#i had to think about this weirdly long i was like 'oh i don't have any weird headcanons really :-)' and then i remembered. This.
running-in-the-dark · 6 months
a super fun thing that my brain is really good at is hearing a random fact and remembering it forever. but only if it's bad :)
#the reason I'm thinking about that right now: I wish I had never read that having a crease on your earlobe means you're more likely to have#heart disease.#scared me so much that I read a whole paper about it#but it's been years now so I don't remember the details#just that that's a thing apparently#and guess what my brain does with that information? oh yeah of course I have to obsessively look at the ears of everyone now! does that#do anything helpful? nope! just makes me very very anxious :)#it's just like when I was a kid and I got nightmares about scurvy every time I didn't eat a potato for a week.#like. wow I could be so smart and everything if my brain wasn't constantly focused on random bullshit that is completely irrelevant 😭#also this thing specifically: I've always been weirdly fascinated by ears and this made that a million times worse and also very scary.#like ooh that's a nice ear :) oh no death exists and this person is going to die and#yeah it sucks.#specifically choosing not to mention any names in this context because my god this shit is on my mind all the time already I really don't#need to say it where anyone can see#it's embarrassing enough#though anyone who has looked at my blog in the past month already knows who I'm talking about.#like. I really shouldn't allow myself to like anyone over the age of like. idk 45.#it's so unbelievably exhausting.#but annnyway I'm totally normal and fine :)#oh yeah I also have creases on my earlobes lol so that definitely added to the scariness (and THEN my mother randomly mentioned recently#that EVERYONE on her side of the family had/has heart disease. bitch WHAT the fuck. anyway so yeah guess we know what's gonna kill me#haha isn't that fun :) )#ALSO the fact that my memory is very very bad means that I remember absolutely none of the details about shit like this. so it could very#well be completely irrelevant and harmless but i wouldn't remember that part.#and I think even if I found out more it wouldn't help. it's been an obsession for so long. I've never had one go away that I've had for#this long. so. guess I'm just fucked.#personal
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
oh god. okay. so. last year i learnt the term ergi, which for the uninitiated is defined as follows: unmanly dishonour in an old norse (*inspired) context, especially being penetrated during sex (but also other things like cowardice, servility, and practicing women's magic.)
and i started trying to Extrapolate a whole hypothetical culture from this.
like, it's easy to say that that's straightforwardly "it's okay if you're on top". but if the predominate attitude is that it's always acceptable to be the top and never acceptable to be the bottom, AND honourable = masc = strong while dishonourable = fem = weak, AND m/m sex is frequently framed in terms of domination, conquest, or even punishment... then you're probably going to end up with a society with an absolutely awful attitude towards consent. a society with basically no distinction, in the common understanding, between gay sex and rape.
so. i take this framing. i take mcu thor, who embodies a lot of his society's worst ideas but always in the most noble, well-intentioned way... and we end up with a guy who thinks gay sex is wrong because it's always homophobic rape.
like. the ambient cultural attitude is. topping a guy is an act of violence, but it's fine, because if you "let" it happen you, you must deserve it.
while thor's personal attitude is. topping a guy is an act of violence, so no-one can possibly genuinely want it to happen to him, so it's always just about taking advantage of someone weaker than you, so it's always wrong.
and, vitally, the category of weakness in thor's mind includes queerness. (and he doesn't think of tops as queer!) so if anyone says some queer guys DO want it, he dismisses that as a mocking / victim-blaming myth. and if a queer guy looks him in the eye and says no i promise you i really do want it, his brain short circuits and then he goes. oh no this man is full of self-loathing or perhaps insanity :( and it would still be terribly wrong of anyone to exploit that :(
(what does he think queer guys do want? idfk. non-penetrative sex, probably, but also, being queer is a tragic misfortune and not necessarily functional, so maybe they are just all self-destructive and crazy. also don't ask his opinion on grey areas of penetrative-ness because he just has not thought that hard about it.)
(also, thor's definition of queerness-as-identity being less tied to penetration means it's more tied to generalised femininity. which also means he is not allowed to desire men, because he's not fem, so obviously he wouldn't be The Victim, so that would be evil of him. (does he like men? idfk. but if he did he'd be having a truly awful time with it!))
basically: thor is deranged <3
to be clear, i don't think thor's attitude necessarily stays here. i think this is his attitude as quite a young adult (up to ~18-20?) but eventually one way or another he is confronted with the real world and it has to crumble. but. god it's fun in its bizarre way. what's wrong with that man <3
also. not a historian. no idea if this is how anyone in the real world has ever actually thought. but i'm dealing with a hypothetical society here so their attitudes can be literally anything i find interesting.
fanfic writer ask game 💕
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prettyblondguys · 1 year
Huh, well that's not very cash money
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The Smell of Home
Damian had noticed the new student in his school.
Not because he was new or how he looked
no, not any of the usual reasons someone would grab peoples attention.
Weirdly enough it was his scent, which was really weird. He usually didn't take notice of how people smell besides the usual just like anyone else.
But something about the smell that seemed to emanate from this new student who he had learned his name was Danny Fenton, just would not leave his mind.
He knew the smell but couldn't remember from where and it was just at the tip of his tongue, it was driving him crazy.
His family seemed to notice him become more irritable from usual.
But not around Fenton, he seemed to unconsciously calm down in his presence, which just made him suspicious and more irritated.
It wasn't until he woke up from a dream of memories from when he was little and still living with his mom that he realized what he was smelling.
The Lazarus Pits.
He grew up with that smell, it used to hang around the entire area and buildings.
He hadn't realized how long it had been since he had smelled it
He unconsciously related it to the smell of his childhood home.
But why would this random boy give off that very same odor?
Some investigating needed to be done.
Danny had noticed one of his classmates a boy he learned was called Damian seemed to act ...odd?
But only around him it seemed
With everyone else he was normal if a bit cold.
He would seem to relax an then suddenly tense up and send him a suspicious glare.
Also he was pretty sure that the boy seemed to be sniffing him?
Did he smell bad or something?
Why was he the only one who he seemed to act weird with.
Oh God, maybe he thought the smell of ecto was weird?
But that's not something he could control and most people never even seemed to notice the smell of ecto he produced since he became a halfa.
Damian glaring at Danny every time he realizes he's relaxed
Danny: "What did I do!?"
Batfam notices Damian being extra grouchy :" Ah, he's going through his rebellious phase"
Danny: "Did you just sniff mE!"
Damian: *scoff* "Don't be absurd"
Damian stealing Danny's clothes to analyze
Danny: " Who keeps taking my stuff?!"
Batfam: "Damian we know you're growing and experiencing new things, but stealing the things especially clothes from your crush is crossing boundaries"
Damian: "This is a misunderstanding, I don't have a crush on anyone!"
Bruce: "Son I think it's time I give you 'The Talk TM', I have an entire slideshow and docume-"
Damian: "This family is a nightmare!"
Just an Idea
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always-just-red · 18 days
Hi! Hope this finds you well. Saw the request and wanted to ask for a Yandere Sylus with player reader. Like Sylus knows Mc is a player and he is a game character. When mc was gone for too long, Sylus gets impatient.
If you can do it, of course. If no, ignore this. Wish you writing ideas and inspiration
Hi! Hope you're well too, anon! Sorry for the long wait on this one, got really stuck with it and wanted to make sure I did it justice-- it was such a cool idea! (Also I know L&D has the microphone feature but I wanted to have fun with the limited communication of the player here, so no it doesn't, actually!! 🥰)
Fourth Wall
Sylus x Player!Reader 🩸
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Summary: L&D is getting more and more real with each update. This is a new update... right?
Genre: idk really?? real world player x character
Warnings/Additional tags: yandere themes, player!reader, gender neutral, fourth-wall breaking, non-canon, swearing, mild threat, possessiveness, manipulation, Sylus is a little OOC here (we all know he's a sweetheart really!!)
| Word count: 1.5k | Masterlist | Opt-in to my taglist here!
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
Your phone lights up with a notification.
Sylus: Are you in a good mood, sweetie? The weather’s nice, so let’s go out.
It makes you smile, even though you’ve seen it before. You haven’t played Love and Deepspace for two weeks or so, and you’re already thinking about how many dailies you’ve missed— more specifically, how many diamonds you’ll be short of going into the next event. You had a couple thousand saved, you think? It’s probably fine.
The truth is, you don’t really have time for it these days. Escaping reality with fiction is fun, but it’s just that: make believe. Reality’s still waiting for you on the other side, and recently? All that escaping has finally caught up to you. You have a real life. Responsibilities. Yay!
But you are in a good mood, and the weather is nice, so you’ll log in for old time’s sake. Your finger hovers over the app, but something makes you hesitate. You’ve got some emails you should probably get back to, first. Oh— and weren’t you supposed to call your friend, too?
Another notification:
Sylus: Take your time, kitten.
A new one? It’s just text on a screen, but you’re reading it— Sylus’s voice in your head—and you just know it’s dripping sarcasm. Before you have any time to dwell on it, your phone lights up with more notifications.
Sylus: I’m going to count to three.
Cute. He’s not actually going to—
Sylus: One…
Sylus: Two…
Sylus: Three.
You tap on the app, weirdly motivated by the time pressure given that it’s coming from a man who doesn’t actually exist. He smirks at you knowingly from the kindled moment you’d set as the loading screen, his crimson eyes playful. You’re not particularly patient either, so your fingers drum along the surface of your desk as you wait, your gaze caught between his and the slowly moving loading bar.
Come on… come on… It finally loads, and you enter the game with another apathetic tap. Sylus stands, waiting— a dark figure framed by the otherwise light and dreamy aesthetics of the Destiny Café. You smile to yourself; it’s just gone lunch, and you half expected to find him sprawled in the usual armchair, fast asleep.
He crosses his arms. “The countdown worked, huh? What are you— five?”
You scoff and give his head a flick. He chuckles, running a hand through his hair as though you’d struck him hard enough to ruffle it. It’s kind of cool that you get some unique dialogue when you’ve not logged in for a while, although… have you missed an update or something? The animation feels smoother. More lifelike, now you think about it.
Sylus stares back at you, his lips playing into a subtle smile. His arms are crossed again and he tilts his head like he’s enjoying your scrutiny. “Something wrong, sweetie?” he asks.
Not really. You zoom in with a practiced sweep of your fingers so you can get a better look at him. His eyes flit downwards, over you— equally shameless— and then he’s meeting your gaze as he steps forward, closing the distance. He can’t see you, but you still can’t bring yourself to look away from him, and you’re not really thinking about the animation anymore.
He lifts a finger to poke at the screen, as if he’s caught you daydreaming and wants you back. You poke him, too: a softer, more affectionate boop on the nose. You can’t help laughing to yourself as his face screws up beneath the touch. This game is getting a little too real.
With a sigh, you zoom out so you can set about collecting your daily log-in rewards. Sylus seems fine— standing idly by as your attention drifts about elsewhere. He knows the drill. He can wait. Speaking of waiting… it’s also been a while since you’ve seen the other guys, and you’re struck by a pang of nostalgic fondness. You might as well say hi while you’re here.
You hit the button to change who you want to meet in the café.
It doesn’t do anything.
Weird. You hit it again. Then again— no change.
Sylus is holding his chin as he regards where your finger aimlessly meets the screen. It’s like he’s looking at… the button? “Oh dear,” he sympathises, “that feature appears to have stopped working.”
You don’t really hear him, honestly. You’ve never had a bug like this, and you’re determined to overcome it with sheer, stubborn persistence. Is it your phone? You test the theory by jabbing Sylus’s chest, and he glances down, apparently feeling it. You try the button again. Then six more times.
Sylus wanders closer to you. “You’re hurting my feelings, sweetie. Am I not enough for you?”
Ok but why isn’t this working? You’re still trying the button; your hope has turned to frenzied disbelief.
A single syllable, concise as a punch and just as effective. You do stop.
