#i choked a little bit on my food at lunch and now i cannot stop coughing
patheticgirlsteve · 2 years
dying painfully and slowly but please, do not mourn for me
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Betta Fish Do - Part 18
You all weren't supposed to get this until Monday, but to celebrate being released from the shadow ban! Have at it! Chapter 15 when on Ao3, MasterpostWC: 2353
Danny left the lecture with a smile on his face. It wasn’t that the lecture had been particularly enjoyable or anything, no, Danny just had been smiling more often than not the last few weeks. It was hard not to when he thought about Jason and the fact that they were dating.
He had a boyfriend. A very hot, very sweet boyfriend who was amazing at planning dates. Aside from the museum, they had also gone back to the beach and the little city near it, and kept up with their normal meals and exploring the city. It all really made Danny realize how much the two of them had been practically dating before their actual date. It was a nice realization. It meant much hadn’t had to change other than being able to hold hands… and take advantage of kissing Jason. Those were changes Danny was very much enjoying.
The next proper date was Danny’s to plan (he had insisted) and different ideas were filling up his head. He wanted to make it as special as the dates Jason had planned for him. The museum had been perfect, after all. It was a lot to live up to. Today, though, was just going over to Jason’s for a meal and to watch something. He pulled out his phone and gave Jason a call to see what food he should pick up.
“Hey, Jay.”
“Fish, hi, um, can I— no you cannot!” Jason answered, sounding like he had turned his face away from the phone. Someone in the background answered back. “No, do not—”
There was the rustling and muffled words before silence. And then— “Hey little fish!” Whoever had just taken over the call was much more chipper sounding.
“Hello,” Danny replied, bemused.
Whoever it was let out a sudden meep as obvious sounds of scuffling filled the background of the call. “So, I'm Jason's brother, Dick.“
“Give me back my phone you fucker!” Jason shouted, his words slightly muffled.
“Hello, Dick.”
An exhaled oof of air was followed by a loud crash and what Danny was pretty sure was one of them kicking the other.
“You can't keep him from me forever!” Dick cried. “Anyways, I'm at Jason's.”
Danny could help but grin at the antics. “I gathered.”
“Right— back off Jaybird— want to come over for lunch? Since I’m, oh shi—”
Danny winced at the sound of the phone hitting the floor. They were really going at it now. He’d give them props for creative cussing. As he listened to the sounds of the fight, he made his way to the subway stop.
Finally, a slightly breathless Jason reclaimed the phone. “Sorry about him.”
“It's fine. Want to put in an order at the Malaysian place for us and I'll pick it up? I'm already on my way over.”
“No,” Jason said (whined, really, though Danny knew he’d deny it). “Don't give into his demands.”
“Victory!” came a strangled cry. From the winded sound, Danny would bet Jason had his brother pinned, maybe even in a choke hold.
“I don't think he's really going to give up,” Danny pointed out. Jason was quiet. Quiet enough that Danny started to backtrack. “Hey, if you don't want me to meet your family—”
“No! It's not… I'll put in an order. It will be under your name. I'm making Dick pay though.”
“Still won!“ Came the shout from Dick before Jason hung up.
“I’ve got it!” a voice that wasn’t Jason called out from inside of the apartment.
Danny did his best to resist the urge to fidget.
Now that he was standing outside of the apartment the reality that Danny was about to meet someone from Jason’s family hit home. And Jason’s family were Waynes. He took a deep breath and tried not to panic. That, of course, meant his brain had time to run through a dozen worst case scenarios by the time the door swung open.
The Dick Grayson that stood in the door was every bit the male model that society pages liked to claim. His smile was even more blinding in person and maybe even a little infectious. Danny found he couldn’t help but smile back, even if it was a little wan and nervous.
“Oh my- Jaybird!” Dick called over his shoulder. “You didn’t tell me how adorable he was!”
Danny felt his cheeks flush red.
Dick spun back to Danny. “Are you a hugger?”
“I— yes?”
There was barely time for Danny to squeak out the words before Dick had scooped him up in a crushing hug. Oh. Okay, that was nice. Danny hadn’t been hugged like that since Jazz left for college and his parents stopped remembering he existed.
“Please stop smothering my boyfriend,” Jason called out as he came over.
“Hi Jason. Food,” Danny said, his words muffled against Dick’s chest. He blindly held out the bag of food in Jason’s direction, keeping the cardboard tray of drinks in his other hand.
“Hey, fish,” Jason said. Danny felt the food be lifted from his hand. “Do I need to get the jaws of life?”
“Oh shut up, Jayce,” Dick said cheerily. He squeezed Danny one last time before he let him go.
Danny took the opportunity to suck in a deep breath.
“Hi, I’m Dick,” Dick said, still grinning and offering his hand like a normal person.
“Don’t tell him!” Jason called out from the kitchen.
Danny leaned around Dick, absently shaking his hand as he did so. “What?”
“Don’t tell him your name,” Jason explained.
“He’s just been calling you ‘fish’ this whole time.”
“It’s driving him insane.” Jason sounded viciously gleeful.
“No,” Dick whined, drawing out the word to an absurd length. “I’m finally meeting you! You’re right here! I have to get to know your name now! I can’t keep calling you ‘fish’.”
“I mean,” Danny said innocently as he finally stepped in the apartment and closed the door behind him. “I like fish. Jason has been very creative with the name. It’s actually a little impressive.”
Dick narrowed his eyes at Danny. “I’m starting to see how you fit with Jason.”
Jason cackled from the kitchen. He set plates and utensils down on the table before coming over and wrapping his hands around Danny’s waist from behind. “My boyfriend, my side.”
Danny smiled innocently and leaned back into the hold.
“Yeah, yeah,” Dick said with a roll of his eyes, but he was still grinning happily. He started towards the table. “Come and eat or I’ll take all the roti for myself.”
“No, not the roti!” Danny gasped dramatically.
“Don’t worry, I got extra,” Jason assured everyone as he nudged Danny in the right direction.
“This must be yours,” Danny said, handing over one of the two blindingly pink cups of sirap bandung over to Dick. “Which tells me you are a man of refined tastes.”
“Just because you two have a sweet tooth—”
“Refined tastes indeed, well met,” Dick said over Jason with a fake British accent that would make Alfred wince.
“Indeed. Drink your longan juice, Jason,” Danny said, handing over the third cup to Jason, who just rolled his eyes.
They popped open all the various containers of food, sticking spoons or forks in them almost haphazardly. It became a jumble of hands for a bit as everyone got the first rounds they wanted on their plates. The table was quiet as everyone happily tore into the curries, rendang, and satay skewers.
“So, ‘fish’, if that is your real name, tell me about yourself,” Dick said after he had staved off the worst of his hunger.
“Um,” Fish (he couldn’t believe he had to call the guy fish in his own head) stalled badly as he completely blanked on what to say. Dick had the horrible feeling that people didn’t usually listen to what Fish had to say. “I moved to Gotham for school.”
“Gotham U? Or one of the lib arts colleges?”
Fish’s nose wrinkled adorably up at that. “Gotham U, I’m a total STEM. I’ll leave the books to Jason.”
“He’s a literature heathen,” Jason bemoaned. “But surprisingly dedicated to finding bizarre Jane Austen interpretations for me to watch.”
“You liked ‘the Lizzie Bennet Diaries,” Fish said, pointing at Jason with a skewer.
Jason stole the skewer to Fish’s indignant squawk. “I did, but ‘Persuasion’ was a mistake in every way.”
“Yeah, no, that’s fair,” Fish said, stealing a piece of tofu from Jason’s plate in retribution. (Oh shit, Jason was letting Fish steal his food!) “Not everything I find can be a winner.”
“Okay, but it sounds like you try at least! That counts for something. Got it though, science not books for the fish,” Dick said. “What do you like to do then?”
“Right now life is just a lot of studying and projects and papers,” Fish sighed. “But when I have time I like to play video games. And Jason has been showing me around Gotham and New Jersey.”
“So you swam in from out of state then?”
“Bus from Illinois,” Fish said. “It’s been a change for sure.”
“But you’re liking it?”
“I am, actually. I didn’t know if I would and there’s some things I don’t like— it’s always so… loud here, but the variety of stuff to see and eat is amazing. Like, I never had Malaysian food before moving here and now I don’t know how I would live without good roti just a call away. And, I don’t know, there’s just something about Gotham?”
“The city has a way of sinking into your bones,” Dick agreed.
“You aren’t from here either, right?”
“Nope! But I’ve been here for over half my life now. It’s weird and fucked up but it’s home and I love it,” Dick said with a shrug. “Think you’ll stay?”
Years of training kept Dick from flinching when Jason kicked him under the table.
The fish glanced at Jason for a moment. “Um, well, I guess that depends on if I can find a job or not. But I think I’d like to, if I can.”
“Sorry,” Dick said with a laugh. “You’re probably just worried about your next test at the moment. So exploring Gotham, school, video games— have you faced off against Jason in Mario Kart or Smash yet?”
“No,” Fish said, drawing the word out as he turned to Jason. “I am betrayed. Wounded. You didn’t tell me you played video games!”
Oh yeah, Dick liked Jason’s aquatic boyfriend.
“Just those two really.”
“And Animal Crossing. Our sister Cass got him totally hooked on Animal Crossing,” Dick said, bracing for another kick. Yep, there it was. “You should get him to show you his island. It has a miniature golf course and everything.”
Danny grinned. “Oh you are so showing me that later.”
The tip of Jason’s ears were bright red. “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
“Tonight though! Tonight we have an epic brother versus brother versus fish racing battle,” Dick crowed.
“Oh you’re just lucky it’s not Smash, you might actually have a chance,” Danny said with a slightly feral smile.
“It’s on.”
It was indeed on.
The races were fierce battles and the fish was no guppy, but Dick had been trained against other superheros and set after set came away with the crown.
Several sets in, Fish’s phone went off, making him jolt. “Oh, shit, that’s my alarm to catch the subway home. I better run.”
“I can give you a ride home if you want?” Dick offered, putting his own controller down.
“No, it’s fine! I know it’s still early, I’ve just got this paper to get finished up in the next few days and I’m making myself work on it some each night,” Fish said, leaning over the back of the couch to reach for his bag.
Jason reached out to steady Fish by holding onto the back of his hoodie.
Dick stole Fish’s phone from the gesturing arm. “I’m putting my number in.”
“What? Oh, yeah, sure,” Fish said, lunging forward suddenly. When Jason yanked him back, Fish had his backpack in hand.
Jason clutched Fish to his chest and sighed. “Fish—”
“I’m fine, you got me,” Fish said, grinning up at Jason.
Jason clearly tried to look stern for a moment before he sighed; his whole face softened with the act. He curled around Fish slightly, just enough to brush a kiss to Fish’s temple. “Course I do.”
Since he still had it in hand, Dick snapped a picture with Fish’s phone. He figured the two didn’t have a lot of photos as a couple yet, and they looked precious at the moment. It was clear how much adoration Jason had for Fish— and how happy Jason made Fish. Dick was glad they had found each other.
“Don’t forget your phone.”
“Thanks! It was nice meeting you,” Fish said, climbing out of Jason’s arms and grabbing his phone. “I’ll kick your ass next time!”
“You’re welcome to try,” Dick said cheerfully. “If only fish had more than a three second memory maybe you could get good.”
Fish rolled his eyes, but distracted himself by giving Jason a quick kiss. “I’ll see you this weekend?”
“Course, send me the plans. And text when you’re home safe.”
“Stop worrying,” Fish said as he swung on his backpack. “But I will. Have a good night you two!”
Both brothers bid Fish goodbye as he rushed out the door.
Dick waited till Jason had locked the door before, “Oh my god, Jaybird, you two are so adorable!”
“Dickhead,” Jason warned.
“No, I get to have this. My little brother has a boyfriend and is adorable with him! Did he send you the photo I took? Ask him to send you the photo I took and you’ll see too.”
Jason sighed, shaking his head as he came back to sit on the couch.
Dick leaned over to knock their shoulders together. “Hey, I’m happy for you. He seems like a really good guy. I’m glad you met him.”
“Yeah,” Jason said, that soft smile back on his face. “I’m glad too.”
AN: And one of the Bats finally meets Danny! Or, well, Fish. That seemed to go well, right? Surely everything will be happy now. Are there enough fish puns/jokes? If not, feel free to suggest some! Much love to Moku for giving this an early read over when I was doubting the chapter.
Also I'm craving Malaysian food so badly now ;-;
Due to being shadow banned (they said glitch, but I still believe I got auto flagged for tagging too many people), I am no longer tagging for updates. It wasn't going to be doable in the new post editor anyways! To be notified, subscribe to this post instead!
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Stopping You - Michael Gray [Part 11]
Words: 10.8k+
Summary: Y/N and Michael finally decide to talk about what happened.
Warnings: Female!Reader. 18+. Smut, unprotected sex [pls use a condom]. Cheating! Overthinking. A very slight mention of blood.
Prologue    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5     Part 6    Part 7   Part 8    Part 9    Part 10    Part 11
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“Oh, shut up!” You laugh out loud.
Finn laughs from beside you, laying on his back over Polly’s carpet as you lay on her couch on your stomach, looking down at the youngest Shelby brother.
“I would never do such thing.” You defend yourself, “Is that what you really think of me, Finn?”
Finn laughs with you as he stares up at you, hands resting on his chest, as he continues to assume how possible it is for you scare any girl that he’s interested in, away.
“Oh, please.” He says with a playful look on his face, “You would probably make her so many questions about her life choices that she would just run off.”
“Well, sorry if I continuously look out for you.”
The front door of Polly’s home swings open and almost makes you and Finn sit up by how high you two jumped from how it startled you.
You had been so focused on the conversation that you didn’t even hear the motor of a car outside. And now you two are acting as if you were caught talking about something you shouldn’t have been.
Polly walks inside the house, dark cigarette over her lips, and soon walks in Michael, following her every step.
“But why would he transfer the money if he didn’t need it?” He asks his mother, frown over his face as he closes the door behind him.
Polly shrugs at his words and takes off her furry jacket, leaving it by the hanger before taking the cigarette from her lips and exhaling a large cloud of smoke out of her lungs.
Her eyes move off her son, who has most of his back turned to you and Finn, and Polly finds you, almost falling off the couch from the strange position.
“Why are you on the ground?” She asks Finn, gaining a smile from the two of you.
“It’s comfortable.” He answers.
Michael looks over his shoulder and his eyes meet yours right away. Finn’s answer is able to manipulate a slight grin on his face, which hovers over his lips. There is no vocal answer on his part, just silence and a look of amusement.
It’s been almost a week since your nightmare, a total of 5 days to be exact. And Michael has been in Polly’s house for most of those days, mainly surrounded by work and nothing else.
You’ve questioned Polly about it after he left for the hotel and all you got as an answer was that he was trying to prove to Tommy that he can be forgiven. Quite odd, but who are you to question that?
At least 3 of the nights of those 5 days, Michael slept over at Polly’s. For a reason you do not know why, but it surely has to with Gina. You didn’t ask Polly about it, assuming she wouldn’t know, but honestly because it sounded wrong just to imagine yourself questioning such a thing.
Like said before, he had been working for most of his time over at the house, hidden in Polly’s office or seated at the dinner table, surrounded by papers while holding a cigarette between his fingers or lips as a way to lift off his stress.
You two didn’t talk much, but most of your conversations were in the mornings. Like the one after the night of the nightmare. They would end when his mind was somewhere lost in the papers and you two fell into the natural silence between sentences. You never disturbed him to keep the exchange of words alive, therefore, the talking of the day was done.
Michael and Polly continue their conversation soon after taking their eyes off Finn and you and, slowly, start making their way to the kitchen, where most silence of the house resides.
Their voices are low, but you can tell that they’re talking about work - something you’ve been forcefully pulled away for these past few days.
You look back at Finn once they’re out of your field of view and he’s staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.
“Who’s occupying your mind, uh?” You tease him, poking his chest.
He snaps back to reality and looks over at you, playful smile on his lips as he adjusts his head on the tall pillow.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He says back.
Your eyes widen at his words and a shocked expression twitches your features.
“So, there is someone in your mind?” You ask in a squeak, not controlling your vocal cords in a such exciting moment, “Finn Shelby, I cannot believe you.”
He stays silent, his smile just grows at your shocked and squeaky words.
“What’s her name?!” You ask in almost a scream, overly excited.
“I’m not telling you that,” He says, lifting and turning his head to the side on the pillow, “It’s none of your business.”
“Oh, Finn, come on!” You drag out your words for dramatization, “Can you just tell me if you two are dating or not?”
He thinks for a second and you just stare at him as he does it.
Seconds later, he’s still silent, slowly getting on your nerves over playing with your excited emotions like that.
“I swear I won’t look into it, just please answer my question.” You plead.
Finn sighs, slowly giving up.
“Okay…” He breathes out, “I am not telling you her name. But…” You hold yourself up with your elbow in excitement, “We are dating.”
A loud gasp escapes your mouth, and you hold in another shriek of excitement over his words.
His smile is just enough for you to believe that he likes the girl too much to sell any more information about her to you, but you honestly couldn’t feel any happier.
“For how long?” You ask, holding yourself up to sit up, unable to contain your emotions.
“I’ve known her for a bit. Been dating for like… 2 weeks?”
Your jaw almost hits the floor, but before you could even ask why he didn’t tell you before, you got yourself the answer. You would’ve gone all inspector mode to try and find any girl in Birmingham that is overly happy about a certain event.
Nothing he wouldn’t do for you too. Plus… You were in a hospital not that long ago-
“Wow.” You sigh, falling back to lay on the couch, “You were seeing someone while I was dying?”
A loud laugh escapes Finn’s mouth and bite in your smile to continue your acting.
“No! God, I was seeing her before you got shot.” He tells you, “Good to know that’s what shocked you the most about my whole confession.”
“I have to have my priorities.”
He continues to smile up at you, finding your words so amusing that he’s finding it hard to hold his chuckles every time you open your mouth to speak.
“Does Polly know?” You ask him.
Before he could have finished saying the simple word you’re already out of the couch and running to the kitchen.
Sure, it hurt a little to do that movement so quickly, but you’ve got a great mission up ahead… Tell Polly the big news: Finn has finally stopped having sex with everyone that has a pair of legs.
Finn laughs at your excitement yet doesn’t stop you. Polly will know now or later anyway.
Either you tell her now or someone will, in the future. Or worse, her second sight might let her know of the news when they’re in an argument.
A wave of chills runs through Finn’s spine at the thought, and he shivers absurdly as a reaction.
Thank god he told you first.
You run in the kitchen and Michael continues his conversation, not finding any problem with you hearing anything he’s saying.
You wait beside them for the conversation to end, hands behind your back, swaying back and forth on the heels of your feet like a child waiting for her parents’ permission to go play outside.
Michael finishes and Polly gives him a quick answer. You don’t care enough to hear them. You just want to dump out the news at the center of the table.
“Do you have that on paper?” She asks Michael and he nods, “Go get it.”
Michael nods again and leaves the room, leaving you to stare back at Polly with a huge smile.
“What do you want?” She asks.
She looks down at the ashtray as she dips the tip of her cigarette down, yet you see her hiding a playful smile, probably finding yours contagious.
“Finn just told me that…” You pause to add some suspense, “… he has a girlfriend!”
Polly, right on that second, looks up at you with widen eyes.
She stares at you, analyzing every small bit of your face, trying to see if you’re joking in anyway, but she finds nothing.
“He has a fucking what?” She whispers in shock.
It has been a few hours. All of you had lunch together, which was filled with a whole bunch of teasing Finn while he tried to hide behind his hands and act like he only wants to stare down at his food.
And, of course, while that happened, you tried not to choke in your water or water while laughing so hard.
Now, Finn is sitting beside Polly on the couch as she tries to squeeze out of him as much information as possible. Michael is standing by the couches, packing his stuff up to leave.
You make your way down the stairs, just returning from the bathroom, and Michael looks over his shoulder at you.
“Are you leaving already?” You ask him, curious.
“Yeah. Need to go take care of something.” He says, being careful with his words. Polly has been too careful with pulling you away from work, Michael doesn’t want to be the one to break that lack of information.
He looks back to what is in front of him, and you notice three boxes of what you believe is paperwork related to the family’s business.
Polly and Finn are still siting, deep into their whispers, probably hiding any kind of potentially important information about his girlfriend from you.
Before you can even tease them for their antics, Michael says something.
“Could you help me carry this one?” He asks.
You nod right away. It’s one of the smaller boxes, the emptiest too. It won’t even make you blink an eye with any possible discomfort.
He piles the two bigger, and fuller, boxes and grabs them, their height only reaching up to his chest. You grab the smaller one, holding it on your hip. You help Michael with the door and leave it slightly open before following him to his car.
The silence between you is not by any means uncomfortable. It’s quite comforting, actually.
Michael opens the backseat door open with some difficulty and turns back for you to give him the other box. You do it and as you’re about to turn and leave, he says something.
“Wait.” He says, making you look at him, “I have something for you.”
“For me?” You ask confused.
He doesn’t answer. He closes the door and walks over to the front seats, opening the passenger seat door, hiding whatever is in front of him with his body.
Michael turns and you have to bite your tongue to not say anything.
It’s a small bouquet of flowers, most of them being wildflowers, your favorite. The exact same ones that have quite a history when it comes to the two of you.
You and Michael didn’t argue in your relationship, but when it did happen, and when he would be the main reason behind those same fights, he would give you flowers.
It was a rare occasion for you to receive them, but this type of bouquet is Michael’s apologetic bouquet. Always has been. It has all your favorite flowers arranged just like you loved, always in the same way to show off their vibrant colors.
“What are you apologizing for?” You ask and a small grin forms on his lips.
You remember them.
“The same thing as I’ve been apologizing for the past few weeks.”
You extend your hand and take the bouquet from his hand, ignoring how your hand rested right above his for some good few splits of a second.
You bring the flowers close to you, hiding any kind of positive expression, as you admire them silently.
“There’s a note inside. But you can read it later.” He lets you know.
“I will.” You say, looking back up at him, but this time, with a small grin.
He nods, small smile prominent on his lips as he does it. He looks relieved, probably because you accepted his flowers in the first place, but, also, nervous, almost like those same flowers are a ticking bomb of some sort.
“I’ll see you later, then.” You decide to say, breaking the intense stare down.
“Yeah,” He exhales, “I’ll see you later.”
To escape any possibility of another stare down, you turn on your heels and start walking towards the house. As you stand up the porch, you steal a glance over your shoulder, already finding Michael looking straight at you.
You offer him a small smile, different from the grin, and finally step into Polly’s home.
The sound of Polly’s and Finn’s voices fill your ears, and you close the door behind you, trying not to look back at Michael, who is still standing by his car.
The front door closes, slowly, and Polly lifts her gaze to meet yours, finding the slow motion and lack of slamming of her door so unlike you. You step aside into view and a gasp escapes her lips.
“Are my eyes deceiving me?” She says out loud.
“I’m afraid not.” You answer, eyebrows lifted, trying to show that you’re as shocked as she is.
She stands from beside Finn, who is as shocked, and walks towards you. She takes the flowers from your hands and analyzes them.
“Let me guess.” She says with a playful tone, “Another apology?”
You chuckle at her and she smiles brightly at you.
“You’re correct.” You announce, stealing a look at Finn, who looks amused, “Might have to write this one down as the official thousandth one.”
“I’m glad you’re keeping count.” Polly jokes with you making you smile.
She walks back to the kitchen to get a vase and you follow right behind her. Finn stands from the couch and does the same as you.
Polly sets them over the kitchen counter gently and looks around for the perfect vase, one you can later take to your own home, when you’re healed.
Finn walks up to the flowers and analyzes them silently, just like Polly. He brings up his hand and carefully pulls something out, a small envelope.
“I’m sure this is for you.” He says, handing the envelope to you.
You take it into your hands and hold it carefully close to you.
Polly starts filling the vase with water and looks back at you, staring down at the small paper, just the size of your hand.
“Well, open it!”
You smile at her tone and you do as told. Finn looks at you questioningly as you undo the top and Polly stops the water from running.
You take the small note from inside the envelope and put down it down. You unfold it, careful with making it face you and you only, and as the word meets your eyes, Polly swears she sees them brighten.
Meet me behind the barns tomorrow at 3.               – M
With both Polly and Finn at work, possibly at a meeting, you’re left to stay home alone until 3. You’ve taken your time to get ready. You’ve done your make-up, nothing too intense, just your normal light look, and have gotten dressed.
A floral green dress hugs your body, nothing unlike your usual style. Not a suit, but something you would wear when out with Polly at your day’s off. And on top of that, a long dark coat, which covers your body from any cold wind.
What even is going to happen today?
You step out of Polly’s home, keys in hand and coat closed enough to protect you from the harsh wind meeting you as soon as you make your presence to the outside world.
You climb in your car. Poor thing as been sitting there by the front of the house for days now, quite sad.
As you make your way to the familiar location, Michael is standing by his car.
He didn’t expect the day to be so cold and windy, but like any other place close to Small Heath, the weather is just unpredictable.
He shakes his cigarette, letting the white and bright red ashes fly with the wind as they burn at the tip of the poisonous, yet addicting and calming, stick. His eyes are stuck on the gravel under his feet, heart ponding against his chest and with his hands shaking.
It’s like taking you on your first date all over again.
He’s just a nervous and anxious wreck.
The sound of a car door closing in the distance makes him snap back from his thoughts and look over his shoulder. You’re right there, just a few meters away from him. Your jacket is open, falling by your sides, as its material and your thin dress move with the, now, calmer wind.
“Sorry for being a little late.” You apologize and he shakes his head.
“No worries.”
He leans away from his car and walks to stand beside you. Your hands are stuffed in the pockets of your jacket, shielding them from the cold, and with that he takes your outfit in, finding the flowers in the fabric somewhat familiar to his gaze.
“Should we start walking?” You break his trance.
“Uh- Yeah, yeah.” He nods.
The abandoned barn stands tall beside the two of you as you walk by it. This is just outside of Small Heath. A small barn where Tommy used to have some of his horses, ones that weren’t exactly for racing. Maybe family horses… Can you even call them that?
Right behind the old structure, is a vast field. One, that for you to meet its true beauty, you have to walk for some good few minutes or well… get yourself a horse and ride for not even 3 minutes.
The green fields meet your eyes and for a second, you feel like you’ve lost your ability to breathe. The air is clearer where you stand then from whatever corner you stand in the whole Birmingham, but god, it’s breathtaking.
No sight of pollution, of smoke or even of people. Just peaceful green, tall wild grass, trees scattered through each curve of the irregular grounds.
