#i am inlove please send help
jichangmin · 10 months
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catoslvt · 5 months
Newt (TMR) x Reader
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you confess to Newt as he's a crank.
this is probably gonna be very quick.
As Newt jumps on me, sending me spiralling backwards into the floor, I look over at Thomas, who is standing clueless
"Go get the cure! I can handle him!" I scream, Thomas gives me a concerned look before running off anyway.
My attention is suddenly grabbed again by Newt, who now has a knife. Where did he get it from? I've got no clue, but all that matters is getting it out of his hands.
"I don't want to hurt you." Newt snaps, his tone certainly sounding like someone who wants to hurt me.
"You don't need to, please." I beg, but his eyes have faded over again, and he lowers the knife to hover above where my heart is, but I quickly knock the knife from his grip, and it moves far away on the concrete meaning I'm now gonna need to fight Newt with my hands.
"Keep talking!" Newt screams, his eyes flashing only a slight bit of normality before the flare comes back over him, and he's trying to hit me, so I do what he told me to do, talk.
"I've been in love with you since the scorch trials." I say as my hand connects with his jaw, and he stumbles off me, allowing me to stand up, and as I look at Newt, I realise he landed beside the knife.
"What?" He chokes, and I nod tears at the brims of my eyes.
"When Aris led me to your rooms from the vents, I was terrified to meet you, but somehow, I managed to persuade you to leave WICKED and I fell inlove with you almost straight away, I've never looked back. I've never wanted any other boy the way I want you." I continue to talk as a few tears fall from my eyes, and Newt now stands up with the knife, his step staggering as he approaches me, but I suddenly see Thomas, Frypan, Minho and Gallys shadows about to turn round our corner, so I take a few footsteps towards Newt as he stands and stares, either fighting the flare really well or it's about to take over for good.
as I step closer, Newt opens his arms for a hug, and I can't help but do it, crank or not. I just confessed my love for him.
as he wraps my arms around my waist, I momentarily forget he has the knife until it gets plunged into my lower stomach before pulling out, and I step away with my mouth hanging open, clutching the knives enterance wound as blood pours from it.
"y/n!" I hear frypan scream, but it's too late, I've passed out.
I wake up in a small hut with a curtain as a door confused, where the fuck am I?
I quickly go to sit up, but I let out a huge groan as a pain shoots from my lower stomach, so I decide to take it slower and once I'm sitting up, I kick my legs off the bed and stand up, grabbing onto the wall for support before I slowly make my way out the room.
Okay, where the actual fuck am I.
there's tons of people here, mainly people my age or younger who are all walking around, there's huts, there's hammocks and there's even Gardens.
Gardens. Newt.
the thought of his name brings a huge pain towards my stomach, and I groan and almost double over, but Aris sees me and rushes over.
"You're up!?" He exclaims and I nod confused.
"Where are we?" I ask, my throat suddenly feeling incredibly dry as though those three words took away all my willpower.
"The safe haven, a real one this time." He answers, gently grabbing my wrist as he begins to steer me to what seems like a kitchen, and when we walk in, frypan is cooking up dishes.
"Morning shuckface." He says with a small smile as he raises his eyes momentarily to fall onto me.
"How long have I been out for?" I ask and both Aris and Frypan shrug.
"A week or so? Newt got banned from your hut because he was constantly in there speaking to you, Vince thought he was gonna wake you up." Frypan answers, and my eyes almost bulge out my head
"Newt?" I gasp, and they both nod, confused.
"After you passed out, Thomas managed to give him the cure. It worked quite quickly, except there's still dark veins in places." Aris tells me before pointing over at Frypan.
"Can y/n get some water and a sandwich or something?" Aris asks, and Frypan nods, turning around and rummaging around in his make shift kitchen.
I sit alone at the edge of the beach, eating my sandwich and ever so often taking a few sips of water.
"How was the sleep?" The all too familiar voice of Newt asks with a slight laugh as he sits down beside me, but I don't turn to look at him, because the last time I saw him I confessed to him only to get a knife plunged into my stomach.
"Fine." I respond and listen, I'm not too pissed about the knife thing, I'm just scared in case he can remember what I told him.
"Nobody ever told me that turning into a Crank means getting memories back." He sighs, and I turn to look at him, Frypan was right, there is still some dark veins, but it's better than what he looked like as a crank.
"All of them?" I ask, and he nods.
"I remembered Sonya from your maze is my little sister, only her name was Elizabeth back then." He first of all starts, and I gasp slightly.
"I remember every shank from my Glade before we got sent up." He begins listing little things that must mean a lot to remember.
"I remember you." He then states, and I gasp a bit.
"we would've been held separately. How can you remember me?" I ask.
"Minho, Alby, Thomas, Teresa, and I used to all sneak into a maintenance closet somewhere in the WICKED building. One day, we walked in, and there you were, as innocent as ever eating a chocolate bar." Newt tells me and we both laugh slightly.
"From that day forward, you joined us every night in the closet, and I knew from the very first moment I saw you that I'd do whatever I could to protect you." He goes onto say before frowning.
"But I couldn't. You told me you loved me, and i stabbed you." He mutters, and my eyes widen.
for fuck sake did he need to keep those memories?
"we don't need to talk about that Newt, you got the cure, and you're fine, and my stomach is healing. It wasn't your fault." I say as I reach one of my hands over and grab his hand with mine giving it a small squeeze which he returns.
"I tried so hard to fight the flare, even momentarily to tell you that I love you too, tell you that from that closet I knew it was always gonna be you." He tells me, and I look into his eyes, really confused, what did he just say.
he loves me too?
he's joking.
he has to be.
maybe he still has the flare.
"What?" I finally ask, and he nods.
"I love you y/n, I always have." He states, and I smile widely.
"I love you too!" I exclaim, and he kisses me, being gentle with the movements to not hurt my stomach.
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tan1shere · 8 months
Film Wife
Young Miko x Female Reader !
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A/n: hey all ! Some of you have been asking for this so I'm here to provide for yall ;) this is in English because I am not Spanish what so ever so i'm very sorry to disappoint but for all the fans who would like to read this in English this is for you girlies, enjoy ! (I'm so fucking down bad for this woman this was so yummy to write.) Also if you want any others with Miko please lmk ! Gimmie as many requests as you can think of :)
Summary: You know how theres a thing called 'work wife'? Your Mikos film wife ;)
Warnings: smut ! Mdni. Car sex 😏 don't ask me why but I just know this woman either has an army green strap or a rainbow one. I'm convinced!! Just filthiness like usual-
Pt 2 , pt 3
"Cut!" The director screams. You were currently on set of a singers music video. Everyone loved having you in them you were quite popular. You walk over to your manager, walking past the artist giving them a smile. "You have another music video later on." Your manager Stacy tells you. "Do we know of this person." She shrugs. "You might." She states, showing you her phone. You have a look at the photo she shows you. "Young Miko, or Baby Miko. She's filming a video for her latest song Lisa." You look over the photo, looking at it all very clearly. You were stunned, she was incredibly attractive. She was wearing a beanie, big short sleeved t-shirt, tattoos that immediately catch your attention. "Go home, get changed and I'll send you the dress code." She flashes a toothy smile at you.
Later rolls round fast, you were currently just sitting on your couch in your apartment scrolling on Instagram. Your curiosity got the better of you. Heading to the search bar and looking this mysterious woman up. You scroll a bit, looking at every picture carefully, you would be lying if you said you weren't already obsessed with her. She looks like so much fun. The thought made you smirk to yourself, letting out a slight giggle. This was going to be good.
You had arrived at the studio, seeing your manager and going over to her. "So, what's my part in this." You set your bags down. She points to a bed. "You will be filming a rather, heated scene on this with the artist herself." You couldn't help the blush that spread across your face. You enjoyed these types of scenes, especially when the artist is extremely attractive. "Sounds good." You head over to the bed, just getting into the clothes Stacy had said to. You weren't paying much attention when you felt the bed dip just a little. Bringing you to gaze up. You're met with those beautiful blue eyes. "Y/n? Correct?" You nod. "I've been told you don't speak any Spanish?" You shake your head. "No, I mean I might know the basics, but not well." She nods, herself. "That's quite alright. Good thing I'm good with my English huh?" She smiles at you.
But there was something in the smile, something flirty. "Action!" The music starts playing, Miko gets closer to you, slowly but surely. It makes your heart slightly race, she was so much more hotter in person. She was tall, cheeky. Just over-all attractive. She looks at your lips for a quick second then looks into your eyes, seeing her slyly smirk and lean into you. The kiss was soft, but slowly turning more heated. You put your hands so that they're resting on her neck, as she put hers on your hips, slowly pushing you down on the bed and getting ontop of you. Everyone always asks how you do these and not immediately fall inlove. You were the best liar because honestly it wasn't easy. Miko continued the kiss, deepening it. You felt her tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and how could you deny this oh so yummy makeout.
That went on for a tiny bit more before the director called cut. Signaling that it was the end of the shot. You furrow your brows, not expecting it to be so short. You dreadfully wanted more, but how on earth would that happen. "That's it for today." Stacy says coming over to you, your water in hand. "I didn't expect it to be over so soon." You state. "They got what they needed." She smiles at you. You watch as she walks off, knowing it's it for the day. You feel a tap on your shoulder, turning around to see who it could be. "Do you do kissing scenes very often?" Miko asks, looking right at you. She towered over you just slightly as you were quite short, making your breath go uneasy for a second. "I do actually, that's one of the jobs I get frequently." She smirks to herself. "I can see why. You're a hell of a good kisser." You swallow at the compliment. Not knowing where all your bold attitude had gone to, but you were so hoping for it back. She comes a bit closer to you, leaning down to your ear.
"Why don't I take you home." Your eyes grew wide. Definitely taking up that offer right away, not only because you want to see where this goes with her, but because you had come here in an Uber. "I'd love that." She nods, putting her hand on your lower back. Watching as you walk to get your belongings. Was this really going to lead to something? Yes. It infact was. As you head out with her to her car you can help the butterflies at everything you're thinking right now. As you get in the passenger's seat, she wastes no time into kissing you, grabbing your face to bring you closer to her. Melting into it almost immediately, gaining that slight confidence and boldness back by situating yourself on her lap. Her hands roam your body, touching your waist, hips, sides. Even a cheeky little touch on your breasts every now and then. She guides her beautifully tattooed arms up your body yet again.
Sliding them under your shirt letting them rest over your bra. She pulls away from the kiss. "Can I take these off?" You bite your lip, nodding nonetheless. She swiftly does so, letting your tits spill out. She keeps eye contact with you, going to wrap her hands around them, lightly squeezing. Miko wraps her lips around one, sucking hard. Her hands held onto your back as she did so. You let your head fall back as she gently bites your nipple. Letting out breaths, even hearing a small noise emerge from her lips letting it vibrate slightly around you, as you put your hands in her soft hair. "Mmmm, please-" You purr out, wanting more and more of this. Of her. It was intoxicating by the minute making you more needy for her. She pulls away just admiring the slight purple tinge to your breast. She had sucked so hard it literally started to form a hickey. Her cockiness increasing at the sight.
You move your hands to her slightly toned arms, feeling the slight dents of muscle that formed in them. Admiring every tattoo on her. She gently moves your hips on her lap, feeling the friction of her thighs against you. You whine desperately wanting to feel so much more. "Patience Mami." She looks directly at you as she says that. You could feel yourself getting wetter at the name. "You wanna know something." You hum as she says that, her voice husky and lustful. "The oh so amazing thing that you're currently desperate for. Matches my microphone." She whispers in your ear. Sending cold shivers down your spine, her warm breath didn't change that it just made you colder, shakier, with need. She gets you to take off your jeans, but keeping on your black lace underwear. Guess she liked that.. Alot. You move your hands so that they're rested above her jeans. Letting them hook around her belt slightly. "Why don't you take them off for me." She looks at you, leaning back into the seat, and putting her arms behind her head.
You bite your lip a little harder this time, feeling your panties pool at this point. You do as told, unlooping the belt and sliding it out from its space in her jeans. You let it go into the backseat, discarding it for now. She doesn't budge, nor say anything. Keeping her eyes on you. You knew what was going on in her brain, she was filthy. She wanted to watch you do this all on your own, didn't she? You go to unzip them, sliding them down enough to get what you were after out, giving a quick glance and the band on her boxers, but immediately paying attention to the gold. And she wasn't lying. There it was, the rainbow strap. You could've sworn there was drool gathering at the corner of your lips, the thought of her sitting there, watching as you basically fuck yourself on it got you even more aroused.
