#i am grabbing all treasures in this one and after the next (no heals no merchant) it's gonna be hard work getting to S+ everything
Do cry me a river
Imagine dis…
I re-watched some of my favorite anime when I was a kid and… Another idea popped up if I do say so myself.
If the words Yukina and Ice Maiden ring a bell then you know which direction I am heading…
Deep within Gotham, specifically, its underground city seems to be buzzing with intrigue and curiosity at something new. Now, when something new has appeared all of them are watching, as if it was not the usual drug or weaponry to use on the other heroes. All eyes were on them, each turn and each step this new player had brought into the game were all being watched and carefully cataloged.
But the moment it had proved its worth each and everyone, from the big names and players of the underground that stretches from Gotham to its neighboring cities to all those who had a single line of connection to the underground. All began clamoring to buy and claim such precious little things.
All of them began to whisper among the shadows and had all of them in traded hushed tones in fear of the Bats who may have or have not been listening.
Let me tell you… It wasn’t any ordinary rumors, but it was all because of a new production of pearls. Pearls, strange and enchanting pearls, that glowed with an otherworldly greenish blue hue. Unlike the typical black, white, pink, and rare blue pearls that adorned the necks of Gotham’s elite and the rich, these are not only rare, mysterious, and sought after not for their beauty but for the miracles they had performed.
These pearls were said to have amazing therapeutic abilities. Stories circulated about wounds healing in seconds, incurable diseases disappearing, and organs regenerating as if by magic. The pearls' magical qualities increased their value to astronomical levels, making them a sought-after treasure on the illicit market. Wealthy collectors and desperate folks were both eager to pay for everything to obtain them.
But despite their efforts to be quiet some noise and rumors had already reached the ears of Gotham’s vigilantes.
Gotham vigilantes had already heard of these new pearls slowly circulating in the underground world. Batman had it at the end of his priority as it was just a gemstone and in some cases had his attention, Red Hood didn’t even bother as it was not drugs and thought of it as another rich eccentric trend that soon to fade, so did the rest of the vigilantes dismissing them without a second thought.
One evening, Red Robin was on his usual patrol, this night his patrol route was line on keeping an eye out for the upper echelons of Gotham’s elite as there had been a massive Arkham breakout meaning that the rich were out for grabs for the usual kidnapping and ransom.  
He intercepted a poor attempt at a robbery between a wealthy civilian, their bag had released all of its contents in a fit of panic. Red Robin helped the said civilian to gather their things all up after he had tied the robber with some zip-ties. As he was gathering their things he picked up a unique-looking necklace. A simple silver necklace with a singular greenish-blue pearl in its center. The unusual color caught his attention but never thought any of it until tomorrow morning.
The next morning, As Tim was dressing up for his morning job as the CEO of Wayne Enterprise, he noticed something peculiar. The scar from his missing spleen, a constant reminder of a near-fatal injury, and another reminder that Ra is a creep for stealing a minor’s spleen had vanished. Alarmed and more awake than seconds ago, he hurriedly went to Dr. Leslie’s clinic for an impromptu check-up. The X-rays revealed the impossible, his spleen had regenerated as if it had never been missing in the first place.
The Bats are now scrambling for any information about the mysterious pearl that Red Robin had contact with just last night.
Meanwhile, Danny was imprisoned in a remote, strongly fortified manor. Unlike Yukina from Yuyu Hakusho, Danny's tears transformed into a powerful healing agent capable of miraculous recoveries.
This wealthy captor, who had been a player in the underground for quite some time yet always had the ambition to be more than just a buyer, when he became aware of Danny's existence and his tears' healing abilities, had been exploiting him to create the greenish-blue pearls that were now circulating in the black market.
Danny was not alone in captivity. He was accompanied by his younger, de-aged self, Dan and Ellie. Both had been captured and used as leverage to compel Danny's cooperation. The three were confined in separate, high-security quarters that were closely monitored and strongly guarded.
As chaos is slowly filling up the streets of Gotham, at the edge of the city’s border there stood a woman with a purpose.
Talia al Ghul, the Demon Head's daughter and mother of Damian Al Ghul-Wayne, commonly known as Robin, is well-known for her strategic abilities. She embarked on a personal mission to protect and save her son Danny from the pig who dared to hurt him.
Danny, Talia and Bruce's first kid had been hidden from the world, even her father, for his safety. Safety? She felt selfish for the first time, keeping Danny concealed from everyone except her. Talia had decided to keep him concealed, including from his brother, Damian.
Talia had lately received an unusual package—a VHS video with a green sticky note bearing the letters "CW." The film contained a warning and a guide, as well as critical information about the forces that had kidnapped her son and instructions on how to exploit something she had never seen before.
The tape revealed Danny's captor's identity, a wealthy and powerful figure deep within Gotham's underbelly who had discovered Danny's new powers and was forcing him to create healing pearls. The video also contained plans and security information about Danny's detention facility, as well as the network of individuals involved in this nefarious enterprise.
Talia devised a strategy based on the tape's information, contacting trusted allies and resources while also depending on her network and the element of surprise. Talia walks through the city like a ghost, her love for Danny so strong and unwavering that she is willing to eliminate anyone who endangers her son's safety.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: This one is for the month of August since I’m going to be a bit busy so ENJOY!!!
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Hi!idk if your requests are still open but can you write about the demon brothers(obey me!) Getting comforted by MC after a nightmare?ofc if they aren't open you can ignore my request!thx in advance
Obey me! [Brothers]
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As always, he works quite late. Exhausted, he fell on the bed. Not even bothering to change his clothes to more comfortable clothes.
After a few hours, you came in to check up on him but seeing his tired state you decided to make him move into a more suitable position and put the blankets over him. You tried to walk out but almost stumbled when Lucifer grabbed your hand.
"No...no, no no...!" His grip getting tighter, it was starting to get painful too. You slightly shook him to wake him up.
"Luci?...Are you alright? You can talk to me if you want." Due to his exhausted state, he didn't have any energy to put up with his pride and slithered his hands to your waist. He didn't say anything, silently sobbing onto your chest as he didn't dare to let go.
"Shhhh....it's ok, everything is ok. Let it all out." Soothing him, stroking his hair. You stayed still for a while until he fell asleep.
The next day, you both were doing things as if it hadn't happened. Although now you have Lucifer knocking on your door to come in and lay in bed with you. Slowly sinking into your warmth as you comfort him.
"You are my pride and...I love you, darling/[name]"
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@moonartz123 (sorry if you didn't allow people to use it. I just found your art on Pinterest since I couldn't find any other 😅 if you are not comfortable I will take the picture down and use a different one.)
Although sometimes he does come to you with silly little nightmares like Goldie being taken away by Lucifer. But this one is different, he came up balling in tears. Just putting his head on your lap as you do homework. As he tells you his nightmare. You kissed his forehead to Soothe his panic as his breathing starts to get more stable.
You slept with him through the night. Later you have an avatar of greed clinging to you. Hugging behind you, putting his head on your shoulder, etc. He smiles at you when you didn't shoo him off.
"I think I already found a new treasure. It's you and only you [name]"
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Credit: obey me lol
You were on your phone doing etc. Suddenly you got a text message from Levi to come to him. You thought it was probably playing video games since it is pretty common for him to invite you at the strangest time.
You knocked on the door quietly to not wake up the others. He swings the door open and grabs you in his room. He doesn't let go so you just guide him to his bed. (Aka his bathtub) ....he ripped his pillows. (Not the ruri-chan one. The normal ones)
You did not feel comfortable sleeping with your head on a body pillow so you just decided today was the day you broke the neck for the sake of his comfort.
Later he got embarrassed and avoided you, not because of the nightmare. More like he was sleeping on top of you. Now he can't look you in the eyes for a few weeks.
"No way! Me, A yucky Otaku!....although I do wish to do it again with you so don't do it to others and only me [name]!"
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I'm pretty sure this one is from obey me too.
You only came to him when you heard a loud
It was Satan. Hah....I guess you'll pay since you didn't want Lucifer have extra paper work to get that fix-
"What's wrong Satan?" He looked up to you as he softens. He walked up to you and launched at you. You fell to the floor. It didn't really hurt though. You got up and carried/led him to your room where you got a cat who was injured but almost fully healed.
"Seriously Satan?" You mentally smacked your forehead "you want me to keep the cat you found that is injured because Luci has a high chance of finding it?"
"Yes. I am serious! Just...for me? Please??"
'....damn those cat eyes of his!-' (also the cats too)
*Back to present*
"Satan...you can't cling to me while holding onto the cat." His face shows in disbelief.
(More like pouting.)
Later you guys slept on the bed while the cat was in Satan's arms. The next day everyone gets even MORE TERRIFIED
As he walked around with a huge eating grin. I guess his day got better.
"Thank you for calming me down, my peace/[name]"
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Pin/post by Envi on asmodeus obey me art
You were getting ready to get the makeup that Asmodeus requested at midnight. You saw him tremble. You softly poked his face to wake him up.
He started tearing up, wrapping his arms around your neck/waist. You sighed and just rub in a circling motion on his back. His throat was too dry so you gave him a bottle of water as you get ready and turned on the bathtub.
(Also I forgot, you are helping him with his skin care routine and makeup)
He thanked you for taking care of him. Now the rest of the day he kisses you!
Although he purposely kissed you with lipstick, and the bad thing is that it's hard to wipe off! That sly fox.
Bold is reader/you
"What do I need to do to comfort you?"
"F—ck me with loving s*x"
"Why do you have a rope-
. . .
"I love you, my blossom/name" (you know in anime, sometimes people confess under a blossom tree)
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Credit: Origarnic on DeviantArt
He knocked at your door. Hiding his face in his pillow now is soaked with tears.
You let him in. You let him hug you as long as he wants. But you asked him to let go so you can make food for him since it usually makes him cheer up. Especially your signature food.
He followed you like a lost puppy, he always felt so full when he is around you. He loved your S/F
(Signature food)
It makes him so happy, feeling the love and warmth you put in the food. Oh how he loves you, he doesn't feel empty when he's around you.
"Thank you for the food my amazing, lovingly chef/[name]" :D
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You always sleep with him but this one time you couldn't sleep with him.
He was so used to sleeping with you, so now he's just laying there frustrated. (How could you leave him like this!) So he just gave in to sleeping pills that he secretly bought in case if you can't sleep.
(Now he's using it)
That was a bad choice. You have never seen him walking so fast down the hallway. He fell on you. You felt a few tears on your shoulder but didn't mind.
Everyone was looking at you. Belphie was sleeping on your back/being carried.
Damn. You are hella strong.
"I love you, my Dream catcher"
"I love you, my dreamily love/[name]"
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Comforting him after his Overblot
notes: reposting bc I’m deleting my archived sideblogs
contains: vil schoenheit x gn!reader
warnings: none
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“I’ll be fine, don’t worry”, Vil Schoenheit had told you. And you wanted to believe his words that night in the Ramshackle kitchen after the VDC team had found Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade paralyzed in the lounge and later witnessed a fight between Vil and Epel. The Pomefiore dorm leader seemed rather irritated lately and you couldn’t help but notice how silent he became every time Neige Leblanche was brought up. But being around Vil long enough you knew how responsible the blonde was. You trusted him to take care of himself and make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Oh how wrong you were…
Your heart had been beating faster and you were on edge from the moment you saw his reaction to Neige’s performance. Something was up. Considering that Kalim and especially Rook noticed how the atmosphere had changed you were genuinely worried.
Still the anxious and uncertain feelings in your chest couldn’t compare to the dread of actually seeing him overblot. “Don’t look at me like this! I wanted to be the most beautiful in the world, so why am I so ugly?!”, you heard him yell, his voice cracking. You wanted to tell him it wasn’t true, just like Rook and Kalim did. You wanted to shout at him he was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on but your voice was stuck in your throat.
It was like the world had stopped for a moment when you saw how his appearance had changed when he overblotted. Your mind was filled with a mix of terror, sadness and a nauseating panic. Kalim had to shout at you multiple times to snap you out of it; grabbing your arm and dragging you along as you ran outside to meet up with the others.
The fight to take him down was long and painful. Your vision was blurry from the tears you had cried and it was hard to raise your magical pen against the man you loved, but it was for his own good. You’d do whatever you could to bring him back to his senses, even if it’d take all energy you had left. You were sick of seeing this distorted version of him; sick of seeing him so sad and broken. You remembered his beautiful smile that you could never get enough of and you promised to yourself you would see it again. Yet as determined as you were to knock some sense into him, you were shaken to your core about the possibility of losing Vil. He was in mortal danger if he stayed in overblot any longer so you couldn’t remember ever feeling this relieved when it was finally over.
Which brought you to where you were now: Standing in front of the VDC stage in ruins; clinging to Kalim for support, who was also crying, while Rook kneeled next to a still unconscious Vil and performed a healing spell to stabilize the model as best as he could.
You had somewhat calmed down but Vil finally waking up made you break out into tears again. You let go of your friend and made your way over to Vil, kneeling down beside him as well and helping him to sit up with Rook. You were careful not to hurt him with any of your touches and your heart broke a little when he groaned and coughed weakly, trying to get a grip of his surroundings.
“I have shown you guys my ugliest appearance…”, he had said.
“Vil Schoenheit, you call yourself ugly ONE MORE TIME and I’m going to overblot”, you fussed over him, carefully removing several strands of his hair from his face. He gave you a weak but gentle smile that made your heart beat faster. Dammit y/n this really isn’t the time to gush over him and get all weak in the knees. But you were used to it. Vil never failed to leave you breathless solely by being himself and make you question whether he was even real. You couldn’t have imagined ever falling in love as much as you had fallen for Vil.
You had gotten rather close to him during your time at NRC; considering him one of your most treasured friends. But as easily as you had developed feelings for him; you doubted whether he would actually end up returning your feelings. For now you were just glad you could see him smile again.
Between the time when Epel lectured him with his own words about “tantrums being for 3 year olds”, the conversation about Deuce’s unique magic and Malleus Draconia unexpectedly fixing the VDC stage you didn’t have much time to talk to Vil about what happened
That changed when you guided him to his backstage room so he could fix his appearance and rest a bit so he would be ready to perform later.
“Oh no”, you heard him mumble once he actually looked into a mirror. His hair was all messed up and his eye make-up was smeared across his face. “Relax, you’re still beautiful”, you chuckled, gesturing him to sit down in a chair. “Those words bring me no comfort”, he sighed.
You reached for the make-up remover. “I can do that myself”, he insisted, trying to grab it from your hands when he flinched and clutched his side from the damage he had taken during the fight. “Yeah, I see how you can do that yourself”, you rolled your eyes, gently removing the smeared eyeshadow and mascara from his soft skin. Vil relaxed into your touch, closing his eyes and resting in silence for a while.
After his face was clean, you began to reapply his make-up. You knew his routine like the back of your hand by now, having seen it many times whenever he was preparing for an event or when the two of you went to the bathroom in between breaks so he could fix any inconsistencies in his make-up (let’s just assume it’s either the men’s bathroom if you’re male or they have gender neutral bathrooms over there). You would lean against the white walls, watching Vil put mascara onto his lashes while he ranted about the way Crewel would talk to his students.
“I suppose I became everything I never wanted to be”, Vil’s voice, slightly cracking, brought you back from your trip down memory lane. He was softly biting his lip, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “Maybe that’s all people will ever see in me. A villain.”
“No….no, Vil”, you insisted, gently placing a hand onto his cheek, wiping a tear away with your thumb and resisting the urge to put a kiss onto his forehead.
