#i gotta give this poor boy a break at some point
whumble-beeee · 4 months
Let’s Have A Chat (You’re All Talk)
The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping | Cont'd from Part 4
Content: brief minor whump in flashbacks, disabled whumpee, trans whumpee, flashbacks (ptsd), gun mention, past captivity references, tied up, torture "threats", begging, tazer,
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Except from: The (Un)Official Guide to Hero-Keeping; a self-help guide for villains and bounty-hunters
[In terms of punishing and torturing your hero, 'fear of the unknown' is one of the most powerful tools available in your psychological torture toolkit; The anticipation of what might happen to them is often more torturous than whatever real tortures you have cooked up for them, and is a wonderful addition to any torture scenario!
It’s a very delicate skill, learning how to use a hero’s own fears against them (excluding villains with fear-based powers), but it is absolutely essential in almost all aspects of hero-keeping; whether you want to torture them for information, beat them into submission and servitude, force them to follow your rules or desires, or just have some good old fashioned fun messing with them!]
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“No,” Stan grunted. Enough was enough.
“No?” the mercenary’s voice broke into a small, disbelieving laugh, which just served to make Stan double down harder on what he hoped was the right choice.
“No. We’re not ‘chatting’. Not–” the world tilted on its axis, darkness creeping in his periphery again. Stan leaned his head back against the wall and squeezed his eyes shut. “N-not you and me, not now, not–... ever.”
Deeby just hummed another laugh at the display. “You should probably eat that protein bar, bud. Should help a bit with your head. And your mood, you're being such a little asshole right now.”
Stan rolled his eyes, but brought the protein bar up to his face to properly inspect. Though it was more of an accusation as he looked straight past it and narrowed his eyes at the bounty hunter instead.
The mercenary rolled his eyes in kind. “It’s not poisoned. Look, eat the protein bar and I’ll cut the ropes binding your legs, yeah? That good enough for his lordship?”
More than good enough for his lordship. A welcome trade, in fact. Especially since Stan was planning on eating the protein bar anyway. And especially because Deeby could probably just shove it down Stan’s throat if he wanted.
Stan nodded with a small ‘mhm’ before the bounty hunter could take it back. It took him a moment to maneuver the bar so he could open it with the metal of the handcuffs biting into his wrists every single time he pulled them too far apart, but he eventually found himself holding a successfully unwrapped protein bar with only slightly aching wrists.
“I'm eating this because I think I should,” Stan clarified as he brought the bar up to his mouth. It was cookie dough-flavored. Deeby had good taste in protein bars at least. “Not because you told me to, okay?”
“Uh huh, noted. Feeling less like a little shit now?”
Stan took a moment to make a full show of reluctantly nodding, irritated head tilt and all, before cramming the rest of the bar into his mouth. Before long, the ropes binding his feet were no more (after much restraint not to kick Deeby in the face when he got close with the knife again), and the protein bar was gone all too soon.
“Great!” The mercenary clapped his hands together. “Now we can talk! Ya like jazz?”
Stan grit his teeth. This Deeby guy just doesn't quit, does he? He wasn’t going to budge on this, even if he was slightly more fed and less dizzy now. He couldn’t just forget the total beatdown from earlier, the torturous soreness wracking every part of his body made sure of that.
“I'm not. Talking. With you.”
“Something’s gonna happen one way or another, runt. I’m just trying to give you the easy option considering you’re a little fucked in the head right now. Hard way’s not off the table, never will be.”
“We already talked!” Stan tried. “Remember? I asked you your name, you wouldn’t tell me. Then I asked you why you kidnapped me, you wouldn’t tell me! Who you work for, wouldn't tell me! Then you beat the crap out of me, and now I feel like I’m dying and leashed like a damn dog! That’s just gonna happen all over again! Let’s just skip over that so I can go back to dying on the floor, thanks.”
“Oh!” Deeby lit up like a lighthouse on a dark and stormy night, and Stan, for just a brief moment, almost let himself feel the same relief that a sailor might when they saw that spotlight on from the freezing, rain- and wind-swept deck of their lost ship. That he would actually leave Stan be. But then…
“You wanna hear about my gun?”
He pulled the revolver from his hip holster and held it up like a prized trophy. “It’s an original Smith and Wesson 1957 Model 19 revolver, it's pretty famous for being the first handgun to use magnum cartridges and making that a common thing. It was also standard issue for the border patrol in the ‘70s, which is where it came into my family,” he chuckled. Stan could only stare dumbfounded. He was really just going on a rant, huh? 
“One of mis tíos just fuckin’ swiped it from one of the officers and they were pissed, chased after him, nearly caught him too but he managed to wiggle away, slimy little guy. And then my mom was so mad with him, nearly beat him half to death before their mamá even had the chance to. So anyway, I got it when I was just a kid, it was all broken and kinda shitty when I first got it, but it was a family heirloom and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world, so I started to get into it more, started fixing it up a bit, replacing parts until it worked right and fiddling with it until it worked right, then started making upgrades to it, learned how to shoot it–”
”Holy shit!” Stan yelled, lurching to meet the mercenary’s eyes.  “Are you trying to Stockholm Syndrome me or something?! I don’t want to hear about your gun! I don’t want to talk to you, or hear about you! I don’t like you, I hate you, I don't want to have a nice little conversation with my fucking kidnapper! We aren't talking! Ever!”
A moment of silence. Stan realized he had gone too far again as the mercenary's eyes widened in disbelief. 
But he refused to back down this time. 
So he continued to glare into the mercenary’s dark brown eyes.
But then the bounty hunter let out a barking laugh. “Stock–... Sto-ockholm…?” he said, almost to himself, voice airy and high with disbelief. “Na-ah… Nah, no, no...”
His gaze suddenly shot to Stan, face unnervingly blank. Stan tensed up, instinctively pulling his extremities in to protect himself, to make himself smaller. This was… new. 
The mercenary took a few steps toward him. Then a few more. Until he was right in front of Stan, looking down on him like a god would from the heavens above.
“You ever been… tortured?... Stan?”
The soft, weightless lilt of his voice turned Stan’s blood to ice.
"Never stop fighting back."
"Let GO OF ME!" He hit at an uncaring, unyielding fist. "LET GO!!"
"Just tell us about your powers, it doesn't have to get ugly."
Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie.
“N-no-o,” he barely managed to squeak out. His vocal cords may as well have been dunked in ice water. Same as his entire body, with the way he was shaking. Why did he always have to press too far?
“All you gotta do is show us your powers, kid.”
He didn’t move, the light of his powers staying tucked deep in his core. They tazed him again. They'd done it so many times now, it barely even mattered now. He was used to it. He'd never break.
“There's no use fighting, we have ways to force it out of you. We just want to give you a chance to cooperate first.”
Deeby hummed, as if it were quaint to him, the thought that someone could have never possibly been acquainted with the hot, unyielding spindles of torture twisting and morphing them into something unrecognizable, something animalistic, something… altered. Someone to never be the same again.
“I've been tortured.” He chuckled, never breaking Stan’s gaze. “More than once, actually. Hazard of the job.”
He glared into his torturer's bright blue eyes, fires of defiance burning brighter in his own.
 He knew what all their eyes looked like. It was the only thing he could glare at, they always wore medical masks and scrubs and lab coats, so it was the only part of them he could see. So professional to do such visceral, horrendous things.
They tazed him again.
Stan didn’t move. Just stared. Then sputtered slightly. He didn’t know what to say to that. 
The bounty hunter didn’t seem to have such reservations, though. He moved forward wordlessly and crouched down in front of his captive. Stan’s breath hitched. He could hear his heartbeat, feel it pounding in his chest, slow, careful, thunderous. All consuming. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t escape. Were the bounty hunter’s eyes always such a dangerously dark scarlet? No escape at all.
Then Deeby grabbed either of Stan’s biceps, wholly wrapping his hands around Stan’s upper arms, and urged him upward to his feet. “Here, Stan, get up, I wanna show you something.”
The sky-blue eyes flashed to a colleague. “This isn't working. Let's just go with Plan A like I wanted to from the beginning.”
The colleague started to voice their protest but was cut quickly off.
“I don't care how old she is, I know! But being gentle doesn't work, it never does, and it never will! It’s time for the big guns.”
A grown-up hand grabbed his upper arm, drugged him up off the floor, and shoved him forward, iron-gripped no matter how much he kicked and screamed and cried out. Inescapable as he hit and tried to tug away. Unyielding.
“Wait–, wait, no, no, no, please! We–!” Stan cried, unsuccessfully trying to stay wrapped in his little ball of safety on the floor as the force pulled him upward, the dull roar of his beatings from earlier turning once more into a raging insistence of constant strain. “We can talk, we can talk! I just– I can’t– can’t– don’t–... please, please!”
Stan hissed as he put weight on his bad leg in his struggles, and had to practically fall into Deeby’s arm to relieve the agony. 
Deeby didn’t pay the struggling human in his clutches any mind and started to step backward, never once taking his eyes off Stan as he dragged him slowly but surely toward the middle of the room, ankle chain jingling as it dragged across the hard cement floor. “Cálmate, chiquito, te estás poniendo tan alterado. Just do as I say and you’ll be fine.”
Tears burned at his eyes as he tried to grasp at Deeby’s arms, the pressure building up in his sinuses making it so he could barely breathe. It was so much harder to struggle to get away when he had to physically lean on his captor. Torturer.
“I don’t–” his voice cracked as it shot up his register, and he grasped in another breath as tears started to fall. “I do-on’t speak S-s-spani-ish… plea-ease–”
They abruptly reached the end of the ankle chain-leash, and Stan pitched forward with a screech, practically into Deeby’s chest before Deeby stiffened his arms and righted him again. Stan tried to make himself so tremendously small, tried to hide even though he was already captured and chained and physically being held by a man who had shown he wasn’t afraid to, and even enjoyed, hurting him.
And now in the center of the torture room, on the very end of his literal chain.
Nowhere to go.
“Of course you don’t, white boy.” Deeby sighed, a hint of that humorous light shining back in his eyes. He gently grabbed his jaw and tipped his gaze upward. Those bits of red in Deeby’s irises seemed to bleed out into the rest of the world, infecting everything with crimson and scarlet and fire and flames.
