#i passed out getting belly rubs as soon as laid down
bunnys-kisses · 8 days
i got a fever and the only cure is more john price!!
he fucks nasty, you thought that age would slow him down. but, no. you are worn out before he even breaks a sweat. years of training to his body has given him stamina like a bull. and he had the breeding balls to prove it!
you didn't mean to sleep with your captain, but now that he had you in his grasp. he wasn't loosening his grip, not until that belly got round and those tits got fat.
"was a big baby." he said, his voice tense as he pressing his cock down into you. he had you pinned under his hefty, hairy wait as his impressive (huge) cock battered your insides. prepping you to accept his thick cum. he had his bicep around your head and kept you pinned.
it wasn't even a full doggy style anymore, he just laid on top of you with his cock plugging your sweet pussy. your moans were pathetic, you were powerless to him.
"price's are grown quite big, big head and wide shoulders. but don't worry, i'll be there the whole time. makin' sure my woman is taken care of. carry them at your hip while i got ya pregnant with another." his licked his lips like a hungry dog at the thought of it all.
you thought it was just sick dirty talk by the way it made you pussy slicker. but price was laying it out as it was. he was going to breed you, you were going to have his children.
he is egged on by your moans. he had convinced himself that you were his wife, even though you had never even gone on a date before. you thought this was simple, on-base, casual sex. meanwhile price was trying to very blatantly baby trap you.
he chalked up your ignorance to you having better maternal instincts than actual smarts. but, that was alright, you were meant to be a mother anyway! don't worry, price will make it all better for his precious wife.
price wanted to see and document all the changes to your pregnant body, he wanted to see his child grow inside of you. proof that he had laid claim to him. then he'll set you up in a sleepy town in northern england and you can be his little wife.
you, him and the kids. maybe a guard dog or two to protect the property. gotta keep the family safe!
the sick, pervert thoughts overcame him like a wave as he drilled his cock into you. a promise that he was going to finish very soon. even if you wanted to escape, the weight on top of you and the blissed out mess in your mind prevented you from getting too far.
not until he got you pregnant.
when he creams inside of you. it's game over (sorry)! you thought that due to age and his lifestyle that his swimmers were next to nothing. but he'd been saving up. a long time without a hole to fuck had made his biology desperate to pass his genes along.
so when he got you in a headlock while he rocked up into you, spearing your pretty pussy open, get ready for motherhood (yay)! because even trying to sneak off to get plan b will do nothing. you waited too long or the pills were ineffective.
as he rubbed your swollen middle on the couch of the sweet little home you (he) owned, his face brushed up against your side. his facial hair tickled your bare arms. he'd tell you that it was a miracle before he kissed your swollen mound.
"you are a better mother than you ever were a private." he cooed at you as he invaded your space once more, "good mothers make strong babies and i'm aimin' for the 99th percentile" <3
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lvnleah · 12 days
012. | Welcome to the world
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word count: 2.6k
find the masterlist here!
a very emotional and long one so grab some snacks and strap in :)
listen to this while reading ;)
March 29th 2024 | 39 weeks + 1 day pregnant.
It’s March 29th, one of your favourite days of the year because you get to celebrate the woman you love the most for a whole day and she can’t say anything about it.
This year looks very different from how all of the other ones have been. Leah’s birthday had always been a big thing, she’d always had a big party with all of her family and friends and you’d both always taken it as a chance to get absolutely wasted.
However, this year was going to be a much calmer one with no party. You were currently thirty-nine weeks pregnant, meaning that your baby boy could arrive at any time. Leah was hoping her birthday would be the day although you weren’t sure it was.
Leah pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder as she rubbed circles on your swollen stomach, “Can you imagine what next year is going to look like!” She laughed.
You laughed softly, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness flutter in your stomach. "Yeah, we'll have a little one running around, trying to steal all your birthday cake,"
“He can have however much he wants,” She grinned, “Cake is the best thing ever.”
You shifted slightly, trying to get out of bed, but Leah quickly placed a gentle hand on your arm, stopping you.
"And where do you think you're going?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm making you breakfast," you said, "It's your birthday, and you deserve a special start to the day so I’m going to make you breakfast like I do every year.”
Leah chuckled and shook her head. "Absolutely not. You’re heavily pregnant, and the last thing you need to be doing is running around the kitchen. Besides, I'm perfectly capable of making us breakfast."
"But it's your day," you protested, a pout forming on your lips.
"And it includes making sure you and our baby are comfortable," Leah said, her tone gentle but firm. She leaned in and kissed your forehead. "Stay here and relax. I'll make us something delicious, I promise.”
You sighed. "Fine," you gave in, "I just wanted to spoil you!”
"You carrying our son is more than enough," Leah said with a laugh as she got out of bed. She headed to the kitchen, and you could hear the familiar sounds of her starting to cook.
You laid back against the pillows, rubbing your belly in slow, soothing circles. A tightening feeling wrapped around your lower back and stomach, making you wince in response. You blew it off as just being braxton hicks and soon enough they passed.
"Babe! Do you want pancakes or waffles?" Leah shouted from the kitchen.
"Pancakes," you answered without hesitation. "With strawberries and whipped cream."
"Coming right up!" she replied.
The smell of pancakes spread through the apartment. As you relaxed on the bed, you found yourself daydreaming about the future. The thought of your little boy's first birthday parties, his first steps, and all the special moments that awaited filled you with excitement.
After a short while, Leah reappeared with a breakfast tray, a proud grin on her face. She carefully set the tray on the bed and sat down beside you.
"Breakfast is served," she announced with a flourish, presenting the pancakes topped with fresh strawberries and a generous dollop of whipped cream.
“Ohh this looks great!” You said, taking your plate from her, “Thank you, love.” You smiled, pressing a kiss to Leah’s cheek. “What’re the plans for today?”
Leah took a bite of her pancake, humming in perfection before speaking, “Well I’ve got training from eleven till half three and I was thinking I’ll come back here and we can chill for a bit and then head to dinner with my family?”
You nodded in agreement, “That sounds good. I’ll probably nap while you’re at training so I get some rest.”
As you took a bite from your pancake another sharp pain spread around your stomach and back. You dropped your fork on the plate and clutched your stomach as your face screwed up.
“Pretty girl, are you okay?” Leah asked you, her eyes widened in concern.
You nodded and hummed as the pain began to pass over, “Mhm! Just a…braxton hick.”
Leah looked at you, her eyebrows raised, “Are you sure?”
“Yes Leah,” you laughed, “I know you want him to come on your birthday but I don’t think he is, love. I think I’m going to go overdue!”
You were completely convinced you were going overdue and that your baby boy wasn’t going to be here until after April 4th. You had everything ready and his nursery was perfect, it was now just a waiting game.
Leah fake pouted, “I just wanted him to come today! I know it’s crazy but I don’t know why I want him to come today but I know he’ll come whenever he’s ready.”
She reached over and grabbed her phone, “I need to get ready for training.”
Leah slipped out of bed and placed a kiss on your forehead, leaving you to finish your pancakes. She quickly showered before changing into her training kit and coming to say goodbye to you.
“I’ll be back before you know it but I’ll keep my phone beside me okay?” She said, leaning over and kissing your lips.
You nodded, “Okay but I still don’t think anything’s going to happen, Le.”
She giggled at you, winking, “You never know! You never know, pretty girl!”
After Leah left for training, you settled onto the couch with a cosy blanket and turned on a movie. You found yourself drifting in and out of sleep, the occasional Braxton Hicks contractions making you pause and take a deep breath.
You tried to take a nap but the pain was stopping you. For a moment you thought it was time but you then convinced yourself not to be so ridiculous, your baby wouldn’t be coming today.
Eventually, you gave up on sleeping and headed into the kitchen to grab yourself a glass of water. You poured the cold water into a glass and took a gentle sip.
Another pain struck your stomach, making you grab the counter. This time, however, you knew it wasn’t a false contraction because a trickle of water soon followed after it.
You froze, staring at the water trickling down your leg. Your heart raced as you realised what might be happening. Taking a deep breath, you quickly grabbed your phone and called Leah.
"Hey, pretty," Leah answered, her voice upbeat as she spoke over the gym music. "Everything okay?"
"Le," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, "I think my water just broke."
There was a brief pause on the other end before Leah's voice became urgent. "Are you sure? Is it happening now? Are you in pain?"
"No, it's happening next week! Yes, I'm sure. And yes, I’m having contractions too. They're coming a bit more regularly now."
Leah’s response was immediate, her voice full of concern and excitement. "Okay, I’m on my way. Stay calm. I’ll be there as fast as I can. Try to time your contractions if you can. Umm, I’m going to phone my mum to come and stay with you till I get there.”
You nodded even though she couldn't see you. "I will. See you soon.”
Hanging up, you took a few moments to breathe. The contractions were becoming more intense and closer together. You focused on your breathing, just like you’d practised.
As you paced around the kitchen, the reality of the situation settled in. You felt a mix of excitement and nerves. You knew your baby was coming soon, and you couldn't wait to meet him.
A few minutes later, your phone rang again. It was Amanda. "Hi, sweetheart," she said, her voice calm and reassuring. "Leah called me. I'm on my way. Just hang tight, okay?"
"Okay," you replied. "Thank you."
As you continued to time your contractions, you tried to keep yourself as calm and focused as possible. The minutes felt like hours as you waited for Leah and Amanda to arrive. You leaned against the counter, breathing through another contraction, when you heard the front door open.
Amanda rushed in, dropping her things at the door before rushing over to you. "How are you doing, love?" she asked, placing a gentle hand on your back.
"Better now that you're here," you said with a strained smile. "The contractions are getting closer together. Fuck these are painful!”
"Good, that means we're getting closer to meeting your little one," she said with a warm smile. "Let's get you comfortable and then we'll head to the hospital when Leah gets here yeah?”
As Amanda helped you gather your things and get ready, you felt a sense of relief knowing she was there to support you. Just as you sat down on the sofa, Leah bursted through, slightly out of breath but with a huge smile on her face.
"I'm here, I'm here!" she exclaimed, rushing over to you. "How are you doing, pretty girl?"
A wave of tears bubbled up when you saw Leah's face. "Better now that you're here, what time is it?”
"Just gone three! Let's get you to the hospital," Leah said, taking your hand. "Finley’s eager to meet us and share a birthday with his Mumma!”
With Leah and Amanda by your side, you made your way to the hospital. The ride there felt like a blur, the contractions growing stronger and more frequent. Leah held your hand the entire time, whispering words of encouragement as Amanda drove.
Once you arrived at the hospital, a nurse checked you in and soon enough, you were settled in and being monitored. Your midwife checked you and you were already at five centimetres. You tried to bounce on the yoga ball but the contractions grew too much and you ended up caving for the epidural which soon relieved the pain.
“Okay, you’re six centimetres dilated,” your midwife told you with a smile as she slipped her gloves off and put them in the bin, “Another four and your baby boy will be here!”
Your labour seemed to progress slowly. By seven o’clock you were only at seven centimetres and your body was growing tired despite having the epidural.
Around half seven, Amanda left to grab some dinner and Beth came up with Viv to come and see you.
Viv, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a soft teddy bear, walked over and hugged you gently. "Hey, how are you holding up?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern and excitement.
You managed a tired smile. "It's been a long day, but I'm getting there. The epidural helped a lot."
Beth squeezed your hand. "You're doing amazing. Just think, in a few hours, you'll have Finley in your arms."
Viv placed the teddy bear on the bed next to you and sat down. "He’s eager to be born on your birthday eh? He listens to you then, Leah."
She laughed, “Yeah he did but I don’t know if he’ll come before midnight now, Y/N’s only seven centimetres.”
The conversation with Beth and Viv helped to pass the time and distract you from the discomfort. They told you about how chaotic Leah was when you phoned and how everyone did hardly any training afterwards because they were so excited.
By eight o’clock, Amanda returned with a warm meal and a hot chocolate for Leah and Beth and Viv left. She updated everyone on your progress, and the midwife popped in to check on you again.
"You're at eight centimetres now," she said encouragingly. "We're getting close."
The anticipation grew, and with every passing minute, you felt more ready and more eager to meet your baby boy. Amanda left and gave you and Leah some time by yourself.
As the clock neared nine, the midwife returned with another update. "You're almost there. Nine centimetres. Just a little longer."
Your body ached with exhaustion and your hands shook uncontrollably, but the excitement of finally meeting Finley kept you going.
"You're so close now," Leah said softly, brushing a strand of hair from your forehead. "You've got this."
Around eleven o'clock, the midwife made one final check and smiled widely. "It's time. You're fully dilated. Are you ready to meet your baby?"
“Maybe he will be born on your birthday,” you smiled up at Leah as she kissed your temple.
Leah smiled back, her eyes brimming with tears. "Maybe," she whispered, "but it doesn't matter when he arrives. I just can't wait to see him."
With Leah by your side, the midwife and nurses guided you through the process. You gripped Leah’s hand tightly before starting to push.
Each push brought you closer to meeting your son. After nine months, your baby boy was so close to being in your arms. All of your dreams were coming true.
"You're doing great," the midwife said, her voice steady and reassuring. "Keep going."
Ten minutes turned into thirty and thirty minutes then turned into almost an hour. You were pushing and pushing but you felt like you were getting nowhere. The clock was close to striking midnight, there were only ten minutes left of March 29th.
You had the room dimmed and as comfortable as possible. You had made Leah put on some music, specifically Adele because that was whose music you found the most relaxing.
"I can see the head," The midwife announced. "You're almost there. Just a little more."
You put every ounce of strength left in your body and pushed with everything you had. It felt like an eternity, the effort taking every bit of your remaining strength.
"You're so strong," Leah whispered, her hand tightly in yours, "You've got this."
You let out a deep breath, “Le, I can’t do this! I-I can’t.” You cried.
“You can,” Leah nodded her head, kissing the back of your hand, “I know you can, pretty girl.”
With each push, the midwife's excitement grew. "One more big push! His head is out, just the shoulders now!”
You gave it your all, pushing with every last bit of strength. Your favourite Adele song, Make You Feel My Love began to play just as you finished pushing. Right before midnight, with one final, powerful push, you felt an overwhelming release.
A small, piercing cry filled the room, and the midwife carefully lifted your son onto your chest as Adele played out. "He's here!" she exclaimed, her voice full of joy.
“Time of birth is eleven fifty-six!” You heard a nurse call out.
Tears streamed down your face as they placed Finley on your chest. His tiny body was warm, and you felt an immediate, unbreakable bond. Leah leaned in, kissing your forehead.
“Hi baby, hi!” You cooed, rubbing your hand gently down his back as the nurses cleaned him off. “Oh I know, it’s been tough hasn’t it?”
You gazed down at Finley, taking in perfect little features that resembled Leah so much. His cries softened as he felt your warmth and nothing else mattered in that moment.
You gently stroked Finley's tiny head, “We did it," you whispered, looking up at Leah. "He's perfect."
Leah nodded, her eyes never leaving Finley's face as tears of joy fell down her face. "He is, you’ve created the most perfect human.”
“Mum, would you like to cut the cord?” A nurse asked Leah.
Leah looked down at you before you nodded, she took the scissors and cut the umbilical cord which the nurse guided her on how to cut it.
Once the cord was cut, the midwife took Finley for a moment to check his vitals and clean him up more thoroughly. Leah stayed close beside him, her hand resting on his stomach as she whispered to him.
Meanwhile, you delivered the placenta which came out easily in a couple of pushes.
The midwife soon handed Finley to Leah, wrapped in a soft blanket "He's perfect," The nurse said to you with a smile. "One little healthy baby boy."
"Hi, Finley Jake," Leah whispered, gently stroking his cheek as she sat down in the chair beside you. "Welcome to the world, little man.”
Finley’s tiny fingers slipped out of the blanket, his little face mirrored Leah’s classic frown. “You really wanted to share your birthday with your Mumma, huh?” Leah whispered, “Well there’s no one else I’d rather share it with, you’re so perfect.”
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reveluving · 10 months
a/n: while I received so many amazing thots (I'm not even joking. I'm still cooking &lt;3), there wasn't any for Ale at all, and it didn't feel right ☝🏼🤨 so consider this a ‘reve's asks’ for our shy!wife collection! don't forget to leave some sugar!
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Includes: pre-marriage (moved in together!), future mrs vargas is a little oblivious but that's okay, he loves her for it & tooth-rotting fluff!
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!
“You're so cute!” 
You were at it again.
“You're a good boy,” Smooch smooch, “Yes, you are,” Smooch, “Our best boy,” Smooch, “The most distinguished gentleman in the world.” 
On most days, he would find it adorable. Seeing you bond with his fluffy pal despite the less-than-pleasant assumptions many have of the breed. But with the recent deployment lasting longer than usual, resulting in his return just yesterday, he was practically dying to have your attention.
But it seemed like Great Dane had the same plan, even though he got to spend time with you all the time. 
You had a knack of nuzzling Hernando’s fur, especially his stomach area, on days where you found him extremely irresistible (which was always, to be honest). The pooch barely minded the lipstick stains you would sometimes leave on his silky fur, only caring about your attention more than anything.
But sometimes, Alejandro thinks he was also acting cute for you just to spite him.
He revealed himself from behind the wall, smoothing out the front of his shirt as if he had just come down from upstairs. Hernando laid on his back, enjoying your unlimited belly rubs and head smooches.
Though he and Hernando pretty much were fighting for even an ounce of you, he'd be lying if he said seeing you, sweet little you, taming a giant beast with little to no problem.
Be it a Great Dane, who turns into a baby when you're around or a muscular colonel, who worships his beloved like his life depends on it.
“Oh, Ale,” You smiled, small and shy, slightly embarrassed at the thought of him overhearing you baby-talking yet again, “Ready to head out?” 
“Si,” He grinned, reaching for your hand for a sweet kiss before whispering against your temple, “You look beautiful as always, mi amor.” 
It should've been too early to feel the burn in your face. Hell, you should've expected it, especially when he has never missed a day to compliment you.
“Thank you,” You looked down for a moment, biting down the giddy smile before meeting his eyes, “You look very handsome.” 
“For you, amor, it would be a crime not to look my best.” He replied with zero hesitation, even puffing up his chest at your praise. He tried not to let his gaze linger, but oh, how impossible it was not to appreciate how your curves looked in your dress.
“Come,” He offered to hold the leash, partially to monopolize your attention as you walked, but just as you tried passing it to him, Hernando huffed. He sat on the floor as soon as it was in Alejandro's hand, seemingly persistent about not wanting to move when he was barking at the door just moments ago. He grumbled under his breath, knowing what the canine was trying to do, “Ay, dios mio.” 
He should've seen it coming.
The deadpan on his face softened as he heard you giggle, hiding your amusement behind your hand.
“It's okay, he's probably just grumpy that we're late.” You were supposed to take him to the park nearly half an hour ago if it weren't for Alejandro's sudden need to trap you against the wall for kisses when he saw you exited the bathroom in just a towel.
And just as he suspected, Hernando jumped to his paws the moment Alejandro returned the leash in your hands.
Still, Alejandro was able to wrap his arm around you without his pal protesting, and he took advantage of it like no other.
If one thought getting mauled by a giant dog for making a lady uncomfortable was already scary, they'd have to think again.
Now, they'd have to worry about the same dog and his tall, dark and handsome… and intimidating owner.
But each time Alejandro managed to steal your attention for a few seconds longer, Hernando tugged at the leash. Not to the point of hurting you from the suddenness or worse, causing you to fall, but enough for the man to realize the little game he was playing at.
But for just a moment, Hernando seemed distracted by the birds near the pond.
You noticed, and Alejandro most certainly did, and to his gratefulness, you unhooked the leash from his collar. Patting his head, you said, “Go on, buddy.” 
Given the green light, he immediately zoomed towards the flock, his enormous size would scare the living shit out of a grown man, let alone some pigeons. 
You were about to ask Alejandro what the two of you should do while Hernando was going crazy on his own, he took you by surprise when he wrapped his arms around you before dipping you just a little. A stark resemblance to a cheesy scene in a romantic drama. 
The first thing you thought of doing as he embraced you was to cover your face with your hands. You were growing hot at the thought of the people, who were just trying to enjoy nature, seeing the passion your boyfriend was exhibiting in public. 
