#i have few friends. i don't seek out friendships. I'm happy with this
solidwater05 · 5 months
I'm greyplatonic. I've been greyromantic, too. And I realized that being a grey aspec is lonely
I don't fit in with allos, so I go to aspec spaces, but I don't fit in with aspecs either. When the aro community in general talked about not having crushes, I felt left out as a greyro who had crushes. When the apl community in general talks about not loving their friends, I feel left out as a greyro who, very rarely, loves some of their friends.
So, I'm making this post for all aspecs who feel too aspec for the allos, and too allo for the aspecs. For aspecs who love too much for aspec communities, but not enough for allos.
For all aspecs who feel attraction. For aspecs whose attraction is abundant but weak, rare but very strong, and everything in between.
For all acespecs who have sex and arospecs who date and all other aspecs who engage in activities without attraction.
For all aspecs who worry that their attraction and existence inherently support oppressive social structures.
For all aspecs who have never seen someone else like them. For aspecs who feel invisible.
For aspecs who feel like they don't belong.
I'm making this post for all shades of grey aspecs, no matter how light or dark, to let them know that we belong.
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katstarry · 2 months
no one noticed
eddie munson x reader
part i
masterlist ☆
part ii | part iii
summary: being paired up for a project with eddie leads to a beautiful friendship, it's inevitable that you gain a crush.
warnings: PINING, slow burn, fluff, slight self-deprecating thoughts?, reader is an academic achiever/seeks academic validation kinda (self insert lmaoo), reader has long hair, the upside down doesn't exist here, lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: this is longer than i expected it to be, maybe i'll even make a small series of this :3 lmk if you guys would be interested!
feedback + reblogs are appreciated! ☆
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the morning started out as it always does.
your alarm wakes you up, you get ready for school, say goodbye to your mom, and maybe grab a quick snack before heading out and driving to school. the usual routine.
it's your senior year, it's supposed to be the best year of high school. though, so far it has been very disappointing. you blame yourself for not being as extroverted as you hoped to be during your freshman year, now you don't have as many friends as middle school you had envisioned.
but you do have robin.
she's been your closest friend throughout the years, having met her in freshman year in the library, where you spent your lunchtime at, and you're okay with just having one close friend. you've come to peace with that. robin has been the bestest friend you've ever had, she's became a confidant, and you never have to put up a front with her. it's easy to talk to her, she has that sort of power somehow. what usually takes you a few weeks to become comfortable with someone new, it had only been a mere few days before being totally comfortable with robin.
as you walk into the school, you walk to your locker, seeing her right beside it.
"hey robin," you smile at her as she moves out the way for you, "good morning."
she returns your smile with her shoulder to the locker beside your own, one bookbag strap hanging from the other, "goood morning!"
you grab the materials you need for the first class of the day, "what's got you so happy this early?" you yawn.
robin shrugs, "can't a woman just be happy to see her best friend?"
rolling your eyes playfully, "of course you can!" you smirk at her, closing the locker and adjusting your bag on your shoulder, "...but maybe it has to do with a certain bandmate of yours?" you whisper.
she gasps, whispering back, "what! no. definitely not, definitely did not talk to her just a few minutes ago."
you laugh as the bell rings, signaling the start of the day.
"guess i'll see you at lunch?"
she nods, "can we go to the cafeteria today instead of the library? forgot my lunch today, woke up late."
you both begin to walk to the direction of your classes, "yeah that's fine, see you there!" giving her a side hug, you both go your separate ways.
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it's now your class before lunch, history.
the day has felt longer than usual. you can't wait for it to be over and have your after school nap.
dropping your bag beside your desk, you sit and take out your notebook for the class.
the other students come walking in, he sits in his usual spot behind you.
you sit up straighter, god i'm so embarrassing.
usually, you hate having to have people sit behind you. it always feels like their watching your every move. of course, it's not true, but you can't help but think it. it's why you always sit in the back. but unfortunately, those seats were taken when you had walked in the first day of this class.
it's even worse when you think the person behind you is cute.
you move your hair to your shoulders, hoping it covers the sight to your notebook. you're just shading in the margins.
you look up when the teacher gets up from his desk, class is about to start.
"alright class, let's get started."
he walks over to the door and shuts it, and begins taking attendance.
"well, for today it'll be fairly easy. you won't hear me talk much today," the class let's out sighs of relief, the jocks who get along with him laugh playfully, "alright, alright. you won't be doing that after what i tell you."
oh no. you already know what he's about to say.
"we'll be doing a project! you'll be grouped up in pairs." immediately people begin to look at one another, already knowing who they want to be paired with, you look around, you don't really talk to anyone in that class. though, nancy wheeler has been kind to you, hopefully she'd want to pair up with you. but probably not, since barb and jonathan is in this class too. you can still hope though. any of them!
"before you get excited, i'll be the one assigning groups. it'll be at random."
now, the class really does let out sounds of disappointment and dissatisfaction.
"i told you, you wouldn't like it!" he laughs and clears his throat and goes back to his desk, grabbing a piece of paper and going back to leaning on his podium.
"alright, let's see here." he goes on to list the pairings, you anxiously wait for your name to be called.
please. please, please, pair me with nancy. or barb. or jonathan.
"nancy wheeler and-" please! "barbara holland."
well, okay. that's fine, who else is left? you'd been so caught up in waiting for your name that you hadn't kept up with who was called and who hasn't. jonathan! he hasn’t been called yet. please, please, please-
"y/n l/n and-" oh shit, that's you. "eddie munson."
oh shit, he's behind you.
the girl in front of you turns around and whispers to you, "good luck."
should you turn around? if you don't what if he thinks you're upset about being paired with him? you should probably turn around, the teacher keeps listing names, and you look back briefly.
he's already looking at you and you awkwardly make eye contact; you give a small smile and turn back around. okay that wasn't so bad right? dang it. you've tried your hardest to not talk to him. but if you think someone's cute you should want to talk to them, right? wrong. you never know what to say when you like someone, how can you even like someone without talking to them? you don't know, but it happened anyway. and now you're basically being forced to talk to him.
robin's going to love this.
"okay, now that you know who your partners are, i'll talk about what this project will be about. you and your partners will come up with a topic, it'll have to be a significant part of history. you'll make a presentation where both will have to speak in front of the class. you can bring in photos, poster boards, anything to aid the presentations. it's not necessary, but it could earn you extra points!"
he looks over to the clock on the wall, "... i'll give you until the end of class, which is about," he looks down to his wristwatch to double check, "40 minutes from now, to come up with a topic, come to my desk to let me know you've come up with something before leaving class, please."
clapping his hands together, he sighs, "alright! pair up!"
everyone begins to move to be with their partners, darn it. all you have to do is turn around. it's not that big a deal. as nervous as you are to talk to eddie, your grade matters more than a silly crush.
you turn around in your seat, grabbing your notebook and putting it in your lap. finally looking up you see him tapping his pencil on his desk, also looking up. the awkward eye contact again, awkward to you at least.
okay. maybe you can fail one project.
who are you kidding, your parents would look at you crazy if you came home with a failing grade.
"hey." you finally say, giving him another shy smile. god damn it why are you so awkward.
he nods, "hey." he leans onto his elbows, looking away, "it's alright if you wanna switch partners y'know? or if you wanna work alone, or something."
you look at him in surprise, "no! it's fine. i don't mind working with you, sorry if i gave that impression." furrowing your eyebrows, dang it maybe your nervousness made him think that.
he looks back to you, "really? i wouldn't want to bring your grade down, straight A student." he smiles. okay, now he's just messing with you.
you can't help the heat that rushes to your cheeks, so he must know about you then? how does he know that?
"funny that you think i would let that happen." you laugh.
he leans back onto his chair, arms now crossed on the table. "alright then, are you sure you wanna be my partner, then?" he looks at you, eyebrows raised.
"yes, i'm sure." you now lean on his desk, arms also crossed.
"do you have any ideas for our topic?" you grab the notebook from your lap, grab a pencil, and put it in between you both on the desk.
he sits up now, leaning on the desk, mirroring your actions.
oh no, he's close now, breathe.
he scratches the back of his neck, "uh... not really."
"alright, that's fine. uhm," you look at the clock, "we have about 35? 30? minutes, so we have time. we should just pick a few things and then we can pick the one we like best, yeah?" you write in your notebook, ideas, and underline it. you look back up and find eddie looking down at your notebook before looking back up as well.
"yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
you tap your pencil and bite your lip, thinking.
"hmm... we could do like the great depression or something." you murmur and write it down.
as you have your head down to write it, you miss eddie's panicked gaze. he's never really had much care for these types of things since usually whoever he's partnered with doesn't even bother talking to him and do it all themselves, doesn't even give him the chance to contribute. he quickly tries to think so that he can add something too.
"uh, the- what about the american revolution? or something? i dunno."
you look back up, "yeah! you wanna write that?"
you offer the pencil to him, "sure." he takes it, turning the notebook towards him, feeling a bit insecure about his handwriting compared to yours that's above his own. it isn't the neatest, and he never really cared about it, but he can't help it when you look at him like that.
the rest of the time goes by like that, going back and forth with ideas, your notebook page filled with both your handwriting.
"okay, we have like 10 minutes left. do you have a favorite?"
you tilt your head as you wait for an answer.
"uh," he bites his lip as he looks down at the list, "the invention of the printing press?" to be honest he just picked a random one.