The world burned around them. Stan tried to pull away, but the bounty hunter’s grasp held firm.
“It means calm down, chiquito,” he said from somewhere miles away. “You’re getting so worked up, making everything worse for yourself. I won’t hurt–”
Stan seized up and grabbed at Deeby’s arms even as they held him in place, clawed at them, pleading, shaking as tears rolled off his chin, down his neck, and soaked into his shirt.
“PLE-E-EASE!” He cried. “I don’t– I don’t want– I can’t be tortured!” He prayed that wouldn’t be taken as a challenge. “Please don’t… torture me. I can’t… Please.” Not again. Not again.
Deeby looked down upon him, carefully peeling Stan’s trembling fingers off his arms. A small, unnerving smile tugged at the sides of his eyes, like a father looking on as his toddler struggled to produce a finger painting that wasn’t just a staining hideous mess for the hundredth time in a row.
“Who said anything about torturing you, bud? Wait here a moment.”
Deeby shoved away from the quivering mess and made his way over to the wall opposite where Stan’s leash-chain was anchored to the floor, and jumped up to grab the end of a previously unseen chain that, when when the bounty hunter grabbed it off the hook and let the length of it fall free, swung down and hung from the ceiling right next to Stan. 
Stan took a single unconscious step backward from the thing in terror, and immediately his buckled buckled in a flurry of strained agony, sending Stan straight down to a kneel. He clutched at the offending knee joint, cursing the mercenary for making him overwork and twist his knee in that failure of an escape attempt and hurting it so much worse in the first place. At least before he could kind of hobble along without a cane or a crutch. It wasn't pretty, or fun, but he could do it. Now he was practically immobile.
And he just had to hope it would heal correctly.
“Didn’t I just tell you not to move?”
Stan whipped around and nearly toppled over again in the process. “I– I jus–!” 
Two hands grabbed under either of his armpits and hoisted him back up to standing before Stan could even stutter out another terrified plea. He was so dizzy that he was almost thankful that the man grabbed him under the arms to keep him from falling again. Even with how the action in itself made him want to scream.
“Deeby, Deeby, we can talk, we can talk, you don’t–! You don’t have to–”
“Did you just call me ‘Deeby’?” He stopped in his maneuvering Stan, a petrified hush falling over the hero as he forced eye contact once again. “Like the name ‘Deeby’, not the letters ‘D’ and B’?”
“Uh--... No, no…” Stan squeaked.
Deeby’s amused smile faltered just slightly. 
“Don’t lie to me runt, that shit’s funny... Deeby, huh?…” he mused, rolling the name around in his mouth. “Not very creative, but you gotta give points for simplicity… Pft, Deeby… ”
Then his attention shot right back to Stan. “Anyway, stop whining and squirming, I’m about 5 seconds away from actually getting pissed. Are you gonna listen to the story, or we gonna do plan B and actually give you something worth screaming about?”
Stan wanted to keep struggling. Yelling, being defiant, begging, pleading, fighting, something. Those thoughts fueled him as he held the bounty hunter’s gaze; he didn’t want to just roll over and let him do as he pleased with him. But the way the hunter held him now, and the way he physically overpowered Stan time and time again just made him feel like a small, hissing cat uselessly fighting against his owner as they held him high into the air as some sort of punishment. And the fear of something worse happening finally managed to overpower the blind panic that fueled his previous fight. The tiredness continually crept through his bones now, the ache of his injuries starting to once again overpower all other senses.
So when the stare of Deeby became unbearable, Stan pursed his lips and squeezed shut, bowing his head in concession with a small, shaky nod.
He just hoped this lost battle wouldn’t become just one in a never-ending sea of them.
The mercenary let out an infuriatingly triumphant huff. “Great. Don't move. I mean it.” 
Then Deeby let Stan go almost too fast, and he had to readjust to fully supporting his entire battered body again.
He had to shift to support his entire weight on his 'good' leg instead of agitating the bad leg further, or god forbid using his cane or a crutch. Or his powers. The good leg would get painfully sore very quick if he had to just keep standing here. Especially since he was already feeling the bruises from earlier starting to bloom.
But this was better than literally all of the alternatives. He just had to let Deeby talk and hopefully, he wouldn’t torture Stan.
He was looking forward to it already.
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy | @pirefyrelight | @cakeinthevoid
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men w/ a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt2
characters: fem!reader x sanemi
warnings: blood, injuries, language, angst
pt. 1 w rengoku and giyuu HERE
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this poor man can just never be happy huh
now i find it very hard to believe that sanemi would be with a regular civilian
he’s gotta know that his SO is able to take care of themself
ur a slayer and you guys are paired up on a mission together
there were reports of several low ranking demons being sighted in a town
so Sanemi decides to split up and to meet back up when the sun begins to rise
when you don’t show up at the meeting place he knows something is very very wrong
tears through the town looking for you
and he finds you alright
laying in a pool of your own blood
haori torn to shreds
sword broken
he doesn’t even walk toward you
he’s frozen
his blood has literally gone cold
stands there staring at your broken body until the kakushi arrive
when they do they quickly realize that you are alive and sanemi snatches your limp body from them and SPRINTS to the butterfly mansion
he hands you off to Shinobu who gets to work immediately
he waits there for her to give him an update
and boy does she
you? a demon?
his sweet loving girlfriend is a demon?
it can’t be true. you were laying in the sun.
he tells shinobu this and she says that she’ll have to do some more testing when you wake up
it’s 3 days later when you finally do wake up
and when you do you’re greeted with 2 low ranking slayers pointing their swords at your neck
of course they had to keep you guarded in case you woke up and needed a snack
the human kind
screaming for shinobu she rushes into the room
she sends the slayers out and quickly explains what has happened to you
you ask for sanemi
and your heart breaks when she tells you that he hasn’t visited
not once since she told him what you had become
a few more days pass with shinobu running a bunch of tests
she concludes that you’re somehow immune to the sun and that you don’t have an appetite for humans
and still no sign of sanemi
he hasn’t responded to any of your letters either
when shinobu releases you from her care you head to sanemi’s estate
when you knock on his door he opens, looks at you
and then slams it right back in your face
so you leave
as the weeks pass you throw urself into training with Nezuko who you’ve become friends with
but other than to train you don’t leave your estate
you have locked yourself away from the world
believing that sanemi hates you because of what you are
a monster
it’s not until Genya visits you and sees how pitiful you look that something is done
Genya storms to his brothers home
the ground practically shaking under his steps
Genya literally slaps some sense into Sanemi
like actually slaps the shit outta him
Genya is the only person that could get away with something like that other than you lol
not 10 minutes after genya left your home you get a very hesitant knock on your door
you don’t answer
so Sanemi takes it upon himself to walk in
and he finds you sitting on the floor staring at the wall with a blank look on your face
he sets a gentle hand on your shoulder and you don’t react
you don’t move a muscle
you don’t even blink
it’s as if you’re in a trance
he takes in the dark circles under your eyes
and the frown that looks like it’s permanently stretched across your face
and the guilt hits him full force
kneeling next to you and pulling you into his lap
he buries his face into your hair
and he cries
“i’m so fucking sorry”
“if i didn’t decide to split up this wouldn’t have happened”
“it’s my fucking fault”
and then he feels you pull away from him
his eyes are still closed with tears slipping down his face
and then a small cold hand is wiping the tears from his face
“you left me” you say
and his eyes shoot open
to see you with tears in your eyes
he looks away
“i can’t look at you knowing that this is my fault” he says in between cries
“why are you here now?” you ask
he pulls you back into his chest and say
“Genya told me how you’ve been acting and I can’t stand knowing that you’re unhappy”
you push yourself closer to him and say
“if you want me to be happy, then stay”
he takes a deep breath
“i’ll stay”
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withloveajaxx · 1 year
so baby let's keep this secret
𓂅 genre: modern! childe, scara, al haitham, xiao x gn! reader
𓂅 warnings: hints of making out in scara's part + childe's part is a hint of suggestive teasing
𓂅 summary: secret relationship with the genshin boys
𓂅 note: this is my first time writing for scara and haitham so,,, apologies if i mischaracterize them or they seem out of character :"D comments on their characterization are greatly appreciated ^^ but yea, that's it hehe, hope u enjoy this fic n have a wonderful day!!
tbf a secret relationship with childe isn't a secret to anyone at all because mans is whipped for you, but we gotta give him some credit for holding himself back from kissing you 24/7.
a "secret" relationship with this man is basically minimalized pda with a huge amount of teasing.
he absolutely loves to be the sole reason why your cheeks get red and you get all flustered in public.
when people ask you what's wrong and you can barely get out a blatant lie, childe already has a smug, yet somehow charming smirk on his face.
he's not good at hiding how whipped he is, but he does surprisingly well hiding his touches from the general eye of the public.
like whenever he's in a restaurant with you, he always makes it a point to sit beside you. he is never sitting anywhere else.
secondly, his hand is always on your thigh or fiddling with your fingers beneath the table. he simply cannot resist touching you in any way.
and finally, if he's being a little bitch… he'll slyly sneak an arm around your waist, squeezing it gently. i can bet my life he's lifting your shirt up slightly to rub your exposed skin to get you all bothered.
he's absolutely ravishing you when you get home though. spoiling you with kisses, cuddles, and anything you ask from him <3
ngl, with how touchy feely he is, i don't think people are gonna take that long to figure out what's going on between you two. the "secret" relationship is unfortunately a 5/10 in terms of success.
you cannot tell me this man wouldn't take your relationship to his grave. 10/10 in this secret relationship 💀
unlike childe, he can keep his eyes and his hands off of you in public. he has a lot of self control and no amount of your teasing is going to get him to expose you guys (unless you pull out the tears or some begging then maybe). but like childe… he is absolutely obsessed with you when yall have a little private time.
this is where it gets spicy but i can just imagine scaramouche just reaching his limit from holding himself back from you after a long day, and he's just ready to break when you two are behind closed doors.
after all, he is a man of little patience isn't he? when you two get to his place after a long day, he doesn't even wait for a split second until his lips are slotting themselves against yours for a heated kiss.
he has you pinned against the wall beside the door, one elbow beside your head while the other slides down to rest on your hips.
when he parts the fairly passionate kiss his lips are still hovering dangerously close to yours. he doesn't even take that long to catch his breath, diving in for another kiss until he hears abrupt knocks at his door, and a voice he knows distinctly belonging to childe.
cursing under his breath, he holds a hand over your mouth, making sure you're hidden from the direct line of sight of the door before opening it to reveal the ginger headed man.