The softness in the way he spoke your name, despite his deep, gruff voice prompted you to pull your hands, away, albeit slowly. His eyes held adoration, and just a hint of jealousy, you realized. Whether or not he was concealing the rest of his enviousness was unknown, but his stare was… intense, to say the least.
With one arm around you and the other holding your hand, he leaned in and almost immediately, you closed your eyes, anticipating his lips on yours despite the possibility of being watched.
But the kiss never came. Not fully. You could feel his lips but it was nothing more than a feathery touch.
“Kiss me,” He whispered, “Kiss me, and I shall show you how much I yearn for you always.” 
Letting out a shaky sigh, you shyly closed the distance, only to gasp when he returned the kiss feverishly. Like a man starved, he held you against him like a lifeline as he shamelessly groaned in the kiss. 
But just as the passion clouded your mind, just as Alejandro was hoping to feel his lips against yours, you heard a bark.
And to your horror, Hernando was running towards the two of you at maximum speed.
Alejandro didn't waste any time, holding you to his chest while his back faced the Great Dane. Hernando body side-slammed into him, eliciting a grunt from Alejandro, followed by your squeal as your bodies tipped. 
Alejandro was quick to turn amid the fall, being the first to hit the grass while he became your cushion. 
You face planted into his chest, but it beats facing the same fate on the ground instead.
“Amor? Amor, are you okay?” He may have bore the brunt of it, but that didn't mean his worries were dispelled just yet. 
You could've gotten seriously hurt! 
Hernando had left the crime scene at this point, opting to play with the other dogs in the area, but Alejandro liked to think his buddy knew he was in trouble.
“I'm okay…” You raised your head with a tiny ‘ow’, only to begin fretting about falling on him. Thankfully, he laughed, a hearty one, the kind that you couldn't resist smiling at.
“I'm fine, don't worry,” Alejandro turned his head to the right, prompting you to follow his line of gaze. Hernando was having fun with a Pug and even an orange cat. One wouldn't have guessed he was the culprit of you and Alejandro's current state, “I guess he really is mad about us being late.” 
You traced your fingers along his chest, “That's your fault.” 
“Oh? I don't think you were very innocent either.” He teased back, not bothering to move his hands that were resting on your back, “But can you blame me? I can't let ‘Nando take up all of your attention, now that I'm back.”
“He's just feeling playful, now that you're back.” 
“More like a pain in the ass,” He mumbled, only to let out a painless ‘oof’ when you smacked his chest with an ‘Ale!’. He grinned, showing off his pearly whites as a way to say he was not sorry before gripping you tighter for a bear hug, “Come here!” 
He paid your squeaks and whines no mind, just content to be the one kissing you and making you laugh at that moment.
And though he'd have a little word with Hernando about nearly getting you hurt, he'd also like to say one thing.
“Thanks, hermano.”
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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trulyumai · 6 months
Oh, Mr mosses (Series!) V
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Synopsis: You were fine with the job, the steps were easy enough but the secret  of the D.D.D was getting harder and harder to contain. Each night a new entity would enter the building, each with its own horrific look and intentions. Just as you debate on leaving, a new resident has entered the premises; Francis Mosses who is absolutely entranced by your being. Now, his Mimic has taken a liking to you too.
Will you be as smitten of them as they are of you? Only time will tell.
Author Note: Hello everyone, a bit longer of a chapter but thats okay! After Thursday I will be final free! Which means I'll have more time for writing and answering requests, thank you for your patience! <3
Warnings: Blood, Obsessive/Possessive behavior, Stalking, Talk about Death, Mutilation.
Also available on AO3!
Taglist: @tfamidoingwithmylife @mariaflor873 @fandomfeind @greycloudsy @skully-skeleton-bone0106 @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it @the-tiger-lover78 @itoshilvr @wilddreamer98 (Let me know if you want to be added!)
God, even the way she laid there, limp against the office wall was everything to him. 
Biting down on 28 only crunches and squelches echoed through the room, the said man laid in pieces by his feet. 
He casually sat there in her squeaky chair, munching on a limb like it was normal; an everyday hobby. 
Humming a familiar tune he threw the rest of the arm past him, somewhere towards the cabinets, he had to guess. 
With his feet on the desk he sighed. 
Soon the D.D.D would learn of his presence, his safety would be at risk and his little toy would be in even more danger than she already was. 
Maybe he would take her, hide her away to be his little wife. That is what they’re called, aren’t they?
First things first; he had to dispose of the replica. 
Clicking his teeth he scratched his nails on the wood beside him. 
That fucking fool. A useless mirror image he copied. 
He had to learn everything about the man before taking his face; starting with his job, his hobbies, his routes, down to the fucking shampoo he preferred. Until it got to his favorite area, the most recent addition in his life; the pretty receptionist. 
He knew it would be so easy to manipulate the woman. Her mind was so weak compared to him, with just a tad bit of bending (Mentally and a bit physically), he molded her perfectly for him. 
Enough to not only get access to the building, but to her as well. 
She groaned as she laid there, she must be having a nightmare. He hoped it involved him, with some image of the mimic biting chunks out or flesh, kissing them as he went on.  Holding back a grin he decided to move her, before someone else were to poke their nose in the already bloodied business of theirs. He pulled her up until she reached his chest and eyed the old corroded clipboard by the door. 
Going down the list of names he got to her; room 24 Level 2.
Stepping through the red he rubbed his feet on 28’s corpse, letting the leftover blood dry on his once white, button up. We wouldn’t want a little trail now would we? 
Clicking the green button he passed 28 once more, whistling lowly as the elevator pushed its doors open with a groan. 
Stepping in his clawed finger pressed the second button on the wall, watched as the doors came together with a satisfying thunk. 
Belly satiated and full, he looked down at the woman in his arms, her head was lolled to the side, leaning firmly on his chest. Grinning wide he bent towards her, pressing a sloppy, bloody kiss to her forehead, cheek and nose. 
The box dinged once again, the doors slid open loudly to indicate their arrival to her floor. 
Walking through the corridor, he read the numbers idly 
10, 12, 14, 
A turn left 
16, 18, 20- 
A creek escaped, some neighbor had opened their door, just up ahead.
It was that rich suited prick. 
“Ah! Francis, lovely to- is that the receptionist?” His grin was hesitant, eying the girl with bloody marks on her face. 
He could kill him now, but it would be more of a mess to deal with, he doubted he could hide another body from the D.D.D.
Mustering up a smile, his sharp teeth gritted together.
“She’s ah, not feeling well,” attempting to move past the pompous man and walk towards her door just steps away, the man stopped them once more and put a hand out for extra measure. 
Growling he slowly turned, met the eyes of the man once more. 
“Do we have a problem,” he gritted, claws digging into the poor girl below him. 
“Well- ah, tell her to visit me when she feels up to it,” 
He put his hand back at his side, rubbing his fingers idly. 
“I have a job opportunity for her, you see!” 
Not bothering to waste anymore time, he pressed on to her room. Ignoring the suited man's stares as he clicked her key into place, shoving them both inside before slamming the door. 
“Fucking prick.” He muttered. 
But now he was all alone, could touch and prod at the girl with no interruptions. 
Looking around he noticed the apartment was tidy; everything had a place, plants sat by the darkened windowsill and beside them, a full bookcase was laid about. Her kitchen was spotless, only a few decorative items littered the counters while the sink was, of course, empty. 
Holding her up with one hand he scratched at his gums, pieces of bone were starting to prod against his teeth, becoming more annoying than painful. 
Looking for her bedroom he propped open a door with his shoulder, and with a thump, dumped her unceremoniously on the mattress. 
It was then, he realized. 
“Oh fuck.” 
Bolting angrily back towards the door, the hallway and elevator as fast as he could, he bit down on his annoyingly human cheek; hard. 
He left the elevator unlocked. 
Any other mimic could come through freely and he really couldn’t have that. 
Another competition for his food? Yeah no, fuck that. He hated how territorial his kind was, made everything a pain in the ass to retrieve and made survival even more strenuous. 
It’s why he found himself here; In this little rundown apartment, with surprisingly good security. 
Being denied and caught over and over made everything so much more satisfying, because he knew that if he waited- stuck around for the right moment, he’d get in. 
Watched plenty of his kind die too, before deciding to take a shape of his own, and finally, making his way to the pretty and gullible receptionist. 
Mashing the first floor button he clawed at his face, light red marks dented down with each press of his fingers. 
Ironically enough, he’s the one that has to distinguish between what’s real and fake now.
Waiting for the elevator he growled.
“What a pain in the ass.” 
The milkman was tired. Getting in, absolutely no one was there to check his ID, and he wondered if the receptionist was okay (Yet again). It seemed that lately, that’s all he could think about. Her health, the way she smiled, her pretty hands.
 Not once had she missed any of her shifts, and although he had only been there for a short time, he would always hear from the neighbors how dutiful she was. 
Come sickness, fatigue, anything, she would be there. 
Walking past the office, his fingers shook cautiously by his sides. 
Enough was enough, he would talk to her, he couldn’t avoid her forever and his little, “crush,” wasn’t going away anytime soon. 
So with a long intake of air. He pressed her floor number. 
It was now or never. 
The doors closed, and the travel up began. 
Floor 2
With his head pointed downwards he heard the doors sliding open before walking forward, passing a quick figure to his left. Not bothering to greet them he kept his head down.
The anxiety was getting to him and wait- he didn’t even know what room she was in! 
Head up, he turned back toward the figure that passed him. 
They obviously resided on this floor, maybe he could attempt to ask them about her room without completely looking like a creep. 
But what he saw he just couldn’t explain- rationally describe. 
His face stared back at him, it was set in a scowl while he noticed vast amounts of blood adorned his usually crisp white shirt. The doors were on their way to closing, and this version of him reached out to stop it.
He was too late, the metal doors crashed together and Francis could feel his heart jumping out of his chest. 
What the actual fuck was going on.
Was he that tired? 
Grabbing his face he turned back, mumbling incessant comforts to stop the beats of his heart from getting any faster. 
He needed to find her room, and fast.
The first thing she noticed was her head. It boomed with an unfathomable amount of pressure, and she was hesitant to open her eyes. 
She felt around, immediately recognizing the comfort of her own duvet, the silkiness of her pillows,  the faint wafts of the candle she lit the night prior. It calmed the tenseness found between her shoulders, instantly relaxing against the cushioned material. 
With a muffled groan she allowed her eyelids to slink up, her messy room greeted her vision. 
Not remembering the trip up, she laid there, stretched out and confused. 
Craning her head just off the side of the bed, the receptionist glanced towards the hallway; to her front door that was wide open. 
Jerking up, her feet collided with one another, and looking more like a newborn calf than human she attempted her way to the front of the room. 
Never before had a fatigue caused this much confusion; chaos to her mind. 
Something had to be wrong. 
She remembered clocking in, idly sitting by as the clock ticked and ticked. After that it was all blank- it startled her to no end. 
With a hand on the door frame her figure leaned on the wall, just outside her abode. 
Biting her lip she held back a whimper, the bright lights of the hall burned her eyes, she tried to go off of memory, closing her eyes as she felt for every familiar bump and groove of the space.
Turning to where she remembered the elevator was, someone bumped into her- hard. 
“My goodness!” That voice… could it really be? 
“Francis?” Squinting her eyes she blinked repeatedly, trying to get the figure to focus in her vision. 
“H-Hey,” the deep voice answered back, smiling, as she knew it was the tired mailman. Only he could have such a serious yet flustered sounding voice.  
“I've been looking for you,”
The man gripped the girl's shoulders, light yet firm and bent down just to meet her gaze.
“Some… things have been happening, I wanted to see if you were okay.” Flustered, the girl forced out a laugh, taking a hand off her shoulder she gripped it softly. 
“I'm okay, you look more disheveled than me, big guy, what's up?” Kneading the flesh around his knuckles the man couldn't help but relax. 
She smelled so good- of lilac and vanilla, it invaded his senses and corrupted his mind. He couldn't even remember the duplicate until it was shoved back by his consciousness. 
Letting out a low moan he shook his head. ‘Focus Francis, god-’ 
“I have to talk to you,” he blurted out, face getting warmer as she paused her movement, and looked right at him. 
Letting out a giggle she rested her arm, just so it leaned comfortably in the crook of his elbow. 
“Okay? My rooms around the corner, if you wanna talk there?”
Not relying on his words he nodded his head, letting the girl lightly pull his arm to her apartment. 
Now, he just had to figure out how to explain his bloody twin. 
Should be easy!
And if she calls him crazy, and ultimately pushes him out of the apartment- possibly building, at least he got to get this close to her. 
Smelling her, touching her, it was better than living alone with his thoughts- tormenting him every hour of the week that he lazily spent thinking about her anyway.
Inhaling her flowery scent once more he shuddered, he hoped the pretty girl would believe him, so he could once more bask in her presence and ignore every little thing around.
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alwaysonthemend · 10 months
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Author's Note: I received a very sweet request for Danny and period sex. I just know our sweet drummer would be the BEST if your period was giving you trouble 😭
Word Count: 2410
Content Warnings: Period sex, fingering, unprotected sex, p. in v. penetration, shower sex (harder than it looks be safe out there 🫡) period cramps, talks of being emotional/in pain, danny being a sweetheart. 18+ only. Minors DNI
As soon as you had woken up yesterday morning you knew that this one was going to suck. That old familiar feeling low in your belly that makes you want to curl up and not move until your period is over. And no amount of Advil or Midol ever seemed to help. All you can do is curl up around your heating pad and hope that the cramps will pass soon. 
The night before had been spent tossing and turning in agony as Danny had slept soundly next to you. By the time 3AM had rolled around, you’d given up completely on getting a good night’s sleep and had instead spent almost the entire night up watching stupid videos on YouTube. You figured you had probably drifted off around 5 or 6AM and slept somewhat soundly due only to the utter exhaustion. 
You’d awoken to an empty bed – Danny had told you that he would be going in to the studio today, so you had only gotten up long enough to go pee and to plug in your heating pad before collapsing back into bed. As you laid there, burying your nose into Danny’s pillow and breathing in his comforting scent, you’d allowed yourself to drift back into a fitful sleep. The type of sleep where you seem to drift in and out of consciousness without ever getting to sink fully into sleep. 
You’re awoken from your doze by a warm hand shaking your shoulder. 
“Wha-?” Your sleepy eyes blink open to be met with a smiling – though slightly concerned looking, boyfriend. 
��Hey, babe.” He says, tilting his head slightly to the side as he smiles down softly at you. “You okay? You never sleep this late. It’s nearly dinner time.”
You just huff, burying your face back into the pillows dramatically. 
“Why do I have to have a period?” You lament, scrunching your face up as another wave of pain courses through you causing you to wince slightly. 
Danny frowns at the sight of you in pain and he rubs a soothing hand up and down your bicep. 
“Because you’re not pregnant.” Danny says, just a hint of sass to his words and a crooked smile painting his lips. 
“A fact which I would love to celebrate if it weren’t for the persistent pain in my uterus that’s kind of ruining the mood.”
“Sorry, baby. Anything I can do? Chocolate? Midol? Cuddles?” His voice is soft and full of sympathy and your heart warms. Danny never fails to surprise you with just how sweet and thoughtful he is. 
“Hmmm…” You hum, mulling over your options. “Shower. Then cuddles.” You finally decide, looking up at him pitifully. 
He only giggles at you and nods his head, his curls falling into his face slightly. 
“Okay. I think we can manage that. I’ll go start the shower, baby.”  
He places a soft kiss on your forehead before retreating to the bathroom. You wince as you sit up and shuck the blankets off yourself. You rise from the bed and trudge over to your dresser, mentally cursing your female anatomy the whole way. You hear the sound of the water turning on before Danny comes back into the room. 
“All ready for you.” 
“Thank you, Danny.” You tell him, grabbing a pair of comfy sweatpants and an old t-shirt of his to change into. “You’re the best.” 
“And you’re the best-est.” 
You just grin at him and then make your way into the bathroom. Immediately, the steam makes you feel a bit better. You place your change of clothes on the counter and strip from your pajamas from the night before. Stepping beneath the warm spray, you sigh at the feeling of the hot water hitting your aching body. You turn your body so that the water hits your lower belly and close your eyes as you try to relax. 
You startle at the feeling of two hands sliding down your shoulders. You yelp and spin around to be met with your smiling boyfriend. 
“Mind if I join you?” He says cheekily. 
“A bit too late to ask that now, isn’t it?” You snark back, taking in his naked form before you. 
No matter how many times you see him like this, you don’t think you will ever get over just how beautiful he is. You watch as the beads of water roll down his tan skin, and you take in his broad shoulders and strong arms – heat rushing to your face a bit as you remember just how strong those arms are. Wetness pools between your thighs as you eye his tattoo – something that you never thought would turn you on the way that it does. Next, you rake your eyes over his slim waist and toned abdomen and admire the way his cock, half-hard already, sits so prettily. 
“Like whatcha see?” He teases, leaning downwards to ghost his lips over yours. 
“Maybe a little bit.” You answer him, standing up on your tiptoes to chase his lips again. 
Danny hums, the sound rumbling in his chest as he swipes his tongue across your lower lip. He steps closer to you, meeting you under the spray and bringing your bodies flush together. His cock twitches against you. 
“Danny.” You warn, placing a palm on his chest as you detach your lips from his.
He meets your warning gaze with a mischievous smile, eyes glittering. 
“What?” He asks innocently, tilting his head. 
“You know what.” 
He shrugs before splaying his large hands out on your waist, sliding his palms down to rest on your hips and squeezing slightly. 
“I read online that sex can help with cramps.” His voice is low – husky in the way that it gets when he’s horny. “Thought we could test it out.” 
You pause for a moment, unsure of yourself. 
“I don’t know…” You trail off. 
He must since your unease as his grip tightens itself on your hips and his eyes soften. 
“I just… I don’t really feel all that sexy when I’m on my period.” You admit to him, watching a water droplet travel down the hollow of his throat rather than meeting his warm gaze. 
“Y/n.” He says, hooking a finger beneath your chin and lifting so that you have to look at him. “ You are always sexy. Always. There is literally nothing that could make you not sexy to me.” 
“Nothing?” You ask him, a hint of confidence coming back to you. 
“Nothing.” He confirms, nodding his head decisively. “But if you don’t feel comfortable that’s okay, too. I just wanna help you feel better.” 
“You always make me feel better, Danny.” You tell him honestly, eyes beginning to fill with tears – completely overwhelmed by his sweetness. “Fuck, sorry.” You choke out as a few spill down your cheeks despite your best efforts. “Damn hormones.” 
Danny huffs out a gentle laugh and tucks a wet strand of hair behind your ear. 
“That’s okay. I tend to have that effect.” 
You laugh and reach up to grip his shoulders – pulling him in to kiss him again. This time, you deepen it, allowing your desire for him to overshadow any reservations you have. He lets you guide the pace, his lips moving against yours in a way that makes your knees weak. 
“I guess we can try it.” You tell him, parting slightly for air. 
“Fuck, yeah.” Danny whispers, sliding his hands down to cup your ass and squeeze. 
“You’re such a teenage boy sometimes.” You manage to say between heavy breaths as Danny attaches his lips to your throat, suckling and nipping in all the places he knows drives you wild. 
Without warning, Danny presses the pad of his thumb against your clit, rubbing lazy circles and drawing a breathy moan from you. 
“Don’t hold ‘em back.” He says lowly, dark eyes casting downwards to watch as he presses his middle finger into you. “Wanna hear all those noises. Let me know I’m making you feel good.” 
Obediently, you allow a loud whimper to escape your lips as he curls his finger just right and brushes against your sweet spot. 
“Oh fuck!” Your eyes close and you bite your lip as pleasure courses through you as he adds another finger. 
“That’s it, baby.” He encourages, his thumb still never letting up on your clit as he fucks into you with his fingers. “Lean back for me.” 
You do as he says, leaning your back against the tile and hissing at the coldness. Though you soon forget the feeling as Danny continues to skillfully fuck into your aching pussy. 
“You are so fucking pretty, baby.” He says, a slight shake to his voice. Nothing gets Danny off more than watching you receive pleasure – a fact which you had learned very early on in your relationship. 
“Want your cock, Danny.” You whimper, shamelessly grinding your cunt down on his hand. As good as his fingers feel, you want nothing more than to feel his thick cock inside of you. 