It’s as calm as nature can be.
You walk beside Michael, both of you admiring the familiar grounds you step on, yet not opening your mouths to break such a comforting silence.
The sounds surrounding you are nothing but the patter of your feet on top of the grass, which is so tall it comes close to your upper thighs, the wind hitting the tall leaves and making them hit your legs, the branches of the trees moving and making the leaves collide with one another, and simply the wind over your ears.
Everything so silent it even makes your ears seem to vibrate.
“God, Michael, you are unbelievable.” You tell the man behind you without even looking over your shoulder.
“You were the one that had the idea!”
“And you went with it!” You say in a louder tone at him, “You’re supposed to be the one with the brains in this relationship, not me.”
The man chuckles from behind you, each of you riding your own horses as the sun shines on the two of you, marking and showing nothing but its natural beauty of the season.
“We can still go back.” He says, reigns resting by his legs, letting the horse move on its own.
“And say what?” You ask with a smile, “Yeah, sorry, Polly. The party was the most boring idea ever, and we had to walk out?”
“Something like that.”
You exhale out a chuckle and shake your head.
“Why did she even let the neighbor plan out the party?” You ask him.
You look over your shoulder to stare at your boyfriend and he’s already looking at you.
“She said something about wanting to give the woman a chance.” He shrugs, “Did you expect any less from her? She has been apologizing to my mom for the past year, this party was the least she could’ve done.”
“A cake would’ve done it.”
Michael smiles in amusement at you and you continue to look at him.
“You really think you can buy your way to my mom’s heart with a cake?”
“I did.” You say and he rolls his eyes. “And it worked.”
“It worked because you were already part of the family. And hitting my mom’s side of the car is not the same as what you did.” He says defensively.
“I think what I did was quite horrid, if you ask me.”
“I thought it was funny.” He smiles.
“Yeah, well, that’s because you like seeing your crazy family in distress and me in trouble.” You defend yourself, checking the field in front of you to see if you’re close to your destination, “Seriously, Michael, you worry me sometimes.”
A loud cackle of disbelief escapes Michael’s lips and you grin at the sound.
“You broke a vase of flowers on my cousin’s head! You didn’t destroy a whole side of a car!” He tells you and you turn back to him.
“Yeah! I know! But it still made me almost pee myself in fear when it happened.” You confess, finding it almost impossible not to laugh, “I could’ve had nightmares with what could’ve been my consequence.”
“God, you’re dramatic.”
You smile and stop the horse, finally standing by the usual area.
“No, I’m just realistic.” You tell him, “Finn could’ve gotten hurt, and if he did… I could’ve been dead by now.”
“Wow!” Michael chuckles. “You’re just… out of this world.”
“Oh, thank you.” You say, finding his words, out of context, funny. “But still… I feel bad for leaving.”
“Don’t.” He says as you jump down off your horse, “My mom won’t care, and Finn left like 2 hours ago. Nobody cared.”
“Still… It’s your birthday Michael.” You tell him, “You should be celebrating it.”
Michael jumps out of his horse and brings the reigns to the front, walking over to you with the horse just a meter behind him.
As he lets go of the reigns, like any other time here, he stands tall in front of you, not caring that the horse is moving away to go eat the perfect patch of green grass not too far away. You look up at him and wait for him to say something.
“And I am.” He says, “I prefer to stay here with you, then eat whatever was on that table.”
He presses a kiss over your lips, and you gasp.
“That is mean, Michael!” You say defensively, “That woman worked very hard…! And all night!”
He thinks of what to say next for a bit.
“And you still gave the idea to leave.”
Your mouth opens in disbelief at his words.
“You’re heartless, Y/N.” He says, amusement thick on his tone, lips twitching to smile again.
You scowl and smack his chest, hard.
“You little bitch.” You curse him out, making him laugh and take a step back from you.
The silence stays thick between the two of you, yet as soon as the wind lifts off ever so slightly, Michael finds himself being curious. He steals a look your away and notices you’re walking while staring down at the grass.
“You’re quiet.” Michael comments out loud, snapping you back to reality.
You blink your thoughts away and quickly lift your head ever so slightly, not enough to stare at him but enough to see how much you still have to walk.
“So are you.” You whisper back at him, soft grin on your lips, “I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
You look over at him, ignoring your overthinking mind that hesitates so much to do it, and to your surprise, he’s already looking at you.
“About…” You sigh stretching out the word in your lips, shifting your gaze forward once more, finding his eyes intrusive for some reason, “Old times?” You answer as a question, unsure. “The past few days have made me kind of stuck in memories, I guess.”
He nods, even though you’re not looking at him anymore, and also brings his gaze away from you to stare at the greenery at his front.
“That makes two of us.” He confesses.
“Really?” You ask, surprised.
“Yeah” He nods, again.
You nod, pursing your lips while saying to yourself mentally ‘who would’ve thought you’re not the only crazy one’, and, in a quick decision, you decide to blur out whatever is on your mind.
“Mine were actually about, uhm…” You hesitate, catching yourself and your urges midsentence, and Michael notices, bringing his gaze back to you, “That one time we both came here-” You sigh when lost for words and you shake your head slightly with a scowl.
Your discomfort over your own troubling thoughts doesn’t go unnoticed by Michael, and he decides to ease up some of it with his words.
“One time? Out of the thousand times we came here?”
You look back at him and feel yourself relax at his playful tone.
“Yeah. It was a quite special day, actually.” You add.
A full-on smile appears on the man’s face, pearly white teeth out to show amusement at your words.
“Again. Which one out of the hundreds of days like that?”
Your heart tightens at his words and you welcome them with a smile, shaking your head at his comment. Your hand lifts and lays over his arm, pushing him away from you as playful push for him to shup up such nonsense.
Michael looks down as the smile on his face stretches and a chuckle escape both of your mouths.
Your playful touch had been missed, and his body made it obvious to him. The way it warmed up and boiled after so many years of pure and utter cold.
Your hand falls back to your side as you two continue to walk in silence, eyes focusing on the path ahead.
In a simple matter of seconds, you find yourselves looking at each other, silently. Almost as if admiring one another.
“It was your birthday.” You admit, “The year before you left.”
“Why that one?”
You shrug, checking if you’re still too far from your destination.
“I don’t know. It just came to me for some reason.”
He nods and you steal a glance at his smiling self.
“Was it the amazing food that we loved so much that we had to run off?” He starts, “Or was it the amazing entertainment it was given to us throughout the evening?”
A laugh escapes your lips, and a weight lifts off Michael’s shoulders. How relaxing it feels.
“God, don’t remind me of that.” You say to him.
“Why? Is the awfully well decorated cake hunting your mind?”
Another chuckle leaves you and you roll your eyes.
“I see that you’re just as mean as before when it comes to analyzing other people’s hard work.” You joke with him and he smiles down at you.
“Guess so.”
Silence falls back in between you and you two walk calmly again, nothing rushing you to leave and get to the usual spot any quicker.
“What about you? What memories of the old times have been hunting you?” You jokingly ask.
“There have been a lot of them.”
“What was the last one you thought off?” You ask, trying to ease the question for him.
“Our first date.”
You snap your head at him, not expecting him to also confess that he was thinking of two of you, and he smiles at your reaction.
“I was shitting my pants before coming in here. Was scared you would bail on me. Just like I felt in our first date.” He confesses and you scowl.
There’s a silence of a few seconds before you decide to break it with your curiosity.
“Why would I bail on you?”
He scoffs.
“We both know the answer to that question.”
Back to complete and utter silence, yet this time. It’s not as comfortable.
The sweet and loving conversation has died down with the slight indirect mention of how your relationship came to an end.
The patter of your feet is all you hear but also all you prefer to look at in this moment.
Michael steals a glance at you and notices the way you hesitate to look up.
He curses himself in his head and his smile is back down, dead, with no reason to come back so soon.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“No.” You cut him off, “Don’t worry about that.” You stuff your hands back in the pockets of your jacket. “We had to talk about that sooner or later.”
He nods and you look up, seeing him do it.
“We’re getting close.” He announces, making you look up.
Oh God, you missed this.
The fields look the same, just as green and still with small specks of color from the wildflowers. The trees seem to have gotten bigger and fluffier in a way, but they’re still standing tall and creating the perfect little hidden spot between them.
Exactly where you and Michael used always sit.
Michael notices that you had stopped walking after taking a few steps alone, and when he looks back over his shoulder at you.
Memories and all types of emotions erupt through your body harshly. You breathe in deeply, eyes showing the slightest bit of tears of which you can not tell if it’s either sadness or happiness to be back after so long.
Michael notices your different mood, yet he doesn’t understand what is going on. He turns to you completely, having his back to the familiar fields to check on you and his eyes are stuck.
Your eyes are filled with emotion, a soft scowl is written over your face, decorating it. Your body seems to shake slightly at the wind that seems to love to come back at unfortunate moments, and you’re just there. Standing and staring.
You break from your trance as something in front of you appears. You look down to see Michael extending his hand to you, face soft with a comforting expression.
You lay your hand over his, taking it out of your warm pocket and Michael pulls you in further to take steps closer to your destination.
You do as he does while your hands fall connected by your sides. Your eyes are focused on them, staring down as if to check if it’s real or just like in your nightmares, realistic, yet so far deep in your mind that it will bring you great terror in a space of seconds.
Slowly, you get closer to the scenery you had just stared in the distance, and you start to notice small details. There are not as many flowers since autumn is still very much present in this day, yet the place is just as warm and welcoming, still shielding you from most of the cold wind.
Your hand stays connected with Michael’s even when you stand between the familiar trees, neither of you feeling capable enough to pull away yet. Your other hand reaches and touches the trunk of the tree you used to always sit next to.
It feels so unreal that you almost have to pinch yourself.
“Feels weird to stand here.” You confess.
Michael steps closer to you and nods.
“It’s been a long time.”
“A bit too long, maybe.” You add and he agrees again with a nod, “We used to almost come here everyday before winter. I missed it.”
You look up to meet Michael’s eyes and their icy blue color meets your gaze right away. They’re soft, familiar, and comforting.
“Want to sit?” He asks you, eyes still connected.
You nod and he lets go of your hand, for your (big) disappointment.
Michael takes a seat next to the tree and lays his back against it, and you’re quick to follow him, sitting by him, legs to your side as you adjust the thin fabric of your dress.
Michael sighs and your eyes find him again, he looks nervous. More than you.
“I should be the one to start talking.” He whispers, making you tilt your head as if to signalize that you’re listening, “I… Uhm… I-I don’t even know where to start.”
“The beginning would be great.” You joke, gaining a playfully annoyed look from him, “Okay… Uhm…”
You think for a second. Would it be too harsh id you just asked it?
“Why did you do it?”
Michael holds in a gasp at your sudden and direct question, and you continue to stare at him. He notices how you’re analyzing his face, from hair to chin, from ear to ear.
You’re studying him intensely, trying to find the answer yourself in his features.
“It’s stupid.” He says to you.
“I don’t care.” You admit, “I just want to know why.”
He has said, weeks prior, that he did not know why he had done it, which did lead you to scream at him and throw a plate at his head.
But you didn’t believe him, not even a bit. And the fact that he is hesitating to say it out loud now, it’s just a clear reason that good things surely aren’t going to come from his mouth.
“I did it be- because… Fuck.” He comments mid-sentence, shaking his head, finding his nerves ridiculous, “I did it because I couldn’t focus at work.” He licks his lips, eyes still focused on you, “Every time you called was awful. I felt helpless when you would tell me that you missed me and that you were worried about me.”
He sighs and you look at him confused.
“I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. I couldn’t hear you tell me to be careful anymore. I knew I was going to get hurt at one point- It’s bad, I know it is, but I- I just couldn’t deal with your calls… They just made me want to come back home every time, and I… I knew couldn’t.” He confesses, stressed with his own words.
What the fuck is he saying?
“I started to worry about myself. I-I would panic because I was scared that I wouldn’t come back at one point… If I got too hurt or- you know.”
You stay silent.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” He tells you.
Silent is set between you two again, and you, honestly, just want to hit him.
“You’re such a fucking idiot.” You curse at him.
He doesn’t say anything back, yet his mind is filled with questions: did I say enough? Did I say too much? Do I look or sound as much of an asshole as I feel like I do?
God, his words sounded so much better in his mind. Now it just all sounds like… He’s stupid, that’s what he sounds like.
You can’t believe him for a few good seconds.
For so long, you made yourself think so many awful things about yourself, and now you know you weren’t even the exact cause of the problem.
He didn’t break up with you because were too clingy or too annoying over the phone, it was because you were making him… be careful?
“What did you want from that one call?” You question, “And be honest.” You sound calm, surprisingly. “Just me to stop calling?”
“No.” He scowls at you, “I expected you to move along with your life. Find someone else.”
Oh, and the urge to punch him intensifies.
“I knew it would take time, but… I wanted you to find someone better, to just live your life.” He says sincerely and you continue to stare at him. “God, this sounds dumb but… It would be better for you to have someone in case I would never come back…” He sighs, “Does that even make sense?”
You don’t answer him, so he continues.
“When you stopped calling. I thought that’s what had happened.”
Calling after his final call, he means.
“God, Michael...” You exhale, looking away from him and shaking your head.
“It’s stupid of me, I know.” He comments to you, “I’m really sorry.”
His voice is small in the middle of your silence. It’s thick with emotion and you just know that he is beating himself for it still. For everything that he has done and stopped doing for the past few months.
His thoughts are degrading in every way possible. Michael can’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be. He knows you went through really rough few months because of him, now. Thoughts like his shouldn’t even be compared to something as small as a pinch.
You look back at him, yet your eyes don’t meet his. His gaze is focused on something in the distance, mind completely filled with thoughts you’re sure that you’re too familiar with.
“I’m going to forgive you. Not now, but I will.” You confess, “It will just take a bit of time on my part.”
Michael clenches his jaw, not really believing you for a second.
Is it bad that he doesn’t feel like he deserves it? He just gave you the most half assed justification and apology, yet you are still thinking about forgiving him?
Like, what the fuck?
“My ego is just too big for me to forgive you so soon.” You crack up a joke.
The slightest of curve appears over Michael’s lips, but his eyes still don’t go to you. You scratch the side of your neck and without him noticing, you shift to sit closer to him.
You look back at him before starting to talk again.
“Just so you know.” You start, “Your plan didn’t really work… I didn’t move on after… After you ended things.” You whisper.
His head snaps back at you and you hold a comforting look to welcome his eyes back to your own.
You don’t want him to feel worse, you really don’t want to. What’s done is done. Both of you can’t go back in time to change anything.
“You didn’t?”
“No.” You chuckle.
“Why not?”
“Fucking Birmingham men are disgusting.” You justify with a disgusted look on your face. “And I was already working for your family when I was feeling more… okay, so, I had to stay here, stuck with the sight of either saggy old men or just way too cocky younger men.”
He grins slightly at your distaste for the locals, and you offer him a smile.
“I am, supposedly, from Birmingham” He says, trying to sound offended, “And you dated me just fine.”
“Yeah, well…” You comment with a cringe and his grin grows, “You’re still three quarters a country boy, so you don’t really count.”
He rolls your eyes at you and you hit your shoulder with his playfully, swaying to force his stiff body to move a bit.
But, even with the playful mood and slight grin, he still looks hesitant.
“What’s done is done, Michael. The best thing we can do now is learn from it.” You tell him with a soft voice.
He just stares down at you.
“And just so you know, I should be upset at you. I feel like I should. And don’t get me wrong, I want to beat you up for being this stupid.” You confess, “God, you were supposed to be the smart one in all of this.” You add, exhaling your words.
He doesn’t say anything.
“And the reason why I’m not mad is that it has been a long time. I took a long time to heal and grow as a person.” You continue, “I just feel like all of that would’ve gone to waste if I became upset over the reason why it all happened.”
Still nothing from him.
“Blaming and hating ourselves doesn’t get us nowhere, you know?” You ask, “Especially hating other people. It’s just so stupid. Life is fucking shit. It is, but-” You sigh. “I don’t have to hate you for it, or… blame you for it.”
Where the hell are you going with this? Michael asks himself.
“You moved on, right?” You ask rhetorically, “Maybe it was meant to be.” You shrug, “Sure, it was a little harsh, but you found Gina. If you hadn’t made that last call to end…” You move your finger around to point at the two of you, “this… You would’ve been still dating me and not been able to be with her.”
Your words sort of hurt Michael. It is the truth, everything is true. If it weren’t for that last call, he wouldn’t have looked or thought of any other women but you.
No Gina, no nobody. Just you.
But is that supposed to sound like a bad thing?
His heart still beats for you, he knows he still feels for you. Every day that passes, it gets more and more intense. The same way his love for Gina disappears, yours grow.
It’s like his heart is pushing Gina away and open back the space that you once used to own and rule.
“What?” You question when noticing that Michael has been staring down at you and hasn’t said a thing.
“I still feel like I would’ve taken back what I did.” He confesses.
“And what about Gina?”
He shakes his head dismissively.
“She would’ve been fine without me.”
There’s a silence between you two again, and you’re just registering what has said and trying not to take it in a certain very biased way. All of that while he just stares at nothing.
“Where is she, by the way?” You ask curiously, “You’ve barely spent any time at the hotel lately.”
Michael scowls at thought about the fight they had in Polly’s kitchen.
“Yeah… We’re going through a rough patch, right now.”
“Really?” You ask and he nods, “God, you guys went from happily engaged to this in what…? A month and a half?”
He sends you a slight glare.
“What? It’s true.”
“What happened to not hate others? And that that will get you nowhere?” He comments and a smile grows on your face.
“Yeah, well…” You chuckle, “I don’t hate her. I just… dislike her. She was rude to me.” You smile at him, “But, seriously, I really don’t like her. At all. Like god damnit, Michael, I’m sorry to say, but you sure don’t know how to pick them.”
A big chuckle escapes Michael and you smile at him triumphantly. He shakes his head at you and brings his gaze back to yours.
“I picked you. For years.”
“Yeah, and that’s why that’s obviously the highlight of your life.” You say nodding at him, and his lips finally stretch into a smile.
Who knew insulting him would’ve fixed his sad mood?
You bring your hand up and hesitatingly, you lay it over his, letting your fingers find their way to the space between his thumb and his pointer finger, sliding into his palm and giving it a squeeze.
Michael’s eyes move to your hands and you hold your breath, scared that he will pull away.
His eyes slowly come back up to you and they’re as soft as you’ve ever seen them. He holds your fingers and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of your hand softly.
You give him a small smile and he exchanges hands, connecting your left hand with his right so it’s more comfortable to him.
He intertwines your fingers, slowly, and his movements are the slowest you’ve ever seen them, yet they’re sweet. Letting your fingers slide and fall themselves in between his or yours.
“I missed you.” He whispers under his breath, making you look up at him again. “A lot.”
You grin at him and give his hand a squeeze as your answer.
You don’t know it, but Michael is biting his tongue to not apologize to you again. The urge to do it is stronger than him.
It’s like if he repeats it for as many times possible, you will eventually forget what he did.
He doesn’t want you do forgive him. He wants you to just forget it. Act as if everything as always been perfect.
“I substituted you with Finn, so I can’t say the same.” You say playfully, making his lips pull up again.
“I noticed. Weirdest fucking pair, I swear.” He scoffs.
“Jealousy is a serious disease, Michael.” You comment back, nodding.
“Could say the same thing about you.”
“Excuse me?” You ask confused, yet still smiling.
“You’ve barely had a full conversation with Gina, but you just told me you ‘dislike’ her.” He says, amused tone, “Sounds like jealousy to me.”
You laugh at him and shake your head.
“Wow! You really are crazy.” You say, making him smile, “Must have been the air in New York. Probably messed your brain up.”
“Stop” He pokes your leg with his other hand, “Insulting.” Another poke, “Me.” Another poke. “It’s not funny.”
“Then why are you smiling so brightly at me, hey?” You ask with as just as big of a smile.
You two stare at each other with the smiles on your faces and your heart quickens at the sudden change of atmosphere. Everything seems so perfect between you two. Gina doesn’t seem like a barrier between you two anymore.
It’s like old times.
“Are you still marrying Gina?” You catch yourself asking.
His eyes widen slightly at your sudden question and your smile falls slightly. You’re embarrassed at the sudden slip of words but it’s already too late.
“I’m not sure.” He answers.
You react shocked at his answer. What is happening?
Both of your hearts are almost coming out of your chests, it’s like they’re going to explode if a specific confession escapes both your lips.
“Why?” You whisper, your voice failing you.
“I don’t-” He thinks for a second, “I don’t think I love her anymore.”
You hold in a sigh and continue to listen to him.
“I’ve been telling myself that she has changed ever since we got here, but…” He pauses, searching your face for any hesitation, “I think she has been like this all along. And all that has changed as been that-” He suddenly stops.
“That what?” You whisper, almost feeling out of breath.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He confesses, “I can’t stop comparing her to you. Or look at her and just… wish that she’s you.”
Your breathing is heavy, almost like you’re fighting the weight of a thousand stones on your chest. Everything is going on too quickly, but all you feel is relief.
“What are you saying, Michael?” You ask, voice falling into a whisper again.
He stays silent, almost as if rethinking about what he’s about to say.
Your eyes unconsciously lower to Michael’s lips and his smile as fallen as well. He’s serious. Your breathing has gotten quicker without you even realizing, and when your eyes go back to Michael’s, you find him doing the same thing.
“I love you.”
You stop breathing, shock erupting through your system.
“I never stopped loving you. Never. I’ve been lying to myself for all this time, trying to make myself believe that I was happy with Gina but I’m not.” He says, “I’m not happy with anyone else but you. Because I can only love you. Only you. Nobody else.”
He said it.
He said everything that has been troubling his mind for so long. He finally said it.
He said what you have been dreaming that he would say for the longest time. You almost can’t believe this is reality. Your body has gone numb, your heart is beating at an insane speed.
It all just feels so unreal.
Michael’s mind is going at miles a second, overthinking ever curve of emotion in your face. Every twitch, every slight movement in your hand still holding his, now more loosely than before.
What if he spoke too soon? What if he just… destroyed everything you two could’ve still shared. You probably don’t even think about him in that way anymore. All that could’ve been shared as just friends was all destroyed now with his confession.
The confession you have waited for so long and expected it to never be real. The confession of his love for you.
You take a deep breath, feeling Michael tense up next to you at what seems like a way to compose yourself into talking again, and suddenly you let go of his hand.
Michael almost gasps at the lack of your natural warmth against his palm and his heart begins to break, threatening to shatter with just a simple movement.
And then, you just bring your hand behind his neck and pull him towards you, letting your lips connect like the old times. Like the old times you have been visiting lately in your mind for this long and painful time.
It all feels like fireworks are erupting through your body, pinching your muscles and making them rise awake to reality.
You and Michael don’t move for a few quick seconds, but as soon as his lips move and his head tilted slightly to the side, you felt like you could cry.
His nose scrapes your cheek as you kiss sweetly and slowly, and Michael’s hands find their way to you. You gasp against his lips as his hands touch your waist and the thin, almost see-through, fabric of your dress does you no justice.
You bring both of your hands to his face and cup it close to you as he pulls you in to him with his hands. You sit on your knees, rising and your lips disconnect with the sudden movement.
You meet his eyes before you move any further and you feel like you’ve fallen in love all over again.
Michael pulls you in and you move to straddle his lap, his eyes run through your body, eyeing every bit of skin his eyes can lay on as you move, and your jacket opens naturally. You lean your lips to his again and he is the one to begin the kiss this time. His fingers dig deliciously into the ribs by your waist and your hands go up to his hair.
His hands drag from your waist to your hips and down your legs, rising your dress to finally touch your skin. Its warmth is so familiar and so calming that Michael feels like he could pass out right in that second.
You gasp as his grip on your upper thighs intensifies and you pull away slightly. There is absolutely no regret or shame in both of your stares, absolutely nothing. Michael brings his hands up and slides the jacket off your shoulders.
You let him take it off and he lays it by his side, a hand comes to rest over your back and in the matter of a second, you’re laying on your back on the cold but dry ground while Michael is hovering over you.
Michael connects your lips again and you smile into the kiss. His lips as just as soft as you remember them, and he still kisses in the same way. You feel like you’re in a dream all over again.
He pushes away and before you could even open your eyes, his mouth starts pressing soft and wet kisses all over your neck. Your hand moves back to his hair and he slowly leaves a trail down your jaw and neck down to your exposed chest, savoring absolutely every bit of soft exposed skin.
You pull down the collar of his blazer and he seems to get the hint, because he lifts off you, making your body erupt into shivers from the cold. He takes off his jacket and throws it next to you, and as his hands work down his waistcoat, your lips find their way to him again.
A soft inhale of air escapes Michael’s mouth at the feeling of your lips and he’s quick to take off another layer of his suit, not caring if he rips a button or not. He lays you back down and follows you to the ground, holding himself up by his arms and laying right in the middle of your legs.
You two smile at each other as soon as your noses touch and the sound of a soft peck interrupts the silence.
Michael is completely lost in the bliss of the moment, just savoring every single second of it. While you still believe you’re in shock with whatever is going on.
Months prior to this you would’ve passed out with just the idea of seeing Michael again, and probably even punch yourself if you knew what would happen later on, or now. But, god, you couldn’t care less, now.
With only an arm holding him up, Michael squeezes the soft skin of your thigh and starts layering the skin close to your neck with kisses all over again. You, impatient as one can be, lay your hand over his and pull it further towards you.
The dress falls to your hips and exposes your skin to the cold evening. Both of your hands play with the buttons on Michael’s shirt before being able to pull it off him and expose his chest to you.
He presses a kiss onto your lips again and sits up on his knees, pulling away from the kiss and staring as if to make sure this isn’t his mind playing tricks on him and it’s really you.
He discards his shirt to one of his sides, not really caring if it will fly with the wind and it will lose it forever.
“What do you mean ‘okay’, Michael?” You ask, confused, staring at the plain wall in front of you.
“I’m agreeing with what you said. Maybe it is true.” He says through the phone, “You keep on calling me every day-”
“What?” You ask, scowling, “I haven’t called in so long… You-you haven’t picked up any of my calls… Michael, I just want to check on you.”
“I am fucking working, Y/N- God. It’s always the same thing. You’re always fucking checking on me. I. Am. Fine.” He says with the most arrogant and angry tone you’ve ever heard him with.
“How am I supposed to know that? You’re almost across the world, Michael, the only thing I can do is call you.” You defend yourself, shaking your head in confusion, “We haven’t talked in months.”
