#i am begging people to be nice to me i swear that im at least semi normal. it started as ironic but it went downhill so fast
pikbro · 3 months
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this selfship stuff got way too real so fast
anyways this is velvet
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bababaka · 10 days
Tell me a story. And i'll tell you a thousand more - Bade x reader
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Summary: Hollywood Arts, the most privilleged arts school in the USA. And amongst many young talented teens, you were chosen to enter it. To be study there and be part of it. You couldn't believe it.
"Fuck. I got in!"
This will change life! And you are determined to make the most of it.
Warnings: swear words, not edited completely, i just needed to get this out of drafts, i will later edit.. And... that's it i guess? Like, bullying, mean teachers, but nothing much i guess. Oh, i also used google translate. So yeah. Have fun.
Author's note: so, i had this in my drafts for a while. I always had a crush on these two, and nobody wrote a fic with those two that fulfilled my need for them, so... here i am. Trying to mash my thoughts together and write something at least nice or ok. Im trying to write well. Don't have high expectations, im not a seasoned writer yet. Might never be. Also, unfortunately for me and you guys, this is a multichapter fanfiction. Sooo, you'll have to bear with me with slooooow updates. And im sorry for that. Anyways, enough chit chat, i present you, the chapter one to this mess.
Chapter 1 : I got in!
“Hollywood Arts”. The most privileged arts school in the United States of America. Only the most talented people passed the test. The list of competitors was huge. But, here you were, Y/N Y/L/N, in front of the school gates. You had passed the test, thousands of people competing against each other, and you had succeeded.
Honestly, it seemed too good to be true. The majesty of the construction, students, certainly in their second and third year, full of confidence, dancing, singing, playing, drawing, acting and even proclaiming poetry.
This was too much to digest.
You could barely believe it when you read the email, your mother cheering and shouting in the background, while you remained frozen staring at the computer, reading and re-reading your school admission.
The best arts school in the country.
You entered.
Holy shit! I entered!
You have always been passionate about dancing.
It all started when your mother caught you in your room dancing to “hips don’t lie” in a completely clumsy and enthusiastic way. She then decided to take you to dance classes. You were 4 years old.
Years passed and you fell in love.
Dancing was expressing yourself. Tell a story. Saying what words were sometimes unable to express. Sadness. Happiness. Emotion. Desire. Anger. Feelings in their purest form.
And then, you discovered ballet.
Ballet made your heart race in a way nothing else did. The slow and elegant steps, fast and rigorous. Dancing made you feel alive, happy, ecstatic.
At the height of your 10 years, watching a small part of the film your mother was watching, Black Swan, before her noticing your presence and kicking you out to your room, you found yourself trapped, in a trance, enchanted by the dance, by the way how the actress moved, how she leapt into the air and landed softly on the stage.
The next day, you begged your mother to take you to ballet classes.
At first, it was difficult. The dance classes previously were fun, relaxed. Here, they asked for excellence. Your teacher was strict and classmates were mean. There were many days when you came home crying or upset. Your mother tried to change classes, convince you to go back to dance classes, but you were stubborn. And you were more than determined to show everyone, your teacher, your classmates, that you were good, that you could be the best. So you did what you could, trained and trained, danced until your toes grew calluses and you could no longer support yourself properly.
It was difficult, but now, more than ever, you saw the results of your efforts. Oh, how you would love to see the faces of the girls who tried to get into the school but failed. You did it.
You would love to rub it in each of their faces. But, you didn't have time for that. What you had to do was take a deep breath, enter those gates and find where your first class would be.
Here we go.
The hallways were crazy, lost students like you walked by, friends who hadn't seen each other for the entire vacation and others who argued, dissatisfied with the classes they fell into.
Although you felt tempted to ask one of the students, you thought it would be safer to ask an adult. Supervisor, coordinator, any adult. A teacher, janitor.
You didn't trust students, especially at a talent school, the ego and arrogance must be astronomical.
You watched Glee. You didn't want to end up in a crackhouse.
But unfortunately, the hallways were full of teenagers, and there was no teacher, sign, or voices coming out of speakers magically guiding you in the direction of your next class.
You look around, searching for someone who was as lost as you. You didn't want to be the only idiot who didn't know their way around.
You find something similar.
A boy your age, talking and gesturing. He seemed to be asking a paralyzed girl for directions. She didn't even seem to be paying attention.
You didn't know exactly why she was perplexed, maybe he was saying absurd things, but you wouldn't be surprised if the cause of the paralysis was the boy's beauty.
He was beautiful. Dark skin, brown hair, delicate features, not to the point of being androgynous, but of being harmonious, pleasing to the eye. A relaxed brown look, although it is becoming confused and dull.
You decided to step in and save the girl the embarrassment of being caught drooling, and, as a bonus, get the information you so desperately wanted. The direction for your next class, acting.
– Excuse me, uh, I'm lost. Could you help me?
This seemed to work. The boy's posture relaxed, and the girl, in turn, came out of her trance and began to glare at you, shooting lasers from her eyes.
The boy smiled. And, wow. He had incredibly white teeth, and it looked like you were the only girl in the world, the tiny curve of his mouth pulled you in like he was the center of the Earth. The look that had a charm, brown like melted chocolate and all you wanted was to dive in and get lost in them.
Perhaps you have entered a trance.
But as soon as he started talking, you forced yourself to pay attention and not make a fool of yourself.
– I'm also lost. I was asking her – he turned to the “laser beam look”, who immediately stopped with the murderous expression. – But I don’t think you know, do you?
– What? I know! Of course I know! Nobody knows more than me! – and then she started walking, supposedly in the direction of the room where the boy had his class. – You're a first year, right? – she asked the pretty boy, completely ignoring you.
He looked at you sideways.
– Uh, yes, yes, I am. – She nods, and turns forward, determined, as she starts talking without stopping.
She says her name, Trina Vega, how she got into school, how she is so talented at so many things, how popular she was, and that they would make a great couple. At this part, you were shocked, eyes widening quickly, mouth falling open. She was… direct.
And maybe a little clueless, considering that the boy started to walk more slowly, putting distance between him and Trina, and standing next to you.
He leans into your side.
– She's a little… eccentric…
You laugh.
– That may be an understatement. – You look at Trina, who continued to talk. – Look, she hasn't even noticed that you're not paying attention, or even close to her.
It was his turn to laugh.
– Yeah… – He clears his throat. – I'm Beck, nice to meet you. – He stops for a moment, and extends his hand to you.
You say your name and take his hand, shaking it. Soon he started walking again so as not to lose sight of Trina, who was still talking.
– You’re a first year too, right? – You nod in response. – Yeah, I imagined it. Which course did you enroll in?
– Dance, more specifically, ballet. You?
– Cool. I came to do drama, acting.
– Cool. – You smile, he reciprocates.
For a moment, you forgot what you were saying, going and even thinking. He was cute, handsome and had a nice voice to listen to, something rare coming from a teenager. The short hair thrown to the side, looked soft, made you want to run your fingers through the strands.
The cute boy's small, happy smile was damaging your brain, because the world disappeared around him and you couldn't think about anything else.
Until, finally, Trina realized that Beck wasn't close to her, much less listening to what she was saying.
– Hey! – she called. You turned to her, who had a frown that turned into a forced smile. – We arrived, and you didn’t tell me your name. – She leans over and smiles at Beck.
You were ignored, again.
– Oh, it's Beck. And this is. – He tries to introduce you, say you name and be polite. But Trina interrups him, muttering “whatever” and heading back to the door.
Well, that was nice.
– Sikowits, I brought two lost students. – Then the bell rings, and Trina turns to Beck. – I'll see you around, Beck. – He blinked. And gone, probably to his own class.
– Please don't. – Beck says, with a pained expression. But it was too late, Trina couldn't hear him anymore, or at least, she pretended not to.
You sympathized with the situation.
It seems that being too handsome had its downsides.
His attention returned to the teacher who was at the door.
Bald, messy hair and beard, a slightly unbalanced look, layer after layer of clothing, he had a sloppy style. Maybe he was a hippie. Or just weird. It was probably both.
The hippie professor smiled, in a warm, disturbing way (you seriously wondered if that man was sane. You hoped he was).
– Be welcome! What are your names?
Beck withdraws into himself, becoming shy. How cute.
– Beck Oliver.
The please-don't-be-crazy teacher leans over to look at a list that was laid out on the table. The list of student names.
He turns to the boy beside him.
– Oliver? Alberto Oliver?
Beck puts his hand on the back of his head, looks at you sideways, and nods.
– Yes, but I prefer Beck.
– Understood! Come in, come in. – He calls Beck with his hand enthusiastically, the boy enters and sits in one of the chairs. Then, the bald professor turns to you. – Your name?
You say your full name.
– Oh yes. It's here too. Come in and sit down. The class is about to start. I just have to find the lost and innocent sheep that are lost in the corridors.
You made a face when you heard the phrase… He sounded so weird that way…
As long as he didn't kill or abuse anyone and was a good teacher, you wouldn't have a problem.
You entered the room and deciding quickly and safely, you turned to Beck, hoping to find an empty seat next to the boy. But, as expected, all the seats evaporated, and Oliver found himself surrounded by people, mostly girls.
You sighed and sat in the front, next to a girl with red hair (it didn't look natural, but you'd ask later) who had a friendly smile on her face. It seemed like a good option.
You sat down, and introduced yourself. The girl smiled, with her white teeth and a gentle and innocent aura formed around her.
– I'm Cat!
You smiled, enchanted by the redhead's cuteness.
– Cat? Like the animal? – the girl walked away, running her hand through her hair, her brow furrowed.
– What? What do you mean by that?
– No! I'm just saying that cat sounds like a kitten. – You explained yourself, nervously. You didn't want to scare the girl.
– Kittens? I like kittens! They're so cute!
You let out the breath you were holding. Cat returned to the bubble of innocence and happiness that she was at the beginning.
– Yes, they are.
Then, the professor, Sikowitz, if that was really what Trina called him, came back into the room, with a coconut and straw in one hand, and sunglasses in the other.
– Well done, class! I'm not going to ask you to introduce yourselves. You will improvise a scene. You will play the person next to you, I don't care if you don't know each other. Create a character and then live the character!
The Hippie Man asked them one by one to come forward in front of the class.
There were some interesting and funny monologues.
A black boy, with dreadlocks, a beautiful smile and lots of charm, played a shy nerd who stuttered around girls and had a puppet who made derogatory comments about the situation.
The scene was hilarious. Especially when he started interacting with the students while in character.
There were some very good ones.
Beck, who, to your surprise, played one of the girls surrounding him, and, unfortunately for Sikowitz, used the teacher as his scene partner. He was visibly uncomfortable. And the girl too. Shrinking in her chair as Beck performed, exposing how irritating she was.
She'll probably leave the boy alone after this.
There was also another girl, brown hair, black leather jacket and pants. She was incredible. Before getting into character, she seemed closed off, grumpy, with a frown on her face. But, as soon as the scene began, her entire expression and body language changed to a more clumsy and agitated girl like a nice but extremely clumsy girl.
And other performances could improve. You were part of the last group. See, you were a dancer, not an actress. You knew you had to take acting classes, but that didn't mean it was your strong point.
You had to play Cat. You weren't horrible, but you could have done better. When he had to face all the attentive eyes of your classmates and the teacher, a chill took over your stomach and a pressure to not make mistakes was placed in your mind. At first, it was difficult, but as the scene developed, your performance improved.
As the last student finished presentation, the teacher stood up, applauding.
– Very good! You have to learn and perfect the ability to transform into a character in a short time, to analyze your character and to transform yourself in the snap of a finger. – He snapped his fingers right in your face, you jerked away reflexively, startling yourself. He smiled. And the bell rang. – Anyway. That's all for today. You even had the chance to socialize and get to know each other. – he said as everyone got up and left. You did the same, gathered your things and stood up. You were at the door when you heard him sigh and murmur:
– Ah, being young, I can remember what it was like to have dreams and hope.
…You were sure this wasn't normal…
You heard your name. You turned around, and saw red hair, you looked down, realizing that Cat was smaller than you. That made her even cuter.
– What class do you have now?
You searched your pockets, in the slim hope of finding your schedule. After long, embarrassing moments, you found it and read it out loud.
– Ballet.
– Oh, I have singing lessons now – Cat seemed to deflate. But only for a few seconds. – Do you want to sit with me at lunch?
You responded quickly, jumping at the opportunity of not having to be alone during lunch.
– Yes of course! – You looked around, remembering Beck, hoping to see him, but in vain, he had already disappeared into the corridors. But, you didn't let that bother, or sadden you, you would invite him to sit with you at lunch, in the low probability of being able to do so before the boy was bombarded by people.
– OK! Until lunch then!
Finding the ballet class was easy. You just followed the smell of pain, tears, deceit and extreme competition.
…Actually, you just followed the girls in buns and leotards.
You entered the room, or rather dance salon. The floor was smooth and black, a large mirror covering the entire wall, a large speaker and a piano at the back of the room.
The teacher, apparently, was not there. But the students were already stretching. Some in groups, others alone.
You saw some faces you had already anticipated. The rich, mean girls who were born doing ballet. The girl obsessed and completely focused on doing her best, making her potentially meaner than the other girls. The pretty boy who, because he does ballet, thinks he's cool and that everyone is in love with him. The boy who feels the need to say all the time that he's not gay, he just likes to express himself through dancing!
However, you also saw other faces you hadn't seen before, and that was a pleasant surprise. Dealing with the same types of people became boring.
Hollywood Arts would be a beginning, not only of your artistic career, but of a social life in ballet. I didn't want to ruin your high school experience with drama, toxicity, and cliques.
But unfortunately, you didn't have the best start. Because while you were analyzing and admiring everything around you, your teacher arrived, and it was then that you noticed, everyone was stretched out and dressed appropriately, while you were still standing, wearing jeans, sneakers and a shirt. No stretching.
It was instantaneous. Not only did the teacher's eyes land on you. The entire room was focused on you.
Shit. You flinched.
– You're late. – The teacher says, approaching you, like a predator approaches its prey. A panther, walking elegantly and silently, with total firmness and confidence, about to attack a beautiful and vulnerable little rabbit. The panther knows that the rabbit is already dead. Only a matter of time for death to actually occur, until the panther snatches the prey.
The bunny becomes alert, realizing the danger. Look around. Pay attention to your ears and sharpen your vision.
– The bell hasn't rung yet and class starts in 3 minutes.
The panther stops. Paying attention to the victim's movements, but at no time revealing their position or losing their calm.
– Exactly. 3 minutes and you're like this. – She points to your clothes, with clear disdain. The rabbit flinches, sensing claws wrapping around its fur. – Without the leotard and without stretching. Unprepared. I start my class on time, warm-ups start when the bell rings. So, miss late, you have – the teacher glanced briefly at the clock and turned her eyes to you. – 2 minutes to put on your clothes and stretch, otherwise you will go to detention and will not be able to participate in this class.
The rabbit begins to struggle, panic arising as it sees the possibility of death right in front of it.
– But just to get to the bathroom takes a minute.
The teacher smiles, in a sadistic and amused way
– Then, I suggest you run.
Crunch! Fur turning scarlet, sharp fangs tearing flesh, paws playing with the limp, lifeless body.
You took off. Hearing giggles and one last image of the teacher's smile
The predator was sated. For now.
You admitted it. You've never stretched so quickly and inefficiently, nor were you so frivolous when adjusting your tights.
But, it was what you had to offer at that moment.
– Miss late! You have exceeded your time of 2 minutes, but as I am in a good mood I will let it pass. Let it serve as a warning to everyone. Be prepared BEFORE class starts. Otherwise, well, you don't want to find out. Now, don't just stand there, join the warm-up!
And you fumbled a little out of pure nervousness, and heard some giggling around, but after a few minutes, you were already in your element.
The warm-up was brutal.
Yes, of course, you already had years of ballet, but still, the teacher seemed to want you to kill yourself in the warm-up. Because it lasted 40 minutes.
To you, it felt like two hours.
Damn, who warms up for 40 minutes? Well, apparently, your new teacher.
When the warm-up, which lasts longer and is heavier than you're used to, finally ends, you're sweating profusely and out of breath. Some were in the same state as you, others were worse, and a group of girls were in better shape, they were sweaty and out of breath, but still, visibly more composed.
The teacher waited in silence for a few moments. Just analyzing all the students.
The teacher approaches the group of 5 who were sitting on the floor, taking in lots of air, barely avoiding getting sick. Some were coughing.
– Pathetic. – She said, her lips lifting in disgust and disdain. – What would your names be?
The group fumbled among themselves, saying full names, others just trying and failing in between, preferring to breathe. One boy almost threw up.
The teacher put her hands in the air and waved them. Exasperated.
– Stop, stop, stop. Are you by any chance animals? Don't know how to speak one at a time? – she sighs. – What were you thinking when they accepted you? Hmph… Disgusting…
– Why does every ballet teacher have to be mean? – a girl next to you commented quietly. You laughed quietly, bitterly, as you watched the teacher insult the poor young teens on the floor.
