#i didn't expect this at all but omg he's such a wonderful person i'm screaming into my pillow as we speak
niallandtommo · 5 months
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moonydustx · 5 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Luffy, Ace, Mihawk, and Lucci as well as Crocodile x Reader, what if the reader, one day tells them that they are pregnant, how would they react/ How would they be as parents? ( also maybe add some parenting shenanigans, knowing these guys.)
OMG! You have no idea how much I loved your request. I know, I know, it took me a looooong time to respond. But after a few migraines (and anxiety), I'm back. I was already thinking about doing something like that, but I was lacking some kind of inspiration so thanks <3 Maybe I got carried away with writing, I'm terrible at summaries and things like that , but I hope you like it.
The structure is kind of: them discovering the pregnancy, them dealing with the pregnancy and a small hint of how they deal with the children.
Warnings are placed individually in each story.
I'm dividing it into two parts so as not to be exhaustive. (I'm sorry, I reaaaally got carried away writing it).
PART 2 HERE - Lucci, Mihawk and Crocodile.
requests open | one piece masterlist
Warnings: Fluuuff, super fluff. F!Reader has a bad health at the beginning of this one. Sanji is Zoro's daughter's favorite person for food reasons.And of course, Zoro is protective and jealous (especially towards the little girl).
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It should have just been a momentary relief, you didn't expect the little escapades between you and Zoro to turn into a relationship. Much less did I expect to have seen the two blue lines on the small stick that you kept hidden in your small desk. How to raise a baby in Sunny? How to tell Zoro that the relationship between the two of you would now gain another part?
You wished you had more time to think about the solution, more time to even clear your doubts with Chopper, but the little being inside you insisted on demonstrating its existence. One of the days, you had almost passed out on top of Franky - who obviously freaked out. In the other, he had eaten twice as much as Luffy ate and had to come up with a lame excuse. This time, it was the third time in a row that you had put food in your mouth and it barely lasted minutes in your stomach.
"Hey…" you heard your name being called from outside the bathroom, but it was a female voice. "Do you need any help?"
"I'm fine, Robin."
"I believe that fine is not the term that best defines your situation." she laughed, still outside. Not knowing how to deal with the situation, you reached out and opened the door, giving her space to enter. "What's our plan?"
"What do you mean our plan?"
"Nausea, dizziness, food cravings, and all the noise you and Zoro make when you're alone." with every word that came out of her mouth, you could feel your skin turn pale. "The swordsman doesn't know yet, right?"
"Not yet." your face sank into your own hands, frustrated with the indecision that plagued your mind. "What do I do, Robin?"
"I suggest you talk to your boyfriend soon, I believe he might accept the idea better than you might expect." She smiled gently, brushing aside the strands of hair that stuck to your face. "However, right now he's trying to kill the cook because he thinks he gave you some spoiled food."
Robin's light laugh was left behind as you ran towards the screams, which had seemed imperceptible before now became increasingly audible.
"Stupid cook, he doesn't even know how to make an egg properly."
"You moldhead, shut your mouth."
"Mold is what you're putting in your food."
"You two stop." you stood between the two, shouting at the top of your lungs and interrupting their argument and the laughter of the others, who were entertained by Zoro and Sanji fighting. "I just… I just need…" the air seemed to disappear from your lungs and the scorching sun above you became just a black screen.
Minutes, hours, days, when your eyes opened, you felt so tired that you couldn't calculate how long you were gone. The first thing that crossed your field of vision was Chopper walking from side to side with a stethoscope in hand.
"Ah, you're awake!" he came happily by your side.
"What happened?" you knew very well what had happened, but first of all you needed to find out what the little doctor had already discovered.
"I'm sorry, but Robin told me some things." He placed the cold item to listen to your heartbeat, remaining silent for a few seconds.
"And is everything okay? I mean, with…" the word seemed to disappear from your lips, it was difficult to bring up the idea without knowing how the other party responsible for it would react.
"These days helping Franky, all this commotion from the fight, from my diagnosis, you're just exhausted. And a little dehydrated too, and that's not good for you or the baby." he explained, sweetly as usual. "By my reckoning, you must be two months pregnant. I'll talk to Luffy and Nami, so we can quickly find an island and secure supplies."
"Wait!" you held him, even though the reindeer hadn't moved. "Can I talk to Zoro first?"
"Of course, he doesn't know yet, right? But he's out there, very worried."
"Do you mind calling him for me?" you asked and saw him nod, leaving the small infirmary.
Your body still feeling heavy from fatigue, you sat down thinking about what words to use, how to bring up such an important subject. The door opened, but you lacked the courage to face the man who stopped in front of you. His silhouette on the ground began to become more real and closer, only then did you realize that he had bent down to be at your height.
"Ready to talk about this?" he whispered and adjusted his posture, remaining standing in front of you as your legs dangled off the bed.
"About what?" His eyes dropped from your face, went to your stomach and looked back at you. To his surprise, he found your orbs wide open in surprise. "How do you know?"
"I was looking for my material to clean my katanas, I missed the drawer and ended up opening yours. I found something strange there and asked Robin. As the drawer was yours, the test could only be yours." he listed with the most passable face in the world.
At the same time it lifted a burden from your conscience. You wanted to kill him for leaving you in agony and thinking of ways to bring up the subject.
"I understood." Your voice was calmer than you could have expected, but you could feel your eyes burning with pure anticipation - and hormones, which you would still discover how much they would affect you. "And what do we do now?"
"We continued sailing." Noticing your stress, one of his hands joined yours, on top of your belly. "And if it becomes too risky, beyond my ability to protect you both, we step aside for a while and then the three of us come back when it's safe."
You wanted to be grateful that he didn't freak out, you wanted to freak out yourself or even say "What do you mean we're step aside?", but the only things that came out of you were tears and sobs, as you clung to his torso.
"I-I thought you would hate me…" a lot more sobs, a lot more tears. "And you was going to leave me on some island."
"I would never do that."
"And I-I wanted to eat the salad Sanji makes."
"You can ask that idiot." Zoro gave his arm, he didn't understand much about pregnancies, but when he found out about the subject Robin explained some things about hormones and sensitivity, while Chopper, in the little time he had to call him, had warned him about the health conditions of the woman who he loved most in the world. Arguments with the cook could wait.
"Don't worry, sweetheart." He had to contain his own laughter hearing you say such nonsense. "I promise to take care of you both, here at Sunny or anywhere else."
Zoro couldn't define his promise about taking care of you better. The remaining months of pregnancy passed faster than you could imagine, despite you being left out of any and all activities. No fighting, no major exploration, no staying near stairs or high places. On the other hand, there was a type of exercise that your hormones craved - and consequently, disturbed the entire team.
After long hours of labor, you didn't know who was screaming more - you, in pain, Zoro desperately wanting Chopper to do something or Luffy thinking you were going to die, seeing the blood when he decided to peek into the room. When little Kuina was born, everyone, including you, discovered a new side of the swordsman. More careful, delicate, he held the little girl like the most precious thing in the entire universe. The three swords were no longer tied to him all the time, the insults directed at the cook became a little lighter when the little girl with green hair was nearby.
"Uncle Sanjiiiii" the girl, now five years old, ran and hummed towards the kitchen, clinging to the cook's leg. "Can you make 'rispy potatos for me?"
"Of course my dear, just give me a few minutes." you saw the cook laugh at her pronunciation, but he already knew the girl's favorite dish and no, they weren't the spicy ones.
"Why don't you ask me?" Zoro grumbled, crossing his arms and forcing you not to make fun of him and destroy the little authority he had - yes, little because the man had a soft heart towards his daughter. Not to mention the small jealousy he accumulated towards little Kuina.
"Uncle Sanji's are tastier." she stuck her tongue out at him, laughing with the cook afterwards.
"You know what? Let's see." Zoro marched to the edge of the sink and took the girl from the cook's legs. "You go with your mommy there while we go prepare something."
"Please don't kill yourselves." you murmured, picking the small girl up in your arms. "And you my love, what do you think about going to see Usopp fishing?"
Zoro practically growled at Sanji and began to dedicate himself to his tasks. Boiled and roasted potatoes, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside in small pieces, was his daughter's favorite dish, it wasn't that difficult, was it? The presentation wasn't the best, at least not compared to Sanji's, but he watched the girl try a little of each dish. After thinking for a brief moment, she pulled out the plate made by Zoro and began to eat happily.
"This one! The dad ones!" She offered you a small potato, which you accepted. "Daddy knows how to make it too! Now I can eat 'rispys every day."
The flavor was good, but you knew that cooking wasn't your now husband's strong point. You reached out and took a small piece of Sanji's and understood what it was, seeing the blonde blink quickly at you, unnoticeable to the other two. In this case, your husband was now holding your daughter on his lap and spinning her around while she was thrilled that he would now have a new potato supplier.
"Uncle Captain Luffy will like it. Dad, shall we take some for him?" she asked showing with her little fingers the small amount she wanted to share and as always, Zoro immediately answered her.
"You know he's going to eat it all, don't you my dear?" He took the plate with his free hand and left with the girl on his lap.
"Thanks." you turned to Sanji, who smiled.
"I may not be a fan of the mosshead, but I wouldn't accept seeing little Kuina disappointed." he replied, removing the dishes that had accumulated on the table and tasting some of the potato he had made. "I just didn't add any seasoning."
"The shitty cook doesn't know how to cook." you both heard him cheering outside and Kuina right behind. "Shitty cook, shiiiity, shit."
"I think I already regret helping." the blonde grumbled, watching you follow the two and give him a good scolding.
warnings: Fluff, angst with a happy ending. Luffy is a lot more mature than usual in this one, mention of F!Reader being hurt (nothing serious). Gear 5 Luffy (yes, I'm still excited about his latest appearance). The child's name is Ravi, which means sun.
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The floor of the small room that the two of you shared seemed to be about to sink with all the turns you had already taken and you were amazed that the test in your hands hadn't yet broken from so many times that it bumped against your fingers in pure anxiety.
"Hey, did you call me?" Luffy appeared at the door noticing that you were alone. "Finally, just the two of us!" he vibrated, about to grab you.
Since the two of you had left Foosha Village, you hadn't let go of each other. You started as rivals when you were children in Dadan's house and it took you a few months after entering the sea to understand the true feelings you had for each other. It didn't take long for him to call you his own pirate queen and introduce you as his girlfriend.
"Hi! Are you around?" he waved in front of you, taking you away from the memories of a past that was already distant and so different from what you would face.
"Luffy, we need to talk." you tried to take a firmer stance.
"As your captain or as your boyfriend?" He remembered the little agreement the two of you had made, to separate matters to maintain order - more precisely so you wouldn't kill your boyfriend when he stole food from your plate and, consequently, be left without a captain too.
"I think both, I don't know." a frustrated sigh left you, shoulders carrying the immense burden of fear. "I was feeling strange a few days ago, I was late…"
"Late for what?"
"I'm pregnant!" you spat out the words quickly. If the man hadn't been paying attention, he would barely have caught it. "I'm pregnant, Luffy."
"This is…" he sat down on the bed, lowering his head. You had never touched on such a subject, it barely crossed your mind what his attitude would be.
"I understand it's a lot, I'm scared too…Luffy?"
His laughter took over the room as soon as your feet left the floor and he turned you around, pressing your body tightly against his arms.
"A baby! A mini me or a mini you!" he vibrated and noticed your expression close. "Don't you want a mini me?"
"Not that. Just don't…" your hand went to your mouth, containing the nausea. "No spins, for a while."
"Ah, sorry." he placed you on the ground, more carefully. "How do you feel?"
"A little scared, I guess." You laughed lightly when you saw him bend down to analyze your belly. He promptly put his ear to it, trying to hear something. "Babe, the baby is the size of a grape now, it's a little hard to hear."
"But I know he knows I'm here. A boy!" He placed a quick kiss on your skin. You wouldn't question the fact that he's sure the baby is a boy.
"I think this is the best treasure I could find." you murmured, hugging your boyfriend and allowing yourself to stay there for a few seconds.
"Love?" his voice called to you quietly. "Can I tell everyone?"
"For sure!"
"Guys!!!" He barely waited for you to respond and pulled you out the door, shouting for his friends. "Let's have another crewmate."
"What idea is this Luffy?" Nami cut off her own scolding when she saw him pointing at her belly.
"We're going to have a baby!" your fear ceased for a while when you saw everyone vibrate with the news.
The time you had to find your balance, you lost when you felt Nami and Robin hug you together, happy for the news. It didn't take long for your other companions to congratulate you on the new life that had emerged there.
"Luffy, we need to stop at an island soon so I can get some materials." Chopper warned and the captain immediately agreed.
"Sanji, can we have a feast to celebrate, please." Luffy asked for cook, being interrupted by you who joined him.
"Meat…" the word alone brought the flavor to your mouth. "I need to eat meat and a pie, please Sanji. It could even be meat pie." you asked, clinging to the cook, in the best Luffy style. Noticing the attitude, you soon resumed your posture. "I think I have a little craving… for meat."
It was undeniable that Luffy's genes were strong in the little child who was growing month by month. Restless, the unborn baby was always making you incessantly hungry and seemed to think your belly was made of elastic. Anyone who looked at you would find you with a small package of snacks in hand or grumbling to Luffy about why he had to insist on poking your belly when the baby was quiet, making the child start kicking again. Luffy still didn't seem to have much of an idea of ​​what having a pregnant girlfriend was like. Occasionally he would steal your snacks or make plans that involved you, getting slapped by other companions.
"She's strong and I'm sure our son will be too." was his common response every time.
The contour of the bulge of your belly was already noticeable at six months of pregnancy and even so, you liked to follow Luffy and the others on each new island they stepped on. This time, you didn't expect that a little shopping break would turn into a horror so quickly. An enemy of Luffy had found you along with Nami and Sanji and even though the cook was capable of fighting, he couldn't hold off the man and his henchmen for so long.
Your head was small compared to the man's hand that held it. The instinct taking over your body made you bring your arms to your belly, protecting the being that was developing there, while he dragged you to where Luffy was. As you approached, for the first time in a while you saw terror in your beloved's eyes.
"I see there have been interesting changes." The man's slurred voice irritated you more than usual. He lifted you off the ground and gave your stomach a little poke. "As far as I know, I bet it's a little straw hat."
"Let. Her. Go." the threat implied in Luffy's voice was different than most times. You remembered seeing him like this when a tenryuubito decided to hit Hatchan, but still, he seemed to have more hate in him than you had ever witnessed. "I told you, keep your hands off her."
"As you wish."
Disdain was present in the man's every attitude and in the same way that he had barely used his strength to lift you, he did the same to throw you meters away. With the wind against your body and the screams of your friends like blurs passing by you, you cringed and waited for the impact that didn't come. Instead, you felt something wrap around you and your body land against something soft.
When you opened your eyes, you found Luffy holding you, putting you on your feet even though he didn't let go.
"You're okay, you're alive, you're okay…" the words came out of his mouth like a mantra. It was like seeing relief and fear walking side by side.
As soon as his hands released you, you felt yourself staggering, being supported by someone behind you. Luffy's hands held your face delicately as if a breath could take you away. He took off his straw hat and placed it on you and one of his hands rested on your belly, feeling the agitation under your skin, which seemed to bring the lucidity he needed.
"Jinbe, take her back to the ship." Luffy didn't bother to look at his companion who had just approached, his eyes roamed your face in search of any discomfort. The hand that remained on your face wiped away a small tear that insisted on falling. "Take Chopper with you, get all the tests possible."
"I am fine." you tried to reassure him, seeing that your words had been in vain. "Baby, we're both fine."
"Zoro, protect them." Luffy asked and only then did you realize it was the swordsman supporting you. "Don't let anyone get close to them. Don't let anyone lay a hand on my girl and my son."
"Okay. Jinbe, you carry her. Chopper, stay alert too, but your priority is to get to the ship with the two of them." the mate gave the orders and before your feet left the ground, you felt Luffy place a quick kiss on the small gap between your forehead and the straw hat.
"Those who are left, don't let any of his idiots get out of here. I'm going to finish that bastard off." the last glimpse you saw of Luffy was of his hair turning white.
Something changed that day. The baby was fine, you were fine - enough for Zoro to restrain you and prevent you from returning to the battlefield. Lying on your bed, you curled up again, this time wracked with worries about your captain and boyfriend. Using the straw hat as your companion, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and wait. The sun was already gone when you woke up from your brief nap to feel arms squeeze you tightly.
