#i may be turning 50 but i'm still a child
hislittleraincloud · 3 months
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✨San Francisco Haul✨
SNS for shit pix (my elderlies were trying to sleep).
I had to go into the city for a doctor's appointment and was too tired to think. All of this 💩 w the Cat Bitch just stressed me out so I got a bunch of stickers and sugar to heal my soul. Yeah, I collect stickers... I'm turning 50 this year too, what of it. 💀 They're scratch n' sniff. Couldn't pass over those. I like my new Pez dispensers...Imma eat out of Marilyn's tits apparently. Kinda wish it was just her head though.
LOVE my new Jairo notebook. 😃 And my little Toki monkey... it's the blind I wanted (on sale at It'Sugar) 🫴🏽🐒🍌💖✨
But Tor, why are you getting a new Jairo notebook if you're almost done with the fic?
...*crawls out from under a heavy tome of Jairo fic, throws a couple pages up in the air and runs...again*
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creativemessbyvd · 2 months
'I'm in love with a Jedi' Support Group - One Shot
Happy May 4th! In honor of this day, have the full one-shot of this post that still makes the rounds here and people seem to find fun! All mistakes are mine, I just finished and it is 1:50 am for me! But I will clean it up and post it to Ao3 later today. Enjoy!
Now on AO3!
Read on if you like Anidala, Codywan, Dinluke, Hanleia, Quinfox, Kesett, Blyala, Kanera, alongside Grogu being cute and getting too many cookies!
Description: Din gets jumped on the way back home and wakes to find he has been welcomed into a 'secret club' made for those who fell for Jedi and now have to deal with Force Osik.
A Star Wars May 4th One-Shot
Din was no idiot. He had clocked the people following him since he had been halfway through his market run. But they were good at hiding themselves. He knew at least four people were keeping a close eye on him. But every time he had tried to look more closely, they had hidden themselves among the crowd. It was a Sunday at 10 am, which meant that the market was especially packed. Part of the reason he had decided to leave Grogu and Luke at home, big crowds left them more tired. It was fun, they definitely enjoyed their time out and about, but by the end of it, both would be tired the rest of the day. Considering they would have visitors later tonight, he and Luke had agreed that it was better that he took care of the shopping so they would all have the energy to host later tonight.
And now he was even more glad he had left them at home. He did not need Luke and Grogu exposed to someone looking for a fight. Din was 70% sure these people were looking for the Darksaber. Most of the time, challengers came alone, but more than once some random Mandalorian would come with their clan to try to intimidate him as he was challenged. It could also have been just someone who wanted Din's armor, but that they were good at evading him made him consider this was no mere group of criminals looking to jump him.
Still, Din kept on and finished his purchases. No need for them to know he knew they were there. He hoped as soon as he got done with the Challenge for the tittle of Mand'alor (which he still did not want, at all), he would be free to grab his stuff and get home in time to give Grogu his cookies before naptime. The kid would not be happy if he didn't give him the cookies before. Otherwise, after naptime it would be too close to lunch time for a snack. Grogu loved those blue cookies. He would rather avoid having his child give him a cold shoulder, Din would prefer going against another Krayt Dragon.
Saying goodbye to a regular vendor that delighted in spoiling Grogu with his favorite cookies, Din made his way seemingly towards home. He tried to shake his tail, he would fight if necessary, but he would rather just go home and deal with this idiots on another day. But, they were good and he couldn't shake them. Din had to admit that getting to let off some steam from his nerves about tonight's dinner would not be a bad thing. He took a couple of more turns, and quickly dived into a hidden alley. As he settled in the shadow of the entrance, expecting to jump whoever came lookign for him, he did not expect the blow to the back of his head.
It was never good to be knocked out, but at least they had placed him in a comfortable chair. He made sure not to move or change his deep breathing. His helmet was still on, and he could feel the Darksaber still on his hip. He could not see yet all that clearly, but the tranquilizer was fast working and already leaving his system. He could still not hear, but his vision was now good enough that he could see he was in front of a window. What was he doing in the only building in their town that was so high up to see over the whole market? As he pondered this, trying to remember what the building was (a Hotel he was sure), his hearing finally returned enough to hear the heavy steps coming towards him from the left. He tensed as he heard a familiar voice, which immediately overrode his instinct to pretend to still be knocked out beacause he knew that voice.
"You can stop pretending, I know you are awake." Commander Fox had now sat down next to him on a couch, in what as he gazed around, he could clearly tell was indeed a Hotel room. Fox was holding a beer on one hand and another he offered to Din, who on auto took it. As Fox opened his, the door opened and more surprised entered.
Leading the group, was Luke's mother, Padme Skywalker, holding some bags clearly also from the market. Han Solo came next, also carrying more bags. Both headed straight for the little kitchen to the left of the front door. After Han, Hera Syndulla and Commander Bly enter next, deep in conversation. They sit at the bar that separetes the kitchen from the sitting area as Padme directs Han to put away the food they had brought. The last to enter are Commander Cody and Boba Fett, both sporting matching scowls directed towards Din.
Din might still be under the influence of the drug, he can only stare open-mouthed while holding a beer on one hand as everyone else (who were suppossed to arrive for dinner in the evening) moves around like Din hadn't been knocked out and brought here.
As he opens his mouth, willing to ask what was going, Cody and Boba approach them and now he can see their piercing gazes are not for Din, but rather, for Fox.
"Fox, drugging him was not the plan!" Despite having only known the man for a few years, and already as an adult, Din still felt like a misbehaving ad whenever Cody used his "Commander Voice" (as Luke called it) around him.
"This is a secret meeting, we have done the same for every single one of the members. Besides, needed to test how well he could avoid us."
"He is a trained Mandalorian and the current Mand'alor! You already know how good he is!"
"What if it had been an imposter posing as him? Couldn't risk it."
"Fox, are you listening to yourself!"
As Cody continued to fight with his brother, Boba grabbed Din and gotten him to his feet, taking the beer off his hand and directing him to the bar. Hera had now moved to help in the kitchen with Han as Padme directed them in chopping various things. Bly had moved as Boba and Din approached to also join in the scolding of Fox, all three now almost screaming at each other.
"Did I hear that right? Din, are you okay honey? C'mon, grab a seat, and have some water." Padme motioned to the stools and Boba directed a still dumbstruck Din to seat. He also gave him a water bottle and padded his arm. Din finally managed to stop pretending to be a fish and removed his helmet. He tried to get his hair in some order before drinking the whole bottle. He turned to Boba finally asked what was going on.
"Welcome to the club, cousin. The plan wasn't to knock you out, that was all Fox. He insists on doing that to 'preserve our secrets' or some osik like that."
"It's more of a support group."
"Support for what?"
"The Force."
"Boba, you are confusing him more!" That was Cody, who had left Bly to deal with Fox.
"Then you come and explain it then!"
"Boys, boys, keep it calm please! Here Din, I think you will need this." Hera had opened up some wine and had given him the first glass. As she continued to pass them about, Han and Padme, who were still chopping and now putting stuff to cook at the stove, took pity on the confused face Din was sporting to explain more.
"Back in the Clone Wars, I stumbled upon Cody, Fox and Bly lamenting on the fact that they were in secret relationships with Force Users and it was too much sometimes when none understood anything about the Force. Considering that my own marriage back then had been a secret, I offered to host some get togethers to just unwind and tell each other our woes when it came to the things we encountered with our significant others." Padme finally deemed everything ready let it cook on its own and grabbed the final wine glass Hera passed to her. Cody, Boba, Bly and Fox had come around now to listen to her explanation.
"And as more of us got together with our partners, we were 'kidnapped' and brought into the club, so don't take it personally." Han was hard at work as he added some herbs to the boiling pot at the stove, under Padme's watchful eye. Din was surprised to see how confident Han was in the kitchen and with his mother-in-law. Din had seen him be on edge when in the same room as Anakin Skywalker, so this was a true change of character. But Din understood, Padme had that way of being that made you be calm in her presence. Din knew that Luke share that trait with her, always so quick to make both Grogu and Din be at ease in his presence. Oh no.
"Luke and Grogu!" How could he be so stupid as to forget? As he stood up, Cody got next to him and forced him to settle him down back in the chair.
"Easy there, don't worry. Luke knows that you are safe, and we made sure that those groceries you were carrying got home to them. It's been taken care of." Din could breath easier at that, finally taking a small sip of the wine as he let the adrenaline go. Hera offered to refill it and he accepted, as Fox crossed his arms and shot his brother a scowl from the other end of the bar.
"You better not have given our position or meeting away, Cody!"
"Not very secretive to be in the only Hotel in town, Fox."
"Fox still thinks we should keep these meetings as secret as possible, as if by now, over 20 years after the fact, the whole Galaxy was not aware of our relationships." Bly offered, sitting next to Din and blocking a fuming Fox.
"Those security measures kept us safe, Bly! What do you think would have happened had Palpatine figured it out?"
"Death most certainly but he has been dead for decades Fox! If we want to hang out, we can do so like normal people!" Bly had turned now to address Fox and they continued squabbling.
"Now, its more about keeping it secret from our partners, or rather, Fox's." Hera offered, as she helped Padme with some sandwhiches and passed those around too.
"IF VOS FINDS OUT HE WILL CRASH OUR MEETINGS!" This seemed to be a common phrase from Fox, as Din saw Bly, who had turned his back to Fox to face Din, mimic his sentence in an exaggerated manner for everyone's amusement. Fox still noticed though and tackled Bly to the ground, but no one batted an eye to this or stopped them either.
Din remembered then that everyone here was supposed to be at his and Luke's home later in teh evening and couldn't fathom how they were keeping it all a secret. He was sure that Luke would have asked after his whereabouts, regardless of Cody being the one to explain Din was safe.
"What exactly does Luke think I am doing?"
"Told him I needed your Bounty Hunter expertise for something. Obi Wan knew I had some last minute business and that I would arrive earlier to get your input, he should still be on his way with Anakin and Leia, we still have that congratulary dinner to get to at your place tonight after all."
"And everyone else?" He turned to Han and Hera. Han answered first, finally getting away from the stove. He took the sandwich Padme offered and leaned against the fridge.
"I was already with Padme on some business, so I offered to bring her with me. As far as Leia knows, we are still on our way." He dove into the food as Hera explained next.
"Kanan thinks I'm wrapping up some business too, he was dropping off Jacen and we will meet at your place."
"I'm on my way from Tatooine and Cal should still be on route from Coruscant." Boba had already finsihed his own sandwich as Din was barely on his first bite. His cousin was grabbing onto Bly's plate when Padme wacked him with a spatula. She motioned for him to make his second sandwich himself as she turned to the two still on the floor.
"Fox, Bly! Stop playing and come get your sandwich or I'm giving them to Boba!"
That got them both off the floor quick. Padme smiled and nodded as she saw them take their plates, finally diving into their own. Din was still confused on one thing though, which he couldn't help but voice.
"Why bring me in now? Because we invited you today?"
"Oh no, we were just waiting for you and Luke to finally admit it to each other." Hera explained.
"We … didn't want to push you into something you might not actually want." Bly offered sheepishly.
"Even if it was very painfully obvious. OW!" Han had smacked in the stomach by Padme, who just smiled serenely towards Din as if nothing had happened.
"Even if you hadn't actually gotten with Luke we had a backup plan, you still have a child who is force sensitive, I know what that feels like, and so does Hera." Both mothers looked at each other and then to Din, who felt better about all of this.
"It always better when you know you have people in your corner who understand the realities of having Force users around." Cody's tone was full of wisdom, gaze momentarily lost in the past and in his own insecurities when he first started seeing Obi Wan.
"Yeah, the realities that they will pull the craziest osik and blame it all on the Force." Boba chirped in, and Cody had to agree. Both had more than once compared notes and guessed that like with orange tookas, red-headed Jedi were some of the most unexpected types of Jedi in terms of what they would try to pull and then blame it all on 'the will of the Force'.
"Seriously, Din, we aren't just saying it, if you ever need anything, you can come to any of us." Bly had finished his sandwich and proceeded to the kitchen to wash the dishes, patting Din's shoulder as he went.