Danny pulls his fingers from your heat and embarrassment floods through you at the sight of his fingers coated in red. 
“Y/n. Don’t do that.” He warns, sensing your shift in mood. “Look at me, baby.” He gestures to his throbbing cock, the head red and the engorged skin pulled tight. “Everything about you is beautiful, babe. Everything, okay? I want this. I want you. More than anything.” 
You nod, words failing you. 
Without another word, he dips his finger into your folds and gathers more of your blood and slick before wrapping his palm around his length and pumping himself a few times. A breathy little groan falls from between his plump lips and your pussy hurts with how much you’re turned on. Any and all feelings of embarrassment completely washed down the drain at the sight of Danny’s face falling slack with pleasure. 
Danny drops one hand and hooks it beneath your thigh – signaling for you to wrap your leg around his waist. It’s a little tricky on the slippery floor, so he braces his palms on the tile on either side of your head and you grip his shoulders for balance. Finally, he guides his cock into you, stretching you deliciously as he sinks into your cunt to the hilt. You both moan loudly at the feeling. 
“Move, Danny. Please.” You beg, kneading your fingertips into the thick muscle of his shoulders. 
“Fuck, you feel like fucking Heaven.” He grunts, beginning to rock his hips into yours at a steady pace. 
You open your mouth to respond but all that comes out is a loud moan as Danny snaps his hips into you suddenly, the tip of his cock brushing against that special spot inside of you. 
“Danny.” You whine, digging your heel into his lower back to draw him in closer. 
“That’s it, baby.” He coos, bringing his right hand away from the tile in order to drop it between the two of you, once again rubbing tight circles against your swollen clit. “Cum around my cock, pretty girl. Let me feel you. That’s it.” 
He keeps up the praise, knowing that it drives you wild every single time. The sound of his deep voice encouraging you, calling you pretty, telling you how good you are… it’s enough to make your legs begin to shake as the pleasure builds inside of you. The lewd sounds coming from between your bodies are loud enough to be heard over the sounds of the shower. And that, coupled with the grunts and moans that Danny can’t seem to hold back anymore sends you careening into your orgasm. White hot pleasure spreads throughout your body, making your toes curl and your body tremble as he fucks you through your high.
You can tell Danny’s close by the way his own shoulders tremble and the way his thrusts have grown sloppy and erratic. With one last broken moan, he’s spilling his release inside you, his eyes screwing shut and his body stiffening as you clench around his spent cock. 
You both stay there for a moment, basking in the afterglow and enjoying the feeling of each other. The water has long since run cold but neither of you really notice. 
“Any better?” He asks you, nuzzling his nose into your neck and nipping lightly, his softening cock still inside you. His wet hair tickles your chin and you giggle. 
“Yes, actually. Doesn't hurt nearly as bad as before.” It’s the truth. And you’re infinitely grateful that he’d convinced you to do this. 
“Good. Guess I’ll just have to fuck you every day until it’s over, then.” He says cheekily, pulling his now soft cock from you and giving you that adorable crooked smile of his. 
“Teenage boy.” Is the only response you glorify him with. 
The two of you had finished bathing quickly, giggling as you tried to maneuver around each other in order to go quickly so as to escape from the cold water. Once you were both dried and dressed, Danny had cooked you your favorite dinner and you both had watched a movie until your eyelids began to droop – your lack of good sleep and your extracurricular shower activities suddenly catching up to you. 
As you fight to keep your eyes from falling closed for the millionth time, Danny finally declares it bedtime. 
“Okay, I think it’s time for bed.” He says with a laugh, standing up from the sofa and extending a hand towards you to help you up. 
“Fine.” You snark, but you’re more than ready to curl up and go to sleep in his arms. 
You climb into bed and watch as Danny slips under the covers next to you before reaching up to flick off the lamp. Once he’s settled on his side, you turn your body and allow him to pull your back flush against his chest. He hooks a strong thigh over yours and buries his face into your neck and breathes in deeply. 
“Still hurting a little bit?” 
“Just a little.” You sigh, relaxing completely against him. 
“I’m sorry. Wish I could help more.” He mumbles, sounding a little sad. 
“You help tons. More than you know.” You tell him. 
Danny slips his hand beneath the fabric of your t-shirt and cups his warm hand over your lower belly and you sigh contentedly at the feeling. 
“Thank you.” You whisper, sleep beginning to pull you under. 
If you're reading this, I love you! 💞
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
How pitiful
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Part two of the other fic I wrote (repost)
Part one
Reader x Raphael
Warning: it’s sfw, but has some dark themes/ content
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After a while, the corrosive smell started to bother you. Your hands were dyed completely red now. They were sticky and had feathers stuck to them, the blood of the male dried too. For a moment, it felt like you had a hangover. The things you did in the last few hours and the emotions you felt were slowly fading away, leaving nothing but desire behind. All you remembered was a vivid dream akin experience, one where you got to finally feel alive after falling down this deep abyss. The sudden change in environment seems to have influenced you more than you imagined. How you yearned for the screams and cries of him. It has only been a few minutes, yet that feeling, the rush of adrenaline started to disappear like a childhood memory. You didn’t want to forget it, you wanted to keep it sealed within you forever.
Time was passing by like usual, yet for some reason you didn’t seem responsive, as if you weren’t really there. As if you were floating in space, every nerve in your body turned off and your senses dulled. You couldn’t really acknowledge your surroundings, simply at the wall, contemplating and thinking about whatever you did remember. Everything that happened was being replayed in your head like a show, sadly the graphic setting was low and everything was a blur. Except for those crimson eyes of him.
The different expressions his eyes bore were mesmerising, enough to leave its imprint on you. How the once fierce look he owned turned into one of uncertainties, of doubt and fear. Your room looked like the aftermath of a battle. Luckily for you it was at a hotel, so you wouldn’t need to clean it. This wasn’t earth, it wouldn’t matter if the owner sees all of this, the evident of your action, the proof of your true desires. You felt empty again, like the fulfilment you felt before was ran out. The hand on the back of his head moved to his cheeks, moving his face backwards. He has been resting his chin in the crook of your neck the entire time without making a single sound, slowly it got suspicious.
Raphael was breathing very weakly and shallow, apparently he also got a nosebleed. “Hey, wake up.” You muttered, rubbing his cheeks gently. His pale face had blood stains, but his eyes were still closed. Right now he looked very vulnerable, so helpless as if he was someone that needed protection. At the same time he also appeared like an innocent child in your eyes, one that’s been depraved of love. How pitiful he is, being cast aside by his creator and now stuck in the claws of a monster. Since you wore him out a lot, you let him sleep. It didn’t matter if you knew nothing about the anatomy of an angel, if one is exhausted they need to take a break. You laid him down onto the humid mattress before you got up to go to the bathroom.
Now that you cleaned yourself up and got a towel, you started to clean the still asleep male too, wiping the excessive body fluids of him away. It was a little disturbing considering you were the cause of all of this, but you could manage. When you saw the two holes on his belly, where his piercings have been, you gaged a little. The scene turned out to be a bit more grotesque than you remembered. Speaking of memories, it was strange how you couldn’t recall what happened very clearly. After all, it was just happened, as if you weren’t thinking clearly when you did all that. You didn’t regret it though, because if there’s one thing you remembered, then it’s that you loved every second of it. Every action to the words you spoke, you knew you enjoyed yourself a lot. Enough to make you want to go for a second round.
Eventually you finished wiping him, sitting down next to Raphael again. Still so quiet, this wasn’t normal. Your first thought was that he fell asleep, though upon further inspection his face was starting to get pale. Soon you realised that he passed out and sighed, “…not good.” It looked like he lost his consciousness, probably due to the excessive amount of blood he lost. One glance was all you needed to know your hypothesis was right. In the end, you did rip his wings off, not to mention how the bed was now akin to the red carpet. A stressed out groan left you, why were thing always so difficult. Aftercare is great and all, but what should you do if he needs immediate treatment? It’s not like you can carry him all the way to paradise lost. Will today be the day you kill someone for the first time?
Suddenly the door to your hotel room crashed down, and a group of devils barged in. These devils, they really know no manners. Though you were also glad to some degree, because you saw Satan, sitri, and Marbas. “Y/n!” The devil with the white hair ran towards you, but he stopped after taking three steps. Sitri, who was pushing Marbas, followed his king and stopped right next to him. “Solomon, what happened?” That devil asked, his voice was filled with confusion. They must be shocked to see the state the room is in, not to mention Raphael. “I’ll tell you later. Marbas, can you help this guy here? He’s lost a lot of blood.” You looked calm, terrifyingly so, no panic could be spotted in your voice nor did you have a fast heartbeat. “I’ll see what I can do.” Marbas answered after a bit and got out of his binds. When he got close enough to recognise who that was, he hesitated. He still started treating him afterwards, despite the identity of the patient.
“Satan, why are you here?” In all honesty, you didn’t care, and you had a vague idea how they knew your location, but you didn’t want to answer their questions. You weren’t in the mood to right now. “When you disappeared so suddenly, everyone got worried. Then sitri found you.” Nothing you couldn’t guess yourself. “And? Why’s Marbas here?” This time, the devil with the blue hair spoke up, “I heard two heartbeats, and I recognised that the other one was an angel. That’s why.” So they thought you got beaten up or injured, huh, if that’s the case they are pretty late for a rescue operation. “What about you tell us your side of the story now?” It seems like you won’t be able to get out of this one. You noticed that he gritted his teeth again, one look was enough to tell he wasn’t happy. “Well, you see…” “y/n, your majesty Satan and sitri. I’m done, I stopped the bleeding and treated his injuries. Though this won’t be enough, we’ll need to bring him to paradise lost.” In the nick of time Marbas reported his observations and actions, in contrary to what you predicted, you were able to dodge the questions again.
“Why do we need to go all the way there, won’t the hospital in Gehenna suffice?” Satan scoffed, he was getting more furious by the second. First your disappearance, now all the hassle for an enemy. “Because… I believe only his majesty lucifer and gamigin knows how to properly treat him.” Just as Satan was about to inquire about the former seraphim’s injuries, you barged in, “All right, we don’t have much time, no? Shouldn’t we be on the way?” Everything was taking too long, so you interrupted their little small talk and rushed them. In addition, you also walked over to the bed, picking up the white jacket that belonged to his outfit and wrapped him in it. Sitri seems to have finally caught on and helped you carrying him. This was going to be a long night. It was so much hassle just to keep someone alive, maybe you should let him die instead? Was it because of your hardened personality that you weren’t sorry for him, that you didn’t feel any remorse?
It’s been three weeks since Raphael got taken in at the hospital of paradise lost. Your life hasn’t changed much, in fact it reversed back to how it was before your second meeting with him. Today, while you were visiting him, the sleeping beauty finally opened his eyes. It did caught you off guard, so you started to call for the doctor. “You’re [—]. Ah, lucifer, where’s [——]?” His view was blurry, it was like watching black paint spread on a clean paper. Furthermore his head was hurting a lot, as if he had been on a carousel for too long. It was to the point he couldn’t even register your voice properly. “…where…?” The man uttered, it was more like a groan of pain than words. He tried to cover his eyes with his hand due to how bright it was, that’s when he noticed an IV stuck to his arm. “You [—] hospital, if you [——] noticed.” It was still difficult to understand you, but it got better the more he tried. “…is that you, y/n?” Raphael asked and his hand reached out to you, his body acted before he could think about it. You held his hand and intertwined your fingers, then you squeezed his hand. “Yes.” He flinched at that, a little surprised at this sudden gentleness coming from you. This wasn’t how you were like last time, but he didn’t hate it.
A few minutes later lucifer also came into the room, the patient froze upon seeing his former colleague, he also hold your hand more firmly. You didn’t need two brain cells to know they had something to say to each other, so you got up to leave the room. When you stopped holding his hand, he tensed up again, in the end he eventually let go. Were you overthinking it or was he acting differently than before? Nonetheless, you went out to get some food for him. With a bit of discussing and arguing, you got Satan to give you permission to keep him. He did almost die because of you, with that being said you also thought he’d be more wary of you. In the end, you were proven wrong. For the time being you were going to be nice to him, so that he will want to stay, it’d be no good if he runs away. It’s been three weeks now, three weeks of pure boredom. After all that torturous wait, you finally felt an ounce of excitement.
When you got back to his resting place with a bag of to go food, you met lucifer who was just coming out of the room. They must have had a very long talk, was what you thought. You weren’t really curious about what they talked about though, which is why you asked him instead, “can he get out today? He looks healthy enough.” To your surprise the male disagreed, explaining, “he lost his wings, he’ll need physiotherapy.” The confusion was written all over your face like the front cover of a magazine, you said with an irritated tone, “you mean he can’t walk?” “Not good at best.” You should trust the words of a doctor, especially him who has more experience than you, yet you still couldn’t wrap your head around it. “But, it’s his wings he lost. He always walked without showing them.” Lucifer was kingly enough to explain it to you, how much patience he must have, “not showing them and not having them are two different things. He’s been used to having wings it for as long as he lived, this sudden change will cause his body to lose balance, because…” he has too much patience for sure, normally you though he was a quiet guy, though it looks like he can talk a lot if it’s his field. Great, now you had to listen to him lecture you about angel anatomy.
A while later buer called for lucifer, he had something to take care of and left you alone. You on the other hand was standing in front of the patient room now, still holding the now cold bag. So he has to stay here for a month, and then continuously visit it to get better. Is this was you want? Slowly your thoughts were getting too complicated, which is why you stepped inside. “You are back.” You saw raphael turn his head towards you. How pitiful he looked, all bedridden like this. “Yea, are you hungry?” That was a very unnecessary question, really, you didn’t know why you just wasted your breath with that one. Nevertheless you got closer and sat down on the chair next to him, then opened the bag and let him look inside. Maybe you should have used the microwave first, if there was one that is. “It’s all for you.” You added, in case he misunderstands anything. His hand reached out to your direction, though instead of the food he grabbed your hand. “…” “…?” This was bizarre to say the least, he didn’t make any sense. Both of you stayed silent, a few minutes felt like days. Why did he do that? You wondered, but before you could ask he let go of your hand again and reached inside the bag. “Thanks.” The male whispered, then bit into his food.
It was awkward, none of you dared to say something about the new promises between you two. The situation already escalated to the point where you couldn’t go back, guess you had to keep your word then. At some point, after he finished his meal, he just stared at his hands clenching the blankets. It looked like he was deep in thoughts, maybe even regretting ever meeting you. Was what happened only a mistake done in the heat of the moment? Were you going to tell him, ‘sorry, I didn’t mean to’ and then leave? After taking everything from him? That’s what he was contemplating. He can’t return to heaven without his wings, not that he exactly wants to go back, but if hell doesn’t have a place for him where can he go to? Your expression was neutral, too calm even, he couldn’t read you.
It was frustrating, you didn’t get any backlash from it, yet his life had turned upside down. Out of nowhere he reached out to you again and grabbed you by your collar, “You have to take responsibility, you can’t leave me now.” The male threatened you, getting really close to your face. Despite his deep voice, you saw the fear in his eyes, like a stormy night filled with thunder. He moved up too fast, as well as using too much strength, causing him to lose balance and fall over, crashing into your arms with his upper body. This wasn’t anything too dangerous, since you managed to catch him and prevent the fall of you two. It still hurt a little, because his fingers were gripping your shoulders really tight.
“Be careful now.” You said, pulling him in to hug him tightly, watching him tremble a little. This is weird, it wasn’t a natural reaction, so you questioned, “What’s wrong?” “I can’t…” “What?” He was acting strange, this was starting to make you feel uneasy too. Suddenly you hugged you back, holding onto you while saying, “You can’t leave me, don’t leave, never again. You made me like this, you have to take responsibility. Please, please, don’t abandon me too.” His eyes were unfocused, hieratic and wild, he panted while uttering those words like a prayer. The aspect that confused you the most was his expression, an unsettling, forced smile as he clung to you, repeating those phrases like a madman, “don’t leave, I can’t afford it now, don’t leave me.”
You stroked his hair and tried to reassure him, his voice was shaking the entire time. Has he finally gone crazy now? “as long as you behave good, I won’t leave. I’d never leave. I’m right here, Raphael, I’m right here.” It doesn’t matter if he is delusional or not, it’s easier this way. What a twisted path fate has planned out for him, it seems like no matter which turn he takes, he’ll always end up miserable. Even so he just adores when you hold him, when you make his life worth living by planting the seed of love within him. Just a few words that doesn’t even need to be true are enough to wrap him around your finger. You were no good for him, this much was clear from the beginning. Like the deadliest drug, giving him the illusion of temporal happiness, all while slowly rotting him from the inside. He can’t get out of this, he doesn’t want to get out, as long as you are alive he’ll keep using this drug, begging you for more. You can’t leave now, and he’ll make sure it stays like this forever.
Soon your visiting time was over, it was the break of dawn and you had to go home. You wanted to leave and already got up from your seat, he then asked, “where are you going?” “I’m going home, you have to stay here for a while.” Something was amiss again, the atmosphere got heavier. His eyes widened and you saw him getting uncomfortable, the change was so drastically like a light switch. “Take me with you,” Raphael demanded. “What?” This surprised you now. “I want to go with you.” He repeated his words once again, after hearing it for the second time you were still bewildered.
You’d like to say you saw determination in his eyes, but you only saw suspicion and anxiety. “If you want to, but lucifer said…” You abruptly stopped mid sentence, before adding, “you know what, let’s just leave together.” Then you gave him a hand. He tried to stand up, one step after another and hold your hand firmly. Out of nowhere he fell forwards, crashing into you again. Just like last time you managed to grab him and prevent the fall. “Ugh.” The boy yelped a little, and with your help, he managed to get back on his feet. Why was his balance so off, you thought, before you remembered the words of lucifer. To think losing his wing would have such an impact on him, you didn’t imagine it’d be this bad.
But standing alone wasn’t enough. You took a few steps back, and waited for him to follow you. When he did, he instantly fell over again. This time you weren’t there to catch him, and he crashed onto the floor. “Ah..” it wasn’t really painful, considering what he went through, but it scared him. He couldn’t walk like before anymore and flying was definitely out of the question. Even if he knew it will get better, this shock still had a physiological effect on him. Was this truly his fate, the path his lord has chosen for him? Will he find the affection he never got once he reached the end of this? He stared back to his legs, cursing his pathetic state under his breath, why was everything so hard?
You on the other hand was mesmerised, those vulnerable and desperate actions of his were making forgotten emotions float up to the surface again. These were the feelings you missed for three weeks, life’s been so boring without him like the main component was missing. The way he looked so crude was making your heart pound. You wanted him, so bad it hurt. When he looked up to you, he met your gaze, the face you made was indescribable. Was it joy, want, or anger? It made him anxious. An unfamiliar place without anyone he can trust. He killed may devils, who knows when one of them would attack him? His helplessness was causing him to depend on you more and more. “Get up, here.” Once again you reached your hand out to him, and pulled him up. With you here to help him keep balance, he was able to move more precisely.
The two of you didn’t do anything dramatic, simply walking out of the hospital hand in hand. Even if you walked pass other devils, they didn’t dare to say anything. You were the descendant of Solomon, and he was the infamous red angel. Was. Sometimes he would trip a little and lean forward, but you always managed to keep him on his feet. It felt like escorting someone who was drunk. Soon you two got out of the hospital and you called for a taxi, then you opened the door and pushed him inside. Raphael held your hand the entire time, unwilling to let go even for a moment. And with that, you two were making your way back to Gehenna.
Now you’ve done it, you really broke out of the hospital. It was way less dramatic than you thought, even so it left a bad taste in your mouth. You could still turn back and act like all of this never happened, should you? Then you looked over to the man sitting next to you in the car, he was looking out of the window, observing hell. “How do you feel, Raphael? You only woke up today after all.” He flinched at your words, then turned around. “I’m fine, I don’t need to go back.” Silence, a pretty awkward one at that. You still haven’t figured out how you should treat him, just the thought that he didn’t feel any resentment towards you was weird. On one hand you wanted to talk about it, on the other hand you didn’t know if it was the right time to do so. Suddenly Raphael spoke up again, “can I hold your hand?” He’s been like that all day, wanting to do such an innocent act with you, as if you didn’t turn his life upside down. It wouldn’t hurt to agree, so you held your hand out. The male was still looking out the window, in addition to that he was also holding your hand now. The rest of the ride went by like this, quietly and peacefully.
