#i find him really easy to draw ;o; he’s got great eyes
goonersaurus · 1 year
hi!! can i request a mbappe in the palette no. 13 : peach dream 🤗 love love your art btw it's so cool....✨
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thanks sm here's a couple juicy mbappes!
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makos-hotbox · 2 years
könig with an artist s/o that sneaks a page of sketches of him into his stuff when he has to leave for deployment. maybe he finds it when he's unpacking back at wherever he's stationed- i feel like (when he's deployed) this man really needs some reminder that there is softness in his life, that there's someone who's waiting for him ya know?
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`⌁ ◜ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐢’𝐦 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐨! ◞
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The black pen smudged on the paper slightly as you finished writing your signature. A small lovely note written for your boyfriend who was being deployed again. You had drawn and sketched out a bunch of pictures for König while he was home.
Whenever you two would be sitting with each other in silence, you would usually whip out your notebook and start drawing the beautiful large man. Making sure to always include the smallest of details because that’s what you loved about König.
Stacking up the various sheets of paper with the note to König on top, you stapled them together and hid them in his bag for him to find later.
Later that day, the two of you kissed each other goodbye as König made his way to work. And you internally hoped he would be able to come back again.
A frustrated König stomped his way into his room, hands ruffling through his bag in hopes to find literally anything that would help calm him down. He had done some training today to make sure he wasn’t rusty after being home longer than usual, and none of it had gone well. He missed multiple easy snipes in the shooting range and even pulled a few muscles during combat stuff. He was pissed.
Growing even more frustrated that he couldn’t find what he wanted from his back, he lifted the whole thing and turned it upside down, emptying the bag onto the floor. König’s eyes immediately landed on a stapled stack of papers, noticing the familiar signature on the bottom of the top page.
Grabbing the papers, he quickly began to settle down. Reading the note you had written for him. Boasting about your love for the large man and how much he meant to you. That you wished he would come safe.
That was a great thing to hear for König. You wanted him to come home. Sweet you, the love of his life, you. König’s demeanor changed completely now, he was relaxed and gushing silently over your fantastic words. You had him wrapped around your finger and he didn’t care one bit.
König began to turn through the pages. There were some messy pencil sketches of König sitting in different positions. Different facial expressions and even full artwork of him. It made him feel kind of confident in himself. You drew this, you drew him. He didn’t think he could fall in love anymore than he already has.
Shuffling to the last of the pages, a fully inked and colored version of König took up the whole paper. It was badass, he was in his gear with his mask and everything, even his gun. He fucking loved it and wanted to frame it on the wall when he got home. And on the final page was another full art of König, but this time with you. The reference was from a picture you had taken for your anniversary, but it looked the exact same. The two of you sitting next to each other as you placed a surprise kiss on König’s cheek. Your friend had taken the picture while they were stalking your dinner date and called it the cutest thing ever. Especially since König looked absolutely ecstatic.
König couldn’t help but smile at the picture in his hand, feeling a slight tease of emotion coming in. But how could he not? He missed you. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He just wants to go home. To tell you how much he loves the art you always make for him, and how much he loves you as well. Call him cheesy but as long as you always draw these pictures for König, he will be the cheesiest man alive.
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» 𝐟𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 … 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐱𝐱
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asexualsoup · 1 year
So I don't really write fan fiction and I never planned to but here we are I guess lol 😅
**Cannot emphasize enough that this is a WIP. It's not finished lol. But if you yell at me enough I probably will finish it.**
Remember That I Love You
Juno Steel/Peter Nureyev
Post Season 4
So far, everything had gone exactly to plan. Rita had hacked the pharmacorps’ computers and, from the safety of the Ruby 7’s driver’s seat, had set enough fires across the compound to draw most of the guards exactly where she wanted them. No matter how many times Juno watched her do this, he always found himself in awe of how easy it all was for her. Like a kid with a magnet drawing little shapes in metal sand.
Once the guards had been dispersed, it was just a matter of using their stolen map and the Ruby’s own scans to figure out exactly where they needed to go. That’s where Juno came in.
“There,” he said, pointing to a cluster of moving dots on the Ruby's screen. Taking the hint, the Ruby 7 zoomed its three-dimensional map onto a hallway at the bottom of the complex. “That’s where we’ll find him.”
“You sure, Mista Steel?” Rita asked, unconvinced. “How can you be so sure? We only get one shot at this, so you gotta be exactly right—”
“I know, Rita. You don’t need to remind me. When the fires went off, the executives left their meeting and ran down to this hallway. The Ruby’s showing them all leaving the hallway, but they’re just phasing through a wall. There are no rooms marked there on the map. The Ruby’s scan isn’t faulty, so that means—”
“A safe room!” Rita finished. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses. “That’s so cool! And there’s a buncha them, too, from the look of it. A whole row of safe rooms! How can we be sure which one is his?”
“Ruby?” Juno said with a smile. “You know what to do.”
It was over in seconds. The Ruby had scanned their target so many times, it could recognize him instantly, even from this distance. Juno didn’t fully understand it either, but he knew he could trust the Ruby to be accurate. It had helped him find Rita on that asteroid, after all.
As soon as it found him, it sang a triumphant little tune.
“Good job, Ruby,” Juno said. “Send that scan to my comms. I’m heading in. Let’s go get Nureyev out once and for all.”
* * *
Juno moved quickly through the compound, listening and reacting to Rita’s directions in his ear every step of the way. With her help, he avoided all the patrolling guards long enough to sneak into one of the server rooms she hadn’t set ablaze.
Keeping his voice low just in case, he asked her, “You sure the code you’ve put on this chip will eliminate his debt?”
"And all his accounts and bio-records, yeah, yeah," her voice chirped in his earpiece. He chuckled, imagining the way she was rolling her eyes at him. "You’ve asked me that about a hundred times, Mista Steel. It’ll work. Trust me."
“Like you said, we’ve only got one shot at this. It’s gotta be flawless.”
"We’re Aurinkos, boss. It don’t gotta be flawless to be successful."
“Yeah, well,” Juno said, feeling that old reliable flicker of nerves and self-doubt in his gut. “I’d rather have both, if I’m honest.”
With Rita’s assistance, he inserted the chip. The computers beeped and popped for a bit until Rita finally squeaked again.
"That's done it, boss. You can take the chip out now."
Juno did as she said, slipping it back into his pants pocket. "Great," he said. "Now it's just the hard part. Getting to him, taking out the guards, and then the escape." He sighed, suddenly feeling his age. "No biggie."
"It'll be fine, Mista Steel," Rita said. "Once you find him, you won't be alone in there anymore. You'll have him to help you with those last two steps. And Mista Nureyev has always been good at fighting guards and sneakin' outta places. It’ll be fine!"
"Still weird hearing you call him that. Even on private comms. But you make a good point. Once I find him…."
Juno trailed off, his mouth feeling suddenly very dry. He hadn't been this close to Nureyev in months, not since he'd smelled his cologne at Aurinko Permanent Corrections. The realization sent a torrent of butterflies through his stomach: fear, panic, and a good amount of excitement too.
Nureyev was in the building. And within minutes, he'd be in Juno's arms. Safe and sound at last and with his whole life ahead of him. The future at his nimble fingertips.
It was the same gift he'd promised to Slip Jackson all those years ago. And while Nureyev couldn't give that future to Slip in the end, Juno could make sure Nureyev got it now.
So, with a deep breath to swallow his panic down, Juno pressed on to the next phase of the plan.
* * *
Juno had taken out so many guards over the course of his career that a few localized in one closed off room should be no problem at all. And with all the tricks he’d picked up from Nureyev during their year of crime together, they wouldn’t know what hit them.
He crawled on his belly through the vents, Rita and the Ruby still guiding him around every corner, until finally he peered through a grate into the room in question.
As soon as he saw Nureyev, he felt his heart fly into his throat. He was sitting in a chair against the wall, looking like a prisoner in that tiny room with four armed guards around him.
But that wasn't what made Juno so upset. Nureyev… didn't look like himself. He was thinner than the last time they'd seen each other. Paler, too, like he hadn't seen the sun in weeks. He was still dressed to the nines and covered in makeup, but none of that could hide the new slump in his posture and the deadened look behind his eyes.
As wonderful as it was to see him again, it was frightening to see how only half a year away had changed him.
That ended here and now.
In one hand, Juno held his blaster. And in the other, he held a small pebble-like ball. Another trick he'd picked up from Nureyev.
Slipping the ball through the grate, he watched as it hit the floor and exploded into vapor, instantly surrounding the guards in a thick curtain of smoke. As the guards coughed and sputtered and shouted to each other, he kicked open the grate and dropped himself into the room.
Darting out of the range of the smoke, he planted his feet firmly in front of Nureyev.
“Juno?” came that beautiful voice from behind him, the one that made his heart flutter.
“Yeah, yeah, you can swoon into my arms later,” he said. And even though he was joking, he wanted nothing more. “Whatever you’ve got to use against these guys, now’s the time to use it.”
“But, Juno, I—”
Whatever Nureyev was about to say would have to wait. The guards had finally collected themselves and were starting to stumble out of the smoke, blasters raised and searching for a target.
Ducking beneath the nearby table, Juno sent a pair of stun blasts out between its legs, completely incapacitating the first two guards he saw.
“I see you haven’t lost your touch, dear detective,” Nureyev said, sliding in beside Juno. “Shall we take this to the next level?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
It was a maneuver they’d learned together during their time on the Carte Blanche. That time felt like so long ago now, and yet Nureyev fell into position as smoothly and easily as if they’d practiced it only yesterday. Juno would have to thank Buddy for those lessons later, among a million other things.
Grabbing opposite ends of the table, they swung its legs out from under it and in one fluid motion, launched it flat-side first into the smoke. Both of the remaining guards grunted in pain as they were struck, and somewhere within the haze, they both collapsed under the weight of the table.
“You truly are a sharpshooter, aren’t you?” Nureyev said as he leaped to his feet again and reached out a hand to help Juno. “You hit them both even through all that fog.”
“Hey, it was a big table,” Juno said, taking that proffered hand. “And anyway, you’re just as likely to—”
But his words were cut off. As soon as he’d gotten to his feet, Nureyev’s mouth had found his. The kiss was hard, desperate, pressing his lips almost painfully against his teeth. But it was exactly what they both needed after all that time apart. Juno couldn’t help the moan that escaped his throat, and his hands found Nureyev’s collar, pulling him in even closer.
Once they’d separated, Nureyev narrowed his eyes. “I told you not to come after me.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Juno said, hopping up to swiftly kiss Nureyev’s lips again.
“I suppose not. Though we’ll definitely have words about this later. A lot of words.”
Nureyev released him and without another word, flew gracefully into the depths of the smoke. Still a little awestruck, Juno found his feet again and moved to follow him.
Squinting through the fog, he peered around quietly for any sign of the two guards they’d knocked down. The table was easy enough to find, its legs splayed like a dead spider on its back. But the two guards that it had hit? Those were a lot harder to spot. And so was Nureyev.
Juno slunk low to the floor, crouched near the table’s legs and stared into the surrounding fog for any sign of movement. It only took a minute for him to spot something. A glint of metal in the fog. He stared in its direction, trying to find it again, but couldn't.
Instead, when a guard finally did appear in the smoke, it was to his far left. They stumbled near him, their shirt pulled high over their mouth and nose. They made eye contact with Juno, who already had his blaster raised, but before either of them could make a move, a dark heel swung out from the fog and hit the guard right in the back of the head, knocking them out cold. With another glint of metal, Nureyev emerged from the smoke and crouched at Juno’s side once again.
“That was brutal,” Juno whispered. “I always forget you can kick that high.”
“So did they, apparently.”
“You might want to take off your jewelry before we handle that other guard, Nureyev. I can see it shining through the fog.”
For the first time since their reunion, something made Nureyev pause. “Juno… there’s something that you should—”
“Let’s deal with the other guard first, Nureyev. Do you have any idea where they are?”
“Juno, I—”
But whatever Nureyev was going to say, it was cut off by the cracking sound of a blaster shot. Nureyev gasped and flew backward, hitting the ground hard.
“Nureyev!” Juno shouted before he could stop himself.
Flying onto his feet, he whipped around and pointed his blaster in the direction the shot had come from. The fourth and final guard stood there, grinning through the smoke. Her blaster was pointed right at Juno’s head.
“Really?” Juno gasped, trying desperately to think straight through the panic now flooding his brain. “You sneak up behind me and decide to shoot your own guy instead?”
“I was following my orders, lady,” she said darkly, her hand flexing against the trigger. Ready to send another laser directly through Juno’s brain.
He wasn’t going to give her the chance. With one hand, he grabbed her wrist and twisted, sending her laser up to the ceiling. Bringing around his own blaster, he struck her hard across the face, sending her sprawling to the floor where his own shot struck her right in the chest a second later. Her eyes went hazy as the stun wave overtook her body, and then she closed her eyes, unconscious.
Breathing heavily, Juno dropped his gun and rushed to Nureyev’s side. Nureyev was panting hard, one hand over his face. His hands were shaking.
“Goddammit, Nureyev. No,” Juno wept, searching Nureyev’s body with his hands. “No no no. Where did they hit you? Oh, goddammit.”
But no matter where he looked, he didn’t find any blood. All he could find was a small laser burn on the front of Nureyev’s shirt.
“It was just a stun blast,” he said, relief flooding him once more. “You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine.”
But as Nureyev gave another groan of pain, Juno felt his relief crack once more.
“N… Nureyev? Come on. Snap out of it.”
Nureyev groaned again, his mouth twisting in pain and all four of his limbs starting to tremble. The fingers by his forehead curled, as if trying to grasp at something, and between them, Juno could see that glint of metal again. It was only then that Juno realized Nureyev wasn’t wearing any jewelry. No rings, no earrings.
Nothing but whatever was shining on his temple.
Grabbing Nureyev’s hand, he slowly pulled it away.
His stomach dropped. “Nureyev… no… please, no… Is that a…?”
Nureyev groaned again and Juno swore he could hear the pops of electricity coming from it.
Because right there, stuck on Nureyev’s temple, was a little gray chip. Smaller than the Theia Soul had been, but otherwise the same.
“Goddammit. Nureyev, what do I do?” Juno asked desperately.
In response, Nureyev cried out as the chip zapped him again, and this time, Juno actually saw the skin beginning to sizzle around it.
He fumbled for his comms, knowing somewhere in the back of his panicked mind that if anyone could fix this, it would be Rita. But a second later, as Nureyev’s body went slack, Juno’s heart stopped.
Nureyev’s eyes peered up to meet his, bleary and unfocused. Lines of blood began to form around the edges of the chip.
“Nureyev?” Juno asked breathlessly.
“Ju…no…” was all the man managed to say before his eyes closed and unconsciousness claimed him too.
(to be continued?)
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windblooms · 4 years
liyue boys – how they kiss their s/o
liyue boys × gender-neutral!reader; 1.4k words. sfw headcanons of how baizhu, childe, chongyun, xiao, xingqiu, and zhongli kiss their s/o. 
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- ̗̀ baizhu  ̖́-
while baizhu’s reputation as the swindler from bubu pharmacy precedes him, even in normal day-to-day matters, he makes an effort to convey his sincerity to you when the moment is opportune.  typically, this is at the conclusion of the day, when the pharmacy takes its time to rest and the buzz of the moon overtakes liyue.
his touch on your wrist is loose, as if he intends to just feel your presence instead of seize it, to observe but not meddle; just as he does with changsheng, he finds great comfort in keeping you tethered to him through this contact.  
when baizhu romances you, it’s in the privacy of your office, or the stocking room – anywhere besides the service area, so you’re the only one who witnesses his dropped mask. 
his lips glide to your temple, serpentine and brisk, peppering short kisses down to your jaw.  his ministrations are rather sensual for a man so weak in composition, especially considering that he’s rather ruthless with his business dealings and doesn’t even spare a fraction of a discount for the desperate – but this gentler display is nonetheless welcome.
