#i haven't even decided what jack's going to do to him yet
sparklingbinjuice · 2 years
UM I would like to know about Bad Cop, Worse Cop. For reasons. (Although that Sharon/Layla also has me in it's grip so if no one else asks you, please feel free to share!) Thanks 😘
listen this was very much inspired by your Recruitment Opportunity, which i may have read *checks ao3 history* 31 times, so i totally understand your Reasons.
there is very little plot and i have no idea if it could fit into canon. i just needed an excuse to have rollins and rumlow spit-roast torres :))) so... he and his buddy parachute behind enemy lines (except not really, just close to a hydra base) and he gets caught and interrogated.
my description for this doc is just '*roughly whumps the baby bird*', which pretty much explains it. snippet below the cut. nothing explicit yet, just set up and allusions to torture
“You know what I’m going to ask you, kid,” he said amicably.
His tone was casual, almost playful. But given the circumstances his familiarity was more unsettling than comforting. He had a broad New York accent – Brooklyn or the Bronx if Joaquin had to guess.
“Gonna make me waste my breath, huh?”
Joaquin set his jaw, clenching his teeth so hard that the enamel crown on his lower right premolar threatened to crack under the pressure.
He focused on the shiny metal tabletop laid out before him. It was old, marked up with a series of scuffs and scratches. Some of them looked unsettling like they could have been made by desperately scrabbling fingernails.
He clenched his bound hands into fists behind his back; his own jagged nails digging grooves in the balls of his palms.
“Yeah?” New York laughed, short and humourless. Joaquin could feel the dark eyes on him, appraising him relentlessly. “Brave boy, huh? You want the full experience?”
He set his jaw, refusing to be goaded into breaking his silence. He had been trained for this. He wouldn’t be broken.
“I’m giving you an easy out here, ace,” his captor told him. “We can have a civil conversation and I’ll let you get back to your little buddy up over the ridge in time for breakfast.”
Joaquin forced himself not to react to that. They didn’t know where the camp was. Where Ollie was. They couldn’t. He'd been so careful.
He counted his breathing, keeping it even and steady. Inhale four seconds. Hold four seconds. Exhale four seconds. Hold four seconds.
The man across from him laughed again, so loud and sudden that he had to force himself not to flinch.
“OK. Well, lucky for you I like to hear myself talk. As an old friend of mine once said ‘I could do this all day’. So I’ll tell you what I think about you and you can waste all of your energy keeping your pretty face in neutral. How’s that sound?”
Joaquin tried to force his vision to narrow in on the dark smudge directly above his right knee but the blur of movement in his periphery kept catching his attention.
His interrogator refused to sit still: crossing his arms then messing with his coiffed hair then swinging back in his chair like a bored school kid stuck in an especially dull class.
Joaquin glared at the mark, forcing himself to focus by going through a list of what could have caused it. Blood? No, that would wipe off too easy and the surface was clearly kept impeccably clean. Despite the damage, it shone in the glow of the fluorescent strip bulb overhead. Acid?
“And if you still ain’t willing to chat by the time I’m done, I’ll call in someone who’ll make you beg for the chance to talk.”
Gas? Joaquin distantly wished that he had paid better attention in Chemistry class.
"'Cause if you’re thinking that I’m the bad cop here, kid, you’re in for a nasty surprise.”
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14buddy22 · 2 months
hi! Can I request an angsty/hurt/comfort fic with Hotch where he gets amnesia after an encounter with an unsub and the reader is a doctor at the hospital but Hotch obviously forgets her and their life together for a while. And Hotch being Hotch is reserved again and won’t let her help only the team so reader pulls back and can’t really help with the remembering process and is heartbroken but then he eventually remembers bc the little things eventually come back to him and then he finally remembers:)
Before Aaron saw the unsub cut a wire, his life flashed before his eyes. Short 1-second clips played in his head starting from when he was a child to meeting Haley, marrying her, having Jack, her passing away, moments with his team, raising Jack, meeting you, marrying you, having twins with you.
Everything flashed before his eyes and in that moment, Aaron Hotchner was scared. He knew you and his three kids were waiting for him to return, but now, now a bomb was going off in a building that he was trying to get an unsub to walk away from and let the bomb squad take care of it.
You were a doctor at the local hospital. You finally were coming off a long stretch and decided to take the day off to spend with the kids. You knew Aaron was busy but that didn't stop you from planning out a day to spend with your kiddos. Taking them to their favorite breakfast place, letting them play at the park and then bringing them back home to let them pick a movie and have a movie afternoon before the twins had to go down for a nap.
You were excited to have Aaron home tonight. The kids have missed him and you deeply missed him. Both of you working strange hours, his even weirder hours than yours, it was harder to see your husband and have family days.
The sound of your phone ringing took you out of your thoughts. Picking up your phone, you saw JJ's name come across as the caller ID.
"What's going on, JJ?"
You got up and walked into the bedroom. Not wanting Jack to overhear you on the phone with his aunt.
"Aaron was in an accident. He's going to the hospital now. A bomb went off. He was knocked unconscious. Do you want to come to the hospital to be here when he wakes up."
"Yes. Yes. I'll be there shortly. Oh my god."
You hung up, quickly telling Jack to grab snacks for him and the twins and to meet you in the car. You woke your twins up and brought them into the car.
"Daddy got hurt at work. He's sleeping right now, but we want to be there when he wakes up, okay?"
You looked in the rearview mirror of your 3 kids. You saw the fear in Jack's eyes. He was 13. He knew that it wasn't good. You didn't know the extent of Aaron's injuries, you wouldn't know until you got to the hospital, but you couldn't scare Jack just yet. Your twins were only 3, they didn't really understand.
You saw Aaron's team in the waiting room. Your twins excited to see their aunts and uncles, you just wish it was under better circumstances.
"What room is he in?"
"We haven't heard If he's done from getting his CT scan."
"Oh. Okay."
Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours before your coworker came out to get you.
"Y/n, would you like to see him? Maybe just you first, I know he'd love to see his kids."
You knew hospital protocol. It was always better start with less guests first before bombarding them with a bunch of guests. You didn't want to overwhelm Aaron."
"I know, can you take me to see my husband please?"
As you walked in the hospital hallways, it felt different. You have walked these hallways more than a thousand times. You've ran in these hallways. But the feeling of having a loved one in the hospital was a feeling you didn't want to experience.
Walking into the room, you saw Aaron laying in that hospital bed.
Your face immediately lit up seeing Aaron awake and talking to the nurse. You heard him say something about having a son and you were just surprised he didn't say anything about you walking into the room. You weren't going to say anything though.
"Hey Aar."
Then you saw him look at you. You saw this look on patient's who had amnesia. You didn't need to hear the words out of Aaron's mouth to know that he didn't recognize you. And that hurt.
"I'm sorry, have we met before?"
Tread lightly, that's all you kept telling yourself. He went through a traumatic event. But you wanted to cry. Did he not remember, at minimum, the past 5 years of his life. He was talking about Jack, you know that he knows Jack exists. What were you going to tell Tommy and Sophia?
"Um, we have met before. I'm Y/n. I know you were in an accident. You work for the FBI. Um, do you remember anything?"
"Y/n. I like that name."
That's what he told you when he interviewed you for the first time at the hospital. Well, not really interviewed you, but questioned you asking about a patient.
"I know."
"I have a son, his name is Jack."
"Aaron. I know this is hard to even think about but you and I. We met about 5 years ago, we got married, and, and we have 3 year old twins. Jack, he's 13. He's a crazy teenager, but we love him."
Aaron looked at you and you could see the tears form in his eyes.
"I want to believe you, Y/n. But, but I can't. I don't, I don't remember. I'm sorry."
You couldn't break down in front of Aaron. But deep down, you were falling apart. This hurt. He didn't remember a life with you in it.
"Well, Jack would probably love to see you. Let me go get him."
You walked back out and the team all came around you.
"Um, he doesn't remember who I am. He doesn't know who the twins are. He doesn't remember his life with me in it. He remember's Jack and probably you guys. He doesn't remember the twins. I can't bring the twins to see him."
Rossi looked at you and moved to hug you. You always loved a Rossi hug. They were the closest thing to your father's hugs and you lost your father around 2 and a Half years ago.
"What am I gonna do, Rossi? He's my rock. He's my best friend. He's the father to my children. He doesn't remember anything with me in his life."
Rossi wiped your tears, realizing your children were running towards you.
"Where's daddy?"
Kneeling down you were met with the curious eyes of your twins. Jack standing behind them.
"Papa Rossi is going to take Jack to see Daddy, but we want to let daddy have some rest. Aunt JJ is going to take you guys home, okay."
Holding your twins in your arms, you explained to them that their Dad needed to rest but Jack knew something was wrong. You looked up at Jack and saw all the questions running through his mind. Your twins just knew that Dad needed to rest and that they could see them later. They also knew that if Aunt JJ took them home (sure enough to see Aunt Penny) they were getting ice cream.
"Love you mama. Give Daddy our pictures."
They handed you pieces of paper that they colored and it was of your little family. You wanted to cry but knew you couldn't. You didn't know when Aaron would break this amnesia spell but you also couldn't rush it on him. It hurt you knowing you couldn't give your husband a hug and kiss right now. It hurt knowing your twins couldn't see their father.
The Aaron you knew would've wanted to see you and his three kids right away, and you were right too. He wanted to see Jack right away. So that's when you needed to step up and be strong for everyone. Be strong for Jack who was sure to have questions.
When you walked into the hospital room with Jack, you didn't miss the way Aaron looked at Jack, not realizing who he was then quickly recovering when Jack said, "Hey Dad!"
Jack said, "I want mom to stay here with us, that's okay, right dad?"
"Yeah. Of course it's okay."
Jack pulled up a chair next to Aaron's bedside and you saw the way Aaron was trying to piece together bits and pieces of the information Jack was telling him. Aaron doesn't remember the last 5 years of his life.
You know how scary it had to be for Aaron. He's talking to his teenage son who he doesn't remember being a teenager. He had to sit in a room with his wife that he didn't remember.
After leaving the hospital that night, Jack had a lot of questions. You had to sit at the dinner table with him answering everything you could. You were a doctor and Jack knew that. He knew that you knew what was really going on with his dad.
You didn't want to tell him that his father hadn't remembered the last 5 years of his life, but you had to because you didn't want to lie. You might have to rebuild this life with Aaron and hope that he falls back in love with you.
The Aaron with amnesia was a single father to Jack, the old Aaron, the Aaron that you had 24 hours ago was a husband and a father to three children.
The next week was hard on everyone. Aaron came home from the hospital and he decided it was best to live with one of his team members, especially since he didn't remember you and your twins.
That was hard on you. Aaron was shutting you out when all you wanted to do was help him. You can't blame him, but you're heart broken. Jack moved out of the house temporarily to move into Dave's with his Dad.
That was a talk Dave had with Jack. You couldn't be there for it because you didn't want to lose Jack and now your twins were missing their big brother.
Dave decided that since all Aaron remembers was raising Jack and by this, the team's hoping that he'll start remembering everything with this help, but not rushing him into his home with his wife and all the kids, especially when he didn't remember them.
Another week had gone by and it was the first week that you were home alone with the twins. You could take care of them, that wasn't the problem, but it messed up everyone's routine not having Aaron and Jack there.
Every night, Aaron would read the twins a book while they got ready for bed.
Sophia spoke up one night that made you break down in the room by yourself.
"Mommy, Can Daddy call us to read us our story?"
Tommy brought the book and your phone to you and you had to come up with a distraction to get them into bed.
That was a rough night, when your twins had noticed that Aaron had cut off communication with them. Aaron always read them a story, whether he was physically here with them, or he called them.
When your phone started ringing, you were concerned when it was Jack calling you. He had only texted up until this point.
"Jackers, what's going on?"
Your twins were trying to push you out of the way and said, "Jack! Jack!"
"Hey Sophia, Hey Tommy. I know it's your bed time, can I read you your book?"
They started clapping and you smiled at the phone. You were so proud of your son. You know he was struggling not being around his siblings. He loved his little siblings so much. We'll see what happens when he's a teenager but for now, he loved them.
Jack started reading the book and in the background, you saw Aaron slowly stop whatever he was doing. You felt like you were watching the pieces of the past 5 years of his life start to connect.
Your heart nearly stopped for a moment when he looked over at Jack and the phone. You thought he was going to walk over but then he continued whatever it was he was doing before hand.
When Jack finished the book, the twins had already fallen asleep. You told Jack you loved him and that you'd talk to him tomorrow to let him finish up his homework and relax before he had to get to bed.
When you said goodbye to your son, kissed Tommy and Sophia goodnight, you went to your room and cried. You wanted your husband back. You were upset he shut you out during his recovery. You wanted nothing more than to be there for him, but he didn't want you there. It hurt. It hurt really bad.
You grabbed a tub of ice cream and turned on a movie. You didn't care what you watched, you just wanted something to distract you from your life.
When you heard a "mom" come from right outside your room, you didn't recognize your twins' voices, that was a voice you hadn't heard in person in 2 weeks.
Jack rushed into your room and jumped onto your bed, just like when he was a little kid. He hugged you so tight and told him how much he missed you.
"Jack, how did you - What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at Uncle Dave's house."
"I brought him home."
You looked towards your doorway and Aaron was standing there. You got up from bed and Aaron said, "When Jack was reading that book, everything clicked for me. That was the book I was supposed to read to Tommy and Sophia every night before they go to bed. Everything caught up to me all at once. I remember the bomb going off two weeks ago. I remember being thrown against the wall and hitting my head. I remember just praying to whoever would listen that I would be okay so I could get home to you and our three kids."
You immediately wrapped your arms around Aaron and broke down crying. You missed him, but you finally had your husband back.
"I'm sorry I pushed you away. I'm sorry that I wasn't more careful at work. I knew I had to get home to you and the kids and I saw everything flash before my eyes. I thought I was going to die right there."
You couldn't hear it anymore so you finally kissed him to shut him up. It was a long-awaited kiss. One with love and passion and apologies filled with it.
"Your twins really miss you. Let's go wake them up."
As you watched Aaron wake up Tommy and Sophia, they immediately yelled "daddy" and jumped into his arms. Aaron needed that reunion, the twins needed that reunion, Jack needed that reunion, and you needed that reunion. Your family was back together again. Once the twins were read their bedtime story by Aaron, they quickly fell asleep again, you two said goodnight to Jack and then you and your husband were off to your bedroom to spend the rest of the night in his arms.
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mybworlds · 13 days
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status: ongoing
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: your life is full of 'must'. You live with your overprotective mother who controls every aspect of your life. You have a dream, to write romance novels, but love - real love - you haven't found yet. Your mother has even decided what you must do in your free time: play music. One day, however, when you go to your music teacher's house, you will have an unexpected encounter and from that day on things change…
Before to start. . . Please take your time to read 'cause it's quite lenghty. 📖
rating: 18+ explicit (minors, DNI)
Thanks @vase-of-lilies for the banner and thanks @saradika-graphics for the divider.
Taglist: @harriedandharassed
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The weekend - end with Joel unfortunately came to an end. The enchantment is over and everything is back exactly as it was. Or almost, Joel, the night before the two of you went back to your lives, gave you a small set of keys.
"If you want to come here and write, you can. With or without me. There's an important part of you here and it's right that, when you want to, you come. Feel free to do." he told you "If you want to run away and seek refuge, you can do it here."
You are in your room lying on your bed with the small wooden guitar he carved for you a long ago clutched in one hand and the keys to his house in the other. You clutch them tightly to your heart as if to feel Joel close to you. You miss him already.
This makes you realize one thing: there's no longer a place for Jack in your life or in your heart. You want to be with Joel. You want him to be a part of you, you want everyone to know that you don't care that he's older than you, but that you love him. Yes, you love him.
You can't do without him.
Your phone rings.
It's Jack.
"I haven't heard from you once." he says.
"Well, you too." you reply in an icy tone.
"Would you like to talk about what happened a few nights ago?" he asks you.
The truth is that you don't care. You don't want someone like him next to you, someone who makes you feel bad, who doesn't support you, who doesn't understand you. No, thank you.
"There's nothing to say," you reply in the same tone.
"So … are we okay?" he asks.
"No, maybe I wasn't clear. Jack. . . I'm sorry, but I don't want a person who doesn't support me, who doesn't understand what's important to me," you answer.
For a moment you feel like the phone line has gone dead, then he resumes "So, we don't want to see each other again?"
"No." you reply flatly "Bye Jack, have a nice life." you add and then cut off the call.
Your heart beats fast in your chest. You feel as if freed from a burden.
Maybe you were too hard on Jack, but you don’t want continue leading him on, it’s not fair. You don't love him. You never had.
Now you can be with Joel.
But how can you see him if he is no longer in town now?
Simple, you look for something that might convince your mother to let you leave for a few days. You look for an idea, anything to get away, but at the moment you can't think of anything.
You fall asleep looking for an idea.
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Your life flows quietly, you go to work at the bar, when you come back you practice your chords, you very rarely go to church with your mother hoping to get some ideas on how you can reach Joel. The man who teaches these classes sees you and approaches you with a big smile. He's a great speaker, has great language property, and you are not surprised that your mother is fascinated by him, but you fear that he is yet another foothold your mother is looking for in the course of her life. The man, a fellow named Mark, will be a few years older than your mother, tells you that he's glad you are there with them, that you too therefore are seeking the salvation of your soul and that only through prayer can this happen.
You lower your head, you don't want to burst out laughing in his face, you don't believe in this, you never had and you won't start now. Everything you hear only increase this your total belief. You are not like your mother who believes whatever she is told. No.
"Boo," your mother says, "have you seen how interesting these classes are?"
Of course.
"Yes, you right. You know, I've been thinking about going deeper," you begin. Your mother's eyes sparkle, she thinks she convinced you and converted you to all this. Not at all.
"You could go for a prayer retreat with Mark and his group." she offers enthusiastically "If I could, I would go too, but I have to work."
You take advantage of it.
"Mom, actually I'd like to go with my friend Kristen and her prayer group, you know, she's also attending. Her group is in the small town near ours, I know they are leaving next week for a prayer retreat, maybe I can go with her so I would have her company."
Kristen is the friend your mother always liked the most, she always saw her as a proper young person, judicious, polite, charitable, in short a perfect friend and girl.
"Fine. But you'll have to let me know then what you think, though, and then next time you and I will go with Mark's group."
Now you just need to let Kristen know.
"We'll talk." you say with a small smile "Would you like a pizza? Shall we eat it at the diner?"
"All right." she replies, taking you under her arm.
The evening unfolds as quietly as possible, you don't talk much, you just make a few sporadic comments about the pizza, the place, the meeting you attended, but nothing more.
