#i love listening to my recordings and just hearing where i got mad and smashed the keys randomly
plutos134340 · 10 months
White ball on the piano is absolutely beautiful but i do NOT do it justice
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sunflovverharry · 4 years
Sweet Time
a/n: soo, I took the liberty of changing the pov in the song to be from harry’s perspective instead of the oc’s, but i’m quite happy with how it turned out. i recommend you listen to the song this fic is inspired by while reading as it might give some more depth to what’s going on inside harry’s head than what i already give throughout the story. Thank you for reading and please reblog if you enjoy it xx
This fic is a part of @harrystylescherry playlist fic challenge which i’m super excited to be part of! Remember to read the rest of the entries and show your support <3
Pairing: Harry x OC Delilah Warnings: Angst, fluff, language Word count: 4.7k
It seems bad luck runs through all of Harry’s relationships. The three he’s had that lasted long enough to be considered serious all ended because of the same reason - Harry’s fame. Mixing their jealousy of the women media connected him to; and anger that he couldn’t be with them every time something important happened made him exhausted. His girlfriend was supposed to support him in every way possible, just as he would support them and know that if he could spend more time with her, obviously he wouldn’t be flying to god knows where for who knows how long. It clearly wasn’t enough for his exes to know that if he could, he would, but his life isn’t run only by himself. He has managers and a record label who tells him what to do and when.
Lucie had been ringing his phone for the last hour without any answer and it surely must have pissed her off because the texts she sent after weren’t pleasing to say the least. Harry had been in the studio for a while and his phone had been silenced so he could solely focus while creativity was rolling through him. He had told his girlfriend that he would be unavailable for most of the week with writing and recording as much as possible, but he’d call or text whenever he was free. Thinking she had understood, he didn’t care to text her right before entering the studio to tell her she wouldn’t be able to get a hold of him for a while, but after seeing the texts he thought to himself he should’ve texted her.
“Why the fuck aren’t you answering??” “Harry you better answer your fucking phone this instance or we’re over!” “Seriously Harry what is more important than me, your girlfriend!!” “Are you with another woman???? ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING DICK”
No, it wasn’t the first time Harry had been subject to her angry texts, probably drunk off her ass and having no one else to be mad at. He knew he shouldn’t put up with the way she’s treating him, but when they’re together she acts completely different. She never raises her voice at him or asks who women he’s seen with are. They always enjoy their time together, cuddling on the sofa while watching a movie or going to her parents’ for a Sunday roast. Though she’d never be seen cleaning or cooking, telling Harry that it wasn’t her job to do so when he could have maids and chefs.
Even his mum had told him she wasn’t what he needed in a girlfriend. A snobby, gold digger who has jealousy and anger issues ultimately wasn’t someone he had time for. Those texts were what made him decide that he had to end the relationship now, before it’s too late.
A week later he made it home from Los Angeles and he wasn’t surprised to see Lucie running towards him after hearing the car doors slam outside. She always acted as if nothing happened while he was gone. He couldn’t believe he had wasted almost a year on this girl and before she could get any closer to him he told her they were done. Yes, it sucked to tell someone they weren’t wanted any longer, but it was the right decision in the end and his mum would surely be happy he got rid of her.
A year after breaking up with Lucie, his third girlfriend (who honestly might have been a little too into his fame and money than he realized at the time), he met Delilah. To be honest, Harry had told himself that he wanted to stay single and focus on himself and his upcoming album, but Delilah threw his plans out the window after only a month of dating - or what he called “just friends getting to know each other”. Delilah on the other hand called them dates and could only hope it would expand into something greater than that.
Harry had been sat in the restaurant they were meeting at for half an hour, hoping Delilah wouldn’t be much longer. He was grateful she had texted him to let him know she’d be running later than expected as the traffic was crazy and she had to stay at work an hour longer than anticipated. If she hadn’t let him know, he’s sure he would have cried from the embarrassment.
Not knowing how much longer she’d be, he called his mum. Her voice had always calmed him down and that’s exactly what he needed at this very moment - sitting alone in a restaurant at a table for two in a secluded corner waiting for what might be the prettiest girl he’s laid eyes on.
“Hello my sweetness. How are you?” They got into talking about Harry’s surprise trip home for his sister's birthday in a couple of months. Anne and Harry were planning a surprise birthday party for her and it wasn’t something he’d ever want to miss. After minutes of talking about the surprise and anything else popping up into the conversation, Anne asked what he was doing. It wasn’t that he had hidden the fact that he had a new friend on purpose, but he supposes that he wanted to keep this one private - even from his mum who knows everything going on in his life.
“Just having dinner with a friend who’s running a tad late which is why I called you.” He wasn’t sure he was able to keep the excitement out of his answer. Though Delilah was only a friend and he certainly wasn’t looking for another relationship that would end up breaking, he already liked her more than he probably should.
“Oh, I see. A friend friend perhaps?” Anne snickered, knowing that if she pried long enough, he’d have no choice but to spill. This time it wouldn’t happen though as he saw Delilah walking towards the back of the restaurant and the table where he was seated waiting patiently for her.
“Sorry, mum, my guest has arrived. I’ll call another day, love you.” Harry didn’t hear the ‘love you’ his mum said back to him before pulling his phone from his ear and hanging up. Pocketing his phone while standing up, he smiled at Delilah who looked stressed but beautiful in her very classy outfit paired with some killer heels and Harry didn’t even want to think about how much they hurt her feet.
When they both finally sat down, the chatter never died down and the wine never stopped pouring.
It took a while before she earned Harry’s trust, but it was proof that he did trust her when he invited her over to his house for the first time after five months of dating. She had proved to Harry that she took his privacy seriously and she, too, wanted to keep whatever it was they had going on between only the two of them. Almost as if it was something sacred, and really it was.
Harry had been over for movie nights and dinners at Delilah’s plenty of times, even going as far as staying over a handful of times. She gave him complete reigns of what they did and never pressured him into going out in public and there wasn’t a suspicion (that Harry knew of at least) of why he didn’t want to go any further than light groping and making out before pulling away. When he wanted to talk to her, she would be there for him.
Delilah had her legs thrown over Harry’s thighs and his hands were lightly massaging her feet tired from a long day at work. They had ordered pizza from what Harry called ‘the best pizza place he’s ever been to’ and when Delilah took her first bite she couldn’t help but moan at the explosion of taste in her mouth. It really was the best pizza. This was only her second time hanging out at Harry’s house, only wanting to come when he invited her as to not invite herself into his most private space.
Harry had shot her a message earlier in the day asking her if she’d like to come over after work seeing as it was a Friday and therefore the night didn’t have to end as early as a weeknight. Of course, he didn’t tell her that, but he wanted to have the option open for her to stay the night if he felt comfortable enough by the end of the night to ask her.
Delilah could Harry’s head was spinning in all directions while mindlessly continuing to rub her feet, up to her legs. She could positively say none of her exes had ever given her a foot massage, making Harry look even better in her books (though he didn’t need it, he was already better than any of her expectations and she could only hope she reached his expectations).
“What’s wrong, sweets?” She had taken up the nickname for him after hearing his mum call him something similar, but not wanting to steal her nickname for him. Harry smiled every time she called him that, loving the feeling he got in his stomach from how it sounds coming off of her tongue.
“Just thinking and going in circles round my head.” It didn’t give away anything other than he was stressing or worried about something Delilah had no idea what it could be. Sitting up, she planted a kiss to his cheek before smashing their cheeks together in a tight hug - all she wanted was to be there for him if he wanted to talk, or just sit in silence together. Hopefully he’d have the guts to throw her out if he wanted to be alone.
Harry giggled when she didn’t let up her strong hold around his neck, not nearly enough to choke him, but enough to hold him in place. He turned his head to look at her quickly before melting their lips together in what can only be described as an expressive and intense kiss. Delilah didn’t know what he was trying to express, but it must be something good with the way he’s pulling her onto his lap, their lips never separating more than a second.
“Would you want to stay the night?” He had gone through every pro and con in his head, but Delilah showing him she was there for him without trying to pull anything out of him made up his mind. There was no doubt he wanted her to stay at his place for the night and he’d drive a hard bargain for her to even think about saying no.
There was no need for a bargain though, Delilah nodding her head quickly before pulling him in for another kiss, or two, or three. She wasn’t worried about not having pajamas here or her toothbrush or her trusty face cleanser. None of it mattered even slightly, when all she could think about was how much trust Harry was putting in her. For a minute there she was the happiest she’s ever been and as Harry’s nerves subsided he was the happiest he’s ever been.
The couple went for a short drive to Delilah’s apartment to pick up some essentials, as well as the supermarket to buy ingredients for breakfast in the morning (and new bathroom essentials to keep in his bathroom for times when she would stay the night). By the time they got back to Harry’s, they were ready to hop into bed - a bed she had yet to try out, but was sure would exceed all her expectations.
Harry was tucked into his bed on the side he regularly slept on when Delilah walked out of his ensuite, ready to lay down right next to him. Knowing from the past times they’ve shared her bed that he’s a big cuddler, she was excited to see how much more comfortable and cuddly he’d be in his own bed.
Though Harry felt safe and trusted Delilah enough to share his house with her and have her sleep over, something was still holding him back from asking the big question that they both probably knew should have come earlier. Even his mum was unsure why he hadn’t asked her yet or let her meet the woman he’s spending all his time with.
By the seventh month of dating, she was starting to question herself. If she wasn’t doing anything wrong and he still trusted her, why would he not have asked her to be his girlfriend already? She thought it was pretty clear to everyone that knew about their ‘relationship’ that she wouldn’t say no.
“So, Delilah, how’s it going with Harry?” She was out for drinks with her best girlfriends and the only ones she had told about Harry - except her parents, of course. It was an unwritten rule to not talk about boy trouble or anything of the sort on their nights out, but it was clear Delilah’s head wasn’t in it. Something had to be up with her and the only thing her friends could think of, was Harry.
“We’re good. He’s feeling safe and comfortable with me. We’re going to his mum’s next weekend to relax before he leaves.” Her voice was definite and if her friends didn’t know her they wouldn’t think anything was wrong with their relationship. Delilah spends a lot of time with him and the past month she’s slept over most nights, even on the days she’s had work the next. Harry had cleared out more space for her in his bathroom vanity and closet - which he knew was way larger than what he really needed, but had still managed to fill with no problem.
Delilah sipped on her drink as she went back into her head, thinking about how tonight was just like any other day. Harry will pick her up exactly ten minutes after she calls to tell him the night is over, he’ll hold her thigh on the drive back to his home while she talks his head off about nothing. When they arrive home, they’ll do exactly what they always do when she stays the night - wash their faces together, brush their teeth and while Delilah finds her outfit the next day Harry goes to get a water bottle he always keeps in the fridge that they will share throughout the night. It’s become routine and the domesticity around it makes Delilah’s heart flutter.
“Have you had the talk about going official? Becoming boyfriend and girlfriend? I thought maybe he’d asked by now with how you’ve been. I mean, you basically live there by now.” Lyla tried to pull out the thoughts swirling around Delilah’s head without being too invasive if she really didn’t want to talk about it.
“I don’t know honestly, I think we’re doing great and I’m so happy with him. I don’t want to force him if he isn’t ready, but it’s been seven months and he hasn’t said anything about making it official no matter how much it feels like it already is. I can’t imagine he doesn’t feel the same. It’s pretty obvious what we’re doing is exactly how it’s like being in a serious relationship.” She braced herself and let it all out - all her thoughts about not making it official yet or how domestic their relationship has become over the past couple months. She would be indescribably sad if Harry wasn’t to actually feel like she thinks he does and that might be the reason why she hasn’t had the guts to be the one to initiate the conversation.
The next couple of weeks went by smoothly for the pair. With Harry being gone for most of it, she had a lot of time for herself to go through her feelings and get the chance to figure things out. She tried to hide her - what felt like crushed - feelings from Harry, not wanting him to pry for her to open up and ruin everything. She agreed with herself that if they had to do things slower than normal because Harry needed the time to get there, then that would be okay as long as he actually would get there one day. There was also no way she could leave the man behind just because he’s been hurt in the past and is now - overly - precautious. The very least she could do to save what they had was to try and help him realize that she wasn’t going anywhere and didn’t want anything but the best for him, and she wanted to be the best.
Delilah came home from work to Harry cooking a storm in the kitchen late one afternoon after he came back to London. It wasn’t that she didn’t know he could cook that surprised her, no, he was always making them dinner - with or without Delilah’s help. What did surprise her though, was the romantic set up in the living room that she had never seen before.
Harry was in deep concentration standing over the stovetop where he had vegetables boiling, along with the chicken he’s grilling. It’s getting close to done when he heard his front door open and he didn’t bother turning around, knowing it could only be one person - Delilah. The girl he’d been obsessed with for the past eight months. But, fuck, he was terrified of getting infatuated with someone again, only having been burnt by it in the end previously.
There was something so raw and new with this one, though, such a breath of fresh air for him. It was like he was supposed to go through those bad relationships to end up here - with the perfect fit for him. She never took it to heart when he couldn’t be there for some things, having to leave the country for weeks at a time, but encouraged him to go, have fun, text me when you land. The first time she told him so, he was speechless and couldn’t move his feet for seconds before he got back to earth.
The first time he slept over at her place was pivotal for him and him realizing where this could go, and that was over six months ago. He had told himself to take it slow, enjoy the moment and not do anything because he felt it was the right time. The right time was usually never right in the end because he still wasn’t ready. If he were to lead a relationship with Delilah it would have to be on his terms, mostly because he didn’t want this one to go wrong. This potential relationship with the girl of his dreams was something he needed to get right. If that meant waiting a little longer to make it official, move in together or start a family - now he’s really thinking far into the future - then he would do so because he knew in the end it would save them both from heartbreak.
Ever since him and Delilah got closer his mum saw a change in him, though the insecurities and unease he had from former relationships were still haunting him. The first time he voluntarily spoke to his mum about her, she told him to follow his heart and only time could tell if she was the one for him. The last time he spoke about her, Anne told him he had to do something, because even though they act as if they’re together, she doesn’t have the security blanket of love that she needs to stay with him. That really set fire to his plans - knowing he had to do something about it before it was too late.
Therefore he ended up deciding on making her dinner and putting in effort to show his romantic side that she hasn’t seen a lot of was the way to go. He wanted to go all out for her to show that this is what he wants and he feels safe and secure enough in himself and them as a couple to make it official. It’s what he craved.
He heard Delilah’s feet softly moving on the hardwood flooring to get from the entry to the kitchen. He also knew she had smelt his cooking and seen the rose petals, candles and blankets scattered all over the living room. There was no doubt she was suspicious over the reason for his doings, but at the same time she held back and waited for Harry to make the first step.
“Hi lovey, dinner is almost ready. You want to change into something comfy before we eat?” Harry only turned around for a single second to try and see if her face could tell him anything about how she’s feeling.
“Smells delicious. Be back in a tick, sweets.” The grin creeping out from his lips couldn’t be stopped after hearing her call him his favorite nickname. He hopes it means she’s happy with him. While Delilah changes upstairs in their - pretty much - shared closet, Harry dishes up the plates and finds her favorite red wine to drink with the meal. Right as he finishes putting everything in its place, she descends from the staircase and Harry finally takes a moment to admire her. He finds her beautiful in a pair of leggings and one of Harry’s hoodies she decided to steal. Before getting completely lost in her beauty, he coughs and reaches his hand out to tell her to come sit with him on the floor in front of the sofa.
Harry wanted to wait until they had finished their meal to bring their relationship up, hoping to enjoy their little impromptu - on her end at least - date night before getting serious. Delilah was smiling and wouldn’t stop gushing over his surprise making him feel better about what was to come. He was sure she would say yes, but the little doubt he had left in him wouldn’t go away until he got his answer and knew for sure.
Later in the evening, they were still sitting on the floor, talking about their days and upcoming events. Harry’s hand was running along her legs thrown over his lap and hers were holding the wine glass recently filled up again when he felt the need to get everything off his chest.
“Darling. I know I’ve taken things slow with you, slower than we both probably wanted, but I hope you know I haven’t been stringing you along for nothing. Tonight I wanted to show you how much you mean to me and how much I’ve grown to care for you. I hope you knew that anyway.” Harry was smiling at her while coming clean with all his thoughts and feelings.
“I’ve loved the naturalness of how we’ve moved through our friendship. Nothing with you has ever felt forced or uncomfortable, maybe because you let me take my time and have control over what I can. I can’t tell you how much that has meant to me and I want you to know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed. The domesticity around us feels so easy and I hope that doesn’t ever change. Because we’ve been acting as if we’re together, it kind of slipped my mind that we’re not, but tonight I wanted to ask you, finally, if you want to make it official and be mine?”
After making it official, there was nothing holding them back from each other. They were together as much as their lives allowed them to be and Delilah even surprised Harry by going to his first show on tour in Los Angeles. He thought she didn’t get the time off of work to be able to come, but Delilah knew he wouldn’t be upset with her lying about it when in the end it would make him happy. They had been official for six months at the time and were practically inseparable. Neither of them knew how they would do with the distance over a longer period of time compared to the two to three weeks he was usually gone for before coming home. Sure in themselves and what they had, they knew they’d get through this, too.
Delilah hadn’t gotten the chance to surprise Harry much over the past year since she got to know Harry, unlike how he had managed to surprise her quite a few times. They were often small, but thought out and always showed her how much he appreciated her. For the longest time; she had been thinking about how she could surprise him without him finding out - and her chance came landing right into her hands with him going on tour. She called Jeff the minute she thought of it, the day after Harry asking her if she would be able to come out for a couple of days during his tour, preferably the first show.
Jeff and Delilah had managed to keep the secret from Harry for over a month with Jeff buying her a plane ticket for the day his first show was. She got picked up by a driver at the airport and drove straight to the Forum to catch him on stage singing his heart out. Though she was only able to see him for the last fifteen minutes of his first show, it was exactly what she imagined - Harry dancing around the stage, singing to a crowd so loud she thought her ears might lose hearing.
Right before Harry was set to come off stage, Delilah was guided through the backstage area to Harry’s dressing room where he would finally see her and hopefully get surprised. She was sitting on the black leather sofa with her hands fiddling in her lap as she waited the short while. It was clear he was getting closer as the loud screams got quieter. Excitement, nervousness, happiness, restlessness. They were all feelings running through her, the anxiety easier to feel when she finally heard his laughter moving through the hallways and she knew he was only meters away from her.
Only seconds later she saw the door handle jiggle before the door opened just a crack as he was still standing in the hallway talking to someone Delilah couldn’t quite distinguish. Finally, he pushed the door further open and he was turning toward her, no idea someone would be waiting for him, nevertheless, his girlfriend he thought was stuck at work back in London. His eyes landed on her and for a while, he just stood in front of her still in the doorway thinking he was seeing things. When he understood that she was actually sitting in front of him his eyes couldn’t help but glaze over while shutting the door - he wanted this moment to be between him and his girl, no one else. Harry practically ran toward her, thinking he couldn’t get to her fast enough, and Delilah just about managed to stand up before he threw himself at her.
