#i did the sleep and the drink and the eat and the caffeine and the lots of ibuprofen. what do you WANT FROM MEEE
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normiewizard · 1 year
celsius energy drink bad. i will never be calm again
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lqnar · 2 years
ok so
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theemporium · 10 months
sugar daddy charles concerned af when he doesn’t hear from his girl but she keeps pulling all nighters for uni and she is crashing and burning so he jets over to sort her life out
listen this just happened and i don't even know what to say for myself but anyways🤠
“Shhh, baby, it’s okay. That’s it, mon amour, just like that,” he cooed softly as he ran his fingers gliding up and down your thighs. “Just let go f’me.” 
“I-I can’t,” you whined, shaking your head as the tears began to well up in your eyes. It was too much. Far too much, and still a part of you craved more. “I need to—”
“You need to listen to me, amour,” he murmured against your skin, pressing light and soft kisses along the inside of your thighs. “And I’m telling you to relax.”
It wasn’t unusual for you to not answer your messages straight away. After all, Charles himself got caught up in meetings and duties, and it sometimes meant that he wouldn’t be able to reply for a few hours. He knew you were in a similar position with lectures and classes and meetings with your professors.
But it was different. 
Usually it was just a bad day here or there, but this time it had been a few days in a row and his concern was growing. You barely replied to him, and even when you did, your replies were sporadic at best. When he looked at the shared location you both had, his worry grew tenfold when he realised you hadn’t left your flat in days. But his breaking point was when he sent someone to deliver food at your door, and despite the insistent knocking, it went unanswered. 
You weren’t taking care of yourself, and he didn’t like it at all.
Charles pushed all his meetings and duties back a week. They still had a fortnight until the next race weekend and they could cope in Maranello alone without him for a while. They would have to. He called the company to have the jet waiting for him at the airport as he drove over, and he hopped on a plane straight to you. 
And when he arrived, Charles realised he was right.
You were overworking yourself. You were barely eating or sleeping or drinking enough water. You probably had more caffeine in your body than a human ever should have. You looked exhausted and he could see the toll it was starting to take on you, and yet you still insisted that you needed to study for your exams that you had in almost a month’s time. 
You weren’t taking care of yourself in the slightest, and his heart broke. You were his: his love, his equal, his partner, his to take care off. He wanted nothing more than for you to be happy and spoiled like you deserved to be, and instead you were working yourself to the bone and he didn’t think you even realised just how far you were pushing yourself.
So, Charles got you to relax in the only way he knew how.
Maybe it was a little manipulative to say he just wanted to hold you, that he wanted to be selfish and enjoy just laying down with you before you started studying again. But you were too tense and too tired and too overworked, and it was Charles’ job to take care of you so that’s what he did.
“Hmm, my girl wants to come again?” He questioned, his hands pawing and squeezing the fat of your thighs as he pulled your legs over his shoulders. He had you sprawled on the bed for the last forty minutes, made you come at least twice on his tongue, and he had no interest in stopping. “Say it, amour. Tell me what you want.”
“You,” you gasped out as your fingers fisted the sheets, a choked out moan leaving your lips as he licked a thick strip up your soaking cunt. “Charles, I need you. Please.”
“That’s it, amour,” he groaned happily as he nuzzled his face further against you, kissing and licking and sucking until his hands were pinning you down to the mattress. “You need me, and I’m gonna take care of you like I always do, yes?”
“Yes!” You whined, your back arching off the bed as his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked hard.
“Good girl,” he groaned as he lifted his head, his lips and chin glistening with your release. “Gonna make you come one more time and then you’re gonna dress up all pretty so I can take you out for dinner. Do you understand?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, a little high-pitched and a little too dazed to say words right now.
But Charles grinned in response anyways. “My perfect girl.”
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salfishersface · 5 months
Fun With Friends || Larry Johnson || Sal Fisher
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Synopsis - A game of truth or dare turns into something more with your best friends Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson. {NOT a Sal x Larry fic!}
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - Characters are aged 18+!
Word Count - 5k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You were sitting in Larry’s bedroom in the basement flat of Addison Apartments with both Larry and Sal. The three of you were smoking, drinking and generally just having a good time. It was four in the morning and there was no sign of anybody going to sleep when Larry piped up, “let’s play truth or dare.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully. It was such a childish game and yet, you couldn’t help but say yes to him. Sal looked to Larry in confusion and asked, “how do you play?” 
“You’ve never played truth or dare?” Larry asked, watching as Sal shook his head while he tightened the loosening prosthetic to his face. You sighed to yourself at this movement. You wish Sal felt more comfortable around you to remove his prosthetic after all, you’d been friends for years. However you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by bringing up the subject. Larry went on to explain the game to Sal, “it’s simple, really. We each ask each other, ‘truth or dare’ and whichever one they pick, we give them! Y/N, let’s go first, show him how it’s done.” 
“Alright,” you shrugged. “Larry, truth or dare.”
Larry thought for a moment, stroking the small hairs on his chin. “Erm, go on then. Give me a dare.” 
Now it was your turn to think. You thought hard, looking around the room for potential dares when your eyes settled on the whisky bottle in front of you. You leaned over to Sal and whispered in his ear so Larry couldn’t hear. When Sal nodded, you pulled away and looked at Larry with a grin. “We dare you to drink that whisky, without stopping, for ten seconds.” 
“That’s it?” Larry chuckled, grabbing the half-empty bottle of whisky from the floor. 
“I don’t think you can do it,” you said playfully, folding your arms. 
Larry opened the bottle of whisky and gave it a sniff before responding. “Well prepare to eat your words.” Larry smiled before he began to chug the bottle of whisky and you and Sal counted down from ten. This was more so to try and put Larry off, but that man was determined to never break a dare. And just like that, his ten seconds were up. When he pulled away from the whisky bottle, Larry made a face of utter disgust but with equal amounts of playfulness. “Tastes better with lemonade that’s for sure,” he chuckled as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. 
You were half impressed with your friend and nodded slowly. “Well, I didn’t think you’d be able to do it.” 
“So… What happens if you fail a dare?” Sal asks, cocking his head to the side. 
“You shook your head and laughed. “Nothing Sal-”
“You’ll just be known as a chicken forever and we’ll lose all respect for you,” Larry interrupted jokingly. You pushed Larry in the side, causing him to fall off the bed and onto the ground with a drunken giggle. 
“I think I’ll take a truth then,” Sal said, smiling underneath his prosthetic. 
Larry stood up and sat back onto the bed next to you while flashing his friend a toothy grin. “Alright Mr Straight A’s. Did you ever cheat on a test when we were at school?”
You could see Sal’s eyes widen through the holes of his prosthetic. He wanted to lie and say no, but what fun would the game be if he lied when he was supposed to tell the truth. So, he nodded. “Once, yeah. It was on a physics test.”
“Why did you do that? You were great at school!” Larry laughed, pouring himself another glass of whisky and lemonade for the three of you. 
“That can be another truth for you and I’ll tell you,” Sal smirked, winking at his best friend before turning to you. “Okay, Y/N. Truth or dare?” 
“Truth,” you said, not even hesitating. 
The two men looked at each other and Larry nodded, signalling that he had a truth for you. “Do you have a favourite best friend?” He asked, pointing between himself and Sal. 
You chuckled and shook your head. “No. I love you both equally.” 
“Come on Y/N, that’s no fun!” Larry pouted, watching as you took a sip of your drink. 
“Next time, ask me a better question then,” you remarked. “Okay Larry, it’s you again. Truth or dare?”
“I pick dare,” Larry said immediately. 
“Erm,” Sal thought before raising up a finger, signalling he had a dare for Larry. “Try to lick your elbow!” 
“Sally, that’s a shit dare,” you said, smiling widely at him. 
“It’s all I could think of,” Sal said with a shrug, smiling back at you awkwardly. 
But once again, Larry wasn’t one to break a dare and so, he attempted to lick his elbow. He failed miserably. You and Sal burst out laughing. “Ha ha ha, so funny. Larry can’t lick his elbow!” Larry said sarcastically, returning his arm to his side. 
“No, no, it’s not that. It was just the look of pure determination on your face!” You squealed, leaning towards Sal and pulling the same facial expression that Larry had pulled. Sal’s laughter echoed through the room whilst Larry pouted at the pair of you. 
“Alright alright,” Larry said in an attempt to get you to stop mocking him. “Sal it’s your turn, truth or dare?”
“Truth, again.”
“Are you crushing on anyone right now?” Larry asked, watching as Sal lifted up his prosthetic slightly so he could take a large gulp of his drink. 
When he had finished drinking, he placed the glass on the bedside table and nodded shyly. “Big time.” 
“Oh my God!” Larry exclaimed. “Who is it? Why haven’t you told me?!” 
Sal found himself shrugging, “I didn’t think it was important to be honest with you.”
Larry looked confused. This was major news and he wanted to hear more about it but you interrupted, a frown on your face. “If Sal doesn’t want to tell you who his crush is, then leave him alone.”
Larry stuck his tongue out at you before asking, “do you know?” 
“Not a clue,” you said truthfully, shaking your head. 
“Hmm, fine. But one day Sally Face, your secret will become common knowledge to me,” Larry said, his voice joking threat. “Your turn Y/N.” 
“I think I’ll go for dare this time,” you grinned, nodding your head feeling confident. The last two dares had been easy ones, ones you would kill for, so you thought your two best friends would go easy on you. But no, Larry had to be Larry. 
“I dare you to take off your shirt,” Larry said with a sly grin. 
You looked between your friends, shock laced your face. “My shirt?” You asked, tugging at the bottom of your shirt anxiously. Larry nodded, a mischievous grin on his face while Sal gulped down a lump in his throat. There was no way you were actually going to do the dare, right? You sighed and began to slowly remove your shirt, exposing your bra to your two male friends. Both of their eyes widened and Sal was thankful for the prosthetic covering his face because he was undoubtedly bright red. 
“Huh, I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” Larry said, biting his lip as his eyes raked across your chest. 
“Didn’t want to be known as a chicken,” you replied, trying to act calmly as you took a sip of your drink. You sat awkwardly looking down at your chest before glancing at your friends. “What? Neither of you have seen a bra before?” You joked, but they both shook their heads. You were slightly taken back by your friends answers, but just nodded your head and covered your chest with your arms before returning to the game. “Alright Larry, truth or dare?” 