"Lu?" you turned around and found him smiling, even if a little lighter than usual. Some scratches on the face, but apparently fine.
He took your lips voraciously, capturing them and holding them to his. Your hands soon tangled in the dark strands of his hair and gave him space to fit around your legs, but Luffy moved away.
"Chopper said you're okay, just scared, but you need to rest so our son can be okay too." the captain slid on the bed, until his face was aligned with your belly.
Luffy lifted the cloth that hid your skin and covered your belly with kisses, in silence. Your hands, which previously sought to get tangled in his hair, opted for a light caress.
"I promised to protect you two and today…"
"Today you protected us, love." you interrupted before he even considered finishing the thought. Taking one of his hands, you led him to where the child was kicking. "And someone agrees with me."
From that day on, you saw Luffy change and consequently, you did too. He no longer teased you about your strange diet and didn't even make jokes about the snoring you started to have every night or because you looked like a cuddly ball - except when he, with the help of Usopp and Chopper - tied a watermelon to his belly. and pretended to be you at the end of the pregnancy. Now the words you had said to him "I think this is the best treasure I could find" made more sense to him.
It was early morning when little Ravi was born. The sea water was more crystal clear than usual and your body was sweating cold even though the night was hot when the first contractions hit and lasted throughout the morning. Chopper had chosen Robin and Nami as assistants while Luffy remained there by your side, using the power of the fruit to avoid feeling the strong grip of your hand against him.
Along with the first rays of the morning sun, Ravi came into the world and illuminated Luffy's face. As soon as the boy stopped crying in his father's lap, it was like watching two long-lost friends reunite after so much waiting, Luffy didn't know that he had been waiting for this his whole life and now he knew that he would never be able to stay away from the boy. In a way, it reminded you of the way little Luffy looked at Ace with admiration when they were still children.
He took the feeling seriously since little Ravi became his father's shadow and Luffy didn't make much of a point of preventing the boy from doing something wrong.
"Luffy!" you screamed as you saw him about to throw the two year old into the air.
"But he likes it."
"Sun…Ravi." the little one mumbled a few things.
"See? He wants to reach the sun." Luffy laughed, throwing the child at a much lower height than he intended at the beginning, eliciting a laugh from the baby. "Who wants to go again?"
"That's enough, you two." You stretched your arms to catch the baby, who promptly reached towards you. "It's time for someone to eat!"
"Yay! Let's eat some good food, kid." Luffy ignored you and headed to the kitchen. Before he reached the door, you took little Ravi from him.
"Just little Ravi." you corrected him and saw him mumble.
With each passing year, he became even more like his own father, which meant double work for you. At least at 8 years old, Ravi still had a little more calm than Luffy.
"Zoro!" he walked across the deck to the swordsman "My father said he was going fishing."
"That's good, it means fresh fish for lunch."
"The problem is that the fish caught him. He hasn't come back to the surface for a few minutes." Ravi said without much concern. "Can I go get him? I know how to swim, I don't think my daddy can."
"What the fuck Luffy!" Zoro dropped his swords and threw himself into the sea, attracting his other companions.
"Do not even think about it." Nami warned the boy who was about to reach for one of Zoro's swords.
"But Nami…" he mumbled, lacking the patience to argue. In the same way that she imputed fear to the father, it worked on the son.
"They're too big for your age." you saw him mumble just like Luffy and you had to hold back your laughter.
"Ravi!" Luffy's voice attracted the two of you to the end of the ship where he was, soaked and being scolded immensely by Zoro.
"Wow dad, what a big fish. All this for us?" the boy poked the little monster lying in the deck.
"That's right." Luffy laughed alongside the boy. You thought it was adorable that their laugh was identical.
"Hey Sanji, I'm hungry." they both shouted. Apparently, the appetite was also similar.
Warnings: fluff, a little angst until Ace finds out, Marco and F!Reader are best friends. Ace just wants to be loved by his baby. And for the record, I know Whitebeard would be a badass grandfather.
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"Wait…" Marco began, analyzing your figure standing there biting his nails in front of him. "I thought you heard me when I explained it to you. You know, condoms, medicine, yoi."
"I heard, but maybe I forgot one…" his critical look made you change your tone. "Okay, I forgot to use protection a few times."
"Sit there already." he gave up and waited for you to curl up on the stretcher. Once you did, you watched him prepare a small kit.
"Why do you keep a pregnancy test kit?" You tried to take the object from his hand, but the doctor quickly dodged it.
"I don't keep it." Your eyes watched him concentrate and insert the needle into your arm, drawing a small amount of blood. "You've only been vomiting for two weeks and you've also been refusing to drink with alcohol. I'm a good doctor, yoi."
"And now?"
"Now…" he dripped the blood onto a small white spatula and placed it next to you on the stretcher. "We waited, for five minutes."
"All of this?"
"I've been waiting for you to bring this up for two weeks, don't complain." he replied.
"I needed Ace to be busy or out of here." you simply responded, turning your attention to the clock hanging next to one of the cabinets.
For the remaining minutes you stood there, legs shaking from side to side and watching a Marco as anxious as you. As soon as the hand reached the long-awaited minute, the two of you turned to the test together.
“Two risks…” you started.
"Positive. Looks like I've been promoted to uncle!" the man smiled, containing the feeling when he saw your face.
"I'm pregnant." the phrase still sounded strange to your ears, so sudden and unexpected. "I'm pregnant." you tested again, trying to improve your expression.
"You're pregnant! Now we need to do some more tests to make sure everything is ok. Dad will be happy when he hears about this." Marco placed the test results on a table away from the two of you. "I suggest an ultrasound, it would also be good to see some blood tests."
"My God, Marco, I'm pregnant!" A certain happiness crossed your expression, eliciting a laugh from your closest friend and brother.
"Now you're ready to jump…"
"You are pregnant?" you both turned as you heard a third voice join the room.
Ace looked at the two of you, waiting for some kind of justification, but at the same time it felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. You were still there, the same girl he had left to follow to a nearby island a few days ago, but now it seemed different. There was almost a glow emanating from you to his eyes.
"Ace, can we talk?" your voice reached his ears, but his mind was in a distant place.
Ace took a few steps back, moving away from the small infirmary and disappearing from your field of vision. You and the doctor looked at each other, surely this was the last reaction either of you would have thought of having.
"Are you feeling good?" Marco's voice pulled you back to reality. "Hey, look at me, yoi."
"I need to talk to him." You ignored your friend's question and went in search of your boyfriend.
From his reaction, you knew you had two options and to solve the first of them, you leaned over and saw that the Striker was still docked and with no one around, you immediately ran towards your room, finding the door closed.
Two knocks weren't enough to get his attention, so ignoring any possible chaotic scene you were going to encounter, you entered the room unceremoniously. The idea of ​​finding the room on fire crossed your mind, but was soon dismissed when you found Ace sitting on the bed, his face buried in his hands.
"Babe, please." You asked, trying to keep your tone calmer - despite the internal desperation in him hating you. "Please talk to me."
"Y-You…" his dark irises met yours and only then did you realize that your beloved's eyes were full of water. "I'm going to be a father?"
"My love, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Urgently, you moved closer, holding his face in your hands. "I know it's kind of scary, but I promise we'll figure it out."
"No, no. That's not the problem." he sniffled, not allowing any of the tears to flow. His hand threatened to touch your belly and withdrew. "What if I'm not a good father? What if this child doesn't love me."
"Think about how much I love you Ace, how much you love me." you stated almost obviously, gaining his attention. "What can come out of here, besides love?" your hands found your belly for the first time after the discovery.
Your body was enveloped in a tight hug, his face was almost buried in your belly, while you caressed his dark locks.
"I love you so much." He turned to you, noticing the slight discomfort, he moved his chin away from your stomach. "Oops, I'm sorry."
"It's okay…Ace!!" you screamed as you felt your body hit the bed, now with him fitting between your legs.
When it came to loving you, Ace could be as hot as the fire that emanated from him, strong as the waves that insisted on crashing against Moby Dick. Except that day. His lips touched yours gently, his body didn't press against yours, just covered it lightly. The delicate kisses went down to your belly, being placed as if they always belonged there. His lips found your face again, his smile hovered over yours.
"We need to talk to Marco." he began, interrupting himself to allow his kisses to cover your face again. "I need to know everything that's going on."
"Well, you know now."
"Not this." he grumbled. "We need exams, to know if everything is ok with you two, we also need to know what a baby needs. My god, are you going to give birth here at Moby Dick? We barely have room for the two of us…"
"Calm down, stay calm." you asked as you watched him spiral. With his support, you got back on your feet, holding out your hand for him to get up. "I have a better idea of ​​what we can do."
You expected some commotion, of course. Maybe even a few tears. You didn't expect to see Ace crying like a baby when telling Whitebeard that he was going to be a grandfather and consequently, bringing some tears from your old man and several other colleagues also shedding tears. It was good to know that your little baby would arrive surrounded by love.
The months that followed the discovery were more peaceful than you imagined and even though for a long time you had insisted to your father that there were too many men on that ship, you couldn't complain about being so spoiled.
Want to eat something different? Thatch had it ready within minutes of you ordering. Marco walked like a shadow behind you and Ace - this by his own choice and by Whitebeard's direct order, since on one of the days you were sick, you had almost killed the three men of the heart. It was adorable to see how Ace worried about the mission that was getting closer every month. More than once, you found him in Whitebeard's room, asking for tips on what to do with the baby, how to help you at this time and how he could be a good father. The idea of ​​not being loved by his own son haunted him more than you might expect. Everything seemed great, except one detail: the two of you couldn't agree on the name.
The little baby decided to arrive a few weeks ahead of schedule, which caused widespread chaos on the boat. Ace was having dinner with the other commanders when your scream reached his ears, along with Whitebeard's scream that echoed louder than any earthquake he had ever created, prompting them to speed up the preparations for the birth. Apparently, immense pain arose when you and your father were talking, which led you to stay in the ship's medical wing for hours. Your screams were heard throughout the ship while Ace served as your support point. The little boy was born and if you hadn't been feeling so weak, you would have laughed at the screams of joy coming from outside the room as they heard his cries.
"Ace?" you called to him, who held you even tighter in his arms. "I think I have an idea for the name. Can you see if we can use it?"
You whispered in his ear, making Marco curious. Ace delicately left behind you, who was holding the little baby and ignoring the blood that still stained his hands, he left the ship in search of a specific person. A few minutes later, you saw your beloved enter the room again, accompanied by your dad.
"Can I take that as a yes?" you saw Whitebeard bend down to get closer to the baby. "Meet your grandson, Alev Edward Newgate."
If you were spoiled during your pregnancy by Ace, you couldn't imagine what it would be like with little Alev. The child was never alone - or at least walking on two feet. There was always one of his uncles who could pick him up and carry him around the ship. Marco, who called himself the child's uncle and godfather even though he had not been baptized, had already lost count of how many times he had to redo the serums and medicines he applied to Whitebeard, since Alev - with his grandfather's permission, used the height difference to make it like a little personal slide.
And Ace, who was completely in love with the little piece of love you two had brought to the world, even when he messed up.
"Papa!" you and Ace, who were playing cards with other friends, heard the child scream and a laugh soon after. You already lowered your deck knowing that it anticipated some new prank.
"What is it Alev?" Ace spoke loudly so the boy could hear him and know where he was.
You don't know how your blood pressure didn't drop or how Ace didn't have a heart attack when he saw the child in your not-so-calm and serene days coming twirling a burning cloth in one hand and in the other a lighter that only God should know where he found.
"Look papa, I can control fire just like you!" the boy rolled the cloth and you prepared to move forward and take it from him, but you were anticipated by Ace, who placed his hand exactly where the cloth would hit Alev's freckled face.
"You can't do that, ever again." Ace raised his voice, taking the cloth that was half ash and the lighter from the boy. "You are crazy?"
"But daddy, I want to be like you."
"That doesn't mean setting everything on fire, my little flame." you warned and saw the child threaten to cry. Ace noticed immediately, regretting the little scream.
"I can't believe you're such a crybaby." Ace said in a teasing tone, throwing the boy over his shoulder. "Does your grandfather know about this? He won't like having a crybaby pirate at all."
"No daddy, I already stopped, I already stopped." you heard your son mumble in the distance, drying his tears. "I just wanted to be cool like you."
"My son, you are the coolest kid ever." Ace let Alev slip out of his arms and hugged him, stopping him from reaching the ground. "You know I love you very much, don't you?"
"I love you sooooo much more daddy."
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creedslove · 10 months
I was thinking about Joel working hard to buy a small gift for you until he finds a heart-shaped locket but he's embarrassed because he thinks you deserve something much better, he smuggles what he can and comes home tired but a little excited to give you the detail.
He cried the day you showed him that you put a photo of him in the locket, he hugged you very tightly, burying his face between your neck and shoulder while he tried not to make his crying sound so loud
while you petted his wavy grey hair.
Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: omg baby, I am screaming and crying and throwing up at this wonderful idea, it's beautiful, lovely and sooo accurate because I'm sure this is how Joel would act underneath his rough exterior 😭
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• it took Joel so long to admit how important you were to him, his true feelings for you, instead of just shrugging off and pretending he didn't care about you at all, he battled himself really hard in order to come clean with his own feelings
• but from the moment he finally admitted and allowed his old broken heart to beat faster for you, suddenly, you were the only thing that mattered to him, even if life was shit and neither of you had any perspective of future, he would die and kill for you and you knew it
• he often orbited from thinking he didn't deserve you and that you could find something better, but at the same time he was selfish and he didn't care about anything other than having you all for himself, as you were the only good thing he still had
• even if you two lived in a shitty, old, disgusting and moldy apartment, the times you spent fucking, holding and cuddling each other were the only good part of his life
• it was because of you he managed to slow down with his drinking and pills, he hadn't stopped it yet, you knew sometimes he needed it to cope with reality, but you were his favorite drug nonetheless
• he wanted to get you something nice, even if it was pretty hard to find something decent, he felt like you deserved a small treat for being his, and even if most of stuff he found was still shit, being a smuggler had it's advantages
• so when he saw the locket in the shape of a heart, he needed to have it for you, you deserved something pretty and gorgeous like you were, so he traded stuff here and there and managed to smuggle it back into the QZ so he could surprise you
• the day he gifted you the locket, you had squealed in happiness like a child and wrapped your arms around him, jumping into his embrace and kissing all over his lips and face, it was such a gorgeous gift, so thoughtful and you didn't hesitate in showing him gratitude for it
• he was so glad to see your reaction, knowing you deserved that and much more, it brought some light into his heart, to see you so glad because of a small gesture, which wasn't a small gesture to you at all
• if anything, it was a real big gesture and you knew you had to do something meaningful, there was only one thing you could place inside of it
• going to your safe box where you kept your personal objects and other significant things, you went through your polaroids; since you and Joel had snuck out of the QZ once to find stuff and you came across an old polaroid camera and some expired films at what seemed to have been a convenience store, you simply couldn't leave it behind
• yes, the lenses were a little cracked and the film was old but you managed to snap a few pictures of you and Joel - mostly against his will - and you didn't hesitate in taking one of them, cutting in the shape of your locket and placing inside of it
• when he came home from his shift that day, you flew to his lap as soon as he sat down on the couch, and wrapped yourself around him, he noticed the locked hadn't left your neck since he got you it and you smiled big
"open it!"
• you cheered pointing at it, which Joel chuckled and did as told, he didn't know exactly what he was expecting, but he knew he wasn't expecting to see his picture inside
"now I keep you next to my heart all the time Joel"
• you whispered to him, smiling at him with hopeful, loving eyes, while he felt tears springing through his own, not sure where that emotion was coming from, but it was there nonetheless
• his strong arms wrapped around your smaller frame as tight as he could and he buried his face between the crook of your neck, your hair falling all over it, as he tries muffling his sounds so you wouldn't notice he was actually crying
• Joel Miller wasn't a man to cry very often, but his old heart couldn't take that much love, kindness and innocence you had within, he didn't know why you had settled for him, a man with such an ugly past but he was never giving up that feeling for you
• of course you knew he was crying, but you decided not to say anything about it, it'd be better not to embarrass him, so instead you just clung to him, your hands caressing his graying curls, petting him so gently as you shared that embrace
• you loved Joel and he loved you, even if he didn't admit it out loud, there was no denying it
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rboooks · 1 year
In The Royal Consort:
I just imagined a scene where Danny accidentally cried or bleed and that makes the favorite assigned bodyguard appear all spooky and knightly
Fright Knight
The second one drop of blood or tear hits the floor the sun suddenly is covered by clouds and this chilling sensation travels to everyone's spine (Clockwork laughs)
Danny hides his face between his hands cause: omg this is so humiliating, why does the knight have to be so protective!? He isn't a kid! In fact, Danny is stronger than him!