Grabbing it slowly, positioning it at your entrance. Moving the fabric out of the way. "Rip them off." She suddenly says, eyes growing dark as she watches you. Your eyes go wide. "I'll buy you new ones." She subtly winks at you. You smirk at her, ripping the thin material in half, discarding that to the backseat also. "Good girl." That made you desperately claw for the strap, wanting nothing more then to be full of her. You begin to sink down on it, letting your mouth hang open at the delicious feeling. She continues to watch. Watching your facial features every time you'd move. Every little noise you made. She was stunned by you, how beautiful you were, how drawn she was to you. Keeping her arms behind her head just relaxing. She never takes her eyes off of you, only on occasion to watch as the strap dissappears inside of you. You couldn't help but let out a moan, feeling your breaths pick up.
She doesn't necessarily agree with the pace you're going at, so she begins to fuck up into you, making you latch onto the shoulders of the seat. Having your mouth slightly drop at the feeling. "Miko.." You whine out enjoying this so much. "Hm? Enjoying this. I bet you do, don't you?" You nod vigorously. "You're a slut huh.. letting me watch you fuck yourself on me. How very filthy." You bite your lip again, so much that it draws a little blood. The taste was irony, and bitter. You couldn't care less though. Miko leans forward, bringing her lips to your neck as you keep moving yourself on her. She sucks hard, loving how your tits had looked before. Wanting to mark a more visible area next. She moves the kisses from your neck, to your plump, slightly red lips.
She tasted the tiny bit of blood, making herself go crazy at everything that was happening. She grunts quietly into your mouth, moving her hands so they rested on your hips. "Gonna cum for me?" You lazily nod, feeling fucked out and tired. "Go on, I know you can. Make every director that's still in that building know, how good you're being fucked right now." That alone sent you overboard, feeling the knot tighten at her beautiful voice. You were inlove with it, scratchy but yet so pretty. She goes to your neck again, leaving kisses and a few hums, leading up to your ear again. She could tell you loved her voice, it's as if she could truly feel you clenching around her. "Mmm that's it Mamacita." She nibbles. "Cum all over me." And just like that, you did. Feeling yourself gush over her strap, letting your body fall into her touch and resting your head in her neck. You felt completely fucked out, letting out breaths as she gently rubbed your back.
"Im telling my team that you're gunna be in all of my upcoming music videos." You let a smile spread across your face. "How's that sound, film wife?" You close your eyes. "Just perfect."
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wantonrowls · 2 years
Stray Kids headcanons : Dating a single mom
Seo Changbin
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‌When the V clingy Changbin realised that he loves Y/N from upstairs in their apartment he would often sneak downstairs just to take some glances. Y/N would do laundry on the balcony then he comes there holding out a stare "Hi! may I help you?" "I uhm-,I uhhh, I am just uhmm, I'm just passing by" followed by a nervous laughter. Would ask his members what to give to someone you wanna meet
"Introduce yourself then give her our cd!" Hyunjin offers
"Introduce yourself then offer your help" I.N suggests
"Brownies?" Felix comments
‌So that's what he did, barely assisting Felix on baking some brownies the next day while he felt butterflies on his stomach at the thought of your face the moment he handed a bowl of it. He knocks at the door, still wearing an apron and holding a bowl of freshly-baked brownies that 'he' and Felix baked. He was greeted by a kid, barely opening the door "Who are you?" He asks, "Hi! I'm Uncle Changbin! We baked some brownies" "Mommy said not to take anything from strangers" Mommy? he thinks to himself "Hi?" Y/N's voice called him out from behind "Oh, Hi! I'm from upstairs, I'm just handing out some brownies that we made" He shyly admits, Y/N giggles, her kid flings the door open jumping on his feet to hug Y/N and shower her face with kisses "Mommy!" he excitedly exclaims, hiding behind her side when he notices Changbin still crouching at the door "I'm Changbin, by the way" he smiles from ear to ear offering his hand and Y/N touches his hand "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Changbin! this is my 8 year old"
‌You clarified to him that you are a single mom so he spent his entire off researching what to do to please an 8 year old kid. He learned that he likes to do baseball so he offers to accompany him at practices while you were away, buying the entire club with popsicle sticks during their break, cheering him whenever he scores a goal shouting from the bench from afar "That's it baby! You're so cool!" He shouts at the top of his lungs to the point the other parents were startled of him with his loud ass voice.
‌He would accompany him from school to home and vice versa if he has no schedule and they would secretly sneak a couple of minutes to eat at a nearby convenience store and just talk about their day like two besties, swaying their legs back and forth like kids, giggling whenever the kid would express his frustration over Y/N getting mad whenever he doesn't do what she says "I mean I don't wanna study all the time I also wanna laze around" "Same"
‌Would scare away his bullies with his bulk figure. One stare away and they'll scurry away from his kid. nobody dares to bully or in a way touch even the slightest tip of the hair of his kid.
‌Would hug you from behind while you cook, stealing pecks on your neck and involuntarily swaying you and giggling then getting flustered when he hears a small cough from behind, unclasping his hug from you
‌You'll go on aquarium dates, while you hug your kid he would lovingly stare at the both of you, sighing to himself that he's the luckiest man alive to receive this kind of love. The kid would pull his pointy finger to clasp the three of you in a hug
‌Would let the kid play on their studio. allowing him to play with the track pad while he pulls his phone to send a video to you. Would hype him up on the beat that the kid created even though it doesn't sound like anything but just random buzz and tings and zits.
‌It doesn't mind him at all that you already have a kid. He calls you a superwoman because he finds you powerful in handling out kid tempers because he himself is a kid.
‌Will ask permission from the kid before asking for your hand "Will you swore and protect my mommy?" "Of course, I would protect you and mommy in any kind of danger"
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Hwang Hyunjin
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‌When he fell inlove with Y/N he never knew that he had to court you and your daughter. So when the day of the picnic date came, he was kinda panicking to himself on how he would introduce himself to a 10-year old girl without her hating him. He brings three small canvases and some oil paints on the way so when they finished eating he would offer to paint and play
‌"D-do you like painting?" He asks shyly and she nods, her focus fixated on her canvas, He smiles to himself, getting proud that you and your daughter are enjoying yourself. He would break the sandwich to smaller bites and feed her, bringing the tip of the straw of her favorite strawberry juice on her mouth after every bite, Fixing the duck bucket hat that he bought on your daughter's hair. He's a bit timid himself so he doesn't know what to expect after the date. Would fetch your daughter from school straight to your office so the three of you could go out to dinner dates.
‌Hyunjin is the type to enjoy shopping for clothes. He would pull you excitedly at one of the shops inside the mall "Look! this is beautiful! She's gonna love this!" "Hyunjin that's a bit small for her body" "It has ruffles! omg" Whenever he's away overseas he would video call your daughter to ask about her day and she would just say "You only call me to ask about my mom" "No! look! the other uncles want to meet you too!" As he forces Felix and others to smile and greet you at the camera. Would shower you with love letters and poems even without a celebration.
‌He's a romanticist so he would enjoy cuddling a lot. Will often kiss your cheek or any part that his lips could reach whenever you're busy doing your business whether cooking or laundry or just casually watching tv. He would snuggle so close hugging you from behind on the couch, Y/N's daughter doesn't mind it as long as they won't kiss or in that case, see them kissing. Which eventually happened when he pecked at your lips and she was glancing, earning a "Yuck!" from her and she acts as if vomiting.
‌They would often spend a date at the museum without Y/N. Would eat outside sometimes, would tag kkami along because she wanted to meet him. He felt betrayed when kkami kissed her with ease. Would have a huge canvas of her in his room, painting it full of passion and love. He just can't help it but adores your daughter and feels that he has a twin Hyunjin in the body of a 10 year old.
‌Would take multiple pictures of you and your daughter. Even though he doesn't like the idea of living at your house, he would often visit and loves to spend the day, tugging your daughter to sleep on his chest while he strokes her hair, he would often do the same to you. trailing small kisses on the small of your back. He feels his heart racing at the thought of asking you out and then getting an additional beautiful soul to love and he feels overwhelmed.
‌He knelt infront of your daughter holding her small hands on his before asking if he could have your hands and she was giggling when she nodded and it was the best thing that happened to Hyunjin
It doesn't bother him that you're a single mom because he loves you and your daughter no matter what
‌Would also love to have a child of his own because he loves a carbon copy of you and him.
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biaonww · 8 months
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"unspoken feelings" sae itoshi based • angst. • i recommend listening to oceans & engines w/ this
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may contain errors, similar content is coincidental. • super fast paced huhu, but hopefully still enjoyable :^)
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6 years ago —
you were 17 when you had a crush on the sae itoshi. his eyes colored just like the ocean, and his hair reminds you of neutral pink. 
he was always so beautiful, and he did everything so beautifully. soccer, expressing his thoughts, his actions.. all done elegantly. but you knew you were two people who lived in two different worlds. 
but still, you tried to get to know him. and get close to him. 
so if not being lovers with him will settle, being friends will atleast be enough, you suppose.
so you ask for his number from his friend, shidou ryusei. 
4 years ago —
surprisingly, you two did become acquainted, then graduated high school as close friends. 
... the label ‘close friends’ that at some point, people thought you two act like an actual couple that was inlove with one another— but really, that seemt like a whole joke. 
since he was already dating someone. 
and you found out two days ago. 
well, it wasn’t surprising, of course. he’s a soccer star. he’s famous. rich, even. everyone’s dream man. and you can’t just keep him to yourself, too. because that would just be plain selfish. 
so one night, you were just tired of suppressing your feelings. 
the feeling of wanting him. 
you should’ve been contented being friends with him and still being in contact after high school— 
but there’s just this feeling, that it will never suffice for you.  ...
he noticed you acted strangely today. 
and he knows every single bit of you damn well. 
your perfectionism, how much you want to please everyone so that they don’t leave you, how you don’t want to be a second option. 
so you two fought that stormy night. 
“you’re keeping something from me, and i don’t like it.”
“i’m not.”
“you are. don’t fucking lie to me y/n. i know you damn well to say that you’re lying.”
“things won’t get better even if i tell you, okay?!”
“well you aren’t telling me! how can i help when you won’t-“
“sae itoshi! i am fucking inlove with you. but it makes me feel real pathetic standing next to you, while you have a girlfriend already.”
“it annoys me how i turn all mushy when i’m with you. it annoys me that i keep staring at your back going further and further away, because i can’t keep up with you. it annoys me how you can read me so well, but don’t get that i’m inlove with you.”
“i’m leaving to go back to kyoto, sae. i don’t want to loathe you because i like you. so it’s better if we stop being friends.”
“i’m drained from loving you, itoshi sae.”
and just like that, you slip out of his hands. 
the last image he had of you before leaving to go to kyoto, was that you were soaked in the rain and crying. crying because of him.
guess love never suited him, huh. since it will never last, and slowly rot once he gets a hold of it. 
two years ago —
you’ve heard he got engaged with the same girlfriend he dated three years ago. 
you think it’s time to let go of him. 
to finally let go of the past. 
so you finally send a message to him. a plain but pathetic “congratulations on your marriage, sae. i’m happy for you.”
honestly speaking, you expected him to have a new phone number, and that he blocked you. 
though he didn’t. your message had been delivered. 
still, it’s funny how you never changed his contact name on your phone. 
but you remember that his contact photo was a picture of you and him. smiling and all giddy back in the old days.
itoshi • 1:27 pm
y/n. thanks. i know it’s been a long time.. but do you wanna meet up and catch up?
and so you two hit it off and meet up. 
except, your boyfriend is with you. 
but he didn’t expect your new boyfriend would be rin. his younger brother.
… he can clearly see the way his brother looks at you.
one that represents the way sae used to look at you in late-night conversations that were spent in silk sheets back in high school,
a pathetic man who was admiring you. 
the present. 12 whole years after the past.
sae and you became friends again. 
so you think it’ll be fine inviting him and his wife to your wedding with your fiancè, right?
i mean— rin was good with you. he communicates with you, there’s trust in the relation, communication- mutual agreement.
there were some rough edges in your relation, but he actually tried for you. 
you’re getting ready with your makeup, and someone knocks on the door. 
