#i really do hope something I’ve said might help 🥺
mymelodyisme · 2 years
hello I love your writing and i just wanted to ask if you have any tips when on a writer's block?
😭 is this really meant for me?!!! Hi!!!!
Oh gosh I don’t know if I’m being honest. I just kind of go with the flow of it all. Literally writing the words as I think them and then go back to adjust when I need to edit. But !! But! If I could say anything that might help get your creativity back on the treadmill
I would suggest, depending on what you’re writing of course, put yourself as the voice of the character for a bit. How would you react to what’s going on. I embarrassingly do a lot of facial movements and hand movements and play out a scene. Sometimes it’ll unlock an “oh wait something like this could happen next” moment
If you’re stumped entirely, move ahead!!! Don’t allow yourself to be fitted like a typewriter! If a scene isn’t scening put a letter or mark and press enter. The fun part about this is that you can come up with ANYTHING now that there’s no connection to the former line and if you go ham enough with typing you can find a new point and reconnect them. Writing seems like it should be point A to point B to point C but you really could start anywhere within reason. Sometimes i think about the end result and then work my way there :)
Sometimes I also just like looking at things. Art, people, words, and I get little snippets of dialogue or action and I think “hey I want to stick that somewhere” here’s an example from my notes app (speaking of notes app use the heck out of it)
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When I was writing Drink for your First Kiss this was literally all I started with :) that and the vague movements and feelings that would have come from being kissed for the first time.
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As for the notes app, I recommend making it a widget! I like to write down my silly little ideas. Sometimes something really dumb happens to me and I’ll mark it as something that can be used for character development
Here’s an example! I take my siblings to school. Well at the start of the year I was driving, right? Well there’s this hole that you have to curve just right to avoid.
Dear reader I did not do that.
If anything I saw something black fly across my vision. I freaked out for a bit, dropped my sister off, and made my way back only for it to have been nothing (I should have known that realistically). And as I was shaken, driving home, I thought “ah what if it was my guardian Angel? Oh! What if he was cast down from heaven because he fell in love with me. Oh! What about a story about a girl who hits her guardian Angel, disguised as a bird, with her car and takes him in only to find out he was cast out for falling deeply in love with her and doing absolutely everything in his power to protect her. What if his love was the driving force of the story. He already fell from heaven, what wouldn’t he do for her?”
All that from me hitting a hole and all within the span of ten minutes lol!
So if you take anything away from my silly little rambling it’s that you CAN and you WILL come across a motive to continue that you haven’t hit yet!!
Mark it down, mark it down, mark it down!!
I’m sure you’ll get on eventually and if worse comes to worse, be dramatic!!!! Kill off a character for a few minutes in the drafts 🫢 nothing to get you worked up than imagining they’re not there and how does everything else move on.
Oh also add lots of spaces in between thoughts. That’s something that just works for me!
If there’s a space it can be filled during the read over :) [act out your scenes it’s so fun]
Plus, you might just hit a hole and meet a fallen Angel idk life’s full of surprises! (Like your words will be ♥️)
PS: dreams are also a good way to take ideas :) they’re already the unfiltered insanity that happens in your brain maybe take a pinch of it for your writing !
Pss: do not compare your worth and skill to others. That can be the death of creativity. We are all trying and we are all doing as we should. You’ll get there :)
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Hello! Just wanted to drop by and say that your story and writing style are amazing.
And on a separate note, I’ve had this ask for a while now, and was contemplating whether or not to send it in, but then I saw you answer that other ask about the ROs special interests/hobbies. So now I can’t get it out of my mind lol. I was wondering how Rin would react if reserved MC decided to bring them to their “secret place” where they go to unwind and recharge, only to find out that it’s a music room with the perfect ambience, floor to ceiling windows, and a grand piano that is nestled in the middle of it all. Then MC plays several pieces for them (MC is a secret virtuoso pianist, but Ash and the fam know ofc. MC keeps it to themself ‘cause music is something intimate to them so Rin is the first person outside of their fam that they share it to 💕.) Then maybe at the end MC says something along the lines of “Stay.” Cuz well, we all know everything that happened to MC. If it’s alright with u ofc. Either way, thank you and I hope you have a great day/night dear author!
Aww thank you for the kind words! 💖 And the scenario you’re talking about is so sweet 🥺 I love it, especially since Rin is a classical music enthusiast (thanks to their mom).
I might have gotten a bit carried away and the little drabble ends up being longer than expected and might even be considered a short story, but I hope you and other Rin-mancers can enjoy it! 🥰
* * * *
You groan quietly as you bring your hands up to your temples and start to massage. Forcing precognition visions too much, or to see too far ahead is never a pleasant experience and you can already feel the familiar and loathed throb forming around your skull.
But, as always, it’s a side effect that you willingly take on for the greater good of your family and their allies. And right now, you’re doing it for the Morozov—namely Sasha.
“Hey,” you hear them say quietly from beside you, the concern is clear even through that one word alone. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just a minor headache,” you answer, trying to keep the strain out of your voice with mixed results. “It’ll go away on its own in due time. Nothing I can’t handle.”
But still, a pain in the ass to handle…
There’s a moment of silence as your words hang in the air. You can’t really see what Sasha is doing or what expression they’re wearing on their face or whether they believe what you just said. Your eyes are shut in a vain attempt to curb the headache from getting worse.
A gentle touch to your shoulder almost make you jump, and you open your eyes to see Sasha’s living room coming into focus before finally turning to face them. Their face is carved with a mix of guilt, concern, but also something that you can’t really put your finger on. Hopefulness? A hint of excitement even?
But before you can analyze it even further, Sasha quickly avert their gaze shyly and you swear you see hints of a blush spreading on their cheeks. Or maybe it’s a trick of the afternoon light from the window behind you.
“I… I want to show you something. Maybe it’ll help you with your headache as well,” they mutter quietly before quickly adding, “But only if you want to, of course!”
You blink at them and your mouth moves before your mind can even catch up. “Sure,” you reply.
Sasha perks up and they reach down to grab your hand, pulling to help you get on your feet. You don’t resist at all and let them guide you through their penthouse. You’re still stunned and you can’t help but stare at your joined hands.
You’ve been to the penthouse a few times, but never went farther than the living room and kitchen area, and Sasha is leading you down the hallway toward a door at the end of the corridor.
Sasha opens the door and you’re a bit surprised. The room seems to be a leisure room with the far wall and the wall to the right fully covered in full-length window panes overlooking the city. To the left are two tall bookshelves and a little cozy seating area and in the middle, like the crown jewel of the room, is a grand piano, the brand “Steinway & Sons” is plastered on the side proudly.
“Didn’t know you play piano…” you say, running your fingers on the smooth surface of the piano as you step closer.
Sasha rubs the back of their neck shyly. “It’s a hobby of mine that I… never really bother telling those outside of my family about.”
“I know a lot of people who wouldn’t stop cawing about it if they could play the piano,” you chuckle quietly and Sasha does the same as well.
“Well, you said you’re having a headache, so I’m thinking that… I can maybe… play you a song. Maybe it’ll help,” they stutter a bit, looking anywhere else but at you.
You smile, “Sure, I’d love that.” And you see Sasha’s face light up. “I’ll be sitting right over there.” You point at the nearest armchair before walking towards it and plopping down.
And then, Sasha starts playing. In just the first few notes, you manage to identify the song. It’s “Liebestraum No. 3” by Liszt. “Dream of Love” the title translates to and befitting of it, the song is beautiful, and whimsical, and airy, reminding you of a gentle day in Spring, and Sasha plays it masterfully.
You wonder if Sasha is trying to tell you something from this choice of song…
Usually you close your eyes to savour the song even more, but this time, you find yourself entranced and you can’t look away from Sasha. You feel your headache subsiding as your eyes involuntarily trace the way the afternoon light that’s streaming from the window hit their face, giving it the appearance as if it’s glowing. Their long and slender fingers seem to float and glide up and down the ivory keys as the song hits its crescendo before slowing down once again.
And soon, before you can even realize it, the song is over and Sasha looks at you as you stare at them. You blink, snapping out of your stupor before trying to play it cool, as if you haven’t spent the last few minutes or so staring at them.
Clearing your throat, you stand up and make your way towards them. “Thank you for the wonderful performance. It’s a beautiful song.”
Sasha smiles sheepishly, “Glad you like it. It’s one of my favorite songs as well. Does it help, though? With your headache?”
You nod, “Yes, it worked really well. It seems I know what song to listen to now whenever I have another headache.” And truly, the headache is nothing more than faint pulses now, but whether it the work of the song, or Sasha themself, you don’t know.
Sasha laughs softly. “How about another song? “The Swan” by Saint-Säens or maybe Chopin’s “Nocturne in C Sharp Minor” is more to your liking?”
Rin hesitates. They would honestly love to stay longer and see Sasha play more songs, but also, they’re worried about making things feel awkward. After all, this room feels like Sasha’s personal space, a “secret garden” of some sorts, and you’re intruding on it.
“Thank you for the offer…” you start and you can see Sasha’s smile faltering, making you feel even torn inside. “I should probably go home… I’ve taken enough of your time.”
“Wait,” Sasha says quickly, hand closing around your wrist. “Stay. Please. I enjoy spending time with you…” they mutter shyly.
Ah… You see… This might be as close to a confession that you’ll be getting for now, but still, it makes your stomach flutters all the same—not that you’ll show it outwardly though. That would be too embarrassing for you.
“If you would have me, then…” you reply coyly, smiling inside as Sasha drags you down to sit beside them on the spacious piano bench.
“Yes, I would,” they huff adorably. “Now, what song do you have in mind?”
* * * *
For those who are interested, this is the song that MC is playing in the drabble (and it is indeed one of my fav classical music pieces as well along with the other songs MC suggests 😆).
I would honestly love to learn to play it if not for my pretty small hands that make it harder to reach the far-spaced-out notes (Damn Liszt and his large hands! 😭).
“Liebestraum No.3” by Liszt
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vibratingskull · 11 months
Ok, I have absolutely no idea if this is how I send requests or not (I’m new to this and technically, you’re my first person I’ve ever sent a submission to. So I apologize in advance if this isn’t where I’m supposed to ask-) anyways, I was wondering if you’re still taking requests and if you are, do you mind writing for thrawn? 🥺
I am obsessed and I can’t get this man out of my head 😵‍💫
Anyways here’s what I’m thinking-
Reader is an agent/captain (preferably female) and she works on the Chimaera and is known as the joking type. Very expressive (both in her facial expressions and in her voice) if someone says smt stupid she’s gonna make a face. Doesn’t really care about anyone’s opinion, but is very nice towards people.
She made friends with kallus and pryce. When we catch thrawns attention (being that we have a humorous personality), but are also very eager to learn from him. Whenever he starts talking about his plans or the benefits of art she’s always asking questions. (Not in a disagreement or disrespectful manner, but in a curious one)
So the admiral likes us, but then someone takes an unnecessary liking towards us (cough cough- constantin-) and no matter how blunt we make it that we aren’t interested, he just can’t seem to take the hint. Us being who we are, we don’t want anyone else to interfere in the matter cause we can handle it ourselves (aka kallus or pryce ask if we need help or if they can do something but the readers got it all under the bag and reassuring them) but one day it’s gotten kinda out of hand and thrawn sees how pushy constantin is being and he does interfere, shutting him down immediately. After that, he’s kinda more protective around us. Makes it so that are duties circulated more around his. And we start to form a bond with him.
Maybe something where kallus and pryce are teasing us about it (and maybe a confession from the reader 😳) when all of the sudden we realize that thrawn was listening in and he takes the reader aside and makes it clear that he fancies us as well?
I don’t care if you wanna end it with fluff, but is certainly wouldn’t mind if you go hardcore and make it a spicy ending 🥵 I just really want something like this and haven’t really found anything that scratches the itch! 🤣
Sorry if this is kinda long (and detailed) like I said you are my first ever submission..😅
P.s. Love your work so far, you’re doing amazing!❤️
Thank you so much dear ❤️ You did well, don't worry
I compressed the timeline a bit, but it is close enough of what you asked. I hope you like it!
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Thrawn x f!reader
Tags: Konstantin being a creep, fluff, humor, p in v, creampie, alien anatomy, knot...
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“So?” Arhinda asks with gleaming in the eyes “You and Thrawn? You seem quite close lately, he took you under his wing?”
“Oh no, it’s rather me who harasses him.” you laugh..
You appreciate this quiet moment with your friend, she rarely comes on the Chimaera lately. Next to her Alexsandr walks with you in silence, focused on his datapad.
“I’m constantly glued to him for him to teach me.” 
Arhinda raises an eyebrow, she doesn’t seem convinced.
“Whatever you say, I just noticed he seems to ask your opinion quite a lot lately. And me who thought he was a frozen ice cube, he might have more games than I first anticipated.”
You tuts.