But everyone around just assumes they started a war by hurting the very loved spouse of a very powerful king
Fright Knight walks through a portal and points his sword to the persons that hurt his Lord and spoke all scary and well, frightening
Meanwhile we have a combination of Danny and Batboys trying to calm down the situation (Danny casually hits the ghost all: dude! Relax! Everyone has a mini heart attack)
John Constantine is having a panic attack when he sees the news (you just know someone was making an live all the time) cause this powerful entity surely has to be the assigned protector of Prince Danny and if he appears it was to avoid that the king himself drains his husband when he's already hurt but that only means he was probably furious waiting for an explanation!!!
Danny just wanted a coffee that Tim told him (he just wanted like, enough caffeine that would kill him)
On the other hand, you just know Twitter is going crazy
People are having passionate debates about the situation, maybe for Danny's age, Is necrophilia?, Fanfiction and fanart, Ghosts aren't real and everything is just a government plan, who's Danny and why he was selected and a Buzzfeed Unsolved/The Watchers video (Ryan spends half the video laughing cause he was right! Shane is 😐🙂 well I didn't expect that but at the same those places they went weren't haunted)
Director movies are watching the news, wondering if they can make a movie about them (normally they'd said that they have to wait to them be dead, that is the norm with royals but like... Dead or not is the same here, isn't it? Can they or not make movies and series about them?
Danny is suddenly the subject of everyone's curiosity. His life, photos, his friends and classmates are on the news and internet all the time
People are just asking why him? What makes Danny Fenton, a normal teenager, so special to have one of the more powerful and mighty entities in the universe so found on him? So in love?
Government/criminal societies/companies are making plans of seduction the king and becoming his consort too maybe stealing Danny's place so they can have access to Phantom wealth and power
This situation is just to say: a ghost appears to attack him while he's in public with a lot of attention from paparazzi and passengers (a friendly attack causes he's far away from his lair and they're checking? A rebel trying to take the throne?) One of the Batfamily tried to stop him but didn't have the weapons to stop them
Danny has to defeat him in his human.
But Danny doesn't even look scared, he just attacks him like a professional, like if defeating this powerful entity was nothing to him and after a few minutes he has the ghost in the thermo and Danny looking normal
I, for one, I'm sure that people would find that very hot of him and the internet reaction would be like: for that reason 😯
Danny went from being an invisible loser to "Oh shit, he's kind of hot" overnight due to the internet hyping him up. There are thirst edits all over the internet and people are eating it up, especially when Wes' blog leaks out footage videos of him doing crazy flips and ghost fighting as a human.
Meanwhile, Fright Knight is screaming, "I will protect my liege's chastity!" which is really not helping Danny.
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
Hi, you reblogged me with a lore dump about Q! Tubbo and you mentioned that you'd be willing to do a character analysis? Please, I'm invested at this point
Ahhhhh omg hi! I can't believe you came back for more lol. You shall soon be a qtubbo stan like the rest of us.
I do want to preface this by saying that this is my personal lore interpretation so it's subjective. So many people have great analyses of his character, so I recommend watching a couple streams or looking at the tag for a broad scope as well!
That being said...
I think the best word to describe qtubbo is loss.
He was brought to the island having already lost parts of himself he didn't know. Through his time on the island, he lost respect, credibility, friends, family, teammates, nieces and nephews, penpals, godkids, mentors, and himself. He never had something he didn't end up losing, whether by choice or force. He loses what matters most to him, yet he continues giving his all to everyone he meets.
He came to the island with loss and no sense of who he was or where he came from, yet he spent all of his time for the benefit of others. He worked day and night so that other people wouldn't experience the loss of what he could prevent such as items or supplies. He never wanted anyone to experience what he experienced, even when they were the ones perpetuating it.
No one ever cared about him unless it was for a reason. His relationships were transactional and needed to be because who would ever care for someone with no firm sense of self or where you came from? When he couldn't provide a transaction of care, he made himself useful, he became indispensable so that even if people didn't like him for him, they could use his skills until they didn't need him anymore.
The only time he actually felt that someone cared for him, just to care about him, was Fred. Fred had no emotions, no sense of self, and no past to speak of. Fred was someone who had no reason to hate or use Tubbo because Fred was like Tubbo. Fred was the first person who could care for Tubbo because he wanted to, and not because of his use or someone's sense of responsibility.
Losing Fred meant losing the one person who cared about him without strings attached. Anyone else only cared about him because he was useful, a leader, an engineer, a neighbor, a business partner, a babysitter, someone to steal from, or just someone to poke fun at. Until Sunny.
With Sunny, Tubbo knew better than to expect her to stay with him. He learned from his past that he doesn't deserve something as wonderful as Sunny, that he can only love and wait until she is ripped away too. If he wasn't good enough to keep Fred, why on earth would he be even partially enough for Sunny.
He mourned her loss the day he got her. He knew he wasn't the best for her, he wasn't anywhere close to what Sunny deserved, but he did his best regardless and loved her more than life itself. Sunny became his tether and the only reason for him to stay alive. Sunny needed him like he needed Sunny. Sunny was the only reason he kept himself alive after Fred's funeral. Through the jeers, through the belittlement, through the disregard for his feelings, Sunny was there and provided him with enough purpose to keep going.
Fit and Pac dating made his only sense of security start to crumble. The two people he figured would stick by his side were moving along without him. They wouldn't need him in their life because they would need each other. They don't need his friendship anymore, his usefulness has worn itself out. He doesn't see them extending a hand to him as they step forward because he's too focused on the empty voids in his past where others should be.
He tries to break them up, and even if they hate him, he can rationalize that he did it for the right reasons. They may hate him but they're stuck with him, kicking and screaming by his side. Everyone tells him that he needs to find Fred, that he's projecting his romantic life onto theirs. In reality, he is too scared of leaving the island the exact way he started, with nothing to his name and no one by his side.
His character is such a battle between what he wants to do and what he feels that he needs to do. His entire run through purgatory was fighting others for eggs that weren't even his. He spends his days working on projects for other people and picking apart his failures when others can only see his success. He works tirelessly so that Sunny won't ever understand what it's like to be underestimated, beaten down, mischaracterized, and alone. Even if the world is against them, he will be in her corner to fight until his dying breath.
He loves so deeply and so purely. He tries to compensate for the lack of it that he has received after giving it away to whoever asks. He is depressed, anxious, and on alert. He has gone through trials and events with his head high and carrying the weight of others on his shoulders. He loves and he gives and continues to even when the people he gives his love to throw it to the side.
He has people in his corner, but his fear of them leaving has already made them vanish in his mind. He's a killer and a father. An engineer and a friend. A penpal and an adversary. He is loss and he is love.
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
Thoughts on s3 ep 12!
Ooh boy, finally got the chance to watch this baby, y'know how it goes: spoilers and inconsistent, incoherent screaming under the cut-
Ayo when the FUCK are we going to get a Clone X reveal HUH???
Emerie seeing Omega again :(
"For what it's worth, I'm glad you're safe" - "Am I?" FUCK
PUTTING OMEGA IN THE VAULT?? okay but I want to see her interact with all the other kiddos :(
Emerie is so going to do something to help the kids and I'm so scared it'll end with her sacrifice
Hemlock I hope you choke
EUUGHHEHH so happy they didn't time skip so upset that they didn't show us the conversation Crosshair had to have with Wrecker and Hunter about what happened to Omega but like,, I'm disappointed but not surprised
The angst potential and then it was just,,, Wrecker being grumpy and Hunter being like, "okay, well let's just move on and figure something out"
I mean, I guess I'm happy they aren't fighting or whatever but still
fuck,, Crosshair's hands,,, I was just waiting for one of them to like,, grab them or something like,,
Crosshair not telling them he knew somewhat how to get to the base because he's terrified of going back
baby what the FUCK did they do to you there???
aaahh,, that whole conversation was painful
Every time he's in frame with his brothers he seems to shrink?? Like after this episode I went back to watch random clips from the earlier seasons in Korean and Hunter didn't look as small/short as he does now???
Tell me I'm not going crazy,, I swear this man gets shorter everytime I see him and his waist gets skinnier
"Sparkling personality" IM-
waauughhh I love Phee's ship,, the colors the shapes,, it's like a little fishy or something,, fucking love it
FUCKIN ADMIRAL RAMPART!?!?!? i was not expecting that
Burst out laughing when they showed his face though,, and for some reason I thought he looked like Jordan Klepper
Was absolutely cracking up over all the interactions between Rampart and the boys,, fucking,, manhandling him like a rag doll?? The banter between him and Cross? fucking gold
PHEE'S PILOTING??? OMG - Hera would've loved it
Also love how she gave them like,,, zero warning,, not even a "Hey, you might wanna strap in" I love her
I love Phee I love her I love her I love her
My jaw was like,, on the floor the entire time they were in that transport,, the fucking animation,, the action,, all of it aaggghh
Even my mom's cat who is an absolute menace stopped biting me for once to sit and watch that whole scene
"Wrecker, remember plan 55?" - "*silence* OH yeah!!" - WRECKER MI VIDA
wonder what the fuck Rampart is yapping about
this episode wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be and idk if that was a good thing or not
Disappointed, yet not surprised, but I still had fun <- could literally be applied to a lot of TBB episodes
but like,,
I can't believe it's almost over
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musyroom599 · 9 months
Hey guys at the end of the chapter there's a IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.
Lost kitten p8
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You where in a cat carrier or at least that's what eraserhead called it. Apparently he was dropping you off at hizashi's house for the weekend.
Apparently he had some important hero stuff to attend to in another city and Eri would be staying with someone named Mirio.
Eraserhead picked up the cat carrier as he got out of his car and walked towards a town house. He walked towards the town house and knocked on the door.
The loud man known as Hizashi opened the door. "Sho Hey! Long time no see!" The blonde says excitedly and eraserhead sighs.
"we saw each other like two hours ago", Eraserhead rolls his eyes as he walks into the town house.
"still to long to be apart from my best friend!!" The blonde playfully hits eraserhead on the back and you hiss violently.
"hey it's okay calm down" eraser head says sitting down the cat carrier on the floor and opening the cage door.
You glare at Hizashi as you jump into eraserheads arms. "You'll be staying with Hizashi for the next three days. And I need you to behave okay?" He says not expecting a response.
After eraserhead give about a thirty minute long run down on how to take care of you he walks out the door.
Leaving you and Hizashi alone. You both stare at each other and Hizashi smiles. "Well it's just me and you kitty" he smiles and goes to pet you.
You back up and hiss slightly. "Okay okay I get it you don't like me but I'm sure we can get to know each other."
And that's how your three day long turture started.
--★day 1★--
you woke up to an obnoxious alarm blaring from hizashi's room. if you weren't trying to hide your human form you'd hit Hizashi for having an obnoxious alarm.
Luckily for you Eraserhead didn't need an alarm and just got up the same time every day. And if he didn't you had his back.
You sit on hizashi's couch and watch him come out of his room wall across his room and into his bathroom. You continuously watch him as he goes about his morning routine.
After about ten minutes of him getting dressed and all that human junk. He walks into the living room and almost screams when he sees you.
"omg I am so sorry I forgot you where my temporary roommate." He laughs slightly and you continue to glare at him.
Hizashi sets down your water and food bowl and your water bowl. And pauses before putting anything in them.
"how much did sho say to give you for breakfast?" He looks at you then at the food and water bowl.
You internally roll your eyes and hope on top of the counter. And you pick up the half a cup of scoop and hand it to him.
He looks at you suspiciously. "Did you just understand me?" he questions and you start getting nervous.
"guess cats are smarter then I thought" he laughs and fills your food and water bowl.
You stare at him wondering if he was joking or if he knew and was now telling you or what the heck just happened
After a while he leaves for his pro hero work you decide to do some snooping.
You shift into your human form and shake off and walk around. You go into his room and look around.
You see a picture of what seems to be Hizashi and eraserhead they where younger but what is strange to you is there's a blue haired boy also in the picture.
You look at the picture curiously. "Who come Eraserhead never told me about this boy...I want to meet him..I hopes he's not as loud as Hizashi." You smile to yourself and continue your search.
You find nothing of significance. And plop down on his couch. You shift to your human form and fall asleep in the sunlight.
A while later you wake to Hizashi coming in the door. You stare at him as he pours some cat food into your dish and fills your water bowl.
He goes into his room and let down his hair and changes into a band tee and jeans.
He comes out and sits on the couch watching TV. Around this time you Eraserhead and sometimes Eri would watch TV and cuddle. And you personally didn't want ruin your schedule.
You hopped into hizashi's lap and curled into a ball. "Kitty what are you doing?" Hizashi chuckles a bit as he scratches right behind your ear.
You start purring and head but his hand wanting more pets. And he gives in and pets you more.
__★day 2★__
Not much of anything different happened in the morning expect Hizashi slept through his alarm clock which was annoying cuz you had to wake him up to turn it off.
Apparently Hizashi had a talkshow or something that he runs. And he apparently was supposed to do that today and he brought you along as your 'special guest'.
Most of the time was mostly him talking to random people he didn't know one the phone and at one point he had you answer a call which didn't go well.
When he brought you home for the day he texted Eraserhead telling him about the fact you mad an appearance on his podcast.
After Hizashi texted him that they had a long talk over the phone about Hizashi asking for eraserheads permission before dragging me into his junk.
__★ day 3__
The last day of this little adventure and you where happy about it. Not that you disliked Hizashi. Or you didn't anymore he was nice and okay. But you wanted to get back to your peaceful life with eraserhead.
After Hizashi left for work which he strangely didn't but on a hero custom to do you went and layed down on his bed in your human form.
You hear something move from the door way to hizashi's room and you look up to see him standing there confused but ready to fight.
"who are you what are you doing in my house and where's kitty!" He yells all these questions that it makes your head hurt.
"I..um.. potato?" You curse yourself eternally for saying the first thing that came to your head.
"potato? That's the best you got?" Hizashi questions and you sigh.
"um I can answer your questions..but please don't get made..mad whatever you do don't tell eraserhead!" You feel panic rising in your chest.
"why would I tell sho that some random lady with cat ear and a cat....." He pauses and seems to connect all the dots in his mind.
"....you kitty!?!" He yells surprised and stunned. Your breath quickens and tears fall from your eyes afraid he was going to be mad and hit you like your last owners.
"are you crying?.. don't cry" Hizashi cups your face in his hands and smiles.
"I'm not mad just... confused." He sighs.
After you stop crying you sit down and explain everything to Hizashi.
"so even sho dosn't know about this?" You nod. "Please don't tell him." You look down. "Okay but..do you plan on keeping this a secret forever?" He waits patiently for your response and you sigh.
"well...that was the plan." You sigh nervously.
"Hmm.. I don't think that's going to work." He chuckles slightly.
"please I'll tell him eventually but ....just for now can you keep my secret?" You look at him with pleading eyes.
"fine but you gotta tell sho eventually." He says smiling.
"thank you so much...also I have a question..what is earserheads name?...cuz a police officer called him Eraserhead and you call him sho...but Eri calls him dad...but i think the last one is just a title. He just laughs at the question.
"his real names shota but my nickname for him is sho. And eraserhead is his hero name."
You sit there stunned and look. Back up at him. "...oh...thats complicated" Hizashi just laughs.
After that you guys hang out like normal people which is nice for you. You'd never had a normal human interaction and it was amazing. You ever got to eat pizza!
You eventually fell asleep which caused you to turn back into your cat form.
When you woke up it was to shota's gruff gentle voice. "kitty it's time to go" he says quietly why he pets you.
He stands up picking you up and grabbing a duffle bag with your stuff in it.
Before you guys leave you hop out of shota's arms and rub against hizashi's legs happily.
"looks like guys are on friendly terms now" shota remarks and you hop back into his arms purring.
You guys head home and soon shota leaves to pick up Eri.
Important announcement
Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting but I got Wattpad and I'v been posting on there so I've been debating on posting lost kitten on there. It would be a lot more..formal?....or well written I suppose.