Fortunately Joel calls when you returned by now and your mother is in bed. You check to see if you can talk freely and realize that she is soundly asleep. Joel tells you about his day, but more than anything he asks if you have been to his house, he wants to know if you are writing, if you are doing everything to pursue your dream, but you tell him you are going tomorrow.
"I miss you," you tell him, "I wish you were here," you add.
"I can't move, honey." he tells you in a regretful tone "We may not see each other not earlier than three weeks, it's gonna be complicated days for me."
"For me too, Miller. I'll. . ." you stop, you were about to tell him I love you, but then you reconsider, you don't know if your feeling is mutual, and what if he replies he doesn't feel the same way for you? You don't think you can stand such a response from him.
"You, what?" he encourages you, you swallow, afraid, you close your eyes "Baby, are you there?"
"Yes." you answer "I'm very tired, sorry. . ."
"No, no, 's okay. Go to sleep, I wish you good night, baby. A kiss, I hope whatever you dream will come true sooner or later." he says before to hang up the phone.
You will surely dream about him, his dark eyes, his plushy lips smiling at you and kissing you softly, his messy hair falling on his forehead, his arms caging the sides of your face, you dream about him with one hand cupping your face and with the other moving a strand of your hair and smiling at you. You see him on top of you whispering sweet, reassuring words in that sweet, warm voice of his, your hands in his hair as you press yourself against him. His hand along your bare chest, his large hand caressing your breasts, thumb and forefinger teasing first one nipple and then the other. Your breath breaks. His bulge pushing against your inner thigh, your breaths getting shorter and shorter, you almost feel him stroking you with a finger first to taste your intimacy then slowly sinking inside you, inch by inch. You gasp. It feels so good, the rhythm he's giving with his finger that breaks your breath, he then strokes you rhythmically with two fingers, filling you all the way, you swallow squeezing your eyes shut and clutching your sheets in a fist. You mumble his name, bite your lower lip. You feel the blood boil in your veins as he continues to pump in a relentless rhythm inside you, then your mouth opens wide in a dull moan, your lips trembling.
You open your eyes, he's not here, but your imagination brought you into his arms to come violently.
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Being in his house without him causes you a strange grip, you feel like you are in a beautiful soulless place. You feel empty, you just look around as if you almost feel a presence around you. You feel ridiculous thinking about this. After all, it's not the first time you've come here, of course it's the first time you're alone here, but you've been with him so many times. There's nothing to be afraid of.
"You recognize this place?" you ask Joel, sending him a message with a photograph of you sitting on his couch.
You turn on the computer he gave you and write, write, write. The words come out spontaneously, effortlessly, when you lift your head from the computer you realize it is almost evening. You stretch, turn off the pc, drink a glass of water, go to the bathroom and then leave.
Joel hasn't answered you, that's not like him, who knows maybe he's just really busy, you tell yourself.
As you're on your way home, you contact Kristen, you absolutely must warn her of your idea: you explain your plan and she tells you that she also has to actually go to a prayer meeting and she has to go to the very town where Joel is working. You explain that you are going to pretend to join them, but that you are actually going to Joel, you want to see him.
You check your phone, but Joel has not answered or displayed yet. You decide to call him, but his phone just rings. That's weird. You text him, but nothing, he doesn't answer or call you. You think about many things, then you decide that since he doesn't answer you, you need to leave, you need to see him now more than ever.
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Convincing your mother was as easy as a glass of water, she wanted to talk to Kristen of course who confirmed your prayer meetings, provided many details of arrival and departure, and you, to reassure your mother, promised to call her as soon as you arrived, in the afternoon and evening. You prepare your small luggage and, since your mother won't let you drive, you leave with Kristen. The only problem is that Joel doesn't know you are coming and you don't know where to look for him.
Someone says that doing surprises is never a good thing because you inevitably get surprises, you try to chase that thought away, you don't want to believe that you are the one getting the surprise. You check your phone, Joel hasn't been in touch or answered your texts for almost twenty-four hours, and on the one hand it agitates you, but on the other it leads you to think that maybe he's just really busy.
While you're thinking that you've been foolish in leaving like that without informing him of your arrival, you remember the name of the company he works at and so your field of inquiry narrows; you're not alone, luckily you're accompanied by Kristen and a friend of hers, a guy named Xavier, a tall, muscular, blue-eyed, black-haired handsome guy. You think he's there with you because he cares about your friend, but this is your own thought, you may be wrong.
The places you see are one shabbier than the next, fortunately Xavier is with the two of you. When you arrive at another construction site, you realize you're in the right place, you ask for Joel and at that moment you are approached by a chick all dirty with a chipped protective helmet, she says your name, you turn around "D' you know me?" you ask her puzzled.
"It's like I know you, Joel talks about you all the time. You're here for him, aren't you?" her expression tense, focused "Come with me." she tells you, turning her back to the three of you.
"Uhm, can you wait for me? I'll let you know right away," you tell them.
When you turn around, you see the woman waiting for you with her hands in her uniform pockets, then noticing that you are joining her, she continues. She urges you to be careful several times, climbing flights of semi-dangerous stairs, when you almost reach the top, your heart in your throat with fear, but the idea of seeing him urges you on.
"Don't be frightened, dunno how much he's told you," she says as if you know what she's talking about "It's less worse than it looks." she stops on the landing "He's over there, he fell pretty bad, but other than a few cuts and bruises, he's okay."
You furrow your brow, the woman talks about it almost as if she said he scraped his knee, as if it were obvious. Well, maybe it is, but not to you.
"Didn't he tell you, did he?" she asks noticing your worried expression "You stubborn fool." she says in a sigh "Come." she adds giving you a little pat on your arm.
You follow her worriedly to a semi-closed door, "Wait." she tells you, then enters.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, that's why he didn't write or call you, but when did this happen? Yesterday? Last night? This morning? It doesn't matter when, but how he is, you hope with all your heart that nothing serious happened to him and that it's just a few scratches like the ones you've also seen before.
The door opens, the woman's eyes are downcast as she comes out, then she raises them to you, "He's in a bad mood, but I think with you he's…well, we gave him a painkiller." she tells you as she walks past you.
"But how did that happen?" you ask stopping her.
"That stubborn fellow last night at five o'clock had to knock off, but he wanted to finish a job upstairs at all costs, so he stayed with four other unconscious men like him until eight o'clock. By that time it's dark up here, very dark in spite of the lights, he slipped along with some equipment on the ramp leading upstairs." you pale "The cuts are mostly superficial, except for one on his side. A couple of friends working in the ER stitched him up."
"He needs to be taken to the hospital," you say seriously concerned.
She smiles bitterly and shakes her head "Since that episode happened to his daughter, Miller hasn't set foot in a hospital." the woman looks at you as if she has let a secret slip.
"What happened to his daughter?" you ask her hoping she will talk, but she shakes her head and replies "I can't be the one to tell you about it, he has to. If you're as important to him as it seems. . . well, he'll talk to you about it sooner or later." you lower your gaze "Now go to him."
You swallow, then turn away from the woman and enter, the room is semi-dark and cold, there are dozens of cabinets along two walls and then at the back a window through which only faint glimpses of light enter and a worn sofa on which Joel is lying. You leave your bag at the doorway dropping it and hurry next to him from the side, his face is swollen, you can clearly make out a cut at the level of his left cheekbone and lower lip, his arms are covered with large bloodstained bandages and his work uniform is half-open revealing a gauze on his side below which you imagine are the stitches the woman told you about.
You very gently caress the contour of his face, his face twitching in a small grimace perhaps from pain perhaps from discomfort you don't know, he opens his eyes and when he sees you he hints a pale smile "Is it the painkillers or are you really here?"
"Joel. . ." you tell him in a whisper moving closer to his face "I'm here."
"My beautiful. . . wonderful. . . writer" he mumbles raising an arm toward your face, when his hand brushes your face and then moves your hair you have chills, you place your hand on his, you feel it warm and ruined under your fingers "'m fine." he adds "Don't be impressed, I've been worse."
"Is that why you don't want me to see you naked?" you ask smiling and causing him to smile back.
"Guessed." he replies closing his eyes, for a while you don't speak again, you think he has fallen asleep, but then he says, "I missed feeling your breath against my skin."
"I missed you." you confess, squeezing his hand a little tighter and placing a kiss on the back of his hand "If something happened to you. . ." the words choke in your throat.
"'m right here, honey. 'm not going anywhere." he tells you reassuringly and stroking your cheek with his fingertips in a slow and extremely gentle gesture.
You place your head suddenly between arm and shoulder and he barely jerks, "Sorry!" you exclaim, but he holds you down "No, 's okay, just take it easy. Come on." he tells you moving a little further into the couch. You remain lying on that small and uncomfortable couch, you don't dare to move for fear of hurting him, he's the one looking for your hand, which he occasionally squeezes, but without making a sound. You wonder if he squeezes it to reassure you or because he feels pain.
It's your cell phone vibrating, interrupting that almost perfect silence, Kristen. You completely forgot about her! You reassure her that everything is fine and that you are with Joel; then, she reminds you to call your mother and tells you she is leaving.
Joel just turns his face toward yours, "You here alone?"
"No," you answer, shaking your head, "I'm with Kristen. She was waiting for me downstairs, you know, afraid that it wasn't the right construction site or that you weren't here," you explain to him.
"If you want to go with your friend, go. I think I'll stay a little longer like this and then go home. Join me later if you want." he tells you in a slightly dizzy voice.
"No." you tell him, "I came for you. If you want me, I'll stay with you," you tell him, looking at him.
He opens and closes his eyes, pulls you gently toward him making your head rest in the crook of his neck, "I want you all the time." he tells you "You know, I've been thinking about you all the time lately. There's not a moment in my day when my thoughts don't go to you." you lift your face slightly toward him "I have three words on the tip of my tongue, but dunno if it's fair to tell you." he adds before breathing deeply.
Your heart pounding in your chest, you close your eyes and inhale his scent.
"I have them too, from the bottom of my heart," you whisper, holding you to him and closing your eyes.
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When Joel feels better, the two of you with Tess drive him home. You've reclined the passenger seat to make him lie down or almost lie down, you're sitting in the middle in the back seat. Tess doesn't talk much, she just casts brief glances at you from the rearview mirror and occasionally glances toward Joel who, however, does not look at you or at her.
The little house Joel rented here is much smaller than the one he has in town. In fact, it has a kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom. You help him shed his overalls, although he initially rebelled at being treated like he's ill, but you insisted. You sit him down on the worn-out couch in the kitchen and there for the first time you see his completely naked torso and it's huge, but what strikes you most besides his mighty are the many old and new cuts and scars that decorate his arms, his shoulder blades, his back. You are tempted to caress them all, but not now. You try to wash him as best you can without getting too close to the area where the stitches are. Your eyes constantly cross, when he sees you uncertain he reassures you with a look or a nod.
Once finished, you help him put on a clean T-shirt and invite him to stay there while you prepare a plate of pasta with some tomato sauce, again he rebels initially, but in the face of your firm tone he can only surrender. You hand him the plate by sitting next to him, eating in silence. From time to time he lays his head back against the backrest and closes his eyes holding his breath, "Does it hurt?" he shakes his head, but the expression on his face says otherwise "What can I do?" you ask him.
He turns to you, "You're here." he tells you causing you to miss a beat and smile. You enjoy each other's company, he would like to lean toward you and kiss you, but the stitches are pulling and he must not strain. You accompany him to bed, where he wears only a T-shirt and a pair of dark boxers. You swallow, if he wasn't like this. . .
You stop that thought from your mind, "Come." he says, inviting you to join him. You are wearing a shirt from a few years ago now ruined and three sizes larger, it's so big that it almost reaches your knee. You wear only that one to sleep in and briefs.
You lie down next to him, he's on his back, you can see him in the semi-darkness of the room, "Who was that woman at the construction site?" you ask, turning to him and gently laying a hand on his chest.
"Tess, a pain in the ass, but she's the only friend I have. The only one who has known me for years. She's a tough cookie."
"I saw. She seems cool," you say.
He nods, then turns to you, "Did you go to my place to write?"
"Once. I wrote. A lot. But without you, it's not the same." you say making squiggles on his chest with your index finger "I would have wanted you around, maybe hugging me and taking a look at what I was writing." you confide, he turns back to you "Next time.'' he tells you, giving you a kiss on your lips.
He takes your hand that was lying on his chest and squeezes it tightly intertwining his fingers with yours, he then runs his fingers down to your forearm and then looking you in the eyes he says "Come." you look at him puzzled "Come on me, I want to kiss you properly." he adds.
Your heart is pounding, you don't know how or, rather, you have a vague idea, but you don't know if it's right. He holds your hand as he guides you by making you lie completely on him. You feel even smaller in this position on him.
"If you have pain or discomfort, tell me," you tell him referring to the stitches, he shakes his head softly and then pulls you closer to him.
You are face to face, Joel barely leans toward you and captures your lips in a kiss that takes your breath away. You think back to how sick you were without him, you think back to the fear you had when you learned he was hurt, as Joel slips a hand through your hair crushing you even more against him.
I love you, you'd like to say, you'd like to let him know, as you too plunge your hands into his hair and your breaths grow shorter and shorter and merge into each other.
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His arms held you close to him all night, you did nothing but exchange long caresses, glances and kisses. And that was enough for you. You wake up with your head on his chest, your hair partly on his chest and partly on your shoulders, you raise your head slowly and look at Joel's face. His lips parted, his hair tousled - and it's partly your fault too - a serene expression on his face, his wrinkles barely noticeable. The grazes and bruises clash so much with his handsome face.
You gently stroke his forehead to check that he doesn't have a fever or any other problems; thankfully, everything is fine. He's breathing normally and doing well. You check that the stitches are still intact, once you are satisfied that all is well, you caress his face, his features, you feel under your fingers his unshaven beard, caress in a gesture entirely new to you his neck, his Adam's apple. You see him wrinkle his nose and furrow his brow, then slowly open his eyes finding your eyes at once, you smile at him and he smiles back.
"G' morning." you say smily.
"'Morning." he says with his voice still slurred from sleep "How long have you been awake?"
"A little while." you reply, giving him a kiss on his sternum.
"And what were ya doing?" he asks looking at you with his dark brown eyes.
"I was watching you. Sorry. . . maybe that's creepy for you. . ." you are about to say, but he smiles so you stop.
"Remember when we slept together at my house?" you nod "I watched you sleep, too. You were like a magnet, I couldn't stop doing it." he continues cupping your cheek, you close your eyes for a moment surrendering to his touch and feeling your heart beating fast "You were. . . you're beautiful." he says gently stroking your lower lip with his thumb.
"I wish. . ." you are about to say something you never thought you would have the courage to say out loud considering your lack of knowledge on the subject, in fact to tell the truth you thought you would only ever write it down in your stories and instead. . .
"Would you like to?" he urges you, stroking your hair.
"I would like to. . ." you bite your lower lip softly "I'd like to make love with you." you say all in one breath, now you would like to hide from his huge dark eyes that seem to want to read you inside, you see him swallow and then he caresses the contour of your face with a finger "Sorry, maybe. . . uhm. . . you don't want to, you don't. . ." you don't know how to continue.
"Who told you I don't want to?" he tells you wrinkling his forehead.
You look at him incredulously almost, blinking several times unable to comment on his answer.
"I just don't think you're ready yet."
"I am." you reply, trying to sound firm and tame that unfamiliar fire inside you.
"We should wait a little longer. I don't want you to have even more pain than necessary." he says moving a strand of hair behind your ear "Y' know it's going to hurt the first time, right?" you nod "I don't want you to feel even more pain because I didn't prepare you properly." he adds.
You lower your gaze for a second, "By prepare well. . . what exactly do you mean?" you ask, showing him once again your inexperience.
"When I feel better, we'll talk about it," he replies.
Interrupting that almost awkward moment there's your phone vibrating.
MOM, it appears on the screen.
Shit, you totally forgot.
"Hello?" you say snapping to your phone answering immediately.
"Weren't you supposed to call me as soon as you got here, were you?" she scolds you.
"Sorry, you're right, while we got the room and then settled in, the meetings. . . sorry." you look toward Joel who scrutinizes you with an indecipherable look.
"Is Kristen with you?" she asks.
"She went downstairs, we have a meeting soon and she went to get croissants before to start, I just got out of the shower."
"All right. So, I won't keep you, have a good day. Call me tonight."
"Alright, bye." you say interrupting the call and placing your cell phone on the bedside table.
You sigh and then turn your gaze to Joel, who stares thoughtfully at the ceiling, you stroke his arm and he looks back at you "You had to tell more lies." it's not a question, it's a statement, and his tone of voice is very, very bitter.
"I didn't tell her about-"
"Us?" he asks you "She asked about you and John though!" he retorts, returning to staring at the ceiling with a disappointed, regretful air "Right?" he adds, turning back to you.
"I only told her about Jack because it would have been more acceptable to her," you tell him, but then you regret what you said because you told him that he's no good.
He looks at you, his expression is full of pain "Got it," he only says, but you don't think he understood what you really wanted to say "Can you help me up?" he says, you want to tell him no, but his tone doesn't admit any other answer but yes.
You get up from the bed and go to his side, put your hands on his shoulder blades as he, too, clutches your forearms to give himself that push he needs to sit up; you feel against your hair his warm breath get short, "How's it going sitting up?" you ask him.
"Fine." he answers you, but his tone is icy; he's angry about what you said.
You kneel down in front of him, "Joel," you say laying a hand on his knee, "I'm sorry if you misunderstood, but I didn't mean that you're not good enough. I didn't mean that, sorry if I misspoke. You are everything to me. I've had a lot of firsts with you, you're the only one I trust completely, I've never slept with anyone, I've never allowed anyone to touch me, I've never allowed anyone to get into my heart." you tell him looking straight into his eyes hoping this time not to be misunderstood.
He says nothing, looking down at you with his huge dark eyes, his breath short from the exertion he has just made, "If I should get too much," he says, but you shush him by stepping even closer and telling him, "I don't want to hear it, it won't happen."
"If it should," he resumes, "I want you to tell me and I won't see you again, I won't look for you, I won't put you in a position to lie to be with me, but to be with that other guy. . ."
"Joel," you interrupt him again, "I broke up with Jack. I don't want to be with him, I don't want him. There's only you." you tell him, feeling his breath stop for a moment as well.
"I can't be mad at you," he admits, stroking your lower lip again with a finger "Come," he says making you sit on his lap, "The truth is you drive me crazy." he tells you slipping a hand through your hair making your face come closer to his "I wish you were happy away from me, but I don't want you to go away. I'm so selfish. . ."
You kiss him fleetingly on the lips, "I don't want to be away from you. Got it?" you ask him sinking your hands into his curls, resting your forehead against his causing your breaths to mingle, "Please don't doubt how you feel about me," you tell him, "Because I have no doubt."