"cool! i'm alright with that." you smile as you put a small star beside the idea.
"hmm... would you want to do a poster board? or anything?"
no, honestly he would not. but he looks at you and can tell that you really would, anything that would earn extra points, right? he smiles.
"i wouldn't mind it. i could buy the stuff for it." he doesn't have the money for it, but he'll just have to sell more of his stuff for it.
"really? no that's okay, i'm the one that wanted to do it."
"nooo," he gives you a pointed look, playfully scolding you, "i'll buy it. what do we need for that?" he plays with the end of his hair twisting it in front of his face. a nervous habit of his, you make him nervous. not that you realize.
"well, the board, some markers, we could use mine since i already have some, and some glue. we could print out the stuff we need at the library, once we find out whatever we need to print."
"alrighty then. we made a lot of progress today then, huh? i'm the best partner you could have! we're really an unstoppable duo, right here." he puts his hand up for a high-five.
you give him the high-five, ignoring the tingly feeling on your hand, and it wasn't from the impact.
"oh yeah, totally." you laugh.
"i don't like that tone." he squints at you.
"what do you mean? i'm serious! we are the best duo." you smile.
"alright, i believe you." he smiles and stretches.
the bell rings, and it feels like suddenly the day went by too fast now.
you stand and grab your things, writing your names on an index card and the topic for the project.
eddie stands as well, about to say something but you beat him to it.
"let's go turn in our topic."
he usually is out the door when they do this, okay.
you both walk to the teachers desk, you smile and give him the index card.
he takes it and looks up with a smile, "great topic!" he looks over at eddie, "hopefully she rubs off on you!"
you frown and look over at eddie, who gives him a sarcastic smile and nod.
you both walk out the classroom, "do you have lunch after this?" he asks.
you stop in your tracks, about to walk to the cafeteria to meet robin.
"yeah i do, do you?"
"yup." he smiles and walks beside you, making your way to the cafeteria.
"y'know i was always scared to talk to you." he gives you a side eye, before looking straight again.
"what? of me?" you look over at him incredulously.
"oh, totally. thought you were scary, y'know being a smarty pants and all."
ah, so he's messing with you. again.
"ha ha," you roll your eyes, though you're smiling, "very funny."
"you know those candies? what're they called? smarties? yeah, that's you."
"what? it's a candy!" you laugh.
"so? that's still you."
"okay, okay. i'm not that smart alright?" you shake your head, still smiling. you can't stop smiling.
he looks at you like you're crazy. "you're kidding, right? don't you have like, the highest grade in the class?"
you shrug, feeling shy. "could be better, though."
the cafeteria is in view now, and you desperately need to change the subject. "well, guess this is where we go our separate ways." you sigh dramatically.
"i guess so." he breaks eye contact and looks around, "you could uh, sit at our table. if you want."
"oh! uh... i wouldn't want to bother-" "you wouldn't be."
you smile at him and he swears he can hear his heat beating out his chest right now.
"thank you. but i was gonna meet with my friend robin. i'll see you tomorrow in class, though."
"right, yeah, that's fine. see you tomorrow." he opens the door to the cafeteria and dramatically makes way for you to pass through.
you wave him goodbye as he makes way to his groups table, you see robin at your usual spot.
oh you aren't going to hear the end of this.
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williamsonarssnal · 4 months
𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | LW (parte.2)
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SILVER SPRING ⸻ leah williamson x swimmer! reader.
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Warning: making amends, feeling a bit angsty, Leah is the reader's true love, mentions original character. English isn't my first language!
Childhood memories flooded Y/N's mind as she sank deeper into the pool's depths. Her first touch of the water, the sensation of freedom and weightlessness, like a fish swimming in its own sea. The conquest of the first gold medal, the taste of victory and the joy of representing her country, the national anthem echoing in her ears. The unconditional love of her first pet, a Golden Retriever named Toby, who accompanied her on all her adventures, licking her face with affection after each game. The butterflies in her stomach during the first kiss at a school event, the promise of a future full of romance, whispering secrets under the moonlight. The declaration of love for Leah, the sincerity and vulnerability that united their hearts, sealing a pact of eternal love. The games with Marvin, her new furry companion, the walks in the open air, exploring new places together, the unshakeable friendship between dog and owner. The first words "I love you" whispered to Leah, the confirmation of a unique and true love, a melody that echoed in her soul.
The images mixed, forming a kaleidoscope of happy and unforgettable moments. With each desperate stroke, Y/N approached the surface, seeking light and life. The pain in her calf was excruciating, like knives piercing her muscles, but her willpower drove her to fight against death, the memory of her dreams and everything she loved most pushing her upwards.
Suddenly, a hand gripped her arm firmly, like a ray of hope cutting through the darkness. Y/N felt a strong pull and then her feet touched the bottom of the pool. She coughed up water and air, opening her eyes with difficulty, her vision blurred by the chlorinated water. A blurred figure was leaning over her, offering her support, a guardian angel appearing out of nowhere.
"Calm down, Y/N, you're safe," said the soft, familiar voice, like a balm to her soul.
Y/N blinked a few times, trying to focus her vision. The figure approached, revealing the face of one of her teammates, Emily, the swimmer who always encouraged her in training, the friend who listened to her in difficult times.
"Emily?" Y/N asked, still dazed, her mind processing what had happened. "What happened?"
"You had a bad cramp and started to sink," Emily explained, with concern in her eyes. "I was in the other lane and saw you right away. Thank goodness I was here."
"You had a strong cramp and started to sink," Emily explained, with concern in her eyes. "I was in the other lane and saw you right away. Thank God I was there." Y/N looked at Emily with gratitude, tears welling up in her eyes. "You saved me," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what would have happened without you."
Emily smiled gently, a smile that conveyed compassion and friendship. "Of course, Y/N. We're teammates, we're family."
Helped by Emily, Y/N got out of the pool, her muscles trembling with cold and emotion. The memories of her near death were still fresh in her mind, the image of sinking into the depths haunted her, but the gratitude for being saved flooded her.
"Thank you, Emily," Y/N said with a choked voice, hugging her tightly. "I don't know what I would do without you."
Emily hugged her back, a warm hug that conveyed security and support. "No need to thank me, friend. I would do anything for you."
Y/N felt safe and protected in Emily's arms, as if she were in a safe harbor after a storm. The fear and anguish that had gripped her moments before began to dissipate, replaced by a feeling of peace and gratitude.
"Are you okay?" Emily asked again, concerned about Y/N's condition.
Y/N nodded, still shaking a little. "Yes, I'm better now. I just need to rest a bit."
Emily helped her up and took her to the locker room, walking side by side down the wet hallway. In the locker room, Y/N changed clothes and sat on a bench, still trying to process everything that had happened.
"Are you going to be okay?"
Y/N looked at Emily, her eyes still full of tears, but with a more serene expression. "I don't know, Emily," she confessed, her voice full of uncertainty. "I almost lost my life today. It made me think a lot about what really matters."
Emily sat down next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I understand, Y/N," she said with compassion. "It was a scary time. It's natural that you're questioning everything now." She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I've always put swimming first," she continued, her voice choked with emotion. "I trained relentlessly, sacrificing everything for my dream. But today, when I saw myself sinking in the pool, I realized that none of it matters if I'm not here to enjoy life with the people I love."
Emily looked at her intently, her eyes full of understanding. "You're right, Y/N," she said. "Life is much more than just achievements. It's about the moments we spend with the people we love, the feelings we share, and the experiences we have."
Y/N wiped her tears with the back of her hand, taking a deep breath. "I need to talk to Leah," she said, her voice determined. "I need to tell her how I feel, how much she means to me."
Emily smiled at her, an encouraging smile. "It's the right thing to do, Y/N," she said. "Communicate your feelings, don't leave anything unspoken."
Y/N stood up and hugged Emily tightly. "Thank you for everything, Emily," she said with gratitude. "You saved me today, and not just from the pool."
Emily hugged her back, squeezing her in her arms. "BFFs forever, Y/N," she said with a sincere smile.
Emily drove Y/N home in silence while the swimmer pondered her friend's words and the uncertain future that lay ahead. Her near-death experience had made her question everything, her priorities, her dreams, her feelings for Leah.
When they arrived home, Y/N thanked Emily again for her help and support, promising to keep her updated on what happened with Leah. Emily hugged her warmly and got out of the car, driving back to her own house, hoping that Y/N would find the happiness she so desperately desired.
Y/N walked into the house, her hesitant steps leading her to the living room. Marvin, the golden retriever she shared with Leah, greeted her with an excited bark, wagging his tail frantically. She knelt down beside him, stroking his soft head and feeling the comfort of his presence.
"Hey, boy," she said in a tired voice. "I missed you."
Marvin licked her face enthusiastically, as if happy to have her back home. Y/N got up and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. As she drank, she looked at the phone on the counter, knowing she needed to call Leah and explain everything that had happened.
But with each passing second, her hesitation grew. What would she say? How would Leah react? What if she wasn't ready to talk? Y/N felt trapped between the desire to confess her feelings and the fear of rejection.
Suddenly, a noise at the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She turned and saw Leah standing there, her eyes full of concern. Marvin barked again, jumping for joy at seeing his other owner had returned.
"Leah!" Y/N exclaimed, surprised by the presence of the English player. "What are you doing here?"
Leah approached her, her eyes fixed on her face. "I know what happened at the pool," she said in a firm voice. "Emily called me and told me everything."