“They were wrong about not giving you a protagonist’s role”, you started to ramble while you tended to his hair, “ever since I’ve started going to school here there are few people who have been as kind, helpful and inspiring as you….I’ve witnessed you do so much good in just this school year alone. You’ve carried the whole Halloween committee on your back, you’ve taught all the dorms how to do make-up for their costumes, you’ve given people so much great advice, you’re always doing your best to make people realize their potential and not to mention you trained this team to the point where they’re capable of doing a professional and excellent performance when some of them were amateurs when we started. Really I can’t think of any hero qualities you wouldn’t have. You’re a hero to me, this team and our school. People have faith in you. We’ve lost against Royal Sword Academy so many times, our students are proud that you’re leading this team. They feel like we’re finally going to win something. You’re a good person and lashing out one time because of emotions you’ve held in for years won’t change that, no matter what people have seen you as in the past and whether or not anyone would condemn you if they saw what happened today.”
Vil was speechless about what you had said. He got compliments from people all over the internet every day but few words of affirmation he received were as heartfelt and genuine as these. Being reassured that he was capable of being a hero and that people could see him that way made him happy. You could see a faint blush appear on his cheeks as he looked up to you and smiled.
Once his make-up and hair was as good as new, he inspected his reflection in a full length mirror. “For as long as I’ve known, Neige was always chosen instead of me”, he sighed, “people see what I’m capable of but I suppose I’m not as cute or loveable as Neige.” It wasn’t insecurity speaking, those were the words that producers had always rather associated with Neige than him. To some extent he could understand why, yet it still was unfair that he had the necessary skills to play a great variety of roles and wasn’t given the opportunity to show them.
“You are. Otherwise I wouldn’t love you, now, would I?”, you sighed, giving him a soft smile, “after all that happened today you might as well know.”
Vil stared at you in surprise. You…loved him? Even after what he almost did? Even after he had shown you the worst side of him? He was left speechless and his eyes had widened but he quickly regained his composure.
“Ara ara, I didn’t know you were that fond of me~”, he gave you a teasing grin.
His expression then softened and he pulled you into his chest, gently wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on top of yours.
You leaned your cheek against him and were caressing his back with your fingertips and closed your eyes, enjoying the embrace while it lasted.
Vil gently lifted your chin with his hand and moved his face closer to yours. “May I?”, he asked quietly. You nodded and not soon after that Vil’s lips met yours.
It was everything you had ever dreamed it would be. It felt a bit like a weight was taken off you when you finally kissed the person you adored and loved so much.
Vil’s kiss was slow and passionate, his tongue gently caressing yours while his hand was placed on your cheek. You could feel he poured so much emotion and care into the kiss. He hadn’t told you yet whether he returned your feelings but you knew him well and you trusted him. He wouldn’t kiss you if he didn’t at least feel something for you. He was probably just overwhelmed from all that had happened and didn’t have the capacity to evaluate your relationship now with the VDC still ahead of him.
But for a moment he could forget all of that. He could forget his problems and that he just overblotted and that he might lose again to Neige. For now he could just lose himself in your kiss while you were holding him close to you.
You made sure to enjoy every second of it, being glad to feel that he was here with you, well and alive, after being so worried about him earlier. It reminded you just how much he meant to you and how you would make sure to never lose him again. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you deepened the kiss and gently ran your fingers through the violet ends of his hair.
“I thought I’d lose you”, you whispered after you seperated your lips from his. Vil placed a few small kisses onto your lips before he answered. “I apologize for that”, he said with his usual tone of professionalism in his voice, “perhaps I could make it up to you some time by taking you out for dinner.” You smiled as he leaned his forehead against yours. “I would love that.”
“I suppose we’ll have to reapply my lipstick”, he grinned and reached for his small make-up bag but not before giving you a few more pecks on your lips and cheeks. Unbeknownst to you, Vil’s heart was fluttering from the kiss and he was looking forward to holding you in his arms again after VDC would be over.
You went on to fix some of his nails which had gotten damaged in the fight, with Vil occasionally complaining and reminding you not to accidentally paint his skin as well. “I’ll smear it across your face if you keep going like this”, you jokingly said.
Once you were done with his nails you pressed a kiss to his knuckles.
“I could get used to this”, he gave you his teasing smile.
“Thank you again for putting up with my tantrum and for supporting me like this”, he said and gave you an acknowledging nod, looking a lot more calm and balanced than he had before. Vitality had returned to his features and he looked ready to steal the show at the VDC.
“No problem”, you replied, holding his hand in your own, “after all I still want to see the fairest one of all perform.”
Vil gave you a loving smile, feeling happy after knowing you considered him to be the most beautiful.
He gave you one last hug before you set off to meet the others at the stage, giving Vil some time alone to make some last preparations for his performance.
“Y/n?”, you heard him ask. “Hmm?”, you turned around in the doorframe, looking at him curiously. Vil looked back at you with a sweet and thankful expression. “I love you too.”
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Banding Together (Obey Me!) fanfiction part 1
summary: Lord Diavolo calls the brothers to defend the Devildom. But MC has other ideas and calls up the rest of the friends to help.
characters: basically all of them. It's going to be a full baseball team dynamic.
content: battle, fighting, blood, injury, violence, danger, this is an actual fight to the death type scenario so be advised this isn't fluffy
Links for part 2 and part 3 and part 4 are here
inspiration is taken from: @obae-me so I am tagging their thread here
picture is Common Treasures by Catlaxy
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The moment all the brother's phone's rang in unison, my anxiety spiked. So I felt the tension hang in the air as everyone at the dinner table went still. But before any one of the demons I call family could move, I gave a soft command to trigger our pacts with all I might muster. "Do not move." The power snapped over all seven of the brothers for them to freeze in their seats. Which had all of them go as wide eyed as possible as I took out my D.D.D. Using it to do a conference call with Diavolo, Solomon, Simeon, Luke, and Mephistoles. Placing it on speaker so the room might be heard as everyone picked up. Diavolo sounded very stressed as he spoke to me. "Marzena? Why are you-" I cut him off with my iced tones and pointed words. "The brothers are not moving out of their seats for whatever danger is on it's way until I get a full run down of the situation. Solomon. Simeon. I expect for you to agree that something is looming and to grab whoever we need for a life or death fight. Luke. Get in touch with Michael to let him know the situation and to do what is needed."
Everyone one the phone went so quiet I could hear the fact everyone was holding their breath. So my huff was very loud in my own ears. "Anything that is a threat to any individual is a threat to us all. The Heavenly Father gave His beloved angels of protection the calling to defend. Can we really just ignore that any danger to anyone isn't worth rallying all the troops to give the aide needed? Lord Diavolo. You want the three worlds to live in harmony. That means when one of us jumps into a fight, the rest of us jump right in as well."
The first to speak after my declaration was Solomon. His words holding so much love and pride they were melted. "Marzena. Oh my precious apprentice. You do us all proud with your convictions. Bold of you to stand full firm against whatever your instincts warned you about. No wonder I love you so. She's right, Lord Diavolo and we all know it. So before you or Barbatos start yelling at her, know that I believe the same. So instead of arguing the point, let us come together."
Simeon gave that joyful sigh he tended to do to speak next. "Agreed. I will ask for any angels that are excellent in healing to rally at the portal to the Devildom as soon as we get word from the Celestial Realm. We had a feeling something was looming here. So just tell us what to expect." Luke sounded frightened but he huffed into his phone to get that stubborn determination. "Right! We can't just let the demons do all the fighting if something bad is going to happen! We're just as capable of helping where it counts! So don't tell us it isn't our problem! I want to help and protect my friends here too!" I gave a sigh of air to then will the command to ease so the brothers might move in their seats. But their feet stayed glued to the floor as Mammon gasped and cursed openly in his chair. "Shit! That hurt, Marzena! You are such a stubborn human! Makes me so mad sometimes I want to toss you into a sleeping bag and sit on you!"
Lucifer was seething in his chair as much as Satan was to look murderous as his gaze kept itself directed right at me. But I just looked to Beelzebub as he groaned to rub the kinks out of his neck. Beel giving his deep rumbles as he flexed his arms next. "Marzena is right. Hence why I'm not mad she leashed us to sit and not move. Lord Diavolo. I know you may want to keep the others from what you believe the Devildom should handle. But it's better for all of us to stand together when something bad happens. It's what you've asked of us for school events and holidays and other weird things. So this isn't really any different and we need our friends and family to help."
Belphegor gave a nod to tilt his head so his neck would pop. While Barbatos gave a heavy sigh over the phone to click his tongue. "How utterly vexing. Here we were worrying over the Ancient Beast of Carnage waking up centuries early. But I genuinely feel that we have an even strong force of will to tackle. One that I would rather aide instead. Wouldn't you agree, Young Master?" Diavolo gave a huff of pure frustration. "What a fine time to prove me both right and wrong. I was being short sighted when I called just the brothers for this. Yet I could not bring myself to endanger any more than I already was doing. Marzena. You are indeed correct. How am I to bring true equality to the three realms if I keep letting Devildom problems of this nature stay Devildom problems. There is wisdom in asking for aide from our friends and allies. I am grateful to you for calling me on my rash decision, Marzena."
Mephistoles gave a hard growl before he piped into the debate. His words silken and strong as he spoke. "The audacity of a mere human will not be brushed aside so easily! But I am too concerned with ensuring Lord Diavolo's will be done to fret over that right now! Where shall we stand against the Creature of Carnage and where shall we prepare blockades?" My gaze went to Leviathan for me to reach over and take his hand in mine. Making him squeak before he squeezed my hand tight. His words shaking as he spoke. "I can rally Lotan to push the creature away from the main city if we get Cerberus and a few other powerhouse battering rams to move it. That way we might keep it away from the citizens and ensure we have an option of drowning it."
Asmodeus gave a hum of pure molten intensity to look quite deadly at his internal thoughts. "Ah. The Admiral is thinking of a permanent solution to this creature we have to contain. I like it. May mean more risk. But a half measure really isn't one we should take for something that wants to slaughter people. So I would agree that trying to drown the threat is a good idea." Luke gave a squeak of pure terror as Raphael picked up Luke's phone to speak directly. "This is going to be a full scale operation. I have Michael on my phone right now. Apparently, there's a similar threat sweeping over the Celestial Realm this very instant and looks to be heading directly for the portal to the Devildom. But Michael is sending as many healing items of magic or medicine we might spare directly to the Devildom. He was actually going to call Simeon when he realized the line was busy. So we are all hands on deck regardless."
My chair gave a shriek when I stood up to ask, "Raph? Whatever witches or sorcerers the human world has in the ways of medical aide or combat better be on full alert by the time we hang up. No chances this isn't a coordinated strike against all three realms. I don't care about the formalities. Solomon. Whoever has it in them to be of help, you make the call and tell them what is going down." Solomon gave a confirmation as Lucifer finally spoke up. His rage tempered as he openly declared, "We are going to battle against something that would ruin us all and leave nothing behind. Death is going to be very keen at taking whoever steps foot onto the field. Before any of our friends make that choice, know full well it may be your last." Before he could speak further, I cut in. "My family is of all three realms and I would not wish to grieve for them. That's my translation of whatever the Avatar of Pride was going to say instead." Satan gave a chuckle of pure enjoyment as Lucifer glared dagger at me. But there was warmth in that gaze as I finally let go of the command for everyone to get up out of their seats. My words full and strong, "Let's do this thing. Luke. You stay glued to Lord Diavolo at all times. Simeon. Help Solomon grab whatever magic tools and equipment you can think will help. Raph. I place my trust in your judgement to fill in where it is needed. Love always and be safe, everyone."
The beach held storm clouds as various demons and vampires ran here and back to help with coordinating the counter assault on the Ancient Beast of Carnage. With Luke all but sticking to Diavolo wherever he was to look absolutely petrified over the situation. Yet Diavolo would place a hand in Luke's to give it a squeeze as he stood with his war council. While Satan all but had me caged to his side to keep me from running off anywhere. But I was far too focused on directing traffic with the help of many to ensure we kept tabs on where the Beast was heading and steering towards the sea. Leviathan was already in the water to gather his navy as well as Lotan. Lucifer had already brought Cerberus out of the crypt and was directing where it would be best to put up magic barriers and protective wards around our chosen battlefield. Asmodeus was flying supplies here and back to help with spreading out the magic tools and weapons to each volunteer and capable warrior. Since Mammon, Beelzebub, and Raphael were heading up the aerial maneuvers against the Beast. Several old structures had already gotten demolished with no injuries reported. But that wouldn't be for much longer.
I was currently helping with mixing elixers next to Solomon when Satan spoke up and asked me a pointed question. "Marzena? How did you know something bad was coming? You were on edge for the past several days, as well. Did you know on some level this was going to happen?" I gave the mixture I had finished stirring a light tap against the bottom of the beaker before setting it down. My words heavy and sad. "Human instinct is a powerful thing, love. I cannot count how many times I ignored my instincts to have full on Hell whip all of my ass and everything else. So when my entire being gets that sensation of major bad incoming, I listen to it and make preparations." Satan accepted my answer to then reach out and pull me into a hug. Making me squeak as he sighed against my ear. "You are using your fear as added adrenaline to keep active. But for just a moment, let me hold you. This is a fight to the death we're facing..."
My eyes burned as I finally let myself ramp down to then give Satan a bear hug. My breaths coming in soft pants as I pressed myself as close to Satan as physically possible. "Don't. Even. Think it. You are not going to die on me today. I refuse to accept that for any reason. You dare die on me and I will drag your soul back from eternity kicking and shrieking. You hear me, love? Nobody in this family gets to die today without me rewriting existence to keep them alive." Satan actually chuckled to place a kiss to my forehead. His eyes leaking a few tears even as my vision was so blurred I wasn't really able to see. "Oh Marzena. My wonderful and headstrong Marzena. I love you so much. Especially when you decide to be bold and determined against what is seen as impossible. You have such complete faith in what you set your mind to. I would believe that is why you always make such faith into reality. That is your true power, Marzena."
Satan tilted my face up for him to meet my gaze. His smile so full of love as he leaned in to give me a kiss on the corner of my mouth. So I squeezed my eyes shut and gave him a kiss back. My words soft and sad. "The Father up above made us to do the impossible, love. At least that is my belief. So we will do whatever we must to keep everyone alive and safe. Now then. Help me with making sure I didn't pull a Solomon on these elixers." Satan burst out laughing at my comment to hug me tight. Which helped the overall mood on the beach.
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neonreflections23 · 1 year
~Blissful Death~
Chapter 2
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Fandom- Identity V
Paring- Naib Surbedar (Mercenary) x Oc
Au- Man in Red Essence, loosely following the essence trailer and skin descriptions.
Major Content Warnings- Prominent Themes of Death
Word Count- 3425
Chapter Summary- The unicorn found himself within the Man in Red’a castle walls where he has met the elusive man of legend. Things are confusing and hard to comprehend in this strange new world.
Notes/Comments- I had a lot of fun introducing Naib and Violetta in this one. I am not good with story flow, but I slowly get better at it. This is the second chapter after all. Chapter Three will be posted shortly.
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The smell of rosewater stirred him awake from his death-like slumber. He tried to stretch, but the space was confining and padded with soft cushioning. Ulysses sat up to see that he was sleeping in an open casket in the middle of a dark room. The forest was nowhere in sight and his sopping wet clothes were changed into a beautiful silk robe, the scrapes and bruises were healed. He instinctively checked if his eyepatch was still in place, though thankfully it was. There was a sigh of relief seeing it wasn’t taken considering it was a close treasure, though it was a little concerning why he is worried so much about his eye.