For a long time they stood on his dressing room floor, Harry’s arms around her neck and Delilah’s around his waist as they held each other close. Both of them had tears rolling down their cheeks, not from the three weeks they had been away from each other, but the sentiment of her actions. All the small things she had done for him since day one, waiting for him to feel comfortable and ready to dive into what they hoped would be a future together, always asking before doing something he might not be okay with, being too kind and gentle with him, always, and lastly her surprising him on tour. Something suddenly clicked in his head as he smelled her cherry blossom perfume he loved so much - this was it; Delilah was it for him, it was she he had been waiting for to come into his life after going through too many shitty relationships and breakups. There was no way he would let this one go when she understands him and loves him for everything he is (though they hadn’t said that yet - Delilah being afraid to scare him away and Harry wanting to wait until one day it slipped and came naturally).
Delilah, too, felt the same. She knew he was it for her - showering her with the affection and tenderness she needed from someone she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. They were perfect together and if taking it slow was the way to go with Harry then she would continue to do so forever, making sure he is always comfortable and safe with her.
Thank you for reading, will hopefully be back with another chapter of my fwb series soon <3
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The Dark Team (part 4)
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The cold chains immobilizing your whole body were the thing you first noticed once you woke up. When your eyes finally opened, you observed your surroundings carefully, silently. Barely opening your eyes, just in case. Your teammates were equally tied up by your sides, and Bucky was unconscious. Loki, on the other hand, was looking around less confused than he should have.
“Oh, you did this”, you spat suddenly, realizing what was going on. Of course he would betray the team; it was all you knew about him, and history did not disappoint.
“What?” he asked, now confused. “I certainly did not. I’m trying to figure out where we are”.
“Yeah, and you want me to blindly trust you on this one? What did you do to Tony? A dumb potion or…”.
“He doesn’t need me and my magic to act idiotic, he manages that himself”, he said. Once he actually got to talk, he wouldn't stop, would he? “But if you need me to, I can try to make him even dumber, then he would have some idea to form a Dark Team. Oh, wait”, said sarcastically.
“Be free to give us your input on the crew, come on, don’t be shy”.
While you two argued, Bucky was gaining consciousness again.
“Look who decided to get up from his nappy”.
“Shut up”, he managed to say, looking around. He quickly realized where you were. “Fuck. I know this place”.
“Do enlighten us”.
“Loki, I swear to God, shut up or I’m gonna shove my metal arm through your…”.
“Where are we, Buck?”, you interrupted impatiently.
“This is a Hydra base”.
“Oh fuck”.
You started making escape plans in your head in record time, but then you realized; maybe you shouldn’t escape. Maybe you should arrange some plan to make the mission done from the inside. The chances of the stick being there were bigger than somewhere else.
“That’s a better idea”, resonates Loki’s voice in your head. You screamed, not expecting his magic. So he has telepathy, you thought. You looked at him amazed, and he smiled smugly. You realized, if he can access your head, then he could’ve heard…
“Oh yes, I’ve heard it all, dear. But don’t worry, I’m used to it. Many people find me... how did you say? Extremely attractive?”.
You blushed and looked uncomfortably to the roof, trying to get the plan straight, ignoring his mockery. But he kept going.
“Comparing me to a british mortal man, though… I don’t appreciate it. A Nordic God is way better in every sense”.
Your blush turned to bright red paint all over your face, and he chuckled. Bucky was observing the interaction fascinated. For him, you were two idiots who looked at each other weirdly and reacted to that. But as much as you tried to avoid him, he kept talking in your head.
“It’s alright, darling. I like to be praised, even at the strangest moments. Can’t believe you went for a plain ‘hot’, though. I think I’d be worth at least a ‘so hot my brain is melting at his only sight…”.
“Oh my God, shut up!” you shouted, interrupting his egocentric rant.
“What the… he didn’t say anything” said Bucky, even more confused than before. You were quite a pair.
“Yes, y/n, I didn’t say anything. Are you hallucinating? Did they poison you?”.
“I’m gonna choke you with those chains as soon as I get my hands free”.
“I would love to see you trying”, he challenged.
“Guys, can you pleeeeaaassseee focus?”, said Bucky, losing his patience.
“I’m trying to focus on making a plan,” you whispered. “It would be much easier if you two shut up for the love of God”.
“How could you not predict our ship would get hijacked? Aren’t you the brainy of the team?”.
“James, don’t make me spit on your face”.
“I’d suggest whatever ‘plan’ you’re thinking that would get us out of here, do it faster, because I don’t think they’d leave us here alone much more time”, said Loki.
“What? You afraid of some little mortal kidnappers? I thought, for a God, it wouldn’t be so hard to take them down. Unless you’re full of crap. You know, once in my life I finally think I’d be alright being on charge of the mission, you two had to be here, ready to ruin...”.
“Are you still planning on choking me? Because that would do wonders to my ears, to finally stop listening to you”.
“Can you two stop flirting?”, interrupted Bucky. “I didn’t think the worst thing about getting kidnapped by Hydra would be not being alone".
"But here we are”.
Bucky ripped the chains off him and freed you too, leaving Loki tied. The God didn't complain, and instead made the chains dissolve with a spell. You looked around again. A plan started to form in your head and you followed your instinct through it, knowing it’d lead somewhere good at some point. After a few minutes of complete silence, you finally have it all figured out.
“Tiny genius has an idea”, announced Loki, who apparently was reading your mind the whole time. You looked at Bucky and he nodded, as he made his way through the room, destroying every camera and microphone he was able to find.
“We’re listening now”.
“Alright. Look”. You took out of your pocket a whiteboard marker and started scribbling nonsense on the tiles of the wall. Loki and Bucky shared a concerned look. You explained the whole plan, head to toes. It included explosions, illusions of dead bodies and infiltrations of high risk throughout the building. But they didn’t seem fazed at the difficulty of the idea. “Any questions?”.
“Yeah. Do you always carry a whiteboard marker or just on very dangerous missions?”, asked Bucky.
“Oh. No, always. Anyways, what do you think of the plan?”.
“I think you’re nuts”, said Bucky. Loki was paying very little attention and you doubted he even heard your plan. You sighed.
“Look, Barnes. My poor self preservation instincts are what got me in this Stark internship in the first place, so if you’re gonna insult my nuttery consider how far it got me”, you answered, pointing at him with the marker. “And you, did you even hear it? What do you think?”.
“Oh, yes. I think you’re out of your mind”.
“Are you kidding me, Loki? You did worse things”.
“But I support your idea. It 's madness. It’ll work”, he added, and you smirked.
“Well, it’s better than the alternative, at least”, accepted Bucky. “So, we have an escape plan, but we don’t have an actual plan to get the mission done, you realize that?”.
“We can figure it out once we’re out of sight from the Hydra toys”.
“You know, I don’t know what is it with you, Steve and Sam, but you guys never have plans, and it gets on my nerves”.
“I have a plan, I always have a plan, Buck. That’s my part of the job. Just… trust me, okay?”, you asked.
“You’re getting kinda hard to trust”, he said crossing his arms.
“I trust you”, added Loki after long seconds of painful silence. You felt the need to ask him why on Earth would he trust you, when not even your best friend trusted you on this one. But he looked at you with a glimmer of certainty in his eyes, and you didn’t want to push it, or make it vanish.
When everything was already set, Loki made the highly realistic illusions of your dead bodies (it even gave you chills, but you wouldn’t admit that, of course not). Bucky ran his hand through the pavement floor at the same time that you threw your watch against it, causing an explosion. You three flew away from the impact. You realized you haven’t thought this part very thoroughly, since they could obviously take the impact (a God and a supersoldier, why wouldn’t they?), but you were a mere human mortal with no superpowers or super suits.
You couldn’t look around as you fell from the building, since the remains of the room were falling apart, and the smoke and fire from the explosion were overwhelmingly close to your eyes, but you could sense you still had enough time to find the button on your suit to get the parachute on. You just had to find the damn button, that it was…
Loki grabbed you instantly, covering you with his whole body before the impact, making sure you didn’t even get a scratch. Then you realized you maybe didn’t have the parachute back-up plan under control, after all.
“Well, that was bigger than I had anticipated”, you said, getting up from Loki’s tired body and brushing off some ashes. He stayed there and sighed. “Now we know where we were. 5th floor, apparently”.
“And now we’re not even inside the building, as we needed. Great. Smart”.
“You know, I’d say this is a win. We’re not being held hostage now, and we have enough time to recalculate the plan from the outside. Less risk of getting…”. But you were interrupted by the cocking guns of the seven guards surrounding you.
“No, please, let them finish their sentence”, said Loki sarcastically, still laying on the smashed floor. “getting caught, were you gonna say?”.
“Well, yes. But I think, given the current circumstances, that you’d differ”.
“What could possibly make you think that?”.
“Not the time, guys”, cut Bucky, getting up and knocking down two guards. You fought with one of them. Loki didn’t even bother in body-to-body combat, and casted them away, fading their bodies into thin air.
“Where did you take them?”, asked Bucky.
“The explosion”.
“Are you stupid? They’ll notice the bodies are fake!”.
“No, not the past explosion. The current explosion”, he explained, and behind him you heard a building collapsing in the distance. You didn’t even ask. What for. Honestly.
After a while of walking around and not really getting anything from it, Bucky finally asked:
“So, the watch. Is it normal for you to keep explosive reactive components in there, or was that just part of a very premeditated plan we weren’t aware of?”.
“Oh, it was just a precaution I have. In case of emergencies”, you explained. They decided it would be better to not ask you why and how could you possibly keep pulling weirdly necessary things in the strangest moments. Why would they bother. Honestly.
You touched your earbud, trying to communicate with Stark. He was supposed to be in the line at some time around that, but, well, you didn’t have your watch with you anymore. Gladly, he answered. He said he was getting the coordinates to a hotel room, and he’d take you three to a different place than the anticipated, far away from that Hydra base. You needed time to establish, refill energy and make a better plan. Better than blowing things up. You had some time to spare now that you were temporarily presumed death.
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kenmasgameboy · 4 years
May I ask for 61 and 2 were Iwaizumi cheated on the reader, and Oikawa knew but never told the reader even tho they were best friends. And she leaves them behind. Cause fuck cheaters. Angsty angst please!
bruh the way this shit made me FEEL WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU UGH im SAD. also i ended up writing SO MUCH for this omg. I loved this prompt a lot more than i thought i did. I think i put into it what i wish i said to my ex who cheated on me with my best friend. fuck!! cheaters!!
TW: arguments, long distance relationship, cheating and betrayal, swear words.
2. “When did you stop loving me?”
61. “You don’t smile anymore.”
You had known these boys for ages. Looking at Oikawa and Iwaizumi made you feel like you were home. Iwaizumi, the man that would send you into the heavens and make you feel safe beyond any amount of doubt. You don’t remember a time when you weren’t in love with him. You don’t remember a time when you weren’t with your best friends.
But recently things are different. University made everything hard and it was like a wall had been driven between you and your happiness. The first year was the hardest, you would call Iwaizumi every night or every other night in the pain of being so far away from someone you loved so much. You’d keep things under control though, you never wanted to worry him. You thought you knew him, that if you exposed how you really felt he’d march down there in an instant. But then somewhere around a month or two into this, he stopped answering. He’d still text you in the mornings, so you didn’t give it much thought and instead turned your attention to your best friend, Oikawa.
Both of them were on the other side of the world from you. Oikawa was away in Argentina, and he still made time to talk to you. Iwaizumi was all the way in California, just doing university and not a university student and a professional volleyball team like Oikawa was. He was a completely different person than you used to know.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Oikawa looked over at you after about a 5-minute long pause of silence in your conversation. You were staring at your phone. You took in a deep sigh. Iwaizumi hadn’t texted in two days.
“Nothing, I’m sure it’s nothing.” You brushed it off, trying your hardest to hide those tears that threatened to sting you and fall down.
“You can tell me, right? Is it something at school? Have you made any friends?” Oikawa asked you. Reaching his hand out and laying his head against his bicep. 
“A few.” You shrugged.
“Y/N-chan, I don’t want to sound like Iwa, but I’m worried about you. You don’t smile anymore. Have you thought about going home for a few days?” He offered as a possible solution.
“I don’t want to go home if you guys aren’t there.” You grumbled, “But I was Hajime’s thanksgiving break is coming up next month, I was thinking about surprising him since I know he’ll have a week off with nothing to do.”
“I’m offended you aren’t coming to visit me!” Oikawa whined.
“I will when you finally give yourself a break!” You teased, “Plus, honestly he hasn’t texted me in days. I know it sounds stupid, we’ve been together for years, but I feel like I need to see him. Something just doesn’t feel right.”
“I think you should. But maybe you should tell him you’re coming before you go?” Oikawa suggested. Fiddling with his hair in between his index finger and thumb. 
“No way, that takes all the fun out! You said it yourself you hadn’t seen me smile recently. This will give me a reason to smile. Once I go there and we figure everything out, I’ll have my reasons again. Just please don’t tell him! I don’t want to get his hopes up and if I suddenly can’t afford it or something then he’d be disappointed.” You begged your friend, and he solemnly nodded before needing to leave.
You kept to your plan. You got on that long flight to California, landing alone and getting a uber to your boyfriend's apartment. You were so thankful you guys swapped sharing locations before leaving, it made this so much easier. You got to the door and fixed yourself nice and pretty before pulling out your phone and recording. You wanted to keep his face of surprise forever.
You knocked on the door, but the person who was surprised was you. A woman opened the door in a towel. Your face dropping.
“Is this Iwaizumi’s apartment?” You had one last shred of hope in you, you had one last string of hope in you. Please, anything but this.
“Oh my god! Wait you’re Y/N right? Hajime and Tooru always talk about you.” She smiled widely, offering her hand to you, “I’m Jess, I’m his girlfriend. He didn’t say you were coming by.”
“Babe, who is it?” You heard the love of your life's voice coming from the shower. You stopped recording on your phone.
You couldn’t control yourself, you pushed the woman in front of you to the side before she could answer for you. You ran into his bathroom, your tear-filled eyes meeting his through the shower curtain.
“Surprise.” You said your heart being smashed to pieces on the ground as you meet his face. His eyebrows raised, his body limp. He knew he was caught.
“Y/N.. What are you doing here? No, no wait.” You tried not listening to him, you walked away. Not wanting him to see your tears fall anymore, he didn’t deserve that side of you anymore. 
“Wait, who the fuck are you?” Jess asked you on your way out the door.
“She’s my fucking girlfriend.” Iwaizumi called from behind you. Following you into the street in nothing but his gym shorts.
“Stop, Hajime! I can’t even fucking look at you!” You couldn’t help but raise your voice. 
“Y/N, please I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You weren’t supposed to find out like this–” He grabbed you by the wrist but you just ripped it away from him.
“Don’t touch me! Are you fucking serious? What did you think I would say? I knew you were distant, I didn’t know if it was the timezone or what but now I understand.” It took all the strength in you to stand and face him. Your body running on the adrenaline of the betrayal and anger that coursed through you. “You fucking asshole. 4 years for it to end like this? I loved you so much. I wanted to marry you! You couldn’t have at least broken up with me like a man when you find a new girlfriend.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend– I don’t know why she told you that, babe I don’t want this to end–” Iwaizumi tried coming up with absolutely anything to say to you. The truth was he hadn’t thought about what to say at this moment. He’d replayed it in his head multiple times when he laid with other girls, at some point he convinced himself he could get away with it. That maybe he’d never have to tell you. Obviously, that dream came down in a crumbling wave of hurt and disappointment.
“Don’t you dare call me the same thing you called her. Like it even matters if you called her your girlfriend or not! It’s obviously been going on for some time. So tell me, Iwaizumi, when did you stop loving me? I need to hear it so I stop being so blind in the future.” You choked out the last bit of your words, tears fell into your mouth. You were sure you looked the ugliest you’d ever looked. It embarrassed you, but you needed to know. After this, you’d never see him again.
“I–I can’t answer that.” Iwaizumi was crying in front of you. Rubbing his eyes on the back of his wrists. “I still love you–”
“No you don’t. Iwaizumi, you feel guilty. That’s not love. I want to know how long, was she ever there when I was calling you because of how badly I missed your voice.” You refused his confession. His eyes widened, you couldn’t tell if it was the realization or the way it hurt to be rejected by you. Either way, his silence was enough to answer for you at that time.
“Did Tooru know?” You asked next to his lack of response.
“You’re girlfriend said you and Tooru talk about me a lot. So both the closest people in my life lied to me, right? They lied to my face.” You asked him again, wanting to speed this up and get the hell out of there. He hung his head. You let out one last hiccup of pain.
“I asked him to, I told him I would tell you myself. Don’t be mad at him–” Iwaizumi begged you this time but it was too late.
“If he were a real friend of mine he should’ve told me, but he chose his side. When you stopped answering I was on the facetime with him every day. He had plenty of chances. You’re too late, Hajime. Tell Oikawa that I’m never speaking to either of you again. I’m blocking your numbers and I’m going back to Japan the next chance I can get.” You backed away, your head hanging. You didn’t know if you had any more hot tears to shed. They burned your cheeks. You hung your head down, trying to drop them onto the street instead of on your cheeks.
“Y/N... Please...” He begged weakly, his arm extending to touch your shoulder. He tried to bring you into his chest but you put your hands out to his chest. Your skin felt like it was going to fall off, he didn’t give you the comforting feeling of love and home and happiness anymore.
“No. This is the last time you’re ever seeing me.” You said it, looking into his eyes one final time. You could never do this, you felt like everything had been flushed down a clogged toilet. How would you ever move on from this?
“Where are you going?” He asked you, trailing at your heels.
“Away from you.” You spat, pulling out your phone. You were trying to look for an uber in the area.
“No, please let me take you somewhere safe, this isn’t a good neighborhood! And I know you got a C in English. Please, I’ll protect you, even if I need to follow from further away or something, I can call you someone and we can talk again tomorrow–” Iwaizumi was really trying, he pulled out his own phone and tried to look for something in his contacts list but you refused. 
“That’s coming from the person who hurt me the most. You have no place in my life anymore. Just leave me the hell alone.” You said this without looking behind you, “Goodbye, Hajime.” 
jenna’s 5k celebration dialogue prompts!
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kalimagik · 4 years
Should’ve Said No
Sirius Black x Reader 
Marauders Era 
Based off the song “Should’ve Said No” by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Angst and mentions of cheating
A/N: I’m back with another song based fic because that’s one of the few places that I draw inspiration from. I had a three hour car ride, listened to this song on repeat a million times, so in short, this fic just wrote itself! If you enjoy it, like, reblog, comment, or follow (I think you get the gist so far!) It’s my first time writing for Sirius, so I hope you all like it! Happy Reading <3
I knew the risks that came with catching the eye of Hogwarts’ biggest playboy. I knew his reputation. I had stayed away for a decent amount of time, but the boy finally wore me down at the end of sixth year. He asked and asked. He said he was done with his play boy life. I said yes. Everyone was surprised I said yes. Hell, I was surprised that I said yes, but it was worth the risk. Sirius Black had my heart in his hands. He was careful with it too, almost delicate. 
Then seventh year kicked in and so did the beginning of quidditch matches and parties. I did as much Common Room rotating for the parties as the next girl, but the one time, the one time I decided that school was more important, he wasn’t strong enough to not ruin everything. Let me go back for a minute. 
Lily came up to me during lunch the other day, I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday, and sat with me at the Y/H table. 
“Did you finish that Transfiguration homework Saturday?” she asked me casually, but seemed to have a little bit of a tremor in her voice. 
“Yeah, Remus was a ton of help. Thank you for telling him that I needed him even though I didn’t want to ask. How was the party?” I asked, thinking nothing of it. It had been Gryffindor’s turn to host, but I wanted to get a good grade in my N.E.W.T. level transfiguration this year, so studying took precedent.  