Once you two arrived in Gehenna, you helped him get out of the car. He stumbled a little but he was able to walk, though sometimes he would lose his footing and stray off. With heavy steps you two managed to get to your room. The devils who saw you two didn’t stop you, in such instances it was better to stay curious than knowing somehting they shouldn’t. You two had to go up the stairs to reach your destination, that was fun. Really fun. After he arrived in your room, you immediately made him sit down on your bed. He panted a little, already tired, probably because he didn’t move for the past few weeks. Satan did allow him to stay here, but you weren’t sure if he had an own room yet, so you suggested, “You can stay here for the time being, until I get you a separate room.” “…can it be the one next to yours then?” He asked, it was more like a condition though. “I’ll see what I can do.” “Then i don’t mind staying here.” That wasn’t something he gets to decide. You didn’t know what to think about sharing your privacy like this, since you didn’t have an answer yet, you changed the topic.
“Raphael, how do you feel?” “I answered you already, I’m fine,” he sounded mildly annoyed. “Yea, alright. Then what you are thinking?” “What I am thinking? Let’s see.” Raphael stretched himself on your bed, while you stood in front of him. “I can still remember the pain very well. Don get me wrong, I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I don’t need it.” The male started explaining, his expression was serious and nonchalant. Then he trailed off, “huh, my chest feels tight whenever you aren’t here, if I can’t make sure you are with me my air gets snapped off. Like someone is ripping my heart out of my chest by force.” You weren’t sure what to do with these information, based on what you understood it seems like he has a few screws loose. “And?” “And it aches, it hurts. I can’t stand the idea of being separated from you.” He fumbled with his sleeves, but he wasn’t uncomfortable with sharing his thoughts.
Suddenly, out of nowhere he raised his voice, those red eyes of his showed an insatiable hunger in them, a need that can’t be satisfied. He grabbed your leg and pleaded, “don’t hurt me, you can hurt my body but don’t hurt me. Don’t leave me on my own, okay?” It’d be an understatement to say you were caught off guard by his sudden touch. Instead of replying him, you tried to take a few steps backwards, but he held onto you tightly. “Please.” His voice echoed through the room, it kind of freaked you out. In the end you got closer to him, now only inches away from the boy. This seems to satisfy him to some amount and he continued, “my neck, hah…it feels like a hand is choking me. It’s snapping my air off. Choke me please, take this feeling away.” “What are you talking about?” You couldn’t keep your bewilderedness hidden anymore, trying hard to understand the current situation.
“You are the only thing I have left. It’s only fair if I’m the only one in yours too. I’ll be good, I’ll be obedient, please tell me you need me like how I need you.” His hands grabbed your hips, fingers digging into your waist. “Ugh! Wait a second…” “I gave you what you wanted, because of you I ended up like this, don’t you see how good I’ve been to you?” This was getting uncomfortable, you weren’t exacltly scared for your life, rather you were concerned about the situation. Was this the consequences of your actions? “Raphael, calm the fuck down!” You grabbed his arms, trying to yank them away. It was starting to hurt, his nails were scratching you. Even admits all of this you noticed the flickering of his eyes, how his hands trembled and how he was shaking.
“Don’t you love me? Don’t you adore me? Isn’t that why you did all of this? Please tell me it’s true, don’t tell me otherwise. I don’t care if you have to lie. I didn’t do all of that for you to abandon me. Aren’t I the only one who would go this far for you? Tell me, tell me…! Please. I can’t, I can’t breathe. Y/n. Tell me you love me, please, give me everything you have. This agonising pain is too much to bear. Numb those feelings down until i am a shell of what I used to be. You can take anything from me, even if it’s my eyes. It hurts, it pains, help me, please, I’m begging. I think I’m going mad, y/n, have I made the wrong choice? All of this ache is driving me insane, you are my only escape now. Take it all away, make it go away. Is there no end to my suffering?”
His emotions just exploded, everything was all over the place. He also started crying at the same time as well as shaking you back and forth. Anger, doubt and fear filled him up to the rim. There was only so much he could take, and today was his snapping point. Your hand moved first, slapping him across the face, soon it turned red. His little breakdown was going too far and you weren’t nice enough to deal with it. “Fuck I told you to calm down, what are you doing, spouting one nonsense after another?” It’s rare for you to get this angry. You’ve learned to have a lot of patience after coming to hell but this man was pushing you out of your comfort zone. “I’m not good enough. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. I can do better.” For some reason you highly doubted it, I mean just listen to what bullshit he was spouting. “Keep your hand on me, hurt me all you want. I’ll keep you entertained, I can be perfection for you.” The stare he gave you was serious, his tears rolled down his cheek with no purpose. Once again he started yapping about some hallucinations and fantasies he had in his brain.
He felt awful. There was no other way to describe it. Everything hurt, there wasn’t anything worth living for but you. If you left now who knows what he’ll do. Being casted aside all this time made him more insecure than he expected. Like a small bunny that got separated from its mother, walking into the wolfs den without a single clue. All that’s left for him was to clench onto any trace of love he could get. With god gone now, he truly had nothing left to lose, he needed nothing but your affection. This wasn’t about you, this wasn’t about him neither. It was about his obsession with finally feeling loved by his creator. For once he wants to be important to someone, to be useful and seen.
This need of his has been building up for centuries, and now he finally gave in to it. God was it pathetic. The title angel should have never been given to the likes of him, he truly was the one mistake of god. Despite all that you couldn’t deny it, the way he panicked was a little cute. It made your stomach feel butterflies, or was it something? The knowledge that all of this was your work made you feel proud. What a wise decision it was to leave with him today, when he’s still the most unstable. Getting thrown into an unfamiliar environment, meeting all kinds of people that can kill you. Maybe you two were pretty similar after all.
You were planning on being nice to him, you really were, but not anymore after all this drama he caused. “Raphael what are you talking about? You don’t get to decide who I’m seeing!” The words that felt from your lips were like blades stabbing his chest, the filter you had was turned off now. “Be grateful, that someone like me is taking care of something so filthy like you! You know it yourself, you are miserable and vulgar, it’s so selfish of you to want to keep me to yourself.” If he was going to let himself run wild like that, he also had to expect some consequences. The face he pulled was priceless, truly youthful greatest joy now. Tears dropped down his cheeks, you were enjoying yourself again, just like three weeks ago. Yes, this was the feeling you desperately missed.
“Such a pathetic being like you is destined to end up like this. Giving yourself up for me, isn’t it only natural? God favours me and not you.” That was a statement you highly doubted, since you weren’t exactly happy about being down here. Nonetheless, you said it just to make your little dove more miserable. Then you cupped his red and warm face, it was completely drenched in his tears now. His eyes looked tired, he seems to be so done with everything, so you cooed at him, “how pitiful you look…If I own you, you will finally find a purpose in that worthless life of yours again. If you give me your everything, naturally I’ll give you something worthy of it too. You can have an ounce of my affection, isn’t it great? Such a high reward for something like you!”
This was inexplainable, whenever it came to him you were like a different person. Ruining him, breaking him, hurting him, all of this became your favourite hobby. You aren’t a sadist, you are only like this with him! You are a good person, you are saving everyone in hell! It seems even you has lost your mind now. How are you going to return to earth with this mindset? The two of you were a match made from the depths of hell, a place not even god dared to enter. A truly beautiful and twisted bridge full of thorns. Instead of fighting together you made him clear the way for you, only to push him into the deadly river afterwards. Why you’d go this far? Honestly you didn’t have a good reason, it was all done for the sake of your enjoyment. “You aren’t enough Raphael, you are never enough.” A soft smile appeared on your face as you chuckled. This was fulfilling, but that blackhole inside you ached for more. “I’m so sorry Raphael, that you were born, and that you have to keep living. I’m begging you, please be lonely forever. Do it for me?”
Raphael was sobbing quietly, yet his features didn’t tell he was sad, instead relief was written all over his face. He didn’t know why, but you were dazzling right now. When you touched him it felt like the hand of god, you were his replacement for his lord. “I know it hurts, it will only get worse from here on, but soon you’ll be craving the pain.” You whispered, wiping his tears away with tender movements. “Please endure all of this and live miserable with me for a long time.” Stay with you, forever, that was all he heard. He filtered the words out he didn’t want to hear, then he gave you a meek smile. How adorable, so damn cute you won’t ever let go of him. You caressed his cheeks from above, smiling back at him. No one could understand the relationship of you two, it was something truly unique and wonderful. Who would have thought that the bunny and the wolf ended up together?
“y/n, do you love me?” Raphael asked, it looks like he finally calmed down. How strange that such words were able to help him. Or it broke him more, who knows. You had to think about what to say, the feelings you experienced when you were with him, the ache you felt and how you wanted to do so many things to him. After a few moments, you eventually came to the conclusion this must be love. Love makes one crazy, if this isn’t love, then what is it? It would mean it was something much more sinister, and that didn’t have a nice sound to it. Maybe it was just a mutual reliance, each one takes something from the other they desperately need while hurting all the involved parties as they do. Even if that was the truth, you couldn’t care less. All you wanted to do was to hold him while he repeats the words, ‘I’m yours’. You kissed his forehead, then answered with a ‘yes’. He pulled you towards him and both of you fell onto the bed, it bounced a little due to your weights. Then, Raphael hugged you tightly as he whispered, “I’m glad. I love you too.”
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avzyeqrns · 5 days
Something about you..
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Pairings: Sirius Black x Fem!reader
Warning: nothing rely, maybe a little stalking lol
Summary ! Sirius Black, the one most girls chase, has a little baby crush on you, but was too scared to ask you out, so he uses his animals form to his advantage.
Word count: 5.02k words
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Autumn, 1975, 5th year. It was October, the summer has passed now turned slowly colder. He saw you just outside of Hogwarts, in the black lake.
Outside the black lake at Hogwarts, the leaves flowing down onto her hair, Sirius found himself in his animagus form, a black dog, slowly walking over to her.
"Hey doggie." She responded, Sirius tugged at her scarf, while she pet what she thought is a dog. Sirius taken the advantage of her animal lover nature to feel her touch on his furry black fur. His black-furred head rested against her lap, a subtle act of claiming her, he barked at her as if to ask to get more love, as she petted him, one of his small paws would rest on her leg.
"Where'd ya come from?"
He laid there still, resting comfortably as she gently continued petting it, letting out soft huffs and small barks whenever she found a good spot for him. It felt so nice and comfortable with her touch, a sensation that Sirius loved and always waited to feel from her. He moved onto his back, exposing a belly that needed rubs, and gave her sad and pitiful puppy eyes.
"Do you.. have an owner?" She asked, giving him belly rubs that he was asking for. His hind legs moved a bit at her belly rubs, a soft whine escaping from him. He would look up at her before quickly shaking his head to say no, in terms of human language. This dog belonged to no one, but deep down, he only wanted her. Her touch was so soft, yet so warm, it made him want more of it, more of her.
"Do you like cats?"
The dog suddenly stopped it's belly rubbing at her question. The mere mention of a cat would make him freeze, or even growl at the mere thought of cats. He stared up at her with a look that said he utterly detested cats, or more like a specific cat he has a long running dislike for. He gave a small bark in disapproval.
"..oh.. I'm sorry I can't keep you. Maybe I'll ask someone else." Just like that, the dog had shot it's attention back at her. He tilted his head to the side, his floppy ears perking up, he barked, it seemed as if he was protesting, he didn't want her to let him go, he didn't want her to let him go to someone else, he wanted to stay by her side, and maybe he'll tolerate something he hates if it meant staying by her side.
"What do you want huh?" She asked, snuggling her nose against the black doggie nose. He softly huffed while she gently touched her nose to his, his gaze was still on her though, he barked softly again, as if to tell her not to get rid of him, that he wanted to be with her, that he wanted whatever she would give him, love, affection, cuddles, anything at all, he would happily take. He licked her nose slightly, letting out a small whine to emphasise just how much he wants her.
"Let's go back to my dorm, okay?''
He perked up at her words, the simple thought of being so close to her, to be surrounded by her scent, to be so close to her, excited him. He gave a quick enthusiastic nod before he stood up, shaking his whole body and letting out a small bark before he looked up at her, waiting for her to lead him to her dorm where he can bask in the scent of the girl he loved.
He felt somewhat guilty, pretending to be something he wasn't right in front of her, his friend, someone he loved. Yet, with every step closer to the dormitories, he could feel the excitement building up inside him. The closer they got, the more he could smell the essence of her, his tail wagging happily. He walked right beside her, his steps nearly in sync with hers, as if it was as if his instincts were taking over.
As soon as Sirius' nose was hit with the scent of kittens, he had instantly froze. His black eyes widened, he stood rigid as he looked around the room, taking in the sight of the 4 tiny kittens in the room. If he was in his human form, a scowl would be visible on his face. He let out a small bark, sounding as if he was protesting, or almost as if saying something was wrong. His black fur stood on edge at the presence of the kittens.
He immediately tensed up, a low growl escaped from his throat at the sight of those four cats. They were just little kittens, yet he still felt some sort of dislike for them. He froze right in his tracks at their sight and looked up at the girl he followed, as if to ask her about the litter of kittens.
"I.. kinda forgot to say I have four kittens.''
He just stood there, a small frown forming on his canine face as he took in the news. He continued to look at the kittens, and then back at her. With a small huff, he gently moved closer to her, trying to show that he didn't like those kittens there, they ruined his plans. He gently nudged her leg with his head, as if to try and get her to not pay attention to them, and to keep her focus on him instead.
He slowly followed after her onto the bed, his focus was on her, completely ignoring those kittens. He stayed close to her on the bed, his body pressed against hers as if he didn't want to be too far away from her. He could feel his excitement building, getting to be so close to her, getting her all alone to himself. He was trying his best to ignore the kittens, pretending instead they didn't exist.
He couldn't help but whine softly in protest whenever the kittens would jump onto his body and sleep on him. It was incredibly irritating, but he would endure it if it meant spending time with her. He tried to shake and nudge them a few times with his head, to push the kittens away, yet he was always gentle with them, a part of him didn't want to hurt them.
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"Guys have you seen Sirius? Haven't seen him since yesterday. Is he missing?" Asked james, his head poking out to look at the three girls, Sirius ears perked up, even though he was still gently sleeping, head resting on her stomach.
His ears continued to stay perked up, listening intently on any other words from the conversation, it was a rather interesting topic after all, he felt as if he was listening to a gossip segment, the four of them talking about his whereabouts with no idea that he was in fact in the dorm, pressed right up against her.
"Well.. we'll tell you when we see him." He found himself snickering softly on the inside at that. He knew that they wouldn't be seeing him down, he was right there in the dorm, enjoying being surrounded by her. He slowly lifted his head, shifting slightly next to her, resting his head on her chest where he could listen to her heart beat. It was so comforting and soothing to his ears, he let out a small huff, nuzzling against her.
"Puppy silly puppy." She said, kissing his forehead and booping his nose. He couldn't resist the way it made his heart flutter. She was so sweet and cute, even to him in this form, treating him like a cute little puppy. He gently licked her nose in return, nuzzling more into her touch, silently enjoying the affection she was giving him. As he rested against her chest, he couldn't help but whine a bit softly.
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'"Where'd get that dog?" Asked Marlene, putting on her eyeliner to hogsmeade. He perked up at the question, his body tensed slightly as he heard Marlene's question. He quickly glanced around with his black beady eyes.
"I don't know..he just came up to me. He looks lonely."
He felt a pang of guilt in his heart, the simple mention of loneliness, the fact that she thought he was lonely. He let out a small huff, but he kept silent, not wanting to accidentally out himself. He tried to calm his body by leaning into her touch, letting her fingers run through his fur.
"Me and Lily are going to hogsmeade. Wanna come?" Asked the blonde. He could hear them talking about going to hogsmeade, yet, all he was focused on was her. The girl he loved, sitting on the bed, running her hands through his fur, yet she was asked to go somewhere. He lifted his head again, his canine eyes gazing up at her, silently protesting, he didn't want her to leave, he wanted to stay right where he was.
"You wanna come?" she asked, gently patting over his fur. He immediately perked up at her question, his black ears going up. Did she just ask him if he wanted to come with her? Of course he did. He wanted to be with her as long as he could. He responded by a quick nod of his head, as if to say, yes, he wanted to come along with her.
"But it's gonna snow soon.." The mention of snow. Snow meant cold, cold meant he'll be shivering because as a dog, he was not as resistant to the cold as a human would be. The thought of shivering was an unpleasant one in his mind, yet if it meant he got to be with her, then he would endure the snow.
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As they walked out, he could feel the snow under his paws, and even the slight chill of the air surrounding them. He could feel the scarf wrapped around his neck, warming him up. It was a rather weird feeling overall. He noticed the amount of squirrels around them, his canine instincts telling him to chase them, yet he tried his best to fight the urge to do so, focusing his attention on her instead.
"Honeydukes!" He let out a sharp bark in response, his black nose twitching slightly. The mention of honeydukes was always tempting. And he knew all the sweets in there was even more tempting, the thought of getting some kind of sweet treat made him feel excited. He looked up at her, a small whine escaping from him, as if he wanted her to take him in there as fast as possible. He shook himself to get the snow off, not taking the time to think twice about his actions. His tongue fell out his mouth slightly as he panted, his full attention was completely fixated on sweet treats on those shelves and counters. He didn't realize that he splashed some snow onto a passerby until it was a bit too late, he could feel a bit embarrassed that he didn't think about how that would impact other people.
"You want a pup cup?" He perked up immediately at the sound of a pup cup. He quickly turned around to look up at her, his black eyes filled with excitement. A pup cup? As in a cup of sweet, sweet treats? He gave a quick nod of his head in response, whining and huffing from the anticipation.
Since Sirius was off without a leash, he could wander around the store all he wants. Not noticing his wagging tail knocking over things. He couldn't contain his excitement, the moment she said he could wander around, he was off, his snout slightly up in the air as he looked around the store. It didn't take him long to forget his wagging tail, accidentally knocking a few items off from the shelves. He had no idea that he was accidentally being chaotic in the store, his mind just focused on sweets.
"Hey! I stacked those!" A guy yelled at Sirius, before she came by embarrassingly apologized for the inconveniences. His canine ears drooped a bit at the guy's yell, it made him slightly scared. He looked up at her as she came by apologising for the inconveniences that he caused. He gently nuzzled her leg slightly as if to say, he didn't mean to cause any trouble, he just wanted sweets. He was a good boy, he was! He just didn't realise his wagging tail was the culprit in knocking down those items.
"You gotta be a good boy okay? Good boys don't do that." She said huffing, as she carried Sirius out of the store, his two front paws on her shoulder as Lily was feeding him his pup cup from behind. He huffed a bit as she said that good boys don't do that. He was a good boy, a well-behaved boy! He was just distracted and unaware of the damage his wagging tail was causing. He lifted his head up as he was fed the pup cup, eating it up happily, the sweet flavour of it was so heavenly to him. He glanced behind him at Lily behind them, silently enjoying getting a treat.
"Let's go to Zonkos I need something." He let out an excited whine at the mention of Zonkos. Zonkos was another store he liked going to, there were lots of interesting items in there for him to explore. His tail began to move again, wagging excitedly at the mention of the store. He wanted to go to Zonkos, to just be able to roam around and look at everything there, he couldn't stop himself from feeling excited at that thought. In the store, she put him down to roam, only one rule. No more knock over stuff. He was put down and as soon as he was, he was off. Roaming around the store as he was told to. He wanted to explore all of the interesting items in the store, his canine nose twitching as he sniffed around, and he was also determined to not accidentally knock over anything this time. He was a good boy, he could do this.
He froze as soon as he saw Peter and James in the store. How could he not notice them earlier? He silently cursed himself. They knew he was an animagus, they knew this form was in fact him. He quickly tried to come up with an escape plan, trying to think of a solution on how to escape from seeing those two. He slowly backed away, trying to stay out of their line of sight, but his black canine eyes darted around, trying to find an exit. He continued to stay far from them as best as he could, his canine heart racing from both excitement and fear. Excitement of not getting caught by them, fear of getting exposed. He slowly backed himself into a corner, trying to stay hidden behind a display, hoping that they would just go away without noticing him. He silently cursed himself for letting himself get into this predicament, he should have realized their presence in the first place before just roaming around the store.