“No, he’s simply patient with people who want to learn.”
“Yeah, I doubt it too,” Alexsandrs raises his gaze from his pad, “he asks you to his office quite a lot. He may have an ulterior motive with you.” he teases you with a smirk.
“Well! I wouldn’t mind, he’s exactly my taste, he looks like a whole meal to me!” you joke along.
Like you got a chance with the Grand Admiral, yeah! He’s untouchable and above all that. But it is true you would not mind, you would gladly bite into that treat of a man. 
They exchange a gaze.
“Oh Maker, she’s blind.” Arhinda sighs.
You wince at her.
“I’m simply a realist.”
“It’s a shame, the cold stern one and the jokester are a popular trope in movies, no?” Alexsandr ponders.
“Only in duds, Alexs! But you seem the type to be familiar with that genre.” you tease back.
“Ah! Captain (f/n)!” you hear an unpleasant, well too known voice.
Away from you you see Admiral Konstantin walk towards you with long strides and a large smile. Not him again…
“You want us to stay?” Alexs asks.
“No,” you sigh “You can go, I’ll handle it.”
“You’re sure?” Arhinda insists.
“Yes, I’m a big girl! Do not worry about me.” You say with a reassuring smile, walking away from them, closing the distance with Konstantine.
It’s been like what? 3 times you told this guy to fuck off? But he’s dunce like a rock, never taking the hint.
“Captain (f/n)! I am very happy to see you.” He exclaims, rubbing his gloved hands. “I just heard a marvelous news.”
“Oh really, Admiral? Please don’t make me wait.” you try to smile joyfully, but he gots the talent to suck up your energy.
“We’ve been announced on the same mission together, isn’t it wonderful?”
You bite your cheek 
“It’s… Incredible news. Does that mean you’re gonna let me take the lead on the mission?” you ask, knowing full well a captain never leads when an admiral is present.
“Letting you lead? No.” he laughs “But that would give us plenty of time to… discuss.” 
“Discuss about what? The weather in space?”
“You know the weather is always the same in space.”
“Yes I…” He’s he really that dunce? “I was making a bit of humour…” 
“Oh!” he explodes laughing “I like you Captain (f/n)! You are funny!”
You smile, completely on edge, how this man became an admiral again? Not by being smart, that’s for sure. He passes his arm around your shoulder, pressing you against him and you tense up immediately, you’re maybe a jokester but you’re not familiar for all that.
“Please don’t do that.”
He sniffs the air, ignoring your comment.
“You smile divine, do you know that?”
Yes you know, you bought your perfume a real fortune, but if it elicits this kind of behavior you won’t hesitate to throw it across space.
“Yes I know. You don’t need to come this close to scent it.” you bite back.
Then to your utmost horror, he buries his nose in your neck to scent it.
You’re about to send him flying against the consoles when a voice raises behind your backs.
“Admiral Konstantine! What have I said about fraternization of my ships?”
You turn your head to your impromptu savior to meet a red gaze and beautiful blue skin.
Thrawn approaches with his hands behind his back and a hard gaze.
“Oh, Grand Amiral. I’m, huh…” Konstantin really looks caught off guard “I thought you were still in your office.”
“Release my captain at once.”
“Yes, Grand Admiral.” He smiles, truly not sorry to have overstepped your boundaries. He looks at Thrawn to find masculine complicity but he only finds ice, to your pleasure. “I was just… She’s cool with it, I was just trying to install a more friendly ambiance.”
Thrawn raises his brow, unconvinced. Konstantin releases you and you immediately step on the side, letting him alone in the blast zone. Thrawn takes one step towards him, towering him with all his height, forcing Konstantine to look up to him. He shoots him with his gaze.
“I do not want to hear you pathetic excuses and you should learn to treat your female counterparts with respect. I want none of that on my ships, am I clear?”
“I… Yes, sir.” Konstantine lowers his head submissively.
“Present your excuses to the Captain and return to your post immediately.”
Konstantine wince turning to you, clearly displeased to let his eye candy escapes him.
“I am sorry Captain. My behavior was inappropriate?”
“Indeed it was very much, Admiral.” You say with a big unapologetic smile.
You wave him goodbye as he walks away rapidly.
“Are you okay?” Thrawn asks lowly.
“Yes! Thank you Grand Admiral, I almost sent him flying but you intervened just in time.”
“Glad to hear it. Those behaviors are simply unacceptable, do not hesitate to come to me directly if it happens again.” He looks at you softly.
You nudge him.
“With you at my side I am sure he would not dare!”
He looks at you with a frown and you wonder if you crossed the line with him.
But he instantly relaxes.
“This is the effect I am counting on. Come to me if you meet any difficulties.”
“Sir, yes sir!” You salute him with your signature smile and he nods.
“I am counting on you to bring me the datacards tonight again.” And he walks away
“And then?!” Arhinda asks on the edge of her seat.
“And then nothing, he walked away.” you explain, munching on your dish.
She looks disappointed, her shoulders lowered.
“She omits to say he keeps her at his side at all times now.” Alexs interjects.
“No, not really.” you temper. “He’s just protecting me from Konstantin.”
“So he keeps her at his side all the time.” He concludes.
“You’re exaggerating.” 
“And you are completely blind, as always. From an exterior point of view it is evident.”
Wait.” Arindha intervenes “What do you mean he keeps her at his side now?”
“She has been upgraded to his personal secretary.”
“I am merely helping him sort some files.”
“Yes, we got droids and algorithms to do that.”
“He likes to do it manually.”
“And he needs a tier party help for that? I don’t think so.”
“Wait, you’re telling me that they spent all their evening for the last four months together alone?” Arhinda asks him
“It is less saucy than that.” You explain. What if they ascribe him intentions? Thrawn has been nothing but respectful and helpful to you. “Maybe he is just preparing me for my next promotion?”
“Your promotion to his bed?”
You slap Alexs’s hands with a grimace, he’s so silly sometimes.
“I don’t remember him doing that much to prepare Faro for commandment.” Arhinda recalls
“Because he didn’t.” Alexs shakes his head.
“But what about you? How does that make you feel?” Arhinda turns back to you.
“It’s nice.” you remain succinct.
“What I love about you it’s the abundance of details.” she snarls.
You pull out your tongue to her.
“Well, it's… Great? I like being with him, he’s respectful.”
They both look at you, awaiting for the juicy details.
“There is nothing to say guys, really.” you defend yourself.
“So you didn’t try anything? You remained a pretty doll in his office, never tempting your chance?” Arhinda chokes.
Alexs sighs.
“I told you she was blind, but I didn’t know she was also impotent.”
“Oh come one guys! Place yourself in my shoes, I am intimidated, okay?” You bite into your meat. “He’s really… something else. I am always on edge in his presence. It’s hard being all alone with him in a room.”
“And you didn’t crack some jokes to ease the atmosphere as you do so well?”
“Of course I did. But that doesn’t do all. He’s hard to discern.”
“Really? Because on our end the signs are pretty clear.” Alexs comments “He’s consistently devouring you with his gaze, always commenting on how good you did on the last mission, keeping you next to him…”
You let your bite roll inside your mouth, thinking. It would be wonderful if that were true, he always was to your taste and if he asked you would jump in his arms no question asked. But that is simply a dream.
Arhinda leans forward to lower her voice.
“But in your heart? Did something change? Did it not comfort you in your sentiments? You always had a crush on him.”
“Well…” you lower your voice too, they both lean further pricking up their ears “I… I think…” You gasp for air, not believing your about to reveal your sentiment, but it will help you face them. “I think… I am truly in love with him now…”
You immediately hide your face as you flush, feeling your cheek burning hot.
You hear no response.
You look at them between your fingers, to see them cowering back on their seat, looking behind you. You turn and jump out of your skin.
Thrawn is right behind you.
“Captain (f/n), would you please meet me after your dinner?” he simply asks with his haughty voice.
“Yes, sir.” you simply respond, decomposing yourself.
He walks away without another word, navigating between all the tables of the cantina of the Chimaera.
You slowly turns back to you friends, mortified.
“You think he heard me?”
“I have no idea.” Alexs answer with pursed lips. “What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know.” you shout lowly, feeling panic rising in your blood
“Well don’t keep him waiting, you should go.” Arhinda presses you.
“What?” you choke on your own words. “I can’t face him right now!”
“Go!” she orders.
You obey with reluctance, you turn one last time to your friends that try to cheer you up with thumbs up and smiles, but your stomach is turning acidic.
For the first time in your life, you have no joke.
You knock at his office door and wait for permission to enter.
“Come.” He simply orders.
You brace yourself for what might be your biggest humiliation you have yet to face. You enter to discover him focused on his datapad, his “best Grand Admiral” mug in the other hand.
The mug was your idea three years ago, you thought it would be funny but right now it can’t even give you a smile.
“You wished to speak to me, Grand Admiral?” you say with the most assured voice you can muster.
“Indeed.” He lays down his mug and datapad, looking at you up and down with a light smile.
You remain still, waiting in complete silence as he gauges you with his amused expression.
“Is… Is there a problem, sir? Am I in trouble?” you finally ask.
“No. Absolutely not.” He says standing up.
You release your breath.
“Please sit down.” He orders, retrieving something in a closet of his desk.
You sit down, taking as little space as possible. He takes out a bottle and two glasses of the cabinet and starts pouring the alcohol.
“You hide a bottle in your office?” you open your eyes surprised. You never picked up on that during the four months you stayed with him.
“Shhhh. It is a secret.” He grins lightly, handing you a glass. “If I am not mistaken this Bourbon is one of your favorites.” He observes the amber bottle.
You take a sip to taste it.
It’s delicious
“Why do we drink today, sir?” you ask.
“To thank you for your help for the last four months.” He clinks his glass with yours, leaning against the desk and towering you from his height.
“Oh… Well you are welcome, it was natural.”
“Absolutely not, those tasks were not in your job description. You had every right to refuse.”
“I thought it was to keep Konstantine at bay?”
“It was…” he takes a sip, not leaving you with his gaze “And it served a more selfish purpose.”
“Dumping some files gestion on someone else?” you joke with a grin.
“No. Something more down to earth. Simply keeping you close to me at every given moment.”
You choke on your sip.
What did he just said?
He observes you coughing out the liquid, handing you a handkerchief to wipe your mouth.
“Sorry sir.” you press the fabric on your lips “I think I misheard.”
“On the contrary, I think you heard perfectly right. Just as I heard you ten minutes ago.”
You froze.
He heard you?
“Sir, whatever you thought you heard I meant no disrespect and-”
“Why would I take offense in a love confession?”
You wince, it was technically not a confession.
“Sir, again I am truly sorry.” You can’t push yourself to meet his gaze, you’re way too embarrassed.
It was supposed to be a secret between your heart and your friends, and now the object of your desires is aware of everything. Talk about discretion…
“You are absolutely adorable when you are embarrassed and confused like that.” he sings softly.
“Sir, please do not mock me. I am already embarrassed enough like that.” you try to defend yourself.
“Who says I am mocking you? I am serious.” he bites back.
You look up to him in surprise. You don’t see any ill intent or mockery in his gaze, but instead a clear and unwavering résolution. And something… heavy, dark and dangerous. 
You gulp, your mouth dry despite your drink.
He leans forward slowly, his long fingers coming to graze your lips. It is such a simple touch, barely there, but it makes you gasp.
“How many of those visages do you have?” he murmurs “What visage do you have behind the doors of your bedroom?” he brushes your lip with his thumb “Will you allow me to see it?”
To say all words escaped you is an understatement. Your brain completely froze and you can’t move or say anything to save your life.
His thumbs part your lips lightly, entering your mouth. By instinct you gently bite down the tip of his finger and see his grin growing larger.
“Is that a yes?” 
“You… You suggest we…sleep together?”
“Was I not clear enough?” He raises an eyebrow, amused
“You were not scant in details.” You say with a small voice.
“Let me be more explicit then.” He flashes you his fangs “I want you in my bed, I want to feel your pussy clench around my cock and see you struggle to take it. I want you to ride me to exhaustion, I want you to beg for me to stop because you cannot take so much…”
You just listen to him explaining his fantasies to you, mouth agape.
“Obviously, we will not do anything without your consent.” He raises back his bust to look down on you with all his height. “Is my offer acceptable to you?”
Your brain is fried, the man you dream about for years proposing to you to spend the night with him?
Oh hell yeah!
“Captain (f/n)?”
You blink and shake yourself realizing you didn’t answer him.
“Yes, sir. This is a very… tempting offer.”
He leans back to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear.
“Then join me at my suite in two hours. I will wait… patiently for you.”
You knock on his door with a flustered heart, feeling light with butterflies in the stomach. You took a thorough shower, combed your hair with a drop of perfume and passed on a fresh uniform.
“Enter.” you hear a welcoming voice.