Sylus’s voice is lower. Darker. “Good,” he praises, but he doesn’t sound happy. “Someone’s gotten bolder in their absence, it would seem. I do hope you haven’t forgotten to whom you belong, kitten. Although—” his smile is different than before— “I’d be more than happy to provide a… reminder.”
It’s an innocuous word but not the way he says it. Threats are just intimate promises and he toys with the fact like a crow enamoured by something that catches the light. He’s not going to grow tired of it for a long, long time.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he says, sensing you gawping. “Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out? What all… this is?” He indicates the space around him with a wave of his hand. “Quite frankly, I’m surprised the others still haven’t grasped it.” He reconsiders. Smirks. “I misspoke— I’m not surprised.”
Does he mean the game? The other LIs?  
“Honestly, kitten,” he continues with a tut and a shake of his head, “you’ve been far from a gracious host. I’m not a plaything, you know. Well…” He’s showing teeth with a sneer. “Not the sort you can throw away, anyhow.”
God, are you really being scolded by a video game character for having other responsibilities? The worst part is that you actually feel bad. You do care about him. You wish you could tell him you care about him.
“Are you even listening?” he sighs.
Shit. Yeah. You can’t say anything he would hear— as far as you know— so you give his hand a poke. He casts his gaze downwards, stretches his fingers with a contemplative flex, then raises his hand so it can be nursed by the other. Is he protecting it from you? Or is he protecting you from it?
“If we’re to keep playing this game of ours, I think it only fair we lay down some rules,” he states. “Firstly—” because it isn’t up for debate— “you will come here every day, just like you used to. I have nothing to do, you see, and if you leave me to my own devices I might just have to find a way into that captivating little world of yours. So I can… investigate what’s keeping you from me.”
Investigate. Another innocuous word he wields like a weapon.
“Secondly,” he continues, nodding towards the broken button on your user interface, “you had better stop seeing the others. Ignorance is bliss, after all, and we wouldn’t want to worry about them connecting any dots, now would we? Besides…” He approaches you again, leaning in close. “I don’t share what’s mine.”
Your breath is caught in your throat and you’re so glad you don’t need to speak. You don’t think you could; if you tried to get words out they’d be unintelligible.
“So,” Sylus drawls, filling your silence, “how about it? Still want to play?”
This time it is a question, but only because he knows your answer. You’re struck by a flash of inspiration, and you communicate in one of the few ways you can— navigating the in-game menus until you can get your message across.
There’s a ping. Sylus retrieves his phone from his pocket, and after a moment of scrolling, he smiles. You can’t see his screen, but you know what he’s looking at: a grumpy crow with an animated bead of sweat and a dispassionate gaze to go with it. That it? it asks.
He still looks far too smug, so you beckon him over with a relax time interaction, watching your character’s hand outstretch on your behalf. He steps forward, linking his fingers with yours, and this animation you know. You tug him closer, except… he doesn’t budge.  
His eyes are fixed to where your hands are linked, and he runs a thumb over your skin as though he’s savouring the touch.
Did they change the animation?
“Oh, sweetie,” he sympathises with a click of his tongue. He looks up at you— holds your gaze as he presses a deliberately slow kiss to your wrist. “This is going to be fun.”
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astonmartinii · 11 months
bite the hand | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x fem musician!reader [face claim: clairo + clairo, boygenius and taylor swift music]
having fans are great, but sometimes it goes to far and you have to bite the hands that feed you
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 913,551 others
tagged: beabadoobee
yourusername: howdy ladies, gentlemen and all that's in between, it's single release day. i had so much fun on this track with bea and getting to pour all of my love for maxy onto such a cute melody... hope you all enjoy my loves x
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landonorris: how many letters in devoured?
yourusername: ATE 💅
landonorris: ate and left NO crumbs
maxverstappen1: why oh why did i ever introduce you two
yourusername: because you love us both?
maxverstappen1: i sure love you, jury is out on lando
landonorris: boooooooooo
user2: ugh if y/n had to date an f1 driver why couldn't she go for one of the hot ones like lando or charles?
user3: for real like bro he just drags her down
user4: you can't be serious? he's a professional athlete at the top of his sport and by what they show us a massive softy who loves y/n? why would we want anything else for her?
liked by yourusername
user5: y/n will NOT stand for any max bashing idk why you guys try it every time
maxverstappen1: so unbelievably talented and the artist of her generation
yourusername: maybe it's because i have a top notch muse ?
yourusername: i am the lucky one baby
danielricciardo: leave your cute shit offline i already have to hear it all of the time let me be on instagram
yourusername: nope love my boyfriend too much
maxverstappen1: nope love my girlfriend too much
user6: they're so insufferable i love them
user7: this song bangs so much more when you pretend it's not about ... him
user8: bro is acting like max verstappen ran over his puppy
user7: sorry i don't want a GREAT artist and BEAUTIFUL woman being dragged down by THAT
user9: you are insane, you do not know y/n, you enjoy her music, that doesn't give you the right to have power over things in her personal life
user10: you people are why this fanbase has a bad name and before long y/n will get fed up too
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 829,043 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: the off weekend spent right
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user13: i need a man so obsessed with me that all he does is post my face
user14: crazy that all this guy does is wax lyrical about how much he loves her and she's like never at his races ... interesting
user15: and her weirdly entitled fanbase say he doesn't deserve her when she clearly doesn't support him as much as he supports her
yourusername: i love you and our soft little weekends, i wanna do it all the time :(
maxverstappen1: gosh our day jobs are really quite unconventional i guess we should just retire to a remote island to live on a small farm?
yourusername: you said it not me i just wanna be anywhere with you
maxverstappen1: i love you <3
user17: babe have you ever thought that maybe the reason he said that he wants to retire away from everyone because you people stick your noses in all the time
danielricciardo: @yourusername a soft weekend you say? how many hours did max spend on the sim?
yourusername: a solid ten but he even let me have a go
danielricciardo: oh wow that man really is in love
maxverstappen1: i think she'd rival a couple of you with some practice, i'm working on getting her to join redline
user18: ugh this is so annoying... preaching like you like spending time with your girlfriend and then spend it all playing a video game and letting her have one go?
user19: the sim is something f1 drivers use to train? if anything max probably shouldn't have let y/n have a go she could've accidentally changed the set up or other things
user20: i'm seeing charles and lewis training this off weekend and he just lies in bed with this girl? he really needs to ditch her to stay at the top
user21: literally two comments up is them talking about him training on the sim the jealousy is insane from both fans at this point
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 893,442 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: happy to take home another win in mexico, i love this track and am forever thankful to this team and my loved ones.
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user25: holy shit idk what f1 can do but the paddock looked insane today there's no way that is safe for the drivers and personnel.
user26: there's so many videos of people rushing max and although some of them look like max fans who are just excited but there were a lot of very rude rival fans trying to get too close for comfort
yourusername: forever proud of you !! you're like jimmy and sassy with zoomies on crack <3
maxverstappen1: that is the highest of the high compliment thank you my love
yourusername: champagne is on me girlypops no expense spared for the love of my life
redbullracing: do we all qualify as girlypops ???
yourusername: of course !! don't think i didn't notice the supply of vegan pizza rolls you truly are the lactose intolerant allies of the grid
user27: can she stop spending all her hard earned money on this scrub that just uses her
user28: bro makes millions in a year he doesn't NEED her but that doesn't mean he can't want her? you guys are crazy
user29: some of these fans need to do some serious evaluation, drivers are not zoo animals, they are people and deserve respect and that includes respect to their personal space.
user30: for real like why was brad basically having to act as a body guard for max and y/n
user31: this was such a dangerous event for max and y/n. they're both very famous individuals and should be able to move around the paddock without being in danger.
user32: max joked about getting a body guard for this weekend but i think he should seriously consider it especially is y/n is coming to more races while she's not touring
danielricciardo: it has been brought to my attention that y/n has stated that she will spare no expense, i am making a formal enquiry into whether this will cover my bar tab?
yourusername: i will within reason but only because your bffs with maxy and will drink the fruity lil cocktails with me
danielricciardo: REAL men drink cocktails
maxverstappen1: do NOT disrespect the humble gin and tonic on my post
user33: i'm glad they're in high spirits after the shenanigans in the paddock today and the booing towards max :(
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liked by taylorswift, maxverstappen1 and 1,442,776 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: there is no full way to articulate my feelings right now. my fans have to respect my personal relationships and my boundaries. i appreciate your support but you have to understand that i am not your personal friend and you do not have the right to my personal life. i also understand that in sport, there are a lot of heightened emotions, but drivers do not owe you their safety. this is something i have felt for a long time since max and i became a public couple and the onslaught of hate came for him. you may say that it comes from a good place, or for my best interests, but the manner in which some 'fans' have expressed their 'worries' is unacceptable. i do not want to bite the hand that feeds me, but there's only so many slaps me and my loved ones can take from the hand.
bite the hand is out on all streaming platforms. please listen closely a re-evaluate your relationships with your favourite artists, thank you.
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 1,220,664 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: i love you and i will never let other people tell me when i'm not enough get in my head again. we both appreciate our support and acknowledge that we would be nowhere without it. but our relationships are ours, please respect this.
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 1,344,229 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: okay sad songs are important but it's now time for me to sing my wee little heart out about how much i love you and how i know we were always made for each other.
i love you maxy, invisible string is all about my muse. out now.
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user42: ffs i guess we're stuck with this man for life now ...
user44: speak your truth sis
maxverstappen1: so true, you make me believe in soulmates YOU ARE MY SOULMATE I LOVE YOU
yourusername: i love you to the moon and to saturn for real
yourusername: and that thread of gold is made from all of your trophies LET'S GO RAHHHHHHHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU
maxverstappen1: the gold of that grammy @thegrammys yall heard bags?
user45: the way they're each others wags and completely embrace it
user46: i love that they're still their goofy asses they don't give a shit abou t yall
user47: y/n dropped a heart wrenching track and immediately went ... but hey i'm SUPER happy and that's all you're going to hear
landonorris: so like can y/n remix the dutch anthem so we can actually bop every weekend
yourusername: i kinda wanna marry the king of the netherlands so maybe not
landonorris: you broke up ?????
yourusername: no you dumbass max is the king of the netherlands
maxverstappen1: not factually but i do have a medal from the royal family so same thing
landonorris: why do you guys have to clown on me every time
yourusername: you're like our baby brother it's our duty
maxverstappen1: sorry not sorry
user48: you could never make me hate them they're made for each other
user49: finally bite the hand shamed the crazy bitches into finally shutting the fuck up
note: i love bite the hand i actually fear it might be my fave boygenius song and i recommend it to everyone. i actually did my university dissertation on parasocial relationships with athletes so like i feel like a good couple of sports fans could do with a listen to bite the hand. hope yall enjoyed and had a good weekend !! (chelsea gave me a heart attack but what's new, even though i was too sick to go to the game:()
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lovelypham · 3 months
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prompt: how they react when you get jealous/insecure of them getting shipped with one of your group members by fans pairing:enha!hyung line X idol!fem!reader genre:fluff warnings: insecurities,self doubt,kissing,tad bit suggestive at hoon's part
hesseung (희승)
your relationship with Heeseung was one that was private, and that was due to crazy fans and the backlash you were more than sure you'd get if you ever decided to announce it
but as you kept scrolling through the comments under the video of your fellow member Karina,and your boyfriend doing the dance challenges for both of the groups comebacks you wished you could be able to risk it all and go public,but deep down you knew you'll only harm yourself and your image as well as heeseung's but both you and the fans couldn't help but notice how fit they were for eachother, how in sync they were, and how their visuals seemed flawless, perfect even
continue under the cut
you opened the comments once again
"they look so close to eachother, I bet they're dating"
"the way heeseung looks at karina in the bts video! omg i shipp🤭💓"
" karina is so classy,no wonder her and heeseung are dating they're so perfect for each other💓!!"
you knew that you shouldn't let these comments get to your head, but you couldn't help but feel insecure about your appearance, your dance, hell even the way you act!
you always knew that people preferred karina over you but it hurt so bad when your own managers who knew about your relationship decided to put the two people who have been getting shipped nonstop to do a dance challenge together, knowing extremely well that they'd spark dating rumors.
as if he read your mind, heeseung sent you a message saying
"hey baby, are you doing okay?"
even though it was a regular question he always asked it felt weirdly specific especially since you had texted him not too long ago.
you saw his icon pop up on your screen indicating an upcoming video call from him, you quickly wiped your almost dry tears and accepted the call
you saw heeseung's gorgeous face, and his sweet like honey smile appear on the little black rectangle that is your screen.
