#i honestly forget what most of it means
unicornsaures · 3 months
ill forever adore going through my old sketchbooks because its like going through memories i never knew i had
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upsidedog · 8 months
a little over a month after max ended things with lucas a girl in her spanish class aproched her and asked if “lucas sinclar” is single. apparently she thinks he’s cute and has seen them hanging out. “no, he isn’t single” is what max wants to say because if she sticks to her plan of mourning their relationship for the rest of high school so should he, even if max was the one who broke it off. but max is a good person so she says “yeah he’s single.” but not that good so she adds “he just got out of a relationship though, and he’s not over her” and since she’s already crossed that first line “i actually wouldn’t even try.”
max only lasts an hour or two before she feels so guilty she tells lucas there’s a girl in her spanish class that he should ask out cause she thinks he’s cute. lucas is a little offended that his ex is trying to play matchmaker on principle but also because he was sort of planning on mourning his and max’s relationship for the rest of high school
#stranger things#max mayfield#lumax#i honestly could’ve gotten a whole season of max and lucas on unstable kinda ‘bad’ terms i live for the drama#like i mean i could go into character analysis mode but it’s a holiday#i know in lucas on the line there was a girl at the party after the basketball game lucas thought was cute and i think if he had the time#it would’ve been healthy and normal to move on but also max would be eating drywall out of jealously#like obvi lucas would be doing nothing wrong they’ve been broken up but max deserves a little toxicicity she deserves to passive#aggressively ask what his new girlfriend’s high score in dig dug is then celebrate to herself when she says she doesn’t play video games bc#max is an awkward dork 15 y/o who thought a core reason why lucas liked her was because she would beat the hard arcade levels for him#max wants to be with him so bad but feels like a monster and she’s so in her grief she doesn’t even know how to ask for help so their#relationship is over even as max is still hanging on. conversely lucas has no clue what’s going on over than a vague idea - he wants to be#with max he wants to support max but he doesn’t know how and he also wants to feel normal and be cool and forget the past few years and max#is by far the most resentful of his attempts to leave the past behind because THATS WHERE SHES STUCK#i said i wouldn’t do analysis then i did. middle ground is i won’t rewrite it 2 not be a scrambled train of thought because it is a holiday
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momo-de-avis · 6 months
Christmas to me is the yearly reminder of "holy shit, I share DNA with these people". It's the season of complete disbelief of how progressively dysfunctional my family is. The racist discussions at the dinner table. The gathering of smart asses who swear they know history better than me, someone who studied history. The constant belittling of every life decision I make. I've learnt to let it all go and have since years back actually proudy accepted that it is what it is and these people not only do not bring me joy, they're irritating to be nearby. But today I was actually fucking blown away at the sheer level of dysfunction and disconnect my dad showed. This man took a video call from his partner, a woman I met once and all I know about ehr is that she's russian. She's never tried to talk to me and likewise he has never attempted to introduce her to my life. All of a sudden, mid dinner, he turns the phone to me and shows me this woman whose face doesn't even match my memory. And then the camera pans and there's a child there. This child looks to be about 3YO and my dad just shows this kid to me and goes "Look at [her name]!" and right now I'm on camera with a kid who is staring puzzingly at me and I'm like. WHo the fuck is this kid? Where did a 3 year old come from? The camera pans back to the woman and she's so obviously uncomfortable with just the sight of me and we're both awkwardly looking at a screen pretending we know who we are, and then back to the kid. My dad's on the phone going "say hi to Ana!!!!!!!" and I just keep. "WHo the fuck is this?" and it hits me. it just. I can't describe how fucking unbelievable this is, but the sheer insanity of my thought process, of the situation itself, is something straight out of the fakest r/AmITheAsshole post. I just casually think. "Did this man have a child? This my 70-something year old father have a fucking kid with some russian woman in her what, 30s? Is he talking about her like I just knew this?"
and then I was reminded of how my brother told my mother first that his wife was expecting, and my mother told the entire dentist office, and no one told me until I found out by accident.
The moment my parents die, I'm out of everyone's lives. Fuck these people holy shit
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toppedbykakuna · 27 days
ive been the butt end of 2 relatively homophobic/transphobic comments from customers at work this weekend and im feeling weird about it
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sodalite-lite · 5 months
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Today's (last week's, really) Trackpad Tuesday is sponsored by: Lying to your friends to protect them! I gave up on doing the dithering sorz Process parts under the cut
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It's been a while since I've remarked on the Imogen with glasses thing (despite being one of the Patient Zeroes for the discussion about it here on Tumblr Way Back When), which has been slowly going out of vogue but apparently is still being discussed, but I feel like at this point, it's noteworthy that Laura has alluded to knowing about it as a trend on-stream and has sounded baffled, confused, and upset about it being so popular.