He captures your lips in a passionate kiss, your tongues dancing madly and your breaths growing shorter and shorter. He pushes you toward him, slipping his large, warm hands under your T-shirt and sitting you on his intimacy only covered by his boxers.
You never want to break this kiss, but you both need to catch your breath.
He caresses your arms, then looks long into your eyes as if to ask your permission, you nod giving him your silent consent, and he slips his hands under your T-shirt lifting it up and slipping it off with your help. You remain with your torso completely naked on him, feeling exposed and vulnerable, but it feels so erotic, so beautiful, more beautiful than you ever thought.
You thought that feeling his gaze on your chest, on you, would make you strongly uncomfortable, you thought you would even freeze, and instead in a rush, which you didn't think you had, you bring his hands to your bare breasts. You both groan at that contact, "Can I kiss it?" he asks you without breaking eye contact, "Yes." you reply in a trembling voice.
Feeling his lips on your nipple makes you gasp and at the same time close your eyes, you let yourself go completely to his caresses. Feeling his unshaven beard there, his hot breath, his tongue licking you gently and his lips sucking gently your breast, lead you to moan and gently bite your lower lip. You press his head against your chest, perhaps hurting him, but it is a sensation that sends you completely out of the ordinary.
"I'd stay kissing your breast for hours, 's perfect. You are perfect." he tells you, moving from one breast to the other with a little pop.
"J - Joel… please…" you find yourself pleading without even knowing exactly what the next step to take is, your vision blurs, you press yourself harder against him making your intimacies cling together as well, he gasps "Touch me." you say, he pulls his face away from your chest and you, in a bold move, get up from him slipping off your briefs and sit back down on him, on his now clearly evident prominence.
"You drive me crazy." he tells you taking a long moment to observe you, you are completely naked on top of him while he's still wearing his now bulky T-shirt and boxers.
"Take me." you tell him, bringing his hands to your hips.
He smiles as if you have said something particularly funny, "What?" you ask him blinking.
"What have you done with the sweet version of you?" he asks you barely clasping his hands on your hips, you smile at him giving him a kiss first on his lips and then moving down his neck, feeling him hold his breath.
"I'm still the same." you answer him between kisses "Sweet and insecure, but other times I know what I want and you know thanks to who?" you add going up to his chin giving him a very light bite "Thanks to you." you resume looking into his eyes.
"If I could move freely…" he tells you as a small grimace appears on his face, causing him to furrow his brow.
"What would you do?" you ask, looking at him with eyes full of curiosity and lust.
He swallows, moves a strand of your hair and then with his hands descends back down to your intimacy, wraps it completely in his hand and caresses your outer lips with a finger. You hold your breath tightening your grip on his shoulders, you look into his eyes as if seeking safety, he kisses the tip of your nose as he continues that exhausting caress. Your intimacy throbs, you feel yourself on fire as he continues those movements with a slow cadence making you want to be filled completely by his big finger.
"Joel…" you moan, pressing even harder against his chest eager for more clutch.
Finally, oh finally, his finger sinks inside you, inch by inch, it's a sensation that makes you hold your breath, but you deeply desired, he stays still for a while then slowly begins to pump in and out, the rhythm makes you moan and close your eyes. After a while he stops and you, with blurred vision, look at him puzzled, "Now I will insert another finger, if you have pain tell me and I will stop."
A second finger? It will never go in, or will it?
He must have noticed the bewilderment on your face because he reassures you, "Don't worry, I'll go very slowly. I won't do anything that will hurt you, okay?" you nod, "You tell me if you want me to stop, though," he reiterates.
A second finger enters you very, very slowly, sinking even more slowly than the first in your throbbing cunt. You feel your walls almost give way to his passage, you groan and close your eyes, it feels. . . strange, but so. . . you are at a loss for words. It's even better than you could have thought!
With the palm of his hand he rubs your clit sending more discharges of pure lust all along your body, you moan shamelessly rubbing yourself against him, "Joel. . . oh. . ." you can't speak, he lays his other hand at the base of your back stroking you with slow gestures, "I'm going to. . . I'm going to. . ."
"'s okay, just let go." his words are enough, his fingers continuing to move in and out of you at an ever-increasing pace, his hand caressing you is enough to make you close your eyes and let out a long resounding moan.
You let go, abandoning your head on his shoulder as he continues to pump gently still in and out of you, then he pulls his fingers away from you and you feel his hands encircling you and moving closer to your torso and then placing a kiss between your shoulder and your neck, "'s okay." he says then giving you another kiss on your neck and moving your hair causing you to shiver.
When you open your eyes again, you notice how visibly aroused he is, how his arousal is. . . big, very big, you have chills. You want to make love with him, but he will never fit that inside you.
He lays a kiss on your forehead, then you look up and meet his eyes, "We were fighting. . . and then. . ." he says with a smile, a smile you return, "then you realized the reason was futile." you complete. He nods, "You are. . ." he sighs noisily "so important to me, to my life, to my heart." he admits, caressing your face and scrutinizing you for a long time. You press yourself against him wrapping your arms around his neck, he groans. You sat on him completely, you also jerk and lower your gaze, "No." he says almost interpreting your look.
"Why don't you want me to touch you like you do with me?" you ask him intentionally settling better on him causing him to close his eyes and part his lips.
"I think you've already had another first for today. Let's take it slow." he says, "We'll do that too, honey, I promise." he says stroking your bare back in a slow motion that makes you close your eyes.
"I'd like to make you feel as good as you did me," you tell him looking into his eyes, "I don't want to touch you if you don't want to, but now it's your turn. You can't just worry about me, tell me what to do."
"It's… not…" he's about to complain, but you move a little awkwardly on his shaft and he finds himself swallowing, "it's. . . not necessary. . ."
"Joel!" you call back to him, "Really, tell me what to do." you add, this time intentionally touching his intimacy with yours.
"Fuck. . ." he groans closing his eyes, sighing noisily. He places his hands on your hips and moves you back and forth on his bulge, you both moan at that clutch, "Oh, fuck," he groans again gasping as you place your hands on his shoulders continuing to rub against him, "That's so. . . oh, baby, I. . ." his expression is tense, the vein on his neck clearly visible.
"Joel. . . don't stop." you moan as you move closer to him and give him kisses along the vein on his neck, you feel him gasp, move you on him a few more times and then he lets out a long resounding moan that deliciously fills your ears and leads you to encircle his neck with your arms as you too feel you have experienced a second orgasm just in rubbing against his manhood.
You stay like that against each other for a while longer, then you shift and slip on your briefs again, feel his burning gaze follow you, look up and meet his eyes, slip your T-shirt back on and put on a pair of shorts trying to ignore that almost clutching feeling at the pit of your stomach.
"You hungry?" you ask him.
He nods.
"Pancakes? Or ham and eggs?" you offer him.
"Coffee." he replies with a relaxed expression painted on his face.
"You can't have breakfast with just coffee, you know what happens? You get annoying." you look at him with an amused look making him visibly relax "Do you want to wash up first? Shall I give you a hand?"
He looks at you amused, "Nice try."
You blush, "I'm serious. . . I didn't mean anything."
"Then why are ya all flushed?" he asks relaxing completely.
"Because … I'm not used to these allusions, I always hated 'em. Gina, my friend, makes constant allusions to sex, and it always makes me uncomfortable." you confide to him.
"Why?" he asks cocking his head to one side with a small grimace twitching his face.
You sit down next to him, "I always saw sex as something awkward, strange. . . maybe because I didn't know my body, maybe because I never shared a truly intimate moment with another person, and maybe because I looked at sex as something deeply intimate and not to be talked about like that." you confide again "Do you think I'm strange?" you ask turning to him.
"Not at all. I'm a lucky old man." he says "Not everyone approaches sex immediately."
You nod, "Well, would you rather wash first - no innuendo - and then eat?"
"Okay, will you help me?" he asks looking to his side.
"Does it hurt?" you ask as you stand up and help him to his feet.
"A little, I think the painkillers wore off by now," he replies.
"Lean on me," you tell him, encircling his waist with your arm; he smiles at you, "Don't worry."
You help him get to the bathroom, then take off his T-shirt revealing himself in his might, he reveals to you once again his broad torso full of old and new scars and you again stand almost open-mouthed, you are very attracted to that strip of dark hair disappearing into his boxers. You look away feeling yourself flaming again.
"May I ask how you fell and what you were doing in the dark?" you ask as you wash his shoulders paying attention to the recent cuts and bruises present.
"Tess…" he replies with a sigh, shaking his head "she never shuts up." shortly after he adds "I heard that if we didn't complete the work on at least the upstairs by the beginning of next week, we won't going to get paid and I want to get paid because I busted my back on that fucking construction site!" he blurts out "And instead I put my foot wrong and fell with those tools. I'm an old fool." he exclaims with a sigh.
"You're not at all, you wanted to get paid for the hard work! But even if they don't have to pay you this job, though, you'll find another one," you tell him, passing the sponge between his neck and shoulders.
He shakes his head, "I don't know, the truth is maybe I should stop giving myself over to these things and do something else, even though this is what I am." he concludes by lowering his head.
"Joel," you say stopping washing him and squatting down next to him "don't talk like that about yourself, you're 47 years old it's true, but that doesn't mean you have to quit, it's true yours is a dangerous job, but you can still do it. Maybe not open construction sites, you could renovate single-story houses, you could do something a little less dangerous." you tell him abandoning the sponge and stroking his face "Look at me, please" he finally looks up "You're fine like this, you're perfect like this. It happens to everyone to fail, but if for every failure we said I'm not good enough I'd better give up, well we wouldn't live anymore!"
His formerly sad eyes become sweet and serene again, he reaches out a hand to you and caresses one cheek, this contact makes you close your eyes, you surrender to him, as always, whenever you are with him.
"You're sweet, I've always said so."
You smile looking into his eyes, "We need each other, did you see?"
He nods, "I'm taking your advice. Will you take one from me?" you look at him questioningly, "I read that there's in Seattle a contest for new writers, entries are due in June, why don't you sign up?"
A contest for new writers? Oh, it's always been your dream to sign up for a literary contest, but Seattle is so far away. . . so far away from him.
"I know that look," he says making you look up at him, "you don't have to say yes or no right away, think about it. I'd like to know and see you accomplished. I'd like to see a picture of you everywhere that says writer of the year." he says smiley and making you smile "Or maybe see you win the Pulitzer Prize." he adds making you smile nervously as your vision blurs "I don't want you to stay in that ugly, dreary little town, you have so much potential. It would be a shame to waste it over there in a bar or even in a library, I have nothing against people who do those jobs," he tells you, cupping your face and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs, "but I wouldn't want you to do that forever. You have a unique mind, you're brilliant, you're smart, you're too much to be confined only to yourself." you're crying, you can't hold back the tears anymore "Maybe someday someone might come and make some documentary about you and who knows they'll do some interviews around and they'll interview me too and I'll say I know her, I met the wonderful woman who's driving everybody crazy."
"Stop it," you tell him sobbing and hiding your face in your hands.
He calls you gently pulling you to him to hug you, you hide your face in the crook of his neck heedless of getting wet yourself. He holds you tightly to him, his hands caress your back, "'s okay, honey, 's okay." he says kissing your forehead, your cheek, your neck, your lips.
The truth is, you don't want to fulfill your dream if you know you have to leave him.
You surrender into his kisses, into his strong arms holding you to him trying to push that thought away as much as possible because, for you, it's not acceptable.
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A/N Thank you for your support, for your likes and reblog, thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging and leaving comments 🫶 if you don't like it don't be rude and keep going. 😉 Please remember English is not my first language, so please be merciful! 🙏 The girl in the gif has the purpose to represent the situation only 🙂
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
The idea of a octotrio polycule is so cute Mochi pliz hear my rambling
Why settling for one when you can get a buy one get two for free deal?
I can't think of much ideas other than the situation that Azul does something similar to what happened in book three so now they are punished by not getting cuddles the most decent option is to actually put your foot down and keep the punishment even if your boyfriends cry out about how "working at the lounge was so exhausting! Please spare some cuddles for these three poor fishies!!" and even if some of your friends call you out (Jack for Jade, Ace for Floyd +Jamil, Azul for literally anyone?) because they are causing trouble:
Jade keeps following around Jack to ask him questions about beastfolks (I think this happened in the playful land event Jade wanted to make Jack wear silly clothes) he is willing to drag anyone you know into hearing his fully dramatized history of your harsh punishment and it comes with the incredible acting skills of Jade Leech!!
Floyd isn't even trying to even walk to every other activity he does it looks like he does it against his own will (on classes, on club activities) and that's why Ace told you about the latest club practice where Floyd just stayed face first on the gymnasium floor? Please prefect Jamil is about to invent new seafood dishes from how much annoyed he is with this "squiggly, slimy bastard eel"
Speaking of slimy eels... Epel called you because he discovered the whole reason why Vil has been more snappy than usual is Azul not being able to provide his moisturizer because "My workers and myself are in a heavy emotional break, I am afraid that we will be canceling production until stated otherwise.." he genuinely made a little domino line that ends connecting to you and your personal friends?
Of course that's the more decent option of you still going along with the punishment I am saying decent because the other option is to give up and get teased by the tweels and getting your time and affection fully capitalized by your octo darling
After the punishment is over (if you actually have decency and choose the first option) surprisingly when the three immediately drag you to the usual cuddle session everything is planned to fit each of your likings the series you three been watching/a movie playing in the tv, tasty snacks and a thing similar to a pillow fort/a nest? Filled with soft blankets and couches for the best of the best cuddle sections and after this everything will go back to its regular flow!!
(i want to force my brain to have more ideas for this dynamic but I haven't come up with anything else)
They are a delightful package deal, tbh. But they guilt you for your affections so often, it's a miracle that you haven't wrung their necks yet.
They indeed make it everyone else's problem when you decide to ban them from any form of affection other than quick cheek kisses and handholding. But it's 10 times worse when only one or two of them are banned, but the others aren't.
Floyd gets in trouble with you a lot because he tends to bite into you a bit harder than he should, leaving deep marks. It's not the marking itself that's the issue, you'll admit, but it's the fact that he'll leave them in visible areas like your forearms, neck, collar, and even your ankles. All spots that others will see and ask, “Wtf, you good bro??” Sometimes he'll do the same to Azul, who will do the same and ban Floyd from touching him in any form. It wouldn't be as bad if Jade didn't rub it in his face, coming up to hug you from behind, leaning in close to brush his lips against Azul's ear to whisper something, all things that Floyd can't do! It leaves Floyd incredibly annoyed, sometimes angry, and every so often devastated that he can't hold his mates. If the latter occurs, he's coming after you. A weak thing to his tears, Azul has had years to build up resilience and hold firm, but you are weak to a whiny, teary-eyed Floyd who is begging for a kiss and cuddle. It's not faaaaair, Jade's been rubbing it in his face all day, and he loves you both so much, but Azul's not budging and if he can't even hold his shrimp, he doesn't even know what he'll dooooooooo! The day ends with Floyd and you in bed, his arms tightly wrapped around your middle and legs tangled in yours as he blissfully naps. Azul's annoyed that you caved in, but Jade's amused and tries to push Azul into joining the cuddle pile with him.
Now, if Jade's the one that being iced out for something, he'll actually return the favor tenfold. He's just an innocent little guy, what do you mean he can't just secretly feed you two an aphrodisiac mushroom? You had lots of fun afterward, even Floyd agrees (he does, but his firm moral stance on mushrooms doesn't). But Azul's pissed that he was used as a test subject again, and you had to call Ace and Deuce to watch Grim as an emergency. Again. So when you both ban him to only quick smooches and side hugs, Jade returns the energy. He's refusing any form of affection, and not giving them to you. Unlike Floyd, who's begging harassing you for cuddles, he's going to make you two come beg for him. After a few days of no Jade, you're both missing him, it's surprisingly Azul who reaches out first when Jade comes to deliver some paperwork for the dorm. The octomer had leaned in to give him a kiss, when Jade stepped away with a sly smile and told him, “Oh, but I thought you weren't giving me your affections? Let's not go back on our word now, Azul.” Jade is a tad bit nicer to you—taking after Floyd—to guilt you into loving on him again. But Azul? He's gonna make him suffer, simply because he enjoys making him squirm. It's honestly a sight to see, as neither are willing to back down. At least until the two of them fall asleep in Azul's office after working a late night, curled into each other's sides on the couch.
Azul probably has it the worst, as he has both twins teasing him. Floyd and Jade are flaunting you around him, being extra handsy. They're cooing at him, whining about how they can't cuddle both of you at the same time since he was dumb enough to piss you off. How could he do this to them? Such a mean, mean Azul! By far, though, you're the weakest to Azul's charms and silver tongue when compared to the twins. Maybe it's due to the knowledge of Azul's childhood, or maybe it's just because he's extra cute, but you can't find yourself away from him for more than a day. He sniffles, murmurs something about missing your embrace, and you're rushing into his arms, kissing away his tears. The twins get incredibly annoyed that you're so quick to let Azul back into your arms, while they have to wait at least a week sometimes. But then you're both reaching out arms and cooing at them to come to bed, batting your eyes, and all complaints are out the window.
I love them they make for a wonderful polycule. After all, they're a package deal, no matter how much they might say they're not.
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thewertsearch · 9 months
AG: Tavros, you give confidence a 8ad name. I gave you all the chances in the world to earn it, to earn REAL confidence, and you failed.
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Pictured: Vriska giving Tavros 'a chance to earn real confidence'.
AG: You couldn't even do the one little thing I asked you to! The one thing that would have made you man up once and for all.
'Man up' is a funny idiom for a troll to use. We've occasionally seen trolls fall into human gender stereotypes, but it's quite rare, and always sticks out like a sore thumb.
There's an interesting conversation to be had about troll genders. With a reproductive cycle so different to ours, their gender framework will inevitably be different as well. Yes, there are male and female trolls - but what do male and female actually mean to a troll?
On Earth, your assigned gender carries cultural baggage which simply wouldn't exist on Alternia. Assigned gender plays no role in reproduction, nor does it influence household division of labor, since trolls don't have households.
Gender aside, do trolls have a concept of masculine and feminine? Beyond a few stray idioms, the only evidence I can find is their clothing styles. We haven't seen any male trolls rocking a skirt - not yet, at least.
tl;dr: 'Man up' is a cultural can of worms. I think that was probably unintentional, though, and I think we're supposed to interpret that line as if a human spoke it. Vriska's calling Tavros a wimp, which is business as usual.
AG: So instead you flew away and cried, and decided to sleep away your sorrow for the rest of the adventure.
Tavros already alluded to this incident during his conversation with Jade. I guessed that Vriska would be involved, but that was a bit of a no-brainer.