Once he saw the backdoor open, he ran out, changing back to a human. In the cold weather, having thin clothings on except for her scarf. Once he escaped the store, he found it freezing cold outside, the air was cold and chilly, and his thin clothing didn't help at all to keep him warm. He could feel his body shiver slightly, yet he brushed it off, more concerned over the idea of having two of his friends find out that he's been a dog this whole time.
Running back into Hogwarts, he felt the warmth of the common room, just near the fire, feeling the warmth from the fire, he couldn't help but feel relieved. The warmth was comforting after being outside in the cold for a while. He sat down near the fire, letting it warm him up a bit, yet he couldn't keep his eyes off her as she came back, noticing that she looked gloomy. Seeing her like that made his heart pang in his chest, he didn't like seeing her so down.
"Where the fuck have you been man?" Remus asked, walking towards him, so did the rest of the marauders. He took a deep breath as soon as he heard Remus speaking to him. He quickly thought up a simple response in his mind.
"I just went for a quick walk, to clear my head." He responded, hoping his tone was casual. He tried his best to act normal, yet he couldn't help but glance at the girl, noticing her gloomy expression.
"Hello? Walk for 2 days?" His mind went blank when Remus asked that question. Walked for 2 days? He tried to respond calmly, playing it off with a small shrug.
"I lost track of time, I guess…" He said, his response sounding quite lame even to his own mind.
"Seriously? You just casually went missing for two straight days and this is your response?"
He could feel the intensity of Remus' question, it made him feel a bit nervous inside, questioning his own excuse for his disappearance. Yet he maintained a calm demeanor as much as he could, keeping his cool.
"I just needed some time alone, that's all." He replied, trying to casually brush off the question. He knew it was a very poor excuse, yet he couldn't exactly tell his friend the real reason he went missing for two days. "So you disappeared off the school grounds?"
He felt his heart skip a beat at Remus' question. Disappeared off the school grounds? That was accurate, in a way. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, yet he tried to stay cool and collected, knowing he needed to tread carefully with his answers. He let out a small sigh, trying to act casual, yet he couldn't stop his mind from racing.
"I guess I did." He replied, his tone remaining calm, yet his heart was beating fast. He kept staring at her from the side, unable to avoid looking her way despite his conversation with Remus. He could feel the guilt building up inside him even more. Seeing her so down and gloomy, it was difficult to witness. He wanted to go over and talk to her, yet he was stuck in the middle of the conversation with Remus.
"Just don't disappear again."
He let out a small sigh of relief as Remus spoke, feeling a bit of tension lifted off him. No more questions, no more accusations. It made him feel slightly better. He nodded in response, maintaining a casual tone.
"I won't." He replied, yet he couldn't take his mind off her, glancing at her once more.
"Why you staring at Lyn?" He was snapped out of his own thoughts as James asked that question. He quickly averted his gaze and tried to play it off casually, yet the truth was, he was staring at her. He glanced back at Remus, trying to think of a believable response.
"Just wondering what's wrong with her, she seems gloomy." He replied, trying to redirect the focus away from his previous staring moment. "Her dog ran away."
He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in his heart as James revealed the reason for her gloominess. Her dog ran away. But it wasn't just a dog, that was him! That was his canine form! He silently cursed himself again for getting into this mess.
He quickly tried to regain his composure, trying to act surprised by the news.
"Her dog? Really?" He nodded slightly. The news of her dog running away during her time in Zonko's was unexpected and ironic considering his own canine escapades in the store. He couldn't help but feel responsible, even though it was his dog form that was responsible.
"Damn, that's tough." He said, trying to sound sympathetic, yet his mind was racing with guilt and regret.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𐙚 ໒꒱ ‧₊
With the hours passing, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. The fireplace was the only light source, casting a warm and cozy glow over the common room. He was still there, along with Lyn and Remus, who was studying.
His mind couldn't help but keep going back to her. The sight of her still sitting there in the same spot, her gloomy expression not changing at all. He could feel a sense of responsibility and guilt eating away at him. He knew he was the one she was missing, yet he couldn't admit it to her.
"I think I'm going to bed. Lyn you coming?" Remus told Sirius, She shook her head, not even looking at him, knee tucked underneath her chin. He watched as Remus asked if Lyn was coming to bed, and the sight of her shaking her head in response made his heart feel even heavier. She was not going to bed, and it was partly because of him. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he looked at her, staying in the same spot, huddled up in her spot on the couch.
He turned to Remus, his voice trying to sound casual as he replied, "I think I'll stay here a bit longer."
With Remus gone, the room fell into silence, except for the sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace. The common room was empty, and he was left alone with her. The only light source was the warmth and glow of the fire, casting a beautiful but melancholy atmosphere in the room.
He glanced over at her, noting her sad expression and her huddled position. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of guilt and sympathy. He wanted to talk to her, yet he didn't know where to start. He was speechless. The silence in the room felt heavy, like a thick fog surrounding them. The only sound was the crackling of the fire. He wanted to respond, to say something, anything, but the words were stuck in his throat. The sight of her, sitting there, the sadness and melancholy in her eyes, it was overwhelming.
Finally, he managed to find his voice. It was soft, almost a whisper. His guilt crept into his tone, along with a hint of remorse.
"I'm… Sorry."
As he spoke, her soft hum of confusion made his heart twinge in his chest. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts as he continued.
"I'm sorry… For your dog, I mean." He said, his voice still soft and laced with guilt. His canine heart ached, knowing that he was the very dog she was missing, and yet he couldn't reveal that to her.
"Oh… yea." He continued to stare at her, his heart heavy with guilt. He could see the sadness in her eyes, the pain of missing her dog, and he knew that he was the cause of it. He longed to comfort her, to tell her the truth, but he couldn't, at least not yet.
His voice was laced with remorse as he spoke again.
"I know how much you love your dog. I'm sorry he's missing…"
"… It's okay. I only kept him for a few days. He probably ran back to his owner.. atleast. I hope." His heart sank as he heard her response. She only had her dog for a few days, and she hoped he had returned to his previous owner. It made his guilt even worse. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the situation.
He tried to keep his voice steady as he replied, his tone gentle and empathetic.
"I'm sure he did. Dogs have a strong sense of loyalty… to their owners, I mean."
"Yea… maybe I'm not his original owner."
He listened intently to her words, taking in the meaning behind them. He couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of him wanted to tell her the truth, that he was her dog, but a bigger part of him felt conflicted. He didn't want to reveal himself just yet.
His tone was gentle as he responded, his eyes locked onto hers.
"Maybe you weren't, but does that take away the love and care you showed him while he was with you?"
"No.." He nodded slightly at her response, his heart aching as he spoke next.
"Exactly. It doesn't. You may not have been his original owner, but that doesn't matter. You cared for him, and I'm sure he loved you for it…"
He paused for a moment, his voice becoming softer and more earnest.
"Just like how I… care for you."
"Thanks Sirius… You're a great friend."
A small pang of guilt shot through him as she spoke, calling him a great friend. He mentally cursed himself for not being able to reveal the truth to her. The guilt was building up inside him, but he tried to keep his calm facade, not wanting to give anything away.
He responded, his voice filled with a hint of remorse and a hint of true affection.
"I do my best. And remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what. We're friends after all."
"I think I'm gonna sleep here. Just in case."
He nodded understandingly as she mentioned sleeping there, in the common room. He knew why she wanted to do so, and it made his heart ache even more. She was still waiting for her dog to come back, not knowing that he was right in front of her.
"Are you sure? You might be more comfortable in your bed up in the dorms." He inquired, his voice laced with concern. "No I'm fine." She said, they were so close, atleast their faces were. Out of canine habit, he nuzzles against her nose like a dog did, he froze for a moment, realizing what he had done, but the action felt familiar and almost comforting to him.
As he realized what he had done, he quickly pulled back from the small nose nuzzle, his eyes widening in surprise at his own involuntary action. He felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him, and he tried to think of something to say to explain it away.
"Sorry, I-I don't know what came over me… it was just a habit." He said, his voice a little sheepish, trying to brush it off to make it seem casual. "Hey.." She said, looking right into his eyes.
He met her gaze when she spoke, looking into her eyes. Her direct gaze made his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling inside him. His voice was soft as he responded, slightly curious at her tone.
"Your eyes have a little blue in them."
Her comment about his eyes having a hint of blue caught him off guard, and he blinked in surprise, not expecting her to notice such a detail. He tilted his head slightly, trying to process her words while his heart rate quickened slightly.
"You… you noticed that?" His tone carried a hint of surprise, mixed with a subtle sense of vulnerability. He held her gaze, his eyes locked on hers as he processed her confirmation. He had never expected anyone to notice the hints of blue in his eyes, much less point it out so casually. He swallowed slightly, feeling a mix of surprise and vulnerability. He tried to respond, but his words came out as a soft whisper.
"No one's… no one's ever noticed that before…"
He looked at her intently as she responded, feeling a range of emotions swirling inside him. Her simple "oh" seemed to carry a hint of disappointment, and it made his heart pang in his chest.
He didn't know what to say, but he wanted to reassure her, to erase that hint of disappointment in her voice. He spoke once more, his voice gentle and vulnerable.
"Sometimes… I feel like no one ever really sees me…"
"I see you." He stared at her, the weight of her words sinking in. It was as if a wave of emotions washed over him, relief, surprise, hope, and a hint of vulnerability.
He tried to respond, but the words caught in his throat for a moment. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft and earnest.
"You do?"
He watched her intently, waiting for her response, hoping for further reassurance. The room was filled with a subtle tension as he silently urged her to answer his question.
His heart raced in anticipation, his canine instincts picking up on the subtle changes in her expression. He wanted her to know just how much her words meant to him, how much it meant to feel seen by her. As he felt her lips press against his, a wave of unexpected emotions washed over him. It was a kiss, a simple gesture, but it unleashed a flood of sensations and feelings he had never experienced before. The sweetness of her lips, the warmth of her breath, it was intoxicating, making his heart race and his senses go haywire.
He froze for a moment, completely taken aback by the sudden kiss. But then, as if by instinct, he returned the kiss, his lips gently and tenderly responding to hers.
"I.. uhm.."
As she spoke, pulling away from the kiss, he felt his heart thump loudly in his chest. He was stunned by the unexpected kiss, his mind a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. He stared at her, his eyes wide and filled with a mixture of surprise and something else, something deeper and more profound.
"uh.. I'm going to bed." Said Sirius, nervous. He doesn't know what to do, he's flustered and tired. Kissing her forehead, he left.
He doesn't notice the scarf he left behind.
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Part One
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Jake x OC(f)
Warnings: talk of human remains, spooky themes, alcohol use, club scene, cramped spaces. Most of what I've written about the Catacombs is based on fact, but overall this is a work of fiction so please don't take everything as such.
Previous Part Here
Memento iroe in die consummationis.
I’d planned to go straight to the Catacombs as soon as I arrived in Paris, since I had booked a ticket to visit for that afternoon a week in advance. But the combination of jetlag and a restless thirteen hour flight got the best of me. When I arrived at the hotel and dragged my bags into my room, I practically collapsed onto the bed and went into a comatose state. By the time I woke, I’d missed the entire rest of the day and most of the night. So, I decided to just go back to sleep. What was the harm in a few more hours of rest anyway?
The next day, I woke up at 11. Later than I’d have liked , but better than sleeping through another day. Rolling over, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up rubbing my face. Taking a deep breath, I stretched my arms in front of me and yawned. Running my hands through my hair, I pushed it out of my face and stood to gather my clothes and get ready for the day. This didn’t take me long, and thankfully, I had the foresight to book a second ticket for a visit to the Catacombs for one o’clock that afternoon. 
Tugging on my Danner hiking boots and grabbing my bag, I left my hotel room and began my trek to the Catacombs. When I arrived, I was just on time for my time slot. Thanking the attendant, I began my descent into the ossuary. With each downward step, the air became cooler and more damp. About halfway down, I pulled a light jacket from my bag and put it on. 
Taking my time, I studied all of the plaques and murals along the guided path until I reached the Samaritan Fountain. This is where the query workers mixed the mortar they used for the masonry work. When I reached the fountain, I gazed down at the well opening it sat upon. I wasn’t sure why I felt compelled to do so, but as I peered into the darkness below, I felt someone walk up behind me. Straightening, I glanced around for the stranger. But there was no one. At least, noone near enough to me to have caused the feeling of someone entering my space. With a furrowed brow, I continued on.
As I made my way through, I began to look for the signs of the ever present yet ever invisible cataphile. A cataphile is someone who explorers the unmarked sections of the catacombs. Most cataphiles do not also act as unofficial tour guides, but there are a few who will for a price. I knew this coming here, so I was prepared to pay whatever price that may be. 
Continuing to follow a fellow group of tourists, I spotted one of the telltale signs of a cataphile. A small cluster of coins. An American quarter, a German €1 coin and a 50-øre coin. These coins were to show what languages the cataphile could speak and mark an entrance to an unmarked section of the catacombs that was safe to go through. Glancing around, I noticed a guided tour coming from behind me. Turning to face ahead, I continued on at a leisurely pace, letting the group steadily pass me. I slowed until I was nearly the only one left in the passageway. Waiting to make sure to watch the last person walk around the bend, I turned around and walked toward the small opening between the bones I’d seen the coins placed in front of.
The opening was at the bottom of the wall of bones and looked barely large enough for me to belly crawl through. Not wanting to miss the opening between visitors, I took a deep breath and took my bag off my shoulder and nudged it through to the other side. Lowering to my knees, I laid down and began to pull myself through. Midway through, I heard the sounds of voices coming from the otherside. My heart began to race and I rushed to pull myself the rest of the way through. 
I just barely made it before I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer and then continuing on past. Breathing a sigh of relief, I grabbed my bag and draped it across my shoulder. Standing up and lightly dusting myself off, I hear someone approach.
“J'imagine que vous aimeriez voir les vraies catacombes, Madame. C'est bien cela?” I hear them say.
Turning I face the cataphile and can just barely make out their outline from the light thrilling in through the cracks between the bones. Nodding, I reply, “Oui, pouvez-vous me montrer le chemin ? Être mon guide?”
“À un prix,” They say, rudding their fingers together as if rubbing a coin. “You are American, yes?”
“Yes, I am,” I say. “What is your price?”
“Ah, I could tell. You almost speak in perfect French, but your accent is just a bit off,” They say crossing their arms. “First, I must know what it is you seek in the catacombs mon cher. Then we set the price.”
A bead of sweat trickles down my neck. I hadn’t thought I’d be asked this. I’d read that most guides don’t ask questions. They just want proof that they’ll be paid and that’s all they require. I’d counted on that fact, actually. What I seek would surely send any guide running. Should I tell the truth or withhold it and hope by the time they realize it’ll be too late to turn around?
I decide on the latter and say, “I am seeking the druids.”
They remain silent for a long moment, “The druids you say? Hm, we will see. 5,000€ and I will take you to what you truly seek.”
My heart lurched in my chest at that amount, but I’d put back more than twice that for this. Slowly, I nod my head in agreement. “5,000 and you will take me where I need to go and guide me back? And should I want to visit again, will you take me for the same price?”
“Oui. Do we have a deal madame?” They say extending their hand.
“Oui.” I say taking their hand and giving it a firm shake.
“Come then, we shall begin our journey. You may call me Pip. What may I call you?” They ask while turning and walking further into the tunnel and putting on their headlamp.
“Addey, you can call me Addey,” I reply, hurrying after them and doing the same.
“Okay, Addey. Do you want to go just to see the druids or would you like to see the sights along the way?”
“Seeing the sights will be fine,” I say, glancing at my watch. There was plenty of time between now and midnight. The longer I could draw this out the better.
“Magnifique, to the theater we go.” 
About an hour later, we arrived at the theater and Pip drew back the velvet curtain. As I stepped through, I couldn’t help the small gasp I let out. The theater was nothing like I’d imagined. I’d thought it would be a shabby projection screen and some metal fold out chairs, but this… This was magnificent. There were rows of plush theater chairs leading down to an opulent stage. It felt as if I'd stepped back in time. The lanterns lining the aisle gave off an almost heavenly glow as I walked closer toward the stage. 
There were people filling the first few rows of seats watching the play unfold before them. I took a seat at the end of the third row and watched the actors tell their story. From what I’d gathered, I could see that this was a play about love, as the best ones are. And the leading man yearned for the love of the captain he’d served under during the war. It was beautiful and tragic. When the lights went up and the cast took their bow, everyone stood and cheered. Wiping a tear from my cheek, I stood and joined them.
“So you have loved and lost then?” Pip asked, leaning in so that I could hear them above the applause. All I could do was dip my head before they took my hand and said, “Come, it is time to move on. What do you say to finding some wine?”
With that, they took me to one of the underground clubs. The club, Gens Beaux, was crowded and the air was hot and heavy. Pip led me to the bar and signaled to the bartender before turning back to me. “So what do you think so far of our city beneath the city?”
“It’s fascinating!” I practically yell over the music. “I knew about the clubs, but I’d no idea there was a true theater here! I’d thought it was just a white sheet and a projector.”
Pip laughed and said, “Oh no, that would not do. Though that is what we used before the discovered the theater and during its renovation. It took nearly six years for us to restore it to what it is now.”
My jaw dropped, “Really? That’s amazing!”
Nodding their head and taking a sip of their wine they continue, “Oui, I imagine it’ll take just as long to restore the new section we found.”
“Oh? What did you find?” I askwith genuine interest.
Shaking their head, they lean in close and say, “It’s a secret. No one can know until it’s finished.”
I laughed and say, “Alright, keep your secret.”
Turning to face the crowd, I watch in wonder. People’s bodies moving to the rhythm of the music, the lights casting odd shadows. I’m sure the query workers that built this place never would have thought that this is what it would be used for. But then again maybe they did, I think as I recall the theater. They’d built a space for people to gather and enjoy the arts, so perhaps they thought there would be parties too.
Taking a sip of my drink, my eyes catch on a pair staring back at me. They belong to a man across the room, his hair long and his looks are rugged but handsome. He’s wearing a necklace of some kind that reflects the light when it hits it. I tilt my head to the side and continue to take him in. He does the same and drinks from his glass. He seems to be a part of a group consisting of three other men and a couple of women. They seem to be close.
“He is handsome, yes?” Pip asks.
Jumping slightly, I laugh and reply, “I can’t be sure, a little too dark in here to tell.”
With a laugh, Pip tilts back their head and finishes their drink. “Come, time to go.”
And with that, we continue our trek through the catacombs.
taglist: @peaceloveunitygvf , @edgingthedarkness , @jakekiszkashangnail08 , @writingcold , @vanfleeter , @gretavanfleetposts , @katuschka, @thewritingbeforesunrise, @wrldabomination, @lipstickitty
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, just let me know 🖤
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sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 3: Bet
Prompts found here
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Dream and Sapnap sat lounging on their comfortable couch together after having a hearty meal just the two of them.
"Its been a while since just you and me hung out." Dream said fondly, propping his head up with his hand as he stared at his friend.
"Yeah, no British screaming and insults this time." Sapnap joked back, chest swelling with pride when Dream giggled at it. His hand that rested softly on Dream’s knee gave him an idea. Sapnap rubbed his thumb against his knee cap with a soft hum.
"Hey Dream?"
"I bet you can't keep your legs in my lap for three minutes." His tone turned playful as he gave Dream a lazily challenging look.
"My ADHD isn't that bad Sap, I took my meds today, you reminded me." Dream chuckled, slightly intrigued by where this was going.
"Who said anything about your ADHD being the reason you move~?" Dream felt a slight blush dust his cheeks as he tensed his legs.
"W-what's in it for me?"
"Well I originally had the idea of if you won I would do the cooking for the next week."
"Cooking and clean up! And throw in my laundry and you have a deal!" Dream stuck his hand out quick, watching Sapnap pretend to contemplate.
"Deal" Sapnap shook his hand firmly before sitting back setting the timer on his phone as Dream slowly rested his knees on Sapnap’s lap. He laid himself against the armrest and tried to relax, knowing that if he worked himself up on anticipation he wouldn't stand a chance.