Also, it remains frustrating how people misinterpret "the specific way that this entered fanon was part of an overall series of changes to make Imogen look 'cute' in a way that made her more childlike, which is infantilizing, with these glasses being a specific element named as something that made her cuter, and the specific recurring styling speaks toward that intent, especially since the glasses are often in conjunction with other specific design changes that make her seem more childlike" to be "having glasses is infantilizing" just so they can go "it's so stupid people think having glasses alone is infantilizing", which is not what anyone is saying
#tbh speaking as someone who HAS glasses and has worn them since I was small#I do find the entire 'it's destigmatizing!' and 'you just are being mean about disability aids' to be ludicrous and disconnected#there's also a concept called patterns and context#why imogen specifically? why not any other character?#why is this design choice often made in conjunction with other choices such as making her very short and round-faced?#(not always but most often)#why are we ignoring the roots of this as a trend and what specific spaces popularized it when we're discussing it?#anyone going 'well people like it bc it is an incredibly common disability aid' is missing the point of conversation about patterns#'it's because laura wears glasses' so where's the jester art? vex? caleb? orym? ashton? fearne? yasha?#CR#Honestly I also often feel like people legit forget that glasses IS associated with being young or a teen or being old#since it IS still considered the Adult Thing to get contacts until you're like middle-aged and you're Old Now#So yeah... glasses is still often used as a shorthand for not yet being fully an adult when or is often seen that way in visual depictions#(outside of being like a shorthand for being old or erudite#but then again I am like: so why isn't Caleb or Essek popularly depicted with glasses if it's about being erudite)#But anyway that's a whole other tangent.#and again: it's about patterns and context and historical roots of this as a trend in relationship to this specific character#and the original intent and popularization of this as an element was specifically about cuteness and smol uwu beanification#and THAT'S why people have an issue about it—that specific context that it is coming out of
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dootznbootz · 7 months
...It's kind of wild when the terf that you got into a fight with and had to write an essay on "Why violence is wrong" back in high school now works at the pharmacy where you get your medication from...
#I'm sorry for the vent I just am mad that she could be in a PHARMACY. I hope she's at least changed her ways.#she should not be working in health if she still thinks this way.#She definitely remembered me too. I don't think she could forget honestly. neither of us was injured btw.#It wasn't a “fight” in the way you think most fights are. she called this sweet trans boy the word rhymes with maggot (that's what she is)#a maggot.#while she was moving around a lot and idk. rage took over and I twisted her arm and she happened to fall and then I cussed her out#I probably over did it but moving her arms around while ranting and then calling him that just pushed me over. I WAS calm at first.#He was a shy and quiet kid and he “didn't want to make a big deal about it” so I tried to follow his request but... you know.#it was in theatre behind the curtains during rehearsal and everyone heard/saw so yea. I got into trouble. no detention surprisingly#it was a long time coming. she would constantly harass him with shit about how “You still look like a girl”. and using wrong pronouns#and teachers were told but they didnt' do shit. She also was just a mean person. This guy wasn't the only person she bullied#I only wrote on why VIOLENCE was wrong. not about what I did. The only thing I feel bad about is that I scared the poor guy I was defending#I don't remember what I said (I was that mad) but apparently I "picked her personality apart like a bunch of lego bricks and then told her#why the “lego brick” is fucked up“ He was just 14-15 and she was 18 btw😒literally harrassing a sweet KID.#was convenient though because all I had to do was give her a look and she would immediately back down. idk what I said when I yelled#at her but it was nice that I could do that whenever she would start shit#Mad rambles#idk y'all I'm scared that she's in HEALTH. if I know anything I'll see if I can report her because while I hope she wouldn't fuck with tran#folks medications idk for sure. she was really cruel back in high school.#vent#rant#I try not to post shit like this but I'm worried you know?
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angelhummel · 7 months
obsessed with my silly lil au that's simmering away in my brain and torn between just laying out all the details in random tumblr posts and shutting up and actually writing something about it alsjflksdfs i wish i could write quicker i wish i could draw at all i wish it were easier
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lerildeal · 1 year
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I’ve been getting into print making
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toastsnaffler · 8 months
i got a humble bundle like 2 years ago bc there were 2 specific games i wanted from it + it was cheaper than buying either of them individually + I didn't even LOOK at the other stuff in it but now every couple of months someone will mention a game that sounds cool as hell and I'll search it up on steam and discover I already own it. gift that keeps on giving for reaaal
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LISTEN I KNOW HOW IT SOUNDS BUT I SWEAR HE WAS DISTINCT FROM RGGJO STILL 😭😭😭 HIS DESIGN WAS LOUD IN A DIFFERENT WAY 😭😭😭😭😭 though As A Whole it was probably the result of someone saying he should go full RGGJo in 8 several months prior to when I had the dream, so not wrong. But it would be fun to see a shift from "Nothing in life matters...😞" to "Nothing in life matters! 😎" would it not...