– It must be something they need to have on their resume. “Expert in torturing teenagers.” – You responded in an equally silent tone.
– Also, didn’t she have a vote in the admission of students? Why does she complain about the school's admissions system if she is part of it?
You shrugged.
– Some evil plan to destroy our self-esteem?
The girl quickly turned to you, a small smile on her face and an outstretched hand, as subtle as she could without drawing the teacher's attention.
– I'm Daisy.
You introduced yourself.
And in mutual and silent agreement, they turned to the teacher. You feared what would happen if the teacher caught the students talking.
Your attention returned to the scene and you only heard the last two names of the group. All red, from shame or exhaustion, you didn't know. The teacher didn't answer anything, just left them on the floor, recovering, and started walking around the room, quickly passing in front of each student.
– You are… Pathetic. Some more than others. But – he made a show of sighing loudly. – As you were accepted, I will make you true artists, dancers. You must breathe ballet, move with elegance and dexterity at all times, and face the world, the stage without fear. The classes will be difficult, long and will demand determination and strength from each person. And I will not hesitate to take punitive action against those who are not taking this seriously. Because, as your teacher, your performance in the future will reflect on my image. Therefore, now they will imitate me. I'm the best, and so will you.
The teacher pauses, and you can hear the tension in the air, the nervousness and everyone shifting in their seats, anxious.
– Am I understood?
Several voices sounded throughout the room, including yours. All saying yes. The teacher smiled.
– Good. Now, let's start the class.
You swallowed hard, already feeling tired, but still, strangely excited. It would be a challenge, and you loved difficult things.
After painful and sadistic hours (yes, hours!), the class was finally released for lunch, and then afternoon classes.
The teacher informed them that the ballet class had an exclusive bathroom and that if they wanted (but, from the disgusted way she sounded, it seemed more like a requirement) they could take a shower there.
You perked up when you heard this, and most of the students did too. It would be horrible to have to continue at school with all that crust of sweat on your body.
So, after the teacher left, everyone packed their things and went to either take a shower or have lunch.
You were more than ready to head to the bathroom and shower. You were tired, but the sweat on your body bothered you more than fatigue.
– Hey, are you going to eat or take a shower first?
You looked to the side. The girl you talked to after the warm-up. Was it Daphne? Daniela? Delilah? No, that was ridiculous. It was something with D.
– Im going to the shower. I couldn't eat something feeling dirty.
– You sure? As we are being released early, the queue is non-existent to buy… Anything.
– I'm sure. – You smiled, slightly touched by the girl’s kindness. She waved and said goodbye to you, leaving for lunch.
After a long and well-deserved shower, you head to the cafeteria where the food was. Heavens, how hungry you were!
Arriving in the area, you began looking for Cat and Beck. Not surprisingly, you found Beck first. Surrounded by people, girls and boys.
You decide to try to get past the crowd and rescue Beck, who now seems overwhelmed.
You squeeze between people, making your way through elbows and curses, until you reach the center, feeling several hateful looks on you.
Beck's face lights up when he sees you, and he calls your name, approaching you.
– Hey, what are you doing? – he asks, ignoring the entire crowd around him, and you can feel the commotion that this generates. You smile, focusing on nothing more than the boy in front of you.
– Trying to save you from this crowd by inviting you to lunch with me and Cat.
– Oh, please! I would love to.
You swear something happened around you. People cursed him, complained, maybe even hit you, but your brain melted a little when you saw Oliver's smile. A captivating, happy, friendly expression. It seemed like the air around him shimmered and exuded something almost surreal.
What brought you back to reality was a tap on your shoulder.
– So, where are you sitting? – Beck asked and then you realized, the crowd had dissipated and only the pretty boy was by your side.
– Uh, actually, I haven't chosen the table, nor have I found Cat yet. – You then start looking for the redhead. The brunette at his side.
– Ah, I see… Who is Cat? Your pet? Are animals even allowed at school?
You laugh.
– No, no. She's a girl I met today, in drama class, while you were being surrounded by… Everyone…
Beck sighed and nodded in a more crestfallen manner. You stop looking around for a moment, to fix your eyes on him.
– Does this happen a lot? You're famous and I'm the only one who didn't notice?
– No, I'm not famous, at least not yet. I'm just pretty. – He shrugs lightly, as if it weren't a big deal. And you stop walking, and let out a disbelieving laugh. This time, his lips move to form a cocky smile.
– What? Are you going to say i'm not? – he prods you, and you fumble over your words, not wanting to deny it, but certainly not wanting to confirm it either. However, to your relief, he just laughs at your reaction and continues talking. – People have always approached me because of my – he raises his hands to gesture quotation marks with his fingers. - "exotic beauty". Eventually, I just got used to it.
You observe the boy next to you. Really analyzes him.
He didn't seem like the kind of boy who was an asshole, who thought he was better than everyone else, who believed he had everyone at his feet, when he really didn't.
Beck just seemed aware of the reality he found himself in. After all, he was handsome. Short but silky hair, great style of clothing that sold the cool kid look. If you had to guess, he seemed like a relaxed but extremely cunning type of boy. The guy who smiled at everyone, but had a mouth that dripped with venom.
You had your thoughts interrupted by a high-pitched female voice calling your name. Cat. He took one last look at Beck, who maintained a relaxed posture and the remains of a smile.
Well, you deduced, only time will show Oliver's true face, whatever it may be.
– Cat! I was looking for you! – you approached the redhead. She lit up.
– And, did you find me?
– Apparently, you found me. – When saying this, the redhead makes a sad expression.
– Oh, wow, what a shame. – You frowned, not understanding the line of reasoning, but before you could say anything, Cat was already addressing Beck. – Hi, I'm Cat. – she introduced herself, waving energetically.
Beck laughed, like you would laugh at something cute a puppy did, and waved back, but without the redhead's excessive enthusiasm.
You guys go look for a table. And when they find it, they realize they had nothing to eat. Luckily there was a food truck nearby, and everyone ordered something.
At the table, everyone talked about themselves. You revealed that although it inspired you, you never saw the film Black Swan. Cat talked about her love for purple giraffes and her brother. You were worried at that part, you didn't know if the small girl was joking or not.
Beck talked about how he moved from Canada with his parents to Los Angeles just for school, and talked excitedly about how he liked cars and was looking forward to getting his own.
When they heard sobs around them, that's when they left the bubble they were in.
– You're a bitch!
A blonde girl, green eyes, swollen and moist. She was the one who jumped out of her chair and screamed. Despite her anguished expression, she looked firmly at the table in front of her, and the person who was sitting there.
You recognized who it was from your theater class. She had a gothic style. Eyeliner, black nails, combat boots and dark clothes.
The green-eyed goth girl, you noticed, raised her eyebrow and took her eyes in a deliberate and prolonged manner to the bare legs of the girl in front of her.
– I'm not the one with the scraped knees.
She smiled cruelly, and amidst the deadly silence, a few muffled giggles could be heard.
The blonde girl choked. Tries to justify herself, you think she had says about a skateboard, but was unsuccessful. Then she resignes herself to letting out a sob and running away.
The goth turned her smile into a frown, and looked around, the many eyes in her direction. She faced everyone and with a loud, rude and direct voice, she shouted.
– What are you looking at? – and everyone went back to doing what they did before. Well, you asume that everyone had done it, you didn't bother to check. You just kept your attention on the girl. Curious. You wanted to know what had happened. And how she had made someone cry on the first day of school.
You hated this type of attitude, behavior, personality. You might not be the kindest girl in the world, but you certainly weren't cruel. Even when you felt the urge to be.
It was a shame that such a beautiful girl, with brown hair and green eyes, could be so horrible.
You assumed that beauty would spoil a person. You just hoped Beck wouldn't turn out to be that kind of person. Then, you finally returned your gaze to the table, and discovered that you weren't the only one who remained looking at her. The pretty boy also had his sights set on the table that only had one mean girl on it.
– She's mean. – Cat spoke up, breaking the silence as well as Beck's admiration and thoughts.
– She is. – Beck agrees, nonchalant.
You remain silent, taking one last look in the girl's direction.
It doesn't take long before the bell rings. You say goodbye to them both and head towards classes in the afternoon. The part of your curriculum is completely normal and, after theater and ballet classes, terribly boring.
Chemistry, geography and math classes stretched out, as if they had no end, like a rubber band that when it thought it was about to break, it stretched a little more. However, it didn't matter anymore, you were finally free to go home.
You were exhausted, physically, mentally and spiritually. Names of teachers, subjects, exercises, classmates piling up and colliding in your brain. You had absolutely no energy for anything.
Unfortunately for you, however, when you open the door to your house, you come across your mother, waiting for you, sitting in a chair, almost jumping with excitement. The true image of a puppy anxiously waiting for its owner.
Your heart is heavy, and your body and soul scream with frustration. You just wanted your bed. But, your mother sees you and you simply accept that you would have to stay awake for a few more moments.
His mother spews questions one after another at you.
"How it was?"
“Have you made friends yet?”
“Are all teachers weird?”
“Is there anyone famous?”
“Did they treat you well?”
"Are you well?"
"Are you hungry? I made dinner!”
While eating, you told your mother everything, it didn't take long for you to get excited too, even though you were tired.
You leave out some details, like teachers and some bad people, but otherwise, you confess everything. The many beautiful people, with a few exceptions, the strange talents and habits you noticed, strange and normal teachers.
However, sleepiness and tiredness manifested itself through yawning and heavy eyes. Your mother, realizing this, immediately sends you up to your room to get some sleep.
After a relaxing shower, you lay down on your bed, comfortable under the blankets.
Ah, finally.
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ftm-baby-doll · 9 months
I’ve noticed people are treating me differently.
i am a student who isn’t popular or even well known. sure, i have many friends from many groups but i don’t really hang out with anyone.
i dont stand out as pretty , or at least i dont think i do. i dont think people usually undress me with their eyes.
but today was different. i was quite tired when i arrived. the sun wasn’t put yet but it was what time i could make the commute. i dragged myself across the empty campus until i found a empty corridor to lay in. i turned off the lights, threw a blanket over me, curled up into a ball, and slept.
about 2 hours later i am finally awaken by a teacher. im so groggy i let them continue the comments of my dead appearance as i wake.
i stumble out of the now filling corridor out into the hallways.
i am almost immediately stopped by a guy my age that has shown interest in me. his gaze tears off my clothes. he mentions my blanket. i tell him i was just asleep. he says i should have invited him.
im nice, well im scared of conflict. i let him say this and i simply nod my head to agree. he smiles wide as he follows me to the food court. he mentions the terrible selection of food. i heckle him and tell him to eat apple sauce as i grab one. we depart ways.
i start walking to where one of the groups of friends i know is usually. quickly i overhear these guys.
“yo she’s really hot look.” i quietly overhear their conversation curious as to who they were talking about
“her?” one of asks with bafflement.
“yeah!” the other responds. then, i notice they are looking at me.
i make a point to pretend to ignore them and im quite good at that. they continue.
“look at her ass!” someone else in the group comments. these pants do fit me. For once i’m not wearing baggy jeans.
i’m so shocked.
i have never been treated like this before.
keep in mind, i dont look outwardly feminine. I have a mullet, i wear all mens clothes, i have a small always binded chest. but, my ass is big and my hips are wide. i hide my curvy waist with my baggy clothing. today i wore a long sleeve boxy shirt and cargo pants.
i continue to walk i cant let this distract me. i turn to see that group of friends is gone. i think through my options of what to do for the next 20 minutes while i search for random people i mutually know.
i call a friend and she begs me to meet her so i oblige. I wait by the entrance of the school. One my mutuals approaches me. i greet her and explain just how tired i am. i turn back around to see the group of guys from before. i accidentally look one of them in the face. he doesnt miss a step. he asks me,
“Your stomach is out. I can see it.”
I turn to look away from him as he speaks to me. i flush with embarrassment. this shirt is lightly cropped. you cant see more than an inch of my waist but i guess its enough to notice. me and the mutual. run away to another corridor. as i frantically search for the girl im meeting, i compain about my problems. i admit to the first person at the school that i take photos of myself nude for others. but, i trust her to not tell.
i meet with the girl i was needing to. she drags me into the girls bathroom to get me high. i swear, these girls on my campus treat me like their dog.
She puts me into a stall and convinces me to smoke more and more by taking another puff herself. once i start loudly complaining about how high i am she tells me i dont have to smoke anymore with a giggle.
one of her friends arrive. they complain about the lack of other drugs on campus while i add useless high comments to the conversation. their decide to go search for their friend. i am dragged into another girls bathroom.
i am off in my own world. this is a normal situation for me. people love to drag me around to get intoxicated with them. i follow cause i usually feel too bad not to. and i mean who says no to free weed?
i dont remember this part. i was too high. i walked to class and got in fine. i got through my first lecture fine.
the next class is in 2 hours. so, while i wait to get hungry i hang out in the weightlifting room.
i go into the lockers and change. i dress into a shirt a size too big and wide legged yoga pants. i head into the weight room to realize that the teachers are gone. Great, now im stuck here. I begrudgingly head into the gymnasium. I find a private corner to myself while i prepare for the next hours of nothing. i begin to lightly stretch my hips. as soon as i stand, i notice another group of boys approaching me. im utterly confused and it shows.
“yo, you’re hot. whats your snap.” the tallest of them ask. i tilt my head to look at him.
“i dont want to.” i snap back. i make a point to sound annoyed.
“ooh! you hear that! she said no!” the other guys heckle the taller.
“come on girl, dont be like that.” he approaches closer.
i quickly move off the wall and walk away hastily. i take refuge next to a guy ive talked to a couple of times. i tell him what happened and he said i should have given them my snapchat. i call him a dick. once the group leaves and the lockers open again, i go in and change.
i finally decided im ready for lunch. i meet up with the girl from the morning and begin to recount what is happening to me today. she tells me they’re just trying to make fun of me. i dont care either way honestly.
i eat lunch and head to my classes unbothered. well, that was until my last lecture.
me and my professor are friends. none of the students are allowed to know he talks to me privately out of school. i do nothing this class period but react to how dumb his students are with him.
Some guy who sat next to me today started talking to me. i ignore him for the first 10 minutes until i finally snap.
i ask annoyed, “what? is there something you want? how can i help?”
he asks “how old are you?”
i say just as annoyed my age. he sounds in disbelief as he realizes that i am younger than him. i go back to ignoring him.
the men sat right behind me are friends with him i think. i notice how they make comments on how my body looks. i am so shocked but i won’t confront them. i don’t want them to know i can hear them.
the guy gives me a piece of paper. i ask my only friend in the class to read it for me. it says simply “talk 2 me baby”
i look at the guy in belief. he smiles.
i felt like a total slut today. i loved it. i don’t know what i did today to get this attention but oh isnt it nice.
i wonder if someone on campus has seen my naked body before. hell, im sure so but do they know it was me? im so curious as to what would happen if everyone found out what a slut i am. but, lets hope ot doesnt happen haha~
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1d1195 · 2 months
ohhh myyy godddd that’s so crazy to me. i’ve been going to weddings since i was a CHILD. i think it’s a culture thing tho bc where im from ppl are always getting married andddd you’re supposed to invite LOTS of people, there’s no such thing as a small wedding😭
but i get being tapped out !! when it’s been too many back to back i get tired and stressed abt it. also funny but i think ive only been to like one funeral ??? maybeee two idk
birthday was fun !! vry simple i stayed home all day im not much of a birthday person, or at least just not my birthday bc i love celebrating my friends. the skincare routine is ???? it’s only been a few days so im not sure yet but ill keep you updated
i was going through dresses with my mom today for the weddings that was fun, always love putting together an outfit. i got a new phone case with one of those cute charms that hang from the bottom and it feels like a whole new phone🤭
I SAW ONE OF YOUR ANONS MENTION SHATTER ME ???? SO FUNNY CAUSE IM READING IT RN (i’m on book 5, anon TRUST when i say things change) im also not a huge dystopian fan at ALL bc it’s just getting too real !!! but i picked this up because my friends were BEGGING me saying i had to read it and I HAD NO IDEA IT WAS DYSTOPIAN 😭😭😭 I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FANTASY ???? but nope !! its taking me forever to get through them but im pushing thru💪
on the topic of books, have you ever read a court of thorns and roses ??? i spent so long avoiding it for some reason but i finally caved and O!M!G!!!!! i LOVED it. idk if u have or haven’t but i will say i think you’d LOVE rhys😉
wishing you every single good thing in the world cause you deserve it !!!!! tell me how you’ve been <3333
The weddings I've gone too haven't been that big either. I think the max was 150 people (but could have been closer to 120). Most of them have really been ~100. It's just so expensive and that's why I'm sick of it. It's a lot to spend on a bridal shower gift, a wedding gift, AND I've been on two destination bachelorette parties so it's just literally been draining my bank account.