Vriska's trying to frame Tavros as pathetic, but it sounds like he actually put his foot down, flat-out refusing to participate in whatever she had planned. Much like the FLARP incident, this sounds like a victory for Tavros, even if she's convinced him otherwise.
AG: Do you have any idea how sick that made me? Everything a8out you makes me sick.
He rejects your advice. He rejects your advances. His lusus cared for him. He was allowed to be kind, and accepts kindness from others. He doesn't care about winning, but he never lets you win. No matter how much you torment him, he refuses to get any stronger, which means your mindset might be wrong.
'Sick' would be an understatement.
AG: Your plan to control her lusus really wasn't a 8ad idea! AG: And using your a8ility to "save her life" (lol) was a pretty good way to test how effective your powers are across sessions. [...] AG: Practicing your a8ilities is important, so when it comes down to using them for something that really matters, you know you're ready for prime time. AG: I know this first hand. AG: I got lots and lots and LOTS of practice with your little guinea pig friend. ::::D
So that's why Jade was constantly napping? That can't have been good for her brain.
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AG: The catch is it's not going to work! [...] AG: You couldn't sic the guardian on Noir even if you were inclined. Not even if I were to MAKE you inclined! :::;)
Like I said before, it's really Vriska who can control First Guardians.
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AG: 8ecause you are dealing with a pro here. I already thought of that. AG: I thought of everything! AG: The guardian is not going to attack the agents who engineered him in the first place. AG: Or who I should say were "encouraged" (lol) to engineer him.
Why the fuck would you do this?
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When Vriska prototyped Bec, she explained that the event was mandated by the Alpha Timeline, so she didn't make anything worse by causing it. I don't agree with her argument, but I do understand her logic.
This is different. Up until now, there has been no evidence that Bec can't harm Agents. Vriska had no prophecy to fulfil, and no reason to believe that this was required to preserve the timeline. Yes, now we know it's baked into the timeline, but only because Vriska wanted it.
Having Bec help with Jack was a really good idea, and removing the option to do so helps no one. Where's the benefit?
AT: wHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, AG: Tavros, at this point it should 8e o8vious. AG: I am the unseen hand 8ehind every major event in their session, and to some extent, their whole lives. AG: At least those events not happening 8y the volition of their own natural incompetence! AG: Don't you think this is how it should 8e? Shouldn't the greatest player leave her fingerprints on every step of the rise to power of her ultim8 nemesis?
I know Vriska likes to feel in control, but this is ridiculous.
Inserting yourself into Alpha loops is one thing, but nerfing Bec when you don't have to is straight-up sabotage. Couldn't she just stick to micromanaging John's outfits?
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AG: I have every angle covered already. The human session is on full Serket lockdown. Any effort you make to disrupt my plans will 8e laugha8le, just like everything you have ever done in your life. AG: The only thing left to do now is prepare to kill Jack myself, and save everyone's ungrateful asses.
Oh my god, I think I've cracked it.
Vriska thinks she's the only one with the right to kill Jack.
She describes him as her ultimate nemesis, which reeks of main character syndrome. Bec isn't important enough to kill Jack, so she eliminated him as an option. It has to be her, the most powerful Player, who's gained all the levels, because that is how these things are done.
It's not just ego, either - there's a deeper motivation at play. If Vriska doesn't beat Jack, she doesn't win - and if she doesn't win, then what was all that abuse were all those challenges for? What was the point?
In Vriska's head, Jack needs to be her nemesis. She needs to be destined to kill him - because if she is, then everything she went through was justified. She'll have secured her position as the most powerful Player of all, and she'll never have to be jealous of anyone again - least of all that wimp with his sweet little fairy lusus. They're all weak, and she's strong.
If she doesn't kill Jack, she's a loser.
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And losers may as well be dead.
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
Yandere 701 Headcanons
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A/n: I haven't really gotten into all the boys in room 701, I will write for them soon I promise and that will be part two to this one, but for now it's only Jack, Legoshi, Collot, and Voss
Warnings: yandere behavior, reader is a herbivore {bunny type but is not fully said so, there for it can be any herbivore you would like} violence, threats, murderer, dark content, and Su•cide
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Yandere Type -> protective, worrisome, aware
How it started -> you were one of Haru's friends a sweet little thing in the gardening club. Now when he first started visiting the gardening club it was for Haru... But the more he saw you the more interested he became. So small, so soft and fluffy, and yet unafraid... So willing to stand up and get in others' faces whether they had fangs or not. You stood up for Haru quite a bit however Haru had always looked out for herself first and you never if not rarely got the same treatment from her, he felt you needed him...
🐺❤️‍🩹• Legoshi is very protective, he is ok with you going on your own, and he is alright with you having friends... (for the most part) however if you do go out he has to know several things first, where are you going? Who is going with you? What time will you be back? Are you coming back to him right after? Can he go? If not, why?
He wants you to be safe and wants to be the one to keep you safe, and if he deems it not safe for you, he either comes along whether you know it or not, or he doesn't let you go at all. Simple as that. It can go one of two ways, either he tries to make excuses as to why you can't go or explains how he already planned to take you out that night, or he just has to make a hard call and forces you to stay home even if he feels bad afterward.
🐺❤️‍🩹• Legoshi is very worrisome, he worries about everything all the time. Are you ok? Are you thirsty? Hungry? Cold? To warm? Maybe you'd like to go to the garden? Or maybe stay home with him? Have you eaten today? Does he do too much? Do you ever get bored of him?
He is worried that one day you'll decide you hate him and just run away; of course, he wouldn't just let you go, or more so he CAN'T let you go. It would tear his heat to shreds, he would have to force you to stay and then you would hate him and that would also hurt him but not as bad as you going away forever.
🐺❤️‍🩹• now Legoshi isn't delusional, and while he tries to justify what he is doing, telling himself that you need him and you don't always know what's best and that he only wants you to be loved, cared for, and protected he knows deep down that what he is doing isn't morally right.
But even then he tries to justify, saying that he IS a carnivore and they survive on feeding the flesh of others, so his existence isn't morally correct.
Deepest fear -> he is afraid of hurting you, not just accidentally scratching you, or pulling your ear a bit too hard. He means getting carried away and losing in his feelings that he devours you... Afraid that one day he will just snap and he'll clamp down on your soft neck... If he did that he would probably take himself out of this world out of guilt...
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Yandere Type -> worshiper, Clingy, Stalker
How it started -> he was being pushed around, being a dog that is known for being domesticated and weak he is always being pushed around by the bigger guys. But when a small little thing like you came to his aid, he swears you were a fluffy little angel, and while he was mocked for being saved by someone like you... He didn't even care. Not when butterflies, rose petals and star dust seemed to dance around your head.
🐶🐕‍🦺• Jack looks at you like you hung the stars in the night sky, you could tell him you made the earth and he would believe you. Anything you tell him he takes as truth with no questions and will defend your words no matter what. He doesn't care if what you said was wrong or what you said isn't true and he knows it, he gaslights himself into believing whatever you tell him. Once you say something no one can convince him otherwise not even his best friend legoshi...
🐶🐕‍🦺• Jack is very very very clingy... He has to be breathing the same air as you to be happy. He always has his hands on you. Not even in a sexual way. He just always has to be holding your hand, fluffing up your fur, petting your ears, and nuzzling up to you.
He doesn't care who is around, they can leave. Or sit there and watch. He doesn't care, he is already bullied for being him so what could be worse? Being called a simp? Or obsessed? Oh please, he's heard worse from his own mother.
🐶🐕‍🦺• Jack is always around you. Even when you think you're alone, you're not. Even before you were dating he watched you from afar, either just sneaking around your dorm room door, a bench at the park, or just following your car.
You've already shared many intimate experiences together and you just don't know it. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about you. He always tells you it was "just a hunch" when he 'guesses' the things you like when he does anything or gets anything for you. It wasn't a hunch he knew because he saw it...
Deepest fear -> you leaving him behind, one day you feeling suffocated by him to the point of loathing him and just packing your things and leaving him behind... It would shatter his soul. He would lose his sanity and would probably end up damaging himself, emotionally, mentally, and physically
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Yandere Type -> delusional, playful, manipulative
How it started -> most girls flock to him, but he doesn't fully know why. But he isn't one to complain about the attention from pretty girls. However, that doesn't mean he exactly enjoys being labeled as this heartless playboy leaving a trail of broken hearts. He just likes to explore his feelings sometimes he feels a type of way about someone only for that feeling to drift and find a better feeling with someone else. He doesn't mean for it to seem like he is a heartless player but it comes across that way. You were very cute and very sweet but just seemed to have a sour taste about him. But that changed when you we being chased around by some boy rabbits trying to get you to go out with them, and in a moment to try and save yourself you found Collot and pretended to be dating so the boys would get scared of the large dog...
🐶🐩• he is quite delusional, he truly doesn't see what he is doing as wrong. To him it's just his feelings, everyone has feelings, and some are just more extreme... Right? He just doesn't get it.
But if you tried to explain it, he really wouldn't listen. He had never felt this way before how would you possibly know what was going on with him? He likes you, isn't that enough?
🐶🐩• Collot is very playful, he uses that to mask his unusual acts and way of thinking. For example the time he 'playfully' shoved Jack for standing a little too close to you. Or the time he jokingly told someone that if they let their hand get too close to your butt again he'd have to bite it off.
He again doesn't see anything wrong with these 'jokes' and he can always just blame when he gets to rough on him just being a big dog. And that's a bonus to him! while yes he is big and can be intimidating to anything smaller than him he is still a dog, and others still don't really take him seriously. He can get away with a lot.
🐶🐩• Collot is manipulative but unintentionally so, he is just really good at talking things into going his way. Thanks to his laid-back nature and seemingly unfazed aura, "yeah you can hang out with them, I mean that seemed a little grabby about you but if you really trust them don't worry about me. Go ahead and have fun, just text me once in a while yeah? Just so I know nothings happenin' to ya."
It's that kind of manipulation where he just makes you second-guess your choice of friends, and who you are in a moral sense.
deepest fear -> being pushed to the side because you find someone more alluring than him. Collot isn't a firm believer in karma and what comes around goes around, but he would be lying if he said he hadn't ditched someone he was talking to simply because he found someone he was more interested in. It wasn't maliciously, he is just a go with the flow 'it is what it is and shrugs-it-off kinda dog and he doesn't fully grasp the fact that not everyone is like that and his actions have caused others heartache in the past, and normally if someone he was talking to did the same to him he again would just shrug it off... But if you were to... He doesn't think he could just shrug it off.
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Yandere Type -> Demanding, Clingy, possessive
How it started -> he again was being ignored for being one of the little guys, he asked three times for no pickles and he still. Got. Pickles. But no matter how angry he got or how much he told the guy he still didn't listen. But you overheard and stood up next to him and said "Excuse me! He said No. Pickles." you sassed the large carnivore and while Voss would normally be pissed at someone stepping into his business but... Seeing someone small like you being able to get sass one of the big guys and get away with it... It made him feel something he never had before...
🤏🐶• Voss is quite demanding in your relationship, but he is so small and cute that he kinda gets away with it. He is demanding in a way of always wanted to be around you and gets quite valgure when you don't let him.
He will shit-talk your friends, and he will ask you if you wish he was different, "do you wish I was taller?" "Oh I see, you just want me to be quiet and just sit in the background huh!" he isn't always mean, but he can be when he gets insecure.
🤏🐶• Voss is clingy, very clingy. He is always on you. Not holding your hand, not following you. He is ON you. You might be small but he is smaller, he is on your shoulder, and he won't get down. Voss just wants you to want him, he wants to be in your lap and just talk, and show you that he really likes you. More than he has ever liked anyone.
Even his friends were shocked at how clingy Voss was, while yeah he hung onto them but only when he needed to get around quick with them but he never clung to them like this, and while they think it's good he found a partner they don't think it's the healthiest.
🤏🐶• Voss doesn't want you being around ANYONE, he doesn't want you talking about interacting with anyone that isn't one of his close friends or you have to interact with them due to class or work reasons. He hates the idea of you not spending time with him and having fun with someone else.
Deepest fear -> being replaced. He is a small guy, he is always pushed to the back and is only ever seen when he is with someone bigger. He is afraid of you not finding him interesting anymore. Afraid you will see his as everyone else does. He just wants you to love and want him as much as he does you.
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I hope you enjoyed, sorry I was away for so long. I have gotten back into beastars if anyone wants to ask for them 👉👈
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aquaburst3 · 8 months
Okay, since I haven't seen many posts up yet about this, not that I blame anyone since others are probably at school and work rn, I want make a post summarizing what happened so far in the latest event on the JP server.
All of this info came from LuluBelle over on my Discord server, so all the credit for gathering this up goes to them.
Also, I don't know how to speak or read Japanese nor do I have the JP version of the app, making me unable to verify this. Take this all with a huge mountain of salt.
Like I said in my other post, I'm calling him Honest Fellow, since that sounds less awkward and I think it'll be localized to that anyway.
JP Event Spoilers Below
The arc starts with Honest Fellow and Giddel selling the themepark to some faceless NPCs. After some convincing, they enter the park. Honest Fellow evil laughs.
We cut to a basketball game between RSA and NRC. NRC lose yet again. NRC fight amongst themselves, and the teachers break it up.
After the game, Floyd, Ace, Yuu and Grim, wallowing in their frustration at NRC's loss to RSA, decided to go Craneport to get some snacks. There they find Jade and Jack on the way.Jack was there to get some new threads while Jade was there by sheer coincidence.
Kalim and Ortho arrive. They were in a bookstore, because Kalim was searching for books concerning magic potions, since he's struggling with those and Sam's shop was closed. (I have no idea why Jamil wasn't there either, because him leaving Kalim unattended seems kinda ooc.)
Honest Fellow along with his brother swoop in, making their sales pitch. Grim wonders about what Playful Land is exactly. Ace explains that it's a mysterious amusement park that nobody knows where it is. Honest Fellow says that's correct.
Honest Fellow gives the group tickets to the park. When Kalim says they'll go the next weekend, Honest Fellow chimes in, saying, "Oh, no, no! You can only use it until tomorrow!" They both fuck off into the night.
When the group gets back, they tell Riddle and Jamil about the tickets. They're both like, "Hell no!" Riddle shoots it down because skipping classes is unforgivable. (Ace was originally gonna invite Deuce, but he tattled on him to Riddle, since he found the whole thing suspicious. Honestly, good on him.) Jamil finds it suspicious and puts his foot down, telling Kalim that he forbids him from ever going.
Jack tells Leona, who is all like, "Nah, this is kinda fishy." Jack decides that he has to go because he promised Honest Fellow he would, and he doesn't want to break it.
Floyd tells Azul. He says, "Nope, I'm not coming. It's sus, and I don't wanna owe anybody anything!" They tweels laugh, saying that they want to check it out BECAUSE it's shady.
Ortho tells his brother. He shoots it down, since he doesn't like crowds. Ortho then confides in Vil thanks to them being in the same club.
Early the morning, before the sun rises, the group gathers to sneak to the harbour in town. Kalim managed to get the rest of the Light Music Club to come along, because they saw just how sad Kalim seemed and decided to tag along to comfort him. Vil was convinced to come along by Ortho. One, he wants to see what's the big deal about this park. Two, he's also suspicious, and, as a dorm leader, he wants to oversee all of his juniors and make sure they're all okay. Trey followed after Ace because Deuce asked him for his help and had the feeling that Ace would be stubborn enough to rebel and sneak out even though Riddle said no. Leona followed after Jack because he felt like he had to be the responsible one for once and was genuinely concerned about Jack's well being.
Honest Fellow arrives. He is just so dramatic. Half of them go, "Fucking really? Why did any of our juniors trust this guy? He's as sus as a FNAF animatronic!" (Not in those words, obliviously, but along that same idea.)
Honest Fellow shows them around the park. Which looks like this...
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The park is more like those travelling summer fairs where it goes from town to town instead of staying in one place like Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm or any of the Disney Parks. The boys can kick back and indulge in their darkest desires.
The third years still feel that this whole thing is kinda sus. Since Grim and some of the others head straight to the entry gate, they reluctantly go along with it to watch over their juniors. Grim face plants into the gate, because he didn't show a ticket. Ace shows his ticket. Ace, Grim and Yuu's clothes get magically altered to resemble the ones on the card. The same thing happened to everyone else.
After everyone's gotten inside the amusement park, we have a foreboding speech from Honest Fellow and Giddel about how the young generation are easily skeptical, but can still be fooled by the promises of a fun play park. Honest Fellow mentions how he and Giddel should accommodate their visitors… for it will be the "last'' fun memory that they'd have. Cue End of Part 1.
Some other minor side things...
It's confirmed. Honest Fellow and Giddel are brothers.
Honest Fellow is a mage, but is less magically inclined compared to the NRC boys. Giddel is a non-mage.
Lulu, aka the same person from my Discord server, suspects the themepark itself might be a magic tool of some kind. Considering how it operated in the movie and novel along with fan theories about them, I'm inclined to believe them.
We also finally got a description of what Yuu is actually wearing during this event. (Honestly, it's about fucking time. Because one gripe I always had with these events is that we never get even a small description of what Yuu is wearing, which makes it harder to imagine what's going on in my head.) Basically, they are wearing the same style jacket as Leona, but with the same colours as Lilia's costume. Do with that information as you will Malleus/Yuu shippers.
Honest Fellow has a Honest John pendant on his hat.
More of a personal gripe, but I'm not sure what to make of Honest Fellow as a character yet. Right now, he seems like the mastermind behind this whole operation, but that doesn't make sense. In the movie, Honest John wasn't on board with the Pleasure Island shit, and only went along with it thanks to the Coachman threatening him and Gideon's lives. Wouldn't it be far more fitting for him to be a lacky of another villain and being forced to go along with it out of fear of having the same thing happen to him and his brother? And if that was the case, that would also better align him thematically with Ortho, who's brother is the same way towards him. But I'm reserving my judgements on his character until the event is over.
Playful Land gives me major Joy Joy Land vibes.
I find the idea of Leona, Trey and Vil going there, because they are worried about their juniors adorable. They are really tapping into their big brother instincts, even if I doubt Vil and Leona would ever admit it out loud.
Though, one plot hole with this whole thing is why didn't Jamil, Trey and Deuce rip up the tickets if they were that concerned about the others going to the park? Granted, the tickets could be enchanted so that they're impossible to destroy, but I never heard if that's the case yet. Idk, it's a nitpick, but it's still something that annoys me a bit as a writer myself.
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icryaboutit · 6 months
It was all acting?!
SUMMARY: Imagine, somewhere in the timeline of Twst, Vil asked for GenZ!Yuu's assistance when one of the actors failed to show due to reasons. So GenZ!Yuu of course agreed to it cause why not. And the real kicker to it all is that the person they were replacing is a lover who got their heart broken, so crying was involved. Now IMAGINE, the sheer amount of suppressed trauma GenZ!Yuu have finally had a reason to come out.
or something along those lines
TAGS: Male Yuu, OOC, Angst?