Lily grew quieter suddenly. 
“That bad, huh?” I giggled, judging her reaction. “Where’s James?” 
I was still so daft. So stupid to think that everything was normal. Lily’s boyfriend and my boyfriend were best friends. It brought us closer than ever and it made me happy. Sound began to fill the Great Hall as others came in for lunch. 
“He’ll be along. I just wanted to talk to you,” Lily piped up again. “Are you almost done? Could we go to the loo to talk for a minute?” 
“What is with you, Lil?” I was worried now. Lily was usually such a happy presence to be around, but that day, something was off. I gathered my things, following Lily to a bathroom a little ways from the Great Hall. What was she so upset over? I hoped she was alright. “Oh, look! There’s James and Sirius!” 
I had started to call them over, but Lily quickly pulled me through the door of the bathroom. 
“Seriously, Lily. What’s up? Did James do something? Should I warm up my wand?” 
“He didn’t do anything, Y/N.” I just stared at her, mouth slightly opened. I was wracking my mind over what had potentially happened that had her acting this way
I realize now that I was so worried for her when she was just being protective over me. 
She finally spoke. “I didn’t want to be the one to tell you this, but you deserve to know. He isn’t going to tell you, Y/N/N, but I like you and it isn’t fair.” 
“What are you rambling on about?” 
“Sirius cheated on you…” she finally blurted out. My whole body went numb. I didn’t even hear her say who it was with. I later found out it was Marlene. That was a whole other beast to deal with. We were never that close anyways, so it didn’t surprise me. 
Like I said, I knew his reputation. 
“Y/N/N? It was at the party. I don’t know if he was drunk or what. I wasn’t paying much attention. He begged me not to tell you and James even begged me to give him the chance to tell you. I did. It’s been nearly 5 days and he hadn’t and I couldn’t just watch him with you, acting normal. I’m sorry.” 
I realized then that I hadn’t said anything yet. I stood there, staring at the sinks behind Lily. I didn’t even look at her. My gaze shifted to my face in the mirror. The color had drained from my face. I couldn’t even see any emotion in my features. I could only feel my heart shattering into a million pieces. 
Then Lily asked those dreaded words. “Are you okay?” I looked at her, a blank stare still ensuing, “Oh, no. You’re mad at me. I am so sorry, really. I didn’t want to tell you all of this.” 
Words finally found their way to my lips. “I’m not mad at you, Lily. I’m mad at him. I’m going back to my room. I may see you tomorrow. I don’t know.” 
I bolted to the door and for the crowded halls. I didn’t want to be with anyone anymore. I heard Lily calling to me over the noise. “But, we still have classes today!” 
I wasn’t going to classes. I was processing. Processing was allowed right? I just found out that my boyfriend, correction, my now ex-boyfriend, cheated on me. I would face him later, but for now, I needed time to myself. 
With classes continuing, my room was completely empty. The moment the doors shut, the tears began to roll down my face. I scanned the contents next to my bed. There were those stupid flowers that Sirius had given me the previous Friday. 
I stood in front of them on my night stand. I felt all the hurt and anger that had been numb explode. They burst. My hands acted on their own accord. I picked up the flowers in my hand. They were so delicate, but the anger flowed through my veins and instinct threw them against the wall. When the noise of the limp plants didn’t give me any satisfaction, I followed the flowers with the vase. The smashing sound of glass against the wall was all I needed to hear to know that I was broken inside.
 I skipped my afternoon classes, falling into a heavy sleep, exhausted from the crying. It felt like a hippogriff had run me over. I got up to use the bathroom later and assess my running makeup and horrendous bed head. It was bad, but I didn’t care. I enchanted the door so that no one could come in. They’d only be able to enter when I gave permission. I just needed to be alone in this school that was now seeming all too small.
 When I skipped dinner too, I knew someone was bound to come searching for me eventually. Only, I was expecting Lily or one of my roommates to knock on my door. For some reason, the idea of Sirius coming to talk to me never crossed my mind. 
I heard someone attempt to push against the door as I curled up under my blankets. I felt like they would protect me from the world. 
“Love? I know you’re in there,” Sirius called out to me from behind the door. “You skipped classes and dinner.” 
His voice was so calm. Surely Lily told him that I knew the truth about his weekend. He should be a mess like I was right at that moment!
“Go away. I’m not feeling well,” I lied. I wasn’t ready to confront him then. I wasn’t ready to even look at him. 
“Evans told me,” he sighed. I could hear his fingernails scratching against the wood. Another pause. “I know you know.” 
“Then you know why I don’t really want to talk to you.” I couldn’t help but let the blunt words take the place of my gasping and sobbing. I’d rather him hear the harshness in my voice than any of the hurt. 
“Y/N, darling. I will take it all back if you just give me one chance. It was a moment of weakness, love. With the party and the alcohol, it just happened. It meant nothing though.” 
I had no response for him. I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. 45 minutes may have passed. Sirius tried to speak to me a few more times. I even heard him trying to counter the charm I used to lock the door, but he couldn’t. He had no choice but to leave. 
I endured the cooing and sympathies from my roommates, but I hated it. I hated feeling like this. I hated feeling hopeless. This wasn’t my fault. I was a victim, but I’m not weak. 
I couldn’t sleep all night, so I silently moved around the room and placed all of Sirius’ things in a bag. His records of the muggle music he adored, the remnants of the flowers, even the pictures of the two of us. I didn’t want them. 
I marched down to breakfast with the strong intent of telling him off in front of everyone. Everybody in this bloody school knew what had happened by now. I’m sure Marlene basked in the mess she caused and would tell anyone who wanted to hear about it. So, I wasn’t going to let our break-up be ruined by rumors. I’d let everyone witness it first-hand. 
I combed my hair. Redid my make-up. This didn’t hide the fact that I had been crying all day and night, but I don’t care. I needed to do this.
So now, here I am, standing outside the Great Hall. Students from all the houses are eating their breakfasts and I’m holding this bulging bag. 
I feel Lily Evans’ bright green eyes on me as I walk down the length of the Gryffindor table to where she was sitting with Sirius and the other Marauders. From the short glance towards her, I can’t tell if she is scared about what I am going to do or proud. I don’t really care at this point though. I am here on a mission. 
“Pads,” Remus whispers as he is the first one to see me walking towards the group (aside from Lily). 
I’m carrying this bag and just thinking to myself how strange it is to think the songs we used to sing, the smiles, the flowers, and everything is just gone. His dark, piercing eyes met my own. He doesn’t look like a mess. He looks perfect like he always does. This recognition just fires the anger that has been building up inside of me all morning. 
“Y/N? You’re up! Excellent!” Sirius smiles at me. He reaches out to take the bag from me as if he’s helping. “I was thinking perhaps we could have a chat this morning before classes? We could go to the courtyard.” 
I examine him. He seems different to me now. He was pretending like nothing was wrong while he was in front of his friends. I can read him. I know this. 
“I don’t think so, Sirius. Those are your things.” I spit out at him, pointing to the bag now in his hands. Hoping that I am wearing a blank face, I watch his fall. I know he can tell what I’m feeling through my Y/E/C eyes. He always did say that they gave me away every time. 
“I told you last night though. It didn’t mean anything.” 
Scoffing, I can’t stop myself from shaking my head. “No, Sirius. Yesterday I found out about you and even now just looking at you feels absolutely wrong! I heard you last night. You say that you’d take it all back given one chance. It was a moment of weakness-” My arms were flailing as I began to yell. I’ve never been capable of keeping my voice down. I know I’m loud. “And you said yes!” The words bellow out of my throat and I feel like they echo. I don’t know. I’m mad. I’m not finished either. 
Sirius looks at me as if he wants to speak, so I have to cut him off quickly. 
“You don’t get to talk yet.” 
The silence of the Great Hall was deafening. I know that everyone is watching us. Although, I am feeling extra strong. Maybe all those girls that Sirius screwed over in the past were sending me their strength. 
“I was studying the night of the party. It was the first one that I missed and you messed it all up! Here’s what should have happened.” My hand motions are taking over as the words roll off my tongue. I didn’t even plan any of this. “You should’ve said no, you should’ve gone home, you should’ve thought twice before you let it all go. This school is so damn small that you should’ve known that word about what you did with her would get back to me!” 
Maybe I shouldn’t have just pointed to Marlene at that point…oh well. Put my focus back on Sirius. 
“I should have been there in the back of your mind. I shouldn’t be asking myself why all of this happened. You shouldn’t be sitting outside of my room begging for forgiveness at my feet. If you would’ve said no, we would still be together. I did everything right! This is your fault!” 
His eyes widened at my words. I can’t look at him anymore. I’m not eating breakfast, but it’s fine. I would be on a high from this for at least a little while. I could probably get through my morning classes. I don’t have any with Sirius, so that wouldn’t be a problem. I do have them with Remus, so that could pose an issue, but with what I am feeling right now, I can take it. 
“Y/N! Wait up!” Lily’s red hair chased me from the crowded hall. Her face was lighting up everything else. “That was awesome! I mean, Sirius isn’t looking too great, but you were fantastic! I think some people wanted to applaud you on your way out.” 
My high began to fade. I didn’t mean to make him feel awful. I just didn’t want to let it seem like he could walk all over me and what he did was okay. It isn’t okay! Cheating is one of the lowest things a person could do! 
Lily could see the uncertainty on my face. “Was I too hard on him? Should I have done that in private?” I could feel my eyes begin to puff and redden again. 
“He deserved it, Y/N/N. What he did to you wasn’t in private, so I think this is justice.” Lily smiled. 
That smile quickly fell. I turned to follow her line of sight. Sirius stood there, just looking at me. He was being quick to run up to me. 
“Can we please talk?” 
“That’s not a good idea.” 
“I said I’m sorry. It’s all in the past!” His eyes are pleading with me, but I just can’t do it. “I want to be with you, Y/N! I have wanted to be with you for the longest time. It was just a moment of weakness. If you could just give me a chance, please?” 
“You hurt me, Black.” I needed to stop and cringe. I used to only call him by his last name and it felt wrong to be using it again. “You can tell I’ve been crying, just look at my eyes! I’m sure everyone can see it. And you know all the right things to say! You’ve always been good with words. That’s one of the reasons I fell for you. But do you honestly expect me to believe that we could ever be the same after this? You should’ve said no, Black.” 
I turn to walk away, Lily being supportive next to me, but something is tugging on me, a question I didn’t realize I had, so I turn back to Sirius. 
“I need to ask you something before I go. I can’t resist. Was it worth it? Was she worth all of this?” 
Sirius hung his head. I haven’t seen him like this since he decided to leave home, and I was just a friend at that point. “No. She wasn’t.” 
I nod, accepting the fact that he understands that he messed up. Maybe, in the future I can forgive him for this and even be friends, but like I said, we could never be the same. Walking away right now seems like the best option for me though. With Lily beside me, I am going to go to classes and I am going to heal and move on. I said my peace to Sirius Black. He made a mistake, but I would not be the victim of the next one. 
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judylicious · 3 years
And When He Smiles I Swear I Can’t Breathe
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader
Word count: 2,246
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies. This refers to Alan Rubin as a character in the movie, not the real Alan (although he obvsly played himself but you know what I mean)
I’d like to add that I made everyone of the band a few years younger (so the age gap between the reader and Alan isn’t that big), so he’s approx. in his early 30s.
Sophia & Lisa are two OCs created by two lovely people within the fandom.
Warnings: swearing, be prepared for a lot of sob-stuff
a link to the song the two are dancing to, mentioned near the end, if you feel like checking it out
Chapter VI
The following days seemed to take forever, Charlotte simply couldn’t wait for Friday until finally it was about time. Shortly before 8p.m. she toddled down the stairs in her heels. “Bye mum, see you later!” “Where you’re going?”, her mum yelled back from the kitchen. “To Sophia’s!”, the young woman responded quickly and made it almost through the front door. “Why are you dressed up like this?”, Sylvia peeped her head out of the kitchen. Damn.
“We… wanna take some photos and try out some makeup.” “Huh. Alright then, just remember to be back before 11!” “I will mum, see ya.” After closing the door behind her, Charlotte looked for Alan, who had parked his car in front of the neighbours house, where she got off last time Alan drove her home. He was casually leaning at the car’s top, giving her a quick wave. “Hi Alan!”, she greeted him with a big smile. The musician looked absolutely gorgeous. Blue jeans, a matching blue suit jacket and a white, silk shirt, first few buttons undone. He couldn’t help himself but looked Charlotte up and down. “Oh God, something wrong with my dress?”, she panicked. “Am I underdressed? Shall I go back inside and change?” and tugged at her dress. “No, no, on the contrary. You look amazing.” “You’re sure? Where are we going?”, she still felt awkward. “A little Italian place I thought you may like. Don’t you dare changing though! I love that dress.” And with that he held out his hand to help Charlotte get into his car.
When they got to the small restaurant and their table Alan pulled out the chair for Charlotte, before ordering a bottle of Chardonnay, to show her that he didn’t forget about their first night. The evening was lovely. The food was delicious and the two discovered a lot things they had in common, like both being great jazz fans and they also enjoyed the same literature. “You know back in middle school I joined the marching band.”, Charlotte told the handsome man, who sat across the table. “Really? What instrument did you play? … No, wait, let me guess.” He took a moment to study her. “The clarinet!” “Is that a good or bad thing you think I played the clarinet?”, she asked laughing. “Nah, I played the triangle. I was actually pretty good at it!”, putting on a straight face. Alan gave her a questioning look until she decided to put him out of his misery. “I’m only needling you! I played the oboe. Yep. Hated it. Quit. End of story.” Causing them both to laugh. “Well, definitely wrong choice of instrument there. Should have learned the trumpet.”, Alan contended. “So it really is true what they say about trumpet players.” “And what is that?” “That you’re so full of yourself and that you like to play loud because you enjoy listening to yourself.” “Is that a good or bad thing?”, he grinned. “Mhm, I don’t mind.”, she shrugged her shoulders but shot him a seductive glance. “Lucky me then.”, he said in soft tone while raising his brows and took her hand in his, caressing it with his thumb.
“So what happened next?”, Sophia asked excitedly almost starting up from her chair. It was the next day and the three friends met for coffee and obviously Charlotte’s report on last night. “Nothing. He took me home like the gentleman he is.”, she said almost sounding disappointed. “No kiss?”, Lisa asked again. “A kiss on the hand only… Do you think that’s a bad sign?” “Of course not. It was your first proper date.” “Because the evening went REALLY well. We laughed a lot and shared so many things. And he constantly gave me that look. So I honestly wonder if I did anything wrong.”, Charlotte sighed. “I’m sure you didn’t!”. The two friends assured her and Lisa stroke Charlotte’s arm thoughtfully. “He probably doesn’t wanna rush things with you and wants to show you that he got serious intentions with you by taking it slow.” “And technically not kissing on a first dating isn’t really taking this ‘slow’”. “Exactly!” “I hope you’re right girls, I really do.”, the blonde woman said, resting her head on one arm, stirring her coffee absently. “When will you see him again?”, Lisa tried to cheer her up. “Huh? Oh, Monday night.” “What have you two planned?” “I err… don’t know to be honest. He said he got a little surprise for me. So no idea where he will take me. I’m supposed to dress fancy, that’s all I know”, she explained with a smile. “Aww, that’s so sweet! I bet it’s something real romantic.” “You know Alan is the sweetest. When he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes and smiles at me, I swear I can’t breathe. It’s like everything around me starts to fade and it’s just him.”, Charlotte romanced about the trumpet player. “By the way, did you ask him about that woman you saw him with in the streets the other night?”, Sophia asked in a serious tone. “So why would she wanna do that?!”, Lisa countered. “Because she’s dating him and has a right to know if she’s the only one he’s seeing?” “Yeah but they’re not at the point yet where they should talk about being exclusive. It was their first date!” “But why did he meet that woman if he’s that much into Charlotte like he told us?” Charlotte tried to chip in into their argument: “Wait, you told me he was probably only distracting himself!” “See what you did?”, Lisa started again. “Try not to be so negative all the time, you keep ruining things!” “Girls, GIRLS!” “Excuse me that I don’t want her to get hurt.” “Oh, so you’re telling me that I want to see our friend getting hurt..?!” “GIRLS! Would you stop it for fucks sake!”, Charlotte said through gritted teeth but loudly enough for the two fighting girls to hear her. “Calm down, would you.” “I’m sorry Lisa.”, Sophia started and turned to Charlotte. “You’re just so found of him, I would hate to see him taking advantage of that.” “He won’t.” The dark haired girl sighed “Promise me you won’t put up with everything, alright? Try to see things around him as well.” “I promise.”, the blonde girl assured her friends with a smile.
On Monday Charlotte was sitting in Alan’s car again and still hadn’t got a clue where they were going. It was only when they stood in front of a big dance hall with a sign “Tonight Private Function with Freddie Hubbard” when it dawned on her. “No way! This is sold out for weeks.” And saw Alan waving with the tickets. “How on earth…? I’ve been dying to score tickets.” “Well, frankly I’m friends with Freddie. We’ve been recording a few albums together.”, Alan said proudly. “But don’t tell Jake, he would hate to know I’m working with others.” “Mum’s the word.”, Charlotte smiled and links arms with the handsome musician. The big dance room was decorated beautifully and it was more than a simple concert. There was a dance floor, they had put up round tables with hors d’oeuvres on silver serving plates and everyone in the audience had their assigned seat. Alan pulled out the chair for Charlotte, before he seated himself and ordered some drinks. As the band got up on stage and started playing she leaned towards her date. “Alan?”, squeezing his arm softly. “What do I owe you for this?” “Huh? What do you mean? Nothing of course.” “You’re sure this is alright? I don’t wanna be kept by you or anything.” “No of course not, this is fine. Please simply enjoy this evening, okay?” He smiled at her and softly brushed a curl from her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. And caught up in his smile, how could she deny him this wish.
Soon after the piano started playing Louis Armstrong’s “A Kiss To Build A Dream On” Charlotte gasped. “Oh gosh, I absolutely love this song!” “Would you like to dance?”, Alan asked her, offering her his left hand. “I-I don’t know. I haven’t danced very often and-“ And with one motion he got Charlotte on her feet and escorted her to the dance floor. “Don’t you worry.”, Alan told her and they started swaying a little to the side before he moved into her. When she got back into position after a turn she could feel his strong bicep under his shirt, how it tensed every time he pushed her a step backwards and her mind started wandering what his body must look like under his clothes. His strong shoulders and arms, his chest, she already knew he had a bit of chest hair which drove her mad and she had been admiring his tight buns for quite a few times. “See? You’re doing pretty well. … Charlotte?” He snapped her out of her daydream. “Huh? I’m so sorry.” “You’re a natural when it comes to dancing.” “Really? Well, thanks, I do enjoy this.” “What were you thinking about?”, he gave her a curious look. “Uh- nothing.”, she replied blushing. “I hope you thought of me.. and not anyone else in this room?”, he smirked at her. “I most certainly did.”, she said after lowering her view. But Alan tilted her chin up and stared into her eyes for a moment. “You look absolutely smashing tonight.” She was wearing a long, claret cocktail gown, with a lace trimmed, backless top. “Thank you, Alan!”, she smiled. “You look very dapper too.” the girl in his arm tugged at his bow tie. “Your back neckline is such a tease, you know that..?” He licked his bottom lip and moved his hand at her back a little higher to caress her bare skin. Still swaying he softly pulled her closer to him until their chests were nearly touching and almost intuitive her hand wandered from his biceps, over his shoulder to the back of his head, playing with his dark hair when she leaned into him. “Would you like to kiss me?” She whispered almost inaudibly, glancing up at him, smiling and he didn’t hesitated, his lips covering hers in a long, warm kiss. They felt soft and with every of their movements she could feel and imagine their full and sensuous chiseled shape and it didn’t take her long to run both of there hands through his wavy hair. His tongue forced entry and the kiss turned into a consuming, hungry yet sweet, teasing her with a hint of promise and driving her body to new heights of awareness. Somehow desperate he pulled away from her and cleared his throat. “Such a shame this is the wrong place.” “Well, we got all night.”, Charlotte replied, biting her lower lip.