You didn’t confer with Sal this time. After his little confession of never seeing a bra before, you had the perfect question. “Have you ever had sex with somebody?” 
That wasn’t the sort of truth question Larry was expecting you to ask and he was slightly taken back by it that he ended up choking on his drink. “W-What?” He stuttered, wanting to make sure he had heard you right before confessing that he had indeed, never had sex before. 
“You heard me, have you ever had sex?” You repeated your question again, this time more slowly. 
Sal looked down at his feet awkwardly, tearing his eyes away from your half-exposed body as Larry shook his head and answered. “No. I’ve not. I mean, I’ve kissed girls but never actually had, you know, sex.” You smirked somewhat triumphantly. It felt as if you had gotten revenge for your dare, but little did you know this just meant Larry was about to ramp up the game. 
“Alright Sally Face,” Larry slurred, the alcohol getting to him now. “Truth or dare.”
“Dare,” he said stoically, although he already feared what his dare was going to be. 
“I dare you to take off your prosthetic and show our lovely Y/N here your face,” Larry said.
Your eyes widened at Larry’s dare for Sal and you shook your head. “Sal, you don’t have to do that-” you started, holding your hand out to touch his shoulder gently in a reassuring manner. But Sal was already removing the straps on the back of his head. When his prosthetic fell off onto the floor, Sal didn’t look at either you or Larry. He kept his head down and his eyes on the ground before downing the rest of his drink. That’s when he looked at you, flashing you an awkward and yet somewhat apologetic smile. You leaned in closer to your friend, pressing a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. “You’re beautiful, Sally.”
“Y-You think so?” He asked through a slurred stutter. You pushed some strands of blue hair away from his face and nodded, a soft and gentle smile gracing your lips. 
“That’s cute,” Larry snickered. “I dare you to kiss now.” 
“But I was going to pick truth-”
“I picked for you,” Larry shrugged. 
You sucked in a deep breath and looked at Sal, a silent way of asking him for permission. He nodded to you, indicating that he was okay with it although he was shaking slightly from anticipation. You were so beautiful to him, and even more so with his prosthetic off. He could see every inch of you and he was loving it, and to know that you weren’t scared or repulsed by him just made his heart sing. You shuffled closer to Sal and wrapped your arms around his neck before pressing your soft, wet lips against his chapped ones. Sal didn’t know what to do with his hands, but he settled on placing them on your bare waist gripping ever-so-slightly. Meanwhile, Larry watched the two of you share a sweet, yet clumsy kiss. You stayed like that for a few moments, allowing yourself to get lost in the feeling of his lips on yours before you pulled away. As you did, Sal smiled softly at you, licking his lips. He had been rendered speechless. 
Larry spoke up once again, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Now, I dare you to kiss me.”
You turned your head to look at him, eyes wide. You looked at Sal before looking at Larry once more, nodding sternly. You moved from Sal, shuffling across the bed to Larry’s position. Before you even bent down to kiss him, Larry’s hands were already on your waist pulling you down on top of his body. The kiss with Larry was more forceful than the kiss with Sal, but it was equally as clumsy. Larry became a little more suggestive as his hands moved along your hips, stroking them before sliding up your back to unhook your bra. A gasp of surprise tumbled from your lips as your bra slipped down your arms and off of your chest, leaving you completely bare to your best friends. 
“But what about the game?” You asked, pulling away from Larry’s lips to look between him and Sal. 
“Fuck the game,” came Larry’s response as he kissed you again. His tongue poked into your mouth and swirled around, savouring the taste of whisky and lemonade on your breath. Both Larry and Sal felt themselves harden at the sight of your exposed chest and Larry couldn’t hold himself back. His hands moved from the top of your back to your chest, pawing desperately at your tits. Then, his lips moved to your neck and Larry began to suck and bite at the soft flesh separating him from your jugular vein. You turned your head to the side to give Larry better access to your neck, taking the opportunity to look at Sal. A soft whimper escaped you as your eyes met Sal’s and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself making any more noise. You could feel the wetness growing between your legs at both Larry’s movements and the way Sal was watching you intensely. As Larry continued to kiss up and down your neck, you used your forefinger to beckon Sal towards you. He hesitated but slowly made his way over to your side. You turned the top half of your body to face him, still sitting on top of Larry and grabbed Sal’s shoulders, pulling him towards your lips again. This time, the kiss was much fiercer. A whimper of surprise left Sal’s lips as he welcomed the kiss, your tongue trailed his bottom lip begging for entrance. Larry looked up from your neck to see you making-out with Sal and in response, bit down hard on your neck. 
“Larry!” You shrieked softly between Sal’s lips. Sal’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, the mixture of pain and pleasure evident in your tone only seemed to turn him on even more. His cock twitched in his jeans, begging to be released. Your lips moved against Sal’s desperately wanting a reaction from your best friend. Larry continued to palm at your chest as he sucked on your neck, flicking your nipples between his fingertips. 
You pushed Larry away and quickly manoeuvred yourself off of his body and grabbed the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down slowly to reveal his grey boxers. His cock strained against the tight fabric and you could see a wet patch starting to form around his tip as the result of the pre-cum. Larry’s breath was shallow as you finally took off his trousers, eyes gazing up and down your body. He felt slightly embarrassed that you were seeing him in his boxers, but he wasn’t complaining. He had thought about this moment countless times. Once Larry was completely naked and gasped at the coolness of the air against his cock, you turned to Sal and smiled sweetly at him. “Your turn.”
Sal gulped and nodded, allowing your fingertips to grace across his crotch as you unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans almost effortlessly.  “Please Y/N,” Sal whispered, his voice barely audible. 
As you began to slide his jeans down his muscular legs, you raised an eyebrow at him and asked, “what?”
“If we’re really doing this, I don’t want to be teased for my first time, please,” he moaned. Sal’s boxers were looser than Larry’s, but you could still see his distinctive hardened length twitching at your touch. You finally tugged off Sal’s jeans and boxers and threw them across the room to meet Larry’s sweats.
You looked between the pair of them and smiled sweetly. “Who wants my mouth first?” 
 The pair looked stunned and looked at each other, silently deciding. After a few seconds, Sal nodded and Larry spoke up. “Me.” You looked at Sal, making sure he was okay with being second, but he just shrugged. As long as he got you, he didn’t care. That was all the confirmation you needed to start moving back towards Larry. You teasingly lowered your mouth around him and looked up with your eyes to see Larry staring down at you. Once your lips touched the head of his cock, Larry couldn’t stop the moans. “Oh fuck,” he hissed, watching intensley as you lowered your head between his legs and wrapped your mouth around his length. Your mouth was so warm and wet around his hard dick that he wanted to cum immediately. Larry couldn’t help but grab your hair and keep your mouth still around him for a moment while he got used to the feeling of your mouth. Once he felt he was ready, he pushed your head further down, causing his cock to hit the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, but took his cock expertly. Sal was watching you the entire time, his hand hovering over his own cock desperate to relieve the itch he was feeling. Larry looked at Sal and grinned as he began to thrust in and out of your mouth. You closed your eyes as you began to suck, swirling your tongue around the tip and licking up the droplets of pre-cum oozing from the head. “Oh God.”
You opened your eyes and looked up to see Larry in a state of complete bliss. His eyes were now screwed shut and his mouth was hanging open for the silent moans to leave his throat. You looked at Sal, mouth still around Larry, and held out one of your hands. Sal looked confused and tilted his head to the side, but found himself moving closer to you. From what you could see, Larry and Sal were quite similar in size but Larry’s cock was much fatter whereas Sal’s was thinner. Your hand wrapped around Sal’s skinny length and you began to pump experimentally as you continued to suck on Larry as if he were nothing but a lollipop. Both of the men were moaning your name in perfect harmony, it almost made you laugh at how easily you had gotten them in this state.  
After a few more moments, Larry gasped. His eyes shot up and he jerked his cock out of your mouth. You looked at him in confusion but he quickly answered your silent question. “I was going to cum.”
“I think I’m nearly there myself,” Sal whispered, biting his lip. 
You removed your hand from Sal’s cock and looked between the pair of them, shaking your head. “Not yet. Neither of you.”
Sal couldn’t help but groan as your small hand moved away from him, a cry of desperation leaving his lips. “Why not?” Sal asked, bucking his hips up in the air. 
“Want you cum inside of me. Both of you,” you said, eyes narrowing. Both Larry and Sal widened their eyes at your words and looked at each other. 
“Y/N… Are you sure?” Larry asked, earning a nod of approval from you. Sal didn’t say anything, just watched on in surprise as you began to take off your pyjama pants and underwear. Was this really happening? This was a dream come true for both of the men in your presence that they almost had to pinch themselves to make sure they weren’t dreaming. 
Once you were completely naked, you looked between your best friends. You weren’t as nervous as you thought you would be but maybe it was the alcohol coursing through your veins. You couldn’t be sure though. You lay down on the bed and spread your legs wide, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Of course it was Larry. He pressed his lips to your lower leg and trailed up your thigh, stopping right before your cunt. You were about to look down to see what he was doing, when you felt cool air against your folds. Larry had blown on you and it had sent a shiver of pleasure up your spine, causing you to open your legs further. Larry grinned devilishly at you before plunging his tongue against your folds. You gasped and cried out, grasping at the sheets below you. Larry was relentless against your cunt, lapping and sucking like a dog starved. You never would have thought that this was his first time eating pussy, but it was. Sal waited patiently, watching and licking his lips as the sight of your legs quivering over Larry’s shoulders. 
“Does that feel good?” Larry asked you as he began to nibble on your clit. You couldn’t form a coherent sentence for the life of you, so you just nodded excitedly. Your hands made their way to his long, brown hair and tugged lightly. This made Larry groan and another wave of pleasure spread through your body at the sensation. 
“I think she likes it,” Sal mused, more so to himself than to Larry, but Larry heard and nodded. His hands grasped your hips, hard enough to leave bruises but you didn’t care. You pushed Larry’s head further into your cunt and revelled in the feeling he was giving you. 