“come in.”
you mumble, fixing the strap of the wedding dress you’re wearing. 
the door opens and it’s sae. it’s just him, standing alone. 
so you turn back to face him, smiling softly. 
“you came.”
“i did. uh, mia’s just sitting down in the assigned chair you set for us.”
“i wouldn’t miss your important day anyways.”
“thank you.”
“why thank me? i did nothing.”
he softly chuckles, adoring how beautiful you looked in the wedding dress. 
you always looked best in white either ways. 
“what are you staring at, sae?”
“— i’m inlove with you too.”
your smile dissipates, so he takes it as a bad sign. 
“sae. you can’t do this to me. please don’t say you love me.”
“not when i’m finally over you.”
“i know. but i never got to tell you what i really meant back then, didn’t i?”
“… sae. i love you. but not in that way anymore. sure, i’ve missed you as a friend. but i still love rin.”
“after i met rin, he changed my whole life. he helped me get over you.”
“you’re too late. i’m sorry.”
you place the eye shadow palette you were using back on the vanity, standing up as the church bells ring. 
“i have to go. he’s probably waiting.”
“go ahead.”
and so you do leave, walking down the aisle to marry his brother.  
to him, you were just a fraction of his life;
something that was past, but something he was still trying to hold on to, even if it was already destroyed.  if he never let you go that thundery night, would he be the one you were standing with at the altar? — fin.
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aa sorry for slow posts :(( im like super busy w things this week so... hopefully i'll get to post the reo fic on thursday/friday tho!! <3 reblogs, likes, and comments are vm appreciated
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hoonfication · 10 months
𝓜AKE YOU MINE a scaramouche smau
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──── iN WHiCH after a heated argument in middle school, you and your childhood best friend kunikuzushi drifted apart, ending your long friendship. Now in high school, both grappling with academic challenges due to your commitment to volleyball, you've had to temporarily stop playing to improve your grades. Luckily, your teacher assigns kunikuzushi, now one of the brightest students, to tutor you. However, there's still unresolved resentment from the past.
PAIRING volleyballplayer gn! reader x overachiever scaramouche
GENRE enemies to lovers, childhood friends, fluff, angst, high school au!
WARNING swearing, mentions of alcohol, kys/ kms/suicide jokes, & friendly bullying
TAGLIST ( OPEN ) send ask or comment to be added
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PROFILES sillies together we are fnaf
📓 𝓓EAR 𝓓IARY . . . i hate him!
CHAPTER 01 lock him up tf
CHAPTER 02 we get it u can stop now
CHAPTER 03 party time ( written )
CHAPTER 04 is he even invited ( written )
CHAPTER 05 as if ( written )
CHAPTER 06 what the fuck
CHAPTER 07 I blame childe
CHAPTER 08 jumping off a roof
CHAPTER 09 I’m not stupid ( written )
📓 𝓓EAR 𝓓IARY . . . to whoever is manifesting my downfall i will find you
CHAPTER 10 help me
CHAPTER 11 my heart is jumping ( written )
CHAPTER 12 fuck education
CHAPTER 13 oh never mind
CHAPTER 14 pls tell me ur joking ( written )
CHAPTER 15 i want to die
CHAPTER 16 prooblems
📓 𝓓EAR 𝓓IARY . . . I feel the tension ???
CHAPTER 17 couple quarrel ( written ) CHAPTER 17.5 flashbacks ( written )
CHAPTER 18 did u guys kiss or what
CHAPTER 19 feeling angry
CHAPTER 20 a win is a win
CHAPTER 21 come 2 my game
CHAPTER 22 is he even coming
CHAPTER 23 what is he doing here ( written )
CHAPTER 24 for me? ( written )
CHAPTER 25 I still hate you ( written )
CHAPTER 26 what am I feeling
CHAPTER 27 I don’t like them
📓 𝓓EAR 𝓓IARY . . . jealousy is a bad look
CHAPTER 28 shaking in my boots
CHAPTER 29 doyouwannagoonadate ( written )
CHAPTER 30 I hope I die
CHAPTER 31 just sobbed
CHAPTER 32 no one told ME
CHAPTER 33 I will puke
CHAPTER 34 “they’re only friends” IDC
CHAPTER 35 I will end myself ( written )
CHAPTER 36 “forget him I want her” take her
CHAPTER 37 someone kill me pls ( written )
CHAPTER 38 y/nscara is collapsing
📓 𝓓EAR 𝓓IARY . . . dumb bitch disease
CHAPTER 39 bad idea
CHAPTER 40 r u serious ( written )
CHAPTER 41 awks
CHAPTER 42 group study ( written )
CHAPTER 43 I give up
CHAPTER 44 he who must not be name
CHAPTER 45 they have a bf?
CHAPTER 46 get urself together
CHAPTER 47 that’s crazy
📓 𝓓EAR 𝓓IARY . . . loading
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﹑second smau oh em gee ?? i promise u this one would be better than my first one 😭 trust !!!
@livelaughlovekuni @veekoko @neigesprincess @dexocore @lemo-nadde @articmaskeddemon @scarasbaby @kaitfae @lylovw @latteluvs @lovemari @omlxlaure @yuzurixx @maxineshearts @quacking-simp @thystarsshine @chiyoso @yotraumainthebuilding @brain-r0tt @lovely028 @keiiqq @slvdsjjk @fangygf @kamiboo @mechanicalbeat1 @beriiov @feiherp @morgyyyyyyy @livelaughscara @projectsfantasy @saeskiss @kookiibun @saccharine-sucks @cl0udii-m00n @beardedpuppyperfection @featuredtofu @samyayaya
[ bold means I can’t tag you ! ]
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© hoonfication, 2023 all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works on any platform
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Hi there, I just recently found your blog and I am absolutely INLOVE with your writing. I read your Kuroo ones and I am HOOKED. The way you write just touches my heart in all the right places.
Anyways, may I make a request angst/hurt to comfort with Kuroo and Suga x reader with daddy issues. Where them and reader have been quite distant towards each other and reader just wants to spend time with them. But due to the stress of work they start to lash out on reader and they then come to an arguement. Things get heated up, to the point they make a comment about how possesive we are and says "You're just like your father." They realize what they've done and comfort reader from their statement and fluff ensues.
Please feel free to ignore this request if you don't want to write it. Have a good day!
Sugawara Koushi x Reader, Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader (3k wc)
WARNING: Angst, arguments, neglect, hurt, hurt/comfort, happy ending, mentions of past trauma
A/N: Okay, so when I first read your request I had to sit and try not to cry because wow, you are so sweet and amazing. Thank you for the kind words, it really really made my day. 😭 Honestly an awesome person like you would send in an awesome request, thank you! The requests I’ve gotten so far (which, multiple requests?! You guys are AMAZING!) are all angst centric and I honestly am living for it. Thank you, I hope you enjoy!!!
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Sugawara Koushi has been ridiculously busy
The children at school are restless - it’s the prime time between long holiday breaks and they’re losing their focus
The teachers are no better, including Suga
Pair that with a nasty cold that’s been floating around, Suga is drained
He goes to school, works harder to help out his fellow teachers and placate whiny students
And he comes home, eats whatever is in front of him, and goes to sleep
This isn’t ideal, but it wouldn’t be a terrible situation if he was single
But he’s not
He’s been married to you for almost three years now, and they have been the best three years of your life
But these past few weeks have definitely tried your patience and the unbreakable bond between you and your husband
And you think it’s about time that you say something about it
“Are you serious right now YN?”
From the moment Sugawara stepped into the house you knew that this conversation wouldn’t go well. He looked just a tired and ragged as he’s looked for the past two weeks, and you knew that he would want to be left alone.
But seeing how you’ve been left alone this entire time, you’ve had enough.
“I am serious.” You reply evenly. “It’s just a dinner, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to go out. And it’s at the place Daichi recommended, so -“
“Typical.” Suga interrupts you, throwing his hands up. “Not checking with me if I would even want to go out. You just plow ahead and assume that I’ll go along with it!”
“I don’t do that,” you argue. “I thought we could enjoy a nice dinner together, Koushi. I feel like I’ve barely seen you, and -“
“There’s a reason for that.”
You narrow your eyes at your husband’s muttering. “I beg your pardon?”
Suga matches your glare with one of his own. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. Work has been unbelievably stressful for me, and you’re not thinking about my needs or anything. You never do!”
You feel your mouth drop open in surprise. “Your needs? What -“
“God, you always have to have the plan!” Suga plows forward, cutting off your reply. “You always have to be the one setting the agenda! Having control! I feel like you’re micro-managing me and I can’t deal with it right now!” He breathes heavily, his hands gesturing around. “You just assume that I’ll go along with whatever you want, and the one time I’m telling you I don’t want to, you just freak out!”
“I’m not freaking out!” Your voice raises to match Suga’s. “I’m just -“
“God, you’re just like your father.”
Whatever you thought you were going to say is wiped away from the bomb that Suga just dropped on the conversation. You stand in the kitchen in complete silence, too stunned to offer a weak rebuttal to his shot at you. You’re silent for long enough that Suga turns and walks away without contributing anything else to the now dead argument, and he leaves you alone to your thoughts.
God, you’re just like your father.
Your father, the man who was the definition of micro-manage. Who planned out what felt like every second of every day for you. From what you would eat, to what you would study, to where you would go. It wasn’t apparent until you had grown up and wanted to try different sports or join some clubs in school. But no - nothing that would deviate from his plan for you. A plan that included you studying and earning the top grades and going to college before joining his company as a prominent employee. Hanging out with friends would have distracted you from homework, playing a sport would have exhausted you and you wouldn’t have focused enough on your studies.
The constant monitoring had been suffocating, and you vowed that you would never treat anyone else like that. Like their wants and desires were second to what you thought would be best. You would respect them, because you understood how fucking awful it was when your opinions were cast aside.
So to have your husband compare you to your father - to think that your treatment of him is comparable to how your father treated you growing up - was sobering. You weren’t like him, right? You were just lonely and wanted one night with your husband. And Suga never complained about you making plans for them before - but did that mean he’s always hated it and never told you?
The realization leaves you shaken, and you quickly reach for the phone. Cancelling your dinner reservation is the least you could do to right this ongoing wrong.
“Morning YN.”
You hum in response to your husband coming down the stairs into the kitchen. It’s early, the morning after your argument with Sugawara.
He doesn’t have to work today, and normally you’d enjoy the early morning together in bed, cuddled under the sheets and reveling in the silence before the world around you wakes up. But this time, you let Suga sleep longer and went downstairs instead. He would always complain about you being up early and not letting him sleep in, and maybe he expressed his displeasure by dragging you close and trapping you in bed for longer while he dozed. You thought it was endearing, and you never really thought he was mad. But you didn’t want to risk upsetting him more, so you had left him alone to sleep.
“Someone was up early,” Suga notes, making himself a cup of coffee. “Surprised you got out of bed.”
You hum again, taking another sip of your coffee. You miss the look of confusion that passes over Suga’s face, but you’re more focused on being quiet lest you upset him.
It feels so weird to not talk with Suga in the morning, to chatter about your dream and let him offer his thoughts, and just let the conversation flow between you both. You love being able to talk about anything and nothing, but you’re making yourself hold back. For all you know, Suga was just playing along to make you happy, when in reality he enjoys silence. Not knowing what your husband really wants hurts, but you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy and respect his wishes.
“Are we doing anything today?” Suga asks after five minutes of complete silence.
You shrug. “I think I might do some reading.”
“Oh.” You don’t hear any inflection in his response, so you can’t tell if he’s relieved or not to be left alone. “Well, I might try to catch up on sleep. Maybe clean up my desk.”
“Sounds good.” You stand from the table and walk to the sink to rinse out your mug. The silence is stifling, and it’s paired with the heavy tension that comes after an argument, but you’ll be damned if you go and break it. When your husband is ready to talk, you’ll listen.
Arms come and wrap around your waist. You feel Suga press a kiss between your shoulder blades, and you can’t help but relax into his embrace.