After the concert Alan and Charlotte went for a walk. It was a clear and star-bright night. As they walked side-by-side Alan carefully put his hand over her back, watching the young woman vigilantly to make sure she was okay. “How come you still work at the Chez Paul if you got recording sessions with Freddie?” “It’s really more of an occasional job. I started working there when Jake and Elwood put the band together and we didn’t had many gigs at the start. When the money was good I quit and now I only work there like 2 or 3 nights a month cos they-“ He paused when he noticed Charlotte rubbing her arms. “Are you cold?” “Just a little bit but it’s alright!” She didn’t want this night and their togetherness to stop on no account, even if it meant freezing, she thought. But Alan stopped and let go of her hand, taking off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. “Don’t want you to catch a cold.”, he said in a soft tone and gave her a short but sensuous kiss on her lips. “Thanks Alan.” She smiled back at him and grabbed his hands as they continued walking. “So.. every now and then when they run short on staff I stand in. I know I don’t have to but the work is alright and they pay well.” When they reached Alan’s car he softly pushed her against it. “But I really don’t wanna talk about work now.”, he said in low voice and was just about to kiss her neck when they heard a female voice. “Alan, how marvellous it is to see you.” He instantly turned around to face a blonde lady, leaning against the bonnet. Charlotte tried to get a look at her and took a deep breath when she realised it was the woman with whom she had seen him in the streets a week ago. “Lari… what are you doing here?”, he asked the woman, squeezing Charlotte’s hand. “I don’t know, saw your car and thought I’d wait here for you. I see you’ve got a date…” “I do. What do you want?” “Nothing, just funny isn’t it. You’ve always been such a womaniser.”, she chuckled. “Tonight you’re on a date with her and just a few nights ago I remember how you got all down and dirty with me on the bonnet of your precious car. Hm.”, and she gave him a fake smile when Charlotte felt a sharp pain in her chest and immediately let go of Alan’s hand.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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littlespaceporgs · 4 years
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 3
Alternatively, Leah misses daddy Plo, gets annoyed by droids and is thoroughly entertained by Jar Jar Binks while simultaneously simping for Padme.
TA~DA! Welcome to part 3 of the reacts series, where we cover episodes 6, 7 and 8! I won’t lie to you, I actually found episode 6 really boring, 7 was less boring and 8 was maybe a little bit funny and I lowkey enjoyed it so much. So yeah, the first two reacts are kinda boring because I was super bored, but 8 is kinda funny. As usual, major spoilers for season 1 of the clone wars.
Part 1 - Episodes 1 and 2 Part 2 - Episodes 3, 4 and 5
So, lets do thissssss!
Tags (as always, let me know if you want a tag!): @acciokenobi​ @roseofalderaan​ @catsnkooks​ @peacelandbread​ @littlevodika​ @icedcoffeeandgays​ @captainrexstan​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @mcu-padawan​ @onabouteverything​ @fractiouskat​
Episode 6: Downfall of a Droid
Notes: since writing these, I’ve discovered that I am 100% without a doubt very much a simp for Plo Koon and it shows.
> Pre-warning, I’m writing this on paper and on the train, so there may be slightly less thots thoughts in this one
> “Suffering serious defeats by Grievous”??????? All we’ve seen for 5 episodes now is Grievous lose????????
> Yeah Anakin! You should listen to Ahsoka!
>> (you need to trust my babey)
> Where the fuck is Plo when you need him? I WANNA SEE HIM
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> Maybe that image will tide me over? (we all know it wont but that’s off topic)
> Oh for fucks sake I’ve had enough of Grievous
> “this is too easy” oooohhhhh boy, you say that now......
*Grievous ditches his ship*
> ✨ disappointed, but not surprised ✨
> THERE IT IS!!!!! “I got a bad feeling about this” - bringing the total count so far to 2
> W H A T
>> R2D2?????????????????????????
>> This is one of the few times I am more annoyed with Obi-wan than I am horny for him
>>> Wait no scratch that - i just looked at his face again 💖💖💖💖
> I miss Plo already, can he come back now?
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> Oh Ahsoka, you’re so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
> omg Goldie???? I LOVE IT he’s kinda adorable
> ooooohhh boy R2 is going to be on that dodgy ass ship isnt he?
> hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah
>> fart humour, i love it!
> Unique items, huh
>> just thinking about the mandalorian reminds me of the new armour/helmet kink i discovered I had and how much i love pedro pascal
> Goddammit R3. oh shit oh shit bad droids BAD DROIDS
> is R2 just a really good droid? or do all of them make this many mistakes???
> hahahaha ‘gramps’, Ahsoka he’s literally only 5/6 years older than you
> *GASP* Anakin, he’s not a lightswitch!
> Oh shit, R2 was on the ship!
> fuck fuck Grievous no dont take R2 bad droid
> okay, I love obi-wan but he’s being a little harsh
>> mild turn-on but ok 👀👀
> aaaawwww the little stomping when he’s excited
> Do we get to see R2 do a mad escape?
>> WE DO!
> oh no, R2 you were so close
> tracking beacon?! R3, what’re you doing?!
> sorry anakin, they definitely saw it
> You, know, I’m starting to wonder if R3 is doing all this deliberately??
> lowkey, I want to tally the amount of droids grievous hurts/destroys
> well, i want R2 back in the next episode, please and thank you.
Episode 7: Duel of the Droids
> Okay, all I want is for Anakin to hurry up and find R2, because I want this arc to be over
> I’m going to keep this reacts fairly short because I’m a little bit bored
> All I want is more Plo content, is that too much to ask???????
>> If you can’t tell I have a thing for Plo Koon and I officially joined the simp club for him.
> This trandoshan guy is just.... bleh 🤢
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* insert gross shiver* 
> I said it in part 1, and I’ll say it again, R2′s whirring is a mood
> Okay so fucking R3 just turned R2 down, so I am definitely starting to think this is deliberate?
> Rex’s expression when he’s told to carry R3 is comedy gold by the way
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> Oh please Captain, kindly fuck me
> *sighs* Oh the droid humour
> I mean, it is a type of head adjustment I guess 🤷‍♀️
> ...
>> Did you seriously think grievous, being the slimy bastard he is, wasn’t going to kill you?????
> AHSOKA KICK GRIEVOUS’ BIN CHICKEN LOOKI- oh no she was thrown into a wall, never-mind.
> oh this is awkward, I love how R2 is insulted that he got R3 hahahahahahahha
> okay the most interesting point of this episode is ahsoka is escaping grievous
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> anakin looking out for R2 is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen
> ngl, i had a small degree of satisfaction when I saw R3 get smashed to bits
> “oh anakin... one day” obi-wan is a mood
> oh thank god its over, alright what’s up next?
Episode 8: Bombad Jedi
> please tell me it has jar jar in it, then it will surely be funnier than the last 2 eps
> oh in the white outfit too, i love this woman so much
> I’m going to put a photo hear so you can appreciate it too
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> My horny bisexual senses are tingling
>> *for context he already fucked up once and we are 1 minute and 15 seconds into the episode
> she has a point though, C3PO does usually get into trouble
> oh boy, he sounds mad.... I’m getting a sinking feeling about this
> oh no
>> ah shit he’s gone and joined the separatists
> I am much more entertained nonetheless by this episode
> wait so they fart insults???? it sounds like a fart and i giggled a little
> Oh and now jar jar’s trying to talk to them
> HAHAHAHAH C3 always gets shit thrown at him or shot at, whenever he’s in an episode I get a little bit happy 
> why does he automatically jump to jar jar’s been killed oh my god so little faith like its a swamp planet???? and jar jar comes from a swamp planet????? of course he gone survive falling into water????
> buta mesa sav-ed you? i love this stupid creature oh my god hahahahaha
>> definitely 100% anakins, and I love the Padme has the equivalent of one of his hoodies
>>> I want one too
> ooooohhhh this is not going to go well
> oh boy
> I’m guessing this is where the bombad jedi comes from?
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>> I am so sorry no its not mine, but I have no idea who’s it is
> wheresa jedi? OH MESA JEDI?
> have you guys seen zootopia? specifically where they trigger a ‘howl’ with the wolves??? Thats what I headcanon the droids are like with ‘roger roger’
>> crush me with those muscles please
> “There’s no jedi in here, wait there’s no prisoner in here!” hahahahahahahahah
> One day I’m going to have to do a little audio recording so you all know what sound I make whenever I’ve written hahahahahaha
> “I’m afraid the ship has been destroyed.” 
>> “Battle droids?” *shakes head*
>>> “... Jar Jar?”
>>>> “Jar Jar.”
> obviously Padme was right, she usually is
> oh boy Jar Jar is your only hope? you’re in for a shock buddy
> Padme is an excellent shot by the way
> “I think Jar Jar’s dead.” “Oh again?” goddamn it C3PO
> ...
> excuse me????
> okay he has my forgiveness now :))))))
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alright, I enjoyed episode 8, 6 and 7 were a little lackluster, but I did like 8 a lot actually, more than I thought I would 
anyways, see you next time for 9, 10 and 11!! (I’m pretty sure I saw ventress and kit fisto in the title image, so be prepared for major ass thots because i am very heavily attracted to one (1) assassin and one (1) fish man)
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Tma season 2 notes baybeee
I made myself take several breaks so I could give my frie d who is listening to it at the same time as me a chance to catch up. Honestly just posting them so I have them saved somewhere but whatever.
ep 41: real graham wrote keep watching before he was replaced. Jon feels like he's being watched. But they werent replaced by things related to the eye. It's the web that's on the box that replaces them. Endless hallways and doors to nowhere. I bet nicholas will have ideas what entity this relates to. If it even does. They're like the tunnels in the one with the builder guy. Tunnels closing in etc. Also like the cave diving one. He's assuming it's just one
ep 42: so 100 gecs? (IM SORRY I LIKE 100 GECS BUT LMAO) so there's some entity related to music right? There's the piper episode and the 27 w/ the calliope. Ah yes, this season is gonna be the season of Paranoid!Jon
ep 43: section 31? fucking books. god no. smashed lights? cult lady did that. covered the lights too. she mentioned a spooky clown doll. thats not random.
ep 44: is this that same circus that got mentioned before? it is! the pipe organ! pop off organ! pipe off! mouth on the stomach! yes! mouths in unusual places my beloved!
ep 45: antiques! like that one ep!
ep 46: every time books get mentioned i sigh. hhh sus smells. it got brighter. I get the vibes occasionally that the dark and the eye are sorta at odds with eachother. GRRR BARK BARK LEITNER. ayyy ex altiora. entity go brr. which entity do we thing it is? my guess is The Dark. The book buyer's name is Mike. He has scars? Electricity? The childhood friend of the guy who got it later on perhaps? The Vast? its formatted like an entity idk. This happened before the other one. He got trapped in the wood carving. a win for the web lol spiders go brr
ep 47: did i hear spiral? ITS THE NOT THING FROM THE EPISODE WITH NOT GRAHAM "it didnt move, it shifted" is like the exact same sentence as before. ay john's starting to remember. the laughing woah thats weird. is "michael" one of the entities? "you make it seem like theres a war" supports my theory that theres a struggle between a couple of the entities. I said i thought it was the eye and the dark i believe but im not sure. its whatever entity michael is vs the worms? what did nicholas say the worms were again? The Corruption? still dont know which one michael is tho.
Had to take a break after that episode. smth about the quality of michael's voice makes me feel like im gonna slip into one of those states where it feels like nothing is real, so i got a nice cold glass of water.
ep 48: jesus ok this one's kidna corny. you're telling me love made the crowd go away come on now. Ur losing it big J. also shouldnt it be more sus that "sasha" is so unaffected by the worm incident/ finding of gertrude's body
ep 49: haven't we heard hector's name before? oh is he the crime guy? fucking jared... so it's a throat? chompa chompa. (it's just a little bit hot) the good part about these episodes is that we know whoever's telling the story isn't gonna die. even if it's a close call, they're not dead. hotworth? ok not jared keay. it bothers me how theres so many repeated names, can they not come up with other names? "sasha"'s computer is breaking... sus. Elias our favorite weed man! jon ur so paranoid lmao
ep 50: robert smirk, at it again. this is like that one episode with the old dude who locked his door. who said idle beforehand? was it smirk? fingertips. thats so weird lmao. bahahah tim
ep 51: simon fairchild. im sure jon will mention the name at the end i cant remember where we've heard it. this is just like the cavediving episode. a hand? there was a hand in the last one right? the scalpel! and an eye thing. she's trying to throw them off.
ep 52: thats the guy from before! with the hearts! god i hate this guy writing the statement hh. lights blowing, and brackish water. we know how this ends but its still tense. rainer? reigner? rain man. we've seen him before
ep 53: pls not a leitner. oh boy mans scratched out his eyes. rip skelly. why would gertrude have had this statement off the books? jon stabbed himself?? bruh im? big man are you okay
ep 54: cockney boys! ayy its our favorite delivery men. she cut out their eyes. she knew that the eye was a thing?
ep 55: oily residue like the retirement home!
ep 56: worms? no. spiders?? bruhh. aaah yelling :(( aww martin anyways yeah i called it about paranoid!jon he needs to take a nap and drink some hot chocolate and calm down for once please
ep 57: just remembered, i think theres an entity called The Lonely?? This feels pretty lonely idk. fairchild, lukas/ lucas, some spooky place in norway idk. "sasha" knew he was recordinig hmm suspicious cmon jon figure it out. Sasha and tom. hm sus. for records sake i feel liek i should note here that I did have it spoiled to me simply that that's not sasha, but thats really all. i assumed it was like the thing that happened to graham in S1
ep 58: i feel like i recognize the name eustice (?) wick. someone please tell me im not just watching jon's descent into madness over the course of this podcast. im hoping it isnt so but, (and pardon the dsmp reference) im getting real wilbur vibes from this one.
ep 59: oh dear ok account from the fielding house. swirling designs? Spiral time? oh boyy. oh wait! 6 inch hole in the middle! is it not a spiderweb type design on the table? thats what i had assumed but that description sounds more like a spiral thing. cobwebs is a Web thing. ayy nicholas was right! the box goes in the table! the place that she kissed him was burning. Raymond is an avatar of The Web and agnes is the burning one. Lightless Flame! Why did she save him? i guess she was against this guy eating ppl or wtvr but why was she at the halfway house then? I think she's like michael.
ep 60: the eye go brr
ep 61: breacon and hope once again. tom. sasha's boyfriend. vampires sleep in coffins. the guy just walking in seems similar to the mind control of the vampires
ep 62: bones! its that one leitner. is this mother keay? the mom of gerard? this is what happened to her right? her skin was found on hooks? oh yeah thats what i thought the pages are made of skin. yeesh. The End!! sounds like an entity. phrased like one, and i think i remember it. are the people trapped in the pages? or... kept?
ep 63: eaten by the darkness! cavediving episode! (just like eaten by the sky) did my brain make up one called The Vast? it feels like it should be one, and all these episodes have some similar description about their feelings when they do whatever chosen hobby they have. ok now this one kinda feels like the dark. lights going out and all that. ok so not really a The Vast thing, its more of a Dark thing. feckin smirk gah.
ep 64: dice! the death guy! the death game thing! the person tricked somebody else into becoming death and then they were immortal? but if the egyptians wanted to kill him or punish him or whatever couldnt they just kill him? it worked in the end when he had the person giving the statement stab him, that did the job and actually killed him
ep 65: finally jon is actually acknowledging something is wrong.
So we know Mary Keay was revived most likely with the book by gerard.
Gertrude was way more aware of the entities than Jon. mary keay referenced The End openly and she cut the eyes out of her magazines and all that which makes me think she was aware of The Eye
ep 66: please not buried alive pleeaase not buried alive. lukas of the tundra? didnt we hear the name lukas before? she wanted it to be difficult to find important files because that way bad people couldnt find them?
ep 67: agnes... the girl in the hilltop house? agnes poppin off!! he's really not gonna question how she knew where he lived?? oh no D: the tree. were they the ones working on the house? aww they kissi- OH DEAR. why did she kiss him? it seemed like she cared about him? also she could kiss that other dude on the cheek and he was fine, but maybe it was cuz she was younger? lightless flame go brrrrr.
ep 68: oh god books. yup its bitchboy leitner. mans said "this seems supernatural, its a werd book!" bruuh.
ep 69: heh nice. aw cmon jon listen to martin. gahhh spiders. is that the class we heard about in the other doctor one with the teeth apple? some kind of psych class? oh dear. fucking spiders. aaaah. web do be goin brr. it's like the girl in the homeless shelter! who made the guy leave and she took his bed.
ep 70: is this gonna be the book that mary keay had? Most likely a leitner no matter what. Oh boy latin. Why did it start in latin then become old English? I'm guessing people put them in the book? He cant burn it. Phrophecies go brr. He says eh it's a decade in the future it's fine. Its gonna have changed. Ayy called it. Just accept it, it's a magic book. His death is getting closer. Leitner didnt make them but just collected them? Gertrude burned the book! She burned them down there so no one would know.
ep 71: oh boy tunnels. Our favorite thing /s. is The Buried a thing? Idk this seems pretty buried. Oh dear he's trapped here isnt he. "Not enough space to move, never enough to breathe" is that from the computer episode? With the guy who uploaded his consciousness? Somebody living down there. Hmmmm. Guesses: tom, sasha's boyfriend. Gertrude herself? (Though I doubt it)
ep 72: sweeney todd moment. Meat. The slaughter? Idk we'll see what the supernatural part is. Meat is meat. Similar to the slaughterhouse episode. Is it fucking Jared I swear to God it better not be. Hooligan teenagers, you know how it is. Meat is me lmao. Is the kid gonna be in the freezer. Ok that's good. OWW. Oddly textured candles. Made from people? Human fat or smth? Tom from the meat processing plant!
ep 73: outer bay shipping. Bet it's a subset of breacon and hope delivery. The Dark go brrr. Uh oh mans is gonna die. Leo or whatever. Cult ppl go brr. The people's church of the divine host. Who is the divine host? Is it reigner or whatever his name is? I dont think Jon can quit tbh. Probably an anonymous tip but from who?? One of the entities?
ep 74: fucking teeth hhh. I dont know which entity is related to teeth. Spiral. Isnt the spiral an entity. It feels like it could be related to many things idk. Yeah this sounds like the spiral. Heart attack at 29? Jesus... michael! That's kinda what I was thinking. Sasha goin in the tunnels. Hmm sus. They move the floor. Wack. Bet its tom.
ep 75: Man with a lightning scar. Has one of the leitner books. The childhood friend of the one who first introduced us to leitner. Oh my god that sounds terrifying. Michael crew.
ep 76: scalpel? Hmm spooky. NotSasha... think jon think.
ep 77: another double! NotThem, The Stranger. Not related to the table?
ep 78: what was that at the beginning? Question mark?? Oh boy more NotThem. Decker... what is the deal with the table. Does it contain the creature? Fucking Michael. Bitchboi himself.
ep 79: yes pop off martin. Ugh fucking Michael just leave man. I hate that dude. New person. Hmm. No idea who it is.
ep 80: shitener himself! Ok sir tell us the entities. Ayy The Spiral. Ok we know what that one is. The Eye is the beholding! Oooh. The Stranger. Did elias just kill leitner? Popping off honestly.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
liquid therapy 3/3 jack daniels x reader
part 1 part 2 part 3
Song: everybody sells cocaine by motionless in white
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"Yes I understand that champ but we got the ring like you asked."