Y/N felt her heart pounding in her chest. "And… what do you mean by that?" she asked, trying to stay calm.
Leah took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "Y/N, I love you," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "And I was so scared of losing you."
Leah's words hit Y/N like a lightning bolt, causing all her doubts and fears to dissipate instantly. She couldn't believe that Leah also loved her, even with her obsession with swimming and her difficulty balancing the sport with a relationship.
"Leah," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I love you too. More than you imagine."
Leah smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "So what does that mean?" she asked, reaching out her hand to Y/N.
Y/N looked at her hand and then into her eyes. She knew it was time to make a decision, to choose between her dream and her love. But in that moment, looking at Leah, she knew what really mattered.
With a radiant smile, she took Leah's hand and squeezed it tightly. "It means we're together," she said, her voice full of determination. "We'll find a way to make everything work, because the love we feel for each other is more important than anything else."
Leah pulled her into a tight hug, and the two surrendered to the happiness of finally being able to be together without fear or resentment. Marvin barked again, wagging his tail excitedly, as if celebrating the union of his mistresses.
Informal translation:
"Woah, Leah!" Y/N exclaimed, taken aback by the English player's sudden appearance. "What brings you here?"
Leah closed in on her, her gaze fixated on Y/N's face. "I'm aware of the pool incident," she stated firmly. "Emily filled me in on everything."
Y/N's heart pounded like a drum in her chest. "And what exactly do you mean by that?" she inquired, attempting to maintain composure.
Leah inhaled deeply and met S/n's eyes. "Y/N, I've got feelings for you," she confessed, her voice soft and genuine. "And I was terrified of losing you."
Leah's words struck Y/N like a bolt of lightning, instantly dispelling all her doubts and worries. She couldn't fathom that Leah reciprocated her feelings, despite her unwavering dedication to swimming and the challenges of balancing a relationship with her sport.
"Leah," she began, her voice trembling with emotion. "I feel the same way about you. More than words can express."
Leah's lips curved into a smile, her eyes sparkling with joy. "So, what does that mean for us?" she asked, extending her hand towards Y/N.
Y/N glanced at Leah's hand and then back into her eyes. She knew she had a decision to make, to choose between her dream and her love. But in that moment, gazing at Leah, she realized what truly mattered.
With a radiant grin, she grasped Leah's hand and squeezed it tightly. "It means we're a couple," she declared, her voice filled with determination. "We'll figure out a way to make it work, because our love for each other surpasses anything else."
Leah pulled her into a warm embrace, and they surrendered to the bliss of finally being together without any fear or resentment. Marvin barked once more, wagging his tail enthusiastically, as if celebrating the union of his beloved owners.
tagged: @woso-obsessed
sorry for the errors! x
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Leon Kennedy x female reader
Summary: A connection is more than a word.
Warning: Angst. Mentions of struggling to connect, mentions of isolation and loneliness. Comfort at the end.
I wrote this at a bit of a point in my head where it was not the best. Thank you for reading though I'm sorry if it's not the best. I just needed to write this.
I might delete it later on or something.
Please enjoy.
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Humans are social creatures. That fact alone was a common one that many understood easily. People had friends, others to share an experience with. Able to form and create bonds over simple conversations and events such as going to a party or even just hanging out somewhere.
From such activities, that person would become fond of their presence. Seek them out subconsciously, a stray text here and there throughout the day or few days. A way to speak even when they weren't together.
It was these things that allowed bonds to form. For connections to strengthen between individuals. How friendships and relationships of all shapes were forged.
Though, for some, such things were dreams. Fantasies equal to distant lands riddled with fairy-tales and promises of something greater. A brighter world. [Name] was one of those who struggled to connect. Ever since she could remember, those around her always seemed to not notice her, despite her best attempts to have them see her. To have them remember her, and feel some form of authentic connection in return. And yet, every attempt failed.
She would watch as the people around her would plan out events with such passion and enthusiasm but never once would turn their head to her, "Hey, do you want to come?" Words she longed to hear leave their lips. Instead, in their place, [Name] was always given a "Sorry, there's not enough room.", "Oh, it's more of our thing.", "Don't worry, we'll invite you next time."
Next time never came around. It was never her turn for anything. Was she doing something wrong?The reflection that would stare back at her would develop flaws, each one carving itself into her flesh, staining her vision until this make-believe thought was as real as stone for her.
At times, it would infuriate her. Other people would form connections and bonds so easily, thick and strong, and yet, she struggled for someone to even remember her name. To have someone send her a text message, asking how she was, rather than her always being the one asking was something that she craved.
For someone to look at her and see her. To wish to get to know her, to care enough. [Name] wanted that. She wanted to be cared for, to be wanted and craved. To be someone's 'special someone'. In truth, no, in her eyes, there was more chance of getting blood from a stone or proving true Divinity exists than such a possibility happening to her.
It would be easier to count rapid passing cars in a motorway than to recall just how many times she had shed tears over this reality. A crater in place of where her heart would be. A hollow point of the soul. Why try to chase after the Sun and blind yourself?
Then there was a shift in this endless, vast existence that she called her own, like a tiny wave in the ocean. A man had relocated to her town. A man of dark hair with thin strands of blonde occasionally peer through, and blue eyes that would put the morning sky to shame.
A man who noticed her. Who took note of her existence and wished to explore her further than just that. Leon almost seemed too good that [Name] was certain there was a motive behind his kindness. She didn't want to get attached. She didn't want to get her hopes up again.
And yet, he didn't let her down. If he said he was going to be there at seven, he would arrive at five minutes to. He would call her. He would text her. Hell, he even remembered her birthday. Something that almost brought her to tears when she awoke that morning to see a 'Happy Birthday' message from him.
For the first time, [Name] felt as if she could be seen by someone. That she was not just some background character in her own life. Leon stood at her front door, a warm smile on his lips and a sparkle in his eyes that would light up the second he saw her. To know that this sparkle and smile was only for her...
It didn't just stop there. Leon would find ways to make her smile. Little gifts that he tailored to her liking, remembering things spoken in past conversations. He would remember important days for her. He would recall events and her preferences.
Leon would remember things that [Name] didn't even recall telling him. For once in her life, she was not the one chasing after those to connect to. Those that she tried so hard to keep around only to be left alone and cold.
Now, he was here beside her. His arms wrapped around her body to chase away that bitter coldness. To reignite that flame in her body that had long since died out.
Leon was here for her. And now, she finally had that distant dream of hers. [Name] finally meant something to someone.
She meant the world and more to Leon.
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
Friendship and a dash of love
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A young female navi teen has always had the ability of wondering, and seeking out was more on the place she called home. One day she had taken the lead of faith in herself and the great mother, and decide to wonder a bit far from home started an adventure of her own.
y/n " ......." you knew sneaking out of your home and outside of the clan, right now was not the brightest idea. After workin up the courage to do this journey you are going to take it, right now you need to get past anyone and anything that will stop you.
y/n " now I'm in the clear it time to call a friend" you had made your ikran call waiting for her to arrive and it didn't, take her that long to finally show up.
y/n " hello girl we are going for a good flight today and to adventure" your ikran had nodded her head and you soon got onto her back, and made the bond before you both flew away from home.
y/n " please great mother watch over and mother please don't be so mad at me" you were heading toward the ocean/reef clans to see more of the blue ocean you had seen from your home. It had taken from flying but you soon arrived and landed on a beach.
y/n " this place is so beautiful" you had started collecting some of the shells on the sand, you stated smile and laugh a bit enjoy your time here. Your ikran she seem to be having a good time as well flying around in the sky.
????? " I'm telling you I had seen another ikran in the sky over here, but it look different from your guys ikrans"
????? " yeah because they all looked different stupid"
????? " hey I could of gone to find it on my own be happy I brought you all to come"
????? " bro don't be stupid if you came here alone you would be ikran dinner big time"
????? " say you pale boy"
???? " leave him alone"
????? " will you all low your voice you might scare off the ikran if we see it" soon enough some kids had turned the corner of where you had been standing, and soon came face to face with you.
????? " who is she I never seen her before"
???? " do you all know her"
????? " no we don't we haven't seen her before"
????? " hey I'm tuk what is your name"
y/n " I was just leaving I was staying for a rest that all"
???? " oh no please don't leave we don't mean any harm, my brother spotted a ikran and we came to see It that all we never thought we will see someone else out here"
y/n " oh"
????? " my name is neteyam and that girl tuk as she already said her name is my sister, these are my other siblings lo'ak and kiri along with our cousins spider"
y/n " hello"
tsireya " I'm tsireya and these are my brother aonung and rotxo, aonung had been the one who saw the ikran and told us about it"
y/n " hello I'm y/n and she my ikran the one you spotted she was flying around"
kiri " may we see her I you don't mind y/n"
y/n " sure you can if you don't mind me being her and unknown strangers"
lo'ak " we don't mind we always have wonder here from home as well"
aonung " we will not going telling on you as you seem cool"
y/n " thank you now let me call her back but please don't do anything to make her mad" the group had nodded their heads and you soon called your ikran to came back, and land a few feet from you.
y/n " her name is Leya I had gotten her when I was very young, and we have been together ever since"
tsireya " she so beautiful"
kiri " yes I love her colors"
y/n " I love her colors as well it makes her beautiful there are other ikran where I live that are like her"
neteyam " where are you from"
Y/n " well far from here in the dictation I live in beautiful place that like, the forest and here but can be very hot some days if needed"
lo'ak " wow I had heard stories and talks about clans that live there, but haven't seen anyone from there until now"
y/n " I had heard about the ocean and reef before and wanted to see more"
rotxo " well we can show you more if you wish"
y/n " sure I will love that"
tuk " yeah Y/n is now our new friend in the group"
kiri " tuk you can't just say that without asking her"
tuk " oh okay y/n will you love to be our friend"
y/n " yes I will love to if you don't mind having me me being your friend"
neteyam " we will love to have you as our friend and maybe you can tell us more of your home, and we can do the same as well a fair exchange" you had nodded your head it seems like your adventure had been well in the end for you. As you had gained friendships in the end with, those from the places you had seek out wonder and explore. You had been able to see more of the beauty of the ocean and get closer with the group as well, making plans to meet up with them again and agin.
