#i don't know how to rephrase it tho
cashmoneyyysstuff · 4 months
m'starting to get my groove back no emperor so here's a lil valentines day piece i wrote, hope yall enjoy ♡ ! ( a lil bit more love for the hopeless romantic singles like me, ppl in a relationship yall can get that from your s/o's..still love yall tho ♡)
fem reader, katsuki is a nervous lil thing, his friends don't help( they do end up helping him out tho), just pure fluffyness, bksquad boys are sassy towards each other but all in good fun, bkg is a softie, kirimina kinda hinted but eiji shuts it down take it how u wanna, food n takeout mentions,dude talk written by a girl trying her best, kirishima's sheets smell bad lemme know if i missed sum else ♡ !! (no friends to lovers mentioned in this one btw..starting to feel myself goin thru withdrawal already..), not rlly reader oriented like usual but i thought this was cute lol i like the idea of katsuki caring about us so much he goes out his way to ask for help from others (despite hating doing so)teehee (also i like the idea of these silly guys interacting and i like hc-ing them okay okay i'll stop rambling okay-)
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the last thing kirishima expected at 9.34 pm was someone basically busting down his door with how hard they were knocking on it.
eijirou opens the door urgently and is even more suprised to see his foul mouthed best friend on the other side of the door.
"woah, bakugou, man !" he exclaims seeing the state his friend was in. his eyes looked droopy and his clothes were wrinkled up like he had done a lot of moving around. usually, he would've assumed his friend had just awoken from a good nap, but his restless expression said otherwise. "what happened to you ? you look—"
" 'm fine." bakugou gruffs hoarsely, taking a deep breath at his friends widened eyes, softening up his demeanor just slightly " i'm good," he rephrased "just—you gonna let me in or what ?"
eijirou sputters out an "of course, of course" only for his friend let himself in before he could even move aside. though he immediately freezes when he sees-
"woah, kacchan's gone nutso ! " denki exclaims, face turning red from laying upside down on kirishima's bean bag for way too long.
"and he's up past 8 ? must be the apocalypse or somethin' " sero chuckles from his place on the floor near the dresser.
bakugou groans has he flops onto eijirou’s bed "of course you losers are here" his complaint is muffled against the pillows, but not muffled enough to where the rest of the boys can't hear.
"hey ! we were here before you ! 'f anythin', you're the one intruding—!" denki gulps, eyebrows furrowed. he quickly spins around to lay right when he feels the blood rushing to his head, taking a deep breath afterwards. sero chuckles and bakugou deadpans at kaminari for a good fourty seconds before slamming his head back down and groans even louder.
kirishima decides he's at a safe enough distance to sit down on his own bed, without making any sudden moves so as not to anger the beast that is an angry, sleepy bakugou. he places a hand near his friends leg, where he deems he's at safe to ask "what's up man ? you're usually in bed by this time.." he hears sero make a noise in agreement.
"yeah, or he's havin' kissy-kissy time with his giiiirrrlffrrieeeend.." kaminari sings, kicking his feet in the air jokingly. bakugou, to everyones suprise, flinches at the mention of you, then slams his head against kirishima's pillow harder and groaning even louder.
all three friends share a curious-somewhat worried look. kirishima nudges his head in bakugou's direction, silently begging his friends to say something. said friends adamantly shake their heads, as if synchronized, making a cross motion with their arms. kirishima sighs to himself, some friends.
yet again, he is the first one to speak up " did..did something happen between you two, didja fight or something ?" he asks carefully, his entire body is strained and the air in the room is so heavy, everybody present ready to get a big portion of the great lord explodo-bomberkill's anger.
only to be met with bakugou turning around to lay on his back eyebrows strained slightly and eyes absent, thinking about something they don't know "what ? course we didn't fuckin fight, idiot." he answers simply.
the three friends all let out an obnoxious sigh of relief, to katsuki's slight confusion.
"hoo, okay." kirishima answered relieved. he knows you and bakugou don't fight very much (which he thinks is super manly) but he knows that when it happens bakugou get's extremely—EXTREMELY—irritable, so it's best to stay away from him while he has his heart broken for a little bit, unless he reaches out by himself, but that only happens when he feels really bad and came to ask for advice on how to get his boyfriend priviledges back. "soo.." eijirou sings "what happened then ?"
bakugou's face hardens and the group stiffens again, preparing for a latent explosion--perhaps the volcano was still dormant and was about to be set off. the three boys hold their breaths.
bakugou takes a deep breath, a sour expression on his face.
bakugou huffs out a sigh.
he opens his mouth to speak and—his cheeks are turning pink ?
"valentine's day's after tomorrow and i don't know what the fuck to get her."
the three boys slump over and kaminari does so so hard his face bangs against the floor. kirishima feels like he's in a sitcom or some gag anime.
" that's it ?" sero chuckles to himself "what ? you're worried for valentine's day ?" sero mocks, gladly taking the opportunity to mess with the blond "that shit's easy man." he cackles, leaning against the dresser more comfortably.
"yeah dude, all you gotta do is get her some chocolates and like—a teddy bear or somethin' girls love that typa stuff !" kaminari piped up, having lifted his head up from the floor. sero nods and bakugou lifts himself up to scoff at them. it feels like it comes from the deepest depth of his very being and kirishima feels a little hurt, despite not being the target of the attack.
"this is why you losers don't have girlfriends yourselves, so i don't wanna hear anythin' from you." kaminari chokes out an "ouch, dude !" " sides, i'm not just gonna settle for that boring ass shit for my girl. no chance in hell." bakugou concludes gruffly.
"yeah, yeah we get it you're the perfect boyfriend" sero quips bitterly, rolling his eyes. " why'd you come here to ask us if, according to you, we get none ?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.
"i came here for shitty hair, not you bastards." the blond spits, rolling his eyes as well before turning to kirishima, who jumps a little at his friends slightly desperate eyes on him.
"woah, i don't have—what makes you think i would be any help ?" the redhead splutters, waving his hands around.
"don't you have something goin' on with alien chick ?"
"what ?! no dude, we're just friends !"
at that, bakugou's eyes widen the slightest bit before he groans for what feels like the 5Oth time tonight, and flops back onto the bed dramatically, turning his head away from his friend " your fuckin' useless too, then." his friend grumbles angrily.
"hey !" kirishima exclaims "mean ! i help you with your girlfriend troubles all the time without having one !"
bakugou turns to face his friend again with narrowed eyes, before exhaling a frustrated sigh and lifting himself up again, eyebrows furrowed. "your sheets smell like ass by the way." he chides, nose scrunched slightly.
"h-hey !" kirishima reiterates " i was gonna wash 'em !"
bakugou gives him an incredulous look, before shaking his head, sighing.
"well look, how about you just get her something you know she likes, isn't that good enough ?" sero offers, shrugging to himself.
"ou ! i saw a guy on tiktok ask his girlfriend out with wingstop, you could like-" kaminari, despite getting lightheaded before has apparently not learned his lesson as he flips around on his back again "—ask her to be your valentines with some fast food chain she likes, and those cute pink heart balloons they sell at the mall, y'know !"
the boys all hum at kaminari's suprisingly helpful idea. kirishima doesn't wanna say it out loud but he really hadn't expected such a cute idea from his electric friend.
"y'know, i was gonna say you were just hungry with the wingstop thing, but that's actually not a bad idea kaminari." sero hums absentmindedly with an impressed expression on his face. kirishima sweatdrops at his lack of tact but isn't really suprised.
"fuck you, man ! you guys never trust me with this stuff." kaminari whines mostly to himself. "yer track record isn't really the best when it comes to scoring girls, is it ?" sero retorts.
kirishima shakes his head seeing his friends start to bicker. he decides to ignore them and turn to his spiky haired friend, who seems deep in thought "well, what about it ? that sound like a good idea ?" he asks.
"s'not half bad.." his friend mutters in response " it's a good start, i guess."i if he notices how kaminari presses a hand to his chest with a heartfelt look on his face, he doesn't comment on it.