WORD COUNT: 1,290 words
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"What do you mean, they can't come?!"
The high-pitched voice of Vil's manager echoed through the place, garnering much attention from nearby crowds.
"Keep quiet Adeline, you are garnering unwanted attention."
Vil's calm yet somehow tired voice came from behind his manager, making her look at him with a distressed expression.
"How can I stay calm Vil! One of our actor is unreachable! And today is a big day!"
She exclaimed, clearly today's event was something that was of great importance. Which it is, the current event at play may help Vil rise in more fame, hell! It might even help him finally beat Neige LeBlanche.
"I know how important this is Adeline. But there is no need to fret and stress over something that we couldn't have known would occur."
"But Vil-!"
"Hmm? What's going on?"
This snapped the two out from their own world arguing, when a familiar voice had interrupted their talk.
"Ah, potato, what brings you here?"
Vil greeted, as Yuu stood there with some things in hand.
"Rook had asked of me to deliver this for you Vil-san."
Yuu said as he gave the stuff on his hand to Adeline.
"Thank you potato."
"No problem~ Rook promised to give me some trinkets for this trip so it wasn't really free labor."
Yuu explained with a shrug, as Vil looked at him up and down with calculating gaze. Feeling this, Yuu decided to make a quick ran for it.
"Well, then... I'll be off no-"
"Wait a minute, potato."
"What is it Vil-san..?"
Yuu cautiously asked, knowing whatever Vil halted him for would end up in a disaster.
"Potato, how would you like to star in-"
"No thank you~!"
Yuu sweated bullets as he declined Vil's offer in a swift move,
"You haven't even heard the proposal yet potato."
"Whatever Vil-san was about to say, my senses were telling me that such sacred duties are bound for a much fortunate soul~!"
In short, "Hell, no, fuck off!" was what Yuu wanted to give off which was brutally ignored by Vil's next choice of words.
"Oh~? Do you think my eyes would deceive me once I see talent potato? You must have mistaken me for someone else's personality."
In short, "Give up, you have no choice." And thus, getting the message, Yuu was added in the list of actors at the last minute.
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"Where did Yuu go?! I can't find him anywhere!"
"Henchman! Where are you!?"
"Maybe he just went to the bathroom?"
"You guys need to calm down..."
"Bold of ya ta even think they'll just calm down."
Currently, a group of first years were looking for a certain Yuu who still hasn't come on their meeting place.
Despite their current shenanigans, all of the first years were deeply worried as they wondered what kind of mess Yuu had gotten themselves involved in just by being in the area.
The sound of the notification on all of the first years' phones rang, informing them of the message that they had received.
Opening the message they were greeted by a text from the same person they were looking for.
YesImYuu: Can't make it guyz~!😥 Vil-san has me trapped!😭You guyz can go ahead and go🤧😞 AND BETTER BE ON TIME!😤
"So he's fine, good to know."
Jack who was the calmest exhaled in relief knowing that Yuu was alright. He then proceeded to push the flabbergasted group towards the entrance.
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"So I can say whatever I want?"
"Yeah, we just need a way for people to gather towards us so that the plot can be constructed... I guess, I'm not sure either."
Yuu was conversing with his partner who was as clueless as him, since the one who got information about everything was the one who was currently unavailable.
"Okay... So like, do you have anything particular topic in mind?"
"Well I mean, we just need to cause a commotion that will enable Schoenheit-senpai and the female lead to meet through the crowd. And we thought, what better crowd gathering option there is but a lover's quarrel..."
At the mention of the words lover's quarrel, Yuu had a bright idea popping into his mind.
"Oh~! Then how about-"
And this was the start of the famous lover's quarrel, staring the prefect of NRC and some dude from Pomefiore.
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The play had started, and just as Vil and his manager had expected, the theme garnered a lot of attention. Adeline only prayed that the scene where Vil and the female lead would end up meeting would be a success. Considering that Vil had made a choice to add an outsider the last minute.
The moment that scene appeared, the first years who were either only there for the free food, or because of some reasons or just genuine support, had their eyes widen at the sight of Yuu with some pomefiore guy as they argued in the background their voices inaudible.
Not to mention the prefect had a dress on, along with longer hair, and makeup that brought out his feminine side.
It wasn't only the first years who were shocked. Everyone who was somewhat close or friends with Yuu was flabbergasted and shocked to see him acting on the stage. Even more shocked as the play continues.
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"Who are you referring to?"
Yuu's face contorted into that of confusion and anger.
The man spat with a look of indifference. The fake crowd on the stage was now genuinely intrigued by what was happening with him and Yuu, as they crowded over the two who were "arguing".
"Why would I care about her?!"
"Because I care about her!!"
At the sudden explosion of emotion from the man the people couldn't help but flinch at it.
Yuu who was on the receiving end looked like he wanted to scoff at the unbelievable proclamation.
"Morning, noon, and night I care about her!.. And you hurt her."
The man looked angrier by the second, the look of insanity dancing in his eyes. Yuu on the other hand was silent, but his eyes told everyone his true feelings on the matter.
"If you hurt her... You hurt me."
There was silence as there was tension, the people watched in great apprehension as they watched the scene unfold.
The man held a broken and emotionless smile, as he stared at Yuu who held and expressed nothing on his face.
"Camilla is who I want, that is where my loyalties lie, that is who my priority is."
"Not the mother of your children?"
Gasps were heard as a big revelation came. The sky darkens as the weather visibly shifted to a much gloomier setting.
"Don't bring the boys into this."
"Alright, not the woman you married!!"
"I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance! I wash my hands of it!"
It was then that thunder strike, yet none were paying any attention to the weird weather changes as they watched the two on stage.
It was also the time that Yuu seemed to have enough, as he raised his hands in the air, a resounding slap echoed through the stage. Yuu looked at the man with an unreadable expression, but the tears that fell from his eyes held every ounce of emotion that was left for the man in front of him.
Gasps were heard, and the sudden movement made the crowd move suddenly, as they unconsciously pushed off a woman from the crowd, who happened to be the female lead. Only to be caught by Vil, who happened to have positioned himself there.
Nothing about that act was in the plan. But in the end, the play ran smoothly.
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imperfectionist (vinny hong x jo!reader)
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 3
part 2 | part 4
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood, descriptions of graphic violence, jo!reader, intelligent!reader, implications of academic pressure, second person's pov (you, you're, your), SPOILERS
It was Friday afternoon, you were free from your academic responsibilities—at least temporarily. 
Jay was sitting on the dinner table while reading his textbooks again, and Kay was in front of the TV smothering Jack, the injured black cat he and Minu found astray, and decided to take in. He's watching a show about weird cat animations with a comical, eye-sorely bright art style again. You left Kay's bungeoppang at the countertop and dropped your keys on the table.
“Kay, stop watching that crap and come eat. It's dinner time.” 
“It's not crap! It's art!”
Your younger brother, Kay, peered at you from behind the sofa backrest.You put your closed fist against the side your waist and frowned.
“I'm surprised you haven't puked cats and rainbows yet. You always watch that show, why don't you watch horror films instead? Give me that remote, let's watch 'Saw'.”
“No! Weird-noona!" Kay withheld the remote behind him when you pretended to reach for it. 
You displayed a sinister grin. “What? Gore films are educational.” 
“Unbelievable! Jay's obsessed with bikes while you're obsessed with… everything!”
“And you're obsessed with watching weird shows!”
“Says the one who's not weird!”
Jay ignored your sibling banter and resumed studying, his eyes blaring at the words on the textbook under his glasses. You're sure he's not going to rest anytime soon. You sighed in hopelessness. You admit how you're quite a studyholic yourself, but you try to give yourself a short break every now and then—discreetly. That's part of the reason you chose to stay in an apartment rather than your family home. 
You get flashbacks of those nights. After a long, draining day in school, you just want to do anything that doesn't involve having to bombard your head with information and reviewers. But then your mother enters your dim-lit room and catches you resting. That's when the constant “Why aren't you studying?”, “I don't want you slacking off”, “Make us proud.” ring in your ear.
Sometimes you only come home to make sure your brothers are still alive. At home, it felt as if taking a break was a crime. You hated how it felt to be watched. It was exhausting how you only matter when you're a high-achiever. It didn't feel like home.
It felt like hell.
“It's the weekend. Shouldn't you at least take a break?” You lightly put your hand against the table and leaned down at Jay.
“I'm good. Thanks for worrying, but you're the one who should rest. You're left with Student Council work. And you tend to overwork yourself too.”
Right. Jay got stripped off of his position of being the Student Council President. You shrugged it off. Jay shot you a glance, until he remembered a question he's been wanting to ask you an hour ago.
“So, why did you suggest Vinny?” He opened up the topic. “You've met him?”
You were a slightly taken aback by his question. Yes, but also no. “No. I don't even know him personally.”
Jay looked at you for a few seconds. He knows you're not telling him something, but he doesn't intend to be intrusive, you can tell him some other time.
“...Okay. But why him?” 
”I just can't think of another escape so my mouth moved by itself. And judging from Dom's protests, surely you won't really recruit him, right?”
Besides, from the way Vinny Hong was ready to meet his death and unremorsefully uttered the words "I'd rather die than pay a hospital bill" that was still fresh in your memory as the picture in your head of the pool of blood from the concrete he sat on that night, months ago, he needs help. But you weren't a savior—you wouldn't just cross the line and pretend you know everything about what he's going through in his life.
You checked your phone's inbox. You clicked the most recent unread message from a group chat made by Dom. Was it Dom? Or was it Minu?
You backread the recent few messages. It's from Minu.
(Sent to Group Chat: Dom Kang, Yuna, Mia, Shelly…+others)
Minu Yoon: Guys, someone came to our school. He's Vinny's friend and he's asking for our help. I'll fill you in with the details later. brb walking with him rn
A friend of Vinny's? Speaking of the devil.
You were going to disregard the messages until Minu's name once again flashed on your most recent inboxes. This time it was a private message.
Minu Yoon: Hello, [Y/N]! Are you currently at your family home? If you are, please tell Jay I'll be out just for a moment. As we both know, your brother doesn't have a message app on his jurassic phone lol
[Y/N] Jo: i am at home right now, sure.
[Y/N] Jo: why are you with vinny's friend by the way?
Minu Yoon: We're trying to call him from outside of his house. I think no one's home. Sung's trying to contact him right now but his number's out of reach. We're here to talk to him to convince him to join the crew.
Then he sent a selfie of him with Vinny's bespectacled friend. He looked like a student about the same age as you, which was confirmed when you looked down on his chest pocket and saw Gunn High's logo. They're in front of a gate.
You purse your lips together, not knowing what to reply. 
[Y/N] Jo: you considered it?
[Y/N] Jo: vinny joining your crew, i mean.
Minu Yoon: Yeah, no. Not really. Me and Vinny aren't exactly on good terms so as I've reacted earlier when you mentioned him, I wouldn't really have given it a thought. But as it turns out, Vinny needs us, too. His friend came all the way here just to ask us to help him. He needs to join the tournament along with a group. It's only a coincidence how you mentioned him earlier.
You asked him more about Vinny Hong, and apparently, the bespectacled guy, who you found out was called Sung, told him about Vinny's situation. Minu filled you in with the details.
So Vinny needs the prize money… to aid his mother's immediate need of a liver surgery?
When you were done with your questions, you reminded him once again to come home.
[Y/N] Jo: come home immediately after.
Minu Yoon: Yes, ma'am :D
[Y/N] Jo: jay wouldn't lock the door. my parents are coming home tonight–
Your fingers halted from typing. Your parents are coming home tonight? Tonight… Aren't they on duty? You checked their schedule on the cork board.
You didn't have the time to even send the message before you briskly ran inside your long untouched bedroom to bring Suki—your apartment roommate, your notes from the hospital training, and a change of clothes from your closet to pack inside of your bag. You didn't even bother changing from your school uniform anymore. You'll just change when you get back to the apartment. All that matters to you right now is to get out of there immediately.
“What's going on?” Jay curiously queried as he heard the sounds of your shuffling and rushed footsteps.
“It's getting dark outside. I gotta go back to the apartment. Suki's coming back from her hometown vacation tonight, too.” 
You gathered your things and got your keys from the table. Kay turned his head to you and aired a quick "goodbye" while also lightly waving Jack's paw to you.
"I’ll see you again, Jack. Make sure to be fully healed by then.”
You petted the black cat's head before walking past the sofa. Jay's eyes followed you as you marched your way to exit the front door.
"You're not going to stay for the night?"
“No. Mom and Dad are coming home tonight.” You put your hand against the door-frame while looking down at your feet to put on your slip-on shoes. Jay immediately got what you meant.
“So what, if we're coming home tonight?” you halted your movements when you heard that arrogant, authoritative female voice.
It's as if the universe was testing you that the very person you're avoiding came to you. It's almost as if you were an animal for the wilderness that triggered their fight-or-flight instincts. You don't want to lie to people, but why is escaping them getting difficult?
"Mom." you cautiously stepped towards her and went in for a cheek-to-cheek kiss. “You're here.”
“My shift finished earlier than expected. Your dad's on his way home too. Where are you off to?” She held one of your arms and leaned back a little to look at you from head down.
You exhaled shakily. “Suki's coming home from Japan, but I have the key to the apartment so she can't enter unless I unlock the door.”
Suki actually has a spare key for your apartment door, you only lied—again, to your mom about it to run off as fast as you can. Suki can handle herself and come straight home after her plane lands. Besides, you already texted her earlier.
Her lip twitched, looking very unconvinced—hell were you not good with keeping up a lie, but instead of trying to pry, she blinked and averted her eyes inside the house, passively accepting your lie as a response.
“Very well. Send my regards to her.” Came her curt reply when she walked past you to come inside, clutching her chanel purse.
“Kids, where's Minu?” She looked ahead to Jay and Kay while taking her shoes off. Minu's living with your family after he ran away from his own home.
"He's left at school with the others.” Jay replied, before he glanced past Dr. Jo and simply waved goodbye to you.
You turned your back from the door to make your way out. The only thing that mattered to you is escaping, but it looks like your mother had something more to say.
“[Y/N].” You stopped your tracks without facing her, and side-eyed her from the front while your body was still facing ahead on the gate, “Mind your grades. I don't want you and your brothers falling behind anyone in all of your semesters this school year.” 
You didn't reply, but you can feel her sharp stare drilling the back of your head. Your brothers inside the house can't hear what she's saying, because she only intended for only you to hear. She quieted down for a while, possibly waiting for your reply but getting nothing in return. Just when you thought she's done talking and you were about to continue walking, her last remark made your blood turmoil.
“One of these days, I'll introduce you to one of my work partners' also medicine practitioner sons. You'll marry to continue our family's line of Doctors of Medicine. You'll honor and represent our family. Set up a good impression on them from now on. Make me proud." 
You gritted your teeth and clenched your fist as your eyes darkened in anger. With all of your might, you faced her and returned her sharp glare.
“I will never agree to what you want for my life, mother. You'll have to kill me before that happens. I'll even go against you, if I have to.” 
With that, you ran off and loudly slammed the gate shut purposefully without giving her a chance to retort. You know you pissed her off and she'll be yelling at you anytime soon, so you left as soon as possible, not bothering to give her time to respond. Your blood boiled as you harshly adjusted your bag on your shoulder. Marriage? "Continue our family's line of Doctors of Medicine"? That's just bullshit, she didn't even ask my opinion!
You don't know where your feet are taking you anymore. You just wanted to go as far as you can from your house. The sky was already dark and the bustling atmosphere was still present, but now toned-down. Your eyes blurred in anger as you harshly stomped and accelerated the pace of your walking. Marriage… I never be ready for something like that.  During your walk to god knows where, you find yourself in a deserted alley. And because of your preoccupation, you didn't even notice how a man found his way and crept behind you. His presence made you shudder.
“Hey, pretty girl. Are you from near here somewhere?” The male whispered to your left ear. “Drop your belongings and I won't hurt 'ya.” he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
You immediately checked if he's armed. No weapons? That's suspicious.
“On second thought, you're kinda hot," he scanned you from head down. "...and your legs are long. How about… I let you go if you compensate with your body?”
Something inside you snapped, and the anger you felt earlier doubled. Fucking men and the way their fucking brain works. 
You glared and looked down on him. “Get the fuck out of my way, motherfucker.”
The man's sinister smile quickly vanishes as he takes offense at your words. “You sharp-tongued bitch!” 
He raised his hand to smack you, but you expected his offense so you went in first and swung him a jaw-breaking punch.
“How dare you fucking touch me. I just came from a fucking stress room. You raised my blood pressure and stress levels more.” 
You kicked his face continuously with the edge of your heel. You made sure the sharp edge hit his face hard. At that moment, your mind was out of the gutter, and you didn't intend to stop anytime.
“Agh! Whore! Crazy bitch!” he let out another muffled groan when you stepped on his face and put your weight on your feet. When he attempted to get up, you hit his face with your knee.
But little did you know that you missed the hooded man meticulously emerging from the dark, carrying a knife whose blade shone under the moonlight sneaking up behind you.
“Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it?” You sadistically smirked down at the helpless man once again under your heel.
You looked around and saw a broken glass shard near his head. You bent down and scanned it, before you aimed at his neck. As you pull your hand back, recoiling slightly to charge before stabbing, you felt something sharp pierce your lower back. You didn't see what it was, but you felt how it drilled in your flesh and you didn't have time to react.
Now that, that hurts like a bitch.
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pixaho · 4 months
Hello! :D omg your such a good writer and I love that you write for high and low! I was wondering since requests are open, could you please consider doing a nsfw alphabet for Rocky or Huyga? I love them both equally and I'll be happy no matter which one you pick. :)
NSFW Alphabet Headcannon | Hyuga
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A/N | Ofcourse and thank you! <3 I was going to do Rocky originally but I settled for Hyuga as I haven't done a Daruma member yet. I hope you enjoy this! <3
M.List H&L
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A - Aftercare
Rarely ever does aftercare after doing the deed, he says that he doesn't see the reason why but in reality it's because he's not 100% sure on how to do it. He does care for you, although he doesn't really say it, but this whole thing is confusing for him. When he does do it, he doesn't like the appraisal.
B - Body Part
Your ass. He'll praise your ass all day because he likes it, whether its small or big. He's a booty type of man.
C - Cum
Hyuga doesn't really care where it goes. I won't say this lazy fucker (he is hot tho) won't wear a condom, because he most likely will. Just like Jessie, he doesn't think he'll make a great father because of how he was raised and how he is as a person.