I love that you had a lowkey/relaxing birthday! It sounds so nice! I am actually a huge bday fan. It's the only time I want to be the center of attention (or willing to be). What's your favorite kind of outfit? Or your style in general?
Isn't it cute how a little detail can change your whole attitude about something? I got a new screen protector and I'm like "I love this phone again" and last week I was ready to go trade it in HAHHAHA
🎀-anon will hopefully see this! I'm not sure I'll ever read it tbh. Like I said, dystopian really freaks me out now. I was firmly in middle school when The Hunger Games came out and Divergent was all throughout high school. On top of that my friend was recommending a whole bunch of zombie apocalypse books at the time too I was just really stressed while reading which is not what I wanted. It's still not either hahahahaha I don't mind a little conflict obviously but reading about governments and people being horrible to each other for the sake of being horrible (essentially)... I'm all set. I would first watch the news 😂😂
I have not taken the leap to read A Court of Thorns and Roses 😭 I think it's inevitable but I have A LOT of reading to do to get through my bookshelf. I've been making slower progress which isn't very helpful either 🙃 The fantasy side of novels never really piqued my interest either but I've seen lots of good things of course about the series! I'm sure I'll read it eventually, but I don't think I will be doing so just yet. When I do, I will keep an eye on Rhys hehehehe
I've been good. I swear the weekends are getting shorter every week. I'm lowkey dreading May and June but hopefully it will go by as quick as possible 🙃 I'm thinking about taking magnesium supplement because my doctor recommended it as a way to help me get out of my funky moods, boost energy, etc. etc. It's also just supposed to be really beneficial overall. Idk, I'll try anything to fix me hahahahaha I'm reading my book and writing part 4 of Ding...I'm not sure if it'll be done in time for tomorrow. I'm hopeful, but nervous it might be a Thursday update this week. Thanks for asking! Hope you have a great rest of your weekend and stellar start to the week!
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taxfraudhousewife · 5 months
i can’t believe how much i loved you
i can’t believe how easily it went away
it’s probably my fault
probably yours too
i loved you without fear of abandonment
isn’t that the stupidest shit you ever heard
after a decade of crying over the way you word your texts
i didn’t learn shit
i get it now
i get it now
it’s too good to be true
that’s all
whatever i thought you were wasn’t really you
it’s my fault for thinking you’re not you
my fault for thinking maybe you were like me
my fault you were nice to me
i just wish i’d learn my lesson
stop crawling back begging for crumbs
i won’t live off your scraps
not enough calories
i won’t live off your scraps
you cover up the rot by pretending you know me
act like you know what i want
maybe you do and you love to watch me want
maybe you do but stay indifferent anyway
is this what it’s like to just be friends
at least it hurts less than thinking you’re my permanent wife
i can’t believe i thought you were for real
i’m sure we can still be friends
when did i get this stupid
four days and im losing my shit
i’ve been abandoned for longer by better men
don’t know when i got good at waiting
when it became so easy to isolate
maybe it’s not as smart as i think
maybe it’s the only thing keeping me alive
maybe it’s why you can’t fuckin stand me
fuck you
and all of them
fuck me for thinking you were different
thinking you couldn’t possibly hurt me
never on purpose
i put everything i had into you
i know it looked meager
that’s my fault
but it was still everything
maybe you’ll regret it when i’m older and healthy and start a nuclear family
maybe you’ll see what you’re missing maybe i’ll make something worth missing
maybe you’ll be the older and healthier one but every time you post something i’ll see the bullet i dodged
maybe you’re the giant bullet i had to learn to dodge
maybe the parts of me trying to live and the parts trying to die
maybe they’re inseparable
maybe i’ll crave the giant bullet for as long as i fear it
at least i know what the bullet will do to me
i’ll always be more afraid of what happens after i dodge it
i have to keep living
how terrifyingly inevitable
that anything could happen after i dodge you
that’s my argument that’s the extent of my self preservation
maybe it’s the healthiest thing i’ve ever done
maybe it’s the stupidest
it sounds dramatic but note how little hope i hold
note the crippling self hatred and incurable nihilism
note that even my fucked up melancholic bastardization of hope
couldn’t accommodate you
that can’t be my fault
with a bar low enough for me to stumble over
into love with anyone who’s nice to me
after a decade of crying over the way you word your texts
could you at least admit it
whatever it is that needs admitting
i don’t even know you so how could i know why
swearing on your fuckin life that im the blood of your heart
like i fuckin mattered to you
like you ever listened for my voice in your head
like you ever thought for five seconds how you curb stomped my fuckin heart
over and over
like you never made it my fault
over and over
like i owed you anything after you dragged me through hell
like i was the one who was supposed to be regaining your trust
maybe the bar was too low
that’s my fault
im still mourning everything you ruined
the songs i can’t listen to
the halloweens and new years and birthdays spent drunk crying
wildfire seasons that will never be mine
winter nights cold by the window when we were the only two people in the world
you’ll never give me peace
any peace i offered you got swallowed and digested never to resurface
what about my fuckin explanation
why did i have to be the one to kill it
was your tactic to starve me out
leave or die
was that the plan
so you’d never have to deal with the guilt
were you scared i was gonna kill myself
were you scared when you realized that breaking up didn’t mean i was gonna kill myself
were you scared when you realized it meant i wanted to live
are you scared now like i am
despite everything i cling to the idea of you
one way or another i’ll get your attention
without starving myself
when will i stop getting angry that no one was ever worth starving over
except for me obviously
skinny and alive is a nice change
maybe one day i can leave you in my dust
but i think that about everyone
cause i’m the one left in their dust
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
aot band! au headcanons pt. 1:
pt. two here
pairing: jean x fem! reader, eren x fem! reader, zeke x fem! reader
wc: 1.2k+
cw: smut (18+ minors DNI), reader has female anatomy, manipulation/corruption, dumbification/incoherence, sorta dubcon (?), mentions of spit, cockwarming, unprotected sex, cursing, dirty talk, creampie/breeding, cumplay, degradation, perv! zeke.
a/n: okayyyyy, so im reposting this, because i didn't like it the first time i posted it lol. i added and cut out some things still don't know if i really like it. anyways, i tried my best with tagging everything, i really hope i didn't miss anything, if i did please let me know. this is my first time writing anything smutty, i'd love to hear any feedback or criticism !!
smut under the cut
jean kirstein
Jean would play the electric guitar.
He wouldn't have any big tattoos but tiny stick and pokes, but when he takes off his shirt, there would be this giant, intricate tattoo that spans his entire back.
He wears thin white t-shirts that cling to his body when he gets all sweaty from performing or when he douses himself in water because the lights make it really hot on stage, babe. The shirt becomes practically see-through, and when he turns around, you can see the outline of the back tattoo. You swear he does it on purpose.
HIS HANDS, calloused from hours of practice, wears chunky silver rings that make his long fingers stand out. He keeps his ring finger empty, though (he's a romantic and a big ol’ softie).
When he's writing songs or can't figure out what chord would sound right, he plays with his rings. He takes them off, sliding them up and down his finger until he's satisfied and moves on to the others.
It drives him insane if he sees you singing along to his songs at the concerts. He'll smirk at you, opting for a quick wink, before getting back to performing.
After the show, he’ll pull you into his lap, in whatever empty room is available. He’ll have his hands on your hips, the cold rings contrasting against your hot skin.
His heart would be beating so fast, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He just got off stage, and here you are, grinding down on the growing bulge in his pants, driving him crazy.
On most days, he liked it when you would fuck him post-show, sliding your skirt up and sink down on his cock.
He loved watching you fuck yourself dumb around him, tits bouncing in his face, head thrown back in pleasure. His cock would reduce you into an incoherent blubbering mess. The only thing making sense was the way you were chanting his name like a prayer.
this fucker would love to whisper the most filthy things in your ear, “you’re making such a mess around my cock, petal. You’re gonna be a good slut and clean it up after, right?”
when he’s about to cum, he turns into an absolute mess. He gets super whimpery and will hold you close to his chest as he dumps his load in you. He stays like that for a while, watching as his cum drips out of your cunt and down his dick.
He doesn’t let you get off his cock, partly because he’s so sensitive and partly because he secretly wants to stuff you full of his babies.
after he’s calmed down a bit, he’ll open his eyes and run a hand through his hair, letting out a small chuckle, “shit, baby, you keep fucking me like that and I might just have to put a ring around that finger.”
eren yeager
plays bass and is on vocals
he has a sleeve on one arm, and the other one is empty. It's pretty cohesive, and the pieces link together-think American traditional; he takes great pride in his tattoos. After all, they're pieces of art on his body.
He likes showing off on stage. He’ll take off his shirt and throw it into the crowd, and he loves hearing the screams that ensue afterwards.
Always the performer; he’ll walk off the stage and stand on the rails, getting the people in the crowd to run their hands down his sweat-slicked torso. It’s another crowd favourite.
he wears rings too, and his favourite thing to do is to get you to pull them off his fingers using your mouth. He has to coax you into each time, “I can’t pull them off by myself; they’re too tight, need your help, angel.” He just likes having you suck on his fingers; he won’t tell you that, though.
He likes the attention from the fans, but he mainly does it to get you hot and bothered. Eren stares at you while strangers are practically grabbing at him. It’s a game for him. Figure out just how many ways he can get to you.
you always avoid him after the shows, in a way to tell him that you're not impressed by the stunts he pulls.
As much as you try to run and hide, he always finds you. He’ll come up from behind, hands on your waist; you don’t need to see him to know that he’s got that Cheshire cat grin on his face.
Try to escape from his grip, and it’ll only get tighter, “what’d you think of my little performance, princess? Did it make you weak in the knees?”
He loves pushing your buttons, does everything to get a reaction out of you, try all you might, the night always ends the same way, you bent over his dressing room table, skirt lifted, panties to the side, and him fucking ruthlessly into you from behind.
the stoic front you put up would be practically erased from the way his cock slides in and out of your spongy walls, hitting that sweet spot over and over again.
He loves hearing you beg for him; he wants to listen to the vulgar words fall from your mouth, wants to have you begging him to let you cum, pleading for him to cum in your pussy.
He’ll tease you endlessly, “what’s that angel? If you want my cum so bad, you gotta beg better than that.” In the end, he always gives in, also liking the way his seed drips out of your pulsating hole.
Before any can drip down your thighs, he’ll slide back your panties, straighten out your skirt and send you off, saying that, “it’s for later, for when you try fingering that pretty little pussy, you’ll always have a reminder of who owns it.”
Bonus: tour manager! zeke yeager:
tour manager zeke, who watches the shows from the venue’s back, keeping his eyes trained on you.
Tour manager zeke who has a reputation for being a sleazebag, a cheapskate and vile to women.
Tour manager zeke, who watches as you stay back after each show to clean up, smiling ever so sweetly at him, “no mr. yeager, I really don’t mind helping out. It’s the least I can do.”
tour manager zeke, who can’t help think of shameful things when you bend over to pick up the crumpled posters, his eyes that linger a little too long at the swell of your pert ass.
Tour manager zeke thinks about how your mouth would feel around his cock, how your eyes would tear up as he pushed your head further and further down his cock. How pretty you would look with spit and cum coating that sweet face of yours.
Tour manager zeke, who has always been kind to you, offering to take you home for the night, telling you how cute you look and how he can’t believe you’re over 18.
Tour manager zeke wants to defile you and make you his, ruin you so that you can only get off from his cock and no one else’s.
Tour manager zeke wants to teach you how to suck dick, how to ride, how to fuck.
Tour manager zeke, who treats you so nicely, putting false notions in your mind so you can let your guard down around him, hoping that one day he can shape you into his plaything.
a/n: hope the smut sounded right this time around lmao, i might scrap it in the morning again idek yet, just wanted to see if i could even write smut.
I am working on the second part of somewhere only we know !! thank you for all the love on that.
if this does well, i'd love to do a part two to this with armin, mikasa and connie, please let me know if that is something you would be interested in !!
as always, if you enjoyed, leave a like/reblog, i truly appreciate it <33
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Just like you
Paring:2BDamned x employer!reader
Warning:so much adorable shit, subtle swearing tho
Notes:the employer reader is from @rotshop and this was inspired by a photo they made of the employer reader,2BDamned, and a little baby grunt. Adorable shit. Would have made this a while back but i was frankly to lazy lol.
So ya employer reader and doc being parents to a baby grunt. Enjoy :3
How long has it been now? Weeks? Months? A year? Time can be a bit of a blur after the suns disappearance, you can lose track of how many days it has been as the sky always remained that dark red hue. Even if a long time as passed you can still recall the same events that happened some time ago.
You had joined hank,sanford, and deimos on a raid, no reason in particular you just wanted to come along. A tingling feeling that something will happen, uncertain if it was the feeling of impending doom looming over your head, or something far different. Whatever it was you wanted to be present for it, a change you wouldn't want to miss after endless raiding and passing out from the random drops in temperatures as of late. Damn your cold bloodedness...
The building you all came across was empty, almost barren much to hanks dismay. Dust and cobwebs littered about with some knocked over desks,chairs, and broken lab equipment. Deimos and sanford wandered to the next room to find supplies on the right and hank went up ahead to a room across the entrance,normally you would follow hank or the duo but decided to go on your own for a change of pace and go to the room on the left.
The lights in the room flickers, barely holding onto the ceiling from their age but they still did their purpose. Despite the flickering you can still see everything fine, you didnt see nothing special at 1st just knocked over tables and a dry blood covered vending machine until in your peripheral vision you saw something move.
You was not alarmed or afraid, the thing looked small, almost the size of a mouse compared to you it couldn't possibly be anything harmful. Yet something told you to check what it was, silently you wandered over to where it moved, behind a bar that was in the room with broken glass all around. When you peeked over to see what it was you saw a grunt, it was smaller then a average, one less then half of the size of one. A small child...
"Hello" you said as calmly as you can muster, a jump and a small squeal was the childs response before it cowers and starts to cry "go away! Go away scary monster!!" It cried, you did not take offense. A faceless being made of shadow and as tall as you are can scare anyone, even to a poor defenseless child "its ok little one i wont hurt you..." You attempted the calm voice again, you receive no response as the child continued to cry in fear. You wouldn't want to leave it alone, so you waited for the others to find you and stayed out of the childs line of sight so you dont scare it more then you are.
Once the others came you asked sanford or deimos to carry the child to the van, hank scared the child too so you did not bother to ask him. After several minutes deimos managed to pick up the child and you all went on your way back to the HQ...
It did not take a lot to convince 2B to let the child stay, it only took you a simple phrase "i am adopting them, dont stop me" with determination in your tone. He only sighed, frankly a little tired from all the shit the group has gone through and mumbles a "ok" leaving it at that. The child had no name, so you named them with a name that even a employer like yourself would be jealous of but you sometimes still call them little one,because they are.
The child trusted 2b right away, clinging onto him like they saw a monster under the bed...only the monster was you. Whenever you get close to them both the child hugs him and cries, begging him to make the monster go away. 2b tries his best to claim you are not a monster and your not there to hurt them but he's not the very best at consoling people. It does hurt a little to see the child be so afraid but you can understand why too, being new to this parenting life it is difficult to know what to do in these situations...at least 2b had your back in this.
Eventually the child called 2b their "dada" and it just stuck, seeing him as their father. You always grin at this with your human like teeth with sharp canines at how adorable it is, whenever the child sees your teeth they always freeze in place and just stares. At this point no longer crying from fear but still freezes up and stares at you like a deer in headlights, you could not tell if they are getting used to your presence or if they had ran out of tears to cry... Either way you assumed it was progress. Seeing the interactions between 2b and the child warmed your heart, they always eager to help 2b with his work or help put bandaids on hank when he gets mildly injured. They even see sanford,deimos, and hank as their uncles now, such as deimos giving them piggy back rides, sanford drawing with them, hell even hank, the most well known killer in nevada, even had a soft spot for the child, letting them climb on him like a tree.
It was all so incredibly sweet and you was fine with it, even if you are just the big monster under the bed to them you are glad they are happy with a nice family.
Now its the present day, with you, doc, and the little one only present at the HQ. Looming over your loves shoulder to see him work on the tablet in his hands and the child is drawing with warn out crayons and ripped paper just a few feet away, the child had gotten more comfortable around you but not by much. They never got startled by you anymore but still stares at you like a deer in headlights when you speak to them, they do talk to you though and still address you as "monster" not as (mother or father or other) and you was alright with it. As long as they are getting better.....
"You are lost in your thoughts again" 2b spoke in the comfortable silence "sorry...just wondering some things" you replied with a sigh, standing up straight no longer looming over his shoulder "ill let you get back to work dear" you said before slowly approaching the child "little one?" You spoke in the same calm tone as before,they looked up at you with the same look as before "are you hungry? Do you need anything...?" You asked kindly, they nod their head looked away for a sec before looking back at your featureless face "noodles?" They asked "sure. Ill get you some" you unintentionally grinned with your spooky like teeth and walked out of the room.