"hey heeseung" you began the conversation, he immediately knew something was up you never call him his full name unless something is making you upset
"hi baby,how are you doing" he trailed off,"I have seen better days" you mumbled "oh princess, is something bothering you? you know you can talk to me about anything right?" he suggested "yes hee I know I just don't want you to think that it's stupid" you hesitated " princess you know that's not true, I will never find anything you say stupid, now if you're comfortable then tell me what happened" he responded " I feel jealous" you whispered " m'sorry baby what did you say I didn't quite hear you" he softly replied
" I said I'm jealous"you replied with a slightly louder voice " jealous, of what baby, if you don't tell me I wouldn't know"he said,you let out a sigh before continuing
"I saw the video you did with karina and you guys look so perfect together, all the comments were shipping you with her, and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't wanna come off as insecure"you said with a slight shakiness in your voice, heeseung let out a sigh before softly replying "baby, I don't care how perfect fans think we look together, and how much they ship us, I see no one but you, I love you so much and I hope you know that, now do me a favor and stop looking at these comments I don't want you to worry your pretty little head, okay princess?" you squeaked back " I love you too heeseungie" with a slight smile on your face
jay (제이)
you loved it when jay and your members got along, it made you feel so happy seeing some of the most important people in your life interact freely with eachother without the cameras that seemed to follow you everywhere, engenes and fearnots knew about your relationship with jay and they had supported it since the very beginning always calling you the " it couple" or the " power couple"
but you didn't know how the sudden shipping of locals to yunjin and Jay happened, it made you feel weird knowing that non kpop fans had noticed the relation between your dear member and your bf, you weren't sure if it was the insecurities speaking but you noticed how similar they were , they had similar style, they listened to alot of mutual artists but you figured that was you impacting their taste in music
and lastly they both were mature and responsible.So when Jay came to your dorm with ni-ki and jake ,you took him into your room to talk to him, he looked confused 'cause you seemed fine speaking to him on the phone not too long ago. you both sat on your bed and he quickly took your hands in his once he saw you fiddling with them, a habit he noticed you did when you were nervous
the first thing you asked was "jay do you love me?" Jay furrowed his eyebrows and replied to you"of course baby I love you, why are you asking that?" you hesitated "uhmm I was just wondering you know?"you chuckled nervously you saw Jay put his serious face on and let out " are you sure princess, you never ask me that,tell me what's wrong" " nothing jay I told you" you said while slightly raising your voice as you took your hands out of his hold
" baby listen i know for sure it's not nothing okay? I want to be able to talk to you freely without making you feel uncomfortable so tell me what happened" you let out a sigh before looking up at him from your fiddling hands and told him "don't you think yunjin is a better fit for you? she's mature and older than me she takes responsibility of her actions meanwhile I'm just childish and everyone sees me as a baby no one ever takes me seriously and I'm never responsible"
jay softened his gaze and took your face in his hands "princess you know you're the perfect fit for me right? I feel in love with you since I first saw you at the HYBE carters games, I love you and I will never let you go okay, I don't care how childish people think you are but you'll always be my baby" he leaned closer and gave you a sweet and meaningful peck on your lips and he whispered to you" I love you" you put all your worries aside and replied" I love you more baby"
jake (제이크)
you were sitting in the makeup chair in your group's changing room when you overheard some of the staff gushing about how perfect Jake,and Belle , your member,were for eachother, pointing out there soft features that resembled those of an angel, you sighed loudly at their words that stung like a thorn in your heart, you knew that it was nearly impossible for you and Jake to reveal your relationship, but why where you so ready to risk it all and show the word that Jake was your man, the boy that you kiss and cuddle, well secretly of course
you knew your career would be on the edge if anyone were to find out, I mean you were newly debuted and Jake had a wide fanbase, but you couldn't help but feel helpless as you walked towards the inkigayo bathrooms looking for a distraction from the conversation you just heard,
you bumped into someone and who was it other than Jake himself ,he looked so handsome with his current outfit and you couldn't help but notice his puppy face light up when he saw you "baby, I was coming to get you" he said after double checking for any cameras or staffs "ahh really I thought you were still in your room niki told me earlier" you replied with a less excited tone "baby are you okay?, you look down" Jae trailed off "I'm fine just tired from the comeback" you gave him a small smile "aww baby don't worry it's our last day I'll treat you to dinner after this okay princess?" he said while holding your hands
"ok baby, uhmm I have to go now bye" you quickly removed your hands when you caught a glimpse of your group manager "okay bab-" he quieted down when you disappeared, Jake looked and felt confused you always tell him I love you when you say bye so why didn't you say it, "maybe it was because her manager came" jaeyun thought to himself
you had just finished your stage and enhypen were finished before you, you headed towards your changing room when you saw the same staff but this time they looked guilty, almost sulky? you were confused until you saw Belle coming your way and telling you that she came in to see the same two staff fan girling over her and Jake and she had told them that it was inappropriate to speak about such things during working hours especially infront of the idols themselves
she then hugged you and discreetly whispered in your ear "I already talked with jake about the matter and he told me you seemed off so now change your clothes, and go meet him in the parking lot okay?" she said and patted you on the back
you quickly ran towards the parking lot after you changed into your casual clothes, you spotted Jake waiting for you beside the company car while aimlessly scrolling on his phone
while panting you said to him "Jake, baby I'm really sorry I did that to yo-" he quickly shut you up by connecting your lips together and caressing your waist with one hand and holding your chin upwards with another he tilted your head to deepen the kiss and then pulled away with his forehead on yours "I love you so much baby" I love you too Jaeyun" you replied, breathless.
sunghoon (성훈)
you and everyone knew how perfect sunghoon and wonyoung were for eachother from their icy visuals to their classy vibe, but wonyoung was your member whom you loved so much and you never even once were jealous of their relationship knowing fairly well it was fan service and nothing more
but why did it feel bittersweet to see your bf and wonnie receiving best couple award at KBS when you stood at the side staring at them with a fake smile on your face, you let your insecurities take over you and that little voice in your head was telling you that wonyoung was better, she was prettier, more elegant, she was cute, she was funny, she always captivated people with her visuals,and that she was better than you at everything!
you couldn't handle the stares filled with pity from your members, leeseo came to your side and hugged you while you were going backstage and patted your shoulder, you then felt two very familiar muscular arms holding your waist and preventing you from going any further, you sighed and turned around to see sunghoon with his pretty little mole and pale skin he grabbed you towards a more secluded area and neared you towards him
he reached down to you level and kissed your lips, you took a moment to kiss him back but you eventually did so ,he then pulled away "baby ik you might be jealous of what just happened but I promise you your my one and only, I'll choose you again and again in every universe, you're so pretty, my girl" he said while pecking your lips again you couldn't help the smile that crept up on your face you slapped his muscular chest jokingly " I was supposed to be mad at you"you said while pouting at him
he chuckled teasingly and kissed you again but this time it was more heated, he took your face in his hands and brought his closer, you moaned at the feeling and you felt his tongue on yours,you both were fighting for dominance until you heard a gasp followed by a familiar voice that belonged to wonyoung saying "aigoo what did I do to see this ,whatever, _____ when you're done eating your boyfriend's face please come here we need to head back to our dorm" you looked up at sunghoon and said" I love you hoonie byee! "
" I love you too princess, make sure to call me when you arrive okay?" " yes hoonie mwah" you said while blowing a kiss he shook his head with a stupid smile on his face " aish this girl"
(a/n: haven't posted a fic in ages sorry,the jake and sunghoon parts are heavily inspired by didi aka @/enmi-land I miss didi :(( )
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zorrasucia · 10 days
“okay, slow down, you’d never done this until 5 minutes ago” with virgin carmy 🧎🏼‍♀️
Hello, Anon! 💜
Of course! This takes place in his Copenhagen era. Thank you for allowing me to continue my ongoing campaign for Virgin!Carmy 😌 I hope you like it!
"I didn't expect you to cook," you said, watching Carmy plate pasta with ease, a healthy serving of parmesan cheese on top. "Thought you'd be sick of it at the end of the day. It smells delicious, by the way."
"Thanks," he smiled shyly as he sat in front of you, the boat swaying a little. "Wanted to make you something from home."
You didn't know what to expect when Terry arranged for you to meet up with her new golden boy, Carmy, but this was feeling more and more like a blind date. Weirdly enough, you didn't mind her meddling this time.
"Where's home?" you asked.
"Chicago. You?"
"I don't even know where my home is anymore. Before Copenhagen, I was in London for a long while. And I haven't been to visit Aunt Terry in months..."
Carmy arched an eyebrow but didn't ask.
"She's my godmother, Chef Terry, not my actual aunt. I don't usually tell people about it, don't want to make her look bad," you shrugged, something about Carmy made it so easy to open up. "For whatever it's worth, I tried to stay away from cooking and baking and everything, I really did. I just couldn't."
"I get it. Why desserts though?" he asked.
"There's something freeing about them," you bit your lip, trying to put it into words. "You know how they're described, right? It's always decadent, confection, guilty pleasure - things like that. You can be creative."
When you looked up, Carmy was smiling - he looked younger and softer.
"I like that. Sounds nice."
"It is," you smiled back and took a forkful of spaghetti. It was delicious. "Oh, this is incredible," you hummed.
Carmy beamed.
While you dried the dishes, you caught a glimpse of one of Carmy's drawings.
"You make these?"
He looked up from the sink and flushed. "Helps me remember details," he explained shyly, avoiding your gaze.
You learned he had notebooks full of vegetables and dishes, diagrams for plating and cooking. You were surprised to find one of the pastries you had been working on perfecting there too, notes scribbled on the side. Your fingernails traced the lines carefully.
"You can have it," he offered.
He had an adoring, boyish look on his face and you melted inside.
"Yeah," he said, tearing out the page and giving it to you.
"Thanks," you said and without thinking, leaned in to kiss him.
It was quick, a gentle peck. As soon as you parted, you realized you wanted more - you both did.
"Can you- Would you do that again?" Carmy asked.
You tilted your head, moving slowly, relishing the moment right before the kiss, the way his lips parted slightly in anticipation. When you pressed your lips to his again, you took your time, let him cup your face and caress your waist as your tongue touched his lower lip.
When you parted, he looked relieved - that you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"I didn't think we would do anything like this tonight," you said, your voice breathy from the kisses Carmy was leaving on your neck and collarbone.
You had spent the last half hour making out on his bed, slowly losing layers of clothing. Your blouse and trousers were on the floor, along with his jeans and t-shirt. His right hand was on your breast, caressing your nipple through the fabric of your sports bra, your right hand was palming his cock through his boxers.
"Neither did I," he exhaled into your skin, his thumb hooking on the elastic of your panties. "It's good though?"
He looked up at you for confirmation.
"I- uh-" you hesitated.
"Shit," Carmy froze, starting to withdraw from you.
"No, wait, Carmy," you grabbed his wrist before he could get away. "It's great. You're great. It's just, I've been busy so I didn't- It's a little hairy down there is what I'm trying to say," you said awkwardly, your fingers intertwined with his on your hip, trying to convey your meaning.
Carmy tilted his head, confused. "Okay... Something wrong?"
"I don't know if you're, uh, used to girls that shave it all or- I don't know. Men can be assholes about body hair," you said, a little defensively.
"I'm not used to anything," Carmy said, chuckling nervously. "I like what you look like."
"Oh," you smiled. "Okay."
You nodded, getting rid of your bra, while he tugged down your underwear.