“Oh Larry!” You cried out. “I’m going to cum if you keep on going like that.”
“It’s that easy to make you cum?” Larry teased, but you didn’t hear him. Instead, you came. Harder than you ever had before. Your hands on Larry’s hair tightened and you let out a yelp as you squirted over Larry’s face, and that man didn’t waste a drop. He slurped you up like a cold drink on a summer's day. When you came down from your high, Larry was laying on top of you, staring into your eyes. “Oh you look so hot when you cum Y/N. Doesn’t she Sally Face?” 
Sal nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah. Yeah she does.” Sal’s hand was now wrapped tightly around his cock as Larry slicked the tip of his head against your soaked folds, lubricating himself. 
“I already know you’re going to feel so good,” Larry mumbled to you, pressing his lips against yours as he slammed into you. You let out a choked cry and threw your head back against the mattress, eyes meeting Sal’s. 
“Larry, wait!” You whimpered, attempting to stop his hips from moving. You were being stretched and were fuller than you have ever been before that it hurt, but it hurt so good. Larry halted his movements when he saw the tears in your eyes.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked, panic lacing his voice. 
You shook your head and smiled at him. “No I’m okay, just… Just give me a minute to adjust before you carry on.”
Larry nodded in response and Sal came over to your side to begin literally kissing your tears away. “You’re okay,” Sal cooed, his hand stroking your head gently. You wanted to reply, but you couldn’t and that’s when Larry started moving again. 
Larry’s pace was brutal. Fast and snappy, just like him. He had been craving this moment since he learnt what sex was and now that it was finally happening, he was going to give it everything he had. Your hands flew up from the bedsheets to Larry’s back, scratching down his skin and definitely leaving marks. Moans tumbled past your lips as Larry continued his strokes, his eyes never leaving yours with each movement he made. It was romantic, in a weird way. Sal continued to pump at his cock as he watched Larry pound into you, eagerly awaiting his own turn. “Fuck you feel so fucking good,” Larry growled as he dipped his head against your neck and began to bite yet again. 
“Larry, oh God Larry!” You cried out, almost screaming. It was a good job that Larry lived alone and in the basement, because you definitely would have woken people up with the noises you were making. The bed began to creak and you feared for a second that it would break from the sheer intensity of Larry’s thrusts, but it held. The headboard, however, began to slam against the wall which only spurred on your arousal. Sal tilted his head to the side as he watched Larry’s cock emerge from your cunt before disappearing again, a sheer coat of wetness ringed around the base of his cock from your arousal and it was obvious that you were close to cumming again. Larry was close also, but he wanted to hold on for you. He wanted to give you one more orgasm before he finished inside of you, so he pulled his cock from your pussy and slipped two fingers inside of you with ease. He began pumping ruthlessly, your breasts bouncing from the force. 
“You’re making it so hard not to cum right here and now,” Larry grumbled. It was then that he felt you clench around his fingers and he knew that you were cumming. You tried to vocalise it, but you had definitely been fucked dumb and could only nod. “Okay. I’m going to cum now, okay?” Larry said to you in a soothing voice. You looked at him through glossy eyes and opened your mouth to beg for him but all that came out was a loud shout as Larry slammed back inside of you, continuing his ruthless pace. Your walls fluttered around Larry’s cock and within seconds he was spurting hot ropes of cum inside of you, moaning your name repeatedly as his head fell against your neck. His hips slowed down to a halt and after a few seconds, Larry pulled out of you. His hands caressed your face and hair as he pressed his lips to yours in a slow, passionate kiss. Then, he sat up and turned to Sal with a grin on his face. “Your turn.”
You lay on the bed completely breathless as Larry rolled off of you and Sal climbed on to you. “Y/N, you with me?” Sal asked. 
“Yeah,” you breathed out. “I’m with you. Please Sal.”
Sal smiled softly at you before slowly inserting himself inside of you, stretching you in a different way to Larry. His pace was slow and sensual, loving almost. As if pouring all of his emotion into making love to you. Sal’s lips were on yours in an instant and you immediately kissed him back. Your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him as close as possible all while Larry lay on the bed next to you and poured himself another whisky and lemonade. “God I love you. I love you so much,” Sal whispered against your lips. Your eyes widened at his confession, but you couldn’t say you were totally surprised. You let out a gasp as the tip of Sal’s cock stroked your cervix and you fell apart immediately. 
“Sally,” you whimpered breathlessly, hands locking through his blue hair. Sal pulled away from your lips and rested his forehead against yours, eyes staring into your soul as he continued to thrust his hips against you. The pleasure felt too good that tears began pouring from your lower lash line. 
“Shh you’re okay,” Sal cooed, pressing his lips against your forehead. You smiled at him in reply and pressed a hand to his scarred face. 
“You’re so beautiful Sal,” you whispered, causing him to tear up. 
“I’m glad you think so,” he let out a breathy laugh and bit his lip as he sped up his pace slightly. 
“Touch my clit,” you whispered to him. Sal trailed a hand down the front of your body and rested it between your legs, fingertips fumbling across your clit clumsily. Although he didn’t know what he was doing exactly, it felt good. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t stop,” Sal reassured you. “I won’t ever stop.” At those words, you felt your third orgasm approaching. You prompted Sal to move his fingers faster across your bundle of nerves and he did, finally pushing you over the edge. You cried out his name with a sob as you gushed around him, wetting the bed sheet and a bit of his torso. Sal smiled lovingly down at you as he felt your pussy clench around his cock. “Can I cum? Can I cum Y/N, please?” 
“Yes Sally, please cum,” you begged, continuously nodding your head. Sal sped up his pace again, the headboard snapping against the wall once more. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and with a loud growl, he came. You felt his cock twitch inside of you, swear you could feel his creamy load filling you up until you physically couldn’t take anymore. 
Panting, Sal kissed your cheek and your lips before whispering to you. “I love you Y/N.”
You let out a sob at his words and pulled him close to you, not allowing his cock to slide out of you just yet. You could feel him softening inside you, felt his and Larry’s mixture trickle down your thigh. It was definitely a feeling that you could get used to. Eventually, Sal moved and lay down next to you on the bed. He stared at the ceiling before he looked at you. You were already asleep, snoring ever so softly. Sal watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath you took, completely enamoured by you. 
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Larry asked quietly, looking at Sal over your naked body. 
“Hmm?” Sal asked, biting his bottom lip as he turned his head to face his best friend. 
“The person you’re crushing on. It’s Y/N, isn’t it,” Larry questioned, although it was more of a statement than an actual question. He already knew the answer.
“Of course,” Sal mumbled, laying down and throwing an arm over you. He was careful not to wake you with his movements. 
“I… Think I love her too,” Larry confessed, gulping the rest of his drink before laying his head down on the pillow and closing his eyes. Sal didn’t respond, just hummed in acknowledgement. There wasn’t much he could say after all. Neither of them knew where they stood and they wouldn’t until you woke up. Did this mean something? Or was it simply just fun with friends? They would ask you in the morning, but for now, they let you sleep peacefully between them.
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dolene · 2 months
ESPRESSO ; max verstappen x singer!reader
summary: after the release and her performance on coachella. who knows that her newest single is hinting an attraction from a certain person.
taglist: @callsignwidow (and for those who commented in my previous deleted post, please re-comment)
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liked by ameliadimz and 1,936,558 others
yourusername just wanted to put out a little song before Coachella 🤎
Espresso 4/11
8pm EST
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teamyn instant caffeine boost
oliviaobrien the most gorgeous girl in the world are u kidding 😭😭😭
username gonna start drinking espressos bc mommy said so
pinterest The gift that keeps on giving 🥹
ariana_greenblatt yum
juliamichaels Love this songgggggg 🙌
username thank you from baristas everywhere
username Listening to this song every time I drink coffee (I'm a coffee addict)
iheartradio espressOMGGGGG
username We're eating good this yeaarrrrr
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 1,103,996 others
yourusername Are you thinking about me? ☕
view all 31,847 comments
username looking so mother already
laufey 🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️
username thinking about you and that weird ass looking man at coachella, but mainly thinking bout you bb
username That's Barry. If it's not him, I owe you 50 bucks
maisiehpeters Not only thinking, BUT LISTENING TOO 🔊🔊🔊🔊
username I swear I've seen Max liking this post but WHERE IS HE
username oh that man be gone just as fast as he snatched that trophies last year
username @redbullracing I'VE GOT MY EYES TO ONE OF YOUR DRIVER
redbullracing We swear we didn't know anything about all these stuff been going on
username just fell into my knees at my local coffee shop, ordering a espresso straight after.
teamyn Good choice after being starstrucked 🤭
iamrebeccad Yes I ammm
jennaortega Thinking my thoughts in a loud speaker
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maxverstappen1 added a photo to their story! · 12m
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liked by redbullracing and 1,148,577 others
yourusername Have you met your eye refresher yet?
view all 8,461 comments
username WHAT THE HELL
username pls explain THAT outfit first, max
radvxz I am shocked too
yourusername 😁
username 2024 is the year where we're not seeing his redbull hat anywhere but as an impact, his fashion sense is now in the brink of death
username #giveus2023maxfashionback
username what did she whisper to you in your sleep
username Girlfriend effect that is really effecting
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yoditopascal · 3 months
After Hours
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“I'm fallin' in too deep. Without you, don't wanna sleep. 'Cause my heart belongs to you. I'll risk it all for you. I want you next to me.”
warnings: fluff, established relationships, suggested smut
Jason pushed the windows open as he came in the room with a yawn.
Taking off his Red Hood helmet he tossed it to the side as he shuffled outta his costume.
“C’mon, seriously,” he muttered as he stood in the doorway, pants at his ankles in nothing but his Wonder Woman boxers “it’s like 5am what are you still doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep, too much to do.”
“Like what?” He asked resting a hand on his hip
“I got a shit ton of math work due soon plus I need to finish my essay annnnd I work tomorrow.” You shrugged taking a sip of your cold coffee
“You know you can’t survive purely on caffeine, right?” He sighs
“Like you’re any better.” You replied
“At least I eat.” He argued back
“Come on. Take a break.” He said sitting next to you on the bed while resting a hand on your back.