The room is large, decorated with taste. A melody floats in the air with the scent of petits fours, and the distinct sound of a glass bottle. In the middle of the room is a large sofa with Thrawn slouching on it like a tired king. He stands up as he sees you approaching.
“Captain (F/n). Welcome.”
You wince at the title. You hoped you could be on a first name basis now.
“Thank you Grand Admiral.”
“Please, call me Thrawn. May I address you by your first name?”
“Of course.”
“Wonderful, please take a seat.” He gestures to the sofa and you sit, pressing your legs together. He sits close next to you, brushing his leg to yours. “I took the liberty to prepare a bottle of champagne for us.”
“Alcohol again? Are you trying to get me drunk, Grand Ad-Thrawn?” you ask with a smirk.
His hand holding a glass stops mid movement.
“I am sorry, it was never my intention. Please refrain if you think it is necessary.” 
“No, it's good.” You take the glass from his hand. “I need something to relax.”
“Am I that terrible?” he asks, tilting his head.
“No, it’s just…” you click your tongue, thinking about your next words. “I loved you for so long, I am a bit nervous.” you confess, turning to meet his gaze.
His hand comes caressing your cheek, pushing away a strand of hair.
“(Y/n), you have nothing to worry about. I hoped for this night to happen for long on my part too.”
Your heart flutters at those words and you press your cheek against his palm.
“Yes. You have enchanted me with your spirit and you plagued my dreams from our first encounter. I cannot believe that you are here tonight.”
You take his hand and kiss his palm.
“I am truly here, Thrawn.”
“To my utmost joy.” He leans forward, approaching his lips but letting you the choice to close the gap.
You don’t have to be asked twice! You close your eyes and brush your lips with his before pressing them firmly. The touch is soft and inviting. His tongue comes part your lips apart to enter your mouth and hug your tongue. You let him enter without hesitation. His hand cups your head, combing through your hair, you moan in the kiss and you feel the vibrations of a chuckle.
You part reluctantly. He presses his forehead against yours, both taking back your breath. 
“Before we proceed further.” He warns “I want you to know what you are engaging yourself with.” he says breathily.
You nod silently, all ears.
“I am not merely proposing to you a one night stand. I do not have time for trials and errors and stories without any futures.” He whispers. “I hope… We could build something together. A long lasting story à deux.”
You blink. He’s suggesting you become a couple?
“Are you willing to try?” 
You nod enthusiastically.
“Yes. Yes!”
“My love is demanding and sometimes selfish. Are you sure you want that?” He warns you.
You take his head in your two hands and kiss him feverishly.
“Yes! That is all I ever wanted. Thrawn… I am so happy!”
He caresses your cheek and kisses you back.
“I love you, (y/n).”
“I love you Thrawn. I love you so much!” You throw yourself at him, to his surprise.
You push him on the sofa and straddle him, pressing your body on his, kissing him fiercely. He combs his fingers in your head, squeezing you tight with a deep rumble coming from his chest.
“I did not know chiss could growl like that.”
He grins snarky.
“You have no idea what I can do, cha’cah.” he bites your lower lips.
He rises back and stands up, holding your hands.
“Follow me, my darling.”
You smile broadly at the surname.
“Can I give you a nickname too?”
He guides you to his bedroom, another large room with a double bed that looks real comfy and… inviting.
“Of course.”
“My love?”
“I would be honored.”
“As you wish, cha’cah.” He pushes you against the wall, pressing your warm bodies together
“Honey booboo?” You stick your tongues out.
“Alright, you are pushing it.” He bites and nibbles the crook of your neck.
“Isn’t that why you love me?” you gasp.
“Oh, I do love you very much. Especially with your little humor, but I am not going to allow everything.”
“Oh.” You falsely pout “You’re no fun.”
“That is your role, cha’cah.” He kisses back your lips, his tongue pushing to enter your mouth and hug yours. You let him pass, meeting his tongue with delight. His lips are soft and warm, getting swollen as the kiss gets languorous. “You are my little jokester.”
“Your favorite jester?”
“You are more than that.” He grumbles in the kiss.
You giggle and jump into his mighty arms, circling his hips with your legs. He carries you no problem and falls with you on the bed, you yelp in surprise. His body weight cuts your breath, but you hold him even tighter. You seize his face and start pecking him all over with a growl.
Muah! Muah! Muah! You sparkle a surname between each kiss, showering him with love.
“My love! My Grand Admiral! My Prince! My heart!...”
You press his cheeks to make him look like a fish and explode laughing.
“You are having fun?” he asks patiently.
“Sorry…” you cry “I couldn’t resist!” you release his face to hold your ribs laughing.
He pinches your cheek.
“Look at you. I will make you wear a buffoon costume.”
He sighs, his shoulders lowering.
“You are not supposed to want it.”
“But it is such a good idea!”
“You are impossible.” He smiles, lowering himself on you and kisses you softly.
It isn’t like the earlier hasty kiss, this one is soft and slow, gentle. His lips travel on your mouth, your cheeks, your jaw, your neck… You hear him purr loudly, like a satisfied tiger.
“I love you.” He whispers again.
“I love you too…” You comb your fingers through his hair.
“I cannot get enough of you.” He peppers kisses everywhere on your face, waving his body against yours. You can feel his bulge rubbing against your core.
You try to purr in unison with him, but only manage a gurgling. He grins at your effort.
“You do not have the vocal cord for that.”
You pout.
“Not fair.”
He takes your hand and places them on his chest.
You both remain still in the arms of the other, listening to him purr and feeling it through your palms, all the little vibrations and waves. His head is buried in your neck while he caresses your back, lazily kissing the crook.
“It’s amazing.” you let out, absolutely fascinated. “What else can you do?”
“Many things.” He grazes his lips against your forehead “We Chiss are capable of numerous things human males cannot.” 
“Like what?” you murmur, deadly curious.
“You will see in a given time.” he purrs.
You bite your lips, you don’t wanna wait, you want to know! You start unbuttoning his jacket to gain access to his chest, hurriedly pulling on his shirt to uncover his abs and pecs. You let your hands travel and roam around his warm skin and wiggle your way under him to kiss his chest.
“Let me get rid of that.” He sighs satisfied.
He rises on his knees and starts undressing, you follow the movement and sit down, ending up at eye-level with his bulge, you press your palm on it, feeling warmth emanated from under the fabric. You knead him through his pants, playing with his hidden cock. 
The bulge is massive! It makes you drool in anticipation. You can’t wait to play with it. You gesture towards it but Thrawn slaps your hand.
“Do not touch.”
“Ouch!” You protest “Why?”
“I will take care of that.” 
You pout. He took a delectable candy from you.
He chuckles.
“Do not fret, cha’cah. I will give it to you.”
You snarl.
“But I want to play with it, to taste it…”
“Another time, I promise you.” He says falling down on you.
You are crushed under his weight, but it feels comforting and safe. His hands roam your body and one find its way in your pants, gently stroking your clit and trailing your slit. You mewl and wave your body under his touch. He nibbles your neck, leaving hickeys everywhere.
“Mmmmmmmmh.” He sighs “I wanted to claim you like a beast, but I will rather make love to you all night long.”
“Why did you changed your mind?”
“You being adorable. I want to take care of you.”
“I protest, sir. A good fuck is of upmost importance to take care of me.”
“Tomorrow then. Tonight I will hold you and love you gently.” He purrs.
You bury your nose in his neck, inhaling his musk and cologne. He smell so good! You lick his shoulder, the alcohol of the perfume stinging your tongue.
He enters you with one finger, teasing your entrance, curling his knuckles. You press your thighs shut, locking up his hand in its place. He locates your gummy spot and grazes it gently, circling it with the pad of his finger. You moan in his ear and bite it.
You press his body on top of yours, circling his waist with your legs and his shoulders with your arms. You comb your fingers in his hair, disheveling him. He pushes another finger into your leaking sex and scissors you thoroughly. You feel your pussy contracting around his fingers as he stretches you so deliciously.
“Thrawn….” You whimper.
“Mmh? Vocalize your bliss cha’cah. I like to know I am giving you pleasure.”
“I think I am ready for you.” you press him.
“I am the one to decide that.” He gently chides, “Let me check.”
He takes out his fingers and inspect them.
“No you are not. See my fingers? They should be dripping.”
You frown.
“I… I have never done that before.” You inform.
“You are capable of it. I trust you.” He approaches his fingers to your mouth “Give yourself a bit of help.” 
You open your mouth and taste yourself on his fingers. It’s rather salty. You lick them clean, lapping them conscientiously. He purrs approvingly and takes them out. You lick you lips clean with an exaggerated satiated expression. He kisses your cheek.
“Never change, cha’cah.”
He re-enters you and fingers you aggressively, draining moans and sobs from you. You dig your nails in his shoulders to hold on. His lips travel down your nipple that he licks and glides over. He takes it in his mouth, sucking on it and gently bites into it. You can’t help but yelp in pain and excitement. 
He keeps scratching your g-spot until your pussy convulses on his fingers and you suddenly squirt in his hand.
“See?” He chuckles, “You could do it.” He shows you his dripping fingers.
You nod, still a bit shocked that it happened. It was unprompted but apparently it was part of Thrawn’s plan all along. He surely is confident in his abilities to give you pleasure, you’ll give him that.
He finishes pulling down your pants and spreads your legs wide apart, placing himself between them. He opens his trouser and finally free his cock. It is blue like the rest of his skin safe for the tip that is purplish, it has ridges all along the length almost like scales but of soft flesh.
Well, soft, if it wasn’t painfully erected that is.
The girth and length are consequent, but it is okay. You like a challenge!
You lick your lips and open your pussylips with two fingers, titillating him, daring him to enter you.
He slightly grins and aligns himself with you, pushing his swollen member inside you delicately. You open your mouth round, he’s maybe larger than you first anticipated…
He kisses your lips gently once he’s fully inside your leaking sex.
Maker, he is so large! He stretches your poor pussy so, so much. You are stuffed to the brim, like you were made for him.
“Mmmmmmmmh.” He hums appreciatively “You are perfect for my cock, you are strangling it just like you should.”
“Move, please, please, please.” you demand, on the verge of explosion.
“Of course cha’cah, anything for you.”
He starts to rock his hips in a deep and languorous manners, hitting deep into you, waving his hot body against yours. You observe his cock disappearing into your sex, utterly fascinated. His ridged dick feels so good inside you, the ridges graze deliciously the wall of your puffy pussy, your swollen walls embracing his girth with ease like a fluffy pillow. 
It feels so good.
He alternates between thrust and circling motions of the hips, always loving and profound, reaching the depths of your being.
He is slow and languid, delicate and loving, never stopping kissing you languorously, robbing you of your breath. He hits your cervix with ease, a creamy O at the base of his cock. 
“Can I come inside?” He asks after rolling his hips against yours to oblivion.
Your pussy is spasming and contracting around him like it’s trying to keep it inside, but your slick makes it slippery. 
You nod, out of breath, face hot and body sweating. You hold onto for dear life. The pace is slow but it feels like too much for you, he puts so much love in each thrust you’ve never felt adored like that before, so much you feel tears rolling on your cheeks.
He looks at you confounded.
“Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong, did I hurt you?” He immediately worries.
“No, no.” you sniff. “It’s nothing. I’m good. Continue.”
“You are sure?”
“Yes.” You kiss his cheek and hold him tighter. “Continue, don’t stop.”
He resumes his thrusts with a quicker pace, making you bob up and down. 
You feel something weird.
Something is growing inside you…
His movement became erratics and with a final push he cums deep inside you, hot ribbons of seed that your pussy milks for all its worth. You came with a gasp of his name, clenching all around his shaft and the weird mass you feel inside.
He lays on you, out of breath, kissing the side of your neck. As you try to move you realize you're stuck. You lower your gaze, wondering why you can’t move.
“Do not worry, it is perfectly normal.” He reassures you.
“But what is…”
You open your eyes round when you see the bulge of your tummy, is it…?
“You have a knot?” you ask, dumbfounded.
“Indeed.” He nods “I told you Chiss could do impossible things to humans.It will ensure you have been properly bred and you will become pregnant.”
“I’m…” you’re completely out of words “I’m on pill.”
“A pity.” He brushes his nose with yours “We will have the occasion to speak about it.”
You nods, eyes fixated on the bulge.
“You do not like it.” you hear a hint of sadness in his voice “It repulses you?”
“What? No! No, no ,no no! It doesn’t repulse me.” You hold his face in your hands lovingly. “It just surprised me, that’s all. I swear it’s good.”
“It does not weird you out?” he inquires, a tad worried.
“No. I quite like it actually. It’s exotic and…”
“Alien?” He has a lopsided grin.
“Yes.” you chuckle “A bit alien can’t hurt. I like everything about you, that included.”
“I am glad.” He pecks your lips.
“Plus it might come in use at some point.” you cheerfully joke.