“I’m sorry about last night,” he says quietly. “I know I’ve been more irritable lately, and I haven’t been paying enough attention to you.” Another kiss, and you hear him sigh. “I’ve been a bad husband, and I shouldn’t have yelled at you last night.”
It’s an apology that should reassure you, tell you that you didn’t do anything wrong. And yet, the echo chamber in your brain has Suga’s words bouncing around, reminding you of what you’ve done.
Suga squeezes his arms around you. “I can’t wait for that dinner. Thank you for getting us reservations, I remember Daichi saying it was hard.”
“I cancelled that.” You reply quietly. “We don’t have to go anymore.”
You step out of Suga’s arms, easy after they slacken from what you said. You resolutely don’t check and see if your words and actions had any effect on your husband - you don’t want to see the relief of cancelled plans that he didn’t even want color his face.
“What? Why?”
That’s not disappointment, is it?
You cave, and look at your husband. Sure enough, the dismay is clear on his face, mixed with confusion.
“Why did you cancel our reservation?” He asks again. “You’ve wanted to go there, and I thought you wanted a date night.”
“But you didn’t want it.” You say. It’s your turn to be confused. “You said last night. And I’m trying to be more respectful of what you want, so I cancelled it.”
Suga doesn’t say anything, and from his furrowed brows you can tell he’s thinking hard. You wait, unsure if you should provide more context or explanation, but suddenly your husband’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh, YN.” Comprehension spreads across his face, changing from confusion to crestfallen. “Is this what I said last night? About your dad?”
You flinch, definitely not expecting him to bring that back up. You look away, unable to bring yourself to speak, let alone look at him.
“Is that why you let me sleep in this morning? And why you’ve been so quiet?”
You hear quiet footsteps, and soon arms are pulling you into your husband’s chest. You feel it lifting and falling quickly, and it’s paired with the quick breathes you hear coming from Suga. You let yourself be enveloped in his warmth.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers to you. “YN I’m so sorry. I should never had said that, you are nothing like your father.” He squeezes you tighter. “I never feel like you’re controlling me, and I love when you make plans for us and organize dates to places that we both would like. I really like when you take me places that you like, and let me fall in love with you more. I’m sorry I said that, that was completely out of line for me.”
You exhale sharply, feeling the weight and tension you put on your shoulders melt away. It’s gradual at first, after hearing Suga’s words wash over you. But as you take in what he’s saying, and the words start to comprehend in your brain, you feel yourself sag with relief. The man holding you isn’t some stranger, or someone who was just putting up with you and your antics. He did love you, and there’s the respect between you both that allows you to be who you are around him, knowing that he’ll be who he is and you love each other for that.
Kuroo Tetsuro has been crazy busy
Despite the regular volleyball season being over, the Japan Volleyball Association never rests
There’s players to scout, teams to promote, events to coordinate
It’s a sad fact you’ve come to realize
Not that you’re not proud of your husband, you just miss him
You try to tell him, but it doesn’t really work out that well
“You’re not listening to me!”
“I can hear you fine. In case you weren’t aware, you’re nearly screaming at me about my life choices!”
You let out a noise of frustration, definitely not at the same volume as a scream would be. You and Kuroo are arguing, yet again, about how his work is taking up a lot of his time, especially time that he would spend with you. You tried to explain this to him, but he’s taken it as you bashing him for working hard for his job.
Which, yeah you may have had some choice words that weren’t the best. (‘Soulless Corporate Zombie’ probably wasn’t the best thing to call him.) But you were frustrated.
“I am not screaming,” you snap back now. “If I was screaming our neighbor would have called the cops by now!”
“Oh, spending a lot of time with the neighbor, huh?” Kuroo sneers, his tie loose around his neck from him aggressively taking it off without fully removing it. He’s still in his business clothes, having just get home from work 20 minutes ago. “You say you’re lonely but you seem to have plenty of company next door!”
“Do you even hear yourself right now?” You ask incredulously. “Are you really equating time I could spend with my husband to time I could spend with our 80-year-old neighbor?!”
“Well I don’t know, YN! All I hear is me not meeting the impossible standards you set for us, and me being at fault for it!” Kuroo laughs, meanly, before shaking his head. “Remind you of anyone? Maybe your father?”
You gaps, completely shocked at the low blow. Kuroo knew how hard your father pushed you growing up, and how you never gained his approval. No matter what he did, you were never good enough for his approval. That idea of you never being enough transferred into a lot of your daily life, and it took people like Kuroo to prove to you that you were enough.
However this was the first time that you have been accused of setting impossible standards. The first time you’re supposedly ridiculing and harping on Kuroo for not meeting your expectations. And it doesn’t feel that great. Mainly because you would never do that to your husband, or anyone else. There’s one thing to ask the bare minimum from people, and another to ask for something that they couldn’t do. You know you’re not asking for much, just for your husband to be home a little earlier, or to spend time with you. But you can’t think straight enough to explain this to Kuroo in a patient and coherent way.
If there was one thing you inherited from your father, it was his temper.
“Fuck you Kuroo,” you snarl back. “That was a fucked up thing to say you complete ass.”
You think you see a flash of regret pass across his face, but it’s gone as quick as it came. “Well I’m only speaking the truth. It’s not my fault that you learned it from him or whatever.”
Kuroo turns away, grabbing his coat from the chair he left it on, and not letting you get another word in. You watch him stomp over to the door, seethe as he jams his feet into his shoes. As he reaches for the door, one last retort falls from your lips.
“Oh, running out on me now? Remind you of anyone? Maybe your father?”
The words are out before you can take them back. The stinging retort, a mix of his earlier barb remixed specifically to hurt, is something you know you’ll regret saying for the rest of your life. Because you see Kuroo fumble for the door knob, you see the tension in his tight shoulder blades, and you feel the absolute pain that you unleashed onto him. On your wedding day you vowed to never bring Kuroo pain, only to alleviate it - and with those quick words you’d shattered that promise.
Kuroo doesn’t look back as he yanks the door open, and the slam of it shutting echoes in your empty apartment.
You’re left alone, the remnants of your argument wafting in the air and seeping into your bones, and honestly unsure if your husband will come back home.
It’s early, way too early, when you hear the door open. You wake from your restless sleep, sit up from the couch, and see Kuroo toeing off his shoes.
Your heart fully unclenches in your chest. It wasn’t fully tensed, relaxed only slightly after you had received a text from Kenma notifying you that Kuroo was with him. But when you had gotten that message you weren’t nearly as relieved. Kuroo was safe, but the same couldn’t be said for your relationship.
You had no idea where you both stood after the argument. You both said cruel, awful things, things you would have never dared to think. His words had cut deep into the part of your brain that fully repressed all feelings related to the awful relationship with your father. And instead of you telling Kuroo how he hurt you, you lashed out, equally cutting deep to the part of Kuroo that repressed all feelings related to the nonexistent relationship he had with his father. You realized in the night that part of you was glad that he left, unsure what would have happened had you both continued to argue and scream. But another part longed for the comfort he provided you.
And now you feel some relief, knowing that he’s home. But another part is fearful of what’s to come.
Kuroo slowly walks into the apartment, and freezes when he sees you on the couch.
“Did you sleep?” He asks, his voice quiet and hoarse.
You shrug. “A little. You?”
He shrugs back. “A little.”
You wait for him to take his spot next to you, to come into the space that belongs to him. But when he hesitates, you realize he’s waiting for confirmation that he can come back. You realize that he’s feared of being cast out from his cruel actions. It’s the same fear you harbor, but you’re quick to quell his distress.
“Come here,” you murmur, holding out your arms. Kuroo doesn’t hesitate to come around the couch and fall into your embrace. The force knocks you back into the cushions but you welcome it. You bring him back to you, close to you, and simultaneously allow yourself to relax as his presence washes over you.
You will both have to apologize for what you said to each other. You know you will have to properly communicate the loneliness you’ve been feeling, and Kuroo knows that he will have to manage his time so he can be there for you. But right now, you hold each other and feel the comfort that you provide to each other. And you let yourselves be relieved of any lingering doubt that you are like your fathers. Because while your father asked the impossible, you know you only ask for mutual respect and trust. And while Kuroo’s father left, Kuroo came back.
That simple knowledge is enough for now, and you hug each other tighter, knowing you are both better than your fathers ever were.
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Taglist (Crossed out cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @ara-mitsue @meianshugoswife @amarinthe @savantsoulfinder @iamapotat @myasaaaam @jellien @rntrsuna
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everythingoiezoie · 2 years
Donna Beneviento is a sweetheart and it’s been nearly a year and i am still inlove please send help, i -
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Hello Aine! Is it ok if I request a Langris one-shot about him just falling inlove for a commoner S/O? Aside from that, how are you? Are sleeping enough hours? Eating at the right time? I hope you are, and thank you so much for making my day brighter and brighter everytime I read your fics. I love you so much, thank you for everything.
Bby 🥺 Hold up what is this love attack? 😭💓 thank you! I am eating well but as for sleep, I’m working on it! I happy to know my fics make your day brighter bby, reading your little love letter has made my day brighter. i love you so much too <3
Langris x f! commoner! reader
TW: profanities. Also this is the pieced that I spent 1 hour on but got everything wiped out because I accidentally closed the tab, so bear with me, I tried to type everything out at super speed.
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It has always been your mom and you since you remembered. Your mom ran a little humble noodle store in the busy streets of Kikka, the common realm. During your free time, you would help out at your mom's store, it was all that you both had.
"Hey pretty face, is our noodles ready?" A customer called out.
"Oh sorry sir," you said while running around tables, "your order will be ready soon! There's just 2 more orders before you!"
"What?" he shouted at you with his reddened face, "we've been waiting for 20 mins now"
The other guests quietened down and all eyes were on you, "sorry to keep you waiting sir, it's peak hour now, we're trying to send out all your orders as soon as possible!"
The man grabbed at your wrist as you walked past, "then you can keep us company here while our order is ready~"
You tried to pull your hand away but your perpetrator was too strong, as you struggled, his gripped became stronger.
"ouch!" you yelped, "please let go!"
He simply laughed, "whatcha gonna do?"
Your mana surged but you were not strong, you barely inflicted any injuries on him but you made him even angrier.
"You wench!" he flung you across some empty tables. The chairs toppled over, soup and noodles poured onto you. You fell onto the ground with a thud.
"What's going on?" your mom came out of the kitchen after hearing the commotion and quickly rushed towards you, "are you okay, darling??"
"You must be the boss here," the troublemaker towered over your mom.
"Yes I am, and please get out of my shop, we do not welcome you!" she raised her voice at the man.
The drunkard yanked at your mom's hair as he went into a fury. The guests in your restaurant started running away in fear.
"Stop!!" you pleaded as you tried to pull onto him but to no avail.
A flurry of sand hit the man in the face and rays of light caught the two man in a flash. Before you knew what was going on, the two man were on their knees binded by magic.
2 man walked in, a tall guy with green hair came over to you and your mom, "are you both okay?"
You both nodded as you held onto and checked your mom for serious injuries.
The chestnut haired man was stepping on the shoulders of the crook, "Like stirring trouble eh? You'll be in a pile of troublesome fines and jail time, I hope you'll enjoy."
He turned to his partner, "Alecdora, bring them in."
"okay, the victims are all okay Vice Captain Langris." Alecdora reported to the shorter man.
Langris took one look at you and tilted his head. His aquamarine eyes stared straight into yours, "this one is obviously not okay, Alec."
He pointed to your reddened wrist, "look."
He then held onto your hand and firmly but gently showed Alecdora the back of your arm that were covered in bruises from crashing into the tables.
"My poor baby," your mom started crying.
"It's okay mama," you consoled her, "I'm okay.."
"Please, come with us and we'll escort you to the hospital, we would also need your help to report on what happened earlier.." Alecdora gestured for you to follow them.
"Yes please, bring her to the doctors.." your mom beckoned for you to go, "don't worry baby, mama will be cleaning up the place, I'm okay. We're just going to close for the day.."
With much reluctance, you went with the two strangers.
The moment you were outside, you turned to the both of them, "thank you for your help earlier, but I feel worried for my mom.. Please ask any questions you need then I'll just head to the pharmacy to get some ointments and I'll head back.."
Alecdora looked at you and then to Langris, who was totally unfazed, he opened a portal for Alecdora to bring the two crooks back to the HQ.