"Or if you just need to vent, we got a group chat that is only for documenting the wild Force osik of every day life." Han had started it, and he was very proud of the secret shots of the craziest things he had caught Leia doing.
He didn't know what to say, but he felt he would make a fool of himself if he tried to speak pass the lump in his throat and preferred to keep quiet. He had been apprehensive in hosting the big dinner tonight, he knew everyone here, most were his family, and many others', family to Luke. As Hera and Fox got close to add him to the various chats, he considered that this was definitely a good surprise.
As Padme asked after Grogu, Din was encouraged to share as many crazy stories as he wanted, and he felt good once he got going and found all the others sharing in similar stories. Padme and Hera, as the other parents to Force Sensitive Children, gave him tips on how to Force proof the upper cabinets to stop Grogu from getting cookies whenever he wanted. So far, Din and Luke had hidden them, but Grogu was good at catching Luke in the act of getting the snacks and then going back for more. He also learned that Obi Wan was, like Luke, very likely to set things floating if left too long to his mediation. Cody had to force his husband to communicate when he would do longer meditation sessions on harder days, so that Cody could be prepared to time him and have food and water ready for the drop after. He also caught snippets of Fox talking to Boba on their own Jedi's particular brand of abilities, Boba sharing some recent incident that had left Cal very distraught on some memories on old Jedi texts he found on a mission. Fox had his own stories and offered to share some of the tea that helped calm down Quinlan when he had tough visions.
Upon hearing the word tea, Han had to intervene saying that he felt that the last tea Cody had recommended to calm Leia's excessive energy had done the opposite of calming her down. At that, Padme and Bly interjected on how to best burn that energy when meditation didn't really work on their own Jedi. From what Din understood, not all Jedi could calm down by simply mediating, like Luke, Obi Wan and Kanan preferred traditional meditation. Some, like Cal and Quinlan, would need to tire themselves out first before meditating; while Anakin, Leia and Aayla would be the kind who any sort of calm meditation would leave them more cranky than relaxed. Din could understand that, Grogu was more manageable if he was allowed to play first, otherwise he would not accept quiet, sitting meditation. Jacen, Hera mentioned, was much the same, and from what Padme shared, it was common for young Force users to be the same way. As children, neither Leia or Luke had wanted to stay still in meditation, Anakin and Obi Wan had to tire them out first so they could properly have a calm mind. On the other hand, Cody mentioned, Obi Wan had a very hard time with a young Anakin, who had never taken to meditating as a young boy. Obi Wan had instead opted for moving meditation, which left Anakin more calm and collected than forcing him to sit down in the traditional way. Hera felt that maybe she would bring it up to Kanan for their son, and Cody told her that Obi Wan would love nothing else than to talk on his tips on raising the "Choosen One".
Topics changed quickly and everyone was in more than one conversation with some other little group, and Din sat and took it all in. He noticed Padme by the stove and helped her in checking for salt as she was too short for the big pot. She was going to bring it for tonight's dinner and Din was grateful to have her do most of the talking. He loved that soon, Fox had taken out more beer and everyone was relaxed and happy, and Din felt content. He felt better and he didn't even know he had felt in any distress before. It was not how his day was planned but he already knew his life was anything but normal. He hadn't realized he might need someone to ask whenever something that Luke taught Grogu left him confused but also made him feel stupid for not knowing, scared to ask. But those around him understood him, and that left him strangely comforted. He felt happy, and couldn't wait to get home to Luke and Grogu, to share this precious moments with his new family.
On the other side of the town, on the outskirts, Luke felt a small disturbance as he and Grogu meditated. The Force wasn't warning him of any danger, but rather seemed to be … amused. Then, his door was thrown open, and Quinlan Vos barged in with a bunch of bags, most of beverages if the clanking was anything to go by. Behind him, all of his guests for the evening also entered, the loudest being his father and sister. For a moment, Luke panicked in thinking that he had somehow gotten too lost in mediation again and that the time for the dinner was upon them already. But then he saw the sun shining through the window, still high up in the sky signaling it was still before midday.
His father quickly grabbed him into a tight hug and lifted him from the ground, as Leia picked up Grogu. Quinlan was already making a ruckus in the kitchen and thankfully he saw Aayla follow to babysit her old Master. As Luke was losing breath in his lungs, his Uncle Obi Wan finally rescued him, but Anakin still held onto him, using him as a head rest. Neither him or Leia had grown as tall as Anakin and he delighted in reminding them about it.
Freed of his father's embrace, Luke also spotted Cal and Kanan now sat at the living room, cooing at Grogu who had been given some cookies by Leia and had run to be picked up by Cal. Grogu loved visiting Cal and Boba and their pet rankor, which left Din a bundle of nerves but Luke knew it was good for Grogu to have the chance to interact with all manner of creatures. As he was about to try to get away from Anakin for a moment to close the door, his trusty Artoo wheeled in, bickering with Threepio as the golden robot carried some more bags. Almost tripping Threepio was a small, white and red blur that went straight for Grogu. Luke recognized it as Cal's robot BD-1. Then, an orange and louder robotic voice hailed the entrance of Chopper, who also gave commentary on whatever Artoo was fighting Threepio about, for which the golden protocol droid took great offense as Chopper, Artoo and Anakin laughed. Finally, Ahsoka and Rex came in and close the door, his father's Padawan finally able to pull Luke away from Anakin to give him their own hugs.
"Not that I am not happy to see everyone, but the dinner was later in the evening wasn't it? I didn't mess up the invite?"
"Not at all, my little Sunburst! We just decided to take advantage of the other early get-together to come keep you company!" Anakin grabbed him again from Rex's side, leaving the Commander to roll his eyes and go say hello to Grogu in the living room.
"Get together?" Luke was very confused.
"The "In Love with a Jedi Support Group." Cal offered as he bounced Grogu up and down, BD cooing from his shoulder as the toodler happily babbled away at them.
"Luke, we are going to need more wine glasses! You only have 4!" Quinlan shouted from the kitchen, sticking his head out.
"Uhm, Din went out to the market, he should be back soon with some more-"
"Ehhhh, actually, he was kidnapped so he'll be kinda late." Anakin said, going to try to take Grogu from Cal. The little one instead floated himself to Kanan, leaving a pouting Anakin, who mimed himself crying and dropping to the floor. Luke would have found it hilarious that Grogu was always a little mean towards Anakin for some reason whenever they met but was still worried that his boyfriend was kidnapped and no one around was at all worried.
"I have the items he bought Master Luke! Not to worry!" Now looking closely, Grogu could see the bags were the ones Din had taken to the market with him, inside all the items they had been missing for their dinner. Aayla heard him and called out from the kitchen herself.
"Bring them here to the kitchen, Threepio!" Ahsoka helped him with one of the bags, but as they passed by the fake-crying Anakin who was still sobbing loudly for Grogu, she tossed and hit him in the head with a packet of cookies. Anakin immediately changed his tune and was easily the toddler's favorite from then on out. Rex, Cal, Leia and Kanan took turns in giving Grogu a cookie.
"Quin, it's too early for wine. Leave that for the evening dinner." Obi Wan had gone to help out in the kitchen, his voice carrying easily. Luke still felt rooted to the spot by the breakfast nook that was cleared for morning meditation. He walked towards his father, who was now again grumpy that someone else had Grogu's attention, Leia sticking her tongue out at him over Grogu's head.
"Dad, what do you mean Din was kidnapped?"
"It's never too early for wine, I say you open the bottle Quin." Anakin, forever happy to do and say the opposite of his old Master, gave a thumbs up to Quinlan who wasted no time, despite Obi Wan's clear annoyed look. Ahsoka and Aayla simply shared a laugh, both drinking water but accepting glasses of wine nonetheless.
"He is safe Luke, he is with the others." Anakin offered, not all bother by his son's rising panic.
"What others?" Luke felt like he was going crazy. Finally, Ahsoka took pity on him and came by to direct him to the open spot on the sofa, giving everyone else a glass of wine except Anakin.
"Ok, ok, let me explain kiddo. During the Clone Wars, Cody, Fox and Bly where stumped in their secret relationships to Jedi so they formed a little club." She said. Anakin swipped her glass and took a big gulp, then yelped when a pillow was thrown at his face and the glass taken out of his hands. Grogu found great joy in that and attempted to do the same, encouraged by Cal and Leia.
"My sweet Angel found out and joined in to impart her wisdom." Anakin was so distracted by the mention of his wife, he never saw the 4 pillows coming straight for his head.
"A blessing, I was tired of them venting when we went out in between campaigns." Rex had no need for the Force, he just straight hit Anakin in teh back of the head with his own pillow, then gestured to Ahsoka who was behind Anakin. She directed two more pillows and both hit Anakin when Rex ducked down.
"But you said he got kidnapped?" Luke was still weary, they had yet to be attacked by people looking for the Darksaber here in their peaceful home, but both him and Din knew the leftover Death Watch members were relentless. He wasn't as panicked, if Din was with Cody, Fox and Bly, he could breath easier at least. His uncles were the most capable men he knew.
"Oh, don't worry, that's Fox trying to keep it all 'secret' because I tried to catch him the first few times way back when." Quinlan had finally come around, Aayla with him. She was carrying Anakin's glass with her, which he thank her. "It was a game between us. He still thinks that I don't know and will crash their party if I found out. Jokes on him, when I got wind of it, I just went for Obes and Aayla and we got our own club starte to gossip."
"Once your mother joined them, I got Anakin and we have been recruiting every time they do." Obi Wan sat down beside him, giving Grogu a sippy cup with blue milk and more cookies, which the baby squealed at and then proceeded to use the older man's lap as his seat to enjoy his snacks. Luke could only hope Grogu would take his lunch without much fuzz later on.
"It was nice, if a little weird when I teased Bly and he tried to keep it a secret." Aayla shared, leading to others to chuckle as well. Bly was a terrible liar, and it was funny to picture him trying.
"Yeah, no one but Fox is keeping it 'secret', Boba told me the minute he was on route when Fox tried to get him. Gave me updates all the way until he was sure it was just his brother being weird." Cal was now holding onto BD, who was trying to draw Grogu's attention. Chopper however, was taking all the attention as he showed Grogu some of the coloring pages he stored.
"Paranoid, you mean. But yeah, Fox gets all new members kidnapped to 'test them', or so Hera has said." Kanan was watching his droid closely, making sure he wouldn't take out the flamethrower to boast about it to Artoo, who also had coloring books and crayons for Grogu, each droid very competative if left un supervised.
"So, why not just let them know you all know about it?" Luke could not understand on keeping it a secret. Quinlan quickly shook his hands, laughing a little.
"No no, that's the fun part! Fox pretends that I don't know and gets to relieve some adrenaline from the old Guard mission days."
"Din is fine Luke, Cody assured me he was given the quick neutralizer when he passed me the bags." Obi Wan was as serene as ever, even if Luke's stomach dropped. But he had to admit that his uncle was right. Din would be in no danger, if by his calculations, Fox, Cody, Bly, Boba, Hera, Han and his own mother were with him.
"But, why now?" He had a feeling on the reason it had just happened, considering Din had been someone known to most of them for years.
"Because you finally got off you ass and confessed, little brother." Leia smirked and Luke had to resist the urge to stick his tongue out when he noticed that Grogu was looking at him. He still glared towards his twin.
"Language!" Obi Wan, Kanan and Anakin all shouted.
"I'm older than you!" Luke couldn't resist firing back, though.
"By a minute!"
"As if this little tyke didn't hear worse from Boba." Cal commented to the room at large, leading most to either nod or roll their eyes. Boba Fett had always been very expressive with his language, regardless of who was present, despite his older siblings attempts to get him to stop swearing so much.
"Cal, do not encourage this." Kanan lamented, knowing it was impossible that his son wouldn't have heard such language from Chopper, who just laughed as if he knew what the Jedi was thinking.
"I'm just saying. He doesn't mind, right little frog terrorizer?" Grogu had hopped down from Obi Wan's lap, dodged Anakin's attempts to pick him up and aksed Cal instead, who gladly took him.