“I very much hope so.” 
“But not now!” you temper. You are not ready to become a mother yet!
“We will have a long discussion about it” he promises.
“And how long does it stay swollen?”
“It depends, between  minutes to one hour.”
You choke.
“One hour?!”
He hums, nodding.
“We can stay like that while it lasts.” He calms you down “In each other's arms. I cannot think of anything better.”
“No, you are right.”
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Happy (birth)day
This is my first writing since I wrote my school deadlines and I hope it doesn't suck entirely. Also!! Happy Birthday Danny (and Jason Grace of course!) Specific request I allowed is also by Danny :) Pairing: Platonic Jason, Piper, and more! Romantic Leo Valdez x reader :) Request: Can I request camp shenanigans where Jason and reader have their birthdays on the same week (like me and Jason!) So Piper and Leo throw us a surprise party in the bunker? Obvsly Leo and reader are dating 🥺 but you can choose whether Piper is just there for platonic support to her besties or of it's still Jasper era Warnings: none! Word count: 2.2k -Asnyox
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You were suspicious already when, as you had breakfast, Leo did not greet you excitedly. Even worse, you did not see your boyfriend at the Hephaestus table at all. He wouldn’t have forgotten about your and Jason’s birthday’s, right? Leo must be planning something, and as you didn’t manage to spot Piper, who arrived at camp a few days ago, you figured they must have made a plan together. Your suspicions were correct, as when you met with Jason to ask him if he had any ideas, you both were approached by Harley. 
“Big bro Leo told me to deliver this,” he handed you a small device, saluted, and ran off. “Thanks…?” you said, looking at his disappearing figure. Jason carefully took the device off your hands. “He must be planning something,” Jason examined the device closely, “I’m guessing with Piper as she wasn’t at breakfast either,” he sighed, “I just hope they didn’t entirely skip breakfast.” “I am sure they had something to eat, Leo loves food after all.” You noticed something on the device and quickly grabbed it, “Is this a button…?” you pressed it, and almost dropped the device as a small, hologram Leo came out. 
“Sure hope the timer works on this thing, right Pipes?” Leo laughed, before stepping away and holding his hands behind his back, as if they were bound together. Off camera you could hear Piper laugh. “Would be awkward if it didn’t,” her voice sounded, “otherwise the whole ruse might fall through. 3.. 2.. 1.. go!”
“Ah! I’ve been captured!” Leo looked around frantically, “I’m not sure where I am but I sure hope this lil thing will get out-” he coughed as he cowered, “Please, whoever finds this- I need help-” Leo pretended to think and shook his head, “All I remember is this name- Nona and something about a vault?” he looked straight into the camera, “please find me, and bring all your friends! I can’t die on my lover’s and my best friend's birthdays. It would ruin their lives! Please-” A loud rumble sounded from somewhere behind the camera, and Leo looked up before loudly exclaiming “FUCK” as the hologram stopped. 
“Nona?” you asked and Jason laughed. “It’s a Latin prefix for nine, he’s in Bunker 9,” he explained. “Leo’s a nerd,” you said affectionately, “Well, let’s round up all our friends before Leo fakes his death again.” 
Unsurprisingly, all your friends were really easy to find. As in, most of them were already talking, not suspiciously at all, in a circle, right outside the dining hall. Even more not suspicious behavior was when Jason and you approached them Percy very loudly went, “Hey guys! I sure hope Leo is okay, ah-” Annabeth elbowed him. “Happy birthdays!” she smiled, “Anything fun planned?” 
“Funny that you mention Leo, Percy,” you sighed, pretending to be worried “seems like he’s in a bit of a pickle right now.” “(Y/n), we both know he’s come out of worse situations,” Jason said next to you, and he put a hand on your shoulder, “The things he said was so cryptic, I think it’s for the best if we just let him figure it out on his own.” 
“Oh?” Nico feigned interest, “I love cryptic hints, what are they?” You could see Will hide a smile as he looked at his lover. 
“Something about a Nona-” you gasped, “Wait, Jason! Do you think it’s an ex?” Jason huffed, to conceal his laugh. “Maybe, or it’s Latin for nine, but Leo doesn’t know much Latin so that’s unlikely.” Jason sighed, “I’m sorry (Y/n), I guess we’ll have to travel around the U.S. to find Leo.” 
“Perhaps a monster is forcing him to learn Latin,” you looked at Jason, “and we both know how that changes people,”  “What do you mean, ‘how Latin changes people’?” Jason hit your arm. “They get all serious, Jason,” you gave him a look of pity, “and for Leo that might be deadly.” 
Jason gave your statement a moment of thought before nodding sadly. “Who wants to hold a funeral?” he asked, “That way from this year on we can celebrate three things on this day.” 
“How about we hold the funeral in Bunker 9?” Annabeth suggested, “It’s a place he loved most.” Before you could react, Nico started walking away. “I’m getting a coffin, be right back.” 
“Where will he get a coffin from?” Percy muttered and Will smiled. “He still has some left over from refurbishing cabin 13.” 
“Why?” Percy whispered, not expecting an answer. 
As your little progression moved closer to Bunker 9, you had trouble keeping it all together. Nico had six skeletons carry an empty coffin up front. Meg and Grover caught up to you with a bunch of flowers, all potted, which each person carried one of. Except for Jason, who was carrying a torch to light the pyre with that was yet to be built. 
The entire Hephaustus cabin was following you, holding up their banner, and Harley excitedly kept running around. Of course, you were certain everyone was aware that this was all a joke, especially when Chiron stopped you to ask what was happening and you simply went; “Oh, Leo got killed by Latin,” 
Chiron was confused, but did not ask further questions about the funeral progression. In the end, it made sense as Leo probably got permission to do something in Bunker 9. As you approached the bunker, you noticed that the door was opened, and as the skeletons with the coffin entered first you only heard a muffled “SUPRISE!” from inside. As you entered, most of the progression gave up the pretense, but Jason and you had a goal. So, fully ignoring Leo, Piper, and all the other people that were in the bunker, you both stepped onto the nearest empty table. You noticed Leo standing on the front row, but quickly looked away. 
“Today,” Jason’s voice boomed over the crowd, which was being rowdy, “we lost our dear friend Leonidas Valdez,” The crowd was silent except-
“HEY! I am not dead!” Leo’s said loudly. “Sometimes-” you sniffed, “I can still hear his voice. Gone too soon, rest in peace my love.” 
“What the fuck happened-” Leo exclaimed. 
“If I understand correctly,” Everyone suddenly looked at the entrance, seeing Chiron standing there, “You became Latin, a dead language.” Chiron’s scrutinizing gaze went over the party, “But as you seem rather alive, I think instead you shall be having stable duty for the next month, starting tomorrow, as you did not request to hold a party.” 
“Aw man,” Leo sighed, “Can we at least hold it now?” he looked with a hopeful gaze to Chiron who sighed. “As long as I do not perceive anything more to do with this activity. Happy Birthday (Y/n), Jason,” and he galloped away. 
Jason and you burst out laughing, as Leo pouted at you two. After you calmed down, you slowly made your way off the table. 
“Your timer didn’t work,” you said as you softly gave your boyfriend his device, and a kiss on the cheek. He fidgeted with the device for a little bit before he sighed. “So you made it more dramatic?” he asked, after which he sighed, “I love you. Happy Birthday, my love.” he smiled, “Oh, and (Y/n) of course-” 
“Hey!” you gasped and Jason laughed. “Love you too, Leo.” he said as he put his hand on Leo’s head, petting him “Pisada Carinosa” he muttered. 
“That’s it I am finding Nona and dating her-” you turned around, only to be met with Piper. “You could date me if you’re done with Leo.” she smiled and you grinned, before hugging her. “I just might,” you joked as you let her go. Leo quickly grabbed your hand, and pulled you towards him and pressed a kiss on your lips. “Nuhuh- you are not getting rid of me that easily corazoncito,” 
After a while, Piper said it was time for the main activity of the day. She led everyone into a “room” that was hidden behind curtains. As you walked in, you saw a gigantic screen and piles of pillows on the floor. 
She instructed everyone to sit down, as Leo and her handed out buckets of popcorn and other snacks. You sat next to Jason, who was holding a letter. 
“What’s that?” you asked, and Jason looked up. “Thalia couldn’t make it to camp, but she left a letter.” He showed you a picture of her and Reyna, standing at the Grand Canyon, “it’s weird how that’s where it started,” he smiled sadly, “how far we’ve all come since meeting each other.” “Hug?” you asked and he nodded. 
Engulfed in your presence, Jason began to relax. Certainly, losing his memories was hard and he often doubted whether he deserved Leo and Piper as friends, or if they even wanted to be his friend. But nowadays, he couldn’t be more certain that what he had was his. You, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Bobby, his sister Thalia. All these friendly faces, that mean so much to him. He thanked the gods for his spot in both camps, and for allowing him to be happy and alive. As he let you go again, he had to blink away his tears. 
“Thanks,” he whispered, and he leaned back against the pillows. Shortly after, the big screen started playing. Before the movie even got to its proper beginning, Leo squeezed himself between you and Jason, leaning mostly on Jason. Piper sat on your other side, and cuddled up on your shoulder, as you leaned a bit against Leo. 
The Barbie opening sequence started playing, to great delight of the people in the room. 
“How?” you whispered, “This movie has barely been out for a week-” “My dad pulled some strings,” Piper smiled, “got us a private release.” “That’s awesome.” you grabbed her hand, and looked her in the eye, “Piper I love you-” she laughed. “Anything for my friends.” 
After the movie was done, Leo asked the real question. 
“So who are the Barbie and Ken of Camp Half-Blood?” Out of nowhere he got out prisoner signs, one with Barbie on it and one with Ken on it. 
“Jason is Ken, right?” Piper stated, “I mean look at him, it’s like he’s made for the ‘beach’ job description-” unanimous sounds of agreement came from the crowd, and Leo gave Jason the Ken sign. 
“I fully agree.” Leo said, before he got interrupted by the laughter of Nico.
“Sorry-” the son of Hades wheezed, “Will’s pouty because he thinks Piper used charmspeak to convince people Jason is Ken-” Nico grinned as his boyfriend tried to forcefully shut him up by smothering him.
“Barbie is a doctor though,” you grinned, “I think Will makes a perfect Barbie.” 
“Oh! I was going to suggest our local Barbie, Pip-” before Leo could finish the sentence Piper harshly stepped on his toe, before ripping the Barbie sign out of his hands. 
“And our local Barbie!” she grinned evily, “Will Solace!” she handed the son of Apollo his sign, and he hesitantly accepted it, and he stood up. 
“Well, as I am Barbie I guess I will go to my Ken now. I hate you for this Di Angelo,” Will walked towards Jason, and sat down next to him, slightly awkwardly. As you looked at Nico, you saw that the smile of sheer delight had not yet left his face, “Love you too, Barbie.” he called from across the room, eliciting some laughter from the audience. 
As the party was slowly calming down, you had a moment of calm with your friends. Leo was softly holding you from behind, as you were conversing with Piper and Jason. 
“Thanks for organizing this guys,” you said looking at Piper and Leo. 
“It’s nothing,” Piper smiled, “I’m happy we got this many people here in the end.” 
“Yeah, you’re welcome! Too bad I have stable duty now though.” Leo looked sulky. “I might try to talk him out of it,” Piper said, “After all, your birthday is in like two days too.” 
“That’s true, hey Jason,” you turned your gaze to the son of Jupiter. “Yes?” he returned your gaze. “Wanna fake our deaths for Leo’s birthday party.” “Of course,” Jason grinned. 
“Please don’t” Leo pleaded. “I’ll help!” Piper smiled. After a second of silence, everyone broke out in laughter. 
It was indeed a happy (birth)day.
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lemonxdaisybby · 5 months
May I request to have Dating Headcanons with Yagami Can be SFW or NSFW ones, If you're free 😳
I'm missing for my man and hooping He will come back one day for the Judgment 3 😩🙏😭
Maaaan, what I wouldn’t give for Judgement 3 😭 Hoping that because Sugiura and Tsukumo had a lil cameo in Y8, it might be a thing 🥺
Here u go some Yagami hcs, hope you like 💕
It likely took such a long time for Yagami to ask you out. There would be a lot of tension and subtle flirting beforehand, but he’d be so preoccupied with work that maybe Yagami would try and convince himself that he doesn’t have time to date.
Kaito would be having none of this, however. He’d push Yagami so often to confess to you or ask you out on a date, to which Yagami would attempt to deny his feelings, protesting that the two of you are just friends, but he’s fooling no one.
Once the two of you do start initially dating, despite being busy, he would try to make as much time for you as possible and would text you throughout the day. Casual dates would also take place once or twice a week, both initially and once the relationship is more established. Yagami would take you out to grab food at cafes or small restaurants, you two would meet up for coffees and for walks around the city, and maybe there would even be a little VR date every now and again.