Where was he even? Last he remembered he passed out in the white clearing and heard someone humming to him in his dreams.
He finally got up trying to navigate the inky darkness, his bare steps against the cold stone floors echoing through the expanse. It felt like he was walking for ages until voices were whispering ahead.
“When will he wake up?”
“Give them time, he just arrived by the grace of our Lord.”
“We haven’t had a newcomer for an age. Truly this one is special if they made their way to us!”
“Hush! I think I hear footsteps!”
A set of iron doors towered over the unicorn, it was adorned with people bowing and worshiping a lone butterfly in the center as it showers everyone with its rays of holy light in the form of red gemstones adoring the iron.
He stood at the double door. The whispering grew louder and so did his anxiety. The people on the other side of that door seemed excited to see him, yet it felt like he was crossing into purgatory.
After hesitating for a while, he shook off the sinking fear and pushed it, they were beyond heavy to open so he put all his body weight against one forcing it until he fell forward. The crowd that was whispering turned quickly to see the fallen newcomer scrambling to get up witnessing the sudden attention on him.
“Um. Hello..? I just woke up in a coffin and-” Before Ulysses can explain further, he was quickly ushered forth through the mass with loud cheering and applause guiding him to the stage. There he awkwardly stood as they now fell silent with bated breath. What is he supposed to do? What does he say?! They are putting him on the spot! He tried to look around for a sign to no avail, this entire room is decorated with white vines and opulent deco on the walls and ceilings. It was like a concert hall. Maybe that’s what they want. A concert. Ulysses shakily inhaled-
“It’s the Lord!”
The crowd exploded into applause once again as a new face strolled onto the stage, waving and smiling at all the subjects before him. A man in all red with silver hair, both his right eye and chest were covered in the same white butterflies as the clearing where Ulysses slept.
It hit him.
The Man in Red. The man of legend.
The unicorn couldn't help but stare in awe at this revelation. Not only was he seeing a living fairy tale, but he was more enamored with his striking appearance. It seemed the man took notice and held his chin up with a flirtatious glint in his gaze. Ulysses was quick to look away in embarrassment, but the other was insistent on making him look him in the eye by grabbing his face.
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“My dear coven, I have chosen our newest member while strolling through the mortal plane yesterday night. This charming stranger followed my light and was guided to the Holy Garden where I was tending to the flowers and collapsed before me. I was there to aid him and have brought him to our world as I have done so for all of you.
Rejoice! Rejoice for this new beginning and for his soul being reborn! Violetta! The rose!” From his peripheral vision, Ulysses could spot a beautiful bound woman on a spit inching toward the duo with roses aflame on her dress. She wasn’t walking, the wood attached to her was her substitute limbs! Violetta handed The Man in Red a burning rose as he let go of the confused new member. “With this rose, it is customary for every new member to accept the Kiss of Death with their own lips. Although it is not needed for they have already died.” A wave of gasps and muttering washed over the crowd. Ulysses was even tempted to join in the confusion as he had no knowledge this happened when he was asleep! “To metaphorically die with an audience is the gateway to joining, so accept this burning rose as a symbol of triumph, stranger. You are one of the few who have truly been reborn by my hands.” Concluding the commanding announcement, The Man in Red placed a kiss upon the magic rose and set it on Ulysses's hair with the audience roaring in celebration at the news. He sat on his throne soaking in the praise with Violetta nearby as a guard, but Ulysses stood there with more questions than answers.
After some closing remarks from the lord, The crowd dispersed shortly with the three remaining on the stage. Finally, it was Ulysses’s turn to speak.
“What was that..? How did I die?!” The unicorn cut through the silence.
“Died of hypothermia. I assume you crossed the river to get to the Other Side for whatever reason-”
“I was being hunted by the townspeople! I had to cross the river to escape and seek refuge! I only fell asleep when I got to that garden of yours! There is no way! I was fine while I was sleeping!”
“Your terror and disbelief are only proving my point. You died and I have granted your wish out of the kindness of my heart.” The word kindness was clearly strained. “You wished for a home and peace. I have blessed you with such.”
“I don’t-”
“Violetta. Take our friend to his room. Make sure everything is to his liking.
I wish I could explain it all to you, but I can’t stay long as I have to investigate within the Safe Side of the Overworld to see the truth. I spent much time organizing your arrival and to keep your soul intact. I will meet you in my room tonight, we shall continue this discussion there.” Without another word, the spider woman took Ulysses by the hand and guided him through a corridor at the right-hand side of the stage, but when he looked back the Man in Red was still staring at him.
The halls of the castle were maze-like with winding pathways and hallways to many sects until they reached the residential sect. The entire hall had doors with nameplates, all except the seventh door at the end of the hallway which was boarded up. Ulysses wanted to stop and question it, but Violetta gave a reminding tug at his arm, a sign to keep going and save it for later. The adjoining hall was where two more doors faced parallel to each other, one was completely normal without a nameplate whereas the other was stained with black and had white vines seeping out, the nameplate titled: Naib Subedar. The Man in Red’s room is what he can surmise.
Violetta let Ulysses inside the normal door to reveal an opulent chamber complete with a walk-in closet, a vanity, a large dressing mirror, and a canopy bed all for him. It was eating him inside to prevent entertaining the idea of jumping on such a luxurious bed! Is this really what “reborn” members get, or was this special treatment?
“Is everything to your liking?” Ulysses jumped at the spider suddenly talking. She was silent the entire way to the room!
“Oh, everything is perfect! I just wasn't expecting such a gorgeous room to stay in!”
“We provide the utmost care to our most important members within this castle, however, I do need your name for your nameplate and to tell our Lord once he comes back. He takes priority in memorizing his followers’ names.”
“...Ulysess Christos. Why didn’t he ask before when we were talking?”
“He was simply busy, but tonight, as he said, he will answer your questions. I am in no authority to question his motives as I am a faithful servant.”
“I hope it doesn’t sound rude, but did he bind you to that spit? How are you able to help me like this?”
“It is not rude as I get asked that often. I was born with limbs that couldn’t move, so I had to be carried almost all my life if I wanted to go someplace. I didn’t mind it all that much as long as I kept my pursuit of beauty, which indeed has led me down a dark road until the Lord has saved me.” She looked down at her “hands” in glee. “He gave me a new way to move as I control this shell and became a vessel to bring these flowers to willing new members. I am one of his most trusted servants!”
“That. Sounds amazing that he did that all for you.”
“I’m sure he will do the same for you if it means he saved you too. He has already granted your wish, so maybe there is more he plans to use you for his work.”
“I suppose, though I don’t plan on staying long. I may have wished for these things, but I don’t know if I want to join such a community you all have. I am still trying to get over the rigor mortis in my bones.”
This turned Violetta’s smile into a thin frown.
“So you do not accept our Lord’s gift?”
“No, no! I just don’t know if this place is truly for me is all! I just got here without my knowledge. You understand, right? I mean, I escaped my old home thanks to the daily danger I faced there due to my outsideness.” Ulysses gestured to his horn and tail. “How should I know people would accept me being here?”
“If they can accept a woman who became a hearth of flowers to help her move on her own, they can accept a unicorn human. We have had stranger join our ranks and give their lives to our Lord.”
“I see…”
“Enough of that now! You have to get ready for your meeting with him! It is already close to nightfall and we spent all this time talking! Come on, go find an outfit you’ll like! I’ll still be here to dispose of any you don’t like or don’t fit you.” The spider woman nudged the other in front of the closet and mirror, urging him to go find something.
“Hey! What about dinner?! Can’t we eat before doing this?!” Ulysses was shoved in to search for that perfect outfit, but the clothes within it are either too gaudy or too plain! None truly fit who he was. He did what she said and gave her most of the undesirable ones to her to “dispose of”, though when he looked back she was just burning them on herself.
“Course not! You have to save your appetite for tomorrow. It’s tradition for a big feast to happen for each newcomer. We haven’t had cause for celebration since our last Blood Flower Ball, which was five years ago. We are lucky to have you here because the ball is all the way in winter of this year!!”
“WHAT?! No wonder you all are excited! Must be boring without some type of event here!” He needed to settle on something, but what do you wear to someone who is a leader of an organization anyway? Ulysess would feel underdressed compared to a castle owner, but he settled on wearing a nice frilled dress shirt and some tights, though he had some difficulty trying to compromise with his large tail, in the end, he and Violetta made a hole in them to let it slip through comfortably. He didn’t want to wear anything too fancy as this man did treat him informally, as he can put it.
Once night fell, the lady bid her goodbyes for now and left to take care of other matters, not before pointing him in the direction of the door across from his own giving him his final instructions: “Go inside and wait for him. He should be there shortly as his errands won’t take him much longer. Keep the rose on you as well.” She moved the burning rose on his hair onto the dress shirt where it seemingly bloomed. “Although it is merely a symbol, I want you to wear it often as a reminder of the fun we had here. Do be sure to put in a good word for me, please.”
Ulysses entered the mysterious chamber, it was a dark room with a variety of reds and blacks with thorny vines lining the walls. The canopy bed was covered in white flowers and butterflies gliding with silky sheets neatly organized and with floral embroidery. It seemed that wherever he tends to frequent the most the vines and butterflies follow. Were they his creations or did they just like being around him? He sat on the bed nervously combing his hands through the pink hair of his tail. If he didn’t know better, he could downright assume their night of talking was something else entirely.
How long am I supposed to wait? Why send me to his room anyway? Are people known to eavesdrop here? It feels like I’ve been here forever.
Just then one of the glowing butterflies gilded onto his nose, flapping kisses with its wings, he couldn’t help but laugh sweetly at the display of affection and attempt to join by fluttering his eyelashes at it.
“I’ll take that as an indirect kiss.” Ulysess looked up to see The Man In Red before him, he was going to get up to greet him, but he was quick to gesture for him to stay where he was. The butterfly hesitated before joining its friends flying around to leave the two to their conversation.
“I don’t think it counts as one.” Ulysses flusteredly retorted.
“It does as I am the one who controls all the butterflies. Though, maybe someday we shall share a real one if it weren’t for the fear it could truly kill you.”
“But I am dead. Am I not..?”
“That was what I was going to talk to you about, Ulysses.” He sat beside him now casually running his hands through the soft pink tail. Ulysses jumped a little at the friendly gesture and the sudden use of his name, Violetta must have told him once he came back. The Man in Red keeps acting so informal with him as if they were friends for ages. Even if they were, it would be strange to not remember such an eccentric person! “You have died, but you were reborn as I have brought you back from the dead. You see, you are among those who have died metaphorically in this plane as they voluntarily did so to join me and my cause, you, however, are still alive thanks to me. My physical touches can kill you, unlike my subjects who were born and raised in this world. You are lucky I am wearing gloves right now or else you would have died during the greeting ceremony.” The unicorn took another look at the hand on his tail. He was right, he was wearing red gloves. It was pretty terrifying to think of a single touch that could truly kill. Was the Man in Red plagued with a curse? Was it why he had to do that weird ritual in the first place?
“My Lord-“
“Don’t call me Lord. Use my birth name.”
“Um. Naib, I don’t truly understand it all. This is all too confusing for me. I am trying to digest all this information, yet it feels like the more I try to understand, the more my mind is scrambled. I don't think I can ever really understand the situation I am in.”
“Then don't.” He held Ulysses’s chin to look him in the eye. “You can ask as many questions as you like about this place and its people, but understanding it all would be too much for you as this is your first night here. I just want you to settle in and relax.”
“I can’t really relax without truly knowing what is this cause you speak of or why I was brought here.”
“My cause is cleansing the souls of fear. Fear is what limits and divides, so I wanted to make a sanctuary for those wanting to escape it and have their hearts freed. That is also why I brought you here. I want your heart to be freed too.”
“Then can I ask one more question?”
“Go ahead.”
“Why me? You could have left me to die, but you chose to save me. I never met you, yet you are showing me so much affection I never experienced before. Why me instead of any other person?”
“You wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain in detail. I guess you could say that my heart has longed for you forever. Soulmates for life.” Naib took the burning rose off of the other’s dress shirt and placed a sweet peck onto its petals, handing it back to Ulysses. His face reddened at the adorable display and copied it, accepting the fake kiss. This brought a smile to Naib’s face as they shared this tender moment. “Are there any other questions you may have for me?”
The unicorn didn't know what to ask. It did feel like he answered all of them honestly, but it felt like he was forgetting something. It was on the tip of his tongue, yet it continues to escape him.
“I guess I don't.
Violetta did mention that tomorrow there is a feast and that I have to save my appetite. I suppose I will be seeing you there if you aren’t busy.”
“I will be there of course. I wouldn’t miss it for anything else.”
Ulysses gave a big yawn. There was no clock to tell the time, but judging from the sky being pitch black from the nearby window, it seems that it is getting late.
“I think I should go. I am getting pretty tired and I don’t want to keep taking your time like this-”
“Stay! You can rest here tonight. You can sleep on one side of the bed while I sleep on the other.”
“But what if we touch?! What even brought this on anyway?”
“Even in nightwear, my skin would still be covered. I just want you to rest for your big day tomorrow. I also need to keep a close eye as your soul is still weak from being reborn. We don’t want you dying twice in a row, now do you?”
Ulysses didn’t want to say no to his gentle insistence, and he didn’t truly feel like walking back to his room anyway, so he found a comfortable spot to watch the butterflies flying above. It was like counting sheep.
One butterfly.
Two butterflies.
Three butterflies.
Four flies.
He drifted asleep faintly hearing the similar humming as he fell deeper and deeper into the warmth of the bed and the glow above.
Naib lay a considerable distance away, wearing his night clothing as he covered any patch of skin he could, admiring the lovely unicornkin before him. His ungloved hand reached out but stopped short of the other’s rosy cheek. He wanted to hold him tightly and adore him, but all he could do was bring his hand back and continue humming, a way of getting through to him without touch. He, himself, was cold to the touch and wanted desperately to feel the warmth of the sleeping figure. No type of heat in this plane could dare give Naib the warmth he so longs for.
“Now that you returned to me, I have much work to do. Enjoy this respite, my charming stranger. I will prepare everything to celebrate your return here to the Other Side.
I just wish I could see if that eye of yours had healed after so long.”
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thedivinefish · 2 years
TGIWednesday: More love please
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TGIWednesday News
This week of love - - brought to you by Hallmark and Whitman's chocolates!  During another roaring Saturday night on the couch Kim, Lily and I were watching what my mother, Granny Ruth, would refer to as “those murder shows.” My cat Lily stared up at me from my lap with loving eyes and her purr motor was in high gear.  I glanced over at my girlfriend who had her eyes closed and said, “I wish your love for me was at the level of Lily’s worship!” Kim lay there motionless with her eyes closed and like some Oracle in a trance without hesitation she said, “I picked Lily out for you. She’s chipped in my name and my love is infused into her and pours through her to you!”  Aww I thought, what an awesome poignant heartfelt comeback!  What is your love language?  Words, deeds, gifts, touch? In whatever love language you receive, give that to the ones you love 10 times over without expectation and in a form of acceptance and allowance and love will come back to you in mystical, magical ways when you least expect it! 
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  Watch my latest Cosmic Conversation video with my friend Marla Martenson all about Valentine's Day healing. Click here to watch on YouTube. 
Next release on deck...  The Treasure Chest Audio MP3. Keep an eye on your emails - you’ll soon have the opportunity to grab some pirate treasure for your very own. When you least expect it, probably sometime just after our monthly Zoom event which will be an awesome gathering about Love, Health And Money .