"make it quick, dimwit. i was in the middle of doing something," scara hisses venemously, eyes narrowing at childe. poor childe chuckles in nervouseness, scratching the back of his neck. "is that so? sorry, didn't know, maybe i'll come back later."
"yeah, whatever. just scram." and with that, the door is slammed closed and sacra's undivided attention is back on you again.
"c'mon," is all he says, taking your hand in his before leading you to a more secluded space in his apartment where no one and nothing can interrupt him from having his time with you.
i think he'd be pretty good at keeping things lowkey. he acts the same towards everyone with some exceptions to you, so i'd say 10/10.
definitely not touchy in public (nor in private to be honest), but he's definitely into the little moments.
little moments like making eye contact from across the room and sending you the slightest hints of a smile.
or even grazing your pinkies together when your walking side-by-side in thr middle of the campus hallways.
there are bits of physical affection here and there, but the main thing that gives this man away is the quality time and acts of services that he does towards you.
hatiham doesn't spend nearly as much time with others as he does with you. you're always with him whether it be in the library studying, in a coffee shop while he reads a book, or in museums looking around and scuptures and paintings.
it's especially in crowded places like museums and coffee shops where he does small actions of adoration and affection.
like when you guys go on study or book dates, you'll feel his eyes on you when you're trying to write something down or read something.
when you look at him to ask you what's wrong, he's simply staring at you with a soft expression that screams nothing but admiration and love. it's quite endearing really, to see his ears turn the lightest shade of pink afterwards.
"do you need something, haitham?" you ask, the smile he loves so much gracing your features. he gently shakes his head, reaching his hand out on the table to take yours, "no. nothing. i was just admiring you, is all."
there's a constant redness of his usually pale cheeks is a dead giveaway to your relationship, and he's pretty protective too so i'd say a 6/10.
whenever you catch xiao staring at you, his cheeks and the tips of his ears immediately burn red, and he whips his head around so fast.
people always notice and his friends always tease him for it, but he can't help such a reaction when what he thinks is the most stunning person is looking right at him.
or whenever he looks around the room to search for you only to find that you're already looking at him… his cheeks are literally on fire.
the adorable glow on his cheeks isn't the only sign he gives though. mind you, this man is very protective over you.
he wants to make sure that absolutely no harm comes in your way, and he'll do anything to make sure of that. he doesn't care if your relationship would be exposed that way, all he cares about is your overall safety and wellbeing.
he's the type of man who pulls you closer to him while you're crossing the street or walking by the road, having his hand on you in some way in case anything happens.
the type of guy who brings random stuff like bandaids, hair ties, and sweets for you just in case you need anything.
he's also constantly asking how you are through text, just in case you need him to do something or in case you need him by your side for whatever reason.
my favourite part about secret relationships with xiao is the kind of dates you'd have. he's definitely the type of man to do homey, indoor dates. he'd build lego bouquets for and with you, he's sit for hours bingeing movies or series you like, relax and read a book with you, or even just nap and cuddle. even though your dates are mostly at home to keep away from the prying eyes of others, he's sure to make it something you'll always love and never regret.
© withloveajaxx 2022. please do not copy, plagarize, or translate in any way.
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azulock · 4 months
so I wanna requests the guys as dads, I remember at some point you said you wanted to do something like this and I really wanna see it
Time to rull up my sleeves, cause I did say I was gonna do one of those right? Back when I got annoyed that all I found was girl dad this girl dad that and I got tired of all the typical gendering going on in dad fics.
Ryusei Shidou
Girl dad in the most chaotic way possible. Tiaras coexist with bows and arrows as a princess fights off an invasion. Every doll and plushie has a tattoo made either with a sharpie or from a patch attached with hot glue. Every tea time is a mafia family meeting that always involves an assassination plot. And the barbies live very intense lives that inevitably delve into wrestling like storylines where each one has a gimmick, a long standing feud, and a clear thirst for blood.
Chaos may not be the best thing to keep an organized home, but it's good for mental development. And much like a kid, Shidou also thrives in creative chaos. He isn't the best at practical things, especially the ones involving routine and quiet time, but he has got his uses. Very good at wasting his daughter's energy until she drops straight into a deep sleep. His antics are also good at convincing her to eat pretty much anything. And of course, great at entertaining her so you can take a break.
Oliver Aiku
Boy dad but like he really doesn't care, he'd be giving the same extremely affectionate, and even a bit clingy, treatment to his kid no matter the gender - sugary sweet nicknames included. Probably heard people saying he coddles his son too much, treating him like a princess, but Oliver is good at playing deaf. Tho, that kid gonna have to fight for the right to have his feet touching the ground, cause dad wants to carry his offspring everywhere. Sure to raise a boy as clingy and openly affectionate as him.
Those reflexes honed for football are quite good at catching a kid before an ugly fall. And he's actually good at the general everyday stuff, surprisingly patient too. Takes a genuine interest in the things his son likes, so when the boy shows sudden interest in colorful nail polish, he'll show up to a match with badly painted soft purple nails. Likes sleeping on the floor with his boy, when asked why the floor and not the bed he brings up the old man excuse of "the floor is good for my back".
Reo Mikage
Girl dad and he was ready for a little princess, but what he got was more of a cave dwelling gremlin. He was expecting frilly dresses and tea time but he gets a little girl who likes bugs, playing in the mud and digging things from the ground. It hits him as a surprise but he adapts to that, and as much as he isn't very excited for the cleanup afterward, he is always eager to entertain his girl's odd interests. If buying dinosaur fossils weren't such a legal can of worms he'd buy one just to bury it for her to dig up.
If he wasn't convinced to go to therapy before, now is the moment to convince him. Just gotta say he should do it not to become like his dad and he's gonna be booking the appointment fast. Will be reading child pedagogy books and shit like that to make sure he can be a good and understanding dad. Really just trying to kill his family's trauma conga line at himself - wants his daughter to trust and count on him in the way he never could with his dad.
Michael Kaiser
Boy dad but to the gentlest, sweetest of souls, a little boy who seems to have absolutely nothing in common with his dad, aside from some physical traits. It at the same time shocks and scares him, because the world out there is not kind to sweet people. But while the boy is at home, Kaiser can keep him safe. It does frustrate him a little bit when he tries to get his son into football but the boy is more into art than sports, but he learns to move past that. Truth is, he wanted the boy to mirror his traits a bit more, so this is a humbling experience.
That poor rose tattoo of his does not see a day of peace after his son learned to color. Tho, Kaiser gets used to the shaky new roses drawn on his skin fair enough. And he actually considers getting a full tattoo of just lineart and not colors just to let the boy color in. He's not the most patient so he has a bit of a hard time getting used to the whole parenting thing, but he does try his best. Also, whenever he takes his son out somewhere he makes their clothes match in color scheme.
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serapheemz · 9 months
‧₊˚🖇️✩ His home
The relationship between you and the Sky Casino manager grows wildly to the point you feel as if you had to give into your desires.
ADDITIONAL : Sigma is a bottom ; There's some praise kink sprinkled in there ; First time ; Handjob ; Blowjob ; Gentle sex ; Mind break, kinda ?
Author's note : This is a really short drabble, around 800 words, apologies for not writing a full on oneshot today as I'm feeling pretty icky 🤧
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Sigma is and has always been a gentle soul.
You caught yourself being infatuated by him. It could've easily been because he was the only sane member of the Decay of Angels, but deep down you felt it was because his loneliness made your heart sting and your stomach tingle with excitement.
He was one to easily break, and willingly surrender, unlike your colleagues. It was a nice change of pace when you were around him, to say the least.
Whenever Nikolai's or Fyodor's etiquette and actions got to your head, annoying the hell out of you, you'd find yourself hanging around him.
It never occurred to you until recently that he'd become rather attached to you.
Every day he'd discover a new way to be around you. He didn't even need to talk or look at you. His heart fluttered from just sharing the same sofa or bench as him.
You knew of his longing for a home. You guessed he had found it.
You were his home.
You thought of those words one night, replaying them in your head over and over again, and for some reason, your cheeks turned scarlet and your heart beat melodiously in your chest. You had just about forgotten Sigma's head was resting on your shoulder as he peacefully breathed, slowly, in and out, seemingly smiling. Perhaps he was dreaming of something nice.
You couldn't contain your enthusiasm when you heard him softly moan your name in his sleep.
Nevertheless, when he woke up, things took a more sinister turn.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
You pumped your hand around his thrumming shaft, spitting a glob of your saliva and watching it drip down to his balls, where your hands gently fondled.
Only god knows what Sigma was thinking in the moment. His eyes were half-lidded, clouded in lust, his hands gripping the pillow underneath his palm. You swore he was in a state of delirium as you worked your hands around and down his dick.
"You okay?" You spoke, lips latched on his tip, tongue circling it, feeling the crevices.
God, you were destroying the poor guy.
Your touches and kisses to his cock sent terrifyingly pleasurable tremors down his spine, to his stomach where he felt another orgasm coil up and break him down further.
He mumbled and looked away, desperately searching for an object to fixate his attention on, just not you. It wouldn't work, of course. He found himself unable to control his whines anymore, letting them spill and spill from his lips till all you could make out were his begs to come.
"Y-yes, 'm fine... co-com...in..." He sputtered, hand clasping against his mouth.
Obviously, you wouldn't let him do that, not when he was so close to finishing. You slowly raised yourself on your two feet, meeting him at eye level, carefully removing his hand and holding it in your own.
"Look at me, sweetheart." You whispered and he whined, listening cautiously to your words. "You gotta calm down, okay? Hold my hand." He gripped it, trying to ground himself as your hands heightened their speed, squeezing ever so gently around the base of his cock.
"Y-yes, uh-huh...?"
"I know you wanna come, so lay back, you're tense. You'll hurt yourself if you don't relax."
Sigma did exactly as you told him. What a good boy he was. You swore you felt a pang in your heart when you saw how obedient he was, listening to you and following your orders like some sort of dog. It was all too cute.
He leaned back on the bed, giving you space to inch closer to him and inspect his face. His cheeks were hot pink and there was sweat sticking to his bi-colored bangs.