"oh, maybe try the take-out and a movie, i'm assuming you're not trynna have a whole celebration, yeah ?" bakugou grunts in response, his nose scrunches as he cringes thinking about the idea. he shakes his head "no, want it to be..about just the two of us, y'know ?" he utters honestly, in a way that sounds way too out of character from him.
a symphony of awwwss resonates around the room and katsuki feels his cheeks heat up hard as he harshly tells his friends to shut up.
" but seriously i'm curious, you guys are already together right ? why would you need to ask her to be your valentine anyway—shouldn’t that be a given ? " sero wonders.
"i don’t fuckin know, my old hag says it’s about the principal or some shit like that." bakugou sighs, flopping back onto the bed and throwing an arm up over his eyes, it seemed like being up so late was affecting him.
"no way dude, you called your mom ?" kaminari asks, jaw practically reaching the floor (or the ceiling..?) in shock. bakugou flushes and splutters as he hears his friends reaction to this apparently shocking news.
“shut up.” he growls “she says it’s important to show i care.. my old man does it an' they're still together right now so he must be doin' something right.
"woah man.." kirishima uttered in awe " you're goin so far to make your girlfriend happy.." he clenches his fist "s-so manly !" bakugou simply grumbles to himself in response.
"honestly..i didn't expect that from you..like at all."
"fuck off !"
"like genuinely, at all. or maybe like, 0.00003 percent cha-"
" i'll fuckin' kill you tape arms !" bakugou barked, small sparks shooting out of his palms as he kneeled at the foot of kirishima's bed in pursuit of the black haired boy. kirishima swiftly swoops in and grabs his friends arm, quickly putting his finger over his mouth
"shhhh, man !" kirishima shushes. " if we're loud, class rep's gonna hear us !" he hisses.
"or worse, mr. aizawa..." kaminari whimpered.
all four boys share a shiver.
afterwards, bakugou sighs, acting as if him almost literally blowing up at his friend a minute ago hadn't happened and gets up to sit on the side of the bed.
"well whatever, i'm satisfied." he says, a little yawn leaving him "my folks gave me some ideas so i'll use those too." his eyes zip around the room and back to the floor, then he closes his eyes and speaks so quietly kirishima barely catches it
"you guys' idea isn't horrible either so i'll keep it in mind..thanks." he utters a quick " 'r whatever." before suddenly getting up and practically sprinting to the door.
it's quiet in the room as everyone sits stunned and kirishima is the first to speak again "o-oh yeah, no problem man, anytime !" he beamed, though still slightly shocked.
"yeah, no problem..!" kaminari can't seemed to decide if he wants to smile or be stunned. his mouth stuck in an awkward half-smile-half- '°O°-' face.
" course." sero raises a thumbs up and a small smile.
bakugou grunts to himself, graces his friends with a simple "night." then pulling the door open quietly, looking around the hallway quickly before swiftly creeping out the room, closing the door behind him. the boys quickly reciprocate the goodnight quietly before he can fully close it. he stutters at the door for a second longer and kirishima knows he heard them then, so he's satisfied.
it's quiet in the room for about 5 seconds after bakugou's left.
"dude, for some reason that made me feel all warm inside..is that just me ?" kaminari hummed, pressing a hand to his chest.
"nope, me too" sero admits, sighing to himself.
"yeah, same here" kirishima says as well, smiling to himself " he really cares about yn, huh ?"
"i can give him that, yeah" sero stretches, getting up so he can jump onto kirishima's bed.
"dude" he lifts his head up "your sheets do smell like ass." sero snickers.
afterwards valentines day comes around. the boys don't have valentines of their own but when they see you and katsuki hand in hand, with you holding onto those cute pink heart balloons from the mall, wearing a sweater a little too big for you and a valentines day gift bag in your one hand, with bakugou holding onto a bag of take-out and offering them a single side glance and a nod with a half smirk on his lips, they feel extremely proud of themselves. bakugou reminds himself to tell his friends he owes them one.
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
Hey, I'd love a batfam x reader fic, where the reader got mistreated by the family when they were first introduced (not by Alfred tho), they ignored here and just focused on their own shit and when the reader got older and they realized "oh shit I got another sibling" they wanna build a relationship, but the reader hates them and is like "nah, I don't give a shit how bad you feel, kys" and "Do i look like I care? Fuck off and please fall down the stairs and break your neck" or they're really overly nicest most anime girl voice to make them feel extra bad "oh my absolutely dearest brother, I would love to spend time with you, buuuut I just don't want you to waste your time on your little brother, okayyy 😚"
I hope you can imagine something with this!
Take time and have great day
Alright, I'm sorry that this took so long... Also, comedy is not my thing so, forgive me if this is not funny.
Summary: (Y/N) was ignored by the other siblings. Years later they realized they had a brother. (Y/N) isn't a forgiving person, also this gif is (Y/N) like why the fuck you talking to me
Warnings: cursing, (Y/N) is not forgiving, the siblings want forgiveness.
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They were all so stupid. Every single last one of them. Bruce tried to warn them, but they didn't want to listen. Bruce himself introduced (Y/N) to the boys. He also tried to stop the ignoring (Y/N) thing, but was unsuccessful.
Alfred and Bruce were going to now sit back, relax, and drink tea and coffee respectively and watch this entire shitshow, to put it bluntly. And it was lowkey funny. Alfred and Bruce allowed (Y/N) to curse during this entire thing.
Jason was the first one to try and apologize. He was the harshest one, always snapping back and slamming the door into his face whenever he wanted to hang out. He summoned up the courage and knocked on (Y/N)'s door.
(Y/N) opened and tried to slam the door, but Jason just wedged his foot in between the door and the frame.
" Can we talk? " Jason pleaded, watching as he looked him up and down.
" No, I'm busy. "
" Please, I know that I was wrong and I really feel bad. " Jason pleaded.
(Y/N) sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.
" Jason, I will say this in the nicest way possible. I don't give a single flying fuck about your feelings. You didn't care about me and I don't care about you. So, let me rephrase this once more. Go fuck yourself."
And with that (Y/N) slammed the door in Jason's face.
Jason stood there for a moment before sighing. He really felt bad.
Next brother who tried to apologize was Dick. He caught (Y/N) as he tried to leave the gym quickly.
" (Y/N), I need to talk to you! " Dick said, walking up to (Y/N).
" Well, I don't need to, so please fuck off. " (Y/N) said shortly, moving to the kitchen to get some more water. Alfred smirked behind the tea he was drinking.
" Please, I just want to make things right. "
" And I don't care. Now fly off birdie. " (Y/N) said, running to his room.
" (Y/N), I know I made a mistake! " Dick said, running after (Y/N).
" I don't think you know. " (Y/N) said, slamming the door right into Dick's face and (Y/N) smirked at the groan he got. Dick clutched his nose. He wasn't bleeding, but it was throbbing.
Dick had a lot of groveling to do.
Tim was the third one to try to apologize. He tried to find (Y/N), but (Y/N) became the expert in evading his four brothers, just like they evaded him for all those years.
" (Y/N), I know I was stupid at the time- "
" No, you are still stupid if you are trying to talk to me. " (Y/N) cut him off, taking off to his room.
" (Y/N), what we did was wrong and I feel bad. " Tim tried once more.
" Well, I don't feel bad for you. I don't give an absolute shit how you feel. None of you cared for me and I don't care about you. So, as far I'm concerned, you can kill yourself. "
Tim was speechless. What have they done?
Damian was the last one. He was very... Aggressive in the past with him. Ignoring usually had threats of violence and everything else was off limits. Damian didn't care about him and (Y/N) didn't care about him. It was a fair exchange.
Now he wanted to... Apologize? Not happening.
" (Y/N), I want to apologize to you. I realized that I was wrong. "
(Y/N) raised his brow, clearly not in the mood.
" Oh really? Please, fuck off and leave me be. You don't care about anyone but Bruce and Dick, so don't start acting like you care. And I like I've said before, I don't care about any of your feelings. You didn't care about me, I don't care about you and your feelings. So, as far as I'm concerned, you four can fuck off. "
(Y/N) finished, feeling happy that he got it off his chest. He walked away from Damian. Damian stood in the hallway, looking as (Y/N) left.