Featured Love Themed Audios 20% OFF
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MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in All Forms and Finding The One 
MyBeliefworks for Improving Your Sex Life
Turning On Your Love & Romance Switches 
Clearing Switches for Calling in a Soulmate Love
Clearing Switches for Enhancing Love, Sex, and Romance 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HEARTFELT LOVE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that for today love is the currency of all of my transactions and it flows through me in magical, mystical ways. I know, when, where, how and why to exude love into all of my endeavors and in so doing I find myself richly blessed. I am ready, willing and able to love without expectation and I am open and receptive to giving and receiving love from my heart to yours!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. I am envisioning you making a little progress each and every day so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life, from my heart to yours Namaste’
February Zoom Event
NEXT LIVE EVENT WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22ND 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/february-2023
Theme: Three Cornerstones: Love, Health and Money
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Since it’s February we had to list LOVE first!  Followed by HEALTH because without good health, what do we have? And finally MONEY because as my friend would say, “There is nothing wrong with you that the “green salve” wouldn’t cure!  This month we’re going to collect your submissions of a single sentence of wishes, hopes and dreams. SUBMIT ONE FOR EACH TOPIC .... Samples below: 1) Love I am asking that my _________(twin flame/true love/ soulmate) shows up now. 2) Health My only wish is that this ______will heal and allow me to get back to a glorious life of living! 3) Money If I could just get enough money to pay for_____, my whole life would improve. Submit your Top 3 by the February 21st deadline. To all who register now or have previously registered, please submit your Top 3 issues on this month's topic to [email protected]  If you register after that time, there is no guarantee your list will be included on the call.   
Pre-Register Now - $22
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Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 15TH "Today I will give credit where credit is due. I will believe with every fiber of my body, mind and spirit that things can and will work out in my favor, the way I want them too. Ideally, without question, I will resolve to know that this will occur and I will envision it into my reality."
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy Pray for me. I have an echocardiogram coming up, blood work, etc. pray that all is well.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  Oh and Bruce had blood work done and his kidney function tests came back PERFECT.  They have been high in the past. - Ana Maria / NJ
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success 20% OFF Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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I followed the Chinese balloon for nearly 200 miles before realizing it was bird poop on my windshield.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 2 years
TGIWednesday: More love please
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TGIWednesday News
This week of love - - brought to you by Hallmark and Whitman's chocolates!  During another roaring Saturday night on the couch Kim, Lily and I were watching what my mother, Granny Ruth, would refer to as “those murder shows.” My cat Lily stared up at me from my lap with loving eyes and her purr motor was in high gear.  I glanced over at my girlfriend who had her eyes closed and said, “I wish your love for me was at the level of Lily’s worship!” Kim lay there motionless with her eyes closed and like some Oracle in a trance without hesitation she said, “I picked Lily out for you. She’s chipped in my name and my love is infused into her and pours through her to you!”  Aww I thought, what an awesome poignant heartfelt comeback!  What is your love language?  Words, deeds, gifts, touch? In whatever love language you receive, give that to the ones you love 10 times over without expectation and in a form of acceptance and allowance and love will come back to you in mystical, magical ways when you least expect it! 
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  Watch my latest Cosmic Conversation video with my friend Marla Martenson all about Valentine's Day healing. Click here to watch on YouTube. 
Next release on deck...  The Treasure Chest Audio MP3. Keep an eye on your emails - you’ll soon have the opportunity to grab some pirate treasure for your very own. When you least expect it, probably sometime just after our monthly Zoom event which will be an awesome gathering about Love, Health And Money .
Featured Love Themed Audios 20% OFF
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MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in All Forms and Finding The One 
MyBeliefworks for Improving Your Sex Life
Turning On Your Love & Romance Switches 
Clearing Switches for Calling in a Soulmate Love
Clearing Switches for Enhancing Love, Sex, and Romance 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HEARTFELT LOVE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that for today love is the currency of all of my transactions and it flows through me in magical, mystical ways. I know, when, where, how and why to exude love into all of my endeavors and in so doing I find myself richly blessed. I am ready, willing and able to love without expectation and I am open and receptive to giving and receiving love from my heart to yours!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. I am envisioning you making a little progress each and every day so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life, from my heart to yours Namaste’
February Zoom Event
NEXT LIVE EVENT WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22ND 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/february-2023
Theme: Three Cornerstones: Love, Health and Money
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Since it’s February we had to list LOVE first!  Followed by HEALTH because without good health, what do we have? And finally MONEY because as my friend would say, “There is nothing wrong with you that the “green salve” wouldn’t cure!  This month we’re going to collect your submissions of a single sentence of wishes, hopes and dreams. SUBMIT ONE FOR EACH TOPIC .... Samples below: 1) Love I am asking that my _________(twin flame/true love/ soulmate) shows up now. 2) Health My only wish is that this ______will heal and allow me to get back to a glorious life of living! 3) Money If I could just get enough money to pay for_____, my whole life would improve. Submit your Top 3 by the February 21st deadline. To all who register now or have previously registered, please submit your Top 3 issues on this month's topic to [email protected]  If you register after that time, there is no guarantee your list will be included on the call.   
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 15TH "Today I will give credit where credit is due. I will believe with every fiber of my body, mind and spirit that things can and will work out in my favor, the way I want them too. Ideally, without question, I will resolve to know that this will occur and I will envision it into my reality."
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy Pray for me. I have an echocardiogram coming up, blood work, etc. pray that all is well.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  Oh and Bruce had blood work done and his kidney function tests came back PERFECT.  They have been high in the past. - Ana Maria / NJ
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success 20% OFF Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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I followed the Chinese balloon for nearly 200 miles before realizing it was bird poop on my windshield.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: More love please
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TGIWednesday News
This week of love - - brought to you by Hallmark and Whitman's chocolates!  During another roaring Saturday night on the couch Kim, Lily and I were watching what my mother, Granny Ruth, would refer to as “those murder shows.” My cat Lily stared up at me from my lap with loving eyes and her purr motor was in high gear.  I glanced over at my girlfriend who had her eyes closed and said, “I wish your love for me was at the level of Lily’s worship!” Kim lay there motionless with her eyes closed and like some Oracle in a trance without hesitation she said, “I picked Lily out for you. She’s chipped in my name and my love is infused into her and pours through her to you!”  Aww I thought, what an awesome poignant heartfelt comeback!  What is your love language?  Words, deeds, gifts, touch? In whatever love language you receive, give that to the ones you love 10 times over without expectation and in a form of acceptance and allowance and love will come back to you in mystical, magical ways when you least expect it! 
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  Watch my latest Cosmic Conversation video with my friend Marla Martenson all about Valentine's Day healing. Click here to watch on YouTube. 
Next release on deck...  The Treasure Chest Audio MP3. Keep an eye on your emails - you’ll soon have the opportunity to grab some pirate treasure for your very own. When you least expect it, probably sometime just after our monthly Zoom event which will be an awesome gathering about Love, Health And Money .
Featured Love Themed Audios 20% OFF
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MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in All Forms and Finding The One 
MyBeliefworks for Improving Your Sex Life
Turning On Your Love & Romance Switches 
Clearing Switches for Calling in a Soulmate Love
Clearing Switches for Enhancing Love, Sex, and Romance 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HEARTFELT LOVE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that for today love is the currency of all of my transactions and it flows through me in magical, mystical ways. I know, when, where, how and why to exude love into all of my endeavors and in so doing I find myself richly blessed. I am ready, willing and able to love without expectation and I am open and receptive to giving and receiving love from my heart to yours!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. I am envisioning you making a little progress each and every day so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life, from my heart to yours Namaste’
February Zoom Event
NEXT LIVE EVENT WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22ND 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/february-2023
Theme: Three Cornerstones: Love, Health and Money
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Since it’s February we had to list LOVE first!  Followed by HEALTH because without good health, what do we have? And finally MONEY because as my friend would say, “There is nothing wrong with you that the “green salve” wouldn’t cure!  This month we’re going to collect your submissions of a single sentence of wishes, hopes and dreams. SUBMIT ONE FOR EACH TOPIC .... Samples below: 1) Love I am asking that my _________(twin flame/true love/ soulmate) shows up now. 2) Health My only wish is that this ______will heal and allow me to get back to a glorious life of living! 3) Money If I could just get enough money to pay for_____, my whole life would improve. Submit your Top 3 by the February 21st deadline. To all who register now or have previously registered, please submit your Top 3 issues on this month's topic to [email protected]  If you register after that time, there is no guarantee your list will be included on the call.   
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 15TH "Today I will give credit where credit is due. I will believe with every fiber of my body, mind and spirit that things can and will work out in my favor, the way I want them too. Ideally, without question, I will resolve to know that this will occur and I will envision it into my reality."
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy Pray for me. I have an echocardiogram coming up, blood work, etc. pray that all is well.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  Oh and Bruce had blood work done and his kidney function tests came back PERFECT.  They have been high in the past. - Ana Maria / NJ
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  Also, there are many hours of OPTIONAL reference materials.  
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
The Fish Market
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there. View Terahertz Wand here Use 10% discount code: TSG10
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
Tumblr media
Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes 20% OFF  Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success 20% OFF Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
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I followed the Chinese balloon for nearly 200 miles before realizing it was bird poop on my windshield.
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Access the FREE MLF Online Training Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: More love please
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TGIWednesday News
This week of love - - brought to you by Hallmark and Whitman's chocolates!  During another roaring Saturday night on the couch Kim, Lily and I were watching what my mother, Granny Ruth, would refer to as “those murder shows.” My cat Lily stared up at me from my lap with loving eyes and her purr motor was in high gear.  I glanced over at my girlfriend who had her eyes closed and said, “I wish your love for me was at the level of Lily’s worship!” Kim lay there motionless with her eyes closed and like some Oracle in a trance without hesitation she said, “I picked Lily out for you. She’s chipped in my name and my love is infused into her and pours through her to you!”  Aww I thought, what an awesome poignant heartfelt comeback!  What is your love language?  Words, deeds, gifts, touch? In whatever love language you receive, give that to the ones you love 10 times over without expectation and in a form of acceptance and allowance and love will come back to you in mystical, magical ways when you least expect it! 
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  Watch my latest Cosmic Conversation video with my friend Marla Martenson all about Valentine's Day healing. Click here to watch on YouTube. 
Next release on deck...  The Treasure Chest Audio MP3. Keep an eye on your emails - you’ll soon have the opportunity to grab some pirate treasure for your very own. When you least expect it, probably sometime just after our monthly Zoom event which will be an awesome gathering about Love, Health And Money .
Featured Love Themed Audios 20% OFF
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MyBeliefWorks for Receiving Love in All Forms and Finding The One 
MyBeliefworks for Improving Your Sex Life
Turning On Your Love & Romance Switches 
Clearing Switches for Calling in a Soulmate Love
Clearing Switches for Enhancing Love, Sex, and Romance 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ HEARTFELT LOVE ~ I believe, think, know and feel that for today love is the currency of all of my transactions and it flows through me in magical, mystical ways. I know, when, where, how and why to exude love into all of my endeavors and in so doing I find myself richly blessed. I am ready, willing and able to love without expectation and I am open and receptive to giving and receiving love from my heart to yours!  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. I am envisioning you making a little progress each and every day so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life, from my heart to yours Namaste’
February Zoom Event
NEXT LIVE EVENT WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22ND 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and replay)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/february-2023
Theme: Three Cornerstones: Love, Health and Money
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Since it’s February we had to list LOVE first!  Followed by HEALTH because without good health, what do we have? And finally MONEY because as my friend would say, “There is nothing wrong with you that the “green salve” wouldn’t cure!  This month we’re going to collect your submissions of a single sentence of wishes, hopes and dreams. SUBMIT ONE FOR EACH TOPIC .... Samples below: 1) Love I am asking that my _________(twin flame/true love/ soulmate) shows up now. 2) Health My only wish is that this ______will heal and allow me to get back to a glorious life of living! 3) Money If I could just get enough money to pay for_____, my whole life would improve. Submit your Top 3 by the February 21st deadline. To all who register now or have previously registered, please submit your Top 3 issues on this month's topic to [email protected]  If you register after that time, there is no guarantee your list will be included on the call.   
Pre-Register Now - $22
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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FEBRUARY 15TH "Today I will give credit where credit is due. I will believe with every fiber of my body, mind and spirit that things can and will work out in my favor, the way I want them too. Ideally, without question, I will resolve to know that this will occur and I will envision it into my reality."
From the Fish Box
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 Hi Jimmy Pray for me. I have an echocardiogram coming up, blood work, etc. pray that all is well.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  Oh and Bruce had blood work done and his kidney function tests came back PERFECT.  They have been high in the past. - Ana Maria / NJ
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
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I followed the Chinese balloon for nearly 200 miles before realizing it was bird poop on my windshield.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Of Nights So Hollow, Of Legends So Great
Night Culture AU!Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 1.8K Warnings: Angst, Uh..Scary? I guess?
Author's Note: This is based on the wonderful @bunnvoid Night Culture AU and I felt compelled to write this at midnight because I couldn't stop thinking about it. Bunn, I hope I did your ideas justice! Honestly, I keep going back and forth between the drawings to make sure! I had fun writing it! -Thorne
It was said that at the heart of every legend there was a grain of truth. Legends are just pieces of history fabricated beyond wildest belief, built upon by centuries of retelling, each story sewing a new thread into the tapestry from whence it came. But that’s all that legends are. Threads twined together, woven greater and farther than the original fable.
The old castle was a legend. Perhaps not the castle itself, but what supposedly resided inside. Supernatural creatures that skirted down cobblestone alleys and between taverns, seeking out fresh blood in the night. That was one form of the legend, if you believed it. The other form was that of creatures who skirted down cobblestone alleys and between taverns, seeking out evil and destroying it where it plagued innocence.
The chateau lied in the midst of the Devilwood Wilds, just outside the City of Old Gotham. Even during the days when the sun would peek through the gray clouds, it appeared gloomy, blackened stone walls, charred shingles and shutters. The giant Devilwood and Shadow trees prevented sight of the doors of the castle; only the top could be seen, to get the real view, one would’ve had to go into the forest. There was another legend: the horrors of the Wilds.
Whispers on the school-grounds told of a creature, big and terrifying that could be summoned with ritual stones and fresh bat blood; those that summon the beast are never seen again. The adults were less convinced of the idea, though they still forbid their children from reaching even the edges of the forested area. Whilst they believed those that went in were never heard from again, it wasn’t from a creature eating them, but a lack of guidance. Starvation. Wild animals. The freezing fog that made your breath turn to frost.
Timothy remembers hearing those whispers when he passed the old schoolhouse. His mother and father didn’t let him interact with the common children, instead his lessons were taught by private tutors from the wealthiest lands, paid for with the Drake treasure of gold and gemstones.
What more so Timothy remembered was the inhuman being that appeared in his father’s manor, striking down his mother with a slash of black magic, his father following. He remembers the way his father’s eyes rolled back in his skull, fear spreading through his body as he hid in the corner of the room, whimpering and crying. And he most certainly remembered the cold hand of the demon sliding between his shoulder blades before it dug into his skin, piercing his flesh, laughing as he cried out in pain as pricks spread out along his back and down his arms.
Warmth bled down his back as black feathers pushed from his skin and Timothy panted as his fingernails grew in length, sharpening as they darkened. He remembered scrambling to his feet, darting away from the creature as he ran. Forgetting the corpses of his family and staff around him, throwing the door open, bursting into the night, and sprinting down the street, leaving a trail of bloody, black feathers in the direction of the Devilwood Wilds.