Three months later
y/n " ......."
????? " daughter" you soon stopped dead in your tracks as you heard your mother voice, you soon turn around and saw her standing there. She is the Olo'eykte of the clan.
y/n " hello mother how are you today"
Varang " I'm well my daughter but you are avoiding my question"
y/n " well mother I'm just going out explore that all"
Varang " my daughter you still wonder do you"
y/n " always mother"
?????? " sister" you and your mother had soon looked to see your mother siblings, making their way over to pair.
y/n " uncle and aunt good morning"
Onig " good morning my niece it seems like my sister is giving you, her usual lectures"
Varang " very funny my sister I was just asking my mother where she was going, at the moment like what any other mother would do"
Roio " that is smart sister as y/n is the future of the clan and our family"
Onig " you both forget she a child of wonder always wonder off, and see what the great mother has planned for her"
Roio " she is your student sister and will become tshaik when she older, and maybe olo'eykte if she wishes for maybe her mate will take the place"
y/n " I think I will like being a tshaik but I will help rule the clan still"
roio " good now sister we have once again we received word from Jake sully and tonowari, as they seek to make a alliance with us to fight against the sky people"
Varang " they don't give them haven't they it has been time since the sky people returned, but when they first came none to those clans sneak us out to help"
oing " you are true about that sister but it seems like they are asking all of the clan to come together to fight off against these, people from the sky"
Varang " we will gather for a meeting with the other clans and elders we will speak, and see if we will take the offer to become allies in this fight"
Roio " I will call a meeting sister"
Varang " now daughter tell me are you seeing a boy that might explain why, you always come home smiling so brightly"
Roio " oh a boy is a young warrior, hunter, gather or some other rank in the clan or elsewhere I think your mother and family will like to meet him"
y/n " ummm"
Oing " we can talk more about that later"
Varang " yes we can daughter you can go but please be careful and be home for dinner"
y/n " yes mother"
Varang " come on roio and onig"
Roio " yes sister see you later my niece"
y/n " yes uncle"
Onig " I'm going to speak a little more to y/n I will follow soon" Varang and Roio had nodded their heads and soon walked, away leaving you and your aunt there.
Onig " so this about a boy my dear"
y/n " ......."
onig " well who ever is he might be no matter his looks or rank he is lucky enough, to have won your heart and love I pray to eywa you have a good match"
y/n " thank you" onig soon kissed your forehead before you had left, she was right there had been someone who won your heart and feeling of romance. you soon left the village and call your ikran as you made you way, to meet with your friends again with gifts as well for them.
y/n " hey guys" you soon had arrived at the beach to see the others waiting for her, she got off her ikran and went towards them.
neteyam " hey y/n"
kiri " we came here early"
y/n " well I'm happy to see you all as I brought gifts" you soon grabbed a sack and open it, soon showing the group these crystals.
tuk " they are beautiful"
y/n " thank you you all get one"
aonung " thank you" the group had grabbed the crystal and looked at them.
spider " wow these shine so bright in the sun"
y/n " they also glow a bit in the night as well"
lo'ak " wow did you make these"
y/n " I found the crystal it took me so time but I made the sting they, are attracted to"
tsireya " thank you"
rotxo " wow you gave some talent"
y/n " thank you"
neteyam " yes these are beautiful I will cherish mine forever"
y/n " thank you"
lo'ak " well come on lets have some fun ....." lo'ak had been cut off when a voice had been heard, coming from his communion device.
lo'ak " it our father"
neteyam " let answer it right away" the boys had answered the call as everyone looked at them.
neteyam " it seems like us being out here today is not good our parents, wish for our return"
tsireya " y/n you should come with us and see our village" you had nodded your head as the group had heading back, to the village and it was beautiful.
neteyam " don't worry we will make sure no harm comes to you"
Jake " kids there you are I'm sorry I had made you all come home"
neteyam " it okay father we can still have fun here"
tonowari " good as you all still deserve this day off"
tsu'tey " where do you all get these crystals"
tsireya " from a friend we had made y/n ... y/n" the group soon looked at the new girl, that had arrived at the village with the kids.
y/n " hello"
neteyam " we had meet her a whole ago and have been keeping meeting up with her, lately during the days when we are not busy"
Jake " hello young one"
y/n " hello olo'eythan toruk makto, Olo'eythan tonowari, and tsutey, norm"
tonowari " well spoken young lady as well"
tsu'tey " it good to meet a friend of the children"
norm " yes it good to know the kids have made other friends out there"
y/n " it good to meet you all as your kids have spoken highly of you all"
Jake " well that good to know as I rather not have my kids friend scared of me"
????? " ma Jake have the kids retuned"
ronal " who is this young lady"
rotxo " she is y/n our friend mother"
y/n " hello"
mo'at " hello young one"
y/n " hello tshaik mo'at, tshaik ronal, and neytiri"
neytiri " did she come with the kids"
lo'ak " yes mom we were planning to hangout with her until we had been called home, so we brought her with us"
neytiri " oh"
mo'at " you child are from the clans elsewhere on Pandora, the ones we have sent out word to is that true"
y/n " yes my clan is one of the many the have received the words of alliance from Jake sully"
Jake " wow I was wondering when we will meet someone from the clan, but I never knew they will send a child"
neteyam " father she didn't come here for as we know she came here, long ago to see more of our world"
Jake " oh then I hope your clan and the others will take our offer or others so we can help each other, and that the kids can see more of you as well"
y/n " yes"
tonowari " we will leave you kids be as we have a meeting to hold, it was great to meet you young lady"
y/n " you all as well" the adults all soon left as the kids stood there, happy to see this meeting had gone well.
neteyam " our parents seem to like you there nothing to worry about"
y/n " yes I fear they will not like me but I was proven wrong"
neteyam " we will still stand by you and make sure no harm comes to you"
tsireya " now come on there is so much we need to show you"
lo'ak " but we will make sure to give you breaks here and there, we don't want to make everyone tried" lo'ak had looked at his brother and smiled a bit, the group soon raced off towards the beach. You had been give some time with the group, but later on you and neteyam were under a tree talking.
y/n " so how it the training coming teyam"
netyeam " it going well my father has invited me to some meeting, along with aonung being there as well as we are the future leaders of our clans"
y/n " that wonderful you will make a great olo'eythan one day"
neteyam " thank you my parents had told me when it comes to picking my mate, they said they will allow me to chose for my own"
y/n " that wonderful arrange mates pairs are a thing but it good, when we can chose our own mate"
neteyam " what about you"
y/n " my mother has started noting I have been wonder off from home, and start think I'm see a boy ... she seems to approve of me courting"
neteyam " that good any one will be lucky to have you"
y/n " thank you and anyone will be lucky to have you neteyam"
neteyam " you are beautiful today I was meaning to tell you that, earlier today"
y/n " oh thank you and you are handsome today" neteyam soon chuckled as he soon laid his head in your lap, as you looked out on the water. The others were watching from the water expect tuk with all smiles and laughing.
????? " hey kids there you are we need to have some words with you " Jake soon came by seeing other there minus you and neteyam, he soon spotted you both and walked closer a bit. That when you saw the two teens acting like a couple.
neteyam " oh dad hey what the matter" you and neteyam had gotten up and soon looked at everyone.
Jake " oh yes there meeting being held still and we wish for you all to be there, along with y/n"
tsireya " oh okay" the groups had dust themselves off and soon head toward where the meeting was happening.
