stumped on where you need him. 
“Kai,” you try again. Your body sweats as you near your high. His name comes out mangled and weak. 
“Ah, I know now. You need my cock, is that right?” Your heart skips a beat at the vulgar term falling from his lips. “That’s it. You want me to fill you up completely. You need me pressed up close as I thrust into you, hm?” You whine more. He removes his fingers from your heat to rub on your clit again. “You want me to make you come, so that I glide so easily in and out of you? So that I can fit you so tightly, you can’t even remember your name?” He licks a stripe up your neck, then nips at your earlobe. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” Kai pauses, pulling your skirt and panties down to your ankles, then immediately removing his own clothes, too. He holds himself in one hand while using the other to bring you back to the edge. You squeeze your eyes shut, pleasure overwhelming your body. “That’s it, c’mon. You’re doing so well. So close.”
“Kai,” you mutter, feeling him on your leg again. You clench around his fingers, but he lets you this time. Curse words spill from your lips as you reach your high. His name slips in between the strings of profanities, making his heart race a little more each time. He can’t wait to be inside you and fill you up the minute you’re ready. 
“You okay?”
“Need a moment?”
“No. I need you.”
He smirks, then positions himself in front of you, teasing your folds with his tip. “That’s my girl.” Kai leans forward to distract you with a kiss as he pushes into you. You moan into his mouth at the feeling, but there’s no pain. He made sure you’d be wet enough, and now, he can be sure you’re comfortable as he has his way with you. “Good?”
 “Yeah.” After a couple starter thrusts, you hook your legs around his waist. “Harder.”
He adjusts just slightly for a deeper angle. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ll fuck you so well your legs will be shaking, how’s that sound?” You giggle with excitement. “Mhm. I’m gonna fill you up, and you’re gonna feel so good. You’ll be dripping by the time I’m done with you. You’d look so beautiful all full and round, and everyone will know what happened and who got you knocked up. You’d be such a good mommy.” Kai pauses, sweat beading on his forehead. You’re not sure what is causing the sudden baby-talk, but you can’t describe the mixed emotions it makes you feel. His tone is full of excitement. His praise makes you feel rich. 
“Kai,” you whine, unsure what to say. 
His focus, though, is clearly elsewhere. “I’m gonna give you a baby, hm? I’m gonna fuck you so well. Fill you up, and stay inside until you’re good and bred, and not gonna pull out til I’m sure it took. How’s that sound?”
You open your mouth to respond, but a deep thrust makes you moan instead. He smiles, entering a pace that suits you both. 
“That’s it, baby. Let go.” His hands hold you still as he buries himself inside your heat. Praises and profanities leave his lips, but your mind is too fuzzy for you to pick them up. You’re close to your high and he knows it, watching the way your breathing gets heavy and your body clenches harder. “C’mon,” he urges, nipping your shoulder again. 
Kai’s vocal and rough most of the time, but never in this way. But ironically, you were just thinking about it’d be like to have a baby with him. You think he’d be a good dad, despite his past; he’d make sure his kid never suffered the way he did. 
“I’m close,” you mutter, spurring him on.
“I know, c’mon. I’m almost there, too.”
A sudden feeling of warmth shoots through your body. A fullness you’ve never felt before. Kai pants against your skin after his own release, but doesn’t slow down until you reach yours. You do, a second later, from the heavenly feeling of his seed inside you. He doesn’t pull out, plugging you up as promised, and revels in the sensation.
For a moment, you stay like that, with his body atop yours and his face buried in your neck. But then you dig your hands in his hair and pull him up to face you. His cheeks are dark red, and a smile brings out his dimples. You bring him in for a kiss, to which he complies, kissing you much more softly than earlier. When you break it off, he rises, sitting up on his knees.
You follow the action, resting your weight on your elbows. You’re still connected, but a little has leaked out from the movement. You watch it, then cock your head at him.
“So what brought this on, huh?”
“Was it too much?” A look of worry overtakes his face, but you reassure him with a shake of your head.
“No, just unexpected. I didn’t know you had that in you. What caused it?”
He hesitates, but then admits what truth he had learned only an hour prior. “Jo’s pregnant.”
You blink in surprise. “What?”
“When she gave me her magic, I could feel it.”
“And that has to do with this… how?”
Upon sensing the new life in his sister’s womb, something spurred within him. Whether it was a need to compete with her - to be the one to produce the coven’s next set of twins - or to prove that he is just as capable of creating and raising a baby, he has no idea. But that moment of realization brought an urge to him immediately. The need to breed you, to make you full, but also, to bring something as definite and permanent into your lives as a baby, to show everyone how much he loves you, that he is capable of love and willing to change. 
A thousand reasons flood his mind, but he isn’t sure how to word any of them. Emotions are still so new to him, it’s a mystery thinking about which ones are appropriate for which situations. 
“I don’t know,” he finally says. 
You understand. Even if he has some idea, he’s clearly not ready to try and explain it. Sometimes, it takes time, but he always reopens the conversation later, when he’s more apt to talk about it. He’s getting much better, the closer you grow. 
“Huh,” you shrug.
He smiles, full of relief. “Huh.”
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Can I ask for more soft headcanons of Helen as a boyfriend? I need more of Helen please
Yesssss that's my boyyyy I love Helen so much, thank you for this I missed him. I hope you enjoy :)
The longer Helen is dating you, he starts to notice a habit developing inside him. In your early days of dating, you'd offer to sit near him quietly while he does his art, and he'd accept on the condition that you don't bother him too much. Oh, how the times have changed. You'd gradually start talking to him more, and he'd start gradually talking to you more too, and now Helen can't finish an art piece unless he has you by his side telling him about your day, or anything at all you want to ramble about. He's become conditioned into needing your presence while he does any art, which is crazy to him because younger Helen before he met you would be aghast at the thought, but the longer he dates you the more he wants to be around you at any chance he can get. You energize and inspire him, and he finds that he loves any art he makes beside you to be his best work.
Started doing pottery recently as a way to branch out and learn more things, and he tries to make stuff for you all the time. It all started when you pointed out a really cute mug you'd seen online that was out of stock, and with his newfound pottery hobby, he offered to try and make it for you. After it was painted and fired, you were just so extremely excited about it, so giddy and bouncy, something switched on in his brain, and now the poor guy cannot stop wanting to make you more things. The smile you gave him just fucking wrecked him inside, and he needs to see it again. Also??? Would love it if you try and do some pottery with him too. He'll teach you how to do it if you don't already know, and the prospect of making and painting different pottery together is just so relaxing and enjoyable to Helen, so please make sure to do that with him. I'm also headcanoning that one of the first pottery things he made you was a vase, and he always keeps it filled with fresh flowers for you.
Helen has been manifesting a bit of a sweet tooth lately, and that comes in the form of him constantly trying to bake new things, and often baking them for you. I've said before he loves cooking for you (especially high-quality French food as he's French in my canon), so it's only natural that when he gets into baking, he wants you to try all the things he makes and enjoy them with him. I think Helen really enjoys baking because he can also use it as an artistic endeavor, baking and decorating beautiful desserts. Whenever you praise him for them, saying they look and taste wonderful, it always excites him and makes him feel proud, because your opinion is the one he's come to value most. Like with his art, he likes when you're in the kitchen whenever he's baking or cooking for you, and you're the only person he allows in there. He'll have you sit at the kitchen island and talk with him while he whips something up, and he likes to decorate them in front of you so you can see the whole process. Doing things like this for you is just so stress relieving for him, so it's something he tends to do quite often. He's also always taking requests, so if you ever have a hankering for something don't be afraid to ask him for it.
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