You swiped the hair out of his eyes, leaning in to press a long kiss to his forehead as he stuttered, eyes rolling back into his skull.
The feeling of your body pressed up against his had him back in his delirious state, causing his hips to rock subconsciously into your hands, fucking himself against the fingers you had wrapped around him so deliciously.
"Y/n, o-oh god..." He stuttered, breath catching in his throat.
"Come on, pretty, you can do this..."
"Gonna- Gonna c-c-" Sigma threw his head back, hips giving out from the intense euphoria that washed over him like a wave of pleasure. The sweet aftershocks of his orgasm caused him to frown and hiss as you leaned down to lick the creamy fluids that slid down his shaft.
His eyes held wide and his hands shuddered as they weakly gripped yours. The mere sight of you licking the cum off his dick made him hard again. He sighed, mumbling something under his breath,
"...Can we do that again?"
You looked up at him, eyes sparkling with excitement, "Sure, anything for you."
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it’s kinda funny to me how, even though my biggest problem with Roger Ebert is how middle of the road white liberal his takes and blind spots were, he’s also one of the only mainstream film critics who actually has To Kill a Mockingbird’s number. Some quotes from his retrospective review:
To Kill a Mockingbird, set in Maycomb, Alabama, in 1932, uses the realities of its time only as a backdrop for the portrait of a brave white liberal.
The courtroom scenes are the most celebrated in the movie…Atticus' summation to the jury is one of Gregory Peck's great scenes, but of course the all-white jury finds Tom Robinson guilty anyway…The problem here, for me, is that the conviction of Tom Robinson is not the point of the scene, which looks right past him to focus on the nobility of Atticus Finch.
Atticus drives out to Tom Robinson's house to break the sad news to his widow, Helen. She is played by Kim Hamilton (who is not credited, and indeed has no speaking lines in a film that finds time for dialog by two superfluous white neighbors of the Finches)…[Bob Ewell] lurches out of the shadows and says to [one of the men], "Boy, go in the house and bring out Atticus Finch." One of the men does so, Ewell spits in Atticus's face, Atticus stares him down and drives away. The black people in this scene are not treated as characters, but as props, and kept entirely in long shot. The close-ups are reserved for the white hero and villain.
This is a tricky note to end on, because it brings Boo Radley in literally from the wings as a distraction from the facts: An innocent black man was framed for a crime that never took place, he was convicted by a white jury in the face of overwhelming evidence, and he was shot dead in problematic circumstances. Now we are expected to feel good because the events got Boo out of the house.
To Kill a Mockingbird is, as I said, a time capsule. It expresses the liberal pieties of a more innocent time, and it goes very easy on the realities of small-town Alabama in the 1930s. One of the most dramatic scenes shows a lynch mob facing Atticus, who is all by himself on the jailhouse steps the night before Tom Robinson's trial. The mob is armed and prepared to break in and hang Robinson, but Scout bursts onto the scene, recognizes a poor farmer who has been befriended by her father, and shames him (and all the other men) into leaving…Could a child turn away a lynch mob at that time, in that place? Isn't it nice to think so.
like, you know what Roger? gotta give it up to you for this one. you nailed it.
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skzcre · 7 months
oof seungmin into crying AND bimbofication AND degradation??? ugh please i want him to fuck me absolutely stupid where i can’t even close my mouth. just drooling everywhere and he’s forcing you take his fat cock while calling you his dumb bitch ugh please spit in my mouth🥺
there were like several asks abt seungmin w a crying kink and i am here to deliver because … Fuck .
quick warning this is delving real DEEP into bimbofication, y’all. it may be a little too much, i dunno i don’t think i’m the Best writer when it comes to this stuff but just be careful besties <3
i just cannot get over sadist seungmin. cutest puppy boy with the filthiest desires, he just wants to break you. turn you absolutely brainless. wants you to follow him around practically begging him to bully you 😖😖
thinking abt a scene where he just takes his time. i dunno if any of you have ever looked into the bimbofication kink too much but there’s a thing some people do where they create this hypnotizing audio basically repeating over and over that you’re just a dumb bimbo with holes to be used. now imagine seungmin doing that.
sits you down and just teases you real slow and whispers in your ear over and over that you’re nothing but his little toy. kissing your neck softly, pulling piece of clothes off. just barely grazing his fingertips over where you want him to be until your brain is just oozing out of your ears. your eyes are hazy, you’re drooling over his fingers. whispering and pleading for him to use you like the toy you are.
he keeps this going until you’re crying and god the smile that grows onto his face when you start. gives you the EVILEST grin before he’s cooing at you. “oh, poor stupid baby. just so desperate for my dick, aren’t you? i bet you can’t even remember your own name right now.”
and he’s absolutely right, you can’t. in your mind, you’re just minmin’s fuck toy. a warm and wet hole for him to devour whenever he wants to. he doesn’t stop practically edging you the entire time. pulls his dick out, finally, and you’re just so eager to get to it and god he thinks you’re so fucking cute like this.
you’re crawling towards him so fast and he just presses his finger to your head. “not so fast, pup. you work for it.”
i gotta turn this into an actual fic at some point before i lose my goddamn mind.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
So, hear me out, but; what if y/n was totally aware that Miguel is into them? It's flattering, having this huge, incredibly dangerous man that's really obviously weak in the knees when you give him doe eyes, or lean over him and press your chest up against his back to point at something on his screen. You never treat it seriously, always flitting in and out of Nueva York and in and out of Miguel's reach. Teasing, flirting, but never going further than that, simply enjoying the attention and warm fuzzies that come with making a man break the mug he's holding because you stretched and your shirt rode up enough to expose your belly.
And it's not like he's gonna do anything bad! It's just flirting, and he's a fellow Spiderperson! You're all good people here... Right?
This is kind of different but similar but, I find myself drawn to Reader inserts/characters that like, maybe if they don't hate themselves, are like inherently incapable of even considering that someone might like them romantically, like you're not constant gloom and doom but you find the concept of someone loving you romantically outright wacky crazy
Miguel throws a lil tiny experimental flirt towards Reader to test the waters, and Reader flirts right back because they think he's JOKING. Miguel takes that as a sign and starts giving you more compliments and little flirtatious remarks and you just think this is like, platonic teasing, that he's ribbing you, you think Its Like A Friend Thing Like A Gimmick, and it takes him a while to notice you have absolutely no idea he's being 2099% serious when he makes those corny comments about how he gets lost in your eyes, saying shit like he's the hunky male lead from a telenovela or something
Combine this with the alternative dangerously risky concept of "Reader who jokingly says foul/raunchy shit" which is also a Val/Reader concept I've had. But like. Idk. Miguel sees you slurping a soda or sweet drink or idk even smoking and he jokes like "wow those are some lungs" and without blinkijg before you can even consider the consequences you hit him with "yeah I can suck dick like this too" and he chokes on his own food in shock, red as a tomato. Or Reader jokingly slaps his butt like some real football locker room go team shit or maybe you're teasing him and telling him he's "fat" and he has to excuse himself while the skin is still stinging because, oh my GOD did you just give him the biggest hard-on and it's about to EXPLODE--
Just accidentally making him totally crazy about you because you're literally too doubtful of him potentially having feelings for you or being interested in you in any capacity besides platonically that you accidentally act your unhindered full charisma self. You're too doubtful of him loving you to be self conscious and embarrassed of anything you say or do and think he just sees you as like, a sibling. Someday you'll learn to regret all those times you jokingly kissed him on the cheek because you thought it would gross him out or the time you got too drunk on spiked eggnog at the Christmas party and kissed him right on the mouth, but like, almost as you would a brother or a cat, as you coo how handsome he is, hes such a pretty boy, and "why hasn't he found himself a wife yet-- wait shit I am so sorryyyyyyyy i forgot 😥" because. You know. poor guy. But also. Gotta love the dilf factor
Ughhhhhh there really are a lot of us feeling the "baby trapping" energy from this man. Miguel who pokes holes in condoms because the second you get pregnant "oh, in that case well, I'll take responsibility and marry you and we can raise the baby :)" which I mean, considering his losses that's its own significant undertaking for him, that entire process and line of thinking is some sort of combination "healing" while getting ten times worse. Not to say he doesn't adore you or the thought of having kids with you, just... he might not be considering the most noble of methods anymore, for anything really. Getting drinks with you and biding his time until the alcohol slowly loosens you up and he gets you alone and you're too tipsy and sex hungry to stop and realize he isn't using protection until he's, you know, finishing inside of you. He'll use a drunken one night stand to try and weasel his way into dating you, if you're not already pregnant from that one night. I mean shit he's just so like large and imposing and just, God, he's hot though, I feel like it would be so hard to not visibly be flustered at the very least, and he'll use any reactions you make as cues for what he can try next. Even just suddenly grabbing your hips or waist or sides and making you suddenly squeak and he can tell by the look on your face that he's totally getting you hot even if maybe you're embarrassed and might not inherently want to act on anything (yet? Imagine wanting that Thick Dilf Dick and being physically attracted to him and respecting him and so you legitimate pursue him if only hust for sex and somehow you Accidentally Unlock The Crazy In Him)
One day you think he's just a harmless coworker, the next day you're finding he's got extensive stalker ass records for you, pictures, videos, just surveillance things, and he's not quite as Charming and Valiant to you anymore. In fact you're just about starting to realize all those comments he made that made you swoon before are now starting to make your skin crawl, but hey, just like you stumbled upon his secret, he stumbles upon you and catches you red handed, and well, he's sorry you found out this way but he was going to confess to you more seriously eventually right? Is THIS enough of a clear signal for you yet?
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iknowshocker · 17 days
What do you think Kai would be like as a boyfriend if he had a genuine/healthy bond with someone?