But my account on there is mushyroom599 the same name it is on here 🙄 (i like the name)
Anyway I'd still post lost kitten on here but not as often and it's be better written out on Wattpad. I don't know if I am going to do that or not but you guys get to help me decide. (No guarantee I'll go exactly by the results but whatever
(also in the Wattpad version there will probably be some language but it'll be more detailed and better in my opinio)
So go check out my wattpad...if you want
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blossom765 · 2 years
Just watched tiger and bunny 2 cour 2 and I have some screaming thoughts and a whole lot of questions!
Spoilers for tiger and bunny season 2 part 2 below
Did Kotetsu really quit?!! Oh my God! And Barnaby just continued to be a hero without him?!! I feel like Kotetsu would keep being a hero even when his powers ran out and Barnaby didn't want to be a hero without his partner. Maybe because they said so in last episode of season 1. I just their views have changed.
I honestly thought Aurora would have come up with something for Barnaby's leg or Kotetsu's powers.
And I don't think I've ever seen Barnaby cry when it didn't have to do with his parents. And he's crying because of Kotetsu.
And the scene where Barnaby and Kotetsu are talking about each other at the same time. And that ending credits felt like it was out of a romance anime. Where's a romance confirmation when you need it.
And I am STILL WAITING for Kotetsu and Barnaby to go out for drinks on screen!
I just hope we get a season 3 and see them get back together again.
And what was that museum section at the end?! Did they place as kings of the buddy hero or is this a monument to their fight?! Oh God, their last fight?!!!!
Honestly, I just want them to kiss. I don't expect them to because anime and aversion to having the main characters be in a gay relationship if it's not yaoi. ( Not even double decker did it. Had a lesbian relationship with side characters but main characters was a step too far or something.) But I'm still gonna cry if they don't because, my God, they would make such a good love story!
Does anyone know if we're getting a season 3.
I feel like Kotetsu should have been berserk for longer. I was waiting for this to happen. With Kotetsu's fear being his powers hurting someone. I wanted Barnaby to be the one emotionally supporting Kotetsu through his trauma for a change. We honestly need more of that. I want to see Kotetsu facing his inner demons with the support of his partner. I also wanted Barnaby to be the one to snap Kotetsu out of it to show their bond. I am glad they found a clever way to do it that brought a new story for Kotetsu ( and hopefully a struggle Barnaby will help him with ) but I just would have loved if Barnaby was there helping Kotetsu through something that's been his childhood nightmare. That berserk oart really should have been bigger. I honestly worry that they didn't take that wouye because they don't want to lean more into the gay and just try to turn it into an older person helping out a youngster. I hope not but I do wonder and worry about that.
Oh well. And Suburu and Thomas. OMG. Thomas sharing his candies at the end and going crazy when Suburu offered Lasagna. And Suburu's powers are getting cooler and cooler.
I am still so glad they didn't pair up Kotetsu with Karina.
And Lunatic just killed himself. That's his end. I get he might feel he has nothing left for him. But, I was hoping he'd be arrested and get some help. God knows, he needs it. Kind of an anti climactic end for him.
Also, do they know Lunatic was Yuri? They never said his name and there was some shadow on his face.
And seriously, where are the second league heroes?! Have they been retconed?
And how did all the bruises Kotetsu and Barnaby had all heal up when Barnaby put Kotetsu's suit on? And how was his suit completed unharmed after Kotetsu took it off? And what exactly is going on with Barnaby's leg? Like does it feel better now because of the suit or something? Or is he going to have to retire later?
And you know, I think Kotetsu would make a great hero coach. With his experience in the hero field, I wouldn't surprised and would actually be more than a little happy if they made a new position where Kotetsu coached Barnaby while Barnaby fought crime. They'd even be able to stay partners. Would love to see them show how there are different ways for people to work together.
And Ruby has 2 Dads! Granted, they never made an appearance and it was only mentioned in the subtitles. But, it's still impressive that an anime had that.
And that girl that went crazy because of a girlfriend. I know some might be worried that it portrays LGBT people as crazy or villainous but honestly I think we're past the point of just having gay relationships on screen just be "Look we're existing and we're normal" and at a point where they should be interesting characters and interesting love stories. Which is why I want something like Barnaby x Kotetsu to be canon. Such interesting characters with such an interesting love story. Ah damn!
Oh damn, was this season bad for my heart!
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getsojaded · 2 years
part ii: pre-show playlist || calum hood
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word count: 3.1k +
warnings: swearing, fluff —> angst —> fluff (rollercoaster!!!!), calum x she/her reader
a/n: this like… might’ve been my favourite thing i’ve written so far. hope u love it just as much as i do <3
read part one here!
A couple months, thirty-shows and a hell of a tour later, here it is: your last show of your world tour. You always knew you'd want to end it in the heart of Los Angeles, wanting to soak in the love in warmth radiating from each fan in your hometown. However, when The Kia Forum is the last venue you rock out at, expecting seventeen thousand people rocking out with you, the nerves start to hit you like a fucking truck.
As for your ex-boyfriend’s band’s song on your playlist… you didn’t take it off. In fact, you had added another one — More — just to fuck with your fans. You knew exactly at which moment whichever song started playing, because you would hear the screams of the crowd a thousand times louder while you were preparing yourself in your dressing room. And after each tweet you sent our after your show, the replies would be flooded with “omg she added more” “she’s playing with us i swear” “start playing the whole youngblood album at this point”. You and Calum stayed in touch for most of your tour. Small phone calls every couple of shows, with short and sweet conversations. You two still had some tension, which was inevitable, but talking to Calum was easy. It always was. He had called you the night before, telling you that you’d see him after the show and that he was looking forward to it. He had fibbed, just a little bit though. What he didn’t tell you was that the thought of you being in his presence drove him wild, and that these past months have been killing him because your Los Angeles show could not have come any slower.
A week ago, you were feeling completely fine. No doubtful thoughts, no butterflies in your stomach, nothing. Three days beforehand, the thoughts started getting to your head. Should I change the setlist? What if there's a technical issue and the fans can't hear me? What if there's a weather issue and I can't continue the show?
And now here we are, fifteen minutes before the show begins, breathing in and out into a paper bag as you contemplate what outfit to wear.
"Hey Y/N, did you - are you okay?!" One of your crew members, Angel walks up to you, grabbing the paper bag from your hands and grabbing your shoulders.
Angel was your favourite crew member on this tour. You two grew such a big friendship, having done so after you poured your heart out to her the day after you had had that phone call with Calum. The rest was history.
Angel knew Calum was expected to come see you on the last show of tour, so when she told him to "wait a second, I'll check if she's in there" and walk into your dressing room, she didn't expect to see you losing your absolute shit. And there Calum was behind the door, wondering what was taking Angel so long to scope out the room.
"Ange, I can't fucking do this," You breathe out as she sits you two on the couch. "I'm not ready to do this. This venue is too fucking big. I can't perform in front of all these people. What if I suck? What if I -"
"Y/N, none of that! You have killed it the entirety of this tour! You deserve to be here. You deserve to sell out this venue and you deserve to perform your heart out in front of these fans that love you more than anything," She cuts you off, rubbing your back as tears start to form in your eyes. "And besides, you can't let down the one person who's hear to see you."
As if it were on que, the dressing room door opens, revealing the one and only. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. Was just taking a while and I wanted to check if everything was okay.”
Your heart momentarily stopped at the sight of the boy, doe-eyed and small smiled. Angel notices the trance you're in, and takes a moment to step outside to allow some privacy between you guys.
"Cal, I.. I thought you weren't gonna be here til' later."
"And miss the start of your last show of the tour? No fuckin' way," Calum responds, walking over to you and engulfing you in the most needed hug ever. "Hi, Y/N. Good to see you again." He tells you.
You cherish the warm embrace so dearly, wanting nothing more than having him closer to you, his touch acting as a stress reliever. And he doesn't fail to notice your tense body loosen up in his arms as you hold him tighter. "Hi, Calum."
"Why aren't you dressed yet? You're supposed to go on stage soon?" He asks, pulling away and taking notice of your outfit, which was currently a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He then realizes your tear stained eyes, concern starting to be present all over his face. "Y/N, love, are you okay?"
You suddenly feel slightly embarrassed, and you don't know why. He's seen you at your best, worst, and everything in between – so why do you feel so small right now? Maybe it's the fact that Calum is so good at what he does, and he probably wouldn't feel this way at all about performing.
"Just.. doubting myself. So many damn people and I don't know if I can take it. Fuck, I need to find an outfit," You respond, rushing over to your closet, trying to choose your oufit for tonight's show. Calum follows you, taking your hands and putting them in his.
"Y/N, look at me," He breathes out, trying to make eye contact with you. You, being your stubborn self, refuse to look up at him right away, so he takes matters into his own hands and lifts your chin up with his pointer finger. Your glass stained eyes break his heart into a million different pieces, and he's left wondering how somebody as talented and wonderful as you could be feeling the immense amount of pain you're in.
"You are a fuckin' phenomenal performer, and I've known that about you since the first day I met you. You were born for any damn stage, especially this one. There's seventeen thousand people waiting for you out there, half of them probably waiting since the night before just so they can be close to you. You deserve this. You are meant for this shit, and nobody can body that damn stage as good as you. So what you're gonna do, is get up on there, perform that fire setlist, and you're gonna make those fans of yours proud. You're gonna make me proud, okay Y/N? You hear me?"
As his tattooed hand caresses yours, and you look up at those big, brown eyes that you had always been in love wiith, you remember every single thing you had grown to admire about him. His way with words, and how they comfort you with his softspoken tone. The way he has always been able to keep you in check, even now. The way he never fails to make your heart skip a beat, as if the both of you were 18, meeting each other for the first time, never expecting the extraordinary love that the two of you would experience hand in hand.
"Calum, I.." You trail off, being unable to finish your sentence before a crew member bangs on your door, letitng you know you have five minutes before you head onstage. "Fuck," You whisper under your breath, well aware you don't have enough time to say the words that you need to to Calum. So what do you do?
You take his face with your hands, and press your lips to his, in the most passionate way you could. A kiss that could make his knees weak. A kiss that the two of you have been longing, for too fucking long. A kiss that makes up for all the other ones you hadn't been able to share.
You pull away, the two of you extremely breathless, with his face still in your hands and his hands wrapped around your waist, "We'll talk after," You manage to breathe out, with him simply nodding in return. "I have about two minutes to find a fucking outfit, and you were always better at doing this for me. So, can you please help me out here?" You desperately ask, both of your attention now turned towards your closet. "Don't mind if I do, love." And with that, Calum pieces together what could be your most favourite outfit of your tour. Another thing that you had fallen in love with about him – his sense of style.
As you quickly change from your sweatsuit into the outfit, you walk up to him and give him one more kiss, smiling through it as he holds you closer towards him. "I'll make you proud, Cal."
An ear to ear grin appears on his face, as you open the dressing room door to face your anticipated crowd. "Go rock out with your socks out, baby." You laugh at his reference towards his first tour, another fucking thing about him that you fell in love with: his absolute nerdiness. "Will do."
Calum had been watching from the side of the stage as you performed your heart out for your last show. You made sure to turn your head to the left a few more times than usual, either giving a wink or small smile towards him, just as a small token of appreciation. As you perform your encore and the final show begins to come to a close, you yell out into the mic, "Thank you Los Angeles, and thank you all for this tour! I love you, and I hope to see you all again soon!" You blow countless kisses to the crowd in front of you, before running off the side of the stage and watching the stage lights dim.
There Calum was, with the biggest smile on his face as he was ready to congratulate you with open arms. And you gladly ran into them, with happy tears forming in your eyes. "You did so good," He exclaims, pulling slightly away from you so that you two could make eye contact.
"Thank you, Cal," You respond, sniffling as he wipes your very few tears away. He doesn't need to ask why you're crying in such a proud moment like this ; he knows it's the adrenaline rush, as he's experienced it one too many times before.
"We did it Y/N, congrats!" All your crew members and tour staff rush up to you and Calum, engulfing you in the biggest group hug ever. Calum takes a step back to admire the moment, as he watches everyone celebrate and exclaim for the love of his life.
"Welcome back, buddy," A deep voice appears from beside him. Your tour manager, Nick, pats Calum on the back as the two of them watch the happiness unfold from each person in front of them. Nick was there to watch yours and Calum's little love life during your first tour, and Nick had grown to take a liking for Calum. And when he found out that Calum wouldn't be joining you guys for the next one, he couldn't help but be disappointed.
"Good to see ya again, mate," Calum gives Nick a quick hug, as the little tour member group and you pull away, you quickly excuse yourself to freshen up and change, giving Nick and Calum a few moments to catch up. "So, what brings you here again?"
"Gave her a call when tour started, and I promised her I'd be at her last show." Calum simply tells Nick, earning a smirk and a wink from him. "She's missed you, yknow. Sometimes I overheard her talking to Ange about how things were different without you with us."
"Oh my God, tell me about it!" Calum and Nick hear a small, higher pitched voice from behind them, coming face to face with Angel herself. "That was all I heard from her. She was so excited to see you today, I don't know if she was freaking out extra over her last LA show, or if you were here!"
Calum can't control the warmth and redness that form on his cheeks as Nick and Angel chuckle at his reaction. "She loves you, man. Never stopped. You guys planning on doing something together once she's done here?" Nick asks. "Yeah, not too sure what yet, but we'll figure it out." Calum responds, earning another pat on the back from Nick. "I think you know what to do, bro. Good luck." And Calum knows exactly what your tour manager is referring to.
"Good luck on what?" You cluelessly ask, walking over to the group of three and latching your arm onto Calum's without thought. "Oh nothing," Nick smirks. "Congrats on your tour, Y/N. We'll celebrate later, alright?" He tells you, pulling you into a quick hug. "Sounds good, thank you for everything." You respond, and with that, Nick and Angel make their seperate ways and so do you and Calum, exiting the venue.
The cool California breeze hits your bodies as you walk towards Calum's car. He lets go of your arm momentarily, engulfing you in another bear hug before opening the passenger seat of his car for you. "What was that for?" You giddily ask him, before hopping into his car.
"Nothing, just wanted to appreciate you."
As he gets into the drivers side and starts the car, you carelessly ask him "Where are we going?" To which he responds, "Oh, I don't know, where we used to always go?"
The Hollywood Sign.
You smile at his gesture, as he grabs your left hand with his right, windows down with music blaring through the speakers, and you two make your journey to your favourite spot together.
It's a beautiful situation, and you couldn't get enough of it. The cool, Californian air, the bright stars in the sky, as you drive around with the boy who still kept your heart safe after all these months. It's perfect in your eyes. Finishing off a world tour, now spending time with Calum. Your Calum.
But fantasies don't last forever. As the two of you hike up to the (legal) view of the sign, you come to the realization that this is only one night out of a handful that you and Calum can spend together. You remember the whole reason why you aren't together anymore – you remember that you guys aren't together, at all.
You love him. You love him so much that you wouldn't hesitate to do a damn thing for him without any regret. But you can't go through the pain of losing him again. You can't risk it, not again.
Calum notices your change in mood the minute you two take a seat on the all too familiar bench. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asks, grabbing your hand and resting it in his lap. Your eyes become glossy while you turn to face him. Worry and concern is laid out all over his face, and he wonders what has happened within the couple of hours between you guys for you to change your emotions so quickly. You don't respond to him right away, which causes him to ask you, "Did I do something wrong?"
"Cal, you haven't done anything wrong." You mumble, wiping a tear away with your free hand. "If anything, you've done everything right." "Then why are you crying?" He desperately responds, begging for an answer and trying to find one in your eyes.
"Because, I love you. Because I still love you and because I'd still put you above anything on this fucking planet. But we can't forget why we're not who we were anymore. When this night ends, we have to go back to our lives. I know on our phone call we said we'll figure it out and that we have time but what happens after that? I... I can't fucking lose you again, Cal. I can't handle it. Losing you once was bad enough."
"Baby, look at me." He tells you, taking your face in his hands and forcing the eye contact.
He understands what you're feeling. He understands the risks of even possibly trying again – both your careers and lives hasn't changed very much. This is just, one of the once in a blue moon situations where the two of you have the large amount of free time on your hands, at the same time. He knows this second honeymoon phase won't last forever, and he knows the risks you two would be taking together.
But he loves you. He loves everything about you. He can't imagine a life without you, and even with the time apart you two took, the thought of a future without you drove him insane. Just like how you're scared, he is too. But he's willing to take the risk if it means he gets to be the one to call you his for the rest of his life.