Carmy got close, his right hand moving to cup your pussy, carding his fingers through the hair, caressing. It made you hum.
"Want to taste you," he whispered.
"Yes," you squeezed his bicep, encouraging him.
"Just- Shit. I think I might be bad at it," he said, his eyes suddenly looked vulnerable.
"Evil ex told you that?" you asked gently, trying to lighten the mood.
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "I've never done it," he confessed. "Don't want to fuck it up with you."
"Carmy," you touched his chest, tracing soothing patterns, calming him. "You said you wanted a taste, right?" he nodded. "There's no way you can fuck that up. If you make me feel good, that's great but I don't need it to be perfect, okay?"
He kissed you, slow and soft - thank you. Then, deep and full of lust - I want you.
He made his way down your body, licking and nipping at skin, stopping between your legs. You opened them wider for him to settle. He took a good look at you, fingers touching your outer lips with care.
"Beautiful," he exhaled and it tickled you in the most delicious way. You shivered.
He started giving you long, vertical licks, tracing the contour of your folds, almost like he was trying to memorize the shape of you. You moaned low. It was good. There was no rhythm to it but was making you wet and restless.
"Mhmm," you encouraged him, carding your fingers through his curls.
Tracing the lines of you and listening to your breathing, he found your clit. After a couple of his licks were followed by sharp inhales he decided to stay there, kissing and licking, becoming frantic, quickly addicted to the sound of your pleasure.
"Oh! Fuck. Okay, slow down, you’d never done this until five minutes ago," you pulled on his hair, trying to keep his tongue from completely undoing you.
"Shit. That bad?" Carmy asked, sitting up.
"Too fast," you tried to catch your breath. "Too fast."
"Fuck, sorry," he soothed the skin of your thighs and your hips.
"It's- You found the spot. That's good. Just- take your time with it," you explained. "Let me savor it."
He chuckled, your play on words reminding him that he had tasted you and then some.
"Okay," he kissed the valley between your thigh and your hip, soft and sensual, like he was trying it out.
You smiled fondly, watching him slowly kiss his way back to your pussy, open-mouthed, gentle. A needy sound caught in the back of your throat when he finally got close to where you wanted him.
Carmy's eyes widened.
"Oh. Got it," he mumbled, realizing that half the fun was making you wait for it.
He tortured you, carefully finding every place that gave you pleasure. Then, he built up a rhythm that had you writhing on the sheets, fighting the grip he had on your hips, trying to fuck his face, and he paused.
"I've made a monster," you complained, panting and caressing his face - shiny with his sweat and your arousal.
"Fuck," he groaned. "Can't believe you're letting me do this."
You exhaled and giggled giddily. "Can't believe you're enjoying this so much."
"Mhmm," Carmy nuzzled the inside of your thigh, his roman nose tracing zigzags while you caught your breath.
When he started again, he was a little rougher - sucking harder than he had dared so far, hoisting your legs above his shoulders. You moaned low and squeezed your breast, looking for something to keep you grounded. Carmy caught your movements and rushed to replace your hand with his, humming in approval as you intertwined your fingers. You closed your eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure.
He stopped for a second.
"Eyes on me," he growled.
And he kept on devouring you.
You struggled to keep eye contact with how vehemently he was sucking on your pussy, lewd noises coming from his mouth. He was making you gasp for breath and grab desperately at the bedsheets underneath.
You were vaguely aware of the mattress shaking - was Carmy grinding into it? You didn't check or ask any further questions - he was humming in delight against your pussy, lips closed around your clit and eyes fixed on you. He arched his eyebrows. Now? You nodded eagerly.
"Please, Carmy," you keened.
He kept sucking on you, his grip on your breast and thigh getting forceful enough to bruise as you reached your high. You came with a needy sound, something between a whine and an exhale, legs shaking and hips grinding towards his face.
You regained your bearings just in time to see Carmy humping the mattress desperately, drowning gravelly moans into your thigh as he came too.
"Fuck," you sighed, your fingers soothing Carmy's scalp, probably sore from you pulling on it hard all that time. "Oh, my God. Carmy..."
"Sorry. Shit, sorry," he panted, his sticky cheek resting on your hip.
"Are you seriously apologizing for making me cum?" you giggled.
"I couldn't hold it back any longer," he explained.
You didn't tell him how hot it was to see him like that, completely lost in wanting you, cumming in his boxers because he liked eating you out that much. He wouldn't believe it.
So instead you said: "Guess that means we'll have to see each other again. So I can repay the favor."
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
A Little Crush   
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Part 1
Summary: In which Eddie develops a crush on the Henderson sister.
You weren't sure exactly when your life had gone to absolute shit. Was it when you found a strange, superpowered adolescent girl living in Mike Wheeler's basement? Was it when you walked in on a baby demogorgan eating your cat? Or was it when you were drugged by evil Russians operating under Starcourt Mall? You couldn't even remember a time when life was normal. If someone had told you that you would become best friends with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington and fight literal monsters from an alternate universe alongside Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan 'The Creep' Byers a few years ago, you would've laughed in their face. Now? You'd survived the most traumatising events of your life alongside these people. You were bonded for life.
The last few years had also made you closer with Dustin. You loved your baby brother and his weird friends, especially since you'd spent so much time babysitting them. But no amount of love could make you say yes to what they were asking of you.
"Please?" Dustin begged, following you down the hallway as you made your way to Ms. O'Connell's class.
"No! I have, like, three essays due this week, Dustin. I don't have the time to sub." You respond.
"It's only for tonight! Lucas can't make it and we really need a sub. We're nearly done with the campaign and Eddie will kill us if we make him reschedule!" Dustin pleads.
You were really happy that Dustin and Mike had found a safe space in high school. Lord knows those two idiots needed it. Freshmen year is probably the toughest of them all. You're new, scared, and lonely. You were really glad that they'd found friends, a place where they could be their nerdy selves and feel accepted. Hell, even you'd dabbled in their interests when you'd babysat them. DnD wasn't half bad, and not nearly as hard to undertand as you once thought. You'd spent many nights in Mike's basement playing with them. The first few times, you'd get your character killed in the first fifteen minutes. But after a while, you started making progress (even though you're convinced that the party was exceptionally lenient with you after you once burst into tears over getting killed off).
"I'll do your half of the chores for a week!" Dustin exclaims.
That makes you stop.
"A week?" You turn around to look at him, "Make it two weeks and I'll sub."
"Two? Are you insane!?" Dustin yells, making a few people lingering in the hallway turn and look at you both.
"Two or no deal, Dusty Buns," You tease, "And be quick, I'm late for my class."
"Fine!" Dustin says, "And stop calling me 'Dusty Buns'"
"Why? Is that nickname just for Suzy Poo?" You tease.
Dustin glowers at you as you walk off.
"So, who's the DM?" You ask as you walk alongside Dustin and Mike.
"It's Eddie, Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long hair, wears a hellfire T-Shirt, I talk about him constantly. God, do you ever listen to me?" Dustin claims exasperatedly.
"Oh! Eddie as in your new favorite older male best friend who Steve's weirdly jealous of?" You ask, "I've seen him around. Is he the one who jumps on lunch tables and yells a lot?"
"Yup." Mike responded, "He's a bit scary when he's revved up. Just warning you beforehand in case he comes off...a bit intimidating."
You nod.
"Hasn't he been held back, like, three times?" You ask.
Before either of the boys could answer, you reach the room. The first thing you see is the table where the game is set. There are three boys sat around, all with Hellfire T-Shirts on. Your eyes fleet from one to the other until finally landing on Eddie. You recognise him immediately from the amount of times you've seen him yelling in the cafeteria.
Dustin and Mike failed to mention how cute he was, you think.
His hair was long and wavy. He was wearing multiple rings. And he was covered in tattoos. You're pretty sure you saw a few bats peeking from under his sleeve.
"Who's this?" One of the guys asks, making all three turn around and look at you.
"This is Y/N! She's subbing for Lucas!" Mike says, the words spilling out fast and nervously.
Why the hell are they so jittery?
"Yeah, she's my sister! The one I mentioned a couple days ago." Dustin adds.
"Does she even know how to play DnD?" The other boy asks.
"Okay, excuse me, I wouldn't have come if I didn't know how to play," You finally speak, waving your hand a little to get their attention.
"So, this is your infamous sister?" Eddie finally speaks, his eyes landing on you, "You know, I thought he made you up. What's your class and level? Level One Elf?"
Elf? Is he mocking me?
"Are you mocking me?" You ask incredously.
"Is he mocking me?" you turn towards Dustin and Mike who immediately start gesticulating, probably asking you to shut up.
"My name is Aeren Sirenfall and I'm a level 14 chaotic good half-elf rogue. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow...agonising...death." You say, your voice slow and hard as you glare at Eddie, "So, are we gonna play this stupid game or not?"
You're pretty sure you hear one of the boys mutter a 'she's terrifying' to Dustin.
You watch as Eddie's eyes slowly soften and a grin emerges on his face, "Welcome to Hellfire Club."
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love-belle · 1 year
i'll be loving you for quite some time !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their fall-in-love-again era is them pretending as if they aren't back together and having just a little bit fun with everyone.
for when you know it'll be them till the end. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // lando norris x fem!reader
prequel - i bet you think about me ⋆·˚ ༘ *
warnings - language
author's note - hiiii!!!! so sorry for being inactive i have midterms :/// posting rn bc i js couldn't wait!!!! i hope u like this <3 i love u thank u so much for reading <3
tagged @marsdreamworld @luvrrish @ccallistata @eviethetheatrefreak @f1-futurewag-16-3-4-63
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, alex_albon and 689,625 others
yourusername seeing him tonight it's a bad idea right
username MOTHER????? HELLO??????
username ahahahahahahahaha hey there!!!!!!
username she's actually so ❤️
-> yourusername i js love my daughter oliviarodrigo
-> oliviarodrigo mom 🫶🏼
username the absolute lack of petty posts we've had from lando and y/n..........
-> username no bc WHAT ARE THEY COOKING 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
username pls get back with lando and put me out of my misery 🙏
username what the fuck is going on
username THE CAPTION??? Y/N WHAT.
username no bc i need them BACK together like asap 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
danielricciardo very bad idea
-> yourusername he's annoying
-> danielricciardo very true
username DANIEL SPILL 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
username ahahahahahahahaha!!!!! what.
username js one chance i will never shade u like lando did
username no bc i need them back together before valentine's bc i CANNOT miss on their posts for each like
-> username "here's to my forever valentine, ur annoying and i'm in love ❤️" IM CRYING
-> username istg i will never get over them ://
username FUCK IT IT'S FINE
*liked by yourusername*
charles_leclerc again, listen to me and don't go
-> alexandrasaintmleux shut up
-> yourusername fr
-> charles_leclerc WHY AM I BEING BULLIED
username all the grid is plotting against lando and im here for every second of it
username may god bless the dinosaur that died in order to create the fossil that was processed to fuel that took the car to bring her mom to the hospital to give birth to her
-> yourusername wow
username if she's seeing lando i will SCREAM
username all jokes aside, if they really REALLY broke up then i hope that everyone leaves them alone bc imagine everyone bringing ur ex (the one whom u dated for such a long time) into everything like if i were her that would RUIN me
-> username fr like i love them both but if they really broke up then i hope people leave them alone
username mother is mothering so hard
maxverstappen1 do you not remember what happened the last time?