Jake " the children are here"
tonowari " thank you Jake for getting them"
olo'eythan " so this the girl from other reaches of Pandora where, word had been sent out"
Jake " yes her name is y/n"
y/n " hello oloeythan and everyone else"
olo'eytahn 2 "maybe she can help us sneak and audience with them"
tsu'tey " that might be hard coming from what my warriors had told me, the olo'eykte name Varang is a very serious women along with the other leaders"
norm " coming from grace reports she has some information on these other clans, but not that much"
tonowari " I have never seen this Varang only heard stories"
Jake " Coming form what I heard from the scouts she am very fearsome women, and that she strikes fear in anyone her clan members seem to be scary as well"
tsu'tey " The scouts had been scared off one time only leaving the word, as they said someone was after them"
Jake " oh yes it seems like Varang want to strike some fear into them and it worked, I' starting to think this women might be mad"
Olo'eythan 3 " are we sure we want those clans over to help us we, have never seen a navi from that clan before and it hard to believe that girl from there"
mo'at " y/n child what do you have to say"
Y/n " well you all see I'm from Varang clan"
everyone " ......."
y/n " she also my mother if you all may know"
Jake " what Varang your mother"
y/n " yes I'm her daughter"
Jake " I'm sorry for what has been spoke about you mother we are wrong to judge"
y/n " it okay word had been sent today and brought to my mother attention, she will think about the matter"
neteyam " that good she got the word"
y/n " I can speak with her about the matter as future leader of the clan, she will take my word in it but I can also bring you all to meet her"
tsu'tey " when can this happened"
spider " why not next week when we see you"
y/n " yes that will work I can come here and bring you all there, as you all show up might not make a good impression with my mother and everyone else"
Jake " then we can do that"
neteyam " are you sure your mother will be fine with that"
y/n " I will have some words with her trying to see if she will join the alliance, but the rest of you will need to speak with her"
aonung " we can do that we will come as well"
tonowari "if you kids wish to come you all can"
y/n " if you are able to convince my mother you can convince all there other clans"
Jake " we will remember that" the meeting soon ended and you had called your ikran so you can head home.
y.n " I will speak with my mom I promise that I will not fail this alliance, as we really need it"
neteyam " you will not I know you will do your best"
y/n " thank you do your best as well"
kiri " get home safe"
y/n " I will and I will bring news next week"
tsireya " thank you again for the gifts"
y/n " you welcome" you soon got on your ikran and took off into the sky, soon flying away from the inland waving goodbye to everyone. You are preparing what you will say to your mother as you, wish for this alliance for the benefit for everyone. Later on you had return home and went home to have dinner with your family, as you talked to your mother about the word that had been sent. She was amazing about what you had to say and proud as well, you had become dinner topic conversation among your friends but most the sully family when it came to parents and their eldest. Your adventure had just began many months ago and will keep on going, until it meet it end of that chapter and starts another.
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My Stand In Finale Thoughts
Overall, I'm very happy with the last episode of MSI. I was pleasantly surprised that we didn't spend the whole episode with Joe debating whether or not he should live for Ming, and got to see the two of them living in domestic bliss. But I have thoughts about a few characters:
Sol: Leaving so soon without tell Joe is stupid and a crappy friend move. However, him going back to Korea (maybe with his super fan??) is probably what's best for him. Sol is finally able to accept that Joe doesn't want to be with him, and that it didn't have anything to do with Ming. I think Sol needs time to find himself (again) so that his whole purpose isn't getting back together with Joe. Sol had some moments that made me side-eye him in the series, but I feel like his heart was in the right place. He did love Joe and realized it too late. I'd like to think in a few years he comes back to Thailand, and he and Joe are able to have a good friendship. And Ming is horribly jealous until he meets Sol's boyfriend, and then he chills out.
Tong: This is the most controversial one. I went back and forth about whether I was satisfied with Tong's ending. On one hand, this story was never about Joe seeking revenge. I wouldn't have wanted Joe or Ming to somehow go after Tong and publicly cause his downfall. Did I want him to divorce May? Yes. I think I did want her to leave him and for him to lose everything of his own accord (because he's terrible). So in that respect, I am iffy about how they're going to stay together and Tong isn't going to lose his whole reputation ( like he should).
However, after I rewatch the scene, we know that Tong is not going to get any more money from May's family. And while they do seem to be staying together, I think it's clear that Tong is entering the state of groveling and more self aware. I don't think it's necessary the ending I wanted, but as I debate with myself, I do find it fits into the themes and storytelling beats I expect. Joe is free of Tong's abuse, and he will begin by being a better partner to May.
So, yes, I'm not 100% happy with it. I think in my ideal world, he would have groveled and May, instead of hugging him, would have told him he has a long ways to go to earn her forgiveness. But I don't think it ruined the show.
Mike: Love it. Big fan. Go have your romance, sir.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 11 months
Guys, the X-Men Evolution universe would be such a trip. You have a bunch of mutant high-schoolers, in two groups which don't get along but have a great capacity to do so, at least three starter adults for each group, plenty of adventures, and so many different characters and relationships.
Now, when I write/post about that particular universe, I usually imagine a reboot/alternate universe of it, especially since I am adding the reader into it. And now I'm wondering:
What if I did a Dark AU of X-Men Evolution?
It would still be my posts' au of it that includes reader and the reboot/platonic yandere au ideas, but this time, something bad happens. Y'all know there are sometimes dark/sad/evil aus in media, doing a What If Someone Died/Disappeared? Same As It Never Was for Ninja Turtles (2003), A Better World (Justice League cartoon), you know, those sorts of aus?
Well, imagining that for the X-Men Evolution Dark AU, I have a few points to keep in mind:
• Something bad happens to some of the teens, including reader, that influences an alternate/future version of everyone else into being darker, grimmer, more dangerous than they were in the past, and missing their kids/siblings/friends who aren't with them anymore
• The teens who disappeared/died/had something bad happen to them were the ones who were the members holding things together. Happy, forgiving, loving, or at the very least the only thing tethering a person to their sanity. So y'all might have an idea which characters I have in mind already
• For now, reader in this au has undecided powers. That could change at any time, if I come up with one that would suit them for this au
• Reader knows the teens, and reader has been friendly to them, acting as a friend/sibling, being a person willing to offer aid and advice, or just someone to listen, when the others need it
• Reader has met the adults, and stayed respectful of them, listening to them and asking them for advice when needed/wanted. The reader might have joined one team or the other, and doesn't mind helping when it's needed. They are someone easy to talk to, approachable, compassionate... They're a warm personality
• Friendship is rampant among the teens, and the adults are caring towards the kids, or at least protective. So, you know, no tossing people off of cliffs, or aiming to kill the teens (y'all know which ones I'm talking about)
• The teens I have in mind who disappeared/died are Kurt, Kitty, Pietro, and Reader. The four who tend to maintain the group's sanity, morale, and hope (in Pietro's case, Wanda's sanity and happiness). So when they aren't around anymore, everyone else sinks down into the depths of depression, anger, and grief
• Whomever caused their disappearance/deaths is hunted down and dealt with in the most gruesome ways the two teams can pull off. Their friends/kids/siblings are gone, they aren't coming back, and it's this person's fault. Every bit of grief and rage and hate is taken out on this person, until hardly anything is left of them
• The four teens who disappeared/died somehow end up in the future/au, and try to find their groups while becoming wary over what the world is now like. Things are different, in a way they weren't before, and it keeps them on edge. Something isn't right, and they don't have much to fall back on if something goes wrong
• When the Dark AU platonic yanderes discover their kids/friends/siblings are back, they're in disbelief. They were back, not a day older than when they last saw them years ago, and they're alive. It's more than they can bear. Thus they seek them out, not willing to lose them, or the opportunity to have them back
• And when the four do see their groups again, they can see the differences already. The adults seem more haggard, darker, more on edge and desperate, while their friends/siblings are older than they were, and look to be in a state of shock and heartbreak. All around confusion for everyone
• The four realize they aren't in the past anymore, and realize these people aren't the ones they remember. Especially when they seem a hair away from snapping... With no other option, they make a run for it...
• And the others give chase. They aren't about to lose their kids/siblings/friends again, they can't let anything happen to them again, THEY CAN'T. They might be afraid now, but they're all family, there's no need to be frightened. They won't hurt them, NEVER. It helps that they had the extra years of training, of learning everything they could to prevent something like the past from happening again... And it doesn't take long to corner their kids/friends/siblings, approaching carefully and keeping just out of reach...
• Their kids are scared, terrified, but they remain as calm as they can. They can't scare them off. They won't lose them again. They use a gentle tone, trying to comfort and soothe their kids nerves, looking for the best way to get closer... And when they do, they strike, swift and sure, keeping a firm, solid grip on them. It doesn't take but a moment to plunge the needle in, to shush them and let them know its okay, they're going to be alright, and how much they missed them and are so, so glad to see them again...
• And when it's done, they keep their kid/s close, making sure they fall asleep before picking them up and meeting with the others, and setting off for home... They have a lot to explain, and they need to get their kids/siblings/friends somewhere safe to hear them out and to recuperate...
• They won't hurt them, they wont allow anything to hurt them ever again. They'll stay gentle, caring, anything, as long as their kids/siblings/friends stay. They don't want to, but if they have to, they'll restrain them. They'll protect them, even if it's from themselves. They don't need to worry anymore, okay? Their family is there to help them, in anyway they can... Just listen to them, and take it easy... No need to fight them, no need to be afraid... It's them, and they're family, and family looks out for each other, no matter what...
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peachjagiya · 6 months
What is this need they have to be glued to eachother all the time lol. They really are like magnets. Also maybe its just me but I feel like entangling your legs with someone is really intimate no? Like that is something I reserve for my husband, especially if I we are feeling clingy but in company, then our legs will do the talking lol. I get that the members are close on a different level than most friendships but these two will comfortably sit like that for long periods without even acknowledging what they are doing, it's like an unconcious thing and so different from the usual bursts of affection the members have with eachother. It's not like blatant flirting or anything so I get why people brush it off as nothing but gestures like these speak of a certain intimacy and lack of boundaries you usually see with couples.
I just went to watch a video of them all cuddling up and I noticed a few things:
👉 Joonie and Yoongi don't really seem to do a lot of this.
👉 Jin and Hobi will definitely climb on the maknae line in bed to wake them up or cuddle them but it's always with a purpose. Incidentally these two are most likely to refer to them as their babies.