Yagami would try his best to keep you separate from his work. He is a professional after all. However, you often hang out at his office with him when you have spare time, and he’s stuck working. Sometimes, he may ask for your input on some cases, getting you to look over things to see if you can bring a fresh perspective.
Be prepared to take lots of naps together. Yagami is a very sleepy man. Also, considering he practically lives in his office, more often than not you’ll probably invite him to stay at your place, to the point where he’s sort of unofficially moved in. He’d be super grateful for you allowing him to crash at yours so often.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Yagami smells amazing. It would be cologne, mixed with leather. It would be such a comforting and manly scent. It wouldn’t be overpowering, but you’d definitely get a whiff of it when he brushes past you, and when you hug him you’d just want to bury your face into his chest and inhale the scent.
He is protective, but to a nice degree, where it comes across as more gentlemanly. He trusts you, and knows you can handle yourself and make sensible decisions when out and about, but he will still walk you home if it’s late, or if you’re needing to walk through more shady areas he will accompany you. If anyone ever gives you trouble, he’s there for you straight away.
Yagami is really observant, and so has learned to be pretty receptive of your feelings. He caught on to your little behaviours and quirks very early on, and can always tell if something is off, or if you’re not feeling too good. He’d ask you about it outright too, letting you know that if you need any help, reassurance, or someone to rant to, he’s there for you.
When it comes to sex, he is a fairly passionate man. He’s pretty vanilla, and doesn’t go too wild, but he can be very intense and intimate.
He is obsessed with your hips and legs. His hands are always gripping on to your thighs or hips tightly during sex, to the point where he almost leaves bruises. Wearing short, tight dresses that really enhance the curve of your hips and showcase your legs would turn him on so much.
On days where he doesn’t get to see you, and the office is pretty quiet, Yagami would totally lean back in his office chair and jerk off to the thought of you. Maybe if you’ve recently sent him some dirty texts or pics he’ll use those as motivation. He might also send a quick video of himself jacking off in return, if he’s feeling brave, or if you’ve asked him to do so at one point.
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pseudowho · 2 months
Hello Haitch!! Hope you doing well 💞💞💞
First off, I wanted to say that I LOVED your analysis on Nanami’s dislike for working but also still doing overtime. Not only did it just make sense, it also felt so real and relatable to me. I’m not the type of person to procrastinate. My checklist is there so I can get my work done and when I’m finally free of responsibilities, I can actually enjoy my break. But sadly work for now is unending, and I found my past self pulling a Nanami Kento staying up till who-knows-how-late just to finish… only this week’s assignments when there will be more next week?? at the cost of my energy, mental health, back pain??
And if I remember correctly, there was this one post you made about why you love Nanami: the rage, the fiery, passionate anger! *chef’s kiss.* The part where I fell for Nanami (I fell hard) was that he was able to, like you said, redirect it to a purpose of altruism. Somehow, Nanami makes some good out of it in a merciless, parasitical (as Mr. Haitch said) system. It’s not revolutionary systemic change, but it is certainly enough to have an impact on the people he cares about. I think that’s the perfect amount for Nanami. That just makes him even more human and precious to me 🥺
I also want to bring up the things that Nanami does for himself too. Like what we talked about earlier, he found value in helping others not just for them but also for himself! Also, I think he definitely upped his self-care game, and we do love a man who can take care of himself. Probably the most obvious indication of this is how he set clear work-life boundaries in his schedule. He will not work past 6:00 unless he has to. This would probably allow him to enjoy the rest of his evening off, as he should. It is even more pronounced how being a jujutsu sorcerer means you don’t know when your time might end. I’m just glad that Nanami was able to at least have the time to read that one book in a peaceful cafe we saw in the first season opening. I also think that the same concept applies in real life too. We deserve to enjoy the limited time we have on earth because even if we are working for the possible future of no more work, it is not certain that we’ll even make it.
Yaga said something to Yuuji when he first got accepted to Jujutsu High. Sorcerers will die regretting something in their life. That just stuck with me for throughout the entire show. Nanami’s scene emphasized his regrets of not being able to go to Malaysia where he can finally live a simple, unburdened life. I never really cried hard for a show or a movie, until that scene… Yeah, so I had to take the following day off and go take a nap on the beach just lying in the sun just thinking about Nanami…
———- (covering two asks in one) ———-
May I possibly convince you that perhaps some classical music is worthwhile? The ones that make me swoon and melt and sigh while daydreaming. Not bach, not mozart, not beethoven…
But specifically the romantic era. And even in there you have to do a bit more digging.
Just the first minute and if you like it, then that’s awesome! if not, that’s cool too!
- Rachmaninoff’s symphony no. 2, movement 3 (Adagio)
*sighs dreamily because yes.* I think a large majority of classical music is hard to enjoy for me too. It will either make me fall asleep or it is super busy and complicated, not good to listen to while doing work… but there are certain pieces that I’ll just always go back to.
Moving on, it makes me wonder… what types of music do you listen to? Opinions on the JJK opening and ending songs? What type of music wouldn Nanami listen to? Did you know Nanami has a theme song??
Ah, I just wanted to say that you’re literally the reason why I downloaded tumblr just to like all your posts and follow you. It’s the first fandom I’ve ever interacted with, and I never could’ve imagined how exciting and insightful it could be to be a part of it 💗💗💗
I honestly love your addition to this analysis! I agree with all of it.
r.e. the self care, I think it adds an extra layer of tragedy to his life; as soon as he began to open himself up to experiencing joy, and permitting himself to be happy before this self-imposed 'retirement' age, he died before getting into his stride.
See, with Nanami's MalaysiaPlan™️, I view it as largely metaphorical over totally literal. I think he fundamentally was overworked, stressed and overpressured, and 'Malaysia' simply meant 'running away from it all'. I think that if he hadn't died, and his self-care had continued to gain trajectory as Kento found a way to ensure a good work-life balance, I think 'Malaysia' may well have slipped away; he would no longer need to run away, in order to find peace and enjoyment in life. Therefore, dying before 'Malaysia' simply meant he died before achieving his true goal; to be content in life. Which is desperately fucking sad. A truly, miserably, horribly sad end for a wonderfully three-dimensional character.
In the AU that is. In the Haitchverse, he's alive, and coming home to his loving wife, and teaching Yuuji how to be a man.
I will always give more music a go. Ultimately, I've recognised that I'm quite a Maximalist with decor and music; more is better. I'm into metal with a lot going on, any music which has extensive layers, I tend to go for your more passionate, angsty songs as well. This is where classical loses me; despite being ostensibly a work of art, which I can appreciate...it's just instrumental. It leaves me lacking. It's a meal with no main course. I get to the end and I'm still hungry.
I like Bad Omens, Babymetal, lots of J-rock, K-pop, lots of other pieces from various metal artists. Bigger is better for me, r.e. music, unless it's an exquisitely crafted understated piece in a minor key, that hits every fine note with devastating melancholy accuracy.
I did know Nanami has a theme song! The thing that makes me laugh hardest about it, is that I think he'd find his theme song annoying.
Now I genuinely do HC Kento as a metal enthusiast, and really not in a self-project-y way. Hear me out.
Metal contains most of the truest, rawest proclamations of the world's ills of any other music genre, in my opinion. Behind the roaring line beautiful lyrics speaking out against the tortured of the system, and the woes of life. Listening to it is surprisingly upbeat; it's like being seen for feeling the world is a twisted place.
I tend to find Metal attracts a lot of quietly sensitive men, who are outwardly stoic but internally a maelstrom. With the very classic 'emo' haircut as a teenager, that was very much the remit of the emo/metal kids, I think it suits him well.
The Eve's second JJK opening is my favourite. Honestly one of my favourite of all time. Lost in Paradise is my favourite end theme.
Last but not least: I truly cannot believe you downloaded Tumblr just to like my stuff. I do not deserve such a beautifully targeted compliment. You're a sweetheart. Genuinely. Thank you.
-- Haitch xxx
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Kalim, Azul: Silver Spoon, Golden Boy
Kalim my beloved sun spot... 🥺 Also, gotta love that classic Azul ass-kissing to the wealthy/j ashdaisdbasfiba I DON'T KNOW IF THIS WAS JUST ME, but I wonder if Kalim not knowing where the cash register was is a subtle nod to Princess Jasmine not knowing she had to pay for fruit (during that scene where she snuck out of the palace and into the bazaar)?? Maybe I'm overthinking it!
A Boy in Bloom, and his Blossoming Future.
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"How do you spend your days off?"
"I dunno!" Kalim replied cheerily, not a care in the world. "I do lots of stuff, it depends on the day!
“I'll throw a banquet if there's something to celebrate or if there's someone that's feeling down. Sometimes I'll play with the animals—Scarabia has a whole menagerie—or I'll take magic carpet out for a ride! Sometimes I'll chill with Cater and Lilia, or see what Silver's up to in Diasomnia."
"My, my, you're quite sociable, Kalim-san," Azul crooned, simpering and sweet. "It's good to keep oneself busy, but it’s even more important to build and maintain relationships, wouldn’t you say? You manage to keep abreast of them both so effortlessly.”
“Aw, thanks a bunch!! I love hanging out with my friends! I’ve actually been trying to go out more lately instead of bringing people back to Scarabia. It makes Jamil upset with me when I bring over unannounced guests, so…”
“He said that?” Azul pretended to look taken aback. “How rude! I would certainly never do such a thing.”
“No, he didn’t say it. I can just tell. His face turns into this mask you can’t read, or he sighs and tells me off a little. But even if he’s not happy with me, Jamil always does what I ask. Always. For so many years.” Kalim’s smile dimmed, a slight sadness creeping onto his lips. “I don’t want to cause him more trouble than I already have.”
Azul frowned, his flattery faltering. Something genuine pushed out instead. “… Kalim-san. Your compassion for others truly is remarkable. Jamil-san may not voice his true thoughts, however… there is a part of him that notices your efforts and appreciates them.”
“You think so?” Hope welled in the birthday boy’s voice.
“Fufufu, of course. I’m a businessman—and if nothing, I know of people’s hearts.” Azul pushed his glasses up, the sunlight momentarily catching them in pure white. “Now then, please continue to be hat you were saying before. You’ve been going out more as of late?”
“Yeah!” He perked. “The other day, I went shopping with my dorm.”
“Shopping!!” Kalim affirmed with a nod. “Usually I’d have people do it for me, but getting to do it myself was like a whole new world! I want to try and be more independent, so I thought this would be a good first step.”
“Well… yes, it is. Baby steps, I suppose.” His interviewer quirked a brow. “And how did that trip go?”
Surely he couldn’t have run into any excessive issues. He was still accompanied by dorm members, so they should have kept him in check.
“It was so cool seeing the places that sell things! I thought that stores would be more like the bazaars back home, with everyone mostly selling one thing. The fruit vendor, the fish monger! Like that!
“It turns out that stores sell lots of stuff all in one place. I got excited seeing it all, I had to grab a little of everything!! Um... then I stood around!"
"... What for?"
"I didn't know where the cash register was!!" Kalim easily laughed it off. "But my dorm mates were nice enough to help me out! They showed me the way and helped bring over the stuff I wanted to buy.
"It was a lot of work hauling it all, so I got them thank-you gifts for the trouble! Then I saw something really amazing while we were checking out!!"
"Oh? And what might that be?"
"Carpet cleaner!"
"... I beg your pardon? Carpet cleaner?" It certainly wasn't the first thing Azul would have imagined to capture the eye of such a wealthy boy.
"Magic carpet wasn't able to make the trip into town with us. I thought he'd feel sad if he didn't get a souvenir... so I hope 50 boxes of carpet cleaner make it up to him!
"Magic carpet loves taking baths! I know cuz Jamil's let me take over scrubbing magic carpet down. His fabric gets all covered in bubbles and he gets all relaxed. It's like he's getting a good massage!"
Azul patiently listened—and internally, he boggled at the mental arithmetic. “A little of everything” plus a thank-you gift for every Scarabia student and last-minute carpet cleaner quickly added up to a monstrous sum. He had no doubt that Kalim had fumbled at the cash register, trying to pay for a simple transaction in several thousand thaumark bills.
That’s one part of Kalim-san that won’t be changing anytime soon: his generosity.
If the octopus was lucky, he, too, would be graced with a smidgen of it. But Azul did not think himself a betting man. Every ounce of energy dedicated to the day was to up those odds.
"I see now. I'm glad to hear that the trip went off without any hitches!" Azul gushed. "You've learned so many new things this year--and I know you'll only continue to grow from here on out! I'm most honored to be your peer.
"You're broadening your horizons with each passing day. You're not the same Kalim-san from winter break. No--even back during the cultural festival, I sensed something different in you."
"Gahahah! You remember that." His garnet eyes softened with both fondness and sadness. "VDC was so much fun! It was also the first time I realized... all my life, I've been given everything I've ever wanted. I never really earned it, did I? I got it just for existing."