“and how can i help you tonight?  no, this isn’t bartering.  i mean this genuinely, for the one who can tolerate my short-comings as forgivingly as you do.  a new box of qingxin arrived this afternoon, and perhaps you’d like a look at it . . . ”
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- ̗̀ childe / tartaglia  ̖́-
childe is excellent at the chase, and each time, his catch is you.  perhaps it’s his constant need for stimulus (he’s never been one for idleness) and the subsequent calling in his blood for a thrill.  his penchant for battle has made him flexible to most tricky scenarios, and thus he’s adept to what makes things tick – 
– including people.  and, of course, you. 
his greetings are customarily followed by doting kisses.  they’re gentle on your skin, like the drifting of snowflakes from the sky, yet there’s a bite to them as well, as if he’s nipping at you even without his teeth.  they’re innocently teasing at best, but at worst, grabbing all of your senses with their bold allure. 
“haha, got your attention now, have i?  no need to make that face!  ah, i promise.  be a bit more patient for me, and i’ll give you what you want.”
he prefers to give the kisses that he knows will consume you whole, cushion you in warmth like beach sand in the summer, but just as swiftly drag you undertow – namely, at the corners of your mouth, the height of your cheekbones, the pulses on your neck, and the rise of your collarbones. 
whether he leaves you with flushed cheeks and a stuttering voice, or absolutely breathless, you stir him all the same.
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- ̗̀ chongyun  ̖́-
he’s a very straightforward individual, naively so sometimes – inherently wholesome, and that translates over to his relationship with you.  admittedly, he doesn’t display bold affections towards you all that much because he’s, well, shy.  he’d never thought of romantics before he became involved with you, and even then, all he’s heard about couples and love birds are from xingqiu – not the most trustworthy source.
“ah – i do not . . . i don’t have the words to describe . . . i apologize, but i really don’t know how to explain this light feeling in my chest.  but you seem to be happy!  and that’s really what matters to me.”
chongyun pecks you gently, as if he’s dealing with the finest of jade fragments.  very innocently, as well: just as a bird finds satisfaction in a well-kept nest, so does the young exorcist in the pleased reactions he draws from you.  
the two of you have yet to share a kiss on the lips.  and, honestly, it isn’t something characteristic of chongyun to want to engage with.  he has an ample reserve of boyish youth in him, and even at the thought of partaking in such an intimate act (xingqiu teases him to no end for this, but nonetheless chongyun’s perspective is understood) makes him red in the face. 
instead, he settles for your fingers, the back of your hand, and your cheeks.  light in sentiment, like the mild ice-cream he indulges in.
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- ̗̀ xiao  ̖́-
if you’re fire, then xiao is afraid that he’s the water that will extinguish your light.  he’s harmed so many others, even when he never intended to, and doesn’t even want to think about you ending up the same way.  so he abstains, for the longest time, until you reassure him that he’s okay, that he’s suffered enough, and that he needs to live, too. 
xiao kisses you like both of you will break.  his lips barely even touch you, as if his presence is only part of your imagination, a fleeting zephyr in the liyue evening; he even hesitates to use his hands at first because only archons know how he’s razed the land with them.  they hover over your hips, and in moments of indulgence, he imagines how it would feel to hold you, unchained from his past.
“you make it easier for me to tolerate the days.  don’t look so concerned – there’s no need for you to worry about me.  you’re the one in the more precarious situation.  but i guess that’s one more thing that’s admirable about you . . . too trusting for your own good.”
in his mind, he cradles your hands, so much softer than his own, with no reason to raise a weapon.  he wishes to keep you that way, safeguarded from the cruelness of the world, and his lips cherish your knuckles, the backs of your hands, and all the way to your wrists.
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- ̗̀ xingqiu  ̖́-
“what a thrilling smile on your face!  definitely one for the books.  yes – i’ve decided that you’ll be the inspiration for this next scene i write.  ah, actually, i need to outline it first . . . you won’t mind, right?  perfect, this is just the circumstance i’ve been looking for.”
like fresh flowers in a spring meadow, he’s as exuberant as he is vibrant with life.  he’ll come to you in the mornings, bid you a good day and plant a light peck on the corner of your mouth, delighted at the sight of you.  or, just when he’s stopping by your place, he’ll also make sure to commemorate your meeting with another smooch.  
xingqiu is, admittedly, easy to please when in a relationship, merely because he’s with who he wants the most: you, and his writing, all that he needs.  while he may joke about intertwining you into his writing, he truly does intend to cherish you. 
he enjoys toying with the sleeves of your top when he’s near, just because he can.  bonus points if you let him tug you along, and he’ll even make a show out of giving a playful kiss on the tip of your nose.  they make you feel all fluttery in your stomach, because it’s only something that he would even think about doing – keeping you light on your toes, just like his flexible poise.
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- ̗̀ zhongli  ̖́-
his affections are just as proper as his composure.  zhongli’s actions are soft, reverent, and appreciative of your presence.  never once do you doubt his devotion to you when his hand grazes your arm, a finger catching around your wrist, or when he steadies you with his palm on your shoulder.  it might be subconscious on his behalf, but his gentle measures soothe you immensely.
unsurprisingly, his kisses are chaste, with only fondness and warmth behind them.  he adores you like the sun does an open field, bracing your body to his with the slightest of suggestions from his hands on your waist.  zhongli is exceedingly pleased when you reciprocate his physicality, especially when you wrap your arms around his neck in return – the gleam in his eyes betray just as much.
his lips find themselves tenderly on your own, and your forehead and cheeks.  when in more intimate environments, namely either of your rooms, he’ll worship the pulse on your neck, however not in an erotic fashion.  he only ventures there to treasure the flow of life in your body, to revere the rhythm of you.
“times have come and gone.  consider me obstinate in my beliefs, but the one of the things that have remained apparent to me over millennia are contracts.  contracts of business, of relationships, of morals – everything.  promises, if you prefer to call them.  so i promise you this: there is not a day that will go by when i will not devote myself to you, wholly, and completely.”
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Slashers with an artist s/o who loves to draw them and gives them the drawing when they finish it!
You're writing is always great!
You always come up with the cutest ideas I swear! You’re amazing
Slashers x Artist S/O
Michael Myers
He’s very easy to draw considering the fact he can stand still for hours! He’s like a statue, this man does not move. Probably the reason all those muscles are so stiff.
Michael isn’t a very expressive person, so don’t expect much of a reaction from him. Although, he does appreciate the sentiment and is flattered that you think he’s attractive or interesting enough for you to draw.
He will take the drawing from you, fold it up, and put it in his pocket. Thank you, y/n! It’s his now. When you’re not around he will occasionally take it out of his pocket and stare at it because he doesn’t understand how you can love someone like him so much.
One day you might find the drawing laying on his nightstand, crumpled up from being carried around so much. Please make him more drawings to carry around.
Swear up and down he didn’t put it up on the fridge, he has no clue how it got there from your sketchbook. Maybe you sleep walk y/n, it definitely wasn’t him snooping through your stuff.
Bo Sinclair
Oh great, now he has two artists seeking his approval. What is he? An artist magnet? No Bo you just like artsy people, admit it.
He is very flattered that you take the time to draw him but in true Bo fashion, he acts annoyed by it or pretends it’s no big deal. Be careful y/n, because you’re definitely feeding his ego.
He’ll never tell you this, but he takes the drawing you give to him and puts it down in the basement of the shop. Doesn’t want you to know he kept it but also wants to put it in a place he can see it pretty often.
Steals your sketchbook one day and just sits on your shared bed staring at all of the drawings of him. He’s amazed by the way you see him, he’s quite literally seeing himself through your eyes. You may notice a few torn out pages the next day. Bo took his favorite drawings, even ones that weren’t of him.
Vincent Sinclair
He would notice the fact you always seem to be intensely focused on your sketchbook. He doesn’t notice your eyes constantly flicking up to him and back down at the pages though.
You startle him when you shove the drawing in front of his face, but recovers quickly. He would stare at the drawing in awe for a good while. As an artist he appreciates it more than most, knowing that it took both time and talent.
As an artist, Vincent also knows people spend time drawing things that motivate or captivate them. That thought has him overflowing with joy.
Vincent hangs the drawing by his bed down in the basement. He doesn’t sleep down there much since you came along. Now when he does though, he has a little piece of you and your love for him with him to.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms likes to spy on you through the walls and notices that you spend a decent amount of your free time drawing. From the gaps in the walls, he can never make out what it is you’re drawing though.
One day, you shove a page you ripped out in front of his face. He takes in your look of pure delight before examining the page, taken aback when it’s a drawing of him.
Brahms had never seen himself the way he was drawn on the page. He could swear that the person on the page was completely different than the person in the mirror. It makes him realize you really do find him attractive.
Brahms proudly hangs the drawing up in his room within the walls. You can expect him to somehow become even clingier after that.
Please draw him more y/n! He’ll even pose for you if you want!
Thomas Hewitt
He won’t grab the drawing you shove in front of him, he doesn’t want to get it dirty. Then he notices that it’s a torn out page and not your whole sketchbook. You’ll have to tell him it’s for him before he finally accepts it.
At the same time, Thomas is unsure what to do with it. He’s flustered that you took the time to draw him. Little does he know you have plenty of drawings of him. Tommy wouldn’t understand why you don’t spend time drawing things worth drawing instead of him.
Still, he keeps the drawing tucked away in the basement. If it becomes water damaged he’s saddened that he allowed something you made him to get ruined.
Now he gets super flustered any time he notices you glancing up at him repeatedly from your sketchbook.
Decides to flip through it one day when you’re not around to catch him. The amount of drawings of him makes his heart melt. He’ll never let you know why he was extra cuddly that night. He’s amazed by both your talent and your love for him.
Billy Loomis
You know what they say, everyone’s a critique, but especially Billy. Claims his hair doesn’t look right. Your right Billy, it doesn’t look like that, but it would if you would wash your hair.
Secretly, he’s touched by the fact you drew him. Congratulations you’ve boosted his ego even more about his looks somehow.
Billy most definitely has a box of random sentimental items under his bed. That’s his safe place to stash items he cares about so of course you’re drawing is placed right on top.
Whenever he’s having an extra hard time with his abandonment issues he’ll pull out the drawing and look at the little heart by your signature.
Don’t let him discover one of your sketchbooks with multiple drawings though. You’ll never see it again. It’s his now and it’s stashed under his bed in the box with the first drawing you have him.
Stu Macher
He is the embodiment of a golden retriever, just with a dash of psycho. So he’s absolutely thrilled when you give him the drawing and proceeds to give you numerous compliments on how talented you are.
Stu will hang it up somewhere in his room. Would also be the one to show it off to other people even if you think that’s embarrassing. He’s very proud of you and want’s everyone to know how great you are.
This also leads Stu to encourage you to try other art mediums. Don’t worry about the cost of materials, he’ll cover it. If you decide you don’t enjoy it feel free to drop it, he doesn’t care about money anyways so it’s no big deal to him.
Flexes and tells you that he’s definitely more muscular than you’re giving him credit for. Please draw him with an over exaggerated figure so that he can laugh at it.
“Hey y/n! Paint me like one of your French girls!”
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse hates himself after what happened to his face. He probably keeps around very few mirrors and tries not to look in them. So when you hand him a drawing of himself he freaks out a little. This is how you see him?
He’s very flattered and keeps it safely tucked into a drawer in his office. When no one’s around he just pulls it out and stares at it. The way you draw him makes him look better than he thinks he looks.
If he finds one of your sketchbooks don’t think that he won’t flip through it. So when he finds one that you made a very poor attempt to hide, of course he’s dying to know what’s in it.
A whole sketchbook filled with drawings of only him? You’ve filled the whole thing with him with the mask, without it, dressed up, dressed down it doesn’t matter.
This would definitely make Jesse feel a lot better about his appearance and definitely helps him solidify the idea that you do indeed find him attractive and desirable.
Asa Emory
Acts annoyed that you interrupted him just to give him a drawing. He would shoo you away claiming to be busy and acting like it was no big deal.
Only once you’re gone will he pick it up and see what you drew. He softens when he sees that it’s a drawing of him and almost feels bad about shooing you off.
He would shove it in a drawer of his desk at the university he teaches at. It’s a place he can see it frequently and it reminds him that there’s someone out there who can live someone as cold and cruel as him.
Don’t let him find a whole sketchbook of drawings of him though. Not only will he confront you about it, he’ll use it against you if he really wants to.
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mistydreamscape · 3 years
How they react to their S/O playing with their hair (HCs)
{Series: Genshin Impact}
{Characters: Albedo, Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Razor}
{Reader: Gender-neutral/Unspecified}
{Summary: You really wanna play with your boyfriend's hair, so you find a way to do it. Spoiler alert; he wants you to do it again}
{Warning(s): Slight suggestiveness in Kaeya's but it's really just him being an ass- I can't remember if I swore in these, so look out for that too?}
{Note: I got the idea after thinking about how great getting your hair played with feels, and this is my take on how I think the selected characters would respond when their S/O wants to play with their hair}
The song I listened to while writing
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♡Albedo has quite soft and fluffy hair and has a medium thickness, so your desire to play with it is most certainly understandable. Albedo does get busy though, so it’s difficult to find a time that works for him and he doesn’t have to worry about too much distraction
♡Usually, the best moments to play with his hair are when he’s drawing, or after he pulled an all-nighter while working
♡As soon as you undo the braids in his hair, he lets out an audible sigh from the stress being lifted from his scalp
♡Your fingers were gentle, using a delicate touch to remove every tangle in his hair, smiling to yourself at how calm and serene he looked. As his back lay against your chest, you almost thought he was asleep, so you paused the movements of your fingers, choosing to rest your digits sitting in his hair until you heard an uncharacteristic ‘hmph’ of disapproval
♡He turned around in your hold, letting his cheek rest on your chest, noticing just how tired the Chief alchemist was
♡“Keep going please...at least until I fall asleep” he mumbled with a tired voice
♡“Of course, Albedo” you hummed, smiling at the feeling of him going limp in your hold with your fingers continuing their previous ministrations
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♡Kaeya absolutely adores having his hair played with, however, he has a busy schedule, so it’s either occurring at your shared home, or in his office. His hair isn’t thick, but it’s not paper thin either, his hair is only a tad thinner than Albedo’s and it’s easy for your fingers to glide through and play with.
♡He loves when you sit across his lap on the side his ponytail sits, and just run your fingers through it. You don’t typically take it out though, he prefers having his hair down at home instead, but feel free to braid it while it's tied back!
♡He’ll keep the braid in all day <3
♡If he does ever let you take out his ponytail, he rather enjoys when you put his hair in a high ponytail instead (please I’m drooling picturing it- ahem)
♡He refuses to allow himself to be the only one receiving the attention though, so he’ll often play with your hair in return, whether short or long (he gets so invested in playing with it when at work that he forgets that he, y’know, has work?)
♡Kaeya is a little shit, and we all know it. It’s especially apparent when you’re gliding your fingers through his hair and come across a small knot and accidentally tug it. It didn’t hurt him, but he felt the tug and felt the need to embarrass you by moaning as he enjoyed it
♡You rolled your eyes and just as you stood up, his arms were around your midsection and he pulled you back down onto his lap, whining
♡“Don’t leave meee…”
♡Other than that though, he really loves having his hair played with, so please do it
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♡Diluc’s hair is so very soft, fluffy, and thick. Though you’ve never gotten to play with it before. The urge to was almost unbearable, but you didn’t want to push his boundaries since you haven’t been together that long
♡Once you reach the point in your relationship that you’re able to kiss, hold hands, cuddle, without awkwardness (of course in private that is, he doesn’t want anyone who has it out for him to come after you once discovering how much you mean to him. He also gets embarrassed easily anyways-)
♡If you and he are just lounging together in the comfort of his estate on the sofa, you think back to how much you really want to play with his hair. This causes you to grab his attention and ask
♡At first, he was reluctant, but he voluntarily undid his ponytail and turned his back to you, not saying a word
♡You were frozen in your seat for a moment, before scooting closer to him, your fingers reaching to thread your fingers into his scalp, taking notice of how he lets out a small pleased groan
♡He was shed free of his coat and gloves earlier, his sleeves pulled up so you could see the goosebumps rising on the skin of his arms
♡Your fingers ran through his fiery red locks, occasionally hitting a small knot that you’d gently work out with your fingers, earning pleased noises from the man in front of you
♡You decided to braid his hair a few times, undoing it and then redoing it
♡You noticed his head starting to nod off, so you figured its time to stop so he doesn’t fall asleep in an uncomfortable position
♡Wrapping your arms around his middle and leaning to press a kiss to his cheek with his back still turned to you as he smiles gently
♡“Thank you, love”
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♡Our lovely Geo Archon has such long and silky hair, though it’s the thinnest out of all of these men. The way his hair sways when he moves is enchanting and your brain is saying “must.touch.hair.”