The first night was the least remembered but the darkest. Violent and corrupting nightmares slithering inside his head as he tossed and turned along the frigid ground in a feverish deathlike state, the wings at his back only growing in size.
The second night was less nightmare-ridden, but much more painful. Timothy had pierced a wing on a stray Devilwood tree, the syrup like poison only infecting the wound. He was hungry and cold. Exhausted and scared. He tried to remember all the books he read as a child of the knights facing the elements for a week in order to ascend knighthood; he couldn’t seem to recall a thing.
The third night seemed to be his last. He lay huddled up against a raised Shadow tree root, the ebony wood providing stability for his wounded wing. Timothy sniffled, dragging his knees to his chest as he lay his chin on his arms, ignoring the grumbling of his stomach as it ate itself in hunger.
A tree branch creaked above him, and he craned his neck up, eyes widening when he saw the glowing eyes of the masked creature. The legends were right. The creature’s head twisted sideways, reminding Timothy of an owl, then the other way, like it was observing him. It made a noise and he scrambled to the floor of the forest, curling his injured wing above his head and over his body to protect himself.
Timothy whimpered, ready to be torn to shreds, but when no vicious claws or snapping teeth came at him, he carefully peered between his open wing. There lie a satchel, as long as his forearm and as wide as his middle was. He looked up towards the tree branch to where the creature had sat, but there was nothing there anymore; he glanced around, it wasn’t in sight.
He blinked and shuffled towards the satchel, untying the drawstrings with fumbling clawed hands. Inside lay a pair of thick wool socks, a small blanket, and another small bag. Timothy pulled it from the satchel and opened it; half a loaf of bread and a chunk of meat the size of his hand were stowed inside.
Timothy forewent the etiquette he was taught as a child, giving into his ravenous desire as he devoured the meat. It was tender and juicy, the glaze a mixture of honey and cinnamon.
A memory flowed to his mind, the dinner after the rising of the first star, his family and staff all surrounding the dining table, a divine feast laid before them. The smiling faces of his mother and father stilled his hunger and he placed the food back in the satchel, uncurling the wool blanket. Timothy lay underneath the raised Shadow tree roots, one wing curled around him, and he fell into a restless sleep with tears frozen on his cheeks.
When he awoke the next morning, his wing was no longer torn and infected. A new feather had appeared where the wound had been. Timothy wanted to learn to fly. He’d owned a bird once. A Ruby Firebird, with long, crimson-colored feathers and big ruby eyes. It had been his only real friend and he’d watched it a lot. It couldn’t be that hard.
He stretched his wings out, unable to fight the urge to touch them with a single black claw. It tingled. Timothy blinked and beat them, unsure. He beat them again, this time a little harder, keeping at it until with each beat he was able to blow the long grass flat against the ground. A giddy smile came across his lips when the tips of his toes grazed the ground.
What he had not counted on was how tired he was going to get after only a few brief minutes of trying. His wings felt sore. Timothy would try again tomorrow to rise above the tall grass.
The creature would appear at odd times during the night and Timothy had stopped feeling the cold fear in his gut when it did. It never came near him; it just watched with the cocked head, back and forth, then would drop the satchel again and disappear. Sometimes there were scribbles inside. He didn’t know what they meant; but he knew the language. Thaatisgani. An old language his writing teacher had shown him one day. A language long died out amongst the common and even the elite folk.
Timothy wanted to know what it meant. He wanted to know what the creature was. His determination drew him to the front of the castle during the night of the harshest season storm. Lighting crackled across the sky, the thunder rolled along the clouds and the rain came down in torrents. He was freezing and soaked to the bone and the weight of his wings had him crawling up the steps, collapsing at the door.
He weakly raised a clawed hand, one nail scratching the black glazed door and he descended into darkness.
His mother liked to wear scented oils. They smelled of Queen’s Briar and Golden Belladonna. Before he was older, she used to let Timothy sit beside her when she would apply them to her wrist and ears. She would smile at him and tell him stories of far away lands.
Warmth spread across his eyes, and he rolled over in what he thought was his dream, only to roll onto the ground, landing awkwardly on his wings. Timothy whined and unfolded himself off the ground, rubbing his eyes, only to see the creature a hair’s breadth away from his face.
Timothy choked on his fear and scrambled away, only for the creature to grab his shoulder.
He halted, looking back at it. “You speak the common tongue?”
The creature stared at him. “You are Timothy Drake. Son of Earl Drake.”
“I am,” Timothy responded, then looked at his hands. “But my family is…is dead.”
“Killed by a slithering demon from the Farstead realm.”
Tears prickled Timothy’s vision. “It killed my parents and cursed me.” He looked at the creature. “I’m a monster.”
“You’re cursed to believe what you think you are.” The creature waved a glowing hand and Timothy blinked in shock as the wings disappeared and his hands turned to normal. “It’s merely an illusion. You’ve only been tainted with cursed magic.”
It was much too complicated for Timothy to pull apart now. “Can I be healed?”
The creature blinked its glowing obs. “Cursed magic cannot be healed…but it can be trained.” They leaned forward, getting in his face. “I can teach you to control and transform.”
“You’re not going to eat me?”
“Are you sure?”
“You hesitated just a bit right there.”
A bottle rolled out from the corner of the room and the creature sighed, turning its head to it. “Richard. Jason. Come here.”
Two young boys, not that much older than Timothy appeared from behind a corner, guilty looks on their faces as though they’d been caught eavesdropping.
The creature nodded to Timothy. “Take him upstairs. He is dirty and tired.”
The tallest one, Jason, crossed his arms over his chest. “Just like that, Bruce? You’re going to take the witch boy in?”
“Pot-kettle,” Richard coughed, smiling when Jason elbowed him.
The creature, now known as Bruce, sighed. “Take the boy. He is tired.”
Jason and Richard obeyed, each hauling Timothy up under the armpits, leading him to a dimly lit staircase.
“Are you two going to eat me?”
“Yes,” Jason replied without hesitation.
“Jason!” Richard barked. “Stop.” He looked down at Timothy. “We’re not going to eat you Timothy…we’re going to help you. And that includes having a warm bed to sleep in and hot food to eat.”
Tears once again gathered in Timothy’s eyes, and he lowered his head as he sniffled. For once since that night, he felt safe.
These were the legends that prowled the city streets. They were supposed to be vicious and dark, evil and bloodthirsty, not ribbing and warm.
But then again, what are legends, but threads twined together, woven greater and farther than the original fable?
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matan4il · 4 years
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Coincidence? I tend to think not.
Because there were A LOT of ways to film this scene (more zoomed in, different angle for the group shot, etc.) but they chose this one. Consider even how the last person to grab the rope in the scene is the tallest person, so they’re situated at the edge of the group, precisely like you can see in the famous image that the hands of the person at the edge are the last ones to grab the pole, because they’re still mid-motion.
And I kind of love it, that they took this image, with its symbolism of heroics, but they turned the meaning of what it means to be a hero from a triumph in battle to a triumph in saving lives (Buck) and being there for a loved one when they are most in need of help (the rest of the team).
Buck’s a hero and his found family are heroes and I love all of them, okay?
And for the record? I am never going to be over this scene. Buck’s silent scream and fall to the floor, his breaking point when he realizes he’s not immortal after all... because he’s spent his entire early life defying death in an attempt to get some attention (since he couldn’t get love from his parents and that was the closest thing), getting away with it physically, his body healing and the scars never leaving any permanent signs of damage. He gained a false sense of invincibility, which was a part of why he could be so reckless when doing his job.
That’s why his breaking point is this moment when the fire in the factory is consuming all of the oxygen around him and he’s starting to suffocate, his strength and ingenuity remarkable as always, but for once, they don’t cut it and soon, soon he’s going to pass out. He saw death for real for the first time, I believe. So that bit where he lowers his head to the ground in surrender and we only see the letters on the back of his jacket? That bit will forever break me.
Just like the next shot will forever revive me, the swell in the music (OMG, once again the perfect use of a score in a climactic scene) as Eddie comes into the shot and together with the rest of the fire fam, they lift the burden from Buck, physically and metaphorically. And for once he gets away from death not because he’s a lucky bastard, but because he’s loved and treasured and has people who will run for him into the fire. He doesn’t have to run into it alone anymore. And if you think I’m ever going to be over it or even be able to think of that scene without tearing up, you’re dead wrong.
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
i remember that you once said something about privateer nesta could you elaborate? please? *shrek cat eyes*
okay, so admittedly I don't remember the context in which I said this?? But I still SUPER super love the idea
and it matches with what we'll call the Dream ACOTAR Extended Universe Plot, almost canon.
We begin with the final battle against Hybern. Tamlin dies, closing the loop of his tragic, misspent life. Amren stays dead, a magical being on to the next adventure.
Rhysand stays dead.
He functionally (magically) threw himself on a bomb, and took the whole blast. He's not the Cauldron- and no one man could repair what it once was, but he could contain the fatal, drastic implosion of an object that was meant to endure forever, fractured into more and more peices.
Why is this important?
Because it leaves a world where Feyre Archeron- twenty-ish, romantic hero, prop, prisoner- becomes High Lady in her own, true right.
(I don't think she's necessarily good at this job, because why would she be? It's not even her fault- Feyre has no idea about how faery politics work, no real tangible knowledge of her own inherited kingdom.)
But both the men who stole her and defined her and loved her and hurt her are dead.
And it not only sets her on a journey to become, on her own, an actual character in her own life, but it galvanizes the Archeron sisters.
Feyre's basically fucking comatose after the battle. Elain has been a mess this entire time, but after that last fight with Grayson, walking into the war and stabbing a king in the throat- she is as vital and herself as Nesta has seen her in years.
Nesta just watched her father die and felt nothing- and she hates herself for it. She and Elain had taken the head of the man who stole everything from them- and she doesn't have a single regret.
Feyre screamed until she could no longer- there's so much magic seething out her it hurts to look at-
There's a dark well inside herself that could rise. But why should Nesta let it? So what, if she doesn't mourn her father? He'd never cared about her and Elain- not when they were young, too busy and important to even speak to his own children. Not when they lost everything, and he'd tried one last time to sell them both into marriages to recoup the family loss. Not after, in the starving cold, no matter what she'd tried to force him into action.
Nesta had been mourning all along a human girls human life- what is an absent, neglectful, shitty in the most ordinary of ways human parent if not a part of that lost future?
Their sister owns a fucking country- their sister is, at this minute so hemmed in by her followers no one can see her, much less comfort her- there's a war camp falling apart around them- there's Nesta, Elain, and Azriel, unhurt, upright, alive.
(she does not let herself think that an hour before she'd been ready to die and thought it right, the ending the meant to be conclusion of her story. she does not think about how she'd wished Cassian healed beneath her hands and that he had healed, that she'd wept to learn she could do more than destroy.
that she'd still been weeping, her mouth bright with his blood, when he'd pulled away, dragged himself to Morrigan's waiting arms)
Nesta Archeron is alive. Her sisters are alive. They're free, and she'll be fucking damned if this all falls apart before Feyre can heal.
Nesta turns to Azriel and asks if he can take control of the legions.
She has no time for his blank, angry eyes- she knows he's hurt, he's mourning, he's lost- but she needs him. Cassian's...down. Rhys is dead. Feyre and Morrigan are not coming out of that tent.
And he just listens. Thoughtfully. Asks what Nesta intends to do.
And Nesta looks at Elain- soft, kind, gentle Elain who'd never once wavered now when life was on the line. Who hadn't cried a tear for their father, or for the man who'd kidnapped and then married their baby sister.
The danger wasn't over- and neither had the steel faded from Elain's spine.
Nesta tells Azriel she's going to find Keir.
Nesta isn't blind- she's walked the Hewn City, spoken to the eldest darkness. She was also at the joke of a Summit- Autumn wants new territory, Keir wants to rule Night. And here Night is, weakened, a lamb to slaughter.
Nesta's not going to lose again- she's not going to give these ancient, cruel lords another chance.
Elain grabbed her hand and squeezed- the one person, always, who Nesta never need explain herself to.
Aren't the High Fae technically Morrigan's Elain asked, a bare whisper as they walked through the camp.
It went without saying yes, but Nesta had never seen any indication they respected her enough to listen to her. She made a face, and Elain made one right back, rueful. She had eyes too, after all.
They're not going to listen to us in these clothes, Elain also told her.
She was right, of course. They were High Fae, and that mattered to those vile pricks, but they'd been outfitted for flight. She would do almost anything, actually, to be free of leather pants.
Which Elain, a gleam in her eye that Nesta was learning meant magic, dreamy and happy- led her precisely to a gold topped tent, stepped inside, bowed, and asked without a trace of hesitation if Helion Spellcleaver, Lord of Day, would perhaps do them the favor of loaning them some garments.
Solid gold eyes gleaming against blood and smoke tinged dark skin, beautiful, glorious Helion, smiled.
Day-white against Night- but also, Nesta knew, taking care with her crown of a braid, the splatter of blood left on her throat, her mouth, her cheeks like fine paint- white was the color of death.
Elain covered herself completely- shawl wrapped over her hair, tucked around her neck, breathing easier now, in human modesty- but hung from a golden belt that Helion, with the clear air of someone who knew something about seers, had found, metal hammered with stars and flames, was Truthteller, the long blade without a sheathe, black metal swallowing up light.
Keir was easy to find, and in fine form, surrounded by Darkbringers, who looped back behind the sisters the second they were close.
Nesta was not afraid- she'd thrown power into the sky and it had hurt. Not in depth, but because she was still holding on- it wanted out-it wanted to devour-
Elain dipped a flagrantly rude, swallow bob of a curtsey. Nesta didn't even bother- just let Keir hail them, royal family that they were. He liked the sound of his own voice, but he was also clever- they'd come here of their own volition and now they were trapped.
She could smell the reinforcements, the utter Autumn reek.
Nesta interrupted, and asked Keir to come and swear fealty to her sister.
It was never going to get the right answer, but it had to be said. It had to be heard.
She'd been right- they'd been right- Keir enjoyed the cruelty of getting close to Nesta, denying straight to her Archeron face that no, Rhysand's bloodline was ended. It was time, it was right, for the House of Truth to once more hold their throne.
He spoke his treason aloud, looming over Nesta- close enough to touch.
So Nesta did.
She'd willed Cassian alive and whole. It was so, so much easier to remember fire, death, drowning, to push and want the revolting man's destruction.
And when he fell, silvered fire that had filled his lungs spilling from his throat, Nesta did not flinch. She looked to the next lieutenant, a frankly indistinguishable golden haired pale-eyed blandly handsome man in black armor, and asked, if he, as the new commander of the Darkbringers, would like to give a different answer.
He did.
Azriel met them halfway back to Feyre, grim mouth flickering for a second at the sight of Elain, before looking, stone-faced, at Nesta beside her, leading a crowd of the highest ranked Night Court faeries she could find.
Keir? He asked.
Dead, Elain answered, and that was that.
The Shadowsinger fell in step with the Seer, a threatening shadow to two pale beacons.
It was Azriel who actually went inside the tent. Who said what needed to said, what made Morrigan splutter loudly enough to be heard outside, before she burst out the tent in a whorl of hair, before blanching.
Nesta had just enough control not to roll her eyes. They come to swear fealty.
And Morrigan, chewing her lip with all the dignity of a child- Elain and Nesta had been trained out of such gestures at eight, what did she think was happening here? - shook her head. She's not well, it can wait.