"One hundred and eighty seconds Dreamy~ You ready~?" Sapnap showed the phone to Dream, giving him proof that it's only three minutes, Dream’s toes curled as he nodded, watching Sapnap set his phone down, flinching at his hand resting just above his knee.
"Alright Twitchy, here we go~" Sapnap started the timer with a soft ding, giving Dream a slight pat before dragging his nails down the outside of his thighs, watching Dream grip the couch cushions and twitch violently, breath shaking.
"Don't implode~" He teased, skittering his nails all over his shaking thighs. The thin pajama pants he wore did little to nothing to help.
"Shuhuhuhush" Dream's blush darkened by the second, his whole body shook as everything in him screamed to pull away.
"Thihihis is soho AAAHH!" Dream shrieked as Sapnap jellyfished both his knee caps at the same time.
"Oh I knew George wasn't the only one affected by this~" Sapnap repeated the action, watching Dream’s whole body jolt. Dream felt like lightning was shooting up his legs every time he did it. A minute had passed and clearly Sapnap was getting sick of playing nice, he grabbed his kneecap with one hand and his inner thigh with the other and squeezed, differing the pressures and always squeezing one after the other, never the same time. Dream threw his head back and all but cackled at the sensation. His legs drummed from their place on Sapnap’s lap, fighting the urge to pull them back. The adored look on Sapnap’s face accompanied by his lack of verbal teasing definitely wasn't helping.
"HOHOHOHOW MUHUHUHUHUCH LOHOHOHOHONGER!?" Dream whined, hugging himself through the tickles. Sapnap glided his nails up and down his shins, running them over his ankles, feeling him shiver as he looked over at his timer.
"Just slightly over fifty seconds." He answered honestly with a squeeze to his calf, chuckling at the squawk it pulled out of Dream.
'I can do this I can do this I can do this I CANT DO THIS" Dream's brain screamed at him as soon as Sapnap’s nails slid over the sides of his socked feet.
"NO!" He shrieked panicked, yanking his legs back.
"Awww Buddy, so close~ Twenty-five seconds left~" Dream pouted at him, flashing puppy eyes at him.
"Oh absolutely not, you do not get to do that mister are you serious~?" Sapnap crooned playfully, lunging at Dream giving him quick little sporadic tickles along his sides, belly, and ribs, staring fondly at his red, giggling face.
"OHOHOHOHOKAY! YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIHIN! IHIHI LOHOHOHOSE! STAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIT!" Sapnap soothed Dream softly, pressing gentle kisses around his face.
"No punishment Bud, that was enough of an award on my end. Thank you for letting me do that." Dream felt a surge of affection and quickly wrapped Sapnap up in a hug, pulling him down ontop of him like a weighted blanket.
"Yeah yeah, you're welcome..."
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bramble-mouse · 1 month
The Faery Doctor
Chapter 3
Tags: G/t, gentle giant, timid tiny, fantasy setting, adventure Content warnings will be tagged appropriately for subsequent chapters. These may include death, gore and vore. They will include no sexual themes. CW: Mention of non-fatal vore. Minors, please do not interact!
“Trish, love, you’ve got to wake up.”A woman with tight brown curls perched on the edge of a low bed, a wooden tray in hand containing a bowl of clear, steaming broth. The child in bed let out a soft whine, sniffling. Her nose was running and red, her lips chapped and her throat on fire.“Mummy…”Trish whimpered. The fever had taken her so suddenly, and her entire body ached. The sensation was so new and horrible. She felt afraid.Trish’s mother put her palm to the child’s forehead.“I know, my love, I know.”She soothed, smoothing dark curls away from Trish’s freckled face.“Try to get down just a little broth and you can go right back to sleep.”She sat up at her mother’s behest, and with guiding hands, the child sipped what she could.
The waking world ripped Trish free of her dream, of her mother’s warm hands.. Her throat was sore as she sat up and gasped for air. Trish recalled crushing walls of muscle, deafening gurgles, the spray of acid. She shivered and hugged her arms. Was she dead? The bandages bound around her forearm, reeking of a simple poultice told a different story. Trish continued to fight for even breath as she inspected the work- careful, precise. She tethered herself to the smell of medicinal herbs a moment before she chance a look around. Trish sat atop a massive cushion, covered in a knitted blanket. It was warm, the wool soft to the touch. The cushion she rested on sat before a fireplace, the flames hot and dancing gently upon tree sized fuel.
The ground beneath began to shake rhythmically. Giant footfalls. A shadow fell over her and when Trish turned to peer up, she let out a surprised yelp.
“My apologies once more, doctor.” Frio smiled wanly. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Trish laid her hand on her chest and nodded mutely. The frost giant bent down (far less terrifying than staring up 80 feet vertically) and crouched beside the woman on the cushion. “Though I suppose startling you so soon after waking measures rather low on my list of transgressions against you.” Trish gently rubbed her wrist beneath where the bandaging lay. “No, I…” She tried to say something, but the words caught in her throat. She glanced up towards Frio. Even with her poor eyesight, her was large enough to still make out good detail. “W-Where are my…” A clawed forefinger and thumb extended, offering Trish’s round glasses. “I thought you would prefer them back cleaned.” Trish recalled the mess within the frost giant’s belly. She shuddered to think how much worse things had been only a few hours prior. “...Thank you.” Trish spoke and accepted her glasses back, unfolding and setting them on the slope of her nose. She blinked a few times then tilted her head back. “H…How are you feeling?” Frio chuckled. “You passed out and you are asking about my well-being?” “Y-You are the one who had an injury.” Trish countered, her face going red. The frost giant laughed all the harder, the sound rumbling through Trish’s bone. He laid down on his side, smiling. Those same pale eyes settled on the faery doctor again and she felt as if she were being swallowed by him again. “A valid point.” Frio extended his finger tip again. “May I have a look at your arm again, my dear?” Trish’s lips parted in an ‘o’. “Did…did you really dress my burns?” Frio hummed. “A far cry from the work your skilled hand is capable of, but I have learned a few simple cures.” Trish nodded, lifted her bandaged arm and rested her hand atop his finger pad. The frost giant moved closer to inspect the wound. He sniffed at it gently. “Mmn. Does it still hurt?” He inquired. Frio’s deep voice was still so near that Trish felt its resonance in the pit of her belly. “N-No, not so terribly.” She replied. Frio hummed again in confirmation. He continued to eye the bandages on the woman’s arm. His eyes weighed down with remorse once more. He leaned forward to gently brush his lips against Trish’s arm. “That’s good.” He sighed, relieved. His breath was cool, fresh. Frio carefully brushed the back of Trish’s hand with his thumb. “What do you take in your tea?” The frost giant inquired. Trish stared up slack jawed at Frio, a thousand miles away. If it were possible, Trish’s ears would let out bursts of flustered steam. “Wh…S..Sorry, what…what was the…” Frio’s mirth crept out softly, a sound Trish felt more than heard. He asked again patiently. “Sugar and milk in your tea?” Trish nodded her head furiously. 
The frost giant appeared entirely amused at her reactions. His eyes danced over her little form with great interest. “Then a cup of tea with sugar and milk you shall have.” He winked, carefully removed his hand from her vicinity and rose again.
Frio’s height made Trish’s stomach drop. He was utterly massive, a mountain of a man that moved with a silent predator’s grace. She’d expected frost giants to be great lumbering beasts, not refined fellows. She watched Frio return to his kitchen gesture towards a clay tea pot. At his command, a carefully measured stream of hot tea flowed from the spout and into a tiny cup carved from stone. Frio balanced the cup between a forefinger and thumb before returning to her.
“Th…Thank you.” Trish breathed as she took the pro-offered cup. Frio crouched again. “Let me know if you should like anything to eat as well, doctor.” He assured, then settled in next to her again, sitting with his long legs stretched out, a frigid cup of tea of his own size in his free hand. He took a sip and Trish winced when she heard him swallow, watched his Adam’s Apple bob. The fire crackled softly as the pair sat there drinking tea and eventually, Frio rose to get them a scone (snowberry, freshly baked) to share. She enjoyed her chunk in a rather rodentlike manner, nibbling away at the top as Frio bit carefully into his, the frost giant’s attempt at manners rather at odds with sharp claws, sharp teeth and impossible size. Once finished, Frio folded his hands over his stomach and looked down at Trish. “I imagine you will tire of my saying this, but…I am grateful for your bravery.” He said, his voice nearly a whisper. “I cannot think of a single human who would be willing to go so far for a strange frost giant. You could have made the choice to leave me to my pain and I would not have blamed you for it.” Trish held her cup in both hands. “Leaving a person in that state, I…” Trish chewed her lower lip “I would no longer be fit to be called a doctor.” “You risked your life for me, Doctor Mctavish.” Frio insisted “To cure me of a little indigestion.” “Indigestion my f-foot!” Trish blurted out “You had the beginnings of a terribly nasty ulcer, and had I left it alone, a hole in your stomach!” Frio tilted his head to the side. “I stand corrected.” He conceded rather easily. “I shall rephrase: you risked your life to save me from a terrible fate. I am in your debt twice over.” Trish let out a few incoherent, wobbling sounds as she sought to deny him, but failed utterly. She fiddled with the ends of her hair. It was still so gross, reeking of bile. “A bath, my dear?” Frio inquired. Trish squawked in reply. Frio burst out laughing. Trish whined and hid her face in her hands. A bath meant getting naked in front of a man she hardly knew. A very large, very handsome, very charming man. “You need not be self-conscious on my account, if such is the case.” Frio reassured. “After all, you’ve seen me in as vulnerable state as is possible.” He traced a clawtip absent-mindedly over his belly through his shirt. “Fret not. I’ve no intention of acting untoward. I will give you privacy when you are ready.” Gods. He was a gentleman. Very large, very handsome, very charming and a gentleman. Why wasn’t he a bit smaller? Oh, but what in the world was she thinking, entertaining thoughts like that about a patient? Was she a smitten school girl? Well, perhaps a touch. But not enough to override her sense of professionalism as a doctor. “I-I would never suppose that…that you would.” Trish mumbled. “I…Th…Thank you. As…As soon as you should like to..to prepare a bath. I…I don’t want to intrude on you.” Frio arched his brow. “Intruding would imply I am not entirely enthusiastic to host you in my home, little doctor.” He drawled.
Trish fiddled with the ruined lace ends of her stays. She would need to make or purchase new ones after this. One tea cup full of soap and water later, Frio turned his head as she sank into the bath he’d set up for the faery doctor on the counter top. He whisked away the woman’s dirty under things and set about carefully cleaning them up in a bowl of water. He hummed while he did.
As Trish cleaned her hair, she listened to the sweet sound of the giant’s voice, wordless and filled the relative silence of his home. How could a hunter wish to hurt such a sweet soul? ‘The fat reward’.
The words of the scarred warrior from the Crooked Cat came to mind. She scrubbed at her bare skin with her hands. Greed was an evil thing and spurred men to commit foolish acts. She wondered if the fellow Frio had eaten harboured such desire before being consumed. Compassion for the thief was difficult to muster if such violence without good cause drove him. Trish closed her eyes and sank further into her make shift bath. The water was warm and refreshing, every bit of Frio’s stomach contents sloughing off of her. While Trish bathed, Frio took a seat by the fire with a book in hand, quietly reading while he awaited the woman’s indication she had finished. He’d made quick work of washing up her clothes and drying them with magic, had folded and set them next to her bath tea cup. A less polite version of Frio wondered how Trish would look without all the water and soap bubbles to conceal her. She was such a skinny little thing, delicate and pretty like a bird. The monster inside him demanded he eat such a little beauty and make her his forever. HIs rational mind silenced the thought with no room for debate. He focused on his book, tracing his eyes over a series of descriptions of fauna from sandy deserts on the continent far to the south. The giant heard a swish of water. He waited a minute or two more before that soft little voice piped up. “I’m…I’m dressed.” Frio’s lips pulled up into a smile. He marked his page, set the book down on the rug next to the fire and got to his feet. He crossed to the counter and bent down to inspect Trish. The woman flush, her chaos of wet curls loose and falling to her waist. “Did…Did I miss a spot?” She asked nervously. Frio shook his head and offered a hand. “You look beautiful, my dear.” Trish stepped in his palm, sat down in the middle and pushed her round glasses up her nose.n How did one even respond to compliments like that? She wasn’t exactly used to be treated in so ladylike a manner, least of all by a patient. Frio swept her away and brought her back to fire place. There were mere embers in the hearth now, hardly burning. He considered setting her back on her cushion but he considered another course with a half smile. The giant went to his bed, laid down in the pile of cushions and set a flustered Trish atop his chest. “Forgive me if I am being a touch forward, doctor.” He chuckled, steadying her wobbling form with his gentle hand. “I thought this might be a good way for us to…talk, if you would be amiable to such before I escort you back to Dalrstead.” Trish, keenly aware of the thin layer of tunic separating her from the giant’s bare skin, lifted her doe eyes. “I…I…” She croaked. Words wouldn’t form. Frio could only laugh, brush the side of her arm gently. “I do not mean to make you nervous. It is simply more comfortable to speak this way.” His expression was soft but belied a yearning that made his wolf like eyes almost boyish. “It has been a long time since I’ve had a visitor who was here for…friendly reasons.”
‘He’s lonely.’ Trish thought. She laid still on top of that vast expanse of living body beneath her, feeling it rise and fall with Frio’s breath. His fingers smelled sweet, like the berries in the scones they’d shared despite his washing his hands. Trish wondered idly if that was simply part of his natural scent. “I…Don’t have any pressing need to return just yet.” Trish said soft and turned over onto her stomach, great big doe eyes peering up towards Frio’s face. His cheeks turned a muted red. Trish could feel his heart thumping fast beneath her. “Really?” He spoke in breathless disbelief. “Well. I…” He bit his lower lip and regarded Trish with great interest. “Would you permit us to exchange a question for a question then?” Trish shifted. The weight of Frio’s have over her body was cool, heavy but not unwelcome. On the contrary- the heaviness felt grounding, reassuring. Trish managed a shy smile as she smoothed her hand over the fabric of Frio’s tunic in front of her. She nodded. Frio hummed, sifted carefully through his thoughts before asking his first question: “How did you become a doctor?”
A/N: -drags self across ground- I FINALLY DID IT. Here’s chapter 3!
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
Conscious Decision
Part 5
February 28th, 1984
~flashback chapter~
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The Hayvenhurst estate held many of my most precious memories. When I arrived last night I couldn’t wait to explore, but the once weekly family dinner and game night took precedence. It was one of my favorite traditions. As we grew up, it was rare to be together, all in the same place, so when we were everything else seemed insignificant.
I sat in front of the vanity mirror as Karen applied shimmering eyeshadow across my eyelids. The impact of tonight’s event— tonight’s importance— was lingering in the air, but no one dared speak of it. The thin silk robe concealing my body started to feel like a suit of armor. My mind was all over the place stripping me of my common sense. I couldn’t sit still. It was difficult to decipher- was I excited or petrified?
“Sweetie, how is it that you’re more nervous than Michael?”
“Sorry.” I mumbled.
“Can you keep a secret?”
“Of course.”
“I’m nervous too.” She whispered covering her mouth to muffle her laughter.
“He’s going to win. I can feel it.”
“Are you excited about accompanying him? He hasn’t shut up about it.”
“Of course I am.”
“Good. He loves when you’re in attendance. He’s his best self when he has you.”
“Me too.” I smiled.
Karen put the finishing touches on my face before yanking me out of the chair by my shoulders.
“It’s time to get you in that dress.”
I stepped behind the partition admiring the dress laid out in front of me. The soft pearl colored fabric acted as a canvas elevating the sparkle of the intricate beading. It’s the most beautiful piece of clothing I’ve ever owned. It’s not something I’d usually wear and for that I have Katherine to thank. She accompanied me as I tried on dress after dress with no luck. Finally, she discovered this dress- THE dress, emphasizing how beautifully it would match Michael’s signature glove.
As I stepped into the dress, carefully pulling it up over my legs, I couldn’t ignore the butterflies erupting in my belly demanding attention. The heightened speed of my heartbeat causing my chest to vibrate.
“Are you all good in there?” I heard Karen ask and the task of answering her felt impossible. I wasn’t breathing.
“Kar—” My hands flew up to my chest as I tried to regain control over my body. In an instant Karen was by my side. She adjusted my dress securing the zipper before guiding me over to the window. She propped it open and placed me in front of it rubbing small circles in my back. Soon, I felt the crushing feeling in my chest diminish and the flutter in my belly cease.
“There you go. Just breathe.” She cooed.
“I don’t know where that came from. Thank you.”
“You’re nervous.” She stated moving the hair out of my face. “Michael is going to fall to his knees when he sees you. I can’t wait.”
“It feels like more than nerves. It feels like—”
“Love.” She interjected.
We shared a calm moment as I tried to read the look on her face. There was no trace of judgement or scrutiny. She wasn’t fishing for an answer. She didn’t need one. She already knew.
“Please, don’t tell Michael.” Karen’s eyes softened.
“Sweetie, Michael—”
“Oh my goodness! Bunny! You look so beautiful!” Latoya’s voice squeaked from the doorway.
“Thank you, bunny, so do you.” I hugged Latoya, she never let go of our childhood nicknames, I found it endearing. I quickly pushed aside the uneasy feeling nagging at my conscience. When we stepped away from each other she reached over interlocking our pinkies.
“I’ve missed you so much.” She pouted, her eyes glistening.
“I’ve missed you! Now, stop that. You’re going to make me cry.” We grew up together, so leaving to attend school out of state was the hardest decision I ever made.
“I’m going to go check on the man of the hour.” Karen smiled, locking eyes with me, she brought her index finger to her lips signaling she would keep my secret.
“Let’s go show my mom!” Latoya practically dragged me down the hall to Katherine’s room. As we passed Michael’s room, I let out a huff at the sight of his shut door. I couldn’t wait any longer to see him.
“Mama! Look at Y/N!”
“Oh my girls!” Katherine grinned from ear to ear. Her joy was contagious. “You both look lovely.”
“You look flawless Mama Kay.”
She gave us a twirl showing off her outfit. We laughed, chatting about how excited we were for this evening. My arm linked with Latoya’s as I thought about all the other moments we shared. They were my favorite people. My chosen family. A loud voice echoed through the long halls requesting everyone downstairs for pictures.
The three of us moved towards the voice continuing the conversation along the way. Standing at the top of the staircase, my eyes quickly spotted Michael, he was leaning against the wall at the bottom of the steps. The crystal covered blue and gold military jacket hanging from his broad shoulders, the fitted black slacks, he looked stunning. The bright glow of his socks and glove matched my dress exquisitely. When Michael looked up, a smile naturally appeared on my face as we admired one another. He pushed himself off the wall standing up straight feverishly fixing his already perfect hair. He slowly removed his sunglasses to reveal his beautiful eyes more captivating than ever.
“Michael’s gonna need medical attention.” I heard Latoya mumble teasingly.
Michael sped up the stairs skipping a few steps with long strides. In a blink of an eye he was standing in front of me. I giggled at his enthusiasm.
“Y/N, you’re so beautiful.”
“No.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “You’re beautiful.”
Michael placed his hand on the small of my back helping me down the stairs. I felt his gaze on me as we descended the staircase. I nearly forgot how exhilarating being in his presence was.
“There they are!” I heard Janet’s voice yell. “Look at you two. It’s like prom all over again.”
Michael laughed uncomfortably, I looked over at him with a questioning look which he brushed off. Everyone was already in position taking pictures on the lawn. I connected our hands, pulling Michael with me towards where everyone was waiting.
“Wait. Wait.” Michael spoke.
“What’s wrong?”
“You look breathtaking.”
“I have another date.” He interrupted me avoiding my eyes.
“I’m not following.” My voice coming out as a whisper.
“DiLeo— remember Frank- you know him—my manager—well he—I didn’t want to— he— Frank—”
“Michael. Just say it.”
“Brooke Shields.”
“What about her?”
“Frank set up for her to be my date, so she’ll meet me at Shrine Auditorium for the red carpet.”
“Oh.” It was all I could manage to get out. In this moment, I couldn’t form a coherent thought let alone say actual words.
“I fought him on it for weeks. I thought he dropped it. I swear I had no idea.” I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s— it’s no big deal.” I smiled back at him fighting hard to hide any trace of pain.
“I feel terrible.”