👉 JK definitely seems to regard his hyungs as like four parents and himself as their baby and gets his cuddles from them accordingly. He's particularly happy cuddling Hobi and Jin, the self-described parents with mummy vibes.
👉 Tae seems less adhered to age dynamics and has his favoured cuddles, namely anyone who doesn't freely give it ie; Yoongi 😂 and trying to get Joonie to hold him in his sleep. Tae seems to enjoy receiving big demonstrations of affection. His Wooga hyungs cuddling him in bed, getting a morning kiss from Wooshik.... I think he likes to feel loved in that way.
👉 Jimin is at an awkward almost middle of the group where it's fair game with everyone.
Then you get to the maknae interactions when it becomes less about parent-child dynamics:
👉 Jimin seems like the cuddliest of the maknae line. Tae is unbothered by this but it doesn't feel like he seeks it out? He's curiously passive in a lot of these hyper cuddly moments with Jimin. But their general comfort levels say a lot about their bond. It's sweet to see. I get ZERO romantic vibes. Like if it's possible to be NEGATIVE romantic? 😂
👉 Jungkook seems less comfortable with Jimin hugs. I'm sorry that's just how I read it. I'm not saying I'm right. *Puts on a helmet* 50% of the time he's leaning away. I don't think this is about Jimin himself. I think it's about JK not quite feeling like baby or boyfriend with Jimin.
Edit: because someone thinks I'm painting Jimin in a bad light - I don't think Jimin is forcing anything and in fact I think Jungkook being like a grouchy little brother about it sometimes is a tried and tested friend dynamic and speaks to their closeness. I think they're close friends and value each other. Ok? Ok. Chill. Jeez.
So bearing their general puppy pile vibes in mind, why does it feel different with Taekook?
👉 The cuddliness is equal. People who claim Tae is all over JK while JK hates it are at best just wrong (and at worse wilfully trying to drag Tae) It's equally distributed between initiating and reciprocating.
👉 The affection is small so it feels more intimate. It's less showy. Never presented with any ceremony. It just seems second nature from their lack of reaction to the affection. No surprise or like "oof, we're hugging now!", just naturally fitting into each others space. It's not just JK getting hugs from his hyungs or Tae requiring outward demonstrations of love. With JK and Tae, it's just easy and natural magnetism.
(On a side note: Does anyone else remember Tae saying that he loves to cuddle in bed and the others are a bit weird about it but Jungkook thinks it's cute and cuddles him? Did I imagine that?)
Thanks anon. I loved this 💜
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
suffering horrendous nothing happens withdrawals, heart getting weaker, legs getting numb, sweat running down my back etc etc do you have any headcanons or something to help me during this difficult time 😔
(only if you feel like it ofc lovey)
OF COURSE I HAVE HCS NONNIE.. I'M ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THEM.. and i'm more than happy to share them with u mwah!!
james' first time happened when he was 16 with this girl a couple of years older than him, they never dated it was simply a hookup. but reg's first time is with james when he's 17 (and james 19) <3 while he's dating barty too <3
funnily enough.. this happening is actually barty's fault..
james ruins more than a few friendships over regulus and all the shit he does for/bc of him (he doesn't care)
there's a scene with james and lily after he catches he and reg making out . very heavily . and i'm so fucking excited to write it bc their lil convo is everythingggg to me
barty and pandora dated briefly when he first joined their friend group. and then barty dated reg. and he ends up with evan at some point. which is somehow hilarious to me bc he saw this lil group of freaks and he was like . yeah i'm fucking all of them . AND HE DID
james gets in a physical fight with one of reg's bfs (rabastan) and actually sends him to the hospital
mary never forgives james about the emma thing, so their friendship remains tense and . kinda bitter . after he and emma break up
effie and monty absolutely adore reg as a person but . they don't like him for james bc they don't like the kind of person james turns into when he's with reg (this changes with time obviously and this is not all on reg, james is half to blame at the very least but that's their son etc)
everyone at reg's school think he's dating james (mostly during his last 2 years) and he never corrects them
despite barty being the person james hates the most . his least fav of reg's bfs is benjy simply bc he's actually a nice guy and really good for reg (it also doesn't help that sirius loooooves him)
reg makes a habit of picking up james' phone when they're hanging out and james' current gf calls and being . as ambiguous about what they're doing as possible on purpose
james catches him at some point but finds it soooo funny and sooooo endearing that he allows it. kinda encourages it even
james mentions in part 2 of nothing happens that he doesn't think sirius knows about he and reg sharing a bed so often bc he'd confront him about it but sirius Does Know bc he has seen them a couple of times when he has a nightmare and goes to look for his brother
he's not a fan. hates it even. but he'd never tell reg how or where to seek comfort so he's never mentioned it and simply pretends it's not a Thing at all
evan's always been Team James simply bc he was jealous when reg and barty dated and secretly wanted them to break up so bad
pandora however................. she stops being james' fan at some point in the story and even after they figure their shit out . her friendship with him is never the same
when it comes to james' friends, i'm pretty sure the only ones rooting for reg are lily and peter. like.. not even sirius and that's literally his brother lmao
james and reg's relationship stays mostly platonic at all times (except they never actually act like friends but u get what i mean) but when either or both of them are dating someone . the jealousy and possessiveness jump out and suddenly they're making out + fucking any chance they get
reg shows off all the hickeys james leaves when james is dating someone, but does his best to cover them when james is single (or he is dating someone)
james never hides the marks reg leaves tho.. mostly bc he isn't self-aware about the cheating and he's never ashamed of what he and reg do
and i think i'm gonna stop there bc this has already gotten long enough.. i have another post with some hcs somewhere in the tag tho i case u wanna check those up too!!
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funkytrashcan · 3 months
You lost me at "I love you".
An exploration of my experience with love, romance, and media.
Today, I read the last chapter of the Rain World fanfiction "Seeking You, Stunning Me". It's a good read if you like two gay supercomputers discovering each other and themselves through anonymous chats.
The thing is, despite the ship showcased in the fanfiction being one of my personal faves (platonic or romantic), when the two of them inevitably admitted their feelings to one another, I just... I don't know. It was strange to read them say "I love you" to each other, or give each other a "kiss" (not literally because, well, supercomputers), or describe themselves as "girlfriends". And the pining for each other in the previous chapters just felt... disingenuous?
I will reiterate that I am not disparaging the author in any way over this. Their fic was just the one that got me thinking about this.
And, well... thinking about it, if the explicitly romantic stuff was taken out, if it was just about their blossoming friendship or the romance was left vague... I dunno, would I be less conflicted? Would I have an easier time reading it? Maybe?
There's the same problem with other fanfiction with romantic stuff. I'm fine with the physical affection, the chemistry between two people, but as soon as they say "I love you" that first, definitive time? I just... feel myself disengage, or become a bit uncomfortable. Not enough for me to stop reading, but...
I've... only been in one serious romantic relationship in my life. With a childhood friend, back in high school. He had been dropping hints for a while, but I didn't really register it until he asked me out point blank. I wanted to at least try it. The thing is, my feelings about him never really changed. No romantic spark or 'aha' moment. I tried to be a good partner, but he moved away and we just started talking less and less, until he ultimately pulled the plug on the relationship, feeling like I wasn't meeting his needs. We parted ways respectfully, and though there were a few hiccups, we have both moved on with our lives. I am a bit sad that I lost him as a friend, but from what I can tell he's living out his best life. He's found someone else to love, and for that I'm happy for him.
I kinda wish that romantic relationships weren't so emphasized in media. Simultaneously, I understand the need, especially for queer relationships. I'm a bit wary of this for my own fanfiction, where I'll eventually explore the relationship between the same two characters that were the main subject of SY;SM. I don't want people to feel baited if I don't explicitly say their relationship is or isn't romantic. Right now the relationship is marked as platonic on AO3, but if it does go in a more romantic-y direction, yet I don't call it as such, I'm... worried for how that'll look.
I suppose that's a flaw in AO3 tagging. There are only two options; platonic or romantic. I understand the need to have separate tags, but they are... quite cut and dry. Not a lot of room for nuance.
I don't know where I'm going with this to be honest. Just my experience being an acespec and arospec person, I guess.
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prythianpages · 7 months
ACOSM Headcanons | Rhy's Sis x Azriel
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a/n: This is based off of this request here. You can find the masterlist of imagines here. I actually had more planned for Val's early life but I didn't get to writing them but I was going to mention them in future parts as flashbacks. Here's a few of them/ideas I didn't get to write out:
Shortly after Az arriving to the little house in Windhaven, Val insists that he learns how to play piano, "if you won't sing from your mouth, you should at least learn how to sing from your heart, shadowsinger."
Unbeknownst to him, Val had overheard one of the camp's healers tell her mother that Azriel should exercise and stretch his hands to prevent further stiffness. He was hesitant to learn at first due to his hands but Val was always patient. She was also just happy to have a new friend as Rhys and Cas often stuck to each other more at this point. (I feel like she's the type to enjoy taking care of others, acts of service and quality time are her love languages. She's so used to being taken care of by her mother and Rhys that whenever she can return the favor, she's happy to do so.)
There's one night where Val wakes up to a shadow tugging on her arm and it guides her to Azriel, who had snuck out and was sitting on the small porch, looking up at the moon. Poor Az had to suffer through a lot at such a young age ): so he's obviously still struggling. Though Val is his friend at this point, she can sense he doesn't want to talk about it.