"Do you remember the phone call we had?" He asks you, you nodding in response. "You said that you didn't want the time and circumstances to fuck us over this time around. I don't want it to, either. I know it's scary, giving us another shot. I told you that you were the last thing that I was ever gonna let go of again. That hasn't changed. I love you, I fucking love you. I don't give a fuck about the obstacles, and I'm willing to hop over every single one if it means I get to stay with you. We know what went wrong this first time around, and this gives us the perfect opportunity to change things and make things right." He pours his heart out to you, grabbing your hands and intertwining them. "We can do this on your terms. We can go as slow as you want, but fuck Y/N, I can't let this night end without you."
And there it was. HIs way with words. His gentle tone that gets his point across, that you had always been in love with. And all nerves aside, you trusted him. He was right – you know Cal, and he knows you. You two have all the power to fix your mistakes and do it right this time. And you're not one to take risks. But for Calum, anything for him.
"Cal..." You begin, looking up at the brown eyes that had you entranced from the moment you met him. You didn't notice him get emotional as well while he poured his heart out to you, only now realizing tears were falling down his face. "Please Y/N, you're the best thing that's ever been mine," He whispers, his voice cracking. Your heart shatters at the sight of the boy in front of you, as his body trembles just in the slightest. "The fantasy doesn't need to end tonight."
"I love you. I love you and I'm so fucking terrified. But, you're worth it, Cal. Anything is worth it if it means I get to hold you in the end," You start, squeezing his hand softly. "It's going to be hard, but... but I'm willing to take that chance with you. I promise to do everything I couldn't do before, and I promise to do it a thousand times better. I, just need you to do the same thing for me, love."
"I promise, baby. I'm not letting you down, not this time around. I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever. You're mine, and I'm all yours, Y/N." He responds.
And as the two of you hold each other tight, telling you two that you love each other and sharing even more passionate kisses than the one in your dressing room a few hours before, you realize:
Maybe adding his song onto your playlist was the best thing you'd have ever done.
@/ghvstofyou: y’all i swear i saw calum at y/n’s show today
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michu-writes · 3 years
its me, 📼anon on their actual account!! how are you bestie? :D
when theyre comfortable with it ofc!!
tysm michu!! have a great day!!
Btw I only write for 4 characters at a time BUT IDC JUST FOR U
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Eric Cartman
He'd steal the whole show/stream. When you first dragged him into the stream for the first time, it was the biggest mistake. Some people from from school were watching, and started commenting mean stuff about him, which quickly escalated in Cartman trying to cancel them on Twitter. Because of that, you only let Cartman in on special occasions if you know what I mean. But anyways, when he actually is in the streams, he'd actually be really entertaining towards the chat/viewers. Like he'd just talk to them, and maybe start shit talking a few people from class, but that's what's fun about it. Also expect Cartman to at least get canceled once.
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Kyle Broflovski
Kyle would be really awkward. He's really happy for you to do what you enjoy, but when you asked him if he wanted to join in for a little, he panicked. He'd just slowly walk over to the camera and be like "Uh.... Hey chat! How are you?" And then whisper "What am I supposed to say?!" to you lol. Once he gets the hang of it, he'd sometimes ask if he could join in your stream too. Maybe answer some questions about himself, get to know your chat, etc. The whole chat would probably go simp mode for him. When they compliment him, he'd turn red as his hair and turn into pure panic. Like Kyle is now the chats favorite person, and would start freaking out if they ever see the slightest bit of him in the background or something. It funny though. But if you get jealous about it, Kyle would definitely tease you about it.
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Stan Marsh
Just like Kyle, he'd be awkward, but at least try to talk with the chat and entertain them somehow. It's very visible in his face that he's struggling. Also don't show any kind of small affectionate gestures to him, he doesn't wanna embarrass himself nor you on stream by vomiting all over the place. But he did once, but it was all good I think, except when you lost a few viewers- He'd tease you a lot on the streams, just to make you flustered. He thinks it's cute and funny and loves the chat. Sometimes he'd even get on your desktop and start streaming without you knowing, just to have a little fun. He'd maybe play a few video games while he's at it as well.
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Kenny McCormick
I think he'd maybe hangout at your house a lot because we all know why, even when you're streaming so the chat probably knew him from the start. He's actually good at holding your chat entertained. Wether or not that would be just talking, playing video games, watch something funny, etc. He's the chats favorite just like Kyle. Once he held like a flirting competition with the chat, in which he easily won and earned a lot of simps after. Expect a lot of fan edits of him. Even the smallest of screen time this dude gets when he's seen in the background of your streams, your chat will start screaming his name and force you to get him to join for the stream.
Kenny made at least one joke about "Guess I'm dating the chat now, bye (y/n)."
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Craig Tucker
Oh you stream? That's cool. He's totally chill about it, and would be really happy for you if you were like a big streamer or something. Regardless, he's still really supportive of you. He'd watch your streams all the time, and would turn on his notifications and moderate the chat as well. But once you ask him if he wanted join in the camera, everything became kinda awkward. He tries to be talkative, but he seemed so sarcastic. At first, the chat thought that he was just a creepy guy who probably didn't care about you, until he got more comfortable actually started to talk a bit more. He's also one of the boys who also gets a few simps.
Also sudden kisses on streams from you. He adores it, but doesn't show it. He only blushes a bit and gives you a head pat, but once the stream is over, he'd shower you in kisses and praises. He just likes people to know that you're his, and he's yours. The chat would probably get really jealous of your relationship, which both of you can laugh at.
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Tweek Tweak
Sorry, but no. He'd get so stressed and anxious, he prefers just watching instead of coming with you. It's not like he doesn't want to or hates you, he's just afraid of messing things up. He adores your work. But if he does join somehow, he'd have like at least 20 cups of coffee beside him, and everyone would wonder why he drinks so much coffee. You just have to stop him and reassure him that it's fine. Some people in the chat would call him cute and adorable, which he would sometimes blush at, and some people may think that he's a total weirdo... But luckily you'll just have to distract him from seeing those comments. If he ever saw a mean comment about you though, he'd go all out on that person, which will leave both you and the viewers kinda shocked. Like okay, he get it that he gets picked on, but you? You're literally the love of his life, he would never let anyone talk shit about you.
Anyways, he doesn't like pda in general, but just like Craig, he doesn't mind getting kisses on the cheek in camera just to make people jealous. Like he'd feel so powerful lmao.
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Clyde Donovan
Best duo. Once he joins, everything will be so goddamn fun and cool. Like he'd do some sick and chaotic things just to show off like jumping off a high unstable cabinet in the room, dance to old 2015 meme songs, even jokingly flirt with some of the donators, etc. He'd just completely take care of the whole stream, while you can just sit back and relax, kinda. I think he'd do anything to get views (not like Cartman level though), but not if you don't want to. If someone asks him do something really chaotic or to the point it's actually kinda dangerous, he'd be like "Only if
(y/n) is fine with it." in which you'd have to say no to anything dangerous. He'd brag and tease about you too. Like say stuff like "Guys did you know that my amazing s/o is the best cuddler? Too bad they're not your s/o hahahahshs" or "They actually snore when they sleep, but they sound like little piglets in a good way."
Sometimes the chat would ask where Clyde is when you're not streaming with him. Also expect a bunch of edits of him too lol.
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Tolkien Black
He thinks you're so cool and is proud of have a streamer as his s/o. Like he's so proud of you and wouldn't hesitate to buy a setup for you or literally anything you need in general. He wants to be as useful as possible, that includes just supporting you by watching your streams and sharing it to his friends and stuff. He'd be honored to be in your stream, and is actually decent and neutral about it. He was just happy that he got to spend time with you in a fun way. He's usually not the type to get into much trouble, but for you, he'd do anything. But when you're streaming with him, it will usually be a chill and calm stream, but that doesn't mean things can escalate and become pretty loud.
Everyone loves him, and thinks that your relationship is adorable <33333.
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Jimmy Valmer
He thinks you being a streamer is literally the best. A comedian and a streamer dating? He's so happy for you to get to do something you really enjoy. Anyways, we all know that he's a really good entertainer. He wouldn't mind or hesitate to join in on your streams. He'd use his humor and comedy to entertain your viewers, which he is successful for. I think he'd probably use dark humor as well, which could lead you into almost getting banned- but it was fun. Having Jimmy in your streams is always a highlight. His jokes and comedy would always bring smiles and laughs to other people, including you. You definitely received a lot more popularity on your streams after Jimmy, but that doesn't stop you. People still loved you.
Also a bunch of Jimmy fanedits 👍
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (5)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: cursing, mom being a dick :/, accidental peeping eyes, jealous draco
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: omg, i had to rewrite this WHOLE THING again. but now i know to write things in my google docs first
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(gif cred)
Everyone at the table was silent. Your mother sat processing what had just occurred moments ago. I practice, too. You always wondered why your brother never talked too much about her whenever you were on long phone calls with him. He was pretty vague about Stephanie, and now you knew why.
Actually, it made complete sense as to why he didn't tell your mom about Stephanie being a practicing witch, but you? That was what really confused you.
“So,” you decided to break the silence, “how long have you practiced?”
Stephanie had an excited glimmer in her eyes when you asked. “I'm still a baby, I started earlier this year.” Something about her aura was soothing and pure. You scooted your chair closer to her and continued your conversation. “So you’re a Wiccan? Or do you practice something else?”
“I practice Gardnerian Wicca,” she declared. From the corner of your eyes, you could see your mother holding back a scoff. Surely she was thinking Why the hell is she encouraging this?
The ding of the oven sounded like church bells to her as it gave her an excuse to leave the room and focus on anything else. The situation was quite hysterical. But questions were in order. As Stephanie left to use your bathroom, you pulled your brother aside. “Dude, why the hell didn’t you tell me anything?”
He flinched away from your hand and started massaging the pain away from your grip, “I didn’t think it was my business to tell.”
“But you told her about me?” You asked with crossed arms. Your brother’s logic was lacking. “It… might’ve slipped, but I only told her after she told me that she’s a witch. I don’t go around campus saying ‘Hey, I’m Y/B/N Y/L/N. I’m a communications major and y’know what? My sister’s a witch.’” You weren’t upset that he told his girlfriend about you. You weren’t ashamed at all. And you weren’t really upset that he didn’t talk to you about her. Because, in a sense, he’s right.
But you like being dramatic, so you figured that while you've got your brother in your house you’d act like a petty sister. “Whatever, man. But you could’ve told Mom beforehand,” you scolded with your arms crossed. He had a scoff in his laugh, “Tell Mom? We’re thinking of the same person, right? You know she would freak.”
“She’s freaking out right now! I’d have rather her freak out earlier before she made my house look like some stupid picture in a Martha Stewart kitchen advertisement,” you whisper yelled. To think that your house could have looked as it normally did annoyed you. Grandma’s tapestry you whined internally.
Stephanie found you two in your hallway and froze in an awkward stance, “Is everything okay?” You and your brother put on your best smiles. “Yeah, just wanted to see how my baby bro is doing,” you reached up to pinch his cheeks to which he swatted you hand away. It started a playful fight that made your guest laugh in amusement. The sound of your mother announcing that dinner was ready brought the little fight to a halt. “I’ll beat your ass later,” you challenged him, fingers doing an ‘I’ve got my eyes on you’ movement.
He couldn't believe it.
Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini stood at his doorstep with their bags. Theo had his wand pointed out with confetti spurting out the tip. “Surprise!” he yelled.
Draco pulled them in quickly and nearly sprained his neck as he looked around to make sure no one saw his friend. “What part of 'muggle neighbors’ did you not understand” he scolded.
“Oh shit, sorry mate. I forgot.” Theo scratched the back of his head. He then glared at Blaise knowing that with his brilliant memory, he let Theo make a big mess of things. Theoretically and literally. An enchanted broom swept up the confetti on the floor.
“What are you guys doing here, I wasn’t expecting you two for another week?” Draco asked as he pulled each wizard in for a welcoming hug.
“Merlin, mate. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re disappointed to see us,” Blaise teased.
“That's not what I meant and you know that. I’m happy… just surprised.” The blond wasn't isn't used to showing this kind of side to himself. “What brings you two here early?”
“Have you ever known Theo to be patient for anything? Bloody git nearly dragged me out in the middle of work,” Blaise expressed. The Slytherin trio laughed as the two friends followed Draco through his new home. “Well, here’s the guest room. Set your things down and I’ll grab some drinks.”
For the first time since getting his phone and learning about take-out, Draco had ordered a couple pizzas to be delivered. Blaise and Theo were genuinely impressed by the whole thing. “Muggles sure do think of everything,” Theo observed.
“Almost shocked that Malfoy here adapted pretty well to them,” Blaise had a smirk on his lips before stuffing his mouth with his first ever slice. “Salazar, this is amazing.” Draco raised his eyebrows in agreement. The three men sat in the living room eating and caught up with each other.
The night was filled with laughter and tipsy hiccups. It was arguably Draco’s best night since he first moved to America. He hadn’t realized how much he missed their shenanigans since Hogwarts before it all went to shit thanks to a certain Dark Lord. He was ecstatic and couldn’t wait for them to meet his new friends.
In the middle of their laughter, Theo was seen squinting his eyes in a direction, “Oi mate, who’s that?” The two others followed his eyes which looked out a window. Sort of blurry due to the alcohol, Draco leaned forward to focus on what it was Theo was talking about.
When his vision cleared, he saw some heads moving around. And… arms flinging about? The sight was strange to say the least. Draco didn't exactly know what was going on, he watched as you stood in your living room in front of who he recognized as your mother. Sitting on your couch was some woman, and in between you and your mother was some guy.
“Is that the muggle neighbor you told me about?” Blaise observed.
“Yeah, and her mum. Don’t know the others, though.” Draco stated. He shrugged his shoulders and sat in a comfortable position. Blaise continued to look at the weird scene next door. The only pieces he could put together was that you definitely weren’t happy and neither was your mother. “She’s kinda fit, don’t you think?”
“No,” Draco didn’t hesitate to answer. His irritated voice was indication enough to not press on the matter more. And seeing as it was their first night in America, Blaise didn’t want to risk getting hexed before bed.
Draco looked at the clock on the wall which read 10:57 pm. “Shit,” he whispered. “I’m turning in. I have a meeting in the morning.” Theo was already passed out on the soft couch and Blaise walked himself to the guest room to claim the bigger bed. Once in his room, Draco chugged a bottle of water that was on his nightstand and went to sleep.
She finally went home. After the huge fight that broke out after dinner, your mother grabbed her things and left. Poor Stephanie had witnessed the mess and regretted coming. As much as she was glad to finally meet a fellow practicing witch, she underestimated your mother entirely.
It actually surprised you that your mother acted in such ways. Growing up, your mom never really made too much of a fuss of your Craft. But just out of nowhere, she’s making comments of this and making complaints of that. You wanted to forget Thanksgiving night all together.
Currently, you were pacing in your kitchen debating on whether or not to call Stephanie and make sure she was alright. She was nothing but sweet and kind. Didn't deserve to come home with your brother and have some woman blow up. Your mother hit some random nerve in the middle of your conversation that you carried on about what Steph’s practice consisted of and yelled about her whole family getting full of ‘damn weirdos’.
The best thing to come out of it was that you were able to bring back all your original decorations and stored all the stuff your mother bought in the garage.
Thinking about it started to give you a migraine. You walked to your bathroom and started to fill the tub with the hottest water you could take. As it filled, you went to the comfort of your room and undressed. You opted out on bath salts and oils; just the warmth of the water would be enough to settle your nerves.
Before you could remove your bra, you felt a weird shiver up your spine. Something in the air made you feel tense. You wanted to assume that it was negative energy that your mother left behind, but it felt different than that. No, you felt a presence in your home. Or worse, from somewhere else.
You turned around and widened your eyes in horror. A man that you didn’t know nor have ever seen before looks at you from the window of your neighbor, Draco’s room. As soon as it processed to him that you were looking back, he quickly shut the curtains again. At that moment, you wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you forgot to shut your blinds.
You sat in your bathtub still shocked that a complete stranger almost saw you naked. Had you even gone further a couple seconds or ignored your instincts, he could have seen everything. You dunk your head into the water and scream under it. This day can’t get worse you thought.
But oh, how it can. You performed your house cleansing spell and as soon as you set the censor dish down, the doorbell rang. You opened the door and was face to face with the same man who saw you. “Hello,’ he said. You recognized the accent, how it sounded like Draco’s.