From the moment he had been born, there had been a silver spoon in his mouth, and he was golden. The future bright, a guarantee for him. Never questioned, never challenged.
His heart quivered.
"I got used to it, and I expected it. I never thought about what would happen if things changed. Then Jamil was picked as a lead vocalist--and I was so happy for him, but also so frustrated with myself. I knew... I couldn't stand at the same level as him. We didn't shine the same.
"Things can never be like they were ever again. Not until I earn that spot for myself! Not until I can stand on my own two feet at shopping and washing carpets and singing! That's my goal: to make my future golden myself."
"Kalim-san..." Azul pursed his lips. A second later, he let his words go. "Are you aware of how diamonds are formed?"
"Hmm? No, why do you ask?"
"Simply put, diamonds are the result of common carbon deposits being exposed to considerable heat and pressure. It takes billions and billions of years to form a single gem... and even then, a diamond is not always perfect. They can be too small, too rough, any number of things which may make it undesirable to consumers--but a diamond is only a diamond because of all the time and energy spent to form it."
Azul smiled, lowering into a bow. "Kalim-san, you are still in the process of becoming a diamond yourself. When that day should finally arrive, you will be a splendid one."
His hat and glasses were almost knocked off from the impact of Kalim colliding with him. Arms wrapped around the merman and squeezed, the embrace like a single drop of sun unfurling into a great spotlight.
“Thanks for believing in me!" Kalim cried through watery eyes. "I promise… I promise I’ll make you guys proud!!”
Azul chuckled. "I'll prepare my standing ovation when the time comes. Any plans to enter VDC as well next year?"
"Maybe when my singing's up to snuff! I've gotta cram in lots of practice until then!"
"Ah, yes. Best of luck then--but do let me know if you are ever in need of any musical accompaniment! I play piano quite well if I do say so myself, and I would be more than happy to lend a helping hand to your efforts."
"Gee, thanks, Azul!! You're so kind! I don't know why Jamil tells me to watch out for you. We should totally jam out sometime."
"Fufufu, why indeed..." Azul glanced up, shading his eyes against the sun, and smirked. "Speaking of Jamil-san, we wouldn't want to keep him waiting. I'm sure he has prepared a grand feast in honor of your special day."
"Oh crap, you're right! I gotta get going!!" Kalim scrambled for his broom, handling it like a hot potato. When he had, at last, clumsily mounted it, he cast a look at his classmate. "See you at the party, Azul?"
"I will be there to support you."
"Cool, see you there!"
With only one hand clutching onto the handle, Kalim took off on his broom. Gold and blue sparkles trailed behind him, white petals spiraling in the vortex of magic.
Even he rose higher and higher, Kalim didn't hesitate to look down. Filled with adrenaline--that oh-so-familiar rush, an indescribable feeling--he excitedly waved farewell to his friend.
He was off to see unbelievable sights, to visit dazzling places he never knew, to learn more of them.
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hazelnut-u-out · 11 months
(contains spoilers for ‘How Poopy Got His Poop Back’)
Okay, so I wasn’t actually expecting to like this episode? I guess I’ve always found Mr. Poopybutthole a bit annoying— end credits aside, I think I saw him as a relic from a… less savory time. @dirty-bear-rick-sanchez made me reconsider my stance on bringing him back the other day, and OMG do I completely agree now. I like that they’re taking older ‘lazy’ or ‘silly’ aspects of the show and making them much more serious/fleshed out. Anyway, that being said, I really enjoyed it!
(Plus omg, Gene is my new baby girl)
As always, some things that stuck out to me:
- Beth being a protective mother? Who is this?! Happy to see her stepping up more and more.
- Morty is so angsty and cute and grumpy!!!! Reminds me that he’s getting jaded, but the little coffee stunt was cute. Wish we’d seen more of him, though.
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- BIRD DAUGHTER AUGH. Angsty queen. I was SOOOO excited to see her. (Also BP drinking wine? A true girldad).
- I do like that they’re approaching BP in a way that shows how similar to Rick he really is. He’s an alcoholic, the father of a defiant rebellious psychopath, and a downright silly little traumatized dude!
- SQUANCHY MY BABIE! My guy is back! Loved the details of the inside of his house! Kinky lil cat!
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- LOL, Rick is so pissy about the Gene and Hugh thing. Love when he’s a petty dude.
- I laughed so hard when they were all tripping. Seeing Birdperson be such a ridiculous character and vibing so well with Squanchy was so funny and nice? Poor Squanchy with his paw, though :(
- It actually made me really emotional to see Poopy Jr. so confused and scared. (Plus that little guy is too cute omg)
- BEST BUDDIES BURRITO BOX 🥺 Justice for Gene!
Anyway, strong opening! Just heavy enough, lots of fun, plus some cool exploration of Rick’s dynamic with his rebel buddies. I thought it was cool to acknowledge that the whole friend group has a drinking problem. I liked the detail that, once again, Rick tried to do the right thing and got shamed into helping someone do something preeeetty shitty. I know it’s because it’s hard to trust that he’s not being shitty because of his past behavior, but if some people don’t start trusting him, this could get pretty regressive again.
Totally wasn’t going feral for BP for like 75% of the episode lmao.
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Solid 8/10! Hope we get more Morty soon!
Ofc, I’ll post more soon. This is just my first watch impression, as always. Who knows? I might change my mind! :)
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honestly, this was probably the best thing to happen to Dieter. So while I’m gutted he and everybody else had to go through this, it can only go up from here!
but also… he called Talia in that moment 🥺 that just kinda makes me 🥺😭😭
And also. I’m gonna say it and I know I’m probably alone with this but man… I found Lauren kinda annoying this chapter lmao 😂 like I know where she’s coming from with Talia not actually dealing with her shit but come on.. cut her some slack? Her famous actor boyfriend broke up with her via a phone call and then got permanently drunk while basically the whole world was watching.
I just found her a bit too righteous and pushy. Also the song choice for her, that was kinda messed up? It’s not like Talia wanted to break up with Dieter?? She didn’t have to show or prove anything to him really, so I just kinda didn’t like that tbh!
But this chapter was great!! I wish I could just continue reading to find out what happens next because aaaaaaah!! I’m so desperate for them to reunite when whatever was up with Dieter is finally better. I feel like he’s gonna be so sorry and I can already see him in a hospital bed looking all small and sad and puppy eyes 🥺
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Thanks for the message anon! Looks like you’re putting me to the test today. 🤣
This response includes spoilers for chapter 24 of Destiny & Deliverance below the cut.
It’s definitely a good thing that it happened the way it did. It could have gone very badly if Dieter hadn’t of made that call. I think once it’s revealed what is going on with him, everyone will be surprised and realize it should never have happened at all. It is sad for all involved obviously…and to think, these types of things really do happen every day.
Yes! Talk about drunk dialing…The fact that he called her tells us he was ready to stop fighting his feelings. He wanted to fix it and he knew he fucked up. Unfortunately, he was too messed up to really get any of that out. It did hit the feels extra hard though. I also love that Talia didn’t hesitate to go to him once she realized something was off. She’s going to take care of him no matter how big of an ass he has been. She loves him too much not to.
So Lauren…I think it may help to have some insight on where she’s coming from. Let’s remember, it’s been several months since Talia and D split. Also, we have to consider Talia’s history. Lauren knows that Talia holds things in and will self destruct over it. She did it with her marriage and she’s doing it even worse with D. Lauren just wants to get through to her and prevent something bad from happening (again). Keep in mind, Talia knew an awful lot about alcohol poisoning. We will circle back around to that topic eventually. So, Lauren starts taking a bit of a tough love approach. Sometimes, that is something you have to do with people (trust me, I’ve been there). It’s truly coming from a place of love for her friend. She’s worried about her.
Now, on the flip side of that, Dieter was one of Lauren’s few close friends too. Talia wasn’t the only one who lost him when he hit that self destruct button. Lauren is also now dating D’s brother and sees the affect D’s spiral is having on Alex too. She is privy to information that Talia doesn’t have. She has communicated with Dieter and tried to talk to him just like his family has. Remember in chapter 23 when she said, “You’re both so fucking stubborn”? She was totally working behind the scenes to sort D out and getting nowhere with him. Why? Because he had convinced himself that Talia was moving on and didn’t need him in her life. Outwardly, Talia seemed to be ok with the split and he didn’t believe Lauren when she told him otherwise.
Now the song… was it messed up? Yes, a little. Lauren honestly wasn’t expecting that type of reaction from Talia though. However, Lauren did hope that it might make Talia think about how she was really feeling. It worked, a little too well.
As far as Talia having something to prove to D…you’re right, she didn’t have anything, but Lauren did. Lauren wanted D to know that Talia was in fact hurting over the split and missed him because he didn’t believe it. We have to remember, at this point D is not speaking to the family (or Lauren by extension) and she was looking to reach him any way she could because she knows how bad off he really is. The family is grasping at straws by this point. She saw the situation as an opportunity.
So long story short, Lauren really is stuck between a rock and hard place. She’s trying to navigate it the best she can, but it’s to the point where they are all getting a little desperate.
Hopefully that gives a little more insight into Lauren’s POV on everything. She really has no malicious intentions, she just wants her friends to be healthy and happy.
They will be reunited eventually. It’s going to be a long road for him, and Talia too. And yes, there will be a lot of sad puppy dog eyes in the coming chapters. 🥹
I’m happy you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for following along on this little adventure! 💜
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CC: @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @for-a-longlongtime @hisandsnakes @chaoticfestninja @survivingandenduring @partyofone3413 @cakipy-blog @titlee78 @poodlebae @guelyury @missladym1981 @maried01 @alokaerza @samiamproductions @misstokyo7love @themonadiaries-blog @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @avastrasposts @weho2kcmo @harriedandharassed @tkchaos
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
hi hi hi i’ve recently found your little jj stories and they make me happy stim so much 🥺
a request is maybe jj is poorly on a case? she has a headache or a cold and stuff and all she wants to do is curl up in emily’s arms and rest bht it’s a kidnapping case and they have limited time.
maybe she ends up falling asleep at the table? maybe like with a drink in her hand or whilst eating and the group find it super cute then emily gets her settled down somewhere to sleep whilst they keep working on it??
i really wanna start writing agere criminal minds fics but idkkk🥺
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ sickness & sleepiness ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| jennifer jareau x emily prentiss
a/n: I’m so glad you like my writing!! and you should totally start writing, my dms are always open if you wanna talk concepts <33
warnings: Jj being sick, pet names, mentions of a case
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The whole team could tell Jj was feeling sick today, her flushed cheeks, constantly sniffling nose and drooping eyes gave her away, although the sweatshirt and blanket draped over her despite the dry Texas heat definitely made it extra obvious. Emily’s tried to help the most she can, as has Hotch who graciously put Jj on map making duties with Reid as they try to track down a kidnapped little kid.
There isn’t much anyone can do to help Jj, Emily’s already given her medicine and a package of saltines for when she feels ready to eat something. It doesn’t help that Jj’s headspace has come on unexpectedly because of the sickness, Hotch has locked off the room they’re all in for Jj’s sake, but Emily is still full of worry.
She knows Jj doesn’t like regressing while at work nor does she like having a lot of people around while she’s small. She supposes maybe Jj being so caught up in her constant shivering switching to overheating state is helping her distract herself from the teams hovering, which they’re all doing. Everyone’s aware that Emily’s is Jj’s main caregiver, and to get Hotch if she isn’t available, but that isn’t stopping them all from doing what they can to help Jj.
“Honey we gotta go to a warehouse where the suspect might be, are you going to be okay here? We can have Rossi stay back if you need.” Emily’s hand pushes the hood off of Jjs head so she can reach to feel the back of her neck, it’s still warm as it was earlier, she hopes the medicine has kicked in and that’s just from the blankets.
“I’ll be okay.” It’s barely a mumble, an attempt at a smile on Jj’s lips that eases Emily the slightest amount. No crying is a good sign.
“Ok darling, we’ll be back.” Emily dashes out to the svu’s after that, pushing all her worry for Jj down, as best can at least, and starts to listen to Morgan’s ramble of how they’ll be entering the building.
The warehouse stunt goes over a little longer than Emily was hoping, though she’s happy the little kid was able to be reunited with their mom with only minor injuries. She’s ready to get back to her own little.
Entering the room the Texas police have allowed the BAU to overrun for the past week instantly brings a warm smile to Emily’s face. Jj’s in the same seat she was in before they left, the package of saltines loosely in her hand as her head lays against her arm on the table. There’s a small pile crumbs and a few crackers look ready to slide right into the floor, Prentiss quickly picks up the package before turning to where Jj’s still dead asleep. Not even a twitch at the team entering the room.