D - Dirty Secret
This may seem a little creepy but he likes watching you shower, perhaps its how you look when the water covers your body or because he just wants to grab a fist full of your damp hair to fuck your throat. Who knows.
Totally not something I have written for the future.
E - Experience
Contrary to belief, he is not that experienced. I mean he is Hyuga so you'd expect him to be at least somewhat experienced but he isn't. He is not a virgin, just a lazy fucker.
F - Favorite Position
Cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, this plays into him liking your ass and being a lazy fucker. He doesn't put too much effort into it, and when he does, it's a bit surprising. The most work you'll get out of him is rubbing your clit or giving you head.
G - Goofy
Surprisingly quiet and somewhat serious. When he isn't serious, he's cracking a joke or two about the other Daruma Ikka members. Or the Daruma Babes. They aren't rude jokes, just funny stories that happened that day.
H - Hair
FREE BIRD! He is NOT the clean shaven type of person. It's BUSH CENTRAL down there. As for you, he doesn't care. Be a free bird or don't.
I - Intimacy
He isn't 100% romantic during it. But when he can be, you better expect him to not be lazy. He'll have you flipped and fried like a pancake. You'll also be probably fucked out of your mind.
J - Jack Off
Why jack off when you have your significant other? That is all I'm going to say here.
K - Kinks
Choking, marking and hair pulling. He loves the feeling of wrapping his hand around your throat as it makes him feel more in control. Marking is his better way of showing you that he loves you and cares for you, granted you'll probably have a shit ton of scratches and bite marks.. Hair pulling.. doesn't even need to be explained. (This is coming from someone who thought that Hyuga in that one scene where he's looking up at Cobra and currently breaking someones arm was hot..)
L - Location
PUUUUUUUUBLIC! Best believe he's fucking you in the Daruma Ikka owned places. NO MORE EXPLANATION!
M - Motivation
I kid you not, you working out or showering is enough to turn this dude on. It's so weird but it's also kind of hot. Even if you are bathing. He likes it when your body shines, he likes that.
N - No
Absolutely no to knife play, he is not the most trustworthy when it comes to blades. He will also say no to bodily fluids play (piss, shit type of fluids) but he will spit on you, which is strange.
O - Oral
More of the receiving type and less of the giving type. He'll kiss your thighs and what not but it'll be rare as fuck when he decides to give you head. (I feel like he would and I am feral for this man.)
P - Pace
When he isn't lazy as shit, it's fast and rough. He likes seeing you as a mess, cock drunk for him, when he isn't tired or way too high because it makes him really happy. Compared to when he is, it's based purely on your pace.
Q - Quickies
Naaahhh, even if he uses you as his special little fucktoy, he likes to take his time. Making sure every part of you has been degraded until you are a shaking, quaking, little mess underneath him.
R - Risk
When he's romantic, he gives quite the shit about his reputation. Not with the other SWORD leaders, it's rather his reputation around Daruma babes and the other members of Daruma Ikka. He sees the other SWORD leaders as mutts, so it doesn't matter what they think or see.
S - Stamina
Let's be so fuckin' for real... high as a kite he can go for a million years. Not so high? 10 - 20 minutes max.
T - Toys
Fuuuuuuuuuuck no. He won't use toys on you but he'll allow you to have them to pleasure yourself for when he isn't around. Even though he doesn't care much for masturbating, himself, he does want to make sure that you have the bliss you want.
U - Unfair
Unfair in the streets, unfair in the sheets! This man will not give you the 100% satisfaction of knowing whether or not you are making him happy in bed or not. He's an asshole. If you try to do the same, best believe he's hitting all the good spots for reactions.
V - Volume
Be loud, nobody cares. It's just a way for him to let everybody else know who owns your ass. (I don't get on my knees for no man. Yes, yes you do. You get on them for the most psychotic characters ever, it's unreal.)
W - Wild Card
I feel like Hyuga especially likes when you wear nothing but a hoodie and booty shorts. He's going to be staring at your ass whether or not you are in sweats, shorts, or a skirt. Bonus points if you are wearing nothing but the Daruma haori.
X - X-Ray
5 inches. Solid.
Y - Yearning
Majority of his time is spent getting high, fighting, and hanging out in his area. When it isn't, he will be home, sleeping or fucking you. That's just to say that he does try to make time for you, he's just fucking shitty at it.
Z - Zzz
Oh he's definitely falling asleep before you. Have you seen this sleepy man? He'll fall asleep anywhere.
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Mutuals ♥: @talusional
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kyokutsu-sama · 13 days
Hello! I would like to request a headcanon with Yami. S/o is the captain of a squad too, but she is royalty just like Nozel and Fuegoleon, Yami has a crush on her but has never tried to get closer to her because of her status and because he thinks she will never give him a chance. How does Yami act when she's around and how would he try to get closer to her?
This is really giving me Asta and Noelle relationship vibes😅 It was an interesting request btw.
I hope you like☺️
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He had learned of a new squad captain through his good friend Jack when they both went out drinking. No one had seen her yet but there were already a lot of rumors everywhere.
Days after that conversation, he was called to the captains' meeting and that was when he found her sitting at the table next to Julius who would introduce her to the rest.
He noticed the very presentable way she seemed to be dressed and even her face screamed royalty.
Yami never liked royalty and insisted on being exactly the opposite just to irritate them but that one caught his fragile little heart.
The captain noticed a large amount of mana and strength coming from her through the ki reading, this made him give a little smile before he approached the table and sat down next to her. (Charlotte was screaming and kicking her feet in the corner of the room)
"So, I heard that you are the new captain, you seem to be quite young. Welcome!" He said with a confident and relaxed air as he sat next to her, who just looked at him from head to toe
"Oh, you must be the captain of the black bulls, the squad of troublemakers, Yami Sukehiro. Nice to meet you!" She smiled at him and he frowned at the way she spoke about his squad
"Troublemakers?! No, we're not! We are very organized." He defended
"Really? From what I heard you didn't even get a gold star." She said and he went blank for a moment, knowing it was true
"Okay, who was the asshole who said that ?" He drew his sword
Since then, Yami started to feel like getting closer to her and finding out more about her but at the same time he was afraid that she wouldn't give her a chance because she was royalty. She spoke to him whenever she met him at meetings or by chance.
At meetings, he always wanted to arrive early to have the seat next to her (He once got into a fight with Nozel because he "stole" his seat).
He will also be more likely to make jokes or comments to see if she looks at him or says something.
He also met her by chance, on a night out, and bought her a drink just so he could spend a moment with her.
He did everything to get her attention and be with her, even if it was just to see her once a day.
Finral began to find this all very strange, especially the fact that the captain was spending more time in the capital than usual and decided to confront him. He also suspected that Yami was having a crush on the new captain and that was why he was doing this.
"Captain, is everything ok? You've been away in the capital city for so long and haven't given any news." The boy said while scratching his head, a little nervous
"It's work, that's all." Yami said, turning the page of the newspaper and taking a drag on his cigarette
"Are you sure? It's because I've noticed that you seem to have a crush on the new captain."Finral joked but saw that it had gone wrong when the captain got up from the armchair with his sword in his hand and a threatening face
"Are you going to stop this conversation and get out of my way or am I going to have to kill you?" Yami threatened, extending his sword towards him and the boy, shaking in his boots, ran away. "Yeah, that's what I thought. "The captain sat down again and went back to reading
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mybworlds · 4 months
status: ongoing
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: your life is full of 'must'. You live with your overprotective mother who controls every aspect of your life. You have a dream, to write romance novels, but love - real love - you haven't found yet. Your mother has even decided what you must do in your free time: play music. One day, however, when you go to your music teacher's house, you will have an unexpected encounter and from that day on things change…
rating: 18+ explicit (minors, DNI)
Before to start... thank you for your support, for your likes and reblog, thank you, thank you, thank you ❤️
If you like it pls leave a like/comment/reblog it, if you don't like it don't be rude and keep going. Please remember English is not my first language, so please be merciful!
Thanks @vase-of-lilies for the banner
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Grocery shopping with Joel is an experience that turned out to be more fun perhaps than it should have been as Joel would just run from one aisle to another, leaning on the shopping cart whenever you told him to wait because you were watching what to get. If it were up to him, he would take prepared and powdered stuff only, and when that happened, you would turn your nose up at it and make him put it down or put it down yourself.
In short, you learned one thing: Joel can't do grocery shopping.
You smile as you're walking back to his house-he has a trunk full of bags and edibles, he'll be fine for weeks probably!
You help him arrange the groceries in the fridge, in the pantry, he takes things out of the bags and you put them away. From time to time you cast glances at each other, which to you means gratitude, to him perhaps more, you try not to ask.
"I've to go now. I have to talk to my mother," you tell him wearing your jacket again.
"I'll accompany you." he offers.
You shake your head "No, Joel, I'd like to take a walk."
"It's far." he reminds you.
"I know, but…I'd still like to go alone. Thank you anyway." he nods lowering his gaze for a brief moment "Joel" you go on approaching him "thank you for everything, really."
"Anytime." he says.
You throw your arms around his neck and hug him, he returns the hug strongly. Your heart is pounding in your chest, you cannot explain what is happening. You hide your face in his neck and inhale deeply his strong scent with your eyes closed, you wonder why for you there is never a situation as simple and precise as the one you experienced before when you were helping him grocery shop, everything had been so natural at that moment, your glances, your smiles, him showing you the things to buy and you shaking your head making him roll his eyes. You almost looked like--
"Bye." you say loosening your grip and turning your back immediately, or you would never leave.
Those brown eyes, his scent, his smile. They almost bewitched you.
It shouldn't be that way. Because you're dating another guy, not Joel, but then why his presence becomes more and more cumbersome, more and more present, more and more powerful, more and more all-encompassing with each passing second?
You wish it wasn't so.
The phone vibrates, there is a new message from Jack.
You read the message, "Would you like to go out to dinner tonight?"
You look around and shake your head "Not tonight. I have to resolve an urgent matter at home."
Writing this, you block the phone and continue.
You don't feel like going out tonight. You need to talk to your mother, it's true.
But not only. You want to be alone.
When you knock on the front door, your mother immediately opens it: she is made-up, wearing a hideous pajamas that she wears when she doesn't feel well or is in a bad mood. As soon as she sees you, her face lights up and she throws her arms around your neck.
"Hi, Mom." you say when you are still clinging to her.
"Come." she says letting you in.
You go inside almost in small steps, as if you feel like an intruder entering your own home.
"May I?" you ask, looking away from your mother.
"It's your house, you don't even have to ask." she replies closing the door "I'm the one who has to apologize to you, not for letting you find Leo in the house, but for not talking to you." she sighs "I should have told you everything, or at least mentioned. We'll talk later if it's okay with you." you nod "Come, I ordered sushi."
You eat in silence. You never liked sushi much, but once in a while you pretend to like it, and you do it for your mother, for your messy, chaotic mother who strives to keep everything under control all the time, but who, it seems, cannot do so without being overwhelmed herself by all the events that life puts in front of her.
Both of you talk. For the first time without filters, without 'you must,' for the first time you talk to her and she listens to you; you tell her about Joel - well, you don't tell her everything everything everything - you explain he's become your music teacher and you go to him, no longer to Tommy's; she tells you about Leo and the way they met: she met him during a break from one of her endless hospital shifts, during that break they had talked so much and shared so much it had seemed to them they had known each other all their lives.
Initially they saw each other like this in the hospital when it happened only, she tells you, then they began to date each other during their shifts to have coffee and exchange some confidences, that was where it all started. When Leo had revealed to her he was married, your mother was already in love with him, she knows she is wrong to see a married man, she tells you, however, she loves him and cannot do without him, she feels guilty toward the man's wife and his two children, but at the moment she cannot avoid these meetings.
You make an effort not to judge her, even though you think she is making a mistake in dating this man, but rather advise her to distance herself from him a bit to really understand how she feels about him.
It's the same advice you gave yourself regarding Joel, don't see him to fully understand how you feel about him, whether it's just attraction or whether there's more to it.
Your mother smiles sweetly at you, "I'm sorry I relied so little on you, I'm sorry I didn't give you the right amount of wiggle room in your life. I've been a terrible parent. Oppressive. Sorry. In fact, if you want -- why don't you have your friends over tonight? I promise to go to bed early, but especially not to eavesdrop on any of your conversations," your mother says.
Your eyes light up and you throw your arms around her neck "Thank you, Mom, thank you, thank you." you give her a kiss on the cheek "Then I'll throw a sleepover party complete with pizza!" you exclaim on a high.
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Your friends are delighted to come over to your house, you slip into your big pajamas with obscene patterns and fluorescent colors, then you open the pizza boxes and put play on the first movie on Netflix that comes your way, luckily it is a comedy-romance movie, therefore, it meets the tastes of all of you. When the movie is over, you hear your mother close her bedroom door to go to sleep.
That's when your moment of confidences begins: Kristen confides in you about a meeting with a guy at a graphic design master's program, he's very cute, but he's already engaged and she doesn't know whether to try anyway or let it go. You advise her to let it go, Gina and Helen instead urge her to go ahead and see what happens, bad luck he doesn't pick up on the signals and she can move on to the next guy. Gina tells about her erotic encounter two nights before with a guy in a bar, very nice, great speaker and especially one who is very good with oral sex.
"And what about you about John and Joel?" asks Helen.
"You too with 'John,' his name is Jack. J - A - C - K. Jack!" you exclaim.
"Yes, yes, he -- because who else calls him John?" asks Helen again.
"Joel. Last night…"
"You went to him?!" exclaims Gina raising her voice.
You shush her, "Yes, I went to him last night. Now I explain."
You tell them about what happened with your mother, how it had upset you and how you had found refuge at Joel's house, how he had welcomed you and made you feel welcomed, the kiss you gave each other, the shopping you did together the next day.
"I tell you again, when are you going to dip his fingers in your honey jar?" Helen asks making you blush conspicuously.
"What you're experiencing with him, you'll admit is weird," says Gina, you nod "I mean, you got close right away, so why not try it? I'm not saying have sex with him right away, but why not try to be closer to him, more intimate, and then maybe even that?"
"Maybe you don't like it though because Jack is there, but what if Jack wasn't there? Would you be more sure about being with Joel?" asks Kristen.
"Girls, you are forgetting one important thing: I am a virgin, in every sense of the word. I don't know anything about men, how to get intimate with a man, how to do certain things, things that maybe to you, Gina, are obvious. And then he had an affair that ended, it seems, badly that shook him up a lot and he has a daughter -- somewhere. I'm only 29 years old. I don't know if I can handle all this load," you confide to them.
"It's normal to be afraid," Helen reassures you, laying a hand on yours, "But if you don't try you'll never know."
"Now are you talking about Joel or Jack?"
"Both." she answers you "It seems to me you are using Jack as an alibi with Joel and Joel as an alibi with Jack. You are afraid. And again it's normal." she continues "But try to go a little bit further, I don't say go straight to the point, but maybe go out, dress a little bit more provocatively--"
"Yes, I can lend you a couple of my clothes!" exclaims Gina enthusiastically.
"Maybe try to get a little closer and then see what happens," Helen continues.
"We're talking about Jack now."
"Yes." says Helen again.
"Even with Joel, maybe try going somewhere, I don't know--maybe to a restaurant, a theater," says Gina.
"Joel is not the theater type, in fact he likes hiking, the smell of wood," you tell them.
"Then with Joel you are facilitated." resumes Gina "But, man, you have to figure out first who you feel most comfortable with, but more importantly who you are really interested in. Don't keep your foot in two stirrups. It happened to me once and it was a total disaster. You would end up losing 'em both."
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That night you have a lot of nightmares. However, even though you wake up in a state of complete agitation, you decide you need to define this interest of yours.
You call Jack and ask him for a date, perhaps at the diner. Nothing romantic or special, but a way to meet him again and try to understand.
He tells you he is at the library this morning studying for an exam, but invites you to join him anyway. He would enjoy your company, he tells you.
You inform Gina about this meeting, and so she almost drags you to her house, or rather actually drags all of you friends to her house.
She makes you try on first a red one-shoulder sheath dress with a pair of shoes with a vertiginous heel, you risk falling and breaking an ankle; so, you shake your head and they roll their eyes.
A second dress is ankle-length ochre with a plunging neckline and a pair of stilettos underneath; you don't like that either.
The third is a midnight blue dress that is mid-thigh length, there is no neckline, and underneath you put on a pair of knee-length boots. It's perfect, you like it, and then you think you can also wear it to the library, maybe put a nice coat over it, and to the diner.
"You look like a nun." comments Gina disapprovingly.
"I like it." comment Kristen and Helen in chorus.
You smile at them, thank them, and then head for the library.
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In the city's huge library you went there several times and all of them in secret from your mother, there you borrowed books of various kinds, mostly literature texts as you were strongly interested in literature especially English and Spanish, and as you read your imagination was fed and grew more and more until you wanted to write books.
This desire, however, is still confined to a corner of your head.
You go in, leave your bag in the locker and take the key with you, then use the key card to gain access inside and thus gain access to the reading section. Jack tells you he is in section 55. Your footsteps echo through the huge hallway, as you gradually pass the various sections and observe the hundreds of people hunched over books or reaching out to the various shelves in search of volumes.
You breathe in deeply the smell of the many books stored inside the library and smile, you have always loved that very special smell, the smell of time and history.
You have arrived at section 55 and you immediately see Jack hunched over a thick volume, you see him jotting something down in a notebook and then paying attention to the tome again. He looks so focused that he's almost funny. You approach him, gently placing a hand on his forearm, and he, so engrossed in what he is doing, jerks back.
"H - hello." he greets you with a bewildered look.
"Hi, I'm sorry I scared you," you say with a small smile.
"No, it's okay. Forgive my reaction to your wonderful sight." he says making you smile "Come, have a seat." he adds moving his jacket to another chair.
You sit down next to him and observe him "You look tired." you comment.
He smiles with a more relaxed air "Yes, the exam is in less than three weeks. It's right just before Christmas. I'm very tense. I could really use a distraction." he says looking at you.
"Would I be the distraction?" you ask him in a whisper.
He nods "You are a wonderful distraction." he says stroking your face. His hands are soft and gentle against your skin.
He looks at you, "Did you dress like that for me?"
You blush "I wanted to change it up a bit." you say "The dress is not mine, a friend lent it to me."
"You dress simpler, in fact." he agrees "I don't know if I like a different version of you. You are beautiful as you are, even in your simplicity."
"Thank you." you say lowering your gaze for a moment "Now study though, I don't want to bother you."
He smiles at you and then returns to his concentration, you occasionally shake his hand or he shakes your hand, you exchange smiles; the afternoon passes in total simplicity and for you it is splendid like that, perhaps what you need is someone who makes you feel good about the little things.