Shyly, you nodded your head and said a soft ‘hi’.
“Listen, I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for… for what happened,” presumably Draco’s friend apologized.You stood there a bit shocked and flustered. “I swear I’m not a bloody pervert. Mate doesn't have any light in his room so I’d thought I’d do him a favor. Guess that didn't turn out so well,” he sheepishly chuckled. It made you laugh as well. It was decided that it was just an honest mistake.
“It’s okay. I should’ve closed my curtains so I guess it goes both ways,” a blush was spread across your cheeks. The more you looked at him, the more you studied his gorgeous features. “I’m Y/N. You must be Draco’s friend,” you extended your hand out for him to shake. He took it in his and you nearly melted into his smooth skin.
“Yes, I am. I’m Blaise.”
Draco returned home with a pounding headache and stiff neck. He had never felt more tired than he did in this moment. He saw Theo sitting on his couch reading the Daily Prophet with one hand and holding a cup of tea in the other. It was funny to Draco because he explicitly remembers Theo promising that he would never become his father who did this exact thing.
Looking around his surroundings, he noticed how his other best friend wasn’t around. “Where’s Zabini?”
“I think he went out for a walk,” Theo guessed. “Think he’s been gone for about an hour now that I think about it.” He put his paper down and mirrored the look of curiosity that was also on Draco’s face. Seconds later, the devil himself walked into Draco’s home. The look on his face was the same he had back in Hogwarts. A look Draco and Theo knew all too well.
“How? Actually no, scratch that. Who?” Theo pressed on instantly. Draco was also interested as to how Blaise somehow seduced a woman a day into his vacation in the foreign country. “You gits really want to know who?” They both nodded. He stood hesitantly but kept the smirk on his face, “Your muggle neighbor, Y/N.”
Theo stood up and gave Blaise a high-five, “You still got the magic touch I see.”
“Please never say that again,” Blaise sighed. He went on to explain everything that just happened, how he accidentally saw you, how he went over and how you invited him in for coffee and talked for about an hour. Well, mainly flirted. Then he talked about how he acted coy and wanted to know whatever was nice in town and when you told him about a French restaurant uptown, he used it as a way to ask you on a date.
Blaise was explaining everything, but it all sounded quiet to Draco. He couldn’t hear a word out of his friends mouth after he said your name.
“Mate, you alright? You look pale,” Blaise looked concerned.
Draco snapped out of it and lied through his teeth, “I’m fine. Just tired and slightly hungover is all.” Lie? Why would I be lying about this? Wait… why am I lying about this?
“Oh, well I can make the thing my mum makes for hangovers if you’d like,” Theo offered.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just get some rest.” Draco walked to his bedroom and removed the necktie around his collar. As he walked in, he saw how his curtain wasn’t fully closed. He opened it slightly and as he looked across, he saw you sitting in a chair in your bedroom. You seemed to have been in a haze before you looked up and met your eyes with his. You waved gently and Draco, as he always does now, nodded his head and closed the curtains.
This can’t be real.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers @hahee154hq @disartrous @oh-those-barricade-boys @bornforfangirling
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hi i heard it was bias loving hours and even though you know that i bias yoshinori and that i scream about him everyday and whatnot, it's still bias loving hours and so im here to rant about him again </3
gosh where do i even start oml my favourite thing about yoshi is his heart ;-; or soul ;-; he is just so kind and softhearted and so so just so kind have i mentioned how kind he is?? ;-; he has such a safe and comforting aura around him in everything he does ;-; the way he talks, the way he smiles, the way he interacts with the people around him, the way he— MY POINT IS!! he just radiates safety ;-; to me at least he does like?? i have never seen someone who's like him?? he seems like such a wonderful and nice person and ;-;-;-;-;-; he is just so kind oml his kindness is like,, one of my absolute favourite things about him ;-; he is just very precious to me :')
the first time i saw him, i ADORED him ;-; it was his verse in i love you and the talent??? the way he jumped right in after ruto?? legend? things istg i was so mindblown and felt so drawn to him oml then i started to watch t-map and watched treasure box ;-; seeing his character and personality just made me fall so damn in love with his existence?? like, normally i like idk grow tiny crushes on my biases but yoshi just feels entirely different ;-; i just want to see him happy, healthy, loved, and thriving ;-; like i just want him to live a nice life ;-; and like, feel as happy and content as he makes me feel ;-; fr i discovered treasure and yoshi when i was struggling with my mental health and??? i cannot believe he kept me afloat like that oml i just adore him as a person so much ;-;
ok anyways moving onto my favourite looks!!
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his silver hair was ICONIC but i also adore him in that short brown mullet but also the legendary strawberry look??? also that mama suit oml also i think about black foldneck/turtleneck yoshi a lot more than i should </3 i just like him in all sorts of styles!! my favourites are however when he is more casual hehe i just can't pick ;-;
MY FAVOURITE VERSE IS A TIE BETWEEN ILY AND MMM 😭😭 i know all of his raps by heart body mind and soul and all of them are xjcjjf BUT.! those two ;-;
i really wish that he'll lead a life where he can be so so proud of himself and his accomplishments and feel satisfied with his work :(( also i hope he knows just how appreciative lots and lots of people are of him and that he is adored for not just his looks or art, but also for him as a person ;-; one day he can do some solo work and create an album entirely of his own making just like bobby does/did!! i want to hear him and see him perform to his heart's content honestly ;-; AND HOLD AN ART EXHIBITION!! AND BE A RENOWN FASHIONISTA!! AND SEE HIS FAMILY A LOT!!
i'd be way too shy and nervous to meet him in person but i also want to desperately tell him that i really really really love him :( maybe one day i'll get to go to one of their concerts or fanmeets or like, get chosen for a fancall and then i can like, pour my heart out for him ;-; until then, i gotta practice my korean smh :')
oml this got a bit long bye i will take my leave i think you got my point🚶🚶
sorry i answered a little late! i forgot i had a worksheet to submit and it was due today e.e anyway AAAA i didn't expect you to send an ask omg BUT YES <33
i do agree! his overall aura or vibe is smth i would associate to marshmallows and just overall a warm comfortable day. and those are just my favorites :(( not to devastate you even more but yoshi gives off first life vibes ;n; the term safety is making me EMO JDLKJLFAJ i'm so glad that you found a safe space in him somehow (especially during such a rough time!!) i can't believe i was there to witness the start of this road to yoshinori ult-ing HAHA you just know you're down bad when you want them to be happy and healthy and loved and thriving. damn vienna !! yoshi despite being the softest looking mallow surely can slay a rather bad boy-ish vibe x.x HIS DUALITY. i have this deal with ppl wearing contacts but he. somehow. slays. it. everytime !! (it's ok with not being able to pick, just shows how whipped you are <33)
HELP I HAD TO LISTEN TO MMM BC I COULDNT RMB HIS VERSE T_T (just me spacing out, i just realized it's the whole 2nd verse BYE) 'i know all of his raps by heart body mind and soul' as i said earlier, whipped. i do agree that he raps well! i feel that it's different from the yg rapping i'm used to (which hyunsuk has) but it's a GREAT addition to their mix. for me its his jikjin rap has me on chokehold e.e i think i mainly listen to it for that, it makes me feel cool B)
awwww :(( this is getting so wholesome for me :(( i'm sure he's vaguely aware of how ppl appreciate him but i feel like he would 10/10 be shy abt the idea of being showered with appreciation (WHICH HE DESERVES 100%) i think treasure being under yg would be given that creative freedom (?) especially when they self-produce. so hopefully, some time in the future, we'll be able to see him have solos!! (and i hope we're still moots by then! wouldn't want to miss out on you screaming abt it in the dash T_T) I KEEP FORGETTING THAT HE'S ALSO AN ARTIST OMG this talented ass man. all of these are within his reach tbh. i'm hoping that the freaking company wouldn't be holding him back!
IFY with feeling shy and nervous OML HJSHDK it's ok!! prepare a script if it ever comes to. i hope you'll get to go to their concerts and/or fanmeets someday! it's still pretty early in their career so possibilities are quite endless. wishing you luck with practicing korean so that you could pour your heart out then!
this whole ask was just so wholesome :(( <33 atp if i ever (somehow) come across yoshi like somewhere the first thing i'm saying is a summary of this. i'm getting this shit across no matter what. >:( <3
bias loving hours!
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razberryyum · 4 years
TGCF donghua Episode 9 Thoughts (SPOILERS! for episode and novel)
I've heard of the words Sinner's Pit a while back, probably when I first heard of TGCF, but it wasn't until a couple weeks ago when I started reading the book that I finally understood what they meant, and why it was an event in the saga of HuaLian. Even though I've only been acquainted with it for such a short period of time, I still teared up when watching the scene, so I can only imagine how much more emotional this moment was for fellow fans who have been waiting years to see it. I really hope it lived up to everyone's expectations cuz it kinda blew my mind.
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When the episode was delayed in its broadcast I actually felt dread, since I immediately assumed that the HuaLian Sinner's Pit scenes didn't pass the restrictions and it was going to be edited to death or worse yet, completely cut out. Thank God that was not the case. I was looking forward to much groppage of Hua Cheng from Dianxia, and that's exactly what I got...with an extra large dose of romance too thanks to the amazing score. If anything was left out in the scene I sure couldn't tell nor did I feel anything was missing.
I've watched countless fall and rescue scenes in cdramas, to the degree that sometimes it feels like it's a required element in romance cdramas, and of course it's usually the woman in the couple falling from somewhere and the man coming to her rescue and catching her. And they're usually so poorly done that I either eyeroll so hard my eyes feel like they're gonna pop out of their sockets or I feel almost nauseated from the cheesiness.
But the donghua did it PERFECTLY. Those stupidass cdramas should learn from them. HuaLian's fall and catch scene was paced just right, scored just right, shot just right...simple PERFECTION. Not at all cheesy or cringey, utterly sublime...and everything that followed between them was utterly sublime as well.
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Talk about another perfectly captured scene. I loved this line. So sweet and wonderful. No wonder Hua Cheng's in love with this man.
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Btw, I know it says friendship, but just in case anyone's worried the donghua is trying to friendzone HuaLian, those Chinese characters can just be a general way of saying getting along, usually in a friendly way, but it's not as friend zone-y as it sounds. Although, I doubt anyone actually watching the show and paying attention to it would even think Hua Cheng only wants to be bro-friends with Xie Lian.
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I mean, I guessss bros can be touchy feely and eyefuck eyelove each other all the time, but I would personally like to meet them bros like that.
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Also, not fair of the donghua team to cuteify these boys even more. My poor heart almost couldn't take it. Too adorable!!
Honestly, after that HuaLian-ful sequence, my brain was barely able to register anything else. Doesn't help that I already know how things will resolve in terms of this mystery. I am mostly looking forward to how the "new" characters whom are being introduced to looks and how they will bring to life certain non-HuaLian related events that sounded dramatic or even epic in writing.
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For example the Banyue Guoshi...was totally not expecting her to look this adorable. She looks so innocent and pretty, who in their right mind would bully such a beautiful little girl??
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Although, when she is on the attack, she definitely does feel like a wraith bringing instant death upon her victims. This was so beautifully animated: it looked both terrifying and truly impressive.
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Hiiii puppyyyyy!!!! Nice to finally meet you!! Who's a good boy?? 😂 E-Ming's a total cutie pie and his first appearance was cool AF too. I freaked out a little.
OMG I almost forgot!! I LOVE the new ED theme!!! I hope they release an official MV for it soon!
Current Reading Progress: finished book 1, currently in book 2, knee-deep in Yong'an famine crisis. Every HuaLian interaction is a treasure, I know I didn't mention them at all last week but pretty much every time they meet up again I scream a bit. The temple scene, when Dianxia told chibi HC to live for him, got me so emotional (I also really want to hug little HC and protect him forever). Seriously felt like I finally reached some kind of important milestone since I read that line somewhere even before I even knew who or what HuaLian was. I don't know how many seasons of the donghua we'll be blessed with, but if we don't get as far as Dianxia's past, then I do hope we at least get to see Ghost City, Gambler's Den, Paradise Manor,and Qi Rong's cave. I can imagine getting into some of that next season but unless it's a long one, I doubt we'd be able to see all of it in one season.
And also, I don't think I love Qi Rong anymore. He really is a bad, bad boy...and not in the sexy way, but more in the holy shit you really are fucked up way.
Finally, the Yong'an thing... I'm already bracing myself. I could be wrong but I already see how that could lead to Xianle's downfall. The knives are probably coming, huh?
TGCF novel translation can be found at: https://tgcfmxtx.carrd.co/
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can-of-pringles · 3 years
Have finished Roanoke. I'm so glad about the shorter seasons, really makes it easier for me to binge.
I like the change in the type of horror this show has taken. Feels more respectful now.
Wow, they got Doris Kearns Woodwin.
I had no idea S10 wasn't their first 2-part season. Funny thing, I expected the parts of S10 to be connected to each other and here is S6 having its parts be connected.
Ahahaha, the Butcher Funko!
Loved the style of Evan's first character, but then he's back as a redhead wearing something Raglan-sleeved. Have I mentioned how much I have a thing for red hair and those sleeves?
So this wasn't the first time he played an actor with an Agnes problem, OMG! XD
I had wondered who'd serve as the R for the "murder" wall note, but then forgot about it. I also thought Rory would be the first to die, but didn't remember the inscription. Only when Matt saw it with the previously missing R did I go "Ohhhh!". - And as a Doctor Who fan I appreciate the killing of a Rory, because DW offed its a few times.
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Lana Winters returns!
Didn't like how disjointed the last episode felt, but the ending was good.
I'm really glad you liked this season! Get ready for Cult though... honey, you got a big storm coming
Personally, I don't like this season all that much. I don't think it's really that scary either. Though a lot of popular ahs memes came from it so there's that.
"You Americans are so dramatic" *cuts to Audrey screaming and running down the stairs*
I'm sad Rory didn't live longer to be honest. It was so sad when they showed Audrey filming and hoping Rory would find her message and then afterwards it shows him dead in a tree. Heartbreaking 😭
So yeah, I don't hate the season, it's just personally not my favorite.
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orbitariums · 4 years
the man out of time | steve rogers
first ask anon asked: Omg requests are open ☺️. Time Traveler reader meets Steve in the 40s. Steve and her hit it off but she skips around time and just doesn't want to stay, even though she really likes Steve. She goes back to modern time and bumps into Steve again. They are both super confused so they talk to each other again, they still like each other and he ends up learning of her powers and it all makes sense. Sorry for the long paragraph hehe. Hope you are well! 💌 -first ask anon
note: i was sooo fucking excited to write this it just took me a little while!!! of course this request would be your lovely idea first ask anon!! this might not be historically accurate but it is what it is. it's cute n fluffy n funny i hope y'all enjoy :)))
also here’s a playlist i made for it!!! click here ♡ 
the man out of time | steve rogers + reader
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         You were really just trying to go back a few years. But your time travel powers worked a little too well. Like, you were fully in another decade - your existence hadn't even been a thought at this point in time. And yet, here you were, decked out in a rockabilly swing dress that you didn't even own. Apparently with time traveling came the plus of looking culturally relevant. Never mind the fact that you didn't know where you were, and didn't know anybody here. At the very least, you knew how to get back. But it would be too dangerous to try going back to the present until a few hours had passed.
    So for those few hours, you would be here - in this crowded dance hall, where many were gathered for some type of party. It seemed to be an important party though, because there were lots of people in uniform walking around and many important looking women and men. You remembered that you were, of course, in the 40s, during World War II. Did this mean you were a part of history? Shivers ran down your spine at the thought.
    You were leaning against the wall just observing your surroundings, taking it all in. Even if you hadn't meant to get here, that didn't make it any less interesting. A bit stressful? Yes. But your thirst for knowledge, which got you labeled "mad scientist" in your hometown (though really you were just a bookish girl with an insatiable need to know and learn more), overran all your nervous thoughts.
They could only hold you back. You wanted to know so much - to ask questions, socialize, even explore. But you decided that just watching was your best option. You didn't want to cause a glitch in the matrix by talking to someone and running the risk of changing the outcome of history as we know it.
     So you were minding your business, leaning against the wall with your foot settled on the wall behind you, gazing around the room. Gazing at history. For years you had only seen this era in black and white, now it was fully blooming in color. It was such a marvel to see.