"How about some lunch?"Ahsoka offered, standing up and stretching her back.
"Yes, Quin only brought alcohol." Aayla mentioned, as Quinlan looked offended.
"It was a priority! I know they are drinking too!"
"I was going to go and get some takeout." Luke said, remembering his plan to surprise Din with food when he arrived.
"No need, we'll get it. C'mon Rexy. From that Alderaanian place Luke?" Ahsoka was often at their place and she knew all the best spots by now for takeout.
"Yeah." Luke said, standing up to get the menu from the kitchen.
"Gotcha, you guys look over the menu and let us know. Should only take us 10 minutes to get there." Ahsoka grabbed Grogu from Cal's lap, ignoring the huff from the red head and his attempts to retrieve the toddler, who was happy to be so high up.
"Grogu you're coming with us! Droids! We are rolling out! C'mon!"
"Right behind you Miss Ahsoka!"
"I could go with you-" Luke started to offer, before he was pull back by Obi Wan and Anakin.
"No no, you stay and unwind, talk about your boyfriend with the others and we'll handle the food. As honorary members of both 'secret' clubs, we are here to get you what you need. We'll also pop in after to check on the others, make sure Fox hasn't taken it too hard with the bets." Rex mentioned, following after his partner in crime behind the line of droids now headed for the door. He was glad Anakin had repaired Threepio so he was much faster now and less clunky when walking.
"Honorary members?"
"Ahsoka and Rex hang out in both groups for the entertainment, or so they say." Cal said, arms still crossed as both his droid and his favorite toddler left him.
"We like being informed and getting all the gossip. And taking care of the little ones and droids too. It's too bad Jacen couldn't make it this time." Ahsoka remarked, bouncing Grogu, who wanted to ride on top of Artoo. She let him, but kept close.
"He has been pestering us about going to visit Mace for months now, we had no idea Din would be drafted so soon. My bet was till the end of the year. I'll make sure to bring him next time." Kanan remarked, and then blanched when he realized his slip. He took a big gulp of his wine as Luke turned to him in suspicion.
"Shh, Kanan!" Aayla said, but it was too late.
"What bet?"
"No bet, nothing at all!" Anakin tried to stall, avoiding his son's stare as he tried to gather the secrets of the Force on his wine.
"That reminds me! Luke, I lost so many credits! That rat of Ohnaka got the biggest cut! You really couldn't wait two more weeks?" Quinlan whined, as he got pillows to the face now.
"Or been quicker by like 3 days?" Cal mentioned.
"I think the way they finally got together is very cute!" Aayle had also betted, but she wasn't going to add more fuel to the fire, unlike Anaking who chirped next.
"You didn't have so many credits riding on this, Aayla!"
"Dad! Not you as well!" Luke couldn't believe his family would bet on him and Din. Then he thought about for ten seconds and found out he could, actually, believe it.
"I think it was cute too." Obi Wan said, the picture of poise, until Leia called him out.
"Uncle, you also got a big cut, don't think I didn't find out!"
"Obi Wan!" Luke should have expected it.
"Obes!" Quinlan was not expecting it seemed.
"You liar! You told me you hadn't betted!" Anakin laughed, as Ahsoka and Rex stood by the door, watching as Artoo got farther away with a toddler on top of him.
"Yeah, ooook! Don't forget to look at that menu! Bye!" With that, they closed the door and left the bickering behind them. They were glad that there was forest all around, it sounded like Luke was now going full Padme on Anakin and the others.
"Who do you think Luke will go for first?" Rex wondered, as they caught up with the droids. Threepio had taken to watching over Grogu to make sure he didn't fall.
"Not Luke, Anakin and Quin will definitely get to Obi Wan before Luke even thinks about it."
"Hmm yeah. So, should we get our own lunch and then ask for their order?"
"Oh you bet, afterwards we should see how the others are doing. Cody wanted to make sure they wouldn't miss the dinner." Ahsoka remarked, smiling down at Grogu, who was having so much fun riding Artoo.
"Padme and Hera are there, how crazy could it get with them? Also, you know Din is responsible enough he won't forget." Rex said, but Ahsoka just scoffed.
"You forget that time they got Han to join, Padme was the one who had the idea of going to the zoo and Hera encouraged it." That had been a meeting they had spend with the Non-Sensitives, and it had been a crazy night. They were glad that Padme how covered up, otherwise the papers would have had a field day. Ahsoka had known that Padme and Anakin fit so well precisely because they shared a unique brand of crazy, that their children had ten-fold.
"I forget Anakin's craziness is contagious. Alright, how about it, Grogu? Want to eat something and then get to see your uncle Boba?" Rex had gotten Grogu up and placed him on his shoulders, to the toddler's delight.
An hour later, everyone's comms went off when the Holo news started reporting of a bunch of Death Watch who had attemped to kidnapped Grogu and had been taken down by two flamethrowing droids, a Jedi Knight, a Clone Commander, a golden protocol droid who fretted about and a tiny BD droid. Ahsoka and Rex had attemped to get Grogu out of the fight, but BD-1 had electrocuted someone and almost been trampled, so Grogu had jumped in, which prompted Artoo and Chopper to start blasting everyone around. Threepio had panicked and sent the massive message right before the news had gone live and that's how everyone got to meet up earlier than expected back at Din and Luke's.
No one mentioned either 'secret' meeting, but they did enjoy their time together very much. Especially when Grogu got fed more blue cookies than he ever had, given that everyone kept slipping them when no one else was looking. Any he didn't eat once full, BD gave to Chopper to store. Artoo didn't do it because he would be the obvious choice and he kept Threepio occupied as he was 'worried for the sugar intake of the infant'. Kanan still caught them but Grogu had already passed out by then, leaving the adults to their own devices. Din and Luke kept shooting each other looks, each thinking how lucky they were to have such a loving family to have their back.
Thank you for reading till the end! May the Force be with You!
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kharmii · 2 months
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A collection of messed up family dynamics. The translations were confusing on these first ones, so I'm going to attempt to give a summary of what I believe is going on. Comic starts out showing why Dabi and Geten complement each other well. Child Dabi (Touya) is burned by his own quirk, so his mother with an ice quirk uses it to calm the pain. Meanwhile, Child Geten sees ReDestro get burned, so he used his ice quirk to comfort him as well.
Side note: Some fans head canon Geten got his quirk awakening by seeing ReDestro get burned. That's an interesting idea. It would mean ReDestro had him before he knew the full extent of his power. He may have just known the potential through the Himura name and therefore he still saw him as a powerful pawn.
Anyway, Geten, -while asleep dreaming- grabs Dabi's hand while reliving the memory of using his ice quirk on ReDestro's burns. This makes Dabi relive the memory of his mother using her ice quirk on his burns. Geten tears up in his sleep from the memory. Dabi wipes his tears, then dabs blood from his ripped stitches onto Getens mouth (Geten exclaims 'What!?') and they kiss.
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I'm not sure if Geten wakes up disgusted, or if he is still asleep and his dream turns bad. He yells "YOU!!" in a way like he's full of disdain and also says, "This must be someone's ploy!"
Dabi replies, "Don't blame others."
Geten: What a place...Shhh...
Dabi: You came here half asleep, right?
Geten: I do not remember!!! Lion tongue! (reference to his mouth being spikey, unpleasant).
Dabi: ...Ice Yarrow...(same, yarrow has thorny stems) The inside of your mouth is also cold.
Maybe I'm just too hot...Yeah.
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Dabi gets drowsy from the cold and says, "The cold one....I don't hate it.................
Geten kicks him in the head and says, "Do not sleep!!! Wow. I hate it!
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Once again, Dabi has memories of being soothed by his mother's ice quirk while at the same time, Geten (who looks similar to Dabi's mother) has memories of using his ice to sooth someone's pain.
Geten says, "The hot one too. I hate it."
That's when the reader realizes that he was acting out in frustration over Dabi being in pain just by existing.
Meanwhile, Dabi is feeling blissful and relaxed from being chilled so much. He tells Geten, "In that case, please do it just right."
They are good again.
Next collection is a sad 2-part comic showing Child Geten being looked after by ReDestro. Geten can't sleep one night -and feels sick at heart- so he comes to sleep in ReDestro's room. ReDestro says, "Can't you sleep, Apocrypha?" then tells him not to act like a dog.
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Geten bringing a dog bed into ReDestro's room then getting told not to call him 'Dad' while still being comforted and cuddled represents to me that he's being raised as a beloved slave, not a son. This way, ReDestro can brainwash him into being constantly agreeable and a comfort to him (as opposed to how biological children can be infuriating and total pains sometimes), and he can be emotionally distant enough to put Geten's life in danger during quirk training while not having to fear for him the way he would a real son.
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Goofy comic where Geten collects Meta Liberation War books, and ReDestro tells him he should distribute them to other people to spread the word. Geten doesn't want to share. Since the text is small, I'll post a translation here:
Curious: We have finally surpassed 600,000 copies!
Re-Destro: Wonderful.
Expressions that are easy to understand for young people...
However, I have always been concerned about the changes in the wording of the original text.
It's important, but it's still a shame
I would like you to consider making a complete reproduction version when you reach the million copies mark. It's my dream.
Geten: million………ReDestro... I can buy 50 more books this month. *looks sharp* Your dream is mine!!!
ReDestro: It's apocryphal to buy wastefully anymore...stop and distribute the stock for missionary work.
Geten: I won't give it to anyone!!! Your dream is my treasure!!! Wasting it!?!?!?
(My pocket money has decreased)
Art credit: yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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joesalw · 6 months
Ok, that's gonna be long one.
One jet is around $50 million. She has two. And now she had the ig tracking account taken down claiming that's an invasion of privacy. Very interesting considering the account existed for a few years and she didn't have any problems with it and now suddenly she gets called out for abusing the environment it's become invasive. The lady is shady. And the fact that her answer about not going to therapy is 'i feel very sane'. Oof. She's republican raised for sure. Those people think that any mental health issue equals clinical insanity and if you're seeing a therapist there must be something wrong with you.
She's jumping from one relationship to another and doesn't even know who she is. She just molds into whatever her man wants or what looks best for the image. She doesn't know how to exist on her own. For someone who presents herself as a 'girlboss' she sure doesn't have a sense of self-worth and always has to have a man next to her. No matter how bigoted he may be. She's not getting any younger so she's getting desperate and that's probably why she's unleashing on Joe. If she wants a kid, she doesn't have much time left so she latches on to every man throwing themselves at her in hopes of a happily ever after. It doesn't work like that. Fix yourself first then move on to look for someone to build a life and future with. There's no way any sane grown man would want a self-sabotaging, fight-picking, obsessive overgrown teenager with no sense of boundaries to even marry let alone have a child with. She doesn't know where her public life ends and private one begins.
I'm sure Joe saw all of that and dipped. It's not good to bring a child in that environment. And if they'd ever had one, she'd go on with her life and he'd be a house husband. I've never seen TS as maternal, nurturing or even mature enough to have a child because she seems not to have the capacity to take care of herself. In 2016 Joe was the one who took care of her and 'saved her'. It wasn't her own doing. And when he left, she started spiraling again. She portrayed herself as a mature grown woman in her 2020 albums and that turned out to be a farce. She's still that same insecure 16 year-old but richer, more influential and famous. Her recent interviews are a solid proof of that.
Her music is also nothing special. Some generic pop with repetitive and recycled melodies. She's not a vocalist, not a dancer, doesn't have a superb instrument skill, there's barely any emotion in every song she sings. Her lyrical topics are the same and don't hold any though provoking themes. She uses nonsensical metaphors and uncommonly used words to make her lyrics look better and herself seem smarter. It doesn't change the point of the song though. Argumentative antithetical dream girl is just a glamorous way of saying manic. Machiavellian is a way of saying manipulative, being morally indifferent and self-serving, lacking empathy. Sure does sound nice, huh? "I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian (manipulative, selfish, deceptive, cunning. call it whatever you want) 'cause I care". Machiavellianism in psychology is described as one of the traits in the Dark triad model. Right along narcissism and psychopathy. Mastermind is masterminding out in the open and no one bats an eye. The psychologists that named the trait after Niccolo Machiavelli said that one of the core features is lack of concern for conventional morality (they aren't concerned about the morality of lying and cheating). If you're into psychology Richard Christie and Florence L. Geis (the ones that named the trait) have a book "Studies in Machiavellianism" which is a pretty good and insightful read.