“It makes sense that he’d want your date to be someone in the business as well. I get it. You should have another celebrity on your arm. Not some nobody.” I forced a laugh to try to make this situation a little less awkward.
“You aren’t a nobody to me.”
“It’s okay, Mickey. We should join everyone.” I couldn’t bring myself to stand there with him any longer. The look of pity on his face making me feel smaller than ever. I didn’t wait for his response as I turned around walking over to join the crowd. Michael’s presence by my side, comforting and painful all at once, I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge it or look at him just yet. I needed to compose myself first. I have no right being hurt by this. I’m here, as a friend, to support him. I’m his friend. I’ll always be his friend- just his friend.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N..” Jermaine’s voice echoed through the courtyard. “When are you going to stop playing hard to get and go on a date with me?”
“Hi Jermaine.” I smiled uncomfortably wrapping my arms around myself. I looked between the two Jackson boys’ knowing the tension amongst them was at an all time high.
“You get more beautiful every time I see you. Doesn’t she Mike?” He teased, nudging Michael’s arm with force making him loose his balance.
“She does.” Michael shot back through clenched teeth, regaining his footing and crossing his arms.
“You know I just can’t resist you. Come on.” Jermaine flirtatiously winked, reaching out in attempt to pull me into an unwanted embrace, a move he forced on me and only me. Michael’s arm shot up crashing into his brother’s chest. “Woah, little brother your jealousy is showing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. She’s not your girl. She’ll never be your girl. She’s fair game.”
“Shut up Jermaine!” Michael shouted. By this time the commotion caught the attention of the rest of the family.
“Hey! What’s going on here?” Katherine yelled, but it was too late.
Jermaine leaned in, inches away from Michael’s face before he lowly said, “Look at her. You think I’m the only man paying her any attention? Men. Not little boys like you. Look at that figure. She’s the sweetest piece of-”
“Don’t talk about her like that!”
Michael’s glittered glove flew through the air colliding with his brothers’ jaw. As the fight progressed, the brothers ended up tussling on the grass. Nasty insults could be heard for miles the way they were screaming. They were tugging at each other with such hatred- such anger. In the worst way, it forced me to see firsthand just how ugly their relationship had become. I’ve never seen Michael fight like this, so I was shocked that he was holding his own. Each hit delivered with such force I could hear the impact. Nothing I shouted slowed the momentum and my attempts to break it up failed miserably. Finally, Randy, Marlon and Tito ran over and began yanking their brothers apart. It felt like hours, but I knew only seconds had passed. Even with that, I was certain a significant amount of damage had been inflicted- irreversible damage.
“Stop it! Now! Right now!” Katherine rushed over standing over her boys as the fight carried on.
Once they were separated from one another I bolted forward checking on Michael. His eyes unrecognizable to me. I could feel his anger- it broke my heart. He was out of breath, vigorously trying to break free of Tito’s grip. I’ve never seen him like this.
“Relax!” Tito yelled. “It’s over.”
“He started it!” Michael shouted trying to hurl himself at Jermaine again. I positioned myself in front of him trying to calm him down while discretely inspecting his face for any injuries.
“I do not care!” Katherine’s voice could cut through glass. “This never happens again! Do you understand?”
“He’s pathetic! It’s not my fault he can’t man up!”
“Jermaine Jackson!” The argument between Katherine and her son was just beginning.
“Little lover boy! You’re pitiful! You ain’t nothing! You’ll never be man enough—”
“Enough!” Katherine stood in Jermaine’s face. “So help me I’m not above smacking sense into you!”
I felt Michael shudder with each insult his big brother threw at him. I knew each one would linger in the back of his mind for years to come. That’s how Michael is. Good or bad. He never forgets.
“I got him.” I told Tito and Marlon as they released Michael’s arms with caution. His head hanging low, I knew he needed to be as far away from this scene as possible— and fast. I held his hand draping it across my shoulders as I led him inside. I didn’t say a word. I knew all he needed in this instance was to feel my presence, so that’s what I gave him.
As we walked towards the house we passed Latoya, Janet and Rebbie. They wore similar faces a mixture of sadness and fear. I can’t imagine how painful it was for them to watch their brothers fight like that. I drew my focus back to Michael. The gold sash of his jacket had been torn off and was now hanging down against his leg. His black slacks were covered in dirt and grass.
Once we entered the house Michael tugged at my waist until my cheek met his chest, he hugged me firmly resting his chin on the top of my head.
“I’m really sorry things got out of control. I appreciate you standing up for me.” I spoke into his chest.
“We need to get you cleaned up.”
“Just let me hold you a little longer please.”
Michael stubborn as ever waited until the last twenty minutes to clean himself up. I worked on sewing the sash back to his jacket while Karen touched up his makeup. Thankfully, he had an extra pair of pants so we didn’t have to stress about that.
As I focused on my task I felt Michael’s eyes on me once again. He suddenly took my hand into his leaving a gentle kiss on my palm.
“How’s it looking doctor?” He grinned.
“Good as new.”
“I’m lucky my best friend is a future surgeon or else I’d have no one to patch me up.”
“That’s my only hope in life— to be your personal seamstress.”
We laughed together. The heaviness of the earlier incident fading away. He was happy again. All I wanted was for him to be happy. He deserved it. He deserves the best.
“Can you give me a moment?” Michael lowly requested, he held my wrist tightly, as Karen left the room. Once we were alone his demeanor changed.
“Are you alright?” He was in his head— fidgeting and I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad.
“Do you ever think about getting married?”
Taken aback by the sudden change of topic. My mind drew a blank, not that he gave me a chance to respond.
“I dream about it.” His voice drifting off as he fiddled with the lens of his sunglasses.
“Me too. I think everyone does.”
“Who do you want to marry?”
“I think it’d be us.”
“Yes, don’t you? I mean we already had a wedding. We’d just have to sign a few things this time around to make it official.” Michael howled hysterically, tumbling to the ground taking his chair down with him.
“Ha-ha-ha you’re hilarious.”
“Janet made you a crown out of popsicle sticks and flowers.” He added between laughs. Michael rolled around, fighting to catch his breath, his bejeweled outfit sparkling like a disco ball. Adorable and handsome all at once.
“Let’s talk about what you wore.” He pushed himself off the ground and tackled me.“Katherine’s powder blue pant suit!” My yell was muffled by his hand.
“Don’t you dare!”
“You started it!”
Michael stayed on top of me as he slowly removed his hand from my mouth. His hands planted on each side of my head. Lowering himself to his elbows without a word- without hesitation. Michael’s gaze was intense and steady. He was confident. I could feel it.
My hands gravitating to his chest, gripping onto the beaded fabric of his jacket, matching his stare. The space between us shrinking by the second.
“I love you.” Michael’s cool breath tickled my lips.
“I love you.”
His ungloved thumb dragged slowly across my bottom lip, his eyes flickering between love and lust.
My eyelids fell shut feeling overwhelmingly heavy as his nose brushed against mine.
“Michael? Oh, Y/N, there you are…” Janet’s voice cutting through the tension in the room. “It’s time to head out.” She obnoxiously covered her eyes with her hand adding to the embarrassment.
“We’re coming.” Michael stood up, holding his hand out to help me off the ground.
“Thanks.” I mumbled
“You guys are finally together!” She cheered, sprinting over and pulling us into a tight hug.
“Janet!” Michael scolded. “No— not—”
“What? Are you forgetting the position I found you two in?”
“Janet! You’re annoying.”
“Michael! You’re stupid.”
I stood in the center of the siblings as they bickered back and forth. Unsure of what to do with myself, I stood silently, plastering a fake smile on my face for the second time today. I’d be lying if I said Michael’s quick response to his sister’s questioning didn’t hurt, but I guess he is right.
We’re friends.
We aren’t together.
We aren’t anything.
We arrived at Shrine Auditorium, exiting the limo, before Katherine and Joe pulled us all into a huddle. It’s tradition, to pray when we are faced with blessings, we must thank god for the life he’s given us.
After, everyone hugged Michael, wishing him luck, this was the moment we went our own ways. Michael had to walk red carpet, with numerous cameras and people screaming his name. While his family and I walked around the chaos, entering the venue in a not so star-studded fashion.
Michael hugged me, I wrapped my arms around his waist- tight. Out of all the times we’ve shared an embrace, this was the only time I felt afraid. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to take it in- his warmth- the scent of his cologne- the security I felt being in his arms- the love that made my heart feel full.
“I want to bring you with me. I don’t want to do it alone.”
“You’re not alone. We’re all here. We will be just a few rows behind you.”
“I know. I just- I should have you with me. That’s how I always pictured it.”
“Me too.” I turned my head, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek. “I love you. You’re going to take home every award. I know it.”
“I love you.”
“I left some lipstick on you.” I giggled, reaching over to clean it off, but Michael stopped me with a sweet smile.
“Leave it. It’ll be like you’re with me. It might be the only thing that can get me through all of this.”
A tall man with a clipboard stood near us, clearing his throat, with a brief apology for interrupting us he informed Michael he needed to follow him.
Michael didn’t say a word as he hugged me one last time.
“Good luck.” My last words to him before we went our separate ways. I watched Michael saunter off, worriedly looking back as if I was going to vanish forever.
I felt it too. We’ve parted ways many times over the years, but there was something different about this time. It somehow felt like the end. End of what- I wasn’t sure.
Michael and I shared one last look, with a smile on his face, he placed his hand over his heart, I did the same. We didn’t need words to understand one another. We knew exactly what the other was thinking.
I love you.
And the Grammy goes to…
Michael Jackson!
I watched from afar as Michael walked up the steps of the stage. His sunglasses hid his eyes adding to the mysterious persona. The smile on his face was controlled as he softly spoke into microphone. The mix of timidness and excitement evident in his voice. I couldn’t put my finger on it at first- the feeling in the air. The happy celebration overshadowing it- the impending metamorphosis.
The first Grammy of the night for my favorite guy. He walked off the stage, so lost in his achievement that he forgot the award on the podium. He’s still Michael- kind, genuine and selfless.
Michael Jackson!
Michael Jackson!
Michael Jackson!
Michael Jackson!
Michael Jackson!
Michael Jackson!
“I made a deal with myself that if I won one more award— which is this award— which is seven— which is a record. I would take off my glasses.” The roar from the crowd echoed through the auditorium. Michael smirked enjoying the reaction. “Now, I don’t want to take them off really—” he’s cut off with even louder shrieks. They were loosing their mind over him— all he had to do was stand there and look pretty— which came natural for him. It always did.
“Okay, well, Catherine Hepburn, who is a dear friend of mine, she told me I should and I’m doing it for her okay?”
“And the girls— the girls in the back.” He pointed up at the balcony, removing his glasses, confidently blowing kisses paired with his bright smile.
“Goodness, they sound like they want to eat him alive.” Joe chuckled.
Michael Jackson!
Michael won eight Grammy Awards. He set a record.
We all waited off to the side, watching Michael give interviews and take pictures with his awards. The smile on his face alone should win a Grammy.
“He’s making history like it’s nothing— knocking down every obstacle— every barrier they try to put in his path. He does it with such grace. They wouldn’t give him a spot— a chance, so he created his own league.” Janet gushed, resting her head against mine.
“He really is. It’s incredible.”
“I’m glad he has you. You’ve always been it for him.”
“We aren’t— it’s confusing.” I said sadly.
“You are his and he is yours. There’s nothing confusing about that.”
I didn’t get the opportunity to respond, since Janet shoved me forward, bumping into Michael who stood ready to catch me.
“I wanted to take a picture with you.”
The palm of my hand tickled as Michael interlocked our fingers. He pulled me along with him across the smooth red carpet. The material of his glove, soft as could be against my skin, made me yearn for his touch- one without material keeping us apart.
“Here. Hold this one!” Michael handed me one of his awards, the words ‘Album of the Year’ engraved in it. “You inspired me to write ‘Lady in my Life,’ everything you make me feel is in that song. I fought tooth and nail for it to be on the album, if it wasn’t for that song— I don’t know that I would’ve won lucky number eight.”
“You don’t have to say anything— not now anyway. Just smile.” He squeezed my hand and endless blinding flashes begun. After a few seconds I turned to look at Michael, only to find him already looking back at me.
“The way I feel about you, Michael, it’s unlike anything I’ve felt or will ever feel- for anyone else.” I whispered in his ear, trying to ignore the shiver I felt travel through my body. He took off his sunglasses, tightening his grip on my hand as he pulled be behind the curtain, away from all the vigilant onlookers.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean?” I quickly repeated his question to avoid having to answer first.
“We’re friends. We’re best friends.” He said slowly mostly to himself than to me.
“Michael, what’s going on?”
“I— I don’t— I’m not sure. I don’t know what to say.”
We stood there staring at each other with so many unanswered questions. Maybe he’ll never tell me- or maybe he doesn’t feel the way I do. I fixed my gaze to the floor as it became too painful to look into his eyes.
“Michael, you don’t have anything to say to me?”
“I am— it’s you know— my heart-“ he took a deep breath, aggressively wiping his hands on his slacks, before shaking his head and looking away from me. “No. I don’t have anything to say.”
“The marriage stuff earlier, caressing my lips, the song inspiration comment, was it a lie— a joke or—” I paused when I saw his sisters skipping over to us from over his shoulder. “It’s fine. We can just make some stupid pact to get married if we’re still single by thirty.” I laughed uncomfortably. “It’s no big deal.”
“What’s no big deal?” Latoya asked.
“Nothing.” I smiled, greeting them happily.
“The air is tense over here.” Rebbie said waving her hands in the air.
“What did you do?” Janet spoke up pinching her brother over and over again.
“Ow. Stop, nothing! I didn’t do anything!”
“Y/N, what did our idiot brother do?” Latoya inquired, crossing her arms.
“Nothing. He didn’t do anything. It’s nothing. It will always be nothing.”
They visibly perked up as I trailed off in the middle of my last sentence. A chorus of “oooo’s” replacing the tension in the air.
“Michael..” Janet uttered sadly. “Just tell her. The way you tell us—”
“Janet, get off my back.”
“Oh, he’s mad.” Latoya held back a laugh.
“Security!” Rebbie added making them both burst out laughing.
“It’s okay. Everything is fine.” I interrupted.
“Mom wants all us siblings for a picture. You know how she is.” Janet said changing the subject. Finally.
The five of is began walking over to where the rest of the Jackson’s stood. Rebbie and Latoya were still laughing about god knows what. Even though I wasn’t in the mood to laugh I still loved listening in on their craziness.
“You’re going to lose her.” I heard Janet say to her brother. Michael and Janet followed a few steps behind, even with their hushed voices I could still hear parts of their conversation. “You can’t mess with a woman’s heart.” She added.
Maybe it’s best that I let Michael go. Let go of the ‘what if.’ He’ll always be my best friend. Maybe it’s time to move on. As I got lost in thought, I knew I could go through the motions of a relationship. I could be with someone, have someone, but they’d never have me- not the way Michael did- not the way he does.
Michael will always have my heart. He doesn’t have just a piece of me, he has all of me, he always will.
“I would never mess with her heart. You know how I feel about her.” The desperation in Michael’s voice clear, causing my heart to ache, and just like that I came to a realization.
I don’t want to move on. I don’t need to move on. All I need to do is be patient for a little longer. Michael isn’t ready to tell me how he feels, but he shows me how he feels in every other way. He knows he loves me, he knows he wants to be with me and for right now that’s enough.
That’s enough for me.
Michael is worth the wait..
And I’ll wait for him as long as it takes.
Flashback chapter: ✅
I hope you enjoy this chapter! It was super fun to write.
I loved including Michael’s family.
Also, no shade to Jermaine, it just had to happen.
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atrxides · 2 months
Jessica x Leto with the prompt "falling asleep in an uncomfortable position to be near the other"
I wrote this instead of finishing my new chapter cause it's angsty and I just want jessleto happiness🧍🏻‍♀️anyway, enjoy xoxo - atrxides
Jessica sighs as she places the last name card on the seating chart.
She has been working on finalising the seating plan for the upcoming Atreides Gala for the past few hours. Taking into consideration the attendees' personalities and advantage of allegiance before placing them and she's quite satisfied with her work.
Jessica rubs the back of her neck as she stretches back against the couch, gaze instinctually falling on the man beside her.
Leto had joined her an hour or so ago in their private study after a particularly busy day and had promptly fallen asleep twenty minutes in, though not after pestering her to stop and come to bed with him.
It wasn't that late, but he had been exerted by that point. She had shot him a look that he understood quite well, and he fell silent beside her as he observed her.
Jessica had just smiled when she heard the first snore minutes later.
Leto, still asleep, is half-sprawled on his side of the couch in what Jessica can imagine is quite an uncomfortable position. Legs hanging off the couch and neck thrown back over the arm.
She should probably save him from upcoming agony, but she can't help taking in his adorable expression, mouth hanging open slightly, allowing light snores to pass through.
Jessica knows if it was any other time in their life, he'd have curled up next to her and laid his head in her lap- Leto has always been clingy in a sleepy state- but space on her lap has significantly decreased as her stomach has swollen with their growing child.
Leto has been trying his best not to crowd her too much, aware of how uncomfortable it can be growing another human, even for a Bene Gesserit as skilled as Jesssica.
She's loved him for it, he never let his attentiveness of her waver even if it meant some physical distance.
She runs a hand over her belly as she sits up again, ready to go to bed now that she's finished.
Jessica moves to her feet and moves to the other side of the couch, she lower her hand into Leto's hair as she attempts to wake him.
"Leto." She calls softly, getting only a distant hum in return as she runs her hands through his dark curls.
"Leto, darling." She tries again, this time hearing a sleepy Jess in response as Leto slowly blinks open his eyes.
Jessica smiles down at him, hand moving from his hair to his cheek and he happily leans into it, turning to press a kiss to her palm and then to her wrist before nuzzling his cheek in her palm again like a cat.
She shakes her head fondly at his antics.
"We are going to bed before you permanently damage your spine." She remarks playfully, and Leto groans, not wanting to move.
"Come here?" He mumbles, gesturing to the tiny space next to him, and she shakes her head once more.
"Absolutely not. I am not risking pregnancy back pain on this couch whilst there is a perfectly good bed down the hall." Jessica says, tapping the tip of his nose with her finger before offering her hand to help him get up.
Leto rolls his eyes playfully and accepts her hand, groaning as he gets up, unoccupied hand moving to sooth his aching neck.
Jessica gives him a sympathetic look and the hand on his neck moves instinctually to her swollen belly as soon as he stands before her.
They share a smile as Leto smooths a hand gently over where their child grows.
Jessica moves her free hand to the back of Leto’s neck, softly applying pressure to it to relieve some of the pain she's sure is lingering there.
Leto leans forward to pace a kiss on her forehead, then to her nose, then her cheek, finally moving to her neck where he nuzzles into the skin under her ear.
Jessica doesn't stop the soft goosebumps that break out over her skin at the action, instead revelling in the warmth of his touch.
"Missed you." He murmurs into her neck before lifting his head to look at her.
Jessica uses the leverage of her hand on his neck to bring his lips to hers in a gentle kiss, both their eyes falling shut at the familiar action.
They share a few more soft kisses before Leto rests his forehead against hers, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment.
"Take me to bed." Jessica requests softly, and Leto gives her a smile and one last peck on the lips before he turns to the door, leading her by their joined hands down the hall and to their bed.
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Buy Dirt - A One Beer Universe Fic
This is for @callmemana! Thank you so much for the request dear, I'm so sorry it took so long to get out but I hope you enjoy it none the less. Congrats to 100 followers!!! That's so amazing :D
Thanks to @barbiewritesstuff for betaing this for me, you are the best bestie!
This is based on the song Buy Dirt by Jordan Davis.
(IK IK this is Lew Lew with Rhett Abott vibes but I love his smile)
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Bob let out a deep sigh from the other side of the bed causing a sad smile to come across your face. Today was always hard for him. While most people were enjoying the end of the holidays and the start of the new year, Bob always found himself in mourning on January first. 
You rolled over, taking him in for a moment before pressing yourself close to him, or as close as you could with the protrusion of your belly between the two of you. Bob was laying on his back, one arm bent behind his head, and the other now wrapped up around your back. 
“Sorry darlin’,” he said quietly before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “Didn’t mean to wake you.” 