“I can’t,” you said, lifting your head to face him. You had so much to do. So much to study and so little time for it all.
“Come on,” he said again, grabbing your hand and tugging you to him. “Just for the day. You’ll feel better after. I promise.”
It was Jason’s idea to take you out to the small park around the block from your shared apartment in the Hill, after a short nap and some breakfast at your favorite diner. It was a sunny day and it was well deserved after finishing a grueling week of college classes, trying to earn your bachelor’s degree.
His smart cookie Jason liked to call you.
As you walked, wandering around the park pointing out different animals, feeding birds and just talking to each other, Jason tries to place his hand in your back pocket but when he realizes you’re wearing joggers, his favorite ones he might add, the ones that hug the curves of your ass just right, he rests his hand right over your ass.
“Really?” You chuckle as you lean into his side savoring his warmth
“What? I can’t help myself, that thing is like a magnet.” He shrugged bringing his hand to rest on your hip as you walked.
You stayed at the park for what felt like hours just enjoying each other’s company till the sky started to turn orange and your bellies started to rumble with hunger.
“Let’s head back.” Jason said as he stood from his spot on the park bench you two had stopped to rest at, pulling you with him by the hand as he led you back to the apartment.
Back at the apartment, Jason had you wait in the living room while he cleaned up the room a bit. When you were finally allowed to enter the room you aww’ed at how sweet he was being.
Jason had a whole set up for you. He changed the sheets and comforter and had the tv set up to your favorite show. Candles were lit on the end tables and a few small snacks were set out too.
“What do you say babe wanna Netflix and chill for a bit?”
Chilling was definitely the word you would use for what y’all did. Both of you had stripped down and threw on your pajamas, yours being a pair of shorts and one of Jason’s shirts, and his being a old t-shirt and his favorite pair of green joggers, and jumped right into bed.
You ended up watching almost a whole season of your favorite show while Jason just laid at your side and read his book.
A few hours later and the sky was dark, stars were starting to shine brightly in the sky. Jason stepped out to go and grab some food from y’all’s favorite local diner again. When he got back the room was dark, the tv was off and you were nowhere in sight.
Panic gripped his chest for a split second before he realized the window to the fire escape was open, climbing up it he was met with the sight of you sitting on the rooftop peacefully watching the sky as you hummed to yourself.
“Whatchu doing out here?” Jason asked as he plopped down next to you on the rooftop. He had the burgers he had gone to pick up in one hard and your drinks in the other.
“Nothing. Just clearing my head.” You leaned forward to rest your cheek on your knees, while staring at him a small smile creeping up on your face.
“What’s with the look?”
“You have no idea how much I appreciate you Jay.” You smiled up at him
“Stop before I puke” he said turning away from you to hide the small pink tint to his cheeks. Compliments weren’t really his thing but you always liked to shower him with them
“I’m serious!”
“Yeah whatever eat your food.” he said handing you your burger and drink. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes as you ate you leaning into him every so often as you hummed in satisfaction, him rolling his eyes at you but smiling behind his burger as you did so.
The two of you sat and enjoyed the quiet, simply watching the stars and just enjoying each other’s company. Jason kept glancing back at you now and again, whether it was to make sure you were still there or just to appreciate your face you weren’t sure but you accepted the attention nonetheless.
“I’m surprised you took the night off.” You said as you leaned back into his side.
“Roy’s got it covered.” He said stretching out and placing a blanket around you both
“How is Roy?” You asked
“Roy’s…Roy.” He shrugged
You snuggle a bit closer trying to steal his body heat which made him chuckle
“You heat vulture.”
“What? It’s chilly!” You shrug
You’re practically in his lap, legs draped over his, when you start to play with his hair, fingers running through his scalp massaging it as he leaning into your touch
“Whatcha doin there, princess?”
Your fingers move down to play with the hair at the back of his neck. “Just enjoying your company is all.”
“Mhm. Are you hoping to continue to enjoy my company?” He hums in response as he cocks his brow at you suggestively.
You chuckle and he gives you a look
“Well, I guess I can invite you in for a few minutes, Mr. Red Hood.”
He smirks as his fingers dancing across your neck and collarbone before coming to rest on your jaw “How thoughtful of you.”
He caught your mouth with his own the kiss starting off gentle but quickly evolving
Pulling away from the now bruising kiss Jason kissed and nipped along your jaw to neck mouthing at the spot he knew never failed to make you weak in the knees.
You let out a breathless moan as he worked at your neck leaving dark love marks in his wake before finding his way back up to your lips with a smile, a shiver runs down your spine.
He pulls you closer, running his hands across your body, lingering on your thighs and ass. The blanket falls from around you two pooling around your heated bodies.
Jason licked at your mouth asking for entrance which you were all too happy to oblige. He ran his tongue along yours, deepening the kiss once more as you tilted your head to give him better access to your mouth.
He lifted you up without breaking the kiss putting you in his lap quickly picking up in intensity as he kissed you again and again. Your legs encircled his hips as he groped and dragged you into him slowly but heatedly grinding himself to your core.
Just as his hands found your waistband and started wandering a little further south you pulled away from his lips with a wet pop.
“We’re on the roof Jay.”
“Right.” he said, sounding a little embarrassed that he had gotten so carried away out in the open like that. He buries his face in your neck and inhales, trying to calm himself down. You smell good he realizes but he pushes the thought back down.
You peck his lips on last time before pushing off of him. You stood and stretched before grabbing his hand and leading him back down the fire escape to your cozy little apartment.
Pushing him down onto the mattress Jason smirked up at you before looking at you in confusion.
“Wait where are you going?” he said watching you grab a towel.
“I have to shower,” You said dryly, taking off your clothes, turning to face him, you cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Care to join me?”
Jumping up from the bed Jason scooped you up into his arms carrying you into the bathroom with him
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
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miscfandomwrites · 3 months
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Scientist! Reader Fluff
Warnings: None
Words: 876
Requested by:
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
“When are you coming home?” my girlfriend’s worried tone makes me wince as I change into my secondary clothes.
“I’m almost done with this, Nat. I’m so close to being done and then-”
She cut you off: “It doesn’t matter, (Y/N), you’ve been working on this for the past two days straight. I haven’t seen you since tuesday. I miss you.”  
I sighed as I finished buttoning my pants up. “I don’t know Nat. I don’t want to go home unless I’ve made a breakthrough. I’m so close.” I told her as I picked up the phone, shoving my other clothes into my duffle bag.
“Fine, I’ll come to you.” She replied with a huff, and then hung up. 
She’ll come to me?
“Hi, I’m here to pick up my exhausted and almost burnt out girlfriend, (F/N), (L/N)?” Natasha said to the clerk.
“Thirteenth floor, beware though, I’ve heard she’s on her third pot of coffee and hasn’t slept in two days.” The man replied, waving her through to the elevators. Natasha nodded at the man and headed up to your floor.
“Shit, not another failure…” I muttered as I peered into the microscope, awaiting for the reaction between the cells. Faint lofi music was playing from one of the computers, amidst the sound of another pot of coffee brewing.
“(Y/N)?” Natasha’s voice had me jerking my head away from the scope, nearly making me hit my head on the shelf above me.
I cleared my throat and winced. “Hey, Nat..” I spoke softly. She looked around at the mess of papers, empty coffee cups, mostly papers, the occasional energy drink, and the few notebooks I had around and open.
“C’mon, Любить, let’s go home. When’s the last time you’ve eaten?’ She asked as she started gathering my scattered belongings.
I scratched the back of my head as I took off my lab coat. “I honestly don’t remember.” I told her.
She paused and looked at me. “The last time I remember seeing you eat was when we had dinner on tuesday. What sounds good to you?” She questioned with a worried tone.
“I was thinking-”
“No takeout. Something we can make at home that’s semi-healthy." She cut me off.
I chucked, then started taking down my hair. Wow, when was the last time I washed my hair? 
“Chicken sounds good.” I replied, finger-combing through my hair.
She nodded and shouldered my bag, before holding her hand out for me. I took it, and we headed towards the elevators.
“FIREROX, System save and shutdown.” I called over my shoulders, letting the A.I. take the rest of the task off my shoulders.
“Do you want me to text Natasha that you are on your way home, miss?” it asked me.
I smiled at the redhead holding me hand.
“There’s no need. Thank you and good night.” I told it as the elevator doors closed. 
Once inside, she pulled me into a hug. “Yeah, yeah, I know you smell. I don’t care. I missed you.” She whispered as she held me close.
“I could tell, love.” I replied, hugging her closer to me and breathing in her scent.
Once out of the building, I took a second to breath in the fresh air and roll my shoulders. 
“C’mon, nerd. Let’s go home.” 
Finally back at our house, Nat’s first instructions were to take a shower then do whatever else. Well, she was going to cook and then we’d eat after that, then whatever else.
However, once I got under the warm water I started to realize how exhausted I really was. We’re not made to run on constant caffeine and no sleep for a few days. I did my best to quickly scrub down and get out, drying off as quickly as the cloud of exhaustion would let me. Wrapped in a towel, I headed into our room and pulled on some underwear and a pair of my shorts, and then one of Nat’s hoodies. Drying my hair and dropping the clothes into the room’s laundry basket, I headed out to the kitchen.
“Hey, Любить.” Nat said as I padded into the kitchen. I hummed and sat at one of the barstools, making grabby hands at her. She laughed and tossed the kitchen towel on her shoulder before coming around and holding me. She kissed my cheek before fully holding me, arms wrapped around my torso and her face pressed into my neck. Her hair was tied into a ponytail and wearing one of my black t-shirts and a pair of jeans, she was beautiful. 
After a few minutes she wiggled out of my grip to go finish dinner. Once that was done, and we finished eating, she dragged me over to the couch and yanked me on top of her. 
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pupkashi · 11 months
hey jess my sunshine, may i request this prompt w kento, please 🥺 “do you think we’d still be a couple in an alternate universe?” “go to bed.” “what if we already got married and have five kids.” “go to bed.”  also i'm tucking you in and kissing ur forehead!💛
hi julie my beloved forest fairy !! <3 i hope you enjoy this sweet little piece :3
join the sleepover!