(just my assumption) I'm sure Joe dropped that word on her and she was like 'ooh, sounds nice and Machiavelli was like very political, a bit controversial and cool and people refer to him a lot, I'll definitely be using that in a song'. lmao. little did she know. I think she thought he meant it in a political sense and not a psychological one. Which are totally different things. And I'm sure he was like 'lol, she thought'.
There're a ton of celebrities bringing her up on talk-shows as well. At least once a week there's a bit on some show about a certain celeb's interaction with her. As someone who enjoys learning english trough media that's quite disturbing. I see her everywhere, TV shows, news articles, social media outlets. She's becoming inescapable. And that makes me wonder about the proportion of celebrities and journalists who genuinely like her and the ones who bring her up to get more attention. God forbid you say anything negative about her. Her Karen army will immediately send death threats your way, make fun of every aspect of your life or even dox you. And with her silence she's enabling this behaviour because she's a self-proclaimed Machiavellian (whether she chose a psychological meaning for the song or not) and doesn't care what her minions do as long as she doesn't get called out for it.
She only allows non-critical journalists to interview her. I mean, what kind of self-suck is that? An interview should be a form of discussion and not an ass kissing session. Any negative article about her will have your whole outlet blacklisted from interacting with her and her team. She needs to be in full control of the narrative all the damn time because she knows that once she lets go of the rein all of the skeletons in her closet will fall out on their own.
She's digging her own grave and I'm here for it. Last time she could make Kim and Kanye the villains and this time she'll have no one to blame but herself. Her narcissistic flat ass would make Tree the scapegoat if there's no one else she could point her finger to. It's always someone else's fault but hers. A chronic victim of this cruel patriarchal world.
I have studied psychology briefly and have learned about the dark triad and machiavellianism. What's surprising to me is that high mach people can gain advantage in the short run but ultimately lose their power in the long run because people start seeing through their surface level acting, which is what we're seeing through her behaviour right now. She acts to be an activist only when it benefits her. But swifties have so much obsession with her that even if they find it disturbing, they will try to justify it. Also idk how Taylor flexes about her machiavellianism, like to me that's not something to be proud of, the ends do not justify the means when you hurt so many people in the process. The fact that she's accepting she's cunning, manipulative, deceptive and lies to get things according to her own interest tells a lot about who she is as a person! no wonder why Joe didn’t want to marry her. Her machiavellianism trait only benefitted her in the short run
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episodeoftv · 7 months
Prelims, Vote 8 of 8
The top 5 finales will move on to be included in the main bracket
Propaganda is under the cut, may include spoilers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 8.09 / 8.10 The Last Day
It just... season 8 had been so bad as a whole, it attempted to touch on the blm movement and did it in an okay at best way and in the wake of it all, i think a lot of people just weren't here for cop shows. The finale tried to bring the magic back with one last heist and it did pull out all the stops but I don't know, it just left me feeling really cold. And the ending being that even though the main character wasn't a cop anymore, that he would return to the station every year for the heist... it just never escapes the cop narrative even after he's left.
Chén Qíng Lìng/The Untamed - Episode 50
I nominate this final on grounds of CCP information control, censorship and homophobia. They were so scared of the power of wangxian that they ended up banning ao3 in china and in the show they have to inexplicably have them part ways just to hammer home the no-homo. Plus the show is just kind of objectively bad.... but it rewires your brain all the same
Community - 6.13 Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television
ok i haven’t watched it in a while but it wasn’t the episode’s fault this show had been going downhill for a while. The finale put it out of its misery mostly.
Kyle XY - 3.10 Bringing Down the House
The writers knew they were getting canceled and chose to raise more questions than answers and set up cliffhangers, rather than have a satisfying end. I'm sure it was a last ditch effort to save the show, but it didn't work and now it's just a bad finale.
Northern Exposure - 6.22 Let's Dance / 6.23 Tranquility Base
No propaganda submitted
Ozark - 4.14 A Hard Way to Go
No propaganda submitted
Soul Eater - 1.51 The Word Is Bravery!
ugh god it just gave up on any attempt at character development or the ending of the story in any meaningful way. instead of a complex universe journey exploring her bond with soul, and death the kid becoming the new god of death, maka just...wins the day by 'being brave', extremely underwhelming and borderline nonsensical
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 7.25 / 7.26 What You Leave Behind
Man so okay like it’s not the worst worst one out there but man they really just fuckikg did that. Found family all went and spread themselves across the quadrant with the head of the show the leader, Captain Benjamin Sisko who really just wanted to live on Bajor, got turned into an incorporeal being who could no longer live a linear life while his wife and unborn child had to go on without him. They didn’t even have him saying goodbye to his actual son. His literal son did not get a goodbye, they only gave that to Kasidy, and no hate to Kasidy, she’s my girl, but she’s only been there for three year while his actual son Jake sisko was still basically a kid. He was like 19, 20 and no goodbye fork his dad he’s lost time and time again. Some characters got a satisfying ending but then Julian Bashir is left to stay on deep space nine supposedly still in love with Ezri Dax and together (but let’s be honest, it was a terrible forced decision. They made no sense, and had no chemistry) and still stuck without moving forward or changing. Like what a cop out. Not to mention the terrible cgi fire caves where literally gods got thrown into a fire pit and that was the big climax
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Desperate times, desperate measures | Ch. 1: Not a rom-com
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!writer!reader (Most of the times, she will be called Page)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: car accident, mentions of death, angst, orphan baby Emma, Jake being a bit of a dick (but what's new), allusions to reader having an anxiety attack?
A/N: HERE IT ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Okay so i'm very excited about this series, and I know a lot of you are too. It's okay if you like it and all, but please... a comment is also welcomed and if you reblog it? I'll kiss you on the forehead.
If you want to be added to the taglist, comment down below.
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Life changes in just a fraction of a second. 
One second, you’re an acclaimed romance author living your best life. And then you get a call in the middle of a promotional event for your latest book. You don’t usually answer your phone when you’re working, but a tiny voice in the back of your mind tells you—screams, actually—that this is an important call you should answer. 
And just a second later, you find out that your best friends, Luke and Anne Hawkins, have been involved in a serious car accident and that you need to come back to San Diego as soon as possible. You’re listed as one of their emergency contacts. 
It only takes a fraction to change your life. 
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You’re one hour away from San Diego, and as soon as you get to the city, you drive to the police station, where Officer Young, the officer that called you to inform you about the accident, is waiting for you to tell you more about the current state of your friends. It’s dark when you get there; there are only a few lights here and there, making the whole space gloomier than it should be. 
Stations are places where people—not the criminals but the victims—should feel protected and secure. The ambience of this station makes you want to run away in the opposite direction. 
You wish you had. 
“Miss L/n?” A man in his early 50s approaches you, clad in his uniform and with a sorrowful expression on his face. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Why are we at the station, officer? Shouldn’t we go to the hospital?” You say, feeling a bit dumb because, deep down, you know that Luke and Anne are not in the hospital. They didn’t give you more information over the phone, and that can only mean one thing. 
They’re gone. 
“Miss L/n, you may want to sit down before I tell you this.” He insists, pointing with his open hand to a chair a few steps away from you. You shake your hand, refusing to move, and wait for him to deliver the news that is going to change your life forever. “Miss, Luke and Anne Hawkins had an accident a few hours ago, as I told you over the phone. The causes of the same are still unclear but-” 
"Is Emma okay?” You blurt out, feeling your heart stop for a second. 
“She was at home with the babysitter; don’t worry about her. She’s been taken by CPS.”
You frown, not understanding what that means. “What is that?” 
“Child Protective Services. They take care of kids like Emma.” 
“What kind of kids?” 
“Orphaned kids.” 
Orphaned kids. Luke and Anne are dead. Dead. You had talked with Anne a few hours before, before your promotional event started, because you were feeling completely nervous and she was the one that used to calm you down. 
Who’s going to calm you down now? 
A nearby door opens, and you hear a familiar voice. On any other occasion, you would have rolled your eyes and groaned after noticing his presence, but now? 
Jake Seresin is the closest thing to a lifeline you have right now. 
“Jake.” You call, watching as the man turns around, tightening the grip on the leather aviator jacket in his hands. 
He looks at you with a silent question in his eyes that gets answered with a simple glance. 
“They’re gone?” He mutters, his voice coming out under a shaky breath.
You nod, and your knees buckle up, and you fall to the ground as soon as the information gets to your brain. It’s not until he says it, until he verbalizes it, that you realize that they are gone forever, that you won’t be able to text Anne and beg her to read your next novel before it’s published, that she won’t ask you to help her get an outfit for a date with Luke ever again. 
You won’t fight anymore. You won’t laugh together anymore. You won’t tell her you love her ever again. 
Did you tell her that before you hung up the phone hours ago? You can’t tell. 
But you can’t stop praying that you did.
Jake rushes to you, kneeling down and hugging you in an awkward way, as physical contact has never been part of the ‘forced friendship’ you two have had for the last years. As Emma’s godparents, you were there through the entire pregnancy and for the baby’s first year. 
Would you still be the godmother once a random stranger takes Emma as their daughter? 
“Page? Page, come on. Okay, listen to me, take a deep breath, hold it for three seconds, and then let it out.” He instructs you, wanting to get you out of your hyperventilating state. But you can hear in his voice that he also wants to break down and cry. 
Luke was his best friend. They met at the academy, and served together for years before a mission got complicated and Luke got injured while ejecting from the plane. He got a medical discharge, as the injury didn't allow him to fly again. 
Jake feels as lost as you, because Luke was his best friend, like Javy’s. They’ve been together through thick and thin. It was a constant in their lives. And now he’s gone. 
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You're not allowed to see Emma tonight. She has been taken with a foster family until CPS finds the closest relatives or they find out who was supposed to get her custody, according to her parents' last wishes. . 
It irks you more than anything. Jake suggests staying the night at Luke and Anne's house, and while you know he has the best intentions, just the thought of being in this place makes your stomach turn. 
It's like a place frozen in time, waiting for its owners to come back and return to the activities they were doing before they crashed. There's a laundry basket in the living room, with baby clothes waiting to be folded. Emma’s toys are scattered around the house, and you step on an F-18 plush toy that Jake gifted her when she was born. The dishwasher it's waiting to be emptied and, in general, small chores are waiting to be done around the house. 
A house that is waiting for a family that doesn't exist anymore. 
Needless to say, you don't sleep at all.
You wait until the clock marks a normal hour to get downstairs and walk into the kitchen. Jake is there, making coffee and rubbing his face in an attempt to make the restlessness disappear from his face. 
"You didn't sleep either." You say, not even questioning, you just know. 
"Every time I closed my eyes I saw them." He confesses, looking at the blue mug in his hands. "Coffee?" 
He prepares a coffee for you, probably the nicest thing he has ever done. You two didn't have a meet cute, and he was a dick. On your first (and only) date, he made a booty call for later that night. You were right next to him. 
Hating each other was the only thing you agreed on over the years. 
You mutter a soft thanks when he hands you the coffee, and he presses his lips in a thin line. "The lawyer called. He wants to talk to us about their will." 
You sigh, feeling that the world is moving when you're still stuck in that station your life changed forever. "Did he say when?" 
"He's coming right now." 
Nodding you step out the kitchen, walking to the bathroom to make yourself look decent before the lawyer arrives. 
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“They picked us together?” Jake questions, looking at the lawyer as if he had grown a second head. 
Luke and Anne had named both of you the legal guardians of Emma. Both of you, at the same time. How are you supposed to raise a child with a man that you can’t even stand?