As you was getting the food ready for your child the trio had returned from their raid, hank covered in blood with a large machine gun strapped to his back stomped past you and sanford stuck around with you, deimos is nowhere to be found "where is deimos?" You asked sanford "he picked something up for the kid, so he's looking for them" sanford replied, taking a seat on the kitchen table "good to know" you left the conversation at that taking the ramen noodles and walked back to 2bs office, stopping to see deimos walk out. He waves at you "oh hey s/o" he greets "kid wants to talk to you" he continued before walking past "alright?" Confused you walked inside.
2b is still sitting in his chair with his tablet in hand, nothing seemed to change on his part but the little one seemed very excited and happy. You walked over to the child and crouched down to give them their meal, they took the food and set it down and looked up at you happy. No longer full of fear or that wide eyes look they give "look monster look!" They exclaimed, voice sounding a little muffled showing fake vampire teeth in their mouth "i got sharp teeth like you!" They continued, the words almost hit your heart by how cute it is.
You let out a fake gasp, playing along with them "oh! So scary!" You pretend to be afraid, receiving a little giggle from them "rawr!" They screamed with their hands in front of them like they would attack you "oh no! If only someone came to help!" You continued to pretend and glance at 2b, who looks at you with a unamused look in his eyes "raaawwrrr" the child continued to play "aaahh! Doc! Please help!" You pleaded trying your best to hold back a laugh, with that 2b gets up and walks over and picks up the child "gotcha" 2b announced with a subtle grin under his mask "noooo! I wanna scare monster!" The little one laughed, followed by your chuckling. "Rawr!" The child attempted to scare his father "oh no! They got me!" 2b played along too, still holding the child in his arms. It was so uncharacteristic but so adorable from him, you laughed and grabbed them both in a hug "now i caught both of you" you grinned "aaah! Monster got us!!" The child laughed "whatever shall we do?" 2b chuckled.
The little one looked up at you and patted your empty face with their tiny hands "boo!" They yelled and you faked a yell, let them go, fell backwards, and pretended to be dead on the floor. The child laughed "i defeated the monster!" They praised themselves as 2b set them down with a grin, the child wandered over to you and pat your featureless face again "im big and scary just like monster" they smiled before you reached over to pat their head.
"You sure are little one..."
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 7/?
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N Any Name (your best friend’s name), (Name) - your ex’s name !genderneutral (Don’t use a DC character! Y/N hasn’t dated any other DC character!) :)
3.5k words, my god. And they’ve still only known each other for 4 days and we’re on part 7. I do not know how to finish this.
Lol, Enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, Heated moments, There is French in this one, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Falling asleep in Jason’s arms after that escapade the two of them pulled the night before was something magical to say the least. Of course, they only got like 5 hours of sleep before they had to wake up and get out, at risk of Y/N being caught in the building, although the thrill of it excited the both of them deeply, but that’s obvious. They liked breaking the rules already.
Riding back home seemed a lot less like a journey to her this time, she just wanted to spend more time with Jason, but he had work and she didn’t want to hang out at Wayne Enterprises. She’d probably go to the library today, she didn’t know exactly what she’d do today, but she always thought that was the most exciting thing ever. “I don’t know what I’m even going to do tomorrow,” one of her friends asked when she moved to Gotham, ‘How exciting!’ she answered.
That friend said the next day she ran through the streets of Metropolis with her arms outstretched like a kid, and she did it in Y/N’s honor. “I told you!” she said, “How exciting that sometimes you never know what you’re going to do tomorrow!”.
These thoughts swirled in her head as Jason drove her back home when, like clockwork, like it was out of a movie, he said,
“I have no idea what I’m even going to do today.”
She laughed, “I always say ‘How exciting!’ when someone says that to me.”
“One of my friends back home, when I gave her that advice, she then spent the next day running around the city with her arms outstretched in my honor, it was apparently one of the more fun things she’s ever done, so” she paused, “I really mean it. how exciting! The possibilities are endless, are they not?”
“Well, not really, I have work to do,” he frowned.
“So own it. Make the office your bitch. Take charge, take lead.”
“Why not?” he said in agreement.
“Why the fuck not.”
Jason walked her to her door, “Won’t you be late?” she asked,
“Dad knows where I am, I don’t think I’ll have my ass handed to me.”
“You never know,” she laughed.
He laughed too and slightly pecked her lips. He wanted more, he was hungry for more out of that kiss, but work and life gets in the way of their relationship, and he really whined when he had to break away, but she laughed at it.
“Slow your roll Tiger, one day,” she mused.
“You say that like you don’t want more.”
“This isn’t about me,” she retorted, “So, shut up, respectfully.”
He laughed and kissed the back of her hand, “You have a thing for doing that, huh?” she joked.
“I literally don’t know how to answer that, I think I’m losing my touch with flirting,” he joked back.
“Okay, okay, you need to get going now.”
“Fine! You want to get rid of me so badly, I get it,” he joked and walked back to the car and she waved him off. She hated that time he left, a lot. She knew it was healthy to take a day’s break if they’ve been on 3 back-to-back dates, but that didn’t mean she liked it.
She opened her door and walked in, thinking A/N was asleep so she wouldn’t be barraged for her hair being a mess, but, boy oh boy, was this girl waiting for her to get home.
“What happened? Why’s your hair a mess? Oh my god, did you have sex?” she asked.
“No, but we kissed, will you take that as information while I shower or do you want all the details now?”
“You can shower, you can shower. I’m not that needy.”
“Yes you are,” Y/N joked and went to go shower.
And like she always did, she opened her phone and looked at the news before answering her friends,
Millionaire’s Son, Jason Todd's Girlfriend’s Name Revealed!
She laughed, cause it wasn’t her name. She didn’t think he was seeing anyone else, and they used her picture, so she knew they just fucked it. She forwarded the article to Jason with the caption ‘ Fuckin’ idiots’ .
She then answered Artemis, who asked Did you two kiss? Dick’s up my ass about it ‘cause he knows we’re friends.
I want to take that out of context so badly. She joked with Artemis.
I knew this man had a terrible name that would come to haunt me, but did ‘ya kiss?
Yeah we did. Get Dick out of your ass, though, that’s weird, you have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend.
Shut up, you’re not funny.
I’m pretty funny.
You are but I’m not going to admit that, girl.
And one of her old friends had texted her, it was someone who Y/N had seen off and on the past few years, they were polite, but she didn’t exactly want to speak to her ex.
(Name)? What do you want?
Saw you in the news with the rich boy, guess we’re over?
We have been over for like 5 months, my guy. 
People from her hometown were noticing her in the articles and recognizing her. Some would think this is the coolest thing that someone they loved met a nice boy, the money a bonus, some would give her the reaction her ex did, but she knew she was days, hours, maybe minutes away from her parents finding out about her love affair with Jason.  
She shuddered at the thought, she loved her parents, a lot, but something told her that maybe they wouldn’t did Jason to be like she found him. She also knew she could be overthinking it entirely and they’d like the Criminal Psych Major that she knew all-too-well.
But overthinking was fun, apparently. And she couldn’t stop thinking the worst of so much.
When she got changed and just threw on whatever the fuck she saw, she went out to go talk to A/N.
“Hey, nerd. I’m done,” Y/N said.
“Nerd? You’re the one dating the bookworm and  you’re in criminal psychology,” she joked.
“Ha, ha. So, how are things with your lover? Have you secured him yet or are you just doing your own thing still?”
“Still just doing our own thing, don’t really have the time to date while getting my degree and working.”
“I mean, if it works for you I can’t throw judgment.”
“What about Jason? How’re things with you two?”
“You ever seen the Wayne Enterprises Ballroom before?”
“In pictures, why- Don’t tell me he took you there you lucky bitch?!”
“Then I just wont tell you,” she laughed.
“The Ballroom? Oh my god, that’s crazy, he's really pulling out all the stops to make you smile, huh?”
“I would do the same if I had more to offer, but I have barely anything since I bought that place in the dance competition across the country,” she said.
Y/N had bought a place in this competition before she met Jason, and she was heading to it on Saturday, in two days, and she actually had practiced the routine during downtime between her and Jason. She hadn’t exactly told Jason about this, and Jason had asked why she looked strained and like her muscles hurt, but that just never seemed like something you share with your casual partner, to her. She never seemed like her casual competitions were worth anything. A/N had begged to differ since Y/N had met her.
A/N said that Y/N had talent, that she could go somewhere, Y/N saw it as an extra circular that didn’t affect her much. She wasn’t the type of brag, and all her trophies were back home with her parents, anyway.
“Have you told him about your,” insert A/N’s heavy sarcasm, “’Casual’  competitions, yet?”
Idk what the hell happened with that line ya love to see it
“I’ll send him a quick text about it, I guess,” she sighed and sent just a quick, Hey, can’t have a date on Saturday-Sunday, forgot to tell you but I’m going to Cali for a quick dance competition, lol. My bad, shoulda said something.
“Why are you like this, be proud of your accomplishments, dammnit!”
“It’s a casual competition!”
“And you’re talented! I’m this close to just showing him videos of you going at it,” she said, exasperated.
“He already knows, we danced in the Ballroom.”
“Oh my lord,” she laughed, “You’re an enigma, if I had your amount of trophies I wouldn’t be hiding it.”
“Im’ not hiding it! It just kind of never came up.”
And he texted back, Oh damn, are you at least going to kill it? You better, I want to show the live broadcast to my family and brag.
She laughed, “See!”, she exclaimed, showing A/N the texts, “He doesn’t care like you do, nerd.”
A/N laughed, “Sure he doesn’t. Do you want to go to lunch, by the way? I’m bored off of my ass.”
“Sure, why the fuck not.”
“Go get dressed then, and I’ll do the same.”
“Okay okay, meet up in 10?”
“Yes ma’am.”
And off they went.
Y/N texted back Jason for a quick minute before getting dressed, Of course I’m going to kill it, my notes aren’t a representation of my dancing skills.
Well, I hope you win something. And text me. But mainly win something.
Of course I’ll text you, Jay. It gets boring at competitions.
You should go to a Wayne Gala then, god damn, those fuckin bastards are the most boring events this side of America.
Well maybe you’ll invite me one day.
I’ll probably have to if you show up on National TV. The press will finally know your name.
I hope I’m not on National TV then. Fuck the press.
Fuck the press indeed.
Since Y/N didn’t feel the need or want to dress up, she didn’t. Quick shirt and jeans and she was out the door. Sometimes she would dress up for lunch dates with her friends, just because she was bored as fuck and dressing up was fun, but she just didn’t want to do it today. Combat boots, jeans and a shirt were enough most days. You don’t have to be a model just because the press knows your face, she thought, you don’t.
“Who’s driving?” A/N asked.
“I can if you want. I don’t mind,” Y/N said as they walked to the beat up car they loved so much. It was nothing compared to the Porsche she had been in the night before, but it was still running, and you don’t fix something that ain’t broke.
“Maybe your boyfriend will buy you a new car,” A/N joked.
“If anything, he’d buy me a new computer, since mine is getting mailed to me and you’re going to love hearing the sounds that bitch makes,” she retorted.
“Is it bad?”
“Terrible. My sister called it a screaming electronic goat once,” she laughed, “I hate that fucking thing. But if it ain’t broke-”
“Don’t fix it, I know.”
For some reason, they decided in the car to go to McDonald's, because hey, it’s not like Y/N is on a  dance diet or anything. She wasn’t, because she didn’t want to starve herself for the sake of winning a competition. That was even her thought process as she was younger and more vulnerable to her teachers, she always told them she’d never do that. Years later, she still stuck to that mindset.
They got out of the car and like fucking clockwork, the press was in her face.
“You! The girl with no name, Jason Todd’s girlfriend!”
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” she whispered under her breath, “How do they always find me!”
“Tell us about yourself! Are you serious with Jason? How do you feel about his family? How-”
But then she had an idea,
“Quoi? Je parle pas l’Anglais? Qu’est-ce-que vous voulez?” she said, using her bilingual skills to her advantage.
“What? No I mean-”
“Pas de l’Anglais! Désolé mes amis!” and she ran off into the McDonald's with A/N.
“Did you just speak French to get them off your ass, you genius?”
“Spoke very broken French because I wasn’t thinking, but yeah, I did that.”
“I forget you’re multi-talented sometimes, you have a lot hidden under your belt and I try to treat you like a normal person but you’re far from it.”
“I appreciate you for trying, but I think with my new love affair, you aren’t going to get far with those attempts anymore, sorry,” she joked.
Jason texted her, Did you just speak French to avoid the press?
How do you know about that?
We were watching the news during a meeting and they said that you spoke French.
You got to do what you got to do to get by.
That is literally the most genius thing I’ve heard of anyone doing in so long. I think you’ve truly bamboozled them for a while and they might hop off of your back for a while.
You think so? ‘Cause I really hope that’s the case.
My siblings think it’s hilarious, and no one’s leaked that you are just joking with the press, so yeah, they might actually leave you alone.
Let’s fucking go. That is the news of the 21st century.
4 days of knowing each other and you’ve flipped off the press twice, outran them with me once, hid in the Wayne Enterprises Building with me and you’ve spoken French to bamboozle the press. That is impressive.
I feel like the press is going to hate me one day.
Probably. But they also hate most of us most days.
You should probably get back to work.
Yeah, talk to you soon.
She put her phone away and went to stand with A/N, who was waiting for their food.
“Talking to your lover?” she joked.
“When am I not doing that?”
“That’s valid.”
Going on a lunch date with A/N made a little bit of the harassment just better. They both bonded over how they hated the press before her love affair with Jason, and how their opinions wouldn’t change much unless, knock on wood, one of them went missing. Y/N told her about all the cases where the press and the internet did so much to solve cases around the world, love or hate the press, they did do a lot for solving crime.
She also told A/N that Jason was related to Dr. Barry Allen and Clark Kent, two people the two of them knew well because of the news and the fact that A/N knew Y/N when she wanted to go into forensics and was reading Dr. Barry Allen’s work.
When her mother texted her.
Y/N? Is that you in the press running around with Jason Todd?
Yeah mum, why?
Are you two in a serious relationship?
No mum.
Then why are the vultures so obsessed with you, says your dad.
‘ Cause you two made a pretty girl and he’s high up in the world, I guess, I don’t know. I don’t really like the press.
I can tell. We’re not mad at you honey, but be careful. And your dad says when you two get serious he needs to take Jason fishing.
He doesn’t speak French, mum.
Dad says he’ll work on his English for you.
Well tell everyone I love them, mum.
She panicked a little bit, her parents were nice when they wanted to be, but they were strict, why wouldn’t they be. So this, while being a welcomed surprise. was still a little panicky.
“Your  parents find out?”
“Yeah, they seem chill with it though.”
“Bing in the press sucks when you’re trying to keep your love life out of your parents' eyes, huh?”
“You could say that again,” she joked.
“Being in the press sucks when you’re-”
“I didn’t mean literally!” they laughed.
Back at Wayne Enterprises, Jason was betting bombarded by his colleges, friends and family about Y/N and how she was able to get around the press’ constant harassment without flaw. And also because Bruce had seen the two enter the building at around 12am the night before. So Jason was called into Bruce’s office that day.
“1, I know everyone is bombarding you, so you can hide out here, son, 2, you and Y/N didn’t have sex in your office right?”
“God no, dad. We just hid here because security is tight as fuck and unable to get past.”
“I saw you two kissing on the cams and heading into your office, Jay.”
“Okay, okay, but we didn't have sex and the intentions were there, dad!”
“Uh huh, pretty girl in your, my, car.”
“Dad, stop it,” he joked.
“Well, her little shenanigans with the press are very amusing, have you told her that?”
“I have.”
“She’s basically not afraid to tell them what we all think.”
“That’s what I said, dad.”
“Well, hold onto that one and don’t let her go.”
“Do you regret doing that with Talia?” Jason asked.
“God no, she’s insane. The son I got out of her antics is literally her spitting image, so if I need to be reminded of her I can just go talk to Damien for a couple minutes.”
“Dami’s a lot like you too, don’t act like his personality is just Talia, he acts like his dad in every aspect and you know that.”
“Lord help any woman or man that kid goes on to date, my god,” the two of them laughed. It was the small things with Bruce that made Jason happy to be a Wayne, even if he didn’t share the last name. Jason grew up on the streets and even before that, his mum and dad didn’t have a lot of money, so the amounts of money that Bruce could shower on him was a lot, but he was okay with just working for his money. And Bruce knew that.
He spent a lot of his workday in Bruce’s office, hiding from the rest of the office, and texting Will.
She knows about your kid.
Well, she’s a good kid. I’m glad you’re bragging about her, means I raised her right.
Shut up. I love that little girl and I’ve helped raise her, Will.
You’re used to my new name?
I changed your contact to Will when you changed your name, so I could remember that that’s your name now and not Roy. I’m hoping I remember it in person though. It would be awkward if I forgot my best friend’s name.
It would be funny to look back on, though.
Like how your relationship with Jade is funny now?