“I just. I just want you to stop it, okay?” He questions. “I am so done with this. With you making everything seem like such a big and dangerous thing when it never is. You just keep on distracting me all the time. I need to work.”
“You did it just now. I went to work today, like any other day. Stayed on my office, did what I was supposed to do. What Tommy ordered me to do. I just told you that I had someone on my office, and you got all fucking worried- like Jesus, Y/N.” He takes a deep breath, “This is my job. I need to do this-”
“I know.”
“You don’t seem like you do.” He continues, “You’re constantly asking and-”
“That’s not true-”
“But it is. Every time you call, it’s always this same thing… I’m tired.” He sighs his words at the end.
You stay silent for a few seconds, letting his words sink in.
“I’m… just worried about you.” You whisper and he sighs, “I- I didn’t mean to-to interrupt you or to make you mad.”
“I’m not mad.”
Tears well up at your eyes and a small shaky breath escapes your mouth, yet it isn’t picked up by the phone.
Michael stays silent as well, making your heart ache more by each second.
You blink your tears away and look up at the window beside you, letting the streetlights shine into your cold and lonely room.
Your bed is still made. The wind of the winter is still hitting the old windows harshly, making them whistle as they hold themselves together. But that is all you have, their whistle and the soft lighting.
Other than that, is you and your silence.
“Well, if I’m such a burden to you then maybe it’s better if we stop talking to each other.” You let the hurtful words escape your mouth before you could even catch them. Too late to take them back.
You don’t hear anything from the other side of the call. For a few seconds you believe that Michael had ended the call before you even said anything else, but his voice comes back.
His voice comes back and shatters the silence with the bitter truth.
And after that, all Michael heard was the small and weak beeps signalizing the end of the call. Signalizing the end of you and him ever being together. Signalizing the end of your long relationship.
And the supposed end of your love for him and his love for you. Just… the end.
You tilt your head to the side as Michael continues to kiss down your neck and you close your eyes. Your hand is lost on his hair as you get lost in thought. Why does the memory need to come back now?
Michael lifts his head and looks down at you. The look on your eyes confused him and he pulls back to look at you.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, fearing the worst.
You don’t answer, yet your hand moves to cup the side of his face. He leans closer to your palm and your heart tightens.
He’s sorry. He apologized. He regrets it. He wants to take it back. Michael. Your Michael wants to take it back.
You pull him closer to you and you reconnect your lips with his. The kiss is soft all over again and the feeling is enough to push all those awful memories and thoughts away.
Your hands travel down his cheeks to his neck and lightly travel down to his chest and his stomach. Your feather like touch makes Michael’s skin erupt into chills from how soft and light it is.
“I love you.” You whisper into his lips.
He looks at you in the eyes and whispers his answer back.
“And I love you.”
Your fingers fidget with the button of his pants and soon unbutton it with a quick movement. Michael looks down at your hands and smiles, looking back up and presses a kiss onto your jaw.
He pulls away, and without wasting any more time or feeding more into your impatience, he takes a hold of your dress and pulls it up, exposing your underwear and your stomach. Michael takes a hold of the sides of your undergarments and pulls them down your smooth legs.
The cold air and the sight steal small, almost inaudible, gasps from the two of you. Another piece of clothing flies off to the side, which makes you chuckle slightly, and Michael smiles at the sound of your laughter.
You stare up at the tree above you for a second and you soon feel soft kisses being pressed at the bottom of your stomach. It has been long enough since you’ve felt something like this, yet it feels familiar, which makes sense.
It is still Michael. It has just been a long time.
“Michael,” You call out of him, holding yourself up by your elbows, “There’s no time for this, please.”
You didn’t have to say twice, because Michael quickly rose his body back up and pressed a kiss into your lips again.
There’s the sound of his zipper and soon the shifting of fabric and while lost in the kiss, Michael lays you back on the ground comfortably. His hand grabs into your leg and squeezes it softly, feeling himself lost for a second as your soft hands travel through his skin.
You gasp into the kiss as you feel him press into your entrance and Michael clenches his jaw at the sudden warmth touching him. You pull him close to you and Michael’s spear hand almost digs into the ground as he hides his head on your neck.
His other hand aligns him and slowly, he moves his hips towards yours. You groan lowly at the intrusion and he stops, giving you time as he doesn’t you to feel any kind of discomfort.
Your hand, that holds the back of Michael’s head, closes and he moves slightly again, moving in closer and closer to you, taking your movements as a hint for him to keep going. His cock slowly sliding into you, inch by inch, letting your warmth and wetness envelop him into its familiar hold that he so missed.
You gasp and he holds himself steady right as your take him all in. He lifts his head to check on you and his lips pepper your skin with soft kisses, some lost in his uneven breathing as he does so.
“You can move.” You whisper at him.
He doesn’t say anything, he lifts a few inches away from you and his hand comes back to your thigh. His movements start and they soon become thrusts.
Your soft gasps evolve into moans and Michael swears he’s dreaming. Your sounds are complete music to his ears, making them vibrate at the sweetness they carry, and, god, he had missed this.
Slowly, his thrusts start to accelerate, and your eyes force themselves closed. The way Michael’s hips hit yours and the way you squeeze him is driving the both of you insane. Your nails are digging into his arm as a small ball of pleasure starts to build up at the end of your stomach.
Michael lifts his arm and lays his hand beside your head. He eyes your body, still covered by the almost see-through fabric.
His breathing his loud and the sound of your bodies colliding with each other is all that fills your ears. His hand lets go of your leg and goes to your waist, his eyes analyzing your chest.
Michael presses a kiss on your sternum, over your dress and you arch your back at the feeling of his soft and warm lips. He clenches his jaw as the fabric stretches and exposes your chest to him, braless, nipples peeking through and appearing noticeable.
A shear layer of sweat covers the top of Michael’s forehead as the wind cools the warmth the both of you are creating. He lowers his head again and kisses you over the fabric of your dress that hugs your body so beautifully.
He looks down at where the two of you connect and a groan escapes his lips.
He, without any warning, grabs into your leg again and pulls up to your chest, letting another soft moan escape your mouth.
“Fuck, Michael…” You whisper at him.
He lifts off you and brings his other hand to your other leg. Still thrusting into your pussy, the sight as just improved to Michael, while you are lost at the difference it made to just rise your legs.
“God, you’re so perfect.” He mumbles at you, voice almost breaking into a whisper from his heavy breathing.
You throw your head back as his movements speed up and the pleasure in you intensifies.
After so long, it almost feels unreal to feel such emotion. It is more than pleasure, it’s an explosion of emotions.
All of those same emotions have been bottled up at the back of your mind and long forgotten, almost as if you had dismissed them because you didn’t believe you would ever feel them ever again.
But they are back and you’re feeling them at such a rate that you feel like tears are starting to well up in your eyes, blurring your vision.
You’ve probably thought this a thousand times, but, god, it feels like you’re dreaming. You pray that this won’t end in any way close to how your dreams usually do, but in a way, you’re not worried.
You don’t fear a bad ending in this, you don’t feel scared or anxious. You feel good. You feel happy and loved. Loved by someone who has shown way more love to you than any other person.
Someone you would vow to never stop loving if it meant that he will never leave your side. Someone that has never belonged to someone the same way he has belonged to you. No matter who has or will come in between you, you know the truth and you believe that it is the truth.
He loves you. He hurt you, but he loves you. He showed he was sorry, he apologized- Jesus, he saved your life. He didn’t let you die in his arms. He cried and feared your death right when you were bleeding a puddle into the ground.
Michael belongs to you and nobody else. He knows it, and he has told that himself that many times before. Now more than ever.
He belongs to you and you belong to him. And that is just how it is, and how it always will be.
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A/N.: I am not going to lie... I cried when proofreading Michael’s confession about his feelings. I’m such a cry baby, god.
[Sorry that the apology part was so shit. I, myself, struggled with justify that shit and got myself annoyed with it.]
Taglist: @ohhersheybars @woodland-mist @onlythechicagoway @soleil-dor @finn-shelbys-bulldog @oh-theres-a-woman @peakyxtommy @ms-reader @beautycinders @lovemissyhoneybee @graceedwards @jadesbabylon @marvelismylifffe @a-dorky-book-keeper @peakascum @shanetoo @hufflemendes @cherrytop02 @http-cherries @burnitup @livingforbarnes @iccyyyybitch @ravennaofasgar @carezzesuigraffi @fernweh-fangirl @hufflepeople @huskyhunny @desertgremlin @fireawayxx @lemur46 @sugarcoated-lame @i-sneeze-to-appease @gabytodd @cococola-cocaine @namelesslosers @dibs-on-mikey​ @lreincarnationl @lil-hungryy @7shadesofharold @sh4desofsadness @fairyofvoid @kennastyles 
If you’d like to be apart of the taglist, let me know.
Hope you enjoyed this! If would like to make any questions about the characters or when the next part will be available. My ask box is always open.
373 notes · View notes
chicksung · 4 years
The Firsts With My Last || Park Jisung
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Genre: fluff, lil bit of angst, best friends to lover au
Pairing: childhood best friend!jisung x reader
Word Count: 6.3k
Warning/s: small argument, food 
Synopsis: a collection of firsts with Park Jisung
A/N: Aaaaaahhhhh!!! it’s finally here! I cannot express how happy and excited I am for this! I worked so so so hard on this and I hope that you enjoy it! Feedback is welcome! Thank you to the lovely Elle @joh--pping for making the header! 
Networks: @nctnetwrite​ @nct-writers​ @kpopscape​ @neoturtles​ @neoswitchnet​
Taglist: @moonbeamsung @lebrookestore @jaeminpeachy @joh--pping @kyuwoyo @nksideblog @ncvltrtchnlgy @vera-liscious @ncteaxhoe @neojaems @ethaeriyeol
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First meeting
First grade, a time where your biggest worry was if you would be home in time to watch your favourite cartoon. That was also the age you met Park Jisung. Your teacher had handed out a simple colouring-in to keep the students entertained for the few minutes before the lunch bell rang. You had been peacefully drawing when one of your classmates, Chenle, had tried to grab the blue coloured pencil that was in your grasp. It was part of a pencil set your grandmother had given to you and you held it very dear to your heart, so the fact that one of troublemakers was trying to take it from you, made you severally upset. Despite the discouragements from his friends to leave you alone, you and Chenle continued your intense game of tug-o-war on the pencil until you heard a heart stopping snap. The pencil splintered down the middle, unable to take the pressure anymore. You could only eyeball it in shock, reality finally settling in that Chenle had broken your favourite pencil. The bell rang and you stared at Chenle, scooping up the two halves of the broken pencil into your chubby hands. You were the first one out of the classroom, tears streaming down your face as you grabbed your lunchbox and disappeared into the playground.
You hid behind a tree, attempting to summon your much needed magical abilities to somehow stick the two halves back together. No matter how hard you pressed them into each other, they wouldn’t bond together with an invisible force. At this realisation, you began to sob again, hiding your face into your knees, quiet wails escaping your lips. You continued to cry until you saw a pair of red and blue shoes come into your tear blurred vision from beneath your legs. You looked up and were met with a chubby cheeked child, a child you recognised as one of your classmates and one of Chenle’s friends who had tried to convince him to stop roughhousing with you.
“I’m sorry about your pencil. Chenle can be a bit of a butthead,” The boy gave you an awkward smile before shifting the wood chips and dirt around with the toe of his shoe. “Do you mind if I sit with you?” He asked politely, his eyes big and friendly. As much as you wanted to be alone and definitely did not want to be accompanied by someone who was on friendly terms with the culprit of the state your pencil was in, you couldn't find it in your heart to say no to his friendly gesture. You nodded sadly and he immediately occupied the space next to you. He looked at the broken pieces in your hand and a smile crept to his face. 
“There is one good thing about your broken pencil,” He stated, making you snap your head towards him.
“What is there good about this? My favourite pencil is broken because of your dumb friend,” You didn’t mean to snap at him, but you were so overcome with emotions and anger for what had happened, it slipped out. The boy looked at you, a little shocked at the fact you had called his friend dumb, but at the same time, he had called him dumb on multiple occasions. 
“Think about it! If you sharpen this side of this one,” He pointed to the more splintered of the two pieces, “you could have two blue pencils,” He said with such innocence and optimism that it was infectious. You looked at the half and smiled. You had never thought about it like that. You were too caught up in the fact that it was broken to focus on anything else. 
“You’re right!” You squeaked, a small laugh erupting from you. You turned to the boy once again, an unanswered question lingering in your mind.
“What’s your name?”
The boy smiled again, but this time it wasn’t awkward. “Park Jisung. What’s yours?”
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First Realisation of Feelings
The 7th grade school dance, where the room is cramped and hot, full of hormonal preteens to early teenagers. Not exactly the place Jisung expected to see you. You had often expressed your dislike for the majority of the grade and you never liked being in overcrowded places, the perfect word to describe the gymnasium that was decorated for the occasion. Yet here you were, standing in the corner, hands behind your back, looking down at your shoes and playing with the hem of your dress. Jisung quickly ditched the conversation he was having with Sungchan and Chenle and made a b-line towards you. You were glad he saw you. You didn’t want to be here, only here by force from both your friends and your parents, your parents saying that you should socialise more outside of school hours and your friends saying it would be fun. However, your friends had made a b-line to the boys they liked from the grade, leaving you to stand there awkwardly until you could no longer stand watching your friend drooling over quite arguably the biggest jerk in the grade. As for your parents’ word, the only thing you could think to tell them is ‘why socialise when I’m most comfortable around the clumsiest boy in the class?’
“Hi,” Jisung said, the same awkward smile on his lips.
“Hi,” You replied. You didn’t need to be a psychic to know that Jisung wasn’t exactly here on his own terms, most likely only here for Chenle (who you had since reconciled with after the incident in first grade) 
“You told me you weren’t coming,” He pointed out, trying to get rid of the slight awkwardness in the air. Why was it so awkward? It wasn’t normally like this.
“I wasn’t until I was made to by my friends and my parents,” You explained, shooting a glance to your friends, who were practically at each of their respective male attention giver’s beck and call. Why were they your friends again? “Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?” You brought attention to the sudden rise in the temperature, fanning your neck as you looked around for a possible air source, more so, a possible way out. Jisung nodded. He didn’t feel hot, but the gymnasium was cramped, and there were a lot of warm bodies inside of it, so he didn’t blame you. 
“Yeah, let’s go outside. The breeze is really nice out there.” 
After checking that the coast was clear of any members of faculty that might force you and Jisung to go back inside the gym, you ran to the gardens, a place that was quite pretty. Right next to the school flowed a river, which connected to the parent pick up area, accessible by bridge. You and Jisung stood side by side, watching your reflections ripple with the current of the water. The moonlight danced prettily with the water, creating a type of reflection that Jisung had only ever seen in movies. The cool summer breeze brushed against his skin, diminishing the sweat on his forehead. 
Then he looked at you. 
Your hair was lifted off your shoulders by the wind, the moon casting a silvery shadow across your face, fitting neatly across your facial features like a glove, but his breaking point was when you looked at him. It was as if someone had taken all of the stars in the galaxy and placed them one by one in your eyes. You looked so...beautiful. His heart rate increased dramatically and he was sure there was an intense blush that spread from his cheeks to his ears. Did he always feel like this when he saw you? Surely not. His heart had never raced like this before, and he definitely had never felt so speechless. What could this all mean? Could he...like you? “Hello? Earth to Park Jisung?” Your voice cleared the clouds of doubt from his mind as he finally closed his gaping mouth. “Are you okay? Do I need to tell a teacher?” You asked, a slight furrow in your brow appearing out of concern.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Just spaced out for a second.” He looked away in embarrassment, his eyes drifting over his reflection. Oh God, he was blushing. “The view was pretty and I guess started daydreaming.” 
“Were you daydreaming about someone?” You asked simply, before a smile broke across your face. “Were you daydreaming about me?” Jisung almost choked on his spit at your words.
“Was not!” Your laughter only picked up in volume, Jisung having to shush you and remind you that you were not supposed to leave the gym. 
“I’m only teasing you, I know you wouldn’t daydream about people. You just like to think about video games and food.”
“Hey, I do not! What’s with the Jisung slander?” You laughed. Something about your laugh was addicting, like a song he had just discovered and was unable to stop the lyrics from playing in your head. 
It’s been three weeks since the dance and you and Jisung were in the library, studying. Well, if you were to classify copying your science homework as homework because he had completely forgotten about it. You were currently working on your analysis for your Literature class, reading over the assessment outline to make sure you could get the best grade possible. You looked over and Jisung and he looked so relaxed. His round glasses perched comfortably on the bridge of his nose, his eyes scanning your answers before jotting them down onto his own page, his fingers wrapped firmly around his pen, and his lips pushed into a little pout as he concentrated. He looked so laid back, so relaxed despite the fact he had nearly had a heart attack when you told him that the homework was due by your next class, which didn’t give him enough time to do it at home. With your thoughts swimming through your head and so far into your daydream, you hadn’t noticed that his head had picked up and you were now staring (quite awkwardly) at each other.
“Is there something on my face?” Jisung asked, trying desperately to break the awkwardness between you two. You shook your head rapidly, assuring him that his appearance was fine and you had just spaced out. Well, you hadn’t completely lied. His appearance did look fine, and you had spaced out, you had just decided to leave out the reasoning as to why you had spaced out. 
Your cheeks burned harshly, like you were sitting in direct sunlight at the beach without any sunscreen. Is this what a developing crush felt like? Surely not. There’s no way you could have a crush on your best friend. That was weird, according to your friends, but then again, these were the same friends that said that you and Jisung were perfect for each other, so you don’t think they are a very credible source. 
Was this how crushes develop? Yes. Yes it was 
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First Confession
Sophomore year of high school. People are calming down from exam week, finally getting the recommended hours of sleep after the countless number of all nighters that were pulled to cram, drinking water instead of the copious amounts of caffeine. The autumn air was starting to set in and the leaves were starting to fall, catching the wind and creating a train for oranges and browns. You and Jisung were walking home from school, your head pounding after the amount of brain power wasted on several test packages that weighed too heavily on your overall grade in your opinion. 
“How about we go get ice cream and go to the park? My treat to the both of us working so hard?” You suggested, turning to the equally emotionally drained best friend beside you. At the mention of a delicious sweet treat, his head perked up and he nodded.
“Yes! Anything to stop my head from hurting,” His lips formed the most relieved smile, your pulse increasing at the sight. In an attempt to calm your racing heartbeat, you watched the leaves, long fallen from the huge oak trees that towered over you, crunch underneath your feet, a little bit of stress releasing each time you stepped in them. Jisung seemed to pick up on this, his smile taking on a playfully mischievous role. He raced ahead of you and jumped, his feet landing firmly in a pile of leaves. The dead leaves flew up around him, creating a skirt of sorts around his waist. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, a stupidly large smile shared between the two of you. 
“Come on, let’s get this ice cream before the store closes. We’ll never get there if you keep acting like you’ve never seen leaves before,” You rolled your eyes, continuing down the path, your back now facing Jisung. He jogged to your side, bumping your hip with his when he did.
“You don’t know that.”
“We have literally been friends since we were 5, I think I would know,” Jisung cursed inwardly after taking a second to process what you had said. 
“T-That’s not fair and I- hey! Hey! Wait up!” 
Walking down a simple path in the park, the bumpy texture of the wafer cone in your hand, and the occasional playful cheers of children and dog passing by was simply relaxing. The simplicity of the noises of everyday life, the perfect natural remedy for an exam induced headache. 
You and Jisung came across a beautiful area that overlooked the huge lake in the middle of the park, a popular skating attraction during the winter. There were a few ducks waddling around the water’s edge, a few gliding gracefully along the water and few attempting to ruin a couple’s picnic by stealing their sandwiches. As you sat down on the ground, the crisp breeze whipped lightly across your face, you were relaxed, almost completely forgetting about the exams you had taken only hours earlier. 
Jisung was staring at you, he was sure of it. In fact, he’s pretty sure that the elderly couple sitting metres away from the both of you would see it. He followed your gaze when your eyes fell on the most adorable mother duck, being followed by her clumsy ducklings. You liked the one at the back the most, always the most clumsy. You turned to Jisung, a teasing smirk dripping from your lips.
“You see the one at the end?” You pointed to the duckling, whose little webbed foot had caught on a twig, sending it rolling onto its side. Jisung nodded. “That would be you as a duck. The overly clumsy baby of the family,” Jisung’s eyes widened in slight offense at your comment.
“What do you mean? I’m not clumsy!” He tried to defend himself, only gaining a snort from you.
“Right, and I’m the Queen of England,” You said sarcastically, looking back towards the ducks. Between the time you had turned away to tease Jisung and right now, another duck had come back in search of it’s sibling. The duckling looked curiously at the fallen duck, before turning its head and let out high pitched quacks to its mother and signalling her to come back. Jisung watched as the mother duck picked the duckling up by the scruff of the neck and put it back on its feet. 
“And if you were a duck, that would be you. Always looking out for the clumsy one,” He commented, watching the family waddle off to a different area of the park. Taking another spoonful of his ice cream (you refused to let him get a cone. With how accident-prone he was, there was only fate for that poor ice cream cone, and it involved Jisung dropping ice cream down his crisp white shirt) before sighing. 
“Ducks are cute like you too,” He thought out loud, forgetting that the you in question was sitting right next to him. 
“Did you say something?” You asked.
“I-I said ducks are cute, and then I stopped talking!” Real smooth, Park. 
“Right…” You said, knowing damn well that isn’t what he said, but you didn’t wish to press further. “My legs are asleep, let’s walk a little more.” You suggested, almost leaping from your spot on the ground. Jisung scrambled to stand up too, his ice cream almost slipping through his fingers. 
You walked for what felt like miles, talking about everything under the sun. You hadn’t realised how far you had walked until you were facing the street, with the name of your street written in printed letters on the sign. 
“Guess my legs knew it was getting late before I did. I should probably get home before my mom yells at me. See you at school tomorrow, right?” Before you could walk away, you felt a hand on your wrist. Jisung’s hand. 
“Wait, I need to tell you something,” Jisung’s voice sounded desperate, like if he didn;t say this now, it would kill him. 
“What? Did you leave your jacket at the park again?” You tried to joke, but Jisung’s eyes just pleaded with you.
“Please just listen,” Jisung said, his tone coming out a lot sterner than he had meant to. He exhaled deeply before placing both of his hands in yours, his head swimming with thoughts. 
“I like you.” His eyes, his tone, the slight smile on his lips. They all were dripping with sincerity. 
“I like you. I don’t expect you to accept my feelings but I just really needed to get this off my chest because I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while and-”
“I like you too,” You interjected with a smile, squeezing Jisung’s hand.
“Y-You do?” He repeated your words in his head like a broken record, watching as you gave him a confident nod. 
“Yes. Now, can I go home now?” Jisung flustered himself and nodded, letting go of your hand and waving as you disappeared down your street. His cheeks were glowing red, surely resembling a firefly. You liked him too? He felt like a giddy schoolboy, a smile plastered on his face. This was quite possibly the best day of his life.
First Date
“No, no. Absolutely not, I refuse,” Jisung screeched as you swung into an empty parking space in the car park of the ice skating rink. You giggled evilly to yourself. 
“You said I get to pick the location of our date, and I choose the ice rink,” You reminded him smugly, giving him a sickly sweet smile. You sunk down in his seat, grumbling unheard profanities as he knew you were right. He had given you the power to choose where you two would have a date together, a power he was now regretting giving you. 
“Lighten up, will you? One ice skating session isn’t going to kill you,” You rolled your eyes, making your way towards the entrance to the building. 
“I seriously doubt it,” He grumbled, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
There weren’t many others on the rink, some small children with their parents, the odd couple or two, but it was quiet. Well, quiet customer wise.
“Don’t let go of me! I’m too young to die!” Jisung squeaked, your arm wrapped in a death grip from the boy.
“Jisung, you’re not gonna die, not on my watch,” You assured him, helping him up as his knees shook like a newborn giraffe. You were able to shake the grip he had on your arm and hold both of his hands before skating backwards very slowly. “You trust me, right?” “More than anything,” He affirmed. You smiled and tugged him along, giving him perfect momentum to stay on his two feet. You swung yourself around so you were now skating besides him, intertwining your fingers together like puzzle pieces. Gliding together, you felt like you were skating in the middle of a snowy escape, a winter wonderland. You felt as if you were skating with the Snow Kingdom’s prince (except if the Snow Prince didn’t know how to skate) and the snow was falling gently around you delicately. 
This fantasy ended when your hand was jerked backwards. Your skates hit an oddly slipping part of the ice, causing you to slip over and fall promptly on the ground, finding yourself face to face with the culprit, your clumsy boyfriend. 
“Heh, sorry,” He apologised, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. You couldn’t find it in yourself to feel any kind of unamused emotion towards the boy, only bursting into a fit of giggles. 
“You’re too darn cute,” you admitted, knees knocking as you got back onto your feet. You extended your hand, offering it to Jisung as assistance to get him back on his feet. 
“Do you wanna try again?” It was more of a suggestion than a question, but you still hesitated, afraid of him saying no.
“What are my chances of getting a concussion?” The boy joked, a bright and gummy smile breaking across his face. You stifled a laugh.
“Pretty high when you assess the situation,” You answered in an amused tone. Jisung suddenly pulled you closer and placed his hands on your cheeks. His slender fingers were freezing cold against the rosy tint of your cheeks, but you didn’t seem to mind all that much. You could see him having an inner battle with himself before grinning in victory. He leaned closer to you, placing a peck to the numbed tip of your nose. Your heart fluttered like it had been caught up in a whirlwind of butterfly wings, delicately carrying them to a higher level than before. You swore you were giving Jisung really obvious heart eyes, but from the way he was looking at you, the exchange must’ve been mutual. 
Jisung finally pulled himself together, slow realisation sinking in of what he had just done. “S-Sorry,” he apologised softly, his fingers slipping away from your cheek. You caught it, bringing it down to the height of your shoulder and intertwining your fingers with his. 
“Don’t be,” you said cooly, cautiously skating towards the exit to the rink. “I’m starving. Let’s go find lunch. You can pick this time,” you smiled cheerily at him. He snuck a glance to you as he untied the laces of his ice skates. There was something about your smile that was so enchanting, sort of subtle, and perfect, and real. He couldn’t help but wonder if you even knew how wonderful your smile could make someone feel. Especially a someone like Jisung, someone who would find elegance and serenity in the tiniest things you do. He cursed his heart for fluttering stupidly fast, not that it heeded his thoughts, only beating harder the more he stared at you.
“Let’s go,” You announced, extending your hand to him. He grabbed it without a second thought. This felt like home to him, with someone who meant the world to him.