They have made a terrible mistake. But they will do whatever it takes to make it right.
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dittaturamonegasca · 2 months
I think there should bé a fic where anyone from the grid would be third wheeling Landoscar, like, have you seen how these two interact.
So, I lack the ability and the time of f1writingbyme and LestappenForever to make this idea into a proper work like they did for "How (Not) To Third Wheel Lestappen" (check it out on Ao3 if you haven't already, definitely worth it) BUT BUT BUT, I can tell you how I think most of the grid would react in third wheeling Landoscar!
1) I feel like we should spare Checo, cause honestly this man has had enough as third wheel of Maxiel and Lestappen, I don't wanna give him extra traumas, SO –
2) Logan Sargeant: this one I really feel guilty about. Cause I like the narrative of him and Oscah being besties and still I cry over the sad edits of Logan just left behind. I think Landoscar with Logan has the most space for improvement?? I forgive Oscar even tho he definitely ghosted the poor Logan for the whole honeymoon phase with Lando (it's been almost two years, Osc, get a grip). I have a feeling Logan will speak up at some point and this would shake Oscar a little, so maybe he would be the more aware and more involved third wheel, possibly? They'll end up doing triple video-games championships with Lando and Logan mocking Oscar's gaming skills, mark my words.
3) Carlos Sainz: my man how does it feel to know you've wasted your chance (multiple chances, lets be real) for good? I have mixed ideas about this one, cause I think it would probably being more like Lando struggling to keep them both as close as possible resulting in Oscar being rightfully jealous 👀👀 so the third wheeling situation would be like Lando trying to involve a very annoyed and confused Carlos in their things (safe for work, ofc). I don't really see a way out of it.
4) Daniel Ricciardo: I mention him but I can't really explain cause honestly my idea of Daniel third-wheeling Landoscar is either him babysit them around Australia and bonding with Oscar over weird aussie habits OR OR OR something very NOT SAFE WORK so ( ... )
5) Max Verstappen: I love to think he'll remain an unbothered king, you know? Like he's well aware and a bit upset that his crepes companion invited someone else (beside from Daniel) to their dessert dates and that the two of them acts like lovebirds even without an actual physical contact. He'll probably send SOS texts to Charles and Daniel until a topic of (his) interest comes out and honestly at that point the power of maxplaining will win over pretty much everything and everyone. At the end of the day Landoscar turn out to be the real victims.
6) George Russell: poor thing was originally invited for a golf morning from Carlos (Landoscar were already supposed to attend), but Chili called off last minute so Georgie ended up with just the others two. LET ME TELL YOU he jumped off the golf cart cause he saw Lando placing a hand on Oscar's thigh and feared for his life. It took several minutes for them to notice he was aggressively walking behind. He was also hit by a golf ball because Oscar distracted Lando for a second too long, I guess you can figure out the rest.
7) Special mention to the PR and the McLaren team in general who's main job rn is having them to SIMPLY F O C U S outside the pit for like interviews and debriefings. I can picture Lando losing it after hearing a single compliment like "SO YOU THINK I'M PRETTY", cause ✨babygirl✨ energy hitting here and there, even tho he has tried to be somehow a model for Oscar, at least for what concerns work. Indeed I pity trainers and strategists bc ofc Oscar listens at them, but image them trying to explain a concept to him just for Lando to get there and rephrase it in the dumbest way possible and Oscar going like OHHHHH NOW I GOT IT, COULDN'T YOU EXPLAIN IT THAT WAY?
8) This is mostly a guilty pleasure but do we all agree they torture the entire f1 group chat with their subtle flirting?
IDK if this was what you had in mind but I really REALLY had fun writing it.
So let me know what you think in the comments down below, if you agree or if you want me to make it longer and/or more detailed or just to focus on a specific one in particular?
Again, my dms and box section are open to discussions, requests and any sort of (respectful) thing!
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professorspork · 29 days
⭐️the triple meet cutes pls >:)
well, here is where the downside of the way I outline -- i.e. putting it directly into the document and then just replacing it with the prose itself as I go -- shows its head, because I'm not sure I can stitch the timeline on this together as perfectly as I'd like. luckily I can for some of it because I narrate the vast majority of my life events to @alexkablob thanks for being my searchable diary pal
lol gonna cut this too bc I AM VERBOSE
the true meet cute was always going to happen at a bar. "My friends are being jerks right now, can I sit with you?" is a line that was actually used on me (collectively, addressed to my friend group) at a bar, and it remains one of the BEST lines I've ever heard (love that poor little meow meow rizz), and it was always going to belong to Yang. I knew they'd begin there, and they'd end at "So you don't date. Do you make friends? I've been told I give great friend."
the question then became: how the fuck was I going to get Blake to go to a bar when I knew she's sober and a total hermit?
I considered her going to see a band she likes play, but didn't love that because it would put Yang in the rude position of interrupting something important that she was there to enjoy. I considered it being an open mic night, maybe something where they had an overlapping friend in common and didn't know it, but again-- that directs the scene, and suddenly it's about their mutual buddy rather than them and their chemistry. I considered several different settings (coffee shop? the park?) instead of a bar, to try and make it read smoother, but bar just Felt Right. as someone who's gone to bars to watch baseball when I didn't have access to cable, that cropped up as an idea, and then it was just a question of coming up with a sporting event Blake would possibly have interest in, and ice skating seemed feasible enough. back when I lived in the East Village, I had a corner bar I'd go to down the block from my place that had amazing fried pickles and I'd often do my homework there before it got busy, so that's where that came from.
the "last ferry out to Menagerie" paragraph, in which Blake recontextualizes and basks in her attraction to Yang after learning she's trans, is hands down the single excerpt I worked hardest on. the first step, as I was drafting it early last august, was coming up with the right metaphor in the first place. I wanted something which would help me avoid it reading like a "well you can always tell with those transes" cringefest
me: so now the thing i'm chewing on is-- is what we talked about before, which is figuring out how to write about blake being attracted to the parts of yang's appearance that are sort of self-evidently trans without it accidentally becoming a weird bioessentialist screed me: the best metaphor i've come up with so far is glasses, like-- like putting on your glasses after cleaning them when they've been smudgy for a week, and you suddenly have this wonderful appreciation for crisp little beautiful details me: but blake does not wear glasses and i'm not enough of a hack to give her glasses JUST FOR THIS (i did consider it) so now i'm trying to think of other ways to talk about that, like-- moment of dawning clarity
(sorry I did not give blake glasses. similarly, this past march while writing the big sex scene in chapter 9 I was like "well yes i'm 123k into this but what if I went through and edited everything to give Blake a nose ring wouldn't that be hot" and alexis talked me out of it so blame her.)
once I came up with the "last ferry" concept ("me, rollerblading down Main Street, AO3: HAVE YOU MARVELED AT THE CELESTIAL BEAUTY OF TRANS PEOPLE TODAY") I worked on those two sentences for over an hour. i am particular about my language and cadence always, but even for me this is uh absurdly excessive. WORTH IT THO, because it's the most important passage in the whole fic. i deleted and rephrased it probably a hundred times, trying to get the right flow, the right lyricism, and crucially not say "stars" 8 different times.