“Yeah, I talked with them and tried to advise them against it, but they didn’t listen. They insisted that you two would be the perfect parents for Emma.” He states, looking at your scared faces and closing the file in front of him. “Look, I know this isn’t how you wanted to start a family but-” 
“Woah, we’re not married. Or dating.” You clarify, shivering at the thought of sharing your time with this arrogant pilot. 
“Excuse me, what?” 
Jake and you look at each other, feeling as if you had said something you shouldn’t have. “We’re not a couple.” Jake repeats, tilting his head. “Is that a problem?” 
“Jake, you’re a naval aviator, right?” 
“Yes, sir. Luke was too before the accident.” 
“And from what Luke told me before he died, you’re part of an elite squad that is in charge of the most dangerous missions?” 
You don’t have to hear the next words from the man seated in front of you to know what he’s implying. Jake’s job is too dangerous for CPS’s standards. 
"How does this relate to Emma?" Jake objects, feeling offended by the way this man simplifies his job. 
“CPS wants to make sure that Emma doesn’t lose more people. And you, Jake, are walking around with a timer in your head. It's just a matter of time before you have an accident.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew shit about me, you as-” 
“Okay so, Jake can’t have Emma’s custody. What about me?” You interrupt, trying to prevent Jake from getting sued. 
“Miss, you are a well-known writer across the country, but I don’t think CPS is going to give total custody to a single woman in her late 20s. You’re too young.” He sighs, scratching his brow, and takes off his glasses. 
“We can’t let Emma be raised by some strangers. We’re her godparents, dammit.” Jake protests, getting up from the chair and pacing around the room. “There’s nothing we can do?” 
“Well… I can suggest something, but you must keep this off the record.” The lawyer says, looking at both of you. 
“We won’t tell a soul.” Jake promises, sitting down again. 
“You have to get married.” 
“Beg your pardon?” You say, hoping that you have heard that wrong. 
“If you two get married, CPS won’t have a single thing against you, and Emma will be yours.” 
“O-okay, can we, like… have a moment to think about this?” You beg, feeling the room spin around you. 
“I’m afraid there’s not much time for that. You’ll have to get married in… days. If not before.” 
“Won’t they suspect us if we suddenly get married?” Jake asks, and you turn your head in his direction. Is he considering it? 
“Just tell them that you wanted to get married in the future, but you thought that it would be better for Emma to have married parents.” 
He looks at you, noticing the fear in your eyes. You’re a romance author. You’ve been dreaming about meeting a good man, falling in love, and getting to build a family for as long as you can remember, but... this isn’t what you planned. 
This isn’t one of your rom-coms. 
"Do you want Emma to be raised by strangers?" He says, using a harsh tone to make you understand the raw reality. 
“No, but–” 
“There’s no buts, Page. We don’t have any other options.” 
“I’m not marrying you.” You state, looking at your hands. 
“I think none of us have a say in that. I’ll call the registry office and see if we can go today.” He gets up and shakes the lawyer’s hand before grabbing his phone and stepping out of the room to make some calls. 
This isn’t how you were supposed to have a family. This isn’t how your life was supposed to be. 
You were supposed to fall in love, marry, and then have a baby. But you’re going to have a baby and marry. 
Falling in love doesn’t seem like an option anymore. 
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etirabys · 9 months
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I've spent the past several days in the kind of art hole where it's been hard to focus on my day job, so here's a blog post about painting.
I had a four month painting hiatus that I decided to exit by making something really easy ("I'm going to make a simple shitty painting by slapping together some geometric shapes"), which produced the square painting on the right (explanation here). It turned out to be a combination of easy and hard – laying down the outlines was easy, since this is the kind of doodling I always do anyway. Putting down the colors was easy. Refining and swapping those colors was hard. In that last step, I realized that the variance in outcome was wider than expected – in particular, that the right combination of colors could probably make this something I truly loved. So that refinement step ended up being ~50% of the work by time, ~70% by mental energy.
This was surprising. This is a child's coloring exercise. On the other hand, I don't remember doing those coloring exercises while growing up, and they turn out to have a lot to teach me. They feel like exactly the right intermediate exercise for me to refine my sense of what colors and shapes look good together.
I've always been bad at colors-and-shapes – and since those are the basics of artistic composition, I considered myself kind of a fundamentally untalented painter. ("Okay, 'fundamentally untalented' is a fake and unhelpful label and I try not to think about it, but in my heart of hearts I know it's a meaningful concept and it's obvious that I'm fundamentally untalented...") It's been a surprise to fuck around in a genre that makes this static fact about myself buckle.
The painting on the left (still in progress) was harder than the first, because I decided most of it would be monochrome except for the top right circle, because the abstract concept I'm trying to convey demands it. (To me, that abstract concept is having a promising fiction synopsis or outline that I may not be able to breathe life into – "breathing life" being something that perseverance and intelligence alone seem to be incapable of promising – and gibbering and sweating and praying hoping it's just going to happen.) I don't want the colorful part to be garish or the monochrome part to be boring, but I don't want to dilute the dichotomy by colorizing the monochrome part too much or vice versa. After a few false starts it's exceeded my expectations, and I know it's going to get even better by my lights. I'm iterating much faster than usual, and I can feel the gravity of the local optimum pulling me in.
There have been multiple points in my life where I suddenly left some plateau of technical skill and bumped up to a new level. I think I'm in one of those phases again. When I close my eyes I see my painting the same way I see Tetris blocks when I'm in a Tetris phase. Cores that are unused for even ten seconds get reallocated to art. It feels amazing.
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pokeglitchden · 3 months
*Simon is standing next to the Pokemon Center in Icirrus City. A prominent windmill can be seen in the background but otherwise they are surrounded for the most part by forest. A few kids can be seen in the background, all carrying baskets meant to carry off pokemon eggs. At least one taller figure in a large orange jellyfish cap(???) Can be seen also participating in the hunt.
Simon: Hi everyone! Since I'm here in Iccirus City, I figured I'd give you all a short video update from the Egg Hunt.
*In the background of the shot a short, purple haired kid can be seen proudly carrying an egg in both of their arms, dressed in a festive looking dress. They are hugging it to their chest like its their child.
Simon: Since the eggs are invasive, people are being asked to take as many as possible. I'm not going to be participating in the hunt. Mostly helping out with the Shuppet reports and administering paralyze heal to anyone who happens to trip over an angry Breloom. But I wanted to take a moment to get some footage of this otherwise novel pokemon and it's behaviors.
* The camera turns to focus on a small clutch of purple, orange striped eggs. They stick out rather conspicuously against the greens and browns of Iccirus City's forests. As the camera turns an Exhausted looking Basil can be seen rushing to administer paralyze heal to a trainer, lying flat on their back after being spored.
Simon: These are the Eggs that are currently being hunted, and as you can see they differ from a typical Shroomish Egg quite radically. Normally Shroomish eggs are a light brown and speckled with green, but in addition to their novel coloration, you can feel a light pulse of static electricity along the shell.
* Simon places a hand against the shell as if to demonstrate, and a small pulse of electricity can be seen crackling across his finger tips. It's faint, but still enough to be picked up by the camera. In the background Basil can be heard exclaiming, "That's because the little fuckers paralyze everything they touch!"
*Simon stands and as he goes to draw away from the Egg, a very purple looking Breloom can be seen staring directly at the camera. And directly at Simon.
Simon: Oh! And just as I was saying, here IS one of the Breloom that left these eggs behind. As you can see it is a grass/electric type as evidenced by the static emitting from its cap, and it's lightning rod like tail. These Breloom, unlike your standard Hoenni Breloom, prefer to stun their targets rather than poisoning them. This suggests their toxins may be weaker by comparison, but they may make up for this using their electricity to amplify the paralytic effects of their spores. This one doesn't look too happy that I've been filming her eggs.
*Simon goes to take a step back, but the Breloom hops forward again, electricity crackling along its lightning rod like tail.
Simon: Heh... it's a good thing I brought some paralyze heal. Er.. I think that's going to be all the observation I can make for now!
*The camera cuts as Simon turns to flee. Hopefully he got away safely.
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I'm sorta(?) obsessed with Angela as a character. i mean, she basically stands at the core of all the drama of the series. I love how her figure is looming above Clay's every action, as if before anything he looks into her eyes first and then chooses the worst course of action simply bc he believes he doesn't deserve anything better. Its amazing how large of a figure she was in his life and how much she shaped him as a person and how detrimental the trauma from her death is for him. i love how she is basically someone who, figuratively speaking, «died for his sins» first. in a certain way she is more of Jesus to him, that Jesus himself – simply bc he saw her die for him in front of him, he heard her say that, that's much more impactful for a child that what some book says. besides, she is basically his Creator too, so does it mean that he killed his God(ess).
also, aside from her influence on Clay's life, i love the snippets of her own character that we get from Passing. i have a feeling that she is more of that depressed 50s housewife archetype than bloberta. she was an unconventional, irresponsible mother but hey i respect that, she had her priorities set. she loved horse riding and amusement parks. also, her and Arthur are shown to be high school sweethearts turned sour overtime and i love that depiction even if it's just a few frames. I wonder when she felt that probably he wasn't the right one after all. How lonely she actually felt before Clay was born? Did she felt trapped? Did she felt like her life was a closed circle of hose chores now?Maybe she too didn't have that much of a motherly instincts towards her stillborn children, only after giving birth to a living child she felt something. I feel like if she hadn't died, her relationship with Clay would have turned very emotionally codependent. He would've become a different flavour of fucked up then, but still.
Also, i find that Clay's oedipal dream sequence in nesting kinda distasteful, thought. im a psychology major, so perhaps it maybe be due to my own professional deformation, but I've noticed that despite having little to no empirical proof, Oedipus complex is still relatively alive in the mainstream. And i strongly suspect that it's because it's a socially acceptable way of joking about incest. so to me it felt bit disrespectful to Angela and her struggles and her relationship with Clay. Its a weird way of satirising the source of his behaviour, bc no one else gets the same treatment. there's no implications that Orel is oedipal or Joe, or anyone else with known mothers. It's just Clay and Angela. Plot-wise, i understand that it was sorta necessary to establish how Censodoll got an upper hand on him later. But i still believe that that part could have been done a thousand other ways and still be way better that shit like Oedipus. I feel like it cheapens and waters down their dynamics a lot. I also don't find trauma from parental issues that ironic or funny tbh. (and it becomes worse if you know that in Freud's concept, a poorly resolved Oedipus may lead to homosexuality among other things – and Clay somehow gets fucking both??? overbearing mother and her abrupt death before complex gets resolved so he's sorta stuck?? so, what does it mean for him? that he subconsciously chose Bloberta and Francis as Angela's substitute(lame)? that he's also attracted to men bc of identification with mother(homophobic stereotype)?) i know it's probably not that deep and show writers likely threw that joke in there without thinking about all the nuances that might appear. but it lined up with Clay's story pretty poorly tbh. it's me who's overanalising this shit, it honestly keeps me up at night.
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andreal831 · 9 months
Season 2 Haylijah
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I'm always shocked when people try to use season 2 haylijah to argue they are bad for each other. To me, season 2 proved how much they loved each other.
Recently, someone tried to say Elijah didn't accept Hayley when she first turned. And I hate to tell people to rewatch, because I think it's rude, but that statement is just not true. One of my favorite deleted scenes (deleted scenes are still canon) is Elijah telling Hayley they will explore everything she has grown to be (a hybrid) and he reminds her she is still a wolf and a mother. He doesn't not accept her as a hybrid but he was watching the woman he loves mourn the loss of her child and fall apart. We are also watching this as we see flashbacks of him having to pull away from Marcel because of Klaus' jealousy. The show very purposefully parallels these events. Elijah feared stepping up and taking care of Hayley because he knew Klaus would have spiraled and been an absolute menace if he had. So instead he steps back and forces Klaus to step up. He knew Hayley so well he knew to send her to her pack because she needed to reconnect with her humanity. And sure enough, once she has purpose again, she starts to feel more comfortable with her new life. It's also very clear that his decision to step back was hard on him. He felt isolated and alone because of it, but he thought it was best for both Klaus and Hayley. Hayley of course doesn't know all of this and does get angry and pulls away herself, which is what Elijah felt was necessary. Twice this season we see Elijah abandon his own home and family in order to give Hayley what he thought was best.