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First Kiss
“Jisung, this is crazy! My parents will find out about this!” You whisper-yelled at Jisung, reluctantly throwing on your coat and shoes. Jisung smiled like a fool, feeling like a modern day Romeo as he waited on your front porch. You threw the front door open, seeing your boyfriend, absolutely drenched from head to toe with rain. The rain had been falling heavily for half an hour, so you couldn’t help but wonder what inside his mind decided that he would walk to your neighbourhood in the pouring rain just to see you?
“Jisung, it’s two in the morning. Why are you here?” You interrogated once you shut the door.
“I wanted to see you. Is that such a crime?” He countered, a sly smile resting on his pretty lips. You scoffed, playfully pushing him away. Jisung took a few paces back, extending his long fingers to you.
“Huh?” You vocalised your confusion.
“Come dance with me,” He said, waiting patiently. You hesitated for a moment. You feared the fact that your parents would definitely ground you if they found out that you were escapading at ridiculous hours of the night just to be with a boy, but on the other hand, this was Jisung you were talking about. The night, or morning if you were to be technical, wasn’t getting any younger and nor were you. In that moment, you didn’t care if your parents found out about your late night adventures. You grabbed Jisung’s hand and smiled.
“Show me to the dance floor,” You announced confidently.
To the rest of the world, the two of you probably looked like idiots. Running and shoving each other in the rain, willingly. However to the both of you, you were the only two people in the world. The only light to remind that the world was still there were the dim streetlights, illuminating only within its reach before fading back into darkness.
You danced under the streetlamp, your very own spotlight. You risked the chances of a cold, for the feeling of freedom, to be two dumb kids, fooling around at forsaken hours of the night. You had a smile to your ears and your laughter rang out loudly throughout the slumbering neighbourhood. You squealed when he pulled you closer to him by your hips. Your hands instinctively rested on his shoulders, eyes focusing on him, the water droplets that fell from his soaking wet hair and the goofy smile on his lips.
The laughter that the two of you died down, both of you completely infatuated by the other. How pretty they looked with raindrops kissing their skin, how their eyes sparkled when the light hit them at this angle. Jisung bit the inside of his cheek in hesitation. What if he was reading the signs wrong? What if you didn’t want to? He cautiously leaned forward, and you followed suit. Your lips met briefly before Jisung pulled away, scanning your face for any sign of discomfort or disgust. Instead, he was met with your eyes sparkling brightly, a huge smile breaking across your face. 
“You kissed me,” You said, slightly astonished at Jisung’s bravery.
“Yeah, I did,” He mumbled, trying to come to terms with the event that just played out in front of him.
“Do it again,” You egged.
“Excuse me?” His eyes blew wide at your comment.
“Kiss me again.”
To the rest of the world, the two of you probably looked like idiots. However to the both of you, you were the only two people in the world. The only two people in your world. 
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First Time Falling in Love
The stars twinkled brightly in the dark sky above, like silver glitter that had been thrown into the depths of space. You admired the stars, wishing you could fly up there for a second just to dance among them. It was your calming activity before bed, talking to the stars about your day, especially if it wasn’t particularly a good day. The best part about today however, was that you weren’t gazing up into space in your bedroom, instead lying in the grass with the cool breeze on top of a hill that overlooked the city lights, and you weren’t gazing up into space alone, instead in company of your boyfriend, Jisung.
The two of you had spent the last hour and a half stargazing, talking about everything and anything, the big things like school systems, and the little things like the ladybird that had crawled it’s way up a blade of grass before taking flight above you. You were sleepy and ready to go home. You and Jisung were standing, facing each other, giving the sky one more quick glance before you left. When your vision came back down, you met Jisung’s eyes. They were pretty, a dark chocolate brown, the type of brown that when light hits them at just the right angle, they turn into pools of honey. They were entrancing, glittering, beautiful. It seems like he was just as entranced by your gaze as you were his, as the both of you stood in silence. Finally, Jisung mustered up enough courage like the day he asked you out, and cupped your face. His hands pressed flush against your cheeks, feeling the warmth from your blush underneath them. His lips parted and closed again, like he was trying to tell you something but was second guessing himself.
“I think,” Jisung started, trying to collect his thoughts before speaking. “I think I’m in love with you.”
“I’m glad I’m not the only one,” You laughed softly, your eyes flickering from his eyes down to his lips, so full and kissable. Without a second to think, he pulled you closer, pressing a soft kiss against your lips, a kiss full of sweetness and amateur love, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
The two of you broke away and smiled. “Shall we go home now?” You asked with lovestruck eyes. He noticed. He smiled.
“Yes, we better,”
You were maybe just a little bit in love with Park Jisung.
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First Argument
You can only recount one argument with Jisung. 
You sat there at the cafe, looking around nervously for him. The constant checks of your phone and the cafe door every time the bell rang to signify a new customer, you silently hoped it wasn’t true. He wouldn’t do this to you. You refused to believe it. There was no way, right? There was no way Park Jisung had forgotten your date, right?
“Jeno, has anyone ever told you, you suck at MarioKart?” Chenle asked teasingly, pillow colliding with his head, which caused Toad to fly off the edge of the course. Jisung laughed hysterically, tears forming in his eyes as he drove Yoshi to victory. Amongst the commotion going on inside, the doorbell rang. Renjun, who was not participating in his friends’ antics, decided to answer it. Upon seeing you, he was a bit shocked to see you there. You barely showed up there, so to see you standing outside the door, with your coat folded between your arms and a displeased look on your face, took him by surprise.
“Jisung, it’s for you,” Renjun called into the door, abandoning you at the threshold to take over Jisung’s controller. 
When your boyfriend saw you, he smiled with a twinkle of confusion in his eye.
“Hey, what are you doing here? We were just playing MarioKart if you-”
“You forgot, didn’t you?” You interrupted bitterly, boring holes in his soul from your gaze alone. Jisung looked at you for a second, trying to comprehend the words that had left your lips moments ago. 
“Is it your birthday?” Jisung asked stupidly. Anger flashed in your eyes before you grabbed him by the shoulder of his t-shirt and tugged him out of the dorm. With the door now acting as a barrier between the argument and the fun his friends were having, you could now speak freely.
“3pm, Culture Cafe. Does this mean anything to you?” You interrogated, your tone bitter and upset, a lethal combination. Jisung’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, wracking his brains to try and make connections between the two. 
“Our date, Jisung! Our fucking date!” You yelled at him, growing bored of watching him try and remember. “We planned this three days ago, how can you not remember?” Your voice softened in disbelief. “It was just this one thing, but instead I come here and find you playing video games with your friends.” The more you spoke, the more tears blurred your vision. 
Jisung swore he heard his heart break when he saw a fat tear roll down your cheek. He had caused those tears, over just how forgetful he really is.
“If there was a more sincere way of saying sorry, I would say it. I can’t think of the words to-” Jisung was cut off by your sobs. He immediately panicked, grasping your shoulders, feeling like a kicked puppy. “No, no, no, baby don’t cry. I promise I’ll-”
“I can’t be here any longer. Just give me a few days,” you used those words as your salutations of farewell, turning on your heel and walking away from him. You silently screamed at yourself for getting so upset over a stupid date, but this wasn’t like Jisung. He was so adamant about not forgetting the important things, so why would he forget this? 
It had been five days since the confrontation with Jisung, and you had not spoken to him since. You left him on read with every text message, and deleted every voicemail he left you. You acknowledged you may be acting a bit brashly, but you wanted him to feel the same forgotten feeling that sat in the bottom of your stomach when he left alone at that cafe. 
You wanted Jisung to apologise. You just didn’t expect him to apologise the way he did.
Your doorbell rang repetitively, clearly trying to divide your attention from your comfort show. You reluctantly stood up from your comfy spot on the couch, and walked towards the door. Upon opening it, you saw a boy with dark dishevelled hair with a cake in hand. The cake was messily decorated and seemed a bit squashed, but you could still tell it was supposed to be a heart shape. 
“Is this your way of apologising?” You asked him monotonously, your eyes still on the cake. Jisung nodded. His eyes seemed puffy.
“I don’t mean to ruin the apology, but why does the cake look a bit…”
“Squished?” Jisung finished, a sad smile playing at his lips. “Chenle, the stupid ass, sat on the box before I left. All my hard work, now flattened,” He gave a half hearted chuckle before silencing himself.
“Look, I am really, really sorry. I was stressing, and the boys thought it would be a good idea if I spent time out of my room and play some games with them to stop moping around, and I didn’t realise how fast the time went and I forgot about our date and then I felt horrible and I-” He rambled on, an embarrassed blush colouring his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He stopped when he heard you giggle, a soft, almost whimsical sound. You took the cake box from him and smiled. 
“You put all of this work in, just for an apology?” You asked, a soft smile subconsciously creeping across your face. 
“You weren’t answering your phone, so I got desperate,” Jisung admitted, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck at your reaction. You stepped forward to kiss his cheek, his skin warm against your lips. 
“So, am I forgiven?” He asked nervously, feeling cold sweat dribble down the back of his neck. 
“Depends. Are you gonna share this cake with me?” You countered, stepping aside to invite him in. 
“Who did you bribe to allow you in the kitchen by yourself?”
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First Dance
“Hurry up, we’re going to miss the sunset,” Jisung tugged you up the hill, sunlight casting over his face the higher he hiked up the mountain. You let out a tired laugh as you allowed him to drag you up the mountain. Once you reached the top, you finally understood why he wanted to show you this place. The view was spectacular. The sunset gave the landscape an orange hue to it, even the ocean sparkled like magnificent glitter. The orange specks glowed like millions of fireflies, creating a picture perfect landscape, one that belonged within the walls of a world famous museum. 
“This is stunning,” You sighed in awe, the dusk lighting flicking its rays into your irises. Jisung nodded firmly, pride bubbling in his chest at knowing he picked the perfect place.
“Baby?” He asked, hiding his shyness as best he could.
“Yeah?” You answered, eyes breaking away from the beautiful atmosphere to him. He held his hand out, suggesting something.
“Dance with me?” He asked politely, a pink tint colouring the tips of his ears. You giggled lightly.
“Dancing is meaningless without music,” You informed, warm breeze whipping past the exposed parts of your skin. Jisung whipped out his phone, briefly tapped on the screen and waited before a soft and calming song played from the speakers. He slipped it into his back pocket, quickly taking your left hand in his right, his left hand coming down to rest on your waist and steadily rocking you to the melody. Your head rested against his chest, inhaling his warm scent. He smelt of fresh cotton sheets and something else that can only be described as the sweetest fruit of the summer. 
The moment felt like a scene out of a fairytale, a nonsensical world that only manifested in the creative young minds of children, however the way the gentle breeze kissed your cheek and ruffled your hair, the last of the sun’s rays pressed a warm glow to your skin, it felt too real to be make believe. 
Jisung twirled you around on the spot, a giggle escaping your lips as you fell gracefully against his chest. As you spun around to face him again, the look in his eyes could only be truly explained with one word; ‘Lovestruck’, like his whole world revolved around you. You were his moon, his stars, his world. You might as well have been his whole solar system, dammit. He pressed a soft chaste kiss your lips, pulling away and leaving only centimeters between the both of you.
“I love you,” Jisung’s face lit up like the fireflies that played in the valley beneath you. You cracked a giddy smile, lacing your fingers with him.
“I love you too,” You requited, realising that the song you were originally dancing to had faded out some time ago, only dancing along to the beat of each other’s heart. He laughed at this discovery, holding you closer and hearing the faint drum of your thumping heart. He hummed to himself as thoughts of you swam through his head, but only one stuck out to him. It was less of a thought and more like an idea, a wish, a dream, a promise.
You are my first love, and I intend for you to be my last
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prongsy · 3 years
“ Did you just…. propose to me?”
I saw this prompt and I just had to write something even though it’s two am right now. Hope you guys like it. Please be gentle. :)
Remus was having a strange day.
When he woke up in the morning the weather was fine.His breakfast was fine. Everything was fine and so quiet. Peaceful even.
He was immediately on edge.
Don’t get him wrong, he liked the peace, but it was completely out of the ordinary. His friends and boyfriend were loud and spontaneous and……. absolutely nowhere to be found.
He woke up that morning and they were all already out of bed so assumed that he would be seeing them in the Great Hall for breakfast.
He really started to get worried when none of them showed up to their morning classes. The most surprising thing was that none of the professors took notice. Not even McGonagall. When he asked Lily between classes if she knew where the boys were, she just smiled at him with a twinkle in her eye and walked away.
Now he was panicking. When the students were sent out to lunch he didn't follow. He started to go towards the dorms, intent on grabbing the map and finding those three idiot boys and giving them a dressing down they would never forget, when he felt a hand on his arm.
“What?” He says as he turns to look at Lily, whose hand drops from his arm at the movement.
She’s silent as she grabs his hand and walks him to the Great Hall. He tries to stop her and continue on his search for his boys, but she won’t budge. She shoulders on as she continues to walk him toward the Great Hall. He eventually relents and lets her lead him, all while he questions her weird behavior.
“Why are you so determined to take me to the Great Hall? Sirius, James and Peter have been missing all day and I honestly doubt I’ll even be able to eat anything until I find out what exactly they’ve been up to all morning.” He says, a small furrow forming in between his eyebrow as his face scrunches in confusion.
“I just think that this is a lunch you aren’t gonna want to miss.” She insists with a coy smirk across her lips. She’s been spending too much time with James. And Sirius. And himself if he’s being honest.
He looks at her for a moment, feeling an odd mixture of pride and trepidation, before looking away and pouting slightly. Everyone seems to know what is going on except for him and he is not having it. Not one bit.
They finally make it to the Great Hall with Remus still pouting and Lily still smirking. The Hall is quiet, which is strange for a large group of 7th years, and everyone at the professors table seems to be watching him a little too closely. Remus sort of shuffles his way to the Gryffindor table, acutely aware of the empty seats surrounding him and the weird tension of the rest of the members of the table.
He’s about to start filling his plate with food when hears someone clear their throat at the front of the room. He turned to see that Dumbledor had stood up at the center of the Great Hall’s stage and seemed to be prepping for a speech. Remus turned to pay attention, as did every other student.
“I would like to apologize for interrupting your lunch, but as a lot of us know someone has something very important to ask someone here and has asked to be able to make this announcement right now.” Dumbledor says, smiling in the vague direction of the Gryffindor and causing Lily to squeal excitedly whilst clapping her hands.
“Come on boys, the floor is yours,” he says as he sits back down at his chair, looking to the left.
Remus follows his line of sight to see James and Peter walking out in muggle tuxes. Peter has on a black tux with a white dress shirt and a black tie, his hair slicked back nicely, and in his hand he is holding a white rose. James is dressed similarly, except his hair is an absolute mess as always. He is also holding a white rose.
Both of them walk towards the Gryffindor table and so right in front of him. Remus has never been so confused in his life. They both smile at him, faces brimming with happiness, and drop the roses into his hand. He looks at them in utter confusion, but they both just smile widely at him and step back to form the beginning of a horizontal line across from Remus.
Remus opens his mouth to ask what the bloody hell was happening when he heard more footsteps. He looks over to find the entirety of the Gryffindor Quidditch team walking towards him, all dressed just as sharply as Peter and James, and all holding a single white rose.
Just like James and Peter did, they all drop the rose into his arms and step back into the line. Remus is absolutely flabbergasted and the entire Great Hall is vibrating it seems.
“What the he-“ Remus cuts himself off as he feels his breath hitch and his heart start beating a harsh tattoo in his chest.
Merlin, he thinks, this cannot be real. Walking towards him is Sirius Black, his boyfriend of three years and his best friend of seven, dressed in a beautiful dark marine blue suit that makes his eyes look absolutely stunning. His long, dark hair is pulled back into a french braid with pieces framing his face. His finger nails are elegantly painted in a marine blue shade that matches his tuxedo.
He’s beautiful, so heart wrenchingly beautiful and Remus can’t breathe. Remus can’t breathe because Sirius is beautiful and he’s smiling that Sirius Black grin and making his way towards him with a single red rose in his hand and Merlin, Remus can’t breathe.
Sirius finally reaches Remus and stops right in front of him, just like the other did. Except Sirius doesn’t step back. He stands there nervously, red rose in his hand, before reaching for Remus’ hand and pulling him up. Remus lays the roses on the table and stands instantly, still staring at Sirius, always staring at Sirius.
He watches as Sirius shifts a bit before he feels him place the red rose in Remus’ now free hands. He sees Sirius take a deep breath before he hears him speak.
“Remus, I love you,” he starts and Remus can feel his throat closing up.
“ You have been my best friend since I was eleven and I will never be able to thank you enough for that. You have given me things that I didn’t even know I needed and have made me feel things I didn’t even know a person could feel. You have shown me what it feels like to fall in love, what it feels like to trust and be trusted in return. You have been there during my worst moment and you have let me be there for yours. You are the first thing I see when I wake up and the last touch I feel before I fall asleep. You are truly one of the only things I’m sure of and there is nothing I want more than to see you in every part of my life, no matter where I turn. I love you,” he chokes out as tears start to fill his eyes. Remus is surprised by the tears that have already escaped his eyes and made their way down his cheek.
Sirius sniffles a bit before he continues.
“James and the Potters might have shown me what a family feels like, but you Remus Lupin have never felt like anything other than home. Would you please, please do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?” He starts to get on his knees and reaches into his back pocket to pull out a small burgundy box.
“Remus Lupin, will you marry me?” He looks up at Remus with the most hopeful eyes whilst he opens up the small box to reveal the ring, and Remus can’t breathe.
Remus can’t hear anything other than his heartbeat thumping in his ear as he looks down at the love of his life. The love of his life that just asked him to marry him and has gone suspiciously silent and is looking a little bit worried,
Oh right, he thinks, I need to answer.
He tries to speak. Tries to open his mouth and say yes yes yes! What comes out instead is:
“Did you just…. propose to me?”
Remus wants to hit himself. Over the head. With a dictionary. Hard.
“Um...yes?” Sirius looks two words away from fainting as he says this.
“Oh, then yes” Remus breathes out, feeling stupid, but oh so very happy.
“Yes?” Sirius asks even as the grin starts to make its way across his face again.
“ Yes. Yes!” Remus can’t help but laugh a little.
Sirius scrambles up to his feet and sweeps Remus up into his arms. He spins the both of them around a bit while the rest of the student body explodes into applause.
Sirius puts him down before reaching for his face and pulling him down. Remus meets him halfway as he wraps his arms around his waist and kisses him deeply. They can hear James wolf whistling in the background, but neither of them care, too wrapped up in the moment to focus on anything other than in each other.
They pull back, grinning at each other happily. Remus lifts up his hand and wiggles his fingers at Sirius to remind him to put a ring on it. Sirius reaches down to pick up the box he dropped in his excitement, blushing all the while. They both giggle as Sirius takes his hand and slides the ring on his finger before planting a kiss on it.
Remus finally looks at the ring and he can feel tears fill his eyes once more. It’s a simple gold band with a beautiful engraving of a wolf and a dog laying with each other under the full moon. Remus looks into Sirius’ soft grey eyes and feels tears make their way back down Remus’ face.
Sirius brings his hands up to wipe Remus’ face before pressing their foreheads together.
“So this is what you were planning all morning, huh?” He whispers into the space between them.
“Of course, only the best for my fiancé.” Sirius whispers back with a lovesick smile on his face.
Fiancé, wow.
Scratch that, Remus Lupin was having the best day.
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retroknightx · 3 years
hypmic headcanons
since nobody on my instagram appreciates me, i’m going to put them here, and it’ll be like a master post i can add onto that way anyway (which is convenient for me, because i keep adding on… yeah, it’s bad lmao. my notes document can only take so much) all of it will be under the line so you guys don’t just have a big ass post clogging your feed! to whoever my 4 followers are
starting with fling posse…
Ramuda Amemura
He’s trans.
He has a superiority complex to hide his inferiority complex.
He also likely has a little bot of a god complex… Just a tiny bit… Not to the point it’d endanger his life, but to the point he can never admit he’s wrong (I suppose this can also count as the superiority complex).
He also has a little bit of a schoolboy crush on Dice… that has lasted far longer than he’d ever like to admit – not that he’d ever admit it in the first place – and he gets jealous over Dice.
He started his whole thing with girls, whatever it is, as a power trip, which also explains why he likes to cause so much chaos.
Since he used to smoke, he started candy as a way to stop smoking and it slowly replaced his smoking habit (as I have yet to see him smoke otherwise, but keep in mind I’m not far into the manga and mostly I’m going off the ARB story).
Gentaro Yumeno
All writers are perfectionists (I’d know as one).
He’s probably very particular about the details and doesn’t like doing things without a plan.
He’s the lyric write for Fling Posse’s raps and does not enjoy making up lyrics on the spot; however he can if he must – This is also why he carries the book everywhere.
I honest to god don’t feel like he’s of this world and whatever his actual form is (irony in his rap name?), it scared Ramuda enough to create Fling Posse, so here they are.
now for the dice ones… it’s gonna be long!
Dice Arisugawa
He is, unfortunately, very oblivious to romantic approaches – especially from close friends such as his division members, for he’s been with them for so long that he can never imagine them falling in love with him.
He has abandonment issues/a fear of abandonment because his mother left him.
Speaking of his mother, Dice likely knows how to do “noble” things because he was raised by a politician; i.e. how to play piano and stuff like that.
Adding on top of that, I feel like Dice has an accumulation of many different skills from being all over the place – He learned how to do card tricks by watching others, and he probably learned bird calls from spending time with Rio.
He undoubtedly has ADHD (as a person with ADHD myself, you cannot tell me I am wrong)!
He’s well aware that’s he a leech, but he can’t stop himself because the addiction is stronger and he feels terrible about it; it’s why he often begs instead of anything else that would fit his character more.
He’s a very talkative person and often rambles to get his thoughts organized.
He doesn’t like being put into awkward situations or forced into silence because he is used the buzz of a casino and a busy city.
Relating to the ADHD canon, Dice puts his life on line not only for the thrill of it, but to keep his mind off of thoughts, and it’s also why he gambles; so he can focus on one thing.
He is numb to change because he’s a gambler.
He is very good at adapting to a new environment.
He doesn’t like being looked down up and that’s why he started gambling; to prove that he’s worth something.
He uses humor to cope if he can’t get his mind off of things with the thrill of gambling.
Extras (Fling Posse all together)
Dice has weird limbs, so clothing fits him weird, and Ramuda started making clothes for them because of that.
Ramuda chased after Dice after he stole his signature parka and the Fling Posse star was embroidered on later by Ramuda after the formation of Fling Posse.
Ramuda likely pulls whatever strings he has access to to make life easier for his division members (not that it stops them from getting into trouble, that is).
Gentaro spends a lot of time away when writing and likely forgets he’s even alive during those periods, so his division members make sure he’s still taking care of himself when he gets like that.
They all piss each other off, but in a platonic love kind of way.
moving onto matenrou! my favorite division <3
Jakurai Jingui
Oh, my poor man’s so tired. He just needs a long break and a spa day; speaking of this, he likely doesn’t ask for help often – it’s the messiah complex he undoubtedly has.
His hair is too long for him to be taking care of it himself, and it definitely looks in fantastic condition, so he definitely takes good care of it – I just don’t think he takes care of it himself; I think he enlists the help of his division members (as I headcanon that Matenrou is in a poly relationship).
Jakurai’s matureness can sometimes get in the way of other things, such as emotional moments, and he can come off as cold or distant when he doesn’t mean to come off that way.
Unlike the other divisions, Jakurai wanted to really separate from his past, and that’s why he named his division Matenrou instead of reusing something from the past. He also probably doesn’t like talking about the past.
His hair is naturally silver, but the lighter shades that are nearly white underneath was caused by stress.
He gets cold quickly, which is why he always keeps the lab coat on, and it’s also why he wears a turtleneck.
Jakurai does live in the same apartment as Doppo and Hifumi, but he’s always so busy that he often can’t get there, so he ends up sleeping at the hospital; he also has a separate apartment of his own that’s closer to the hospital if he has free time, but he’s not off work/off work but still on call.
Doppo Kannonzaka
Man, the first thing I thought when I saw him was that he has a choking kink. Enough said. He also likely has a praise kink.
If he didn’t have social anxiety and wasn’t so busy, he’d also probably be going over to Rio’s camp a lot. I think it’s because he’s so overworked that he doesn’t care about what’s in the food; as long as he gets it.
He’s probably passed out from exhaustion more than once and just got used to it.
Despite all his problems, he definitely wants to be known and he wants his name out there; he wants to be just like the other two and he definitely looks up to them already, but he aspires to be them.
He is so thankful for his divison members and he’s glad that they accepted him.
Hifumi Izanami
Hifumi is a classic case of “fake it till you make it”; I really don’t know how he became one of the most popular hosts in Shinjuku, but it’s definitely about the fake confidence and the jacket is a comfort object for him that allows him to have that confidence.
He cooks all the time for his division members and he uses the catches from fish all the time, too. He even brings the lunches to their works for them.
Since Hifumi’s always out so late, the others make sure he has everything he needs for whenever he wakes up and sometimes they wait for him.
They’re all in a poly relationship and I refuse to believe anything else; I mean, have you seen those “my room” dialouge in ARB? Fruity.
They probably all love to cuddle whenever they get the chance because they can’t do it often.
They definitely set up one day of the month for all of them to just be together.
buster bros time!
Ichiro Yamada
This may just be the Ichiro simp in me, but I think he has a very nice tummy that’d be nice to lay on; like a soft one if that makes any sense to anybody other than me.
He’s a very friendly person and if you’re close friends with him, he’s definitely loyal; he’d be willing to drop anything to help you kind of loyal, like he is to his brothers – all that, except the willing to die part.
I think he gets flustered easily and doesn’t know how to respond to compliments. That’s also probably the Ichiro simp in me.
Although he has to stop his brothers from ripping out each other’s throats all the time, he’s very proud of them and of their achievements, no matter what they are. He’s willing to praise them even for the tiniest things to make up for his absence in their lives.
He probably has a terrible sleeping schedule, but he could probably operate on pretty much anything. Two hours of sleep? That’s not an issue for him; he’s used to it.
He’s likely a cheapskate when it comes to himself, but when it comes to his brothers, he spares no expense if he can.
Saburo Yamada
He has a superiority complex. I mean, just look at how he acts with Jiro – that’s enough proof right there.
He got into hacking and all of that computer stuff because it was interesting to him; he’s probably pursuing a career in it, considering just how good he is at it. I feel like he’d make a good white hat hacker that tests your website security, like Alma in Va-11 Hall-A.