“Jj? Darling?” Emily rubs her hand up and down Jj’s arm, careful not to jostle the girl too much in hopes of avoiding her waking up panicked.
“There you are, we finished the case, we only have paperwork to do.” A lazy smile and a slow blink of half-awake-ness is all Emily gets in reply, she’s okay with it, Jj needs her rest and she has a hard enough time sleeping anyways. Prentiss can’t imagine it’s any easier while sick.
“Hotch said I could take you back to the hotel and Reid will catch up on our paperwork.” Another nod and Emily decides she’ll have to do this the hard way.
She comes to pull Jj to her feet, allowing the blonde to slump into her side with almost all her weight. Emily brushes the blanket off Jj’s back so it falls into the chair, despite the protesting groan Jj let’s out, if it wasn’t the stations blanket she’d have taken it with them. Instead she grabs Hotchs suit jacket that he holds out knowingly, pulling it over Jj’s shoulders and leading her out to the svu that she’ll be able to sleep in the backseat of.
Jj lays down with a few grunts of displeasure at being in the car, and that Emily can’t stay back there with her as she has to drive. Emily’s just happy she’ll be able to watch over her little girl in full focus tonight.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
A new follower here 🌼
I rlly started to like your fics and I was hoping to see kore of Kyubei 🥺 I swear bro deserves a route for himself, so—
Kyubei - Instructor - 🌸
Kyubei really does deserve a route and a sprite. He’s got to have some interesting stories to tell, working for the kitsune! Here’s to more Kyubei content! Approx. 900 words.
Kyubei held in a sigh. This was going to take time. A lot of time. And of course, the task landed on him because it was yet another thing his Lord Akechi agreed to without actually having time to do it. Well, there was no help for it and at least this wasn’t the most unpleasant thing he’d been asked to do. Far from it.
“So . . . where do I start?” The chatelaine eyed the pile of papers with an anxious eye. 
“Not with those.” Kyubei patted the seat next to him. “This isn’t something you will find on any of our retained correspondence.”
She tilted her head. “Alright, I guess.” She sat primly beside him and looked at the blank slate tile curiously. “So, what is this?”
Kyubei liked how enthusiastic she was to learn things. Always ready to jump in, even when she was scared. “I am going to teach you the first cipher we use with our agents in the field. You have to memorize the symbols and what they mean. So we use this slate board - because we can easily erase everything we write.” 
“Oh! That makes sense! Because if you just had paper lying around with the key, someone could find it.” She grinned. 
That was another thing he liked about her. While her knowledge was woefully lacking in some areas, she could quickly make connections and think things through. She was smart and good natured. Attractive. Kind. 
“Uhm. Kyubei? You’re kind of staring into space. Are you ok? Do you need a break?”
Heat crept up his neck. “N-no. I was just thinking about . . . things. Anyway, Let’s get started.” 
She nodded agreeably, and he bent to the task of showing her the cipher. The symbols weren’t hard to draw - in fact, they were intentionally simple to allow even an illiterate to make them - the lines wide and basic. The hard part was memorizing. A line to the left over a straight line meant enemies north. Two dots meant watched. Three lines horizontal, meant no survivors. And so on. 
“Ok, so if I wanted to say ‘spies to the west’ I would write it like so?” She nearly lost her grip on the narrow bit of chalk, and Kyubei reached to catch it. Their hands met for a heartbeat, her fingers brushing his. an unexpected jolt of warmth shot up Kyubei’s arm at her touch.
He jerked his hand back in surprise. 
“Sorry.” She gave him a lopsided smile. “I’m a bit clumsy.”
“No, no! That was my fault. You had it and I got in the way.” He forced a laugh. “In my line of work, one startles easily. I’m like a rabbit, you know?” He made bunny ears over his own head, hoping she would forgive his reaction and just laugh it off.
After a moment, she giggled. “I do like the idea of Kyu-bunny.”
Kyubei twitched his nose in rabbit like fashion, eliciting another laugh from her. 
“I always have so much fun in our lessons.” She smiled. “I feel like I’ve never properly thanked you.” The chatelaine seemed to lean closer as she said this, or perhaps, Kyubei thought, he was the one bending toward her. 
He cleared his throat, trying to get ahold of the situation. “I-it’s really nothing. At all. I’m just . . . doing as I’m told.”
Her soft laugh made his heart lurch in his chest. “No, I don’t think anyone ordered you to be kind or to make the lessons enjoyable. That’s just you.”
Kyubei couldn’t take his eyes from her face. She captivated him, like a rabbit in a snare. His pulse thundered in his ears and he felt like his face might catch on fire. His mouth didn’t feel capable of words, though he did open and close it as if he had a reply on hand. 
She reached out and laid her hand atop his. “Maybe, if you like, we could go to town one of these days? I’d like to buy you lunch, if you’ll let me. As a thank you.”
“I - I -” He struggled to get his brain to work but all he could think about was the way her hand felt on his, and how warm her gaze was. A mad thought dashed through his mind, what if I kissed her? Kyubei let out a laugh as he imagined her slapping him. She wasn’t flirtatious. She just wanted to say thanks, he told himself. Stop being awkward.   
“Is that a yes?”
He nodded in relief and finally found his tongue. “Yes. Yes, that would be very kind of you. We can pick up some things for the manor too, while we’re out.”
The chatelaine smiled brightly. “We could even spend the whole day together!”
“We - we could.” He swallowed. Like a date. “Is tomorrow alright?”
“Tomorrow,” she agreed. 
Kyubei called an end to the day’s lesson after that. He couldn’t keep the cipher in his head, distracted by every move she made, every breath. His hand still felt warm and tingled where she’d touched it, as if she left some magic in her wake. Ridiculous, of course, for a vassal to feel this way about a princess. He knew nothing could come of it. But that thought did not so much as slow the racing of his heart nor cause the flame within to flicker.
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summerwritesfics · 1 month
🗺️As Long As I Breathe I’ll Call You My Home
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 2068 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Fantasy AU, Nomad!Kuai Liang, Moon Rabbit!Kuai Liang, Oni!Quan Chi, Magic, Fantasy Illness, Healers, Journey, Search for a Cute, Attemted Kidnapping AU-Gust 2024 Day 8: Nomad
AU-Gust 2024 Masterlist
Notes: Moon Rabbit Kuai Liang is a concept I’m very surprised I’ve not explored before, given the fact I love making him a healer and Moon Rabbit’s have an association with medicine. I mean, that and Kuai Liang with bunny ears 🥺 I might actually continue this one at some point. I wanna have Kuai and Hanzo bond on the little journey they are sent on. Once again, please excuse any editing mistakes. I am still battling sickness and to be honest with you, sickness is currently winning lmfao. Title is from Inis Mona by Eluveitie.
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Kuai Liang stepped into the town centre, pulling his hood down as he did so. A couple of citizens paused to stare at him, before whispering to each other. He already knew why. He wasn’t exactly what would be considered a regular sight, especially in a small township like this.
The ears atop his head twitched.
He wasn’t going to stop in town long, or at least he hoped he wouldn’t. He had to keep moving. Well, no, he supposed he didn’t haveto, it was just his preference. Staying in one place wasn’t his style, he enjoyed moving around, seeing what this world had to offer him and helping people along the way.
He started to walk again, looking around at the various shops. They seemed interesting, and he made note to take a look in one or two at some point during his visit. Unfortunately, he actually had a reason to be here, otherwise he’d have been in the local bakery tasting all their pastries and other sweet treats.
He heard a squeal, and he turned his head in time to see a small child bounding up to him.
“Bunny!” She cheerfully exclaimed, and as she reached him she clung to his leg. “Bunny man!”
Kuai couldn’t help but smile. Human children really were the cutest things. They didn’t see him as something unusual, but as a huge adorable bunny rabbit. He reached down to pat the girl's head, as a very exasperated woman ran over.
“Mayumi,” the woman cried out, scooping the little girl into her arms, much to Mayumi’s disappointment. The woman looked up at Kuai with an apologetic look. “I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be, it is very sweet,” he assured her, looking to where Mayumi squirmed in her arms, hands grabbing out for Kuai Liang. He bent down ever so slightly, letting his ears flop down in front of his face. A silent invite for her to pet them.
Mayumi jumped at the chance, gently taking the ears in her hands. She gasped, and whispered “so fluffy~”
The lady chuckled, “well, you’ve just made her entire week I think.”
Then her face suddenly dropped and she pulled Mayumi away. When Kuai straightened out to ask what was wrong, he realised there was someone standing next to him now. Whoever he was, he was tall, far more so than Kuai Liang, with long hair tied into a bun. He appeared to be human, for all that was worth.
“Quan Chi is waiting for you, Rabbit,” the man said in a growl, and Kuai’s ears lowered. His eyes flicked over to the lady and Mayumi. While the poor little girl just looked scared, the woman looked like she wanted to do or say something. Given the supposed grip upon this town Quan Chi had, it was likely she wanted to protect Kuai Liang from him.
But Kuai was here specifically to see Quan Chi, so he didn’t exactly have much choice.
“It was nice to meet you, may Chang’e bless you.” Kuai directed towards them, bowing as he offered as reassuring a smile to Mayumi as he could. Before he turned to the man instead. “Very well. Take me to him then.”
The man narrowed his eyes, but turned around to lead the way. Kuai gave one final wave to Mayumi before jogging to reach the man’s side.
“I assume you are one of his minions then?” Kuai Liang questioned, glancing towards this mystery man.
He snorted in response and growled “my name is Hanzo Hasashi, Quan Chi’s second in command.”
“I see.” He got the distinct impression Hanzo didn’t exactly like being referred to as a minion. “Am I allowed to ask what exactly I’ve been summoned here for?”
Hanzo glared at him, but said nothing to answer the question. They came to a doorway, with beads hanging down to offer some form of privacy. Hanzo lifted the beads, standing to one side, and letting Kuai duck under and go inside.
“Ah, Song Kuai Liang,” a voice called to him. When he observed the room, it looked about what he expected the den of a crime lord to look like. Sat on one side, was a rather large oni, pale with red tattoos marking his skin. Kuai naturally assumed this was Quan Chi. “I’m pleased that you accepted my invitation.”
“Yes, well. I could have done without the attempted abduction.” The first he’d heard the name Quan Chi was when a pair of lesser oni had attempted to take him from the street of another town. He’d managed to fight them off, and they’d explained they’d been asked to take him to Quan Chi. Kuai had sent them away with a message that he’d be there in another couple of days, but if there was another attempt to take him against his will, he would not be coming at all. “But admittedly the desperation of your methods had me curious.”
“I do apologise for that Bunny.” Kuai had to stop himself from scoffing. Being called a bunny by an excited child was cute. Being called it by an adult oni was much more condescending. Even so, Quan Chi gestured to the seat opposite him, and Kuai stepped forward to sit in it. “You don’t exactly have an address to send a written invitation though.”
“No. I will grant you that.” Kuai smoothed his outfit down slightly, before leaning back in the seat and letting his ears lower. “I would appreciate it if we could get to the point. You’ve gone out of your way to summon me here, I’d like to know why.”
Quan Chi smirked slightly before saying “your reputation as a healer proceeds you. I suppose not unexpected from a Moon Rabbit, but even amongst your kind your abilities are said to be exemplary.”
“You need me to heal someone?” Kuai asked, that being the only way he could assume this was going. Really he supposed he should have guessed that would have been the reason.
Quan Chi didn’t reply, just adjusted himself slightly, before pulling apart his clothes. Kuai immediately saw the problem. There was a large dark spot in the middle of his chest. Initially he believed it was a bruise but the more he looked at it, he realised it absolutely wasn’t. He slipped out of his seat, and got closer.
The skin was purple, but more interesting were the black tendrils that snaked out from a central spot. He pressed a hand against it, causing Quan Chi to hiss. As he pressed down, the tendrils almost moved out the way of his finger, returning to their previous spot once the pressure was removed. He knew what it was, had read about it in books, but had never actually seen it in person before.
“A violet burn,” Kuai stated, unsure if Quan Chi knew what it was. “This isn’t exactly the most common affliction.”
Quan Chi grumbled, “an annoyingly righteous mage hit me the other day.” He waved his hand. “I dealt with him, but after a day or so, I still had pain. Then the skin went purple which is when I called for you.”
Kuai breathed out. Magic was a strange beast sometimes. Violet burns were rare, it took a very particular and very strong magic to cause them. The vast majority of mages never reached the levels needed to cause one. If left untreated, it could cause further complications. Thankfully, it was a slow acting injury, meaning he had time to heal it. Which he would need, as the process was not exactly known to be simple.
“Can you do anything?” Quan Chi questioned in an impatient manner.
“It’s curable.” He pulled away, slipping back into his seat and frowning, remembering everything he’d read about the condition. “It’s not an easy process, and I do not have all the herbs I would require.” Quan Chi didn’t look pleased by that, and Kuai felt the need to defend himself. “You must understand, this is a rare condition, most mages never reach the required skill to leave an injury such as this. I can cure it, but I will need to gather more resources.” His eyes flicked to the injury again. “It is usually slow to spread, so you have months until you’re in any real danger.”