"She's my friend, too. The moon. You can talk to her about anything and she'll listen," Val tells him and then moves to leave to give him his space only to be stopped by Az who tells her to stay. So they sit beside each other that night in silence until her mother wakes up and forces them back inside. A couple of nights after this, she finds Azriel staring back at the moon with a smile.
It's shortly after this that Val suggests for them to fly and they all learn that Az doesn't know how. "What do you mean you don't know how to fly??" Rhys blinks back at Az. They then decide to teach him and you can read more about here.
The three teaching Az how to fly is what kickstarts his friendships with Cas and Rhys. They realize how much better and stronger they'd be as a trio and the bat boys club is formed lol.
Of course, Val starts to feel left out. She no longer has her coloring partner (bc Cas much prefers wrestling in the living room with Rhys) and now no longer has her piano partner (bc Az would rather play cards with Cas and Rhys.) They start hanging out more and even sneaking out more to fly at night without Val.
This leads to her seeking out Rhys's attention because she misses having a friend only for it to turn into a fight. "Can you shut up?" "I'm not saying anything!" "You're thinking so loud!"
Their fight spirals out of control and ends with Rhys calling her weak. "If you're so strong, then why do you still play with that ugly doll?" "She's not ugly and her name is Darla!" This fight turns physical and leads to them wrestling on the dining room floor and ends with her doll being torn. It's the first time Rhys makes Val cry and she runs into her room, clutching the pieces of her doll to her chest.
"She doesn't have any friends, Rhys," their mother scolds him. Rhys blinks back at her, "she has us," to which their mother replies "You three have been excluding her more often. She just wanted your attention."
All three boys immediately feel guilty. Rhys asks his mother to teach him how to sew her doll back together. Though he does a terrible job and the doll looks absolutely terrifying after he's done. "Umm...why does Darla have her leg coming out of her arm socket?" Val asks when Rhys finally returns the doll to her. "It gives her character," Rhys grins sheepishly and Val is just so happy to have her brother back, she can't find herself to care. Cas and Az also apologize to her and they all make a note to include her more often whenever they can.
In fact, it gets a little overbearing as whenever Rhys gets bored, he decides to annoy her. He randomly walks into her room just to look at himself in her mirror. Sometimes, Cas joins him. They also like using her lotions and often tend to steal them lol along with her books and any little trinkets she has. It's usually Az who drags them both out her room and returns her stolen items.
On one Solstice, Cas gifts Val a tiny violin (like the one Mr. Krab from Spongebob had) and of course, she plays it for Rhys when he gets rejected by a girl or loses in a sparring match during training just to annoy/spite him.
When Rhys dares Val to go find Bryaxis, Cas valiantly offers to go with her. As they approach the darkness within the depths of the library, it's Cas who's shaking and absolutely terrified and nearly pisses himself. Val is also scared but she hides it better and when they meet Bryaxis, she finds her curiosity overcoming the fear. "You do not fear me?" "My brother taught me not to fear the darkness." in relation to one of the scenes from this imagine
*mini spoiler but not really for a future part* Years later, when they're adults, Val goes to meet Bryaxis in search of some answers. She doesn’t want to go alone but during this time, her and Az aren’t speaking. So she drags Cas along but he doesn’t go all the way down. “I got your back…from right here.”
Around the age of 15, Val gets her first period. Their mother happens to be away so of course she freaks out. Cas is the one to notice her weird behavior and panics "what do you mean you're bleeding??" "Shut up and help me!"
Val is more concerned over what this means because she's of age now and not only does she fear for her wings to be clipped but also the prospect of her father marrying her off.
She asks Cas to get Rhys but much to her horror, he brings Azriel instead, who is just as clueless as Cas. But with their three brain cells, they manage to find where her mother keeps supplies and make her some tea.
Still, Val is freaking out because she doesn't want anyone else to find out so Cas comes up with the lovely idea of masking her shift in scent by covering her in mud from where Windhaven keeps their livestock. That's how Rhys finds them and when Val learns the magic of ✨glamors✨ which later comes in handy when her and Az spend the night together 😉
After finding about the Valkyries and sneaking out info from Cas, she decides to pay them a visit. She asks them to train her and they're a bit hesitant because she's the High Lord's daughter and they sense he has no clue she came to them. However, Zeila, one of the leaders, also senses her strength and determination. She decides to take her under her wing and Val asks Tanwyn to not say anything to Cas.
It's when Cas is visiting Tanwyn at the Valkyries camp, three months later, that he spots Val on accident. She usually is good about hiding from him. "Mother's tits! What the hell are you doing here, Val??" "You say anything and I'll tell Rhys and Az you pissed yourself the night we met Bryaxis." "Fine." Your deal is sealed with a tattoo.
Cas doesn't really care that Val is training. If anything, he encourages it but this promise keeps him from gossiping to Rhys and Az about on accident. He usually is the one to tend to any injury or wounds she gets from her training session until the night he's not there and it's Az who finds her injured instead.
a/n: Here are some headcanons that may have tiny spoilers for future parts so please don't read, unless you really want to! I only put a few as I'm still working out some details:
The year Val joins the bloodrite is also the same year that Lord Devlon's son does. During this week, is where Val finds out that the reason why Damien doesn't even look her way anymore is because Azriel scared him away the night Damien broke her heart. Damien is with a group of "friends" but decides to spare her the first night he runs into her because he doesn't think she'll survive much after that.
She also sees the little gravesite made of tree branches and stones the guys made for her friend, Mal ♡ (I don't know if Illyrians go back for their dead but considering the location is sacred and kept secret, I imagine they just leave their bodies there?)Val going through the blood rite is also a way of her being able to pay her respect to where Mal's body rests and she's determined to get through the week for not just her but in memory of Mal too.
It's a hard week for her, both mentally and physically, but she manages to pull through. Of course, the moon gives her comfort at night and she finds herself talking to the moon a lot. (Meanwhile, Az also talks to the moon at night, a habit that she got him into, because he's worried about her. They both realize this when they reunite after the bloodrite.)
On the last day, just as she's starting her climb to the mountain, she encounters Damien again. He's still with that same group of allies but notices their group has decreased in numbers. She also hears them turn on him. She has a little "not my circus, not my monkey" moment where she tells herself to just go on and keep climbing but she ends up helping Damien and saving his life. It's her way of giving thanks to Lord Devlon for allowing her to join the bloodrite. and below is a little snippet of a scene of their reunion after the bloodrite:
Her violet eyes scanned the faces of the three males before her.  “Would you have stopped me if I told you?”
She raised a brow at Rhysand and Azriel before turning to Cassian with a look of appreciation. “Thank you, Cas. At least someone here believed in me.”
“Whatever. So what? I may have stopped you.” Rhysand huffed, giving a playful tug at her braid, earning a glare in return. “But it’s not because I doubt your skill. It’s because I’m your older brother and it’s my responsibility to protect you.”
“I’m proud of you,” Rhysand added, giving her a small but genuine smile. “Truly.”
His smile fell as his gaze drifted to something behind her. She followed it to find Damien, Lord Devlon’s son. Azriel shifted beside her and in the blink of an eye, Damien tore his gaze away and turned back around.
“What was that all about?” Rhysand asked, glaring after the younger male.
“I have so much to tell you,” Valeria replied with a sigh, stretching out her wings. She grimaced as dirt fell off them. “But first, I need a bath.”
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aquaburst3 · 4 months
I was on the Clock App. I saw a couple of videos about Malleus as a character. Op claimed that he's a bigger tyrant than Riddle and Vil, because he uses his magic on others to make them bend to his will, and that he's at fault for not "seeking out friendship". I'm sorry. While I can see some of their points and even agree with a couple in those videos, it's still a bullshit take.
He's not doing this shit on purpose. He just doesn't know how to regulate his emotions or understand social cues, which reflects in his magic. Remember, Malleus was isolated growing up. While he had Sebek, Silver and Lilia, there was always a disconnect there thanks to him outranking all of them. Losing the only parental figure that was always there, because it seems like he's going to die fairly soon, and Yuu was too much for him to handle, so it sent him into overblot. He did the dream world shit in order to prevent Lilia from dying and make everyone happy forever.
Does any of this let him off the hook? No. What he is doing is wrong, and his actions are harming others. There are a lot of better ways to handle this. They're coming from a place of good intentions, much like Riddle. I can understand his actions on an emotional level, even if I don't agree with them, especially as someone who lost my Abuela last January.
Vil wasn't even a tyrant, at least not to the extent as Riddle was at the start. As long as people follow the general rules, work hard and take care of yourself, he's not gonna fly off the handle and cast you out of the dorm. There are even vignettes where he actively tries to help those in his dorm. The only reason why he's so forceful with Epel is because he lost a fight and has to beat him in order to get out of their little arrangement. (Even if I do think the canon way of doing that is stupid and makes no sense.) And even then he cools down a lot about that after Book 5.
As for the "Malleus doesn't seek out friendship" or "does nothing to curb his reputation" statement, that's not completely his fault. He's emotionally stunted and has terrible communications skills. Almost everyone in the game is genuinely afraid or at least intimidated by him thanks to his reputation. On top of his appearance and magical power, he's a fae. Fae in that universe have a sour reputation thanks to that war and them naturally being more powerful than most non-fae. That especially goes for the "Nocturnal Fae" like Malleus, who even the light fae run away from as shown in the Fairy Gala events. I admit the game is inconsistent about this when it comes to this when they go off campus, but the general idea is there.