I've always thought Drink Link was meant to evoke Social Link? Because in Japan it was called #DRAMA. I was never the biggest fan because it's one of many "translations" in Y7 that are just changing something that was already in English and doesn't require cultural context to understand. Like IMO whether it's seen as an improvement or not, it's just not the localizers' job to "improve on" the original; let them be cringe and let them be free...
And also it gave ammunition to Persona fans who refuse to experience anything but P5 and decided to go "wow! it's just like P5!" at every little thing Y7 did from the VERY FIRST trailers onward (including BE AN RPG) And That Shit Got Old Fast </3 Sorry </3 But I do think this one's very much on purpose, localization-wise. So I forgive you :)
RANTING ASIDE. OR. SEGUEING INTO MORE RANTING. Literally like I don't even care if it's as part of the Kasugang or Kiryu's Geezer Squad... Give Jo five minutes with Tendo or hand him over to me so I can make sure he's enriched and well-nourished... these are my demands... that man is my everything......
Because it would be SO funny both ways. We don't know who all will be in each party, so either he's stuck with Adachi (Definitely A Character) (Affectionate) (Also Has Already Told Him He'd Rather Kill Him Than Send Him To Jail So. Awkward) or maybe with Kiryu's he'd have more people around his agw, But if not, The Inherent Comedy of two bitches called Jo and Joryu who have almost the same haircut 💀💀
Exactly though, nobody in the Arakawa Family is neurotypical and I FULLY believe Jo would be at his best when put into Situations, like Mine is. It's something I reeeally miss from RGGO because of the pre-finale scene with RGGJo and Mitsu having a drink at their favorite bar... they haven't been there in a while, and RGGJo doesn't wanna spoil the mood, so he's not hostile in the slightest... and when he gets up to leave he says he "forgot his wallet" and makes Mitsu foot the bill (ICONIC for completely different reasons depending on whether he's telling the truth or not)... whereas in Y7 I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THE ARAKAWAS HAVE A FAVORITE BAR
it could be funny- whiplash inducing, but that'd undoubtedly be why it'd be funny wouldn't it ♪(´▽`) he could've been some sacred third thing- just more RGGJo influence injected in Y7Jo mayhaps..
anyhow it dont sound like you forgive me when you just got mad at persona players for makin comparisons and here ive gone and done such a thing LMAO(;´д`)(;´д`)in any case, i know how you feel about translations so i wont press the topic: if it aint broke etc etc, i understand how you feel so it's ok (❁´◡`❁;;)
double 'jo' def woulda been funny, if not has always been a small thing worth jokin bout that ive had in the back of my mind (though ive already said that: i have a broken record of a brain at this point, if not that it just points out how silly i find the idea) LMAO. i've always enjoyed antag-turned-party member anyhow, so it wouldve been fun to me regardless of what it brought ♪(´▽`)
#long post#snap chats#i say unnecessary things a lot so its easy for me to say something upsetting oops (´▽`;;;)#its a habit im trying to break- to speak concisely instead of without aim. though if im realistic im not sure i can do that#i can only ask please be patient with me for saying annoying things in the future (❁´◡`❁)#im sure it'll happen a lot by accident and has already happened (❁´◡`❁ ;; ) so ill make sure to remember whats most bothersome (❁´◡`❁)#before my organs shut down on me let me move on OWOWOW#i remember the bit in rggo where jo forgot his wallet i truly couldnt stop myself from sayin My Guy Cmon 😭 ☠️☠️#in the case of rggjo its fun to imagine his forgetfulness as ambiguous cause Truly Did He Mean To Forget Or 🤨#in the case of y7jo its harder to believe hed do it on purpose so in the case where he does its just ☠️☠️#bros Truly losin it.... his mind AND his wallet... i know ichi gon make a joke 😔#aside from that though maybe jo would benefit from having friends his age <- saying this as if he's in grade school ☠️☠️#in the case of the arakawas having a personal favorite bar tho... i couldnt say#ive already made an assessment of jo's sociability through his office so i wanna make a half-confident bet he doesnt like to get out much#lest it's required for Whatever Reason- but what about arakawa then ? much to consider..#i honestly couldnt wager what he'd prefer.. i dont know what atmosphere he'd like... he's too mysterious for me (´▽`;;)#for some reason i can only ever imagine him drinking at home or at quaint restaurants...#idk cant explain it... thats just the vibe... very likely im wrong though..#my organs truly hurt now- i think i gave myself a headache by mistake so ill have to stop my pondering before i explode (´▽`;;)
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maschotch · 2 years