    A deep voice caught you off guard as a man sidled up next to you,
    "Parties aren't your scene either, huh?"
     Naturally, you responded, because that was your first instinct, forgetting that you weren't supposed to talk to anyone. Still gently gazing out at the crowd of people in front of you, you responded, a distracted smile on your red painted lips,
    "You could say that."
You turned to face the man, about to excuse yourself just so you could refrain from talking to him (because again, "possible glitch in the matrix!" your brain screamed at you). And as you turned to face him, it was like his body appeared before his face. He was huge, hulkish, even, almost unnaturally so. His shirt buttons were nearly popping off, and your eyes were doing the same. But his body couldn't possibly be any comparison to his face, his existence.
You doubled back, having to refrain the potential wild reaction of throwing your hand over your lips. Still, you ogled at him in surprise and shock.
    Earlier you had suspected that this party was for important people, but what you were seeing now wasn't near anything you could expect. Because standing in front of you now was the Captain America. As in Steve Grant Rogers, the man out of time.
    Your heart was racing, and your brain had to take a few steps just to catch up with your body's reaction. Here Steve Rogers was in the flesh, someone you couldn't even imagine speaking to as regularly as this in the present. Someone you could only dream of seeing. And knowing that you were talking to Captain America had you realizing that you were genuinely a part of history. That now, whatever the word "now" meant, you existed in some little compartment in Steve Rogers' huge, not yet frozen, brain.
Was this something that should've worried you? Yes, and it did. You didn't even want to talk to a regular person, now imagine all the things that could happen with you talking to Captain America. A quick calculation in your fast running brain told you that there were endless possibilities, and not all of them were good.
     But your shock and intrigue clouded your better judgment, and you were standing in front of him with nothing better to say or do, just stammering.
     "Cap-Captain," you breathed out hard, nearly gasping for air. You could only imagine how stupid you must look. You suddenly wondered if your reaction made you look out of place. Then you wondered how out of place you looked to begin with, and suddenly it became a bit hotter, and the collar of your dress felt suffocating and tight. "Captain, Steve. Captain America."
    You swallowed hard, and felt your eyes travel down to his nametag bearing the title "Cpt. Rogers." As if he needed one, you almost scoffed. You were somewhere between being incredibly scared and going full on geeky fangirl. You wouldn't call yourself a stan of the present day Captain America, but it was still pretty damn cool to see him, and your naturally nerdy disposition had you fascinated with the fact that you even got this chance.
     Steve raised his brows, but had a smile on his face.
   "That's me. It's nice to meet you," he put out his hand for you to shake and you took it, your entire body nearly trembling with some electric shock when you felt his strong hand grasp yours in a warm, friendly handshake.
    "I'm... shaking your hand. Wow. This is fu-" you cut yourself off, remembering who you were talking to and the conservative nature of the time period you were in, clearing your throat. You also realized that beyond profanity, there was no way in hell you could talk how you normally would in modern times. You'd be found out, or throw everyone off. You continued, "This is amazing. I... really, I can't believe it. It's an honor to meet you."
    Glancing around the room, you started to notice that there were signs indicating that this gathering was essentially, a celebration of Steve and the other soldiers. For all your smarts, you had definitely missed a huge clue of where you were.
    Steve liked you already. You were a breath of fresh air. Lots of people acted over-excited to see him, but it was different with you. It was genuine, thrilling, and kind of cute. There was something about you. It wasn't off, per say, but it was almost strange, in a good way. Like you were walking around with a completely different air around you, like you didn't fit in, but somehow it worked. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
     "Well, thank you," Steve nodded, and he glanced down at your hands, still melded together.
But it seemed you were the one who wasn't letting go, squeezing hard. He raised his brows, then looked up at your face, which gave away all he needed to know. You were transfixed, studying him, and too in it to bring yourself back to earth. All these things, though, he greeted with a warm smile and a warm heart.
    You realized that you were gawking, and that you were squeezing his hand far too tight, as if you were the one with enhanced strength. You laughed nervously and dropped his hand, running your own against your forehead.
     "My apologies," you murmured.
     "All the same. Where are my manners, I haven't even asked you your name yet," he grinned, and you really tried quite hard not to get lost in the depth of those blue eyes, so charming and naturally friendly. But you couldn't help yourself, your eyes darting between his and blinking fast, twitterpated.
    Seeing him up close really put things in perspective. He was handsome, he was Captain America, and he had talked to you for no real reason. You were now determined to find out why he came up to you before the end of the night. Then you would go back.
    "I'm... Y/N."
    "Y/N. It's nice to meet you, Y/N," Steve nodded, and you felt your cheeks go warm with blush.
You felt stupid and girlish, blushing to death in front of this hunk of a man, knowing he probably got this all the time. You pushed hair behind your ear, your eyes gazing down at the floor,
    "So... how- how are things?"
You were well aware of how awkward you sounded, hyper-aware, even. But Steve found it endearing, and he liked talking to you.
    "Things?" he repeated, lightly poking a bit of fun at you.
You chuckled to yourself and looked up at him, a small smirk of a smile on your face. You worked up the nerve to make eye contact with him rather than have your eyes flicker all over the place, and you let out a hefty breath through your nostrils.
    "Like, life. Is what I meant," you shook your head playfully, poking fun at yourself, and Steve grinned, laughing quietly.
    "I know, I'm just teasing you. That is a heavy question, though."
     "Really?" you were intrigued - the part of your brain that ran nonstop wanted to know more. "How so?"
Steve shrugged,
      "I guess no one really asks me that. Not these days."
       You snorted,
     "I can imagine it's a lot of bullshit and work all the time."
You only realized what came out of your mouth when you caught sight of Steve's face. He was a mixture of shocked, offended, and honestly? Fascinated. It didn't take your swearing for him to realize that there was something wonderfully different about you, but hearing such language just confirmed his thoughts further. And he appreciated your brutal honesty and ability to resonate with him, even if it came with language. And surprisingly, it didn't make him recoil, it pulled him in.
    "Wow," Steve dragged out the word - it was all he could see, and looked at you with an impressed smile.
     You bit down on your lip,
    "You know... we should probably be dancing," Steve joked, and you shook your head playfully, but also frantically. There was no way you'd be able to keep up with this kind of dance, and you were not going to be the girl who everyone could see Steve Rogers dancing with.
"Oh no," you waved your hand warily. "I couldn't possibly. I'm— I'm a terrible dancer. Sorry."
"That was a joke. I'm not too good myself," Steve chuckled, and for a moment you were each just laughing, looking at each other, gazing into each other's eyes as if you were the only two at the event. As if Steve didn't have probably a million responsibilities just within this night. He was enjoying your presence a lot for someone he'd just met.
You folded your arms, bouncing gently on the balls of your feet and swaying back and forth,
"If you don't dance at these things, then what do you do?"
Steve brought his arm up, scratching the nape of his neck as he squinted a little in contemplation. As your eyes followed his movements, your brain blanked -- all you could spell out right now was "muscle" and "bulge." You found yourself wide-eyed, blinking harshly.
"Make speeches, be put on the spot, talk work."
"Anything fun?" you questioned, and he laughed, appreciating the challenge.
"Leave with a girl?" Steve replied, although it was more of a hopeful question.
You grinned, looking up at him. Was he seriously courting you right now? It seemed as though nothing should feel impossible to you, not when in the year of 2020 you had time traveled back to the 40s. But this felt unreal.
"And do what?" you smiled, and Steve became slightly flustered, then placing his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth. He cocked his head to the side, again replying with a question,
"We could go on a walk. Visit my favorite diner for milkshakes on me?"
You couldn't help but beam at all his suggestions, your eyes glimmering as yours locked with his. You nodded, much too calmly in comparison to the way you felt inside - inflamed and jittery. Nevermind that you had fallen into exactly what you were trying to avoid - it was a beautiful fall anyway. Besides, who would you be to turn down Captain America?
"That's just fine with me. Let's get out of here, captain," you quipped, taking the initiative and linking arms with him, feeling his strong arm wrap around yours.
Talking and walking with Steve couldn't have been any more fun. Somehow it was like you both freed yourselves, rebelling and escaping from something that didn't suit you before. You didn't know what was to come next, and you certainly hadn't expected this. Anything could happen. Although you were nervous, it was just the right amount. You were excited, you felt natural walking the streets with him, arms linked together, gazing up at him like a puppy. Just being in the presence of such greatness felt like a dream.
And Steve was just as wonderful as they made him out to be, even more. In the time you spent together, you'd learned so much about him. He was kind and bright, made you feel comfortable and safe. You pulled humor and lightheartedness out of him, made him feel comfortable. He was glad to be here with you, away from everything else. He was proud of himself for working the nerve up to talk to you, for not ignoring the fact that he was so drawn to this stranger. And it was the best decision he'd made that night.
You were each strolling down the dark streets, only lit by street lights and the dim lights that came from people's windows as they got ready for bed. It felt reassuring to know that even while you were surrounded by unfamiliarity, you could find resonance in all those people, looking through their windows and wondering what they were having for dinner, imagining the ladies taking off their jewelry as they cuddled up in bed with a lover.
"I feel like I'm gonna be on a sugar high," you chuckled, sipping some of your milkshake.
Steve grinned down at you,
"Mike's Milkshakes will do that to you."
You sighed, glancing around at everything. It was beautiful here in the dark, even in the midst of war, with everything going on. Before, you could only imagine what these nights would be like. You wondered if you would've intentionally traveled back to this time instead of by accident. Considering the way things were outside of this moment in particular, you probably wouldn't. But you were glad you did. This felt like a beautiful mistake.
You pulled Steve onto a corner of an alleyway, the two of you basking under the glow of the street light.
"Steve," you said his name gently, but as if it were of the utmost importance.
He looked down at you, becoming nervous himself, feeling his heart beat in his chest. You were undoubtedly beautiful, and the two of you were more alone than you had ever been in the past two hours you had spent together, quite literally just walking and talking, sharing stories and time together. He felt close to you, towering over you, and it wasn't any less nerve wracking for you.
"Yeah?" he uttered out, and you found yourself opening and closing your mouth, trying to find the right way for the words to come out.
You just smiled, reaching your hand up and sort of awkwardly patting his shoulder, then letting your hand trail down his chest gently. He looked down at your hand, then back at you, waiting for your next words.
"Thank you. This night was so beautiful, I can't thank you enough."
At the corner of Steve's lips tugged a smile, and his eyes grew needy and hopeful,
"Don't tell me this is you saying goodbye."
You felt a pang in your chest as he said that. You hadn't considered the fact that you would have to say goodbye at some point, and you knew that meant goodbye forever. But you had been so caught up in your wonder that you hadn't thought of the moment to say goodbye. And yet, it seemed like that moment was creeping up on you.
You didn't want to look at it with sadness, it was as natural as could be, but you still wished you could stay for a little longer. You knew you had to go though, and as magical as this was, you didn't want to live in a world where you had no basis. You belonged in the modern world, it was where you should stay.
"Almost," you laughed slightly. "I do have a question for you, though."
    "Sure," Steve shrugged.
It was the one thing you really wanted to know: why you? Why had Steve chosen to talk to you, of all people? He didn't know you and you weren't boasting an important title. So, why you? You wondered. If you had some secret power to attract people like Steve Rogers into your life, you wanted to know what it was.
    You cleared your throat before you asked this question, suddenly feeling a bit shy,
    "Why did you come up to me? And talk to me... it's been on my mind all night."
Steve took in a breath and shoved his hands in his pockets.
    "I... don't know. I guess I saw a little bit of myself in you, crazy as it sounds."
     "Captain America is a wallflower?" you retorted jokingly, and he chuckled, shaking his head.
     "I just mean, you seemed like you were trying to find a way. And I'm constantly doing that. And something about you... is different. I like that."
You knew exactly what that something was. You literally didn't belong here. You weren't from here. Steve must have sensed that, even if he didn't fully realize it.
    "Hm. Well, whatever it is, I'm glad you approached me because of it. I've had the best night, really. I wish I could stay longer."
    "Oh, don't go. Not just yet," Steve grasped your hand and squeezed.
    "I can't. I have... somewhere to be," you smiled tearfully as you looked at your hands intertwined.
    Steve swallowed. He didn't intend on getting hooked on you as fast as he did, but he did. And now that he was hooked, you were leaving. It was a bittersweet moment, but he understood you had to go— it was like you had some purpose elsewhere, and that was clear to him. It was almost strange.
    "I understand," Steve replied, smiling at the touch of your hand on his, your thumb rubbing against his thumb. "I'm glad we met, Y/N. Can I see you again?"
You grinned. You certainly couldn't make any promises,
    "Maybe. But for now I have to go."
    "At least let me walk you home," Steve pressed, and you shook your head.
    "It's much further than I think you'll want to go," was all you said. Steve would've pressed more but for some reason your answer felt definite and true.
Good night Steve."
    "Good night."
Before you knew it, you were reaching up on his tippy toes to kiss his cheek, feeling his skin turn red hot beneath your soft lips. He held onto your waist gently as you kissed his cheek, and when you pulled away, you stayed there in his grasp for a moment, eyes lingering on his. You wanted more, so much more, but you had had enough already.
    You didn't want to get cocky with time. You patted his chest and took one last look at him with a smile and glimmering eyes. Then, you turned away. As Steve watched you walk down the alleyway, it was almost like you vanished into thin air.
| | |
It had been a week since your beloved encounter with Steve Rogers. It still didn't feel real, in fact you wrote down every detail in your diary so that if it were a dream, it wouldn't wither away. But it was as real as real could get. It wasn't the time traveling that surprised you, you knew that to be natural. It was the experience you'd had on your trip.
You couldn't tell anybody, not that they would believe you to begin with. You didn't want to tell anybody anyway. This was your experience for keeping. You wouldn't share this with anyone else.
    You were on your way to work, the memories of that night still fresh in your head, a cup of coffee in hand. You wondered if Mike's Milkshakes still operated. Like Steve, you too lived in New York. There was no reason for it not to exist. You would be sorely upset if it didn't - it was truly one of the greatest shakes you'd had in your lifetime.
     You were looking down at your phone and typing, coffee in one hand, phone in the other. The hustle of New York was nothing, you could handle it.
    Until you couldn't. You nearly got knocked on the floor by someone who you bumped into- or maybe he bumped into you, it was hard to say. Either way, it was a wild collision. And your coffee fell, and spilled on the both of you.
     What was funny was that the two of you were apologizing like crazy, stumbling to pick the things up that had dropped, speaking over each other.
    "Oh my god I'm so sorry," you stammered. "I wasn't watching where I was going."
    "All the same. Where are my manners?" the man asked, and you chuckled with a scoff.
     "New York will do that to you."
You were each kneeling on the ground and picking things up, scatterbrained. But you both looked up at each other at the same time, catching each other's eyes. And in that moment, something clicked for the two of you. Even when you left that day, you weren't really leaving. Because Steve was right here, a week and a few decades later. You blinked, tried to make sure your mind wasn't playing tricks on you. But it really was him. Captain America. And he wasn't dressed in full attire, but he was still there.
    You made a face, furrowing your brows. All the calculations in the world couldn't have prepared you for this happening. You stared at him, speechless.
    He broke the silence, staring at you just as intensely. The crisp blue of his eyes was piercing, staring into your soul.
    "I know you from somewhere," he said, with absolute certainty.
Your heart dropped. This was exactly what you wanted to avoid when time traveling. Not that you even expected anything like this to happen. You became bashful, shaking your head and blushing, hurrying to stand up, but Steve followed your motions as you stood.
    "No," you shook your head and laughed lightly, looking down so he wouldn't see your face.
    "I'm sure I do..." he squinted, still staring intensely at you.  You looked up, pushed your hair out of your eyes. You couldn't handle his eyes on you, not when you weren't even looking at him.
     His eyes locked with yours again and he seemed to be exploring your eyes, wide and scared and nervous, hopeful. You hoped he'd say he was mistaken. You know you would love another chance with Steve, but that night was to be fully over with. For reasons you already stated.
    But gazing deep into your unforgettable eyes, which had glimmered so brightly, it was like a switch went off in his brain, bringing him all those years back. To that one night. He squinted. How could he remember? It seemed so artificial, like it was a memory that had been falsely implanted into his brain. But that was the effect of you- you had changed his history.
    He opened his mouth, then closed it again, then dared to speak,
He said it as if it was an answer, not like he was asking if it was you. Again with absolute certainty.