He then turned to you, "Don't be stubborn and just go to the hospital."
"But I think I'm fine.." you tried to persuade Langris.
Langris' hands reached to behind you and pressed onto your back.
"Ouch!" you winced and jumped at the pain.
"See?" he snorted, "you better get that checked before you cannot walk, miss."
"I-I'll be okay with a little rest, my mom has a lot of cleaning up to do.. And she must feel scared to be alone now.." you looked back at the direction of your noodle shop.
He then opened a portal and looked at you, "You just need 1 second to travel when you're with me. So move your feet."
As the doctor examined you, he shook his head a little, "oh dear young lady, I think you had better take an xray.."
"Oh no it's okay sir.." you waved your hands at the doctor, "I'll be okay after a few days of rest."
"Stop being stubborn," Langris crossed his arm as he leaned on the door of the doctor's room.
The doctor looked at Langris, "Vice Captain Langris, we are unable to proceed with a patient if they are unwilling to take treatment.. It's the law."
Langris sighed, "Could you give us a minute?"
The doctor gave Langris a puzzled looked, but he eventually stepped out of the room, leaving the both of you alone.
"what's the reason?" Langris spoke when the doctor left, "are you hiding something?"
"wha- no?" you were confused, "I just do not want to continue with the examination."
"Why do you keep refusing to get treated?" Langris came over and put a hand on the table, staring at you, "are you terminally ill or pregnant that your mom cannot know?"
"NO!" you exclaimed in a high pitched voice.
"I just.. have no money to pay for the high medical bills.." you said quietly.
Langris' eyes widened for awhile and he was silent for 5 seconds before speaking again, "look, you're obviously in a bad shape. If you're not getting treated it might get worst. Also, after this, I'll take your statement, and I'll find witnesses from today and I'll make that son of a gun pay for all your medical bills and today's losses."
"But what if it doesn't work? What if he's a noble or some rich dude and everything just gets swept under the carpet and we get nothing except a ton of debts??" you retorted, seeing that this happened frequently.
"I'll pay for all your bills today and when you get compensated, you can pay me back, else you don't have to pay me." his ocean like orbs stared into your eyes with confidence.
"Why are you so sure?" you asked him.
"Because I am Langris Vaude and I'm the Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn. I'll see to it that the idiot gets punished for today."
Holy shit, you didn't know he was the vice captain of the Golden Dawn.
"Oh, what?" he raised a brow at you.
"No wonder even the doctor had to be chased out of his own office for you," you accidentally blurted out what was on your mind.
Langris lips couldn't help but curl into a smile, he really didn't expect you to say that out of the blue. He let out a scoff, "I'll go get the doctor back now."
After you took your xray, Langris came back and took down your statement while you waited for the xray results. You were cleared when your xrays were all fine, your back was just heavily bruised and you were told to be on light work for the next week.
Langris took you back with his spatial magic and in mere seconds you were already at the door of your shop.
"wow." you looked at him with amazement.
Warmth spread across his cheeks uncontrollably as he quickly pushed open the door to your shop.
"My baby, you're back!" your mom exclaimed. There were another 2 people in the shop with your mom, they were also wearing the same robe as Langris and Alecdora.
"You guys got everything settled here?" Langris asked them.
"Yes, we even went to talk to a few witnesses."
"Good." Langris nodded, "Let's go then."
The vice captain turned over to you and said, "we'll be back with updates as soon as possible."
That night, you fell asleep pretty quickly. It was probably the exhaustion from the day kicking in, or it was the lovely weather that made it easy to sleep.
But for the vice captain of the golden dawn, he couldn't stop thinking of the young lady he met earlier this evening. You were so stubborn but once the problem was settled, you were actually pretty fuss free. Although your powers were weak, but your willpower was pretty strong. You were like a stray cat that was left to survive and fend for yourself and he couldn't help but want to protect you.
He couldn't help but think about what you said and smile to himself quietly as he shook his head. He knew he was pretty great, but did you have to act like you've seen god or something?
He then thought about the pig that hurt you today and he was immediately angry. He thought about the countless things he was gonna do to them. He vowed on his name to get a huge sum of money from him as compensation to you.
More importantly, he found himself wanting to quickly work on this case so he could see you again and see the look on your face when he brought you good news. He wondered what you would say to him then? He couldn't help but smile to himself again.
This was the best I could do for a one-shot anony!! I like writing for Langris because he's sucha grumpy softy. HEHE, that's just so cute, in my opinion hehe. I hope you liked this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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saturatedboy · 3 years
Hai! Can i request something can you please do a Donna x gn!reader where donna is a goddess who fell inlove with a cannibal reader ( just love the thought of the reader coming back home with blood still on their mouth and donna would scold them but would find it hot at the same time )
If it's alright ofc
Donna x GN!Reader
-I am more than happy to fill out your request! This was so much fun to write and I really hope you enjoy as much as I did writing it.
-Requests: Open
Trigger Warning: Mentions of cannibalism and blood.
Well, well, well- that was sure an an entertaining fight.
Crouching down, your slightly cherry eyes scanned over the blissful ,now forever sleep, deceased women. Her eyes were left open to become crisp within the open air that casted a spell of arctic weather. Her pale thin lips was slightly agape as she had breathed in her breath of her last. Her dress had became shreds once she was in your grasp, being easily taken down from your weight and height. She looked nothing more than a pile of shredded meat. Although that didn't sound pleasing to a sane mind, you was relishing in the smell of fresh metallic blood. Seeing some of it spill into the snow below had forced a small growl to bubble in your throat. That was good blood wasted, you just had to hope that there was more in her than was spilled. You could've been caught but for now you hadn't. Your animalistic growls had most likely sent a warning towards the village that wasn't even as far as 50 feet away from you and the women.
She had been walking through the gates whilst you had been leaning against them. Back a few moments ago, you were just a normal human. Eating normal food much to your dismay, drinking their berried juice and taking part in their culture towards Mother Miranda. As your eyes gazed over the woman that had walked out, you watched her trip over a rock and smash her knee into the ground. Her soft cries had awoken your true self up. Biting your bottom lip, you looked back at the village and made a choice to follow the woman into the forest, however, her blood was dripping down her leg as she continued her walk, not even getting far away from the village before you had jumped her and clawed her from the back. She had tried to fight back, screaming for someone to help her from your sinful self but you were so caught up in the small smell of blood that you just had to get a taste.
And that is how you had became to straddle the dead woman on the snowy floor. Behind you, you could hear the cheers of shocked children who had heard the woman's cries only to be met with your back faced towards them as you kept her down. At first, the children thought nothing of it. Maybe the woman had been laughing at first but oh no- their innocence would be shattered when they watched you push yourself down so your mouth hovered over her knee. Giving the cut a small kitty lick, you raised your head all the way back and clasp open your jaw, revealing two rows of sharp teeth that had sprouted out from your gums. Saliva had became thick in your mouth, acting as a lubricant so anything that goes into your mouth would easily be swallowed.
Thrusting your head back down, you clamped your jaw around her knee, feeling the pulse of your own heart rate speed up. The distance cries of the children were forgotten by your mind as you clasped shut your eyelids together. Ripping the meat of the woman's leg, you swirled your tongue around it savouring the taste of each second. Swallowing was an easy task for yourself, all you had to do was angle your head fully back so the meat could easily be pushed down your throat and to your stomach. After eating that mouthful, you had went down for another bite, more blood splattering against the ground and your hands as you separated the skin off the bones.
A sudden shot had made you shoot up and look back. There was most of the village watching in horror as you smiled and waved at them. Seeing your blooded state, some men and women had fainted. Mothers had covered their younglings eyes as you flashed and bared your teeth in a teasing manner. The girl at the very front stood with a loaded rifle, pointing it at you with shaky arms. 'No wonder she missed' you thought, being amused at the brave girl who is trying to get revenge on you for murdering her mother.
"Get away from my MOTHER!" She screamed, shooting another shot at you only this time it had pieced your front of the right shoulder. You shrugged and got up, biting the inside of your cheek and tried your best not to whine out in pain. Although in serious pain, your cheeky side was still showing through. Crouching down once again, you dragged the deceased woman from the ground back into the forest with yourself hearing the screaming of the girl more and the villages holding her back telling her to forget about it.
Once far into the snowy forest, you feasted upon the body making sure to leaved just bones. This was the best meal you had ever since you had last feasted which was at least a month ago. Licking your hands clean of the tainted blood, you had threw the bones at a lycan who had came to watch the show. "Maybe next time," You spoke, letting your shark-like teeth sink back into your gums and eyes be glazed over with their neutral colour. Your mind was brought back however after the transformation to the gun-shot wound. Hunching over and grabbing tightly onto your shoulder, you heaved yourself back towards your home that you shared with someone else. You smiled at the though of seeing your lover once again. How mad she would be with you, it just riled you up in a good way. How naughty she could be when she was annoyed or even frustrated and yet just a simple flirt from you would leave her into a stammering mess and forgetting her task on why she was scolding you in the first place.
The manor wasn't too far away from your current spot, maybe another 5 minute walk at most. As you walked, you had tried to experiment by sticking your finger into the gun-shot hole. Never. Again.
After the quick experiment that you had immediately regretted, your eyes went wide as saucers as you looked up ahead and saw the manor looming in the light grey fog. Running and letting you rather long tongue hang from your mouth, you jumped up the steps like a small child and knocked on the door with a fast fist. When you heard movement from within, you stood back and bounced on the heels of your shoes still holding your shot shoulder.
You whine happily as the door opened, revealing a Goddess in your eyes of creativity and masterpieces. "Donna!" You squealed out loud, jumping towards her to hug her only for her to step to the side with a displeased look. You fell inside on your stomach, groaning in pain. The gentle bang on the door had shut it, and the clicking of Lady Beneviento's shoes had forced you to roll onto your back and stare up at the petite woman with a pained grin. "Hey beautiful~" You flirted, sending a wink towards her way. She scoffed with a deep scarlet blush and learned down only to prod at your hand covering your arm.
"Not only have you brought dirt, mud and snow into the home," She said as she forced your hand back away from your shoulder, "You have also gotten yourself hurt. Now c'mon, the quicker you're all fixed up the quicker I can keep a watchful eye on you cannibal." You pouted at her words, being clean wasn't much of your style but if she wanted you to be clean you'll push through your dislikes to impress her.
Pulling yourself off the ground, you followed the Goddess in black to the bathrooms where she had started the shower. She turned back to face you and called for Angie her doll. Soon the doll had swiftly entered the same room with a pout of her own. "Don't make me baby sit them pleaseeee," Angie had cried out, pointing an accusing finger at you. You lightly gasp playfully and pointed back at her,
"Yeah don't leave me in here with her. Ya know she throws toilet paper into the shower-"
"I do not!" She defended, swirling around to stay behind Donna who looked stressed.
"Yes. you. do" You called back, sticking your tongue out. Angie growled and pushed Donna towards you, playfully winking at you. You held Donna in your arms as she tried to wriggle out your grip.
"Let. me gooo," She whined out, twisting left and right and tried to push herself away from you. Angie laughed and called some other of Donna's creations into the bathroom to watch the playful scene. They clapped and jumped about, getting excited at the new game it seemed you and Donna was playing. Forcing Donna to stop squirming, you held her close and leaned your head to rest on her shoulder. "You're going to get blood on me..."
"Oh I know sweetie," A fast reply came from your mouth as you kissed her under her jaw making her gasp slightly at the contact. Her hands bad tightened on your biceps as she shook slightly. You let out a breathy chuckle as you let her go and backed away giving her space. "So, imma get cleaned now," You said whilst walking around the frozen Goddess licking your lips slightly s you got rid to the best of your abilities the dried up blood. However once coming back to reality, Donna huffed and turned to face you about to give you a scolding as she normally did until she saw you licking the blood off your lips.
Walking quickly, she grabbed the cloth that rested in the sink and made her way back to the shower to rinse the cloth under it. After she squeezed and twisted the cloth till all excess water had dripped out, she then followed up to your figure as you were trying to get Angie to point out where you missed licking the blood. Donna had grabbed you by your left shoulder and turned you around to face her briskly. As you turned, you was met with a damp cloth on your lips, the occasional movement of Donna's fingers brushing your cheek as she did so. She moved the cloth in circular motions, staring at your lips as she bit her own gently. You loved her touch, it was so soft and gentle. Being in her arms every now and again was worth any bullet to the shoulder. Once done, she gently took the cloth off your face and let her dainty thumb brush along your bottom lip.