“coffee doesn’t even affect me anymore ken, plus I’m dying to eat this sweet bread i bought at the bakery” you had pouted at your lover, watching as his disapproving face turned softer from your words.
“fine, but don’t make it as strong as you usually do!” he had warned, you were too giddy to care, making as you usually did and running back to the living room, placing it on the coffee table and flicking on the tv.
it’s two hours later, and kento can’t keep his eyes open for another second. meanwhile you’re wide eyed and gasping at the drama unfolding on the screen in front of you.
“can you believe she’s blaming him! he’s been nothing but perfect and- babe?” you cut yourself off, looking at the man who is now fast asleep next to you. there’s a small smile on your face, pausing the tv before gently shaking him. “ken? wake up let’s go to bed, your neck is gonna hurt like this” you whisper, watching as he slowly comes to, blushing a bit as he nods.
the two of you get ready for bed fairly quickly, slipping under the warm blanket and immediately gravitating into each others arms. nanami is quick to close his eyes, already being welcomed back into the sweet abyss of his dreams-
“do you think we’d still be a couple in an alternate universe?” you whisper, breath tickling his neck and causing the welcoming arms of sleep to move further and further away.
“maybe, go to sleep” he mumbles, adjusting himself a bit so that he isn’t mumbling against the top of your hair.
“maybe? you don’t think we’re destined to date in every life?” you question, teasing him a bit and propping yourself up on your elbow.
nanami knows what you’re doing, and he’s blaming the late night caffeine for it. “we absolutely are fated in our every live, my love” he says, eyes opening a bit, “now go to sleep,” his voice is a bit raspy as he nuzzled his face into the pillow below him.
“what if in one of those lives we’re already married and have five kids” you ask not even a minute later, staring at your blonde boyfriend, curious it’s in your eyes and a small smile on your face. “do you think we have a small wedding? what’s the girl to boy ratio?”
“my love-” he begins, opening his eyes and sitting up a bit more to face you better.
“i bet you spoil any girl we have rotten, and you probably bake pastries for them on Sunday mornings” you giggle, already getting carried away as you think of the version of you two in some other universe.
“darling go to sleep” he groans, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you into his chest, squeezing you tightly and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “never letting you drink coffee after 10 ever again” he mumbles, already closing his eyes.
“g’night lover” you whisper, finally closing your eyes and your thoughts stilling for a moment. the only sound in your bedroom is nanami’s even breathing.
“would you still love me if i was a worm?” you whisper, a smile breaking onto your face when you hear kento groan at your question.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Ramen commercial validating my headcanon Sephiroth eats primarily takeout, MREs, terrible communal dining hall food, and 'you can make this in 5 mins with a microwave' things like Ramen.
What Sephiroth Eats
• Protein-rich foods as part of his balanced meals, each of them spaced out at timed intervals and catered to his dietary needs
• Teas and protein shakes, no coffee for him and definitely no energy drinks.
• The occasional indulgence like pasta, his favorite, sweets, and fruit with honey.
What Sephiroth Eats When He's Not Lying To His Dietician and Professor Hojo
• More meat than the tiger at the Midgar Zoo.
• An entire Banora White pie Angeal made for all of them but Sephiroth got to first.
• Buys ramen, sometimes eats it raw like a giant cracker.
• He will never pass up pasta. Never. NEVER. If it's available he'll have some even if it's a serving.
• Won't admit he has a sweet tooth, once at an entire birthday sheet cake alone at 2 AM because "what is the point"
• Is the type of friend where if Genesis, Angeal and Zack are eating something, he'll request a bite (if they're alone of course). Angeal has a sandwich? Bite. Genesis has an apple? Bite. Zack has some chips? Handful.
• Angeal and Genesis have to regularly remind him to eat. Not because Sephiroth is incapable of feeding himself, but because his emotional state inhibits him from finding the desire to eat.
Angeal: Did you eat today?
Sephiroth: I had a stick of gum.
Sephiroth: I swallowed it. Does that count?
• So they drag him to the dining hall on the SOLDIER floor which is where mostly everyone eats because it's convenient. The food isn't bad at all, but Angeal likes to cook for all of them whenever he has the chance, so Sephiroth eats his cooking a lot.
• He discovers a frozen convenience food that he likes and buys it in bulk so he won't have to deal with dinner after a long day of work. This is how Angeal has a blackmail picture of Sephiroth's freezer stuffed with pizza rolls.
• Doesn't like energy drinks but he does drink caffeine because his insomnia -> coffee -> can't sleep cycle is vicious.
• Genesis: How many cups of coffee have you had today?
Sephiroth: Absolutely.
Genesis: Oh my god.
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mt-oe · 1 month
its finals season (again..) and huge projects for classes right now. can we get a stressed reader x modern mizu where reader is like actually tweaking out? like I mean pulling our energy shots, shivering hands, 'gotta lock in', hysterically crying on snapchat video and sending it to their groupchat for moral support type of tweaking out and the reader is going BANANAS over all the final papers, and studying for finals and mizu helps comfort reader?? i hope this would be a silly little write but also helpful to anyone going through finals season right now. much love! xoxo <3
Hey dears!
To start this, I am absolutely sorry for being gone for so long. I had my thesis defense, practicals, laboratory works, deadlines, and my finals all in the span of two weeks AND I fainted twice, got sick twice, and nose bled a LOT.
I was chugging 3 cans of energy drinks a day, eating one meal per day, sleeping minutes less than how long I showered, and smoked quite a lot. Someone even caught me sleeping on the fire exit stairs (istg so embarrassing ;;). Honestly makes me wonder how I'm not six feet under by now.
To those who are going through their finals, please don't follow my lead. Vomiting at 3am from how dizzy you are while some Sepultura song plays in the background is NOT the experience you'd think it was. Try to plan when you'll tackle your work and get some sleep as much as you can, on your free time, on your commute. I swear, answering tests are SOO much easier when your vision isn't spinning or tunneling.
Chose to do this request first to remind you all to take care amidst your finals (or as a reward if your finals are finished, good job dear!).
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa <3
warning: not proofread, my corny jokes, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
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Blue orbs watched as you cracked open another can of Red Bull. A small grunt leaving your throat as the fizzy caffeinated drink went down your esophagus. Was this your second? third..no wait..fourth?
How are your blood vessels surviving this onslaught of caffeine you've been shoving down your system? She had no clue. But what she did know was that you've had enough. This wasn't healthy at all. Your lips were already as pale as the palms of your hands which were trembling to the point where you couldn't stop writing because that meant you'd feel the quivering of your hands even more.
The two of you had decided to slave off at Mizu's apartment for your finals. It was mostly Mizu dragging you there since your friends have been bombarding her to take care of you since she had the closest to what was considered a free schedule. T'was something about you freaking out and crying over the finals. She didn't have a Snapchat account so she didn't know.
Usually, she wasn't even interested in these stuff, but when Akemi showed her a picture of you with a thumbs up, holding a can of Monster, dark circles under your bloodshot eyes, tear streaks on your face, with the caption 'Boutta pull another Kay Chung tonight', concerned didn't even begin to describe what she felt.
Boutta pull a Kay Chung?
What or who was this Kay Chung anyway?
She knew you were a hard worker, probably one of the most studious people she knew, so she already expected you to be busy studying. What she didn't expect was the mess you were in.
The moment she stepped into your unit, cans of energy drinks, bottles of energy shots, cups of coffee, and random paper strewn randomly littered your apartment. The only source of light was your window and a small dim lamp you had.
Was that cup noodle container growing mold?
It was like the Capital Wasteland in here, and she was the lonesome wanderer, awaiting the dangers to come.
And you were a radiated ghoul hunched over your desk with the emptiest gaze she has ever seen. Your head in your hands, as you scrunched your eyebrows together, trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with your equation.
Now she understood the bombardment of messages from Akemi and the others, and damn was she grateful for the heads up because you looked like you were at death's door and death... Death just thought you looked too pitiful to let in.
The two of you were now sitting on Mizu's carpet, books, papers, and gadgets on the smooth wood of the coffee table. In her mind, she thought a bit of companionship would comfort you like it usually did. But she was wrong.
The shaking grip you had on your pen and the occasional 'what the actual fuck?' or 'the hell?' already told her that you were too locked in to relax even just a bit. You looked like you were losing it.
Her eyes peered over your review sheet before she raised an eyebrow at how scattered your handwriting looked, numbers and symbols italicized to the left and to the right as if they were dancing and your solutions scattered. Add this value here..derive the formula there..problem 3's solution is somehow on the back of the paper even though problem 5 was solved on problem 1's spot. It looked like a shit show.
"What...problem is this for? You did it wrong." Her tongue clicking as a slender finger encircled a formula you derived wrong, making you look at her with a mildly bothered look. Your eyes tiredly scanned your review sheet, looking away to the side to blink the heaviness of your lids away, then looking back at it before letting out a strangled sounding groan, shoulders slumping back onto the sofa as you covered your eyes with your hands before looking at your own solutions again. "I don't fucking know..maybe it's for..umm..for..fuuuuuck," you sighed defeatedly, realizing that you couldn't understand your own handwriting either.
You wanted to strangle yourself so bad right now or like, strangle your professor until they give you a passing grade. Maybe the threat of arson would scare the university admins into passing everyone for the semester???? The prospect of being a sugar baby is starting to sound better than trying to finish this degree.
It wasn't like you were an absolute idiot. You could solve these problems no problemo. However, your vision was already lagging and tunneling. Whenever you tried to read the problem or your own handwriting, it was like your vision was hyper-focusing on one spot and the areas around it were...spinning or it'd focus on everything else EXCEPT the ones you wanted to focus on.
The amount of caffeine you had consumed wasn't even helping anymore. Instead of waking you up, you just felt jittery like a hyper-charged toy. Before you were sleepy and slow, now you were still sleepy but faster.
And when was the last time you even ate anyway? Was that moldy cup noodle your last meal? You didn't even know anymore at this point. You could barely feel anything aside from the fear of your impeding academic doom. Not even hunger was strong enough to stop you.