Even though they are not on the best terms, they still support each other and care for each other. Every time Hayley needed help, she went straight to Elijah because Elijah had always been there for her. Even when Elijah is at the safehouse Hayley calls him for advice. I also love this season because season 1 showed Elijah seeing the potential in Hayley and then season 2 showed Hayley living up to that potential. They both worried for each other but trusted the other to handle themselves. Even when they are in different relationships, they are still each other's comfort. I once read that if you want to write a compelling relationship, they should still be compelling if they were not sexually attracted to each other. To me, season 2 shows that for haylijah. They cannot be in a romantic relationship and yet they are still so important to each other. They were each other's friends and family above anything.
You may not agree with all of their decisions in season 2, but you cannot deny they always tried to put the other first. Elijah was constantly checking in with Hayley to make sure she was safe and happy. Relationships are not 50/50. Hayley is going through so much and she needed Elijah to give more than she could. We see it in later seasons that when Elijah is unable to give more, Hayley, without hesitation, pulls the extra weight. They are true partners.
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aesthetictanuki · 2 months
I just want to ramble a little, because one of the latest reblogs evoked something in me, and I just want to make sure I'm not the insane one; also I've finally got around listening to Pamela's tapes from the FT13 game, and I'm kdjfksfjjefj-
! I may be adding something here and there throughought, because I seriously have a lot to say about all of this 😭
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Because no matter what anyone tells me, I can't for the life of me be on anyone else's side, but Jason's. The franchise has some likable protagonists, obviously, and I rooted for them. My heart? Always on the Jason's side.
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Like, I want you to picture what I'm seeing here, with added info from those tapes I mentioned.
TW sexual violence, abuse, ableism
Pamela- a woman living through 40s and 50s- already a tough situation if you know the historical context. At one point, a tragedy happened; an unknown man raped her- she doesn't want to talk about him, she doesn't want to remember him, she doesn't want to see this monster ever again. "It doesn't matter" she said to the police in the tapes. "What happened, happened." But she felt like he was still out there. Looking for her- and for the child he gave her with unspeakable violence. So she found Elias. Because he looked like someone who would be able to protect them. She married a different monster, it turned out. He also abused her - sexually, mentally and physically.
I feel like throughout it all, she managed to find strenght in her kid - someone who, due to his disability and ableism of the world, seemed far more vulnerable than her (and maybe because thanks to his disability, she just saw an innocent child rather than her rapist's face). And someone who loved her unconditionally- so she loved him back, despite how he came to be. I think she tried to be a strong person, and to shield her son from how cruel the world could really be- she knew it first-hand after all. The world already disappointed her, so maybe her child can have a shot, and she clearly tried her best- he was her perfect, little kid, no matter what kind of disgusting and atrocious things people were saying about someone who never did anything to them. She knows bad people. Her son wasn't one just because he looked different.
But Elias abused him too. She obviously snapped at that point. She murdered him for what he did - because unlike with the other despicable man, this time she was in control of what to do with him. Her son told her to do it too, he knew it too - or it was the first sign of how mentally disturbed she was because of her trauma.
She heard about Camp Crystal Lake later. It made itself to be something like a paradise, for kids especially. Of course she took it. Not only for work, but I think they made it out to be this beautiful and promising place for children - and her son deserved happiness too. But it wasn't. Other kids were cruel, and councelors were rude. Just because someone is born different. She tried her best to make him socialise, to protect him too. She was shielding him from others a little too much, sure- but considering her past experiences and the fact that she didn't get professional help, I don't blame her. In her eyes most likely, the world proved to her how fucking disgusting it can get to people who never even did anything to it.
Then, she heard it. Her child begging for help - probably just like all those times he screamed for help while his dad was hurting him. They told her that they can't find him later. She told them he couldn't swim. That they had to pay a little more attention. Her child- Jason- was probably her biggest, if not only, reason to still be alive, because he deserved to have support and genuine love, to experience what she didn't get to. He needed her, but suddenly he was gone. The police was called, she demanded justice.
She demanded something that she didn't get- so at least give it to a damn child. And they didn't.
On one of the tapes, the police even assumed that "he's probably dead already". You know why they automatically assumed that? Because he has a disability. They didn't even consider the smallest chance of him being alive, just decided he's no longer alive without even doing the search. She tried to find Jason on her own, of course. But obviously she couldn't, she's only one person. Not only the police didn't do anything useful- the councelors that were too busy with themselves were hired again. Without consequences. Without an apology. Without justice. Horrible people doing horrible shit and then living like nothing happened while others suffer. And she snapped again- trying to do anything in her power to have the camp permanently closed after her murders, so no other mother can suffer like her- like your heart was ripped straight out of your chest.
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Jason had to live years in the woods alone. He probably wondered why all of this had to happen to him. In the comic of him and Leatherface, he still remembers his dad's abuse too. All of that because of how he looked- hating it himself up to the point of covering his face (I think the fact that the bag on his head is tied perfectly shows that he really doesn't want to give anyone/anything a chance to take it off and see it). Only his mom loved him, no one else in his life showing him this much care and genuine appreciation for existing.
And then, he sees them. Everyone just happily visiting Camp Crystal Lake. Partying. Living. Nobody even once wants to genuinely acknowledge what happened. Nobody visits his mother's grave, the councelors do whatever they want. Nobody pays respect in any way. They act like it never happened. Like their lives thrown away means nothing. Like- I think- no one wants to look into themselves and ask whether or not they contribute to what kind of society we've created- one where victims don't get justice, where an ableist "joke" is accepted and laughed at, where you'd rather ignore what's around you rather then contribute to change- because maybe if someone, even one person, thought that way, his mother wouldn't be raped and killed while mentally unstable, and maybe he could have a chance at living just like able-bodied people are, and maybe the other kids would have been a little nicer to him. Maybe if they stopped to think about others for one second, it all wouldn't happen. We could change the world- but are we just choosing not to?
And then you see the same people kill your mother. Was her snapping after everything made her a horrible person? The same that raised her child, despite from who he came? She didn't even get to find him and live like a family. He was probably so excited for that split second, seeing his mom alive. She didn't even get to see he's safe when he found his way back onto the Camp. What did they do to the world for everything to end up like this?
Because I think after all that, they decided they're going to give them a reason.
I personally enjoy DiSanti's interpretation in his fanmade movies- where the blood of Pamela entered Jason, with all the hate she gathered for the world. Because in my eyes, that's the perfect depiction where they both, in a way, decided that they're going to show people how it really feels when your entire life is ruined, where your innocence and hope are stripped away, and there is no justice served, and no one believes you, and no one does anything. These people are going to know how it feels to have the entire world against you while hatered and pain eat away your humanity.
While, maybe at one point finally, realising that it all could've been avoided if you thought about someone other than yourself.
It's "if you want to hate me, hate me for an actual reason". And the Voorhees decided they're going to give them a damn good one.
You would stay alive if you just fucking listened for once.
Also: honorable mention of Rennie who was made an "empath" in the comics
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Because apparently empathy and morality are mutually exclusive, and feeling empathy towards someone, even someone doing horrible shit, is a super-power and not just something we all should strive to have. (Me wants to say it's because the world has had us convinced that commiting a crime is a perfect reasoning for getting rid of empathy for those who commit the crime and for circumstances of them ending up in certain positions, so we don't realise just how broken we are as a society and we all have certain responsibility for how we treat the disabled, the poor, the abused, the mentally unwell etc. and most shit happens for a reason; but not everyone is ready for this conversation. Or maybe everyone's angry that they see Jason-with all his background provided- and unlike many people, he doesn't really go after children and animals still, so they realise he still has more rigid of a moral spine than them).
And also they kinda keep doing this shit- I understand screaming while a huge guy is chasing you with a clear intent to kill you; but excuse me, why are you screaming upon seeing someone's deformity caused by a disability? 🤨 (he even raised his mask in pt. 3, because like, HE KNOWS what kind of reaction he's gonna get - because so far no one proved him otherwise).
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bluemidnightmelody · 3 months
lover/fighter - my favorite moments
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[Little snippets from my Finnick/OC longfic that are stuck in my head]
From Chapter 50 - Love is a tough business
As they walk along the docks, where the fishermen sell their fresh catch just after they've brought it off the boat, she's so busy questioning her own feelings that she doesn't even notice the familiar face.
"Well, well, prominent visitors. The way you've been seen sneaking around here lately, I'd almost think you didn't like it in the Capitol anymore." Kip sets down the crate he has just carried next to the others on the dock and scrutinizes the duo in front of him with a mixture of curiosity and critical appraisal.
"I, for one, still live here," Finnick replies immediately, with a slightly challenging tone but the usual confident grin on his face.
"Really? I almost didn't notice," Kip replies a little teasingly. The energy between the two of them can only be described as playfully combative and, to be honest, it reminds Rhea a lot of Mirella's children, pubescent boys who always have to stand up to each other, just on principle. "And what about you?" he turns to her, somewhat amused.
Rhea thinks for a moment and laughs a little. "Well, I won't deny that I like it here very much," she replies.
This earns her a deep, hearty laugh from Kip, and he gives her a companionable pat on the shoulder. "Fine, fine, at least you're honest," he grumbles back.
"How's the arm?" she then asks, remembering their first encounter. Thinking about it, she is glad that he seems to have had enough of testing her steadfastness, because this time he makes a friendlier impression right from the start and saves himself the intimidation attempts.
"Unnecessary question, I'm fine. You caught me in a tiny moment of weakness, but that only happens to me once a century, right?" Kip announces firmly.
Rhea smiles a little wryly and replies, "Sure, you're all super tough guys here, my bad." To be honest, she wouldn't have expected any other answer. Even if she still finds the attitude of the people here a little strange at times, she is slowly getting used to it, and admittedly such an attitude is probably necessary in the districts to a certain extent.
Finnick observes the meeting with interest and amusement. "Sometimes I forget that you probably know half the village by now. However, it still makes me sad that I wasn't able to witness your first meeting. I really would have liked to have seen that," he comments with a sassy little grin at Kip.
He puts on his grim face again and grumbles, "I can't believe you're still the same cheeky little brat you used to be. No wait, I liked you better then than I do now. At least you were good at knotting nets, now you're just annoying."
"How mean. Is that any way to talk to paying customers?" Finnick teases him back.
Kip snorts and raises his eyebrows. "You don't have to come up with that until you've actually bought something."
Men. It's almost as if they're all bound by a curse that forces them to retain the mind of a child who is then trapped in an aging body forever and ever. Rhea has to smile at the thought, but it's not untrue, it's a phenomenon she's seen in pretty much every guy she knows. With some it is less pronounced than with others, but even with Linus she has seen it when certain circumstances are met.
"Then offer me something," Finnick laughs playfully before his expression turns to a sinister grin. "But it'll have to be something good to keep Rhea from devouring me instead," he adds, giving her an amused, suggestive glance.
He's doing it again. As meek as his character may be, at least a small part of him seems to enjoy making her suffer like this and Rhea regrets that she has let him get away with it so far. He really is like a child testing his limits to see how far he can go and is bold enough to use her own words against her.
The fact that she can now hear the fishermen from Kip's crew, who were busy unloading the catch during their conversation, laughing around her makes it even worse. What is this fool thinking? The heat is suddenly unbearable, and she finds herself unable to utter a word in her defense.
"O merciful sea," Kip groans with a roll of his eyes. "Get a room."
This bursts the bubble and Rhea forces herself to wipe the pout off her face. "Give me that!" she orders grumpily, holding out her hand and pointing to the bag of groceries Finnick is carrying over his shoulder.
He stops grinning, but a slight smile remains as he looks at her with an innocent expression. "Don't make that face, I'm only joking," he says placatingly.
Rhea scrunches her eyebrows together and punishes him with a sharp look. "Give me that," she growls impatiently.