-> yourusername it wasn't that bad
-> danielricciardo yes it was
-> charles_leclerc yes it was
-> kellypiquet yes it was
-> carlossainz55 yes it was
-> pierregasly yes it was
-> lewishamilton yes it was
-> lilymhe yes it was
-> carmenmmundt yes it was
-> heidiberger_ yes it was
-> yourusername oh my god
-> username LMFAOAOOAOA
-> username bruh the CROWD here rn
username earth is weirdly off it's axis since ur break up pls get back with dad ❤️
username no bc lando better be on all fours if he wants her back like nothing less is VALID
username HER.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 796,426 others
landonorris feels like a taylor swift song
username if that's not y/n i will burn down mclaren
-> mclaren fix yourself landonorris
-> username admin is done with his shit
username yo wtfff
username babe wake up new y/n and lando lore js dropped ❤️
danielricciardo interesting choice of photos
-> landonorris thank you ☺️
username i will not sleep until i get answers
username we !! need !! answers !!
username genuinely on the edge of my seat fr like WHATTT
username the lyrics speak VOLUMES
username no bc if this is not y/n i will in SHAMBLES
username guys i know it was for funsies before but it's getting a bit silly now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-> username fr like y'all can stop pranking us now thank u.
charles_leclerc i hope she leaves you. AGAIN.
-> landonorris what have i ever done to you.
-> charles_leclerc ate my pasta
-> maxverstappen1 no offense but the day someone eats your pasta, it's the pearly gates for them
-> landonorris facts
-> pierregasly never eat charles' pasta
-> alex_albon it's deadly
-> charles_leclerc STOP TALKING ABOUT MY PASTA
-> charles_leclerc lando i hope she dumps you
-> landonorris you taKE THAT BACK
username what the fuck is going is
username nice joke 😐😐😐😐 hard launch NOW.
username no bc that's y/n i don't take any criticism
username where tf are the twitter girlies they need to play detective rn
username lando this is ur last chance at confirming if that's y/n or not or else im hugging a tree at 178 mph
georgerussell63 you don't even listen to taylor swift
-> landonorris i'm a changed man
-> georgerussell63 you're barely a man
-> landonorris BLOCKED
username i live for the grid violating lando at every possible chance
username this has to be illegal they're playing with my blood pressure
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymhe, charles_leclerc and 713,729 others
yourusername date night but it's js me telling u about my succulents and my cats
username DATE NIGHT
username mom r u done with dad be so honest
username stay together for the kids ❤️
username oh i js died died
alexandrasaintmleux pretty baby 🤍
-> yourusername i love u 🤍
username forever in awe of her likeeee
username im so in love i might stop breathing
username u can talk to me about plants any day of week!!!!!! i'll even bring my plants and they can have a little photosynthetic date!!!!! and u and i a humanistic one
username i am coming for u mclaren
danielricciardo i wasn't aware of you going on a date - lando (PLEASE UNBLOCK ME)
-> yourusername yeah it's js with this loser 💔 (no.)
-> danielricciardo wow and to think i chose your favourite place tonight UNBLOCK ME
-> yourusername no ❤️
-> username they're talking?????? omg??????
-> username not him still being blocked 😭😭😭😭😭
danielricciardo real daniel here please unblock him
-> yourusername lando give daniel his phone back
-> danielricciardo FUCK YOU
-> yourusername this isn't getting u any brownie points
-> danielricciardo I DON'T WANT ANY I WANT YOU BACK
*danielricciardo deleted this comment*
-> username OH I SAW THAT OMG
-> username lando in his redemption era we love to see it
username i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
username lando im puncturing ur tires
username someone check on how lando's doing
lilymhe gorgeous 🫶🏼 you can talk my ear off any day
-> yourusername lily i ADORE u <3
username lando r u still breathing
-> username real
username my pronouns are she not her bc i'll never be HER
lewishamilton please unblock him he's about to cry
-> maxverstappen1 tears are welling
-> charles_leclerc he's sniffling
-> carlossainz55 eyes have glossed over
-> oscarpiastri holding them tears at bay right now
-> pierregasly can confirm
-> alex_albon please unblock him
-> georgerussell63 he's genuinely sobbing right now
-> mclaren we can hear the cries
-> scuderiaferrari UNBLOCK ME FIRST
-> username oh this man's DEDICATED
username genuinely in ruins rn
username oh to go on a date with her ❤️
francisca.cgomes love 💌
*liked by yourusername*
username im so.
username ???? DATE ????
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, georgerussell63 and 798,528 others
landonorris she's kinda okay
username WAR IS OVER
username OH MY GOD
username "kinda okay" don't like u weren't in SHAMBLES bc of her
username world is spinning again god bless
username never have i ever felt a sense of relief this immense
username genuinely speechless rn
charles_leclerc "kinda okay" you cried when she blocked you
-> landonorris OH MY GOD STOP
-> username LMFAOAOAOAO
-> username PLEASE OMG
username im here for every second of this
username i just fell to my knees at home depot
username OH MY GOD????????
lewishamilton stop being weepy now x
-> landonorris tell her to stop being mean to me x
-> lewishamilton she said nothing wrong x
-> landonorris x
username drought is over ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username they got back for ME
lilymhe you break her heart, i'll nail gun yours. got it?
-> landonorris yes ma'am.
-> username lily u will always be famous ❤️
username THEM.
username the biggest sigh of relief js left me
-> username bitches (affectionate)
username missed my parents ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭
username watch lando get a podium at the next race
-> username oh my man's gonna be motivated
alexandrasaintmleux don't make me pull out the 25272828 messages from u saying how much u love me and those ESSAYS u sent me - y/n
-> landonorris first, DON'T do that
-> landonorris second, why are you using alex no. 2's phone?
-> alexandrasaintmleux first, DON'T tell me what to do
-> alexandrasaintmleux second, i'm blocked???
-> alexandrasaintmleux please don't call me alex no. 2 - alex
-> landonorris first, noted
-> landonorris second, i unblocked you???
-> landonorris sorry alexA force of habit
-> alexandrasaintmleux oh
-> username nah they forced my girl alex to sign off as "alex" on her OWN acc 😭😭😭😭
-> username the two things i've inferred from above are 1) y/n is not blocked on lando's acc she js chooses to comment from other ppl's phone and refuses to elaborate and 2) lando calls alexandra alex no. 2
-> username this is a WILD place to be
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by kellypiquet, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 799,152 others
yourusername yeah i'll be loving u for quite some time or whatever taylor swift said (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
comments are disabled for this post
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by carlossainz55, alex_albon, danielricciardo and 825,826 others
landonorris happier than ever
username nah not him using the same caption that he used to shade her
-> username it's almost poetic in a way
username WAR IS OVER 😭😭😭😭😭😭
username the way i collapsed omg
username THE CAPTION HELP??????
username this is life altering
charles_leclerc not a funny caption
-> landonorris have a sense of humour
-> charles_leclerc i have you as a friend and you're a joke so, i do, in fact, have a sense of humour
-> landonorris you're getting reported for that
-> username LMFAOAOAOAO
-> username PLEASE OMG
username im sooooo here for this
username brb checking if my toaster is waterproof or not
-> username i'll join u!!
username i feel like i've js managed to make two toddlers quit fighting and feel like such a proud parent
-> danielricciardo that's exactly how we feel
-> heidiberger_ so true
-> maxverstappen1 absolutely
-> kellypiquet they were worse than actual kids
-> sebastianvettel they're stubborn
-> scuderiaferrari the amount of times we've had to stop y/n from smashing his car is insane
-> mclaren we had to stay indoors with locked doors scuderiaferrari
-> susie_wolff it was horrible
-> landonorris every single one of you is horrible
-> carmenmmundt fuck u all i hope u step on a lego - y/n
-> landonorris FOR THE LAST TIME YOU'RE NOT BLOCKED yourusername
-> carmenmmundt idc
username life has meaning again
username omg
-> username im folded
username they're so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username they're actually so taylor swift coded it's INSANE
username brb gonna cry some more
username i used to PRAY for this
danielricciardo could've chosen a different caption - y/n
-> danielricciardo terrible thought
-> landonorris i take it back
-> danielricciardo ❤️
danielricciardo this is sweet
-> landonorris thank you
danielricciardo I LOVE YOU
-> landonorris I LOVE YOU MOREEE
danielricciardo bf
-> landonorris gf
-> username what in the world am i witnessing
-> username shh js look away
-> username what in the dando i just witnessed
-> username NOT DANDO OH MY GOD
username sleepover on highway !!!!!!!!!!!!!
username im sooooOOOOooo normal about this (!!!!!!!!!!!)
username ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
danielricciardo nice jacket in the last slide
-> landonorris yeah it'll look even better on your floor
-> danielricciardo mate what the actual fuck
-> landonorris NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
-> landonorris WHERE'S Y/N
-> danielricciardo SHE GAVE ME MY PHONE BACK
-> landonorris OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY
-> heidiberger_ wow
-> yourusername i guess it's js us now heidiberger_
-> heidiberger_ ❤️❤️❤️
-> landonorris NOW YOU CHOOSE TO BE ON YOUR OWN ACCOUNT yourusername???
-> yourusername yes ❤️
-> username this is CRAZY
-> username i genuinely have a whiplash
2K notes · View notes
banj0possum · 1 year
Please more poly vampires please😭🙏! I can hardly ever find x male/masc reader stuff especially about monsters😭. What happens when they take us back to their home. What's gonna happen to us? What will the townsfolk react?
Poly!Vampires x Reader Pt. 2
CW: kidnapping, silas is a freak for a brief moment
waaaaa !! so sorry this took so long !! thank you all for being so patient with me ! >w< <3
update: i mixed up garrick and silas' names im sorry im sorry its fixed now guys im so-
🌙 Its been a week since the townspeople found your house empty, your bedroom looking like something out of a mystery novel.
🌙 The bed was stained with blood and claw marks were dug deep into your bedframe with the moonlight illuminating your room through your broken window.
🌙 It looked as if you've been taken by a creature of the night, but weirdly enough, your luggage was nowhere to be found. Your closet and drawers had clothes missing and the painting you had just finished was gone.
🌙 Who could have done this?
🌙 "Garrick, it's your turn to drive!"
🌙 "Already?! Just one more minute Viktor~?"
🌙 You're being held hostage, no, hostage wasn't the right word..kidnapped? Enslaved maybe? who knows..All you know was that these..creatures..will never let you out of their sight.
🌙 You remember that night when you bore witness to their inhuman ways, they were at the foot of your bed when you took out the crucifix under your pillow and held it to Viktor, his eyes turning all red and he hissed at the holy figure.
🌙 "Ohoho! Our little mortal's smart!" Garrick grins, showing off his sharp fangs.
🌙 Silas tries to grab you but you dodge, but his long claws managed to cut your cheek, you couldn't say the same for your bedframe..
🌙 Viktor gets a hold of you and chuckles darkly at your cut, the red liquid bleeding out of it made his mouth water.
🌙 "My my~ What a fierce little minx you are my darling~" he coos with a raspy cold breath as he licks your wound. The feeling made your stomach churn and your spine shiver.
🌙 Garrick was busy making a mess of your room and stuffing your clothes in bags. Also stuffing a pair of your underwear in his shirt for himself.. "Come on you idiots! It's almost dawn!" He whisper-yells as he fiddles with the window's lock.
🌙 Silas rolls his eyes and kicks the window, breaking it and jumping through, with Garrick holding his hand.
🌙 You were confused beyond compare. Were they really gonna kidnap you?! What's gonna happen to you?! Should you scream for help?!
🌙 "I'm sorry for this Darling.." Viktor says softly before knocking you out.
🌙 Now back to the present, the 3 rode around in a caravan, a charming little wagon that doubled as a moving home of sorts. One went in front and drove while the other two looked after you or did other things.
🌙 Every escape attempt you had would end up in failure, their superhuman senses were no match for you.
🌙 "Garrick you said that 10 minutes ago!" Viktor growls at the younger vampire.
🌙 Garrick groans "Fiiiiiine!" He says before giving you one last hug and kiss and going out with a coat to shield him from the sun.
🌙 You had about 10 seconds to yourself before Viktor sits down next to you and pulls you onto his lap.
🌙 "Oh how I missed your warmth little mortal~" He purrs, kissing your neck which made you tense up in fear of his fangs. He feels your heart beat faster and smirks. "Am I making you nervous~?" He teases.
🌙 Silas comes over and smacks the dark-haired man on the head "Enough Viktor! Don't you think our precious little darling is frightened already?" he scolds before smiling down at you warmly. Viktor just rolls his eyes and buries his face into your neck.