For being one of the funniest characters in tvdu, I don’t think we ever even saw someone laugh at one of his jokes, so I’ve always been curious what it would’ve looked like if just one person matched his energy or at least accepted him
oh my goodness, i love this queeeestiooon!
let me just quickly out myself by saying if you lined up all the TVD men and told me to pick, kai would be my one and only choice. 🙈 my love for him horrifies my husband but i stand behind my witchy woo man 🫡
first thank you !! for saying he's funny !! you're right no one really appreciates his humor in the show and its one of the silliest choices imo. like you can admit the scary man has jokes, guys, it's not going to kill you. (oof sidenote but him and Jo having the same humor/picking on each other is one of my fav things!)
if he was out and about making his lil comments and someone started giggling a few seats down at the bar i truly think he'd combust. also probably be like "....me? you - you're looking at me? you think i'm funny ??? 😳 AnD CUte ?? really????" and then try immediately to be cooler about it but like, he's screaming crying throwing up inside
canonically we also know he liked it when bonnie matched the more aggressive/argumentative side of his personality, so i don't think he'd be able to be with someone that didn't pick at him a little. you gotta be able to tease him back but also like .. not take it too far cause he 100% can't take as much as he can give lmao (one older sibling to another we're a lot more sensitive than we pretend to be)
basically i think kai needs:
somebody grounded to keep him from totally flipping out
but who is also willing to fight for what they believe in
spontaneous and playful - but also thoughtful and mindful of his mood swings
kind enough to love him completely despite his past
and supportive enough to help him rebuild the coven
so...yeah, bonnie, basically lol
i think s6 kai at minimum needs to be with a witch that is willing to share power, and s8 kai needs a vampire or heretic. s6 kai could make it work with a human but pre-merge you're risking a lot, and then if you put s8 kai with a witch/human, he's turning them no questions asked so we better hope they're okay with it. (let's just leave legacies kai out of this, okay? he is a different breed)
i picture him being touch starved like you wouldn't believe, so super super clingy and probably jealous at least in the beginning of a relationship. that would go for friendship, too, honestly.
i think it would be really hard for him to a. wrap his head around someone picking him and then b. allow them to also pick other people. i don't think he'd throw a klaus sized tantrum, he'd be more petty about it: "oh sorry i just assumed you liked damon now since you said you liked his hair today and yEaH i was listening from three tables over watching the whole thing don't lie i SAW HOW YOU SMILED AT HIM-,"
but like he'd mellow with that as time went on and he starts to believe he can trust being loved. on that note i think he'd need a lot of reassurance but simultaneously be embarrassed/unsure of how to ask for it. some fights would happen as he works through how to regulate himself, but i don't picture it being a delena level of toxic. kai is more self aware/honest about himself so even when he's making poor choices he's like "woah hold on, why am i doing this ?? ah yes, that's why" and i think he'd get to a point where he knows his triggers and can help a partner figure out how to avoid them/talk through them.
so think like "my boy only breaks his favorite toys" vibes. he's so sure things are going to be taken from him/stuff can't be trusted that he'll mess it up first to hopefully make it hurt less. but with time a partner could help him see that he can have nice things !! love is real !! id love to see him build up the coven/a friend group/family with a partner beside him and just !! enjoy life lmao
anon you said boyfriend not husband but i hc he'd actually be an amazing dad. i would want him to end up having a siphon !!! end the coven curse of abuse bb 👏🏼 i have a post detailing what i would have done with the parker's that talks about him being a good uncle too!! i don't know i just think he'd be weirdly good with kids. so even if we're talking heretic!kai he'd be bringing kids/teens into the coven to help them and he's gonna need a partner that is down with that
no matter the stage of relationship he's super tactile. (mans has no context or care over some PDA being inappropriate). you're always sitting in his lap, or he's draped over you requesting that you play with his hair, he keeps his hand in the back pocket of your jeans, he wants you to play with his rings, ect. just always always always touching in some way even if it's small. it was something he missed out on for so much of his life and i think having someone actively want to touch him would never get old.
(sad note i picture this being a bit of a PTSD thing for him too. so certain things would make him flinch or jump and he might not even really be aware of it all the time. like he'll be tense as hell and his partner is like "honey what's happening ?? where have you gone ??" and he'd have to take a second and body scan before realizing oh shit Yeah, something is Wrong)
he's possessive as hell so expect hickys left where everyone can see AND a smug annoucment that he knows where you got them :) if we're talking s8 kai i imagine he would leave bite scars intentionally. so like heal them with magic but leave the little fang marks so other vamps know you're spoken for and he'd probably also have them on his wrist
i think a common hc is that he's Always the dominate one, but we all saw him in those chains, boy's totally a switch. (i also personally hc that 1994 kai is virgin!kai, but that's a story for another day). still tho i do think control is a big thing for him so he's definitely more comfortable being the one in charge. with trust comes wanting to mix things up tho so that's nice all around.
hands down the best boy to date during the holiday season are we kidding ??? any little thing you can possibly think of he's down and probably already has it planned:
apple orchard
carnival !!
christmas tree decorating
horror movie marathon !!
baking sugar cookies
snow ball fight
you're hosting the holiday parties now i hope you like cooking for a whole coven !!
like sep-feb you are Booked and Busy (i hc he's not much of a summer boy but that's okay if yall went back to portland west coast summers are built different, pls don't keep him in the south from mid june-mid august i fear he will melt)
if there's a downside i think it's how protective he would be. i think the mix of possessive/protective/clingy could be too much for some people but again i don't think it would last at such a high level forever. it's just elements of his personality that show up especially in high stakes situations, so they shouldn't be ignored.
but yeah anon, basically give the boy a chance and he's tripping over himself to be the best partner he can be 🤷🏼‍♀️
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to-the-stars8 · 1 year
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3
49-Stake-Outs and Civilian Partners
“Jason quit texting your girlfriend and actually participate in the stakeout.”
Jason shot Tim a look before realizing that, with the helmet, he couldn’t see it so he opted to just flip him off. Tim rolled his eyes before resting comfortably on the edge of the rooftop, throwing glances at Jason every now and then. 
“You keep looking at me, why?” Jason asked, finally putting his phone in his pocket. 
Tim could feel his face get hot at being caught but played it off. “I…was wondering how are things between you and your girlfriend? I know dating civilians can be difficult. From personal experience.”
Jason felt guilt flush into his chest because he had totally forgotten about Bernard, not even caring so much as to ask how his relationship was going. He thought for a second as he ran a hand over his red helmet in a piss-poor attempt to move back his hair. Another nervous habit of his. “We’re doing good.”
Tim nodded, looking into the distance but not so much as seeing. Finally, Jason asked, “How are you and Bernard?”
“Not great,” He said, letting out a huge sigh like he was relieved to finally be able to talk about it with someone who would understand. “It’s getting difficult to juggle this life—” He gestured to himself. “And our relationship.”
Tim was hesitant to answer but decided that maybe—maybe— Jason would have something worthwhile to say. So, he told him how Bernard had noticed Tim was getting too into his cases and putting off dates. Admittedly, he had been because if he didn’t then he might miss something important that could put his case at risk—or worse, his family. Tim had tried explaining to Bernard why this was so important to him, and, in turn, his boyfriend tried to understand. Yet, working on some type of compromise was difficult. 
Jason understood where he was coming from, for the most part. There had been countless nights where Jason had put off dates and events the two of you had planned. In return, he had doubled his efforts to let you know how he felt and that, no matter what, you were extremely important to him. He told Tim as much, but it didn’t seem to help. 
“I’m thinking about breaking up with him,” Tim said, tears welling up in his eyes under his mask. “I…just don’t know. I love him, but I also hate hurting him like this.”
Jason didn’t want to give his opinion at first, but finally said, “I’m gonna be honest with you, Timmy, you gotta do more than just say you’re gonna come up with a compromise because that shit’s easy. It’s the doing it that’s hard.”
Tim didn’t say anything much, staying silent as he thought more about what Jason meant. He could feel his heartbeat quicken and anxiety tear at his heart. Tim, above all else, loved Bernard. He was just as goofy, loving, and fun, all the best parts that Tim thought he didn’t have. 
“Tim,” Jason clapped him on the shoulder. “You’ll be okay. It’s a struggle, I know. I’m still learning myself, but you’ll get through it. Plus, if you want a civilian point of view you should talk to my civilian girlfriend.”
Tim rolled his eyes, but he was seriously considering it. “Okay, whatever, Jason.”
“Just sayin’,” Jason said as he spotted the bank robbers on the side of the building. “Well, off-brand bird boy, this is our cue.”
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Please give ghe more unhinged thoughts, theyre amazing
“There we go~ good boy, such a good boy for me” Alex praises, stroking up Sebastian’s cock slowly “Gotta get every last drop from you. Can’t have my baby’s tasty milk going to waste can we?”
Sebastian whimpers, sobbing as he bites down on the gag between his teeth. His hips jerk and try to dislodge the jock, but it’s no use, he’s so weakened and drained that all it does is amuse the man.
“I know, I know, feels too good huh? Hmph you’re so cute like this. Cumming in my hand and being so pretty for me” Alex continues to praise and admire, slowing his ministrations for a moment to soak in the sight.
Poor Sebastian was exhausted, terrified, and confused. Alex is sure Sam has never given him a good time like this, it might as well be Sebastian’s first! Sam has no idea how to touch a man like Sebby, how to make him melt and moan like a good boy.
“Sams never touched you like this has he? Maybe dry humped and called it a day, but he’s never touched you like you needed” Alex bites out, slowly spreading Sebastian’s legs as he licks up his sensitive shaft. “Mmm I can make you feel so good. I can do every nasty thing you can think of, and more. Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it!”.
The gag is taken out with a soft tug, and Sebastian catches his breath, tears forming in his eyes as his sore throat tries to form words. “Just- please I’m sorry for whatever I did! Alex I-I don’t know what I did I’m sorry!”
Alex just hushed him softly, stealing a kiss as he rubs his hands over his chest. “Shh shh shh baby, you didn’t do anything wrong at all! It’s the other people who pushed me to my limit. I hate how they treat you, make you upset. It’s why I had to snatch you up”
Sebastian was about to sob again, but chokes and tenses when he feels Alex’s warm, wet tongue sliding over his hole. “Mmm my sweet baby, being so neglected. Such a pretty hole, needing my attention” he moans, pulling Sebastian’s cheeks apart even more to slither his tongue inside and hold him open.
“Ungh! Alex no! No please! A-ah!” The bound man moans, pathetically fighting as Alex just holds him still, tongue fucking his tight hole as he groans and growls obscenities. “Fuck yes, cute little hole begging for me”.
Fingers join in on the assault, abusing the gummy, velvet walls and bundle of nerves, Sebastian’s body wound tight like a bow as he babbles and begs. “No! No no ugh- please fuck! It’s-its too much please!”