Call him a library, because he holds grudges for years.
I think he just likes picking arguments because he think it’s funny and there’s nothing better to do when you’re stuck with your brothers (as somebody with a sibling myself, I can attest to that).
Jiro Yamada
Anger issues. Yep, that’s it. That’s the headcanon.
Man probably goes dumpster diving to see what kind of treasures he can find; his room is probably full of that kind of junk.
He probably has greasy hair. It doesn’t matter how much he cleans it, it’s just greasy (as somebody with the same issue, go clean your pillows Jiro).
Ichiro has to hold Jiro back from just punching Saburo all the time.
God, somebody save Ichiro from his siblings; with how much they bicker, he probably has taken so much ibuprofen to stop headaches in his life that he should be considered dead from an overdose.
Despite being assholes to each other, they all help each other out – Saburo helps Jiro with his work, Jiro helps Saburo with whatever he can’t do, and Ichiro takes care of the rest. It’s the only thing keeping their bond together.
mad trigger crew, my beloved.
Rio Mason Busujima
Rio’s very stoic and that often doesn’t break, so it’s very rare to see a smile on his face. He has different smiles for different things too – there’s the business one; one so he doesn’t look as intimidating, and the actual genuine smile that’s very rare to see, but it happens when somebody appreciates his food.
Rio’s not good at understanding emotions and it takes him awhile to process emotions; he goes quiet in these moments and it can be confusing for those who don’t know him, but once he’s thought everything out, he’s very smart about responding.
He’ll never fully adjust to a life outside of the navy and military.
Opposite to Dice, he finds the buzz of a city to be too distracting for his thoughts and he enjoys his solitude, but he doesn’t mind company at all.
Due to how his unit was broken up, he refuses to abide by H law and keeps his gun on him. Even Rio can be spiteful. However, he mostly uses it for hunting, which is why he’s so far out in the forest.
He definitely has a lot of scars and that’s why he often wears his fatigues; he doesn’t wana come off as off-putting. His cards without the jacket did him so dirty. Of course he’d have scars from fighting in World War 3.
He can come up with strategies on the spot and is a very quick-thinker when it comes to combat.
Despite how ruthless he is when it comes to rap battles and being an ex-navy, he’s actually a very gentle soul.
I feel like he’s asexual, but homoromantic.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
He only uses the bad guy persona as a way to be left alone, but he’s actually a very kind person.
Despite being a yakuza, he actually abides to the H law and it’s probably only because of Nemu (however, this is only based off of the anime, so I can’t say for certain, but I haven’t seen anything in the manga disproving otherwise yet).
I just feel like he eats a lot throughout the day. I can’t explain this one, but he has the vibes.
He also knows how to cook quite well himself, and he does it for his division members sometimes.
Jyuto Iruma
He’s very cocky because he knows he can get away with things; I mean, he’s the authorties, why wouldn’t he get cocky about what he can do? However, it’s somewhat annoying to Samatoki.
If he wasn’t a gay bastard, Samtoki and Rio probably would’ve been arrested long ago. Thankfully for them, he is a gay bastard.
He likes looking good no matter what; it helps his confidence, so he dresses up to go out anywhere.
His glasses are probably just reading glasses.
He likes spending money on expensive things.
Samatoki and Jyuto are in a relationship. They’re so fruity that I’m sure I don’t have to explain this one.
Samatoki doesn’t approve of Rio dating Dice at all and it’s only because of Jyuto that Dice is still alive.
Rio is pretty much their marriage counselor; he has to constantly deal with them bickering, so of course he is. He’s pretty much the adopted child to save their marriage.
Poly Matenrou
i will likely make a separate post for the ship headcanons because this will be much longer, but i think this covers all of them anyway, so here you go. enjoy.
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babbysquid · 4 years
Not A Whiskey Drinker Pt. 4
Author’s Note: Okay so I got a bit carried away with this chapter but I couldn’t help myself so it’s about twice as long as previous chapters. This is where things really start to get more plot based so the story will really get moving from here. The way I’ve planned out the plot so far though it’ll be several chapters long so get buckled up!
Warnings: mild cursing, suggestive language, Jack “Whiskey” Daniels needs his own warning
Length: 2,586 words
Not A Whiskey Drinker Masterlist
“She almost broke the man’s arm Champ!” said Whiskey, phone to his ear.
“I don’t care. If you’re exaggerating this skill of hers she’ll be a liability.”
“She won’t be a liability!” Whiskey was seething at this point. Yes it had only been a few days, but somehow he had become protective over you. Seeing you twist the man’s arm back at the bar lit a fire somewhere deep inside his stomach. Whiskey heard a sigh through the phone.
“Fine. You’re training her and she’ll be your responsibility. Don’t fuck it up Whiskey.”
With that Champagne hung up. Whiskey was buzzing with excitement. With the combination of your quick wit and your apparent hand to hand combat skill you were definitely capable of becoming an agent with the Statesmen.
The ding of the elevator stirred Whiskey from his thoughts. Strutting out of his office he quickly caught up to you.
“Mornin’ Y/N. How’s my lovely little lady today?” you rolled your eyes and shook your head, continuing towards your office. Along with your normal bag you had also brought a tote bag that contained some office necessities. After setting your bags down you pulled out an electric tea kettle and made your way towards a shelf to find a spot for it.
“Y/N think fast!” came Whiskey’s voice as he threw the mug that sat on your desk. You quickly spun around and caught the mug before it could smash on the floor.
“You’re the absolute worst.”
“Not a coffee drinker either?” Whiskey said, eyeing the variety of teabags you pulled from your tote.
“Nope. Coffee is a slap in the face. Tea feels like a hug.”
Whiskey gave his standard full body laugh.
“You really are somethin’ darlin’.”
“Out.” you said, ushering him out of your space. “Come back if you need me.”
“Ya know if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re the boss and I’m the assistant.” Whiskey leaned against the door frame as he said this.
“Whiskey…” you said with a grumble, trying to push him from the door, but the man wasn’t budging. Bending down he whispered in your ear,
“I am a mighty fan of switching up the dynamic every once in a while.” he said and you could almost feel his smirk against your skin.
“Out!” and you shut the door on his face.
‘I swear to god this man will be the death of me.’
The rest of the day was fairly standard. Random errands Whiskey needed, picking up lunch, sorting through notes, etc. The only difference between today and the previous was the fact that Whiskey kept throwing things at you any chance he got.
“So I organized these files and highlight all the—“ Before you could finish your sentence you looked up as a pen, a baseball, and a full bottle of whiskey were flying at you. Quickly you caught them all and managed to keep the files you were holding in your hands as well.
“Whiskey what the fuck?”
Initially it felt like Whiskey’s standard teasing, but at this point it was ridiculous and was getting on your nerves. If you didn’t catch the whiskey bottle it would’ve made a huge mess and you were most likely the one who would have to clean said mess.
“Wouldn’t have thrown ‘em if I knew you weren’t gonna catch ‘em.” said Whiskey from behind his desk, propping his feet up on the wood and stretching his arms behind his head.
You were too focused on the files when you entered his office that you didn’t realize Whiskey had taken off his blazer and tie. He was wearing his standard white dress shirt and some suspenders. He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows and you couldn’t help but stare at his tanned arms. You didn’t realize how much muscle the man had. You shook your head.
“Why do you keep throwing shit at me?”
“Oh darlin’,” Whiskey stood up and pulled the bottle of whiskey and the baseball out of your hands, set them down on his desk and leaned on the wooden table. “just testing your reflexes and reaction time.”
“Ginger was right.”
“Hmm?” said Whiskey, pulling his suspenders off his shoulders and popping open the bottle of whiskey. You stared as he brought the bottle to his lips. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he took a swig. He licked his lips and you felt a shiver run through your body.
“I’m waiting darlin’.” he said with a smirk. He knew you were staring. He had made sure you were staring.
“She said you were a character.”
“I have been called larger than life.”
“Uh, anyways here are the files.” Reaching out to hand the files to your boss, his hand met yours and once again the two of you froze. The only movement coming from the room was the rise and fall of your chests and Whiskey’s thumb making slow circles on the back of you hand.
“Jack I— oh.”
You immediately moved your hand and Whiskey took the files from you at the sound of Ginger’s voice.
“Sorry.” said Ginger, giving you an apologetic look. “Champ gave me some…” Ginger paused, looking for the right word. “updates — classified updates — that you need to hear Jack.”
“Guess that’s my cue.” you said, making your way out of the office.
“Get home safe Y/N.” said Whiskey giving you a smile. Your heart fluttered in response.
‘Stop. You cannot have feelings for your boss. Especially Whiskey.’
It was finally Friday after work and to say you were exhausted was an understatement. The rest of the week had been pretty straightforward minus some odd behavior from Whiskey. He continued to randomly throw things at you or ask seemingly random questions.
‘How quickly can you run a mile?’
‘About 7 and a half minutes.’
‘Ever got in a fist fight?’
‘No, but I’ve prevented some from starting.’
‘How flexible are you?’
That question you decided to ignore. There was one question, however, that kept replaying in your mind over and over again.
‘Have you ever shot a gun?’
When he asked the question you stopped in your tracks. Sure he was from the South so he most definitely had experience with firearms but you? Nope. Frankly, guns scared the shit out of you. Why did he want to know?
‘No. My dad and brother would go to shooting ranges occasionally but never took me. But if they asked I would’ve said no.’
You pondered his reasoning for all these questions as you took a shower. The questions could’ve been an attempt to get to know you better but they were nothing along the lines of ‘where did you grow up?’ ‘do you have any pets?’ or ‘what’s your favorite color?’. You were stirred from your thoughts by a knock at the door.
“One second!” you called, stepping out of the shower and pulling a towel around yourself. You rushed to the door leaving a small trail of wet footprints behind you.
“You really had the audacity to knock while I was—“
“Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes.” came a thick accent. Your eyes widened immediately and you swallowed.
“You gonna let me in darlin’?”
You were too shocked to do anything other than follow his request. Stepping aside to allow him to enter you shut the door behind you.
“Nice place. Nice getup too.” he said with a wink.
You were suddenly hyperaware of the current state of your appearance. Your hair was dripping wet and you were naked other than a much too small towel wrapped around yourself. Your boss (your very attractive boss) was in your apartment and you were essentially naked.
“One second.” you said, and ran back to the bathroom to change into the clean clothes you pulled from your closet before. Throwing on your sleep shorts and a large shirt you stormed out of the bathroom to confront Whiskey.
“Firstly, how the hell did you get my address and secondly, why the fuck are you here?”
“Firstly,” said Whiskey, putting his hands on your shoulders attempting to make you calm down. “I told you we did a background check. And secondly,” he guided the two of you over to your small couch and placed a plastic bag on your coffee table. “I brought dinner.” You narrowed your eyes and glared at him.
“What is it?” your voice still tinged with anger.
After a minute you responded.
“Okay fine you can stay.”
Whiskey took several boxes of sushi out of the bag and all your favorites were there. Your mind was doing flips to figure out much all this costed. Sushi was not cheap, especially from the restaurant he got it from.
“How’d you know sushi is my favorite?”
“Background checks.”
“Okay now I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” Whiskey just gave you a smile and dug into the food. The two of you ate in silence. While scarfing down your sushi as politely as possible, it had been a long time since you had your favorite food, you observed the man next to you. He still had his black Stetson and black cowboy boots, but his slacks and blazer had been replaced by some tight fitting jeans and a matching denim jacket. The same camel coat he wore when you first met was hanging on the hook on the back of your door.
“Those gears in your head are turning darlin’.”
“Why’d you actually come here? I doubt it was just to buy me dinner.”
“Straight to business sugar? I do have to admit you’re not wrong about my intentions.” Whiskey pulled off his hat and sat it down on the coffee table. A hand went up to smooth his hair down and he turned to face you directly, a serious look on his face.
“As you’ve probably noticed Statesman Brewery is… different. We are a brewery but we’re also something more. First and foremost we are a secret independent intelligence agency.”
You choked and almost inhaled the gulp of water you were swallowing.
“I know it’s bizarre darlin’ but please don’t hurt yourself,” he said, placing a hand on your knee. “even if I wouldn’t mind doing some CPR on a catch such as yourself.” You gave him the standard look you gave him when he said these types of comments. “I wasn’t just throwing shit at you to scare you and those questions I asked? Bit of a verbal test if you will.”
“Okay now tell me the actual truth.”
“I’m serious Y/N.” his eyes darkened slightly. “You have the makings to be an agent.”
“And you think that because I caught some random crap you threw at me and because I can run a mile slightly faster than the average person?” you leaned against the couch, arms crossed. Whiskey seemed serious about what he was saying, but you weren’t fully convinced yet.
“You were at The Parking Lot on Tuesday.”
“Okay what the fuck are you stalking me now? More ‘background check’ stuff?” you said, making air quotes with your fingers.
“That was pure coincidence. Promise on my late mama’s soul.” Whiskey raised a hand and traced an ‘X’ over his heart. “I saw that ungodly man try to have his way. Was close to stopping things myself before I saw you twist his arm around his back. You were faster than a jackrabbit.”
“You saw that?”
“Sugar, the whole bar saw it. But even if the bar didn’t, I still would’ve. The second I saw you and your friend walk in, well, let’s just say I wasn’t interested in watching the football game anymore.”
Whiskey had been watching you. He saw you act fast and save yourself from that dick at the bar. Subconsciously you pulled your shoulders back and your heart swelled with pride.
“You showed him who’s boss.” Whiskey winked, repeating the phrase that seemed to keep coming up.
“Okay okay so let me get this straight. You’re some sort of secret agent, whose coverup is a business man in the alcohol industry.”
“So far so good sugar.”
“And you’re suggesting that I join this secret intelligence agency?”
“Not so much suggesting as I am insisting but other than that you’re right on the money.”
“Did you hire me as your assistant with the intent of offering me a position as an agent?”
“That, darlin’, was all you. You impressed me that night. Spoke to Champ and Ginger about it and convinced them that you’d be a good agent.”
“Champ and Ginger are agents too?” Your eyes widened. “Is Sara the receptionist one too?” Whiskey laughed at this question and your curiosity.
“No Sara is not an agent. Only a handful of people in the New York and California offices are agents. The rest of them are at the Kentucky branch.”
You paused thinking about your next question and looked down at your hands. You couldn’t help but fidget, anxious about how Whiskey would answer the next question.
“And what if I say no?”
“That’s not really an option.”
You swallowed hard and looked back up to meet Whiskey’s eyes. He had a serious look, but that seriousness slowly melted into something softer. Hope? Encouragement? Something else? He shifted on the couch so his knees touched yours.
“I have seen what you can do. You’ve got reflexes like a cat, almost broke a man’s arm.”
“He deserved it.” you grumbled.
“No arguments there darlin’. You have what it takes. Sure you’re gonna need training and whatnot but you’ll get the best of the best at Statesman. Besides, you’ll have the top teacher we have to offer. Me.” There was that million dollar smile again.
“Okay initially I was on board, but after hearing that I’ll have to spend more time with you? Kill me or dispose of me or whatever the ‘not option’ option is.” You jumped at the intense laugh that came out of the man in front of you.
“Darlin’ you’re breaking my heart.”
“And you’re breaking my sanity.” you rolled your eyes and started to put away leftovers from dinner. When you closed the door to the fridge you heard Whiskey’s voice in your ear.
“You haven’t said no.”
You turned around, practically chest to chest with Whiskey.
“Doesn’t really feel like I have a choice cowboy.” giving him a smirk. Whiskey reached around your waist to grab a pen that was on the kitchen counter. It felt like he was cornering you, but something inside you welcomed it. Whiskey scribbled on the notepad that sat next to the pen, ripped the page off, and pressed the paper into your palm.
“Pack your stuff for a week long trip. Meet me at that location on Monday morning at 6am.”
With that Whiskey turned and grabbed his coat and hat, making his way to the door.
“Sweet dreams darlin’.” he said, tipping his hat and closing the door behind him. You glanced down at the paper. His handwriting was much nicer than you were expecting. All that was on the paper was an address located in a really nice part of the city and a phone number. You could only assume it was Whiskey’s cell phone number. The only other thing on the paper was a small heart with a ‘W’ inside it. You didn’t want to acknowledge it, but seeing that doodle made warmth spread across your chest.
taglist:  @absurdthirst @space-daddy-owns-me @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence @littlemissoblivious @agingerindenial @mack4676 @loveforminato @thats-one-tender-foot @xwingsandohs @purplepascal042 @harami-mami @nova646 @lesbianlena @computeringturtle @cassandras-nest
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 5 』
· Sept. 29th → Habit is Second Nature ·
Characters: female!reader, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi (+ bonus characters: Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Testurou)
Prompts: A. best character development + B. patterns and habits
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, headcanons, patterns and habits, best character development
A/N: I haven't done any character x reader stuff for this challenge yet because I tend to do NSFW stuff. But I thought I'd do some fluffy stuff about the characters with the best development and their habits as your boyfriend! (Plus a couple of bonus boys, because I couldn't help myself!! 🥰)
All my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have NSFW stuff on my blog too. Feel free to take a gander. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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Haikyuu × reader / patterns and habits
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Gets up at 5:30am to go for a run every morning but forgets to send you a 'good morning' text don't be upset, it just doesn't really occur to him
Gets all giddy when he receives one from you, though literally cannot stop smiling. Doesn't know what to do with himself
Often forgets his pencil case and comes by your class to borrow stuff
When he buys milk from the vending machine, he will start buying some for you as well without you asking he's trying to show he cares
Milk makes him happy, so it should make you happy too, right? 😭
Frowns and blushes when you start hugging and nuzzling him in public he'll start stammering, too, if you took him by surprise
But then he pouts when you stop 🤭
Is embarrassed about asking you to touch him my poor touch-starved baby 😭
Blushes and looks at the floor whenever he talks about something romantic or intimate
Leans his forehead against yours when he wants to express how he feels but doesn't know how I might be crying...
He loves hearing the sound of your voice, so he often falls asleep while in the middle of a late-night phone call with you you can hear the soft sound of his breathing through the receiver 😭😭
Writes down important dates you tell him because he just knows he's going to forget them
Discretely interlaces his fingers with yours when he feels vulnerable prOTECT HIM
Lots and lots of hugs from behind because eye contact can be a bit much for him, and he's sometimes nervous about you seeing his face
Can get angry and shout at you without warning when he's stressed or upset, and he feels terrible after
Writes out his apologies on reams and reams of paper and rehearses them a million times in front of the mirror but somehow still forgets most of it?
Smiles like a literal angel when he does something to make you happy that's all he wants, y'all 😭
Will try his best at everything, whether it's trying new things with you or doing the same old stuff he's always done
Nuzzles the back of your neck when you're spooning, and kisses his way across your shoulders and down your back as a way of saying, 'I love you and you're mine'
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Says the cheesiest, most romantic things to you with a straight face, but blushes and hides his face when you return the favour
Bounces around the room when he's excited
Always asks you how your day was and is genuinely interested
Rests his head on your shoulder when you're sitting together
Shouts really loudly at random moments because of surprise/frustration/excitement/any sudden emotion, really 😅 gives you mini heart attacks
Always sneezes really fucking loudly??
Sends you adorable cat videos when he knows you've had a bad day
Subtly presses his leg against yours whenever you're sat together, especially when you're both supposed to be studying 👀
Wipes your cheeks and kisses the end of your nose whenever you've been crying
Sings in the shower because he thinks you can't hear him
Will give his gym towel to you with a smile whenever you get soaked in the rain rather than dry himself off
Treasures every little gift you get him
Is fine becoming a human hot water bottle by little-spooning every month when your period comes around he runs at a really high temperature, and actually really enjoys it. So cute 😍
Runs down the halls to your class every break to bring you your favourite drink from the vending machine
Loves sharing cakes with you and feeding each other it sounds cringy, but he makes it so cute and natural
Always pulls goofy faces when he Snapchats you
Leaves you cute voicemails when he wanted to talk to you but you're busy
Shows up unannounced at your house when he's troubled because he just really needs to see you
If he just sees your face, then he knows that it's somehow going to be alright
Y'all, I can't 😭😭🤧
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☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Teases the crap out of you on a regular basis just to see you all pouty and frustrated
Pretends not to remember your birthday/anniversary/etc. every year so he can drop by your house later that day and surprise you with a gift
Pulls your cheeks when he thinks you're being too cute
Kisses the ends of your fingers when he wants to show affection but doesn't know how
Flicks your forehead whenever he thinks you're being stupid or irritating 🙄
Lowkey blushes every time he sees you cheering for him in the stands I SEE THAT LITTLE SMILE, TSUKKI
Makes you sit on his lap all the time for no good reason other than to tease you bruh
Often ends up taking the teasing too far and winds up feeling rotten because you're now genuinely upset
Sucks at applogies, but will always try to set it right if he's at fault, even if it's awkward
Gives the biggest, warmest hugs when he wants to which isn't much, but hey. Take what you can get
Always sends you a text to make sure you've got home safe, but it's never in those words. It's always under the guise of something else Tsukki, pLEaSE
Grumbles to himself out of jealousy whenever you show attention to other guys, especially his brother
Deliberately gives you his sweaters and hoodies to wear after a shower because he thinks it's super cute, but acts like it's nothing you ain't slick, Tsukki 🤣
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☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Reaches for your hand first whenever you're together
Nose and forehead kisses when he sees you in the morning
Hand-picks a bunch of flowers for you every Monday because he knows you hate Mondays 🥺🤧
Waits for you at the gate after school every day
Always stands up for you, no matter what he may be soft, but he's not a WUSS 😠
Asks to borrow your other earphone whenever you're listening to something
Wants to spoon with you whenever he's feeling down and you'll never refuse
Always arrives 15 minutes early for every date despite changing his outfit several times out of nervousness
Blushes in pride whenever he lends you his jacket because you're cold adorbs
Sends you little pick-me-up messages when you're busy so you can read them when you're free
Helps you tie up your hair for gym class, and is surprisingly good at making pretty hairstyles
Traces his fingers over your palms and other body parts whenever you're curled up together
Has your name saved on every social media and contact list as something cute like 'My Sunshine 💛' or 'My Honeybee 🐝'
Twiddles his hair around his finger a lot, especially when he's daydreaming about you let's hope he doesn't start balding 😭
Will rush to your class with an umbrella on rainy days in case you forgot one
Loves sitting on the swings with you whenever you pass them on the way home, and making you giggle by pushing you higher and higher
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(Bonus boys)
☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Sends a stream of soppy hype-texts every morning for you to wake up to
Will stop by your house and pick you up for school, even if you live literal miles away from him he just wants to see you
Grabs you by the waist and picks you up at least once a day, often in front of a crowd of people he's a fan of PDA
Peppers you with kisses when he sees you for the first time each day
Hypes you up to no end. Literally cannot sing your praises enough
Is constantly looking for compliments, and is not-so subtle about it
Gets easily depressed when you don't notice he did something differently etc.
Will kiss you in front of everyone when he wins a game and you come down to congratulate him literally doesn't care. He's too proud of you
Is constantly asking for massages, whether or not he needs them, because he enjoys the contact
Sometimes you want to staple his mouth shut because he has a habit of getting too excited and talking with his mouth full 🙃
Doesn't stop texting you and sending you Snapchats
Is kind of oblivious if he's done something that upset you, and starts freaking out when someone Akaashi finally tells him
Doesn't plan or rehearse his apologies, because he literally just says exactly what he means 100% of the time
May start choking up and crying if what he did was bad enough, because he just feels so, so guilty
Constantly reminds you when you said you would make him a lunchbox because he loves it so much and wants to boast to his friends
Likes you sitting on his lap while you do stuff together I mean...👀
Calls you 'puppy' and 'kitten' etc. unabashedly in public boi, pLEASE
Insists on giving you piggyback rides whenever your feet hurt 🐷
Saves every single selfie you send him. He treasures every single one, and tears sometimes come to his eyes when he scrolls through them he's so whipped for you, my gal
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☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
Stays up all night texting you he might be getting bags
But it's fine. It just adds to the emo look
Takes your bag and carries it for you without you asking him to
Facetimes you randomly
When you ask what it's about, he says he just missed you/wanted to see your face smooth mf
His hand always finds its way around your waist whenever you're walking together
He scrolls through your old conversations when he misses you
Will ruffle your hair to tease you just so he can spend the next 20 minutes brushing it for you
Steals food from your lunch every day he's lucky he's pretty
Stands outside your house with a boombox blasting love ballads like a giant nerd when he wants to surprise you just imagine it for a second. Let the image sink in
Ends up stroking your hair when you're cuddling together
And subconsciously cradles your stomach a lot because he really wants to start a family with you Testu!!! 🥺😭🤧
Always sends you 'Send This To Your Crush Without Context' videos, despite the fact that you guys have literally been dating for years no caption or anything, either. Just the video
Will probably continue to do it even once you're married, tbh
Always, always, always walks you home
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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etoileholland · 4 years
As sweet as chocolate
Pairing: Peter Parker x female reader
Warnings: disgustingly sweet fluff
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: Peter falls in love with the sweet girl at the chocolatier.
A/N: I love writing for my little angel Peter, he’s so cute. Also, please let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist :)
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“You should ask her out, you know. I have a feeling she may like you too.” May remarked as her and Peter were walking to get some chocolate from Godiva.
It was not a place that May would’ve thought that Peter would frequent, but since he knew you worked there he stopped by almost all the time. Sometimes to get some ice cream, or chocolate, or even once in a while, some chocolate covered strawberries. He really wasn’t the biggest chocolate lover, but you had convinced him to become one.
“I don’t really know, I mean sure, maybe. B-but what if she doesn’t like me that way and then I’ll be rejected and my heart will be broken and I’ll have no choice but to move away and assume a new identity as a sheep herder in Iceland so that she can’t make fun of me-.”
“Honey, listen to me. You gotta go in with the attitude that she can’t have enough of you. Girls like that.” She interrupted him and put her hands squarely on his shoulders so that he would look at her. “And besides you’re the sweetest thing ever, and if a girl who works at a chocolate shop can’t see that, then she’s not worth having around.” She kissed the top of his head as they continued to walk to their destination. After a few minutes they were in front of the store, and May lightly pushed Peter towards the door.
“Wait you need to come in too, I can’t go in by myself.” He pleaded, feeling as his face became heated.
“I don’t want to get in the way of this, you can do it.” She placed a kiss on the top of his head and whispered, “would Spider-Man be afraid of talking to a pretty girl?”
“Yes.” He squeaked out, but May ignored his response.
“That’s the spirit, now go.” He pulled the door open with a bit too much force, and it smacked against the glass windows. The jolt caused you to look up, but your frightened face quickly turned into a smile when you saw Peter.