Jack then takes a little break by going to a cafeteria not far from there, of course he invites you to eat with him and it's another nice moment: with him you get to talk about literature, about authors from contemporary literature, from the Romantic era, with him you even get to draw parallels with contemporary music and authors, in short you get to talk about topics that not everyone understands or is interested in.
"I may perhaps seem premature or perhaps cheeky," he says when he has finished studying for this afternoon and you are both lying on the lawn of the park not far from the library, "but I like you very much." your heart beats hard in your chest "I am perfectly fine with you and I hope it will be the same for you," he adds, intertwining his fingers with yours and bringing your hand close to his lips, he kisses it gently.
You blush visibly, but decide to say something so as not to leave that brief statement of his like that "I'm fine with you too." he smiles at you "Shall we have dinner together tomorrow?" you propose.
He nods, smiling at you.
When he drives you home, you are about to get out of the car, but he stops you by saying your name, you turn around, and he kisses you. He literally rushes against your face, it almost hurt that kiss, he's visibly sweaty and the kiss is salty, but other than that taste, you can't feel anything you hoped for. No heartbeat due to that falling in love that you've been extolling to your friends or telling Joel about and that held you back when you kissed him, no dizziness. Your heart beats yes, but painfully because you realize that maybe you were wrong. Big time.
"Sorry about the kiss." he tells you "I haven't kissed in a long time." he justifies himself.
You smile embarrassed "It's okay. Good night." you tell him as you get off and enter the building.
When you are in your room by now, you slip out of the dress Gina lent you and stow your boots in the shoe rack, slip into your pajamas and think back to the kiss you exchanged with Joel, how much you felt wanted and how much more importantly you wanted that kiss, then you think about the kiss Jack gave you and how you felt nothing. Maybe getting Jack to kiss you was a mistake, not the kiss given to Joel.
You get a message from Gina "So how did it go with Jack?"
"Good. I'll tell u later." you answer very coldly and then lock the phone and put it on charge, you don't feel like talking.
You stare at the ceiling for a long time, then finally fall asleep.
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The next morning, you go to work. It's very early and very cold. Your boots produce a resounding shuffling along the still semi-deserted streets of the town. When you get a few yards away, you see Joel standing outside, waiting for the bar to open. That morning it's your turn to open, but he's not there for you because you never told him that you, Helen, Maxime and Sam take turns opening the bar.
When he sees you he lifts his gaze from the floor and his face almost lights up "Hello." he greets you.
That heartbeat, that familiar heartbeat you feel when you see him, begins again.
"Hi." you greet him "Have you been here long?"
"No, 'bout ten minutes. I thought it opened at six." he replies.
Actually, judging by the flushed face it would seem he has been there for at least half an hour, but you decide to ignore that white lie.
"I couldn't get up this morning." you confess to him "I'm sorry you froze." you add, as you slip the key into the deadbolt and then remove it; then, you open the shutter with a clatter "Come." you say with a wave of your hand "I'll turn on the boiler." you warn him, slipping off your jacket and walking to the small dressing room of you barmaids. So you turn on the boiler, which starts immediately with a small puff.
"Done." you say when you return to Joel who greets you with a big smile, "Sorry, but for your coffee you have to wait a while. The engines still need to warm up." you inform him jokingly and smile at him as well.
"No problem. I was anticipating on purpose." you look at him questioningly "By 7:30 I have to be at work." you nod, in the process making those almost automatic gestures "The truth is, I was anticipating on purpose to see you." you look at him "I wanted to know how you were and how it was going with your mother." he adds looking into your eyes.
You go around the counter and sit next to him on the stool, "I'm fine. I mean, we talked and it had never happened. Never. In twenty-nine years I've never felt so free, so understood." you reply, then look him in the eyes "Even though the first person who listened to me, who pushed me to open my eyes was you." you add taking his hands in an uncalculated gesture, in an affectionate gesture "Thank you."
"You're welcome, sweety, I didn't do anything special," he tells you, stroking the back of your hand with his calloused thumbs.
You look at his face for a few seconds then lower your gaze for a moment, "I need to tell you one more thing."
Joel tightens his grip on your hands just a little more and then looks at you with an almost icy gaze as if he has already guessed the subject.
"Jack kissed me," you tell him, biting your lower lip softly, "And he told me he liked me a lot."
Joel abruptly lets go of your hands as if he had caught the current and stands up, "Excuse me, but I'm not going to listen to this!" he blurts out, "I'm glad you're happy and that you're clear-headed 'bout it now." you see him nodding as if he's performing an inner struggle, he's about to say and do something, but then he reconsiders, "Now I have to go, um… I'll see you in a couple of days for class." having said that he quickly turns his back on you and leaves.
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"And he ran away," you conclude, recounting what happened to your friends.
You are sitting in a small diner downtown at a small circular table with oak benches, and in front of each of you there's a different drink.
"He's obviously jealous, Daddy," says Gina.
"Daddy?! Where do you get off using that obscene nickname, Gina!" exclaims Helen "Well, he's obviously jealous, otherwise he wouldn't have run away." adds your friend.
Kristen twirls the ice cube in her Old - fashioned absently.
"I'm so confused." you add "Maybe I shouldn't have confided in him, maybe I made a mistake in trying to be his friend, in making him a sort of my confidant because he can't. Maybe I should cut it off," you say again.
"What if Jack is the wrong one? Have you thought about that?" interjects Helen "Why are you convinced that Jack is the one? You don't seem to have much transport for him, just look at the way you talk about him."
"Why how do I talk about him?" you ask.
"You talk about Jack as well as an acquaintance who's had a few cents stolen from him," Kristen finally interjects.
"And how do I talk about Joel instead?"
"When you talk about him you revive yourself, you put passion, involvement," Kristen replies again.
"But why don't you spend a night of unrestrained clarifying sex with him?" asks Gina fidgeting on the bench.
You snort, "I think you're the one who has to do it! Gina, Joel and I are nothing, I can't go over there and say, let's have sex, he'd laugh in my face and then he wouldn't want to see me again."
"Why don't you ask him if he can teach you some tricks to use with Jack?" asks Helen.
"But that's kinky!" exclaims Kristen "Poor Joel why should he teach her some sex moves to be with someone else?!"
"Let's keep it down, please," you remind them "You're talking about me and not a bag. Anyway, I agree with Kristen, I'm not going to go to him and tell me to use moves to seduce Jack, absolutely not. It would be monstrous to ask him that, I can't do that," you add, shaking your head.
You couldn't do that to him, it would be cruel! Maybe you could ask him what it would be like to be with a man, what you would have to do, but while you're thinking about that, you're also thinking you wouldn't be able to look him in the eye and make such a proposal.
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You see Joel again the next day; he looks tired, but when he sees you his eyes and face obviously marked by fatigue give way to the joy of seeing you, though he tries not to let that happiness drag him down too much. You by now don't even pay attention to the heartbeat that accompanies you when you walk to his house or when you see him, then he offers you coffee, which by now you take.
You ask him about his work while sitting on one of the stools in his kitchen, he talks to you about what he has done and will have to do, he adds a lot of interludes like 'fuck' and 'shit' in his narrative that make you smile, but deep down you like that aspect of Joel too.
You talk most of the time that should instead be devoted to chords or sheet music, but you honestly don't care especially when you have Joel next to you holding your hand or stroking now your hair now your face causing you to shiver all over. The man then asks about your mother and how your relationship is progressing and you tell him she is getting close to a group of religious fervents, she meets in these reading groups, you are worried about her especially when she jumps like that on something she knows nothing about. He just nods and tells you to stay close to her and if you notice too strange attitudes, you should intervene with all your might even if it means making her hate you.
"I wonder what my life, her life, would have been like if my father had not left. I would like to understand what happened that was so bad that he left." you confide to him "Sometimes I wonder what our lives would have been like if he had been there." you add.
"Don't ask yourself these questions," he says, taking your face in his hands, "you only hurt yourself." you are so close again and your heart is beating so fast again, you are afraid he might hear it being so close to you. He has a strange light in his eyes, a light so different, you've never seen it before.
He clears his throat and then urges you, saying, "Let's go play, at least ten minutes."
He plays, you strum, trying to imitate him, but to no avail. Your mind is totally caught up in other thoughts, you feel strange, you can't explain what is happening to you, you have a feeling you've never felt before at the level of your lower abdomen, like something that wants to come out, you don't even know what it is, you just know that at some point you start fidgeting on the couch next to him and look away from him and his hands touching the guitar with delicate precision.
"Are you all right?" he asks you, probably noticing how you move beside him.
"You're all flushed, what's wrong?" he asks wrinkling his forehead.
"Nothing. Really." you reply, but the tone of your voice betrays you.
"What's the matter, baby?" he asks as he puts down his guitar and looks insistently into your face.
You realize it's time to leave, you're like afraid of what you're feeling.
"I have to go." you say splashing off his couch, you hurriedly grabbed your backpack and coat without wearing them and are about to reach the door, but Joel stops you by caging you against the door, your back is still to him, you don't know how to explain what is happening to you.
"Why are you doing this? Why do you want to run away from me now? What have I done to you?" he asks, laying his hands on your shoulders causing intense shivers down your spine. You feel his hands stroking up and down your arms, maybe he wants to reassure you, but it has the opposite effect.
"I would never hurt you, what's going on?" he asks again quietly, making you turn to face him.
"J - Joel… I - I - um, I don't know. It's--" you mumble with your head down.
"Talk to me." he insists calmly, laying a finger under your chin causing you to lift your head toward him.
"I don't know what's happening to me. The truth is, yes I'm dating Jack, but I can't see Jack the way I want to, I talk to him and yes we have things in common, but I can't feel what I want to." you confess to him.
He stares intensely into your eyes only heightening that almost uncomfortable feeling of yours "I'm sorry." he tells you "But why were you running away from me?"
"I don't know," you answer him, "You confuse me. The truth is what's being created between us is something big and it scares me." you confess to him again without being able to look him in the eye "I'm fine with you, but to a part of me that's not enough." you add again "And it scares me because I feel I can't control it."
When you decide to lift your eyes to his face, you find that same look again, that same light as before, you feel you miss your breath, "You don't have to be afraid, whatever it is." he tells you "Y' know, what I think?" you shake your head "I think you've been so used to being in control of every aspect of your life that now the slightest new thing upsets you. Y' know what I say? You have every right to try and fail, try again and fail again." he then says your name softly "You can't be in control of everything all the time. Let yourself go."
"Oh, Joel..." you say laying your hand on his "I'm afraid I'm getting it all wrong." you confess to him "As long as I'm involved and that's all...but I'm afraid I'm pulling too hard with..."
"With your John?" he asks taking a half step toward you and squeezing even tighter between him and the door.
"I can't risk losing everything. It's become too important in such a short time." you answer him without looking at his face, you are talking to yourself, but he doesn't know that. The correct answer would have been Joel, but a part of you still can't say it although his name is on the tip of your tongue.
"I asked you a question," he insists, "Is this about John?"
"Jack." you correct him.
He rolls his eyes in a spaced-out expression "So?"
"Joel, let me go." you make to turn your back on him again, but he places one hand on your hip and the other on the door handle and stops you.
"Who is upsetting you so much?" he whispers in your ear making your skin crawl "John or is i' me?" he asks you again tightening his grip just a little more.
"I won't have the courage to look at your face after that," you warn him, but at the same time you answer him. You swallow, closing your eyes, the truth perhaps being this: you are afraid of losing his friendship because of your total confusion.
"You can talk to me about it, I'm not like that little boy you like so much." he prods you "I'm not one to run away in the face of difficulties or in the face of even the most unpleasant words or deeds."
"Okay." you nod turning toward him, swallow and then you tell him making an effort to look him in the eye and sound firm in your words and the tone of voice you use "I can't see you as just my teacher, you have become more, you are more than a friend, I don't know however how to see you, how to define you, I just know that being with you confuses me, I'm fine, but at the same time I would like to run away because I'm afraid of doing or saying something stupid, inappropriate, of not knowing when it's time to do something and when not. I am afraid of losing this bond that has been created with you because of my total inexperience. I don't know what to do when you look at me like that, I don't know what to do..."
He pulls his hand away from the door handle and your side and wraps your face in his hands "Y' know very well I'd never do anything you don't want, I'd never force you into doing or saying what you don't feel. I don't expect anything. I don't care whether you are experienced or not. For me you are perfect just the way you are." he tells you looking into eyes you feel pinch "I don't demand that you choose me or want to be with me, but I want you to know I am there for you. As a friend, as a confidant, in whatever way you want. And I'll respect your choice. What matters is your happiness, not my wishes or hopes. There is your life in the way, you are so young and you have so many dreams to give, so many experiences to live. My life is a mess, but now the point is not my life as much as yours. So," he says wiping away two timid tears that had begun to line your face "I want you to choose what is best for you, whether it's John, whether it's me or whoever." he kisses your forehead "If you want to go, at least cover yourself first." he concludes by moving his hands away from your face, takes a step back and then returns to the living room.
If you were experienced, you'd have chased him down and kissed him with the whole ardor you possessed, but instead you find yourself putting on your coat, gloves, scarf and hat and walking away.
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emeraldtart · 2 months
TWST X No Straight Roads (ft. 1010!Yuu)
After the whole Rock Revolution fiasco, Neon J decided it's time to introduce a new member to 1010. Also because his twins (Eloni and Haym) wanted a baby sibling.
So he made Kaw*. The crew's newest member, rapper, and the mysterious one. Since they're recently made, they're as sentient as MK-I androids, but it doesn't stop their fellow troops and captain from trying to indulge them.
Unfortunately, an incident involving Kliff messing with Neon J and DJSS's newest equipment caused them to be pulled to Twisted Wonderland to everyone's horror.
Facts about 1010!Yuu
Their name is a pun on two things 'kau' which is one of the ways to say 'you', which is in a more casual way as opposed to 'awak'. And also 'kaw' which means strong tasting beverages.
They're not sentient (yet)
They are made as a foil to Rin, from their colors (white vs purple), roles (leader and loner) and 'age' (oldest and youngest).
Their weapon is a gun, and they have a sniper gun installed in their arms. Think of Lady Nagan from MHA.
They haven't met Bunk Bed Junction. Their siblings were planning to meet with them until the incident.
Throughout the prologue they're just standing there like ._. while the chaos is happening around them. Nothing in their programming make them equipped with this situation.
Flirt with the first years + dorm leaders because they mistake them as a crowd of fans.
Their base programming/personality can be summed up as: quiet.
Shroud brothers are equal part excited and confused. Excited because holy crap, an idol robot!? That's cool! Confused because who installs weapons inside a idol robot!?
They're waterproof, as they are a navy robot.
Idia realizes he's a hypocrite because he did the same thing to Ortho.
Kaw is mostly expressionless until they see a large enough crowd and they suddenly flirts with them.
They can sing and dance, and sometimes sings the last word of a sentence.
Neon J made Kaw more durable, as he had learnt from his encounter with B2J during the Rock Revolution. They won't explode from people screaming, and they also have a sort of mini-Qwasa in their body that they can charge by listening to Funky House and Dance-pop/Europop music, which they can do simply be performing a song in that genre.
They're also charged by cheers like their brothers.
Since they came from a world that revolves around music, their body occasionally moves to an invisible tempo, even when they are standing still.
Started to show signs of sentience during Heartslabyul when Riddle insulted Neon J. They began to insult him back in a way only robots can, and everyone who heard their words were scared of what they said.
In Savanaclaw they started to 'have fun' playing a magicless form of Magishift with the first years and Savanaclaw.
Octavinelle was when they became fully sentient. They suddenly cried when the Savanaclaw students tried to pick a fight with them, as the stress finally catch up with them.
Everyone freaks out because 1) They can cry!? and 2) Oh shit, they're crying.
It also happens that at that moment Neon J managed to connect with Kaw's hologram projector + communicator, sees his metal child crying with an awkward Savanaclaw gang and Grim trying to console them, and began to threat the ever-loving daylights out of the students.
After all is said and done, Kaw explains everything and Neon J starts making plans on how to take out Azul.
Kaw: Dad. You can't do that, that's illegal.
Neon J: I know. But just so you know, your older brothers are not going to- wait. Did you just call me dad!?
Kaw: Wha- I- I mean SIR! *salutes*
Kaw: DAD, NO!!!
Savanaclaw looking at Neon J and thought: Oh Sevens, they weren't kidding when they said their captain(dad?) has a sonar for a head.
Jack may or may have not taken a picture of Neon J's hologram and send it to ADeuce (the picture got photobombed by the rest of 1010)
Let just say that Crowley's on NJ + 1010's hit list when they found out what he made their youngest member do.
The list of people increased when Neon J brought it up to NSR meetings.
B2J found out through 1010 who were hanging out with them.
Crowley is on sight in Vinyl City, beaten only by Kliff.
When VDC rolls in, they join in the training as emotional support.
Kaw managed to find a loophole in Vil's Unique Magic so they sneak in some sweets for the VDC team.
Trein noticed Kaw's disappointment at not being allowed to join in on VDC, being a 10-feet 10-inches tall robot and all. He pulled some strings with Crewel and allow Kaw to join in on the closing ceremony with their brothers.
Let just say that Kaw aced both history and potionology as a thank you gift.
As for Malleus, he was interested in this tall robot. A being made of metal, that sings and dance and powered by music? Very interesting indeed.
Their talk at first is very brief because of Kaw's lack of sentience, but then they started to become more human and eventually Malleus pointed out how they have become much more than what they were born for; a living being.
Kaw calls him Abang (Big brother/older brother).
Rin felt that his status as the eldest brother is being challenged.
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darkimpala1897 · 2 months
Kidd storms into Bucks quaters unannounced
Kidd: "You just decided to hook up with some random person, the night before this big and important mission, you don't even check her to make sure she's not a fucking spy, then you decided to leave her alone in the room, so she could go through all your shit."
Buck: "Trust me, she's not going to do any of what you think."
Kidd: "Yeah. Gale. Yeah. It's not like we are in a goddam war."
Bucky was hiding in the closet, and making a lot of noise.
Bucky: "Ow, shit."
Kidd looked towards Buck, before he stormed towards the closet. He opened it seeing Bucky, he nearly had a heart attack.
Bucky: "Good morning Jack."
Kidd started to hyperventilate, Bucky climbed out of the closet closing it.
Buck: "Jack, breathe."
Kidd: "Don't you dare tell me what to do."
Buck: "Do you want to sit?"
Kidd: "Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."
Buck: "Okay. Wh-where do you want to go?"
They got Kidd sitting, trying to get him to remember to breathe.
Kidd: "Fine, fine. I'm fine! How long has this been going on?"
Buck: "Since before we got here."
Kidd: "Oh, god. And who knows about this?"
Buck: "Nobody but you. And like half the 100th."
Bucky: "Don't forget Meatball."