♡So it became your mission to get him to let you play with his hair
♡You don’t want to be completely obvious about it, so you send small signals at first, but Zhongli doesn’t quite catch on…(Zhongli I love you so much but please-)
♡You decided to up your game by telling him every day how much you love his hair and how pretty it is, and he always smiles and compliments you back with a soft gaze
♡He’s so sweet, but please just tell him and be straight forward
♡Once you tell him how much you want to play with his hair, he has you wait until you get home
♡As soon as you’re home, you sprint to the bed and sit down, patting the spot in front of you with sparkly eyes. He just chuckled, removed his shoes and jacket, then sat down on the bed in front of you.
♡Once taking his hair out of the ponytail he keeps it in, it was such a beautiful sight to behold
♡His hair was so long and cascaded down his back like a waterfall from a chocolate brown to beautiful amber and it was so shiny-
♡Once your fingers touched his long locks, you felt yourself ascend to Celestia. His hair was thinner sure, but there was not a SINGLE tangle or knot, it was like his hair was silk (what do you expect from the Geo archon, though?)
♡You immediately asked him what his routine was like, and he simply says that he uses a usual shampoo and conditioner, nothing special. (the jealousy I feel is insane-)
♡You braid his hair, put it into a high ponytail, and even twin tails. The feeling of you playing with his hair makes him let out low pleased hums and he consistently has a pleased smile on his face
♡When you decide you’re done, he leaves his hair down and cuddles with you for a few hours on the bed. When you ask him what he thought about you playing with his hair more, his response made your chest feel warm and fuzzy
♡“Do it as much as you want to darling, it makes you happy and that’s enough for me”
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♡Since Razor was raised by wolves and never really had someone to show him how to brush his hair out properly, his hair is pretty tangly and knotted. He washes it, of course, but the tangles hinder him from being able to wash as thoroughly as he could
♡So you offered to help him out, starting off with brushing his hair out and working the knots out. It took about an hour and a half to get every single knot out of his silver hair. It was pretty soft to the touch afterward, and very thick (a bit thicker than Diluc’s, but not as fluffy)
♡You took the next step of the process, washing his hair for him. When you soaked his hair and then began working the soap in, he leaned into your touch, and a cute smile on his lips
♡He wasn’t used to this form of affection, but he took it happily and that only made you just as happy. When you leaned his head back to rinse the soap out, you were extra careful not to get his pants drenched with water and his top damper than it already was. The feeling of your fingers working along his scalp made him want to fall asleep right then and there
♡After the washing and drying process was over, and his hair was brushed out again, you took a moment to admire just how beautiful his hair truly is. It’s soft and shiny and you could play with it for hours. He lets you even braid it and put flowers in it (I’m so soft for Razor-)
♡He took extra care of his hair after that, allowing you to brush it whenever needed, even sometimes requesting you do it
♡“Can...you brush my hair again?”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
┍━━━━━━━━»•» 🌸 «•«━┑
This was a lot of fun to write for me, so I hope you enjoy it too! Requests are open, check my pinned post for more information <3
┕━»•» 🌸 «•«━━━━━━━━┙
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
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belphiesreverie · 3 years
How would, zhongli, viktor, diluc, and then maybe childe if your up for it, react to the reader drawing them alot becuase they’re all pretty bois and its good practice? Maybe she even gifts them a finished thing of them?
I dont do much study drawings but we can dream and say reader does like, colour studies with the boys cuase they got great variety in colours, also maybe the reader kinda, talks about the boys in an art sense like, says their anatomy is easy or nice to draw, their eyes are a nice shape, weird specific compliments like that? I do that lmao, mainly abount hands becuase they’re so varied and can bee skinny, bony, chubby, or just undefined. I also just like to notice anatomy details and thinks its cool becuase peoples features are cool and unique : D
- not god, just, a totally not obvious viktor simp, and zhongli simp, and you dont know who i am at all
Ah yes, definitely not g o d, I shall write this request for you 😌✨
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When you first ask him, he’s a bit confused. He doesn’t consider himself anything special, but he also sees no reason to deny you so he’ll go along with it in the end
He’s actually quite good at art himself. Having been around for centuries allows him time to practice any skill he wishes so occasionally he may turn the tables and ask to draw you instead
Likes it when you draw his hands the best. He enjoys it when you move his hands into the precise position because he finds your concentrated face quite adorable
He starts a little folder of all the drawings of him that you’ve done and given to him and keeps them somewhere he can access to look back over when you’re not with him
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Is so smug when you ask if you can draw him because he’d be great practice. Takes all your compliments about his eye shape and lip curve with pride and even shoots a couple back at you
Instead of you telling him what positions to stand in, it’s him deciding he wants to do a certain pose and then you telling him to go back to it when he decides he wants to do a different one mid way through the sketch
Likes to wink and fire compliments off at you when you’re super focused on sketching his facial features; he finds it cute how easy it is to snap you out of focus and fluster you
You don’t really have a choice on whether to give Childe the drawings, he practically begs for them each time and even offers to pay for them. He likes to send them with his letters to his family and show off how talented you are
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He initially says no to your requests to draw him but resigns himself to his fate when you just sit at the bar and sketch him whilst he’s working instead. At least it keeps you occupied
Will let you mess around with his hair and give him whatever hairstyles you want to draw him with because he enjoys the feeling of your hands combing through his hair. Would absolutely never admit it out loud though
He felt strangely happy when you were talking to Venti about why you like to draw him so much and complimented his face shape and the ‘natural curve of his back’ for being easy to draw
He never gushes about your art but will offer a small “it looks nice” if prompted and will never reject to take the drawings if you offer them to him
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He says he only lets you draw him because he’s bored just standing around all day and has nothing better to do but he’s secretly super flattered
Any of your unique compliments about his easy anatomy or pretty hands etc would definitely catch him by surprise. He’s lucky that his mask hides his face otherwise his nonchalant reactions would definitely be less believable
He wouldn’t take his mask off to let you draw his eyes or anything, but maybe if you catch him when he’s off duty, he’ll let you do a quick sketch if you ask nicely enough
Would let you move him around and pose him whilst complaining that it’s embarrassing, but will stay in whatever positions you put him in. It doesn’t bother him nearly as much as he makes it out to
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katsuflossy · 4 years
BeatBox/Junebugg Challenge
Pairings: Shouto Todoroki x reader, Kastuki Bakugou x reader, Izuku Midoriya x reader, Eijirou Kirishima x reader, Hanta Sero x reader, Denki Kaminari x reader, Hitoshi Shinsou x reader, Tenya Iida x reader.
TW: just the regular obscenities
A/n: IK y’all may not know this trend but it’s funny af so this is the beatbox/junebugg challenge (sound by SpotemGottem) and yeah I hope y’all like my lil hc of the s/o doing it with the boys 💖💖
Taglist: @eharmonythotbot @lilsparkyswife @teddybearrx @angiebug101 @sesshomaruwaifu @blackweebtrash @minajkatsuki @cyans-bliss @myhoodacademia @mypimpademia @melanimed @peach-child @zombie-kun @xx-opaqued-xx @sunshineszn @prettybitch-ki @tsukkisukkii
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🧊 He has the most aesthetically pleasing tiktok
🧊 There’s slime videos, drawing videos with lofi music in the back, your basic encouraging quotes
🧊 Who needs therapy when you got Shouto’s fyp? /j
🧊 He may be a lil...offbeat in your dance videos but he still tries. Thankfully this was an easy one to learn.
🧊 He out here thinking he got it until you buck at him.
🧊 You think he finna take that shit? He’s gonna buck TF back, on reflex, and scare the fuck out of you.
🧊 Immediately goes into protective boyfriend mode after seeing you flinch hard. You should expect a tight hug; he’s rubbing your back while the whole clip rolling.
🧊 “Love, I’m sorry but why did you move to hit me? I didn’t mean to scare you I’m sorry.”
🧊 “Baby, It’s okay that was the challenge.”
🧊 “Yes, but you looked so scared and it was my fault,” he wraps his arms tighter around you so you’re snuggled safely into his chest.
🧊 Post it with captions of what he said during the video and see all the comments talm bout “⚠️‼️WARNING‼️HAPPY COUPLE⚠️”
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💥 It’s known Bakugou knows no fucking challenge on that app.
💥 Except for that buss it challenge. He’s keeping tabs on yo ass.
💥 His fyp is comprised of prisontok (thank mtha for this), mortalkombat edits, and recommendations for shoujo mangas DC comics.
💥 He already knows the drill, you teach him the dance, he does it with no care, you post it.
💥 This one is fairly easy… until you attempt to press him
💥 He runs up on you, chest puffed up, arms tense and hanging straight. That intimidation stance.
💥 “What you tryna do? We can tussle right now wassup.” Now you gotta deal with him pressing you as you finish the dance.
💥 When he realizes you’re laughing, he just sucks his teeth before lightly pushing you.
💥 “Why am I even dating you?”
💥 The biggest tsundere simp on the earth.
💥 He loves you so much but you always test him.
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🥦 Umm All Might edits runs his fyp.
🥦 The occasional analytic reports on recent and past villain attacks are there too.
🥦 Only gets a smidge of alt tiktok so it ain’t that boring.
🥦 Doesn’t know the dance either but he’ll do it just for you <3
🥦 Never expects you to fucking buck at him tho.
🥦 Mans flinch mad hard omg.
🥦 He removes his hands from his face when he hears you laugh and continue the dance.
🥦 Now he stopped, looking at you with the saddest puppy eyes.
🥦 “Why did you flinch at me baby?” He’s just standing in the frame all pouty and shit.
🥦 “Prince(ss), please don’t do that again. You honestly scared me.” He walks off in the middle of the video, his fluffy duck house slippers squeaking with every step.
🥦 Go say you’re sorry right now 🧍🏽‍♀️
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⛑ Crimson Riot edits duhh
⛑ But it’s a mixture of Bakugou’s and Todoroki’s with a sprinkle of popular dances down his stream.
⛑ Has Ski Mask edits as well
⛑ Still, he doesn’t know the dance at all
⛑ Baby boy is so sweet cause the second you buck at him...he just plants one straight on your lips thinking you went in for a kiss.
⛑ Shocked, bamboozled, frozen, he really kissed you as you tried to buck him?
⛑ Mans continued the dance like you’re not wide-mouthed behind him.
⛑ “Bro, I know you did not just kiss me when I tried to buck you.” The whole badman vibes just dissipate from the air, he smiling at you like it was cool.
⛑ “Babe,” he whined. “I thought you just wanted a smooch.”
⛑ Seeing you mad, he just grabs you up and launches more kisses on your face.
⛑ You tried to look hard for the video only for him to soften you up quickly.
⛑ At least you got cuddles after.
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🩹 His tiktok is filled with funny ass videos
🩹 They always come up on his fyp before going famous. Hence why his comments be having 30k likes (they funny as well)
🩹 Has the best cooking tutorials in his favorites that he makes to impress you.
🩹 Already knows the dance so you don’t need to teach him.
🩹 Y’all both tried to press each other with giant smiles on your faces before starting a round of play fighting.
🩹 “Can’t fuck with you no mo.” He turns to you before continuing the dance.
🩹 Alternating lyrics and shii...being the baddest couple to step in the game.
🩹 He wraps his arms around you before throwing peace signs to the camera at the end.
🩹 The coolest boyfriend award goes to this king.
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⚡️ How...how is he in every part of tiktok
⚡️ Straightok, alt tiktok, beantok, frogtok. You describe to him the video and he either knows it or he can find it in seconds.
⚡️ If Pandora’s Box opened and escaped into somebody’s account, it would most likely be Denki’s.
⚡️ He did the challenge with Bakugou before but it ended in flames...but he won’t decline to do it wit you
⚡️ Why y’all buck each other and ended up hitting your foreheads?
⚡️ Spent the rest of the video rubbing your forehead while Denki laughing.
⚡️ “Why tf your shit so hard? Built like damn cement” you glared at him as he laughed even harder.
⚡️ “I shock my own brain everyday. I think my skull hardened as a result”
⚡️ The next day, you’re seen walking around with your forehead on swole.
⚡️ On the bright side, you get forehead kisses every 5 minutes.
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🔮 There ain’t no Eraserhead edits so he makes them himself.
🔮 All his fyp got some led light show going on. Every. Fucking. Video.
🔮 But they’re all good vibes, great music, and nice ass comment section
🔮 Occasional gaming videos come up because he follows some twitch streamers on there
🔮 Doesn’t know the beatbox/junebugg challenge. You woke him out of bed to do it.
🔮 You’re vibing in the video before you buck at him.
🔮 He didn’t budge. He stopped doing the dance altogether to stand up and just glare you down.
🔮 He out here in his cow print moo moo pants and you do this shit to him?
🔮 Now you’re nervous, flickering your eyes to him as you continued the video dancing.
🔮 The minute the sound ends he stalks off back to bed. Using all the sheets to cover him.
🔮 Have fun sleeping in the cold. Just kidding, he can’t sleep without cuddling you but just remember he is mad.
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👓 ...you think he knows tiktok?
👓 Thought it was slang for the actual clock app.
👓 Got it to see what the hype was about but doesn’t even bother to make an actual account.
👓 It’s really just the generic shit on there.
👓 So he’s excited to do a dance with you even though he only knows the tinman.
👓 Umm...failed to do the actual dance. It gives 60-year-old white man on a tropical cruise.
👓 And then you buck at him.
👓 All movements stop. He justs staring at you, his glasses hiding his actual eyes.
👓 The air around you feels real cold. Your premonition telling you to electric slide out of the room but nah, you continue to dance. The man, who tried to commit murder at the age of 16, just staring at you stoned face.
👓 The second he opened his mouth, you DIPPED out of the room, leaving your phone running and Iida just standing confused.
👓 Turns out, he wasn’t trying to end your bloodline, he was just confused if that was a dance step he missed.
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catxsnow · 4 years
A/N: It was pointed out that this got deleted so here it is again! Damian is 18+
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Damian doesn't focus on the physical attributes of you, so he finds your personality the most attractive. If you can keep up with his wit then he knows that you're a keeper. However, he does find himself getting lost in your eyes quite often so he would have to say that he loves those the most.  B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
I'm gonna have to say no. Damian loves you and he doesn't believe that he needs kids to keep loving you. Maybe when the two of you are way older, but he doesn't see having kids for a very long time. He would be open to adoption when you guys are too old for having your own kids. C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Damian hated cuddling with you at first. He ran warm enough as it was and to have another body under the blankets? He was sweating. Once he got used to it, Damian liked when you laid on his chest and he could wrap his arms around you.  D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Either ridiculously mundane or over the top extravagant there is no in between.
One time Damian took you across the world just to go hike and buy local delicacy. Another time he considered the grilled cheese sandwich Alfred made for you both a date. It really depends on what kind of occasion it is.  E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
Damian says 'habibi, ya nour el ein' which means 'you're the light of my eye' in Arabic. F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It took Damian a long time to realize that he was in love. It's not easy for him to love someone after the way he was raised to opening up to you was a side that he didn't know he had.