Blake's deep dark secret being that she's a country fan has been baked into this fic's essence from the very beginning; the title, "something wild and unruly," is from a Dixie Chicks song for this reason. IT WILL CONTINUE TO BE RELEVANT, and I had to get it in early.
as I've told several people, the "deck building game" joke also comes directly from my life. Helen and I went to New Jersey last June to do wedding errands -- tastings, fittings, engagement photo shoot -- and while we were there we visited a very cute bar in my hometown as a potential night-before-wedding hangout space. she casually mentioned that her sibling was texting her about... oh gosh, I can't remember the name of it, but I went "what's that?" and she said "a deck-building game" and because I was home, and thus around my mother and how she has HGTV on all the time, instead of oh, like Dominion I went "like a porch?" and then she laughed and laughed and I said "well that's definitely going in the fic."
luckily my wife is used to that, because I stole from our lives a great deal. she first started having car battery trouble in January of 2023, and then we opened up the hood and found scary corrosion and my dad talked me through how to clean that out the way Neptune does. from then on it was sort of floating in the back of my mind that this could be something I used in the story-- Blake's car is 100% based on Helen's car, which she bought at a police auction and clearly had a Rough Backstory-- but it was three weeks later that we finally got tired of jumping it all the time and called AAA. the guy really DID come like 2 minutes after I put the request in on the app, so shockingly Yang's fast turnaround time is actually based on life. and about ten minutes after that happened I declared:
me: no real-life anecdote is ever wasted and this is DEFINITELY happening to blake after she and yang have their meet-cute and it's yang who shows up and has to be like WELL HOW ABOUT THAT SERENDIPITY :D
about three months later I then had my OWN battery troubles, and that's when I went out of my way to ask the tech who came about a million questions about what the multimeter read and how cold crank amp tests worked. I pretty much wrote our conversation verbatim into a note on my phone, which became what Yang said. (the fellow who came then also had a very sharp and snazzy work shirt, and that's when I thought about how cute the little Yang on her breast pocket would be)
only it would be--
:) okay anyway
I don't know what it is about competent service professionals that make me go "you're Yang Xiao Long actually" but I've done it twice now, with my wedding DJ and with the AAA people
I went back and forth on whether the library meet-cute would come before or after the car scene, but in its earliest incarnation the idea was just that Yang would come up to the circ desk to check something out and oops Blake's standing there. at one point I even considered having Yang ask her out to lunch. once I realized it behooved me to have Yang and Pyrrha already be friends, so Pyrrha could vouch for her, I knew it had to come at the end to tie everything in a bow.
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Nothing gives me whiplash more than the way my feelings progressed with this poll, also @/ the person talking about "i won't say i'm in love" im howling, you chose the one animated disney song that also happens in a greek lore movie, hitting two olive branch carrying pigeons with one stone. im also impressed for you, OP. You wanted to be tumblr famous and look where you're at lol. I also started reading Antigone and like 3-7 pages in idk it had a table of contents too, and alright, classics stans...I see where you're coming from. But this is giving me ideas. I debated sticking with the old english style of writing, it's not like I can't pull it off, or a modern version of it with the same tone and expressions, but anyone clicking ao3 for this is not going to want 10th grade english flashbacks and it IS a lot of work to keep consistently for however long this might end up so. and that I don't think I can pull of for a fic which is already such an insane concept lol 🫡 I'll go with the easier to read version of the play for how Antigone speaks. type up an outline, then figure out a title. I cannot believe this thing is getting its own fandom and lore. gonna have animatics on youtube and people are gonna be looking at us like they do the fandom for that dream guy like??? same tbh. I want to study this phenomenon under a microscope. My Prof has a PHD in Psych and I may as well ask. Heck, I could turn this into an actual psychological study, we have an honors program for that in College and she can send an email to The Serious Guys In Suits Committee. It'll just need some serious rephrasing to sound like a legit study. I see some issues tho, bc it's one of those you can't solve with an anonymous survey but I'll keep it on the back burner. I think it has some honest potential for furthering other disciplines in historical and social sciences. It's literally a type of conflict resolution, I KNOW people are studying and arguing about that in academia and other gov/research/social work positions. I'm vibrating OP, I don't think you realize how many factors can be nitpicked for a study here. We have a model UN club in the building, and just. the impact of the modern age, with it's evolutionary and environmental aspects on how people respond to conflict is something multi-chaptered.
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I've been seeing a lot of hate towards tone indicators recently. And like, I get it? Sort of? But at the same time, the primary argument seems to be "if I don't understand it immediately, it's useless", as if people are going to dogpile you for needing to google what something means if you don't know or don't remember. You don't have to memorize any of it!! Stop acting as if people are holding you at gun-point to list every tone indicator out there and what they mean!! If you don't want anything to do with them, just ignore and block people who use them!!
Also, everyone forgets it's not just an autism thing?? It wasn't made to be a disability aid, even if it's sometimes used like that. It's like. A general internet thing that popped up because lots of people – both autistic and allistic – have run into issues understanding tone through the internet. Moreover, it's not even an entirely new idea; it's like saying "btw" instead of "by the way". And the same issue of the same few letters being used to mean multiple things crops up with regular acronyms like that, too, as well as the problem of people not always knowing immediately what they mean, but I don't see people saying we should get rid of those and "just write it out" all the time... Tone indicators are just a specialized form of acronym and saying that people are "putting work on you" for the way they use acronyms to shorten their message while still keeping it as clear as possible is ridiculous.
Plus, again with noting how it's not just about autistics... Tone indicators help with anxiety. Stuff like "just rephrase your sentence!!" doesn't really help when your issue is worrying over how your sentence comes across; sure, you could rephrase your sentence to make sure your tone is clear, but now you have no idea if it comes across as too awkward or too stilted and needlessly complicated and now you're worrying over every word in your message, maybe even deciding that since you're so worried, you just shouldn't say anything instead, because everyone says the way you reassure yourself by adding a little indicator at the end of your sentence is ableist. In these cases, the tone indicators aren't about you. The aids that other people use for themselves aren't about you. And I think some autistic folk have way too big of an ego, assuming a general internet thing that helps many people is always and only about them, specifically.
Idk tho, I'm just pissed rn 'cause I see people insulting others for using tone indicators just because they don't personally find them useful. I get why some people don't like them, but if your dislike of them is reaching into egotistical territory where you lash out at anyone who decides they personally find them useful... I think you need to get over yourself.
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randomishnickname · 3 months
It’s always great fun playing the „i’m smart and competent trust me bro“ spiel, it feels like i'm a con artist. Here’s how it works for me:
Voice pitched low and calm, like you’re soothing a skittish horse.
Downward inflexion, even when you’re asking questions („I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.↘“ rather than „What are your thoughts on this?↗“
Open body posture: feet planted firm on the ground, spine straight, calm and focused expression, lots of eye contact, small noises of understanding
Making very short, one-word notes in my professional-looking notebook with my professional-looking pen (those notes are worthless in and of themselves, you very much need to sit down on the same day and write down what you actually meant)
Don't speed up when nervous + avoid filler sounds like „uhmm“ ➡ replace those with some good filler words like „alright", that suggest you’re slowing down for the other’s sake rather than because you don't know what to say
"wtf are you talking about" ➡ „Let me rephrase that – you mean that X?“ → now the ball is in their court to correct you misunderstanding them
"i don’t know how the hell to answer that question" ➡ *thoughtful frown* „Thanks for that question, I’ll need to take that into consideration“ *scribbles down one-word note*
alternatively, redirect the question: "what do you suggest as a solution?" Now the ball is in their court again! Don't overuse that one tho
Never apologize or make excuses for anything if you're not forced to!
Tadaaa, you are now perceived as a confident, professional person who knows what they're talking about. Fake it til you make it bby!!
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 17
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 2,593
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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At first, you had stood a few feet behind Steve, having followed him into the room intending to be an active part of whatever conversation would transpire there, however you've since given up on that plan.
You counted three glances from Bucky. The first was almost immediate when you approached, long and trapped on your figure as he groggily groaned your name. You're not too sure how much he remembers about the last few hours, but it didn't seem to take him long to at least realize his current situation.
After that, his glances were mere blinks that happened to pass over you before darting away to literally anywhere else be it the floor or roof, even down his shirt if it avoided your gaze. His words would fall silent then, his words escaping him with a stumble. That's when you decided it best to leave the room.
Even in absences, you don't go too far, in fact you only move out of sight, leaned against the wall outside where you can still listen somewhat, although Bucky's voice is so scratchy and quiet, it makes his sentences difficult to hear properly. Thankfully, Steve speaks much louder; purposefully, it seems, given how he also tends to rephrase whatever Bucky had said first before giving his own reply. He must be trying to make it easier for you to hear what's going on and stay in the loop despite your distance. Bless him.