"Get a room you two," Angie said as she watched the whole thing go down. She was sat on the sink edge, holding her head in her hand as she rested her elbow on her knee. She looked half asleep, most likely from working all day or playing with the other puppets. Donna coughed to cover up her embarrassment and took a step back placing her hands neatly folded in front of her.
"I'll be going now, get cleaned please." She left with Angie following her however just as Angie rounded the corner of the door, she popped her head back through and blew a raspberry at you. You laughed and strolled towards the door to shut it. Placing the lock on, you stripped bare and got pumped to go in the shower. You already knew the pain you were going to suffer from this.
The day had turned to night and you were bundled up in the kitchen working over a pot of stew. You had a loose shirt on covering your bandages around your right shoulder. It was a pain to get in the shower, your shoulder had felt like it was on fire and you hated every second of it. However luckily for you, Donna had some ointment for you to use after to be able to have a quicker healing wound. You swatted away the sweat that had slipped down your forehead and went back to stirring the pot. It was your night to cook for your family and for once you weren't going to use human meat like you had before- actually that's how Donna found out that your perfect figure in her eyes was a cannibal. She was shocked at first but got used to the smell of blood that had normally lingered on your lips after a meal outside. Angie on the other hand was enthusiastic at the new claim that you loved eating your own flesh. She kept asking if you were to bite into someone would they become a vampire? Or if when your eyes turned their cherry colour would you see the world in red? So many questions yet boring answers to each one, her words not yours.
You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist as you continued cooking. You felt a weight lean against your body as you placed the wooden spoon down off to the side. Turning around, you held Donna in your arms. "It smells good," She spoke, keeping her head in your chest. You lightly laughed and pattered her back, using your other hand to hold her head close to you. Slowly you both had started to sway enjoying the warmth of each other.
"It smells good because I cooked it," You smiled at her, chuckling at her reaction which was a raised eye brow and a smug smile.
"Yes, obviously it's because of that," She remarked, letting you go and giving you a short pec on the lips. She backed away from you and turned her attention to the table which was set for two. A candle was lit and flowers in a pot where placed in a vase in the middle. "Where did you get those flowers from?" She asked, turning to look at you with hands on her hips. You sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of your neck, making your own move of going back to stirring the pot of stew.
"Definitely not your garden,"
"...You're lucky I love you dear." The sound of a chair being pulled out made you smile sweetly at yourself with closed eyes.
Yes, you were very lucky to have her.
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215-luv · 4 years
Can i request a short scenario for Atsumu? So his gf is drunk and called him in the middle of the night saying emotional things like "I'm sorry, want you back" (but actually they are still in a relationship ofcs) xD
when atsumu sees your name showed on his screen, he answers your call in a swift
“hey b-“
“miya atsumuuu~” you slur
he chuckles when he hears hour slightly drunk voice, “baby?”
it all became smiles and fun
atsumu’s absolutely inlove with your drunk state, already grinning to himself upon how adorable you’re being
he waits for your response
until he hears you sniffling from the speaker, he immediately PANICKS
“b-babe? are you crying?”
shit, she didn’t use any nickname
“w-what’s wrong darlin?”
he felt his heart drop
you stifle, “i-i’m sorry, i want you back..”
“ATSUMUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!” you yelled through the speaker. he yelps in surprise
your boyfriend had to pull the phone away from his ear from how loud your voice is being!!!
you continue, “i-i miss you s-so so, m-much!! d-don’t leave me please!”
“..i want y-you back..”
goodness, atsumu felt his shoulders relax
tho you were crying he couldnt help but go completely feral at how adorable you are currently being
you’re so cute y/n please hoyl fuck please baby i am going to squish you omg y/n you’re so cute baby y/n you’re my only baby i love you please marry me already y/n baby please
he sighs in relief before lifting the corners of his lips
“my baby, why would you think i’d leave you, hm?”
“..you’re not here..”
“is that so?” he grins, “then expect me to come pick ya up right now, pretty girl. send me the location n i’ll take care of ya, kay?”
you murmur, “kaayy.”
atsumu felt his grin widening. oh how he just couldn’t wait to see you
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author-morgan · 4 years
Hello, dear! Best wishes to you, I hope you are doing well. If you take any requests about m!Eivor, could you please write the story about how he saw in his dream (or Valka trip) a reader and fell inlove with them, but then met them in real life? A bit of magic never disturbs. ;D Thank you, I love your writing!
here you are! hope you enjoy and apologies for the wait! guest appearance by Havi!
m!Eivor x fem!Reader 
IT IS A rare thing when King of the Æsir comes to Fensalir of his own volition —leaving behind the golden hall and his score of warriors. He walks at the edge of the water through the tall grasses with Huginn resting on his shoulder and Muninn flying overhead. His gaze lingers ahead to a figure clothed in white, picking flowers and herbs. Frigg —a smile pulls at his lips— my queen. Huginn leaps into the sky when he pushes back his dark hood, stepping closer to where his heart and troubled mind have led him. 
“Havi,” you greet, having foreseen his arrival and the reason for it. Rising from the patch of white blooms —Baldr’s brow, you named them, after your beloved son— you brush the dirt from your hands and smooth down the front of your white gown. He stands before you as few have seen him, vulnerable and seeking guidance for a storm brews in the depths of his mind. The clouds gather, shadowing his clear blue gaze and giving him the countenance of a man walking the path to self-destruction. It is a look you do not like to see in any man, especially your husband. 
He does not explain his coming —long has the giant, Vafþrúðnir, dwelled in your husband’s mind for no other reason save the claim he is the wisest being in the nine realms. Taking Havi’s hand, you lead him to a bench at the edge of the fen-water, thinking of ways to dissuade him from a needless battle of strength or wit. You peer up at him from beneath your lashes, thumb running across his knuckles. “You are ever wise, husband–” Havi’s lips kink into a half-smile at the praise though it falters a moment later as you continue “–but Vafþrúðnir is the all the wiser.”
Two ravens with dark feathers shining like an oil slick in the pale sun come to perch —Huginn sits proudly on Havi’s shoulder, Muninn on yours. If it is only concern Havi has for the movement and dealings of the mighty Jötunn, then his ravens would suffice, but the look he wears is not one of mere concern. Muninn croaks at your ear as though he agrees with your thoughts. You reach up, stroking the feathers of Muninn’s underbelly. “Send Huginn or Muninn in your stead,” you supplicate, watching the crooked smile creep up onto his lips.
“Sweet Frigg,” Havi says, bemused by what he considers your concern, “you doubt me still.”
“Only because you do not see what is more than ten steps ahead of you until you arrive,” you admonish. Havi is wise in his own right, though at times, his temper tried to outweigh wisdom and reason. “You have your doubts,” you tell him with a soft smile, no other knew Havi as you did —sometimes he wonders if you know him better than he knows himself, and oft times the answer is yes, “else you would not visit my dwellings.” He looks away, shaking his head with a soft smile, unable to deny his wife and queen knew him well. You raise your hand to his scarred cheek, bringing his gaze back to you. “Go, dear Havi,” you breathe, “yet know I will not soothe your wounded pride.”
He rises from the bench, and you follow —both ravens leaping back into the watercolor sky. “When has my queen ever done so?” Havi steps closer, his rough hands cradling your face. You tilt your chin up, accepting a kiss as payment for your counsel. 
THE GOD OF Thunder and your step-son comes to Fensalir asking you to tend his father. Havi has been distraught for days after visiting with the Nornir, and Thor believes his beloved step-mother and queen are the only balm for such distress. You go to him in the twilight hours, finding him sitting atop the world with a distant and troubled look. He pays no mind to your approach, save moving to the left on his great throne to make room for you to sit. “What ails your mind, dear Havi?” You ask, sitting at his side —fingertips following the scar on his cheek, brushing through his close-cropped golden beard now tinged with the first kiss of silver. 
Havi turns his head, looking upon you in despair, but there is something else in his solemn gaze too —defeat. He pulls your hand from his cheek, thumb stroking the back of your palm. “Have you foreseen what the Nornir have?” 
Thor had not dispelled the reason behind the storm brewing within his father, but upon his question, you know what is troubling him —for the doom of the Æsir has plagued your thoughts and waking dreams. Though perhaps a worse fate lay ahead should you beget what visions fate had bestowed upon you. Havi is not one to accept his foretold ruin without first attempting to thwart the threads of fate. Information could be a dangerous thing. The difference between poison and medicine often lay within the dose. Sighing softly, you slip your hand free of his gentle grasp. 
“I cannot reveal what I have seen, nor am I privy what others have foreseen.” You lay your hand on his scarred cheek, bringing his gaze to you. The spark in your eyes gives him hope and eases his mind. Sweet Frigg, he thinks, ever the cure for my madness, my rock in a tempestuous sea. Havi covers your hand with his and leans toward you. The rough hair of his beard tickling your cheek before his lips brush against yours. “Have faith,” you breathe upon parting, resting your forehead against his. “Ragnarök shall not be our end.” It is a promise. 
“EIVOR!” WALLACE CRIES, helping his sister bring an injured woman into the longhouse of Ravensthorpe on a stormy night. He rouses from sleep and hastily puts on his tunic, greeting the hunters while rubbing his heavy eyes as they adjust to the dying firelight from the cook-fire and braziers. Eivor does not expect to see a woman supported between the siblings —head lolled forward with blood dripping from her arm and side. It takes him a moment to spur into action, but he takes Petra’s place and leads the injured woman to his chambers, helping her to the straw-and-rag stuffed mattress. 
Kneeling, he brushes aside the hair clinging her to face and freezes, eyes wide. “Frigg.” He breathes the name without a second thought and feels his heart clench. This woman is but a stranger, and yet a part of him has always known her. He is sure of it. Eivor presses his hand against the gash at her side and looks over his shoulder to Petra. It will take more than a cautery iron to heal this affliction. “Find Valka,” he tells the huntress. She nods, bolting from the longhouse as Wallace brings a basin of water and torn pieces of an old tunic. 
Valka comes with her poultices and cordials, kneeling bedside. As soon as she looks between Eivor and the injured woman, the Seer knows. Eivor Wolfsmal may be attempting to escape one knot in the tangled threads of fate, but he cannot run from them all. A bloody hour passes, but when the Seer takes her leave, she tells Eivor the woman will live, for the gods have smiled upon her, just as they smiled upon him. 
GROANING, YOU BEGIN to wake with a pang of hunger and thirst —the dull throbbing in your ribs is only a distant pain. The bed beneath you is soft, the wool and pelt blankets warm. The scent of cloudberries and honey linger in the air, reminders of a home no longer standing and a place you frequent in dreams. A rough hand curls around your wrist, jarring you into alertness, suddenly aware of the unfamiliar surroundings and the man sitting bedside in a disheveled tunic with partially unbound golden hair, hardly awake in the morning hours. “Havi?” You whisper. His is a face you know well —from his kind blue gaze to the scar on his cheek and the curve in a once-broken nose. 
He stares at you. He knows you. Eivor knows the curve of your lips, the gleam in your eyes, even the whisper of your voice. Sweet Frigg, his mind murmurs again and a strange feeling of relief overcomes him —as though a lifetime search has finally come to a close. “Eivor,” he corrects, ripping himself from the dream. Petra told him how they found you in the forest, stumbling away from the largest wolf either hunter ever seen. “They say you fended off a wolf on your own.” Spoken like that, it sounds a heroic deed —you left the beast for dead near a ravine, but the wolf had almost done the same to you. “What were you doing out in such a storm?” He asks, raising a tired brow. 
“Searching–” you sit up with a groan, holding onto your linen-bound side “–for home.” One of his hands covers yours, the other pressing against your lower back. Beholding Eivor, though, you realize your search has ended —you do not know him, but the feeling in your gut and the lightness of your heart in his presence tells you this is home. Dear Havi. Dreams and fate have led you here for a purpose. 