I said into the phone receiver.
"You weren't supposed to kill the man!"
He yelled and I rolled my eyes.
"With all due respect sir, I didn't kill anyone, just like you asked. If you had a problem with me using the stun bands you shouldn't have sent me with them."
I heard him sigh.
"You're just lucky no one got caught. The reports are saying it looked like a heart attack."
I nodded.
"And as far as I, a medical personnel, am concerned it had nothing to do with the bands. We've tested them in the labs and any heart condition can take them without being fatal. They are designed to asses the victim within milliseconds and stun accordingly."
I said sternly, looking to my office door as it opened, jack coming in quietly when he realized I was on the phone.
"Fine y/n, I'll take your word for it but I want the band you used tested just to make sure there were no bugs."
"Yes sir, I'll have ginger test it after our mission assessment."
I said, looking over jack as he fell into the chair on the other side of my desk.
"I don't care when, just get it done."
I watched as he rocked his leg back and forth, staring at me intently.
"Will do."
I said and the line went dead. I held the phone for a moment and sighed heavily. I closed my eyes as i dropped the phone into its place on the base, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Rough day?"
Jack mused, a grin across his face. I sent him a testing look.
"Rough doesn't even begin to cover it."
I said and he nodded, his smile lessening.
"Wanna talk about it?"
He asked and I glared at him for a second.
"No thanks."
I said, opening the case file back up and typing out on my computer.
"I'm guessing that was champ?"
He said and I nodded, not looking to him.
"He mad about the stun?"
He asked and I nodded again.
"He's more so worried about the fact that it will be on the agencies record but I still don't think we had anything to do with it. Ive had ginger look into the bracelet already and there was nothing wrong with it."
He asked and I sent him a look.
"But champ wants it tested again, just in case."
I sighed, leaning back into my chair and rubbing my hands over my face.
"You hacked his medical record didn't you?"
He asked and I looked to him, trying not to smile. Then he laughed knowingly and I couldn't help cracking.
"I couldn't help myself."
I said amused and he shook his head.
"I don't think I can put it on file, officially, but I checked the analysis from the bracelet too and it said it didn't even deploy because it detected air in the bloodstream."
His eyes went wide.
"So he was in the middle of one when you kissed anyway."
He said and I nodded.
"Yeah. But technically ginger has to fill that part of the assessment out. And if anyone brings it up, you didn't hear it from me. Because I'm not actually supposed to know."
I said and he nodded.
"His heart attack was a mystery."
He said and I smiled.
"I do have a question though."
He said and I hummed, turning back to my computer.
"Are we gonna talk about that kiss, or what?"
He asked and I paused, looking to the keyboard for a second.
"Or what."
I answered, flatly. I knew exactly where this was going.
"Come on, why did it have to be on the mouth?"
He complained and I rolled my eyes.
"he went in for it."
I defended, finally looking to him.
"If I didnt How else was I supposed to get the ring?"
I asked and he shook his head, looking to the window behind me.
"I thought the cheek was close enough."
He said and I laughed.
"Are we jealous much?"
I accused and he sent me a look.
"I'm a grown man; and a secret agent, darlin, I don't get jealous."
He said sternly and I laughed.
I stated and he stood up, pointing his finger at me.
"Now wait a minute, you listen here missy-"
I said, standing and matching him.
"You listen!"
I said, getting in his face and looking between his eyes.
"I did what had to be done! You could have been subbed by tequila and chose not to."
I said, poking my pointer finger into his chest.
"You don't get to say what I can and cannot do on any of my missions. If you have a problem with that you can shove it up your-"
I started but was cut off when he leaned forward and kissed me harshly. I was taken aback, pushing him away from me and covering my mouth with my hands, eyes wide. He was still standing over my desk, hands planted firmly against it as I stood back.
"Shove it up my what princess?"
He asked and I shook my head, dropping my hands slowly.
"I... I..."
I stuttered, opening and closing my mouth a couple times.
"Something change?"
He challenged and I clenched my jaw.
I said quickly, stepping forward and smashing my lips against his. I held his head in my hands for a second as he kissed me back, our lips meshing together. Before I knew what was happening he was pulling me on top of my desk, positioning me to kneel in front of him, his hands planted firmly against my hips.
"I thought you said you couldn't do this."
I sighed against him, looking between his eyes for him to tell me to let go, to back up, to stop.
"Fuck what I said. I want you."
He whispered against my mouth before kissing me deeply, his hands sliding their way up my back.
I sighed out and he paused, worry crossing his features as his hands slid back to my waist.
"what? What's wrong darlin?"
He asked. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"I just... I wanna make sure this is real."
I said and he raised a brow.
"Of course it's real sweetheart."
He said with a toothy grin and I shifted to sit comfortably on my desk, legs swinging down against his.
"Jack I mean, I don't want this to be some stupid jealous hook up. I know you. And hell we've been pining after each other for too damn long."
He dropped his head, planting both his hands firmly on the desk on either side of my hips.
"No, no, I get what you mean."
I watched his face as be looked back and forth between his hands for a second. When he finally looked up at me he nodded once.
"For once I'm serious about this. I care about you and I don't want it to be a stupid hook up. I think seeing you kiss that guy kind of solidified that feeling. It sure as hell lit a fire under me I'll admit that."
He said and we both laughed a little.
"So you're willing to maybe do this right?"
I asked and he nodded, standing upright and cupping my cheek gently. I leaned into it, covering his hand with my own.
"I want to make you feel wanted."
He said and I looked up to him with a smile.
"I already do jack."
At that he leaned down and kissed me gently, resting his forehead against mine after.
"Let me take ya out darlin. Anywhere you wanna go."
He said pulling back a little bit and looking between my eyes. I nodded quickly, hopping down of my desk and pushing him back.
"I'd love that Jack."
I mused. He was quick to retaliate, moving closer and making sure I was steady, holding me against him. He smiled widely down at me, taking his Stetson off and placing it on my head. We both laughed a little.
"It's a date then."
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m-feline · 4 years
My first writing here at Tumblr. Fem. reader is the adoptive daughter of the tmnt family. She is the only one going to school and ends in trouble. How do turtles react when they hear about it.
Hope you like it.
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”I’m in trouble.” You sighed as you walked to the principal’s office.
Of all times why did you have to lose your cool right now? Because they were jerks and deserved it, yeah. But sensei taught you better. He said it takes bigger strength to simply let anger take over you. And that knowing martial arts comes with responsibility and yada, yada. But sure, try to remain calm when all four brothers can go out kick butt at all the bad guys out there. But not you, no. You had to finish school and try to not start any fights.
Most of the time it worked. You were silent and closed in kind of person. The one who survived a nasty burn, which was reminded at everyone by hiding half of your face with your hair. No one came close to you or tried to talk to you because they were either grossed out by the burn, took pity, or scared to even look at you. Well, now they’ll be scared alright.
You finally arrived at the office and took a seat in the hallway near the entrance. You weren’t worried about getting detention or being expelled from school. No, what worried you was what to explain to the principal that your guardian isn’t coming.
“Oh, sorry my guarding can’t come because he is a giant rat and is now busy training four giant turtles in the art of Ninjitsu.”
Talk about the excuse of the year. Worst case would be, a social worker to come a check where you live. For crying out loud, only four months and you would be out of the school. You had a bad feeling.
You looked up at your lap as you heard someone call your name.
“April? Why are you here?” You asked.
“I heard you are in trouble. What happened?” She answered as both of you hugged.
It had been a while since events where the tower collapsed instead of spreading poisonous gas over New York. April had been busy so you haven’t seen her a while.
“I got into a fight, promise not to tell Splinter. He might get worried and… you know the rest.” You tried to explain.
“Umm.” April just hanged as she pulled out her cellphone.
“He knows already.” You sighed after realizing that the phone was connected and on speaker.
“(Y/n), what did you do?” You heard the voice of Splinter at the end of the line.
“I know, I know. I lost my composure, violence is not the answer and I should have been the better man by walking away.” You commented as you already knew the lecture.
“You are almost out of school. A little patience goes for a long way.” He taught you through the phone.
“Not in this case, believe me. They had it coming and deserved it.” You tried to explain.
“What? Who deserve it?” Another voice you recognized asked through the phone.
That was Mikey. It didn’t need a guess that Splinter was also on speaker.
“(Y/n), did you get in a fight? Are you okay?” Another voice asked which you recognized as Leo.
“I hope you won. That way, even if you get punished, you got something out of it.” Ralph commented.
“(Y/n), just tell me the time and I can hack into the school’s security system, find the record of it and erase it. This way there'll be no evidence against you.” Donnie suggested.
“Donnie, that’s illegal.” You notify him.
“But I’m already in.” He said.
“Dad.” You said in a begging tone.
“Boys, all of you move away. I will speak with the principal soon and if you don’t want to spent rest of the day in Hashin…” Splinter warned them.
“We shall leave now.” Leo said.
“Sis, remember no matter what happens we love you.” Mikey says before his voice goes away with others.
Which happened just in time when the door to principals office opened. And not so happy looking man came out .
“(Y/n) Hamato.” He called.
“Hamato?” April asked.
“Our last name. Splinter picked it from the book of ninjutsu.” You explained as the two of you entered the principal’s office.
“Are you relative of (Y/n) Hamato?” Principal asked from April.
“She is a family friend, my guardian couldn’t make it.” You said.
“I told you that I wanted to speak with your guardian.” Principal said with a disappointment.
“I am present, I just cannot leave my place due to a situation with my body.” Heard Splinters voice through the speaker of the phone.
Principal was a bit taken that my guardian spoke through the phone instead of coming to the meeting, but understood the reason once he heard about the situation.
“Then Mr. Hamato, I must have very serious talk with you.” Principal began.
“I am listening.”
“(Y/n) fought with two boys in my school and one of them had be sent to hospital. Both boys parents are concerned and demanded some kind of punishment for her. But since she is almost out of school, I wish to discuss with you of an alternative way of punishment. And I have to remind you this isn’t a first time she causes trouble.” Principal said.
“Very serious indeed. One should show self control and avoid such situations.” Splinter was heard through the phone.
“I'm glad you think the same Mr. Hamato. Our school doesn’t stand for violence. Which is why I have now demanded a meeting. I still would prefer for you to be here personally.” Principal said.
“I'm sure you would but my situation doesn’t allow me to get out. I barely let my sons out…” Splinter said.
I heard Mikey scream in the background loud enough to be heard through the phone. There were also sounds of Don, Leo, and Ralph saying something but they weren’t loud as Mikey was a moment ago.
“Excuse me a moment.” Splinter said on the phone.
Having boys heard more clearly meant Splinter had moved to where they were. And I could tell from their sounds that they were both mad and shocked.
“And only one of them is at the hospital? Where is that other punk?” Heard Ralph.
“I can’t watch this. As a good brother, I shouldn’t watch this.” Heard Leo.
“Then keep your eyes away from the comments. I thought that bullying on the internet is illegal.” Donnie was heard.
“Boys, what are you doing? I’m trying to have a conversation with the principal.” Splinter said.
“Donnie found out what happened at (Y/n)’s school.” Mikey told on.
“Donatello.” Splinter warned.
“I didn’t hack any system. I found this on Social media. And boy it is mean.”
“Since you found it at someone else’s posting, then do tell me what happened.” Splinter sighed.
“Sure. This is (Y/n) and those two are the bullies.” Don said.
“Yeah, and there they go and should keep going, but no. That one punk stops says something at our sister and the other jerk comes and pushes and then that one grabs her…” Ralph tells.
“Do not finish that sentence.” Splinter warned him.
“I won’t say it, but you saw it.” Ralph excuses.
“And then (Y/n) use the snake grip on the guy, spin him, made him fall to the ground. One tries to punch her and she kicks him… and there ends the video.” Leo narrated.
“Permission to go to the hospital smash what is left of this punk who sexually assaulted our sister?” Ralph asked.
“No.” Splinter said.
“But they are punishing her for defending herself. The school may not approve violence, but abuse? Not cool, man.” Mikey protested.
“Then how about I hack and crash all devices of people who bully her on internet?” Donnie asked.
“But dad…”
“Boys, listen. There is one boy at the hospital already… Find out where the other one lives and send him to the hospital too. Hopefully, they'll be roommates.” Splinter said.
“Ooh.” All four say.
“One thing is to fight in school but if there is no Justice inside the school then a little reminder is in order. Just go find this boy who abused (Y/n), and make him see why it isn’t smart to harass your sister.” Splinter said.
“Can we all go?” Mikey asked.
“If that makes the point more clear then yes.” Splinter said.
“I’m going to make him cry for even looking at her.” Ralph said.
“Justice for our sister!” Declared Mikey.
“Hey, is that phone still on?” Leo asked.
“More importantly is it on speaker?” Donnie asked.
By now, I had pulled the hood of my (f/c) hoodie over my head and tried to hide myself as much as possible. This was beyond embarrassing. The principals face had changed many times to shock, fear and worry. I wasn’t sure what April was thinking now, but I need one more favor from her.
“April, can I come sleepover at your place?” I asked while hiding my face inside the hoodie.
“If you promise to tell me what really happened.” April said.
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writingformadderton · 4 years
The Book of You and I - Part 7
Ship: Madderton
Word Count: 2449
Summary: Shooting the actual scene and kissing in front of the cameras isn’t as relaxing as back in Taron’s apartment. Attending to Elton’s party the next day, with all the alcohol and a kiss with a woman, leads to them talking open about their situation for the first time.
Additional Tags: fluff, soft, angst, kiss, cuddles
Dedicated to @taron-eggmcmuffin❤️ 
Part 6  Part 8
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Neither of them talked about what happened last night as they fell back into their normal state of fooling around. Richard watches Taron recording Don’t Go Breaking My Heart effortlessly. However, as their upcoming scene becomes closer, the more nervous both of them get. Their own feelings mixing with the events of yesterday and the want to do it right for Elton.
Richard walks in and shakes Charlie’s hand, making eye contact with Taron, who stops singing nervously. He opens the door and passes Rachel, portraying Kiki Dee. Then after their first couple of lines, they cut the scene. Now Taron and Richard know it’s bound to start soon. Richard walks towards the closet and steps inside, nodding his head into it, signaling T to come over. Taron rambles his line and walks over to him stepping inside. Richard kicks the door closed and looks at Taron while they hear Dex saying cut.
As soon as the cameras are in the new position, they start the next scene. Richard grabs his neck and smashes his lips onto Taron’s, pushing him closer to the closet wall. Taron’s muttered “holy shit” catches him off guard and he stumbles. He secures Taron’s head with his hand as they crash into the wall. Rich curses as his hand gets trapped between the closet and Taron’s head for a short moment. He holds himself up with his other hand while Taron reaches out for the closet, starting to laugh as the adrenaline kicks in. “Oh my god!” Taron chokes out laughing and the rest of the crew including Rich start laughing as well.
“Please, don’t hurt yourself!” Dexter gets out between laughter as Richard stands up straight and pulls T up fully again.
“Okay, careful now.” Richard giggles and steps back to his starting point. Dexter signals their start and Richard grabs his neck again, kissing him firmly. Taron moans and grabs his arm, steadying himself while he stumbles back. He curses himself for it and knows exactly Richard must have recognized this moan wasn’t planned. It was completely himself and not this role. His former boyfriend must have recognized it. He can feel his little short smirk against his lips.
Rich presses him against the shelves and turns off the bright light so the visibility is low. Taron cups his face now and starts kissing him back just as passionately before Richard pulls back and both catch their breath.
They say their lines and Taron does what Richard suggested. He lets his eyes wander over his face quick, hangs on his lips, looks longingly at him. Richard’s eyes wander down his body, over his chest that’s a bit exposed because of his opened shirt and back to his face. He hangs his gaze on his lips while he talks before looking straight into his eyes and the look he gives him could drive him mad. He’s almost disappointed when Dex looks back at it and compliments them for the quick perfect shot.
“Could have been a one take if you two wouldn’t have been so rough in the beginning.” Dexter jokes and watches them closely.
Rich just nods smirking while Taron grins. “Yep.” Both of them know it hasn’t happened because they were too rough, but simply because of Taron’s natural response to the kisses of his former lover. But hey, they got the perfect shot.
Elton throws a party the next day and Taron drives there with Richard. They enjoy themselves genuinely and drink a bit. Taron, who is drinking for the first time again, accidentally has too much and is a bit drunk early on. He doesn’t leave Richard’s side the whole time, his arm wrapped around him and his head resting on his shoulder from time to time. Richard meets one of his friends and steps away from Taron, who starts chatting with a woman he can’t remember the name of only seconds after.
T leans against the wall, his glass abandoned somewhere on the way, and talks to the woman. She flirts with him and somehow Taron thinks it’s funny and starts flirting back. It doesn’t take long before he’s pressed against the wall kissing her. She leads his arms down her hips and presses herself close against him.
After a while, Rich starts searching for Taron, getting tired. He walks back to where they were standing, his eyes wandering the crowd. He makes his way towards the balcony area. When he turns the corner, he sees Taron kissing the woman he was talking to earlier. “Of course.” he growls and pushes the balcony door open, getting some fresh air. He should’ve known that Taron was just acting, but their kiss felt natural like back then. The time they spent together at his apartment. Oh fuck.
Taron freezes in shock when she kisses him and leads his hand down her ass. He decides to let it happen, being as though this would be his first intimate encounter with a woman. But he soon realizes, this wasn’t Richard. She didn’t have his full lips. Her hair wasn’t his soft slight curls. She didn’t make his stomach flip and her kisses didn’t turn him into a mess. He stops her nicely but firm. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” he apologizes and walks away. He quickly pushes the door to the balcony open and breathes in deep. “Hey. There you are.” Taron says and walks over to Rich, who’s leaning against the balustrade looking out in the dark night.
“Mm. I didn’t want to disturb you and your lovely company.” he speaks a little sour.
“Oh, she isn’t important. You could have said something.” Taron says and leans against the balustrade next to him clumsily. He would have to keep an eye on his alcohol level the next time, this wasn’t a good feeling. For someone who had felt lightheaded and dizzy so often before due to his accident, it was scary.
“You always kiss people that aren’t important to ya?” Rich asks and looks at him with raised eyebrows.
“I-no, I don’t.” he sighs and looks down at his hands.
“Listen, T. I’ve told myself the whole time that this between us belongs to the past. But when we shot the scene, I wasn’t sure about that anymore. And when I drove you home and you pulled me into a kiss and didn’t want me to go… For the first time I thought we maybe have a chance.” Richard says slowly. “I know you are confused about all this stuff but if you wanna find out what feels right and what doesn’t, then do that with someone from the whorehouse. Not with me outside of filming and preparation.” he pushes himself away from the balustrade. “Anyways, have fun tonight.”