Alex just milks his walls, sucking on his balls as he pumps his fingers in and out. “You got this baby, you can do this! Pushing your limits is hard but great for you” he punctuates his point with a kiss to his weeping cock, grinning as he watches precum drool from the tip.
“Cum. Cum for me and give me that delicious load baby. C’mon, I can feel you squeezing! Cum! Fuck yes, cum for me baby!”
Sebastian cries, tears rolling down his face as he’s forced into another orgasm, spilling across his abdomen and chest as the jock licks it up with psychotic glee.
“P-please…please” Sebastian weakly croaked, eyes red and swollen with tears as his wrists are rubbed raw. Alex just cooes, kissing the sore skin while wiping back his sweat soaked hair. “Alright alright. You were so good for me, I can give you a break. I need to feed my baby anyway, you haven’t been eating enough!”
Sebastian’s heart sinks as he’s readjusted on the bed, with metal instead of rope this time. “You just rest here ok? I’ll get some stuff from Gus and make sure you have more vitamins. Then I can bathe you! I’ll be back babe, get some sleep”
((Mkay this was dumb I’m sorry sksksk -Mommabean))
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bamnamuu · 4 months
that’s how you get the girl - riki nishimura
04. creepy stalker boy
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| warnings typos hitting ppl with feet | ems note sorry i haven’t updated this in a while i started school and im so slumped but i hope you take this double post as a peace offering | masterlist | last part next part |
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Going to the library after school isn't necessarily bad, but when it involves practically stalking some poor girl all because your friend is too much of a wimp to talk to her is very bad. It's not like you can complain though, there was some humor to this situation you're in, putting aside your feelings for Riki, seeing him in the school’s library of his own free will is something they should put in a history book. “I can't believe you're actually doing this,” you said breaking the silence “A man’s gotta do strange things for love y/n!” Riki said leaning back in his chair ''what if she's not even here today? Then what are you gonna do?’’ ''LOOK RIGHT SHES RIGHT THERE!” Riki yells and lifts his finger to point at Rei who doesn’t seem to notice her admirer. “Put your hand down, you creepy stalker boy!” Riki does as you request and puts his arm down at the exact moment Rei turns to look at the two of you. “omg yn! I wanted to tell you after class that I really liked your project! ” the girl beamed at you “Oh thanks but it was really nothing” It really wasn’t you had completely forgotten about your project and ran to Jay for help. Riki stared at you in awe, and mouthed ‘I thought you didn’t know rei?’ ‘I don’t’ you say back with complete honesty. ''Hey Rei you know Riki right?’’ you say waving your hand to the boy beside you ''Oh yeah Riki you’re on the volleyball team right?’’ Riki practically jumped out of his seat at the question, ''uh yeah I am, 'm kinda the best one on the team!’’ he said smirking at the end, you didn't mean for Riki to catch you rolling your eyes but he did, and kicked your foot under the table causing you to let out a laugh. ''well it was wonderful to catch up with you yn, and nice to meet you riki, but I should get going!’’ rei said coming around the table to give you a quick side hug, and also to whisper in your ear ‘he's really cute, your so lucky!’ before you could tell Rei that her assumption was wrong she had already turned around and left you in silence while your best friend just stared mouth agape at you. ''What?’’ ''Nothing I just didn't know you had other friends!’’ now it was your turn to kick his foot, ''oh shush, I can’t believe you said that to Rei!’’ ''I WAS LETTING HER KNOW THE TRUTH!’’ Riki said loud enough for the librarian from across the room to stare judgingly at the two of you. ''I think we should dip yn before Miss Chimera over there tries to bite my head off.’’ ''ok, ohh let go get boba!’’ you said happily packing your stuff ''No yn let go get literally anything else.’’ ''NO you promised me last time we went out that I would get to pick the next place!’’ you said pointing your finger at Riki only for him to wrap his hand around your finger and tug it lightly towards him ''Fine, we can go where you want just stop point your finger at me you're reminding me of jay and I don’t like it,’’ he said sincerely which only caused you to giggle while your cheeks got hotter from the contact.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x11, part 2, RJK edition.
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oh my god, just make out already, you two. Jamie is so fucking sad, who fucking hurt him, I wanna hurt them back.
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Jamie is on the verge of tears, can't Roy fucking see it??? LOOK INTO HIS EYES AND SEE IT.
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That is probably the most mature and concerned reaction I've ever seen from Roy towards Jamie. Like when he hugged him in s2, it was great. But here he's actually trying to TALK about it. He's genuinely concerned and interested in what's going on.
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EMMY WINNER PHIL DUNSTER WHEN?????? Jfc. Just hug the boy, Roy.
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;_____; Sharing trauma aka I've been thrown into Sunflowers and Amsterdam again. BEST FRIENDS.
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Ok. This is ok. I'm okay. There was a glimpse where the kiss could've happened and Jamie could've continued wailing and it would WORK. Roy wouldn't even say a thing bc Jamie is a mess and it might now mean anything, and if it did, they can talk about it later.
Anyway. Jamie going in for a hug FIRST bc he trust Roy and he feels safe around him and he feels okay about physical intimacy and being vulnerable with him now. I wanted my hug & I guess this is the closest I can get to that one in 2x06. And with Jamie crying again. Ohhh my god.
The poor boy needs a vacation with both Roy and Keeley (and a lot of sex and love from them). I'd say RoyJamie only, but it's more likely at this point that ot3 happens instead of otp.
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Well, it's close to Will walking in on Roy and Jamie kissing. Almost.
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I'm fucking staying here. I don't need anyone else. I'm staying here and going down with this ship. Jamie full on can do whatever he wants at this moment & Roy would probably allow him. The hands interlinked on Roy's back, Jamie's head going from Roy's shoulder into the crook of Roy's neck. They really are best friends. Jamie feels so comfortable and safe with him. Putty in his hands, huh?
And I can't fucking keep quiet about Phil pulling this off. Like... MY GOODNESS, GIVE HIM ALL THE FUCKING AWARDS. It makes me sad but at the same time I can't stop laughing, and I'm sure this was the intention. Bc this dramatic wailing is truly something.
At the same time, "I can't sleep, and I can't eat" is a serious sign of depression or at least a serious burnout. Get Jamie a therapist and some quality time break from all the stress.
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"Jamie is a mess & I gotta help him."
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Keeley is so excited she gets to help Roy with Jamie. This is very ot3 of you. I gotta say though, Roy has to learn how to talk and communicate. It's all fun and all, the idea of when there's a miscommunication or Roy unable to go to emotional depths, but it's really important. In the previous ep he watched Jamie and came up with the right words for Keeley. In here he went to Keeley so she could help him with Jamie. I see a pattern, but I'd love Roy to act on it. Saw Keeley maybe, came up with the right words, knew how to act with Jamie, went back to help.
But then I expect both of them to go back to Jamie and help, so also very ot3 of them.
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Jamie and his rings. Jamie being so many fans fav player. Jesus, I love this kid so. fucking. much. Get him into therapy again, please.
"How's he doing?" "Fucking hell." "I'll talk to him."
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For a show that gives so many queer references, it would be weird if they were queerbaiting us tbh. It's possible, but it's still weird, especially with so many queer characters.
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For the reference.
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IF NOT OT3, THEN WHY THIS. They're gonna drive me insane.
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oneatlatime · 11 months
The Fortuneteller
(A title which I am itching to divide into three words instead of two because boy does 'Fortuneteller' look stupid - seriously, stare at it for a bit and see how fast it starts looking like Fortun Eteller)
The last couple of episodes have had a contemplative character, so I'm rooting for this one to be a silly one. Also more Sokka please. Poor guy gets demoted to one liners in the B-plot whenever Aang is the main focus.
Episode Time!
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We start this episode off with a potential love interest for Sokka.
I had completely forgotten that Katara used to have a necklace. I'd also completely forgotten that she'd lost it. When did she lose it?
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Aang-o-vision has a pretty heavy rose-tinted filter - literally.
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Told you it was a love interest.
The NOISE Sokka makes when the fish slaps him! I love it. Hang on I'm going to rewind and listen to it again.
Yep. Still as good the second time.
Oh wow! Aang just got Momo-zoned. Gotta say I'm not a fan of a romantic relationship between Aang and Katara at this point, so I'm all for some Momo-zonage.
Platypus bear! Finally some hybrid animals. I was beginning to wonder if that would ever come back.
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Is this guy a martial arts master or an idiot?
I'm leaning towards idiot.
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Friendly reminder of Appa's size. That's a lot of molars. No canines or incisors? Guess he's an obligate herbivore.
Is sniffing eggs something that people do? I get sniffing melons or other produce, but eggs?
Yep. Floppy hat guy is an idiot.
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Aang buddy you might want to get that checked out.
And with a mighty squelch, the egg fulfills this episode's Beat Up Sokka quota.
Appa shakes!
Those are weird ducks.
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I don't know a thing about anime, but that's the most anime-looking guy I've seen in this show. Is this show an anime?
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Meng-o-vision is red-tinted. Probably doesn't bode well.
Also, Meng could give Zuko some lessons on how to style Pipi longstocking hair. Someone with more photoshop skills than me needs to make a Zuko with Meng hair.
"Don't be modest, they're huge!" Presented without comment. I'm not going to say a thing. But we all thought it.
Katara is totally the kind of girl who would fall for fortune telling. We've seen (multiple times) that she is gullible. Actually, now that I think about it, we've had multiple episodes where Katara gets swept up in something a healthy dose of skepticism would have guarded her from - Jet and The Great Divide come to mind. The writers are really hammering the 'Katara is susceptible to romantic nonsense and Sokka is a science-minded skeptic' message home. Is this going to play some bigger part in the show going forward? Why else would we be on version number (arguably) 3 of this same plot?
Aang and Sokka took off their shoes, but Katara didn't. Huh.
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Pinky out. Classy.
I am not digging the Aang x Katara stuff in this episode. I'm with Sokka on this one - let's pretend it was a stellar bathroom break.
Aunt Wu is being unnecessarily antagonistic to Sokka. First he gets an egg on his head, then Momo steals his bean puffs, now Aunt Wu tells him his life's going to suck. I should have been more specific when I hoped for a Sokka episode. I didn't mean a beat up Sokka episode.