Mizu's eyebrows furrowed at how miserable you looked before sighing and pulling a sheet of paper out of her own notebook. "Here," she sighed out, sitting beside you and scanning each problem you had printed out before re-writing each question you looked like you struggled with. Her eyes occasionally glanced at you, unseen worry rising with every hitch of your breath and every twitch of your eyebrow as you looked at the questions she rewrote.
"Mizu..I don't want to do those all again," you groaned frustratedly, ruffling your hair own hair aggressively, strands falling to the carpet below. A hand held yours firmly, preventing you from tangling the ends of locks even more. "I'm going to teach you, dumbass. We can't have you failing and dying at the same time," she huffed, grabbing your calculator and placing it in front of both of you. She leaned closer to you, hand on your waist to pull you closer before taking the pencil and pointing to the first problem she rewrote.
"I'm not going to repeat my explanations, so listen well,"
...was what she said.
However, Mizu was a big softie when it came to you. Every time she caught you spacing out or having a hard time in general, she took her time and explained it to you again, even explaining it slower, simpler, or more detailed as needed. She really made sure that you understood the principle of the problems and the process of solving them, handing the pencil and calculator to you to make sure you actually understood her.
After a while, you were slowly starting to understand you earlier mistakes, and with her help, you were able to finally solve the review sheet. Thank god for hot smart women.
A look of amusement crossed her face as she watched you slump back onto the sofa with a loud sigh of relief. Shaking her head with a small lop-sided smile, she took the pen again before grabbing your laptop and searching for similar problems. "Here," she said, turning the device towards you. "Solve these. I'll be back in a bit."
You looked at her in confusion before letting out a tired groan. The exhaustion was starting to let itself be known through the heaviness in your lids. Another problem set was the last thing you wanted to do right now.
Oh wait.
Fuck, you still had to edit your methodologies and results, and you haven't even started on the discussion yet. Oh god...
'Better get started, I guess,' you thought with a defeated sigh. Muttering a string of curses under your breath, you picked up your pencil and calculator and began solving yet another set of hellish questions while the dark-haired woman stood up and walked off somewhere in her apartment. Silence filled the room aside from the aggressive scritching and scratching of lead against paper and the sound of clacking from your calculator.
Every now and then, Mizu would come back with something to comfort you. May it be a cup of water, a bigger pillow, a hair tie, or to charge your phone for you. She didn't really speak though, fully wanting you to focus on your work.
It was like her quiet little way of telling you that she was here and that she cared for you.
Amidst your problem solving, the smell of something being fried hit your nose, making you look up. It was a bit oily, but at the same time, homely and savory. Your stomach growled slightly at the smell, reminding you of that uncomfortable feeling of hunger that you were somehow able to ignore during your study sessions.
Just as you had finished writing your answers, Mizu came out of the kitchen with a bowl of rice and a plate of what seemed to be fried fish. Kinda burnt but maybe that's a charm point...or something. At least she tried.
She set it down on a clear space on the coffee table and gently urged it towards you. "Here," she mumbled, looking at you expectantly. You stared at the food she prepared, snorting a bit at the charred skin, some bits missing which obviously stuck to the pan while she was frying it. "Err..Mizu...?"
"Don't mind how it looks just..just eat, okay?" she groaned, sounding a bit embarrassed, a bit of pink dusting her cheeks. Her eyes looking away as her hand went up to cover half her face. You couldn't help but laugh a bit. Mizu? Embarrassed? God that woke you up, didn't it?
The sound of your laughter made her feel even more embarrassed but at the same time relieved. Your laugh was so fucking cute. She was glad that you were starting to sound a bit more like your usual self. Hell, you were smiling now. A big improvement compared to the face of misery you were making earlier.
Eventually, your laughter subsided upon the realization sinking into you. She really did all this just to take of you. Dragging you to her apartment, tutoring you, fetching things for you, cooking for you...
She really does care. Doesn't she?
Your hands picked up the chopsticks before breaking into the soft flesh of the food in front of you, picking off the bones before taking a bite. It was salty, the char even made it a bit bitter, and for god-knows-why, even a bit spicy?? But it tasted so good to you. Heavenly, dare I say.
As you continued to eat, bite after bite and scoop after scoop, the shakiness in your hands slowly calmed down. You couldn't help but look up at your friend who was now checking your answers, the ghost of satisfaction making itself known through the barely visible smile she had. "Mizu..."
She looked over at you, raising an eyebrow to indicate that she was listening. "Thank you for uh..taking care of me," you said shyly, giving her a small smile. A low chuckle escaped her throat as she shook her head slowly as if in amusement. "At least you're not shaking like a leaf anymore," she joked, followed by you letting out a small 'hmph!', making her chuckle yet again.
Though she wouldn't tell it to you right now, she'd be more than happy to take care of you anytime you wanted or needed it.
The sound of your pen tapping on the paper filled the room again as her eyes narrowed at your answers, checking it carefully. After a while, she handed the paper back to you, looking very much satisfied. "Looks good," she said, eyes watching the proud smile on your face. "How 'bout a reward?...Some rest I suppose?"
Your smile faltered at the sound of rest. "I can't...my manuscript is due in a couple of days and I haven't even finished editing my methodologies and results," you explained, opening the files for each of your chapters. "The data isn't even tabulated in the required format. It looks like shit."
She stood up from her spot and sat next to you, placing a hand on your head to pat it gently as she looked at the screen. Her eyes narrowed again while you scrolled up the file for her before she sighed. "Yeah, it does look like shit," she agreed before suddenly grabbing your laptop and setting in front of her. "Go and take a nap or something. I'll do whatever I can to...whatever this is."
"But Mizu, this isn't even your field. I can't—" She cut you off with a finger to your lips before gesturing towards the sofa behind the both of you. "Nap," she ordered firmly. You sighed before standing up and laying down on the sofa. You knew there was no use arguing. When Mizu makes up her mind, she's deadset on it.
Her eyes scanned your figure for a moment, taking in every curve of your body and the way your face relaxed. Then, she took off her jacket and draped it over you, before giving you a small loving pat. Before you could even open your mouth to protest, she immediately shushed you and turned to your manuscript, scanning over it.
Your eyes observed the way her eyebrows furrowed and the way her eyes darted from word-to-word. The sound of her typing and clicking filling the room, oddly relaxing you.
It didn't take long for you to drift off to sleep. And for the first time since hell week started, you finally relaxed.
No frustration, no stress, just...sleep.
You did nap for hours longer than expected though.
Don't worry.
Your methodologies were now updated, results properly formatted, and ideas in bullet points for your discussion were laid out in a new file. Even your references were fixed.
Damn, you really wanted to smooch Mizu reaaal hard after this.
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aneveningsword · 7 months
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pairing: Jordan Li x gn!reader warnings: not proofread words: 852 summary: Jordan tends to overwork themselves, good thing they have someone to care for them
Everyone knew Jordan strived to be the best, to try and get the number one spot on the rankings no matter how unrealistic it might be for them. Yet, this goal to be the best often meant there were times that they neglected their own needs. Going days with next to no sleep, forgetting to drink water or skipping meals in favour of getting work done. In their goal to be the best, they forget to look after themselves.
You had taken notice of the bags forming under their eyes, their sluggish movements and the way they were seemingly zoned out all the time. At first, you didn't mention it, hoping it would just be for a short period of time. You didn't wish to pounce on them with concern for something everyone did now and then when school got tough. But then it continued and only seemed to be getting worse. No longer could you sit by them in worry, watching them get worse and worse.
You knew if you just cornered them out of the blue they would deny it, and get snappy with you before stopping off. They were too proud to admit when they needed help or were not doing their best, believing they could do everything by themselves. While their independence and determination are qualities you admire, they always tended to be a pain in the ass.
That is why you had to be sneaky with it, inviting them to your dorm for a study session when in reality you were going to get them to eat some decent food and sleep for more than a couple of hours. You believed the plan to be foolproof, you'd make the place quite and dark, having soft music playing, snuggle up with them. They would have no choice but to fall asleep.
What you didn't expect was the amount of energy drinks they were consuming on the daily. "What's that?" Looking up from your food, your eyes fall on the drink Jordan had pulled from their bag. Giving you a small glance they hummed before answering. "Redbull." Their answer was short and simple, the confession made your smile turn into a small pout.
"But I made us tea." There was a small attempt to get them to forgo the energy drink in exchange for something with much less caffeine. Though they shook their head at the suggestion "It won't help keep me awake." You could hear the underlying annoyance in their voice that they were trying so hard not to release. Realising you weren't going to get through to them you frowned before going back to studying.
It was only around 20 minutes later when Jordan stood up, heading to the door. "Where you going?" Your voice rang out, eyes moving from the textbook to their figure, confusion in your voice and features. "It's too dark, I can't see shit." You're plan was crumbling at the seams and there was nothing you could do about it without giving it away.
"But I like it like this, don't you think it is cosy?" You attempt to coax them away from the light switch, anything so they would not turn on the big light. Yet, your silent pleas fell on deaf ears and the light was switched on with a scoff from Jordan. Snuggling into the blankets wrapped around you, you could not grow more annoyed with your partner. They were ruining everything you had tried so hard to do without knowing it.
It was getting late, the sun no longer pushing through your closed curtains and sleep began invading your system. You wanted to stay awake, you truly did, but unlike Jordan who was on their second redbull, you had no energy to keep you up. Slowly you began to drift off, head resting on Jordan's shoulder as your eyes droop. You tried to fight it, wanting to stay away from them, but you just couldn't and before you knew it you were asleep.
It only took Jordan a few moments to realise you had fallen asleep. They were glad you were no longer trying to stay awake with them not wishing you to forgo sleep for their sake. Unlike you had thought, they knew exactly what you were doing but were simply too stubborn to let it work. Though now you were asleep there was no reason to pretend they had not been wishing to cuddle up with you and fall asleep.
Moving the textbooks and pen out of the way, Jordan would carefully move you around, hoping not to wake you. With a huff they would move you to your bed, waiting a moment as you snuggled into your pillow before they switched off the lights. Darkness enveloped the room, as Jordan shuffled back to your bed, climbing in to be with you. Their arms pull you to them as they place a kiss on your temple.
"Thank you," Their voice was soft so as to not wake you before they too fell asleep. It seemed your plan did work after all, just not how you envisioned it.