Hey - first of all, huge fan of all your tags! I’m currently rewatching cm and I read all your post before each episode. Do you have any thoughts on why the chose to introduce Rossi by making him the most unlikeable character ever? I know I’m gonna like him after a few seasons, but I’m currently watching season 3 and he is just the worst omg. I just don’t understand why they started of by making him so horrible and rude in his first few episode
awww ty this is so nice!! i love when ppl think of my blog when they watch cm, it makes me feel like im brainwashing everyone~~
i have no fucking clue what they were thinking when they brought rossi along. gideon was such a good character that the odds were stacked against any replacement from the beginning, but rossi really is… the worst of the worst in his season debut. i think maybe they were trying to make him a bit more edgy/rugged than gideon’s professor-y vibes? like one thing i do love about rossi’s character is that he was introduced while bird hunting—very different than gideon’s bird watching. i wish they had played a little more with that dichotomy, there really coulda been something thhere. but noooo they had to go and make him the most unlikable person, give him uninteresting storylines, then pretend none of it ever happened and have him settle into the grandpa role
i much prefer mild-mannered, occasionally-a-bitch later seasons rossi bc he is AWFUL in the third season. like?? rude for no reason?? arrogant?? selfish?? conceited??? bigoted???? all of my least favorite character traits rolled up to make the most unlikable man possible. i mean a cop show is already bad enough, but you know things are going downhill fast when they bring out the military backstory. boring, overdone, uninteresting—and thats other than the blatant propaganda. at the very least he makes it easy to skip many many episodes that season :pp
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vimbry · 1 year
in 2023 I gotta learn to let go being annoyed by statements like "I forget not everyone knows this". actually I changed my mind and it's everyone else who should stop saying it for me
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the way she looks at him here... goodness...
#ash rambles 💚#a heaven full of stars 💙❤️#the emotions..#but also#gah#IT SHOULD BE MEEEE#I WANT HER TO LOOK AT ASH LIKE THAT 😭😭😭😭#the way she's crying but her eyes are filled with nothing but love and admiration??#GAAAHHH IT SHOULD BE MEEEEE#she should be looking at her best friend of over a decade like that! the red to her blue! fire to her water! those ten years without her#were the most painful part of ash's life and i know she'd cry too seeinf a.qua again#i think a lot about how fucked up ash is mentally after the events of her game. her buddies t.erra and v.en? gone. her adopted father? gone#her best friend who she had fallen in love with? ash had to watch in horror as she fell into the darkness screaming and sobbing and begging#to just take her instead. you see ash punching at the ground a lot. the combination of all that + the fire spells she casts really did a#number on her hands and she keeps them wrapped up for over a decade since her scars are just another reminder of her not being good enough#man. what a character. i cooked.#anyways#my wife! i adore her so much! i spend so much time thinking about how I'm not good enough for her that i tend to forget that i love her#i love her with all my being and thats what matters#teehee i even have my plushie of her next to me rn!#man shes so perfect#just wanna wrap my arms around her waist and hold her close all night and tell her that i adore her#i should probably go to bed now lmao#another week of wondering if it's even worth it but hey! we persist! it's my birthday soon too!#... honestly I'm not excited (i feel kinda neutral) but come on! i try to see the silver lining in things! shitty week but at least I'll#have an excuse to eat cake!#... ive mentioned c.yberpunk p.hantom l.iberty so often around my sister in hopes she'll get it for me- i feel bad and honestly i dont even#need a gift but i cant deny that I've had this whole in my heart after i finished c.yberpunk sjshajdjw i need another fucking game to play#nothing is scratching that itch!!! and i tend to be picky about my games too#i mean if you have any recs for ps5 games feel free to lay them on me but like. still
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defiant-firefly · 3 months
(I've had my chatty medicines so you get a post about this)
There is something distinctly and uniquely alienating and bizarre about hearing people say 'Easter Sunday is the most religious day of the year'. Like, when was this?? If it's so religious and so so so important, how come no one thought to tell me it was religious until like four or five years ago?
Yeah it's kinda funny but I'm also sat there every time like "what the fuck are you talking about". The assumption I was raised Christian and am Christian via culture is really funny though cause like. Bro I have no fucking clue what any of this stuff is about.