He realized it one night when you were tending to his wounds as being Robin. You worked silently as you always did. Damian realized that if there was anyone he wished to stitch him up day in day out it was you. He broke that silence with an 'I love you' and you had nearly fucked up his wound even more with shock. G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Damian is gentle but he gets violent when he had nightmares. He never means to hurt you and you know that, but he always feels terrible when he sees that he left you with a bruise because of his rash actions while in his sleep. You never blame him for his nightmares, he's gone through so much as it is. H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Damian doesn't like to hold hands, especially in public. The only time that he will willing grab onto you hand is if he can tell that you're nervous about something. Otherwise, just standing next to you is enough. I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He didn't like you. Then again, he never liked anyone at first. J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Damian gets jealous for reason you never expect. He gets jealous of his brothers and when you spend time with any of them. He gets when Alfred the cat sits on you rather than him. He only got jealous at another man once and it didn't end well at all. He was all over the papers and Bruce nearly had a fit when he tried to fix what happened. K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You did. He was being an asshole and wouldn't shut up about something so you decided to make him quit talking in a different kind of way. Damian didn't complain about it though. L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
He did. You felt it first, but you never said anything until he felt comfortable enough to realize that he loved you too. M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory was when he was trying to teach you to draw. Damian held the utmost patience for you and he genuinely enjoyed spending that time with you. You spent the whole day practicing and looking for his approval. He loved everything you drew simply because it came from you. He still has your drawings hanging up. N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yes. Without question he'll buy you everything that you could ever dream of. Being the heir to the throne of the League of Assassins and son of Bruce Wayne he got a lot of items that he didn't even need. He loves to spoil you with things. O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red. As calm and as patient as you were, you had a fiery side when it came to Damian being a brat. When he saw anything red, he always thought about the times that you called him out. P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Beloved (as every Damian fanfic has ever had) Habibti/Habibi (my love), Ameli (my hope) Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Damian is surrounded by tech all day. So when he takes to the time to read a good book, he's in his happy place. He's read all the great historic literature and has tried more modern books but didn't like them as much. R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Damian likes to draw on rainy days. He's got a great talent for it and doesn't get enough time to practice it. You'll be laying on his bed while he draws and the rain patters against the window. When you get lonely, you'll stare until he notices and then pout until he joins you in his bed. The half a drawing left no longer matter, he just wishes to hold you. S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Damian cheers himself up by training. He'll spend hours working out and training like he did back in the League. When he's finally wore himself out, he'll find you and pass out in your arms. That's all he needs.
When it comes to cheering you up, Damian became a great listener. He refrains from making snooty comments about the people that you are ranting about and tried to give a level headed solution to your problem. However, he's always ready to go petrify anyone that has made you upset. T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Damian's got a well-rounded knowledge about everything. He could talk to you about every war that's ever happened or how the earth works. When he's in a talkative mood, he loves to spill facts about everything that he knows. It's not a way of him being cocky, he's just genuinely excited to tell you things. U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Damian doesn't relax. But when he does, its when he's injured or forced to stay home. You'll baby him for the night and even though he seems mad about it, he enjoys it (only when it's from you, not anyone else). He'll get Alfred to bake you guys cookies and settle in for a movie of his picking. V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Damian's proud of everything he does. He's a show off particularly with his athleticism. He doesn't have one specific thing that he likes to show off, except maybe his art. W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Damian doesn't. X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Bloodflood by alt-j Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Nope. Damian doesn't see the need for you two to get married. He doesn't want some fancy wedding just to show off your love. As long as you know how much he loves you, then that's all that he cares about. If he were to get married, it would be something extremely lowkey. Your immediate family and his, that's its. No supers, no teams, nothing. Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Damian was ready to adopt a whole herd of cows do you really think that he's going to settle on just one more pet? No, he's gonna get every single helpless animal that he can.
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lankieghost · 2 years
Lankie's Bloodborne Boss Ranking Bonanza! (Part 2/3)
This is part 2 of my Bloodborne boss ranking! You can find Part 1 here
Spoilers for Bloodborne ahead!
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Here's a fun challenge : try and draw The One Reborn with no references. Because hooo boy is this meat centaur a mess.
The fight starts with a bunch of bell ringing ladies on the balconies. Hilariously, I don't know what the bell ladies do if you leave them alive, since I killed them first thing every time.
You'd think this guy would be a flailing mess but it seems he mostly just summons a bunch of loose limbs over you. The only thing that gave me trouble was his big throw up attack which covers the whole floor of the arena.
I ended up killing him in two attempts, he looks intimidating but he's basically a very gross paper tiger.
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Oh Amygdala, have pity on the poor bastard!
Turns out, ol' Amy took Patches advice at heart, because I beat them on my first try.
Which is surprising because Amygdala is pretty intimidating! What with the lasers and the prodigious size and the ripping its own arms off to beat you to death. But yeah I don't know what to tell you, I pressed O when I needed to dodge, I hit r1 a bunch of times and they just kinda died.
I do like that after killing Rom it's revealed that there's tons of Amygdala's (Amygdalae?) just chilling all over Yharnam, very creepy.
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Ah Kos, or some say Kosm!
Boy howdy there's a lot of gimmick fights in Bloodborne. The Host of The Nightmare will just constantly run away from you until you corner him in a room, then he shoots a bunch of tentacles at you.
I'm making it sound easy but I ended up dying to this bastard 4 times! The tentacles hits hard and he's got his little puppet buddies backing him up in fights.
The best part of the fight is Micolash's running commentary on Kos and granting eyes. He really sells the whole raving madman vibe he's got going.
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What does it say about me that I died multiple times to Micolash but beat Mergo's Wet Nurse on my first attempt? I don't know! But What I do know is that Mergo's Wet Nurse is awesome.
Look at this cool ass design! Six armed black angel with scythes? Rad as hell! Sounds like an OC I'd have when I was 13! I love that its head looks like a big slug thing but it's actually just an empty cloak. I love that this horrible thing is a 'wet nurse'. I love that the music playing in this fight is just a kids music box. Great vibes all around!
The fight is pretty easy unfortunately, the wind ups are really telegraphed and it's too easy to just get behind her when she starts flailing her scythes. You gotta be on the ball when she starts summoning her clones to attack you (reminds of the High Priestess fight in Sekiro) but there was never a time when I felt threatened in this fight.
But despite all that I'm still giving MWN an A just for the great design. Let it be known that I'll bump any character's score up if you attach some angel wings to the mix.
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Does anyone care about this boss?
It's another gimmick boss where there's a bunch of these dumb aliens and you gotta find the REAL Celestial Emissary. At which point it triples in size.
I do like when these guys have the weird tendrils coming of their heads, that's pretty creepy. But they honestly didn't have to put this boss in the game. The next boss is only one corridor and a elevator ride away!
Side note: Upper Cathedral Ward, the place you find this and the next boss, fucking suuuuUUUUuuuucks. Brain eater enemies everywhere,the part where it just ganks you with 3 werewolves, if the little slug things nibble you once it fills up a full frenzy bar. Just absolutely awful.
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The Daughter of The Cosmos has a very neat design, very creepy and alien. I was expecting this fight to be pretty tough but it was honestly not too bad, think I beat in 3 attempts.
I like that there's a thing that looks like Rom's corpse in the arena, I think the implication is that Ebrietas is an adult form of whatever Rom is. That's neat!
Another thing that I like about all the more alien designs in Bloodborne is that they all have some slightly human qualities to them, like Ebrietas' slug body looking like a humans kneeling legs. It adds to the creepiness of the monsters, like was this thing human? Is it mimicking humanity? Maybe they're not so different to us??? SPOOKY??????
Ebrietas gets a - solely because of Upper Cathedral Ward. Because fuck Upper Cathedral Ward.
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Logarius, in my opinion, is the toughest boss in the base game. He's got projectiles, he's aggressive in his 2nd form, he's got his whole gimmick of planting his sword in the ground to summons constant ghost swords that chase you. He's a dozy!
However the main thing that makes him tough, and the thing that pops a minus on his score, is his tendency to jump straight up into the air and goomba stomp you to death! The camera doesn't track him when he does this, so you just have to guess when he's gonna land. Sometimes he'll do it multiple times in a row. I'm really not a fan of this attack because it feels like Logarius is taking advantage of the bad camera to land hits on me.
Also the run back for Logarius is not a good time. Two ladders!? What am I made of time!?
This ends part 2, in the next part, we'll take a brief jaunt into DLC town and rank the final 2 bosses!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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twstedtales · 3 years
Can i get letter J for rook, jade, floyd, and ace?
Sucker for jealous boys, huh, anon-chan? 😂👏 don't worry, me too 😂😂🤝
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Jealousy: Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Don't get jealous easily, almost never unless you purposely do it just to rile him up. Rook places a great and unshakable trust on his s/o so he wouldn't mind if they got close to someone or befriended them. He knew that your loyalty lies on him and him alone and that your love for him wouldn't be shallow and easy to replace. So, he would just let you have things go in your way because he trusts you.
Rook doesn't want you to feel suffocated by his presence and your comfort would always come first for him so he would try his best not to stalk follow you around. Though he would try, sometimes, he would just find himself unconsciously following, in every moment, in every hour, in seconds of the day. So he would obviously know who you were friends with.
You would never know of this because he would hide this very well from you. And although he was not jealous, if he felt that someone was indeed planning to steal you away from him, Rook would never hesitate to draw his bow and have them running away for their precious lives. He can't have his mio dolce amour taken away, non?
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He would act as if he isn't jealous, but take note of the word 'act'. Jade would greatly maintain his facade of quiet excellence as he would watch someone get too close to you, invading your personal space. Whether it was on purpose or just a friendly gesture, Jade would find himself seething inside as he quietly glares at the limbs of the person next to you in the corner of his eyes.
Then, he would scoff, a mocking chuckle blooming under his breath as he moved away. He can't exactly attack that person given their settings, but rest assured that Jade wouldn't let this incident pass by just like that. He would patiently wait for the right moment to corner his prey, make sure that that person knows their place next time, and shall they remain stubborn, he wouldn't hesitate to break a limb or two with that polite smile gracing his lips. 
Jade wouldn't exactly blame you for it, because like Rook, he knows that you're only loyal to him and that you loved him, but that doesn't mean you're exempt from all his teasing. He would use his crocodile tears, disappointed sighs, pitiful expressions, and ask you if you're cheating on him and stuff to the point you would definitely feel so bad and guilty just by talking to other people except him.
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The level of his jealousy greatly depends on the mood he's currently in. If he's in a good mood, Floyd might've not noticed that someone is being so close to you, and might even brush it off as something that friends usually do. After all, he was touchy with Jade and Azul, too. If he was in a very particularly good mood and even leaning to being playful, he would join in whatever your 'friend' was doing with you that might or might now scare them off. So, even if he doesn't really mean it, Floyd would likely make them scamper away from you.
If he was in a bad mood...um, prepare to call Jade or Azul to stop him from beating your 'friend' half to death. Floyd wouldn't absolutely tolerate anyone touching you or being close to you because he was the only one who had the privilege and the right to do that. He was so adamant at beating up your poor 'friend' that it would take you a while before his mood was lifted. It was an absolutely terrifying experience.
After the whole debacle, Floyd would pout at you and demand lots of kisses and cuddles. He was being so childish to the point that you aren't sure if it was the same man who just nearly incapacitate your friend. Though as much as Floyd was scary when he's jealous in his bad moods, he's the type to not really bore any grudges to anyone. So, he won't really chase after your friend any longer than necessary...unless they do it again to you. Then the history would just repeat itself.
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Ace was easily jealous and was very vocal about it, but never dared to admit it directly. His pride won't just let him outright tell you because it was so uncool being jealous. It sounds extremely petty for him to the point that even he himself would cringe every time he felt the stinging sensation of wanting to beat up the source of this uncool emotion.
As I said, he would be very vocal about it like he would just randomly say something like "those shoes are so outdated and boring. Did your parents not give you an allowance?" so bitterly and angrily to the point that your 'friend' would be so offended and angry at him. It may or may not escalate into a full blown fight just because Ace insulted their hair or their shoes.
If you ask what was all that for, he would just huff in annoyance and tell you that hanging out with that 'friend' would give you nothing but headache and the insults start again. But the moment you ask him if he was jealous, Ace would splutter and deny it aggressively even though it was very obvious. He would ruffle your hair and maybe tickle you out of your breath if you dare to laugh at him.
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Dᴏꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴏ Dɪꜱᴄɪᴍᴜꜱ
The reader tries to paint the Colossal Titan from memory, and Bertholdt seems to know more than most people. 
Requested: no.
Word Count: 2092
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Docendo Discimus is a Latin proverb meaning "by teaching, we learn." It is perhaps derived from Seneca the Younger, who says in his Letters to Lucilius: Homines dum docent discunt., meaning "Men learn when they teach”.
The human body is home to somewhere between six hundred and eight hundred muscles. There are two hundred and six bones, seventy-eight organs, one hundred thousand miles of veins, and roughly ten pints of blood. Every individual cell has a purpose, important and needed for the body to continue to function. 
Assuming the anatomy of a titan was the same to that of the average person’s, the Colossal Titan should be easier to render than this. You’d sketched the face of muscle and teeth over a hundred times by this point, and each one of them seemed to draw further away from realism than you liked. 
Sure, it was arguable that the Colossal just didn’t have the same anatomy in his face as the average human. But then there should’ve been more factors in his face that shouldn’t have worked. 
For example, the monster didn’t possess a muscle called the orbicularis. You could remember that specifically from the time you and your fellow cadets had gotten a bit too close for comfort. But based on the lack of orbicularis, he shouldn’t have been able to blink. And yet, he had. There was also a strange muscle in his temporal region with horizontal fibers, that couldn’t have simply been his temporal. It doesn't seem to have any particular function, either. 
God damn it. It’s appearance should’ve been the one thing about this bastard to make sense, but instead it had confused you just as much as the rest of it. Never mind how smart you were. If you couldn’t solve this simple turned complex mystery, why hold out hope for studying anatomy when the world would return to normalcy?
In your frustration, you slam the paintbrush back into your cup of water. A stain of red clouds erupts in the liquid at once, angry from how direct the solid hits the surface. In front of you, the canvas shines with the new layer of red paint. Beside it is a coat of salmon, also fresh and lined with the titan’s muscles. 
“So stupid,” you hiss, half to yourself. You grab your cadet corps jacket, shrugging it on swiftly before crossing your arms and stepping back. 
It was supposed to be a gift for Eren. He knew you were something of a painter and had once jokingly asked you to make a dart board for him. The moment you conceived this idea, you knew it had to be a stroke of genius. But you wanted to get it right, and for that, the artist and realist inside of you seemed to be punished for it.
Was it something with the eyes? No, it was definitely the anatomy of the titan overall. “For fucks sake,” you wave off finally, turning on your heel to walk away for a while. But when you turn around, you’re face to chest with one so broad you nearly stumble back. 
The figure tenses up immediately. You tilt your head up to see who it is, recognizing the nervous, kaleidoscope eyes of your comrade. Bertholdt, you’re sure his name is. You haven’t talked too many times, but you’ve seen him in your circle of friends. There’s a memory in your brain of asking your bunkmate, Annie, about why Bertholdt would hang around someone so upstanding and obnoxious as Reiner, but you can’t recall her specific answer. 
“O-oh, Y/N!” Bertholdt nearly wheezes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stand so close.”
“It’s fine,” you mutter, rubbing the side of your head as you step away. “What are you doing here?”
Yes, what was he doing here? A little closeted off room by the girl barracks? And aside from that, how does someone as tall as he even sneak his way inside? It’s suspicious, to say the least. 
“I was just-” Bertholdt stares down at you, sweat already beginning to form on his face. Oh, goddess. How is he to get out of this one? If Reiner was with him, he could just lie his way out of it. But now, looking down at your apathetic, borderline tired, frustrated face, he knows he’s never had much luck with girls. Especially not pretty girls like you. 
His gaze shifts to behind you. There, on a perfectly square parchment of thick paper, is a rough sketch of a long face without any skin. It seems to be all muscle, labeled and detailed. Half the sheet is colored in with pinks, browns, and scarlets, with the other half marked with insane little scribbled patterns that remind him of words. 