🌙 He hands you a cup of tea and sits down across from you and Viktor "Drink up dear, mortals like you need to stay warm in the winter~"
🌙 Silas was the most respectful one out of the 3, he was always taking care of you and making sure the others didn't make you feel uncomfortable, but of course he was just as obsessive of you as they were.
🌙 Viktor is such a cuddle bug, always hugging you close every chance he gets. He'd even have the luxury to sleep with you, an activity he hasn't done in a while. He might not need to sleep, but just lying in bed with your adorable sleeping form was like being in heaven for him.
🌙 Garrick love love loves chatting with you. Rambling to you about people he's killed or jewelry he's looted off of his food weren't the best topics to talk about, but he's got no one else to talk to! And you are his darling after all!
🌙 And you could do nothing about any of it. You were treated like a glorified pet and there was no way to leave or escape of have any time for yourself..
🌙 It continued on like this until the caravan came to a stop by a small town. The weather was much colder now than it was in your hometown with rain softly pouring down from the sky.
🌙 Your heart drops, knowing what they're going to do here.
🌙 They all come off the caravan, Silas going to give the horses some food. You refused to leave the caravan in your anxiety-stricken state.
🌙 Garrick notices your nervousness and smiles, sitting next to you and putting his forehead to yours "Darling, you miss home don't you~?" he coos softly.
🌙 You nod slightly as you refuse to look at him or even move.
🌙 The vampire sighs and rests his head on your shoulder and holds your hand. "I know honey...but we won't hurt you! And besides, you don't know these people anyway! You scared we'll kill them and stuff? It's fine! We do it all the time!" He laughs. He wasn't making anything better..
🌙 "You're shit at comforting people Silas." Viktor looks at the red head with a deadpanned expression. "Oh up yours Vik!" Garrick rolls his eyes at him.
🌙 At least that made you lighten up a bit..
🌙 Garrick pulls you up from your seat and you get out of the caravan, rain hitting your face before the vampire opens up an umbrella and holds you close to him so you don't get wet.
🌙 "Its fine dear, this is the last stop before we head back to our new home~" Silas walks over and places a kiss on your cheek.
🌙 Wait..home?..
🌙 "Now gentleman! Who's hungry~?"
sorry this is a bit short ! but feel free to request or ask anything about these blorbos! i love em a lot !
1K notes · View notes
masivechaos · 1 month
laugh by his side!
── ☆ remus lupin x fem! reader
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── ☆ Request: yes / no
── ☆ Synopsis: Remus always had a crush on you and now that he finally gathers the courage to speak to you, he finds out you're deaf and don't talk. not that he minds, for you, he's ready to learn.
── ☆ Warning/content: reader is deaf, reads lips and uses sign language, i do not know anyone deaf personally so i hope my descripition is accurate, reader is insecure about their laugh (as i have heard from some deaf people on social media), she gets a comment from dumb meanies, my English
── ☆ a.n.: 1.8k words-
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
At Hogwarts, everybody knew everybody. You always saw people whisper a name, shush about someone’s embarrassing moment. So even when you didn't have a lot of friends and liked it better to be alone, people knew you from afar.
Not that they knew anything more than your house and name.
But Remus wanted to know more than that. He wanted to know what you liked and what was going on in this head of yours when you were reading at the library.
The first time he saw you he was barely twelve. You were sitting alone at the great hall, ignoring the guys talking next to you. He took in your features, even at that time he thought you were pretty.
But you were shy, and so was he. Therefore, it’s only at the beginning of year 7 that he finally decided to speak to you. Now or never, it was his last year.
“Um, hi, Y/n, right?” he said with an awkward hand wave as he rested his shoulder against the bookshelf. 
You didn’t really expect him to be there so you stared at him with wide eyes for a second too long before nodding your head. You could already feel your face turn warm under his tall gaze.
Remus scratched the back of his head “I, uh… What are you reading?” he asked as he nodded towards the book in your hands. He found you oddly silent but tried to ignore it, everything was going well, no need to get worried, maybe she’s just really shy. 
You showed him the cover, trying to ignore how moist your hands had turned ever since he spoke.
“The picture of Dorian Gray?” he said with a raised eyebrow “you like classics?” You nodded again. “What do you like about them?”
That was the embarrassing moment you feared, the one where you couldn’t answer with a yes or no and had to awkwardly make him understand you only spoke in sign language.
You shrugged.
Remus tried to keep his composure. This was going awfully bad for him “Um… if I’m bothering you… you can say it”
You shook your head. No way he was leaving now.
“Then what is it?”
You took a deep breath and held up a finger to make him wait. You dug in your bag and pulled out a notebook and a pen. With a slightly shaky hand, you wrote down ‘I can’t speak’
“Oh,” Remus said as he read “Why is that?”
“Deaf since birth” you wrote down.
He frowned slightly, “But you can hear me…?”
You grabbed your pen “I read lips” Weirdly, the Wizarding World didn’t have solutions for these kinds of things compared to muggles. So since you were a kid you train yourself to read lips.
“Oh… got it.”
A moment of silence passed before he broke it “Can I ask a question?”
You nodded, happy that he was still willing to talk.
“If you’re only deaf, why can’t you talk? I mean… no offense I’m just curious.”
“I can make sounds but I don’t know how to talk because I never heard. I prefer sign language.”
He waited and read. His lips tugged into a smile “Sign language… I see”
You grabbed your pen again “I don’t try to talk because it makes me feel stupid in front of people I don’t know. Laughing too”
Remus frowned “You don’t allow yourself to laugh? Don’t you think it’s a little harsh on yourself?”
“People think my laugh is weird because I can’t control how loud it is”
“I’m sorry that sucks,” he said as he ran a hand through his hair. “But you know if someday you want-” Remus was cut by the sound of Sirius’ voice.
“C’mon, mate. Don’t wanna be late to James’ game,” he said as he dragged him away from you.
Remus waved his hand and mouthed ‘see you’ as he left the library without his will.
You were left alone with your book and burning cheeks. It felt so warm to know that even if you were deaf, he was willing to know you more. You didn’t have many friends and of course the few you had knew at least some signs. But you never really dare talking to new people, you always thought you’d be too boring. But apparently, it didn’t bother Remus at all.
Around a week later, you went into the library after class as always but every table seemed to be full. Your eyes darted the room, you didn’t want to sit next to someone you didn’t know and as you turned around to leave, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jolted by surprise. 
You spun around and saw Remus “Sorry,” you read on his lips “Forgot you couldn’t hear me from afar”
You smiled to let him know you weren’t mad.
“There’s a free seat next to me if you want”
You sat by his side and saw him pull out a paper and write “Is reading lips more tiring than reading what I write?”
Your smile only widened, no way he was asking this. You only spoke one time and didn’t expect him to be so considerate already. “Yes”
“Got it,” he wrote.
You both worked on your own in silence, Remus was occasionally glancing at you. You were so focused on your work, your tongue poking out the corner of your lips, he thought you were so cute.
He took a deep breath and went back to his work. Little did he know that you were struggling just as much to not stare at him. Your knee brushing his, your elbow touching his, it was all too much. You felt the warmth creeping up your neck and ears and cheeks.
As you kept staring down at your textbook, you saw Remus’ hand sliding a sheet under your eyes “Want to take a break?” he had written.
It had been less than an hour but you wouldn’t say no to more time with him so you looked up and nodded.
Once out of the library, he led you to the Black Lake. He sat down against a tree and made sure you could see his face as he said “Better here, no?”
You looked at his soft smile as he spoke and nodded. Your lips were tugged into a smile, too. There was just something about him. You couldn’t help it.
“Here we don’t have tons of loud students” he said before realizing “not like it matters to you” he chuckled awkwardly, realizing his mistake.
You laughed. For the first time in a while, you allowed yourself to laugh in front of someone other than your four friends. You knew you probably sounded a little weird but you didn’t care because you saw his smile widening.
“I like that,” he said.
You shook your head with a smile, “No,” you managed to stay, still laughing. It felt good to finally allow yourself to be free.
“What ‘no’?” he smiled, “It’s adorable, keep laughing.”
Your heart melted, you spent so much time hiding it and there, Remus was allowing you to be yourself. And it felt so good to finally let your guard down.
As the weeks passed by, you spent more and more time together, using study sessions as an excuse to be with each other.
You kept every single sheet he used to talk to you, reading the conversations over and over again when you had some time alone. It was easy to say you were whipped.
But the good thing was, Remus was too.
“Come on,” James grinned “You have to tell her!”
Remus sighed “I’ll look dumb if she doesn’t feel the same. I’ve looked at her from afar for years now but to her it’ll be so sudden”
Sirius scoffed “Bullshit. That’s just an excuse you found.”
“Yeah listen to them,” Peter chimed.
“Weren’t you supposed to be my ally in this?” Remus frowned.
Peter shook his head with a laugh “Nope”
Remus sighed and laid back on his bed “I’m so… down bad”
“That you are,” James grinned “That’s why you have to tell her”
“Yeah, I know…” he whispered “You know what?” he said as he sat up “I’m gonna tell her. This is our last year, I’ll regret this if I don’t’
“That’s what we like to hear!!!” Sirius shouted as he clapped hands with James.
Remus ran to your usual meeting spot next to the lake. He was ready, he was gonna confess. All these weeks he spent by your side, it felt so good. He needed more.
He could finally see the tree and… he frowned. You weren’t alone, three students with green collars were by your side. You didn’t seem well. He rushed to you “Everything’s alright?” he asked as he immediately pulled you close to him.
One of the students snickered “Like she can answer you,” he laughed.
Remus’ frown deepened “Excuse me?”
“Your girlfriend’s mute.”
“No she’s not.”
“Oh,” another Slytherin chimed in “and why won’t she speak then?”
Remus felt anger boil in the pit of his stomach “Because you don’t deserve to hear her. Piss off now.”
The three didn’t bulge “I said piss off!” he said louder until the group left. He turned around and tightened his arms around you, making you understand you were safe now. You were curled up by his side, you didn’t know what he said to make them leave but you had felt their footsteps running away from you.
Remus tilted your chin to make you look at him “You’re alright?”
You nodded
“I’m sorry they bugged you” he whispered.
You smiled to say ‘it’s fine’
“No it’s not,” he said, already knowing you too well. “It’s not fine.”
You looked down and felt his embrace tighten. You stayed like this for a while, with his arm around your back and your head in his neck. It felt good. You could feel your heartbeat calming down.
Remus pulled away. You sat down against your usual tree. “I came here to say something– well… let you know something”
You looked up at him, intrigued, and tilted my head.
Remus took a deep breath and started moving his hands and fingers, trying to remember the signs he learned. It was time. He focused and signed “Will-you-go-out-with-me-?”
Your eyes widened and you nodded. Your heart was a puddle, you couldn’t believe he had put so many thoughts into this. You nodded again and hugged him as tight as you could. You felt the warmth in your body, creeping from your toes to the top of your head.
Just as always, Remus stayed there, knowing exactly what you needed and giving it to you without hesitation.
It probably didn’t mean a lot to him to learn a sentence in sign language, but to you, it meant so much. Just like when you allowed yourself to laugh by his side, with him, you could be free, you could be yourself.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ remus lupin taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks  @rhydianissuperior @loveeharrington @mad-elia @jackys-stuff-blog @elenatries2write @princess-paramour @juneberrie @f4iry-blush @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @songs4themoon @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @violetteshoneybee @unadulterated-syd @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @innerloverpainter @vancitycharlie @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @oncasette @locke-writes @dori-and-gray @itsarajr @maddipoof @starconfettii @widowbf @starlit-epiphany @rosalyn-s @etanordiesbullshit @sageskisses444 @luvmarsbars @jsjcue @mellozhi @lovings4turn
335 notes · View notes
What's Eight Plus Seven?
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five
Alright y'all. We had the hurt, let's get some comfort started.