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vxntagedior · 1 year
drunken love affair
summary | college frat wedding
pairing | frat boy!james potter x fem!reader
warning | fluff, drinking, everyone is drunk, james is drunk and in love
word count | 2.2k
Joining a frat was not James’s first thought when he started university, let alone becoming frat president. Always making sure to put his studies first, members of the frat noticed how disconnected James had become from everyone. 
Into his freshman year, second semester was when he had met you. It was 7:55 and James was still half asleep, not having enough time to get some coffee or any caffeine for that matter before leaving for his first class of the day. 
James wasn’t a morning person, but the 8am class was the only offering and he needed to take the class. 
Blinking his eyes rapidly to wake himself up, you could probably still see the sleep marks on his face and his bedhead was evident. So when you had sat down next to him, James was not prepared. 
Hearing shuffling next to him, James looked over to see the most beautiful girl on campus. First of all, he couldn’t believe how put together you were for it being so early, and how you smelled like peaches. James stared linger, surprisingly looking because you hadn’t looked his away.
He tore his gaze away from you when the professor started the lecture, introducing them before asking everyone to turn to a neighbor and introduce themselves.
“Hi.” Hearing your melodic voice, James smiled softly, turning towards you, “I’m Y/n, first year.”
“James.” He replied groggily, his morning voice still evident, “Also a first year.”
Walking into the house, each of the pledges greeting you immediately. You always giggled at the antics of the pledges, the boys desperate to join and were willing to do anything. James and the rest of the brothers were not cruel like some of the other frats on campus, there were bad things here and there but you remembered waking up to over 30 text messages on your birthday, one from each of the pledges. 
Saying hello to the rest of the brothers, you made your way up to James’s room, knocking on the door before entering. 
Frowning, you noticed how James was in the same spot he was in when you had left earlier that morning for your class.
“James, did you go to class today?” It was into the evening, the sun starting to set soon. As spring came, the days became longer and you were sure that James was probably sitting at his desk for at least 8 hours. 
“No, I need to finish this report.” He muttered towards you, barely sparing you a glance. You knew there wasn’t anything you could do to pull him away from his work. Sighing to yourself, you set down your stuff, pressing a kiss to his temple before heading back downstairs. 
Sirius could see the defeated look on your face when you went into the kitchen, starting to make him something to eat knowing he probably didn’t eat the entire day. 
“You alright there Y/n/n?” Sirius questioned. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, just worried about James.” You whispered, leaning against the counter, “He’s overworking himself, and you know how he gets it, I just need to find something to get him out of his head.”
Saying nothing more, you left with a plate heading back upstairs leaving Sirius in the kitchen. Keeping your words in his head, it was like the lights in his head switched on. 
Running like a maniac around the house, all the brothers and pledges not even sparing a glance to him, a normal occurrence. 
Remus being the social chair had been a running joke because of how anti-social he looked when you first met him. 
“I have…an idea.” Sirius held onto Remus’s bedroom door frame, doubled down, the other hand on his knee as he caught his breath. “We should have a wedding.”
Remus’s eyes widened, “Sirius we’ve only been together for 6 months, it’s-”
“Not for us.” Sirius interrupted, “For James and Y/n.”
“I don’t think either of them want that either.” Remus answered. 
“Not like a real wedding, well yes a wedding but James has been in a funk and we haven’t held a social in a while, invite the other frats and sororities and fake marry James and Y/n.”
Remus just sat with the thought for the moment, before he wanted to protest, Sirius beat him to it.
“Don’t say no, I know you think it is a good idea.” Sirius defended himself. Before Remus could even answer his boyfriend, Sirius had already left the room. 
Sirius didn’t bring the idea up to you, hoping it would be a surprise so when James ‘proposed’, you’d give a real reaction. 
Finally taking time away from his work, James thought the timing was perfect because of your anniversary that was coming up, he wanted to make it special. Luckily going to school in the city, he was surrounded by higher end jewelry stores. 
James spent days trying to find you the perfect ring. It wasn’t just some fake wedding ring he was looking for, but a promise ring. James knew from the moment he met you that he never wanted to let you go. 
After looking for almost a week now, James was defeated, he had lost hope and along with that had gone to almost every shop within a 5 mile radius. 
Finishing up with class and heading into the city for lunch, James was trying to come up with some idea of what to do when he walked past it. 
He froze on the street, the people around him a little annoyed that he didn’t keep going. He stared into the window of the shop, looking at the ring on display. Going into the shop, he didn’t spare any more time before buying the ring. 
The velvet box was in his pocket when he arrived back at the house, sending out a text to Sirius to get enough roses for each pledge to have one. 
The brothers and pledges worked the rest of the afternoon until you arrived, helping James with his proposal. 
Getting out of the lab, it was well past your dinner time, you were sore from standing for hours, working with lab partners who were not making it any easier. You wanted to see James, eat dinner and go to bed. 
Upon entering the house, you felt something off. The house looked cleaner and smelled nice, and though the main lights were never turned on, the color of the lights were different. 
Turning the corner towards the main part of the house, you were met with a tunnel of pledges.
“For you.” The first one said, offering you the rose. From there each pledge handed you a rose as you continued towards the main living room. 
Soon as the pledges ended, it turned into brothers, the ones you were closest with, ending with Remus and Sirius handing you a rose. 
Turning back to the main living room, you noticed how the lights were dimmed and there were candles everywhere, and James standing in the middle.
“Jamie, what is this?” You smiled, the bouquet of roses still in your hand. 
“I’ve been busy lately and Sirius thought we needed something for a social event, and then what better than a wedding.” James laughed. You stared at your boyfriend in shock as he got down on one knee. 
He just laughed quietly to himself before looking back up at you, “Will you marry me?”
“Of course you numb nuts.” You laughed getting down on your knees with him, letting him slide the ring onto your ringer, before kissing him. 
All the boys cheered, as James wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to the ground. Shrieking, you tightened your arms around James as he kissed you again. 
“We’re getting married.” You smiled, resting your forehead against his.
“Yes we are.”
Dressed in white surrounded by girls from other sororities with all sorts of drinks everywhere. The entire house was plastered, the brothers making sure you and James don’t see each other until the ceremony. 
“Shot!” Marlene yelled out, passing around shooters to everyone before handing the last one to you, “To the bride!”
The rest of the girls echoed their words, just you smiled at the antics of her before drinking. Your face scrunched up at the taste, knowing you weren’t drunk enough to be taking shots. 
“Oh isn’t this exciting.” Dorcas expressed. Her and Marlene had deemed themselves as your ‘bridesmaids’, trying to make it seem as real as possible.
“You ready Y/n/n?” Sirius peeked his head inside. The rest of the girls scrambled out of the room while Marlene helped you with the veil while Dorcas was getting out a stain from your dress already. 
“Quit it you two.” You gasped, “Everyone here is drunk, no one is going to notice a small stain.”
Gladly accepting Sirius’s hand, you let him guide him out to the backyard. Slipping his hand into his pants pocket he pulled out a flask, offering it towards you. 
“To clear your last minute jitters.” He smirked. You just smiled, taking the flask and taking a sip. 
Coming outside, you just laughed seeing everyone in the audience practically screaming for you as Sirius walked you down the aisle. Seeing James at the altar who was probably cheering the loudest out of everyone. 
Finally reaching him, you grabbed his hand as he helped you up to him. Not being able to contain himself, James’s hands were placed on your cheeks as he pulled you towards him. 
“Not yet!” Remus rolled his eyes, pulling James away from you. He just pouted, kissing the tip of your nose before pulling away and reaching for your hands. 
“Alright alright,” Remus yelled out, his voice going over everyone else's, “We are gathered here today for the union of James Potter and Y/n L/n.”
You and James drowned out Remus’s voice as the two of you looked at each other. As much as this was fake, you could imagine the two of you actually getting married. 
“If there is anyone who believes that these two shouldn’t be together, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Remus spoke. 
Just as one of pledges went to object, something Sirius pushed him to do for a laugh, James glared down at the pledge.
“Parker, you better not say a single word.” James yelled. The pledge nodded, before looking back down. 
Smiling, you covered your hand over your mouth to conceal your laugh. 
“Well then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce the two of you husband and wife, you can now kiss your bride.”
Wrapping his arms around your waist, James pulled you down, dipping you down as he kissed you. Wrapping your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself, you pushed him closer towards you. 
Pulling you back up, James smiled, fixing your hair and kissing you once more. 
Dragging you down the aisle, he smiled with the rest of his brothers as he brought you back inside the house. 
You just stood in the kitchen he maneuvered around, grabbing two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne you didn’t know he even had. 
“For the bride.” James offered you a glass. Clinking your glass against his, you took a sip. 
“We’re married.” You whispered, smiling, knowing the moment was going to be ruined in a mere seconds. 
“Yes we are.” James kissed your forehead. 
“Let’s get drinking!” Sirius yelled coming back inside. You just smiled, pecking his lips before joining everyone else. 
Music was blasting through the speakers, the social now just turning into a party. You and James were together the entire night, just matching each other with drinks, but having a higher tolerance than James, you weren’t as drunk as him. 
“Hello, hello.” James grabbed the microphone from the dj booth, “I’d like to make an announcement.
Thank you to everyone who came tonight to witness a beautiful moment between me and Y/n, I got to marry the love of my life tonight and even though it wasn’t real, it was real to me.”
Though he was drunk, you could hear the sincerity in his voice, just smiling softly at his drunken antics. 
“And have a drink, and enjoy the night.” He finished out his speech. All the brothers cheered for him as he left the dj booth and returned his way back to you. 
“Hello love.” He smiled, pulling you into him, your cheek squished against his. 
“Jamie,” You giggled, “you’re drunk.
“In love.” He retorted. You just shook your head, wrapping your arms around him to keep him stabilized. 
“Alright husband, let’s get you some water.” You pulled him into the kitchen, leaning him against the counter. 
Turning away from him, you didn’t notice the look James was giving you, his eyes full of love, a smile on his face. 
“What?” You asked, seeing him looking at you. 
“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and you’re all mine.” He smiled, taking the glass of water from you. Smiling, you kissed his cheek, staying in his arms. 
“Yeah?” You asked.