Never stick your dick in crazy.
I wish you would have listened to that sometimes, but then I remember Lian is amazing.
I’m a cliché of dumb choices, what can I say Jaybird.
In Y/N’s house, she would always play loud and sad music when she had the chance, some people thought her mental state was fucked, which sometimes it was, but most of the time the sad music went harder than the happy tunes you would catch from the other side of the house.
But even if music was blasting the loudest it could ever be, somehow she would still find herself lost in her thoughts, whether it was new dance routines or a story she would scribble down in her dream journal. there was something about those little fits of artistic passion she would experience from time-to-time.
It’s hard to put into words how those moments reminded her of the simplier times before sh was thrust into stardom, but also how they reminded her of Jason, and untouched mind she longed to know further. She knew there was so much more to the boy she had gone on dates with.
She would end up ignoring her phone for most of the rest of that day, just because she wanted peace and quiet, when A/N’s lover came over and she had to turn the music up louder so she wouldn’t be disrupted by the obvious.
I just got off of work, how are you? How’s your day been? Jason had texted Y/N while she ws turning up the music.
Well, I just had to turn up my music because my roommate’s lover is over, but other than that I’ve been enjoying peace and quiet in my room, waiting for something to do.
Is texting me something to do?
That’s sweet of you. Work was boring though so I hope you don’t expect a story.
I don’t, don’t worry. You don’t always need a story for something to do.
Well, I’m going home with my brothers and dad, and we’re probably going to play office chair racing because I’m a bad boy.
You’re a bad boy?
Was that not funny?
It was pretty funny, isn’t that dangerous though?
Yeah actually, my brother broke his leg playing it and another time my little sister broke her leg playing it.
It seems fun but like, damn, two people have gotten injured playing that game, y’know.
Well if I die it’ll be a fun story!
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part four - atla smau
TRANSFERRED - zuko x fem!reader
masterlist | part 3 | part 5
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
warning: cursing
a/n: IM SORRY I KEEP SWITCHING POVS the one at the end is katara lmao
taglist:  @ourbestfriend-mishacollins , @lil-lex1 , @xxshad0wxb1rdxx , @zuko-is-the-sun​ 
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You slipped your phone into the back pocket of your jeans and got out of your car, taking a few moments to stretch out your arms and legs after the long drive. It was a little weird to think that this was going to be your new home and university, especially after so long in Kyoshi, but you were honestly looking forward to the change. After the disastrous breakup you endured, it was time for a new chapter. 
Your eyes instinctively snapped over to where you heard a noise, and a huge grin broke out on your face. Two people were coming out of the complex, and they were none other than your two roommates. 
“Sokka, Aang!” You yelled as you ran towards them. You barreled into Sokka and wrapped him in the tightest hug you could muster, looping Aang into it as well for a few moments before you pulled away, smiling so wide your face hurt. 
“Aang, it’s so good to see you, and Sokka — Sokka, you’ve gotten so tall!” You mussed up his hair with your hand which he swatted away. 
“It’s good to see you too, Y/N, but it hasn’t even been that long! And I don’t know how many times I have to remind you that you’re only a year and a half older than me!” 
“Sokka, I haven’t seen you since I moved to Kyoshi for college. It’s been far too long.” You gestured with your head for them to follow you as you started walking over to your car. “And Aang, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you too! You better be treating Katara well.” 
The shorter boy smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head, faint red tinting his cheeks. “I like to think I am, we’re really happy together. She’s the best person that I know and the most beautiful girl ever and she always h-” 
“Okay, that’s enough! Seriously Y/N, you don’t have to whip out the interrogations right away.” Despite his complaints, Sokka gave you a genuine smile and you could tell he was just as happy to see you. 
“Whatever. I’m gonna need all the details on everything that’s been going on the past three years. The occasional facetime call has not been enough.” You went to the back of your car and opened your trunk where most of the boxes were, turning your head when you heard another car pulling up. 
“That’s Katara’s car!” Aang exclaimed. “That must be her and the other girls!” 
The car pulled in two spots away from you and as soon as it stopped, an auburn-haired girl jumped out of the driver's seat and streaked over towards you, wrapping you in an even tighter hug than you gave Sokka. 
“Suki!” She was practically suffocating you but you were so glad to see her that you didn’t even care. “I’m so glad you’re here!” 
“Like I would miss my best friend’s moving day?” The two of you pulled away and went through your increasingly elaborate handshake, ending in a hip bump that caused you both to dissolve into giggles. “You look amazing, Y/N. It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been together.” 
“Well, we don’t have to worry about that anymore, because I’m here to stay! At least for the next four years.” You laughed and looked over to where your sister was helping Toph out of the car and gave her a wave. 
“As much fun as I’m having with all these greetings, we gotta start moving these fuckin’ boxes! At this rate, I’m gonna be sleeping outside.” You hugged Katara as well when she walked over, then you picked the first box up and motioned with your head for everyone else to get one as you started walking backwards towards the apartment. “Toph is the only one who’s exempt from this, everyone else gets a box and s-” 
You stopped in the middle of your sentence when someone bumped into you from behind, causing you to nearly drop your box. You were just as surprised when you felt hands on your waist, keeping you steady and helping you regain your balance. You turned your head and could immediately feel your cheeks heating up as you hastily moved away, laughing nervously and occupying yourself with the box in your hands. 
“Hey! Zuko! Nice to meet you! It is Zuko, right?” His golden eyes seemed to burn into you, but they were offset by his kind smile and the casual nod he gave you. 
“Yeah, that’s me. Sorry I’m so late, I was showering. I didn’t think you were gonna be here so soon.” He waved at Katara and Suki and they smiled back at him. 
He was even more attractive in person. His jet black hair, still a little wet from his shower, hanging just above his eyes was really doing it for you, and god, his eyes. They were intense, but more like a comforting campfire than a raging wildfire. You didn’t even realize you were staring until Sokka elbowed you. 
Your eyes widened slightly and you quickly averted them, adjusting your hold on the box and letting out another nervous laugh. “Now that we’re all here, how about these boxes, huh? I don’t have that much stuff because I’m broke, which is good for all of you.” 
You had gotten out of your flustered state by the time that everyone had a box in hand, save for Toph, and conversation flowed much easier while you and the rest of the group walked into the complex. 
“How was your drive, Y/N?” Zuko asked, holding the door open with his back as you all filed inside.
You shook your head and scoffed as you hit the button to call the elevator. “As boring as you can imagine. Traffic wasn’t horrible, but I swear I hit every single light on the way here. My music was the only thing that kept me sane.” 
“One pro of being blind is that I always have company in cars, but it also kinda sucks when the only source of conversation you have is Sokka or Katara,” Toph said with a teasing grin. 
“What?” Both of the aforementioned yelled at the same time, causing everyone except them to dissolve into laughter. 
“This is what I missed. I don’t even have to make up for three years of missed teasing because Toph’s had it taken care of.” You patted her on the shoulder as the elevator door opened and everyone filed in. “What floor are we on?” 
“Three. There’s a lot of foot traffic and we have some very annoying neighbors, but it’s one of the cheaper places here!” Sokka pushed the button and the doors closed. 
“Sounds.. fun!” You couldn’t really complain because you had practically begged for Sokka to let you live with him, plus you couldn’t afford anything more than splitting rent four ways in a cheap apartment. “Is there anything else I should know?” 
“Sokka never washes his dishes and only takes out the trash if you yell at him to do it. Zuko always leaves his towels on the ground but he’s a neat freak so the cleanliness of his room leeches into the rest of our apartment, it’s great. And I’m a perfect roommate,” Aang said with his smile that could convince you to give him everything you owned. 
“That is such a lie, Aang! I do everything that I’m supposed to do; your room is a mess that can’t even be cleaned up by Zuko, plus you stay up super late all the time talking on the phone to Katara! Thin walls buddy, THIN. WALLS.” 
“Do you want to talk about thin walls? Because you play your music as loud as possible, and somehow it’s always when I’m trying to study! And every time we drink, you become a huge mess.” After Zuko put his word in, the three boys all started arguing. You made eye contact with Katara and Suki; Katara gave you a sympathetic smile but Suki just grinned. 
“Alright, boys! We’re here, so kindly shut up.” You elbowed Sokka in the side as you walked out of the elevator, giving him an innocent smile when he scowled at you. “Lead the way, bro.” 
It took about ten minutes to get all of your boxes in the apartment with six people helping you, and though the girls wanted to stay they had to get back for some stuff relating to their classes. You thanked and hugged them all, and soon it was just you, your brother, your sister’s boyfriend, and the guy that you thought was hot. 
You spun around in the living room before collapsing onto the couch, spreading your arms out above you and sighing heavily. “I feel like I could fall asleep right here.” 
“I hope you can because that’s where you’re gonna be sleeping.” You looked up at Sokka with shock, and he stared back at you for about five seconds until he started laughing. 
“Ah, you should’ve SEEN your face!” He managed to get out through his laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“Do you enjoy causing me pain?” 
“Very much so.” 
“You and Sokka are sharing a room, Y/N. Aang and I are in the other. And don’t worry, there are two twin beds in each so you don’t have to share share,” Zuko explained quickly. 
“Oh, fantastic. My boyfriend always snored a lot so I’ve gotten very good at tuning them out. You’re lucky that I’m the best roommate ever, bro.” 
“First you invade the sanctuary that is my home, and then the sanctuary that is the group chat for the home, and now you embarrass me in front of all of my friends for no reason? You are not my mom!” 
“Come on Y/N, we can show you around your room and the apartment.” Aang interrupted Sokka’s spiel, still going on in the background as the two of you walked over to a door with a large band poster on it. 
Zuko watched your retreating figure with a small smile on his face until you disappeared into the room, snapping out of his trance when Sokka started pulling him towards the room, grumbling about how ‘no one appreciates my genius’ and ‘can’t believe they left me’. 
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chasseuses · 4 years
reasons why i love jade leech pt.2
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so i guess I'm doing this again.
this is more of a repeat of everything I said in part one but with more sobbing and coherent words.
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Jade Leech, Octavinelle's vice dorm leader and the twin brother of Floyd. Many might say that Jade is better than Floyd, although that may seem true to people who don't know him well enough, some people were smart enough to know that Jade was just as bad.
Despite being so fucking shady and nasty, I couldn't help but slowly learn how to love his character. His shadiness is only a part of his charm ❤️ I mean— don't you want that? Don't you just want to look at him and wonder what the fuck is going through his mind right now?
He could be either plotting murder or thinking about tonight's dinner and I would still find his shady expression 🥺 oddly attractive to say the least. I'm being weirdly serious here and typing in lowercase so in a few bullets, expect me to go feral once again.
His eyes are gorgeous. I don't know about you but I get mesmerized everytime I look at them, I swear I could drown in them and never want air ever again. His mismatched eyes,, absolutely beautiful sir please shock my heart eheheh 👉👈 haha jk !!! he doesn't have to use his unique magic to shock my heart bfjfkfjfkfjkffk
His smile is breathtaking, my sun— my light in this dark world of mine. Even if his smile is practiced and insincere, I can't help but go crazy over it. Imagine if he smiled genuinely, no restraints at all as he let out a hearty laugh and a genuine smile took over his expression. I would cry on the spot, I am cryimyfjrkfjkffk.
SPEAKING OF TEETH, MAN I REALLY AM CURIOUS AS TO HOW SHARP THEY ARE. A PART OF ME WANTS TO SHOVE MY HAND INTO HIS MOUTH AND JUST TOUCH THOSE TEETH AND SEE HOW SHARP THEY ARE 🤡 haha imagine if he suddenly bit down tho hahshhhshsdrijfrknfkrgntknffknflfnflffnkfnfkjfkdjfofjddlifjf ok I'll shut up.
I don't think I mentioned it here (i already did) but I am telling you that the idea of someone as composed and reserved as Jade starts pining, IT'S GUARANTEED TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE 🗿 OH GOD THE THOUGHT OF JADE PINING?? ABSOLUTELY *CHEFS KISS* MAN THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE IF YOU SEE ANY PINING JADE PLEASE TAG ME I WILL START CRYIMG
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Oh my god. Have I told you how beautiful Jade's lips are? Please please please please look at them they look so nice ahahahha so irresistible and kissable UEEEEEEEEEE
The way his lips are like that 🗿his fucking smile/smirk. GOD GIEV EME THE ABILITY TO KITH THIS MAN JUST ONCE PLEASE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M FUCKING CRYING.
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I'm ashamed to admit that the earliest reason why I liked Jade Leech was because of his hands. Please forgive me, Lilia-sama. I cannot help but get attracted to such beautiful hands- it was if it was sculpted by the god of sculpting himself! It's such a shame that his gloves cover up its blinding beauty- though my eyes can see through the deceit, I know that his fingers are glorious beneath that piece of cloth. My one and only wish in life is to be able to hold his hand- without the gloves, and that's all for my confession.
I'M SORRY BUT I JUST REALLY LIKE HIS HANDS OK. LIKE 😳 haha...!! what if we held hands,, without the gloves 😳 haha jk...! unless ...?9£4(_8 UE UE UE UE UE MR. LEECH LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND PLEASE I'M GONNA BEG
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st a rts sobbing
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
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I'm fucking crying why the fuck is he so cute gof forbid this man from being so fuvking cute i cannot.
People be telling me: cute?? jade is terrifying.
and I go like: that's cute.
UE UE UE EU UEHFHRJFJJDJF HAVE U GUYS HEARD OF WHAT HE DOES TO PEOPLE HE BETRAY HIM???? I LITERALLY WENT 😳 "ahahahh mr leech i will personally betray you just to make you do that to me" you know. like a simp.
U know what I'm going back to lowercase
His extreme love for mushrooms is probably his comic relief so it doesn't completely make him seem like a shady bitch in the game- it's a surprise as to how cute and vulnerable he can get when he talks about or does something related to his precious fungi. It even goes as far as to make him completely lose his sense of surroundings, which is really rare for someone as observant as him- and usually dangerous sjfbjdbf. It's also EXTREMELY CUTE as to how they made Jade someone who really likes mountains- he even goes as far as to found his own club to appreciate them!!
He has pretty deft hands, being able to create a terrarium and care for it as a hobby is applaudable- not everyone has the ability to do just that, you'd have to be able to be extremely precise and careful, and add a little bit of extreme determination to the mix. He would probably smell like mud from all the time he spends in the greenhouse, and stays up late because of creating terrariums. It shows us that he isn't completely a shitty eel who collects dirt on people as his job and I think that's pretty fucking cute not gonna lie!
There was one voice line of him mentioning that he likes gazing at stars, which was completely unexpected for me! He didn't seem like the type to gaze up at the stars and just- watch! Though I expect him to be always alone whenever he does that- he isn't exactly the most approachable person in NRC, people tend to avoid the Leech twins because of Floyd- mostly. People are just scared of them and I don't think Jade has any friends aside from Azul and Floyd. And I don't think either of them would be willing to stay with him to do just that, Floyd's excuse would be because "it's boring~!" and Azul's would be "I have much more important things to do." And I think that's pretty fucking sad.
God please send me to their world I will watch the stars with him please i love him so much I'm—
Look. No amount of words can actually describe my feelings for Jade Leech no words can do my love justice UE UE UE UE which is why I do the second best thing— keysmash.
Please please please I could give him the whole world and it wouldn't do my love for him justice 🗿 UE UE UE UEJFBRKFBTKNFRKFBFKFHJFHFDKHFKDBFKDHFKRBFRKBFRKBRKFBFKFNFKFJFKFJDKFK
I also uh, want him to step on me! Y',)!92+_)£_+ Y'know... He would stomp on my back and dig his heel into my back and probably hurl insults towards me 😳 man. I'd be hIS FUCKING DOORMAT IN A HEARTBEAT.
Omg this is getting long
The first part was much more 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 but I still do this anyways.
Anyways. Please stan Jade Leech I love him so much 💕
i would've included my brainrot but ppl would just go 🗿 "taku you really are a jade simp huh" and NO I DON'T WANT THATTTTTTTTT
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trivia-bangtan · 3 years
after (jjk) - 005
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pairing: patient!oc x patient!jungkook
genre: friends to lovers au, kinda a hazel and gus trope, | lots of angst, fluff and suggestive themes
warning: this chapter gets extremely dark 😭 (nothing new lol)
authors note: omfg im so sorry it’s taken me so long to post 😩 the schedule might change from now on bc my schedule changed 😅 but hope u guys enjoy it 😩😩
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there's a phobia called agoraphobia. it’s basically the fear of places and situations that can cause panic, helplessness and/or embarrassment. usually, i can deal with it. but things like cringe worthy scenes and overly cheesy romance is unavoidable.
especially being friends with jeon jungkook.
i knew better than to hand out my phone number to just anyone, but i thought maybe jungkook would be so busy with his own life, he would leave me alone.
for his parents' sake, i hope he had unlimited talk and text for his plan. the boy texted me first thing in the morning and every hour or so. he would call me at night, sometimes even facetime me, just before he went to bed. and even when we would hang up, he would still text me goodnight.
the only other person i would talk to everyday, other than my parents, is hoseok. hoseok was my older cousin, but one of my closest friends as well. but even hoseok gave a break during the day to allow some “me time” for the both of us.
jungkook was relentless. he would always text me “good morning sunshine” and then text me “good night my moon”. what the hell even was that?
as much as it was annoying, it was endearing in a sense. i guess it was nice to have someone other than family constantly checking up on me. but some part of me couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of what namjoon had said and if he felt obligated to have to talk to me.
i knew jungkook wasn’t like that. but a small part of me couldn’t help but convince myself that it could be true.