My parents never taught me the majority of this shit. Anyone else assumed I already knew about it. This Easter talk I've been hearing about a weird amount more than normal is all new to me and making me think of all this shit lmao
#no I'm not joking about only realising it was religious a handful of years back#but it IS weird to see people talk about what MUST be my default beliefs given my country and just#very little of it being true?? I don't see a lot of this talk at the moment I just heard my dad talking about easter and it got me thinking#so don't mind me really but like.#as an example of what I mean. its assumed christian cultures push the belief of going to heaven when you die#it's probably true! but not for me. I was raised to belief that when you died you became a star in the sky#specifically on the first night you were the brightest star in the sky so everyone could see you#APPARENTLY this is greek?? I dunno man but it's not heaven lmao#there were loads of little every day things I remember seeing a while back that were listed as this stuff too#and I don't remember them at all but there were only a few there that I recognised as my own beliefs#i feel like i was raised culturally... i guess blank? so I picked up my own beliefs over time??#does that make sense?? is that a thing?? actually wondering if it's just me that gets this#cause it was only two years ago I found out valentines was a saints thing#wondering if anyone else was just raised with a 'I dunno its whatever' thing instead of a culturally religious thing#cause it IS weird seeing posts treating this knowledge as something everyone has I dunno#but ANYWAY it's funny sitting there while people are stunned you didn't know about the 'most religious day of the year'#my mans my only religious experiences were very VERY brief and I was mostly annoyed I couldn't eat the gummy bears on the impaled orange#what in the fuck is that about btw??? honestly what's the deal with that one???#why is there a whole service revolving around an orange with a bunch of cocktail sticks in it???#I don't even remember when that was I think it was end of the year time or something???#there was nothing to do so obviously my child self wasn't interested at all in anything but the orange#I need to look this up now I guess but without the context I'm supposed to have apparently this genuinely sounds batshit insane#I don't remember what I was talking about imma hit post and forget this whole thing and not reread anything#firefly life#<- probably. I don't remember
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adreamfromnevermore · 3 months
AU Where the Justice League forms as usual except for one slight difference where Bruce just so happens to have been the one superheroing for the longest. (Excluding Diana, who got up to it in World War 1 and then mostly didn't while she learned about Man's World)
Bruce helps form the Justice League, ignoring all of the comments as they come to the sudden realization that Gotham's baby cryptid story is actually a man in a very intimidating armored suit who can and will break your arm if you cause problems for him. They are unaware that this is not the first team he's led, and actually he's used to teams full of mostly teenagers who also happen to be his children. This should be easier, this team is primarily adults.
He realizes rapidly that he doesn't understand these people.
His kids take bonding activities to mean learning a dozen different ways to break someones leg. That doesn't fly with these people. And that is most of Bruce's ideas, hell when he was a kid Alfred took every opportunity to get him out of his room and mostly that was with the agreement that Alfred would teach him how to defend himself. He's come by it honestly.
This team is not easier. They have more drama than when his house was actually full of kids. It's insane. He doesn't know what to do with it, usually he just sent the kids to their rooms or grounded them from patrol. That doesn't work here.
He comes to a strange crossroads. That falls apart when he forgets who he's working with and snaps at Hal with a full room of heroes that the next person to throw a punch or an insult without a reason too will be sparring with him.
A long standing rule in the batcave that worked two fold to prevent infighting between the kids and too ensure that they were well and truly trained.
It works wonders. No one says a word out of line for the rest of the debrief. Bruce becomes the unofficial mediator of the league over Clark because anytime he walked in on a fight it suddenly became 10 times more civil out of sheer terror of what he'd do to them in a sparring match.
Eventually they actually meet his kids. Well, one kid.
Half way through a mission (one of the rare ones in Gotham) the Bat comes to a complete stop at the edge of an alley. Every single league member on the team comes to a stop behind him. Slowly from the shadows of the alley a man in a red helmet stalks out to greet them.
"You don't call, you don't write"
"Red Hood."
"Don't Red Hood me! We've been worried sick!"
"I was at the cave last night."
"You didn't answer my texts B. You always answer my texts."
Somehow it ends with big and scary following them through the rest of the mission with a running commentary of how much Bats has let him down in his failure to respond in a timely manner to a text send less than an hour before he ran into them in the alley. It only ends when Red Robin shows up.
And even then it only ends because Hood can't keep himself from throwing a punch and Bruce has to snap at him that if he throws another one they're sparring when they get home.
And by god is Jason giving up the chance to punch his brothers.
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