“Hey, Rich!” Taron grabs his arm and holds him back from walking away. “It wasn’t how it looked like, I swear.” he steps in front of him and sees that Richard doesn’t believe him. He tries to look into his eyes to show his sincerity, but doesn’t get anything but emptiness. Just like when they first started filming, before everything. He has to make this right. “If you don’t believe me now, I can’t change it but hear me out.” Richard groans and looks at him with raised eyebrows. “As you can see, I’m drunk and my brain is working slow. She kissed me and she put my hands where she wanted them. That wasn’t me okay?”
Richard shrugs his shoulders and moves his hand out of his grip. What was he trying to pull? “You let her do it anyways.”
“Yea and I pushed her away like ten seconds later because I realized something.” Taron says and gets nervous as Richard stops again. “She isn’t you.” he breathes out nervously and his eyes start burning.
“Oh congrats to your drunk ass.” Rich says and folds his arms in front of his chest.
“Don’t be mean, Rich. I’m trying to tell you something here.” Taron says and frowns at him. He feels tears welling up in his eyes. Taron couldn’t lose Rich, not again. “I wasn’t fully sure because you’re the first one I can remember and I don’t know how I feel when I’m in love. But I realized it today. Not in the best way, I know that.” Taron sees Richard’s face soften a bit, but his eyes were still skeptical. He plays with his hands nervously. Was this a good sign? “I love you and that makes me insecure because I don’t know if you still do. I don’t know how to act in a relationship. I don’t know what it means to be with someone and that feels awful. The only thing I know is that I feel best when you’re with me and I don’t wanna spend another day without you.” he admits and presses his lips together, trying to hold back the tears and looking down at the floor as he fails to do so.
“Why didn’t you talk to me about that? You don’t have to let some random woman kiss you to find something like that out.” Rich says and turns towards him fully again. He carefully lifts his head and meets his favorite pair of eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Taron. You don’t have to cry. I’m sorry.”
“I’m scared, I guess. I don’t wanna mess things up.” he admits and bites his lower lip when Richard wipes away a tear softly. “I’m sorry, Rich. I would never use you like that.”
“It’s okay.” Rich says and wraps him into a hug.
They remain silent for a while until Taron looks up to him. “What the hell is a whorehouse?”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” Richard giggles.
“Fuck off.” T growls playfully and wraps his arms around his waist. He looks deep into Richard’s eyes and comes a bit closer. “I wasn’t pretending when I kissed you a few days ago.”
“I know. I am able to see and feel the difference from you.” Richard admits lowly and fondles over his cheek gently. “Are you sure about all of this?”
“I think so. As sure as I can be, I guess.” he says and looks deep into his eyes. His stomach flips when he sees the warmth in them and he presses himself close against him.
“Okay.” Rich says and sees how Taron’s puppy eyes long for just anything from Rich.
Taron pulls him down into a kiss, but is stopped by Richard immediately. “What’s wrong?” he asks timidly and takes a step back. Was he rushing things?
“Not here, in the middle of the balcony where everyone can see us.” Rich says and Taron nods. He pulls him into the corner and leans against the wall.
Taron stands up on his toes and connects their lips in a hungry kiss. He moans softly into it and tries to get closer. He cups Richard’s face and sinks deeper into the kiss. The Scottish grabs him by the waist and presses him against the wall, looking down at him. “How could I ever forget something as good as this?” he asks and places a short kiss onto his lips.
“I’m glad to have you back.” Richard says and leans his forehead against Taron’s. “I missed you.” he breathes out and bops Taron’s nose with his own.
T wraps his arms around his neck and smiles lazily. “Glad to be back.” He stumbles clumsily and Richard secures him immediately. “Fuck, I’m so drunk.” he moans, making them both laugh.
Taron closes the door to his apartment and stumbles into his room. He takes out his phone and dials the number of his mother. Taron gets out of his jeans while he waits for his mother to take the call and gets in some sweatpants.
“Taron? Are you alright?” His mother asks worried.
“We kissed, mum. And I told him about my feelings!” he cheers a bit and still can’t believe what happened. Richard still loved him, even though he became such a crazy mess.
“Are you drunk?” she laughs a bit and groans. “It’s 2am, get to bed.”
“Yes, I am. But mum we…I think we’re back where we left off.” Taron says and sits down on his bed.
“I’m really happy for you, sweetie. But we both need some sleep. Let’s talk tomorrow, okay?”
Richard wakes up confused when his doorbell rings through the silence of the house. He rubs his face and looks at his watch, letting out a groan. Rich considers going back to sleep but gives himself a push and gets up. He opens the door and looks into a beautiful pair of blueish green eyes. “What the fuck, Taron?!”
“Hello to you too.” T says and smirks at him.
“What are you doing here?” Rich asks and runs his fingers through his hair tiredly. Was he dreaming or is Taron really on his doorstep?
“Couldn’t sleep.” Taron shrugs his shoulders and his grins widens. “Wanted to see you.”
“It’s 4am.” Richard growls.
“Yeah, sorry. The accident fucked up my sleep schedule.” he giggles softly and gives Richard his biggest puppy eyes. “Want some company? We could go for a walk and get some fresh air.”
Richard leans his head against the door and watches him amused. Was he mocking him right now? “You’re kidding me?”
Taron frowns and shakes his head. “No.”
Rich watches him for a moment before starting to laugh. “Okay, first rule. If you want some late-night cuddles, you call me. Don’t invite me on a walk outside at 4am when we were supposed to go to bed two hours ago.” he giggles and T starts laughing as well. Richard grabs his hand and pulls him inside. “Come in, you crazy idiot.”
Taron kicks off his shoes and takes off his jacket. He wraps his arms around Richard’s neck and kisses him lovingly. “I love you.” he says happily.
“And I’m tired.” Richard says and chuckles at Taron’s offended look. “Let’s get some sleep now, okay?” he asks and T nods slowly. Rich picks him up and carries him into his bedroom. He lies him down and slides under the covers, pulling him close. T relaxes in his arms and nestles his face in the crook of his neck. “I love you too, bubs.” he whispers and places a kiss into his fluffy hair. He feels Taron smiling and plays with his hair gently until he hears Taron’s breathing becoming more even and his body calms. It’s the first time in over six months that Taron fell asleep in his arms again and knowing that gives him a great amount of peace.
@multicoloredchicken @primaba11erina @maddertonmyheart @madderton-obsessed @fuseburner​
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zeravmeta · 5 years
“…Communications have been lost. I’m sorry, Master, but we are stranded in this strange new territory.”
Gudako was used to having the odds against her, but this time felt more desperate. Almost wrong, somehow. It would be one thing to simply just not be able contact Chaldea; it’s definitely happened before and the nagging voice in the back of her head tells her it will in the future as well.
It would be a second, more annoying thing if their current location was unknown: the Rayshift System was at whim to whatever Panhuman History or the Lostbelts decided to do out of nowhere and Da Vinci had even warned her that the Alien Gods reach was unknown and to prepare for the worst because they could very well drop them in the middle of nowhere.
The third and most troublesome thing about this was that the previous two conditions had been met but within what was possibly another universe entirely.
Gudako was beginning to regret getting out of bed this morning.
“Master….I’m sorry…If I wasn’t here then maybe…” Abigail whispered sadly as she held her torso, hiding her face.
“Oh come on, tears are unfair! You know I’m weak to your widdle cutie-pie face!” Gudako said as she leaned down to pinch her cheeks, trying to lighten the mood. Sure, maybe telling the eldritch horror within the 12 year old whose emotions could influence a reality bending god that they could be her appetizer in a ratty sushi restaurant wasn’t the best of ideas, but who cares. Her life was already one chaotic mess so another spill in an ocean of madness wouldn’t matter.
What does matter however is figuring out where the hell they are.
“Alright everyone, form up! We need to weigh our options and try to find out where we are.” Gudako rounded up her servants.
Babbage, Edmond, Abigail, Danzou, Mecha Eli-Chan, and Hijikata. Not exactly the most balanced composition in her opinion but there were worse options.
“Master, I’ve run a quick perimeter check of the area: wherever we are is completely made of metal. There’s no wildlife, running water, anything. I couldn’t even sense any wind currents here which makes me wonder how you can even breathe with no atmosphere.” Danzou reported.
“I believe we have the young Mash Kyrielight to thank for that. My readings do indicate an existing oxygen level, albeit low. Such things wouldn’t affect Servants, so we haven’t noticed it ourselves, but it is very possible that Mash’s class skill as a Shielder apply even for conditions such as these.” Babbage added.
“It’s strange,” Edmond began, “But I cannot ‘escape’ from this place. We haven’t been confined to a cage, it’s almost like…we are off-world somehow.”
“Off-world? Like, not on Earth anymore?” Gudako couldn’t help but feel shocked at this revelation. They’d gone to so many places in the past but an alien world was something entirely new. She felt Abigail’s fists tighten on her skirt and placed a reassuring hand on them, squeezing them gently.
“It is strange, but I also agree with the ratty convict.” Mecha Eli expanded, ignoring Edmond’s sputtering. “Servants are connected to the Throne, which is situated on Earth. Concepts like Humanity’s collective unconscious, the Root, they’re all unique to Earth itself, and we as Servants are affected by and can sense that. It feels…out of place. Like the Earth is nearby and yet, not really?”
A loud grunt drew their attention to Hijikata, who was looking up into the sky.
“That answer your questions?”
Seeing Earth in the sky as if it was a moon certainly did not answer their questions. And made them panic, naturally.
“This is…troubling. Though there are records that indicate our moon may be or have been some type of computer, there’s nothing on a planetoid of this composition orbiting Earth.”
“Babbage, do you have any way to re-establish contact? Even if she’s fine now there’s no telling how the distance from Mash may affect our Master. She could be running on borrowed time.”
“Master could die?”
“No! No one is dying today, Abbey. None of this is your fault, alright?”
“Do not worry. After all, among our group, you aren’t the only one who can break the laws of physics at a whim. It’s just as likely that that chronic smoker is responsible for this.”
“Just what is your problem with me today?”
“Can we please-”
“WOULD ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!? WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES!” Hijikata boomed, drawing their attention.
“Wh-What’s happening!?” Gudako snapped at attention.
“For the love of- Listen!” He placed a hand over her mouth and glared at the others to do the same.
…Very distantly, they heard the sound of shouting, metal scraping and weapons being fired.
“Wherever we are, we aren’t alone.” Hijikata stood ready to attack. “Master, your orders?”
The familiar fear of the unknown made itself known to her once again as it had many times before, and like always she pushed it down.
“Danzou, scout ahead and find a suitable meeting spot. Babbage, assist her. The rest of us will follow behind and meet you there. Whatever you find, do not engage.” 
Gudako saw her disappear in a blur, with Babbage flying behind her. Sighing, she began her trek with her Servants following.
The scene before them was…new, to say the least. Even with all her adventures pitting her against all manner of enemies, she never expected to be taking fire from giant alien robots. They had met up as planned, but when they arrived, Danzou and Babbage were under heavy fire from a large gray robot with an arm cannon. They were situated near a cliff side.
“From what I gather, we are indeed off world, though they refuse to say where we are and simply reference Earth. Apparently, these beings seem to want to drain the Earth of it’s various natural resources in order to assimilate it into their own planet.” Danzou explained as she kept sending pressurized air blasts from her arm into the opposition. “There seems to be some type of schism with these robots, however. While this group is indeed trying to kill us, they made mention of others who protect humans.” 
“Apologies, Master. It appears they had some type of censor that tracked us here as far back as when we initially arrived. For now, let us eliminate them!” Babbage exclaimed before jumping back into the fray. 
Gudako took in the sight before her. To her side was Danzou offering ranged support and Abigail using her powers to make sure none of the robots got too close. Babbage was currently in a fierce duel with the gray arm cannon robot who towered over him and kept exclaiming something about absolute victory. It tried to pin Babbage down and shoot him but a bash from Babbage’s club held him back. It then summoned a glowing purple flail to try and smash Babbage before an intervening rocket punch from MechaEli knocked it aside, leaving them 2 on 1. 
On the other side of the battlefield, Hijikata and Edmond were a whirlwind of fire, lightning, and laughter, knocking over the robots as they tried to mob them. Gudako kept hearing their screams and confusion as to how these humans were so powerful and couldn’t help but empathize with them: Servants were unfairly strong sometimes. 
“This is pointless…Let us retreat!” A nasally robotic voice broke out of the group before jumping into the air and flying off, taking potshots at their group. Shortly, a few others followed.
The gray robots scratchy voice broke out as it knocked over Babbage and Mecha Eli. “You cowards! You dare abandon your leader!?” It turned to the group and regarded them with a scowl. 
“Enjoy your victory while you can, humans. Soon I will figure out the secret behind your strength, and then I will conquer the universe!”
Hijikata and Edmond ran over and tried to rush the robot, but it punched the ground and made a large chasm separating them. Despite their speed, they wouldn’t make it in time to get to her.
“A little going away present! I’m sure our enemies will LOVE to see this!” The robot exclaimed one final time and began shooting at the cliff side near them while flying off. 
“Master, get back!” Abigail exclaimed as she summoned more tentacles to catch and divert the metal chunks as they fell. Danzou had suffered a shot and was missing an arm, meaning she could only barely support herself, leaving Gudako to support her.
“Master, please leave me behind-”
“Are we seriously gonna go through this song and dance? Let’s just hurry!” Gudako shouted over the racket of the avalanche as she carried Danzou. 
A large crash suddenly sounded out, and she looked up to see a large gray gun transform back into the gray robot before flying off. Its shot hit true and sent a large metal chunk their way, casting an ominous shadow over them. 
They would have been crushed, but they were picked up by…a yellow mini car? Gudako and Danzou were standing one moment and riding this car the next. 
“Are you two alright!? Your metal friend out there took some major damage, though it’s not anything Ratchet can’t fix!” The….car seemed to reassure them?
“Umm…y-yeah, we’re fine.” Gudako tentatively responded. Ratchet?
“That’s good to hear! Teletraan picked up a cosmic rift and suddenly detected humans with strange energy signatures! You guys got some serious guts to take on Megatron and his group of Decepticons on your own, not to mention how ya sent him packing!”
Teletraan? Megatron? Decepticons? This got more confusing as it went on.
“Could…you explain what exactly is going on here? Me and my friends have no idea where we are or what’s happening.” She decided being frank may be best here.
“Don’t sweat it! I’ll take you to my leader! He’ll explain everything!” The car chimed in, speeding up and approaching a tall red and blue robot before morphing out of its car form and having her look up at it. Him.
He was a friendly looking robot with yellow accents and blue eyes. Gudako noted that the emblem on their chests were different than the robots they had been fighting.
“Master! Are you alright!?” Edmond had called out from behind, Hijikata, Abigail and Mecha-Eli following. Babbage was behind them as well, but heavily damaged with burn marks and a crushed arm, being supported by a taller robot with an ambulance design. Her servants rushed and formed a protective perimeter around her, glaring at the robot.
The tall red and blue robot looked at them closely…almost sadly. He then bent down gently to try and get them to eye level, despite still towering over them.
“Please, calm yourselves. My name is Optimus Prime. Are you all right? Bumblebee tells me you have no idea where you are or what’s happening. Though I assume you’re from another reality of sorts?” He spoke gently.
Gudako didn’t know why, but something about his voice felt…soothing. Like she was talking to a natural born leader.
“…Yeah. We’re from an organization called Chaldea, tasked with protecting Humanity and we travel through time and space to prevent people from messing up our history. Our Rayshift…messed up and we landed here. Where are we?”
Optimus looked contemplative for a second before nodding to himself. “You are on the planet Cybertron, which is in orbit of the planet Earth after Megatron teleported it here.”
Welp. That confirmed her worst fears. They were in another dimension with a second metal planet orbiting Earth full of transforming robots who either wanted to kill them or be as helpful as they possibly could. Though she would be lying if a small part of her mecha nerd heart wasn’t excited to be on a planet of fighting robots straight out of her dreams.
Her worry must have been present on her face because she felt a large metal hand try to ease itself on her shoulder and gently pat it. She didn’t have the heart to tell him it was painful.
“To see such a young hero fills my heart with both sadness and hope. However, for your help against the Decepticons today, let’s go back to our base. I’m sure we can figure out how to get you home. Autobots! Transform and roll out!” Optimus exclaimed before transforming into a large truck and carrying her and her friends in various vehicles.
She was right. She should not have gotten out of bed today.
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plutoswrath · 5 years
horror for each sign
(Warning: explict description of violence and disturbing scenes.)
Aries: Gruesome:
I sit in the living room. The TV is turned on but there is no sound but the endless noise of the static. Black and white orbs mix into my vision and the walls are painted red. It mixes beautifully with the minty wallpaper, now adorened with red roses.  Mother was so annoying. Always telling me to move aside from the TV (’Stop watching TV!’). So I took the hammer Mother usues to tender the meat with. She sat in front of the TV. And I smash the hammer towards her head. Tendering her head like a fine filet. (Splatter. Splatter. Splatter. Crimson colored splatters everywhere). Mother is quiet and in my head everything is very loud. But then my favorite TV show comes on and I sit in front of the big, static scene. I forget Mothers now very well tendered head behind me. I am not bothered, being just by myself. 
Taurus: Tragic:
This appartement is a nightmare to sell. I’ve had some tough cases and some tough clients, but this is...nothing I was prepared for. Nothing about appartement 26 seems off at frst. It’s rather small, I could even say it has the potential to be cozy and warm, but there is something eerie clawing on your back, as soon as you enter it. Not to mention the figures I see in the corner of my eye and in the mirrors sometimes. The carpet is old and smells like somebody desperately tried to clean it over and over again in order to cover something up (murder maybe?). The bed always looks as someone just sat on it, even though I made it minutes ago. I learned not to put my keys on the shelf because they will go missing and reapear on strange places (behind the shower curtains). I am doomed because I am bound to this appartement. There has been a number that keeps calling me and asks if it’s still avaible, we made an appointment for a visit, but no one appeared. I can’t call them back, the number isn’t avaible (that’s what the voice of the Lady at the other side of the receiver whispers). But this number keeps calling me, every Friday at 12pm. I know something happened there, but at this point I don’t dare to search for answers.
Gemini: Disastrous:
Once there was a man, with a house big enough for him to live, too small for a family to grow. The man drew a picture of his family every day - 4 people. Happy and smiling, eating dinner at the kitchen table. The man brushed his teeth every night before lying down to sleep and combed his 4 puppets hair.  Humming, humming. He loved his puppets, dear companionship they were always there for him where did my family go? No need for a family I told her to stop shouting at me as his house is too small to grow one. Because he is alone and forever and will be and will not seek out for a real life company what do you mean they aren’t my children? Ding dong. I open the door and see a child a child that is not mine. I will refuse to accept that they aren’t mine I am alone and will keep me company, yes come in, I will buy some cookies, sit down on the couch, you want to look at my puppets?
Once there was a man, with  a house big enough for him to live, too small for a family to grow. But enough space for a small family of puppets, now combing 5 heads every night before lying down to sleep. 
Cancer: Cruel:
It is 08:30 pm. in the deepest of winter. The sun has set a long time ago and the world outside is warpped in a thick blanet of glistening snow. Four children brush their teeth before lying down to sleep, as they hear someone climbing down the stairs and opening the door. 