A lot's said between the trio, some of which you've already known. You didn't need any refresher on what Bucky remembers about Steve or even the existence of certain words that can set off the Winter Soldier; he's confided in you all of that. What Bucky hadn't ever told you about was the apparent existence of other super soldiers under HYDRA.
It felt like cold water dumped over your body to hear him admit it. Yes, you've never exactly asked whether HYDRA made more super soldier copies, however with something that big - that dangerous - you'd think Bucky would've mentioned it beforehand. Did he not trust you with this information? Did he not think it was important, merely something that would fade away with time? Well, it's important now. According to him, that man who set off the Winter Soldier was asking about the location where the others should be kept; enough to form an army or make an empire fall, as Steve put it.
Fiddling with your fingers, you wait not so patiently on your own, trying to distract yourself from all your burning thoughts by studying details of this broken down warehouse until you hear footsteps to your right. Glancing up, you meet Steve's eyes. He says nothing, but nods; wordlessly permission, as you take it.
From there, you're free to enter the room by yourself. You move slowly, keeping a watchful eye for any reaction on Bucky's part, although he remains hunched over, running his flesh hand through his hair. As for his metal arm, it's no longer entrapped in the press like it had been originally, meaning he must be in a good enough mental state to not run, at least per Steve's judgment anyways (not that you'd argue).
"Bucky...? Are you okay...?"
He doesn't look at you, "...What did I do?"
You're tempted to play dumb and act like you don't understand his question, but that won't help anyone here, will it? So, you move even closer instead, cautiously kneeling in front of him which allows you to be at eye level since he refuses to give you the attention you're searching for otherwise.
"Well, a lot of those government agents are going to be sore for the next few days, let's put it that way. I guess you tried to make a run for it afterwards - according to Steve anyways -"
"- You don't know? I thought you were there -..." He finally looks at you, but when he does, his surprised words die in his throat with a whimper. Initially, you assume it must be out of irritation - a growing annoyance with the situation that he doesn't want to risk taking out on you, thus he shuts his mouth, however there's a different look in his eyes that tells you a different answer; a horrified look.
This overflow of emotion behind his light eyes confuses you until his metal hand slowly inches towards you then suddenly freezes in place with a quiver. Although it doesn't reach its destination and it takes you a moment to realize where said destination would've been, you're upset to have that information click in your head.
He breaths your name with a broken voice, " I...I hurt you-"
"-Oh, don't you dare," you cut him off sternly, sitting up slightly to cup his cheeks in your hands. He flinches against this touch which would normally be your cue to release him and apologize, but right now you're going to choose to be a little selfish.
Your hands remain firm yet soft against his cheeks, your thumb ever so delicately brushing against his cheekbone as you take your time examining his features. Then, you smile dreamily,"...I'm so glad you're safe, Bucky. Do you know how worried I was when you ran off - and I'm not just talking about back at the apartment, I mean at the government facility, too."
"I had you worried...?" He asks in disbelief. Any other day, he might've scoffed at such a ridiculous idea, however he just sounds like a shaken child with a hint of wonder and curiosity behind his words.
"Uh-huh. I thought you were going to disappear somewhere I couldn't find you, that or you were going to get caught by the man and put through another cycle of abuse like in HYDRA..."
Over the stubble around his chin and the smudges of dirt on his skin, your eyes eventually reach his, studying the complex color that often tends to change in the light as you've noticed. Right now, they're dark, nearly appearing green yet when he turns his head ever so slightly to lean into your touch at last, they capture a glimmer of sun that proves their icy shade.
You sigh heavily, unable to rip your gaze away from him as if stuck in a trance, "...I can't lose you, James."
'Twenty six', you remind yourself sadly. Twenty six now, twenty six then...How terrible would it be to keep losing Bucky at this age? You definitely don't want to make that a pattern. For some crazy reason, you've been able to remember him into a new life, allowing you this special chance to protect him and keep him safe; you gotta make the most of it...
A bit too quickly per his own judgment, Bucky's flesh hand rests over yours. He surprises himself by this action, freezing immediately in waiting for you to react negatively. Against his expectations, you don't shove him away or give him even the slightest sign of anger. You remain where you are, that small tug against your lips telling him it's okay to gently take hold of your hand and give it a squeeze.
"...I could've killed you," he wanted to say something else in the moment and maybe you know that deep down, but whatever those words could've been, they go unspoken, buried in thought alone when he chases another excuse he already knows will be hopeless against your stubbornness.
"Don't you go feeling guilty over something that was out of your control, Barnes. What happened back there was the Winter Soldier. Whatever HYDRA put inside your head, it takes you over completely and gives you no freewill. It's not you.
"We've lived together for the last two years and you've never done a single thing to harm me - and you never did a single thing to harm me before that either. You're a good person, James. You spent every Monday morning helping Rosetta take her groceries up to her apartment, you helped that kid get his cat out of a tree last month - Oh, and you sat through the entire extended cuts of Lord of the Rings with me yesterday! Not a single complaint!"
Bashfully, he turns his head, "...Anyone could do those things..."
"But they don't! Do you know how many times I begged Steve to watch just the theatrical cuts with me? Absolute refusal! I mean, seriously, is he that old that he can't sit through a mere nine hours of film? It's not that bad! It wasn't that bad, was it? Eleven hours plus? You looked like you loved them!"
Bucky chuckles, a sound that goes straight to your heart and is shown through your beaming expression.
Although more serious, your voice is still soft, "...If I thought you were at fault for what happened, I wouldn't be here now, James. I would want to be as far from you as possible, not wanting to risk my record let alone life, but I don't think you're at fault.
"I know you, better than anyone else, if I may be as bold. I knew how scared you were going to be when you came back to, so I refused to leave your side even with Steve glaring daggers at me. I wanted to be here to tell you this: that you're just as much a victim in what's going on and that I want to help in whatever way I can. I want to make whoever that guy was pay for ruining what you've worked so hard to build in these last few years and I want to make sure there's zero chance of anyone harming you through blackmail or the Winter Soldier again...Do you understand me?"
After a moment, Bucky relaxes and leans further into your touch with closed eyes. Once he opens them again, his flesh hand trails up and ever so softly grazes the dark bruises against your throat, ones that took no time at all forming. They're mostly red with a little purple outlining the shape of fingers stretching on each side; nothing that won't heal for you, although Bucky might see them for much longer.
"Bucky," you practically sing his name for his attention yet it takes a few seconds to have an effect.
"...I can't lose you either..."
Your heart skips a beat, your smile faltering for a moment in surprise. Moving your hand around in his, you make it to where you can bring both of them in between yours, holding them gently over your heart.
"And you won't,"...you never have... "I think you'll find I'm a lot harder to get rid of than expected, Barnes. We're tied together, you and I, so better get used to it!"
You soak in the look of his smile and the ever so quiet blow of air through his mouth. You could stay here like this all day if someone lets you, keeping him happy and safe in your company where you feel he's always belonged. It's moments like this that you feel so sure - so sure that this is exactly why you were reborn with your memories: to be here for Bucky; to be here with Bucky.
When you stand to leave, he doesn't follow with, letting his hand fall out of yours as he hesitates in place. Sensing his remaining doubts, you quietly tell him to take his time gathering his likely jumbled thoughts while you go check on the others.
You nearly jump out of your skin when walking around the corner to find Steve standing there, leaning against the same spot you had once been earlier. He kicks his foot against the ground, giving a half nod towards the other side of the warehouse, "Sam's doing a perimeter check. We're gonna try to sneak out of here once the coast is clear."
"Nice," Stuffing your hands into your pockets, you awkwardly rock on your heels, "Good, good..."
Steve himself is equally as awkward, looking around at no place in particular before his eyes return to you, "...How are you holding up?"
There was uncertainty in his voice. He doesn’t seem confident in the exact wording of that question and you don't truly know how to answer aside from, "Fine. You?"
Silence. God. Awful. Silence.