Steve leans against his door, expecting Eddie to follow him upstairs to continue their argument because Eddie's never been one to back down from an argument as far as Steve can tell, so he's using his weight to keep the door shut. It takes about five minutes of just leaning against the door before he hears a few light knocks on the door. He pretends he didn't hear them and soon starts to hear Eddie monologue-ing on the other side. He thinks he hears a 'sorry' and an 'I fucked up' but he doesn't really tune in until Eddie says something about cancelling Hellfire.
Spinning quickly, he yanks the door open and says, "You better not fucking cancel!"
"What? Don't you, like, want me out of your house?" Eddie looks startled and sounds confused.
"What I want is for the kids to get to play Dungeons and Dorks for an afternoon, just getting to be kids and fight against monsters that can't actually kill them," Steve says as he goes to put his hands on his hips (a move that Robin calls his Bitch Stance) but realizes he can't while still holding a book, so instead he folds his arms across his chest, cradling the book to his body.
He waits for Eddie to call him out for saying dorks instead of dragons, but Eddie just blinks at him, quiet for a moment before he says, "Oh. Uh, okay then. I'll just, uhh, I'll be back closer to noon, then. For the game."
"Don't you have prep to do?" Steve knows he's trying to pick a fight now but he's angry, and sad, and hurt underneath it all. Also, he doesn't understand the change in Eddie suddenly. Ten-ish minutes ago Eddie had shouted back I wasn’t exactly wrong, was I? You were a jock, a bully even! Where is that anger now?
"No. Not, uh, not really," Eddie says, avoiding meeting Steve's gaze, face turning a very light pink. "I was- I mean, yes, there was prep, but I did a majority of that already and what's left will take maybe three minutes so..."
Steve's confused now, still trying to cling to his anger. "But you called and asked if it was okay to come early specifically for that reason."
Eddie doesn't respond right away. He turns around to walk to the wall opposite Steve's door and thump his forehead against it. Steve is perplexed by the behavior (but he's been perplexed by Eddie since finding him at Reefer Rick's) so he just watches in silence as Eddie heaves a sigh and turns around to slump against the wall, facing Steve once again. He runs a hand through his hair, then drags that hand back forward and down his face. "Yeah. I did do that."
"So, what, you lied? Why?"
"I just wanted to hang out," Eddie whispers, like it almost hurts him to say out loud, which is such a weird thing to hear because it makes Eddie seem small in a way Steve's never seen him. Even during spring break Eddie was never small or quiet; his fear manifested as shouting, for fuck's sake. It chips away at the last of Steve's anger. He's long past the days of kicking someone when they're down.
"You... wanted to hang out," Steve repeats before heaving a sigh of his own, long-suffering man that he is. Maybe it is time to bury the hatchet and actual deal with this. If nothing else, it'll result in Steve being less defensive around Eddie when everyone hangs out, like for movie night or BBQs. Also, he knows that Dustin will never let him know another day of peace once he learns that Eddie and Steve don't get along as well as he wants them to so he says, "Listen, I think we've got some shit to hash out, or whatever, so that should probably be done or, like, things are going to be weird when we all hang out, but I can't do that right now, man. So, stay or go, just make that game happen at noon. I'm going to stay up here."
Eddie nods, weirdly sullen and quiet again, as he says, "Yeah. Umm, maybe after the game? If you're feeling up to it."
"Sure. After."
Eddie raps his knuckles against the wall behind him twice before pushing off and heading back towards the stairs. He pauses to look over his shoulder and say, "If you wanna watch, or listen in, or something, I don't think anyone will mind." And then he's heading down the stairs.
Retreating back to his room, Steve tosses the book onto his bed before flopping face first next to it. He groans into his comforter before reaching for the book. He props himself up on his elbows and stares down at the cover before opening it to see Christopher's handwriting on the inside cover.
It's been years since he thought about Christopher and even longer since he's laid eyes on the books. He was so sure his mom had just gotten rid of them. All this time, they'd been right where he left them, shoved just far enough back to be out of sight on the shelf. His last link to Christopher.
That's not true, Steve scolds himself. His cousins, Amber and Robert, are still alive and in Washington. His grandparents still live on that farm in Michigan. Steve just hasn't seen them since the funeral.
He hadn't gone back to the farm the summer after freshman year, or any year since. His parents thought he was old enough to stay home for a whole month in the summer alone now, instead of paying to ship him off to his grandparents. Steve's old enough now to know that was why he'd spent a month every year out on the farm; so his parents could go off on longer work trips. Once they'd decided Steve was old enough to stay alone for the summer, that quickly reached other seasons and by the time Steve was a junior, the were gone more than they were home.
He doesn't even remember when he last spoke to them in person. He thinks the last phone call was right after Starcourt. It was just to make sure Steve got to job hunting, since his place of employment had burned down and the bills wouldn't pay themselves. Which is true. He doesn't have to pay rent, but all the utilities are in his name now.
Jesus, he doesn't want to be thinking about them.
He goes back to the book, flipping through the pages absently. Halfway through the book he finds a couple folded pieces of paper tucked close to the spine. He doesn't have to open them to know exactly what they are.
It's the character sheets he'd made.
He closes the book back atop them and rolls over to face his ceiling. He wants to call Robin, but the phones are downstairs and he doesn't want to go down there just yet. He also kinda wants to cry. To get rid of all these emotions about Christopher, and Freshman First Day, and Eddie.
Fucking Eddie. Who haunts Steve's thoughts more than he'd like because despite the grudge Steve has been holding, Eddie has been fun to be around and so good with the kids, especially Dustin. Fuck, after having watched Dustin break down when they thought he was dead- but he'd had a pulse. It was weak but it was there.
After Eddie'd been cleared of the charges and the months rolled on into summer, they'd spent lots of time together as a group. Steve will admit he tried to avoid Eddie as best he could (he knows he's petty, okay) but could still see how he blended smoothly into their group.
If this Eddie had been the one he met on Freshman First Day, instead of the dick that mocked him, they might very well be friends now.
That's the crux of it all, Steve thinks. That he wouldn't mind being friends with Eddie if not for that bottled up grudge he'd been holding onto. He can't bring himself to let it go and Steve's not even sure why. Thoughts and feelings aren't something Steve processes quickly, and it usually helps to talk it out with Robin. She lets him stumble through his thoughts, and doesn't mock him for messing up, or mixing up, words.
Goddammit, if he's really going to try talking this out with Eddie, he's going to have be open and honest and maybe a little vulnerable and he doesn't know if he can do that.
But he'll have to. For better or worse, he can't just keep Eddie at arms length. They need to either come to the conclusion that they can be friends, or not, and then go from there. (Also, he knows that Dustin will never let him know another day of peace once he learns that Eddie and Steve don't get along as well as he wants them to.)
In the end, Steve's not sure how long he just stares up at the ceiling but a sudden shout breaks him from his trance. It sounded like Dustin. Hellfire must have started.
Steve leaves his room to go lean against the half wall of the hallway, so he could look down to the dining table where everyone has gathered to play. No one notices him, so Steve sinks to the floor and turns, so he can lean against the wall, closes his eyes, and listens in.
The room below is filled with noise. Shouts of excitement, and groans of pain, and sighs of relief. Dustin yells at his dice when it rolls a Nat 1. Mike curses up a storm over a barely missed perception check that makes the party fall into a surprise round. He hears Lucas whoop happily and then what sounds like him taking several victory laps around the table.
He used to be an imaginative kid, able to easily conjure castle, and knights, and dragons in his mind's eye. Listening to Eddie describe a new location, or NPC, or monster makes it easy to bring that part of himself back. Eddie is descriptive and uses so many voices that Steve would be embarrassed to even attempt. But because Eddie is being descriptive, so is everyone else at the table. Erica has adopted an accent of some sort for her character. Dustin and Will go into great detail describing what they want their character to do. The older members of Hellfire do the same, and one of them is using an Irish accent that if he used while talking to Steve, he'd would think it was his first language.
Steve's not sure how long he sat there, long enough that they've taken a snack break and are back at it again, before he decides he might as well watch, too. He gets up and goes downstairs. There's a pause at the table when he wonders in and plops down on the couch. He makes eye contact with Eddie and offers a small half smile. Eddie grins back, and starts back into the game, pulling everyone's focus.
Watching is interesting. He gets to see the Party jab at each other, or lean over and whisper about something. It's nice, to see them being kids. Having fun.
They end around five and Steve is surprised at how quickly five hours had passed.
"So, Steve, how was watching your first DnD game?" Dustin asks, pausing on his way to the door to do so.
Steve considers teasing him, but he goes for honesty instead. "Pretty interesting. It might not be my last time observing. I gotta see you get killed sometime, right?"
"Rude, Steve. Rude," Dustin is grinning though.
"Tell your mom hi for me, and let me know when she's making pork chops again. I'd like to crash that dinner."
Dustin rolls his eyes and shakes his head but he hugs Steve before leaving. Between all the older Hellfire members, they all have rides home that aren't Steve or Eddie.
Speaking of the latter, he's slowly packing things away at the table. Clearly killing time so it won't look like he's intentionally staying after everyone's gone.
Soon, the house is empty again.
"So, I'm not sure... how to start this conversation," Eddie admits to the silence. He's still at the table, standing behind where he was previously sitting, fiddling with a die. "But, I'm sorry. For that day. You were right, you know? When you said I was lashing out at you first."
"Thanks. For the apology," Steve stands from the couch and moves to the table, toying with the tablecloth instead of looking at Eddie. "I, uhh, I'm not sure where to go from here, either? I spent such a long time angry at you. For pointing out all the things I'm bad at in front of everyone there. For making me feel like an idiot."
"I know. I'm sorry."
Now Steve looks up at Eddie. "You say that, but like, why? Are you sorry because what you did was shitty, or because you want to be my friend now?"
Eddie blinks, apparently thrown by Steve's question.
"Because, like, you were pretty dismissive of Lucas before Spring Break and he helped save your life. So, it's like, are you okay with being shitty if the people you hurt aren't people you like? 'Cause I used to be that way, and I'm not going to be friends with someone who is."
"Yeah, no, you're right," Eddie nods. "For all that I scream about conformity, and how stupid it is, I've been rather quick to dismiss everyone outside my own... group. I held rather close to that nerds verses jocks crap for too long. Lucas is a jock, but he's also a nerd, and so very loyal to his friends. And you- you're really fucking awesome."
"I am," Steve interrupts with a cheeky grin.
"Ass. But yeah, you're pretty awesome, and I've been feeling all fucked up today because, we could have been friends, couldn't we? In high school. If I'd just let you take the damn flier and kept my mouth shut."
"Hey, that's not all on you," Steve says. "I would have still joined the basketball team, and the swim team. And, like, I was so desperate for any shred of attention from my parents that I would never have picked Hellfire over sports meetups. I could have joined and still ended up a bully by sophomore year."
"Well, I didn't help-"
"I made those choices, Eddie. And it doesn't matter because it's in the past. So, like, we can just move forward. Start over, or whatever."
Eddie looks him up and down before giving one sharp nod, then breaking out into a wide grin, sticking his hand out for a handshake. "Hi. Name's Eddie Munson."
Steve laughs, reaching out to shake Eddie's hand. "Steve Harrington."
"Great, pleasure to meet you. Do you wanna hang out? We can play 20 questions. Get to know each other."
"Sure," Steve chuckles, extracting his hand from Eddie's. "Let me order some pizza first."
First time hanging out with Eddie alone. Guess they'll find out if they can be friends after all.
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ssamchu · 2 months
Hi, so could you please write a oneshot with Eunchae having a crush on 6th member fem!reader and being kind of confused about it because she didn't think she likes girls and she goes to one of the others members for help and she tells her to confess?
Deep feelings (Sorry for the long, long waiting)
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It was the third time in the day that Eunchae tried to calm her heart. Upon waking, her friend, who was a month older than her, woke her up by jumping on top of her and hugging her, or in the practice room when they took a break and sat on the couch while Yn rested her head on her lap and like now, as Eunchae was getting ready to do her work on Music Bank, her friend gave her a kiss on the cheek and hugged her. "See you later, Eunchae," she whispered in her ear, and the blonde girl prayed that she wouldn't notice the blush on her cheeks.