“Um, sorry about that.” He spoke in a hushed voice, knowing that his blood pressure was through the roof.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. It’s nice to see you.” You smiled as you walked closer to the counter.
“Right. You too.” He nodded and hesitantly took a few steps towards the counter. He played with the sleeve of his sweater nervously, and he could hardly meet your gaze.
“So how has May been? And congrats on winning the science fair for the third time, I cannot believe how intelligent you are.” You beamed and Peter shot his head up. 
“You noticed I won the science fair?” He asked as you nodded your head yes.
“Of course I noticed, I was there taking photos for the yearbook. I even said hi to you, did you forget?” You tilted your head slightly to the right as you looked at him quizzingly, and all Peter wanted to do was run out of the store. 
God I am the world’s biggest idiot, of course I noticed her. He thought to himself as he let out a small laugh. For once in your life, be cool.
“I was just kidding, of course I remembered you were there. You were the real prize, the one that I wish I won.” He said, and once he realised what he said he was ready to flee the country and assume a new identity in Iceland. “Oh gosh, I didn’t mean to say that, not that you’re not a prize or anything and oh god I’m rambling in front of you and-.”
“Do you really think that, Peter?” You were blushing and you couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on your face.
“Yes.” He choked out, while you leaned back against the counter.
“Well I think you’re the real prize too, Peter Parker.” You smiled, watching as he pulled out his phone to check and see what time it was.
“Thank you, it was nice to see you but I must leave immediately.” He started to make his way to the door, but you let out a small “wait.”
He swiftly turned around to see you taking off your apron, giving it a little shake to get the cocoa powder off of it, before hanging it up on a hanger.
“The store is about to close in fifteen minutes, would you mind staying and helping me clean up?” You asked and Peter contemplated for a minute. He needed to start his evening parole, but he definitely couldn’t tell you that, and he wasn’t sure how May would feel waiting around.
“I would love to, but I have some obligations to do in the meantime. I’m sorry Y/N.” He looked at you, and it was evident that you were disappointed.
“If you want I could have-”
You put your hands up and cut him off. “It’s okay Peter, don’t worry about it. Tell May I said hello.” You stated as you walked towards the back of the store.
“Well, bye. See you tomorrow at school.” Peter replied as he grabbed the handle of the door. He turned around to see that you weren’t in the front of the store anymore, shaking his head before walking outside.
He only made it a few steps out the door as May nearly pounced on him. She noticed the frown on his face and quickly pulled him into an embrace.
“It’s okay darling, let’s go home and eat some of that chocolate.” She looked at him and noticed he wasn’t holding any.
“I didn’t buy anything, I didn’t really feel like it.” Peter responded, his shoulders sunken as he stared down at the cracked pavement.
“That’s the least of our worries. Let’s go home.” She grabbed his hand and they walked back home to their apartment.
Patrol went really smoothly; there was only one bicycle theft, but Queens seemed relatively quiet tonight.
He couldn’t help but think back to the frown on your face, and how stupid he was for not helping.
I’ll make it up to her, he thought, I have to.
The next day at school, he saw you on his way to Economics. He hardly ever saw you this early in the morning, but it was a lovely surprise nevertheless.
“Hello Y/N!” He waved at you, watching as you shifted your eyes to look at him briefly, before walking past him.
“Oh hey Peter.” You uttered back flatly, and you continued to walk down the crowded hallway.
Well that was odd, he thought to himself. He spun his head around to see you walking in the opposite direction, heading down the flight of stairs.
The next day at lunch, you and your group of friends sat a table away from him. You looked a lot happier than you did the day before, but when your gaze met his, you quickly looked away.
Peter began to realise something was up at this point, noticing your shift in attitude with the way you treated him. You and your friends always sat at the same table right across from his, and you always faced towards him, stealing little glances at him and waving when his gaze met yours.
Today was different, however, for when you were finished with your lunch, you and your friends vacated the table, hurriedly walking past Peter.
“Hey Y/N...” he trailed off, watching you take long strides to walk past him faster. You didn’t even acknowledge his presence, which hurt. The smell of your vanilla perfume left a fragrant trail behind you, and he couldn’t help but slump in his seat and sigh.
Okay, I’m starting to think I may have messed it up somehow, he thought.
“Peter, I know I’m not the best cook, but I think it’s at least edible.” May remarked as she took a bite of her lasagna. Peter was slumped over the table, picking at his food with his fork.
“I’m not hungry, I’m sorry, but it does look good though.” He took a small bite and May looked over at him sympathetically.
“Is it because of Y/N?” She asked. Peter nodded and set his fork down on the table.
“I’m sorry she rejected you but I promise that someone else-.”
“She didn’t reject me.” He interrupted. May set her fork down and grabbed his hand, rubbing little circles on the top of his hand with her thumb.
“Alright. Reject is a harsh word, she just declined your offer.”
“She didn’t decline my offer either, okay? I didn’t ask her out.” He sighed and slightly pushed the plate of lasagna away.
“Really? Then why are you upset?” May inquired and Peter took a deep breath.
“She asked me if I could help her clean up, but I had to go on patrol. So I told her that I couldn’t but she was visibly upset by my answer and I’m not even sure why. Why would she even want my help cleaning up? I don’t even work there.” He picked up his glass, took a sip of water, and continued. “And then yesterday I saw her in the hallway and I said hi, like cheerfully, but she was still emotionless. So then I saw her today thinking that she may have just had a bad day, but I said hello and she ignored me completely and I don’t know what I did wrong.” He crossed his arms over his shoulders, and a smile crept onto May’s face.
“Wait, why are you smiling? Did you not hear that the girl I like is now ignoring me because I didn’t help her?” He asked and May began to laugh.
“Love, I’m starting to think that it was code. She didn’t really care for your help to clean up.”
“What? I’m confused now.” Peter leaned on the table, and rested his head on his propped arm.
“Were there any other employees in there when you went in?” She asked, but Peter shook his head no.
“She told me she was all by herself. Oh my gosh, maybe she was afraid of being there by herself and she wanted someone there to make sure she was safe.” He rambled, staring at his glass of water on the table.
“That could be it, but I’m thinking that she just wanted to spend some time with you, you know, alone. I think she wants to get to know you, Peter. I’ve seen the way that she looks at you, trust me, she likes you too. Why else would she give you free chocolates and be extra friendly with you?”
“Because she’s sweet?”
“I mean yes, that’s true, but there’s more to it.” She paused for a second, leaning over the table as if she was telling Peter a secret. “I didn’t tell you this but a few days ago, when you were at the movies with Ned, I went in by myself to get a soft serve. I then overheard her talking to her friend that she loved when you came into the store because she always loves talking to you. Trust me when I say this Peter, but I think she really likes you. And that’s why she wanted you to stay late with her, so that she would have a reason to spend more time with you.” She leaned back into her chair, giving him a confident smile.
Peter, taking a second to comprehend what May had just disclosed with him, paused before saying, “so then, what should I do?”
“Alright, so your mission is-”, she smiled, lowering her voice to sound like a secret agent, “is to go buy her some flowers and offer to help her clean up.” She laughed, taking a breath and proceeding to speak normally. “When I was there that day I asked her what her favourite flower was, and she said tulips. Anyway, go down to the florist on the corner, buy a bouquet of tulips and make your way down there when you can. What time does the store close?”
Peter thought about it for a second, then answered, “It’s a Wednesday night, so 7pm.” Looking down at his watch, he noticed that it was already 6:03pm, meaning if he hurried he may just make it.
“May, I think I might have a chance. The store closes in less than an hour, I have plenty of time to remedy this.” They both stood up from the table, and May walked over to Peter to fix his shirt collar. Peter then placed a kiss on May’s cheek, and said, “Thank you May, I don’t know what I would do without you.” He gave her a quick hug and practically ran out the door.
“Oh and actually bring back some chocolate this time!” She shouted to him, flinching as the door slammed closed.
Okay it’s 6:30, hopefully she’s working tonight. She usually does but gosh I’m nervous. Whew. He thought to himself as he was a few doors down from the Godiva.
I can do it, Spider-Man wouldn’t be afraid, right? I fight bad guys for crying out loud, I can tell a girl that I think she’s beautiful. He sped walked to the store, and yanked the door open.
You looked up to see him, flowers in hand, and you couldn’t help but begin to blush.
“Hi Peter.” You waved and he waved back.
“Hi Y/N.” Confidently, he took a few steps towards the counter. “These are for you. I’m sorry I didn’t help you clean up the other day. I had another obligation that I couldn’t get out of.” He held out the bouquet for you, and you looked at him for a second.
“These are for me, really?” You asked and Peter nodded. You took the bouquet from his hand, and you noticed that it was of your favourite flower. “How did you know I love tulips?” You asked as you smelled the flowers.
“Lucky guess, also May told me.” He scratched the back of his neck and let out a small laugh.
“Figures. Thank you again Peter, I appreciate it.” You set the bouquet down by your purse, and looked up at the clock on the wall. Peter followed your gaze to the clock, and looked back at you.
“Can I help you clean, please? I have no where else to go, and I want to make it up to you.”
Smiling, you looked up at Peter to see him shifting his weight onto his right hip, arms nervously crossed in front of him.
“Oh I don’t really need the help, but thank you. I shouldn’t have asked you before, it’s not your job.” You responded, noticing now that there was a slight frown on his face.
“But I want to help. Please let me know what to do.” He persisted, and you smirked.
“Well, the protocol is that the chocolate needs to be eaten in a day, and since there’s a few more pieces left, would you like to eat them? I just have to count the money in the register but I think eating chocolate would be a lot more fun. And I just have to sweep and clean the tables but that’s all.” You stated, motioning for Peter to walk around the backside of the counter, and he eagerly complied.
“How do I apply for this job?” He grinned and you giggled.
“Online. To be completely honest I would love to have you as a coworker.” You looked over at Peter, who had just stuffed a few pieces of caramel chocolates into his mouth.
“Back at you.” He said with his mouth full, which caused you to begin to laugh. 
He started to laugh as well, which prompted you to add, “please don’t choke” as he laughed some more.
“I won’t,” he swallowed the last of the chocolate in his mouth, “I promise.” He stated, popping another chocolate into his mouth.
“I am not responsible for giving you diabetes mister.” You booped him on the nose, smiling lightly as you noticed his blushing cheeks.
Thirty minutes and a lot of laughter later, you were locking up the front doors of the chocolatier.
“Can I walk you home? Please?” Peter nervously asked, swaying on the
“I’m good actually. I only live a few blocks away so I’ll be fine.”
“Y/N, it’s New York. There’s a lot of crime here, and I don’t want you getting hurt. I insist on walking you home.” He replied, lightly bumped his shoulder with yours.
“Thank you, Peter.”
“You’re very welcome.”
The walk was relatively short, but you could tell that he was taking very small strides so that the walk could be longer than it originally would’ve been. You two didn’t say much, but you were basking in the comfortable silence, taking in the sounds of the city.
“Hey, um, Peter?” You asked in a low voice, and Peter let out an “mmhmm?”
“I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you at school, that was terrible of me. I guess I was just, well...” you trailed off.
You paused, not sure if you should say what’s on your mind. “Never mind, it sounds dumb.”
“Y/N, that’s doubtful. There’s nothing you could say that would sound dumb.” He responded, turning his head to the right to look at you.
“Okay, well, whew this is hard.” You stopped in your tracks, and Peter stopped walking too.
“Is everything alright?” He scanned your face with his eyes, and you looked down at the pavement.
“I, um, I’m sorry for being mad at you, and for ignoring you at school. Trust me, I was ignoring you for such a stupid reason.”
“And why was that?” 
“Well, I wanted this.” You pointed at him, making a little circle in the air with your pointer finger. “I wanted you to walk me home, as well as spending time with me like how we just did. This was the first time we’ve ever really gotten to talk to each other, and I want more times like these.” Taking an audible exhale, you stuffed your hands in your coat pocket.
Peter looked at you encouragingly, not interrupting your train of thought. You appreciated him allowing you to ramble without being judged, which was another of the many reasons you were falling for him.
“It really had nothing to do with you helping me clean, but instead it was what it represented. You know, spending time with me and walking me home and all. And so when you didn’t help me that day, I was disappointed and then as a result I was angry, and I’m sorry. Is this making any sense because whew am I flustered.” You nervously laughed, taking your hands out of your pockets to move a strand of hair out of your face.
Without hesitation, Peter grabbed onto your right hand, giving it a gentle and encouraging squeeze. Smiling, you continued to speak.
“Because, the truth is, I’ve really wanted this for a long time. I loved how you would always come into the store to buy chocolate even though May said you didn’t care for it much, and how flustered you always got around me. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, Peter Parker, I really like you and god I hope you do too.”
Peter, now smiling ear to ear, quickly wrapped his arms around you. He gently rubbed your back in a circular motion, surprising himself even by lightly kissing the top of your head. He felt your arms tighten around his waist, feeling you gently sway.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I was terrified that you didn’t like me back, and I don’t think I could have lived with that rejection.” He could feel that you let out a small laugh against his chest, and he continued to rub your back. “I like you too, by the way.”
You pulled away from his embrace for a second, while he still held onto you. Looking up at his face, you took note of how his eyes shined in the evening light,
You both looked at each other, taking the time to study each other’s features. Your gaze moved to his lips, as you put your hand on the nape of his neck. He pulled you a bit closer, and you paused an inch away from his face.
“Can I?” He asked, waiting for your approval. You slightly nodded your head yes, to which he delicately placed his lips on yours. Your top lip was interlocked between his lips, which tasted faintly of caramel and chocolate. You were the first to pull away, but he quickly pulled you into another kiss. 
“I don’t know what’s sweeter, chocolate or you.” He whispered against your lips, but immediately giggling at how cheesy that sounded. 
“That’s a close one, but I think it’s me.” You giggled back.
“Oh definitely.” He smirked, pressing his lips to yours again.
Mes anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow​ @sunflowerhollands​ @fangirlwithasweettooth​ @taciturnspidey​ @lmaotshollandd​ @musicalkeys​ @graceluvsyouu @yoinkyourheart​
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Pairing- Park Jisung x reader
Genre- Fluff, Crack. best friends to lovers!au
Word count- 2.11k
Warning- kinda rushed and not proof read because I'm an idiot.
Summary- It's been established that Jisung cannot confess without blushing and looking away from your godly self.
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You hate weekends, why? Because it takes years to come and just seconds to go, snatching away all the time for you to rest. 
You wake up with a groan, the sound of your phone ringing loud as a result of you forgetting to put it on mute last night. Your hands wander all over your side table, picking up the phone in your hand to cut the call and get back to sleep. It was Saturday for god's sake. 
You turn around, after tossing the phone somewhere on the bed, pillow kept in a tight embrace as you close your eyes for a second sleep, only for your phone to ring again. 
Whining at the ridiculously loud music, you pick up the call this time, wanting to get it over with, "Whoever the fuck is calling me this early, if you don't have anything important to say I'll chop you up and feed you to my-" "Good morning to you too" you hear a deep voice chuckle from the other side of the phone, making you sit up immediately, stopping the threat you'd started in your morning voice. 
"Oh Jisung, hey yeah good morning, I've totally not been woken up by you" you smile wide, having been lucky enough to hear your best friend's, or your crush's voice the first thing in the morning. 
You hear him let out a hearty laugh, making you pull the phone away slightly from your ears, still keeping it close enough to feel yourself get all warm on the inside because of his laughter. 
"Sorry, sorry" he said, calming himself as you wave your hands frantically, stupid move because he can't see you, you immediately wave him off, verbally this time. "It's fine, I had to get up from my slumber some time soon anyways" you reply, trying to rub the sleep away from your eyes. 
"So, why did you call me?" You ask the boy who went silent for a moment. Coming to a conclusion that 'Because i wanted to hear your voice' would be too cringe, he replied "Oh that, yeah like, Wanna, i mean-- if you're not busy this afternoon, we could go get lunch? Or coffee? If you're not busy though"
"Since when did you start caring if I'm busy or not?" you ask, tone suspicious, "Hey! What do you mean? I always asked you if you're busy or not!" he said, voice clearly portraying he's offended. "Last time, if I remember it right, you barged into my room after my mom let you in, said 'you busy? Of course you're not' and dragged me out to go bowling when you clearly knew that i delayed my submission by a day and i had time only till the next day to submit it unless i wanted my grades to be low" you answer. 
"Okay, see listen. Listen. I helped you complete the project later or not?" he inquired. "You spilled coffee on my starting page, then made me rearrange the entire project because your blind ass didn't see the page numbering i'd made at the top and mixed the entire thing." you reply with a sassy tone, laughing as you hear Jisung whine out a bunch of complaints. 
"That was one time" he growled, "Anyways, be ready by 2 I'll come pick you up." he sighed. 
"Okay! Where are we going?" you ask. "Chuck-E-Cheese" and with that, he cut the call, making you scoff. 
Who eats Chuck-E-Cheese for lunch? 
It's only when you checked the screen you realise it's almost 12, early right. You drag your body out of the bed, having less than two hours to get ready for a hangout with your best friend. 
By one you are done having your breakfast (brunch), taking a long shower and throwing out half of your closet to want to look presentable enough to show up in public, pulling your hair only to resort to wearing a baby pink oversized hoodie with a black knee slit skinny jeans. 
By one thirty, you are done putting on some light makeup, curling the ends of your hair, spraying on some perfume and by three forty five you were by the front porch, waiting there for Jisung. 
"Oh? Didn't actually expect you to be all ready and out" Jisung said, arriving not five minutes after your wait. "Why do you say that" you ask, walking up to him, "No you see, i thought i'd have to drag you out of bed like the last time" He laughed out, probably having flashbacks of when you tried putting up a protest by throwing punches all over. You shake your head. "For suspecting me and my responsible self, you're paying." 
The pair of you start walking, the place being not too far away, "Fine with me" He chuckled, throwing his hands around your shoulder, pulling you close, making you stumble. You let out a 'tsk' holding his hand that hung around your shoulder, continuing to walk close to each other, igniting small talks all throughout the walk. 
Upon reaching the entrance of the fast food joint, Jisung jogged first up to the door, holding it open for you. You throw your head back, laughing, looking at him with the 'oh so we're doing this now?' look, as you dramatically bow at him, stepping into the place that smelled of grease.
"I am such a gentleman" Jisung self compliments, making you chuckle and hit him softly on the shoulder. The two of you walk up to a free table, you set your sling bag on the chair beside yours as he keeps standing, "I'll go order, what do you want?" you ponder for a while, watching him pull out his wallet from the back pocket, "I'll just get some fries." you pull your lips into a straight line, looking at Jisung. 
"So double cheeseburger and an oreo shake, got it" he says, "Wait no, Sung I'm really not hungry" you protest, about to stand up from your seat, "I will force feed you if i have to" he narrowed his eyes at you, warning you.
You sigh, throwing your hands up as a sign of giving up, knowing he wasn't joking, "Good girl." he smiled at you and made his way up to the counter to place the order as you place your hands over your cheeks to calm down the heat, how does one look that fucking good in a plain black hoodie and jeans?
"Okay extremely random but, you look so comfortable and cuddle-able right now" Jisung said, sitting down in front of you after doing whatever he was supposed to do. You flinch at the sudden voice, immediately feeling your blood rush up to your cheeks, Jisung noticing it "Oh! Is my y/n blushing??" he asked in a stupidly high pitched voice, raising his eyebrows in a teasing manner, head slightly tilted towards the side. 
You choke on your own saliva at his sudden claiming, you shake your head frantically, "Who's blushing! It's just a little cold in here" you say, avoiding his eyes and keeping yourself busy with the string of your hoodie. 
'Okay why is it so hard to just say whatever i want to say to her. '
"Y/n" Jisung called out as you two waited for your food to arrive, you looked up from the milkshake bottle, eyes a little wide signaling him to keep going. "You see, i have something extremely important to tell you," he started, as you smile at him softly, patiently waiting, "Hm? I'm listening" 
You place both your hands on the table, slightly leaning your body forward to hear him clearer. "If i go back home without telling you this, Renjun will probably commit a murder" he murmured, more like to himself but you hear him clear as day. "So? What are you waiting for? Go ahead and tell me?"
Jisung cleared his throat, opening his mouth "I feel like i-" "Here's your two double cheeseburger! Enjoy your time at Chuck-E-Cheese!" the waiter cut him off, placing plates in front of your two as you send a friendly smile in his direction. 
You sit comfortably in your seat, looking back at Jisung once the waiter was out of sight. "You were saying? You feel like you..?"
"I feel like I'm going to absolutely love this burger" he said in an overly excited tone, his usually deep voice coming off high pitched. "That's what Renjun wanted you to tell me?" you look at the boy weird. 
"Well not really.." he said slowly. "Spit it out, Park, you seem like something's bothering you" you ask after biting out a small chunk out of the burger. 
"Okay. Okay. I got this. Yes, something is bothering me." you were about to speak up again, but he lifted his hand up, signaling you to just let him do the talking. 
"You are bothering me actually. In fact your very existence is bothering me. That's how I feel about you. Why does someone this perfect exist? It bothers me that you're so close to me yet I feel so empty because you aren't my girlfriend??-" he look up for the first time since he started blurting out his feelings,
"Also stop smiling at me like that, i won't be able to complete my sentence if you keep looking at me like that" he bit down on his bottom lips as you see hues of red taking its place on his cheeks. 
You laugh at him, but continue looking at him, "So like, what I'm trying to get at is that, after multiple curses thrown at me from the others I realized that I'm madly in love with you? And i thought that if i treated you like how i treat my dudes I'd feel better but nope, i just fell deeper because-Hey! I told you to stop looking at me like that!" Jisung whined as you broke into a fit of laughter. 
"Sorry, sorry" you raise your hands up in defeat, looking down at your half empty drink instead, feeling yourself grow hotter every passing second. 
"As I was saying, I like you. Scratch that, I love you. So will you.. You don't have to if you don't want to.. Will you be my girlfriend..?" he completed with his voice coming out strained from nervousness. 
You looked up at him once he was done, watching him scratch the back of his head had you smiling so wide, your cheeks had to have started to cramp. 
"Okay first of all. Of all places, you chose chuck-e-cheese to confess?" you laugh out again as Jisung started crouching in his seat, hiding his face in embarrassment. "It was an on spot planning. And you love the oreo shake here!" he reasoned as you dismissed him.
"Second of all, you're giving me THE look, how do you expect me to say no, idiot?" you retort, watching his eyes go as round as the yolk in sunny side up. "So.. That means?"
"Hey boyfriend" you smile wide at him, biting down your lips to stop yourself from squealing out. "Woah, that was easier than i thought." he says, face clearly portraying that he was shocked but ended up smiling wide at the name you called him. 
"Boyfriend.." he muttered, picking up his now cold burger as the two of you kept talking for the entirety of the lunch. 
The walk home was the best, cheesy even from how clingy the two of you were, but it was cute. Hand in hand as you joked about how you in reality were just showing sympathy by accepting his confession because he was your best friend making him whine harder than he already was. 
Reaching up your doorsteps with walk filled with your constant taunt thrown at Jisung "Come here you!" he pulled you into an embrace, catching you off guard, resulting in you stiffening against his chest, soon melting down at the warmth of his body. 
You try pulling away to look at him, but he held you tighter, "No wait, don't pull away just yet", you smile wide, face pressed on his chest, as your hands wrapped around his torso tighter, the same way he had around you. 
Jisung pulls away this time, cupping your cheeks as you look down, avoiding his teasing gaze as the crimson at the top of your ears becomes a little more evident. 
"You're cute" he said, pulling you back against his body as you mumble out a muffled thank you. 
"you might be cute, I'm cuter though." he quickly added, placing his chin on top of your head. You open your mouth to speak,
"What a great boyfriend I've got" 
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Idiot (Affectionate) ~ A Bad Samaritan Fic
Pairing: Derek Sandoval x (fem)Reader Word Count: 2868 Rating: T - canon-typical language, reference to Stephen King A/N: The adorable, fluffy early part of a relationship is hard to write, y’all. Especially first dates.
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“So...you and Derek…” Riley began after you had both placed your orders and found a table. 
“What? What about Derek and me? There isn’t a ‘me and Derek,’” you said in a rush. Except that there was, now, and you weren’t sure why you were denying it. 
“That’s my point! You’d be good together.”
“Would we?” you asked skeptically. 
A voice nagged at the back of your mind, lecturing you about how you knew that already, how of course you were good together, you were more than good, you were perfect foils. You liked bickering and bantering with him, and watching scifi together, and doing terrible impressions of people you both knew, and just talking and being near him. You weren't sure what had happened earlier, but you knew you wanted it to happen again. And that you wanted...to curl up on your couch with your knees tucked up under you and your head on his chest while his arm wrapped around you and held you close, or sit across from him at a restaurant and steal his fries, or make pancakes with him on a Sunday morning in your pajamas (never mind that you'd have to learn how first, for Derek you'd figure it out). You were sure you wanted all of those cute, romantic companionship things, with Derek. So why were you still pretending otherwise?
“Sure. He’s not my type, and he can be a little annoying sometimes, but he makes it work, in his own way.”
Your conversation was momentarily interrupted by your drinks and snacks being brought over. It was just enough time for you to come to a decision. 
“You’re really selling him,” you joked, hiding a smile behind your scone. “I’m so convinced.”
“Come on, Y/N. Give him a chance. He might surprise you.”
“Riley, listen. I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, setting me up with Derek, but you are wasting your breath...”
“Why? Give me one good reason not to go out to dinner with him.”
“He hasn’t asked me to?” you squinted your eyes and tilted your head in question. 
She sighed. “Okay, you’re right. Hypothetically though, if he did ask, and assuming you both had the night off, and—”
“Riley, can you slow down for a second?” you couldn’t help but laugh as you cut off what was likely to be quite the spiel. After all, she was a business major, and they loved their hypotheticals almost as much as lawyers.
She stopped, or at least paused, and picked up her coffee cup, looking at you expectantly.
“You’re wasting your breath not because my answer would be no, but because...well..he and I sort of...already...hooked up? About,” you checked the clock on your phone, “an hour ago.”
She choked, only just avoiding spraying her latte over you. “What?!”
“Well I mean, not hooked up, hooked up. But there was a lot of kissing, and other stuff. And not a lot of clothes. It probably maybe might have actually ended up as hooked up, hooked up if you hadn’t called,” you grimaced as you tried to explain. “But you cannot tell Sean any of this.”
“Why not?”
You chewed on your lip. “Because it just happened. And I don’t know if it was a one-off, heat-of-the-moment thing. So I don’t want him to know anything until there’s something worth knowing. If there’s something worth telling, he’ll probably end up one of the first to know anyway.”