Aang. Priorities honey. Honestly, Aang casually dismissing his destiny after all that build up did get a laugh out of me.
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A god-like figure coming to have his fortune read and only wanting to know about his love life would give me a headache too.
Add malicious signage to the Beating Up Sokka list.
"The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction." I bet that's the first time that sentence has appeared in the English language.
These people are stupid. Blazing Saddles style 'common clay of the New West' stupid. It would take, what, a day? to run a visual check on the volcano. But nope. Too much work. Listen to me I'm morphing into Sokka.
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Katara giving off some serious fangirl vibes.
Katara is officially addicted to fortune telling.
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Live footage of me watching these village idiots.
Add duck to the list of Things Which Assault Sokka. Gotta love those duck noises though.
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Sokka is getting dangerously close to advising negging here. Also Meng deserves better. Her poor pigtails droop in disappointment. Girl has sentient hair - she deserves better.
Papaya? When you don't like papaya? Just because some old lady said so? Too far. That's not even teenage nonsense; that's tweenage nonsense. I kind of feel like sending Katara to her room. Actually it's just like that one line Log Man said in the Jet episode. Something like 'He tells us what to do and how to think and things all turn out right.' Outsourcing your decision-making. Which, by the way, is both nonsense and cult-like. Then again, the lost boys freedom fighters pretty much worshipped Jet the way this village worships Aunt Wu, so... parallels?
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So if this guy got the panda lily himself, doesn't that mean that he recently went up the mountain? Couldn't he have had a peak inside while he was up there? Would have taken an extra 20 seconds.
"Flowers are fine once you're married" Somebody get this boy to Victorian times. If he ever sees an ankle he'll self-combust.
You have a flying bison. Why don't you fly up instead of climb?
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This is totally live action fire copy-pasted in to the animation. There has got to be a more technical term for that than copy-pasted.
Raise your hand if you saw the twist with the volcano coming. (I did I swear. Blue spirit was an outlier).
Forget Appa, why didn't Aang just fly up?
"They just won't listen to reason." "But they will listen to Aunt Wu." So the mountain comes to Mohammed. I guess talking to people in a way they understand / will listen to is a good lesson for an avatar to learn. I thought he'd learned that one in The Great Divide though. Either way this episode is getting increasingly frustrating.
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Can Meng get a hug? She seems astonishingly self-aware and emotionally mature for a kid. Also way too smart for this podunk town. I may rescind the hug in light of the stalking.
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Well, it's not exactly subtle, but at least volcanic doom isn't a fluffy bunny.
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Look at those yummy purples. Finally an episode where it's light enough to have a beautiful sky. My collection of wallpapers was suffering.
Digging a lava trench might work, if the volcano is going to put out a gallon or two of lava. This must be a baby volcano.
The ashes effect feels oddly 3-D.
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I guess to an avatar this kind of challenge is small potatoes.
Totally ignoring the Aang x Katara stuff for a minute, I'm with Sokka on this one too, because I also had forgotten that Aang is a superbender. He didn't even need to go glowy.
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If I lived in this village that redesign would absolutely give me nightmares. Are those mega claws of doom structurally sound?
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I am going to punch this man.
Aunt Wu's final speech to Aang makes me think that at least she's not indulging in her own product as it were. I suppose a con artist (whose services are free, so, just jerking around a village for shits and giggles?) is better than an actual believer?
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Final Thoughts
This episode has me thinking about stories. Part of the reason Katara wants to believe in nonsense like fortune telling is because she is someone inclined to listen to / believe in stories. I think the opening monologue of the first episode mentioned something about her grandmother's stories. Katara was raised on stories and very much took them to heart as more than just entertainment. And you can't blame her for believing the conceits of stories could be possible in their world, not after the events of episode one dumped the star of those stories in her lap. Just so long as she doesn't confuse a belief in stories with a belief in happy endings. There is a war going on in their world, and judging by the stuff that the show did not shy away from discussing or implying in episodes like The Southern Air Temple and The Storm, I am willing to bet good money that there will be a couple of unhappy endings ahead. Not permanently unhappy; this is a kids' cartoon. But there will probably be setbacks and disappointments.
Would Katara have astrology nonsense in her dating profile?
"The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction" is going to be incorporated into my daily vocabulary.
Platypus + bear are interesting choices for a hybrid animal, since a platypus is about 15 normal animals smashed together anyway. A platypus bear is the swiss army knife of animals. Or the Mr. Potato Head.
At first I thought that Aunt Wu was a benevolent meddler (see putting together the couple with the panda lily), but she also advised that one guy to never bathe, which doesn't benefit anyone in any way that I can see. So I've concluded that she's a Bumi level ("it's pretty fun messing with people") shit-stirrer instead. Her services may be free, but she manages to pay for a very big house, an assistant in Meng, and anime guy the bodyguard(?) so I guess grateful villagers give her donations? However she's doing it, she's got it made.
There was some sort of running theme with those large blue-billed ducks that lived in the village. If that was meant to have more meaning than just a running visual gag, I didn't pick up on it.
Meng had a surprising amount of depth and insight for what (I assume) is a one-episode character. Stalking aside, I liked her.
This episode's humourous look at the stupidity of the village (in fact the science denial of the village) is not as funny as it would have been in a pre-covid denial, pre-antivax, pre-"global warming is a hoax" world. A shallow viewing of this episode is still funny because the villagers are just SO dumb (except Meng), but the more you think about the villagers' actions and the conclusions they reach at the end of the episode (to not change AT ALL - at least the tribes made up in The Great Divide, a similarly idiot-filled episode), the more you morph into Sokka. These people have denied reality so hard that it's frustrating rather than funny to watch. Their head in the sand approach is not cute anymore.
I really wanted to like this episode. Like I said before, I wanted a goofy fun episode after the one-two punch of the last two episodes, but this one rapidly went from goofy to frustrating. I can't tell if it's because I'm not the target audience (i.e. too adult) or if it's because much of the world is currently drowning in various forms of misinformation and science denial. I know this episode isn't supposed to be deep - it's supposed to be setup for Aang & Katara as a (hopefully very distant) couple. That's all. And the message at the end about shaping your own destiny (i.e. taking an active part in your life) is a good message, and thematically relevant to the avatar, who presumably is at least somewhat responsible for shaping the whole world's destiny. But damn if this episode doesn't make my teeth itch.
Pros: Sokka had some great lines. Appa got to shake. There were pretty backgrounds. The noise Sokka made when he got slapped by the fish was a thing of beauty.
Cons: Aang and Katara are not allowed to date until they're 35. I will smack each villager individually upside the head with a science textbook. Meng deserved better.
Maybe I'm just not in the mood for this episode. I'll stick it on the rewatch list just for the Sokka fish noise.
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gennyanydots · 2 years
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself part 7
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself masterlist
AN: Warning. It is stupid angsty up in this bitch
You went to your room to let Jake get settled into his room for a while. You still had an hour before your check-in with Dr. Jackson. You tried to organize your thoughts as you laid on your bed.
It was surreal seeing Jake again after all this time. You vividly remember a time in your life that if you had seen Jake you might have tried to run him over with your car. The pain from everything still runs pretty deep.
The man you gave up everything for had decided to give you up. Decided that you weren’t worth the trouble. Not only that he didn’t even have the balls to break up with you. Just decided one day that he was done with you. Didn’t respond to any emails you sent, texts, phone calls, letters, nothing. Just done. It had almost destroyed you. You didn’t eat or sleep much. Just laid in bed wondering what you had done. Even now moving past that insecurity is going to be tough. Dr. Jackson has reminded you plenty that Jake’s actions were not because of anything you had done and were solely based off himself. You know whatever happened to Jake had nothing to do with you but try telling that to your brain. It’s already had years of anxious thoughts built up.
You have to remind yourself sometimes that Jake is trying. He really is trying. You know that. He’s putting in the effort. He’s going to therapy. He’s working at this.
And now Jake’s here. In your apartment. The place you got to get away from him. Most of your things were still at Jake’s parent’s house. You didn’t want most of it. You didn’t want those reminders. You still don’t even go to the house much. You get together as a family at Catherine’s house typically. It’s easier for the kids. It’s easier for you. Works out well for everyone.
Tomorrow Jake’s mom is hosting Thanksgiving. It’s good you’re having a session tonight since you’re not sure how you’ll do tomorrow. Being with Jake in that house may prove too much for you.
Time seemed to really fly while you were deep in thought laying on your bed since it was now 10 minutes till the start of your video call and Jake was softly knocking at your door. You sit up and stretch quickly before rushing over to the door and opening it.
There Jake stood holding his computer, looking as hot as ever in a pair of comfy shorts and a shirt that just seemed to fit him that just barely showed off some lines of his abs. Fuck. The Navy has been good to your husband.
You shake the thought from your head and give Jake a half smile, “Hey, it time already?”
Jake nods and turns to go out into your living room.
You follow after him.
He plops down onto your couch and looks up at you, “Which is your Wi-Fi?”
You point to it as you walk up and sit next to him, making sure to give you both space, “The password is Bennyistoocute1.”
Jake chuckles, “That boy still got you wrapped around his finger?”
You nodded, “Yeah, all three of them do.”
“Benny and Harper? Which of my sisters had another?” Jake asks.
“Oh I wasn’t even counting Harper. Lauren still only has her but Jared and Catherine have three boys now. Charlie, Benny, and Jamie. Charlie is a baby baby. He was a surprise. Jamie is Auntie’s baby. He’s 7. Benny is 15 now. Gosh he’s growing up so fast.”
“Holy shit. I hadn’t realized how old he would be. Harpers gotta be like what 10?”
You shake your head and laugh, “She’s 12. Sassy as ever. Really got all of Lauren’s attitude and some of Catherine’s too.”
“Poor Lauren. I’m sure ma loves to rub it in her face for all the trouble she caused,” Jake says with a chuckle.
“Depends on the day. Sometimes your mom just swoops in and fixes everything since she had so much practice,” you say with a smile. Jake’s mom amazed you. Your nephews and niece love you but even you couldn’t do that. At least not with the older two anymore. They can’t be bribed with ice cream. Well, they can’t always be bribed with ice cream every once in a while both of them still like ice cream and auntie dates. Especially if you pick them up from school early for an “appointment”.