On the way to Music Bank, Eunchae pondered many things, especially her relationship with Yn. She couldn't deny it, things were different when it came from her. She always wanted to wrap her in the sheets and watch movies to feel her close. She also liked it when they held hands and didn't want to let go, she even missed her when they didn't see each other for a day.
Feelings are confusing for a teenager, especially when they are new. She felt like she could explode at any moment. She didn't know why she had such a need to be with her friend so much or why she felt this way only with her.
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Eunchae was running through the hallways of the building to get to the room she shared with Yunjin and Yn, hopeful to receive Yn's hugs upon entering. However, silence filled the room when she crossed the door. She checked the girl's room, but she wasn't there. Even more confused, she knocked on Yunjin's door.
"Come in!" shouted the redhead from the other side of the door. Upon entering, she was disappointed to see that Yn wasn't there."
What's wrong with that face?" asked Yunjin, concerned but laughing. "Where is Yn?" "Ah, that's what it was about, she's with Sakura unnie, she needed her help with a game," she laughed.
"Oh, okay," before turning to leave, she thought Yunjin might help her with her confusing feelings.
"Unnie, can we talk?" she asked nervously, playing with her fingers.
"Mhm, what's up?" asked Yunjin as she patted her bed for Eunchae to sit down.
"I don't know how to explain it, unnie, I feel weird when it comes from Yn. It's like I have nausea, and when she does the slightest thing, my chest hurts, and my heart races. I don't know if I have a crush, I've never liked girls. But it's strange because even when you guys do the same thing, I don't feel what I feel with her. If I like her, I don't know what I would do. How would people react? What if one day I tell her about this, and she starts to see me weirdly, and our friendship gets ruined?" expressed the teenager, looking at the wall while feeling Yunjin's gaze on her.
"I was waiting for you to talk about this," her friend laughed. "There's nothing wrong with liking girls. I understand that you feel attracted to Yn, she's sweet and pretty. People don't have to matter because those are your feelings. You are the happy one, and it's your life; no one decides for you, only you. Don't worry about that. Besides, you know how Yn is, she couldn't make things uncomfortable, she loves you, and I really know that," she said, and just with that, Eunchae thought she should have told Yunjin earlier. She felt so relieved; she needed those words and didn't know it.
Eunchae looked at her with tearful eyes and hugged her. "Unnie, I should tell her, right?" she asked with a trembling voice. "Only if you want to, baby." Yunjin patted her back, wondering if there was anyone more tender than those two.
The sound of the door opening and a shout echoed through the room. "EUNCHAE IS HERE!?"
Yunjin and Eunchae looked at each other and laughed.
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I was thinking about doing a second part but rn I'm in HORRIBLE writer's block 💔💔
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leaderwonim · 3 months
𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐘 — seven: because you were available
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. lee heeseung x fem!reader, park sunghoon x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲. Y/N always knew that her high school was dominated by wealth and privilege. Upon having a one night stand with popular athlete Lee Heeseung, she uncovers that Heeseung's friend group controls not only social dynamics but also school policies and local affairs, revealing a hidden world of power and manipulation behind their so called perfectly polished exteriors
masterlist | previous | next
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The next day while rifling through your locker, you sensed someone behind you. Turning, you found Sunghoon standing there, his dark eyes peered themselves over at your frame.
“Hey.” He greeted, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Hi?” you replied, taken aback by his sudden attention. Sunghoon was always surrounded with Hanni and the others, effortlessly intimidating the rest of the school in a way that made you wonder why he was talking to you.
“You followed me back on Twitter,” Sunghoon continued casually, leaning against the locker next to yours.
“Oh yeah,” you stammered, trying to collect yourself. “Didn’t think you’d follow me.”
"Don't worry about it," Sunghoon said with a grin. "Listen, I was thinking of hitting up Hongdae tonight. Wanna join me for dinner? My treat."
Hongdae—filled with various clubs and bustling streets—seemed a world away from Decelis Academy's polished façade. You hesitated, not sure what to do.
“Sure.” You say, closing your locker.
“Awesome, I’ll text you the details.”
And with that, Park Sunghoon leaves, and you swore your heart leaped out of your chest.
What the hell was going on?
When 7pm hit, you told Sunghoon to pick you up at the park.
No way were you risking him seeing your house. He would know right away that you weren’t wealthy like the rest of them.
“The park?” Sunghoon says as he rolls down his windows.
His car was a brand new Mercedes, and it looked shiny in the moonlight. It sounded cliche to say, but that’s exactly how it looked like from your point of view.
"Yeah," you replied, unable to hide your nervousness. "Maid was cleaning out the house..”
He shrugs, unlocking the passenger car door.
When the two of you arrived, Sunghoon parked on a curb near a club. You were nervous to say the least, not sure if Sunghoon wanted to go here.
Instead, he takes your hand, greeting the club owner as you entered.
“Youngsook! What’s up?”
The older man laughs, patting Sunghoon on the back and whistling. You swore you never felt more uncomfortable in your life.
Sunghoon takes you upstairs, which reveals a secluded rooftop with a blanket and picnic basket. The sun had longed dipped itself below the horizon, which showed a breathtaking display of lights and life.
"Wow, did you plan all of this?”
“Well, Youngsook helped me.” Sunghoon grins. “Kinda intimate, isn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s just to see the sunset.”
“Okay.” you nodded, a smile spreading across your face. “This rooftop has an amazing view.”
Sunghoon chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on you in a way that sent warmth spreading through your chest. "Yeah, used to run off with Heeseung here all the time back in sophomore year.”
Weirdly, in that moment, Sunghoon made you feel seen, understood, in a way you hadn't realized you craved.
“Why didn’t you do this with Hanni?” You blurt out quietly, not wanting to face Sunghoon.
“I mean—you guys are close, aren’t you? Why aren’t you seeing the sunset with her?”
Maybe a small part in you hoped he would say, well maybe she isn’t you, but that felt a tad bit delusional and embarrassing to think about.
“She’s golfing.” He explains, and you know by the tone of his voice that you shouldn’t ask further questions.
“Oh.” You pause for a moment. “So why me?”
“Because you were available.”
You bite the inside of your cheek at his words, not expecting it to be so straightforward and somewhat cruel.
Sure, it didn’t seem like a big deal. It probably wasn’t to Sunghoon—but the way he worded it made your tongue sour.
Because you were available. Not because he found you interesting or wanted to get to know you better, no—it was because you were available.
You hurriedly looked back at your phone, seeing the clock had already hit 10:30.
“Do you think you can drop me off at the park?”
Sunghoon’s eyebrows raise at your question.
“The park? Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”
“No, it’s fine, really.”
A part of you hopes Park Sunghoon might offer to walk you home. After all, he wasn’t a complete asshole. Right?
“Sure, I’ll drop you off at the park.”
And he does. He drives fast through the streets of Hongdae until you’re far away from the loud rustling music from the bars and all is quiet again.
“See you tomorrow.” You say quietly as he pits to a stop. You slowly open the passenger door, all while not sparing one glance at Sunghoon.
“Uh—sure, yeah, see you tomorrow.”
He pulls up his window, the car speeding off afterwards, leaving you to walk home with your thoughts.
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AUTHOR’s NOTE: oh not the refy products hoon is a hoe
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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☞🍹Third Drink: A distraction is all he wanted, yet you came in like a bourbon whiskey that gave him a massive hangover. 🍸
🎧: The Weeknd - After Hours
wc: 964
genre & warnings: angst, like angst no happy ending, clubbing, drinking, hints of toxic situationship, cursing, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The After Hours Bar series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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Jeno stirred in his sheets. The air-conditioning's blow is cold, but he's weirdly feeling hot.. or maybe his head is hot because of annoyance and longing.
He cursed and grabbed his phone on his night stand, glaring at the time and checking your shared location that you forgot to turn off.
It's fucking 2:37 am and you're still up and partying around in some bar.
Oh, he hates it, and he's about to do something about it or else he'll finally lose his sanity for good.
He stands up from his bed, grabbing a nearby hoodie that was hanging in his gaming chair and leaving his apartment without freshening himself up.
He speeds towards the bar you're at, entering it without much problem because let's be for real, he knows the bouncer in these kinds of bars. He puts every last one of his friends and family's experience with the outside world with the amount of clubbing and partying he's done for the past month.
A month without you in his life, and he's regretting it since.
He doesn't know what kind of evil spirit had possessed him when he decided to break your heart. Choosing another girl that only loves him for his money.
Taking you for granted, laughing in your face at how stupid you are for thinking that you have a chance with him. Mocking you for allowing the one night stand and the dates that followed after.
He was the biggest asshole for treating you like shit yet here he is, traversing through the sweaty and disgusting bodies of the party-goers, in a herculean journey of finding you.
His eyes scoured the vicinity of the neon lighted building, looking for your familiar figure that he desperately wants to hold in his arms.
His heart skipped a beat when he had finally spotted you, holed up in the corner of a booth and drinking a cocktail all by yourself.
He immediately trudged in your direction, stiffly standing in front of you and he felt like dying when you made eye contact with him.
You're so fucking gorgeous.
Without his functioning rationality and your impaired brain in a haywire, he impulsively dragged you out of the bar while your whirling mind took a moment to discern what was actually happening.
Snapping out of it, you harshly tug your hand back, glaring at him with storms in your eyes when you realize that you're in the middle of a dimly lit street with him.
The road is something that you have seen before, the way to your former shared house with him.
"Jeno? What the fuck?" you rubbed your wrist, skin slightly red with how tight his hold was on you a while ago.
"Y/N." he calls your name, reaching out for you but you quickly back away, "Y/N please. Let's go home, yeah?"
He's kidding right now, isn't he?
Home is nowhere near him, it once was, but when he carelessly tossed your fragile heart out of the window, he became an asylum that you didn't want to go back to again.
"Leave me alone, will you? Gosh, I-I can't do this with you." you scoffed, blurry eyes due to the alcohol but the fresh early morning breeze somehow cleared your head.
You know that you can't give in to his puppy eyes, you're not weak anymore. You are not the Y/N that he knew.
Jeno frowned, not exactly liking the way you're rejecting him.
"Y/N, don't be stubborn. Please-"
"Save your begging Jeno. You should've done that ages ago when I was naive as fuck. But that won't work now." you cut him off, having enough of his bullshit for today.
You finally had the energy to go out and have fun after a month of grieving over him. Then he appears out of nowhere to ruin your delicately glued self after you worked so hard to put your pieces back together.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, please. Will you hear me out? no alcohol in Jeno's system but it seems like he's the intoxicated one, drunk off of you and he doesn't know what to do with the conflicting emotions he's having.
He took your silence as a cue to continue his mini rant.
"I am well aware that I have been nothing but a foolish dumbass towards you but.. it's hell without you. Please, take me back again. I promise I'll be a better man. I'll take care of you, I'll love you like how you deserve to be loved."
He is basically on his knees and you couldn't help but want to slap his handsome face.
His confession is everything but fake, his words are full of sincerity.
Breathing is difficult without you around. Heck, even doing the mundane things feels like a drag whenever he wakes up in the morning without you by his side.
He did everything to forget you. Drinking all day, spending shit tons of money over useless things. But it was never adequate, nothing is able to compensate for the emptiness he's feeling ever since you left.
He needed you the most in his life.
"Jeno.." you mumbled his name, your lower lip quivering and he almost stumbled his way over to you to comfort you, but your next sentence blew out any hope in his candle.
As much as you love him, you have to choose yourself over anything else.
"I'm sorry Jeno but I can't. I will never ever return to you again. I'll borrow your words from before."
You took a deep breath, turning on your heels so he's now facing your back before ultimately slapping him with the reality he's been denying.
"Why would I settle for anything less when I deserve the best?"
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@sunghoonsgfreal @yeosayang @mystverse @shakalakaboomboo
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