“Okay, I might let you have that,” she smirked, leaning in. “So tell me more: What’s ‘other stuff’? How few clothes are we talking? How’d it happen? Was it good?”
Your cheeks felt hot with embarrassment as you laughed awkwardly and focused your attention on your drink as a distraction. 
“You’re never gonna believe this, dawg,” Derek said, blowing a puff of smoke up into the air. “So I was over at Y/N’s, and we were hangin out, and we started arguing, right?”
“Because that comes as a shock to anyone,” Sean answered, rolling his eyes and taking a long drag before passing the joint back.
“No, no, no, man. That’s not the surprising thing. We’re arguing and all up in each other’s face and then, out of nowhere, she kisses me!” Derek’s grin was wide and a little bit awed as he spoke, forgetting to take another hit.
There was genuine shock on Sean’s face and he seemed at a loss for words, blinking owlishly at his best friend. 
“So anyway, there I am, there we are because the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen - no offense to Riley man - is kissing me, so obviously I kissed her back. She didn't taste like I thought she would, apples or somethin, like she always smells, but I guess that's her hair or something, it was…” Derek trailed off for a second, trying to think of exactly how he wanted to describe the taste of kissing her, and then he snapped his fingers, carrying on, “candy canes. Those ones with the extra purple stripe that kinda taste like berries.”
He ignored Sean saying his name, trying to capture his attention and carried on. 
“Then, it's not just kissing. Cus she's laying back onto the bed and I'm following and now I'm on top of her and she takes her shirt off. No bra underneath so I've got the perfect view of her sweet, perky—”
“Stop!” Sean yelled, voice echoing off the concrete pillars of the parking garage. “Fucking hell Derek, that's my cousin. Practically my little sister for Christ's sake.”
 “What?” Derek frowned, confused for a moment when it finally dawned on him. “Oh shit, man, I'm sorry. I thought since you were cool with me taking a shot...I wasn't thinkin about…”
“It's fine. I only need to bleach out half my brain. I'm happy for you and Y/N, I really am, it's about time frankly, but I don't want to know.”
“Yeah. Yeah no problem man.”
A silence hung over them as they finished their smoke, before suddenly Derek was speaking again.
“I looked up the song while I drove here, and it turns out, she was right. I had nothin to even argue with her about.” He chuckled, the grin creeping across his face again. “I’m glad I did though.”
Several weeks went by and it seemed like things were going back to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. You got busy with school and finals, seeing Derek a lot less often and for shorter blocks, and the timing never seemed right to talk. 
One night, you were both hanging out with Sean, trying to cheer him up over the fact that Riley had cancelled on him because of some big presentation for school. While your cousin was out of the room meeting the pizza guy, an odd silence descended over you both for a moment, before Derek turned to face you on the couch. 
“What are we?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” you answered, frowning in confusion and mirroring his position. 
“We have one killer makeout, then never talk about it. I flirt, I think you’re flirtin back but it’s hard to tell. You call me sweet one second and stupid the next. I just don’t get it, Y/N, and it’s starting to drive me crazy.”
“I like you, Derek. A lot. Like, to the point it kinda scares me if I’m being honest, a lot,” you shrugged, holding your shoulders at your ears. “But...I don’t know. Is this a good idea?”
“This? You mean...us?” He frowned in confusion. 
“Is there an us already?” you sighed, voice trembling. “Yeah, I guess I mean, the possibility of an us at least.”
He reached over, taking one of your hands in his. “I don’t want to push you into anything, but I’ll be honest, girl, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
You opened your mouth to make a snarky comment in response and he shook his head, laughing lightly. 
“I mean the real you, not just kissin you or seeing your tiddies, although those were nice.”
You shot him a glare, reaching across the gap between you to slap his shoulder in annoyance. He laughed, holding up his hands in surrender.
“You’re so smart, way too smart for me. And fiesty, and hilarious, and sweet. I don’t know, you’re you. And I really like everything about you, all the little things even that make me feel like I got steam comin outta my ears like the Looney Tunes.”
“Let me take you out to dinner, or breakfast, or lunch, whenever you’re free. A date though. One date and we can talk about it, whatever’s got you feeling unsure. Please?”
He was looking at you so earnestly that you couldn’t resist saying yes, suggesting lunch on Sunday just as Sean returned. He looked between you with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smirk. You rolled your eyes, stealing the food from him, and Derek pressed play on the movie as Sean settled back into the middle seat. 
You paced anxiously up and down the length of your living room, biting on a thumb nail. You paused, debating changing your outfit for the third time. Derek had said he wanted to do the whole package for a date, so he was going to pick you up at your apartment, and drive downtown. Then you’d park and walk together to lunch. It was cute. But it left you with too much time to think while you waited for the text that said he was downstairs.
It was just Derek. Derek who’d been your friend for months now, who could make you laugh no matter what, and who looked at you like you hung the moon when he thought you didn’t notice, and who made your stomach flip. Derek who you’d been fully ready and willing to sleep with a few weeks ago. But this felt different. It was a real date. It was a tipping point, maybe the start of something, or the end. 
Your phone buzzed in your hand, making you jump. 
‘Hey, I’m here. Want me to come up?’ you read. 
If he came upstairs, you could probably convince him to forget the date and the questions and the everything else to pick up where you’d left off the last time he’d been to your place. The thought was tempting. But it was only delaying the inevitable. 
‘I’ll be down in a sec,’ you fired back instead, gathering up your keys and purse and hurrying down to meet him. 
He was standing on your front step when you got downstairs, greeting you with a surprising hug, which you were happy to return, before you both stepped back and took each other in. 
“Damn,” he said with a low whistle. “You look…damn.”
You felt your cheeks flush hotly. Your outfit wasn’t something particularly fancy, but you had tried to dress nicely for him, and to take advantage of the warm spring weather.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you teased, smiling broadly at him (code for he looked absolutely jaw-droppingly sexy in his own choice of dressy-casual). 
He winked at you and then swept an arm out dramatically. “Your chariot awaits. Shall we?”
“Don’t mind if I do, kind sir,” you affected a posh accent and haughty expression before giggling and practically skipping down the stairs.
The drive, as usual, turned into an impromptu concert (mostly Bon Jovi today) and for the walk to the restaurant and all of lunch, conversation flowed easily. It was comfortable enough that you almost forgot that you had hesitated to agree.
“I hate to kill the mood,” he said after most of your meal was done. “But part of today was supposed be to figuring out us.”
You sighed. There was the other shoe, finally dropping.
“You’re right, it was.”
“So why do you think this is a bad idea?” he cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Straight to the point,” you observed. “I'm surprised.”
He shrugged. “Just wanna get it done. Why dance around?”
“I don’t know. We’re friends, and I like how things are. And you and Sean are friends and if we were to try this...dating or whatever thing, and it didn’t work out I don’t want to lose us or ruin your friendship or,” you sighed. “It just seems like a lot to risk.”
“Sean and I are way too close to let a girl come between us, even if that girl is you.” He smirked teasingly at you.
“Well that makes me feel a little better,” you rolled your eyes, but there was a sincerity to your words that he definitely picked up on. “What if you’re wrong, and we start dating, and it makes things awkward between you and Sean? What if it doesn’t but we break up and then Sean has to pick between his cousin and his best friend? What if we start dating and it doesn’t work out and we lose each other? Because you’re one my best friends, Derek, and I can’t even imagine what life would actually be like without you in it, but it’s a scary thought. What if—”
He reached across the table to rest his hand on top of the fingers you were drumming anxiously on the table. 
“Forget what ifs for a second.”
You looked at him skeptically.
“Just work with me. No thinking about the future. If just right now mattered, how would you feel? What would you do?”
“I don’t know. I’d feel...happy? I’d tell you that I’m having a really good time hanging out with you again, and I missed it when I got busy with finals. I’d tell you that color looks really good on you. And that you have chocolate from your pancakes on your lip, but...I think you should leave it there and let me get it…” you were blushing furiously, cheeks practically on fire, and you fought the urge to look down at the table. 
He laughed, the sound filling your chest with warmth and effervescence. With a wink, he shifted his chair around the table until his knee bumped into yours. 
“Go on then,” he murmured, angling even closer. “Live in just this moment.”
You breath caught in your throat, heart racing.
“Or should I do it for you?” 
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips and his eyes traced its path. 
“Derek…” your voice was barely above a breath. 
And then you were both leaning in, and his hand was braced on the back of your chair, and yours was on the back of his neck. Your lips were on his and his were on yours, and for a second, time and his breath and your heart all stopped. You slid your tongue across his lip and then sucked on it lightly, removing the chocolate stain as promised and making him groan softly. His hand left the chair to curl around your back, trying to angle you closer without pulling you off your chair. 
Someone cleared their throat behind you, shattering the moment and making you leap apart. The freckle-faced young waiter stood awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot.
“You...uh...I was asked to come over and tell you that…” he stammered, blushing furiously. 
“We’re disturbing the other customers and should keep the PDA for later?” you asked sheepishly, not unfamiliar with the feeling of having to deliver such messages to couples on dates. 
He nodded rapidly before turning tail and practically fleeing back to the kitchens. You couldn’t help giggling, especially when you saw the pouting look on Derek’s face. After a moment, he grinned and joined in with your laughter, until you earned another stern look from some of the older folks in the little restaurant around you. 
“Maybe we should go?” you suggested, struggling to contain yourself. “I don’t think they like us much.”
“Probably,” he answered, quickly waving down someone to bring your check. 
As you walked out together, you impulsively stepped closer. You were just passing through the door and into the afternoon sunshine when you laid your head on Derek’s shoulder, making him stiffen for a moment, before he shifted his stance to make it more comfortable for the both of you, looping an arm around your waist.
“So,” he said as you wandered like that down the sidewalk in no particular direction.
“What’s this mean then?”
“It means that I like you, a lot. And I like this...us...thing. And I’m still scared, but I want to give it a shot?”
“Okay.” You could practically hear the grin in his voice as his arm tightened to pull you closer.
“And if you ever break my heart, I’ll break your foot.”
“Why my foot?” he laughed.
“Because it’s easy-ish. And it makes it harder for you to leave.”
“Ah, I see. Going a little Annie Wilkes on me?”
“You’ve seen Misery?”
“No. But I liked the book.”
You tilted your head to look more fully at him, gaping. 
“What? Am I not allowed to be a Stephen King fan?”
“You never cease to surprise me, Derek Sandoval.”
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Alpha mine
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Summary: A bad blind date, you not being a prostitute and hurt balls. What can go possibly wrong?
Request: Can I have Alpha Dean? I don’t have a specific idea. I just want Alpha Dean and some angst. Maybe smut too. Happy ending please.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
A/N: This is an AU setting.
Warnings: language, arguments, smut, unprotected sex, knotting, claiming, true mates, blood, use of handcuffs, hurt testicles (it’s painful, poor Dean), awful names for balls/a dick, fun, crack!fickish, mentions of medical eximinations, A/B/O
Sequel to: Omega for rent
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“I am going to knot you good…god…” Dean needs to stop walking as the pain in his groin becomes unbearable. “I think you made sure I’ll be…” Choking Dean has the feeling his stomach fights the breakfast.
“What’s wrong?” Walking out of your bedroom you must watch Dean whine again. He keels over, curls up in a fetal position as you kneel next to him. “Dean?”
“My balls feel like the little pup-producers are bruised.” You want to hold back a chuckle but seeing the tall alpha whimper and curse at the same time let little snorts escape your lips.
“Sorry. I’ll help you, Dean.”
Carefully helping Dean to get up you take small steps to help him sit on your bed. He hisses in pain, whining again as you help him lie onto your pillow.
“Okay. I’ll help you out of these tight slacks. I think your balls need more space. Hang free and all…” Giggling at your words you hold back the snorts.
“That’s not funny.” Dean grunts. “I wanted to knot you…”
Ignoring Dean’s words, you remove his shoes. “Breathe slow and even. I will open your pants now and try to be as careful as possible. Just relax.” A smirk on your lips you unbuckle his belt.
“I won’t kick you again, alpha.”
“You ruined my dick…” Watching you drag his pants and boxers down Dean gasps as he sees a tiny bruise at his left testicle.
“Oh—crap! You ruined leftie!” Now you cannot hold back the snort as you have a close look at his balls.
“Dean, that’s a fuzz.” With skilled fingers, you removed the fuzz and the tall alpha sighs. “Looks good to me. I suggest you lie flat on your back, cover your body with the blanket and I’ll bring you water. We need to replenish your fluids.”
Dean eyes you warily, not trusting you at all. “You want to make little Dean fall off. I know it.” Eyes narrowed Dean looks around your room. “I’ll sue you if I lose my dick!”
Giggling you sit next to Dean to pat his chest. “I know what I am talking about, okay. “
“Why? Do you kick a man in the groin every day? How many balls did you damage so far? You hurt leftie. I am not sure rightie will forgive you.” Lips pressed into a hint line you try to suppress the giggle bubbling up, but you can stop it.
Pressing your face into Dean’s neck you peck his mating gland before you burst into laughter.
“Honestly, you are the second guy - no wait the third. The first was a boy in high school. He tried to grab my tit and I kicked him.”
“That’s justified…” Humming you check on his balls. “What are you doing? Do you want to ruin me some more?”
“I am checking on your balls, now be silent. I said that I know what I am doing. That’s my job after all.” Dean’s eyes narrow again as you look at his crotch.
“You have a thing for my balls…” While you try to cover Dean with a blanket, he’s busy giving you one of his cocky smirks.
“I am a proctologist, Dean. Now let me…” Dean shoves your hands away, shaking his head furiously as you try to help him.
“You are one of the guys shoving a finger into a guy’s ass?” Face pale Dean clutches, the blanket to his chest to protect his anus for dear life.
“We are not doing this all day, Winchester. Now let me get you something to drink and some painkillers. Relax. I won’t kill you, idiot.”
“How can you do a job like that? I mean…” Choking on his words Dean scratches his head. “…Why did you choose a job which includes poking a guy’s ass!”
“Dean, we do not slide a finger into your ass to have fun. It’s a needed examination to check on your well…anus…” Not convinced Dean scrunches up his nose. “I know men do not like it, but we save lives.”
“By fingering my ass?” Throwing your hands up in surrender you take a deep breath. “Cancer, Dean. We do this to help people. Do you believe I like poking my finger into random guys assholes?”
“I do not know you long enough to answer your question.” This time Dean needs to hold back a chuckle. “You look like a kinky chick.”
“Gosh, you are one of those idiots making fun of my job. I chose it as my dad died of cancer. If he would have gone to see a proctologist before the pain became unbearable he could be still alive. Now shut up and let me help you…”
Grumbling you storm into the bathroom to wash your hands and get painkillers for the annoying alpha on your bed.
“I…I am sorry, Sweetheart. Uh—it’s just.” Chortling Dean bites his finger. “Imagining you shove a finger into my ass…”
“Did you forget my name again?” Poking your head into the bedroom you give Dean a dirty look. “Winchester?”
“Y/N. Your name is Y/N and I’d like to knot you again, even though you hurt leftie…”
“You’re unbelievable, Dean. One minute you whine about your hurt balls and the next moment you want to knot me. Hell, you are a rollercoaster of nonsense…”
“You forgot charming! I am adorable and charming!” Dean insists as you place the painkillers onto the nightstand.
“I will not encourage you, Winchester. Now stop wiggling your naked ass on my silky sheets.” Leaving your bedroom, you hear Dean purr into your direction. “Won’t get you any…”
“You will fall for me sooner or later.” Laughing you shake your head as you walk back toward the bedroom. Food, water, and a sports drink in your hands you watch him rummage in your drawer.
“Uh-huh! Dirty girl, kinky too.” Holding handcuffs, a vibrator and lube in his hands Dean looks like the cat that got the cream. “You will not need that tiny thing any longer, but we can keep the handcuffs and lube.”
“Can you not make fun for a few minutes? You need to drink a lot, take some painkillers and then we will have lunch.” Lower lip trapped between his teeth Dean looks at the food on the tray.
You warmed up some Chinese leftovers and he can barely hide the rumble of his empty stomach.
“You know how to get the guy. Naughty sex, perfect scent, and food. You want to bribe me…” You would roll your eyes, but Dean looks up at you, a soft smile on his lips and you remain silent.
“Drink, Dean and then give me a break.” Humming Dean gulps down the sports drink, not taking his eyes off you as he follows your advice. “I hope your balls feel better soon…”
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It’s a restless evening as Dean didn’t stop to hit on you. Followed by a restless night as he tries to rut his aching crotch against your ass, whining as it still hurts.
“Dean, give up. I am tired and tomorrow is Sunday. I want to sleep without an  alpha keeping me awake.” Not giving up Dean ruts closer to you, rubbing his cock against your ass, ignoring the pain.
“Want you…”
“You’re a needy bastard, Winchester. If you stop keeping me awake, I let you knot me when you are better. Now let me sleep.”
Dean’s arms wrap around you as he is nuzzling his nose into your neck, but he stops to rut his cock against your ass.
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“What’s that green rubbish?” Shoving the broccoli off his plate Dean retches as he spits parts of the healthy vegetable into his napkin.
He is residing on your couch, two pillows stuffed behind his back, feet propped onto your couch he watches you narrow your eyes.
“Winchester! I do not believe you one bit that your balls are still hurting! I know you are lying to get my attention. Needy bastard.” Humming to himself Dean looks at the food you cooked for him.
“You are taking good care of me.” Dean’s voice is barely above a whisper when he looks at you. “I’ve missed someone taking care of me.”
“Dean, we barely know each other. All we know are certain body parts. You can’t occupy my apartment for longer than needed.” Your fingers slide through his hair and you need to hold back a purr as he sighs every time you touch him.
“I…I don’t want to leave you…”
“How about a deal, Dean. Playing with his short locks you press a soft kiss to his ear shell.
“If you can walk, you can knot me, Winchester. You can stay till tomorrow morning and then we will see where this will lead us to…” Dean’s eyes darken, and you feel his hand cup your tit as he smirks up at you.
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He’s wild, loud and full Alpha again.
Your face pressed into the cushions; hands restraint behind your back with your handcuffs you can only take what the man you barely know offers.
“Such a good girl now…” Purring the words Dean smirks as he can feel your slick cover his dick with every thrust. “I could fuck you for days.”
“How’s leftie?” Giggles leave your lips, but Dean does not seem to care. While you try to push back onto him, he grips your cuffed wrists.
His brows are knit together as he watches his cock disappear inside of your slit. He can read your body; can sense you are close to your high.
“You feel perfect around me, Sweetheart. I think…” Pushing against your shoulders Dean causes your body to fall flat onto your mattress.
Helpless you wiggle against him as he holds you down with his weight.
“Dean…I want to cum.” You would scratch or bite him, even kick the cocky alpha again but the handcuffs around your wrists and his hands holding you down, bending you to his will, make you immobile.
“Sweet, so sweet for me…” His tongue slides over your mating gland and you shiver, knowing what Dean is up to. “Going to make you mine.”
Before you can give him a snarky comment his hips start moving again and your body gives in. Walls clenching tightly around him, sucking greedily at his thick length you can feel his teeth sink into your neck.
“Fucking asshole…” Dean does not care about your insults or that his orgasm hits him hard.
He will not let go of your neck, even holds you down to mark you as his omega.
“At least you can fuck like a stallion…”
“Love the way you say, ‘I love you’.” Dean grins before his tongue soothes the light sting. “The wound is already closing, Omega. Looks good on you. Perfect bite mark.”
“I guess this means your cute alpha ass is all mine now, including leftie and rightie. Now release my wrists and let me have a look at the mark. I dare you if you ruined my look.”
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“It will heal completely and looks good at your neck.” Dean cannot take his eyes off the mark, wants you to not put a band-aid on it but you slap his hands away.
“Let me put a sterile band-aid on it before I kick your balls.” He is looking at his mark one last time. “Barely any blood. Did you do this more than once?”
“No…I swear, Y/N. You’re my first…” Your hand slides over his naked chest and you look up at Dean, a dirty grin on your lips. “I was your first, lover boy?”
“That is not what I meant, Omega. Now be good and behave.” Face straight, eyes focused on the mark at your neck Dean tries to play the dominant alpha, but you simply pat his cheek.
“Oh, sweet alpha. I think there was a failure in our communications from the beginning. It’s more that you alpha are mine now…” Amused Dean drops the towel around his waist, gives you a dirty grin before he steps closer.
“All yours, Y/N. Now - where do you want me?”
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Zip up | knj
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(not my gif, credit to the owner)
→ Pairing: Boyfriend!Joonie x Reader
→ Summary: Joonie has a very interesting zipper on his jacket or how Jimin and Jungkook literally cannot knock whilst you're on a FaceTime call with your boyfriend. 
→ Warnings: FLUFF, and boyfriend Joonie and that gif. thats about it! Ah, Jimin makes his lil cameo at some point, so to everyone who does not like cheeky rice cake may proceed with precaution. (MY ENGLISH AND GRAMMAR)
→ Wordcount: 2k 
a/n: Happy Birthday Namjoon-ah! The amount of respect I have for this man…not describable. Thank you for everything, Joonie. You are a true inspiration and light, our moon, you know? We love you and just…thank you so so much. Pinky promise that I will use you to love myself (I cried when I watched this lil speech. If you haven’t, watch it too!) and I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. Sarang-hae Namjoon-ssi, I purple you forever (and I will never shut up about the dimple, no).
 Masterlist | BTS Masterlist 
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“But can you zip it up all the way?” you asked, leaning towards the screen a bit. Your boyfriend couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, tilting his head slightly. “Wouldn’t you want to know, jagi.” You shrugged innocently, shovelling another mouthful of chapchae in your mouth, eventually starting to giggle when you caught his eyeroll.
“Oh come on, oppa, zip it up.” Namjoon snorted lightly, leaning back in his stool, fingers toying with the zip fastener of his black jacket. He looked awfully cuddlable like this, messy hair hidden underneath the hood and with only the dyed tips peeking out from under the black fabric. You had to remember to ask him if you could borrow that one when he came back. Right now, however, you wanted him to finally make use of the zipper strips on the sides of the hood. They went all the way up to the top, so theoretically it would be possible to pull the zipper all the way up and over his face. And you really wanted Joonie to do this.
“I’d rather hear about your day, to be honest.” Namjoon proposed with a sly grin, giving you the most adorable puppy eyes through the screen.
“I did absolutely nothing today and fully embraced my deeply rooted laziness. No lectures, no errands to run, no nothing. I basically stayed in bed all day and waited for your call so I could see your breathtakingly pretty face.” The end probably came out more dramatic that you had intended to sound, but oh well. It made him laugh and that was all that mattered.
“Then why do you want me to cover it up, if you waited so patiently for so long?” he asked with a small grin, leaning towards the screen, mirroring you. “Well what do you think? Because I’ve had enough already!” you huffed, dramatically chewing on your fried noodles before almost choking on them. The pout that appeared on his face could’ve made Yoongi apologise. He then took it upon himself to turn his chair away from you slowly, soon facing the wall and couch behind him.
“Hey I am kidding.” You called out when he just stayed like this, even scooted away at one point. “Joonie? I was joking? Come back to me!” he reached towards something placed on the couch, and when he turned back around, he suddenly had a big VAN plushie on his lap.
“She is sick of my face, Van. Can you believe that? Of my face.” You snorted but he wouldn’t look at you.
Not even when you started (and failed) whisper-shout the lyrics of the truth untold he would look at you (he almost couldn’t help it though. The way you mimicked Jungkook’s breathy ‘But I still want you’ almost made him surrender) The quick curl of his lips was all of his amusement he showed.
“What do you think, should I break up first? I mean, the face is somewhat kinda important for-”
“JOONIE!” finally he broke his act and laughed, blowing a kiss into the camera. “Sorry. I know you could never get sick of that face.” He just stated, overly confident and with a proud grin. “You are spending too much time with Jin.”, was all you mumbled, fishing a single noddle from your bowl. “Speaking of Jin, how is he? And the other boys?” Joon patted the plushie on the head before mindlessly throwing it over his shoulders, somewhat aiming for the couch. To his luck it landed precisely on the backrest and stayed there without knocking something over.
“They are doing great. We’ve been working on some music together, Jungkook is even learning to mix now. Slow progress but progress. I could actually show you something we’ve made so far…” his eyes had immediately started to sparkle of excitement, the topic music always cheering the man up. “Wanna hear the first few seconds of a new song? Like it’s only a demo version, nothing company approved or anything…” he asked whilst already typing quickly on his keyboard. “Sure…show me.” He hummed excitedly, giving you an eager smile. “I’ll show you. Ready?” you only nodded. When were you not ready for new music, produced by your boyfriend himself? There was nothing that made you feel prouder than that.
One demo turned into around five and somewhere along the way you had even managed it to convince him to finally pull the zipper up and over his face. Which was exactly why Jimin, who excitedly burst in without knocking, was faced with a vibing Joon, looking like a funnily formed ehomaki roll. The excitement widened eyes grew wider and the smile dropped and morphed into a kind of confused pout. “Namjoon-hyung I…what the hell?”
After a second of being frozen in place, Namjoon snapped around, his hands flying up to unzip his face immediately. He fumbled with the zipper for a second before he finally freed his face from his hood, cheeks red from embarrassment. You on your part were dying with laughter, having first choked up on your noodles at Jimin just barging in and now on your laughter. The expression of pure horror and embarrassment displayed on his face was peak comedy – at least for you.
“Can’t you, like, knock?” your boyfriend asked, scratching his neck uncomfortably whilst the sound of your laughter still sounded through the room. Jimin’s eyes snapped to Joon’s computer, finally seeing you and giving you an excited smile.
“Y/N-noona! How are you?” he grinned widely, stepping closer to the computer, completely ignoring his deeply embarrassed hyung. “Hello there, Jiminie, I am fine, thank you! How are you? Everything good?” you asked fondly, giving the younger a kind smile. “I am fine as well. Things have been less busy lately, I enjoy it. I am focusing on dance practice now again, some more demanding choreos…” he immediately informed you, kneeling down to place his arms and on the table, so he could comfortably talk to you. It was adorable. “I am happy for you! But you have not forgotten about food and sleep lately have you….?” Jimin laughed softly, shaking his head. “No, Ma’am. I slept eight hours today and I had breakfast and lunch.” He reported back with a salute, causing you to chuckle.