You’re still waiting for an answer. He sees your steady, patient eyes and your balled fists by your hips, and Bertholdt wonders if you already know. “I saw you bring in those cans of paint, and I guess I got curious.”
“Oh,” you reply flatly. “Yeah. That.”
“It’s um...” Compliment her. Compliment her painting. “It’s a nice painting. What’s it supposed to be of?”
“The Colossal Titan,” you tell him as you rub the back of your neck. Then you turn on your side so you can view your art, immediately narrowing your eyes in disgust at it. “It’s not my best.”
Bertholdt’s words come out a bit louder than he intended. “Actually, I think it’s really, really great, Y/N!”
You turn back to meet Bertholdt’s nervous, almost quivering eyes. You certainly wouldn’t call yourself an expert on the male gender, but this tall bastard was exactly the stereotype of someone who wasn’t an expert on the female gender. It was almost funny. No, it was almost ironic. 
“I just mean that... it’s really good. It’s easy to see that you have heaps of talent,” the brunette reiterates, seemingly calmer this time.
What a nice thing to say to someone. 
“That’s not really my point though,” you borderline sigh. “The point is that no matter what I seem to do to him, it doesn’t seem realistic does it?”
“What do you mean by that?” Bertholdt questions, his eyebrows furrowing. That’s right, he wouldn’t be able to squint without his orbicularis. Something your art model was currently lacking. 
Do you even bother to explain it to him? It’s not like either of you are close, or like he’d exactly understand what you were saying to him anyway. But where was the harm, really?
You walk back towards the parchment, with Bertholdt just a few steps behind. 
“See this area?” you ask, gesturing to the Colossal Titan’s eye area. “There's a muscle here that’s supposed to let people close their eyes. But the colossal titan doesn’t have that.”
“W-why is that?”
You shrug. “Damned if I know. But doesn’t it look wrong on him?”
Bertholdt observes the painting. He sees all the details, all the time you’ve put into it. While you are right about the image and the titan’s strange features, it’s now that Bertholdt realizes just how intelligent you really are. Unlike other people, you actually knew things. If he were an enemy, he might be starting to feel threatened right about now. Ironic indeed. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” the boy says shyly. “Why does it have to be perfect, though?”
Good question. 
“No real reason,” you tell him, trying to hide the hint of smile. “I guess it’s just how it is. Eren is the one who asked for this.”
“O-oh... you mean like a...”
Your eyes flit back to Bertholdt. “Like a what?”
Bertholdt can feel the sullen wave of anxiety wash over him. He hadn’t meant to let the stray thoughts fall from his lips, but now he can’t take it back. Now what does he say? “I just mean, is it a gift or something like that?”
Were you and Eren...?
“I might be able to help you with it,” Bertholdt stutters, again, louder than he’d intended. He’s lucky at least one of you is level headed during this interaction. 
“How so? Do you paint?” 
“No, but I think I might know some things about the Colossal that you don’t,” Bertholdt offers. His right arm reaches behind to rub at his sweaty neck. In that instant, you can see that the boy has an almost identical structure to that of your subject. You’d have to note that the tall boy would make a brilliant model for something like this.
“Like what?” you question. “Could you give me some feedback on my piece then?”
Shit. Shit. Shit. You were going to find out. 
Bertholdt pretends to be in deep thought for a minute, knitting his dark eyebrows together. His green, blue eyes sweep over the picture, watching the slick settle. “Well, you’re right about the muscle around the eye. I’d take that out, but maybe place the shadow of it?”
“The shadow?”
“The outline. And maybe make his eyes more glossy than this. Titan’s have a second set of eyelids.”
You don’t have time to question him further. Bertholdt continues the onslaught of information. 
“I think you should also make some of these areas here a bit lighter,” he says, pointing to the side of the Colossal’s face. “From the steam and the high body temperature, it would get a bit smoky.”
“Yeah,” you begin slowly, watching the shine in Bertholdt’s previously nervous eyes. “I hadn’t considered that.”
The lanky male in front of you lets his lips curl into a sheepish smile, closing his eyes as his fingers thread themselves between his hair. “I doubt most people do, so you’re not really in the wrong.”
“How do you know so much?” you ask. “You’ve been quiet with everyone up until now. Do the higher ups even know all this?”
“I mean, they’d have to right? I guess I just took a lot of notes in class.”
You hadn’t remembered your professor mentioning most of these things during your Titan Studies period. But maybe it wasn’t really worth questioning him over. Maybe Bertholdt was just more observant than you had ever really considered. It wouldn’t have been the first time. 
Your eyes are fixated on him. Bertholdt was kind of cute, actually. His eyes are both big and slim, with pale green orbs. His skin was always a bit illuminated with a nervous sweat, and he was incredibly mild mannered. But maybe that was actually a good thing compared to all the boys in camp who seemed to lack any conception of manners. Pouty, chapped lips, a gentle smile, messy dark hair. He seems like someone reliable. Kind. Trustworthy.
“Yeah,” you say again, breaking eye contact. “So, are there any other suggestions you have for me?”
Bertholdt is still for a moment, thinking it over. “No, other than don’t think so hard about it, probably.”
“You two sort of have a similar face,” you say, staring at the muscled beast you’d attempted to replicate. “Maybe you should pose for me sometime.”
Bertholdt tenses. 
“I’m only joking,” you assure. Bertholdt’s broad shoulders fall as he relaxes, and a soft exhale leaves from between his lips. “But I would like it if you’d let me model after you.”
“Me?” Bertholdt stutters, shocked. “You mean you’d want to really paint me?”
“‘Course,” you say, nonchalant as always. “You’ve got one of those faces.”
Bertholdt smiles naturally. Soft, but noticeable. You return it after a few seconds, feeling your previous frustration and anger at the piece begin to wander away. 
“I should get back to work,” you say as you turn around. Bertholdt watches you unclip the parchment from your sturdy easel, place it on the stone floor, and grab another paper from a pile. 
“Y-you’re starting again?”
“Of course,” you say. Your dominant hand laces around a piece of charcoal, preparing to drag it across the page. In one swift and scratchy motion, an onyx line appears at the top of the paper. 
Bertholdt’s cheeks dust pink from behind you. He’s about to offer if you want him to pose for you so you can memorize what’s underneath his shy skin, but he stays quiet. Instead, Bertholdt is happy that he even got to speak to you in the first place. He wanders out of the room with butterflies in his stomach, and guilt in his heart. 
And you, with your eyes narrow, basing the monster that ruined your life off the boy who had just helped you. 
I didn’t proof read this. I feel like I’ve just been cranking stuff out lately. someone remind me to go back and edit thank you
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holykillercake · 4 years
Love Ordeal
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word count: 2k
summary: The Strawhts decide to play Secret Davy Treasure and Sanji doens´t stop asking whom you got. 
highlight:  ¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
warning: F.L.U.F.F.
notes: Guys! This a part 2/3 of a request for a fluff where they have a s/o that made them a thing with crochet and how they would react. Also, Secret Davy Treasure is like Secret Santa, but you know. ALSO, there is a surprise at the end! 
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Just pick one, Luffy!¨
¨But which one?¨
¨It doesn´t matter!¨
¨Hmm, can I pick two?¨
Earlier that day, an old lady told Nami that whichever path Luffy chose would always lead to another Winter Island. So with the end of the year approaching and the cold weather, you decided to play Secret Davy Treasure, a great South Blue tradition.
It consisted of the participants writing their names on a piece of paper, mixing them in a bowl - or Luffy's hat - and drawing them.  Whoever’s name you picked is who you will buy or make a Secret Davy Treasure.
You should have guessed that even something that sounded so simple would be complicated in the Thousand Sunny. The crew didn´t seem to understand nor follow the rules of physics, reality, and the game. 
At first, Zoro folded his paper with his name on the outside; then Brook picked himself and didn´t tell anyone. Now you were struggling with Luffy, who couldn´t pick one because A) he wanted to know what was written inside, and B) he wanted to pick more than one. 
While Franky, Usopp, and Chopper yelled at him, trying to make him understand, Brook laughed at the whole situation, and the rest of you wished to die and get reborn as clams. 
Sanji adjusted the blanket around your bodies and hugged you tighter, chatting until the commotion was over.  
¨Will you tell me?¨ he blew some smoke, and you tilted your head to look at him. 
¨Tell what?¨
¨Who you got.¨
¨What? Of course no!¨ you laughed ¨This is not how you play it!¨
¨But we are a couple, Y/N-chan!¨
¨.., and?¨ you sang the word.
¨We shouldn't keep secrets from each other!¨
A cloud of white smoke came out of your mouth when you giggled before snuggling deeper in his arms. 
¨Okaay,¨ Usopp crawled closer to you, defeated and holding Luffy´s hat ¨he will be the last one.¨
Despite your captain yelling that he should be the first to pick, you were all getting tired and opted to ignore him. 
¨Thanks!¨ you used the blanket to cover yourself as you unfolded it.
A chuckle left your mouth when you saw the name written, and the blonde behind you tried to peek over your shoulder. But you were faster to put the piece of paper with the name of your boyfriend inside your bra.
You turned and gave him a peck on the cheek while he pouted. 
You would have one week to come up with a Davy Treasure for Sanji, and you knew exactly what to do, but some butterflies still flew in your belly, wondering if he would like it. 
As a matter of fact, he loved everything you did, from sweet love to extremely salty culinary disasters. He would find perfection in every little thing done by you.
Enjoying your last days on the island of Snow Globe Pole - yeah, almost as bad as ¨Long Ring Long Land¨ - you decided to tour the city, looking for what you needed to make your gift. Or rather, to crochet your gift.
That was the easy part, for you were on a winter island, yarn and wool were pretty abundant. Every style possible of every possible color, anything that crossed your mind was available in the store. It would have been distracting if you didn´t have the colors already chosen. 
But again, so much for an innocent game. So much for a bit of fun. So naive to believe that Sanji would stop asking you whom you picked. 
In his defense, he had gotten calmer during the first night. But after seeing the bag you brought from the store, he became even more annoying. 
Charming, loving, but still annoying. 
¨It´s not Franky, right? His hands wouldn´t fit in it.¨
¨His regular-sized-robotic-mannequin hands would.¨ you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
You could almost see the gasp stuck in his throat and his heart skipping a beat. 
After that, he kept bringing you desserts, offering massages, and doing everything in his power to bribe you. Skypiea Sanji was not the real Love Ordeal. Secret Davy Treasure Sanji was the real Love Ordeal. 
¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
He grumbled ¨I love you¨ back among some other things and marched to the kitchen with flames on the top of his head. You chuckled and went back to your colorful wools. 
Before you chose his gift, you thought about Sanji and the things that he liked or needed. From cooking to smoking and women. 
Cooking for him would be outrageous. You wanted to give him something amazing, and you couldn't compare to him in the kitchen. At all.
Women. You were the only woman he wanted and needed, and honestly, you were the woman for the job. 
Now, smoking. You would not buy or make him cigarettes, obviously. But he had this adorable and clumsy thing of always burning the tips of his mittens whenever he lit a cigarette. 
Because of that, you decided to crochet him one of those fingerless gloves that come with a mitten flap so he could cover his fingers once he was done. Like that, he would be warm and natural disaster-free. 
¨There is orange, Y/N-chan! You got Nami, right?!¨ you jumped and almost stabbed yourself with the hook when he yelled in your ear.
¨Oh, my sweet Davy Jones, give me strength...¨ you whispered ¨There is also purple, Sanji-kun. It could be Brook or Robin.¨ 
He pondered over it a little, frowned, and made his way to the door.
¨Hey!¨ he turned with sad puppy eyes ¨Is this really important to you? To know who I got?¨ he nodded. 
You gestured with your head, telling him to come closer. A big and bright smile appeared on his face, and your heart beat stronger. That smile, you would punch the Red Line broken to create another All Blue for that smile. 
Oh, how you love this cook. 
¨Ok! Just because I am asking I´ll tell you first, ok?¨ he spoke with a lower voice but still sparkly. You smiled and nodded. ¨I got Chopper! And I bought him a new backpack with a lot of compartments for his medical stuff.¨
The way he paid attention to the tiny details made you melt. He was always taking care of others, complimenting the crew - except Zoro - and celebrating even the smallest of the successes. 
He showed you the blue backpack, very similar to Chopper´s current one, but a lot stronger, prettier, and more practical. He would love it, no doubts. 
¨Well,¨ you began ¨I got... Usopp.¨ 
You felt terrible about telling him a lie, but you couldn´t spoil your surprise.
 ¨Since we´re going to winter islands, I don´t want his finger to get tangled when, Uhm... he´s picking his Ketchup Stars, Green Stars, or Let´s-scare-creepy-girls-to-death Stars. I really hope he likes it.¨
If you were not paying enough attention, you would have missed Sanji´s disappointed look, which he quickly hid with a kind smile. 
¨You always think about everything, Y/N-chan. He will love it.¨ he kissed your forehead and went back to the kitchen. 
You waited until he closed the door to cringe ¨You are going to hell, Y/N.¨ 
Finally, the Secret Davy Treasure day arrived. You would exchange gifts and then have a nice dinner if Luffy didn´t make a party out of it. He definitely would. 
But you were also grateful that today was the day. Since you told Sanji that you had picked Usopp, he has been acting a little upset. The other guys didn´t notice, but you did. 
You would always notice. And you had an idea why. 
The gift exchanging rules were pretty simple.  The Secret Davy had to offer information about the person receiving the treasure, and the others had to guess. 
It started with Usopp, whose Secret Davy was Franky. He gave him a bunch of super tools and some colored light bulbs for the ¨Party Nipple¨ idea.
Franky´s Secret Davy was Robin. He gave her a journal with waterproof pages he created. 
Robin´s Secret Davy was you, and she presented you with a beautiful copy of a fictional adventure book since you were always reading them on the ship.
Then it was your turn. You held the gift wrapped in a shiny blue paper and began to describe your Secret Davy. 
¨My Secret Davy is... slightly annoying sometimes.¨
¨It´s the stupid-eyebrow.¨ Zoro said.
¨Shut up, marimo head!¨
You continued after Nami punched them. ¨My Secret Davy always takes care of us.¨ 
¨It´s Chopper!¨ you shook your head.
¨Hmm... my Secret Davy is an exceptional fighter! Really strong!¨ 
¨It´s me!¨ 
¨No, Zoro! It´s me! I will become the Pirate King!¨ 
¨Shut up, you two!¨
¨My Secret Davy is...¨ you looked at Sanji and smiled ¨... loving and caring.¨ 
He looked back at you, confused.  Why would you say those about Usopp? Not that he wasn´t loving and caring, but... still. 
¨My Secret Davy is... the man of my dreams, the prince of my fairy tale, and the love of my life.¨
A minute or two passed while everyone waited for Sanji to say something, but he remained frozen with a perplexed expression. 
¨Sanji-san, I think the treasure is yours.¨ Brook said calmy. 
The cook made his way to you slowly, taking the gift from your hands and opening it gently, without tearing the wrapping.  
Did he get upset because of your lie? 
¨Sanji...¨ you called him, but he kept staring at the gloves. 
You saw his eyes fill with water before he excused himself and exited the deck, leaving everyone staring at you. 
¨I don´t... I´m gonna...¨ you pointed and left too. 
When you entered your room, he was standing, back turned to you. Was he really crying, or you saw things?
¨You remembered...¨ he turned around, still holding the mittens ¨These colors...¨ 
¨Yeah, they don´t really match, but...¨
¨I wanted it so much, Y/N. When I saw it, I wanted it so much.¨
He rushed in your direction and hugged you tight. He hugged you and you felt all his emotions, you felt the weight he carried in his heart. Not a bad weight, just the weight of missing someone you love. 
You knew that that was the reason he was pestering you so much, the colors. You had chosen the colors that Zeff, Sanji´s mentor, wore. 
The fingers were orange and purple, like his striped shirt. You added yellow details of his hair; the blue of his ascot, and the white of his apron. 
As you said, they didn´t match, but apparently, Sanji didn´t care.