He raises his arms in resignation and does as she says. With a sigh, he begins, "Come on, I really am sorr - Hey!" His remorse comes too late, because after that all you can hear is the loud splashing and peals of laughter from the fishermen in sight, echoing across the water like thunder.
The feeling of sweet gratification more than makes up for the previous humiliation. She would have thought it would be harder, but apparently, she had the element of surprise on her side. He probably hadn't expected her to actually try something like this, which made it much easier to push him off the wooden walkway. Had he seen it coming, she probably wouldn't have stood a chance, but the feeling of having toppled a giant as a rather weak individual is even more rewarding.
She stops at the edge of the dock and looks down at him with satisfaction as he sticks his head out of the water and brushes his wet hair out of his face. "Seriously?" is all he can get out, bewilderment and a small hint of amusement on his face.
Rhea would love to have captured this image for eternity so that she can remind him of this moment whenever he tries to embarrass her again, because she doesn't imagine that he won't try again at some point. But from now on it is officially a game for two and she gets in with a strong move.
"I think you've been out in the sun for too long. Looked to me like you really needed to cool off," she says with a gleeful grin, slinging the bag over her shoulder that she wisely saved from the water. "Remember to bring the fish for tonight when you're done with it," she adds, and with a farewell wave to Kip, she strolls back across the dock to the quay.
It takes Finnick a few seconds to process everything, then he involuntarily starts chuckling, which quickly turns into uncontrollable laughter. Luckily, he's practically born to swim, otherwise he might end up sinking now, the way he's convulsing with laughter. But he quickly forces himself to catch himself before she disappears out of sight, calling after her, "Whatever you want, sweetheart."
From down there, he can just barely see her pause in response and cast a brief, restrained glance back over her shoulder. There is little sign of her air of self-assurance left and instead the slightly pouty expression is back along with the red color that adorns her cheeks. But he only has a brief moment before she turns around and continues walking.
Suddenly the cooling actually feels good. Finnick shakes his head and lets out a snort of disbelief and amusement. Then he glances up, where Kip is eyeing him, arms crossed and full of unveiled glee. "Can you maybe help me out of here?" he asks him encouragingly.
Kip pretends to think for a moment, shrugs his shoulders and then replies coolly, "I don't think so."
"You've got to be kidding me," Finnick snorts, stunned, but Kip has already turned his attention back to his fish. He is left with no choice but to fight his way back up to the top by himself, which is not so easy with the wet, slippery wooden beams that barely offer any foothold. The alternative would be to swim back to the harbor wall and climb out of the water, but he doesn't want to put on this show for the people unless he really has to.
Links to all the chapters: lover/fighter - Chapter Index
fanfiction on ao3 and wattpad
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msfbgraves · 6 months
I'm still not over the amount of rage I felt in the supermarket yesterday. It was triggered by something very silly, but...
I wanted a chicken oven dish. That has always been silly expensive but now they hiked the price with a euro again. It used to be that it was maybe irresponsible to buy flowers or candles, but things had to get pretty dire not to be able to afford some ready made meal. Now you're better off buying the candles or flowers. Those will be on sale. Staples have become 50 to 100% more expensive. Fucking things like milk and soap and plain oatmeal, let alone when they're made into banana flavoured yoghurt or something. And there's an extra tax on wine and soda and fine I already don't use much of that but, I feel that it's weird that this is where they're getting people. That it's simply economically more sensible to buy a child a toy or book than a sweet, because books you can buy slightly discounted but grocery stores jack up all the prices on every kind of food for the hell of it. I really was this close to a bonafide meltdown. For it still to be the most economically sensible option to buy a supermarkt sponsored cinema ticket but simply forego the popcorn completely, because you will already qualify for that discount by buying milk, some salad, a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs. It feels so fundamentally off.
And sure it may be healthier in the long run to forego the sweets, turn off the heat and spend my nights at a concert purchased with discounted theatre tokens. But that feels like something straight out of bizarro world.
Food isn't that expensive. It's being wrongly distributed on purpose. Art is grotesquely underpaid, meanwhile. And sometimes that literally makes me want to scream in a supermarket aisle.
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esperwatchesfilms · 4 months
Miss Meadows (2014)
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Miss Meadows. The first film I'm posting about after literal years. I wanted to get back into doing this for the fun. The original goal may not have been met, but I like this method of watching movies. It helps me focus on what's happening... That said, this movie started interesting and fun and slooowly went downhill. Her entire relationship with the Sheriff? Awkward. So painfully awkward. The writing was not great. Not taking points off for the writing was extremely generous of me. But I had fun watching it, to be fair... that said... ESE: -10/100
50 +2 for immediately CGI squirrel +5 for living your best tap dancing life -10 for creepy-ass dudes harassing women +5 for Miss Meadows attempting politeness in the face of grossness +2 for tiny purse gun +10 for "Toodaloo" post-murder +5 for post-murder tap dance +3 for the quick return of CGI squirrel +3 for Mother Meadows giving bloodstain cleaning advice -10 for only God knowing our destiny +5 for the exception of no one knowing their destiny being best-selling authors +5 for "The truth is relative." +5 for Ava Kolker +5 for Heather thinking corpses look like string cheese -10 for the principal's shitty attitude -5 for new neighbors trying to hook you up with dentist friends +5 for having "no intentions to start domestication training" +10 for saving a toad on the road -10 for constant tap shoes +5 for Heather's healthy skepticism +5 for admitting being wrong -10 for being far too young to hate the world so much +5 for a child being smart enough to see the world for what it is -5 for not finishing her answer to the teachers who invited her for Happy Hour -5 for incredibly awkward exchange with the Sheriff -10 for using your position to find a woman's workplace to ask her on a date +10 for Miss Meadows pointing out that that behavior is illegal -5 for not allowing the Sheriff a turn to ask questions, turning the conversation into an interrogation +5 for not promising not to laugh +5 for wanting to play accordion -5 for tap dancing on grass +5 for the Sheriff's rhythmically challenged dance -10 for awkward post-kiss silence +5 for not living in fear -10 for church service +10 for Katie Holmes's singing +10 for not being Catholic, but enjoying singing in choirs +5 for James Badge Dale -10 for the most awkward sex scene I have ever watched -10 because no... seriously... MOST awkward sex scene due to cackling during the entire event -10 for even worse pillow talk -10 for releasing helium balloons into the sky on purpose +10 for the speech given to the murderer before murdering him +5 for Frank -10 for creepy owner of Frank -5 for another awkward kiss -5 for not exercising safe sex +5 for hopscotch -10 for creepy owner of Frank being a child abuser -10 for marrying Miss Meadows simply because they neglected to have safe sex and now she's pregnant +10 for Jean Smart -10 for creepy owner of Frank having photos he took of Miss Meadows without her knowledge +5 for not veiling her threat +10 for creepy owner of Frank (Skylar) being unexpectedly right -10 for Skylar still being incredibly creepy +5 for telling kids in Sunday school that Jesus wasn't white -20 for DISGUSTING child sexual abuse from a priest +10 for murdering the priest -10 for being sloppy and being caught by Heather -5 for Heather being scary chill about it and keeping Miss Meadows' secret +10 for Mother Meadows having been dead the whole time -10 for the Sheriff being so casual about figuring out Miss Meadows is the vigilante -10 for the dumbest Sheriff -10 for yelling at Miss Meadows when he was so chill about figuring out the truth -20 for Heather being taken by Skylar +10 for Miss Meadows saving Heather +10 for Sheriff saving Miss Meadows +5 for pinning the vigilante shit on Skylar +5 for accordion playing +5 for the hawk at the end -10 for the Katie Holmes cover of "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'"
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invinciblerodent · 2 months
For you oc is problematic game
Arvid (because I'm curious)
And Ray (because I'm a pot-stirrer on occasion 🤭)
Your fave is problematic: OC edition
Thank you, this was a lot of fun! :) Enjoy this pair of problematic men in their fifties <3
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Your fave is problematic: Arvid Trygg 🐧
Has intimidation proficiency, but is too much of a softie to ever use it, which is honestly just egregiously wasteful of him. (We failed so many rolls. We got into so many fights because of him.)
Self-medicates his very obvious anxiety disorder with a big ol’ heaping dose of denial, and later his clear PTSD with toxic codependency. His husband reports getting up to 17 magical “are u okay” pings a day, and he may say he doesn’t mind (pings right back, sends like 15 of his own anyway), but, like, Jesus fuck, dude. Not only is he a teacher, it’s also Waterdeep. Whatever even happens in Waterdeep, ever.
Didn’t disclose his nonexistent sexual history, or communicate effectively about expectations before having mind-melding astral sex on what was essentially the first date :( (defining the term “virgin slut” quite inaccurately, but efficiently) (no really, he was, by some certain definitions of the word, kind of a 50-year-old virgin before Gale, and didn't even tell him :/)
tbh also they got married only after like, idk, a few months of dating while in the throes of mortal peril. that's not good rep at all, they shouldn't endorse that.
Also didn't tell anyone, not even his boyfriend, that he's half-duergar. And yeah, maybe they didn't ask, but like, that's still a lie. :/
Litterer!! By which I mean he left the Crown of Karsus on the bottom of the fucking Chionthar, potentially ruining the delicate magical ecosystem down there, and MAYBE even leaving room for the rise of some…. diseased, city-dwelling fish-god. Or crab-god. What the fuck even lives in the Chionthar? Nothing at this point, probably, because the dang water is full of Netherese magic now!!! :CCC
Consumes smutty literature :/// we see your dog-eared copy of A Pleasurable Deal in the bottom of your pack, boy, you ain’t slick, and it’s frankly SICKENING that you’d endorse such smut. (and let’s not even talk about the REST of his collection of stolen!!!!!!!, smutty books. Man, for a Man of the Cloth he sure does consume a LOT of bad erotica.) [I, uh… like to pick something for my characters to collect in rpgs, for him it was the romance novels.]
Speaking of, he endorses organized religion??? Sure, that religion may be the one in which he was raised and is organized around the central tenet of “pick your battles- but fucking pick them”, but still, he’s a priest, and we ALL KNOW that clerics are, without exception, fantasy!catholics, which means that they are insufferable sticks-in-the-mud, and bad.
And even so, he’s double-dipping gods??? Like, for someone who claims to be a Tempuran, he does seem to enjoy the buff from Loviatar, and all that free healing from Silvanus and Selune, yknow? So he’s like, technically cheating on his god, which is also bad. :////
And like, why discriminate against Sharrans, you know. :/ It’s not their fault that their Dark Goddess’ ultimate doctrine is to envelop the world in pure nihilism, so like, convincing his best friend to renounce her goddess was, like, super manipulative. (Yeah, even if it turned out well for her.) (And then he didn't even hug her???? What, because "it was added in a later update"???? Get out of here, that's no excuse. Your programming shouldn't prevent you from doing the right thing. :/)
Gave the gith egg to the Society of Brilliance :/// and sure, he may CLAIM that it was because the rest of the créche turned on them and nobody would have been there to take care of it if it had hatched (and the Shadow-cursed lands really didn’t seem like the best place for a child either), but that’s not an excuse!!!! It still turned out bad, and it was a mistake in retrospect, which he SHOULD HAVE BEEN aware of, and therefore he is problematic.
Oh, also, he like... rejected everyone in camp at least once, which is, like, toxic as hell of him. Way to lead everyone on, man. :/ He should've had the good sense to NOT chop wood in his shirtsleeves. He should've known all his friends are horny bisexuals, he should've kept those thick biceps and that lush carpet of chest hair covered. :/
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Your fave is problematic: Raymond Trevelyan 🐴
oh god so many reasons where do i even fucking begin
bourgeois scum. born a wealthy noble. abolish nobility and guillotine his ass. >:(
His romantic life has been a mess since the moment learned what his dick is for, and he consequently also stopped being able to keep it in his pants (slut :///)
Started out dating the son of his father’s blacksmith (the power imbalance! the secrecy! so toxic!!!! the guy was even a MINOR!!!!) (so was he) (they were both 17) (no that doesn’t MATTER right now), then he was engaged to a woman (without disclosing that he’s gay :/), then married a NECROMANCER (unethical, slightly better because it's recycling :///) who was both his technically-subordinate AND like 7 years older than him (sketchy :////), and NOW, after 20+ happy years of marriage and like 3 years widowed, he’s going to be dating a guy who is young enough to be his son??? :///// frankly gross ://// not good gay rep at all ://////
And, like, it's very likely that he's going to become illithid too, so he like, doesn't even give his super-young boyfriend the happy ending he promised. :/ And breaking promises is, like, so problematic.