"...And how did you feel talking to Bucky? Isn't that...weird for you?" Where does he even take this conversation? How the hell do you talk to the reincarnation of your best friend's fiancée?
You shrug, walking towards the other side of the warehouse with Steve following your trail closely, "Of course it's weird. I'm just kinda used to it at this point...Well, for the most part anyways…I mean, yeah, it hurts biting my tongue and not being able to tell him how I feel or mention anything about our past together, but what can I really do?"
"You could tell him-"
"- Which is easier said than done,” you sigh, not wanting to have this conversation with another person. Natasha already gives you enough crap as it is, “Steve, he didn't get to end things with Hollie the way you did. The Winter Soldier killed me back then and he almost did it again! You were eavesdropping on us, weren't you? So you heard what Bucky had to say? He could barely even look at me and I know damn well he's still in there blaming himself right now despite everything I tried to say! How do you think he'll act if he realizes I’m Hollie too?! If his guilt is bad now, I don’t want to see what’ll be like if I were someone he actually loves!”
After taking a deep breath, you pinch the bridge of your nose, "I’m sorry. I don’t mean to yell, I just...I refuse to tell him yet. I need to find a way to break the news where it's not only believable, but also doesn't make him walk away feeling like total shit. Ultimately, he should start getting his own life and mental health on track before Hollie enters the picture…”
"So until then, you'll keep being (Y/n) to him?"
Steve frowns, "...But who are you going to be around me?"
"...Well, that depends. Who do you want me to be?" You hug yourself nervously, your thumbs rubbing against the fabric of your shirt as you consider the question no one’s really asked you before. No one else knows aside from Natasha who, by default, calls you (Y/n); the only version of you she’s known.
Steve hums, "I'll be honest, this is all...difficult to process. I can't really say I look at you and see Hollie…- but I do believe you, don't get me wrong there! I suppose it's just something I'm going to have to get used to, isn’t it?”
“Feel free to take your time.”
“Stranger things have happened. If aliens and androids can exist, then I guess it shouldn't be so crazy to think my friend has been reborn with all their memories intact."
"Ooh, Natasha mentioned the whole android thing. Must've been interesting."
"Yeah, you'll have to ask your nephew about it," Steve rolls his eyes, annoyed by the memory, however playful towards you. Dwelling over his thoughts a bit longer, he quietly comes to a conclusion, "...I just want you to be yourself. No more trying to accommodate me. If you want to say something, it shouldn't matter who you're saying it as. Yeah, it's going to take some time to get comfortable with, but...I'm just happy to have you around again - as Hollie and (Y/n). You've both been gone for a while."
You blink a few times then tilt your head backwards to stare at the holed roof of the warehouse, "Be myself, huh? I, uh…I actually like that thought."
'Just be myself. No dancing around lies or cover stories. Wow...I haven't done that since...a long while!'
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noneedtofearorhope · 1 year
yo this Gilles Deleuze guy uhhhhh. i understood the thing that quote is from pretty interesting pretty cool but um. that capitalism and schizophrenia: anti-oedipus stuff i understood the preface and introduction but it lost me by chapter 2.
have you read it? did you get it? how am i supposed to get it? i feel like i need to have a degree in psychoanalysis or some shit to understand it
i have not read it. i wouldn't stress not getting it tho. don't feel duty bound to read and understand theory. do it because it enriches your life, helps to bring joy.
that said, he's french, and personally i find the act of translating to be enlightening, even if i don't actually know the langauge. something about the literal translations can sometimes make things click in my mind. even just taking the english version and 'translating' that, going thru it slowly, rephrasing sentences, cutting out the bits that are distracting you. perhaps even translating it into diagrams, so you can visualize it.
i find also that it's helpful to just sit with your lack of understanding a bit. let it be a thorn in your side, a pest that keeps buzzing around in your head. tying it back to language again, immerse yourself. go thru the related tags, reading selected quotes, pushing thru your lack of understanding. eventually you may start to get an intuitive sense of things, even if you could't articulate that understanding. but also trying to articulate it anyway. talking it out can be very helpful, even if the other party doesn't have any input whatsoever.
reading up on psychoanalysis might help too, as well as digging into the history of these thoughts. dig down to the foundations, see what its being built on. elbisneherpmocni sraeppa yllaitini tahw fo esnes ekam nac ,sdrawkcab tsuj si ecnetnes siht gniwonk ekil ,txetnoc (read that backwards)
read wiki and other summaries, follow the sources. personally, im a bit of a 'cast a wide net' sorta person. i like variety, cross pollination of ideas, getting the big picture, seeing the forest. maybe you're more of a details sorta person, but i hope this helps and gives you some idea to go off of.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
It’s question time Muhahahahhha 1. WHO is the hottest genshin character 2.Who is the cutest genshin character 3. How can you write and draw so amazingly , 🔫🔫🔫 tell me!!!!!!!!!! Tell me you’re secrets master - 👾/dumb questions anon
I'm asexual but Dainsleif of course <33333 He's my beloved. Nothing beats his drip in my personal opinion and his personality is perfect. I like TsudaKen and Yuri Lowenthal.
*gently and shyly pushes my lord Ayato away*
My children. I-I love all my children equally cause I raised them into fine kids! I love my C6 Razor, Chongyun, and Diona!
*watches the boys leave calmly*
*yanks Diona*
It's this one. This one by a longshot if we're talking about cuteness. If we're going for wholesomeness, Razor and Chongyun are a tie.
Although if we're talking about husbandos, I'd say it's either Kazuha or Heizou that's real cute. Kazuha's the longest 5 star I have and each interaction either gives me wholesome vibes or absolute sadness. Either way is fine. Plus I just genuinely love both their ENG voices lmao, Heizou's personality is >>>>>
Easy question: I don't.
I seriously don't. Am not a master– am always a beginner. I've manipulated you into thinking that I do but once you wake up that dream is o v e r.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
(okay but fr tho most of my "writing process" is me just reading books and writing down vocabulary words I find and rephrase it for my own fics. I kinda treat writing as a way of learning since I'm bilingual lololol. And when it comes to drawing I just... Take pics of dolls and try to gesture draw lol. How I generate plot however... That I'm not sure. And I hate it lol. It's either nothing or "yandere plushie alhaitham". I still don't know why I made idol!Kaeya pluck his eyes when I could've, idk, went with something softer hAHAHAH–)
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dragons-and-art · 2 years
Will Vincent get a boyfriend down the line? And does have a Vincent's crush?
Sorry but i don't get your last question :'D feel free to rephrase it and send it again tho! And as for you first question i can tell you that, with Vinny, it depends.
He's got a lot of emotional rearrangement to do before he feels comfortable in a relationship again, and who knows how long that will take.
He won't be alone tho, i can tell you that much.
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insomniakingdoom · 7 months
Using this to answer some questions lol
Thought it would be interesting to visit and talk about. I don't know much about Lock yet so it could be a way to learn about him
If caught in an inconsistency or a hypocrisy, how do they react? How would they go about fixing it, or alternatively, how would they go about denying and deconstructing it? I imagine that Lock would try to rephrase what they say and basically try to twist the narrative to not admit that they're in the wrong. If press enough about it, they'll admit it. They're not a really good liar.
How much, and how deeply do they think about other characters' opinions that aren't about them specifically? For example if they knew one of their friends liked or disliked another person, how much thought do they give it? Not much actually. If it's about their friends, that's another story. If they learn that someone have beef with one of their friends, they'll take it personally. How dare they not see how amazing their friends are!? Tho, they'll still try to stay cordial about it. They'll think a lot, but not really act upon it.
Are they able to perform something 'Quick'? Do they prefer to sacrifice time over quality, or vice versa? How do they dispense effort per task? They prefer to takes their time. They can spend way to much effort on thing that could have been done quickly. It may be a bit of perfectionnist on their end, but I also think that they act that way to like, ellonged the time they allow on a task they prefer over one they dislike. As a way of "oooh, oops, I don't have enough time for this task that I don't want to do, oh nooooo, I'll do it next time. or not."