“Children, lie down, will you? Uncle Vitja will tell you a nice story before you go to sleep, okay? Since your mother and father are still in that restaurant they mentioned earlier they told me to help you fall asleep. Of course I prepared a nice story from Russia, what kind of question - oh, just hear what I have to tell, okay? Have you ever heard of Baba Yaga? No? Ha! I thought so, now, listen closely..never, never go alone into the forest and be disrespectful to nature, you hear me? Baba Yaga has her eyes and ears everywhere and somewhere she will watch you when you try to pick all the flowers from the fields or demolish the trees with a knife; yes I am looking at all of you! You are closeby teh forest, so pay attention! Her hut can’t be found since it stands on chicken legs and wanders around. Also you can’t enter even when you find it, because it turns around when sensing intrudors. But you’ll notice if its her shack even when it looks normal because the garden is adorned with human skulls since she likes eating us. Huh? What are you looking at me? I only tell the truth! She is one with the earth and one with life and death; she decides who needs to die and who doesn’t but this all...makes her hungry at times, it’s exhausting you know and the flesh of humans is so tender....”
Uncle Vitjas eyes run across the room as he turns to the opened window. 
“Rule number one: never leave your windows open when your parents aren’t home. Yaga smells the bad spirit of mean children!”
And his eyes turn red and his nose long. His back shrinks and his skin turns to bark. The teeth long and metallic. The children are in shock and fear grips them tightly as the old womans long finger hover over to them. They can only hope for their parents to come home soon. 
Leo: Mad:
“Manot? Dear, is that you? (.....) Dear, don’t be mistaken, I am sorry for troubling you with my calls lately, but I am so far away and I needed to hear you voice (.....) Oh silly, have you forgotten how to speak? I called your mom yesterday because I read that you couldn’t bring yourself to look her in the eyes after stealing the money she put aside for your fathers surgery (...) Oh- so sorry, I know you told me not to read your diary, but please, put those dangerous pills aside and come to me - no rehab needed, just my ever lasting love that heals you (............) Manot...now, don’t be mean. I wouldn’t break into your home if you would just give me the keys like I asked you to in my last love letter!! Pay attention to my words and you wouldn’t be so troubled all the time!! Stupid bitch, igoring me and my love as always, why do you think you’re higher than me? (.................) Can’t say something? (...............) Hello? (.......crrk.........) Hello? Are you recording this? Just wait till I come home! Hope you don’t fall asleep without me, hehe, mind it if you could put on those sweet mint colored panties you wore back than as you graduated? I loved these...ha..... (....). Well then, I need to go to work now. See you soon love. Bye.”
Virgo: Cold:
Our Grandmother used to tell us stories about her old school. Stories I like to tell my friends when we sit together for a drink after work. She has always been a funny woman, she’s been a clever kid that liked to trick her teachers at times and told me she never got into trouble because of the ‘funny’ old man (a monk to be specific) that apparently no one saw except her. The school (having been a monestary in the past) was old and full of history. And the kids gave the dead walls new life. And so did my Grandmother to this dead man who never talked but stood in the corner, pointing to opened windows  she snook out when her teachers turned away. Or directing her to the funny old photobooks of former students in the big library. He never left the grounds of the school though. She was young - 8 years old maybe - and felt special to have made such an ‘unique and special friend’, that she never thought about the fact that it could’ve been a ghost. So I asked her if he was nice. Her smile turned crooked and she looked out of the window as she answered: “I think he was once, but he was lonely for too long. One day I walked down the hallway and he pointed to staircase to the cellar or our school - something we were forbidden to go to under any circumstances because of the gigantic oven that stood there. Well, as idiotic as I was I followed him, but right in front of the doorway I stopped. His smile was off and he pointed into the black room where the giants red and orange mouth of the oven smiled at me. I felt the chance in the air and left, shaking my head. He looked angry and sad at the same time. Later that day one of our students went missing. And they found him. 2 days later, his ashes and bones in the oven. I am glad I was smart enough not to walk into the room that day and I never saw that monk again.”
Libra: Erroneous:
‘I love you, I love you’, I whisper as I turn the knife in your chest and stab into you heart for more than a thousand times. All the times I told you I loved you, I revisit those memories and breath heavily as I remember our first kiss. ‘Ah, your eyes are beautiful..’ So I plunge them out and put them in a jar, I place them on the top of my bookshelf so I can look at them and you can look at me when I lie down to sleep.  I  f e e l  t h e  w a r m t h  o f  y o u r  b l o o d  o n  m y  b o d y  G  o  d   y o u  f e e l  s o  g    o      o         d. I love the way you looked at me and you loved my smile so I engrave it into my skin, on my face - forever. I place my hand on your chest and the open wound allows me to toucg your heart. I smell you and feel you.
          I                                         l  o  v  e                                                y o  u. 
Scorpio: Demonic:
‘It is him who writes the names behind our wallpaper, when our little daughter tells me to look behind it. He is the nightmare that keeps her up at night, the monster underneath her bed, the long black hair that is tickling me in the shower. There is a shadow I feel standing behind me, someone breathing in my neck; the wind that is closing and opeing our doors and the force that drags me from the couch every time I try to sleep there. The feeling of someone standing behind me and watching how the blood begins to pump under the constant pressure in our own precious four walls.  There are eyes inside of the dark- A pair of two red eyes accompanying me everywhere. They are placed in every little black corner in our house. I see them in the reflection of the TV and the computer screen. They are bloody and since weeks our sleeping room smells foul. And it is I who brought him here in order to bring you back, my dear, and I brought sin over our love, over our home, over the one I swore to protect. And I will continue protecting her - in heaven.’
Love, Helena
(To whoever finds this: leave the ruins of this home and never come back.He will follow.)
Sagittarius: Bloody:
I once visited this town on one of my trips. It was small and far away from the next bigger city, but people from all around it swooned over the restaurants that has been there for several generations - apparently it served the finest meat in town. So naturally, I ordered a table for one the following day and tried a steak myself. Indeed, it was fine - very fine, tender and beautifully pink colored in the middle. I am confused though: I haven’t seen any fields with cattles or any farms on my way to this city. Nor do they have many tourists here; so how does this restaurant survive over the years? Then again, my uncle is an ivestigator and told me that near the next biggest city that is two hours away have been reported people that went missing over the past 50 years. And seemingly, they never reappeared. But they cases went cold since there were almost no hints or tracks. 
Oh god .
What am I eating?
Capricorn: Sinnful:
Day after day he cared for the old cathedral, being the only Pastor to talk to for the old village, in the dark times of WW1 being the voice of sanity that bring clarification for the desperate citizens. “God”, he asked one day, knees on the ground, “why does his happen to us? What did we do, our small village, to deserve being conflicted in this war?” God -  knowing that the higher sense of the things happening aren’t for this man to understand, the pastor knowing for sure that it is evi, tempted people creating chaos on earth - kept quiet and knew this was an inner war he had to fight for himself. The devil - listening as well - being sneaky and answering the man instead: “You want to know?”, he asked alluring. The pastor cried. “Yes..all this blood and murder..” Content the devil whispered into the ear of the Pastor, telling him all the sins of the people in town, showing him that there is no such thing as innocence.  No, every time someone dared to go to the confessional, it was not the Pastors voice answering him. Something dark devoured his soul that night, letting him lose hope in good and moral. And he shamed them. And he pushed their souls to the cliff in times of gruesomeness. And no one dared to put a foot into the church, even after the war. Because an old, bald man with bloodstained eyes wrote hieroglyphics on the wall at night, talked in gibberish and dared to haunt everyone who stepped into this holy place with their sinfull souls. 
Aquarius: Immoral:
24.11.2017. Day 23. I didn’t leave the labor for almost a month now. I am not interested in eating. I don’t want to sleep. I just...can’t stop hearing those screams of this...abstrusity the doctor shot two days ago.  I think he lost his mind. He thinks creating live is like cooking: grabbing some ingredients that seem to get along together and putting it all into one mixing bowl - hoping for the best. But that’s not it. That’s against nature, that is...disgusting. He is whispering names to those dead mutated baby animals. (Sophie, wasn’t it?) He hopes for them to live, but how are they supposed to live if they can’t even move their limbs? I wonder now, how far will he go? I am afraid he will test on me. I am a female, perfect to give birth to whatever he wants me to. I need to find a way out of here, before I become one of his subjects. He looks at me always a little too long at times. And he complimented my wide hips once.  I will hide this letter somewhere safe, so he won’t find it, but please, if someone’s gonna find this and me, nurse ▇▇ ▇▇▇ is no more, please, stop this madness. He has a cellar I am not allowed to go in, God knows what he is keeping in there, since I already know where he is keeping the animals. To whoever reads this, stay safe, don’t be fooled by easy money making like me.
Pisces: Otherworldly :
Mom doesn’t believe me.
She doesn’t believe that there is a Boogeyman in the closet, with yellow eyes and long, long fingers that tries to grab little children in their sleep. She doesn’t believe that when I close the door behind me, I can hear someone scratching at the other side of it. She doesn’t believe that there is someone standing in front of the window at night, that’s why I close the curtains always for her and force her to look away when the dark figures in the mirrors try to scare her. Mom hates the footsteps at night, but I just try to catch those bats that get into our attic every night. He sends them and tries to scare her so much so that she falls down the stairs and breaks her neck. 
Mom didn’t believe me back then and years later after I died in this house she still tries do deny the evil in it. But I am here to protect her. Even tho she is afraid of me, I love her and will forever be by her side. 
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dentalrecordsmusic · 5 years
Tomorrow Needs You - A Look Back on Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
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Words by Ari Jindracek
As everybody, their mothers, and their distressed and confused cats probably know by now, My Chemical Romance is alive again and it's not a fever dream. The new era is upon us and fans are seemingly coming out of the woodwork to experience it. We've talked about My Chemical Romance before here at Dental Records, but not as a group who collectively couldn't get tickets to their reunion show before it sold out in under ten minutes. However, I'm not here to talk about the reunion. This November of 2019 is another time of importance in the MCR calendar: the ninth birthday of Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, an album set in California 2019 (by design or not, the exact time and place of the reunion show). I got into MCR because of Danger Days. I have also, in recent months, heard from more people who hate it than I usually do. A few weeks ago, I read a very well written article that I will not name that was all about how good MCR was… until the "embarrassment" that was Danger Days. I started worrying if my favorite album of all time was actually awful and universally hated, and that liking it made me somehow a bad fan. 2019, the year I daydreamed about in 2010, is here. Does Danger Days still hold up?
Long story short: yes.
That doesn’t mean that every song is perfect. It doesn’t even mean that I love it as much as I used to. Frankly, I don’t. I will not say that Danger Days is the best album ever written because that would make me a liar. However, the important things are still the same. “Look Alive, Sunshine” still fills me with a burst of energy and affection, and its transition into “Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)” is still, despite the choppiness of Spotify, smooth and perfect. The poppy repeated chorus of “Na Na Na” may ring a bit asinine now, but the fact that it comes up again later in the album justifies it, and the bridge stolen from the scrapped song “Make Room!!!” (“everybody wants to change the world but no one wants to die, wanna try?”) feels more poignant now than it did when I was fourteen and had no way of changing anything. “Bulletproof Heart” is one of the songs that doesn’t hold up as well as it could have; the bouncy guitar-and-bass riff is fun, to hear and to play (Danger Days contains many of the few songs I can play on my bass guitar), but, apart from joining up with the Killjoy theme of running away from the oppressive city, I never felt a huge amount of affection for it. Talking about “these pigs” and “this world” being on the speaker’s tail--the speaker, in my mind, is very much not Gerard Way--in a world where police brutality has been in and out of the spotlight is strange as an allegory, because in my maturity, I am aware of its reality for many members of my community. The bridge is better than I remember it, though. There’s a hope that mirrors the introductory verse of “Welcome to the Black Parade”: “are you gonna be the one to save us...are you gonna be the one left standing?” While there is a question here, there is also faith in the listener, that, if enough fans listen to the record, someone will be the one left standing.
On the note of hope, I want to spend a lot of time on “SING,” the song that got me into My Chemical Romance, and, if I can be cliche, the first song that saved my life. Musically, my love for it has waned; the only part that I really like anymore is the bridge, which has enough of an anti-corporate, anti-establishment message that it got Glenn Beck of Fox News to call it propaganda, and enough rhythmic and melodic difference from the rest of the song to really grip my interest. However, its message follows beautifully from the bridge of “Bulletproof Heart.” There is a pleading hopefulness in “SING” that had been present in a variety of My Chemical Romance songs since Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, but this is its most obvious, smack-in-the-face incarnation. Will you see what tomorrow brings, be what tomorrow needs? The song positions it as a choice, but as one where the necessary answer is yes, and the “you” is as personal as it is universal. There are two halves to the song’s hope, it seems: tomorrow needs you (so you have to stay alive), and tomorrow needs you (so you have to help make the world a better place). In words I could easily understand, at a time when I sorely needed it, an artist I respected was telling me that I could, and should, make something of myself, for the rest of the world. No wonder I have a savior complex; no wonder I peeled off my adolescent thoughts of suicide and put on a Killjoy mask. Musically, no, “SING” is not My Chemical Romance’s best song, I’ll admit that. I cannot, however, dismiss what it meant and still means to me: that I can and must improve myself and do whatever I can to help the rest of the world, because I am needed.
“Planetary (GO!)” is more bouncy-fun than it is meaningful, at least in my ears. With the spunky bassline and funky ambulance-siren synths, it’s a rave song more than it is a song that makes you change the way you change your life, which means it fulfilled its purpose as My Chemical Romance’s best try for a danceable song. It goes well with the narrative of neon-bright desert outlaws; the fact that the video for “Planetary (GO!)” is just a recut of live footage is a crime because it deserved a Killjoy smash-grab bank robbery narrative to go behind it. “The Only Hope for Me Is You” is, frankly, the most forgettable song on the album, in that, Danger Days superfan though I am, I sometimes forget it exists. It hearkens back to “Skylines and Turnstiles,” the first My Chemical Romance song, in some ways: the mentions of embers, ash, and “people burn[ing] in purifying flame” remind me, at least, of the falling of the Twin Towers that sparked the band’s creation. It does not do nearly as good a job as “Skylines and Turnstiles” if that was what it was trying to do. The theme of hope comes back--obviously, it’s in the title--but in a more romantic way, as in the later “Summertime.” It doesn’t feel like the “you” in this song can be me, like it did in “SING.” The listeners are not Gerard Way’s only hope. The bridge, especially, is weak, as it just repeats the title of the song over a basic build-up-drop-off dynamic structure.
The first “story arc” ends here, and the second, more emotionally intense, arc picks up with “Jet Star and the Kobra Kid / Traffic Report,” where Dr. Death Defying states, barely saddened under his made-up slang, that Ray Toro and Mikey Way’s Killjoy personas have been killed. In the end, a Doppler-effect synth rips into the drums intro to “Party Poison.” The Japanese dialogue over the intro here doesn’t match with anything else from the album, though I do remember live shows from this era starting with similar narration in Japanese (if my memory has failed me, I cite the nine intervening years). “Party Poison” is danceable like “Planetary (GO!)” but with bite behind it-- “this ain’t a party,” Gerard Way sings, “get off the dance floor.” Narratively, two of the people closest to him, one of them being his brother, have died, of course, it’s not a party! I love this song for its head-bopping guitars and the near-egomania of the lyrics. Titular character Party Poison is at a point in his narrative where he’s out of his mind with rage and has fallen into an adolescent sense of invulnerability. In “Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back,” that crashes down with a bitter reprise of the “na na na”s from, of course, “Na Na Na.” The joyous colorful energy from before is gone, replaced with “a heart attack in black hair dye.” I personally think “Save Yourself” is one of My Chemical Romance’s best songs. The lyrics stun me still. There’s hope in it-- “not a victim of the victim’s life” and “we can live forever if you’ve got the time.” There’s barely-concealed fear-- “the good guys die and the bad guys win / who cares?” There’s anger in how, during the bridge, Gerard Way’s terse vocals become screams. It’s a mess of emotion and it’s amazing. 
Which makes it disappointing that it's followed by "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" and "Summertime,” which I thought, even at the time when I was creepily obsessed with Danger Days, were two of the weakest tracks. I can barely tell what kind of genre "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" is trying to emulate. The instrumentals (aside from the bridge) are far too simple for a band with the highly skilled Toro in its corner, there's more chorus than there is verse, and the lyrics read like a nonsensical nursery rhyme. However, I don't think "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" is the weakest song on the album because of how well it fits into the narrative; it's a goodbye-be-safe for the girl who features in the music videos as her guardians run off on a suicide mission. "Summertime,” in contrast, doesn't fit that narrative. It's Gerard Way's spunky, synthed-up version of the classic love song, obviously written to his wife, who he exchanged messages with by writing cryptic messages on his skin--"you can write it on your arm,” anyone? It's cute; the saccharine love is obvious, the solo gets its due time, and the bassline is fun. I like what the song is about more than I like, well, the song. I'm glad it exists, but although I'd never do so now, I used to actually skip past it in my iPod Classic days. I grew into "Summertime" when I got my first boyfriend, but as a My Chemical Romance song, it feels much too generic. "DESTROYA" pops the bubblegum idyll from its first few notes: something, represented by the drums, has come crawling up into the narrative of fun, and it's howling mad. The song is named after the robot god of the comic adaptation, but in the fandom at the time, many, myself included, assumed that Destroya was some sort of horrific, destructive force, based exclusively on the song. The fast pace of the rhythm and the vocals is furious. The verses scream out sickness and the main chorus spits the disillusionment from "Save Yourself" anew, culminating in the bridge, where "luck" and "love,” "us" and "you" are doubled on top of each other, the only constants God and The Enemy. "If what you are is just what you own / what have you become when they take from you / almost everything?" is simply put but absolutely rips through me sometimes, usually when I'm already in the throes of an identity crisis. The song feels like it's about to tear itself in half. Strange but fitting, then, that it segues into what would be, for nine years, My Chemical Romance's final credits. 
I didn't get what "Kids From Yesterday" meant in 2010, but "this could be the last of all the rides we take" is, in retrospect, as subtle as a brick to the eye (I remember reading people theorizing that this could, in fact, be the last of My Chemical Romance’s albums on the MCRmy forums in 2010 or 2011 -- we all laughed it off). Acclaimed by several of the band members as among their favorite songs, “Kids From Yesterday” isn’t necessarily my cup of tea, but I can see why people love it so much. The rhythm is steady and easy, with the synths and guitars floating over it like puffy clouds over the sprawling desert, and the vocals soar even above that; it’s a song you pan out for. The lyrics, beyond the obvious farewells, are easy to pick out and easy to like. “You only hear the music when your heart begins to break” meant something indescribable to me in my teens, and I routinely wore one of those slim rubbery bracelets with the lyric on it. “Does the television make you feel the pills you ate / or every person that you need to be?” wraps up the themes of Danger Days neatly--the Better Living Industries medication and the necessity of being someone for somebody. “Goodnight, Dr. Death” wraps up the actual narrative by taking the one speaking character from the Killjoy universe and pulling him off the air with one last message and a glitched-out version of the national anthem (again: how did we miss that?). The final song of My Chemical Romance’s final full, complete album, “Vampire Money,” is a middle finger to the Twilight movies, a break from the Killjoy personas--the band members speak under their own names, no more pseudonyms--and a high-power, over-caffeinated, airport-bar-fight beat with a shrieking guitar solo, pointed pop cultural references, and a breakdown like someone actually broke the drum kit. If a song makes you want to simultaneously dance on the street and light up Molotov cocktails, it’s a good song. At the end of an era, it’s a good song, and the clatter at the end a fitting way to go out: with a bang, or a series of them. I don’t know if My Chemical Romance knew, at the time, that this would be the last album they would record--possibly ever, if the reunion does not come with a new album. If they did, hey, they picked a good song to play during the final straightaway.