No, Azriel said, from behind her, it can't.
He was supporting what looked like the entirety of Feyre's weight. Dead-white, blue eyes a blaze, Feyre looked blearily out at all of them like she recognized no one.
Elain, treasure that she was, came forward to take her sister's other hand, whispering both condolence and explanation.
And so the High Houses of Night knelt in battlefield mud, and swore eternal loyalty to the youngest Archeron.
It was only after they were gone that Nesta hugged her sister- hard enough Feyre protested, a fresh batch of tears soaking Nesta's shoulder even before Elain joined them.
It's Azriel, voice a little less like a phantom, who tells Feyre they're handling things. That if she wants to rest more, that's fine.
She was so clearly shattered- Nesta half wondered how much of that Azriel can literally feel/hear with his shadow...things.
Feyre protests that there's things to do- Feyre makes it halfway through a sentence about plans before she says Rhysand's name like he's still alive and collapses in on herself like a wave crashing.
Nesta and Elain tuck Feyre back into the blanket pile. Nesta manages to kiss her forehead before Morrigan is there, hugging Feyre putting herself bodily between the sisters.
They leave, and outside, Azriel is waiting.
To hand Nesta a gaudy, enormous platinum ring. The seal of the Night Court- Nesta recognizes it from shipping manifests, but she'd never actually seen it as an adult. Here, as a faery.
Her thoughts on Azriel's powers hold true, as he answers the dismay: Rhys only used it when he had to. It had passed between the whole Court of Dreams hands, there had not been a vizier, a lord of stars, since the time of Rhysand's father.
Nesta puts on the hideous ring, barely flinching at the brush of magic, it resizing to her hand.
Elain grasps her other, squeezing, and asks Azriel who is next.
They work ceaselessly, pausing only to sleep. Azriel, Nesta is quite sure, isn't sleeping at all- until she goes looking for him with a question and finds him finally, finally out cold, face tucked in Lucien Vanserra's neck.
In silence and gestures, they come to something of an agreement- and when the Night Court comes to the table to talk peace, it's with Lucien. Jurian, who Nesta immediately liked.
By the time they return to the North, there is not a Lord one who does not know the names and nightmarish qualities of all three Archeron sisters.
Feyre mourns, and learns to govern slow. Cassian goes back to Illyria and does not return for a long, long time. Morrigan becomes Feyre's second- Nesta laughs, not altogether kind, when Lucien tells her this. No one has been able to answer her as to why, if Morrigan is so powerful, why did she not fight? what does she actually do?
What answers to her questions she does find are appalling. Why does Winter block our every turn? oh, Rhysand killed more than a dozen children. Why is Summer refusing our trade? Well, Rhysand stole their ancestral pride. Why is the Hewn City so wrathful at even the slightest form of intervention? Because Rhysand had left Keir to rule alone.
Nesta doesn't want to rule the fucking court. She thinks she could leave all of these politicians to rot- but she won't let Feyre misstep her way to death, shouldering a burden of her dead mate.
There's nothing they can give Winter but apology and so that's what Nesta does. On her knees, in a gilded palace of ice, stars caught in her hair and the seal on her. Kallias, bright and young, seems to know something about inherited problems- he does not ever forget, but he forgives, at least, the Archerons.
Summer is more complicated- but Nesta does what she can. Gives them every melted, ruined piece of the Book. Offers reparations for the next millennia. Ends up paying for what she is appalled and embarrassed to learn is a two hundred year old debt for a building the head of the Night Court's armed forces- Cassian, fucking Cassian the ghost haunting Nesta- had destroyed. During a brawl. At a solstice party.
She deals only with Cressieda, and they come to understand each other very well.
Nesta was not raised for politics and bullshit- her mother wanted her to marry a crown, but Nesta wanted the family empire. Trade. The Archeron legacy, denied to a girl. She likes Summer more than any place in Prythian, and she doesn't hide that. She relearns old lessons of tide and routes in secret, before Cressieda reveals that of course, she knows who the Archerons were.
It goes well, until Morrigan finds out what she's been doing, and tells Feyre.
The youngest Archeron had been doing better. Morrigan has been right by her side, through everything. Cassian is in Illyria, and Feyre understands why, writing him letters. She writes letters to Rhys too, if only to have a way to direct the words.
Azriel, spectral and busy she sees the least of, but Feyre never doubts his presence, keeping her safe. Elain comes, drags her out into sunlight, brings Lucien and it makes Feyre happy to see them together. Nesta comes too, with them both and alone, with papers from Feyre to sign, with affection sharp-edged but true.
Feyre knows she owes them all more than can be said- she's not stupid, she knows they're keeping Night together. That slowly those responsibilities will fall to her, when she's ready.
She does not think about how much of those responsibilities is cleaning up the tangled mess of betrayal Rhysand left behind. In her head, there is only Rhys- beloved and shadowed, kind and tortured.
Until Morrigan tells her that it's been acknowledged, in public, by Night, that Rhysand was a thief, and a murder of children.
Feyre loses her shit.
Rhysand had done what he had to. Who was Nesta, to say such things? She'd always hated Rhys. Rhys had always hated her, maybe he was right- the children. Rhys had mourned them in screaming nightmares, but he hadn't hurt them-
(Feyre does not stop to think it strange, that Rhys could have nightmares of memories not his own. That he might have fractured just a bit, under Amarantha. That the Red Lady had no daemati- that was why she'd kept Rhys all along.)
The fight is as ugly as can be imagined. And what proceeds is of course, worse. Feyre says terrible things she will ultimately regret and apologize for, but what becomes clear is that Morrigan thinks that Nesta means to hold power forever.
That she's taken advantage.
And Cassian, called home by rage, believes her.
That is, more than her ungrateful sister, more than the ongoing weight of cleaning up after a man she despised for good reason, the end of Nesta Archeron's Night Court career.
She'd thought she loved him- she'd been willing to die with him- but they'd lived. This was the life, the next life, and what did he think of her? That Nesta was a power hungry snob. That she was paying too much heed to politics.
That Nesta belonged quietly at home. That she should have learned to fight somewhere along that way- a point so convoluted it made Lucien laugh- that she hadn't learned anything that mattered.
That she had no right to kill Keir, because it had hurt Morrigan.
Had he ever, Nesta would wonder later, even liked her? Enjoyed anything about her but for that magical tether, telling him he was blessed with something special?
Nesta was something special, and she knew it.
And so she returned the ring to Azriel, packed up her possessions, and left.
First to Day, where Elain had bought a house. Fury and tears both met the explanation of what happened- fury and tears that turned to getting inadvisably drunk in sunlight, when Lucien and Azriel snuck away to join them.
For the first time in Nesta's adult life, she had no obligations. Magic, money, freedom- the whole world was out there.
She stopped wearing black. Learned pants where actually lovely, when they fit correctly and weren't made of leather. Learned Azriel could laugh, and Lucien was as clever as she'd always thought.
She read books, she ate fruit, she took Helion up on several of his more lascivious offers.
She thought of Cassian, and it ached, but not enough to go backward.
Elain's house was by the sea, right on the water. The scent of salt reminded Nesta of Summer- but also of her oldest, most secret dreams. The warehouses of goods, like mysteries to solve. The account books she stole, learning by candlelight the trade in her blood.
Ten years after the war, Nesta bought a ship.
She set out to be a merchant, use what she knew, but what happened was this: Nesta Archeron did not care anymore for rules. And so when she came upon Hybernian remnants-for they were an island kingdom, even more one with the water than Prythian- pillaging a Summer town, she destroyed them.
She stole their treasure, gave much of it back to the people.
Found, unexpected, that she had much more of a taste for marauding than she would have expected. There was still trade of course- proft made and shared- but Summer needed someone willing to do some destroying out on the sea.
Twelve years after the war, Nesta Archeron became a privateer under the Summer flag, pearls in her hair and a true smile on her lips.
Things grew, as all things do. Feyre wrestled herself the reins of government, stymied by the councils Nesta and Azriel set up as much as she often was by Azriel himself out of truly petulant action. Morrigan remained second, golden blades bright as her gowns within reach. Cassian became a sort of seneschal, reigning over Illyria in Feyre's name cold and alone as the wind through the mountains.
(Feyre thought he might never get over the war, but Azriel knew the truth.)
Elain took herself wherever the future led, a sort of mediator and councilor, walking in all Courts- but always back to home, that isolated green, green cove, where Nesta would land.
When war came again, there was no great Lordly alliance, no cut-throat summit. There was a fleet of ships whose sails where edged in purple, whose announcement across the water was silver fire, whose accompaniment were monsters of old.
Violence did not touch Prythians human shore, because Nesta Archeron did not let it.
She was death on the tide, and she remembered what shores had borne her.
She had a home in Summer, a place in Day, her family across the continent- she had her ships, full of faeries from every walk of life, who wanted as she did the freedom as much as the profit, the endless, endless blue, where sea meets sky.
It was eternity, and the Archeron sisters, free, had made it their own.
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aseioh · 3 years
The day the earth stood still
TW: Character Death
The inhabitants of Castle Dimitrescu barely managed to survive their battle with Ethan Winters. Alcina mutated to her dragon form but to no avail and is barely holding on to her life. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela were not spared and have suffered heavy injuries as well, due to the decrease of temperature in the Castle the three of them have barricaded themselves to the bedchamber were they have first dragged Ethan in. Patching each others injuries and licking their wounded pride.
  A single man had managed to crush the Dimitrescu bloodline.
A loud crash outside startled the young women, braving the unknown Cassandra opened the door only to see their mother’s bloodied form slumped by the wall. The three hurriedly half carried/half dragged their mother, her unconcious form making it hard to carry her near the blazing fire. The castle was still, not a soul stirred from within. Even the Moroaica and Samca which they have loosened around the castle grounds are quiet. The three women huddled close to their mother not knowing what would happen next.
Did the other Lords fared better than them? Did they manage to end that cursed man’s existence.
 Did Mother Miranda knew this would happen?
By the second day, Alcina began to stir from her slumber. She was still weak and can barely open her eyes, but seeing the high ceiling of the bedroom she surmised that she had managed to survive her fall from the tower and dragged herself back inside the castle. The rest of the journey were just blacked out. Straining to look at her left, she found her three daughters slumped against each other. Bela her eldest has a nasty gash on her forehead, her left cheek a mottle of blue and yellow color; a reminder of the time she had found her daughter near the kitchen, bullet holes littered her cold body - buckshot from a shotgun, that monster-.
Cassandra her second daughter and best hunter was wearing a loose fitting shirt, beneath it was a swathe of bandages covering her whole torso. She remembers the screams and gunshots she heard from the second floor, remembers her stumbling and finding Cassandra barely breathing, the young woman profusely apologizing to her and to Bela for not avenging her, for not killing the man-thing. And finally there was her younger daughter Daniela, her sweet Daniela. When the first signs of trouble have began to stir she had opted to lock her youngest inside the library. Daniela was an excitable child and with her sudden mania when on the hunt it was more prudent to keep her hidden and away from their guest.
It was all in moot though, Ethan managed to find the key that opened all the doors of the castle. Daniela managed to escape with minor injuries but the fact that Ethan managed to enter the library and still inflict injuries to her was the final straw. Alcina blames herself on this 'if only I was not blinded by my anger, I shouldn’t not have left the key in my room'. She remembers the phone call and the sudden rage that had her throwing her dresser table to the wall, never had she ever felt rage against Mother Miranda in her entire life until that point.
'My daughter was almost killed and she still though of her damned ceremony' and with that thought another grave though crossed her mind
"She never cared for any of us" Her sudden speech stirred the three slumbering women. Seeing their mother awake, the three women hurried by her side.
"Are you alright, where does it hurt?"
An onslaught of questions came from her daughters, worry written on their faces. Cassandra puts up a brave front but Alcina can see that her torso still bothers her. Alcina tries to sit, but is unable to do so, she was still laying on the floor and although one of her daughters was kind enough to put a pillow beneath her head it was still rather uncomfortable.
"I am fine. Weak but alive, and so are you my treasures." at that Daniela burst into tears and gently tries to hug her arm, Bela and Cassandra both teary eyed tried to do the same on her right arm.
"Mother can you stand? if you can maybe we can move you to the other bed." Bela asked as she eyes the bandaged side of Alcina.
"I'm afraid not Bela, I'm still rather weak"
Cassandra motions to get up and walking towards the door "It's been quiet inside the castle mother, I think Ethan has left. Maybe I could go to the wine room and get you some blood, that would help you right?" wincing slightly at her movement.
"I'll do it Cassandra, I'll be right back." Daniela stands as well, motioning for Cassandra to return to Alcina's side.
"Thank you be careful, we don't know what's still outside. there may be stragglers" Cassandra cautions her sister
The inside of the castle looks like a warzone. Shattered vases and cabinet glass littered the floor, and the once pristine floor of their hallway now has holes and bullet casings. Bullet holes littered the wall, the smell of gunpowder and blood still permeates the air. Daniela cautiously climbs to the second floor where the wine room was located, ears straining to hear even the smallest sounds. They were lucky she supposes that their were no windows inside the castle, that the doors of the kitchen were thick enough to insolate them from the cold coming from the courtyard.
Entering the wine room she was glad that Ethan had not decided to destroy their supply of wine, 'At least his not that petty' she thinks as she grabs five bottles of their finest, ones she knows were specifically for her mother's consumption. Walking back down, she wanted to investigate the extent of the damage made by the man but her priority was in the health of her mother.
There will be time for that later. They can rebuild, they were after all the Dimitrescu and they were all alive.
Back inside the room, Cassandra and Bela had managed to help Alcina sit on her chair.
"And how are you two, are you're bodies regenerating?" Alcina asked trying to be comfortable in the chair, her regeneration has been slowed due to the lack of blood. She was more concerned with her daughters, as she new that the insects making up her daughter's body do not reproduce. She will need to introduce new batches of flies in the swarm, hopefully that would allow for faster healing within her daughters.
Daniela came back with bottles in hand, she poured her mother a glass and gave Bela and Cassandra a bottle each. Alcina drank the liquid eagerly, she can feel the blood sustaining her, feeling slightly better she sighes. 'I wonder how the others are faring' Alcina thought as she looks at her daughters faces. Daniela and Cassandra were drinking their blood fast, meanwhile Bela was nursing hers, a worried look in her face.
'Ah. Of course. Donna' Alcina can see her eldest thinking, worrying about her beloved. She herself was worried, the Lords knew that Donna was the weakest in terms of strength preferring to use psychological tactics. Donna has never seen combat, she was more at home using her plants for hallucinations and turning men against each other than direct confrontations.
'If Ethan Winters almost killed her in both her forms...' Alcina shivered at the thought. She looks at Bela once again, Bela meets her gaze head on. She was thinking of the same thing, and with that though her dread rises and her arms begin to shake.
"Go and be careful, and remember I love you Bela" Hearing the permission, Bela embraces her mother and makes her way out of the room. Her swarm of insects more chaotic than normal. Cassandra and Daniela looks on as their sister vanishes from the room.
"WIll she be alright" Cassandra asked concern clear in her voice.
"I do not know love, but we will be here when she returns. Ready to support and mend" Alcina says with finality.
Bela rushes through the castle grounds, barely stopping to dress properly against the weather. Stepping out of the castle she was greeted with a blanket of frost and silence. No sound can be heard around the border, not even the hustle and bustle of the nearby village could be heard. She remembers that the Lycans went through the village earlier and though for a second if even a single villager manage to survive.
'Focus! Bela' Making her way to the eastern part of the village she was greeted by the Duke.