He would always share stories about their lives and cook recipes that Zeff taught him. Despite him always calling him old man or damn geezer, the Red Leg was his father.
¨Thank you, Y/N-chan. I loved it.¨
The sound of him sniffing made you hold him stronger. 
¨I miss that damn geezer.¨ 
¨I´m sure he misses you too, Little Eggplant.¨ 
You squeaked and laughed when he threw on the bed.
¨I´ll show you Little Eggplant!¨
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Hey, Guys! SURPRISE! Here´s my first decent art? hahaha THE MITTENS!
I don´t know if the quality dropped. I´m using krita and still don´t know how to adjust the settings stuff when I´m saving a jpeg. Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
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pairing: Steve Rogers x blind!black!reader x Bucky Barnes || word count: 5,414 || warnings: mentions of depression, mentions of anxiety, mentions of insomnia, mentions of suicidal/dark thoughts, mentions of surgery/side effects of surgery (seizures/medications), smut, sex, threesome (m/m/f), polyandry/polyamory || challenge: @jbbarnesnnoble​​ mental health awareness month writing challenge - “the warmth of the sun fell over you like a blanket in the middle of winter.”
author’s note: this was such a great challenge, but please heed the warnings! we’re dealing with some sensitive issues in this one. I hope you guys like, and I also hope that I’ve handled this correctly! this is my first time writing a disabled reader. let me know what you think please :) and thank you all so much for all of the love since I've been back from my little hiatus! major inspiration from this post. I’m also getting used to a new laptop, so if there’s any weirdness in this post that’s why, lmaooo. okay, I'm done talking, enjoy!
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The room is shrouded in darkness - but not that you’d notice anyway. Your body is covered by the thick duvet thrown over the bed, your face buried in your hands. A splitting headache forces your eyes closed, but you’re used to them. The headaches. They started a few years ago, out of nowhere - you just thought it was stress, or, maybe not getting enough sleep at night. You didn’t pay them any attention at first.
They got worse. They got to the point where you couldn’t get out of bed. Your vision would get blurry. Steve suggested a doctor - you said no, it’s just a migraine. You’d be fine. He insisted after a few more months went by, and your headaches got worse, your vision worse.
You still remember it like it was yesterday. You sat there, stunned into silence. Your whole body numb. Steve grabbed your left hand, Bucky your right, as the room started to spin - the doctor's voice fading away as she spoke. Brain tumor. It was so large now that it was pressing on your optic nerves, making you slowly go blind. Within months, purples and greens and blues and pinks were all replaced by nothing. Not even black - it was just nothing.
The last clear thing you remember seeing were the tears in Steve’s eyes and Bucky’s metal arm thrown over your hip as he held you tight. You had to squint to make everything out, but Steve’s eyes were shiny - cloudy - as the emotion trickled down his cheeks. You wiped them away slowly with your thumb as you tried to etch his face in your mind so you’d never forget it. You wanted each line, each crinkle, each little freckle to be ingrained in you. You’d already spent hours staring at Bucky, doing the same.
You made them smile - soft ones, toothy ones, lopsided ones, just so you could remember them. Both men obliged, although Steve clearly couldn’t stuff his grief and anger down as well as Bucky could. Bucky was angry with him at first - telling him to stay strong for you. Surgery wasn’t going to be easy, mentally, emotionally, physically - they needed to stay strong for you. You told him not to be so hard on Steve. You were all dealing with the death - of the person you were, your relationship as it was - he was allowed to grieve.
You woke up from the surgery a few days later, tumor free, but almost completely blind.
Everything was just different from that point on. The medication after the surgery did a number on you. The steroids made you irrationally angry and agitated. Insomnia kicked in, you couldn’t sleep for days on end, so they prescribed you a sleeping aid. You couldn’t tell if it were day or night, so on top of the insomnia, your circadian rhythm was fucked - more medication. Your balance was off, you were confused more times than you weren’t, you had a seizure or two - bad ones.
That’s when the depression seeped in. You missed who you used to be. You were fun. You were wild - that’s how you ended up in a relationship with two men in the first place. You had a great laugh. You couldn’t hold your liquor for shit, and you had a great sense of style. You loved everything and everyone and now, you’re just a shell of that person. You end up laying in bed most of the day, days on end, as dark thoughts swarm around you, consuming the last spots of light you have left.
You’re a burden to them, Steve and Bucky. They’ve both had to leave the team, not wanting to be far from you in case something happened. Steve turned his shield over to Sam immediately upon hearing the news. Bucky stayed on for a while longer but wouldn’t leave the country, until even that was too much for him. He’s been home full time for a few weeks now.
The headaches now are from the new crippling anxiety and stress that you live with constantly. You don’t bother to put on anything but old t-shirts and sweats because, what’s the point? You can’t even remember what your favorite clothes look like. One afternoon, in a fit of rage, you pulled every article of clothing from the hanger and made Bucky tell you what color it was before you threw it away. You could only imagine him standing there, his hands on his hips, his head down, his voice low as he rattled them off - red, pink, yellow with white polka dots, navy blue and white stripes.
Between the irrational anger, the headaches, the insomnia, the feeling that your floundering - sinking just below the endless, dark water - you just want to give up. You just want to close your eyes and float away. Make it all end.
You hear the door slide across the carpet as it opens, and then heavy steps before a massive weight presses into the mattress. The duvet starts to shift but you grab it, stopping it from sliding off of your head and groan loudly.
“Bucky,” you whine, “Please don’t.”
He chuckles, “How d’you know it was me?”
His body wash. You used to laugh at the differences between the two of them - like day and night almost; but their juxtaposition is what made them, them. Bucky always went for earthy tones; rich - scents and colors alike. Naturally, his preferred body wash was heavier than Steve’s, distinctly masculine. Steve always liked a hint of sweet.
“Baby,” Bucky’s voice is soft and airy, “You gotta get up.” You don’t respond. You draw your knees into your chest as you feel him shift behind you, “Come on baby. We have a surprise for you.”
“I don’t like surprises.”
You can sense the smile on his face. He shifts again and suddenly you feel those metal digits slide up your spine. Slowly, slowly, slowly, they creep along your back and up to the back of your neck where he scratches at your hairline. You hate how short it is, your hair. You were natural before, took the utmost care of it. Steve helped you shave it off before surgery. Now, between the medication making it brittle and quite frankly, the lack of care you have, Steve helps you keep it short.
You let out a breath as Bucky’s large hand sweeps over your head, cupping it underneath the duvet before his digits find your ear to pull gently, playfully on the lobe, “Please? For me?”
You sigh. You let him pull the duvet away from your face. You start to blink quickly; jump slightly when you suddenly feel his lips on your cheek. You’re still not used to it yet, your senses aren’t - they’re getting stronger, you just have to trust them. You can hear your therapist's words like she’s sitting in the room with you. You relax though, when his cheek rubs against yours as he wraps your body up in a tight hug. You even smile a little as he kisses down your neck and along your shoulder as he rubs your hip.
You reach for him, finding his chin with your fingers. The short hair that grows along the bottom half of his face is prickly - sharp. You walk your fingers along his jawline and cup his cheek as he moans into the crook of your neck.
“Where’s Steve?” You ask softly.
“Packing up the car.”
You roll slightly onto your back, blinking at the nothingness as your fingers still move along Bucky’s face. You raise your second hand, sliding it along his left cheek, feeling him. You push your fingers over his lips, tracing them as you try and figure out what he’s feeling. Your hands move upward, over his nose, up to his eyes where you feel the crinkles on either side of them. He’s smiling; it’s a big one.
“Steve is really excited.” He says.
You picture an excited Steve. The light that fills his brilliant, blue eyes, the whiteness of his toothy grin. God, you miss his face, “Where are we going?” You ask after a moment.
There’s another kiss pressed to your cheek before he sits up, gently pulling your arms with him, “That’s the surprise.”
You let him pull you up to your feet. There’s footsteps again, coming down the hall, “Buck,” Steve says.
“She’s up.”
You turn your head in the direction of the door, dropping your chin to your shoulder, listening as the steps draw nearer. You close your eyes again and let another small smile spread on your lips when you feel soft fingers, Steve’s fingers, start to massage your shoulders. He kisses the back of your head and then your temple.
“Feelin’ better?” He whispers.
“Not really,” you answer honestly. You’ve never lied to them, there’s no use in starting now.
Silence drops over the room. You’re sure that they’re exchanging a quiet conversation, their eyes bouncing back and forth between each other, “Guys?”
“Still here,” Bucky answers, “Hands up, let’s get you dressed.”
You oblige, lifting your arms over your head as he pulls his old t-shirt away from your body, “I can dress myself.”
“Just let us help you.” Steve says gently, his hands slipping into the sides of your sweats to push them down your legs, “You know we’ve always liked pampering you.”
That they have. It’s been a long time since you’ve let them. Their hands feel familiar but yet different - you weren’t really paying attention to the feel of them before. Now that it’s all you have, the feel, you notice the difference between the two of them. Steve’s hands are a little softer than Bucky’s, but he hasn’t worked in over a year, that’s what you suppose anyway. Punching people and gripping various guns and knives are killer on the hands.
Once you’re stripped naked, Bucky places your arms back by your sides. You feel Bucky’s hands (his are calloused still) on yours within seconds, then, a slick material against your fingers.
You squint, “Is that a bathing suit?”
“It is. Your favorite one. Remember what it looks like?”
“The blue one?”
“With the polka dots.” He presses it into your palm, letting you feel it, “The strapless one, that sinches in the middle of your chest.”
You smile a little as you run your fingers over it. The stomach is cut out, the waist high. You liked it because it made your ass and your boobs look incredible, “I love this one.”
He kneels in front of you, grabbing your hand and placing it on his shoulder as Steve places his hands on your hips - steadying you, in more ways than one. Bucky lifts your left leg by your ankle and helps you step into your bathing suit, then moves to the right foot, sliding the soft material up your legs. Once his hands reach your waist, Steve takes over, grabbing the suit and pulling it up the rest of the way, up over your chest. He kisses your neck as you adjust the top over your breasts.
“Thank you.” You offer gently.
Steve pushes your hands above your head again and slips something soft down your arms and over your head. Bucky grabs it and pulls it down your body, adjusting it slightly as you place your hands on your chest - feeling it. It’s a cover up, the white one you think; the one you got on your vacation in Maui. It has a stain on it. Steve knocked over the bottle of red wine the three of you were enjoying as the two of you danced on the patio of your ocean front room, Bucky watching you with a small, happy smile on his face.
“I like this one,” you say more to yourself than to them, “It makes my legs look long.”
“Your legs are long.” Steve chuckles, “Come on, shoes now.”
Once you're fully dressed, Steve takes your hand, starting to guide you towards the door. You slip out of his grasp, taking a breath, “I can do it.”
It’s thirty seven steps from here to the kitchen. That’s when you make a right and take fifteen more steps to make it to the garage door. From there, it’s five steps to the car, unless it’s backed out into the driveway - then it's between twenty two and twenty seven steps, depending on just where it’s parked. You’re getting the hang of things, no matter how much you hate it.
You feel them hovering behind you as you walk but they both respect your boundaries, letting you navigate the house without intervention. You slide your hands along the side of the car to the door handle and pull, the old door creaking just a little. Bucky isn’t much of a car guy, but Steve? This 1967 Chevy Impala was the only thing he and Tony could talk about without fighting. Steve gushed over it every time the three of you had dinner with Tony and Pepper. Then, one day, it was parked in front of the house with a simple note from Tony shoved underneath the windshield wipers - Capsicle, much like your face, I can’t stand to look at this any longer. Enjoy.
You slide into the seat and within seconds feel their thick bodies enveloping you, squeezing you between the two of them. The seat rumbles against your back as the car comes to life, the engine and mufflers loud as… you lift your hand to the shoulder on your left and run it the length of his arm, down to his wrist, gripping slightly as you go. It’s Steve, his arms are just a tad longer than Bucky’s you’re coming to find; more vascular.
You squint as the car backs down the driveway and the sun hits your face. You lift your hand, blocking the rays as you start to fumble around in front of you. You’re surprised at how sensitive your eyes have become to the UV rays. There’s a hand on yours, then your glasses pressed into your palm, the fingers not pulling away until you unfold them and slip them onto your face.
“Good?” Bucky asks.
You nod, “Good.”
The windows are down, the warm breeze whipping around you, caressing your skin. The radio is turned up - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac - as you drive. Bucky hums softly, his metal fingers linking with yours, his lips pressing against your temple every now and again. Steve taps along to the beat with his fingers against your bare, exposed knee before he squeezes it gently. You smile as you start to relax, Steve’s words coming back to you. Just let us help you. You know we’ve always liked pampering you.
You drive for a while, over an hour maybe. Then, the car slows as you turn and stays slow, creeping almost, like Steve’s looking for something. The car turns again and comes to a stop a second or two later. The engine dies, the two buff bodies shift away from you as the doors pop open. There’s a tap on your right shoulder. You reach out and feel on the forearm until you find a hand, Bucky, before he grabs tightly and helps you out.
“I’m gonna help you, okay?” His voice is soft as he rubs his chin against your shoulder.
“Okay.” You answer. You turn your head to your left and blink quickly, anxiety starting to rush through your veins from the unfamiliarity of your surroundings, “Steve?”
“Right here, baby.” His voice is soft too. You feel his fingertips brush along the inside of your left wrist, just to assure you he’s close, “You’re okay. I had to get the bags.”
Bucky slips his arm around your waist and keeps your hand in his as he guides you. You count each step. Bucky narrates every move - that you are in a garage, just about to enter a house. You’re in a small hallway, seven steps before a left turn, then you’re in the kitchen. There’s an island to your left, a kitchen table with four chairs on your right and if you keep walking straight, you’re in the living room. He lets you feel your way, reaching out to touch the walls, the backs of the chairs, the island, as he talks.
You stop when Bucky stops, and then hear something slide open before the sounds of water crashing fills your ears. You’re back outside, the warmth of the sun falling over you like a blanket in the middle of winter. A hand slips down your calf and wraps around your ankle before your foot is lifted and your shoe removed. A broad smile covers your face. You haven’t been to the beach since the diagnosis.
You take a step forward once you’re barefoot, one of them grabbing your wrist quickly, “There’s steps, babe.” Bucky says.
“How many?”
“Six.” Steve answers, “Here let me-”
“I got it.” You say dancing your fingers over the railing and taking small, cautious steps until you feel the first step, “I got it.”
They’re hovering again. You can’t see it, but Steve has both hands extending out on either side of you, ready to catch you if you stumble. Bucky jumps the railing entirely, landing softly in the sand and rushes to the bottom step, his eyes on you as you move down them slowly.  When you step into the hot sand, your smile grows - if that’s even possible. You wiggle your toes as the grains slip between them and the waves continue to crash not far from where you stand.
Steve and Bucky keep their small distance from you as you walk towards the ocean’s edge, knowing you're close when the sand changes from loose and dry to stiff and wet. The water washes up over your feet, the smell of salt fills your nostrils, the random calls of seagulls both near and far ring in your ears. You grab the hem of your cover up and pull it over your head, discarding it onto the ground without a care as you move deeper into the water - a new purpose, new life flowing through your veins.
You don’t feel them hovering anymore. You guess they’ve both stopped at the water’s edge, soft smiles on their faces as they watch a wave crash into you, making you stumble. You laugh, loud and carefree, as you fall on your butt, the strength of the water pushing you around slightly. You don’t know it, but Bucky’s smile widens and Steve’s chin trembles as they watch you find a meaning again.
Tilting your head to the sky, you run your wet hands over your head before you wrap them around your legs, bringing them into your chest. You let the sun beat down on you. You let the water wash over you. You let the tears come. You let them slide down your cheeks and fall into the water. You let the ocean carry all of your tears, sadness, anxiety, and depression away from you and out into the abyss. You don’t want it back.
You lay out underneath the sun for hours, making peace with yourself, becoming one with the sand, water, and sun. Steve and Bucky keep a watchful eye until you call for them. Then, and only then do they approach, hands and fingers and lips all over your damp skin. They lay with you, staring up into the sky and calling out the shapes of the clouds. They play with you, splashing water in your face and pinching and tickling your sides as the three of you laugh loudly. Wildly.