“so the guy texts you all the time? it’s not a big deal,” hoseok said, sitting across the island in his kitchen. i stuck my fork into my bowl of fruit, impaling a small blueberry in the process.
“i mean, it’s not but it’s weird. hobi, i’ve never had someone crave to talk to me so often. and i swear it has to be because of what our counselor said,” i mumble.
the thing about hoseok is he has an aura that gets you to spill all emotions. much like jungkook. but the difference between the two of them in my life is that i’ve known hoseok a lot longer and can confirm he can keep his mouth shut.
“well contrary to your belief, you’re a decent person to have around,” he shrugs, giving a strawberry in his mouth. i snort at his comment and roll my eyes.
“wow, what a compliment. it’s a wonder you’re single,” i chuckle, shoveling the fork full of blueberries into my mouth.
“i’m single by choice. what about you?” hoseok smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” i asked, laughing at his expression.
“the whole thing?” i respond, laying my fork down onto the counter, leaning onto it with my elbows, forearms flat as i folded my hands.
“i’m single because i choose to be. i prefer comforting solitude than forced company,” he shrugs, continuing to shovel fruit into his mouth.
“forced company?” i ask.
“yeah. like, just because we’re together, they feel obligated to HAVE to hang out with me or invite me everywhere when, in reality, i don’t give a damn. i mean, you know me. we both value our solitude and respect that. but it’s hard to find someone that understands that. and then i’m the bad guy for wanting alone time when really, it’s a mental health break,” hoseok explains, his eyes locked onto the bowl in front of him.
his statement surprised me. he was always such a people oriented person. as kids, he was the first to make friends between us and always such an extrovert. it kind of hurt to know eventually his whole personality switched. but maybe being so wrapped up in my world and in my own issues, i failed to acknowledge the people around me.
the atmosphere changed after that. almost as if there was a sad reminisce in the air.
“do you think you’re forced to keep me company?” i blurted. i couldn’t deny, the thought crossed my mind multiple times before. was everyone around me just babysitting to make sure i didn’t hurt myself?
i couldn’t tell. i knew asking would be dumb. hoseok would never tell me the truth. he’s usually a pretty blunt and up front guy, but he would never outright hurt my feelings. which saddened me even more. would he willingly lie to comfort me? knowing what i knew?
“do you think i am?”
“yeah,” i honestly admitted. we both sat in silence, taking in my answer.
it wasn’t a lie. like i said, the thought had crossed my mind. every time he placed his phone down on the table to force himself to give me his attention. the way he seemingly dropped everything immediately if i asked him to hang out with me or pick me up some place. how i never heard of him being with friends.
the more i sat there, the more i threw myself into overdrive, thinking until my head started to pound from overthinking.
“well, you’re wrong,” he sighed. my eyes flitted up to gaze at his face. he looked sullen, almost like my answer had upset him. i released a silent huff through my nose, smirking in the process.
“you don’t have to protect me,” i murmured quietly.
“my mom called me. she begged me to come home one day. i didn’t understand it at first, but she's my mom. i did as i was told. when i got home, she didn’t say anything, just told me to get in the car. i remember thinking to myself ‘what’s got her feeling this way? why is she being ominous with her actions?’ the whole drive, she said nothing,” hoseok said, a distant look in his eyes.
“she ended up pulling over at some park. it was late, so i didn’t recognize it at first. but then i realized what park it was. it was the park we went to as kids. and, again, i kept wondering to myself why she was being enigmatic with her actions. and then she spoke. she said six words and then didn’t speak the rest of the week,” he said, his voice shaken with sadness.
“what did she say?” i asked softly, my voice a mere whisper. hoseok looked up at me, his eyes glazed red.
“your cousin tried to kill herself.”
i felt like the air had come out of my lungs.
it’s funny, people like to talk about your attempts, but nobody ever tells you where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. nobody tells you the pain they feel or the hurt. the anger or the betrayal. they pretend like what they felt didn’t happen to convince themselves it wasn’t real and they could move on. because it didn’t work and you’re alive.
but hearing hoseok tell me about his experience, it stirred something in my heart and i hadn’t felt in a long time.
“she didn’t even mention if you survived or if you were okay. that’s all she said. and because she was crying, i assumed the worst. i had assumed you died. and it felt like everything in me… stopped working. like, i forgot what it was like to not have you by my side. every… every memory, every laugh. every inside joke. it was like a corny ass film playing at 2x speed in front of me. my mind kept telling itself this can’t be real. she wouldn’t do that to me’. but the longer we sat there and the harder she cried, i couldn’t take it. i jumped out of the car and just started running. i didn’t know where i was going but i just had to run because the car was so suffocating, i thought i was gonna pass out. and i kept asking myself ‘why her? why couldn’t she just talk to me? why didn’t she tell me she was hurting? does she know how much i love her and that i would do anything to keep her here?’ and then i was pissed because i thought you had abandoned me. that you didn’t care about me or your parents or my mom. but then… once i stopped running… i felt bad for you. because i could never imagine the amount of loneliness you must’ve felt thinking the only way to solve this was to end it all,” he said through his compendious recount of that night. i could feel the hurt and regret make its rounds in my heart, forcing my body to follow. it physically ached to hear hobi recall every moment of that night. “i’m sorry,” i cried out, crying into my hands.
“that’s why i hang out with you. that’s why i talk to you. because i don’t want you to feel that kind of loneliness ever again,” he admitted, sniffling. the hurt and regret only further festered and made me cry over hard to the point where i felt like i couldn’t breathe. hoseok stood from his spot, making his way around the island. he stood in front of me, pulling me into his chest, my arms wrapping around his waist. i hadn’t hugged anyone in years, and the amount of care and love hoseok had emitted through his hug made me cry even more.
“and that’s why i’m so glad you have jungkook. because when i can’t be there, at least he is,” he explained, rubbing small circles in my back.
though my doubt was still heavy, and i felt as if he had an ulterior motive, hoseok’s words comforted me in a way.
jungkook had been nothing but kind, never intrusive or inquisitive about my history or my feelings. he spoke to me because he wanted me to know that he cared.
and for the first time in forever, i felt something else too.
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Can you hear me?
Bakugo Katsuki x reader (hero name: Elementas)
Quirk: Quantification of Emotions (shorten to QoE), basically whatever emotion your feeling strongest (out of six) will allow you to control that element. Your hair also changes to that color. 
Anger, vivid red, wind
Sadness, pastel blue, water
Longing/Love, white, light
Happiness, pink, fire
Loneliness, black, darkness
Confusion/Anxiousness, green, earth  
Summary: There was a villain attack and as your about to die you think of your last words to Katsuki.
warings: yelling, swearing, angst, like ANGST, character death, blood, villan attack, blood, depression, fluff?
Song: Train Wreck, James Arthur  (I hope that works, I've never done this before) 
Word count: 3206
Laying in the silence Waiting for the sirens Signs, any signs I'm alive still
Coughing I look around me. “Wha-” I place a hand on my forehead feeling a liquid underneath my palms. “What’s happening?” I speak as my ears ring and I see a red fluid on my hand. 
I look around and see the chaos around me. All around me is ruble, I can't see an inch of sky. I look around seeing the dust flying around the air, the small fire scattered around trying to find anything amongst the concrete to consume and stay alive with. 
At least I can't see any civilians around me, thats a good sign. As I continue to assess my surroundings, even with my blurry vision and ringing ears know that the villain is gone, or at least not near me. 
When I finally look down at my own body I wince. There was a giant metal rod sticking out of my abdomen, I guess the adrenaline must be preventing the full brunt of the pain. As I look at it and see the amount of blood being lost I know I won't be saved. 
I don't wanna lose it I'm not getting through this
Tears well in my eyes as the regret swims into my heart. I don't want to die like this. I don't want to die not knowing if everyone is safe. I don't want to die not knowing if Katsuki is okay. I don't want to die in pain. 
Of course every hero knows the risk, we’ve known since we where in high school. But it doesn't mean anyone actively wants this to be there way out. 
Everyone deep down hopes for a peaceful death. Or at least to die with those we love. 
Hey, should I pray? should I pray To myself? To a God? To a saviour who can Unbreak the broken
What if I could make it? What if I scream loud enough? Can I even scream right now? And even if I can who's to say it'll get to the surface? And I would want them to get the civilians first. “Damnit!” I try to yell but all I can manage is a weak whimper. 
“I should be stronger than this!” I said as my throat constricted. ‘God I sound just like Suki.’ the thought of him makes my heart clench. ‘I shouldn't have said all those things. I shouldn't have-’ I was swept up in the memory of my last conversation with him. 
Unsay these spoken words Find hope in the hopeless
“Jesus y/n what is wrong with you?!” He screamed at me. “Like can you calm the fuck down for once?!” 
I scoffed at him whirling around on him. “I need to calm down?! Don’t you tell me to calm down!”
“You're the one who started all of this!” He screamed at me. 
“And you’re the one who flirts with other people!” I fire back. 
He scoffs again, “I wasn't flirting with her! It’s not my fault you're so insecure that you think that you shitty woman!” 
My face drops slightly more sadness seaping into my heart. “Why do you think im so insecure Kasuki? You call me shitty woman every other sentence! You talk about how great other girls are and how strong they are! You-” 
“You know thats just how I am! And I don't talk about them romantically im taking about them from a hero stand point! Shouldn't you be happy now that I don't look down on every single person!” He screamed his quirk popping off in frustration. 
“Yeah I know thats how you are but it still an hurt me you dick! And it’s different when those girls are clearly in love with you!” he scoffs “If you tell me they aren't I swear to god you must be really blind!” I scream again. 
“Of course I don't notice because why would I when I have a girlfriend!|?!” He screams. 
“Do you?!” I shout the words spilling out of my mouth. “Because it doesn't always feel like you want to!” his next words break my heart. 
“Maybe I don't!” I watch his face drop the second the words leave his mouth. “y/n- wait I didn't-” But I cut him off as my alarm goes off. 
“I have to go to work. At least I know they need me.” I whisper bitterly. 
“Y/n wait! We can't leave it like this!” he calls frantically after me. 
“You never had a problem leaving me heartbroken before. Why care now?” and with that I got in my car driving away as the tears streamed down my face. 
Pull me out of the train wreck Unburn the ashes
When I got to work I quickly dismissed anyone at my hero agency as they asked what was wrong. I even ignored Kirishima, who was one of my best friends. “Go ask you ‘Bakubro’” I muttered bitterly at my fellow hero. 
I looked to my side kick, she was nice. She wasn't a cocky self assured teen like me and my classmates where. Both me and her quickly left to patrol. I was happy when she started rambling about the latest guy she found an interest in instead of asking me what was wrong. 
Not that I didn't appreciate my colleagues concern I just didn't want to think about it. Or I didn't want to talk about it, theres no way im not thinking about it. Even now, I couldn't help but tune out my sidekick/intern as my thoughts where consumed with my final words. 
“You never had a problem leaving me heartbroken before. Why care now?” Damnit I know thats not true and yet I still said it. Katsuki always at least texts me after wards, and he’s never left without muttering some form of I love you. I moved to pull out my phone when I suddenly heard screaming. I look up to see five of our most wanted villians up ahead wreaking havoc. I stop my phone Turing to my intern who looks ready to fight.    
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet Pull me out of the train wreck Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
”No.” I said placing a hand on her shoulder. She looks at me shocked as I continue. “I need you to help civilians.” 
She hesitates,”But I can help-” 
“I know but these guys are to strong. Please trust me, I want you making it out of this alive. Go help the civilians. If you have to I give you my permission to use your quirk for defense and defense only. Do you understand?” No response 
“Minako!” she stares at me “Please, you're like my kid, don't make me beg.” Tears well in her eyes and she nods before running off and I run onto the scene.
I should have known the second I asked her not to fight that this wouldn't end well. I should of said something to him before I left. I should have- 
  Pull me out, pull me out Underneath our bad blood We still got a sanctum, home Still a home, still a home here
I was pulled from my thoughts as coughs ripped there way through my throat. the pain in my stomach worsening. Was I really going to die like this? Filled with regrets and what ifs? 
No. I still have people to live for. I still have things I need to do, things to say. A man to kiss and marry and love all I can do know is hope. 
‘Please, damnit if someone is out there please help me. I know I don't pray enough, hell I know I don't deserve this but god damnit Im selfish. Im selfish and I want to live longer. I want to get married and have kids. I want to at least kiss him one last time. I don't even have to live, just let me hear him say I love you one last time. let me hold him again.’ 
As these thoughts consumed me I didn't notice the light blooming around me becoming brighter and brighter. 
It's not too late to build it back 'Cause a one-in-a-million chance Is still a chance, still a chance
“Y/N!!” I heard someone scream. “Y/n baby hold on!” he screamed again. My light glowed brighter. 
“Katsuki!” I cried. 
“Thats right! Im here princess I’m gonna get you out of there okay?!” I dint respond knowing he wasn't really answering. 
“Hurry Deku please!” Deku was here? after a moment he spoke again “Riot! Cellophane! Thank god you are here! Please you have to help me I can't blast through the rubble I might crush her!” He cried frantically. 
I saw some rubble begin falling next to me and screamed on instinct. “Oi be careful!!” He screamed. 
“Ground zero!” I heard a familiar voice. 
‘What? Easers here? But- he's retired.’ 
“You need to stop shouting, your friends are here trying to help you. We both know they mean her no harm.” I can only assume he nodded because there was no more shouting, but there was also no more anything. Not a single sound. 
And I would take those odds Unbreak Unsay these spoken words
“H-Hello?” I called 
“Don't worry Y/n-chan we’re still here!” I heard deku yell. I sighed relieved. 
“Y/n!” I heard red riot or as I know him Kirishima call out. “Pop quiz whats Eraser heads child named?!” He yells out, and confusion builds in me. 
‘What? He has a kid? Oh my god is the kid here?!’ I thought anxiously. 
“Now!” I hear cellophane or Sero scream and before I knew it the rubble was being ripped away but I saw some coming towards me before I could think I manipulated the earth around me into a ball. 
“Yes!” I heard them all collectively say, except for katsuki. 
“Y/n! You're okay its okay!” He said as I placed the earth back and he ran over to me. He went to touch me but stopped short. “Oh god, princess!” he exclaimed looking down at my abdomen. 
Find hope in the hopeless Pull me out the train wreck 
“We need some help over here! Anyone who has a strong healing quirk get over here now we have a hero down!” He screamed but I didnt care about the pain, I didnt care about the medic. All I cared about was him. 
“You came.” I whispered he looked to me and cupped my cheek. 
“Im always gonna come for you.” He said softly smiling down at me as tears leaked from both our eyes.  
“Im sorry.” I whimper out and he shakes his head. My eyes begin feeling heavier. 
“no no no!” he says shaking me slightly “Don't apologize just keep your eyes open for me, yeah?” 
“Can you hold me?” I whisper. 
“I can't move you if I do-” 
“Please suki, I want to feel you hold me one last time.” I whimper my eyes getting heavier. 
                                                                                       Unburn the ashes Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
“Well then I have great news, and that’s the fact that I’ll hold you for the rest of our lives but I can't move you princess.” I shake my head smiling sadly. 
“Katsuki.” I hear a soft voice whisper and look to see a teary eyed Kirishima.
“N-no!” he screams at him. “She’ll be fine!” he looks to me now. “you’ll be fine!” I shake my head my hair turning a murky blue. 
He relents and eventually very quickly pulls me off of the pipe. But I don't make a sound, I don't even wince. I don't feel the pain at all my body to numb.  
Pull me out the train wreck Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out                                                              
I smile as he pulls me into his arms, “Thank you.” I whisper. 
“Anything for you princess.” He cups my cheek and wipes the tears that are still slipping from my eyes. 
“Im sorry.” we say in unison. 
“I shouldn't have been so insecure.” I whisper, and he shakes his head.  
“No baby no. I shouldn't have been so insensitive and I shouldn't have said what I said. I never question my love for you, or me wanting to be with you.” He says placing his forehead on my own. 
“I love you.” I whisper. 
a sob leaves his throat. “I-i love you too.” he sobs holding me to him. I try to lift my hand but I can't. I feel a gentle material curling around my wrist and pulling it around his neck. I look to see Mr. Aizawas capture weapon I smile up at him. 