Quan Chi gave a frustrated sigh, but backed down. “I suppose that cannot be helped then.” His eyes landed somewhere behind Kuai, and a quick glance told him Hanzo was standing and leaning against the wall. “What exactly do you need?”
Kuai reached for his belt, pulling off his satchel and placing it on his lap. He had a quick check of his stock, taking note of the ingredients he already had.
“Well I have acadier roots, night clove and dried nevleet leaves.” He put everything back into place, before securing his satchel back around his waist. “I will need to get some shadow wild rose petals and frost mint.” He tried to think about his current location, and where the closest places he could forage those items was. “I believe there is a young lady who specialises in growing shadow wild roses a couple of towns over. As for the frost mint…” he bit his lip. “The closest is probably the Ying mountain range.”
“Is that really the closest?” Quan Chi questioned with a snarl, baring his teeth. Kuai supposed he understood. The mountain range would take a week or two to get to, let alone get back.
“As the name suggests, the plant only grows in cold temperatures, so it is not easy to grow outside of those environments.” He took a deep breath. “I can check in on a few apothecaries on the way to the rose lady, but if they don’t have any, the mountain is my best bet.”
Quan Chi was silent, as if he was considering what Kuai Liang had told him. Eventually he seemed to settle in his seat and growled out “very well.” He reached into his pocket, and threw a small coin case towards Kuai. “There is 200 gold. I will give you more when you have cured me.”
Kuai opened the little case, quickly scanning the gold. It indeed looked like roughly 200 gold was in there. He was curious how much would be waiting for him upon his return. Asking felt rude however. Generally he didn’t heal for money, he did it out of the desire to help others. Even if those others were crime bosses who ruled part of the criminal underworld.
“And Hanzo will be accompanying you,” Quan Chi suddenly added in an unusually casual tone.
“Pardon?” Kuai questioned, glancing behind him at Hanzo. He did not look happy about that particular announcement either. “I do not require a chaperone. I am capable of looking after myself.”
Quan Chi snorted, “it’s not a matter of you requiring one, it is a matter that I would feel more assured you are coming back with him beside you.”
Kuai narrowed his eyes. He didn’t exactly like it, but he didn’t really have a leg to stand on. So he just nodded in defeat and pushed himself to stand.
“Let’s go,” he directed at Hanzo, who rolled his eyes but pushed himself off the wall and followed after Kuai Liang.
Once back out in the town, Kuai reached into his pocket for a map, trying to work out the best way to the town where he could get the roses. He took a pen out of his pocket, circling his destination, before circling every town on the way he knew had an apothecary. He circled the Ying mountain range, and then finally circled a few more towns on the way that also had apothecaries. He might as well check them all and save himself a trip up the mountain.
“We should get some water and food before we leave,” Kuai announced, glancing up at Hanzo, who was staring at the man with his mouth tight and arms crossed. “I do have some supplies, but only really enough for myself.”
“Fine.” Hanzo turned and walked away, and Kuai realised he was heading to one of the shops.
Kuai shook his head, putting the map and pen away and scrambling to catch up to Hanzo.
This was going to be a long trip, and he couldn’t wait for it to be over.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
Girl I feel you cuz I’m already going through withdrawals 😂 I miss my morning updates from youuuu. I hope you got the 2nd interview and that things are going well! I’ve seen a few other writers where they update on a certain day every week or every other week. Maybe instead of fully going on hiatus you have set times? You’ve probably already considered that but you mentioned you missed writing so it seems like it would be a good balance! I hope that doesn’t come off as pushy, just trying to help ♥️
You're so cute 🥰
It's really good to hear that you're missing my updates too because it just shows me that you really like my writing and that means so much to me 🥺
I just had the first interview today and I feel like it went really well! Both of the guys who interviewed me were really nice and laid back so I was so thankful for that since it made me feel a lot more comfortable!
They said they'd get back to me soon so we'll just have to wait and see.
I'm only the third candidate that they've interviewed so far, so my guess is that I've gotta wait at least a week or so to see if they want to go ahead and give me a second one 🥲
Other than that things are going well! Thank you for checking up on me love 🥺
That does not come off as pushy at all and I'm really glad you made that suggestion!
I have thought about it for a while and I wasn't sure if I could work it out but I would definitely be willing to give it a shot! I think creating a balance is definitely something I should work on so it would be a good idea to try that out!
My only concern is staying consistent. I'm afraid that if I set up a set day to upload and I don't have anything to upload when that day rolls around that people might get upset that I wasn't able to follow through 😔
I saw an instance where a writer set up a schedule and they weren't feeling well and had to take a step back that week and someone got really mad at them so I don't ever want that to be the case.
Granted the person that got upset and attacked the writer was in the wrong, I just never want to put myself in that position.
I'll think about it a bit more but I do think that establishing that balance would be important so I might try and give it a shot before I start working again.
Thank you for your ask love that was very sweet and really made my day! Hopefully I can come back with some good updates soon 🤞🏼
Love you 💜
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foreverisntenough · 4 months
So sorry you feel this way 🥺 I feel like you don’t get your flowers enough, your work is incredible and how often you update is amazing given the quality of your work, it’s been one of the best stories I’ve ever read on here and I’m always amazed by your attention to details and ability to bring a story to life so passionately, and I completely respect your thoughts and feelings but wanted to offer you the validation you deserve because you’re created an amazing form of escapism on here with your blog and writing ❤️
Thank you for your kind message. I’m really having a hard time lately in my personal life and am having a lot of insecurity around this blog. I hope that my stories offer the same escapism that they provide for me. This isn’t a reach for sympathy, swear. I just don’t get a lot of engagement on my work so I appreciate so much those that do or have said they like reading it. Numbers are absolutely not the point of why I write regardless but they can be helpful to gauge if it’s even something people want more of and that they are interested in. I really worry it’s not enough and people might not be so your compliments mean the world to me. Honest. I really appreciate your recognition and a message like this helps me reconsider and remember at least someone else may be enjoying the series so thank you again 🫶
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talkfantasytome · 2 years
Hi there you absolutely amazing human being! I hope you’re doing great 💕 I’ve had this idea for a Nessian canon one shot in my head for the longest time but I can’t write for my life, so I figured you (being the amazing writer that you are) might be able to make use of it. I don’t know if you’re currently taking any prompts/ideas but I have a horrible memory so I decided to send it before I forgot.
Ok, so the idea is Cassian gets back from a very hard and brutal mission completely numb. Nesta is obviously scared and worried because she has never seen him like that. She takes care of him in the usual ways; feeds him, bathes him, gets him to sleep, etc… all very soft. During all this he doesn’t speak nor acknowledges her presence because he’s that numb. The next morning he’s still the same and Nesta asks him what else can she do to help and Cassian explains he needs physical touch and reassurance. Flash forward they have the softest angstiest and fluffiest sex ever and Nesta focuses on taking care of him and his needs and it’s all very fluffy.
Feel free to change absolutely everything you want! Thank you so much! You really are amazing 💕
First of all, thank you so much, that's so sweet!! 🥺 💕 Second of all, I love this, and I know it's taken me a hot second (or 50,000,000) to reply, but I just needed the time and right mindset to get to this cause this is a bigger thing, and not something I can just bust out quickly. And I didn't want to reply until I was close-ish.
I was hoping to have this for today's SJM Romance Week day but, well...I don't think that's going to happen. I'm trying, but I don't have tons of time to write these days, and my motivation has been very meh lately.
ANYWAY! I do hope to get this out this week, but whether I do or don't, thought I could at least tease this a bit with a snipped! 😄 I am making changes to this, and I can't promise actual smut as I haven't been in a place for that, and idk if I will be when I get to that point. But I doooo promise fluff and slight angst, of course, their love language of physical touch. 💕
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This time, something registered in his eyes. The faintest twinkle that said he did see her. And for a moment she let the relief flood her, but only a moment. Because as quick as the twinkle came it faded again.
"Please, Cass," she breathed, holding the bite of steak up. "Eat for me?"
He lifted a hand a placed it over hers, guiding the steak into his open mouth. After that first bite, he took the fork in his own hand and began to work on the meal.
Nesta let out the breath she'd been holding and then sat beside him, keeping one hand on him at all times, her fingers curved around his broad shoulder. She stayed clear of his wings for the moment, unsure how he'd react in his current state to even an accidental brush against them.
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ch1lde-mora · 2 years
sdjfso hello!!! shanna's here to bother you with another request!!! because well we're [peace sign] not doing good up there in the ol' nogging umu but could i maybe get some soft ch//ya hcs with holding hands maybe,,, i want someone to hold my hand (v pls hold my hand qwq ilysm i hope you're doing well)
HII SHANNA!!! Im so sorry ur brain isnt brbrbrbr-ing,, shakes brain i hope you feel better soon!! it looks like u want poly but i’m gonna do both a la carte & poly because the brain is just feeling it rn [hearts x5] (HOLDS UR HAND ILYSM ;V; i’ve been better but still not that bad!!) thank u sm sm shanna~!! xoxo, v (edit 3 months later: ik ur probably out n about and feeling better but i wanted to get this out for you!! ur such a sweet person ty for giving me this req)
(edit, ONE YEAR AND 6 MONTHS LATER: wow i really thought i got this out and i didn’t.. Time to make things right 💪 EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE DELAY WAAAAAH ;;)
they r in my heart forever i love these two
Childe’s definitely in the middle of you two when you all hold hands
Swings your hands back and forth and tries to walk faster, but Kaeya won’t let you guys LOL
Hums his fav snezhnayan song if you’re lucky!
Interlocks all of your fingers too
Kaeya is more chill when you guys are all together, content with just lacing fingers and walking (albeit slowly) to wherever you need to go
If childe’s not humming you guys will usually talk quietly amongst yourselves just about common things like the groceries or plans with friends later
He would never tell you, but Childe really enjoys all the simple domestic stuff you guys get to enjoy like this
Kaeya usually rubs the fingers of whoever’s hand he’s holding (in this case, Childe’s) with his thumb as you guys walk and doesn’t comment on it, mention it or expect anyone to mention it at all. It’s just something that he does
When sitting at a table, they will have you in the middle holding hands under said table
It’s really funny trying to eat/drink this way 
Because when they try to let go to actually eat you might look at them with those pleading puppy eyes just screaming “don’t let go 🥺” 
Either you’re serious about this whole hand holding thing or you’re just being a sly bitch to make this experience a whole lot more hilarious but regardless, they don’t let go and resign to eating with one hand
It’s not practical at all and I don’t see it happening very often but when you want attention, who are they to deny?
Bonus: if you’re holding both of their hands, they will feed you with their free hands 
“Need a little help? Do you perhaps have your hands full?”
(lmk if you want a one-shot format in the future because this was so fun to write)
Holds your hand anytime he cannot hold your waist, which is often
He’s always trying for some sort of physical contact, whether that be an arm over the shoulder, around the waist, yet if those are unachievable he opts to go hand in hand with you down the street
He holds your hand shopping, he holds your hand if you guys are driving and at a red light, he holds your hand up elevators or just up STAIRS IN GENERAL?
Always rationalizing his thoughts with  “What if they fall. I should keep them from falling. I should hold their hand” when in reality he just wants to be close to you
Usually holds your hand with your fingers interlaced
If you reach out to hold hands first his cheeks might go a little rosy if he wasn’t expecting it
When in an open field like a park or clearing in a forest, he will sometimes take both of your hands and just spin you and him around like he used to do with his siblings in the snow
Sometimes if it’s really hot and you guys can’t cuddle in bed, he’ll just hold your hand instead
“Don’t you always want to hold and touch things that you love? I know I do.”
I see Kaeya as more of a person that wants a little bit more personal space when out and about, but he wouldn’t object if you initiated first
In private he would hold your hand shamelessly, but prefers to link arms if possible
I think he would charm you and ask if you wanted to hold his hand then be surprised when you actually did it
He’s held hands tons of times before (duh) but he feels like it’s more special when it’s with the one that he loves
There’s also that feeling of doing something so simple and “first-base” with someone you love that puts butterflies in your stomach when you do it for the first time in awhile
That’s what he feels like when he feels your hand in his
Doesn’t interlace his fingers but rather just grips your hand with a firm but not too tight hold
Because of his fingerless gloves and the spikes on the wrists of them, he gets a little bit scared they might poke you
Of course, the ever confident Kaeya keeps that to himself and says nothing about it, and it literally doesn’t end up ever being an issue
If you rub his hand with your thumb, he notices and fixates on it but doesn’t mention it, thinking about it for the rest of the day when he has to eventually depart for his work
“Hm.. Perhaps we should do this more often. What do you think?”
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