You feel like yourself again.
When the sun sets, and the breeze rolling off of the water turns chilly, making chills run through you and bumps pop up on your skin, the three of you head back inside. Door dash brings you a quick dinner, which you all inhale before heading back into the bedroom to bathe. Bathtubs are rarely big enough for the three of you, but you always make it work - sitting in Bucky’s lap, your back to his chest, Steve at the other end.
Steve shaves your legs slowly, dropping kisses on the inside of your ankle as Bucky massages the shampoo into your short hair. Bucky taps underneath your chin before he pushes his index finger into it softly, tilting your head back. He pours warm water over your hair, sweeping his hand through it to push the suds away. Just let us help you. You know we’ve always liked pampering you.
You stay in the tub with your boys until the water runs cold. You’re wrapped up in a warm, fluffy towel, Bucky rubbing his hands up and down your arms trying to warm you up as you shiver and laugh at yourself. A song starts to play from somewhere in the house, slightly muffled as the sound passes through the walls and down the halls. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. The duet between Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were long replaced by Captain America and The Winter Soldier by the time this version came out, but they love it all the same. It reminds them of home, they tell you.
You’re suddenly crushed against one of them - Steve. You know this because you run your hands along his chest to his shoulder, not feeling the jagged, deep scar where Bucky’s flesh meets metal. He grabs your small hand and places it to his chest as he sways with you, back and forth, turning in slow circles as Louis croons.
Stars fading, but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
Just saying this
Steve spins you away from him and Bucky finds you, wrapping you up in his arms - an arm slung around your waist, fingers spread against your naked back as he holds your hand. You melt into him, humming softly as your toes brush against his, the soft sounds of your feet pushing along the hardwood floor beneath you adding a natural soundtrack.
Steve’s hands find your shoulders from behind. He presses his thumbs into your flesh as he squeezes and rubs slowly, his lips peppering your jaw and down your neck, “You’re so tense, baby.” He whispers.
“Depression will do that to you,” you chuckle, your new humor darker than what either one of them are used to. You feel them both stiffen at your words, hear a sad sigh from behind you, “Sorry. It was just a joke.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Bucky says, “We want to know what you're feeling, good, bad or indifferent. You don’t have to joke with us.”
You take a breath. You rest your head on his chest and start to chew on your bottom lip, “I know.” Your voice is small.
Defense mechanism.
You fight the urge to cry. Your eyes start to water, your skin starts to flush with heat, your jaw gets tight. Steve grabs the back of your neck gently as he kisses your shoulder blade gently, just wanting you to feel him. Bucky keeps dancing with you as the tears start to fall, cupping the back of your head in his large hand as he pushes his lips to your forehead.
What is it your therapist says? You aren’t in this alone, or something like that. You never believed her, or those words - until right now. Right in this moment. It’s been a year of self imposed loneliness. Dark thoughts accompanied by even darker impulsions of wanting to slip underneath the water and never resurface. Fear and anxiety telling you that you need to push away - they’ll both leave you one day for a resemblance of normalcy again.
They haven’t.
They won’t.
The days have turned into weeks, have turned into months - and here they are. Slow dancing with you in the moonlight as Ella Fitzgerald plays through the walls. Bucky wipes at your cheek with his thumb, pushing the emotion away. He nuzzles his cheek against yours as you reach up and scratch at the nape of his neck to calm yourself, “We aren’t going anywhere, doll.” He whispers.
“We promise.” Steve adds on.
You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. Bucky tilts your head towards his and without a warning, his lips cover yours. Soft. Commanding. His velvet tongue massaging yours as Steve bites down on your shoulder.
The sheets of the bed are soon mangled and twisted, pillows cast to the floor as you writhe beneath Bucky’s heavy body. Your leg is thrown over his hip, your fingernails dig into his thick flesh, the tips of his long, soft, dark hair brushing over your face. You have your other arm draped over his neck as his hips push into yours, driving himself deeper and deeper into you. Your mouth hangs, as does his - lips brushing against each other, hot breath washing over each other's skin as you push your foreheads together.
Steve waits patiently, although his fingers dance over your breasts, his palms brushing over your nipples before he palms your skin. He squeezes and gropes before he sends his hand down your stomach and to your clit to rub gentle circles against it as Bucky pummels you. He’s on his side, his nose and forehead pressed against the side of your face, his bottom lip between his teeth before he nips at your jaw and chin.
He tears your hand away from Bucky’s body to grab his hard length, dragging your palm with his, down his shaft. He’s so warm. His tip wet from his arousal.
It’s been a long while since the three of you have made love. It’s been a long while since you’ve felt beautiful enough too. You hadn’t realized how much of your self esteem was wrapped up in your hair until you had to shave it off. You also weren’t sure if you’d like it the way you used to - handle it with the same confidence you once had. Not being able to see them - see their hard muscles and their strained faces while in the throws of passion. That’s what turned you on.
Not anymore.
It’s the way you can tell them apart without having to see them. It’s the feel of their bodies now, not the sight of them. How rough and dominant Bucky’s hips are in your darkness, how sweet and loving Steve’s touch is. Their sounds; both deep and desperate for you. How the sounds vibrate against your ear drums and skin, moving through you - the illicit response your body has to them - the sounds.
You slam your head back into the pillow as Bucky pulls out of you. You pant and moan as you arch your back from the mattress as they shift around. Steve’s lips, you know their Steve’s because they’re rushed; always rushing, rushing, rushing like he’s still a man running out of time, push against your stomach, light kisses moving down to your sex. He bends your legs back, your feet dangling by his ears as he nibbles on the inside of your thigh.
Bucky grabs your hand just as Steve pushes his nose through your folds and sucks you into his mouth. Bucky moves your hand down his hard stomach to his pulsing hips. You wrap your hand around his warmth and feel him pump up into it, a little grunt falling from his lips at the same time.
Steve hums as his tongue swirls around you, flicking and lapping at you as his index and middle fingers push into your cunt. You buck your hips into his face, using all of him, his chin, his lips, his nose to cop a feel as he sucks on you. He releases your flesh with a loud smack - then drags his wet mouth the length of your thigh, up to your knee, and along your calf as he sits up on his knees. He extends your leg, resting it against his chest and shoulder as he sucks your manicured toes into his mouth, his large hand caressing your calf.
Bucky growls as he sucks your taut nipple into his mouth and wraps his metal fingers around your throat. He then kisses your mouth, hard and desperate, moaning into you as he continues to push his hips into your warm hand and against your side. He squeezes, gently, slowly, causing you to gasp just as Steve pushes into your wet, slick, swollen cunt.
You groan into Bucky’s hot mouth as Steve starts to move. His thrusts are softer, gentler than Bucky’s - always have been. He keeps your leg curled over his shoulder, his lips peppering kisses along your ankle and calf, his other hand and fingers gripping your thigh. The cool metal of Bucky’s fingers skip over your hot skin, down between your breasts and to your stomach before he flattens his palm against you, pushing down to add some pressure.
Bucky bites your bottom lip, pulling softly before he lets go. He nuzzles back into the side of your face, the stubble on his cheek cutting across your skin. He wraps his hand around yours that still pumps his cock and glides it slowly up and down, up and down, up and down as he moans into your ear; heavy, hot breath caressing your neck and the side of your face.
Steve hits a spot; your toes curl. Your hips jerk - your muscles tense. Fingers begin to massage your clit, slow, slow, slow circles to draw out the sensation. Teeth nibble at your ear lobe. Fingers glance across your skin. Mouths and lips take turns on yours. Steve drives his hips harder and faster - pushing, pulling, pushing, pulling. Bucky breaths fire laced words, provoking you, prodding you, coercing you to just let it all go…
You shatter. It consumes every bit of you. Physically. Emotionally. Their hands and fingers are everywhere, gripping, pinching, holding as you come. Steve pulls out of you - he always liked to watch you come, how your sticky, swollen sex convulses with each contraction from your orgasm, your clit jumping. He pushes his fingers back through your folds as he pushes his cock inside of you again, also loving the squeeze.
You feel hot, quick bursts of silk, over and over, splash against your stomach. Bucky groans with each, right up against your ear, the sound vibrating through your entire body.
Heat then blooms inside of you - Steve. Your muscles constrict around him, pulling each warm, thick ribbon of cum from him, coating your walls. He pushes deep and grabs your hand, placing it right in the middle of his chest so you can feel his muscles tense and flex as he comes. Feel the soft rumble of the grunts that vibrate through his chest. Feel his heart.
He collapses beside you, your body bouncing against the mattress as his weight pushes against it. The three of you are nothing but heavy breaths and balmy skin. Eyelashes resting against your cheeks as your eyes close with the recession of your lust. A head rests on your chest. You lift your hand and slip your fingers through the tresses, finding them short and kind of wispy - Steve.
Metal fingers curl within yours, a sturdy leg thrown over your thighs. A hand splays across your chest. Lips connect with your shoulders and jaw - fingers massage and scratch at your scalp softly. It’s all a blur. The haze won’t let your brain try and figure out who is who; but maybe that’s the point. Maybe it’s what you need. You don’t need to know. You can let go some of the control that you’ve been so desperately searching for.
You inhale deeply; and let out the breath you’ve been holding for over a year.
Your delicate fingers are lifted and pressed against hot lips - each digit receiving a kiss before being placed on a chest. The thump thump thump of a heart beat drums against them. You let out another breath as you nuzzle into their heavy bodies, soft I love you’s passing back and forth. There’s a faint skip of the record player down the hall. The soft whoosh of the breeze playing with the open curtains that cover the windows. Three bodies huddled in the center of the bed; just breathing.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
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knivesareout · 4 years
steve murphy nsfw alphabet
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because steve murphy fucks and @emmikmil​ and i will not stand for that slander any longer!! anyway, this is a collab with em and i and we love steve and just boyd as a whole. 
2.5k words of filth about our favorite hillbilly DEA agent! enjoy xx
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It doesn’t matter if it was soft and slow or hard and rough, Steve is always on top of the aftercare. After taking a few minutes to catch your breath he’s there with a warm rag to clean you up. He’ll make sure you have water and will tuck you into bed before crawling in after with cuddles, kisses and plenty of praise. His first priority is taking care of you and making sure you’re okay.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Steve favors his hands and what he can do with them. How well he can manipulate your body with just a single flex of his wrist. The long digits of his fingers always reach places you can never seem to reach and how the veins on the top of his hand are more prominent when he’s pulling your hips against his or tightening around your throat when he fucks you from behind. 
As for his favorite body part on you, well. Steve’s a boob guy. And a thigh guy. And really, just anything soft. He’s constantly staring at any piece of exposed skin when you’re out in public, licking his lips in anticipation for more. He loves nuzzling into your belly after eating you out, rubbing the scruff of his facial hair on the soft skin. Your pussy is also a favorite of his- the warmth, the sensitivity of just a whisper of a touch making you instantly wet and leaving evidence across his mouth.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Steve definitely has preferences where he cums. Always safety first: with a condom in a newer relationship. If well established he loves to cum inside of you and watch it leak out after, before licking it all back up. He won’t not deny his other favorite is seeing your face dripping with him. Ruining your pretty face with his release, marking you as his. He loves scooping the cum off your face and feeding it to you, watching you suckle his fingers, cleaning them. Any opportunity for either of you to eat his cum he’ll take.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves the thrill of public sex. The thought of someone seeing him fingering you under the table, your panties pushed to the side. It’s lucky most places are louder otherwise the table over would hear the wet noises coming from between your thighs. He loves pushing you up against a wall in a semi-secluded place in the hopes someone might see you desperately riding his thigh because he left you high and dry during dinner. You never know what to expect when he calls you at work with the amount of times he’s left you breathless with his words, trying to get you worked up.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Steve definitely has experience, the most being in college. As he’s gotten older he definitely doesn’t sleep around as much. He’s very much a relationship man, enjoying the learning process of what you like, what makes you tick, etc. He has skill and once he learns the ins and outs of your body? He can play you like a well tuned instrument.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where Steve can look at you when you cum is his favorite. He loves seeing you falling apart for him and seeing what he does to you is his biggest turn on. The desperate look on your eyes as you silently beg him for more is something he always wants to see. Accessibility is also a factor- being able to kiss and nip along your body, bury his face into your neck and mark you. He does love it when you ride him and take what you need though, his hands on your ass to help you move along his cock.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really does depend on the moment. After a long day spent teasing each other, there’s no room for giggles. He’s focused and serious on pounding you into oblivion. Then there are the lazy weekend mornings where it’s spent rolling around in bed teasing, giggly and sweet. He can do both very easily and doesn’t really prefer one over the other.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Steve’s decently groomed but he doesn’t have much body hair to begin with. He keeps things trimmed and neat, the thick and wiry hair just a darker shade of blonde. Not to mention he loves the feeling of a little tug on the hair there when you slide your hand down his pants before you grab his cock; not to mention seeing your nose buried in the hairs when you deep throat him is always a sight he loves to see.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It doesn’t matter what kind of sex you two are having or how long the session lasts, his hands and lips rarely leave your body. Touch is Steve’s love language. He is very attentive and romantic, whispering his love and praises. If he has time to prep before he would absolutely light candles to set the mood.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
While he prefers release with you, he doesn’t mind taking things into his own hands when you’re busy. Steve’ll get lost in his own head at times with what new thing he wants to try with you and he’ll find himself hard. He likes to take his time when he’s jacking off, slow and tight strokes to emulate the feeling of your pussy before he starts to get desperate for his release. A sharp tug on his balls and he’s done for, white streaks on his chest and he pictures you cleaning it up, having to groan as his cock twitches with interest. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Steve has a fair few and highlighting some are:
Edging - Steve gets great enjoyment in seeing you writhe and pant as you get closer to coming and even more enjoyment in hearing your whines and breathless curses as he stops you just moments away from bliss. Edging you while he’s eating out is probably his favorite, hearing your moans with your thighs wrapped around his head and the solid grip in his hair. If you have the time he could spend hours between your legs, until you’re a blubbering mess wanting nothing more than to cum.
Breeding - This is the one kink he’s never told to another partner. He keeps this one under wraps, not even telling you until you both have the talk of starting a family and trying. When revealed, it’s not really a surprise to you. He just loves the thought of breeding you and seeing your belly grow with his baby. There would be nothing sexier to him than you pregnant, round with the clear evidence that he’s the cause.
Bondage - Having you at his mercy is a high for Steve. He’s done research into the best restraints to keep you comfortable, making sure they’re never too tight and always showing you a way to get out. Tying you to the bed and getting his mouth on you is a personal favorite, marking you and making you cum with your hands tied.