Besides the messages of hope and fun, my favorite thing about Danger Days was the story. My Chemical Romance is a band of concept albums, and if you use the music videos for “Na Na Na” and “SING” as jumping-off points, the concept of Danger Days is the easiest to follow--no wonder, since it was based on a comic Gerard Way wanted to, and later did, write. Before the comic came out, though, it was still a great source of creativity for me. The world of the Killjoys was just fleshed out enough to give me, and others like me, a starting point to build the world on our own, but just bare-bones enough to give its fans room to add to the story however we wanted. I have written things on and off since I was about six, but once I started working within the Danger Days universe, supplementing the canon story with my own characters and ideas, I feel as though I became a writer. About half of the characters I work with today were originally Killjoys or Draculoids. I believe that Danger Days specifically stimulated the creative process as well, because the meta-text to the album was all about creativity. The slogans “art is the weapon against life as a symptom” and “would you destroy something perfect to make it beautiful?” were and still are influential in how I feel about the importance of artistic expression in the world. I was in a bad place when I first heard Danger Days; the hopefulness gave me a glimpse of better feelings, and the encouragement to create gave me a method to get the feelings I was having out of my head.
When I was fourteen, when Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys came out, I would daydream about what life would be like in 2019. It got me through a lot of bumps in my life, cliche as it is. I am glad that I am able to look back on it, in 2019, and see it past the fog of nostalgia, and still love it, even though I can tell that the legs it stands on are somewhat wobblier than I remember. Is it a perfect album? No. I’m not going to make that decision. However, it’s not an embarrassment, and it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets just because it’s more colorful than the rest of the My Chemical Romance canon. I truly think that the real beauty of Danger Days doesn’t necessarily lie in every song individually but in the narrative as a whole and in its message: be loud and angry when faced with injustice, be loud and joyous when faced with love, and, most importantly, be loudly yourself as you face down a future that needs, specifically, you.
Please direct all tweets about how much “SING” means to you to Ari Jindracek on Twitter. Please direct all tweets about how much “SING” sucks to anybody else.
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rpf-bat · 5 years
Against The Tide And Undertow
Pairing: Ray Toro x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Written for Inktober 2019, Day 3. Prompt: “Bait”. You didn’t know what to expect, when Ray suddenly suggested a weekend fishing trip. But, what happens on the boat, in the middle of the lake, is even more unexpected.
You weren’t quite sure, what had possessed Ray, to drive an hour and a half, from Los Angeles, to San Bernardino. But, despite your bafflement, you found yourself sitting beside him in a canoe, in the middle of Silverwood Lake. Your friend had been so busy lately, working on recording his band’s latest album. So, if a fishing trip, was the only way you and Ray could spend time together, you supposed you would take it. 
“I never pegged you for a fisherman,” you confessed, looking over at him. 
“I used to go a lot, when I was a little kid,” Ray revealed. “With my abuelo. But, it’s been years, since the last time.” 
“So, why go now?” you asked curiously. 
“Being in the studio all week was starting to get on my nerves,” Ray replied. “All these guys in suits, asking us which track is going to be the first single, which one we think is most marketable. Like, I don’t know! I don’t compose music, because I want to sell records. I can tell I’m getting on Frank’s nerves, too, because I want to get the guitar melody just right.”
“He thinks that what you recorded already, is fine the way it is?” you guessed. 
“Yeah,” Ray nodded. “But, I know we can both do better.”
“Sounds like this is starting to stress you out,” you frowned. 
“It is,” Ray admitted. “That’s why I wanted to come out here, and get away from it all, just for the weekend.”
“To be honest,” you confessed, “I’ve never fished before.”
“Oh, let me help you get the bait on your hook, then!” Ray offered. 
You traced your fishing line with your finger until you found the hooked end. Ray fished a worm out of a small bucket, and dropped it into your palm. It squirmed energetically. 
“If I have to stick it on a hook, then it’s going to die,” you frowned. 
“It’s just a worm, Y/N,” Ray chuckled. 
“I know,” you nodded, “But, I would still feel bad for killing it.” 
“You’re such a kind person,” Ray smiled fondly. “Alright, if you insist, I can give you a plastic lure, instead.” 
He took the worm back from you, and rummaged through his bag until he found something that resembled a thin, green fish. 
“The big fish thinks it’s a little fish,” Ray explained, “and tries to nibble on it.”
“And then we reel him in?” you guessed. 
“That’s right,” Ray grinned. “Go on and cast your line.” 
You waved your fishing rod, sending the line beneath the surface of the water. Ray did the same, and for several moments, it was silent, as you waited for the fish to bite. You had to admit it was peaceful, though - a far cry from the hustle and bustle of LA. 
“I almost forgot,” Ray sat up suddenly, “there was something that I wanted to show you, while we were out here.”
He pulled out a boom box, and popped a CD into the slot. 
“It’s just something me and the guys have been working on,” he shrugged. “It’s still a demo - I definitely want to clean it up more, in the final version. But, it’ll at least give you an idea, of how it’s going to sound, when it’s done.” 
“Brendan isn’t going to be mad at you, for bringing the disc all the way out here?”
You were referring, of course, to Brendan O’Brien, the producer who was working on the new record with MCR. He’d worked with some big name artists in the past - Pearl Jam, for instance. And Bruce Springsteen. But, from the way Ray described him, you weren’t quite sure, if his style, really meshed well with what the guys were trying to do. 
“Forget Brendan,” Ray scoffed. “You’re my friend, and your opinion is important to me. So, I want you to hear this.” 
He pressed play, and a killer guitar riff boomed across the empty lake. You listened as Gerard’s voice kicked in with the first verse. 
You fell in love with a vampire
You wanna get it for free
Then say hello to the brush fire, baby
You gonna take it from me
I'm gonna take it from you
The melody that Ray had written, sounded amazing. But, you kinda thought that, about everything he composed. 
Say hello to the good times
And burning up in the sun
You're sitting back on an empire
While the world lays back
Puts a kid behind that gun
If we crash this time
They got machines to keep us alive
When the mix tape lies
Choke down the words with no meaning
I stopped bleeding three years ago
While you keep screaming for revolution
Me and my surgeons and my street-walking friends
We got no heroes 'cause our heroes are dead!
“Gerard sounds angry,” you commented with a frown. 
“I bet he is,” Ray shrugged. “I mean, I get it. Ever since we moved out here, to California, stuff’s gotten….complicated.”
That’s an understatement, you thought, remembering how Warped Tour had almost put the band’s frontman in an early grave. 
“I mean, don’t get me wrong,” Ray continued, “I’m grateful for the success that the band has had. I’m happy that I can afford a nice house, and I don’t have to worry about how I’ll pay for my kids’ college someday. But….I dunno. I don’t like the stress we’re under, to sell as many records, as many tickets, as many T-shirts, as possible. We used to be doing this, just because we loved it. Now, it’s a job.”
The final line of the song, underscored Ray’s point:
Because rebellion’s not a T-shirt you sell 
So keep your money, and I’ll see you in Hell! 
“So….that’s the mood in the studio right now, huh?” you sighed. 
“You don’t like the song?” Ray asked, a troubled expression on his face. 
“I love the song,” you assured him. “It fucking slaps.”
“I could do better,” Ray shook his head, sending his curls flying everywhere. “It’s not where it needs to be yet.” 
“Don’t be too perfectionist about it,” you advised. “You’re just going to make yourself more stressed out.”
“But, what if the critics hate it?” Ray fretted. 
“They loved your last album, didn’t they?” you reminded. 
“That’s part of the problem,” Ray confessed. “Black Parade was such a smash hit. Now I have to top that. Or at least, make something as good.” 
“You can do it, Ray,” you said with certainty. “You’re the best composer I know.” 
“You….you really think so?” 
You looked over at Ray, and noticed he was blushing furiously. For some reason, this made you turn red, too. 
“Y-Yeah, Ray. Yeah, I do.” 
For a moment, there was an awkward silence. But then, you felt a tug on your line. 
“I think I got one!” you gasped. 
“Reel it in!” Ray cried. 
“I’m trying!” You pulled hard, but the fish was pulling hard, too, in the opposite direction. 
“Let me help you!” Ray decided, and put his arms around you, so that his hands were on top of your hands, which were holding onto the fishing pole. 
“C’mon!” Ray encouraged. “Pull, Y/N!”
Both of you pulled as hard as you could, and, by your powers combined, you pulled a massive trout up into the canoe. 
“You did it!” Ray grinned, his arms tightening around you, in a congratulatory hug. He lingered longer than you expected, then pulled away awkwardly, as if he thought he might be bothering you. He wasn’t. 
“I’ll, uh, build a campfire when we get back to shore,” he offered. “Cook up the trout, so we can have it for supper. Unless you’d rather I spare it’s life, like you did with the worm?” 
“I am pretty hungry,” you admitted. Fresh, grilled trout sounded delicious. 
“Cool,” Ray smiled shyly. 
“So, are you going to start rowing back to shore now?” you wondered. He was just standing there. 
“Not yet,” Ray said softly. “The truth is, there’s another reason, that I wanted you to come out here with me today.”
“What is it?” you blinked, curious. 
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while,” Ray said nervously. “But every time I almost get up the courage, I always lose my nerve, and end up walking away from you. I figured, in the middle of a lake, there’s nowhere for me to walk.” 
“That’s true,” you nodded. Where was he going with this? 
“The thing is, Y/N….,” Ray took a deep breath. “I...I want to be more than friends. I want to date you.” 
For a moment, you simply stared at him, stunned. 
“O-only if you want to!” Ray sputtered, his face turning even redder. “And if you don’t want to, I understand, and I’m sorry to spring this on you, I just…”
“I do want to,” you said quietly. 
“Wha….What?” Ray stopped, like he hadn’t been expecting this. 
“I do want to date you, Ray Toro,” you said, more confidently this time. “The truth is, I’ve been meaning to ask you the same thing for a while. I just couldn’t find the nerve, either. I’m glad you did.” 
“So….we’re dating now?” Ray asked uncertainly. 
“Yes,” you smirked, using the fishing line he still held in his hand, to pull him in, so that you could kiss him on the mouth. He accepted your lips on his, hesitantly, but then eagerly. 
“You’re the best catch I could’ve asked for.” 
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millie1536 · 5 years
Piano Lessons
Part 5 of 10
Izzy loved going to the theatre with her family. It quickly became like a third home, her second home being Bessie, Maggie, Maria and Joan’s house. She would sit up in the dressing rooms during the show reading or writing or drawing or just talking to the dog.
It was the time before and after shows that she really enjoyed. Izzy loved to hang out backstage before shows doing little jobs here and there. The crew were happy to let her help out where possible but they couldn’t help but worry for the girl’s safety. Backstage was crowded with wires and cables and sandbags and god knows what else.
“Hey Izzy.” Izzy turned around to see Joan waving at her from her keyboard, “Come here a sec.” Izzy nodded and made her way out of the wings and onto the almost empty stage.
“What’s up?” Izzy asked, rock a little on the balls of her feet.
“Well,” Joan began, “I finished everything I had to do and we’ve still got almost an hour and half until the show starts so I was wondering if you’d like to play?” Joan gave a little nod towards her keyboard. Izzy’s eyes lit up for a moment before the excitement seemed to drain from her.
“I don’t know how.” She confessed, shame rising in her chest.
“I can teach you.” Joan moved over on the stool and patted the spot beside her. Hesitantly Izzy sat beside her. “Alright so,” Joan pressed down on one of the keys, “This is middle C. If you remember that you can work out all the other notes pretty quick.” She explained.
Joan had been wanting to offer to teach Izzy how to play for a while but had thought that asking the child if she wanted music lessons wasn’t the best course of action. So, naturally, when their stage manager had mentioned the crews concerns for Izzy’s safety Joan had decided that before shows would be a great time to see if Izzy was interested in playing.
As it turned out piano didn’t come as easily to Izzy as bass had. Occasionally she would grow frustrated and Joan would have to hold her hands to stop her from smashing the instrument.
“It’s alright. I know it’s difficult but you’re doing so well.” Joan would tell her, “It took me ages to be able to sight read so you’re already ahead of me with that.”
Despite the frustration it was clear Izzy enjoyed learning the piano. The queens had noticed the way her fingers would tap against the table throughout dinner or against her leg while she watched tv. They also noticed that she wasn’t picking or scratching at her skin as often as she used to, though it still happened during panic attacks and meltdowns.
 “That was perfect.” Joan said as the last note of the song faded away. Izzy blushed as a wide grin spread across her face.
“Yeah?” She asked, still not all that confident with her playing.
“Yeah.” Joan nodded, wrapping an arm around the girl’s shoulder. “Now, are there any songs you really want to learn?”
“What do you mean?” Izzy tilted her head slightly.
“Well, you’ve got a pretty solid foundation and it’s more fun when you’re playing songs you like.” Izzy thought for a moment.
“Could we… Could we try Quiet?” Izzy asked nervously.
“From Matilda, right?” Joan asked, Izzy nodded. “Of course we can. Let me print off song sheet music tonight and we can start tomorrow. Sound good?”
“Uh, actually,” Izzy’s voice was uncertain as she spoke, “I was wondering if we could do it at your house.”
“Sure, why don’t you come over tomorrow after the show and we can get started?” Joan decided not to question the reason behind Izzy not wanting to practice in the theatre, she figured Izzy would tell her if she needed to know.
 “Is it just me or is it oddly quiet?” Aragon said one Sunday morning as she sat down to have breakfast.
“Well the cousins are still asleep and Izzy went next door a few hours ago.” Jane informed her.
“Huh, it really is quiet without her.” Aragon thought aloud, “You know, I don’t think I ever realised how much I like hearing her talk about whatever it is she’s fixated on that week.” Jane nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, it’s nice having all that energy in the house.”
 Joan watched as Izzy’s fingers danced along the keys. They had both been surprised at how quickly the she had picked it up. They had only started learning the song two weeks back and already she could play it without looking at her hands.
“You know,” Joan said as Izzy finished the song, “I’m pretty sure it’s a lot slower than that.”
“Oh, I know. I just figured that if I could play it really fast it would be super easy to play it normally.” Izzy shrugged.
“That’s really clever, I never thought of that.” Joan said. Izzy opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly shook her head. “What is it?” Joan asked.
“I uh, I was just wondering I maybe I could learn some of the songs from the show?”
“That’s a great idea, is there a particular one you want to start with?” Joan asked, pulling out a large folder from a pile of sheet music.
“Um, could we do Kitty’s?” Izzy asked anxiously. Despite spending so much time at the theatre she had never actually heard Kathrine’s song. Kitty had explained to her why she didn’t want Izzy to listen to it just yet but she couldn’t help but wonder.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” Joan sighed.
“Please. Just the piano. Nothing else. I promise I won’t look at the lyrics.” Izzy begged, “I just want to hear it, even if it’s just the music and not the words.” Joan thought for a moment before nodding.
“Alright but give me a second.” Joan left the room, taking her score with her.
When she returned she set the sheet music on the stand in front of Izzy.
“Really?” Izzy asked, amusement in her voice, “Don’t you need to be able to see that?”
“Not anymore. I could play the show with my eyes shut, and I probably would if I wasn’t worried I’d fall asleep.” Joan replied. She understood why Izzy wanted to learn the song but she also wasn’t going to risk either of them getting into trouble and so she had borrowed one of Maggie’s permanent markers, the ones she used to draw on her old guitars, and black out the lyrics.
“Point taken.” Izzy smiled, looking back at the music before her. Slowly but surely she began to play. It was slower than the song was usually played and occasionally Izzy would hit the wrong note but for the most part she faced little trouble.
 Izzy arrived home just in time for dinner that night and was instantly met with questions.
“How was your day?” Jane asked, followed quickly be Aragon saying;
“Did you two remember to eat lunch or did you just play piano all day?”
“Well, we didn’t exactly remember.” Izzy admitted, “But Maria knew we’d forget and made sandwiches so we did eat.” Aragon sighed.
“You two really are hopeless.”
“What were you working on today?” Anne asked, genuinely curious.
“Oh, you know.” Izzy shrugged, hoping no one could tell how nervous she was, “We worked on Quiet for a bit and then tried a few other things.” Anne seemed satisfied by the response and didn’t ask any more questions.
Despite knowing that she wasn’t doing anything wrong Izzy couldn’t help but feel nervous around the queens that night. She did her best to hide it but they all knew what to look for by now. Thankfully no one said anything.
 “Come on, Petite Loup, time for bed.” Kathrine said during an ad break as they sat watching tv that night.
“Five more minutes?” Izzy asked.
“You said that fifteen minutes ago.” Anne said from where she and Cathy were sitting.
“Come on.” Kitty stood up, Izzy rolled her eyes playfully before saying goodnight to everyone and going upstairs.
Izzy was quiet as she got ready for bed, Kitty had been hoping she would be a little more relaxed away from the others but she only seemed to grow more tense.
“You want to tell me what’s bother you?” She asked gently as she climbed into bed beside Izzy.
“Nothing, I’m fine.” Izzy told her, before moving away from Kathrine and rolling over so her back was towards the pink haired girl.
“Izzy?” Kitty asked again, a bit firmer this time.
“It’s nothing, I just want to go to sleep, alright?” Izzy said, a bit harsher than she meant to. She had hoped that Kitty would drop it but her response seemed to only make Kathrine more concerned.
“Isabella. Please don’t lie to me. I can tell something’s bothering you.” The use of her full name along with the gentle, caring sound of Kathrine’s voice is what finally broke Izzy.
“I’m sorry.” She said quietly, her shoulders beginning to shake. “I know I shouldn’t have but I just wanted to hear it.”
“Shhh, hey. It’s alright. You’re okay.” Kathrine said gently, still not knowing what Izzy was talking about.
“But I promised I wouldn’t listen to it.” Izzy said, sitting up against the bedhead. “You told me you didn’t want me to listen to it and I said I wouldn’t but I did.” Izzy pulled her knees to her chest and hid her head in them
“Oh sweetie,” Kathrine said gently as she realised what Izzy meant, “Is that the other song you and Joan were playing?” Izzy nodded.
“But we didn’t listen to the recording and Joan blacked out the lyrics on the sheet music.” Izzy said quickly, “She said it would be alright for me to hear the music but that you were right about the lyrics but I promised I wouldn’t listen to it and I didn’t but I was playing it and-“
“Hey, hey.” Kathrine moved so she was sitting beside Izzy, “It’s okay. I promise I’m not mad. Joan was right, I don’t mind you listening to the music I just think that the lyrics might be a bit much at the moment.” Kathrine risked resting a hand on Izzy’s shoulder. Physical contact was always a gamble with the girl. Some days she would panic and scramble away and other times she would melt into the touch. That night it happened to be the latter. Izzy leaned into the touch for a moment before crawling over and curling up under Kathrine’s arm.
“I love you, Kitty.” Izzy murmured as she drifted off to sleep.
“I love you too, my little wolf.”
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