Could he do more to make friends? Sure. But it's not gonna be a walk in the park for him. Let's face it. It's impossible to undo hundreds of years of terrible fantasy race relations with a few good interactions. That's not how that shit works. If that was the case, then race ambassadors wouldn't be a thing.
There are some things I agree with OP about, especially about Lilia being a bad parent. Those were things that rubbed me the wrong way personally.
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eemcintyre · 7 months
I am getting real tired of the modern, technology-driven notion that everyone has to be constantly available to everyone in their life.
Like, if it's an emergency I will be there for you 100%, but I have now had multiple friendships/relation-ish-ships end (all with men btw- coincidence...?) because I didn't text them back right away, every day, multiple times a day.
Am I the only one who thinks that this is, at best, ridiculously needy, and at worst, ridiculously entitled behavior?? This level of clinginess and insecurity (that somehow is my responsibility to reassure???) is a huge turn-off.
Not only do I think it's important and healthy for everyone to be comfortable spending some amount of time alone with their own thoughts, but I *especially* have always needed a lot of solitude and independence (idk maybe it comes from how controlled I was as a child and how few friends I had, but that's a whole other tangent right there). I require room to do my own thing, and while I love my friends and they are important to me, I'm not totally dependent on them and every ounce of my happiness and self-worth doesn't hinge on them. Honestly, the more someone tries to cling to me and rein me in, the more I feel compelled to distance myself. I need to know that I am free.
Anyway, this seems to intimidate a lot of people who are immature and not secure in themselves and are still suffering from unresolved past trauma that they are projecting onto me. They find it intimidating that even though I can want someone in my life and like or love them, I don't need them in it to survive because I am ultimately comfortable with myself and know my value enough now to not compromise who I am just to keep them in my life. They find it scary and foreign that I don't need constant reassurance and don't have the energy or will to provide it; that I can be content doing my own thing. Aka me having my own separate life in addition to our relationship and enjoying alone time = I don't care about them at all.
I need someone with the maturity, emotional intelligence, and self-esteem to realize that not everything is about them- I have more than one person in my life, I have a job, I have hobbies, etc., and even just because I am not busy at a point in time doesn't mean that time is *free* time. That is recharge and contemplation time.
I have even, against my better judgment, tried compromising my own boundaries to accommodate these people's insecurities and needs, and it didn't work. It's never enough. Also why does it always have to be me who compromises and makes the changes, and not them? Why don't they have to try and work on themselves to become less dependent on others and more secure? Why is it me who always has to drain all of my energy with forced, ingenuine conversation and interaction and trying to heal the past issues of other grown adults that they are projecting onto me?
I'm sick of my boundaries being disrespected. You are valid if it mentally drains you to be in constant contact with other people, and you are no less of a kind, caring person and good friend or partner for being that way. Like, it has nothing to do with you; I just recharge from spending time alone where I can think and exist without being observed or obligated to entertain others; being able to do exactly what I feel like, analyze my thoughts, or enjoy the quiet. Honestly, most people who require more contact (to a reasonable and non-codependent degree) are valid too; I just think both groups need to either compromise equally in relationships or seek out people who are more like-minded rather than existing in constant strife trying to change and/or make each other understood.
I know that I am a good, kind, friendly, and generous lady who brings a lot to the table, and I am sick of trying to convince people of it. If they want to leave because they can't handle physical and mental personal space, then no hard feelings at the end of the day but they are absolutely welcome to. I'm tired of letting people guilt and disparage and try to change me when I'm not doing anything wrong.
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mercifulbutbroken · 3 months
If you are going to post a story then just post the fucking story
If the story was written for fun and you go in with the realistic expectations that not every story will be a hit or even just an immediate hit then you have succeeded as an author
But if you are just writing for hundreds of kudos and bookmarks then lower those expectations back to the real world especially when you haven't been showing the same reblogs kudos and comments to others as you expect to happen to you
Networking aka building realistic human connections takes years to build and when you don't post things on the regular then people seek out those that do instead
If you are writing for the hee hoo big numbers then go chuck money at bots to make those numbers happen since doing shit for fun and building human connections is too hard for you
As creative minds, we put our heart and soul into our work. We don't share our work purely for fame, but to show our love and passion for our communities. While I do wish to be seen and recognized for my works, I ask you guys about the fics because I would like to know if anyone is interested.
I post on AO3 because I love to write. I love making stories that range from grief to love, laughter to just sitting down at the dinner table, enjoying a meal. I write so that someone like you can read a story at a calm part of your day, maybe on your work break or in class so you can escape. I like to escape to fantasy worlds, it's how a lot of people deal with many issues.
I also create because creating something and showing it off to the world is a wonderful thing. I like to display my stories, and watching others read them is even more wonderful. Writing is how I found a few of my friends and mutuals here on tumblr. Art brings people together and it can lead to wonderful friendships.
So, that is why I ask. This is why I ask of you all would like to see the fics I made. I don't need to use money on bots when I already have all of you! Art doesn't need to be inflated artificially to make an impact. Wanting to get likes and comments and recognition is something I still struggle with, and that goes for everyone. I might feel bad for a bit seeing I don't get many kudos or hits, and at times I might even feel ignored. But as long as I connect with a few of you, then I'm happy.
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justali-anne · 1 year
We don't know much about Sans' backstory, but there's one thing we know for sure: he lost people that were close to him in the past. He was in a place where he was happy, with people he loved and with whom he was happy with, but something made him lose that life and transport to the one he has in Undertale. He tried to get back "home" in the past, but he gave up and accepted that he would never see them again, which was one of the sources of despair for him.
This makes the Genocide Route even sadder when you think about it.
Sans made a living for himself in Undertale. He has a brother he loves very much (who either has been through the same thing as him or a completely different Papyrus altogether but that's a discussion for another day), he has acquaintances he can joke around with, a knock-knock-joke buddy he would make a promise to, a nice easy job(s)... If it weren't for a few small issues (not small NOT SMALL), he'd be completely fine! He's got it made, right? Well...
Imagine you're doing the genocide path. Imagine that, one by one, you kill each one of his friends while Sans has to watch. Sans had already lost people close to him, and you're making it happen AGAIN. You're taking his friends away AGAIN. And if you end up destroying the world, you'll take away all of Sans' chances of seeing his friends again. Knowing this, is there any wonder why he chose to fight?
Knowing this, his actions at the end of the Neutral Routes make more sense. He isn't as worried in those routes (though he's still hurt if you kill Papyrus or Toriel) because he knows you can reset and bring them back. He'll see them again. In the Genocide Route, that's not the case.
And another thing. It seems like no matter who you killed, Sans will always try to seek someone out to help them or just stay with them. He stays with Toriel in the Exiled ending, and he becomes Mettaton's bouncer in his ending. That's just two examples. He's at his unhappiest in the endings where he has no one around. Considering his past, it's possible that he's afraid of losing his friends again. So he seeks someone, ANYONE out in the Neutral endings.
I'm surprised he isn't even more messed up. I'm happily surprised that he still has it in him to seek out new friendships after losing so many. I'm happy he still has the capacity to care for others, even after giving up on everything else. But most of all... I'm surprised he doesn't show any signs of having severe abandonment issues! At least, none that I know of at this moment.
Actually, thinking about it, monsters have been shown to have this thing for love and compassion. In the Pacifist Route, the main characters already love Frisk despite literally just meeting them on the same day. Sans is not an exception. Of course he still has the capacity to care for others. He's a monster in the nicest possible way.
So to sum it up, the Genocide Route with the context of Sans' backstory makes it even sadder, that same logic can be applied to the Neutral endings and I'm surprised and glad Sans isn't even more messed up than he already is because of it.
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saintavangeline · 2 months
Hi saint avangeline, your new songs have resonated with me for a while now, I've listened to your songs so so many times, in my workout Playlist, my depression Playlist, and my car Playlist, i love all of your work so much, I'm a fan of poetry I've always been since i was little and i deeply enjoy your lyrics, I'm always trying to do a deep dive into them analyzing your art and i have to say you're one of the few modern artists I have had such deep appreciation to their lyricism everything you put out is raw and real and you're so brave for it I hope your fans can build a safe space to appreciate it right. And on another note in Inferno people didn't hear when you said "i know I'd still choose to flee come a day that she returns" FUXK i don't see people appreciating this line enough especially after the first few lines in the songs, god it hurts so much i love it, honestly I just got out of a bad relationship, it was abusive, she isolated me from everyone and i lost so many friendships because of her so that's probably one of the reasons why i deeply relate to your art, and i hope you enjoy what you're doing and always feel appreciated especially with all of the idiots with the whole lilith thing, straight people should be banned from your art lmao, i wish you luck with every aspect of your life, thank you so much for being yourself, you're known and loved
I'm just now seeing this one - I'm so sorry I'm only now responding. This is such a kind message and it brings me great joy to know that there are people like out there with an affinity for poetry who appreciate my lyricism enough to look into them more deeply.. that's one of the things I always seek to achieve so this really makes me happy!
I am so sorry to hear that you were in a similar situation. My heart aches for you in a way that only those who have survived it will know. I pray that you're feeling stronger and more resilient with each passing day. Know that you are loved and so much better off now that you are freed from that. I also know the feeling of isolation and losing friendships all too well, and if your friends are truly your friends, they will return. True friendship and love never dies.
Thank you so much for your kind message 🤍
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