Eyes darting over Eivor’s features, you smile, offering your name. He repeats it, lips kinked. Your name is just as sweet on his lips as Frigg’s, if not sweeter. A moment passes, the silence hanging in the early morning air broken by the low croak of a raven perched in the rafters above your resting bed. Eivor glances up at Sýnin —the raven can sense something too. “You can stay here,” he notes, softly and without hesitance. “Ravensthorpe can be your home.” 
The generous offer makes your heart clench and brings tears welling up in your eyes. He smiles, and now you are certain your searches have finally ended. You pull your hand away from your side and Eivor’s hand, lifting it to his scarred cheek as you’ve done hundreds of times in dreams. Unwittingly, he leans into the touch —he’s done this before, and he recognizes the gentle caress of your thumb as it runs over the jagged scar. Eivor sighs  —all of this and you are familiar. 
Driven by memory, he rises to his knees, seeking your lips with his own. The tickle of his beard on your jaw and cheek is a warning, but you do not shy away —you’ve known him for a hundred lifetimes, and this is only a reunion. Eivor’s lips move against yours, both his arms loosely sliding around your waist. You smile against his lips, fingers combing through his golden beard. There are no sparks, for there is already a deep flame kindled between you both —one that cannot be extinguished in this life or the next. The threads of fate come together, and two halves are made whole. 
[taglist:  @kvitravn @vanillabeanlattes @nemo-my-name-forevermore  @withered-poppies @ananriel @britishhotassassin @maximalblaze @khaoskrossed @theelvenvalkyrie @xxdearlybeloved @elizabethroestone @elluvians @letsloveimagines @finick94 @wallsarecrumbling @kitkitvm @thedragonqueenfan @callmemythicalminx @edelaen @dynamicorbit @itseivwhore ] if you’d like to be added to my Eivor taglist, just let me know!
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saqui · 3 years
Top 3 ships from any fandom?
Top 3 ships...
Oh gawd... If I get attacked by my ships, I will still stand still because anyways, I like them and ships brings me comfort or ease especially in the times when I need it. I love ships(even if some wont be canon) so why not.
Top 3
Akalynn (KDA) (LeagueOf Legends)
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From "Popstars" MV
Anyways, this ship is... h o t. I'm SUPER INLOVE with their dynamic. Street one and the fancy(hot) one. They're too hot together. Also they always stand next to each other and always lean on to each other which is wholesome af.
Top 2
Lumity (The Owl House)
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From "Enchanting Grom Fright" (S1 E16)
Yes... who wouldn't.
I mean their relationship with each other is fking perfect and real. Wholesome and they benefit each other alot. Even if it was one-sided crush, it doesn't feel like it is unhealthy or the one who had a crush feel left out and I FKING LOVE IT. ISTG THIS IS PERFECT AND HAS LIKE ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING AF WRITING OF RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT(platonic AND romantic) TO EVER EXIST. I LOVE THEN FFDRDJEK-
-calm down now-
I heard season 2 has alot more stuff going on now... imma try to watch if I can. (Please send link ;'))
Honorable Mentions
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Kanao x Tanjiro (Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba)
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Naruto x Sasuke (Naruto)
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Bumbleby (Yang x Blake) (RWBY)
Because they reminds me of me and my gf then I fell inlove with this ship suddenly. I love them no matter what
Top 1
RoseGarden (Ruby x Oscar) (RWBY)
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Couple of shots from "Necessary Sacrifice" (V5 C5)
(This is gonna be long so beware if you dont want very long stuff)
This ship does have flaws and uncertainties that I understand that not everyone ships this and doesnt like this: "the Ozpin thing" which is a common reason(dont take this as a "call out" or anything hateful) and lack of screentime/execution(im not sure how u guys call it ?? I still lack some vocabulary) but I understand its kinda hard to balance the main plot and character relationships. There are other personal reasons too or its just not their thing which I also understand.
I personally still love this ship so much though because of their connection and how they care and treat each other. I love their platonic relationship with each other because even if they are honest about something even if it's hard truth, they can still respect each other and doesnt think of each other as someone below them, just an honest friend trying to help out or care and thats what I love about their connection and I love honest yet caring bonds. I also love their emotional bonding too and it's very comforting and wholesome to me. Everytime I see them interact(platonic or not), it gives me light and great ease so you wouldn't be surprised if you see me have alot of rg screenshots and fanarts in my gallery XD. But despite how much I LOVE this ship, I actually don't care where they'll end up as long as they get closer and thats the only main thing I am rooting for. Ruby can end up with Oscar, Weiss, Jaune or be an independent woman or any path she takes as long as when the series ends, the fndm wont get to a bigger war than now-
Anyways, ship what you guys ship. I dont care what kind of taste of ships you like as long as you dont fking attack people for just a fking ship (which is not supposed to be taken as "We'll all die because of this and that" when it comes to fandoms and such cuz wtf)
So anyways(again), I just really love these ships that are mentioned even if they won't likely or arent really canon. Some are for crack (or for fun) and some are personal taste and some are really what I find so amazing in their own way. I love em all. Relationships/bonds are my literal comfort during quarantine right now haha.
Holy fk-
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taeyamayang · 3 years
Congrats on 200 pea! my name is Yume and i'd like to get matched with a boy pls :)
I do a lot of writing and drawing, playing visual novels, and reading manga/watching anime!
I love listening to music since its very distracting from the loud noises (im sensitive to loud noises so music helps me out a lot + to calm down) hanging out with my friends or just going out to places with somsone and watching horror movies.
I dislike being in crowds and loud noises and loud loud people (but i can tolerate depending who) i also hate insects, i have a big fear of them but i dont hate them, my brain and heart just go bersek when i see one :')
I'm an INTJ, very shy at firsy but once you get to know me there's no turning back from my chaotic nature. I love making people laugh even if its in my own expence (did i word that right? lol my first language isin't english) I tend to be impulsive and talk without thinking and be blunt, i dont tend to sugar coat things and come off as brutal or rude but also kind of funny according to my best friend (even if i dont mean to) normally to others i talk alot and be loud but at the same time im an introvert and its all a facade :''))) so when i just get tired or zone out people around to feel bad for me since they think im sad (apperantly i have a both a sad restibg face an a resting bish face) but im not sad im just chilling in my imagination and simping for 2D people :'b
(I hope i didn't overshare, thank you!♡)
i am pairing you withㅡYamaguchi Tadashi
↬ who doesn't love this gumball like srsly? he's such an angel, a sweet human who had been hurt before yet still managed to keep a tender heart. he's an introvert (don't argue with me on this) i think he fits well with your intolerance with loud noises. im guessing he's not a people pleaser too so when you say something brutally honest to him i think he's the type to smile at you and accept your constructive criticism. he's also sensitive of other's feelings (s3 with tsukki) so PLEASE he's literally a walking fresh breath of air in this vile universe. and i think you'll fall inlove (if you aren't yet) with how soft his voice is plus his giggle?? have you heard of his giggle if you havent appreciated that much yet GO SEARCH FOR IT ON YOUTUBE,, okay i should prolly calm down. last thing, your names kinda rhyme?? yume and yams?? yumeyams?? it's coincidental i promise you. that's all.
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your head nods thanks to the man working behind the counter as he hands you the paper bag filled with the books you bought. you grip onto the cotton strap holding the bag as your other hand steadies your phone as you type in your message using one hand.
"i'm done with the bookstore. where are you?" you press on the send button and wait for your friend's reply as you stand idly outside of the store.
"long line, sorry! ill pick you up there since the person i want you to meet will be there in a few!" your eyes narrow at the text your friend sent you. meeting with someone is not part of the plan.
you sigh loudly before pulling your earphones from the pocket of your bottoms. you navigate through the applications installed in your phone. you click on the familiar green app thereafter pressing play on your favorite tune. you let the rhythm carry your thoughts into your own bubble as you hum with the melody.
however, you were quickly snatched away from your paradise when you feel someone tug on the hem of your shirt.
"mommy!" your eyes widen when a toddler refers you to someone you're not. you remove one earphone from your ear to look at the kid once more, taking in the whole situation unraveling before your eyes. your orbs catch on shoes standing near the kid. you look up to see a young man about your age with a worried look on his face. tiny spots of darker specks akin to stars in the midnight sky outline the upper part of his face. your pupils meet and the boy's eyelids stretches out.
"she lost her parents but she won't come with me unless you go with us. she kept insisting you should come." his voice is muted yet loud enough for you to hear. the kid cries louder.
"hey, where did you last see your parents?" you crunch down, folding your knees as you level your gaze with the kid. the boy keeps his eyes on you as you attempt to cease the child's tantrum.
"t-the event." she sniffs as she wipes the tears on his cheeks using her entire forearm. you figured the kid is referring to the family event held in the main building of the mall.
"okay, we'll go find your parents." she sniffs one more time before nodding at you. your soothing voice seem to work on the kid. she takes your hand using her small ones while her other hand latches onto the hands of the boy with troubled face. you bring your eyes to the latter.
"i guess we're going together." you say, earning a tight smile from the boy.
the whole walk to the main building of the mall is in silence. you assumed he isn't much of a big talker and you yourself aren't great at small talks. so, you let the silence fill the whole way to the event, glancing at him from time to time to check on his features. you have been around this area your whole life but you haven't seen him before. the three of you reach the main building and immediately a staff from the event approaches the three of you.
"get your family signed up to get vouchers limited only to those who joined the event!" the woman enthusiastically shows you a fliers with products at discount.
"we're not-" the boy cuts you off,
"maybe some other time, thank you." he kindly refuses the woman's offer, catching you off guard with his choice of words. he made it seem like the three of you are a legit family.
"i don't like making complicated explanations. by simply saying that, it saves time." he turns his head to you.
"mommy!" the kid untangles her hands from yours as she rushes to a woman in her late thirties. she welcomes the kid with her arms in the air ready to collide with her child's embrace. once the reunion is over, the woman nears the two of you. she thanks you both genuinely, worry and gratefulness both etched on her face.
"thank you so much for your kind efforts. you two make a great couple." she shakes each of your hands but her last statement made you raise an eyebrow.
"we, uh," the boy tries to counter her assumption but it's your turn to cut him off.
"it was nothing." you smile at the mother before turning your head to the boy and shooting him a knowing look. he tears his eyes away from your as his cheeks slowly bathes in red. the woman and the child leave both of you behind. you shift your orbs back to meet with his'.
"you said you didn't like explaining complex things to strangers?" you cock your head to the side, teasing him. he scratched the back of his head as he offers you a bashful smile.
"yume!" surprisingly, your friend calls you from a distance, shopping bags clinging onto her forearms. her eyes widen when she takes in the boy next to you. "yams? is that you tadashi? i meant to introduce the two of you to each other but i think I'm late to the party."
in unison, both of you turn your heads to the side. his eyes holding yours and your lips pulling up into a smile; astounded by the unexpected serendipity.
"i guess we're meant to meet afterall." yamaguchi says as his smile grows wider.
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a/n: yams is so cute i want to cuddle him,, anyway thanks for joining the event!
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
sorry for being a little mia yesterday/today - i’m bad at answering stuff :(
Were the team like "Meian we have an idea for a team bonding exercise hear us out" or was Meian's idea? A way to get their manager undercontrol before they got the team in deeper trouble? Did Meian get his turn??
I love your stories!
people seem to have fundamentally misunderstood the ending of unprofessional. when meian said the others were coming, he meant they were comin’ for their turn with their pretty lil manager 👀asdfgfcghjhjkl no, but meian was definitely on board with the plan - it might not have been his idea, but he certainly wasn’t objecting. it’s for the good of the team, after all. 
and thank you!
Sakusa walking alone with manager-chan: it’s free real estate
where is the lie??
ahhh thank you bby!! and i hope your exams went well!! i’m sure you kicked ass!
POOR LITTLE MANAGER CHAN. I never thought anything could make MSBY boys hotter, but mean!Meian takes the cake~ I want him to act like the good guy after all this is over, to pretend to be the one looking out for their dear sweet manager, all the while he conspires with the boys behind our back 😊
y’all should know better than to trust any man in my fics. meian would 100% stay back to ‘clean you up’ and take care of you. he’ll be the one making sure you don’t neglect your duties, while also making sure you’re not being treated too roughly by his boys. mostly. well, you can take it.