“Actually, Jin-hyung and I were cooking for the last few hours…Tong Dak! Though, it took us longer than we had expected BBQ chicken would take. However it was Jin’s fault, he burned the first load…”, you grinned softly. That sounded like something Jin would do. “and then Yoongi-hyung came and cussed him out for ruining the pan, before finishing the chicken by himself. I, oh, actually came to call for dinner.” He added with a glance at Namjoon who still looked uncomfortable. You chose to ignore it.
“Sounds nice…you could demonstrate your skills when I am around one day.” He immediately nodded with the excitement of a little child. “Would love to do that! But only if you tell me what you gave hyung to get him shimming like that. Is that what you guys do when you are alone?” you laughed out loud whilst Jimin dodged Namjoon’s hand.
If I knew how I did it, I would. But no, you just barged in at the right – or wrong – time.”, you replied with a small grin into Joons direction, “usually he isn’t all covered up like that.” Namjoon flinched at your words, jerking forwards as if to stop you from talking but the damage was already done. Jimin was on the floor laughing and so were you. Less because of what you said but more because the blush that covered Namjoon’s neck and cheeks had the intensity of a poppy petal. He looked like a little boy caught shoplifting at a candy store.  
“Yah, jagi! He doesn’t….Jimin, get out.” You only laughed, shrugging innocently before scrapping the last few noodles from the bottom of your bowl.
“Oh come on hyung, it’s not like I don’t know…” Jimin tried to argue, still laughing. “I swear, I will convince Yoongi to ignore you for the rest of the day if you don’t leave now.” Namjoon threatened and he looked serious and almost intimidating – if the blush wasn’t still as prominent as it was. Jimin’s confidence visibly wavered for a second, before he then confidently shook his head again. “You could never…”
“I have his camera somewhere in my room and a demo of his newest song on my computer. There is nothing I can’t get him to do by now.” Jimin’s face fell immediately and eyes grew huge. He made a beeline for the exit faster than Jungkook could say “easy peasy lemon squeezy” (and as matters stand, the boy was pretty damn fast at it already).
“Bye bye, Noona!” was all he yelled over his shoulder before the door closed. Namjoon couldn’t even meet your eyes. “You do know that I have a reputation to uphold, right?” he swallowed thickly, staring at the screen of his desktop.  “Had to uphold.” Was all you said with a teasing tone, laughing when he winced and looked away. “Look who is sick of my face now.” He snapped back around instantly, a pained – though clearly amused – look on his face. “I’m not…you are the absolute worst, do you know that jagi?” you grinned softly, leaning closer towards the camera. “I love you too, Namjoon-ah. Kissy.” He sighed, but his smile and eyes betrayed him. they were filled to the brink with love. You probably didn’t look any better.
“You’re right, I love you. Even though you destroy all sense of authority I have left in bangtan.” You laughed at that, winking cheekily. “Sorry for that. They would still follow you anywhere you go, you know? As would the rest of the world.” He smiled warmly, opening his mouth to reply, but got interrupted promptly by the sound of someone slamming open the door.
“Food is ready!” It was Jungkook this time. Namjoon only growled annoyed, not even turning around. “Can’t you folks knock?” Jungkook almost looked apologetic when his eyes found your face on the screen. “Sorry hyung…oh hey Y/N!” and gone was his apologetic face and tone, he now skipped closer to the computer, a sweet bunny smile on his face. He waved excitedly at you, whilst Namjoon groaned something along the lines of; “No respect for the elders”, and “oh no, not again.”  
You waved back, causing the youngest to smile even wider but before you or he could say anything at all, Namjoon decided to cut it off. “I am coming in an instant, Gukk. Let me say goodbye to my girlfriend, I’m with you guys in a minute.” Jungkook pouted but other than Jimin, wouldn’t question him. He just gave you a sweet wave before slipping through the open door again.
“Alright, jagi-“ Joon didn’t make it far; Jungkook’s head suddenly appeared behind him, a wide smile full of mischief on his face. “Hyung?” he asked, sounding as if he was innocence in person. “What?” the grin only sharpened.
“Can you zip up your hood for dinner too? Or when you walk in, at least?” Namjoon froze again, his face settling into an expression of pure and utter despair before he gave you a pained smile.
“Jagi…”, he reached down, taking off his slipper, his smile not wavering once, “I love you. Talk to you soon, I now have to set some things straight…” you laughed softly, blowing a kiss. “I love you too. See you later, babe. Don’t kill them all.” He nodded before his expression shifted completely. “Only one of them.”
The last thing you heard before he ended the call was a him yelling“Park Jimin!” at the top of his lungs and a sound that sounded suspiciously like Jungkook squeaking and the thump of a shoe hitting a wall.
--- ✩ thank u for reading ✩ ---
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📂 hmmm let's see... how about Toph?
aw Toph Beifong, how I love you,
Okay. So. First:
Obviously, Toph can tell when people are lying, but much like how the gaang always forgets that she’s blind, they forget that she’s a living lie detector. After the war ends, the kiddos are all obviously traumatized and always ask each other how they’re doing and they usually always say “fine” and Toph can feel that they’re lying but she just... doesn’t do anything. Sometimes it’s obvious a person is lying, but sometimes they can really pull it off and Toph is the only one who knows. She just lets them be, though, because she would want to be left alone too. In her mind, if it was a big enough deal, they wouldn’t say that they’re fine (also because that’s the reasoning she gives herself to not talk about her problems). She doesn’t want to push them.
Eventually, and let’s use Aang here because poor kid suffers so much trauma and no one really talks about that much (myself included, I need to pay more attention to Aang), Aang’s mental health really starts declining and everyone is really worried but Toph always lets it go because she doesn’t want to push him or stress him out. One time, it’s so bad that they ask Toph to out Aang for lying and she just shrugs and says “he wasn’t lying” even though he definitely was.
After a week or two like this, Aang kind of just breaks down and Toph instantly feels guilty because deep down she feels like she could have prevented it, but she didn’t. It’s one of those times when she learns that letting people believe a lie, no matter how good intentions are, is worse and more hurtful than telling the truth.
It kind of starts making her more honest than before. She began by calling everyone out on every little lie until she realized it would probably be better to talk to people in private and I just... mmm... I feel like Toph wields so much power after the war because everyone will always say “I’m fine” and she knows, she knows, they’re lying.
And now for an angsty Toph-related headcanon because I said so:)
Toph’s parents. Mmmm. I have not read the comics and also I heard they were... iffy... so we’re disregarding comics here. Toph’s parents kind of suck. Like, once she talks to them after the war, they treat her like a helpless child again and not the LITERAL HERO she is. She doesn’t live with them, but she wants a relationship with them, even though she physically cannot make her say it out loud. So, eventually she blows up at them and Earthbends and her parents are like “okay, if you’re not a child, then start acting like an adult” and COMPLETELY misread the intention behind what Toph was saying. Ontop of that, they constantly complain about everything to her. Like trivial things. They complain about trivial things to a traumatized child (not to mention they did like nothing during the war smh, they just sat there and were rich). Like, they complain about each other to Toph say all of these things that she never wanted to hear ever and that no parents should actually burden their child with. Eventually she just... stops.
She just never answers letters, never returns to the city, much less the house. And it just... it kills her because she wanted to fix their relationship. She wanted to try and be a family again and she tried. She tried so hard but her parents never pit any effort in.
It was actually Zuko (or Azula...) who kind of made her realize. Like, I’m just gonna say: Sokka and Katara HATE Toph’s parents, like, with a burning passion. Toph offhandedly mentioned some of the terrible things her mom said about her dad and vice versa to the gaang and Katara was about to go give them the biggest lecture they had ever received. Katara lowkey got all mother hen (but sometimes Suki would have to drag her back and be like “you’re smothering her” so Toph wouldn’t feel like Katara was acting like her parents) (and again, Toph would never say it outloud, but she could never think of Katara in that way ever. She’s SUCH a better person than her parents could ever be) and would try and... not be the mother Toph never got to have, but give her the support she never had.
Anyways, Zuko or Azula talk to Toph and are like “take it from one abused child to another, your parents are abusing you” which just confirms the suspicions she had deep down but refused to believe. She was just filled with so much rage because it’s not fair and she was trying so hard but her parents really don’t care about her in the way that they should of and she gave them so many chances to be better but they never took it.
okay so, sadness over, let’s make Toph happy:)
Toph is asexual (and maybe aromantic, unsure as of right now) because I said so:))
Toph takes great pleasure in going to The Jasmine Dragon and just... listening to make sure no one is ever rude to Iroh or any of the other employees ever. If they are, she causes trouble so they can feel ashamed for being mean to people in food service.
no you know what? Am I going too overboard? Yes. Do I care? No. One friendship Toph headcanon for everyone in the gaang.
Aang: Toph and Aang both help remind the other that they’re children because they both forget sometimes. Toph is great at taking Aang away from work and making him take breaks and spend time for himself rather than others. Aang is great at giving Toph the “having friends as a child” experience she never had. He teaches her games he learned from all four nations as a child and sometimes they do really ‘childish’ things like playing bending tag or even like regular tag with each other just because it’s nice.
Katara: oooh the Toph and Katara friendship is one of my favorites in the show. The two are both ridiculously competitive. Like. Out of everyone in the gaang, they are the most competitive (let’s be real, Sokka is too petty and WE NEED TO FOLLOW THE GAMES RULES to be competitive and Zuko just gets angry and rage quits). But eventually, they learn that they’re stronger when they work together and make a competitive truce. So whenever people need to team up for games, they immediately go to each other and they destroy everyone.
Sokka: Sokka and Toph ahhhhh I love them so much. Sokka adopted Toph as his daughter-sister, as in he can’t choose whether he wants to replace her dad and be her dad or be the protective but not overly protective older brother she never had, so he calls himself “father-brother” and everyone hates it, but Sokka was never good at naming things. Also, one time they were really bored, so they decided to try and invent a language that is never spoken, but can be interpreted through Earthbending. Like, different methods of bending meant different things and stuff. It worked... kind of? Sokka likes learning and Toph likes kicking dirt and making people confused about what they were doing. They both have short attention spans, though, so they didn’t get far. They each still remember s=certain things and still talk through it (since Sokka is not an Earthbender, he taps his foot on the ground or kicks dirt a certain way. It’s kind of like morse code, bit different because only Toph can feel the taps).
Suki: Suki Suki Suki I love you! Suki is Toph’s go-to for fake relationships. Like. These two have been in a fake relationship with each other too many times to count. Toph’s parents invite her to a formal event but she needs to bring a date (and also she doesn’t want to go but she wants to repair the relationship)? Suki is her date. Suki needs to attend a royal event because she’s the highest Fire Nation palace guard (because I said so)? Toph comes as her date. A random person is hitting on either of them and they don’t know how to respond without unnecessary violence? Find the other and kiss their face.
Zuko: Zuko and Toph, what a pair. They both find beauty in nature (in different ways, obviously), so they’re walking buddies. They’ve gone on hikes together, like week-long hikes together. They’ll walk around the palace together... sometimes they’ll just sit together in silence because they don’t always need words to be friends.
Azula: (because yes, I am including the three girls): y’all. These two together can scare the entire world. Not just because they are actually insanely powerful, but because they make the most horrific self-deprecating jokes known to man and say it with intense seriousness that everyone has been genuinely worried at some point before they caught on (if it’s serious, they say it as a joke). One time, they both made these depressing jokes at lunch and Aang choked on his food. He didn’t die, but like. He was so unprepared that he choked. What I’m saying is, these two have a really weird relationship that takes place entirely through insults at each other, theirself, and everyone they love.
Ty Lee: Toph was actually scared of Ty Lee at first because of her chi blocking abilities. Not like terrified-scared, but like if you even take one more step towards me I will smash you with a boulder no matter your intentions-scared. Also, Ty Lee was so perky and kind of loud and Toph found that suspicious at first. It wasn’t like an Aang perky or loud, it was like... well, Toph couldn’t explain it (as in, I, op, cannot explain it), but it was a bit overwhelming? And then one time Ty Lee just. randomly visited her at her parents’ house even though they “weren’t friends” and Toph was just ????? but let her come in for dinner anyway because she kind of wanted to see how her parents would react to this peppy girl. Her parents ended up making a kind of snide remark at Toph’s expense during dinner (which was the usual but Toph didn’t realize it was a b u s e) and Ty Lee went off. That’s when Toph knew there were reasons to be terrified of this girl, but she would never be on the receiving end of her fury unless she really deserved it. They have very different family situations, but take pleasure in actually talking about it to each other. Because Ty Lee is a very open person and Toph is not. Toph thinks it’s nice to just let Ty Lee ramble on (kind of like Mai) and Ty Lee thinks Toph gives really good advice and has good insights (plus strives to help her feel more comfortable with her feelings). They become spontaneous buddies and randomly show up at each other’s houses when they’re living at home and it’s just nice.
Mai: last but never least, Mai and Toph! These two. feel for each other. so much. Rich kids, only children, parents who ignore them, ahhhhh, do you smell that? The repression of feelings:) Sometimes, they prefer to just be around each other because everyone else can kind of be overwhelming. They can communicate through few words and they both like throwing things, so they like sparring together a lot, It gives them a chance to throw things with another person who likes throwing things. For them, sparring is like this connection and it’s own method of loving each other (as friends do) and it’s just really nice for both of them.
Okay. I am done. Thank you, Grace, for fueling me.
I love Toph and I don’t give her enough attention.
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
Shouto Todoroki as a Boyfriend
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Summary: can you guess? The title!!
Warnings: not-nice words, little bit of angst, mentions of self-harm, fluff, a really really really corny joke
BF Scenarios Tag List:
HMU if you wanna be added!!
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look at his fucking biceps OH MY GOD AAAAAAAAAAAA
The tank top?? Shit, please wear the more often
It all started one fateful day when you caught him staring at you from across the lunch table
You set down your chopsticks
“Todoroki, is there something on my face?”
“You’re beautiful.”
The whole table goes absolutely silent and Mina and Midoriya choke on their food at the exact same time 
“... What?”
“You look really cute when you chew. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“No… no one has. Th-Thanks, Todoroki.”
Then the heterochromatic boy went back to his soba
Later on, he realizes what he’s feeling for you is called ‘love’ and asks you out
Shouto is aloof but affectionate and very attentive
It takes time for him to trust you because he hasn’t had anyone he can really depend on in a while
You’re one of the only people besides his sister and brother that has shown any appreciation or love toward him so it won’t take him too long to warm up to you
When he does, he will talk about his past
These moments that you have with him, when he reveals his sad, shadowy past, they’re really important. It’s what makes Shouto, Shouto. He would really appreciate being able to tell you these things because when he does, it feels like a huge weight off his chest
Shouto might have nightmares from time to time, waking up yelling “No! Don’t hurt her! S-Stop, stop!” and breaking into a cold sweat
He might ask you, “Do I act like… him?” “Am I gonna turn out like Endeavor?”
No bby. Never.
Shouto is really protective. After seeing his mother abused and Natsuo and Fuyumi ignored, he doesn’t want you to feel like your alone, or unloved, or unprotected
That’s why, when he sees an over-confident looking asshole saunter up to you and you step back timidly, he’s gonna take action and tell the bitch to fuck off
The guy isn’t gonna be around for very long when he finds out ‘the son of endeavor’ is your boo
BUT here’s the thing; Shouto doesn’t know how godly and hot he is, so make sure you remind him
I mean, you are the one that helped him accept himself!
He’s a “one date a week” kind of guy
Cold soba with shouto → lady and the tramp style
PDA is a thing → hand-holding and cuddling on the couch in the common room
He might grab your face and kiss you to get a reaction out of Bakugou
Sho likes to play with your hands
When he’s tired he’s gonna smoosh his face into your chest, tummy, or thighs
Shouto is a chapstick d00d
Lips → soft and pretty and fun to kiss
Shouto’s pet names for you can be; princess, beautiful, babe, gorgeous, and baby girl
He likes to take you on walks at night because the cool night air helps him clear his mind
You’re always trying to make him crack a smile and he can’t help but grin when you tell him a terrible pun or joke no matter how hard he tries
“Hey Sho, what do sharks put on their sandwiches?”
“Peanut butter and jellyfish!”
“Oh my god Y/n.”
Your presence is calming to your boyfriend. That’s why he insists you sleep in the same bed. (as long as your ok with that. sho wouldn’t pressure you into anything. ever.) He needs you in his arms to fall asleep
“Y/n. Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Why not?”
*cuddling ensues*
Ok… fights
Shouto Todoroki is very strong-willed
It doesn’t matter what you did, he would never hit you. If you strike him, he won’t do it back. The only time he’d ever lay hand on you that wasn’t gentle, would be a firm shake on your shoulders to knock a little sense into you
Nothing more
If you’re hurting yourself, he might swat something out of your hands
If your crying, Shouto will wrap you in lots of blankets and sit with you until you tell him why your face is leaking
If you cry, he cries
Guilt tears at his poor heart until he literally cannot breathe when you don’t tell him right away because he’s worried he did something
“Y/n, what’s wrong princess? No, no don’t cry- It’s fine, you’re safe… Please stop crying…”
How could such a fucking angel do anything wrong? Shouto is innocence at its finest! god-tier muscles! Hot! Kind! Oblivious!
He loves you so fucking much
If you’re hurting so is he
To make things better, he will literally do anything; spend his father’s massive fortune, cuddle for weeks on end, therapy, dates, food, ANYTHING to make you happy again
His scar… oof that’s definitely a topic I need to cover
Even after having it for years, Sho is still really insecure about it. When people (reporters and such) mention it to him you can visibly see his mood drop
One time, he was going to be in a movie, and his makeup person said “Alright Mr. Todoroki! Now let’s cover up that disgusting scar.”
He almost cried
When he told you what happened, you were livid
I dragged him to the studio at two in the morning and chewed out the director for a while with Sho standing behind you, holding you back
“Disgusting? Seriously? My boyfriend is a fucking GOD compared to you, you nasty, retarded, tone-deaf, dickhead-”
“Y/N! Calm down!”
You weren’t letting your precious Shouto act in any more movies. He had a career to focus on anyway
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rosethornewrites · 5 years
Fic: Playing with Fire
Relationship: Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
Characters: Lila Rossi, Rose Lavillant, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Juleka Couffaine, Alya Césaire, Ivan Bruel, Chloé Bourgeois, Luka Couffaine, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Penny Rolling, Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Fang
Additional Tags: Lila salt, Good Chloé Bourgeois, Uncle Jagged Stone, Emotional Support Crocodile, Principal Damocles salt, Bustier salt
Summary: Lila tries to break up Kitty Section. It doesn't go as planned. Salty.
Notes: Had this stuck in my head as an idea. There’s been a trope of Luka being kicked out of Kitty Section because of Lila pulling something like this. Except I don’t think she’d get that far with it. Also, every time I hear this song it makes me think of Lila.
AO3 link
She's got a history of making a scene, yeah
She's telling stories she’s gaslighting
-The Interrupters
“Are you sure it’s… appropriate for an older boy like Luka to be in Kitty Section?”
Marinette froze in the middle of taking a bite of a croissant as Lila’s words floated across the courtyard, her mind filled suddenly with the desire to shriek at the liar, even knowing that would backfire as it always did. She wanted to defend Luka. If Adrien was here rather than at a photo shoot, he’d see Lila was actually trying to hurt people with this.
She barely realized she’d stopped breathing until she started coughing, and that nearly sent the bite of food down the wrong tube. By the time she’d recovered, she had missed any response from the present members of Kitty Section, and Lila was talking again.
“I’m just concerned, is all. I’ve told you I’m like Jagged Stone’s favorite person, right? I know a few people in the industry, really. And some of the execs just don’t sign bands if there’s such a big age gap between members. Like you three and Luka.”
Marinette put down the croissant, trying to build her courage. She could defend Luka.
“But Luka’s Juleka’s brother,” Rose said, looking concerned.
“Yeah, that can look even weirder.”
Marinette started to stand up, but then she caught a Look that passed between the couple. At times they were so in sync it was scary.
Juleka glanced her way, shook her head minutely, and quirked a half-smirk as though to say, We got this.
“You must have worked with some amazing people, Lila!” Rose gushed.
Her admiration sounded just a touch off, but Lila was too busy preening to notice.
“I have. Clara Nightingale texts me all the time.”
“Oh, I have an idea,” Juleka said, her voice faux shy. “I-I mean, if you don’t mind? Like can we try guessing the artists you know? Like a game?”
Lila’s smile widened. “Oh, that sounds like so much fun!”
Marinette carefully kept her face blank, picking at her croissant and ignoring the pitying look Alya sent her way from her seat beside Lila. It wouldn’t do to give the game away.
Ivan’s expression had also gone blank, as though he too knew what was up and wanted to see what happened.
“Oh! I have one. 30 Seconds to Mars?” Rose asked.
Lila shook her head. “No, but I know their producer.”
“What about My Chemical Romance?” It was Juleka’s turn.
“Yeah, they’re a silly bunch,” Lila said with a giggle. “I dated the lead singer for a few months. We’re still friends.”
Marinette had to stop herself from snorting—like an artist in his 40s was going to date a teenager! But clearly Lila only knew the band name and that they were popular among teens.
But apparently the game wasn’t over, and Rose made another guess. In the next three minutes, Lila told them all about three songs written for her and exotic concert venues. Some of the smiles of their classmates were becoming a bit forced as they recognized band names and knew more about them than the liar. Marinette knew enough about music to know that every single band they’d named had sibling members.
“The Carpenters?” Juleka eventually asked.
By the way Lila’s face brightened, Marinette could guess she definitely knew they were famous and would make a great story.
“Oh my gosh, we’re so close! I helped them write some of the lyrics for their most recent album!”
Alya made a choking noise, and while trying not to crack up Marinette realized the girl had finally caught one of the lies.
Chloé was suddenly hissing in her ear, “Put the call on speaker when it rings,” before she moved toward the stairs to the classroom.
Marinette glanced at her suspiciously, but was immediately drawn back to the show when Juleka crossed her arms and laughed.
The smile on Lila’s face faltered for a moment, before returning with a look of confusion. “Did I say something funny?”
“Their last album came out in 1981, so unless you’re secretly like 50 years old pretending to be a teenager like I’m guessing you’ve pretended everything else, it’s hilarious,” Juleka drawled loudly, her shyness momentarily absent in her glee.
In the stunned silence, during which Lila’s face twitched and turned an interesting array of colors, Marinette’s phone rang.
The screen read Uncle Jagged.
Marinette blinked, suddenly realizing what Chloé had meant, and—
Chloé had gotten Jagged to call her?!
She answered the call, putting it on speaker. “Um, hello?”
“Marinette! Where’s the fire?! Drive faster, Penny!” He sounded almost frantic.
“Fire?” She asked.
“I heard my favorite niece is having an emergency. What’s wrong?”
“I’m just at school, Uncle Jagged,” she said, putting emphasis on his name and taking joy in how Lila’s face turned a mottled white. “Having lunch and a show. Are you in Paris?”
“The school? Penny, she’s at the school.” Jagged’s voice was distant as he talked to his assistant, then came back full force. “Hang tight. Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny are coming. Clara’s here, too!”
The line went dead.
Lila stood abruptly. “Oh, I just remembered, I need to—”
Ivan put his hands on her shoulders gently, suddenly behind her. “Sit.”
The Italian’s eyes darted around the table, finding no sympathy. She sat. Ivan kept his hands on her shoulders, not quite menacing.
Chloé’s laugh rang out from above, and Marinette glanced up to see that the blonde had M. Damocles and Mme. Bustier in tow.
“What is it you need us to see, Mlle. Bourgeois?” the principal demanded. “We were enjoying lunch.”
Jagged sprinted through the entrance, Fang on a leash and easily keeping up. “Marinette! I came right away!”
“M. Stone!” M. Damocles sounded a bit strangled. “You cannot bring that… creature on school property!”
“Can so. Fang’s my emotional support crocodile!”
Penny trotted up from behind him and handed a slip of paper to the principal.
Clara was behind Penny, looking concerned as she approached. “Marinette, are you unwell? I hear for us you’ve a tale to tell.”
Marinette’s face grew warm. “I’m okay, Clara. I’m not sure why Jagged thought there was an emergency.”
Chloé let out an irritated huff. “Because there was. The entire class was being seduced by a liar’s pretty stories, and that thot was bullying you.”
Jagged let out an outraged string of what sounded like they could be curse words if they were pronounced in a non-Cockney accent.
Eventually he scanned the courtyard. “Okay, which of you has been bullying my niece? It’s time for Fang’s lunch, anyway.”
“We don’t have the paperwork to cover that, Jagged,” Penny commented, though she too was leveling a hard stare at the students.
“Bullying certainly isn’t cool. Why was it allowed in this school?” Clara took a seat next to Marinette, taking one of her hands. “You of all people deserve much better: why, you’re a wonderful budding trend-setter.”
A lump was forming in Marinette’s throat; she’d spent so long being strong while all of this had been going on, figuring no one would believe her. But Chloé, of all people, had brought in the cavalry.
Juleka was the one to finally answer Jagged, pointing at Lila. “She’s the one. Just tried to convince me to kick my own brother out of our band and claimed she helped the Carpenters write their last album.”
Jagged studied Juleka for a moment. “You’re Anarka’s kid, yeah? ’Course you’ve got a band. Music’s in your blood.”
Then he turned to Lila. “So what other tall tales has this one been making up?”
Nathaniel opened his sketchbook. “That she’s best friends with Ladybug, has arthritis, got tinnitus saving your kitten from a runaway airplane, you wrote a song about her—“
“A kitten? A song? I’ve never seen that brat in all my life.”
“I mean, there’s more. But she also told us that Clara texts her all the time earlier.”
Clara’s expression turned stormy. “Using my name to borrow fame? I truly think you have no shame! The rest of this class needn’t lie, for they’ve all danced at my side!”
“She was pretending to be in Achu when we participated in your music video, Mlle. Nightingale,” Rose offered softly. “She’s also claimed to know Prince Ali, but I bet if I texted him right now we’d learn that’s a lie, too.”
Chloé scoffed, turning to M. Damocles and Mme. Bustier. “Did you even look into her claims about being in Achu, or having disabilities?”
The principal stuttered an excuse, while their teacher turned pale.
“It seems the school has dropped the ball. Her parents they should try to call.”
Lila chose that moment to push away from the table and out of Ivan’s reach, fleeing from the school as though her ugly-ass romper was on fire.
Marinette sighed. Volpina, take three, was likely on the horizon.
But as her classmates gathered around her apologizing, Alya sitting beside her and hugging her, she could feel it was all going to be okay.
Especially if she got to smack Lila around a little when she was akumatized.
I’m a match, she’s kerosene
You know she’s gonna burn down everything
She’s an arsonist in her pastime
And I’ve been burned for the last time
-The Interrupters
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