You gave him a small smile, “You didn’t.” 
The two of you laid in a comfortable silence for a while before you felt the baby inside you stir. You took your husband's hand from behind his head and pressed it to your stomach, watching the smile that spread across his face at the sharp kicks you were being subjected to. The pressure of his hand increased for a second as he shifted in the bed, his head now closer to your round belly. 
“Hey there little one,” he said, pressing a kiss over your bump, “Be gentle with your momma.”
At his words, the kicking slowed, and you let out a small laugh at the change, “I don’t know how you do that love,” you said, looking down at him in wonder. 
He smiled up at you and you thought that maybe his victory with your next bundle of joy would be enough to pull him from his thoughts, but his eyes didn’t light up like they usually did. 
“You thinkin’ about him?” you asked quietly, one hand caressing the side of his head, stopping to cradle his cheek. 
Bob let out another heavy sigh before answering, “More so than usual this year.” 
You nodded in understanding. This year marked two years since his grandfather, Edward Floyd, had passed away. 
“Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll get the kids up?” you suggested, knowing your eyes were full of concern. 
“You don’t have to do that darlin’, I can-” he started. 
“I want to, I know how much he meant to you, let me take care of you Robby,” you said, rubbing your thumb across his cheek before turning to try and gracefully roll out of bed, not allowing him any more time to argue. 
Bob watched you leave the room after pulling on one of his sweatshirts, the hem hanging well past your hips. A small smile found its way on his face at the sight, but it quickly fell from his lips with the reminder of why he had the day off. 
Letting out another deep sigh, he sat up on the edge of the bed, glancing at the bookshelf in the corner of the room, his eyes landed on one of the only photos of Ed squared together and his mind started to wander back to the day it was taken. 
Bob was on leave, he had requested it as far in advance as he could to ensure he was home in time for his grandpop’s birthday. Ed Floyd was turning eighty in a few days, and the surprise you had helped Bob plan was something he knew would knock the older man’s socks off. 
While Ed was young at heart, the man’s body was run down after almost eighty hard earned years going around the sun. Because of this, he hadn’t been able to travel out to see his namesake, Eddie, since the little boy had been born, almost six months ago. 
The two of you shared a secret smile as Arthur made his way to the front door. 
“Bob said his present would be here soon pop, maybe this is it?” he called out behind him as he opened the door. Bob watched as his dad engulfed you in a tight hug, pressing a fatherly kiss to your forehead. 
“Y/n, how are you dear? Feeling okay since the baby? Little Eddie doing okay?” he asked quietly. 
You nodded, a smile splitting your face, “I’m wonderful, feeling much better now that he’s on a schedule. He’s just perfect, I don’t think we could be any more blessed.” 
Then he turned to Bob, “Bobby,” his dad said quietly, pulling him into a tight hug, “How are you?”
“We’re good dad,” he replied, holding up the baby carrier once he had been released to show off the newest addition to the Floyd family. 
“Well, who is it?” a gruff voice called from inside the house. 
Dad let out a laugh before responding, “It’s your gift!” 
“You better not be snooping through it!” Grandpop called out, “Any contraband that boy sent me is mine!” 
Bob’s face split into a smile as he raised his voice, “Don’t worry, he’s not snooping! Besides, the contraband is still in the car.”
Bob led the way into the house, finding Grandpop sitting in the living room in front of the TV. 
“Bobby!” he exclaimed, attempting to rise from his lazy chair. 
“Grandpop, don’t get up!” Bob said, taking the few long strides required to beat his grandpa up. 
The older man rose to his full height, his eyes squinting towards Bob, “I will get up if I damn well please, thank you very much,” he said, a smile on his face, “I’m old, not dead.” 
Bob watched the moment he realized that Y/n was here, so that meant, “Alright, where’s the little bug at?” he asked, excitement on his face. 
The sound of clattering glass in the kitchen pulled Bob from his reverie. With another sad huff, he stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Not following his usual schedule at all, Bob stepped right into the shower. He relished in the numbing sensation of the cold spray for far longer than any decent person would. As he heard the small shrieks and yells of Eddie and Katie through the walls, his mind wandered to the advice his Grandpop had given him years ago. 
While you were putting Eddie down for his nap, Bob joined his grandfather on the back porch of their family home. The hills of Tennessee were rolling out in front of him and he couldn’t help but smile as he handed his grandfather a fresh cup of coffee, “Here you go Pops.” 
“Thanks buckaroo,” the man said. He paused to take a sip of the steaming brew before a smile came over his face as he asked, “Your daddy still fussing over little Ed?”
Bob let out a laugh, “I don’t think there will be a day that he doesn’t fuss over little Ed.” 
“That’s as it should be,” Pops said with a sigh, turning to look at Bob fully, “What you been up to lately?”
Sighing deeply, Bob reflected, since Eddie had been born, it felt like all he was trying to do was make ends meet. With his enrollment in the Naval Academy, he knew he was going to have to pick something to go into soon, but he couldn’t help but look at the ES pay values of each job. All he wanted to do was give his small family a future. 
“Chasing a dollar,” he admitted quietly, finding all he could seem to look at was the hills beyond the house. 
The porch was silent for a moment as they both took sips of coffee, Bob was surprised to hear Pops let out a small laugh, “We all do boy. I’ll give you my two cents on making a dollar count.” 
Bob waited with anticipation as Pops took another sip of his steaming mug, “Buy dirt.”
He paused for a moment, not sure he heard the older man correctly, but before he could question it, his gravelly voice continued, “You’ve got the one you can’t live without, and you’re doing right by her,” he said with admiration in his voice, “Do what you love, but call it work,” he continued, pinning him with a meaningful look. 
Another pause and another sip of coffee, “Throw a little money in the plate at church,” he continued, “Send those prayers up and some roots down deep.”
Pops laughed a little before continuing, “You’ve added a limb to the family tree, enjoy that boy Bobby, he’ll grow faster than that grass always seems to.” 
Bob was pulled from his memory, this time by your voice, “Robby?”
“I’m sorry love, can you repeat that?” he called back, turning the water off and stepping out of the shower, his eyes on you. 
You gave him a sad smile, “I’ve got breakfast ready when you are.” 
“Be right there darlin’,” he replied, pressing a quick kiss to your temple as he stepped back into the bedroom to get dressed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you wince, but you brushed it off rather quickly, so he let it go. 
By the time he attempted to pull himself from his mood and make it out to the breakfast table, Eddie and Katie had already dug in, both of them having chocolate smeared across their cheeks from the chocolate chip pancakes you had made. 
“Daddy!” Katie cried, a wide smile on her face, “I saved your seat!” 
“Thank you baby, I don’t know what I would do without you,” Bob said, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head as he sat down in the chair across from you. 
After breakfast was eaten and cleaned up, the rest of New Year’s day was spent inside the house. Eddie and Katie playing with the toys they had gotten for Christmas while Bob and you were attempting to do a few chores around the house. 
Feeling fatigued, you laid down on your bed opting for an afternoon nap. After what felt like only seconds of comfort, you felt a sharp pain radiate over your stomach and your eyes flew open, “Bob!” 
As you attempted to sit up, another, stronger, pain caused you to flinch, keeping you on the bed. You heard rushed footsteps coming down the hall, “What’s wrong?” your husband asked as he appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide and concerned. 
“I think I’m going into labor,” you said quickly before the panic started to set in, “But I’m not due for another two weeks!” 
Before you could descend any further into yourself, Bob’s arms wrapped around you, “Hey, it's okay. They just want to meet us early, okay?” 
You felt yourself nod, your head resting above Bob’s heart allowed you to hear the beat of his heart as you calmed yourself down. 
“I’m going to go call Phoenix, can you get the bag ready?” he asked, using a finger to bring your face up to his. 
“I think so,” you said, feeling calmer than just a few minutes before. You turned from his hold to reach for the fresh basket of laundry you had been meaning to put away for a few days, beginning to rifle through it to gather clothes for both you and Bob. 
His voice filtered into the bedroom from the living room and you listened as you packed clothes into Bob’s Navy duffle, “I know, she’s a bit early…yeah, whenever you can get here…don’t rush please, my kids need their Auntie Nix…okay, see you soon.” 
“Okay, Phoenix is on her way,” he said, coming back into the room.
“Auntie Nix is coming?!” Katie exclaimed, crawling up on to the bed, “Where are you goin’ momma?”
You smiled at your baby girl, “Daddy and I are going to meet the new baby,” you said as calmly as possible. 
“Is he coming today?” Eddie asked, eyes wide. 
Bob let out a small laugh, ruffling the your eight year old’s hair, “Yeah buddy, they are coming today, whoever they may be.” 
You heard a grumbled, “I hope it's a boy,” under your son’s breath and it caused you to laugh. At that moment, another contraction took you, causing your laugh to turn into a breathless groan. 
“Alright honey,” Bob started, “Where is the baby stuff?” 
“Just in the nursery, I have some things laid out on the changing table,” you said, pressing one hand to your side, trying to relieve the pain. 
“Alright,” he said, grabbing the bag and moving quickly down the hall. You turned to look at Eddie and Katie, “Let’s go wait by the door for Auntie Nix, okay?” 
“Okay momma!” Katie called, rushing out of the room, Eddie stood there looking at you with scared eyes, “Are you okay momma?” 
Your heart melted at his concern, “I’m alright baby,” you said, pulling him into a side hug as you waddled to the front door and took a seat on the shoe bench. 
There was a knock at the door and before you could even think about rising from the position you had settled in, Bob dropped the duffle at your feet and pulled the door open, “Phoenix, thanks for coming.” 
Natasha stepped into the house, folding her aviators into her shirt, her motorcycle helmet tucked under her arm, “Of course Bobby, gotta make sure your Baby On Board makes it to the hospital in time,” she replied with a wink in your direction. 
You snorted at her quip, having heard the tale of their first day in training with Mav several times over. Another flash of pain radiated out of you, causing you to flinch again. 
Bob wrapped an arm around your shoulders, supporting some of your weight as he guided you to stand, “Okay, you two be good for Auntie Nix, we will see you soon okay?” 
Nat grabbed the duffle and slipped it over Bob’s free shoulder, “Drive safe you two, let me know when you want me to bring them by okay?” 
“Thanks Nat,” you called as Bob ushered you out of the house. 
After two hours of labor and lots of hand squeezing, Hank Edward Floyd was brought screaming into the world. Bob was sitting in the recliner provided in the birthing suite, little Hank settled into his arms as he watched the two of you sleep. His mind started to wander back to the memory he had been visiting this morning, and a smile spread over his face. 
Pops laughed a little before continuing, “You’ve added a limb to the family tree, enjoy that boy Bobby, he’ll grow faster than that grass always seems to.” 
Bob smiled, his mind drifting to the small baby you likely almost had asleep upstairs. Pops’ voice pulled him from the thought, his voice going quieter than Bob had ever heard, “‘Cause the truth about it is, it all goes by real quick. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy dirt. You gotta find you a few things that matter, that you can put a fence around, and then you need to thank the Good Lord for it, ‘cause he ain’t makin’ any more of it.” 
Phoenix appeared in the doorway, Katie held in her arms and Eddie at her side, “Hey there Bobert, got a baby for us to look at?” she asked, a smile on her face. 
“Is it a boy?” Eddied asked, his eyes wide as he walked over to sit in the recliner next to Bob, and your face broke into a smile. 
Bob nodded, smiling at his oldest son, “It's a boy, Hank Edward Floyd,” he announced proudly, watching for Eddie’s reaction. 
Eddie’s eyes got wide, “He’s named after Pops too?” 
“Yes he is,” Bob affirmed, “Do you want to hold him?” 
Ed nodded, his face nervous as he climbed onto Bob’s lap to look down at his little brother. 
So buy dirt
Find the one you can't live without
Get a ring, let your knee hit the ground
Do what you love but call it work
And throw a little money in the plate at church
Send your prayers up and your roots down deep
Add a few limbs to your family tree
And watch their pencil marks
And the grass in the yard all grow up
'Cause the truth about it is
It all goes by real quick
You can't buy happiness
But you can buy dirt
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muns0nslov3r · 2 years
this little goofy idea came to my mind.. 
 one time joseph was to drunk, after you let him go have fun with his friends. of course you had to deal with the after math. with a very drunk boyfriend. he was sloppily making out with you, rambling and blabbering things like “ i wanna make you feel good baby..” “ please can i touch you.?” “ i wanna taste your pussy.” “ please honey.” just being the sweetest thing ever, of course you let him, but you knew when joseph was drunk. he was more hyper, and hell did he randomly like to bite you when hes drunk. he was kissing your thighs kissing your cilt, then all of a sudden he lands a big bite to your inner thigh making you gasp out “ joseph!” you whined as he giggled drunkenly. “ yes honey.?” he smiled resting his cheek against your thigh, lazily bucking his hips into the mattress. “ you bit me..” you whined again as he pouted “ baby- honey.. i-” he got cut off by a little hiccup “ you taste so good.” he giggled softly kissing the bite mark. you forgave him yes. but then, he grunted as he turned his head away from your pussy like hes about to eat something he doesnt want to. he started to lick your thigh and suck at it “ joseph, darling. what are you doing?” you laughed as he looked at you “ im eating you out.. you laughing at me?” he softly whined “ get up here.” you sighed helping him up and pushing down his boxers and trousers, holding his cock at the base before sliding the tip between your folds as he moved your hand away “ i wanna do it.” he grunted as he shut his eyes, he didnt get it in your pussy. instead hes trying to fuck your belly button, you laughed more “ baby your- your fucking my belly button-” you chuckled as he whined “ hooonnneeey.” he laid on top of you as you slid in his cock, grinding onto it “ shh.. ill do it for you okay?” you softly rubbed his flushed stubbly cheek as you grinded on his dick hearing his soft sighs and moans. you both finished soon after, as joseph was passed out right away his face resting against your boobs. he was so adorable and pretty, knowing there would be a bruise of a bite mark from joseph the next morning..
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emetogirl · 1 year
So I had a terrifying night. But I also threw up a lot so I might as well tell you all about it
I don’t drink often, and when I do, it’s never in excess, so when this happened it really freaked me out. I had just a couple of drinks but hadn’t eaten anything all day, so it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was with friends and we were making dinner together. Within an hour, I was throwing up in the bathroom, with one friend holding me and rubbing my back, and the other two standing in the doorway and talking about what they should do with me. As time passed on I became less responsive and started to pass out and they thought about taking me to the hospital, but decided it wasn’t bad enough and that they could just take care of me. I remember feeling overwhelmingly awful at this point, it was just terrible and disorienting. Instead of staying at my studio apartment where it would be hard to keep an eye on me because it was so small and cramped, they decided to take me to my friend’s house to sleep it off. I had to be carried to the car, and then my friend called her boyfriend to help carry me inside her house and get me settled. I remember throwing up in the car several times into a tiny trash can we had taken with us and feeling like my stomach just kept heaving non stop. When I got out of the car, I immediately stumbled and almost fell, and my friend’s boyfriend caught me and picked me up in both of his arms to bring me inside. I remember my head just lulling against his arm and feeling too sick to lift it back up. Once we got inside, he helped lay me on the couch and put a trash can by my head, which I immediately dry heaved into. When I was done I laid back and started feeling really odd and detached. I blacked out for a minute, and when I came to my friend and her boyfriend were holding my head in place and had pulled the pillow out from beneath me. Apparently I had had a small seizure (I have epilepsy) while on the couch, which was REALLY scary to have happen while drunk. When I woke up from the seizure I actually felt more with it, which is strange, and they were able to wrap me up in a blanket and I sat up for a moment. They said they had never seen my face look so white before, and I believed them. I was so cold and just shivering constantly. My stomach ached furiously, and I knew I’d be throwing up again soon. I asked if I could just move to her bathroom and lay there, but they told me they’d rather me stay on the couch in case I had another seizure. They got a trash can ready for me when I felt like throwing up again. In the meantime we watched a show and my friend’s boyfriend ordered some pizza. About 30 minutes later, he left to pick it up, and that’s also when the nausea kicked into overdrive. Even though I had a trash can right next to me, I got up and walked to the bathroom, and my friend followed. Kneeling down, I heaved over the toilet hard. After the third gag I finally brought up a tiny splash of mostly stomach acid at this point. My belly didn’t feel any better afterwards, and my mouth continued to water excessively. My belly caved and I threw up again, another tiny mouthful. My stomach convulsing, I heaved repeatedly after, with tiny splashes of puke hitting the water with each retch until nothing was coming up at all, but my stomach kept clenching anyways. Eventually, the heaves tapered off, and I flushed and leaned back. My friend gave me some water to rinse my mouth out in the sink with and then helped me lay down in her lap for a moment. When I felt ready, she guided me back to the couch and I laid down. After puking, I actually felt a lot better and accepted some water. When her boyfriend returned with food, I even took a few bites of pizza, but it sat heavily in my stomach. I spent the rest of the night in a nauseous, dizzy haze, with my friends taking good care of me. They are the best and I don’t deserve them.
I don’t know why I ended up with alcohol poisoning, because I only had a few drinks, but I think I just haven’t been eating enough lately and hadn’t eaten enough beforehand. It was a super scary experience and I can guarantee I won’t be touching alcohol for a long time.
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multific · 2 years
Love You More
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Clyde Logan x Reader
Every day he arrived home to the smell of food. Every night he arrived home and you waited for him. 
It was your routine.
You cooked, and waited. Sometimes he found you watching something on TV or reading, but you were always there, smiling when he stepped through the door.
Lately, he had been working a lot. Trying to save up as much as he could for a house. And you just sat there, always waiting for him, like the angel you were.
However, one night he arrived home and you were nowhere to be found, you weren't in the kitchen or on the couch.
Clyde felt his stomach drop as he rushed through the house, trying to find you.
It didn't take him long to find you in bed.
You looked like you barely made it under the covers. One of your hands on the pillow by your head, the other holding your baby bump. 
Clyde's heart immediately melted. He knew you have been having many issues with your pregnancy, you became extremely picky with food, you feel tired all the time and the constant sickness. The other day his perfume made you sick.
Clyde wanted to help, but you assured him this was only temporary. Just like at the beginning of your pregnancy when you craved chocolate all the time, this will pass as well.
He moved the blanket over you, he kissed your forehead before he moved to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. When he checked the time, it was rather early, compared to other times when he arrived home.
10:14 pm
Clyde quickly sat down to finish his meal when he heard the floorboard creak.
"Honey?" your voice called out.
"Yes?" he replied, knowing you got scared someone might have broke in.
And surely enough, he soon watched you walk into the living room, sat down next to him on the couch but not before you gave him a small kiss.
"Sorry, I couldn't cook for you."
"It's okay, the leftovers are fine." he said as he took another bite of the stew you made yesterday.
"I felt very sick today, couldn't even go to the supermarket."
"Oh, you could have called me, I would have stopped on my way home."
"No, I wanted you home quickly." you placed your head on his shoulder, rubbing your stomach.
"I'll have a word with her later, she really shouldn't cause you this much trouble."
"Why are you so sure it's a girl?" you laughed slightly.
"I just have a hunch," he said as he finished his food and looked at you. 
"Well, Mr Hunch, you better quickly shower and join me in bed, I need you to cuddle after all."
Clyde didn't need to be told twice.
He was quick to shower. He left his prosthetic in the bathroom, with you, he didn't need it, and with you he didn't have to hide.
You were already tucked under the warm blanket when he got out of the bathroom and headed for the bed.
It took him a couple steps to get to you, but soon, he was holding you tight. 
And you both fell asleep.
Only, a couple hours later, Clyde woke up to you running out of bed and into the bathroom, he heard you vomit as he checked the time 
1:23 am
He quickly followed you and helped you, rubbing your back as you flushed the toilet. He then watched you brush your teeth before he moved to the kitchen for some water.
You were laying in bed, tired when he joined you again, placing the water on your nightstand.
He laid down next to you but soon moved close to your belly, lifting your shirt, he started to rub your bump.
"Hi Baby, this is your Daddy. You have been causing a lot of trouble for your mommy, I need you to calm down a little so she can sleep." he felt you running your fingers through his hair as he spoke. "We both need mommy to be well-rested, okay?" he then placed a kiss on your skin before moving up and kissing you as well.
"I love you so much Clyde."
"I love you more."
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​
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