How seriously do they carry other people's worries? How much does this impact their actions? Depends. They tend on letting others to worry about themselves. They have a lot on their plate already so if they have to also carry others worry, it would be too hard on them. But it can be hard to not care about it if they feel like they could help. Even more if the person don't want their help. That could prevent them to be functionnal as they feel conflicted about how they should act. Shoud they go against their friend's wishes? Should they trust that they would be able to deal with it alone? The dilemna can pretty much go against their usual scheduel and they're a man that like to follow a specific schedule, so that would pile up worries upon worries and they're pretty much feeling guilty about things they can't control.
What would they Not want to change about themself? What parts of their self do they cling to, desperately? Even when those things would be already gone? They try to not think too much about their past, and yet still live in it actively. Trying to keep the hotel they worked in alive. They're the only employee left and it's a wonder that the place haven't quite fall apart yet. it may not be the answer desired to the question, but idk how else to answer it lol.
How do they tread around controversial opinions? Is it case by case, or depending on company? In what way? Are they assured in their worldview or unsure? Are they open minded? Probably case by case. They try to be open minded, but won't keep their tongue if the opinion is like, objectivly wrong to them. It can be difficult to them to let things go and to accept that one can't change their mind about things. They can accept that each person have their own experience they base their knowledge on, but not how factually wrong they can be. Sometimes, someone have to physically remove them from a situation. They won't throw hands, but they will have difficulties to let something go.
How easily do they relate with other characters? Very hard. They can try to understand how someone is feeling. But they aren't able to fully empathise and feel what they're feeling. They get that it's hard for them to relate to someone and they try to work on it. Mostly because they deeply crave human interaction even if they don't always act as if it's the case.
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Hi I'm really sorry for popping up on your ask box like this and if you do ignore it that's totally fine by me! I'm sorry if this sounds a little bit pushy as well!
I was just wondering if you were planning on opening your requests any time soon? If not that's completely fine, take your time living your life!!!
Also another question that I thought of since I just binged your Devil's Advocate series, if you were to open requests do you let people request for it? Its an amazing series and I think its incredibly creative.
Once again I'm really sorry if I sound a bit pushy, I swear that isn't my intention, English isn't my first language and I don't know really know how to rephrase what I'm trying to say. ❤️
Yeah so I realize I'm super late with this but if you want, you can request for Devil's Advocate. I was dead for a long fucking time but like meh. Thank you for enjoying my work so much tho! I really appreciate it!
Hopefully you are still well!
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ohstylesno · 2 years
I don't think it's lack of preparation. I think he's very smart but he doesn't know how to give short and direct answer. For example, his answer during his interview for policeman promo is similar to what the director said but Harry butchered it. And during the DWD conference, I remember one answer, Chris rephrased it really well. Another one, Gemma rephrased it well. So I don't think it's lack of preparation or not knowing, he's just not an articulate person. On top of that, I do think he was nervous and he was leaning to "oh I am not a real actor you're right". Idk I think he just need to practice to give shorter answer or something for movie promo
Maybe so. He’s had so much media training tho 🤣🤣 maybe he’s had TOO much.. Cause he comes to good conclusions, but the way there is just a tad too long sometimes 😅
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m-mintyq · 2 years
stolen sweaters
pairing : Will Byers x gn!reader, no pronouns mentioned
word count : 1.09 k
summary : you stole one of Will’s sweater sometime in the summer of ‘85. you only told him some time before he was moving, but he said you could keep it. Later when we go to California you bring it with you, which leads to a bittersweet nostalgia conversation because you put it on once you all got back after the trip to Rink-O-Mania.
warnings? : just fluff & mutual pining :]. very minimal swearing
a/n : I wrote this as a shifting scenario, so there's a mention of a birthday- so just pretend your birthday is before march. you may also pretend that it's a super late gift if your birthday is after march :') plus I'm taking this as my opportunity to insert my headcanon that Will helps Joyce around the house with tasks and stuff.
this is also my first time publishing something like this so be kind lol <3
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“Is that my sweater?” Will said as he walked into his bedroom, checking on you.
“Sure is…I hope you don’t mind that I kept it this long.” you said, sliding your suitcase back away and sitting to face your friend.
“No, no, not at all…More surprised that you still have it” He said sitting by his desk, fiddling with his hands to distract from the awkwardness.
It’s not that it was awkward talking to each other, it’s just that there was some kind of tension in the room making both of you a bit nervous.
“Well I can’t really just throw it away, plus it’s a really nice sweater.” You remarked. True, you couldn’t throw away a sweater that didn’t even really belong to you and you would’ve felt awful throwing it away even if it was yours. And the sweater really was nice, it was comfortable, not like those itchy Christmas sweaters your grandparents would get you, but more like the ones that were warm, comfortable, had that old knitted look & feel all without itching.
“Doesn’t smell like you anymore tho.” You half-whispered without thinking as you began to fiddle with the sleeves.
“Uhh..It doesn’t smell like you anymore. I remember finally wearing it after you’d moved because it was too hard to even put it on once you left and noting that it smelt like you.” finally looking up from each others distractions your eyes met, both wanting to break away because you had problems making eye contact, but the want to stay in the moment just made it feel like time froze.
“You…you know what I smell like?” It would’ve sounded creepy in any other context but it was nice in this one. While thoughts of worry and wanting to go back and shut up ran through your head, all Will could think about is how his heart got warmer at the idea of you longing for him and wearing the old sweater to feel closer to him.
“It- It sounds weird and creepy I- I know but-”
“No…I, I think it’s kind of sweet.” you were kindly cut off before you could dig yourself a hole even deeper.
“Soooo…you still got some on you for the sweater?” chuckling, you were referring to the scent of the sweater, as if Will just carried around a bottle of it.
“I- what do you want me to do with it- rub it on me?” he said giggling in-between words as he got up out of the chair, going to sit on the floor opposite you.
“I don't know! Whatever works I guess…Or I could just steal a new one.” joining in the laughing, you switched into a more comfortable position since sitting on your knees was proving to not be as nice as imagined.
“mmmh…I might have a nice one somewhere-” Will responded now shuffling closer to his wardrobe, opening a half empty drawer.
“No I wasn’t actually serious- I mean I can’t take ANOTHER sweater—”
“I’m fine with giving you one—”
“No Will I can’t, I already feel bad for having kept this one.” still set on not taking any more of your ‘friends’ clothes, your tone got firmer, a bit too firm for your liking but you had a trouble regulating your tone, plus it was too late to rephrase now.
Both of you paused for a moment, the silence letting you slip into overthinking, questioning whether you said something wrong- maybe you did say it too harshly? fuck did you make it too awkward? you probably sound stupid…what if you did something? does-
“What if…youuu…gave me back the old sweater…and I give you a new one?” Will prompted, pulling out a similar style sweater. “It should be practically the same.”
Pulled from your thoughts your eyes ran over the object in his hands, Wills eyes examining your expression from your peripherals. “You sure? It was really just a silly comment you don't have to.”
“But I want to. Take it as a late birthday gift”
“But you sent me a gift—”
“Doesn't matter, take it. Besides, sweaters look good on you.” Taking the sweater into your hands and examining it, you felt a flash of heat on your face, but hoping it wasn't too noticeable you sent your friend a smile.
Pulling Will into a hug, you dropped the sweater in your lap so you have both hands free. “Thank you.” Though this made you blush even more, to your dismay, you didn't really care, more focused on your ‘friend’ at the moment.
Will on the other side, though calm on the outside, was yelling on the inside. All positive of course.
It took him by surprise when you pulled him in, him having been so focused on your expression and reaction to the ‘gift’
Both of you just kind of sat there, not wanting to let go. It was kind of nice, feeling the warmth and comfort of each other, but with more time passing the tension of awkwardness grew too much to ignore. Conveniently, both of you awkwardly parted at the same time, not really knowing what else to do other than continue to sit in silence for a moment longer.
“So uhh…”
“Yeah I’m gonna just…put this away and…”
“I..I’ll see you, in the kitchen?” Will said half-stumbling to his feet and then to the door.