“Damnit where are they!” Katsuki yells pulling away from me. I see a team frantically running to us but before they get to me I feel my eyes growing to heavy. 
“Be happy...Suki” I whisper as the darkness envelops me. 
You can say what you like 'cause see, I would die for you
I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God Be my help, be a savior who canUnbreak the broken
Katsuki watches as you eyes close, “N-No!” He screams. “Hurry up , please!” He calls out to the people who run impossibly quicker. Once they get there and he has to place you down he automatically wants to hold you again. But he's held back and he sees its Deku who’s holding him back. 
He wants to rip his hand off of him but he can't find the strength in himself so he relents and allows the freckled boy to pull him away. He sees his red haired friend and doesn't hesitate to accept the hug he gives him. 
he balls his hands against the gears of his friends hero costume. “Damnit kiri I can't lose her!” he sobs. No one says anything, theres nothing they can say. No words can comfort the fiery blonde except for your own.  
but he does pull away from his friend as he sees them placing you on a gurney and begin rushing away. 
“Wait!” he calls after them. 
“Sir you can't come with us you have to meet us there its to risky!” A female medic says as sets pumping oxygen into your lungs. 
“I can drive you!” He hears a voice behind him say quickly. He turns to see who only to see your side-kick Minako. He nods and quickly runs to her car. 
The drive there was silent, he isn't even mad at her which shocks both of them. She breaks the silence whispering, “She begged me to help the civilians.” he nods still remaining silent. “I should have- I should have been there.” just then a sob rips through her throat. 
Katsuki looks to her remaining silent for a long moment. “She would have been devistated if you had you gotten hurt.” he whispers. 
“huh?” she glances over to him quickly before looking back to the road. 
“she talks about you all the time, she feels a motherly bond to you.” he whispers. 
“s-she was serious about that?” She asks wiping her cheeks.
“Yeah, maybe because she never had a mother figure or maybe because you remind her so much of herself. But she does, and I know she's tankful for all the civilians you helped save.” The girl nods smiling softly.  
Unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless) Pull me out of the train wreck
When they arrive to the hospital they both quickly run to the front desk. 
“Elementas, I need to know what room elements is in!” Bakugo cries. 
“Mr. Ground zero sir you can't see her yet.” the nurse states standing up and stopping him from running off. 
“Why the hell not?!” He screams fist firing off slightly.
“She had to go straight into surgery.” the woman states calmly. Bakugo grunts as he sits down. 
twenty minutes later the same nurse approaches. “Sir they've already set up her room you tow may wait for her there but when they ask you to leave you-” before she could finish Minako interrupts. 
“Understood.” she says quickly. The nurse nods giving them the number and they make there way there. 
It was another half hour when Kirishima showed up with a spare change of clothes for Bakugo and offered to drive Minako home so she could rest. She only left when he promised to keep her updated. He changed into his civilian clothes before he finally sat down on the chair next to the bed you would soon be in and before he knew it he was asleep. 
Unburn the ashes Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
When he woke he looked around confused but he perked up when he saw a nurse. “Sir we need to get her settled and then you can come back in.” He nods quickly heading back t the waiting room. The quicker he left meant the sooner he would see you. 
It was fifteen minutes later when a doctor approached him. “How is she? Is she okay?” He asks anxious. 
“she sustained grave injuries. A head wound which concussed her. Five broken ribs, a punctured lung. Not to mention the damage from the pipe in her abdomen. But other than these things she is fine.” The doctor said as he walked away. Katsuki quickly made his way back to your room as he saw your eyes blink open. 
Pull me out of the train wreck Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
“Y/n!” he called happily. You looked pail, and honestly an inch from death, but never in his life had he been so happy to see you. 
You smiled at your boyfriend as he walked into the room. “Suki.” You whispered holding a hand out to him. He quickly came to your side taking it and covering it in kisses before moving up your arm and kissing your face. He placed a loving kiss on your lips before placing his forehead on your own. 
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again.” He whispered. 
You chuckled but winced. “easy there princess your ribs might not be happy with you for a while.” he says cupping your cheek and you nodded. It was a long day between all the visitors. Wether it was a crying Minako who had heart felt apologies and confessions with you. Or a group of your former classmates coming to make sure you where alright. Or even a soft spoke Mr. Aizawa who came once Katsuki had left to get you and himself some food. 
By the end of the day you where exhausted and you where more than happy to allow your boyfriend to carefully lay next to you only intertwining your legs and holding your one hand with his own while the other rested on your cheek. 
“Hey y/n, what you said about me being happy,” Katsuk whispered and you hummed for him to keep going. “I’m going to be... with you.” with a soft exchange of I love you’s and a sweet kiss after that you where both asleep. 
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
You surprised me with such quick replies! I guess it’s my turn for spamming you with responses to all your messages! At least I’ll try!
Like I said before, you are an amazing writer! And I will say it again. I respect you a lot and I am endlessly grateful for this! You take your time to create such high quality pieces. And I am pretty sure you sacrifice much of your time you could spend in other ways. I know you like to write, but please remember that you are NOT obliged to write my and any other requests. And I know that you like to make people happy and I know that you know that I love your writing and it makes me feel at ease, especially after a rough day. I beg you, don’t do anything under pressure, because of the idea of making someone happy and content. You are your first and most important priority.
At the very same time, I would like to say again that you are an amazing writer. Just in case you forget this already or you are not quite sure of it. Because you are and everyone could say the same.
You know what I love about your writing the most? Emotions. Feelings. The fact that you are describing them makes me want to read more, but the way you are describing them? I could read your stories all day, just like a good book! Emotions are complicated. Every situation could make people feel and react in such a different way. But I think it is really challenging to describe it in a reliable way, and force the reader to feel all these emotions.
As you surely noticed, I am a curious creature. What does the process of your writing look like? Do you prepare yourself somehow for writing? Do you work in silence or listen to music? Do you prefer to write at a particular time of day or maybe at night? Where do your ideas come from? You write your own stories, not based on request. Even when you write an idea from the request you have just a general idea.
As for the necklace - I am not sure tbh. And the idea that it broke for good makes me really bad. Symbolism of this necklace was and still is very encouraging and very important to me. Such a small thing, with not so obvious meaning. So I understand your reaction really well! Your bra did a really good job! Haha, your lucky necklace was saved by your lucky bra!
I would never say that kissing the neck is an innocent gesture, because for me it is one of the biggest turn ons lol. So the idea of Shay helping put on the necklace and then kissing neck was ASDFGHJKLLOVE <screaming>. So, thank you once again!
I have no idea how to react to such compliments but Im really blushing and melting whenever you way my writing is good. This is literally the best feeling ever and ahsjsnjsjabs. I just bite on my hugging pillow and try not to make weird sounds.
I think that vacation and generally this year is important for me because I'm learning to actually take care of myself. I try to cut toxic people out of my life and do something for myself and to start respect myself. And it's the same with writing. I take my time and let myself chose what I want to write and when. It's a slow process but I think it's going to be better over time.
Thank you Knifey. I actually feel like the problem of my writing is lack of descriptions. Like in my mother language I can go on and on. But it English? I'm like... Ugh. I'm looking for words and synonyms. And read description of places to learn words. I'm really happy it's paying off, at least with emotions.
My writing process? It's called a mess.
Like literally. There are things for which I sit down, turn on my laptop, Google Doc, grammarly, Google translate, page with synonyms and write word after word. Sentence after sentence. Then delete it all and start again. And again. And again.
There are request which I write at 6.07 am on my phone in Google docs while still holding my hugging pillow.
Usually I don't wrote with music. When I have too much stimuli around my mind goes elsewhere. Like if I hear a song I imagine a character performing it. Like random character performing idk. Halo by Beyonce. Bit because she is making it I start to think why is she performing it. Who is watching. What she wants to achieve. And boom. Another story. Or if I smell good I imagine character making it. And my mind goes on and on endlessly. So I try to write without music or other stuff that can take my attention elsewhere.
Time of the day? Random.
Proces? Random.
I swear i just either have a mood and write 3 request and my own story or I have no mood and write 1 sentence everyday for 1 request for another 2 weeks only to delete it and rewrite and publish it in the next hour.
When I get ideas from? I think I just have hard time keeping my mind in order. I just have ideas. All the time. For everything. Some are terrible and cliche and Mary Sue and weird. But other are nice.
My mind? Big mess.
Knifey, i really hope there is a way to fix the necklace. But if there is no... Maybe you can change it a bit? Like for example hang it in your room to have it close?
As for neck kissing... I have never been kissed on the neck so I have no idea ;; I just write what I think it may be like. But neck kissing being a huge turn on is a perfect thing! And sounds adorable.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Siren Seduction; Alternate Story
Kind of Requested?:  captivatedbycillianmurphy said: I’m actually a professional mermaid, it would be cool if you wrote a story about Tommy finding me by accident “in tail !” LOL🤣🧜🏻‍♀️ Siren Seduction !
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x reader
Warnings: swearing, mermaids, mention of death, sexual/smutty mentions and reference(s), nudity (FOR MERMAID REASONS), slight angst, fluff
Note: The note for these two stories is on the first one, found here. Also, my apologies for the random ending, I tried to make it go with the title. Sorry if it doesn’t make sense, it’s all I could think of.
Y/f/b/g = Your Favorite Baked Good
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masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
Y/n L/n was an elegant and formal lady to say the least. She married Tommy and took his son into her life like it was nothing. She treated Charlie with love and motherhood, as if he was her own. She loved Tommy with all of her heart, her marriage to him meaning the world to her. Y/n was not one to break a promise nor the vows of her wed. Tommy was the same, his vows becoming important to him when he discovered his fiancé happily playing with her soon-to-be stepson.
After the wedding, he found that his wife strayed away from contact with water, and preferred wearing a large coat if she were to be around it. Anything to prevent her from getting wet. When the rain was falling, she asked that she be the one to hold the umbrella, so that it was sure to cover any part of her body that was showing any amount of skin.
It isn’t strange to have Aquaphobia, or at least to behave in a way that makes people think you do, but it was strange to act such a way yet enjoy being at the beach or around where water made home. Y/n hated the thought of getting her skin even the least bit wet, but she loved visiting the places having to do with the liquid. Why? No one knew, but it did intrigue them.
Currently, she lied on the sofa with a blanket and book in hand. Charlie was with Tommy and they were expected to be home soon. It didn’t bother her when they left, as it gave her some time with herself. She normally took care of the young Shelby when Tommy was out, and it filled her with joy, but she did need alone time every once in awhile. She had a lot of reading that she was excited to catch up on.
John and Arthur accompanied Tommy and Charlie with their visit to a bakery. There was a promise Tommy made to Charlie every time they were in town. “Behave yourself and you can pick out something for you and mummy.” So that’s what he did. Charlie often picked y/f/b/g for Y/n and a fresh cookie for himself.
As her fingers brushed over the page, she thought of the water, the beautiful and relaxing sound it made when leaving the faucet in the kitchen, or the peaceful splashes that came from droplets of rain from the sky, the waves of the ocean too! It made a glorious sound when it hit the shore. It was Y/n’s true home, and she had been away for so long.
Unknown to the Shelby family, or really anyone that was a pure mortal, Y/n was a mermaid. She was born to the creatures, and still was one. Like the others, she had the ability to transform herself to human on land. The price of which, was that she would shift back into her true form if she were to get wet. She could switch back, but that would require her to be dry again.
It needed an awful lot of cautiousness. She couldn’t be in the kitchen, or really anywhere that would cause her exposure to liquids. Of course, Bodily fluids and Charlie’s slobber/drool was an exception. By now, Tommy and her were not new to the bedroom. When they had first done the deed, it came as a surprise to her that she didn’t shift forms during said session. She ended up making it clear to her husband that she would do anything with him as long as it didn’t involve a form of liquid that didn’t come from their bodies.
How she bathed was another question. Y/n refused to do anything with Tommy involving the bathroom or tub, her rule specifying that. Maids were turned down when they offered to help. She didn’t bathe Charlie, instead asking Ada to do it, and she never washed her hands in front of others. So how was she taking care of her hygiene? Easy; she did take baths, but they were short due to her only needing to wash her upper-body. She used the extra time to dry off, so it only seemed like she took a long relaxing bath by herself to release the stress of the day.
Now she was at home and alone. No one could ask where she had went. No one could walk in on her with a tail. But still, she wouldn’t be prepared if her husband or one of her in-laws walked in. The only place, would be to go home. To the sea. Of course there would be a few people there, it was a good day, but Y/n knew a secluded part that only the Shelby family visited.
She asked a taxi-driver to bring her to the beach as fast as she could. He knew of her Shelby name, and he knew not to upset her or her family. Of course he didn’t take into thought that her husband might dislike her leaving her home while he had people ready to kill him and his loved ones. So, as she expected, he followed her orders and sped off to the sandy terrain.
They conversed a little on the drive. Y/n didn’t pay much attention to the driver. He seemed really interested in keeping her amused, however it didn’t amuse nor have any affect on Y/n’s thinking. She was too busy focusing on getting to the beach.
“Keep going, there’s a drop off spot. Please do not follow me, and do not wait for me.” Y/n adjusted her sleeve, not phased by the fact that she sounded suspicious.
“Yes ma’am. If I am to come upon your husband, shall I tell ‘im where you are?” 
“No, that will not be necessary.” The car halted to a stop. The man was about to rush to the other side and let Y/n out, but she was already smoothing her hands down her dress and reaching to open the door. “James is it? Well thank you, I ask that you do not come back to this location unless I am in the car and asking you to take me here. Understood?”
“Yes Mrs. Shelby.” He opened his hand and accepted the change, mumbling, “And it’s Henry...” as she left his line of sight.
She walked down the path, taking off her gloves and shoes to walk among the soft and warm sand. The wind felt wonderful in her hair. She continued walking, she was on the part she had thought about. Her hands relieved her of her dress, now nude in the empty area. The tip of her big toe touched the water, and her legs started turning into scales.
She had never felt so alive. Held up on land for about 3 years, it was so refreshing to be back in her natural environment. When her legs became connected she fell into the water and swam forward. She kept swimming. It felt like hours had gone by when she finally returned to the surface.
Little did she know, Tommy, Charlie, John and Arthur thought it would be a nice day to go to the beach, suggestion of Charles Shelby. When Tommy found his wife’s clothing, he assumed only the worst and sent his brothers into rowboats to search the water as much as they could. Charlie and him were walking along the shore, Tommy reassuring Charlie so that he wouldn’t get worried or start crying for his mother.
Anger filled Tommy when his brothers quickly rowed back. He couldn’t hear them shouting with awe and disbelief. They had found Y/n because she was swimming back, the bottom of her beautiful green and sunset-like colored tail came out of the water slightly when she swam past them. She didn’t see them, but they saw her.
They beat her back to the shore and pulled their boats with them.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doin’ eh?” Tommy was still furious. His first wife had died, and now this. Now his brothers just suddenly didn’t care for him or his lover. “My wife is out there! Get off ya lazy asses, and search for her!”
“Tommy!” John was out of breath, leaning over and panting like his older brother. “We found her.”
“Actually, she found us.” Arthur finally caught his and told his brother of the strange sighting. “She had a bloody tail. Have we gone mad?”
“I think you might’ve. There’s no way my wife, who has fuckin’ legs, had a tail and just,” He made a motion with his hand, “zoomed on past ya.”
The men were still arguing. It bored Charlie. And a great amount. He started looking around, practically begging for something actually cool to happen.
All three brother’s attention was on Charlie now. He was pointing to the ocean, where a tail poked out.
“See, we aren’t mad, are we John?”
“No. No, I don’t think so Arthur.”
“Look Tommy, ya son found his mum.”
The tail went back underwater and was replaced with Y/n’s head, her body following. The Shelby brothers took a second, all three with slacked jaws and wide eyes. Thomas caught himself first, noticing the situation.
“Cover your damn eyes. That’s my wife, and she’s obviously missing some coverage.” Tommy handed Charlie to his uncles, scoffing at his brother’s behaviors. “Hand me her dress. And that blanket while you’re at it.”
He rushed to his wife, both cloths in hand. She made a confused face at her husband, but let him wrap the blanket around her anyways. Tommy picked her up bridal style and held her close to him. She could feel his heart beat, as well as his shaking arms.
The secret was out.
Tommy shooed his brothers out of the way and set his wife down. He took the end of the blanket and wiped down her tail, making sure to be extra careful. No words were spoken until Y/n broke the silence.
He made a humming sound, letting her know he was listening.
“Do you not love me anymore? Since you know now?”
Thomas continued drying off her body, standing in front of her and reaching in a hug-like motion to rub her back dry. He turned the blanket quickly so that he could dry off her front-side, then her arms. After a little bit, her tail turned into her human legs. It caused her other human bits to be more exposed. Luckily, Tommy was quick to pull her dress over her body and sit her upright.
She put her hand on his shoulder. His eyes glanced up to hers and he smiled softly. Tommy pressed a kiss to Y/n’s lips, passion and relief filled both of their minds.