"Good afternoon Miss Bela, I'm glad to see you alive" the portly man greeted her.
"Duke what are you doing here!? You were helping that man!" Bela shouted readying her sickle and aiming for the Dukes head.
"Now, now... it was only business miss, and besides your family survived. Everything else can be rebuilt" The duke supplied trying to placate the young woman in front of her. "Besides, shouldn't you make your way towards Lady Beneviento's estate. I've just seen Mr. Winters leave the premises. I believe his on his way to Lord Moreau's reservoir."
The new information silenced Bela, looking at the four winged door and seeing the usual locked door open made her panicked.
"NO!" as she turned and ran towards Donna's mansion
"And remember miss, Everything can be rebuilt!" The Duke shouted to the retreating back of the young woman, chuckling to himself "Everything can be made for a price..."
Bela didn't stop running until she was near the grave of Claudia Beneviento and even then she can see the devastation that Ethan Winters caused. Dead Moroaica littered the way going to the estate from the the potter's field to the hanging bridge that connects the estate to the village. Claudia's grave itself had been open, the contents ransacked. Close by the slumped body of the grave giant can be found no doubt killed because it was doing it's job.
A cold chill enters Bela's body. If the giant can be killed, how could her Donna fare against that man.
Steeling herself, she enters the small cave that houses the elevator that would take her up the mansion. Bela was starting to feel numbed, the whole day feels like a century. What she thought started as a man trespassing in their castle to be eaten soon, became her worst nightmare. Bracing herself in the elevator, she fears for the worst.
'Donna please, be safe my love'
please please please please.... the plead continued like a mantra, she was praying to whoever deity that would listen to her.
Arriving at the top, she carefully exits the elevator, wary of every corners and listening to the smallest sounds.
The mansion superimposes the great waterfall, both a sight of wonder. Still there was something wrong, and she couldn't place what it is. the garden in front of the house looks undisturbed, as if it was left only to be tended again tomorrow.
the first sign that something was wrong was a broken box near the entrance of the mansion.
Seeing the broken thing, Bela's heart stopped.
"DONNA!!" Bela burst through the door only to stop dead in her tracks.
The mansion was in disarray. The dolls Donna so lovingly brushes and takes care of are strewn around the floor. The devastation done on the castle is repeated here. Some of the walls have fresh blood smeared across it. It's as if someone was running around without a care in the world.
Bela sways where she stands. "DONNA!?!" she calls again hoping to hear the woman she loves. straining her ears to hear even the smallest of sounds.
 It was silent
She cautiously enters the house. She stops and falls to her knees, there on the ground lies the crystalized remains of her beloved.
Bela cannot breath, each gulp of air just brings more cold inside of her. She crawls towards the crystals, eyes wide and unbelieving.
"Donna... Donna, this isn't funny. You're not supposed to leave me" tears stream down her eyes and her sight narrows, darkness encroaching from the corners of her eyes.
Outside the waterfall covers the scream of a broken heart and the mansion stands quietly, guarding it's mistress and her beloved's anguished cries.
Because the thought "what would happen if Bela and Donna were a couple during the events of the game and one of them didn't make it?" kept running around my head
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jkknight98 · 3 years
My G/T promt challenge attempt inspiration.
This was my first attempt at ever doing a collective prompt challenge so it’s very safe to say I am a little nervous posting this story, especially since I suck at writing standard stories and fell back into my comfort zone, but I hope that everyone who reads enjoys it. It's from @bittydragon idea ( If I knew how to link the original post I would, but I am not very well versed in Tumblr writing yet).
The prompt was to have the tiny protect the giant, I was faced with two options that I could do, protecting the mental self vs the physical self. I chose protecting from the physical since a giant can easily protect the outside of their bodies, but their insides can be easily hurt without them knowing until much later.
Here’s Tommy protecting a gaint Wilbur from his own poor judgement plus interactions from the rest of the sleepybois inc.
Warnings : Blood warning, slight mention of regurgitating meal, soft vore, cursing.
(I have always viewed soft vore as a sfw interest but I know others may not so I’ll leave it out of the main collective tag just to be safe until I’ve been given the all clear to add it, but otherwise I’ll say its just an inspiration from all the wonderful work already posted through the challenge.)
G/T Prompt Challenge
Wilbur should have known that his habit of eating sand would come back to bite him one day, but who could blame him when he enjoyed the texture of sand crunching in his teeth and the feeling it made tumbling around in his stomach. It was supposed to be a normal day when the sands decided to strike back against him. He was just enjoying a warm summers day with his family at the nearby beach, techno was asleep under a umbrella while Phil was trying to keep his tiny brother Tommy from accidentally drowning himself by jumping from the giant's knee and then pinching them to make the man jump and create massive waves for the little gremlin. He couldn't hide his smile as he took hold of another handful of sand and let it fall in clumps into his mouth, not noticing the hidden treasure chest even when it landed in the middle of his tongue with the copious sand, he didn’t get a chance to chew the sand before his father yelled at him after seeing what he had done, swallowing the mouthful quickly before the giant avian could force him to spit it out,” Alright Alright Phil, I've had my two mouthfuls for the day.”
“ You shouldn’t be eating any, what are you going to do if you swallow something that isn’t just sand, what are we going to do then!”
Wilbur just laughed at his yelling father as he leaned backwards on his hands, smiling as he watched Tommy get his fathers attention again by using his feathers as a climbing frame, he shook his head at the sight. He really did love his mixed-up family.
It wasn't until they were having dinner that night did they all find out the true dangers of his habit. They haven't been eating long, Phil chatting with Techno about who knows what while Tommy darted around the table pulling himself chunks of food from everyone's plate, Phil had learned quickly not to make one for Tommy since the tiny always said that everyone else's looked better, and Willbur was waiting for the next pass of the tiny so he could pull his target out of reach. He had pulled up a giant piece of pork away from the tiny, quickly stuffing it into his mouth and laughing as the gremlin child raged at him, he quickly chewed and swallowed down the meat as he dodged the tiny pea that was thrown at him, ” Come on Tomms, I know you have a better arm than that.” He continued to eat a bit more on his plate, subtly feeling how much he ate already before he stopped, feeling a touch of pain from his stomach.
“That's weird?”
“What's weird Will?”
His father looked at him slightly concerned when he had pushed his chair back a bit to look down at himself, taking a hand to gently place on his stomach, ” I don't know dad, my stomach just started hur-ghh.” The moment he put a slight amount of pressure on his stomach it felt as if something was ripping inside, the pain was bad enough that it nearly brought him to tears. He quickly pulled up his shirt to see if it was something on the outside, but the skin was perfectly clear with no signs of irritation.
“Wilbur walk me through what hurts.”
The avian was already up and at his side while Techno was holding Tommy at his other side, but still out of the way of their father, both looking equally as concerned.
“What's wrong with you big man, finally bite off more than you could chew?” The tiny looked as ridiculous as usual trying to act indifferent like the oldest, but it was easy to see the real concern hidden behind his normal snark.
“Oh shut up before I feed you to a bird Bratt, ” Wilbur stuck his tongue out at him before wincing again when he felt his fathers cool touch, ” hurts right where your pressing.” He watched as Phil's hand began pressing at different parts of his body, telling him about how the pain was worse in that spot, but could feel it throbbing into other areas.
He watched his father frown before he went to stand fully, he looked more concerned than he had before, but didn't voice anything to clue his sons into what he was thinking. The avain walked over to a side room to grab a small bucket and set it into Wilbur’s lap, taking care to not press it against his stomach, before sitting back in his chair to look at his son, ” I'm going to need you to empty your stomach a small amount, I don't want you to empty it fully just in case it's something I hope it's not, but I want to check just in case.
Wilbur felt a little annoyed at the thought, they were just eating dinner and now dad wants him to spit up half of it just because of a little stomach pain? “ Really dad I'm sure I'm fine, it's probably something stupid like I ate to big-.”
The avians wings puffed up in an attempt to show how serious he was to his son,
“Dont argue with me Will, just do it.”
Wilbur looked at the sternness on his father's face and sighed, ” fine, ” he began flexing the muscles he used for whenever Tommy used his stomach as his personal sleeping bag and nearly cried when he felt his stomach explode in pain again. It was as if every moment his stomach made was like it was ripping itself open. He only got a little bit into his throat before he had to stop because the pain was too much, quickly spitting the mouthful into the bucket and thrusting it into Phils arms as he leaned over and and gently wrapped his arms around himself, ” please don't make me do that again, it really fucking hurt.”
He didn't see the concern on Phil’s face as he looked into the bucket and showed it to his other two sons, Techno looking equally as concerned while Tommy looked confused. The tiny leaned further over the slightly tinted pink fingers and wrinkled his nose at the almost coffee ground looking substance that rested in the bottom.
“What is that brown stuff, Wilbur didn't eat any mud before we had dinner.”
The father figure kept up his concerned expression as he set down the bucket to run a hand through his hair,”That's because that isn’t mud, that's what it looks like when someone is suffering from internal bleeding.” Phil looked back at Wilbur's plate and the others quickly as he used his hands to feel for anything that could have been hidden inside,” I don’t know what you could have swallowed Wil, I made sure to not have any bones in anything.”
Wilbur just shook his head as it swam a little bit in pain,” I don’t know either, all I've eaten before it started hurting was dinner and the sand at the beach.” he gave another groan as his stomach gave another contraction and sent another wave of pain,” I'm just going to stall my system until we figure out what to do.” He closed his eyes to concentrate and felt the change gradually, his stomach calming and finally coming to a standstill to prevent the walls from churning at the rate that they were, no longer trying to digest the little bit of dinner he consumed.
Techno was the first to gently move Tommy to one hand as he used his other to gently grip his brother on the shoulder,” You sure you didn’t eat anything between our beach trip to now, nothing at all?” The piglin hybrid was clearly a little on edge, he was fully capable of protecting his family from the outside, but even he was powerless when a threat came from their own insides.
Everyone was a panicking a bit more as they tried to think what could be doing this to the musically inclined son before Tommy spoke up, the tiny brightening as he thought of a good idea in his mind,” Why don’t I go inside to check, I can go and see whats wreaking up your insides, that would work wouldn't it?”
The thought made Will turn a little green, ” I don't know if I could get you down with how bad it hurts,” he managed to make a teasing smirk though,” you sure you want to see that porkchop again.” He laughed at the face the tiny had made, but winced again when a flash of pain punished him for this action. He took a slow breath and tried to raise up as slow as he could, wincing as he got to his full sitting height,” are you really sure you want to do that, it’s going to be more gross than ever.”
The tiny just smiled as he pushed up his sleeves and held up his arms in a clear ‘pick me up’ gesture,” I can’t really protect you guys from the outside, but I am able to help you from the inside, besides a little gunk isn’t going to stop me from keeping my big brother safe.”  
The response brought a small smile to Will's face as he lifted the tiny,” alright you sap, let's get a plan put together before you go saving me from what's hurting me.”
Tommy stood in Will’s hand and gently shuffled the duffle bag on his shoulder that held a small knife and a small splash healing potion to reduce the damage before a proper healing potion could be taken, he looked up with another smile,” alright, let's get this over with before you get even worse.”
Will smiled lightly before opening his mouth, feeling his smaller brother clamber his way inside and curling up, and slowly closed his mouth and tilted his head back. He felt a mild wave of sickness at the thought of the heavy weight his brother would unintentionally create, but forced it away as he gave a quick swallow,using a hand to gently touch the firm bulge before it slipped behind his collarbone. He looked up to his dad and other brother with a weak smile,” let's hope he finds what's wrong and not cause any more damage.”
Tommy couldn’t help the soft noise of disgust as he slid into the stomach, landing in knee high mix of the stomach's contents, but he also noticed a strange glowing that was coming from what he suspected to be the front of Willbur’s stomach. He was quick to wade his way over to the object, also taking note of a few other things that shouldn’t have been there floating in the muck. “When did he manage to eat chainmail….oh my god.” Sticking out the stomach wall that looked very inflamed under the shiny purple glow was an iron sword, the handle looking a little worse for wear like the armor but the blade looked perfectly fine as it held firmly in the slowly bleeding wall. Tommy was momentarily shocked before he went to inspect the wound, wincing as he yelled up to Wilbur to inform him what he found.
Wilbur heard the tiny voice of Tommy yell out at him, listening for a moment before looking at the two other giants in pure confusion,” He found a sword sticking into me, as well as chain mail armour… when the hell did that get in there.” He jerked and gave a loud yelp as the pain in his middle got more intense before he felt the normal tingling of a healing potion,” You could have warned me before you pulled it out you little shit.”
Phil was the first to slap a hand to his head,” we were on a beach next to the ocean, you probably ate a buried treasure without realizing, this is what you get for eating sand all the time, be thankful tommy was here or else things could have been way worse.” The elder left the room quickly with a yell on how he's going to get a large healing potion to ensure the wound would fully heal once the youngest was released. The second eldest looked at Wilbur with a small smirk as he got up, giving a quiet ‘ I told you so’ before also leaving the room.
The remaining son sighed as he placed a hand over his stomach, softly rubbing where he felt his tiny brother was leaning,”Let's get you out of there Toms.”
“I really can’t thank you enough Tommy, if what you were saying was true, there would have been no way for us to get that sword out on my own. Also what enchantments did it have on it.”
Tommy smiled up from his cosy position in a towel placed on Wilburs chest, snuggling further into the softness and warmth the two provided together,” It had unbreaking on it, it would have taken you ages to digest the thing, and you would have to go through so many healing potions since you couldn;t heal around it.”
The elder nodded and placed his hand over the towel as he laid his head on his pillow, using his thumb to stroke the tiny in thanks,” what would I do without you, you little gremlin.” He smiled when he felt a small pair of arms wrap around his thumb tightly and pull it to rest on the tiny’s chest where he could feel the gentle breathing.
“ You wouldn’t be able to shit, someone has to protect you giant bastards when you think nothing can hurt you, especially things at my size.”
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dembenchboys · 3 years
Don’t - Tyson Jost
Tumblr media
AN: this has been in my notes for like 6-7 months now I hope you enjoy! It’s based if the song don’t by Ed Sheeran.
Warnings: cheating and a mention of sex nothing detailed at all.
Word count: 1.9k
I met this girl late last year
She said, “Don’t you worry if I disappear”
“Yes.” That's the response Layla whispered in Tyson’s ear after he asked her to spend the night with him. As he planted more open mouth kisses to her neck, Tyson could feel her breath quicken and her plus racing up.
Tyson wasn't expecting to be taken back by the stunning brunette with green eyes who he locked eye contact with as she was busy dancing in the corner with her girlfriends when he went to the local bar Monday night with the boys for a simple night of relaxing. When they bumped into one other at the counter and she introduced herself to him while grabbing a drink, he wasn't expecting his heart to race a little quicker. He hadn't expected to be bringing her home at the end of the night, yet here he was, holding her hand as they climbed into the car he had booked for them.
What Tyson really wasn't prepared for was the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach when he woke up to an empty bed and a piece of paper on his nightstand with only 11 numbers scribbled on it.
I told her I’m not really looking for another mistake
I called an old friend thinking that the trouble would wait.
Tyson realized he should've tossed the little letter away as soon as he got off the phone with JT who reminded him to think with his head and recommend throwing it away. But Tyson, on the other hand, was always one to follow his emotions rather than his mind or gut instincts. After all, he was known as a softy for a reason. His head was telling him that he should simply toss the paper away since it was just going to cause him misery. His emotions, on the other hand, were reminding him of how he felt last night when he made eye contact with her. They were reminding him of how his heart raced and how he felt a nervous pulse in his stomach for the first time in a long time.