THE MSBY FIC IS SO GOOIID. Would u mind me asking what’s gonna be ur next fic?
bold of you to assume i know the answer to that
I love the idea of Sakusa getting to stake his claim first. Sending the rest of the boys a couple of pics. You snooze you lose! It was the perfect opportunity, how could he not take advantage? I for one would have probably got in his car like a naive idiot!
This is one thing about your fics I love. There is so much side plot and nuances we can explore. I dont know how to describe it, I just love the depth! Plus the smut is hot as hell 💕
sakusa might not film it, but he sure as hell ain’t against sending some pics of the aftermath, just as a less than friendly reminder of who you really belong to. out of all of them, i definitely think he’s the most possessive. 
and i’ve joked with some of my moots before that i am incapable of writing anything, much less smut, without throwing in a fuckton of backstory, even if i don’t actually write it all in. it’s always fun to write about tho, and i get super excited when somebody picks up on a little thing and i get the excuse to ramble on about it a little more! anyway ily, thanks for the ask!
not me laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Tomas, Inunaki and Meian having their turn with me 🧎🏼‍♀️
i was tired and wanted the fic posted but rest assured anon, it happened
I just wanna say your protectivecop!Daichi makes me feel things I didn't know I had but also physician!Ennoshita getting quite handsy during the hour where he's helping you stretch and I'm just .... whoa like I would love to have Ennoshita look after me and also Daichi 🥰🥰- @itishebihime-samaforyou
hhhh i don’t write nearly enough ennoshita.... or actually... none at all, which is a disgrace! because yes!! he’s just so sweet and calming isn’t he? you trust him. even when his hands touch places you don’t think they’re supposed to, even when they linger, squeezing, he’s just doing his job, right?
Settle Oikawa bringing his perfect little family to his games and showing them off before the crowd and his opponents 🥺
he’d have to trust you to behave before he’d let you do that ;)
On the wiki page it says Osamu, with enough provocation, gets angry and physical, and spews profanity. Led to me thinking Osamu's poor gf trying to break up with him for some reason, she's moving away for school, he's getting too clingy, or letting atsumu's hang around too much and being a bit creepy, or what ever. Just GF saying enough is enough we should move on and Osamu, sweet chill Osamu just going apeshit. It would be terrifying!
angry atsumu is one thing, angry osamu is a whole other ballgame! but yes, he’d lose his shit, you’re not going anywhere and you’re sure as fuck not leaving him.
rhiiiii 🥺 would the soulmate nastyboy miyas ever show you a smidgen of kindness? like the thing thats coming to mind for me is if reader was delirious and sick with a fever or something and she was in a lot of pain and they like 🥺 did one ☝️ nice thing in their horrible little miya lives
(I ask this because I have an infection in my jaw thats making my wholeass head hurt and I’m pretty mmmmm sick rn, so I’m mindlessly daydreaming about evil miyas being Nice™ to my heavily-medicated ass AHFIAHHD)
first of all, i hope you’re doing okay bby! please take care of yourself, gets lots of rest - i’m sending you all the love!!!
secondly, absolutely! don’t get me wrong, no matter how good you are, how much of yourself you give them, they’re never gonna be soft and sweet with you all the time, but they do love you. if you did get sick, osamu’s gonna take time off work to stay at home and cook for you, trading off with atsumu over who looks after you. and i think if you were heavily drugged out of it, they might just let their guard down a little - you’re not fighting back against their ‘affection’ so they don’t have to act so harsh about it. there’s just something about you being all soft and pliant that’s almost domestic. expect a lot of smothering cuddling.
Hi! I just read Final Girl, (absolutely loved it btw 💖) but I was curious, if she was pregnant but in the tent with her boyfriend did he assume it was his or did he know? I was just curious and thinking about the back story! Thank you :)
so there’s actually like a few months that pass between when the reader’s campsite is attacked (and her friends/boyfriend are all hunted down and killed) and the scene where she’s pregnant and running through the woods - so the baby daddy’s one of the trio 👀
Bless your brain and all its glorious lewd genius UwU - @beany-goes-dark
ahh bby, you give me far too much credit but ily!!
Please take of yourself and stay safe ily we can wait 💖✨
on a physical level i understand this, but my monkey brain drives me to write until 4am in the morning i am not the one in control here (but shgjhjkfgjkl thank you you’re so sweet!)
Hey! I was wondering if it's okay if I talked to you about my kin list and showed it to ya? I've never made one and I genuinely have no one to talk to about it or show😅 thank you in advance
w-what is a kin list?? 👀
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
Ok hear me out 22,25 and 29 from the smut prompt list with Jeff please. Also I’m literally in love with everything you’ve written -🥺
22:  “You’ll be sore for days…”
25:  "Nothing better than a nice beard burn between your thighs."
29:  “Louder. I want him to hear you scream my name.”
Y/n just moved to LA about 2 months ago and until she can find an apartment she’s been saying with her best friend Zane, Zane just bought a house and he lives with his friends Matt and Todd and they had a spare room. Y/n, Zane and Heath all went to high school together and they convinced her to finally make the move to LA once her singing videos started taking off online. Once Y/n moved here the boys introduced her to the rest of their friends, she hit it off with them right away and they took her under their wing showing her around LA. She got closest with Matt and Jeff though she talked to both of them everyday and if she wasn’t with Zane or Heath she was with Jeff or Matt. The only difference was Y/n and Matt were just friends there wasn’t really an attraction for her there, but with Jeff she couldn’t keep her hands or eyes off of him and that’s what lead to them hooking up. Since she was new to LA she wasn’t really interested in dating anyone and her and Jeff were on the same page with that but they were definitely sleeping together. No one knew except Zane and Heath, she told them everything. 
The whole group was supposed to be going to Saddle ranch tonight so Y/n invited Jeff over since they both didn’t really drink she didn’t feel like going and babysitting the guys. Y/n was sitting on the couch with Matt while Todd and Zane got ready. “Come on Y/n you don’t want to go out with us?” Matt groans from the seat next to her. She shrugs and shakes her head turning her attention toward him. “Nah I don’t feel like going out tonight, Jeff’s gonna come over and were gonna order take out or something.” She said nonchalantly, it wasn’t odd for them to stay back no one usually thought anything of it, they managed to hide the fact that they’re hooking up from the rest of the group pretty well. Matt sighs and stands once the guys come out of their rooms. “Okay fine we’ll see you when we get back.” She smiles and nods standing up, Y/n kissed Matt’s cheek and hugs him. “Go have fun Matty, try to pick up some girls or something.” She teases before kissing Zane’s cheek and hugging Todd. “Bye guys be safe please.” Zane chuckles and nods. “Yeah we’ll try. Come on boys the uber is here.” The guys leave and shes finally alone. 
“Doll?” Jeff calls walking into the front door closing and locking it behind him. “I’m in my bedroom.” She yells from her bed scrolling through her phone. Jeff walks into her room closing that door behind him too. “You shouldn’t leave that door unlocked while you’re here alone.” He warns her kicking off his shoes and heading over to lay next to her on her bed. She rolls her eyes putting her phone on her nightstand. “You were coming I wasn’t worried.” She says shrugging before getting on top of him straddling his waist. Jeff hums noticing shes only in panties and a t-shirt. “Glad to see you were ready for me.” He mumbles and runs his hands up her shirt slipping it off over her head. “Well now this isn’t fair you’re wearing way more clothes then me.” She wines pulling his shirt off over his head and tugging on the waistband of his shorts. Jeff shakes his head. “Slow down Angel, we have plenty of time, I want to take care of you first.” Jeff flips them over y/n laying under him biting her lip, he pulls down her panties while kissing her lips, he runs his tongue over her bottom lip slowly before she opens her mouth slightly allowing his tongue entrance to tangle with hers. They kissed like this for awhile before he pulled away leaving her breathless, that boy can kiss, Jeff slowly kisses down her neck and chest stopping at her breasts, he takes one of her nipples in his mouth circling it with his tongue sucking hungrily. Jeff massages the other one with his hand twisting the nub in between his two fingers causing her to arch her back into his touch moaning. “Jeff.” She wines. “What angel?” he asks breathing against her hard nipple. “Stop teasing please.” She moans running her fingers through his hair pulling slightly. 
Jeff smirks and places himself between her thighs kissing and biting the silky skin around where shes dying for him to touch. Y/n wiggles trying to get him where she wants him, Jeff wraps his arms around her thighs holding her against the mattress. “Patience Angel.” he breaths before he licks between her folds causing her to moan loudly, thank god the guys were all out she would die if they heard her. Without missing a beat Jeff’s tongue starts lapping up her juices and circling her sensitive clit, She tastes so good Jeff can’t help but devour her moving his head from side to side licking her sloppily. Y/n is a moaning mess her fingers holding onto his hair tightly. Jeff pulls away slightly after slipping two fingers into her, he looks up at her smirking  "Nothing better than a nice beard burn between your thighs right Angel?” He asks before diving back in sucking on her clit, at this point her legs are shaking and shes ready to explode. “Jeff I’m gonna cum.” She moans grinding her hips against his face dying for release. “Cum on my fingers.” He mumbles against her folds pumping his fingers in and out of her faster and just like that shes cumming moaning his name at the top of her lungs pulling his hair. 
Jeff lays next to her smirking and licking his lips and fingers clean. “God you taste amazing.” Y/n leans over and kisses his lips before laying her head on his chest trying to catch her breath. “That was amazing.” Jeff wraps his arms around her and kisses the top of her head. “Come on lets watch a movie and order some food.” He says taking out his phone. 
It’s 12:30 AM when she hears someone coming toward her room, Jeff and her are watching a movie and cuddling not expecting anyone for a few more hours, usually everyone is out until almost 4AM, she gets up from her bed putting on her t-shirt and panties. There’s a soft knock on the door, “Y/n/n” Matt calls softly, Y/n cracks the door enough for her to stand in the doorway and Matt not see into the room and Jeff laying on her bed naked from the couple or rounds they already have gone. “Matty? What are you guys doing back so early?” She asks smiling softly at him, Jeff rolls his eyes, he likes Matt they’re friends and all but Matt is practically inlove with Y/n and she has no clue, but shes way out of his league. He could never handle her, she was a wild one. “It’s just me, I took an uber home, I had a lot to drink and I just wanted to come and see you.” Matt confesses his eyes darting between her eyes and her bare long legs. “Jeff is still here, we’re watching a movie, why don’t you get some water and go lay down in your room.” She suggests rubbing his arm smiling. “Can’t you tell him to leave? I wanna sleep with you tonight and cuddle.” He slurs trying to keep his voice down so Jeff doesn’t hear but fails because of how drunk he is, Y/n shakes her head. “Go to sleep Matt, we’ll hangout tomorrow okay?” She kisses his cheek and sends him on his way closing her bedroom door. Y/n lays back down next to Jeff. “Sorry about that.” She says a little embarrassed, Matt was never like that, sure they would watch movies together and cuddle on the couch but he’s never been in her bed before, she was confused. Jeff smirks and shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it, he wont remember it tomorrow.” He kisses her neck pulling her shirt off again. Y/n bites her lip once she sees his hard cock standing straight up again, she couldn’t believe he wanted to go again. 
“What about Matt?” She whispers once he is removing her panties again. “Don’t worry about him, like I said he wont remember anything tomorrow.” Jeff mumbles into her neck lining himself up with her entrance.  “You’ll be sore for days though Angel.” he promises before trusting into her roughly. He was gonna give Matt a show that’s for sure. He thrusts into her roughly pulling her legs over his shoulder. Y/n bit her lip hard trying to hold back her moans but it was getting harder with each rough hard thrust right against her g-spot. “Jeff.” She squeals arching her back biting her knuckles. Jeff grabs her hands pinning them over her head as he quickens his pace, she moans as her orgasm is already building  “Louder. I want him to hear you scream my name.” Jeff growls bucking his hips as hard as he can, he can feel that shes close, her legs are shaking and shes so tight around his throbbing cock. “Jefffffff!” She screams as she finally lets go cumming around his cock, Jeff moans and is following right behind her releasing into her thrusting sloppily a couple more times before pulling out and falling onto the bed next to her. “Fuck that was so hot.” He says breathlessly looking over at her flushed face smirking. “Poor Matt.” She giggles shaking her head at a smirking Jeff.  
A/n: Got a little carried away with this one haha 
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