“Do they… umm do they remember me at all? Or know who I am?” Jake asks timidly.
“They know they have an Uncle Jake. Benny vaguely remembers you. Harper doesn’t really anymore. You never met Jamie. They all have seen your pictures around in albums and such. Just as a warning Jamie may take a bit to warm up to you.”
“Why’s that?”
You sigh, “Your sister and Jared have big mouths and we’re talking about you and he overheard that you had made me cry and like I said Jamie is auntie’s baby and he may have threatened to kick you umm….. kick you where it counts.”
“Damn. I clearly don’t want that but if that’s what it takes to start rebuilding all this then….,” Jake says with a shrug. “Plus I can’t beat up a 7 year old.”
“The cutest 7 year old,” you say with a giggle.
“Well then I definitely can’t,” Jake says with a smile.
The two of you are brought out of your little chat by Dr. Jackson starting the meeting.
“Good afternoon, you two! How was your flight Jake? You get in okay?” The doctor asks.
Jake nods, “Yep. Thanks for askin’.”
“And Y/N, how are you this afternoon?” Dr. Jackson asks.
You give a small smile, “I’m doin alright. Thank you. How are you, sir?”
“I’m doing wonderful. Thank you. How is it seeing each other?”
Jake looks over at you with a fond smile, “A little odd but good.”
You nod, “Yeah, a little awkward but I’m sure that’ll go away.”
Dr. Jackson smiles, “Good, good. Glad to hear it. I don’t want to keep either of you long. I would much rather you both spend time together. I mostly just wanted to remind you both that you can text or call me at anytime. I know this is a very fragile time and you may need to talk it out and I am here for you both, okay?”
You both nod.
“Great. I’ll be in touch with both of you. If I don’t talk to either of you beforehand have a Happy Thanksgiving!” Dr. Jackson says with a wave and both you and Jake return to sentiment and Jake exits the meeting.
“That was probably the easiest session I ever had,” Jake says with a chuckle.
You laugh and roll your eyes.
“What? It’s true!” Jake says grinning.
“I’m sure it is.”
“So uhh did you umm maybe want to talk about why I first went to therapy?” Jake asks.
You nod, “If you’re ready for that. Sure.”
“Tim thinks it’s important you know and I do too, of course. Before I get to that I just need you to know I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I never wanted to stop being your husband. I know there’s a lot of damage I did and I hope to be able to repair it the best I can but none of this had anything to do with you. In no way was this your fault. It was all me,” Jake explains.
You nod, “I know. Dr. Jackson reminds me of that frequently. I had or well have a hard time with coming to terms with that. I’m working on it.”
“Oh honey no, none of this was you. This was all me. I’m the bad husband. I did this to us,” Jake says and puts a hand on top of yours.
You nod and turn your hand to hold his.
“Okay so being away from you was always hard. I would get it in my head that if I worked mg hardest with no distractions I would be able to get home faster. I’m reality that wasn’t really a thing but I convinced myself it was. Sometimes I would be working so hard and miss our planned calls and that’s completely on me. I would remember and feel terrible. Then the longer I went without talking to you the guiltier I would feel. I would start avoiding you to try and deal with my guilt. It didn’t help and I just felt worse. It all kinda culminated after a mission. I uhh became the only current generation aviator with a confirmed air combat kill. Which at first was exciting because everyone was so impressed and congratulated me but eventually it sunk in that I took someone’s life. I know that’s part of my job but there’s still a guilt that comes with it. It kinda made my life feel like it was separated. Everything before I killed someone and everything after. After I felt like I had a completely separate life and it was just easier to live with the guilt by myself. I never told anyone about it. I made a whole persona for myself. I turned into this cocky asshole to keep my emotions hidden. I mean I was always a little cocky but it was bad. I had another mission not even a year ago and I had another confirmed kill. I guess it kinda set off a depression due to the repressing emotions thing then coworkers started to notice. One of them basically kidnapped me off base one day and made me talk about it. His wife forced me into therapy.”
“Kara Floyd?” You asked.
Jake nodded, “Yeah. How did you know?”
“Did she not explain about when she called me?” You asked.
Jake shook his head.
You chuckled, “So uh she called me to tell me her coworker was seeing my husband so I hung up on her thinking you were cheating on me. She called back saying we must have been disconnected and I told her I hung up on her and explained that if you were cheating on me that you could just send me the divorce papers and she didn’t need to tattletale.”
Jake groaned, “I’m kicking Bob’s ass.”
“Whose Bob?”
“Her husband. Neither of them told me this. Can’t kick her ass. Gotta kick Bob’s. They told me you talked to Tim.”
“Once she explained herself she gave him the phone and I talked to him but first there was a big misunderstanding.”
“Sounds like it. For the record I have not and would never cheat on you. We have have gotten married young but I take those vows seriously.”
You nod, “Me too. I didn’t either by the way. Cheat on you I mean. I didn’t do that. You’re my husband.”
Jake squeezed your hand, “I’m sorry for all this.”
You nod, “Thank you for apologizing and thank you for telling me all that. It all sounds incredibly hard and I’m sorry you had to go through it.”
Jake nods, “Tim told me to ask ,if you’re comfortable, about how you felt when I stopped talking to you. I mean I know it’s not good but I really want this to work and open communication is important for that.”
“Ohh umm yeah. I guess I could tell you. It was hard. Incredibly so. I did the whole stages of grief thing. I was mad at first. Mad that you could do something like that. Mad at myself for putting that much faith in you. Mad that I gave up everything for you and in the end I didn’t have anything to show for it. Then I got sad. Real sad. I wondered what I did wrong or what was wrong with me that you didn’t want to be with me anymore. I was really depressed. Barely did anything but lay in bed. I lost a lot of weight. I had to take pills for the depression. Eventually I just accepted that you weren’t gonna come home to me so I moved out of your house to here. I got Pumpkin. I got on with my life. Since we started this I’ve had a couple sessions with Dr. Jackson to address all that. There’s still a lot of lingering insecurity and self esteem issues,” you explain not looking at Jake.
Jake squeezes your hand once and you look over at him, a few tears in your eyes. You notice Jake’s also look a little glassy.
“Oh darlin’ I am so sorry,” he says and uses your hand to pull you into a hug. You both wrap yourselves up in the other and sob. Sob for yourselves. Sob for each other.
Part 8
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geordikisser · 4 months
thinking about porter, missing porter.
i just imagine one day porter is injured on treasures door step on day, and unknowingly enough, they end up at lovelys house for help due to them being childhood friends. id like to think treasure is keeping the fact that porter is a vampire to lovely & vincent [ spoiler alert: vincent & lovely already know porters a vampire obviously,, ] but lovely doesn’t know that !
not canon behavior in the slightest don’t behead me
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lovely: treasure? wyd here? OH MY GOD—
treasure: please lovely you gotta help!
vincent: whats all this racket? OH.
porter, barely hanging by a thread: ughh,,,
treasure: please lovely! idk how to do first aid!!! :-(
lovely & vincent: ,,,
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lovely: so ,,, how’d this happen ?,,, where’d you find him ,,
treasure: he came onto my doorstep weak! he was covered in injuries and at first, i thought it was foreplay— ,,
vincent, slightly disgusted: freak ass foreplay ,,
treasure: but then he fell into my arms and i realized he was actually hurt & came to me for help! :-(,,
lovely: wow. ok uhm ,, don’t worry, we’ll help him! he’ll be brand new when you see him again
treasure: wdym again?
vincent: give us a moment ,,, treasure.
treasure nods as they step out the room
vincent: im not aiding this freak.
lovely: vincent cmon!! your healing magic is better than mine!
vincent, grimaced: god can you believe they thought this was foreplay ,,, they gotta be into some freak shit, lovely ,,,
lovely: god don’t get me started, literally felt my heart fall to my ass when they said that.
vincent: porter being a masochist doesn’t surprise me though tbh, it just justifies the reason he acts the way he did way before now
lovely, giggling: vincent!
vincent: what!? i’m not below kink shaming!!!
lovely: jesus that’s not what i—,, ok,,
vincent: you think treasure was the human he wanted to bring to the summit?
lovely: no, i mean probably not anyway, treasure doesn’t believe in this stuff. i don’t even think they know about my situation
vincent: really? they must be real stupid then if they met porter & haven’t pointed a thing supernatural about him yet
lovely, mad: boy? get to healing since you wanna talk like that >:-(
vincent: ugh. fine.
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treasure, wakes up: ,,, mmh, porter?
porter: treasure ,,? where are we ,,
treasure; a super close friend of mine! don’t worry— they don’t know your secret. we are safe here
porter, feeling unsettled: ,,, treasure. who is this friend of yours,,,
treasure: my childhood bestfriend! darlin’ & their boyfriend vincent.
vincent: hello porter.
porter: wow. this is just my luck.
treasure: and don’t worry! i didn’t tell them your seeecreeet
lovely: uhm what
porter, awed: you poor thing d’aww,,, thank you though, treasure.
vincent: what happened porter. who roughened you up?
porter: i stumbled across the wrong crowd, that’s all i’ll say,,,
lovely: treasure, you got to be having body if you can carry porter from your house to ours tho lowkey
treasure: what?
vincent: i was thinking the same thing lowkey, porter is a hunk of meat ill say
porter: that a compliment, vinny?
vincent: a hunk of meat. that’s easy to cut and tear apart.
porter: oh don’t put such a fantasy in my head infront of your partner mr. solaire!
vincent: jesus— porter, don’t piss me off in my own house,,,
lovely: i’m unconvinced that he pulled them for some reason.
treasure: we should all go on a double date sometime! that would be lots of fun!! i didn’t know you two knew each-other :-3
porter: what do you say, you two? you don’t want to break my poor sweet treasures heart do you,,?
lovely, winced: eeermm yeah treasure,,, social cues were never your thing ,,,
vincent: sure.
lovely & porter in disbelief.
treasure: awesome! maybe a lunch date? :-D
porter: uhm treasure ,,, maybe dinner, how’s that?
treasure: oh yes—!! i nearly forgot. erm. maybe the farish house? they have good mediterranean food!!
vincent, smirking: we can discuss this later when your partner isn’t in agony, yes?
porter looks horrified (didn’t think vincent would say yes.)
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