So, four mornings after waking up to an empty bed, he decided to take the plunge and message her. He realized that texting her at 11:00 a.m. would not lead her to believe it was a booty call. Tyson opted to keep it short and sweet, only saying, "Hey, how are you?" And before he could back out, he sent the message, not realizing how drastically those four words would impact his year.
It was 10:45 p.m., according to the clock. Tyson had become increasingly nervous as Layla had yet to reply. He was thinking to himself, what if he had waited too long, what if she had just left the note out of kindness and didn't mean it? But his phone vibrated in his hand just as he was about to turn it off and put it away for the night. And there was a text message from Layla on his phone screen, saying, "I'm okay, what's up?" “Have you finally missed me enough to send a text?” Tyson felt the blood rush to his checks at that moment, as he hoped she didn't realize how long he had been waiting, but she did. Tyson decided to make up for the fact that he hadn't spoken to her in four days, so he spent the rest of the night getting to know the lovely woman he thought had a good heart.
But then I jumped right in a week later, returned
I reckon she was only looking for a lover to burn
Tyson decided to invite Layla over after about a week of talking with her through his phone and tossing the idea around in his head. He had all of the spare time in the world before heading to Alberta since the Avs season had just ended.
Tyson had discovered recently she was a CU Denver student. So when they agreed on a Saturday, Tyson realized she wouldn't have classes, so he wouldn't have to worry about her cancelling, but he was still worried that she wouldn't actually show up. When a soft knock came to his door around 1:00 p.m., those nerves faded.
When Tyson awoke to an empty bed on the Tuesday morning he was supposed to leave for home, he wasn't surprised. Tyson found himself going to bed with someone and waking up alone more often after that Saturday afternoon spent with Layla at his place.
Then I put it on pause until the moment was right
I went away for months until our paths crossed again
After waking up alone on that Tuesday morning when he had to leave, Tyson wanted to put some space between himself and the situation. Tyson knew that if he went down that particular road with Layla, his heart wouldn't be able to heal if anything bad happened. Tyson tried not to think about her during his time in Alberta, but it became more difficult with each passing day. Tyson found his feelings growing towards her each day. He found himself thinking about her at odd times throughout the day, hanging with his family? Layla. Sitting around the fire pit? Layla. in bed right before he closed his eyes? Layla. She was an addiction, the kind you get when you try a new treat and can't stop thinking about it.
Tyson promised himself he wouldn't message her again until he returned to Colorado, and he kept his word. He'd been back in the city for about three weeks before he decided to pick up where they'd left off.
She told me, "I was never looking for a friend
Maybe you could swing by my room around ten
Baby, bring the lemon and a bottle of gin
We'll be in between the sheets 'til the late AM"
After several late-night phone calls to catch up, Layla eventually told Tyson what this meant to her after he invited her to dinner. “Around 1:00 a.m. on a Monday morning, she muttered to him, "I'm more into the friends with benefits situation right now." Tyson was definitely devastated but he was willing to take whatever Layla had to offer.
Tyson was unprepared for the feeling he got when he glanced down at his phone after leaving JT’s apartment to see a text that said, "baby, I'm swinging by your place with a bottle." Tyson knew that meant he'd wake up alone in the morning, yet he didn't care at the time.
Tyson and Layla had been seeing each other more and more in recent weeks. Tyson’s feelings for Layla became stronger over time, but he never expressed them. He just loved her company, and if that meant getting lost in the sheets more often than not, so be it.
And for a couple weeks I only wanna see her
We drink away the days with a takeaway pizza
Tyson was in a slump, he wasn't producing on the ice as he wanted to, and the media was branding him a draft bust because of it. As a result, he found himself blocking others out, with the exception of one individual. Tyson discovered that Layla was the only one he truly wished to be with. She didn't mention hockey at all, because they could easily lose themselves in each other and block out the rest of the world. They'd eat as much takeout pizza as Tyson's diet permitted.
Yet something changed between them in those few weeks. Layla confessed to developing feelings for the curly-haired boy. As a result, they opted not to label what they were doing, but they did promise not to see other people. Not that Tyson was doing so before.
Wish I'd have written it down, the way that things played out
When she was kissing him, how I was confused about
Now she should figure it out.
Tyson should have known something was wrong when Layla started staying at school longer than usual, but he didn't think much of it, assuming it was just finals. Tyson should have known something was wrong because she took longer to respond to his text messages and began avoiding his phone calls, but he was so wrapped up in the feeling she gave him that he didn't notice. When Layla failed to pick him up from the airport on Sunday morning, Tyson should have known something was wrong, but he just convinced himself she slept in.
But two things happened when the car he ordered from the airport arrived in front of Layla's apartment and he saw her kissing the kid from her biology class: one, Tyson's heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach, and two, something clicked and everything made sense to him.
That afternoon, at Tysons' place, he had to have a conversation he would never forget .Layla explained that she genuinely wanted to be with him and that she was just messing around with Tyler, the name of the kid from biology, because she wanted to be official with Tyson. And in a relationship, she puts a significant importance on trust and respect.
So they agreed to become an official couple that day, and the eight weeks that followed were some of the happiest memories Tyson had managed to make.Tyson grew more and more in love with Layla with each passing day, and he indulged in it. He treasured the cuddles and long conversations late at night. Tyson was certain he was in love with Layla, or Ly as he began to refer to her. He was about to reveal her to the group of people in his life that he held in high regard: his teammates.
She was crying on my shoulder, I already told ya
Trust and respect is what we do this for
I never intended to be next
But you didn't need to take him to bed, that's all
And I never saw him as a threat
Until you disappeared with him to have sex, of course
Tyson wasn't expecting to see Layla on the sofa on top of Tyler from biology when he stepped into Layla's apartment on the morning of the 23rd, three days before their three-month anniversary, ready to celebrate because he'd be on the road. But that is precisely what he saw.
Layla didn't know she'd been caught until the beautiful white roses fell to the ground and the door slammed shut  from behind her.
As the knock on Tyson's door rang through the silent apartment, Tyson knew that all that had occurred in the previous year, his best days, and the one person  he could turn too would all be gone in less than 20 minutes.
Tyson had never expected to have a conversation like this one in his dark, relatively clean apartment. When Layla cried on his shoulder, he reminded her of their compromise on trust and respect, telling her, "If you were unhappy, you should have left, I never saw him as a threat, well, before you slept with him of course."
But after all of the screaming and pleading, Layla gathered her belongings and closed the door to Tyson's apartment; the sound that echoed in the house was almost close to Tyson's heart beating in his chest.
As Tyson came into the dressing room the next morning, feeling dishevelled, he grumbled to JT that he should have just thrown it out.
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Imagine: your father Tony hearing that Steve is debuting on returning back too the past for Peggy even those he’s engaged too you.. and it’s a week before the wedding.
“Your going too wait a week before my sweet baby girls wedding too break heart!” Tony snapped going towards his co-worker he’s friend. Steve Rogers. He’s held back as Steve takes it. He lets Tony Rant. There was nothing he could say too make this better. He was Leaving his love for another and No. amount of apologies will make this better. He was breaking his friends trust, a trust he honoured and protected when he first Asked Tony too have permission too ask you out. The trust too protect and love you forever. which he will. Just not in this time. Tony was furious Right now you were at the dress shop with your Step mom Piper, Nat, and Wanda trying on your dressing the final fitting before the wedding.
Steve hasn’t told you yet, he thought telling Tony first was a good idea. Bucky and Sam were in the corner Stunned hearing Steve’s plan. Bucky couldn’t believe Steve was giving you up. The first girl too ever make him Smile so widely that it made Steves cheeks hurt. the Same girl who listened too oldies music and was a Doll. She was the perfect women. And Bucky always stated how Lucky Steve was too have you. A shy, brilliant Strong, brave girl who didn’t take crap from nobody and took the time too Show both him and Steve the new world. Teaching them about the future. You are the bridge too the past and the future. Your love for vintage things , movies, books, music. Was what connected you too Steve and your loyalty too your family and your friends made Steve think he could finally have everything he ever wanted. But the trip back too the past. When he saw a glimpse of Peggy in her office.. and Steve was back too Peggy.
Tony was cursing loudly as Bucky walked over and Pouched his best friend, eh’s brother Straight in the face.which made the entire room quite. Steve let Buck hit him over and over until Sam and Hulk aka Bruce dragged Bucky of him as he cursed out that he never deserved y/n in the first place and that he will regret doing this too her. Before being pulled away too cool off.
Steve telling you about this decision later that evening went as well as you would expect a heart break too go. Steve left and you were in your wedding dress pissed ass drunk. One realizing he was serious. When everyone found you. Tony was beyond furious while Wanda was stunned. You looked up at Bucky and your heart Sank lower.
this betrayal was painful but Not as painful as Steve abandoning Bucky too be alone. he’s brother? Hes’ best friend since he was a boy. Leaving Bucky alone? You shot up hugging Bucky tightly crying saying you were so sorry that he didn’t deserve this . Bucky held onto you tightly as he cried into your shoulder.
the next day still drunk now full of anger at Steve betrayal you got too the time mechine and were inches from going back in time till Bucky stopped you as you screamed that someone had too give Steve a piece if their mind. He slipped. Away while everyone was focused on your heartbreak. But you were more furious about the heart Steve also left behind.
Your anger lead too Bucky making sure you were alright. And eventually over time that anger was gone and you were healed from Steve’s betrayal and you were fighting your urges for Bucky. Who originally fought against his own emotion and attraction for you . Since you were Steve’s girl but then Sam reminded him that you weren’t. You weren’t Steves girl- he’s girl was Peggy you were Single. And Bucky soon put a stop too that.
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a year later
No one was more shocked about the outcome then Bucky. Finding Peace finally after all this time, finding a reason too better himself too be a better man. Too put his past behind him too be with you. It still surprised him a few morning when he wakes up too see you stretched out beside him snoring or your arms holding him tightly as you spoon him. He never thought he would enjoy being the little Spoon but he loved it with you. Majority of the time it’s him being the big spoon but sometimes it’s you holding him tightly.
this morning was No different. He woke up from the start of a nightmare too feel your cold hand on his bare chest. He opened his eyes fast feeling your hand too see your Engagement Ring it was Small and Simple. He hated it was so small when he went Ring shopping but you cried at how perfect it was. Your nails stretched his chest as he relaxed pulling the blankets up too re cover you as he held your hand as you muttered. “Bucky.”
he looked over seeing you were still smile as you smiled into your pillow. At First he thought this would never work out, Not with you No matter how badly he wanted this. He was worried about your past with Steve. He was the better man all the way around. But the first night when he slept over he heard you talking in your sleep and it was all about him and he was convinced he was safe from a heartbreak.
in the morning you got. Up looking over seeing Bucky was awake as you spoke, “morning sleepy head.” He chuckled as he spoke, “your the one who slept in.” Chuckling shaking your head, “no- see that would mean I am late. And I canceled everything this morning.”
‘Piper wants too start wedding dress shopping.”
“you have a dress.”
looking at Bucky you laughed softly , “Yea- that’s my dress too Steve- i can’t re use it.”
“you never used it- he never saw it right.”
You nodded your head as you sat up sliding up onto his lap as he smiled looking at you. “Babe- I’m not using that dress- it’s a completely different Venue- plus I’m donating that dress.it’s in the donation box. Out in the living room.” He breathed deeply leaning his head against the headboard.
your wedding too Steve was going too be a big event. Your Wedding too Bucky was going too be just the avengers. A pot luck sort of wedding. You had billions of dollars but you just wanted close family and friends. You and Bucky decided too move out of the city too a farm house. Too have. Air and breath and too start your future. Your Dad loved the idea. Since he, Piper and your sister Morgan were at a lake house now. You were going too live close. (Not too close) but the reception was at your new house and your honeymoon was going too the mountains a normal. Originary life.
“you sure?”
you smiled brightly hearing him asking as you wrapped your arms around Buckys neck reaching over. Kissing him.
“Babe. I love you. I want the small wedding and just our close friends. And i want too have you with me forever. I don’t want the big wedding I just want you. I would go down too the city hall and marry you today if you would let me.” He chuckled softly stealing another kiss. The kisses were gettting heated until the door rang. It broke you both up as you both cursed as Bucky suggested too ignore it but you spoke, “it could be Piper- she could be early. You get Piper i’ll find my pants..”
He groaned softly but you got off him searching the floor finding your PJ pants. Bucky walked out heading too the front door as he got too the front door he opened it saying hey piper too be stunned too see Steve.
who was also stunned seeing Bucky shirtless at 7 am. At your apartment. Steve stared at Bucky as he tensed up, “what you doing here?”
Steve was young he barely aged as Bucky spoke, ‘I- Y/N.. It’s Not Piper...”
he called out stunned as Steve stepped into the appartment as you called out, “Do i still need too find my pants?”
they both caught sight of your PJ pants were on the floor leading towards your bedroom as Buck spoke, “Get dressed...”
Steve looked around spotting the donation box and seeing that all the memorabilia between him and y/n were gone. Replaced or simply empty spots. ‘What is going on here?”
Steve asked as Bucky spoke, ‘what you doing back? What about Peggy?”
Steve’s mouth shut at the mention of Peggy as You walked out wearing jeans shorts and one of bucky’s shirt as you rubbed your neck. “God, I’m exhusted i need coffee..- Steve.”
Spotting Steve you stopped in your tracks As he looked at you stunned wearing Bucky’s shirt as he spoke, ‘what is this?”
“what is this? Aren’r you suppose too be in the past? With Peggy?”
Steve didn’t answer as he spoke, “your sleeping with my best friend.”
“hey just- lets take. A breather.” Bucky stated as you stepped closer too the two super soilders, “yea, I am , I’m also living with him and marrying him.”
Bucky sighed hearing you say that, Steve looked at Bucky as he spoke, “what is this? I thought we were friends.”
Bucky turned too Steve as he spoke, “we didn’t plan for this too happen- we -we we got closer after you left.. it just happened.” You stepped over too Bucky staring at your former love shaking your head,
“we don’t have too explain ourselves! We fell madly in love! You abandoned Us! What aren’t we allowed too be happy?”
Steve looked at you for that as you snapped, ‘you expect me too sit here in a corner and be comatose for the rest of my life since the great Steve Rogers left me for Peggy Carter a women who moved on! In our time line! Who is probably a nice women. But how dare you coming into our Home and expect me too be miscible because you dumped me! I moved on! You moved on from me! What’s the big deal?’
“You moved on too my best friend!” Steve snapped as you stepped over as Bucky grabbed you as you snapped, “your abandoning me near the wedding was Awful but what you did too Bucky! I tried too go back in time too beat the Snot outta you!”
Steve was stunned as you snapped, “i was close! Two seconds more i would of zapped into the past and beat you up for abandoning Bucky!”
everyone was quite as you spat out, “what you doing here?”
“I made a huge mistake.. I- I shouldn’t of left you.. i- i was chasing a ghost.. and I’m sorry.’
You eased up in Buckys arm stunned hearing that as you held Buckys. Arm as you stared at the two.
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“Steve..” he looked up at you hopeful as you spoke, “I love Bucky- your love was easy. I treasure it. But I cant live without Bucky.. I can’t leave him. I need him.. he needs me.. you- you never needed me..”
“maybe we should go for a walk and talk this out?” Bucky suggested as Steve looked at you two. His best friend and his best girl as he shook his head, “No- excuse me”
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