“No my love, I could never stop loving you. May I ask why you never told me?”
“I was afraid.”
“Afraid of what?”
“That you would think a freak of me, or that you would divorce me and say you no longer loved me.”
“Ah...” He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “I could never think that of you. And as I said, I could never stop loving you.” Sensing that she was still doubting, he spoke one of his many thoughts of the subject. “You go nude into the water, yes?” She nodded. “Well your unintentional Siren Seduction must be dealt with at home and as soon as possible.”
The nervous tension turned sexual with his suggestive comment. And they weren’t the only ones to notice that. Laughter broke out among the adults.
“Tommy! For god sakes! Can you two keep it in your pants until you’re alone? Especially with Charlie here!” Charlie was too busy giggling at the water to notice anything. The couple and brothers, however, were startled by the comment.
“Jesus Christ! Where’d you come from Pol?”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Kai in the beach half naked ? Serously gggiiiirl !!! I would be the one nagging at him to be fully dressed and never show his skin 🤣🤣🤣🤣 definitely the other girls are staring at our husband. Please don't.. kai is not alllwed to show his skin outside his bedroom and for his wife ONLY 🤚🤚🤚🤚. (No wonder kaito is full of jealous if his wife was like that 🤣) but seriosly .. I don't know what is your idea but I support you.
😙👌 its on the table
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"Please! Just this once I swear! Just one day Kai, please!" You begged while your husband tried to stay concentrated at the paper work in front of him.
"Beaches are full of dirt. You can catch a illness with more ease and do you have any idea on what exactly has inside the sea? Not. Happening." He said sternly while he flipped over one of the many pages.
You huffed while pouting, making your way to the couch and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"Stop acting like a child."
"Am not." You responded.
"You are."
"Am not!" You singed, smiling when you caught him chuckling in disbelief.
"Yes you are. Look at yourself." He pointed at your figurine, but still with his gaze pierced on the papers.
"Fine then." You got up and moved to the front door of his office "This child here is going to the beach anyway. Maybe someone in here is interested."
"You can't be serious." He sighed in irritation, noticing that you haven't give up on this stupid and antigenic idea.
"What? If you're not going, I am. Simple!" You smiled before exiting the room.
He heard you calling for Chrono and immediately tensed.
Oh you fucking little-
"I despise you." He growled in pure venom as he approached even more than necessary his mask to his face.
"And you married me anyways!" You giggled while coming down the stairs to get in touch with the beach sand you so craved fir the last week.
Your husband breath in deeply and cringed when he only felt the salt of that dirty ocean. Maybe it was better if he let Chrono go with you instead...
Then he looked at your bare back and thighs moving and immediately reminded why exactly he wouldn't let any other come with you.
He was the only one to blame at his personal hell... honestly.
He was mere inches from the sand as he stared down in disgust at the material in general... why he had to fall in love with you...?
"Come on honey, it doesn't bite!" You joked and only laughed at the hot glare you received from your husband. Whose even with fucking flip flops was hesitant abkut touching the beach sand.
He stepped on it in pure rage and cringed hard when he felt the sand coming in contact slightly with his skin.
"You own me big this time. I hope you have that knowledge." He groaned threateningly at you, not even faced anymore when you grabbed his hand and pulled him near to a spot you had found.
He sitted on the towl and started to scrub furiously his legs and feet as you tried really hard to not burst into laughter whille you sitted next to him.
"Calm down is only sand." You giggled.
"Do you have any idea if what had passed or what was dragged to this place? No right? So shut it." He growled while he scrubbed even more harder on his leg, his skin getting pink from irritation by now.
"Hey" you cooed, slowly bringing your hand closer to his, but not yet touching "You're going to yank your skin out of your body at this point." He softened his furious gazes when you replaced the place where his hands had been and carresed slightly.
He scoffed looking at the huge amount of water in front of him... Luckily there weren't too many people on that disgusting place at least.
He felt that you had moved your hands away from him, cursing himself for even feeling the slightest hint of dissapointment, and looked at his side to see you picking a bottle of sunscreen.
"No sunburns for us. Especially you since you're so pale." He frowed and flipped your forehead in response as you yelped.
After it passed sometime for that thing to have at least some effect on, you got up on your feet and looked down at him with bright (E/C) as you pointed at the water.
"You're asking WAY too much of me now angel." He deadpanned while he closed his eyes in annkyance as he sighed.
"Ok then. Watch me!" You runned towards the water and jumped the waves eargly.
He chuckled underneath his mask as he watched his wife being so happy at the way you came in contact with the water. He was sure that when you two got back he would make you take a hell out of a hot shower, but for now he would let you have your fun.
"Hey hot stuff." A woman's voice manifested as he looked up, with boredom and irritation at noticing tjat she had just kicked some sand at him.
He merely lifted up one of his eyebrows at her as a response.
"What a handsome like you doing around in here?"
"Mostly atturing some undesirable company." He groaned, returning his gaze at your sweet form who had waved at him from afar. He waved back just before he heard the woman's scoff.
"Your friend in there?"
"No." He spoke, clearly not wanting to talk anymore.
He wasn't in the mood of overhauling someone on a day off with his wife... Especially on a public area.
"Tsk. What a idiot right? Playing on the water like some toddler." She dared to sit down close to him.
He darkened his eyes as he slowly turned his face at her.
"Excuse me? Care to repeat that again?" His voice was carrying venom but the woman apparently had no neurons at all to get that he was infuriated at her behavior as she laughed.
"Just look at it! How many years does she think she has? Ten?" She placed her hand on his shoulder which was the last straw for him.
"Don't touch me." He slapped her hand away abruptly as he got up in his feet.
"Geez man. Don't know how to joke around? I can show you some fun." She wiggled her eyebrows while he twitched one of his eye.
He went to take off one of his gloves when be noticed you approaching and subsconciously relaxed at seing your figurine.
Well, your look wasn't pleasant when you noticed the woman.
"Hey..." you said awkwardly while squishing your hair to get some of the water out. "Who is this?" You asked to Chisaki who scoffed in disgust.
The woman got up with a ironic laugh and looked you down, definitely judging you.
"No one in particular for you. But anyway~" she softened her gaze at your husband.
She let out a yelp when you slapped her sunglasses out of her face.
"What's with you bitch?!" She yelled. You had to put your arm in front of your husband chest to prevent a murder.
Not that you didn't want that, but you definitely didn't wanted any problem for your husband...
"What's with me?" You growled "Well you are just speaking to this man's wife..." the woman laughed but got pale at seing Chisaki cold and piercing glare at her as he pushed down his mask to give you a kiss on the cheek as he oicked your hand and showed the glory of your alliance, which even shined at the contact with sunlight.
"Are you just deprived of intelligence or earing...slag?" Chisaki murmured with his lips still on contact with your cheek. The woman gasoed at the insult and immediately went to say something to Chisaki but you only stepped closed to her. Murmuring your words that spilled from your mouth like venom.
"Go ahead... insult the leader of the yakusa wrench. Let's see in how many countries your body will be found." You glared deep in her eyes "Approach my husband or even speak about him ever again, and I swear I will be the one to choose and apply your punishment." The woman trembled in fear as she cursed out how crazy you two were as she made her way out.
Chisaki put his mask up again as he collected your things.
"I am quite stunned at the way you spoke to that scumbag angel." He said while you only huffed.
"You know that you're the only one for my eyes. My precious, glorius little angel." He growled close to your ear, making you shiver.
"I'm not in the mood on being in the beach anymore." You murmured as you saw a bunch of teenagers looking at your husband with hungry eyes.
You grabbed his jaw suddenly and crashed your lips with his after you took eargly off his mask, getting the chance that he had gasoed in shock and just make out with him until you noticed those brats had turned away their eyes.
"... Jealousy?" He asked smirking down at you, feeling a big warm on his chest when you nodded reluctantly and hugged him tight.
He sighed... no one has ever felt... jealous of him before, so for him it was unnecessary since you were his first and ever love... but he just carresed your head and nuzzled his nose in your hair before again lushing his mask up.
"Next time listen to me when I say is not a good idea." He said in false irritation as you both started to walk away fron that place.
"Yeah yeah, no beach no bitches pinning after you." He couldn't help but chuckle at your words.
When you two were finally getting closer to the car, you and him heard a whistle, he turned around and darkned his eyes when he saw a bunch of smug surfist looking hungrily at you.
"Hey what a cutie like you doing on here huh?" You scrunch your face at hearing his voice.
"Im sorry, what?" You said offended as you looked at them in disgust.
"What a nice company would you be if-" one of the guys approached you and Chisaki only saw red after this.
The guys was soon overhauled with a single poke of his uncovered index finger, getting the others to shout in fear. Chisaki just as fast outted him back at place as he glared with fire in his eyes at the bastard.
"Out of my sign verm."
You looked at him in surprise and giggled at the way the surfist had just ran out of there along with his friends.
"Jealousy?" You asked giggling before he pushed you to the car.
"Shut it."
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andimack-crack · 3 years
A christ-mack story: Andi Mack
read part one here
read part two here
Part 3: Merry little crisis
[Word count 1910]
Cyrus POV
Everybody was sat in the park me, Andi, Buffy, Jonah, T.J and Marty all squished onto one park bench drinking hot chocolate Andi was filling us in on the drama going on at home.
"It's just Bex is so nervous all the time and she's also very emotional feeling sick and tired I hope she's not coming down with something I'd hate to catch it." She rambled
I turned my head a little towards Jonah who sat quietly staring off with a blank face I could tell he wasn't really listening I waved a hand in front of him and he came alive
"Are you alright JB?"
"Y-yeah I-i mean look" he pointed over to an old looking man on the street who was clearly homeless he was begging for cash Jonah looked really sad and somewhat guilty.
"I didn't have a house not that long ago but at least I had family somewhere to live I mean food wasn't good but I was able to kind of continue life but the feeling never leaves you" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath I put a hand on his back
"Now that it's over and I see people that are still going through it... I don't know it feels like I'm not entitled to what I have" by now the conversations everybody else was having had stopped we were all listening to him.
"Jonah you are more than entitled your family went through so much  hardship these past few months you've been dealing with a lot of personal demons yourself you don't have to feel guilty" I reassured he nodded sighing
"Yeah I know I just feel like I should be doing something" he looked at his lap
"Jonah remember when we gave away all those clothes that mint chip threw away?" Andi said
"You mean do I remember going to jail my parents getting really mad at me and doing 72 hours of community service yeah I remember" we all laughed a little
"Yeah well we knew that it was wrong to just throw away those clothes and you know it's wrong that millions of people are sleeping rough on the streets" Andi explained
"It's even worse considering it's winter and Christmas" Buffy said sadly
"But the question is what are you going to do about it" I said Jonah started thinking and his face lit up all of a sudden
"I... I think I have an idea" he smiled
"Hold up... you guys went to jail?!" T.J and Marty said simultaneously in shock we all giggled.
Bex's POV
"Thanks for meeting me I was really hoping you would" Gabriel commented sitting opposite me in a cafe outside of town. He looked worse than when I left him like he hadn't slept or been around good people
"Yeah well just know I'm not doing this for you I'm doing for me" I said trying to keep my self together "I want to know why you emotionally abused me when you knew I was vulnerable because I had just left my home and my daughter"
"H-how is she?" He said awkwardly
"No don't you dare talk about her you don't get to I just want to know if it was me or-"
"No it wasn't please don't raise your voice" he said cutting me off "I... I was under a lot of pressure you really wanted to get out of Shadyside I didn't have money I had to work I always tired needed a drink"
"You can't use that as an excuse I felt like shit everyday when I was with you too the point where I'd do anything to avoid you" I was turning red and tears where stinging in my eyes
"I-i know I was awful b-but I wanna fix things you see I'm in a bit of debt with some old friends and I was thinking you could give me a loan and-"
"Seriously" I yelled standing up "You got back in touch with me to ask for money. I should of known you haven't changed stay away from me and my family if I ever see you again I'll go to the police"
I stormed out the cafe getting on my motorcycle to get back to cloud ten I should of never trusted him the tears fell from eyes but I smiled to myself I've been wanting to stand up to him for years I finally did it.
Jonah's POV
"Jonah where are you taking us?" Marty groaned impatiently
"You'll see" I had an idea of how I could help people that where sleeping rough how we could all help we reached a small shelter on the far side of town.
"We're here" I gestured as we all stepped inside
"What is this place?" Buffy questioned
"It's a food bank I went too a lot the people are really great here they listened to me and when I felt like I couldn't take much more of it there would always be someone here to calm me down"
"That's really sweet but why are all here?" T.J said confused 
"To volunteer I spoke to someone and they said they don't get enough people during the holidays to help out with handing out food, clean clothes  or just talking to them"
"If it'll make you happy Jo I'll do it" Cyrus said patting my shoulder 
"It's for a good cause I think we should all do it" Andi said.
"Can I help you guy- oh hello Jonah how's the new apartment?" A tall brown haired woman said walking up too us
"The apartments nice  things are a lot better now"
"Glad to hear it" I swivelled round to my friends
"Guys this is Carla she runs this whole operation during the holidays" 
"Nice to meet you all" She said shaking there hands one by one
"We are all here to volunteer" I said smiling brightly 
"We'll do anything you want" Buffy said her hand interlocked with Marty's
"Oh well that's lovely I need some people to pick up an apron and dish up food and I need some people to go out and find a few people to give clothes too and invite them in too eat" She said checking her list
"We're on it" She smiled and walked away to check something else 
"Me, Buffy and Andi will be on kitchen duty maybe you guys and can go out and find some people" Cyrus ordered 
"Sounds like a plan" I said happily
Bex's POV
I got back home later in the day thinking about what happened with Gabriel less and less I had more important things to think about some news I needed to share with the family. Bowie was sitting on the couch looking a little upset nearly angry.
"Hey... is something the matter?" 
"I went to cloud 10 to ask if you wanted something to eat you weren't there"
"I was out getting some products I needed" I quickly said as a cover story
"Oh okay that's weird because your friend Gabriel came by earlier" Uh oh
"Look Bowie I can explain..."
"What is there to explain Bex you lied to me... I'll ask again who is Gabriel?"
"Bowie I didn't tell you the truth to protect you he's not important I swear" I said taking his hands but he snatched them away
"Protect me from what?" 
"I-I" The words on my mouth died  I couldn't tell him. He picked up his keys and jacket
"Where are you going?" I demanded to know 
"Out" with that he slammed the door.
I just buried my face in my hands in defeat I have to make this right and I knew exactly how too. That is if Bowie give me a chance to speak to him.
Jonah POV
Marty, T.J and I managed to gather some people we found sleeping rough there were way more people than you would expect actually but I'm just really happy we were able to help out. By now we had given everybody some hot food and we were going round giving out clean clothes and blankets they also offered showers I handed this younger looking man a warm tracksuit and a thick coat he took it gratefully trying to smile but it was more like a grimace I pulled up a chair to talk to him.
"Hello I'm Jonah what's your name?" I said sticking my hand out he shook it
"I-I'm Tyler y-you're awfully young to be working here how old are You?"
"I'm 15 but a volunteer so are my friends" I said gesturing at them
"O-oh yeah the tall blonde one wouldn't stop following me until I agreeded to come here" I smirked
"Sorry about that how old are you? if it's okay to ask"
"I-im 20 in a few days and before you ask I've been homeless for two years" he said visibly embarrassed
"Wow um... how come i-I'm only asking to try and fix things don't answer if you don't want too-"
"I got into an argument with my mom after my dad died I-i blamed her and started doing dumb things and I... really wanted to go out of town for a weekend and she said if I go I might as well not bother coming back" his lip quivered I felt horrible
"Well parent say a lot of things they don't mean but they love us unconditionally it's Christmas almost your birthday call your mom" I said putting a hand on his but he took it away
"I can't I don't have my phone" I quickly took out mine
"If you know her number call her on my phone" Tyler was hesitant but he took the phone and dialed her number
"H-hello...hi yes mommy it's me...I-I miss you too" he choked out he stood up to go talk to her.
"You did a good thing Jonah" Carla said walking up behind me "Tyler came by a few months back no one could get him to talk to his mom"
"Well it was obvious he missed her it was probably just pride getting in the way" he came back tears still falling from his eyes he pulled me into a tight hug
"T-thank you Jonah" he said handing my phone back
"What did she say?"
"She's gonna come out here and we can go back home for Christmas" he smiled
"There's a bed here for you to sleep on tonight or at least until she gets here I'll show you" Carla said leading him away.
I joined the rest of my friends who were huddled together smiling.
"So Jonah how do you feel now?" Buffy said
"Good really good like I made a difference"
"Were all happy for you and this did feel great reminds us to give back during the holidays" Cyrus said.
We were interrupted by Andi's phone buzzing
"Hello... mom slow down...really oh okay" she hung up "I gotta go there's am emergency apparently" we all said goodbye and she left abruptly.
Whatever happens to having a peaceful holiday?
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