“Yeah..Yeah I’ll be there in a sec.” hurrying you pulled your backpack closer to you, zipped it open & carefully put it inside, avoiding the other things already in there. Putting the bag aside again, you got to your feet and hurried after Will.
You noticed Jonathan and Argyle sitting at the table, Murray and Joyce setting the table, while Mike and Jane nowhere in sight for now. Finally your eyes caught Will, speed-walking from kitchen to dining room, carrying plates, glasses, cutlery back and forth. Didn’t he leave his room like…just a minute ago?
You slipped into a chair next to Jonathan, him shooting you a dopey smile before turning back to Argyle. Soon enough the table was filled with food, Mike and Jane sulking in their seats, Will contently sitting opposite you, and Joyce running her last task before coming to sit down.
“Is that Will’s old sweater?” she said sitting down.
“Mom—” Will spoke out of embarrassment, already begun to poke at his food.
“Uhhh- yeah, it is.” You half-willingly responded, pointing your eyes down in your plate.
“Hm…It looks nice on you.”
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absolutebl · 2 years
Can I tap on the wellspring knowledge of your BL encyclopedia levels of sageness? I'm honestly a little bit stomped, discombobulated, mystified.
Whyever do I seem to grow onto Why R U? as much as it would seem I somehow do?
Or maybe I should rephrase the question:
What ingredients does Why R U? juggle around with to somehow cook up its dish the way it does?
I really just watched this out of silly completism after Make it Right (which I didn't even really like all that much). Coming from there I expected a sort of globmess in terms of narrative and pacing, and... kind of got that served as expected? And as I watched it there were frowns, eyerolls, speed ups, cheek twitches over too much music inserts (whatever is the deal with that random guy on the stage before Saifah and Zon have theirs which is at least plot relevant?) a good deal of "this is somehow really dumb, DUMB", irritating fujoshi cutouts (Zol was okay in the end tho), too much cheese overdosing, too much spice overdosing, too much suffering sob story melodrama and me wrestling with somehow being viciously faceblind to every single character until about very late stretches of the series and also just wondering why I was still on it. Watching it the first time round was not really fun. It was patience taxing. I got the first little lol maybe in the last 3 minutes of the main series. And then a week passed and another and some more and somehow there's a whole bunch of recurring twitches calling for rewatches. (Which also have now been satisfied beyond the excuse of "maybe it's just that I feel a little bit bad about meanly trashing over it in my head like I did when I didn't even watch it that attentively.") That's a clear indicator I actually like something. Probably a lot.
I just have a tricky time putting my finger on why. I found some, but they hardly seem to justify a show crush in dimensions like this. If I try to ask my rationale it much rather comes up with more reasons why I shouldn't be liking this. It's pretty loud about elements that go against my established personal taste (as I am aware of right now, e.g. I know it's famed for its depiction of High Heat with good chemistry, but I don't like High Heat all that much.... or at least I thought I didn't....?) And objectively, it's not like it's a sort of every frame is a painting piece of work with very good direction production values, narratively the pace is all over the place at times as well. (I also still don't quite get what the third pair was good for. Establishing Zol as this world's creator-goddess of sorts with the power to enforce ships? And then Zon taking up the conclusion narrative is even literally kicking them out of relevancy when he says that this tale was just about the four of them?)
A bizarre case on a mystery level like this drops about once or twice per decade and typically also takes about as much time to be fully unriddled. Or at least the last two ones did. But going through some of your tropes collection posts I found some more hints pointing to... probably newly found soft spots for narrative and visual tropes?
So basically, is there more worthy of note than what I already found out to check out for verification? Just what does the show seem to be doing so right?
The preliminary list of candidates I made out so far:
Eyes emoting
vs. full body dramaturgy (You did that post on Saint's physicality, but it kind of feels like both of the two main pairs keep contrasting more crass bolder movements against loads of eyeing around...?)
A touch of meta and tropey self-awareness. (I really like the manga of Zettai BL and Bad Buddy's last line was a riot for me.)
Mild Tsundere x Dork x Overwhelmed disaster handfuls notoriously busy with having a few freakouts
Like loads of "What is thiiiiiis" or "How did it wind up being like this???" exasperation. (This is totally me with this show.)
Paired with a character that has the uberhuman ability to handle them without winding up needing therapy for babysitting burnout (Saifah, what's your secret?)
Enemies to Lovers, but the former is more like attraction misconstrued as irritation
excessive amounts of pillow hugs in all sorts of flavors
excessive amounts of shoulder leans
notorious amounts of puff your cheeks up
run away in a flight response and get caught again (maybe? It does suspiciously show up in Utskushii Kare and Bad Buddy too...)
bob your chin over x (although I am not entirely sure if it's this or if it's because Zon uses it to make Saifah stop his guitar zippery already. Anything that makes them put that damned guitar away might be more welcome for cheers than I was aware of so far)
Miscommunication, but they actually sit there and try wringing that needd talk out from pretty much the beginning all the time, so it's more down to characters speaking different languages rather than all being idiots too awkward to even open their mouths.
The teased knows how to turn things around to tease back, even more viciously if needed (This suspiciously also shows up in Bad Buddy)
probably this means vice dynamics?
Although SaifahZon kinda are adorkable, too
picturesque piggyback rides? Maybe? cocks head left and right and right back
All About Show Crushes 
Honestly Why R U? is such a mess.
But I'm the same as you. On first watch I was like... I don't know... but the chemistry is good. I actively disliked Siafah Zon tho. Like I watched a bit in the first few eps and then skipped their part. I think I didn't do an actual watch of their story until the reshoot extras came out and even now they are just a bit to cheesy cringe for me.
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I think your list is pretty exhaustive. But there is one more thing...
sometimes we like a thing because we like a thing. 
like there is no really good reason for it and we (especially me, and apparently you) can hunt about and try to explain it, or can gravitate to one spectacular reason (I fell like this is me and color rush) but sometimes it defies explanation. 
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For me one of those is Oxygen, objectively there isn’t a whole lot to recommend it (I mean it’s fine but for the amount of times I’ve rewatched it, fine is not a sufficient moniker). I just LOVE that show.  
I think trying to figure out a show crush is like trying to figure out a person crush. Odd and possibly eventually tempered by persistent exposure. 
Sometimes it’s not about the show’s internal chemistry and narrative qualities or filming or anything, it’s about your chemistry WITH that show. 
After all you two are in a relationship (bit one sided, but that’s part of what crush means, unrequited). 
And sometimes it’ll last and sometimes it wont. 
This is kinda and odd place to go but follow me here:
one of things we don’t talk about or really acknowledge enough is that we can have friendship and/or plutonic crushes on other people. People you don’t necessarily want to bone or romance, but you do just really LOVE spending time with. 
I realized this recently with one of my besties. She’s basically MY person. We couldn’t live together but we have been literally trapped in a safe room together for 8 hours and never stopped talking (or enjoying each other’s company). 20 years strong and I still have a crush on her. I mean 20 years makes this an oversimplification about our relationship, but you get what I mean? 
Similarly, I think sometimes we just find shows and were like: oh this is MY show, in the same way. No so much that it was made for me, but that I jive with it more then, objectively, I should. 
You’re a food analogy person, so maybe that’s an easier way to think about it. This kind of crushing can be like a particular dish. 
Tom Kha in its iterations has been my favorite biggest comfort food my whole life. I can’t imagine anyone not liking it. I can analyze and explain why it is the greatest, most complex, and sophisticated combination of flavors ever plopped into a bowl, but I know there are people who don’t like coconut and others for whom it is too sour or too spicy. 
It’s about how my taste is perfectly meshed with that soup.
That said, I am currently experiencing deep crush on khao soi and an even deeper one on sundubu jjigae, so... yeah I’m fickle. 
Seriously tho, if you’re into Korean food sundubu jjigae is like the neglected child no one knows about. I like the super spicy veg version with lots of mushrooms. Fuck it’s so good. 
Well that devolved quickly. I must be hungry. 
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