You pouted, almost cringing as you answered, squeezing your eyes shut. You felt disappointed in yourself, for letting this happen, for opening this window of possibility to begin with. Your life and his life would be changed more than you were ready for.
    You sighed and took in a deep breath,
Steve was still furrowing his brows at you, gazing at you with every intention,
    "I don't understand. How..."
    It surprised himself that he remembered you, just based off of one night. But you were hard to forget. And it was even more mind boggling that he was seeing you again, the both of you in the same shape as when you had first met. Had you been frozen too? No, it couldn't be. It had to be-
    "Time travel," you blurted. Your heart was racing. "I... I time traveled. I can... do that."
      "What, that's your show and tell?" Steve joked, and you felt a little less worried. At least he wasn't angry. And it felt better talking to him in present day, at a time where you both belonged.
    "You could say that. Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, that night was a mistake."
    "I- I mean... it shouldn't have happened. And it was great, really, I can't stop thinking about it. But it shouldn't have happened. I didn't even mean to... it just happened. I just got lucky."
Steve looked at you. All those years ago he had sensed that there was something different about you, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Now he knew.
    "I knew there was something different about you that night. You were glowing with this... this thing... modernity, I guess," Steve nodded.
You seemed good enough. He couldn't sense any bad intentions from you, and he had a good feel for those things. It was just you. It was why the situation didn't concern him any further.
    "I'm surprised you even remember me," you laughed.
    "Remember you?" Steve repeated, incredulous. "How could I forget?"
He held eye contact with you when he said that, and it got you blushing, shrinking down and shaking your head,
    "I'm sorry."
    Now Steve raised his brows,
    "I can't see what for."
    "I just didn't mean for any of this to happen. I feel like I've disturbed you."
You apologized, but when you said it it made you realize you didn't really have much to apologize for. Steve didn't seem very upset... at all. It was just your brain telling you that you could mess things up.
    Steve chuckled quietly, shaking his head,
    "No... you haven't. And you didn't that night, either."
    "Mhm," was all you could hum out.
    "But if that's your idea of disturbing me... I think you should disturb me some more. Maybe you can disturb me over coffee. I'll make up for it," he gestured to the spilled coffee on the ground.
You had probably never blushed so hard in your life. Once again, Steve Rogers was actually hitting on you. And all the silly worries and blabber from your brain couldn't stop the feeling you got when you talked to him, when you were with him.
    "Right now?" you asked stupidly, feeling entranced by him yet again.
He smirked playfully,
    "Yeah. Unless you wanna travel back in time for it."
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (2/2)
Here we go with the next part! I really hope we get some major big plot twist at some point, because it's all really cool but I need something to really change from good to GREAT
For now, let's focus on the next episodes!
It's the 17th of April and here we go!
I feel like there's little time to really pull up something, I don't know. Like, what plot twist could happen now that there just half season left with only Unagami/Dyer's identity and maybe Scott's past as mysteries? There's little space for more plotlines, that's what I think
Overall fighting scenes, character designs and game backgrounds are AWESOME!!
Let's see how it goes, maybe I'll be surprised. Wouldn't be weird for Ninjago to pull a bomb last episode 😅
Okay, so there is a photo, and there is a friend. As I thought, Dyer might not be Unagami at all, I feel like there's a lot of backstory coming along. I wonder if Scott has a part in this... WHERE IS SCOTT 💙
Ah, of course Kai would spend his credits on an avatar, I should've known, my flame babe can be such a dummie sometimes I mean why would you even do such a thing as buying an avat-
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NEVER MIND I LOVE IT 😍😍🔥🔥 I thought him being blonde was going to bother me, I actually kinda like the change. Still prefer my baby brunette, but it's really cool as well. The best of this season are definitely the characters designs
Was that "let's fight an ogre mission" a hint for next season? I wouldn't be weird, but it's been a while since I've seen forshadowing for new season in this show
HECK YEAH THE DANCING EPISODE!!! I was waiting for this, Jaya is so cute while they are on the dancefloor 😍 They have chemistry 😘😘😘
I like the implication that Nya was really bad at dancing before Jay, like Kai covering his eyes because he cannot handle her sister not being perfect at something 😛
And Cole being the dance expert, that little tango moment with Kai I bet made many lavashippers super happy 🖤❤🖤❤
JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! Nya better say I love you back soon, like Kai and Skylor are a little behind, Zane and Pixal already said it, Jay can't stop doing it, come on girl it's your turn! 😎😎
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Okay, I think my theory won't happen 😅 Feels like there are not enough episodes for a good reveal, and it doesn't seem like Scott is that influenced by Jay. My last idea is that perhaps he has spent so much time in the game like Jay said (POOR BABY 😭) that he doesn't remember. Maybe the moment he will come back, we will find out that it is Jay's brother/twin, I mean he still has those dragon and lightnings drawing on his back... yeah I like this theory a lot, gonna hold on to it!
So Scott is indeed a person trapped in a game, at least that's confirmed 👍
Also he's got some major issues, the poor thing, and I think there is some special reason behind him not wanting to race besides having just one life.
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OH MY GARMADON 😂😂😂 Okay, okay, it's actually better than I expected really. The scarf is cool, and so are the golden tattoos, the suit and the golden sleeve. It's just the mohawk that will take time to get used to, it's not even bad, just weird 🤷‍♀️
Racer Seven is so cool! Always nice seeing a new female character in this show that is not a love interest. I do love Nya, Pix and Sky to death, but I love variety too 💪
Really, really nice the piece of all Racer Seven's crashes! Impactful and sad, a never ending loop that she wants to break through from. That's the heavy stuff I like!
Okay, ready for the race! And I'm... scared? Like, a lot of they guys have one life?? KAI HAS ONE LIFE?? 😱😱 I hope for the best I guess 😅
Might be my favorite episode yet
Seven is SO COOL, it's another reason why I'm sad these episodes are so short! I really would had liked see her more, truly have her bond with the guys
Soooo... I guess since Scott's been in the game for 30 years it's safe to assume he's not Jay's brother/twin. To be fair it's really hard to tell a LEGO person's age😅 At this point I guess he could be either Dyer's friend, even if it sounds unlikely, or... idk, still think he could have a connection with Jay. Maybe he's like... an older brother? Libber had him a long while ago?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID SCOTT HAVE TO DIEEEEEEEE??? 😭😭😭 Just when he was getting more involved, come on! He even said he wanted to try that hero stuff, I love him! WE WILL SAVE YOU MY TECH BABY!!!
Cole getting a ride from Kai, this season has some pretty good lava material ❤🖤❤🖤
I've got some major Ninjaball Run vibes from this, that brings me back 😂 Even the no rules thing is there, come on, there has to be a little bit of inspiration from it!
Still don't know what I think of the rats, kinda seems useless and annoying, gonna be honest. But it's a nice race, exciting with nothing big happenin-
Kai and Cole sacrifice for Jay
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I so, so enjoyed how they did it. Like, one look between them to realize that yes, this is it, Jay is the expert and needs to go on. This is the end of our race... AAAHHH!! (Infinite shipping potential too)
Omg Nya screaming her brother's name and Jay his best friend's name, while Lloyd looks so devastated (those masks are actually kinda espressive, I really like them). Wow. This is the angst I needed, finally👌
YES SEVEN WON!!! HECK YEAH GIRL!!! SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! Also Okino in the background being happy, nice touch!
And now they are three... it's gonna end up with only Jay huh. I... I'm not ready actually, my heart 😢 They better all hug when this is all over!!!
The music of the old school section was actually very nice, reminds me of the past, I kinda hoped The Fold were going to release some game themed songs. Been a while since I have one of those 😍
Lol, explaining the side scroll games was actually pretty cool
YES THEY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THE AIRJITSU!! Maybe they will remember they can used it, right Cole? The ladder scene? YOU CAN FLY???
OMG NYA ACTUALLY SAID CICLON-DO JUST HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! All the way from my favorite season Possession, Jay's definition of airjitzu that I actually still kept in one of my fanfictions 😂
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Okay the design of the temple of madness is REALLY cool, you can immediately tell it's from an old videogame. Gives me the double vibe the googles for the first 3D movies used to give me 😂
Also look at this
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THIS IS ADORABLE!! 💙💚💦 Really old style videogame 😂
And there we go!! Harumi!! Since I saw her in the set I was wondering what she was going to be, maybe an avatar or an NPC of some sort... THIS HURTS WAY MORE!!! And of course pure heart BABY boy Lloyd doesn't feel good fighting her, he had a crush on her! AND HE FREAKING SAW HER DIE!!! It's really sad that he still hopes for her to be good...
The fighting scenes are really, REALLY good! So fluid and active! This fight was really pleasant to watch, not gonna lie 💜
Okay, down to three members. Remaining Zaptrap and water godess... omg Nya will totally die first and at that point Jay will go completely nuts. I'm both scared and DYING TO HAPPEN!!! ANGST FINALLY!!! THIS IS THE STUFF!!
Got some major Skybound feeling, like when it was only Jay and Nya... will Nya finally say I love you back?? I HOPE SO ❤💙❤💙
With the three keytana now, what will happen? I'm actually curious now, this is the exciting stuff I need! And yes I do realize it's a little weird that for getting hype I need my faves to die 😅
The Weekend Whip with sax, never thought I needed this in my life 😍
Bet Brent had a blast recording this
Okay this is the third Chima reference I see, they better throw some Nexo Knights hits as well next season! Come on, it's about freaking knights!!!
This is not what I expected when they said there was going to be an episode with only Zane and Pixal but I'm sure as HECK not complaining 👌
Oh, seeing Pixal joining in so normally is so beautiful, I really wish we could have her even more often
Dareth's karaoke bar! From Sons of Garmaron! Also him guessing first try because the ninja really do get post in other dimensions very often 😂 Gotta love them indeed
Pff Zane narrating and getting stopped every time because of it, how I missed this naive little nindroid
So the bartender Tony is the friend? That's it? A little easy really, hoped for more... still calling him Milty is cute 💕
Buddy's Pizza from season 2!!! This season is killing me with references and I LOVE IT SO MUCH 💜💜💜
So, the mechanic is free again (the Kryptarium dudes should really learn how to do their job right 😓), Zane is kidnapped, and Pixal has a fedora that makes her possibly even cuter. I have emotions
AH!! KNEW IT!! UNAGAMI IS NOT DYER!! FREAKING CALLED IT!!... kinda expected really, but still called it 😅
So Unagami was the first name of Prime Empire and is also an AI that got crazy and was shut down, but now is back after programming the game itself and wants to get to the real world?... I'm down with it
So I'm guessing we won't get much of a Scott backstory... Eh, let's see how it goes!
I was seriously confused by why those dudes wanted to kidnapped Wu, but it made sense later. Still come on sensei, you're a freaking half god or something, pull yourself together 🤦‍♀️
Very nice that Pixal is the one to bring up the argument about feelings and AI. So very nice to have her in this!!!
Oh finally the backstory of Unagami I'm really curious about what happened in the past and what exactly brought the shut down of Prime Emp-
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So Scott was the first beta tester, Milton asked Unagami to make the experience as exciting as possible, and that ended very badly so the game was shut down and THEY LEFT HIM INSIDE FULLY KNOWING HE WAS THERE??? I HATE DYER NOW!!!
Although it is really interesting knowing a tech genius like him, until now we got Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg that were plenty open about the idea of AI with feelings as meaningful as humans'. While he doesn't get that, they are only machines for him and that's the reason why he doesn't understand how much Unagami is mad and filled with need for revenge.
This is why I want more than 11 minutes, the themes of this season are really, REALLY cool. I would have loved more introspection and development.
I guess Scott being Jay's brother is officially debunked 😅 Although I am curious about the life he left behind, since he was stuck in that game for 30 years. He still has those lightnings on the jacket I don't understand...
The portal is open, Zane might get destroyed, Unagami wants revenge, Jay and Nya are the only one left and I'm pretty sure Nya will be killed as well leaving only Bluebell so there's THAT. So yeah, this is actually pretty cool!
Two episodes left. Okay Ninjago season 12 Prime Empire, wow me 😎
This felt a little simple if I'm gonna be honest. I felt like the last mission before facing Unagami was a little basic, with nothing really exciting. Still liked it, but this is probably my least favorite episode 🤷‍♀️
Of course, put Jay is a sushi restaurant-themed level and he will kill you with puns 😂 I love this prankster
Again, the fighting scenes are dope. Definitely one of my favorite things since they changed the animation. You lose something you win something 😙
Wooo, Jay saying that he had trained for years just for kick his butt was actually cool! Bluebell is unleashing!
"And that's how we roll!". You rock we roll, am I right 😂
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I wish Nya said that she loves Jay back though! Freaking come on girl, he is your yang!!! ❤💙❤💙
Unagami is not Dyer, he wants to get to the real world, I'm actually kinda curious about the confrontation that is about to happen... ALSO THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF HUGS WHEN THIS IS OVER
I... genuinely forgot about the dragon medallion 😅 Eh, I love dragons so I'm fine with it. Well, let's see how it ends!!!
Wow, I actually love this ending?? A LOT?? After last episode I didn't have much hope, but after seeing it I gotta say, it was really great 👌👌
Thanks for not dying on us again Zane, much appreciated
Jay taking charge is quite rare and when it happens you know things are about to get crazy 😂 It was really nice seeing how sensible he could be, telling that Unagami wasn't evil after all, that he needed closure and answers
I know I miss the animation peak we reached with SoG and Hunted, but I gotta say the atmosphere of the city with the lightnings and the gray sky was really awesome. Very cool.
Pff, that part with the elevator though, reminds me of the one in season 1 that made me start watch Ninjago ✌ Also it's always Borg's Tower indeed 😂
And wow. WOW. I didn't expect Jay to drop the I'm adopted bomb on us, I think I never heard him talk about it since Skybound (that technically never happened so 😅). It was SO good seeing him sympathize with Unagami because he was also left with no explaination. His desire to know, along with the hope that the past is the past, but they had a good reason for. Also he freaking said he didn't have the chance to ask because Cliff is dead and I 😭😭😭😭
And here I melted, because we finally see the situation for what truly is, the way Jay also sees it: Unagami is a kid, a child that doesn't understand how the world works, that just wants to make his father proud but got rejected instead. The confrontation was actually touching, I really wish we had more time for that. Even a little resistance from Unagami, another fight, and a finally reconcilliation with Dyer.
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Could you seriously be cuter than this?? ❤💙❤💙 I wished for more hugs but I'll settle for this I guess 😍
Okay, very nice to see Seven and Okino out there and deciding to live their lives in Ninjago, nice to see some others like the rats going back to Prime Empire. As Unagami said, he gave them a choice, it's up to them at this point
But I'm sorry, WHY ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK WITH SCOTT??? That guy's been trapped inside the game the longest, not even a "Hey bud, you're alive, cool cool"? I know I've been overbearing about how much I love Scott, especially since I had all those theories about him (still don't know why he has lightnings on his jacket and hat, is it just a style thing? Idk), but come on! Well I guess if he's happy I am 🤷‍♀️
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Is that his girlfriend or something? After 30 years? Or maybe she got trapped with him a while later? Or maybe that's his... mom? Look, we all know determine the age of LEGO characters is hard, give me a break please 😅😅
Overall, very nice ending, it brought everything together quite nicely. I'm satisfied, yes!! 💜💜
As I said, the episodes' lenght I really think gets in the way of making this an excellent season. There is so much that could be explored more, the choice matter, all the amazing characters, and the AI feelings stuff from the latest episodes. There is room for more, I wished we got that
The characters though were really amazing. Between Scott, Okino, Seven and Unagami himself, there were very different personalities with very different dreams and thoughts, that made this ride much more interesting
Fighting animation was 👌👌👌
Comebacks from past seasons were 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Maybe it didn't really focused on Jay as much until the end? Yeah it was about him, but we got to see his sensibility and his past only last episode. He loves Nya, he likes videogames, of course but there's more about him than meets the eye! Wished we saw that, but in general it was nice seeing him first line again 💙
I liked this season. It has flaws, but I enjoyed many parts and at the end I was left satisfied 👍
Just... wasn't Jillian supposed to be in this? Or is it next season? She said a mom was going to come back, I took for granted it was going to be Edna. I'm curious about next season now... FINALLY A COLE SEASON EVERYONE!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you for leaving notes to my last rant, this helps me not jump excitedly every time a new episode comes out 😅 Well then, that's all from me!! Have a nice day everyone!! 💜💜💜
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