“Of course.” He drunkenly babbled, “Gonna be with you forever and ever.”
“Forever and ever.”
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lynnbanks · 8 days
(we know that Luke doesn't drink coffee but imagine he is dating a girl who drinks a little bit more than she should. i didn't know how to end it and it is kinda short I just wanted to put something out for yall.i am still healing after reading "before we were strangers" i hope you guys like it. <3 <3)
it was an average day in the life of a hockey player in the off-season; Luke was up with the sun to get ready for a day of training and decided to make his sleeping girlfriend a coffee to start her day with before he left for the morning; placing her coffee on the nightstand and waking her up by planting kisses all over her face "Good morning beautiful I made you coffee." her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling "Thank you lukey it is indeed a good morning. She opened her eyes to see his face and took a sip of her coffee "mmhh perfect I love you." dramatically flopping back onto the bed to put on a show for how good the coffee tastes making Luke giggle.
"I have to go, but I will see you later maybe we up meet for lunch if you are up for it." Y/n sits up to say goodbye." That works for me; love you see you later yeah?" Luke leans down to meet her lips " See you later baby I love you" leaving her to get ready for the day he texts her that he will call when he is on the way to the restaurant they go to all the time. When he shows up she is sitting in a booth and a straw in her mouth sipping on an iced coffee when she sees him she smiles and he leans down to kiss her forehead and then her lips before sitting across from her. "Hello handsome" she smiled at him "Hi baby you look beautiful today. I like that dress." looking down at her cream-colored dress with little red roses that he got for her as a gift for a date night last summer.
"thank you, my boyfriend, got it for me." she joked "Did he? he must have known how good you look in dresses." he flirted back with her making her blush at his compliment. Taking her in he noticed her shakey hands as she put her now empty coffee down why does she do this to herself he thought as he grabbed her shaking hands " I thought we talked about cutting back your coffee intake" he said kinda sternly this being the second time this month they are having this conversation. y/n looked at her empty glass before speaking " I know we have I just wanted a pick-me-up I will slow down lukey don't fret."
And as much as he would like to not "fret" she makes it hard when most days she will have two cups of coffee before she has had a meal and walks around dizzy from too much caffeine. " did you even eat breakfast?" her silence tells him all he needs to know "Y/n are you kidding me you have to stop doing that it is not healthy." y/n sighed " I know I will stop I promise"
The next day before Luke leaves He brings her tea instead of coffee "Luke." she says staring up at him but he doesn't back down "Y/n" she deflates against the headboard " Luke I hate tea." he pushes the hair that has fallen in her face behind her ear and hands her the mug " just try it you won't know until you actually give it a chance." she rolls her eyes and took a tiny sip her face contorted in disgust " Luke it so bad." he rolled his eyes at dramatic reaction " baby you can't keep drinking coffee like its water you will run yourself to an early grave; will you give it a chance it might make you feel better instead of making you crash after every cup."
Y/n had cut down to one small cup in the morning and tea when she needed a pick-me-up and both Y/n and Luke had noticed a difference; she slept better at night and surprisingly she had more energy throughout the day and Luk didn't have to worry about her dizzy spells anymore.
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lurafita · 3 months
CEO!Magnus and personal chef/bodyguard!Alec
(There is every chance that I have posted this before, I just can't remember. I tried to search through my archive, but.... there is a lot of posts there, did you know? 🤣😂 Anyway, in case I'm making you read this twice, sorry. 😅)
Magnus being like this really big shot CEO who has meetings 24/7 and charity events and social appearances and all that other busy stuff going on. So he gets a personal chef to keep an eye on his nutrition. And Alec is ruthless when it comes to making sure Magnus eats healthy. Magnus: "You know I love your cooking, Darling, but how about a good old fashioned fast food break?" Alec: "All that grease is bad for you. Eat your carrots. You look pale. How much sleep did you get last night?" Magnus, innocently: "Enough?" Alec: "Unlikely. No more caffeine for you today."
Magnus trying to sneak all kinds of unheathy Snacks, and Alec foiling him at every turn. Magnus had an energy drink hidden away in his desk, but as he opens the drawer, there is a bottle of water with a note attatched with "stay hydrated".
Alec even convinced the close by Cafe to not serve Magnus anything with Caffeine, after Magnus' last doctors appointment showed high blood pressure.
Maybe Alec is some kind of ex-agent or ex-military, who got into cooking for an undercover op, but really enjoyed it and wanted to pursue it further when he quite the force.
When one of Alec’s old colluegues comes visiting him, Alec is crouching behind the entertainment system to find Magnus' latest snack hidey-hole. Alec: "He gets more creative every time. Some of the drug dealers we busted could have learned from him."
Bet you Magnus is the type of CEO who has a loyal Twitter following and he tweets about everything Alec cooks for him (and the things he doesn't let him eat.) The Internet already ships them.
Possible tweet: The_Magnificent_Bane: Thank you for the suggestion @randomfollower, but unfortunately Alexander didn’t go for the argument that carrot cake counts as a vegetable.
Why am I know picturing a fight in the kitchen where Alec uses kitchen utensils and food to knock out people who have come to kidnap Magnus
Imagine someone broke into Magnus' place, and the police are called and as they arrive Magnus is like: "Thank you for coming. My chef has already apprehended and restrained the perpetrators, and is waiting for you to take them off his hands in the living room." Police: "... Your cook apprehended them?" Magnus: "Yes. Sadly, the confrontation did not result in the death of that cursed celery he bought earlier."
Magnus: "Tomatoes can't be trusted, my darling. Are they a fruit? Are they a vegetable? No one knows." Alec: "They are fruits." Magnus: "That's what they want you to believe."
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diagonal-queen · 8 months
hello can i request dazai, kunikida, and fyodor with an insomniac s/o who's really tired after a busy day but can't seem to fall asleep no matter what and gets frustrated bc of it
"Can't sleep?"
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♡ pairing: Dazai Osamu, Doppo Kunikida, Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do they help their S/O with insomnia get to sleep?
♡ cw: Reader is an insomniac (I genuinely don't know how that would manifest itself as a trigger but hey! I'm just one person in a sheltered world. Stay safe everyone <3), probably super inaccurate because I myself am not an insomniac and don't really know everything about it, Dazai horny, mentions of taking medication, mentions of alcohol, swearing
note: I feel like garbage cus my writing takes forever and I feel like I'm letting y'all down for taking so long with reqs, but I don't know what to do to fix itttttttt. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Well reader. You're lucky you cuffed yourself a night owl
He'll help you calm down from your frustration and tell you that it's fully normal. Everyone has trouble falling asleep, and you just haven't figured out an effective routine yet. He doesn't really know what he's talking about but if it makes you feel better then meh
His first suggestion would probably be sex, to tire you out. Even better if you go for multiple rounds just to be sure~
Yeah right Dazai, like anyone's gonna wanna fuck every single work night (besides him lmao). Safe to say, the idea is thrown out pretty quickly
He'll throw some similar ideas around (not necessarily sexual but certainly 'if they're tired out then they'll fall asleep faster') but those are all just temporary solutions, so he gives up quickly. What else did you expect from him?
He might also suggest drinking yourself to sleep since alcohol is a depressant and makes you tired. You have to remind him that excessive drinking is actually not good for you and should NOT be used as a substitute for sleep meds
He reckons that it's best for you two to let sleep overtake you naturally, and so you may as well just stay up for now.
From then on Dazai treats every single night like a sleepover. He'll wanna watch movies, eat snacks, and talk all night even if it's a work night and you absolutely shouldn't do that
If you want, he's happy to do something more chill like cuddling while sharing a pair of earphones playing mellow music
Whatever it is that the pair of you decide to do, he'll likely find that it helps him just as much, maybe even more, than it helps you. And he's grateful for that
I feel like Kunikida also has at least mild insomnia, so he knows just how you feel and is right there to help you out
He's got it all ready. Fans/blankets to balance out the room's temperature, a warm drink (milk, tea, whatever you prefer), basically all the stuff Google would suggest
He would do all of that stuff alongside you even if he's already tired enough to fall asleep on his own because he understands the struggle. He doesn't give up until you're asleep and honestly get you a man who would also do that
He also discourages you from things like caffeine before bed or napping during the day to help you get more sleep at night
He'd make a whole new bedtime routine for the two of you and adjust it based on what works, it'd be like a whole thing that he takes super seriously
He'd suggest reading before bed and recommend/lend you books that he likes, and also read to you if you really pleaded for it. He really enjoys reading and he would be thrilled if the pair of you had a little thing you did together <3
If they don't give any side effects/react poorly with any meds you may already take then he would also give you some of his sleeping pills (because let's be real he's fully stocked with them. this man)
Kunikida would let you cuddle him in your sleep whether or not he likes it or it makes him sweat, because let's face it you need the sleep and he needs the physical touch. It's basically a win-win
He gives you permission to wake him up if you can't sleep and need his help, or if you want company in your waking time.
He honestly does whatever it takes to help you because he cares so much about you. Perfect man fr
Bold of you to assume that Fyodor sleeps. Like ever. He's too busy being evil or something
When he learns that you're an insomniac he's fully willing to let you stay up late with him while he's working if you're in need of company. He doesn't care whether you're just on your phone or reading a book or whatever
If you ask him he'll also let you sit in his lap and cuddle him (as long as you don't bother him- if you do he's sending you right to bed)
Fyodor knows that calming music is a good way to help people sleep, so if you're down he'd be willing to play something mellow and soft on his cello for you
He probably wouldn't admit it but he kinda likes that you find it hard to get to sleep since it gives him an excuse to spend more time with you
But if you really do wanna get to bed then he'll have some tea made for you and he'll read to you. His voice is very relaxing and nice to fall asleep to and he kinda knows it (he's smug about it too because he's a bastard)
If you find that you actually sleep better in his presence then he's more than happy to move a couch into his office and let you sleep there.
He's also happy to forfeit (SOME) work so he can come to bed earlier and help you sleep. And he's also happy to cuddle you because you're warm
Fyodor will basically just help you get to sleep with methods that he uses to get himself to sleep because it's the only way he knows how. Even if it doesn't work please give him credit for trying because he really is trying super hard T-T
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco
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