He freed a dragon that was living in captivity one time, which i’m sure ruined the native ecosystem, introducing a large, invasive predator willy-nilly like that :/
And speaking of, there’s got to have been catastrophic levels of ecological fallout to all his dragon-murdering, now that I think about that. Destroying native megafauna like that definitely caused the overpopulation of all the dragons’ prey animals, and then you can just WATCH the vegetation suffer. (Have there been fewer forest fires? Maybe! But at what price!!!!!!)
His judgment of war criminals seems dependent on whether they were nice to him, because if you dig into it, he’s pardoned one and executed another, and it honestly really just came down to one being his friend :/
Also he's said discriminatory things about mages :/// and yeah, maybe it was him echoing the kind of views everyone in his homeland held unironically and he may have ended up a staunch supporter of mage rights and married to a mage, but, like, he should have known better from the very start. :/
Used a hand he honestly believed to have been marked by the mark of the divine prophetess to jerk off that one time :/
Actually he did also unironically believe himself to have been chosen by a god, and when he realized that wasn’t the case, he still didn’t use his platform to publicly apologize :/
Used influence to change the outcome of an election, is the sole reason the Thedosian pope is all WOKE now :/
accidentally aided the rise to power of a megalomaniacal trickster-god who seeks to destroy the world as we know it :/
and let's not forget that he's not even forklift-certified. doesn't matter that there aren't any in Faerun/Thedas, it still counts.
................ Oh, and technically they're both, like, mass murderers??? In some way??? So. That's gotta add to the pile. But honestly, in the context of everything else, that's like, a minor thing.
Point is, they both suck and nobody should like them. ://///
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demonsfate · 5 months
Angry Depressed rant about Tekken fandom
It's now three more days until Tekken 8. One of the only things I want from this game is just to simply do damage control and retcon Tekken 6 already (just fucking say Azazel brainwashed Jin like how Ogre brainwashed Nina in T3 or Cammy was brainwashed by M.Bison) - I mean they can fucking retcon Jinpachi having the devil gene and Heihachi's motivations in Tekken 7 but not Jin starting a war??? Let's be real, Tekken 6's story mode and Harada's fucking favoritism for his precious creator's pet Heihachi Mishima ruined everything EVERYTHING. Harada and Murray keep basically villainzing and putting both Jin and Kazuya (aka the true tragic victims of the story) in a bad light to make Heihachi and Lars look good. Not even Masashi Kishimoto's favoritism for fucking Itachi Uchiha or Studio Pierrot's favoritism for Hinata Hyuga was this BAD. They fucked over Jin in Tekken 6 for the sake of Lars (that would be like if Dante from Devil May Cry was suddenly a genocidal war criminal for the sake of making Nero look good or if Mega Man X became a genocidal maverick for the sake of making Axl look badass - it's just cheap, lazy, and insulting). Kazuya is a victim of Harada's bullshit too, I mean in Tekken 7 they basically villainized a child abuse survivor who lost everything all because of his father while trying to make his abuser look sympathetic because Kazuya has the Devil Gene. Which makes seeing all the stupid Jin vs Kazuya debates bullshit on twitter and r/Tekken even more painful to look at because at the end of the day, the truth is that their characters got ruined for the sake of fucking Heihachi, Lars, and Reina.
Even worse, no one ever acknowledges this shit. NO ONE ever does. They just hate on Jin for ONE fucking game. They keep characterizing Jin like how he was in Tekken 6 - like that is how he always was since the beginning. Ignoring the existence of his personality and potrayal in Tekken 3-5. I remember having seen so many terrible Jin Kazama bashing fan fiction where Jin is potrayed as a ultra pure evil sociopathic r*pist monster who kills and r*pes both Hwoarang and Xiaoyu to make other characters like Kazuya and Lars look good. I have seen a god awful Naruto/Tekken crossover fanfic where Jin r*ped poor Sasuke Uchiha 50 times and pissed and pooped on Sasuke just to make Sasuke's lover Naruto and his brother Itachi look good and prove that Naruto and Itachi are the strongest anime characters of all time. Fortunately those god awful fan fictions are gone for good after the great fanfiction.net purge of 2012. But now there's still some fanfic on ao3 where Jin constantly gets r*ped by either Kazuya or Miguel as "punishment for his war crimes". Also don't even get me started on all the repetitive discourse about "Jin Kazama bad/evil because Tekken 6 so he should fucking die" on r/Tekken and the Youtube comments section that is still ongoing to this day. At this rate, if things don't get better I might actually take a break from Tekken and migrate straight back to the Berserk fandom and the Naruto fandom. Damn it...sorry if got too emotional there, I just wanted to let my thoughts out of here and I want things to go back to the way they used to be for us Jin Kazama fans.
I'm at the point where I seriously believe they're not gonna retcon Jin's actions in Tek8 and they seriously are just going with the "I'm sowwy I'm good now tho fr fr :3 :3" bit. Which... YEAH, while I'm still glad that Jin is returning to his old characterization, I do find it extremely difficult to fully enjoy it when they're still treating Tekken 6 as completely canon. Just because if it's not gonna be retconned, there's just no real explanation why Jin would suddenly turn into the cruelest motherfucker in Tek6, only for him to... revert back to his caring self in Tekken 8???? Like it's so inconsistent, and VERY bad inconsistent. Especially when all the characters (HIS VICTIMS!!! SUCH AS LARS AND ALISA!!) are being so supportive of him. Which some ppl would try to say "oh, well it's either be nice to the war criminal or get killed by Kazuya!" And it's like... ok. True. But there is a difference between being nice to somebody you need, versus telling them how proud you are of them, being straight up buddies, y'know? Lars and Jin literally have a reference to Ken and Ryu lmao.
And I will just NEVER understand why they don't retcon 6. It's so bizarre. No, I don't think everything should just be retconned but like. If you're gonna retcon things that weren't even problems to begin with (as you said, Jinpachi having the devil gene) then why can't they retcon something that most people DID have a problem with? Something that REALLY IS an inconsistency with the plot? Brainwashing is an easy excuse because it happens so often in fighting games. If Azazel can telepathically speak to Jin, then who's to say he couldn't do anything else to Jin's head? They can also use that as to why Jin was wildly inconsistent in 6 itself. (Going from insulting Alisa while she died, to claiming he's doing everything for the better good. You can say he wasn't in his right mind because he was literally brainwashed, but trying to break free from it - which he successfully did right before defeating Azazel.) I've said this several times now, but even if it was retconned that Jin was brainwashed - you can still have the whole "guilt" plot with him. Because yeah... even if somebody wasn't in control of their actions, they might still feel guilty if somebody used their body to carry out atrocities. Or like I often state in my depiction, Jin also feels guilty for his weakness, for not being able to fight off Devil and keep control.
It DRIVES me wild too. Like people talk about how Kazuya is being villainized just to prop Heihachi up, but for some reason not as many people bring up how Jin is also a victim of this. Both Kazuya and Jin, who were literally abused by Heihachi as innocent minors, are being depicted as The Worst People. Yeah, Kazuya's a pretty scummy guy despite what he went through... but to act like he's worse than Heihachi by retconning Heihachi to look better all while making both Jin and Kazuya worse is just wild. What made me really, REALLY mad is when Harada noticed that fans were still INSISTING that Jin's a hero, and he had to actually say "UHM ACTUALLY JIN STARTED WARS JIN STILL MORALLY GRAY CUZ OF THAT" but then he had THE GALL to say that Heihachi just "looks like an evil character"
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OKAY, so JIN IS EVIL, OR AT LEAST, QUESTIONABLE BUT HEIHACHI IS NOT EVIL. Because... he's honest with himself???? He sure as fuck wasn't honest with nobody else! HE LIED TO HIS GRANDSON FOR 4 YEARS AND THEN KILLED HIM ONCE HIS GRANDSON WAS OF NO USE TO HIM. This really just shows how Harada views the characters based on his favoritism. (Even if he claims that Jin is his second favorite. Sure.)
Even though I like Lars, I'm gonna be honest - like most things in Tek6, I don't really fully understand the point of his character (in that game). Jin was already supposed to be the "good Mishima" - that was the whole point. So... why make Jin actually Bad, only to introduce... another Mishima that's the "good Mishima"????? Why not... just keep Jin the way he is lol. My brother said the point was that Lars was supposed to go evil, too, because Heihachi said some stupid shit about Mishimas all betraying each other and being bad to him in 6. But I'm really not sure if that was their intention or not. Like if they were really gonna go with the "All Mishima Bad" story, then why not have the main character be somebody totally unrelated? And idc what anyone tries to say bc Harada lied about it, Jin was never intended to be a bad guy, he was just a tragic hero - that's it.
And REINA... my god, Reina. Like yeah, she looks cool - I understand the hype. My biggest problem with her (originally) was her connection with Heihachi. I didn't care for another Surprise! Mishima family member. But My God, it really does feel at times that... Jin and Kazuya are being overshadowed because of the Reina hype. It actually had some fans asking if she's gonna be the true main character. Which I find it very disappointing that the long awaited Jin vs Kazuya fight, as well as Jun's first appearance in a main game after 27 years is being overshadowed by a new Heihachi kid OC ffs. I mean, when the game was first announced - they were hyping up Jun. But then after Reina was discovered... it just seemed like Reina Reina Reina lol.
FANS DRIVE ME WILD TOO OMGGG. Like fans will ALWAYS refer to Jin as a Forever The Worst Character Ever because of Tekken 6. Which is really bizarre, because they can acknowledge when they believe Kazuya is being written worse just to make Characters Look Better, yet... they can't acknowledge that Jin suffered from Character Assassination in Tekken 6 and how it was literally the only game where he behaved like that. Yes, in 7 - his depiction wasn't great, either. But it was still an improvement from 6. And in 3, 4, 5, and 8 - Jin's character is still mostly consistent. He's a quiet man who wants to help save the world despite the circumstances he's placed. He's a caring person. Yet BECAUSE OF 6... now he's forever seen as a horrible edgelord who's a hypocrite. 🙄 Honestly, I think a retcon is the only way to salvage fans' perception of Jin, and even then... I still think 6 will forever be a stain on Jin's character. Which I'll never forgive it for that.
As for fanfiction... there's a reason why i don't really read fanfics and I'm glad I don't lol. Yes, I know there are good ones... but there are just sooo many bad ones and I just don't really care to read 'em to see if I'd like 'em or not. But when going through live journal for Classic Fandom Posts just to see people's thoughts on Jin back in the day, I did find this post...
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and it did make me think there must be a lot of those fics floating around at the time. You've only confirmed that, unfortunately.
I wish things would go back to the way it was, too. (Even if I can't remember what that was like LOL) Because God, I'd LOVE to be able to love this character and go through his tags without seeing a barrage of hate and why the character should die. I'd LOVE to be able to even BRING UP how much I love the character in public spaces without people saying "BUT HE STARTED A WORLD WAR!!111!1 HE'S HORRIBLE AND DESERVES NO GOOD THINGS!11!!" It just gets so exhausting and I understand why it'll upset you. Obvs, it upsets me a lot too, hence why I often go on my own rants. But I think the best thing for you to do is... rather than just completely staying away from the fandom, it's probs best to create your own little space. Like me for example, I've basically stopped interacting with those on Reddit and even on the majority of Tumblr. But since this is a Jin focused blog only, luckily other like-minded Jin fans find my blog, and we can all enjoy the character and understand what he is and isn't without others trying to hate on him. While I don't have fun on other websites, I can at least have fun with the character here and that makes me super happy.
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