Voyeurism - Steve cannot get enough of watching you. Watching what gets you off, what parts of your body are more sensitive. It was how he first learned what got you off, watching you masturbate for him. Just watching you in general though makes his thoughts go off into a space where he’s thinking filthy things almost immediately. The most innocent things you do set him off, like rubbing your neck when you’re tired or the soft sigh you let out after a long day.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Any place Steve can have you is a good place. Public or not, if he wants you then and there it’s happening. Up against the cabinets in the kitchen, bent over your desk at work during your lunch break, the seedy bathroom at the bar him and Javier frequent after a long day- it doesn’t matter to him. He does prefer a bed so he can lay you out and take his time, making you quiver and cry for him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It doesn’t take much to turn Steve on but, hearing the noises you make when he kisses your neck or fondles your breasts. Every whimper, gasp and soft whisper of his name gets him harder than anything. Steve also loves a challenge- loves when you challenge his authority, teasing him and pushing his buttons to get a reaction. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that puts you or him at risk or in danger. Steve is all about making sure you’re comfortable and anything that even presses a boundary you don’t seem into, he’s instantly changing gears. With how much violence he sees in his day-to-day life, that’s a hard limit for him- seeing you hurt. He doesn’t want it turned back on him either, it’s an easy trigger.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Steve will never turn down a blow job from you but, he thrives between your thighs. He loves to eat you out and he has the skill to make you shiver with every stroke of his tongue and fingers. He won’t stop until his head is pinned in place by your thighs with your hands in his hair tugging him off you when it becomes too much.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
After a long day at work dealing with Javi and the ambassador and literally every other frustrating person he has to work with, Steve loves a good fast and rough fuck. It helps release the stored tension he keeps in his body. Weekends are when Steve can take his time with you. A long and slow Sunday morning fuck is his favorite, drawing it out until you’re shaking with your 3rd orgasm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are a necessity during the week. Hurried touches in the shower before work and fucking you into the mattress before bed. It's definitely not his preferred way to fuck you but with a busy schedule he will take you however he can.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Steve doesn’t mind a little bit of risk, especially for someone with an exhibitionist kink. He loves the thrill, gets off on it and it drives him crazy at the thought of someone seeing what he does to you. He loves to experiment- testing your body and what it can take and how it gets you going. Steve is always the one to bring up something new into the bedroom and you’re on board fully, trusting him implicitly with your pleasure.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His stamina is something Steve prides himself on. Especially since his focus is always on you- how you’re feeling, making sure you’re getting your pleasure, he’s not worried about his own until he’s made you cum at least twice, if not more. There have been times when he’s let you take the reins and you’ve had him cumming so often he was orgasming dry but it’s not an often occurrence. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
What toys doesn’t Steve own is a better question. Well, you and him. You’d come with a few of your own toys: a trusty wand, a plug, a dildo- all things he loved using on you and watching you use. After some time you add small things: padded handcuffs, a silk mask, soft cotton restraints. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It may be hard to believe but under the southern gentleman facade, Steve is the absolute biggest tease. The light tease in public and normal conversation is nothing compared to how he is in the bedroom. It can be teasing touches with his lips and hands or whispered taunts in your ear. He knows the teasing and taunts rile you up like nothing else, and the man always aims to please.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Steve isn’t particularly loud, just soft grunts and shaky breaths but he loves talking. He’s a talker through and through and loves telling you just how good your body is treating him. How well you take his cock, how beautiful you look all fucked out after your 3rd orgasm, how fucking hard it makes him seeing his cum drip out of you. The talking had taken you by surprise the first time he spoke but now you can’t get enough, can’t deny how much more it turns you on.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
While Steve is most definitely the dominant partner in the bedroom, he does enjoy being pegged. He was extremely hesitant when you brought the idea up initially and it took awhile for him to consider it and be comfortable. Yet, once he actually tried it with you he felt like a changed man. The absolute bliss of being truly taken care of for a change was unreal to him. Plus he couldn't remember ever coming that hard in his life, he damn near blacked out.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
With being 6’2, Steve is pretty big in general. Long limbs, lean muscle, and a big cock. You’d been surprised when you first saw him naked, eyes wide. He was a shower and does he show. Sometimes Steve’ll lounge around in his dress pants from work and it’s so easy to tell when he’s turned on when he wears them, the outline clear as day against his thigh. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Steve's sex drive is pretty high, with the stress and adrenaline mixing low in his gut and sizzling when he comes home to you.  It’s almost funny how quickly he comes on to you, whispering something low and filthy in your ear when you’re doing chores around the house. Expect some kind of sex a minimum of 4 times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not too quickly because Steve is all about making sure you’re okay. Cleaned up, hydrated, and well taken care of before he can think about his own needs. After you’re tucked into his chest and breathing slowly does Steve even think about finally sleeping, a kiss to your forehead and closing his eyes.
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crown-anon · 4 years
aah i thought of a req!!!!! could i maybe request one shots or hcs (separate) w dream, sapnap, n wilbur with a s/o (preferred he/him!!) who draws a whole lot,, n one day they catch him drawing him?? tysm :]
@ghcstbnr asked
gn i just realized i made a typo i meant cc catching reader drawing them- but ty again :)
of course! it's kind of long, sorry about that
I took a little creative liberty with the notion of "catching you drawing." also Sapnap's looks kind of long but it's also dialogue heavy. if you want me to redo it, I will. hope you like it 💗
& a note to everyone else, I don't write for Wilbur yet! I only write for the dream team at this time. sorry about that! this will probably change in the future, though, so look out 👀
CW: swearing
format: one-shot
people: dreamwastaken, Sapnap
pronouns: dreamwastaken's piece is ambiguous, Sapnap's piece uses he/him
edited 27 April 2021
since he doesn't use his camera, you find yourself with your boyfriend in the studio more often than not. when he's gaming casually, you play together, or one of you will cheer the other one on. when he's streaming, sometimes you interact with the viewers, or read donations for him; sometimes you just sit next to him, soaking up his energy and warmth. when he's working long days and long nights to edit videos, you're content with just relaxing together in the same space. at times you have to drag him out to the kitchen to eat, or help him to bed if he passes out, but…he's really cute when he's focused. (and you're starting to think he does it on purpose just so you can dote on him.)
today is a little different. he's recording for a manhunt that's meant to drop in a couple days. you're quiet, trying to avoid disrupting them. you're perched up on the loveseat, staring fondly at him across the room. he's so animated, the way his eyes shine when he talks to his friends, how he tears up when he laughs…
Patches mews at you from the arm of the couch, as if to say, disapprovingly, I cannot believe how sickeningly sweet your inner monologue is.
and you try to understand where she's coming from, you really do, but the sun's starting to set, and the gentle rays slotting through the blinds are shifting from white to gold.
he looks so divine, you decide. it's unfair. how could I not love him? he's seriously pretty. and before you can stop yourself, you're sketching him out on your tablet. you glance up at him fast to get the details right, and look away just as quickly. he never meets your eyes. soon your whole page is covered in little Clays, capturing the way he feels, the way he acts, the way you feel about him. Patches jumps off the chair, with all the moving. and before you know it, you've drawn up a whole page of concept art of your unfairly beautiful boyfriend. Patches was right about me, you muse to yourself.
fuck. Patches. the same Patches who's been meowing at you for the better part of an hour, now sitting patiently at the door? there's no way Clay didn't pick up on all that noise, you fret. but he's still playing, looking intense as ever. relief washes over you, replacing the guilt.
come here, girl, you think to yourself, knowing Patches wouldn't have even understood you if you spoke. sorry to keep you waiting. and you rise, slipping quietly out the door with his cat in your train.
you're coming back to the studio. Patches, fed and sated, is napping in another room. opening the door, you have to stop yourself, you freeze. your boyfriend's kneeling on the ground, sitting on his heels, right next to the door—you'd have hit him if it opened any further.
"baby, what are you…" the words die on your tongue.
my book. my sketchbook. my sketchbook full of drawings of him. shit, he's gonna think I'm such a simp! the embarrassment, the shame, the fear, it's overwhelming you.
you hear your voice break. "…what happened to recording…?"
"finished half an hour ago," he says simply.
and that was that. for the first time in ages, the silence hanging between you was thick and heavy with tension. you wait. and wait. and wait. you wait for the criticism, the hate, the argument that never comes.
suddenly, he seems content with what he's seen, when he looks up at you adoringly, and takes one of your hands, giving it a soft squeeze. "is that…me?"
you've lost your voice, all you can do is nod.
"you…you think I'm beautiful?" he glows.
ah, I suppose I did write that, somewhere in there. you look away. all the things I've said…
he brings your hand up to his lips and leaves kisses on your knuckles.
you sound small. "do I not tell you that enough?" you pause. "that you're beautiful? that I love you?"
and just like that, his nervousness dissolves into euphoria. you both start laughing at the same time.
"oh my god—" he wheezes. "—you're so sappy."
"only for you," you blurt out, and start laughing harder. but he quiets, he hesitates.
"only for me," he repeats.
you sink down onto the floor next to him. he's staring so fondly at you, you can't help but smile back.
"only for you," you affirm.
he rests his hands on your knees, pulling himself closer to you. he's so close to you, you can feel his blush. you let your eyes close, softly.
but the kiss never comes. instead, you're met with a "then what about all those drawings of Patches?"
laying on the floor, tangled up in each other, in hysterics, you distantly think I hope he remembered to leave the call from recording earlier.
over dinner, you meet his gaze, and he gives you that look. that stupid, handsome look; the one with the smile and the danger behind his eyes. he makes a point of pausing mid-bite, but it takes you a minute to notice that he's stopped eating.
"what's up, honey?" you ask, sounding a little more concerned than you should have been.
he shrugs dramatically. "oh, nothing…just figured you'd appreciate a muse." there it was. the teasing. you knew it would happen eventually. but the tone, it's kind, it's tempting; gentle, unlike a serious jab.
so all you do is roll your eyes, but you can't help the way your mouth quirks into a smile. "you're so dumb," you murmur with affection, and shake your head at nothing in particular.
Patches curls her tail around your ankle as she passes you by.
on the couch hours later for movie night, you're the last one up. Patches is curled up in Clay's lap, purring. Clay, in turn, sleeps soundly in your lap. (you think if he could purr, he would, but he settles for humming softly when you play with his hair.) you might think it's funny looking back on it later, but it feels so tender and vulnerable now. you like calm evenings like this one. Studio Ghibli plays quietly on the flatscreen; you don't know which one, you're not really paying attention anymore.
you're busy tracing the contours of Clay's skin, feeling more than seeing his shape in the dark room. mapping him out in your mind, learning his figure like you're seeing him for the first time again. you think you understand him a little bit better, every day you spend together. and with confidence, you make your first stroke, illuminated by the moon.
you only barely stop yourself from drawing a big "X" across your paper. exhale, and start erasing furiously. don't rip the paper—well, we didn't need that sheet anyway. ball it up and throw it at the dark, cobwebbed corner of the room. along with the rest of your mistakes.
you're trying. you're really trying. but those lips. his fucking lips. fuck.
your boyfriend smiles at the camera as he gets a donation with a sweet message on it. it should be so easy. he's right there. right here.
you check the time. it's been an hour. you've been trying, and miserably failing, to get his lips right for an entire hour. today, at least. you scoff at yourself, your misery, and pinch the bridge of your nose. it isn't fair.
his camera's on, and he's live, so you know you can't be in there with him. nobody knows you're together, and you don't want know what kind of backlash to expect if people found out. so you've been avoiding his streams…the whole room where he streams, really.
you've kept yourself busy by drawing. and you've cycled through many subjects in your life, and eventually, been able to draw whatever you put your mind to with enough time and effort. the problem is, your sights have been set on Sapnap, even for months before you got together. okay, maybe that isn't the problem. the actual problem is that you fucking suck at drawing him.
you get going, start it out, do an okay job, but midway through screw it all up somehow. to make things worse, your reference is his 2D image. he doesn't…know that you draw him. you're terrified to say. so you can't use the real life Sapnap as a reference, like you would prefer.
ugh, and this one's ruined too. you rip it up and throw it at your growing pile of paper balls, but being tiny confetti-sized pieces of paper, they don't make it very far. great, something else to clean up later, you huff at your own thoughts. it isn't fair.
"[name]?" he calls for you. you're one step ahead, already opening the door. you can't remember when you got here and decided to brood outside his room.
"hey, do you think you can—" he tears his eyes from his camera, his waiting audience, to look up at you expectantly. when he sees you he stops immediately, looking concerned, standing to meet you.
"what is it?" your voice is flat.
out of view of the camera, he mouths, are you okay? you only shrug and avert your eyes.
he falters, contemplates, sits back down at his desk and starts to talk to his viewers. "hey guys, I'm sorry for the short notice, but I gotta cut this stream short. my…" he glances at you for approval, only to see you motioning with your hands as if to say, no, don't.
(you yourself don't really know what for. no, don't end the stream for me? no, don't out us like this?)
he looks back. "…my friend…something came up with my friend. I have to take care of it. it's really important." you can tell he has trouble finding the right words. you can tell it throws him off, he's acting out of character for his internet personality. do you blame him? isn't this your fault? "sorry again. bye guys!"
the second he made the last click, he gets up and pulls you into a hug. it's unexpected, it knocks the wind out of you. you're certain he feels the tension.
"babe…what's wrong?" it's muffled by your neck and the sweater you're wearing. you just hold him, saying nothing.
he pulls away and holds you by the shoulders. "look at me. what's wrong?"
you feel all the more embarrassed. it's so silly to be upset about. "I…I…well, it's a lot."
he shakes his head, to say I'm not going anywhere, but his expression softens, his grip loosens. "do you want to talk about it?"
you sigh. "it started as 'I can't draw for shit', then it became 'why am I afraid of asking you for help?', and finally, worst of all, 'why the fuck can't we be seen together?' it isn't fair. it's never been fair. I'm sorry."
he thinks about it for a second. "okay, what makes you feel like we can't be seen together?"
"are you joking?" you snap. "we're two fucking boyfriends. in this society." he didn't look hurt by the outburst, but the guilt crept in anyway. "…I'm sorry."
he shakes his head, "do you really think I'd let that happen? I wouldn't ever let anyone hurt you, darling. remember that."
"I know, I know…" you don't know what to say. "it's easy to forget, I guess."
"what are you afraid to ask me for help about?"
"I…" shit, you guess you have to tell him. close your eyes, breathe, "I've been drawing you. trying to draw you. but I can't, it never turns out right."
you peek, and he's red in the face, stuttering. "me? you draw me? of all the hot people out there?"
you furrow your eyebrows at him. "don't give me that shit. you know you're cute."
he shakes his head incredulously. "are we talking about the same person here?"
"dude, your smile is literally the most radiant fucking force of nature I have ever seen."
"you're hot too! why are you coming after me?"
"I'm not 'coming after you', you're being defensive about your looks, when you shouldn't be! you're gorgeous, baby."
you're both giggling like girls at a sleepover, the anger and frustration long forgotten. now it's a war of who can be more grossly in-love with the other.
"what part of me," he manages between laughs. "are you having trouble drawing?"
"oh god," you groan, remembering yourself and your dilemma. "your lips."
"my fucking lips? you would think that—"
"no," you warn. "shut up. don't say it. don't you dare say it."
he leans in close, his hands have moved up to cup your face. you shiver.
"don't worry," he grins. "I won't."
the kiss is long and sweet, nothing like the ones you've shared in the past. he takes his time, you savor each other. you feel time stop ticking, you feel your heart stop beating, you feel the way he tilts his head. you grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in. and when you part, you're breathing heavy, in tandem.
"thanks," you manage. "but I needed to see your lips, not kiss you into next saturday."
"nah," he laughs. "I think you needed that too."
you choose your words thoughtfully. "do you need me, too?"
he hums, and—
dreamwastaken donated $69!
you could die. you could really, seriously die.
the response is instant. you don't even see Sapnap move from you to the PC, flushed down to his neck, apologizing, apologizing, and apologizing again. "change of plans, guys, we're doing an art stream!"
the chat is filled with "huh?"s and "what?"s.
"huh? what?" you didn't have the time to process what just happened.
karljacobs: I thought we were doing a make-out-with-our-secret-boyfriends stream :(
he smiled warmly at you. "yeah. my lovely boyfriend is going to draw me! he's been wanting to for a really long time, and his art is really good. let's go get your stuff."
you're in so much shock that he makes it past you and out of the room, while you stand there waiting. after a pause much longer than you intended, you hurry after him.
down the hall, in your room, he's got your sketchbook tucked under his arm, closed. you're sure you left it open when you came out.
you only barely get the words out. "um, did you…go through it? please don't laugh."
your heart sinks when he laughs heartily, but he grabs your hand, resting it on your book, about to hand it off. but he holds you there for a second. "of course not. I respect your privacy." he ponders for a moment. "I respect you."
you can feel the sigh of relief when you let it out. "I…love you."
your holding your book now, as he moves to collect the boxes containing your pens and pencils and colors. he gets them all together, but before he picks them up to head back, he turns around to face you. "is this too much?"
you absently reach for a hand, tracing over the lines on his palms. and you think about it. am I okay? is this too much?
"I don't think so. not with you. I'm okay."
he moves to open the door and grab the rest of your things. "well then, let's not keep them waiting!"
edited 27 April 2021
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