Buck: "Right, and Ken."
Bucky: "Oh, and I finally told Marge."
Buck: "Aw, I didn't know you were talking to Marge."
Bucky: "Yeah, she was really happy for us."
Buck: "Oh, I can't wait to go home and see her again, she's really..."
Kidd: "Okay. Shut up, okay? The both of you. I need to think."
Buck: "Please don't tell Harding."
Kidd: "Gale, we are on base that is full of soldiers, this place is full of eyes. You guys have no idea who could have seen you. But you're asking me not to tell Harding, I'm not your mummy."
Buck: "Well we haven't told him yet."
Kidd: "Oh, Jesus, kid. I'm sorry that I found out before Harding but you're the one who decided to put your dick into another Major."
Bucky: "Well technically he didn't last night, it was the other way around."
Kidd: "Not talking to you, sir. Everytime I see you, and everyone here it takes another year off my life. All right. I'm leaving, and you better be dressed and in the meeting room in five minutes."
Buck: "I'll be there.
Kidd: "And as for you, Fucktard, you get your ass dressed and in the meeting room right now. I want you chewing on your dam pencil by the time I get there for briefing. And if anyone sees you leave these quaters, I will not hesitate to shove you into a plane propeller. You got me?"
Bucky: "Loud and clear Jack."
Kidd: "Majors."
He started to storm out.
Kidd: "Unbelievable. They don't pay me enough for this shit."
Buck and Bucky watch him go before bursting out laughing, they are pretty sure Kidd has never been this angry before.
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radiance1 · 9 months
I cANNOT believe this thought has escaped me for so long.
Okay so, you know my phoenix Vlad au I created, where he's the Duke of the Black Flame and by extension, one of or THE Duke of the Ghost Zone? (Honestly haven't decided yet heha)
Yea, ok so.
I don't know how it escaped me for so long, but y'know how Phoenixes are immortal right? By how they get reborn anew from ashes, yes?
(Idea territory btw)
So, I'm just gonna say that Vlad experiences that, because unlike Danny, he didn't stop aging at the ripe age of (really can be anything, but for the sake of this specific idea I'mma go with with) 40. He's envious of this, because he didn't like the brittleness and fragility of the human body when it's reaching its last legs.
Not even his ghost form was safe from the effects of aging, which baffled him, truly, it did. Probably had to do with his status as a halfa, which he disliked but what could he do about it, really.
So when he was finally on his last legs age wise, he practically welcome full death with open arms, ready to fully die and not be impeded by his human body.
No longer would his bones be break so easily! No longer would he need to use a cane as a walking aid in human form! No longer would his back scream at him from the slightest of inconveniences!
He would miss the ability to spawn candy from out of nowhere, however. That was nice.
So when he died, he was fully at peace with it and was ready to embrace full ghostly hood.
Then fate just decided to do a "FUCK YOU" with all caps to him in particular, because when he reopened his eyes, he was not met with the being a full ghost, no.
He was met with short limbs, a high-pitched voice, and the appearance of a 5-year-old.
You have got to be kidding.
He did NOT outlive Jack Fenton (out of spite, really) and Maddie Fenton just to have to relive his child years all over again.
He was a Duke for Observants sake, he couldn't be seen like this. The reputation he worked so hard to build, the respect he clawed into his talons and the awe he stole would go down the drain if this got out!
So he discreetly made his way over to the Master of Time and demanded he age him up to a respectable degree!
Perhaps he should reword that.
He politely requested the Master of Time to age him up back to adulthood, it didn't even have to be him in his forties! He would take even a goddamn 20 for Ancients sake!
Clockwork said no.
Breath Vlad. You cannot burn away the literal manifestation of time itself. You cannot burn away the literal manifestation of time itself. You cannot burn away the literal manifestation of time itself.
Then he noticed Clockwork's cheeky grin.
The more logical, sensible side of himself told him that no, do not try and fight the literal Master of Time, he would lose, and he still needs something from him.
But the more irrational, noticeably more feral part of his brain demanded that time burn for its insolence.
And, well.
The irrational side won out.
So of course, of course as soon as he acts undignified.
One Danny Fenton has to appear at the exact moment.
This was not a good day for him.
And of course, being the worst brat on the planet and the entire Ghost Zone, he had to make fun of him. Now, normally he would not react as strongly as he did, because of logical thinking and how he was just better than the brat, but was he feeling as logical then?
No, not really.
For the last time, he did not throw a goddamn tantrum, he's above that.
So of course, what two braincells he currently had access to came up with a solution to this current problem he was facing. The solution?
The Observants.
Appearances be damned he was not going to be taking jokes related to his current age any day of the week. So he flew over to them, dragging both the Master of Time and the Ghost King (yes, shocker I know coming from me.)- both of which, much to his charging seemed to be humoring him like one did a child- and demanded they do something to fix this.
And their solution was that he, now as a young child, would have to be taken care of due his current situation.
Vlad bluescreened.
Then calmly rebooted, and when he finally did so. Well, he very not so subtly decided to burn the Observants to the ground.
Unfortunately, Danny- who was practically his total opposite in nature due to his ice- put a quick stop to his attempts to burn those floating eyeballs to the ground. Then they had the absolute gall to act as if what he did wasn't at all reasonable and proceeded to use it in evidence for why he needs a guardian of all things.
He didn't need such a thing, he was perfectly capable of making logical, rational decisions as he was before his... 'rebirth'. Unfortunately, his statement apparently wasn't enough for them, because they very obviously, and very physically showed their doubt for such a thing.
And then, and then they did the absolute worst, most utterly reckless decision they could have possibly made in his decision.
The Ghost King (who was very smoothly made king after the previous one stepped down to live on a farm) was made to be his 'guardian'.
He's doomed.
The man wasn't even able to take proper care of himself on a good day, what do you mean he's going to be the one to (forcibly) take care of him!?
Ok, breath Vlad. He is the smartest (now that Maddie's dead), most logical and persuasive person he knows, surely, surely, he could find a way to get himself out of this predicament like any adult would.
Some small, tiny part of his brain, one not run by logical and getting increasingly bigger, whispered that he could always just. Run away.
The thought was getting more and more tempting the longer this went on with him not getting away, so you know what?
He did just that.
And now he's wandering the streets of some random world where goddamn heroes roamed about, living the life of an orphan and wondering how the hell he managed to fuck himself over so bad.
...He blames fate. It's always fates fault.
Also, what the hell is a meta and what does his wings have anything to do with being one???
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eri3ne · 3 months
hope less romantics
sprace fanfic
Racetrack Higgins was a newsie, a gambler, and a troublemaker. A jack-of-all-trades if you will. He was all these things to the public, and on his own time, he was something of a hopeless romantic. Hopeless, not in the way that he spent all of his time consumed by the idea that love would come along and everything would be alright. That one day he would meet “the one” and know immediately and without any issue “true love” and all that. He was not naive enough for that. But, sometimes, late at night or on days when business was slow, he would let his mind wander. He would imagine what it would be like to love, and be loved. To share his life with someone he cared about. To share the boring, mundane parts or life with. But, another thing that Race was, is a realist. And he had accepted that that just, wasn’t gonna happen for him. He could imagine and daydream as much as he wanted, but he didn’t lead a life where romance was anywhere near his top priority. It probably shouldn’t even be in the top fifty things Race should be thinking about. And yet, here he was.
Spot Conlon was The King of Brooklyn, feared by newsies throughout all of New York. But, in reality, he was just another kid, another kid with, what felt like, the weight of the world on his shoulders. He knew that he had grown up all too soon, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Though, sometimes he wondered what it might be like to not have all of his responsibilities and such a reputation to uphold. But, he would never pass it on to someone else, he couldn’t imagine not doing what he does. Most of the time he enjoys it. Well, as much as someone can enjoy being a newsie and being “in charge” of at least fifty of your peers at any moment. But there were perks to it, like friends that became family. Spot loved his life despite the less than desirable work conditions and the stress he often felt. He’d accepted his place in the word and decided to make the most of it.
Race was running down a sidewalk in Brooklyn heading for the bridge and back into Manhattan when he ran into Spot Conlon for the first time. And he did just that, ran straight into the guy, didn’t even realize he was there. The two boys fell to the ground at the collision. Race scrambled to apologize as quickly as possible while jumping up and running off simultaneously. Spot just sat there for a moment confused. No more than a few seconds later, Spot saw an older looking man running in the same direction yelling, but he couldn’t quite tell what the man was saying. And that only made him more confused. Who was that kid? Who was the man chasing him? Why was that man chasing him? The boy, in his haste, had dropped and left his bag. And out of curiosity Spot picked up the bag, its contents were quite minimal, a couple of newspapers and a hefty handful of change. Now, Spot didn’t know the boy this bag belonged to, but he was pretty sure that he knew where its home was.
Usually, after he was finished working for the day, Spot would go back to the lodging house, play cards with his friends, grab a bite to eat, and then go to sleep. But, today, he missed out on his nightly routine to take the long trek to the Manhattan newsies lodging house. Despite his fantastic reputation, Spot is a pretty nice guy, he normally wouldn’t go this far out of his way to return a lost belonging, maybe he was just feeling particularly generous on this particular day. So off he went, the stranger's bag in hand.
It was a surprisingly pleasant walk, and eventually Spot arrived at his destination. The door was propped open so Spot decided that that was an invitation to just go in. The first face he saw was a familiar one, Crutchie, one of the newsies always hanging around Jack Kelly.
“Jack around?” Spot asked when he noticed the confused air of the boys around him.
“Haven't seen him in a few.” Crutchie continued with a smile, “But, I could take a message if you needed?”
Spot thought for a moment, “Nah, no need.” He held out his hand with the boy's bag, “Just return this to its owner. I’m pretty sure one of your guys left it over in Brooklyn this afternoon.”
“Oh!” Crutchie and Spot heard from a distant corner of the room over the sound of a boy jumping up and promptly falling back down. They looked over and saw a boy making his way over. “That- that's mine. Gimmie just a sec…” The boy reached them, slightly out of breath, and stood directly facing Spot. He stuck out his hand, to either shake Spots hand or grab his bag, both of the boys were quite unsure. So, Spot quickly shook the boy's hand, and immediately handed the boy his bag.
He turned to leave and, so as to not be rude, said, “That's all, night fellas.”
And, as he was leaving, Spot heard a quiet “Thanks” from the boy. Who had seemed just as flustered then, as when he had sprinted directly into Spot a few hours beforehand.
Race had no clue what to do with himself. His whole day seemed to be a big string of disasters. He had managed to sleep an hour late, and not a single one of his friends had thought to wake him up. So he got a late start, he went and picked up some papers and headed off to work. By the afternoon, he found himself over in Brooklyn. Playing cards. With a group of rather terrifying men who were easily twice Races’ size.
And, maybe he’d cheated a few times during the game, and maybe he gained money when he shouldn't have. But, what the men didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. And besides, it was in his nature, he couldn’t help it, the risk is what makes playing the game so much fun. That is, until someone notices. And that is exactly what happened. And the guy Race had been “stealing from” seemed pretty serious about getting his money back.
So, Race made the most logical decision.
Start running.
And lucky for Race, he was fast, and this guy didn’t seem like he could say the same. So, he gathered his things, newly earned money included, and he was off. He was weaving through the streets and alleyways, street vendors and commuters with ease. Until. Until he turned his head to see how far he was from the man who was chasing. And-
Race ran into something, well…someone. And, full disclosure, he was pretty much just planning on jumping back up and bolting. That is, until he glanced over and noticed who exactly he had run into. The Spot Conlon. All he could think for just a moment was, wow. This was Spot Conlon, the king of Brooklyn, right in front of him. And then, Race dropped back into reality. He was being chased by a grown man and had just run Spot Conlon to the ground. That thought of “wow”, quickly turned into a mental stream of “fuckfuckfuckfuck.” As he quickly said sorry, and did as he had planned to as soon as he fell down.
Race ran all the way back to Manhattan and somewhere along the way he lost the guy chasing him. But by the time he got there he had honestly, sort of forgotten why he was running, he had gotten a bit caught up in doing it, and the horrible interaction that he had along the way that he didn’t even care about the situation that got him there. He had gotten out of it, and that was really all that mattered to Race.
By the time he got back to the lodging house, Race had come to two conclusions.
Number one: Well that was embarrassing
And number two: he had lost his bag along the way.
He had lost his bag. Along with the money. But, he supposed there was nothing he could do about it. It was gone and he was pretty sure that he would never get it back.
Race had gotten over the embarrassment and the loss within a couple of hours. He had gotten engulfed in some random conversation which was no doubt being blown out of proportion, when, out of nowhere, it felt like the air had been sucked right out of the room. And everyone’s attention turned to the doorway.
Race half expected there to be some sort of fight going on at the door, but he was wrong.
Spot. Conlon. Was at the door. He was having a conversation with Crutchie, but from the far corner of the room, Race couldn't tell what they were talking about. But after a moment he saw Spot hold up a bag. Race’s bag. Well, he got it back. But right now he kinda wished he hadn’t.
In a moment where Race had evidently lost any control of his own body, he found himself getting up from the table where he had been talking with his friends, walking over to the door and saying the words, “Thats mine,” as well as some other muttering that no one, not even Race, could quite make out. But he eventually got up to the front of the room and retrieved his belongings. Race had no clue what to do with himself after the fact. So. He just stood there for a second, and sorta just looked at him. Spot that is. Eventually, Spot turned to leave and Race finally found it in himself to say thank you. But, honestly, he wasn’t quite sure the words actually came out of his mouth because absolutely no one reacted. As soon as Spot was gone, Race turned back around and went right up the stairs and lay in his bed just staring at the ceiling.
Well…that was fuckin’ embarrassing.
So. New lesson learned. Apparently Race lost any and all control that he had ever had over his actions in the presence of Spot Conlon. Good to know.
For quite a while after he ran into that boy on the street, Spot Conlon had been curious about the boy. His name, who he was, and what on Earth he had been doing in Brooklyn? That last question was paired in Spots head with the question of how he didn’t know that there was a newsie from Manhattan in Brooklyn. For years, Spot had made it his business to know everyone else’ business but somehow.
After multiple days of asking around, and receiving nothing but shoulder shrugs and confusion as to how he didn’t know who was spending time on, as many of Spots friends had pointed out, his turf, Spot finally discovered who the mystery manhattan boy was. Racetrack Higgins, Jack Kelly's second in command, a teen with a smoking problem, and even bigger gambling problem, and the part which most interested Spot, a boy from Manhattan who spent more than his fair share of time in Brooklyn.
Now, Spot Conlon wasn’t nosy, he let people have their space and he expected the same in return. However , every so often, when something piqued his interest, he was known to…forget about that. So maybe he learned from a few of his boys Racetracks' usual selling spot in Brooklyn. And maybe he would find himself passing by more regularly, and maybe he ended up selling papers just across the street from Racetrack a few times. But it was just because he was curious. An odd kid, who shouldn’t be there, was there and Spot was just keeping an eye out. No ulterior motives to be seen here.
Race spent a lot of time thinking. He didn’t have all that much else to do with himself. He thought himself to sleep at night and made up little stories in his head on slow days. He knew that he had a habit of overthinking things, but he supposed that that was the price he paid for his hyperactive mind. Recently many of those thoughts had been filled with questions about one Spot Conlon.
Did he know who Race was?
Did he hate Race?
Did he think about that one horrible interaction as much as Race did?
Was he stalking Race?
How was he so intimidating?
And why was Race thinking about him so much?
These were the things that filled Race's head all day, every day. And he had an answer to only one of them.
Spot Conlon was most certainly stalking him. Every single day, for almost a month, Spot had been there. At some point in the day, at least. Race started to notice about a week in, he had never seen him around before, and now, Spot Conlon was everywhere.
And maybe it wasn't about Race at all but that wasn’t a thought that would ever cross the boys mind, not in a million years. Because rational thoughts never came to Races mind. But rather, stupid, irrational, and to those he might share them with, utterly ridiculous and/or insane (he’d been called all of the above by those close to him). And this habit was continued on one faithful day, after about a month of being haunted by Spot Conlon.
Race noticed that Spot had been standing directly across the street from him. In the same place, for hours. Usually when he’d show up he would be gone again within the hour, but this time, this time he lingered. And Racetrack wanted to know why. So, he crossed the street as soon as the woman Spot had been talking to left. Maybe he nearly got hit by a car on the way over but that was not his greatest concern, Race was on a mission.
“Heya Spotty,” he said as he approached and, why the hell did he say that, why did he call Spot Conlon a nickname? They didn’t know eachother like that. They didn’t know each other at all.
And evidently Spot felt the same way, “Don’t call me that.” Nothing else. No pleasantries exchanged. Neither of the boys really knew what to say. Spot had no clue why Race was there, and, well, Race had never been very good at planning out his endeavors.
“What do you want Racetrack?” Spot finally broke the uncomfortable silence. So he did know who Race was.
“Well, the funny thing is, is that, that's actually what I was gonna ask you, Spot. I’ve never seen ya over here before and I was just wondering why I started to recently.” and at this point Race knew he was rambling and he really had no clue what to do about it. He just kept talking and was quite frankly praying that Spot would interrupt him.
And for a good while, he didn’t. Race was getting extremely embarrassed but he just. Couldn’t. Stop. Talking. Finally though Spot interrupted him. “Wait wait wait, whaddaya mean you wanted to know why I’m here?” no reply from Race, who was catching his breath from his little rant. “‘Cause, my bein’ makes perfect sense to me, me living here and all. It's you I’m a tad confused about.” Race knew that it would probably be more productive to shut up at this point, go back to his corner, hell, maybe even back home for the rest of the day. But, Race had never been particularly good at doing what he should, the “smart thing” if you will.
“Well, Spotty,” WHY OH WHY DID HE SAY THAT AGAIN , “I’ve spent plenty of time here over the years and I’d never even seen you in person til a few weeks ago. I mean, I was startin’ to think you were just, like, a myth to scare people away from here. But like I was sayin’ I spent plenty of time here and I’ve been selling over here most days outta the week for like…a year now. And you just recently started poppin’ up. Everywhere I go.” Silence and complete indifference from Spot. “Well, what I'm gettin’ at is, are you following me, Spotty? I mean why else would you be everywhere I am?” Now, Race had meant for it to be at least halfway a joke. He honestly had really just wanted to talk to the mysterious boy. But Spot did not appear to find any humor in anything that Race said. In fact, he seemed pretty irritated at him, or maybe that was just his face? Race wasn’t quite sure.
“Get outta here Racetrack,” Spot finally said as he turned to leave.
And, not wanting to anger Spot further, for once in his life, Race actually did what he was told to. He gathered up his few belongings and returned to Manhattan for the rest of that day.
With full intentions, of course, to return to Brooklyn the next day.
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